' viJf. 1 < » 1 „. , , , . « , < f ■ . igllifft^ FJt * *Livi***<*£ *2* k’Srf* * *£*Ah y rf r-«Stf ~^'‘t ■ uV>t* " ■ .i'WSu.W* -J •r+ft&f*-* •• .*•««*J, JJiJS,#? #l *. 71.*" vi v**'t r’ <> -i ;i **iVi' •< ■ * > £Lv f l*^Wi#*^ , vv■«** f ***4 ** «*- i-h :^HX'Ji r \-•*-*/-*? *♦.* ->,• »,-* *s**%- - r , **• •♦* s 4**V v s* - " ?-' J W',-- :£-»fc M*'4j v .t■■?■ *« «* «.*.' y- ,*•'■?.;•**«•• •t *" \:: ~ wTI **■• v. *,v - • .■» *j. f ? J*-.V .•• 1 a. - rf r* . L > * c, ' < Tt, Ifailq JEbmtiagfost- ATtTRPAV MOBHlNGh::n::::::" :: "APBIL 10. juror intolllßonoo, «e. 9 Butinas was not very brisk yesterday, on the wharf. Serena hosts armed from the Sodth andWesV rrell laden with the prodoehons «f those regions;. Saturday Packet-— The splendid Btoamer Mes senger No. 2, iatjio regular packet this morning for Cincinnati. She learca the trharf at 11 o’cloek A. It, and passengersshonldbe on board before that time. Sundtsy Packet.— The Buckeye State, Capt, Dean, la the Sunday packet; that every-person knows, and it is alsoweflknawn, that she is one of the fastest and test boats on the river,—with officers who are patterns of gentlemen. : For Whetting. —The "Winchester, Capt. Moots, it irill be aeon by reference, to our :advertising columns, is running ass regular packet to.Wbeel ing: - This boat la one ofthe very fastest on the upper trade. - The flicer.—Thera werell feet ef water in the channel last evening,'and-felling. •■■■■. Railroad Meeting. —A meeting of the stock holders of'the Pennsylvania railroad, was held in Philadelphia, on Monday last. .. The -principal object of tho mooting, - was to consider the pro priety of aiding : tho Ohio and Pennsylvania railroad to finish-thoir tine to Crestline.A comr mittee reported through their chairman, 8. ,V. Mebbick, Esq: The report is very. long, and concludes. with a resolution authorizing the Board of Directors, to subscribe, legislative sanction being first obtained, for 500 shares in the capital stock of the Ohio and Pennsylvania, railroad company, for the general purpose there of, ami a further amount of 5000 shares,, to bo applied towards-forming, a connection.,between, the terminus of the Ohio and Pennsylvania railroad at the enter depot in Allegheny city and tho Penn sylvania railroad depot,in Pittsburgh,by means of a railroad bridge, across the Allegheny river; pro vided the Ohio and Pennsylvania railroad com. panyhave ample fundß, with the subscription: aforesaid, to finish the road to Crestline. The resolution was unanimously adopted. , : . Steamboat Robbing.— Our western boats aro infested by a gang of steamboat robbers, whose depredations are daily becoming ■ more serious. Vfe recorded the robbery, on the Pittsburgh, at Cincinnati, of over $2OOO yesterday, and, also, ■ the robbery on the Pariß, on Wednesday last, While lying at this port. - The Uniontown Genius of Liberli/ says that. Maj. Hibah Jacksos, late of Menalleu township Fayetto county, was rob bed of $630 and his watoh white on the boot in this city about to leave for "St.. Lonis en route for lowa. In tho evening on going to bedin his berth, he locked the door, leaving the key in the lack, and placed bis vest, containing the money that was stolen, under his head. During the night some villain, unlocked his door by applying some kind of an instrument to the key tram the outride, entered the room and took the vest, money and watch. Maj. Jackson was not aware ofhis loss until he arose in the morning and missed his vest. ■ Pennsylvania Railroad; —The receipts for freight on the Pennsylvania Railroad, daring, the month of-Marcb,,amounted to $113,941,66, showing an. increase over the same month laßt year, of $94,- 422,76; the receipts from passengers dnring March, of this year; amounted to $129,438,00, showing an increase of $78,226,84, over the samemonth of 1851. The total increaso amounts to $178,048,60, more than that of lost year. The passengers have been run over forty • additional miles ofroad.not used in 1861, and the freight over twenty additional miles not used in 1851. If this is tho amount of business done by this road, in on. unfinished state, 'what Trill it amount to, ■when the gaps in the road are completed, > and freight can be brought through without transhipment. Returned. —The Allegheny Enterprise, of yes terday, says that officer Snee, returned on the Express traiD, on Thursday opening, and brought with him a colored man, named' Henry Vaster, who ia charged with entering the houso of An drew Potter, situated on Jackson street. Second Ward, in July last, and stealing abont forty dol lars worth of wearing apparel.' A portion of the Btolen property was fonnd in possessionof ; tho. prisoner. On examination, he was required to give hail in $B9O, for hia appearance at Court Tho prisoner procured tho amount of ball re quired in the case.* ■ > Theatre. —Mr. J. B. Roberts appears Obis eve" ning, in the'charaoter of Richard 111. This gen tleman’s personation of tho . wily Gloster, is a fine piece of Bating, well deserting .of tho ap plnuse which it rcccivcß. ■ - Homey Williams and his talontod and accom plished wife have arrived in town, and will ap pear on Monday night, it being their farewell ■visit previous to them departure for Europe.— We have no doubt the. house ■ will bo crowd ed every night daring their engagement Lumber and Metal —lt ia nstonisbingwhat tre mendous amounts oflumber and pig metal have, come down the Allegheny, by the late freshet, ' The Allegheny city wharf is lined with rafts, and covered with lumber, o large quantity, of which is designed for the Allegheny and Perrysville Plank Bood, while boats are aa busily engaged in hnloading metal near our rolling mills; also a large lot ot railroad iron, for tho Ohio and Penn sylvania Bailroad, is now lying on the Alleghe ny ■ Fifth Strut. —We see theStreet-ComJnissioner has at last taken pity . on tho deniens of, this street, and had it at length cleared.- of. the mud and filth, which has provcd such a serious obsta .cle to pedestrians., Several other , streets, also, thanks to his energy, are being robbed of their muddy surface, and made passable. „ Hardware, —Messrs. Hays & Getty, No. 71, Market street, have in store n large, stock of hardware, amongst which will bo found garden ing.tpols.scythes, and many .-other articles used by our friends in the country.. We coll attention to the advertisement of. Messrs. H*. & G., which will be found in to-day’s paper. Excavations. —Theexcavations on the Custom H i)nBe lot are rapidly progressing;, and the con tagion appears to bo spreading, for several old ishanties on Fifth street ore being already levelled to tho ground, and promise is given, that many more will follow. Surety of the Peace Patrick Beef was arrest cd yesterday, and brought before Mayor Guth rie, charged with assault and battery, and surety of the peace, on oath of Thomas' Tnrroy ond. Johannes Torrey, Beef was committed for trial in default of bail. Monsieur •ddnen.—This celebrated necroman cer, will bo in. this city next week,.whenbe wUI startle our citizens,-by his legerdemain. .is no truth in tho .report, that Monsieur Adrien has any commotion with the , but his dex terity almost warrants the belief. Cannon. —Weseeaa largo lot of peace mo lt era in Knapp & Totten’s.ForunOry, jesterday. TheproperofSoerswere inspecting, and seeing ■TviethertheyweraCt/ortlieporpoaesof dread ful war. The Weather, yesterday was beautiful. But it will not last—if wo take what we lave-had up h’preoedent,-bq we hate made up our minds for a rainy day, to-day, and only f?ar that we will wot he disappointed. >: COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. - . - Eridat, April 9. On the Bench—Hon. "Win. B. M’Clnre, Presi dent Judge; and Wm: Boggs, Esq., Associate Judge. Commonwealth vs. Sarah 'Whaloy. Indict ment—Larceny, in stealing a hog. the property otW. W. Prophates, of Allegheny. The jury retained a verdict of not guilty. CommonWetdthvs. David Pinkerton. Indict ment-—Obtaining goods under false pretences. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. . j WatemDivUion. —We learn from the Massil lon Newt, thatfrom the opening of the western division of tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, from AUianeo to Massillon, March 12th to 81st inclusive, there were carried over, .tbe.road,.2,-. 420 passengers. The receipts from passengers at thoMassillon Jstntion, daring the. same -term teas $916,87. Theamountroceivedfor,freight; account, at the Massillon Station, daring the same term,- was $888,86, making tho.totalreceipts of this Station $1,804,63, np to the time above stated. Selling Liquor. —A man from the Fourth ward Allegheny city was brought before Mayor Flem ing yesterday morning, charged with selling li quor .on Sunday—the evidence was positive, and Hume had to pay the fino or go to. jail—but ho wisely chose the former alternative. : He was af terwards oharged. with selling liquor without a license, and his guilt proved by the same witness —tho gentleman (?) having bought liquor .from him on Sunday: and Monday and then turned in ■former. Hume was held to bail, to appoar at court. . Racing. —The omnibus drivers, who ■go from the city to the railroad depot in Allegheny, have had a fashion of racing on Federal street, for some time past, endangering the lives of the passers-by. -- Some of them were brought before Mayor Fleming of Allegheny, yesterday, and vOry properly fined. One omnibus was injured in the racing, by another running against it, and an notion hnß been entered beforo Aid. Hays, for damages. : Allegheny Supper. —There was a good; number set down - to' tho table, at .Wilkins Hall, last evening, on the occasion of celebrating tho eemlr centcnial anniversary of tho. Allegheny Fire company. The evening passed pleasantly, amid song and speech, until the company separated, at an early hour. Ledum to Young Men.— The last of tho series of Lectures to Young Men, will bo delivered by the Rev. W. D. noward, on .Sabbath evening, 11th inst., at 7 o'clock, in the Second Presbyte rian Church.. Nca Locomotive.—The now locomotive Enon, for the Ohio and Pennsylvania railroad, nrriTod yesterday morning, from tho East, by canal, and was placed on tho track.iu tho afternoon. ... Arretted. —A man named Hart, was arrested on Thursday, for passing counterfeit money, off a gentleman named Connor. The case was set led to the satisfaction of the parties. - Mayor Guthrie, we are. glad to state, is once more in his office, though feeble from tho effects of his sioknesa. ' Commilmenti.—There were eight commitments to tbe county prison yesterday. HANCOCK STREET. « WhT;ell Ike boys in Venice follow him Cryine, bis stones, bn daughter, ant his daesls : —Sitrihant cf Venice. Conoisely, tho history : of Hancock street is this. John F. Perry purchased property on the Allegheny river, which, very naturally perhaps, ho desired to appreciate at other people’s ex pense rather than his own. Ho devised,cither with or without Mr. B.’s assistance, tho extension of Hancock street to Liberty. Though ho now modestly cells himself Counsellor, Mr. Bingham has figured as a borer, of a moßt intense dye through tho whole affair... Shifting hia charac ter from borer in the Legislature, through coun cil in court, to publie advertiser, as tho exigen cies of his patron required. _ While tho scheme was still pending, Mr. Smith purchased property as a speculation, and if it has now turned out an unprofitable one, be can find consolation in his religion, the source to which he would direct us for comfort in our dif ficulties, rather than : iu tho Legislature. Is it for purposes suchasthiß that Legislatures sit ? The signers of the petition, with but few ex ceptions, own property no where. Certainly but few of them own property to be taxed by this im provement.- They, are all, no doubt, “ honora ble men. Yet I will engage to obtain just as many, and quite 08 respectable names to ft peti tion that is at once absurd and unjust. So lightly are petitions signed; and tho names appended to Mr. B.’s published, statement, or most of them, were obtained through misrepresentation, or are the names of a part of the large class of borers who figured at Harrisburg when the iniquitous bill passed the Legislature for opening Han cock Btreet Oar hnriiquiu, in his transforma tions; becomes quite pathetic on the subject of tho gross injustice dono ;Mr. Schweppe s heirs, for tho most of the Injuries he recites, he and his patron are alone responsible.. To now coolly tarn raund and ohargo the opponents or bis scheme with these injuries nngur a good deal of ignorance, or a good deal of impudence.. 1 well know the license fawSgrs allow themselves; and I know, too, how readily an impulsive, son enittC man pursuadcs hlmsolf to bflliove anything. In a grave teturo to tho Legislature on their duties and responsibilities, this is rather exceed intra jester's license. . # j : ; JMi&t© no disposition to deny, that Mr. Senwep po’s.fceirs or creditors as tho case may he, ■mu Bostaioi & loss. To hate obtained more ttoa tho fait tihliof their property, an.d.yet retain one third ijs% fc&d that third too-appreciated in. Tal ne, T?as certainly desirable, and their regrete on tho ocoasion tire perfectly natural. Wby, Mr. j BigUam himself roust sustain n loss if the affair I fails, and I-wonder he tioea not,: like a beggar showing hie sores to excite the sympathy of the charitable, state his contingent losses. Should ho fail, ho can' console himself like Dogberry, who in enumerating his titles to respect lays great stress on, “ and one who has suffered los. sestoo.” ■ ' | I wish while the inspiration was op him he i had extended his sympathies to Dr. Slourry’s , heirs, who had certainly had great ipjnstioe done j them. A lot belonging to them has been . taxed nine dollars per foot, while the adjoining lot haß hot been taxed asingle farthing.- Con this by any possibility be justice? Mr, Bigham’s state ment amounts to this: The matter isso decided, that injury must bo done to some ono; anti this being tho case, in no event must he or his clients come by injury. In truth, Air. Bingham iB very unnecessarily afflicting tho pnbtio; for the Legislature have al ready done what in his peroration he asked them to do, “ to: leave Hancock street os they original ly found it.” BADBINAHINCH. «®» FRESH OYSTERS received daily by. Ad ams’ Express, at the IYAYERDEY HODSE, Diamond Alley. card State Official interpreter. 7 ■WVTM. J, ROSE, IrMcTprcurrf Foreign Language, in Vy and furlhc CcmtrjjAvicahKcf Prsnryirania, to re Vudc in the City of Pmsbvgh. Comity of Allegheny, may be found every day, from? A. M, imltl OP.M., in the Otmrter Seaiiona Courtßoom, or nt No. 150 Fourth st. Sonde. Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, end all leval or other witlings whatsoever, translated from or into the fierraan, French. Italian and Spanish lan. goages, with nearness and despatch. apgtCm — card. -»-tpMr,IAN SLATAPER, AncHtTMt »HD CmtExai- T? mss!* Drawing*'and Plans of Baildiog* and-Ma- ThlnarVireparednuhott nolice. Land Bar»eyjng,*e., p?SI 10 - ° ffiCl!