The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 26, 1852, Image 2

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Harper Editors & Proprietors. ~■
Subjtzi to decxxxan of iht Rtmoeralxc General Convention*
TOE VICE tbesidebt:
B.iltraore, «<»•» Tuetday, Jane 1, 1853.
besatobul electors.
- District. , District.
■ Ist, Peter Logon. 18tb, 11. C. Eyer. -
2d, George fl, Martin. 14th, John Clayton..
3d, John Milter. 15th, laaao Robinson.
4tb, F. W. Bochins. ICth, Henry Fetter.
- 6th, R. McKay, Jr. 17th, James Burnside.
Oth, A. Apple. 18th, MaxweUM’Caslin.
7th, Uon.N Strickloml.lD th, GenJos.M’DonolJ
Bth, A. Peters: * 20th, IVm. S. Colalian.
‘Jth, David Fisher. 21st, Andrew Burke. ~
10th, ; R, E: James. 22d, William Dunn.
11th, John Mlfieynolda. 23d, -JohnS. M’Calmont.
12th; P. Damon. 24th; aeorgoit. Barret,
We are gratified to observe tho h'mdly feeling
with which the late State nominations are re
ceived by the Democratic journals throughput
the State. . Although many have desired a dif-|
ferent result, we ore happy to find that most of
our worthy cotcmpornricswlis differed: with us
on the nominations, have "bowed mpst gracefully
to the will of the mojorlty, and are now honest-;
ly advocating the claims of our noblo State for
the’ Presidential candidate. Alt sensible men
admit that the will .of tho people was honestly ’
expressed in the State Convention, and that it
was made apparent in a most decided manner,
that their, only ohoico was, Jamks Buciuxax.—
The.papciS that had opposod Jiim before the
Convention, have ran up his name, and are now
like honest Democrats, advocating his uomina
. tion i® the National Convention.
This is tts it should bo. The Democracy of
Pennsylvania have not onlya rigid to the nomi.
nation, hat it is desirable that they should havo
it to succor the industrial interests, not only of
our own State, but those of every part of the
Union. The interests of our Stnto are pcouliar
to ourselves, :in a great measure, buktho protec
tion afforded to them, diffuses a universal bene
fit to the whole country. Tho manufacturing,
minerar and agricnltaral interests of Pennsyl
vania cannot bo over-slaughed without doing in
' jury to the balance of the Union. Sho is truly
the “Kcifttonc 1 ’ of our glorious confederation,
and whenever false legislation ormistahcnpoliey
deprives her of tho proper position she should oc
cupy, the country necessarily enffers.
. 'This has always been the case whenever the
vote of Pennsylvania has been lost to the De
mocracy in- a Presidential contest. Whenever
whiggery triumphed, Pennsylvania has always
been a small oonßideratlon among those who
speculate upon the triumph of error over troth,
and her interests are uniformly set aside , to mate
way for some “ Galphinism” that is calculated to
swindle tho country to ten times tho amount
that it would cost to do justice to the industrial
interests of the Union.
To remedy this evil wo want a Pennsylvania
President—one who has tho experience and the
talents to assert oar rights, and tho nerve to
maintain them. ; Sacha man has never occupied
. the Presidential office. Gen. Jackson; the man
who; is revered by every honest-hearted Ameri
can, was the only one that has ever done us sim
ple justice; and although many good men have
occupied the chair of state after him, the inte
rests and worth of the Keystone Slate have been
- degraded much below that of a “secondary con
sideration.” - Wo have now, however, an almost
certain chance for a Pennsylvania President.
The favorite of Jackson is the favorite of the
Union, as wo really believe, and the man who
alone can carry his native,State by the majority
given: to tho soldier; statesman and sage of the
Jamcs Buchiwas is the man that will carry
Pennsylvania with a triumphant majority, and
when it is safe, wo may say, without badinage,
that the country is safe. ' We repeat, that we are
pleased to observe the harmonious manner in
which the reliable Democratic journals havo
consented to the decision of the-Convention,
and judging from their kindly expressions, we
angar a most glorious triumph.for tho Democra
cy in thecoming contest.
The following: ore . the resolutions adopted
unanimously by the Democratic State Convention I
of Pennsylvania, which met at - Harrisburg, on i
the 4th instant. Taken in connection with tho i
, nomination of Mr. by the same i
body; they may bo regarded ns tho . political i
platform upon whioh ho stands before the coun
try. • Resolutionsbreathiug more folly tho pare i
Constitutional-and Republican principles of the i
Dcmocraoy, "more national in their scope, and i
at the same time doing the amplest justice to
" the South, have no where been adopted.., They
Utter a voice from the iron hills of the Koy Stone
State; which will find a cheerful response from
the cotton 'fields of Alabama, —as-well in behalf
of the doctrines advanced as of the pureand ir.
■ reproUohable statesman whose sentiments they
express.— Mobile Eegister^
= - paper from which wo extract, the
foregoing is one of the most radical and influen
-- •tiS journals in the. Union. Tho editor, wo are
happy to learn, is pleased with the resolutions
adopted by the recent Democratic State Conven
tion of Pennsylvania. Those resolutions con
taified no new-fangled ideas, put forth.merely for
the purpose of winning applause. They,embody.
1 the clear sentiment* of the true-hearted Demoo-;
. racy of Pennsylvania, winch have been long en
tertained and repeatedly expressed. :On the
platform presented in these resolutions our party:
la the good old Keystone State ifl ready to go
into battle at any time, and with James Bucilax
. as .as onr .leader and standard-bearer, wo are
certain of achieving a glorious victory over Pill
more, Scott, Webster, or any other man the
Whigs may choose to nominate
Tub VntaixiA Demociiact,— The Democracy
or Virginia have boon hiding meetings for the’
purpose of oppointing delegates to a democratic
State Convention, which was to have assembled
on the 24th, to choose delegates to theßaltimorc 1
' Convention, Afinc spirit, pervades tho Demo
cratic party of this moth er of States, the sen
-.timent is for conciliation and a union of effort,'
. . and for a : united Suppqrt of the Baltimore can-'
diatafor the Presidency.
tS' ,
l- '
-. TnochtE . AMoxa yns Wuigs.—The whig jour
nals in Hew York are all at loggerheads about
tho next Presidency. Tho Courier is for,Web-.
■ v*ter against the world; the Express is for Fill
- more and the spoils; and: tho Tribune is savagely
■ ;in favor o,f General Scott. .Delegates to the
; - ’ Pnddential convention will soon bo elected by,
the whig* in the city and throughout the State,'
itiaifr warm time may be expected at the elec-’
We predict that the Scott men wil! come,
Off victorious. <
:MARCH 20.
Suij'tclJo thi same decision.
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Wo are Soppy to have it in onr power to an-. I
nonncothattberc has been a decidc&,imptqyfc. : j
ment in 'money matters- pinco our last weekly j
article was published, bo tbo sttst, according
to our late exchanges, money is very plenty, ana
there are more lenders'than-borrowers in
market 'la our ottn city tboJJanks are dis
counting more freely that* formerly, and those
who want accommodations belter humor
in consequence.
Busiiicßsduring the past woel;- has beenyory
active, and: our merchants were never in better.
spiritß. From the nbundanco of water in the
rivers there is every prospeot continuation
of n good business for some time to come.
There has been o decided improvement in tiio
stock market, and an advance in prices in what
are called paying stocks. We cannot, however,
report any largo transactions at present,
i Par funds are a little scarce, but currency is
! plenty. The brokers aroseUingat s@l percent,
discount : Silver ir iudemand, and brings 1 per
cent, premium bicurrency, ■
-Exchange on Philadelphia and New York is'
abundant, and is selling at § per cent
Tlio New York Evening I’ost of the 19th inst.,.
■5 There is good demand for money, but not at
all in proportion to the supply, barge linos of
paper arc taken at easier, rates witb less fastidi
ousness as to character; Good second class pa
per from 90: days to-C months is taken readily
at 6@Gs per cent. and longer dates at’ soven per
The facilities to obtain money on loan and dis
count are extendingevery day." The amounts
of capital lying over are very largo.
The /’<>.»{ of the 20th says:
; Tho dcmand for money iB moderately active,
but the supply continues abundant. We quote
51 @0 per cent, for prime paper and 6©oi and
7 percent, for good endorsed puper, of short
to long dates.
Tho Post of the 22dsays: . -
: There is rather moro demand for money this
morning, but the supply is large, and rates with
out change. \
Sterling.exelmngeis firmer this morning, and
bankers' bills cannot be bad under 10 percent.
