The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 10, 1852, Image 4

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    <* t?xo ;* j'i~ , v‘vi* V- v'. . T:«\ .‘ :K k \#&; ?£r /f .
f^«jS *ts> *"“‘-V >' ~ ' *„ V v^vfv"- •‘ v 'y t '-*' s 'v ,: - ■ ‘ ‘* ; : | ’* \ ," % • * ; '
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(ffmigratictt ,
W. j. TAVBVQW <£, OO.’S
s **- ftnei Bltik«lr. ®Stt'
TjUIROVKAN AOF.fJ P, and Jfealfr foreim Rx
J-* change* ia.aisa Agent*for the following racket
Ncw YorK and
. iSailing from New York ami Liv
crpool fin the 6ih and 2Ut of cneh month
York on (ho 26iti, and Liverpool
oi ylwlUU of each month
. tletlSiar Line leaves New York on tlie llih, ond Litfv
\ ' '
, yAXine «aUs-isviCc * month from Liverpool and New
The London Line oi. Packets sail from New York the
101, 9ih, lOih and .91th, dnd from Loudon on the 6th, 13th)
-31st and 23th of each month. ; •i •. • ... ••■■•
_ The,Clyde Line of Glasgow . from New
York-sail Glasgow on the Island ifith of each month. ...
A Weekly Line of Packets from Liverpool to Ne w
-Orleans.': '.v •■.•■,■ . '•,■-.•.•■•
Daily Line for ft mi Grants* from New. York, by steam*
boanand railroad, or by camil and raiiroad, to Pitts
burgh, , ,
v - PassenfecTß will rcceivcjjvery attention, and advice
given cheerfully olnce of >V.. rapscou 4 Co.,
Kdcn Quay, Doblrnfand St George’s Buildings, Liver*
v pooljW. at J. T.TnpsecjtA :Co.,fC.Sonih street, New
Yorfc, or af the office of the ad veruser.
Persons residing in tho United Stales nr Canada, who
wish-to send for tU«:iT‘.-faends in uny patt of England;
Ireland, Scotland or Wales, can mate tire necessary ar
•vaiKeoients by appUcoynnto the; subscriber; and have
them brought out by anv-of the nbove favorite lines of
Packets, (which range from 1,000 to 2,500 tons bunhen,)
■'orby.first class Merchant Ships, on favorable terms, by
way of .Liverpool,.Xiondott cr Glasgow. - Their fro*
qaenay .-of .sailing preclurtes ihe possibility of dela*
Passage caa also be secured from Liverpool to NewOr*
_ . tehto, Baltimore* Philadelphia, Boston. Charleston and
• : oavanaßh.dijecl,- .RcailUaaees in small andl&Tge sums
- s*aaf t toGreat Bninin and Ireland.
-.^Messrs. W. &. J. T Topicoit .ft Co. have entered Into
. v , wiihiMessra. Vojtel; Koek * Co., Bank-
Frankfort-on-tbe-Main, and wiih Messrs. Edward
Ulottut .fl;,€o,'ißaukerr, P.tns, lo .draw sight drafts,
Which can. bo-made payable In nil the. principal places
- . uiiOQghoavrtance nod Ccimaoy. Passage tickets and
nlway* for, anlc by the undersmtied,corner of
, . .Sixth and Liberty streets, (up stairs,) Piibibargh, next
: Messrs J. A-R. FioytPa Wholesale Uroeery. - „
• ; t Va s —rCataloguesoC tho. vessels time of sailing, and
.. . had atthe ftbovaoffice;grot’*- (aprO -
Agency for Different Lines of Packet Skips,
Strt«t, t»tu«bnrgtu- '!.
• • W South.ttrcttf tpnur qf
■,..::.** l^K^evr . Y° r k ; «j 5 W^ifgrioo-Road, lAttrpcol; andCS
Gtantr ttnetyNno QrUdnsi ■- • ■
» H\S a line of Packets •' •.
gnHmgeVeryfived&yafrom . -k>y
Liverpool to-New York; a v nxSpGL '
Line of Packers from Lav- iSgfiM-Uyyv
■erpool to, Philadelphia* on igpSlXiujy
ithe.ejph tccmli of coehosSiaESZaaß
month; a Line of I’ackeisio Unhtmore on the auth or
-each month. Also—a Lute oi Packets on the Bth- and
24th;Ofcach month from London and Portsmouth to
WewYork. .•■=
•ALSO—lfr&taat any amount,
at the lowest rntea-of discount; and nil information
gives concerning passengers, that cart be Riven* with
pleasure, by theiT Agent. JOHN THOMPSON,
r e mfttls, ... ~ flos Lilxirty st. t Pittsburgh*
Bfeinr IStoelc of Cbicbuing’i Plano Fortes*
-nw,j . ■.••; JUST received, by xhe Pennsylvania
Canal, anew stock of PI AKo FOKTE9,
JHrSTRWI/rom the -celebrated manufactory of
* t *• » fT.CHICKERING, Boston, consmuniror—
; pne SnpctbGRAND .PIANO FORTB. fall 7 octaves,
supetbly earvedxn the style of .Lotus XIV. ..*••'
One Rosewood cflrvcdlyjatsXiV 7 Octavo Piano.
One Rosewood carved round corners 7. do do
• Three. ,/do • pliua do vdo .7 do do
- Two . • do ■ -do .do C| do do
One. - - : ••• do do do • <SJ •do ••• do
Ore :. do cfcrved do - do do do
Three do : plain da do G- do do ■
One., ; .do - do • round front : 0 do do
■.-.'.Three • do • do • „ square corner 6 do do
rThese-FIANO FORTES ore ail made in the* most snb*
staeiial manner, Potent Iron, Franle to every instra
menvand'are particalariy to stand the most severe cli
mate. Mr. CHIGKEIUNG has of late enlarged his
manufacturing facilities, and hopes soon to be able lo
meet most of. the pressing demands forhts instruments.
■: Also, received and for sale# a large and very elegant
lotof carved and-nfejn Piano Fortes, covered with Da
mask, Platband Hair Cloth. All the above for sale at
Factory prices. . : , JOHN 11. MKLLOR,
.Exclusive Agent for Pittsburgh apd -Western Pensa..
r - forCbickenng’s Pianos; • faprfl
T7»REBH GOODS— •' ~~ •
■ X?.;, SO hftlfjchesiß ptioae Green and Black Teas:
•... 75cauyboxes do '‘ do do;
, , lttObags pnrac Green tiud Fancy R>a Coffee j
. - f«nguyT* and Old Government Java ;
: CObx?,*JO e,K)V j and lb. Lump Tobacco;
35barre!$ No.l and 3 Mackerel ; '
,25 do -Loaf andCru’hcd Sugars;
, • 3 .do Sup. Carb. Soda;
2. do Craim.Tartar;
10 do Chipped Logwood;
■ j 10 boxes Extract do;
40. do Star and Sperm Candles:
>4O do Mould and Dipped do ;
30 do Extra Pure Starch;
50 do Almond, Palm endßos'n Snap;
go do Rosemary, Wmdsorand Castile,
. ...; 10 do CocoanndChocolaie;
20 • do. . Saletata*;
.10 do Rock Candy;
: ; 10- do , Bobbitt’* Soap and Yeast Powders;
10 *do . Sala & Co. Chemical Socp;
5.0 dQ- M.ft,Luxin. Retains ; .
■ 5 do Heckct’s Fartufe* 1
. ... 5.; do Corn Starch;
. . • 30 do Clothespins';
.. .. . 10i do Hatch's Counter Scales;
3 bales Cloves and Cassia;
■ l caseNuiraega;
. C bigs pepper and Pimento;
.. 30 keg* and cans pure Ground Spices:
t barrel pure Ground Ginger;
5 cases pure African do;
> 30 drums Smyrna Fies; *
1000 flia. extra Madder;
; SOO lbs. fresh Prunes;
100 dozen Jwasou’s Chnflcajre do; i
30 do ilarriwtr* Cchanbianlnk, 1 oz. to I eaT*
lonbonje; . * -
150 do Corn Blooms;
30 do -PotentZinc Wash Boards;
■ 20 do Bed Cords;
; Iron OißrtNßiU.GjMs, CotionYarn WK»o
l#e*d,*c. Wholesale and. Retail, by
-..••• N 0.123 Wood atcee i,
imarpi,, fourdoors aboveEifih. Bireet.
{Gazette and Journal copy V
. To contractors. ■
ra&?^ r ff,gsrawari"sr-K
ground to belong la the contractor. 3. W, Kerr, Archi
tect, will give information na to; the amount of excava
tions required- -
They will also receive sealed proposals until the 14th
or April next, for the erection anil completion ofthelen
ure-bnfldmg.--Separate. proposals will be received for
eachparoiotviti. SwneAVorlt, Brie It Work, Carpenter
Tin Ilijolang and Spooling, Plastering. Pointing
abiTGlaiiog, and Piamber'iwora. g
§peciHeauons and drawings of tin work can. be seen
rtrhe Office Of J. W. Kerr, Architect, Mnsoiac iinli,
Fifth meet, after the ?ih o| April next. Mr. A- will glee
® u hreersary information. All ptoposalato he handed
u> Mr, Kerr before G o'clock, P.M., on the days above
specified. SAlilUEt, ROSKBUBO,
. Plttibugl) iMthn Depol.
VJV BAKB.& <JQ, No. 103 Wood stseet, Jiare just
JLV* received o Kallsipply of stock Imheiriine. Bat
sTOot< and-New YirkSuLii UEATHbIR. Philadclßlii*
gippiind Calf Bkms, French Calf skins, Country Bp-
Der, Kipa and Calf Skinsi Morocco Lining and Binding
Skins,- Tanner's Oil? Tanner’s and Carrier’s Tools, Ac.
And, taken together,they the largest nud best
: assortment ever offered before'in one hcaso ill Pitts
btngh. Ail of whieh we are (prepared lo sail to cnsA
anaprompt paying customer* at the very lowest price*
- potable*
We take pleasorc in showing enr stock, and cor&aifr
Invite purchasers to examine, before purchasing else-
Ttere, . (gepie-if
Jlatmiacturera of lireoEO
mtes, Surveyors' Compas
ses, Leveling and Grading
&c., &c.
NO. 3<i
• _ Smithfidd street,-
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
An assortment of tho a
hovo named. Instnunenta al
ways on band.
Also Clocks, Watches;
Jewelry, &o.; &o.
April C, 1852—2 m
• J^lo_*PARTNliUSHlP.—*Tiie subscribers have this dsv
V/* ««ociBtea themselves together ia Paftoers. for the
purpose of traneacupg a Wholesale Grocery, Produce,
ufcorandCommissioa bnflneta undecthe firm ofJoha
•*. BiscfcArCo.y No. 910 comer of Liberty-and Irwin ats.
< taftrfcy M. fiPCUIdLOUGII. iiU
•' Hag store Bsmoved*
I- W; CHADWICK hah removed tils Paper and Bog
Store, from Liberty street, to ?fo. 140 Wood s&eci,
. bolow Sixth, Pittsburgh.
- The highest market pricey in oash,'paid for Bags.
>V Bpr3:lW ;.:v- ■■■■• . .
Btnartcisrcn ud Dealers In -
AttioasiiY Crrr, P*.
, Npw Voss, December 15*, 1951
lhave analysed a cample of MANOUESYER MIN
ERALPATNT, for PuDDER& FoKD,andfinrt it 1o eon
lata the following *
. Alumina, - : :.
