The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 17, 1852, Image 4

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- - - JPtngf <uib jHebirims
c«,-uv. i«-
The only Infallible Cate Jot that DrtamiDatase
known as Spermatorrhea or Involantary tfoctur
■ 1 nil Emissions, - - ; , 'j;..-.. I
no k»n««in* »nil destructive, and productive.nfi«>
IS juarlr uilscnicMo ltlomeivous systera, imlapacllnt
iVTvtbcnnnfor bainl“s',»ocieiyyundroammouy. j
This Instrument is sunpie, coinpreheiuive, and nerrij*
failing i unit maybe use! -without the slightest inconv^-
■ atence nr the knowledge ot;Uic.most intimate friend-7
It is tp heoseilciterithiryjpKiducitir no pain of inwij
whatever, nor pieveiuinj any one l'rpm ntteruHiijt fp-hi?
bn,intfi; and white', in ure iiol a lini.-le-ernijiino can
■ tsite p’uee. rnt'iecnaling the iryans, in a- tnsll nrit. w
stick jih ex&tt rtot-thfifisoAis tuhb --rastmra rowjj
■V«* *WSsiws,tUie'tßf9;dftvlttclirCaused hvpat'vl9“’ l v
. u the dttt'dtn iu querli Jn, ami thecauPu of the thonsanp
. eondomU*i)icnnn.ti|iUßPv«t Nctvoasness, I nstnOon,
T)Vspep,mV'i‘ain in-ilie ; HeailmntJ Dimnesi of
Wesltnesßofthe Back.and Lotverlvi:irerotines, Atfecf
nminre Deelfno of Vitittir, weakness of Memory ana
'■ - -Power for Menial AppUcaiTow* Ayersioa
- {iocietv TrmidUyiS^f*^™^^Love
AU ’thb.ttmptoi&'tnT<maay
rduntriea. is hte only ttrlain remedy rairnnj; /oJ-rJo'i
- ampUnm; and tai now completely s* ? rsc.tedlfieufj
of uroc the boogie, caotertzatton, &c vnotlo mcut.pi|
ihß thbusaiid advofllsed nostrums of the dhy,as cordials!
; antidotes; £c.,ttc! riconsutuies, at the samc tunc, the
iAftu ihernostviiitsant t tmibri«t,ihefheaj)tstutiimpn\
ever offered to the afflicted, -a Air /price beitig ollawetj
* tbrtfaelnstrument after tbedexireueffect'bas been at<
*^Ue*at»l-'0 rememberedjihattlioSs complaints are bat
little understood by the piofesaion in general, and that :
ail the tncdtciua in jhe world never bas.aud.never willj
atop those fosse**; which? irailowed to cominue un* ;
. checked, are sore inprodaced the most distressing con;
. sequence*.. - -- •■'" \
~ ilbarbeenn mattecof surprise to some, that any ond
of te?pectaliithy*ud of professional attainments should.
devote hUcaemion tp diseases which people bfcveryi
description ptetend tdcure so easily.-. )f». however, bub
the one thousandth part <if the inifrerieathe**} people bring!
- spoil society were khdwn t a very different opinion would]
Re formed. Ami the prase 111 miscty.and- ;
•• T dejeetioh,’pceyiiig!bgthe,imnd as well as- the- l>ody T jha^
lsdeplorea,hpt*onje are of.such » natureas to affect
poateriiyV and evenlo destroy the reproductive facultyf
altogether. . .It is a fact that, when not properly treated;*
they may remain so dormant in the cmisuiuton as to op j
- pear in no other way than i» their eiTecU’jUpou posterity
Yet, If properly understood, are most easily and ?pce<U4
fy removed. Tbs above,so ingeniously contrived mstru-!
’* mcnl, vriUdouttless; in a great measure, conlrjbuie to
checc the evil* of quackery , so prevalent in tbiaclaes o{
diseases, throughout the Uuion.' . j
The pncAof the complete instrument, carefully secur
ed against all obseivauon ilia box, is only Sift' It can
’ ba sent, by express, to any address iirrittjrpart of this
- United Siate6, Canad«, &c., according to order, accom-i
psoied by full directions, and important advice 10 thej
married findetagle; the expenses, even, to tbc remotest;
. parlaofihe country, being vtfry trifling:*', j
•:.■ 'fpe unexampled euceesstbis instrument has olilaincd;
since its introduetimi ft» America, ho« imluced some un--
pnuclpled persons In New YorlPi PhUntlelphin, Al‘
Boston, Ac., to get ridicalous things, called
-44 lAtirumenti, 1 ' which, however, bear MoT'Viixsi.iatrr-i
S3T-resemblance, neuher in foim nor print pie, to myj
- own invented, lone tried, and universally approved lit*;
« simmeuts, and which are as similar 10 them as i
s-10 light. Kvery attempt to sell such “ Jnstrnmenu” ton
"mine tbc fullest extent of the ltxw,?
I beinff .not willing to connect the well and honestly;
- earned^reputation of my inventions with quacks and;
Uteir,w<*rUvJe»sproductioi». . Ao lostrwt7imJ ugenut/w
. and non* tonic tcarroMted tut tAore ordered fioatmysttf ■
. '•"AlLappltcitlons Bnd remittances must be-direetedi
'(postpaid) to the Doctor himself, he havingno Agencies;
established but in Ixmdon'and Pat is.
Address, post paid, Dr. D. de Lauey, 51 Lispenard st.,
New York* ,
- Office hours, daily* from 0A M. till 31’. M, and from
7 til) Q P.‘ RL, the Sabbath excepted. J
‘ undersigned certify, with great pleasure, that;
the above-mentioned Instrument is not only*constructed;
on scientific principle?, but tbavfrom its use the happiest i
results may always, wi’.lr confidenee, be amicipaied,
there beirie, for the cure of tho«e dixcasc-s NO OTUKK
- CU. GOKTZG. 51 D.,!» Chamber street,
CvECKUAKDT, M.D, c 4 Howard street,
New Yobs.
Dr»rx LaTfxt is prepared to execute all orders for sur
gical apparatus, viz: Artificial Anns and Legs, which
move like natural members; Apparatus for fuxatioii',
for Contracted Legs; for curvature of the Spine and
Waist; for False Joints of the Arms and Knees; for
' DaratjxiciLegs; for Club Fool; for Lacrymal Fistnles;
for Fallingcriheftectum; Hypogastric Belts; Beds and
Chaixs-forSick Persons; Cnitcbcs,Tiusse<, Ac,; Ortho
pedic Corse tSjAc.jAs., AH work warranted. Letters
1 muUbeponpaidv«mainlng a proportiouate remittance
•• or reference. [feb9s;l3r
v-'- • ! ' ~
HCOeapoundSyrnp of Yellow Doob Root*
VvccuPlK?-]thc front rank among the proprietor?
Ajf mediejaea of this country for completely curing
Rhtnzn,Erysipelas, and fill other diseases
arhuqrfroiELan inipare state of the blood. Abo, Liver
Complaint,Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,
CoonsiScreoesx slid Tightness about U.e Cliest; Uron*
ehiS*orHoa«eness,Drynej3, and a tickling Sensation
.About the Throat; aad iiosed with unpreeedemed sue
cess inall casesof
Suengthenlng:the weakened body, giving tone to the
' varioasorgans, and invigorating the entire system.
’lf the textimony of thousandsofliving witnesses,from
all pans of the country,can be relied upon, it is singu
lailyefficaciotts is coring all Humors, and iVstoring ue
r.biUtited find broken'down constitutions. It is purely
vegetable in its composition,and so accurately com
bined In Us proportions thaUheehemicat, botanical aud
T«»Alt*at properties of each ingredient harmoniously
•tritotoPUßlkY.THE BLOOD. ' A
~ ft hasTemßvedinany chronic diseases which Has baf
fled the akiUof the best physicians, and hns also cured
Canker, Sait Hheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which
Satsaparilla Syrups entirely failed to.make the least im
pression upon.; -
- It la* been tested in many eases of CANCEROUS
HUMORS. The most obstinate Caneers have been
enied-by*Utis medicine. Wesayihat it is a valuable
. medicine in all BIUOUS COMPLAINTS. It removes
all obstruction In the circulation, rendering the. Liver
' free, active and healthy. It removes Palpitation of the
Heartland relieves in all cases of Asthma, and may be
stall seasons of the year. (
ThlsSyiup is prepared only by C, MORSE A CO., at
1W Fountain street, Providence, R. f .and sold whole
sale and retail; by S. N. WICKEESHAM,
- Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania,
Jell:y Warenouae,cor Woodand Sixth sts., I’iitsb’h
Joddhs MedJeated Liquid Cuticle*
3 FllliS articieis intended" for family , use, .and should he
[*. found in the possession of every family In the land,
eeh&nics whoarehiconnani danger o/bijary to their
persons through accident, and the improper or careleqp
ese of loots, will find this article to be invaluable to
• them.andaueralhir trial, wiHcomdderUrodispenaablc.
•*Th[smny certip that we, the undersigned, haying
frequently made ore of Judd’* Medicated Liquid Cuticle,
prepared by Messrs. Penfield & Carap, Middletown,
Connecticut, cheerfully recommend it u> our profession
al brethren,as an ejtcellent substitute for adhesiveploa
ler.indressing burns,cuts, scalds,bruises, and all kinds
of fresh wounds j aiso, for sore nipples, a remedy one-
Quailed* - CHARLES WOUDWaRU, M I).,
. WM. B. CASEY, M.P-,
Comprising all the practising physicians in tbe efty of
Rtteileby B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO.,
• • jy|r v .. corner of Wood and First rt*
Kuropoan Agtuey.
THE undersigned, “ European A gen is,” members of
the American Bar, still continue io collect debts, lc
-sadea'»ndclainA,reniitiitonies,procaTe conies of wiUi r
ceds and 'documents, conduot iuiu, obtain testimony,
make acarcbeß and transact all other law businessjn
England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, &c. They ore. at
an times la eonnnanication, forwarding and receiviug
documents to and fro; and one ot them, regularly In
eaefr jeax., makes ft tour through the principal cities of
Europe and America, on professional business. Tbe
next annual tour will be vhetwepty-slrib of this Agency.
102 Fifth aired,Pimbureb, Pa., .
27 Palmerston Place, Dublin, Ireland.
VNMb F.rlodlcol Ufopg.
• TpnMP. naftPft »rg always invariably certain to «g*
V ulatd; the Female system. They were discovered
byihDTttaownediUeord/ wlulepracliclng Jn ihe horipi*
. of nmJarealurjiys warrantedtoeore all cases
o< -
fromcoldormher causes. They haw feeen osed' In
thoasands o/easea and jnarEttFAiLKO u> produce the dc
(kiiredefleet- -These drops are perfectly harmless, and it
needs fotttone trial to convince the most ekeptfcalof
their.astonhhihg efficacy. Wherever they falho core
after Aftit trialrthe MONEY WILh BK URTURNED.
. Tbcy are,lhe only genuine and safe remedy for all
and aodne aftertrying them once, can ever l*c {minced
to try any other.
Tie Drop* are for sale at the office of Dr, BLANCH*
ABD.No. CSSimthfieid-sL Foil directions accompany
caeh noule. They chn he sent to any part 01 ihe conn*
try,eeettie of observation, by enclosing the price in u
• letter direeled to Dr.K. Blanchard. Dollars.
