The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 24, 1852, Image 3

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n,i ±jj\J - * »1 | Steamboat lAlergiure. —The following ia tie
flB Jilltl'tttttlT memorandum of tlie steamer "Mayflower, Capt.
UU VjtJIUUUUg JVMfL* Devinnpy, on tier recent trip from tins city to
. * ’~~ Cincinnati:
MONDAY MOENlNGy:::::::::““" :::::MAY 2i “Left Pittsburgh Thursday at noon: passed
Accomplished fivo toat3 under way; spoke a raft bound
Btntfl of Mm Davenport-— This ac J? for a place to land; mot the steamer Allegheny,
lady appears this evening in anew piece—rug - but being in a hurry to wood, did not round to
mar, the Barbarian, in which she personates the and her; made: nine: landings for mails;
oharacter of Parthenia; Mr. Brclsford sustain- stopped eight hours near Barkersbnrgli, to set
Tnramar. ThU simple announce- watches by the Buckeyo State’s twenty-four hour
ing the part of lpgo mar - * " * , thn han , a polo. rained hard on Friday night-stopped two
. ment is all that is necessary hours to boiTow an ombroUa: yawl sprung a
with the admirers of this truly talented, ady-r leak;, lost two hours by-bailing out; deck, hand
No actress has visited our city, for years, who fell oyerboard;,;leaves a large family, bnt pro
ha* l»en so eminenUy sucoossM as Miss
has ps , DCrso natos Her ® lcment > than wait to bo drowned; supposed that
the ardnons characters she personates, tier he didn’t like the coroner. Time out, 2 days and
style of acting is so pleasing, so hfe-Ukc, she 36 hours—time not counted.” •
meets so folly tho desire of tbo great bard, in ——*
‘•bolding the mirror up to nature,” that she eau
not be other than the favorite of a discriminating
fire Plugs— We see that in several cities they
ore doing away with this corner ornament, by
sabstitnting a plate of iron, placed on the gronnd
in such a manner as to cover the water pipe, and
all that is necessary to attach the hoso is to raise
the plate from the piper. - If such a system could
be adopted here it would bo productive of good
—there has always seemed to ns an attraction
between a specimen of the genus homo called
loafer and a fire ping, which would bo dispensed
with by the substitute of tho plate.
Passing Counterfeit Money. —A man named Sol
omon Miller was arrested on Friday, charged
with attempting to puss counterfeit money on a
gentleman residing on Fourth street. The coun
terfeit money, of which lie had about $BO in bis
possession, was all composed of two's on the
State Bank of Ohio, and were very well execu
ted. He was committed fora farther bearing
on Saturday, when ho was discharged on giving
$6OO bail for hiß.appearanco at court.
: Honor to whom honoris due,. —A meeting of the
friends of John Ferral, of this city, now on his
way to Californio, was held at the Exchange Ho-1
tel, in Philadelphia, on Monday last, for tho pnr-1
pose of bidding him farewell. Mr. F.’s friends i
were very enthusiastic, and resolutions passed
the meeting strongly tinged with his peculiar
viewß. Trnly, a prophet is more honored abroad
than at home.
Singular Malformation. —A colt was foaled re
cently, on tho form of Joel Siokman, in Baldwin
township, in this county, that bad not the slight
est appearance of fore legs, only a small protu
berance. being visible—bat was otherwise well
formed, and presented a healthy appearance.
The owner caused it to be killed, as it would not
have lived long.
Seduction of Farr. —We understand that pas
sengers are carried from Cioveland to Philadel
phia, by the Ohio and Pennsylvania and Central
Railroad, for eleven dollars, tho price charged
from this city to Philadelphia. This is caaaed
-by the competition between this route and the
Dunkirk route to tho east. Wo will shortly,
however, have lower rates from here to tho cast.
The Allegheny Councils have directed tho Com
mittee on Water to contract for and purchaso
400 feet of 4 inch pipe, and 1750 feet of 1 inch
gas pipe, together with nine hydrants. They
have also directed the Superintendent of Water
-Works to remove, all pumps and wells from sido
wolka and streets upon which water-pipes arc
Paying their Debts.—Tho Councils of our sla
ter cityhave authorized tho Mayor to draw biH
warrants on tho City Treasurer for the sura of
$1,325 in favor of Joseph Walker & Son, for tho
City's portion of tho, cost of erecting a bridge
over the canal on Andcrsoon street. The Hand
Street Bridge Company are to pay $lOO to the
builders as their contribution.
. The Post , Office —Post Master, wo presume—
haß taken measures to let its whereabouts-be
Iraown, by having a sign, covered with tho de
posits of coal dust for years, repaired—and now
it stands forth in glaring capitals, Post Office.
We trust this will bo of service to thoso persons
Who persist in dropping letters into our letter
Railroad Su&seripion. —lu the Allegheny Coun
cils on Thursday evening, a communication from
the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company
was presented, asking Councils to subscribe
$200,000 to the Capital stock of the Company.
The communication was referred to the Commit
tee on Finance,
Disorderly Conduct. —Wm. Steward was sent
totbe hiU, on Saturday, by the Mayor, in de
fault of a fine of $2O and costs, imposed on him
for disorderly conduct.
Samuel Graham and William Grior, were also
committed by the Mayor, for the same offence,
for ten-days. - _■ _; ■■■■ ■
Mischievous Soys. —Two young lads engaged in
a fight in the Sixth word, on Friday evening last,
, daring which, one of the hoys had his teeth
knocked out by a blow from the other. Aid.
• Major held the offender, John O'Donnell, to bail
for his appearance at court.
The name of {the unfortunate man who
. died from the effect of the wounds he received
on the Pittsburgh, is George Springer. He was
oarpenter on board the boat. Mr. S. resided on
Prospect street, near Washington, and leavos a
wife aud seven children to lament his loss.
Temperance Meeting.—A mooting of the Alle-
gheny Temperance Association will bo held this
% evening in Dr. Swift’s ehnrch, Beaver street.
Addresses may bo expected from several promi
■ nent temperance men, among whom we sco the
• name of Col. MeCandless.
Discharged. —Edward lodey, was discharged
from custody on Saturday, by release from Aid.
Wiggins. It will bo remembered thA Lodey, a
short time since, made a most violent assault
upon a man named JohnLaodon thosteamei
Clara Fisher. ■ .
■ Appointments.—hinny of the clergymen in at
tendance at the Baptist Missionary Union, filled
appointments made for thorn, in ; the several
churches of the city yesterday. 1 : Several of them
’ left on Saturday, and many more will depart, to
.. ■ day. ■
• Death of a Pittsburgh jt. —John Brown, watch
man of the steamer Honduras, and a resident of
this city, died on her recent trip from St. Joseph
to St, Lonis. Ho was buried at Brunswick, Mo.
Brown was about 28 years of ago.
County Jail. —There were four commitments,
on Saturday, of porsons who wore charged be
’ Toro the Mayor with drunkenness. The county;
jail contains, at present, ninety .prisoners—a
- falling off. . - . | v
•great Inconvenience results from the occupancy
Of the vacant portion of the Diamond, "by booths,
-for ' the butchers, bnt’ it will have to boborno
With for the sake of tho good time coming.
Drought to the.Qround. —The walls of the old
Conrt Houbo have been razed to the ground, and
that building has disappeared from sight for
ever.- -
; For Minnesota.— The steamer Ben Campboll r
lying atour wharf, is designed to run as a regu
lar packet, between Galena and St Paul, Min:
nesota. She wastrying her engines on Satur
; The Filtelurgh has been compelled to. lay up
for a trip, for the purpose of repairing the ef
fects of the late accident
Let Out—Wo. Young, imprisoned on a charge
of assault and battery, was discharged on Satur
day, byorder ofAld. Major.
I Good Time.— Tho steamer Allegheny, on her
I upward trip, on Friday, tho 15th iust., with 200
I tons of freight on board, reached Maysvill6 with-
I in two minutes of the time mado by the Bnckcye
I State on lior great trial run. -
| Trover: and Conversion. —Henry Seaton was
I charged, on Saturday, with having taken pos-
I session of a dwelling illegally. He was commit-
I tod in default of bail. ......
J6S“ FItESH OYSTERS received daily by Ad
ams!. Express, at the WAVERLEY HOOSE,
Diamond Alley.
WAStnNQTOH, May 22.
The House went into committee on tho Terri
torial bills.
The bill for the protection of New Mexico and
Oregon was taken up. It proposes to distribute
arms among tho people, and to call ont the mili
tia When necessary, allowing pay for their ser
After dobato the bill was amended, providing
for tho distribution of arms among tbo peoplo of
Texas and California, and was; laid aside, after
which tho committee rose and the Honse ad
The Senate was not in session.
•; PAn.ADEi.eniA, May 22. .
Tho convention has been occupied by a debate
on the resolution admitting lay delegates repre
senting the colored church of Crucifixion to seats.
The question was decided in the negative, the
clergy voting, ayes 89 and nays 85; the laity vo
ted ayes 28, nays 24.
A motion to hold tho next sossion at Pitts
burgh was negatived.;
Tho convention adjourned sine die to meet in
St. Andrew’s church, Philadelphia.
At 12 o’clock the committee on church exten
sion, appointed last year, reported at great
length. Tbo report proposed somo important
measures; it first adduced the reasons for adopt
ing some plan of church extension.
The proportion of Presbyterians to the popu
lation of the country is 1 to 105, and no advance
has jieen mado by this church for the past six
years—a fact owing to a look of somo systematic
effort like this.. ■
The geographical position of the church was
the next reason for clinrch extension, New York
city haviug 69,769, while a much smaller num
ber exists at the west; hence the necessity of
Emigration is also a reason for church exten
sion; tho genius of Presbyterian polity prompts
to the same direction
The report then proposed a three fold plan,
tho first relating to ministerial education; it pro-,
poses to appoint s committee to take charge ot the
funds collected for this purpose, and to receive
all applications on behalf of candidates. It cn
joids on all churches and Presbyteries to take
up annual collections for this purpose. The se
cond section related to church extension, includ
ing the exploration ofdcstitutorcgious, creotiog
churches, edifices, and providing ministers.