Per Oxide ot lron, - ,
■. Lime,' -
: Maynecia. • - -
, . Oxide of Manganese.- - *
v Water And Los*,
„ „ . , 100,00
.. triie PowdeTeil Sarnple, contained in the box, which 1
... toppote was the one you desired oUo to havo analysed.
J find \o differ rrom anv ovt‘ra«cj of ibo Inmpn powdered,
and mixed together. This last yields as follows: ' • ?•
■ Fer-Ollde of Iron, - . . 53,50
; / .'SlUpattiid . 83,00 ■
' tame, . - ' . 83
Nagnesw. - - - IS
• •••:>•-•,H -Wsl*r Mß. JWs«r.j •: - ' 7,00 :
■ . , 100,40
’ This difference I presume arises from the minejral not
bciog uniform, some portions containing more Iron than
others. The analysis shows lie article to he well suit
■ „ for a dorobie paint., 1 find that by calcining the pow
der bv a prf tty high heat, the color Is much improved,
oral least converted into a fine red,, . -t ■
, JAMKS R. CHILTON, M.B. Chemist.
ry For sale by JOEIi hIOHIrKB, 911 Liberty street,
- marlC:y
A JOSI-iPJI MEYKR I'SB otl hand, at Ids rxten
. 11l sjyr.fJatiinclßnd CLuir Maoufoelory. No.-4 24 i'epii
|M| dlreet.aboveilie Can*), oli kinds of FUnNITURB,
, i % tjßch is Sofas, CeutreTables, Mahogany Choirs,
' Mahogany and ail atler a nicies urihe Cabi
‘ net line—which lie mil sell 2Q per Cent. below odslom
ary rates. Terms—CASH, ONLY, - '
apifl ' - No. 434 Penn tlreei, Fifth Ward.
■J: INGTON CITY; Fas* Ittnocto.
To ; : S2,<Jo,less ihan Pa; Railroad/
•i To I*hila«lelphio» -v - SI,OO r-, do ■ . do' .. .do .•
To Waslmigfon. City,. S$J,3O .._<do-- Jo- ilo .
: This is Office which, iflsurc&va THROUGH
. TfCKKT to Washington, and, by taking ibis Route*paa
bciibcm-will f-ave ttmc and money- , h : 1 -/ '-
The Moil; Boat (carrying the United fStatca Mail.)
Wharf, above the Wire Bridge,
F.Vt.ltY AFTKRI\OON t at So’clock»via the Youghio*
• Uh°ny Kiyer, Passenger*; will lodge,on the Dual, and
mV* splendid United,StatesMultCoachesai West New*
ton, next, morning; over the plank Road, crossing the
mountains its daylights Take .the magnificent keening
V; A JS °f the Baltimorejind Ohio Railroad* at 10 o'clock,
r. M,urcalrfasi at Baltimore 4 and Washington City*
arrive in New York the idme
.i • Fnre to Baltimore, ■ .. • »
do Philadelphia; - - .
■ i do Washington City, - i - •
The Steamer leaves the Wharf, Above the Uridve.
A.,M. Travelers leaving.. Pittsburgh
Jjf jhe rQU ’- s Boat.uill cross the mountains thesame
next morning lor
BniiWr I ?**Viv °£ Cax * Baltimore. ’ WiM snp in
M,K^»?ii V S shmgWn 9 1, r>' and atrivo >» PJliladel
pmaot the same night
Fare to,Baltimore, . : . . -• qimv
* ■ -'• •- ■■■-..■ " ioloo.
_ nT°« Washington City, . * . iq’sO
oi ■ he ni of , thc & hove Lines, pleare eall
. ,?r Wlon Plank Rooll Office, in the Motion
* npt« 1 ’ W * ,er * lteet JI, EVANS, Agent
■ PSOM ‘
Pittsburgh to Cleveland, Columbus and
Cincinnati, ■.
feeas* asass tassas (Ttr)
Through from Pittsburgh to Cleveland in Isas than
Ten Hours, bgaconltnuoua Railroad Line !
fpHEExpresa Tram on.the Ohio and Pennsylvania
-X. Railroad; leaves Piu&hatghfet Si A, M.,stopping at
Sewickly, Rochester, Newßrighton, Darlington, Enon,
Palestine,: Colarobmna, nntl Salem, and reaches All!-
ahce.&J Tmles from Pittsburgh, at VP.. M: Passengers
leaving Alliance ombe Cleveland Railroad at 3 P. M,
and reach Clevelmd at 6P. M. Returning, the pas
sengers.leave Cleveland at 9 A. M , AlUanco at 13d P
and Teach Pittsburgh at 5.33 PM., Iniimetocon
neclwuhtbc evenlng trnin on the Pennsylvania Rail*
;rond for Pl»fndel|'hia, New York and' Baltimore, and
alio wphthe Yougblogheny Steamboat and Plank Road
route. ■■■■■■;■ •• ■ •
Paasencorsi by (hia ronte eome- from Cincinnati lo
Pmsburgfrin twodayß.WHboutmghl travel, and save
from one id two d»y« mconncctlng; with the rennai Ccn-
Itat KnUroaa.
Paesengcjs leaving Pimbnrgh »i S3O A M , rsacli
PantonaiSP.M.and Massillon at 2.00 P. M At Mas
sillon-tho Une..coi»nccls .wiUi stage lines to Wooster.
.MansOeld, Now Philadelphia ,and at Enon to New Casi
!*i Poland,.Warren, Mcrccr and Erie.
•, T#*’Now.Brighton.'Accommodation Trainleaves
Pitwtnraa atl° A. M. and 520 P. Mi, arid New Brlgblon
at 7A. m. »ud ll\ M., Bioppingat Intermediate station*.
• Excatsjon rickets, ffood for. wro days, are sold be
tween Pittsburgh, Rochester and New Brighton
Quarterly tickets are sold tu low rates, and ticket* by
to* package to some of the stations. -
. The Trains do not ran on Sunday. •
:■ Omnibuses ran in conaecnon with the trains to nnd
ifrom the station on Federal street. .
, / Fare by the only connuuous Railroad Line from Pius*
burgh to Cleveland, MO milet, 84,00.: ToMassMon. 103
miles,B3,oo. • * •*. *
Uckclsapplyutiho Federal Street Statinu of the
Ohio and Pa. Railroad, to GEORGE PARKIN,
Ticket AgenU
: % • Monongabelallonsc, Pittsburgh.
Note—By the route by steamboat SO miles to Wells
viile, and thence by|Railroad 100 miles to Cleveland, the
.film ts $3 St ’
t Pittsburgh, April 1,1852.—(ap/sy
S® K ??. Y t VASI A UAIJbH O&D,
Two i>aliy TxAiag From Plitibnrcb to
Philadelphia and Baltimore*
• OtUi/ 80 Hours Through! . \
T„ FARE, til. . ‘ ''
ilb Express rami tram will leave the Depot on Lib*
- ert F. Bl *ectv&bove the Canal Bridge, every morning
aiuf o’clock. J
Poi;senger*will goby thecarsto Turtle, Creekl2milcs c
where iheytviUfind the best of Coucheam readiness to
convey them 23 mllea.over a first rate turnpike roud to
isestty’ssiauofti {conductors accompany each tram of
Loaches), and then take the cars to llolfiduyeburis; and
then take the apltnditl sleeping cars direct to Philodel*
pitta and Baltimore.
Passcngeis frtr Baltimore take the cars of the York and
Cumberland Railroad ut Harrishurgh, arriving at Baili
more to breakfast, and to Washington City the sume
rnonung/ * .
The Evening Tram will leave doily at 0-30, P. SI , or*
rmng at Philadelphia next evening.
Baggage checked through to - Philadelphia.-
Co.’s Express Packet Line will leave doily,
at.»>o clock, I*. M » connecting at UlatTsvilte with Hie
n£P,°?»?, ma *$ .Taroagh. from Pittsburgh to
Philadelphia and Baltimore in 33 hours-
_ FARE 810.
Passenger* will procorothctr tickets at the Railroad
Übice in the Monongabela House, Water Street.
Scheduleume as follows:
From Pittsburgh to Beatty’s Station, 7 boar*
do Beatty’s Station to Johnstown, 2| do
do Johnstown to llolhdaysbarg, In*
- Cluding33n»les Portage road, C do
- Prom Hollidaysburgtoßillersville, » do
• do Dillerfiville to Philadelphia,over
- Columbia Railroad, 3$ do
• Tolll r : 28hoBM
Tia* Schedule al'ows ample liaison each portion of
the route, and can he regularly made] if no unexpected
delei.'Uon should-oncur. Passengers are informed that
the Postage and Colombia Railroad are owned and ope*
rated by the State of Pennsylvania, and arc in no way
ondertho management or control of the Pennsylvonla
Railroad Company. .• '
NOTICE*— *in cate of lost, the Company will hold
tbemsdees Tor personal only and
for on amount n«N exceeding one hundred dollars
mar2s J, Mt'SWMEN, Ticket Aj-’t P. R. K. Co:
Portable .ttoat Line*
18S2 - gte^Jg&ißgL* Bs *
For the Transportation of JUtrehantftse and Produce,
(ru.nmaTLVMaA citriu Fan aiakoins), between
Dirtct* tpittumt Jis-tAippinr.
Depot, S5l Market si , (neat Otixtli.l Philadelphia.
„ , „ , C. A. M'ANULTY i CO,
H Canal Basin, 4C3 and 41ft Penn street, Pittsburgh.
AVInO incrcaaerl our facilities and ciliicrmsr, itn*
- proved oar arrangements for Traneporuttop, -are
ore now prepared to receive a large amount of Produce
and Merchandise, torhlp (antl.e opening of the Canals.)
■with promptness and.dispatoh.'-
: isyatem of transportation over oaf
Slate improvement* has.beea in. nsc about test years,
andtlie great success and favorilbasmet with, is a suf
ficient guarantee that It is no longer Vconsiderrd a
doubtful or uncertain experiment; but ia acknowledged
by alias vnstly.superior to any mode of traniphnaiioii
used onCansts. (when intersected by Builr<m<&) ;
: Goods loaded ..into oar Boat* at . Pittsburgh, remain
undisturbed uoul unloaded at our Warehouse iR Market
street, Philadelphia, thereby entirely avoiding the delay
consequenton three different transbipmente, and'secu
ring; the delivery of t.oods in entire lots, the packages
clean, and in aa goort order as when shipped:
Produce, A? .consigned to nsr House at Pitubcrrgh,
will be received and forwarded always at the lowest
current canai rates, strictly according to Instructions,
without any extra charge for commission, storage, oretd
vanetng charges, Ac.
. iJBa
By the Clevelands Pittsburgh Railroad.
J? miles. From HANOVER to WELLSVILI.K, !.y
'Sffi&S 0 m»s«.mid from WELLSVJLLE 'InHW
ULRCII by tho new nnii tsplcnditlaleorucr “FOREST
UTY,’’ This arrangement toctmtlnuo until the first of
innnnrg, ISS-2, ttmen the Cnr« will run from Cleveland
to Wellnvillc.
_The Express Train of Cars will leavo Cleveland dally
excepted) at 6A5, A. Jl., after the arrival oi
ine Night Tram from Cincinnati, arriving nr Hanover
Station at 19.35, V. iL, and at VVell.ville at 7 o'clock, l*.
M., ana ai Put&bargb tbe iatnc evening.