Offiee hoursfromS A. M., to# I*. M.—Sundays not
oieepted* . ■ . decltftiy
lltlsena am
. Do JOB wish to purchase fine
&/®one'hBi/ thenaual price ? If so, call at HOOD’S
JKWELK Y STORE, SI Market street ,
two4oora'norih of Thud, and take alooir at his new
«oefc,3B2iamved,aod job can there purchase Watch
etoran^kiiulof hneGoU Jewelry auhetr real value,
■nH ppt h f-ehnrged twoprices for everything, as you
have suaaUy beea> batcangetihe vcrybestqualiiyof
goOtoatthelowest eastern prices. Dp not believe wh<it:
-others* inlfircsiedin lheirown sales, tell yoa, hat come
aadsfleftr-ydßrselves. -AU .goods sold auhiseatabtish
jaenltrUPbe warranted as Tepresemed at time of sale—
"■ tg tha t all way pu*"hari» caotllT<tfe »nd cheap. *utt,
' ■ Bancrlor Wittli B«ii»ttlUg.
tf JEWELLER,inines ogam iff ckll the tti-%rav
teuton of the politic to 1&o workihop witch he Spf®
lu opened at No. 16 Fifth etteet,twodoors ftome&MEf
.. Hoikat, where hecontiimes to lievolehis speetat aiten
' titra to the repairing ♦Vrul refitling-of Chronometer, tin*
SleijPatcntLever, L’Kpiue, and every description of
ne Welches and Clocks. / - : * . e
-Having fora number 0/ years teenempibyed as Fore
man m the workshops/ the lareesiesiablishraem in ibtß
. diy>l flatter nxrielf dial those favoring itte with pairon
. age Will find ail work er.trosted executed, ia the .best.
.manner and on the most reasonable terms.; . ..
jbf«r«Aco--John Harper, Esq.,'lnward Ifeaiieton,
35M..8. H. Hartley, Esq,, Joseph Wood well,.Joshua
SboaesACo., and \Vm. tf.Scaife. ■_ -
• A earefoily selected stock of Watches, Clocks,;Jew
- airy, Spoons, Spectacles, &c., constantly oh haiid,winch'
• bate been purchased ai the lowest cash prices, and will
fceaold at « very small udvacce for the same. [aal2
John W. Tlm t ' ”
Br*S AIiWAVS ON HAND, of his own manufacrare,
LvlareeasioWnentof WfUPS. CANES and UM-'
of every deaerinUon. which Uewill dispose
DIES’ SATCHELS, which will lie sold ai New. York
orieei. 'lasl receired from the Manufactory a new sao
pl? of INDIA RUBBER. WHIPS, all wholesal*
' aak ■Nol43.WoddsDeeiineaeVirgrn'«ller-
PUtittiurffb-Littlitr Depot*. .. '_;_ l
' T» *BABD * CO4 «o:103 Wood swqtfTf bay» t ja*t|
tJOClPin ihetf line. !lal«J
tisote end New Ycrffc SOLE ££ATH£Ui JPUladeiphia
Kips-anil Calf Skin*, French Calf Skips, Countiy Up- j
Mr, Kip* sad Calf Skins, Morocco Lining and Binding,
Kit. Oil ; Tannert and Carport
■l. And, taken together, they beiieve it the.lnrga»i and beat
Mtorunent e?er oflered before In one house an Put*-
Where. _ - laepuwt
, <V- . K * V *-
- S *
l iW.«rc heoutpor tahl A* I »o.
For (fie 'lrim'tphrhttitjn o/ Jletcharldisidn’tl^rifdMe,
■ i vur-PRNNsvbvasui canals atrh bailboam)!nunvaßH;
OA>U~ e " k
, pattqn a* ,
Depot’ Sol Market fit r freaf SWtlin Plnladclphia. I
c "•“ K ;v CO, |
Canal Basin, street, Pilisburgh. \ .
a A VINO increased ties qnd otherwise im
hntl MhfcfianiUkc, foShtpCOifUie'opehiiigof ihcCandlSv)
with ptdmptti^s?and dtap'aTcfi.'. T
Jlie Section system of lihfifeph'rfation,over, oul
State irfipriiyements has been iu.useaboai 'icn'yenrd
antlUie w find met
ficuehl U U no'longer considered fi
doulrtfuTox-imccrrem exfieritneni j hut-lsacknhwledced
by aiL as vastly superior to any mode of tcanspbTtaUon
used onCsno!?. (whcuinterßected by Railroads) }
Cowls': loaded intO:onr Boius •ot- PitiBbBTgb,'femniti
nndUturbed until unloaded at our Warehouse inMarke)
consetfucm on ! thrcd and scctt
ring the 6fT?oodMh entiftr lots, the package*
clean, and in as good yrHen shipped ~ • *
Produce, Ac i constghetfto durjlousc jit Viiisbargh;
will h« received ana forwarded always.ottheJowcel
cuirent canolrotesvstrictly .-fieSo'idin# to instructions,
..without any extm.chnrge for commission, storagc, J
.yanringcharges, Ac* = r^;'.
"febvS avAv RDANULTY *CO 5
Between R&ltimore jpittibargh.
{Through. w: i^atfy#£ie6 < '<inB , H M a \f.' Mours.)
rilliiS LtNi?'to Pittsburgh, ovcr alie UaUimore inml,
X ,Su*quehatma,and Pennsylvania Central Railroads,
is now iu Buece.«sfal operation- By it,p&s«cngers leave
Baltimore at Jfr I*. AL, (half on; boar otter llic time of ar
rival of. ibfttev.eiuiig train from Washington,)nnd pro
ceed . WVHarrUbuttr, .where they are transfctred lojhe;
Central .Uuilroad Train.and proceed immediately on
without delay, crossing the mountains in day light, ninl:
arriving i>» Pittsburgh at 6 P. M. the day after starting.
The tupcrloiinetHiy Hallway, ymh the
exception of iH miles, which t« done in /first class
Leave Pittsburgh in the Cars of the Central Railroad*!
■7 o’clock, A. M ,oml arrive ot Harrisburg at 4 A.M-dhe
next morning; where" the Express Train of the’Baltic
more and Susuuebaimn Railroad will be in waiting, and!
nroeeed immediotulyou to Baltimore, orriving there at
si A M, in *imc for the train io Washington, wlueh.
l,*av« sat Si A.AI. " . 1 •• . , ...
Thisxopte is os reliable as any ©tiered to the public.
Far* Taaoccti Way,)-Sn JH)
For tickets apply to the Ticket Agent of the Baltimore
and £u«queh&m>u Railroad Company, al Calven S**-
lion, Bolumnre, or the Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania
Central Railroad Company, Pittsburgh.
Superintendent of Transportation.
By (tie Glsy eland & Pittsburgh Railroad.
From Cleveland to iianover station, ta
miles. Ffbra HANOVER lo WEIXSVILLIv, i»y
Smee, JAO ini!e«, and from WELLSVILLE
UURGU by the new and splendid steamer “ FOREST
CITY'.” This’arrangement to continue iratil the Aral of
January, 1852, when the Car 9 will run from. Cleveland
to WeiliivHle. - - •. : =,. ..
The Kznrefcs Train of Cars w»U leave Cleveland daily
(Sundays excepted) at 8.45, A. M-, after the arrival 01
the Night Train from Cincinnati, airlving at Hanover
Station nt 12 35. P. M., and at WclUvUlq at « o’clock, i
M., and ntPiusburglUhe same evening.
Returning wilUcave Pittsburgh dmly at®. ”• M*»ar
riving at Cleveland at 5 o’clock, I*. M, next day, in sea
son to connect with the Evening trains to Cincinnati,
and with Steamers East and West oa the Lakes onlil
the elose of navigation.
Time from Pittsburgh to Cleveland 20 houtsi to Cin
cinnati 30 Lours.
Pittsburgh, to Cleveland* Columbus and
Through from Pittsburgh to Cleveland in lass than
Ten Hoars, by a continents Railroad lint !
TUK Express Train on the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Bailroad, leaves Pittsburgh st HA.M, stopping at
Kewickly, Rochester, New linghicm, Darlington, Buou,
Palestine) Ccdutnbtana, and {Jalem. ar *d reaches Alli
ance, 82 miles froißPilJabarjsb,ntt.P, W. Passenger*
leaving Alliance an tho Cleveland Railroad at 2 P.fll ~
and reach Cleveland, at MS P. M. Hemming ihe pa*?
sengecs leave Cleveland at 6A. M AHianco at 2P. At,
and reach Pittsburgh dt 7 P M, 8
Passengers by this route come from Cincinnati ftp
Pittsburgh iu two days, without night travel, and »q yt
. .... ■>s.
from one to two Uny» in connecting triUiiUe Pcnoa, Cea*
tra! Railroad. _
Stages run doily from Alliance to Comon, Wasjillon,
Wooster and Mansfield, and from Enon 10 Newcastle,
Poland and Warren.
JO" The New Brighton Accommodation Train leaves
Pittsburgh m 10 A- M. and 4 P. IUU and New Brighton
at 7.30 A. W. and 1.30 P. AL, slopping at intermediate
Excursion Ticket*, good for. two days, are sola be
tween Pittsburgh, Bochcster and New Brighton.
The Trains do riot run on Sunday.
Omnibuses run in connection with tbe trains to ami
from the station on Federal street. ,
For tickets apply at the' Federal Street Station of the
Ohio and Pa- Kulfroad, to GEOBCiE PARKIN,
- Ticket Agent.
f 0" Through tickets from Pittsburgh to Cleveland,
price 00—and from Pittsburgh .to Cincinnati, priec
OU,O0 —aresold at the Rn i 1 ro u dS taji
Moneneahela Housi\ Pittsburgh...;.
THK-subrcriber#, Agent* forthc Pennsylvania Bail*
road Company,are now prepared to receipt freigb!
through to Philadelphia during the winter fit ike follow*
ine rate*:
For dll fir»t clast good* and wool - ■ -81,25 per 100 Q>a
For bacon, buuer, lard, tallow, and
all heavy freight* • * 1,00 per 100
'l'lme/Vhre day*.
janlS Corner Pena and Wayne su, Piusbarirh.
: 1852. ' &B&£k
Baron, butler, beef,tallow, •
lartl and lard oil, . SO cts. 65 cts,
Soap, candles, stftrcb, bones,
anti glae,pieces?. 50 *>
Whiskey, &i “
Cheese, Cl) “
Seeds, ejrgs, dried apples and
Kai thenware, glassware* win
dow glass and hardware, AG “ 65 “
Pot, peart ashes and 45 “ GO “
Leather, deer and bafttlo skins GS “ 14*0 “
Wool, feathers and fheeppclls 60 “ 1,13| “
Manufactured,tobacco, CS u 80 “
Drugs medicines &. casioroil 75 u * 1 t f»t» u
Itceswfti, G 5 *' 95 “
Ginseng, 75 w 1,10 u
Pork and beef (in pickle,) 31,25 bhl. bi>l
Floor and cbm meal, fc7l do. 1,05 do.
Canal Itusin, Pittsburgh.
' Adam* it* Co^Tlti^eu*.
TIHF. public HreMttfhrmcii tbnt we arc bow running
. regularly totbeHiraiimd West,'and areprepared to
forward till Goods^care*
A SPECIAL MESSEN(»F.R mat daily for Philadel
phia, nt4 o’clock, P. M. Also, daily to Cincinnati, at?
o’clock, A.
Orders iransmiuod free of charge, and Goods returned
by first Express.
:■ Bills of Exchange, for sale on England, Ireland and
Scotland, for any lunonnt,payableooprineipal Banking
Houses or Post Offices in the United Kingdom.
dec24 v BAKER & FORSYTH, Agents^
w«»t aWtou Plank Ho*a Kout«
STRAMKRB leave twice a day, morning and evening,
{except Sunday}.,
Morning Bent will leave me Wharf Boat, above (be
Mononganela Bridge, even* moruiiig, at 8$ o’clock, A. M.
