..***<*.■*. - \v v - »-^ w . , *'' ■ \ %■“s?■ -p r, »’*£.■■ \ , ,»«, *- ,' ‘ -t < &;>•■-'" - V*U • ?-.vi jSll^i^ &?s>. ’ - :v ' +-\PsSh’' 1 *' ’<*'* *?,.£-■ >. - -* * »< i ~ ’ '* v •**:•><«■* , fe‘?’i-'; ?^'S-"‘'''’ r '-4 ? ' r 'L Y-. s•' .V ’,• V ; -v >v, -v. * • - '• -W-'P#?'. '■•-'• , -'''■> y . *,l/ ~'■ » ■' r: e .J£‘ " s I 4j;“"', „<■'-* s/ - r‘, f ‘ ? .\\v» ' ■ ' H#&v» »i*ww y* * c«Vi?* ■d ? # < >^s-**i« *■' <* rc--»^"s’ 1 j ‘7*S lrt#>TF. l » ,t jC«frt«4.i‘.*•« j* ■* a, *vi» |MM teM ffiipi#^^! MM^Mmsm& &SSSssm^^s wmmmStSs^e^m iMM < WM^ SwKsi&tenafc,;?,) < fe®i|#|3 1 9 Jj. ftL*- L?.-5 WtHUM slomr m •iff' : V;V:s :-ii . '- .. ..:■■■ • -• TyriNBFACTiJKEROTTra.ooPEKR pm-bhcst, > • iiwS-k'Wtgs'iitortmeW-ofl - wySrir iTSe abort bßrinAii.lg.7sSS.wl - WHPS<> premW uISdWwS t SiSSi»l'iitMl ,-A^-v-,.-. ..*SH .. ;. • . >'• -® " - , : , **V*jWV PV'" « *'*. , *~» r - * ,’’ - '*»*!» -f 7 1 7* r r *' X 7 ?A S \ * * ** * >. '7 - * -••^> f r -- - ** -"- 1777 *-v , . . - ;■' - I *• ' ■’l'A-/!-* ' T i _ i* -V. - '■ ' 1* w** ? + t * '* • VOIitI‘ME -X. - ! •®l)t , SdUa ’' i ptinld mdriUiMil tvarUrtningA&mdaYt stqiui.; ‘ ‘ TiAWPBStA’pmtiI.IPB. f , ' rottß-wtogoww*of »«»a*qa«mnstat*. ! , ° iffl 9.S“‘'^l}K« «m» fon»l»«l iht eaonu l ? *uh« O ISoß**na b» tiio Kfcw»Boy«. j IBS BAinSDAt MOBSDta *o*l t i«n«ttl»»lii±A flromibeaitfns office, on 'i TWO BOM.AR3 a J*«r, in aoTanec ( *Br •■ i ■ ■ r | - - qa-tCS OF ADVCRTIStMQ f iGKEtO UK>N BY PITTSBURG!! PBBSS, Tin mreanoarainin o« XK3: s 0 58 ! n .. one week ■■■ n 6 ■■' twoweeMT-*** - *“VT* . ,__4 00 « J k ihjco weeks**"**"**", * soo . « . tt ■ nnff momh*».»T««Trv«TV ,-r -i* » *-threemoatfi*«T~ *rr* * jo 4)0 ( ex. BmlthfieM- - ■■: ■■■■■■ ■■- ■- —— , nmßwaui™®' m*** « TwTcARNAUaJJjAtofwV ol£ i , a *f'^®? eon I ■ rL-^lll^betweenC&erryttlley onaCt«it»t-. U aB, *4 T=vH.BROWN , aoFWOisNo,Ss,l)iMJioaa»iley,ee« II wood nreeu- .. j/ysssE&ffi^asss^ ■:■ fiehlitreets.. ■■ ,-i. *. l •■■ -•., ••• WtflSv' 1 —:— ■■■-■ ” *—- XT BUCKMASTfik. iUmnan-^Hfice:. jt oarVh, auai -JN « ihitddooraba'rt'SwiiliieUtSojJbiiie- _. et i (Jonyayancl&Kof «U kinds d*nM*ithlkcgreatraicaf examined.&c. - Xii taaSmlihEddaiMei, | Collection? care (ally attended to—ape«i*l given to Conveyancing. - ■ : .■:■■■'■ luccaur • *H* O* VOWltt P* H« : TTOBNKTS AT UlW—Ho. J» Foukth ■ nettr Bcuth6eM» .? . v ♦■■ * ■■- TTORNEY 1» * l . opimtiiclhgMwoftOtfe 6 - inpwjm ~ -,v■! i>r. Julian Kogar*,, . ATE A, A. Surgeon U, S.Arny. OlE.e-ThWSU, t second doer eOotc Stftlthfield* , , ■ ■ - - :v. 1 ■ jan*»'ttou snowooui,. MStOBKSI ' • Oracr, No, 1»<» Foiwtb Stussr, rtnsMMii. aprtSJr B. P. B.OSS, ATIOBNKY AT LAW, w*; 109 IPoarUi ■ ■• ' PITTSBURGH, PA., ■ Fourth door below Mr.'Bodj-P«tt*Btrn>» Uvery Stoblo JeSB ‘ -■- SlffsUentfmite bniuwt* remaining un£ai«lica^onJi» iocUi ‘ ' JOHN I.MlTCitft rAU ** , ‘ 4 TTORNEYS AND AT LAY?— PL OjHcti ■> Fcurti «rm,o /«»*».•PjSS/’SSL’f" tott f' h Miaci, fcwlmrsh, now ’ REACE .WAgHJNbTOft-. . —...—. yptutatßl) ■ . > ■.." ■EBOflANTCTAlLOa,6miitfiel4 streeljNo.W.be . TO«ul»» and 2d Blieclt. »P 4 B._ . ‘ K tapirs Clotnlng Btlli nENKY CHIGWELCt AOIiNT, • Wood «<., omotite Fine FnAsterum Chanh, „: vs*PKCTFlii*LYinionn»ht> friend* asu ihepuuUU OfUct BnMinjtt. .TopffliT.. . ■.... A'aiiitPOCK) ■ r • ; vi_■ ■ COMMISSIONS AND SOHWAHDINO.MEftCHA»rB, and'STEAMBOAT JLQBSTS, , No. 7 W«B« «TMST, ■ ...- einclan»Ui Ohio. - ' ■■ - ‘ utiiUl Tfoungson. . ' tronSE, SIGN; AND OUNAMENTAL PAINTKB, : ■ il'U.Ueny street, opposite > Hand iv-AU work neatly ; eiecatei. nmersnniietoaUyaueniled to.- tmanttiy “ "ThSU'irJL' »«’■" f »ALyEO ft-AMPOTZ*.- tMUW 'JOSH PA BHOOS9 * CO* • WJIOLESAZE SEALERS IN FOREIGN EKBITS, '• Nutt.Spica.fMfettißnary, Sugart, Cigari, • ■^’SSSSSSSba. u; lwnnctl’a atoatfctoramßU# UepoiJtory..., " Sa n mtd g tfUL , ' ittliW *iAT—»*w Einmßoo. le pirieil«f fietlnemano ; Ths Cemetery «' Scnlart. iny a.'t( ' , . - , .. " fj^TIUNEB,r^UNTEEu)dBIOTER)COfnerorHar- : l 7ja lu l?riiirUWet«.flm'>aTgfatPfc - l* !> - ,lf X# Tttt«nr -A Brotli«r» : i n *B4LSW«r W 111 B B.t‘lt Ift Vi) B/Bi, . • -c IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BEGA.K9, *«■» ... No. to .Hancock *L,r-nea» tho Perry Hopw* . ..wovttr - .PMbvrtti. ;•> - J"’i -' : ■ ■>. ' - ’• ■ Oi'V.’acrtßUUMjt,'- •; ■ ' SOAP AND CANDtE MANUFACTURES, <*nurM p*amhtand v In ibnt line wilt do welt 10 cal!, ului (!twlro.lnJJU) eell M cheap a».any:Olhferper»on la the cliy. teepl^y I^ Uy - KENNEDY* HAS LETT, i >"• ■ . anccsaaOSa ro Kl i'ssy * K*q*. > ■ WioUltdi'dnd Rjltkit BtdUuih JVaItAW, JitMlry; Si 100 rattan doodi, Bubu, Cemfc>,4-e. ' v wMWiitt«ieeewtmm«li el. Bad the puaamid ■ Clock*; Witefies Jewelry oeaUyreplilred.i j - - .ni&hnHrlt. Anton- . j mUtM) SiwUl? «» . Alw-W.ltln*, Fruitm? aaA > v 'iewemFourth it. «a PUmgni angr^e«t|t»«... •.: "iioi OMipjnftl--;'.'#*’™ SJBSIIVIS^ -. ... Iron City Tuk Vuetory. - I hand - '. ©ur.Clout'iuiiUroh NuilijJiif'BKwtf Rour Birre , v -- Nfliisl Copp6r ! Wftil* l?r^i Nails: Copper and alocstUM*' • » L Hsy * Warehouse* Sfl Wlerjl « PilUbtfrghr ■; rosi' o«pg(>.Q*i «prlB *> ; \'";-^'•VAX.::-':‘>:“-;-'..:'*'--r''r-r- . i f;.:;.^^•'•■.' ,...v-.’^;■!-',r;.- , <.,-.•: " . ~ „ * . , i 1 _ t " " ■* “ - * , J* ~ ‘ x f * / ' 7 '' "~ -■ - - ..,. -p TOllT pfn;t> nATT,Y BY HARPER & PHILLIPS, AT'THE ‘‘PO3T BCILDINSS,” COKMEfe OP PIPIK AND "WOOD STREETS, AT $O,OO PER AHNBM, OB ssjoo WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. jDtisiafSS (Soriis. ate swn, sa rifth «tw*eu • . ■ oshoa - ROBINSON, A*em for HunOen * «o-> VHtfrf'i’attott.yjfth «.v., Agoncy of ihs Rutstmrgli Lard pil Factory, No 4, arkel ctrcct, ViHEbnrßbf ‘ ln H.. -..cnSicrofTlnrd ancLWood aueeu, opposite *eBt. Canties Hotel. _ _ __ . , •S~i— Bi; FAHNESTOCK A CU.,- IWeiuois Dm* iFan • AoteM; corner of-Fim and Wood streclsiandepnier of Wood and Sixth. f £ b L —AMUiili MORROWi Manufacwrer of Tin,' Copper and Stieet Iron ware, No. 17 Filth •trect.ttiweeb aoAand Martel. fettD • JM. UtiKNN, iarnemd"', comet 01 Third end Wood W streets, atiaee C H Kaf, where hels prepared to -do every descnptloncfynUugandbinding. , P ec *- TOimH; JVliiJjLOß;lwicidl#'tfnd HttatiDealer in tl and U.ooki, T «i4Staaoueryi NovlSa Wood-street. : r 7 r - - Joni T- BRYAK, Ratifying Dunlin, andWholesitle dealer tJ-• hi Foreign and Uomcsuc Wines and Liquors, Tvo. Liberty street, and Oft Giainoi'.d alley. JyYI r iNIiaTFiNNKY, Agehtsfor MrerJlsfawore ««i»ul L Insvrtma Company, of Philadelphia, atUieAVare “ e o r Kinirft Holmes, Waterstreet. near Market. , v™ Hio.s«i,MinjLtijL. ti.i .wK.Hicamoti, nmnu<.j YSriLLER fc RICKETSON, WAolaolrGrocsrr, and lm i !uL portersof Brandies, \Yines and, begara: Noa.ITO anunt, comer of Liberty and Irwm sir cels, Puts burgh, . Trim. Nalle.Cottott Yarns. Ac..conatamly.on hand.. , a.a.B tlTUim - - B.c.rs'uowmA. KEYSHR A. McpOWELL, (aoccsssoia to_ Ksbh fc Xmst,l JWtolMelt and Astafl Drngoad SW»t*.cor'?r Df Wood street and Yirgiu alley> lfcysi- ; eUBs Pre cripiions carefully compounded mgni and day. °e£lL H’KINLEY, Houtt, fit*» and Orsammtal J'omrtr, , and dealer In PAfNT3. No. 44 BL Clair «t.,Pnu burgb,'has constantly on hand all Jcindaof i aim*, either DtyorSJllcdj Japan and CopalVarnisbi Linseed Oil Balled' Oili^plrUsTiirpcmmo; Window Glare, of all lines: Puny, Faint Brashes, Ac., all of the beat quality, and Tamale at Teaaopablgprieca. ■ ■ • aeMt j, A. «JOntt«r ( ; ■ ■■■ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DRBGGIBT, cor ■ ■ V uer of Wood andThirdstreets, under SL Charles Hotel, Fulsbargh, P>. .