%r \„ ,; iVr r 1 > 4 V i ' I •*!'■*-*', v : ;f \ %: ... I. ' V’ •' ‘ 1: ■ ... fcsi^^^^ili«ii^. :> —— - ■■■■ ■ % _ - •4»>VTfV»^ * i’ r “ ..VI ■:■— .' i'; ' ■ d*»« m few®? ?>■:&^*v BSaafe^as^tetesfe^d ■MMNMtaM mmßmm mm wphwCTmßafeißtifltmMa ppwttpi Jhmflw«BNBfe w^M£fWo:4fm> W^soeossMi %&<£&& tW&aJVtw* SgSgJj.fi.t'W Wfi ta&i£ W0?l WSSSSHm^-- WM’ M m WBBBk SjglpL^ 4tllllSi j IMMIta mubssm * 4 *' 5 f[*&si» T-i <* * . J £-' +n. * H*T >■?"*<•<' '-* J* i <-*/*£. «-> J* x fr •*/.<- *j«r ** *• ”« r*** ,*-*£. > ■':*&s'> f.i ■■: -.rAi. - \ tk&^&M(^iwi^'^Zl^t'??^!'^Cr^::- . A:,-. ■~' :ri'-.\ , ; '\ ...... filje Pailtt iflcnring gost. printid and putluhtd «wt# &bmmg t iSttndayi€ZUpud. lIAUPEII ij:»e copies two ctffrs«->foT sale at the counter od\ce T bnd by the News Doya. ’ rHE S&TUBDA? MOBHIHG POST •j* imMi*Ueo irooitbo same of&cej on a laijj t blank** i sheet, at TWO a year, In' advance lincic copies FIVS CEKIS. :• gy* No paper •will be discontinued (unless at the dls etetion of the proprietor,) until all arrearages ore paid. fty No attention will be paid to any order unless ac companied by ihe money, or Bsusfactoryreferenceinthi* -ID* - Goi\*twdvilh rht Eilabluhmtnl cf. lA* Morning tsoft« of thtlargtst Job. fronting Ojfiusxn in* city i&kere ail Innd&of vtarJt w donton it* shorltst nolxti, on a westr«a(ona&l« urms. .. ■ i.•.■■■■■ ■ ■ / . . RATES OF ADVERTISING AGREED UPON BY THE PITTSBURGH PRESS. • • t*M LlftSil SONPAJIHL, 08 LSS« J Oticsquare,one inseHiOU •■■ ■ ■■ rM* w «» ■ eachadditional ln*erUon.« * *r J *> one "" * “ three weeks : —• 9 tw “ “ otc month' - « >« three raonUiS‘r~*«r**^*rv^^ , JJJ* «> . four months —... >' sumonths ” ism “ ■ “ : .cne-yeatv." ■ ■; w ■f-andintjCardtslx lines or less,per annum—-V« . CHAN6EAULE AI rLEASUBE! ..... . . - BIDDLE RODbKTS, Anom«y ai Law.. Office No. JLE-« IffiJSmuhficld struct, between Fifth and Sixth. : Colleruons carefully attended to—special attentio given to Conveyancing. [necfoly H. Eiepbuni) . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, No. IB* Fourth si jV opposite die Mayor**office . (ru?y4?lm : Dri.Jult&n itogers) I ATE A. A Surgeon U. s. Array. Office—Third St., i-second door abnvn MnnhfiHil. • • Omri* jAJIIIiSRUSSSSOWDES, AliOilMiY AT bAW, !E7*Offi;e and residence, No. 155 rmrd street, Pule buTrth • _____ {mar2o__ ■ - 2d. P. ftt>B 8, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, No. 100 Fourth Stroet, PWT.SimiUHjPA.. Fourth doorbclovr Mr. Rody Patterson’* Livery Stable : ■ •• .- ••• ■•••■•■>•••• ■■ ■ J, s. Hamilton, A TTORNEY AT LAW.-lias removed to the office In '-'«L:-Fifth street,between Wood and Smithtield streets, formerly occupied by Taos. Hamilton, Esq., dec’d,and .Will attend lb uiebasihcaa remaining unfiniubcdupcn Ins dicker mayld Law PartnersliTlp, HP HE* subscribers have associated themselves, in the A practice of Law. under the finn of Black & Wash ington. One or the oiberot them, when not engaged in Court, can be found at oil limes m lha office, on lourth street, Pittsburgh, now.occupied by Mr. Black. SAMUEL W.BLACK, febS RKADB'. WASHINGTON.. Keane Williams, - MERCHANT TAILOR, Smiifc&cld street.No.ttl, be tween Ist aud zd streets. ; ao4y: JAIdES C. WATT, - MERCHANT TAILOR, Ko. 30 Elarhct street, Between Second and Third sts., • PitoburyA, Fa T'bomas 2CL* Little* “ WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, YVHFTii STREET, between Wood and.Markct streets, A. opposite Iron City llolel. All kinds of Jewelry .mttdeoji:' • ... . - (aprs:ly . Woodward A ttovrtands* DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOKS S'CAT/ONERY, ETC., . tTAmf Post Ojfuc ftuifr/mgj. fspSthy 'T "PAUL & Cl VRDUUK, COMMISSION AND FORWARDI \U MERCHANTS, und STEAMBOAT AGENTS, - No. 7:.WjiXXB STHSET, - ■ BT>rbtf . Cincinnati Ohio. 'Daniel Vo«n«eon, House, sign/and ornamental painter, Liberty street, opposite Hand- All work neatly executed. Order* punoluully attended to. -finarJ&y JOSaUA. BHOOES*— — —ALfUSJ) P. ASSHOTZ JOSHt'A KUODKS A CO,, - WHOLESALE DEALERS li V FOREIGN FRUITS , guts y Spices 9 Cot\fcctionary, Sugars, Cigars t^c.t^c, KO.il WOOD BTBEST, BAST SIDE, NBAS WATKK, . July] ITfTSB UKGH. UcanstPo nionoeUromKilc Depository* ■ Ao. 73 laird Street. : Tlimo MAT-NEW PAIBTIKO9.; ' be Garden of Geuiscmane ; Tnc Cemetery of Scatari. ■ ■ my tint R.Cr StOCiUOU, r ATE Johnston & Stockton,' BOOKSELLER, STA JLi TIONER, PRINTER end BlNDER,corner ofMar und Third sirens, Pittsburgh. Pa. Iv^itf ~~ " " L* Tutenr A Brother*. • . ■ ' XUUI.KBS ««.■■■ WISE 9, UaOOES, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUGARS, Ac., No U) Hancock Bt.,—nearthe Perry House, novlß Pda&urgft. ts* V. Arbuthnot, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER, cornerof Fjuntain and Seventh. Persons wanting any thing la thut Itno wit! do well.to call,as [am determined to sell as chenp as any flinerpcrsomn tboclly. IsenOry JOHH s. KEKIIBBT. ■' •'•a B. HASLET?.- KENNEDY A HASLETT, . Soccsssohs TO Kisbbt & Ksox. Wholesale ami fitiail Dialers in Watches, Jewelry , Silver Ware. Fancy and Yaruty Goo/ls, Baskets, Comos,%e. No. 94 Market street, between sth st. and the Diamond. |C7“ Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. .PjUshuofh. AogusttW, 1»30. • Walter P« Qlarshell, (Successor to Bamael C. Hill,) MPOETCB ARD DKALBa-IN PaKNCH APTD KHVBtSCMJt • PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDERS, - Window Shades. Ftre Board Prints, 4*c,,;*e. Also—Wrmug, Printing and Wrapping Paper, . . No. 65 Wood street, between Fourth at. and Diamond alley, west slue, Jas • PttbeiurgA, pq; rnos. J. CAMPBELL.