The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 08, 1852, Image 2

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- ' ■ • V«va?» ■,
Al dn’ltic nnbPM ouilio hear li,
1 " ■■ AmJ ». f cr ih« floor the shadows nul, .
Ami erfepMh© chirping *»!«■*«• t ■will,
• - Ar«l ticks- ibedeatlcwatrh .in the wall..
y veti form in ynmtcr chair .
• That grows beneath lb* waning light j—
won, .
.’T'.: ' . hc pallid brow nnd.Jocks of .white. '
. \j,-.‘k *My Father.l.wliflfi;they.laid iheo down,.
: » , Andhruped.the clay upon thy breast.
% And deft tbbe deeping pit a'one
- . Upon thy narrow couch of rest,
J know not:why J'couldnot weep—
,'Tlfe soQttiingdropa Tcfuscd to roll,
. - - And ohl thalgnef is wild and docp, :
. ■•h'Zfci'i ~j -<WhicU setties tearless o».the touli xi'- -■
x. iv-.v: '■
■ oi'gut when IjW ihnl vacant choir, . - -
i Thine idle hat opon the wall,
Thy penciled passage where - .
... f: ,; "C.> Thlne’cyo had rested Urtof all—
-„ Th* lice, bfneath whose friendly shade
-Tliy-VrembUqgfeet had wandeted foah— >
-a x’;;;:. , ' 'The very prints lliosf* feet hath made, •
Wherfloil they feebly trod the earth;— ■
- And thought whire countlessages fled .
Thy vacant seat would vacant stand—
ITowore 4hyiißl-<by book unread—
• •' Fflifeed thy footsteps frorathesand—
"And wfdowed In this cheerless world
• • The heatlthat gave it* love toihec—
■ Torn like the vine whose curled
More cloieiy round the falling tree.!—•■■
.: ihee • '
'^s-wr-K:,<>■.. <3«ihe<l madly/onlhibe scorching tc&ra:
: ; , And oft, #ndion/r, and biUcriy,
v Tho&eic«ra.b*vegnthcd m-Iflter yeQt3;-
For»ns the .worldgrows .cold around, v
~ And thinrstalceon (heir retilhuCf
?fi« sad Uiundibatlo?e is found
' Aloneabove tho stars with yem! •
October 13th.—“Thereshe blows!" was
• • sung ont from the most bead. ■
“Where away?” demanded the captain
“Three points off the lee bow, air,"
- • “ Raise up yonr wheel. Steady !*’
' “ Steady, eh-.’’
, “..Mast ahead nboy! Do you see that whale
“Ay. ay, sir! ,A school ofspermwholes!—
: ; ;TUere ; Bhe ; blows l There she breaches 1” . -
. --“Sing out! Sing.out every time !”
■V " Ay. ay. sir ! There she blows 1 there; there
;« rr-tbar she,blows—-bowes—bo-o-o-s!”
■ •-• “ Hoff far off,** ’•
. “ Two miles and a half!”
V Thunder .and lightning! so near! Call, all
hands ! .. Clew up the fore t’gallant sail—thero!
belay! Haul aback ■ the main yard!—Get your
thhSvin your boats. ■ Bear a hand.’ Clear your
• Tails! Stand by all hands to lower! All
“Allready, sir!’’
** tower, away!”
... Downwent tho boate with a . splash. Each
boat’s crew sprang over the rail, and in an in-
Stunt the larboard, starboard, arul waist boats
manned. There was .■ great rivalry, iu getting
• the start. The waist boat got off in prettygood
.time : and away went nil three, dashing the wa
ter high over their bows. Nothing could bo
more exciting than the chase. • The larboard boat
t commanded ; by the mate, nnd the waist boat
by the .second mate, were head and bead.
“Giro way, my lads, give way! . sbontod
P-——--your beadsman;“we gain on them;
give way! .A long, steady stroke: That’s the
way to tell it!”
“Ay ay.!” cried- Tabor, onr boat-steerer.—
t ; • t’Whot d’ye.sayboys?,' Shall welick ’em?”
• The chase was now truly stirring. Sometimes
- the larboard, then the starboard, then tho waist
- boat took tho lead. It was a Bevero trial of
abilland muselo,. After we had run two miles at
;'this rate,-tho whales turned flukes going dead to
windward. -■ ■
.-.“Now.Torit, my ladsl” cried P.———
’We'll have them the next rising. Now pile it
t- ..ou! along, steady pull ! , That’s it 1 that’s tho
. way! Those whales belong to ns. Don’t give
ontl . naif an hour more and they’re oar
.whales!”, ,
- , The other, boats lind veered off at either side
j of us; and continued tlio chose with renewed ar
dor. In about half an hour wo lay on our oars
~,' to look.around for the jwhales.'
- “There she blows! right ahead!” shouted Ta
• i P or » *tir!y dancing with delight.
. -‘Thcre she blows! There she blows 1”
• “Ob, Lord, boys spring!" cried P..— '-i ; is! . What.d’yo say, now chum*
. . .ro Tmeat . Shall.we take those whales?”
■ “To appeal every man replied by
: putting his weight on his oar nnd exerting his
. .utmost strength.- .The boat - flew through the
water with incredible swiftness, ecarcely rising
- ■ to.the waves. A large bull whale lay about a
quarter, of a mi|p ahead of ns, lastly rolling in
tho-trough of the sea. The larboard and star
.. "board,boats were far to leeward of us, tugging
' ■ hard, to. get a chance at the other whales, which
_ . were now blowing in every direction.
iw ' wa y - give way my hearties 1” cried
. putting his weight against the aft oar,
I “Do youlovs gin?; A bottle of gin to the best
man? Ob, pile it on while yon have breath!
" • pile it on!” ■ |
“On with tho beef, chnmmies! Smash every
■ oar! double ’em up; or brenk ’om.”
devil's imp of you pull I”, ’ No talking,
laybabktoit; now or never!”' j
On dashed the boat, cleaving its way through I
the Tough scans if the briny elements were bine j
• smoke.. The whale, however,’turned flukes be«
foro wo could reach him. When he appeared
\ again. above tho surface ofthe water, it was ovi
■ dent that be had milled while down, by wbioh
manoeuvre he had gained on us nearly a mile.
Tho chase was now almost hopeless, as ho was
making to windward rapidly. A heavy black
cloud was on tbc horizon, portending an ap
proaching squall, and’the bark was fast fading
from-sight. . Still we"were not to bo baffled by
j. discouraging circumstances of tins 'kind, and
we braced - onr- sinews .for a grand and Anal ef
fort. -
-•"Never give up, my lade!” saidtho helmsman
in a cheering voioe. Morkmy words, we’ll have
that irhale yet. Only think he’s ours, and there’s
:i no mistake about it, he will bo oura. Now for
jo hard, steady pull! Give way!”
•“ Give way, sir 1 , Give way, all.”
There she, blows! Oh, pull my lively lads:
. only a mile off! There she blows 1 ”
’ The wind had by this time increased almost to
* gale, and the heavy black elonds were ecatter
mgoverua far and wide. Part of the squall
■had passed off to leeward, and entirely donceal
- ed the bark.' Oar situation was rather unpleos
sant; In a rough sea, the other boats out of sight,
and each moment tho wind increasing.
Wo oontinued to strain every muscle till we
were hard upon the whale. Tabor sprang to tho I
; -show, and stood by with the harpoon. I
“ Softly, eoftly, my lads,” eaid the headsman. |
"Ay.ay, sir.”
■■ • "Hush h—h! softly. Now’s yonr time, Ta-
Tabor let liy the harpoon, and buried the iron. |
41 Give him another! ’’ . I
“ Ay, ay t Stem all! ”
" Stem all! ’’ thundered p I
" Stem all! ”
And as we rapidly backed from the whole, ho
■ , ffunghtS tremendous flukes high 1 iff the air,’ cov
. .eriog us with a clond of spray, ne then sound
• ed, making the line whiz os it passed the chocks.
