...1,,.. V £l>> fv 1 H * « 1 * I*. i* /*a *,? i* **V «- -V.. , _ *%£ -fU 1 f r t-t?*' %«» ’ '' ‘S' t x v * 11-. .it. V! ' Ji v * ’'■• * „*►* *■,***,'; a * i -V <••- ” ■ ' 1 ' • • ' ' . - - * - • - - - - - - -,—■ - ' " ~ .. - Orphans’ A.ylum. I PHILADELPHIA MABKET—May 12. | A TT , *V'* * ‘‘i - Thc annaaLmeetmg of the managers of the ■■■-’■-■-: ■<■■■■■:■—.: I Cotton... Active; soles at further advances. :-j ;^; r'!>’ r 'wV v? ****£* -v. .Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphans’ Asylum* ■ : : r ' • Flour... Source and firm at previans rates. Tr**.' v was held on Tuesday evening, in the First Pres- = Q^... I (VheatcommsndflyaU|riee 8 : Th«. last ooportum- CBedlD SMhe reports of the Treasurer end Secre- j atsl,oo.: Byf>- , ‘ Tht Lazt Ertcrtmnntrt- J™® “ M J P ll( , jntl tary were read. The Secretary in his roport, 2Q.0D0 b«-’ I*' V&VfJiT *'*•"! ty our citizens will have of hl l““8 ‘ P ‘ represents the Asylum in a vlry healthy oondi- ° n ‘ at^-rs^swsfr t-rtarnmOnt in this city. The programme Will paBt y ear » and pays groat oredit to the matron, for tho discharge of staff do* - ','■ Among them will be found f"‘ Dg ** year there havebeenttoe differ- Panted. that of the “Lonely oufo Wife," “John Ander- ® nt left to the Asylum: Dr. Hartford, eon my Jo,” “Duncan Gray,” “Barring o’ the b f vriuablo property, the - -Door,”—and that touching poem .which conveys amount per {’in itself auidea of tho sufferings of the poor Tanne® a legacy ofssoP Mh : peasant of Ireland-“ The Irish Emigrant’s La- t 0 th ‘' meat;” thatbeautifol composition of Mary How- DariT ’ 7•! ’ ite - " The W* Chad J” ono of tb ® ir3^jpO f Poems in the language, composed 1 WTOt AW? kX'A^A 1 : also be given. But.the >- will attract tho ~ '{.p & *&*■/+ {> V,*- jS.'t' j *.»A i ,1* JJ' ®i- 4 'hi * A)- 7 *' - fi Slfplll HAI jpPpH WmKibmßl&ooi^ tp^f#As ®||«ite ggs oMmm |H &&&KRg!dgra #MM# tassstgi§t .^fewsfi (imuitiiStobjk j«i mimi§4 sxmHßsSSsssimßsmm^Sßsm . £.V ■ ; x HS-tef**,® |I^S& imp ESiS __ ifel Brill} Earning THURSDAY Thc Lait Entcrlainment.—ThQ last opportuni ty our citizens trill have of hearing Mr. Demp ster/trill be this evening, ,at Lafayette Hall, on which occasion he trill give his last ballad en tertainment in this city. The programme Will consist ef a collection of beautiful , ballads set to musid by himself. Among them will be found that of the “Lonely oulil Wife;".'.‘John .Ander son my Jo,” “Duncan Gray,” “Barring o’ the Door,”—and that touching poem .which conveys in itself an idea of the sufferings of the poor peasant of Ireland—“ The Irish Emigrant's-La ment;” that beautiful composition of Mary How ite, “The Dying Child;!’ one of the sweetost poems in the language, composed by Mr- D., will also be given. .But.the last part is the one that -will attract the most attention—it is “The May Queen” of Tennyson,- As this is the last night of Mr.. Dempster’s stay among us, he - will ■ un doubtedly have a well filled house, and an atten tive audience. The Steamer Pittsburgh. —Passengers for St. Loois, by leaving Pittsburgh on to-morrow, in the Bwift and beautiful steamer Pittsburgh, Capt. l W.. Ji Kountz, will arrive at Cincinnati on the following evening at 10 o’clook, have a good night's rest, and will take the splendid mail boat, Telegraph, Capt' Moses M’Clelland; arrive at Louisville on Monday, morning, where the large and splendid steamer,’ General Pike, Capt. J. H. Jones, will be waiting for them. The Gen. Pike wilUeave Louisville on Monday morning, at 10 o’clook A. M., and arrive at St Louis On "Wed nesday.evening, making the trip 2 Jdays shorter than any. other route. Passengers mast bo on board the splendid steamer Pittsburgh, by half past 10 o’clock, A. M., as she will leave precisely at eleven. ’. " Lectures to Young Men. —A fow days since the Eev. Mr. Howard.received a request, signed by two hundred young men of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny, requesting him to continue the series of leotnres he has been delivering to young men for over a year past, in the Second Presbyterian Chnrch, of this oity.’ Mr. Howard, in his reply, stated that he wonld ohccrfally continue the dis-. ccurscs, if he did not believe it would bo better during the ensuing warm weather, to suspend them, and also, on account of his contemplated absence from the oity. Tho.rovorened gentle man, however, intimates that he will resume his leotnres to the young men of this city, in tho autumn. lire.—eh fire broko out yestefday morning,be tween 1 and 2 o’clook, in the fancy millinery store of Madam JBonnaffon, on Market Btreet.— Several engine and hose companies were prompt ly on the ground, and the Ere was soon extin guished; not, however, before a considerable quantity of goods were destroyed by tho water.- The firo is supposed to have originated in one of the drawers, under the shelving. The loss,which Will amount to near four thousand dollars,: is partially covered by Insurance. It is a matter of donbt how the fire originated, whether it was accidental or the work of an incendiary. John B. Gdvgh. —This gentleman lectured on Tuesday evening, to a very large audience, at Masonic Hall, and also to a crowded house lost evening. Mr. G. is an eloquent speaker, and, possessing, as he docs, tho most petfeot control of bis features, added to his magnificent voice, language and graphic descriptive powers, hois well calculated for on apostle in the glorious cause in which he is engaged. Mr. Gough will deliver another lecture thisovening. A imxcd-up dag was yesterday. - The sunshine was quickly succeeded by clouds, and they, in their turn, had to make way for the bright rays of old Sol. The streets, however, were not bur dened with dust; and, as 4 o consequence, city travellers: could pursue their occupations with more satisfaction and comfort than a few days since. ... Jfijj Davenport. —This accomplished lady, wo hear, mil commence an engagement at the The '■ atro next week, whioh is the Inst she will fill in this country, as she is about paying a visit to Europe,-in a professional capacity.. Miss D. is a great favorite in this city, and has been suc cessful every place slio has visited. - Firemen's Committee. —-The following aro the names of tho Committee of Conference and In spection,of the Firemen’s Association; Eagle, 11. •G. Moreland; Neptune, Geo. Funs ton ; Vigilant, ■Jas. Irwin;, Independence, Jas. Libby, jr.; Al legheny, H. Chigncli ; Niagara, Edward Kaye; Dnqueshe, W. W. Dallas; Belief, fleo. Geyer. ••’Tie an ill-wind,’’.: sc.— Many persons are making money by dislodging the-drift wood, whioh has gathered round the piers, of tho. bridges, and selling it.- A great amount of valu able lumber has been removed in this way, and more will yet bo, as the remains of several log and board rafts may bo had without much troublo. A Row occurred on Fifth strootjrcsterday, be tween a parly of negro women. In the melee, several of thorn were injured. One of the black Amazons was knocked down and otherwise in jured. • They were taken Jo tho Mayor’s,office, where-justice was dispensed to tho satisfaction oi nil, except the culprits. Odd Fellows' Dzcurtion. —The excursion party of the members of the order, from Massillon, wilt arrive this evening, in the express train.— Various arrangements have been made for tho reception of their gnests by the members of the order in this city and Allegheny. Ifantiny;—Thero seems to be a great want of large freight boats, at our wharf,, at present.— Tho only side-wheel Bteamer up for below, yes terday, was the Statesman. There will be a fleet of them along this way, however, before long. A Sketch of the old Court Houbo was taken before tho work of destruction commenced and a lithograph of the building will be issued im mediately by some of onr enterprising Htho grapbie establishments. Gat Works. —The Allegheny Gas Company have advertised for proposals for a lot,-in which to erect their works; also, proposals for tho erec tion of the-works. Flood Mueic. —Mias Craft, and Messrs. Bos wotth, Vogel, Xaube and Ilarbold, are to partic ipate in the Grond Gift Concert, to be given a 1 Mosonio Hall, on Monday evening next. Dulufe't Great Paintinge, of the “Temptation’? and “Expulsion,” open this evening nt Philo Hall. These celebrated master-pieces of art were painted for Charles X, of Franco. The Celebration. —The Niagara Fire Company aro to celebrate tho opening of their new Engine, House, by a ball to-morrow ovening, in - their; new building. Dividend. —The Allegheny and Manchester Plank Bond Company, have declared a,dividend of one dollar per sharo, on the capital stook of the company. Police Newt. —Thero was nothing doing in tho various -police offices yesterday 1 , worthy, of no tice.’ Thero wero only three, commitments' for vagrancy. . Freight Car. —We noticed a freight car, yes terday, at tho (Janal Basin, intended to be used on ike Pennsylvania Bailrood. v. The great drama of the “Six Degreesof Crime,” fifths Theatre to-night; also, “An object of In . terest" Orphans' Asylum* The onnuaLmeeting of the managers of the .Pittsburgh aid Allegheny Orphans’ Asylum* iras held on Tuesday ia the First Pres-, byterian Church. After soma introductory pro ceedings,thereports of the Treasurer and Secte tary were. read. The Secretary in his report, represents, the Asylum in a very healthy .condi tion, only one death-haring ooourred during the past,year; oud pays great credit to the matron, i teacher, end nursey for their good management. During the past year there havobeen three differ-1 ont bequeßtsi left to the Asylum: Dr. Hartford, | by trill, bequeathed valuable property, the rents of which amount to $2,700 per annum. , Mr. Tanner s legaoy- of $5OO, and Michael Allen be queathed to the Institution the sum of $2,000. During tho year, fourteen children have been re ceived into the Asylum; eleven have been hound out to suitable places—four .relinquished at the -solicitation of friends, and two deaf mutes, who havo long been In the Asylum, admitted to. the Deaf and Dumb Asylum in Philadelphia. : The numbor-.of. children in the Asylum is forty* four; thirteen of whom are under five years of age. Prom tho Treasurer’s account, it appears that the expenßes daring tho year have amount ed to $2,269 97; tho receipts to $2,419 8-4.. The following ladies wore eleoted Managers:— i Mrs. Denny, Bobioson, Gazznm, Wilkins, Bid well, Logan, Gibs'bn, Irwin, Stookton, Elrington, i Brunot, Campbell, Grier; Misses Holmes, Heron, i and Barlow. The new board will moot this: af- 1 ternoon at the Asylum. The proceedings were very, interesting, the Orphans being present, arranged"Cm each side of the pnlpit, on platforms. Robbery.—X - man named John Moore, who stopped at the Farmers’ Exchange, on Liberty street, was robbed of a purse containing $79, nnda gold watch and chain, TRlucd at $45, which were taken from under his pillow, while he was absent from Jiis room. Mr. M-, on reti ring for the night, deposited the purse and watch under his pillow, but going out of his room du ring the night, he fonnd it missing on his return. No duo has yet been found as to .who the villain waff. Delegates to the American - Baptist Missionary Union.—The Ohio and -Pennsylvania Railroad Company, havo kindly consented to givo dele* gates who have paid: full fore to Pittsburgh pas ses to retain, free, from Pittsburgh to Alliance. Similar arrangements have been made on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, eo that delo gatoß can return from; Pittsburgh to Cleveland, free. : ■A'eto Locomotive. —Another new Locomotive for the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad arrived by canal yeßterday morning. It was manufactured by Baldwin, of Philadelphia; Tforkmen were engaged, yesterday, in placing the locomotive on the track. “ Reindttr.” —This is the name of the black mare that will appear to-morrow evening in the splendid Scotch drama of “Lochinvar,” produ ced for the benefit of Sir. Lewcllen. Besides this, there will bo various other entertainments; ‘ Few more left.’ —A poor imitation of the Ra zor Strop man, was lioldingforth in the streets yesterday, whether as avendor of soap or patent medioine, “ a remedy for every known disease,” we could not glean, from his senseless twaddle. - Lieut. Rodman had sn interview with the Mayor on Monday—not a hearing, as we stated, which was calculated to make the Lieutenant appear as a culprit, iu the eyes of those who did not under stand the case. • FRESH OYSTERS received daily by Ad ams’ Express, at the IYAVERLEY HOUSE, Diamond Alley. TIOTATOES —3fO bushels red*. n prime nmole, just r recM and for sole by. JOHN B. Sll ETiftll'F, mv!3 - 10. Motltet street. For Hen(, r\ESIRABLK BUSINESS STAND-I offer torrent 1/ the warehouse now occupied by me ns a drag atoro on tbe. comer of. Liberty nod Hand meet*. A rood locauon for ■ business of any kind. Possession given immediately. ImylC] . JAMES A. JONES. BACON HAMS-AND SHOULDERS- ' 0 caska Canvassed Hnms; . - 8 to Plain do; 1 do do Shoulders:. ; LaniUne from steamboat Penn?, nnd for sole by niylO JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO. Orphan'* court S»ie . OF SJIiTRFIRLO STRKET PROPERTY—On Fri day afternoon, Way 14ih, at 3 o'clock, on the prcmi- sold, pursuant to adjournment by order of Orphan’s conn, the following valuable property of the estate of Solomon Schoycr, deceased. - Two valuable lots of pound sltnateon the westward ly sideof Sroithfield street,near.the cornernf Sevcnth street, lmvins earix a front of SO feet on Smitbfield street, extending hack CO feet, on each of winch in erteted an excellent ttiree story hti jk dwelling bouse wiilr the op ptirieuonce*: subject ro un annual ground.Tentof each, payable rei»i*annuuHy . , V. - Term*—One third cash, balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, et cured j>y bond and mortgage on the premises. AVM I*. UAUM, * J. W. BUCHANAN, Administrators. P.M. DAVIS, Auct. GREAT JBAKUAINS IN DRY GOODS. : SelliDEoff *tput , TO QUIT TUB B VSINBSSi rpHE Subscriber being about to relinquish the retail i dry goods business, and havmjrmade such arrange* merits as to render it necessary to close out his stock by “the let of JOlv next, wilt commence on, Thursday. May JlLona selt his enuro siock of Fancy and Staple ary goods at CriblVFOR OA&H. _ . * • , . » • His roodslmving been principally purchased the pres ent e-n'on', will be found desirable bargains, being at least 25 percent lower Umn.regulßf prices. In STAPLE GOODS wilt be found— -4-4 and 5-4 French ginghorarj EnglishnndFrench chinues; * llllc alpacas and borabazinesi • Checks and muslins; * .'Jiiih iiuens undcrashesj • -■■■'■.Tablellnens.andoloths; ■ . ■ Huckubucs towels and toweling; Damask and scow, drop linen napkins and doilies; Mar seilles qoilts; furniture pr nts, pliun oiidcmb’d dimily, linen steeling and pillow linens, table and piano covers snd coverings; worked lime curtains and curiam muslins. SHU cuvci.i 5C paN cy GOODS. White ernpo slinwls, erab’d and plain-white boregc and thibet shawl-; . : Fine French lawns and berrees, Berege dc laines nnd muslin de.lalflcfi; . Tissues nnd grenadiers; - Blk and fancy silks, some very superior, and a fine stock of goods Benc£ll> BßolDEßlEa Jaconcit, mull edgings anil Inscrtingfl, Kmb’d linou and cambric hdkfs, if AP b i Worked bonds and flouncing?; and o niagclDcenfßtock of Valenciennes edgings, Jnces aiid inserungs . togciher with a large variety of other goods, A mention, ell of wbicli will actually be sold COST, FOR CASH. Early CBtljrwilt jecure toe bebt bargains . JAMES A. M’KNIGfIT.No. 52, ■ P S—All petSors knowing themselves indebted.to the above prior to Janunry, 1&S, are requeßied w pay the same, as all debts wilt bo put in-iho bauds of an at. inrnev for collection; . . . • • • • . Sftiooni and Battu« XirrM, Mi WARD. would respectfully announce to i W llio Ladies and Gtnllcmen of Pilwlmrgh and clmtr* that the spacious Saloon* aUbe Alncnaam liuiia hiffj, are now supplied with a superior quality of Ice Creams. Cake*, Fruit*, and other refreshment*. Open from.o A.M. toll P.M. . . , . . .• • ALSO—The Cathlußdepanment will always be found in order, for Dot, Cola, or Shower Bulbs, an almost in-. dispcnsible requisite Cor the preservation of health. : • myii •-•• ■ f "• • -■ Goffer stocks— -10 shares Minefsota ; ■ 100 do llidge j 100 do Iron City; 100 do ' Douglass Houghton; • 100 . do ' Forest; 100 do Phmnix;- On consignment and for sale nt low Tales. b A. WILKINS & CO, • Slock and Exchange Broker?,, mvll ______ • cornerof Market and Third sis. For Sale* TEN on TWELVE LOTS OE GROUND near the toil gate in tho borough of South VittsburglH. all within five raimnesV walk of the Mdnoftgalielu Bridge. These lots are of large size, fronting on Carson street and the Brownsville turnpike, and are among the beet lots for building purposes on thatsideof tho river, one of these being a large lot extending from one streetto the othßTi and adjoining the toll hoise lot. They will be sold low, and on reasonable terms. Title perfect. and clear oflncurabrance. Enquire of * ■■■■'■■ GEO. E. GILLMORE. Ho. 51,Grant ft. JijaW "YOHIi. LIFE JNbCKAWCB COIH. I ■ fany* I ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, SSQO,OQQ. ffIHE ANNUAL DIVIDENDS .have been unQsoally I X Urge, showing that the company has been doing a very large and prosperous buiiuscs. ... Tbe: dividends in 1846 were SO per cent, ■■ « 1847 “ .'6O ... *V '■ ■ tf f 1845 « fO * - a a jgip “ 40 « u « 1860 “ 40 « « « 1861 « &> « a « 1852 “ 40 «' This is amotortbeoldest companies in the UnitcdSiaios, Its deodmnlatcd copitaUi constantlymereuaag for the. benefit of Present w fc ijOBBS, Agls. Pntibuigh, cor. of Wood unit Fifth elreete, over Pat rick* Friend’*Rnnkinsdlotije. CALIFORNIA SISKS TAKEN.. Aledi-ngenta for Protection and Faimet’eFjio and Ma rine lasorance.. ; capital' Sti.o,ooo, and of Branch cilice, Empire Stale Health Association, cash, including seen mal&ted capital 618.000. > Alio, agents for the purchase and sale of Teat citate. I wii - ■ ~, V | TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BY THE (YBEILBY LINE. XXXIICOKGUEBS—FIttST EfKSSIOSf. Washington, May 12. Senate.