The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 30, 1852, Image 2

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Dailtj flloraing ffioat
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Sarpor & PMWp». Editors & Propriotora, J
TOR FBSSIDtaiT or Tint UHITJSO states:
*' SubjKt » *e»i<ra of A* O/onmrartt flcntral Coamtion.
, , 'TOB ,tioa'p»saniKi<T:
Subject to thi tomi decision.
ensAtoani. ekotoks.
District. , District .
.■lst, Viter Logan. 13th, 'll. C. Eyer.
2d, George 11. Martin. 14tb, John Clayton. .
2J, 'John Miller. 16th, Isaac Robinson.
.'4tb, F. W. BooVtuk 16th, Henry Fetter,
6tfi, It. McKay, Jr. 17th, James Durnaido. •
6th, A. Apple. * 18tb, MaxwellM'Caslin.
7lh, ilon.N Strickland.lOtb, OenJoaM'Donald
Bth, A. Peters. 20th, Wm. S. Calahan.
9th, DaVid Fisher. 21st, Andrew Burke,
10th; It. B. James. • 22J, AVilliam Bonn. ...v
'll thi 1 John M-Reynolds. 23d,John S.M'Calmont.
12tb, P. Damon. 21th, Oeorgcß, Barret.
Bg>?“ Jon Pbintiso, of every description, ex
> oeuted-ati the oflico of the Morning Post in boau
tiful_stylc,'and on the lowest terms. Particular
. ' attention paid to tho printing: of Posters and
. Programmes for Conoerts and Exhibitions of all
■ tSST The Address of tho Democratic State
Central Committee, which has been on baud for
- Seyeral days, will bo published in our next.
A practical Engineer, -submitting The resultsof
: an investigation male bg him into the causes of
Die explosion of steam boilers.
Wo have reoeivod from '.he Hon. S. G. lla
. vens* member from the - State ■ of New lork, &
■ ; copy oT the above memorial, which was submit
ted to 7 Coogresy inFebrnary last and 5,600 copies
printed by order of tho Senate.
■ ■'The subject of ibis pamphlet is one in which
the community generally arc deeply interested;:
and none have- tv greater interest than have wo
at this place, and it la therefore worthy of some*
. thing more, than a mere passing notice.
" There has been much written, and much said
in regard tq the subjectof steam boilers, and
their management; and Congress has been me
tnorialixed time and again, nnd has passed sun
dry laws; Intended to check the eTil and protect
1 the Jives and property of our citiiens : from, the
fearful loss to which they are constantly ex
posed; with what avail, .the daily: account of dis
asters which reach ns from every quarter, is the
best answer.
’ Mr. Guthrie, “ believing that somo; ono .com
' petentto investigate the causes which produced
these frequent explosions, and capable of devi
: sing some plans to prevent , them, should step
forward and make on effort to accomplish an ob
ject so desirable to all;” and believing, himself
from bis position os an engineer of practical ex
perience, tho individual to accomplish this pur-
in the cause end passed four
teen months in the pursuit, eight of which, were
spent on the Mississippi audits tributaries, the
result of which is the pamphlet in question, a dna
deplmo of 38 pages and 13 plates.
’ Mr. Gnthric has enumerated; the numerous
causes of explosions, and illustrated them by
some loosely gathered facts, and some supposed
coses; inwhicli wo find little that is new in prior
oiple.- The main defects,, and the proposed rerae
-1 dies wo giro below, in full, as these ore the gist
Of the whote matter. Hib investigations leads
• him to the belief thot boilers are hot exploded by
hydrogen gosßcs; bat that they arc mainly ow
ing to too much pressure for tho strength, of the
boiler, sometimes caused by a sudden generating
of steam with low water and overheated flues,
ajtd sometimes by undue pressure, from n gra
dual accumulation of Bteam while there is plen
ty of water in the boilers. We hero give Mr.
Recapitulation of the principal emus (aiding to
produce explosions oftteam boi!ert.~ lst. Using
~ iron of an improper thiokness, or that of an in
' ferior quality, in. the construction of boilers;
olio, the too frequent use of ; cast-iron in
steam anti water pipes, anil parts of boilers.
; 2d; Using boilers defective in fora or work
manship, ineffectually stay-bolted or fastened;
nn.t also using boilers weakened by age or nso.
• Bd. Employment of incompetent, reckless, or
intemperate engineers. !
• 4tb. Using in the construction of steamboats, i
, boilers, engines, paddle-wheels, and machinery.
Without proper regard to the relative proportions
v which should exist between the different parts of
, the whole.
-V -• Gtb. Using inefficient or unemtable pumping
' apparatus, .and not providing for free and : open
passages for the water to the holler, and after*
wards-for the exit ofthe steam to the engines.
6th.’ In ndt providing a snitable or a sufficient
* nnwberof safety-valves for the free and,foil .dis
charge of steam when suddenly: accumulating. ■
7th. Want of a proper and suitable system or
mode of inspection of steam-boilers, cogines,nnd‘
- machinery; want of suitable and uniform instru
. taenta for testing, by hydrostatic pressure, ,tbo
aotual powers of resistance of every boiler
- -brought' into use; and also an entire want
of laws requiring an inspection =of boiler*
• - Iron, or material for the construction of boiters.
' Bth. Want of competent and faithful inspcc
torMiothed with sufficient authority to regulate
■ * fUfeonduct of engineers, and the management
(i :»'ftnd genera! arrangement of engines and machi
‘ neiy, with power to establish a limit to excessive i
pressure, within the capabilities of the boilers to
withstand It. ...
sth. Want of aboardof supervising engineers,
whose duty it is to exercise a general surveil
lance over all boats or vessels navigated in
- whole-or-in part byetfeam, -within the. jurisdic- :
tion of the United States; and blso to exercise a
lilte eurreillancoover hoards of inspeeotion, eon
duct of ’ engineers, and ■ others in charge; of
; Enumeration of the causes tending to produce esc- i
- plations, through the conduct of those tn charge.*— i
Jet Allowing water to get low In the boiler
through negligenco, carelessness or design. . - j
■- 2d. Overloading the and per-1
-mltflng' a; dangerous, accumulation of steam, 1
for the purpose of racing or wanton display.
Bd. .Ihrough negligence innotblowing off steam
when lying at a landing, or when the engines
ore not in motion.
■* ■ Remedies pro-ooisA—lat-Requiro, that in - the
manufacture of ail Btenm-boiiera hereafter to be
made, the best materials shall be ÜBed,
- and' that of a proper'thickness; abandon
- as far-im possible - the use of cast iron iu any
: part of.boilers, steam or water-pipes, where
ate likely to be subjected to great pres
- inro. "*
.Unter anowtheuseof ft defective boiler in;
any case whether it be defective in form, work
, mansnlp, age, or use.
B<L Employ competent, prudent and careful
< engineers, granting certificates to these who are
' worthy, and prohibiting the employment of the
. incompetent and Intemperate from running on
-gines where life or property may be endan-
Pith* Instruct the board of supervising- -engin
■■v.: -as Boon as may be practicable, to..teo6m
mend orcstablisb such relative proportions be
• tween all the parts of boilers,
"whßels, pumps end machinery, ss will insnrc in
■ bestlmanner- safety of life and .property;
alse. lo establisb-mles and regulations for-the
conduct of engjpesra andmadagemeut of engines
ha will give as near db may be, a uniformity,
throughout the couutiy. Inetrnct this board to ]
An::::APRIL 30.
meet ns often ns may lie deemed necessary, for
i tho purpose of joint conEultatmn,.to reC'OjWpeU.d
i improvemenJsJJtomaltc.mlcs to/be observed 3iy,
i the di iierenl'boai'ijitof in spOetioub, : to
as fob as possible the-, operation- of, any mwa
i which may be hereafter enacted, and to. see tbat
ail are foitUftiily andjSgidlr carried out.
sth. 'Protidethe most ample attdoertaume®ntf.
i for supplying the boilers at ail times with water,
!■ guarding against u possibility of & WftUt of f&u j
and ample supply.
Cth Provide sailal'le qpd proper safety-valves i
for caoh and every steam-boiler - hereofter. to bo i
used,- and < such os will at alltitnea affordaCer-.
tain and free discharge of steam when suddenly
,7th. Establish a system - - of inspection that
Shall be.uniform -throughout the .country, sub
jecting tu hydrostatic .pressure every boiler to
bo used for purposes of steam-power, to three
, times the pressure to- whioh the engineer shall
ever be allowed to use it. .
i _ Btb. - Appoint competent; faithful and honest
inspectors in snch places as the- steam, naviga
tion of the country shall, require; clothe - them -
with proper authority for the faithful .discharge
of the important duties; of; inspection, 7 giving
: lhcm.a proper control over the conduot of engin
eers and the management of engines and ma
chinery. " .
atli. l’ass suohltvws ns willbo raostlikelyto in
sure the faithful performance 7 of the duties
of engineers, iuducingdhcm t<v keep a regulnr
supply, of water at nil (itries in the boiler, and
never to subject them to undue pressure.
Mr. 0. submits with these also drawings and
a description of steiim and water indicators, of
bis.owo Invention, which are self-acting audself*
registering, by- which; the passengers can; - judge
of the dauger or safely of the steam and wnter
in, the boilers, and which also- can be examined
by the inspectors,.ns recommended above. :, • .
On pngo-SS Mr. ri, remarksV For giving to
the engineer an indication of tho height ofwater.
in the boiler, there never lias been, nor will there
ever bo, anything so simple, or so certain and
unmistakable, as theold fashioued.water guoge;
hnman ingenuity must stop here." .
- Wearonot altogether disposed to entirely con
demn tho usefulness of Mr. G.’s “Indicators,” yet
(pnges 80 and 3") lie desires to make tho mover
ments ofo complicated system of floats andsprings
BufScient evidence against an engineer’s capa
city, to warrant his immediate dismissal by oa
inspector. Still bo says human ingenuity
mußt stop at the old-fashioned water-guogo tB
a guide for the engineer, while it is welt knonn i
to all who have had any experience in boilers,!
tliat the old-fashioned water-guago, except in |
the hands of an experienced and careful.. cogi- j
■ noer, who judges from other indications ns well i
as the gunge itself, that it is very far from beirg
infallible. Now, bow can be make a machine so
complicated and uncertain as his Indicator cer
tainly would be, evidence do condemn and dll”
charge an engineer?
Wo dissent from many of Mr. Guthrie's posi
tions, but do gqs deem it necessary- to discos#
them further, at this time. We can only say,
that it wouidbc very unsafofoeCongress to make
his observations the bnsis of legislation to pre
vent the evils which he has sketched;-
would be productive of serious and lasting inju
ry to our commercial interests, which would
eventually bring the law into disrepute, and
like the present, become worse than useless, by
inspiring a confidence which is not warranted. .!
There ore roany others bcsiilo Mr, G. now at
the scat of Government,, exerting themselves to
procure the passage of laws to correct;those
evils; and some, we know, arc possessed of ac
knowledged scientific and practical qualifica
tions; and wo are willing to admit that Mr. 0.
has shown that ho is scientific and practical; yet
in a case where there aro so many interests at
stake, and so many and difficult problems to be
solved, the public will never bcsotSsficd witli any
legislation based upon any otbor than the most
careful and patient investigation upon the spot
oftho best talent that can boproaured of n prac
tical and scientific character.
Those icngagod In traffic upon our riveraore
justly jealous of their rights, somsny inventions
have been contrived which had in slow the remo
dy ot known defects, and winch inventions lave
proved impracticable, that they look with suspi
cion upon everything nett, especially upon legis
lation which is designed to compel the adoption
or any new invention.: There exists many preju
dices amongst our engineers and others, founded
upon n investigation of causes, with
out sufficients elementary scientific knowledge,
which aro difficult to overcome; and there also
exists a very wide discrepancy fn the slntcmcnls
of feels, in regard to explosions especially where
the best'ftnd-almost only competent: witnesses
never live to give their evidence.-
The only method by which tbeso prejudices
could ho overcome, and all. interests, guarded,
would he by moans ofa commission, appointed
by Congress of tho best talent in the country—
'say such men aa It. Col. Xong, of the. army,
Xocko,of Cin., and some other professional man
or men of equal attainments and experience, let
them call to their assistance such “practical -men
ns may assist in their; investigations, some well
known river Captain, and say James Thompson
and Wm. Barnhill, -of this city, or. others—let tho
commission so constituted take the testimony of
Captains, Engineers, Pilots, and other witnesses
on the ground; examine tho boats that arc run
ning, and the wrecks of those that aro.des
troyed where they can- get at them; let them
experiment upon the.differcnt qnalities of iron,
both new and old; experiment upon boilers, ex- .
amine plans for guages of every description that
maybe submitted to them,. and collect impor
tant facts, that may have been heretofore pub
lished;- let the. facts which the. commission
would collect be laid before Congress, together
with such conclusions and suggestions as they
might prepare; and our word for it, tho. com
misssion wouldmeet with the hearty co-opera
tion of everyman connected with the river trade,
and Congress would possess data which would
enable them to legislate understandlngly and sat
isfactorily; protecting alike tho Interests , of tho
trader and the.lives of passengers, .
Such data would likewise be of incalculable
value to the public, famishing reliable and sat
isfactory evidence of much that is now uncertain
and vogue; it would also give valuable scicntifio
information, which should go side by side with
practical Information, *
We trust and pray that Congress will act in this
matter, and promptly.; ■ and. that. they will not;
adopt any course less thorough than the one . re
commended, for if they do, it will be like the mo
ney expended in printing Mr. Guthrie's memori
al, labor ia vain.
We have very little to say this week in regard
to money- matters. All the information wo have ■
received from* home .ondahroad.goes to show
that mcnoy is becoming plenty. Iq. tho eastern
cities; especially, the papers report that lenders
arc moro numerous 'than borrowers*-and conse
qnontly the rates of discount are extremely low.
In our own- city, s good paper will always com
mand money, although many business men com
plain that there is ncft a disposition on the part
of the Bankß to -be accommodating. -
Stocks are nnusnnlly high, as will be seen by
published elsewhere. Bank Stooks are
much sought after, and command a-prcmium.—
Copper stocks are also looking up, especially the'
Cliff Mine. The rates of discount remain with
out change.
g@f* The Commercial Journal,, which is eter
nally .boosting of its superior” enterprise,"was
behind all its city cotemporaries in publishing
the telegraphic news yesterday. .Several impor
tant despatches didn’t appear in that paper at
all, .. Perhaps.Sir.'Kiddix’s news is.“coming up
the Bay,” nnd .wiU -arrive-in time tobC’putiu
type about the- hour 12 [o'clock on .Bunday
night, for his: Monday morning’s paper!
JJ@* The citizens of Monongahela City,
have subscribed for 000 shares of tho capital
stock of the Hempfield-Railroad.
I* i' ~ i ''" ■* r
• ,-We understand that the Whig StatejConvontion,.
of Missouri, have.nominated Gob; Amu£Andsb W»‘
3>ovipha\. for(JoYembr, uindjAiiEa \fifTBTON, ftf
IJent, Governor) v.Th'eso geatlettlonsarontroiina
ted on account oftheir atailibiKty.” Col. Don-'
iphau is a popular mha oft account of hissnccesn
-ful march to Mexioo’jind—bock again; without
losing a man.. If h 6 hhd met the enemy, he would,
no donbt havs fought them and whipped them,
bnt notfimling anyclimco for a fight with pow
der and hall, he retnrnod home to bide the time
when he could have a conflict with paper ballets
at the ballot box.
„Xho Whigs at ono time talked about running,
him for U,B."Senator.; but thntjoUo was too rich
for even tli emaelves to bear it, aud they bestowed
tlicir favor on bless deserving man. Mr. Doni
phan fs a good man, ns a man', bat it is absurd to
: talk of vanning him for Governoria a State which.
■ numbersamong hercitiions of nil parties, such
> a multitude of ; eminent statesmen, as Missouri
.can coant. But beJiaßbeen seleotod for a sac
rifice, and be will have to. Btand it. . -
We.pityhittu Ho deserves a better fate than.
the one the Wbige have prepared for him.
Tui! St. Hotee.—We are pleased to
learn that this celebrated • Hotel, in the city, of
Pittsburgh, has beeu leased by IV. 8. Campbell,
Esq., late Superintendent of the Portage. Bond,
Mr. C. Is well qualified to keep a hotel, and wo
feel assured that, be will not only maintain,. but
add to tbo reputation of the establishment. He
carries with him the beat wishes of an army of
friends for bis sucecss. ; The St. Charles is bo
well known as a first class hotel, that it is almost
unnecessary for us to eny. anything in its behalf.
Mr. Hugh Hnrrold (formerly of this place), who
has for a long time been the general superinten
dent and mouoger of the concern, contin
ued at his post.: -Wo tbcrefore-reoommend any
of our readers who may have occasion to visit
emokodoin, to give the Saint ft trial—our word
for ft, that, like Dives, they will fare sumptu
We find tbo above in tho Hollidayeburg Stand
ard. Wc could not say; more in favor of tbo
merits of onr friend CMirBELL tban the editor
has published, andwo, therefore, adopt his sen
:timcnls as a full expression of onr opinion of Mr.
:Cautokm.V capacity to manage the extensive
and popular establishment designated. Wo un
derstand that lie will take possession on Satur
day; and we wish him all the success that wor
■ thy merit and high enterprise are entitled to.
The Wiiiu National Cci.nVkkuo.'i.— The whigS
expect that in their next Convention the follow
ing shades, colors and predictions will bo repre
sented.-'They may be enumerated os follows: ■■■
. Abolition Disunionists—Abolition Unionists—
Higher Daw Free Seilers—DowerXaw’Freß Boil
ers—Anti-Fugitive taw, Nullification Men—Anti-
Fugitive taw, Anti-Nullification, Continued Agi-.
tntion Men—Anti-Fugitive law, Antl-Nullifica?.
lion, Anti-Continucd-Agitrttion, Finality Men—
Anti-Fugitivo Law, Anti-Nullification, Anti-Con
tioucd-Agitation, Anti-Finality Men—Compro
mise blcn -proper, on principle nnd amamort—
Compromise State Rights Men—Anti-Compro
miso State* Bights Men—-Compromise Southern
Bights Men—Anti-Compromise Southern Bights
Men—Anti-Compromise Nashville Convention,
Men—Anti-Compromise, Anti*Nashvillo Conven
tion Men—Stale Rlghtsjjßight of Secession Men
—State Rights, Anti-Bight of Secession Men—
Rightof Secession, Anti-Secessionists—nnd Right
of Secession, out-right Secessionists—Secession
ists by Stale co-operation—Secessionists by eo
parntcacUon.andSceesaionistsnny-bow-you can
fix-it—Old Federalists and young Democrats— -
Old Fogies and Young Fogies, Hunkers and Barn
burners—Tariff of 1840 Men, and Tariff of 1842
Men—Reveune Tariff . Men, No Tariff Men and
Free Traders—lnternal improvement and Anti-
Internal Improvement Men—Strict Construclion
ißts—and Loose Constructionists—lnterteution-
Ista and Non-Interventionists—Conservatives and
■W« hope they may have a happy time of it.
Expense* of tbo Army-
The Amy of the United States, consisting of
10.000 men, all told, costs the government $lO,-
000,000 a year, or .$lOOO por man, and for the
coming year $1,000,000 is demanded for travel
ing exproscs, in addition to the $1,000,000 ap
propriated to that purpose last year, thus giving
each soldier $2OO-a year to travel with-
A St. Loots paper estimates that if,
parativo expenses of European armies equalled
that of tho United States, Austria end Franco
would, in ft profound stato of peace, have each
about X 400,000,000 to pay for army expenses
alone ; and in the scmi-worUke stile in which
these countries constantly arc, it wunid cost at
lea«t $100,000,000 each besides. The army of
England would cost $200,000,000; that of Bus?
sia $K00,000,000 or $1,000,000,000; and oven
tho email state of Piedmont $5O,<)00,0OO. That
there must bo corruption, or wretched misman
agement is evident Bat even supposing tho ex
penses gf tho United Stall's army could be re
duced one-third, still the "heavy expenditure to
tho country caused by a standing army, however
small, nnd even in a profound state of peace,
may he gathered from these figures. ■
“ Tnr Wide, Wutc Wonui."— Tho author of
this popular work is said by the N. Y. Evening
Post, to ho a very accomplished young lady, re
siding with her father in the country, who was
reduced in circumstances.".-About a year since
she made up tier mind that she must do one of
two things, work as a seiimstrcss or. become on
author. Sho preferred tho latter, and composed
a little work which had only a partial success,
but she gathered courage even. from that. Iler
second work, “ The Wide, Wido World,” was
producod, nnd placed in tho hands, of the pub
lisher, who gave her,, conditionally, a very libe
ral contract; hut the. sale was slow for some
months, and n loss, appeared .inevitable... Sud
denly, however, publio opinion decided in favor
of the work, and twenty thousand copies havo
been sold. Her third work “ (iueechy,” which
wo noticed yesterday, is also destined to run ft
popular career.- We see It stated that more than
7000 copies of this hook , were sold previous to
the day of its publication.
Kossuth at tub Toam o? Wadhixotos.— A
correspondent of the Ohio Statcman writes an
interesting description of Kossuth’s visit to Sit. ■;
■Vernon and the Tomb of-Washington. On pro
ceeding to the Tomb, says.the writer, "Kossuth
removed his hat as he approached, and Stood for
a moment with his arms folded, - gazing upon the
tombstone, when ho grasped, the .iron railing,
bound himself till Ins hands rested on his face,
and wept ns I have rarely seen a man weop.—
Ho struggled, manifestly,,to repress bis emo
tions, but it.was beyond his control, the affec
tions had mastery of the "intellect,' and the re
grets, resolves and hopes of that hour were only
to be—eould only be expressed in throbbing emo
tion whioh forced bitter toars.' When ho had
wept afew moments, hewalked alone from the
tomb, and whenr'ho returned, his countenance
looked Bad indeed.”
Salahies .of.-Statb OmcEns is Onto.-r-Tho
bill fixing the salnrics of State officers has passed
the Legislature of Ohio. - It allows the Governor
$1,800; Judges of the Supreme Court, of the;
Common ,Pleas, the; Auditor; Treasurer, and
Members of tho Board -of .Public Works, euoh :
$1;600; Secretary of State, $1,400; Attorney
General $l,OOO, and six per cent, on collcotions
till it.amounts to sl,sooLibrarian, six hundred
dollars. ‘
B©* The following good hit atthose who .do
business on the shadows of their grandfathers,;
we find in a toast given at tho Printer’s celebra
tion, at Richmond, Va., on tho 17th of Jonua- :
“ Tho first families in Virginia-—like stars shew
in the ocean* they would not be there, were It
not for their bright originals in heaven.”.,...
g@* A new Daily Whig penny paper called
the/s)M»tCny;lms mode itsappearshbeinCleve--
land. ,It is edited %y iate.of the;
Coshocton Republican,'-and makes a very pretty,
appesrance. This is the third, whig paper in'
- s ( ’ - \
•sr‘-.'<'-u>/-vl\’:>Vrf-.f';.>>.• •,yi'-ZrJs£j-c?K-'.!,
llfli 5
The President haardcbgnlrcd William E. Bar
rim as-vice consol of! the Mexican rejiublio far
.fhVportGf Satt-Fntneiseo, in the State of Oali
fornii ; t ;I ' J
TiiqMartinsburg(Va.) Republican states that
MtvWm/rf. Miller, of that country, was killed,
on.Wetlnosday, in an affray with Mr. James Mc-
Anthony D. Victor, .convicted,, at. Richmond,
Vo., of shooting a fad named John Oates, has
been sentenced to the Penitentiary for 3 years.
- The O. S. Arsenal at Memphis, Teuu., wo no
tice; is advertised for sale at public auction on
tho 16th of May.
A lew ddys ago 20 bales of upland Cotton sold
at Savannah at 830 f! 11>.
It is rumored thnt the whole family of Mr.
Danlcl I)leht, of 'liittlcstdwn, Pi>.; 8 orJIO in num-
were lost by 0110 of the late western steam
boat explosions.
Burt's Block, at Springfield, Moss.,
troved by firs on tho 2lbl inst- Tho occupants
were insured for $23,000.
Rev. Dr. Downing, of the Broadway Church,
in New York, has accepted; a nunuimons invito.-
tion to the Sansom l Street Baptist Church, Phil
Barton E. Beach "has been convicted at Rich
mond, Vn., on-two indictments for,burglary, and
sentenced to tho renilentiary for four years.
Senator. Dawson, of Georgia,. lias declared
that, though a whig in -former times, ho has now
no business in a whig caucus.
The Board of Public Works of Ohio have re
duced the toll oCt-percent on ail materials taken
on the Canal for tho purpose ot building, up tho
burnt district of Fliillicothe. •
The friends of Fillmore,- in - tho city of New
York,' who'ore favorable to his ro-eloctionto the
Presidency, tiro taking steps for a grand demon
stration to Come off at an early, day. ;
■ Iron ships will not do in war. Recent experi
ments made at the Navy , Yard in -Washington,
have tested it to the satisfaction of military
men. Cannon balls will tear them in pieces,
and scatter the ivon fragments In every direc
A firo riot occurred in Philadelphia on Sunday
morning, in which James Gillespie, a fireman,
belonging to the Moyamcasing Hose, was struck
iu tlie back by a ball, and supposed to be mor
tally wounded.
Chesapeake- Asn Ohio Canal. —The Alexan
dria Gazottc says the accounts from the Chesa
peake and Ohio Canal, state that the damage is
very great, but no estimate can yet bo made of
the timo it will take in which to make the repairs,
or the amount of money it will require to do the
work, It is supposed that If tho means arc ob
tained readily, several months must ensue be
fore the canal can be again navigable. Mr.
Pish, the Chief Engineer, however, estimates
Gist with an expenditure of $BO,OOO, the damage
can bo repaired in two or three months;
The Anoimow ExrirEUF.ST is Grayson Cots
tt, Ya.-— A Court Ditperseti by a Mob.— Wc men
tioned 0 few days ogo that much excitement ex;
isted in Grnyson county, Va., against certain par
ties suspected of being abolitionists, and .that
Judge Brown was unable to hold the county court
in consequence of tho resignation of the clerk,
and-his inability to secure now ap
pears the court was .dissolved liy mob violence,
the particulars of which are thus detailed in a:
letter from Carroll county to tho Byaohbnrg Vir
“After the execution of tho negroes in that,
county, some time ago, who had been excited to
rebellion by a certain Methodist preacher by tbe
name of Bacon, of which yon have heard, tho
citizens held a meeting and instituted n sort of
inquisition, to findout, if possible, who wore tho
accomplices of said Bacon, Suspicion soourcat.
ed on a man by tJio narno of Cornut, and on be
ing charged with being on accomplice, be ac
knowledged tho fact, anddeclnrcd his intention
of persevering in the. cause ; upon whioh he wn3
severely lynched. Cornnt then iostituted suit
against the parties, who afterwards hold a meet
ing nnd passed resolutions, notifying tho court
and lawyers not to undertake tho casoucon pain
ofa esat of tar and feathers. Tho.court, bow
over, convened at the appointed time, nnd truo
to their promise; n band of armed men marched
around the court house, fired their guns by pla
toons, and dispensed the court in confusion.—•
There was no blood shod. This county and tho
county cf Wyth have held meetings nod passed
resolutions, sustalniug tlie movement of Ihcciti
zens of Oroyson."
Axotmta Sibamboat Disasteu—toss or the
PorvitoxTA.i.—The accident'; ot> tho river occur
in such rapid succession, that it lStilraostdifEcult
to keep pace with them. : We regret to state that
private despatches were received, announcing
tbe burning of the steamer Pocahontas, in the
Arkansas river, on the night of the 10th insl.
Tho despatch, which is dated Napoleon, 17th
Instant, is written in a very brief ond confused
manner. It simply reoitca that the boat caught
firo on tho (lay previous, and burned In the wa
ter’s edge, before any efforts to snbduc tho flames
could be successfully mado. ft is stated that tho
officers and crew escaped uninjured, but it; is
feared that some of tbe passengers weredrowned
or burned. .
Tho Tocnbontas was on her downward tripnnd
was heavily freighted with cotton. Sho bad just
performed a very successful trip from New (Or
leans. .
The Focohcntas was owned hero, and wns built
at Cincinnati hy Capl. 11. >l. Moore, about two
years ago. This gentleman, in connection with
tho clerk, John Skiles, arc tho sole owners.. In
surance, to the extent of $14,000, was, several
months since, effected on her, in the Union and
Floating Dock Offices.—-Sf. touU Union,, .
SpmiruAL lUrrKns.—lVc have not yet been
trsuMcd with the spirits in our city, but they may
bo looked for dn a few days. The citizens of
Hamburg and vioinity,; in Clark county, have
been kept in n state of wonder and excitement for
several days past. The spiritof Washington has
boen raised and interrogated. In answer to in
quiries, ho stated that he thought that the affairs
of Government were very well conducted at pres
ent, nndthnt tho modut operandi was sotiafnetory
.to him in every respect; Id Tegard to Presiden
tial matters, ho stated that tho next occupant of
the White House would ho Whig- 110 also an
swered several other questions whioh were doubt
less satisfactory to his hearers. Tho question of
who will bo tbe next I’rffiidont, is now, ofconrso
settled —N, Albany. Tribune.
; A; Mothwi’s Tsaus.—Thoro is a touching
sweetness in a mother’s tears when they fall up
on the face of her. dying babe, which no cyo can
behold without imbibing its inflncnoo, Upon
such hallowed ground tho foot of profanity dares
not approach. - Infidelity itself is silent and for
bears its scoffiogs. And hero woman displays
not herweaknoss, hut her strength; it is that
strength of attachment which can never in its
full intensity be realized. It is 1 perennial, de
pendant upon no climate, no changes— out alike
instormand sunshine—it knows no shadow of
turning. A father when he secs his child going
down to the dork-valley, will weep whon the
shadow of death haa fully, came over him; and
as the last parting knell falls on ids ear, lie may
say, ‘ I go down to the grave of my son mourn
ing.!-;; But the of business draws him
away; the tear is wiped from his eye, and if,
when he tnrns from his fireside, tho vacancy in
tho family circle reminds him of his loss; the
succeeding day blunts.tho poignancy of .his grief;
until at length it finds no permanent seat in his
breast. Sot so with her who.haa borne and
nourished the tender blossom. It lives in -the
heart where it was first entwined in - the dream
ing hours of night, She secs -itsplayful mirth
or hoars its plaintive cries, she seeks it in
the morning, and goes to., the. grieve to weep
“ A good wife,” Says a western editor,
“ is one who puts her husband attho Bide of the -
bed next the wali, and tucks him up to keep,
warm in thewinter, eplita-the wood, makes the;
fire in the morning, washes her husband’s face, 1
and draws on bis .boots for him; never soolds,
never snffore a rent to remain in her. husband’s
small clothes, keeps her shoes up- at the heel,
and her stockings darned, never wonders what
her husband sees interesting in the young woman
who-livcs across the way;- never slams the door
loud when her husband is speaking; and always
reproves their children wheu they cat their felh-,
er’s sapper.”
Wise men ore instructed by reason; men of less
understanding by experience ;• the most Igno
rance by necessity; and brutes by nature.
* # ;
ID* I’rotliotiot ary.—Tlie underalgnml respect
fully -ir.-r; himSelfas* candidate fortbO,GMevrpL.Pr<»..,.
llionuUt, y. sulijccl tr ika decision of the nCXlWhig aoi
Auumv.onic Contention „ , ,
agitJ-dSwie- 1 , < . JOHN BALD WEBB.
' ; r
. riailleeVClajacs— Pairs College.
DRAWING, under Mr. J,li, WILLIAMS, end Mr F
SI.ATAPERrand inall thehlgher.brancheapfanj.a,-
cliih (ltd Classical Education; under Mr. ’P-.HfIiYDEN*.
T.wo spaciods tootftt have rccenily been elegantly fitted,
up for their special accommodation. Call aifd ece.lne
airaugemenls laprs
. (ryDoyou want a cheap anti Rood Look*
tag .Glass I—lf you do, go to MOOIU?S, at No. Iff)
Wood s street, next door to; Davis’ Auction Man You
will find at Moore’s not only. Looking Glasses in winch
you cuoaeeyouiselt full lante'a*
every variety.of llair. Noil, Tooth. Cloth -Sbos, Paint,
Dusung,BcrjbblngondSweepingßßU9ms He has a
largo assettmcnl of Fancy and Variety Goods: Pictures,
and every article kept In stores of a Ifke character. -
Country. Store Keepers wilt And ft greaity-to fheir ad-'
.vantage 10 give tne a call, as 1 om determined to sett at
such prices as cannot fall to give s&tltfacuon.
Recollect. Moose's, No; IIU Wood street, Pittsburgh.
epriS tw 1
ET"A Strong Certificate. —From the Stenben
vilie Herald, March daylßH.—The reader is referred to
anadverusement in another column; which gives
tailsof a wonderful cure fromvbe use of APLant’s Verm.
.s/irge; winch is cett.fred .to huve been .ffleeted; not rn
: Mainer nor in Loui.isna, nor In Oregon, but here, almost,
in your.mtdfct. Kead-ft, and judge for yourtelvesr
Public aiieniion is most retpeclfully invited to Ike,
plain,unvarnished statemenlof your.owu felloW'Cluzen,.
Mr. Stephenson, whose child wonderfully restored
to health by tbe use of Dr. M’t.une’s Vermifuge.
CaossGa&EK,nrar n’*nftrttnflr,JeflersanCo,o >
March 19th, 1851.
- Messrs. J.tfiOD >V Co—l have a little boy. three yean
old the I.7th day of this month, that has been very deli
cate in health.for.some time.. After trying slgreat many
other mcdlciut-8, without receiving any benefit from their
use, I- was induced U) try Dr. C M’Lnne’s American
Worm Spccibe, or Vermifuge, aa put up by your.honors
—and wonderful to relate, after giving, him two lea*
spoons full, lie passed ICO. worms, some: Ot them very
large, ani Olliers not thicker than d common sized knit
ting needle; since which nine the:little fellow hasen*
joyed excellent health, nnd is at this time getting very
fleshy or far, ns the. old women'say. •And I mustaay;l
believe that ji he bad uot.taken lha would
: ere thishuve been Ibe.t imp, ;
For ealo by rruxt .Merchants and Druggists in town
and country, the sole Propnctor-f
npr2?J:illwltw . . • ; Ott-Wood'.
T}AGODA TfiA STORE.—Ja«i fecct?cdj 300 Ibso
I penor BoIORHa Sau»age«s . r r . {opr3o
Uii vK—7O tn store ami U> arrive, for sate by
MOIiASSES— ISO bbl*. prime, fjr Mle bv -
tltlvAS—Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Biaet,lorsale.
1 aprtO * STUART A gltU.
bluis priino Ilams,for oale bjr .
j j optsTO STUART fe SILL.
(lUtfN—lWbos.lncar, forsalebv
IIME— 10 bbl*. Louisvitlo, for aale
j nprSO STUART ft SILL. _
"TriftiKU AR—7S Übls .to elu«e consieiuueut, by
V rap m : 1 STUART A SILL
T>IG; MClAli—tO tons Hangtug Hoek, thot b/aat,j to
i .
apr3'> ? STUART A SILL- ;
Black WATKittiu silks— a. a :Mo»on & c«.
have- juat received: 20 piece* fine black watered
Stlkn r>pt3Q
(1 ft A P l-i Aw LS i—AA.AUaoa AOo.bavo juit
j receiv'd 220 more rieh, plain, and embroidered
Cropo > liawl* |upr3o
BLA'HC SILK LACKS.—sopieces wide find narrow
Black-Silk: Laces, jotl received and for sale by
apiUONoa.C3 and 0$ Market street.
BONNET piece* Glad and UotiuetSilkar
ia#*oned colors ) just received by .
A. A. MASON & CQ*, ,
; - ... . r*fo<L 62and G 1 Marketelrcet _
Mantillas * mantillas t—A. A, masos k Co.
have jail received, (pcrfxpres*,l another lot of
. Mbnnllas, of the latest and. moil foi&ionnble aiyleff, r:
•• ppi3o
r ion.for*a!CQ( MORRIS’ TEA STORE, lo Uie Dla
mond. In »t*enKt'j ntu) flavor, tine. ls superior
to any other m i*iu*burgh. .f>pr3t>-
eIIiARA— 50 0* 0 Common;
. lO.OuO Spanish; For tale by
BpfaO • •. ■.•■■■ ... No. OSmithfield street,^
liaad Warrant*; --■■-• ■<
HAVING received an order for a limited,number of
Land Warranu,! will parehaselOO,Bo and4oacre
Certificates,attbe highcii mfifket price. ••••
aprOOilw. No. ISO, cor. of-Wood and Liberty Ms.
ALL perrons are warded against taking or purcha*
aim* a Mote, dale! Apnl Slbilß&t,drawn by me t
SayaMe (a the order of William Gibson, and by hlracn*
orsed, In the sum of 85C0. n( 4 months, as the same war
putintocirculadou fraudulently.
aprsa _ _ John b. siierrifp,_
■ rUlaaooi! flarbet'Uouie.
CONTRACTORS whs intend to bul tor the buildieg of.
the New Market Hr use, are notified Lbot tbe Caoas
Storm* and Groprut Plans ran row he seen atihe Office
of IV M. A. IHI*L k> CO.. Beside the bid*, on the terms
tts heretofore advertised* .an .allcrimte bid wiUbexe*
rrivrd from any Contractor deposed to aobneribe to the.
Market House, who ivlli state jnhis proposal how reach
sice* he proposes to take* on condition of bis being
made a preferred stockholder. : , r . UprftfrSl
A £at/s.~A valaaUo. piopertjr*-vtcU suited for any.
basing# where steam power isH*cfl. . The bc.i!dinjris
a*eod*ory rcliar r andAh!c* foe
Hoom. Tbe aleam rnglne ln fiO tiorse power AU it
compile nrder, and in a central locadoivof tho ctty»—
ImnreJutc naiataston, and will be wld at a barcain. v
S. CUTHDEUT* Ceneiftl Agent,
. nprOft " ■ .<:• 50. SmtthtteUVMieeu •
DY—For sale by \V. A. M’CLURG & CO;,
anvt) No. Llbenv af. •
'MTHEREAS. my wife, SOPHIA; has ’efrmy hedattd
f V hoard; wit'mtitnny just eaiise or provocation, fill
persons arc cannoned aeatoßlirusrtng her on my ac
count. _v [api39.3tl JOSEPH COLEMAN
II MR AM j COAL.*—A *pl»judid opportunity -is now
j offered—for sate, on Ion? credit., nr trade, fit wbieh
cuu be made from ten to twenty dn'lurs pcrday,on.a
small capbal of fil'iv:to\*inj hundred dollars, os;lht
owner# are going West. Call on
nprjfi : No.iW Fifth street. ,*
apect/uUy invites Country MerrliaQts.viaiiing the
city, to call end examine lu* stock of Fancy, Variety,
ami Dry Good*. eompmtnfr an assortment equal to any
home, either Ea»t or West; As iny foreign goods arer
Imported direct by tuyxclf,and my domestic good* pur*
chafed from the manufacturer*,l feel Justified in saying
that my prices will compare favorablywiLh any:
aprftl C. TKAOER, lift Market «t
The Art ofSelf Oefeneei -
Ikflfß. JOHN WALKER,celebrated In. Philadelphia;
lxft, os a Professor of the manly art of Self Defence,
wdl, with George Rowley, of Troy. offer nn Forhi' Ition
of their #kW, at .WILKINS' HALL, on SATURDAY
The doom will open at 74 o'clock, P. M , and sparring
commence at 8 o'clock.:
*l be exhibitlou will he conducted upon tho most rigid
rules or decorum, and the most perfectorder preserved.
Tickets SO cents. : ; ; .tsprWfli
spectfully callfl the attention of Country Merchants
and others, to his stock of Cap* Letter* Biltand Note
Paper, School Books, Pocket and Family Ulblco, Blank:
Hooks; of every description, Water*, Steel Pen#;-Lead.
VettCiU, Pocket Ink*. Black, Red ana Blue Inis,Slates,
Bonnet Boards, Window Paper, Crown, Dooble do Me*,
diuro, Double do Wrapping Paper, So. r All ofwtnch
will be : sold at IoW Tatea for cash, or exchanged for
Ran. J. R« WELDIN; Bookseller and Stationer,
03 Wood street,
aprfl between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh.
- . Men asitl Uous 1 CioMngEmpafiuvt'- 1 . •
Stock lar«e and seasonable; work warranted! price#
moderate. ’ We.itody to f least. 1 Japribl
TTOUOH Jb ANTHONY have removed tbClr DA*
iT GUERRKAN ROOMS, from Burke’s Building; id
Eaton’# Building, over tho Young Men’s Library,where
they will bo happy to see their old patrons ana friend*
8. U. Kamtljr Ham*. ..
TUVANS A SWIFT’S extra Ir&ud.lOU tierces,, uow
(j in store, nrtd for sale. -Thu attention of all persons
wanting a rcliablo article, I* solicited to.tbishrandr.:-
aprlbilm SELLERS,NiI OLS A CO.
y. xv- .• > KemovaLj/-,---.:.v- r ;-
Siriyopposiio tbe STpread Engle Tavern. Pmeburgh.
KKS ti, JONES, Manafaoiuter and Dealer in al
kind, or TOBACCO, SNUFF and SKttABS.
TohaccoandSegnta sold on comminmn. „ fnrr7:lm
Removal of the
THE Offlccof the O’Rldiy Telegraph Lines,has .been
removed to the 'WORTH-IiAST CURNER OF
THIRD AND -WOOD STS* Fitwbargh; Cmrauee
from Third street.-!av<mler te-meet the inerttulug
wants of the pnblio. the bew Telegraph Office hat been
much enlarged and improved, amloUitr facii ties added f
to insure the prompt andßCcmate trabamiiei.'n of DU
patches to all puts 0f the tJnPelBtftle». Noeffort will
be spared to susiaihtbe higfc repm&ilon which the
O’RieU t Lines havß-olreaOyacqttiied t mar3l:lm
EEAL GOOD TEAS—’Tts well known,that MOR-,
BIS, in.the Diamond,}! one -of the/best judge*, of
Tea in Pittsburgh/and it appears to us the
the fall benefit of his jadgraent—for, under-, no cimam
stanee*, will he keep - damaged or inferior quallue*.r-
Therefore, any one requiring the pure artlelOi Wi al
ways obtain it at MORRIS 1 TEA'MART* in the Dia
mond. • [aprar
TOT liigbtnlag Kodi»
WM. HILDA cs.,Manufactttrers, are, nowprepared
.to furnish or erect Steel or- iron. RoD3,wflh all.
the FittingSvOf the best pattern. pr materlaL Orders
left ot thnsinre of Kaion, Owttuessi* A Co>, on Wood
VMAax * h ' will
i,jnart>ieni«»»»tata* : ■ ■■■■■-' ■ :
A LARGE stock of the moat beanufnl MANTELS,
A''mndo of tbe fineitqnalliy of Fnieirn arid :Dotne»-
tie Marble, manufactured by machinery, alwayßOn hand
and made’to order on short notice, at pncea rnugihe
front *l5 to *lOO each.« are invitedto call
and examine the stock aud pricev3lP»32l and 343 Lib
“'3*"“ SmUhfield. w WALLACE.
rsrrst Inducements to Cn*h Purebaaero,
ro”t?m“el"o«rW«tockor ofCOMMON AND
lhai cannot fall to pleate cash puKhmef*. All oar
work 1. warranted, Oor JR ..
corner of Seventh alid Liberty »t».
MBS. A-LEEcn respeet' me la
dies, and her customer* generally, thatnhe will:
base an opening :■of Spring Millinery on 3httredny, ihe
wml |n«t- Barn hatsprihe* latesr importations, which
for beamy, nnd'siyie cannot be «mpa»»ed.: .ChUdrenhi
bonnets iugreatyariety* .Ladies’heal dreaseaandcaps,:
french embroideries \#na flowers, :wlib:a variety: ol
goods inher line. ' ap2lkSw
b.t. c. hohoab. ~ :
HAS aj w»» aoa hand ttgenerslussortme 01 of Behoo).
• MiHsellansoß* and Blank BoofcivPnmlng, Post and
Cap-PaMr, Ac., wholesale and retaiivN o -" lOf-Woodm
oelow Fifth. East side, Pittsburgh, Pa.
JIT* Wanted, Sags and.Tanners’ setups.'.; ,apl3:ly
fV • T'~ i; <"l.*.^' '•: '*"
..;*.■••’• '■&,WzJ-£& ■:■ cv*jr*• *i ■ >-•' '
. 4 . *<• • “ ,* ‘ v
- £ - *u ■
■ .V." •; ■- ■
V •; y- £ ,'
' - .-.Xk 'j-' y -
o ■\i^^-'- V;^r * --:-'-s ‘ a. '-i -i-"-t-';i i ' •'- : . v^ 1 -rj- .-v: -i-- - '’^--i^jl-;^'*'.'' -^'i' : ‘ ir. ; -"‘
\ ~v
:-V , • : -"V c
?m. • .•-:. - : v; ••••■:».• -.*./' T \-: v* =..- v^rr.'-'i;^^rtc^s .’j-.-v~• •!*-^;t-wil v -*i'4a*&s<k#
••- .■ - r .; .■ .■ , \ •.c;--f''^^'i~v-''- , "':i.'-^6-''.;'S-rv-^-i;V'.--,-tv.'-.r
-c-J * - *
• .- r l. - .
‘•t- ■ t,.-- w
Be“«ltrtUl Coliege,car>
*>'«* lulrncilaaulßook
keeping and WBilng tana day and evening. Ltdloa*
.Wruing and.Bpok.keepijiie‘claue,, meetf from 'J [o 5 in
l h f 8 p i i, n o,^!?. O a!W n^r tl !“W *W auend to ihe settling
of Pnimerihlj, Bocks, opening obw «eiu, corretilng er
rora, 4c. having need of will apply
aithe College. n. K. CHAMBERLIN,
.•:■ . ■■■■ lv. Fnnclpaland-rprof.«f Book^eeplngr- : '
.. .p. R. SyxhPßß, Prof, of Vpnnuiftship. • —apß) :
fp" Waoted*—A few men of thoiougb business
habtuaad good audressj fora safe and respectable bud*
fits#; it isabtmueis tb&lreqmret nocapital bat rood
eharo<Jtor,busme#s balni* sndEnergy. To men with
the above qoaiifications a permanent business and the
best of wftges address N 0,29
SmWifieU street, corner of Third. TaprZUf
PTPyiP«P»iat or Xndlgeitton, h that kind
of detaDgement of the stomach which interferes with
the conversion of into chyle..
- The Sirmviomt of D wpsyrf* arer Job*, of appetite, nau*
iea, heau-harit, ibtafency, acid,.fteiiu .or inodorous
eructations, & gnawing sensation in Hie stomach when
empty, great- costiveness, chilliness, .paleness of. the
countenance, Utigour,, lassiiude y unwillin/tJess. tomove
- about,lownecaof- sptritsjpalplMtioiiSi.ofiUie.heart,and
disturbed sleep These symptoms vary in tMTerentm*
dividual* and const!tuuons ond in.many cases brine on
. kidney disease, dropsy, liver complaint, and a aeDlluar
led coDdifion of the whole body and a shattered state of
the nervous svstcra, that renders, life buniensonie*; . .
- Dr. Hadcbfft’sAUealintDigutxvtßuun nrepecoliarly :
adapted to tire deranged condition pfthe stomach above,
.alladrd to, and if taken restore it fo.
a healthy.eondiuon. - These Bitter# are made of some
oftbc most valuable maie.ials ol the Maieria Medics,-
and are prepared to apeciltar manner, Icnowu only tcr
the proprietor. Tboydon**t eoutamanyparlieleofulr
cohoband are perfectlyaafe in their operation on the
Umuau system. The most inactive and depraved condi*
: tion of the stomach la.often toiioved by one bottle—all
sourness, wind, pain, and depression of spims, are en*
UreJv reraoved. How can aman be In health when that
great reservoir is diseased?. Coirecuhe morbid state of
tine stomach by taking these.Baiers, and Dyspepsia, with :
all us grim horrors, will fly from you.
Price 75 cents.
Prepared and sold by. "V; Dr. Q. HrKEYSER,
- . at his Drug Store, * 4O Wood. Street, '
ap{34;lm:d&w \. PitUbttrgh, Pa. -
.—This HaLam t* peculiarly adapted to every disease of ~
the Lbngs and Liver, widch is prcdaced by our.ever*
varying climate.
TAt Theory and .tA s Praehce.- ,
; The cures from this medicine havo been;and will be,
Just is nroponton to the number of cases in which It is
B«ed< Its only miticuloos powers,are ihose.wbich it
possesses from and in coramon with ope- -
rations it ean only assistand hasten. Its actkmis lra
mediate, and. though calm, energetic. It alUyvirrriia*;
non. while it promotes secrelion and ereretfon. lt cab ;
never fail to palliate, end where a care is . possible; It
will care, . was the theory.of tho medicine, as in*,
vect-id; and experience, in: numerons.casea,of every
kind and variety, has demonstrated-tba
Ka principles.
- •„ See ad vertisement in another column. laprtO .
' No.JSLTst&D eTarsr,
XEF A few doors above Southfield? »t»-eeh Office up ■
■fairs. Dr. F.. has been connected with 'the csiablnrii*
mem of Dr. llnlhhen, of WUeeliog, for -the last five
years. laprSU.Cin
, Sctson*»; Das uerreot|ipet^
v : PoH Office BuUdingti. Thira StteeU ',
T IKENKBSKB taken in all weathers, froin9 A- M. tp
Xj 5 F. M., giving : nn accnraie artisuo and animate
likeness, uniiko and .vastly superior to the kl com*
mon cheap daznerreotypea. at the* following cheep
prices $3.00,54,(30,85,00 and upward, ac*
cording to tue sue and qualify orcaae or frame. .■y
: lfour# for children, from II A. At. toSP. M.
N.B—Likenesses of sick or diseased-persons taken
in any pan.of ihe city. InovSSrly :
Dohemla Glus Workp; ♦ :
Manufacturers or flint glass, to &n its
variety. We«o, on hand; Lightn’ng Hod
dnsuloiorp,,pf a superior pattern to any thi ug yet pro
duced. ... ■ / • r- v -' .
■ Dealers in Glassware can save from 10 to 15 per
cent. by giving us a call.
Wareuouae, corner of Water and Rosa streets*
feblODm; .: - „ . Pittsburgh, ra ;■
lusuraDce Company of Pittsburgn,:
C. G. HUSSRYTPresi'lcnl.
SAMUEL l«. MARSIIRLL, Secretary.
-■■. v . between. Market and VfoodMreet
lnsaru Hall and Cargo Rtiks,
On the Ohio and Mi&Usippi Riven and iribuiaritt.
INSURESacainstLossorDamagebyPtre. :
. ALSO— Against the Penis of the Sea, and .Inland
Navigation audTranrportatiou. • .■
C.G. Hussey, - . > Wm Larimer, J>.y : r
AYRliam Bagaley, \ jßanPlM^Kirr.V:
Hugh D. King, - . , Willism Ifingaaro,
Robert Dunlap, Sr.,'. : D. Dehaven,
S. Kaibaugb,.. - FrancisSeller*; ,
Kdwaid Hea2loton, - . J. Sehoonmadier,
■ Walter Bryant,. ; SamuclKea. :■<
Isaac M. PeimocU. - Uas
A»msfated Firemen** inatsrance Compe*
oy of itio Clty or Pittsburgh.
W. w DALLAS, Pres’t—ROßEßT FINNEY, SecT*
J£7*;WtHtosare against FIRE and MARINE RISKS
orall kinds. -.
Qfik* in Morumgohela //suj*,Nw.l24 and 125 ffadur
• ■■ - aiuxcroas 2 .
: W. W. DaUai, ■ : John Anderson* -
B. C. Sawyer, - R. B. Simpson,
Wm.M.Fdgnr, H B. Wilkts*,
* ,Robeit Fijmey r : - Charlea'Kcnt,
.WjihamGorman, \Villiam Collingwood, .
A. F» Außhatx, . Joseph Kflye,-
v . ;.WlHiaiu D. WngUter. . , • ijaP-
i H/'DEAFNEuSS.noisea *n UteheaQ f and all disagree -
able o»#cbargt# from the car,speedily, and permanently
removed wuhoQt pam or tnconvcnieuce, by Dr, If ART*
LfSYi FrmcipoJ Annst of the N~ Y. • Ear Surgery, who
maybe couauilcdatPS-ARCtI street from ■
3 loSo’clotk,
/■Thirteen Y taraclose and almost undivided attention
to this branch of special practice Has enabled hint to
reduce hia treatment to such a- degree of success os to
find the mt>sl confirmed nad obstinate cases-yield by a
leady ntirvmon to the mean# prescribed; ' (au.'t -
. Flttshargh Life lusnrAnes company,
CAPITAL 8100,000.
Presidoiit—Jatnca S. Hoon;
YiceFresidchi—Samuel M’Ciurk&nw -
Trcasprer—Josephs.Leech.- i: •< :
Secretory— .... v;.:.-:
Omcx,No.'T9 FouutH Stuxot.
- lET Thli Company’ - every’Tasurancc apper
tftimug to or connected with Lite Bisks; ; -
. Mn uairatesarethe fismofa# those adopted by other
.safely conducted Companies.. - *
. Joint Siock Rute* ata red&etioa of one*lhir«l from the
Mutual rates—cqual to n of thirty*threO and
one*(hird percent., paid sniiually in.advance.’
Buka taken on the Uvea of persons going to Califor
nia. I *
Jamrt S; ilnan, Joseph 8. Leech, v
-.- Chnile* A. Cotton* . .Sama£itM’Cra<knn,
v William FhiUips, : ; John AvWiison, -
John Scotu , L
Of Hartford, flomii
Capital Stock*.*S3oo,ooo
. Ulflceof Fittsburgh AgeDqytotbe Store Room
of M’Oardy A L00mu,N0.59 Wood street.
nov4;lf R. ii. BEESON, Agent.
j Designed only for th* property,has an
ample capital, and affords superior advantages in point
of cheapness, safety, and to City and
Country Merchanta and owners of Dwellings and isola:
ted or Country Property.
A. A. CARRIER, Actuary,
aovIS Branch Office, 54 Bmuh&eld st., Pittsburgh. -
lE/* Odd Fellow** HalitFotirtA
rtrvet, btireten Wood andSmtittfitlA sfr*«*.‘-l > iUBbyrgh
Encampment, No. 3, meetslst and3dTaesday»©reftch
Fiiuburgb Degrcel,odge«No.4,meets2dandjkh*rtfea*
nlecban£ca'Lodge } No;2, meets every Thursday even*
;■ .western Star. Lodge, No, 24, meets every Wednesday
; Iron Ciw bodge v No. 182, meets every Monday
Mount Woriah liodge, No. meeia every Monday
evening, at Union Unit, comer' of Fifth and SmhnfidtU
. ZoccoliOtfge,No. 395, meeiaevery Thursday evening,
al their llaU, comer of Snmbfleld and Fifth streets. . i
Twin City Lodge, No. 241. meets every: Frlday^ven*.i
tog. Hall, corner of Leacock and Sandasltystreeia,AK
leghenyCuy. Imay29;ly
CT* Angerona Lodge) I* O. ofO. F**-The
;AngeronaiiOdge,No.2dU t X O* of C. F.* meets every
Wcdneadayevenlng in. Washington Ilaii,\Vooa itreet
; ,ia4:Jy
; . *>T. Or-BV—« Place of Meeting, Washington
flail,"Wood street,between sth ahdVirgm Alley*
. Ftmsußaii liOBOy, No. —Mecuevery Tuesday
MKSCAfmLaEffCAjepaiNTvNo.B7—Meets Ist aud3d.:
Friday ofeach month.- , •
CaA, O. U.
above Hoard of Trade ltooms^corner ot
Toird and Wood Btreeii, eveTyMonday evening.
([T A JSo#l9eaiar)(al)U Oa«t of Tout
Blindness Cared, by Petroleum.--We Invite
the attention of.the afflicted and tUepublicgenetaliy.Ma
the certificate ofWYiiluun Hail) of ,>The e&B
may be seen by any person who may be skeptical fn re*
lation to the facia were jset forth. ' ' S. W. KlEft. •
>“! had.been aftlictetf several years 'withmi soreness
of boih eyes, which continued to increase untUlaaiSep
tember,(lB3o), the inflammation atthat time having in
volved the whole: lining membrane of both eyesfnud
endediniho depoaiie of a thick film.wbiehwholly de
stroyed iny sight. I had an operation performed, and
the thickcMug removed, wmch. sooD returned and left
raein asbad acoDdmon as before. --At tliisstageof the
complaint I mode application. to several of the most
eminent medical men, who informed me that u my eyes
wouri^eyeraetwelL^. ; AithUilmei.conW not distin
gnUft. any object. Hy the-adviee ef some.friends l com*
menceathetiae of.the both internaily 1 . and
locally, under which my eyes have iraproveddaily until
the.presehi time, and! have recoyercdmysight entire
!?* *?? general health wu very mhchimproved by tho
reuo!eum,amd I attribute the.rettor&tioft of my aigfcuo
4 reside at N0,1Q2 Second street, Lathis city,-
anq .wili be: happy to.giv&any information In relation to"
myctue, _ WILLIAM HALL.”
PUtiburgh, September I7j 1851.. . -.
„F°r«alot)y n bR. GEO. 11. KETSER, HO Wood
R»E._BEIiLERS,S7 Wood«lreet,«md by,iho Proprietor,
, { sepld ;v v
attention to jQr.GUYZOTTS Imprvud
Extract of Yeiiovi we feel conff-'
detottbatwe are doing - * service to all who may be af.
dieted with Scrqfutotu and other disorders originating
in hereditary taint,or fromimparity of theblood.JWe
have knows instances within the sphere of oar acquain
tance, where the moit formidable distempers b&ve beeft
cored by the nseof Gtfysgb’s.EMraelqf, xtilovt Dock and
ffarsapatiUa aim*. t _
:.|l is one of the few advertised: medicines vtimt tfahndi
be stigmatized with rjeackery, for the n
andthevMSßTzayoritfa” are well, kno to to beihcmiwt
s** a ’* *“-»**«* &
a. . tJS.t-'M* ‘ , i.'. o ' ~1 ./«,
k_/ ?.M -
- , f •>* f v v ’ft „ !'-•
J. -'-- 1 oJ
, c ffy t *„ ** ' -
* 1 1 >< .*, rf ■ /
.■>: ~•■• ;■ ./•*■■■.. i. . vr :•■.■.i..- .••. -• i j
Lam AMD Maitsoka- JOSEPH C. FOSTERi -
Prtcti tf AAnGjicn— Ftrsl Tier- and Parqaeue Wfe. ."
Second and-Thlrd Tiers 89c.; Keserycd seats In Dresa :
Circle, 15 cents, large Privateßoses, entire,B9,oo; small ■
Private boxesenttre, 85.00.
Dooreopen at 7 o'clock: Ctulalnrlsos at?}.
FRIDAY EVENING, April 89th. 1898, will be pro
fanned the popular drama, entitled
Tom Hakewell, - . - Mr. Betelsfotd.
Vann]'Moreland, * : - - Minn Wbnelcr.
Popular Song, . . Mi« Kemble.
ine whole locanelade whh dieUiyrbable Farce of ■
Saneho, . . Mr.J. Weaver.
Jaclntha, .... Miss Wbeeler.
#OO Ooncerti In the'CnUed State! I
co musti no ov f
J) EXPECT FULL Yannouncc uillieeiUreusof plus.
Av h»r«h and tuiyieiully, that they will give fwoCon
c£r MnM , n^sis.g.'J. l ?,S ,, ij Hall, lie Brit to be jtveit
.on AIONDAY.RYENING, May llkh- assisted by -
The a natal Tumilt in Urn Cmniry' -
Farther particular! hereafter.
Tickets 90 cents each Re erred seats 81,00: to be
bad at ihe Music BlDre» and Hotels. 1 ’-
The Grand Plano used M the Concerts, will be one of
Chiokerrnc’s Celebrated Instruments, kindly famished
by John IE Mellor. Wood street tnpl27
Ip* Furniture Plashes, Brocatelles. Ac., Lace tutd ■
. ’MusliitCurtainsi. N. V. Palmed Window Shades, • *
Gilt Cornices;-Curtain Pins, Hands, Ac.Ae.,v
at WuuLariLX shd Kasu,
W H. CaRRYL, 100 Chestnut St, car. Fifth, -
■ {T7* Curtains Mads and TrittimeJxftihoNnntt'FTtneTi. :
Style* 4
..Straw and FancyMUltxseryv
JVo SI Siiuth Second StreeLSettoem McpketandChtaxnuu
T>ESPECTFULLY Auuoanccs io iho Western Mer<
■Jjj/chanla that ebe ha* opened the stoat spte&didt 09*
somnenioi fiHLlitNEßYfCditviitlnr ofibe nonrest and
most Fashionable Straw and Silt. Bonnets Ureas Capa,
Ac. &€i She is prepared ;to famish order*-to:.'any
amounts raarSO-Sm
A. H. TklElHttKa,
.. Manufacturer and Dealer la.-:.: - ■=_
Tramparent Window Shade*, Otl Cloth*, Cord*,
Total*, Burnet, se.
No. 39 NoK-ral'auo Stbekt, i’miioEUTiiJ..
, : r *. • Wo SSIG Chiitnvistrtet Philadelphia. *
By Also, Henotnr Palming . .(tnoniMmfr .
XAMBS B. »ca®ikt»r'
Book Sellers and Blank Booh Manufacturers ;,
. • . {Sign of the Large Blank Books,) ; -
No.3O7flla.rltet Street, Above FTrtti* v
• (ttoßTirslßs} - PHILADELPHIA.
TTAVEAJwavt on bond, Cap. Demyt M diamond
:ii Royal Ledgers,Journal?, Day'..lnvoiceandCaiJi-
Bookt. Aldermen’* Dockeis.MfoateamlLeiter Hooks,
Memorandum, Pass, JUeeipt, Copy and Cipberiog
ALSO—A largo assortment of Medical, MLcellaiip*
cos and School Books*
- Country Merchant*, Booksellers* Hanks ana .
Counting Rooms sappi led with every vanfciy qf- Blanfc
Books and Stationery, atverylow prices;: (niarsiWax ■■■■;
V. M*A. UUOT>fl PRBfiltUfl DAGUfiR*
Afaithful portrait of a. friend Rive* as pleasure* eirea;
while heislLving,thoogh.a!)sem;boiwlieiihclap(irte4-
from usbydeath,iU valadiaincalcnlable. We have'
every faciiityfor faking ;J)agaerreotypes of the largest:;
size jroducedintbis-country. And-for-ouralilily la.
produce*uch»a*Qreßlletr»l ? ainjQrpas«ed,wewouli l iap-,
peal to twelve Prizes awarded as at the Great Fairs— (o
attestations of UvingAttisus—and lo ihe: PublicVoieoi
confirmingbothbya patronage atnoaatisgioYiearly&Of
wo Pictures. - - ,
: We would respectfully solicit a visit from all (whether
desiring pictures or not) niourliaUery, l4oChe«imiiL,
whetberotir aiTicte&lpersnnalattetttion'wijtbagiyea^—<
Pictures ftiaHprica3, and put up ineVery style either for
menu of the facBtqaaHiy, for sale. Also.ior sale.Rißhui /
:of ukiitg u CToyoit ,, :Pic’nr«B.i w. -vi
. A fowfroni inany.Opiiitousof ArtUtsi' .'
’:,NBwYoB*,Dec.£O,ISSl f . >
“ Dear Sir:—Having bad occasion to copy &om your . '
- Daguerreotypes, we teg leave ro conoratalateiyauapcn 1
the proficiency roa bave madelowaras perfection inthis - *
btaulifal art ” >' DANFOIITU, llALlr A CO.. '
UsnkNoteEngTaversvofNew York&Fhilt.*;
. “1 havelong rcgarced; M A. Boot as tht uty but •
DaituerrtoisptAniain ihs country.^
J. I. PEASE,/Engraver.’ *
“ Mr. Root's ‘CrayonJ portrMfcr f consider the envp«> v
fttiion of.the Daguerreotype Atl”'
.J. HENRY BIIOWN, Miniature Palmer* ‘
: ; “For beauty and richness or totteri judicioasowange
tnentof light end.shade; and tasteful artistic manager :
i nxe*iof all accessions; Mr. Root's Pictures, foray jaag*;
meat, are unsurpassed.- v JBLAMBDIN. ’
-Portrait Painter.
. “Tocharfteterize Root's * Craycrti*or*
by one appropriate word,it t» lo cal) them—svihey truly
are— j/tr/eutenJ* . JOHN BARTAIN, . - , Engraver.* ~
A’o. 180: CAeJtattf tiarf, ojtpjsut MOtants Hall
Have received their
: AND willeonunue to every arrival, the>
J\, latest styles from London and Parts; Persons vis*;
iing the East are invited to cap i .: . • v ...
: . All boeUtess of thclate:firm, or Leeds ft Buga wiU ,
be setllrd by them. - \
: Plriludelphia,hlarchs3,lo32; • rcar?4:dty ,
New" Millinery Oobdtr •_
fIMIK Underdgfad. is-now receiving' hi* SPRING
1 Supply of MILLINKRVGOODS.: Ilia assortment
will include every varioty.of Ladies* and Oltfs* Suawv
Doziteis.of the Newest Pans and London Styles, Boys*
Straw Huts, Fancy; Straw Trimmings, Gimp, Straw
,Cords,&c..Ah»o i Uotfnet Hibbotts, frem No.Td tod/of
the verv latest styles; Glade Silks ofalfeolor*.for
casiug Bocnets. from O*J cents to 81 per yard;-White J
and Colorrd Crepes. Tarlatans,. Htasion Neils, Black
Silks* Bomhnsiucs, White nndColoredSUkLtfce,bock*
- AfeicfraaM and MilHrierawillfind it to their ad von- -
.tagetogivehim a Call, as they win bo ablb’ to find at <
:lbt*e»iabhsbment v every article tbey.inoy. need in tho
;Ni!liuery*Une of inpinesr.v .• VV» MORRIS, .
-••Now 31 south Second Street* -
ntatgfrSm* . Philadelphia*
J. €. ftW.E.TABBIt; :
ABd Pancy fllllllnery Goode* *
r’XONSIsTINGof DonnetTabs,Crape Tar-
Vj laton Lurng*, French Outside:- Flowers, Imido
.Sprigs, Wire, Buckram*. Crowns* Frames &c., Straw "
B. A. tUUMCEttffi CO.,
Importers, an! Dealtrsin
8 Iraw Goods, Silks, ihjj&cmsj Flowers. Feathers, £ oibcr
4B C*<nn«fi(r«^ DS ’
' ~ . 4n4 A'#. #0 SatitJl Sutnianit,
{West aide) - - - PHIADKLeirtJ.
«r ®.CJ9AUXOS 4 CO.* ~
No.ft7 South ttecoA'SStre«t,Ptill&<lelplUa*
■~J** osrtK s*A so loaß*M « *
Laiiea? Shoe Manufacturer*, Cabinet Maker*,. ' '
•. .v. Upboittcra &£ui Furnistaera.
i Ctaolce Tea* and family Groceries. ~
\XT , 'iJ' o .y? a resprctfully call the attention ofthoso
Tarallicslii Pitiilitirgbaiid vicinity who are wish
higto obtain , atanyllmeastockor twanlity of choice
.FamilyGrocenea,Teas,Se.,ieonredverttseiaeni. We
;«ayp uo hesitation in saying icwlll be greatly to their
i odvamsge, If even to make aspecinltrip to
Philadelphia,;!*) calt'anil select inch ankles asthoy may
with from lOttr. ekteuiive and well selected assortment
of goods eojmontly on ; hand, yrhich theyxan purchase
ov least IS or Sbpercetu;cheaper Than to Pittsburgh
: Goode neatly packed and sent us requested. PairtiQu.
lar attention paid to Teas. Come Dice and you Willi
come again. Catalogues containing allatoflha variant*
E articles in store maybe obtained at the office nf this no;
„ Grocera ond Tea JUealern,
N.E. cor. Chestnut and tOUi ««..
' ' Philadelphia..
JVo. 850 CAfUntil «rfi(, atcrc Tfinii, PMladttfhit^
OFFERS forsolc, allKedaced Prices, a fine auonwetit
of Ready Slade FUtINITURB, ofSaneriorWorS'
raansblp,. camprifug the ialertKuropeon nylea oi
w4:ElegeiJr Al»j»; Bofa
Tablei. Ei torsion, Pjimig.Tablesy: Refreshment TaSlei
Music Cases, r latioSioofi, fcc. &e - - , 1 *
Dress n* RJarcao*, Wardrobes, BedstrSds, Mailtoses,
both of Hslraudjßpring—a fine article. ’ *
.dasi opened, a fire assortmentof BHOCHaTEIXSS.
& I ?'™ I *ldo,*nil nrrrrowwldlhs to match.
■)MUlha fallowing co?cw, which are rery detiraltta fat
Crimson and Garaev CHhmSa
® M ®Cold, CberryDamixit, Blnc ood told, Green Qua
.Colo. .... v lnttiflfliQm
«e. J Scot* Thin unit, tr'aio Mar tit, PhUodeinU
iTMPOjy-EIW oPStwvfiiiiit /Waxmfng* an 4 jf r ,?s*
•A Ctai; Flowers;-tuid Manufacttifers of Suaur rr„,“
uowieii, andallartielei in the Straw Trad6.whlrl.ifli;!
offer at rmponerslanil Manufacturer*’ Pricei: fejiiulSX
ano-l'ocOßjitneeii,-before nurchaaini.ofuii'Si
vantage to Jegatoetl J»y purcitaalig direct from {helm
porter andMaauf»ctßrer.;, • ■”
OMO* W. Fltld « CD. “*
80 ’
. sa.L^ 0, go.
Muubatuien’ mat* rlal» tu«r- «:!,■ f "?P>tr and p.>,. r
anroihereodntnT 8 " at c&n *>« found In
rS^?®sfcas. SM? ,.u
iapnau ?
•‘•V". i-i
- : , ’•'
r -«*P. «. coso&4V«;
&ALPH BAOltSt^'•'