-«• -» foPJfe-t Waßim ■ u luotrnw WdO«ly*Co., , t u . Manufacturers and importers . of the best do anrtg' ' ' ' r- 61 Coanland strut, Uta Yark. • '.«>. tlllflltfa'slfsba ia ildsa • •• »t*4*> • »*|* Is BIHSIRSa I I. *'*> uau *J u ' Kß , B i F *, binning, FORWdBDUtQ- Q COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ■ ... and Dealers )n all kindnoT : i Wutan Product and Patiburgh MmufacCuru, No. 10 Market street* Pittsburgh, Fa^ H 7" Will promptly aitend lo all business entrusted to theircare. • • .■ . ■■■■■■ ■ • - I.D. WILLIAMS 1 *TL!*****.' jghtt BAST, IS. J. 11, WlbnlAtH db CO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS,. Poncardiug aiid Commitnon Merchaalc, - ■■ • And Dealer* in , cbPrtTBT psonce* *nn rmsatraan KAboeAcmno, Comer Of Wood and Fifth «r«m, mats - : Pittsburgh. Looklnff'Qißii and Brash HinuraetorT. Yir 1L WALLACE,’: No. tad Wood art car, (shore, W . Fifth,) keepaorr hadd and manuOteutet to or; i der, every description of Gilt and Framed, Looking Glasses. Alro. Looking Glos» plates, by the | bo* or single plate. Prelates and Fonraluframed with | neatness and despatch. . , ■. , . , - A fell assortment of Broshe* on. hand and made to or-1 def, of the’best material. .Together, with a variety of| House Famishing Goods,wholesale or letaU, n iim j purchaser*, at rednccdprieca. - tfcwa.Bm Ilona* o* itarago. TIMIE sahkcribers for the erection of an House of ite- I fuse for Westren Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that an assessment o (twenty. per cent, on the amount sot scribed byaueh,is'rtqmredio be paid to (be Treasu rer, on or before the.lfitb day of Novemberueil. By order of the Board ol Direerors. oetHitf C JOSHUA HANNA. Tressarer.. W3C. k. CAtSWOLL. - - Harrim At Crlaweli* HELL AND DEASS FOUNDERS, K&ttUV4CrBAEB4 Of ALL SHOW OF BRASS WOES, JjOcon%oU^ i Sitax%- .Ejigiv^ t iPluJtibeT9 l sc, f sc* t Also—Colton Batting ManufactOrcr*. •■ ■ ■ •->'■■■ ITIOUNDRY—Rebecca street, Allegheny City. Qffiee, jh corner or Market and Fifth sta;, Pittsburgh, N. B.—Old Dross and Copper in eichauge for nuho Foundry or offi.ee, will bo punctually attended to. ••.•■••• Cfcby.i y_ ■.* ’• ;.v, bowryi Jr«». - ••■. j GIIAIR AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER, No. 894 FnurmanU Rew, lAbtrtf stress, baa onhaad a larao stock of Choirs and Bedsteads of every descrip* j tion* made of the beat materials, which he wut sell low* | articles ofthetame: quality can be cold in the < city. He would call particular attention to his latte i *t©ck ot ffiahogauyana walnut chairs and Bedsteads, which he will sell greatly reduced prices. Also, TUUNINUof every descriptioncrecoted in the neatest Orders left attho Warerootns.OT at the Mill,corneroi Adams had Libertyatreettjwillbeprompuy attended to. ;■ marSl. . /•■:• i .•■■■■ ■. ••• ■<*' ■ : flops Foandry* I it*.**cocntMf, «*««*o*a* byal«,*b,i fcr*flgrog-» r» »».»*.,»»»«»«» * c.I. AOh*W« . .1 COO Hit AN, tt’BRIDE fc CO., ifa 20 Wood -Strut, ■■&&&**& ■... • - HXANtfFACTURERS of Castings,Cooking fto.Ves, iyl .DoQavan’AlmProvcd Enterprise Cooking Stoves, (Patented Ranees, flonpwAVare, Grates,] (lc. Also,iron viaUsj Vault Boon, Railing -Window | Bhdliers,and Wrodghtlton WorkOf everyoeseription. ] ENTERPRISE WORKS. 13S Wood sibsst,two doom ■»«»»■ Yiapitt %iast. ' VOWS A TKTfcBSVf PRACTICAL CUTLBRS.BUBGICAL AMD DENTAL laitrnßKnt BlmuficturMii • 'j63BEi&B3BB " WE ■» uow ««l»ing put Sprln 1 ~J»HtofiS5HEMB tOTl£Of coODS.corapnsiug uliill SffVV assortment of Rardwari, Cuturn, mSf - Duns, JPiirels and IhuUiift.Kniw. i : ■ Also, all Of the lalesnmproved Pis tols manufactured InrAmertca... ‘ j ■ In Addition to oar Btore, we have, a.manafacioty fpr, making all lands of Instrument* andTool*, Out Instru ments are unequalled in the western country foe superior finish and workmanship—wiuc h we refer to the. best dentlsisintiie two cities. -i, - All orders from A distance will meet wilh prompt At: tenUOn;- Jobbing and Bepairtngoeatlyesecmed;, Par :ticnlar'attention paid -to .the: making- of-Trusses -and B “^il-w e are also Agents fortho sale of Charles C. •RelniiArdl’i celebrated Utnss Pod Truss, the best note In nseforlbe speedy cure of Hernia ‘ For sale by the single dozen. Or, t». Kyi# „ '■'■ rXONTINUES.tb practice Medicine, Surgery, and Ob cieirlcßot Midwifery Eclectically, in accordance with scientific principles, and bonce with great sue- Oilier. and residence. No. 68 Diamond alley. Of £ce hours, 0 to 13u'. sc, ahaBto 5 r.H; . ' ; N, .It—lnfallible ramedteSforiDyspepsla, Consump tion'll! Its Incipient; stages,; Bronchitis,, ttbenmaustn, -Teller, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Dysentnry, Asiatic ;Choleia,leianiu or lodked-iaw rfemato'dlseasesi dla easea of the liver and kidneys; Serotbln, Dropsy, do. Add a jid antiidtes to all perrons,prepared cud kept for salo'. Mercury, anllmoney and .their preparations, as well aSihelaacCtyare entirely dispensed wlih.tmyM ihTBVV DAOIfEKREOTYPB BOQMSj ilalld- Mr fngi; fturthtttaL— Sottas A Akikoht, Deguerrep* iTrisurromiheEasterneitlcs.wouldciUtheattentloaol ihelnliabitantsOfPltubnrelr t and the ’neighboring towns, ,«otbMyDsgtwmnWMWo(tUendwdpteew at rooms in ihethlrdStory of Burke's building, 4th St. , Persontwishing pictures taken may rest assured that no pains shall be spated ro produce them in the highest oetfectlon ofthe arti Ourinstrumenti are of the mostpow. erfulkind.eoablingdalb ’execute pictures ndsurpaned for high finish and ttdthfalness to nature. The publie are solidtedtocalland examxns. • .a Vr.'-'-.-C:;.''?v- ! ' Persons sitting fsrptaturesars neither requrred or ex,; -peetedto lakatEem unless perfect satisfaction sglven. ' Ni’R' Operators wUI bnu this a good depot for stock andeheinlnhla EThlnstreeUonsglTeh'iltl&e art outaluing the more 'sssntlmprsvsmsnta: ; •- '‘ :, r •-- lsn7 ■BuTONONOAHeLa PLANING JML ibsxx would respectfully j nforinjiisfr lends and the pubUCilbnt his new establishment Is now lit full opera tion, andthetbo iaprepnred to furnish Boat Cabins, and ; til all Orders for Plaited Lumber, with promptitndo ,and■ 'at the lowest 'rules. ■ Boajrdandßlanlti planed on one or both sldfeijcon *^ou£,%twsa&dttouldlnge,'ofeverydescirlpt2on,aad( eitd Carpenters Woold findlttolhetra&van tase to trite him h call, as he cah now furnish themwlth slsriksdstuaisoliabteforevarrduCTinilnnOf work TRQVlLLO.lflvfrrtaiar.Fiflh (treat, lm- ennontotbe Ttoeaue, reraeiiTfally In tent* his fricoa»«uwltho jrabUein gentr»r,that ho ha* JSSbed bli business u » FttrnbiWns tfndcrWcir. lie talanpUed with and always keeps unhand Coiflna of ull fcind«,fihiroad»i«gd all other articles necessary jo attend ftmeraU “ r J«t»v _ , IHMUtrek. tnonapprored .tyJr u>4 <*“>«“«* r^fS?Jm& e tmjtrtly - .- t TOSCOTCHMAN, ! T. k J V J * > Y »' -- > L , ’i « *. 7 ' *-* '"1 * V •* * i, * L PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1852. BflsintSß ®avis, ' 1 , CABO. A. I. STBiar.—••THOMAS s. sat - BTIIART * gUb, Gkoccbs, are Phodocb iConßKaioK .MEnctjiHiij . -mit< JVo. 118 Wood rrrrrl, Fittsburgh. Pa. - : TvRALKBS IN GROCERIES, Flour, Wheat, Rye, I / Oala, Corn, Barley, Poilcyßacon, Buticr,l.ard, and>'Flax.Sendai- Iron's Nai)«, Claasj&Cjj&oijtSaj. ParUculoruuentlonjniil to the aalo Of Weatpm Produce. " . RirKrtUncas-s-MeasTS. Myers & Hunter, Rob t. Dairen tctv, Hafflpton.Snulli fcCo-,King i MoorbeedjMCGjll* & Boe. damea Mot, Pittsburgh; Fernsor.4 McMillan, Mm ail Ion: Jo»,S, Morrifon, Rag.. St. Loula ■ ■ «ep2S ■ taosia;wopD3.