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"• 1 ■ i g»i^wsMl lSi^^gt®i^®f't ■lllMpi' W§mfSfiMoM ip v i fl^i assfe \ ; \ 1 # y;- , ... j.,- .. V x mpMs&^iM^ssM, ‘!+m^ ■>■ 4:'-4 ::■' - r '•■■■■' ■ ■■=■ ■ . ’. TW* V*; ' rioo Kto«JiaJav»CoßeBto»ionfwia^t|^r ,ABB »op(oM,ijy , W : . " - “ ' ,„a, . ,' -% s ~„ s>r-,j&&‘'-i~? •>’-• »* \ " ■ „ -’tv. , - .m “* - - , , . ■■%, M ' >-' '•-- •"V -~ifV - -, - tSppgfip ' ' ! x,. ':• . :4■; v; ■ . r ' v 11 f,-! '*V - . ~k~V': -V 6 't—" - ' ■> r , * : 4£irs X r, ; "4 * , *-1"’ / I * '/ Jf ' v « --, . ~'£-'“‘~s ' ''■' ' . * » > ' * t> , l’ ."• < , *M%j^»S-’ht' ,, *{' '•i t*« sV' n "* , V ,^r‘*< 't*'" ■• n ' " 4®s'; " ;4*f’3 : ” C > ' .A *■ < * tfs2g\ia-i.< ‘Jsbe -t - Nm Daoto. filttstf, t ' jisW Mlijiia. v ; |2_; qniefe «ep, Insonlied-50}?* W»«tM«snmn Lottii » C hlon'ict:r i’dsrcltr'by H, Kieber.- __ '■ - The Mmtaialaeera F«I e Sf t {|’Sr*® Bal,e ” : A'ilUe,'»iir hrave, by,!?: IfJ'y.nnrr r;,,,i ■ By t]ie seu ; seitwaresi asruaX by Jpnny Lind. ~Tbe"'Raveriawhhtf Wail*es,wbhjui excellent likeness tononnd MS Sata i» aberactere from ‘ nSmtS k”~ oWvlgaelle of Mad s °- .<4 city of Peris. - Fliithtno Polka,byFiraknib La t Walla of i Ijuiaw-, lJ>jW*eyi~^ lrsko b Wl , h mi ••.,i-:.TUo.MoSHf.BftII.; a».pcTfl>nwd:Uy pj iu^ar gjj. boanded apnl-tase, at hi . VheGarland daniCj, de!4 BA RP. No lOl.Jd weed sign of »>» ■VJTW COUKS-Ja?! ‘lSuhEelfatreet. 0 JS:8l«reol H,.Ml^EK.^VVi^ raihnffle)llj;o nd.ihß rC.(K3Sums InthAepab'*® of Central •» *“#A bimfrom Ms taigar work, with y::.inunen)ita^ppiengaju>^:^. Sr^H g n |i Srian ,Lad] r< _. By N Tr et « P a P F y nrA^w»”.oncairn.trodnet,oni»y Kicraplary Paata of Piety of standard and a, * tr» P «.??wirks°ir travellers and tba Fireside ‘”b“ BMlnctiveCiiaractcnsucaof tbtiaenes are: ifrtr A regular periodical issae, mailable like Ih* 1 M*r«!n£>-Sconi, Good paper, go-id “print” and | pdpableiorra,both for-Hie trayeler’a pocket, and to bind ; ■ ' - i 1',.}.. library. 'Hurd, Book? that ore worth reading i & " To Geitlk&h -This is abeauafnt book for a poestent —without'eXceplifm as neaia piece of pnuung and bind- Ultras waseverexecuted. . , D . • There is no possible carnally that can happen to an ano for which a docs notpoin; oat an easy remedy, be* ■ sides giving directions howiokeep the inauumentotwop* iniunei Price only 81—’worth ten limes that much, It • can be-sentby mail to any part of the United -Slates for - a (ew*cen.ts> Published by John HvMeUor, Wood street, and Henry Kleher, Third street, Pittsburgh, and may be had at tue principal book siotes. • • • < * cc *‘ _ 850 11KWAUD. , ' TVfti BLANCHAIIB, (ftdra Boston,) proclaim* to tlie Jjr -uffiicted far anti neat, that lie hos discovered utc most ccrlaio, sprady, and efficaclouß_ remedy for served my appetite very much lucre&sea; bat notwith standing that, I began to lose flesh very raplaiy, and ex hibit Icoosiderable emaciation. Alter o.time, however, my appetite failed, and I became much debilitated,r-the sligbtciu exertion fatiguing me exceedingly. My eight became unpaired, and I found my memory not so good as formerly. I also experienced a total disability lo con centrate myramd on any one idea for even a short time. My legs became very feeble,and tottered m walking. Talsonad great difficulty tinetauung my oriae, In tin* enfeebled condition, my friends advised me to consalt. -the family physician, who sotyi obtained from me such infotmaapn as satisfied hm of the cause of my com plaints. impressed ou me the neces* tty of relinquish ing the habit, pointing out the moral and physical rum nurotofoUow its indulgence, but could not cure me of its effects which I suffered. The symptoms, nocturaai discharges, inability to retain urine, a flow of semene on the teastcxeiuoa* continued to grow upon me every day.- At this time the family physician, above afladed to. advised me to consalt you. Alt*r a careful perusal of your advciuscmeni,* X came to the conclusion that my ’ case was one which required your.treatment, and 4. thank fortune I did soj and cannot let the present oppor tunity pass without again adverting to the beneficial ef fects whieh-your medicines and advice have bad upon me; How great mast be the reward here and hereafter, -'Of oqe who creates so much happiness in the world. I have no need of saying any more. Knc.osed you will flndatoken of my gratitude. - - - • . .1 remain yours, ever grateful, J, JOHNSON. ■■ /ro-Or-'B3ancbard y Southfield street. Yea are «t perfect liberty to make referenae publicly to my name. Ja2U_ 1 FraaeU Periodical Drop*. TtHESE DROPS are-olwaysnrvariablycertain to reg* V* tilata ifid Female system. They were discovered by t&0 reiV>wned .Rieord, while practicing in the boipt tats of Pafis, ood axe always warranted to care all eases cf I KREGULARITIBSj&c., from cold -orother causes. .They have been used-In * thousands of eases and m&vke failed to produce the de sired effect.' These drops arc perfectly bAraUen, and it ceeffsli&i one: tn&l to: convince the most skeptical of their astcshhlncefficQcy. Wherever they fan to euro after * Sir trlapie MONEY WILL BE RETURN ISO* -Thev are theonly genuine and safe remedy for alt • . ' SUPPRESSIONSANDIRREQULARTriES, -. and no one*after trying them once, can evetbe induced to try any other* ■■ :. The Drops arc for sale at the office of Dr. BLANCH? ARDiNo.CBSmUhfi.eld it. Fall directions accompany each oottTe. 'Thoy can be scntloony part ol the coun try,secure. of observation, by enclosing the price in a letter directed to Dr. E. Blanchard Price Ft vs Dolls as. Office hours from 8 A. M., to 9 P. Sundays not excepted. . declftly Henry Bichardaout Jeweller, vTTAVING re>iittedins store In a handsome manner, . jjL and bat recently returned from the. Eastern cities with & fine assortment of .Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods,:would caltlho attention of ins friends ami cus tomers to the fact, that among his Watches will be found the raoit desirable styles,patierns and makers. Uf Jew ejry, the latest styles of broches, breast pins, fob'and vest -chains, finger rings, ear rings, mmiaiore, lockets, , - &c.,£e. FANCY GOODS—Such a* paper mache, work tables, -work boxes, desks, fancy vases, perfume bottles, table - jziatsj ; Colt* pistols, porte monrnes, In great variety ; andeokedwhes, &c.,wuh art endless vuriety of tuefal ftndorn&mental articles, which have only to be - vseeo to be appreciated, navi .. NO. 81 MARKET BTREET. s .-Oysters! Oysters M - ; fTHE SALOONS of P.H.mfNKEK,on Libertystreei, • J. near Hand, wIR be opened oil MONDAY, the 23d mstanl, where Ladies and Gentleman can be accommo dated with Oysters, served ap m a manner not tobesur - passed Ituhis City. - . • . . 037* Parties supplied wnh refreshments Of all . -.kinds, at. the shortest notice, and at toe most reasonable prices; Coil at . IMS. HUNKERS, scpB2 •. LlbertVitreet • STRAWBKRtUKS t STUAWUKUKIES I A QUANTiTV of VTiimot Superb Sudline Strata -'Jx Plants for sale at the Coal Hill Nursery.-^ Thisbcing the season tor planting the plants; you get . - - well established and fruit better tho. following season.— : > This variety wants no recommendation; Tbo large • > .naaiiiliy brought to the Pittsburgh market,sold at 35 : v -cenisper quari, when the other .-varieties sold at 15 and -l9!oeats. TJteyaTe moreprtduetivaandfinerflavored, and hold out longer in fruiting by two weeks. These Berries -measure 4fr-inches round.