The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 09, 1852, Image 2

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In® Bai/timqbe Ohio Bjuiboap.—Tho
Cumber]and Journal says: that ibo track of tbe
fiailroadwesthas ■ bsenJaid as far nathd 92d
lection. • Tho rails are .n<nr carried on a tcmpor-
My.traok' everthe Great.Tunhel Hill. it is ex
psctedthat the tunnel will be ready for the pass
age of tbe cere in a few weeks, and then tbe
met Will be opened to Three Forks. The work
, and the chief en
. \gineer seems to bavehiaeyofized with Intense
p. ~jv: y jgatenpon the Ohio river,, -
’ Abatement nr Doit on Bab leoh,—Hon
„ Thomas CorwJn, Secretary of the Treasury, has Tmnry-FivE Families is ose House.—The
< w reversed tho Circular instructions of the late way some people live In How Fork would seem
gSWetary Walker, so far as to authorise an to indicate a disposition to gain any place m a
abhtemKqtotdnly enhar iron, in cases, whew storm. Assistant Captain MoTtenny, of the 3d i
it can he dearly established to the satisfaction police district, made a report to the Chief of a I
i&sPcQartment,thatthe damageinonrred on boose in Bnoks street, onFriday, and owned by
ihevjyageofitttpnrtationls of a character dif- Jacob flrost, Esq., which. is oeempied by- about
iX _' > ftwnt from »i beyond that usually incurred in tTgrfg-fivt families, among which are many cases
- cmwißg'these&fc,. w- ~ • of smallpox, spotted fever, other contageons
b: b- in memory,- but it &*****-< There were. atthelneofthe report,;
fey - n „.-v'-’-* " ttfo dead bodies lying in the house. .. f • -««imnaiitv.
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Until Earning ffiost.
tEosv TnoMAa ruitupg
- Harper & ghMip», Bittaraft Proprietors. :r.
Suhitet to'decistan of the Democratic General Contention.
Baltimore, Ha., Tnwi»y, June 1, ISSB.
Oietnet,,. , . XHetricU
’ Ist, ‘Fater Logon. 13th, H. C. Eyer.
v 2d, George B. Martin. 14tb, John Clayton. .
Bd, John Miller. • 15th, Isaao Robinson.
4th, F/W. Bookius. I6th, Henry Fetter.
sth, -R. McKay, Jr. 17th, James Burnside.
6th,‘A. Apple. 18th, MaxwellM’Caslin.
' 7th, : Hon,N Strickland. 19 th, GenJos.M’Donald
■ Btb, A. Peters.: . 20th, Wm. S. Cataban.
9th,' David Fisher. . 21st, Andrew Barke.
10tb,~B'. E." James. 22d, William Dunn.
: 11th,. John M’Reynolds. 23d, John S.M’Calmont
12th,- F. Damon. ; .v 24th, George R. Barret.
The Democratic Btat«: Central Committee of
Pennsylvamo, wilt meet on the 17th day of April,
• 1862, at 4 o’clock, P. M., at the Merchants’
• Hotel, 4n the city of Philadelphia.
WM. L. HIRST, Chairman.
• lllinois aod Michigan Canal was
opeued on tbo 28th.> It has beon folly repaired
and pat in excellent boating order. This eonal
Is the great' connecting: link of water communi
cationsbetwoen the western rivers and tho lakes.
To Pittsburghers visiting St. Louia during tho
Springand Summer, seasons,this is the most de-
lightful -return roots they could adopt. Thoy
can pass up tho beautiful and placid Illinois, in
. splendid .packets,' and,, if they choose, catch the
: “trontand the salmon,” and nil other kinds of
. £sh, together with a good big fever and ague, as
Is represented by some. -Of the fish and soonery
we can speak by the card, for wo know the
Btream, hut there is not sufficient of the
:. "'shakes”. about tho passage to disturb its placid
current at the most stormy season. It is a de
lightful stream to travel on, and tho boats that
now navigate it are remarkable for the liberal
manner in which they have provided for the'
comforts of their patrons. -
We learn from- «he -Flaindesier of Tuesday
that A. C. Brownell, the Democratic candidate
for Mayor, „wos on Monday - elected without op
■ pojiiion,tho whigs not daring to make a rally
against him. .Every candidate on .tho Demo
oratio city and township ticket'wero also elected
Bivo-two connallmen'in the 2d Ward and one in
the Ist, Although the most desperate exertions
of all the whig faotionß were used to defeat
We are. rejoiced to have it in our power to
cWoniele so manyDemocratio victories of late,
ospecialiy in tho elcction of municipal officers.
Under the administration of Democrats the peo
ple may always look for peace, prosperity, good
order and good government.
- RtiosUty at Washlogton.
The abstraction of papers from the State De
partment, which was considered a matter of snf.
fleient importance to call forth from the President
, a epecialmeassge to Congress, urging the enaot
ment of a taw to punish such coses, was done,
it is now said, by one Dr. W. W. Baldwin, of
Philadelphia, but more lately of California, and
it is understood, that the Department hasapplied
to the proper legal authority to arrest him. It
- is alleged rthat sBl,ooo' was allowed upon his
: daim, which was very much below the amount
of it He hsbmemoriaUzed the Senate fora fur
ther allowance, and, it is charged that he ob
v tained from the State Department permission to
examine tho papers. on file there, and carried
away or destroyed such os he considered unfav
: arable to the view of the case presented in his
The, Association for the Exhibition of the
XhaniJby of All Nations, in New York, have just
, published their-proßpOotos, stating that they
hate received a charter from the Legislature,
' end a grant of Reservoir Square for five years;
they therefore invito - the 00-operation of other
oitixens. - The project was suggested by the suc
cess of the London Exhibition, the tendency to
develops opr resources, elevate labor, &c; They
propose to gather into a noble edifice, carefully
selected products of the old world, including
specimens ofthe industrial arts never Been hero,
together with products of our own country. The
capital of the Association will be $200,000, di
vided into'aharesofsloO. . The cost of the
.. building is limited to $200,000, and price of ad
missian to SO cents.
. Goon—The- Washington correspondent of the
, Hew York TStihune stales that a leading "Whig
Senator, whose political.sagacity is unsurpassed,
feeling himself: o good deal aggrieved at the
course of political events, declared a while ego
. for Hr. Webster, to the astonishment of every*
■■■.. body;. Being pressed for his reasons for so un
. eXpeeted a lurch, he at last pvowed that he ho-
llered the whig pafty already needed the discip
line ofonother national defeat; and to effect this
purpose he wanted a candidate nominated who
could not obtainaslngleeleotorial vote. Hence
he went for Hr. Webster.
Wmo Whig U. S.
Senators: held a canons .in the Senate Chamber,
at Washington, on Saturday, and appointed a
committee to confer with'a committee of the
: whigs of , the; other House, for the designation of
the time and plaee for the assembling of the
, Whig National .Convention to nominate a Presi
dent and Vice president It is presumed the
convention will be held in Philadelphia, though
. .some prefer, that Hew York or Cincinnati should
be selected. -The -lat-of July will probably bo
the time fixed for its assembling
* “
democratic ticket.
ion rassrnxsr or thb united states:
Bub)Kt to the tame decision.
' Gen. R. PATTERSON. *
Cleveland a Democratlc City X
weekly money article.
There have been no tfew featnres in the Money
Market duriug the past weok worthy of euocial
notice, Tho obligations which became due and
payable on the first and fourth, caused a tempo
rary lightness in the money matters,: but; since
then things look easier. The BankanreatiUdis
counting good paper to tlio extent of their moans, ■
and -what is most “done” by those institutions
falls into the hands ortho Brokers, whosehoneßt
rates of discount are one per cent, a'month; CoS-’
siderable complaint exists on aoeonntof the Want
of consistenoy on tho.part of the Brokers in their
oharges, and it would not only be to their own
advantage, but also to the advantage of tho busi
ness community, if there was a better under
standing in relation to this.mattcr. There is lit
tle doing in tho stock market, but the stock of
onr City Banks is in great,demand. For figures
tve refer the reader to onr tables in another part
of this paper.
From the Commercial Summary of the New
Tork Evening Pest for the past week, wo glean
tho following satisfactory items:
Money continues to accumulate cn the mar
ket, without any corresponding inorease in its
demand, which renders ail safe investments tho
object ,of competition,..:,to , the. advancement of
their price and tho decline in the value of
monoy. •
:::::::APRIL 9.
