The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 23, 1852, Image 2

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. BOITOS wjwhwobbt.
From our Ohio exchanges we learn that the
3.C*| late;Whig-Diatriot ConTentions in that. State, so
far as heard from, have selected delegates to the
• - NationaljoCuventlon, farorablo i to the nomination
of; Gen. Scott to. the. Presidency. It therefore
appears that the Whigs of the three great Slates
Wjfxfy' 1 . of tliedlnion, Now York, Pennsylvania and Ohio;
“ aro committed for Scott. Recent advices from
■’ Virginia-inform ns that the Whigs of thatStatc,
v in theirConvcmtion which assembled nt Kichmond
••:•. on the 16lh ipst., unaoimousiy adopted resolu
tions, ■ flttidst great enthusiasm, in.ihvor Of the
.., Compromise mcasnres, and declaring Mr.;Fitt
aonn to their choice for the Prcsideney'over
all-oth'er candidates.- It is also positively as-.-
; serlcd, that the Whigs of the South will not,
.••••'•'• 1 ■ nndor .aTjy circamstancea,.support a cjmdidate
’ • for the PMsidency, who refuses to come out flat
''■■■" footed in favor of the Compromiso measures.—
.:-, This doterminatiou places Gen. Scott in a very i
nncnviabto position. lie has already - thrown
' himsolf into'the.arms of tho Abolitionists and.i
-'• Prco Soilera of the North, and preserves a mys- I
terioas silence in regard to the Compromise ]
" measures. i-STornc of .his.friends in.the South as- I
L * BOrt that Geu. Scott Is opposed to any farther ]
- agitation of the Slavery question ; but it is well
: x ' ’ known • that no sucli avowal has been publicly !
made by that gentleman. He is an able and no- I
complishcd military captain, but ho makes a. I
"•* perfect judy of : himself when he meddles with
political. affairs. The Abolitionists and Free
• , Soiiers'who have taken Gen. Scott into their
• keeping, know this full well, and hence they aro
. ' determined to prevent him from committing him
' ' Bolf on the Slavery question. ■ Because Mr. Fj11,•%.
,•%. ' MW® kas taken a bold and decided stand in favor -
A .-.: ■•• of dhe Compromise measures,, .ho •• in.tO'ba • soeri-.
fioed and“. whistled down tho wind;” -Abolition,
whiggory, always restive and unsatisfied, is oag
•-• -f .’., panting to.put one of its favorites into the I
• • :•: ■ Presidential chair, in order to continue its work
’'] 'SVi of agitation and treason. If Mr. Fulsiobe had '
' sanctioned tho mad schemes of the Abolition and
.Ereo Soil agitators' and disanionlsts, he would
- he wonderfully popular with Northern whiggeiy
at tho present moment. Bnt he preferred up-
■ _ ; ■--.-holding the . Constitntion, and maintaining tho
' honor, and dignity of the country, and-henco ho
,» has made, himself unpopular with such men as
"--• Win, H. Seward, Iloraoe Greeley, ; Thurlow
Weed, Deacon White, and other politicians of i
-■ that ilk, who manage to control tho Whig party i
-:. . North of “-.Mason and .Dickinson’s Line.”; If;
Whigs of tho South submit to the dictation i
■ h«d insolence of these unprincipled politician*
they aro greater , slaves than tho.poor Africans
:=■•■■'■■.. ‘who work on their plantations.,
’ . -Since writing tho foregoing, the procccd
iroa*- Ings of tho Whig Congressional Caucus atWash
ingtonj have reached us. Aud a pretty kettle of
. fish they are truly! After reading these proceed
-: . ■ . ings no one can longer doubt that the Whig par
: •• ty is broken into pieces,, rent 03nndcr„ and cut
"P into ftcfloM 1 ®he Northern Whig members ;
‘ v of Congress unceremonionsly kicked tho Compro
mise resolntions out of the Caucus, which was a
. direot and palpable insalt to tbe Southern whigs
.present;: and the latter, ns high-minded men,
' who knew their rights and were willing to maln
«•' •• i tain them, at once withdrew, leaving tho agita
tors and fanatics “alone in their glory.” North- i
,: • era Whiggcry and Abolition Free Soilism ore i
' now so nearly allied that it is next to impossible;
to ■« tell ’tother from which.”, "And it appears to
be the determination of this faction to disturb
p|?: F~;”sas the peace and harmony of the CToion during the
••- • • next Presidential oampaign as mnch ns possible.
The only honoxablo coarse for all good Whigs
Pf to pnrsue, who love the Union and tho Constit’u
.tion,.:ia to'.vote'facthe aomlnee-of-theDemocra
*■••• National Convention, end assist in electing
’’" • that nominee by an overwhelming majority. This
• •'••••■< trill-- effectually put an end .the. mad; folly of
the fanatics, and wilt once moro restore.peace
■• • and harmony to our country. Every person:
Bpoken.of for the Presidency on the Democratic
k side, is oppDß agitation, fanaticism and dis-.
ttoion! end the reins of government may bo en
' trusted to tlieir keeping without any apprehen
’ sion that the peace of the Union will bo dtstnrb-.
■'■ ■■■ ' ’ri. Here, then,-is a chance for all good Whigs
’ to show their patriotism 1
- •
t^^f^t^:®^V«■^i^^^^k!^S^t^^^SS^ t .. ... - ...
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Jaihj Stating'
Harp or ft FhiUips, Editors ft Proprietors.
to petition the DeTfipcritue-Ot : ieral Convention
• OS* AIiABAMA } i
Subject to tht *<™ e decision.
Baltimore, Hd., Tntaday > June 1, 1859.
Among the numerous acts of Got. Bigler that
have met with our warm approbation, are many
of bis.vetoca on bills creating unnecessary cor
porations. W„e have applauded him- for hia
prompt decision In mattcra of this kind, and con
gratulated the people on their good fortune in
having an Eaeqntive possessed, of sufficient firm
• ness to repel the encroaching spirit of corporate
' privileges iaplaces where they cannot he made
subservient and useful to the prosperity, of the
public. _But inone of his vetoes vre think, he has
mado a mistake. • IYo refer to the Commercial
♦ ' Bank of Pittsburgh. In- rejecting this bill, we
are apprehensive (hat he has done what hut few
of the people of Pittsburgh, will approve. It is
well known that we. aro no’Bank advocates, and
: have never favored them or the reckless prinoi.
- plks on which many of them have been conduc
ted. The basis of the By stem appears toeveiy
hody to be wrong, but with all the tinkering that.
■ has been pursued/ it appears that the evil can- .
not be removed. - However, some little: good baa
come out of the long discussions on tho subject
' Many of.the “ rottees ” hare passed away never
' .to be resumed, andtheprinciplo has. become a
fixed fact in the minds of men of all parties, that
Bonks should not bo incorporated atpointswhere
■' they cannot do useful serviccto the people/This
' .principle right and just, and if rigidly adhered
to, trill flare, tho peoplo from a repeti lion of many
of the swindles that have gone before;
Bat the Bank we refer to is an exception from
those ,ephemeral fronds. It waa-desired by a
- lair* and solvent business community, based on
' solidetoitcl, and would hare been managed by
responsible 1 and. trustworthy officers. It wos
'not toojKnafrttffio frr stock deoiera that the
' ' charter wasrcqnestedbuttogiTefartheraidtothe
industrial interests of oor city- Could wo think
far aßmment, that the projected bank wee a
Snore Speculation, we would be the first to de
nounce it,' but wo know differently. The hank*
ing capital of our city, as business is now con
ducted, is entirely inadequate for our immense
commercial transactions. Our present Bonks,
we believe, do all they can with their limited
capital- to aid the business men, hot, of course
they are not -prepared to meet all demands.
Consequently, those who cannot be accommoda
ted at a Bank,'hare to go and get- shaved at a“
Brokers, tft tiuMuue -of 12 per cent
mtfla heavy-tax upon a-portion of eurjCommu--
mtv might haveheen removed to some extent by
theestAbU&kmsnlbf die Commercial Bank,- but
thathopeis nowgo»e, and4hingB will have ,to
go on as they were.’* , ’ t, .< -_
::APRIL 23,
The money market daring the post week has
presented no new "feat a res worthy of notice.-
The Qorehior’s veto of the Commercial BankTios
oreated oonsiderdbledisappoiiitjaent in business;
circles, and wndy_ontertnin the hope that the
measure -Vill he brought tip again daring the
present Session of the. JLegislaturo, under more
favorable auspices.. There have been no tranß
aotioes in Btocks of any consequence, and quo
tations remain about the same' ss last week’s.
figures. ~ .
Money continues very abundant in the East,
especially la the city of New York. The Evening
Post of the' 14th iust. Bays: “Tho supply of
money is very large, end increasing difficulty is
felt in finding employment forit. The rates are
nominally unchanged, but the .‘market enables
borrowers to obtain loans and raise money on al
most their own terms. A good borrower is,not
tnmed away by bank or bonker. . The spirit of
accommodation to ciroamstancca is too great.” •
Alike favorahlo reports are given in the Now
York papers of thc lfilh, ICtU'and 17th. The
Post of the latter, date says:. “The banks mast,
at the present moment;- hold; twelve millions of
speoie, and their deposits are daily increasing.
“ The amount of accommodation afforded by
the banks is the large amount of seventy-two
millions; which is the smaller portion, os the
banking and discount houses loan together n Btill
greater amount. . .