* ■ - -D AVTO CHESS*** *CUAS. M'SNiSUT Iron City Tacts Factory* mflE subscribers manufacture and keep constantly on 1 hand a'! sires of Tacks, Brads.and Sparables; Fin ishing. Cloat and Hob Nail*; fine Blaoa Flour Barrel and Lathing Na*.s? Copper Nails and Tacks; Barrel Nails, Copper and Z:nc Shoe Nails; Pattern Maker’s Points; Rivets, aesortco size*. Ac., Ac., Ac. CAMPBELL, CHESS A CO., * my3l:y Warehouse, 55 Water st, Pittsburgh. JAHES A»JUftSS» '• WnOLr.SA.LE A NDRETA ! UD RUG GIST, COBNES OP LJQ2ErT A>T5 HAWD iTRKTa. . A COMPLETE nssortraentof Drags, Chemicals and j[\ Family Medicine*, always &ir st.,Fills bargh, has constantly on bund nil kinds of PAinrs, either Dry orMiXed; Jopati and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil; Boiled Oil ; Spirits Turpentine ; Window Glass, of all sizes; Putty, Paint Brushes, Ac.j all of the best quality, and for sal* at rr-ngonnble prices. . senll J. A* tioaiUr, TSXHOLESALK AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, cor y V nerof Wood and Third streets, under St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pu. • {apr3 WvWV fil’Ciure. HOUSE; SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, COBBER.O3 WOOD AND HFTIt SfUISrS, (Under Pntricics & Friends Brokers Office,) mrtr*o:ty . . . .putsbu'gft, Pa. JAMB* AItHSTBDNa*.—-SA.VCEL CHOEtXB. : Armstrong & Orozter, COM MISSION .AIKKCHANTS. GROCERS, And Dealers m . Pittsburgh Manufactures, KO. OJI VFAtBS, AM) 04 FIRST STMBBf, PirXAHt/kOil, PA.. Will *uend promptly to the sale of every description of Western Produce, and other ailteles comimucd to thcircare.i .■■•■■■ ■ ■> ■ |marl 'U.Ii. conn. W«Daly ACo,, MANUFACTURERS and ImponerA of the beside wnpuon,-only, of Knclish, Scotcn and German HOSIEKV .UNDERSHIRTS DRAWERS AGLOVES. . i t/ih street) betioten Wood and Market* Pittsburgh, And WHOLESALE IMPORTING WAREHOUSE, nprtifl GI Caurtiand street. Arw Jcrfe. . J, E. SnKHIFF, FORWAPiDIXG 4* COMMISSION MERCHANT, fend Dealer m ail kinusof Western Produce and Pxttsourgh Manufacture*, No. 10 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa , {£7* Will promptly attend to ah business entrusted to his care. ■ jjvi9. J*fl. WILLIAMS —•—■ ■ -iOTiN KAKT, Jfc. J. DavibultUlß ACO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- FAMILY GROCERS, hortsarding and .Commustai Merchants, Ami Dealers in CODNTttT ?UOUPCtt AflD IVUSUVUOU «SJtCr*C7UBES, Wood sirett four dv?'t above t itik, mars ' ; * • Pittsburgh- Looking Glass anil Drtnh Slanufactorv, Wll WALLACE, No ,:d0 Wood srfcEßr, (above « Fmh.) icecpson hand and inasmucturex io or der, every .description of Gilt and Framed- Lookag Glasses. Also, Looking Glti** t l::ten, bv the box or single piste. Pictures and Formuisftamrd with neatiwsii and tierpatch. A full aanorimcnt of Brushes on hand and made fo or der, of the best material. T ogether, wi.b a variety of l!ou*e Formshiug Goons, wholesale or retail, to «uit purchasers, at renucad prices.. tnr hand. - fnov4 w*. a. iiKuaott • ••* .••iA34aa cbuwsll. . Uerron A Criswell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, NA»t7fACIOBfiOS OF'll.L *TM>» Lt WOfcE, Locomotive, Steam F.nywt, .Plumbers, Qc., t j*c., Afso—UoUon t.hiuing inutiufjciuiers, DRY—Rebecca siren. Ailrgijenv City. Office, ; SOTo-rof barkerand : Kiftfi.fitii..Pius?>u»»rh, « N.‘D —Old -Brass and Copy?? taken m exchange for work—or cash paid. ■ Order*(eftaithe Foundry.orOtEce,v/jllbcpunfituaily attended to. j . . \ . ifrbpMy James Luwry, J r», (MIAIR AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER, No. 494 Fdlcrman s haw, Liberty street, has on hand a Urge stock jif Chairs and Bedsteads of every descrip tion, made or the bent material* which he will sett fow* er than ar.ioJeß of the same quality can be sold in the city lie would ctUrpurucnSnr attention to his large siock ot mahogany and wa'.iut choirs and Bedsteads, which he will sell at greatly-reduced prices. Also, TURNING of every description executed m (he neatest maimer. ’ Ordere leitatthe Wnrcrooins,or nulve MiU,corneroi Adams and Liberty strecis,wltl be promptly attemlcd to. tnariil ' Rope Foundry. SAMSS COCnaAH,*"*** »• *OKOROB 88AL8,18., WM. r. Id’BBIOB,** * •►•♦«»•*•'»••• C.J.AONUW. COCHRAN, M’BRIDE A CO., Nd. 26 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of casting*,Oookmg stoves, Donavan’s Improved Enterprise Cooking Stoves, U’uiomcd Atigust, Hanses, Hollow Ware. Grates, Ao. Also,lron vaalts, Vault Doors, Railing Window Shutters,and Wrought Iron Work of every description. ' ~ WORKS. "" 105 WOOD STBEUT, TWO UOOKS BELOW VIUSUt ALLEY. BOWN A TiDTLKY, PRACTICALCUTLEItS.SURGICAL AND DENTAL Inatramene OJonafacturers* I WE aro no;v receiving oar Spring of GOODS, comprising a full jggSfV&J•": ' assortment of Hardxoau, Cutlery,, ■ Gum. Pistol* and Hunting Knives. ™ ! AJso,allof Ute latest improved Pis tols manufactured in America. In addition to our Store, we have a manufactory for making all kindsof Instruments and Tools. Our Instru ments are anoq nailed m the western-country for saperlorfuiUb and workmanship—which we refertothe best dentist* in the two cities; All orders from a distance will meet with prompt at teauon. Jobbing and Rcpmring neatly executed. Par ticular attention paid to the making of Trusses and Suppcrters; <• N. B.—We aro also Agents for the sate of Charles 0. Reinhardt’s celebrated Glass Pad 'X cubs, the best now in use for the speedy cure pf Hernia. For «*lc by the single dozen. pel? Ur. 6* Kyle CONTINUES to practice Medicine, Surgery, and Ob \J atctricsoPMidwifcry .Eclectically, in accordance with sctcnufic principles, and hence with great sac* cess. „ ID*Office and resldenoc, No. 68 Diamond alley. Of fice hours, 8 to 12*. a., and 2 to 6 X. M . N. .il—liimiiibio remedies for Dyspepsia, Consnmp non. in its incipient .stages, Bronchitis,. Ittreumausm, Tetter, Dtarrhmo, Cholera bloriiu,. Dysen'.ary, Asiatic CholertnTeiauusor locked-jawr female diseases! dis easesoftheliver and kidney*} Scrofula, ,Dropsy, Ac.- Ac.; sndaruidotes to all person*,prepareii aiiJ kept for talc. -.Mercury* antiraoney umi tueir preparations, as well aa the laiicevare entirely dispensed with. {myU . MONONGAUEL.A FLANiiSiG MlLL.