-— -Mr. Dodge, oi lowa, presented peti tions in favor of a grant oflana to the Hungari anexilcs'whohave settled intliat State ;Mr;_ Shields reported a bill repealing all nets establishing the staff of the army; and providing for tho discharge, of staff, duties, by officers de tailed from, the line of .the army. ■ Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bust gave notice of his intention to intro duce a bill to reduce the rates of postage, on newspapers and other printed matter, to regu late the salaries of postrmasters. Mr. Broadhead reported a bill making it ape nal offence for any officers of the army to be in terested in any contract for tho supply of the army. Mr. Gwin introduced a:bill,granting land to California for a railway from California to San Jose. . Mr. ; 801 l introduced- a resolution calling for copies of Lieut. Temple’s memoirs of the landing of troops at Vera Cruz,:witli an appendix, which was taken up, and after: debate, the subject wns postponed. . The Deficiency bill wosthen taken up, and af ter a short speech by Mr. Borland opposing the appropriation to the Collins line* the subject was postponed until to-morrow, when ho will contin ue his remarks. The bill inflicting penalties upon o(Soer3 of government taking part in claims against gov ernment, was taken up and debated. The Sen ate amounted without any action upon it. House.— The House resumed the consideration of the report of the committoo on printing, snb mittod last week, to tho effect that the commit tee have power to adopt such measures as it may deem necessary to remedy any delay in the exe cution, of the public printing. : After some debate, Mr. Fitch offered a bsolu tion expressing that tho committee on printing had exceeded their powers r and that thoy be dis charged from any further service, and that the Speaker appoint others. , Considerable dobato ensued, and the subject was at length passed over without any action. : A motion was made to meet at eight o’clock to-morrow morning and ndjoum ovcrnntil Mon day for tho purpose of making summer arrange ments in thcHail. The House went into:: a committoo on the Homestead Bill. A sabstituto was submitted yesterday by Mr. Brown, of Miss., proposing to perpetusto: pre-emptions to actual settlors on public lands pre-empted by paying one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre to the govern ment. 1 The committee rose and reported the bill, ns amended, to tho House. ■ Mr. Johnston, of 'Jenn., moved an amendment and demanded the previous question which pre vailed, and the amendment was agreed to, yeas 108, nays 67.* It provides, that any person, the head of a family ; a citizen of the BnitedStates ; shall be entitled io enter one quarter section of unappropriated public land, provided be make affidavit that be or she iB not the owner of any estate in land, and has not disposed of any estate in lqnd to obtain tho bonefit of this act. EUBOPEA2T NEWS! ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CANADA. Tlio Canada arrived at Halifax last evenin'? at six o’clock, from Liverpool; whence she soiled at 0 o’clock P. M. on the Ist inst, with 70 passen gers. :■ ' The Atlantio arrived at Liverpool at noon on Thursday preceding tho sailing of the Canada. The Great Britain sailed on the Ist of May, at i 10 o’clock, A M. i COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Cottox Mabket.—Thomarket was steady, and tho demand active. The sales of the week were 70,000 bales Orleans fair, at 6}; Upland Mid dling i'i,. The sales to speculators were 18,000 baleß, and for export 10,000 hales. Tbo stock of American cotton on band was 270,000 bales. The advices from America kept up the prices full for cotton. Hollmgshcad quoted I'ess active ly in tho trade than the previous week, but an improving demand. The demand for speculation ; and export during tho early part of tho week] was great, but the market was not well supplied. Tho prices were a shade lower for Orleans de scriptions: subsequently there were largo arri vals, which caused'less buoyancy. The market closed on Friday firm, at full prices. Last week the speculators were chiefly operating in ordina ry qualities, and the trado mostly in middling and fair. Corn Mabket.— Notwithstanding a largo licet of vessels had arrived since Monday, few brought grain, coastwiso or from foreign portß, and tho’ tho weather was extremely favorable, a depres sing effect was observable upon tho market, there was a slight advance, however, last week. McMockla quotes Wheat as having declined Id; flour 3d; oats and barley lower. Tho imports of Flour during the week, were 18,700 bbls., and of wheat 69,000 bushels. Sales 10.000 bbls, Western Canal at 20s; Ohio 21s; Yellow com 803, white do 29. Pnovmioxs.—’Tho recent importations of Ba con are not yet in market. Beef ia tiorcoß, is quoted at from 6s to 10s advance, sales 4000 tiercc3. Lard dull, awaiting fresh arrivals. The importations for tho wook of Bacon, were 1800 boxes, and of Beef 2060 tierces; Lard 1200 tierces. _ _ • Mosey -Market.—Consols 90J; G. S..securi ties steady; ■ Money continues li@lj for bank ers’ aoceptanoos. The last -qotations of Ameri can eagles wero: 16s. 4d, per ounce. . Spanish stocks were excluded from tlie London. Board of Brokers, in consequence of no provision being mode to pay overdue covpons. 1 The House of Commons was occupied on Wed nesday with a measure proposing to abolish reli gious tests in the Scotch University. After a lengthened discussion, tho measure was negativ ed by 16 majority. : In tho Houso of Lords on Thursday, Earl Gran-: villo asked tho Government if (he honors which had been paid to Rosas on his lauding at Ply. month were by order of tho Government. Lord Malmshy gave an evasive reply, 110 believed no order went from his department, but said that Rosas was no common rofugeo, but had shown great distinction and kindness to .British mer chants. Whatover his cruelties in South Amer ica, tho British government could notmnrk them by nny stigma. . Tho Commons wero chiefly occupied on Thurs day on a motion to regulate the revenues of tho Churoh. Leave was given to bring in a bill on this subject. . „ _ , , , The debate relative to preserving tho Lrystal Palace terminated by a vote of 103 against and 221 in favor of palling it down. The demolition commenced on tho Ist of May. : On Thursday the Chancellor of Exqbequor brought forward a budget; it proposes no repeal of existing taxes, except a continuation of the inoomo and property tax for a limited time. Ho estimates the incomo of the current year at £61,625,000, and the expenditures amount to *461 021. ; Bombay dates to the 3d of April gives details of a battle of three boars iteration between 2000 | (of the British troops and a body,of native moun- 1 toineers; the latter were defeated. Louis Napoleon has taken the question of the confiscation of the Orlean’s proportyfrom the I Tribunal and submitted it to the Council of State, thus removing it from the constituted le- I cal authorities. ■■ ~ .< T . 1 Letters from Borne -mentionthat the ltalian -nucation has again become interesting in conse qneheo of the complication of the difficulties bo- I tween France and the Pope. . .. . Incendiary fires rage with increased strength. I ' The Mediterranean fleet sailed from Toulon on the "th. Her destination is unknown. . Boston, May 12. The frigate Cumberland anchored in Nantuck et Roads will be ready to sail to the Mediterra nean the first fair wind, l’enu and Commodore Stringham and Capt. Turner, fleet Captain, it is understood has orders for Greece to demand an explanation of the oppression of the Rev, Wm. have dates from Buenos Ayres to .the 10th of Moroh. All was quiet there. The sobjeot of reducing the duty on foreign Flour and Vi heat was being discussed. , ■■■■.