“ The additional stimulns trade and commerce
and speculation have received since the close of
December, is represented not merely by the in*
creased line of loans on the part: of the banks,
-whioh is $7,500,000, bnt by whatever increase
has been afforded by other capitalists; nt least
as much more. Fifteen millions of dollars more
nearly represent the additional stimulus; which
amply accounts for the high prices of stocks, of
real estoto, and of all securities inspiring confi
dence; and tho vast amount of means yet un
employed indioate that tho full riso in prices has
not yet been attained.
“The same, causes which have produced this
favorable state of the monoy market are still in
fall force.; Our receipts of dust from California,
which will be large in the coming month, will all
bo added to our homo circulation, and increase
tho speoie strength of the country;” :
In Philadelphia, - according to the reports of
tho I,tiger, “ money oontinnps easy, and therato
of interest:rather tends downward. Good -three
and four months’ paper is readily negotiated at
six per cent, and some loans have even been ef
fected at lower rates,.. Names not well known,
of coarse, have to pay higher.”
: Tho steamship America; at Boston, from Liv
erpool, brought $69,840. in specie. This looks
as though the tide bad turned. -
: The total value of tho foreign exports from
Baltimore, for tho week ending on Thursday
week, amounts to $199,710 65. The exports ef
the week comprise a large movement in bread
stuffs—vli: 86,930-batTols of iflonr, 13,452 bus.
of wheat, 2100 bushels of corn, 78G barrels of
com meal, nod 132 barrels of rye flour.
Messrs. Baring, Brothers s Co., in their Cir*
oular by the America, state:
- In American Stocks the only variation this week
has been a further, slight advance in the prices
of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia nnd Cana
da. Wo quote Maryland sterling at 93@98};
Pennsylvania 88@88A; Virginia .6 per cent.
Coupon Bonds at 98@98J; and Canada 6 per
cent, sterling atlo9@lo9l. Thesnpply of State
stocks is very limited. " . •
The demand for starling exchange was active
at the close for the Collins steamer ntlo9J(oUo9
per cent.;, and considerable transactions were
made at lower rates for commercial bills. Mosey
is in large supply, and the greatest facilities ex
ist for all kindß of enterprise, .
The quotations do not vary, being 4@5 per
cent, for call loans, and 5@6 per cent, forprime
grades of commmcrcial paper.
To the Emtoes or the Monstsu Post:—
Your strictures upon my shorLcommnmcation,
whioh you bo obligingly published in your paper
of the 20th inat., ore founded in error and hy
pothesis; in error, because Mr. Harper well
knows that the writer has for many years been
protesting, througlrhis paper, ogainßt tie pla
cing of obstruction in navigable streams, and es
pecially those pier bridges that are the subject
of - complaint. In error, that it was “venting
his spleen agaiut the bridges,” or that it was from
his “impulsive temperament” that has again
brought this subject before tho public. Ia the
name of common sense, who blames the Irridgts?
or who blames the boilers oi the steamboat, blown
to atoms; sacrificinglifa and property, through
the recklessness of a half-ignorant or wilful en
gineer? “Who blames tho cars when brought
into collision by the carelessness and censurable
conduct of a superintendent or conductor ? No,
sirs, it: is not the bridges that are “blamed,”
bat a protest against that narrow and selfish poli
cy, that for a temporary convenience to a por
tion, or for individual profit, should shut out,
dam up, and almost completely obstruct the great
and almost only highway the God of Heaven has
vouchsafed to nearly one-fourth of a million of
people for purposes of business consistent with,
the 1 very nature of their soil : and produc
tions. " .
• You ask—Could all the powers that human
wisdom coaid devise, oheok the devastating pro
gressof thoflood. that has come upon ns? and then
adopt the hypothesis that “If there were no
bridges in the .way, the destructive; consoquen
ces would have ensued." Who ever before heard
that a raft was too cumbersome and unwiel
dy to be guided with any; oertqinty, in high
floodß, in a natural channel? and what navi
gator or pilot but should “comprehend“ the
“ motives ” of the power that directs its course?
Give tho “Pilot" o clear course, and the “‘un
wieldy raft ” will glide os safely- on such a. Mood:
as this through onr. cities as elsewhere, and with
oat danger.
. > ’Tis true your correspondent has been a-suf
-1 ferer, but not a “feother” in the scale of loss by
• Vthetß, atsithat from the piers to these bridges,
I and not the high flood.. Ab well might thehigh
wayrnan who shoots hla victim, plead that it was
not him but the powder or ball, that -done the
' work, as attribute to Providence the destruction
of life and. property caused by contingencies
i placed underjhuman control; and your nnworrant
i able stricturea.come with an ill grace through a
, paper hitherto the avowed champion of the hard
' laboring man, who earns hia bread by the sweat
of his brow—hia defender against monopolies,
: corporations, or “ Colton lords’’—and with a
maukishness extreme, does yonr picture of “the
hundred widows heggarod,"the “thousands of
i orphans destitute,”: and.the ’■ absolute ruin
among a large number of-our industrious citl
rens’fif these piers should .be “sunk in the
river.” Is,there no sympathy for the honest
bard worklog lumberman, who has invested ail,
yes, more lhan : he is worth, in a product of bis
land, perhapß. otherwise valueless than for its
timber 1 ~ Safely passed nil Seriousdifficulties, as
he supposes, with an extensive' market of 800
;. miles before him—he-iB drawn through- a' vortex
of destruction controlled by nun, and left to And
his way to his sorrowing home, broken and pen
niless. Snoh has been, the fate of numbers dur
ing this flood._ Ho man "will, nor should risk his
life in attempting to pass between so many piers
navigating many kind of rafts, in snoh a flood
as.this, or. aoch as wo experience os often as
twice a year, and daring the season when they
ought to run. - . . • •
One other hypothesis of yours noticed; and I
have done;
“His notion is evidently in favor of tearing
- them, (bridges) all down.”
Heither the Inmberqien, Steamboatmen, .nor
• does the wxiter.desire any such things 1 They do
demand, however, that thebridgesghall be jmtrd;
or that one pier in, or hear the centre,;is all that
in their opinipn Is necessary, or should be al
lowed/ ,Their-.deinands i dp: not extend to the
domineering caprice of some ambitious steam
boat captain, that can boast the tallest ohimnqyß
—nor lhatthe Commonwealth shall .appropriate
IWd thbnsand dollars to aid a prosecution—but
they dp ask, that the cities of Pittsburgh and
aUle|hsny n wh6 4« s Wi® l, e { t i «> immense trade
front "their indnstty and location, shall, if not
afford themf«oUsjtJes,atleastnotinterrupt them
from seeking oth«amarkotnbelow.
• , , ' " HOBTH WESTERN PA. ,
f tL 1 K
•" «.r Va » '
*- J -> - *-
' . *■ * ,
Whig Coxtostios.— We have heretofore
neglected to mention the fact that the whigs axe
to meet in the several vraTds ond'townsliips, of
Allegheny county, on the 29th day of May mart.
The duty of tho convention “will he tb nominate
several aspirants to-eouaty officers, and we hope
they may bo .of the fight kind, 'ln paying the
“right kind,” wo mean'tb oBo whom wo can defeat
V ith i*<° solid and practical men wo will bring
against them.
_ Tho fact is, that the whigs find-themselves a
little too strong inthis county. Tiicy think that
they can own all the offices in the gift of the peo
ple? and each and every one of them, who have
snuffed a scent of the loaves andfishes, think that
they have a vested right to tho emoluments of
the ofiioe to which they aspire.
We have heard the names of many oftho aspi.
rants, and wo hope thnt they may be defeated in.
the convention, for wo can never approve of their ,
nomination. They .are not the kind of men to
suit the whig party. They arc liberal? ' compe
tent and trustworthy, and, of: course, vergo too.
closely on democracy to make their nominations
ogreoablo to whiggery.. Wo desire to.see them
all ruled out, and then wo can tell what will he
the fate of-the whlgs at the ensuing eieotion.
The next ciootion will bo an important;one,
and we hope that the demooraoy of our county
will bring forth a ticket worthy tho support of
every honest voter.
The Right Spirit.— The Baltimore -.Argus,
after avowing its preference for Gen. Cass, uses
the following sound democratic languageSn
relation to tho choice of the'Baltimore Conven
tion.: . ■■ '.'l ... ■ ■ -■
But wbilo wo thus avow our preference wo are
prepared to abide by the decision of the Conven
tion ; and if it shall deem some other true heart
ed democrat more desirablounder all the circum
stances, and more likely to unite all hearts in
tho cause, we Bhall go for him cheerfully, ear
nestly and untiringly. 'ln thus expressing our
willingness to yield up our individual preference
for the general good, we arc but imitating the
wise, example of the Conventions which have
mot in our own and other States; and we trust
securing that harmony of notion Which will carry
U 3 triumphantly through the contest.