_or “' &econd nnd.Tbird*. : . • P y TSTiirDESKS-tsm JJs« Pam,)r-a vcty convenient end for t a(e by^ >~IOEN-100bblsTpfrmo v y- in >torc. v ■ laproj -., -^ ,CSElTSiinnnj3=®W»i ?or by STUART A Bill.. ■JJttOUMS-245 doz. all *iK», ‘gljJJSni 0 * pmf- 20 »°«» dl “y Removal. ‘ SOUOB .lt ANTHONY have remove J lieir iJA . GUEHEEAN ROOMS/trom-BBrke’«B(lU4inK, to Eaton’* Bonding, overtlie Young ihoy will be happy to *co thou old patron* ana atonal. «pi7.lf V Tf'-^ i £-, ° "V •»*>■'»’ - * * .‘‘’VVU’* ’ ' -»< t * iiV --> • * - -''. l t >. % - <.. -‘ *■ ’*, s r * J*> —i ’ ■v=’ a r.-’,-:J'*, v • > ■» i.. ’ r * ~ , ‘•t »,«--» » *-. ,j < ~„ *-• ,__ J' H * *>, *'?-• ,’ * * ~*l J* \ : ,S \V >V4> •'<*«""i-v vV^V'-K^’ ijVi'3; ~v. r -^s V l*** l TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. XXXII COSGBKSS-FIUBT SKSSION. Wasiiinotoh,.April 9. ' Senate.—Tho private calendar was postponed one hour, for the purpose of. taking-up the bill* providing for the completion of the addition to the capitol. The amendment pending; was on cononrring in the house amendment increasing the appropriation to $500,000. ; Mr. Borland-said he had all proper sympathy for the poor laborers who had been invited here by the unauthorised acts of the government -of ficers, and who had been thrown ontof work, but he conld not . vote away money out of sym pathy. He believed that if Clarke was here he could satisfy the Senate that this work should not go on; that if it does, it will lead to the ne cessity of the pnmhaso of a large amount of private property amounting to $1,000,000;, he thought the work unnecessary and was for aban doning it ■- Mr.: Broadhoad : moved to amend by striking out all after enacting clause, and inserting a provision appropriating $20,000 for removing the present foundation and restoring the grounds to their former state and paying the laborers for the time they had been unemployed. ■ • After some debate, Mr. Broadhead’a amend ments wore rejeoted. Other amendments were then acted upon, when the House amendment, appropriating one-half of a million was concurred in, together with an amendment to remunerate workmen for the loss of time by the suspension of tho building. . The Benato then adjourned until Monday. ' ■ ■ House.—After some unimportant resolutions and petitions had been'presented, the House went into Committee of the Whole on the privato calendar, and resumed tho consideration of: tho bill for the relief of the heirs of Gen. Watson, of Georgia. ■ After some debate, it was reported to the House, and passed. The House then adjourned until Monday. - The Convention, on the third day, passed tcs- I olutions. lßt, endorsing the Baltimore platform of 1848. 2d, endorsing Virginia dootrine -of 1798 and 1799. Bd, approving of the compro mise, 4fh, declaring the ■ right of -instruction. sth, denouncing Abolitionism. nulUfioation, and all other enemies of the Union, and the union of tho Democracy. Mr. Holloy nominated F. M.Prioo for Govern or, Mr. Doxy nominated Gon. S. Price. -| Tho Covention proceeded to ballot After two ] ineffectual ballots, sharpakirmishing and angry i words ensued among some of the members, when the Convention adjourned until evening. Fho Convention met in tho evening, mid , pro ceeded to ballot On the 3d. ballot, the vote stood as follows;—Governor T, M. Price, (Ben ton,) 18,974, for Sterling Price, (Benton, but supported by tho An ties,) 20,773; scattering, 1,444. Sterling price was declared elected, who, in a brief speeah pledged himself to support the resolutions. T. M. Price did the same. The following remaining nominations wore then madoFor Lieutenant Governor, D. Wil son Brown, (Anti). Secretary of State, J. M. Richardson, (Benton). Auditor, W. H. Buffing ton, (Anti). Register, Allen P. Richardson, (Benton). Treasurer, A. W. Morrison, (Anti). Attorney General; S. B. Gardonheim, (Benton). On motion, tho Convention ac(journed until eight o’clock P. M. During tho evening session noxt day tho Dem ocratic Convention chose Montgomery Blair,del egate to the Baltimore Convention with instruct tions to support Casa and Bntler. Convention adjonmed line die. THE LAKE NAVIGATOR. Cisoibnati, April 9. ■ All tho boats at Erie are ice-bound in the har bor, and there is no present prospeot of getting out, unless a strong south wind should blow up, There are fifteen hundred passengers,at Erio who cannot get away; many are sick and with out money. Thastenmer Ohio lias been -in a very perilous condition in the Lake, since tlio 24th of March; sho cannot bo reached ; tho un derwriters refuse risks at any price. MURDER—ROBBERY. Louisville, Apni 9. W. W. Mißer, produco dealer, was killed by hispartnsr, Phillips, nt noon to-day. Tho cause was difficulty in business affairs. Phillips is bound over for trial. . . v Linde’s jewelry establishment was robbed on Tuesday night of $5,000 -worth of jeweliy and watches. - ■ ~ ■ - . . The Cotton market is dull and declining. ANOTHER CUBAN INVASION. New Your, April 9. ‘ Wo have advises from St. Jago, Cuba, to tho 21st of Morob. The Government steamer Saranac had arrived oh tho 20th with dispatchea. Tho authorities of St. Jago were apprehensive of an other Cuban invasion, and had sent out three vessels to cruise alongshore, STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION. Luxisgtox, Mo., April 9. The steamer Saluda, bound for Council Bluffs exploded her boilers to-day. Sho had a large number or Mormon passengora. All llio officers wero killed except tho clerk and mate. Ono hundred lives wore lost, it is supposed. Tho boat is a total wreck. ■■■.■.■■.■■■■•■ Boston, AprU 9. A largo ahip supposed to be a foreigner went ashore on Peeked Hill bar in the late stone and was broken to pieces. All on board were lost. Cincinnati, April 9. A dispatch from Erie dated ..at noon to-day states that tho Baltic, Ocean, J. D. Morton and Queen City, all left this morning for Cleveland,, but with little prospect of .getting through. * A dispatch from Cleveland of same date says that boats cannot got furthor than Conncaut; they may got to Erio in three or four days.—; Tho Ohio steamer Is thought to bo safe. St. Louis, April 8. The river is. at a stand, and the weather cool and pleasant NEW YORK MARKET—ApriI 9. Cotton... Dull; Mobile and Orleans.nt.B|, - ' F10ur...54,37 for State, and i£1,371@4,60 for Southern red Wheat at 93c; Corn 05 ©67; Rye7Bo., - Provisions... Mess Pork sl*; prune $16,1..j; Lard 92@91. Coffee...Javo 11|; Rio 9|@9|. Molasses...l7lc. Sugar...N. 0. 4|. Rice...53,12|@8,371. Whisky-Prison 21e. CINCINNATI MARKET.—ApriI 9. The river roso 6 inches last night, and, wob stationary oil day. . • . '-i'J.' There was no activity in the markots, and no change in prices. . „, » , . Plow... Steady at $3 10@31G; receipts no more than equal to the city demand. Whisky—lGo. . Provisions...Pirn; the views of buyers and. sellers somewhat vary ;; sides 9£ 3 Mess pork at $10; sales small. Sugar... Prime G@7@S; fairOJ. • MolosBes—For future delivery 311; on the spot at 31c. Cotton,. .Innotivo; MotUo BJ. Flour...Quiot at $4; oxtra 10t3,54,37@4 > 70. Rye and Corn'Meal... Nothing doing. Grain... Wheat is iamodorate demand; i enn sylvanlawhito at9so; red 00c. Corn is scarce and in demand; white :■■■6o@6l Jo; for yellow this hos been. refused- . . . Provisions firm, at former rates; sales mod -6rato CHARLESTON MARKET—ApriI 8- : Cotton...Salesat6J©BJ. 100nA Wheatw.Tho market olosos firm; sales IA UUU bushels at ait improvement of $■ . ■; mo PHINTERS-Prinling ink, manufactured by J. 1 D. o»n« ang.kegsfrom-*, pound for 25 centSjio 82 psr : poanRc^tP s^^^ Ll g hrßla?,DMkAd^ t ® reealnk V^i C^vil«?.h pound, from 75 cents to 81,50 per pound. AUOiVnrnjßh, in one-half and one pound cansvat 50 senlson^dSl.QO P pc r uff n ST’ 1 " WeSiN,' ’ Termt-Casb. Bookseller and Stslioner, apr7 BSWnnd litrcai.hOWeea Third and Fourth. r ellow, foreale. STUABT * SILL. IT * SILL. * « t BY TEE O'REILLY LINE. - DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. - St. Louis, April 8. VESSEL WRECKED. PHILADELPHIA MABKET—ApriI 9. STABOU— 6U bores Boaurighi’eejsua Starch, just re ceived audTor sale by . - r apr7 JOHN B. BHF.BBIFF.. WUISIt BRUSHES—An extra urileie, iii slote and W- for saleby - fupt7 ] JOHN 13. SHKBRIFF. L,l» WHlBKEV—7bbli.