■; . . v j, Tho Municipal Governments were being form ed. Don F. CastiUanos had been appointed bee rotary of Foreign affairs at ; Montevideo. i Business at Buenos Ayres was quiet. NEW YORK MARKET— May 12. | Flonr...Sales 2SOO hhls at $4 3i for State; s4'B3 for Ohio,and $4 26@d 50 for Indiatia, Groin... Sales 7500 bushels round yellow Com at 62@GS; mixed western 04. nn • Provisions...Primo Pork $lO 75; Mess $18,02 @lB 75; Pickled Moats and Lord in bhls unal tered; Prime Beef $0 75@7 75; Mess do slo® 13 76. Whisky...Dull at 11c. EVENING. Cotton;,.Sales 1600 bales Uplond at OJ; N. O. and Mobile 9}@ojj. F10ur.;.54,12@54,25 for State and $4,12® $4,43} for Indiana. Grain... Com at 62@3t. Provisions—Salo or pork at former prices. Whiskey... Prison at 21c. : - i ■ -v'Vs ' PHILADELPHIA MABKET—May 12. Cotton... Active; sales at further advances. • Flour...Soarcc and firm at previans rates. Grain...Wlieatcommandßjfullprices:galeß2o,- 000 bushels prime Penn a., at $1,02@51,04 for. white, and 97@99f0r red; - a prime lot of latter at $1,00,: Bye soarco at 76; corh steady ; sales 20,000 bnshelß Southern yellowat 64; white 02, Oats in request;: sales 6000 bushels at 63} for Delaware and 46 for Pennsylvania. ProvSlonß...Tho market continues firm ; the stookis roduoedand sales small; Mess pork 19} @2O; prime do 17}@18; city mess beef,l6@ 16}. Bacon is selling at 9}@9J- for -shoulders, and lljfor sides and 10}@12 for plain and fan cy hams. Lard firm; small sales atanadvanoe. Seeds inactivo. CINCINNATI MARKET,—May 12. The river has fallen 12 inches since last even ing. :■ The weather is pleasant. F10ur...58,20®53,25; extra $3,40. Whiskey..*Advanced to 15J. ■ Butter... Prime 19@20. . . u - Cheese... New 6J. Provisions..,Bacon sides offered at 9J ; shoul-. ders 9J. ■.-■■■.• • Groceries... Firm. Sagar...Fair 6J. , 'Molasses...Selling at 33. DAILYRKVIBW OP TUE MARKET* Ovvicb op tub I>julv Moßtnt’G Post. ) . ■ ■ TAtittday, May 13,1852, V - The weather yesterday was pleasant. The river was. stationary, wifb about six icet water ia.the channel.., FLOUR—Receipts eonunue light, consequently bat lew sales transpire. We note sales. Cl bbls at from tiore sales at 53 : 37tf?3 ( 40. RYE FLOUR—£ales from store at S 3. ASHES—SaIes of 15 tons domestic at 300$, cash and time,; " -• HAY—Sales at the wharf at 15 ton* at Sl9. SUGAR—'Themarket continues firm, with sales of 10 hhds at 0; 12 do dj-e cosh; 10 do at Cjj, 4 mos; 3do aide, cash. - MOLASSES—SaIes 25 bbls at 35, cash; 25 do at : 3s, 4 ZBOS* - COFFEE—SaIes 50 bags at 10|. POTATOES—SaIes 3l) bus reds at C 5. OATS—Sales on the wharf of 318 bus at 35; 79 d 035; 400 do 35. • * BACON—Sales 1 hhd haras 92 5 1.000 lbs do 0} ; 1,802 lb a country sides and shoulders atSitfPOJ; 20 hhds west era hams ;10do 33 cash. LARD—Sales of 29.bbls andlOtons at 01, GUNNY BAGS—Sales of 1,000 at 10c. ■ >EGGS—SaIes of 2 bbls at 0 j 2 do 04. RlCE—Sale* 3 tierces at 5, MACKEREIr—The market firm, with an lncrrarcil demand teulie trade; sales of 15 bbls No. 3 at 5350, 10 do No 2 at $510,60. New Yonn, May 12. Marietta* ParUinburgli end Hocking* ! JSSEIJS) port Paeluti The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. ?. Crare, Master, wtU leave Pittsburgh every Monday, at 3 o’clock, P. M.; returning will leave iiockingpoit every Tuesday, nt 6 o’clock, A. M. . Passengers and shippers may rely on the utmost ac commodation and promptncaa . >Y« WHEELER, roarO _ No, 2l Market street. • i Tutcfine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE 2. Cap:. Wtt. leaves the Alle gheny wilarf for Franklin,every Monday and Thursday. at 4 F. M. The fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLENoS.Capt. Joux Hanna* leaves the Allegheny wharf for Fnuik im,every Tuesday and Friday, at 4 P.M. For Freight or Passage, opply on Board ~ fmar2o For “Marietta nnd Hoctcia^port* Taafinesicamcr PACIFIC, Zakovb Ma* will leave Air Oie above and iulermcdi aw pons every TiIVRSVA V»at4 o’clock,P. M. For freifiliior pasßßfio.appiy on lO 6 T. WOODS 4. SON, No. Cl Water bu and fid Front st. THE light draught end pleasant steamer Copt. Mili.'soab, will leave the Allegheny wharf oil Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, m ii o'clock, I*. M *.for Kittamung unu Catfish. For freight or parage apnty on hoard, . fnovlS Kfor iioug lieaoUy mariettai Parlterktmrg end G&lllpolte. xl The fine Steamer COV. MEIGS, ,1C vSousa, Master, will laave for iho above and intermediate ports, every C&S&gS&iSI TUESDAY, at 3 P. M. For freight or passage apply on boaul.orlo *b3 JOHN FLACK, Agent. HLEti, successor to ftlcaruY & I.vb,) WOOL . DEALER AND COMMISSION MKUCIIANT, for the sale o( American Woolen Goods,NO. ISO LID KRTY ST. Imy4 rrUiOS. J. KEEN AN. European Law Agent, bus re • A lowed to.ihiscity from the West, aadis preparing to leave m a few weeks for his next tour to Kuiope Those, having clairas-in the old country should see him without delay, Itis office is 130,4 th at. my4:2wd R, S. UfQcer, MANUFACTURKRSof all kmds ofTrankond Pack ing Dozes Dillworih’s Planing Mill,Grant street, between Seventh und Eighth. Doges made anddelivered at the shortest-notice. fjaO THE unnant meeting of the Stockholders of the Pitts burgh. Cincinnati and Louisville Telegraph Com pany will he held at the c dice of the. Company, in Cin cinnati, on the Ist Monday of Jane next, (Jane 7) at 10. o'clock, a. M-, for the elecuon of Directors for Uie ensu ing year. [mT4l JOSHUA HANNA. fTTKIP. CANE. UMBRELLA AND PARASOL W MANUFACTORY, No. 143 Wood street. JOHN W, TIM, now offer* for wale, at Eastern prices, a largo assortment of the above Goods, to which the attention of dealers is invited. Also, Carpet Dags, and Lades’ Satchels. . f[myl COMMERCIAL. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Cf 1 BBT WATBH IN THB CUA.NNSI. ARRIVED:. Steamer Atlantic. u Baltic, Bennei, HcownsviUe, : “ J. M’Kec, Hendrickson, McKeesport. “ Thomas Shnvcr, Bailey, West Newton, “ Genessae, Conrmi, West Newton, u S. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth, “ Michigan N0.2,801e5, Reaver. “ Forest Cuv, Murdock, Wcllsville. u Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling. w Paul Ander*on,Gray, St. Louis, *■ Pittsburgh, Koumz, Cincinnati. DEPARrEDi w Baltic,-Rennet. Brownsville -41 Atlantic, Parkinson, do. u J. M’Kcc. Hendrickson, McKeesport. “ Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton. t‘ Gcneasce,Conant, West Newton. S. Bayard,Peebles, Elizabeth. •* Michigan No, 2, Boies, Reaver. “ ForenCJty, Murdoch, WelhvlUe. “ Diurnal, Conwcll, Wheeling. . 4t Chrcninaii, Boles, Cincinnati. r Jctfcrsim, Johnston. Louisville. u Tiber, Kier, I/juisville. AUegheay iitver Trace. F&iiWOJiV PACKETS. For KUtaunlug and CatflsU. Wednesday packet tor Cincinnati* oßgw . Tnxnew and fast vanning steamer CIN- OiKMiNnhaii, Master, will leave every WjsnitßSPAT. .. Tor freight or passage, apply on board, or to. dec3o cl- B. MILTENDKRGER. CARD. AOtlCO* wnoletale and lietau. Splendid jewklrv.—hoou is now opening his Spring Slock of rich Gold Jewelry, and Watches, consisting of everything usaally found in .jn Jewelry. Store, (some very fine,! which lie will sell, as usual, from 55 to 50 per cent, lowerthait Goods of thc same quality are sold for in this city. No mistake at mys -NO. 57 MARKET ST. "XTOTICE—The partnership heretofore existing be» Xv tween tho undersigned, In the Wool and Commis sion business, under tno firm of Mubi*by A Lbk, was di««olved on the first of April last, by mutual consent Tho business of the late fir .n will be settled by 11. Lxb, who Is duly authorized to use the name or tV. firm for that purpose. • •• J. R« MURPHY, myi 11. LF.K Furnlturo and Uhalr Waroroome. a JOSEPH MEYER, 424 Penn aired, above ih» /§LCana! Bridge* keeps constantly on hand and makes £23 to order, attiin Unpest prices* every description ol Kney and Plain FURNITURE, SOFAS and CHAIRS of the best workmanship and most approved styles. Purchasers would do well to visit , mv37»dAwW . Notice to Contractors, SEALED proposals will be rccoived at.this Office unr U 1 sunset,on Monday,iheOlst instant,forihe gratia auon and-masonry required ouSQ'iniles of ihe. Pius- Lurch and Steobcnvilie Railroad, from Campbell’s run to the Virginia line Rians and profiles will be exhibit*, cd, and the necessary information respecting the "work given, by the Engineer, at hfs Office, for five days prior to the letting. By order of ibeßoard. ■ _ . Eitfiissß&’K Ornos, |D. MITCHELL, JR.J Pittsburgh,May 0,1652. >,■ Chief-Engineer myB Pittsburgh and Steubenville R