. Rveuing Boatieaves every evening (elccplSauduys,)
ai 5 o’cloek. P. M. '
Pare to Philadelphia'Bll. To Baltimore 810.
' For ticket*, call at ibe Plank Road Office; Mononga*
hela lloase, Water street.
ix • Dr« IVm« P. GUea t
ZaJIL Office at Body JPattcraon’a Livery. Stables, on
-Fourth »lTaoi,,beivi;een'wpod and Smiibficia. ,Uy4:ty
HAVE YOU A COUGH, Of any contain! of the
Throat or Longs ? If eo, o»c Or. Swayne’r
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It has acquired a
“ fame” for its powerful curative proper
ties For sale by JARIRS A 'JONES.
inarC comer of LiOertp'OPd Hand streets.
shares of this desirable and profitable stock for
sale OO. [mar g] A: WJUdNS & CO.
TO: GARDNERS—-Twenty Acres of Laud, within
one mile of tbe City, aiul having a thriving .young
Orchard of various kinds of fruit trees, will be rented
to a goni Gardner, at a low rate, if application be
madeaooru--.- . jmarS] a. WILKiNS AGO. ;
ACOR— 2J0,0C0 Bis. Just received andVor sale by •
tnarO * ■ ARMSTRONG ft; CBOZKR. ;
fIURN— 2*oo saclts Ears, Jost-rec’d and for sale bv
ONIONS— UU bbls. just recM and for sale by
mart STUART &' SILL.
rccerrcdv«Ml opened 40 cartons* Spring Ribbons,
rich and saperior styles. tnejo-_
rj IL.K3AND3ATINS.—Just received .ovor SO pieces
© WsctSaksiaiid BdiUuiGlabi Silks,ltoiinet and.Fl®.
tenee Silts if , ijni cplot. j! ■
• A.-A- MASON A CO.,
OJtmdfTl Martetßireef.' ■
fUST opened at A. A.MASON dc C 0.,» completoas
tf cannier,l of (Jenilemau’a black Indian CraYota....
In haaii received 10 cases or P,. Alien * Sons spring
F(mla> ' . , mart,,
/IORN-lOd biißi SlieHcd. Uui day rec'dand forrsate
TiBY PKACHJSS-lTOfiraTtokjEtebl -
EXP RES S- M'Alb-liINE 1
Fare to Clevaland 54,00; to Cincinnati 310.00.
(Signed) C. PKKNTISS, President.
OrrtCK nv the C. it P. R. R Co. )
Bac*nna t 8, I*jsl. >
Sty* For tiefceift apply to
nov 10 MonongahejuJ Houae, rmsbursh
rcaiUtii.VAiiiA UAibiloau
To Fh'u'a. To N. York,
& ioo tbs. 100 lb*.
feb2S:!ra . \
J-.fJ. EVANS, Agent,
-M- ~—
Casta ITuiulli Ji'lre l'JE»l»u*aric« Company
Harrisburg, Ptnnsylvml*.
, J , :
tuVin'g Heert WpolMea Agents for
lie 'on&ned an. Office lit No..
.!ApUC!.u»rstreet,-.and'ote now prepared to effect mad
rdtictfs. OiFcity find country property, upon ns. favorable
Temts ns any wpnusiblecompany in ibe .Statc, • AIK
persons havmq properiy . insured tn tins Company arp .
votnfur.iis officetsVAnd tosharp iu iis cant-.
evefiKfo'r. dnjihTng bd*.
All loSfiles promptly
pafd mfsixiy after tiTodf*of the same. ■' i
.v ovpicebs: i
• >Hon;JO«l*e. BUOllttfl President. j
Cius. H..HtKsTßKsVice President.
" : • Tkos ll.'WillsoTi, PecretaTy.
-i. i,r David Flettiing, Attorney and Counsellor. \
iJ DiVerforr—Hon. John C. Bucher, Rodolpb P. Kelker,
'Wiff.ColdeivJf.* Ifcmd -Fleming, Isaac G. M’Kinley,
;Clio9.«l‘t ltn*«cr, F.liu* K. Ktntcr,Samuel W. Hays;
David .Mummn,Jtv3obn'Niminger, Dauphin County!
-Jacobs. Uakieman, Vorkr Henry 11. Fry. Lancaster 1 1
v'Adam Selimacr, Berks j John G. Brenner, Philadelphia;
' \VilHam-Miufzer*Montgt>mery; Thomas Gilleimle,Lu*
zernet' Gordon I?.^-Mason, Bradford! Amos L. lynppj
Northumberland*; James Jolm T. Hoov*
-er,-Ccntree JoimS.lseU, Huntingdon; James h. Moore
head, Alleebcnyi- Jonathan,D. LoetyWashingion; Geo.
H., Oumberla.ul; ““Spitt"'
' \ U St. Clair «ucet,.
rents for Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. ■
-Pittsburgh Braucli rarcbanlci’
Aceumulaitd Cash and Guaranty Capita}; $»9,0OO.
rtlUid ft un Association or Mechanics, workmgmen r
I and olliers, formed for the mutual relief of u»mcm
her, incrt«c of accident, by the payment of:
the-following annua! deposits. Fen-ons In good health
may becoaientefobers and be entitled to a weekly bene- ;
fit, in case of Mckness or nceldent. Ail who imp this;
Association are entitled to a vote tn the election of
officers, and toparlieipate in the profits of the Assoctn
tion. ft is established on a safe nml permanent basis,
being both Mutual and Benevolent in us drsifftrs, with
the lowest rates consistent for insecurity, and conduct
ed in amanuerjo insure its permanency and durability.
c tbaui t v ©rposirs .
3 ty'Oper yeur, draws $ 2,U)per week; /
3,(Hi do do :),«o do; J
4,00 do do 4,00 do;
5,00 do do 500 do;
d.oo do do r>,Oo do;
7,00 do do 7,00 do;
3.00 do do .8 00 do;
0,110 do do 900 do;
' 10 00 do do 104)0 do;
Admission Fee, for Life Membership, .8150— which
must be paid at the lime of making application, and the
first years'.deposit within twenty day*. Each member
entitled to a monthly report, gratis.
Praideni— W. VV. Fcatt.
Vt£t Pniident —J. 11. -Ilochannn
Finanu Committee— W.M.Rockwell, A. P. Ward, A
W. Jackson.
Sttreiary anti Treasurer —J. 11. Buchanan.
Pittsburgh HfftTtncts —Jn me* Uuntop, Esq; W M.
Wilson, M. I>;'-U.U Speer*, M. W. M’K. Morgan,
M. D >
I) W. BEAUMONT, Actuary
CIATION lor tie month of February .
Principal offices of Issuing | certificates of member
ship and paying claims
No. 105 walnut street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
No. 41W, Alain street, Louisville, Ky.
Cor Olive aiid Second streets, 8u I<ouls, Mo.
Cor.Third and Smithfield »U , Pittsburgh, Pa.
No-66 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich.
We sum up the reiults-of last month’s labor, and lay
it before our Members, (hat they may sec how our In
stitution is flourishing, and bow the present officers are
discharging the business of the Institution that is en
trusted to theif charge by Uio members
We find that during the last month the whole num
ber or proposals for membership, is 4,110,
Whole amount cash received * • •——87,039 50
Paid claims forsickneffe ontl Agents 3,429 25
Returned on rejected applicants 133 50
l'oid for Printing- 411 35
do Postage, rent and incidentals- -•••,- 131 00
do Clerks and actuaries 23150
do Officers--*- A IS) 00
83,333 GO
Sorplas capital - - 84,1*9 90
J. 11. Bccushan,Secretary.
With these accumulations saved. a/ler paying all
claims and expenses, the officers look back ppon their
exertions and that of our agents with feelings of satis
faction. It Is now with fresh courage and renewed
seal, that we enter upon the coming month, feeling ani
mated with our pa»t success, ai\J inspired to new and
more vigorous efforts to seud abroad the good influenc
es ot our Association. From the obseore organisation
at first unnoticed and unnamed by the public, we have
grown into consequence and power until we command
attention, and have called forth the respectful notice and
high commendation of more than one hundred of the
leading journals of our nation. To onr members we
would invite their attention to our worthy journal, that
will be devoted to literature and general intelllgeiico.
It will also contain our reports and the practical work
ings of Health Associations generally. On our part we
shall spare no pains to make oar Journal a welcome
visiter in every family. The Cr>t number will le issued
on the ISib of the month, and will contain the monthly
doings of out Institution, from us organisation to the
present lime. taarUtflm
lentuchy Mutual Life lesursnce Co<
THIS COMPANYoffers to the losared all the security
and advantages of ibo Mutual and Joint Stock Plank
(as heretofore applied) combined, namely: Low raws of
premium-; an annual return in cash of the per ceriinge
required for the contingent risk of the year; an ade
quate, boUtoi excessive provision for the ruture security
- of members for the whole term of lire, with an equitable
Interest iutl>e accumulating fund secured to soon mem
bers, payable at death, by credits upon their poli
cies; a guaranty fund designed for the permanent secu
rity of soon term members, and al*o for the present se
curity of those for the whole term of life.
10* This is the only Mutual Life Insurance Company
whose rates of premium ore fixed at a fair redaced stan
dard, with a provision for on annually increasing accu
mulation of funds (for future security) in exoet propor
tion to the amount of ba-inef* and tae increasing risk
from advancing age among the members.
Pamphlets, tracts, Ac., giving in detail the plan and
jtUp* of the Company, furnished gratis, and applications
for insurance received by - J. TURBETT, Agent,
139, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Dn, worth. Medical Eramincr: jyl2:yj
Vise Prsnkllu fc'irc Intarauce Chnipßuy
ov ruiLanKLrtna.
Charles W. Bancker, George W. Rlehards,
Thomas Hart, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias. Wagner, Adolpbi E. Borle,
Samuel Grant. « David S-.Brokrae,
Jacob R,Smith, Morris Pititerson.
Chau. G. Banccsb, Secretary.
fpT*’ ConUnne to make Insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property in town and country
at rates as low as are consistent with security. *
The Companyhavc reserved 4 large Contingent Fund’
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested!
afford ampleproteciion to the assured.
The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1351, as
published agreeably lo an Act of Assembly, were as
lowa, viz
Mortgages ■ ■ 918,129 G 9
Real estate • 81,377 73
Temporary Loans • 83,966 17
Stocks 61,889 00
Cash, Ac.— 64,340 81
$1,212,709 44
Since their incorporation, a period of 21 ycars,thej
have paid upwards of Ons Afttfion Four Hundred Thou
tand JJoUan, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence,
of the advantages of Insurance,as well as (he ability and
disposition id meet with promptness, all liabilities.
qpr24) Office N. E. corner Wood and 3d sts.
Kentucky Blvltnal tlfe luiursneo Co.,
THIS COMPANY has actual Capita! of ONE HUN
by men of the highest integrity and responsibility.
Pamphlets furnished, information given, and applica
tions received by J. TUKHETT, Agent,
129 Wood street.
Samuel Djlwobttt, Medical Examiner. (sep9
guts Oluiaat Fire Insursnce Oompaujr,
DESIGNED only for the safer classes of property, has
mi ample capital, and ofTouU superior advantages
In poinl of cheapness, safety and accommodation, to city
and countryinercltanis, and owners of dwellings, and
Uolfticti or country property.
A. A. CARRIER, Actuary’,
oct'47) branch Office,No.64 Smltlifield si., Pittsburgh 1
J. ANCE COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the Ei,
change, Third street, Philadelphia.