Tho lust advices from New Orleans quote Bjj as
the ruling rate for Btcriingin that market,and
exchange an New York at J per cent: premium,
which is equal to 10 J in this market for sterling,
r- Tho exports for last week, wore $1,216,368,
exclusive of Bpecie and $3,223,401 sinoe tho Ist
Tho balance of cash in the Sab-Treasurer's
this morning was $2,698,816.88.
The receipts from auctions during tho-wcek
were $688,336 55, and. the payments $409,-
030 90.
The New Jersey House of Assembly has pas
sed a bill mating seven per cent.; the legal inters,
cst in Jersey City and Hoboken. I
The General Banking law of Jersey has been i
amended so far as. to compel all the free bants
to become " local institutions doing a legitimate
business,’ ’ and to redeem their circulation at par
at central agencies:
The bill requiring nil tho banks in New Jer
sey to redeem their notes at par, either at New
York, Philadelphia, Camden, Trenton, Ijmwark,
or Jersey City, having-been reconsidered in the
f Assembly, was on Friday passed by that .House
| It had previously passed the Scnato, but hns
been amended in tlio House. - ■
The Camden and Amboy Railroad is all relaid
witb tho new rads, except a :spaco of about 20
miles.' Tho increase itv the receipts last year
from passengers and freight amounted to $173,-
010 80-ovor those of the previous year.
The London. market continues abundantly
supplied, but no further declino in tho bank rnto
of interest has taken place. Tho bank has in
creased its amount of bullion and specie to £19,-
238,881 sterling 'on tho 22d- February, and at
tho present moment it is over £20,000,000 ster
ling. The reserve on unemployed capital was
£12,208;055 sterling.
Tho withdrawal of Gvo pound notes from cir
culation is under consideration by the bank. .
The advices from Parisannounco that tho Bank
I of France lias reduced its rate of discount to 8
per cent., and that it is also to lend money at
the same rate, and to thoextent of four-Fifths of
I their amount, ou tho.bonds and shares of all
railway lines that arc guaranteed by tho govern-
I ment. These measures are understood, says tho
London Times, 'to have been strongly resisted by
I the directors of tho Bank; but their ultimate
I consent appears to bo accounted for by the fact,
I which has been mado public at tho
I (hat iheir charter, which has only four years to
run, has been extended for an additionol term of
115 years.. :Tho rate of disooant was 5 per cent.
I until December, 1847, when it was reduced to 4
I per centat which it had since remoinod.
Now, counterfeit 10s. on the Seneca Comity
Bank, N.T.,altcred from two’B, vig. aman plough
ing— X on the left upper corner—ton on'tho-left
lower corner.
The Comptroller of tho State of Texas haß
advertised for proposals to bo received at his of
fice until May Ist, for the purchase of ono mil
lion of the five per cent. United States bonds
just received from tho United States. The pro
posals are to state what will bo given for bonds
deliverable,, and the prooeeds paid severally at
Austin and Galveston, Tex., Washington City, N.
Orleans, and New Tort. The bonds aroinsums
not smaller than The State bae ?250,-.
000 in Specie, received far interest. But it bae
been decided not to use this in making payment
of old debts! The bonds in.whioh the second
class debts are payable will he assigned over at
| par; only there is n great difficulty with these
| largo bonds in making change, and tho creditors
are invited to clab together so ns to mnkc it easy
The following are the leading features of the
New Orleans Banks :• r
Oirrulaiiao. Dennsltc*. "'Specie..
Louisiana.— —“Bl,32<Ml9Uo 3SOS,II#4D ■t;007,75053
Cannffc B’k’g C(>. 1>405,958 00 1.0n«,91>7 11 1,177.365 00
Lnui-iaria State. , 1.203,650 OU 2,758,79-2 61 1.516.287 81
Meob 705095 00, 1 732.29 S S 3 I,tn9 011 50
Ui“on*"“ 25 605 00 787 48 HSO7CS
Total 2__..54|060 .8« 03.9,759,902 PJ 5,780,30221
Tho following table of New Jcrsoy Banks,
shoWa the rate of expiration of their several char-,
tors: ,
Banks in New Jersey. , Fxpirnlion of Charters-
State Bank nt EHiabeili - - - - Fet> ®,I6«S
Mechanics’Bank al Newark,. .r * .- Jan, 1,1872.
Belvidcrc Bank . - . - - ■■ - Fek. 1?’ ISln
Trenton Banking Company - , - ... -, -.- Ipee- J,1V59
Newark Banking ami Insurance Co.. * Ben. 17,1850
Burlington County Bank, Bedford -1, lr^7
State Bank,Camden , - • rcb. 0,1872
Orange Blink .- - -
! Cnionßenk;Dover .r - r- . * ■ Feb.l,}b;S
t Princeton Bank . - ■ Jan 1, : t505
i Farmers’Bank, of N.J., Ml.-Holly . ,r. - . April,
I SnsKXßankiNevrton - . Jail 31,1858
i Mechanics’ Bank of Burlington , - ..- - Jan.l, 18a9,
I SalemßankingCompany - - - - Jan 1,1803,
1 Cumberlandßank-*- - • Feb. 15,1800.
I Farmers’ antiMechanic** Bank, BaKway, - Feb.7,JSSB
I -Norris County Bank, Mprnstotvn, , ,•/ , - Jan. 1,1807
I Mecb. and ManUf-tc. Bank, Trenton - - Jan 1,1875
Somerset County Bank: Soracrvi le - -Mar.
Far. fc Mccli.Bk, Mldtiletown Pl. - - Beb 3.1670
state Bank tit New Brunswick - - - Feb 0, 675
Farmers’ Bark nt Newark - - - * Feb 0,1878
Farmers’Bank; -./.; }™f
Far.’&'Meoh.-Bank, New. Brunswick- ..... Feb. JO,-iW
“SrnuT tUrmtos." —Among the many,,won
ders of tho Spirit Rappers, wo learn that in a
country villago, not fifty miles, from, Cincinnati,,
a poor fellow had lost his favorite dog. He en
quired for Tomer and tho raps came.
•i>/an.—“ls your spirit happy V”
Dog.—“ Yes.”
Man. “Are there any coons there:”
Dog. butiboy are twice the size they
i aro in yonr country* and I can’t catch them.p
This is said to hnvoactualiy taken place, Tho
1 Ohio Statesman has it on'the. best authority.
PnorEan- is New Yoßk— The 'sales of real
estate in New York have rccontiy been veiy
I.l at fsP, and the- prices high. Among'; the rest
was soldlast week atractof landbelongingtathe
estate of tho late Job. Amory; It is situated be
ttveen, Fonrth and -Seventy-third streets,’ and:
includes about a tkoueanci city lots. According:
to the statement of a New York paper, this
property vros bought, about thirty years ago, for
four thonsond’fonr hnndrcddollars. it-has now
realized etyfil hundred thousand dollore.
-sk «. • vi
•;': rj; X :’;'•.V;:';'.-.::';-l';.v
In looking over three day’s proceedings of onr
Legislature wo find but little that mil interest
our readers. _ 5
In the Senate, on the J7th, on motion of Mr.
Hariett, to the bill supplementary to an net to
secure the city nnd, -port of Pittsburgh against
pestilential and contagious diseases, was taken,
up, and pasßcd .it-through committee of the
i whole.
.Jn. tho Senato, on the 18th inst., the bill to re
peol .the dthand Cth section of tho law of 1847,
whioh prohibits the use of the jails of tho Com
monwealth for the detention of fugitive slaves,
&p., camo up in order on second reading.
Tho question wa3 on tho amendment of Mr.
MiuinESßuno as-amended, which proposes to re
| peal alt but the Ist, 2nd, and 7th sections of tho
law of 1847, nnd extends the provisions of the
law of 1780, relative to fugitives from justice to
fugitives from labor. -
i Mr. MuiiLßsoEEa moved to amend bis amende
ment, which proposed to extend the provisions
of the law of 1789, relating'to fugitives from
justice to fugitives from labor, by extending
.merely the provisions of tho 2nd section of the
law of The amendment was not agreed
i jo—yens 15, nays 17. :
Sir. Guernsey then moved to strike out tho
amendment, and substitute in tho place of the
bill n section repealing merely tho Cth section of
the law,of 1847. The, amendment was agreed
to by the following vote—yeas 21, nays 10.
■ Sir. Packeb then moved to include the 4th
| section, so thabthe bill would repeal thp4th and
I Cth seotionß, which was not agreed to by thefol
-1 lowing vote—yens 13, nays 20.:
[ The question recurring on the section ns
I amended, so ns to rcpoaVbut the Cth section of
I tho law, It was agreed to by the following vote
—yeas 21, nays 11.
