-:: ;\4 4‘\ r f*v i , " s J «?-;^V•iv4v^ ir -’ '' ’1 &|‘>”S>V,A T. ’ J tv*S£ * -%*> .* A ~»t v ?s•?■* '«■ », „, , • i '- - r A .‘V-:. 1 ■;- *‘" A "'i .'i V* *«*»*■*■' ’’ l i'-i''^v.. ■’> J-' *■“ , l -‘\* ' 1 ■' . _ */*» «■* -r An**." nr~ ■as'~£ss*-*fc« -i**^*' 1 - - U-." 3 — V ~ ***« i 3 ? *"»* * t ‘ v s** CTT£*w.lK*wfc«*■>& <-,yiw.*‘,„A- r *.■: ■ ' ' :_. •• .- ■• .:• i- •■■::•-■-■■.-■■ .-: ••>-- : .■ '. - :•.-. -'•’■■' .--• •: •: .-v. ■:.. - Vif4t 'i mil - - - a mnii 'i ■ .'■ ■■...•'■. I ■»g™TT.^""SS^JUa!!SgsgSßgjg!^^ Jt‘ > T£ , t?r , 7ti. Bers< r dißtMbBnca occul - TELEGRd •• ;Wa.« ; West-Ui*abetb < .on-S«tt(a»Ußt,- abHa,& ; i e yP:S { = !or ' ataT ™- a P art y orc oa i JJ\ eiß L **2*? ::: sombled at the tovcrn, for lbo parposo of draw- SODT -c \ %- *|. a “ Creation with a man named ThomasSto- a ““' " • ens ; Th “ lan(ilord but in. mputes-,tho .:patijT' again- "gotiaoensed at • Sto- rafoor r pUenß ( and throw him ofF his choir. Mr. Taylor expe^ '** «« into another room for safety, when the parly pursued him. Stephens ran into street, and drew a double, barreled pistol, f- telling them to Btand o(F— tlicy advnnoed and 1 t. fired, ono shot taking effeoi in the ancle of ~ Madison Parkinson, shattering the bone. M ; WM “®t engaged in the party, butme »ijv ,j, alookeion. The scoond shot took cF side of Joseph Shepherd, who is no A crowd collected, who from the infuriated mob. Warr ...... Jfavy forgery.— A hear light in 0)33 d *y. appears that on the r Possessed of a W' called at the store lr on J ‘ ibcrt y stre' ror whsch bo .... chants* r I’P Th e Cbairman, Eev. Mr. Tl-ceeb, stated that deduce probabl y Uwaa not known ttat ae Missionaries, ettsb noting under the direction of the Society, wore Cv assembled togcUicr, in whatever portion of the world tliey were located, at the present time. j < asking tho blessings of God on the dolibernti' : ' of this body. He ; announced that the as' : bl ?ge would join together in singing B '*l famUiar hymn ( No - 20C -) ‘' Como * Holt Prayers .were then offered by the ® ayley ’ of Ohiol ' and tUoKev - Mr lowa. The Chairman, Rev. Eusii/ I B ° me remaAs in - wMcb ha Sooiety on the sneeess a' and the Eood prospocta b - that bo 75113 nn P TC Pare" tho members. Your to.comtomplate ir W ,,!i^<: go3pcl to nU r anniversary mat cbo ' ?■ |HKpHH SiMM €s¥fptlil imMw li »«pl tari| Bili .'iiS.L,;: . -^nSrSmrJ^xM^v&xS^^AsSh&.^^St^i g Kk.s*i. *,*» _r j*.»•< a&Cir r > iP2w\» ■ns^^f',* •wtf^rP*^*,**;£ ¥ %#• ?> *• ?«■ , f t s *****, T « *> s o »» ; />ji,- *,-.** VL .„»'■** „ 5 r» v ' ' ~ ♦ ♦ '•* s. :c t 1 “__£ *&* , Diiilg ffitoting ffinst. , WEDNESDAY MORNING::::::: Baptist Missionary Atmiatrsart/;—Tho thirty eighth meeting of tho Board of managers of the American Baptist Missionary- Union, was con venedyosterday (Tuesday,) in tho First Prcßbyte rinn Church of this city. The meeting was well attended, both by citizens and strangers. The Board was. catted to order at ton o’clock, and, in consequence ofthe absence of the Rev. Ira Harris, Chairman of tho Board of Managers, tho Rev. Elisha Tucker, D. D., of Illinois, was choaen Chairman pro- tem. . Tho Chairman called upon the Revi Mr. Wes ton, to offer a prayer. Tho Recording Secretary of tho Board, the Rev. 51.1. Bees, called the roll, when-tv consid crahlo. number of members were found to- be absont. - ■ Tho Secretary read letters from Rev. Francis Waylasd, of Providence, B. 1., Rev. J. S. BULt.of Hartford, Conn., Rev: James N. Gban oe “i of Providenoe, R. 1., Georqk James, of Zanesville, 0., and Rev. Levi Tucker, of Boston. A prayer was offered by the -Rev. Mr. Mills, of Mass. The Chairman, Eev. Mr. Tuckbb, stated iha\ probably it was not known that the Missionaries, noting under the direction of the Society, wore assembled together; in whatever portion of the world they .were . located, at ■ the- present time, asking thoblossings of God on the deliberation of this body. Ho: announced that the assem blage would join together in singing that old familiar hymn (No. 200.) “Como, Holy Spirit." Prayers were then offered by the Eev. Dr. Boyley, of Ohio,"trad the Rev. Mr. Johnston, of lowa. The Chairman, Rev. Elisha Tocher, made some remarks in which he congratulated the Society on the Bnccess attending their labors, and the good prospocts before them. He stated that ho was unprepared to make any address to the members. Youaro hero assembled; he said, to comtomplate in what manner to fnlfdl that great command of our Saviour to preach the gospel to nil nations. This is the thirty-eight anniversary of tho formation of the Union,— AThat changes have the Society undergone since our fathers first assembled to concert measures to disseminate the gospel among the heathen.— The persons who were present at the formation i of the Society, are all gone, and their places mostly filled by yaung men. They would find a largo field spread ont by the Board for their ac tios, and ho trusted that after the performance of their labors, thoy would find that God had bles sed their work. Rev. A. 1). Gillette, of Philadelphia, moved that the time of commencing the session of the Board should be regulated , and suggested that 9 A. M., 2J and 7} I*. M. should bo the hours of opening, and 12 51., and 5 P. 51., the hours of adjournment, which suggestion was adopted. On motion, the Chairman was directed to ap point a committee, consisting of five persons, to make arrangements for devotional exercises. The Chairman appointed Rev. J. Williams, of Pittsburgh; John R. Downer, of Allegheny city! A. D. Gillett, of Philadelphia, and Messrs. Peck and Bright of Sew York, on said committee. * The Treasurer, R. E. Eddy, Esq., read his an nual report, showing the receipts and expendi tures for the year ending Maroh 31,1852. Ho stated that the receipts amounted to $124,211 04, and the expenditures $124,658 09- The report of the Auditing Committee, Slessrs- Gould and Loring,- was read. . Rev. Eowaud Bright, jr., Corresponding Secretary of the Home Department, read a por tion of a report from that department of tho Ex eoatirc Committco, in reference to norao Mis sions. The report gavo a lengthy account of the state of the missions among the Indians in the wcßt, which was calculated to them ou to further efforts. After a prayer by Rcv. Elon Galuska, of New York, tho mooting adjourned until the after noon; _ AVTEUNOOX -SESSION, The Board mot at 21 o’clock, and, after proycT by the Rev. Wm. Sn.umAcn, of Pa., tho report of the Corresponding Secretary of the Foreign Department, was read by Rev. Soi.omoh I’r.cK. This roport gave n very interesting account of the success attending the missions in foreign lands, particularly in the East Indies and Africa; also sketches of the succceb of the German Mis sions, and tho persecutions and trials which tho Ministers of God bad to undergo, in conveying His Word to foreign lands. This document was of great interest and length.;.. i .Tho above reports from the Executive Com-] mittec, were, on motion, accepted, and referred ] to the vnrious appropriate Committees on Mis sions, Publications, Obituaries, Finances, and Agencies. - Mr. BiLicinT read another report from the Ex ecutive Committee, relative to the prospects of the Society for the coining year, also tho estimate of expenditures for tho same .period. Mr. B. stated that the sum of §135,000 was required, if the Society intended maintaining their present missionary establishments. The report, urged at length, increased efforts on behalf of the great •cause in which they were engaged. Tho Committee to whom was referred tho nr wangementof devotional exercises, reported a se ries of exercises for the evening. ' The President announced the following Com mittees for the consideration of tlio reports from the Executive Committee:■■■■■ Obituaries —S. F. Smith, 0. Dodge, F. .1. See ly, L. Church, J. 51. Courtney. . Finances—A. M. Beebe, J. M. Linnard, J. P. Crozer,J..Colgate, J. E. Osgood. Publications—J. Stevens, M. Allen, J. Estep, J. C, Foster, T. D'. Cbollar. Agencies—L.B. Allen, C. W. Houghton, IV, V. Wilson, J, M. Tolman, P. C. Dayboot. . Barman and Karan Mission—S. Bailey, A. D, Gillette, 8. 