Our leading merchants, -in nil branches of
trade, are also in the enjoyment of surplus bal:
slices. The honks are daily increasing their re*
.ccipts on deposit, both, on city and country ac
3J,The demand on foreign account, for safe rail
rood and bonds, and corporate sCcnri-
Ues, is having a very influence on
the market, and .. has added to' the effect from.
large shipments of cotton, very powerfully to
reduce tno rates of foreign exchange. .
■. Sterling has at length deolinod; to 9s@9l per
cent, for the best bills, and the supply is on the
The purchases this week of stocks for remit
tance to Europe are one million of dollars; and
the demand is still active. There is, therefore,
no probability of a speedy resumption of specie
Our speoio simulation has received an addi
tion of from five to six millions of dollars since
the Ist of January.
Our imports in tho same time have fallen off
several millions, whilo our exports nf goods and
produce have greatly increased in comparison
with the first throe months of 1851.
These-circumstances, which are not in course
of abatement, but, on the contrary, are strength
®9tng in the, same direction, point unmistake
ably to a continuance of an easy supply of
money on the market, a further decline in its
kalue, and a consequent enhancement in price of
real, estate, good stocks and bondsi "with -a de
creasing fastidiousness as to the oharacter of the
the securities offering.. ■ If wo escape a veiy ex
citing speculation, it will pe wonderful.
■ To place tho condition rf the money market
more distinctly beforo us, wo will state the
The.importa for the three months ending with 27
March, are $3,677,725 less than in 1851. The
recoipts from duties are $1,700,000 .less. ■; The
exports: of merchandise nro $1,250,000 greater.
The exports of specie are $2,400,000 loss than
in March, 1851. The- recoipts of specie this
quarter from the four- mints, ore six millions
greater, exclusive of the last receipts from Cali
fornia, which were $1,600,000, and of the for
eign coin received ; and though last in enume
ration, not least, a large increase, is observable
in tho amount of securities cent abroad;
The London money market, like that of New
York, is superabundantly supplied, and mnch
difficulty is found in placing It out to use with
advantage and security. :
The rate for loans on call is 1$ per cent., and
for discount of the best bills 2 per cent The
payment of dividends payable in April, will swell
the amount on tho market of.seeking employ-
In Baltimore, as wo learn from the Nows Of
tho 8d inst., money continues easy, with very lit
tle change in rates since last week’s report-
Loans nro readily effected on dividend paying
stocks at 6 per cent. First- class paper is
taken at 7@B, nnd undoubted single, names at
... The Maino Bank of Baltimore has declared a
dividend of four per cent, for the lastsix months
clear of State tar, payable on tho 7th inst.
American Stocks in England. —A fair amount
of business was done in United States securities
in England Tor the week ending the 20th Of
March, at tho following prices:
Redeemable. Prices.
United States S 1$ ct. bd5...1853 90*@91*
Ditto 6 'y cent b0nd5.......1862 102V103’
DittoC cent. bonds 1808 110’ 110!
Ditto 6 'll cent. 5t0ck........1867-08 107* 108
New Vork State stk.lBsB-60 94* 96
Pcnna. 51$ ct, 5t0ck......... 82 83
Ohio O lO5 106
Mass.. 6 cent. st. bonds..lB6B 108 .109
Maryland 6 "f! ct. st bds... 91
Virginia 6 ot st’g bd5....1867-75 .93 94
Virginia 6 ct bd5........,1880 97 97)
Boston City 5 ■s) ct. bds 1868-62 94 95'
Montreal City 6 ct...;.....1857-05 83 84
Pbila. & Reading K. 8., C
¥ ct. mortgage bonds ....1860
■ Philadelphia U-. 8* Mint. —Tho coinage at the
Philadelphia Mint, for the month ot March; is
as follows:
Double Eagles......
Half Eag1e5.........
Quarter Eaglcsi...
Total in Gold.
Qaarter D011ar5.....
Dime 5......-,;.;....:..
Three Cent Piecos,,
Total in Siber 1,693,495 $3,939,739 00
.§2,399 76
■Piocos 1,803,470 $3,042,187 76
: GoM Bullion deposited for coinage from let to
31st March, 1852, inclusive:
From California.....
Other sources
Silver Bollion dep’din same time. §19,560 00
aoii> niaiios oßPostTio. v
1851. 1862.
§5,0T1,667 §4,161,680
8,004,970 3,010,222
2,880,271 3,890,000
Total, 3 m0ntba.:..;510,956,«08 $11,061,902
The Senate of the United States have passed
n hill, and sent it to the House of Representatives
for concurrence, reducing the intrinsic value of
silyer.coiu representing the fractional parts of 'a
dollar, about 7 per cent, from the present stand
ard. It provides that tho weight of the half
dollar shall be 192 grains: and the quarter-dol
lar, ~dime, und half-dime, shall be respectively
one-half,vmo-fifth, and ono-tenth of that weight
The weight of the half-dollar, hitherto, has been
206} grains.
The net amount at the disposal of the Treas
urer of the TTnited-StatOß, at tho various deposi
tories -on the 22dMaroh; was $12,778,397 91.
. . The amount of Treasury,notes outstanding on
the Ist of April, was $159,411 74, of which
$133,811 64 were of the issues prior to July 22d,
1846; $17,150 of tho issue , of July 22d; and
tho balance of the issue of January 28tb, 1847.
• Soatott Commerce. —Exports of gold in March,
$48,400; Bilver, $26,770. Imports—gold, $184,-
984 { silver, $1,116. .Imports since January 1—
gold, $246,700; silver, $10,705. Exports—
gold, $503,057 83; silver, $58,970. Arrivals
of vessels in-March—foreign,,. 16.9; coastwise,'
409; clearances—coastwise, 226;'foreign, 142,
70 77
No. of pieces. Value.
...102,961 $2,259,020.00
... 14,040 140,400 00
... 31,237 160,285 00
... 91,620 228,800 00
...102,127 102,127 00
..401,895 $3,836,632 00
. 46,400 $11,600 00
~ 115,000 11,600 00
..1,000,200 30,006 00
..53,760,000 00
130,000 00
......$3,890,000 00
_ ' i V-' ►, ?«
1 v>t '« 1 ' '
* '• s'
*’ ,
4 IjJV*
£r. ■:■ ; A ff:vi s"^
Coinage at the U. S. Mint. —The amonat of
gold coined at tho U. S. Mint, Philadelphia, da
ring the month of March, was $3,886,682, and
during the -whole first quarter of 1852 the
amount was $11,101,396. Daring the same pe
riod the exports of speoie'have been $6,764,.
: v The Evening Bulletin soys-—“ This presents a
most favorable condition of things, and shows
that the receipts here from California exceed the
exports by $4,310,830. But this is not all.
Coin has begun to return to us from abroad. Wo
.have no account of the imports of coin for
—l r February, but we learn that at the Cus
tom House in N. York, the receipts of gold and
silver coin, from. Europe and other sources, in
dependent of California, was $513,019, with tho
proßpects.of increased receipts of coin from Eu
rope, and exports of the same reduced to little
or nothing, gives promise of n great abundance
of the precious metals.
■ ■ HSU The following table exhibits tho gross
receipts oftotts on the public works of this State
for the past ten years. - The receipts have been
nearly-doubled within -ten years,—and the inn
-creasing prosperity of the works prove.that they
will eventually become a source of great and in
exhaustible revenue to the State.
1842 $ 940,218 69
1843 1,017,84112
1844, 167,603 42
1845, 1,196,979 43
1846, 1,296,484 76
184 J, 1,581,676 78
1848 1,588,344 06
1849 1,638,277 72
i - Raileoad Accidents.— Tho State Engineer of
New York, in a report to the Legislature on the
railroad ocoidents which have occurred in' that
State; during the past year, has made up an ugly
table of mortality. On thirteen different roads
he gives a grand total of one hundred ond twen
ty-nine accidents; ninety .deaths, and forty-nino
human beings maimed, mnDgled, and wounded
in a shocking manner. From Bixothcr roads no
report was made. The list would be largely in
creased if alhhad-been.heaTd from. -Against the
roads jadgmonts have been obtained for dama»
ges to the extent of $45,875.