. Returning will If avePiUabargh. daily at9,P.
riving at Cleveland at s o’clock, Pa M, next day. in Sea
ipconneei with, ibd Evening foUns to Cincinnati.
'SS?jS^ Reamers Bast and \Ve§t: on tlic Lakes until:
the close of nnvlgation. i
Pittsburgh to Cleveland 20hours; toCin
cinnau 00 hours. ' .. i
ioClevslnnd.Bl,oo; to Cincinnati 810,00. .
o« T ,atO. AP.„. C ri.^r rlS9 -
KT Fo?Sck , e“ , npp o |y fo’ IBSl ‘ *
™]L c * M-.Jf AUTOM, Agent,
Monongahelojilouse, Pittsburgh. ■
FTIHE aubscriboTSj Agents for the Penruylyanln Boll
.ft c S“P“5;<“f« P re f are a «o receipt freight
Sroogh to Philadelphia during iho winter at Hie follow,
Ing fates: •.• • •• ••;.••■;
■ For all first class goods and wool. vBl,fis per 100 {be ■
For bacon, boiler, lard, tallow, and .
rdl heavy freight”...... too per 100
'l'iUtvFlvt dayi. ■■
, ~ „ COVODK A. GHAIIAM. Ag'ie
jnnia Corner Penn and Wayne sts, Fiitsbiitgli. ;
• - ; : -8.34:
- 1b,41
' „> l3
- 8,00
tfO, 80 FOURTH STKEET. flfrJSirnfiH
»»IHE pabjio are informed that Ware now waning
: X tegulari* tothe-East and Wes t( and aro prepared to
forward all Goods entrusted to our care. * F “
. A SPECIAL MESSENGER sent daily for Phil&del-
l f4 ,°’S{ oel f' p ’ M ' Al '°i dal| y lo Cmcinnali°nt7
■ o cioclT) A« PI i
Order* transmitted free of charge, and GoodsTeturned
by firal Express. • “
Bill* .of Exchange‘for sale on England, Ireland and
Scotland, for any amonnt,payabicoa principal Bantimr
Honscsor Fosl OlliccS inlne United Kingdom.- ■
decM BAKER * FORSYTH, Agents;
. WttawHwv .. T ii. wm.W .iSMSga .
«ndt Pittsburgh UaUroad.
Pittsburgh (Sundays excepted, JatSA.W-;
'Y'U'vfiie .. 'do do Ip. M.
Amve at Cleveland eo do 6F.M.1
to rime for the Toledo, Detroit and Eastern Boat*.
. ? at ? Snnerinlendent.
VET?ffif B °„fe Oß
", ,
. V /C; 7 13
j Jfnmana- OEpinjanus.
? he * p * rmer * AndJAceimnijQii utaith in-
AModttUon* • -
OF ?rnX S ;?, UR < 3H > PENNA.
IN time of USED'
■ OTt S?7^??" B JL\®®i?WliH»rei.n T *n». THna> streBtr.-. ,
mui? l F AUaNTT CAPITA!., 930,000.
. r |’“ ls I JJ a *WtSB0 c| ai |o noBlatUiaHfid fort he mutual relief
jl 01 iw. members, incases of-sickness or accident,by
inc nnyment of. their , Annual Deposits Perronatn good
K cal «f maybecome meraberaandbeentitled to aweekly
OCDciitimcascoffiicknesaorocpident. Allwho-jom this
Association are entitled to a Tote in the election of
oiiicefg, nun toparticipatem the-proßts ot. the Assoeia
{J o #*./. Itisesmbhahed oira safe and permanenl basis,
hcinffiboui Mutoal and Benevolent in its designs, with'
' l o°;iowest rates consistent fonts security, and conduct
ed m a manner to Insure its permanency and durability.
■ AU persons can see the advantages of taking -out a
policy from the General Office.
• T&AU2.T nsposird. - ■■
8. 2,W0 per year, draws 32,00 per week ;
3.t‘o do do •. 3,tiO ' do;
■ 4,01) do do . - 4,00 do :
5,00 do do 5,00 do;
. 0,00 do . do 0,00 do;
7,00 do do 7,00 do,
: . . 8,00 do do 8.00 ■ . do;"
0,00 - do do * 9.00 do;
10,00 do do 10,00 do;
• INITIATION FEB, for Membership, 81,50-which
must be paidauhe time of making application,' and the
firsts years’ deposit within twenty days. Each member
entitled to a monthly report, gratis.
Pr4ndimtr-D. W. Usvcmojut. '
Vice President and Treasurers Wm; M. Wilson, •
&crrtary-0.1). Brovn.
, finance Commute*— A. J. Childs, A. D. Christie, ond
D. A. M’Mnstcrs. . : • - raarll:om
The Frankita Ftre Insurance Company*
"3* ntILASILFBU. . . ■
iJ -CharlesW. Bancker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, MordecniD. Lewis.
Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Borie,
Samuel Grant," ■ DavidS. Browne,
.. . Jacob ILSmith,. Morris Patterson; -
: Cius. G, Bancxsh, Secretary. . :.■■■ . : :
ID* Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited
on every description of property in town and country*
av rotes as low as are consistent with security; ' •»
: The. Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund*
which, with their Capital and Premiums,safely invested*
afford ample protection to the assured. : 1
The Assets of-the Company, ou January Ist, 1851, at
published agreeably to an Act pf Assembly, vrtre as fol
lows, vw—
: Mortiragcs ——■■■ ■ "i . .. ■ ■..•*■3 816,129 68'... •
Real Lsiatc- ——■ 64,377 78-
, - Temporary Loans- n • 83,90017 . :
CaafffAc. v 64,340 81
ol , , , *1,212,703 44
; Since their Incorporation, * period of 21 yearn; they
have paid upward? of Ont Million Four Hundred Thou
tand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the as the ability and
disposition to meetwnliprompincss.ainiaMluies* . ■
Oflico N. K. corner Wood and :td sis.
State JSkutu&l lrtre ininrance oompauv«
ThKSIGNEDonIy (ortho salercfoseesof property, has
jLJ zu ample capital, and affords superior advantages
in point of cheapness, safety and accommodation,to city
and countrymercbnnis, ana owners of dwellings, and
isolated or coumry property.
A. A.CARRIER,Actuary,-
Branch Office, N 0.54 Southfield at,, Pittsburgh*
1 ANCE COMPANY.—Office, North Room ofthe Kx r
cnange.Third street, Philadelphia. ■*
Fzaa iNsuEANCß.—Utulduigs, Merchandize and othti
property in rour* and country, insured against loss or
damage by fire al the lowestrate of premium;
Makims Ihspiunce.—They alsoinsure Vessels, Car
gpes and freights, foreign or coastwise.under open or
special policies, as iho assured may desire.'
iHUkRpTfiANsfOBTATroN.—They also insure merchan
dire transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Cairn!
Boats and Steam Boats, on rtversand lakes/on the most
liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—-Joseph H. Seat, Edmund A.-Sooder
John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John U. Penrose, Samuel
Edwards, Geo. G. Lclper, Edward Darhngtonvlsaucft
Davis, William lt. AI. Huston,
James C. Hand<Theophttas Paulding, ii. Jones Brooks.
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Semi); Spencer file-
Ilvain, Charles helly, J.ti. Johnson, William Hay. Ur
S.Thoiuus, John Sellers, Wm.Kyre, Jr. .
Hugh Craig, Jno.T. Logan.
• WILLIAM MARTIN, President.
Titos. C. Hand, Vice President.
Joseph W. Cowaff, Secretary-
Cy*Office of the Company,No.42 Water street, Pius
huegb.- (jelgUtf) T.A.MADEIRA,Agent. -
Firs and ffllaitno Iniamncs,
?IHE OFFICE of the Insurance Co. North Amtrttu
. hasbecnrcmetiiitothe Warehouseoflfardy,Jones
Co., No. 14! Front «treei,ihird house East of Wood
street,where ihesubscnberwillissue Policies on Build
ings and ifccircoMents,andonShipments by Steamboats
-and other vessels; for the above old nnu responsible
Company. (ap3J WM. P, JONES, Agent.
Sue* SiuiaaS fflr« logtmoit connov
T' • / iVufrttrfAjATajr
llhbestCYldcnceof the success of the Uirector*
endeavoring to make ibe*‘STATK MUTUAL PIRK
INSURANCE COMPANY” meet the want* of the
community) & the unparalleled amount of hurires*
which has been done—having issued 7*900 I*iH«
cicB during the past year, thcrcljv adding over s{.'lo,ooo
u> the fund* of the company. Nearly all t!>*» property
inAured U ofthe safest kind, Cn small risks, and n large
proportion insured foronly one year
Whole No. Policies issued
do do expired, terminated A
canceled •
do do in force*—
Amount of Property insured—•
do Canceled,tcrmlcaiedund ex
pired—*— . —201,729
do do in force 97,C3J,M
do Premium Note.*—. 7*),ff7d“7
• do Canceled,terminated,expr’d, * 007,10
do Uirbree*-—— ; t7P.(C?r,77
do Ca*h Premiums received* —££1,557,14
do do canceled--*** • —»— G2t,21
Whole amount of )oA»e«fttti! cxpeti*-
Ec»pald.~. ''•»53,4U,45
unlanceinfavorof ib£Co.,ln cosh, 027,624,45
To city or country merchants, ami owners of dwell-
Inps, and isolated or country it i» believed
tuts company ttdortfsudvftatagcMnpciintof tbcspnrsa
eofety and tseearity, inferior to no Insurance (Company
icthi* country*
Conducted on the equitable and greatly improved « ys
icm »>f ClasslGcailnn of Risks,excluding all spuria!
hazards, muonne only a limited nmcantir. any one lo
cality. the* precluding the fretjuenev and occurrence ot
Uige lires, and aUo, on both the Stwk ami MatualpUn,
it not only prioresses tlir chcnpaesß and accommodation
of both methods, but entitle* ibe insured to a participa
tion in ihcproDis.
■ • lus under the control of the following Directors t «*J
P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillen, John 11. Paeuer, Ssraoe.T-
Jones, Alonzo C, Sedgwick, Robert
Klou.Samucl Joiifttf, John P. Rutherford.
■ - . • A.J.GILU?TT>B«'y.
A. A. Cabuka, Actuary.
N* D.—A Scrip Dividend of fifteen per cent, on eipl*
ring polwiesha* been declared by the Director*, tout if
now receivable at ihi* Oflse© Tor renewals, or redeenm
hie m cash at the end of ninety days.
myl7;dAvr A. A.CAURU*n*Agent.
GO-f*A&TNKRSIUP.-~TJie cabBcriaerf moil respect
fully announce to their friend* ami the public gen
erally, litai they have iblsday entered into Co-ParineS
ahipjfortheputjmse ot csrrjina on, nt the old stand,fn
Sngerty’s UalWing.oppojitelbo Post Office,Third street,
Pittsburgh, the Lttltppraptilc Printing, In ullit* various
branches. Having machinety,' recently arrived from
borope, they are prepared to do works in Lithography
equal touted engraving. They solicit a continuance of
the patronage bestowed heretofore so ltberallyio the
onej>artacr,"\vm. Schuclunnn.’ond they hope by strict
attention to their business, by elegant workmanship, and
the most reasonable terms, to merit the favors of an en»
lightened public.
