Sa fr ** * r\ K }KV% r T. o>* »* «*".,. 4 i 4 4T ‘ „ * *l' »* . I '*V « V ht° » . ** V> < ■ ' - 1 - A? '■'■■ : - tfe;'-i^-':'.> ;; :l‘. ■ ■:V'V. V ;- I‘ - .(p'iv. ; *■;,-V v>' '■" , '.■ I*r ' jsJ''- lir. -. "T~rer j. *t- •-: ' - . ‘ - ' \ •• - • • -s V Ks* I-V.! s u«t rt *-Vr**,v*j ?i\'yC V-.V£{VV *» 'i,'- 1 ** t P V« rl ?*V t>r- Si ** tf r *: , <*', • ?s&£&& tKgS&fti! K?Sr Af" V&tV &* x vM. jJl:> *vl*£;i l SSjf-*;. * A«" *n*i* <• ■h * (Ah' „. r Ji \ n i>:v^^> -'■ -In'^^Sr-Tn^C'^-^ '-•'iv’b ■*.-■ *%*&**•. «K: ■ \ < .<•>;- *S ■ ?v.-v. PIP Jiailq doming MONDAT MOfiNING:;:::::::::»:::::MAEOH 22,, Bit 4rlateUlff«ttocj*c* The fljcrr.—There were eight feet water in the channel last ovcning and felling slowly. Monday Packet.— The fine eteamer Keystone State is the r*ehet for/Cincinnati, this mornings nnd leaves at 11 o’clock. .par Franklin —The fast steamer Allegheny. BeUeNo. 2,Capt Hanno, leaves thia morning. JBiuinees.— Business on tho wharf, on Satur day, notwithstanding the inclement weather, was very actite. Several steamers arriyea from tho south and west, laden with .various articles of southern and western production. / -Considerable amounts of/Molasses have arrived within tho past week. The. Mew Market Mouse.—A meeting of the Common Council was held* on Thursday evening last, to take into consideration tho plan for a now. Market House in the Diamond, to bo sub mitted by. the Market House Association. Dr. E: D. Gazzam, wob invited by the Council to submit the plan of tho Association, and ad dress tho Council on the subject. Dr. O. ex plained the plan; and addressed the Council, 'on the availability, nnd advantages of the bnilding proposed to be erected by the association. The plan and specifications 'were referred-to a Committee of Seven—throo from the Select, and four from the Common Council, with instructions to report at the next meeting ,of Councils.— Messrs. H’Auloy, Gribben,Maotey ondDithridge were appointed on the part of the Common Council.; . Assault. —About three o’clock, on Saturday morning, an affray took place in the Diamond market, in this city. It appears that William Phillips had a difficulty with abutcher named Andrew Graham, and (as it is said} struok him* When his brother, named William, interfered and cut Mr. Phillips with a batcher knife, in n hor rible manner, on the face,- and across the breast and side. This is the bestnccount ere can give, and it had to be sifted: from several exaggerated stories, which wero going the rounds of the city, on Saturday. Mr. Phtilips iB in a very procariona condition. Tim, Graham was arrested : on a charge of as- sault, brought before Alderman Major, and held to boil in tie sum of ?1,000, for his appearance on Monday; Andrew -Grahamwas arrested, and also held to bail in the sum of $5OO, forbis appearance at the same time. PorCdiformit.—}ir. Henry Shearer, a well' . known citizen of Washington county,' passed through this city on Friday lost, on his way, to: California, Mr. S. goes direct to St. Josophr M0.,-to make arrangements, and proonro the out fits, for a company from tho Eastern part of that connty; among the emigrants, wehcarthe names of- Shesh Bentley,: Esq., formerly . sheriff, of Washington county, and Mr. Solomon Alter, lately connected with the Eepnblicon, in Monon gshcla city, and formerly with tho Temperance Bonner, inthis city, together withalarge_nnm btfr of citizens from Honongahela city.: Success attend them in their , pursuits in the Golden State. . The Hutchinson Family .—There has been no Concert given, in our city for years,, that was crowned with such complete success as the enter tainment of the Hutchinson Family, at Lafayctto Hall, on Friday evening.. For some time past, our,citizens have singing but such os traveling bands of Ethiopian Minstrels, or still worse, the cost-ofis of the Italian Opera, in the East, have famished them,- and it was realty re freshing to hear the sweet songs of oar own land, sung in a manner they deserved. “ The Ship on Fire,” and “ The. Life Boat,” wero given in a , splendid style, and the Concert was varied by many cheerful and comio airs. The Hutchinsons give their second Concert on this evening, atXafayetto Hall, and nil who ore fond of good mnsic should attend. ... Theatre.— The Theatre was crowded on Satur day evening last, J ou the occasion of the benefit of Mr. John Owens. This gentleman performed the characters of Paul Piy and Jokey, in his usual masterly manner. The inquisitive Paul never found a better - persona tor, than it did ia Mr. 0., and famished abundant food for the laughter-loving andienco congregated at the Theatre. The bill for to-night, is on excellent one,. and willntt doubt ottraot a crowd. The of tbe Dead;” and “ Tho Gentleman in Black,” are tho pieces ■ selected for tho .amusement of the public. ' Police. —Aid. Major had qnite arun of busi ness on Saturday morniag. Several unfortunate worshippers at the shrine of Bacchns; wero made - to pay the-penalty of their folly. Tho following are the committals:—Amt Kelly, 24 hours, drankenness; Darnel Kelly, 30 days drnnkenness and disorderly conduct;, Charles WSier, vagran cy; 15 days) Ann Bunnells, vagrancy, 3 days; Geo. Stevenson, vagrancy;6days;.SamuelPhill pot, 15 days; Jane Wort, vagrancy, 20 days. Rolhery.— On Friday morning,- Emily-Beeson was arrested on a warrant issued-: by Alderman Buekmoster, charged byThomasM'Burney, with having robbed him of $25, at a honso of ill-fame on Prospcct street- Jane Davis, tho keeper of the house ofludod to, went hail for bliss Emily, in tho'snm- of $2OO for her appearance at Court.- Sorryloßearlt. —That Mr. JobnDaun, the talented comedian, ' was drowned near . Jersey . City, (bathe viemity of New, York,) as ho was proceeding to the California steamer. Mr. Daan has many, warm friends in this city, Who will re gret- Mb untimely end. He was about proceed ing to California, to fulfill an engagements some wf the Theatres there. • . Concert. —Fraulcin Stopel, tbs great Pianist, ' uuctmpanicd by Madame Wallace Bneohollo, and i W. Vincent Wallace, the eminent composer, will p give a series of concerts'ib 'tbis city, daring the " present-week or week after. -It will be remom- J . tiered that they visited our oity last summer, and won for themselves golden opinions. An Opera>Company passed through our city last week from Now Fork, on their way to the oity of Mexico. It is under tho superintend ence of Max Marzteck, long.known to tho mu sical publio of this eonntry, as an enterprising -manager and'talented composer.- He proposes establishing an-Opera among: tbe Halls of tbe Montczumas. ££. M. Stanton, Esq., of this city, is now in Washington, D. 0. Wo see by our -eiohanges, ‘that he has been engaged, inconncotionwith, -Hon. Beverdy Johnston, to present the claims Mr. yolce, of Florida, beforo the Senate Com mittee, in the case of the contested seat, oecu-. pied by Mr. Mallory. .. • ■ ' ■ Sold Out.- —J. S.-M. Young, formerly connect ed with the. Evening .Express, in this city, and more lately with .the Erie Commercial Advertiser, 1 has sold ont his interest in • that paper. Many/ journeymen printers hereabouts, have a tender recollection of Mr. Young. ’ / FtibKc-St&per.—Th's members of the Allegbo •ny Fire Company, Wfll celebrate the Semt-Cen tentdol 'Anniversary. of the ..formation of the “’CdapiSnyi !! ‘hy nJinßlio, Sapper, ;at Wilkins HoJIj itn Tuesday, evening, April oth. * ’ Court of Quarter,Sessions. —The spring term, u of the Court of- Quarter Sessions, commences ltd session to-day. ■ am!?ErpTOss, ot the Diamond Alley. Allegheny Councils.