5L Osgood, M. P. Mason, E. F.His cor. J Siam and Chinese Mission—E. Latlirop, B. B. Page, B, K. Miller, XI. C. Fish, G. J. Johnston. Assan and Teloogoo Mission—M. B. Anderson, >U, Shadrack, A. K. Belly J. D. Colo, L. G. Leon ard. .. . ■ . ■ ■ European Mission—S. B. Cutting, D. B. Cheo jjy, E, Galnahn, G. W. Santon, J. F. Wilcox. . . Bassa jlission—C. P.: Sheldon, T. G. Lamb, J. chants' and Manufacturers' Bank,'"of this city, deducting tlio iprico of the flourj which he got cashed. ■ ■ ■ Tho amnio man presented, shortly after, at tho same Bank, a check for over nine hundred dollars, drawn .by the eame firm in favor of Carson & McKnight, of this city, which ho also got cash ed, Tho latter chock, unfortunately,, turned out to bo a forgery, and nothing has been hoard of tho man “ possessing n. gentlemanly nppear nnco” Binco that time. . Lots of Goods. —On Thursday afternoon lasts ilatboat, laden with dry goods, glassware, iron and nails, amounting to some sixty tons, belong ing to.tho steamer Editor, was sunk on the falls nt Louisville; ; The boat was from this city, with a cargo for St,; Louis, and having been.prevent ed from going through tko canal, in consequence of its obstruction by the Cincinnatus, the Cap tain concluded to lighten and go over the falls- The ilatboat or lighter, in charge of a falls pilot struck on thewave rock and was dashed to pieces, and the rlvcr : fillod with floating goods. The damage cannot fall short of $lO,OOO. Attempted Suicide.- —Thomas Clark, a man com mitted to jail yesterday morning, for drunken ness, attempted to commit suicide in the after noon; by hanging himself to tho water pipe in his cell—ho had the rope around his neck, and tied to the pipe, and had thrown himself to tho pavement. His companions in the cell, made an outcry, which brought the officers of tho jail to tho rescue, and he was quickly taken out of the noose he had provided for himself. A (it of the blues, produced by a night in tho watch house, is tho cause assigned for the nttempt. Theatre. —Miss Davenport appears this even ing in the character of the Countess, in tho beautiful ploy of Love. Those who have seen her perform that arduous character, have been charmed by her beautiful manner of acting. Mr. Crclsford is well calculated tu support Miss D., and to persons fond of good plays, well per formed, tho Thcatro offers a rare inducement to visit. Jl Brute. —The Enterprise states that a man in Allegheny City threw a broken plate at his wife, a few days ag£>, which missed her and hit their young child across the face between tho eyes, making a deep gash, and it is thought the child will not recover from-tho wound. , Taken Back. —Richard. Nolan, tho fugitive of justice from Columbianattounty, Ohio, was taken back yesterday, to his o!d quarters, at tho coun ty jail, at New Lisbon. lie was accompanied by Sheriff Martin, of New Lisbon, and Mr. Fox, our jailor. ■ Fellows' Minstrels, give their third entertain ment in this city to-night, when they will appear in an entire change of programme. Their sing ing and dancing are. excellent, and wc advise our readers to visit them, before they leave. Discharged. —The woman arrested and commit, ted.by Mayor Fleming, of Allegheny, some days since, for larceny of .$3O from Mr. Lightcap’s tavern, was--discharged yesterday by Mayor Fleming. Reduced. —The Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny have reduced the faro to Tnrlio Creek from -30 to 30 cents. Police Aewj.-vTliei-o was nothing doing in the way of police news yesterday. ; Remember Adam and Eve, (tho paintings we mean,) which are being exhibited at Philo Hnll. Mr. Gough delivered lus farewell lecture at Masonic Hall, last evening. •To Meet. —Tho Hungarian Association meets this evening at the usual place. FRESH OYSTERS received daily by Ad ams’ Express, iat tho AVAVERLEY HOUSE, Diamond Alley. 1 HEALTH OFFICE. NxmiENTs in Tin: citv of mrrsßunGir From the JO h-pf May to tht Vth of Liay > 1852. Adults. Children. I 0 : Accidental Chronic Phlebitis....... Disease of 8rain......;; Metroporiionis.... Ph thieis Pulinonalis.. Still 80rn............... Small P0x,....... Scarlet Fever..i........ Uterine Hemorrhage. Total 7 ..OF THE ABOVI-VTHKRR AVKRE ' Cntlerl - year-............TFr0m:30to 40........... S Jrom lto ii 4oto 50........ ml : S to ; 5 I “ 6(1 to 60 ..........1 '; ..... (I ■ a CO to: 70........... it “ “ 70 to: E0.•........*0 15 to .it 8010'90*..........0 W 1030.. 1 « fi0id100i(.........0 By order of the Board of Health. A. M, POLLOCK, to the Board.of iloatlU. kTOriCK persons, wild iiave out lines liclonciue tomenre rcnuesleil to roiuta thVra iramuOinlelv. myia JOHN H. SHKUKIET. 10Market >j. jj"U>b FKK—ISO bags Fiimo Rio: 7 .;"-; —™ Vj ,■..•■ 40 I’ocSetsl’rime Java, tor sale by . KUSBRI.I, fc JOlifiSl ON, 1W Water mid ISO Front sis . Notice* -.- THEannoa) meeting of the Stockholders of the Fiita- amrLouißvjllc Telegraph Com pany will be held atthq.office-of.the Company. In Cin cinnuii, on ihc Ist Monday, of Juno next* (June 7) at 10 o clock* a. M't for the election of directors for tlieensu- Ing year. , tmy-l] - - JOSHUA HANNA." JiNTJCRJPiUSIS WORKS. fro. 13p,wopD.srjTuiao Djoa'Bgiow viaorn allot. ■■ ■'■ HOWS A THTIiKV, • jMPORTkRSAnd manuraclurcrs JwrlS ?.Lc»fijEHr, swkgical, and ■ W SPSJ4.I* r roSTHUMKNTS, KI Ac. We keep a ije.ccrul c • . l : .soriraeDt of.thc aboveorUdos con stantly on ..hand! together*.with a general varietyof Fancy Hardware.,. Also. Goes and Revolvers, Flask?, I|omr, yliot IJeUa, Cups, Powder,Lead' and Buj eu, Bowie, Dirk; Homing and l’ockel Knives: rrnlora and. Hair Bresacrs’ Sfenre; Pocket ScUjorV' Ac. Also; Trusses and Supporters. 3 Jobbing and repairlngjieaUy executed, HU- LES t—Wc are ntiklog Rifles of every descrip tion, 4o order,,oftbebeslniaterial, and workraanshln warranted. .Ordersxeeeivea for them at Wholesale or Kciajj, will tte filled wuh despatch. Homing panics supplied at Wliolosale prices. ' ImylS is* A« iTAhneitoeit'g Vermifuge, ... From a Rtgular Physician. , [Front Dr. John Stinnatj.l I.„ m . . , Ykll CoDtirT,fArk.) Oct 1850. -AM a Physician by profession, of-the regular order, and as such* have always -viewed potent medicines withnskepue eye. - Xasi eent to .Philudelphin for my till qf-ihedicjnes, 1 vvasprevailed on by my brother, to put in my biU an item of iwo dozen wala. of your Venni fugc [ he staung to me that it was a valnnulc prepare ton, having triedit In his own family. Accordingly* I sent for two dozen vials. I have used it oil, and I most conress, that my. expectations were more than realized— rc!, 18 »wero iruljr astonishing,removing Wormsm when, properly administered. If you containing a gross, pad send ineihe .PiUjc t wiu sepd you Uve moncy for them by mailoroth- you may direct. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. ’ Prepared and sold by . s b. a. Fahnestock a co. • mythiUbwlm comer of Wood and First sts. ■ - W V , ■: .... 