■a^Cv Al^idi^j,«; v„» *~ ,v^ r 4 -.\”'> n „>“ v‘ _*s4i s» *■,''« *a' vv* u i ’>i», < - , HB^MMMM^nh^? 1 ' v „ :'*■ * v ,-v ' v| . «?, l .t - -'j*\> *.,... w% *St>- |^i^r3k f ;r:iT4;.: .>: o;v: ** 4 : i'*« - '-' VtU -K'^wv-,,. ’■ •’-■ • •.• ■•.; . • ~■'- ~, , T ■ •■■•';■ " \.vi\stC *** *, r **v r <* -r v> * t,«V 1 *« v ’■**-** w '‘4 :* *• y - ' J l . ~ j ', v _% * i *** 4 j *■ ~ -’ j_ 3 f } -’< V *• i.i? ■sV ■‘,•*■•*l J,' ** Z n ‘'■st- ? r .*.* ij .‘i.’?..? ,- iV,«-' f ~ * - ** 04$$0t - etesf^ii’i^J^sn-^! Mtsmwi 6jysr^ %<:: u -: wP .Jii mm #gf: 41* Afim^ m&mamm llPSliStl %mmm %«P 8SRI? SiKg Ji^ «^S^l ■&® pi Ssk- Ml j^ppStl fe^issd flllfl ■fSil '•lggp^- fie JkA] HRj .4HHi Jig pi m ll®Sg!fSt|fe#t tUSfSSSM ri g, -y-j -—J ~-'r ,-,, * , \ '•■■ -.--.V-'.:' :•..•:«• r.; ;--- -.V.--. ;-... -i--V;;." •-i.--.-Vv. .•.>;. .■.-..■ ...... ..... ... , ........ ■««« ffilje Sails illcra'mg |Joat. . printed and published ttxty.&romxngrfSundavtttCttUd. HAftPKH. & PHILLIPS, *oiiTrt-W£5T COMfS« OT .WOO'D iJU> n?Tn eTEXBTS lir jr*M«r-Ktw ? n»a»»fca jteiu.ijieysbljestrictly • in ftdvatice.. fetx will be rcnuiredif noir“‘i wrth,nU *sTO |ir ‘ r coptttsrwo cx-Ws-fotaale&\th« counter ai theo.ficet&&u by iheNewsßays:. ' ' »v"••.'■ - r&E sjmJßDAir sxosirnsra post is pfibtofced fromAhe same office,' on a lai* vbUnker iizc cUeci, at TWO DOLLARS.a year, in otmuicev; unglccnpies FJFE CENTS ; uy'NopnpprtviUbediscoutinued (anl«B»attUe: S5 , u . u . oneweek .....|75 u-r-. ..twp weeks 3 Q 0 A 1 ! 4 00 5‘ i Al ..S AJO 4 l - • A l -. •/ two 7.00 U ,0 00 ■/.A- ■,:**.;■•■••; fouT.mombs *«■>»» >t—«.■■.■■ ■.-»—».« 10 UO « >.. ‘ v.:: wxtnonlha >■■<»■■.»■■.■■■■.■>>«. : . ■■■■■l2,oo 4 f • ■« one year* - ....«■■. r~ 13 00 StandLng CatdySJX: Hues or. less, per annaoir——-.10 00 : : / CKA-NGBABLU At. TLEA&tTUKI .... One square,per annum,(exclusive of thepaper,}* 23 Ob Iprofcasioital xlarfos. •. ORI*ANDO LOOMIS, Aiiornty ciLair, —Office dih \j* Bt., above Wood; . .. • july4»y : rnHOMAS M. MARSHALL, Attorney ~8 Lowrie’sßuitdjcg-s, tounhau ■ jan'fc-iyv■,, ■|> XL-CAKNAHAN, Aitoiruy aiAat*—Oiiiceonfourth XV* at,* between Cherry alley ami Grant sL [jeii-y T^RlirßOWNiSXJFPTOKj'No^srDiaranjidalieyT^ear- X.J Wood street, •.... . &M • J N ; ATCajOVVKV, Attorney and CounsjUor at Law.— • Officem BakewcU’&KmttfiUffsoH Grant sifeot. J7-ly. * ELMOVAL-— Hr.. Robert Snyder, luiS Temoved his office to Fourth street, between Wood and Smith field streets. - • : • ■•■ ; . -martS-ly, e .DARKAIiII, Atiorruy ajLaw— Otace m Uukewcit’s • Uuildxugs, on Grant street, .opposite' the Court ilouse.- •■•■■. ..•■■• • .. jy24Uy. JOHN BARTON, Attorney tit Low —Office, Norik snlo of ftfUi fitFcci, between Wood and SimUificULmthc same building with Alderman-Morrow. . • acpdtMy eLORG£ .F;.IbILLMOHk)i Aliointy tm&Counselhr ai Law.—Office removed to the 2d dour Uelow Grant at., on Fourth,to iboofficel&fely occupiedby AldermauMu lep. ■■■’. •• •.■ - ••• .".rnnrOG.'.. TST BUCftMASrEit, —Oihce:-I'oarlh siruut AN * iUtrddoor'aboveS«utbGeid,SoinhßWc. ' Conveyancing of ah kinds dun- wuh the grealeal care Mt’-feRUIaCCnMCf.- • •■.■•'^ exanisncth'&c TV UIDULK KolShEir&*,Ai£mey a: Laut. Ottice ftu. JLl*« L&tStnuhfieldSlreel^between Fmh und Sinh., •: .Collections carefully attended. to—sp'ecmrauentio Kw»n (o Cunypysncmg T^cOlv J'_ ■■■ • ■ TTOJtNEV AT fcAW. r«Jullauilogtra, : T-ATI3 A. A. S-hrgeon U. S, Army. Olficc—TMrd 5k., JLi second door above smlthfield. • ••’ f JAMES ItUSS SMOWUEJV* AllUilNtV AT LAW, . l£7* Ofiise tmtf residence* No. ItaVuivl street, Pius'- bnnch _ fmar*6 S. i». &Og{i) ATTORNEY AT LAW, • -. No* 109 Fourth Street, „ , X'irTOKUtibH.PA . Fourth doorbelovr Mr. RodyPauer»oii*s Livery Stable jeVB ~ -■ Ji Si UaiutUoU) A X'CORNEY-AT.LAW.ha* retooled to the ofiioein dOL -FiflU between Wood ami iSiuuafccld streets, formally-occupied by Tlior. HaraUum, Etrj., oecM.aml wiH alieud to (ho business rcmaumig unfinished upon bis ' najJj Partnersba|>4 ' 3 tHE subscribers': have'associated themselves in jhe . pracuceof Law\ under tfie firm oflluLCt & Wxsa- UfsroN. Oceoribe othcr-cf iliom, w/tcanot in foand atUjT lunesm tbii aiHce.osi •Heel, Puisbnrgb, now Occupied by Mr. Blacfc- ; .SAMUKU .W»BLACK,= •KKADii • WASH I NtfTO'NT.- : lease WlllUms, MERCHANT TAILOR, fernithhcld Btreet,No.l2, be tween Ist and 2d streets. • np^v. ~.v;. "JA«BS C.^WATTi MERCHANT TAILOit, hot 36 Karket oireetr - Retwecn Second and Third sis,, Pittsburgh, Pa /T . .TUomaa irfi« LUtlc,•• rr ~ l ’ WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, • TTjUFTH STREE*! 1 , between Wood and Market •sirfetr., JP opposite.lron City Hotel. AH kinds of Jewelry •rondg ami repaired. : • .