—Jamw iwOKB would respectfully inform hla friends and the public, that his new establishment is now in full opera, tion, and that he is prepared io fuminh Bout Cabins, and fiilall ordersibr Planed Lumber, with promptitude,and at the lowest trues. ; ' - Boardnnd Plank, planed on one or both sides, con fiamlv.ojihard... - Ba3h,DooraandMouidingSjOfeverydoscripUon, mad# to order. Builders and Carpenters would ilndUto.their&dvfth' Ugeto give him a coll, as he ciii now furnish them wiib plankeu «mff,suhah}# description of . wprlr - \jKT ILLTAM /TROVILLG, Undiriaktr, Fiftfi atreeijim ' If mediately opposite the Tneatre, rcspecrfully -in-' forms his friends and the public ingeneral,that he ha# resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker? He is fiupphed withand alwayij keeps on hand Coffinsof:all sizes and kinds,Shrouds,and alloihctdrUclcs'neccasarv on such occasions, : ; . Silver plfieSjiOehoxes, and leaden coffins will be sip plied inorder*; A ttßc hearse and cairiagealway* read* to attend funeral. : : .enaSilv 1 ■;; Health Office. —~ —~- : ITUIE public are informed tlmt the OFFICE OF THF 1 BOARD OF HEALTH of the City or diusbare i Is at No. 09, Giant street, between Fourth and Diamond streets, where all Notices und Communications for the Board must be; left. - - CHARLES NAYLOR, Jyl2- -v Seeretanr. Piuiharahliestlitr Depot; E BARD A; CO , No, 103 Wood sthest, hove Just • received a Fall supply of stock In theirlioe. Bal timore and. New. TcrkSOLE LEATHER, Philadelphia -Kips and'Calf Skins, French Calf Skins, Co-intry Up per! Kiph afid Calf Skirts, MorocehLiningand Binding Skins j TannerisOil; Tanner's and Curner’sTaolß, Ac And; taken together; they helievoit the largest and best assorithenl ever oficred beroro in one honse in- Pitts horgit Ai! of whic.i we are 'prepared to sell to cash and prompt paying enstomers at the very lowest pricor; possible- ■ - -We take pleasure in showing oarstock, and cordially invite purchasers to eiamlne,hcfore purchasing else-, where' ' [wplB.tr .TV ' J .>,V. , -.'- os™^ 04 **" s *IU UBOOfES, AHB PRODUCE CoHMlaeiOH MercUAßT*. Wood-strut, fitlsbuTefc Pa ■ Dealers in groceries kiom.’wS'mi, Rye . JJ Oats, -Corarliarlcy, Pork, Bacon,' Butter, Lard £?” ,e jJ “oj'VTimoiky and rial Seeds; iron. Nail*,: ?fW«,er’n t Pr’o'duce UC “ lataUem ' 0n P “" 110 lhe salf + {i*p“ N css--Mesars.Myers & Hunter, Robt. DalieU f «ampt°n,bnmiv& Co., Kin*& Moorhead. McGill? M-«n?^^*? cs a PiUBl^, l r^ b * Fenner & McMillan; MmutHon; Joh-8, Mnrnson. Kstu Si. Lopis vnVft T. WOODS A SOS, " , PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION . merchants, . . . • N0.,Cl WATfcn STRggT, PITTSBPBSHy ; -**»• Old Printing estal)lHhm«nu • ‘ ■ ■"(L4T* jouhston & stockton’b,) - . Mna Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, VfT S* DA VEN is prepared to execute eve y style 01 n T.r ,* Legal, Comffiercial,Caual.andSieaniboQi Jolj "• .mul furnish every article tn. tue. ulaak Book, Paper and Stationery luie, at the shortest notice -and on the most reasonable terms-'' m“ , K Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market and and Second streets. ID* i’rmung Office aud, Look Bindery»No* 50 Third sleec - . • ' . , novlfi B* T. V* " ‘ BOOKSE LEEK A N X) S TATIONER; jLj on hand agencral assouma .i of School, Miscellaneous and Biuua Booiis.Pcmttnc, Post ana L«p l aptr, Ac , wboiCsalttrfind reiail, No. lOrWood si., below Fifth.. East side* Pittsburgh, Pa:. IP* Wanted, Rags and /^anncfs, sornps - aplfidy R, C. STOCK I ON, . {Lais Johnston £ Stockton,} . Boo*.ellor J *taUouer, Printer & Binder, \BTPULD respectfully invite iftc,aiicntion of Mef -73, f'jjiH l *® a 9 t * others, to lus largo and superior stock of BLANK BOOKS, consisting o f DayDooscs, Journals, Ledgers, invoice, Cush, Ordefutul Letter Books, of every made of the best paper, aud_ bound; iii the du .Table manner, which he offers at .prices- inai Oahnm fail to give satisfaction.' Blank Books ruled aiul houiul to any given pattern. Printing of every dcs'cnpUnn exei ttmi dispatch :. N 0.47 Market Vt. :• Q> L. BOOD,“ ‘ IaPOSTBII. tyHOLKSALS ANl> HSTAIJ. DEAD'tt t-'T ri\E • • GOLD JE WELKY, PURE SILVER WARE, FLAITHU GOODS, Ac . AN kinds of Watches and -dewelrv carCluify to* paired. No. 51 Market street, two .duohi iroM Third Pittsburgh. MeMl. . : v Hi W* Oorb&ch,- • imorniS his friends end the public Xiom general, that helms opened ihchou-c formerly occupied by. tLsbopaid, in \ViJkin*burph f wucre he id prepared to accommodate travelers and person* ceimr ouijrom dfe'City, ■ ■.■■■.-. I.ircikif CALUAUhM A co.i MEI'CHANT TAILURS AND CLOTHIERS, : No. I Corner Wood and Water street*, — iQ - 7 :•••. - - rrmnogoa. Wil. u. w . y; Tiif « Co-Piirtnerslilp, life. sab«cnbcrshuvc entered into 00-Partnefaliip, far U»e purpose of currying on thoMusiurd hud c-piec, and general Muling business: m H 7 Third sireet, where uic> wm.be pleased to soe me old customers of VVrxht X Alcom. jdeclOj * ALCORN. lowa Foundry, JVo. 103 Wood Street, IhUsburoh, TjUVKbIZLS lOWA HJUNOK V COOKIMI STOVFS JL —which received the first prize for t&.ouiid 1851. at tbe Agricultural fairs of AUeghOoy Coum-., Pa., ntid recommended by 15U0 person* who have them iiiVse ri’ur sizes Enterprise? Cooking Stoves Parlor S' T ' 51 P«ce«. InavltCy J J t£, PAUtt »■ ACO Allaglteay t’laulng Mtif, ' warn, Aumuuif tun, »wu. rjuth .newnber tvoold inpecttaltv inienm in* fiienda « U * c ff e '‘ >having compieicd hjd and Smith/Uh:. ’. NTuesday duly ya, l>4s, the ondcftiened were called upon by Messrs. Lipjencou & Barr to wm>esi au ioncst and fair im-crone o, their Phtnua fcafe*. The furnace. being prepared, me wv- nluccd inaidctatreofjvrjiU hooks, papers aud some money; when Oie door of the safe: wa« closed and the fire timllod -v qenner pas; 'i o J doek, and m « fi f,ort time the Safe w*s red hotfjiad continued tilUialf past Go'ch'Mk.bcmpHUoui four ondykalf hours, when Lie committee.expressed that Uie time occuniud wttli surb heal was sufCitieiiKV liie furnace fviuujen pulled dawn saV coolcu, dud opejicd—Wie hooks, papers ami uio'iey safe, ilia was so great as to melt off the f.ntva therefore t:tie pleasure In recommend- bates to the public, as being, m our imlaracat enurcly fireproof, JAllVlti a TRARLk/ N >CK A RAWSON, CORNWALL A BROTHER, .BRANNON ATUATCMKJi! BENEDICT X .UAIITKIt, ISAAC CIIOMIIL 1 am engaged In the foundry business, and know something about furnaces, and heat, i witne&eed the burning of (be above t»afr,«nd can freely *ay there was no hambug about it, and with pleasure recommend tHein lo tho publio as being, in my Judgment, entirely fire* Proof, n WM. KATE. la c&IU&c opon the above geutlenien for their slirua. tares, they i ll.Hpokc in the highesuvnasof the fairness of the lest, and their full confidence, of tho Safe’s beint enUrel vlire*proor. We have const tolly on hand and rot ■ole o lull assortment of the above sales. .