*" ‘' .'* w-' 1 s ‘W'r; u - „ 1 TaT"" J - * , »T • K * i V T> 1 **l*• - ,tl. •< ’ »-‘.t ♦"•i*-'? >v_“ - - "„ f ‘ ,’* fvS "l ’ " <■ ‘■‘fc' vT ** * \\ t ,v * - ' - » • > % ~ , *■* < I* t yc-v «* V *+■ *v \ ,» fc . •• -*• *■*•>*■'•* „ . i „ / jk d , V a*- ? * rk ',.< " *■ ' -v - ~, ' ♦ - t *> 1 \ «^- v ' , * h £■v* „ >’ 4 i 1 ,»-v ’ »■ - *-* «,* -* 41 -> ■». t i / ,ir 1 ? * n ** > >• ■* t * i/ i 1 s 4~, ‘ L 'f V*lVy'—, '* * ' * * J J h -" * v , » * \ * ** , ’2’**** % >h s v 4 A „A *8 .*» .-A*/-?? e ,\ ? ■ '*' * v' KifV^ - * v \ ' * 1 y -s- ■* £*fi*±*.*4 j* *t-'}'*' x - v, ‘ ►’ if' - t' 1 ; »•. ’, rf* !? ** V < '■j f 4 -* r sw^^''r- > V- *t ;,v ’'A- "fe' ’ ‘ j'' I ','!-:' ; u,^,v ■■■' -- - ■ *. '•■■. ‘V- • -.:* • ‘ :.-■ '• n r; r * '*’c *»,' tv * >, ? >/; J -i. f t*. v 7*• . ‘ * - ' 4 * * fi' a; 4‘'- ¥3- '* v -‘ V VvVi&tS i‘\" v C- iV • iS'S^^Si'V» ; *- *-V -wAI MMi {S-J Wm mss^SM Wm^ms^ss^ssi: W9^MisWM®sm tewM &*#M • AS <* «fc?J*J» rt fj *P*s*i *? £ <& f£jJJ|**A Apm si - ißWlfetegltefM ■ -™ "“.ifc. "*^. « Will ~ & D tJEEGG A .... »■*, »jiv’.*t„ <*» w, Vi v '^ * uv-**' i^t»-»lje-. #: s v > " ’ ftiltjlfiofliing fW- 55w555pat 21 OKJj’ICK. . THfi CITY OF PITTSBURGH N rv»m 1» < *** • £pn imm t n. .... o i 0 r. 1 1 0 ... 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 '. 1 0 0 1 0 1 .., 0 1 Acuta Bronchitis. Disease of Brain.*... Disease of Bunge... if0ae1c5.........T"vv Marasmus Pneumonia. ‘ ■ Spasms >■■■• Tympanitis; •• Unknown Disease...... Teiicular Bronchitis.., not: given...... ; ■ Total ........... 2 OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE', Under 1 --year'*“3 From 80to ■ - 0 From Ito 2‘«**«***' *‘s u : 4010 50m*—7**rr*{[ «:j S w ■'**:-;r SO tD 60 *'•••*• rVO « 510 1Qv.V».,0 ,60 to 7D‘ “ to io 15» •. .v>*. ;v.; .1 « 70 to .80* • y 0 »* 1510 20 0 *« 80 id 00 *0 •* :«01030./.*..^►».»*> •••««•-. 9010100 v*v*» /By order of the Board of Healthy. _ A. H; POLLOCK* to the Board of Health. THE RIVERS. loesdav Koosr.—Since ■ our last report, the heigthnf the rivets has not varied much. The foliowingis a statement of; the .different stages of ’water daring the riBO: From 12 o’olook on Sunday to 12 on Sunday night, the water raised 68 inches, 6$ inches an hour; the next 12 hours to l 2 on Monday, - the rise was 82 inches, ornear :ly 7 Inches on hour; from.that time,until four • O’clock 6n‘ Monday.aftemoon, It.ayeragedifour '• inches an hour;* from that .-time, to 12 at night, it averaged two inches- per hour. This was the .■ oalnu no ting point of the flood, and at 0 o’clock -yesterday-morning, the' river Btood at the same - .height that it did at midnight on Monday, and, at 8 o’clock, A. M. it seemed evidently receding. lt continued falling at a very Blow rate, until the water hod fell about eigUUnohea, when the river seemed on a stand. Fears are entertained, ■ that the heavy rains of Sunday and. Monday pill t bring it np again. The water, high aa it was, wanted nearly three feet of being as high as it WO3 during the great flood of 1832. We visited, yesterday afternoon, that,, part of . the city, which lies ou the bank of the Allegheny, and found tho suffering among the inhabitants ■ very great. In some of tUo dwellings, near the river, the water had risen to the second story, and in many others, it has covered them entire ly, except a small portion of tho roof. It ex tends np the streets and alleys, leading from the ftHftghei financial mnuager, as well as a spirit of ncoommodation, as agent for any.kind of traveling amusements. The agent for Miss Catharine Hayes, Mr. Blsh-neu, possesses all these qualification in on eminent degree. Hois a gmilmtan —obliging and pleasant in his deport ment, accommodating and practical in liis busi ness transactions. We commend him to the kindly care or the pross wherever; elso he may visit. _ Braddoch’s Fidi Plank fiW.—We ave Sony to state, that great injury hnß been done to - this road by the'fioort. A great part of the planks, have been swept away, on the.road between this, city and Xurtlo Creek. The bridge over . Turtle Creek on the Qreensburg turnpike road, has been carried off by high water cm the .'Mpnongahela, ■thereby breaking the connection with tho rail road ; bnt boats and flats were qw’ckly secured, and no delay ofmny account arose, in tho trans. portation of passengers. . ' . ; The Chillicothe Fire.—Oat citizens should not forget the sufferers bythe Chilli cotho Fire, in the excitement consequent upon *ihe high rivers. Any contributions left. with. Messrs. Palmer* Hanna, will be remitted to the soifferers, by the destructive conflagration, in that. city, a few days ngo. _ The French Circtu, exhibits for the last time this evening in front of the Amer dean Hotel, on Penn street. To those who Irish to see the most daring feats of horsemanship, -and graceful acts in the arena, we would to visit Jane & Co’s immense estaNishmen't, Mr. Van Ammgt?* fourth lecture on “ The Cosdikos or the Cucßcnßs/’ fihowiag.ttat they are dead to> the great -work of saving mao, will, be delivered this evening dt Philo Hnll, at half past 7. 9,‘cloek.. .h . - J’ennaylvama Jtaitroad.— We understand thfit no evening will go oat to-day, on acoonnt of the. inconvenience that would, arise in the transpor tation of passengers across Turtle Creek in the dark. Tht Cincinnati arrived yesterday, from below, and reports- the river full of floating timber, bouses, &c. She got under tho Wheeling Bridge by lowering her chimneys to her.burrioane roof. BaTne y'Williams and lady, have been offered a oompllmentery benefit. It comes off on Frf. Ly, the 28d iMtant. See notice in another coJ omn. The Gas went rot in om city Inst night, about jTha Gas Works cannot go into ope. ration until the waters abate* • Death of Judge M>MU!a a.—We were compel* led-to omit yesterday, the proceedings of the different oourta of this . county on Monday, on ‘the occasion of the death of the Hon. T. B. .M’JIttLAN, both the District: Court and. the Court of Quarter Sessions adjourned in the morn* ing. Appropriate remarks were made r by the Eon. Wm. B. M'Clure, one of the Judges, and by Messrs.Flanefpn; Blaok and Darragh, in the Court of Quarter Bessions; and in .the District Court, James Call an, Esq.; announced the death of Judge M’Miilan, in fitting tevm3,andthe Hon. Walter Forward; bore testimony to the. many virtues of the deceased. After these proceeds ingS both Courts adjourned, until Wednosday. :. The members of the bar held a meeting on Monday afternoon, in the room of the Court of Quarter Sessions to take action in regard to the death of Judge M’Millan. The meeting was organized bycalling James S. Craft* Esq., to the chair, and Mr. Doragh, was; appointed Sec retary. The Chairman on taking his seat, announced In appropriate terms the nature of the melan choly duty which they had assembled to fufill. 1 Mr- Dorrogh presented,!