- A-sample of this Fruit can beseen at Mr. Henry Richardson's Jewelry Store, corner of-the Diamond and Market street. All * • orders left there will be promtpiy-.attended to ami for- Warded to any distance. JOHNLOWEN, ecp3b - .v- t - , -x-.uiiCotnilUlNtiraery. -crr’s Island-garwr qtl!u. “ f|IHE above establishment has been taken by the an r A: dcTßignedvWitU tho view of pursuing thelegitimate ■ buaificasconnected;therewiih; andosthey are now re •' ceivmga'fQU-eupply of -TimbfeTrOTders-for all aizea of 'LuxnbET'wiJl be filled with promptness,'and at as low prices any other Mill in the neighborhood. FALINGS ora plain-andoMamenml Pattern will be ' cut - fsnra«-yl ■ . JAMKR: carman A CO. ' A. oara. KJDALY b CO. have now ready for sale a large a and weH selected stock or Spnaff and Summer v-.^v.^v.rvv:.(>-.:<; l tiossecyin-Qnits branches. Theywoula direct partica • leraueationto their. stock. of Genileniftn’s cotton half .. v- • rltose,'wilhMcrbio and Silk feet; they we of,the best jmatenals aud-wortnnanslup, and tor comfort as a sum -1 enualed. W,O. Sc Co.have also . r. •■•..• /itj jnyt»rft*TU3 Drawers Incotton, Silk, ~ m.; -andmcntiQ all .descriptions, at r the oidestebßshed Stocking Store,Fifth street, between * Wood and - . Iwvl -fTAIiL FASHIONS —Juilrtoeived ttt lit store s\ J^onUrt.'Ar IiEECH, No. O AND PITTSBURGH, By iii« Cleveland Ftitatrargbßatlroad. FROM CI.BVELANDto:IIANOVERSTATIONvT& ] nOJesXFfom 11ANOVER to IVELLSVILLFVby j Btaee.SO miles, and /reui | IiURGtI by the new and splendid steamer “ FOKfc.eri i CITY’-” TbU arrangement to.continue until tbe first of January, IS53* when the Cars will ran from Cleveland to WelUviUc. - ■ _ „ . M Tbe Express Tram of Cars will leave Cleveland aEUy (Sundays excepted) at6«4s* A.M., after ilie nrrival of the-Nigat Train from Cincinnati* arriving at Hanover; Station at 13.85* P« &L; and at YVellsville at 7 o’clock, P. Mm and at Puisburgh the same evening. • ■ Returning will leave Pittsburgh daily at fl, Pr M«* ar riving atCftveland at 5 o’clock, P. RL next day, in sea son to connect with the Evening trams to Cincinnati, and with Steamers East and West on tbe Lakes until ihe clora of navigation. • Time from Pittsburgh to Cleveland 20 hoan>.to Cin cinnati 80 boars. Fate to-Clevelond $4,00; to Cincinnati $lO,OO. (Signed) C. PRENTISS, President* OmciiorntsC. & P.R. JL Co. > Nov- 8,1851. j fTirFor uekeis apply to. G. ar. HARTON, Agent, Monongahclal Honae, Pitta borgb. . noylS SEW BAUjKOADADVERribKfIIKNT. WESTERN RAILROAD ■ ■... - , - - THOM Pittsburgh to Cleveland! Columbus and Cincinnati, : «*reswSa ■ bMjSSanjj i.BStßaßael' >AI «. 1 IN CONNECIiONWiTH THE PENNA. CENTRAL • RAILROAD. Through from Fiitebvrffh to: ChveUmdin Im than Ten ITours, by a continuous Railroad Line / rpHB Express Train on the Ohio and Pennsylvania I Railroad, leavesPlltsburghatSA, M., stopping at Sewictly, Rochester,' New Brighton, Darlington, Rnon, Palestine, Columbiana, and Salem, and reaches Alli ance, 82 miles from Pittsburgh, at 1-tVM. , Passengers ioaviug AUlanee on the Cleveland Railroad at 2 P. M., and- reach Cleveland at-*.45 P, M. Returning the pas sengers leave Cleveland atSA.M.,Alliance,at2P.M., and reach Pittsburgh at 7P< M. _ . Passengers by this route come from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh in two days, without night - travel, and save from onotoiwodiya Inconnecttng witbthe Penna. Cen tral Railroad. Stages run dally from Alliance U> Canton, Massillon, Wooster-aud Mansfield, and from Euon to Newcastle, Polandaud VVarreu. _ . . irj* The New Brighton Accommodauon Train leaves Pittsburgh. atlO A. AC. and 4-P. M., and New Brighton at 730 A. M. and 1110 P. Mi, stopping at imermediaie stations. ... Excursion Tickets, good for two days, ato sold be tween Pittsburgh, Rochester and New Brighton. The Trams do not run on Sunday. Omnibuses Tan in connection with the trams to and from the station on Federal street Foriickais apply at the Federal Street Station of the Ohio and Pa. Railroad, to OEOUGR PARKIN, Ticket Agent. ” Pittsburgh. 1? E 8 N SYL V Ad 1 a tt. A ft U HOAU, - WINTER: ARRANGEMENT. THE subscribers, Agents,for the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, are now prepared to receipt freight through to Philadelphia during the winter at tbo follow ing rates: Forallfirstclassgoods and wool *-’91,23 per 100 lbs For bacoo, batter, lard, tallow, and all heavy freight 1,00 per 100 Time Five days. COVODF A GRAHAM, Aghs. lanl3 Corner Penn and Wayne Bit* Pittsburgh. PBSXSYIiVASU RAU. ROAD. Oitwcen Philadelphia ausd Pittsburgh* Tims Reduced to Twenty Four Hour s. ON and after the Ist of DECEMBER next, Fasten -1 *ers will be earned by the PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD COMPANY, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, in TWENTY-FOUR HOURS, wlih only 28 miles of Staging over an excellent Turnpike. Fare ♦-*•81100 This is the shortest and best route between the Great We*tandlhe Atlantic Cities, and iho scfoaisioDATios* , re b, aU rc.pecu of the nov 14:3m Agent Pcnn’a Rail Bo«d Co. Adams & Co,** Express, NO 80 FOURTH’STREET, FITTcBURGH. rmiUE public are informed that we are uow running 1 regularly to the East and VVest, and aw prepared to forward all Goods eutrasted to our care. A SPECIAL MESSENGER sent daily for Philadel phia, at 4 o’clock, P. M. Also, dally to Cincinnati, at 7 o’clock, A. M. „ , . _ , , Orders transmitted free of charge, end Goods returned by first Express. t . Bills of Exchange for saleon England. Ireland and Scotland, for any aoioout, payable ou jinnclpal Banking Houses or Post Offices luttoe. United Kingdom. drei-t BAKER A FORSYTH. Agents; only Forty AUet isugiag I BY THE NEW CENTRAL KAILRO.AD TO PHILADELPHIA. rjA THE NBW rEHHSVLTAHIA RAILROAD! n 008 INTENT AND TELEGRAPH MAIL LINKS It of splendid new Troy buitl Coaches, for Blalrsviile, will leave Pittsburgh every day ai J o’cloclr, I*. ill., odd at 4 o'clock, P. M. and from thenee Ml milee by the Hta Pcnmyloonia Railroad, to Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore. Torn throve* only thirty hours. Coachea will leave every evening at 1 and 4 o’clock. EXTRAS—To leave at any time, always In readiness. This i» the most dlrrei, comfortable and expeditious route u> the Eastern cities. Passengers lor Baltimore take theme* Railroad at Harrisburg direct, on the arri val of the cars at that place. N B. Tiki only Office for the above Lines under St. Charles Hotel, 40 Wood street. Pittsburgh. ge pl W. 11. MOOBHKA.D. Ajfent- West Aiewtou PlanU iload Itoute FOU BALTIMORE AND .PHILADELPHIA! STEAMERS leave tmee a day, morning and evening, (except Banday). Morning Boat will leave ine Wharf Boat, above the JJonoDgahela Bridge, every morning, ats} o’clock, A. M- Kvemng Boat leaves every evening (except Suudays,} at 5 o’clock, P» M. Fare to kiulatlelphia 811. To Baltimore 510. For tickets,call attire Plank Hoad Office j Mononga* beta House, Water street declO J. J. EVANS, Agent. MOUNT ALVISIIIV &CADK9IV, FOR YOUNO GIRLS, Jn th* immeiiauvietmiycf tht Cttiacf Pittsburgh ana AUtghtny , Pa. THIS INSTITUTION will be opened on the J pi day of October, for the reception of pnplti, who will he in* stracledin any or allof the following branches of an elementary, useful and liberal educatiou:—Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Ancient and Modern History, An cient &iid Modern Geography, use of the G lobes. Botany, Useful and Ornamental Needle Work, Music and Draw I ins.’" ~ ~ ~ TBRftfS: i ytio anneal pension for Board) Turnon amt W &th« 1 in?y puyaUlo half yearly in advance, - 8113,00 i Music Tor beginners, - -* - - • - • 6,00 i For (he use Of ihe Instrument, .... 