1 0 .... 0 1 .... 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 Physician '•? SuY f ‘7 \} %?■*?■' rvl!§g#SS®: TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BY TUB WREILLY LINE. SOUTHERN NEWS ITEMS. Baltimore, May 17. The mail ist,through from New Qrlcans. The Savannah-Nows states tbnt letters reoeiv ed by the steamship Isabel from Cuba assert that rutoors were current iu; tho island that another expedition was on foot in the United States, and that Venezuela was to be tho rendezvous for tho troops, and the names, of officers who were to command tho expedition were given. Theru mor had caused considerable uneasiness in Cuba. Ihe Herald says that Don. A. Lageo, Ygnaga .Miranda, Don Ygnairo Bolanprez, and Don Juan Obourho, Cubans, and Mnj. Lewis J. Fichleson ger, a Hungarian, escaped from tho Spanish no pal colony at Ceuta, Africa, on tho 24th of April, .and arrived at Liverpool on tho 3d: Tliov be longed to the Lopez expedition, and are prepa ring to loavo for America. ■■■■■■■■■-■■■■* MRS. ADAMS’S FUNERAL ' ■ ; .• . WABiriNUTON, May 18. ■ _ Tap funeral of Mrs. Adams, relict of ,lokn yuincy Adams, took place this morning, l'ho 1 resident and all the members of tho Cabinet except Mr. Webster, were present. Also Qen erals Scott and Wool, and a largo number of mem ®ers oC: Congress and other dignitaries. The Rev. Smith Pyno, read the Episcopal service.— line corpse was interred in the CongressioTtal .Cemetery,. and is ..hereafter to be removed, to Quincy. PROM BUENOS AYRES. „ . Boston, May 18. "y arrival at this port to-day wo havo Buc nos Ayres advices five days later. Business wiib qmot. Tho_ upper Provinces had all sent depu tationa to Urqaiza,.and it whs thought nil the provinces would confederate under a central government, with a President and Congress Peaw were entertained of trouble at Montevideo, wboro the Oribo party is i n the ascendancy, and the Brazil treaty is unpopular. , Baltimore, May 18, ■ the mail is through from Now Orleans Arrangements are making at New Orleans to giro Wm. Sidney Smith, tho British Consul at Havana, a public dinner. The British ship Duke ran ashore on Baha mas, and has broken up. But 900 out of 4000 bales ol cotton with.which she was laden, would be saved. A Spanish ship, loaded with cotton, whoso uamo is not reported, also camo ashore near the same place. _ _ New Orleans, May 17. Cotton brisk; sales 0000 bales-at fult pricos; tho Atlantic's news published in the evening pa perc having affected the market; Rice 4j. ■. Supremo Court has determined to render judgment in the McDonough will case in favor of_ thecities of New Orleans and Baltimore, thus rejecting tho States of Louisiana and Maryland.. New Yoiiic, May IS. : 1 “° “terra Nevada haa arrived, having left Aspinwall on tbo Bth- Bhc bringa 250 pas ncn gera from California, and $lOO,OOO in gold dust Among her passengers are A. IS. Corwin, Consol at Panama, and Mr. Kavenscroft, bearer of dis patches to Chili. There is nothing netv from the Isthmus or California. WASiiTNaTOM, May 17. Mr. Goddard, of Ohio, Chief Clerk of the Inte rior Department, has resigned his post to take effect on the lßt of July. Private reasons alone have induced this step. The resignation of Assistant Post Master War ren, fakes effect on tbo 25th inst. Nun- Yonic, May 18. Last night the 4th city district elected a Scott delegate to the National Convention- In the Clh district \\ illinm 3. Duke, a I’ilhnorian, teas elected. The 31st and 32J both sent Scott dele gates. NEW YORK MARKET—May IS Active and firm. Floor...lmproving; soles 3200 bbls at $1,25 for Stato; si,l2@s-1,51 for Ohio, am! $1,12(5; !>1,37 for Indiana. live Flour lower; sales 100 bbls at $1,31. Grain-Wheat and rye inactivo; cora brisk; sales IG,OOO bushels round yellow at OS and mir ed western G3@GL Provisions... Fork variable; prime held at s]ff C 2; mess $lB GO; cut moats and bacon quiet; Lard drooping; primo worth only '.>s@lo: Peef unchanged. Whisky...Scarce; Ohio held at 21. . Other articles iuanimatc; high prices naked for groceries, naval stores and rice, which check sales. EVENING. Cotton... Sales ISUO bales uplands ntt ; Or leans and Mobile Oi, being an advance of ■ Flour.-.Salca 17,000 bbls at $1 121 for State, and $4 1201 37 for Ohio. Grain... Sales 3000 bush Genesee white Wheat at $1 II; Corn (121001. Provisions.-Sales iiOO bids Fork at $lO GO© 10 02 for prime, and $lB 37018 10 for mess; sales 200 bbls llecf at former quotations; 200 do Lard nt former quotations. Sugar... Sales ‘.tQI) boxes Ilavanayellow at G© G}©s;. Coffee.-Kio0@01; Java 10t@l 1 [. Linseed Oil.-Sale’s 2500 blds at G2@G3 Whisky ...Sales 200 bbls Prison nnd Ohio at 2110215. BALTIMORE MAllK'ET—May 18. Flour... Sales GOO bbls Howard street at $1; it is generally held at $ 1,00, on sale, at the City Mills. ' Grain.-Sales good to primo red wheat nt 050 9<», anJ white :it bcioj* a decline. Sule*} white Com 60(??\5b, ami yellow O ils . Whisky...Selling at 91$ PHILADELPHIA MAUKET—May 18 Cotton... Unchanged I)readstufrs...Dun; flour §1,25; ryo flout- at ■53,25 and dull. Corn Moal scarce at $3 121 @§3,31. Crain...Wheat, white §1,02; red 00. Uyo 75. Com unchanged. Provisions dull and prices unaltered. NORFOLK .MARKET—May 18. G'otton...Ts active at ' Coni...Declining ; yellow oO@5&J; wliito G'i. EtSUfiIATJSiU.— Ur. liroirn's newriy uincovreii r«m edjrfor Rlieuinailsmia uapeedv andoeruUnremedy forthaipninfoluouble. Itneverfcil*. •Office and Private ConsoUaticm Room* No. 41, OlA» MONO, Pittsburgh, Penn*. Tut Donor ia.atsmyt a homa Mnreh 2d dfcwr DIAUMSUI-^*— — ——— Husband. VJ«oofc bow beautifully. that new fluid burns!** Wife. “ Where did yoiigeUtt’* ' Jl. “At Dr. Keyseria Drugstore.”, w. ‘vWoll,l hope you will ni way* gel it from him, herrufler, for the last webnd wa* very bad. JS 11. “Acs,and every thing else wo wnntin his hue, for lie sells goods very cheap, ami always good.” :W. “ Where is Dr. Keyser’a Dreg Siorev" H. a -Al No M 0 Wood street, cower of Virgin alley, where you can always got good CartrorfOil,” im»_ AHShiPOF Alibi . EXTRACT OP AMERICAN Oil,; T>REPAHED and sold by JNO. VOUNCiSON, 209 ArLiberty street. This powerfuUycoricemtratcd pre paration; the tnedicai virtues of which are foandlo. be. eighUiracsthe strength'of .the-original American Oil. Ilisputnpm liblllcsal2s and 27$ cents, each, with full directions for its use. In every disease where the origi* nal AmericanOlthas been found ut all efficacious,hud itso farexceedstlieorielnaiin power, oKtorcnderit the CjaSAPHSTMJSDICINE TNTHF WOUhD* Callnud try it; : JOHN YOUNGSON. N.B. The original Oil in Its nuturul state as tijken from the bowels of the earth, cun bo hud tin above—and will be ; found gtnuint. notwithstanding accrual Jirm cl&hnstobethe ortiy.Proprlctors. . . d*w-tf i. W 'lrvate plseasee. DB. B ROWN, No. 11 I>IAMUNO A LL E V. v Devotes his entire attention to an office practice. liisLusineßeiStnostly confinedio M fn'wii or VtntuaJ Dii«a«x,fui rnertJ do do These PIANO FORTES.are all made in the most sub stantial manner, Patent Iron Frame to every instru* ment, and are particularly to stand the most severe cii niaie. Mr., CUICKERING has of Jute enlarged bis manufacturing facilities, and hopes soon to be able to meet moat of the pressing demands for his. instruments; .. Also, received and for sole, a large and very elcgnm lolpf carved and plain Plano Fortes, covered with Da mask, Plush and flair Cloth. All the above for sale at Factorypnees. JOHN 11. MELLOR, Exclusive Agent for Pittsburgh and