This is the right , jvay to talk and we would be
gratified to hear it oohood by some of the pres
ses in Pennsylvania that for months past 'have
been endeavoring to create turmoil in tho party,
on tho Presidential question. •
Maeiuaok at a Fancy Bali.—A fancy dress
ball was given at Byracuso on the evening of tho
Bth inst., when, among, otiier. incidents of tho
evening, the following is related by the Syracuse
Standard: •
“Among the most pkasingdncidcnta of tho
evening, was the marriage by Justice Johnson,
of- James Doran, who appeared in the brilliant
costuuio of a knight of Mails, in which -lie ap
peared to good advantage, to Miss Bartlett, a’
dark-eyed beauty, who wna elegantly attired in
tho dress of a Greek girl. - The audience were
requested to preserve order for a few moments,
and to the surprise of most of those present, the
young, handsome, ami elegantly attired bride
and bridegroom stepped into the middle of the
room, and tho marriage ceremony was perform
ed in tho midst of a gay and brilliant assembly
of representatives from every quarter of the
globe. After tho Justice bad pronounced them
* husband and wife,’ he retired from tho room,
and the dance went on merrily as the marriage
Cash Payments. — IV o arc gratified to pre
cede says tbo Democratic Bnion, that the ap
propriation billmakes provision for paying tho
back debts on tho public works, and that'it is
tho determination of the Canal Commissioners,
when this is done, to mako Cash Payments, in
all future cases, if the appropriations are suffi
cient. • This Is the true system of economy, and
will do more to reduce the expenditures on the
pnbiio works than all tho reforms that have been
adopted for tho last twenty years.
Cash payments in nil cases ought to bo adopt
ed? and the .Legislature should not fail to make
provisions for carrying it out.
Heavy Stobsi at A must The Albany lte
gistcr, of Friday, says Bnow fell there, on Thurs
day, half a foot deep, which passed off, however,
in -water, very speedily: ;
In the afternoon tho water began to riso
rapidly iu the river, and at the time of
writing this the prospect is that all oar dock and
pier people arc to be subjected to the great in-,
convenience of another Subroergement. It is
likely that the water. will be into their cellars
and first floors to-day - All bands were busyycs
terday in hoisting goods aloft, and making every
preparation for tho threatened flood.
If the rain has been general over tho State,
tho freshet must be heavy, for immense quan
tities of snow were lying all about the bead
waters of the Hudson and Mohawk; and their
Cautious and Delicate. —Dr. Dixon, editor
of that sharp periodical, the Scalpel, in an essay
on the “Toilette of the: Now Vork Ladies,"
after consulting various branches of his subject,
says:. . ■ .: ■
On tho subject of skirts and bodices, we feel
the uceossity of groat caution. The traveler
who ventures to explore an unknown country,
foeis his danger as he approaches the interior,
and the necessity of calling up aU hia expressive
nuiiability of feature, to protect himself from tho
danger consequent upon misapprehension of the
objects of his visit.
Wo believe the doctor tobo.fully entitled
to the credit of “ taking tho rag from off tho
bush.” . : -
I.lst of Post offices between Cleveland
and Pittsburgh, via Ralload.
. Cleveland, Newburgh, Bedford, Hudson;
Franklin Mills, Ravenna; Boots town, Atwater,
Limavllle Alliance, Salem Columbiana, Hast
Palestine, Ohio; Enon Valley, Darlington, New
Brighton,: Rochester, Beaver; Freedom, Baden
Economy, Sewiobley Bottom, Sowickleyville,
Courtnoyviilc, Pittsburgh. Tho above offices
are supplied with a mail from the C. &P. and
0. & Pa, Railroad, twico daily, except Sunday;
also, many offioos on routes diverging therefrom.
■ J. R.'CnxnixaiMM; Cleveland.
Jos. BANDonru, Pittsburgh,
Mail Agents C. &. PI and 0. & P. B. B.
- Tin: River ash Weather. —The river was fnl
ling-quite slowly last ovening, with ten feet wa
ter on tho Falls. Haring tho previous 24 hours
the river receded SO inches. The weather was
cloudy, with several showers of rain yesterday.
Weanticipate another rise in the river at this
point to-day.
The Mississippi river, from Cairo to Memphis,
as we learn from tho officers of the Bostona, was
rising quite fast, and tho banks were over
flowed in all directions.
The Arkansas river s was rising slowly at tho
last datcß, with a moderate stage to tho month—
Louisville Courier, April 17, . : ,
8©» Wo see by on advertisement In the
Wheeling Gazette, thatsealed proposals will bo
reoeived at the office. of the -Central Ohio
Railroad Company in Zanesville, "until the
10th day of May noxt, for the Grading, Masonry,
and Bridging of so mnch of the road as lies east
of Zanesville and extending into G uomsey coun
ty, to a point about four miles cast of Cam
.Fine Croons and Tobacco.—We observe that
onr friend Bees R. Jones, has removed bis man
ufooturing establishment and store, to 283Xiber-'
ty street. We have some knowledge of the arti
cles in which he deals, and can recommend them
without hesitation to all lovers of the weed.
Sgk, The city ofChioagohas borrowed; through
the agency of Dunoon, Sherman & Co., the sum
of $280,000 for 20 years, 6 per cent Coupon
Bonds, payable in New York;: at tho Banking
house of Messrs. D., S.& Co. ■ Theloonisfor the
supply of . the city with water.
B@* Gov. Kossuth arrived quietly in Phila
delphia on Saturday afternoon and proceeded
immediately to Bnrligton intending to pass Sun
day in Burlington, dining with Bishop Hoane.—
he Was to go to Trenton on Monday.
I Slow—Making an augur hole with a gimblet,
1 eating aonp With a fork, and running, to fires on
cratches. ’
, $
! -h
'• ’ -
.. t . ■ .. ■ ,
Saxe, of the Barfing tbn"£febtinel, saya ho has
a fir^annlhilator. 7 ltisa lot of green poplar
wood,. It not onljr tyiUnat bora t tut, if put on
& burning fire, annihilates j it, tmd Buffers nothing
vithin twenty, five feet of it to blaze, :
: *Tn Indiana and'Ecntuchy there seems to be an
unuatial ecarcity of horses, and in; many in
stances these animals command os highas $l5O
per head.
' Seven persons made their escape from the
Nashville jail on Sunday morning week.
The explosion of tho Redstone was board at
& distance of eight miles.' :
. The Madison Courler says that $12,000 was
offered for the steamer Redstone only a few days
before her explosion. ■
It is nowofficially stated that the Suffolk Bank
has.lost $274)000 by the late defalcations of
Brewer and Rand. The surplus fund of the
Bank-to meet deficiencies is $300,000. The
amount taken by Brewer and Rami* was mostly
m stock speculations
The members of the Legislature get only
$1,50 a day-now, tho hundred days having ex
John D. QaarleSj.Esq., of Indianapolis,
died on the 13th inst., from a fracture of the
skull occasioned by ablow from some - unknown
person. He was a lawyer by profession. .
: SggU Dr. Stone, the sculptor, has prepared a
design for the monument to Smithson, to be
nineteen feet in height—ihe pedestal ten, and
the statue nine.
ggy* The population of Ironton, Ohio, 1 on the
Uth inst., was 1751 souls; which is an iucreaeo
0f521, or 42 percent, since the 14th of October
■last. ■
A man boasted that ho once hada brother
who was a rtvolvlionary hero. It came out that
he person spoken of was long on the treadmill.
. 07*190 you wont a ctoeap and goodXook
log Glaaol-If you <Jo,fco la WOOUIiTS, at No. 110
Wood street,next door w Davis* Attction . Yon
will find aiMooreVnot dhJy-Lookirig: Glasses in which
you can seeyourseli full size, as lame ttelifc.bataJso
every variety of flair, Nall, .'Cloth Sha>, Painty
Uasilog,Scrubbing nml Sweepfii? Batrsuss'. ilehasa
large assortment of Fancy and YarSctyGoods Pi dares,
andeverr article kept iu store* of a like charnctrr.
• Country Store Keepers willfind it greatly to their ad
vantage to give raeaeaU, cs l urn determined to sell at
eaehprices &s cannot foil to give *aii*fa£iion. > ... .
: Recollect, Moobk's, No 110 Wood sweet, Pittsburgh.
■' -;' apr&lw .
Jf7*Gomptimouiary Benefit* —To Basnet
WrLtuaw, Ifisqi •
• Bear Sir— The undersigned, tieshon? of showing their
nppreciat'tm of genuine artisMO tueiiuandni the same
lime of paying a complimenMo yourself nnd your esti
mable lady, for die plessore which has been ctfortfetl
themdurirvgyourenea?erapntat the Pitts', Theatre,
request'that you wilt select tome night before your cn
gagemtm concludes,which may le set npau for a Com
plunentarvßeneDt for yourself andfady.' Byso'doing,
afavorlwill ourselves, but
upon thh friend* of the Drama jrenerulJyvin lbi* city
JBUttlhrfe, Burk mas Steel, Wn»h*
fngtoh, A V Anshaiz.iJeo Afthdrs, Roily Patterson, Geo
Formne, Thos AI hfairbalUTtiDS Phillips, John Lay
ton, L Harper, Wra Thom, J3:Wmrhe«ter,CF Bur, 11.
Graham, M W Lcwl*,R Simpson, i G Hujes. Thus A
Kowley, J P Gtasz.C P Carr, O H Kinney, C PSMras, "
K Carling, Tho.Ow.’.on : ‘
St, CiunLS3 Ifotcr, >
4 ■ Pittsburgh, April UO, 18j2.y
Otiu'tmtn— -Your favor U received, In which you pro
pose to lender to my wife and self a Complimentary
Benefit at such time ns.vcould best ruil.ouFown conve
nience aud that of the rhaxiosrcment. an equivalent I am
afraid. fatßeytnd our httmlde fthibiies to afford yon
Wo accept with pride and pleasure your kind propo
sition, ami to know we have gaini d tee esteem of soch
gentlemen ushuvetnadeihe rrnuc*i,ts i wired an boner.
with yoar permission.! will name Friday cvcniig,
April ‘J3, hoping the time will suit yr.ur ernivcmriiee as
-well as curs.
i . 1 remain,very reypeetully,:
Yourobedierd servant,
To Mayor J U Gurme. and others. .