I; The bill as amended then passed finally by:—
I yeas 21, nays 12. ■■
I: Mr. Ciubb moved that the Senato take up
the several bank bills on second reeding, com
mencing with the bill to incorporate the Anthra
cite Bank, of Timaquo, which motion this die-,
agreed to by the following vote —yoas 11, nays
18. . .
Mr, Fr.Aii.RY moved to proceed to the consid
eration of tho bill to ro-chartcrtho Easton Bank,
when the motion was negatived as follows—
yeas 13, nays 15.
No business of the least importance was trans
acted in the Ilonsc.
The only placo we know of whore women vote
is Pitcairn's Island. ■ There all of both sexes
over IS yoars of ago annually cast their ballots
for a magistrate. They are a happy people.—
Tho women love each othe?, end there arc no
Tho Connecticut whigs, according to Iloraoo
i Oreely’s advice, are riding the Maine Inw hobby
[ for tho April election. Tho wholo state ticket
have como out for tho law, and most of tho
whig senatorial candidates aro nominated on that
Tho special convention of Bishop Doan’s dio
cese mot at Burlington on Wednesday, and re
solved that tho investigation of his affairs asked
for by the bishop’s of Virginia, Maine ond Ohio,
ought not to take placo.
Judge Judson,. in tho U. S. district court at
New York committed Dr. Bartnctt for refusing
to answer as a witness ngainßt the Cuban expe
Mr. Prescott, merchant of Now Haven,
was found insensible ia Now York, from the
effects of blows inflicted by persons unknown,
was taken to tho station house and died soon
We learn by accounts from Berlin of the 2d
inst., that the duties of entry on importations
of corn, flour and . vegetables are suspended
for all the states of the Zollvcrcin till the 31st
of August.
It is stated that tho subject of British vessels
attempting to deliver merchandize nt United
States ports in Oregon, without paying duty, is
now in discussion between Mr. Webster and tho
British minister nt Washington.
Mr. Webster, replying to thoso who invited
him to eclebrate St. Patrick’s day in Bollir
more, says, concerning the Van Dicman’s Band
“ I do not think it prudent to write anything
just at tho present moment, which might bo
made public. If either of you, or any other
friend, should have occasion to bo in Washing
ton, I will inform him how that matter stands.”
Mr. Clay, writing on the some occasion, says
bo sincerely wishes tho British government
would pardon “ those distinguished and unfortu
nate mon Wm. Smith O'Brien and his lllußtrions
companions. .
Mr. Lawrence, tho American minister, and
Mrs. Lawrence dined with Queen Victoria, on
the 2d.
The Hartford Excelsior says that a gentleman I
of that city has discovered a new proocs3 of tan
ning, which produces a superior quality oflcnth
cr, very Arm and remarkably strong; the process
occupying but a very few minutes of time.
‘ Tho following is now being debated before tho ]
Tillctudlom Lyceum—•' Which causes a girl tho
most pleasure—to hear hersolf praised or ano
ther gal run down?” We shall issao the deci
sion in an extra.
“ Mr. Jenkins, did you ever not in a public
capacity ?” . “ Yes sir; I was once a member of
a mob, and was afterwords—” “ Never jnind
what you were aftorwards, that's quite enough ;
tho court sends you up for six months.'' Jenkins
was petrified.
AJointStook Company has been formed in
England, with a capital of £200,000, in shares
of £5 each, for-tho purpose of establishing
breweries on a comprehensive plan, to supply
unadulterated nlo and porter, at prices below
thoso at present charged by the London Brew
eries-- ' '
“ Yon aro no gontlomnn,” said an angry dis
putant to his antagonist. “ Aro you?” quietly
asked tho other. ‘‘Yes, I am, sir!” "jThcn I.
am not,” was the caustic reply.
The charter incorporating tho company for
-the projected Exhibition of tho Industry of All
Nations, in tho oity of Now York has passed
both branches of tho Legislature-of that State.
Capt. High, of.the Bark Action, has been
mulcted in $5,000 damages nt New Orleans, for
outrages to two daughters of Jos. Fellows, on
theirpassago from Now Orleans.
The St. Lonis times states thatthcrc arethreo
hundred families in that city preparing to emi
grate to Salt Lake city, to join tho Latter-Day!
Five British vessels woro recently wrookod in
the bay of. Honduras, among them tho barque
Honduras, of London, with all on board.
Forty-five per cent of tho soil of England is
not under cnltivation; yet tho • proportion of
cnltivated to uncultivated land is higher than .in
any other country in Europe.
Tho young men Of Albany bolioving that tho
olaims of practical Bcienco aro ton muoh slight- :
Od in our Colleges, have passed a Beries of reso
lutions in favor of establishing a National Uni
versity in that city.
• Buie Extension.—Tho Crawford Democrat
Btate3 tlio late cold weather may rotard the open
ing of the Feeder for a few days, but iB hoped
the water will be lot in during tho present
The Brio Gazette, says, “no time has yetbeeu.
designated by the Directors for the opening of.
the main line— though, in all probability, the
water will bo lot in so as to enable boats to pass,
over the line on tho 26th iost.” v... ....
jgy» WiiMASt Viscekt Wahace, Esq. , the
celebrated composer and musioal performer, has
arrived .in this city, and: token lodgings flt the
Monongahela House. We aro pleaSßd :to learn
thnthe ia making arrangements, to give aseries
of Concerts in this cltymext week, of whiebdne
notice will bo given. -
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BT Da. o. W, HOWIES.
My aunt! my* dear omnarried mint!
Long years have o’et her flown;
Yet siilPsho strain* the aching cla*p:
; That lands her Virgin zone •
I know n bum her, though the look*
As cheerful as sho
Her.waim is ampler than her fife,
; For life is buva span- ’...
My aunt! my poor deluded aunt !
tier hair-is almostsray;
Why will she train that winteT curl*
In such a spring-like way ?
Ilow cau she lay her glasses down,
And say she reads as well, -
.Whenvthrough a double convex lens,
SHo just makes out to rpellT
Herfutlicr —grandpapa foTgive « -
Thw-ernng lip it smile*- 1 - • ■
Vowqd she should make the Gnostglrl
Within, a hundred mile*,
lie sent her to u iityliih school— -
’ Twas in her thirteenth. June j
And with her, us the rules required,
“Two towels and a spoon. 5 ’
They braeedmy aunt against a board,
.To make her straight and ta?l; ■>
They laced her up, they starved her.down,
To make her Hghl and small,
They pinched her feet, they singed her hair,
They smewedil up wiih pmsj—
O never mortal suffered more ....
In penance far her sins;
Fo/whcn rny precious aunt wad done, •
My grandsirebrougbther backj .
(tiy daihght, lest some rabid youth .
fihgl.t follow onthe lrack:)
<l Ah ! ” said my srnndsiro, as he shook
Some powder in bis pan., v ;
• Wlmtcould this lovely creature do:
Agam£l a desperate man!”
Alas !• nor chariot, nor barouche,
Nor bandit cavalcade,
Tore from the tTemUingfathers nun*
His all acemplished maid.
For her how happy bad it been!
And Heaven had spared (o ms
To sec otto sad, ungaihered rose •
On my ancestral tree.
Tli© BrllUh Army.
Tlio Anxiety, bordering on alarm, manifested
by some of the London Journal- in reviewing tho
condition and management.of the British army,
is not unwarranted, if the accounts they publish
ore true. The military establishment Of Groat
Britain, at home and abroad, costs the oouutry
about forty-two millions of dollars per annum;
and, aocording to the London Times, this vast
Bum is expended in maintaining an army of com
paratively non-effective men. While the intro-,
duction of improved/weapons and new systems
- of discipline in France .have, within tlio lost ten
years, almost doubted the efficiency oflier troops,
i tho arms, accoutrements, and evolutions of the
I British soldier, whether on horseback or on foot,
are very nearly the same as they were a quarter
of a century ngo. Undqr _ these oiroumstances,
it is not strange that Louis .Napoleon’s 48,000
soldiers,' drilled after tho most effootive manner,
and commanded by a chief .whose policy is war, ,
should occasion some solicitudo in the minds of
the people of England. , w
. The reverses which tho forces under Sir Harry
Smith have sustained in Knffirland, speak for
themselves. . They have boon defeated. in fair
light by half-naked savages, whoso .superior
marksmanship, light arms and equipments, ne
cessarily give them o great advantage oyer their
disciplined antagonists. Tho "heavy armor and
weapons of the crusaders were scarcely more
unsuited In a warfare carried on under the burn
ing skies of Syria, than; aro the ponderous nc
coutrcmcnls of tho British light infantry of S.
