The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 09, 1852, Image 3

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FEIDAY yOWTTWa;a:::::::::.-::i:i."::AfBIX. &
. • t KlV«r lßt«UlK(ao<i &c. ;
Tht, iJirer.—Th? river Ih onee more in a tegu
lar Btage for boating purposes. It is represent
ed that tbe loss Trill be very large, os great
quantities of lumber bare been swept away—
The rise has had the effect of bringing to our
wharf, large lots of lumber and pig metal by the
Allegheny river.
' The Pittiburgh la (he tegular Cincinnati pack
et this morning. It is ' needless for. us to say
anything In favor of (his peetless steamer. It
is veil known that she-cannot ha excelled in
speed, by any boat Intho vest.
} ' 3
Butinas -ctiii not appear to bo veiy brisk on
tbo wharf, yesterday. Several boats ief’tfor be
low, well freighted. r
* Horticultural iSocitty.—The Horticultural So
ciety mot on Wednesday, in the room of the
Board of Brokers, John Chislet, Esq., in the
Chair, andHeniy Woods,acting as Secretary.
The oeTenth article of .the ConBtitntion ofthe
Society amended to read as follows“ All
elections ofnew,members shall take place at any
stated or specialmeeting of the Executive Com
mittee, or ofthe Society."
A committee of five, consisting of Messrs. John
Murdoch, jr., Bowen, James Murdoch! Hcrsp
berger, and Wordrop, were appointed to prepare
a list of premiums to bo competed for at the next
It was deoidid not to give & spring, as well as
a fall exhibition. ,
The Auditing Committee reported, that after
meeting all demands, a balance of $124,83 re
mained in the treasury.
Other nnimportant business was transacted.
Steamboat .RohSeiy.—.The steamer Pittsburgh,
while lying at the Cincinnati wharf, on Sunday
morning last, was boarded by thieves, who en
tered near twenty of the: state rooms,-and rob
bod the passengers of money, amounting to .$2,-
000, and-two valuable gold watches were - also
taken. Mrs. Headley,- Captain- Smithers, Mr.
Griswold, and a Philadelphia offiaer, were, the
principal losers/ Several rooms were entered by
the thieves, who were interrogated by the pas
sengers awake as to their business. Tho thieves
would reply, “ Beg your: pardon, sir; we have
mistaken the room,”the® they passed onwith
out even the least suspicion being aroused.. Tho
. Commercialsoyß the: Polico were informed that
saveral noted thieves -were seen going on board
of thB boat,,and that they would bo arrested.
Another.—A. German made information on
Wednesday, that?ho had been robbed et a sum
of money, on the steamer Paris. -Officer Hague,
with bis usual promptitude, was on the spot, and
having seen a noted steamboat thief, on - the
steamer Brill Ant, he gave chase, .but the thief
succeeded in getting off. v -
- Common Council.— This body-met'on Monday
evening, for the . purpose of electing tax collect
: ors: the Select Council met them in joint meet
ing, and the following persons were elected: ■
Caleb Rnssoll first ward; John M’Kee second;
Joseph M’Callough third; Bichard Hope fourth;
' John Lowry Bixth; : Honry Lytle seventh ; 1 John
A. Sergeant eighth, and James M’Cnne, ninth
A resolution was adopted authorizing the
Chairman of thePipance sign all
warrants now due, and falling due, on the Trea
surer in the absence or illnesß of tho Mayor.
• Messrs., M’Anley and. Toung were appointed
on the part of the Common Council, as a build
ing committee, in connexion with the Diamond
Market House Association.' ■
Acquitted. —Louis H. Piagetj: indicted for lar
ceny, alleged to have been committed in stealing
a number of boota, models, plates, &c., from the
jewelry store of Samuel Eakens, on Union street,
was acquitted, yesterday. This-ease occupied
tho Court nearly, two days, and excited- a great
deal of interest. Messrs. Dorrah andlrwin, ap
peared for Piaget,and Cob Black for;the Com
monwealth, and argued the case with their ac
customed ability;: .... - -' : :
An Assault. —A warrantwas issued yesterday,
by Alderman Parkinson, of the Fifth Ward,, for
the arrest of-Amonda Marshall Broke:- .It ap
pears that Amanda made an assault on the per
son of John F, Hutohinson, with a mallet, broke
the windows of his dwelling, and mods throats
calculated to operate against the peaooand quiet
of his life. As we have stated, a warrant, .was
issued, bnt Amanda had not been ozrestedwhen
we left the Alderman’s ofiice. r
The Weather yeaterday was a little different
from the day before. Wo note this fact, not be
cause there is any thing remarkable in the
weather changing, bat merely te record; thcfact
that we hada drizzly, rainy, muddy, disagreea
ble day yesterday; and tho sun looked so pale
and yellow behind the clouds, that we. almost
wished tho light of Sol’s countenance was totally
obscured—for the day only.
Fine Lithograph. —We have in our counting
room, a finely executed lithograph of Gen. Lari*
mor, executed byWegner.Buechner & Mueller,
lithogrophists, of this city. It is one of thefinest
we have seen, end we think exceeds any thing of
the kind ever before executed" in" this. city. "It
shows the General’s good looking 'countenance,
in a manner that his many friends will belpleas
ed to see. ; •
June's Circus. —This circus opens out for this
season, on Monday evening next, in front of tho
American Hotel, Penn street' MUe.Tournalre,
the celebrated lady equestrian, belongs to this
company, and .wlllgive specimens other splendid
horsemanship. - Many other are in the company,
who,with their, several . powers of amusement
will tend to make on evening pass pleasantly. \
Assault and Battoy.—Robert Sterling laid a
complaint yesterday, before Alderman Parkin
son of tho Pfth, Ward, charging William Hender
son with assanlt and battery. The dif&onlty it
appears, occurred in a~glass<<house. A warrant
was issued for the arrest of Henderson. • ~ ' ~
KiUed.— Louis Berty, of Brownsville, first en
gineer of tho Redstone, wnakilled by the ex
plosion of tho.hqilerß of that boat, on Saturday,
the Sd, at Soott’s Landing, three mills' above
Carrolton. His brother, Joseph W. Berry, sec
ond engineer, was also killed.
The Ladies JtiileSocudyat Allegheny, have eleot
ed the foUowing officers for the ensuing year—
President, Mrs. Swil*r; Vice President, Mrs.
Irwlin; Secretary,Miss M. Herron; Corresponding
Seoretary. Mre. Hays pTreoaurer. Mra. George;
Librarian, Mrs. Patterson.
JVncd.—Thomas Eowair wo;gr brought before
Alderman Lewiston Wednesday, chafed-with
peddling good, on the street, without a license.
He was fined sso,andin default ofipayment,
commuted to prison.
Burt Mackay.— This genius ; who ' formerly 1
flourished in Pittsburgh, is now in Cincinnati.—
The Commercial given a short account of Mackoy,
Tory muoh to the point
Patrick Goghegan, a worfcmin in E yon & shore’s
Bolling Mill, in South Pittsburgh, was severely
burned on Wednesday, by a mass of boiling met-
*■ “
& "*«
' ,Sfa«S.—One of .tho boats that iraa drifted off
the stocks, at Brownsville on Monday, is BOW
lying across Look No. % > " r
Committed. —jfrayor3?i*togconiinittedafflan'
to prison yesterday, for indulging too' Strongly.
- v - TarasßAY^Aprija
' 011 the Bench—Hon. Wjn. ,B. SPClnre, iPrwi
d&it Judge; and Wm. Boggs, .Esq,, Aasooiata
Judge. .
_ Commonwealth, ys. Benjamin ~N, Argnst In
dictment-Assault and battery, with intent to
commit a rape. The jury returned a verdict of
not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged.
Commonwealth m Thomas Loogwell.otal. In
dictment—Forcible entry and detainer. The
jury returned a verdict of not guilty, nnd tbo
prosecutor, David H. Kennedy, to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Benjamin H. Mohnbnry.
Surety of the Peace, on oath of Joshua Pearson.
The praseontor was sentenced to pay the cost.
Slide on iht Railroad. —No further delay is an
ticipated from this cause, os a strong force. of
Workmen will be employed in repairing the road
and removing obstructions. . The freight' train,
duo on Wednesday evening, -arrived yesterday
morning: The accommodation train performed
the regular trips yesterday. The express train
had an unusually large number of passengers
yesterday morning, on their way West
Theatre.— To-night Mr. Roberta appears in
the character of “honest, honest lago,” in
Shakspeare’B powerful tragedy of Othello ; with
Mr. Brelsford as the Moor, and Mies Wheeloras
the gentle Desdemoia.
Mr. Roberts takes a benefit on Saturday even
ing, when he will appear in Shakspeare’B play
Of Richard IQ.
Savhig Batik. —The following gentlemen have
been elected officers of the Fifth Ward Savinga
Bank, for the ensuing year:
President —James Laughlin.
Birectors— John Ralston, James Blakely, Tko«
mas Hays, John Lindsey, Augustus Hoeveler,
and B. F. Jones.
Throwing Stones.- —A man wag Bcverely inju
redyesterday on Washington street, near Wylie,
by a boy.hittmg him with a stone, in the stom
ach—the stone was intended for another boy,
but missed him and hit the gentleman alluded to
above. - A warrant was issued by AldermanMo
jor for the arrest of the boy.
■ Stealing Rope. —Two men were arrested yes
terday, and taken before Alderman Steel, charge
ed with stealing rope from the steamer Alleghe
ny. The matter was settled by the payment of
costs, and by them paying back the rope. A
queer article, a rope to steal.