When he rose to tho surfaoo again, wo haolodup, |
aid the second mote stood ready in tho bow to
dispatch lum with lances. I
“Spouting blood!” said Tabor. “He’s a
j. dead whololj He won’t need mnoh lanoing.” It
Was true enough ; for, before the officer could
: get within dart of him, he commenced his dying
. - strogglee.;: Theßeawas crimsoned witii his blood.
i -By the- time we had reached him, he was belly
, np.,- Wo lay upon onr oars a moment to witness'
hia last throes.and when he hnd turned his head
towards tho sun, aloud aimultsneouschcer burst
. from every lip.— Broan’t Whaling Oniiit.
Mrs. Gaudier on the Bloomer Coitatne.
- “Now, Caudle, just keep awake awhile 1 I
want to tea you about wearing the Bloomer
“Sick of hearing ‘about it—sick of seeing
• ■ gwat greea.fiiris galloping - round the streets
- • with ankles like aa elephant, tbea turned in, and
■ 'great soup plates of hats turned over their uelv
. _ “What has that to do with me, hey, Caudle ?
Don’t pretend you -are asleep, now—because. I
know yon ain’t, and what’s more, I don’t intend
, you shall be. Now you see, Caudle dear, it
■- •> takes a pretty woman to wear -that beautiful
i- '*«■»■ ®»“»k it will suit me, then; of coursoit
. - Witt., What are you-laughing at ? Let mb see;
* Jt will take twelve yards of silk for the dress,
„ and five for the trousers. • ( ■■■.■■ ■■ ■ ■
- „ «Don’t think it wonld be anything now for me
•- ' to wear-them ? I don’t know what you mcauby
such an insinuation, and if I did, 1 despise you
■ f fa rib”
' “Wish I would not keep digging my elbows
‘ -intoyonr Kffde; well, keep awake then; tnko
o ieare of your end of the sohooner, and I will take
dare of mine. . ~ ,
• * “As I was Baying, it will take just twelve yards
- > , - for the dress, and five for the bree—trousers!
" J ’• Bangui away I Laugh away Caudle, I don’t care
call ’em, if Tget ’em op. -•'* ‘
“If Ido wear ’em you’ll put oa petticoats, wilt
yen t All I have to say to that is, that you will
then appear in your true colon and not bosuoh
a walking lie as you are sow. But there is no
help.for it, as I know, any way, that’s neither
here nor there. Shall—l—have the Bloomer or
not,-Mr. Candler?’’
Hereupon Mr. Caudle
nattering as he turns over—
“l wish! neverhadheenborn, Ido;” towhioh
hie wife devoutly responds—“ Amen,”
LECBY HAEPEH ..................... THOMAS PUmjPfl
- Horpor & Phillips, Efitora.& Proprietors.
““t ll (9 S«utVn of tht Democratic Bttural Convmtim
POE VIOS president:
, Subject to tht came -decision. '
Baltimore, Ma.) Tue»d«y, June 1, 1853.
I District. District.
i Ist, Peter Logan. 13th, H. C. Eyer.
2d, George H,Martin. 14tb, John Clayton.
11.3 d,I 1 .3d, John Miller. ICth, Isaac Robinson.
4tb, F. W. Bockiua. 16th, Henry Fetter.
Gtb, R. MoKay, Jr. 17th, James Burnside.
Cth, A. Apple. . 18th, MaxwollM’Caslin.
7th, lIon.N Strickland, 19th, Gen Joa.M’Donalct
Bth, A. Peters. ~. 20th, Wm. S. Calahnn. •
9th, David Fisher. . 21st, Andrew Burke.
10th, K. E. James. 22d, William Dunn,
lltb, John M’Reynolds.23d, JohnS.M’Caimont.
12th, P. Daman. 24th, George R, Barret.
The Democratic Btate Central Committee of
Pennsylvania, will meet on the 17th day of April,
1852, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at the Merchants’
Hotel, in the city of Philadelphia. '
■.> WM. L. HIRST, Chairman.
Wo have, from timo to Jimo,: presented the
readers of the Dost with extracts from Whigpa
pers, North and Sonth, showing the awful con
dition of that pio-bahl party at present. It is
oloarlyevident that the quarrels of lho whigs
are irreconcilable, and the consequence will bo
i that their National Convention will end in a row!
The Southern ■ whigs wilt never support Gen.
Seott, and If hois forced upon the party by the
Abolitionists and Free Boilers of New York nnd
the Now England States, tho.unanimous voto of
tho South, will be given to tho Democratic nom
inee. On the other, hand, if tho compromise
whigs succeed in procuring the nomination of
either Mr. Fillmoro or Mr. Webster, tho Scott
Abolition Free Soilers will bolt!
Our neighhoro Deacos White, of tho Oacct/c,
who has turned his back upon Fillmore’s execu
tive crumbs for Scott’s '“hasty piato Of soup,”
published in his paper of ycstciday a long nrii
; clo from tho Washington correspondence of the
New York Express, (a Fillmore paper,) prefaced
with the following significant remarks:
| ; ■: The Intention- or the South to Defeat
I Gen. Scott,— Wo copy the following letter in
order to keep onr readers posted np in the
movements at Washington, and through the
i South, to defeat tho nomination of Gen. Scott
I Tho New York Express, from wlitoh wo take it,
is an out-and-out Fillmore paper, nnd supports
the compromise measures, Fugitive Slave Law
and all, with a gusto which shows that it loves
them, and delights to see the freo North hum
bled at thefeet of tho cotton grooving aristocracy
Of course if Gen,- Scott :1s defeated on tho
grounds stated by tho correspondent of the Ex-1
press, no sane man could expect that any Whig I
candidate could carry New York, Pennsylvania
or Ohio—nor - Massachusetts, Connecticut, or
Indiana. The whole movement then would pro
mote tho success of tho Democratic candidate,
and it is possible that such is its object r
Another Invn.lon of tho lUghta of the
. . Lords of .Crsattonr ;
It is a melancholy fact that for every step wo
—the lords, make in the progress of human
freedom, the portion of humanity which, ac
cording to nil. laws, human and divine, should bo
subordinate, desire to take a stride ahead of us.
i Ever since the dawn of freedom, they have as
serted the right to wear the. bnjechcs at home,
but fora long time they were satisfied to enjoy
tho pleasuro in a figurativo senso. The comply
ingcourteay with which we snbmitted to this
innovation at homo mado them bold, and at last
they fearlessly asserted that it was one of tho
Rights of Women to wear the habiliainents of
their fathers, husbands and brothers - in public.
For a whilo tho lords remonstrated quietly
against such an innovation on their rights, bnt
they were,soon silenced by.the. thunders of a
dozen Conventions; convened to assert the Rights
of Women. The Bloomers triumphed, and wo
surrendered a portion of our inalienable rights
—the exclusive right to wear trousors;
: ■ This point gained,- they have commenced a se
cret attack upon another right of at least a por
tion of .the lords. -We nro informed by- authori
ty that comes from the innovators themselves,
that they are now carrying on an insidinonswar
againsUbe interests of the eons of saint Crispan;
and have in a secret manner, entered in to tho
business of Ladies Shoemakers. They have not
as yet opened any regular place of business. The
art at present is merely:followed as a ‘source of
fashionable amusement: so they say; the • end
willtoU. : The embroidery frame is laid aside for
I the.shoolast; the baby is removed fromthc lap
I of the nfieetionato mother to make place fortbo
lap-stone, and the camhrio needle and fine thread
are dropt to allow the.f&ir hands that held them
to pick up tho awl end waxeuds.