The CcDAJt Trials at New Yoek.— Judge
Judson, of the V. S. Cirouit Court; at New York
delivered his charge to the jury on Saturday in
the ease of O’Sullivan and others, lie stated
that, if the jury believed that a military expedi
tion was began, set on footer means provided or
procured for such; by. defendants, to act against
a country at peace with the United States; they
arc liablo under tho law. If tho jury found
them .guilty, he said ho would not consign them
to tho State prison for thrceycars, but to King’s
county jail.
Mcedees in Adams Codntv Pa. —The Gettys
burgh Banner states that, on - Wednesday last,
Mr. George Krebs, residing near liittiostown,
Adams county, Fa., made an attack, with a
large knife, on his son, when the latter seizing
a club/inflicted a severe blow upon the father’s
head which caused his death in a few hours
after. The aot seems to have been done in
self-defence. On the following day, near Ben
dersville, a colored man, named Mars, was shot
and killed by another named Green. - ,-s
Feuit. —Tho Southern Ohio and Indiana pa
pers. .report that most of the fruit, cherries,
peaches, apples and pears, which had escaped
the.extreme cold of the post winter; "has been
destroyed by recent frost. The Brookville (la.)
Advertiser says:—“The loss is incalculable.
Onr present impressionis that $500,000, or fif
teen yonrs- of constant horticn! lural application,
will not bring back onr orchards to where they
were last summer.”
Small Notes i.*t Virginia. —There was a bill
before the Virginia House of Delegates on Thurs
day last, to allow all banks authorized by law,
to issue 10 per cent, of capital in ones and two
dollar notes, payable on demand at tho Bank or
Its Branches. A motion to postpono indefinite
ly was lost, ayes GO, nays 62. The ameudmont
to redeem in gold and silvor passed 04 to 63.
Bill finally rejected by 67 to GO. ■ -
Lamb Sale or Provisions.— Tho New Or
leans Delta of tho 28th nit. says:
"One of our largest commission honscs, yes
terday, made sales wbioh probably exceeded, in
magnitude, any ever before made iu this market
at least by any one house, in a single day. Tboy
comprised 1-140 barrels of pork, 700,000 pounds
bulk meat, and about 800 barrels of lard. Tho
aggregate value of these articles -was not far
from one hundred thousand dollars ?”
May on of SrECßExytiiE.—Our worthy friend
Eti T, Tah'ah, Esq., was eleoted Mayor of
Steubenville, on Monday. This is another De
mocratic victory. The vote stood: for Toppan
420, for Bray (whig) 289. Mr. Tappan was also
sleeted a Justice of the Pence at the same time
BgyTho Hudson River disclosed tho past sea
son 102 Jays; the longest on record is 180 days;
the shortest 42. The average time during the
past 67 years is 90 days.
A Fat Woman in a Tight Flue,
■ The following interesting trifle is an extract
from a letter from a corpulent lady on her way
to California. She is undoubtedly “ seeing the
elephant,” and wo pity her -
“Onr cabin has two boxes in It called berths,
though coffins would bo nearer the thing, for
you think more of your latter end at sea a great
deal; One of these is situated over the other
like two. shelves, and these togethor make what
thoy call a state Toom. My berth is the upper
most one, and I have to climb up to it, patting
ono foot on tho lower ona, and Uie other away
out ou the wash-band-stand, which is a groat
.-stretch and makes it very straining—thoni lift
one knee on the berth and raUinsidowayß. This
is. very inconvenient for a woman of my else and
very dangerous, last night I pat my foot on
Mrs. Brown’s face, os sho laid asleep close to the
odge.of the lower one, and nearly-put out her
eye; and I have torn all the skin off my kneos,
and: then I have a large blaok spot whero I have
been hurt, end my head is swelled. To dismount
is another feat of horsemanship only fit for a
sailor.. Ton can’t sit up for tho floor overhead;
so you have to turn around, and roll yonr legs
out first, and then hold on till you touch bottom :
somewhere; and thou let yourself down upright.
It is dreadful-work, aud not very decent for n
delicate female, if the steward happens to come
in when you ore in the nothin this way. I don’t
know whioh Is tho hardest to got In or get out of
a berth—both oro tke most dilfioult things in the
world, and I shall bo glod when I am dono with
it. lam obliged to dross in bed before I leave
it, and nobody who hasn't tried to put on their
olothes lying down, oan tell what a task it-is.—
lacing, stays bohind yonr back, and you on your
face nearly smothered with tho bedclothes, and
feeling for the‘eyelet hole with one band, and
trying ,to put the tag in with the other, while
you are rolling about -from side to side, is no
laughing matter. Yesterday I fastened on the
pillow; to my bustle by mistake, in the hurry,
and never, knew it till the people laughed, and
said , the sea agreed with me, I had grown so fat • ■
but putting on stockings is the worst, for there
ain’t room to stoop forward; so you have to
bring your feet to yon, and stretching out on
your back;lift yonr,log tiliyou can reaoh it, arid
•then drag 1t,0n.. Corpulent persons can’t always
do this so easy, I can toll you. It always gives
mo the cramp, .Bnd takes away my breath. You
will. pity-me, if you : could. conceive; but you
oan’t—nobody but a woman eon tell wbat a female
suffers being confined in a berth at sea.
JB@uA man is allowed to follow only one bu
siness in Berlin, A barber there was recently
fined ten thalers for'having extracted a tooth
and taken pay for . it. Another barber was
threatened with the same fate for haying bled a
man; the wife of the man testified before - the'
court that she had tried-in vain to find a physi
cian*, andthe regular attendant, of the patient
said that this was a. case in which only- imme
diate could bring relief—so the court
magnanimously let off the barber, without a Sits,
in ooneideration of jus havingsaved the' man's
Ilife. ‘ ,f
•.»L.'. .
5 "5
» 1 f' -v- * 1
- V ”>* * ‘ ‘ s f t** 1 * >'•*,
'•■*. *. * » ~. » , * * + >
‘ ‘ ' * -'»V T » *
Edmund Glore, convicted of the murder of
Thomas Carpenter last fall, was executed at
Madison Court Hooee, Va., on the 26th ult. It
is stated that between three and four thousand
persons were present to' witness the exeoution.
He made a full confession, - and: attributed hie
end to intemperance.
: Testimonials to the- valueof $7OO have been
awarded, by the insurance companies .of New
York,-to Captain Hovey, and to Messrsß. Moore
and Samuel Warner, first and second mates of
the ship Devonshire, for their, noble services in
rescuing the crew and passengers of the Helen
Sloman in November, 1850. •
"■The bill abolishing the death penaltywas kil
led in ,the house on the -22 d, by n vote of 86 to
27- A bill exempting church property from
taxation was refused engrossment ’by 52 to lh
The Honso by 61 to 13, voted to submit to tho
peopto the propriety of substituting biennial for
annual sessions of tho legislature.
The Albany Begister, of Saturday, states that
the canal commissioners, in view of the contin
ned unfavorable weather, have it in contempla
tion to postpone the day for opening tho canals
to the 22d or 26th inst.
„ The Cincinnati Enquirer states that a vast
quantity of land, several acres In. extent, bor
dering on the Mississippi, -at Iron Banks,
caved or slid into tho river lost week,, and dis*
. Judgo James H. Birch, one of.the principal
anti-Bentonites, has been nottlnatedna the reg
tilar democratic candidate for Congress in tho
fourth district of Missouri.
....1,988,209 48
~..1,893,624 82
Hon. J. A Woodward has recently announc
ed that he will not bo a candidate for re-election
aa representative to Congress for the third Con
gressional Distriot of South Carolina. -
: Master John William Noale, aged fifteen, and
Miss Sally Ann Blookwell,. aged thirteen, got
married at Brooklyn, Ky:,- on the 10th ultimo.
Dr. John H. Field; an influential oitiien of
Cooper county, Mo., committed, suicide on tho
12th,ult., by blowing out his brains with arifle.
Putrid sore throat is raging-as an epidemic at
Charleston, Ark., and a large number of deaths
havo ocoarrod.
The temporary wants of the Virginia Treasu
ry have been supplied by a loan from the Board
of Public Works, to bo repaid when the taxes
come in.
The Knickerbocker is responsible for the fol
lowing. Two-voters on eleation night fell into
an open drain; what were their politics?- They
were Sewered men.