A Ferocioas Bog. —A man named David - Wil
liamson, was bitton vc-ry badly by a ferocious
dog, in the Fifth Ward, yesterday. Ho'made
complaint before Alderman Parkinson, against
the owner of the dog, aman named Harper, for
keeping a ferocious and dangerous dog.
Books Open.— Books will be opened'to-day in
Allegheny City, at tho ofiice of Robert n. Davis,
to receive subscriptions to the. capital stock of
tho Allegheny Gas Company. . Tho price of
shares is $26, and $5 to bo paid at the time of
Arrested. —A negro was arrested yesterday,
charged with striking a :man with o stone, on
Second street. . Tho negro made himself scarce,
and the officers followed; until they finally canght
him in the . upper part of Birmingham. ■'■■■
We would call attention to tho large salo
of desirable dry goods, &c., this afternoon at 2
o’clock at the stoic of J. V. Diller, comer of
Market and Fourth streets, by P. M. Davis,
Stolen.— r Capt. M ? Clinteok,of the steamer Irene,
bad a fmo coat stolen from his state room yes
terday. .
<703/j.—Sarah Bnyder was committed to jail
by tho Court yesterday, for costs.
Alderman Lems committed three persons to
prison yesterday morning for drunkenness. "
B@* FRESH OYSTERS received daily by Ad
ams’ Express, nt the WAVERLBY HOOSE,
Diamond Alley. :
"DAD DESKS—{sox, Ddsk. Pass,)—a very convenient
Aortictef jasi tecenred and fortiUe by
GOFKEE— 25 bags superior new crop Rio, received
and for sale by ' STUART fc RILL,
r - . No 0 Smithdeld street,
. npra _* opposite IheMonongalicla House.
MOLASSES— 75 libls. Cypress paekacrsTinstore and
for sale by .. [apiSl . STUART & BILL
fTORN—IOO bbls. prime Yellovr;for sale.
V. opiB . STUART A SILL. -
I IMEwGO bbls, Louisville, in good shipping ordeVfor
J sale by . |ap>B{ . ° STUART % SIIL
XTlNEUAR— 2O,bb! Geo Dana's Relpre pure Cider.
V instore. faprSl STUART A SILL.
BUCK El'S AND TUHS-Sodoz. Bocke'laT'
10 dor. Tubs: For sole by
' aprS " STUART A SILL. ■
lttpOiviS--225d0*; nU sizes, 10-ctose.consignment
Y3IPES—2O boxes Clay Pipes,forsaleby.
■ Slate Roofing.
ipilE nndertiened, having just returned from the Slate
1 Quarries of Lancaster and York Couniles. where he
hasmade arrangements for n constant supply ofSU
RF-RIOR SLATE, respectfully informs BUR.DERSand
OWNERS that he is now prepared to exeeute any
amount of SLATE ROOFING, at the shortest time, ana
on asgcod terms as:canbe hadmihc city, '
lining uprscucalSlaler; and devoting his entire ntlcn
non to the business, he has no hesitation in warranting
all his work to give satisfaction.
Orders left nvi'Ji Logon, Wilson A Co, No. 120 Wood
street,. Pittsburgh; or, T.-Arnold A Brother,corner of
Lucock and Anderson street, Allegheny City, shall re
ceive prompt attention.
marl9:lm» THOMAS ARNOLD.
„„„ .oirty’a HnnPluK uoea. ~.
fflllE Tiooki for Sabscrtption to the Capital Stock of
i j , the Grriy’e RunPiank Road Company.will be open
edas follows: . .... . ... :
At the Two Milo House .(McConnell’s) on tlta S7ih
. At Mr. Holmes’,near Evcrgreen.on the 2Sth nnd2oih
April. .1-.,i ■
- At Scott’s Milts on the 30th April and Ist May.
One Dollar per Share is required to be paid at the’
time of suf scribing. .•
Wot. A. Hill, . . Wm.Ramble,' :
Jno. Scoll, ■ ~ . Tbos. Holmes; ■
McKiiight, "Wm. Thompson,
R.G.Nelson. , Jos. Crider,-..
Jno. A. VyJpOn, E. Brooks,
: Il.CiiderJf Thos. Stowart, i .: . '
-Ino- Woods, . - Josiah Seevv,
1 j? owcr3 > John Lognn,
. . ap7:3tdA2lw] . Henry. Fry. .../■■■. Commuricneri. ,
. ... . KernoTU* - • • • .
HOUGH tc ANTHONY have removed iheir DA
UUBRKCAN ROOMS, from Barked BandlDß. to
baton's Baildingj over the Y<raoff Mail’s Llbrary.wbcre
uiey wilj be,happy to see their old patrons and friends,
apr7nf •
■Af\- ACRES OF PRIME TIMBER— For the low
; pric« of SSAO per acre; situated ooe-half mile
•from the Ohio River, at ilic mouth of Little Ifockline
BLANK, NOTES AND DRAFTS—New plale, bound
und unbound, for ante by- . ■
R. AVBLDIN, Bookseller and Stationer,
apr7 I C 3 Wood it., belween Third and Fourth.
rilOPßlNl'bKS—Priming Inn, manufactured bv J
A D. M’Creary, New. York, in cans and, from 1
Snond for 85 cents; wSJper pound, Alta, Red,Dark and
oglu Bloe. Dorlt and Lißlu Green lnka, in cana ol one
pound,front 75 cents lo SLOT per pound. Alio, 'Varnish,
m one-hotf eml one ponnd cuna, at SO eents and il.oo
per pound; Gold size, in bite-half pound cans, 53, 00 per
pound. For sale by J. R. WELDIN,
Terms,Cadi. 'Bookseller andSlstinner,
apr7 _«3Wooil street,lieiween.Third end Fourth. ■
OORN IN TIIE EAR—ISO sacks .this day received
and for sale by . JOHN B. BHERRIFF,
apr7 No. lit Markettlreet. J ■;
STARCH— 60 boxes Bonuright’s extra Starch, Just re
ceived and for sale by
apr7 JOHN B. BHERniFF.
"DISK .'BRUSHES—An extra article* in sjore and
• for sale by- |anr7] JOHN P. SHERRIFF.'
' DDK. FINIO.RRCOAIS..III. store and .lor -ate
IUU by .. [apr7l .. JOHN B. SIIERRIFF.
;. 13 cases or 520,reams Owen A HurlbuW* bCBI Cap
Papers _
S cases or 180 reams Owen A. Unrlbuts’ best Cop
1 case of 33 reams. Owen AJlurlbuts l fine thin Post.
: 1 : do bine laidsuperiineCnp;
20catesor8Q0 reams fineantr common Cap arid Post '
■ Papers, white and blue, of assorted brands,-
’ 60 reams extra superfine broadhtll cap.
80 do do long do.
lso db fine and common, long and broad bill cap; ~ ■
40 do four doable can bill paper.
The above for sale wholesale, by the case .or in quan
tities, lo country merchnms, at a small ndrance on
Eastern cost, at
> • W.S. HAVEN'S Paper Warehouse.
apr7 ' comer of Market and Second sis. ■
f Journal, American and Dispatch copy.) .
Ossie by „ _ JOEL MOHLER,
■ aprß • • ' No. SH Liberty tt. head of Wood.
TKriHTING INKS-Maynard * Noyes’ celebrated
W Black Writing Ink, for metallic or quit oenr.
This Ink flows freely fromthe pen. does not mould, and
becomes-a bcantifal permanent clack. Also, Arnolilv
Fluid, Copying and Red Inks.
• •-Received and for sole by - '
J. R.- WELDIN, Bookeellerond Statiotier,
aprS . No. 63 Wood at- between Third abd Fourth. ■
T>OUIUNA Bologna-
JD Sadsagea, received tmdfor salc hy
. - • ’ - W. A. hI’CMJHG It CO.,
apr6 - • 856 fclberty street.
xxxii coacafUEßs-j'ras’r sbssiok*
' WAsmsQTos, April 8.
, BKH4TS.—SoTflral peubonrf wera.preßented ly
lit. Douglas, whointrodnceila Ml amendatory
i of the acts for the establishment of a Territorial
[ Government in Oregotr and Minesota.
, Mr. Borland’s resolution calling for imforma
tion relative to the expedition to Japan, was ta
ken np and debated.
.. Mr. Mason said he could not vote for the res
olution, as ho thought the President would do
right in the matter.
Mr. Borland replied at length, nrgingthe pro
priety of its passage. r
After some debate, the resolution -was post
poned. r
The chair laid before the Senate a report from
the Seeretery of War, in reply to; a resolution
Stating that several officers of the army in Cali
fornia had. made contracts for supplying the
army with provisions, and that one had been
tried, and aoquitted on the gronnd that the law
did not prevent it
: The Secretary has issued orders for the pre
vention of such contraots in future, and rooom
mende that laws bo passed prohibiting any offi
cers from being, coucomed: in any contract for
furnishing supplies. Referred.
She apportionment bill was then token up.—
Mr. Downs's amendment to increase the whole
number to two hundred and thirty-five, so as to
give one to Louisiana for her fraction, was
Mr. Bradbury’s amendment was then agreed
to, that the State of California bo eutitied to
the number of" representatives prescribed by tho
aot admitting said State into the Union, and that
for this purpose tho aot of May, 1850, providing
for an apportionment among the several States
bo so amended that the whole number shall
bo- 234' instead of 283, until there shall he an
apportionment under the new census. Subse
quently the vote on agreeing to this amendment
was reconsidered and the Senate adjourned.