* series of resolutions, which ho prefaced by a few remarks explanatory of i the feelings with whioh ho, in common with all the members of the Bar, viewed this afflict ing dispensation of Providence. - The resolutions boro testimony to the charac ter of the deceased, end the manner in which lie discharged his duties, both as a man and a pnblio officer; and expressed their sincere condolence to the family of the deceased for the loss they have sustained. It was also resolved, that the mem •bera of the bar would, attend the funeral of the deceased, us. a mark of respect ,to hie memory. A oommittoe was appointed to have the pro ceedings of the meeting entered on the records Of the oonrts of this county. After Whioh,. the meeting adjourned. The Lecture to-night.—The Lecture of Bishop O'ConnorWill be delivered this evening, atMa sonic Hall. Tho subject chosen by the Reverend gentleman Isa “Vmdicationof his Lecture of March 17th,' on ‘ The Influence of Catholicity on our Civil Institutions.’ ” ' The gentleman’s high reputation for scholas 'tio learning,andhis eloquence, will insuw a good attendance at the hall to-night. Added to thiß, the lecturers designed for the benefit of one of the most benevolent institutions in our midst— the St Paul’s Orphan Asylum. As the course of lectures delivered by tho several lenrned gen tlemen .in this city, during the past month, .has, exoited a great deal of interest, the . attention. of tho pnblio will not lag on account of the rever end gentleman again taking the stand. Gothic HaW.—This i3the name of one of the finest store rooms in this city, and is located on Wood street, between Fourth: and Diamond al ley. It is occupied by Mr. Cirr.sxsa, as a clothing store. Every arrangement about the store is beautiful, and marked with taste. ; In the retail storo room, the carving is done in an elegant manner, as also is the painting. We oonld not butadmire tho beautiful front of the bnildlng, i which is carved and painted in the moat graceful I style. The second story of the building is do- I signed as a wholesale room, while the third is very appropriately fitted up for the manufacture of the splendid garments set forth in the lower rooms. gSy* Wo desire to oaU tho attention of thepub- ■ He to the advertisement of our friendß D. Gregg Si Co corner of Wood end Diamond Alley. Their stock of Variety Goods is ono of tho largest ever brought to this city, and for oxcellcnco in quali ty, wo nro informed that it has never been sur passed. Their store is filled from cellar to gar ret with every variety of Goods that aro desira ble for use or amusement. We would request the pnblio to give them acall, and we are certain that all who desire to purohoso wiU get good bar gains. , , ■ . ■- ■ ■ Theatre —To-night is the last night hut one of the farewell engagement of Mr. and Mrs, Bar ney Williams, on which occasion they will each appear in throo humorous characters. All those who desire to witness these inimitable perform ers in throe laughable pieces, should attend this evening. • ' .■ ■■ ’ ■. - Assignee's Sale.— This morning, at 10 o’clock, will be commenced, at Daria’ Auction Kopms, tho sale of a very large and desirable assortment of Dry Goods, tho entire stock of an extensive retail store. Onr readers should attend, ns many superior silks, dress goods, cloths, shnwW, &c\> are comprised in the list. A Caution- —We would caution our citizens against n waste of hydrant water, as tho water worksaro unable to furnish a supply to the ba sin. The greatest economy should he used, by our citizens, in the use of water. Business an the wharf was - confined to o nar row spaco yesterday. Whatever the river did not use, howjver, was taken up by the wharf husi ness. Great amounts of froiglit were landed and the boats in port are taking in large cargoes. Cold ZfafA.—A man named Philip Wekel, laid, a complaint before Aid.. Parkinson, eharglngn man', name unkuown, with throwing him into the the river. Asiault aud Battay.— There were two com plaints before Aid. Major, yesterday, for assault and battery, but the: parlies were not arrested. Surety of Peace.— Edward West was committed to prison, oa Monday; by Aid. Major, on oath of Cmnelia West; charged wi th disturbing the peace. The Sale of broad cloths, cassimeres, silks, &c., wilt be continued this morning at 10 o'clock, at M’Cartoy’s Auction House. Committnente. —There were seven commitments to the county prison, t yesterday, for vsgranoy.. New BoaU.—Vio notice two now boats at the wharf—Ben. Campbell and Twin City. Recollect Monslenr Adrien, this evening, at Lafayette Hall. He is well worth seeing. For Cincinnati.—Tho steamer Cincinnati, Capi ■Boies, loaves this morning at H o'clock. c. Catharine Hayes leaves this morning for Clove ■land.- jßss?sn?%!fflSirw£ Diamond Alley. .■ . . ■ ■ ■■ Mew Good* ai Una«o«U.ow P»lo«»l «-v GKEGG & CO., No:107. north-west corner of.wood ■■l/.'»ue*t.«n4'l)i»taon4B«ey l Bi» n#w.wni®ft«r second -purchaso. of SPRING AND .SVmUDD P «J -GOODS AND VABIETIEB; which have been selected by iha senior partner with great flare, expressly lor tne trade- Our slock eonelsls in part of French and laigush uroadclotns,' Cassunores, Caihmercue*, Twocds, SOU netts. Bnmmer Pnmaloonery, Fancy Trimmings, Pop-. liiis. Be Lainer, Lawns, Bersges, a heavy slock, b aney Prints, latest styles, Alpacas plain and figured.Frtneb, scotch ond Domestic Ginghams, Brown and Bleached Muslins, lOOtt dox Hosiery! Gloves, a largo and beautiful assortment; Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces and Edgings; La- 1 dies! Dress'Goods, a large assortment of latest uyles_ snk and' Gingham Parasol*; Rutland and falmLeaf Hati. Oar Black or Varieues is very large and com- Siie mirelherwith an extensive stoex of Gold and Gilt Oryfcold Vnd Silver Pena and Pencils; Clocks in variety. 'Onrstock of Dry Goods is large and com fflta Ti which we wfluld invite tlm attenuon of City Retailer*. Country Merchants ond Pedlars, os we can offerGoorls on such terms as will make it nnobject of theif particular attention. aprdihOm. ■ ■ - VrRS'-ArXrEECßtospott'ullyi ennoanoe* to the la. MoiCs; and her customers generally, that she will an opening of Spring Millinery, on Thursday,.the '22nd Inst. Pails hat* of the latest importations, ' which *f?2«?,t-v and style cannot be surpassed. Children’* hmmeis io CTcat varleiy. Ladies’ heal dresses and caps, French Embroideries and bowers, with a variety ol floods in bet line*. ■ : r • • - - - -*—_ .■yrfcw VAf.KNCIA KAiaiWa ANU TUttKbV CUB; "nj arethe fineal floored Raisins and cur-ants In the world, for cooking pnippses, and are sold, tree from stems or .lathe Diamond. . Removal* • TTOUGH & ANTHONY Imve rettovefl ibeir. DA it GUERHEAN EOOMB> from Btirke’« Building* to Eaton 1 * Building, ovet tfieYoung Men’al-lbrei'y.'wnere they-wllt be happy to seo licit old pairom and frlendi. nprtnf 1 ■*-. J.. ■ • *. ■ \ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BY TES (PREILLT LIES. XXXIICONDKBSS-FiaßT SESSION. . . Washington, April 20. Senate.