Africa to the diraato of that region, and tho
nature of tho service in which the troops are on
i gaged. Tho English foot soldier carries, oven
in a forced march, a burden of sixty pounds!—
His clumsy musket Is the perfection of ineffici
ency; if wo may use tho phtafee. Such is tho
width of tho boro and tho windage, that what
ever may be th<%olevatiou of tlio barrel, the va
riation of the range amounts to half the attain
able distance. Of two equal balls Bhot at the
same elevation,- from tho same musket, nt differ- 1
ent discharges, one may be expected to go twico
as ' f w as the other. Tho locks: ore so stiff that
tho degree of muscular exertion required to draw
the trigger, precludes the possibility of taking
■aim. Moreover, as o London paper truly says,
the British soldier is oarefully trained bo
n uiarksmau—his entire allowance -of ball cart
ridges for a year’s practice beingonly 80 rounds;
The fire of aregimout may sometimes be destruc
tive, just-os the round blowofatyroin pugilism
may bring down a more experienced boxer; but
the odds are fearfully against such a rcsult.
Tho British "light” dragoon is a still more
i cumbrous piece. of military machinery. He
i-wcigha, with his arms and equipments, three
I hundred and eight pounds, while hiq horse, the
regulation price of which is $l2O, is quite unfit
to sustain tho burden. A regiment of this class
of dragoons was recently sent to the Cape; but
it was found impossible to find chargers capable
of carrying them, and they were transformed
into grenadiers 1 ' -i
What a deplorable contrast does tma state of |
things afford to tho training and weapons 6f the i
French soldiery, as described in on article pub
lished in the Sunday Times two weeks ago.—
B ven the Indomitable pluck of the British veter
ans could not cqualiio the chances of battle in a
contest with adversaries whoso artificial advan
tages aro so superior to their own. ■ A regiment
of marksmen, armed with repeating rifles, or
with the long rango muskets now used in the
Frcnoh army, would annihilate the liko number
of English musketeers before tho latter could come
to oloso quarters with them. Even t)io bayonets
of tho English infantry ore of bad construction,
being made two or three.ooncos heavier than they
ought to bo in order to save exponso. Unless n
new system of discipline and more effective arms
shall bo introduced into the British army, " tho
flag that for a thousand years has braved the
battle and Jhe breozo,” may lobb muoh of its
i historio glory in the next Europoan- war.—AT. T.
| Sunday Times;
How to treat a Wife*
First pet a wife; secondly be patient. /Eon
may havo greot trials and perplexities in your
business with the world, but <lo not carry to
your homo a elouded or contracted brow. Your
wife may have many trinls, which though of less I
magnitude may have been os hard to bear. A
kind conciliating word, a tender look will do
wonders in chasing from her brow oil clouds of
gloom. You encounter yonr difficulties in the
open nir, fanned by heaven’s cool breezes; but
I your wife is often shut io from those healthful
| influences, nud her health fails and her spintß
lose their elasticity. -But ohl bear with.her;
she Ims trials and sorrows to which you are a
stranger, but whioh your tenderness can deprive |
of all their anguish. Notice kindly her little at- 1
tentiouß and efforts to promote youF contort ,
Do Dot take them ns a matter of course, and pass
them by, at the same timo being very suro to
observe any omission of what you may consider
j duo to you. Donot treat her with indinerenoo,
I if you would not Bear and’palsy her heart, which
) watered by kindness, would in the latest day of
yobr existence, throb with sincere and constant
affection. Sometimes yield your wishes to hers.
She has preferences asstrong ns you, audit may
bo just as trying to yield to her clioioc as to
you, Do you find it hard to yield sometimes 1
I Think you it }s not difficult for her to give up
always? If yon never yield to her wißbos.therc
is danger that she will think you are selfish, and
oare only for yourself, and with snob feelings
she cannot love ,as sho might. Again, show
yourself manly, so that your wife can look up to
you, and feol that you will act nobly, and that,
sho can confide in your judgment.
New Jeusev Legislatum.—Tbansit Doties. I
—A bill has passed both Houses of the Lcgisla-1
turoof New Jersoy,' the Trenton Gazette says, I
making it lawful for railroad companies to charge J
on light and bulky goods, transported on any j
railroad in that State, by measurement; such j
charge by measurement per ton pormilo not to {
oxeced tho charge limited by law for the traus-1
portatioi of other goods by weight—the transit I
duty to the State to be paid upon the measure* j
mention, For tho transportation of gold, cith-1
er in ooin or bullion, the companies are permit-1
ted to ohnrge at the rato of. four coats per ten 1
miles for every ono thousand dollarst and ono
oent per mile for every one thousand dollars in J
coin or bullion. The State is to have a. transit]
duty, at the rate of two cent* for overy tenmjlas-]
on every twenty thousand dollars of goldfmnd j
Lot the rate of two oonts for every ton miles for
i overy eight thousand dollars of silver, and in the/
| sama proportion for any less until. Railroad j
I companies are authorized to charge twelve and |
a half cents for every small package; on which |
the State is to have a transit duty of twenty ots.
for each and overy twenty dollars received for
such transportation. : . ■
i A Daguorreotypist of Charleston, S. C.,
i has discovered a mode of covering Daguerreo
types with a transparent enamel surface, where
i by he dispenses with the ; glass cover to protect
i tho picture. Rubbing the plate, instead of in
i juring, improves the picture. Such -pictures
I may be sent to any distance without injury. : /
: A buok, while being measured for a pair
of boots, observed—
‘•Make them cover the calf."
/. Heavens 1” exclaimed the astounded 'Shoema
ker; surveying his customer from head to foot,
«I have not leather enough.”
, *■« "* - <-?
. * f. '«-• ■’
3ss:i.v.p , .-.£-*:
There is o irnth that travel brings, -.•••
A truth of homely birdi;
We dwell among familiar things,...
And little know theit worth. • /.;•
The distant lands,- •
‘ The Balloron iha seP, v - ~.A ,
For alt that round us silent stands,
'Have deeper hearts than we.
We'dwelt among familiar thlnga* :
And daily. Withal slJflJt, . ' • :
We touch ft thousand secret springs
Of sorrow and delight;
Delight and reverential bins
To those who exiled for,
Stretch dreaming arms to clasp : ajid kiss
Every 'llule household alar.
We dwell among familiar things,
. We know them by their use;
And, by their many minitl’rtngi,
Their value we deduce:
Forgetful each hae had an eye.-.
And each can speak, though dumb ;
And; of the ghostly days gone by r
Strange witness might become.,
We dwell among familiar things ;
. Butshould it De our lot
To severe all the binding strings
That form the household knot:.
jFo wander unoh alien mould,
And cross the restless foam. ■■ v. -
How clearly should we then behold
. The Deities of Homed
rOn the 10th instant, by the Rev: Mr. Douglas, Mr.
HENRY RCA, Jr., to Miss JANE E. BURKE,.aII of
ibis. City, ••• • v. . •
On Wednesday,Mlh instant, JOHN BHOENBERGER,
eon of Thomas S. and Virginia 11. Blair, aged D year*
and 3 mouths.
try T//fi, i FRIDA Y) S VENim, *£U
march aw». \s&.
At the Lafayette Hall* ;
Tickets SO cents. Two Tickets admitting aGentle
man and two Undies.
) Books of words, and ‘f Book of Brothers,”,for sale
at the asQftl places. :
Door*open atQfr. Concerts! ?}. No postponement*
mar2o:lt ..
On Monday Eveitlnff, MarcH 39th., I
“iTr VINCfeNT-WALLACEjCompoaeir tethe Imperial |
: vV • and RoyalTbefttresof-Viennaaiid Cohdon.l os- !
si.tcd by FR&ULEIN UEI.ENE SlOPELHMadame'l
Witxitcs,) (Pianlste to the Empress of Austria and the
Dutchess ofSutherland,H-wtU giveaCoacert,on Mon*
day everting* March29tb; inWhich they Will perform
several favorite pieces for (he Piano Forte and Violin.
several Amateus, hi*. Wallace will per* 1
form PagsninPs celebrated Bravura Variations on the i
' (‘Carnival of Venice,” rindbisGrand Concert Duett for ■
twoPiftnoFortes,withFrauleinßelene S»op*l. ‘ ;
■ Twomagrußceni GRAND PIANO FORTES, from the
celebrAteamanqfaclory of CMckerin*,wtll be furnished
i for this occasion by. Mr. J. 11. Mellor, Wood.sireet . r.,
I • Door»opeQnl7o’clock.Concert tocommence-atB. <
TICKETS ONE DOLLAR,To be bad at the Musics
Stores, at the Monongabefa. House, aud at the Door.