House.— The House prooeeded to the consid
eration of the Senate bill, to enforce discipline
and good conduct in the Navy.
: Mr.Bocock addressed the House on the bill.
Before he.had concluded, the .House went into
a Committee of the Whole on the Homestead
; i : Mr. Everett concluded his remarks commen
ced yesterday, in opposition to the measure.
Mr. Folk followed in favor of tho hill, " and
then proceeded to say that he was one of those,
called young Americans, who lived up to the
progress of the times. Hesaidho was in favor
of the nominee of.the Baltimore Convention. He
had his preferences,, but could not aim a blow at
old Lewis Cass. Ho charged the whigs withila
voring the Abolition agitation. Without the
Northern Abolitionists, there would bo no Whig
party.. Referring to Gen* Scott, he asked wheth
er his friends would tell him what Scott is for;
if ho is in favor.of.a change in the Fugitive Slave
Mr. White, of Kentucky, .said that ho
was authorized to say for Gen. Soott that he is
opposed to any alterations of any measure con
tained in the Compromise.
The debate, was continued in the same strain
by Messrs. Burton,. Pope, Campbell of Ohio,
Outlondf Chandler, and others. - The House had
not concluded the debate when the hour of ad
journment arrived.
PnoviDKKCE, April 8.
" There is little doubt hut that-the Whigs havo
elected a senator and ten representatives. In
Providence two representatives are in doubt—*
The present probability is against Lawrence, the
democratic candidate for Lieut.. Governor, and
in favor of Allen.
• PnoTiDEXCs, It. 1., April 7.
Washington county has. given Harris, whig,
for Governor, 1194; Alien, dem., 1013.; The
whigs gain three senators and three representa
tives in Washington county, and loss one repre
sentative and one senator in Kent ,
Peovidesce, April 8.
Alien, the Democratic candidate; is' elected
Governor by 300 mqj. Lawrence, the Demo
cratic candidate for Lieut Governor, iabadly de
feated. Tho Whigs have two mejority •in the
Senate over all, and eight in the House. '
I’mnannu'inA, April 8.
The Grand Lodge of L O. of O. F. of Penn
sylvania will meet in this city on the 3d Mon
day in May next Tho session will be one of
more than ordinary interest The most of the
Lodges here have instructed their representatives
to vote for the widow’s and orphan’s asylum,
which is so: bitterly opposed by the Grand of
ficers. A proposition will be made to divido the
State into two Lodges, one for the East nnd One
for the West ... ' . ,
CIKCtSXATI, April 8. .
Tho river has risen 29 inches during the lost
24 hours. It is now 60 feet above the low water
mark, and 6 feet below the flood of .1847. It is
still rising at the rate of ono inch per hour; driz
zling rain all day.
AtBASTp April 8.
The Whig Legislative caucus havo passed : re
solutions iu favor of Scott for the Presidency.—
The vote was 60 to 1. The Silver Greys were
The Schooner Rainbow, of Capo Island, N. J.,
foundered off that place, on Thursday lost. All
hands perished.
WAsmsaTos Cixv, April 7.
- Tho -trial of Capt. • Nagle was postponed-to
day in the Criminal Court . The case of. Mrs*
Yon Ness was resumed to-day in the Circuit
Court on the application for an injunction as to
the right of property. Bradley ond Carlislo for
Mrs. Van Ness; and Brentfor contestant. .
Tho Democratic Convention' for the choice of
Delegates at large, spent tho day on contested
Cotton...Unßettlc,d; small solos at a decline of
. F|our...Not much inquiry; prices unchanged.
Bales 100 bblß at $4 for standard and superfine; :
at which it is freely offered.
Rye Flour... Scarce at S3,GO.
Com Meal,..Dali at $3,18& for; Pennsylvania.
.'Wheat...Has declined; largesalea afloat for
shipment at 96 for prime,' and 92@94 for fair
lots; Red Wheat scarce; sales at 90c for primo
Southern Rye...Btcady at 720.
Corn. ..Wanted, there being little .In market;
600 for white, andGIJ foryellow.
Oats... Stationary.; ■
Grooeriee...Not much doing; . small sales of
sugar atfull rates. Sales 1,600 bags of Bio Cof
fee atOj@9| on time.
. Provisions..'.Buoyant, with, good demand,: at:
prices unchanged. -
Whiaky...Scarce ; ealea of COO barrels' at 21 c;
New Yoke, April 8.
Cotton...BnU, and unchanged in price.
Floor... Sales 7,600 bbls. at 4,31©4,43} for
State; $4,81 J@4,6C£ for Ohio.
Grain... Sales 8,000 Ims. Pennsylvania White'
ot $l;10f 19,000 prime white 790.
Provisions... Sales 800 bbls. Pork 'at' former
prices; Beefnnchnnged; sales 400bbls. Lard at
9f ; sales 126 tierces Hams at 9g, ■ ~ ■
■ Coffee.;.Sales 6,600 bags Maracaibo’at 9>f;
Lagnayra 9}; Jaya 11}. -
Sngar.;.Bales 1,200 bhds. Sagar at 4};, Porto
Rico4®4»; 2,000 boxes Havana at 4|@6}.
Oiis-.Linseed; 680- per "gallon.
Floor... Soles 1,000 bbls at $3,12©8,15,
Whisky...Selling at 14f@16.
- Provisiona-Bacon has advanced;- sales 100
bhds of sides at 94@9J. Noraloa of pork; the
market is unsettled.
Grooeries.-.Flrm ; sales 49. hhds. fair.sugar, at
s}; molasses 81; coffee held one qnarter: in ad
Cotton-Sales of 1,600 bales at 6s@6J; New
Orleans prime, BJ. > , , i -
Rio Coffee...9J@lO.
Bacon-Sides 9f; mess pork 17@175. . .
(Successes* so lUagusr;, Bane f Go .)
Commission St Forwtrdlog -ncrciianti.
A BE now.prepared to receive and forward goods by-
A River, Canal, HoUtoad or IVsgop,with promptness
and regularity. They will also devote their attention to
the pnrehnse and: sale of Produce, Merchandise, Iron,
Pittsburgh manafaetores, and- fee ling convinced of
their ability to give peculiar satisfaction to ail those fa
voring them with commands, they respectfully solicit
orders and consignments. : ; ' . . --- ■■■■' - tepO
JilMlbie naatclh
A LARGE ctoclr of tiro mort beamiftil MANTELS,
A; ?to»dear the fia«uiittJit?:orFo.r6iCT;ana..P(BDe«:
Uft Marble: manafactored bymachinery, al_w*y a onnand;
Qndmadoto order> at pnces rangiorf.
er £S° PPosteBrt •
- v'
t x !
. t 1 ' t * '
v **■ f- -v*
conusrrsD daily yob fits Mousing- tost 2
IFfttrleba A Frteml, Exchange lire
Comer of Fifth andWooi Struts P*tulurf
1 Loa’Js Par value. Asked ]
! United States OV*-*• ....-•<« IW.OO 8113,75
:* "do, ;do S’s*•»*•- - -100,00'101,60
lOO,OO 101,25
do .Vs .... 100,00 80,25
Allegheny connty(Pa»*.-*‘*.« '.95,00
• flo coaponCTs*.*.♦«>■►•* 90,00
do scnp*»«-«v..,. ... 99,00
Pittsburgh city 6’s * 90,00
do coupon 6’Sj pnyablein
Philadelphia* »•■*./
Allegheny City G’b
do coupon 6'g payable iu
Bank of Pittsburgh
Meachants and Manufacturers 1
Bank* .
Fxchango Bank*
Farmers’Deposite Bank***. •»
Allegheny Savings Bank.*——
Mononguhela Bridge* •••* .*«.
St. Clair street do
Hand street do »...,<•»
N. Liberties do <
WesternlnsuranceCo*** ....
:Citizens l >do . .-■do* ».**.•► •
Associated Firemen’s do* ..
Atlantic and Ohio, Pittsburgh to
to Philadelphia*.*«*.......
-Pittsburgh, Cm. and Louisville*
Labe lsrio.Line* •• • ......... .
Pittsburgh Gas Works
Monoiijjaheia Slackwater* * * * * ‘
Youghiogbeny. do ......
Penns>lvania Railroad ••* ••
Penna. and Ohio do
Cleveland and Pittsb’h do
Marine Railway and Dry Dock
Fayette Manufacturing Co • • • •
Erie Canal Bonds, old
do do do new
Pittsb’gh amißoston(ClifTMine)
North American.
North West
North Western •***-•-• —— *.*•*
Iron City ♦
Pittsburgh ami isle Royal
Adventure - —-
Ohio Trap Rock • *
Ridge Mmjtg Company
Colling .......
Fire Steel»* ** • • —■—...... i.....
Remarks —Since oar lasi general review of our mar
kets the weather has been exceedingly wet and disa
greeable for outdoor operation*. Transactions, in con*
sequeuco, were more restricted. The frequent heavy
rain* during the week have raised our rivers higher
than they have been for many ycors. The amount of
property-destroyed along them as reported as enormous.:
On Tuesday, lumber, bams and stacks of hay wero seen
floating down the Mononguhela, opposite our city.- 2a
the market we have no change of importance to note,
except in Sugar, Molasses and Bacon, which comiuue
firm, with a tendency of still further advancing* Flour
remained stationary up to Tuesday evening, when the
news by the steamers Baltic and Africa Was received,
when buyers wero not willing lo pay ovor The
price has now settled down to 82,9002.05. .