Western Penna., forChickertng’a Pianos, [aprls -I • T.:"V > V'.'S' ~ - , ' . •■*;.: •■• ""•• :4- •• • 4r; v ' Oprics OPTH*, (Him Mohhipo Post. > Wein'siav, May lit tf pleamiii.forbantiicn g«m>r ..ASMESr-Salcaof Bmla.m 30.1 J, cash amljime, Ina regular way; sales 5 casks Fota at 4c< FLOUR—Receipisyestcrdaywerelarße.iSOMirleralilc ol which was for shipping east. The Inspections were about 800 Lbls, sales finhbls choice extra. $327 ; 75 do 83,120*1,20 fof superfine to extra; 20 do 83,00; 29 do S 3 00, .18 do 83,03; 150 at $3,10; 73 at 83,10; from store by the clruy load rOTATOES-Snles 100 bus. Neshannocks and Pink Eyesnt7£oS7. ' OATS—Sales 100 bus at 35; 74 do 3?; COdoSSJ. SUG AR— The market continues firm; prices tend up itrd; sales 70 lihds at fic, 4 mov COFFEE—SaIes 25bags at 10i v cath MACKEREL—The market for No 3 is firm; with an active licmand nt 53,G0030. Herring firm at s(VsOos7i' No. 1 trimmed shad $12,500813. - FH* METAL—SuM 15 tons hot blast hanging rock at 827,4 mos. ■ ■ i C'lUI FEK—Frnne Hio and Java Coffee, in store and / forsaleby [myls] KING A AIUORUEAD SALMON AND LAKE FISH— : 2U bbi». Luke Superior Salmon; and. 10 half bbls. Lake Fish. * In store ami for sale by m y* s KING fc MOORHEAD. GoriliC UAhU—Mrn and Dots’ Clot* ins— »Celc* braicd for ncatnuticof fa,fineness of quality, dura* nay of woiknianvhin, anti lew prices, WJS STUDY TO PLRASR, street. liUßsell A Jobniton, TYTHOLESAMS GUOCEKS, COMMISSION MER .Jr CHAN r», nti«i dealers m Prcduct ami Ptitburuk alanvfnrivus, Ils> Water and ICC Front ttreeis. JMts t>ury t h t Pa. >, tmyl? BV' order of the Trustees of the Bank of the Unifea states, under deed of assignment of May I,IS-1I ■ win 1,0 sold at Public bale, at the Merrick ifoa«e'Jn me borough of New Brighton, Dcavercounty, I’ermsyl \ai.ia, on IHURstBAY, thelOih of June, ISS2, atl the right, title and intcre«l in the following Heal Esiate, held hy tiie hCS ’ Ttll3 ! ° l UaS * from ou Main slrctl It. Undivided moiety of 1 1 2 acres, 154 perches of iandi situate on Brady ’a run; adjuring Judge Carother* and other*. Fins tract contains a valuable nnd extensive bed or “Carmel Coal” convenient to ma*keL and Is won worth the attention of persons engogedJn the Coal bu-iaesr. The fioprnorily of this coal is acknowledged, ami it readily commands one or two cents per bushel abrvethe rstes of bitumhicas coal.- There are. also about y72 foci, may be sold together orsingly, losuit purchaser*. v I*ot on Main or Water street, Bridgewater Im* trovements: a substantial two story brick dtvellmc )Ou-e.obotne4 by nj/eet, frame stable, Ac. , « 210 *>i Nevy Brighton; bounded on the west by Broadway, 00 feet; sooth by Fall*’ street, 150 feet; east by trout street,CO feet; and north by N 0.215,150.215,150 tect. improvements: two story brick and frame dwell-- mg' hotiMs 2{ by 4p feet, including-porches; one and a naif story r>Binc Mdre house and office, about 1C by- 47 t*ret, irutne stable and Other outhuildmgs, O Lot in Sharon; bouudedou toe cast by Main slrcei, poatb by on alley, west by a street, and north by John Ihceejr. Improvements:. a 1} story Lamb dwelling hou»i*, about Id by 31 feet, with a porch. IU, West halt of lot No l> in Fabston, bounded by MrCrrerv on the North, B ink street on the-Weit, «n al!cy on the South, and byC, Reirtugrx on the East: improvements—n two story brick dwelling house, two rooms cm a door, and an one stnry kitchen, Ac., in the r« at. . 11 I,oi No Jib of lots laid out by Thomas Williams in Knlßtott, hounded on the North by M. T. C, Gould, lit) icct, Ka*; by Second-street fid-feet.' South by Mr *' tbioms Isn fret, and WeM by an alley 50 feet, en* closed nnd cultivated. 12. Lot in Faifrton, bounded r>n the North by An di«tt« r Jhut by a street. South ky Thnrnily. and West by meeting hou?.e lot. being 50 by |5O feet. Improve* menta—a two ftory frame-house,about 10'by21 feet, basement story of Mon*. 13 Five Corxl Lot* avljo uing Mcflroj’d heirs, being together 200 by 250 fegt. . * b li. !.ot in Fn!;*;o», bounded on the North by on alley, Hast by Front rtrcct, South by Thormlv nnd lVnvnscud, and West by Bark street; improvementkere a two story brick dwelling buu#e 50 by 21 - feet, frame stable, &c. , Ift. Two wrtcr lots, bounded by Front street bn the West, Beuctnron the Norm,'Beaver river on'-(he and alley on the South. 1 extet»«fon of Bridge water, bounded on the North by hclc«* East Vy Kufhkuslikc&ucet, South bylot No.SU. ami West bv Fnkftnkortrect 7 Lnu No.3l,Ji,33and3lin Bridgewater, bounded on the North by Utlkhegan street, East by Kushkushke si., South by Ifrmron Alley, mivl West by I‘nkanko street *Xh;» iot may be sold by reparate numbers or nadescrib ed. i/oi No, 30. bounded on the North by Beaver Tilley, East by Kstsiikn-bke street, South by lot No. 30. and West by I’aknnko street. • ' 4 . • IH. Lot No It) in Dickey’s .extension of Sharon, bounded on tho Fast by Mam street, South by Whitman,. West by street, and North by John Dickey,—enclosed. 10. U Lou in the Borough of Rochester, viz : No. U nnd 10, bounded by Wasson oh the North, Brighton, street on the Hast, Lot No. 11 on the South, acd Gould street on the West. Nos. Hi, 17,1310 amlilD lying toge* thcf, bounded on tho North byWaston, East by Warfro mand street, South l>v Lot No 21, and Wen byßrighton street. ! No<. 25,20,27 nnd 2S lying together,bOttnncdon the North by George street, East by Dutton Bircet r tsaulb hv Lot No. 21, and Wcsibv Wangomatid street. vOO. ■Lot of frronnf. (nSfmron, bounded oh the North by l*urdy’n.heirs, Kasi by Main street, South by other lot of J -Dundareial, ami Weil bv a3O foot street On thin lot is a iwo*siory frame dwelling house, and frame stoblo. i 'M” ,^ nctcB of land,.adjolningilhe- above, bounded by Wray and other*, having coal privileges. J3?#. Two iot# In Bridgewater; No. 23 and part of No. 22, bounded oil the North by N 0.24, Kastby Fuhlie Square,- South by Tart of No. ; 22, and West by Kush ko*bkc street " . „ SJ, Undivided 4 sih af water lot, situated it the Borough of..Fatiston, on the Enel side of the public road or street* and between snid street and the Beaver creek —part of Lot No M extending 40 feet ouDie street und 40 feet on the Creek. : Loi iu Fullston. No. Mansion Square, bound ed on the East by Main suoetj.NorUi' byjin alloy,.und AVest by Back street, wuh a two story brick dweuiiig house, - Lot adjoining ihe above No. 3, of Mansion Square, bounded by the iamo. streets on the East und .West, had by ontueSouih« Improve moms—a lante hrirk dwelling house. 2 stories high , ; Lot No Gj English’spian of Bridgewater, bound ed by Bridge street, and an alley 50 feet, and uyLots No. 5 and No. 7,125 feet. 3T. Lot No.fi in the Uoroagh of Fallston, bounded on the North by an alley, on the W r est by ltookstrectj on the South by Lot No. 0, and on the Fast by Front street. ;.- ■ 1 .... 518* Also, lot No. —, being all Unit certain piece or parcel of land *iclclt,A.H,u eencralaa" rlhS?i?i Staple and Fancy Bry Goods, CloUiing, Coots,and Shoes, Hats,Caps, 4c. * rwA. • -AT 2 O’CLOCK/XV r «aw Ccr i£ s * Q u ® e hsware, Glassware, Table Cmlery, wjokjnjGlassessj new aud second hand Jloasehold and Kitcheu Furniture, 4c. w'. o -AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M., wooks. Stationery, Fancy articles, Maeical Tnstru S e ?! 