- • • , • . fner-'i-'ly : - • ■ -Woodward ft Uovriaode* .: ' DEALERSIN AMERICAN AND-FOUEIGN ROOKS’ . STATiONt'ItY, ETC, ! % Third Ofice Buddings, fapthby • . PAUI, A aXVKDUCtC, “ COMMISSION- AND FOltWAliDlAfi .AIBKCUANTS and STEAMBOAT ABE NTS, No. 7;Watch sirsw.- - ‘ Clnclnnntty Oblo. - : DftUiQl Youilgion) H OUSTS, SIGN, AMU ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. -Liberty Blreet,.opposite.Hand. All work jseAily •rccDied. -Ordcra punctually attended to. fmariiry •' JOSUtIA RHODES-—• "«• . AI.CCED P. _ AKSUCTZ. - JOSROA RHODES CO cheap os any otherperson In the city, (toothy • •• WHU a, JUSKHBDTV . .Ml, It, UaSLETT. • KENNEDY-A HASLETT, SoccassonsxoKiNsc* & ICwqx, Whoitsait and Kitatl De-tilers in TSaickes, Jewelry. Silver Wdrt.Fanty end Yantiy..Goods, Baskets, Combs , e. N 0.93 market street, between sth si, and the Diamond. ' iE7“o!ockB;Watche* and Jewelry neatly repaired, Pittsburgh, Aogust 20, 1850, w ,_Wß|t'erjP* aStrrotaittl, ••/•■ '{S»ca;. VROS< )< CA&£fßßLl,.*«*-DAViD CIIKSS-*-»CtlA£~~*j\ENiaiJT, Iron City Taett Factory, r npHEntbscfiberomanttfatturoand keep constaotlydn JL- hajjda-lsiaeaof Fin- Ithlng.Clout and Hob Noils; fitto Blued Flour Barret and Lnthtny- Ncllsj Copporand ZJnc Shoe.Nalls; Pattern Maker’s roints; ilirets, assorted sizes,Ac..Ac.v&c.; , •••■:*• - CAMPBELL, CHESS; ACO., • ,py3l:y. Warehouse, 55>vVaicr si,-Pittsburgh/*'' mttA¥ „- JAfiTiSS A-JONKS"; WHOIE9ALBAND BBTAIL ORUGGhST/ . »» UOKBTT ARD lUND STBEBISj ■ A AJOMPLETJJttMonraciit of Drags, Oliemicals Bill ramiJy Medicmeß, always on band. v .{apr2 _ C. A. ja’AMUIjTV « OU., ~ TRANSPORTERS, FORWARDING AND COM. MERCHANTS, Depot, Cn'mil JB»»la, 408. Pinii' si.," PiUtiurxA. • \:.v ‘ HOUKIISBOW’e ■ ™.." 1 FANCY CHINA STORE, StREET, WEAU'TnB-ST. CaiHLSs aOTKL.' orougiitto thisjbily, witlr every other variety of Glass'.’ vtaeensware» Britannia Ware,. Japan .Waiter*. Solar xtaagi-pg-and.Stand Ija!aDgVCandele';rgg.&e::jm a Tni> - •taAffb , : : m aqUiiib &: bah*c."rrr >A«,^kL S V ccew^ri:f *Mo utotting psf. ■ " ' , Published daisy by habper &p’ — 3 Busiatss €ar6s. LEXANDER JAYNESj J*«*m 2V» Statute Fifth street, neorWoqd ______ frbl ir*>SilUA • JiUBINsON, Agent rorHrirmien.ft Co.*! V Lineof Paikaut. Fifth ar.,one doorbclow Wood, fchj' * ftrTT.MAM JACKSONJ i^aUnt tt#Lub •.yVcrty ?3 •*■ •. ■ ; GOOLIsY ;ft LAIRD, .Merchant Tailors, VV opil street; second door from Water, will keep constantly on hand selectcdloLof Clothing,. • marl St JOSEPH MAJOR, :ifear£tor«fShip >Cbai.dlery. ami v Agency of the FlusbnrgU Lard OR factory, No 4, Market street, Pittsburgh. . . jitFi 'T7' HAMER ft RiIAM, Hankers and Exchange Brokers, JLlLcorunrof Third and'Wood, streeisi opposite the Su CharlesHotd febl . B. Al FAHNESTOCK ft CQr; Whales alt • corner of First add* Wood streets; and corner clWoodaud.bixih. " • ; . »■ ■■ ■-■:■•;• •. -.febl'-., 1 Ttu.COpper O and Sheet Iron Ware* No. 17.Fifthstrcet,-between Woodjaml’Markm*^.' •■: /: feblO - ■\SrM. GLENN; A’ooA&inder, corner ol lhml and Wood 7V; streets; above O.IL Kay, where he is prepared to do every deßcripttonof rtttmg and binding. • .=• - • pec2 : TfOKN ll» MELLDR,”^7Ac/«af«: and -Rtuxii tfeaUr 'in G?, ATwani and, £1 astral/nj/rummfi.Piaiioa.School Rooks, aml&iauonery, Wood-street. • ; jattl T DRYAH,*ii*tty r ymg Visiiilet, find Wholesale Dealer O *in Foreign and /Domestic Wines-and Liquors, No. 1 1\\ Liberty streettandAJ-Dmmond niiey- - . ■ 'S/'lN(jrft bINNEY; Agents for the Deiautare Jrluiual jRk. Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, - ul Uio Ware fa°U3e PfKlng ft llolmes, W nfer bi reel, near Market.: ,‘~tvM.H£Ui'aa,'PinLAjDA* ; . wm. mcKKTsos, nrrsßtiaon. MILLER ft RICKETSOiN, WholtsaltGroetrs, and Im ’portofs-of iihd, N05.172 and 174, corner of Liberty aml lrtvjn streets,FiUeburgh. Fa*. . ... ; •■.. .''■■?■ •3ron>Nai}s.Cotton Yaniß, ftc.»consm.nliy on hand. •Q. M KINLEI, ontf Ornamental Patntij, k? * and dealer in I'AINTd, No. 44 jt: Glair Fms bnrgh, has constantly on bamielt kimlsof Fai-YM, either Dry or Mtxcdr Jopan aod Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil; Othr Spirits TnrpfcnUno i r Window Llass, of all slzeSi Potty, Pxur.l -Brdshcs; of the best quality, end for sale *n red-MinabteTncfß* . ■ ■ -.•- • > RepU J» A* Coaitrr* •• • f \jrUOLESAIiE AND RETAIL DRUGtJiST, cor • TV.'ncr ofWood uud Third elreeis, uruier St. Charles Dou. 1 !], Putsbnrgh, Pa.. : , * 'lfiprJT- :i * W. W. M r Clare, liOUtf!!. SIGN AND ORNA.MKNIAi, PAINTER, coßstsoFWooDAnnynmfstaEnrs,.. ; (Under Fatncks ft Friend a Brokers Office.) mrlpty PttLsbtiYzh'p* james AcaL>iat»!co......... 4 ~ «B*>jcel caomaa* •■: - ariacttong ftCtozisr, / 5 • GROCERS,• .‘ -;.A n &. : Pealers-in . 