The report proposes that every Presbytery
elect a standing committee on this subject to
make collections for it, to recommend proper
ministers to the Homo Missionary Society, and
to employ an itinerant missionary within their
bounds; theso committees to report and re
sponsible to a Bynodioal committee tbo amount
raised for tho pnrposo, and the proceedings also
to bo annually reported to tho General Assem
>ly. . ■. .
Tho report Anally proposed the formation of a
committee for preparing and publishing a series
of doctrinal tracts. Tho matter is cxpocted to
-considerable discussion;
The Assembly adjourned at six o’clock outil
Monday, contemplating, on Saturday, a visit to
Mount Vernon.
Washi.votoh, May 21.
Second Day: —Tho usual standing committees
appointed chairmen, which were as follows;—■
Bills and Overtures, Rev. l)r. Taylor, of Yn.; Ju
diciary, Rev. I)r. Wiener, of Ithaca; Church Pol
ity, Rev. Dr. Bcnian, of Troy; Devotional Ser
vices, Rev. Dr, Dnfiieid, of Detroit.
Leave of absence was granted to tho Rev. D.
R. Steams, of Newark.
The functions of the committee on Bills nnd
Overtures came up tor discussion on motion of
Dr Dufiicld. : Dr. Roman contended that its of
fice was to detennino what business should como
before-the Assombly. ! Dr. Outfield, Judge Ma
son, of New York, and Jndge DaTliDg, of Venon.,
regarded it as one of-the standing committees to
whom documents Bhould be referred, after hav
ing been received. The latter interpretation
prevailed. ,
; A largo number of appeals, memorials and
resolutions, relating to tho church, exiension of
slavery, rotary eldership, doctrinal tracts, min
isterial education, and other sulijoota, were then
The' records of various synods were referred to
i special committees.
An invitation to visit tho tomb of Washington
elicited some discussion, several members desir-
I ing to set a good example to Congress by attend
| ing to their business. The invitation was, how
lever, aocopicd for to-morrow. _
Tho Treasurer’s report exhibited the receipts
of the-past year of $1,520; tho expenditures
were $1,453, including $B7l for the mileage of
members. ,
Baitimouk, May 22.
Galveston dates to tho 11th inst. ore reoeived
at New Orleans. The Galveston Nows says that
Caravajul and his followers are in Corpuß Christi
- and intend to make another demonstration on the
Mexican frontier. ,
The CamanchJs are devastating the ltio
Grande country by frightfal murders and robbe
ries; both the Mexican and American population
are in many instanoes abandoning their houses
and seeking safety by flying into Mexico.
Mr. Patton, near tho Rio Grande, was attack-,
ed by four Mexicans and killed. Three of the
murderers escaped; the other.was arrested.
Boston, May 22._ •••
The Methodist Conference CommUtco'relative
to tho Church Buit, reported in favor of author
izing the election of a Committee of five, who
in connection with the.-New York book agents,
will bo empowered to act as agents of theohurch
to carry on and arbitrate the settlement of tho
New York Book Concern.. Similar resolves were
adopted in 'regard to tho Cincinnati Book Con
cern. ■■■■. • .
Ciiaulkston, Mny 22.
Cotton..,Salcs 2,200 bales at 7* to 10J, 1200
of which was at 100.... ...
Cotton. . Hales 3000 bales at fall prices; Up
land 9J; Orleans and Mobile 9J@9J. Tho sales
of the week were 18,000 bales.
Flour—Sales 10,000 bhls. at $4,00@54,08 for
State, and $4,37@4,02 for Southern.
Grain... Sales 4(WO bushels Rye at 73@75,
Provisions... Sales" 400 bbls. mess -Pork at
$18,25, and for prime do, $10,60; Sales of 200
bbls. Beef at fnll prices. Sales of 475 bbls. lord
at 9J@lo|, and lli@ll§ in kegs. ■
. Sugar— Sales 1000 hhdß. Porto Rioo at 5@C;
Orleans 4J;.solos SOOQUavana white 6J,.
Coffeo...Sales, 050 bags Xagnira at 9J@9J;
Rio 94.
® Linseed Oil— Sales 6000 bbls, at 02@03,
Riee— Sales 100 tierces at $4,12.
Cotton-Demand active.; prices fully J to J
Kntter Transactions mostly speculative.
Flour— Declined; dull at $4,12 for standard,
and $4,57@4,76 for exto.
live Flour—Quiet at $3,26.
Com Meal— Steady af
■: - 1 - Wheat...BeceiptB moderate; prime white fgl,ol
@1,02. 4 „ r
Com-DmMd steady at 04 for Penna. and
Southern yellow, and 62 forwhite.
Provisions—Dull and unchanged.
' * ■ !> ■■/■V'v
Cntct&o, May 22
• The first train ran- over - the Michigan Central
toad .from Detroit and arrived; yesterday With
COO first class and 800 emigrant passengers. ;
Boston, May 22.
Tho Liquor Bill, without reference to the peo
ple has been signed - by the Governor,-and- goes
into effect in 80 days.
HEMP SEED—33bags fresh for sale by
- my3l . ft- A. FAHNESTOCK ACO
4 ANU ilJihl'.—tfugareuredr for safe by
Clitl'TliK— Prime Kiomjil Java Coffee, in store ami
A for sale by frnylSl KING 4. MOORHEAD.
Ali-TCHA) or Chinese Tooth Paste, a new aruele
_For sale ai ; ■ • JONES’ Drag Store,
■ ■. - corner of Liberty and Hand sis;
"| INSEED OIL—IOO bbls, for Fate by T"
corner of Wood and First streets.
/CANARY SEEl^—lObus. for sale- very law, by .
V . J. LAVELY & CO;:
. Tea Dealers and Grocers,
HaZUi SUO AK—Keccived ojid for sale by -
W. A. M’CLURG & CO.,
Grocers and Tea Dealers
*OAGODA TEA STORE—Jualreceived and for sale,
X • lOboiesOrangcsj
10. do Lecxonsi
OTABCII—IO boxes t earl Starch }
ij 1 do Corn do; for culinary use.
Grocers and Tea Denlers
EAISINS?-iW boxes;
10 kegs; For sale by
SOB Liberty street.
X Ting—a few boxes of these superior Smoked tierring,
ill fine order* just received and for sale by
mog ■ W. A M'CLURG & CO;
J%. of assorted flavors, just received and for sale by
W. A. M’CLURG & CO.,
my2£ • 250 Liboriystreel,_
Olagmioas, composed: for the preservation and
growlhof tho bair. For sale at
* : JONES’Drug Store,
myg corner of Liberty ami Hand gireets.
pecially adapted for cleansing, whitening and soft* 1
eutug tho hands—a fresh supply just received at. the
Driig Store of. JAMES A JONES,
iny22 . corner of L'berty and Hand sis.
Almond, Rose, endOliveOil Soaps, Aro-
XV matie.Vinegar, Shaving Cream* Military Shaving
Soap; Pomatum, extra, for the handkerchief; Cologne,
Ac. A supply jost received at JONES’ Drug Store, -
my 22 . corner of Liberty and Hand stw.
Lamps aud Glramloleo.
A FINE assortment, jest ree’d at W. 11. WRIGHTS
in pairs or setts, to flail purchasers.
W. IX. WRIGHT, &£ Fourth street,
between Market und Wood.
Bank stocks wantisu—
SO shares Kxchange Bunk;
i>s do Hank of rittsburglii
«5 do Merchants and Manufacturers’ Hank ,
conierof Market ail J Third streets
Byiskly’S scuornstt or rainbow*schot-
TISII.—-Just received, per exp revs, tin* exceedingly
popular and pleasing Scholtisb. lt is cotnporod by
William Byerly. nud adapted ami arranged for the Ihauo,
by 11. Klebor. H. KLEBBB, No. M Third «■,
mylß Sign of the Ooldcn Harp*
rpHC annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Putt-
X burgh, Cincinnati and Louisville Telegraph Com*
pany will be held at the office of the Company, In Cm*
cumali, on the Ist Monday of June next, (June 7) at IV
o'clock, a. si., for the elecuon of Directors (or the ensu
ing year. (my 4) JOSHUA HANNA.
SPLENDID JKVVIsLUY.—IIood is now opening his
Sprmg Stoet of rich Gold Jewelry and Watches,
consisting of everything usually found in a Jewelry.
Store, {some very fine,l which he will sell as oiaal,
from J 5 to 50 per cent, lower than Good* 01 the same
quality are sold tor in this city. No mistake at
mys NO. 57 MAKKKi' ST.
Wholesale and Uetfttlt
tV MANUFACTORY, No, 143 Wood street. JOHN
W. TIM, now offers for rale, at tastem prices,'ft large
assortment of the above Goods, to which the attention of
dealers in invited. Also, Carpet Dags, and Ladles 1
Satchels. Mtayl .
f|U Ihi subscribers to the Diamond Market House, wul
X please take notice,thutthey are hereby called upon
to pay 20 per cent, or their subscription, on or before
MONDAY, the 14th day of June next, and twenty per
ccut. every thirty days thereafter, until all Is paid.
By order of the Building Committee. ■ ■ H. D. KING, Treasurer.
' suamboa*t liouhs.
FREIGHT, Cash, Cabin itnil Deck t*as«ago Cooks,
Goner-*) and Wood Receipts, Hand’s, kegers;
Crevr'a Registers, nnU Journal*, Receiving
nod Discharging Memoraudoraf, (tiways on band.—
Sienraboat Bills, plain nod fancy i Address Curds, Peck
Curds, BUI Head*, Manifests* Ac., printed to order in
the best style and at short notice.
XrOTI(JK.«- r H»e partnership heretofore existim; be
tween the undersigned, in (he Wool urn! Cotcims*
fion lm«tue**» nmlertoe firm of Mvrpuy ffcl»Kß, tvaj
dissolved on the hm of April lan, by mutual concern.
The business of the late firm will l>e settled by H. Lett,
who is duly authorized to use the name of the firm tor
that purpose. J. K. MURIMIV,
wy4 a H. LKK.
do i*rejervesj
do Hyrupaj
do Jams;
LEAVITTS KX'FK ACTS, of every kind, always on
hand, and forsale, wholesale and retail.
2G5 Liberty street. (north side.)