Firs Insurance. —Buildings, Merchandize and other
property in (cum and country, insured against loss 01
dantnge by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
Marine Insurance. —They also insure Vessels, Car
epee and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured may desire.
Inland Transportation. —They also insure merchan
dize transported -by Wagons, Railrond Cars. Canal
Boats and Steam. Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most
liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Boeder
John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R. PenrOse, Samuel
Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper. Edward Darlington, Isaac K.
Davis, William Folwell t John Newlin,Dr. R.M. Huston,
lames C. iland.Tbcophilus Paulding, H. Jones Brooks,
Henry Sfoan, Hugh Oruig. George Serrill,Spencer Me*
Uvain,Charles Kelly, J.l*. Johnson, William
Js. Thomas, John Sellers, Win. Eyre, Jr.
Hugh Craig, Jno. T. Logan.
Tnos. C. Hand, Vice President.
Joseph W. Cowan, Secretory.
[o* Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pitts*
burgh. Qelftdu) r. A. MA DEI R A, A gent.
Pin nttil Blazlue luiurantß.
TDK OFFICE of the />uurar»c* Co. of Norik Amtrie a
has been removed lo (lie Warehouse of Hardy, Jones
& Co., No. 14J Ftont street,third house East of Wood
street.where thesubscriberwillissue Policies on Build*
ings and their contents,andonShlpraentsby Steamboats
and other vessels, for the above old and responsible
Ooropnny. fap3] WM. P. JONK9, Agent.
LUhogrAplMe InjUtuiT.
CO-PARTNERSHIP. —The subscribers most respect*
folly announce to their frieads and ibe public gen*
erally. that they have thisday entered into Co*Portner
ship, (or the purpose of carrying on, at the old stand-in
Singerly’s Building, opposite the Post Office,Third street,
Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, in ulllts various
branches. Having macliiuerv, recently arrived from
Europe, they are prepared to do works in Lithography
equal to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance of
the patronage bestowed heretofore so hberallyto the
onejiartner, Wra. they Ju>pe by strict
attention to their business, by elegant workmanship,and
the most reasonable terms, to merit the favors of an en*
lightened public.
jjonds, Checks, Drafts, Machine Drawings, Likeness
es, Landscapes, Autographic Letters, Bill Heads; Plots
Lithographed and Priuled in Black, Gold Bronze ef Co*
ton* -
Specimens of their work can be seen at their Office,
as above. WM. BCHUCUMAN,
f|\UE partnership ieietolore existilng under the firm
J. of BCXEJSKH is this day dissolved by
motool content The huBiuess in ihia city will be set
tled bv D.Ftckoisen, at the old stand. No. 137 Liberty
street* h. FICKEI9EN,
r -: "January 1,1852. J. B. STOUVENEL.
I have this day Mid tay. interestin the Wine and Li
qhor Establishment to b. Fickeiseh. I cheerfully. re
;cdmraend him to all our old castomers._
» oA.IJUVc<WI , JL«t
ho fint Canal Boat ■ wrivalSjfa.
.W Urgff stock of Wall-Taper; Borders,
"Window cuftawa and Fire Board Prints, 'whleh. wIH
>? Pnt {vVlfTEß P. MAHSHAIi, ...
’ lubiO -r— Not 65 Wood street J
* ‘" p’
■- > ' A > S
V -
„ --.-“jDrg-’fgflflhfc. *
Kto w 1 ooops; , |
. Signcftkt odlalHA LDB E HIVE," ifaiijl Hi
■; H*w flprintf and Qoofli I I
ITUIB ,subscribers’have iiwtf received, by Adam* P
A Pennsylvania Rqtlroad, ode
of the largest &n&besu*6tecied asaprtmeuik- of fjne
Drew Gooddever offer£d*to the public,... ~ i
One .of the Finn Bating been inthef Eastern Cities.
bcCoro-the cpmmencementbfihe Spring lradC, selected
out Goods, with great care from ihft Importers, at Bach
price* ftswfllrcnableoj taseilchesper than the cneap
eSL ... .... -y r)p ■ ■
Our very extensive stock comprises in part the 1 tot
. CEeneaml Jasper Chene Silks;
High Lnstrc,Plaio, Chamelifln andOlAsaaSilks;
doStrips ; ’ do do;
.do-; Plain Black ...•••••< . dt>» ;
Turk Satins,Foulard and Watered Silks)
Tissues, Borages, Plain and Figured Poplins;
Cashmeres, Jielainea ami Alpaccas; -.
Chintzes,Ginghams and Calicoes; ;
French worked Sleeves, Cuffs,Collars A Chemiielts;
do • Lace and MuvlraCapes; \
Black Satin aiulFsncy Vestings; \
ClotliSjCassimercs,Satinets and Jeans;
Bonnets nml Bonnet Ribbon*. ;
The proprietor# would respectfully solicit an early
call from their frlcndaand;the public generally, feeling
confident that they can offer greater Inducements than
has been offered heretofore.
' Prtib Arrival of New Good#)
Tile. a’KSllOni’ A aaOTOKRB,
HAVE JUST RECEIVED anffofler forsale-^
1,000 JAI. G. D. and S. B. Percussion Qapa;
4,000407. Spool Cotton—assorted;
Patent Thread; ' ’
100 great-gross Agate Buttons;
300 dot.Gam Suspenders*,
“150 doz. Berlin Gloves;
4o doz. Cotton Gloves \
130 pieces Pongee Handkerchiefs;
s(i- do Ladies*Linen do;
75 do Cambric do;
30 cartoons Bonnet Ribbons;
95 do S&tin and Mantua Ribbons;
0 do Cap ' do;
Together with a large and well selected stock of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods
They- would also call the attention of the trade gener
ally,to the largest and most varied assortment of Gold
Jewelry, Watches, Ac., ever ottered in this market—*ll
of which they oiler on the most reasonable terms; fodtO
No. 76 Mark# si n bctwun Fourth and ihs Diamond.
rpflE subscriber will commence a eloslng oat sale of
X bis entire slock o( FALL AND WINTER DRY.
GOODS, on Monday., December 15th, and will continue
one mouth, preparatory to the reception ol Spring
Goods, on whieh occasion our Wholesale Rooms will
be thrown open to the Retail Trade, Purchasers may
rely that the following reductions will be made on the
original marked prices, viz: 1
Genuine French Merinos have been
helling at $l,OO. now at 62Je.
Super French Merinos, 1I3» “ 70
Genuine Lupins, best quality, 1,75 “ 1,25
French Thibet Cloths, 87| u 524
u u 75 u 50
u u ,• « 45
Best high Lastre Alpacas, 871 u G2|
Secondqualiiy u 62| i( 40
yfura *< “ su “ ai
Fight ynrds of good Alpaca for $l,OO
- Long Shawls, 25,00 11 17,00
. “ Square 14 IO,UO “ o^o
Blanket Long Sbawis, 10,00 “ 6.W
;« “ «* v 8,00 “ 6.00
Bay State Long Shawls, 5,50 “ 3^
** . 4,00 . “ 2^5
Red Flannels, ail wool, s 39 I “ 33
ii « n at M 95
.» ■ U « 37| ; “ 38
The above prices are a sample, and the baljmce of the
slock will be sold in proportion. Positively no devia
tion in prices. fdecld
2F FALL ftud Winter Dry tfndd* and Varlties nt No.
97, Northwest corner of Woodblreei and Diamond
y; riusburgb. Pa. D. Gbeoo A Co. would again an
nooure to Utetr old customers and dealers generally in
their line, that they ore now preparedt ootterforsale
tbeir preseat new,stock of Goods atunusually low rates.
And oj our purchases have been made oh the most fay- ■
orable terms with Importers and Manufacturers,weffdt
lex ourselves, audhape to be at»lc to merit a continuance
of confidence apd patronage of oar old customers and
the public getferalfy, which has been heretofore so libe
rally bestowed upon us. Our DRY GOODS STOCK is
in part of Broadcloths, Catsimeres, Saulncts, Tweeds,
fancy Vestings, Checks, Flannels, Drillings, Black tutd
Browu Muslins, Tickings, Blankets, Linsey Plaids, Al
pacas, Merinoes, Mushn De Loituss, Cashmeres, faney
Prints, Glazed Cambrics, dookiugs, Table Diapers,
Ginghams, Silks, fancy long Shawls, Silk Cravats, Pon
gee SJlk Pocket Handkerchiefs, gnu Irish Linens direct
from Ireland, and all other articles generally kepi in the
DryGoodsline. Ocu VauiSTT Dcpanmemwilibe found
on exauiinauon lobe unsurpassed by any other of the
kind Wcst-of the ftlountains, and is made dp tn part of
Combs, Boltons, Patent «ud Spool Threads, direct Irotn
Europe; Port Monies and Pocket Books, Hooks and
Eyes, Pins and Needles, Topes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ra
zors, Table Cutlery sad Pen-Knives Jan arrived from
Sheffield; Patent Medicines. Violin and Violin Strings,
Gant Suspenders, Slates ana Slate Pencils, Percusstnn
Caps, Spectacles, Pistols, Hosiery. Gloves, Lawns and
Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk, Stiff Gimps and Fringes,
fancy Nettings, Green Bandages. Black Silk Veils, Silk
Florence together With a general assortment of all other
articles in the Variety line. We have on band and Cor
sale a large assortment of Gold and Stiver Watches and
Watch Materials. Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil
ver Pens and Pencils, Gold and Sliver Spectacles,
Clocks, Ae., to which we invite the attention of all buy
ers, os we are-determined to sell oar Goods on the most
reasonable terms, either for cash or satisfactory refer
N. B. The business of the late firm of Gacaa A M<v
Candlcss is to be setded by D. Grace at the stand of D.
Gbeso A Co-, who is fully authorized for sueh and In
whose possession are the papers, Nqtes and Books of
said firm. [octl&tf
108. FRSDIOB STORifii 108
James Qotllng,
WholaaU and Retail Dealer and Importer of
WOULD respectfully inform the public and bis
fricuds, (uom whom he has formerly received a
liberal share of eustom), that he has qsed every exer
tion in securing an extensive and complete assortment
of FALL AND WINTER GOODS.of Ibgßßwtduality.
Consisting of the following, articles: Fresjjpptid En
glish Mermos, CasUmvres, Alpacas, PopmSslilks, Sat
ins, Mous De Laines. and oilier Dress Goods; Shawls,
Vnzeties, Mantles and Cloaks, of irvcry variety-
Ladies’ aid Children's Bonnets,Caps,Capes; Velvets,
Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac.
Gentlemen's Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shir Is,
Drawers, Hosiery, Ac.
With a large stock of Bleached and Brown Muslins,
Shirting, Sheeting : Table Linens, Tickings, Cheeks,
Flannels,Calicos, Satiuets, Jeans, Ac. Also,an assort
ment of Mourning Goods.
The above stock, with numerous other articles, the
proprietor is now opening ai his New Store, No. IDS
Market street, to which he Invites purchasers, as he is
determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest.
MADAME A. GOSLING still cQßiinocs to give her
undivided attention to the manufacturing of viteltes,
Cloaks, Capet, Uounetn, Ac., which are ali made in a su
perior style. She respectfully solicits purchases and
orders. French Pattern Hals for the trade always on
hand. (ocll4
Aalia nrr of Diamond , (near <A« Ohio and Ftnn~
IMfest, itlwm'a Aa if rood Dipot ,) ALLXOBXM Gn.
sjiKgSlLttlver and Land Steam Engines, Fire En
gines, Hydraulic Presses, of all descriptions; Copper*
plate. Lithographic and other Presses; Gold Stamping
and Kcilning Apparatus, togethei with Mill Machinery
in general; fiuiU upon the most approved plans of eon*
structiou, and workmanship to the satisfaction of cus
U7* All orders left at Messrs. Cochran, M’Bride A
Co.’s, No. 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or addressed to
ihesuuscribers, Allegheny,will receive prompt attention.