—lhaCity Fathers of Alle. gheny met on Thursday evening last In tho Select Counoil, various bills were ordered to bo paid, and n variety of business transacted. A communication from JamesDunlop, respcct- WE At®:appointment.,,of.a committee to confer ?4m iu reference -to tho improvement and - possession of KUbuok Island, was referred to the committee on city property. Conourred in by Common Council. - - A resolution authorizing tho Mayor to draw a Warrant in favor of Bobert Henderson for $BOO, being in part pay for building hridgoon Bank. Lane. over Butcher’s or Saw Mill Bun. Was adopted and oonourred in by Common Counoil. . . The committee on Anderson street bridge, was anthorized to have some extra stone work built; to strengthen tho brick arch.. In the Common Council, the following petition was presented from Wm. Clarksons •- - ■; Tour petioner humbly ahewetb that the invisi ble improvements mode upon Ohio street, what everbenefit it may bo. to others, haß been ruin ous:(from his locality,) to. your petitioner.. : May it therefore plensoyour honorable Coun cils to grant: him sl(lper week from tho time the street, was- taken away from . opposite his house, till the expiration of his lease from Copt. Schinley, and as m duty bound your petitioner will pray that be may over be kept from the ma lign influence of City Councils, Jonathan Screw and tho Devil. : ? Bead, and referred to committee On Finance. i Mr. A.'Cameron offered his resignation as Di rector of the Poor, which was accepted. - A committee was appointed to proooro a plan, and ascertain the cost of tho erection of a City Halt : An ordinance was - adopted by both branches relative to the levying of the. Poor Tex. It makes the ordinance read two mills, instead of two and a half mills on the dollar. , A great deal of otherhasinesa was transacted, but of no interest to oar citizens. Pitt Township Election.— Tho following is the result of the election hold in Pitt Township, for township officers: . Justice of tho Peace—Bobt. Palmer. Judge of Elections—Asa P. Childs. Assessor—Wm. A. Herron. Auditor—E. P. Jones. Assistant Assessors—Alexander Brackonridge, Balph Bced. Inspectors—Wm. Wiloy, W. C: Friend. . Guardian of tho Poor—Janice M'Lcaso. - Supervisor—Bobt. Inder, Town Clerk—Alex. Braekenridge. Constable—Samnel Barton. : School Directors—lsaiah Dickey, 3 years; E. P. Jones, 2 years; L. J. Fleming, 1 year; Alex. Braekenridge, 1 year: E. H. Eaton, 1 year. Treasurer—Wm. Wiley.’ In the Cib/.—Hon. Joshua E. Giddiags, mem ber of Congress; from Ohio, arrived from Wash ington, on Saturday morning. Ho leaves this morning, in tho cars, for the West; on a visit to bis family, where he is called by sickness. : . Mr. Stongb, editor and proprietor of tbe Wash* ingtonCommonwealth, is also in the city,nnd leaves this morning for homo. 1 Wo were glad toaee the pleasant countenance of our friend Swan, of. the Washington Beview, on Saturday last. He is engaged in soliciting advertisements for his paper, which affords one of tho best country mediums forcity advertisers, in the West. Arrested. —Two young men were arrested on Friday evening, for disturbing a fancy ball, on Bobinson street, Allegheny. They were brought ■before Mayor .Fleming, and in default of $2O ■fine, were sent to tbe bill. : The keeper of the house in which tho ball was bold was also arrested, and fined $2O for selling liquor on his premises. Ho could not “fork up,” and was compelled to take: boarding at Mr. 'Fox’s. Quiclc Trtp.—Vie leam from tho Kittanning Free Press, that tho steamer Allegheny Bello No. 2, has made the quickest trip ever mode, be tween Pittsburgh and Franklin, Venango connty. Tho following is tho time: from Pittsburgh to Freeport, 3b. 15m., to Mahoning, 6b. 34m., to Bed Bank; 7b. 45m., to Catfish, Bh. 60m., to Em- UntoD, llh. 30m., to Franklin, ICh. 30m. : Address. —The Central Hungarian Association meets, at the Lecture. Boom of Bev. Nathaniel West's church, this evening, -at half past seven o'clock. It is understood that Col. Samuel W. Black, will deliver on address beforo tbo Asso ciation, which fact .alone, will guarantee a full attendance at the meeting. Coal Measuring.—The Common Counoil passed an ordinance on Thursday evening, relative to the measnrement of bituminous coal. We hope that some measures will be taken to prevent tho loss that tho publio now Buffers, from the impro per measurement of coal. Maine Law.—A meeting of the Temperanco Association of Allegheny city , and vicinity, will bo held this evening, at 7 o’clock, in the East Common Methodist Protestant Church. Rev. Dr. Lord. —This gentlemen who leoturcd in our oity, a week or more ago; is now engaged in lecturing before, tho Young Men's Library As sociation, So. Cincinnati. Left the 1 Trade.— The steamer Hibernia No. 2. has left the: Cincinnati Packet Line, and gone into tho trade botween Cincinnati and St Lonis. Jgg" We would call attention to the sale of Boots and Shoos, at .tho store of Wilson & War rington, Liberty street, to-morrow morning at 10 o’cloolc. Committed.— Alderman Lewiscommitted,:two persons to prison, on Sunday, for disorderly con duct, " " '■■■■■ ■ Recovered.— We are glad to boo Sir. Fox the efficient Jailor, once more in sound health. Beware of Couglw and Colds. —The sadden and unexpected changes in the atmosphere Within the last faw days, wUI bo liablo to produce in those persons subject to pulmonary affections, obstructions In the ,phln ; and the force of the fluids thrown off by the excretive organs will bo driven in upon the h wigs, Bronchia, and respi ratory organs; producing chilliness, eneeting, coughing, and general soreness of .the breast, attended . I with tickling in tho throat, .and all those : disagreeable - attendants upon what is de nominated “ Catching Cold." . There is an in fallible-remedy in Dr. j'foyser’s -Fcotoral Syrup —a remedy pleasant to - tho taste, certain, in its notion—a remedy that has been got up for the express purpose of relieving the overburdened pulmonary organs from the effects of oolds and obstructions. Try it and you will not be disap pointed. V Bolxmla Glass Warn*.- ADAWS.ROSB&IAN &■ CO., TUTANDFACTIIRERS of FLINT GLASS, in all it* IVI variety. We have, also,bn- hand, Lightning Roil Insulators,;of a superior, any thing yet pro. dneed.’ ' > Dealers in Glassware can save from 10 to Is per. -* I *Wareit'oMi, , ci>raer of Water and Ross streets; - feblGSm: . j Piuslmigh, Pa nxsET W’coLunraißt::::u}oDi> iuoasa:::r:n*. K’onu.otisn. HsanyniiviiiovaHAcov ■XTrHOr.ESAIiE Grocers and Commission Merchants Yy and Dealers in. til kuuls of Produce, corner of Penn ■ . (marll ,r- ! ■■■■■ "’"HEttnx it'OPiii.ovoH SiCUi . Wholesale flffeffCjigffljd Commission Merchants, Comet ‘of (marll aLvus B. M’canMoier. tiios. r.xsxiun. M’CAUIONT & KESHAN. ATTOBBKYS ivTWW, OoppsUe^tSOT^^l.S^i'pn. Councilor Kt Law t Dublin,lreland, collects claiifek ® ft •? * ■* e «CQe», «c, m Europe; and one of them oift jniMly mokes Atourihroagh Grew Britain* Ireland, and Americas , (marll rjfIWNTBBUSUES OR WUISKB—SO dor, rec’d-and v **le by {muni j. p. SUERRffF. •-■L- }• .-t'-S * TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BY THE & REILLY LINE. XXXII COSOR'ESS-FUIST SESSION. Wabhinotos, Marcli 20. Txo Senate was not in session to-day. : Hotsb.— Mr; MowlmH of .California presented a resolution, from that State, asking the refund ing of certain monies collected therein before its admission into tlie Union,, and' asking increased salaries for district. judgeß of the State. The House went into committee of the whole on the Deficiency bill. After Borne debate the committee rose, And the House adjourned. Cisowsati, March 20. . A fire broke out between 12 and 1 o’clock to day, in tho lumber yard of Stewart and Deminy, on Third, between Smith and Park streets which destroyed a large amount of lumber, and 20 dwelling houses and shops, mostly frame build ings. A number of first olass buildings were also injured. The loss is estimated at $lOO,OOO with very little insurance. NEW YORK MARKET—March 20. Cotton... Tho markot is steady, with farther sales of 300 bales. The sales of the week were 19,000 bales at 8} for. uplands, and 8} for Or leans and Mobile. " • •• " Flour... Sales ofosoo bbls elate at 4,50 to 4,76 per bbl. 1 Grain... Sales of 2000 busUels southem wheat atl08o; 2200 has Rye .at 950; and 1400 bus Corn at 04c. Corn Moal...Salosof 800 bbls at 4,50 $ bbl. Bico...Sales 100 tres at 8,50 to 0,57 100. . Groceries... Sales of 200 bags Rio Coffee at 8} to 91c, and 500 do Java at 11} per bbl - Sales 300 bbls Porto Rico molasses at 28c. Sales of Caba and Matanzaß sugar at 4} ijjl lb. ' Linseed Oil... Sales 300 gals at 04c. gaL Whiskey... Solos pf 300 bbls prison at 20jc. - Provisions...Beof has advanced, with sales of prime at 6,75 to 0,75, and mess at 9,76 to 12,75 per bbL . PHILADELPHIA MARKET—Maroh 20. ■ Cotton... The market is quiot, with Bales of 800 bales at B}@9J for Uplands, and 9}@lo} for Orleans. Hour... Dali .: The demand for export is most ly for straight and selected brands. Saleß at 4,12} for standard and: superfine, and 4,374 for Brandywine. ■ ■ Com Meal...Plenticr. - Sales of COO bbls Penna. at 3,12} per bbl. Ryo'Honr...Sales at 3,50 per bbl. Grain... Sale- of good Pcnna. and southern Wheat at 90@92 for red, and 1,00 for whito.