— After sundry unimpoHant petitions Bad been presented,.Mr.;Shields presented a po rtion from• Illinois, praying that the Wheeling Bridge may he legalized. ; *?Mr. Hunter presented, joint resolutions of the Virginia legislature, in favor of an approprla ; lion, by Congress, of sorip, to satisfy revoiution aty bounty land warrants,. ! Mr. Given introduced a: bill providing for a [ monthly mall from San Franolsco via Sandwich Islands to Shanghai, China, : The French Spoilation Bill was then taken up and passed—yeas 26, nays 13. ■ Mr. Gwin addressed the Senate .on the Defici ency Bill, which was then takenup, showing the extravagant expenditures in the Quarter Master’s Department, and strongly censored the adminis tration. Without acting on the bill, the Senate adjourned. . Houle.— The motion to reconsider the vote by whioh the House. on Friday, recommitted, with instraotions, the report of the Committee on Public Printing, came up, and. prevailed, thus opening the whole subject again. Thereeolatlon i to recommit woe rejeoted. Mr, Venable. offered a resolution that the Committee on. Printing con tract with the lowest responsible bidder for snob work os the present contractor has failed, or may fail, to contract. On motion of Mr. Gorman, the resolation was so amended as simply to refer it to the Committee, and it was then agreed to. ■ On motion of Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky, a select committee was appointed, to whom shall be referred all existing laws on the. subject of public printing, and that they report by bill or otherwise wbsd amendments may be expedient in to the necessary and prompt execution of the publio printing. The House then adjourned. ARRIVAL OF THE ARCTIC. Nkw Took, -April 18. The steamer Arctic arrived ate is o’clook this morning. . Coitosi Mabekx.—Brown and Shipley’s oirou lar says that Cotton has been very dull since the America sailed. The sales for the past four days have been 18000 bales, at prices, rather fsvora ble to buyers. : . ; There has been rather more doing in llio Corn Market, but no quotable change. Pnovisioss.h-Mi Henry’s oiroulsr says con? sidorable speculative transactions have taken plaoe. Flour has been selling at 19s. Cd. ; Wheat has further, declined from 2d. to 3d.", withfree saleßi Corn—Dull, at 28s. fid.©29s. for yellow,; and at Sos.(sjBla. for white. Bacon is in good inquiry, without stock. Some now Beef has arrived, but is not yet landed. ; Eronoh Pork is offered at a decline of 2e. For Lard there is more inquiry at stoady prices. Babe.—No transactions. Clover seed diffi cult to sell at lower rates. Bice dull, but not lower. In Tallow and Oils there is nothing doing. Tho Arotlo brings 47 pnssengers. The Sarah ; Sands, for New "York, peSßod tbo Niagara, bound for tho east, on the 10th. • The London Times, of tho 7th, announces tho death of Prince Swarzonborg, prime Minister of Austria, who died at Vienne, on tho fith, of npo- TOr steemer Birkenhead, was wreoked on Simond'a Bay, Africa, on the 28th February; she had on board 688 passengers. chiefly rein forcements to the troops at the: Cape; only 184 were known to bo saved. ...... 600,000 pounds of gold arrived at Liverpool from Sydney. The Parliament adjourned on the 19th . mat. Their proceedings were unimportant. FRANCE. Tho Emperor of Russia has announced that he will not demand the payment of tho 60,000,000 loaned to the Bank, but demands securi ty and 41 per cent, interest. A company is abont to establish a railway bo tween Lypns and Sardinia. The Council of State sits the whole year, ex cept during a vacation of two months, when a committee acts instead. The President’s speech was favofably receiv- ed in the Provinces. Tho Government of Switzerland has replied to France that she had done all that sho could In the affair of tho refagccs, without sacrificing (he right of nsylnm whioh sho regards as among the taostpreolous privileges of oivilized nations. Up wards of fifty refugees have,bcoaexpelled. The report of tho deaths of Marshal Radetzhy and Charles Kean, was falsa.. ; Tho Government organ, La Potrio, warmly ap plauds tho Japanese expedition. FROM MEXICO. Bamimoiie, April 19 The Southern mail came through to-night ns Into as due. , „ Mexican dates to tho 2d Inst., received at Now Orleans state that a commercial crlais'waa antici pated at Vera Crax. r. The discontent in Tampico .was unabated.— Tho Ambassadors of Great. Britain, France,. Spain, Russia and the United States had ad dressed remonstrances. to. the Meaioan govern ment against the unfairness of; tho Custom House regulations in Mexico whioh. raadojm ports at Malamoras much less than those at A era Crux and Tampico. To this tho President re plied that tho matter wna before Congress, whose members alone had the power of changing, the Taxpan hOB been made a port of entry, and people or Vera Crux ore apprehensive that Al varado would soon bo allowed the same privi- Guanajoanto the proporty holders and tra dors have beon foroed to lend $50,000 to the au thorities. i „ „ ... , In the Capitol, J. M. Revera, P. Santillan and J. Medina, have been'sentenced to dentil, ondM. M, Espinosa, to six yews imprisonment tor as sassinating M. Belstegrel. J ■ A contract has been entered into by the Ring of Belgium and the Mexican government,. for trnneporting fifty thousand Belgians to the inte rior of Mexico, where they will receive lands to settle on, or work for Mexican , landholders on certain conditions. -v , From Durango mere than 10,00(1 persons have been compelled to flee to other States, in conse quence of thoinroada of tho savages, and went of grain to plant. , . ..., . _ On the 18th nit, Guanajuato woe visited by. •w earthquake, which it was apprehended .must have been severely felt at Guodalajorn. _ : ■ -The steamer Franola Jones from Now Orleans, from Sabine river, hod gone ashore on the beach, and would be a total wreak. Her cargo was in a damaged condition. • , t , .. t The conSoUddtioft of the municipalities of New Orleans, took effeot on Monday last, Crist olios Cabman, the murderer of Nye, has arrived at Mobile in custody of tho offloers. FROM BUENOS AYRES. New YoaK, April 20. By an arrival from South Amerioa, wo hove Buenos Ayres dates to the 16th ult. Vincent Lo; per had been appointed Provisional Governor ; which appointment web extremely popular. The American Consul had made the firstreßO lute resistance against the pillage of the city af ter the defeat of Kossb. With tlio pßßistonce of six mariners, he Bhotdowa.two, andput tonight fifty plunderers. His example was fouqwed by others. ' GREAT FLOOD ON THE POTOMAC. Habuse’s Febbt, April 19. The KOvernmentworkß are.submergod, and the canals and railroads for many miles are covered from ten to twelve feet with water. It is froreii that the bridge will be earned away. At eight o’clock thie evening the water waswithlnone foot of the floor. Several bridges on the IV in. Chester railroad have been corned away. railroad accident. Baetimobb, Apnl 19 Yesterday moming a locomotive on the-Balti more and Ohio Railroad, near Harpers Ferry, exploded its boiler, instantly killing Thos MoMakln, a superintendent, and scalding the fireman and several others. > The canse of the explosion is.unknown*. FLOOD IN THE SUSQUEHANNA WBIQHTSYItLKp Vfk. t April The Susquehanna was very high this evening and large quantities of lumber floated down iho river. The'water was over the hanks at Colum bia and it is feared gfeat; damage has resulted. Baetimobb,-April flu. There have been no trains from Cumberland sinoe last Sunday. The bridge at Harper e!