*r TJ.'Uf/v saddle, harness andtuun k manufactory BO BERTII. HARTLEY, bees ioave to In- r*i. form his friends and the public gcrceraMy, ii&iheconunuesio occupy that large andeom. modioDS Store Room, formerly occupied by SamueTPaUn* smock A Co., No. 6fi,corner of Diamond alley and Wood street, where he keeps a largo and general assortment of Saddles, Bridies, Harness, Tranks, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and ail other arti cles In his line. He also keeps constantly on hand, and 1 is prepared to furnish lo order, all kinds of Riveted Huse, manufactured of the bestmaterial,andin & style of workmanship equal to theea&ieni manufactured article,and at 55 per cent cheaper.-" Country iftrehanti and Farmer? would do well to Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere,as beisdeierrained to sell first rate articles at vary low prices. Q7* Don’t forget the place, No. 60, aorner of Wood stroet and Diamond Aliev. . • *i>3G' FlUaburgU Samryi A N ; o®nibas rod# every hour .from the corner of X3L , Market and Fourth streets to the Garden,. Penn, sylvania Avenue,.where there is a choice collection of Green House Plants, hardy Monthly; and Running Rosea, 2d(J Adelaide Mass do,Wew Spireas, 11300'do‘Dwarl Pear of select varieties, Herbaceous Plants, Dahlias, Phlox, Amtthmimns, Carnations. Ac, add where Ordcw will be taken for. Apple, Dwarf do, Pear, Cherry and Plum Trecs,Quince and Filbert do, Grapevines, Goose- Ac.,'bhrabbory,.Blindo Trees, &c n frora the Hill Nursery. “ ; Orders directed iq the proprietor, through the.Pitts*, burgh Post Office,to iheGardeti, Pennsylvania Avenue,' or at ftlr. R. DatzelPs Liberty street, nour tho head ot -Wood, will be promptly attended to. JOHN MUkDOCIEJR. JD-Orchards and Shrubbery plumed neatly to order. ■ ect?:lf ■ IiUUUS «> I ft ul .^GHIK^Sj'^p^Mj^UFAGTUEEBS^ OIL MILL BUILDINGS, SoMj/i- iV'cji cor -54i1?3 ntr cf Diamcnd, \nthr the Oki« and Pinru Hailroad Bepcl,) Allegheny C*tt <£issa£2Cllivcr and Land Steam Engines, Fire En gines, If ydraulic Fres’Jes,' of QU'tlescrlpddHs; Conner pinte* Lhfcogropbic and otter Pressest Gold Stamping and Kcfining Appciratfls, togethei -witU'-'MUr Machinery' in genera!) built upon the most approved plans of con struction, ami-workmanship to thei alia (action of cus tomers.. All orders left at Messrs.; Cochran, M'Bride A Wood street, Pittsburgh, or addressed to ihcsubscrlbcrs, Allegheny ,willreceive prompt attention, ault DODDS A CROZIER. . Benry Dtuiml«ri iVo. 180 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Manufacturer of Tin, copper and sheet IRON WARE; Dealer tn House Furniture Hard • wore.;; Keeps- always -on • hand a'Urge assortment' of Tin and Copper Ware. Ac., best quality, which he will sell at very .low prices for cash, wholesale andretail Coantry merchants are invited to call ai hli stand.-' .. AlliJOb.work lit the above business; also,Snoutlne andJiooffing Houses, will be promptly attended to ai aihdcrate prices. • fnoviOjif ‘‘•thogriphlc Esiabifahinont oir' M.aiEß BTIISET, OPPOSITE THB ?OST-OFFICH. PITTSBVRan. and VWUni c»?S if 18 ' 61 " a D ' a W‘!'ffS,-ila.incu and Printed i?rl’u.;' , .£ n f ! , r:L 7, od crDr '" v " on Slone. raoiinpn/oveß .S. Hr ' ,n2e «<- aiaoL- 3 in thr iuu.mppruTea.iyi. and at tie most ren»oi!ribte orlre. eits-diT 1 riinn haunw.iv 1T AVjVI Sr!HUCI|MA\ l V b etweeii'JOH\ U rfi^l p lioretnfore existing Busiiuss <£ari>3. CARD. WboUflftlo aaaiutan. siilfillfe ■‘TMiw.igaM l ‘ 1 ggg^gngßssaS Bnatnefia (jiaxoß. „ CARD. Interpreter. lU ' V “Chfc,, hi trprtUrrf. Fc>cign Language! in y, ’ and jar ih e Ct,mmvi\ißcauiinf-,Pinnsyiv*xnta tlote hne LUs '°( Ptttsbuirh. County of Allegheny, may be found every day, from? A.M. until. 6 PM,In the tduarter Sessions Conn Room, or at No. ISO Fourth at; JJonds, Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, and all ,? r °, l . her wrl !>;ys a whatsoever, translsled from or mto the. German, French. Jialian and Spanish lan- ; goages, with neatness and despatch. aptMlm : ..... Card, Tj'FLICIAN SLATAPHIt, AnontTici aim Civil Ehoi- X nisa. Drawings and Plans of Buildings and Ma enmery prepared at short notice. JLtir.d Surveying Ac 1 promptly attended to. OlEce—Grant street, between Second and Third. . ,:t;. . ... .. enTa-ivir ■ JL 9. Morrison* ' . G ATTORNEY and counsellor, at law, KEMOVED_to 44 Grant street, near Fourth Pittsburgh. Po. * -- Wo.JOWoiilitrcitjl’ttuiurahi ly ANI'pACTUKKR fJPtoOKi.'NG glasses, and B-1 wholesale Utaler in Combs and Variety Goods oners to lu> customers and the public a most'ompleto of Goods in his tune, suitable to the spring Being extensively engaged in ilie manufaoiureof every va-ipiy of Looking Glasses, be is enabled to offer in ducements to purebnsers equal to nay housoinilto Union. B, U CALMUST 'TUl) a '' T S pons u M’CALJIQNT & EEENAN! ATTOUSETg AT LAW ISO FOURTH STItEET, • OoppsiieWilkinsHaU* Pittsburgh, Pa. . ~ ; EoropeoniiawAgMicy. _u-7 flia.HEGUtf, m connection with Huce Keenan, Bs(K.Coan«l!orat Law, Dublin, irclaridyConccKcJaims, makes searches, 4e, in Europe; and one of them an nua!!* makes a lour through Great Uriufu.lreland and Anlfrll:u (morll : . G. W* Taylor, ' A<7. 121 Second Street* .*TE6OTIATOR OP BONDy, Mortgages,Time Bills, Xi and 3 ocka. .Also, Pittsburgh Manufactures and' iMurcliaiidizc, always on bund, or procured at abort notice.. , , ■.'■■■ ■■ ■ ■ InprlSlv THOMAS atiIASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHiJICSBy; Office, next door to the Post Office, 5 Steubenville, qm„. D. c- cosiSi'pi ; . i r ■ A XlOll AT LAW. office, 137. Fourth street J\. ntmve Flnilhßehl. Pittsburgh. Pi, “ A/.ry*' ' . Lh ; *L DEALER JN " Blank and School Boohs, Paper and Slalionertt. Wood Blreei, {between Third and Fourth ) marJ ? PiunhorVi UE3HY M CBtLQKSIi: ::-.:::iou.n luoA'ir-" -p MV-ti,, „ HKfitltY Q’OULLOKOH i£o. “ Vv *l\ v Wc ; r ?? ,,d Merchants TV aiid Dealer* in »h txe-as of Produce, corner of Penn anil Jrwn sis., Jr'iilt'jurgh. fmnrlf o,'n. lUiTaftT —— A i‘-*U Foujmi stbget, above and near -.framlificld..