For particularssee Programmes. . t«nar2o
ITy*- Office and residence,' No. 153 Taird street, Pitts
burgh. . Imartfi
■ cbambertln'e OoinmerclaL College,
Located at i&s comer of Market and Third sirecu t . ■ \
OK. CHAMBERLIN, Principal, .
and Professor of the Science of Account*. ; . j
v.,. p.R, SPENCER, Prof. ofPenraansbln. |
mHE Principal objeet of tills-Institution is to afford ]
A Young Men an opportunity of obtaining n thoroagb
arid intimate knowledge of Duble-Entty Book Keeping, [
andits oppHcatlon toottsiness generally. Applicants j
can staler the College at any lime, and atlcnd both day |
and evening. The coarse at instruction is such as tfiU |
enable the Student to take charge of, and conduct on
; tcienUßc principles, any set of Double-Entry Books on
comptetionof the samow . • •
• r A Lecture on Commercial .Law ts Oelivcreu at the
College every Monday evening. 1
‘ PENMANSHIP.—To write a free and legible hand is i
a desirable accomplishment in the education of .young i
gemlenietf fbf eveiy profession, and more particularly i
to those who. ore desirous of qualifying theraselyes-for i
Mercantile arid business pursuits -This Department i?
how ,cor.dricied by P.R. SPENCER, ..of Ohio, (author
of the Spencerian system of Penmanship,) a gentlem-in
well known throughout the country as n. suporior Pen
| man, as>ol4o, one of the.most successful teaobcrsof
l the ago.' • • ■. „
: Communications addressed to O. K- CHAMBERLIN,
will meet prompt attention tTna»2o‘w
Lmtntitratm’ nottesi
‘VTOi'ICK is hereby given, that the undersigned is ,tbb
'il legally eonsiUttfe4;A4mimstratrir or the estnte of
Emanuel Shaffer, tlecM, Tate of the Fifth WardiCity of
Piiuhorcb. All persons having claims against said Es*
tatej will please present them duly authenticated for set*
UemeiitV hud oil persons knowing themselves indebted
thereto, arerequested ToniakeimmeiHatepaymenl, with
out further hotiee, to the «ot»senber
No.7lsPermit..FiOh Ward
mar2o:Ciw #
xrriLLbe offered f>r*ale uit Vendue or Public outcry,
IYf at the Coflrltlbuse, in Uie borough or elation, on
Monday, the 10Ui day of May next; the following vaiu-
Able Real Estate, u> wit* 1
. 5*700 ACRES OF. LAND, in Paint township,Clar*
lon county, on which U erected a Furnace, and the ne
cessary boused, siobles, coni slied«, Ac . for carrying oil
the bosioess of manufacturing Iron. Also, one Fiounng
Mill, in xobd repair, and two Saw Mills,.. These tracts
will divide conveniently for fanning purposes* and also
forlarobetihe .
ACRES OF LAND, hi Monroe town
slup/onwhleh isVereeted Martha Furnace. This Fur
nace is now la operation, arid lias all the buildings and
fixtures necessary for the inanufflctoring. of Iron.. It is
situated In one of the best agricultural portions of the
has inexhaustiblebeds of Jrar\ Qfcull
arOUJUI .l i .
ALSO—Gne other tract of land* containing one hun
dred acres, situate in Porter townslnp,known as the
Silas Parson Farm. . ’ . \
ALSO—If ootsoU before that.time, or.p .hundred ana
I twenty acres of land, in Monroe township,. adjoining
I Martha Furnace, nowr inthe occupancy of Enoch Jote>
I ston .•
Iftbe Clarion Furnace property is not sold on tunt
day, a part of itwill beculup iiiloLots.durrtg'tbexum
l raor, ond disposed of in that way.-
I Terms raaue known on the day of sale. •'
A, MYERS, 1 . !' '
! Assignees of C. Myers. ...*
I Clarion, March 17,1832-rm’»r*i6»7tw. l
• sbrp,:Allegheny county, ten miles from Pittsbu gb,
oml one mile north fropi tqeOljlo.aQd Pennsylvania
UaliroadVhuTcmVßao. ‘ 'nieFarm conuma §0 acres—
-20 Of which are cleared anaimproveU, with, a good two
story frame coitnge.oml frame bam. It has a small or
chard; the woodland, is heavily limbered. .v . ■ ■ 1
Price, B3G per acre. One-fourth mbandiualance to.
>uit purchasers, payable Kn^ulre^
No 01 Fifth street
Sugars—V 5 N.o.sorjnri
2}bull. Loaf do.
On bahil and for jute by JOIIN BLACK 4. CO.,
. mortS No. 21# Liberty and I twin sis
T IQUORS—Brandies and Wiues, Forcij?aand Domes
: I i tin consianilv on hand and for sale liy
- mak'B JOHN BLACK &.CO;
FEATHERS— 2SWJ B». trim* Feathers, received and
forsaio by . fmttrtftj JOHN BLACK fy CO- ;
MESS FORK—IW)hht» Me«s For*,lit store vimLioi
sale by fmarSO] JOHN BLACK A CO.
WHISKEY— SOO bbls. RcdtiEed WUistey,on bai
nndforsaleby ■■■■_. . „„
marts ■ JOHN BLACK 8c CO.
Molasses— jpu bbis, holssmb;
SShair bbls. ilo;
Received and foraaleby- . ■■■_.
MACKEREL— 50 jlda. large No. 3 Mackerel; <
SS hair bills. N 0.3 do;
SO do No. 1 do;
Receiving and for Bale bj
(OX HERRING—IOO bxs Smoked Herring, received
> and for sale by pnarMh JOHN DLACa fc COi :
MACKEREL— 25 bids' No. 3 4arge, lb store and far
sale by _Jmar2d', KING « MOORIIKaP*
WifITEFISH— 20 half bbls., in store and for salc"by
- matOO.: . KING & MOORHEAD.
Eake superior salmon—
-20 bbit fo store and for sa’e by
FEATHERS— 800 Uw» prime Feathers* in store and
forsaleby .:‘lntar2g> -KINQ.A MOORHEAD. ,
1,000 Cajiee straw Goods*
mflE subscriber having nfadc-arroneetnems with the
NY* for the side of (heir Goods; ;now. Offer* far sale a
largo assortment of STRAW H ATS and UO N NETSj'ef
©Very variety of fabric, style and pattern, adapted da
the Spring trade, which w>}l be said by the package, at
the lowest figure. Cases rosy bo assorted to sou purr
chasers. W.;ALDEN, >
mar2t:9m»3iaw No. C 3 Milk street. Boston.
I. 34. SAWVEB-- FJCKKfeGiLL, 2iU
■; . . Ain> WKOhttSALB DBSLEQS It . *
Foreign and Domestic, .Fancy and Variety Goods,
J .hL 9. A iheif frjends and
» customers, that they have received a large stock
of FANCY AND VARIETY GOOD?, which have been
bought for CASH, from Importers and*Manufacturers,
which they will sell ones reasonabe terms, and as
iovT'ai purchased East. Our Slock, consists
Eookfng Buttons, Parasols,.;
Clocks and Watches, Ribbons,' Brashes, -
Umbrellas, Laces, "... Jewc]jY» ;
Threads, ! .Suspenders, Silk Cravats,
Combs*. . Gun Caps* Gloveg,
Pocket Handkewhlcfaj . Port Monales,; Carpet Bagr,
Artificial Flowers, Hosiery*. . Perfumery,Ac*
Cambric, . Jaconetts, Biahop uawn,
* Book Muslin, Mull,. . .Swiss,.
- Dotted Swiss..
Plain and Ornamental Portrait and Picture Frames,
made to order. Also, re*Gildmg done, at short notice.
Cabinet Makers, and others, furnished' with Looking
.Glass Plates,at Kasteraprices.
V Merchants and others, visiting our city for the pur
/poseof purchasing Goods, will please call andexamlne
our Stock. ImurlLDm
A LARGE stock of the most beauuful MANTELS,
A. ; made of Ihe fiaestguallty of Foreign aud-Domes
tic Marble, manufacturedby machinery, a} ways.on hand
and. made to. order on short noUcertt prices ranging
frbmsUltd9looeaco. Purchasers are invited to call
and examine the stock and prices, 310,321 and 323 Lib*
erty street, opposite Southfield. ■•. ..• ; -
raarl.4m * * W. W. WALLACE.
Corner of fourth and Grant Streets,
• mHE subscriber has leased the large• and well known
X HOTEL, (lafe Lamartine house) at the corner of
Fourth and Grant streets* Pittsburgh* which has: been
repaired and newly fitted up in all its apartments, so us
to give n large ana more liberal accommodationto trav
elers and boarders. His larder will be stored with'the
most choice viands the markets can atlord, and his bar
furnished with the best*- He/would respectfully solicite
A share of public patronage.- ' B/PfiftßY.