Why is it that these encroachments -are con
tinued withsneh pertinacy ? Atfirst'they desi
red to wear “those” garments at homo Only;
that we conceded. . Next thoy demanded thepriv
ilege to nse.thom in. as publio a manner-as wo
do. To this we oil objected; hut the Womens 1
Rights’Conventions that were hold all over the l
country, immediately afterwards, made ns re
consider onr resolution, and after mature delib
eration, we agreed that they should enjoy tho
in common with ourselves, to wearthe be
coming nether drees in which we appear in
Has this satisfied them? No I Thoy now de
mand in the- most positive and absolute manner,
to get into pur very 'shoes. Not satisfied with
•the pants,- they must have onr shoes also. What
will wo have to stand upon, if this now -innova
tion is submitted to ? Oar heels will bo knocked
from under us,—for tho .shoes the ladies make
j have no heels, and the soles are entirely too thin
| to allow us to consider onrselves whole-souled
| fellows. Wo feel that it would bo bootless for
j OB to , argue the' question with them, and we are
j certain, that we will be bootless ifwe permit them
to become onr shoemakers, for they do not uu-
I derstond the utility of any covering for the foot
that is made fronr leather, that reaoheß ’above
! theanklo. Our Bitnatiou is deplorable.
i r : Wo have no desire at all to wax worm on this
subject, or to soy anything that might induce i
the ladies to&rwttknp at onr remarks. Onr I
eole object is, after turning the matter ovar from
right to left, to ascertain whero it will at; end at
hut. ~ ' I
( This is n matter that* in onr opinion requires
theserioas attentionof the Shoemakers of the
city. Their craft is in danger, and they: shonld
remonstrate. We would recommend an indigna
tion meeting., Butj if the ladies with ono accord,
shonld resolve to attend, the cordwainera would
he out-talked, sowed np with a hack or whip
ped and the end wonld be painful to the
tonh of all those who might witness the hut
warning lights of eordwainers before the usurp
ing demands of lady ladies’ Shoemakers.
f- J
.V Oe'-" - *
| 6oH the especial attention ‘ of evei^
citizen of Pittsburgh to the, following publica-
J tion r which wo find in' a late number of tho
1 1 Rochester Daily Advertiser:
j Rochester anaPlttaborgh Railroad;
I Com, AUcgany Comity, N. Y., 1
March 18tb, 1852. /
I Snt:—At n.largo and respectable meeting of
j the citizens of, Cuba and vicinity, - assembled at
I tlijs,place on ,tho ; 21st day of February last,
I tho following resolutions wore unanimously
I adopted:
Resolved, That wo have the utmost confidence.
j of.the feasibility and practicability of o contin-
I uoob line of Baiiroad from Pittsburgh, Pa.,to
I Kocheteter, N. Y., mating Cuba tho point of
I junction with tbo New, .York and Erie. Baiiroad
I in its course. - That in the opinion of this meet-,
l ing such road would equal, if’ not excel in im-1
I portanoo, any Railroad yet constructed in tho I
I United States.. That it would open to the best I
I morkets-immonse and inexhaustible .quantities I
I of lumber, coal andiron, upon its line in North-1
1 orn Pennsylvania;and Southern;. Now York.— 1
j That its stock would be a safe and profitable in-1
I vestment of capital. That the property upon I
I its line in both States would be largely increased 1
I in valne, and that- we pledge ourselves to aid, I
I by all moans in our power, ou enterprise so bon- I
I orable to bath Pennsylvania and Now York, and j
1 that we will subscribe for stock in said road to I
I tbo utmost of our ability. : . . . f
I ' Kesolvod, That Gen. Samuel S. Haight, j
I Doot. Gilbert B. Champlin, dames A. Story, Gen. I
C. T. Chamberlain, ;M. B. Champlin, Esq,, and j
I 8. M. Bussell, Esq. ,bo appointed .a correspond-}
I ing Committee to gather facta and statistics, and I
I to correspond with gentlemen upon tho proposed I
I line; procure a.survcy.of aline from this village I
south to tho Allegheny Biver,. and tho i
Genesee Biver, to tho point • nt which the said I
Gencsßeo Valley. Baiiroad is located; solicit I
subscriptions to stock; and toadoptatnn adjourn- I
| cd meeting tc be held at Spencer’s Hal), in I
I Cuba, on the 23d day of April noxt at 1 o’olock, I
1 P. M.
i Tho undersigned; a eommittee appointed un
der.ond by the lost. resolution, above ■ set forth, j
bog loave to state that in disohsrgo of their du- ; I
tics, they have caused-to be -mado a partial I
survey: of the proposed lino south from Cuba I
tOf.-the Allegheny Biver, by a skillful Engl-1
ncer, who rcports.tho lino to be feasible for a.i
Railroad. . . I
j That tho lino north from Cuba to tho point to
I which the Geneßoe Valley Baiiroad is now lo
[ catcd, being parallel with tho Genesee Valley
I Canal now in process of construction cannot be
practicable, In tho opinion of your Committee—
I not of a heavy grade and of. little curvature—
j located in a continuous valley until it intersects
I the Geneses Biver, and thcnco fornishing on
I the bank of said Biver, n lino of undoubted fea
I That from tho Allegheny river, Bouth from tho
point to which our survey has boen extended,
this Committee are informed by experienced por
| sons .well acquainted with the locality,-a very
i favorable liuc exists,’ extending np the Allegheny
river 33 miles, thence up Potato creek, a dis
tance. of about seven miles, to n point near
Smetbport, MoKcan county, thence up Marvin
creek to tho waters of tho Clarion river to tho i
Allegheny, and from thcnco to Pittsburgh the i
line is apparent. i
It is said another rente, possessing consider- j
ahlo mcritexists near tothis, but the undersigned |
nro of opinion -that tbo first described will be tbo |
most favorable.
liy such lino tbo distance isgreatly shortened,
and another, to oar mind, a consideration enti
tled to much weight, is tho fact that such line
will open largo and. extensive coal and iron beds
and immense forests of pino timber.
Wo, in common with tho rest of our fcliow
oitizens, feel a deep interest in the completion
of this vast project, and aro anxious to promote
its construction. Wo trust that this contemplat
ed lino may bo carefully examined before any
location shall be.determincd upon, and whether
adopted or not we pledge to tho friends of the
project our cordial co-operation in any measure
which will aid in advancing so noble an enter
prise. ;
We Bhould bo pleased to bear from you iu re
gard to this subject,; in time for on adjourned
I meeting to be held nt this place the 22d of April
i next, and would be gratified with your personal
: attendance at the meeting if convenient.
Kespcclfaliy yours,
Samuel S. Haight, p. T. Chamberlain, James
A. Story, M. B. Champlin, 8. M. Bussell; Lewis
Nash, G. It. Champlin, Itobort Adams, A. L.
Bavisoo, Wolcott Ilatoh, Lowis Graves, Bobert
Smith, Erostus Biobardson. . Committee. -
| Tho editor of tho Albany Evening Journal has
been presented with a specimen of Flax Cotton,
prepared by tho “ Chevalier Claussen process,"
I which in appearance so nearly resembles ordi
nary Cotton as to bo easily mistaken for it. On
I a closer examination,: however, it is found: to
t have a more fibrous appearanco indicating great
i strength. The pamphlet that ocoompanics it
contains an account of the operations of Cheva
lier Claussen’s Flax works at Stepney, England.
The process is said to occupy at tho longest two
or three days. By the old method it took as
many months—sometimes twice as many. Tho
following.estimato of the cost of production and
value of tho article, is given.: It will ho observed <
that Flax straw is put down at tho rate of $lO i
per ton. Cut it can generally bo obtained at a !
much lower rate: ■
Five tons of Flaw straw, at $lO $5O 00
Ingredients employed, labor and inter
est on Capital invested
5110 00
One ton of Flax Cotton, at 100 por
Profit on one ton
Tho Scotch patent is said to have been sold
for £25,000 sterling, {5125,000) nndtho French
patent for double tho amount. Those for-Maino
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massaolinsetts, Con*
neolicut, Rhode Island, New Tork and-Illinois,
have also been sold, and applications have been
recoived from overy Stato in tho Union, not ex*
cepting Oregon.
Railroad Bills before Congress*
A correspondent of; the New York Herald
writes from .Washington (by telegraph) undor
date of April 3d that, ”It is now contemplated
to appoint a solcot committee of the lfouse, nnd
refer, all the different bills granting lands in aid
of railroads to it, to carefully examine them and
report upon their merits. There is a decided
majority in tho House in favor of these bills, but
so many have been rnshed on that they are sus
picious a good deal of chaff is mixed with the
wheat, and they, desire it winnowed before they
are acted npon.