.; The first dally mail ever established inAr
kansas, commenced running on the 23d nit;,
between Von Boren and Fort Smith—dis
tance between the two places, /our and a half
Wo learn by the Pnlaski Democrat that tho
snow is over two feet deep in Orville- and Bed
field, Oswego county. . At the lastost dateß they
expected a thaw sometime, perhaps in May or
Jnne. ■ . ■ ■ . .
An Indian stood looking at tho cars ofthe Mo
bile and Ohio railroad, and exclaimed: White
men smart heap; make iron horso run on land
same like canoe on water.”
Commerce and wealth are desirable only as
they afford facilities Tor mental and social im
A venerable gentleman in. Virginia remitted
last week parent for bis fiftieth year’s sub
scription to tho National Intelligencer.
- It cost thirty thousand dollars to prove a lady
of unsound mind in an English Court. The trial
lasted sixteen days.
An English writer represents the whole Amer
ican people as standing behind one long counter,
from Maine to Texas, trading against the rest of
The following rales are authoritatively laid
down, for the treatment of Ponltry. We hope
they may provu of value to tho readers of the
1. All young chickens, dueks and turkeys
should bo kept undercover, out of tho weather
during tho rainy seasons.
2. Two or three times a week, pepper, shal
lots, skives or garlie should be muted up with
their food. ■■
3. A. small lump of asafeetida should be
placed in tho pan in which, water is given thorn
to drink.
4. Whenever they manifest disease, by the
drooping of the wings, or any other outward
sign of ill health, a little hshfeetida brosen into
email lamps should be mixed with their food.
3. Chickens which are kept from the dang
hill while young, seldom have the gapes; there
fore, it should bo tho object of those Who have
the charge of them, eo to confine the hens as to
preolude their.young from the range of born or
stable yards.
6. Should any of tho chickens have tho gapes,
mix up small portions of osafootids, rhubarb
and peper in fresh batter, and give each chioken
as much of the mixture os will lie upon half the
bewl of a small tea-spoon.
For the pip, tho following treatment is ju
dicious; take off the indurated covering on the
point of the tongue, and give twice a day, fo>
two or three days, apiece of garlic the size of a
pea. If garllo oannot bo obtained, onion, shal
lot or Chives will answer, and if neither of these
bo convenient, two grains of blaek pepper given
in fresh butter will answer.
$. For the (muffles, the same remedies as the
grapes anil be (bund highly curative, bat in ad
dition to these, it will be necessary to melt a
little asafectida. in fresh butter, and rub the
chicken about the nostrils, taking eare to clean
them out <
9. Grown up docks are sometimes taken off
rapidly by convulsions. In each cages four
grains of rhubarb, and four grains Cayenne pep
per mixed in fresh batter should be adminis
Physical Benefit or the Sabbath.
The Sabbath is God’s special present to the
workipgham, and one of Its chief objects is to
prolong his lifo, and preservo efficient his work--
ing tone. In the vital system, it nets like a
compensation-pond—it replenishes the' spirits
the; elasticity and vigor, whioh the lost six days
have drained away, and supplies the force which
is to fill the six days; succeeding; and, in the
eeonomy of existence, it answers the same pnr
poso.os, in the economy of income, is answered
by a savings bank.
The fmgal man,, who pat aside a pound to
day, and another next month, and who in a
quiet way ia always putting by his stated pound
from time to time, when he grows old and frail
goto not only the same pounds back again; buta
good many pounds beaido.
;■ And.the conscientious man, who husbandsone
day of his existence every, week—-who instead of
allowing the Sabbath to be trampled and torn in
the hurry and aorambloof life, treasures it de
voutly up—the Xord of the Sabbath keops it for
him,and in. tho length of days and a halo old
ago, gives it back with utrary. Tho savings
bank of. human existence, is the weekly Sab
bath. ’
: VAsrrr.—Talk of tbo vanity of woman. Ig
there no vanity in moot Show ns one girl with
her pretty little head staffed fall of conceit of
her own beauty as , consequence;: and we will
show yon fifty youths, upon whoso lips' the
small dawn, by mnoh ooaxing, has ventured to
appear, and a hundred hirsutedandios, exulting
in a fall facial crop of spontaneous growth; who
are more perfectly possessed with a solf-satlafied
estimation of their own irreslstable charms than
any Miss ih her teens. Each of these apologies
for men fanoles every woman whom he happens
to : encounter 1 , desperately enamored of him,-
and is fully persuaded; in hts own mind; ; that
he hears to the - fair sex the name relation
that the. late Capt. Martin Scott did to the
fiSF* The -title “ Esq.” ishereafter to he re
stricted to married men. This suggestion Was
mode at a Bloomer meeting, composed of old
molds, and carried without a dissenting voice.
We are In.
. JSs*Cftß one imagine anythingmore cheerless
than a bachelor’s bed chamber t Possibly iha
Dismal. Twamp may make some pretensions, to
«.*- X 2J t '
■T X ~
Treatment of Poultry,
? r '~ I r.~
, IpdHir Bautk(*|hi .
* (Succasor to S. i W. Sartaujh,)
in Floor, Wool, and Pmiflee generaUyrNp
-1 aprOlw*" 6 ' l Bn4llB B**oo®'«•*PlU9bnrgk,Pa. :
HaNOlNGH—l'apenry p»lterfla ct **apel
fl^ n ®lW' ,n 1 B®]*i V*lvel and plain sifle*.'” c-j
api» Fur tala by WALTER g. MARSHALL
fctyiea; farsfttc I>y
>Ss?™~ MAksiiALl/
? a,,6rn “ at i
a Pff WAt/fEB P |
i IHEAT WALL PAPER—From, B to iaic,"tor sate.
T> EVQL.VEKS—Just received at lIOOU’S, 61 Market
It street, a new patent Revolver; superior to any
heretoforoln nee,end for sale very cheap. Cali and see.
BpTO : ■ .
£S U ii??v fc 9- —Jort received, at MOUKIS’
U TEA STORE, in lie Diamond;— - '
Pared Peaches, tßcenls per quart.
Jersey Plums, freo/rom seed, tit)cents per pound.
.French and German PJnms, 10 come per pound; ■ *
New Valenclu Raisins, Rand 10 cents per pound.
: French Currants,d and Bcentt per pound,
Very superior Turkey Currants, 10 cents perpnnnd.
NewTurtejr Figs, 10 aodlJl cenu per pound.
, Altnooda, Filberu and Cream Nutr,iai oents a.
.ALSO—Common Starch, Hecker’s Farnurißlce Flour,
Vermicelli, Maccaionl, Orangea, Lemons, Ac. [apiO
For St, boulal
I -natLft Tb»v fine steamer PERSIA, CapL D. F.
daKaßßsanUTCHaotr, willleave (or the auove and in,
lermediate porta, on TUESDAY 1 ; the 13th Inst, at'4'
o’clock, P. M..
For freighter ptnaage.apply on board, or to •
f Flaatii Bnullth fiaoicha»lai,~<lnit
vlaii, dkc., Aa.
TIIE Eubacrlber : oders for aole 3000 large thrifty Ehf
gli?li Gooseberry Plants, containing 40 varieties or
the largest productive : aorta of Reds, Greens, Whiles;
and Yelltwaj the ce ebrated new Sirawberriea, Grope
Vlnea, Raspberries, Currants, Monthly Rosea, Mom
Boaea, Vining and Pillar Boses, of the most approved
aorta; Evergreens,Dahliaa, Aaparaguarvand Rhubarb
Roots, and many new Planta, Shrubs and Boaea; Of in
ureat to Horticulturists. Orders through the Pittsburgh
Post Office, or left a tour stand, otiMarkctduyt, will be
piomptly attended to.
- ft: i :.: TO US*." - v ■■■*?■■
mHEWorebouse formerly occupied by A. Deelen.E..q,
X running from Third to Second street, between Wood
end Market. Possession given irometltalely. Enquire
apig:3i* . . Cannl Basin. :
X'occunted by the .subscribers Possession given on
Uie 13th Inal. For terms enquire of - - ;
aptO .■■■■■ .R. CHESTER, 7igmiihlie|d at. .
Jfo. 16 Wood ttrtet, ■ PitUburgh,'• »-
Wholesale Dealer in Combs and Variety Goods,
offers to bis customers and the public a moat complete
assortment of. Goods m his line, satiable to the spring
Being extensively engaged tniheinanuracinre of every
vailety of Looking'Glasses, he is enabled to Oder in,
dncemenls to purchasers equal to any housetn the Union.