--.. . (inan>7y; . jtOCfefTOOU’ft ■ '; ■ CLEVELAND, PITTStWKQH AN D MASS [LONE X- I-eaTM PiHsburgh andClevelMi'd..»ltmA: 1 «, Wtinuia.«, BIT 7 1 BAKER A KOItSYXIIEiAg^ ■filurnitey* • . _ . ." HoL l, SALE DU aLKit IN I'nmnutgt, bottom. Fancy and Variety Goode. NO. 01 WOOD STREET, ' ,e P» tmuutn Third ana Dourm, Fiuilurek. WEGNER, BUECHNER r & MUKTLkII’S' — New Llthoffrapble Uatabtlabment. 60 Mvku sirtfiy tstaun Third & SoutUl IS NOW ready to mrrnsU every kind of Llfengraphio wark ill tie most elegant style, such as Show Sou Alapi, Periraia, LanMcipis, Card*, DM Arad*, and Ltd Ml*, printed m gold, colors, Ac. 1 At the same piaen, Woirth. Aioescr & Helmie hnvo oMiied a lhuwiMt >cuoot, and execute «a order Prefix 01 Atuclmiery, l>;j‘tcs, alonunsenu.-ftc.vriihall uossi. t)|« ocporwov nno clcynncc. 4)&‘ly Ho p £ £? a vy o h y —- Cooliran, £lcUrlde & Co.* ' KA.NVI?4CrCHBitS Of Iron Sailing and Ornamental Iron Work in all He tranche*, NO.SS tVuOO STREET, PITTSBURGH. *|MV* advertisers teg leave rcspccilully to inform their JL mends oitd the public generall jr, that, having r«mv. cd a largo nurnber or new pasterns for tron Rainne Ac which,together wot thuae previously on handieonfprbe* the greater! variety ever offered In this City—thev nC? now prepared to laamifactirro the same for Cemcirrv purposes,.balconies, fences, gardens, window iwll tree tottes, hat racks, enure tables, etc, 4e.,in a * y| B «{• wotkmait. inp uuu fimshnot 10 he surpnssd, and cheaper than any hnreinfeis laauuiaciurcd west of the ojuan- At-. 0, cooking sieves, hollow ware, end easiinrjofalr .descriptions, as usual. _ • |J» bbtri* iSadsTe Order, “ 15 fifth, Third Loot from Market etrett. ■I'HI. subscriber manufactures to order the be stonalitv » pf GENriRjMEVts SHfKiS. tlh'se e’' i ,aca nuo have tnund n dl'dieiM u, obtain n ,t,U iwrinr and f rangjlg cud. ham, can te soiled by ea“mJ S 3 leaving uicir measure. . a ALSU. On hand, a large quantity of Beady Mode Shirts, of all sues, lor Men and Boys. * 1 M _!!* - C. M STIIK'VO A N ff » A Ct C D J£ 8 Of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET UtON WARE. K A°‘ Ta ' ri P'UJ&tirga, ** general assortment of ail kind* f.m,Cojii>cr and sruiet Iron W***- L \ HJAkc* t» order on ihrt smmest notice aud ujoai occom uioUniniff ICNO*. Wijo|p«i;i|« aTiii jvy, V |j> ~ +^?? JusLk»a tu i>i, T" -• l A « U I ON Mi Lb 31 K H C i* A N T T A I LO It No. B7«atr, Fixmcaou, t*a.. ' > „ . Ortor bt'low bugle Molfil). ' V -1 b LOW rt:c c iv ‘ t*PTtft:y • - Bishop Lawn# •' A\ BANKERS & BROKERS. 8»- C* TIEUfAN* JOlllt M. TffiRJTiH. TIBaNAN A> CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, fobSfrjy :■••• • - No. Q& Wood street,, Diamond alley. Co»P*rtnersUtp» “ITTrE bive this day taken FLORENCE KRAMER TT into our firm. The business will be cominned un der the firm of KRAMER &RAHM. [myl:4w iUIK KSAKSIL' vSDWABXt SiJm. : VIOBSSC2 snABSSi XCRAJSBU ft RAmOi BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND SELL Gold, Silver and Bank Notes {ne gotiate Loons on Real Estate or Stock Securities purchase Promissory Notes and -Time Bill?, on East am Westi bay. and sell Stocks on Commission. Collectionstnade nu all points in the Union. - fmyl Kemorsli:: Patricks & Friend, BARKERS AND KSCHANGK BKOICEJRS, HAVE REMOVED TIIEIROFFICE to iuß conmsa o* f fth and-,wood streets* Pittsburgh, Pa: B' PATRICKS & FRIEND, ... ANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, and Dealers in Notes,Drafts. Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bonk Notes, Exchange on ibo Eastern and West ern cities constantly for sale • yollecrtona msdeJa all the cities throughout theUni tea states. Deposited received in por funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood-streets. ffeb3 Somatic, and foreign Exchange, Dank Notes > • & o *&4ndSilvtT,Bought,So* d and.Exchangtd, - BIOIIAH6B ABB BABKIRO HOOBB 0g . •" William A. Mill & C©., ; 64 .Wood Street, 7 PITTSBURGH. . f AILOWgp ON TtMUPCTOSITS ' v ' faarS? ; HcmoTAi. Bt ROIiEIBB A SOHS, s^?-. a r ras PJ r 8.5 T ?* ra tunxmo AND 6XCIUVO2 ornci Tb No. 67 Market strut, four doors Move old aianrf _ . N. HOLMES A SONS, • 7>AMvERBAND.EXCHANGEBROkERS,ftndDea -4* ersin Notes,Drafts,Acceptances,Gold.SHverand itonk Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western ciuea constantly forsaTe. Collections made in a!) the cities throughout the Uni ted States. Deposites received in par funds or current paper, No. 07 Market street, between Third and Foarth streets.. . . ■ • . . ]anSo«ly. . JAi. O.BOQIT. TOCS SAEfiEHT „ HOOK u BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, «.*. Conurof wood and Sixtktintu:, PiutburtA, Pa Tpunu in j Coin, Bank Notes. Time Bills, Foreign Erchange,Certificates ofl»epoait,£e 'JiF! 4 "9 K °"«Uihe prmcipaiCiiies oftLeUnion “niTDr?i&4? r, s^letnsamsto snitpurchasers. rn??^SSS4 pir IjtnfiateceWedbndepoalw.: loSe*trw«^ 0^S B " llie0n * ,p * rls oftke Union,atthe ■ _ O’Coanor, llrottlcr tfc n ,Na : ; EXCJIA NGIS brokers. D^iiesifhVran ln ?f‘- ,?a i. d PowgitjgtelwiiabiTiitio I Suelts lE ?. B ‘* , ;*J' l J s r c ® n , UncutTe n t and. Far Funds, I Office,-corner Tblid and Wood streets! I rituhurg-h. {marl? !(. .bankers and*exchange‘brokers, mal Principal ciuesof the United atates.. Deposits received of Par and,Current Funds mar*7:y _&-TEL~&BXJOU3 & CO., ■ EXCHANGE Sffof "" B2jiE,!S ™ BANKNOTES, - SIGHT AND 'awfully attended to, and proceeds remit teo.to ony part of the Uninn. tSS3“ BTOC KS-^sSS, BOUGHT AHD SOLl> OS COMMIESIOS. • ■' ■ ■■■ Wo. 74 Fourth rrrrsf, scplj] Next door to the Bant of Pittsburgh ' hotels, &t. Wmern Bxeltingo Hotei, w “ A p SJCr n j oa rasa sqtuuc, nuuMtnu, "‘id* °T!“*' U Central and Fiona itaitroad 11,pot lErl no subscriber respectfully solicits a share or tie travelling public. 1. n. . VPATKU.M AN, Jhoprteter. . Tatma—One dollar per day. tfebld lv . THK UUAfIT HOUSE, ~ . Corner of Fourth andGratii Street!. le ** ed lh ? la 'S° and well kuov/n J. HOrt.Ullaio Lomurluic home) at ihc ccr.ior of iourth and Grant streets, Pittsburgh, which lias been ni v" 1 naw, I r ■<*idal op in nil it, apartments, so oa i A‘. 