'PtfJsbWgh- Manufactures j, ano.O* ytßsr srasEr, nrrittUBou,rA.. 'Y** l 9 ftMid i prompt!y to the sate Of every description ot lycstern Produce, and oilier articles commitred lo i raurl W “OxtY,—. ..*rU.a. UUMS. W* Daly A Co«, ACTLRERfcJ andl:uporter«.lLHl ,UN Dh,HsiIJIUS;OSAIVKRS ft GLOVED Jr f/i/s sisntjbetxßten K cod and Market, Pittsburgh. -■ * And WaOLLiiALL IMPORTING WARChoUSE, __ - •: 1 Ol -CoariirtTi/i stress AVi? York J. EL SURRIFF, FOkVYdRDhyG $ COMMISSION MERCHANT ■ • ■ ' ami Dealer m «dl kinds of ■*•■:■ . : nuitrr. Produce and PitUluryh Manufactures, a.t t, W Market Pa, i tilt business eiittu'^iej'to 1 Retire . f* ~ I. in i.. ■■ ■ J 1 1! 1 11. .. *jbT ..-ii. . J.G. & CO., - * JvNA.UGTAIE FAMILY GKOCER&, Vottir.Tihng ami Co-amission Merchant!, - Ami Dealers'm • •• : • i ■ , cpe.tmY jaoDncß and mrsaoßou MAncyACrnKraf v.-; Wood siretl four doors above- Fifths: - : JjL*?-.. ... ■ ■•■ ■ '■ '■ ■_ Ptiudinrgh.-. Lcoklixc Cxasm and Brush Manufactory, Woo °! (above vy * riith,) keeps on hand and manufaetare.i to or dor, every,desenpuou.of Giftnnd Mahogany Framed i.ooku.g a Liasets. iU.-o v Lookmg Glass r'laieff.bv the oox or single plutu. Pictarcs ana Portraits framed with neatness and despatch. ; . , Dru.-«bcson hand aiu! made foor ,? r *. V: c . Together, wiih. a variety of tlcap.e 1 urnisuiDg Govds, wholesale or retau, to «ait parchasens ot rcnqc&d pticeg. . V ' [fehtHhfim ■ ■ ,-iSmtiUe CJotlilii® ilnll.l .. HEN ItY «UI GN KLL, AGENT, ; Wood -tu, .opposite -Jfatt. TreshjUriim OKmehi RESI’ECri-LLLY informs his friends ami ihr hnblio. farnisli every thing ill line, as hurtiororu, at lotvprices. Ca»* ipm work cxecutga in a salts/aciory mturner. ’ Furnish on tiand; --'V- ; . - • - wai. iTF w A. .......J4J4C3 CRlalVXLL i*«rrou, ft Crtiweilt BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, v .. OP AXJj Off WOSIK, ' Locomqltvc, Steam Engine, Elumbers, Ac-. &c.> ftianofuctUfCrs *' T^UUiNpHV—Kcbccca s:rcet,AlleghenyCilva' Office* c ?>™ and Kifui eta.i Wltsborrh. "' * , 'w?rT-- W '“ r ° “i takfin in exchange for work—or cash pmd. l • left auhe Fonudry of Office, will LerunctuaU? RUe idea to ffebp 1y «7amce. iiowrir, «lr«* nyja-P&y o •PfcP B /?A»:J»N.WI^.iiMrof ovcfy.deucrjpnonexecmeiiin the neatest manner;. ... ... ... • . w ' . Orders left at the, Warerooms.or atthe Mill, corner©] promptly aiteadedto • lIDpo Foundry. ““ ———r . lAIC&3 C0CHR4J»,«~r^~......-».^.,(j I Jo BO g aEACe j O . . * M»uriDK, j aonirw COCIIUAN, M’BRIDE A CO., 26 I Vood Street, Pittsburgh* MAW- I'ACXURERS of Costings, Cooking Stoves. •Douavon’sjmprovcd Enterprise Cooking Stoves, a.aiciiw^us u 9 i.itfsD,) Rouges, Hollow Ware,Grates Ac. .Also,fro/i yaaJis. VnurrDaors, Roiling Window Shutters, txi.d-wrought iron VYorkof every description ■. ■ • •• >Dr«S. ■'SLyim CONTINUES to practice Medjclnei Surgery, and Ob« V/ Mctnesot Midwifery Eclecueaily,- la' accordance with Buuimhc principles,-uudhencc with great »nc» CCSS.. .• MV--. ••...• v ... : £7TOffi.ee.ud Tesidence, No. &8 Diamond alley; Of. . .• N. JJr-In&Uhble remedies fot* Dyspepsia, Consurap* turn itritamelplent stuge?,.Broncliuis, Riieninaiism; Clioleni Morbus, Dysen:ary, Asiatic ynolcra. t etaaos or 'locked*jaw,' female diseases; dis eases of the liver end*kidneys; Scrofula,' Dropsy. &c uadantidotes to all- persons, prepared and- kepi Tor sale. NercurjvaotiJnouey and iheir preparations, as well as ihe lancet,-ons ooiirely dispensed with.' fmvbi ■ ■l A TiANINO i.7jL;i«BKE wonldrespectfnllyinforta his friends and the public, tlmt lui newiismbliShracnt'id now in full opera: ; liot),mnl ihnt Ue ialircpared lt> furnish 800 l Cabins? and ull all orders for Pfaned Lurabet, wlib promptitude,and at the lowest rates. “ , Board and Plank, planed on one’or botli aides, eon sttfr.tly on hard.• ."-j : - ■ ■■ • ■ Bash, Doors and Mouldings,ofeverr description, mads to order., •. • ; Jlullderaand Carpenters would flndlltothelradvkn- Uge lo trlve him a call, as be c an now furnish them with plankedsiuff.sofiablc rnrieveryidtacrlpiinnof work.' i TRt>VlLl><>, Vndtrtakir, V:(Hi birccl, iin- rW a i a , ?e *y “Pi?* ltD ‘ lle;Tl,l! ® tte i in forms Km friends andthe puiilicin gentfrdl, that Bellas rcaumea his business.ao. a Piifhisli'uijf Unaertaker, VHe is supplied svith and always tcepsonTiand Coffins of ail pises and i!md4,Sßrottda;and ailoiherariiclosneeessars 0A such occasions. ■ ■. -Silver platcsjlce boxes, and leaden eofDJia wiJlbuinp phcclin order, AHh*hfearsOHndcainagcaJvrayiready to attend fvnrra.ii. repSkly Hcaltli omceT " fTlllß public ara informed thawbe OFFICE OF THE A JSOARD. OF nEALTHi of tbs. City of. Pittsburgh ir at No. t>9,(jrantKlreet } between Fourth streets, where ail• Notices and Communications forllte Board must be left. - CIIAULIia^AVifOR, » Jy** • Seewtaiy.'- I „. Letttlier Depot, I .!|> v ?ARp &. V,B > Wood -STiiECT,'lmvejuut: I “-Vy-TecPatlsupply of sioclriri llicif line, lia!- K«^n%ST^J"^“.' LRATHEE ) PhßMolpfcla 9 U C', Ui 9, Morocco Linini; mid Bauliuo :^W« r s .®‘hTaimer>«aii(lCurrßf’s Tpo)B, 4;? THOMAS TgOOl]s.«^l—,; 1T '■“‘■V ' ■■ ■ PRocwMllW^jns”^ 00 " No,€i watkh itaasT, i Old Printing JB*~t*bli a i>m«nc7 — a- j JO , Ui! st O N 4: STowroirs.) and Wurthiwt W i"X*£ i J® r re P» r «‘l to execute eve -y style 01 PiiniiSr 1Bl ' Cnrml,mil Steamboat Job n° k i li ™ liu SI and furtusli!every article M i^eta^acd a Scec1 I dsS W,irehoUSe ' Cora " of 'fficcand^Jßbuk Bindery, No- 50 Third •TiHHi—......;■, _:• ■■• ■' ; : ■ novlrt • ■ BOOKS EL LEE A TIO MSB 101 vv °° Jsl Wanted) Kagg and Tanners* scraps aplfrty B. C. STOCK TON, i> (f.ol* -Toktistcn ) ,'i ril y ‘"l 110 , ,Lft auentioa oMler afßLANlr^nnmra^ 1016 ’ - 9 hls lar s° “ u,i superior stook h„„ , Cooks, Journals Book's ofetcr; m.wfa’ir A”l-ifl pap ,? r ’ Md bound iil Uie most tlu : * 1al Prices Uiatcaimol foil to give sntisfaetion. Clunk Cooks ruled ami iiounf tn liny given pattern Priming of every dr"r.p“l““ oil. tmoa with ueauies? ofld Uispaich. No. 47 Market *t ; --■■■'■ O*IuHOOO, - ia?pßTkß, WIIOLBRALS ATiDBETAU. IfCALfiK IX PINK -WATCHES, GOLl) JJSIVJKLtsr' - * P-AU SUiVfiH. W-AU'ISI/:GOODS,- *c •i5iW/ W ? 5i n si- o Kri^? tcbpB - Volley carefully rc- Market street,two. doors:.from 'JUirtl tilUfacrgh. |(J n R 1,13 fr,e ° , mvll y Thchigheti Wli. n’KUL „■■■■■ —- -Yur' "l ■ ■■ Co»P»rtn«rihlp« * K ’ . T ■ttfnSiiSS.lfi Y ® CoiPatuietaliip.fot ami „ Musmni uinlnpice,- ami geljcpt Milling banana. at 1t? Taird sirrrt t»V,r» a jflrmn be p c115 ,“.f 4 ' UtevoU.eaatomera of’wriahl S^AICOIn IdcciOj M KfcE ■& A f.roß.-i, 0 w tfoandry; 103 Wood Street, Pittsburgh piVrsiZESIOWAtOUNDHVCOOKINoUoVKa ,*P •"WiHcl»rcce*yediliefifgtpnst o f 0r i«ooaudi*si m ibe Agricultural Fair* of AlleiWv »»« * » recottimcjacU hy ISOOpcTsonit who have Uien/ in • w fJ"}? r^ Taia modern mie: a vrein variety of patterns, beautifully trammeled * : t> *»»ock ol aH the kind* in u«e* Hall'* f tt o ni ,fe effe / 8 ’i Il ‘ c American, K S an‘s Orar e k K n Ca riJ't} V 8 > encocit,ff imi»* Hull ’ Double P&rog*.—. fh« Michigan Double I>Joup l i i< n p f— nl 11131 h**- lakoii ilio premium m the ; brnw Fajw of Ohm, Pennsylvania, Nti * orJ? aud Z r i C h I m° 4r County for I*sl. n I I'lor mraode o/cluuvii'lujli lo'aMj-'oihcr I — ?I Ornamental ; Parent CkiUti lulls—l. C" Fnm>« P».mt oiin.-t c. 1 ? 8 /’ 41 ' 1 / * 3 -*{ u,, *‘ nl;lde lu order. Jifcitiii j[£,aZ} CmL, ~ l^ «*•»’<-«orboar,Pot tho •’"anafaesarc of Cine Sutrar are cast on the process patented hv t' I * *! f » r 7 ,^ nU 4ii re . B “l ,er,wr r ° r durability to any other ami Midtower. than those made on flic old plan ■ ’ ' .: every. description, -stove Pine mol Ti- V\ ure ior Sslovcn, and Cnsiinc - ! of< - v«*rv «?*--rV- r -I AKo iuu\ of“v e uier 7 I .wgrtow«rtpne«»r.-laovioiyj J_u. PAKIty Aco rostra ufTtraroiT. ' ~~ Mi?PEaco»T*BAail, s „ ■ 11, h rut tr, Whoiaaoto and a-wtati,-' ' ■ ■ moilianiSlore lloom,formerly occupied by SamißlS o^f 16 aiftrge and general a&sortrrieni of s?* Biddles, Hameei, Trunks* Carnet Bairs SnrtHi* 'el«in y hifSo-- 0 Robe3 ’ WiU f 3 - & HI oiicr aru ; Coutury Mathants and f«rj)ur».wouW do -well io bail »ndexamiaohisstockbefore bnfctmalitk elsewhere .. priccB elCrm rCil l ° * " rain articles at aeyy low J&SStuiSZSS Sfflsr lM »- No - B °.«>t a .rof Wopd . „ „ i.PWihargliAiitstry, . A m .?!. , r ?! 13 « V «K hour the comer of -**> Mwikbf hntl.Founli streets to theflardciij Peim sylvanla AVemie, where there is n'chbiee collcciien of Rose*, ,®9,AS**«fe':Moa».doi New Splress; 1500 do Dwarf ■■■Plants,’' Dahlias! wfii 0 r l r^ ra fc' Ac:, and where orders still be tatarfor Apple; Dwarf do, Pear, Cherry “and PluinTrees,Quinee and filbertdo,Grapevines, Goose, berries, Gafronts, S!rawl>erries, Ac., Shrubbery, 'Shade Ac.; from the Hill Nursery. • , * y ' * aa “ L -, 10 through ihe Pius 9S“, e j'?., ,l ‘ u .®“ , '4«nf Pennsylvania Avenue, ?»r“ii S'. leU 's Liberty street, near tire head of :Wo*d, will be promptly attended to. - • ~ JOHN MURDOCH, JR. |D“ Orchards and Slimbhcry planted neatly to order, DODDS & CROZltfiU, ■*\ MACHINISTS -AND MANUFACTUUEKS _ ' OIL MILL BUILDINGS,. Smith- H'eif m, : ' gjiVrTl ; cf- Dtamond t '(near tfU Ohio and Pcnn ,'WggßatL tvloania-'Rattroad Iffpot,) Oty* SSaSSSSSRiver-and .Laud Steam-Engines, Fire En.‘ .gines, Hydraulic Presses orall descriptions; Copper-' plate*Liihograplilc OQil other Presses; Gold StmWpinir and Refining Apparatus, Machinery iagenejql, built upon the most approved plane of con* struttiortj and workmanship to tha aotlsfuction of cus tomers. 1 • IET AJI orders left ; at Messrs. Cochran, MTOridcA Co.’s, No. 20 Wood struct, Pittsburgh,or addressed to ihesubscribers, Allegheny,will jrcceive.prompt attention, aulh , . DODDSA-CROZIER.. Henry Oemmler, v Nb. :Libertj/ fflnett . MANUFACTURER cif TIN* COPPER and SHEET LLtjL IRON WARE; DtalerinlZoustFurniture.Hard* tears. Jfceps always on' hand a large assortment of Tia and Copper Ware, &c.,’besl quality which he will sell atvery low prices forcs*h,wholesaleand retail. - Country merchants tire'lnvited id cnH athis stand. * AH Job work in the Above- business;.also, Spouting bad Roofing Houses, Will be promptly attended to aj moderate prices [rmv|9;tf ‘ Pittsburgh Foundry* TJOLGMANA; GARRlSONhave’removed* to: their- IJ -New Buildings in. Birmingham, near the Ferry [lavingall theiaie. improvements for heavy work in: Karnaces, withiathei, andother machinery, and the rbest: quaUacs of jneial,ihsy are prepared to famish machinery, Ac , with promptness. ' As they-still retain the ? Warehouse on Sralthfield si, pa the old premises, (also, at No. 4 Wood street,! nat tems orordors left there will be immcdiatelv aitendpd ta Having associated JOHN 'MTJONOUgJi w\th „s the business hereafter wilfbb: conducted in ihe nf BOLLMAN, GARRISON & CO. nt ntune of } •: HENRV L.BOLMAIV ‘ ABRAHAM OARRISM^ -JOHN M’BONOUfiH ' Pittsbargh, AprU Iff, 18Sfc-;f W,XUUGH * . - i f ‘ 1 .*- ”J „ ’£\ -V **♦ * * *> - CARD. c * • ■ .*- - ■ : Mj. t W Alii! DBA fi M R JN[ ’ Trmmxnst, Jfatiotu, i'aney and! Variety Goads • NO. (11 WOO if ST«I3ET ' J'!HS Faurn, PnutUreh WJMSNKB, BUKCHNBR «t MUKLLER>S H «TT klthoprnpnie EilUtUlthmint T 3 NOW ready ui furnish every kind of f-iimj*-..-* M i,. _ JL work m the most elegant ntyje, such aa sL?J^r» e llepj, Fcrtratu, taadreayif, Cards, Bill iuais an r°r toti, primed in gold, coloVs, 4c n ‘»ds,anle aceyracT ami cietrance. - , . . SliSrt* P3nUe t» Oraii.' — 4‘m?’ Th,Td Moor from Market stria; wuo have found it dulicu't to »« « n •> Mu? ««»■ 143 ■ •• _ _O. MAT#»MSV«J J* c* bantu, - «™> nin Ware, JU&tiiPll Kl'nin i AbiiiiLE merchant tailor no. 27.4 I.i3y.ury si-aEsr, Fittssbuott i*. ■“ 1 jj. Wm Uopr below Essie Hotel) - * l^* S S now recßivinij from the east il biml-nm-'i.v.J i of Cloths, Camameres and Vesu'nns, whichffir' made to order in the shortest notice bc I'mtw—Knit CAs a-a at the lowest ■—* —— : [ocit'at: JllnindKt Ut#itul~ * •> *«nd, M A or U a^^S 3 v^ V^C i ? 3oßl1 ‘ TIO N paia-rns.aul such as will r endc/ihe bwwrtSSSujS 1 cll& Kooi’s coiebr) SSffi __ asrwssgftfr nope Hills In {htsii Operetlaa AjfiiinT'> 'mil**; &« u ‘W,*:i/Vi Strut. ■ mi thankful , 0 the public for past cu* o?^t l ia r S* vcnturcsioJ(oi,clt a aormnuunce of the same' m,i &» P .7J5» e “ l f,T»«-U>ii establishment of Ff«r ai’U Spies AZi/lswuhiu Ihe city—for tbo accommodation ,of las cuß.omi.rs, and all who wish to have really cobd * lour, pare ground Spices, Ac , id. y 8 “ lnvited a n"ad^!.il 1 i laJmiVc 1 a Jmi V cs ' Merchants and others,'ls thyited, aud.all 1 ask is that ihey will give me a trial, i 1-. It. DJIA VO, I ihe N m l ' , ,cj‘rd?,"u,'d* l if oo\ftu„dgo“£and j bCOTT Ctt OTIS. - • ~~ AUCnONEEItS.ANC COMMISSION AIEHCHANTS’ Hsvrv^i 1 '" sthkeTjSt. Louis, missocui, h,,.-, en K-' l 3cdtntheabovebusinessforiho years, in this city, would respectfully to ehhe??oTiClS S ° f Qt>oj3 ' “ , be ™ld in Wmirfat, ciijier tor Auction or private sale—particularly Gin's, mlv t 'fncl or^w!l^i ,lll ' l i ri Goodsrand will make liberal advance-on ullkindsof Goods consigned os for sale **!?*, l " .Messrs. Ilcvvett, Iloe A Co., E.’R, Voi. Stoii? sA?r W & , c 2'i J - Anderson i Co., R. Jl. Brownlee, Homer A CO., Larkin r ’km ln - t ' HatlerA Brothers,Cincinnati,' George M’Lnin. Pittsburgh. ’ fmartli> ’ ft: Autliouy’a Oasnerreotype*. 'odiera tf,o?ii eii W i ouUl inforn> ’l'slrwany lnendsamd ihO ffifi'iH Itaye removed, from. Burke’s Buildi rsmild) w”hhr 2 ,.fis 1 ! '* l ’ e S t ’ fcw Joorsal,oTe kfaeiroia U p nr Haviuv i L ttycf,ll " a Up roo “« fot daguerreo ■'ard i& ml?r L ¥ superior arrangomoot of light, “l®* 1 “PProved instruments now in us'drwitlr indhe business,they pledge tab ZtmZ “'p“ OU ‘ “® S aod flares as auy iltir es“ nl.r « l^ eat / n ! m country* aiiu far-more truthful ' ! Sf — for ? I ' ee , u fwt,lial! ' d IP tho citizens I rtrtJS?“* , V !, **“ rslI1 !!lo or In groups. ••;•••••; •' I ivheilu'r'iiicyUvig'h nfcturesUlr nm CCl ‘ U^y “ T,,rt >° UfirJSdiS 0 .« oJa e °° J Pioiures.fair prices, Bndperfccl «ut, Isfuctioiuo our customers , lIOUOII A AN rHONy. operators us heretofore! ATbc ® s ln °ar business toother leaver Couhty. pennsylvaiUH, on ; (Vr iiS? iV,° U | l ‘ ® ld ,n ? 