V/ «ierJ,now opening at
j OtiOVES—lu»treceives »nd opened at .. ...
ronaa a. a.masom t co’3.
A. M*3Q» A Co. wjll lntroduee
I*l on Mond»y,92t),H»enty.five oftbencweatandl*-
teif «ylss o( MwtUlM. ’ - [maril
' _ citizens*--
Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. \
C G-imssEY President,
• between llatiu etui XTood than, ■
lU* Insures Hull ua Cargo Bliklr
0n thc. Ohio and Mittietippi Sivert and trihutaries.
■ INSURES against Loss urDatnage by Firev
AliSO —Against the Perilaaof.tKe Sea, and Inland
Navigation and Transportation.
c G. Hussey, # - Wm Larimer, Jr,
K^' ey ’ ‘ f&XW
r,teh? 1 Jr -’ rrSdS.,, -
Kdwatd Heazleion, J• ?f h 0
Waller Bryant, „ SaranelKea
Isaac M.Pennoelr.
Designed only for Ihe safer dBsscsofproperty,Maan
ample capnat, nniaßords.superionadvantags. in P *
of cheapness, safety and accoßunodaUou,toCliy nnd
Country Mctchanta and owners of. Dwellings W. W 1?.
ted or Country A CARR!ER , Actuary,
‘ novlS Branch Office, M Smilhfield 31, PtUsbilTgli.
■ Slcreantile Library *ndi(
Booms on Fourth sl.y opposite MqtihatUf Bank*
: t Terms of Membership—lnitiation . ami34,00
psr annum. K < • ■:-■■■ 1 '"■-■■An ■
■ Votiimu .in the Library > 3,000; in Reading; Room, 23
Newspaper* "and 31 Magazines*.:. r , - ••,.>/
As this Is the only Public Library andßeading Boom
in the ciiy, these disposed to aid In. retinenng the-asso*.
ciauon useful and peTmanenf, are requested to .become
members. . Ifebl&lm
Of Hartford! Ooun, „
; Capital Btoofc .^•>5300,OOO
Assets —— 44»,000
! fp"Officeof the Pittsburgh Agency in the Store Kboiu.
ofSi’Cardy & Loomlf, No.® wood street. r- ; •
nav4:if ' . R. H. UKBSONj Agent. •
Aisoelattd Picemsn’tlninraaes comp a*
nyofths €Uy or Pittsburgh.
Wr W- 1 DALLAS, •Pres’t.—ROßEßT FINNEY* Sec’yV;
10" Will insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS
-orall kinds. ‘
QtfU* in MonongaTula Home, Nos.V2A and 135 naUr.tL
!■ W. W; Dallas, - ' John. Anderson,’ -• ' r
i iB C. Sawyer,. R.-B; Simpson, -v" '
Wm.M Edgar, H-B. Wilkins,
Robert Finney, ■ Charles Kent, • a
• William Gorman, . -. WilliwnCollmgwood,
A, P. Ansbatz,- , < . Joseph Kaye, ;
I . 'William D.-Wrighicr., fja9 1
07lVUtar;i Balsam of Wild Cherry-
Imparts new vigor to vital action* and relieves the sys
tem by opening the pores of prompting the
secretion of macoasmatter. Jis acuoaissudorifie, *e-;
dative and expectorant, by opening the pores, allaying
irritation, and by. Tendering the expulsion..of. maeous
mailer easy, • • /.■. ... ■ •. •
Ttune wao take this Balsam will feel immediate re*.
(ief from the distressing irritations that accompany af
t factions of the rcaplralory organs. The pores have
l been closed, the Balsam opens them. The Lungs suf .
ferfromirrilation; the irritations* soothed; the pulse is
violent oud feverish, they Sire sbfiened, and the raucous
membrane is relieved of its engorgement wlib rapidity.
J and ease.: AH may are* of thisdelightful remedy. ■-
I See advciusementiu-anoihercolamn. . [niarSO
:• |0" A Meeting of citizens friendly ./to the imrdediate
prosecution ofj.he work on the'Pittsburgh and Steuben
ville Railroad, will be held at PHILU HALL,Third,
street, on Friday evening, 2<Jih instant, at 7$ o'clock, to
adopt measures for increasing the subscriptions to the
.capital stock of the Company. '
■ Several distinguished gemieißen arc expected’ to de-'
liver addrefß-is on the irnnotianee and .advantage of
this work to the citizens of rutsbargh anuother locali
ties - 1 - : 'v :v/
A general attendance of onr citizens is requested.'
mar2s2t . .. Di-.rnS Boa&D-OP Dibeciobs.
HAVE now on' hand, and will be■ receiving;doily:
through the season, New Goods, direct from the
European manufacturers^and Cash Auctions,rich* fa*
iSii-MiUincry Goods. Our stock of
rich Ribbons, coraprivesevesy variety, of the latest-and
most heuiuifal designs, . .
■' Manyrof our Goods;hTe manufactured expressly to.
oaf order, from our own designs and patterns, and stand
unrivalled, '< Weofleti pur'G^odsTor.nettitJashi'at .lower
prices than atiy credit'House in America can oflbrd.
' Allparchtuers will Rml it greatly to their: interest to
rcserve a portion of and;make selections
fromour«rem variety of rieh cheap goods.
Hibbonsjrich, forßonneu,Cap*,y3Bhea nndßells.
- nomietSlkSjSaunsvCrapeSiljsses andTarletons.
EmSroidcries t CoUor«, Chemigetts, Capes, Berthas
! Hubits, Sleeve# r Cu{ns. Edgings and.lusertings: .
v Kmb'oiderjed.Revlere.Lace,aiidHemstichCamVltkfB.
; li!ondf r lUusioua, and Embroidered Laces for Cans,.
. Embroidered Laces forShawlV, M ami lias and veils.
- Honitoni Mccblen, Valencleiie«, iJml Brnstels Laces.
; English ami Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle^Thread and
Cotton Laces/. •' -r;?.: ■ v--
Kid, Lisle Thread, Silk, and Sewing Silk, Gloves and
Milts.: - -* -
Frcnelt and American Artificial Flowers.
French Lace, English, American and Italian. y
Straw BohnetsandTf iaroings.' - fmnrgj^m
Notice to Contractoro.
be leccived'unlit the 4lb of -flley;
JT next.atihoGSeeof-iheEngineerof-theCompany,
in PiUßburgb,fortbe'Gradmg J tndßndging on eight
miles of IhcFiUsbarghand Steubenvilleßailrond * from
pampbell’s £oo
yardsloog, ju}dsom€lMavy Seciionsfaudfor *uch other 1
warkon the hfie nrjasay.theivbe readyforcoatrocL
this Office, orfromW'.M.RpbcTtsrConßOllingEngLneer,
at • By order of the Boaftf
: : .rIK MITCHELL* Jtt., Chief Engineer;
• E«GtNKKft , a OjTtOfci' "1
Pitisbargb, M&rch.‘.?2,lB&. y mar 23 • : .
.. -.77. .CariifOxnlit’liltepVl.-'-'.' .' -'-. T. ' •••
■: fepEC' Tons* Copper-Fastened/
Coppered ClipperShiptVENlGß Capt.J.
.. l!.Voo?«a,‘willsaUfromt i lnladelphia ) onToes<
day, f>;h ufApril, at Ido’clock, iorSaa FronUsco,-di*-
rict for passengers. :• ?.
- This Ship is fried up in the best and most commodious
manner, aud wiU accommodate J2UO- .Theßetween*
Decks, l!H) : fect.loug, 28 feet whole-fitted up as
a Saloon- Too firsL Cof>iu -OrMain Deck t - i s' fitted up
with &U}»riorStBte Boom*, Mr 29 passengers.!
: Passengers iliisSh'p wjlibcpcfmiUedio go
on board on ©CMdrcU; andviil be fr r e from ex
pense until they arrive lii Sait Francisco.- The proprie
tors ef ibis Ship cimfiMnliv expect; lo gofrora port to
>orthi 100. days, ai slid will'take-.bui lime iFreighiy. and.
being in ballast trim.wvillmuko a vast difference in bet
sailing time..; This Ship has rande some of the Shortest
Passages oh record ,-made a. trip..from Manilla in 90
days,,and her last trip from Calcutta In ike very short,
passage of JOOdays. :
For Faavage, at very Low.ftates, apply to N. B. Mose» .
ley, 87 Sooth Front street, Philadelphia. or to
- v Cor Sixth and-Liberty sts ,
- mai23 ’ v Pittsburgh;i,
: F. 8. Passages eecaredbyTplegrnpb. - ■
'Boardiog School for Uoys.' .