I The Senate of this state, on Saturday
I last, passed tho bills incorporating the Erie City
IBank, the Anthracito Bank, and tho Farmers
and Mechanics’ Bank of Allentown. Tho bill to
| extend tho charter of tho Easton Bank also pns
! sod. Tho Ilonsq on. Friday passed to a third
reading, by a vote of CB to 88, ftoin tha j
Senate repealing, the sixth:section of' tbo not of J
’47, prohibiting the: use of the jails of this com-'
monweallh for tho detention of fugitivos slaves;
i Ma. BcenAHAmN Nkw YoEK.—“ Iod,” of tho
Baltimoro.Sun, a gentleman well versed' in Now
York politlos, says:
11 Gov. Morey’s strength in New York, ns a
candidate for the Presidency, is said to be now
firmly established. When ha is dropped by the-
Convention, his entire strength will bo trans
ferred to. Mr. Buchanan,. with whom ho was i
cordially associated in Mr. Polk’s cabinet.;’ I
fi©* We learn from tho Cincinnati Enquirer
i that tho vacanoy in the Common Pleas Bench,
in Hamilton county, made bytho resignation of
Judge IVarde.v, was filled on Saturday morning
by Goy. Wood, who issued -Ms commission to
Dosx Piatt, Esq.
I Steamer Altos Afloat.—-By a telegraphic
dispatch to tho St-. Bonis Intelligencer dated
Boonville,' 29th, wo learn that this boat is iagnin
afloat The recentrißO in the Missouri was suf
ficient to let her off tho bar on which ebb was
high and dry a few days since.
,-r Gov. KosbuUi.left New Orlcans on the
Ist instant for Mobile, from the latter place he
intended to proceed to Charleston. His reception
in tho South has been very enthusiastic, not
withstanding ,the gross misrepresentations of
the emissaries of Austria.
ssi®P r ' ! '
I>' * J'-* ,
"■ m‘ * *
Flax Colton.
2OO 00
. t‘.V
i *:i*' : -'<i>.''~r : '.,' : ' '5 ’•*’■
I r Bounty land Bill just approved by tho
President, Maroh 22d, 1852, makes all Bounty
! Xirnd Warrants assignable after-suob form as the
Commissioner of -the Land Office may prescribe;-
Tiis officer, -Mr; Betxebheid, bas -just issued
a Circnlar, we see, in which are • the following
NO. 1.
For value received, I. A, 8., to •whom the with
in warrant No. was issued, do here
by sell and assign unto C. D., of
i and to his heirs and assigns forever, the said
warrant, and authorize him to locate the same,
and receive a patent therefor.
Witness my hand and Beni; -this day of
Attest: a. B. £sbai..]
E. F.,
a. h.
form, of acknowledgment where the vendor it button
to the officer taking the acknowledgment.
On thiß day of , in the year
personally -appeared {here insert the names at
the warrantee,) to me well known, and aoknowl
edged the foregoing assignment to be his not and
deed; and I certify that the said (hero insert the
name of warrantee) is: the identical person to i
whom the within warrant issued, and who exe
cuted the foregoing assignment thereof,
(Officer’s signature )
Form of acknowledgment where the vtndor .it not
known to the officer and hit indentity hat to be ;
State or
On this dayof : ,in thoyear ,
[ personally came before me (here insert tho nnmo
t of the warrantee) and (here insert the name and
i residence of a witness,) andthe said (here insert
the name of a witness) being well known to me
as a credible end disinterested person, was dniy
sworn by me, and on his oath deolared and said,,
that he well knows the said (hero insert the name
of the warrantee,) and that ho is the same per
son to whom the within Warrant-issued, and who
executed the foregoing assignment, and testimo
ny being satisfactory evidence to me of thatfaot,
tbo said (here insert the name of tho warrantee,)
thereupon .acknowledged the said assignment to
bo his .act and deod.. - (Officer’s signature.) -
, For .value received, I. A. 8., io whom the with
in certificate of location was issued, do hereby
scl] and assign unto C. D., and to bis heirs and
assigns forever, the said certificate of location;
and the warrant and land therein described, and
authorize him to receive the patent therefor.
Witness my hand and seal, this day of
, 185 . '
Attest: A. B. fsEAi.l
E. F., L J
G. H.
Form of acknowledgment where tie vendor it per
sonally known to the officer taking the earned '
State of Couett of ' j
On this day of in the year
personally appeared (hero insert the name of the
parson to whom the certificate of location issued)
to me well known and acknowledged tho forego
ing assignment to be his not and deed; and I
certify,, that the said (here insert the name of
tho person to. whom tho certificate of location is
sued) is the identical person to whom the within
certificate of location issued, and .who exocuted
tho foregoing assignment thereof.
._■■■■ (Officer’s signature.)
Form of acknowledgment where the vendor it not
personally known to the officer, and where hie
identity has to be proved;
State or Coubttof,
On this day of , in tho year
personally came beforo me (here insert the name
of the person to whom the certificate of location
issued,) and (hero insert the namo and residence
of a witness,) and the said (here insert the name
of the witness) being well known to me as o cre
dible and disinterested person, was duly sworn
by me, and on his oath, deolared and said that
he well knows the said (hero insert the name of
the person to whom the certificate of location is
sued.) nnd_ that ho is tho person to whom the
within certificate of location ißsued, and who ex
ecuted the foregoing assignment and his testi
mony beingsatisfactory evidence to me of that
fact, tho said (hero insert the name: of the per
son to whom tho certificates! location issued)
thereupon the said assignment to he his act and
deed. _ (Officer's signature])
Assignment No. 1 and acknowledgment must
be endorsed upon the warrant, and No. 2 and
acknowledgment upon the certificate of location;
and must be attested by twowituesses, acknowl
edged before a Register or Receiver of a Land
Office, .a Judge of. a Court of Record, o Justice
of the Peace or a Commissioner of Deeds resi
dent in the State from which he derives his ap
pointment ; and 'in evory instanoe, where the
acknowledgment is modo before any officer other
than the Register or Receiver of a Land Office,
it must.he accompanied by a certificate, under
seal of tlie proper authority, of the official obar
ooterof tho person before whom the acknowledg
ment was rmdo, and also of tho genuineness of
his signature.
All assignments of Bounty Land Warrants is
sued under tho oat of September 28th, 1850,
made before the date of this act, are invalid and
Readers, especially in tho interior, will do well
to cat this out and tile it away, for there will
soon be n frequent call for it among holders of
Land Warrants.
At Oqaawke, 111., at a single haul of a seine,
five thousand piko, bass, perch and sun fish were
taken last week, and this was but n very small
part of tho day’s work.
In an affray at Hickman, Ky., Inst week, be
tween Dr. Winter and Dr. Patten* the former re
ceived some pretty severe blows from a cane,
and the latter was shot in the left arm.
Twelve houses wore burnoddown at Hannibal,
Mo., on the 29th nit. The fire broke oht in tho
stable of Messrs. Shoot & Davis, who had twen
ty-five horses burnt np.
Mr. Henry Jugrano ; was* brutally murdered
| laat week, near Alton, m, by his neighbor Ben
i jamin -Smith. Tho latter made his esoape, but
i was arrcßted whilo asleep the day after.
The thioves at .Cincinnati ore hard to be beat.
A clerk of a steamboat, from a Southern port,
was robbed the other night, whilo asleep in his
state room of his clothes, breastpin,rings, purse,
and oven tho shirt off his baok. Ho was not
aware of tho theft until morning, when, upon
jumping from his berth, he ‘found,’' alibis
I A®* 4 homble murder waa committed in tho
neighborhood of Alton, on Saturday morning
last, as wo loam by the steamer Altona, which
arrived yesterday. It seems tbafa Mr. Henrv
Ingram, residing at the Beboo House, ton miles
book of Alton* had loaned n horse to n neighbor
about a half mile distant, by tho name of Ben
jammSmith. -Ingram, having made a number
of successful applications for tho return of his
horse, finally sent Smith word that ho intended
to come and.tnke him. In pursuance of whioh
resolution, on Saturday morning ho rode over to
( his neighbor’s, took his property and started
homo. Smith, according to our . information,
loaded his gnn very bravely, followed Ingram
to his very. door, and deliberately Bhot him dead
in the presence of Ms unfortunate wife and ohii
_Fifteen buckshot entered about the eves,
shattering tho sknll to atoms. ■■■'
! Smith returned home, ro-loadcd his gun, and
bidding a friend who wob . there good-bye, left
i his house, with tho declaration that any ono at
tempting to take him, should receive the load in
the effort.. The neighbors,: however, assembled
in a body, and followed in pursuit. Ho was ta
ken some time daring the night, and lodged in
Jerseyville Bouts Signal.