2,00 i Drawing, • ■ 6,00 ; . The healthy location of the establishment; the pictu resque scenery; varied ami extensive prospect, so uni* maungandenfivcouigto youthful minds, must render it a desirable place of education. The greatest attention of the Teachers will be paid to the health, moral and ltiielleciuafr ealtore of die pupils committed to their care ; and to render that attention effective.the discipline will be exact, yet ratld and pa rental. There witl be two semi*annua> vacations of a rorlnight each. Pupils will be received at any time du* ring the session: MRS. DAVID LYNCH, sepdtnAl Principal. i» e v. Orv&iiltk«Uir , i F«inalt Seminary, KITTANNING, PA., WILL HE-OPEN, fonts SIXTH SESSION, on Wed nesday« October 29th.1851. Totms P*r Sessionqf 99 Wetks—Payable tn Advanes ; Uoardtutd EngUah Tuition, .... 860,00 Piano, with Singing and use of Instrnmeni, • 20,00 Freucli, German,L*un, Drawing & Fumiing,each, 10.00 Bed, Bedding and Washing, • * - • 3*2® Stationery, .. . . - - - - • '* The two Sessions commence respectively, on the lasi Wednesday in April and In October. Pupils are not re ceived Ifui by special arrangement, for leas than one session. No deduction for absence, except incases of great emergency. NO EXTRAS. . Circulars, containing Recommendations. Ac , can be hod Of Mis. G. R. white, Market street, and of Mr. Metier, 81 Woodstrect. _ (»ep29 SzcliMffe Mvery Stalile andFurulalilus Office, No. 178 Pam Strut, near the St. Clair Hotel. The subscriber, thankful to the public ihe liberal share of custom in his line TCS&OfiisSa. heretofore, would inform them that be hoe the UNDERTAKING bu-i ness in connection with his LIVBIIY business, and will attend to funerals oa as reasonable terms as any in tue city- Any person having anything to do in Ida une, wno may give him a call, can depend upon their business bo fntf attended to promptly, and >n tiie best and neatest manner [no&Sm] JAMES MATTHEWS, European Agency-* THE undersigned, “ European Agents,” members of the American Bar, still coimnue to collect debu, le gacies and claims, remit monies, procure copies of wills, deeds and documents, conduct suits, obtain testimony, make searches and transact all other law business m England, Ireland, Scoll-nd, Wales, Ac. IJiey are at all times in communication, forwarding anil receiving docamenta to and fro, and one; of them, regularly in each year, makes a tour through the principal cities or Europe and America, on. professional business. A he next annual tonr willbe tbetwemy-sixth of this Agency. lanum e ml,l e refeieno„g^ H « l n iaj^Pj lr»> EENAN| . 103 Fifth street. Pittsburgh, Fa., ' H. KEENAN, . J 023 27 Palmerston Place, Dublin, Ireland. SHOULDER BRACES—Of all torts and sizes, for sale by [)al9j KBYSERjb M’DOWELL. nOWB’S COUGH CANDY« For Coughs, Colds, n Hoarseness, Ac;, for sale wholesale and retail, at mnafaemrer.’ P"«».l>y gRYaF , tt fc m-DOWELI riIBUSSKS—FortUe radical cure of Hernia or Kup jaWre ’ f3’ . STPAKT * SILL Casli llnlnol i'lre -Jmiiranije Compnn}' Horrlalrargr Penuiylvanlo. ■ CAFWWbj itxoo^oo; charter Feufetual milE oifßeraiffned -haying-.been appointed Agents for j. the above Compan.y } have opened an Odico tn No. 14-St. Ciairaueetj an.d are now prepared to effect, insu rances onciiy .-anti conrnry property, upon as favorable terms as any responsible Company in the State. AH personshuving propexty insured in ibis Company are entitled to vote for itsofficers, and to share in Its earn ings ) bot are. not liable jin any event, for anything be yond the amount they have paid. All losses promptly, paid In sixty days ttfierproofof the same. .«j, OFFfCEBS 1 . - .Host* JOHN C. BUCHER, President. Ciaa.E. Hiesxze,' Vice President. Thos. ft. Wtttjorv, Secretary. David Fleming, Attorney and Counsellor. , Directors—Hon. John C. Bucher, Rudolph F. Kelker, Wra. Colder, Jr., David Fleming, Isaac G.M’Kinley, Chas. 13. Hlester, Elias E. Kmzer, Samuel VV. Hays, David Mumma,Jr., John Nuvkngcr. Dauphin County r Jacob s. Hnldeman, York; Henry 11. Fry, Lancaster; Adam Schasner, Berks; John G. Bretmor, Philadelphia; William Mmtzor, Montgomery; Thomas Gillespie, Lu zerne; Gordon F. Mason, Bradford; Amos E. Kapp, Northumberland; James Burns, Miflhn \ John T, Hoov er, Centre Huntingdon {James K. Moore bead, Allegheny; JonaUianD.Leel, washington; Geo. 11. Bucher, Cumberland; George W* Mosser, Carbon. M’kAIN & MOFFITT, 14 St. Clair street, Agents for Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. Lentueky 31 ritual Life lstucance Ob# GUARANTY FUND, $lOO,OOO. mHEB COM PAN Y offers'to the insured all the security X and advantages-Of the Mutual and Joint Stock Plana (as heretofore applied) combined, namely: Low rales of premium ; an annual return in cash of the per ceatage required for the contingent risk of the year;-on ade quate, but not excessive proVisionfortheiutnre security Gi members fofthß -whole term of liter with an equitable accumulating fand secured to such mem* bora, payabte'atn'deathr oy Credits upon their poli cies; aguaranty/undidesigued for the permanent seen* rtty of snort terra members, apd-nlso for the. present s’e parity of those forthe whole term of life. i IJ7* This i$ the only Mutual Life Insurance Company whose Tates of preoaom are fixed at a fair reduced stun 'dard,with apfavisiofi for onannaally increasing accu mulation offiindst for future security) in exact propor tion to the amount of business and. the. increasing risk from advancing age among the members. ' ; pamphlets, tracts, Ac., giving in detail the plan and rates of the Company.furnished gratis, and applications for insurance received by J. TUItBETT, Agent, 130, Wood street, Pittsburgh. ; JPtLWOBrn, Medical Examiner. jyl2:y» The FraokUu Fire Ituurauer Company, or rßtL&DsuHu. Directors : Charles W. Baooker, George tV. Richards, . Thomas Han, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E, Borie, fiamuelGranu Daviu S. Browne, Jacob B. Smith, Morris Patterson. CHAS. N.BANCKER, Pres’u Chxs. O. Bancxn, Secretary. j]y CotUiuue to moke Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description, of property in town and country, at rates as lowuaore consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund* which, with theirCapitoi and Premiums, safely Invested, afford ample protection to the assured.' The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, m published agreeably to an Aet at Assembly, were as fol* ' 4W, m£w, «■s»« Keal Estate--- Sj'Jii 72 Sgg Cash,Ao- - ■■ —■■■'■ MyHO M - *1,212,503 44 Since their incorporation, a period of 21 yearaJthey have paid upwards of Ons AftQum Four Hundred Thou tand VoHan, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance,as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, aUliablllilej. J, GAHOINER COFFIN, Agent, OdiceN- E» corner Wood aud 3d sts. marine, Fire ana Inland Transportation ISSSKAKOII. _ 31 in? INSURANCK COMPANY OF NORTH AMER- L ICA, Philadelphia, chartered 1591, capital 8500,- 00* asseit January 13,1831, 5O, will make insurance on tmltuings ami contents in tots city and vicinity. Also, on properly of every ilescilp tion, on steamboats and other vessels, cither biriniand tmn.pormiionorongese™^ ArUiur G. Coffin, Pres’t., Jacob M. Thomas, Samuel W. Jones, John R. Neff. Edward Smith, Rtehard 1). Wood, John A. Brown, William Welsh, Samuel F. Smiih,' Francis Haskins, Samuel Brooks, 8. Anslin Alliboue, Charles Taylor, William E. Bowen, Ambrose While, George W. Asplnwall, TliomasP Cope, James N. Dieksnn, 9. Morris, Waler,# H. D.Sherrcni, flee»y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United flutes, and from Us high standing, long expert*nee, am ple means, and avoiding ail risks of an extra liaiard ous character, may be considered as offering ample ae curtty to the public- WM. I*. JOPiKS, Agent, 441 Front street. LIVES INSURED BY THE ICcntnelxy nutuo 1 Life Inmranet Co.