5 ai, d more liberal accommodation lotrav -sj!“ a 11 " 1 wiil *>« ‘lored witli the moat tire markets can aßord, erd hisibar ,!l0 '**'■ 1,0 w t bGNCltcvcVday.to wjuth auention is especially called. 3 r > Jof 1 . 1 ? JAME 3 OWSTON. , WiSmltb, IRON CITY HOTEL Ffrh Saul, bitmm Ifecd and Mariu -IP* Good 8f AUUA'G attached ui Hi i, r : tapr7-; c. , n , a ‘ , oaw* UOtel, Suuaudm IPaiir Strut, oppenti the LMOFing .f th, ~ BteunndliSuam Patkne. * J'Hie Honee bavins undergone a thorough renalrin* A ‘‘nd Gttifcg op, bom inside and out, the subscriber I* determined to use every oxcruouamiis power to m'la *il comfortable that Hunk property ran}! with him. Th* I able will be always supplied with the best tliomarket w * l u * dnUei m ' h *•*«»»■* 1UM810W.1... vr'c'cn ■ ■ BROWri'S nOTBL.’ v CU&NSa OF SEiThtIELI) AND'fwRDSTS * * N S Rl £ CONKEIXy, PROPRIETORS. W. U —Good StablingaUttoltedtothe hn^ ftl Home* WILLIAM figSiu* SMfisaagSS^wr^teir^ t^fg = - J»d\“ A n d *VSraiZf c yw° h ] ls: ° c •»« , £ "«< "‘.° la3,c of * TofnMV I *!if Jo f £ r ’ : splendid esubliahmeuuand after considerable expciitb ha» •aatleiiadctightfulplace of resort. He > SS&3& l * «"« UP •> Uie shortest nolle "every tfelfca* uy wJucb may. tempi the nppetito. of the eoiemo or fho fancy of tUe taosiiuUiUoiu.- '•P'Voto or me -Dinnor wtll be mreatilaessevery ilav at i ovio'fr for Panics can. be accommodated With guppera iVthe p inn«i «cW»tc4« manner. Outers, Game, te , will bo J Uicre 1.1 Uieir season, in abort, the proprietor intends that uo expenao or trouble shut! be spared to&ako ihi« a jSS\ > y 56 IUC m lbe county „ . . ... .*'***•**« Ue.iauraui, ■■ : : JNo, iSmMeldSt., appetite tie Mmougahela Haute. h, l^ loB talIC ? and handsomely • arranged building, and put itin most thorough re pair, havwg enUreiy.reiUtcd ;«itd refurnished it iil eli gant style, in a manner not cxceleiU by any simila oi nofimr e «y?.^ ,y - C l ßa i > * ll ttaeWmslicdwuh liltiUOilßofUiechoicesi Vrands, and every deucxcy of tho season; such ns Oysters, Oame, Shops, tc., el wava in rendtncce. ...... ■ ‘ ’ Birmansand Sorem served, and Parlors provided (or : Private parties on short nolice. [mylO Bt' UlalrDoki, ~- . (Formerly the Exchange,) Comer of Penn^St.C^iretrate,-PitUburgk T^JaTSP, acl ? tt “’. con l rnl ’ nn4 conveniently incut, d ,iT HO S¥!L,-'“ v 5 s b cc, n completely remodeled and thoroughly repaired aud improved, 'and ; is now odcd for Iheaceotttmodation of the public! “ P “ The subscriber, (esseaaiid proprietor of the St. Clair Hotel,' respectlully informs Ins friends and the public. Unit hodas furnished n m the raosl.elcgani and comfoni oble style, and .employed competent assts.antt and- at. tenttve and faithful servants, and Uiat he will share rl exertions to mate it equal tO’tuty houLo tnlhc country /l-ho wall knoivn oentral location of tih llridse unti convenience of its arrangements, rendering it the most desirable, either to travelert or permanent hoarders ?nl duces him to solicit and hopafor tt a liberal >lmiw lf ',!! tronvue., iapnhl) : v p“w f ■ • ' 'ilui BRloonoa i. ' A T THE ATHENvKUM BUILDINGS, Llngary sr ii. are at all Umea a defiglufUt place mr liV S!f. B B S? a o S n V e I mel L' 0 0 y ! a P‘aie ofFRteH oyS. IERS, cooked in. the yanouß Stylos nnd served-in n FEE n °TEA FASTRV?'! ‘a V }S^ : -Also-IHPE -COF ESTAHIdSiiMENT£iway. in * ito1 ' wW.MdShpwer Baths, from 7 A.M. to _____ [feblß. tv. W. tVABX). Bm r >«' Foundry, OLLMAN. & G ARttjaUN.-iiaVQ TenovecJ. to their m Rirramghamj near the Ferry— HttvingtaJl the laie improvements for Heavy work in.' Furnaces, Ac.,Avith Gatlros, and other machinery, and keeping always lb a: best.qaalutes ofmeiohthoynce prepared to mrmsh machinery, Ac * with promptness.. As they still return the Warehouse on BmUUfifcld «» on the olil premises, (aUo,at Nd. 4 Wood streets bat! terns or oTders leu there will be immediately auendVotA iiayingassocuileU JOHN .M’DUftQUGti with uslthe busiuoss hertfufior will be cofuiucied'Sn Ibe h 9ffl i L, BOBL.MAN, UAIUUaON i Co. c 11110 of Pnk l L L V> B o° A L a „ui 2 ,iB s /^ N^OA ’ o^'^ h * Pittsburgh, Ai T ARD T, IB and lor sate bv JU »pr 47 .ASMdIROWCI fc O^ZER. v v - :T;-' ‘-»: ' . •.' ‘“T•>..-v.r.:'%ftj'-, ;'£ i.----*-•'--; -■ '•' •”; T:- r ""■ “Vi' ' : TV:'~' ' '- r ■ '■' • ■'. *.v '- V : >-; ’ :;,l v . .ry/’v;';': > T - f » * v'-„ . 4 - >r ~ * V *,V*+3W* PHILADELPHIA M A. H> TERHCRK, . - fiaanuraeturer and Dealer in transparent Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Cords,' • Tassels, Brasses, sc. N0.,39 NorthTaiao Street, Philadelphia. —: • • ■ ■ ■ : ■ ■: •■■•■■■:. • • • ; ' „... J.*.lCAaiiE'S gallery of paintings, looking glass : pictureiframkmanupact^ry; rr-a. .. • Ao 316 ChcstniilStrett Philadelphia. jl/" Algo. Reetorng Ralnunge. : . (manU:6m) * JBO. S.COPGfIAVS, W. n WOODYTAfiD, SaLPH BAOALSr. BAGA *fJ?Y 4 CO., , „„ WHOLESALE grocers, NO. 221 MARKET STREET, PmLADEIiHHrA. ■ - ■■ ■ m»r2o _ WfAC BABTOH &, CO.. So, ay Second Street, Pblladelpbi a, OF DRYGOODS FORCOACH ANDCARBUILBERS, ha-tta Shoe Manufacturer!, Cabinet Makeri, . ( Upholsters anil Furntsliera, a. A. CROOKUIt fe CO., ' Imporfer3 r Manvfaciurers, and Dealers in ■ StravrGoodSjSilks, Ribbcm*. Fiowcr3.FcatfierB-& other . MJLfNERY GOODS, • ftw.47 and 40 Chestnut Sines, .• And JVoi 0 6 South Second Street, : (Westsido.) . PHIABELPBI&; • mainly j. c. &rw;ErTXBssB, IHEOETEHSOFANO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SILKS,RIBBONS And Fancy lailllnery Goads. : CONSISTING of Bonnet Tabs/ Crapo Linings.' Tar VV Jatan Linings. French Gntsido Flowers, Inside Sprigs, Wire, Bucfcrams. Orowns, Frames &c.,'blrawi Goods Ac. 19SOUTILSECONOSTRBET. mnrSD am* PHILADELPHIA. f WILCUOK> RUGKftS ft FKAbET, Third Jtrctij below Market, Philadelphia, TMPORI’ERSof Straw Plaits. Trimmings amlArLfi X ciaL blowers rand Manufacturers of: Straw Bonnets, and all articles in the Straw Trade, which they oiler at Importers’ and Maniffaclurera 1 Prices; Call and ® eo *!