(D*Tbe Box Book is now open. [oprtLOil
ID*A Stroug Certificate*— From theSieubin*
yi Jc Herald, March U5,JBH.—The reader is referred to
an advertised eat InanoLher column, which’ gives the de
toihof a wonderful cure from the use of Vera}-
''Which is ceihfied ip have been effected, not in
Maine, nor in Lvtii.‘iana,oor in Oregon,but here, almost
in your midst. Rcadit,midjadge foryourtelvcs:—.
Public attention Is most retpeelfully invited to tle
plain.oavarntihed statement of yoaroWn fellow-citizen
Mr. Stephenson, whose, child was wonderfully restored
to health by ibe use ofDr. M'Laneyy«rmlfu|e.
; Cftoss CftEXt, ikot 'tVinttritfUi.Tcfot non l'o,o j
Murch fflUi, tbSt. J
; Mestt* 3. Kidd fc Co—l have a fiule boy three yeurt
old the 17th diy of ihl* month, that bus her n very deli
cate In health for sometime;. After trying a. great many
oihcr incdidur s. without receiving any beiiefitftoih their
u«e,T wasimiuecd to irvDr. C At’Lsne’s Amer'can
Worm Specific, or Vermifuge, as pat upbyyoar honors
—and wonderful la retain, after giving biro two tea
spoon* fall, ho passed. ICO ;wornif, somo-ot thCmv'ry
large, on 4 others n.n ibiekerifuma erramon siz-dfenlt
ting needle; ainco.-wbich time the .little fellow has en
joyed txcellenl health, and is at this time getting very
fleshyorfat. n* ihb old women- say. And 1-inuhi eay, f
believe that if he bud not taken the Verraifoge,Uo would
ere this have been consigned to the tiirnb. *
For sale by Merchants aml Draggista, in town
and country, and by the sole Proprietor',
J. KiDD k CO.,
apr23:dlwliw CO Wood street
At the Convent of the Sisters of Mcrev, in this city, on
Wednesday,the Slat inst., JOSEPHINE CUi LBN, M<*
ther Superior ofthe Sisters ol in this Diocese.
The rtihcra! will lake place at to o’clock on'SiHurday
(to-morrow) morning, from the Convent of the Sisters of
Mercy, Webster street-
On ihrSOtli inst, la this eittyJOHN HASTINGS, son
of Pcarle ami Ann Kouudy, of Jeirerson county, 1 aged 4
The cabinet maker and upholsterer’s
the rodimenfsandprin
oiples of-Cabinet Making end Cpbolstcryv.with fumillM
instruction, Ulauratcd by example, for attaining a pro-;
ficlency ta the. ART OF DRAvVINGEas appl'cable-io
Cabinet work; theproeers of Venturing;. Inlaying, and
Buhl-wotk; iheartofDyeingand Staining Wood,lvory,
Bone,Toric>lse-*heil r cic.; directions for Locketiit?.Ja
panning, and Varnishing; to make French Polish ;to
prepare the hestGlues,Cements, and Compositions; and
a number of Receipts particularly useful to workmen,
with explanatory and.RlutintUvc engravings For sale
by T. C. MORGAN,
. upr23J_ No. 101 Wood street.
For Sale*
cust street. Sih Wa rd, by 120 deep, to ai 24 feci alley.
The house is arranged with hai), parlor, kitchen, two
chambers and d .good cellar; the lot is neatly fenced,
has fruit ond jbaile.lrces, a grope arbor, and all
in good order.. Price low—terms .easy;immediate pos
sesiton giveu, as the owner is gOiiig west : '• *
8. CUTHUERT, General Agent,
oprtn . SO Smithfield street.
ANTED—A few men ofthorough business habits
?f and.good address, fora safe and Tesjieeiabie bu«t
ness; it U a hu-mesa tbat requires no capital;bat good
character, business habits and energy. _To raeu wnh
the Above a permanent buaincsarttnd the
host rf wages wilt be given. Apply.or address No 50
Smithfield street, corner qfThird faprfthtf '
'^ r *LO»T; v" ‘
A NOTE at four months, dated New Vork, March
2stb» 1852, for 81,044 6), drawn by James A. Mc-
Kmgbt to ibe order of Edward Lambert A Co., supposed
to be lost.. All persons are cnutioncd against negotia
ting tor tite same; , _____ l_ii [ap!i23
l>6oK3,Pe.moDlcAl.S, MAGAZINES, &c7*fAuc-
JL> TioN.^—On Saturday evening -next, April s»4th, at 8
o’clock, wi 1 lie sold nt.M’Kennu’s Auction House, a
and varied collection of Books, Periodicals, Mag
azines,; Revie wsy and other raises lanitouß hooks, being
a pan of the articles leviedon by thcSherifForAllegho*
nv county, omlordcrcd for sale by him on Tuesday last,
20th insf, wuli a variety of other articles. '
op 33 . • . IVM’KKNNAy Auelinnser.
O MUKKO BALftION—ISU- lbs Binokeu Salmon, very
O fine,just receivedand for sale by .
qpr93 , ■ Grocers and Ten Dealers. •
A/f ESS M ACKER Eli—Pronouncea-' oy goon juuges
i,Ti Superior to anything ever seen In this market, just
received and for sale by.vW. A, McCLURG & CO.,
; apr23 •. ■, ■ .• 250 Liberty street-
X Best French Medium ISiQHnchesj
do Paper Royal do;
do Doubltf Elephant 37x40 do.;
do in rolls of 22. yards, width 45 inches:
For sale at W.s l . HAVEN’S Stationery Ware
apr23. _ bouse, cor Market and Second sts.
G ARMINE. INK—Superior Carmine Ink; of French
manufacture, for sale at W.S.HAVEN’S '
■ - v Stationery Warehou*e,
apr93 ' ... Corner of Market and Second streets. <
RObL\DRAWING -PAPEH—Superior Druwiug Pa
per MtlongToliSjforProfiles,&c.,3oand G2inches
wide; for solo by ’• •> W. S. IIAVEN; Statiorier, 1; -
qprt3 1 Market B'reet. corner of Second.
CHAIR TOP^—Ryan A-McKee have ull Iliads oJ
Cbatr Tops fur xalo low.- Ryan’s buildings, ' '
apr23 - - - * 31 Fifth street. :
/'IORN IN THE bushels jast received and
\J for sale by JOHN B. SHERHIPF,'
_ opr23 10 Market street.
BACON— 1500 Cjs Hams and Shouiders in store and
for sale by. - ' : JOHN B &HERRIFF, -
npr2l . , .- . ~ 10 Market street
STORAGE— The subscribers haviug arranged Uie»r
House for the pnrpoie. are prepared to give safe and
convenient storage for a limited amount of merchandixe
or produee, on liberal terms, if appHedfor soon,
°PT2O. 124 Second street.
X W- ia good condition, for-sale by :•
. 1M Second .irwL
oO ®*, s F3, MED .OK CLABKT, (vimsgo 1SJ4;)» ppod
L . fo, sale low, lo close a oonsi.nmeiit , by : 1
rroninr IMSccond street.
H r eeiv ? d . eipressj finellitofGold
wUdv fio 'i fashionabtc Gold Jewelry,
S.rt.Mtrec,? lllnB ve,y chca P' <u,d taistake,^!
ts .
Cleveland and FttubargK Batiroa’d*
T» Cav«u»i T cbicaSo,
The new and fan Tunning atearacr FOREST CITV
leave* MonongahclawbaiCfool orMarkei street, every
morning, (Sundays excepted) at 8
at Wellsville wlinike Express Train of the Cleveland
and Pittsburgh Railroad* leaving at 12 o’clock, M-, and
arnvlug at CTeveland at C o’clock, P. M.,and connecting
with lbo •Steum'bo&t and*Railroad Lines for Toledo,
Sandaiky,. Detroit,• Qblengo, Milwauktc; Buffalo*- ana
Dunkirk. Fare to Cleveland. S 3 dO.? ;
Fof Tickets, apply, to JOHN.A. CAUOHBY,
Agent C. t l*. R. R. Co,
OFFICE—Corner Water and Smith&eid streets, (up
; stairs,) opposite Monougabela llouso. •
• Nots—Ry.tho OhionniPentia.* RailronttoAUi
ance, and the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad from-
Aihancc to Cleveland, the fare from Pittsburgh to.Cleve*
land is 81 00. Passengers by both routes arrive in Cleve
land at thtsamttimej andin theeamt train cf edrs:
. aprftnf, , •
V New Goods at UntitutiVZiOW Prices !
D . GKLGG & CO., No.ID?, north west cornerof Wood
• street ami Diadiend now opening their
second"purchase'••of SUMMER DRY
GOODS AND VARrETIES; wbiclibave been foleeted
by the senior partner with great care, cipresily for the
trade. - Oar stock consists inpartof French end English
Broadcloths,- C&tsimercfi/ CastinieretlCB,'Twceil3,Paii
nettSt'Snqimer Pantalbonery t T/immlngt;Pop
lins,,t)e JLainPSjLawnSjßerjges. tfcheavystockyFancy
'•Ptmtrvlatest style*.AlpHCoa plain bdd-fignrtd. French,
Scotch, oha Domestic Ginghams, Brown and3leacbed
MuclinSflOOO ddzlloMeryj Glovesyalarge and beautiful
eflsonmenij Pibbons,’Laces and EdgingsrLa
dies* Dress Goods, a .large assortment of latest styles '
Silk and Gingham Porasolsf Holland and" Palm Leaf
Hats, Oor stock of Varieties Is' very laige and com
plete, together v? it ban extensive stock of Gold and Gilt
Jewelry,Gold ;and : fcilver Pens andPemjilsj Clocks in
ffrealvoricty.; Our stock of Dry Goods is largo and cam--
nlete To which we would invite the attention of City
Ketoilcrs, Country Merchants mil Pedlars, ut we can
offer GOods on sucV terms as 'will make if an object of
their panicaltir uueiuirm.