Ten Tboanad Uiei liOStl
BY Keuting’s fioach, Hal, and Moubo Exterminator.
This preparation is one of the beitarticle* sold for
the destruction of the • above named pests. For do*
stroy ing roaches, Ac., it has no equal in America. Pre
pared ami sold wnolesaleand retail by
At his Grocery Store r No. 207 Wylie st., Pittsburgh.
Also, for sale by T.M'Fadden ACo , corner of Fourth
and Ferry streets; and WiUiam Griffin, Pride street,'
Eighth Word ; John M’Cailea A Co, corner of Federal
ana Lacock streets, Allegheny;J.Gallagher A Co. vcor
net of Carson and Denman sts., Birmingham; Welsh’s
Grocery Store,Sligo. [febs:lm
Keatlug’s Usd Bag Ipxcermiufttor*
PEKSONS about whitewashing bouses for the coming
spring, will find it to their advantage ttnuethfs mix
ture In the whitewash, for keeping Buga, Flies, Ac . out,
and from the walls and ceiling. Two tea spoonfuls of
the mixture is sufficient for one gallon of wash.
SoiCPal'the low price Of 25 centaper box.
At hi* Grocery Store, N0.#207 Wylie st., Pittsburgh.
Also—For sale by T. M’Padden A Co., corner or 4th
and Ferry streets ; and William Griffin, Prido street.
Eighth Ward; John M’Callen A Federal
ana Lacock streets, Allegheny; J Gallagber.A Co-, cor
ner of Carson and Denman streets, Birmingham; and at
Welsh’s Grocery Store, Sligo. (fcbStlm
UNO CORDIAL—An effective restorative in cases
of debility, iuipotency, oad all irregularities of na
ture. Also, Dr. Cook’s Remedy for Intemperance—Sl
a bottle. Two bottles will effect a certain cure. Alw<
Watt’s Nervous Antidote. Thousands have been cured
of the most malignant diseases by this most wonderful
health restorative. 81 per bottle; S 3 per dozen.
Only Agency in this City,
NOTICE.— Having sold oat my Book and Periodical
Store to W. A. Gildenfenney A Co., 1 cbeerftilly re
commend the new firm to my friends and customers.
W. 0. WALL.
TO THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned have associa
ted in purchasing the entire periodical stock of W.
C. Wall, No. 85 Fourth street, which will be conducted
as above, under the firm of W. A. Gildenfenney A Co.
The present stock will be increased to every arucle be
longing to the business. Publlo patronage is solicited
and wtU be thankfully received.
try 11. MINED A CO. will «UU continue as formerly
at their ohj stood, No 32 SmlthfieM street, jfcbg
: Dissolution of PuuunUii.
THE Partnership hitherto existing between the sub
scribers, doing business in the name of John Blank
* Co., is this day dissolved by mutaol consent, H. Mc-
Cullough purchasing tho entire interest ot John Black in
said business; If. McCullough having the right to use
the name of the late firm in sottlingrbe business,and the
exclu-ive right to receive all outstanding debts, and to
pay all debts due by the l^efim. BLAcK _
henry Mcculloxjgh.
N 8.-a'he business will be continued by the subscri
ber as usual, at his old stand, corner of FnauiMi
Pittsburgh, March 1,1852. .matditf
Olsselallon, •
THE partnership heretofore existing between Xaraea
Armstrong, Samuel Crazier end Charles Barnes,
under the title of Armstrong, Orozierk this day
dissolved by mutual agreemfntfMr. Bnmea having dis
posed of his interest end-withdrawn from the concern.
Feb.’y 21,1852. CHARLES BARNES.
The Forwarding, Coraimsalen and Produceßualness
will he continued at their present stand, N0e.82 Water,
and C 4 From streets, by James Armstrong and Samuel
Crozier, under the stylo of . ' t
.. ■mart! ARMSTRONG -ft CROZIER. :
/■'UiAt’K siiAW-LS.—Juat opened, uiiriy rich ptaln
AJ and Embroidered Crape Shawls. . -'.r/.-f-:..
“ _ A.-*. MABGN 4 00-i ™
I", 'maid
*_ »*
V-i A-.
'■■••• ■* ST*%&*3-T-jp-*WY*''-‘' - v " - •- 1 - g
/jm .JABSS-W. WOODWfK«#fJI I !
msmafVßniti}R&-MANUFAcTmiEB t i m
t ! 9T aiiit «» jiiilr<mn*4
respectfhHy infonns Msiirierids afla«|tom^
Furnitore.whicHis decidedlytijel&rgest antLoMMVflr,
offered for sale iti liiia City, which will Re sold Rtprfco"
Wea? i f
, Ashe Is determined x»tiphold the
seasoned materials,, bes*,
designs; and from the: extent of his orders and facility
in mat ufacttn ing, he ia’anabled to produce warranted
; .v |
He has adopted.lhe-.prinoiple of Idej&ifying the etH|«-
tomerV interest |n anali»t«nd price, ang ;
keeps always 6n nahd the greatest variety of every de»
cription of furniture, from tfctchehpest and plainest, tp
the most elegant and cosUy,ihfU aheuse* ochnypari <a
one, maybe famished, froraiuastock, at manufactured
expressly tos following articles consist, is
part, of fils which for richneis.of. style and finish,
cannot be surpassed,in any of the Eastern cities: f
Louis XIV i
50 Sofas v inpliah and haircloth; ;
50 doz. Mahogany -Chairs , • , \
20 do Walnut ’ do;
SOMahogfmyßbcltingdo;, j
20 Walnut, Vdo’_, do.; i; ;
SO Mahogany'Divans: 1
20 Walnut dpj
SO Marble.fop Centre Tables; .. \
60 ’ do Dressingßureaus; V
30 do Washsiands; . * f
40 Enclosed' do ; . '■
100 Common do;
80 PloinDiessing Bureau?; ,
40 Mahogany Bedsteads; - :
20 Walnut i do; > ~
50 Cottage; do; i i
3uo Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; ■
20 Mahogany Wardrobes;
lOWainnt do;- • L -*-±' i
10 Cherry * do - ; . _ *• -
50 Plain JRdrSaus; • . >
70 Dining ahifßreahfask Tables; ■ }
12 Secretary, and Bookcases; I !
20 doz. Cane Seat Chairs; . i . ;
24 Cane Sditßqcklbg Chairs; L •
12 Writing Desks';"''-
Ilat and Towel Stands;- : whavNOls: ’
Etigoires 1 Paper-Mflcaae Tables; ■ ;
Conversation Chairs; - Pembroke ■••••■* do; i
Elizabaihen do ;> Halt and Tier -dor i
Reception do; Ladies’WorkTaMcsi [
Pearl Inlaid ‘ do; - Extension DlnirigTabies f
Arm do; Ottomans; 1 ;
tiothic and HaU ChaUs. r f
A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and
ail articles in their line -
STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the! short*
est notice. . :
All orders promptly attended tt>. froard I
<oarit«y m«n Cabin** n tfctn AiaonUMotf
*"•- Inear »Imj cotnerof.WoodA t
acing, alreadY.twicc tothree l&L I
te* as raaayfiknd* tsih'e lar- |iß|
itaad bithenoiaotirenowncd* ! *
.jis city, have opened Uiei'OYare-
- are able to furnish the public, fcyiwholesmie
or retail,with Furniture of the following description—
viz: __ _ !
Mahogany Wardrobes Fall Col
umned Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; . Mahogany;
Chairs: Rocking Chairs { Mahogany Waah»Vand»i So
fas ; Divans; Piano Stools{ißook Cases;Secretariess
Card Tables; Pier .Tables; fine Card Tables;' Centre
Tobies; Hat Rocks; Preach Bedsteads;
Poplar Wardrobes; Dinipg and Break/aslTablea; Work
stands; Cherry and Common Wbtkstands.i high post;
common, low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus ;!
Cribs; Cradles, frc.
The advantagesof co-operation,on an exteflsiTeYeale t ;
permit them to sell at the lowest prices, and they arede
lermined to sell, lowerthan any competitors, an equally?
good, if not better article, and warranted—«Slhe public
will understand by giving them a call; - > 1 > • i'
up* Siearrtboat voTi -of all descriptions, ftiuToihen
articles of any description, Made to oruer liiererystyle,!
at the shortest pptice<. - fmarat \
fo flakcrii , v
Timms, Mahogany, Itomrood and WatnuiffiYtirnisk,
Hard van and JFumuvr* ai-WholesaJe.' T
THE subscribers have just received /root New York
ami Boston a most splendid stock of VENEEBS,
and are manufacturing by machinery Furnituresuitablc
ffcr the trader All of wbichvre.,wiU c iell atestreotely
low prices'/ ' ‘ ; ’ **' *" ‘ ’
As great care was taken in Hie selection of ib£ stock,
persons cannot fail to be toiled either as loqaaUtyor
price; ami, as It is well known, that Parniture can be
made by machinery superior ami much lower than by
band, the attention of the trade it respectfally invited.
Tamed Work,in all irn branches, carried oft arosnat.
Plank forband nuls v Tor Carpenter*; and aft articles
required iamahaf&elhrihgCahruelYuraiiare, constantly
on band—viz: Mahogany, Varnish,. Hardware;VJtau
Cloths, Springs, Ac-, Ac. R VAN fchVKEE,;
mar22ordaw No. 3fT7flh'sircet.
«. c. aarntaa.
Httaatr * Danl«r.
Biiwtn SevtiHistrat aniSfra'winrf * tUUj/y Pkuluru,?*
a HAMMER & DAULER kfeepeonslantly cmliaml
UL a variety of excellent and feshiohaWe rttrniiare,
ffpjwanajuedeqoa] to any in the, ciijyand soldon ju
• 1 •favorable terms ascan be ebulnedat anjrsimilir
establishment in Jt« West. They have now on band an
unusually extensive stoc)r»eii}bractag ftirktf da of foriii*
ture, fronrtfcetdreapeal AndpletnesL u> the
and elegant. All order* promptly attended to. mrdl.-Cro
HAVJ3 ON liANDstlheiccxtensWe CABINETand
CilAUt MaNUFACTORT. No. $4 Smith Geld tl.
* largo aisoiimwu of fancy aud plain FnroUare,rwUicb
they wfll aeli IS.perccnL below customary ra lea.;
Tdrnu—cash only; - , -t idecgfcly
WM. K. continue* to ©ana
mmße&tsr-facloris CABINJST-WAIIE ot evdry descxip-
at bis old siand/eonter o( T«ibe'rty'and
MBUHSeyciUb sirecll. UNOKBTAKING attended
to,lnaiiiu branches . mayfl
THE •pfcscn&er b«g« »wt rtipeetfri-y
uatuttohU frirml*aricu»Haer»rt>r Ue «ry
liberal patronage bcctoweU upoti him «niee;hU_coa
menccmeot in utisine*»,and hope* byrirlet alien tic n
and fidelity in the execution6l nil- orUt.** emraited u>
bi* care, to merit a ecmtinuance of their favor*.