R. Co. ■. ; .» Wine* ■••• ■ . >■ THEundcsignedbegs leave toannoancetohis friends and customers, that he has received u large, and with the greatest care selected,lot of RHENISH: and. FRENCH WINE, which lie can warrant as puTe and S -Milne; and which he sell*either by the hoMe areas*. esides, he keeps always on hand, a large and well se* lecii-d moplr of FRENCH' COGNAC BRANDY, llOLi LAND GIN, and other Liquors, nil of which sic of the first qualities, and warranted genuine - articles. He feels grateful for former favors, and it shall be his duty to attend to his customers as formerly. A* tie has made the best and latest .improvement for icclifyine Whiskey, ho enn furnish Uic in i? f.the best kind, and nt ihe.lowest price. D. MCKLIfabN, myB . No 137 Liberty street; *. B. TVIOHEUi fc CO.'S forwarding and commission house, SAINT LOUIS. JOHN W. TWICnKLL’ “ ’ ’ ~*WO:ETH MOGtUL'fIK. TirlcHill ft Mocrldfie, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS) Corner of Commercial ani Pint sutto. _ TTriLlr promptly attend to all consignments ana Com- W mis'ioi'B cnitasted to them, ana wd) make liberal I cosh advances on consignments or Bills of Lading in '"orders for thepnrcliase of liendi Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly.filled at the loweaipoe stole prlees v nnd on the best mims. - They will also undertake iho .settlementand collec tion of claims of importance i and hope.by.tlieir.espe-. cinl personal efforts and atienuon to ail the interests of their friends, to give general Bauafacupn. ■■ BItSKC&B, ■ . ■■ : - . , Geo Collier, St-LouU; Wlisfc Morton, Cincinnati, Page ABucon do Flrader fc Gomum, do Clmrlessi Blow ACo do H°? ea * J'S?,?, 1 !', j® . Chonte&u ic Valle* : .do • SptißgCT.&Whtienianjdo D Leech A Co-y William Holmes A Co,,XW,.Batler ( A Bio, Pittsburgh; Morgan. L M-Buck A . Morgan, PhUUdelphla; Shields A Milleri Philadelphia; H.D. NewcoX * Bro-, and W. B. Reynolds, Louisville; T. C. TWICHIILL A CO, New Orleans- OOMMIBSIOir HOUSE,. JVBIF OKLPAXS. THIS long established House confine their attention strictly to sales and purchases on Commission, and to the Forwarding bqslneas-gcnorajly, . . _ They solicit o continuance of the libera) patronage, heretofore given them. , January 28,1853. AUCTION SALES. . , Auction Card* , mtfE nnderiigned, P. McKtiNNA, Auctioneer. Refers to the ml City Merchants; : lv9 Auction—Outly Sal*B. A T the Commercial Sates Rooms, comer or Wood. anil Firth streets, at lOo’cick.A. M ,a general as sortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Bools aud Shoe*, Hals, Clips, Ac. „ AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. lit, „ . Groceries, >Qaeeasware, Olassttrare,. Table Cutlery, Looking new and second hand Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac. „ . AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. tf., , . _ Rooks. Stationery, Fancy 'articles, Musical lastrn merits, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods Gold nnd Silver Watches, Ac;* P. M. DAVIS, ]a3l:tf Aoetloneer. p. in’KKsiiAi AQcuonfltr. n eal ESTATE, FURNITURE, Ac., in birming ii HAM* ax Auction,— On Saturday, May 291h,nM0 o’clock in the forenoon,will be sohLon the premise*,- M’Kee street, opposite the German Church, la Blrming hum, all that Lot of Ground,-Fronting SO feet on said, . M’Kee street, extending back SO feet. On the premises, there ia a comfortable. Frame Dwelling, of two stories, with four rooms, basement and kitchen in the rear, with: every convenience for a genteel residence. Also, at the same time and*place, a variety of new. Cabinet Furniture, comprising Bureaus, Tables, Bed- Steads, As. ■■ • -■. ■■ This property may be treated for previous to the day of sale, by applying on the premises. • myS ' • P. M’KENNA* Aucl’r. pi ll* DAVIS* Auctitmeor. TWO NEW ROW BOATS, at Ammon—On Satur day afternoon, May 15tb, at 4 o’clock at the Com mercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and fittr sts., will: be sold for account whom it may concern, two new four oared row boats, wlueh were made to order in best man ner.. Also, ono portable gum elastic boat.. my!3 P M. DAVIS, Auct. Three valuable building lots near the EIGHTH WARD at Auction—On Saturday after noon, May IS, at 4 o’clock, will be sold on the premises, three very desirable lots of ground, situate on Forbes street, being Nos. 20, 27 and 28 la the plan nf lots laid out by J. B. Irwin, having each a front of 20 fret on said Forbes street, and extending back 120 feet to.St, Pat rick alley, which is 15 feet wide. Terms at «ale, myl3. * P.M. DAVILA net Twelve building- ujv$ y aiut v*xu&*>it £nck dwelling House and Lot % \tt East Pitisburyh, ;*w at. BiA icctrd, at AtiCTion—Oil Saturday. May 15th, at 2 P.. Mi, on the premises, will he sold, that valuable lot of S round, situate at the cornar of Forbes and (Jisi streets, aving a front of feet on Forbes street, and extend ing along Gist street 120 feet to St. Patrick’s alley, which is 24 feet wide, on which is erected a commodious well finished two story, brick dwelling house with basement, a pump of excellent water and : other improvements, .watch may be examined previous, to sale. At 3lVat—By order of administrators of the Inte.X. B.Trwin, dec’d,-wIl! also be sold on the premises lots N 05,29, 30, 31 and 32 m plan of lots laid out by J. B. Irwin, each having a front of. 20 feet on Forbes street,. and extending back 120 feet to Si. Painck’s nllcy. ■•••■ Also, lots Nos 38, 30, 40, 41,-42,43, 41 and 45 inlhe above plan, having each a front of 20 feet on Locust si., and extending back 120 feet to the alley aforesaid.— Terrasntsale. • [my!3l P M. PaVIS. Auet. A BSIGNNER’S SALE OF DRY tiOODS— AX Auc .Jr.L non, on Thursday morning, IStbinst, at lOo’clocky at iho Commercial Sales Room, corner of Wood and sth streets, will be sold, by order of O. 11. ilippey, Esq., as signee of F. G. flombright & Co., a large stock of. seas onable Dry Goode, comprising splendid dress and bon • neisilksr, French merinos; alpacas de laines; Borages; tissues; lawns; ginghams; prints; cambric and mull mus lins; cashmeres; silk, terkerri and cashmere ehawU;cam bnc, silk and cotton handkerchiefs; silk cotton and worsted hosiery; kid, silk and thread gloves; colored cambrics: threads; cottons; trimmings, Ac. Also: Two lia'cs lickings; 2 eases of bleached muslins;.9cases Snragac’s Prints; 39 pieces vupercloths and caasimcies; 25 pieces satinets and tweeds; 10 dozen splendid silk parasols Terras;—Over SlOO, three months’ credit for approved endorsed notes. • . . .. • ray 12, P. M. PAVIS, Auctioneer. I?abhiunable spring and summer clo 1 THING at Paivxtß Sal*.—On the second story of the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and. •Fifth streets, ore now open, an extensive assortment of very superior Fashionable Clothing, for gentlemen’s wear, made mlho latest styles and beet manner’and of almost every variety, which will be sold at very low pnees, to close a consignment; Also, 100 Alpacca Coat«; 10 pieces super Doe Skin; Fancy Casaimere3. mys - P. M. DAVIS. Auct’r. W. G* l&’OAttT£f£&Y• Auctioneer. ONE TWO JIORSE CARRIAGE,! Buggy and two sett Doable Harness at Auction.— Will bo sold,. un Friday, May 14th, at 2 o’clock, iu the afternoon, at M’Canney’s Auction House, one two horse Carnage,in complete order, with uon axle and leather top, nearly new. only used three times.. myll WM. G. M’CARTNEY, Auct’r. ICE—AIt persons who have oct bags befonging •IV to me are requested to return them immediately; myl2 JOHN B.SHERRIFF, 10 Marketsl GORN IN THE EAR—3VO bushels just received and forsaleby JOHN B.SHERRIFF, myl2 . 10 Market street. tSYHUP—2I bbls. Clarified Syrup, In .ty store and for s*le by JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO. XT O. SUGAR,—O9 hhds. N. O. Sagar, lnuiing from iv , steamers Persia and Tiber, and for sole by inyto , A. HUTCHISON A CO. 3* FIGURED BLACK SILKS—A. A. Masok A Co., * have jnat received, (per Express,) :2Q. pieces beau* tifol styles Ftgured. Black Silks. . fmylO ; (iiikaP kioCs ms laines.