I B@»By a telogapMo despatch from Philadelphia
I we learn that the annual conference of the Meth-
I odist Episcopal i-Church adjourned last Friday
j evening, after-a session of nine days. Its next
sossion is to be held at Horrisbnrgh. The con
ference before adjourning laid tho report upon
the snbjeot of temperance, and the resolntiona
| attached in favor of tho Maine Liquor law upon
[ the table. The majority deeming Inadvisable to
commit the. conference, as a conference, open
this or any other political measure. They all
however, very heartily approved even of a pro
hibitory law.
VinoniiA Whiooe'ev—The whigs of 7 Ohio
county,Yo., met in Wheeling on Monday lost '
and ofteroppointing delegates to tho State Con
vention is Biohmond, passed;* series of resoln
tiona declaring. Millard’/filpsohe to be their
choice for standard bearer daring the next presi
dential campaign, .The stories abont Gen. Soott
carrying Virginia are utterly fabulous.
Wae op <tbb WmaS.—The war In New York
between the Sewardites and Flllmdrelteewaxes
Wanner and ■ warmer. ■ - The Tribuns -baa a fero
ciens reply to the Buffalo Commercial; innon
eluding which Greeley saye: , ,
We have already said that we expect to vote
f ?r Fillmore if he ehonldbe nominated by
the Whig National Convention. In our devotion
to those great principles of Tubllo Policy on
which we agree with him, tvg should overlook
that unworthy and.; auioidal abuso of the Preei-1
“ential patronage which he haa been impelled to’ I
make. But all Whlge would not, could not be
expected to, ilo this- —it ie not in human nature. ]
Wo could not hope to carry the State for' hint
even against Gen. Cnee. Why should ho bo
pressed ?
On the 6ih instanl, at Trinity Church; ty the Bev,
Theo. B. tymen.WM. M’KENNAN MOHGAN, Mi
X *Vyhe street, nearTnnnel: The aub*<i«&ercan
ceivea few mote poplls into ihe above; lie refer* peri
aoaa desiring, information lo tUe*chool, where ibepu.
ella in. attendance- will be examined tit the various
ranebos they stedy, then they can Judge for themselves
Ahe school is supplied with Maps, Globes and the ne*
ceseury Mathematical instruments. Terms moderate.
SUtfDRlIfiP ; — —
20 boxes Snnlfr
4o mats Cassia;
,• 20 boxes Ginger: •
20 hx*. Ratlins; I t ,
10 half boxes Butins; :
100 reams Wrapping ft*oper i
40 dor Bed Cords.
80 &9. Indigo:
. -.600 lbs: Madder; • '
100 kegs Nails, assorted:
,200 boxeslO byl2 and luliy 14 Glass; - > •-
apr9 ■ For safe by ‘ BTUAftTfr BHX •
T)OTASH— A superior anicle. for ealeby : • • ••'
intUnunaiory and. Chrome BbeumaUwn, Soie
moate, Cronpi Swelled Limb*, 4e. For *n»o by •
aP!i JOEL MOHLKB,im Liberty at.
BATH iJUICK—ForuIc t>y
. »prB . . No.slll.ibcny si.lieod of Wood.
lNKS—Maynard A Noyeai celebrated
_yf Black Writing Ink, for.metallic or,quill pens,
rills Ink flow* frerly from Dio pea:does no! mould, arid
becomei a beautiful permanent black. Also, Arnold’s
Plaid, Copying and Red Inks. .
Received and for cole by *
Jvß'-WELDlN.BooksollernmmaUoner, ’
. aprS No. 63 Wood between Third and Fourth.
[JAD DESKS (MOT Disk Hie*,)-— ave,y couvenieni
L article, jues received and for sale by ■■■
/^lOKHSß—lioja superior new crop Rio, received
V «nd for eels by ■ , STUART & SILL,
. No G Smitb&eld rtreet t
, npro _ opposite the Mouongahela House.
M OIsiSSE3-7S bW , . Cypre«.piclt« R ei in store odd
for sale by . . . laprti STUART & HILL*
C'IOHN— lOObbls pmno,Yellow,rornilo. .■ . . .
TIME— GO bblfl Louisville, in good stilpplncrorrirrTfor
J sole by Inpidl - STUART A Sll.r.
V 1
’INKUAft-—i&bbla. of GeoitauaV Beipre jiufc Cider.
UCKKiy AND TUBS-ttfdoz.Buckets:
lUdoz.Tnbs; -For sale far
BtUJt>.Us->‘2ils dot i all sizes, tp close • ronrienmelii.
Il PF.B—2O boxes Clpy ; r<pe«, for tale by
, Slat* Roofing*
milE undersigned, having jest relumed from ihe Slate
A Qaarries of Laapaxter and -York Counties, where he
i.‘£m?i e <?T rr ?SiS? m ' nl * <or-a:tons|am supply of 9U
-'?■ I BUILDF.RS and
vWWJ'rRS that ho is nownreDared ti> n iw
amount of SLATK ROOFING,at the shorlesi time; and’
oi> as good terms ns can be hadih the city. :
Uoing apracucatSlaler T and devoting hta entire otleir 1
° the bntiness.hehas no.hesitation in warranting
all hit work to give salufaciioit. ' ■.
w,< i Mwj,'Wilson A Co-, No. 1W Wood
siraet,_ pjtiaburehi.or, T. Arnold A liroihr.r, corner of
1 r . ,0n A!le S hen y City, shall re
ceive prompt attention, • ••• • : >* THOMAS ARNOLD,
Utttt PUDft &XHUI, “T“
fSill h. Books for Sobscrtpiion to the CaniulSloekol
J Kho Girths Ran flank Road Company will be open
ed aa follows: . • • * 1 ■ .
At the Tnra Mile llouite (McConnell’*) on the 3f7ih
At Mr. iloimes', near Evergreen, on tho 26th And S9ih
April. ■■■■.•■
AtScwt’eMillaon jhe aotbApTiUndlslMaT. • . I
. Un *;* , ollvr per SUre U required to be paid at the I
use of sat-aenmng. : ' -
Wm. A. Mill, - ; Wra.Sample, . ■■■ ]
Jno. Scott, Tho# Holme*,
Jno. AleKmght, Win, Tfaorapion,
H.O. NelMn. Jo*, Crider,
Jno. A. Wilson, E. Brooks,
il.Criiler, t . . ,Tbo* Stewart, . . .1
Jno. Woods, JosiahSeevv* I
•J«c. Bowert, • John Lonan. I
■ ■ ■ y . itsuiovali - • • ■ ■■ ■
temoved their. DA-
jtl'.AN KOOM3, from I‘arkr’s Building, la
S*- n ’.Pj?'? ,oBr > over,ll ' >:yo “ n ? M «a’» Libriry;wliere
they will be happy to see their old patron* and friends.
. opr7:lf . -
±J mi.ain a mm pirr.
A(\ ACRCS or PRIME TIMBUK For the low
JSVii P.«« of?®. 6 ® per acre; sttaated one-half mile
from the Ohio River, at the mouth of Little Hocking
Blank, nutkb ano dkafts-Ncw plate, hom,j
and unbound, for sale by
. a ' B WKLDIN, Book»eIler and Stationer, i
_ opT7. 03 Wooif sL, between Third r anU Fonnh.
r l’ t n*»J. , isLf ,iRS jr*’ rl ?. ail ? ln *> manuiaciureti uyj.