*3»Mottongahda'Rye Wins-, key; 10 five galloaßemljobna dortqpsiber, wim Whiskey distilled in the years M 3; MO amr MB, for sale by thebarwl. These; Whiskies are per sons desirous of obtaining Old Monongohela, will do well to call and examiaetneßO lots ap r 3 JACOB WEAVER, Jr £ITUCK.B FOH BALK, * O Ohio and Pennsylvania Boilroau* Piltsbairfij Cincinnati and Louisville Telegraph ; . HeadSrTeet BrWge; •; _ . Marine Railway and Pry Pock , Western Insurance.Company } Cit, * eW,, ' *A. WILKINS St C0.,- - Stock and Exchange Broker*, eomitof Matkciand Third atreeUi " J . ' * * »■» r '‘» COMMERCIAL. DAILY &&V I£W OF VBB MARKET* • ‘-'--OJWCS Of TH* PAU.T Moami»« Fost*. > - > •: Scmwfay, April 10*.1652. . - Yesterday was clear and pleasant—business generally not very animated. A3JIES—Sales regularly of Soda at 3(5>3J cash and time* The sales average about 40 tons p* weekv . a APPLES—SaIes oflOtihls at S 3 25. FLOUR—Receipts light, with sales reported of CO bbU at 8312; 32 do 33 08; 10 do 33; 10 do «3; 21 fine H 32 75, PIG METAL—SaIes COO tons Red Bank, on private terms; 40 do-Allegheny Phomlx at 822 75, G mos. EGG3—The demand active and very, scarce, we note sales of: 78 doz at 10c. . ; MOLASSES—SsIes oflOO bLls.on private terms; 20 do 35. Lard OlL—Sales.of3bbls ut 78, and advancing. •> LARD—Sales 6f14 bbls reported at 6f;S kegs do 9. I ■ BACON—We continue to noth a firmness on the. mar-; ket in the regular sales of Hams at 01)6} for Sides, and ! 7| Tot Shoulders. Sale of 20 tierces Evans A Swift’s i Sugrir Cured HamsatlOJc. ; | BEANS-In demand nt 81 00 to 31 75. PORT OP: PITTSBURGH. U mrr 0 jhchbb watbb.ih tub ckasnbi.. ARRIVEDi Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. (l Baltic. Bennet, Brownsville. :. “ . J.M’Kee, Hendrickson; McKeesport. « Thomas Shrlver, Bailey, West Newion. « k Geness«e>ConoM,Weat Newton. “ 9. Bayard* Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Michigan N 0.2, Boies. Beaver. ... ** ■ Winchester, Moore, Wheeling. Messenger, Wood ward, Cincinnati.- “ . Ambassador, Hunter) New Orleans. .“ . Mt. Vernon, Greenlee, SuLouu. “ Arena, King,AVelisburg. • ,l Swamp Fox, ——, New Odeans;; “ .Buckeye State, S. Dean, Louisville. DEPARTED: “ Baltic, Rennet, Brownsville. “ Atlantic, Parkinson, do - (< J.M’Kee,Hendrickson* McKeesport. ; ■“ -• Thomas shnver, Ueiloy, West Newton, “ Genessee, Oonant, West Newton.- ■ • • Elizabeth.• “ MicbigatrNo.2, Boies, Be&vcr. . f‘ Forest City, Murdock, Wettavitlc. ■> «». ForestCny* Murdoch, Wcilsvitie.;., Diurnal, Conwcll, Wheeling; •; « Pittsburgh, Konniz, Cincinnati; marietta, Park«riburgh and Rocklug* . tCfift.H. port Packet. Jrfwaslal ;The ncamcr HAIL COLUMDIA, A. 9. UHAnc, Master, will leave Pittsburgh every Monday, at 3 o’clock, P. M.; returning will leave Ifockingport; evdy Tuesday, at 6 o’clock, A. hi. Passengers and shippers may rely on the u'most. ac commodation and promptness. AV. IL WUHKLKR, ' martfr , • No.2l.Mnrkei stfet. t TUB new and splendid passenger steamer £gBBBBwiNCiIKSTEK,UEOBOKTLMuoitK,Master, will run ns a regular trl*weckly packet between this city and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Tuesday*: Thursday and Saturday, at 10 A. Beaver, Wells* vitie, bieubcnvide. and Wellsburgh; returuing, leaves Wheeling for Steuhenvillc, WelißviHe ouil Beaver every Monday, Wednesday and Fndi’V, otS A.M. For freight or passage, having uncurparsedflccommo* datums, apply on bonrd«ar to ARMSTRONG, CROZKR A Co., Agents, •• Water street. The Winchester isa new side wheel boat, and is the laTgesi.and finest steamer ever built for the trade.. Pas* Bcngcraand shippers caa depend on her remaining, in the trade; . fdec‘Jiu* Aiteghsny Itlvcr Trade* ■REGULAR FRANKLIN RACKETS. - • | Thb fine steamer ALLEGHENY- BELLE; 2, Oapt, Wa, lUTfns; leaves lhe Alle [ gheny wharf forFrankhn,every and I'Aurjrfay, latlP. M. i. The fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE No 3. Capu I Jons 11 sn.va, leaves the Allegheny wharf for Frank lln,every andFrtdov,ai4P.M. For Freight or Pasftcge. apply friy Board .fmqrJO For Aarteiu and Uockliigport* i m Tub fine steamer PACIFIC, Zat?ooh &lab- wilHeave tor the above and intensedi ate ports every ol4 o’clock, P. M. Fotfrcigluor passage,.pply T on^o«rt, s oyo g^ No. 61 Water strand G 3 FronUt. ForKUtfioakos and Catflih* • t fiffiSftLfr TUF. light draught and plcaiani aiearaer «SHHaCL.AfUON, CapuMiLUaoA«,-wi]l leave the Allegheny wharf on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, at 3 . o'clock, 1\ M., for Kmaamng ami Catfish.. For freight or passage apply on board. trmvltf B*or itoug tteaehi aarfetUtParkeribarg and Qa|txpoli*« The fine steamer: GOV. MEIGS, ■ ■■» Sffuaa, Master, will leave for the above «gsßSwßil antUmermedihtotions, every dsSSSßisa tursday, at 3 p. m. Fo* freight or passage apply on board, or to fetfl JOHN FLACK.Agent. - w«da*ad»F i*ack.*t ro* Cincinnati* Tm new and fesl runnlftgaieaiacrClN- BrnMinaiiAtf. Master, arill leave S&sSsSß®nlarly emy Wbonkbdit. apply or board,or lo 4ne3o . IS, B. MILTKNBERGF.R.. Watelieff Jowalry, &c. HAVING ]nst returned■ from the Eastern cities. 1 have brought -with me one of the most beauiifol and-carefull? selected Stocks Of Jewelry, Watches and FnncT Goods, ever offered to the Public* Persons wlshingto pytrehaeeuny thlngin my line, con rely on getting a good article. I do not advertise to sell goods lelow cost, nor 50 per cent.cheoper than any house in the city. Give me a call, and I am sore you will be satisfied that 1 can sell a good article u cheap as any of them. Another fact I wish to keep before the people. It you want your Watch, Clock, or aoy article of Jewel ry, repaired In the best manner, this is the place to have it dona. To this branch of ray business i will devote : especial auenlion.. JOHN S;.KENNEDY, Olttarhet street; fiivn of the Golden h.iule. ' “ Retnov«L ’ : SIGN OF THK INDIAN KING, AO. 393 LIBERTY STREET, (Nearly opposUe the Spread Kagle Tavern, Fitlaburgfc] 1 IKES R. JONK9, Manoftietarer and Dealer in ol; IV kind* of TOBACCO, SNUFF andSHOAKS. Tobacco and SeyarsaoM on communion. {apr7:lta Great Inducement* to CmU Purchaser*. WK will sell our stock or of COMMON ANI> FANCY CHAIRS AND UIiDSTEADS, el prices that cannot fail to please cash parchasers. Ail our work is warranted. Our term* it ©ASH. MMRS LOWRY, JR., corner of Seventh and Libert? sis. -Tbe Great .Vegetable Ucmcdyt I DR, H B MYERS* EXTRACTf Dandelion, Wtld Cherry and Sarsaparilla. \ mills valuable mediemnl preparation differs entirely I X from any simple of Sarsaparilla n or cum- l jiioupuflfyin* medicine, It is acomoound of many of I the MOST CLEANSING with others I acting directly on tlioKidneys, or having immediate re-.I ference to the relief and continued healthy operation of some interim! organs. It couiains articles which enter into no other preparation in existence, and IT IS UNRIVALLED In purifying and refreshing effect, by any medicine in the world.. It is putup INLARGE BOTTLES, is very, uleasanttothe taste.and is more concentrated; STRONGER*BUTTER ANl> CHEAPER, than any other in the market. Persons who hnve taken “ Sarsaparilla” by the gallon, without: re)i.r.f,have been radically cared by rising two or three bottlea. This la the only Compound iu which Dandelion,Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla are ad prepared to offer tho peculiar virtues of each, in combination with: pure extracts of other fccaliag arUclea. in a highly concentrated male. Its ingredients are PURELY?VF Dropsies, Kidney Com plinU,Ac.,drew off Watery Humors from the Blood, or corrupt and irritating secretions of dircasrd. organs from the body* without the thorough operations ou the Kidneys,as causedbytMsmedicine. JNooiberextracta even preletti to this effect. Jnfaet,thii very operation, for which it is particularly compounded,differs from all other preparations; and makes it the beat compound inexistence. IN ALL CA9E3 OFDROPSY, use this medicine.— It willtelieve. It has cured when life itself was de spaired of. It contains articles that will cure, if any thing can, and takes the only method to make, perma nentcures. ■ •• - • ■ •• . SHIP FEVER! SHIP FEVER ! Toproduce testimonyiii proof ofthe cure of ihindis case is acknowjedgcdly new, The public have bo long been taught to recard it a« fatal, that its positive euro would seem almost a miracle, yet SHIF'FBVKR HAS BEEN CURED, And by theGrent Vegetable'Remedy, Dr. 11. B. My em’Extract, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Ac., alone. We selectthe folloWmg,ns h. specimen of the nume rous testlmonisils to the efficiency of this medicine in cases of this malignant di&ase, which wehave to ex hibit. TESTIMONY OP PHYSICIANS. Francis TibUraeshTM. D*HSklHful phyB s clan,rcelding in Buffalo,N.Y., and one WhohosUcvnted himself par ticularly tothe studyiandcure of the Ship Fever, with --almost every phase ho is-'conversant, gives the following testimony in relation to Ihe effects of this raediaine, as prepared by himself: , _ - w “Tltlsu to certify, that!have used Dr, ll.B.Myers’ Extract of Dandelion, Wild Cherry, and Sarrapaii)(h, in my practice, in cases of a number of patients sick with Ship Fever,with vcry bcneDcial results. And ) consider it a general curative in thst disease.’* - Prepared by : MYERSAg RICE, . •••/•. No. 11 Warren street,Now York. Sold by R. E SELLERS, Bprfi:deotlAw No 57 Wood street, Pititburah. FumttSN and Chair Warorooma* S JOSEPH MEYER, 4‘J4 Penn street, above the Canal Bridge, keeps constantly on hand and make* to order, ftUhe h«v«f fnus y every descripilon or cy and Plain FDRNITURE,SOFAS and CjlAlttS of the best workmanship and most approved styles. Purchasers would do wall to vlsU.hia.Warer< oms mvay-dAwlv " - ■ ■ Surlng Importation of Hsrdwars, Cut ■' lory, Toola, Ac. - i " XTOKRIS M’COMUS, No. S 3 Wood stbexT.—l am lv| • nowrcceivlngtdirect from American and European manufacturers, a largo; and complete assortment m Hardware; CoiierYjlwir,Ac.,*uitableforthe\V\eBieTa trade: to which the attention and close dealers in general, Is invited. t»prs:aiw&w3t. TWTEW STVLE Oil* - the Siepie j\ Water and Landscape styles. Welnvtfe especial attention to Oil we are j>rtparedao tHose’within* to fdrnUhf a splendid atsorunentof Oil Cloth., of allMßCiiptions. M , CUSTOOKi No; 85 Fourth street. mo PRINTERS—The-subscriber ins on handand fuc sale,ns Ageutol L. Johnston &C0.,0f Fhila dolphin, the following i tetter,differentsires; 30Q Newspaper Cuts; . QDO fill, lasnd*, cat to order, - IbComposing Slicks; 100 kcg« Front's News ink; , - 1 UrasaGallcy, Colnmu Rules, of nil aa ■ ■/. A. J A iWliSi ■■:.■- Pekin Tea Store, 08 Fifth street ■ N» B.—OnJeni receivedturnew type.. ■ *., .tmaffo) : bond mnrt» ‘* l<> JOHN BLACK & CO- BIiANK-NOTES:AMI»DRAFTBr-New plate, bound end unbound, for salo by , ~ „ ■; B. WKUUN, Bookseller and Staboner, v upr7 ■ 03 Wood st, between Third and Fourtn, \r'- r r*Vr .f : il-'»i i—. ■ . ■ . ,-vX .v* •■ i"l---"!r-:--;A : - '-•■ '•" ’ '-’'•'.'\':-£ l *. v-A v; •'-,«" '■ •. : •;- , 4 ‘i '4 "? ‘»,' * * , -i'H: t,'it-' For Whefcltugt AUCTION SALES. Auction Cara* milG undersigned. afteT aninicrvaloffour Years,has X again resumed business. : Having complied with tnc requisitions of the law regulating Saleaat Auction, and having procured a firstclass License as Auctioneer (or the City of Pittsburgh; he offers his services as such to bis rriends and the pubhc generally. With an expe rience of nearly tluriy yeura in ihishne of business “he hazards nothing in saying that lie will Ue enabled to give entire satisfaction m ail those who may feel disposed to patronize him. P. McKtiNNA, Auctioneer. Refers to tbepnnclpaljCuy Merchants. iy9;; AuetionMl)fttiy Seles* AT the Commercial Sates Rooms, corner of Wood J%. and Fifth streets, at lGo’c!ck,A. M ,ageneral as sortment of Seasonable, Staple bnd Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Bods and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac. AT a O’CLOCK, P M., Groceries, Queensware; Glassware, Table Cutlery, . Looking Glassees, new and second hand Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac. AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M., Books, Stationery, Fancy articles, Musical Inntru ments, Hardware audCutlery, Clothing, Vanoty Goods Gold and Silver Watches, Ac. . 1\ M. DAVIS, . ja3l:tf . Auctioneer. P. U>KEN!IA| Auctioneer* T7ALUABLR REAL ESTATE At Arcnoa. —On r Tuesday, ApriUOtb, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, will be sold, oh the premi«ea, that valuable Lot; situa ted on the somh-caai cornCtof Sixth street ana Cherry alley, having a front of 261 feet on Sixth street and; ex tending bacir4ireeton said, alley. On the premises Is o brick house, containing five rooms andcellar. ; This property-offers great inducements to any one disposed toinveit their funds in Real Estate, being in. the centre of-the city* near the location of the new Post Office,* United-States Court and Railroad Depot;. • It may be treated for at private sale, by .applying to Mr.Xohu Koppitz. . - - ■. m • •• • • marts ... i P. M’RENNA,Auet’r. p. M* OAVIBi Atto(um««r. BOOKS At Aoctioif.—On Saturday April; 19ih.a17 o’cloctijit the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold, a large collection of valuable miscellaneous: Books. Among which are fmo library editions of standard works, in various departments or science and literature ; splendid illustrated Books, in handsome binding; Family and Pocket Bibles; Letter and Cap Waiting Paper; Blank Books, SiceX Pens, Pencils, Ac. * opr9 :.■■■■ P; Mi DAVIS, Aucl’r. - T V. BILLER’S-STORE AT AUCTION*-Entire -tl • Stock of Dry Goods. Ac.—On Friday afternoon, April9ih;nl2 o’clock, at the corner of MarkeL&iid 4th streets, will be sold, without teserve, the entire stock of desirable Dry Goods, Ac , of X. V. Dlller, Esq ; compri sing, fn part—super black mid fancy dress elite, groa: do iiassf aatln de chene. Florence, bonnet velvetlfsatins and silks* supers French merinos, thibet cloths; cash* msresy CobufgSr Alpacas, paramettas, French plaids. Freftcb and English lawnß, brragcs. aml beragede iaines in great variety; French cloakings, wool plaids,, ginghams; prints, bleached and brown sheetings and shiningvnekingv checks, linings, colored cambrics, super, crape ajw cashmere ehawls, broohe and Bay State long broadcloths, French and Eng lish cossimeres, satineU, cnuon drUls and coatings, largo assortment of satin,silk,cashmere and Marseilles vestings,Cue stock of silk a general va riety ofwbite goods, horiory, gloves, silkkaiidkercbiefs, cravats; trimmings; Ac , Ac. Bale continued on balur* day moMimg, ati) o’clock, and until, all are sold. Terms-*Three months crediton term? over SIOO, for approved endorsed notes. - ; - . apC ; . P M. DAVI9, Auctioneer. X DMINISTKATOK’S SALE;UK FURNITURE, AC. xL On Tuesday dfterhoon,. Arrill3ib, atSo’clock, at thC lare residence of Capt.GeoTgc; 9. Wilkins, dec’d., No. 2e5 Penn street, near Garrison alley; will be sold, by older of John Wtllock, AdminWtratory a quantity of Household Furniture, Carpeting, Clothing. Ac. aprd P. RI. DAAVIS.Auct’r. : W. G, ra’CaUTliEk, Auctioneer. Damaged dry goods, ac, acch >N^-Win be sold on Monday, April l*Jih, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at M’Cartitoy’x Auction House, No. 125 Wood street, a large: assortment of Dry .Goods, slightly dam aged by water a few days tince, and will be sold on ac count, of.nnderwritera. /Among.tbc lot may be men* Honed in part the following: French, English and Ameri can Broad Cloths. ca»siniere TXrM. HILL A CO., ManuQicturerfl, are now prepared fV to. furnish of erect-Stoel or Iron U<*DS, with all the Fittings, of the best paueru-or material.