—a. a. Masor &co. i has received 15 cases more of those I2tc. De Lalnes. Also, l&csses at 4tc. per yard. fmylO •XXTIUb: black SILKS,—A. A. Major A Co., have TY just received 30 pieces Wide Black Silks, suitable for nlamiilus. . fmylO, TflO LEaD—-fox) Pigs Galena Lead, lauding Dorn JT steamer F«mo> and for sale by mytO JAMES A. HUTCHISON & CO. BONNkps-A complete assortment of Straw, Braid and Chip Bonnets, on band and forsaleby . myio . James M’candless a. co. Great Inducement* to cub PQECtiaaeri» WE will Kll oar large stock of of COMMON AND FANCY CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fail to please cash purchasers.. All oar work is warranted. Oar terms is CASH* JAMES LOWRY, JR., corner of Seventh, nml Liberty sts. Dissolution* THE partnership heretofore existing between James Armstrong, Samuel Croziet and Charles Barnes, umjenhe title of Armstrong; Crozier fc Co., is this day dissolved l>y rautuat agreement, Mr. Barnes having dis posed of his interest and withdrawn from the concern. JAMES ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL CROZIER, CHARLES BARNES. Feb.’y 21*1852. Tub Forwarding, Coiurutsstitn and Produce Business will be continued at their present stand, Noa. C 2 Water, and 04 Front streets, by James Armstrong And Samuel Crosier, under the style of • • mart ARMSTRONG & CRGZIER Nottoe* ■ Books will be opened on Monday, 23tb day of Jane next, at llo’clock. A.M.,tor subscrip tion to the Capital Stock of the “ Pittsburgh Trait and Savings Company*” at the Ofllee of Messrs. HAYS &■ PAINTER, Liberty street, Filth Ward, under tho di« recuon of— -t. . J. K.Moorehcad, Charles Shuler Thomas BaVcweil, Morgan Robertson, Josmh King, Wilson M’Candless, John B. Butler, Wm Larimer, jr., Rody Patterson, John Small, W. J. Howaid, John Morrison, J. Reu ben Miller, R H. Hartley, Wm.Echtmara,E. D. Gnu* zani,Wm. Kerr,Al r red W.Marks,Dr.R.Willson, Dan iel Neeley, John Anderson, L, Wilmanh, C; Ihmsen, G. It. Riddle and Thomas Farley. Capital Stock, B'AHI,GiU>. To be divided into 3 5 f100 shares, oISSO each—BLU per share to be paid at the time of subscribing. - jmv3-tri.. Umporlnm of JLtlffhtl ■ CELEBRATED ETHEREAL OIL AND LAMPS. Wi!. WRIGHT, (successor to J. S. Tones), Manu • factarcrof ana Dealer Wholesale and Retail in the above named Oil and Lamps, is no a large assortment of LAMPS) for burning die Ethereal Oil, Camphtne and Pine Oil. Also, Lamps of. every descrip tion, for burning Lard and Lard Oil. Chandeliers, Girandole Hall Lamps, Wicks,Globes, Chimney Mats, Cans, and all tilings pertaining to the trade. > Ethereal. Combine or Pine Oil, regularly supplied i once or twice a week.. . . AUordcrs left wtili lha wngon, which is constantly passing through the city, will be promptly attended to. N. B. Lamps of all kinds altered to burn the Ktho real OH.. All articles delivered in any part of the citft oriu Allegheny, free of cost. W. 11. WRIGHT, No. 82 Fourth st., (Apollotlal),) • between Market and Wood.sirecu. LUFF’S MEBCANTftE COLLEGE, THliill STREET, PITrSBtmOH. Established in ISlQ—lncoipoxated by Legislative Charter ; * of the North * 1 American Accountant” and Wc.norn ‘•steamboat Accountant. 1 * Professor ofpTaoticalßook-- keeping one Cnramereial sciences. J.D. Williams,Pro fessor of Ornamental and Mercantile Penmanship, N. B, Hatch, of the Pittsburgh Bar, Professor of Mercantile * Classical and Matubbatical Depabtukst. P. Hayden, Graduate of Jefferson College, Professor of classical Languages and Mathematics. E, Montcl, late of Paris. Professor of French. F. Stataper, Graduate of the Polytechnic institute of Vienna, Civil Engineer and Architect, Professor of Ar chitectural, Mechanical and Landscape drawing. This institution now occupies the wnolo of the sec- • oml story of Gazzam’s Buildings, from the corner of Third and Markotstreets to Post Office alley,: with two spacious rooms in the third story.. It continues to’bc the only institution in this jmrl of the country where Mercantile and Steamboat Book-keeping are; thorough and practically taught The Classical ard Mercantile Departments are conducted separately. One of. the most spacious and elegantly formatted Ladies?' Wming Rooms intho Hatted Smtoa, is fitted op, and wilt be un dor the direction of J. P. Williams, one of the lest Penmen in the West. The Professors arc all experi * enced preceptors, and at the head of their respective professions. Circulars mailed to all parts ot the country .. .. , ; • tnarls:d&w to urs jusnuaiAN*— •• •—»••• *adam iiBmxMAN, [of the late firm of Bands ARememnn LOtIHRBINBUAN&CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Clocks, Waichts i Jeu:6lTy } WaichMaunals I Tcol^^e^e n FIFTH BTEKET, 03E DOOE Faoa WOOD, FtnSDUKOII, TAKE leave to announce to the trade and - the public generally, thalthey have themselves carefully se lected and imported from Europe, alarge stock of.Gotd and Silver Watches,/ Watch Materials, and Tools for Watchmakers; and a most elegant assortment of Jew* elry, ftom the best-manufactories—which tliey offer at prices as low as they can he purchased m the eastern markets. Their stock of Watches consists of Gold and Silver Patent Levers j do Detached. Levers; do Lepniesj Sil ver QaarUers; and elegant French time pieces, of the most approved makes. Together: with a large stock of docks, and Time pieces, from the best American Paolo **Thelr stock of Jewelry comprises: articles of every. description in this line, such as Finger Rings; Far Rings, Breast Fob and Guard Chafns, Gold Guard Keys and Seals, Lockets, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Silver, uud Gormon.Silver and Tabic nhd Tea Spoons, and every kind of fancy arue!es ; generally kept in establishments of this description. They wouldrcspeetfuUy caJi thcuUcnlion*of the trade to their extensive *topfc of Watch materials and Tools, of every variety, which, tpey have ißost carefully se* have also on handJa largo assortment of Tele scopes* Spy; Glasses and .Opera Glasses, from the best manufactory inEngland,, Together with a groat variety: of othprarycles too Mmerousto mention. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best maaneraad on the most reasonable terms, [octllry [raarf:bfem -, - &■**'££?** * * . i ■* >' .i. ' ;;; £ £ v '*fc T ’*•■ ■*-. 'o • , '“ * ' >■ ‘ ‘*7 /“ ft *H t ‘' 4 i > “''*n^ l 1 -.* ,' ?'' f 7 -'- . .. r 0« '!>*.*> 4 i ..* •\m* » ' *„ 1 . ■ .., vt&* •***>?’.* <■* i"** "«■*'■ ,. 1 -; ,4->. t**:--# •'-'.) r ; ‘";.'^ , *'^ 3 ~ ; •/•• : . r ;v V •****?*■ ' -_ / :£?* * - . *-•-'•■*;*' •'.■>■.• 1 -..• .i,-. • ' , V » '■■■/■'■:■ ’ :r ; ;>*;>'■ .V-•••.* •-* ■• t** - • * ;. MEDICAL. Mw Sjnwm ft&A sew B«Aetflei} - FOR THE CUBE OF CONSUMPTION! NTJTAIiI»’S BYRIACTJM,' IN THREE BOTTLES, r*i fill £ I s B j 1 ■ 63 11 . >** i» - COSTAIMHO THREE DIFFERENT PREPARATIONS, ' ?OU TITS COSE OP Tfl* - THREE DIFFERENT STAGF.S OF ' COH8UBPT101!| \ SYMPTOMS, Cough; pain in ibo breast, *itle, head, back, joints • ant! limbs, sore ness and uoktmg' in .the throat, fever* difficultand dwek'breathirtff, c*j»«tora - Costfvenesa, kpasrandJc cough,violent fever, night, morning and mid dny sweat, hectic flush fcf the face and cheek*; burning heat in the. paltnsof the baud* and. soles of he {tct,fxp:esoTaiioncasy, copious* and streaked with bloCd. SYMPTOMS. , Diarrhoea, diminiahedTe ver, cough and morning.j . i sweats,greatandincreasingv aberoular Consumption, (debility, frequent; fainting in Yellow Wrappers; (fit*, slight.delirium and • ) swelling of the extremities* TO THE AFFLICTED—The appearance In tbrec boules of NUTALL»3 SYRIAOUM is a new era in me dicine, from it* novelty and direct opposition to then id absnro and inconsistent ONE BOTTLE SYSTEM; while its success, prepared in this manner, (each bottle containing a different preparation), *n curing ent stages which characterise Co7wuwi7uion, has estab lished uie. welcoma truth of the.Cura&tfuy of evety stags O/ Ptflmondry Consumption. : . . ; _ . • Physicians approve of it becauso it is based upon cor rect Physiological and Pathological principles.; The public approve of rit,- because tt m Comman pense, Una because they know fntn sad eaytrirareihatonepreps- 1 ration wili rurf cure tberAres stages oi Conrumpiion.— ;The suffering, disappointed and discouraged ifivaufl ap- < proves oKt, because its principles bold.oui a reasonable : !&p«, ond when he use, Natali’s Syrmcora.Uls lopes arerealixed. . .. • ■'■■■■. .-i if he is in the firstslage of CoiMumotKOT, and usesthe j first boule,fais expectoration, difficult and painlul,be* < comes free and easv.f his cough soon, gels, well ; .[no soroncssiitickiink inhisthtoat»iDflauimatipn^pain ( in r pis \ breast, side; head, back, iainis .and Unaware removed, i If he is in the second stage and uses.the- aecoadboulft | hia fever leaves-h m; his disturbed slumbers become, sweei andTCfreshingr-hisnight sweats vanish t his ex pcotorhtion copious and bloody, assumes n,healthy ap* i pearunce. and .at length disappears;vhis bowels .I*9* i come regular;’ bis apnetite:-.reiurnBi the flush ,in his i cheek disappears*, thenar ping heat inihepaimsof hia i t hands and e&iea df hia feet.are felt no longer; hiscoagb now ceasesVho recovers and is well. - ' If he is in the third stage, and uses the third bolue; ms Diifcrhma gradually, cease*;, his -weak bowels-.becorac, strong; bis cough and other bad symptoms disappear ; feeble digestion becomes strong.