- Com has improved, with Bales of southern at 60} to 01 for yellow,rand GO to 00} for white.. Oats are in request, with sales of 7000 bushels at SSo for Delaware, and 89e for Penna. Provisions... Pork and Beef are scarce, with sales of the former at 17,50 for mess, and 15,50 for prime. Bacon is in demand; with sales at 8} to 8} for shoulders, 9} for sides, and 30 to 10} for hams. Lardis scarce, withsalosat 1000 pkgs at 9} to 9} lb for bbls, and 10} to 10} for kegß." - CINCINNATI MARKET—March 20. Hour... The market is dull, with no sales of consequence. Bayers are awaiting tho opening of the Miami canal, which is announced for Monday next Whiskey... Sales at 15“ per gallon.: . Provisions... Sales of 100 bbls mess pork at 15,87; new hcld.nt 15,50 per bbl. Sales of ba con at 7} for shoulders and 81 for sides. Lard is held at 8} to 9} for bbls anti kegs. ; Groceries'oro firm and unchanged. Cloversccd is dull at 5,25 per bushel. COMMERCIAL. DAILY REVIEW OF TUB MAUKBTS. Orrics ov tiii Dailt MoaNir* Post. f Monday, March 29, .1852, i The weather on Saturday was exceci'mgly raw and cold; which made it rather unpleasant lor out door huai. neal. Saturday night wo had qouc n »now, and wc fear if the weather conunoea cold a few daya longer, oar canala wtU bo elcaed. ASHES—The. aalea of one manufactory per week average about 40 tons domestic at3c cart, mid 3} time - FLOUR—Salea of the following iota: tlddbbls at S3’ 40 do S 3; 275 do S 3; 330 do 83 for eupeifine, and ~j o Tor fine; 37 bbts do S 3; ealea of few small lota at lower figores. • GROCERIES—MoIasses continues firm, with aatea of toil bbls cypress and oak ul 33:231c lime. Coffee: 40 bags at 10|311; SO do 10}, 4 oos; 30 bbls Mole s?cs kStv Ames. Sugar: 15 hbds ai&}£3S4; 10 bbls clarified at 7c cash; S tierces do at 7}c,00 days. : BACON—Sales of 10,000 IbsShonldors at7|o?|c cash and time; 3J109 Sis Hams 01; StdriSi&s}; sugar cured Ham* WIOIJc. FISH—The demand is-bmk, with sales at forNo.3; large No. 2 89.75&H1. HAY—Sales ut 11225 H. SALT—Sales arc made nl 31,10 p- bbl LARB—'Vo conilnno to quote at e&’d} for kegs. EGGS AND BUTTER are very scarce nod-much wanted. Eggawill command 11(21'.’. Prime Butter IS 4J2Ue. In market butter sold at .77040 c. .WHITE BEANS —Very scarce and in demand nt 81,75®!,57 for choice... , . nulsltaiiFailunhargh start Rocking . IB& .t* , Port Paofcet. ■faMMBK The ateamer HAIL COLUMBIA,VA. S. Goar*, Muter, will leave Fittsbufftb everjr - Monday, at 3 o'clock* H- M.; retorning wilt leave Hockingpiut every Tuesday, at 0 o’clock, A* M. .. v Passengers aml eiUpfer* may rely on the utmost commodatiou afla>. t f lp3!rJ& THIS new and splendid passenger steamer i«mgwiMfnir B Tt.’n it b* Mboi^Master, will run as a regutar trt-wecfcly packet between this cuy and Wheeling, leaving i’mstmrgh every Tuycdny- Thursday and Saturday, at 10 A, M*,for Reaver, Wells v»Ht, gieebcxmlle. and Weltaburgh; returning, leaves Wheeling far btcubeuvillCiWellsville and Beaver every Aluuday, Wednesday, add Friday, at 8 A. M. Ferfrctgbt or passage,havmg unsurpassed accommo dations, apply onboard,or to ARMSTRONG, CROZER fc Co., Agents, • Water street. The Winchester Isa new side wheel boat, and in the largest and finest steamer ever lunß for tho trade. Pas sengersand shippers cad depend .011 her. remaining m the trade. . . ■ : : fdecAtt •waaßssdayPaeketforCinctußati* ■ Mv . Tub new and steamer CiN* igCfNNATL BißKuranax, Alaittcr, will leave B&BSSB&rcgaliiTly every WsotvisniT. . ror/reighvorpassage,applyoiiboard,orto : dccSQ U. It. M!L*r I'NH KRGER. Alleglicay Hirer Trade* KEGVLAJI FHANK UN PACKETS. I JB&Lft Tasfiu&flteamor ALLEGHENY BELIJ3 sMiyySo.2vCap|. WUr llamia* loaves the Alle- wharf for FrankUn,every Monday and Thursday, The fine steamer ALLEGHENY J3ELLENo3, Cnpt. John lUm, leaves the Allegheny wharf for Frank-; lin, every Tuesday .Friday, at 4 P.M.. ror Freight or Fasgage, apply on Board (marttO ; ' • For MirlctU and Hodungport. I JBbd Tni fine steamer PACIFIC, Z a Noun Mas- JaraHnifi will leave for the above and mtermedi< *toperis every at4 o’clock,lVM»:, Jtoik.lrt.«pa. W ,.pp^.nJ g^.M. N 0.61 Watergr.«and 63 Fronts;. —’ - jfor Kliunnlng and C'ftt&ihi . fJE&U& THE light dranght and pleasant steamer Jjdjoßaßßtn»;A riqn. Capt Milunoai,will leave the Allegheny wharf on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays,, at 3 a’clock, P. M i for Xittnnning and CulGsb; For freight or passage apply on board. InovlS •for iiong tieaoUi Uaxietta; Parbeniborg M , and GalllpotU. • |. ■ The fine bteamer GOV. MpIGS, f BILEZUsI Supnk, Master* will leave for the above faftgßFßgßß nml intermediate poita. every gSBBBBBBm tpdsday, at a p. m. For freight orpassoge apply onboard, or to feb3 ■ JOIINFLACKjAgem. POUT OF PITTSBURGH. 8 VSR Q IBCUSS WATAS W. TIR CIUTtRSL. ARRIVED: Steamer Atlantic, l’arkinson^Urownsville'. “ BaJue,Rennet,Brownsville. u 1 J.M’Kce, Hendrickson, McKeesport. •• M Thomas Bhnvervßftiley, West Newton. , Geneßßae, Cophnt, West Newton. ' 8. BayapM’ecblCt, Elizabeth* ** Michigan, No.2,Boie»jJleaYor» . u . ForostCny* MBrdocUfWelfßvHle. ' r PcmlAnderson,Gray,NewOrleans, jBEFAIifEDr " •: u ' Baltic, Bennett Brownsville; •' “ Ailenuci Parltuison, !• do . : . « . J.M’Kcev IleadrieksohjMeKeesport. “ Thom&aflhriver, j Genessee, Gonant;.Wjeai.Newlon.. •.« •. S. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth* : Michigan No. 2, Boies* Reaver. .. ; 1 “ Winchester, Moore, Wheeling..^ “ • - Buckeye State, S.Deau, Cincinnati « Forest Ciiy, Murdock; WellsviNe ;; . « "Messenger, Woodward,Cincinnati. : “" Dmrnol. ConwoU, Wheeling.- - , ‘.,- r .‘v Frait/e CHy,Sterling, Illinois River,.<■ v.* ; Columbia, C rape, IlpekiPgporVv. Five oenti Rewara< TT> AN 1 A WAV from-the subscriber, an- Indented ap tv prentice to the Harness pm! Trank making-business. OSCAR M’HILLAN j aged about fifteen- yepre. Baa on when he leu. a browiv frock coat, black pams, stum vest, and a black cap. Any person teturmnff said apprcnuco to me, aLtall re? eeive tneabove reward. - ’ marlPJt SAMPEt. M'CLPRKAW, 80 Wood si. 1 . - Knropenu Agency. - .. undersigned, European Agents,” members of X :< Uie Americanßar^ still continue to colleet - gocles.andcluma< remit monies,procure copies oT wiHs, deeds and documents, couduet.suits, obtain tesumoily, make searches nndiransact ait other: law business in EngMd r - Ireland, Scotland; Walei, &c. They aftvat oil times la commnmcatlon, ro v rwordmg and receiving documents to and fro; and one.them, regutariy in each year,makes a tourthrodkU the principal:clues of Europe axld AWerfcaiOrt proressional business.^t The neiiennual tourwinbe iwen ty-snih of this Agency. Innumerable references jjecnaN, [ ' lo2Fifih street, Pittsburgh, Fa., k? U» KEENAN. • • ■ 27 Fftlmersum Rlaoe, Dublin, Ireland. ;>S For Wheeling l / ‘T'.-V?'■ v'-wr^-vX:. [■'i- Y,>"■ r ;-j"Y-. r^- 4 - / ‘- ! * »•• ••’ > .