«—»-?».-b ampul woods. *. WOODS at BOR. HWDOCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION ‘ ' ' MERCHANTS, , . : jalO r } Nq> 01.watbb, pTKggftTrrrsßPßQH. .. . ■ l STOCXTON'S.) "■. : , H And Blank "Book and Stationery * Wanhousei : i Xwr S. 1 HAVEN is prepared w execute tTery; style'-oi! ‘ v¥ *- Legal,Co.mmercial,-Coflal and/Steamboat. JDb i Printing ana Hook Binding; and famish every article in the Blank Poole* Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notice ami on the most reasonable terms.- ■<• ...Blank' Book and Stationery Warehouse, corner of, Market aud and Second streets* t , * . ny Printing. Office end Book Bindery, No. 50 Third Steel. . nog** l B. C. STQCKTON, 1 . r <•■.•■ (Lai* Johnston &• Siockio*,) -i* • BoQki*U«ri-SttUauerfPr)nUt A: ..WOULD re«pe«faUy4nyUn4he ■ attention rof Met* v ?. chantsaml others, to lus largo and superior stock of BLANKBOOKS.cdnßtsnirgvf Bay Bcok9,Journals t bedgertilttvaieeiCashiOrderandLeuerltoQkSiOf every »zo, made of the best paper, and bound, in &o most au* - ruble manner* which be offers at prices laat cintiotfail to give' soitsfadiiou; 7 Blank Books raled and bound to any given of eveiy descripnonCxe ontea with neatness and dispatch. . NoJl7,Market at " John W« Tun's Whip, Con*, VmbnUa and Paraeol Manufadoryt. ■ i BfAa removed to No: 142 - Wood street, dear. Virgin ; L alley, wherfche offisra for sole n. large assortment., of Goods in- bis line,at-less prtces, than bought for at any other house in Uus city. - , •; Fine Silk Fringed Parasols, • * • * v »1,a5 do . Lined do » • • *»si| ; • .nJo . plaiQ.largeaue, « ; - do scolloped* • * . • ..■*■■■ v . ?■ 17** Wholesale-and'KetaiL 4 Repairing'neatly donevana ’promptly attended to. a - japfua^Cm •• a. S.,Uflicer* ’ L MANUFACTBRKRSof.aIt kinds of Itunk and Pack-. lag Boxes. DtUwonhV Planing-Mill,tttaut street] between Seventh and Eighth.' > . ** i ‘. r . .'Boxes made anddeliyered al the shortest nnneft.vHu 9 i * Um W. UorDacO, :T>ESPECTFULLY informs his fnends and ibe public XV in general, that he has opened, the house formerly, occupied by S.Bhepkrd, ut wilkmsbargb,-WbeTO-he .is prepared to accommodate travelers nod persons colug| out from • ; ,(dURK SILVER WARE* PLAITKU GOODS, Ac.—i | XT AU kinds of Watches and Jewelry careiaUy re paired. No; 61 Market streemwo doors from Third Pittsburgh. fdeclK lowa Foundry, T- •; j - Ufa: 103 Wood Street, rtitiitorgh. -T7IVEBIZES lOWA FOUNDRY COOKING STOVES' which received the fintprize for l&Oaad 1351, at, iheAgrleaUaraL Fairs of Allegheny Couuty, Fa n and. recommended by 1500 persons who have them in uso. Four sizes Enterprise CooKihg Stoves. - . Forfer Grate* and Fmderi—uf modern style; a great variety of.patterns, beautifully enammeted. ; Piougki—A large stock of all the klntlvln use: IfaU’s Patent Levers, Itae Egan I s, Crane’s, Kin caid’s, Wood’s, Peacock’s. BnUrtrap. Ball. DpvbU plought—Tkn Michigan Doable Plough is a. new patent PioaghyChat has taken the premism at the State Fairs of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and at the AgricuHaralFairof Allegheny County for 1351. It has been highly approved wherever tried, and it supe rior in mode of cultivation to any other kiod,eumng the* furrow Into two slices, and leaving a loose, deep, and porfectseedbed.^ Iron Ftncmf—Eight beautiful designsof Ornamental .Fencing.- *::± •■■J..;-. ; Poxrof C&iikd £oß>-d. C. Patent CbiUed Rolls;. Also, Rolling; MiU Castings made to order. : :: Larzt.&ttuu and- Kettle*lorßoap,Pot Ash, Soda Ash, Ao. Sugar Kutla— For iha manufacture of Cane Sugar. ; The Keules are east on the process patented by J. C. i Party, and aresuperlor for durability to any other, and i soldfowcr than those mado on tho old plan. : Stoves, of every description, StoYe Pipe. and Tin [ Ware for Stoves, aad Castings of every description AUo.tiiUN and. NAILS,niI of which we offer at the very lowest prices. (novlO;y} i. C. PAUHY&CO. Allflghsny Planing HUli • I airDShho*? stbuvt, xixsoiExnv cut, rssna. | THE subscriber would respectfully Inform his friends j and tbc public generally, that having completed lus t new Planing Mill, and having now in operation two ] hew postern made Planing Aluchlnes, tWoodworth ] patent,) and several circular and apnghi Baws, he is 1 now prepared to furnish promptly and ut reduced rotes, ] planed and sawed lumber of every description. The auestion of steamboat jouiersr carpcnterß ana bpilders, is particularly called to the above establish* ] meni, where a larg* assortment of planed und rough: 1 iamber.of different tMcknexses,*uimble for shipping, box makings house, steamboatwork, Aegean be Jound at alt times. . r . Also, lumber planet Tor hawed to order, with prompt* ness and despatch. JOHN A. BLOOMER) ■ jilff Prdprietor. N.H.—AU orders directed to PHisburgh. will receive prompt attention ; /oaarnLtrrxncorr.-—• ■ —,wa. c« oabh | JLAVPBNGOTT dk BAKU, , I (LAXsJ.S.brnicxt.BaACo,) ... | Ejanafoetiuen ol Fbsnix Fire Proof Sales, Sttond itrulibMwun Wood and SmiihfUld. .1 ON Toesday afternoon, July 125,1848, the undersigned Were called upon by Messrs. Ltpjcncott A Barr, to | witness an honest and fair test of oue oi lholr Phccmx j gafei. The furnace being prepared, tue Saio was placed j InsidethereoffWith books,papers atuTsomemoney;when j the door of ibe Safe wat closed and the {ire kindled at.a I onartcrpaetli o’clock, and in a short time the Safe was I r red hot, and continued till half post ft o’clock) being about ] E fonf m&d a half hours, when tho committee expressed, tUelrsaUsfftctloft-’tbat.thanmd occupied with such heat was sufficient. The furnaco was then pulled down,Safe ■cooled* and door opened—the books, papers au4 money | i safe. The heat was so great us to melf off the brassy ! mbaniingSv We therefore take pleasure in recommend-1 pro l o f. lhe pu i i rrfv^te u 4 iuo * mem ’ I NOCK & RAWSON? _ CORNWALL k UROTIim I BRANNON it THATCHER, I BENEDICT 4. CARTER, I " ISAAC CROMIE. T*m engaged In the foundry busmeer, and know i aomethine .bout' furnaces and beet. v I L wunessed: the < bumlneof the übove Safe, end can freely say there w»a no huinoufr aboutit, and with pleasure recommend them to the pnblio at being, in tny judgment, enurely-Ere proof. • , . , WM. KAiiii i In calling upon the aboue genllemeil for iheir slgna lures, they p llspoke iu the higbeslterms of the fairness ' Of the test, eud their full couudencc of ilie. Safe’s bein, 1 entirety fife-proof. Wo have eonstuulyonhandandfoi I sslea full assortment of the above Safes, ■ tßltHl' nlkwu.a TKKII.V. —; : WbOl.S&la UU fttUU. , . SADDLE, HARNEBBANBTRUNKMAN UFACTOR ¥ IJOBERT H.HAKTLEY,begs leave to la- n». - ■ form hU ftkndn and the pifoUqBeucroUy,*@3jSS2i dal he conlir.ueg to occupy, foal large anil com modiocsSioro Room, formerly occupied by SaßinelFaßn »»tock ACo.,No,Bo,corncrof Diamond alley an! Wood :«re*t,yv)ierfclw;kMj>s a lams and general asJorunontol Baddies,Bridlos,Harness, Trunk*, Oar|tet Begs;Saddle Baga.ValLaea.BuiTalo.Robca.Whlpa.and-aH ofoer arU eleatnhla line. ' ' . ", - ’ ' - ' He also' keep* constantly on hand,and laprepared to larnl«litoonler,ttllklnd»orlUTetedllo»e,manufoetorod of foe heeirhaterlal, and In a nyle of. nrorkmanahlp equal to theeastern tnannfaoLured article,and tttiS per cent. ADfcAtka end Faraitra vrbnld do vrell to call' and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, i« he la determined to sell find rata artloles at very low price!. . .