ASHES—We have no change to note in Asher, but
continue to quote Soda at 303}, cash and time* Pearls
SJOO. Pols 404}. Soleratus 4|05.
APPLES—The market is barely supplied with Green
Apples, with sales nl 3,6004,00
ALB—There continues a regular brisk demand for this
arttclo. : We quote Manufacturers 1 prices—regular dis
count off for cash. ,
Bavarian Beer, per bbl*> '—SO 00
Common, per bbl
xx do goo
XXX ; do g en
Common, half barre15*...................3 50
XX do .......4 00
XXX do -*. 450
Common, qr, barrels. 175
XXX do 223
- . -BLOOMS—The demand tor Blooms continues limited,
andprincip&lTy small lots to manufacturers;
wo quote atSS4OSS per ton.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.—'The season for this article.
Is abOQt over, and very little demand; wc therefore
quote nominal at 81,3701,50 110 lbs ; by the saek 750
67 cents.
BROOMS—The stock is largo and prices nominal.—
.We quote atjfrom 75cJ 81,00 to $1,25d1,75 from stores.
. BEESWAX—There is hut little offering; good lots of
Yellow we quote at22024e.
BEANS—Scaroeand much wonted; small white
would readily command 31,75; mixed 81,2501,50.
• BUTTER—The market entirely bare, with an active
demand for both roll and keg. We have sale# of |fl
bbls in lots of roll at 23025. In keg we have-no sales
worth noticing, for went of stock so operate on; we
quote nominally 'at'l2ol4. .
BULK MEAT.—The talcs since our last roview have
been limited, as the season it nearly over. The only
transactions -.which have- come under oar -nouce were
6.000 lbs. rough at7}{ 100,000 du.7(,Uaneasterapnr
cnascr. ■
■ BACON—There continues a brisk demand for all de*
acriptlons of Bacon in small lotp, considering the con
tinued high prices Among tho tales danng the weak
.we notice inn following:—Bl4 ps Sidesat B}, cash:
700 Bit Shoulder*?}; G5O pieces Shoulders and Hams
At 7)00} j SO.OCO lbs. Hams;Sides and ShonMers at 0)0
.8)0?}; 400.&». do. same price;-20 hhde Shoulder* and
Hams at 7100};-S hhds. do Shoulder*7}; 52)00 pounds
at?}: s,ol>oJibs. Hams und Shoulders ni7|oCf; IOO.TO
Os. Shoulders at7}; 1,000 lbsHara«nioloot20 4 COOIbs.
Sides on private terms; 1,500 fbt. Shoulder* and 3,000
lbs. do, at 7}; 6.000 Bit. Hums nt 9}: 600 lbs. Hams at
0}« SCO do.o|; 000 lbs. Sidesat fi|: 1400 Hams atO} ;
SuO lbx. Sides st 8*; 3,000 lbs: Shoulders at 7}; 11,000 tbs.
Shoulders and Ham sat 7}o9}; 1,400 do. Sidesat 6} • 000
Sides nt f}; 1,700 do. Shoulders at 7};:000 do. at 7#;
0,700. tbs. Shoulders and Sides at 7)08}; 3.000
£}; 10 tierces Evnus A Swift 1 * superior Sugar Cured
Hams at 10); 25 do, Evans A Swift’s at It); 12 do. do,
at 10} cents.
• COFFEE—The market continues Arm.and active at
lost week 1 * quotations, 10J0K} in lots; supplies ore
now coming forward more freely; prices east are well
.maintained, the sales during the week amount la about
150 hags at JOJolO|ohc.
BUCKETS and TUBS—Manufacturers of the Beaver
Backets and Tubs have rcdaced their prices, and sales
are now lots, by our merchants, at 1,7501,87 for
the former, and 607, for the latter oiticle. : r
CHEESE—We note an increased.demand for.good
lots of. Western Reserve, with sales of about 300 boxes
. during the- week ai 703 e. for W. R. and Goshen.
CORN MEAL—Sales from stores at45050c per bush
COTTON YARN3—We quote Manufacturer's prices
N 0.6,0,7,.6,0,7, *ls} Novia,**——iv.iw.W
8,0,10, —*l7 Candle Wick, .—lO
11—I2v •—lB Carpet Chain, *—t—2o
; : 13, -19 Coverlet Yam,——*29
14,*— 20 Cotton Twice,* *——2o -
17,*23 Batting,***-*———lo
COPPER—We give the Curd price of the Pittsburgh
Copper Works; Ingots 18 to *3) els per pound. Sheet—
for Bratlers 24023 c. .. . .
COPPERAS—SeIIs at $2.8703.12 per barrel.' -
■ CORDAGE—Tho.foHowtng ia tho card price of Rope
Manilla, byibe Coil,*-•--. ~ -
u when cut,*—.—....i—iCe
White Ropo, by Coil,* lie • •
• ••“ ’ when cut,-*-*..*-.——......12c
.' Tarred do I yy Coil,* * *■• —.. .io c -.:
Do when cut,*.—
Manilla Bed Cords, • 81,8702,5002,25
' Hemn do * 5002.2503,00 *
CRACKERS—The marketis well supplied, -wo give
ouriablecorrectedandquote.: v> -
• Water Crackers*—i.* . 83,50
Butter do . « '•
Dyspeptic do ...i. **3,50
. Sugar do. •••per.poundC}oO|
. r. Soaa. do *^—.........—..0)08}
Pilot Bread-**--.....*— 3,00
Albany, April 9.
DRIED.FRUIT—We continue to quote light Mocks
with regular sales at 81,5001,75 for apfles, and 32,250
3,00 for peaches as loquality. .
DRIED BEEF—Sales of Sugar-cured canvassed at
0010 c by-lhe tierce. Common bo3(a. >
*i EGGS—Tu demand with sales uIOJKDIQc •
. EISH-r-The market for.FitU continues firm, with-an
active demand. We quote No; l Mackerel at 312: No.
3 00,70081©; No. 3, large, 87j75®33 . In Philadelphia
prices Tange as follows:—Sales of 304OObbls. from the
•wharf?. No. 1 at 30,50N0. 3 33,50, and 350 bkls. small.
No. n. to arrive, ar 35 bbl. There is a good demand ,
• front ,£torr, at Stov -bbl. for NoAt 30 for No-1:-80;50
for J/trge No; 3s oiiil SO for ffmaUNo. 3.. AstJeoMOO
bbl*,- Pickled Herring nt 83C2f bbl.. Codfish are
poaree. and sell in small lots at 33,60.
last general review Flout and-
Breudstufi* have beenrailicr doll, with a farther dccUne
in prices. 'Flour remained stationary and mild at 83 9}
to 33 up to Tuesday, wh£u the : arrival of the steamship
BaßtCrfrom Europe, was aauouuaed, which brought a
lortber decline in Flour*causing*<nir tnar>
.ketv; andbiftkinß buy era unwilling topayovßr 92,00 to
32,05. 'On fWednesday another steamer arrived frdm
wedfiuldtiieertain/forthe week,
4id not exceedF,ooo bbls.^rariHiag 1 from to 83, up
to‘ Monday. On Tuesday and the ruling
rates wero 33,90 to 32.35.-In Fhdadclnblarpncea are
os follows;
~ -Briu'dsjot** ;Ftetra* Ma*i» ahb Gxsitlv* The sup
. piiea of Flour during’ the past wedchave materially in
creased, the inspectionsamountingio ; 2l <S39 Mils.,
agauust 14,871 bbls. last wftk. Atihe clom ofour lost
report we noticed a decline cents bbly since
which there, has bean a moderate export demand, and
12,003 standard dnd fair brands, part Western,
'.have.beendisposedorat s4,oii.including3.ooobbls. of
straight aftd good -hrondsat Bt<OOio4,l2fc €> bbl.and
350hnlft>tls. at $4j31£04,37.5> pair. To-day'llie mar*
feet Hoses-quiet at 84,00 for mixed hrandr. sales
for cuyxonsurapuon have been limiicd at from 84 00 up
to $4;,70, for common aod extra brands,. asin quality.
Ry» Ftons—Js scarce and in good demand. Sales of
COO bbls at $3,50 - -
. Cost? MsAL.-~.she: receipts .have-been quite small,'
bnd nrioesare firm. -. Sales orBSO bbls: Pennsylvania at
s3l2|, and TOObbls. Brandy wineat 83,29 Mil.’
.-BBEAD.~The sales are limited at out quotations..
• Inspections of FlonrandMcaldaringthewesX end*
mg April Ist, 1852: .
Flour'•haif,bbla*'***« *« •JcoraMeaMialf hhls*-*-*
Bve Flour* »bbls*••*•^♦los)Cora Meal*ponchr- ;i *--60
The fallowing, ib a statement aftheinspeouons of
.Floor and Meal at Baltimore, from . January Ist to the
27thuU.,mtUo ycnrsQiittexcil:—' .
4 . 1852 1351. 4850
-Howard street— bfafo'»'344,o4ff: > 470.488 . : 102,023
City Mills—* 115,163 49,170 45,338
Sasmiduinua*ll,B9o. 2.905 002
Family-*' 7.40 G 0,2<0 D3lB
Hye 1.035 3£S9 - 9174
CoraMea)— 10,924 11,048 8,831
:. Shewing an increase in. "Wheat Flour, In -1851, over.
1850, of 371843' bhls., find in 1859. over 1851; of 125191
bbls.ora total Increase in 1852, over 1850. of 163,038.