‘’..' . t>* "S W V- : ’-'''‘•''".'K.y -> V, >_*v at*- “ ■ MEDICAL.. wSa9SSm T?OR THRCURI2 OP CQUCHgUJOLDS-ndARSB. JP NESSi-BRONCHITIS. WHOOPING COUGH CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. . , In offering to the community this r^ : medjr for diseases of. the throat and- U'jfoi -fehr wish to trifle witluho lives or health of the afflicted,bit frankly to lay before them the opinions of distinguished men and someof the evidences of Its success,, framwlileh they can judgo for themselves., : Wc’elncerelypledge ourselves to make no wild assertmtaspt false statements' of its "efficacy,' nor will we hold oat any hOpeto aufloring humanity which facts wdl not warrant. :■ Many preo/i are hero given, and we solicit an inqtijfy from the pobile into air we: publish, ieelingdasared they will find them perfectly rchable. and the mediciue woi tiiytUeirbcstconfidence and patronogo.' From-ths distinkuisfud Prefasoi'tfVhemiitry and Mat* •>“ ; : riaMediuty z -* -* vtDearSir; I delayed; anhweting.lSb receipt 6f vonr preparation, nntil T had ait OfToriuitii* of wimessinjr its effect a in my own family, or mlbe fatmliesof thy Mends This I have how done with ‘aUtfeh degrte or salisfoo* tlrnij in cases boffl of adults and children: ’ I have feundit, os it* iugiddientg show, a'powerful ro medy for colds and c.oQghs and pulthbnary aiseaaper ' ' PARKER CLEAVELAND, mV 'Bbtoswick, Me.,Feb. 0,1047. " * . From on Ovmesrin iha Hcunilton Milltyin Ah Cilu. • ' J/OWslu A\iv. 10,1840. Dr.J.C. Ayer: rhavo been cured orthe'worn cough I ever Had in my life, by your “Ciie’rbt.PKcto rail, n and never fail, when I have opportuuily.ofrecOmateudmui* tooihcrß.' Touts,respeelfulfyy ’ ' • •: , • tf. D. EMERSON. 57“ Read the following, and see if tltirmedicine U worth a tniL. The nation th&d become very feeble, onu the effcctof the medicine was anmistak&bly distincl:— ' • UatTEII.SXAtES UOTRL, S4IUIOOA SPJtJKaS, > ,• > f JalyA,lB4b { Dr.J.C. Ayer,—Sir ;„! have been oiHicted with a pain* fal affection of the longs, and all the symptom* of settled consumption, for more than a year. 1 could find no me* dicine that would reach my. case, until I commenced the . use ofyour ‘‘CuußßrPsctoßiL,” .which gaveine gradual' relief,.and Umve been steadily gaiuiogmy strength till coy health laweil high restored;. . While nsing your medicine, ! had the gratification qf curing with it my reverend friend, Mr.Truman,cf Samp* ter District, who had been suspended fromhis parochial duties by a severe aitarkorbioachitis.. I uave pleasure In certifying hese facts to y.ou And am, fir, yours respectfully; . J. F. OALUOUII, of South. Carolina • JD“*Tlie following was worn oTcatcs which ilte physicians and friends bought tohainearsble consumption^ Caßrrra, Pa, Anjj.BSjTjMO.',: J. p; Ayer,—Sir: l was taken with a terrible cough, bronghton by a cold,-jh the beginning of last February, and was.coniined to my bed more than two months,— Ceughing incessantly night and day,! becfimegbastly and pale,' my eyes were sanken and glassy, and any breathvery abort. Indeed, I was rapidly foinog, and in .such. distress for breath, that but Utile hope of my recov ery coaidhc entertained. While iu this situation, a friend of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of the Melbr dtsi church,) brought me a bottle of yonrCitwiaT paoTcdaL, which 1 tried more to gratify him, than fromany expectation,of obtaining relief. -Its good efleel induced me to eouilnao its ace,, and 1 soon found my health much improved.— Nowin three month*, J am wetland can at tribute ray cuToonly ioyour great medicine. With the deepest gratitude, yours, Ac. JAMES GODFRET. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chem is^Lowe)l,Mttss. ID*Sold in Pittsburgh wholesale an-t B-A* Fahnestock, and by J. M. Townsend; in Allegheny City by H. P. Schwartz, aud j. Douglass, and by druggists generally. ' : ; deo3o ID* lMFOttAst To;Jiio*rApFUCTto whit Hs&ina oa Rcptima—Thelnvention of I)b. ; Hubba»d 5 8 Trass Ims rendered the; care of xhU drcadfcl disease a matter of perfect certainty j and the-man wh&WUluow allpw a Hernia to proceed until a condition of things!* puwne* cd that nothin? can alleviate bnt tho knife of a skilful surgeon^U wholly inexecsable.'ATuplureitnts oidi» nhty forray may, with lcfl io the person olDicifd and the truss-makery but to go as many -persons do, withoiirtvcaa bandugeof any kiadjoreitunit, of* ten renders the case perfectly unmanageable, and leads to whaiisiermCd S&angulaud Hernia, which often has no relief bat in a,’surgical operation, In the Tra** u> which wo invite me attention of the afflicted, there is every Superiority over the Crosses nud bandages in common ate It is perfectly comfortable, and can bo made to fitany cuseof Hernia with an exactness and equableness of pressure that does not belong to any other instrument with which- wo are acquainted ; nnd will retain auy taptare with ease and comfort to oho wearer. Phyrclans of the highest standing in the pro fession ha ve giveu testimony to its great supet lority over the ordinary trnsges-in nwi. The Trass of I)r« Hub-: bardwiH cure one*half thecatciofordinary Rupture.' .We advise'those afflicted to make application In time. ■'ttF'Rtftrauei+fifu-Mghist-thtuacUr can be given in -thus GUp ♦ by calling o» ogrnt. ■ Persons from adistance can have them sent, by seeding the measure round the body. ; OR. OEO. H. KKVSBIt, • 140 Wood street, soli* agent for Pittsburgh. : h v ’ ! ' : V:---'?-'ffiftTUtdAw ■ • O. A. Fahncitocb** Vermifuge. TpilE STANOARD ARTJCLE—Uie safest Andmost X cflfectfvcTemcdy for Worm* that bus becndiacoy ored. ; 'From Me*sn. Howell &Tumer, Druggists and Pby>i« cion, Haywood county, Tennessee : • l By common consent, UL'A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge is acknowledged io r t>e a standard-article Iri this section of the country, cud if ouropinmn can serve any good mrpose, we frecjy&ay that, wc consider it rauch the tcst in use; we. proscribe ii Kguiariy in our practice, and with uniform success, and sell more of it than any ct all other similar preparations pqv together.” January, 1853.. - . : .- Prepared and soidbyß.: A. Fahnestock & Co., corner of -Wood and First *ueci*, Fittsborgb.. For sale by Droggitls and Merchants Ihroochoulthc United plates. (martatdtwlni J. lU WELD IN, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Blank and School Jiooka, -Paper. and Sialiontry, N 0.63 Wood alien, (between Third and Fourth,) ■ : uiargl • - _ • / Pittsburgh. eINNAMON. Fcrpcrraintf Wimergreeu and Satsa* ffas Lozenges, for relieving sickness of ihoslom 3(5 Afarir/, 6efm«7» Sicorui afti Wifii urreti, BEOS respectfully to inform hTsfriendvohd the j>ubHe, that he nos relumed from New York and Philadel phia* having there selected from,the latest importations, an entire iicw-ftock of ISUelt and Colored CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and;yF.STINGS, which for newness of designs and richness of fabrics, are uot surpassed by any bouse wen of New yorfc.~All of which be is pre* pared to make to order in h superior style, at the lowest price possible, mid c< rdiully itislte purchasers to call and examine thtf stock before purchasing elsewhere. TQ TAI£O/iS.~rJ haveno hothortteif Agent iu. this •cHy,.for the sale of ray vyorfc on GARMENT CUITI NO. Ucan. omy bo hud at the store of ilie sub>cribcr,Cd Market street* alikefoirowingprlcesVviifiyith fusiruc* lioaSjßlOj without $7, ‘ . mart 7 ; THB QIUKT tforner of Fourth and Qr./xnt Streets* THE subscriber has leased the largo and well known HOTEL, {l&teLomartine houso) at 1 the Corner of Fotttthorid Grant streets* Pittsburgh, wbicb has. been repaired and newly fated up inall.its apartments,saas to givti a nutf more liberal accommodation to trav elers and.boardors« His larder stored with tho most choice viands the markets can afford; and Ids bar furaisbed with tho best* Ho would tospectfullv solidus a shore of public patronage; B. PERRY.,; ■■ ■ - ■■■•■ ■' '..■ ( marlC■ i fiemorai* TIU3 Subscriber baa removed bis Drug Store from the corner of Wood, and Fifth streets, to No. 311 Liber ty street, opposite tho bead of Wood. ■ ■•••• ’ marl6:y JOEL MOHLER - Ptitltpiburff W«t«r Our* Kitablubment, IN PIfiLIPSBURO, BcavorComuy, Pennsylvania, on. the Saadi side of urn Ohio Rivei, opposite the month of the Big Beaver Creek; twomy,-eight miles from Pitts burgb. eight: from'Wheeling, untl one hundred from Cleveland. The Proprietor has had twenty ytars prac tical experience as a arcgular Physician, tweivo of winch he h a* practised omle? UxeUydropailuc syiurra. - Terms ooly< rive .dollars per ■weekly. AH seasons are adapted to Hydropatic cures. Each Patient is required tafumish two heavy woolen blankets, two large comforts, four sheets,'four towels,nnd oue cutnp* blanket, or India-rubber sheet* - . ' , • . - - l JDB. EDVVAIU) ACKER, Proprietor, Pbilipebarg, Rochester P 0., Beaver Co, l*a._ NEW : GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. J. BOOHYEK. BEE-111VF. CLOTHING S tOUK! WlvoU»Blean wM.