®i and be convinced, before purchasing, of me ad vantage to he gamed, by purchasingdirect from thelm* porter nnd Munufnninrcr. firmrSKhta* nr J » Bi BAUbB ft HOBtf jYo. ISO CA«.y» Always on hand, Cap, Demy, Rt djum and Koyal Ledgers, Journals, Day,lnvoice and Cash s- . Aldermen’s.Dookeis, Minute and Letter Boobs. Bo6k? randQm, uss> Copy and Cyphering ALSO-rA largo assortment of Medical, Miscellane ous and School Books: ; Booksellers, Hanks and. counting Rooms supplied with every variety of Blank Books and Stationery, atvery lew pricer, (marSIHJm Straw and Fancy 2Hiitaery» «r WRS M A. KING, No, SiSoUiA second Street, JSetiocsix market and Chestnut* PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY Announces to the Western Mer chants that sbo has opened the most splendid as sortment of MILLINERY, consisting oftbc newest and most Lsehioname Straw and Silk Bonnets Dress Caps; Ac, ic. She is preparcd to-famish orders to any amount. . . marCU^m- New Allltinery Uood*. THE Undersigned is now receiving ins SPRING ■•.. Supply of MILLINERY GOODS. s His-assortment will include every variety of Ladies 1 and Gills 1 Straw Boanets, of the Newest Pons and London Styles, Boys’ Straw. Hats, Fancy Straw Trimmings, Gimp, Straw Lords, Ac. ALso, Bonnet Ribbons, from No. 12 to 23 of the very latest styles; Glacie Silks of all colors; for casing Eonnew, from C 2 cents to SI per yard; White and Colored Crapes. Tarletans. lliusiGu Neits; Black Silks, Bombasines, While and Colored Silk Lace, buck ' ram, Crown, Liumgs.'Ac. •. .• Merchants and Milliners will find it to their advan tage to givehim. a call, as they will bo Able to find at Bits establishment, every article they may need iti the Millinery line of business. W ¥ MORRIS, No. .31 South Socond Street. • mar2Q:2ro» Philadelphia. Choice Teas and Family Groceries* TOTE would respectfally call the auemtori of those vf Famiiiesin t'lttaburgn.and vicinity whoarc wish ing to obtain at nay time a stock or quantity ofehoive Family Groceries, Teas, Ac.ytooor adireriisemuM. We have no hesitation in saying it will be grcauy to their advantage, if visiung, or even to mako a special trip to Philadelphia,to call and aelectfiuch articles asiliey may wish from our exteasivo and well selected assortment of goods constantlyon; hand, which they cou purchase at least 15 or uO per cent, cheaper ln&n in PiUfiburgh.-> Goads.neally paeked and sent as requested. Panicu* lar attention paid to Teas. Come oi ce and yoa will come again. Catalogues containing a list of the various articles in store may be obtained at the office of this pa per. COLTON & BURT,; Grocers and .Tea Dealers, • N»E. cor. Chestnut and 10th sts , PrSQ:y Phtln drip. ia CABINET PTTENITTTBE. CHAULBS U-WHITB. . bo. uOQ Chestnut stmt, above binth, Philadelphia, v south side; ' :•-••• l '\FFERS forsale,at.Reduced PnceB r a line assortment ~J of Krouy Made FURNITURE, of Superior Wane* ■ mansfaip, comprising all the lates-L European style* m fcofja, Tete*a*feics, Chairs and hlcgers. Also, Sofa rabies. Extension Dining I able*, Refreshment Tables. Music Cases, Piano Stools; Ac;&e : . /> CHAMBER FURNITURE} Dressing Bureaus, Wardrobes. Bedsteads, Mm-©sces, bothofJlairandSpring—a Bnoaruclo. • . . / > Just opened; a fine assortment or BROCHATELLES, Extra seven-quarters wide, and narrow widths to cntch or all Hus following coJora, which arc very desirable for Curiam Huntings, viz: Crimson and Garnet; Crimson ona Gold, Cherry Damask, Blue and GoW r Grecn and Gflld. r ;M.a* uuoi’s PitßflHUai dagubr; UICOTYPE GALLERY, VTO 140 CHE3NUT STREET, THREE DOORS IN BELOW FIFTH. PHILADELPHIA. A faithful portraitof .a fnend gives us pleasure, even whiiehe is Jiving, thoughabsent; but when he Is patted Icora us by death, its value.is incalculable;- We have every facility fonakmg Daguerreotypes otthe Jareest site produced in this country. And for .our ability in produce such, as are aileast, unsurpassed, wc woulifao peat to.twclve Prizes awarded ua at the Great Mtteamuons of living ATiistß-mmt uv the Public Voice* COO Picturcs° tU bya J» lllI,0Il W amounting to nearly 20,- \ We would respectfally solicit a Visit from all (whether desiring pictarcs or not) at our Gallery, U 0 Chesnut st wheiher oar stnelcsi personal attenUoo will be given.— Pictures at allpnces, and put op in every stylo oither for Vase or Frame. luairuclloD given in Iho Art.audlastrQ mcnis M the best quality,Torsale. Also,Torettlc*Jlißhts ..of takiog ** Crayo-i PictorcQ.• : * ® *? A few from many Opinions of ArtiMs: o- „ . 3 NbwYom, Dee. £0,1651. . “ Dear Sir :—Havwg nad occasion to copy from your- Daguerreotypes, we Leg leave to congratulate you upon the.proficiency ydu havemadeioworda perfection in ihi* bcauaruUrt 11 DANFORTIL DaLD * CO.. * ■ *. %• Note.Engmvorsi of New York dk PhJla. ll . “ Ihave long regaraed M A. Root ns IAI very best Da&ueTTtolype Artist m the country.” • : .. v ' ?. , J. I. PEASE, rngfaver. *V.Mr. Root’s‘Crayon 1 portraits t consider the - eery peso fsttian of tha Davucrreoiype Art.” -'-'/ •. - • . J. HENRY BROWN, Miniature Painter. • “For ocauty and nehnessof to»to; judicionsurrunga. meat of light and shade}, aad tasleftU artistic manage ment of ail accessions; Mr. Root’s Pictures, mmyjuiht meut,are unsurpassed. J. R. LAMBDIN.i 0 . • Fortrmt pointer. ‘ “To characterize Root’s 1 Crayon * or 1 Vignette l heads by. one ttopropriat* word, it is to call them—as they truly ' are— perfeeuonP ‘ JOHN SARTAIN. mar3o:3a .. .. • Engraver* j'ENKiiK MoMUiLAN :& AKIHUit,' . WIIOX.B3ALI! : Grocer* and tommlsiloo Mcrchanta. NQ. OaBROADSTKEBT, NEW YORK. **• : ■. • ■.. ; war2ft:ls* . PAPER WAREHOUSE'. Cyrus \V. Fl«ld A Co., COMMISSION merchants NO. H CUFF STREET, NEW-YORK, ' A KE, SOLE - AGENTS; in the United -States for a ■ A Mnspnm’a Superior lneoehing Powder ‘ f ' ■ & "& h Ttawlmsi Sons’EngUali do' rri.„r 0 „ Wan , , ‘ C ?’ BE,i f ! . 