• cr ty Is much damaged.., The water is one too above the cords; It fell nine inches this morning and Ibeow on a stand. Johnstown, April 20. The Canal is very full, hut there are no Vreakß noar here It Las been raining herd since about half past two o’clock and there is no prospect of clearing up- llCr . Bedford, April 20. It has been raining since 6 o’olockP. M., on Satteday, and still comes, down as fast os ever. :-••• ‘yjy !’i> EUBOFEIT NEWS! 'VI , 1 'HiK'i* - „ it r * - .V.y-V: 'V^ A-t • vV* v V *■ -■$ :■ ■■■'.; ■'l >' I?v> ,i .•***,:_ - iV I‘iiieadei.ehia, April 20 fg ■ Gov. Bigler baa vetoed all tbo Sank bills pas* sed by the legislature. NEW TORE MARKET—ApriI 20. Cotton—Dull; sales COO bales nt former prices,. floor—Snlea at 4,06@4,25 for State, and $4, 81@4,44i for Ohio. I [Grain—SouthernYellow Cora ftt6Cc;,Rye,_«oo, Provisions— M«S3 Pork, $18,76@19,00? prime, $l7. lord, 9|@loc. : Sngar—Cuba and Matanzo, 6|@64c. Coffee—Maroiooba and lagnira, 9§c Whiskey—Prison and Ohio, 22|c. Stocks—C. S. sines, 1865, $1,06. COMMERCIAL. DAIIiIaV REVIEW OK TUB MARKET. Oinci or the Daili Moanurs Post. I Wtinndav, April SI, 18SJ. I The weather, yesterday, In the four part of the day, was more pleasant. Bot towards the close of the. day it again commenced raining.; Oar rivers on-Tuesday morning commenced receding slowly. Busineaiua yet is considerably contused. Our mer chants, getiernlly, Me bn*y in replacing, their; goods, which they were compelled to remove the day before. We are therefore again left without any transactions to ■note; '■ APPLES—SaIes of 30 bbis, from store at 80,43. FloUR—Sales very light. We note sales of 21 this, at @3,lB@l.Eltra 93,24 to 3,15. S'ored, 360 bblsj sites from stores by the.Brsy Load at- 63,35423,37, for sayerSne to extra. , - GRAlN—There is a brisk and iiicTeaslng demand for all kinds ot groin, and prices advancing. We note sales of 83 bosh, of EOr Corn otl!5}50; do. shelled at 45; 12 busli. dot 42. Oats— Sales of WO hash, from stores at 33. Wheat—We quote sales at 69 to 02, , X.ARD.OIL— SaIes oflObbls. ofNo.l at 73 cash. BACON—Sales 2500 lb> shoulder*, reporlodctS); 1000 Barham# at 64; 500 da. Bides 10 7000&5. plain bams at 9)010 ; sugar cured;Evans & Swift’s firm atll ty ihe tierce PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Of rsrr Witia ra ms CHAN.tBL. ARRIVED: * Steamer. Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville, a Baliicvßennet,Bro»nsvi!le. • ■:...«. j. M’Kco, Hendrickson, McKeesport » Thomas shrivor, Bailey, West Newton ii Gencssue.'Conant, West Newton. : S.Bayard,Peebles, Elisabeth. ii Michigan No 11, Boles, Benver. * I. FofestCity. Murdoch,iVVellivllle. a Cincinnati, Boles, Cincinnati. |- Julia Dean, ii Geneva, Iluslep, Louisville. ■■■■"'■ii '.'■Winchester,Mooro, Whoellng. DEPARTED: ■ “ Baltic; Benner, Brownsville. ;■■. “ Atlaoitc, Parkinson, do .. >' J.M’Kee, Hendrickson, Mcheesptm n Thomas Shriver, Boiley, West newton. Genessee.Conant, West Newton, “ S. Bayard, Peebles, Kltzobetn. Michigan No. 0, Boles, Beaver. u Forest City, Murdook. Wellsvtlle. •> Winchester, Moore, Wheeling. ■ fituietUi pMbuibnrgb wd Hockiug* yQh port Packet. ImSIBK The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A. ?. 'OSSSSRueter, wilt leave PliuVarebeyeiY Monday, at 3 tfolocfc.P. M.; returning will, leave liockingpoit : evenrTuesday*atoo’clock,A*M. , ..• ■:<• • PtSwogemaU ebipperamay celyon il.en’mon ac commodation andpromptness* \V. '» lnttt s ■ - ■ ■ No. Til nlQT.el street, Wat WlieollugJ i •fßf’ '-*»'■ THE new end splendid passenger steamer jMMHKwiNCHßSTEfl.U*intaajb.Mooag,Master, wlifrunasa regular trl-wceklV paeketbetween this city and Wheeling, leaving PitlsTtorgh every Taesday- Thursday and Saturday, at 10 A; M„for Beaver, Wells* villa, Steubenville and Wellsburgh; returning, leave* Whoellng for Bteiibenvtlle.VVeli*vill6Bad Beaver every Monday, Wednesday and Frldry, at 8 A. M. F«r freight or passage,having oosttrpassed aeiommo datloQs, a^[j^iyj!j?ONG” r CROZEH A Co., Agents, ■ ■ Water street. The Wlacbesteris a new side wheel boar, andmnhe lantest end finest steamer ever built for tha trade.. Pas se niters and shippers can depend onhor remaining in tha trade. I ' i , fdeclhtf_. * i t The Cno steamer ALLEGHENY CELLE gr Capt. VTa»» IlistiAj leaven tho Alle- for Fran IdinjeveryiiXbndayand Thursday, at Tht'fi li nc steamer ALLEGHEN Y BELLF.No 3, Copt. Jobs lUtraa, leaves l >e Ajlcghcny wharr for Frank- Tutsday aiidFnaau,aV4r.fti. * ■„ “ fot Freight or Fos*ngeaOppfy on Board troorVO For nuietta ana lioeiingpon. i <£BL2> : THifini!BteunerFAClFlC,Zahoob Me* •bgraHiSiU'.will leave forike aboveandintermedt ateporuevery T.HBKS2Mlf,at4ocloclc,P.M. For freighter No. 61 Water Bt., and 03Fromsi. . ' _J MN HOOKI»SO«'S FANCY CHINA STORE, 50 WOOS SIWbPTf SrtAß THB «T. CIUBI.VB.HOTHt- , . TUST receiving and uow.opening.lhe beet assortment J 0 f WHIT& STONE and FANCY : CHIN A. ever brought to tbit city, with « viiry other variety of Glms, Qu«Mware. Britannia Ware, Japan Waiters, So,ar Hanging and Stand Lamps. Candciebras, Ac. imsrOO ~ Boston ona'TSew r Tt'pfirtln-I'o J !__ riVHE subscriber is now receiving and oflerafer sole, L a very large and desirable stock of PIANOS, from | ttm most celebrated raanafaetorios of Boston and New T ° rk ”'NUNN I^ O CLAhK , S Peize-Msdai. Pianos.; .■■ £ Louis XlVtb style,? octavos,elegantly carved and finished all round,- made byNunns t Clark^ 1 C» octave, round corner, Gnd earved siloing music* rack* Nunns fc Clark ■'‘ -i' s'.il 26} octaves, round corner, and carved sufltag-music* i octavee f !ound cot Der. wUh Coleman’3 Sloiaa Attachment, ondpatenuunablereeds. _ *.■■ ■ HALLET * ALLEN’S Ck,issatu> Boston Pujps* l 6} octave, double; round corner, elegant moulding, now scale, and patent iron.frame. •« »i Aisiav# do do. J. B. BONHAM’S '.PIANOS, Nsw Y»s*. _ - -* , 1 4 octave, plain *qaare,ro3ewood. { ft 6 octave, round cornet, gothic lamet. 361 octave, square andiaolet. ■ . 