^Pii-aßmoiLT^ jb. J. 81, SAWYER dSf CO., NO 75 WOOD « v TItKK« BOOBS ASOVS FOURTH, looking glass MANUFACTURERS, AND WHOLESALE DltAJtttOS IS ' Foreign and Domestic, Fancy and Variety ..Goods* T M. S' A CO., respectfully inform their friends and •I . customers, that they hnvo received a largo stock. 0? FANCY AND YARIETY GOODS. which have boon bought fOT CASH, from’lmporters and Manufacturers, and which theywill sell oh ns reasonabe tonus* and as tow n, can bo purchased East. Oar Stock .consist* Eoaknng Glasses, Ballons, Parasols, Clocks arid Watches,' Ribbons,- - !- 'Brashesi ' . Umbrellas, Laces, Jewelry, - Threads, . ’ Suspenders, * Silk Cravats, , Combs, Gun Caps,. Gloves, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Port Monuies, .Curret Bag* ; Arlilldal Flbwers. ‘ • Hosiery.' "'l'erfamcry,kc. WHITE GOObS. Cambric, Jaconetis, Bi hop Lawn, Hook: Hurl in, Mull, Swiss, ..." , DottedSwiSs. Plain and Otcameutal Portrait and Picture Frames* ißade to ofdern Also, nouco. : Cabinet Makers, and;oUters,iarmshed with; Looking Glass Plates, at Eastern prices. . ■ jßerohdatS and other* .mailing: out any for Abe .par, poseof 'puichaiing Goods,will plcoso call and examine our Stock. . ImarUJm gsoond Hand Planot «r San. : a mahogany si Octave Piano,. 8:0,00 FSI • da do do ' ‘ v'.Jacx.cellfifttoTdety- •' •'-•i j - 7300 . • A ofhhogarty 0 Octave Piano, • (TO,OO A rosewood 7 . .. do 150,00 - A very largo invoice Of NEW PJANO FORTES* will bo received among the first goods by canal, from the celebrated manufactory of Chickennm” Bostbn* 1 mart# JOHN H. HELLOS 61 Wood sv ... • •».« • • r /'t* 5 1 x < +- * - * * . |V. ■ ~T. >1- -- .*• ~k ; •■■■.• f-.,- •. ~ AuctionMn«aiyij»i’ jGroccciefi /QueenswarofGiasaware, TabieCuifery, uookiflgGiaiscsa, new and second hand Household had Kitchen Furniture, Ac. AT 7 O’CLOCK, V. M.. eßooks. Stationery, Fancy articles', Musical I nstru ments,Hardware anoCatlory, Clothing.-Variety Good s Gold and Silver Watches, Ac. P. M. I>AVIS, __ja3l:tf Auctioneer. • ! /nLO9ING : SALE OP ; DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, %j CROCKERY* 4e.«—Momiay, at 10 :o’clock (m the forenoon, will be sold, at ATKennaVAacliooliousetthe •balance of the Retail Store* remaining on hund-rrcom-c prving Cloths* .Caisimeres* Jeanv T weeds*' Vestings, ttilks*'Dclaips, Cashmeres; Lawns, Calicos, Maslms, Ac.. l AmJ,at2o’clock—an extensive Assortment of Croeke* ry, Qaeensware, Glassware, &c. 'mar# i\ M’KENNA, Auctto F URNITUKEat Auction—On Tcesday neit, 23d instant, at ID o’clock in ibeforenoon, at the resi-. denceof Mrs. O’ffclH. 158 Third street, near Grant,will besofdiavarjetjrof FarnUare,in the best of order, con* sißiing-of Dressingßnreauj/bnt si ebontimt; inuw, T sideboard | J Wardiobci 4 hiph post Bedaleads ; 2 low post lledsteadsrl Hat Chairs, or vitriobs goali es and Styles; Prather Bed?, very pure ;; Wash Stands, Chairs, Tables, Tenders, and KiicbfcnrFarnlinre.Ae. martfe y. fti>KEMNA, Atict’r. XTOUSKHULU ANDKUCHISN FUftNITUUK *T JJL Auction.—Oji Moo4ay,.MQrcU 23ih, at : IO les,one 6U' penop mahogany rocking ehmr, two large.mirrors, looking g!asses,a large quantity of curpeting, various qualmes, crockery and glassware, a variety of paint ings and engravings, kttehenoiensils. Ac. •; F. MCKENNA,.Anct'r. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUR* NITURL Auctioh.-Oii Thursday next, March : Kdtb| 18j9, at 10 o'clock, A. be sold, at the real ,,eD.c.e«of ®« Magraw, Esq , on'Fourth' atrect) near SmiihCeld, e very superior* coHcelioii of Household turmiure—consisting m part of— ■ A very rich andeiegani rosdwoad and mahogany so* fajearved rpaewooiTsofa iable,wiQi Egyptian marble top > rosewood antique arm cb&ir; rosewood ami ma* hoguny parlor chairs; mahogany: spring iaeai rocking chairsy rosewood euge> new style wainot sideboard; candelebras; chahdelitnra; china: vases; walnut re freshment table; splendid mahogany and curled maple hedsteadst.with sapeii'or curled hair and spring mauras ses; chetry i>edBtcads;;XesUu»rbed4{ large mahogany wardrobes; mahogany marble' top dressing bateaus; mahogany marbletop'enclosedwash stands; very su perior and complete walnut: extension dining table; Card and oilier tables ;jarge Frenchplate parlor mirror; Biassels,Jiigrainand'other carpeting; floor oil cloths; lire irons f brass l and other' Teiiaers; silver plaidd tea sen; white and gold china do jwedgeworddo f Canton chinadiniog sett, very ample and complete; gla?ssvare, Jaicbefi utensils, Ac. ’marie. . : / P. M’KENNA; HARDWARE AND CUTLURY at Auction.—Mon day onernoon, ai 8 o'clock, at llie Salesrooms, comer of WoodtuidFifth streets, wjli be sold t nquantity of tabic cutlery, pen knives, scythes, axes. &c. . marB2 > M. UAVIS, Auct'r. BOOT AND SHOE STORE at Auction.—On Toes day moraine, March 23d, at JO o’clock, ai the e*ore of Wiiroa & wariington, No. 175 Liberty aireevoear St- Clair slreet, TVtU lie soldi their entire jttcck of-Bools and Sbocs-r"compri«in£ a general assortmcnt of:LadieB, (icimemen, Misses, soya nod Children's. Bcols and Shoes.of every variety usually keptiaa Shoe and Boot Store. .Terras—Cash. _raafl9 ; p. M. DAV. iiouauaoLD fuknuukh auc - J*°"i”9 n Wednesday Morning, March. 2lih.-1858, M lOo’elock, at the dwelling bouse* Ne,3U Peitn si4 will be sold tie entirestock of household and kitchen fantrarc of a gcatlemoo aboat to decline housekeep* ing, are—Maboganvaad spring seat sofa; mahogany French style chairs; fine mahogany centre, card, toliet aod dining tablet French and ouier bed* ’ * leads;mahogany boot-cases; Barena.Frenchstrlo; mantle ornaments; looking gLasses; matrass; parlor* chamber and stair carpetat oil floor cloth; window blinds; fire ..irons, china, gloss and queenswars, Ac. Alto, a general assortment of kuchen oiensils, Ac„ Ao. all of wntch are nearly new. * IVM.DAVIS, ■ ' ; v •■■■■■:■• ■; Auei'r, Grocery store ** Auction—wm b* *oia ©n : Monday, Maxell Sited, at 10 o'clock. In the forenoon, at the store of John RL; Edmondson, corner of Logan street and Pennsylvania; Aveime,No,lW f his entire stock of Groceries remalnlngon handy aaho is retiring from business.: The stock comprises In part a largo lot of Imperial,Gunpowder, Young HysonandßlackTeasj cofice; Ni O. sugar; loaf do; sugar house and N. O. molasses; syrup; pepper; allspice; alma;: nutmeg*; masiard; emaamon; creamturtar; .uulpherjaaleratu*; soda; soap; candles; sugars;: mackerel; herring and shad; yluegar; wrapping paper; blacking, Ac,; togeih er with a large assortment orqaecssware ( crock* cry were and glassware, counter scales andweigntsy platform do, stove and pipe, counter and shelving, Am. tnarlfi AY.G.McCARTNEY,AaeW. JAMES'C. WATT. [ous E, ♦ 'v'v..; - ....... ........ ~ ..... _. „ . .... . . .. W’- .:r • . ,;. 7. .V -,■ .- >• _ . v . • ;•••••.. ; v- -'• , - 4 * * r AUCTION SALES. ;• : Auction- Card. i7IIE undersigned, after an Interval of Tour yeanr»has: V again business. Having complied with the requisitions of the law regulating Sales otAnetlbn, and having procured a firsl ctass License its Auctioneer fprthejCiiy of .Pittsburgh,4te offers bis services te Such to hlsTrlend* and the public generally. .-With ariexpe* rierice of neariy thirty years intfris line of business, he hazards nothing insayingthat he wiilbe enabled togivo entire satisfaction to all those who may feel disposed to patronize him. r' £ :F. McKi?NNA,-Attetiofleer. ' •Refers to the principal City Merchants.- ' >yd P» Ol’KifiJiffA, Auettoneexv y. Journal and Chronicle copy. F. Al. hAVis, Aaetloneer, Wi G. B’GAnTKICYi Aocttoaser. DelawarefiXutual Safety Insoraneo Co, ’ OFFICE, NORTH ROOM OP EXCHANGE, - On Third Street, Philadelphia* THE following auiement of the Xflairsof the Cotßpa 'ny,is pablisliciLia conformity with a Vraviaion of its Chatter. • ' , Pttmiutns Rteaved During tAtYtar ending Oct, 31ar.18ul On Marine and lalaad Bisks - > 8235,537 03 On Fire Risks - . - ■«* . 