HILL aCA'DEM Thxvi> Session
XJ of this InKiituuoii WiUbegin on MONDAY, /.ift#stfr
day of 4f>rtL
' Ttu* School U situated on the Pittsburgh and Noble*-
town .Plonk Hoad, five miles- Pittsburgh.:in a:
healthy and delightful location;::■■■.••••
The Grounds attached -to. the: ScbooV *fiord ample
space for the healthful exercise of the pOpila ':
Number of pupil? It-nited totwettty.' •- .>
: For terms, and other patticuiars, refer to Messrs. Jus.
Gray, Foorth street; C; Rowan,T.Oliver* Dr. Scon.and
other patrons of the Academy. ; : -
inatißSw* - - CATON*
* to be giveu on the
-INU, LGS Liberty streoti three doors from St. Clair.' Eu-.
quire of E> U. IRISH, at the SLClaif Hotel.
■ maTS&lw
FLOUR OF I?UMFKIN-F(ra Fie—A fresh lot, just
received, by W: A. M’CLURO ft CO.,
• mar 23■ : ■ • . Croccrgand Tea Dealers; .
SUGAR CURED ..tlAMS—Burrowes 1 very supcnoi
Sugar Cured Haras, jusircceived and lor saleby
maTl3 ~ . SMITH & .SINCLAIR*
Great Inducement* to Oath'Purtbamii:
'\lf E wm*ell; oar lanjesiockOfofCQMMON AND
that cannot, fail, to pleoae 4avh: phrcbatcrs*■-..•A1l oat
work iB warranted. Ourternrsi* CASH'-
corner of Seventh and liiberttt sts, :
Removal of Sealor’a-OlHcc.
TUE Office; of ihe Sealer of.AVeighisaod Measures
is removed to Ns. 130'Fourth*street above Smith*
field. ;■■ tmartfrlw] G.W«BUNN ? PcputySealer.
T7LOUR—SObbIs , jast received ami'for sale by
: T\RY Hides .jualTecMaud. for snle;~
"I7EA THERS—4 sacks Fea'ifiiTririnsl rCc’d'and-tor
1? gale by froartS) ARMSTRONG &CROZKR. -
iNSKNO—i sack; lustrco’d and .for sale I* y
' muras ARM S TRONG A j.C ROZ ER.
CORN— 200 bb!s. Shelled, janrecM add foraalfr by . J
SUNDRIES— Corn In the Ear;
Corn Mealj piftedr -
do •••••■ unsifted!
Coni) Ground withthe Cob; ■'
In *»ore and for sale by > • J< B; SHERRIpF; .<
nm-gS • r : • ’ .v v -•' No; 10 Market &(rcci. : >
DUaot utl on of Pariusramp, - ■ :
THE Partnership betwficen the subscribetsTuiiderthe
firm of.Peebles A Co, was this day dissolved by
mutual consent., The business of the firm' tat
tled by P.ftrCormick, who has purchaaed all ilia idler*'
esuor said firm in the Orlxaba Irou Work*, andUau
thonzed to collect ad the assets of Paid firm 1
New MarchiO, 1552. - > -
.Tlie httTlng pnteliiurdabo idtore.u or
Peebles 4; Co, in thei Orizaba iron Worla, will continue
ihe maiiarnctare of Iron and Nulls/ ; .
marat:lw p. M’CORMICK.
fItHE Subscriber bus removed his Drag Store Dorn ihe
X corner of Wood and No.Sll Libet
ty sueol, opposite tho head of Wood.
tootlfey JOED MOHLER
T-AHD—BkegitLeaf Lard,-for sale by •■■
ti mart! KING & MOOBHEAD,
T AKB/SlfPKHfoll SAtMON— ' rrr T" rr . ~
JU Sbbbjs.No. I, H'CollOueh’* brand: in' store and
for sale by fmarB4] KING & MOORHEAD.
fJINSENG AND BBESWAX-A small,Sot of each
VX in store and for sale by ...
SIKiAKODRKOHAMs— Evanstt Swift'* brand; in
store and for sale by
mart! KING 5 MOOBHEAD* -
ia/ An i'Bli-'l'wO: .young men in the lirvGoodatmsl
ft ness. £he best of reference required. .-■■■:.■■ .
matg4-.; .. A. A. MASON X CO.
9do? turtortei'Coiton Ho-
A.A/M&SON k CO.’S.
BLADDERS. WANTED— The bigbeat price in easb
glydn forßeef flladden. by - s
' corner af Hrstamd Wood streets.
wt® , -
-*3t* * *}”*■ v ** _* V k », . /■'■<? »**•!, «u v- J.S.
* - v
. ■ Crv--
*. 11 • .1-
.- ..<>, *. •-
Save Your BToneyl-/:
f.'i. v"
■ ■■ ■ v .
» •• / 4
piictt t,f Aimiuim—VirtX Tier and Paroaette 50c,
Second and Third Ticr»2sc.i Reserved peals in Dress
Circle, 75 cents j-large Private Bores,enure,BB,oo; small
■ Private boxes enure, 85,00, .-. : :
Doors open at 7 o’clock. Certain rises aI7J.
in-Third nightof the engagement of RIr.E.BLAW.
CHARD, and his Wonderful Dogs, HECTOR and
BBUIN . , «
ID” First night of a new Drama, entitled; THE
' FRIDAY' EVENING, .-Morclr 9Jih,rhe/performance
will commence wiihfthe Drama of
■ Pierre Lo Groe,- « .* / • Mr, Blanchard. < I
Theresc, - Mfs. Phillips.
Previous to which, thenewFarce of: ■ ■
Mr. Bonny Castle, * . - Mr Kemblo.
- _. Uc,c i l ', ", " • • Mias Stewart
The whole to conclude with • . -
*■ Deuteronomy, • > Mr. Joint Weaver.
. Amanda,. - - r _ Mis* Stewart.
To Contractor?.
TfIHE undersigned Will rrcelve proposafslor excavating
X a Celia.'fur ihe«ew\Cu«em House, Ac.y about to bo
‘etected on the cornerot Smiihficld and Finn streets,an*
Ul Monday, inMani. niruie baildings oa lhc
gtottnd to belong to the contractor. J. W. Kerr, Archi
tect, vrill gtve information sb to .the amount ofexcava- :
non* required.
, They will also receive sealed proposal? until the 14th
of: April next, for the erection and completion 0 f tbefen
tire, buildingo Separate-pfopoajdstnu ;bo received for
each.part, to witr Stone Workv Brick Work, Carpenter
•Work,' Tin Hooffintraml Sponnng, Pluieting, Fainting •
and Gia2lng,atid Wort. : . .., :
/ •Specifications and drawings of. th« work seen /y
at the ofCce of’J. W.' Kerr. ArcbtecU Moijonui Hnli, :•
•Fifth street; after the 7th of April next -Mr. K.yjiUgive ..
all necessary information.. AU proposals to be handed
to Mr. Kerr before C.o T clock, P :; M^ - mrilie; i da¥» above
specified. . SAMUEL-ROSEBURG,
nutr2t _j__ Commianonerr.
milE Membenof ihc Company imen4v .
• L ceiebraunr ihe M Bemi*Ceniemal Anniversary of the, •
Organization of ibe Cortipany,”' by n I’ablio Sopper* at
Wuldna HnH, 1 on Friday cveninff* April 9lh» 18£2 t .Mei»r..,
bflTB of other .Companies ondihe ciuzensjjcPcrally are
respectfully invited. Ticket! one dollar each, can be
procured of
H. CaiGHELt,
.W. V. JOiehi.,.
—M. MoSteeh, ' - f
■W. B. SnAiTßn, j
mat £0:1 Journal and Dispatch copy and chance Comply
‘ ' ' AMD
Cart Ain Trimmings of Every Description
|o* Furniture Plashes,Brocatelles, Ac., Lace and
- Mußlin Curtains; N. Y. Painted Window Shades,
i.. Gill Cornices, Curtain Pins, Bands, &c. &c.,
: W. n. CARRVIi, 109 Chestnut Bt;,cor. Fifth,- >
» Pllll A DELPHIA.