1 ' slulintl Scotch WriUnrrPaper. ? also Agents for the prinefpil Paper Maim faciurers in ihis conunj-, and offer ior sale by lur the' K°* 1 extensive and desirable stock of Paper aud Paper Manufacturers .materials that can -be found in-tbis or any otborcoaniry, T|joy occupy me large and commodious No .H-CUff-sireevNo;SB'*ciiff:-sm!er<;N(L. t 9l.Beckmdi!'' and.the Lofts oycr tbe- foigc Iron Store*, 7 and ■ Their basiness is strictly Wholesale, and Writing Pa persare sold by the Case only; . . -Their ,extraordinary facilities enable them to offer itll Goods, bolhForeignnnd Domestic, at ihe lasvtstno«si blepricea. •• Papermade lo order, any size or weight- liberal Vances mado on consignments of Paper, Paner* Mv. keraVStoek and other merchandize,' ■ - 1 .. er - ho highest market price paid in cash for nil kinds t>> •tugs. • • - • "v .rasSsSSsnpPSSf •' SSSS^SSSSSSI isssa^ssiini lO 3 Agency. ‘ ■ ' i*r k™ 431 KEl Mi»i ■ jf r97Palmemqn-Plgci.,-1> n ifii n . | reJan a'. • . > AdMttl fc jCTitmun •• TjMIEIGfIT REDUCED— PromSni «“ r ibi„ dntc v- ,■’’* * ' r A ■*:«’■**■ ’ ‘ ~' * /AVV* * - . +■ ' . \ V. ./'.; ' i ■‘v -*v' ■;. 7 * *i r r > \ i j 'r^r-Siv- FOR SaLK'—A ncwnnd comfori.ible DWI'L.-fc- s • LING HOUSE, No. 6U Congr«?*s ’■ Ward, containing six rooms, tvojf JV-J*®’*- - session given immediately if required r- : For furijior formation enquire on llie premises, or of v : t-.: THOMAS fOWfIV, f|TO LET*—A IWivLUM; liOl/su'V.if, ' X tag OorlO rooms, m good repair, oti federal »i?"b Allegheny City- • Hydrant m i' o wnich ts larj*e enough for a garden. Kct>t lo«v, end possessiongiven < J - i-ofj..r « U. D. GAiJ/iA.'-T, Liberty sired. _ _ U '** ’ ' ~ • • ci>F' ,w r(ii T-.rd. possession given i’nmedi- .-v. TiiiiSSSiS-^f c slor >' BHiCK HOUSIJ, (No-li li £%& Xiiird street,between Ko«» and emni).: * WftIGUT * ALCOKN, «„io . ‘ • *No. U?Third {street, • oppowh-sv owien Ho f ei. s u ‘-;* cr ,he Midi nr L o'i f)Yn 1 ~ ' o !£' are ,V tcc are preJa^Vdl-p^?, o,;* 0 ,;* souabl c,r «f «■ i'lsey ntro odor for dale, tiiat isir~a'r>i*»» <-r extending from sedoni sirr-et tii TiTlril^tS OU ' :■'' ’ ’ hnudred (u d sixty feeiolonj Cl™ r?iVl, u t T mkof<)t,a AL«bO—A Lot on ilir eanwardV sdc ci Uorr aojonungthe bereml Ward sUiotn iioati X.m?nnd fmv.‘ iStoln ? nly “< frp»* on Rorsnrreei, b> - i/igtuy fcoiin ' fefS- n,“ n m eT , ; , on Wl,,el > Lot » rrccid atffecMory Brjck D\ v cllhig Honsc,no;v occupied byJG.VVoad&Y *« tin: original plqn 0 r the city ol £!»« «haviii£ «ixiy fuel iu from on Uie South com. - H HEPBURN, ' , _ fobStitf ExV, and na £%h22t . V fa N 3„ Jnni^OdJci A FUCt- Ot ..Ptobtxtv f 6r r S*t«k ; ACIJES, siiuttic in the inlmidiMe : °L E ?, st Llij «r l 7> adj«iiu;w lands of Thot! d ■, „ n> ., Es 9,?,° nd Ml ’ a ’ Nc Z ,c Ty hhout i ofarmle front the Railroad. This property Has oa n a fine, proeprrini ' younp orchard, and (a a lory desirahle.stiasiion for a «™““7 rcsidercc,benriya fua hundred yards from lha turnpike, and, fronuns oa : UeoTtl Mansion.road. Thia ■ properly is also very suitahlo ror persons, desirous of * purchasing t or 1 acre iota, as n points on three different-' streets. IF not sold m nobody, it will, be sold nr ‘ k* 6 * B, * 7 ° r jn * orrDAlloli ejicjcire at Uiis office. - : ■ • ijAnfl forgale* ”■ A »vff« on- and ne.tr the onho'rlaifrouu 1 “ r ke ’ a:ldIW " r " le “hUunitewunui .^?J r,a . h ' 1 J w l. Mb<:.iManusfeH: •V " r ••• ••JtPOy S{UtO« •• '• A f wBfIm AN , D J jOT ’ sunalcd <“• Wtesfreetjbeoieoa iT«/ v U a F ? cl °ry slrccig, FifUr Wurd-Tbe-Loi i» -its. feet; frost- anil 1«0 foct on ViJX'iW* «Sf- : small FraraeTenemcms. Torme ca y;*a'/tJeecbd Penn^cl'nn’hV^rd 8 ° f 'j'HE subscriber offers Torna'o, 03 J-. £= following Properly—viz: * °“ e lTn*p^ E IiHICIC DWELLING MOUSE, No. EpEumstrcetj between IJay streevnntl Evans’al- 1 ley; pad Lot 2» feet from, extending back 112 f tot .o' au alley, Tim bon,c is one of the fe“tbwl“nas and m Ffv? I nr'S^y’ 1 ? 0 ™ 1 ' “«lsbbothood" n *,h|’'c!sr. ■ elyE LOTS—-Embracing corncrpt Frdfttand Ferrv SSS2J i n 2 n f|j,m fee®s. ■ LOT cn \Vyiiß cii-ccl near tiiejjfctv ' Court Ho m. c, iiio 1. on ;c i. well arransßj and in rread order, ano isnnw occupied as a Moter • ““* *” ' SrOKYB/IiCK, on Smi’Meld street A "i bmubßeld st. a wiJAbtt bHAalh uud XOT; 29 bV i’-il ? nd „ H o»'nson street,; aTic.L „y cuy TTdS U a very-desirob/e and pioasantderation foi are/i* '.:V'- i„ T iVH E F LO T. S . °5 Centro «treet and Pasture Lane dence fC “ l Cach ’ " iJr «* «-l-’ B(A?^ C h K^ of delicti atoneConUnd aS ’ CO '" ,eU,Cai “ ll,e iaildln S» bed ea“t JSS? a'li ™ t-vvj, i\o.o, in lufc “Hastuf. axi t»«’t "■•• iZStf bs tt **"*!* i«* r« ; , ACRES -q( .. iDnprinr'^TfWt' a fnGifUO l M^a ?he‘ C oJLSr"" * gardon' or locations for nianufat.,ortes bonses, JMSa&tV lurd,l,if> 1urd,1,if> u cs > 15 uo ' ™ grte “J “K»i> >J> < give warrantee deeds for any property *“;d d ■ JAMI 3 MAY, ; No. li.tr Fean street* JVo. U T cower, of Wood- and Front Jcinu,, ror.tc:iDs;c)i.quire'Oi v . : h /»• - f?r 3i rifihaf&fc. 3' \«.no-v V oal , ija, W for Sale* - ''iJ-fSubseriJ'CiiF offers Jurxr»is a vurv - nSS.^SS^&f.S^^S& with Jeep wa'er ai ail seasons, ooU a aaiarnl »S 'Jiewr (be mouih of ilia Run,. WhaslTwitir hbnts nfa }“ PWei ' s ° M *° lond-nau kiep‘ aflocvfifiy rJ t „°SS\??, exc<:lleuts ' ,c fot 11 s'camboat yajd, and where n head of Bnm^ 23/eermuy bo obiataedj commanding aft 'tii-Twnterof ' W uson* fan and n 3 biaucbc* It *4 7keZ?u .■ «SMSiV&a.avi“; ASggßWPft goaa ecdarsed paper. ' “wM. o“ *k?c _ . —-—„• —-- -*oQith. giri!et' tetmcc; wlUaittd for buildir ( ‘riSf 1 ? y as^" 1 ’ 1 ' *mV o \ Ai;on!^4tpLav^ia'fTouru^u«l. , WM I ..-ALpXANI>BK-fc!'BOSS 1 ‘ tVnur of-rmn yWP.->. i. .OjrSJ l| gf»^wiw.m&tWi •*&** w MCP,, EhlrA",, Jjt, r lnii ~ *_ - ■sS,’^ii^s^i l, ! I ";. ne s test ' m ®'“=fj wuhi voriow „ l&btC]l&l{* fiSliitltUnnceSt WH tg-fn.c - imj iwrrloij’ ?*• ' sssf,=Ss?jS3fsa®i ztßSs^sssssatrs^SSSi M|feiS»zsssE!»i« -vWc^ av e a*plcnditinewߣAil3liaut] -t « iI»S 52- M*S » ( nK 4 '“ rnumb " ;M ? au£f£y Ue P rom P t ;iiauciu»l. ' O made 10 order, ou stuirtnolico. ,? u ’i» , - ! ‘ 1,0 ’ «lJU‘iil*Wte«e»rW poeue Mm ÜbelJ, l'uiitiuryji, l’a "’’‘s l " l '" WJ Ut'A c& fpU •!*.—A-ycuis^'inai>wu ij ‘-!n» s >-|MttfoMe • ,;:i^ 4*•.Mcc/i m bhatncSs.for. ifie thjs^jiy,- wit>hrt»to obuiu, avituamm as fc>HfcsiMaiorCo'n'sdt , u> jial Cleric, in-some rrj*pecittWe meccanJife;iit»c«/ uesl of references -giVRr” Apply HiTHltf-OmCK. 4 &AKG&sfQ<.l of t ' ' r £ I vt C ' r ■- lav Sale anlr. ffla £et. - [roar-S If j ‘M-* '■ t- ' Tf V i yj- >s<. -* J '