' gprcMrc. ■ D GRECO 1 & CO.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office
of \yM A HILL k Co, Wood st,until MONDAY the
3d of May, for the ion sf a new MARKET HOUSE
in iheDlaraonrf, octnrding loihe plans recently approv
ed ofby the Connells of. the city of Pittsburg.
The contractor is to dooil the work, and font Lh all
materials,and give security for faithful performance of
The bonding Is to be finished on or before the first or
November next
Theold Court Home nnd Marketifoure adjacent are
tu be taken down by the contracter, who may. however,:
use for the new building such of the o’d materials as are
suitable nnd are approved of bv tie Superintendent. . :
• • i; /PAVME?tT3TJIICM*naASrOtfOWS: ••
Two thontand dollars when the Ist floor of joints ore laid;
Twothbttsnnd .do do 2nd do do: do
Two thousand do . do ‘3rl*do :• do do
Two ihou*aud do • :do toof in on;
Two thousand do do - bntlding is completed;
And the balance .n lwo.equal paymen s at four mid six
month* after the building u finished.
- Grrthe 20i)i of April the. plans will be. exhibited at
Ph lo lfaU, at 10 a.m, wlica uml where those iutending
to bid, can obtain the specifications in full. • .
Tbenainei of persons offered as aurcucs ought to ad
con.p<tuy the hid*.
Hy order of the Building Committee,
oplfrtw • WM A -HIM, Sec.
Kew. Stools of CtilekerlngV Piamo FoKeii
. JUST received. Uy.ohe Tenrtaylvarii*
Canal, anew Ptockof HI Alt O FO RTKS,
yyaTWnl from the celebraledraanafoctoryof
11 *f | T*CHICKKRING, Coston, 'coiurinirw of—
Owe Superb GUANO mNO HORm full 7 octave*,
aunerbjy carved in the style of l«o«iaXIV.
One Rosewood carved Muis XIV 7 Octave Piano.
• . Ono Rosewood curved round corner* 7 • do. do
Three‘ do plain do do 7 do do
Two do. do • do do.•'■ 6J'-do- do-
One do - 'do - do do. . CJ do . do
Ore do . carved- do- do ;f>|.do- do
Three do plain do .do. 6- do-, do
Three do do - square corner 0 - do- do .
These PIANO FORTES are alfraade in the mostsub*
etauial. mariner, Patent JronFrameto-every wistra
menltand are paflieuiarly.rto stand the mo3t sevrre cli
ciatc. r. Mr. CUICKERING. has of late enlarged his
manuCa'pmring-.faejntif s, and hopes soon to he able to
-meet most bT tbe'pjessUig -denmhd* for Iris instrument*.
Also, receivcd anil'for ??le, a i«rge and very elegant
lotof enreed andplairiPlainoFortes, covered with Da*
musk. Platband HairCtothf -All the above for sale at
Factory prices. ‘ JuIJN H. MRI.LOB,
Exclusive Agent for Pittsburgh fend Western Penns.,
for Caickering’s Pianos. r faurlS -
THE undersigned take this method of informing
friends, and the public gcaernU>vtbal they hive
been greatly disappointed in the issue of the. **Dally*
Union,?* in consequence of o. failure JirPhiladelphia to
ship the types iccessnrv for its publication* The breach
that has been made in the Canal will now cause further
delay; but we do not anticipate adel*? ofmore than o
week : The “Daily Union*' will certainly, appear during
the nexttwo weeks, under vety flattering auspices ; of
whichwe shall duly inform the public. :The publication:
office is at the south west corner of Fifth and Southfield
streets.: fapf<Ht3t| ; ELIOT, hAYTON & CO,
lioitery of the Best {Quality,
i T LOW be oblamed at the Fifth
ii, street Stocking und Uririetsbirt Manufactory.—
Those who like to buy really durable and beautiful
Goods,and at the same umu save two profits, should
ceil at thcMauufaciucer* and Importers, Fmh street.
bftwcen.Wood and Market. . : 8P - laprtl
1,000 Cases Straw Goods,
rpHE suhicriber having made arransrentenia with the
NY. for the sale of their Goods, nuwoflers for sale a
large assortment of STRAW It ATS hud BONNETS. *f
every variety of fabric, stvls and pattern, adapted to
the Spring trade, which will he sold by the package, a;
the lowest figure. Cates m »y bo assarted to suit pur*
chaser*. , " J . \V. ALDEN,
martltCm-niaw \ No.C3 Milk street Bostro .
vi. uouKiKSonm
-50 wood ptrvxt, «b*b vns ST. casams iicrrKt. 4
JUsiT leceiving and now opening, the best assortment
hrouglitlrt this city,with every other variety of Gta<s,‘
Qjectiaware, .Urluinnia - Ware,"Japan Watters,
Hanging and Stainl Lamps.Candftle.Twfl Ac. inwflo
S. cv Family Uama*
EVANS & SWIFT’S extra brand. 100 tierces, now
In atore. and for sale. Tue attention of all persons
wautingn reliable article. Usolieltcd to this tuand.
(Noarly.onposite the Spread. Eagle Tavern, l’liubargb.
11 EES K. JONES, Manufacturer and ; Dealer iu al
1\ kind* of TOBACCO. SNUFF audSEGARS.
Tobacco and Segars sol-t on, communion. fupr7?lnr|
fT AS alway s bn band a general assortment of School,
lA Miscellaneous and Diank Books, Ptintmg, Post and
Cop Pone^&c, whotasata and retail, No. IOTWood at,
below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh,Fa. : . : .
tCT .IVanted,- Rags anflTanners’ scraps nntfiriv
Watohsi r deweiryi 4&c. :
HAVING just returned..Jrom iboMastertt cities, 1
have brought with me due ot the most beautiful
-and careftftiy selected Stocks of Jowelry; VVatchcs and
Fanev Goods, ever o(Tcrcd:to.the Public,. Persons
wishing to pnrehare any thing in my line, can rely on
getting u good article. Ido not advertise to sell goods
t elow cost* n0r,50 per cent, cheaper than any honse In
tUhcity. r Givq me a rull, and Lam sure you will be
satisfied that l can sell a good article as cheap as any
of them. ■
Another fact I wish to keep before the people. II
yon want your Watch, Clock, or any article of Jewel-*
ry, repaired in tlie best maimer, this is the place jo have
ltdODo. To this branch of my bosmcssi will devote
especial attention.
JOUN 8. KENNEDY, 04 Market street.
opr7 ' ; Sign of tbeGolden Pasle.
A LARGE stock of the mo«t beautiful MANTELS,
made of the finostquality of. Foreign and Domes
ttoMarble, raanufactured by macblneTy, always ou hand
and taade io order pn short noftce, at prices ranging
from 815 to 8100 each. Purchasers are invited lo call
and examiue the stock and .prices, 310,:821 and 333 Lib
erty street, opposite Smithfield;
marl.4m. .... W. W. WALLACE/
liqnurtaat and Trae, * ",
JBOOBVER, Jr., Bee Hive Cfothing Store, No. 235
• Liberty street, a good suit of Summer CIO*
ihlng for S'J 50; and betier. GoodaVof every description,
very ; low for cash; Casiom'work mnde to order In
fashionable 1 style, and,on rcasonahie ierm-», :: \ aprj.7 ■
“ Deslrablcsitnatlou,
: A, GEN.TLEMEN of good steady business babits, will
J\. hear of a desirable situation, <salary liberal.) by
addressing " Box Office.” None need apply;
unless well qualified to take charge ol a Rctail gtoro.
Pittsburgh, April lfl, 1852.
Great Indaosments to Oaih Purehatersi
WE will sell our largo stock of of COMMON AND
that cannul fall .to please cash purchasers* All-oar
work is warranted. Our terras irCASH. . ;
eOUGH & ANTHONY havo removed: their DA
GUERREAN‘ROOMS, from/Barke’s Building, tp
Eaton’s Banding, over the Young Men’s Library, where
they will be happy to see their old patrons and mends.
opr7:tf ■
isA Kt*. A. iibECH respec fully asnaunces to the la-
LtA dies, nnd her cusiomera generally,; that she will:
have an opening of Spring Miiunery on Thursday, the
22nd mst. Pans bats of the latest impottaiions, which
forbeauiy and style cannot be surpassed. Children’s
bonnets in great variety.. Ladies’ heaJ dresses and caps,
.French embroideries ahd_ flowers, with.a variety oi
goods m her line. •■ • - • . . . udSMw '
/•'lOFFEKS—Received m No. 255 Liberty oircci, and
\j (ot sale at the lowest market prices;
15 bags superior Java Coffee ;.
.sdo . Maracaibo . do; ..
10 do Lagayra - dot
.SO do Prune Rio ' do;
; .10 do Cope- : :do; . . '
spiff , _ . Grocers and Tea Dealers,
Xl RANTS.—These are the finest flavored Raisins and
Caroius In the world, for cooking purposes, and are
sold, free from stems or dirt, at 10 cental lb, at
•aprab* ■ : in .the .Diamond. ■
EAKU BllFisKlOK bUAl>—
25 No. 1 Salmon) anil
'IS bnlfbbls. sToro ami for sale
by tnprij] KING * MOOBHKAD .