He would also announce to-them and the ia
genera), that be has just received a handsome’assort*
mem of Goods, selected in New York and Philadelphia
for the Fall auaWinter Trade, tuehms fUperfihe Ijfaefc
end Fancy Colored CLOTHST Labrador, Lambjkht,
lkavfer and Devonshire Cersejr Coatings i Plain and
Colored French CaSSIMEHGS*\o„ which be would in*
vito especial auenuoai variety and newness
of style is'superior td nay'ibingitt rAUri. i
beautiful lot of. Black and CoLored-SILIC SATIN)C**hr
mere, ftlarseitlcs and White Silk party Vestings,—all or
which he is prepared to make lodrdey in a soperiai
manner, at low prfeus. JAME3-C,.WATTy .
between Second And Third sirectiu
TO TAILORS—J. C. Watt’s Graduating ShoaUlei
Measure System of Garment Draughting for sale at the
foftowing prices, accompanied byOrai Inrtruo
Uon*,glO; without Instruction*.St. , ... loet?
Elegant ana dnfut Vlothlnc«
CALLAGHAN .& CO., . carnet'of Wood and Water
streets, are now teceiviug from the Eastern mark
eis a well selected and extensive lot of Cloths, Cassi
meres and Vesting*, which surpass in beauty and varied
ty any other collection west of. the mountains/ Thete
Goods are the ehoiceof the easternmarketslbeingselect
ed by the proprietor*, ifcemtclve*, expressly for this
market They wen? purchased for casa, al low prices,
which will enable the undersigned to dispose or them'
about twenty per cent, cheaper than the prices charged
by the generality of tailoring establishments Inthiseity
CLOTHS—French. English and' Amerie anhmve t ee n
seTected with grcatcircimispecuonr and varioa* stylei
of rich material for Overcoats, we pave in l abundance.
Our stock of CASSIMERKs is very exienstve and
varied,including all the-uewest, richest and most flush.
iooaUle specimens recently imported and manufactured.
Oursiock of VESTINGS includes a variety of all the
fancy patterns to behadin New York city; ins mast
varied and elegant—while some, when property made
up, present an appearance of modest grandeur. Taking
the variety as a whole, it certainly surpasses any col
lection of Vestings ever broughUo ourclly before.
Gentlemen of taste who desire those Goods made op.
cut and manufaemred by. experienced artists, will
please call arid examine for themselves. They are open
eep34 corner of Wood and Water streets.
SPH.INO AKO CtiOT'lll Hill
f No. 101, liberty Sirtet, PUttburgk.
TOHK McCLGSKEY has how the pleasure of mn-
V nouncing to friendsaod the public in
generaijthat Eis Spnng and SdnimeteWdk is now ready
lor inspection, which me believes will be found tohi
one of the largest and best selectedstocks of Ready-
Made Clothing lo be found In the Western Country.:
He has this season paid more than usual attention to
the manufacturing ariusivle of his Garments, so that the
very lowest priced, as well as the finest, are got up in a
style and elegance tlot to be surpassed, v
He would particularly call the attention of al! dealers
in Clothlbg to Uls present Splendid assoTUnent of- ' *' A
Uoady-iaadaOwrmentSt \
As be feels confident,nppncxaipinatUm of the qualities
and prices or iris goods,he can due? them sqch-induce. -
mentsav shall muveit ilicir Interest tb-ppfcJiaso at hit
Many years’ experience, and great succesvht the bu
sinesa, togetker wiUrim unprecedented SpAolttofeand ra
mi/patronage, has enabled him to get'up Gaiwente’lo
suit the business habiu and iastcs-of every location In
the Union, which is of the utmost Importance to.wUola
sale purchasers. •• . .
In the Cutting department will befoqndac hoice se
lection of the most fashionable goods, co nsistingf of— ,
French, English and American Broddchtia,' yz
Cashmereus,'Ac , See. Also, an excellent assortment ol
VBSTIN&S, of therl&test and most fashionable styles-*
all of which he ia prepared to make to order in the best
manner and aMbe mostireasonable-prices* -
The Assortment, £b« Guality, and the Variety, iatha
most extensive, undoubtedly, to befound In the united;
Bolivar Pin Brick Mannfaclarlng €omjsuij|/
iu. atom, s. a, iais, b.f.iohis, S-S-iustuw,
GLOVER, KitmTCO., Proprietor*, j i
mUE subscribers BaFjng been appointed Asetm for
X the above named concern, win Keep constantljr on
hand a supply or lhesdlebtalEd Bolivar,Fire Brick,Crt!-'
ciblo Pin Clap, Furijace Hbarths and liiwhllS. They,
an also- ready to receive order, for said Bricky to bat
made in size and ahdSelo suit purchasers, which shall :
bepromptly filled. fc-' .
We do not deem lE-necessary to enumerate the man,
advantage, the Bolrtur Fin Brick poses* over all oth
ers that hare been ottered for sale In the United
their superiority being well knownlo aimostall persons
who use Fin Brici-ftThe proprietor* hare determined:
that the Fin Brier shall lose none o( their present envi
sble reputation, andlaui ao expense shall&e spared u> :
make them even better than they have heretofore been.'
Shis is the only establishment now manufacturing Firs
rick at Bolivar. < - - - KIKH k JONES,
: marl? Cnnai Bnain, Seventh st-, Piltsborgh. y
•piissouirrioN of FABTNuasuiP.—The Fanner;
I / ship heretofore existing between Jashua Rhode*
and A. r. Anshntz, under the firm ot ioshua Rhodes A
Co., is this day dissolved by molual consaat. -The busi;
ness of the firm will be settled by’either of Ikepanies. '
KiijSurgJl, January 17ih,18§|!,. -.
i The business wili be eondneted as heretofortriv the,
sabscriber,at the old stand, No; 0 Wood street; : -
! lal7 ■ ' JOSHUA RHODES. ’4
V Uerr’a lslaaa Bnr. H*us. ■%' ‘
fHßabovcejtttbllshmtntlmabeen taken by 'ltiß
on«lnea»connsCte4,»Ui)rejr{ih'jtU(4n»thwr7at#t!Qw re*
celting a/aIL subpljt qfT)unbeY,oi4er*for all flies of
I.umbe»;wlU l>e4me4witJiproniptnMa,»ndet.B» low
prices as by any other Milt H the neighborhood, -;«
■i PAUNO3 cfaplam-mdgr»ulinnilitfj)aiteniwnit9'
eot. V.fspiSSy] ?' 1 JAMKa-dABMAN at CO,
5- J, fc* J ' ' * * "” '”** JpW''*'* < £ ■»!*, < ~ * *_ **v » j’V p, 11 ,„„ l t %
7*. -,- -J, .'•v?/>.7*jr,- V’f* - *T&;~ r J - ■ “*>‘-< ■? v .r.c.S'^^v, -
. wvr..... . * *&£■* .
.• *• •* -•-. V S ' +^-'L, »*' ' \ 'V . 7<* X •5 t V'#, t, 4 _ C. ¥ _ *r *■ „ \fe.£*
■ •■ ' ~'->;-V v ' . ..-, n ■
' : -•• i- ' •• . 1 -
•'Y-.' ;- r “ r ; • -\= ( N *> ‘-
-v t : Ij. ’• .o :!. ■ ' • ...
V >•" r -» <'■»■ ' ' 1 ‘ ’ r ‘ . ’ i*"
.* '* , ‘ /V** ,>'#; * - * *’
' t- ' r -■- < -’*
f f-* „ - / -“' ' ' *“*, '-^Li'
-'" ’ ■ ./< *. ?.'. ,; " t,*?„ c - r/> *." ? %< •V;
'-, '**■“'♦ T*V. -’"V ,-\ -‘V > l - v -'s’ ' T~ A-v^~*
. ,** ' J " * -<« - v * - 5 7 r,, i
* \ J ’" ‘-j, ;>T : ' ’-' «'* > r
X *
f ■ - _r-
tC. -r
<5 losing.
- -
, ‘ Os '
(UaMilWftii &tyagr.
: ?Jst. *sS£ffslShSTiaß.»ra|-ifio»*l tr*e*uon»:oV*
'!■ .■“S^^.SSSbI
B tT . it r . gtwtlt *
s fa., ’' ‘' J: ■
Boaui*ai .« - : n'i ./ ‘
'Maho.'wlihBingib& Mailascotlnstrument, *. tJMJa
L Tlielwi»Set»io»» eonmeneere«peeli»eJirion'tti«i**t
'tVVdnesilc'riii and in October! PipOt are not te
! eciVCTiinit;by.«>eciai «rrcnfem#nv for ICM thin One
! MMion.: Nolledadlion for abtcnet,.except in ep»e».,pf
■' ‘ '
1 . Hccpnusendctionv fte-fWVje
hid 'df'MiJ.'G.K.'Wlilte, Market »trect,and of Mf.
Mellrfr,Bl tVoodclteet-: Mrton_. <■
“ - eiutbnrsli Oouli JPMtonri,, •
' ' fto. &B' l)iamond <xUif. t 'iH*r~W6odstUti, EROFBIEEOBj' II [
iiinrrn pi WOULD reipectfaUWnfomhisfrietid*.
"‘AmiF nie piSCc;ltiftifeß ak« hp wr one han»<
Light VelilcleArmderwayof-con-
Stf ~MraU>atractloiy,ihc greater part of ajej
6ni3bedieniWHy iib,«offlpflfing-lighnio-topßdgjn6i,;
wsighi/ramiSOOtoJfrSf pptuuDj or tl tpp
321to'Impounds/' Alsoj'ah’arportinent or Kockaway,!
: -witb onaortwoscaur-aomefine two-horso Barouches, i
The above work will bewirranted, and J* jennsmictydi
frpin’lhe besitfcaierial ibatobuld'teicfeeled Iflthe fe«t
-_ era market or at IwmejomUaJtemiiarperfptttinKtaeach
'btoicti oC Ms factory.lie feel* confident of risking his
• ierkution bnhUworfc l 'wbere itijrasedafidnot l abased.
' Person* at a distance, ordering ,w*rk
friends, or eolttmhifd&itteirbhhilU'tt talk plicejWUlte
eeiv«oiir:ioo»Mtric| .1 s
Assnascutt /, '" \
CoL Rod? Patterson, j R.Hi;H«jKleTrfe'q‘, U ; - «
fton. William Wilkins, : CohQeorre jLßjrard,.j ;
WllliamM'.Lydn;E'sg t ‘ *LbgaovWiL»n«Co:,'*' i
7 Singer,il*rtman * Ca* lion. Jacob: Forsyth,;.-. j-o ;
j: KufdAfCb.,' George Weynian,Eiqi;
■H. U.iMoorejNew OrleanjjALß.MifordvClsrklwrillev- r
• .., . . • [Tennessee..: ,* -
.Repository, No.’l Watson ‘street,* 6‘ppoalte the Canal,;
oa-Pciinrylvania Avenpe. , -. , : .i.; -7: ■
A CO», .. i- I
’ ; 100* WQOD'STREET, ‘ i
URTHOLKSALB Dptfarin Demotic Dry
f¥ Goods, artf now opening their first purchase of
SPRING AND SUMMKRGOODS, selected <wlth : tbe
greatest care, to suit consisting the
newest styles ' ' v
Dress Lawns anti Benges;
KUiaaudFignred.Alnnecaaj; :• '*>
French, Schick ana Domestic Ginghams j
Printed Calieaaa, In great'karietyf' ' • " * f’*- j
Ribbons, Laces and Rdgingsj . ;? !
t ClbihrjGaijiirtefres'andVesUhgs; -
... Summer Coatingim! Panlafocoing j,
' ' Brown aiftßleacheS Muslins;
s Straw and Brafd y,
■l- Together with-* ehfAnlete-grdekof YarietyGoodsand
PedUrVNotronsiGpld fQd GiU Jewelry, Go!d *nd&!r
ver Watches, Brass Clocks, Ac.. All or which are of-
Eastern ’
prices. / ' , .... .. . ; t w febS3.6jn,, •
WILUAMS &: CO? have-removed toNo/122:
• Wood street, three-doors above their old'
stand, eomerof Wood and Fifth streets, where they.will
bbplewed totheettlieuffrremlsiind patrons. ■
*.j -;-t; v yi*fn.V-.QapCEEIKS, .U. : ir.>-
Rio, Logaayraikna Java Coßeej
-: NewOneahs aad’ReStfedSdgar?;
GoldenSyrap»N.O aiuLS. it .Molasses; . -
’ FirietoeitfafiubGreefltindßlQctTeas;
Won!d and Dipped Candler. .