-v • ‘ G 7» Don't Tbrffif th* plae«; No; 88, oomerofWood : strMt»ndDlmuond AiJrv. *- >p2B •. i - PltMbargU nursery. : N Omnibus,runs everyhour from tliij corncr 'of 'A. Market and Fourth streets to. the Golden,: Peon ’avlvaitla Aveane r jsffiwp “ere IJ -t, (ihpleo'collecUaii of Green Hottse FlahtSjhardy hlaoffily aud Running Roses, aWAdcleide Mala, do,New Spneuß, JSOQ do -Dwarf Pear ofaeteet varieties; Herijaceoua 'pJants, Dohltas’, Phlor,Amitliin!omB l Camalions.i'c.,anil-!vhere orders -will be taken for Apple, Dwarfao.Pear, Cherry and , Plum TreesyQmuceand ■BW’W.do; Grapevines, Goose berries, Carton ia,Strawbc trios, Ac., Shtabbery, Simile Trees, Ac.. fromtheHillNotsery. , - Orders directed to thopropriclor, throujh thePitu bureh Post Office,to the Gorden, Pennsylvania Avenue,' or al Mr. R.’DolieH’sLlhertyiireei, near the head ol Woddi will bS prordpUy attended to; in* Orchards and Shrubbery planted neatly to order. ,-CCt7:U ■ / TJINE WATCUES, RICH GOLD JEWELRY-and J” cr SILVER'WADB,'at-Wholesale priocs. HO.OD coiuinnestp sell aIL of the finest,gaodJotvelry,pure Silver Ware and fine Gold and Bilver Watches, by the slngioiftticie*al blaYVholcsale prleesi -Having just re ceived a large additiontohis assortment, he now defies competition* • HU stock has nil won bought for cash, at die lovrest mamiUciarers v pcicftS,wWcU enables him to sell at from SO to 60pet cent, lower than any other ee* tabllshmcatinthU opyother cuyweuofibe mountains; find every, arttale wtUhe,warranted ntUma of ealp—so that everyrono can - bay, .equally: safe and' cheap.- Our motto U, to jell at very small profits, and? •thereby, secarc a largo trade. We do not wish.to dnye away trade from this city by asking too largo profits, or hyenteringtntoany.combJnation. . . ...., ‘ . P. S,—JUUnads of Watch Repairing done as welt as at any ether establishment in the United States, and at lower prices*. Watch Glasses set at half price, at No. ** Market street. VKuliuryfa. ■ ■- - ; fwritfi -■ tJmfoKtArJx ro, cau iohm la tmiu Kam to.— J. _Tho inb tcrlberha> jaJVJecelvect fromall Uicpnnci pal raanufactarcTß in iliu conatry, a fu il tasoriment of -Ilmlmnif&uahilß'rtrj oaoof mem will lie warranted When soli. ■* i ■ tnr Ai the idea mat penoatcaniicl hay-such gopas i««beap la lhl»*ity a*they trointheiEuli Uinoune., ■4*fcj a* »# wULteUnnygooda-inoar line al low as r 4- T * ' '•j-T V-,- v.... <■»[._ • jV* Taft* Socle*. \ 1 j ? «.*\*,**j[ k > +<• ' 1 • L y v -'f-- /..i.: v ♦ i •" ‘ Business ®arss. LoekwtM't ctErELAm,TiTrspvnaHJimnaissiLoa ez myTrty 1 2 ' - h,Oi StocKion* BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, NO.47,CORSSB o* SUmst *Sb Tiub» sinhsta, i Sat) ‘Constantly on hand for sale—Wriuhg, tetterj Prliuing;amlT’eaPAf EHlißonneii Dimleri', Enl lers 1 and Trank BOARDS j-Boon snd. Newspaper HUNTING INK—winch he will sell at the lowest cash rnces. ol* iii exciiange for Hags and fanners? Scraps; i • ivilUHa C. aoiVlMy, WHOEESAkU UEaIiKR IN Triantingt,- Notion/, .Fancy- and . Variety, Good/, * NO. 01 WOOD STREET, bntfften Tftwt .gytf-iffwnA, JFimtuirgA, ” 1 1 jPAii Jfasii«on». r < C. H. PAULSON, Kb, TO Wood ittett, is nOWTfi. i iS? enUrcFftil Siodc of'UATS, CAPS, *n;d: 1 I a general assortment of all in M line, besides receiving; by the Pennsylvania RtulToaih dtulyyali of which* he: will sell htdasiern prices - Iscp4 WEGNSrTBUfiCHNiSR MUELLER’S k c:;jsetr LKbographleJCiUbllihmcttiy BO Market nwt, betteetn^Tktrd £ Fouuhj. I tB NOW. rcadyiQ furnish kind of LiOiOgraphicH •X in ibe most clegafltsjyK, such os SAois bifij, i l -AJffplj Porfraury landscapes, Cardt t -,BilL htpdft and Lo~ i I bffr, primed ia gold, colors, Ac.* t * I >l At the same place. Messrs.. r THocser &- Ilelmle have | Opened a Dmwiso Scnotef RhdexeCute on ordeyDrafts i Edifices, Moanmeais>4c-.WilbalipeBBl | bie accutscvnnd elegance*. ,•, ,s. : ; ols.ly ..? Foaiivjix. . Cocluran, Hcßviao Ar I sumtfimrKXßS ot Inn Railing and Omamthtal Inn Work t in all Us tranches, NO.SO, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. I nnHB advertisers bcg.leavexeapeotfully lo Inform their i X friend* and the public generally, that, havingicceiv ta a large namberofneW pntierabior Iron Ratling, Ac., PWhibb, together witluhose previously on hand,'comprises L itie greatest variety ever offered mibis-Ciiy*—ibey. are [ now prepared to manufactnro .the eomd for Cemetery , mirposes, balconies; fences, gardens»'-wmdow guatds, -ifco boxes* bat rack*, centre ta&JeB,&c. Ac.,ln a style of -workmanship opd finish not to be surpassd, oml cheaper then any. heretofore manufactured vest,, of the moan toms. , I - - Alsoy cooking fi!oveB,hpllow ware, and castings of all descriptions. 8* usual* »v <: .u.-;: ■' • • - ■■ Sliiria JBlAda tO-Oxacrt ■ At Moi 15 Fifth r Third .Hoor from-. Market street mliEettbscriberraanafacturcs lo order the best quality X, or SHIRTS.' Those, gentlemen -who have round it-'difficult tn obtain ja-wtUjnttng aud thoroughly made: Shirt, can-be mi»d by calling and leaving their measure. _ ! ' ALSO: on hand, d large quantity of Ready Made Shins, ©fall sites, for-Men dniLßoy*.m •-* * iad ’ O. MAT!rpWg > t« aomU| . BAHUFACtCVttSR O* . COPPER, TIN AND SHEET TOON WARE, •-No. IU4 Third stuetfUtuburghi ; / I TT F.EPScoDstanUy .onhauda general assortment ot IV nil kuida.Tui,Copper and Shod Jron Ware, and omkes to order on the shorlCsuiouce' and most accom i modaungigrinSf Whdlcsalo andßctall. (mvlft.rtAwlv -j " JOBEPII sa% FASmONAhbB MERCHANT TAILOR, No. H 72 J.niKEIT snicKT, Prmecnau, Pa.^ (One Door below Eagle Hotel). IS now-Tccciving from the east ahaudsomc assortment' ♦; of Cloths, Cassunere* and rVe&Uogs, which, will be made to order m the shortest; aoilce, and at.the lowest prices—FOß. CAbll. foct7ut Alexander Hradlojr, . J ■ Kc>: IP Wood Street, betatm First and Second, (SIGH 07 tnn'ccrz.o23 BTOVSi) Manufacturer of kvkrv description OP COOKING STOVES, of the meat approved, patiems, and such as will render the bestsatisiueuou. ■ : Also, Parlor Stoves, among which will be found Jew el l A Root’s celebrated folauig door Parlor Stoves; Egg Stoves; RadUtorsi Franklin btoves; plam and fancy Grate*, ito which .we-invite, the attonuon of builucrsJiTo « •- ware; Wagon hoxes,Aci toallofwhl *• -ettcQUou ofdeolersbe. fqrepsrchas .. • • ,fmy2 ■. Hope. ffSIUa in pall Qpiratloa Agsia r l - Ryan’s Furiimyr, JPtflh Btttti. . • I JTXHE prPpnctor, Utankfal to -the publtcr for past cue-1 • X tom, veniuTwio soUctta continuance of the same I for hiaprcstQt enterprise—the asiabhshmcut of Flour I aud Spuo SltUi within the city—forthc accommodation J of bi/rcoßtomerSy aDd all who wish to havereally good ] Flout, pace ground Bptees>&c„ Ac; . ; • I The Httenupu of Merchants nau others, l» 1 Invited, and all 1 ask Is (fcauhey will give me a Inal. | * ' ‘ rii. duavo, 1 , No l Diamond. I N.IL All articlesiakcs baeklf notloaodgood,and I the money returned. |mail7. | ALEXANDER A* SONS | .Covns Masks* *r?b FORSBiUHa | : comer of Penn and I : - vypcTxttlht Exchange I |ni t4y HitiiL Eniranc* on Finn *fc. res*! “***** l lll ' l * . ' lll '* ,u, poclfuny Inform tbeir friends «nd J the public,-that they arc prenared to furnish and attend to everything in the ime of Undertakers., as they have J quit the busiues-tofCabinct Making, aim iheir attention 1 i will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep a i largoaisoTtmeDt of COFFINS made and fluished, cover 1 *d, and iiood in the neatest manner, with a variety o; I [ materials* and at ail prices; we keep SIiROUDS ready I |'node,t .It sues, of Flannel, Cambric; and Muslin, at I tllpnces, and cuule iu ib& caiicra style, and aii oiher articles necessary for dressing thedrad, andfaroishlng funerals, of quality aad price to.suiif£lLVEß PLATES OreAgruvingUie name and age: ICE OASES for laying I the body la icC, by thole who wish to keep their friends I-any length of time, and have EINC PANS to pm ice in | for laymg on thQibody; LEADEN Coffins always on | hand. Wohavoa spleudldncwHEAßSE andapairol (fine any number of the best carriages, cto., | and wilt be prompt,ptmciu&L and reasonable. . 1 1 ' cuglP-y. -V .:. s -,■ ■■' iitbrarr ofthe Peopiß* A ROWLANDS, Third su, have •ft received No. lof Putnam's fettnu-nranihiy Library :for the Traveler and FirciidCi called Home and Social Philosophy,from.Dickens.’ Household Word?. It con tains 2GU pages good loading ou good paper aad iype.— Price SSeenls. • N. D Philadelphia Psbtic Ledger received and :for gale as above; - ■.... ,•• : (I»3Q • Ttie fialQOitii INTHEATiIKNiKUMIJmuDING9 t LinsETTBTnssT, aro always supplied with.’ Frissh Oysters, cooked io the various styles,and served Mp in a manner to please, the most fasttmoas.. Hot Coffee,Tea, Pajixy and other refreshments, at short noucc:' v I£F* A Pnvattf Solooa fof Ladies. - ALSO—rHot, Cold and ’Showor Baths, - reedy. at all .hoarsyfrom ? A,AI. to UP. M. . CAEPETS AIID OIL CLOTHS! I M’CLINTOCff w constantly receiving his FaU i i.: ■ CARPETS, 01L CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS, I Cmrrisihig inpart, of the following,viz;—■■•i ' Sapor Roynt.Vclvet Pile Carpets; ■ SnperUoyal Tapestry Carpets; .- • ..•-lEngUsbandAmerleaaDrußßelsCarpety- Extra super three ply Carpets ; superfino three ply Car ! pets; supcrflneingraiaCarpeispextra fine Ingram Car t pets f fine ingrain Carpets {common ingrain Carpels; i option Ingram Carpels j j da; Choallß Door Mats; Tufted do do{ extra English | gheepskm do; common Mata; AdelaidUo; Jenny tqnd I uoj Allicant and Manilla do;Into Coco and Skeleton | Mats. .OIL CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS. - Sheet Oil Cloths, from 12 t 0.21 feel wide, out to fit an?, tize-hall or Toomt 8-4j7*4,(M, 6*4.4-4 and 3*4 Oil Cloths p Green Oil Cloth?*, for? Window Blind!)' Furniture Off: Clotbs> patent-stair. r ’The patrortage of bis friends and the public hrespect* fdUVsdlicitcd. j Liquors aroprinoipallyiinporied direct by myself,andean betclicd.upon .as old and pure, of the best and most remarkable descriptions, add cannot Tail to give -unbounded shtisfucuoa. * I have now for sale Foar.Yar‘ietjes^- < >llow'ard,MHrciFA-Co.’rfMadeira?, 3 v T lacludtng their*! very finest otd London Particular,? ana "Choicestgrnpo jm'cei” importedrdlreci;'togetherwait Firtcenoihef varleucsof Mudoira*; . “• v 12- do Ports, oftho most sup. qualities .a, . . da .- Sherries, including the Atnon — * . • -• uUado I "Maz£UuUa,;andth6 ' - Duff Gordon fWlnei ’ 13 do GUtetSflti .sort? Rhine wines-’ .... • 0.:. ... -.do,...:Champaigqes, 32 dp cordials. *l3 - do : Brandies of the thbsldQslra* ;; —' >blo bhindS:Bnd vintages. ■ • : ' f i'• • 10,■■■.)•::do f- i Whiskies,-4ofglQ3,Aoi rums. . Together with a larga variety of articles, us per cata logues. . r ,;-.'- 1 ■ * '; J ' * Buyers-wishlng to obtain good goods; 1 'at low p«ccp».wiUdo,weUjocall, j i -.-decs JACOB WEAVER, Jr. - SorofalßyKlDgl 2£vll» 4c< Xormj, Rhcamati^nij floncer! diseases of tho fWtra or SpinOrOr of FnlaiDniiry Con sumption) emanates fromoa&andtheiwmtijcansej which U“apolßonQUs_prinbrple,orviruMnheTent fhlhchuiaan. uiileesiMsprihclplfeeau be destroy: 1 ed«4id radientenreena be eflecied.;hotif the principle apcm:wluchtlie4iseasa depends U TemoveJ.a-curp must of necessity follow, ho ihaltcrhndGrwfrat form the disease should manifest-ilselt; Jayue’sAl leratiVe is al most always succeasfal in removing these diseases, sides which; it- destroys or poisonous pfindl** plefront'which thoseUiseaaeshaveLhelr origin/by eii - vertng into the cifculatian?and with the blood la convey edto tho>znmateft Jibresf idmoyins-evetirphnieleoi disease tront Die ayßtcm. * , t ..JayneVAUfimuyetapectoranLCanninativo'Barsain'i Vpnnifijge and Sanative Fills.' * [ For dale atthePekJaTea Btoxei39FiAh street .(aulS i "■ hj u v. fffttgbotgt) Sttßintaa jßtratflfg. Attorneys. Penney A Sterrett, lMFourth eireet, near Grant. , James F. Kerr,l42 Fourth street. John aCochran, W 1 Fonnlut.cornerCherry tJley; : K Heidelberg, BakeweU’a Buiidlnge.Grant street. . John NMcCloWry, BnkewelPa Buildings, Grant street, Batnael Frew.Bakewell’sßulldtngSjGrantßtreet.--; , Neeley *'McFadden,«orGranUtaad Diamondalley.. llarewell It Campbell,TllghmanHall, Grant street. John Glemti , ‘Law Corner, M .cor Wylie and PtflU eta, ; - Real Estate Agents. John U Page. Bakewcll’s Builduigs,-73 grant street ; Thomas Moffitt, 3 doors above Mayor’s office, Allegheny. " Aldermen and Justices of the Peace. A G ReinbarL 45 St Clair street. , D 8 Scully, 7 Filth atreet,near.Umon. • M W Lewis; 65 Fifth at, bet Wood and Smlthfield. Andrew M’Master, 110 Fifth Street,near.Grant, ; ; N Buclunaster, Fourth street, above SmlthEeld,;.p, j ThosBteelilS!HFourthsircer,nearSmilhlleM. v John Major; Corner Washington and Wylie streets, 1 - l f JotmA Parkinson, 473 Penn street, near Walnnt. ■ \ * Bonier* and Exchange Brokers. $ CaroUief* ft Co? No 11 Wood street. ‘ ► S Jones ft Co., S.W. comer Wood andFonrlb sis.,. ? Kramer it Haora, comer Wood and Third steels- : . George K; Arnold. 74 Fourths tree t j . Patricks ft Fnend, cor Wood street and Diamond alley. LfooaftSargentiConrcr Wood ami -Sixth street*.:;! sA,Wilkms.ft Co., comerThirdand Market streets. ..a • HnrneftCo.,corner hlarketEndFifihBtre£is.-‘ JiughD Klng,Fottrth street, oppositeM&M Bank v/.. . NHolmesftSons, Marketeu,'betweendd anddttu ~•> ?. •■ Wholesale Qroccrsi Commission $ Produce Dealers. [:fllahi? ft 8111,124 Wood street, ' i Wiek fc McCandlessjCOr-Water&nd Wood streets. David, A Crier,£7o Liberty street. " - r W Bagaly ft Co.* 18 wood street.” v JoaSLeecb, M’Alpm Co.. Ql4* ©a Liberty streeLv v* J:Q Wilusma.ftCo v corner Wqoa and Fifth streets.- ■ James Black* comer Third and Smlihfietd streets: ; ■. Lambert ftSuiplOß,l4& and 151 Wood street. o - r 1 Alexander lung. 2G3 liberty street.. j .• i v ; * '• James Berntey, Jr., corner Yvaier.ond Smttbdeld streets; J ft RFioyd. l?3cor Wood and Sixth streets.’ 1 ! <. J MUlsftfoofljlWWatcratrect. John Black ft Co>, comer Fennandlrwinstreeu. , J L Shee,corner Feun und irwm streets. , : . W& F \\ilson, 147 First street. • • , * : Richards ft Sheets, 45, cordefWayne jSnd Penn sts. ; . JDonaldson.carPeimandfctClairslrcols, ShoveliSpadit Pick, Fork and Hot Manufacturer*. Negcly ft Mohan. 22 Wood street. 1 M Wm Day,42 StClmrstreet... . ■■■«,. ; y.i. \ . Planing MtU* and. Sash Factory. 1 D£ A Kelly, Seventh street, above ihn Canal.. J ft J il Chamcera, Cherry alley, bet 7th ft-Libeny st»„ Wool Merchants! ‘ J - Murphy & Lee, comer liberty slrcetand Cecil alley.• Wilutun Barker,Southfield s£,:bei.4thaiid Diamonttay. Trimmings Hosiery \and Variety; >.>. > W Daly ft Co.,ManttCacturei* and Importers, Fifth.at: Joseph Horned* Co*77 Market ni? bet. 4th and-Diamond Plough Manufacturers. Robert liaJlj 147 Liberty street HqH $ Spear, Penn street, corCecil alley. , r .< livery Stables. ; ; ' Exchange, James Malhews ? l7B , :Pena street, r AarbnlilasdelljStClairstrcot. -' - Carriage;QmmVu* and Wagon Manufacturer*.' 13 M Bigelow, 40 Diamond alley. Townsend, Carr ftCo.,St Clair st, near the old bridge. CWcatft Co., 151 PcnnatreeL, ~ ..... . Drugs and Medictnesr Keyset# McDowell, comer Wood si. andVirgla alley Ogden ft Snowden, comer Wood and Heeond &tst - Jo«l Mohter, comer Wood and Fifth fllrecu. . : ) RESelJera,WoodfiUeetjbetween3UßDd4lb. i 1 JohnP.ScotuaaOLiberty street. . ... SSnmh,M Market,near Thirdstfeel.- -■ IsaacO’Flyng, comer Penn and Uandstreels. . .-; Page # Moblor, 437, corner Penn and Walnut street*. - JJudd ft C0.,C0, corner Wood and Fourth streets.:. ■:; - . Dry . Goods.Merchants. • Morphy, WiisonA Woofl st, Sd door above 3d, fii’Oeftty £ H'Kjmey, Wood si, 5 doors from Liberty, James AMFKnjgbtjOlMarltcuireet. - v - - WkcUsale Cloth Stores J D Smart Sc Co.NoitS'VVoodstreet; -■ -*■, Tinntn find Copptr-Smiths- \ Jairte'aT ttncaid,Front and Suntrectb, neat Market I O Baclofen, 130 Wood street Howard 4r Rogers. 13d Front, near Wood street. J 3 Moorhead $ Co* 21N £ Mde of the Diamond." J II Deramier, ISO Liberty street, near Market/ . John ftrWUUatn9.CieniUb£eld,n£ar Fourth street ’ G W Frmisite & Co., 61 Fifth auept* near .Wood, M Doerflfogcr, Wood street opposite Ist Pres. Church c> CdUonManufacturet, : King, Penned Sc Co., Eagle Factory, Wood street | ' Music Stores,' John 11 Mellor.Pt Woodsireet-tCA&ifrivig’s Pidnes, I C Blumej 118 Vvood eircdt—Haaibarg- do H Kieber,lo3 Third street—jNtinn£ , do . Fruitsand Candies, James C Anderson, BmithGeld,betwn Isl and 2nd pis. Tea Stares, A Jaynes,{Pekin Tea Store J 33 Fifth street , . r ■PaUtU Leather, Japanned |r EnamtUtd Leather. J 8 Shade p&Co.,'cor Deeaiar s st aftd Diamond alley. ' . ‘ Hardware: and: Cutlery, Joseph Wood well, corn erWood aqd. Second streets. Fahnestock f Brother, 247 Liberty street. - ilays 4* Getty, 71 Market street, Fourth, i Watch Makers and Jewellers, I Kennedy &.Haaleu,o4 Market street. • Win Gilmore,l64vcor Wood andLlberiy streets. f MtiheinaitccllaitnahaiiMzkeri,* ifj ; James II Reed &Co>, 36 SmithfLeld-st., Iron .Rotting, Screw and ViceManufadurert,' ■;,< Marshall 4- Brothers, DianlondsireetjnearSimthiield. Booksellers and Stationers • ~ : >.,• JII Mellar,Bl Wood «t—School Uooksaml Stationery. Lake Loomis, Ag\B3 Waod?L—SchooHJoaks, Stat’ry. , > WBrHhYettiOocitetMtuket«iid.Biechnd streets, f , Matt, Caps and Furs, McCord i'Cr&seVricT AVood and Fifth streets. :■■■*; G W WoodSt,ibirdiloorbelow Fifth. , J WilaouLife Son,VlWoodst,3ddoor below Din’d alleys Isaac Walker,l44, cor Grant and High streets. ■ Mamjadvrete of SlttlSpringti AxZrt, Fieri, sc> ! ’ Singer,Hartman & Go., 10? Water and 140 Front si; >‘ •> Wire Manufacturers, R Townsend, 10 .MaiketstreeW.. . i.t Manufacturers of Patent Carnage Jlples £ Spring* John llßeUjPtttsfiurghiPo'nu’a. . ' - { ' Mustard:and Spices,^ John B Bell, corner Liberty and Ferry streets. : Establishments. Hinton Js Co., en.4th.st, sign golden Bee Iliac, Depot for Masonic and Odd. Fellows Regalia. ■ - t . ■ William M Hersh, corner Market and Third streetst J Fancy and Variety Goodti ‘ . Kennedy 4 Xlaslett, M Matketstreet. ' ‘ McCandless $■ Campbell, o? .Wood street. ; .-k CMing Slmi. . • i Hanauu & Brenner, Market street,between Sd arid 4th,. iJ E Downing, SB9 Liberty street. • * 1 : i JohnP HopewolKlB3 Liberty flt T ncarSi* Clair. - • . i * Jamqa M©nrlson*lo4 Liberty street. y ■■■-;. N CM*CU»kyil77LH>crty street.“ •*' 4 + WilHaniJsigby,lBl Llbertyr*lreeL' ’■> ; Morganstew* Bre*.,l‘o«k Hail, n .Liberty at, near M l ,!. D J Carroll.“ Cheap Comer,” corLiberty sUc Vir’na’y. 3 Liberty street,4th door from Virgin alley. . Wholesale: Grocers and DcaUn in Liquors. , . Ttf DPatton, liibertystreeU;. !■ ; 1; JBryar, No. 153 Liberty aireetiand Diamond aUeV; ‘ James Laubia,27Si.Clairßtrcet. R Watson, comer Liberty and Wayne streets.' ,' s : Donnell &; Phillips, 3t)sLiberty strepu Dealer* in'Wints i ak&-jAywri,y-< Stein tc 0&&1 Liberty street, near tho Canal. ■’ MaTkDevlin.63Smithfieldstreet / ’■ -j ■ BrotncrjNo. 349 Liberty street . ; -.■*?■ Honegger Jt Co, 161 Smithficld st, between Gth and7thr DFmkclson&Co.,l37 Liberty^streot. Trynk Manufacturers, ( D R FoUansbee, 104,'Ltberiystreet, near Ferry.' - n .I ,'Baddle t Bameu and,Trunk Makeri^ L Jk:Holsiein,l32AVebd street near Virgin a110y...-. : Y« RaimuscrS: Duff, head of Wood street. ' GT Anger, 2h*J, c6r LibH* ami JUists, Fetiennan’s Row'; ' Shepard j No.'Jtt.Biaroondalley.bet wood Market, v MHoJklnson; Wood,bctween 3d end 4th streets, Jjatk Smithing and Bill Hanging. WmW Reilly, l«S Wood street. . , let Healer* and la Hautei. ■ JK Ilartly, Virgin, alley. b.el.Woortimd Liberty stsa.!;- Copper Hailing Mill, tin. , C G Hussey ft Co.yWoodai,bettteßojhjt anJ Qnd, . 1 Holeh and Tavern t. SI Clair Hotel, C Wlicnnctt.cor Permit 91 Claims, St. Charles, corner Wood end Third streets. - v " I Eagle,John Mlsh,Liberty streeli • . /.i> i MonongflhelaHouse,cor,Waies and Southfield sls,',,- JamesUilchrist,2o4, Liberty street. , Foundry Warehatuet. • '■ ; John Anderson $ Son,eorner.Waterand Grant eti. m, ! John ttmnu ♦ CojSeO,cornerytli.and Jilherty stfeets ‘. Ale* Hradley,lsigivGiltSlovei)Ho.W.Woodstreet.'- W-Tld’Cldrg, 111 Wood street. ■ J c Parry ft Wood, and above canal Sd at. - • ; Cabinet and Chair Maker*. d , WmESievenson,3Peucrman’sEow, Überiy and 7th»t, GWW Third streetr BnlafleivSdUi corner Sinlthlield and PiUhstrects.: ■ lffimmCTft DhdleEftyffSmiUilield street. * . Troth & l’helan, 80 SmlthfUd st., betsthft Plan’d alley.! Josbph Meyervidd Penn st, above thfiCanel bridge.., s T B Yotuiff $ Co, Smllhfield street,between Sd andSd. , ■« Wall Paper and; Bordering. ■ Lnlt-ft Rtekeubaehi Ho IGS Lilioriy, near Market at. Jama's Howard * Wood i«,S - ■ rr n,tlds*Ci).,T33Woodatreet-r-Wholesale..!.' lame C JW>b»IKT Market street - - TA Hinton. W 81. Clair street, near Liberty,., ' WmAdairjSmiihfieiastreet, four doors above 3d; cp Blbhs,lsamllhflehl-stjlnsweenlstandAl.-- ! -18 Adams, iWHobenyauceuneitEsgle Tavern; .w; Caet Steel and File Manufacturer*. ' Dtalr T officeeorMirh(itand-Water anaeta. - -' Wire Worket* * 1 • j BTaylot&Co,M3ldbany»tr«ai,' ftaaola.CUaley, WBettl aue«,v. - *V ,V • v.j <. ■ ■*■■• -.\v- ’■* •■ ' ‘ Vic;--•■?. :>•• •;?•'?v^ ■ ■ • '.Hi •;. •; ■ « fc * . ■•* -•■ ■ ■ . . -;- if'!• >, \ *•■; . i « ' '-TCI. .' V'H V-.. »* r QuemmareandCld«a. ■ -~S ■"•^t-'V>-e->v : Z\ ; .:*^-:t;.';•* %'■', . ~y' ' s £«sC i ~ . .i? "'V ■ > ♦ijttc _V :-,' v *.■ • V;.- % >- H K * «♦* * -■ ‘ NUMBER • 20»J Tobacco, Sttuff and Cigar*. Stroller,St Charles Hotel„Wpod street * _ Henry ila*etnan,l49liiberty street. , - : Ashe rll zek ie 1, cor Market atreet and,the Diamond. VQi Edjhond.M Si Clair street. J.WTaylor,42)7.Benhetteet( , < i Sark Packer* and Dealer* in Prositumt, , , Alex Laughlin, corner Etna street and the Canal. Honey $ Hays, 325 Liberty street. ' < 1 . t Soda Ash Manufacturers. ■ - ■•••*. Dennetty Berry <{• Co., Water street. y Commotion, Product, and Forwarding-Merchant* Sellers A. NicoU,3o9 Liberty street.- ■■ .. Joseph JordmijAsent, 2(17 Venn and Diamond alley ‘ ' 'FmigrcMt il f4nu. , ,~ j P W Byrnes $ Co, 205 Libejtyjt.j JnoTlioinpsyn, Ag’t , ■ Bias* Masafftthuretf. ‘ / . , Jhmaen A Blanket, 114WaterAtybetAVoddASmliS.’d. IkUiner* and Mantua Maktr*,- > MrsMß JtobUonytttSt Clairstreet. _.. ..:< Mrs Leech,# Firth stfeelybclWein Wood aridMatkeU -j Shirt Store*. .94 N Aal,(Queen City Store,) SSISt Clnlt street ' - t , Ladiei i _Shot Stores. ' RCrilly A Co., 19 81 Clair street. - i; .Manufacturer of Extract of -Ameriean Oil. ' . ' 'Jolm,yoodgsodisS W»yne St; bet I‘eiih ehif Liberty ; • -Mourning Stores and'Fhmithing Undertakers.- ’ War Alexander A'Sonsidtfr Bonn and St Ctaintrcetsv] ' Daguereotypiit*. I■ | J Nelson, Post Office Uoildinga.Tlurdatreet.l: :* i i - NclsOn A Cti.i Lafoyetle Jlall, Fourth street.. ” . i HougliA Anthony,Burk’s Biultlings, Fpurth streett '■ MerfimanA LawyeritWaCjOpposue'SHlltarleiS'Hovel." Geo \VerU,4l3 Penn ityatew doors aboydCanal. ; 1 -dun Smiths, r Wtt Crale, No. 1 Third st, bet Wood and Smlthfield.; Samuel hrCoshj IS FUUi street,2 doors belovrMarket. Gold. Staters. John B Dunlevy, 132 Third St, bet Wood and SmithfieM. ' , Dyeing EitablUhn&nli* >, t Mrs Borbridge, IS St Cl air street) near Uic 914- b ridge.-. *> -» Brink ffanufaxtunTt. / D ( S tewart, Fifth street,j>igo-^gkruabj£>etMa*(&Wood. > W 4 tCefcham 4- Son)‘l9| sih the Theatre; . Book and Job iV*n?er*. . 1 : Shr?ock &Hficke,cbraerTlfirdaild'\VootL- : ' r Harper JtLayttm l eomerFifthand Wood;. • ~ (Sijusratioir fitnfisf. \V. Ji TAPSCOTT wjr^< «£|l2k ARBANGEMENTS FOa iB^ 1 feSSIV James BtniUly, . t T“ !TJ JJfLOPirAN ;A'd ENT,'/Ohd pealei' iii Fdffclgn Kx> r-JCr change, l is- afso Ageht- forahe l fbHowlb&'racket I Gfiest' i« ' r j *-*;>*,% i 1 • ; Pioneer Line of Steamihips* between. New: Yoxfcand: l Liverpool. ■ ,■•.■ ■■'. : ;:- ••' '.ft. ■•: I • - Swallow Tall Line, failing*front JJewYcrk and Liv» .erpool on m;;- i New.Lwe lesresNewYork on Liver pool otv the Itihoreaeb month.- ;:■•■>•’ • ReilStix* LlnelcavesNewYork on the UihjOiidLiv ernooloititoSGibof each month. - , - v • i-* Y, Line sails twice a mpmh j rraai :Livcrpool nijd New York-' . York the;. lst,6tfa| 10-b and4lib,andixom London on the Cib.ldik, : . Slaiand 23th of each month ■ The Clyde lane of Glasgow "Packets sad from New York and GFatgowontlieifit and liiihi Of eiefc ffiomh; - • ;: A: Weekly lane oX Hackeia New. Orleans 4 ; Duty Line for emigrants; from New York, by, steam boat nncLfiaifroad,or by canal andfailrood.toiPittt* burgb. ■ * ’ , Pa<3eogerfl’W.iUreceive.evo:y aitenimn,.Aad advice: ■ i given eheerfally at thej offices of W. Tapicotl & Co y i Kden Qaay,Uablißinndi&trUeorge*a BoiklingV', Luver i pool; :YVi«&J.T. Tn paeon ftr S&Soalh street; New ?Yo?k, orat the office of-ibe advertiser, c ■-,.v,,.<■. - ?:. \ Persons residing 1 Id the United States or Canada; who -vrishtorend fnriheirfnendflifi nnypart of England, Irti* ■larutj.Scoiland or AValeSt'.canmakenbe.neceasarry-ar rangements onffppneanoatrt.ihe«QlisonlJer r andfaaYt them broeghtoat by any of the above favontedUmefi of- Packets, (which range froml,ooOt6&£Oi> tonabanhea,) orby -first claßsmerchaftishipsvoa favoritblaiterms; by 7 way or Glas£i>w«\-T{ieir frequen cy ofsnilmg precludes the possibility ofdelay.Tasaogo can, alro»be- secured tram Liverpool to Near Orleans,- Haluaore, Philadelphia,JlostontCbariesto&iimd Sevan ■ nab, direct.- Remlltancen, in small? and-targe sums, ui. luail, to Great Britain and Ireland. -* . * • . ? * Messrs. Wt & sf.iT. Tapseeu &• Co. have* entered Into arrangements with Messrs. Yogol,'Knck&Co.;BankMSv Frauk(onffOi}rthe-auu%andwiihMe«sra.Bdwardßloaul Bankers,-Pan*, to drawjughtdrafufevwhicli con: be made payable in aiftho pnncipar places throughout waysfoc saloLby,the,-onuerslgnod, comer ©rSuthmnd. labertY 6trcols, tap.stairsJ, Pllt«burgb, next door to -Messra- J;fc tti- Fioyd’r Wholesale Grocery; - : ■a.: , JAMES BLAKELY. , P. S.—Catoloffiips of; the vessels, time of soiling and' burden, canbe bad at the afrove officogrrflty tfcbl: ? ■ ifumciuH i'Assjca«Kii oi>viiiic'' «jsir siiipAEort- WHm WHO COMMANDS! - .HWW6 HARHDE Jf- C 0« *' -r Wno have appointed the subscriber Agent fortheir uuri valledldnca of Ships, from; Liverpool to"New:York| Philodclpbtaamlßoston. _ * r Jbet the Friends of JSmigrpnishe careful- to- have their I i arrangements prado according to the tut# ProeßtonXotr, i i ahdiakenomnn’arecclpt, wlthoolhaving Uinsetted; I oUieterhiß Mt«T wiU hatre topayitt IdveirpoeTjljefere ibtff < following la the listiafceordlngto laart ••> • ■ 31 Eu. Bread, • 2' S 2«. Beefor.Porltt .. X “ Floor, • p I pint Vinegar; J * Oatmeal,*. 5 t lb. Safari. ■■ - 2 •«- Rice, , g J I “ Molasses, S “ Potatoes, 8 ■ 2t>t Tea, ' > With,three quarts oLWatcrper-day,-and sufficients -i for-Cooking- , - , ' < The caboose and cooking-ranges'fbMh’c Use or Pa»t -sengera, ttre kept undercover./Every attention-will ba paidtopromotelhetrheaJlbjtuid'ecmifort.- -- . - :ksj. . Baokof-England ‘Notes and Foreica Kxehaoite pur* chased atcurrent rated. , - Debts,, Legaoliß,‘Pensions/Jte. t »:e.V'eonectea,‘and i. copies of Wjdls procured, With, every other business eon necudvrltban European Agent- JosinfA Robinson, ? 3? !f i _ • 1 European Agent,, , »p 3) .-- Post Bnildmgs.corner of Fltthnnd Woodsts. < uemi *>><<■!< , .1 , . Vt£ ? ~*»■ .... j . IRELAND* ' ,\ i ' - , aaOTLANO, , . WALES,, i - FRANCE,«Ih3 1 ' GERMANY, i To»ny»\nount, by >•• - * ' ~ 1 ’ JoiLna IlofclnSon, . - Eurapiart-Aj’tnlv FostEutldingi, cpr. Fi/dand TYoodiU. oO< AND’£&UBS r ; H" 1 S:'To^dH};Manu thi: aboTCiwmcdOilanil «s?pJlmenl,.of.LAMPS-fot biuuipg ihc-.KihcrealtlJl, . - -CaaodeiitrsrOiMntlDic.'Maihi.a > aipH;liVicte»Glob6sJ i .MM3, G&nq, aiid «iilhipgs pertaining 10. the [-Uadf£?- ; . '|-y'S'i. r .-V'.'.y rVfl*!??/-:.'■;'<■ y.';.^ -ElbbreafiCtunphlrie dr-Plne Oil, regulaily’sapplied tmceoMwicba.week.; : .* > t < < AU orders; left', with, ibo.wqjjfony^bich;,ls, constantly .passing through Utfcity,wUCIre protJipfly attended to. ; ’ NitfT' Lampiit or all; kinds hlteredto’'burn-'the Elbe* leakOiL.-Allaitlcifj? delivered piictofttke city*' orin Allegheny, free of cosv r - * ” , , * ' ' WriT. WRIGHT. :-v : ' fto. B 3 Fonrth&b, (Aboifo Haft,) Market and Wood-streets. ZXHI ifnriiUfcmg*Set»t>Uat»maui. .. STBAJt ENGINES AKP ; mUUSIW,-on. ww Widtftoiruerio'ii'tßortnonce-' ,'T ’ . ■i -flaw 0/;»3 Wnde.onhaudsmd 10 Mill wrights and olhere. MdlSplntUcsatui -Hill Iron*,. 'Freiielillort "MilJStoij'cs, with: .aoliij ana Common Syce, ol [Ciloctii prices- I,hurei BHI MIH Slolsea, nil lizcs; BolliM Clois, warranted imltffy sSce® rWirc, .Mill Borewe| .Bailing, .Cora, null Cob Smuts Mm'a;'usCd> Ini WiK •marib 4 Noble’a filttbargh JTny Flouring- 61ill» t ai ; d in Evelmndrod,other MtUajatho.Weal,. .’they, rua : light, clean-fast.'aim well—willlaalalifeUmeiend arc war- i 1 • i • v-orders promptly 319 ir!j-ia.-i-.-:iy;-;'tf.iigyeereiaiT> ;■»- ■jet'HtiEas&cu.’a lmpidYoa.J'oafaj-iiotumiruaoui |3 £rf mn inara r, h rep aired by aekilfai. ami practical ChonSti This article bia now bdeirßelbteiUto pablic for theslbif 9'iyeat*;ilering- wUIoh tntfe -eiance had come ,to: the ■ theFromlelore, .where CUie dircciloilvoiefoUawr^JHhaa.foileujto g i Ve ' enUr'e laliafaellofa. Trite, *5 cento tti'frdltftFtft dale at fntlrll ' • ■ '■ - -- 1 ' -hfl 8 mith Held «l. 'JX-Ple»s o ill 1 &* ,I to*^ , to%TOW»OwsO;ef i O.;Jobn-, atom E«i i“ Birmingbaran basing a-fnmfof.aiM-iafett on Sidney, areet,By M4eeE-to .a aiteyi-mlih S ejiflrefrottrforafmuie'itppro.vemenu-.'l.'henjiUea renu Gltl. Price 5160U—lernm accommodating- ■ ’ r ‘ S'WlttßKMSflenl Agent, tearll - 1 - rs .ogainiihficlihitreet- I f'Vk *pletuua article of .P ateniiTapestJW rc ‘ • fauS\ r • Na.esFiMnhtW V s ;.'!-, *W*,- ** ■'’" '*? - C •* ~ -ti • r v*-_fV; V ,-/^. .-7 ’, ’ h _ 11 v‘ : - ••• L * 1 L i Jb? Bale anb So £ct TJOft newanO flaj|i F LINO HOUSE* Mo,C» Congressatreci.Sixth gM Ward, containing six'robnidv'well finished. tesclongirau imracdtutciy ifrequlrecb' For further in* formation'enquire on the premises,©* of JeiH THQMA3 LOWRY, mvi>L.ur<6 HMJJSIB, comatafasgi' 1 i ;A»ht Otar Ifrraamc. Basal 6l s p k Allegheny Cmv llydrou; in ibc >a:4,?™T/ wntcn la for «a’6ec■■ Brrfcte Tfcvelhng JfouscV&ow oacuftied if., Woods, aUsB-LmHo 1 , sitnlhc, original tlatieOht dliy of • .AUeghfcny (having fclxty-feevluftotudb tbtf£unwCom». - >ten»» byaaeittbo? £ios:ef to Wate**U*y j6h *r&telt {*: : r ; c reeled acommodioas*£riak Dwelling' Homo, {late- the residence of James Forrhhtfcrlnfof-niSiron,oppiy to iHtooribe'rfoder slgneih- - J . r WILLIAM ADUiSOft** > 0 JI HKFBURN, -* H. BKAUYAYILRftf&f ' >Fx?raandyrqsieeaof.JametflfiM n 4co , ij* | uufc 40iit4-'—A t-Attil J?*UK »ALiv-6llHSledJn •?JL/ KastDeer ;MUlerBlswii« 5& acres cleared andfouced,atufu! ajgood stato of cnluva lion.; ran Orchard ©i Grafted vErnlt* OEthobcstiJtfilUy. The improvements are a eoodlogUwellirtgHoa&e.wiih sevetal A*nca vein or'Coai. .leomha.Fanaj-XtuiwlioJoplaecis.weHiwaterqdjfand In a good neighborhood. L’nccSld.OU per acre, or wilt make a large reducilPii' rot SApply io I i.i-- - ;i;> . AVLAIN, & CO., » feb2l - u \ - 1 , Nb,-3i Fifth street 13AKGA1NB INjBCAJU IoSrAXJC.TOJI SaLS. - TT'" JL>. A Brick House Umf-Loi o street, 552»00.' ' k ,'MfiovalimJse,£imli>oion.Wcbaier»ucct,aSU(h.-(:1 . v Two, Loin of. Groaml, each‘.if by UHJfect, . - Uiattfith cachalK»uttliVceacretf t aY®2oo .:■• per aero t • „ <\ , * v . • Aliouseand Lot fa Allegheny; $350. *.r ’ AibirklJOuseflndlxuaUQO. cW, * . • „ ( -A valuable property cm Troy 11iR,53300.. ' ir ’ sJ *’ «S. CUTiiBUJtT* Geuer&l Agent _ *ebgg t , , ,; j> so.ffmitNltqjdttrcgt, A Propfrty forJalii /: e OBTAINING 6 AC’fJLS, sftuatd tn the famiadiaio Mellon, Ewaana Mrs. Negtey,about ± ofamile from, the Kairroad.-TineproDertyba»lonU.a-fineV’prdiJtJcnng youngorchard, and.isuyerytfeLrabfasjiuaiionfof a ' country,residence, a few jomdred yardrfrom lha - mrapitc,aud fromibi?oii ifie old Wanaloftroaui %!*■ properly }s qlho Very suitable forjpersous desirous >of purchasing ion Afire iotv, as trpblma oathTeedlffctaAt : .sHccib. :.lf.ftovaald to' .suitpUTcbascra. information enquire ut ihls offlce. -rypt •> « -t* - - • ■> n i . jba*»A -for >dAlb> •» i ‘ ' i Chattier?* Coat Company %vilj sell somfftxr* tf#* - ■'. Jt riTuife jtteitz qf snadlcd ou and nearjtho - 'J3lellbenTiUeT t tixbplke*. i and nenr ibo BQhUem!tttnH£nUa . railroad ~ r The bcdfvidod Info ' chasers,andihe.ierms of.paymont will Enquire oi * .2 W HIiiUNGTON, arr>4 i ~ , t * Manager* f > * , iforffleat# . jr¥ ■:mUAT LARGE OWKXfcUi6 HOUSE, - with' WOA ‘i-'tfatcnsi9e-Gr6irdd4 ; Fbr l * Ipay9.u * t r < »OiiSAl*E. ,(H ‘.A 0F LoUUVthe i3L .Third Wartl tft’itie'City tor "i*iUflbai"gB f ‘neflt Higft - -street) ana being39-feei Croat anX*6jnliyivauiUAVbiiae, aadiunujug (jock U? feeu - yiJMws soW. - •{clear-ol t-xeept cnrannDatforound - leniof it .isttow-.subjecf : ..On- tin; property scveii good leite mems—fivebnctuadnyu'TrcTia>*^alUwofrtofleVhißJi, /aiid-reoutig. »orßboar/i l vo.Uuud;ca.4ioljlara l anaualis, 'caslij add' SffOft-lif6\iitftithjK-J>v good T / WAjL 0. FfWEfttr* * . Attorney at Lavr* - ifriortfa street. ■ttiaUsn r l u iSfeSuR ,J,!s,wu,w - 4 ;;X OrFiCliFoafc?Ax.i{.—lheJthrctsstoryiinckDwel* ' '*• >» 's«*nf.jUau3C* r oa:Mariet.imd:Ferry<*trefeiai%r4'Oo4r of* lercd for ame Tiicy good oTder).nhd***roiuto uesrr&blc reirrdenee* - * ' w " m to; Jlo«sq*xjc<3tfßie4 aa a on Tmrd street,bemten Market and Jfsny Btuceo And, ulflo, too boSldlaK And *ac am grournl. , , | - <•. iUeaOdvclsfexoatdesirable property* tiudr'&li.be dis- “ 1 posed of willujuen days from. tfri» date. \ *> w — e /, enquire’of 3 K. JOHNSTON, or i jaatf *■, , j i ,H.X3:srOOKTO,V,' ; XIOVSKS ANC-Ecrrs FOR SALR-A-vnlbabro and W-tweUP ftnlfralstieci, Allcghd&y,bylOu Ueep ou Jackson sircot to n wtieai* - >3T4prp.are; Uifne.gooUdfveUing boowsiiaU'Xbtood wincb axp new.JUrJckTrlOQSßi; aJ*?ri;lJar- - J • roSigeu. .Tije-jaeajit-groftntt carj-bu ncf* • yaflUJge« 3be,whoiowjitUe*ola4br COXyOk-' ■».»•-* *.-■ Terms easy. CUfllliilKJf, General Agem» IaIJM ’ ,j ' r 4 a j • i Sbbuuih&eJdstreeL ' &SST » . owii on?n iSxch«u»ge f [r “3 * ST. CLAIKSTKIaK'i’v-rrl’bts. bouse has been fij|itokpnrliyjtoMui\d ! ja&Hi, * r 7-Cpoa trprtz , £•»«««» " «*• niHIS HdUe having undergone a tliorodgTi retaalrbic A mnlfi>Juig«P>boibinsrile an*ooiytbe subscriber la loan ovary oioruonsmii,posy* to mate afloamrprlabro that limit proper to callwilh him, Xb a Tableumll ba ffismys suppliti mill the test Itemartet WU - b «‘ «* . Wi? be ti- lu ,h# bOM ? >*“ 8»04 wabfc, attended by a B p .<»|t . James kkamekiv*. * *ujtS linoiys. • w fr-rr „„„„ „ BttOWIS’S HOVBU,, ? ~ CORNLii Ok £>E!THPIIi£U AiVl; iiiISDB7S~ u ' * Euabvrgi, P*. ,1 j iTr^i- M 3; CpNNUL.I,V, I'KOFRJETOBS. btaWu«£ aitifcheil tti tfte fibjlse* ** W&viriv dome, cea.Uy «re]cffaficc,SHH9 uhsurpasseU by l aliy Similar felabjfshrtioii t -5“ c 9*^**“4, toe* tffopnejifcr. tarlhnuSFhU; menu* and luo public generally, with everyarMeJc oiu. *•». i u,j icube-yray 91 • GAMfcJ^l f lSlf ) sbQl/i , Bi&d.,wifl btt'iarved Upiftthebeat omau£r«> , *< » * -’■ <«'■**, j ThellXßfs suppljed mib/LIQUORa.-crtbft. fineat t»r»Dtb,ajidi]ia Gtijcyririnto/&>>muefrirtvdgd6< l dariiig - season, sucJi-hjii'me AupiorCobblex*. Mir l ■Jafeps/Pmidics suia;bmuabL v e»'whi hSserYcd im Ift a way that wilj^le^pie^asrettf. ." :U7“WCu foamed pp. every morning at U o’clook. (0 which the special Mteitubnuf OuiUiihera is reqaesitu'" . WILKJHS HAII.T . - - ToaaTti BTmur, nqau zwthfibli>. TOUN WALKER lukes plcaauje m Hony; ao*!suil* et -11 .; ii AR aVatf limes fanrifibedtriih .ibp choicest aodeveryjDXLiCscY of’tbe sca&On. saeb as Oyster*,- Uame.Scmp*, &e.. *U wayslurcadmece. " . - --‘Dikhekj and Btfrpras and Parlor* provided for «;■ Private parties on abort notice* r . “fmyip f (Formerly tfa£'£*changei'> r Comer 0/ Penn and StsGUor., tlretis y rilltforgh < r TIHIS fiprit4&a3,-central, an(K, conveniently'-located Graving been - completely, remodeled and' . nhoroughlf itpyirca and Improved; amli:?'udwppea < for the accomroddaitaa of (he public. '> n :Tbe subscriber, lesseo and proprietor of (be fit. Clair .■■■■■■ Hotel, respectfully iafonus his mends and tlio pnblle* - tliat be baa farrtisfred it In th& inasrclegant and tomfotf*' 7 ... ablestylevand cmpioyed eompeieiit assisittitta. aml a> . naiUveaadldfibnn Bervams,Bnd-fliatl>a wiltnpftXo» .. exerUonsiomakoitctjuixi teauytioUseinibeoooßlry. Tno.waUfcao iurarrafigementScirdaitertoyßlt tbn inwi ■■■„•: deslrabre,ettli'et io* : - aQQcsWmta solicit and impefor ifca iiberaifbnrnofpa* . , EbpiJKj C.W.-^^lTt : V-'V-'M ’■ 4 J. •» .i: i,..- ’. * k . ■<■. ’ " V' 'Z' : * “ „ v j *<. i vf; ' s7* a*,’*&'■£ y> s ”* > S X’l ji.M v* fr 1j :i fibtela, ■ v • '■■•*'•... ■■■ .*-■■: S'.■ : r - 4*; r-. -•. - \. : if rl* i •'*- f ' r / i 1 - SI 1: ft