01u0 Hivor, opposite ttic-moulh kurfeh 'W'n'y-ekl'imiles fromPiiiv CJefolan^ h -WJieeUwß-Wi onehundiea - from- S&sSiXsssaagammm fiensoiia arc adapted to Hydropatic cures. Each Patient is required to tarnish two 1 heavy. woolen blankets* two large *omforu, four shee*iubu/towOl a wind blanket, or India-rubber , sheet : - one «unp*, DK/EBWakO XCKERvi»roprietor. ,k Phi lip Bburg, :Bo ebq rp; oy lip.atrerpn .I*^. marls om , ttiadc to.order, on short notice. •■•".•• Prflii.R i!l Spiudles.and Will Irons, «tI« B .H. SlB) i'“’ ' vi,h et,lld »nd Common Eyes, U ,ILT,m f4j. ricCE - ''““f?* Il;| i Milt Slones, all ..Ms tiomugtjqihs, wnrranlfld qouluy. at very low n rices: Sew*, BVlung, cLnl p d Catf B “" Slant Mills, u*cd-irtAVjle ”to ImiM^n'in 3 Cayl;lour)ii g Mills, pudiu _uvc nuuureU;other. Mills m the Wesi. 'i’hcy Jtim UrliL rJS£. St - ond a life tune, 5n5 fire, wV rantodtOKiTOsatisraciiTO. aI 31a Bibsrty street, op posite tSraitliEeld, Puislinrßb.ifa. ’ . ... • . . nmrU4m W. \V. -WAM-ACE - J. m, pA-'.r, mi ■ ■......—-wa, rtcaaasciLiJcß, :.__ j. ra. SAWYKB. « CO,, . • ■ f rw? T?f >rH “ EB Eoi> ® s: * ,ov entrant; LOOKING GLAS S 31AN0FACTUBERS, /A>T> AVHOLiSAIiB DEALEE3 JH ■*\ Foreign and Domestic, Fancy and - i Variety Goods.'- T M< s * & respecifttUy iafornt fiionds and ;tr • customers, that itiey have received a larce ainrk of’FANCY -AJiIX YAHI Which have been bonghUor CASH, from Importers and JVlanutaetorera, uud which they will sellouts rehsohibe terms, find os’ low as can.ho. purchased East. :OiU"Stock consists partly of— • Looking-Glasses, Buttons,, Parasols, Clocks and. Watches, -Eibboils,-.,- , Brashes, Umbrellas, Laces, 1 Jewelry, ' ’Threads,- ■ ..Suspenders, Silk Cravals, Combs, „ _ Gun Caps, Gloves, Pooltet.Handkercliiefe, PortMotlaies,. Carpel Baas, .Artificial Flowers; Hosiery." PerihmerKSe’ WHITE GOODS. f ' . Cambric, Jaconells, Bishop Lawn, Book Muslin, Mull, Swiss, - DottedSwlss. ~ ,1 Plain anil Ornamental Portrait andiPlcfera Frames,'' :mude to order. Also, rC’Gildme done.at slion notice.' ■ Cabinei Makers, and others, furnished with Looking Glass rja’cs, at Eastern prices. - Merchants and others, visiting onr city far the Bnr n?L p t ar ' ha3l "'? 6oo “» Wil1 P l *»9‘odU andexamiTO ««Stock, ■ - tmirlldJ® Business' h?l|^aVo m.rr„; | £»X olie . tetttatteD , AUTBED B. M’CAUIOSiT . TIIO3 j M’CALMONT &' KEENAIT v ’ AT TORNKYS AT r, a Av iao iotmrx stheet, w ’ Oopp«nc Wilkins Hill. PMtbmgh., Pa. European l.aw Agency. t-J r. 4 " Bj ”n S:G.eaißu WU |.l«to“Md (raorll . G. W. Taylor, ''•artTAn^ 0 ' Second Street. - OK BONDS, Montage*, Time Bills l_ . . fnnrlJiv .. • xhosias cjifiAjvs ■ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLJCITOK IN CUANCKRY Office, ne*t Uoorto the l>o»t Office, ’ _ SteoheaviHe. Ohio. maria 1 ■' slre<, ‘’ < be Ween 'fWrti-ahd Fonrih.r ' -■■ • Pittsburgh. . UKSav M’fiULkOOQn- * rnnw —: WaSS,*’™? 1 "' * SK“““ W"?d I liSfeSW «*'*''*■•» A npoveand near >~miihfickl. "^(niarj?*”' r l'oclx.vroocl** ► •- CLL HU.J AJ>, &TZSJWKQU AN&IUSSILOXBX. 3X Brßhttad S^^^ • -*+* r ' . .BANKERS & BROKERS. - s. C, . ,OBH M, XIEKNAN. febS*y KERS M, N 95 ll^PJi ANGB JOKERS, - igpai.iy 1Y0.,&5 ■MmliircO' Itiamaniliiu,, ~ , rrtl . ~Co-Pa»tneMmp t . W*r V ave day.ttUex* TIiUIIBNCE .KftAMEB „„„ §lr A t N i? EXCHANGE BhOKFRg; 'LY.tfiW tfauk Notes r-iie pureff Pr™?«»!2ws, a ‘ E,t ?% or S,oafc S«oriue«, %V?.V a, t?„V?£.'!?^ N ' 1 ! e3 ’ Bnd -Time Bills, on£astami: ColV t!e ,f n y n« m a^ ell / U> ;, t 5 oh Coounlsslon ' Loiiecuongroade onnl! pointoin the Union: ' S^idL < d£i? oT g B \ Exc,l ‘‘ n S‘> wH#, bcldand Silv9r y ßovght'So.d and Szchangii, , ® XOEtAHG E a»»slhkiho no obis WiUi ?PL A -’®aSl & Co., \ Wood Street, * ____ £F2TSZHrjtOi? -JET?AWTKBJtSTALLOWyOOgI TTMg OKPOSITB , ■ fkvf&* ■ fteiaovAi. -B« HOXiBESSft. BOHS. 7b *«■> SicuAMas oimc - ** o, ; d«* o/cfjitmd tSBF&SBRS&B** I S2S B igJgSX" ,,I,B Llslem 01,11 w «<*™ ui.aJl.Uio cittes tbrodsiiDuMhe Unii mm^bl’SP 0 i“.* rccelve iBANKEIBrAND EXCHANGE BKOKEB3 «/ call ibero. lllS *° le “ “’Ult w. a WMtctn .t C! o ' C ‘r U "y !oI,c “ « •taESfft iittgf™ SCRMAN ‘ f f 'ff h ?r'?S moil choice viands thdmOrkem etia hffort'dli'in-i^k I ®' furnished with tho beat.. lid wouU ihso^!^n d k, ?- kar o ahare pi Public patrpungei OuW ,oSl ’ c | l&^“l^“t> fuarlO . 1 •on cun afford An cicdknt ll ‘! ng th F «*- whicl. attention i,“pSffiiy ?*all e “ ' v «n' u d t 0 futn,sl ‘ 11 i» Solly founddtsaohpla««” y Wllhever *arUoW B *i;’ . GAMI3| f FXSil,lso&i*i'(t ft wit] be’aerw.H" 110 - w, 7' 51 manner. ’ ‘ a '-' w l l ‘“ea=rvedupi» ihote« Tbe iiAR la supplied wall LIOUflTlc:- brands, and ibolaniJirdrinks iSiii. ■ ■- of the £, >eal tins warm season, sucti ar Fine AnislV d < mn 8 iSgas aajrf? ™ 5 «: J (,Ld a tud,houbHo P l tel/„ U //r ,J "'',‘ u K >OWr apleuilid establUluncuf/and after coai-iT COF^ •ip-TGE BATHING ESTABDISHSIENToiwav, In Ilf m' KoijGoliliuuj Shower jf A .Swl 11 r M [reois to. W. WARD. MERCHANTS.:—A yours inarnel man, who ban X Steam baaiocssfor lie last C*e a slDiiuon asaalesmtm,o?CoSaen ual Cleric, m some respretabls jaeteaWlle boose. Tit! bestof refcreucca Eivcn • u Apply at THIS QFFICfi- 'fmajlSir ® e ® 5 ’ ut tcceUedand for gale by XT »Prt7 ,4IUB3'fHO«G * CKOZBR. ■ 2+l?* ■ ,■ IV ■ . • - , ‘- J .:. ■' t 'i*- ■ .' . "o-STSo »SS^^^Sska. lpUlaf Xar^«, Cabinet Makerffi Upholsters and Furnishers, i ■ t __ f mw2o*Sm »■ A.CROO J£ UK iTcoT, Sun J’r > i°j % 5, ,?* a J??f ac!uTer ’t and Dcakta in Noj. 4r and 40 Chatmu Strea, > ''VftWkiiiM* . ■ , 4 ni ? ■W'O' OO SculA, Second Street, (WCBlaide } PHIAVEL PHI A r«»»* I ri„? ,BT /”® of .BonnerTabs,'CrapeXlnine*. Tar -Bprj|if OWBl d«, Howen? Inside _^:-awasawr v ® FaftLRTV ' ■jf’*!»» ifartaj. ■FhUsdel'pkta, T « I TwS. of S,r , a r, Pia » s - J r»omi’ n g. ajiJArufi’ =£3? V„ ,c Vi /•! J U - **««#» SOS: • -■■■ - ■ Ha« &** t!o r>' < ‘^ 3l “ c «"«* #<>«> be^culedbwh™" 1 " la ' e fi ™ ° f Lec ' l3 * B “6B9 w.U Philadelphia, Match 33,1552 ' Jamss b. „ f, AMK » B‘ SMITH ft CO., ° i?ooi &%»-« and Blank Book Manufacturers. ‘ W„ a!S*» of l £= intffe Blaufc Bob!*,) ' f™«B B «sr wh ' t stjre * t ’ H^BAi»ay,„ n hand. Car,, Bmyf M dium ild iSI-«^°^ I ri^ e^Eo f ,v * 3oarna^s ' -and Cull 1 £“J» n^to£r ,n igsr “s, e,[e '** M l -? w it*SiSSSk Boo™ ™ ’ Copy mid U>phei,i.j ou^aS > Te1;I“Bonl ! . onmeUlof Booka and &tanon<-rv. at very l*w prteeg. , ana PancyMiliintry. Li: T - AIRS. fil. A. KING. ■■■ No SI South Stun* *<-«'» ■B«t'-«» SJmUi and Chtunui, F s ?PPf w rrfH f V 1A l ; !T , J5 I S i f si ' i T !s ?^®SSSsi amouit h prepared to format, order, to any mar2o:2ai.'i p' 1 ;’" Hai», Slrnw Trimmings, (imp, ® Si?^ ! i , s- < 810,,,,1:t B l 0,,,,1:t , Kl, * lj0 »». from No.ld to 84 of ■M'lN.n.taMtt. »iy les } i.lucieSillts -ofair 4oldra.'.?ffir' V.;£;X, 8, ..^f. 1 15 , SK! ; ES& fam, , Cro»a°Lining'Ts c" ° ,ulColort “ s “ k W, buck. . ttn a* H'oy will bo able to Bad tti tUa csoiblislmient, every aruclc they may need in ii, e Milhnery line of . W. MORRTS Mo 31 Somb Second S. P •• triatt^Orgm* -inS-’i' !!? B’omay Oroc«i‘ie«. ' WT coil (ho attention-of thoso rf'V“ iu = ,| u'xliand vicumy who are wiah i tuff id obtnin at anv timer n stoefc or obahtity of choieti 1 /'* as r *c., to our advertisement. VVc haire no hcaiuuoii in saying il will be greatly to their adyanuigo, if viaiiiog,or evemo makes special tripto rl&?' V ° C!l11 un■ '“«»*. Blue and Cold, Green and' : ■ •■■■■•.•.■■-■.• • fmnrJfNlin •• ** A ; h° b o o t^ta\ m b^^ k ' doobs v- pottraiVor afnqud gives ua pleasure, even . while he is living, though absent; but when he Is parted 1 evSv r»nfihs r l ‘t 5 -™ 1 ?? is-incalculable, We?have evcr>. fapUny. for- tailing Oagucrreolypes nf* the lareest size produced in this country. ; And Tor our obiStv to “i! n roal len»t, unsurpassed, we wouh?up. pcal to twelve Prizes awarded us acthe Great Fairi-io ?n?sSSi° Artists—and to the Public Voice! COO Pictures 111 by a 'P alrorlQ Se. onto anting to nearly So/ We would respectfully solicit a vlsitlrorii all (whether desiring pictures qr not), at out Gallery, 140 Chcsmit su P.S°e ““.’•'ncteMr.trrona) attentinii Will bagHiu ofTaktng ‘‘Cray^. B ]!:?^', B9l6 ' A,B0 > fo[ A few from mauy Opinions of Artists': • • - ■•' ->n-r:> Vri' ia'.'- „ . ,-NW'YoBt, Dec. 20,1651. nvirSf 11 *» loeull iheni— irulv a m~X m - ‘ JOHN SAUT^^ . • •*■■,; • Kni>niV»r FENNER-MoMLLLAN « -Arthur ' ’ waoiusiLs ‘ marafriv* PAPER WAREHOUSE - , COM»IIS%*ION F Mlfn* u ANig - A’E?^ r ro^A'f EST ’ - i'*- - ThVv n«. 8 tn ? llsh “nil Scbtch W r itin» p ao 'i' r most extensive onj iJesirablo stock of-Pauer ui^l i}ar iu, ‘“ can *^««s?s r r ov ' f ‘ lielB^ ; •'Theirioslnassl* im'ctlsr Whdte»i],;%„.•<«■«.- l .. parear? sold by the Cost Jn(y, , ™» aM w n “"fc »’a i^asu^^xxsjsai .••■Wtoeral ««L-t naga 6 pride paid in cash for oil bind, on ..[aprl.T'lv. SSS S3SS@!&.S!Sffi"S®S«E ©*«s^B®2S3aW aU.Ums* in cMmsunic;ni6i'.. ; TI eV art: 01 .“TORSSfcJ*mi4 ■■fto.r.mtf ”tt?SSSfm and r S&JSP"' ? ak «~'»f»ar,Uin>B^u« S fe? U, "Sul?® S aII , cm cisjl ' !J OMtannua) uiur willbe U?fi? era * The . 4nnuiiiei»blercri:ien UALLEBY OF PAINTINGS, LOOKING GLASS , PICTUREFRAJIBMANXJPACTARY, ITT" Alko "*2?!‘ r : l, ’V i tSitta Fhiltiilitplnaj’ Kettorjup.-iiniwira. (martU-Om) Wflft'BAaiuftr. r W. XI WOODWABD, JWO. 8, COMKAVB, • “IL. ' BALMUUCaLKT. BAGALBT,WOODWARn*rn _■■■■■ WHOLESALE GROCERS. NO. 021 MARKET. STREET, PJHLftDELHIIIA. inrir2o ./.. -.--. / f '- t l=- t r : J«?- T; '••A'>‘'vO ' - : * e J--i.l\■ ■' "*<•:> -O .i«.4ji' ■•.*•, • .- v .j,-v- v.-, ■••■;. •.■■(;•• •'■•' ' ' ‘ •■ ■-• - - ' o’ . ■ V' v _• v i < * * >•<«*' Jbr Salt ati& &o j£et ' - Tj’OR.S ALE —A new and coniforlnblditwins • • Wn V NO M , ODfa ß> Nd WXJongressstteM, Sixth HI «JL i. coal * ,nm S 8,1 raomt, well finished. r„”'??^ Ten unnfedintely it tejalrtd For ftmlrer-in, toraauon enquire on the premise*, or of 1 J “ TJIOMAS LOWtry. T*lnr HOUSE, eoatojb* ■«—. aaiESPP^s^waf* possessiongfv'^Sd.aTely. garden - f eßt laV r^ti jcSo.tr Uiieny.Btreett ■ —-—— .■•.-->:■ coqusrof THjffl. !SSs§g|lit No 11? Third strceu Oh»te.BSB.fc : pߧli§F3* Ground, bounded b j Fourth, Grant iw'SS? JI2J“ c l street,, nod nro prefarad M&TI. ife'ptJra No gfSESl'^ Brick Dw'Mi*ii®Vf» B; ' ■ I m. wvw.erecicd a liweatorv’ E?q. 1,8 House, now occupied by J G.Wioti, iis ord lrt ber,„fo, m u U on,op^,oei f e rA „ fj ,^u ftfe ,. H. HEPBURN, , ,’- Jewtitf P K« y a m f Mfeirung- itmda ©f Thou -sss£SfK7S|'SsSS« E£?v fS^ purcbaLir toM IVZ ,‘^ lal,l< r“X' person* deSroda <5 f ■ ® r I l „. a , c . re lo ' s i na a point* oalhree different rw n r“, l,, ’ d) ‘ li ' wi “ bB •o’ 4 inloU W 8 apa “ a w 11 lu/ omiauon enquire « thns'offica! lllpilllss lbe H%Vvegg. B |: * -J—— - - ftlanafear maTSlid I y feSall""' SIORY; BRICIt JffELiwtf *fhVria^ i: No Ho P.nnaueei^etween w^ans- «rV'rfliH^bctwe(n “HSBS^JSSas*^ . «ath, haar tk. Ton-’ Btverj o»2tc® uSj are i ‘mt!?2* tk & t six or seven acres. of excellent sml' ( 4?„ t: , e ? a »«*‘ •lance erf time toue-VDiiVcSt * p . ud - )lbl1 "' WO Coal Pita open, •'•"‘ivcment u> the landing, anil cart® n«™ alt * ,?? IooI *‘?'« a *« b r?3o each'LoiYa. lm?.?s ‘«;«ed. The leniiftol i Coal lie may require !ar hlj dwM* h£ 1 e^ i, ®™L.I®,oBo 1 ® ,0B0 ■ -' fbe.Xocks., Colambia is a-MfcSitoS* **• odaf bank of ibe Mohouraheil river n fiioatioa on,the hock No J, 11, the laid tof in J»^.S h rl dutoncc-below -^g^ssrfitsssiagis COAh^iS'uiSe^RaUroad ffi , ‘ or STONE —cnoi.su l?vctgron n ™afono 0 no nnS fo / B ? Uroai >. Sa^™“ c ? u ° n 3 ® manuSetarie?.. 1 fo( - io ' 1 “*. han'iug cat* iSf'whwb’V"'*! 461 - g.’o a *fl<‘ give warrantee deeds fo f ttn> prepeny m.d“ h# "* 4 “" ___ »AS&&e Jf *wjs£s*{ StSsSss 4 ai,a W ~ "'""ssss^^sr* Lock: t>q,a, oa Ufa. Alban: cS-eta'bSSS B'* 8 '* • b «H'«»W . »»mBr-Atiiu'fc&6>iS iSiS * o »«6an* «t ISO adteg Of ~ he« to, «&uf m l hdeep wa.e?m: a l ! l „ f Ho n‘ on ' Hle near the month, of the-Jlun‘ wu,'.. if 1 * 3 aamiul Basin; wah imioei^Sr boats at a time, proiebtint ihrmfrom.'a “.“P ,mef/Md^c,|tfoV4™ c g r r front the drought of sum* ' i firVsu^Htfljeliir'xil l 4h lC,m^® t ywk'Mff, : tatrtr W® i* - *"**. ■ for Iho O,lO n f thSbbal • mi , kV ni °f pa^ e “ ,b? Aßortoa‘tfn^?? i n n ' ““'i'on'libhV" !■ marlo3ino* P ? '•WiHbjcoi-rrSn'-1255S&S;®-•*»»*». u>*wfa6h ** * C H?cn u—five brief;.!,?! Jp/op?uy .are t ww ' B ood %^4*ggp* ' ■ '- ■’ f»; *!!gra?y BIU.W. - J®SsSSs»ffisp£!S: sireetdilfrtest: • ■ r^J f ™ ln e «n ftoaMtg^fcg^S^jtj^^g^lnfJlttWwaiattj •erget’i ’street to the bfa r (fWWOii. HU e£- > lo *“ ,l 'S f hB MoitongsiieiaijSi Waff no>‘ ■ eny of Pie Ino Ja; : , cs Iru-jnof tho prop-, I as - feel, fronting onffiSSiJffffPJttinfc onEocujtst. :fedl alley, rrJna:,".£ i »-’ttfeenb pfji. * ipropertyof fs-e Jaiaes l?iin l ey 23a .i feeltß . #Jl,l# « f .i i ‘‘ lailfeeu • Ltuc * utvin, frcmaiicy to Locust at: ; feel,to,- a 24 feetiltecdVnnift Vdnbr»iinrstt*di I*9' : : .pEffiSS s ' « L »* >'«■ « ing* l on°Vonh 3 aani Q1 |i t tre^t o i^r o teet*t e o t^f^^:^ Re iii^??w" froatiug oa said alley 7a leifheny : Cliy; :? • •-• , anO>?oatU OoujEffli - • ••.•' . jnjirfo.jy . GEO _ mjltenbbrcjsh, 'cill wihS^M 1 same lime save n»a pri.fiis.tioultl b* *J ttockoi of COM3IONi-jAN.D;. * .j¥ FANCY CtfAfKS ANfIOtfPSTfiAPSi at prices tQat icanrtot- raJl w pJeasc eafli jpnreaasertV,'Ail oar* • work l 3 w „ aitle d. - co*ncrof Scvonlhqad labcriy aw,•; *•: •" marts •.*-. []■ . r ,. v ., r:-* j’;y •• : rrrirc partite r&2up bertiofan? exiftins beiweeu Jan Sea JL Arnwtn*fiß> JSomael Grower and Chafes flaraes. under lbs proper* Cp' i* tfu A dfcy> di-'OlveJ by inuiua! ngrfciTiiii', air. Ilarnes*havijiedii».i.' no'at tf of Ills Merest and withdrawn from ih,. cor.cerif' ■ 4 ,r - JASH4S ARMsTKoJVGr 1 r, * SAMORt. .euozmit, ■- • ' Ttb. 1 y SlflSS2. ' CHARLES JUKNISU ‘J, iTasForwardmjriCommigrtdh'anlTfodnce Bdsint** drift beedattaoed st tteitniresdaiiluuidi Wo»;<4 W« «r, ' ai)d64,Fwo} nKei3,t)F v j!uotisAiß»ir 1 * .s i r 1 . . , rt' - 7'r':'<■; :.. ■ . ~, ..'l* ... ."i V : ■* . N ft ftft^ Slip -■< V f „ 4 * * n £i i *• j ' ' * V?|i