RISING OUNKRATION.—If* important, now, in
tht* progressive age, to know where the rising
generation can be clothed, keeping in view the great
consideration of econcmy ami neatness. Hoys of all
apes fitted oat immediately, atUothlcH.ill. The largest
sinck of Boy* s OLihlng in he city. Also, Men’s Clo
thing. work, at £0 per cent. less than customer prices.
CHESTER, 74 Wood street,
|/j Eli) reams assorted qualities of Ferguson’*, Rhoads
& Sous, and Gibson** superior, English Laid Letter Pa
per, blue ami Cream Laid.
fit) reams Ferguson’s blue and white Laid and Wovo
60 reams French Foolscap, of the very best quality.
Forsalc at W. S. HAVEN'S Paper Warehouse,
mydl comet of Market and Second sti.
Family Groceries*
TMIE UNDERSIGNED having rented thestand lately
occupied by lieory C. Kelly, would respectfully in
form their friends, that they have opened a l ‘faimly gro
cery,” with a stock of articles selected lathe Liinteru
eitirs, expressly for family use. Wc assure tho-«ewho
patronize us, that no effort upon our port will be found,
wanting to p'taft those who give us a call. Don’t for
get the ptace—corner at Fifth aired and Market alley.
mylTiitn ROBERT 11. JACK,& CO.
Saloons and Oaths*
WM. M- WARD would respectfully announce to
the Ladles and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vi
cinity. that the KpaciousSaloon* atthc*Athenu:ura Build
tuga, aro now supplied with a superior-quality oi Ice
Cream*, Cakes, Fruit*, aud other refreshments. Open
/romfi A.M. to U P. M _ ,
ALSO—The Haihiugdepartment will alwtyi bo round
in order, for Hot, Cold, or Shower Baths, an almost ut
di-pen*ib(c requisUo for the preservation of Uealih.
rayll *
Aatlgnment for tUe Benefit or Creditors*
BY order of voluntary assignment executed on the
stbdny of May, ta the year iwW, by Clabk,M’-
GbaTU ic Co., to Richard T.Lccch,jr., the said Clark,
M’Grafh A Co., made the said Richard T. Leech, jr., a
Trustee, for thu benefit of their creditors. All person*
having claims against the said firm, are requested to
present them to the subscriber; and all persons indebted
to the firm, are notified to call on the subscriber, at tdd
Wood street) Pittsburgh, aud pay or srrangethe same,
tuyl? ■ . ' • . R. T. hEr.Oll. JK.
Notice to Contractor**
SEALED proposals will be received at this Office un
til sunset, oa Monday, live 3l#l insiaat,forthe gradu
ation nod masonry required on 20 miles of the Pitts
burgh and Steubenville Railroad, from Campbell’s run
to the Virginia line. Plans and profiles will be exhibit
ed, and the necessary information respecting the work
given, by the Engiueer, at his Office, for five days prior
to the leuine. By orderof the Board.
Eioikbss'b OrriQi, > D. MITCHELL, JR.*
Pittsburgh, May 0.1&5?. J Chief Engineer
inyß Pittsburgh nod Steubenville R XL Co.
Uat»llai7V«rt>euax, Greenbouee Plants*
rniiß best-collection of Dahlias wen of the mouu
-1 tain«;nnfe hondred and fifty varieties. Thorhnrn’s
and ifovey’s Verhcua*, which are unequalled. In-raor,
Ilovey’s America, Republic, and Orb of Dny, and 1 lior*
burn 1 * Heroine, SThjlipße. and Sir S. Blanc, are admit
ted to be tbc Gem* of the World. The above, with
every variety of Gteenhoufic and other Plants, for sale
“ ' he onl ' B “f&"HWA i SS»ffINSOS.
European and General Agent,
/ mv ii I2d Wood street.
L Seedless Jersey Plums,l2lc . ; !
llsim fine Dried Applet fee.J?- quart ;
Sweei Piincfies,pared,” 15c, quart;
New French Plums, Idr- . f
New French Cnrroms.Oj and Sc. tp4
JJosl quality Cooking.ttalnns.Sc. iTW;?
Rico Starch; Hecker’a Fanna:
And many:other niceties thatall good Uoußekcepets
renuire. can always-be obtained' attlie lowest possible
mi , « 6 TlbrcXatMOßßlS> TEA MART, in Uio^a-
Magazines for June..
TUST received, nl H. Miner fc Co.’s, No. DiSmilhiielil,
tl street, Hie following new Cooks and Magazines:
u Godey’s Lady’s Book for June
Graham's Ametican Monthly Magazine, a do.
Sarmln’s Union Mogozlne," do.
Felrjrson’s Ladies’ National, _ . «°- ...
Kale' Penrose, or Life and us Lessons, by. Miss llub
back, (niece Of Miss Austin,) author ot lho Wile’s
■“ Oockton’s best Novel; Tho Conrlship and Adventures
if Stanley Thorn, by ilenry Coekton, Ksq., author of
Boy, a Romance, by Miss Carlen.
From the original Spanish, by Professor A. L. hrnwse,
TheEarPa WardlorSie Old Chapel and Us Mysteries,
and oc .f in hi. b N y .^ l r^’r
*12;.! n r No. 3J SmiUifield street,
I myia ■■ • -
W IJ, I'WlCliEllili & CO.'S
'Mirmti i- io-spu Hoansos
jons w. twichba Jioarlilßo,
com&ussionandVobatarßino ,, mkrchants,
Corn” of Commnnal ani Fins «r«u.
T*riLL promptly allend lo all consignments and Cora--
W mliilfina cntrasled w Hem, anil will make liberal
cl! advances or Bill., of Lading in
|i£ii|d» .l. |\iif/»i)neQ of Gnxui) ilcnip find
oilierp7od“.Uberramptlrhllcin.the lowesipos
isnn or claims of importance ; and-hope, by tiiur espe
c\ o alrerso„™eiror‘sa P nd aueiuion.ooithc .merest* of
their friends, to give general satisfaction.
BkFBRCNCKS, . v ■ .
fieo Collier. Bt. Louis; Ellis A Morton, Cincinnati,
Pn?oAßn"in di H«Uf. fc r G « m r uu
Charless, Clow A Co, do lloiea A rrajor (lo
Ohouleso & Valle, do-Snriogcr AWhili.m;an.uo
•D Leeoli A Co., William Holmes A.Co., J. W, Buuer
A Bio , PttUburßhi'.MoTgttn.-Ji-H. Buck A Morgen,
Philadelphia: shields A-Miller, II. B.
NewS A’Bro., and W. B. Reynolds, Louismlle;
T. C. TWICHELL A CO., New Orleans.
• jyg y OiICEiIJVS.'
THIS long established House confine their attention
smelly to sales and purchases on Commission, end
to the Forwarding business generally. .
They solicit a'continuance of the liberal patronage
"heretofore Riven them...
January 28,1853* • [mar4:bfcni .
' c : ,2 'Si' ■ f£'y
J „ *■ *' 4
daily rbviewop tbk market*
■ dyncß oF Tits Dailt Morning Post. - 1 •.
' • Mondays May 24; 1852. \ ■
Saturday being & closing up day in business, afforded
bat litUemeterial for teport, though not so dull as we.
expected to find it. The weather was unsettled premis
ing rain.
- FLOUR—The total receipts were about .400 bbls; sales
70 Cbts superfine at 53,00 ; 20 bbls extra 33,1C©3,18;t15
bbls superfine at 93,00; 1 i l at S 3 i 22 at 90,10; 30 bbls
extra at 53,25; 40 left unsold.
GRAIN—Sales 140 bus Oats 35; 105 baa Bosley 50e
on wharf; Corn is quoted at 40c; IVhcai COfiPGSc. .
HAY—Sale 10 loads wagon at sl6©sl7 ; considerable
sales of baled at Sl4—much very Inferior.
ASHES—SaIe 10 casks Pols at 4f time; 10 do PeaTls’
.fife,4 mos. .
POTATOES—I7O bus reds at 65070 c.
BUTTER—SaIes G and 10 boxes roll at 14;3at12f».
keg 10c, dull.
CHEESE-Salcs2ooboxesW.lL in lotsaHHo7c. il :
- OILS—Sale 12 bbls No 2 Laid at7oc ; 40bols Linseed
atCSc. v ■
BRAN—SaIe 400 bus at lie.
FlSH—Sales 13 bbls Trout at 38,50; 20 bbls herring
in lots at §6.50(2)0,75, large No. tfmakerel 88,50.
BACON—SaIe 8 casks country hams atfle, 4 raos,no
pay for caskß; fic&sks city meat aiBf, 0} and 10b; 10
tierces sugar cured haras at 11c—market very dull.
DRIED BEEF—SaIe 5 tes at He. .
GROCERIES—The following Bales of sugar trans
pired on Saturday—part sold the day before, not report*
cd; 50bhds at fife, 4 mos; 120 at sfoGc ? 40 at fife, 4
Anosj 15 at Go..
WHISKY—SaIes recufiedailB(s>i9c,ca*h and time*
Susmer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Baltic, Rennet, Brownsville.
“ J. M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
11 . Thomas slinver, Bailey, West Newton
“ Genessoe, Conant, West Newton.
“ H. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
u Michigan N 0.2, Boles, Reaver.
u Forest City, Murdock, Wellsville,
w Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling.
“ Granite State, liazleit, St. Louis. ... __
“ Tiber, Kier, Louisville.
“ Federal Arch, Bowman,St. Louis.
u Keystone Slate, Bton6, Cincinnati.
“ Baltic, Beimel, Brownsville.
“ : Atlantic, Parkinson,do
“ J. M’Kce. Hendrickson, McKeesport.
u Thomas Bhnvcr, Bailey, -West Newton.
“ Gcnessee, Conam, West Newton..
. s. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
a Michigan No. 2, Boies,lteaver.
“ Forest City, Murdoch. Well-mlle.
“ Winchester, Moore, Wheeling.
“ Empress, Cox, Zanesville.
u Messenger, Woodward,Cincinnati.
“ Buckeye btatc,S. Dcan» Cincinnati.
Plarlettit, PArksrs&argU and Rocking*
. fgg> port Packet*
■Waßlgjfl. The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. S.
Crane, Master, will leave Pittsburgh every Monday,
at 3 o'clock, P. M.; returning will leave lfoekmgport
every Tuesday, uiG o’clock, A. M.
Pasnengers and. shippers may rely on the utmost ac*
commodaiionand promptness. W. K. WUF.EI.ER,
mnrh No. srt Market street. ;■
I Ks?* a> The fine sleamer ALLEGHENY BELLE
2, Cupl. Ws. Hanna, leaves the Alle
gheny whiirf for Franklm, every Monday endTAursday,
at 4 P. M.
The linn steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE No U.;Capt.
John Hanna, leaves the Allegheny wharf for frank-
Im, every Tuesday and F'nday, nl 4 P.M.
For Freiglitor Pafisace, apply on Board imar2o
For marietta and HoolKtofSpori*
i CSXfcrfJji TitKGneneamer FACIFIC,i2AKOOR Mar
l««PP»feagjLiKw. will frnve fortke above and intermedi
um pons every THURSDAY, at 4 o’clock, l*. M<
For frfcijrbtor iia**affe,api>lyonl>oard,orlo
61 T. WOODS k SON» Water st-.and 63 Fromst«
VorlUttanulng and Cattish.
THE lighidraught aud pleasant steamer
SSSSttisCbARION, Capt. MiLLntaAii, will leave the
Allegheny wharf on Monday* Wednesday ami Fridays*
nt 3 o’clock, P. M , for hiuannmg and Catfish. For
freighter p«*eni»e apply on board. . . . : (novl£
cror lionc lieacii, AlarlQtta»Pariiersbarg
and Gallipoli*.
The Cne steamer GOV. MEIGS,
, ft Suv'nk, Master* will leave for the above
kS&tjNSmlft nml intermediate peris, every
&&&2SB2a2&a TUESDAY, at 3 I*. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
feb3 ■ . • • JOHN FLACK* Agent.
Wednesday Pacfcat Tor Cincinnati*
n*-»* . Tire new and fast running steamer CIN-
Bibuinutuu, Muster, will leave.
jwSSSSkarepularly every WitDMfcaDxT.
For 'freight or passive* apply on board, or to
dcc3Q t*. U. MfLTKNHERGEB.
I 1-:a l* WALL'PAPER—W,OUO pieces ot 12ic. pet
eicee.for sale by [myaoj W. I*. MARSHALL.
/""f 11 MAP FI!
\J my*) __
tV»HN IN* rill'. i.Alt— HWhus., just received and for
J sale by [tnrJO) JOHN H. SIIKfUUFF.
tiUKKANTe— SU cask*. a very superior iirncte, just
; received by [roy-’O] j9MITII & SINCLAIR.
SHELLED CORN—I.OW bus. prime, in ttore and to
arrive. tuiy‘JUJ RUB3ELL A_JOHN3TON.
(BLOCKS— A fine lot. just "received" and for sale
j low* (all warranted )jh H00U’3.51 Market street.
O KGAR2—'—'various brands—prime article—for
Q_*ale by _ [myl7] _ RUB9RLL A JOHNSTON.
KIUK— <i7~uercey fresh, for sale by*
SUG A B—SO hhd» N. Ofor sale by
Node*. .
Books will be opened on monbay, 23th
day of June next, at II o’clock, A. M., for subscript
lion to the Capilul Stock of Uie 44 Pittsburgh Trust, and
Savings Company* 1 ' nt the Office of Messrs. HAYS A
PAINTER, Liberty street* Fifth Ward, under the di*
ruction of—
J. K.Mnorche&d, Charles Sh&ler Thomas Hake we It,
Morgan Robertson, Josiah King, Wilson Al'Caudless,
John B- Butler, Wia Larimer, jr., Rody Patterson, John
Small- W. J. Howard, John Mormon, J. S.’Oraft, Reu
ben Miller, R H. Hartley, Wn. K cbbftum,E» D. Giu
zam, Wm Kerr, Alfred w. Marks, Dr. R. Willson, Dan
iel Neglcy, Joint Anderson, L. Wilinailli,C.lhra*en. G.
R. Riddle, and Thomas Fancy.
-Cnpiial Stock, S’-MW.OOO. To ha divided into ‘4,ftoo
f .inrr<, ntS5O each—Blo per share to be paid at the lime
of subscribing. ■.|tpv3;M
Iron Railing and Ornamental Iron Work, in all
t is branehee,
TIIE advertisers heir leave respectfully to inform their
friends and the public generally. that, having receiv
ed a large number of new patterns for Iron Roiling, Ac.,
which, together with those previously on hand,comprises
the greatest variety evor offered mthU City—they are
now prepared to manufacture the same for Cemetery
purposes, balconies, fences, garden*, window guards,
tree boxes, lmi racks, centre tables, Ac, Ac.,in a style of
workmanpuip and finish not to be surpasad, and cheaper
than any heretofore manufactured west of the moun
Al<o, cooking stoves, hollow ware, and castings of all
descriptions, as Ufioal. ■ , .. : -■ iy7
• I TMPORTBRSandmanufacturers
ES-:# FLBS, Ac. We keep a general ns
fioruncnl of the above articles con
stantly on hand} together, wait a general variety of
Farcy Hardware. Also. Guns, Pistols and Revolvers,
Flasks, Horns, Shot Delis, Caps, Powder, Lead and
Cullen; Down*. Dirk, Hunting and Pocket Knives;
Tailors and Hntr Dresser*’ Shears; Pocket Scissors,
Ac. Aluo,Trusses and Supporters..
Jobbing and 'repairing neatly executed.
RIFLES!—We are miking Rifles of every descrip
tion, to order, of the best material, and workmansh p
warranted. Orders received for them at Wholesale or
Retail, will be filled with despatch. Hunting, parties
supplied at Wholesale prices. fmvls
The Oreat Veeetabia tiemeUy t
Dandelion, YYtld Cherry and: Sarsaparillct<
THIS valuable medicinal prepara*
Iron differs entirely from any simple
'• 4; extract of Sarsaparilla” or cotu-:
sgr&U ; moil purifying medicine; It isaeoin
ofmauy of MOST ULKAN
* MEDICINES, with ; others
acting directly oii the Kidneys,or
v v? ; \*L if having immediate reference to the re-
V t'.WHM' ■ lief and continued healthy operation
fW&k' of some internal organs. It. con-.
tains articles which enter into no
other preparation in existence,.and
in tmtifVing and refreshing effects, by anv medicine in
world. Kis put up.ItfLAUGE BOTTLES, is very
olcasanl to the taste, an Jis more concentrated, . .
than any other in the market Persons who have taken
44 Sarsaparilla” by the gallon, without relief,have been
radically cured by using two or three bottles. This is
the only Compound in which Dandelion; Wild Cherry
and Sarsapariliu are so prepared to Oder the peculiar
i virtues of each, in combination with pure extracts ot
other beallairnuieleftv in a highly concentrated state.
Its ingredients are PURELY VEGETABLE, and are
such roots and batks.asace found, though chiefly affec
tingcertain purta,in their geheraltendcncy, to produce i
llie m „ 5l ml ; oMBL e L-'
To cure many;-diseases. -Dropsies, Kidney Com
pliuis.&.c.,drnw off .Watery Humors trom the Blood,
orcorrupt and .irritating secretions,of diseased organs
from the without the thorough operations on the
Kidrteys,as caused by thl&incdieme. No other extracts
even pretend to this effect: In fact, this very operation,
for which it is particularly compounded, differs from
all other preparations, and makes it the licit compound
C\SES OF DROPSY, use this medicine.—
It will relieve. H has cured when life itself was de-.
snairedof. It contains articles thal will cure, if any
thing can, and lakes tlia only method io make pornm
nenicures. giiip FEV g R , sin p F EVEU!
To produce testimony in proof of ihccureof this dis
ease is acknowledgedlyjicvr. The public hove so long
been taught to regard it a* fatal, that its positive cure
would seem almoH a miracle, yet
And by the Great Vegetable Remedy, Dr 11. B. My
ers’Extract, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Ac., alone.
We select the following, as a specimen of the <nume- .
rous testimonials to: the efficiency oftbismedicine in i
cases of Oils malignant dUeaseVwhich we have ta ex
- Francis Tibliinese M. D., askiilful physician>rcpidmg
in Buffalo, N. Y.,and one whohasdevoted himself par
ticularly to the study and cure of the Ship Fever, With
almost every phase of which, he is .conversant, gives
the following testimony in Telaiioii totUeeffocts ot this
medicine, as prepared by himsell: : ; > r .
44 This U to certify, that 1 have used Dr.:lt. B.Myers’
Extract of Daudebon, Wild Cherry, and Sarsaparilla,
in my practice, m oases of a number of patients sick
with Ship Fever, with very beneficial results. And 1
consider u a general curauve in that disease.”
Preparedby - MYERS & RICE,
■ ■ , Jfo. 11 Warren street, New York. .
Sold by . «R. E. SELLERS,
npiSjdeodfcw- N 0.57 Wood street, ?utsburgbt
Allegheny Hlvcr Trade.
REGVLaK fhanklw packets.
[K HOARD PRINTS—Por sale bv
Cochran, Mcßrldo A Co.,
v k *• j**
i *
Auction Card. ,
mifE undersigned, after an Interval of .fouryearsj has
A again , resumed business. - Having: complied-with
the requisitions of. the law regulating Sales at Auction,
and having procured a first class License as Auctioneer
for the City of Pittsburgh, he offers his-serviceaas such
to his friends and the public generally. "With an expe
rienetf of nearly. thirty yearsmthis UnC of business-ybe
hazards nothing msayiug that be will be enabled to give
entire satisfaction to all those'who may feel disposed to
patronize him. ' P. McKENNA/ Auctioneer. ...
Refers to the principal City Merchants. : iyv
A«cuon-«n»uy ssiisi
A T the Commercial'.Sales Rooms,comer of . Wood
j\. and -Fifth streets,at too’clckjA. M.,a general as
sortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Cry Goods,
Clothing, Boots arid Shoes,:Hats, Caps, Ac.
AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M.i
. Groceries. Queerisware, Glassware, Table Cutlery,
Looking Glasses*, new and second-hand Household and
Kitchen Furniture, Ac.. .-Vr
AT 7 OfCLOCK, P. M.,
Books, Stationery, Fancy articles; Musical fnstrn
merits,-Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods
Gold and Silver Watches, Ac. • P* M.- UAVISJ
(at the risk of a former purchaser.) at Auctxoh.—
On Thursdaynext,May 27th, at 10. o’clock in the fore
noon, at APKenna’s Auction House, (on account ana at
the risk of a former purchaser, he . not baying complied
/with the terms of a previous sale,)—one hundred ana
seventy . quarter boxes, containing forty-two thousand
five hundred imported Segairs, a genuine article of pp
proved brands. And, immediately after, (to.close, con
signment.) fifteenboxesmanufaemred Tobacco—agood
article. Terms at sale. . • . V
myg' ; : ; : . ■ P M’KENNA, Auct’r._
TTritfE, VINEGAR, Ac., at Aucnow.-On Monday
MV afternoon, May 24th jat 2 o,clock, will be sold, at
M’Kenna’a Auction House, 2 bbls. Wine, (said to be a
:good -article: also, 6 bbis. Vmegar—wnA a variety of
other articles. 1 [cay2l] .P. M’KKNNA, Auct’r.
JCi—Now open, at &l , Krnna’fl Auction noose, (second
floor,) a varied assortment of Embroideries,
Ribbons, Bonnets, Tabs, Bonnet Linings,-Laces, Silk
Gloves, Kid finish, with a great variety of the newest
style Fancy Goods. Merchants and dealers are invited
to call and examine the same. -'
myU • . P. M’KENNA, Auct’r.
IIAM, at. AccnOrt.—On Saturday,May 29th, at 19
o’clock in the forenoon, wilt be sold, on the premises,
M’Kee street, opposite iheGerman Church, inßirming
ham,all that. Lot of Ground, fronting 20 feet oil.said
M’Kee street, extendingbaek 80 feet. On the premises,
there isa comfortable Frame Dwelling, of two stories,
with four rooms, basement and kitchen in the rear, with
every convenience for a genteel residence.
Also, at the some lime and'place, a variety of new
Cabmet Furniture, comprising Bureaus, Tables, Bed
steads, Ae.
This property may be treated for previous to the day
of sale, by opplying on the premises.
myg -y p. M’KENNA, Auet’r.
P« fit* DAVIS, Auctioneer*
TjRIVATEXrBRARY as Atjctiom.—K) n Thursday
X evening, May 27th, at; 74 o'clock, nt the Commer
cial Safes.Kooais, corner of Wood. an>l Fifth streets,
will be sold by catalogue, from a private library, a large
and superb collection of choice Books, the finest Euro
peaa and American, editions, many quite scarce and
valuable-comprising, v
Knight's pictorial London;. Richardson’s English dio
denary; International Magazine; London Art Union,
prize annual; lloganh’a works, 144 engs; National
'Sallery of Pictures} Ireland’s superb aquatint Views;
Jaensch'a Chess Preceptor; Bum’s Works,the Stothard
edition; Skakspear’s l’lays and Poems, 8 vols,; Works
of Edgar A. Poc; New York Mirror ; Sportman’B Cy
clopedia; HaddonHaU; Coombe Abbey; London os it
is; Picturesquetonr of the Thames; National fiTflodies
of Scotland; Views ofScotilshCaatlesvAc.; Sterne’s
Works; FaggotofFrmchSticks; Soane’s Vicwsof the
liew Law Coarts at Westminster; Wild’s Architectural
Grandeur; plana for Shop: Fronts, Ac.; British Flora;.
Audubon’s Birds of America; Progress of Victoria in
Scotland-in 184 2; Dodsley’sCoilecuoir of Poems; Mon
tague’s Heraldry; Universal Songster, illustrated by
CroUcshank; Poet’s Offering; Mrs-fEUis’Works} Ana
lectle Magazine; Goldsmith’s History of the Earth £Sul
-Iv*aMemoirs; Tidmixon’s England; Voyages round the
World; Callaway’s Architecture; WsnderinsrJew ;
Arabian Knights; Monk Lewis; Decameron, &c M Ac.,
with many outer select authors on History, Travels, Bi
ography," Architecture, Fine Arts, Poetry, Fiction, Ac.
Catalogaescan be obtained .and Books examined, at
the Bates Booms
my 24
, P, M. DAVIS, Aactioneer.
ASSIGNEE'S SALE of. it Marfctt street Vry Uuoda
Store at Auction. OnTaesday rooming, Muy 25th.
at IQ o'clock, at'the atore r corner of Market and Fourth
streets, will be sold without reserve, by order of O. li.
Rippey, Assignee of G,F. HambrigUt A Co ,tl»eir en
tire stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Good?, Ac:, ■which
havei>cen selected: expressly for the: retail customer
trade —comprising splendid silk,brocha, Cashmere,
terkerri and embroidered shawls; deess and Florence
silks; merinos, alpacas, cashmeres^delaines, berages,
tissues, lawns, borage dclatues, ginghams, chintzes,
triftts; mull, Swiss' and cambric : mdslins; faces, edg*
ngsand insertions; ribbons,silk parasols,-gloves, ho
sierv, bomiett,sllk.ond cambric handkerchiefs; super
cloths, cattimeres, satinets,tweeds, linen and couon
d HU, flannels, Itnseys, bleached ond .brown .muslins,
colored cambrics,trimmings, Ac , Ac.
Sales continued milt! all are soldi.
; my 34 ' - P. hpKCNNA. Auct'iv,
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Courtof Al
legheny esunty, will be exposed to public sale, at the
Coart House,in the city of Pittsburgh, bit Saturday,
May *<9th, at 10 o'clock, A.; M,, the following described
property, belonging to the estate of John Seetin, late'of
said city,decM —All that Certain Lot of Ground, situate
in the city of Pittsburgh, being pan of the lot marked in
Col. Woods' general plan of Pittsburgh, No. 515, and
meted and bounded as follows: Beginning, for said
part,at acornerof said tot No.34Si&djoming lot No.
344, on the public square, and running along said lot
No. 344, westwardly to J&ii alley; thence northwardly,
along said alley, twenty-four feet; thence castwardly;
a parallel line, to the public square; and thence south
wardlyvQtong the public rqdare, twenty-four feet,to ihc
place of beginning. On which orb erected very exten
sive and valuable buildings. -.IN-./
Also—l.ot No 55, in the town of M'Kcesnort, lit the
County aforesaid. JODN WILLOCu, Adra'ri :
my£i P. M. PAVIB, Apct'r
40 J)OZ, PARASOLS ax Atrcxton.—Uu; Monday
O- rooming, *«.4th instant, at 10 o’clock, at the.Con
mercial Sales Room?, corner of Wopd and Fifth streets,
will be 501d,43 doz. Parasols,comprising—super tusk
satin; ebeue, damask smFwalerpd silk ; brocade silk
and satin; black, green and lace silk; linen lustre,
gingham; cotton, Ac. The above have just been Vec'd
trotQlbemanufacturerB,&nd ns they must Ve closed with
out reserve.offer great inducements 10-the trade,
myfll V. M- DAVIS, Auct'r
Assignees* sale of a coach factory.—
On Tuesday morning, Jane Ist, at to O’clock, at
the Coach Shop of Clarke, MeGralhA Co., Irwin street
below Penn, will to sold without reserve by catalogue,
by order of It T. Leech, jr„ Assignee, tueireptirc stock
ot Finished and Ccach/Work, Trimiturg*;
Tools, AC j Ac-. comprising Clarence Cp&eli,C!mrioiee
and Barouche Bodies ; Rockoway.Bugeyand Wngou
Bodies; Boggles and Wagons; Poles;: Shafts; Wheels;
! Springs; Trimmings ; Tools, Acy Ac. Also—3- ecus
i Blacksmith’s Ucliow*, Anvils, Vicesi Ac.
I Terms—under $lOO cash; over SlOO ninety days, arid
over s‘doo four mouths’ credit far. approved endorsed
paper Catalogues can bo had at the Aueitou Rooms.
myl? v. F. M« PAVIS. Auct’r.
W. O* M’CAETSE¥i Auctioneer,
ValhahU Rrllroad ana Canal Property*
FIVE valuable lots of Ground in Allegheny City,
situate between the Railroad and Canal, in the open
space west of Mr. CUncy’s hou^e; fronting on Rail-*
road altogether 103 feet inches, and 04 feet 8 inches
to the tow path oft he canal {being the lots numbered
14.15,10,17 and 18, In. Brown A terdirop’a plan, wiUbe
sold at the Auctiaa Store, Na. l'2s' W’ood street, Pitw«.
burgh,on Thursday, 27ih May, insuatßocloek^P-Al.'
These Lqis are admirably situated for a Transporta
tion Warehouse, orimllingbusiness.
Teemo—One-fourth cosh,and the balance in eqinlin
stalmeius, at4,B and 12 months, secured by promissory
negotiable uotes and mortgage. - : --
my 24 w. G. M’CARTNKY, Auct’r.
BOOTS ANO SHOES at auction.— Will be soul, on
Monday, May 24th, at 2 o’clock in .the afternoon at
M’Canney’s Auction liodle, a large assortment of La
.dies and Gentlemen’s Boots, Shoes, Ac. ".
myai > \ • : W. C. M’CaRTNEV, Auct’r.^
LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Ac., at Auction. Will
be sold, on Monday, May 24th, utlO o’clock to the
forenoon, at M’Caitney’s Auction House, a large assort
ment of Ladies’Dress Goods,.A® ,comprising al*Tge
lotor black, striped, colored, plain and Foulard silks,
uluidsilk poplina, berage, berage do laities, plain and
figured alpaccas, queens cloth, orap defe,lawus, prints,
ginghams, cashmeres, Irish linen; linen:cambric hand?
kerchiefs, silk pocket handkerchiefs and cravats; sum*
raer cloth,palentlbread, suspenders, spool coilon,bleach
ed muaUn, table cloths, croton cloth, Ac., together with
a large assortment of fancy articles, Ao,
; my9l . W. G. M’CARTNEY, Auct’r.
VENISON! VENISON 1-1,000 Sh. Ham?, for sate
my2i ./ •• ? Wood street;
New Boobi, at Nttv York Prlcea,
* now opening from Carlcr’sy Fletchet’s. Jlurper’s,
Appleton’s,Scribner’s.Doild’s,Putnam,Ac.yNew York;
Gouid A -Liucdln,: Jewetiv Acy .Boston; Martini
Philadelphia ; from the Presbyterian Bbard of Publica
tion ; and American SuadaySchol.Pntdu, and Map Sab*
bath School Society. ‘ 1 V-
Together with fresh importations of standard Theolo
gical and Miscellaneous wbrlcs from Europe, and a large
vnriety of Stationery.
Clergymen supplied at Eastern prices.
DAVISON A AGNKW; 05 Market si.,
ray 22 adjoining Wilson’s Jewelry Store.
B* A* PanneotoeU’a Vermifuge.
• From a'Regular Physician.-
[From Dp John Silrmao.J
■■■■’■ Yb* CotrhiT, (ArV) Oct. 1850.
I- AM a Physician by profession, of the rcgnlor order.
and as such, have always viewed patent medicines'
with a skeptic eye. -
. Last spring, when I sent to Philadelphia for my hill
of medicines, l w&9 prevailed ou by iny brother, to put
in my bill aa item of two dozen vials of yoiir-Vermi
fuge rbe stating to me that it Was a valuable prepafa
t.on, having tried it in his own family. Accordingly,!
sent forlWQ dozen vials. 1 liave all, and I mast
confess that my expectations were more than
its results were truly astonishing, removing -Worm* in
every.instance,when properly administered. If you
will me a box containing n gross, and semi me the
bill, I Wilt send you the mpney.for thom by muil or oth
erwise, as yon may direct.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. .
Prepared and sold by ..
porncmf .Wood and. First Ai<t, '
Boilou ftutt N«w Yorn PlAnoi7' ;
THE subscriber is now receiving and-offers forsale,
a very large and desirable slock of PIANOS, from
the most celebrated manufactories of Boston and New
VoTk. Among others.
« . : ‘^VNNjb t .CLAfeK»S Pbize-Mwaj. Pianos.
Xlvtli style,7 octaves, elcgunily. carved and
finished all round, made by Nunns'& Clark
loctave, round comer, and carved ■ sliding mußic
ruek. Norms* Clark
201 octaves, round comer, and carved sliding music*
racSj '■ • .mv
2 01 .octaves, round comer* with Colemau's jEloian
Attachment, anil patenuunabloiceils. ■. .
IIALLfS? & ALIdEN’S Cklsbbatkd Bos tom Piavos.
octave, doable round comer, elegnntmoulding,
new scales and patent iron frame. .
10 octavedo do.
20 octave,plain square, rosewood.. ...
. 80 octave,round corner,uothie tablet
3 Cloetave, square and tablet. . i -
4*61 double round corner,gothie.iablet. . ... .
1 Grand Concert Piano, 7 .octaves, new scale, elegant
B*—Jnte above Pianos .will positively bp. sold at!
manufacturersprices, without addition of freight, &c.
I nev refunJei, if the instrnmem la proved taperfeet and
i tottlly ' Sign of H»e Golden Harp,
No. 101 TUrdsirset.
Jl??»-.-> 1 ;v .■■;W
% C
■■■»•■ v. •-■ *•, • »■■...
\%ta- , * „“t ,
rw «-? -4* £aar-*^ ,p 5 'Y'VtU <
iwißMwaßii^tff^ii> Miiß^i ' ißit * i^iw Tiii 1 nii'i mini ni'm nr 3 - "
Saw Sritam tttd lUw BtmnUgil
Foa THE'cunr; of
(§1 (fs |f
ISj . * w
Cough, rpin la tho breast,
side, head, back, Joints and
-limbs, fnff&xnmaifon. sore
ness and: tickling in
throat, feverj difficult and
quick breathing, expectora
tion difficult,slight Se frothy.
Cosrtiveneis, .'spasmodic
cough; violent fever, night,
morning and mid day svrcat,
hectic flush in the face ana
.cheeks,burning:heat in the
palms of the hands and soles
of ;he tcttficputoi&tionwjfo
copious ,. ana streaked with
blood .
i - Diarrhma, diminished fe
ver, cough and morning;
, sweats,great and increasing
debility, frequent feinting
fit*, slight delirium ana
J swelling of the extremities.
TO THE: AFFLICTED —Tba appearance imthree
bottles of NUTALL’S newera in me
dicine, from its novelty and direct opposition to the old
absura and Inconsistent ONE BOTTLE SYSTEM;
while its success, prepared in this manner, (each bottle
containing a different preparation) , in etmngtA# differ
ent stages which characterize Consumption, has estab
lished the welcome truth of the Curability qf nery stags
if. Pulmonary Consumption.
■ Physicians approve of it because it is based upon cor-,
rect Physiological and Pathological principles.- The
public approve df-it, because it is Common .Situ*,, and
because they ImoiofroTrisadtt&arUncs -thatone prepa
ration will not cure the three stages of
The suffering, disappointed and aiscoaraged invalid ap
proves of itsprincipleshold out a reasonable
Hffp f) and whenlie uses NutalPs Syriacum,his hopes
ere realized. _ ...
If-he Is in first stage of Consumption , and uses the
first bottle; his expectoration, difficult; and paullnl, be
comes free and .easv ; his. cough soon pels well,; the
soreness, tickling in his throat, inflammation, painiitnls
breast, side, head, back, joints and limbs are removed.
If he is in the second stage and Uses the second botue
his fever . leaves Jura ; his disturbed.slombers become
.Bweet andTeireshlngj lus nighrsweats vanish ! ms ex
pectoration copious and 'bloody, assumes a healthy, ap-.
pearance* ana at length disappears ; his howcls be
come regular; his appetite returns; the flash m his
cheek disappears! the burning heat in the palms of his
hands and soles of his feet are felt no longer; his cough
now ceases; he recovers and is well. . V ~
• If he is in the third stage, and uses the third bottle, his
Diarrhma gradually ceases; his weak bowels. become
strong; his coughand other bad symptoms disappear;
feeble digestion becomes-strong and vigorous; his
stomach recovers its proper lone, and creates itew, rich
and nourishing blood; bis strength returns; his wasted
body isclothea.withflesh; ms Livs is saved, andheis
restored to health.' ■
Eachbouloof NutalPs Syriacnmhasthe Symptoms of
the stage for which it is intended printed in front of the
idms.can judge for himself, WHICH ROTTLEIIEnK
QUIRES; Consequently no mistake can occur in se
lecting the prbperraedicinej ',.-‘
-See-Pamphlet in possession of thfe Editor of tmspaper,:
containing 2>f<r Nutall’e Pathology of Consumption.—
Lectures on ibevlricture and uses of the Human Lungs,
and certificates of cures.
Prepared only by Dr.. NUTALL, inventor and.
Proprietor. d*ricc One Dollar Per Bottle.
For sale anhe Drug Store of
corner of -Wood street and Virgin alley,
only Wholesale and Retail Agent for Pittsburgh.
ja7:d&w ■'■■■■«
icipient Consumption, in
Blue Wrapper*.
Confirmed Consumption,
in Pink Wrappers.
Tubercular Consumption,
in Yellow Wrappers;
PROPOSALS will be-received at: the Office of. the
Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Company, in
Newark j from the Ist to the evemngoftlie Bih of .Juno,
1852, for the grubbing, clearing, grading, and masonry,
of that portion ofibe SteubehvUie. and Indiana .Rati-:
road, between Coshocton and Newatlc; being about 35
miles in length, and comprising some heavy cuts and
fills, ante bridge across the Muskingum riven
Bids wittbe received in sections ot about one mile m
each, or for die entire Division.
Profiles mid specifications) with approximate esti
mates of quantities, can be seen at the Offices in New
ark and Steubenville, after the Ist of Jane.
Chief ..
Proposals fortho Fablloatloa
: Sealed Proposals, endowed severally u Proposals for .
Publications of the “Pennsylvania Archives,” and Pro- !
posals for tt Re-publication of.ihc first three volumes of ,
the Colonial Records,” ■will he received. until. the 12tii ,
day of JUNE next, in the office of the Seeretary'of the
.Commonwealth, for the publication of the/* PcJinsylva- . j
nia Archives ”arul -also tor the Te-publication of-tlie first ;
three volumes of the “Colonial Records,” agreeably to .
the provisions of the following sections of the following
Acts of Assembly:,-.
An Acs providing for the publication of tie Colonial Re
cord*, and other original papers in tit office of the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth. . ' .
Section !. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met, And it is .hereby, enacted, by
tlus authority‘ef the.same, That the Secretary of the
Commonwealth be, and he is hereby;authorized and re*
OQired to continue *ho printing .of the . Vlnuies of the
Proprietary Government and Council of Safetyf down.
to the adoption of the Confutation in the year one thou ,
sand seven hundred and ninety v froni the point at winch
lha third volume of the Colonial Records terminates, la
the some shape and style In which the'volumes of the
Colonial Records, already printed, orepublished—each
volume to contain notices than eight hundredpages,and
that the number of copies of each volume shall be fifteen
hundred. :V
Section 9. That it shall be the duty of the Secretory
of the Commonwealth, immediately after the passage of
ibis AcV to wnie proposals-lor the publication of.the
records aforesaid, giving publics notice for m least one
month in two papers published In Philadelphia, Pitts
burgh and Hamsbiirg T which proposals shall state the
price pefevolumefanashall include the faithfulondliteTal
transcribing of the records aforesaid, under the super
intendence of the Secretary .'the publication and binding
in a maimer uniform with andnot inferior to the volumes
of the Colonial Records already published, finding all
material, and the delivering of. them to the Secretary.of
the Commonwealth : which proposals shall, be opened
at the time appointed by the Secretary in presence of
ilte Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer who
shall then, with the Secretary, proceed to allot the con
tract 10 thelowest and best responsible bidder. Provid
ed, Tbaifaeforeassigning the contract us aforesaid, the
successful bidder shall enter-into bond to the Common
wealth, with, two or more sufficient sureties, In the sum.
of ten thousand dollars, conditional for the. faithful fulfil
ment of his contract which bond shallbe appro vedby
the Governor before being received. \
Section 3. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth, so soon as the.enlire numberof cop
- ies of any onevolnme shallhave been delivered into his
- office to certify that fact to the Governor, who shall then
draw bis warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount
due the Contractor according to the contract,which shall
bo paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise
•' appropriaird: Provided, That the Secretary shall not
certify asaforesaidiuntilnponexaminatibnhebesatisfied
that the contract has been carriedout in accordancewith
‘ the true intent and tne&ning of this acu and especially
> that the volume,as published, is a faithful and literal copy
. oftbeoriginal. . - "
Section 0 That the Governor is authorized and re*
quested to appoint some competent person, whose doty
R shall be to select for publication, such of the original
documents, letters, treaties, and other papers, prior in r
date to tlte peace of due thousand seven hundred and
eighty-three, now preserved in the Secretary’s office, as
may ne deemed of sufficient importance to be published;
and rearrange' themaccording to daieand subject In one
or more volamcs v not exceeding five of the size of the ,
Colonial Recortls heretofore printed whteli shall becalm I
ed.the “Pennsylvania Archives.” • j
-Sections ThavilshaU betheduty of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth, immediately after the ;t Pennsylva
nia Archives, 1 ’ as aforesaid, are prepared for publica
tion, to procure .the printing of fifieen hundred copies of
the entire series immediately m the same manner, and
uuder the same restrictions, as are provided in the second
and third Sections of this Acl in reference to the publi
cation oftheColouinlKecords.
Ah Ajet supplementary to an Acl, entitled 11 An; Act
providing for the publication ol the Colonial Records
and other original papersiutheoffice of tlie Fecretaryof
-the Commonwealth, approved, Feb.l5,lSOJ.
Whereas, From the naturenfthe contents of the Penn
sylvania Archives, now ready forpublicatton,ltiaindis
pensably necessary to the proper execution of the work
that its publication .shall be superintended by some ac
curate arid competent person, therefore. .
Section l. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of,Pennsylvania
in General Assembty met. and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of-thc same, That Samuel Huzzanl be, and
ho is'heroby appointed to edit and superintend the pub
lication, of the Pennsylvania Archives, authorized to be
prihtedby the Actio whicKlbUTs a supplement.
ilshalU>e ihe duty or theeduor to de
vote hte entire attention .to the publicatlon of suiil Ar
chivesf U) prepare- utl ueeessary notes. mdices, appen
dixea .and such other,matter as raay .be necessary and
proper, in doing wliicb Ho frhall be authorized to publish;
such papers of a date Idler thou ecvciiieonbundred and
cighty-ihree t asshttlHu his Judgment be necessary to give
a cleat and edmprehemive view of any com
mencing before ihatyear- •
Section AThatiheAshfEditor heancfheUherebyau
thbrized io prbedre, the Uutograpmng of such r plans of
battles,fortifications,lndianmaps, ludiandecdsor other
similar papers; now existing among said Archives, as he
shall judge necessary to iucproper illustration of the
said “ Pennsylvania' Archives,” uie expense of which
shall be paid out of any moneysin the treasury not oilier*
wUe appropriated, after being audited and examined in
.the usual manner. • - . . .
, Sectionfi. That should the number of volumes urea In
the Act, to wliicb ibis is a supplenient, prove insufficient
to comaiuthe etniie n'uruher of papers now selected for
publication, it shall be theduivofthe Secretary.oflhe
Commonwealth to cause such additional volumes, as may
be necessary to Contain the entitecolkcuon, to be pub-,
fished by the contractor in the some manner, as though
uouuiiiucr of volumes hod been fixed by the Act to which
there is a supplement..
Section 7. That the Secretary of the Commonwealth
be authorized to procure the re-publicaliou of tlie first
three volumesof the Colonial Recoras.uiuform with tlie
Dre?ent edlti6o\ to be published and distributed accord*
Ingto the pjovtsionsoftbis Act, and theAcf to which
liiurTs a supplement! and that ini the raakingof a contract
for Hie publication of the Pennsylvania Archives,jand
dirstthreevolumes of the Records, the ccretary of iho
Commonwealth bedirecled to provide for the publication
of lit least one volume por month; and beauthorized lo
take such measures as win ensure the faithful perform
ancc.of the said contract , , , . „i 1 „
' The contract, for the, publication of the. Colonial Re
cords, prodded lor in the 2d Section of the Act first above ]
quoted* has already been made, aiidbidders will confine i
their proposals to the 4( Pennsylvania Archives,” and tlie
re-publication of the first three volumesof the u Colont-.
ai Records,” or to either one or the other,, ascach will
constitute thesubjeetol aecparatte:Cpmrael. ,
: Bidders will observe tire requlremerw of the-5d Sec
tibn ot the Act first above quoted, and of the 7th Section
of the Supplement, as no proposal failing to embracb
themineverypajtieoldr.canhecpnaidefcu. - Theunrueh
of Sureties, for the fhitbfol falfiimeni. of the Contract
should accompany the. pioposala. ; .
StCTtiQiyof thtCcmnxonKtaiih. .
vMnmesoftlie Colonial Recordsfll
ready pohluhedi may be fomidln allthe .pp|jJte'l*t»n'»;.
of iho Siaie. ■ ■ fmyU
. '•;. “• ~ «., t •. r ..:•*••• , ■;■,'■ \v •
. •: ■■ ‘ ’
" v ■ ; ■* .4 V ■*■..-.■•• ••■■"
'‘‘ ‘ -
■ f »•** ♦.*'
V >;-' J
? , . r , \ -* v *-,
V ». ..
‘ '
, .*1; ‘ i ■- -
-' * .'v’V. f< *r »_ 1 J.' ’~ >■; ■& •i* .. V- '*
SALE k TO ®. __
mo iET—The STOBK HOpitt Ind
"T 1 " Poatition *itea<X
16* 1 ,tb Inst, lorle/ms ennurre of .
_ a(,Tl) B. CftKBTKß.7lßmtihtt.ld«t.
sS*& 'i»i.i.r-A sroRK HooM^-Wouw
lixeya O ohoo, Ury Goods. Truniiino- or Grocery Store.
—“Rent tow. Apply lo B. GOLDHANN,
-E2>3®. 118 Market street.
tSA x "^ 1 !1 ISSO 'JrT“xcI*aNGE, on Watersreet,
''US ••sf“?*^f,W n «k-of Short smei. For t«in«,ap. -'
Alderman FA It KIN SON, Sih Ward.
' Isubscriber o«er. Tor Ront, iditT
N^^- n vr"S. ce "» i ' d hyMcssrtfwUlcSk,
on Possession viren Img
O.n tiie Ist of Apis.. Ltiouire of •
iimSiif t'HAS. 11. PAUf.SON, No; 73 Wood Si. ‘
Kor uent, - . •
the warehouse now occupied by mo us n <W
surra on the corner of Idtipriy and lidnd sireeti' *
good: location for. business of any ktndi Tossenbiit
riven (nrmediately, ; fmylgt JaMES A. JONpS° P
For Sale. * r.
A FRAME Dwelling House and Tot, situated on Clay'
J\ alley, No 31, The house is Id by IB,2itorie*hJffu; f
with a wing 13 by 10. Lot is 20 feet.front hy67d«D%-
•i_ my - ■ No 123, cor. of Wood and Fifth «ur
FOR RENT.*—From i&erlrt of April nexr, ihe
fegaa Store, whh Dwelling attnghed. dnt6e mmf»r>.f
“ nfHlSrt *Marketarul First streets—a good busliJess itwuj
. ‘? r a Store or Tavern,' itbeirtfronly oneaqoare from the
river—will be.renied lovr to agoodtenaht. Apply to
No. 232 Liberty it. •
marl&if: ;
. For Sale* „ *
A "EAUTJFUI farm. cont&mfngdOacre*,situate . ■
o2h»»: n .- MCan^es * lown #*iip» Allegheny county,about- .
uTwi? worn, orraidwaybcuveenthe Franklin andBat
•JlJJ'SK.” afl# i ,ul^®Jnileftfroiathi»cUy;-.. 1s TtreJlwat*;.
'SKmVwHL 11 '? 6 orchard, goad wood low, pad to
Si°m!>Jl?* proVcJ * BuiWin*«iolerably good For terms
enquire ot CURTJ3 * DOBBS, Agents, ’
_ro. 3 -No. 133,t0r- Wood and Fmh els;-*•: •
A planingtnlll,
wrnfng fliop.fic., on Liberty strcet/in Iha'HftS
wart, a Jio»o ihe canal. riie-buiMing is 40 by 50 feet, 3
fllones-hteli.-and good, as new: Tie cnsintf is In' first
rale Order.: boilers SO ..feel long,. 30 Indies inttlamotOr
Tiro lot k5O feel froDlnnd ICu aUp Tbo wholi wmte
eold low,araloirreasonable terras. Enquire of *
CURTIS fc DOBB9, Beal KsuiieA«nu
No. m cor.’of Woadand Fina «is.
/I7*UK SALI4—A valaaUleFonn of 130 icreti 76lii k
X* mgh ptate of cultivation, ofwhtch 201shiWhe&t~
iuo land ia of first-rate quality, and wcU adwled for
the culture of fruit ;ia well watered-and desirable (ora
stock or grain farm; excellent timber, and all under
tood fence; pleasantly sUaaled four miles above M»-
Kecspon, and otuy two hours travel fromthe city.
Pace and terms easy.- : . .r -
Sw CUTHBEBT, General Agent,.
5U Smlthfield street.
Truss 3£a£Kru*KOHKRTV Toa new 3
XV story Brick House and Lol pleasantly situated on • •< • •
Ros* street, near Fifth, ond the Court House*—very con
venient lor busme&s men,being only two squares from
.tbe;new-p.ttßtoip-House'4ti)idXotfSJ&ce. The house Is
weJl arrangedf halU flnd rooma iieaily papered ; Rood
grates, &c v coolpleie repair, Immediate pos* *
eessioß pbhbe had. -Tbelot iaUOieelfronr on Boas su,
by ah alley; Brice 82500. Terms easv.
S. CUTUBERT, General Agent,
_SU Sraithfield street*
. ValuableFarmror Bate.
T OFFER forsalethe FARM on which I now xeside# •
X siiaote in Fox township,Car/ol county, three miles
from SaliaesviUeDepotof the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Rpilroad. It consists of a quartarand half quarter aec*
lipn,,aiid.haa-twa.:aets;.ol trailoicga,BadwlUbeeatd
separately or together, to aait purchasers. The build* a
ingsare very good, and every ibiagis well Gxed,com>
fortdble and. in good repairs Coal and water exist in -v
abundance, and: there is an orchard on each JLol .Those -
who want afffirsv*rale; Farm, should not fait lo apply .
soon. For terms, Ac., apply to me* on the premises* - ■
Mpyfitga ' JOHN N. BUSSELL.
' For H&ie«
toll gale in the borough of South I’litsburgb.- all
within five iniuo*es\walk of.the Monoogahela
These lots are of large size, fronting On Carson.street '
and the Brownsville turnpike, and' aro among the best
lots for buildJng purposes: on that side of Ae river, one
of these being a* large lot extending -fromone street to
the otheri'aiid ndidinlng the toll hosse lot.
' Tbey wil! be sold on reasonable terms. Title
perfect, and clear of Incumbrance; Enquire of
mylUlmdtw : No. 51 Grant at.
House and Lot for. Sale.
..•> THE.subscriber.offers for:sale a two-story
iSag BRICK liOUSEisituate on Chatham street, be*
: aUlfl.tween Wiley and Webster. The house contains
seven rooms, nad-is well finished throughout. Being
cenvehienuo the most active business pans of the city,.
His a very .'desirable dwelling .'for a* private residence..
If not'd Uposed of before the IMtfc ©f. J one, it' will be of
fcTed atpubHcsalevbh that day, at 3 o’clock, P;
Persons wisliing to purchase, wiH^please apply to Mr.
Jackson Duncan, cornerof lligh gtreeiand rennsylva*
nia Avenue, who will give all necessary infoimation;
mySiu : JOHN HUGHES, ,
I, ARB OIL—CO bbls. Conkling No. l r for sale by : •
4 mv2l B. A FAHNESTOCK & CO.
fHAivN KIPS UiL"—49 blits, for sale by
1 my3l B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO<
Star BaUery and Ice Crcam Saloon.
A& P. SGIIILDECKEK, respectfully inform iherr
» old friends and customer*, that they arc now pre
pared, at lheirSaloon,No.‘22 Diamond alley; to serve up
pure ICE CflEAM.ofilieVery best quality, at all hours
of the day .and evcnihg.They always keep" on hand,
every kind of tykes and Confectionary,freskand sweet...
Parties and famiUes will be served with all ariicieMhey •
may order, on'ihe shortest notice ajid'oit the most satU* -
factory terms .Remember the place, No. 85 Diamond
alley, a few doors south of-the'Diamond. ' .(rnyMtSw"
. . Cavluurt’a /Improved' filelodeon*
• ■ ■ - .|-r. . •" THE attention of Dealers andihe pqli«
is Tcspcctfisllycalledlo the Improved. -
yg , Tg“sp»BjMcloOeous, manufactured by. the eub
* 1 « 5 ??scTibeir3. : For purity'and richness of
tone, tliey.aTeuhcqnalled, not having the .uneven, sharp
aril reedy sound of those made Uy^oUiera....They are
made of rosewoodVof superb- workmanship fend origi*
nui design, making a beauUfalVParlor Instrument* and* <
are admirably adapted Tor chafchmusic. .Dealers sap*,
plied oh the most liberal terms. All orders by mail
promptly, attended to, and Instrument* sentto.any
; part of the country—and warranted.
T. C. CLARK & CO.,
49 Caqtewny street Boston. Maas/ ,
UpuoslttOß Ueflttff *
icd and .'.Wholesale prices Adopted; HOOD has just
returned: frorathe East, with d IftrgeasMftraeaVof; Jew
elry of the newest spring fashion* andve> y:<Ln£cafthty;
also, a large lot of fine Gold and Siiver Watchtfslroru tho
beat European tog-ether wUh ti
rietyof other goods-, socii asjfipegold fobgndrt andvest
ebains, fine gold seals andfceys, fine-gotf Ibclcets, gold
penstuidpencils,speeds*thimbles, pocket knives, port
monies, sil verspoons, fine razors and strops, accordeons
and a great! variety ol other goods usaatlyToundin a
Jewelry store* alt of which ne-will .sell at New, York
■city pueee 3 nml from. 25 to SQper cent lower than aijf
other establishment lit Uii*ciiy«-aV“
myl3 . No gt MARKETjBTREErr:
Uawlc oa CoT«Aantß Ana A'Uic, j
k PRACTICAL Treatise, on-ihe law of Covenants
J\_ . for Tit-'e By William Henry Rawlcii Thta work
is devoted to the consideration- or the Liabilities- and ..
Rights of Venders of Beat Estate, arising IromihcirCo- . ■
venants. for Title. As such: Covenants' are, in some \
shape or form; introduced into nearly every conveyance -
of real estate on both sidesoftheAtfantic, ilir hoped:-
die profession may -not deem Jina-ceaj&ry avrorkwhich -
has tor iia-obiect tb'eir adaly practical effect- la
English treatises oh; the I&wofVendor and Purchaser*'
the*aab3ectef Covenantßfo , rTiU& has alloued to it only .
a limited space* lmt there:is n’^viisibody oCAmeriean
ahihorhies wbieli have rot hitherto teeelvedthe etas sir
ficationnud analysis which the importance of the sub-... •
Jcct demands. For sate by J. K- WELDINr
Bookseller and Stationer,
W'eodat. bptwflrn 3d.ft»idditr...
TTUtESUAKKiVAii OKLADlfcra* »t*W ti'it*
IP —These uieful articles oreintiodaced to Uie public ; >;
by the inventor, and especiaiiy ieeoDuneudedtoUieno*
tiee of the Ladies, for whojo paTtiehlor uso they .ore ut- ■•■■■:«
tended. -Somctkingofthe kind hasever been, needed, :•
to hoid. or their needle, work white engagedia
sewing. Many a f*ir form is rained, and msueround*
shouldered, bytheirpdriuen while at-work, as well**
health impaired,by sUUng In each an unhealthy position.
Improvements arc constantly being'introduced to lessen - :
the labor of men>bmJittleoriioUungha3been4onetO
: alleviate the burdeu oftheother sex.'Thls article,,
however, will greatly; relieve, while it-will;faoilllat»; .The'Sewlng Birds have been used by many : •
ladiesin New England, and h&B met wttK universal *p*- '
probation. ’ • •
- They may bo bad of the subscriber, by wholesale, in
every variety of style; and the small price ov whiebv.
they are offered, mast; recommend them to general use, r •
my!9 ~ C. YK<lGßff,tin *t
k EUUATISU.—Ifn Bromvs oowiy-uiteomc nni* 1
Office and Private Consultation Booms No, 41, DIAZ
MOND, Pittsburgh;Penns. The Doctor is always «V :
horns - .. March ;
• ' . auI&ABUP ALht
' PREPARED and sold by JNO. VYOUNGSOft, 20*
. . Liberty street; This powerfuUyconcentrated pre
paration; the medicalviriuesof which are Jound io bo '
eighttimcs ibestrengtfi of the originalAraericenOJl.
It is put up i n-boliles at 25 and 27k cents, each; with /rill
directions for its use; Üb.every disease wherethe origi
nal American Oitiiasbeendoiind avail eEcUClbus ; und
Uso farexceeds the original in power, as totendbru the •
try iu> * JOHN^YOUNOSON.
N.B. The original.Oit In iUnaturat stats-as taken..
from the bowels of the earth, can bc had as above—and 1 ■>
will be; found genuine;, notwithstanding a cfcrUiaftrta
clatmstobethe only Proprietors, . , 1481
Plrrate juiweaje*.
DR. BhOWN, No. *1 diamond alley;
SDurorss his entire attention to an omte v :
practice; Histtfrinesslamostly eoufinedtp ,
?nt)au or 7«wTsaf Diii«*i,smi such pain* - -
youthful indulgence and excess,
; Syphilis, SypUiiilie ; Eruptions, Cotoon,
Stricture,'Hretbral Discharges,
imparity of the lUood, with alidUesseso. the venereSt -
Origin. Skin Diseases'; Scoiblitle Er&Ptlons, Tetter. ;
Ringworm,Mercurial Diseases,deminal yVeakne*s»ln>- .
potency, Piles* Rheumatism, Female Weakness,MontH*.-'
ly Suppressions, Diseases or the Joints, Fistula iD-Anoj}:
Pains in the Back and Loins, frritfl’.
tiotis of the Dludder'and Kidneys,successfully treated.
Cure guaranteed.
-'Sixteen. yeats’ practice {sixlrMbl*cUyV«nabte*or*-:
Brown toofferasaurancesofspeedy cure to all whomay .
come underhikeare.
Office andprivate consulting rooms, 4V:Diamond ay. s j
ITT* Charges moderate# . v no«s:dAwir :
EftablZslcd in 1810— InzoipoTated by Legi*lathe Charter* .
Duff;author '
J; of the North* American A ccoimtanl , ' and wet tom *.
•■Steamboat Accountant.” FfofessoTofpraclictUßbok-, ..
keeping and Cmninereial sciences. J. iX Winiams,Pro
'feasor of Orrinmental arid Mercantile ;Penmon*mp"-f7« ;
B. Hatch,'of the Pittsburgh Bar, Frofcssof.ofHcreanWc
P; Hayden, Graduate of Jefferson College, Professor ..
of classical Languages and Jlaihcnmocß.
E. Montel.),t« of of *™nf*v
rtoault otAr
roow* irilhe -third ilory.- it continue, lobe
H, intliis-nart of the country where ;
ilffrcnnule aenmboal Book-keeping are thorough
=Sf C oracUc»lly taught. TheCUeiical ard-Mereaoule
► tveartmehtu arc conducted reparhtely. On.. of the '
JJStnpaclous and,elegantly furmafied £adie«>; Writtn,: ;
Kooias in the ITnttcd Stalee, in fined up s and will be an.
der the direction of J. n. Williams; one of the ben „
Penmen in theWcßt. The Professor*, are all experl.
■ eilced preceptors, and at the head of their respective
1 pro&ssions.Circularstn oiled to all partsof ih* .mi my
';f 1 - V.
s . -
. n. ••
. Hi • a■ *.V:v ~ ■* »
Sty j - t
t f ~ ” "v
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