* COVINGTON. KV. THIS COMPANY has actual Capital of ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, anti l» managed h» men of the highest integrity and responsibility. Pamphlets furnished, information Riven, and applica tion received by J. TURBEIT, Agent, 129 Wood street. SaHCCt. DtLWOKTII, Medical Examiner. (»epB Suto jnutual Fire inaorance Company. HAWISBURG, PA. J\ESIGNED only for tbe sater classes of property, ha* / an ample capital, and afford* superior adraiuagcs point of cheapness, safety and accommodation, to city ana coonlry'tncrchants, and owner* of dwellings, and Isolated or country property. , A. A CARRIER, Actuary, BrancUOflice.No.M Smnlifleld su Pittsburgh* IHSCEASCE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY JNSUB ANCE COMPANY.—Office,, North Room of the Ex. change, Third street, Philadelphia. , . Fias ißsniuKCkvßuiidiitgs, Merchandize and othei property In town and country, Insured against less 01 damage by fire al the lowestratc of premium. Malms liuuEASCfc—'They also insure Vessels, Car fees and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or ifeclal policies, as the assured may desire. inaAP TaaKSPOSTAttoH.—They also insure merchan dise transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars. Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most —Joseph H. Seal, Edmond A. Souder John C. Davis. Robert Barton, John R. Penrose, SomueJ Edwards, Geo. G-Letper. Edward Darlington, Isaac jl Davis, WlUlam Folwcil, John Newhu,Dr. R. M. Huston, lames C. Hand, Theonhilus Paulding, H- Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Sc er Mc llvain,Charles Kelly, J.G. Johnson, William flay>Dr AT *«BU B |Ga.-D. T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, MAimN PrclidenL Tiros. C. Haim, Vice President. ’ Joseph W. Cowah, Secretary, fry'Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pius burgh. mC (jel&dtf) kA. MADEIRA, Agent. gin and Birin. Iniunnci. THE OFFICE of ihs /murant* Co. of North Amenta has been removed to the Warehouse ofllardy, Jones A Co., No. HI Front street, third house East of Wood •treellwbcre thesubseribefwlll issue Policies on Build ings end their conieais,and on Shipments bj Steamboats and other vessels, for the above old and responsible Company. [ap3J WM. 1 JONES, Agent. v,ir« and IleallH luiuriues. THE MUTUAL LIFE AND HEALTH IN3CRANCE COMPANY, of Philadelphia, Incorporated by tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, IMS; Charter Per netnal i Capital *100,1)00. Rates lamer than an, Frnmifi £sSa Company, and full 20 per cent, lower titan the usual rates of Life Insurance,as the following compari son will show. Thus a person ot the age of JO insuring fnr SlOO for life, must pay in tho Girard rcunsyl- *2%; PeMMuhnil Eouttable B|jM, New England 82,36, Albion 52,48, New \ork Life 82,30, Ltf* Cbaries D U Wm F n. nn . Robert P King, Charles r Uayes, M W Baldwin, Chaa 6 B CampbelUW M Reeve, M.D.iLewls Cooper, J Rodman Barker, k H Butler, Edmafc Cope Pr«f d*nt, Samuel D Orrick ; Vies Frcrfrfsni, Robert P. King fiseriiarp, Francis Blackburne. ADolicntionß will be received and cverv information given by .SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, Agent. Orncs: Commercial Rooms, corner of Third and wood streets Pittsburgh. oeucf.y Yir« and SUrin* liasuranca. THE Insurance Company of North America, of Pblla d«-liihia.throairt» its duly authorized sub* ■criber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on prop’erty.in thu city and its vicinity, and on sbipuan by.h.oa n ul«ndn«r.. REcToßB! Arthur G. Coffin, Prcah. Samuel Brooks, Alex Henry, Charier Taylor, Simnel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomaa. John White, J „ oh ? R i K'fj, , - Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Sec',.. This is the oldest Insurance Company in-the United States, having been chartered in 1704. Its charter is per petual, and from its high standing, long experience, am ple means, and avoiding ail riskß of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered asi offering amnle seenri ty to the public. WILLIAMP. JONES. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones k Co., Water and Front sts., Pittsburgh may4y littlxogrmpl&le Institute. CO-PARTNERSHIP.— The subscribers most respect fuli? announce to their friends And the public gen erally. inat they have ibis day entered into Co-Partner ship, lor the purpose of carrying on, at the old stand, m Singerty’s Building, opposite the Post Office, Third street, Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, m all its vanoos branches- Having machinery, recently arrived from Europe, they are prepared to do works in Lithography eqaaltosteel engraving. They solicit a continuance of the patronage bestowed heretofore so liberally to the one'parmcr, Win Schuchman.'and they hope by strict attention-10 their business, by elegant workmanship, and the most reasonable terms, to merit the favors of an en lightened public. ilonds. Checks, Drafts, Machine Drawings, Likeness earLanascapes, AutographloLetters,Bill Heads, Plots Lithographed and Printed in Black, (Sold Bronze of Co- Xo“ 0f thC " WOrlt wiPSaVuonMAN**' '«piS " * UN, - ,ilN BENCH EMPIRE-tssw vsusioK.h-WtT arei not. to have a new edition of the French Empire, without abridgement— St. Helena included. If the French are satisfied, we ought to be. In those troublous times, it is certainty a great satisfaction to know Clothing lo tho best advantage. At CUESIL.K 3 tm porinm of Men and Boys’ Clothing, they are now selling Clothing ntgreatlyTeduecd prices. l’nrcnosers are [nailed to call and examine our stock Boys- CloUtlttftof aU ..»e ?E and i p ( rre«, To j a 29 71 Smtthfield street “ Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore exisuing antler the firm af FUffSis&K & STOavsHEL, is this day dissolved by mutual content. The business la this city will be set ■liedbyDjßotol»en,M the old^and^No.^OTLibcrty S Vmuarjfi,lBJa. __ J.B. STOUVENEL, I have thisday cold tar interest in the Wine and- Li mat Establukment to D. Ftcasisss. I cheer/aily re *««“«> him » «U»«® lde- 1 . I wepn Fourth street and the Diamond-, havs Jnst received , from the recent large clearing out&alc*, andthotmportv era and manufacturers in New York amlPlulaaelphio, the largest and cheapest stock Of Goods ever ottered In tlus market, comprising m pana- very-large assortment. of.DRESS GOODS of every description, tutted to the seasonj at from 20 to 25 per cent lower than former pri ces; 1 ' ’' *• Black and. Colored French Merinos and Thibet Cloths, fromfidlo 81,25 per yard?