-and. vigorous his stomach recovers its proper ibne, and creates new, non. and nourishing blood; his strength returns; ins. wasted body is clothed with flesh; ins Lira is saved, and he is. restored tohea'th. , . Eachboute of Notali’s Syrlacamhosthe Symptoms of the stage for which it is intended printed in front of the wrapper,whereby every invalid, knowing his own sympr toms, can judge for himself, WHICH BOXfLK.H Ivßfc- QOJRESieoi&cqbcntly no mistake can occur in se lecting the proper medicine. . ... • See Tamphletin possession of the Editor ofthis paper, coiiialning'Dr. Nutall’s Pathology of Lectures on the stricture and uses of the Human Lungs,' and certificates of enres. • / Prepared en!y by. Dr. NUTALL, inventor and Proprietor. . Price One Dollar Per Boulez. For sale at the Drug Store of , . DR. GEO. 11. KfiYSHftyl/o. 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, r .....] only Wholesale and Relair Agent for Pittsburgh. , . ja7:d&w. • ■■■■•■ ~.i F^^^ Hll^o^P b riARBHAEL. ' FIRST STAGE. Incipient Consumption, in Blue "Wrapper*. . SECOND STAGE; Confirmed Consumption, lu Pink Wrappers. - third stage. \f WI YARDS- TOW LINEN—For sale by ■ HJI f- ■ inyB .• If..LEE. ►URLAPB, Wool Bags and Wool Twine, on hand I sad forsaleby- *,• lmyB] • 11. LEE. ►ROOMS—SUdox. choice Brooms, for sales by » myB : SMITH A SINCLAIR; OA HBLS. NO, 3* MACKEREL, Ua r Se,)~On eon £\J Bignmem and for *ale by th»IO TAAFFEy MAGUIRE & BANK. : SPLIT RATI’AN, FORCllAlftS,— few bales Split Rattan, for Chair makers, which will be sold at New. York prices- > . JOHN w- TIM* myl No. 143 Wood street. T AKKSUPERIOR SALMON—IS bbls silmon, Me* Xi Colloagh’s brand, in store and for sale bv - myU ’ KING fc MOORHEAD, I.W. CHADWICK, . DEALER IN BAGS AND-BAPgR. So* 140 Wood Street' . PITTSBURGH* vrice ia cash paid fr>r:rBgs.~ iroyllry " S. c. Family Hams. TUVANS & SWIFT’S extra brand; 100 tierces, now C 4 in store, nnd for sale. Tne attention of nil persons wantinff a reliable solicited to ibis brand., apritßlm SELLERS,NICOLS fc CO. tSaLM AND LEGHORN HATS.—The subscribers X have oft hand and lor sale, a large and well assort ed stock of Palm Leaf, Leghorn and SttawEaia, at re* duct'dnrices. • ■ JAMES M’CANDLKSS&CO., :. - inylO 109 Wood street. • A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the XX ‘‘Fihh Ward Savings Bank”, will be held.at the of fice of the Bank, No. 4dA Liberty street, onTuesday.ihe 29th day of Jane next, at lO o’clocki Ai M.,wnh refer ence to having the stock consolidated into a. corporate. iCorapanv. (opr2o#cnj JOHN STEWART, Sefireury. MERCHANTS’ ANDMaNUFACTURERS’ l; BANK .OF PHTSbURGH:this* day-declared a dividend of font per centum, on the capital stock, ont of the profits for the last jiix months, payableforthwith. . mys W. H DENNY, Cashier. Bank ov Fimsuati* • ' ; *v May 4, 1552. J THE President arid Directorsof this :Bahk have nils day declared a dividend ofyoun psb cost, on the capital slock, for the last six- momhs,payable to stock holders or their legal representatives, forth with. . i myi:lwd&2tw - JOHN,BNYDRRyCa»higr. 7 . EXCIZAKGK iIASK OT PiTtSBUBQII| ? May 4,1852. $ THIS Bank has this day declared a dividend of »wra pm csitT.oi its capital stocky out of the profits.of the last six months, payable to stockholders or their lc eal reorrsealatives. on or after the 14th instant* mys:td -JAMES B. MURRAY. Cashier. .Hosiery of'the.'Bttl o’clock A. M, three horses,3 ' wagons. 3 or 4 carls, sor 0 sens or harness, one cow, household and kitchen known on the day of-sale. .THOMA&KOURKEj ... WE'iIEANi, ■ , Administrators arid’Gn’ardians, of the estate oTPaniel Ferris. myll:3;» Carbart’a improve*! .MLeiodeg ibO Bnoye i n»sh.ftrp and reedy sound of the**-made ,by others. They ate made of rosewood, of soperb ■ workmanshipjODd ongi : nal desisn, making aijeauufal Parlor instrument, and are admirably adapted for-choreh nm*lc.- Dealers sup plied on the most ÜbctaL terms. -Ml; orders by mail promptly attended to, and ; instruments ient,4o aJiy pari of ihc coamrj-aud * cO-> 49 Causeway street, Boston, Maw- rtPO this Honorable the Judges of the Court ot General 1 Quarter Sessions of the Peace,in and for the County -^iLp setiUon 5 etiUon ofWm. FurgUson,' of thaTifih Ward, city of Pittsburgh, in the County o fore said, humbly shewnth, Thaiyoucpeuiioner hath providedhimself with materials for the accommodation ,of travelers and olhetB, nt bis dwelling houso in tho- Ward aforesaid; and that your Honora will he pleased to grant .him a license to i keep a public house of entertainment.- 'And your peli* 1 tioner.as in duly bpuud, will pray. • WM. FERGUSON. • 1 , We, the subscribers, ciuzenaof lhe nforesaid Ward do ccrUfy, that the above petitionerra ot good repute for honesty and temperance,ondis wellprovided with house room ondconvehionces for the accommodation of trav iers and othersjandtliatsaidtaveni.i* necessary. Andrew Johnson, It Sloan, IS Buerekle, James Kelly, John Machih, G Kelly A Thos Halaell, James Geliy, A M’Colium Jno il Cassel, D Taylor, .myllrfSi*.-: [ (finrfttw ropy and charge rest.) nrtO the HonorablMhe Judges of the Court of General • Quarter Sessions of th© Peace, in oud fortheCOuntj " T SSi«w&ssivK.a dwellinit lionso »n ihe Ward_ aforesaid, t nnd prays fliiii Vanr Honors will bo pleased to groat bim a license to treen n bublic bouse of entertainment. And yOur peu tioner, os indaty bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, citizens of the Ward afomoid,: do certify that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty end temperance; aiadls well provided with bouse room andconvouiencesfot the accommodation andlodg> ingof strangers and travelers,and that said tavern lane- Ce johnß.lohnslon, JobnHostings,,Wm.hi Stewart,A. Hoys, L. Waller,Carl Rombaeb, John Marshall, 1 Flos. CaUoghnn,H.Gohs,Br, H- Amliutz, C.Seh*ner, S. fauub, n»yili3l* . the Honorable the Judges of the Coart of General ‘ Quarter Sessions of tUe Poaocjin ontt for ; xhe Counr Ellia P*®«oy, of iShaler town-: •hip. in iho County -aforesaid tambly tliewctt,— That your, petitioner haih provided herself with ma terials for Hie aecoraraodatian .of traveiera and. others, l at hit dwclHod hoesp tn . the... township aforesaid, I and prays that your Honors will ho phrased to gram her a licetiso WKeep a public house of cntctiamoent, .And your peudoner.asln dpt,hovnd fe wi.hp„y. MFßoy I We, the subscribers, etiutfins of.the township aforesaid, { do P«uuoner isof good rejmieiur ( honesty nnd temperance, and I* welt .provided wuU {house room and convenience* Tor. ihe-accommodation I and lodgingofstrangeraand travelers, and that eaid I tavern Is necessary. „ , 1 . Samucl ?9nUlson, John Kelly, Wm* Hr Ypunav.Ffhl'.h*' I Hn Staff, John Snyder, John walker* Wm, I Joseph Grabba,Robert M’DonaJd, Joan Mfljßkin, Davia l M > &ralUn,'Wa. Smith. [myllwi \-:y:\'T^:-vy-' rV';' yv- '»■ - FOE .SALE & TO LET; - T°.» LET rJ he STORE ROOM and FIXTURES now ‘taii-wS?^ 4 - ty l * l ® «nbjcriber. 'Vttte»iian given on n n ,B h "*■ *°* «QOK'« c t a ?-'S_ B, CHESTER, VlftailhfoMn. STORK ROOM,—Would suit for ■EKa Ktm a fn^' 7 P OO ,' l!, ’' , ’ ~mro)nK i )r Groeery giofo. mt,30‘ AMT* sfoOUDMANN, ■ •-—■ "• • • ■ • ■■■ "■ • ItsMarkß( streets -. .0 AWe „o e sw ,p ' I AW'OFFIyU TO i.ef-&rur a M~on-VTfrtnu??i‘ XJ immedtalei) opposite the Jiiw Cailiedtal! iw,’ room np atairs.. Heat.Ss per.momh.: ' rcnt U'LKlti & MOKKITE, No*39 Fifth street/ t**o. subscriber offfer, with ayßing.ls by to,' Ixu is SO feat front by 57deep Price 5000 CUHTIS ft A gta, . mye. • . ... N 0123, cor. of Wood und FiuU stf; •lift K£NSWRrom tbo let of Aptllueit, toe Ji&l.«v or £ > , wl A?.^ c^,in C Cached, on the <*onjfcr of Firpl atrcela—a groodljnaineaar stand for tt SSto.re or.l uvern, ii netii/otilyoDß squarefroTi tlift liver—will be rented low to a nood i-rmiit. Apply to .WALTER BHaNP, • • Libfirrvst. (nart&tf |AOlt SALis—Fourvatoatrte Bonding r on Vojilar nteel, Allegheny City, having each a front of £5 wet aiaches, /ind cxtermljij? back 62 fr c r. u offered at thivlowr price of 200 each.; ■'•■ * • •. Apply without delay* to * McLAIN ft MnFFITv m ? C , , , , No. 2G Fiflll .tract-' For ‘ ' ■ A FINC bti-fe dwellinu house., IG by 14,2 stonijsbish. ; Also r a UAme dwelling hauso» 10 by 30. 2 eiozicV bight situated ncar lho caTial on i.Baticrplnnlc rood, in Puquesneboroagb, a very d<>*iraMe. place ftr a, country residence.. Puce .SOM—SMO down, SCGt in sixteen years, and the. balance ml wo equal annual-paymonter J UitTiS ft UOIIBS, Acts .. tnyB .... ••. ■■■.,■■•.