JU«a and Boys' Clothing Emporium •
IS KRMOVED to GOTHIC lIaLG, No 7* Wood ,t.
Slock lares and seasonable; work warranted j'prices
moderate. tTs study toy Iran. - laDrii*
/3.LOVES! GtOVES I—A. A. Mason it Uo. hare jut
\7 redcetTed SOD dozen of Hen’s and Ladies? Kid, Silk.
Li.le Thread, and Co ton Glares. : laprSS
HOSIKHV— A. A. Mason tkCo.lmvejiui feceiTstt a’
large assortment of Spring and Summer Hosiery,
comprising Sdk.Merino,mao mixed,Brawmand White
Cotton Hose.and HaifHose.__ :: ;:.-■.■■■■ ■ ■ [0p,22
:XSMBROIJ)EIUJES—Another "large lot or
J2i ies, consisungipf. Chemisettes, Undersieeves, OoN
iare, Cods. Ac., Ac.,in>t received at ’ .
nprt3 A-A. MASON AOfPB
&UUAR CIHIGP ilAjuH—lpiiercos Eva)a» arsSiHS
O land jn sure and for tale by ' * owm *
•'V'&Z - ■ ' . KliTO at MOORHEAD.
; ¥JIEATHIiBSr-lU.saci*Ky*F*athpf4TCcei't<ed-amiior
JP t ate by taprffi} KINQ &MOQRHE^n.-
—ISEJsI king k MOOBBEAO. 1 rtlfcK BONNETS -A. A.Muoa ft. Co. trtU opetuoß
-IWlidu ia «tore and farsaloby -'I *3, Moud»y,ltii> }Blh, twanty&ttsuof lie i«we»t«yle
STPABT*SJU<. IBUk8«im«!».
a l ppi»
'.'o. J.L r
A?* *
/ *
V ,
* •'V »• % -i ,> v,t
■v. '-..fc.'V
~ iir . *■*
round front. :~6 do . do
u* t, c. noauA«.
marble Oantilt.
corner of Seventh nnrt Uhcny sis.
'U' ' ' ’ _ ' •?,'“,.
•■ • • .'•,‘< ■-: - t - ■ •V ■• -:•■■ ''••■■
. • 1
Cb&mtoerlln'a Commoraiai
net of Uaritet nd.ThM iStrafuoaln
keeping amt Writing ijoih » n d wning. *L»dle»*
W tiling and etassee aneet Tronic to 5 in
the afternoon. The Principal. w iii attend toihfcSetilinc'
of Partnerabipßecks, ©ptningncwaatts* correcting Tlioso havingTieedof Msjnijfo'Vwm apply
at the College, - O. K. CHAMBERLIN, y
Principe and Prof «,f Book-lieenlnr
, P. It Spkkcbß) Profi of Penmanship. apfo
in* Protboaotary—-TTi? undersigned resnect
fally. offers himself as tjeandidtle for the Office of *Pro«
thonotory, subject tc ibe decision of ihe next Whig and
Antimasonic Convention.*
aprl7:d&wtc . JOHN CALDWELL.
* "r* 1
. Ladies*Classes—DulTsCollege*
drawing, umw Mr. j. b, williams,and Mr. f.
SLaTAPER, nr.Uin all tho: higher. branches ofairEn*
glish and Classical Education, ander Mr.V. HAYDKN.
Two spacious rooms have reeemly.bpen elegancy fitted:
up for their special accommodation. Call and see .the
arrangements I&prS
. |D* Dr* Zveyaer’o PsctorafCough Syrup,
LAiVKs—are ihc organs through which Respiration, is:
earned on. If obsiTur.tidus occur m the skiff, in- -ilia
of the organs übove naineH, from cold
crony olheroause. ilio other organ* are over-taxed in
thetr functions, and you have disease. Irritation or in-
in, which can only beretieVed by tatriog
a proper remedy, one that will restore each organ to the
duty proper to it
Dr. Keyier’a Pectoral Syrup U prepaied for the solo
purpose orbeneuuing such case*, and contains ingredi
ents which will allay and soothe irritation, dissolve the
increased secretion of mucou* which collects In iho
Bronehiai tubes, and removes any obstruction Rom the
Respiratory organs, and restores them to a healthful ac*
non. ; Heß is to; all; cases of Coughs,
uWheeziniryWhoopififfCoUgb,Bronchitis, Laryngitis ana
any other pulmonary dtseaseifdependingvon or arising
; from Abstraction.:,lt is sweet ana pleasant to take, and
way be given with perfect safety to the most tender in*
lanL Try it, and you will not be disappointed n
Prepared and sold by Dr. G. H. KEYBER. / -'
• at WsDnig Store, 140 Wood street,-
mar27:d&w Pittabuigb, Pa.
Nelson’s Daguerreotypes,
. . Post Office Buildings^ . PMrct Street.
T IKENESSEd takenin aU wcathers,.fronts A*M;to:
JLi SP, M.,ffiying an acenraie artistic and animate
likeness, unlike and vastly superior to the** com*
man cheap . .daguerreotypes, ” at. the followinjr cheap
prices :--$r.50,*2 J 00, 83.00. 84,00,35,00 and upward, do*,
cording to the sixeanduoalUy of cose orfroinw '
; Ip~ Hours for Children, from II A. M.tofi P.fiL ■ -
. N,B— Likenesses of sick ordiseated persons taken,
la part o<%c city. v . fncvfiKly
Bottsmla Oleii Works*
All., variety,. We bavc,aUo t on hand* Lightning Bod
daced 0W * ™ a su P er^or P*lwrn to any rbi ng yet pro-
Dcalcrs in Glasswnre can save from 10 to 15 per
cent, by giving ns a call.
•Warehouse, corner of .Water and Rossßireets,
feblo3m; Pittsburgh,Pa
1D“ Consumption of the litine«-~Symp«
WhenConsumpiion commence? iia work upon
the Lung?, hi Iu <a*aal form» tbe first symptom iaa
Coogfi. As the;'disease advances. the Cough becomes
iuneh more frequent, and is attended-with the expecto
ration, of matter, whicfi is sometimes colorles*, t>ot at'
others, assumesa yeUowlsbtor greenish hub, and will
ofieube foond mixed with streaks of blood. After the
Cough has continued for a Um6>- the pa tie nt wlll-experi*
; eQce, some-difficulty inbreathing,, accompanied, per* r
hapSi.wij tavpam in the chest; and frcqoonUr; in one or
both sides.; .The gubjeotto ahectic lever
and alternate.flashes of heat; ireqaent cold chills; aiid i
often with copious niglit sweats.
- .Thbse ihreatered with Consumption, should Lear In
inind.lliat^Wiatart.Balsam of Wild Cherry » Is the
remeov ihat Jma performed cutes of Consumption that
■ were thought almost miraculous—cures, which have &*>
tomthea tee medical world, and brought the bloom'of
nealih to many a pallid cheek, and joy and gladness to
many a despairing feorom. .1 . .
See advertisement In another column; •;
Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, ■
C. C. nu^SEvTptcddent.
, ' between hlatk'et and Wood tirtai, -
!D* In»nrre» -HtiU and Cir{A BI>ll(,
On the Ohio and MUsutijypi Rivero and tributaries.
_ INSURES against Loss or Damage by Fire, : '
,/LSO- Against ihe Peril,, of too Sea, and Inland
Navigation and Transportation.
1 Hussey,, Wa Larimer, Jr..
WiUiom Bagaley, Sam’l M.Kirr,'
HbefcDj,King, ■ ■ William Bingharii,
g°Mrt Dortlap, Jr., D. Dehaven.
S. flarbahtfu’ t .. Francis Seller*,
• 1 J*Bchoonniaker.
Waiter Bryant. „ Samuel Hea.
Isaac QaJ
Afioclstcd-FlroittsiiftMQliQranee coDpaii
*VJ°* city or ttltteborgb.
o/Sr S;^ n 3 a S aJn * l FIRE and IiISKS
Qfflis in mnongahelo Hum, No:. Kiand 135, Walls >i
_ nißKcioas: , .1.
W-y*- Dallas, John Anderson,: ,y=.
D C. Sawyer, R.B Simpson,
Wm.w Piig.r, H B. Wilkin,
Fnmcy, Charles Kent,
. Ji m . TIJ ” orilian > -WilHam CoJUntraroodr J
: A. r. Anslraiz.. * Joseph Kaye, •' :
William D. Wrighter. Jja9_
• '.Ej."pl2AFNKSS*itoiBet unhelieattfaud oil disagree
.able d*?eUarj»es from the ear,speedily and peimuncpily
xemo vcd. wrii bout pain ot inconvenience. byUr. HART
.LEY. Principal Aurist of the N» Y» EarSurecrvvWlio
mayj»e consulted atOOAßCllslrdet, PUlladclphleifrom
Tbiruca years closcand.almost undivided attention
to this branch of special practice has enabled bint to
reduce histreatment to such a degree of succcs» ns to
find the must confirmed aud obstinate eases yield by a
teady attention to tlie means pi escribed/ : {aa?f -
Pliubviffh lilfe tasnrsnes Cotapaar*
CAPITA!. 0100,000.
President—James S; Hoonr
Vicel’rcßident—Samuel M’Clurkan. ' -
Treasurer—Joseph S. Leech.