4flfdonbloroomfcoTner, goihiolablet v • . IGrana CnnceriKttno;? octanes, new scale, elegant above roinUely lc gold at manufacturersprices, withoutaddition orfrelghi,*c. A written, guaranty will ibryrfyejt"-With each Plano, warranunplhe same for TIIEEE.V BAHS, and'be ao* nevrefutided. if the insuumettt i, J >< jj ?^g6Eß, Ct * * fauliy*. blgn of life Golden Hiui>, No. 101 Third B'recl PAPER WAREHOUSE. Cyrtto W.Flolil tt n rOM Mis SION MERCHANTS, no. i» cuff sTßF.trr, NEW-YOBK, 1 BE SOLE AOEMTS in Ac-Untied Statea for A Muiprati's Superlarßleaehlng Powder. ' -Victoria MllliXelcMaled Writing-Pnpeta. &11So S @.h^?chW^, ff P.pe,. 'fliey are oIsO Ageniefor the prjacipal '£***\j^ JKiSW /ass moat eztcbtWa and desirable stock of tfaperai.o raper materials ibalfifth be found in this or, street, and, the Lofts over the large Iron. Stores, 7 ana , * Their bui'n*a» la airlcity WholeKtlo I: and Writing Pa* enable them to oflhc oil Coodaiboth Foreign and Domestic, at the lotreaipmn* “paper'made to order, on? See or weight. Liberalad; vaneea made on conaignraenta of Paper, Paper wa cash for aithlnd^of DiAUOIIO/lIAHKBT IiOVSBi §SAtEO PROPOSALS offieo or WM A mt4**Co, Woo4«WnUl the of May, for the ereclloivaftt newfliAßKOT uOUah* in the Diamond, according to.the plana TecenUy.approf* caor bythaCouncils cftWll? of PiitBbargr. t - . . The contractor is to, do aU tbe ’work. ati malerialsjttnd giro tecuriiy for falihfuliieiformanoe of ■ CC TIi« baßiling Ulo be ftnUhed on of before Oie firel of > Hooee nndMarket llouseodiaqenuiro ] *n betaken down by tUecontracter, who mey» however, ; Use for the new bonding sachof the old£“Kiind entl t eanable and ore approved of by the . , PAVUBKTSTO BS SIASR A*POLbOWS. .... Two thou*and dollars wheu the Ist toot of Joints Twotboe.and do do 3od do do do Twotboaaand do ■ do 3*2*?® • 5-° Tvo ihflUi&Qd do > do TOO* la On, Two thousand do • d 0.,. ’building 1* completed} And the balance ,n two caualnayntema at four nud «U niontbeafter thebuildir.gufinished, .. t rin the fiOth of April the plana will be czUiuliea. at ph!io Hall, at 10 a. », when and where those intending oughl ,o M. COnU WM‘A. HILL. See. /“iOFFEKS— Received ai No. 255Mbeity_6lrceJi and Vi for ealeot the lowertraeiict price*; : 16 bag* eoperlot Java Coffee;: . ' 5-do Maracaibo do; 10 -do Loguyra do; : v 30 da Prune Bio .do; - 10 do Cepe w (.rciußG kCd, _ Grocen &ndTea Pcnlqia. ; "V\Fm. HlUjfcCU.^Manaffcluret!,are nowprep»rel " (0 rtarnt.n or erect Swtlor Iran atl the Finings, or llie baaV palwrn or matetlal-i-Oraer* left &t of Eiiolft A Co«»fl|l Wreet. «"BOXSa FIRST:QUALIiV OIiBMAM CUAK, m good commute ole hjsj BB & BANEi „ ' . IM Second street. W Second Sltcel. cri BBLS. No; 3 MACKKRKI..UI Mrive.ima ior .lii 50& t^ffe,mao ?b^^Rl XTOOD hu }u« received, by gjjjj'jSrelryl H. Chain*, and jomefine, fuhlonablo Qoia •Sfeh'hSiiielllns very c£e»p, and »o Matlcet »weet. \ > Pv . • AUCTION SALES. - Auction : €Rra. ' ' Til HE Undersigned, nfter.on Interval of four year*,has : J, . agaiit:;re«pmea-buBme»s; Havirie complied with uie requfaUiGiiß of.thMawretolaiinff'Sale* at Auction, ; andbaying procured a first cfaa* License as Auctioneer Tor the..Cityof, “ UtshUTgh, he offers hia services as such lohiainendsana ihe public- generally. "With an expe rience of neatly thirty years in this tine of businessihe hazard* nothing in saying that he will be enabled to gpre entire satisfaction to all those who may feel disposed to patronize hlntr . - P« McKtSNtfA, Auctioneer. Refers to the principal City Merchants. : iyP &uction—naiiy bm«», -A T the Commercial Salesrooms, corner o' Wood • J\, and Fifth streets* at 10 o’elok, A. ftl , a .general as sortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy J>ry Good s, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, fiats, Cops, Ac. AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. AI» Groceries, I Queenswate, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking GlasiesSf new ana second hand. Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac. . - AT 7 O’CLOCK, P- M , t Books, Stationery, Fancy articles, Musioallnatru ments, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods Gold and Silver Watches, Ac. .P, M. BA vIS, Ja3Ltf • 1 7-.. . .Auctioneer. p. K’iUlBSAi Auctioneer. A UOTION SALES—Every day iat Marun Connolly** /I Dry Goods Store, No. GO Market street, between Third and Fourth'streets*: The entire stock is now sell ing without reserve, at Auction. Sales continued, from Cay to day. until ail »««% ARTIII CONNOLLY. R M'KENNA. Ancl’r. p. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF A; DRY GOODS.STORE, • atAcctio-v.— On Wednesday Morning, April 21 at at IQo’clockat the Sales RoomsjComer of wood ana pm streets, will be sold by order of O.H. JFUpp.eyi E6Q.* As» stance of F. G. Hamtmght£Cte.,:xheirentire stock of dry goods; together With a large assortment of other faney dry goods. The above lotof goods will be sold without any reserve. Bargains may be expect ed. Terms at sale. ' W. G. MoCA«TNhh, .• aprld Auctioneer. 108 FRENC Tk Tl4 _ JPRING T AND SUMMER IN GOODS, oponed.nnd opening, including . rich Shawls,fromBsto 1 Hz' 8100 each. ~ Let every lady call and see this splendid production or imperial Chinese manufacture. . . “ Ltlces, Satins,Silks, Lawns, Beragea, Jianlillas, and Visiles, to match the Siawh. Ladies’ und Children's Millinery, Olovas, Rowers, ClothsiTuacna and Leghorn Hits, (Cenin styles.) Shirts,Coats,Sc. MonmlngOoods of ocery doscriptton, Madame A. Gosling, (from France,Vie lache monthly receiptor Fashions and Models, from J 0 "* 4 New York, at No 51 Si. Clair meet, and 108 Matltei »t, where ladles Brerespecliallylnylted to call. The trade supplied with models arid l.apri4 — ~ 1852. SPRING ARRANGEMENT- CLEVELAND AND PITISBVRQB BAILROAD, To CtrtEiASm, Torrao, S»ot)v»k», Detroit, Chicroo, .MiLWaUXIS, BVSSAIrtf Bvpttißf A.KP CHt* S'm» and fast running B'eamor CITV leHTf • Monongahcla rvhaif, Tool of Marke t street, every ciornlnjr, (Sundays MCeeptediat 8 o’clock—connecting Bt Wcllsrilie wiih lie Fipror Tram of the CleTelantl. and Piusbnrgh Kailtoad. letTlnff at 12 o’clock, M., anti arriving atClevelond at 8 o’clock, P. with the Steamboat and. Railroad idaca Jojl7 d cd< !? Sandusky, Detroit, Cbieogo, BalTalo, and. Dunkirk. Pare to Cleveland, SI fn For Ticket*, apply to - OFFICE—Cornet Water end Smillifie,ld BtreeW/(np stairs,) opposite Mbnortgahela House* i rrrNoxa—By the Ohio odd Pena*. Railroad 10-Alli* anco. and the Cleveland and Pittsbureh Railroad from A'iiance to Cleveland,tho fare from PiUsburgb to Cleve land is 84 00. PasaengorabyboiUroutes airntin Line* l&nd ot tht end inihs sen'll train often. : ' • • - ■■ r“ KffiW OLOTHISttHOUSE. EDMUND WATTS A CO, . MERCHANT TAIfcORS, lB5 Liberty street, gbova St. Clair, . . HHVRbpened a new Cldthini Store* at ih« above nlace. and r now, receiving