I —Floor, Meal and: Grain—The re
ceipts of Flour during the past week havesomewhalde
rCTesiedvthe inspections amountingto-15,007 bbls against
17,557: barrels last week. The: demnnd fat -city eon*
(sumption has been,limited tit 54,1i!1@4,181 -forComrtion
and. good - brands; 5425(24,67! for bettor brands and
extra; aecordwgto qnahty, trod Tandy lot* at higher quo
: jFEA.THERS—’There is.a brisk demand for good lots
; at adeancedpnees. - The.stock Isquue light* We -quote
i salesfrontBiores;at3sa[4oc,; , v r>.
ivGßAlN—Reeejpfo do ring, the week :wcte; moderate,-
we quote wheat at 60062. -Rye,mles.of several lots ai
45 cents. Oats, sales: of abpuv 1600 boshels at 25027.
Corn,'sa!feS at 33040 > ,
.. GLASS—SaIes of. Country. Glass from manufacturers
2 ' 50 - Th "^
Otfics op tiik Oailt Moamero l’osr. t
Friday t April O t 1852. v
' V *. vv
- ~i- ''' ‘
■ nt *^ e *«»les »t front 818 to'Blston, "
37® 19c? ' e <,uolc salea in munallwayfrorastotesat
qumea^si^ijo'^^^u^dolnglnthjsarticle. We
V*?» •* 84,5004,75 V bill.
barSbyl is i iloaie f n«i'U* r ®u <, ®s*P ricw( ‘ Mr Common
From lod to 40d. nlul9 ate r, „
8d and Oil (HSn
8d and 7d W 5
Si ...... 4,00
a is
3d ‘- •.'*■4,so
A tegular discount off forcashl S|C ? :.
tjtfoto kegs 9o; bbla 7i©g.
stock in first, hands islaree Lhnhpd
gales are made at 56 for Pig, and 51051 for Bar
MOriABSES--Sinee our last the market has been
more firm,, and In some Instances higher prices have
been obtained; we note sales of about 150 barrels at
34035, according to packages: the market below con*
NAVAL STORES—We quote Rosin at 82,7503,00
pcjr bbl; Tar 52.750355; ; .
. quote No. IXard, at -7007% Linseed at
00070. . ■■■■-::
» quote Allegheny at 823025; canal
i StJgJfflrHongmg Rock 826027.
POTATOES—Receipts are increasing'the demand con
tinues activc, -we quote Neshannocks at SQO6Q; Reds 37
040; Pink-eyes 60055.
We quote sales during the week in Tierces, at
RYE FLOUR— I There is an increased demand for,this
article, with scam supplies, prices no so firm ; we note
sdJes at 82,8703,00 per.bbl from stores,
r: SbEDSrrThe market for seeds during the week post
was not io:active, and sales principally confined to the
retail trade; We quote in small lots at 85,0005,25
by retail 0,0000.25 for Clover seed :Timothy
as in quality; Flaxseed 05 to 100 c. •
The demand continues active, and prioes
i “‘StS'iih sales OOhhds in louat 5JO5*.
i. SHOT—Salc«> from stores by the keg at 81Sby the
rbaa 1,0201,03.
bbl^ i '^""^ ttICS fr ° m Blores dT *y at V
\ ®*J}EEP -PEtiTS—Prices are nominal. .
i • at 404$cby the lot.
oriC>E&-rWe have no transactions of consequence to.
note in this article. We quote Pepper in bags at IOJO
ll o4»* "pm®18010c; Cinnamon 39040 c byvthe rasl -
i .Si ARCli—Sales are regular from stores atO|o7o by
I lnebox,
i n SUGAR, LQAF—Tha following arc the cash prices of
; iicunea Sugar, by five packages and upwards: ■
i Small refined Loaf Sugar, C 8i
i •“ « . « o si
' - •' OO 8
“ t „ “ « 000 7*
| Double refined crushed Sugar,- 8*
\-- Crushed Sugar, B g|
i : li ■ ■ •■**•• ■ . >: q - ■■ g* ••
I ; Fine crushed Sugar. L' g*
I Double refined powdered Sugar, : 8i
. Powdered Sugar,': b 8»
!•• “■■ .■■■'. {t ■■ (J gl .
- Refined white Sugar, . O 7J
' “ 0% ? ■
ClariGed yellow Sugar, ‘A 0,
TALLOW^—We uow quota Beef Tallow at 707}c;
Steep do, 707,e. "■
■WtaSKSY-Thcrela a steady and good demand flt
lSaiSc tf gallon for ftectifled. /
f Offtrvi
P 7,00
Amjecihbnt, April 5.
• BEfiVßS—Thero were about 300 head offered at the
yard to*day, 200 of which wore sold at last week’s
prices, say 2|<34s. gross,equal to 607},net weight.
JiPGS.-Only about 60hcadweTe sold at 54,75 s>• 100.
Roon A Sugenti
■Corner of Wood and
Pittsburgh Banks* •*•—-par.
Philadelphia u u
Brownsville “ «
Backs county u
Chester Co.fnewissae) “
Columbia Bridge Co.« » ■ <£
Delaware co. 11 «*
Doyleslown >*• -
. Easton.'' **. .w.-
Germantown u • 1 •
Lancaster Banks “
Lebanon “ - «
Montgomery co. «
PoltsviUe • u ■«■
Reading “ «
Schaylktllco. M «
West Branch a .. *»-*... <*.
Wyoming • —* .»»** «
Carlisle |
Chombersburg * |
Gettysburg!!*.*-.*.**... 1
llamsbnrg-............ $
Middletown |>-
Wayaosbußr**.*—.»• (
York Banks-..|
Relief N0te5........... j
United States Bank-•*-.*15
Allegheny City Scrip • * • par
Allegheny Co, « -.prern-
Pills burgh City 1 “ : ..-oar
w J^york.
New York City .....i—nar ;
County Banks*—..... * i
AU Solvent Banks* *• 1 '
■ . - . DELAWARE.
AH Solvent Hanks* • * »*.pa»
Small Note#.i
Baltimore Batiks*.. .. * .par
Coantry 8ank5*........ s
Bk of V», and Branches I
JvarmejVßlc & Branches 4
Valley J3k and Branches |
Exchange Bk & Branch's,*
Wheeling Banks ****... |
do Branches*.
AU Solvent Banks*. f
1< ran O ikches warn in tus ciiAitNEL.
Steamer Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
'• •••;" Baltle,B C nnet s Browuavme.
" • £v M HendrleksoniMclCeespoTt' '*
‘ Thomas Sbnver, Bailey,West Newton.
Genessee, Couant, West Newton.
‘ k-Bayard.-Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Michigan No.2* Boles, Beaver. •
■■ * .Diurnal, Conwetl, Wheeling.
; ; ?»tt*!»wgh, Eounu, Cincinnati.
. : V . Navigator, Dean, Louisville. •
■ Jeflerson, Johcston.LouisviUe.
,‘v Wellsviile, ChrUtler.Sunfish.
u : Baltic,Bennet. Brownsville.
“ Atlantic, Parkinson, do -
i* M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
v“ Thomas Bhriver, BaUey,West Newton.
u GeneBsee,Conont,WestNewton.
“ 9. Bayard; Peebles, Elizabeth.
Michigan No. 2, Boies, Beaver.
, ForestChy, Murdock, Wellsville. '
: u EoroaUJity, Murdoch, WellivUie. .
M Winchester, Moore, Wheeling.
•■•••** •• • Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati.
Hindoo, Campbell, St. Louis.
**• . Wcllsvilie,Cl»4siler,Sanfish. -
•• ■■ u • JB. Gordon; Mallery, Wabash River.
narleUt) Parkcrahargh and Roekltts*
»«-£§£«& port Packet.
■ The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA. A. £*
will leave Pittsburgh every Monday,
at 3 o’clock, P. returning will leave Hockinanoit
every Tuesday, atO o’clock, A. M. **V- :
.Passengers and shippers may rely on the utmost ac
commodation and promptness. w; ivWHEELER,
• mard. ■■ ■...■. .. • - N 0.24 Market street. • •
_Kor Wheeling t
T^3w^d'E'*^‘ n *F“^ yb “ Pr^*”^^erlBdl^"
vn!tP«?. y „S° d « 1° A. M., for Beaver, Well,.
uilejSteubenvdle and Weltaburghf returning, leaves
."{SiSf'‘“B'gfSioubeavmeAVeHßTilleanil Bcaverevery
Monday, Wednosday nad Fridpy, al 8 A. M.
ror freighl. or passage,having unsurpassed accnmmo*
datioua, apply on board, or 10 ■ ■ ■
_ ~,. , . Waier street.
Ihe Winchester isu newside rvlieel boat, ond is the!
large,! end hiicst eteanwr ever built for the trade. Pas
sengers and shippers con depend on hcr.xemaininir in
the trade, rdecSnf
Allegheny Kivar TrMei
|J£BL& Tssfiae steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE
tnSßm ■», Copt. Wa. lUnju, leave*'the Alle
gheny vrimrf lor Franklin, every ATondap and Thursday,
ttl4 r> M.
. The fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE No 3» Capt.
JonH: Haztoa, leaves the Allegheny wharf for Fran
k every TucidavnuUFtidag, at 4 P.M* -
■ ForPreiglU orPasgggeinpprv on Board ~ fnmrSO
■ For Jtttrietto and tioctlngporw
y. ff C3SSL&.. Tusfinosiearaer PACIFIC,ZasouhMia
««BS»3apS»TBM. vrilHeave Tot the above and intermedi
For freight or passage .apply on board, or to
.. T. WOODS A SON, •
.No. 61 Waierat., and 63 Fromst.