‘ AlUghetnrdttfl.Pompanv.
BOOKS for subscription utlbe-Caiiifnl Stock of tail
Company, 'Will be kept open ai. the Office of. Bobert
H. Davis, Esq., Water, near .Federal si reel, Allegheny,
betveen the hoursof 1 and 5o r cjocktP. ftf.,on iheBlb,
lOih, llth: 12ih, I3th, I4tb arid 15tli Jnit;
- Shares 883 each, S 5 to be paid at subscribing; ■
A Committee of the undersigned Conmiirsioners w»l
bp in attendance * v.
Win. Robinson, Jr., John Prices ...
. Robert IJ. Davis,...
James Parke, Jr. r
fleo. It Riddle,
John Irwin, t?r.,
. .Wm Coleman, : :i
Alexander Cameron,
Jotlah King,
John Fleming, .
1 j I hose beautiful works of Art) of various design* and
sizes, suitable for name! pieces. Ae ♦ nod for sale low.
73 Third street/ .
A A. MASON A CO. "Will opeiUhlanormag; lOOcesca
J\ » more of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,consisting
of Bonnets* Ribbons, plain and figured Silks* Berages,-
Tissues, Grenadines* ropUna/Lawns Oe Latnes, Mds
-Ims. Ac., Ac. : ■■. t : [aprtf , ■
R«v« t>r> KUllkAllv’i Kcmalegcmlnary,
DAY, SSfb.instant.Teachers of hi<h ability arc a*-,
seriated with Dr. Killikelly, in contacting this School.
The somber of Boarding Pupils is Honied toW. :
Board and TuiUODj ln English* *..£60,00
■. French, German and Latin, each • * 10 00
; JDw wing and Painting •••♦•»■ ;v ••. *... ~ .. -10.00
Bed. Heeding and Washing.***.-*..*-***'.*.. 5,00
C3* Refer to A, B. Curling and James W. Hoilman,'
Esq*., Pittsburgh. ■ , • : fapr9:3tawiMl.
BY virtue of 'kb'order of ihe Orphan 1 * Court of .Alfa*
fheny county* inNo. IC4 October term, 1851 i we
will expose fopahjicsale aufae Coon Hourein the city
of Puttburgb.flhMonday.thelOlhdayof.Moy, 185*, at
10 o’clockA.M.of taid day,,the following. parcels of
valuable property* belonging to tbo estate of Solomon
Sehoyer, deceuieo, to wit;
1. A lotof ground onifae westwaidly tide of Smith*
field street, PiUsburgb,.heing eighty feet from ike *ooih
west corner .of Seventh street, being 80 feet front on
. Smitbfield street by-sixt y feel deep, on.which is erected
. a three *tor? brick dwelling kousetandsobjeeffaan an
nua! ground rentof tweatydollars, payable semi arniu
, ally. For fuller descriptions aee orderyor deed from
; William Biddle and Wife to Solomon. Sehoyer, dated
. 89Ui of Marcbi 1850, recorded in deed book voV 90,
: pageS9d
% A lotof ground,'adjoining ike above, sixty 7 feet
from the comer of Seventh, beior 20 feat front on Smith- 1
•. field Btreel by sixlyfeel deep—hsvieeeieeied mereon
a three story brick dwelling bouse,Tind fabjecttoan an*
nualgroand reni of *2O. payable semi annually.—For
more particular, description,recorder or deed ffonrVYm.
Biddle and wife, lo Sofornou Scboyer, dated 9th March.
1817, retnided indeed book vol 80, page 370.
3. A lotof ground on theeartwardly-Jidc of Webrter
streets Pittsburgh,! wemy'five foet from the eemthwen
. werdiy: corner of High atreer, having, twenty feet front
on High -street, by eighty feet deep to a smalt' alley.—
For fnuer description see order or deed from Jas Brown
and wife to Solomon Sehoyer dated 3d February 1&49,
. recorded in deed book vol 85, pare 14S.
4. A lotof ground in the eity of Pittsburgh numbered
ls3lh Scon’* plan of lots ib the fith ward, fronting on
the NortbertLStdoof Pennsylvania Avenue twenty-four
feet and extending back nioety feet to Union alley. Pee
order or deed from Jonathan Kinsey and wife to Solo* ,
ison Sehoyer, dated Bth April 1850, recoded indeed book
:Vol 99, page 191.
S.:Aioi of ground-in Allegheny city number 22 in
Harvey and Curtii’ plan of lots, framing 24 fret ort Shef
field street, and extending back 90 feet to (talon alley.
See order or deed from Zebulon Kinsey and Wife to
Solomon Sehoyer, dated 22nd August 1815, recorded in
deed book vol 75 pagafiOO.
d. Two lots of ground in the city of Pillshurgb, nom- >
bered 13 and 14 in ColweU plan of lots, each fronting 1
twenty fret on Miller street, andextending baek in depth
one hundred feet Pee order or deed from Win. H. wil
liams and wife to Solomon Sc borer,dated 3d September*
1845,recorded in Deed Book vol. 83, page 412*
7. Twojot* or ground in Allegheny city, numbereJ 8
mod 9 is Brown A totbrop'* plan of. lois,each fronting
twenty feet eight and tbreoqutrter inches <m tba soaib
side of Bank uane, and extending liacknlnety-ibar fret
eight inches to the tdw-path of-the Pennaylvanta Cuholr
These lota are close by theßailroad Dniot. - See order,'
or dead from: Hugh- Downing and wife to Solomon'
Sehoyer, dared 3d November, JBl7, recorded in Ifebd
Book vol, 90. page 594 - -
ft Fivo lot* orground in Binniughasti numbered 75,
79,80.81 and 83in Dr, Bailsman I *, plan oflots—the lot
No, 75 fronting twenty feetouMary Ann*tr*et,and ex*
tendisghaek in depth seventy feet— andrhe lots N 05.70-
80,81,82, each fronting twenty fret oh Denman street*
andextending back in deptbeighiyf«LSe«order,or
deed from James McGuire and wife to Solomon Sehoyer,
dated 7th March, 1849, recorded in Deed Book vol. 85,
pope 09.
ti. A lot 0/ ground in Reserve, township, Allegheny
county, and just adjoining the Third Word, Allegheny
City, numbered 33in Cassatt’s plan oMotvbounded and
described as follows, vizs Beginning on Pouiitaia street
atthe eomerof lot No, 37,funniogihence along said at.
eutwaidiytwenty feenert inches,tothe lineoflandfoK
ineriy belongiagto Sample and Gilmore, and now known
as the Road,” thence soutk-eastwdrdly niong
the line of said Undone hundred and 7 *itty-lwo feet ten
inches to Hemlock alley, thenfie westward!}- along said
ialley thirty-eight feet six-inches to the comerof lot Ne.-
37 r and thence along theiineof said lotonehundred and
sixiy-one feet aixinches to the place of beginning.' See
order; or deed from K. 8, Cassatt and wife to Solomon
Sehoyer,dated 23dNovember, 1817, recorded in Deed
Book, vol. 80, page 109.
10. A tract ©fUnd in Peebles township, Allegheny
county* reirnfc, containing aJx.acres-and' eighty-seven
end I*loo perches, ThUproperty is near Lnwrenooville,
and fronts to low water mark on the AlleghCny/rtver.w
On it;ihere U erected a Patent Brick Machine, with
steam engine, stable and shed, - See order, or deed from :
Wa.“ Darley and wife to Solomon Sehoyer.dated £9h
Jknuary, 1850, recorded inDeed Boot,vol;69,page \
Uh .Two lots -'orground in A»whepy .CUy,numbered;
85 and 90 in Barnett andGayer’* plan of lots, each front
ing twenty feet on4he'West Jlde of Beaver '
extending baeklh ddpth One hnudred feet toVbtostreeu'
.Seeorder,or deedfrom Charles H.Kay and wife to Sol- i
onion Sehoyer, dated 10th March,lBso, recorded in Deed:
.Book, voi.vO, page 117.
13* A lot of ground in the eity of Piiuburglu part of
that numbered w in AnhorP first plan of lots, in the 7th i
Ward, fronting twenty-six feet on Arthurs street,-and '
extendlnghack forty fret in depth.