124,445 57 s?cu,toi:ss Hamid Premium* fiurinq the Yeir Hndinens Aiovi. On Marine and Inland Risk* S-40X9J 97 On Fue Hisks • ; 1C4,777 40 Interest. Salvoge, &e - 83630310$ £o.«, JiTrc»Jsej, &c.> Luting thi Same ZVr*. Marine and andlnlamlNavigatiou Ld*mi - - . ■ -•.: 8118,47275. Fire Losses Retained Premiums Reinsurances - Agency charges, and Commissions Expenses, Rent, Salaries, Stationery, Ac . 8315,770 05 ThtAiirts pf ooCnraden and Amboy S.R.Ftveper cent Loan - • -.■.-■■■ 1 8,4*25 oO $5,000 Spring Garden Six per eenUoan . 4,750 00 80,000 United Slates “ u ?,155 00 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company : 5600 VO 5 “ Pennsylvania, Steamship Comp’y 2500 00 5U ‘‘ Merchants’and Manufactures 1 Bk . Pittsburgh - . j .v - 2,350 00 5 shares Philadelphia #nd Havre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company - . • 250 00 2 shares Philadelphia EichangeCompany 78 00 Script and stock of sundry Mutual Insurance CoV * - . *- 10,644 70 Bills Receivable - * 121,850 82 Cash on hand • - . • . .. 21,283 23 Balance In thc hands of agents, nnd Preml-* 1 turns oo Marine issued Subscription Notes NovemberMtd, IBS\. i : ; The BoarJ of Directors have this day decUreda div- ! idend of BIX PERCENT, in casb.oaUiaCapitot Stock, and SIX PER CENT on the Scrip of the Company!' payabloon aud-after December Ssti a divi dend of CENT tn Script on the and earned Premiums, Certificates of which wilt be tasacdas above;.. ..•, ■ DIRECTORS: ' '• William Mailin, : John 8. Nowlin. 1 Joseph.ll. Seal, : ,-Dr. R.M.liuaton, >. v ; i -Edmund A.Sender, -James'G.- Hand, • - John C. Davis,. : ThcopiluiPaulding, : i Robert Barton, fi. Jones Brooke, John R. Penrose, ■ . Henry Sloan, ; George G :Leiper, HaghCraig, Edward Darlington, - WmiacnKyre,jr.. Isaac It. Davis, Charles Kelley, William Folwell, J; G; Johnston. ; • • . SamueVH Stokes, James TraqQajr, ' - Spencer Mcllvmn, James Tennant, Joreph S. Buineu, Joshua L. Price, : J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, * D.T.Morgan, PatsbVh* "WILLIAM MARTIN, TrcsiJent, THOMAS CI'IIAND, Vice President, > Joseph W. Cowan, Sec’y. Bythc ActlocorporaiingthuH Company, theparties in suring property therein oto entitled to aSWa of the piofus, of the Institution; without rabjecilrg themselves' to any liability beyond ihe premtara pttidi v- ' ' * * The Capital Stock and Subscription Notes pledged' by the Chatter for the payaentof losses; and the promts of the Company are directed' tp be Invested end remain imho possession of the Corporation, os a- fandfor the further sccartyof theassared. Thiafundwillbe repre* sentedby Scrip, bearing an interest of -six per cent. dU yided among, um insured, pro rata,’ upon the amount of earned Premiums and Capital Slock; Insurance on Fir6,.HuN and Cargo Risks, as usual, oo'’ the most liberal torma. ,P. A. MADEIRA. AgenL . . .murlOtlw No. AS Water st., Pittsburgh. 1 VMM Holier , . wv • . ALL personshaving Carpets made to order, aud not token away, uubc <'aTp‘eH • ?QS\ Manufactory; and Ship Agency, of John HraSCv^,- Thompson; N0.'.205 -Liberty- street, will" Ja&UW&pf please call for them uefori 7 the first of . fgteESfiw«H April next, o* they wOI be sold « Auetioiv . ror..wbat-la.a'gamst ; theiD,-as-1: am-goibg' id remove inM April next to the third house above Ure'CanaVbndge, No ! 4lfl.;tibfcrtv -street, and-rwill^only carry PA- my Ship i Agency and WrighVaTnaiari Vegetableplll Agency bu-i i smess,! wiiniavenoTOomforCarpeis- ' . CarpetswlU be mnmifaciurcd to order at the old stand ! by WM.PoinKR, who has been engaged atthp business for two years past wall rae,nnd the old hands', tb whom' Xwould recommend my former customers. ■ • > •' • • rc«9,3w JOHN THOMPSON: ' Agency for Different Li net or Packet Shim. PASSENGER OFFICE, * Btr»st,puuba»h, H |f* BYItNES;& GO^Q9,-South firm. epmer yf : . Pins, Nit# Yorks 30 :Wattrlot>7tond, Limvools and fi stmuM to Orisons. , 1 :• HAS .a Line' of Packets * * • .-j/'.-- ! ldfrfc* Ark; n i i of Packets from Liv- I SaaisrcN. •> -ewNAXJtfcv craool to Philadelphia,on-.ftsOgXfdil^'' mX:\j'JSvct tho e iff li teen th of e«ffh -2i7 T r . month} a, Lino of packets to Baltimore on the iiotti 01 each month. Also—a Lina o( Packets on the 6th and 94th of each month from London ami Portsmouth to Now York, , ALSO—Draflsat sight al ways on hand; for any nmoaht; at the lowest tates of disoountj and all'information gtsen concerning passengers,that .can be (risen, with pleasure, by their Agent. JOHN THOMPSON, ■ marlfr 205 Liberty svPmsbDigh. Peansytysnla BslUosd Emigrsnt Line. ■tSTE are now prepated to receipt for passengers to W Philadelphia, by; “ Emigrant Line.” Pare 84.50: marSO COVODE A GRAHAM. rTUMOTHV SEED—TO' bua., tt very superior article, X for sale by [moriaj SMITH Cl SINCLAIR. Wi.’ ■ * 4 ’ i 7 * - of'*. - * * " \ ; BANKERS & BROKERS. :s. o. wsanAS .............Joim Sfrassiii. i TIBR9AS CO** ! BANKERS AND KXOIIANOB UROKEHSw', .feb»-ly • No, VS Wood lUut, Dtammd .auev. • .. .• ltemovitf. . Patricks & Friend* DAHKKHSANUKXOIFAIfOICBttOtCKBS, - • ; HAVIS KKMOVBII THBIB : .: ITO TBS'CCBRRH or. *IFXH~ AMD:WOOft , .. J Picifoiraft, Pa, ’• - PATRICKS i FniENO, ; ‘ ~ BANKERS' AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ehfl Dealers inNoi«»DraiU } Acceptances, fitaiea.' -JBcpOTiiea,received in parifeiMlsjor'current] pgpetiflithe earner of Fifth andAVowlfitreeis*, {feb3~' - 17mat(c an 4 tortign gxchange 9 Ban}tflota, i „ GoldandSflv»T l ßougkt l Bo*d and Ezekangid^ UOBASQB AJBD BASKIBO UOUBB ‘ William & Co. , 64 Wood Stmt) PITTSBURGH. ID*IKTg&SCTALLOWS&On tomcdsposit*. ■ • tfatfjtSd; .AILIIfSBASKB, - VDWABPSABtfv „ , , Kiunsa« BAHn. EunitTsandEzchangt JSroktrS) JJtdltrstn Fartign *n& ,UomutießtilMtJSiilsofEzehMng»iCmiflcatitorJ)tpes* ttjßank Notts,anUCoin. < Cornero/Tiiiru and Woods!*., direct)? opposite the St Hotel. , mayttd 2*« fkOXafif JEB A SOSSi HAVE BKMD7ID XIIBIB SANUBO :JkHD XXCfIAr?Q»O¥»ICI . To JNo. G 7 Harkii ttiui, four doork aid Haiti. N.'HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and exchange BaoKEES, «nBonk Note*, Timeßills, Foreign SJr and Domestic Bichange,CertiQcfttesofDeposU,*e : EXCHANGE onalltfae prmcip&iChiba of the Union and Europe.forsalein sumsto suiiptirchaßcrK '' CUKRElSTaiidpaTfaiuiarcceivedondepo*Ue CQLLKCTlONsmadeonallpftriaofilie Union, ante lOweat ratta., - - ■ wplMf BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS;• BEa LERS-in.pomesile and ForeigßExcbanse/Ticoe and Sight Bill*,'Co’n, UncurTem andParFnnds, Slocks, Office, comer Third, and; : Wood streets,. Pmsbargh. . {marl7.l/. IIILU CUUH?, - CANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERSj SOf 66 Wood Stmt} S- ‘JkWdag-htfa.&tmrilWiMstMid*)* . IGUT constantly tor sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes dis> counted. lie And-cord. Collections made in nit the principal cine 3of tlie United Binies;. JJeposifsreceived.or.i’ar nwtCurtem Fund*. mar27:y Q. a ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE COIN, BANK NOTES, ■ sight and TIME DBAFrS, Ae.,Ac. - Collections carefully-attended to, and proceeds remit ted to any part of the Union W&‘8TOOK8-°&t HOVailT AKtf SOLD OS COMMISSION.-'- No; -74 Fourth itrtit, : scpl3J _ Next doorto the Utuik of Plttsbargb. CAEPETS, OH CI.OTHS, &C. /"'IONSrANTLY recelviM? and .opening. Bit the CAR* \/ TET WAREHOUSE of-VV. M’CLINTOCK; No. FS fourih tire RICHEST and FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE* : NBWOBEB£NS. * fTUHS long estabfisbed/Hdaaeconfine their attentiot >X' stncUy to aafea end purchases on Commission, and to the Fprwardmg business gcheraUy.v . . v • They solicit a continuance of. the liberal patronage heretofore given them.. January 23,1552. john sroaiuras. Twletidl ft ntofftldffe* COMMISSION AND FORW ARCING MERCHANTS, •■r. • • ■ Comer'if Commercial and Piiu streets.: . "TTSTILL promptly attend to nil consignments and Com - f y - mission* entrusted to. them, ana will make liberal cash advances on consignments or Bills of Lading in band. ■ ■.