-Bonds, Checks, Drafts, Machine PrawiugisLHtenoss*
es, Landscapes, Autographic LeitersiUUnicftds; Plots
Lithographed nml Primed in Dlaek. Uoldßroiue «f Co*
l#«u- ■ ■ ■■• ■ i
Specimens of their work ean be seen at their Office,
CTtlzeui and Strangerif
DO you Wi»h lo mm-hncfy n firm":— —• _
fpftk GOLDorSILVfcR WATClMtabput*®®®*
Jr*3gone*half the usualpriee ? If so, call at lIOOIPS
OBWhBNEW JEWELRY- STORK, 51 Market strut
two doors north of Third, and take a look athUtiew
stock, last arrivedyued you can there parclm-m Wateh-i
es or any kind of fice Gold Jewelry at their real value,-
andnot be charged two prices for everything, a* you'
have usually beenbut can get the very best quality of
goods attbo lowestcastern prices. Donoi believe what'
others, interested in their-own sales, leilyou, but come
ami eoe fer yourselves. All goods sold auhisestabhth*
racm wifi be warranted us represented ui time of sale—
to (bat ill njsvourcbOfe cqyalf? »#fo«nd cheap, *oIS*
SwpovlorWatchiietittlrlnfra i
JEVPELLElt,desires again to call the at**fr>K ;
tendon of (he public to the workshop which, hejfc*Sgr
has opened at No. 10 Fifth street, two dobrafromwSUJp®
Murkst* where he continues to devote bts special alien*
tiou to. the repairing and reGtUng of Chronometer, Du
glei) Patent Lever, L l Kpine r ona every description of
tie wiatohes and Clocks.^
Having fat a number of years beenerapioyedas Fore*
tnonini the workshop of the largesteßtabluhmeut in this
city, 1 flatter myself that those favoring mo with patron*
nge will find au work entrusted executed in the best
manner and on the most reasonable terms.
B(/k» , merj—John llarper, Edward Hcatleton,
Esq.kß.ll.Hartley, Esq.,Joseph Woodwell, Joshua
Rhodes &Co., and Wm. u.Scaifc.
; A Carefully selected stock of Watches, Clocks, Jow«
elry,Bpomiv, Spectacles,&c.,constantly on hand,which
have been purchased at tie lowest cash prices, and will
be sold at a very smalt advance for the same, [uuld
■ - John W. Tim,
HAS ALWAYS ON UAND,oF hisown mrrnufaclure,
a large assortment of WHIPS. CAN US and UM
ILLASof every description, winch he will dispose
of, wholesale ohrelail,' at prices as low.hs ihey can be
procured for in either the cities of New Yoric, l'hiladei-
Phiaor Baltimore. Also, oh: hand a large supply of
DIh.B’ SATCHELS, which will bis sold at New -York
pricei. Jnat received from Ihe Manufactory' a new sup
piyel INDIA RUBBER WHIPS, all sizes, wholesale
and retail, __ __ , JOHN W. TIM,
No 143. Wood aircct, near Virgin alley.
• J. SHtDLE. -
H«Oi GO Smtthfleia Street, Plttfttmrfrli* :
A?. J 2rA*SSSS his. Spring Stock of PATER
IIANGTNOS.ot every vaTiety of style and finish,
m*ni lUicents to 91 per piece. . >
k. 7^ n i y W**,-} 10 ? opening—patterns new, -.colors'
bcautifol. and prices low, to suit the times.
.J 1 Jh 80 bavin* houses to-paper, and merchants buying
.to soil again, should call and examine, before purcha*
sing elsewhere. Also— ••■■■■' - *: .
CO dozen BandHoses,*
10GOpiece*Curtain Paper;
300 do, .. Lemon Color—plain;
• 400 do . . : Black ‘dot- -
300 do Bluo Jo:
SJOO do Cream do: v
.50 Centre Pieces.
of every description, with satiable Column*. Cans
Bases audUordcring, furnished at shonnotice. . •
All of which wilfbe sold LOW, for CASH or RAGS
althc-Wall Paper Store of - J. SHIDLB. 1
marfnjm Sfflithficld street, Pittsburgh.
I 00-Fartncrsbtp notice*
! *TuIE subscribers have this day enteredimopartner*
1 A apip) tmdcr the style ano firm of TAAFFE, MA*
i V«;Rb &BANK for the purpose of carrying on agon,
oral Commission and Produce Business and confident*
jy nope their long experience, extensivamercanlUe ac
quaintance, ond personal attention to theinterests of
ttieir will entitle them to a share of public
paupnage, whichat shall be their study lb deserve, ;
LUKE TAAFFE* Pittsburgh.
- SAWL MAGUIRE. Cumberl’d, Md*
_ . . VVM. C BANE, Washington, Pa,
Pittsburgh; April 3,1852. £&p& i
. I *' i * -
5 >» N- '
Sign 9f tht “ MVE?' Mattel an
• ••; -«ew Bnring and Bummsr floodsi
f|MIE subsenbera-have jusb received by Adams &
X. Co.’s Express and the FennsylvumaßnilrooiLone
or the largest and beßt selected assortments ofFme
Dress Goods ever offered to the public; ' - "
. One of the Firm having Been in-the Eastern Cities
before the the Spring trade, selected
our Goodft, with great care from vhe lroporters, at such
price* as will enable ns to sell chehper than the cheap
■ pur stock comprises in part the fol- r
towing—-viz: •
Cnene and JosperGhene Silks; ■
High Lustre, Piainf Chaaeticirand GlassaSilksy
do ~. Stnpe . * -d0...-■■'■•• 'i.doy
. • do .. ;-Flam.Black . . .do; • *
1 TurkSatin3, Fonlard and Watered Silkst
< lissuesjßerages. Plain and Figured Poplins;
; Cashmeres, Delaines jindAlpaccas; .
; Chintzes, Ginghamsand Calicoes;
j French worked Sleeves, Cuffs,Coltarß& Chenuzetts;
> .'■. ( .'>.wi'. r '.::.'Lßee&ndMustinCapesf : .".’-::-- : -
BlflokSatin amLFancyVestings; ; .
; ; Cloths,CassimereSySauneta and Jeans; ,
i-Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons/
Tlic pronnetor* .would respectfully, solicit-an early
call from tneir friends and the public general!y t feeling
confident ihat tlioy can offer greater Inducements than
has been offered heretofore. -.‘r.
X)Lr HOLEBALE Dealer? tn Foreign and Domestic Dry
Vf_ Goods, are uow opening iliolr..first purchase of
SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with the
greatest care, to suit tho trade, consisting in part of the
newest styles of—.
Dress Lawns and Benges;
Plain and Figured Alpaccau ;.
French,Scotch and Domestic Ginghams;
Printed Calicoes, m great variety ;
: Ribbons, Locesand Edgings; ,
Casslmeres and Vestings;
, Summer Coating and-Panutioomngi
B'own and Bleached Muslins;
Palm.and Leghorn Hats; •. ..
and Braid Bonnets.
Together wali-a complete stock of Variety Goods and
Pedlars 1 Noltons.Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil
ver Watches, Brass Clocks, &c. All of which are> of
fered at Wholesale, for a small advance over Eustcm
prices. feb23-6m
TUST RECEIVED at JsrrauV One Price Cash Store !
V No. 70Market street, Pittsbargh, between Fourth sti <
and Diamond, the: largest and roost beautiful stock of
SPRING and SUMMER DRYGOODS*: ever offered to
•the citizens of Pittsburgh. •
• The subscriber wou'd inform those' who desire to get
good SASQAiNB, that, the greater port of ills Stock was
purchased at the recent large Auction Sales in New
York and Philadelphia' foreign, which enables biro to
seHgnods-15 to 25per cent, cheaper than those who bay
on credit. We do not deem it necessary ts mention the
itba different kinds of goods that compose our slock, but
deem It sufficient to say that it consists of a full assort*
general stock ef FURNISHING GOODS. We would
respectfully solicit an examination of our stock from.
riliose who wish to purchase. : • .• . -.. fmar!s
OF FALL and Winter Dry Goods and Varitios at No.
.97, Northwest corner or Wood street and Diamond
Pa. D. Gasoo A Co. would again an*
•nouncc to their old customers and dealers generally in
their line, that they are now prep&redi o offer for sale
.iheirprcsent new stock of Goods at unusually fowTaies.
And as our.purchoses have been made on the most fav
.orabletonns with Importers and Manufacturers, we fiat*
•ter ourselves, and hope to be aide to mem a continuance
of confidence and patronage of oar old.customers and
-the public generally, which has been heretofore so libe
rally bestowed upon us. Our DRY GOODS STOCK Is
in part of Uroadctoihs, Ca6simctc*,-SatUnct»; Tweeds,
- fancy Vesting, Cheeks, Flannels, Drillings, Black and
Brown Mus!ms,Ticklng?, Blankets, Linsey Plsids, Al
pacas, Menaces, Muslin Do L&incs, Cashmeres*. fancy
-Prints, Gfozed Cambrics, Cloakings, Table Diapers,
. Ginghams, Silks, fancy long Shawls, Silk Cravats; Pon
: gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, nnu Irish Linens direct
from Ireland, and all other articles generally kept in the
DryGoodshne* OurVawett Department will be found
on emnunatioa io be unsurpassed by any other of tlie
kind West of the Mountains, and is made up in part of
, Combs, Buttons. Patent and Spool Threads, directirora
Europe j-Port Monies and Pocket Books, Hooks and
Eyes, Puisnud Needles, Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ba
:*ors, fable Cutlery and Pen-Knives jost arrived from
Sheffield; Patent Medicines, Vioim and Violin Strings.
Gam Suspenders; Slates nnd Slate Pencils, Percussion
Spectacles, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns and
; Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk, Silk Gimps and Fringes,
fancy Neuiuge, Green Baudyges. Black Silk Veils, Silk
Florence together with n general assortment of all other
amclcs in the Vat jet? hue. Wo have on haud and for
: sale a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches and
; Watch Materials, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil
.ver Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles,
Clocks, Ac.* to which we invite the attention of oil buy*
• era, as we are determined to sell our Goods on the mo*!
: reasonable terms, eilhor for cash or satisfactory refer
. /N.B. The business of the late firm of Gbsoo AMc-
Canslkss is to tie settled by D. Gbboo at the stand of D,
Onsoß & Co., who is fully authorized for such and tn
whose possciJiou are the papers, Notes and Books of
saulfitm. . foctls-tf
Bolirar Fire Erftk SlannfaelnriD! Company.
:Us.aLovn, ».a,kkb, B.f.fonia, 11. 0. KioiuV,
TOtOVER, KIBR & CO., Proprietor*.
llh .obreribcni hnvioic been appointed Agents for
the above named concern, will seep constantly ou
hand a supply of the celebrated Bolivar Fire Brick, Cro
ctbie FtroCln,, Puranee llenrth«:nna Intrallg. Tbey
arc alto ready to receive order* for said Hrick, to be
madeinslioondubapeto stm parebesers, wliicb shall
be promptly filled.
we do not deem it necessary lo.entnnernte the many
advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick posess over all oth
er* that have been offered for sale in the UnJtedfitalet*
their zapcrioTity beuirwelt known to almost ail persons
who use Fire Brick. The proprietors have determined
that the Fire BncK shall lose uone of their present envi
able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared to
ramce them even better ihtui they have heretofore been.
Jhis isiheenly establlshiscut now maoufacuiring Fire
Urmk si JBoUvar. ... : KIKR & JONES,
Canalßaiin, Seventh #L, Pittsburgh.