ft splendid-lot or is ct they will he. aWe to give tholr customers entire satisfaction They.nteoWsnanufaetu lot of READY MADE CLOTHINO, of the newest styles, which they will sell As ail this stotk 1» entirely new, it la worthy the aiwn. on of buyers. ; t M ’ r,9iy Hew Stools of Chlcherlngtf Plano Fortes. - --. r ;;; JDST received. by the Pennsylcafll* a new stock- of PI ATIOFORTEB, BytffßßW from the ■celebrated. tnonnfactory -of IT © 1 f SCIUCKEttING, Bosian, consisting of— OneSoperbOßAND PIANO rORTE. full 7octavcs, feunerbJTcurvedinthe styloof iiOUiSAiv. - Rosewood curved lioulsXlV , 7 Octave Plano* One Rosewood carved round corners 7 do • do Thrca do pitta do do 7 do do r Two do do do :do6kdo do ; One do do .do do. ji do do ' Ore do carved do do ..fij. do do Three do plain da . do. 6 do ,a Q One do uo round front C do do J I •'< Three do do squarecoiner ododo , - [' These PIANO FORTES are all made in the mostaafc* 1 stanilal manner, Patent Iron Frame, to every, lustra - I meet* and are particularly to eland Vbe cli* mate! Mr. CtiICKEHING- has of late culargcd h s 1 1 manufacturing faclUUea* and hopes soon tf.JoAblo to.j I meeunonof the pressing demands for his Instruments. \ AUo. recclvcd and for sale* a large and very elegant lotof curved and plain Vinho Fortesj covered wuh Da mart* Plush and Hair QtoiH. above forsolo at r Vnrtnrv nricea. • JUfIN I|. < McLuO(i|v ; • I Exclusive Agent for PiiUburgh and Western Penna., I : for Cntchcnng T s Pianos* ; tanrlS Wut»lu*i J«w»lr», «c. ■ HAVING lost returned; from -the. Isostern cities. I hive brought with mo one of the mo3t beautiful ana curehi:iy effeciea Stoeksof JeweUy.Waiche. end Fnncr Gboasr ever ofered to?the'Public., :Perspn» i wishing '# purchuse any ibWEm e>y Une, can rely oh acliniaVgoixt a'licte. Ido not advertise to sell goodt fclow < on, not 50 percent, cheeper than any bouse In the city. Give roe ja call; and 1 -am .sure yon .will be 'satufietf that 1 caiuell agooil article as cheap ns : any ° f Another fact 1 wish to beep before the people. If Von want ynur Watch, Clock, or any article of jevret ry, repaired in the best manner, iht»,la the place tohave it done. To this branch of my business I will devote I especial KENNEDY, fit Market street, Sian of the Golden liable._ ; Slate Hoofing. I m HE undersigned; having jast returned from. ihe Slate I i Quarries or Lancaster and YorkCoatt'les. where he| ha* made ariuhgeroents for a constant supply-of SU; I'ERIOR SLATE, respectfully Informs BUILDERS and ] OWNERS that ho is now prepared to execute any I amount of SLATE ROOFING, at the shortest time, and:' i oiiasgood termt as can be hadin the city. ! Being aniaetlcalSlater, and devoting his entire atten tion to the Vustness, ire has no hesitation In warranting ail his work to give sausloeiion. Orders left wt;h Logon. Wilson A Co, No. l£> Wood street,: Pittsburgh; or, T.‘Arnold ABrother, corner of LacOok and Anderson street, Alleghany City, shall re I oclvo prompt attention, r v. : mar&rltn* THOMAS ARNOLD, What Bvery Body Baysrltast Be Trae.l:: IT.s said that OOUBYUUjUt the BBaHtvaCnonuna Srcax, N«?is Liberty Btreet, eells tnooheapest clo thing in the City—well made and fashlAriakly cut Cnti and exitpiuo them, and yon will not bedissppoinied. . Just leeoived, by Express, a splendid assortment of i FaneyCoshttores, Brown, Grson and Blae.Clotiis.-anP fotthn season,wbm /. we an prepared to make to order, (without disoppomn meat,> in, a style unsurpassed in the City. Come and see. aarbte Mantel*. „ iCT ™ r w A LARGE stock of the most boauliful A rmadoof thefinosiqaaUty of. Foreign and Domes UoMarble, mannfacturcdhymeetiinery.alwayeeeb. and made to order onshonuotioo, at nrlees ranp g from @l5 to 8109 each. Purchaserst nrejnntedto ct£ and exarrdne tho stock and prices, 31®,—* onooa i erty street,opposiieSmithfield. r,, wa ixACB. ' j nHXtl;4m vx. y - S. C. Family Ho™*" „ now pVANS &SWT’S . am of ilpSrwnt Cl in liorei and . jSSjSXea to tbi* bund. Ub aTUCI °Jg. i RRS.NH : °b 9 > CO Banina Tgpn°r.» maw- ~7T~ESE3Tfio.i TBiMMEU aOWcby \ V’ * ■ sV*k' v-g* —* f * r^r e ■"'’*’ Removal* Patricks & ®JfA^!E?Ar«Rs. BAHitERBANU KXOBA»OK,BH*>*»» s » HAVE REMOVED TlJEltt OFFICE to XHR COBNXB off ffi«H A3n> WOOD >tWGE«, •. Pittsburgh) Pa. - Patricks a friend/ ' „• . Bankers and exchange brokers,, and DealenrinNotes,Drafts, Acceptances, Gdld, Suver and DankNoles. ' Exchangers the Eastern and Vveatr era citiesconstantly for vale. . . „ Collections made in all the cities ihrlttghout the urn* ted States; 1 Depoftltcs received in per funds or current paper, at the eorner of Fifth and Wood streets., ffrh* ; STORE. ©JAM! tOSLING, MARKET STREET. Had.A. GOSLING, No. 61, ST. CLAIR STREET, WUOLESMS JIHD IiSTATL IXe&lcr* in Fsrtign and American, Fane? and Stalls DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, *c -i.'.” .fc-’j..*. * , r BANKERS & BROKERS. BANKER^AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, fehaa-ly ■ - tvn n« IVood tnin,Zhamond nU«n Dmatu and Foreign Excnange, Bank-Notu, Geld and Siivtr, Bought,3o.i and Ezchansti, BSOHAHGBJ AHD T BABJKIJHQ HOUSE OS William A. Mill & Co., 64 Wood Btroatt . PITTSBURGH- r na nyiMtaHtaTAixowsD on tots pgrostra. (&ue*io_ aXLinaßAMsa. j snwxßD saHU* KRAUKUA HAHM. Ezehangi Brokirt. Btahrsin Fonts* etna JDowmtießiiUi Bills of Exchange* Certificate s of Depot* :.. iij BankNotes, and Coin. - _ . Comer of Third and Wood eta., directly oppo<ethe St ... CharlesHolol. • ..••• i aaySS : Rsmoval* K. HOItHSS A SONS* BAVB BB&tOTmZtEm SAJncnxO AHD XXCHANSa.OffffICS Tb No, G 7 Market ttTMifnt7 dootB Wot* oldstani. N. HOLMES A SONS, SANKERSAND EXCHANGE BROKERSvand But lers inNoies,Drafts, Acceptance*,Gold, silver and Lk Notea. Exohangeontho Eastern and Western cities constantly forsoje. .... , . „ - Collections made in all the cities throughout tea Uni ted States, Dcposites received in per fund* or current natter. No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth, streets. lanao-tT. Ian.S.SOO!*. ‘ tHOS.BASSIST HOOH aSAB.OHJH'ff. „ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, HiS. Comtrof Booi rmt* SixAtuuu., Ptiuiureh.: Pa "PVEALERStn Coin (Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign 1/ end Domestic Exchange ,Certi£e4lesofDepesit,e;c on ail the principaiCltlesof the Union andEuropejforsale In sumsto suit purchasers. . CUB RENT and parfundareceived on deposits _: ' COLLECTIONSmadeon aliparts of the Union, attho lowesttatea. seoH-ty . f O'Connors Brother a Con BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKEUS, B BALERS In Domestic and Foreign Exchange,Timo end Sight Bills* Co‘n, Uncurrcntan.d Par Funds, Stocks, Ac. Office, corner Third -and W-ond sveets, Pittsburgh. ' - . . , : (marl7;th v ’ ■•'Ju.ld'k/ a. c o.*. QANKEHSLAND EXCHANGE BROKERS) Corner of WoeS end F’fih streets.