Secretary—C. A Colton. ■ :
Ovncs, No. 75 Fotraru Stbist; ':
lE3* This Company nukes every Insurance apper
taining to or connected waft Life Bisks. -.
Mutual rates are the same os those adopted by other
safely conducted Companies.
v Joint Stock Rates at a redaction af one-ihlrd fromth©
Mutual rates—equal to a dividend of ihiriy-tbree and :
per cent., paid annually in advance
Risks taken on tho lives of persons going to Califor
nia. ■: ■ ■ ■■■.. ■
JamcsS. Hoon, Joseph S. Leech,
Charles A. Colton, - Sarand APCluckan.'
Willuun Phillips, John A. WiUpn,
raarUrffn John Scott..
ot Butroid, cswi .
. ; Capital 5t0015—..3300,000
■ Aeaete.—.y. t COO
Offiecofibe Pittsburgh Agenoy imho Store Boom
of M’Curdy A Loomis, No. 59 Wood street
nov4:tf R. If. BEESON, Agent.
; Designed only for ibe jorerelossesofpropeny.hoij sn
capital, and odords superior advanißgcsdn point
of cheapness, safety .and accommcdaiion, to City and
Country Merchant* and owner, of Dwellings and isola
ted or Country Property.
.. ■ , A- A. CARRIER, Actuary, •
novXS Branch Office, 54 Smithfield at, Pitisbargh;
KP Odd Follawa’ Btqi. Oitm Building, Fourth
ttrtit, betvitn Wood and SaathfiM sintu.—Pittsburgh
BoMmpmenl, No. 2,meet9lnnmiDdTnesdaysof eitch.
vPittsburgl, Degree Lodge, No;4, meets Si snd4ihTnc».
■Mechanica’Lodge, Not. 9, meetvcvcry Thursday even
Lodge; N 0,24 } meets every Wednesday
evening. * .
. Iron city Lodge,No. 182» meets cycry Monday ev’ng.
. Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 360, mceu every Monday
«veolpg, al Union Hail, corner of Firth and SmUnlield.
ZoccoLodge.No. TOS.meeiscveryTkursdayfivenlnir,
if their Hail, cornerof omithfield and FiCh streets.
Twin City Lodge, No. 241, meets Friday even
jng. Han, cornerof Leacoek and Sandusky streets, Al
legheny Cfty, £may2s:ly
. CT Aageron* Lodge, I. O. of O, F—The
Anterona l-odge. No. 259.1. O. of O. Fmeets every
■^ Washington Hail, Wood street
■ |I * ■ ■ .Cl ,A« 0»: IJ* .
Board of Trade Rooms, corner oi
Bm * Wood streets, every Monday evening.
jiKT A 'floit RtmarbahU Case of Tot*]
fillndnesa .Cared by Pctroleumi^Welitvhe
Of both vi e , e, Lf Sh C ' ea y« ors With a soreness
•fihbW c „ oDliimt<l to increase until lastSep-
ToTvrtl , i 1 l ,^!.i 0 l v fl , lunranl!on al ‘lm l time having in
ended membrane of both eyosfand
i e .°^ a lh,< * *!».which wholly de
*■ I *' l , d an operaiion performed, and
rn? {SfiS”!! 1 * ren *pved,whjch sooo returned apei left
®: ndli - 01 , 1 ** before. -Avtbla aiageofihe
em?n P »M application to several of the. most
Hepunent medical men, "who informed m« that u mv 6vri r
would never get well” At this uroe I could not/diath.!
Si U < n ?i,! bi<?ct- t a J !t!!* advice, of some friends 1 coni
te»flt 4 imn^. 8 2.l o ' , ! he PeUo l Uln * both internaily and
oyes have lm P r b y eddaily uulU
i»^ p if^™ t - u?n tv 1 have recoveretTiay sightemire
: ifctJaJi,?? 11 .? wasi very.mnch improved by the
??W''am,andlatinlialjibe restoration of my slehtto
ifs-Tm 1 '5 Blde aI No. 102 Second street, in this city
S?ere tbe^^10 i *‘" l
. Pi«rlurgA,Septemberl7,lBsl. LUAM UALL ”
H £ r IELL?'B-r? ! ’Sr E 0; H KEY3ER, 140 Wood abj
soplB LEBS ’ 57 Woadt ‘™<>Haad by tho Proprletoib
ttS7rfcSlr.^!*?V^ , * T ® l#ceo,ldeel,, >(tiWaihlngioß
l, Pm2S^2 l ? et > , ’ e, l? een 5, h and Vlrgm AUey.
No - 330—Meets every fueedsy
T-^ c *? Tn ‘? Eltl: * Mntl » < T-No.67—Meelslst and3d
tTlaay of each month. aarffr- Iy
JIT* In calling aitcmion to Dr. GUYZOTPS Tmprovtd
extract Ycliow JbcSt and SanopariUa t we feel con fi
lent that we are doing^ ■* service to oil who may be-of*
noted with Scrofulous and other disorders originating,
n hereditary taint, or from Impurity of the blood. We
fiavo known distances within the sphere of our acquaint.
tanCej where the most formidable dutempenr have been .
: cored by the use of GuyzoWs ExSracttf xelUrto.ZbCMXtnd
-It l.eneof the fewadvertised medicine, that cannot
■bo stigmatized with quacbery, for. the “ TIBw, Dock”
and the u SurtapaHUa” are wsll.fcnovald be the most
effieleni, fund, st theeame time, innozuMUlegents lathe
Whole AWrnaiAfiiseoiißd byfar the best and peteitpre-'
oaraiions of them Is Dr. Gunp&x XtS/av Bach uni fiar.
Oyerffia.; See. advertisement
- i A
• • : !■. 1 {.l ...
*-J‘- *f’ •• ..
•'* -ffZ'i* 'V'.‘ •jV—-'”-•
V' ~ ~ v 4 l ' %
Lsuss Atm JtiUifAOn* ***••• •* JOSEPH C. FOSTEttf
—Piicu ef Admission— First Tier and. Porqaetto 60o;
Second and Third Tiers 250.; Reserved scats in Brets
Circle, 75 cents; targe Private Boxes, entire,fl Bfio' f small
Private boxes entire, £5,00
Doors open at 7 o’clock. Curtain rtaes at ?I*
Complimentary Benefit to
_ »©I7R R£W PICCSff.
Mr. .Barney Williams in four clia/acter*. .
Wflhoma-in four characters,
r*S? « ' EVENING, Aprir 2tfd, 1854, will t>» POT
rorattfl a na» Comedlcfta.inUlled
nil"! Yankee help* with nDownKast
.1, “ ■ - - ■ : Mrs. M. Williams.
‘ - Mr.Kemble.
Alwr which a haw Farce, called
™tt,’ S.' . ’ . W h! B.Wi!)i,m»
To coaclade the lat Actor M ™' Fr,,llip *'
Roxllook uow open, where «-ai,
J# M. JUKB’BPllKHjTciIConsr
Thz .Largtst and, Best .Troupe. vMfie : World
™a sssfflitfs&alS
DAY, April SKd, id front of iho Afterican Hofcl P?S
street, Pitulrtiririi 7 rca “
whom aTe; Mile Louise Ton mure atid Mila
{Jo*ephinOrWho ho»u the hlgbcsfranki : A fall rf* ■
bautty romprwing- Irene; Cefinv FrrinV nnd Aoga*te *
ilerr Krsr, the celebrated (Jennau HfTCUles who will
bteak a tpek toith his jiu W< WopSEi* the fa- v
vonic Clown, whose■ wit will sc: the Arena 7 in a roar of v
mirtb. Arm-73P-o>o ) «nmcßßv Mnncxr; Swsur, and o
host of others compare r.lhe company, under the skillful
direction of Prof m. Johnson, Willis i* leader
ortheOrchestra, which is worthy of his high repntaifon.'
Doors,open at-7 o'clock, Performance commencing
*l7>.o’clock. ■ Admittance SS.ccnu*. ; • |spr22
ijl huveilic honor of giving one 1 week: more of his
comnieneing Wednesday, April2[st,andovery evening
durmeihe weefc.lforwilt offer. forThci first time in this
cnjr, the Nightly. Illusions, or the Sorcerer’* Temple,
extraordinary and- entirely unprecedented 'Scftmififf
IHunOns.eonslsUng of experiments in Chemistry, Pneu
mmles, Optics, Electricity, Natural Ph!losophy,-&nd
! For particalnrv BBe the bill# of tbe day. J . ' '
. ; Adn7is»on, , i3<.'fms. :i)o6rflopf irut 7'; comffl<’ace3i at •
Ulf pa£;?. w lapr«l:lwj ' JOHN LOVB, Agent-'
Curtain Trimmings of Kvery Descrlptlois
-83 J Furniture Plushes, lfrocatelies, Ad.; Lace'and s
c Muslin Curinins} H. V. Painted Window Shades,' '
Gilt Cornices, Curiam Pan, liand9,4c. 4c.,
A* WuotssiLe «ur Rnin ■
W.II. CAHRYL, IG£> Chestnut St., cor. Fifth,
„ E? Cortamj Mail aniTrtmmti tnthe Niuat French
St V- e - ufniSO.lj*
Straivandtfancy jniljlucrr.