9 >Hardware and Cutlery, CldtMmf, Variety Go ods Lold and Silver Watches,-4c. P. M. DAVIS, _ja-ji:tf -■ . j Auciioneßr. P* Al r K£ NN A, AncUonsor* 'tACE- GOODS, RIBBONS,-**: ,-f-J~rNow open, at.M’Kennahj Auction (louse* {second and varied’ assortment of Embroideries Rjbbous, Bonnet*, Tabs, Bonnet Linings, l>accs, Silk uiovub, hid finish,-with a great variety of the newest styte Fancy Goods. Merchants and dealers arc invited to rail and examine the same, iny(4 I* Ac , IN iUltiUlNti* A Ti AvcrioN—i>n Swurday, ftTay 29iUi ut 10 ■Rinr k* Hie fbreuoon, will'. lie sold, on the 'premise*, r*-, Kec li B ireet, opposiic thcGcrman€liurch,'m-Birmirit*- liain, all tlmt Lotr; of Ground, fronting 20 feel on?:nd AV Aee street, extending back 80 feet. On the premises, iiere is a comfortable Frame Dwelling, of two Manes, wnn four rooms, basement aiidkitcben in the rear,-with ev **T convenience-for a genteel resilience." ■ ' o^i°t D l,^ e . Ba - n, - & lime ondjplaee, a variety of new t-abmer comprising Bureaus, Tables, Bed steads, tvs* - • This property may bo treated for previous to the day ol sale, by applying on the premises. - m yS - ’ IVM»KF,NNA t Auct’r. P* M» PAVISt Anotlonearr V A *VK£2^ THr^ HISTORICAL AND T MJSCELLAMKOUS BOOKS at Averio!*.Cn "i?*ffi a 2' e , ven rl Ma >‘ at 7* o’clock, at this Cora* ~?n i Rooms, corner of Wood and I'ifih siroets, e *?„» a * a,f^o and varied collection of standard Hlal W«' Theology, Biography, Travel*, **., li ‘s^^? , . ,ei,nre Gn d valuable. Catalogues con be obtatued and books examined on Thursday. -gff lo V. W/ DAVIS. A uet’r SAMS UK A COACH li'A'-TUIt Y -V" Tncstlay morning, June let, at 10 o’clock, at IYiVJ!^ of CiAike; McGrath &, Cj., Irwin street, hfr en ?M V -» h ® sold.without reserve by catalogue, fiB *ff nce ’ : 'bcir f nii restock , Bvs ß, *i I — ? ni J Vanished Conch Work, Triminfr gs; 4oolb, Ac i Ac. comprising Clarence Coach, Chariotec andßaTOUcke. Bodies ; Rockaway, Buggy and W»gon £?• * s??g»*B'«nd Wagons i Poles; Shafts; Wheels; «?li , l R5; -Tr n ? k m,n^j! Tool V *c-,- Ac. AUo-3 setts Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvil*, Vices, Ae. ?2££rH nt * er ® I W cosh; over SiOD ninety days, and' over SvtHj four months* credit for approved endorsed • paper > Calalogues.cnn be had at the Auction Rooms. m Y I7 ' • -. ! - -■■■■■• - .■■ H. SI. DAVIS, Auet’r. ; I? -*:« v'7. ® fll Planed or tlic Salesßooms. corner of'Wood ?j. rct . t3 V^ offered low ot privaie idle, C pcs rvfnlL°r.^ ® ren ch Cloth*, 8. pcs Superior Block Jjf". , CaB /} merC!, { l 5 Clouded French Cnsiimorep; assorted; Aho—a large lot of superior seasonable Clo i_El_ : CraylTl ' P. M; DAVIS. ! * l, ?! lltl, i Pttrt«r«Dnrgli and nocking. port Packet. ■ The «teamer HAIt.COI.UMIU A, A. P: Mj Kft'’ lc:ivo . P‘«*VTO'> every Monday, * ' f'lurninß will leave Hockim-norl every Tuesday, m 0 o’clock, A. M. '*vi..iii M ion eommna I 1 ? <:rs on ® Bl >‘PPers may rely on the utmost ac commodation anil promptness, w. H. WHEELER No. til Market sir,',., lA*?leBh*nr 1 e 8h*nr Stiver Trade* RBUDLAR FRANKLIN PAfIKVTfs AI.LKGHEfJY BELLE %Vm. HATOAyleitvetHie Allc- It wharf forlTaokJirjjevery jtriOTrfajf and 2’A««rfoy i J', 5 ."' »leamcr ALLEGHENY BELLI! No .1, Cap!. Vm i I *. n’ l< s aTC * ‘ ‘e. AJk'sUcny wharf for f'rai.l- Im, every. Tuesday and Fridav t at4V.M.: ror b reigfaior Passage, apply on Board *ud Uocfclngport. ■ . •LJaSife .TWBie steamer PACIFIC, Zajjoob Mas rasaaoraaTErbwiil inavc for tbe above ami imernicdi •tsporu e»cry rHFHSX>A Y,at4 o’clock. P. M? ror freight or passage, apply on board, or to T. WOODS A SON, No. 61 Water su and C 3 Front st. ForKUtaanUig and iiatflah. and pleasant sienmer Capu Milukoab, will leave ibe wharf on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, K M > for Kittanning and Catfish. For ireignt or passage apply on board. . ... |nov!B Vor liong ttcsahi narfetUtPorkiribarff , and dalllpoiu; - ... /Og«B* K „ Tl >= fine Steamer GOV. MF.IGS, |_J7V ,jii ■in iff Shpn*, Master, willleavefor the above :, propoaat» will ho received unhisCiSce un- O til auntei.on Alanday.tbctfistinstant, fonbo gradu ation and masonry required on VO railed of the Pius.' burgh ami ,Steubeir.vit!e Kailroad, frtua CauinbelPs run to the Virginia line Tlana ami: profiles will be exhibit ed, and tlie necessary i&fimnaiiou respecting the work given, by the Engineer, si his Ufflee. fur five dwvs prior to the letting. By order of tbc Board. ENm«cu*s Oyyicc, >i>..MITCHELL, JR.« ->! IhttshnrghjMay C.IWL $ Chic! Engineer wyS Pittsburgh, nnd Steubenville U U: Co. UttUrottd Contractor*. T>ROPOBAI,S will be received at the Otfire of ti e JL Steubenville and Indiana R'lilroAdr Comnouv, in r^5 ra , rk ‘( r<7m Ul toibe evening of theSth of June, Ib*2, for the grubbing clearing. grading ami m:isntiry v of that portion or ihe tSleubcnviilo. ainl Indiana Hai:- r°ad t between Cofchccum and Newark, being about 35 mHe» m length, and comprisiag *onjc henvy cun'-and fi H^ n^ t k. rW « eacro * s l{,e Muskingum river. . u|d» will he received infection* or. about one mile in each, or forthe eniire-Dlv^ion. Profiles and t ßpccificatioitB, with approximate e«ti mates ofquanutieg.can be seen at the Offices in New ark and Steubenville, after the Ist of June* J* UUCKENSUKUPER, Jr., Chief ; Enslrieer. tay7 iT&wld MOI* K F 0.0. fli o H y, Cocliran, Sleßrfttle A Co*. . WAKirTACTCREBii 0» Iron Ratling and Ornamental Iron Work-in all its branches, WmiJ* 0 ; 9 ** ."'ood street, prrrsniritGii. milK advertisers beglcnyc respectfully to inform ihelr X friends and the public generally, that, having receiv ed* larga number of new pnticrnt for Iron Railing, Ac., which, together with those previously onhnud, comprises tho gteaiesi varlety ever olfered in this City—they are now prepared to manufacture the anme for Cemt tcrv purposes, balconies, fenced gardens, window guards, tree boxes, hat racks, centre tables, &c.Ac., iii a stvlc of workmanship and finish not to be sutpussd, and clumber than any heretofore manufactured West of the moun loins. . Also, cooking staves, hollow wore,and casting* ofnll descriptions, ns usual. • • Tvr : Vegeubis iTemcity j :• n \r $ R ' ff i£; J^2^ RS y EXT X& CT * * - DoJidiuoTif Wild Cherry. ami Sarsaparilla. j&sss. •! • medicinal prepare* : ~ OI V differs entirely frtunany simple ©TKieaw-^/ '«trar*i orSarsaparilla’* of com- imion purifying medicine:li isa com* :of.MOST CLEAN* .. NSINGMEpICINESywiiIi; others ftf/TIA (®i acUiigduecityon theKiUneySsOr V reference toihc re* . T .I ■ . nof nnu continued heaJtliy operation ><: . • of BomQ. internal organs, It con* *»^|S|aiyKoSfts>^a;Aains articles •which enter iniano other preparation iacxistencc, and IT IS unrivalled in purifying nnd refreshing effects, by any medicine in IhßWOrld.llUputupirfLAßGEilQ'rrLES.iiVerv pleasanuo the taste, and is more concentrritrd - STRONGER, iIETTER AND CHEAPER, thau any other in themarlceu Persons who haveinVon “Starsaparilla” by the gallop, without relief,have been redioaUy cured hy using: two or three bottler Thi* is Compound in twitch. a>a»ddion/>V»Id Cliefiv and Sarsaparilla, are so prepired to pfler the peculiar virtues of oaoh,.in combination withpure-extracisof •other healiag arUcles, Jn,a highly,c Dn c e oirnred state, rts; Ingredients are P U EG ETA RLE, and ure Winn- roots and barks ue are too ml* though ch cllv affcc. ling certain ports,in theirgeiieral tendency. to produce the mostcleansing and hosting effects. ■ “ IT IS TMTOSSIUtE To cure rootiy i’tre ?f os,: Dropsies, Kidney Com. plints, &e,, drawott Watery Humors from thalllood, or corrupt and uritaiing Becreliotis of disoased oigaiis from the body, witlioui the thoto ? gli oßereiiou« m, 6 ?ho Kidneys,as caused by this medicine. No oilier extracts PJ r ' lc ?, Uoll “ s ?