Also, two lowof groaad in tbo Reserve traciy'oppoMfe l
PiUsburgb.numbered 1I nod 12 in Wright’s plan oftotr,
each fromißg twenty-fooT feet on the Butler turnpike,
T and; extending back twb huudred.fret in depth, 'geo
order, or deed front Alekauder MeMullen and wife to
Solomon Sehoyer, dated 12th. Maroh, 1859, recorded in
Deed Book. vol. 90, page 78, ‘
. - 14. A lot ofgtouna in the city of Fittshargh, beginning
107 feelOlnchea westwardly from: SmUbfield street, on
the wnth stdo ot Second street, fronting 39 feet, more or
lei*, on said Second street, aud extending back in depth
about 80feet, more or leas, onwhioh U erected the new
warehouse occupied by S. Shrivor A Co. See order, or
deed from CadwaUtder Evaoa and wife to Solomon
Bchoyer, dated &ti November, 1847* recorded in. Deed
Book, vol. 80, page 371»
Tho terms of tbit sale are, one-third in cash, one-third
itt ohe year, and one-third in two years, withlnterest—
the whole to be secured by bond , and mortgago on-the
prcmlsea; . : ; WJLLTAM P. BAUM,
aprPidtawAw _ AdminUtrators.
Wylie etreet, near Tunnel The subicriber can re
ceivea few mote pupili into ibo above, tie refer* per
aonadeainng infarmatloato the acbool; where the pu*
■lie in atlendaneo will bo examined in tbe various
tranche* they atndT, then'bey can Judge fonheraielve*
The aehool la (applied with Mapa, Globe* nnd thone
cessary Mathematical Inurnment*;: Tenna moderate; '
O SO boxes Snuff;
SObexe* Ginger;
SBhx*. Ratlin* i
10 half boxea Haiiini;
100 ream* Wrapping Paper;
. 40do*. Bed Cord*;
SO fill. Indigo; ' ‘
000 Gta. Madder;
JOO begs Nail*, atoned J
SOO boxea 10 by IS and 10 by 1461a**. '
JopiS . . Foraale hy,, STUART *. arr.r.-.
JOT ASH—A auperiot article, for sale hy“ 1!
XTl , n ’ JOKL’MoHLER,'
■ MS?- - , in Liberty street.
S,AHEm.’3 j WDUN tore of
► Inflimraau&rjr-and Ctaonlo RheamaUia,Sore
ro§»r OtosPj Swelled Wmb»,*e. Forlate by < ! ? ” : -
«Sl§ JOEL MokuEß, Ml Llfaanvit." |
IJAIHBaick-FpHalety -
' ~ UOW
' 1 •' V J sS&.f
' ; j 4 £ v 7^
&LATAPE& 'Xfcin'ifti' S* Y ,L^,AMl? »and
Two spacious rooms haverecentfiriieeifßlSlj
assssis*^ 1 «'~a t rassars^s!
«fraogeraeu»» N - f a p y $
Er cottier
°r Market and Third street*. Tbs Lndi£>3ep»SSm
■of thislnsutution will-be reopened on MeiaiS£RSii.-
Olh.Thoso desirous of improving tholr style of Wrilmv
jure Invited to call. *
Uoursof lostruciion/rom 2t©4 P. RL
aprt KR. SPENCER, Inairnotoi,
BovP Wrltloff O|a»o
ID* CHAMBERUN’&Cqniinertiat Collefco, corner of
Market and Third streets; .A number of Lad* will be
received- fot aterm ofone month* commeacjngAtondayv
Apfil filh. . Strict attention will be paid to the formation
or a correct business style. •
aprt * Ft R. SPENCER, Instructor.
£pri#o* or Meeting Washington
Bal!,Wood street, between sth andVirgmiAUev.
PBTBBtmaH X.od«*No. 33$—- Meets every Tuesday
'MsECA.OTinErtcAMftf*NT,. No:B7—MeetsUt and 3d
Friday of each month. mar2s—Jy
(IT' CottiumpUon of thi .liungi^Sfmp*
. toma.«-When Consumption commeneesitsworkupoa
the jLungSf ia Jtß usual form, the first symptom u a
yCough. As.the disease advances the Cough becomes
-much, mote frequent, and is attended - with toe expeclo*
.ration ; of matter,> which is sometimes colorless; but at
others, assumes a -yellowish or greenish hue. and will:
ofleh be found mixed with streafs; of blood.* After the
Cough has. conunued for a time, the: patient will expert
ence some, difficulty in : breathing, accompanied, per*
.hops,.with a jiam in the chest, atuTfrequenUy, in one or
boUi sides;.; The pauent will bo subject to a hectic (ever
and alternate* flushes of heat, frequent cold chills, and
often with coploosriught sweats.' . •
Those ihrealeted wiih-Conauropiion,should bear in
mmd .iliat ’>;Wi9UtV; Balsam of.wild- Cherry P is the:
remedy that has performed cures of Consumption that
were thought almost miraculous-HsureSr which havens*'
tombhciinoraedical.World*and brought the bloom of
health to many a pallid cheek, and joy and -gladnesr to
many a despairing botom. *■
. . See advertisement in another column. - f*pr9
TORY ORGANS—nre urnas, tax suonoma, amd tbs
LAETss-rare the organs; through which Respiration Is
corned lf obstructions: occur in: llm the
.kidneys, or jnany of iheorganxahoyenamed.from'cold
4>r.nuy other cause.., the other organs are OTer-iaXed jn
ihetr luneiions, and you have disease. liritaiioa or in.-
H animation sets in, .-winch can only be relieved by inking
.&.proper remedy, one tbal will restore each orcQn to the
duiy proper urn . ° v
Dr.Keyser’sPectoral Syrup is prepared for the sole
purpose of oenefituug such cases, and contains ingredl
enw which will.nllay-and sootheirnation, dissolve the
incressed eecreuon of mneons which collects in the
Bronchial tubes; andiemoves any obstruction from the
Respiratory, oigaas, and restores them fo sf lieaithiUleC'
Hence. lt 11 applicable to all cases of Coughs,
Wheezing, Whcoping Cough, Brohchhis;Laryhgiiisaad
any other pulmonary disease, , depending-nn or arising
from obsn action. It is sweet nnd pleasant to take, Una
may be given with perfect safety to the most tender in;
tant V, fryit, and you will not bedisappointed.” •
-Prepared audsoM by - Dr. O. H..KEYBER,
,at his Drug Store, 140 Woodsueet, ■
mart7:dAw Pittsburgh, Pa. ,
Banemla Gluß Worhl.
11l variety We have,also, on hand, Lightning Hod
unaalators, of nsupenor pattern to any ihiag yet pro
- Healers in. Glassware-can save from 10 to 19 per
cent, by giving us a calf. 1
; Warehouse, corner of Water and Ross streets, ;‘
- feblMm: , Pittsburgh, Fa
’ JohrtT. Logins
Dr 8.8. MmVr-'
James Marshall-,"-
l)r.T,F.Dale, -
Robert Ualzell;
Wn Walker, '
Jac6!> Painter. '
-- Insurance Coinpany -of Pittsburgh. •
-. . C. G. HUSSEY, President.
' SAMUEL 1.. hIARPHEIiL, Secretary,
- bzlloitn MaWitl and ifoed itrrrn,
- !LA insures Hall and Cargo Rlslts,
On the Ohio and Slitsisiigpi lltvera-and tribularia. ■
.-INSURES against Loss or Damage 1-y Pire. -
ALSO—Against the Perils, of the Sea. and Inland
navigation and Transportation.
llwssey, Wm Larimer, Jr.,
W‘l‘H»n Bngalcy, Sam’l M. Kier,;
J}“g»H-K'ng, „ WilliamDlngiam,
Robert Dunlap, Jr., D. Dehaven.
S. liarbaavh, Francis Sellers,
Edward lleazleton, J. Schoonmaker.
waller Bryant, Samuetßea.
Isaac M.Pennock.
INSURANCE' company.
: P'sigiif d only furthe eafeteiasaes of property,h»s sn
a plV*? capita!, ondoflords superior advantages in point
and accommodation, to Oily and
Country Mercliame and owners of Ihvßtlinfs and isola
ted or Country |*t©peiijr,‘ W l
■ ■>. _• > •' A- A-pARRIERi Actuary,
j. novlS -7 Branch Office, $4 Smiihfield at, Pittsburgh. '
Plttaborcu Lir« Insurance CouiDkiiT. ■■■
„ , CAPITAL 9100.000.