- Orders, left at ibh more of Kaio.v, OLrmAtisraA Cq., on \\ ood street,No 151, Pmsburgb, will beproripUy attended.to. .• ' . : WM. IHLL.A CO; . IGreensburg Republican arid PiltsburghGazettC copy 3 times weekly, Dispatch copy i week and ch. Post) l>. C* COSSITT* A TIORNEY AT I.AW, Office, 137 Fourth street, A. above SmiiUfield, Pittsburgh, Pa. . lapr3:y Pimettlc Suncgrapuy* MIL S. HARDING is teaching this most valuable accorapUshmcnUN ONE SESSION, avCflnrsrv’s Hotel, Penn street, where he may her found at 8.9 and ■l2 o’clock, M yand half past! and 2; also,at7F. M. Terms,B2M. A thorough knowledge of thetmwar* ranted. ’ : Inptalw __ THE: Office of the Engineer of the Pittsburgh and: Steubenville Railroad,has been removed to u Tiigh* man Hall,” on Grant alreet, nearly opposite the new Court House. ' ' . {aprl JOSKPIL LEWIS, . LEWIS’ INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, Hard St. Clair Street, ; . fry HERB Hotel*, Steam Boatvand Private Houses, .Yf will be furmahed with good kervants, and s.er* vants with places.: faprs:ly • ••• • . *ip© isnslno OaUiierf« ;- T: • , xjf» ANTED—A person of upright and steady habits, fV who thoroughly understands the above buf-inea*, to takecharge of a shop* make contract3 r &c., in a pro fitable establishment in the West. One whbeau invest in the concern from one to five thousand dollars, would he preferred. • SINGER, lIAUTMAN & C 0.,. - oprSiiw • No.IOS WaterslrerU Passage to Sau FrancUeo* THE fast-sailing packet ship VENICE, having been unavoidably detained,will leave Philadefpturij for fcan Francisco, on .the ItaU inst, at 12 o’clock, M-, A few passengers can be engaged for by Telegrapbrtf up*, plication be made scon to the undersigned. Passengers by this ship are furnished with, ample provj± tons, and allowed to take 20Q &3. baggage.. ■ Apply to James blakelv , ... *npts : fllxth and Liberty PUts^uTyh.; Hsmovat of the ; ”7^- O'RIELtY TELEGRAPH OFFICE. mllEOfficcof the UHUeNy TdcgrapirLine* has been 1 removed: to the NORTHS EAST CORNER :OF THIRD AND WOOD STS ,TRisburgh, Pa; Entrance from Third street* In order to meet tho iocreasiug wants of the public* the new Telegraph Oflicehas been much enlarged and imptovedyand other facibtiea added,, to insure the prompt oodaceuiate transmission of Dl?r pate hes to all parts of the. United States. NoeffonwHl )e spared to' snsuda the high teputhuon-which the O’RicHv Lines have already acquired. Jmni3l:fm ' • Adam* 6. Cot , i fettprasa- ] ' FREIGHT REDUCED.—*From uni after this date, v • our tales on pound freight, from Philadelphia to. PiUsh-.irchv w«lihe#3,t» per 10) Jha:—a reduction of 25 per cent. Time, from Philndflptiia to Pittsburgh, 20 houra. taprSlV BAKER FORSYTH, Agents^ JLLP&ED B. M*CktMONT. TltOS, 1-. XBSNA.N. M’CALMONT & KEENAN, ATTOUNBVS AT LAW, 130 FOURTH STREET, Ooppsite Wilkins Hail. Pittsburgh, Pa, Ettropfisnl;-- “ f \ / u>; i-?i. , o ■> ' t t >" 'i-.car^U, S. •' MI MEWtttt. WROKiaiS, ■fcb26»ly , No. 95 Wood slreet, Diamond o»». Jank Notes/ Exchange on the Eastern and > Western cities constantly forsaTe. i Collections made in&f) the dues throughout the Uni ted States. Depositcs received in par fanrtsux current banes, No. 6? Market street, hewccnThird add,Fourth streets. - * jon3o-ly,_. / IAB.fI.aOON, 1 THOS.fIAIiIW HOOK tfSAHOKBT. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE N>E Comtrcf Wood and Sixtkstreets., La TySALERSm Coin,BanfcNotea, Time Bills; Foreign I I and Domestic Exchange v Cerufieales of DeposiL&e EXCHANGEonaII the principal Cities of theUnlOD andEoiopeJorflaleinsnmsto suitpurchusors. CURRENT, aadparfand&receivedontiepoflite COLLECTIONS inarieon aliparls of the Union, atthc lowestrates.::;.v. . ■senility. . : o ? co&Dori Brother & ©d«* BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, XYEALERS in Domestic and Foreign Exchange*Time L/ and Sight Bills, Ca’n, Uncurrcnt and Par Funds, Smelts, Ac. Office, comer Third: and Wood.: streets, Pittsburgh. . • . . • . . . Imarl7:tf. ~ ■ •V :■ UILL A UO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, : Comer of . Wood and Eiftk streets. ■ - SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Chics constantly for sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes dis counted. Gold.SHvenmd Bank Notes,bought andsold. Collections made in all the principal chiesof the*Uulied States. Deposits received of Parand Current Funds. •" mar27:y • ••• • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ Tmaio3;ir v' .» -v*; BANKERS & BBOKEKS. Removal, n. holuks a cows, G. E. ARKOT.P 4k CO., BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE COIN, BANK NOTES, SIGHT AND TIME.DRAFTS, Ad.,Ac v . Colleclionscarefoßy attended to, and proceeds remit led to any partof the Union. , STOCKS*^ • ' boogut xnn soui ort cojemssiOH. No. 74 Fourth street) sepl3j ■ Next door to the Bank of Pittsburgh. MEDICAL. New System and New Remedies! FOR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION! N U TALL’S SYBXACOM, IN TSRBB BOTTLES, ■ ■ CONTAISIHG v THREE DIFFERENT PREPARATIONS, . FOB TUB COKS OP TUB. . : J THREE DIFFERENT STAGES OF pOKSUAPTIOffI ■ SYMPTOMS. :: Coofib, pain in the breast. side,-heaa, back, joints ana .limbs, irillaßimaiion, sore ness and tickling in the throat, fever, difficult and i quick breathing, ezpeetora- i Cosiiveness,;: spasmodic cough, violent nicbt, morning andnudday sweat, ■Jiccticvilosliiathc face and checks, btmthig heat in the palms of iheh ands and soles of'he (cstjtxptdorationcasy. copious y . andslrtaiti toith Kaod. . FIRST STAGE. Incipient Consumption, In Bfae Wrappers. SECOND STAGE. Confirmed Consumption, in Puik Wrappers. SYMPTOMS. . Diarrhaa, diminished fe hvety cough and morning . sweats, greatand increasing debility** frequent fainting , fill, alight•: delirium ; a tfa ) swelling of the extremities.; TO THE AFPWCTEIXi—The appearance in three joules of NUT ALL’S SY-RIACO&l is a new era in; mev dicitie, from its novelty, and direct opposition to'theola obsara and inconsistent; ONE JiOTT L E. SYSTEM j white its success, prepared in this manner, (each bottle, containing a differeni preparation) , in curim* the differ ent characterize Cowtimptiou, has onabr bshed the wclcomo-lrath of the Curability cf entry slant tf PulmonaruConsumption. Physicians approve of it because it is based upon cor rect Pathological ppuciples. The public Bpproveof it, because itxs Cmn’rum Ssnssi and becattsetbey.fcft»x» /torn sad caytrunce that one prepa* i roiiou wili «ctcnre tbe tAre« slGg«s-of Consumption. — 1 The suffering, disappointed and uiscouTageditrvuhd cp* | proveaef it, DBca'oseitspnnejpleshoMoutateusonaMe i I a3op«, aml when be uses NuiallV Syriacnm,his.-hopes i | are realized. [ if he is in thefirststageof Consumption, andnsesthe i first bottle, his expectonitfon, difficuli and painful, be* i comesfrec and easv; his cough soon gets well; the i soreness, tic sting in his throat, inflammation, pain in his i breast; side, heaa>backj joints; andlimbs ere removed. i If he is in the second stage and usos the second bottle, I hia fever leaves hira;hu» disturbed slumbersbecoiffe swcet andTefreshing J his tiighi sweatsyanißb ibis ex- I peclomtion copicas and a healthy ap pearance. and at length dlsappeurs; bis-bowels be come regular; his appetite -returns; the flush in his I cheekdisappears; the burning heal inthe palms of his i hands and soleahr lils feel are. felt nolonger ; hiscough i noweettsesj herecovera andls woll; If heisirit&e third stage, hud uses the third bottle,hia Diarrhma gradually censes; ills weak bowels become strong; his.cough and other bad symptoms disappear; feeble digestion' becomes strong .and vigorous;-bis stom&ch iecovcra its proper tone, and creates newirieh andnaurisltihgblood; hia strength returnshis wasted body icelothed with flesh; ms live is saved, and ho is restored to health. • . ■ EachbottleofNatairsSyriacum has the Symptoms of the stage.for wlilch. it is intended printed in front.of the. wrapbcri.wherebyeverrinvalid,knbwingbisown syrap toma.cuujudge for himself, WHICH BOTTLE HERB*. QUIRE 3 ; consequently no mistake, can occur in .se leciingthe proper medicine. ' - ; •; See Tampbleitnpossession of the Editor of ihUpnper, comaiuim? Or. Nuiall’s .Pathologyof Consnmpuoii.-r* bectutes on the ?mctore and'uses of the Human Lungs, amTcoruficates of cures. . - '. I|3* Prepared only by Dr. NUTALL, Inventor-and Prnpnetof. Trice Oue -Dollar Ter Boule. rForsale at the Drug Sloreof ~ ' -• • . .- : DR-GEO. 11. KEY?ERjWp.I4O, , ,corner of-. Wood street and Virgin alley, only Wholesale and Retail .Agent for Pittsburgh.:; ■■ ja7:d&W.■' ■ ,■■.■■ l TIHRD STAGE. Tubercular Consumption, in Yellow Wrappers. • AHEAD OP ALIiI EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL. - DREPARKD ami YOUNGSON>d2Q9 3l Liberty street.* Thispowerfuny concentrated, pre parailonl ihe medical virtues of which are founiioibe: eight limes the strength of the original American OU. Itis pat up in bottles at 35 and 37i cents,eacb»wuh ruU; directions for its usei ; In every dlscaie-wheretbeongfc nal American Oil has been found at all officocid.tts/tmd Itsofarexceedsthe originatin power;ns tofendetit the; CHSAFESTNEDICTNEJNTfTB WORLD.: Calland try it. ■ 'JOHN YOUNGSUN. ' N. H/ The original Oil in its natural state us taken from the bowels of the earth, can be had as above—and will be found grouiue; notwithstanding a firm claims to be the only Proprietors. • .; v. ~ ilAw.lf ■; ■■ Pirvftte 0 a. U ROW N, No.. 41 DI am ON l> A LL BY; Divorcahis entire attention to an office. ® Hi* Lusinesßis mostly confinedto Pricflf* or Vtntttal Dtwfljis.and such pain ful ftflectionsv brought on by imprudence*' youthful Indulgence and excess. • Syphilis, .Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorr, hea, Gleet,Stricture,,Urethral Discharge*, fttinuriiy of tUe-Dloodj with alt diseases venerea, origin.. Skin .Discaws, Scorbutic Eruptions, Tetter , Ringworm,McrcurjaLDisfcaseajSein uialAycukncM, Im- JOtencyiPueßtßheumaUsmj^Female Weakness,Month ly SuppwwloM, Diseases Ancj Nervous Affections, Pains iiuhe B*ck and Lom fl i j r "Utraa of the Bladder eud Kidneys,auccessfullyArealed, practice (six in this Brown to offer assuraucea of speedy-curc to. all. wiu> may come under bia care. a* Office and private consulting rooms, 41 Diainoiid ay. :i gyr Charge* moderate, , ‘TaEUMATISM.—Dr. Drownfs newiy uiscoyred rem it edy for KhenmatUm i» * speedy audcerttlo remedy forihalpilrifuliroubte.. Itnever fail*. *. • .■ - Officoand Private ConsultationKooma No. *ll, DIA MOND, Pittsburgh, Penna. Tha Doctor isalwaya a home: ; ’ March S3«d*w » —~ important taifcmntc3» _ „ • I T\ OCTOR LAfROBE’S FREfJCHEEMALT3Pn-LS, IJr DnSnnoccuViafennrt effectual xemety for vhioro-1 eifl dr or GtceaSidtiicss, Albiia or. Whiles, feup* | nression, BysinenptAaai -HetTOUa: »*?'«?• JtfV?!} Weakness, Naojea. l'amsia ihe Head and XJtnbs,.Eos! of Appelite,Palpit alien, Tremor s.BiSeoatdfPme, Cost I U»onBS* r ImlttliUUy> IJyfpepi*L» or .Indigestion, Flatn- | lenoe or Wind, anil all Uterine Conplaiois. Price « cedis, or fiveboiei for 81,00 Soidwboleeale nndre tnit by W. C. JACKBOM, 2M Liberty street, head of Wood Street, Pittsburgh,and.l>y all the progEtsls, ID* Pall direoUons etwlosqd wtta cnen ooi, : dectO.lyd&w Slot* Hoofing. . I mnß undersigned, having jnat relumed from the Slate I A Qaarries of Laueasler and York<3otil«>es,wiretehe has madc atroncemeotsi,loc-a.-0011510X11' snpply; > For Incase or Sale* irSreJ very comfortable THREE .STOftlT / niSSI BJRICK Dwelling HOUSE, 1 on Hand add f 1 I Favetta girecia; -with : nppaTattusfdr JioaUug, ligbtmgand water—being fitted fa by theowner for Mir own residence. ALSO—For Sate or Lease for Brer, TWO FINE LOTS,oruDuquesne \Vaft(4G foet by 135:) and Boild- • »nff LoLiron Avenueiand Braodock ttreeti li • Also,the moat beautiful cites for Country Seals, bfclwWri! ' • anidaueete. Appiy atNo.l44Fouith Mteet. to -*■* marSO tf " JAMFS 9. CRAFT. . fgumi -TO LET—A SlOJtti ROOM.—‘Would suit foi :BBw,a Shoo, Dry Goods, Trimming or Grocery Store r*™ UcliL low.- Apply W ..S; GOLDMAN N, "«• m&r3U . . .. ltß Matter afreet:. rno LEP—Tho aubacrjber offers for Rent, foe • •\ ' . £- store roou no w occupied by Mesersv A. Pavia. No. ST Maj-Jgoistteot. Fosseaaioa bitch KaB > • on the lst of Apt*. .•.>.■Enquire of : janSdf CHArt. H; PAULSON, No. 73 Wood St. ’ • ferfc ' FOR R.RN l\—From thirist of Apnt next, iha - Jagal Store, wHh Towelling auachedf’ott.ihe corncT-of ’"“““•Market iuid First *trectB—ft good business stand for n.Sl6rje orTavern, ii beinffonly one square from the liveMtill be rented iovc to a good tenant. Apply to WAITER RRANr, No< .Liberty si: mnrls:tf- XiOXS FOR SALE?. r Y*\?iE'L'OTi in.tbo Eighth \Vard of the City ofPJUfi \J. burgh, fronting on locust. spect, 293 .fe&t fronting on Vanbiaom street, mnnmg to Um bluff 4QO : feeu front- • uigthc .MonongahelaSitt feet, fronting on Miltenbcrger street 400 feet. . . One other Lot, adjoining the above, in Put township, fronting on Locust street 241 feet, fronting on Mil;en berger's street to the bluff 323 feet, onlaebluff over looKing tho WonongubeiatMl feet,ton lineoftbeTrop?o ertyof the late James IrWin, 200 feet toLocast street; One other Lot in Pitt township, fnmutigOa Locust st. 293 fee*; fronting on Mtltcnherßerstreenab feet to a 24 feet alley; iromlng on said alley 293. feet to tt,lino of propenyofla e James Irwin, from alley to Locust at. 120 feel. , * _ . " One other Lot in the oily oi .Pittsburgh/frcntitig.on Locum street 203 icet, fronting on Vanbraara street 120/ feet to a 24 feet alley, fronting, on said alley 203 feet, fronting on Mmenbexger stroetUb feet to Locust-st • One other .I.ot.fronurg on Forbes »trcei4B fecr, front? ing on'MiUcnbergcr street ISO feet to a 24 feet alley; on the auid alley 48 feet to Lot fvo. 42 Itr Millenbejger’s i plan of Lots.' One other Lot, fronting on FoTbcs street 20 fect v lront* ing on Vanbrnam street .ISO feet, to a 24 feel alley/ . . fronting on said alley 72 feet. ••• : . •• tr I will sell tor cniin, on long-time, or on'petperaal • . lease* For particularej'cnquire of the sabscTiler, the corner of Snndusky street and Soath Common, Al legheny City. - mar2o:4m CEO. MILTENBERGER. Corner of- Wood anil Water Street!, Pittsburgh, EAVE jast received an cxieosivo stockv of Elegant SIMERES and of the very finest-fflftteri-*:; uls, and the most rich antd varied patterns. Tlres&v Goodshave been all selected bv the proprietors them-, selves, tvitU pTeat-circnroFpecuonr. "NothiDg oew.