“«“•. fact, this very operand, for. which it is particularly compounded,'differs from fiiMtaenee. Pa " ‘ #n ? w * kc *« “« b 'f‘ cdmpoS i-eSES OF DROPSV, use 'this inedicmc ™a!rod'nr®'t e f‘vl.‘^ a r '“"i 1 , whc . n life >welf was de ?K lrc . d „ of - *5-«?“«•»* articles that wiT cure, If any thing can, and takes the only method to make porma nem cures. • . m ; , sinpEEV EB! SIIIP FEVER! To produce testimony in proof of lirecure'of thi-'dis ease is acknowledged y new. The publio have so long’ been taaght to regard it .as'fatal,’that its positive cure would seem almost a miracle, yet . ~ SIHF FF.VHR has reen cured,, And by the Great Vegetable Remedy, Dr. If. B.My* ers’-feitruci,Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Ac.,alone: , We selectthefollowing, as a specimen of the jiumo .rons testimonials .to the cflicieucy of tbis niedicinc ift coses-of tbis muhgnani disease, which wo have to ex* liibit. TESTfMONV’ OF PHYSICIANS.: - Francis Tibltmeso M. D., a skillful physician, reading m BatTulo, N. Y.,aud one who has devoted himself par* ucularly to the study ami cure of the bhip Fever, .with almost every phoso of which ho is, couverpant, gives the following icMitnonym relation to the eOects or this raedame,nfi prepared by himscl/ s ~ ... -... “ Tbi* i« to cerufy, tlmi I have uscd Dr. H; R. Myers’ Extract or Dandelion, Wild Cherry, end San-npiuillo, in my practice, in cases of a noraberof patients sick with Snip Fever, with, very beneficial results: And !: consider it a general curative in that disease. 11 r Prepared by t MYERS A RICE, - ... No.H Warren street, New York. Sold by * R. U SELLERS, aprfcdccdfcw Niarrh rap toms disappear; feeble digestion- becomes, strong and vigorous; bis stomach recovers its-proper tone, nnd creates new, rich and noa*JsmnrblQod; his strength returns; his wasted body Is clothed with flesh ; jus life is saved, and be is restored to health; : • ... .Twich bottle of NnialJ’3 Syridcum baa the Symptoms of the stage for which u ia Intended primed in front of the wrapper,whereby every invalid.knowimr his ownsymp- J ud S WHICHDOTTLE MlS'KB uutKi-S; consequently no mistake- can occur In se lecting the proper,medicine.., Seei Pamphlet in possession of UteEdilor of thtapaper. containing Dr.-Natali's Pathology of CohsurapUon.— Lectures on the stricture and uses or the Human Lanes, and certificates of cures. . * ■ • ETt Prepared onir by Dr. invcnior and Proprietor. Price One Dollar Per Dottle; • . For sale at the Drag Store of DIL GEO. 11. RGYSF/B, Ifo. 140, ' ... -corner of Wood street and Virain alley, ■ - 2 n }y Wholesale and Retail Agent for Pittsburgh. ■ ■ A SIF'S 7 , 1^ 13 " F THE STOCKHOLDERS of ibe “tiMi'Wnri Savines Bonk” will be held at Ibe of- See of the Bank, No. 4i4 Liberty street, on Toe.day; the •JO* day of; June next, at JO o’clock, A. M., with Tefer ence to having the stock consolidated into a corporate company. ;[a'piSBamj; JOHN STEWART, Secretary. K?J?“* B > v *’r I,e . aa ‘‘’ Greentiouae Plants. rrlliE best collection of Dahlias west of the moun •JL tarns, one hundred snd : fifty varidUes. Tiwrbnm’s and Hovey’s Verbenas,which are unequalled. In fact, Jlovey’s Amenca. Repobhc, and Orb of Day.uhd Tbor buni> HeroinryS'Echpec, and Sir SiUlanc, are fidmiu ted .to be the Gems of the WoTld; lie above, with every variety of Greenhouse and other plants, for sale attlie Passenger and Remittance Office of ■••••'■ 0„. ror tbsPubllcatlou ' ' F THE “PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES,” AND • JO# TIIB PUBLICATION OF THE FIRST CORDS voIj OMES OF T,,E • COLONIAL RE _Scaled PropofaU, endorsed severally “Proposals for Publications of ilie “ Pennsylvania Archives, 1 ’ and Pro posalBror“Rc-pttb!ication of Hie. first Ibreo volnmesof UieColonial Records,” will ilro received Haul ihe lSih day of JUNE; next,, in the office©! - the Secretary.of the Commonwealth, for the publication of the “ Pennsylva nia Archives,Tahd also for the re-publication of the first three volume* of the “ Colonial Records, 11 agreeably to' the provisions, of the folio wing sections of the following Acts of Assembly.: An ACTprotiding for the puhlitation of Via Colonial Ut cordj, and other original paptra.in tie office of the Scere lary of the Conimonwealih. .Section 1..80 it enacted by the Senate and'Kook of KcprcsejUativcs ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Aesembljr met, anti it in hereby enacted by the authority of the came. That the Secretary of the Cnntfflouiveaith be, and he ialieieby noUtorized and re quired to continue the priming of the initiates'of the l ropm wry Government atitl Connell 0 ( Safety, down to Uie adoption of Uie Courtiimtoaiu the year one thou; sand seyen hundred and ninety, from the point atwhich ihe third volame cf the Colonial Records terminates, id the same shape ami style jn which, the volomesofthe CoUmißl Kecnrdft, already printed, nrapublisbed-^each l volume to contain notice llmu piKhthuudredhaKcsraml that me iiumherot coptcsof each volume shall he fifteen i hundred. ■ ■ ■ •• -hectlou 3. Thai it shall he the dnlyof the Secretary i of the Commonwealth, imreedSaicly aner the passage of this Act, to wntc proposals Jor thepublicauoh of the records aiore*aul r giving public notice for at least one month in two papers, published andilarnsbttfffy which proposals shall state the ptico per volume, and; shall include ihe faithful and literal transcribing of lb*.records aforesaid, under the super intendence ; «ftheScefetttry;the.puL!icat4on n nd bindingt in a ( manner uniform with and not inferior to Iho volumes of ihe Colonial Records already published, Undine all material, and the delivering of them to the Secretly of luc lonunonwcaUlt: which proposals shall-be opened at the ttrae appointed by ,lire Secretary in presence of tbeUoYeraor r AudiiarGeueral£mdStaieTreafuretwbo shall then, wnh.the tkcretary, proceed to ollotthecon tncuo the lowest nnd bestTcsponsiblebtddcr* i*rovid« ed. ThatbCfore aasigi ing ihecouiracL as aforesaid, the successful bolder shall cuter into bond to the Common wealth, with t*o of more Bofliclenlstirctfes, inUre Kum : often thousand dollurs, conditional lor the faithful fulfil mem of. his coutrhet which bond -shall be approved' hv the Governor before being received. HSiciion 3. ThaUtshtiUbe the duty of the Secrclarvof ,lbc:Commonwealili,*o soonasUtcchdre nuraiierof con ies of any one volume shall have been delivered into his office to certify that facfclo the Governor, who shaiLthen draw fats w-arraut on the Suue Treasurer forthe amount doe the Contrac tor according tothe contract»which shall be paid out of any moneys in thetreasory not otherwise appropnatrd: I’rovded, That the Secretary.shall not certify as be satisfied that the contraci Jms been carried oatiaaccordance with Ure'true intent and meaning of this net, a nd especially ihaUhevolumeiaapublt*hed,UaiaUhfuland literal cony of the original. •. . ! # Section b'That the Governor is aulhorizctVand re quested to appoint some competent person, whose duty it shall be to select for publication, Fitch of tlie oriirimu documents, tellers, treaties, und oilier papers, prior in data to the peaceyof one thousand veyen hundred and eigbiy-Uirce T HQ\v preserved in the Secretary’s Office, os may oc deemed of sufficient importance to be published; amt to arrange diem uccordlngto dfttcand subjeetin one or more volumes, not exceeding five of the size of the •Colonial Recordsheretofore printed whieh. shall be call ed the.-'* BenhsylvahmArchives.’?: Sections ThaiitsimllbetheilutyoflheSccreinryof the Comroouwcalih,. immediately ailerlhe “ Pennsylva nia Archives,'’ *p aforesaid, areprepared (or publica tion,Jo procure the printing of fifteen Jiundred copies of the entire series immediately iu ibo same .manner, and under thesamerestiictibns,taa are provided inUtesecond ar.dthird Siiciiansof ibis AcLin reference to the publi caiion of the Colonial*Records. ; An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled «An Act providing for fhc puWicaltoa .of the Colonial Kecorite and other arJgiuai.papersiathe officeor thcSeererarvof ,lhe Commonwealth, approved,.Feb.ls,lBstf.•" Whereas, Fronuhenature oftlie contents of the Penn* sylv/ihiaArchives, now ready for publication, It islmlis nensably, necessary to the proper execunon of the ■work" that its pubbemioiveball be superintended by somefic curate and competent person, therefore. Scction 1.. Beit enacted, by the. Senate and House of ■Representatives oftheCowmbnweaUh.of Pennsylvania 111 General; toembly net tea it fa hereby enacted by lteautlioiiiyofthe »#me, ThatSamucl Uaezanl be. ahd f lakeiaby apnoiotefl to edit jinjl atiiiermicni) llie pab- Hcanoivot UieJPcnusy lyohia AnUivea, BttlborizeiJ to be ■primed by lhoAcUo which this te a suppleaientU ' ■ SecuoiV.S. .That it shall boibe flutybf the eiitot to do voter bis enure attention lo ilic publication of unidXr. flllheceashry notea.iuiliees, oppen- 1 dixe» anil such other matter os way bo ntceasary and proper, in doing .rhtdl beauihorued lo pablirh suchpapers of a.datelmertbapseventecnhundredand ct g hiy *uit ee ,ns Khali in hit Judgment be necessary to give .a clearand QOiDptuciuiverioif of any transaction com mencing beferethetyeur.* Beciiori4. Tbaii tlie fluid Editor hound heishcrebyau thonted to proenre tlio. lithographing of such pious of butties, .foriincdlions^lndianmaps r Indian deedsor other similar papers now qxistihgamongsaid Archives, as he -shail judge necessary to tne proper iHustrnUoji.ol tie sold V Pennsylvania Archives « of which, shall be paid out of any inoiieysin the treasury uol other-, wise appropriated, after being audited.and examined in the ÜBual'xruhher. /• ' • * Section &‘That should the number of.volumes fixed in. the Act to which this is a supplement, prove insufficient lt> contain the endre nuinberof papers now. selected ior puhlfcutten, it Shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to cause such additional volume?,osmay be necessary to coutau) the cntirecolleciion, to be pal>- . Ilahed by the contractor In the same manner as. though no'DDinlJcrcfvoluiiiea had beenfixed byibcAcuo which there is itßUPPfcnu’ut. : Section 7.-That the .Secretary of the Commonwealth, be tfiuhoriwd. to.procure ike te-nublicaiion of Uie first threeyolumesof the Colonial lterotdf.nmform whb the present edition, to bepublished and dUtributcd accord mg to the ibis Act, and the Act to whir,a jbui-ls a supplement; and that inthewakmg • for tire publication Of the yciih*yiviujia Archives, and first three volumes of ike Records, the ccreuuy of ibc Common wealth be dfrccied.io provide, for the ppblicatiou . of at least one volume per monthj.nnu.ljeauihomed to take aachmeaßures t'S will unsure ibc fUiikful perform 'Mice bC thegaid conduct. < pnbncaiion of tli& Colonial Be cordft.provnied fork. 1 l hv-d-.ection of the Act iirstabovc quoted, has already be«fti made, .nud bidders will confine tueir proposalsto the. PennsylvaniaArcMves ) }, a l j ( i^c rc-imbhcation of tlio first three, volumestif the u €olom ai Records,” or to cith-rone or the other, uscaclrwul constitute the sohjett of aseparhic contract Uiddere wit observe tbe-retiuiremerta of-thefll tion of the Act first above quoted, and o i rhir7ib Secifm* of the Supplement, as no proposal failing to embrace Theusmcs of Sureties, for., the faithful fulfilment of tbe ComV.c! shou'd accompany the proposals. w imw ' ' NfJ K ‘"T*The.Arce the Colonial Records al* ready published, may be found in all the public libraries of the State. Jmyza •* ''J. y \ medical; o«tf ;Syitem apA ocw lUmrdiea t FOR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION! N D TALL’S STRIACUIf, Iff THREE EOTTLES, AAA t- o# 2, 53 a | . • : s» ! • p .‘l: . u I ca { ■■■ a? j! .. m . igj |ij uu COKIAISIKO THREE DIFFERENT PREPARATIONS. foe tus coas or Tiir three different stages of oonsvuptioss i SYMPTOMS. I Cough, pain in the brenar, I fide, bead, bncky joints and } limbs, inflammation, sore- I ness and tickling In the tlirpdt, fever, .difficult and quick breathing, ccpeciora* -tion difficult,*! izht&> Jiothv. SYMPTOMS.;: FIRST STAGE. Incipient Consumption, in Blub Wrappers! • • COdiivciiefrs,. spasmodic cough, -violent fever, night,' morning ami raid day swem, hectic Uu»it m the face and p cheeky burning heat in the palnisof thehands anil soles of Jus ket,rxpecioratibnceiit/. ecpiou*, anti : totaktd. vrith blood. ■■■.■ SECOND STAGE. Confirmed Consnraittfon; in Pink Wrappers. : THIRD STAGE. Tubercular Consumption; in. Yellow "Wrappers.;. • ' JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Agent,. 123 Wood street. _ * F. W. nUGHES, &tczetary of,tke Commeiiu'caUh. ■ •-fl V -1»-. . ■ tf-.kr ■ -■■r'-’ . • r V, 3 „ , •* f 'W‘: V. r " « s' s lllffi&w FOR SALE & TO LET. Tand u»c i3th Him. £oi\*H*« BC,,b?r ' PosiCMioD given on ..rr—n; PHEBTKB, 7i SmWifieM*!, Hill a Shoe, I)ry' r>« «*««- fgk r f ly to Alllerman I’AnK I MSON, oafwaT' ‘ p ‘ I«» 0 LkV— iluj «ul)«cnbrr oflefTfoT fiSSTTiTi—- ■•• J-store roon now occupied by Messri.WrtnSS Jisifc. ft Davis, No.« Markcteircct. ggl on the im of Ann. • Knquirc of ■■ •"f B ®**- jonSaf CIIA& If. PAULSON.No.TOWfIAri Bt. - ■ tforllent* A FINE TWO STOW, FRICK DWELLING, »h a . U\. ated on Chatham street, with 0 rooms and « soak garret. Tenospa*>\ ICnqiiirti of b , FAR ftY, SCOTT & CO. r Wood tU roylhiwU. . - bctwcecn&b at. and Piamond AT. : ■ • •- For KelUt •. ’ r\KSIBAI!LB BUSINESS STAND-I offer for rc« -warehouse now occupied- by me os a-dratf *~ r ® on lUc comer of f.iberijrand liami i*rrcett,- a H?-- -i oc^n o ro? I>u.vlncBß of ..any kind. . i’Oßse&sfon'- giveti Immediately- |ni>l2] JAMES A. JONES. * . B'orSai*^ ■A "-rtiw ic« i■.V oUBc '-° n<,: '■ lo l ,r.ituaicd on Clay' iltl, wfri \°, ?? The house is lfi by JB,ae!orle» high, Versa ? r Ib ■ L ”;,' B so "oat bv S7 - ,;li'UK »AL<'',—l’ouc vultmljlu liuiliJTri?'l^i«'" a ;i«r.t n V P ■■■ on Poplar *Utn y Aileron/ JS!if /wnt of 25 {eel 6 mcliof, and cxiendinp ljarV ;a offered at. the low price of *2ot) each - . V* leci, ' Apply withiruUlclay, u> **. McLAIN & MOFFn\ Pffihstreet ■••’ .mnrifotf- _ ' For .Saiei ■A V,* • • i»n?fcdwelln« iiounc, 1C by U- 2 storleahlsh /V Also, a irame itweflmg hnusc, 10 by 30, a slope l s*®“’“ near ihe canalnn I Haller plank tmfillZ a/oy df»iraMc plac? for a conmw ffmilettce: I‘nce 81,3011-8100 d«vn/*WT in . ytars, and lhe baJancein two rqual annua! payments; mv c „ eUtITIS & UOBiIS. A«9 -~™ y - cor, Wood and frifih s ts. A ’FARM,. comQinincsoncrcs,situotrt' '■ '--'Si' - mosijy . Hujldiiigalolcrablygood ; Forienna enquire or OUHXIS * DOIIB3, Avrertij .: m y s . No. la, I or. Wood and oil A \AI ; UAItt.T: Sleam Aiifl, occupied as planine mill. I ca,lnl ; ' J,lc .huiWlDg is4o by SI) feel. 3 r! 1 7 ,l ‘v' , kj ,l ? <1 80011 08 n ' w - fhe Bngiiie in infirm The r r 1? fe ?‘ l 0 “)r> Mlncliei in diameief'h : *,j 01 iff feel fioni pud Ifitt deco, ' The Whole will be' ■ told lew, n.,d on i reasonable totnwr Enquire Oi . miq i-URlii* fc UOIIBa, Ileal Esinle Aqenu, ' - - Nil IS!. cor. of Weod oud Fifth bu. Konau acres,:7smn ■■*.„• ■& e ?5 tnll, »»‘'®n > of rjic land ia of first- nLieqdah\y:&n(l ■well adnmprt r»tf » P* fn-ili Uwcll-vcaie,^JnTfesfraiShro?a stockpr groin Taint; excellent timber; niiTnllnnrfrr Kccsoo'r 1 !" 51 P lcasan 'ly, Mluntea four ml“e" abovS Sl>! kecrport, and. only two hours travel from the I'rtee and tcrraß easy. S. Agent, fn SmilljficM street. J - elrakle property of 2* feet On Wylie street;'bv 109 " e ? of ,- 4 , fcel ' ®“» » briefc houseand jfo “ ■wS”b" sPUw<«fi?ifi Ilo, ir ll ‘ ,l £‘ >o,l «pair.: Thewhola . fs going " ai '° y - , i>liCe,,>W ’ 05 U “> owner ’ S-CUTIiBER'r. CenornlAjfent,'' ■ 50 - f Tii S i'^. , i CU Nottonin-operty B'ar Sole, ’!wn »*rfkif’Se ofl ? r l' S r '’ alB pdnißnofthm , 5 a . rl 9,V 1 Scotch.Bottom l * tying between lie firrl • Tn d nir l “ ,le poEl ” °'’ l,lo Brnddockri Keld Plank Road! Tp persou3 agTeeittg to La id upon their purchases,liberal gl^n * a V d to Jho3e- intetuilnetocßiabliih n(?/™ s i nil r s “ r l ” < ' van,a ßosih)ocaluinand prico. wili oe oiiered. For further particulars annlvto P . THOS. S: BLAIR; Trttstee* At 6. & I; H. ShncubergeV & Co?*gv ■myiatdiw ■ '■‘Un-nsr S made to order, the latcrt «yle, manufacwred In the oeSSLf I .V« f «K^ a »?? ul,ie ectl or silver i. ,V ted HARNESS, Which Will bcsold low : ■RWWT?iv* o an r» Harness can be seen m Jatbes , 5hA l 2!*iifi*'r J,v,, - rsr ® l,^!e *- An ypersons wishing to bnr cbose ihe above articles, will please col! aube ffnu' 14 ., TOLIX XAVERTY, -Smithfield street K o&a I'IioVUKTC nßi.liut-A story Brick House ondLol, plersamlrsltqeted da t‘ r !!b ondthe Coca Jlodic-vcry con fKtw-n r 6 . u?u? m* men, bem ff: only two •quoresifrom the petv Custom House and i'ost house ie " W a ., jroo ” ls “ eat ly pap«ed}:gooa :> gnues,.&e. au in. complete repair. 'lmmediate-nos i.v S ?i°c. c , a , n be ‘“t 1 ' Tllcl(>L is2ofcei front on Houb*,V by 70 feet to an alley. Brier 825110. Termseasv ;s. - l ' 50 SimihfidusiteeL r IENOR. .TWELVE LOTS OK GROUND near the ' iTTiI. m n,f" .. 1I ! b «o»gJi-,of South I*insburgh, iill ': .‘ Tl i fl r e mJ,lu ; e . 3 W!,lk lhe Monongahcla Bridge, am? ,L 10 | J^ re of - f rse '■"> fronlin g oil Canon street fc?i Ur ?i v " syi ,c •! , ™p*ke. end ore among the best - : Lrtif?!. 1 '. on that side of the mer, dno sjf_ l lot extending from: one street to • Uie oiher, and utJjonjmg U»e 101 l lioaso IoL nn ‘; e J w, \*r. c suicl low, and on reasonable teraa. Title perfect, and. clear of incumbrance. Enquire of - GKO. F. GJLLMORE, No. 51 Grant at. n>yll;lmd4,w I Valaablo Farm for Sale. - ■ WjPtoAc FARM, on ..which I now reside; ' situate ta Foxtownship, Cnxrol county, three miles *“ ti, , me f v,,f P l>cpotof iho Cleveland and Pittsburgh Kuilroad. h eonsisr6 of a alr - Coat nml water eiisl W-T. at unaanOe r and .here is nn orebani on each J-ot. 'Thtwb who want a first-rate I'arm, ithould not fall to amriv SO m l \.i- 4l -'! “PP'y tome.oa theprcnußoß. ■ . M:, y C:S3 JOHN N. ItUSSKUI,. ’ I.ACL SIBKS.—A. A. Wasott A.Uo, will open l[>- of 80 P"* I ®* Glace Silts brilli ant and desirable (plots. —- . jfjjyjj-- vwjiolesale aml Uetail. ■■■.- ■ r. rv uaiwrklija. and parasol ■ W-Tnr? L » No. Wood street. JOHN •“Jv.no.w.offers-for tale, athaslern prices a lunii* ' ' ?^»r tsmeut f t f l - ,c ? r,ove «* which the attentibn of fe'r * " ! " VU< J ' Al-,., Carpet Bags, and Se^ • tfmyl - aalnunii an,] llaltio. ■. ' . .:: "W fl tr- l '!'oiY AKi> , """i; 1 trspeotfally announce To «. -i’jL V ‘-adlrs nml Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and yi o nn>, Hint ihespaeioasbaiounr aiibc'Aibeuxam Hnlld- with a. puperior quality of Ico-'' ' 1 ' ( ' lhet - Open J nio/^ i:re(lUl!lltsupcrb- workmanship and orij?i nal design* a beautiful Parlor Instrument, and are adnitraiily, adapted for church music.-. Healers auo* . m T\ Übcral } e l m * AU orders by mail .promptly, attended. to, : Instruments, tent, to any • part of the eouuiry—and warranted •• 9 : : T. O, CLAUK & CO„ ' - 40 Causeway street Boston, Mass. • ■ OppoiKlon Oefied; • COM PARF3ON INVI ■ V/ ted and Wholesale pricc*Adopled., HOODhiijiiiiM* ■*®tPJ n ®! Vv^H. t<, p.? an munDfaoturerß. iogetlier with a great va ttely I'futhrr goo chi. such as linegoid ftibguaraanil vrti : Jhnta?; fin ?:E aTd ? en!a amt keys? Sat, gol Jfe k££.Joia ' PDitsand P=ncirf.sp«H,vUiifflWeBipwkeXivel;^on n,fi U^ 5, .!y cr s C aoua fee razors auainrops, accordeona and a ;;n:!H variety ol irherp.oofe usually found in a Jewelry store.aP, of winch few ill sell at New York ®*|Y P’leea, ant! ,irom tis to; tipper cent lower tlian flnv oUtcrealaklishaem ip this city, at utan any myt3 No SI MARKET STREET.'' DUi'Jf’S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, - P„ . THIXO STREET, PITVSBVJUf/i. , ainroiyoratoi by Xigitlatlte Charter*-. < • JL of. ‘ American and western"r • Steamboat Acconmnnt.Vßrofesßorofprftcncßtßoolf- •> keeping nnu Corunemat {lienees/ J. D.Wtlliaras, Pro- - fesyorotOmamenml and Mercantile Penmanship,-Nt /. • B.Hatch, of the Pittsburgh iiar t Professor.ofMercantile / . Law; . CtAJSIC* L AKD MATHEMATICAL DePABTMBBT. . .;. P. GradaaiesofJetfersojrConeEe, Professor of classical Languages.and Mathematics K. Montd,Uie of .Pans-Professor of Frenelu * F. Slataper r Gnidtwtoof die Polytechnic Institute ot ; ; > .Vienna, CivUKngineerand Architect, Professor of Ar cbjiecturalj ftfcchanical aud .Landscape, drawing. : - v This institution now oocanies Uia-whole of the see- ■" ond story from- tbe corner of '■■«• Third nnd Markctstrceis to Post Office alley, wiihtwu spacious roomy; in tht tbird'story. Jt conuanes to be the only iusihatiotiili. this part of the country where r Alurcuutile and Steamboat Book-keeping are ifioroueh. and practically,Ttaoght. ThA;Ciasaical: am Mereaniilo . Departments are' conduonuf separately. Out? of «th« most spacious anti elegahlly-iurnislicd Ladies’ Writing Rooms in the J/mted States, is fitted up. and will ImTm • ' f der the direction of i J>, Williams, one of ife ,22? Penmen imho Writ. Tbe, Professors nre nll V rnccilpreceptnre. tind ai thc head fffihtir Te*DMli»B professor... yircularsjna.lc4.tt> all parts of the countt? • marls:dAxy ■ T» C« T\VIcaRLL A m is F°R W ARDIN^AN» j C i OMM.» I ?o USUI jontt w, TWicnaLL , .»«.«...^-...: tUiL ji »ot Moaanms. CWIMISPJONAN^^^g^BCHArm. W^VssKent‘“^r Mil Co«- iX JSiSS? w - B enlrUslrt j to malm liberal - hand. dVa C 5 00 conf,, & l » tte » l s °r UiM» of Lading in „iL >r^?*‘ s ' the purchase of Lend, Grain, iltmpand • ” I ,V? r he jMOfnptiyfilled ai the lowest po«-. ■I I 1 ,! 5 the heat terms. ■ 4*i.oy.wili also undertake- tho. settlement And colleo*' lioti ofclaimarof importuned; and hope* by their egpC* ' . .ctal pcrsDuaLeaonsand attention to ail the interests of - their friends, to give generaltdiUfacltoii. - K FtfcLNCtS, .Geo. Collier, - St. Louis Ellis & Alortott,Cincinnati: • PageADacon - do PtradertGoniiair - do ' - Ciiarlesa, Utow A Co, .do Itozea A Vrajcr, .do Phouicaß* Valle, do gpnoger 4 WhUemah.do ’ D Jiceeh A Co., tVilljau: Ifolmes ft Co; J ; NV. Bntlisr • Dm, Pittshurgn j Morgan, J AI Hack & Morgan. Philadelphia, bhttlds * Miller. Philadelphia; iPa S^ C ,? a°w,^trf n r’ U lleytuilds, I,outs.ille [ T. 0, T WICIH.LL ft CO, New Orleans, - COMMISSION HOUSE, " &BW OIICEAptS* 1 W2US tong esiabhsbed. ltoDsa conSneibetr attention X , slr ‘ c »y .to Sales ahdpurqlmses orrCoimilißSifiDi end - :: >• to ibe borwardiog business generally. : They solicit a continuance of the hbe/al paironoge • heretofore fiiven them V«ni4arg”3jios& Intarfobfca* *■ •* • -j - ?rji; r f / * * r- X * 1 T i * - 'S e.* v -