■ - .. ■ v.. ,• Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain* llrmp and -other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest pos sible prices, and on the best terras* • The? will also undertake -.the settlement and cellcc ticrn or claims of importance; ?and hopes, bytheitespo cialptrronal cfforUf.urid attention to all the interests of their friends, to give general satisfaction; ■ : BtftrßSßcts, ■ Geo. Collier, '-St*Louis; Ellis & Mortoh,Cincinnmi; Page & Baton doPtfaicr&Gonnan do Charleas,Blow4Co, Ilozea A.Fnuer, .* do CbouteaafcVaUc, • ' do Fpringer&.WliUemaiudo ; D. Leech tc Go*,. William -liolmcsfcCo.VX-W.Butlcr 4. Bro 7 ritlßbargb; Morgan; J- M.-Baekli ilorgan, Philadelphia; Shields &MiUeri Philadelpluaj ir D. Newcomb Tl Bro., and W.. Louisville; T. C. TWICUKLLA CO., New ; Orleans? (mardthfem ?-T - SOIS,3?G 43 22,658 12 1 20,03001 ' —8245,103 ro • - ‘ 24,060 2* - - 15,420 42 21433 05 2O MA N CHESTER MIN EJC-AL • ••••'■■ Au.snnß2iTCm> Pa. Not Yob*, December Isih, 1851 -1 Have analysed a sanplo of AIANCUESYBft MIN ERAL PAlNtYfor PusDmt& Foaujond find ft to con lain the following: - Silica,. • • . ■ Alumina, - Per Oxida ol Iron, ♦ , »■ Licae* ■ Marne sia* - . • Oxide of Manganese, Wmerawl Loss, 100,00 The Powdered Sample, contained m the box, which l fiappoae was the one you desired also to have analysed, 1 find to differ from any average of the lumps powdered, and mixed together. This last yields as follows! o Per Oxide of Iron, • • 'i • . . 53,50 v ; Silica and Alumina, - 33,00: . . Lime, - ' *• • •• ~8A ■ ■ Magnesia, , . •; ■■ r Water and Loss, - - - . -IfiG 100,40 This difference Ipreanme arisesfrom the T mineral not being uniform, some portions containing more Iron than others, Tiie analysisshowsihe article to he well suit' ed for a dorablepulnu.-lfinrithai by calcining the paw der by s preity high lieati the color U much unproved, or at feast converted into a fine red.' ■- JAMES R„CHILTOIL M,D.Chcmiii.: - Jjy.Tor sale by: JOELSIOULER, 341 Liberty street, i , tnarlC-T 77.090 02 100,000 00 8150,037 09 *■ W ALL P APStt. ‘J SHIDJL'E'" V' N 0.59 Smltbfleld atr«et,’PUt»l>arKli, HAS jiiol received hi» Spring Slock of PAPER HANGINGS,'*)! every vorielyof atylc and finisti, (rem.v-yoo do Cream • < do-j , . . ; 50 Centre Pieces* ’ '. ALSO-BLOCK MAIiBLK PAPER, for Public Halls,! of every description, v?lth satiable: Columns, Caps Bases and Bordering, famished at short notice • AU of which wiilbe sold LOW, for CASH orifAGSJ ! aukeWaU Paper Stow of. , . ' J. SHIDLE, i mars;{jin v., . gadthficld street, Pittsburgh. .t Megaatnes for Aprll, . MINKUfIt CO., m Smiiftfield street, have received' iho following new .>■• **artain*» Magazine for April; " • Pcterton’s 11 No 5, Ftitman , fl Library &»•«■ • i Cn i»r r *^ e ere^a,Q t* rincc,abiatotical ionianco''' by.Eliot\Vatt u rt o n,anthor'Of. t ‘Tb6vCresccntand the' Ha»hngg” - ronrlf* j LA INbiJ.—A. A* M AftO a A Co. ore }□ at ■ J? t^ c . e *P l of fifty pieces Be*; lageDaLaines—afew andboaptifal styles. [toarltEr l heretoforeejauing 11 bfctweea JOHN PARKER and WM.*CARR,iiiider the arm of John Parker A Co M islhls day dissolved.,; : t _ Fcbraary. 11,1853. ~ Ffebl?;tf { ‘ w.: ; siarLioManttla.-, A LARGE stock of.the mou beautiful MANTEL9J /I raadeOfttaefinaUQuaJuyof'Foreiffti'&nd Domes-' uc Marble,jojaanfaetofea by olwayson hand-, and made W'order on Bhort‘nodee,ai prices rouftintf from 915 to&lOtTeacUi Parclittsers-' are Invited to ca and examine the stock and pricey 3l9,32iartd 333 Lib erty street Smhhfield. martini 1 • W. W. WALLACE. „/’» SPRING -STYLE FOR 185 J. This neat and 1 LM beanufnl style of: HATS are now finished; and will] *»W>e introduced on Saturday, February I4ib.- • 1 * Gent'emon ere invited to coil at No. SI Wood thl'd door below Diamond alley.: - v^ 1 •: i feliS _ J WILSON * SON. < CjTfitiEOTYFED CUTS—A» assortment oislierco-: O typed Cuts, satiable for newspaper, odvcmaentenur and Job Filming, for sale pi ;■. ■~ w. S.-JI AVEN’d. Printing Office, ' ' ' No SOTmtd street, ■■V adjoining the Tliird Prejbyierlait-Clintcb. UGAK CURKU HAMS—Uur(o : we»?.yery:.»np of tow Curcdltngu, Ju» . m e s can tASD WAKB SM&v* flia fak 'cctaer of Sixth ttniiTJbeny tureen ? CUHNA 'inArnNU.—A fre.all, imuste, teceiycU mrf j for sale atthe-caipel warehouse of" >-V t W.McCUNTOCK, 84 Ponnh et , marO r- SUPEBFINRJNpRAiN.CARPES'KI of. rich nuditew styles**n.Bronze Colors,-jint received at the carpet warehouse of <«naiD) - W. McCLINTOCK. MLOVERBBBI \j marO -RJQURNING BBRAGK DoLAINES —a. A. Mason' jjJUaA. Co* have just received a few pieces of new and; ;• neat styles of Mourning DeLainca. . m&rlfi. /^LOVEBSEEJJ—SO bus. prime Cloverseed, for -sale \jby SMITH & SINCLAIR. ' i„ * - *> -*v —- .„•• ... ■ *. ■'* t- ■•■ t * Vi *» I * * l4 ' * * **■'*■ « ✓ * * 9- J «>< 1 ' ■» v * ' * Removal. T. C. TWIdiIBLL & COt’S COMMISSIOS EOUSE; SAIN? LOUIS. PUODBa A FORD. StanafaiitaNrsaad -Dealers In. “Prime/io Store and fo r sale toy 7 STUART A SILL. ';'T- 1 FOR. SALE &, TO LET. •übicrlbrr offer*.Tor Ketth tile*-., A^Nn^\ D r Wo . CCu f ledt, y f ' Te^«'Wj ’ , « J,f^S ?na io 4' l ‘°^‘ !io "^ ven -® . C»Aa. Wo 73 Wood PI.' J ' rFJisKsSSWgSi.^;,,- affords a rare chance far a d*liffjilfai I Pui^m )fraPrtr > : ' free jOrora iheamoko and «li|i e orth?Vii? n, i7» ,CBl^8 ?f e * • “ r »«sss; reof lhc 3ufj *cnber onu.e P “" ICB ' ■ * WAMtS Ht’KAIN. • i.” !md'|Tiruliticry< and from 10 toSlHtcret ” Wft ground.-Enquire of ,lebp-l f', ‘ A. WILKINS fc co. • \. fc.MK-jiC|£fli!lR ftEM~ , r.'-‘F < fqnftlia~ Ui'of April next," ifio V; I pM- Store, with nweJtfhff afmc&Cd, on the conior of ’ I •Pi ftlaykcraiid First siTOOW-Mvgodil business aland > : or Tavorir, it being onlyono square froji -Ihc ’' i bo remed'lowlo a good Apply to WALTER JmANt*, No; 235 Liberty $L ' R>arls:tr Uianlbui for SAlei L FIRST RATIS secondhand Omnibus, modern My !e,. A whicli has been.running hul/i fewmontha.. Will b«.‘. said sVety low.. Apply: Qt.JJrowaV Hold, corner of Snv'thlirld and Third streets. nmrtov FROWN !t CONNfiLt-V; , . LOTS FOR SAT.TL /?vNG LOT,in the Kighth Ward of the City of PiHfiv' VJr .bofgb, fronting on street, 2U3 feet fronting on ;Vanliraarrf street, fanning to the hlutT'4ot> fofet{fiom*v ing the MonongaheiftJUJ oti MilfinOcrttep s street 400 feet. & t OneoihcT f.ot, udjotnitig the above.- In Pitt tdwnshlpy •frorfiing ohLojum street 244 feet, fronting on iwilen berger’s street to the bluff Teetj on the bluff bver> ’ 'looking the Moiionguhcla244 T«‘ef, to o line of the btcitf-' erty df the Inte James Irwin,2lo fret to Lot-bitstreet ■ One other Lofni prit township, fronting bn LocOH st * 203fetfr,fronting onM Uenber^crEtrfct HJO feetto ’0 21 tj;ct alley, froaung on, taid hlleyCW feet to.a lino of .property of la e James irwro.-frora alley to Ldcttsf at' • -3(20 feet* // Oho other Lot in. the city of Pittsburgh, fronting on" Locust street 203ieet,fronltng wn tVdnbraom street feet. toa2i feet alley,-fronting on said alley sO3 rcet; : frontiog ouMiiiciiberger street HO feet to Locust st - One other Lot,lronlu.gonKorinaslfeet4B feet, from fogon.plilteubergcr street lio isetto a 24 icetaliey; oil the said artey 43 feet to Lot No. 42 in. AlilfcabetsdTV'- plan of Lois ° f !vOaftothcrLot,fr.onU«g on Focficratreet 59 feet, irom. roff.on. yantironm .street. HO feet;to a 24 feet allay; ! - :frontiugon said alley 72 feet. ; 1 wifi; sell lor crsh, on long time, or on pdrhetusr lease- For particulars, enquire of the subscriber* on UiexorueroiSandaHky street and South Common, A»^ Jegfaeny City. i moratKm. Til OS. MILTKNRItROKft SKAPIsOiI XSI vrenysville PJank UoaU, 3$ mites from Allegheny •• - City j containing 9| acres, In a staler of cultivation a -primo orchard vf choice frmia—chcrnesiagfcat abundance. Tiie.jrapravemenia are ajargo'ccitsge • buck house, finished m modern style-; two never/aiting tarings of..water as the dubr. for a Slaughtering Egmblishmejii tiQd&rriokb : .f* ou .s®j orU svould .bo afi elegible siifi lor a Hrtwcitf~ uaving a fine #tr«j»m of .water pasftinj throDgh Jt.' Thls land will be sold at an extremely low price; atid on red*- 'SpnoMeiemiip/: payment' Title unexccttildnable: and ■wholly onirtciunbcreii. . Apply io v : - : - ’' . . ’iv', .