Palm, Almond, Castile and Rosin Soap;
Pearl and Com Starch*, - s.
Ftirnia, Peart, Sago an^Arrow*root;
, Hams, Beef and Dcef-tongae^
- Fruttsand Spices Also,
Iroiyand Niils, White. Lead, Cotton Yarp aad; Patient
'2inc Wash-bbardarAe., Ac*. wHblesale'Ond retail, by
ivowrfi ‘ J D. WILLIAMS ACoyl22Wbodsti
. i. . -i;. :<f
rplIE umiersighedhaving disposed of their entire in:
L tercet in the National Focanav to Msurs. Hnrtßl
Rats and Danisi M’Cn¥DV, vroald Tec6mmend their
successor* to Die favorable patronagetbat has beenbe*
upon tLe establisiiinent stnee rt* comnlbElce
mcnt, Uoth io lULiviciuitrandin the west. '; r•- :
Tbe books and accounts of tbe late firm will be set
tied by either of the partners, at the Old'staiid/cOmeT
of Seventh and Liberty-«tteets.'»
febttetm ~ . JOHN QUINN A CO.
umi *D47IUa* W’CPUDT.
. »iittpa«( Fomwiry* ' *m:
■Twj. TBJJ inderrienedj having,
lice Interest of Xpha Qdrnn & Co., in the Na-
HPjjpl tfoual "FouuJry, will continue the above Faan
•rridry, umlcr the. fitnrof JLcis A; t&PCoB&Y* and
keep coriaiantly on hand alarge .and excellent assort
ment of all articles ip theirline, madpXpitt tuv> and tks
most ajrprertd PaiUm*, such ai : y i-
UOo'iaagStoyw;.. , .
’ '"OfficeTSiovcsj' ‘ Hollow Ware;
Wagon. Bore*» i / . iPfoagbr Irons;.
Bad irons';* “ ~ Taucy aruTCbranion
Dog Irons; Grates, Ac^Ac.
Allnnictes ot <3*»tingsln their line wUlbeftmtx&fted
at the very Jowc4U-{mco3.4&s warraate&n&wo be Infe*
rior to any manufaeiuredio the city.- -
They are constantly receiving new and btaUli/ul
Pattern*, ot all de*cnpiscms. njaldng oar'variety ot
Castings the most auracuveof-aay tnanu&ciarodin the
Dealers arercspeciftillyimvited to call and examine
ourstocit,o'rfend on their orders,"which will be attend
ed to promptly, at the old-stand of John QoimvA Co*;
corner. of SevemU and Liberty streets, Pitisborght l’a
fr.MSrtm . BEI& tt? APCgEDYv
HA VINC <oU m? entire •lock of. Books,
Ac-, to Mews HEEL’ fit CALLOW, £ cheerfully
recommend ihrm to roy former 'eo*ton»er*. All persons
indebted to me will please .coital the old.stand and »6t»
tie. ; ' J( Bi HOLMES,
opposite,the Post Office.
co-PartJtersJUjjWotlce.; .
THE undersigned, the eritire-slbck
of J, B, Holmes, 3rd sl|rem r cpn«sti&£ti£J*o9k*t Pl »'
ttonery, Ac-. huVe ihistlay entered into partnership under
the firm of HEKLA be thankful
for acoiLtiauuice of Ins palronage, and,will atßObekap'-
py to hove a coil .rom their friends generally.'
A full assortment of w cvery article''will ahyaya be
found. ' ' • • -1 • ‘ ' -ti : :. ' • ''
All subscriptions conlracted for by Mr J. B. nolrobs
will be funmbed as usual byua. J.G.REKL,
PltUbnrgU, February 28,1852. . morg
piaioiotiou.ef Fertusnibip;
fFtllEpatinershiniiierdtdiofe existing between.the.un>
J. ' tierrigried,hits been dissolved ihijday, by mutual
consent. AU persons, having, claims tgsinst the .con
cern; are ra}nesttfd fo'pTe&rtt'them ; tor’payine:Ot?’tuid
all perrons knowing themaelvfcsihdebteu.arc respici
fully invited to call and seUte the same* without delay. /.
Tut subscriber having purchased the entire interest
of Mr. R. H. HASLETT-iu the Variety and; Jewelry •
busineasr wouU respecUoliy call tbs aiteution hia
former friends and patrons'to the-slock xtf<Goodf4it
hand, which will be sold at prices tosuit the times.
Particular attention-paid to retrairinrCloeks, Watch
esand Jewelry. aoUM f &vK«OIEDV r
mart • - No9lMark**BtreeL- .
Louis araEMAti- .aoaM KXuccHia,
{of the
Cbtli, Wmtehts, 'Je&dW WcOek ttattrials, Trils*
fifth staasiy osb doobfbom wood, Knsßpaoii, .
TAKE leave to announce to the trade and Ibe jpupite
generally, that they have,UieiU3elvea carefoUy,B£
letted anil imported from I&irobC,' a large' stock of Gold.
and Silver Watches, Watcfe Materials,nad Toolsffpr'
Watch ioakers; and a most elegant aßioruhentof Jew*
elry, from the best manoJUbumes—which theyofferUV
prices as ipw as they can pßrcfiasedut tiil'eustern
Buufcali. s ''
Their stock of Walchfia cansiils of Gold undSUver
Patent Levers*. do jSiL,
ver Qaaniersi oruTeiegam Frencfctlme pieces ofrthe
most approved makes. Together ~wtib a lareoatoot of
Clocks, and Time Pieces, from the best American Facto
ries. ' •
Their stock of Jewelry comprises article* of every
description in this linej Sueh as Fiuger RinksjEatßtitgs,
Bresai PinSvßiaccletsu Gold, Fob and Guard Chains,
Gold Guard Koys Und seals, Lockets, Gold.ond .Silver
Spectacles, Silver nod German Silver and Table' and
Tea Spoons, and every kindof fancy articles generally Mtiblishinehts df tliis deBcnptibnr . .
They wouldrespectfully calf xhe'auention of the trade
:to(heir extensive. •tOcft of AYateh materials acd Tools,'
•' —Si • ” k •
: They have alsooßhand * iarjjeaiioriniembf Tele-!
scopes,Spy ClaisesßniOpcra.GlaJicj.froin lhobest'
mimrfactory la England.' Togelher'wirh a great .variety
of other etudes toonumeroas to mention.' 7 " "V; .
Olocks.Wstchet and Jewelry repaired to tho best
tasnner end on the tnoitreaeonablcte'tma. foe tl try ,
l'lu SUooMi
JV ate at all timea a delightful place of resort tor La
dle? and Gentlemen to enjoy a plale of FUSSII OYS
TERS, cooked in the serious alyles end served la e
murmer that carmov.faU. tojßle«ee, -AUp-r:UOT COF
FEE, TEA; PASTRY,‘imd oiher refreshmeots, atahort
order fnrH[it,ColJ'en(iJilibw(!reath3,fronf7JL. Hyto
U BiiC tfebis .. w'yr. warp.. .
i . 'Western kxcbutgc fiotsl.
■eaten n., wan or rase stjneaa, rntLAonraie,
Jbmlt 9pmriH)ht Central end J’tnna Bailromd Etpou
: asr Tae subiedherrespectfullylolleilaa shne of tha
■ Tytma—One dollar per day. ' \t ifeblttily 1
TjIAEL EASlilOMS—Jrlit received at the store
JC of Mrs. A. LEECH. No. 9 fiRH stBBXK«W-
Shleh will be open for inspection'on ,
And Friday, of thin week, where you will find n beaut!.’
ful usortment of en entire'new style of Blraw.SUk,
Satin and Vetret BOICTETO,andTRIMMiNG3, of va
jious kindt.aultablefor thaireason.'
! F. S.—CbiUren’* Ibmneuj .Lndlest Capa ’and'Head,
Dreisee-W a rieb und beesufal stylu. - - foeUSrtf.
; Hpary Uieharaaßrsi Jaweliek.
IJ AVINO re-bued blf storein a buudsomo manner,
■ll end buv recently returned from the' Eastern cUieu
wild n.fine MsorunentofW«iebes,Je*eiryandFancv
Good., Would cull ihe attenuon of bt* friends end cus
lomerito ther lent, that ninbngbii Waleheswill be found
the most desirable styles,pauerns andihiikeri. Of Jew
elry, the latest styles or broches, breast pins, fob and
best chainsyfingef- rinpietlr 'lings,'mhdi&nre,- rockets,
f pnertnacherwork tnhies.
krotkhoxesi desks; Aneytrasev peHirmeboules, tabffi
tnau,:ColPa aisiolif pptta'ntbmtiesj’in'gnat fanem
china fruit andealiedrshesj wilh arr endless variety
of asefhl and ornamontal articles, which have only to be
jccttlob* appusclulbtit :. •• y c-r- - »t-.
■ r Mtl .'i I'- : JiO. Si MARKET STREET..’,
■bmosaortransleling a WhoiMale'Orpcery, JfediOTr
Lhiaorknd.Coinfliisjion bttinessinttdeitho finiiorjdiiif
Blaokfc C0.,K0. 219 corner of Libeny and ittvin aiih'’,
r ‘ JOHN BLACK j - -i ’ ■■
s asfty -, v , ..6L; JB. ;•
/= ■■ - ■ „ n V"
! ■' - : ' ' . %
-v ~ -/'> -*
l r
... , v
■ ■> . BjnforMii*-*nUre.*ueiiilontn*ttafiee -
~ tin lir fanptßJmn. .
-■: TMWBjKjyoytiaUmllilcgtte* wgjßoaat.
MI id thik ciwiWat>f«i Dr.
%<»ntUi<><ei > iu3inaeik<*Np«cd)'iinbr«UwUißiip ,
com* pftilerfcis e*r*r J5 >- » z. _jr -r -.- , _
,-J ftoderae; </ i iiorsratyir.
JV.tdpfoi RtekatlteT* m*p*odj , *naekiUittMmidr
i«ili»ip»inf*lm)*M*r:ltßeTeiAll£'r:‘.‘ ir •.? *■>
, OBc* »nd Print* Coonlutfon Ropm* No-41, DIA
MOND, 1 Pltublnij((Ptfnfi*j"Th*i®««n'i*‘.*ijrmT* at
I . : '..- V J
' ; ‘ 1
mUB ttriri߻l -|WJi-Oaly;genuuiO; rem Alton (or-tbo
ij JL" P^niweiU;:«iOT^drCop*ttD|^o|fvfUid^jp|*ca«*.o!
-, ■ '~\r;<■■■",:\rr i:-. /j-.-'SeMfiiljlt! ’ - •• ~* •■ ';
' or King’* Evil)
.*«•»••*.'• * <3aiic«»4T4n»r»,•
, ;; ,Empiion»nolwSkln f '• - - i.