Sluumlng knl Oslflth. -
fJjSR»J&;v:THE light draught and pleasant stenraer
gIBSBaBiCIiAKiON, Capt, MitunsAg, will leave the
Aliegheuywharf on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays;
m 3 o'clock, i’.:M,forKuuinning Qud Catfish.-- -For"
frotgHtor passage applyoa board. fnovlS
fcPor Loag Kcsoti, marietta, t’&rksritiarg
and Galltpotll,
vmaswtk „ The fine_ Steamer GOV. MEIGS,
i fy*,■ T ,JS Senna, blaster, will leave for the above
. .iesanaOSm and intermediate pons; every
aSßSaSasas - . - Tuesday, u a p. &r.
For freight orpassoge apply on board, or to
fehfi ■ JOHN FtiACK, Agent.
: woiluosaay Pnefcat Tor cinciiinatli
V ■'■'H3V- ikW,'53 i .“.SJ ?^n 4 runnlnSn S aleamor CIN
jgSBSttgCTNNAfI, taMUi,'Master,:wilt leave
nnvWTrfaresolurly every WmnngDi.T.
Tor freight or paaaage, apply on board, or to ;
Watches, Jewelry, dte.
HAVING just returned from: the Eastern eilicsi I
have brought with me one of the most beonlifoi'
and carefully selectedStocksof Jeweliy. Wotclieaahd
Fancy ASoods, ever offered to the Pablio. : 'Persons
wishing to purchase uny my line, can reiy on
gelling a good article. Ido not advertise to sell goods
below cost, nor 60 per cent.cheaper than any honao In
•tlie.ettr.. Glwe nie a. call, and L am sure you will be
satisfied that I can sell a good article os cheap as any
of them.
- Another fact I wish to iceep .before the people. If
you want yonr Watch, Clock, or any article of 'jewel
ry, repaired in the best manner, this ls-tbe place to have
it dono. To tine branch of my business I will devote
especial attenuon.
JOHN 8. KENNEDY, MMartet street,
°Pt- Sign of the Golden Eagle.
INdJtJy opposite the,Spread:EagleTavern, Flttsbnrglt)
I>EES K JONES,Manufacturer and Dealer in ;ali
i\ kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFF and SEGAR3.
Tohaccoand Segars sold, on commission. fapr7:lnt
Great Inducement* tb Caih Furcbacers.
’lJTBwntsell onr largestock of of COMMON APfn
that, cannot /oil to pJeaßecaßhpnrch&sera.AJl nnr
vmk it warranted. iQartermt It CASII,'
comer of Seventh aafl Liberty*!!.
V~. tr" :> . v J,; • - *' 5
Oattle Market.
izebange; Baake» t
'xth- ftrcttSt Pittsburgh.
State Bk and Branches * I
Other Solvent Banks* f
Bk of Sandusky*—.-—75
Granville —*» —.
Urbanna • •*• •*.. .50
Wooster .*>s
State Bk and Branches * I
Stale Bankßranch——*so
Bk of
Ail^Solvent Banks •i
State Bk and Branches 9
AU Solvent Bdaks—*—' 5 -
Marine « Fire Ins. Co. at
Milwaakie,.— $
All Solvent Banks—*— 3
AU Solvent Banka* f ■
All Solvent Banks-*— U
AllSolvcnt Banks- 1}
All Solvent Banks***—* 5
AU Solvent Banks-*-** . 14
New York——inrem
Philadelphia *;;J“ «
Boltfaiore— ——•;.~u
Cincinnati—.... 1 dis.
Louisville— 1 «
St. Louis—..jj "
American Gold (new)-par.
do • do (old)*sprem.
Sovereigns e 435
Guineas— 300
Fredericsdoers—■ - 7,60
Ten Thalers-***— 7,35
TenGailders 300
Loins d’pr»——~.... 4,05
Napoleons* — 3 J&
Doubloons, Patriot* * * 15.70
f ■ do Spanish* • 10,23
1 Ducats 2,10
-■« u -”— ** X-s. «■
~ - ‘ * - ts< «- *V ,
Anetlott Card,
fUB nadertigned. ,oft»t an Interval of four years,bag
dgain resumed business. Having complied with
the requisitions of the raw regulating Sales at Auction,
and having-procured, a first etas* License ah Auctioneer
forihe City of Pittsburgh, lie offers his services as such
to hts friends and the public generally. /.With an expe
rience of nearly thirty yeiirsln this line of bnsiness*hfl
hazarfs nothing in saying that he will be enabled to give
enure satisfaction to all those "who may feel disposed to
patronize him. . P. McKRNNA, Auctioneer,
Refers to the principal City Merchants: iv 9
jjAu©ti©n«»OMlp Salts*
A T .„'S e^ C m m ? erdal s ? ,tß ™omi, comer or Wood
■XV and Fifth streets, at lOo'clclr, A.M .a xencralns
rim m'I 1 °d Sea£o, * a^[ e ) Sianle and Fancy Diy Ooodl
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hsts, CansTai *
_ AT St O’CIIoCK,* B, jj., '
.Groceries, Queehsw&re, Glassware. taKi* rmiorv
,eC0n4118,14 H »“»hoW «■&
„ . „ .AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M,
jJsSJ*A•®M*op»FvFancy articles, Mnsicarihstin
s*?i 8 ’ Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Oobd.
iiawr 4 Sllver Walches > «“• P. M. DAVIS,
J Muf Auctioneer,
P» MTCENSA* Auctioneer,
U. r SS R nt, ST .°9?l ,AMOIJNI ' ,NO TO ABOUT 89,.
market sthebt fancy Awi
HY G 9 ODS STORE, a* Ancnolr.-Ccra-
e? n °i? nil i®’ l' Ve dnosday,J. April 7th, at ID
ih2 d bi„^ l nu i H & rr< ? m da 7 |o day* until oil .are
s ?Jr\ a L “ e - r Sipre-of..Martin; Connolly,No.6U Market
? n ? Fotm}l streets, as ho is decli
® <?f h * B extensive. stock: of
StISS and seasonable,
selected from the latest -importations, for city
asEorunent; ofDryGoocTsoffered at Anc
«^T^fisiJ e A?^ CO^ rich (lT ‘ s ss silks find
satins, of every color and quality; satlrt and other
vestingsrssperfine French and English broadcloths.
cassimereS) casainets, jeans. and French tweeds, gen
tlemen’s summer. goods, furniture and dress coUcoes. c
French ginghams anff awns, tberages, delaines,men-)
nos,alpaccasrCoburgCloths.lnsh Unenss book?mull.
swiss and jackonet muslirs, bleached and brown mus
lins, * large assortment of-nbbons, gloves,hosiery; la
dies’ collars, linen handkerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs
and cravats; a large lot of fine .shawls, laces, edgings
bonnets, artificial flowers, umbrellas, par asoU,flannels,
checks, bed ticking; Ac., Ac.
. Terras—All sums nuder SIOO, cash; over that amount
a credit of 90 days,good approved endorsed notes. 1 .
N.B.—Private sales from 7 to 10 A. M.;each morning,
nprV ■ P. M’KENNAy Auci’r..
V Tuesday, April 13tb, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon;
will bo sold, on the premises, that valuable Lot.situu
ted on • the south-east corner of Sixth street and Cherry
alley, having a front of flfil feet on Sixth street and ex
tending back 45 feetoajmid alley* On the premises is
a brick house, containing fivcTOoms and cellar. ..
■ This property .offers great .inducements to. any one
disposed to invest their funds in Real Estate, being in
the centra of the city, near the location of the new Post
•Office, United Stales Court and Railroad Depot .
It may be treated for at private sole, by applying to
Mr. John Roppitz. Terms at sale. • - . •
marSs P. M’KENNA, Auci’r.
p« n. DAVISi Anottonssr*
BOOKS at Aocriog.—On Saturday, evening. April
I9ih;a( Vo’elock.nt the Commercial Sales Rooms,
corner of Wood and. Fifth streets, will be sold, a large
collection of valuable miscellaneous Books. Among
which ore fine hbrary editions of standard works, in
various departments of science and literature f splendid
lllostrated Books, in.handsorao binding; Family and
Pocket Bibley Letter and Cap Writing Paper j Blank
Books, Steel Fens, Pencils, Ac.
ap T B • • ' P. M. J>AVIS, Anct’r.
M # Stock of Dry Goods. Ac.—On Friday afternoon,
AprU9Ui,nt2 o’clock, at the earner of Market and 4th
street?; will be told, without reserve, the entire stock of
desirable Dry Goods, Ac ,of J. V.Diller, Esq , compri
sing! in pari—super, black and. fancy dress silks, gros
de nasß r saun de cbene. Florence, bonnet velvets, satins
and silks, roper. French merinos, thibet:cloths, cash
mere*. .Coburgs, Alpacas, paramettas, French; plaids.
French and English lawns, beroges ; and berage de
laincs in greatvariety, French cloakings, wool plaids,
ginghamsy prints,-bleached and brown-sheetings and
shirtings, tickings, checks, linings, colored cambrics,
super. crape and cashmere shawls, broohe and Buy
State long shawls, super;.broadcloths, French and Eng
lish c&i3imeTcg, enunets, cotton drills and coatings,
large assortment of satin,Btlk,cashmere and Marseilles
vestings, fine stock of silk parasols, with a general .va
riety of white goods, hosiery, gloves, silk handkerchiefs,
trimmings, Ac, &o;-- Sale continued on Satur
day mornmg, at 9 o’clock, and unul oil are sold; .