President—James S.Haon;
-Vico President— Sntanel hTCforkah.:
Treoscter—Joseph 8. Leech.
Secretary—C. A Colton.
‘‘‘isCompany mekes every lesoraneoapner
lalmng to or connected wilh-Lile Risks: '• r+~\
safc»7doScd ' holCaJop,edby olhe '
' Slwk Ralef ai reijuetiaa of from the
.Aimaa).rates— a dividend of ihiny-ihfe© and
one-third per paid aunaaily in advance.
tU4Ka token oa- the lives of persons to Califor*
JnmMS.Wron, Jowph S: Lcccli,
w ? n ■ s ‘ A os(? t - 0n > - " Samuel M'Clnrltan,
William PhiU.p;, John A. Wilton,
matllrCm Join Scoll.
_ v.. . Of Hartford. Conn* iv
noT4:,f R. H. BEESON, Agent.
ABBOElatad Klromcn’o Insurance Cocaiis.
, • . ®F of tH« City of Pliutarsht : • .
W rr?wmV,Ji AS ’ p ' < i 3 See*.
Qffi**i* l&rncnfahtlfi ffotut, JYai, 124 and 125 tfaUrtL
n V rR , JGiS U '' Joho'Andenon,.
Wm' f?'Sl 0r ’ R-B- SimPMK, ’
??;Mf. «•*«. H. B. WilkinsJ
-fe«'“ r !5 nejr * Carles Kent,
Willi»m Gorman, William Cnil.ngwood,
. A.P,Au.huu, Joseph Knje, ’
William D. Wngbter.--
C7O(M 9cUom’ Hall, OiunßuiUinr
ffiimS «° o o SmitltfUliilrttu pfl’uhorgh
uSm“ P *' N °‘ S,meet * ,sl endJUTacsdaysof each
day l g U ' )nCBil ®' EreeLo<lgc ’ ND - 4 i®' el,!S J»'id‘lihTae«-
jn^ C^ nl '*’^ ol3 ® e ’ No ' 9 > ®=eu every Thursday even.
e»rtine raSt '' rLodg0 ’ No ‘ sl ’ meels every Wednesday
'" P J} eoruer of Fifth and SmlinHeld.
inif W nf. < ?? l £„ L ' QlJg<: !’? 0 ' meets evcryFriday even*
lefhenyCi’ty? *” te “oek and Sando , k|«re|ti!,il.
V jawy. das ’ eve “" B * n Washington Hail, Wood streol
„ Oa A. a. D.
tJSTJSw ab J OTe Boar<l of Trade Booms,corner oi
Wood sirceta, every Monday evcniiift.
•*57 *' **’* Florida House, Marketer. '
6771, Seciatsry.
»A.KNESS. noises in ihe head, and ail dliavree-
Jeifiivi'dtSfKniw 1 —ear,speedily andpermanently
removed wlthaui pain orincon venlonce,by Dr. IlAßit
tEY, Principal Aurm of the N. Y.. Ear Surgery, who
may be consoltedatliaAßCaureei, Phiiadelphla, from
Thirteen years oioso,and.almost undivided attention
to this branch of special practice has enabled him to
reduce bis treatment to such a degree of success as to
find themost confirmed and obstinate cases yield tiv a
; teady attention to the means ptosctlbedi ; {odrn
: : PottOfficeßuiUmgs, Third Street.
T. I \ F o i^ S, i ;S ' ak ' !a la 0,1 w b»thet«, /tom B A.M. 10
A* 6 "• W, givinff on accurate arilsuc and animals
likeness, unlUo and vastly superior to Uw “com
■ won cheap daguerreotypes,» at (he followinvchriin
pri«s.--*1.50, *2,00, *&00.54,0U,85,00 and upward, ac?
eordjnffto (he aiae and <iualliy of’cMo orframe,'
E?;lIonra for children, from 11 A, M. io 31\ M<
u . » n .t, Me ? *'ck or diseased persons lakes
in any part of Ihoelty* - [nov23:ly
_Er*_ Afflo *t-*ie«norit«l>la Case or Total
5H- ““ pure*; by Petrolonm.—We Invito
i rae hnenuonof (he afflicted and the poblic eenerulivio
; the flCrUEcatoofWiiliam Hall, of Uiia ciiy. The cate
, may be seen by any pereonwhomay beskeplicalin re.
Isuoa Io the facta there aet forth. S. M. KIER,
l »V 1 beon- afflicted several years with «r sorenets
i or botheye*.; which continued totncrease umUleetSepa
i (ember, (1830), the inilainißstioaat that time having in.
solved the whole .lining membrane of both byes, and
I OhaedtDthodepositeol'a thick, film; which wholly de. v
strayed my tight I had aa operation performed, and
i She thickening removed, which; soon returned left
me innubadaeondiupnas before, At this stave of the
10 *««»> «Mbenm«
*miceut medical mcfly.wlio.bifonned that *■ ravevea
JSIfitSSSiS^S 1 -^
..galshTior tbo sdticeftf voeqq friends I com*
paeocedtheaßO oT-thc-PetrqlcunL'.bQtfi iDteraaltv arid 7
mTcycshave Lmpraveddallyuhtli
jho P«»ent l have reccverefmy sight emlre
tf-T.-Tr? geQ«ttuhealth,\ra& very much imoroved by liTa
attribute the restoration of my vightto
iSd n «ilhVE?^ *?• m **cowi street!
WS£ * hap " W ‘bformaUonln reMotrra
Be HS mbcrl7 » 1851 *
Jg-fa calling attention to Dr.GUYZOTT>S ImpmuL
Earaa <if YtUow Docimd BarupariUa,-me feelconfi
dentthat we arddoing a:service to all who may twi af
olcied with Ecrtfuhnu and other- disorders orlrinatine
in hereditary taint,-or front impurity ofthe blood. Wo
stance, whore the mdst formidable aistempershave been
cared by thouse otGHyxeWtKnractcf YtShm Dock mi
Sanaparillaohm- . w d
i- Jtis one of the few advertised medicines that cannot
he *Ugmatired;with: qnaekeryrfar the - “Isiioto Bedt” •
• «“d the “Sonsyarißo” are well known to bo the most
efflelenvfand, at ;tbe same tune, innozions) aoehta In iiri :
Saer»4y«U»*«W ***** ¥,tiSrS^^i^^eu
’I f *•> - , n
**•«,, . ‘ ,
- ** * ••••'. • . ' •
. »•*» - '► f I•> «>*».. .»• e" *
, r % * > ,J '
" -"V ', ,
f t , .-fli » f
3*'- WSg -i vi<C. a.
Lima am) Maitaoai-*-* JOSEPH C, PO37KJJ,
-Pricu AdnUtUa—Pint Tlerand Parqaette Ms,
Second Rid Third TiersSSK; Reserved seat* In Drew
circlet 75 centtj large Private Boxet.eatire.tBMi; malt -
Private boiesentlre,B3,oo.
Doors open *t 7 o'clock. Curtain rise* at 7J.
••>• engagementof Mr ROBERTS.”
EVENING, »pril- Sth. 1852. will be pre
sented Shakspeare’s celebrated play of
- - - - Mr.J.B, Robert*.
OfieUo, - - . - Wr.J.P. Btelsford.
twuS% •„ Misa Fanny W&eoter.
PopnUr Ballad, Mils Kemble.
: *“® wnole to uoDclade wnh...
~ , J f VCR IN A NAME.