* Black and Colored English Mennos and Lyonese CloUin,froro3l to 41c. per yard; - / Black and Cotored Paramattas odd Fancy Alpacas, from 12 to G2e. per yard; ' , Plain and Embroidered De Lames, Cashmeres and French Merinos; i'lain Block, Colored and Printed Delaines and Cash meres; . ;: Very Rich Brocade and Watered Silks and Poplans; do Plain Black. Colored Silks and Turkeatins. A large Block BONNET SILKS. SATINS AND GRO. DE AFRICE3, and of Bonnotahd Mantilla Velvets, all colors; Bonnet anil Cap Ribbons, at very reduced prices.' • -SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS! /- A foil-assortment of Bay State and Woolen Long and Square Shawls-; Also. Rich Brocho, Long and Square Shawls; ■ - Printed Terkerri, Cashmere, De Lalne and Thibet Shawls; . Cloths, C&ssimeres, Satinets. Ky. Jeans tc Vestings- TUe proprietors would respectfully solicit pnioarly call from ail of their friends, and the public generally, feel* ing confident that they can offer greater inducements to Wholesale and reioil buyers than ever have heretofore been o3eredJaj*iusburgb... -* - ,«***» 0025 YOUNG, STEVENSON S: LOVE^ ghkapTWiisWeH.'dkVTjoOds l • AT ■ ■ Market Street, between Fourth.and the Diamond, THE undersigned baa just received from markets a targe and splendid stock of WINTER DRV GOODS, comprising a very beautiful assortment of Dress-Goods, adapted to the season,niid at least *5 percent lower than, ever offered in this, city* vix Black Alpacas, from 124 cents per yard to beat manu* factored; Printed Mous ae Lanes*-front 12f t 025 cents per yard; Black and Colored Thibet Cloths, from w.to 75 cents per- yard; English and American Chintz, from 'ss to 124 centaper yard : Heavy Brown Muslins, from sto 7 cents yet yard; Bleached MuslinS, from sto 12J cents per yard; Red Flannel, all wooLat2o cents per yard. SHAWLS ANO DRESS GOODS, , Bay State and Waterloo Plaidlong and square Shawls Black and Colored-Embroidered Cloth Shawls; Black and Colored SilfcFrtoge 'Phibei Shawls pall wool Bro ha Shawls; French Merinos, oil color's; Lupin’s Black Bombazines.; Black, Figured and Changeable Alpacas Cashmeres and Maus ae Lanes'; High Lusue_wxde Black Gro de Rbibe Silks; Changeable and -Fancy Dress Silks; Chameleon Satins; Mull, Swiss and Jaconet Mtfsffns; French work Copes andCollara Black Silk Laces and Fringes; Bonnet Ribbons Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Csslnets, Kentucky Jean?, Tweeds, Bed Tickingejm Cheeks; Scotch and Domestic Ginghams J-Red, White and Yellow Flannels; Bleached and Colored Canton Flannels; superior Irish Linen and Linen Lawns; Rus sia, Diaper and Crash. Bed Ticking as low-osoj-cents ** A assortment of French and English Cass! meres and Vesting*. Also, a superior lot of Blan kets. of nil sizes and qualities, to which-1 would invite particular attention. The customers of the bouse and all cash buyers we requested to coll and examine for themselves. The s*ock Is large and complete in every variety and style. and will be sold at the very lowest prices. ABSALOM MORRIS, No. VS Market «u Pittsburgh. novHhOm Closlng'Oot sme'STWldUr i>ry Goodil determined to clear om Wt stpcfc of WOOLbN, DRESS and< iher WINTER GOODS, before gening in feis supply lor the Sprine bUBiae«ti will .*eu the remainder of those Goods at 30 per cent lower than former price*, being HTper cent less than cost. Purchasers will find— _ , AH Woold 4 Lapins, Merinos and Cashmeres ; Primed dashtnCrcs and Mousiins ; Buy Stale Loug.SUawlsf Broche do,do; Cloaks, and Cloakings; French and English Chintxes. ALSO—A lot df Plaid and Figured .&lks,iJf.’E** l style. jjalfll JAMES A. MCKNIGHT, Kre»h Arrival or »«w Oo«J»l T, K. fii’KSIGHT & BROTHBES, 117 WOOD STREET* n THIRD DOOR FROM THE CORNER OP FIFTH, Have JUST RECEIVED and offer for sale— -1,000 M. G. D. and S B. Percussion Caps; 4,000 doz. Spool Cotton—assorted; 4WJ lbs. Patent Threadj 100 great gross Agate Ballons; 000 doz. Gum Suspenders; 150 dcz- Berlin Glovej; 4u « « 75 « 5U 4i » u « 45 Best high Lustre Alpacas, Secondqa&Uiy “ Third “ u Eiiibt yard* of good Alpaca Tor Si,oo. Btocue Long Sfiawls, 25,00 4t 17,00 u Square u 10,do “ 8,50 Blanket bong Shawls, 10,l'O 0,00 v* «* « 8»t’0 5,00 Bay Slate Long Shawl*, 5,C0 “ 3,25 « *t b U 4jW “ B,‘JC Red Flannels, alt wool, u a k The above price* are a sample, and the balance of Uxe stock will be *dld in proportion. Positively no devia tlon in prices. [dec! *2 SIfiCOMU OtLJBAT AUtUVAL} /~vF FALL ami Winter Pry Goods and Varilirs at No. 87. Northwest corner ot Wood street ami Diamond alley jT’itftburgh, Pa. B. Gaxoo A Co. -would again an* noanc'e to their old castomcn tmd dealers generally in their .line, that they ore now preparedt o offer for sale their present new stock of Goods at unusually low rates. And os our purchases hare been made on the most fav orable terms with importers and .Manufacturer?, we flat ter ourselves, and hope to be onle to merit aeonlinuance of confidence and patronage of our old customers and the public generally, which has been heretofore so libe rally bestowed upou us. Our DRY GOODS STOCK is in part of Broadcloths, Cassimcres, SattincUk Tweeds, faney Vestings,Checks, Flannels, Driiliugs, Black and Brown Musdns, Tickings, Blankets, Liosey Plaids, Al pacas, Merlnoes, Muslin Be Laines, Cashmeres, fancy Prints, Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings, Tabto Diapers, Ginghams, Silks, tancy lon* Shawls, Silk CritVats, Pon gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Irish Liuens.direct from Ireland, end all other articles generally kept ih.the Pry Goods line. Otnt YatuetS Deportment will be-found on examination to be unsurpassed by any other of the kind West of the Mountains, and ismadeup In part of Combs, Buttons. Patent and Spool Threads, direct from Europe: Port Montes and Pocket Books, Hooks and Eyes, Pins and Needles. Tapes, Thimbles, Spobns, Ra zors, Cable Cotleiy. and Pen-Knives just arrived.from Sheffield; Patent Medicines. Violin and Violin Strings, Gam Suspenders, Slates and Slate Pencils, Percassmn Caps, Spectacles, Pistols, Hosiery* Gloves, Lawns and Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk, SilkGimpsand Fringes, fancy Nettings, GreeaJlftndages, Black&lk Veils* Silk Florence together with a general assortment of all other articles in the Variety line. We have on band and for sale a large assortment of Gold and Silver. Watches and Watch Materials, Gold find Gilt Jewelry’, 'Gold and Sil ver Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver. Spectacles, Clocks, Ac., to which ye invite the attention of.all boy ers, as we arc determined to sell our Goods On the most reasonable terms, either for cash or satisfactory refer ence. N. 0. The business of the late firm of Greoo A Me- Caitolsss is to be settled by B. Ghboo at the stand of D. Gbeqo A Co , who la fully authorized for such and in whose possession are the papers, Notes and Books of said firm. • • _• . • loott5;U~ -KKJHIMOH STUttit. Jams* Goillng, . Wholesale and'RelaU Sealer and Importer of FANCY. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DKY GOODS, WOULD resptfSifiilly inform the public uml hte friends, (irora whom he has formerly received a liberal share of custom), that be has used every exer tion iu securinjf bn extensive and complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of the best quality. Consisting of the following articles: French and En glish Mermos, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Popllfts Silks, Sat in*, MoasDe Lainas, and other Dress Goods % Shawls, Vazettes, Mantles ana Cloaks, of every variety. Ltulios* and'Children's Bonnets, Caps,Capes; Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Gentlemen's Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts, Drawers, Hosfery 1 &c. With a targe stock -of Bleached and Brown Muslins, Shirting, Sheeting j Table Linens, Tickings, Cheeks, Flannels, Calicos, Satinets, Jeans, Ac. Also, an assort ment of mourmngGoods. The above siook, with numerous other articles, the proprietor is now opening at his New Store, No. 109 Market street, to whteh he invites purchasers, as he is determined to sell us cheap as tbo cheapest. MADAME A. GOSLING still oontmuesio give her undivided attention to the manufacturing of'Viteues, Cloak*. Cones, iSooheis, &c.j which are alt made m a su perior style. She respoetmlly solieiu purchases and orders- French Pattern Unis for the trade always on hand. "BBW 6001181 HEW WHOLESALE TRIMMING, NOTION AND VARIETY STORE, No. 01 Wood Streetf Setvun Third and Fourth sureo, opposite Hampton , Smith 4* Co * s > -'JftW»6«rsA. THE subscriber respecifalfy Invites the attention of Country and City Merchants to hisextensive assort* mont of Trimming, Notloh, Fancy and Variety Goods, which ho is now opening for the Fail Trade. Among the articles composing his stock may be fouud a tall as sortment of the following;— Duttons, Edglngs,Pockcl Books, Threads, Combs ;* ■ Laces and Jnseriings, Forte Monnaies, buspendera ;• Embroideries, Needles, Swiss and. Victoria Mulls; j Fringes, Gimps, Pins, Jackonets, Braids Hoofs and Eyes, Fancy and Dress BuUons.Brushes; Tape Cheeks, Flam and Fancy Bobinets, Whalebone} Quill’d Ribbons, Black Silk and Lisle Laces; New Stylo Ribbon Trimming, Hosiery and Gloves; Block Lace Veils, Woollen Comforts i Buck Gloves and Mitts, Bonnet Ribbons, Gents Silk Woollen and Colton Undershirts and Draw ers; • Rons and Ring Comforts, Worsted and Opera Hoods! Plain Mantel Ribbons, Infants 1 Bools; . Plain Satin Ribbons, Linen Gambnc Pocket tidkfs, Gilt and Gold Jewelry, Jerome Clocks, Fancy Soaps Carpet Bags and Saicbel9. AVmdowBhades; ..... Toilet Cases, Violins, P«riumery t Jewsharpsj. . GiUoi’s Steel Fens, Gold Pens, umbrellas, Accorqe- ODS. Conch Shells, Zephyr Worsteds, Perforated Boards}" Floss Silks, worsted and Croohet Needles, Looking Glasses; A Winch, with a variety of other articles’, he wilP offer for cash or approved credit, at. puces comparing qwt rably with Eastern markets. , -, x ; ...... P. aoedtiottorPediatt Is partiealariydirect* cd to this extensive and varied assortment sepls,tt W.C.MURPEF. • **" - i«.- Hi, * ’ «• ( \ f r. 1 *" ~ » * >. iI , . i *--v - *•> I /*ggga> Jasß3, wr. ) ffiT~ |to TT^ ) „ '' „ 'CABINET s&| MANUFAOJVRER, « Warc-rooma U 7 and P 9. TUrft »tr«et»- ?Tv: WiW reapectfoily Informs 41a friends apdcostoffl?. «I • em tbat he has now completedthe cesistoc* ofhoasekold-fumnare cverbeforfrßeeain this city,-os he is determined to uphold the well-seasoned materials; bcst workmanship,and newesl designs; and from'the extent of his orders.and facility : in mai ufacturing, he isenabledto- prodace warranted : faraitsre, at the lowest prices. 5 He has adopted the, principle of Identifying .cas- ,: tomera’lnterest with his own,in quality nod price, and keeps always onbond the greatest variety ofevery des* cnption -of fanu(arc) from the cheapest and-plainest, to the most elegatu and costly, that ahouse,ar any partof. one, may he furnished, from his stocky or mamuaetared expressly to order -He therefore sobcltsan inspection,' thattheadvantages of his establishment mayJbe xnowa. The following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which for richness or style and finish,eannot be iurpassed-ln any of the Ehslerncixiest'" ' drawing, din- ... . ing, and bed room - chairs, of every* variety, consisting>of Tosewoood, ma hogunyand walnht ElizaSethen, CotLservatoire and'Easy-Clmlrs; of every description;Couches, iSotas.Tete-ortem andiliv vans of the latest French; aria* American patterns; • Tashaes, What-Nots, and indies* fnrlor Writing'JDtfsks stands, music stands,' and holder's,marble top;, ma hogany, rosewdod and wainut centre and sofa, ta bles, extension dining table*; all sizes of the most improved, and -decidedly?.the best kind made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables, wardrobes, bedsteads ’ and wasnstandsof. .each a large assortment; gothic hall and parlor rceeptionchairei buomans ! and stools,, and .book oases, side boards, fire semens, towel, racks, bat stands, and mnsic stools, cribs and cots .y--- for children; paper maehe, table and tea poys, ma hogany, rosewood y aQd inlaia pearls Tables, . &c. &c. &c. A large assortment of COMMON FURNIXURE and WXNDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet hambs supplied with •aliarticles in their line ; STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, famished at the short' est notice. All orders promptly attended to Journeyman Cabinet flakeri Aiaotlttion WAREHOUSE* 119 SECOND STREET, - * (near tbc corner of Wood.} " - ; •- THIS ASSOCIATION, em-jR • bracing, already, twice to thrccUA. limes as many bauds asthe lar* MW>; • andhhhertomost reuawhea * l | •' buflineas shops of this city-, have opened their Wor e• house, and are able 10 furnish the public, by -wholesale orretail;with Furniture of ihe following description— vtz? •••*'• 1 -• Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus rFall Col-', umued Dnreausf Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs i Booking Chairs; Mahogany Washstanas;. So fas; Divans? Piano Stools; Book Cases; Secretaries* Card Tables; Pier Tables; fiue Gard Tables; Centre Tables: Hat Racks; Frond* Bedsteads*,; Ottomans; Poplar wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast-Tables; Work stands; Cherry and Common Workstahds; high post, commont low, and trundle Bedsteads? Cbenyßareans j Cribs; Cradles, Ac. • The advantages of co-operation, on an extensive scale, permit them to sell at the Ip west prices, "and they are de termined to sell, lower than any competitors, an equally good, If not better article, and warranted-—as the.pobhc will understand by giving them a call - < * djy Steamboat work of all descriptions, ana other articles of any description, made to order In every sfjrle, at the shortest notice. ~ •• (marts! i v Osbihct Uatterri . Venrcrs, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut?* Varnish, Headman and Fumitim atWliOlesale. XHB subscribers have just received from New York .and Boston a most splendid £lock prYENEERS, and axeraamifacinriog by machinery Furaiiure suitab I e fOt the trade. Aii of which we wilt sell ut eytteraeiy lowprices. * . i, As great core was taken lit the selection ; of the stock* persons cannot fail to be suited either -as to quality or price; and, as it is well known that Furniture can be made by machinery superior andmueh' tower than by hand, the attention of the trade is respectfully Invited*. Turned Work, in ail its branches* carriedoh as usual. Plonk for hand rußB,for Cajpentere; andrall articles required InmaunfactaringC&bmctFunuQrc* constantly on Mahogany, Varnish, Hardware, Hair Cloths, Springs, Ac n Ac. RYAN A M’fCEE, Ryan’s Buildings, . mart&ydgw - ■-< 1 No.3l.Fifth-street. I Jf3£ja Tub subscribers lender their acfft forthe favors bestow e!T upon them by tfictr Steamboat friends*'and fw\' would respectfully remind them and others tote- 1 tested in boihiing boats, that they are. at all times pre pared to furnish, on the: most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the- be* material and workmanship. T li YOUNG* CO., Corner Third and. Snmhfield streets, feblg ■ oppoaite ü ßrowa*a Hotel.” a. C. HASUtBB. _ 1. DACUIB Hamftt«rO> JDtnlir* CABINET WAREROOM,SSUTUVIEL»STREETj ; Btiwm Snemhstrut and Strawberryalley,fwsourg , Pa. ds\ HAMMER A DACLEK keep eoaalanUy on band ul a variety of excellent and fashionaMe Punutore, the city* and sold on as * » 'favorable terms as can be obtained at'any similar esublia&nentJn Jie West- Tftey'have now bn bauu an unusually extensive stock, embracing all kiudsof Puriu* ture»trom the cheapest andpjoiuest to the most costly and elegant- Ait orders promptly attendedio., mrtL*Om SIBDQt HAVE ON HANJJallheir extensive CAHINETand CHAIR MANUFACTORY* No. 04 Snhlhfield at. a large assortment of fancy add plain Fatnitore, which they wiiUeU IS per cent. bcto-svcattomary rates; Terms—cash only. ' [decgftly /mssas W&L E. STEVENSON contluaes to mano tfSp fag!are CABINET- WARE bf ev*ry descrip iniii ,t ****i at his old stand, comer of Liberty and £sl22s23Seventh streets. UNDERTAKING attended to, in all its branches. > qtayll FALL AtVU WlfcTKtt K'IVCIC Of F«ney and Staple Dry Goode. A A. MAS!iff! &.CO., would most respectfully eo • licit the attention of Die public generally, and die wholesale trade in particular, to their large and care* fully selected Stock ofGoods fOT Fall and Wiuter sales, whfchwiil be found larger than they have ever before offered. We have received a*follows: 400baIekBro. Mcsltus; G5OO Long and Square Shawls; VJO bales Drills and Cosn&UuTgs; 600 pieces Sup Blankets *, 100 boles.Fiannels, Colored and White; 000 Casea'Fancy Prints J lOObaiesTickUig; 100 pieces French Mennos; 113 eases 1 White Muslins ; 500 Parmattas and Cobarg Cloths; 28Cases "White Muslins; 100 all colors 50 pieces Linen Sheetin g; to cases Irish Linens; 600 pieces Sattinetts: 50 Cartoons Bonnet Uibbonß; 100 pieces best moke Cloths: 100 Cartoons Freuch Flowers; 300 pieces Cnssuneres and Doeskins - 500 do Fancy Silks; 270 do do Cassiraeres; SO do Colored Velvets; 500 do Shining and checks; S$ Coses Cashmeres and de Lames; 21 do Plain and fluid Lmseys; lOOOdozen Hosiery; ■ 13 Coses Tweeds and Jeans; aOOOdosenGloves, assorted; Together with esvery article usually found in a Dry Good Establishment; No. 62 and 04 Market St. septic . • - ' *■•••••> ' ' »?i “ on Qi\ u 40 50 « 31 V 8 « j U 51 “ 23 ■\K ‘'**<'«•■*-* - " . ' %3^ % U >" r -. ' ' <*» T W ' , * l " t ~ r \&' K^ ' ■ f '•' . .\ t ,v^r<< x .' fc-' s ’-'■■'-■•.*■•% •* •-*!'.' • j.i • ..•isv-. - a- V V ■>- • -..• i ■■•; .. yj: ' ' "■■ ■*' ■■:• ■ ••-. -.. •■ i." . .-• •-•’’ivS •••••• ' , . \v' ’ * ' \' - * ; * - » __ V *v W “'-su * i * \\ V ‘ . ' \ ** fe.r„ *ik> :«.. r„. _■ ‘ t ■> -J?»,.V /- „a> «„ ,% > .A;-- : —* BMunftou • /• > irj*»AH orders ted at Messrs. Cochran, flPßrlde & Co.’stNo. 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or. addressed to vhesabacribers, Allegheny.willreceiveprompt attention. anl« , DODDS & CROZIBR. Bolivar Fin Frick Blaunfacturliig Company, ■ B. V. JONES, - &.&-UAOftAW, JAB. OLOVXS, 8. M, ÜBS, GLOVER, Klfia ft CO.> proprietors* r IK subscribers having been appointed' Agents for the above named concern, wilikeepcoasiantljr on hand a supply of the celebrated Back, Crc clble Fire Clay, rurnaee Hearths and Inwalls. They are also ready to receive orders for said Brick, to be made in size and shape to suit purchasers, which shall be promptly filled. We do noldeem It necessary to enumerate the many advantages the Bolivar Tire Brick posess over all cth era that have been offpredfor saiem the United States, their superiority belngwell kuown to almost all persons who nse Pireßnck* The proprietors have determined that the Fire Brick shall Jose none of their present envi able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared to make them.even better than they have heretofore been. This is the only establishment cowmanu&clurjng Fire Brick at Bolivar- Klfaß. A JONEfe, m«ri7 CanalßasinfSeventhsC, Pittsburgh. a Dr* Win. P. Uilei, Waif VETERINARY SURGEON. Office at Rodr Fatlenoit’a Livery Stabtee, on Fourth elroet. between wood and Smithlielu. liv4 ty ' For Bale* - ' ? ■ ■••• ' A A ACRES OF COAL, sltaaietl on. thfr Mtmqngahela 44 ilveri near Mine is npenea awl approached by a short Railway* in excellent repair, ue. ; loaxinK to the above; and fcevan or eight good miners houses. Terms—3s,ooo; some cash! the balance in well endorsed notes. Apply to JOHN B- IjAROE, sepShtf ■ Attorney. Fourili street. tsaOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The fanner: ship heretofore existing -between Joshua Rhodes and A. r. Anshutz, under the firm ot Joshua Rhodes.As Co-, Is this day dissolved by mutual consenf. The bupi, ness of the firm will be settled by either tfrtejmrltes. JObHUA • KnUUttoi . . ALFRED F:ANSHUTZ. PiUsbuTgh t January 17th, 1552. , The business will be conducted as heretofore by the ■a jnenbor, al the old .land, RHODES. NOTICE —Having sold ottt my Book and Periodical Store to W. A. Uildenfenney fc Co., I eheerfally re commend the new firm to my friends and cnstomet«.v, W« Ci WALL. TO THE. PUBLIC—The uudernjjned haveasioeio ted io purchasing ilie entire periodical stock©f W. C Wall, No- 65 Fourth street; which Wtltbe conducted as above, under ths finxiofVrA.CJl3BDfcnlißj , &,Co* The present stockVil! be increased to every article be longing to the business.'Public patronage is solicited ana will be thankfully received. _ ; •' '6ILDENFENNEY, * H. MINER & CO. \ py ir. MINER & 00. will sull continue as formerly attneir old Btand.No.33 Smlllifield street* • . tfeb? • Superior WiUn BmJWfc; . ISSUG3Mg!Z ISffSS^Ssfefi^sssasastegffii e i*7, i Setter Aywirthattiiitte far oriasnie with natron -1 aaowillfind «S work enrolled executed la tneSell mannoraad on the . ■;> r^fmnca—Jda- Uvpvt, Edward HeaxletonS EsqT.B H. Hartley, Ean.,Joseßli-Woodwelf, Joihu* , eerefiSyeeteJted'i'uwkof Wotehei,Cloefa,Jeyr- „ ~WffaOtEa«lgaaSMßrls?^!A tft *. i «ba - \ - No.fl_SmiUifie!4ittetti t*oU' , • ' I 1 **\i j. t»- v» ££•{,* ' ‘ t ' i. i /c. ’Ht -“** S *’ j .§, 3 * l»uqne»n*.lronBtore. COLEMAN, HAILMAN A CO., bava .removedlo lha Warehouse No.l'il Water - stieet r l&tely,occupied by Messrs. Lyon, Skozb&Oo,) dnd&exidaorto theilo-. nongahelalioftset, where theyofferfarsaieion liberal* terms; tUj&ic raanniacinted- articles—among wh.lch.tnay be foondiall sizes of -Jurdau andCcintntra Jnni; Spring* and Axl*St-Slab* BprmffandA.B.Sleel :ORivets;Pat eni- Preised Spikes j Cut -Nails and Spikes; Nuts and Washers; Prowßara< Sledges* ftm;. - ■ “•'•im ’ I|*X TRA FlGS—One'ean ofKrtra-Figa, handsomely pat tip in piiperUoleB,coiualnl!i« abom*trponn(£s each, jusiTeceivedand rot sale nc Nb. asa Liberty el. WM. A. M’CLtIHG * Cff., - - Grocers and Tea Dealers- >.. ' r ' H **’ 3l ~ tv •: *e • " 'i.: ;*;«*! •- ■. * i % * r i Dc. Jayne’* Anally Xfeillcliia*. 1 TpXTßAOl'ofnt*‘l«tros*tfEey.B L* Abbott a : well adowivard hlguiy esteemed Mlscmoaiy id tile knutdom of Buimah, datcu BiOTowAtJlßaic*d,Febni»ry,lBls. jjr. D. RtoMtiflua: My Dear Sir—We are novrin greni.wanier your Medical Preparations. : Your qgfIMINATdVEiBALSiIM isan hnmlnnMa tdodieine in this country in boweleemplaints,and has been used i I i n aji one''Missions wUh.themoslgraiifylngaaccess. I i tmae hhowndlin many ease* to act like * charm. Vonr i Sanative TILLS are mysheet anchor.