Terms—Toree raontUs crediion terms over 8100, for
approved endorsed notes ,
apG .. . . ■■■•?•■ M. DAVT3,:AucliOTieer.
On Tuesday afternoon, April 13lb, at 2o’clock, at
the late residencefof CapLGeorge 8. Wilkins, dec’d-,
N0.2d5 Penn street, near Garrison alley, will be sold,
by order of John Wiilock, Administrator, a quantity of
Household Funutarc, Carpeting, Clothing. Ac. -
nprfi P. M. DA A VIS. Auci’r.
ffIHE Members of the AUtHhcnjf Firs Company intend
i.. celebrating the 15 fieranCentenial Anniversary of the
Onramzation Public Supper* at
Wilkins Hall, on Friday.evening, April 9thy 1832. Mem*
beT* of other Companies sad the citizens generally are
respectfully invited. Tickets one dollar each, can be
procured of
H. Cmascit, 1
W. V. Dura,
W. B. Sd&ffeb,
rjournal and Dispatch copy an<
. ZtlglLtatnfr Rods* ■
ISpi. HILL & CO., M&nafactarcrs, me now'prepared
If lo farnuh or erect Steel oriron RODS, with all
the Fittings, of the best pattern or material. Orders
left otthh store of Estosy Olnhsussh & Co., on Wood
street, No 151, Pittsburgh, will bcpromptly attended to.
_ , _ . VVM HILL A CO.
{Grecnsbarg Republican and Pittsburgh Gnzette copy
3 times weekly. Dispatch copyl week and ch. Post.]
A TTOHNEY AT LAW. Office, 137>Fonrtii street,
XIL above Smnhficld, Pittsbargh+Pa. ■ ■■•■ [apr3ty
Fim«etle scenographjr*
MR. S. HARDING-: is teaching-, this , moat valuable
accomplishment, IN ONE SKSSIONyat Chbistt’s
Hot sif, Penn street, where ho may befo&ndat 8,9 and
13 o’clocfct-M * and half past 1 and 2;: also, dt 7 P.'M;
Termß, 52.53. Aihorongh knowledge of the art war*
ranted. (apr3:lw
THE Office of ihe Engineer of tho : Pittsburgh and
Steubenville Railroad, has been removed lo w Tilgh
nian Hail,” on Grant street, nearly opposite tbe new
Court House. ( B prt
W So- 3 St* Clair Street,
“EJJE Hotels, Steam Hoals, and Piivate Houses,
wur be furnished with good servants, and ter*'
vants with places. -.■*■■; - [aprSly
__ Knfilne Bolldwt.
\\r ANTED—A person of upright and steady habits,
H V7ho thoroughly understands the above business,
r° l ®* ce charge of a shop, make contracts, fcc,,m a pro-
Utable establishment in the West. One who can invest
m the concern from one to five thousand dollars; would
be preferred. SINGER, HARTMAN & <so.,
npTSilsfr > No.JOO Waterstrcet
• •• ■ San FraDetieo; ■
mHB, fast-saillng packet ship VENICE, having been
± unavoidably detained, will leave. Philadelphia, for
San Francisco, on- the lOih Inst., at 12 o*cloek v M A
few passengers can be engaged for by Tolecniphaf an
pheauon bemado soon to the undersigned. Passengers
by Una ship are famished with ample provisions* and
allowed to take 200 3bs. baggage. -
•:.W>ts . ■■{ Sixth and Liberty Pittsburgh
■■ ■. Rtmovtl ortho ■■■■■■■ ■ ■■.. •
mHEOffieeof the O’RiellyTeleeTaphLines has been
i removed to the NOSTII -HAST CORNER OP
■I'H'RD AND woon STS, Fmsburgh, Pa? EnSuieo
from Third etreet. In. order to meet the, increiutinrr
Wftnta of the pnblie, the new Telegraph Office hi. been
much enlarged ondimproved,and other facilities added
to inanre the prompt and accurate transmission orriffi
patches to all parts of the United States;- No elftrtwYlt
be spared to sustain the high reputation which rh»
O'Riellv Lines have already acquired j“?
■ Adams A Cot’i .■
E HEIGHT REDUCED —From ana after this date
our rate* on pound ftreißht, from
Pittsburgh, will be S3,qi> per IOS redacUon'of 2S
nor: cent.: :Tune, to PittabuSrh' nit
lioore. (nprai BAKER fc_FOßByrH,Tg?,i,’, 0
Select Sohooli -
milE next session or H. WILLIAMS' BEr kt-t*
J. SOUOOI., will commence on Monday, the sih i„«
at the Room below the Lectnro Room of the First p*..
byierian Chnrch, Pittsburgh—ealrancoon StithsirViV
Apart of the time allotted to each recitation, will boilci
voted to reviewing former lessons. Who haa not tor
notion more than he knows.liy neglecting ihiarßvicw
He has.lbeiefore, adopted the .miser’* pltui: tor nowlrw
rich: '‘Mate all you can,” by diligent stady. "aES
saye oil yon get,” by constant repetition. Common
placing will be taught-which .will enable the pnDil to
refer to whatever important ideas or theta he may meet
with, in his tending, reflection or observation, with ai
much ease as the merchant refers to the accounts in his
ledger; and. that he may do it with facility, he will bo
(anghv to write Fhonographically, which requires onlv
one-sixth as many motions,oswtiung a word in scrint
hand. m the common orthography. f apr3tSw
aibbkd b. H’ciara, tho». j , »»»■»
Ooppsito Wilkins Hall. tittslurgk, Fa
• Butopcan l*awAg«noy»
m connection -with- Hoe*Keenan*
Esq.,Counsellor atLa-sVyDubUn, Ireland,coUectsclaimß,
make* fleatebes, &cv:in Europe ; and one of thorn an
nually mnkea a tour through Great Brltklnilrelaod and.
America (marll
hrought to thu Oily, with every other variety ofGlats,
QQoensware, BmftnnU Wore, Jupan Waiters, Bolai
Haneinfg.anU Sland LaiDp8 t Gandele&ras»&c. - imarSO
iO, MERCH ANTS.--A young married moo,-who has
. been m bnsmesa for ihelasi five years, in this city,
wishes to obtain a situation as Salesman, or Confident
ual Cleric, in some respectable mercantile house. Th e
best of references jnvea ■
tto rollomng; Tablff Linen r Huokbuelc Diaper,
vrash Race Strip, Table Covering and Table Covers!
Napkins, dec, which we are constantly receiving 2
the importers and manolhctarera. ;' Call at No: 85 FonriS
« ret '*- laprU W. M’CLINTOCIL
5. &» WBLDIh,
Boohs, Paper and Stationery,
" Wood (between Third ana Fobrih.) ■■!■;■■.
mlitai Pittsburgh.
GOODS just RECEIVED at hoods—a
Ay newioyof. fine Jewelry,of new and desirable pot
be vriilwUßsmual. frpm2s to 60per cent,
lower than any other establishment in this ctiy...
»ptg Cl MARKET BT.
JC Ofrichandnewdeemw, constantly receiringat
W. M’CLXNTOCJP3 Carpet Wareliouße, -
No-85 Fonrlli street.
T| W HOUSEKEEPERS —Order* Jot; Paper Hangers
_t cwd WhitewaBher9.-ca.n tJB leu wxih ... •-,>. £
iff WP.kARSHALL. 8S Wood etreel.
T7IRESH FIGS—IO0 drum* Elemo anti Ne Plus Ultra
* ft CO,
Orocw and Ten. Ita»W«. ■
"OiiMK APfl-E CHEES Jy-Reee;vea and: for »tUe sy
f W, A. M’CLURG A CO, t f
anrO 258 Lioeny street.
,T ONDON MOSTARB-rAßUpetinrarUclfrof genuine
I j London Muslsid, for aaleijy
pptf W. A. M’CHJfIC & 00.
’ *■* „ V V ■* " * »r S
■••■:.. •■. • * »•■■«. i •"*'. • 1 • :’T.■■■•••,i . '•■•'■ ..*’•••
"■■■, V ■"■:■>.
*■ ~4_'- '
- '"VK
O'- ••' ‘
» *
If l f .
charge Comp’’
* * t
-* . ‘
£ i y
BANKERS & brokers.
*■ c. TijinsiN. «... . ./oh* u. maun. .
fcbSnv KEHS £N»EXCHANGK hbokbbs.
Ko. on mXt IXamen* Jhr,
10 TOE CoH!oS°i;*^J r «EmOPFICE - “
«®sa£ a £fe -
paper,at ihe comer of Fifth ana Wo6d tSSSa" Ifeha* >
Domatic andJarngnEzctumge, Bank Stitt'", '
Gold *ndS\l<nr,Bought,StMt cm 4 Bztlanni • *
At Till *
. O? ; -w
William A. Mill & Co~
84 Wood Street. "
lst»rsr*ttowa) osrnrapayoßn. lapggg
? ■£S!ffi&nSft?%l g *'lS?*F 9 > PoniK*M4
i^Bani&,a^d°c l^ Ck ‘ mS, ‘ Cmi/U '“ ,,B - rt,: '-
Slit * nd Woo<l “* >‘U«d«»opp(rtl!eft* fit ,
CJflfrSS v *
lU.VM oo*B,
2b Wo. 67 Mart,,
c ß |f 1 c N oS n u t & C 0n lh ' S tfe^
—'-■■■■■■■■•■■ -• ■■ -■•■'■• ; - : - ImSo-lv. '
ua.B.nooir _ .