-*■ B. M'Cre»ry,New\ori,in emu and krcr.from 1
I ?!^^, d r^?^ SS T^ e,, J , ■ •?«*P'rp°und. ALsn.Rcd; Dark and
JLighi Dark Oreca Ink*, in -cant 0/ one
pound, from M com* logl.SO per p.mnd. Alto.Varhirb
In one-half and one pouwf can*', at SO ceiii* and si od
per pound. Cold pile, in onc-half pound can*. 53,00 per
pound. For *aleby .■ J. R. WELDIN, ■
onrV re,l SS? , ii : ' Pookkeflcr nnd SUlioner,
apr7 03 Wood *ttta», between Third and Four'll.
eOJJNIN TIIE EAR—lio lacl, liiiday .ecciwcj
and far sals by JOHN D. SHKKRIFF.
PP r * No. 10 Market sirr»-t.
JuwfMwmßurcb.jSi re
extra article. ia aiore and
jrornlft by fapi7l : iOIIN U. flllKßßlF^
100 „taro end I3T:« le
iVV-J , y t»pr7l JOHN B. SHKRBIPP
Paper.' 43 ' 5 ° f M ° rCan "' ° WCn * best Cep
Paper. '* ° r 140 K “ m3 ° wen * best Cop'
I i S r< ? m *'9«»* Hurlbuis’ 6ne tbiu Post,
i * cmo of ,40 . ilo. do • bloc laid tUDerfinp
«0 ease, or 600 fine antbeomm™ CapandPoo
I Papers, while and blae. of o.jorred brands. 0,1
i; BOreonn aitraeuperSne brood bill ciiD.
60 do do lone do. -
HO do fine and common, long and brood bill can.
.40 do four double eap oil! .taper. ' 1 ' ' : *
. Tbe above for sale wholesale, by tho case.orlnooan
&!sr“cMt“t rir mercll “ t **'“ 11 •»»« idvau?e on
„ I w, 8. HAVEN’S Paper Warehonaa
a P/7 ••. corner of Market and Second st?
<Jonrnnl»Americnn ory3 Dlapaieh copy ys ••••.
fl.AjVW®Jusi reiurned Eastern ciile.,l
d.jj have brought with me. one of ibe most beautiful
ano earefu!lj aefectcd.Block«of.Jewolry, Wat Sand
bancr Goods, ever offered lo the Public. p«.ms
wishing to purcharo any thing in my fine can ref? ii
f' lUan °‘ advertise 10 sefl goods
below cost, nor so por cent.cheaper than any honse In
the oily. a call, and I am sure yon will nr'
Sf'ihem.^ «h»U con sell agiod a,lie" e,ch?°P ?»un,
Another ftcl.l wish to keep bcfoie i)ia npAnin' *.
you want your Watch,Clock,aMicibor I
*“'he best manner, this Is ibe plaee lobave I
especial nTmouln. " T bn ' lneM » wi " devote
JOHNS. KENNEDY, QiWarket street,
a P r ? _ ortheGolditri ftaak > I
■ ftt«mo-rkju • • • •-
s ,f rca l Ea Sl' Tavern, Piu,burgh.)
1)M-S- «• DJNKS, Motmfiiclnrer :anfl; Dealer in ®»ii
J\ kind. of TOBACCO, SNUFF and SEGaSs.
Tobacco end Segara eoli) on cominiwon. [a|»7; I m-
KESH Flea— lVOdrsmit Elerao and NePint Ulira
Flg», juit received and for «aIo by • ".W.
W\ A. M’CLORG itCO, ■
Groceri and Tea Dealers.
P l NE AfPiiE CHE£££—Hecctved ana -jor fiaJo bv
■■■■■■ 258 Llnetiy ureci.
f ONDON fllVSTAHlJ—AMperiorarticle of jreuame
uf London Mustardiforsafa by .
•P l 6 W. A. &PCLURG & CO.
VkUaetMiiloiiMrl'aetotfi '
fll JOSEPH MEYER Jiu on band, at hitmen.
WL.aiTeCabinetanil ChairManufaciery. No. 424 Penn
street, above iho Canal, all kIndsofFUftNITURK.
•l‘l "such as Sofas, Centre Tables, Mahogany Chair*.
Mahogany Bedsteads, and all other articles in the Cabi
net line—which Jm will sell SO percent, below ettstomi
ary rates, -Terms—CASH, ONLY, ■ •• •••
Wo. 424,Penn street, Pinh Ward.
„ tr , , Co-Pertnanuip Notice.
mHfc «nbacnberi haya ibU dur enitired inlrt oartner.
•A • ship* under the style ano firm of TAAPPfc ma;
GUIHK & BANB:for lbepurposeof carry in* ona k«o.
eral Corormssjon and Produce Business, and
lyhopisiheirfong eaperienee.axtenaivo mercohiib ac
quaintance, ana. perepnal. attention to the interests of
Uieir cu«tome» 1 . i tvill entitle, them to . a share of nubile
.pationege, wlitehjt shall be their st*dp todcserve'^
•• bOKE TAAFPfi, PJlUbuTfb, ■■■*
SAW?L MAGUIRE CumblrfM, Mil.
• :■ WM. C SANE; Waihinston, i*a
PilUbajgh, April 3,1852. * '
TMPPS, l)iutlt|UC *. BAJKISi
lS?cteuonu£Hitvitt l ßant*Co.) ■:
A BE roar prepared to niceiro aad forward ooddi t>r I
RiTer,Caaal,Rallroad or Wegon, vrlthpromDlneM
ona rcfciJanty.TheywtU «1.0 oevoto their atiemkmre I
the pnrebau and tale of Prodnce,' Merihar.diT.' iilw
iOLOGNA ih« ri*T^—''
W. A. M'CLURCFA cb..
556 Liberty atreeC
°£®“ l Indooeraeotito CMfe PurebßiiTT.
««£.* *sy«ssr t
w» W of eeyemh aad Liberty sta. ,
|W MMJBKgKBPER3.—Orderi far
L «niWhbe**shert, cut be left with
«ft 3 W. f. MARBHAUt.»W<l«4|ftwl,
1 ~j^\»&fe.-?T.. f :<tl.*-
■ r**'.>
arrangements. V “* B,,U JaprS-
1»««> Writing oimii
{£?> CHAMBERLIN'S Commercial Coll*™. nnrn..
-oHijarket and Third streets. The Ladles'Denarunent
of re-openedonMoSdav - Anri!
I Sib. Thosedesirousof improvingtheS slyleof
i are invited to call. • r ■ • «:
i Hooriof Instruction from 2 to 4 >
oprl KH. SPSNCBB,lmtrgctoi. ,
Boyi’rWrUing CJaif*
Marketand Third , streets. A comber of Lada will be
received,for a term of one month, commencing Monday.
April sih. Strict attention will be paid to the formation
of a correct business style. - ' >
aprl. . .r.:... SPENCER,lnstroetori •
- ©* Of Of BV-PlEeeofMeeilng, Washington
Ball,'Wood street) between sth andYi/gin Alley.