•■ "■“H* JAMES BLAEELY. W i^AMI)V^I.iaKSJAL, controlling lnleroiU or, it reqmredjlkc WDOlcof'ihe steamer PILOT No 2, as she now lies onlie wharf, will- be - sold low ior oaab. or good endorsed paper OFW farther inl'oimolioa enqalie of A. WILKIN'S & CO l lORtl? ■■■..■• comer of Market ant! Third street^ TPOR SAW-; OK H KKT.—A it It ICK-HUUSE and L&F -JO: snouted in the borough of Manchester, opnositeihe .Greeuvrood Garden. ThoLor isOO by liQieeiiltiiohouse*' 20 by 32, comainsO rooms; with lOnished ■Uarretttnd Collar, together-wuh.aaliop on the back part oflhd Lot' Terms easy, ’For particular!enquire of'-t : ■' McLain At moffitt, _Jtiarl6 No. 3J Fifth street. IjtOlt SALE VKKVLOW—A ) 10USB _ amrEf>’fou ? Beaver strcei, iwt>; rtnors -tibove-JUck’gdrt.-iit the' city DrAllegUeoy, . Tiio House is, framev tWo fatoric* high, wiiba bncK Kitchen- attached- The House is 17 by 28 feet } ,lhe LotStt by CtHeet,:Tcrms moderate. En*-' quire of. - > MoLAIN &#GF*TEt. • •-> va»l Juandfpr Sale. r~TTT milE Subscriberoffer* tor (ate'a very valuable COAI* JL. PROPERTY at the Mouth 'OfWaisoaVßun, near" LoekNo.3,oii:Ute'lHonongafcejaßivcr i conBtstiDff , of aboatßO ACrer of £*a&djuud in 'addition thereto, about of CoaI;T It'has a wide fronlondießiveiV wlbhdeep water; at .allßeasons, and'u.nautral Baain' hear the mouth oftheßun, which, wiili Rule expense.* conldbe improved soustoload andkcepafloatfifty hoata atalime; protecting them from the - mer,and the tceofwinter, i ' -* - J Iraffords an excellent site for a steamboat y‘ard;and' for a Saw MUI near the mouth,'where a -bead of some - 7 !28fcetraay Re obtained, commandingali thawaterof Nation’s Run audits brauches. lt is, besides, l the pat ,-araf outlet ofmore iban lOt-O Acres olCaaliLimeatone' iof.the beat quality abounds near the mouth; ’ • vr. as one of the best for ihe and if thte ia adopted,' the [valaeof the property will be greatly enhanced. ' ; * 'flie Property will bcßold at a bargain, and on liber- 4 ; al term or payment A portion ufthc purchase money .might, remain on bond and mortgage for.O otB years^-' * • . mart33mb* - GEO. BREED. *V .^.ToJLhbC* rv -'.v>*r ‘ TJUtOM the first of. Apnl next, the tasku sto&ybuild* J? mg, No. at Market siioet, between First: and Sec ' ond streets. Enquire of .R. TOWNSEND & CO, • - ■ mart! . . . . . . Nb.t>Market *t.v EOR RENT—A large and oonvpjiicntO/Ecc,with gas - fixtures,onfiret floor of Wareh ousenow occupied by tis,and possession givfcnifnmedjruely.AW^ttiwgc l ami convenient Office on second iloor incur Wareboase, ' Water street* and possesion given on the Ist of " '.April next, 'L. Si WATER#AN A ; SONS. v : feb23: ~ Nios.gQ and 81 Water and n-3 Front street.- • j • €OAL LAfVt> FUK SALE.—Sixty acres- CoafFmi lege,ja-.t above IhepccondDam.on the Yo&ehiovhe* ny fiver., {feb2srtf] - A.VviLKINS^&CO.' FOR SALIVon Fourth Sirect, one-ihirtl pan of .No between markcfutitlFeror* 40 feet fronltiy 85bucJc t well suited tor building, purposes, Title- irv disbntnblc aud terms en*y. .- JFor rejitj on FiflbStreet Apply to , ~ ~ .M , CAI.»ttONT & KEENAN> Attorneys at Law., tgo Fourth Street; ,' For Ueutt ' . fllllß■ DRUG STOREat the- corntr. of IlaiuTand Peaa ■:Jtvstreets. ' .. fehllilf : - * A- W. TiOQMIS. Foiirlh street. r PAINT, 7DR RENT—TolVufserymcQJitidGafdnsrs. —Thirty *J? acre* of Ground j wuli ofCfcanJVa bara aun out houses; and a ‘dwcUlnjroffdui Or five room'*. A tenant isr-wanied; wbo will improvo the ground-) and ptonrsluabbery, for which somethin? will be allowed: .marl 3 . : : ■ ■■■■.; A: WU.KINg ft CO.;- 67.21 5,34 - 18,41 - ,03 >24 - ,13 • 8,00 Kor StLla : .-V' . A TWO STORX BRICK Slioe-whh gravel ioo(i A. 404 bytldfecxf wiihmibfochcytiaderengine.&nil boiler—all in : good onlerv A.!*©, * > - Na-t? 33 Lfpenyolreet^ febSttlra .ForbtUi", "• 3 ACRES OP IiANUf in lots-to riaU-purcbaserSs situated near the property oi OoK Oroghan. de ceased \ one mile from tho Allegheny Cemetery ;*belhp< partof the Rjahop Fawr. Furnterjnfarmatlon' will-bo given on applymgto the snbscnber, oh ihe-precise*; Ptlco per acre* 8330 •' - EDWARD HAYNES. ' marffcSw ' » ‘roii ff'HE subscriberoffers-for sa‘e, on .very; reasonable X-terms; the foliowring Property— •viz : • A THREE tSTOKV UIUCIC iSWEWJVO IIOUSp- No. IIU t\mn «feet» beintccß Kay strict and Evana» al ley i and Lot2' feet- fro-t* extending l back 112 feet id an alley. ;T!iebOtt«oiB one of the fcest baildioas. and in one neighborhoods in the Ci«r . FIVE cbrneTofiFront and Ferrv ■ streets j onelmndrod and-fiye.feOt rronf oaFbrry, ahd :6(rreet*on : Froni-etrect, with it good three story •brick baildiug on tltp: oorner -a 2 Atnry iramts on FrontVf-H and two as shops.onFerryAK Mark°SdF"i«». *■ A IIOUSIi ami LOT on Wyho «««,«!? ibsnew Court llonse.; The house IvtVeil arrange i and in good • ‘ order, and la now occupied as a Hotel. "ly. A THREE 13RICK,. onSmithtield - street; ThVS?'ff!S^S?/ u, . tt s •*“>'«■« bialneo locmio"- ,h *“pp Smiilifleld st. A COil AUEFR AMfvond IAHV23 bv TV*ftr firpntlng:pn Anne and Roblnson-fliroetei 'AllwhcuyCii?. - ' a very desir&blb and pleasant locationior or6sf* THRbp LOTS, cm Centro .street, aiul Pasture Lane, :fa-AHegheny:Xiijr t Sto by Odfcct.cayli, near ilie uar.ceof 51r. Peter Jennings. NINE LQTS, hvihe towu-of M’Keespou. eacb‘CD feetby 150 Several of these are on the Main street. ELIiYKN ACHRS in Wmetown; on ibeMonomrahela -.River; on which there arc fouriiouses. There aresdmh *ix or seven acres, of. excellent Stone CoalAml‘ahi»a-i! dance Hi Limestone, coirvcment to tbe landintr; aad two Coat Pits open. * - *. LOTS in; the, town of ColamMaiOO.feet by iffo' eachyteariy all love*, and: welt locoiedv The tebontbf •• eoch Lot haa; the-puvliege.of jismg whatever Storio Coal he may-require for: disown use, from a nit' new the Locts, Columbiajs- a pleasant situation on Uto • bank of the Monongnhela river, a short distance below Lock No. 3, in the midst of an extensive Stone Coil re** gion,tmd waald be a desirable pomt-for mruuif&cturin* estaoUshments, .. 1 0 TWO HUNDRED ACRES of superior STONE COAL, With House, Railroad, Ac. Tin* property ha* a froatof 140 rods on, the Monmigahela tiveri aner- • celltmtlaihlingi goodgrmle and foundation for RoJimnrf. —withenmlgh evel groand atone point for houses! .gardens or locaUou# for jnanuructonesJ . • ' TheVcm u deep enough to allow hbjaea to be nsedli .hauling out the Coal—the .juoUly of which, for'ifim r ° r,l,nat)f *"*■ BOt In my absence,my Agent, James Bluiely.Esi, will give nil necessary information, unci he anmoriid to give warrantee deoils for.any prpnerty so'd. 'V -' "JAMES MAY, No. UO.Penn streets the JaOges of tnc Oouirof General • AJlcfiHeny *' cace 111 fortfie County. . -Tiißjieiiuoif of W..J, £>nny of'the townshrp’ of--, rcnn* shewed), Thotyoarpa- . tluoner hath provided liiuu»eif wok material# for the i flc- ..v conuaoOauon of-travelers undioihcrm alZus: dwelling: , houiiejiri lhe lowfishin afpre/mfd, and prays,dial you Honor# vviUbc pleased u> grant him «license .to .keep a _ public house of-eutertiumnenh ADfi.yoar peliUoiiQrr . as utduiy hound,neiU pray.* AV. : :Wsythesubeenbers, citijcensofthe township aforesaid, : do certify thaithu above pchiioner is of good repute for honesiy ami temperance,ami is well provided tviih house .room ami convenience* forth* accomcnodatioatuullptg- .•■■■■ ■in gof strange rsrami travelers, and that iatd (average: ncce»ar> Wo Hays, J.Telford, JTatfon»FSchenck.O ttatnsey* S Telford, * Speer, T LuUon, John >Louec'ter* U *M>Ctnmnrc, u Jounatou, W A 1 l)oDaJd#du^lmai§ii3;«* f| iO-LET~Tiie STAU SUAhQLF.D uaNNRR HOUSE I —adjoining the lheatro, Fluh street, UilisbuixU. Possession givenon the lewif Apr»h Knua.roof i;' .bTLWARX t ClhL AU?'# fltLuv, fctls -» No, 67Pif»Ji street, i PorSale4rttent7 "WTTAREHOUSK No. H,.conier of Wood and Front' * , rv.*J?WUiy • marW SftUTU a SINCLAIR. . '—* -•■•.• v 4 v V- ••.-n - ‘ -• . .'v-:-.' * » •• : < <■ ' y ' f." 7 Z ✓ ’V I '- A- /' K'f "/ \ A -<1 f -f ' > v; r- jfFl* ~,-. , r No. 31 Fifth, street. * \"T. -v- • . t:." v. ■