-'or/- ; nniquein the line of dress has yet appeared, in the East* ern cities, that Callaghan it .Cow nave not .scoured in : large quantities fbnheir numerous customers. The . whole of this lurgc stock has been paid. vost m cash, and 1 were consequently obtained at low xatsb, The public should beat this importont4actinmiiid,inasmtich' - as it will enable them to purchase at lower prices than they have been m the habit of paying for iheir ward- ; robes at other establishments. Tbis.raagnificcnlatocfc • consist# m part, of FRENOII, ENGLISH and AMERI CAN CLOTHS, selected with’an ©ye.to durabtity,M. well as to beauty. The stock of CASSIMERES is in .. perfect accordance with the other, bothin quality^"tad . cheapness, while tho rich,ah cl wemay say gorgeous dis play ofiSUPKRB VESTINGS, challenges Investigation, and comes up to the refined tasle of the -most experien*: cedcustomer. , CaLLAGHaN & CQ., • aprl •. corner of Wood and Water streets/ V. TWICHEhIi A GO.TS .FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE, JfEW ORLEANS. rriins long established - House confine their aticntioi -■ X - strictly tosalea and purchases on Commission, and to the Forwarding business generally.. : They solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore given them. - January d 9,1832, . . COMMISSION HOUSE, SAINT LOUIS. JOSS W.-TWICUBIV •*•••—JOSEPH- UOGpXDGS. TwUclielL «&, Blogrtdec, ••..■■;• COMMISSION ANBFOitWARUING MERCHANTS, ■: • Corner of Commernal and JPint UUtli. .. ■■TTriLL promptly attend to allconsignmenta and Coin* .Yy -missions entrusledlo them, ana»il£ make-liberal cash advances on consignments or Bills of Lading in hand. • orders for the purchase of Lead. Grain, Hemp and other Produce* wifi be promptly filled at Lhe lowestpos«’ Bible prices, and on the best terms- v. , 1 ' They wiU ftlso ondertake the settlement and.collec-. tion of claims, of importance { and hape. by their espo* cial personal efforts andiattention to aUtho interests of - :their friends, to give general satisfaction. » (Tco. Collier. gt Imuis . •ElJisft Morton, Cincinnati; Frtgeftßacou • do • Strader ftGorman .do • Cbarless, Blow & Co, do. Hozea ft Frazer, . • . da-- Chouteau ft Valle, do springer ftWhiternan,do • D. Leech ft Co. t William Holmes ft Co., J/..W;-Bailer ft. Bro , Pittsburgh; Morgan. J M - Back ft. Morgfcn, Philadelphia; Shields:ft- Miller, Philadelphia,.!!. D. Newcomb ft 8r0.,' and W. -B. Reynolds, Louisville.; T. C» TWICfIELL ft CO j New Orleans. [mat4:bfem Honey! v CHARLES P. FREEMAN & CO., (LATB VRB*SIAH v iIODGIB AND CO.):-.-W; > IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, _ ; I*4 BROADWAY, ONE DOOR SOUTH QFLX&ERTY STREET NEW TORE, HAVE now on hand,and will be receiving daily . •, through the season, New Goods, direct lrom ihe . 'European manufacturer*, and .Cash Auctions, rich, fa*: shiouable, fancy Si k. Millinery Goods- ~Our stock of* • • rich.Ribbons,comprises every variety of.thfl . latest and--., most beautiful design* imported/. ■•• •: Manv of our Goods are manufactured expres9ly>-to our order, from our. dwj\ designs and patterns, and stand; 'Weofferour Goods for neilCoshf at iower.' • prices thattariyoredit fidasein America can afford. - : AUpurchaseTi wiU Audit gTftaily to their -interest to i reserve u portion of t!ieir moh-»y, and mako selections fromoar erent variety of .rich cheap goods. r-.--. - . Ribbons, rjchyfbrßo-nhcts, Cops, Sashrs trad Bolls;. Bonnet Silks, SautieyCrapcs.LisscsandTarletons. ; Embroideries,Collars, CncrrtsettßiJCapes, Berthas, s ■■■■. • Habits, Cuffs, Edgrags and Inserlings. .: * .Embroidenedßcvierc, Lace,andilcuislicb Cam. nkfs.-: - Blond*, IlianortsandEmlirwderedLacea for Caps..- Kmbroidercd Lacc« for Shawls Mantillas and Veits* . Honiton, Mechlen, Valoncienca, and Brostels Luces* , „ : English and -Wovo Thread, Smyrna,* Lisle Thrcud and. i Cotton Laces ‘ < i- Kid, Lisle Thread, Sewing Silk, Gloves and;. I Mitts., : l: French and American Artificial Flowers; .V' - ••>.••• French Laco, English, American analialian. r ;: Straw Bonnets and.Trummngs.. fmar22d£m’ ■ T.F Time is moneys surely H.tfesKrveMO; oc wmche_a JL and, reader, you may he assured that--- ;.; . Watcfieshouerne’erwere sotd, v : : Wheiher of silver or of gold, ■ *• Thnn-yoa will find, when e’er.yod go, >Aud.lookaiibaseon.salttUclowii' - . . JL* XXEX2B A.K CO*, - FIFTH STREET, ONE DnOH FROM WOOD, . Importers and Heftier» ln.ClocL*,TV*telies : : taui JitoeirHi Watch. M a ten ok, Waidv Maien ■ ■ BEG leave to dnnouncc to the trada.and Uie-publio . generally, that they have just received, fromthebeat manufacturers In Europe, a large lot of Gold and Silver, - Watchesj Wateh Tools and Materials, and a most ale*--;• gnnt assortment of Jewelry, from the . they offer at prices ns low a? they oah be . :- : purchased irvthe Eastern markets Clocks, Watches and; Jewelry .repaired la:fhe best, [manner, and onrhc most reasonable terms.. Prompt attention paid to orders from a distance. mar£4 - What Every Body Sayi, lluit Ho Trnos IT is eaidihttt'BQOßYEßfat the , , • S toas; No. 225' Liberty aueet. veils mecheapastClo* thing in the mada nna fasbionakly cat' €w| . and exaroihe lhom, and you jvill not badlsappointed*’- ... Just received, by Expro«» a splendid Vf*”™** I **:®* - FencyCashrierca, Browns Green and Bluc.ClOJtunjCJP; other Fashionable Goods, suitable fic»spn,wh c » 'we ore prepared to make to older, {wlihoat oistippaiau • : mem,) in a eivic miaarpa.si.il jnuie City, ■Come and see/. ■ \ leeueg. " Select Softool* mHE next session of H. ,WJLLIAMB > - SELECT- ', i SCIIOOL, will coromehce on Monday,tan sth nt the Room bclovrihe Lecture-Rooitt OL thnFirsiPre*- bvteriiut Church, Fatsbargh—entrance oh. out in street : A part of the; time allotted to each recitation, wilifaa.der voted tdrcviewing former lessors.-. Who has not fot* , ffoucn morO tbonhc knotws. by. neglecting this review. He has, therefofr, adopted tho miser’s Rian for growing rich :>Make all you can,” by diligent-study, <’«td save all yf u get,” by constwit xepeuuon. -Common*; placing‘-wm he taaght-which will enable the.pupil to refer to whatever important ideas or facta ho may meet; with, in his reading, reflection qr observation, with: aa much eai>e as the merchant refers to the accounts in hia " Mger; and. thathomajf do it wuh facility, he will be taught to wnie Phonographically, which requires onty . | bne-slxtb m mnny motions* ss wnting a word script hand, in the common ouhography. (aprg:Bw. - l fit I 'DOZ. FiNu* bRouJItcJ, in stare and for vale. tUU by [apr7l JOHN B. SHEttRiFF. SDPEBIOIt WRlTltiG PAeiiKS— -13 cases 0r.620 reams Ovfen & Halibuts* best Cap Fapcrs. - f b or 12D. reams Owen ft lluilhnts ,: l>est Cap ' Papers. - -1 case.of 32 reams-Owen ft lltirlbats’ fine tom Port. 1 case of 40 -do; do blue laid superfine Cap* .. .20easesar 800 reams fine and common Fbst Papers, white and blue, of assortedbrands. : -60 reams extra superhuc broad bill cop* l 1 v 80 do do long t < do ; fine and common, Jong and broad bui.eap* ... 1 4U do four double cap DtH The abotre for sole whotrgale.by meoß^rinquM- I tities, to-country ■meTehaiitPj.at a- small uvance on ; . I Eusiem oosr, haVENXS Phper Waxeboueev 1 ftP ,7 corner of Market and Secondsta. * [ Vi . ■ -(Journal, American copy.! >.■ CbmartßSiou & Korw«rtH»BH«rctt*tttt., iso.uh, sKCo.vDisTRKi-rp* pirraßUßqir. » a bF« now prepared to receiver fluo& forwfard goo4»..bjr, > 'ARiVer,CantiLHai]roadorW«gon, wHhprofflpts.C“' also tievotft thrlt attctnioa, to ,i. thopuTcb4?e nad ea>e of Pfoducci.Mercluir-diift :,• Pirsbwrgh roanuf«ruiTo? v Ac;, nntV th’eUnbdlty to cWepeculiarsaiftracuonto.Rn WW* ; voringthcm with eommamls, they ;TCBp^clfl«A^^J“g^ , orders nnd crni*iftnmcnTg r - ’• • * •v*v,,.: s ' / " >-•) * /»>»-? 1 SPUING CAMPAIGN! - BEAD AND REFLECT. CALIiARHAN A CO., w< i> Saoisgcs, received and to « r r o if o ßO * «V ; | : apl (j - ' ‘ rtrett,. ” * t -*■ \ t % \ l J ft y . * r ,v Ilf