: PmsßOftoa Lodob. No. U36**~MeejB every Tuesday
MEBoaimLiEncaitnfßnr, No< 87—Meet* island 3d
Friday of each month. nmrSs—ly
Q^ 1 of the Xinagf>>Bymii*
. e ” Consumption commences itswork upon
form) Ibe .first 'symptom is a
vOWo As the. disease advances • the : Cougnfeecomes
raaeb more frequent, and is atteaded'with the
..ration of mailer, .which is sometimes colorles& uut at
omers.asanmes a ycilowish or greenish hue. acd will
often be found mixed with stieaha or blood - Afler the
vougo has continued for a lime, vhe patient will experi
ence some , difficulty in breathing, accompanied, per
haps,-with ajiain in the cbest, and frequently, in onebt
boui sides. .TJie pauent will be subject to a becticiever
and nliematefiaaheaof he&t, frequent cold chilUi*nnd
often with copious night sweat*,
Those.,ibrcater cd with Consumption* should bear in
mind that •« Wistaria Balsam of Wild Chcrry ’» is the
remedy that has performed cares of Consumption that
were thought almost miraculous^-curex,whichfaave arf*
tonished me medical world r and, brought the bloom or
health to many apallid cheek,:and loy and eladmas to
many a despairing bosom. 1 b 10
. Seeadvertisementfu another column. : feprS :
! 'iJECijF* Keyaee'a Pectoral cough Syrup,'
! JJ*JTO-are tho organsihroagU which Respiration is
carried -on. , If obstruction* occur fa the skin, in the
kidneys,or many,of Iheorgana abovename4.from cold
07 any other eaase. the other organ# are oTcr«ta*ed in
' W?"* t *i«ase, Irritation or in
.hammaiion seisin, which ean only he relieved by lahine
dmyprop"”w n‘ < ”’ e ‘ hM Wlll re, “ >rß ® ach<)r * an «° >bi
n«™;il ey ; e i. r ’“ Syrupis, prcparcdfdr the sole
pnipose of henefiiung such cases, and contains ihxrcdi-
Wll f. lla y and soothe irrunlion, dissolve the
d “ cttll °n of raucous which collects In the
Bronchial tubes, and removes nny obstruction from the
& lr r ryo^l, *' Bn ? re ;' or « lhemtoaheallhfalne
non,.: Hencevit is applicable to all cades- of Cdngbs,
™".f nB ’'y ljoo P“ , sF ot! 8 b > Bronchitis,Laryngitis end
oSiy, 0 i ,c f Pajioanajy disease, depending on-or arising''
, from obsliucnon. It is sweet amf pleasant Jto lake; and
“*y *>« given with perfect safety to the most tender in
rant. Trsn, and you will not be dieappointrd.n
, Prepared and sold by ,J) r . O. H. KKY3ER,
at his Drug Store, MO, Wood sweet,' :
marWidAw Pittsburgh, Pa,
BobemlaGinas Worba.
_ - "J DAMS, ROSEMA NS- CO " '
T||-ANUFAC7URfcRS of PUNT GLASS, In all its
rt^iM« n * ly r ' Il *V ß >a!soi oui(aqd, Lightning Rod
gj’aja 10r ?i of asnperior petmrn to any’ththg yef pro
Clnssware can sabcf from 10 to IS per- :
« pmngus a call. - - F
r.i.y c ’ co,ner of Water and Roes streets,
fehieanii , Piusbnrgb, Pa .
insurance Companyof Pitts burgh.
C, fiflU33Evfi>rcsMem.
MARaiIRTjE Pecremry. . .
• v.-jj • _ between Market tendWdtftstreet*, *'> ? i .
rt!Hr nua - Cnrgo,
y" 10 and.Mumtijppi Rivertandtributariis.
• tK)»s or IJainage by Fire:
Aga , t ll!i tl,e Pcri J B ofwß Sea, and Inland
Navigation aud Transportation. '
Wm Larirtcr, Jr.,’
WRhaia Bogaley, Sam’l M. Kier,;
U“F h „ D j, Kl ','S> t William UingUn,
Robert Dnnlap, Jr., D.Dehaven,
'*» ' 1 Franca Sellers,
tdward Heaaleion, J. Schoonraaker. '
Waller Dry am, Samnel Rea,
i Isaac M. Pennock.. . 1 ' Ci
harrisiiurg, pa.
' . CAPITAL, 200,000 DOELAP.S.
„J“ 4 A(S n ed only for the saferdassesof proprrty.hns att
’ “ n r “ffotds.sopetior advantages in point
P* a J’?_“PL'J , V *nffty:'and accommodation, to Oily and
PeZ/coomry PropSnyf Wn "* ° f Xh '» l, *"* s »“-«<*»»
novlS Branch Offlc PiXlrgh.
Pmabarßh Liro Inaurnnce (lompiuy;
°P PPPPSfiWffi/. V Tt -
CAPITAL, 8100,000.
President—James S.Jlooh;
■ Vice Plea ideal—Samuel M’Clnrkan. -
Treasurer—Joseph 8. Leech.
Secretary—C. A Colton.
sr> ti No - T ? Ponarir Svs**». -
.It/ 1 *!* Company, mates every Issarancoannef
falnmg to or connected with Liie Risks. " e ‘
.hl uiual rues are the same as ihose adopted hy other 1
safely conducted Companies. . ■ “.e - ~.r
.Joint Stuck Rates at a reduction ofone-ihlrd from flie
Si 1 . 1 !?- Tales—e Qua I tna, dividend of thirty-three dud
ono-ihml per cent, paid annually in advance,
nla. 011 I,ye, ‘ of persona going to Califor
James S. Boon. Joseph S. leech,
' es Samuel .V’Clorlan,
m.rM , nm‘ mrh,li| l , e 0 John A. Wilson,
- ta*rU.Cm . JohnScom - 1 *
:■ or Hartford, Coats.
Loo te y i” l e h L 6 Slorc ‘ Boora
ao,t '-' t R. H. BKESONf, Agent.
Aoeoclatsd Klramen’o Jtaaoranea Comps.
o/S^kitlds , . nllU^e ® B:aUl,, FJKE and AIARINE RJBIft
Qlflcin Übwmgokila Bnu,, ffot, V!l and 13J frduriL
tv w r. „ Kiaauoas:
BCSaw™’’ John Anderson,
tv™ : R. B.Simnson,
niS;i f r H. B. Wilkins’
S™ r j ' Charles Kent, ’
WRlmm Ooruian, 'William Coll?ngwood,
A. j 0 , P ph Kaye, 8 ’
■ William D. Wrighier. ’ ij a 9
Encampment, No.a,meets l.tandadTuesdh^o'Sh
daya U ' b °' Ell Degree Lodge > N<>-4.meetsSaanddthTues
lnMcchanics’Lodge,No.9, meets every Ttaisdayeveti.
ev!Sng. rnS '“ rl ‘ ol!Ee ’ No ’ 24l “ee»»««ry Wednesday
iefhenyCny? A-
I. ID* Angerona IdoOff©, I, O. of Q. F.b-Th'a
l. {>. cf O. F.y moet* ever?
Washington Half, Wood street
_ „ UiA.O. D.
Meets above Board orThule Booms, eorner-ef
flDt * Wo Blre cts, eYory Mondßy evening.
evhfv l ?5 e K P» the second Monday of
® T .?r?»? on, *‘ **■ ,he * loti'll House, Market at,. H ’
u Johu Youua.jr., Seeren ry.
-_IT?pKAFNESS,noIsea In'the heart, and «|] disarm
abledischarces from, the ear,speedily and permarieuitv
pam or.incoavemencei by Dr-HART
LEY, Principal Aunat of Hie N. Y. Ear Sureerr who
»to 3 tfclSS"* d OUWARCH alre "> PMladelpUaJfiSS
clo, ° a , ni aln ! ost undivided attention
mibis branch of special practice baa enabled him to
Wdnce htslreaiment to such a degree or success as to
£ndthe most confirmed.and obstinate cases yield by a
teady attention to the means prescribed. Jau--..
■ v Post Office Buildings, ThiriCSlutt. '
taken in all Weathers, frnSA lit, (0
■iM“• M 7,g>«ng, an accurate arlisticand animata
hkeness, unfjto and vasdy supenoy to the "com!
"Wh * b ’ e S?>n“-sfl e il o ff y lff*-'” Bl ‘be s foliowlitr'cheap-’ 0 ’ 5 2 ! 00 !*®:®.84,00,85,00and upward, cc
cOrdjngto the Eire and qaainy-of case orframe.' t
• 27" Honm for children, from ItA.Mto2P.M
-IN. 11 —Likenesses of sick or diseased persons taken'
in any part of the city. v {nov2l7ly
a;tasa w bß ft&r
I “I had been alßicted several yeara with*.
j or both eyes, which Continued to increase anttt?e.f2fc‘
I 'JndlnV.o! whole .luting membrane of botireves and
complaint I made UPpiicaUon oM^me'S
w^„Td n „‘^ iealm 'n- w!l0 «e,
~ be
Pittsburgh, September 17,1851. * UjLIAM HAIJi.”
S.K.mXs?l SPi «■ HETOEE, 140*Wood at •
, LLtM ’ Wood street, and by the PropSe^*.
l fltoted w»S dSidem
tance, where the mo«forr?idabt.rfiiS£? f ®*P ««■«»•
whole Atari* AfcdifJiandbyfir*ihe£S?S l ?F e,lu,n “>0
• •. ■ ! •. .iv
• n. A. CROOKKU ec. CO.‘ t
a. 'Mtvrert, and Dealm in
W9?iW'and4& CltntnutStreet % : -: i ■■■* •■ ■
l W ,',. And Na.aa Saulh Second Blrlet,
(West tide.) , PHI ADEL PHI A.