- B IGHT.EXCHANGEon tho Eastern Cities constantly O for sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes dls coupled/.Gold,Bitver and Bank Notes.bought and sold.* .Collections made Inall the principal cities of the United States. Deposits received of Par and Current Funds. marC7:y ' G. E. ARNOLD d CO., ' BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE COIN, banknotes, SIGHT and TIME DRAFFS, Ac., Ac. Collections cerefaily .attended to,and proceed* remit id to any part of tne Union.. , ZSf-STOCKS^ 800001 IJID SOLD ON COMMISSION. ... No. 14t -Fovith street - .Next door to the Dankof.Pittsburgh/ New System and New Rsmedlss t FOR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION! NUTALI'fI STBIACUM, IN THREE BOTTLES, A A | I '■■■' 3 COOTAI&Cfa THREE DIFFERENT PREPARATIONS, ' \»os ra« eras ovxhe : r- THREE DIFFERENT STAGES OF C 015 S DM P K IO S * 1 SYMPTOMS. Cough, pain in.the breast • aide, head, back, joints nnc limbs, inflammation, sore ness and ticfclms? -in the throaty- feVer. difficult quo quick breathing, ccpvioia* San diffictdtt flight % frothy* iJYMPTOIiIS. -t -. Coßdvene^s,' spasmodic cough,violent fever, night, morning and mid eay sweat, hecrio floshirithe face and .cheeks, burningheatiri: the pftlnt# of the handsuTid soles of hefeoVapsfttwtwtk’wcis>in come regular;'bis appetite the flush, in his eheek disappears; the burumgheat lathe palms of his hand* and soles of hir feet arc felt no longer ; hU cough bow ceases; ho recovers and tt welh- If he b in the third stage, and uses the third bottle, ms Diarrhea gradually ceases; his- weak bowels become strong, hi* cough and other: bad symptoms disappear; I feeble digestion becomes strong vigoroaa; his i stomach tecovcrs its proper tone, and creates newjiich i I and nourishing blood: his strength returns; hts wasted body is clothed with fleali V his tuff a s*vsd, andbc is i Kaefcboule of Nutall’s Synacum has the Symptoms of r the stage for which It is Intended.pnmed in from of the wraooer,whereby every Invalid, knowing bis own *ymp« toms, can judge forhimself, WHICttROTTLE HtS Rb*- QUIRES; consequently no mistake cun occur in ae* le^»m P of the Editor of On,paper, containing 1 Ur. Natali's Pathology of Consumption,— ; lectures on the stricture and uses of the Human Lungs, of cures. . . . try- Prepared •. only by Dr.. NUT ALL, inventor and -proprietor. Price One Dollar Per Dottle, . Fot sale avthe Drug store of - DR. GEO U. KEYSF.R > 110.140, _ t .cornerofiWoGdsirecvand Vitglnhlley, : - :only wholesale, and Retail A gem. for Pittsburgh. ia7:dAw - . ' FIH3T STAGE. Incipient Consumption, In .Bute Wrappers. SECOND STAGE. Confirmed Consmapliou, in Pint Wrappers* DOTFS MEEOAHTUiE COLUEQE, .. THTItUSTIiEETs PXTySRUttIfH. . . EiraWu4«itn l&iti~lnto)potiite& Duß.aulhor a Of Ihc North ' American, and VVeMcrn *te&roboai Aecouniant.V Professor of prat.ileal Bo keening sciences, J.D Wm.anj%Pr&* fesror of Ornamental ana Mercantile PentnajwU’p. N ■;. * B. Haleb, of the Pittsburgh Bar,Professor of Mercantile Curatoit xki» Mi*niEWATicAi.l>mßTHßist v P. Hayden, Graduate of Jefferson College, ttofessOr of classical Language* and Mnibeinatica ;v • E. MoMel,late of Paris Professor cf; French.- r • P. Sraiaper, Graduate of ihft: Polytechuio.intilmio^f Vienna, Civil Engineer and Architect, ProressOr of Ar : etnteotarah'Mechanical and f«andscnpe t drawing*..., This institution now occupies the whole of the sec . ond sWry of Gattain’a -the.. corner of Tblrdnnd MarkOUtreet* lo Post Offire atieyi with two spacious rooms In the third : It continue* to M i the only ittltitutioaln this : part ofthe country .wher-. -Mercantile and Steamboat Book-keeping arc Ahorongn* i and practically taughu Departments are conducted separately.. OiH.-pf the moat spacloda and elegantly fornißhed Ladies 1 , wriung■ Booms in the United btaiesvU fitted op. and will bo uur. dor the direction of X- T>. Williams, one .of the: beat. Penmen In the West The Professors are all oxper* dt-the-head ol their Aosporuye professions. Circular* mailed to aU parts ortho uouavry. • r • marls.c&w T EAD Js’tl’B.—lmproved Patent Lead Plje, fot • 5 t HjSiatiti} ••.( l’nmpsi : . • Aoueduett i • HydcftoUt R&nis } : . . . : • Chomteal uso3, oai « B t l iowby Bo4 IuSS SsSSB^^^ t frront bueei wnuah « Anthony's liiguerreotypta. mTIR oSderslCTed woi'd in'orm their many lr.eu £ cm! iMttUter have removedrirom UurUcV Bund A ? vn 5 aircet la fewdoors nbnye their old they havd Bit h op room* for doßuerreo ?inin* "Ht&ag « very ruperinr arrangement of rgh', the meal approved mairumema now in me, with «m?u“l“ers experience tn toe but css. they ..ledge Srntvea to torn out as good piemrrs os #?KrUhmeritift *h© country. and -fa* more. truthfu}b^c. {*£ jja tbanbtt* hrtetofor© been fornTahcd to the ciuzens. ™ mESKfiy invited .0 eon, operators a» heretofore. : ; p o>R ieli?VeTeoJa Vb offjcs. ''TiifKD AND' WOOD »T 3 tPMsbnrgb, Pa. Enirance street- In order to meet lbn ii-ofeaun.; EStmof (lie public, the newTelcgraph OSce has been, rnnek enlarged and iropioved.cnd oilier faail lie* added S. hiVnre the prompt and o_ccniale_ Iranrml.-sl; nor Ui natolieato allp»itaoPthe.Unl'Ojistateav p*o eiioWsirill Krapartd 'to eaaiain the high repaution winch tbe O’Blellj Mnoa havealready acquired marSl-.im - " Tab Botlec. ■ TAMES ESEEtt hoa made ayolnruary assignment of •1 'hi* real andpetnonal property,lot the benefit or his «cdiibr», to the nnderalgned. Ho: Si, Jane-TeimiJSsi. Any pet Pons baaing claim*, prill preseatthem, and those indented to said Ester, make payment fo - * \ : : W. Q, M* ARTNEPSAMIgnee, ap>l6:4t ' Mo-125 woodsireet. S* on so—T7wlr ta ntlrna TVew Orleans ia store aod for sale by opts KBiB * MOORHEAD. . ‘ tj r t . »'i 'Jr « 4 -,-v j. -t. .* «: .•'••,». V f* . .. ■ • u *‘ ;’• j» .*? ti • ’ .-,- ' ■ . >■• .i v ,**' rt- * ... ,•*.«. •.; .;.•.... ■.", -o • - ’4' *. . ■ .... * .r v? _ TWC- : „ .:-Z. FOE SALE & TO LEOK TDOUltril STI'IMCT FHuPERTV POU SAIiE-ii vr. n °a aUe ' raao House ecu Eouof SO teetfrant oa Jhhf, I*. bf 83 leeiOeep, in adetltabio I«atHB»JW Si!iiV>t£h > T < c > pt • ftivuie io»ideiice i eltmitfbeiweso Jaarlftt trad Fctry Uieatfeand' «Ul>to*M4«t BbargalO. S. CUTHBEftIVQairt AffIEHV •so qi-tn-flatiietfxt, ■ « 7 =mS Ji raSg&'ft&Xg.-**'*" l »t t ™’ ■ £lL&0-"\ Doipq of foot rooms; rood Bnier.''stfla» heaths; good cellar, with wtoim walis tlirte sinaia. ThcLot )» 24 ltd on Sheffield fl’reet. Mrachtitar. by 124 feel WBa ailey* Price *flfu>. ./■•/ ' . ». CUTIIOEHT Ora. Ate&tr I ' ' ?mhhua»astreet KOrtjr&orc* sa!e*i * ■■, ICftTtJATKU in; i.o Mitur tawjit-lwp, WH*birsvw ywgorelwil flf chnicc peaches;Weiltralered,..lull ocattoflfclu’.miWt f»icb £7 per acre. /ppty 10 sBe*sioo.4rXtttri $a tne i?ih lint. rorierm«cnQ!)irejif™ r:_7. „ .. uiuO_ K UiiESTßß,7t?mi»hgfH«. TO LKT— A STORK ROOM— IVooW.»bIJW K&S n bhoa, l>ty Goods, Tiiramin? or OrocciT bJora. ■“*“ Kcntlow. App.y io 8 GObDMANN, OjotSO US Market »lrs«t-_ The subscriber offer*, for Kent- . 