Ro°k *gAßa*»S ,,UMl *>
TVEat pn£?f *s°? “<* .'SixttiimtKj
! •
- ggplMy ' *
te«fSSBSßn£s: 'v
—■-■■■ - ; - ..;fm»rlMl
■■ •.
«ByasSßssaeap ■
„ O* eT ahkoed & CO. ■
exchange: cort^" 11 RAISES ,11,
Bank notes*
Collectlonacorafolly. :aueSe4® JSSSiSSsifeiSSVi O ' 1 any parlofiheJJnion »*«« proceed* tcaih*
w Fmitfh itre*L
seplS) a Next door to the Bank of PUubotgh; :
Hew Bystoxa, Sow lUmiAUif
I 1 1 y
poa thh ctrax or ?as
f Cough, Cain in the breath *-
1 aide, head, back, joints Jura
limbs, inflammation, cote* ' ‘
ness arid uck hstg & ‘the
throat, fever, difficult and
quick breathing-, txptttora- 1
Costiveness, spasmodic i~ J
cough, violeqt fever, night,
morning and •*■..'•
becuo flushin the ace and
cheeks, burning heat in the* -
palmftofihflhnndjtflqiljftfojv?,Yi!; .v,
of hefceV3»«icTfifu***»|r, * ’
and strtaHi vUh * v ’
Diarrheas, .diminished ffi* 1
ver, Cough, and mooring
debility, frequent ftfnttog t
.fits, slight deUriam ana' .
, \.
boitlesof NUTAtIW SYRIACUM u a newerainmt
dicine. iromru* novelty and directoppofllitastO'tbsold ** *
■absurd and; Inconsistent ONE BOTTLE SYSTEM* A
Trhile ns Buccess, prepared in ibis manner, (eschbotUe
containing a differem preparation), in eunntt&sdiffir* *
?- n i t^ es wkichcharactenze Conmmpiicfu hweatab- *
welcome truth of the Curabituy qr stay stage
o f Pulmonary Consumption,
Pby^cismsapproveofiibecaaseitisbascdßponcor* •.
tCl r*.-°k>sM>logical and Pathological principles. The " ’
•public approveof if, 'ijecause ituCrinmon£taj«».a&d . ■* a
because they knov jrom sad cxpaUnee that otte pten»*
nulou will not cure .the Curu stages of
The suffering, disappointed and discouraged invalid tp-
S fovea of it, because ng principles hold oat a reasonable « v.
,ops, ana when he uses Nuiall’a Synacam.his hopes
arerealized. \ *
• If he is m iho first stage of Consumption, apd uses the ••••:;•? -o; *?. or- -■■■'?: •'
first bottle, his expectoration, difficult and paulfaltbs*-'--
• and easy ; hts cough won vela well; the- * ,
soreness, tickling in his throat, inflammation, pamiuhia
back* joints and limbs ore removed. f "
. .if he is in the second stage and usexthe second IxttUfr >
his fever leaves-him? hi* disturbed slsmbers beoom* *****
sweet-and refreshing jhismght sweats vanish; his ex- *
peetomtion.coplouaand bloody,nssomesaheolthy op- .
pearanch; ana al length disappears * his bowel* be* 4 v
come: regular; fits appetite reiuras; the flush ia his
cheek disappears; the burning heat inthe palm* pf his
hands ahdsolos of his feet arc feltnoioogef ihiseough t ' T
n owceases; he recovers and is well.
If he is In the thir&BUge; and uses tbe thlnl bottle; hU vr.' .v-s-,
Diarrhea gradaattycDases; his weakbowela become ' r
strong?biacoughandolher bad symptoms disappear;. f ►,-
feeble digestiou iecotEes strong arid vigorous? hia ,/
stomach; recovers its proper tone, and creme* new,rieh ,
ana uou»ishtiig blood; his strength his wasted .. 0/1.:
body is clothed with flesh; his uvx w bated, ahdhe Is /
reaored to healths f ' * r r ~
Each bottie of Natail’i Synacum has the Symptoms of " t
the stage for which rt is intended printed In front ofihe
wrapper,wherebyeveryinvalid.knowinghistfWQsratn* <■ „. v H
tOnm.canjadgiß for himself, WHICH DOTTLE HBSB- " .. ~
ooriseqaeotly no mirtako can oCCttr in ie* J " '
leering the proper medicine. ‘ , .
- See Pampbletin possession of the Editorcf thls paper,
containing Dr, NutalPa Pathology of 1 1
Lectures on the stricture and usd* of theHipaan-Laags,
andcenlficates of cures." *. * ' * L;:
Prepared eniyby Dr. NUTALL, Inventor and ;
Proprietor. Price One Dollar Per Bottle. - _
DR. GEO. 11. -
Wood street and >. • • ;'
* only wholesale r and Retail Agent ibrPlasbtugh.r- r
;JaTidAW .
Incipient Consumption , In
: Blue Wrapper*.
Confirmed Consumption,
an Pink Wrappers. •
Tubercular Consumption,
in Yellow Wrappers.
T>REPAREDwitlsoldby,mO.'rOONGßON v a»' f ;'V„ -
I Liberty strict, 5 Tbtapowerfullycone«iittate4pTe* , 1 * ,
parationfthemeillciUvirineaofsrhtchareiotHidtolxr" •‘"’■“‘.l*?’.
eight tunes the altength of iho . original Ameiloto OU. ■?
It ts put up in bottles at isand27l eems,»4cb;v»lthfall 'l'.l ,
directions for Its ttso. In every cUseasevrheiettootlgL . -’i t 4
nal American Oilhss beenlouad stall effieacioW.ajld « . ""'j’ ,
Itsofarexceedsiheorigimtilnpoweriaatorettderutbe'' -•- * , -
tryit. „ JOHN YOUNG SON,:
. Naß-Tlie t)'it»:nMttraVßiaira*ltt9t.»- rOn* *
from the bowels of the earthy can ftc hadfarabOTfl ■ tat& ' > ** *
will Hoiwahsiandine aceiMAo fina * «.vv<
claims to bo the.only Proprielora.' • -
diw-tf ' ~ t 'i. Y. e,
_ pcoDßit .*. poas? - '"■ ', t IS; *
~.„?> ,> “‘ ,1C,,,1 ™M and Deatara la
M ANC U EaT.EK- MINERAL -■ ■'JFjfrvh'tt ' '
Allequbiit Crrr, Pa. 1 ' -, i
' vr '"V -?*'
«*»“»* “«• «»• r rz s^
B‘jica, - - . . «?jarciti . '
Alamma, - - _ «’Si .
: -. . ,tt| Ujfo
Mamesla, - , I *&l~' ** sl*
'Oxide pf Manganese, • . _ *5 * r - ,r 'p*!
, Water and Loss, l . * - BjoO * ? * >
, ~ 1
...Tlie Powdered in thoboi!wWchl '
soppove was the one you desired also to have analysed*
I and to dtunr (Tom any average of tlie tamps powdered*'- '
fcbd mized-together- This last yields as follows! ? ”
PetOxido of Iron, • ' - •• r SSM *' "
Silica and Alumina, . mbd
Lime, - - ,eS - r *Ua *'
Magnesia, - - A* Ay
Water and Loss* - * e -
\ v - . ,l .uSJ» ‘«, .'** *£-*+*»•*’
I ■ This difference: I presume arises from the mineral toC ,
( i>einguniform,aome portionacoiitalalnirinotelron than T < T
r olhers. TheanEiysiaahowaiheaiticle"tfrhe'Wfllitmit* v ’ * o
edforadttrablepamU'lJindthatby'calelfiiDgthe"pOW ,fc /" v ' vs/wrs. ?
der bya pretty high heat* the eoloris ' .v**
oratlcasioonvertedinioa line red-' i-« 77 1 ;**■*■ r
I-*® , CHlLTOW.M.lXCfcefcilt'' t ? >
B3* For sale by JOELMOHLEfi,«lLftHsny«tt**V “ -r _ -
afaWff > * % !r« r 4
. Cabinet and Chair Faetanr* , /" -
ffl *£«*»*'' ,7 _
Cabinet and Chair , \ r
RKUtreet, above the Canal, all kinds ofFURJiITURB* , . J\i\
* a "well aa Sofas* Ctentre Tables, Mahogany Chanir . V 1
Mahogany Bedsteads, and all oilier articles in the Ca- ' f ( J w * *,
netUne—which be vnli sell 20 per cent, below custom- z
disrates. Terms—CAS/i, ONLY, - * .
■ No>424Fcnn street, FlAbWerdL_ „ *
Co-Partnership notice. ‘ I
fTWR sabsctibers iiftVftthU day entered intopaitoet- t .
t ship, under the style and firm of TAAFFE, @A» <•> „ *
GUIRK dt:BANB forthepurposoof.flarryurgon-agmi- * .
eraVCoaimisalonnndProauee BasiQesifaud.cojiuneai^':
-y hnnri their lomr cxpeTiratww-nrnsivgmercantile *0- „ JL .,. ?
qaolhtanee> ojid-pfcfsoital aitenuon lo the latereais-of .
their cusiompts, will entitle them ia a share of pnbu*''*
nauonago>/whfoli it shall be their study to deserve* ' ' *
* / LUKE TAAFFEL Pinfbargh. „ v *
Pi.«^rsh,Apma;isj" ANEj -
<s-:’v,-' 4
' ..-'l ’■ '..'i Vfc
■* JL «♦*„
f 4'-V ''*•> V . •■’-
*• r i•* < . v.
*fjsis ,w w ,u - jji >; vi
/„ *
ft * t £ v~
■' * 'vfe.
r i:C J
■» ' V
'ks > J_