Ladut SfweMamrfacturert, Cabinet Majcert^
• Upholaicrt and Furnisher*. :
— — « "* - - - marSgigm
Safe- -r^-frwffigiSr
■„ ,„ n J* b. haoos aaosT' —■•
H«S “SSritSi?Mwoms/ft/l,
cominne u> receive, by every arrival <>,»
MW®*fwn London end Paris* Person*?!!
toff Ka«i MelnyttaUo C ao.
to «8S iM!* finn of w.H
Philadelphia, March 23, 18J2. ■" .' meriM-aw
BAaA ££S’womwAßD ZcoT
tnarSD ’
n* ». iiuOT>ij Bauinivn omuikr'
; »»»s
siVoTtS?/" !?> in * f the^Targcij'
in Uih coornTy*. Ana for our »b Htv »£
prodaceiaohi o»aro ullea»h unsprp&sted, we WDahTan -
SS^Pk.urli 00 ' * patronage amonnUng to nearly Si?-'
eolicit a vi#H from alifwiiAtKer
tolrutg jiteturea ot not) at oar Callr^r,™?aciie7nat «'
attention wifi to?Ss n -
- U price** ®ndpat up iDevßrvatvln«fifi’«# iw
A few from many Opinion* of Artiair* ' ■
i/'De.rSir.-Uaving had JSSBff r
Si^2Jr C f' ypes * conoralfilute you upon
iiTv Btt **Note Engravers of New York Apmi* »
41 1 have long regarded M A. Root
DagvcTTtoigpg Aitiu in Utcfrunrry" 9 “ Wv 4,11
> «‘*Tr. Root's ‘Crayon* portrait I^on
/V«ioaof JheDa ; ROtfrttotype ArL ,, ' ( - . •,-,
meat of aft act* rtiont; W.Rooft pi,□„!“?„ ““"'F* i
tneiiTjarontunrpajsed. ‘ . j* S!tmSS^ S ' '
ttTocliaraeteriießoot’» I Craybh»M 0 ' r Y«M^i f “i!'|[', ?
tewssf wort - ub to 7&SS
w?,tnu ,'o , o“ii°^f”' Ai «*«**»% '
OTO» , «Mfeussjr's* i
fc D ?,.te|Z a ■»«««.>.
Gold? 01 ’ Cheny Bl “° «S •:
■ • •- UaarttHtm : ; •'
jwsarS%aissjai& ■
aa,-tt>agaa :■
Call ana
vantage to t o galns(lwi n r,tn, pr s kll * ,u f' *f Me ad
aoiteranaM«mnfcr».»l£Pnwhtolng jjwngialm. .
to obtain at any lime a uoek w 5»U?* I e Wl «t>-
Fomiiy Groceries, Teas, &<£! tooac adeerdH? 0f c!lol|,e
hate no hesitation* !a««iiie It wui 22*?, mew - Wo '
SIWVSi if visiting, ot even -V* «»efr
Philadelphia, lo call and acieetsacKS?.u*. pcc,al to, P'» t
onr **ioa»tre and aafellstl'eef^d 1 * ma Y ■■ - '■■■.it.
erpodscatutamiyoo haadrvr!rtehiW* <J assortment » :
atjeaat 18 or 20 per cent eheaoJiTi,.- f Pnrchaae f
Goods neatly peeked
ilariattenUoaipaidtoTeai Panien. : >*’
come again.' Catalogues eontniSn ot £ e will
erofliw Bnd
t pareoid*mke v Yotk I ~ijß7lr ,0 * % .? ttr PMBod bv
nl$ 9 * fe^SSSSSSg
/' / k co, ■
a‘i *t: - x A
t 4 > M K ,
•- •:ir^'- ■r.'r’i-.u^f: "' '
■ '*■ r *
, .. „ V. ■ . ‘'
WBifluf, * ~ ~
Lnnz *m> Manainc.JOSEPH C. POSTEB;
Fife** e/Admuriim—First Tier and Parnuetie
Second and Third Tiero 33e.; Re*erv«d teen in 0»n
Circle, 75cenla, Urge Private Boxes, entire, 38,00: mall
Private boxeaenUre, 80,00 - - . ’
Boots open at 7o’etock. Cnrfainriiea at7f;
preacntel) Matajnjrer’a celebrated play Ci -
a new way to pay old debts,
\vLmf* . Mr./. B, Roberta
w.iii'S'rt-'- - - Mr./. P. BerlCafordt
rfTOwSSBIIS&ii w,lW,c '
U»| night of Hr. J ofiiOßEinra’
1 cmc«B, —
fnHISmEKS«i!?" ,jß6rt 7V ® t iP a «« World.
T arUatca/rom « *«« ntmther of
London,-Vien??ale.!?P{j n “l?>o HlPPOdronteaof Peril,
n«aa KtßT.thAcllehtaSvrcSS.’iPspSiandiAugitatc,;
irrai a nth will
mirtlt •. AtnwraoKo; Siatißß s wJSi^ r^2? lD * roar of
boft of other* cstnpMe ? W^* T > a
direction of Prof. M. Jdhn«on?%rTlS , !S*f l Uei«Mllfal:
of UoOiche«tr»,arhUhl«,vrnitb^f?riSiL Hai,,e * d '*
Door* oprnat 7 o’clock. Pcr&tmlln.. ® h reputation,
nt 7* o’clock. Admittance SO cent™*™ commencing
' ' * ASD .
Curtain Trimming* or K very iieicrlptton
ny-Purmure Plusher, Brocoielles, ,&<■ l*ce ned
.Alnatin Curtains; N. V. Painted Window Shader
Oilt Cornices, Curtain' Pma, Banda, tie. tie., ’
) At VVholmalts and Rrtau.
W. 11. CARRY!, 100 Cheilnut SL, Cor. Fifth,
tt?" Curtain* Haile anil Thmmei
“»“• - _ mnrtotlj*
Bteaw and Vaney Bit II lurry.
~ MBS. M. A. KHSO,
Ho. SI South Sevnd stm,,&nrun Uo,baand C!,amut,
Bke ** propored to famish'order* to an*
arnoant. moriW 8m
„ aTETtErhSEH] 7-'
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Transparent Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Cords,
Tassels, Brasses, sc.
No. „3 Nairn Tntao Sthbet, PmuDBU-m*.,
■ - ' ' ■' " .l' .. ' flUtr*3)Hfrß
KAabK’g '
800 - Stlkr, and Blank. Book Manufactureri.
isgsgu. ** o^ffl^srasfc.™,d ß?l .Pass, Receipt, .s,,^®’
r«^aSdScWl'B o oS° rtmentor Medictt '-
' KT* Country Merebonli, Bookseller*, Basks *nd‘
n«rtl!!f 25? S f— t| *° icij with, every vofietyof Blank,
.BooVrfT»na.Btanonp.ry»o.tyeTyiow.price». (sfttfOtfia
rr Xfetv Atiiunerjr Ooo4s,
1 "l-o- . •®lv? ne( * J® *ow receiving hia- SPRI Xti
JLfTO*/ Q < MJLLJNBRY GOODS. n 5 Msnnmeot
: lacludeevery variety of uQtl GirJi* Straw
, Baancts.oftheJ<?ewe*i ParisEand LoniJonfclylcVUoYa*-
Siraw liau, Fancy BiTaw^riinmi^^V..SKi
CotU»,4c. _ AlsOjßonnetßibbonrt;fromNo.-liHoSiof
te * l <H«ieSilK ora» colowffot
casing BonnciB v from «2 e<htt to *ti'Bfet-yiirS:Whi?i
sitfc^RA^ rt *” pe *iilEf rI * u, Ill#aion B, acfc
“‘A®» c *b«w-w(,-ta*.
Ka. : 31 Sooth Second Street*
Philadelphia. -
* .'W
-” r ‘"■*7
-i ,