-Efo. 123, cor . Wood and FiAattß^ A BEAUTIFUL. FARM, containingso acres, sitoafo .:A -. Io M’Candless township,'Allegheny.eoanwabout 2 miles f/om, or midwar bmwcciMbe Franklin and Bat* IcrplanJcroads.umliOnulcsiroaithiscuy.. U wellwa;- ered. Jias. a valuable orchard, goad wood jot*, and is mostly improved. Baiidings tolerably good.: ' For-ieK&B enquire of .. ~/;■ CUttTIS ft DOUBS, Agents, . • myg., N0>123, tor. Wood and Fifth sts.- ' For Sale* A VALUABLE Steam Mill, occupied as planing, milV ■ A wxntng Fhop. vAc., on Liberty, streeum ’the Fifth : -wardvetbove the canui-- The building is4o byCO/eeif O stones hub, and good as new. The engine'is in first : rate orders boders 2Q feet long, 30 inches in diameter. The lot is SO feet front and 100 deep. The whole will be sold low, n?.d on reasonable terras. Enquire of ' ; CURTI* ft DOBBS, Heal Estate Agents, • . _myB. ~ .No. 123,c0r, of Wood and Fifth sis. • ■. Ij'OK BALb—A valuable Farmed! ISU ccies ,75in a SC high. state of cultivation, of winch £0 is in wheat Tbeland is of. firctTaie *v\iuUlY,nr.dtvtjU adopted for the.culture of fnmf-.iswelt watered and desirable fora stock.or grain faim; excelieaf.timber, and «H under ood feneei nleasacily suunlcd four, miles above M*- Cetsj)ort, ana dhty two hours travel from the oily>v. Pnce and texms easy. . „ S.CUTIIREUT',GeneraI Ageut/: fib Smith field street* A COUNTRY RRSIJJLCNCE POR SALE.—A new ' J\. two slory House, arraajrcd tviih bnU, parlor, di- •* ningroom,kuchen,wa3hlioape,ccUar,.aiuitwocliWß' bors/ThcXoiiftTifeeJ.bylOO, having lhreefroolB»nnd is pleasantly situated"and weltarranged, with garden,. : . small fruiUj'andffultardßbadetreb*,ugood.:oleiern-r all in compicterorder, and.in, aplpasam and healthy: IoV ■ cation. Pxice-Sltit'O. Terra* easy, S, CUTHBER1 v t General Agent, ' Sguthfiehl street;. Valuable Farm for Sale. I OFFER for sale the FARM on which X now-reside,- situate in Fox township, Carrol county, threer ml{eB _ froro SaUnesvtlle Depot of Uie Clevclfind aiui Prttsbnrgk Railroad. U consists of a quarter and iialfquurtcrseo lion, and has two set* of buildings, and .will bo gold separately or together,to suit "purchasers The boild ings arc very good, and every thing is wall fixed, com fortable arid ■in good'repair.-- Coal and water abandonee, and ..here is an orchard oa each Lot. Those who want a first-rale Farm* should not Toil to apply toon.: For terms, Ac., apply to roe, oa ihapremises. ' . MayCSS . JOH IST N. RUSSELL. ' TITILIi AND WATER POWER,—Foa SxLE—A wait. I*l arranged Grist Mill; of 3pairs of Stones: doingH good business. Tlife Mill is a three story stonebaildiogr Targe and convenient { a dwetling'.housc and. slflJsler*-' . Also* a large two etory-Warehausej and ISadres of - lantlypariorwhiebJs primo meadow. The-whole is in . food order, situated, on ileaver creek , and Sanity. and v >eavor Canal, ?ai*esfronf the', 01tio*nt Glasgow.: To ■ one or two active business men the above r presents a rare chance. Price, 53.0C0, Terms, 91>000' in handy balance at 1,2.3, 4 and 5 years. * ; * S. COTHIIERT, Gen. Agent, '6O-Smithfield- street. .. LOTS FOR SATYR. ONB LOT, in the Eighth Ward of Me City of Fiuar t "bargb, fronting oil Locust street, 293 feel fronting. ; - on VaiibtaarastTeei.runningto the bluff 403 feel, front ingthehfoncingahclaSOJ ftet, fronting on Milienbergcr street 403 feet. . ;• •*. ■. • One other Lot. adjoining the above, in Piutownsnipj’ . frohllfljf on Locust street 244 feet, front! ng.onMilten-.. berger*s streewoilw bluff 323 feet* on ttte bluff, over- Xeet, to ttli ne Of tbfrprop• erty of.ihb Idle Jameslrwiil, SCO" v Une other Lot in Pitt township', froutiDg on Loeusiat* . 203 fcet t frontingon Uiltenberaer street 120 feet Iq.a 24 feet ailcy y fronut>g on said -alley 200; feet.to a- line of., property ofla e James Irwin, from alley to Locust st., XSOfeeL * ■ One other Lot in the city .oiTitUburgh, frontfngonv. Locust street 293 feet, fronting on Vanbranm street 120 -.. feet to a 24 feet alleys fronting .on; raid alley *93 feet,., fronting on Miltenberger street ]*«Ofcel to Loouei .sU • i One other. Lot, frontit>g on Forties street 4S feet,, front- • ingoiiMiltenhergec street 120 feet to.a 24; feet alley; on •’ . tbosaid alley■•4S* feet to Lot No. .42 in; MiUcnUeiger’a plan of Lots - • One oilier Lot, fronting on Forbes street 29. feel, front* ing oh Vhubraam street 120 feet, to a 21 feet - fronting-on paid alley: 72 feet. I wiu sell'ior eat.hj.on long time, or on peipetaal. lease. For nanicalars,- enquire • ERALPAINT, for Peddek & Foßi>,and find it lo pon-.. lain tlie following.:. :\ : - . . > .: v . Silica, - - - Alumina, ... Sfii , . PerOxidaof I/on, - • r Lime,. - ■ . ,09 . : Magnesia, - - >24 Oxide of Manganese, .*. - - .' ,1* •: . ?. Water andLoasj - . , .lOb&S . - *>Tlie Powdered Sample, contamedia the boxiWhlchl* . suppose was the one yatLdesirudalso toliave analysed, I find io differ rrom any average of Uic lamps powdered, •and mixed together. This la.3i yields as followsi ,-,.v Per Oxide of Iron, -, -..>v . £3,50 \ • Silicaond Alahilna,;. V -v- 33,00.. LmJe, - - - ,88 . M&gucsb, - • ,10, * • ; Water and Loss, - : . > ■ 100,40. • -Tina difference I presume arises frora tho nuneraJnOt being uniform, some portions containingmore Iron tfisrf ; - Olliers. The analysis shows the article ’to be * ed for a durable paint 1 findthatbycalcininglhepow-.- der by apretty high beat, the color Is muchwiprovetV oral least converted mu) a fine red, -••••: -?• JAMES R. CHILTON, M.D. Chemist E7* For sale by JOEL MOHLER, 24l I4bert7 street, ' *■ raarl6:y joiton alna Sew York > fI>TIE subscriber is.nowreceiving:and"offers fflf.S'rte, v A - a-very large and desirable flock efPIANOS, from ...> tlm moit celebrated manufactories o/ .Boston and New York, Ainong-others, » NUNN & CLARK’S Pbizs-Msdai, Pianos. ** 2 Louis XI Vth styl-s 7 aamtes, elegantly coxvftd aftd finished hyNunnsA CJarK , ■ iCJ octavcf fijund corner, end carved .sliding music- Wtck.NunnvA Clark _ __ . ... 301 octaves, round corner, and carved maaic raek *•'* > **' * * "*' ■.•*■..,. 3 cjt' octaves, round* comer, with' Coleman’s -JEloian . Attnemnent, and potent tunable reeds* . _ „ lIaLLE'tV ALLEN’S Cblkbsatk> Bostojj t cl octave, double round corner, elegant moulding, new scale* and patent iron frame.- . . 18octave - -do-do. • ■■■ J. 11. DUNHAM’S PIANOS. New Voss* ; Sfi ocLavc, plain square, rosewood- . . 3 G octave,round corner,gothiotablcu . -3 C| octave,' square and tablet. - - <• ; .4 6$ double round corner, gothic tablet. - l Grand Concert Piano,7 .octaves, new scale, elegant moulding, Ac. , N.B— The above Piano* will positively be sold at munufacturersprices, without addition of freight, &c. A written guaraniy_ wilt be Riven with each Piano, warranting the same for THREE YEARS.and tbe too* netr reitmacd,if the instrument is proved imperfect ind faulty H KLEBEB, Sign of the Golden Harp, * No; lOtTtdfd street: - Suve Yonr flloneyl " " CHARLES P. FREEMAN & 00., (UkTE vgßQtut, naoaas and co.) /■ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS* - 1H 'BROADWAY* ORB BOOR SOJJIH OF LIBERTY STREET. NEW YOBS, " TTAVB now on haad,andwiU bo .receivingdalljr . JLL-lhroDgh the Reason, New. OiMds* direct from the :: European manufacturer*, and :Ca*h Auctions, neb, fa shionable, fancy 8i lc Our Plonk of. rich Kibbousjcontpnscs every varieiy.ofthe latesl acd . most beauufaldesigns imported. / >■ -V'-.'-Mauv of our Goods are manufactured, expressly, to. our order, from out-own designs and ponetusyard stand ■unrivalled. WeofferonrGoodsforncttCasb, : ®i.t&wcr. pncesUmn any-credit Moasein Americucan afford*-vr, All purchasers will find it greatly to their interest to .■ reserve & portion of their money, and make; selection* v . from our great variety of rich cheap goods* • • - ’ : - : . ' Itibbons; rich, forEoinetsiCapSjfeashirs tmdßeils.;.: v ' Bonnet Bilk?, Crapes; biases andTerJetoufj..^. • Habits, Sleeve*, Ca{fi>.Edglnus‘nnil Inserting.: - Thnbroideried Rcviete. Lace.and HcmsttcbCafm'Hbft.- : - Blondr, Illusions,and Embroidered bacesfor Caps..^. >. Embroidered Luces for Shawl*,hlantUiarand Veils;- - : v HomioQrMeehlen, Y&lencleneV; amißras*e]*bacev,- and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Uric Thread and., -Cotton Laces - _ - lUd, Lisle Thread, Silkr ami Sewing SUkji Cloves and - hints. , .French and American Artificial Flowers. Trench Lace, English, American ftadlimian. , •- Straw Bonnets andTrunmlngSi gsns *“ •» *■ i fVv'-rs? k ,. , * V C .4 -<■•.. 4 t > -v V , - s 1 * s i y - A iiSISS For Sole. > N. • 5 SSW:: ':jX4Xi;Xjr~L? i^Xr^- --rC: