The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 28, 1852, Image 3

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'■ ‘ *< : * - •.■’.■ >■
. ■
Acute Bronchitis. ® i
Chron!oiPneumoni4„.... * Y k
Dysentery. —» «
Disease of Lungs.———— t "
HypwWijphyHeart...— 1 9
Inflammatory Croup « *
Measles.* ” ? i’
Marasmus.'. ; * t J{
Puerperal Peter.... * ............ v
Pneumonia —— \ V* - * ”
Scarlet Fever.—. * JJ *
Sequela of "Scarlatina. U ............ 1,
Tetter J> ■- 1
Total * 6
Under 1 lyear*** 01From 3<Uo 40 .1
From lu> 8 —I “ 4010 60—* I
“ Bio s— ■«*■—-3 “ 60to 60 8
“ stoW..** * 3 >< C0«o 70 0
*• 10 to 0 “ 70 to SO ••••I
'• IS to SO I • •* 80 to 00- 0
“ 20 to 30 «...*.o|,-« (to to TO** 0
By orderof ihe Board of Health. ■ •
. . A. M. POLLOCK.
epi23 _ Physician to the Board of Health.
Pittsburgh. and.Steubtrwille Railroad.—?A meet
ing of the City Councils ires held on Monday
evening, When a communication was received
from the President of the Steubenville Batiroad
Company, inviting a subscription by the Coun.
oils *• to th'e capital stock of said:Compaay,, in
conformity with the provisions of an not of As
sembly, passed on the 10th day of April.” This
not is-supplem entityto on not incorporating the
Pittsburgh-and-Steubenville Railroad Company,-
and authorising the city of Pittsburgh to eub
soribe to the stock of the Company, hye Tnor
sakd shabbs —§250,000.- The matter was con
sideredmboth Connells, and a special commit
tee of two from, the Select, and three from the
Common Councils, appointed,' to inquire into the
expediency of such subscription, and roport at
tho next meeting of Councils.
, Catch On the 15th of this month, an
old and rety respectable looting gentleman ap
plied at Mr. Jactmatfs Lirery Stable, on Irwin
street, for the purpose of procuring a horse and
: buggpi'to go, as be said, a short distance out the
Butler road. Since that time, neither the man,
horse, nor boggy,- haro.bccn heard, of—the man
appeared to be about sixty.y eats of age, andwas
gray haired; the -horse was a splendid animal,
sixteen and a half .hands . high, and of a sorrel
color; tho buggy was' a very good top buggy.
and the hnrness was silvermounted, dllr. Jaelv
■A man estimates hia loss at noar $3OO.
*3’ ' ' '
Hartford Iniitranet.— The Hartford 3fm« pub
lishes the following inflation to the GhilUcothe
Fireand Hartford-Insurance Companies: .
It may be supposed by persons abroad unac
quainted with tho.reao.urceß ond extended oper
ations of our Insurance : Companies, , that the
losses of the and Protection by tho Chilli?,
cotho fire must seriously affect them.
Any impression of this character willbp speed
ily removed by a knowledge of the fact that this
fire docs not -absorb the net profits of this com-,
pany, since the commencement , of their fiscal
year, Jnno lost, ns wo arc well assured.
DUtriclCoigi.—K. B. Carhahan, Esq., an
nounced in the District Court, _on Monday mom-,
ing, the death of Jons II; hPFAnuss, a young
member of the Pittsburgh bar, who died at his
-father's residence, on Satnrdoy last. Mr.Coch
romnoved the adjournment of the Courts and
that resolutions bo entered on tho:rocord3 of-tho
Court, regretting tho melancholy event. Col.
Black seconded the motion; and mads some olo
qnent remarks, after which the Conrt adjourned.
The Election hold by the stockholders of tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,. to determine
whether they should subscribe §350,000 to the
capital stock of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Bail
road; dosed at Philadelphia on Thursday last—
The vote stood :■ For subscription, 16,078 shares;
against,’ 1,077; majority in favor of subscrip
tion, 14,701 shares. .
Obtaining Goode Under Falte
woman named 'Mrs. Margaret Boab, was com
mitted to prison on Monday evening, by ’Sqairo
Patterson, of Birmingham, charged, on oath of
James Beck* with - obtaining goods -under false,
pretence* She was afterwards; released, on
payment of the jail fees, by discharge from the
’Squire. ’
Barney Williamt appears to-night in two cha
racters—Jimmy Finnigan, in Ireland and Amer?
lea, and Lnney M’Twalter, in the Beviow. Mrs.
Williams also appears in two characters —in C6u
sin Cheery and the drama of Ireland and Amer
ica. The hills say “this, is positively the last
lUtyitiee front lattice. —Thomas Paxton was
arrested, yesterday, by Officer Hague, as a fugi
tive from Maryland.’ He was charged with ob
taining a considerable sum of, money by fraud.
He left yesterday morning, on the Brownsville
boat, accompanied by tho officer, for Cumberland.
Businett an the wharf was not very setiveyos
ierday. It was mado up, however, by the activ
ity manifested-at the Canal Baain-largenum
hersof freight boats werenrriving, and the whole
basin presented a scene of animation. and buai
ness rarely witnessed.
. Fire.— The fire on Monday evening, was can-.
Bed by Well’s Tavern, on: Pennsylvania? Avenue,
takingfirc. The fire was caused by the chim
neys: The engines were on the ground promptly,
' and more damage was done by water than fire.
Thc Tuin fifty.—This Bteamer is up for Loula
ville, under''command of-Capt. SPKelvy, She is
164 feet long, 28 feet beam; 3 82 inch boilers;
oylinder 10 inches, 4} feet stroke. Her power is
large, and her draught light.
Dry Streete.—Dio high wind wo had all day
yesterday produced a most desirable effect. It
tended more towards putting the streela in a pas
sable condition than all the son shine we have
bad since the commencement of spring. ;
AldemanParkintm had before him, yesterday,
a woman named Julia Armstrong, charged* on
oath of John 3. Bames, with keeping a disorderly
bonse. The Alderman let bet go, on condition
of her vacating the premises in 24 hours.-
GefrAanians.— We -notice in Kleber’s window,
on Third street, a fine lithograph of the twenty-;
three performers composing tbo Germanin Musi
cal who ore toperform in the city, on
Monday, -May 10th.
The Allegheny River.—The steamers tunning
on the Allegheny are making regular trips. The
time ofthelrdepartnre can he found by reference
to our advertising columns.
Quickest Trip.—Vie see it stated that the Pitts
burgh made the down trip, last week, to .Cincin
nati, in twenty-five hours, including ten stoppa
ges. This is the quickest trip on record. ; (
hail jV^hf.—To-night, Monsieur Adrien per
forms for the last night, in this city. Lafayette
Hall, will no doubt, be well fitted, to witness the
astonishing tricks of this great msglcian, T _
Pennsylvania Railroad. —The receipts for pas
sengers, for the week-ending on 17th,: amounted,
to $31,756 32, and from freight $17,267 02—
total, $01,022 34.
Route Agent, —John S. Datragh, has been ap
pointed Bbhte ; -Agent,-on, the: railroad-hetween
this city and Cleveland, vice Joseph Bondolph.
Wednehday Packet.—foA&y is the regular day
for the Cincinnati to leave thlsportfortheQneoii
City- Her accapmodaUons we of the very best.
Death of Judge Couffer.—A’meatEngof the mem
bers off bebop waB.heldin;thppistrict.Court
Boom,, on Monday, to take; sodie action in rela
tion to the' death of Judge CobiiTeb, of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania.
, Hon. Walter Forward was called to the shalr,
and 8. W. Black appointed Secretary. Judge
Forward, in appropriate terms; stated the object
of the meeting, and feelingly described the less
Which the Profession and; the community gener
ally had sustained by the death of Judge Codlter-
Thomas "Williams, Esq., onTiehalf of the mem
bers of the bar, delivered a very eloquent eulogy
.on the learning, talents and virtues of the dooea
sed. The Conrt then adjourned.'
The Next Zerfure.—Professor M’Gill’s Lecture,
In reply tothatof Bishop o’Conuor,wlll be de
livered on Tuesday or Thursday, evening of next
week. Tho proooeds of tho Leoture will bo ap
plied to tho'Weslem Pennsylvania Hospital.
IFe should have statedyesterday that M’lntosh
was committed in default of $6OO bail, by Mayor
Fleming, of Allegheny; instead of giving the re
quired amount of surety, as we stated it
Drtyjennae. —There wore four persons com
mitted yesterday,:, all for, tho above “besotting
sin.”- Quo by Mayor Fleming, and three, by
Moyor Qnthrie, for 24 hours each.
; Cars.—We noticed at the Canal Basin, yester-,
day. evening, a passenger, oar. designed for the.
western section of the Pennsylvania Railroad. It
was brought from Blairsvillo hero, by Canal; .
’ Coal Hoato.—A coal boat moored above lock
Ho. 1; broke loose yesterday, snd came over the
dam; Several men were on board at the time,
but they lnoktiy escaped. _• . . .
- An Alarm of fire, was raised yesterday after
noon, by some boys who wished to eqjoy the
pleasure of dragging a red through, the streets.
; «gg» FRESH OYSTERS received dally by Ad
amß* - Express, at the WAVERLEY HODBE,
Diamond Alley.
"Washisoios, April 27.
Sesate.—Th DeGoTenoy Bill was taken up and
debated. Mr. Seward spoko ip favor of an ap
propriation in aid of the Collins ■ steam ships,—
At the conclusion of bis speech, the Benate ad
journed.. ■ ■
Hocse.— The Houaa being incommittoo of the
whole on the Homestead Bill, Mr. Stephens, of
Georgia, addressed the House nt great length on
tho present position of tho two groat parties in
reference to the Compromise of tho Constitution,
and said that nnless they erected their platforms
on tho broad notional ground of the Constitution
they could not hope to prosper. Whcn he con
cluded his remarks, the House adjourned.
New York. April 27,
The steamer Franklin arrived at Now Tort at
81 o’clock, bringing London, dates to the 16tb,
and Havre dates to the 14th. The Franklin was
detained ono day in canseqacuco of tin lowness
of the water in tbo docks. She left Cowes on
tho Ist April, and brings. 97 passengers, a valu
able cargo of French goods and $85,000 in spe
cie. The newsis unimportant. -
Liveufooe, April 13.
Cotton... There has been a decided improve
ment in the market.- The sales have been from
B,oooto 10,000 bales; 2,000 of whioh were to
spectators and for export; the prices have turn
ed against the, buyers. The sales on tho I2th
wero 5,000, and on tho 13th 6,000 bales, 1,500
of which were for export. ,
Losoov Maiiket.—Wheat firm With a mode
rate supply. Floor unchanged. ..
The Money Market is glutted; Consols have
; nearly reached par, nod all sorts of securities
: are rapidly rising. Accounts of trade in the
! provinces ore satisfactory,
i The Manchesieo Makeev is firm tboogb lsn
goid. - .
The Niagara orrivedout on tho lStln Much ]
anxiety was felt for tho arrival of the Washing- ]
ton, which left New York on tho 27 th of March.
When tho Franklin toft she was inker 19 th day.
Tho Overland Mall, arrived flt London, with
China dates to February 27th, Bombay dotes to
March 16lb, and Calcutta to tho lGth March,
The expedition against .Birmah left Calcutta
and Madras on tho Uth of March, and consisted
of GOOO troops, two ships of war, thirteen steam
ers, and 20,000. Burmese troops, which were as
sembled ot Rangoon. Others were ravaging the
frontier villages. .....
■Advices from Lisbon to tho 31st March, state
that Saldanba and bis colleagues had tendered
their resignation, in consequence of an adverse
voto in the Cortes. Tho Qaeen refused to accept
them, and authorized Saldanba to takei any mca
sorea be thought proper, Uo aceordingiy ad
journed the Chambers uotii llio 20th May. Tho
country remains tranquil.
■ The Portuguese War Steamer Oporto was lost
on the 31st March, on her passage from Oporto
to Lisbon. All tho passengers, thirty-six in
bomber, perished, together with all the crow ex
cept seven. ... , , ,
Count Cnol-Schaucnstem haabeen appointed
Prime Minister of. Austria. , ; :
The hews'from Franco is of little interest.—
The returns of tho. bank wore considerable.
A grand review of tho army will take place on
tho 10th May. ,
Emile Girardin, editor cf La PrcBSC, has re
ceived an official warning that a second notice
■would lead to the suppression of his journal, ■
M. Martin, the Strasburg Councillor at Court
Cassation, has refaaed to take tho oath of alio
gianee, and resigned.
M. Michelet, Quinet and Mickie. Wior, have
been removed by a decree, from their professor
ships in the University.; v v,-
The steam frigate Isco, sailed from tho Gi
ronde on the Bth nib, with 350 political exiles
from Algeria.
The agents of the treasury have taken posses
sion, on behalf of the State, or tho estates of
Monceoux and Ncniity, port of tho Orleans prop-
Messrs. Fox and Chandler, of the Society of
■Friends, arrived at Lisbon on tho 9lh, with a
memorial respecting Slavery. Tho Queen prom
ised an audience, and the government intimated
that the slave tradojin the Portuguese Posses-
Bions in Africa, would bo gradually obolishea,
Livekpooe, Apnl 13.
.;. The arrivals of grain and flour hayo been mod
erate, and tho exports liberal. In themorke to
day, the demand was better. For Corn, extreme
prices were paid, and tho stock was rather lim
ited. Red Wheat 6s 2d@ss7di White Os lOd®
6s id. Yellow Com 28s Gd@29s; Wblto do.
30s®81s. Western Canal Flour 19s®19s Od;
Ohio do. 20s@21s; Philadelphia and Baltimore
19s@20s. New Orleans 21s. Itlee 17s Cd®
18s 3d
Loudon, April 14.
TheCoffeo Market is quiet; sales 400 tags
Bio, at private sale, at 88s.
’Consols 69}©9»6 for money ana amount*, be
ing a decline of Jlrom previous day.
The difficulties in. Egypt, between the Porte
and Abbas Paeha; have been amioably arranged.
An extraordinary statement has:been made by
the captain of a Quebec vessel,,to the effeot that
in the epriog of 1851, he saw two vessels embed
ded in ioe, drifting towards Davia\StraitB,wmoh
vessels he believed to be Sir: John Franklin’s
Bbips. This statement has received great atten
tion at the Admiralty Station. Columns of doc
uments on the subjectihavo been published in
one Of the London papers of the 15th, which put
hdamper on the story, by showing its impossi
bility, and the probability, that what the captain
saw was only the ' reflection of his own vessel,
front two different surfaces of iceberg.
rphe frigate Susquehanna arrived at Bong Kong
on the 6th of March.
ANOTHER steam boat explosion.
» St. Xoctb, April 2G.
t The steamer Prairie, State, on rounding out
from the landing, at Pekin, in., between nine
! and ten o’clook, yesterday taornwg, collapsed the
|Cs to her Aboard DoUers, kUltag.
andVounding some twenty persouSj.mostly hands
v 2 nMneneers. The bollßr blew out both
■ fcAKTKd but for a quautityofhay
I'Bto the engine room, the loss would hare
| lee 4“’tore ft nSn<ser, Wilson, was f«htly
wounded, the assistant Instantly killed. The
Prairie Stato afterwards caught flr% to* l * ™?
extinguished by the crew of the Avalanche,
Wbidfwaa on the point Of landing u ehort dis-,
tanoe above, and came to the assistance or tue
Prairie State, Capt. Sprigg thinks the killed
tyill aaftoflllt to IBOStIJf Ovj
the crew* :
Baitimoee, April 26,
The Soathorn mail same through to-day from
Hew Orleans. ’ -
The Hew Orleans Picayune bafsome Hems of
Mexican news of interest
A report was very prevalent in. the city of Mex
ico> that a.pronhnolamento r had been made in
Vera Crux, but it originated entirely in fears that
such amevent Would be produced by the -esoited
state of feeling at Vera Cm 2, on:tho,tariff sub
ject. -The Government had- evidently become
alarmed by the determined stand taken in -Vera
Crut and Tampico, and by the. energetic remon
strances proceeding from those. ports. The ef
fect is seen in the re-establishment of the old
tariff at Matamotas; information of which was
received from the Bio Grande,
v Aa important oommeroial order relative to Port
CarmeD, has bciln pnblisbed, whioh provides,,
that vessels coming from foreign parts, after hav
ing discharged cargoes at Vera Cror, - may pro
ceed to Carmen ana load with dye-wood, and re
turn to Vera Cruz and receive passengers, -with- 1
oat being obliged to pay tonnage, duties twice in
the latter port.
, . A bill has been introduced into- Congress, ex
tending, for tenyears,' tho right granted to the
city of Tampico; imposing a tax of twelve and a
half cents per barrel, on . oil foreign, flour im
It is said that the appointment of Minister of
War has heon offered to Gen. La Vego, and that
as soon as his acceptance is received;: Senor Bi
bles, now Minister, will resign.
New York, April 27.
Daring the session of the Georgia Union-Con
vention the following despatoh from Senator
Dawson wos circulated among tho .members:—
.‘1 Washington, April:2lst: For James T. Nes
bitt—The canons sustained Mr. Mangum’s de
cision. The Southern whigs generally withdrew.
A convention will be held on the 16th June, at
Baltimore, which will make tho breach wide and
deep. Lot the. Constitutional Union party be
firm, .and tho South will be savod. ; .Avoid. both
Whig and Democratic Conventions;- the Conser
vatives of all parties will rally aa one: party and
call a Convention at Washington.—(Signcd) W.
C. Dawson.”
WonoESTEn, Mass., Aprils?.
: Kossuth arrived hero last evening,-and was re
ceived In an enthusiastic manner, in tho.presoncc
of an Immense crowd.. Five tbousnud persons
were present at the' City Hall, whero an address
was delivered by Ex-Mayor Chopin; Kossuth
replied in a most eloquent speech, A great dis
play of fire works took placo nn tho occasion.—
About §l5OO of Hungarian bonds wero sold.
N*w Yoke, April 2f>.
By on arrival from Tampico wo bavo dates to
the 3d April, which state that a revolutionary
outbreak was momentarily expected, in consc
qnence of tho non-payment of tlio troops, and
tho objectionable port regulations, which latter
have had a disastrous effect on the commerce of
Tampico. - ■ s ■
Cotton... Sales 1200 balcß Uplands at Bij©Bj;
Orleans and Mobile being,l advance wiih
in.afew days. .
Flonr...Balea 11,000 bbls floor at $4,12®
4;18J for State, nail §-f,81®4,60 for Ohio.
Grain... Sales 26,000 bus Southern while and
mixed Corn at (>6®O7J
Vfovislous.i.Sales SOO bbis mess pork at un
changed prices; 300 bbls beef at Cj;.:
Sugar... Sales 1,600 boxes Havana yellow at
4|©oc. - ...
Coffee-Sales 800 bags Java at 10;.
Molassea—Salcs 260 hbds Porto .Bico at 28
®2oo tS gal. 1
Whisky...Sales of 600 bbls Prison and Ohio
at 20*c.
Washington Yard,..The market was firm, but
a shado lower than Inst week; sales 2,000 beeves
mostly Southern and Western. .Good retailing
qualities ; 200 unsold. \
Chamberlain’* SO cowo nnd calves
at §22,60 to 80@46. Soles 800 sheep and lambs
at §J,50@7,00.
Cotton... Doing belter; sale* 400 batc3 at full
rales.' .
; Floor,,.Held firmer. • Thercisbut a moderate
inquiry for crport Sales 1,000 bids at. $4,0115.
for raised brands, and sales 700 bids select
blinds at $1,12.
Bye F!our;,;Sleat)y; ■ small sale* fct 53,25,:
Cora Moal...lfuehapgcd; sale-a lUH) Mils Benn
syltania at $3.
Grain...Wher.t Ofic for white and HO for ted.—
Bye scarce at 73 for Botina. Corn unchanged.
Provisions.,.ln good tloraand. Sales of hacon
and lard reported at extreme raws.'
The offerings of beef cattle for the xtcflc*_wers
Above 1,400 beeves, which ore felling at »7,50
@8,50. There aw about 400 hog* in mariet,
selling at from $8 to $8,25 per 100 llij. WO
cows offered at prices varying from $l5 to-VIS.
Sheen ainl lambs; the former at fnnn $2,50 to
$4,50; the latter from $2 to $8,50, according to
EMOROtOKniHS— Anmlier iarja lot of Embroidery
I**, rcnitUng of Cb*irii*«KC*i Un<?ot»Jet*c#*>o«v
I . a Co‘r,.ac„ae ,i-t .wcnrrt « MABnN » nnM
57«.5t W.K.TABKH,
Md Fsiiejr Olttlainr Ooo*<* r
CONSISTING of Bannat Talit, Crape Tor
l*l»n Liirngr, Flench Outride Flower*, IwuJe
Bprl/rt, Wire,Baekrum*i Or»wa«, Frame*
tlocdafte. - 10 SOUTH SECONO STREET.. ■.
■uniiiHldor • .. : fHltlcytldlll
*" WU,t:OCtt,llOOKttS aFBAbISVe,
Ni. 7 Scull TAir.l itrtil, .freon* Mariar, FAifiufefpflio,
TMPORTER»*f gnawlTsiW, Trimming* awl Arab*
L «1»1 Flower*; and .Manufacturer* of .Siraw Hare,
bunnel*; and all atncle» m the Straw l rede, which they
offer at Importer* 1 and Manufacturer*! Price*. i.ihi ana
too Wyttno.hc cnwvmcfcd, before p.urouasrhg, 01 *’ ad'
vantageiologained trypurcli*»iug direct from ibeinre
porter and Mrurefaeiurer. (marCU.-dm«_
-nr.--' : MgmtUaK uadi.
W M. HILL K CO ,Maiiofaciurer«, arc now prepared
to funiHh or erect Steel or Iron RODS, with all
ilio Fining*, or the bf*l pattern or .materiel, Ordert
left at thbWe of Kmikt, OiatttavMm. * Co, on Wood
''ZX&V* 1 ' ptMlurgil > W|l ‘
T AKJi SUPhlllUn SIIA.D-- ,
1 i . S 3 No. t Salmon, ami , v. % ,
■ )S half bbl*. Lake Kl*h, Id ator* ana m •*!&
I, v loDlfttr KING & MOOBHBAP.
iU» andClthine Smjwuiw t ( :■■
Slack lkr» owl «eaw>n»ble; work warranted I pure*,
moderate. Wc ituiy U rStasi- L?J??_=S_
50 ltwfiJaker’e.No*. I and 8 Cocoa. BUeltaj ■>.■
Sirio ilo <lo 1 Cracked Cocoa i
■ ForialebY W. A riI’CLU UG tc CO.,
. 850 Liberty nteet.
Vi fcWSPAFKH FlUiS.—AuntUer nupplr of I'. A.
N RockwellVPatenl Newrpnpor Pile*, the bc«l now
{ri o*e, received am! faraaleby . . .
J, li. WKIiOIN, Boo<*el or «nd Stationer,
1,: JPT t!4 ■ ■ >v OJ Wood-itrecti between 3d anil Aih.
SKUAR3— St.O.UHI Commoirsegan jiTu ifieeivcd and
for *alo low for .cash or ex ? 6 «Jfintw r * ro Ursb
m«nu;.«tur<>r>o «rnel« i- w -jO|3& <o^
/"I LOVK3ftiCOVKSA* A."roTmnnfcCo h*« io.t
l_T redcelved SOOdotrn dfMen'aand L«die»’ KW,Slllt,
Li>Jc TiireQtl, and Co lon filovea. »
IfioXßblNti—Two Or ihrcc iouijk Oentlemen cuh bo
J> nrcommodalcd wllli Boatd, by applying at No. 1110
Second street
jssrir *• uam *
aor# Y 10 Market Mreet
q SiS Mt *~ 1 '” bt,l, " rn ,tote sTVAnri%u,
‘k~2&usitfc*r wr , .
.. ■ . ■ ■ . , . ——— — -7-jr—
•nJmwarnUhed.foMatetg p ma * s , lAL l,
-■■•■' ■ 85 Wood Mreet. .
Sea™f»-d for sale by VV. A.
Bpt>h/ -: •• • .'■ ■ I I ’ I “»
T BAC ‘§H» Modiom 18*a»inch«i
do in rolls of J» yards, widih 4j inches,
For sale at W:S. HAVEN’S Siailonenf Wore
apiS3 ' fconsercor ftraTfrclftii&Second^tg.
ARMlNE'lNK—Superior.CnriflineJnWof French
manufaclore, for 1 snlenx ■ • W. B fiAVI-cs_a_
’ Stationery Warcnoolc,
Corner of Markeuond Sccond slrects.
'TITANTED—A'of-lhorpueh boßUiessbabiU
W and good address, for a -safe and respeeUWe bneir.
nets; il it a business thatrequites no capital.bul good
chancier, business habits and energy.-; To men with
th*s above qualifications a permanent bu?lnessttndlbe
best of .-wages will be given. Apply or address N 0 .39;
gorittySritfsirectiComerofThlrd. - japTg&if
* NOTE at fourmorthvdnied New York, March
xL B6th> 185*2, for ¥1,344 03, drawn by James A. Mc«
Xtight to the order of Edward Lambert & Oo.,supposed
ta be lost AU persons are cautioned against nejjotm
-tingioriho wne. _ [aprtt3
Home aad liot ta tbu otto \V*rd,
nrjoit SAIiE.—A loro ttory Prick House,erected on a
: P. tot iroMlftg on Penn street 25 feet, end running
ihakir r lift feet to unn'ley. .The house is finished In good
ntvleiopntdinlnefivOKOOdtopMSLßroundd.nbound with
ruibery of different kind* &tsnd* lSteet ub 0 *« high
B pi3B No. 29. Fifth street
' \ --X - * *y 7 rV*
Omcß fl? tux OaiW Moshtto Post* I
WcdnesdaVi April 38,1852, 1
►. The weather yesterday was ■pleoaent, amldelightfo I
farontdoortratisactions. IttfcuslnesSjthcTewaaafcene
ral activity.-? -Onr markets,'with tha exception of Floor,
continue firm, Receipts of Flour were large, and price.®
have receded.
V ASHES—SaIes reported in lots, at 3 to 3Jc. for Soda.:
Sales of SObozes Saler&ms.
FLOUR—Receipts about3ooo bbl;-,of wkiQb. about
.1150 bbls,. were inspected and price* ranging
from 83,00 to 83,15, for Superfine to Extra; Toward*
theeloao of the day, buyers refused to : pay over .82,05
10 03,00/ A lot of 400 UUs. was offered At 83,00, but not
taken; 300 bbls. was sold at $2,75, on account of bad
BACON—CoDiinoes.firm.atformer quotations. Hams
914210 c ; Shoulders BJOB|CiJ Sides 9|@loJc.
S9OAR-Sates of IQhtds. at&lc.j 5 do at 51
MOLASSES—Firm a, 34035 c.
LlME—Sates of SO blit*, at 81,101.
Steamer . Atlantic, Parkinson,Brownsville. - -
" Baltic, Beimel, Brownsville.
44 J.M’Kee, Hendrickson,McKeesport... .
44 Thomas Blinver, Bailey, West Newton/
44 • Gencsswe. Contutl, WeetNewton.
M S. Bayttrcf, Peebles, Elizabeth.
44 Michigan N 0.2, Boies, Beaver. >
41 Forest City, Nardoch, WellsViUe. ;
14 Diurnal, Conwcll, Wheeling.
“ Baltic, Benuet, Brownsville, •
44 Atlantic, Parkinson, do ,•
44 J. M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Thomas Phnver, Beiley, WcsiNowion.
• 44 Uenesseef Consul^AVest Newton. .
44 & Bayard, Peebles, EHzuhetfu
■ . u Michigan No. 2,801e5, Bcavctv,
.<• Forest City, Murdock, WelUville,
Winchester, Moore, Wheeling.
44 Asia, Boyd, St. Louis/
44 Allegheny, Batchelor. Cincinnati.
44 P. F. Gordon, , San&»h. . ■
MarlctUr Pnrlttrstmpgli and Hocltlug-
I P° rt F“ Ckt *"
JrfMBHH. The .learner H AIL COLUMBIA, A: S.
Cbanx, ftioaler, will leave Taishargh every AJonday,
at 3 o’clock, P. hi.; reiarning wilt leave llockingport
every Tuesday, at tt o’clock, A. M.
Passcugers and shippm* mny rely on tho utmost ac
commodation anil promptness. W» ir. WItEKLKtt,
mats' - No. 21 Market street.
Allegheny Rivet Trade.
I iJIStJS Tub fine steamer ALLKGHEN YISELI.E
JtEgßafiSNn. a. Cant. Wa. lUnii», leaves Hie Alle
glieivjrwjiaif for frank lin,evcr? Handily sad Thursday,
. The Hue alenmer ALLEGHENY OKLLENo ILCapl*
Jomt lunar, leaves Hie, Allegheny wharf for .Profit*
lul.every2Vnd«y and Friday, at d.E- M- ■
FdrJ'’rei|!htM^l‘aBsaye i app[)f oajlowd
mawutu and »«cl»)>SVor>>
i J3&JS Tiiinneilcsratr PACIFIC, Z»»obb Ma*
■MailwwiTim. Will leuveTor Hie above nml liUermcdi'
.trmmicvcf? TUVKSDA Y, at* o’clock, F.flJ,
For frelglilor P
No. Cl Wa«riit.*and 63 From
For lUtunnlßg anil Cutftab.
t . THE light draught. and pleasant steamer
fiB2Sls22&Cl'AßloS«\ Copt. MaMN<*Ae,wiU .leavcthe
Allegheny whatT on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays,
ot M o’clock, l*. Ill,for Kmoftntng and Catfish. tor
ffrlgluor paxaßo apply on toar'l/ _ Jnaytj _
vor LattirTuaaiii ffl»r»ciu, I'arhmbarg
. and Q&ltlpoita* ■
—a'- The fine tseomer <JOY, MEIGS,
* UCIZ7J® SmrsK, Mas'cr. wtll leave for the above
- nnd intermediate pons, every
nffWaa TURsDAY, &I3F.M.
For freight orpauage apply on board, or to
feh.l JOHN rLJiCtf'Atcnt^
Wadneeaay PacUei for Cincinnati*
mm.•:.■?.■ Tnantar atut fast running sieaincrClN-
I Umuwoiuw.Master, wilt Unit
amarawwwrayutarly cmy Wkweapar.
r»*rfretf;hlof passage, apply on bderil* or w
dccao «. o. miltkndkbg&ii.
Ifew Ooods at Unmual Loir Prices!
D'<iUKoU'&CO.',No.t97'iK>nb west comer of Wood
V street and Ihaihomt at;*;, ate uow opening tb«ie
AMOOd parcbawi of S mWQ A«VJ> BV&UHER DRY
aOOUS A Ml VAtitISTIRSi which have, been selected
by iheisfißtoTpisnnsrwrtk sresicate, expressly for the
iriJe, ()ox stock tcrnihi* in pari of French ana English
BrowlefotiMV Caesifnere*/Cttbnereiteit Tweeds, Pan-
Stammer Pantsloonery, Fancy Tennintank, Pop
tin*, Pft kntaes, f»*wne, UcMger,* heavy jtoek, Fancy
Pnnii, latest Aipfcca* pbm ABd figured. French,
oad Domestic fhcgharoj, Brown -and {Reached
Mi»HnOQWdos lloiorftGJovcSjttlkrgansid beautiful.
a«xowa*.»ii Uanneu* Biobon*, Lace* and Edgings; La- ;
Dies* Good*, a targe Assortment of laiea* style*
•Silk asd Gingham Parasols; ftuitai.d m>d Palm Leaf.
Hats. Oar atocr of Varieties is very Urse and ecm*
Stctr, toyetherwlta mnifctue «toca of Gold and Gill
cxrcUy, Cold and Silver Fans and Pencils; Clock* in
creairnncty. Ourttock of Dry Good* M la’seandcom
ptfic To wbteh wo weald Invite the attention of City
Retailer*. Country Merchant* uni Pedlart, nswe can
cfTer Goods on saefe Urm* as will make ilan object of
their iiaructtiar ruination. .■ ■
apnffcCfiv . ft CfiLGO. & CO.^
stock oritnVcbtVms’i Plino Foriis*
: _ ■ JllfVPrcerivcd. by the Pennsylvania
•■■ Canal, a new stock of PIAXU FOR rKS,
©4piSrEki»g from the celebrated rosnetaetary of
If 9? 9 |?€UIOKKftING. H&trotvconsisting of~*
One ftaprrbiiliANC PI ANO FOBTK. taH7ociavc»,
iUtwiblf carved ta ihc sty ta of l«o»U XIV. „
One ttotewopd eotvtfdGyw* XIV 7 Octave liano.
One Hnrcwrtyd carved roanrf corner* T do <Jd
' Three do plain do . do 7 . do do
Two do do do Co til ; do do
One do do Co do 0| dp do
O-e x' hIo carved do co CJ do do
Three An plain d« do fi do do
. d* co round front ti tla do -
Three do do *r,uftte corner C do do
These PIANO FoKTCfcare nU made in the mo*i»ab
•tar.ttal manner. Patent Iron Trains to every Instra
tnent.omlofeparbcßtartr u»*uurJ ibe iwm severe cli
mate. Mr CiIICKKKIm* La* oftata enlarged his
manttfactartag faetabe*, ar.d tapes scon-lo be aide to
meet tro*w>f the. proving drraandt for b;* instruments,
Atro, received and for *»ta<» Urge and very ekfftul
lot of carved andplsm Piano Font.*, covered wub Da*
mask, Pta’h and Haircloth. /il the afcovc/ur »ata ut
Factory prices. lI.JHEGLOR*
Ercfo*iv«* Agent for Pttubarghand AVcMern P«xms n
•:>iuK T s I'nion** . ■ faprtS
for CalckeiluK'« * - ,
- Clutniirr Uroilil
WJ WcaJ WoQd Strat,
A BE now opinion a very riletmve eml well »«*onetJ
A, lot It of SPUING nni SL'MMUH GOODS Con
•tKinir ia Bill ol French mill Knjluh Drou] Ciotht,
Tweed*, CiwlmetMrVorhißctnu. • Psetliim,lna»,
Cotlonoii**, Orllilrfi, Linen CoounfO, _t-Ult t S»lin and
Fonry Cotlon Veiling*. Alm.alioM HttCASES PLAIN
‘ANI> FANCY.IIBKaS GOODS,vmbreein* the newcil
•tylee of-Silk and Ltocn Poplin*, DeUmr*, Dcreyeoond
BeraKtiPe Liinci, lllnck Jncarmngmsd Fancy Eawns;
'.ruin Md F«ney Calico*. unreal, variety {French,
Scotch and Do®c*i:e Ginshanni Palin Lenhorn,
Ko«tu!li, llunrnnan and Slexiran llat* ( Site, Glnjilinm
and Colinn Palate!*. Ac., Ac , which are offered at
\V't|i>lr»alc on the moil atcommodaltiurtcira*. leptlit
edmund watts & co.
A'o. 185 Itbttty eltetl, alovc St. Clair,
Hfl VK owncil a new doitmig Store, ai tlie otwvo
place, nod am now tccilvingn tplemtid lot of
Clot Pf. Ca«inxerea, Veslmgffi Ac.,of Itio latent iicporln
llonn.puiclmMd wUUa Knpeeial view toclnr traile,and
which they ore prepared i© miktf sp to order in the Ia»
\et[ and most feuhtahable styles. They intend to way
itricl attention to this branch of their tni*mcxi\and Ui«y
have fall confidence thstlhey wMlbe nbie to glvo ; U»etr
cuxlomers entire saui/oction-7[roy ftrefijio Tnanuuettt*
ilnz a choice tot of ItEADV MADB CbOTtylNGt of
the which they will sell tow for cash.—
As all this stock t* entirely now, it i« worthy the alien.
on of buyers* JW]**
xio*i«ry~or llu Bui ,
I T LOW PRICES, may bo Obtnincd at llm Fifth
A. ittrcet Slocking sn<l UnicHß Manufactory.—
Tlioae wlio like lo buy really durable ami bciiutilbl
«ood»,ond at the same time savo two proiica, iliould
cullniihn Manufacturer! hud Impottcrs, Fiflbslreei,
between Wood end Market., ■ . . - . - tuprt.l ■,
Wbat Sworjr Body Snya* Bi Tml
TTta »Bld tbai UOOBYER, ai- Hi# Be* Hive Curtuuiß
LSi'otE.lSo.'iW Liberty street, tell, itteclicepest Clo;
ffine in the Cily—well madaamf rashianakly cm. Call
and examine them, and you will noUie dlsnppainled,
Just received, by Express, a splendid asMinmem or
Fancv Cnsluvcrci, Brown, Breen and 8100 Cloibs, onp
oilier Fashionable Ooods, miiable for llio season, wined
we ore prepared lo make la order, twilhouv disapponili
incnt ) in a style onsarpasred inibeCiiy.
Come anil see.
■ Hi; iiouKinsoM'S
SO WOOD rta«H, »Siß TUB S». CB«LM HOTEL. » .
TUST rccelTiiiff and uow opcnlns, thß hest ajsoiiment
hroUßlit to ihi« city, with every other variety of Glare,
Qaeenswore, Britannia Warey Japan Walter*, Solar
limiting and Stand l,gniPB,Can\lcle'-Tn», Ae. |m«TdO
ITttOGRAPHIC PENS— Elllou'o lupotlor Pens,
for u«o of Inlboffrtphew, for »alo by
W. 8. HAVEN, Bookseller and: Stationer,- v,
. oprS7 ' cornet of. Market, and Second»tg. ;
A ‘‘Fifth Ward Saving* Bant”wiU be held aliue of
fice ©rthe Bank, No.
GOthday of Jone next, aUO,o*eloekt,A.M., with tefej*
eneff to having the stock consolidated into a corporate
rLoanv. tnmBo.timi JOHNSTF.WAUT,Poirot, ty.
STOiIAGE—TCo Bubacriuerv having arranged .tltcir
;j> House for tlte purpose, are preparodto-Rive safe ana
convenient storage for a limited amount of merchandise
or producer. 4 DANE,
124 Second urcct.
S osilittV—Al A.liloeon fcCo. hnve luii received u
large assortment of Springnna Snmmer lloMerj,.
comprising Silk.Merinoi'HTac Mixed,Brown and WW»
Cpnon Hoge ond Half-llose, ......
' 8. orpamllr nonta.
EVANS &SWIFTS extra Vtand,LOO tierces, now
in store* and for sale.: Tfce atientlon.of. ail persons
W anrlo?lm rcl ' at ’ le ttr,ICI^EtTLKRH.NI Q COLS ) & 11 CO.
" i Removal. . ■
NO. 383 LIBERTr: STREET, - , .
[Nearly opposite Engle Tavern. Pittsburgh.,
T»EIS3 K'JONESvManutoetarer nndJtealerjla ai
TV kind* of TOBACCO. SNUFF aniSfeOABS.
Tobaccoand SegaTß told on commmion,; [apt7;la
~JJ« T. C* MOROAH* w
bookseller and stationer.
HASolWay »on hand ageneral aiaortmont of Scliopl.
Misflcllnneoua andßlank Bqoka, Pnntittß.Poalßnn,
Cap Paper, Ac.,- wholesale nru\ telail, No. 1 01 Wood ah,
below Fifth, East side* Pittsburgh) Pa, , / ■ -
p” Wattled, Rage and Tanners’ scraps^
/IEI/ATINE ANO ISINGLASS, for making Jelli*s.
It Bialic Mange,Ac. . ‘ • I
Coopoi’s American .sheet and shrea i inglnssi
French transoarem white and red gelaun&i
F« omat> « h Uufi C l O CO.'
an2l No. 236 Liberty st.
TiObL DRAWING RARER —Superior Drawing Fa-
K, per in long tolls,for Profiles, Ac-iSO and 62 inches
vvldt; for sale by ’ W. 9.HAVEN, Stationer,
apr!3 Market stteßi, comet of Second.
-/"IHAIR TOPS—Ryan A fiMee have all kind*.«
j CchoirTops for.ale lore. Ryan . boUdjog,^^
K s P r ~~ r^jtr t v t ~ l - ** »* " rT.*
•'• -‘ t : -..V •’.: ;■ :* • •'
■ - -sJ-X's?*.-'
’vv 4^A' ; V '
tatfE aDder*igaed, afteran Interval of fouiyeor*,ha»
J. again resumed .busines*.,; Having compiled ■with
ibe rennisiuoQsof tho lawrcßulnUng Sales at Auction*
and bavins procured & first ola*» License a* Auctioneer
for the City of Pittsburgh* he offers his servlees as aaeh
lo hts friends and the public generally, Withojiexne
rience of nearly thirty years in ihiß lino of
hazards nothing insaying that ho mil be enabled to give
entire sntisfac&iuo ou\ose who mw feel disposed to
patronize him. - .F. MeKfcINNA, Anciioneer.
-Refers to the principal City Merchants., >y3 :
' ; Auction—lJMly aatsi. ~
A T- the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood
A and •Fifth sireetsiataOotclciti-AiM, a general ns'
Bailment of Seasonable) Staple • and Fancy. Dry OoodS|
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, 4c.
* AT 2 O’CLOCK, P.'M., „
• Groceries, Queensware, Glassware,-Table Coilery,
'Looking Glasses!, new and second hand Household aud
Kitchen Farntture, 4c.
AT 7 O’CLOCK, P.M., , . .
■ Books, Stationery, Fancy articles, Moslcal Jnstra.
oiems, hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Gpohs
Gold and Silver Watches, Ae. , _ V. M. DAVIS,
ja3 Ittf Aactioneer.
p. n'SHilSit Auctioneer.
A UCTION SALE— OivThurßi3ny nci!,S9t!nnßt., si-
A 10 o’clock; A-M:, at M’Kenua's, win bo K»J“> •
variety or Dry Goods, thebalance of arettuUiore, con
sisting of Cloths, pawimerasj.Casjlneits, pod
of Gentlemen’* summer wear, Tailors’fnrasiingv oo ”
Ladies’Bonnets, with-many other atticles^•
And at S o’clock— Tea, 9mtcJx. 9aleralus f; Toußce«,
and other articles in.the Grocery -hue. Furmtaro-~iflO
property of an individual declining hoasfikespuig» Jucxt
as Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, MaurasseSaßoltres, I*tv
crpool Ware. [aprSSj P.M’KENNA, Anct’r*
jj and appropriate «iyles } at AlTKenna’v now open
and ready for examination—to wnlch.the trade iare
gpcctfally Invited* Eapr2S:tf] P.M*KENN A,. Auci r»_
L --An extensive assortment of fc{ropa»
Buttons, Cords* Tassels; Binding*, Ao., Ac.» or direct
importation, is now opening, (and wiU.remaln open wj
a few days,)- at fti’Kenna's Auction House, (seeona
floor,) in Which the attention of the irjuJe is tespecunuy
solicited. (ftpr27j V. M’KENNA* Aoct’r-
V urday evening. May Ist, at 6 o’clock, t*IU : w sola,
at M'Kenna T s Auction; House, withoot any reserve,to.
the.highesl bidder, ail that valnable.lotof land, with tbe
improvements thereon, sitoaicd at the soath-casl-conier
of Cherry alley and Sixth street, having a front of.SOI
fccion Sixth etrect,and extending haek 45 or CUfeet. as
may oc desired, ou eatd alley.On the premise# i# a
, buck house,containing 5 rooms mid collar. Tills prop
i erty offers great inducements la anyone disposed to in
vest their funds in real estate,-being in the centre of the
i city, near the location of (he new Post Office, United
I States Court, and Railroad Depot. It may be treated
l for at private sale; by applying to Mr. John: Koppiti.
i Terms at hale.--P. M’RENNA<
| apr24 Auctioneer.
p. fll, DAVIS. Auctioneer.
SUPERIOR CWH.*IIING, At Prjvxt* Sals—Now
open, at Davis’ Auction Booms, corner -of Wood
a«d Fifth streets, alargestockof superiofelolhing, com
prising coats. vcstß, and pants la great variety,made.of.
tho finest materials and latest style. The public arc re
quested to cal) and examlue the -■.. •
ap2l P. M. PAVIB.Auct.
W, a.uuc&KTHlfiVt Auctioneer.
Will be fceldjOß Tuesday, May 4ib,ai JOoclock la thfr
forenoon, by order of Carter Corn*, Kdq, Hien Pbcrm
of Allegheny county, at the store of Thoraas W. Foster,
Nos- 777 and 779 Penn- street, Ninth. Ward, the entire,
stock of said store—comprising, in part, a Utge and
general assortment of Dry Goods. Variety Good#, Boots
uml fchoes, Ac. The above comprises a large and ..well
selected stock of all binds of Goods asoally kept in the
above Hue of business, and will be well worthy the av
leuttoji of merchants .and denlers. . '
W G. hI’CARTNEY, Auel’f.
CyruW. FleM A COq
1 a RE SOI.K AGENTS in the United Slaiesfar
j J\, Musprau’s Superior Bleaching Powder.
I Victoria Mill* Celebrated Writing Papers.
1 Hassell do Superior •• ■ do. -
I Genesee dt> uo -•{ Printing Jo. v
I . Kawhns&SoflsMSngllsb Tissue . do
I Cowan&Co.’a KngljfbandScotch Willing Paper.
I They a/e also Agents Air the principal Paper Mauu-.
| facturers in this country, and off:r for sale by Ur the
I most extensive and desirable *iock of Paper and Paper
) Manofectarcra 1 , materials that .can be found in lhi» or
f any other country. ; • . •• •• •
1 .They occupy the large andconunodious wsrehousesj
I No it CiitT-«ueet,No.flS ChiT street, No. 94 BCckman
| xuteL and the Loft* over the luge Iron Store*, 7 and
(9 ClilT street. 1 • . (
I Their buiineani*strictlyWholesale,and Writing Pa*
| pera&ra ioM by the Case only.
| . IbeircitraoriUnary facilitiesenable the-ra tooner all
j Good*, both Foreign and Doniesuc, at the lowest possi
j Paptrmade to order, any sUeorwcigbL Liberal ad*
tvauec* made on eonsigamenu .oi repur* Paper, wa
lker*'Stock and oibertnerthandjxe, . .. ;
Ihc highest market prieo paid m cash for aU kinds of
Bags UpTltly
Boston and Retv York Pianos.
m|IE subscriber is now receives sad offcis ftt toJe.
1, a very large and deeirulrie. stock of PIANOS, front
the Ki&x celebrated fDauufae;orwj of. Boston and Now
Vox*. Amen* others, •
NUNN h ULAJIK*S Peuß'MxdUi Piano*.
2 Louis XI Vtft #tyi3,7 octave#, ttegamly carved and
fcnisbedaUtoand, raado bjrNann# A. Clark ,
l f| octave, round corner, and carved #Udutg master
raek.N&nn*»Clark : ■ ■.■*: ■■.•.; .
So| oeuvet, round corner,and eatveashuiog muiie
i 2 octave#, roijiid comeiyWub'Celem&ii*# .AStoian !
i Anaentnent, and patent tunable weds. ■.,•■ •■••■•.
[ 11 aLLKT A C»libratio "UostoTi Piano*.
octave, double round corner, elegant moulding,
I new settle, and patent iron frame* ■ ■■■'■
•■ tfl ©ciave ■ ■ do . - do.. .■
/» B. DUMIAM’S PIANOS* New Yo«. :
Ufl octave; plain square, rosewood.
tfCoctave, round corner,eothu tablet.:
3 trj octave, square and tablet.
d rl doable round corner, gothic tablet..
I Grand CnnccrtPiano,7 octave#, new scale, elegant
meuldlnp, Ac. ; • •■ •■■; -J '■'■.•
N. lt—'fbc ai>ove Pianos will poaiuveiy Le aold ftl
t&nnufaciureraprtee#, without addition of frefgbt, tc»
A written ttiojanty writ bo Riven with cacti Plano,
warranting tee same for TOHLE YEABS* and tbe mo*
nflvvcf«mfed,lf tUe insUfument ui proved imperfect and
fcttHy. H KLV/BER,
Signof the Golden llerpi \
No. 10LThtrd8treet._
aprtd - .
"\VtticHe«v Jotealryi *<«• '.. ,
HAVING Jd« retatned ffoo-Hie. HMiern.ciiiM,!;;
have brought with we one of the won beautlfo!:
and carefully teUeieil Stocfciof sewehy* watches aaa
Panov Qtnb&*, cvnr effeted to the Public. Persons
t»i«bhTC to purchase any thing in toy Unseen rely on
gethnga good article. Idonol advertise to sell good*
lelow eo*vnor 60 pc?«T thanany hon*e iq
the city: Give me a tall, aud I am Bare yoa wilt be
ruUiied that I can sell a good article as cheap a* any
of them. ' ' ■■ . ' ' •; •..
Another lsct I wish la keep before the people. u
you went year Watch, Clock, or an? article of Jewel-;
ry, repaired in the beat manner,this Is the place to have
U done. To this branch of my business 1 will demote
tipeciat KEf;NEI >Y, 81iHaiVct
apt? Sign of th&Gowoa fcftgle..
marble muiuiai
A LARUE slock of tho moil beauulal MANTELS,
madeof tlie finoilquamy or Foreign oncl Doaet
ilo Marble, maunfamorei by mnebmory, nlwara oa bond
.jml made 10 order on fhon notice, at pncea ntnguio:
from to 81U0 each. Patchaiera nro invited to enl
mti) ciamlno tlie atock and prices, 310,3-21 and 323 lab*,
ertyattectjoppoalte Smlthfield. i, ... ..... . ■;
marMra W. W. WALLACE.
T IKK>BYEU,Jr, Bee HWe.Clotfung Store, NO'-SSS
tf • Liberty street,can soli a good suit of Sumner Clo*
lliing for CO; eml beUer Goods, of every description*
very low for cask. Custom work made to-order In
railtionoblQ styte» arid on reasonable,terms* laprl7
“ r JDestrabi'
•jcsfrabie Situation*
A GEhTTLEMRNpf good steady business habits, will
J\. hear of a (lc&inibta.situation, {salary liberal,! by
addrcaaiug ü ßox 211, Post Office." None, need apply,
unless well qualified to taka charge ol a Retail Stoje.:
Pittsburgh, April 10,1b52. _
Great luducamcatsto CaiH parotiaaers.
117 IS "will Mil oar larre stock of of COMMON AND
that cannot fait to please cash purchasers. All our
work is warranted. OarteTrosisGASH.
comer of Seventh and Liberty stii
TTOUOII: Jt ANTHONY have removed ihelr DA-,
|X GUEBRGAN ROOMS, from Burke’* Budding, to
Eaton’* Building, over the Young Men'* Library, where
U»y will be happy to see tlielr old patrons unfi-trlcuni.
•&/TR3. A. LEECti reapett'ully announces, to the la* :
m diei,ixndiver mioinors gea«raHy, Uiat uho will
hate an opening of Sprtng MiUinery on Thursday, the
iWnd ln«ti Paris hals ortho laieat importation*, which
for teau'.y and style cannot ho surpassed. Children 1 !
bouueuiiigroot-varicty. Ladies 1 hculdreascaand caps*
KrchciivCwSroadeiies, with a variety ot
goods m her Hue, , • • np&OiiSw. .
/TOFFEES—Keceived at .No. 205 Lioeuy street, and
i \j for biilo avthd lo,weal market price!;
i' . 15 bags superior Ja?a Coflee j
• 5 do Maincaiba do;.
IU-do .Lagujrra . do?
.flu do Primeßio • ; .do;-
10 do Cape ■ .. doj -
aplO . Grocer* and Tea Dealers.
SMOKiyT BALM8ALMON~*160 Ssa Smoked Salmon, Very
fine,just received andfot sale by
■ * w. a. MoCLuna* co.
Grocers and Tea Pealers.
Homoval offttae
THE Office of the O’Rielly Telegraph Linen has been i
removed lo the NORTH -rIAST CORNER OF
THIRD AND WOOD ST9-, Pittsburgh, Pa., Entrance
from Third street. In order to meet dhe-morCaslug
wauls of the publlcithe new,Telegraph Office lias been
much enlarged and improved,and other families odded,
to Insure the prompt and oeeuiate transmission of »!£
natehes to allpsrts of the United States,, No effort will,
he Snared to sustain the highreparation which; the
O’Riell/ Lines havo already acquired .. Imaraltlm .
TILK ~ 'IETS- ■>tl
S* ILK BON N„ - -i At A. Ma»oh A Cowill open,oi.
Monday,iho 19th, (west; dozen of Hie newest eivle
Silt Biwrnou. '■> ■ - , . ■ - ■ ~ Upr»9
lUU in Rood condiiion, for eole By -
■ QpiSffl. _ _ 124 Second street.
Cfv'CASEa MliDQE'CLAftET,(vintage 18040 a good
UU. article, forsnlslaw, to close a consignment, by ;
- aiu2o. K 4 Second street..
TTOOD tmsjust cißress, »i6no JoVofGoJ?
JfX Clittinß, and some fine, fathlopable Gold Jewelry,
which he is selling very cheap, and no nhstoke,aisi
Bartel street. ...t"? I®- 1 ®-
P will op«n, on Monday, April 19th, oae iandred doi:
" , ”1 Pamela- tapn» .
end TtWetwnire pieoes for restet.
white, green and fflgfEB?:M?Rg^ALL
nfelhc fineMflavored Haisinaand
Counts lntbe world, for .cooking puroosec, and rure
< ' a ,T a ,“r„ rV„rn ileum ordtrt. «t 10 eemay lb, at
sold, tree from stems or MORRIS , TEA. STORE,
Mrto. 1 ‘ - " inHicgiaipatd.
■ ftORN WE-SOO b O «Scl ß jastrB^«d* n 4
i wSßasss&t
I i^ftßN—4oo b&sbels Shelled Cora In store and for mla
| (J by . ; |Bpr2o] ; ' J* WOOD 3 fc CO.
* T ,1 4 - V ‘
t ** ' J v
'' ?
v • <-r .•>, .!(■
-■ X't" t J s*\ ‘
■-c-• c.-'TlßßljijT a *3oßfl'AU -
febWilT No. 05 IIW Itrat- Diamond aiuy._
Patricks & Frieiadi _
JKeXurgk, Pa.
; J 3 Dealert in Notei,i>mft»i Acceptance*, Gold, Silvpi'
anil Bank Note*. Etchange on the Eastern aau tvett
era cmesconsi&nUy for solo. ,
Collections msdeinalltie erliei Uuttighout Ute Uni
ted Stale*. vDeposite* receivedln por fonda or current
paper, at thegomerofFtftb and Wood ,{feb3
■ Domestic and toragn Exchange, Bank Notce,
, eoldmißile,t,Bought,S!i.iandExthangti, :
William & C©.,
04 .Wood Btreot,
IP*IaTOi»TAtMW»n on timt oirosin.
, KRAfifiK ft RABfi.
BmktTtandExcJufneißrokirty Dtalmrn. Fort*#* **«
VovUtticßill9,BiUior Eztkangt' Ctrtifltateiof VtfOSi
it. Sank Ncta.and Coin.
Cornerof Third and Wood sts.vdlrectlv opposHethe «t
.Charles Hotel* ro*y23
siva nxitnvro vbxib snouts arts axcaairaa pvstca
Tb No. & 1 Xdrlat otrut,Sour.dcon triors old itcMd.
ler* In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances,Gold, Silver and
Sank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western
eitics constantly for sate. . .
Collections madelnalUhecitles throughout the Uni
ted States.' Depositee received, in. par (Suds or current
paper, N0.«7 Market street, belweenThlrd and Fuurlh
streets. ian3o-l?.
... - noow • -*no».oASf *3?
»u.a.«ooa *gAaotlliP. _
cf Wood and Sixlh tlTltU., PtUsl*rgh, Pa
T\EALERSIn Coin,BankNotes,Timeßills, Foreign
JJ and Domestic Exchange,Certiijcaies
EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of theUnlop.
andEurope.rorsaleiasumsto BUitparchasers.
CURRENT and parfandßrecelvedondepoalte • •
COLLECTIONS madeon all parts oftheUnton.aUhe
to treat rates. ■ sepll-ly,.
' - ~ O’Connor, Grottier Cfc ,co,» ___.
T\EA LERS In Domestic and Foreign, Exchanee, lime
U and Sight BiUs, Co-n, Uncorrent and Par Fonds,
Stocks, Ac. Office, corner Third and AVood streets,
Piusharxh. [martrnf. -
“"5i ft ii L A UUit •'.
Comir Fifth sfrttit* s . ■*-.
SIGHT EXCHANGEbn the Eastern Citiesconiiantly
for *alo. Time Bill* of EichanffO juid Notca di»*
counted. Go!d,SilTer and Bank Notes,bonghiandapld.
Collections made inalHhe pirincipai ciuaiof iheJJ.niwd
States. Deposit* received of PatandCunenVFniids.
CoHecjionsoarefully attended to, andproeeedsrtmlt'
,ed.«o any
Boucht ant) sold on cotnawsion, ,
Noil* Fourth stmt, ■ ■
Next doorto the Bant of Pittsburgh:
9iw fiyitim UIA New R«medlc« I
I IS • 'O .'l.
1111 | j
. coftTAIKtKO v"' '.r;
FOSVH* CBM 0* tRS : •
coNSua ptiosi
Cooghi pcuftin the breast.
Aide, Jjeau. tnckj joinisf; ana i
limbs, infiammauoQf sore*
ness and' UckUng. in the j
throat; fever, difficult and |
quick breathing* txptctora* ■
turn yrojAjr.
i Costlvene**, spasmodic
! cough, violent fever, night-,
morning a,nd mid day awe&y
heciic floshin die face aud
Cheeks, burning heat in-the
palms of thehands and soles
of ; he
eovumti- and ttttaktd .with
Diarrhoea, diminisiiea fe
ver,- coagb no d morning
vwestSjgTeat and increasing
debility, frequent rotating
RtK slight delirium ; and
-jawelltagof the extremities.
TO THE ! AFFIiICTED-^—Tbo appearance in three
boitlesof NUXAfcVS SYRIACUM Is nnewera tame
dicine, from it*novelty and direct opposilion toLho old
absurd and Inconsistent- ONE / SYSTEM ,
while its success, prepared in Uusmanner, (each bottle
conmniDffttdiffercm preparation), cunn?ito d&tr
gni jmg*» which charaeierite Comwmpno** has ©stab-.
lUbed the welcome truth Of the Curabikty if every atagg
if Putmcnary Consumption. .. . _
■ Phvsicio&t approve of it because it «a based upon ear*
net Fh?siologieal and. Pathological principles.: The
public approve Ofity because . it ts CemmsnStMt, and
becaaseuiey khevf-Jhimtad eafmtntt thatotieprops-
ration will octcnretho tint Stages of
The suffering. disappointed and ducoutageuinvaiiaan
proves of Uvbecauso Usprinciples bold out a reasonable
Sjops, and when he uses NuulTs By flacmn,Uis hopes ,]
arerotUzed. , .
If he Is ta the first stage of CewumpHo», and ti»e»jhe
first bottle, his expeeutratlon, difficult- ana pauttul,be
comes free util «*«V ; hi* cough, toon geu well; urn
soreness, tictUfig inhis throat, tnflommaUoD, pain in his
breast, aide,head,back, joint, aud limbs are removed.
If he ia la the iectlad*l»s® wid uses the second bottle
bit fever leave* hirn r his disturbed slumbers become
sweet aairefreshlngi his.nigbtswenis vanish 5 his «-
protorarioneopfcus and bloody, assumes a heaUhy ap
pearsncca and nvlength disappcars ; bis bowels be
.'«bm* -rogblwr'Wf : -BppeWp:^'«tpnw;.the-.Rush in bw
©beekdisappeats; the ouTouigheatintho palms of hi#
bands and soles of.hi# feetaro fpUttolonger; hiscough.
vir he Sintbc third sSgciAttd*u*M ibo third >ota©,ka
; siroag i bU cough and olher -bad sysiptomsdlroppegc;
!■ faebm tdigestlon become»v»trongy , ond, ylgpnius j Jus
i atomath reeororiiiw and crcaiei peWiitcbi
i and nounsblng blood i his strength returns»lns wasted
body la clothed with flesh i ms li»s » sx?Rp*aad he is
NutalPs Syciacnmhagihe Symptoms of 1
the stage for whieh It is-imended.printed m front of the.
QUIRES; ebr*tequentfy/no mistake can occur in sdt.
coataiaiitg Dr. Nutair* Pathology of Consumption.—
Lecture* on the stricture and ate* of toe Human Uings,
and certificates of cure*. _ • ..; ;
|T7s Prepared only by. Dr. NUT lnventor, end
Proprietor. Price One Dollar Per Boule. ; •
For sale
*cornerof Wood strccumd.Virgm alley,
only Wholesale and Retail Agent for Yliuburgb. ~
Incipient Consumption, in
Blue Wrapper*.
Confirmed Consumption,
In Pink Wrapper*.
Tubercular Consumption,
in Yellow Wrappers.
Plnr«te ntaeoset. I
Bnotrahia entire attention to an office I
prtciics. ItttltitmeiiUnMWUycoAfiniaio |
WjStJl' yrixMti 7tntn*i JHrtciu»*ndmen p*ln- I
itejFWmt f u i tiTecilonii fcro&ghi on by Impraaewx* j
r'3&3M061 youihfttUadulgence and oxce«. I
jsguNnf SyphllU,. Syphilitic, irnpnpna. Gonoit, l
Wr he». Gleet! Su&tnrei Urethral Dlwtaigei, j
Itnpnrltyof the Blood».wUh wtteree,
origin. ■ Bkln Bl«e»ttvßcorlinUq Erofllona, Tettet.
RliTgworm, MerentUl ; Disei*c» i Semtnal WenkaeM,lm*
potency, pilea, RheunmUanj. Female I
ly Snppreaeione, Diseaaea of thiJbtiM, F|> tal * in Anoj
1 Nerroua Affeetlona* Patna In the Backend Loin»,lrtlta ]
i-tlons Of the Bladder and Kldneya,«ticee«aftiUy treated. |
1 < 's'iSren*yaare*'praeUce(»li In ,Utl* eltyVeaaldea Bn
l Brown to offer esßarnneeaorapeedy.cureto all who may
i come under hia care. " „ .
Office and private eonaulting rooma, HI Diamond ay. ~
gy Chargeamodcratc. novStdAwly .:
- Libertyslteet; This powcriUllyconceutrated pre»
naraiioni the medlcalvituiesof winch are found to ie
elghttlmei the strength of the original .American Oil.
Ills put up in bottles at2s andWl cents, each, witlrfuli
directions for its user Inevery disease wherethe oilgh.
rial American Oil has been found- arali elficaclous.and
it so far exccedstbeoriginnlin power; as tottnderitlho
• N.B.Thc original Ollin Its naturalsrateas taken
from the bowels of the earth, can be had BA above—end
wlllbe found gmnms. BOtwitbstanding a eeru 'i firm
clalmsfo bo the only Proprietor*. ■ : . . , .
T> EUMATISU.—Dr: Urown's uewtyaucovred rent-
JEw *dy for BheamaUsml** speedy tndcertalnremtdy.
forihatpnlnihltrouMe. Itnever fails. - ’
Offle* and Private Consultation Rooms No. 41, DIAe
MONO, Pittsburgh, Penn*. Tha Doetnt Is always a
Korns March Wd AW
ABongh A Anthony's DsgnwMotypsSi r :
mHE undersigned won'd inform their many friend*; and
: others, that they haie remoied from Bailre’aißulid.
ingto No.B - d:Fonnh*ueet.(n fe wdoors above theirold ■
stunt!) where they have fitted! up rooms for Uaguenro
typing.: Having* very, superior arrangementof light,
and the most approved instruments now in use,; with
some ten years experience tu the business, they piedga
themselvcsto turn oat as good pictures as any other es.
lablishmentin the country, end far more tnit/j/ulUke.
Cesses than has heretofore been fatnished to the citisens
or Pi tsburgh, eitherainglo or in groups
Citizens and strangers are respectfully invited lo cal!,
whether theywithpieturesor nut.
■ Our mono is good pictures, fair prices, end perfect *M*
iifsction to our. customers. > HOUGH. ® ANTHONY,
’N. B.—We farnUh nil urtldealn eurbnsraesu toother;
operator* as heretofore. - apls
Ennltun and Chair WarstOOnii.
■ *»,! JOSEPH MEYER, 424 Penn omotf ttta'etlbr
■BLCunhl Bridge; heepsconstanUyotthund and,makes
IMMtn order, at theAJotMsf prtra,' every description ,oi
fS?cy and Plain FCIINITuRE,BOFA9 and CHAIRS
of the beet workmanship and.most approved styles. ,
Purchasers weald do well to vlsltlii* W»reroonfs: ;
T KAD PIPK^-Impfoved.Patent: Lead Pipe, (br
JU Hi d rants;
• Pomps;..
• Aqueducts;
Hydraulic Bams.;
- - Chernies I uses, and -
Altsizes and thicknesses, always on hand, and for:
sale low, by ALEXANDER GORDON,
oprHitoa&wOt. - . . , 13>Ftoai street.
lot 3 MACKEREL, to oirire. tmdfpr«»je
TAAFFE fMA GI ! m|WE. rti
- r * * .af '* '\r-4 ■■ '
•c.; - <■■■', ' ' ‘v
' s' ‘.
- .
N 4 \
... .% ... •
•*j *w . i- • :,.. •.
_p. ~ 1 *■*"- 4“» > -- '***£>- “*“f|j|(ji
FOR . SALE &.TO LEaP.;.. -
A to LBr^N<niS£r, v
&&&& SKBwit
“‘•CPMlorsj dining room and fe ij?i h i? «»»4k ?
«na four t>ci chambers on Uißrecond J
eaatae. A good «table “the »JaPAJSPLSft*™*-
With ftmt trees and shrubbery? IrTdmE^'.^££^ fcfl,l 5 <, *
good pump at the door rt Is one“Jr 5 ,1 17 , * Wd st
residences in Allegheny Oily. of ttemostpfcirtnt'
Bent SldO per year. Apply to 1
A deoa vftrm-fow flKQik"t~: .
V-- JCftlat. ■ ?
- ffiw 'Ktar tha cornef or Short street. For terms,
Ja«a ply to Aldermen PARKINSON, Sth '
"_aprt!2:tf ' 1 '- j '- -
A kau.andwingvrooras»porUca jft?jtm|aadrear,jto9&'^ !> '•■:■
cellar, stable, carriage house, well; and-cistentf nutra
and kitchen gardes, obtindance of grapes and'otherTara-.v:..
and choice fruits; the whole Is well arranged j’or pleafi-; --;
are and convenience,-and in-an elevated and pleattn# C- : ' '
location) In Manchester. Immediate poMesfiion given., -
B. CUTHBfciBT* CtnetaiAttCnV '' ' ■•••
50 Smlthfield street.. ,
apri'G ,
* NEW BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, orB4ifeelon l»* ; ;;' '
A: oust Slrect,'Bih Ward,by 140aeej», to a 21 feet alley. ■ v
Tbo house Is arranged’with hull; parlor, *l(cbeaiiwtf' : 3;
-eh<unbers : and » the lorleneatfrnncßd*:*' ,
hor frull and ehada irrep, a grape rubor, and garden, all T
ingoodonler.i Pncelow-*t«ms*u»yj.louiieai«te'piiSe i ., -
session given, ns the owner is gang, west ', • ■
■ " ■ S.GUTIUU£R3\ General Agent,
ttpr23 sQSnrithSclggtrectr
A. occupied by tho snbectiber. Possession gl*eu ott'
lUe 13tli lest. Fortennsonqaireof . -• - .
aprb - ,■ H. CaESTEßy7tBmitliEeMsr.. ;<
•Saw, TO ldiT—A STORE ROOM.—Would suit for,
Bgfl * Shoe, Dry Goods, Trlmming'or GweerrStor#. 1
Jaaa Kent low. Apply io -9. GOLDMABN,
' toht3o ~~ 118-BarkctJttcet. , .
rpO LET-The sabscnbet ogersfpr'RcnU the ~V
: X slow rooo nowoe copied jaffjfa'
&o&vis, ' Posteseion ' '
Api»; - l?nqurrc of •> - * 'j'
5 f -Ctf Arf. 11, PAULSON, No. St/ >'
ftgjjj} ' POR ItENY.—Frorii’iheyUroC April next/ the
Bbß SjOTfl, wnhDwellibg attached,” oft the comer of •
FirsUtreeta—ngood htWirtCW aland -
yjwa ® lor or.Tavern A t belngo nly onesqoaic frost, the ~. -
river—will bo tented low to. ogoodtenaoi. ADDlyio*-~ v •■: ■
v . No. 238 Liberty tW
LOTS FOR. «at.T! T-7*- ;
/T\NG LOT,ittthe Highlh VVttrdof the Ciiyof Pitts*. a
\/ burgh, fronting on. locust street, .293 feel
.oa Vanbraaiaatreeunitmingrrto (hebluffiOO fsekiroftt* s : . . : :
,iogihe Moaongaheias&l fcex, fronUng cnftliUenberger '.•&••• • .
street 400 /ecu Pittiqwwhip,
f?onticg on Losnst streci 244 feet, fronting on'Milfoil** ; > -
hereer’d street to the blafT 323 feef, -on 100 MoffoM!*:-*-' :
loosing the MenonßabelaV44fceriio Qline.ofthe|)Bop»
erty of the date James Irwin, 2iio feel'io Locust ntreek. • v
Oneother Lot Locum flti-'
fees fronting on. MihenbereoretreetlSOTectin a 34 f x :
feet -olley. troming on »ald al!ey 293-feeUoft linoof
i property of late James Irwin, from alley, toLpcftstsLU; ,
120 feet. - -
One other Lot-in the cUy. o» Pittsburgh, fronting on 'L ' :
Locust street 293 feet, fronting oft. Yanbraam ttreei ISO ,
feet to a 24 feet, alleys fronmig on said.alley 293 feel,v? , > .
fronting on MiUenberccr BireetlxO /eet ioLocpat al,;. i
One other Lol, frontu.gonFotbea street 4S.feet* front-- -
ingon Miltcnbergerstreet ISO a. 24 feet alley v : '
■ tlie anid-ailey 4&> fe,ct to Lot fSo< 42 in Miltenbergez’*,: -
plan, of Lota „ . v „ „ ✓
OneoiberLotjfronifngonPoTbes fltreei2ofeet,front*
ing on Vanbraam- eireet 120 feetj to a Si fect alleyr - -
fronting <m said u11ey.72 <ec|.
I will sell roreosh, on'long Ixmc, or on pctpeWaL
lease.' -Fof pa>irculars, eTniaure of the subscriber, on . ..
ahe comer of Sandusky street and South Oommon, AJ-
108 FRENCH STORE. 108'
ana opening, including rich-. •
-Let every lady coll and ace thußpleauidprodactlofl
of Imperial Chinese manufacture.
Laces, Satins, Silfesy Lawns, Bera&cs, Mantillas, and
-Visiles, to match the Shawls.
Ladle* 1 and Children 1 * Millinery,,Gloves, Flower*,
Edgings,ic. i
Genileraen**BroadCloths,Tuscan and Leghorn Hats,. **
{Ceaiaciyte?,! Shins,Coats, &c.
• Mourning Goods of every description.
■ Madame A.Gojhng, (fcom France,) ism the monthly •
■ reeelptof Fashions and Models, fromParis r London and -
New York, at No. 51SL Clair sueeu and 108Maxket st ,v :
where ladies arereapectfiiUy invited tocall.
The trade supplied with models and materials, [apm v
' ; aor
jura sxmsatuf ? •>*»*•*!•>*►«> ;»»**9A*r nxofsxasr -•-.
[of the tare firm of Sands AReintroabj:
tOUlif &EISE!3AS:&
CZoeij* WhicAeij
v. kttb snrssti oss boob ftWßßOwir, -* ‘- ,k
fTtAKK leave ioanhonncd 1b thfctfade and the jpobho.
X generally, 1 thtotheyhaveithemselve* carefully *6* •*
lecied and imporiedJjomHaropejalajye etochof Gold * 4
and Silver WatebesfWMOA materials, ftna;.Toola for .
Watchmakers! and a most elegant assortment of Jew- '
elry,from the best manufactories—which ihey .offer; dt
prices as low es they can beparchasedin the eajteni
market*. • •”.-•• v • •••• •_' - ■
/• -Tteit slock of Watches coxalsts .of Cold and BHver .:' :;'vr
PatantLevewf do Detached Lever»fdbliepineafrBlK*. v. r r, •
ver QaattJers; and elegant Frenchtirae pieces, .ofthß .- ; "
most approved makes. Together with a iarje stock of /,>:V A
Clocks, and Time Pieces, from the best AmeneanTdcto-^'^.vv.
stock of Jewelry comprisea article* of i
description id this Line, such as Fin rer. Rtajph Ear Rings,
Bresut.Pins, Fob and Guard Chains,
Gold Ga'ardKeya and seahHEockets, Gold and Silver 2
BpWttcleifcßitaerhn&Gerioaa'Silver and Table and. --
Tea Spoons, and every kiild of fancy articles genSTaliy -
keptinestabUshmenniof-ihisdescnpiion. * /
•They wonldrespectfolty. call the attention of the trade -
to their extensive stock.of Watch- materials and ToOls, •
of every Variety, which .
hate alsoOiih&nd a large aMOTtam of.ThU*-;'* ; '
scopes. Spy . Glosses and Opera. Glas*eSrftoaj.:?thw•
manufactory in England. Togatherw|iU a gicatYftriely
of other articles too numerous to mention. ►, > r
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired ut thebttt
manner and on the most reasonable terms, loeHlsy .
TTO. TlbldaEbL A - .
NSW - *-'
mills long established. 1 Hontfe conCne their attenu<m , .r. i
A strictly to sales and purchases on CommlWU>ni.nndJ ' ,v :' , ’
to-ihe Forwarding business generally. >
They-solicit'a comipnance of the liberal patronage.-5• >. v ;:
heretofore given them
. Jixnvary sl&, IdM. * -
Twlchell AlSogrkige,
. Comer qf Commernal and Pis%«itTt£i3. _ \
\k7TLL promptly attend 10 ail consignments and Com* • .-
yy missions entrusted to them, andwill make liberal; .
cash advances on -consignments or: Biltaof Lading in
hand. * ' - , 5.r
Ordere for the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp ana .
other Produce,'will be promptly filled at the lowestpoa*-y
-aiblepriee3 T andoathebestterms. ' -•*V.... .
=.:• They wiUjilfto anderuke the seulementand fceUec l * ,1 -
tlohbf claims" of importance; and hope. by. their r
dal personal efforts and attention to all the inlerjßstantH^V.,
their friends, to give general satisfaction; 1
RiSRBXnCSS. - •t- 1
Geo. Collier,: SilLouis; Ellis A Morton, ClnelnnaU; :.
Page A Bacon' :do Strader A Goman dp.
Charlesftvßlow ACo, do HoxeaA Frazer,'-: dot'
Chouteau A Valiev :<lo -l Springer*WhUeainjdo ' i '? 1
D. feeeh A Co., Wininm ilolmea-A C0.,4. W.-Rotlsr ;■
AEro Morgan. J -M. DncfcA Morgan*';;--
Philadelphia! Shields A MiUer, Philacielphla; : B/-D» v ; <
Newcomfr*. Bra. and W. B. Reynolds/XcDisville;-
T. C: TWICHEBL ACO , New Orleans. (mat4:bfar„
"V." '
■. 'v .‘ia
" * .4 ■
Foreign and Ammean,
Pancvond Slfipla
KttabUshe&iri VW)~ln£orvQTat£il fiy Leg islarivf ChQrt&t
'KtACUI«TY^CottacBDCUi>T>Bf igrwatr:~P.PafftaaffeO*,* *
J? of the North -t American Accountant?’ and.Westera
‘Steamboat Accountant.’? Professor <sf practical Book-—. - ’•
keeping ano Commercialsciences.;J,3>.vW»Uiams,Pw** 'r f
• feaFor ofOmaoiental and. Mercantile Pcnmonripp^Nkv'
D Jfotch, of ihe ritubarghßariProfessor of Mercantile •
LAW; • : . . • ’ : w..
: CussicALajmftU'mstuiicatDjpAWKtm,' - •'va
P. Hayden, Gradaate of Jefferson College) Professor v ;;
of clasmcM Languages and jftaifceraaties »'• ' -,
E. late ofParU-Frofossor 0f French*-,..
F. the.Pblytccbnicr Inatlinte Of;.; i (
f.Vleßna>;Ci«ifEnsiileeritrt4 : Arcbhebi,'Proicwor ofAr?^v’>‘
chltecmruL; Mecbanlc&laud Landscape drawing,,' r ;. . r
Thisinjuiaiion-ndwoccunteathe ihe «?•'
ond «tory of Gaztam , s.BiiilQmgV f rdm ‘ tJCL’cenwr; Of
Thlrt nndMarkoiei reels to Post Office atleyt .withtWQ
spgclons robins la the, third, story*" il
tneonly liisUt»rtl6alhahls : oarrottbb coantiy.Whew 1 ~
ami practically taught.'The Classical nrd Mercanule;| Vc
XiepEurttnents are: coadactcd I 'separately. Oou
roost spacious andeleganily'furntshcd Ladles’ ; >Vnbug
Rooms In the United feiaies, is fitted op, and will ooiar : C:
dot the direction of T>. .tViUlatns» one. oftfcfi v -
Pemnen in the :WesLvTbe Professors arc alt
enced and at the head'of their respecttM
professions; Circularsmailed to a! I p arts of the couaiiT. ...
r < msriftdfcw..
1,000 Oates straw woods.
NY, forlho tala of Itair ,
tar ? ea^lmmto7BTßA.^ATa«rfßONNßre 1 «f. .
ouery TOiaty; oLfabriev aule and. pwwimr
the Spring trade* which vrfll*ew& wg* „•*.
®®w^?aiss? ss^a ■ ;
sit bi> work to give »4U» f jl. Co .NO.ViJWooa '"
,"£1®"""“ ~ THOMAS ABNOIiP. . ’
'rrilNK SAVES HANGlNGS,jnuwWrto'l^ro^Llo^
Jbpattonu.on light ■ ad^^^^M&SHAU K r
■ i .-U- » v
' w,/
V ’ v
'So. 51,
Dealers in
' . f