„ _ WHS. SI. A. h.h'.n,
ltQ;.2lSout/i Second-Street, Between Hat it l and Chalnut
TIESrROTFULLV Announces to the Western filer.
jLv chains that she; has opened jhe most splendid •■«*«•' :
eorunent of' MILLINERY, chiHiitlng ofilic newest and-' •'
raott Faahiimubte Straw and Silk UoiiotU lhcßsCens,
4c,.Ac. She U prepared to-fatnlvh-orders to ofiy -
amount maT2oiS(tt
a* h. ie.aiiun;a f “*
. Manufacturer aml Denter la
Transparent Window. Shades, Oil Cloths,'Cords,
Tassels, -Brasses, sc.
No. CO Nonrn Tmno Sireit, Ft£iL*Dßtptiu;
« ■' • ■ ■ ■ - IDargOctini 1 ■ ■■■.-'
J«S.J6AUbIC'S , ,
_ AM)
I>to.miO Chestnutßtnti
>. AUq, Rcrtorng PnlnUnga. . ■■•••;»■ . itnattfp-.Cnil '
rsMSS 8.-smith.::::::::::::::icon8LD. •
Book Sellers and Blank jßook jUfanufacturers. "■ J
5 -v fSten of the Lorca Blank Books,)- •
2f0a307 Itiarfcet street* AbovefTifth,
(xortusidb) PHILADELPHIA*
lj AYE Always on.hand, Cap, Demy, ftl dimn and
JLb Royal Ledgers;-Journals, &ay T Jnvaic&and Cash
Bookp. Aldermen’s Dockets, Minute and LciterDooks, ..
Memorandum,- Pam, Receipt. ; Copy and Cyphering -
ALSO—A large assortment of Medio&VNiseailane*
oua and School Book*-.
■ lE/" Country. Merchant?,. Bookseller*,--Banks nod
.Counting,Rooms supplied with every vanety of-Blank
Books and Slntionrry, atverylew pnccp; (rnutfOOni: -.
M. A. BOOT’S l l rmaium D»OUKR-
Ho . 140 .cnrcsiNUT street, .three doors
A faithful portrait of a friend .gives us pleasure, even'
.while he is Hvtrig r rhQUgh absent? holwhen he ispnrfad :
-'from us by death, iu value h Incalculable. V/e have
i«irery facility for falling Daguerreotype* of tho largest
eizoprodueeii in lhU conntry,- Anafor cur ability to
pioauce such, a* are at leapt; unsurpassed, we woaldap- ,
peal fo twelve Prizes awarded us at the Gr£at Farrs—-to : ‘
attestations of living AtUsls—and to the Pablie Voice, ■
eonfirari&g both by apatronoge tummnungia nearly 50.- ;
COO Picture*. s
. We would TespeCtftlly solicit a visit frcm nll (whether
desiring: picture* or not> m cur Gallery,-.14U Chcsuut «*■■•”■
/whether ouy strictest personal attention will be given —< •
Pictures at all jtriees, and pm up in every style enher for- •
Case or Frame.lnstruction givenlntho An ondlnsuu- ■■
jnemsofthcbbst quality,for sale. Also,forBa!e;Kighti r
of taling “Ctuyoc’llNe urea -' • -•./ j --.' • • ■
A few from many ttyluons of Artists:
rt _ - -t * Ksw Yobh. Dep £0» lßst.
u i)car.fcir:- r -Hji.vingli&o.occiMlon to copy from your v
PaguerrrotypfSjtve l eg leaye la congratulate you upon*
Uie proficiency you haveamdc townruß perfection iit
btautifttl art V:- • > ©ANI'OBTII, BaLD *V CO.* " •
..- Baiit-Note Hngr&vers, of JVewYork & Phlto.* ; f
..VI have :loob regarneU-Rf;A:Foot os /As eny ;•
&dsutTriotypt Aitist m lit tcuntryP .
v-- EASE, Encttver. "
“ Mr. Root's ‘Crayon’ pomoltsXconsiaerlhpvmzwtr- •
fiction of the Daguerrcotype-Ari” - 4 .•
■ J.JIhNRY UItGWNj-Miuiaiure Painler. /
v For beauty ntul richness of tpuo; jadieiAus urranim
inent of light nml thsde; and ta.*tcfuLarusiic manasd*
mei.t of all occesMqns; Mr. Root's Pictures* in my tudg
rarnt, are unsurpassed. : J.'JL LA MB DIN. -
i. -' - _ __ 1 Prtrfrtut. Painter. ...
. u To characterize RoolY* Crayou^or■* Yignette’heada
by word.ilh tocallthctrt-i-atlhcv trclv- ;
are-Wrarim.” JOHN SARTAIN. '
.. rnartiOi-lm. > • : ~
No. tSD Chestnut stotti;. story.*ppotit(U&uonic Halt
Jlavo received Uieir
A..ND.will conunne ioreceive, byevery arrival,tie ■
.4*- ioicsttiyldsftom I.ontfouondPariv.'TeMonPvis..
. itng.the Eastare invpedto ea’l *
b CS ihem llie ' ale Crm of Umds ABaggs wilL
; Philadelphia, IdoTah Zl. 1852,: , roartlffilv
„ h™ atuilaeiry tlooUsT -
rillila Uadcrsigned is now receiving hU SPUIXG
1 Snpplv of bfILUNKRY GOODS. Hma.sJiSint
wdUnclade every variety of Ladies’ and Girts’Straw
goeners.oflhe Newest Pons and London StyiesiJJqysr
i l [bts, Fancy Slraw Trimmings, Gimp, Slraw
CordB,&c.- Alsc,:l>dnnet Ribbon?; from No. ii to 2J of
the very latest siylesj rtlaele Silts of all colors, for
casing Bonnets, from CUcalls la SI per yard; Whim '
[ and tfo oied Crapes TaTleuns, lllanSn Nells, Black
Silks,Bombazines, While andCoioicdSjltLaco.iiacV. :i
ram, Crown, LiomesiAo. “ 1
and Miilinera will fin l it to their ndvon.
tageto give him a ealr, as tlioy will be able tq (nil at
wLnety&'hu^. o '^ lo in
maffiWm. N°- a > SomU Seemidgire^
. it. a. enooKjcu & 'cokT —"
■ -J/nportera, Hanty'aclurera, and Vealeriin
&nd!4:9-CAtjfuurjsfrr««t. ' •» v . -; ‘
» -» - 0> South EeeonfEtrntf
('Vest side.) PmADBLPHU:
njflttffclv >
„ __ _ Jsjau JUaktum &"(io, . .
So. BTSontb Beeon*str*«t, Pmiiaeibkiß-
OF rRS?P Rc . OA , CH AI^fi °ARJ3UU.DER&,
Aa-iiet Shoe Manufaclvrne, Cabinet Molten.
Upholstcia and .
—— martftSxa
, w “saaf ?'
-■ margo
Choice T«a« ond Fftmllv g>oa»»i«b •
TITK W cuW «,p e «f,ir y coil ihf auc„°o""o ie
• Rnd ylcjixity Whddre wish. -
uig to obtain at auy nine a ttack'd qaamiiy of choice
Famjly Groceries, Teas. 4«, } id ooradverliwfficmW* 1 '
1 I. ol * in *aying : ltwill he grpatiy -tp iboi**
if or even to make a special trip *£ *
p l l, l ad /U'hia4° a.ftll Hncl.selectattclianicle**a*they««» .
xr .our extcnatvQ and well selecicdas*Grtaieii& - >
•Jf fJhndr-.wWcbthey canparctoto
i or percent cheaper thiuxin
iP?^ d 4?a*Ucfl-->. ;
, * ar attention paidtoTVa*, \2ome o«*ceandyoawiJs ■
conie again.. Catalogues comatniflga list of the vanoo* '■
articles iu store may be obtained attlie office©/ this pry* * -
per. ’ ' - COLTON £ ttUIUV -
Grocers and •
N.E;cor.Chcstnm \
mrtO-.y l \
. ~Ho:llsQ.Cht3tnul UTtn. aluxt lunlh) rhuadtlphieL
- tOUtH *»>*» .
* jrYFFEßS£brsale,atßrdDced Price*, afine assortment
\J of Beady Made FUENJTUJRB, of gogerfor W<Jri£
raansbfov-conpnsisg all the Jaiest Earopfian *
; ; 80fii9«'.T«ie>a*Tetev-Chunf.iud';Biegera»:'::Ai sc
Tablet. Extension BuunrTables, fterrcslnseni !Jfablf*a ' ■ r4
MosfcCates.Tiaito Stools, &c. &e JUUUCB * *
PreMloc-Boreans, YVnrdrobes, Bodsusoilj.lif '
I boihofflMrimdSprlng—aflnoB*Uele. *
!. : Jut opened, a flue assortment of BROCHatpi t r>n ■•
Extra seven-noerters wide, and narro w xoid STri»
of nll lhe following colors, which are very d^!?,?£^ b »
Curtaln Dancioga, viz>.Cnms<JiittndGarnn>^ , i^ lo ' for - ■
god Coin, Cherry Damask, Bio, aSd
•-•*'■■■ - ■ ■ • , ' ■■•"."« fintfgOiGm. •
WUCOOK) ao«EUs A •.» A , __
a*. 7 Btnuh Third that, K’raffSW'
TMPOHTEES of Straw Plans,
1 eial Flowers; and ??. ana An,B *
Bonnets, andalf articles in tboStrawTMdo l l£n
offer M Importers' and Maotffactirers’
vantage fo to of V Ie M» v - •
porter and ManulWnraV* “'Wet/ram the | m .
1 • i • •'* ...•
1 -— — •'.
r-: s). v if-y.^‘;A~ v --J-
r ■P > *_
5 , ,»• T r
r c 11 * -
V, ' i
* ' y
1 1 '