•351, 205,50
ijtiri ntf Diamond, (mar the Ohio and Pain
, jmßSk. seleaoio Railroad Depot,) Allkobknt t£rr.
<SsisS9BsSLKivrr and Laud Steam Engines, Fire En
gines,-Hydraulic Presses, ofalldceenjiuonit; Copper
plate, Lithographic and other Presses} Gold Stomping
and Refining Apparatus, together with Mill Macbinrry
in general, built upon the most approved plans of con
struction, and workmanship to the satisfaction of cus
117* All orders left at Messrs. Cochran, M’Bridc *
Co.’s, No. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh; or adtlreescd to
thesau«enber$ i Allegheny,will receive prompt attention.
, FUtabargh Coach (Cactory, ~
Ao. 40 Diamond alltv* n*a* Wood street
japrayra WOULPresprotfallyinforralu. friend,
i the public, that.he has now one huu
light Vehicle* under way of con
rOr ij|«—rrTMi ttruction, tho greater partof which are
finished, or nearly ta, comprising light no top Buggies,
weighr/nim 200 to 315 pounds; or,top. Buggies, trom.
iN» w 4iis pottads. Alto, un assortmeniof ltockaway, v
.wuhotio or. two seats; some fine two-horse Barouches.
The above work will be warranted, and is constructed
from the best material that could be selected in
cm market or at home} and, attending personally la each
branch of his factory, ho fscls confident of risking his
rcrqiauoix ouhu works where U is used and not abu*ed.
. tewont at a distance, ordering work through iheir
frtendsi or comnusskon merchant* at this place, will re
ceive our roost strict attention.
CnJ, Rody I’aitcnoa, 8.11. lUnler.Eta..
!!Sh,' V x, [a E“ Col.«coree A. UrarJ,
Wllltato M. Lyon, Esq , Lojtan, Wilton fc Co,
Singer, Hortman A Co, lion.Jteob Fortsth,
J. ktrici&Co. . George Weyraan, tvra;,
T.U. Moore, New Orleans, M. B. MuforcKClarksvitl©,
Eepoatory, No. 1 .Watson street, opposite the Canal,
on Pennsylvania Avena#, . tfoH&7:iv
'LO! '
.uu nanusUM-.... ........ .77*.
_ _ „ torifao late firm of flaudsfrlleineinan.
CfacJer t Waithu, Jnubt, Wait* Matrheh, Tech. *e„4e„
*toEEr, «n noon veo* wood, pmtsotou:
ffiAKK leave la announce tothetiade ana the nubile
I genernlly,that they have themselves carefully se-
Icc eti eml imnotted from Europe, a large tlockofGoM
aniS IveriWatches, Watch •ilatcriais.and Tools foe
Waioli muketet and a most elegant assortment of Jew
elry,fromihe best mnnnfactoriea—which thev otter at
pnees as low as: they can be purchased in pie eastern
consist* of Gold and Silver
Patent Levers; do Detached Levers; do LenlnestSll
ver Qeartiera; and elegant French timepieces, of the
mono;,proved makes. Togethcr wlth n large stock ol
Clocks, nud Time Pieces,from the best American Facto
fWß. r - r.- •
Ifcelr.itoek. ofjowelry comprises articles of every
description ta this line, each ns Finger Rings, Far Rinse.
Goltl. Vob andtfoardChains,
t.old Guard Keys andGeals, Lockets, Gold and Silver
Spectacles, Silver and German Silverand Table and
TeaSpooms. and every kind of fttney artiejes generally
kept in estabUshmenis of this deamripUoii.-v * ■
Shey would respecifhily cell Hie attention of the trade
to them extensive stoolt of Watch , materials nndToots,
Tarle, yi w!l iclv they hove most carefully s&
T bey have also on hand a largo assortment of Tele
scopes, spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from Ota hert
nyinufactory in England. Together withagreafvarleiv
of other arucles too numerous iq, mention. ■ : f
Uocks, Watches end : Jewelry repnired in the hest
manner and on the most reasonaule terms. fentUrv
T_ V Dlsaolutton. “
Armstrong, Bamuel;Croiiet and Charles Barnes,
nnderthe ritlo of Armstrong, Croiler & Co., is this day
by mutual agreement, Mr. flaraea having dts
posedof his interest and withdrawn from the concern i
i-JS* Forwardinir, Comml»«Un alia proinoo Bualnen
will ho contiuusd aulieir prosanl surnd, No«; C* Wator
andH FxoM Bireela, by James Armstrong and Samuel
Crone r, under Ibe.aiyle of
Wo. 71 corner of Wood and Fourth tit,
■ H! ,m 1 workmanship, (hat canbe got together
.Jo@9 I|l ony of like amount, in the
\vest, Nearlyaflmade to special order, free fromcots,
bltmiabesjfto. : CottjtttiJ',MercboiiU and others are re
spenifully mvltedto oafl and examine the stock, which
isotTcrejlfor sale low for cash, - * .. • ;
A. hos podd particular altonlioa to have n
generat sesortmanlof , the best etoek of Doois and Shoes
rorthe Retail trade, from: the good low price to mo best
made custom woth consisting of every kind of colon
anil fashions now in nse. Indtvldnals.iutd families may
rely on always finding n general assortment, ns it re
,a ’f?Kji'ss» wldtlts,Aaluon and quality, at r/i>. 71. :
ALSO—Men,Boys, and Children's Palm Leaf three
Sjraw.Uats. .< - fanrS2m>
t , Dl “°!:? i * 0 “of PiSttsaMliip; :i ■
r I Vartoer*hip hitherto existing between the sub*
X tcribera, doing business imho hanie of John Black
* Co., ts this day dissolved by mutual cooseuij-H. Me-
Culloaghparciiasing Uie entire interest of John IJlackin
said busmesa; H. -McCullough having the 1 right to use
ino name of the late fiemm settling the business, and tho
!!5 C ss lv . e . Ti sht lo receive all outstanding debts, and \o
pay all debt* due by the ‘
m » henry McCullough, r
; .-v* The business will becontlnaedbytheaabscri-
? 8 his old stand, comer of Penn and Irwin
■ henit v McCullough.
Pautmrgh, March J, 18®.
TIIE KAK—IO<i w.cICR liuvday jectived
~J and for sale by • , : JOHN B. SHERfUFF,;
“P* 7 ,. , No, 10 Marlietstreet. i
'Great Attraction !
_ rfil..
V' -'V* / *
4s±* .* v * *•
'' \ ©mgr anj> fHii&uhttr:
i if
[• UxSif** g**Vnow corapleied his spring stock of
1 e *^?'.£* e^«dly:ihe' "largest and best ever
?. r imbis City,which wiiLlm sold qt price*
o»lowa*Bnyjiuhei;;iiU!dSiale3.E»»i or. West. -
A a „“V „!;! firm i ~Ed. “JWM lie quality,with weli
-SSSS? . d -SSR ,a, ’t >*est wertmanship, <m« newest
S?»®“v‘? ifrtn *•»**»« of his orders uqd facility
uimai Itfaclurme, he u enabled to produce war ran led
furnitsrc, at the Fowcst priCesV * "f r 1 ; -
#J??i^ni2Ef?iS B i.> ,r7llci Pt s<,f the ens
i totters mterest.-TOJh his own* m qnality r andpriee>&nd
of fnrntUire,- Ijrptt the cheapest and plaiuegirto
tils tuoBt eicr&nf snj costly, that or any-part of
qne, ttavihe pnrfajutfacimed
i ax
part,qf/uB,stpck,whi_chforrictineasorßtyJeond fimahV
can Hot he surpassed ntanyof thelSaflteTn citieer i ’
}. XoaisiXlVteie-tete-rf-Sqfflßv t v - r - ■•••
i pjaahandbairclotlij
i.t.: SO,doz»Mahogany Chairs; : -- r - ,
' 20 do* Walitnt ' *flo;
• fiOMahoganyßeckrag: do;
: ’ 20 Walnat do do;
, . 50 Mahogany Divans; • .
i fiQMarblo Top Centre Tables v
i : Sx - - - H- 0 - .‘Dressing Bateaus;
! do -Washsiandß; .
l 40 Enclosed :'dbi - ' =• <
i : 100 Common .-•• • :•• dor* -•-••
' ' Dressingßoreann: . ,
■' ' Mphogany iledaleads :
20 Walont do:
*. 50 Cottage do;
5 r Bedsteads;
* ■ . 20 Mahogany Wardrobes;
, ■'. ltTWalnal * • : do.
10 Cherry do;
-60 PJolnßoreaos; .
; 7D Dining andßrealcfastTables:
12 Secretary aodDookcasei> ; :■-v--
20 doz. Cane Seat Chairs;
. ,24CaneSeatRockingChnirs: .
; .12 Ladies Wnting-Deske: . r ■
Hal and Towel Stands; What-Nots;
EtigniresJ. .- v >. t: , PaperMscnaeTables;
; .- Conversation Chairs; Pembroke - - do*
Ellzabathen do; Hall audTier do; ‘
Reception do; Ladies’Work Tables;
Pearl Inlaid do; Extension DiningThblesi
Arm do, Ottomans;
Goiliio and Hall Chairs:' ; - V
STEAMIiOATSandIIOTEIISj/urnished qtthe*hor>
notice*' •• • ' ~ » •••■ ■. ./ ■ !• . ■■
A» ordemprcmptlyattended to. -
(neartho corner of Wood)
■ t; h is association i <&-« ,
' iwiceio ibreouL- v
lit——Luoles-as many Hands ** the ler-KBS
MMIiJe »In,nut, Uio'ipuWlc,by .wholesale
‘ viz*?* a *IjWiih burultare of the following description
nJ^£i 0 S? n ny 7^ ari^, b i s ’ Bureaus; Toll Col
! Bedsteads ;t ilshogany
' Cl,i S? s °s a *£ w "sl“lhndß* S(^
•-rSU^KSK’- P £ ano vSW B! Book. I Cases; Secretaries;
: £“rJ. T . ab 1 1 . M > , p «r Table* ;;Onc Card -Table* Centre
Tables t,Hat Back*; I-rencU Bedsteads; Ottomans;
F / OP j a . r *X? rilrol ' oB i,B‘ nin S and Breakfast Tables: Work
. stands Cherry and Common Worksmnds ; hmhpost,
Crib™°C radle a & Ac* rbnti 1 c Cherry fftrehus;
;Pe ™>‘lsomtoseU atthe lowest prices, and they hrede
tennlnedtosellj lowerthan.auy competitofslan eqimily
Hood, if not belter article,and the public
willqnderatand by gmngibem a call. p
l\D~,Siaun6i>at Ifnrk of all descriptions; and Mother
articles of any description; made to order Ihetory style*
aulio shorlestnouce. i m (inar!«» ’
„ a ro Gablait AUUen.
mahoganVi fostvoodand Walnut; Varnish.
._. , Hardware and Fumtturt al Wholesale; 1 •■-
. rflilK subscribers hayo just received from New York
• A arid Boston a moat splendid stock, of VfiNKEBS*
and are manufacturing by machinery Furnitu re suitable
for the trade. AH of which' we will 'sell at extremely
lowprices. <.•••• . —*
■ Asgreat carewas token in the selection of the stooki
persons cannot fail to be suited either as to quality or
pnee; and,asitis well known that Furniiute can be
made by maclmiery superior and much Jowcr than -by
hand, the attention of the trade is respectfaHyinvited.