8 ;G'.oroToon ; iu,7voccutipi3bvMe«?ra WMocJcgSw & OuvisrNo.SVMaTtfcuiTcet.: PossessionjftvtiftjHßL on the Istftf Apt., • ->n*»oire«f-> •■.•; • -•• • JanGnf C SlArf* H. PAULSON, No TO Wood St. •&»a - FOII Rf ? .NT.—Ffonnhfli»t ofAprll next r iJao s*£« Store,with flwelnng attached,on tire cornet of Ja& grft.Market aml.Firei Mr*eu—a good bttgii- ing ihe MonMicohtla vSJ feeTj /roming on Miliiimcrget stieei4Po *cet, „ , ' , „ , f Ohcother Lof, adjouung the above. mvPUttownshipj fronting on strrct*244 foct, JrotUiAg onjMU eft* berger’i streetto Utc blo IT feet, ottlse.blttlToyaf* lookinrihcWoiiop-nhelavl'H.frefj tOU lineOf XfUf pttp* Ony of the Liie Joined Irwin. Sliffircl to L-ocfllUUtet ,• . Ono other Lot in Put township, frdnLneoa LOflttsttL 203 fee», fronting street ivMeet ttt (I V§ feet allay,:n»uung'on *aid alley W 3, feettoa.ll®*-** property of la c James Irwin, from alley rt9-|«oaUt #• 12fffcctr r ■>.•:;•■• , \ „ ‘A, - sborghifrdntfis* ©tt mnT»s:tf. 'Oneotherl;ot in thocity ot Piitslmntlii ■< „ •Imeast street an teet, fronun* on Venbraam street IS# feci to a St feet alley: frentiiig .on auW alley tv3 feet, fronuiirf'ou Miitenbeiger siteet ls.o feet teLntustet. > - ■ Oneinber Loii fronting on Foibe*street 48fe«WfrW*>' [niron MM'enbcrgermeet UO f.ttto 0.84 fe»>.*l!*KJO# itm said alley 43 fool 'to Lot Ao. .4Sfo: SljfMßbeigtt’# plan of Lota ■ • * . OniioiherLotj fronting on Forces street M feet, from* Inff on- Vanbruam >ue«sl feet* to A 24 feet wiSIY fronting on paid alley 72 ftt-t. • •-•''• '>• I will scUiorrajth, on »oa* tfme r or oa porpOWM leaser Far panlctilara, enqaits of ;be iDwrlwj . Jcnvory «8. Idsi COMMISSION HOUSE," SAINT LOUIS. JOSri V 7. IWICHEU.-- lO tiß KOSStUS. ■• ■ *3'%vlcbeli &-UXocirlcl£©*< * • ■ COMMISSION A N D l'im WaKuINO MKRCHANTfIi . Co'ner of Commercial and fine-airrtHj , a.-.a ‘nriLLi prompii; anewl to an coiDfgomenuitildCOQ^ .Yy s entrusted'.to Uiemvanif‘•lll m&kt'Ubeni cn*n advances on consignments or GUIs:: of Xadi£® te band. •■■■■■ " ' / orders for the purchase ofLcfidr Grafs,,tf*t&p tad other Produce, will be piorartly filledatUiolainssi pot* slble prices ami on the best terms > - They will also unberiakoiThe;; settlement ana flauec*’ tion of claims of hope, by-lhdf esp©* cial pcT4on«l efforts andatientioa to all tho ltheir mends, to give general s^isfacUon, Jl F^B&ncfS, Geo. Collier, SM-rais;KHi»fcMorton,CinclwiaU;: papa & Bacon do Ftrnder* Gonaw* do • 'ChaT» IWPO KTK R 8 AN D: OB.AbEHa IN . Clocks W(Ucha, Jcwrlry. r ffaick Maisriafa> Totti if c *» Firm ernEEf Dbua rmoji wood, rm»V«ni# ritAKK leave to ahiibiiiice tcitHc trade and -ibogpoWW X generally, that they havo themralVes cartfiiflv Wj lected and imported from Eurooe # nlttrjjo ■torkcluokl" find SUVer Watches, Watch itfaierlafS,and -Tool* fiot Watchmakers. «nd-n aasorynrnl of .JciTf . clry lies. •"■■■■* ■ i ■ -.■■:■;. ■■■ Their stock of Jewel*? comprlfes artlclss of ©very . dcscnnt.o'uni tbisbne.suchas Fuigerßiuge, tvarttmg%. liri:a.“i Piiis, ti«aceUits,Gold,- Fm-ilih uin* l rrii^onnble SirOMior iW-Rtcu Htiuirlngi: ; .; JOHN’ M KOUKRTS, IVaTCHmAKRK deify-jißi. •- * :'JEWEtLBKjA-wti* »g«m to caCTUio afc Wk.. V. t'*nlbn of the public to the workshop ■wblcq.hp | ftr* - has oncried ui No; 13 Fiutvßtrecl.twodoors fromwMW;, Mark VW'ftere he eonti uts trt devote hi* special «U«i* f Lion to tiuMenairini? -antt refilling of ChronomeWt [ ptex. Patent Lever- Lupine, aiirt reverji descripuoa line t-Vairhes ami Clocks. v • - | • i!aT;ne for a number years been etaotoyta 6S rOTfc , . ;t ; i i man Unite wortidiopof the lari-ostflstabHshroent mutt#;- i city, J llauer myself ibnl lhosc iavoring me with patfOp*.. 1 nee will find all work ei trusted executed in tttO nett.:; ; : manner and on the mdstreasoitable terms. Rifetaxces— John Harper, tvsq. Kdward HeßXletoat ;-. i Esq., EL H. Hartley. Ef«r, JoMSj)U Woodweßr JOXbtt*' I Rhodes a Co;, and Wm. 6; 66uuect&cteB,&oii constantly on band,Wnißa-. I have bepn purcttazCdaiilie lowestcash. price*, attawtt Ibe sold at a Very smalt advance for VHf.snmo \attW * , ClteaporjrGowlst * ** JAMF.S k CO., 109 Wood Wood StnSt, - . * A BE now opening u very extensive Rud well dMofld4 stock of SPRlxtf and SUMMER <3^03.-Co*- sisil. g in part' o( French nnl English Twecde, ic a hmelrtiSv DoMkwlji, JW% v\ Cottonniies.Dfiiilrgs, Linen ' :Fancy Cotton Vrstings. Also, B&oatjiOoCAtiKS-P&WW..- AND FANCY' PRESS 60l)U8;rabi*eln* ura«ols. &c., ac, wbichare w ,j j Wh‘df*ralc onthe inupt : - Dfi. BROWN. iso. *1 DIaHONB , 1 Davorcs.hi. entireattention la taoßw 1f£55?% pract.co. 1 Tricanor Vinacal flis-wu,*ndM<*P*lj>» SS ful affections, brought on by lapfmn«» “ivaSi&H youthful indulgence Cud etgt»s> ; , ■.„ mm ■ Impurtiy of the allilUouc :GrtWto«rUJ“» Eingworm ! Wereuri.B Diseases, ScimnatWeahnaMiltg potency, Pile., Rheumatism, Female IVeaknCifcMOntOJ • Diseases ol Ibe I Nervous Affection,, I’ainsln the Back and uoIPMWW.. Rocs of Ibe. Bladder and tudneys,sacce«»laW»eW*«a ; ye irs'pniotlce («!» m tbl* city l 1 Brown to oner assurances ot speedy out® to *uwM«ty I come under his care. ru-«J**,rt «v. /./ [ .Officeand private consuHm.itrooms, I trr mo.b-rq-r ", iilfiffo , * . extract of PREPARED mul sold by S NO- , Liberty street This powerfol paratioii; the inedlcnl virtues of Ills puicp m battles directions for its wflWWSffl WgaßEiaS cal American Oi I Uns «foteSl ””' H» Uso far exceed* the orm nalin powe^MWi^c#U *«4 [ ‘Vb.-The oncinaltm In Itt - c from the bowels of thc.eaUb.can be,Uao M v> will bo found ROtwlthstandin* awwniui*^ l olalmsto-bo.lbo only\t'tOQtlG}Qfßs-+.-Y--:r--;. rii :-. : ;.j*±-*» ~ 4 I r«/tW*tf • | k EUMATIS?!.—Iit Ufo*u'« ."“SSHiiSK edyfui Riiecmaiismi. »speedyinloerUlnttMOT, fotthaipalnfaittnuhle. It reveifail*., . , at.DM* ~ ; Office and Private CoosuUaUon tooffl* HO. «*»»» MOND. W.'wt.u«h Penna- -The , Ct PKI) I OlAlll'-li ill i.lvt pure fc Pomtoes, airr. .n? cadiur HAj O*p - ■ a r . -n» 4> Buiuortaut and TfW« «« T HOOBYKtt Jr, lire. Hive Clothing Stott,r thing’ for $’J £0 nnu better GoocKof cy®i7A> cr *K |5 ,V leiy low for man Cn\W *mk n.Bflo to ■««£?* loshtftnablei /style,nml t'Trm , “--*‘ l ~ ******-/i 1 DealrMile SltaMloti- twill \ GCNTLVtoI'A of good Bli*rfybo-it?ow w^Jy y .A. hr.ar of n d«-»ira l 'le jstiosrjon */plr£ -•"> u,*res4.DS •t!o*S.l,P«#i Office >» M S,Sl?psts! - utl£tiargB.oi **. ®O. , o ;■»:••'■■:■•• ■ r--Pi'l?tvartti(. Apn.'-Vfti^KSi Great liitlncemertco NO : aai will fell raue,*! W Fancy chaik-* »nu ili:u com ii' full n P Jl* ~ CA***- ' work 13 wurrarted- On/ 1 JR-, ' ,i. co iwr qf. etewb ornl t-lteny «»• gpiOlw • ' •.’ ■■ SIGH OF TbTINDIAN KING* AO. 383 IrIBEhTY StBEST (N«ar]y oppudiK riu* SjwewO Kogle r»?cn* ivVRS K MimiftMu-Hr «’«* **«{&" «f |{ TOBACCO* , Toba“co"nl Etsan «ilj JpIFES-SO lx>*e» Clay «pe»V *■ 6H.li. Ml* la »“» ft’llLt. ' ■ V , S];SvS ■. 'i. ■