■ *■■:■■ • ■•Erfirnelai, Clifonie Sore '
i . :■■■ ■!•■ Eye», Ringwormf or Tetlef*, . ■>
■ theßofaos' or J<Stms;-014 BorairaiHJl*
. eera, Swelling of ihe Glands, SyphUi*»oya
‘ ‘ pepaia, Salt IChetnn, I>iatase-of Ihc Kldnoys,
«{ ~ .tfiaMf AppciitaVDiasiwa arialngfronubo r .
use of Mere ary, Pain lu thefiiaes and ;
| ; Shmiiaer*,G«ner*! DcbiHty.Drop- ' »
t, , , =*l, fcwflxao,^Jiumdic*, and.
axethe Uwalu«?)le.ieinMllil;*gen»a;frp)n;'Wlilf*.«Df >
‘Gityjmtt'slihproVedEttruci crrYeltowßocfc and Sir
sqpaxiil*” is faiJa«(il-aw( Urti MbotaU)ry of 'l}r.Oßpofl; ' ; :
ha* given ns the: virtues of-Uleae roots in their perfte*
;ikm, JlLsprcparaiion eofrtaiiisall the restorative prOti.
erttosof the roots, combined .and concentrated in their v
utmost streugthimdefficacy. - ,> - ' ■
Experiments were made in the npuuifaeiurd cr.thlit
medicine, unulit was (bn[id.tliat it could list be further '
improved. ' .
- ''Aecortlinely»we fioditresirted to, almost Universally,
Jn£asc*nr Hepatic,Scorbatie.and Cutaneous complalnia : . ;: -
.or generat prostration dfaltthc vital powerv, und ud
ikj>»« of the rkinpooiiriingtothe
'patience, and soinjurious tohealth. ,
->i |o* Sao/ula,S]ffUes,iliteuTUttCtteflainUj Cauttf.
GaKgrrns, ii Asumot iret, a fjdrt rati variety c/other diea
grtzabliand dangerous dishastr art speedily and perfeetty
cstreilbythe useqf : this medicine -. ■■ ~ -
' SaLbra, (Michignn), October6,lSsl. >
■ S[r. PaiJr—\)cilT Siti ls is-wilitunnuerablo
feelings ot grautudelhatl um able, through the Divine
Provideneeof God/and by tiiewonuer-worlcing' arenejr
of- 1 It ut oxcellentmeiiicißC, uGuyzotP* YeHow.tDoek
and Saroaparnia,i* t'd give yon » few symptom* of mr ;
lime 81 hopelessable.' . «■ ■ . ~ ' r xr- a ,• . }
In the winter of 1850,1 wav attseked vrith a severe
woigradusliy extending tliroughthe whole
right side and leg i mviho seme time, metal pro,tntUon
of niyphyaicat system; alto.ihy leg hadshrank to about
ilwo-tutrtls of.ila common: stxe. I procured nteAiteudt
aitce of a slllful pTactitloner, wito pronpuuoed xuy die
ease one of titb worst forma of liver complaint, lie said
my c»se wasonetJot easil)Ch<B*Ut!dfbni n«scn'heji fa,
mel- rreinainea Under hisilrevlinait unlill was satis-,
fedheeosldiiothelpme.'. Itbenprocsredef.ysaragent >
ul this place, W> A.Deere, two bottles pf Cuviotl’s Vel-' - *
TOw Boek I 'und Saritajarilla;froni' wluch 'I iee( tved «c
trxut amount oPbenefit'Afterhaviagiakeafouxbouies
more, 1 was able to pursue'my busloess williout any
Inconvenience,; *nd: liave teensiucatlhat; kmea well
mac.whilelmta short time.siuee I was confined to sty
bed three-firailhs of,thetinta;andleannotascnbeth» -
rettirn of. niy heuUhifof' hny letheyotfse than by th* •
agencyot that truly valuable medicine, Guynott’s ,\et*
low Diet and Sarsaparilla. UASSEIr TAliSlf ERi j
axung-’oetoberii, 1851.1,
fl Jlr. y. B. Park—Deiur Siri send ymMhe foregoing
eertifiepte, and sofaraslamacqtiiutiteiwitltWscMe,
ilia all timer' 1 fjbihktnsfit might beateriS
hl to youeud lho- aflileted. :You :have the: priyitege. of
using ttaa yon think best. Yoars, W.A. EEESS.,
Tht following Lmiut it from a highly txrpcetehls Pkgtk
ci(m,mho tnjayt ‘in aUntim fractiu; ■
v., Mavuu, .iStarkCo^O.) l Nov:,l,tBSU.i
Dr. John D. Perk—Dear Sift ‘ c Di. EnyzoU’s.Extraet
ofSarsaparilln.”. 'PhhtruedlclnehnsbeeiiprescrißeaL
by me for the last three years, with good
rat debility, Liver Comntainl, Jaundice, r -
Chronle and Nervous, dltehsea. In' all Female Cpa
plaintslteerulnlyivujieotiallea. .... -
.in the use ot: this meuieine, the.patient .constantly,
guitts nrengtli audi vigorj a fnct -wOnli, of great Con- ■.
sjderation,. Jtisyttcasnhttteithp Jastennasntgl!, •nioaft
be used by persons. With tlfe most delicate, stomachs; -
with eafetyrandcr any .eirepmsumees;. fLans'Sjkakiitg.:
from experience, and to. the afflicted Ladviie ils uxe-c, ,
Extjatt qf a £eUer from a n ctimiivt Msrtham in
■ ' • ’ noiL' FPixCTtutilfv'- ; '.f •
. Nbsxaii, (Wisconsin),,OcU£>>]Bsl...
Wr: JbA» l-ttm oulof yootMWlii
Ur*a Balsam of AVild Ch«rry l ” J andu M DT , e CaytoU , 4 JJxt
iraei of Yellow:Doer and Samparilla.V: yfceaio foi- .
wardarupply Immediately.-^'
as well, f lobfc ihree bblUes inyself, last fall, ÜBd'en* -
loyedporfecthfcaiilf.Ustvwiaierjftr ot; ;
tleven yearB.bejji£»Qo}>led;wiiho wveresnipUen ot
the 1 at In,' which" two \rcefct ,t to’ibsti'
Henry Etiones,a brother merchamandapartrcnlar
fri’eilof miabUdolrxwObdules.of lheYellowXtoekfbi ;
a-Sctofoloas, Eiamlon r wiitcliihaa- wofheii.oo osUto
* My Btore.i* of -Wisconsin Avenue vrfL.
Wa/ndCstreeL Yours, respectfully. ~ v
CyPriceSl per bouu£-aix boule* for. •£.
. Sold : Jii).'PAUKj.Cinciiinadi 01iiov . -
carrier of Epntih and walnuttts^-—enlran«t
on Walnut—tO'wbom'anorUfiirsjnasiljeaddTesficd; "
aireeiluidthe BA A^Co,Vfu*• 1
rlicnyCity;LT : Lambcr*
tdn t Fnmtlibt; st t; Welifw 1
jß^rdrd? r ßeedb: so^'lTin(iiu^odflan.t)rrfoo!t£di^a-'
j/JslLW^ty } iCitt*nv
nlngr Eror» A Ccj,vßrb6kai|les'jA_WUw Son.
villej Barton * Co, Ju
KeUy , A.Oo f ßai|erv.SSniiifi t ßca.Y<x»'i,B^ttinmcr«m*
■ Warren } Ft* Jk G S CrdPlPBr.
Jr.vßro rpt; nr-.-*#, i^zzy*'
; - TO AHI^
tturitig.' &U fiaias-wntalT ExtetnaUFamav
;&nd Sores. •'• ». ■ }■ -
' ; -S4. Babriof Coltunbia for Slaying* oi'«fia\ariflg ike '
Human Hair- r ’■ , . - - . ~ - »v/
fld. TftuftVlVmu and j&*M £fnu»eiii and'iftrfum' Vtg-’
iblt Eh'xir t a cure for all eases of Bbeomsijjia*:-:-.;:^',
4lh, JtZcJY’oiVj Acoustic a certain care .
fiih. ifasVi4»««£a;kn®WßCure,toriteEtfcs*
. Cih, "SboMi Sick HtadaehdHarudjj. . • :
•■7»h. MoVitr?* Re ei\ tv«men m iheifa&Uy way. v
: Bih. Lon*Up'sG We*tttn Jsidifin JBannua, fat
fever*? for ••> •
;Ast&oa> Biitoim
jreßa'la&xrialfct and.m&lesi and'netftfoutf complaints; fix -
I Stomach Affections, Dyspepsia,Piles*Bheumatism, Ac.
jTJie'grcatpoims areui3notl)atltbtak‘c,ncveT'gives l
•nalD t -ftndjJCTerleave*on«c(wUTC.*:. ; v -,-\ /
JKh« 3!olji*3bwiVFsm£f«g« {Wprra'rCiUer,} for Children "”
lot:gfowftjffetaoQi«; l - ' •.* c . /; :
i. loth. MnljSmin's KiUcr. Nomedieino
fraBheen<Us£overed bo happily adapted to uso v
lo'-he takeir, and yel perform' such
wonderswhen, applied er&motfy e» & washor baib, by;
friction.'TohotueS from IfiitoSOcents each. ‘ tV
' BoQckand £*& Bug Bans t fordriT^
Jng awQryemiain ashortlirne.. . .:••••. f . .
• igibvThecelebratcd;ZiWVZ>{/r.F»Rs and Tarivtfanto
; -v *»'♦ Vo
■■, 'l3th. Ifr. Ear ihchmno't Pink Swuv, the popular EX-
“ZA, &ov
! i4ih. Th* Eaulndias Nno York Hair i)yu, ihe oiity
SUREeotorrngforme Hattf*- 5 : ‘ , 1
; tt&. IJH’slfofapfCkßi&it. Chinese RcmedyforCuii t
./.‘ r “>. . ,
: lQthSEttan'tif Sartctparilia. This article hair outfit*
edalLoUier§aE«ap|nnis, and elill glTe^flagtca^SMisJ
P*l7ih.Th© ckebrated-spread Sirtngt&tning Ttasur t
{node from Or. ioJt’arecipe. and the most popular in the
market. • ' ; - v ' 3 l, ' v "r * ••:' • \ lv ' - 1 - *
■I 18ih.,Z)r.SKu , 4 Acdtiinuidcuf -
cineforTooth: ■'“■ s « 't - ■> .
lately bought the tight for the
Untied States,' of the Celebrated Cvntmaauu Minaal
Doctor ,w«,c,
Chase, at StOataanaec, O. W. This medicine -h»« at-"
Uitted a Jidtbriel? and popalatiiy tferer biaieceiinnUhar
by-WiTPtcWfCUoaatdhat plaeoj.aniliia *«jte has been
koiimieiiiro{titfe'»j®talne*lu{'«!li(ißi»ie'extritniainaY*. p
j Alt iheremedleaare fnUydeieribedioAlAlANACij..
lobe given tanUwbo «olU.wbere;,iheMeilietne*ari
•• ISoTICE 'All.preparations heretoforaknotan a«
« COMSTOCK'S” of COMSTOCK* CO.’s, always be
ScConmlek; endthonKh the-aignatura -of Comstoc kA -
Co. willbenratinaed,tmieitralabelwiiliUtefae*«imile
airaalnra -
" BKSPUEIoijS: 1
; ■•■ ■ - LUCIUS 8. COMSTOCK.-;.-
!. D“ Tho above medieinea etut behailin thU ©laeo of
[ iebO ', r-M •••' S^IbbUKUCKBON;
Dr. Jaj-ui’a
■JjIXTHACXofa Ahhow, •»
fysssisssst&s vx# '
[ ftowingreatwantof
I CABMINATIVE EitsAM is an invalSlemeilWnl ‘
£^M£3BgS9£ <
l Pedfeiite»are-a«gil StobvimSJSrr l^ 1 3W
! yX *t\ -T * « r, *
\ >
'V' '
- & V
v "%«• v i ~^
J ' A s
i' '