\ ,n -} tw branches, carried on as usual,
for hand rails,for Catpentersiund all articles
required inmanufacturing Cabinet Furniiure. constantly
on band—via: Mahogany, -Varnish, -Hardware, Uafr
Cloths, Springs, Ac, Ac. RYAN A QI’IiEeJ "
Ryan's Bonding*,
No. 3t Fifth street.
e.c. a*iiaM, , b. daolm
n *PttW A Pftttlarf
Biltattn Srvenihitriei andStfaiObmaJitv.pitubure.Pa
*R r IIASIMEn OAVLEB. keep coisianUy on hand
ofeicclleui and fashionable Forniuire,
iw warranted,equal to any,»nlhe city, and said on as
"1 “Hivaran!e lertnsjtscanLe obtained at any similar
establishment la .he West.-. They faaye now on bond an
wtasaally extensive EtDclnenibracingall kind* of Furnt
tw®» trom uie Cheapest and plainest to the most -costly
*aU elegant.. At! orders promptly attended to: TmrJlrfim
A. niLlilttfid 4 CO.i
SAVE ON . HANDAtthdr extenrive CABINET and
* large assortment ofianey and plain Furniture, which
they, will sell IS percent, below customary rates.
Terms—cash only>: .; ]dec‘J7:ly
Alto: WMr g. STgVKNSON continues to maiuf-
CAJSINET-WAJLE of every.descrip*
at his old stand, comer of Liberty and
streets. UNDERTAKING attended
to, In all its branches. • *'
West, they flaring liien manatoti'ureil htrcloioTe itclii
wine Hast, where they afesupcrsedlag the use
oz Wooden, coffins* take this method'of informing the
pobue, thatthey ere now manufacturing eighteen diffcr
eni sizes of the modern Sarcophagus, varying in length
.from Shi inches to 6| feet, with wtdLh and depth Suitable
for bodies of ordinary size* and for those who-desire
space for cushioning, or for bodies of otfasua! dimen
sions* have severaf sizes deeper and wider. This in-
Yention now coraingintff general use,is pronounced one
of the greatest of the age; Tiiese iiumxL Cases arc
Iron* 10 ' ° f yariott4 k ‘ n “ of tteUls, but principally of
They aw thoroughly msmtSet inside and oquapd
thus made impervious to air and indestructible. They
I W r P a ? l ,? , "? , ' an ‘ ) of a classic form, are light ’
and portable, while they combine the neatest sircnrth
in agiveotiaamity. »; .
i-_t vf 1 Pf°P e "?*c€aretfw»tb cement they are perfect
-17 air-light, and free from exhalation o f offensive gases.
ibeyeoßt no more than pood woodea coffins, ami are;
-better than anyciher. article in ose, (of whatever cost.)
fortraniportlUioni vault*, orordlaaxy Interments; as has
been provetvbj-actual expcriraents,and certified to by
f?® e of ; aUoj by the Honota-
Clay. JJaniet Webster, Cass.hffd
dlstingnlahed Senator*, who 4taye wtines'scdlboir
whose letters, together withother evidenced
■*«» Ag«tto»Bonal Case
■2821* tQ. Mpitrstrect; throe’ doors above Ninth,
faw&d to.kecp bn hand at ail times, snehi
fini,U "*
■'&? invite the atterttion of the pabliCi and of Under
throughout the West, to an ex ami
nulion of the article, and requett them nol to rely upon
iho leprcroQtaiion of undertaken net using to article,
whose interest it would bo to inierepre.entthem.
-g«!gj;3o> ’ ' ' W. G.rMVterfc ett
Qtatijing. '
. A T 0. 151, JLiberly Strut. Piitibvrpk*
JOHN MeCLOSKKY has now tho pleasure of an,
i^sffvki?f.SJ&< , * to public in
as urulKurnnter stock is now ready
for innwetfon, which Tie belibvea' Witt be found, to bo
S£?j p s.! ll S.J* r S' :, . t .*s 4 -.*•« selected stools or Heudy-
Mrtde Clothing to be found io the Western Conntry,-
Ho hasthla season paid more than usual attention to
ttie maoufacturingaod stno of his Garments, so that the
?®S? lo '^ c ®, l priced, Us well os the finest,aye got up in a
style and elegance nano be surpajsed. *
, '*<> al d particularly calf the attention Bf all dealer*
In Clothing to his present srifeiidid assortment of ’
i . i , luady.BaiieQarmenta,
rnani»S. B „'r°i;F 11<!,U, , 1,p^n ' :J: ‘ ,mi s“ loa of tho qualities
and prices of his goods, he ean offer ihem such induce
establishment!. Jna * e 11 toir. iMoreat to purchase at his
'•iUXSt y® a [*’ **P«rience, and great success in to bu
?[sP“i^Wto r wrllran uuptecedemed wSolupl. and r»
PP'Tp“*E!e> k a » euuhled him to gel up Garments to
fflMnfnn“Sun?- { lall * l », a l li tolfes of every location In
«mte porelnwerir 3 ° f 1110 etmosUmpertauco totvhole
. In the Cutting department will b'e found a. Choideise
- i®£“.2P Ue mp*l fashionablegoods, consisting of— r >
French, English andifimmean Broadcloths,
‘ AlBd,Bh ixceUentassonment or
ygsriiyps, of ihdUteai and mosi fMSioooble styled
all ofwhichiie toteparetliomaketbo-rderltttiiobcji
mannerund-ht theihbst reasonable prices;
Tho Assortment, the Quality, and tho Variety, is th*
most extensive, undoubtedly, to be fojihd in tho United
Blate « . > 1 • martW-
. . vhinpiui FitsT 1 ;
XJ —The asumUhlngsnccest which has attended tho
UBeofihisfnvaltidbie r ipddtclnßfbr the cnrt>ofEpUipti'e
yits, or Falimy Sickness,
HystertoSyiv’ervoXu BeMfitV* Seminal" Weakness. &c\ x
renders it the moat valuable medicbie ytidiicoVered.
In fact, as;a 'reined ? for above-diseases, it. stands
unrivalled and Therel* brother rcliable;ri>ra«-.
dy. It haa beeh BaicLiliat'Epllepsy-h inctmible; vThlg,
hpwevbr. ls hot the Wcfs PDr. Vegetable Extract
hasjandUcpnatanilyctxringilhis distressing eomplainv
as the testimony received from .physicians and Others
. will show. See certificatcsypubifehedm Ur. Hart’s Me*
dicarßeeorder,-pamphlet fonn,tot>©:hadoftbe Agents,
gratis. For Bcue by B~A~FAHNESTOCK& C(f n
marB j:-.,;. k / „ : ;-coTperof Woodand Firgt.etTcetg. !
TPAiib FASHIONS—Jait-received,»l thtrsiore
JP.of Mrs. A. LEEOH, Nd; tt Fcrtu rfaBST, @§M)
thatch wilt ba open forinspecllon oh f £inirstinyS33?r
and Friday, of this week, where yotrwiil-find a beauti
ful -nesortmentof entire jteW siyle of Straw-Bllki l
Satin and Velvet BONNETS, and TRIMMINGS, of va
riouo kinds; suitable for the Mason,
P. S.—Cnlliren’slJonnßlt, Ladles’ Capa and Head
Dretses—of a rich andbesatifat stylo, . ■ jocHSrts ■
Henry■/R.ionnwaon, dnyslicr, ■
SAVING re-Gl’.ed his Store in a handanrae manner.
and.bnt recemiy ietnrned frbta the' Eastern cities
with a nno assorlment of Watches, JewelryandFoneV
Goods; would call the attention of his friends andcim.
tinners lolhOTaet, that amhoghUWatcheSwiU be fonrid
the most desirable styles, bittems and makers nr j,i
clry, tteiatest-atytes orbrocheSj.breastrpurt-fth'Shd,
Ac”*^ lUn,, fi '‘ Be ' - rtaS *’ *" riDS3 > ““‘“Wfei loofcea,
- ■ FANCY GOODS—Snoh as paper nxacher work tnMoV
ift. fr??* *v of mftna£a'trt4radfmarblc, &!•-
« A y *?» a w&m, amfmfide to ordctoA fließfiortC*t: notice.
- Ul l dre^.<lc * l Stt» foP Moiimfiea!9,origliial and
aetectcay on band*. The trado ftirnished 'wjtbMarblo <aj
«* to ?«ipricMi••' Orderspromptly attended to. , -i -..■-
WKWfflj , , , w>w* Wallace! k
• ' •• • :. V> r -‘ ' '
(1 \ ' * , ~
! *
•V ■ .•■•/• , ,>. . K * - .7 .. . . •
... W. ; '' » ■
-vV,V■ if
•-' .-/.v 1 :v, v ., ■iw-'ct> -■’* /-----*-'Av- v: 4 .,
, Dr ’ De ian.y’. Curattva in-
The only Infallible Diseaae
SO bara3«lo«r_ani tlestraciive. and nrodnctivr nr ini
, nUiell miKchitf lo llio nerrous fyaicm, Incipacitnl
uie Iho man for bnslness, iocleiy, alulMliiS
Tbl6 InSliomeniiißunplOvCoiiTehenaiTO
failing, ooirnay be Mod s
meacoor Ihb knowletfiool th» tnOat Jimtnate fHf-n.l
U is lo be uaeieitemallyj rrodacinE- no pain or ifinW
wbalever, nor presenting any one from nitenilrtr to bla
basineis;: oml'iWtilo ritt tfm nei aeintteemiiewn -cim
lake place, invigorating the organs, in a rfon time, to
sueh an txuni that- Vug aitfilß TitiUfctiauiitwaiowM.
07 abtbniioN,-.UieJosa of which, caused by earlyabuse,
is the disease in question, and ffidcauseof-thethousojid'
Concomitant complaints,viz iNerroa-sncssrPrtmiriuion,
Dyspepsia; 'Bain; in.ibe.Hesd ,*ad Dimness ofViihm:
Weakness of ihejßack.eml; Lower Exireralties, Affee
lions of the Eyds,
mature.Decline‘of-V«iUiy > >Weaknesa~of Memory and.