F^n?h^:. (wuhttSon «’> - Mr. John, Weaver ;
rrs?iS'" f ±„-„- " -Ml*a Fanny Wheeler- -
J. a MJHSBT& ’ B "’ ea “ 4 J ta,t oPPeanmeOiOf Mr.
Bat Trwpein the World.. ■'
T anisieiL (SiTn o ,i l^ on ?P rifa Jjrealpnraber of :
lsnd?i“ HippAwnwor Paris,
Josephine Whohosilibi^. U t i Be ,:T? nrna ‘ rean(l M'He ;
ioSrt, cotnprl,log Irene, ffiriS r £“k.A fhlt Cory. it
r Hans Ktsti the celebrated «Vmi.n^ii nlttß . nd Cognate;
br«b a roe* wirt U,™itTlfi m v who will
vorite Clown, whose wit wllhet the A™J?P^’ ,he -
mirth. Abbbtboso, gntrsaa. Mowii K. in # ntr * of
tost of others compose the ccmnanV^Jnil^ , L*- T| S”n>^
direction of Prof. Mi Johnaon. "wni'l*
pr theUichesiraiwhich!* worthytf fciOhtiL'*'* la s ller -
- Doors open at 7 o’clock,: Performance I™?? 1 * 4 ? 11 '
at 7ko’clock, . Admittance 25 cents.
—— WprS
r AWB - ,
Gylrt alrs Trimmlngo of K very Description
JD“ Farnitore Plnshrs, Brocatelles. !*«.
.hlusimCurtains; N. Y. Pointed Window Shades, ■
Gill Cornices, Consul War, Bauds, Ac. Ac.,
_ r „ At Wupt»s*|»Ain> Rxrsu.. ?
: W. B; CARRYL,l6»T!hesioui SL, cor Fl/lb,. *
„ By Curiums Modi and TnamcdmlU D/tuat French
Btvtt. omriOilj* .
Straw ■adFsaeraillliuri’. ’
„„ _ .v. MRS - M- A- KING,
No. SI South Stand Shut, Between Marker and Chestnut, :
ThESPECTFULLY AmiQuuceß to Ills Weitcru Mer-
Xli eshsni* that she has opened iho most splendid as.
sotnneni of MILLINERY, consisting ofthe newest and " ■
most Fashionable Straw and Silk; Bonnets Drifts Cops;
Ac, Ac.:, She is prepared; to famish orders, to any
am °°ot- raarSOSot
; A. B. VABBPBa; ~
flXanafaettaror mna Dealer la
Transparent UTn&to Shades, Oil Cloths, Cords’;
' Brasses, sc.
No. 59 Noam Thibo Sramcr, PMunrapßii.
__ ~ ' Ho alO ChitoauStnes Philadelphia.
uy Also, Hcstor nt Falminga. (msrtnOmt
, tSMESB. sDtra.«.n: :;:;:oiras;;r:::;». scoTUIB. >: e
Booh Setters and Blank Book Manufacturers -
«o f®iS2> of the Lh>Ke IBank Boohs,p ' . '
Above Fifth,
r >a J*9l Jiand, Cap.Demy,-M dium -and*-v
Inyoleo and Cash .
???*’■ Aldermen’s Deckels, Minute and Letter Books,
Books'* o*™* 0 *™* Fass, Receipt, Copy and Cyphering -
eSwe,!"** ° f «“«»“»- .
By Country Merchants, Booksellers. Banks and- ’
Connung Rooms supplied with every Variety or Blank * r
Books and Stationery, atYery low prices. (ronrtOCm 7 ‘
77~ a«w £& turnery dood«» ' - **
rpilE Uodenicned is now receiving hia ‘SPHISG"
J Supply of MRiLINEHY 00009. lije «io “iSflt
wiU wefado every variety of ladies* ana' Girls' Striw'
Boaueia. oftiie Newest PansTaml London Boys’
5»Jf j“«»).Faney; SirawTTriimninse, Gimp, Straw ;; t:
Cords* Ac. Also, oonnet Ribbons, freraNo.lslio2Uof ;; t >
the very latest styles; fllacteSilks of all colors, for
*"‘“J ‘«>w® <sen« to »l peryard: tVh( lo
Crape*. Tarletsne, Illusion Netts, Black,
SUks, Bomboatnes, White and Coioredflilk lacL bdefc. ~
Yam,CrowayZdinuiKSs&o. > T
Merchants andMilllners wiH find it to their idvan*
tage to give faun a call, as they will be aWe to find at
«!?, eV«y article they may nerd in the
MiUmery lioe ofbimnes*. • - -W.M6BRJB*
No.3lBoatliSecondfgtreer* -
\ -j B. A. CBVOKSII4) CO., " ,
Importers, Manufacturers, anij)ealer> in
StrawGoods,Silko,Bibbmi«,Fjonrcre, Feathers,iolhsr
Noi,A7 and 49 Ofitstnut Strut* ■
. . 11T •. , .And Ifp, 8 OlSoutk-Second Strut*
(West aids.) pmAEELPHii.
- d -„■ J ndr&M
nr* o». ,8 “® UAII'i'OSJ &. COT,
8T0.3? South Seeotta Street, Philadelphia,
Ladut? Shot Manufacturer!, Cabinet Makers,
Upholsters aud Furnish**#,
... J* C»4fr W.KiTABEK, "
w PotsWe TJoweM,
_marSot2fn* EHIZAftEfcPJHa. S > :
*• J. B. BAGGS & 808- . -
all? SSEUE? * t,un '’ ° msU ‘ HaU >
A rffl wllt coininne-10 rtctive,tjy*everyarrlvalth&
A '»>»« fctylc# from Londou OttdF'aiU. Ptwona -
fluff. tbe-li&st aro invited to c&JI. :..••• ;; ?> *“i
fin “ of U ’ eda 4 Ba BB* »« ’
Philadelphia, March 23,1852. '
WM.StGALET. '/ .. . T ■
H. i. «uU'i''s pnicaiogi utoiiMii.
‘ A ft'lWul BDririU or-orneod gives u» pleasure. even ■
wjule he M ifvlDg, though absent; but when he Is parted"
from uj by death, its salas la Incalculable. W e P hSe
otrery facility for Inking Daguerreotypes of the lanen
size produced in tbit country.. And for our übility'u!
produee.ncb, unreal least, onsurpazsed.wewouiaan.
peal jo twelve Pnzca awarded us at the Great Fairs—to -
•lleslatiotisorllvfeg Artists—and to tbe Public Voice. ; -
000 Pictoret OUl by & PUmnege amounting ton early SOy .v.
whether our strictest personal attention snllbem£,-
lao i Create,Bights
i '.-■.•A,f«w frtm jaoay.Qpmionsftf Artists:'• ;
beautiful art >f BANFORTU, BALD fc co“ - -
' u ~ Bcuk Note Engravers, of New York & Pbllal»' -
“ I have long regarded M A. Hoot as Ms mnktst
r «f Mf ' ? 0 a l 'r.' Crayon ’ F 0 ' 1 ” 11 * tcoiuHer Uo'twwLre
. n s, '
Forteanif niid nchneasoi toue;
roent of light and shade, and titiefe! ui,X* SiaSSre’'
went of nil ftceeagiona: y. •,: >
mem, are ansarpassed.' °J B Yh»ißofN. UaB '
“Tocharacterize Boot’s*Crayon’w* Vhmc^terhS.ii.
word, illato tbertrefi
- iftigwrer.
cabinet FirßifiTirfiP'
v „ OHiBWtS »r. Wailß. ** •
IfoMO ShiizMpMa,
®^s» f^-ap4s?S?©
: -
juidGoM, Ci.etryDaiaaj.fc, Blue and “
V Rojweaa * ruLß'fr'
i,iVO#.T AmiA; Third mcit, be.'otv Markti pAvwjiiV-'
TJMPORTEKS«f.SifaWpi* IIv f r S n £"^ e W».
I tr aiHl Alanflfactorcr# of43trsw-lfrtfJ'' / ■'
tgnnettkantf all articles in the Sbawtade
?fr a ?,sr^
j^lyCre“erie“sis*4c* t iSoii?»SSS^£«“nt h w <l
°tsQ per eenL-ehßHper Uisa'S Pi»ißff ,^?* ft
, flood* neatly peeled «nd iH,^“'*l—
^ paUtaTeuT Come*!)?!-* p4,nc «' '
eomeattln. CetalognerionffleiStSnhJ?* W)JI
articles in store may be obtained at the nwl. , venous
p«. _ coLton>°eup~ ,hi,M *
nm wßoucm* -
urocsrm ana tinantMiui n .„..
derim* and jlchnua of ftbitoiSnJH? 1 /® Be wnea*af
price powlble* and ; w the lowest"
3“gaalS-sgfe*« ;ii :'
Bffi.sS^S s -•-"
* r p
* v l3 i >/ 4
'i- ? - r
k ’
: uar2Q:?m
lufe ' /■ y