' p7* Cttrlaini Mads and-Trimmei m the Ntieut-Frtnch
Style. ibotSOjlj*
Siraw andFaucymilllnerv. ■
No. 31 South Stand Between Maifol.and Chestnut, ,
TYESPECTFIHiLY Announces to the Western Mer* :
JCirchnnisttaalshe lias opened the roost splendid a?*
soitmenf of MILLINERY; conwsung.of the newest and
most Fashionable Straw and Sillr Bonnets Dress Cups,
Ac , Ac* 1 She is prepared _to- famuli-orderß to any *
amount marSOifim
A. 1L XfcUUtrUifli,
jaannfacturer and Dealer la v
Transparent - Shades,. Oil, Cloihs t Cords,,
• Tassels, Brasses, sc.
No* C 9 NoaniTauin SiHSBi, PniLADiaroni;
• - martiiGm
xnst ■
No SHO Che^tnuiSlrtti.Philadelphia. ■>
|p- Also, Romomu Paintings. . .(rogrto.Cro),
jahkb b. smith a co.,
i Boole Sellers-, and Blank Book Manufacturers,; .
iSien of the Large Blank Boots,)
No. SOTMaxltetStreet, Above Flfll*,
TTAVE Always on-hand, Cap. Demy; M ilium and
■ii Itoyal Lagers, Journals, Day; Intgice -'and Cash
Books: AldenO'ia’sDccketSjMinuteandLeuer Books,
Memorandum, Pass, Receipt, Copy -and Cyphering
Books, .
ALSO--A large assortment of Medical,Miscellaoc*
busand School. Books. : -‘ v .
f Oonntry Merchants, Booksellers, Banks and
Counting Rooms supplied with every variety of Blank
Books and Stationery,at very low prices. (mar9o:Ctn
« r jOooaa*: .
fpflE Undersigned is ''now receiving his SPIUNG •:
i BappIybf,JVHLLINERY GOODS. His assortment
will include every variety ©if Ladies’ ami Girls! Straw
Boeriejs,'©ftb6 Newestl!arUjmndLondon Styles,Boys’.;
Straw Hats, Fancy* Straw' Trimmings, Gimp* Straw
Cords, ttiiiboua. from No. 12 to 32 of ■
the verv falCst'stylesf colors, for
casing Uonneis. -from 62 cents to 81 peryard; Wlduv ,
and Colored Cropes; Tarlcisns, IJinfiion Neits, Black v
Silks, Bombazines, AVhite and Colored Silk Lace, bock*
ram, Crown, Liirings,4c.
1 Merchants, and Miliincre will find : it to their odvan- *
lagO-toglvehim a call, as they will be able ter find- at
this establishment, every arliclalhey may need in the - L
Millinery line.of business. w,"MORRIS,
No. .31 South Second Street. - -
t ni&rSOtStn* ' ; ' Philadelphia.
It. A* OllOOKßib C'O.f
• - -Tmporterr, tfanufacturerjiy and Dealers in , -
Straw Goods;Si>kß.Hibbnn«, Flowers. Fcatherr; A other-
-Nof.:4 < 7'ant£49 Chestnut Street,'
And NoiSO Souih Second , ■:%
(West aide.) - BHIABELPKU.
% - _ inariW ty
No* 37 SoutU Second Street, Philadelphia,
Ladies* ShoeManvfacturers, Cabinet Makers,
Upholsters and Farnlshen.
J. C; «fc W.E.TABEH,
; And Fancy ffllitftnery 0oods«;
Z'IONSISTINGof Bnnnet Tabs* Crape Lioiugs. Tar*-
>Freneh Outside Flowers, Insula-
Ppms.Wire.Baekrama, Crowns, Frances Ac.,Straw.
J» 0* BAQGS A SOW, ‘
No ISO Cht'tnul strut,MdstarViOppasite Masonic Half,
■ ■ Have received .theirs n
AND will continue 1 to receive, by every arrival, the
latest styles from-Loadou and Pan*. Persons vis
itng tlie Ka»i are Invited to call:: ••
: All basiuess of the late firm ofLeeds ic BaggswlP
beseuled by them.
''Philadelphia! March 83, JSfth ’•••• ‘ 1 rnar2frdly.
WH. BWAISTf / ~ ~ : • JRQ. (I.COKiaAVS,
„ * mart#
A faithful portrait of a fnend gives us pleasure, even
.wbileheiS living, (bough absent {'but when he Is parted:
fromusby death,- it* value is incalculable. We have
•every Jaeibtyforiaking Daguerreotypes of tho largest
slue produced jnlhit connlry. And for our abiUiy to
prodace sucb, 6s arc alleast, unsurpassed, we woulaap
pealtatwelvePrizesawardedusattheGreat Fairs—lo
attestations of living la the Public Voice,
-confirming both by a patronage amounting to nearly 20.-.
i OOP. Pictures; . -
• We would respectfully solicits visit from all {whether
desiring pictures or uoi)aiour Gallery, UOChesnut st.,
- smotest personal attention will be given ■
pictures at all pnCos, and put up in every style either for
■ Case or Frame. • Instruction given m tbe Art, and Instru*
.menu ofthe best quality, for sale, Also, for sale, Rights
ofts.king u Cmyoi ,r ;Pictutcs.- • ,
A few fronrm&ny Opunons of Artists:
Nsw Dee.2o, ISiriv'
u Dear er had occarioh to copy from your
-Daguerreotypes, we beg leave to congratulate-you upon,
the proficiency you have made towarusperrecuon in this
beautiful art” DANFORTH, BALD A CO.,
Bank Note Engravers, of NewYoik Jt PbHa;”
♦*l have long regarded M-:A- Root aa /he eery 6ist
Datuerreoti/ptAUiAi in tlu country”
J. I. PEASE, Engraver.
• ‘VMr. Root’s‘Crayon’ portraits T consider the vay p*r
fectio* of the Daguerreotype Art.”
/. HENRY BROWN, Miniature Painter.
• beauty mid richness ol touo; judicious arrange
ment of light andfhnde; and tistefal artistic manage
ment of auaccevriansi Mr. Root’s Pictures, in my luoc
ntent,nr«w»*orpasscd. v - J..R. LAMBDIN
■•• - , ' * . „ ' -Portrait Palmer.
“Toohatactcnze Root’s * Crayon’or * Vignette*heads
by one aPFrcpna/e word, HU to caUthi-m—h* they truly
are-pf?A«ton;” JOHN SARTAIN,
; mar*Q.3tn ■ -Engraver.
~0 aBINET "P u n HIT UEe; “
• .JVo. 830 Chestnut slictltQbevc AYrttA, Philadelphia,
_ . aouTit stub,
r\FFBRS forsa!c,at Reduced Prices,4 fine assortment
.A /. of Ready Made FURNITURE, of Superior Work
manship, comprisiog. all the latest: European styles of
Scfas.Teiea-TetesvCbairSotid-Eleger*. . Also, Sofa
Tubietv Extension Dining Tables, Refreshment Tables,
Music Cases, Piano Sadis, Ac. Ac
Dressing Bureau*,. Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Mattrossea,
both of -Hair and fine article, v
Jttsropcned,a fine assortment of BROCIIATELLES,
narrow widths to match;
of all the Allowing Colors, which are very desirable for
Curtain Housings, viz: Crimson and Garnet. Crimson
and Gold, Cherry Damask, Blue and Gold. Green and
Gold.’ • • (mdrtOtggq
No-7 Boitfh Third strut, b&xo; Market. PKUadtlvhia
IMEOBTEB8;of Straw Plaits.-Triminmga tmd'Artlfil
cisl Flowers l and. Manufactarers af. Straw Hats
Go n net*; andal 1 articles in the Straw Trade;which they
offer, at Import ers’and Mahufacmrers’Prices. Call and
tee usi'ano behbnviiicejd; before purchasing; of the ndv
vantage to ».e gained'b> purchasing direct from thelm.
porterand.Manufacturer, ir fmar2o^m»
Choice Tcae and Family ~
;emj«tfuli> coll jbe aiteniion of thoso
. W';Faroihe»inFimhorglißn4 Vicinity who dire wish
»"* “obtain at any timea stock or quaniiiy of choke -
Family<Jroccrles,.Te»i 1 fJc.,inoura4vettiscmeiu. \Ve
have.doheMteUottmaayjOg.itwill ho greoUy ta thek
eato trip to
i Phila^^hla,tooaU ttirtselect aneharUclea m Uioy mav
Wkir froor oarjeiteiuiTO. and well .elected tuiutmem
i come again. . Catalogues containing a list of SjosariOni
aruoles in store ta#y\e *>*g«wte this pa .
m w G,oc y? «” d Ten Dealers,
ncacaxt ma Ciomxaiuion
" ' «M|BSd)«.
‘“■ % J , % A * ’ '/"
•” "* C 4 *5 *
-( 1V r »"S * P- r ,
V _
i ''\ L ( Ci
\ ■
*■ * <