Power'for'MentarAppKcatiotf, Dejection, Aversion td ;
Society, Timiditt, fSeifrPjstnisv-Love of So)iwde> -&Ci -
,AU these complaint* invariably disappear as soon.ds tht !
source titiopped/ranlwhich thci/cmasicftedr r =■
. This lnstromeiu ho* been examined aqd approved of
- by ihfr hlchest aathorjued fn Ebfope and'America, Is jdr
commenaed by the p)os(- promiDent; : Phyfficuma Df .ail -
countries, as the only certain remedy existing Jor'ihoie
complaints, andhas now completely superseded (he use *
ofarugs. ifie boogie, cauterization,; Ac., nouo mention
the tiiuasattd.&dvertised nostrums of the cordials,
- antidotes, • It constitutes* at. the vame time* the *
everoflered lo the affilctetf, a.fair. pn«e. being allpwed
for the Instrument, after the desired effect has been at
tained. <• j i
Be It also remembered,-that those complaint* are bat
little understood by the.profe&sioiv ia general, and that
alt the medietas m the world never has, and never will,
Btopthoselesses,: Which* if'
checked, arc sore to produced the most distressing eon
sequences. " j <• i - *
r ft has been a matter of surprise. to:somc, that &ay one
of respectability and of professional altainoienta should;
devotehis attention to diseases -which-people of every •
description pretend la cure so easily.: i/$ however, but
-upon society were.ksown,aveiy different opinion would
be formed. . And it is not only the prcscnt miseryand
dejection, preying otuhe mind as well as thetody, that
is deplored, but some are of such a nature as to affect
.posterity* and. even to dcstroy the rcprodacuve faculty,
Altogether* >Uis a fact,that,- when noiproperly treated, '
they may remoia so dormant in the constitution as u> dp» ! ■
peorin no other way tlian in their effects upon posterity;
vet, if properly understood, are most eaflilyand speedi
ly removed. Theabove,soingemoußly contrived inSura--
menv will doubtless, in a great to
.check, the'evifoof quackeryvso prevalent™ UiUchtss of
throughout the Union. ■ . - : - •
r Thopuee of the complete instrument,' carefully secure *
edngamateli observation in ah ox, ran
iUnueabttnes^Canaaa t &e.f.accordiiigioaTder,accom*
ipamed by,foil directions, and important advlee'iothe' 7
jmaniedandstngle? theexpesses, thexemotest'
fPatts of Ahecountry, being very-trifling;.
i . The unexampled sncceasthislnsirument has obtained
aioce iu.miroductiomn America, has induced some un
:principled persons in New York, Philadelphia,'Albany/
'Boston, dee.,- forget np somexidteutoas things, eslled'
; v.lnsirumeuis,b .which, however, bear rot thk slight
:» resemblance, neither in form nor prineiplei iamy
• owninvented, long tried, ana universally approved In*
:slraments, andwHich.are as similar to them asnlght is
,to light. Every attempt to sell sach “Instruments” for
mine-will beprosecntedtothe extent of the law;
I being , not willing to connect the well nnd honestly
• earned: ropatatitm of my inventions with- quacks and
ihctx; worthless productions. ■ fla .Instntment.u genuine
and nonc.can be warranted but thjse ordered fiom myssff:
.-All applicutious and remittances.:mast be directed,
(post paid) to the Doctor himself, he havingno Agencies
established butra London and Paris. - .=- «■ •
..rAddressj postpaid, Dr, B. de Lancy, 51 Lispenardsto
New York.
Office hoars, daily, from 9 A; M. till 3P. W 1 and from
. 7 till 8 P. Mt the Sabbnlbucxceplcd.
undersigned certify, with greatpleasure,that
the abovc-menUoned lastramenl is not only constructed
on scientific principles, but that from its nse ihehapplest
results may always, with confidence,-be amicinated y
there being, for the cure of those diseases, NOOTOEII
CEBTAIN remedy extant '
- CH. GOETZE, M-D.; SO Chamber street, ' *
- C ECKUAIIDT, M.D., 24 Howard street,'
. Nkw Yobs.
' .Dmib Laiystls prepared to execute all orders for sur
gical apparatus,--vrc:'Artificial Arms, and Legs/ which
move like uataral members; Apparatus for Luxation j
for Contracted Legs for eurvaiure of tbe Spine 'dnd
Waist;: for >?alee Joints of.ihe Arms and Knees; for
i Paralytic Legs; for Clabpoot; for Lacrymal Fisiulesr
for Failing of the Rectum;’Hypogastric Bells; BSdsnnd
.Chairs for Sick Persons; Crutches, Trusses; Ac.; Oriho
pedie Corsets, Ac., AH work Letters
. must be po?i paid,-, containing a proportionate remlusnce'
or city reference. / [fcb?s:ly
In offering to. the community this justly celebrated re*
rnedy for diseases of the throat and Jangs, it is not car
wish to info with the Jives or health of the atilicted, bat
frankly lo ta; before them the opinions of distinguished
mertond sotneofthe evidences of its success, from which
thay.can judge for* themselves*... We sincerely pledge
onrsclvcs .to make no .wild assertions or false statements
of ns cfficaey, nor will we bold oat any hopelo suffering
humanity which. facts will not warrant.
> Many are here Riven, and we solicit &n Inquiry
from. the.public into ail we publish, reeling assured they
will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine wor
thy theirbeslconfiaence and patronage. . c
fnnntAa distinguished Professor of .Chemistry and&faU*
■ • na.Afsdtw, IZowdoviCoHfge. ■■■■■• ■' * -
Dear Sir: I delayed fuisweringihereccipt ofyour
preparation,until I opportunity of witnessing its
eflecis in my own family, or m. the families of my friends.'
This I have now done with a bieh degree of satisfac
tion, in cases both of adults ondcbildren.-
I haTefcundit,nsU3 mgredieDU Bhow, a powerful re
jnedyforcolds and coughs and pulmonary diseases
JIRTtSSWiCK, Me., Feb- 5,1517. »
.From an Overseer in the Hamilton HMt r in. thirdly.
. • liOWStL', Ang. 10,-IWttr
. Dr.J.C. Ayer: 7 have been cured oftlte worst coach
I ever had
never fail, when Ib&vc opportunity of recotnmemlina i* :
toothers. Yourg, respectfully.
• IDT Read ihe following, and see if this medicine is
worth aumit The patient bad become very feebteiaui*
the effect Of the medicine was unmistakably distinct:-**
- 4 July 5, taw. v
... 3Dr. J. C. Ayer«-**Sir: I have been afflicted ■wiiU a pain
ful affection of the Jong* ami all the symptoms of settled
consumption, for more than £ 1 could, Cad no me*-
diciftethat would jeach jnycase»uhUH commenced the
use of ybac“Cxras&Tl*scTonii; n which gave me gradaaV
relief, and 1 have been steadily gaining ray strength till
my health is well nigh restored.
: While using, your medicine; I had the gratification of
coring with U my reverend friend; Mr. Truman, of Sump
ter District, who bad been suspended fromhis parochial
duties byasdvereauackoi broncliilis. :
-r ; I have pleasure in certifying hese facts to f
And am, sir, yours TespeeifaliVi - 1
Jv F. CaLHoUH, of south I Carolina* .
The following was; one of the worst of eases;
which the physicians and founds thought lohelncurable
v Cnssrss, I?a., Aug. 22,1840. •(
:r :di.Cw,Ayer,—-Sir; I was taken with a-terrible cough,
brought on by a cold, in the beginning of lost February;
.and was eonuned to-, my-bed more tua twomonths.—
>Ceughing incessanily wghi,l.becomeghastly
and pale, my eyes werc sunken and'gl&ssyvand my
.breath very.short. Indeed, I was rapidly feifihg; and in
such distressTorbresth.ibaibut iililahopeotmy recovf
cry could beemcitained; While in thissimailon, afriend
of mine, (the Be v, John JKelJeiybf the Methr.distcb urch,)
brought m’ea houleof yourCHBBRT I
tried more (o gtailfy biraV lhan froin any expectation of
obtainingfeliaf: ;jts.gtiod ebreet induced me to continue
its usef and I soon found ihy health much improved—
how in three monihi, I am Well and sirong, and cari ai>
tribute my cure only to your great medicine.
; With the deepest gratitude, yours* 4cv '
r „ . 1 * . JAMES GODFJRKV. ;
.Prepared ana sold by-James C. Ayer;Practical Chem
ist, Lowell, Mass. -
ip" Sold taPiusburgh wholesale and retail, by 8. A*
.Fahnestock, and byi. W.Townsendj'in Allegheny City
bpILP. Schwarts, and 3. Douglass, and by. druggists
generally. - ♦ • dec3o,
Compound Syrnp ofTellow Doek Boptf
tank ejnongtho v( proprieiory:
V medicines'ofihis./coQatry focnompletely curing
Canker, Salt
arising from &nimpurereiate-bf tlie:blood, :A)so; Liver
ComplsinL Catarrh, Dyspepsiai.lfeadaCbeßf-Dizziiidsa!,’
Coughs, Sorcaessahd Tightness About the Gnesi; Bron
chitis, or Hoarseires?, Dryness; and h tickling sensation'
abbutthb Throat? andisused with unprecedented suo<
cess in all casesof •
various organB,und invigorating theemiro system-
witnesses, fronr
alt parts of the cuuntty, eanberelied opbh,'itls singu-.
larlyefficacloQSia curing ail 2faffwr»,antl itetoringi]e*
vegetable invite composition, and - so. accurately com
medicaf' properties 'of'e’aChMngredieiit haßuohiousiy'
chronic diseases wluehhasW--
fled the skill of thd bfest physicians,, andhas also-cured
Canker,9alf Rheum; Erysipelas and Scrofula, which
; SarsaparUlaSyrnpß. entirely failed iQjnakethe least its-
Ipteisiohbppni'- •* . ‘ , w ,
Ithas been tested In mahy cases of CANCEROUS
HUMORS.' The most obstinate CancfiTs havc-been'
: .ettire«lby 'thls mcdicine. L'We aay thatitlsa vaJuahro
mediciMinall BILIOUS PpMpi&N’K ltrrnfovS'
»U blJitrucilon.iaihe ; circalaiion,Tcßaeiing the Uvtfr;
e^! l ! d i U:a i2 ,S ',', ; It i>4lpUaUon of live
-Mem, ani relieves lit allcases of ABthma-tmcl may be’
cltoatesjani atallseaeoosof Uie iiear.-
■'i9. IS Byipp mprcparedonly by C. MORSE A CO., at
lOaFqomain.iircetjPtoylcrtticCjß.l .attascM'wbole
saiaatia retail, b, . 8. N. - . ,
> ..' ' .iOniy Agent for WeBtein PeiiE»ylvania,i !
Jpufy, - Warehouse,cor.Woodand Flusb^"
JnfW» Medicated fctrinldECQUelo. ' '
j *lll5lB arLicleis iniemie<iforraimly'nse,aiid should bo i
i - Mechanics whoare.incoriatanitfanger ofinjurjr to tli eJr
r pcraoaethToaghaccidentVand.ib© unproperor caieLeap
: of to bc iixValoable fa
them«and alter a fair willcbifaider it fhdispeflßhble.
• “ This may c ettifcr that rwe, the-tuidersfgnea, 1 having*,
frequently made use-of Jo (2 d s *Medicated ligniil Cuticle, •
prejaaredbyMeSsrs/ PeafietdA'Caißj> v
Oonneeticat,'Cheerfully recommend it taourpTofessionr
ol brethren* as an excellent anbstiiUUefOE.adhesive plas
ter, indressing barnB,cuts,scalds,braises, and all kinder
of fresh wounds; alse/for sore nipples, a remedy ane«
qaliled* • ‘ CHARtES WOODWARD, M. 0.,
Compriiiugall tbe practising phyalciuis is the cfur of'
Miildlclown. • ' ’ ' ‘ ' ■
For sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.,
~|y1... .. , comer ofWQod mid First sis;
STKAM ;«t>AT rKIMMISGS-Coaiptliißit fa'nirt
i.JliSi.Wtowingti iTaMoi.'Linen,'
jgra* *•*» Sinp.TabloCaveringiiM Tibia CaSeK’;
NapUiu, 4c, WbicKynwc connUmUy.,
the taporict. W<lranW»(arcn, ciSft
stfec^, jeprtj *- W.»CUKTOqS^Iv
♦-v W-4. * « t „ - j. *
i? r - v’ ~ \ ’
- j£u~**'' - < * :„'V: \
.^*-</V' : - : -- v- : -'• '* = • : -' :v; C"'•:•;••*•.v* vVvvvy l *?*. i
». ,s
, ‘‘‘ ” C ". •
• V 'A. •
** J ‘"'V ,
.. I ■ l “ : "f-r- ..... "‘“'V.'L'" ;•
rented th^ore^ l i '
do ( w;iihouieyenebpUdnyeoranyjSd toreiainTtfifi? ® '"
ten render/niie cmeperfectiyiitimanageellff, and ititi ? -
:tp 'Wh Bt-IrjeTmedStfangitidltdlgiirnfiv tvkicn oftenliM *i
D o relief 60l in a Unrgldaroperation/ In tfie-TrbiVkr r : ‘ f
t»hie!i we invite lie attention of tbe afflicted, there U ;i , t
every snperlorltyoyer tboirosjesaud bondage* In ' ! • »
S?is5 1 ? n .iW’‘ It'i* perfectly cobtfortsble,,and.can be- -i
n«of Dr- Hob- , '
i-WeSS^'toea«e»ofordimtry.KapUi're. ' ..'!
! Tir?^iKs. 1 i < !!£ »®leted to-make application in lime.
1 «» *• «*«»<» • ii
Jend!ng n ibßma» -oar hove item »etit, by''
, B pv»n§ nens|ye totwdrthc body* . f
‘Utrwn** 1 ’*®-‘OaO:1f. JTEYSERj '• i * £
j - • ’ 'V° tr^-*t Tcct J eola ogen\ -for PiitotMujfh, : - 5
-r — —■ .. r "marlVjdfcw r , *
Enina of Wtnirtu tf lht Breailor'Kidd, Pf rat Btatair -f
Cmsuvtpuon, <f-e Mallam .irpttuiiarX- .
injur roir iwiwigyfimitte, , f ’.. {. 2
SCTtefw • *
Sh* alsohnti taimequnl!y.noie4 forlti virtues; andsonn V
iP,Sy“f i “S*-»l>o»e namesarfifamiliar to (be whole coon! »
vSSXfc 1 ®* 0 ?? t 6 odeolhrefthitf oven CONSUME- ■ 2
bflueoredi by that alone, „I n .other. ha£m, 1
asaln,« was nearly valueless. owing, no doubt/to tSjr' 1 „
tmdadWjnlsieringii—, ,
P9W. entirely obviated by .patient experiment nidffig 1
I .Tbo.eiiraordmnrymedieln&i poweraoTthesetwo snß
istancesare noW/oMhe first time cbrnblned and embed. > :
By a nlce chemical prpcess.eyerj thing deleterious Or' ‘i
Suseless is refected, so thatwhat remains la fhe’mostei- >
iiraordmarynml iroly effieaoipus remedy for all kinds of
pulmonary end livey diseases ever knOwn to tnnu ' To' '1
jcoavinee-flll nnbeUevera * t
dorf" eaMl( of cllrca Petfood by tbuwmiJ £
*l*w&ss: *
srskilfal'pWclan fromUm B
out tttsrkdbwlecgemy faihefjprpeured It and commenced' k
i admibißlering M to jbe. and trom ihbfirst day I oommtn-, r
ced laimgirray healihiinpnrretJj niid iii iwoweekii il
t *£? ft 6 o*m *o<lover«e*tty business an 4 labot *S
which Istill connnna todo. -1 haye taken four botUos K
of the medicine, ana now consider myself ierfecilv wall t
' : • - JEREMIAH I3CBIQ. ‘ j ,
- Mr J- n IW n BDa “ v, “»> »«tfleld co, o, 1851, I
■JJm'** P* * wlf—Pear Sir :.I wish to state to yea that
my, daughter Amanda, aged 10 yours, bad about a year *l*
sipco nyeryseyore. attack ofmeasles, wbiphredneed t’
mßSEtett+OßikSi ‘'
Rave.her symptoms still.more tnalfgnanichoractar ■'
mydangbter’sieeovciy;ißut;iproyideniiallv«/wihi, ' ‘
ccrLficatcof JonailtahjConl6on, whosedaafl;hter,'Sarah j? >;7
.Wila Cherry -Thiscreated a faint: hope-that-ii mfcht t-' •
Wp ®y J Immediately, commenced uitog :
it, andhalmostlJutenUygave relief" Her ihealih was l -
b * ‘he-osmof two ?
Cherry she’was Tea- i ; '
torcfitoperfect health, and.she is not liow al all predii- i'
epogh; 41 will aay to all :tha tare afflieted wiih I
t 0 Consamptioilj do notdeFpalr, for f ;
™;lSi"iW. Bolsa,n « rw ‘W Oherry .will core yoa if •
you will but try iu , k k/im ’ i
F- J P J P-P p, i
Will miraclrsnever cease J More evidence of l(j f
liealUr-rEstoraUve,virtues! v ■- \ y
• Baker, ffpringfield, Washington <?o., Ky i ■
_ T - ‘ SPstsonEto,Ky M ftJay 14*1K>0.- t
' Pahk: I take ltu's of !i-'.
ipforming'ybaof ainost remaikttblo cure performed opi "! -
i <>?i ma Uy? ose of >l>r.’li?7xstar 7 a Balsam off Wild Cher-
i.ryv • . • ••%*.■- a.-- r
5 '
SSi I, S2 r^! 3 ’ 1 labored under for six weeks, when f ■
IfSSfi? recovered. In the fall of 18411 was attack- f .
pit with a saycre coldi whichseptcditselCnpontnyJnhjn [
and ror tho apace, of Ihreo years I whs confined"to tty I -
a k| nds Of mcJicines oml evcry variety or if * y
w? n we?V(S? ue^: Uiu , l ’ |[.wearicd aloSg nnltl the i -
wild Chcr^ 5 ’ ” h -- D 1 Bilsam or .
had gjven>np oil hopes of. recovery rand had prepared ■■'
Thronib ihdr : I ’
tndncedrjonijlkedise of thb geanlne 4 '
Wdat’sßalsanrofWild<aerry:, Theefiectwlstruly S.
asionishing. .jfter Evayears of. afHicUoD and eafierlng 1
hnd afipr havipg.apeiu fanr or five hundred dollars to no , .
.? sl nnd niost respectable physicians ! , .-
ttngy J'was; soon restored tor entire y • .
of .Gj)d..T6si-«pon • 4be proprietorsof l^
|o valaabte Oiißediciao. as . Wlatar’a Ba)ram of W»a * -
‘M»Sr*i?-Ypjr»-|espect&llF, , W. if. 3JAKER- * -
r C/“Cenuinc Wwtar’s Balsam, or WUd Cherry bus \
n £tte;|}gatttajceof JJeiiry Wistor, ftj. D., Phil- r"* '*
o3i(J. f Saoford & Park *?. on a fincly cxecuicd ' V
fll^^^^ Veil J' rra PP Wo-other can be Rename.
addressed’ Gcneril “ seat >}° wte,ln nU Wdcrd oust be' J '
K 7" fried W per fconle-nialx Uoitlea for 85. ■ - . ;
i»i£L db, ' l ' J- »• PARK, Cincinnati, 01i0,*5 .
N SsfwlߣK er °, f Fo “!i b a P d Walnut eta.,—entrant)* ,
r a irij?*£ a ,s , ~la wliom^ all ordcra mast be nddreased. i ■
KlWACo,PnubnMbji, wilcoi,Jr,cornerMnrtet * ■
irlteot and tie Diamond: 1! A Falmcaiock & Co, Plu» . ; ':
, T oa ? s i PUt ?p u 'i l i-, Lee,4.Beelihom ) AUe-' ;'
S?n tmilii 1 *. 1 ! ‘n , sl l ’Jy^ , V n ? u,n » WII Lamlier- ?
* a L c- B ®*ioatowni U Weltr. -
Greenabnrah; S Kountz, Somereet; Scott * Gilmore, I
. ?'i d & So' l . jMra. Orr, Holliday* ;
bnrgh; Il.iaebrand&,ca, l (nduln4i J R'AVrii>ht r Kilt»n- !
mn^, Evnnpi Co, BrookviHe; A Wilson t. Son; i
Wayneabotfh, M’Farland Jt'Co.N Callender, Unit,
'viilei Canon A Co, Krio; Henry Porker, Mercer) Jar :i..
Kelly &. Co- Htitler; S Smith, Beaver; J 1> Hammertoe: I
Warren s F Jf * C 8 Joiie»,.Contleraj!©rij 1* Crooker!
Jr.,Brown«Tlltc. _ [marSO
- Dattn'ty cam® all Borns und all Externalßatts ’
and bores... > • . '„'
.iM. Balm tif Columbla forStayingorßeatoTinclliS'
- Haniairllair. • •. •,•->. • .* ■ ■
un&Jndian'Vtg* !'
•roWd a care for all cases of Bhepmatltm.'
««r Noir't /cowrie Oil, a cerlain cure for Deafness. i
2H 1 * fL a * * Xvumsnt,* known cure torthePUes. ; . ■ -
Spohn’t.SitkHeadachifbmulfr. ■.;•> .-\ r, •- .
-A ,*• forjiH‘w/>ineu iit the family way.l
- ? Bih. ■ Gnat W*?um: Indian Panacea, fat * ■••"■■■
Colds and feverish feelings and pfevemJne fevers; for V
. Asthma, J4?er CompiaijH and BiUotts AfecUona: for ’
.PiarrjM»9,.lndißestlon forCoetive- *
■ ness for !
- Stomach Auctions, Dyspepsia, File*, Bheumatism J'ic.i
, Tiie great poims are Ilia not bad to take, never rives ‘
' -pain, and neverJe&ves one cottive.■ ■ ' ■■■■'. ■
9ib. Jtiller.yforC&Udreit
or grown persons.
. im.Mn. Ruvn's Great Pain KiUtr. No mediclno
has been discovered tnat is so happily adapted to ste
wonderewheanpplledraijrnaUyasawashorbath, by: ;
friction. In bottles iiojniaitOSOCenUfcuch. 1 ■
. lUh- SauxJwhz’i RaaciaadEtdSueSant. fat drlv* -
itigaivay.Verntminnattorttimo. - .■'■■■■" < :
Tbo eelebrntcaiin’r Life TOlt and limpertmu ,
SURE *" m * ** ‘
lSih'tyn’tlTaim o/?Cliflq f n ChfocseJiemedy for
BrmsesfSoreKi&c. ’
ed all other Sarsaparillas/and stfllgiveans'Rreafsaitof &
faction asever. t
•17ltTv /Celebrated spread:. Slaster ' pl -
made frontPrr reclpe» .and the most popular in the
market. * *
A certain and‘easy ,
teineJa notoriety andpopulaminever ,
by any preparation at thw place, and Its sab £wbe«i
eotnmeaairate sHib iutoems, which are txtnSShXm '
. All the ««efnliy?e6crlbcdw”tSSNA(S'
to bo given 10 nil who cnllW ro the Medibl”tSo’
‘ r CoHBTObffil!» l l ? 0W5 .J 5
■longed nnd now belongs ri WI } 7 * i
B.Cotasiictjnnd thongh Uw ei*niSSrY, I ?,S£'i i,B « Q »
Co; will beeontinued.lMs extiafabefttiiS'i' - v ’
' tTTbs above medlcine^ah 1 ?? t,^ 0 !? ST< ? CK - '
■ No. -dO Liberty street. heaAnf nirt.—i
l a eff«uve f'Md r bw^l^.V
«**■>*-; ■'
of Uitf«oimirr ) ,|BUr if OWoninionmn ..™. “ <:tion * -
Btsaha±ma»we- >• •
ptMUce, and with onitoraVae^ma^^l?.' 1 °r nr ' ’
kwl^f|® e^;^W«4^Cd.,coraei ,
.. .... .