—The beet medicine foi'my User complaint and pain in the aide that I Save ever used. They are in great demand, andwe areentuelyooiof them We need Bvehundred boxes of them. Ere Bpecher rays weeould nse a thousand Kmmv uayelsamonglheeharetos the pastseasoM feXnTSVint rtSy^ieenofiieeHieetsj that it would bare Bsi^lSpiSSt i-sisisiissil Sin?ldcut,cb6erfollyrecommend luo.oarprofetßion aSMßMfS SSH'Hafflsssspn^ ,u . T VVM.B. CASEY, H.D, ». HARRISON, M»., - : F.WOODRURRrJLttv- v-• .: , HAMILTON BREWER. M.D., KLLSWORTH BWRR;M4». f Botante.. Comprising all the pnUUtinjfphyeiciaim in the eRy of M FOt atebi B. A. * CO., :i , Jyl . ... cornsrof/tVaod ami Firatsta. MOUSE'S. ■' .•• •’ !(!omnound Syrtjp of Tallow Dock Hoot, Va coß?uss ih7front rank among the proprle'ory Omedicines ot this conotry for completely eating Pnnkcr Salt Klieanl, Erysipelas? act! alloUter diseases. anda lieklingjetiaaiidtr; about the Throat; and is used •wilh anpteceacuted-suc 11'**”*4 bbdy,gi»lnglone«M>e? !v*Smiaor«ttn*,andiaTigotatingiheentire system. ; ; - if ihc testimony ol thousands o Hiring !ail ouita of the country, can he relied upon, it is ftingu iarly efficacious in etttin|»B-3B»e»««lMl'«N«*»fe%?? bilimted and broken down. coiiSliuilioas. R immble in its eomposifipniatidiso ,Mcjtrately.com-- ■bioed itt ils propQttibusihiU&eClienucaiybotaiiiciJi&sd ScS SfS Of ench-dngredient barmonmnsly “RbSmmfvett SSrsdpariUS Sytupsentirely failed to;make the leustlm^ g.*asSM3B'- liiUligWlf'lß tr Ifeisißiasasafat; Bittan>»l»ooble . I.ev«»; tetter Copyl«S ; i»g|§t§ T“ecWW^“ l «e« ov “ 1111 Pr»™«in«udon 3 for. tt iJ*^?^teasioernorri!qttiie r fMieiiiiiJ flown. ■■. ' 2d Through two Ic. vers cml eccentric jDmlßlheprca saVi UobKTwVmore aaac, and much qo.cketU.aa I ’ y ad. l Th e m^et"i S applied so equally, thtnte Ptes.U SBW,'SSS'.SfS|^^f|fe The Tablet may be used to great aavanwßa ««/ Prees alreadyla uscjaud .ofUiai purposo wUlbe sqld “StttMcan be copied, sr Uh thl. Ptess .oaf »“*“« ”mmlnn 7 TreeSd. Tt© £?itfSf cnmDaratfoelY oriflingcosttonll who_inny\de~ir» to pa*: fectihfl system ot preserving papers for ready and easy , reference., COPYING BOOKSI •• • " The Paner ur these Book* is oade fro© ; allcLiiiaft Stock, anSef U© same auilHy PatS? Paper, bound oa,P*«?hment Uacks, w^Prmteaiages,, and manufactured expressly fot^retaul^ **{»■•.-’•■ b«imiW t%f n X^ o y Arnolds Ponying fuk—deciUedly Ib.o bestin ase.. , Mr A. 0. Chambers will-watt on the cltueus of PUt** burgh and Allegheny* and wdl give alLUns instruction accessary * ■■' JOHN F. COLE & CO.; . -At McFaden & Covoie’* Fanna EaUroaf Dttoutormt • of Pann and Wayne »l».tFm»Uniglt- •AtoaomlaftlfiiiPPßfttvsr , ON A NKW AND IMPROVED PLAN, : For M ?sjih J. W. B&A.NSTVKNo. ,*S Smthfrld ... ■: ■9ttett i .£iUibuTsh 9 >.y • • • > ' A S persons of bothsexesourioame daily, comwara-, A. in* of Coatlvenesr,Paln in the Stomach, Bo*el», An iKi,t »r>nprallv.bv examination, lhave found in a £*«Satih^Save Pressing disease, lie Falling of the Bowels), 1 hare fit- , led some of them with a nroper anm>pimrv tuid.a small aoautity bt'metJieinejwhiii hayeTefiCTeitheirßßlnoml given timm comfort, anil 6pmu of,tkWD.hadnolJjeeuweU, for five or six years. Any person who will call at my office, 1 can refer them to< those can testify to lliebenelits of Item. 1C we -bave.no. Sop*. Sonere that will fit, we can have them made m e short time. -The.effect producedhy wearing a sniuUile nnd perfectly adjusted Abdominal Supporter is j 1 *?* 1 ?: miraculous. The Weak voiceis strengthened—the weak lungs supported—the heart ceases, tts. palpitauous-jthe foodsits heller on the stomach—eostivenees l» chronic dianbtea.is slopped—miseornages prevented—- aaodlngssfopped—wMiea cured—spine gels strooger— fee indy who is unable to walkih soon able to wnlk welL •She who could,not sit up alone' for a few how sit op alt day , ot as longas any one, womb is cured, and. in shorter or longer penods lo»e» all us tcndeniessand weakness, back toils place. Barrenness, in .»ome,eaees, gives, place to fcuilinliiess,and « way ls.ptepnreaforyearsof good health. ’ tsep«h3m,liaw Illlnotn Land andßeneralAgsney• , WASHINGTON COC3CUE, • PEORIA, Illinois, will attend to all business coffueev cd with Lands M the Stnttfoflllinois—the redempt lion ol lunds from tux sales; the-payment °f lli Xes, the sale and other disposition Of lands, the.locauon of land warrants*- also to the collection of debts aud-lhe settle*. mem of claims of all kinds.; . •.•••••• .'l. Land-WarraniS'bottght and soJd.r-PlilTutejua of tB |telerencßWThomas' Phillips,. Pittsburgh. , “ noygfl’gl Rtturasd to the Cltf • HENRY LANDWEIIR has thepleasure to announce lo h.wonld vita especial aheritiofc, whieh,lprt;arieflraJiewrte«»- of alylcis,snpotlof to any this City^^AHO.« lieatdifvllotof’Blaei an3'CoiQredSHjKBATJNiCa , 4*' taete, Marseilles and Wiuie SJk party Vesungft-all« sMen5 Men he is; prepared to; make to order in- oscporier anner,tulowpneea. JAME3-C,WATT, - , > SSMarkel street! ■ between Second and Third streets. rv i TO TAILOHS-J. C. Wait’s Gradrtanng Shoulder Measure By ktero of Garment Dracghtiiig for sale at me UOQ3 f Slo \ ipctZ.-. ' *nd U*ett« OlMttlng. ' v fXALLAGHAN & CO., comer ,of Wood and VTatef : SP«* . trany other coUefninrt rpr«r»>i ih»TTinnmrtin«.-rhclov -■= - : up, present rr , Tar[nmcUoa;'^ : "r : v' : C^ •? Zc&mtfQt -Wood.aadiW*ifir*tf«i*ii&‘/ ABB BBMiS*fi^J.OTHWO« i. : .......;• TfIKEEr BIG DOORS!; .r :~ ;:; *.r fcJb.-fncnißoiiig.toliisntraeroTtefnflm Sr n fSpecU6rir *HW be; v v *>ne of tho of Keaffy* - - ;^SsS^SSSavSS£' I0 ,ji -dießianafiic umMuradifyleofv ;very-low#9tyriceS, as/weltas iho fincBi,aie got ujftb * . . :•: .-,:'Heatty»Maile Gornieiltar_,... - . t UsJte,feelAcdiifiaeoti'jiEoff*^lSWttlie£t»f-«ltS9!tfl™e< t . aiidprice'ffdf 61sfi:oo4s,'lieeair.ofleriticin5Ml(^ndao^:i. ’meats SssfiaU imaiest ShafctateKsua purchase at hi* ! ■sineis, toitethil‘ with an anpTccedenicttaholaaUmfti r*--„ lailpaiioiiitgej'basenabieitilin'logetop'Ganaenta^to soil the business habits and tastes of every location in . Jlhe Oiuotf. l®bicbis of tSd : nuSoWltapdi^ l : sale purchasers: . , ; -, ~ . ■ In the Cttttinsdepartment wttt.be founila choice Ajs leclidudf" the mpst fasliionable goods, consisting Of-—. French, English and Jmmam. BrwmMu,,' - , . CaHunereltsi'««iy iitt^Lß^ti%hcre c tbey:afe of poblioahatthey ei 8 “tee nai ffe r.* entsizesofthe. ihodehf ?;y Aoi*»inehes^6tfcet*TOi^OT^^ space ; -. eionsiEaye;scveralBi«s 7 deeper£ma^TriUBr..^Dism--- YehUonnowcbimnrimogencroltLse'j^pt^o^wapne^i.,; 'bfihe.giejUCßt>of-tne i ftfer.; : TbeseT4?BiHif*jC*Has-2ftr* r ;. ; :* ; - cpmppsedof variousjriaas'pf.BfitaJf^liai^\I!V il Thcy are tboroaghly tnamdlA inside nnd ottMind thn*' T n»ri”-y. Juty,lSst* - ' r * TpRE undersigned, Gkobgk K- and X sole agentror the sale ©f ihe aborc valuable. aru-'>r . clca t announces thatbe is :prepated:to-sopply- undfcju* kere&nd others bavingoecaßloarioriheic urcwUMa© - same, of alLsizes; from 1; foot IQ incßesto GfeetQifishes In length, of varlous.widtbsund .depths, suitable tor bp- : dies of any -sii©; eUher piain, bronzed or ;gudca .nua highly omameatecL Aigo, nome pbtea and-tnmmin™.- for tb© same. Attention to did very low prieds affixed* -with/the view ot-.ibeir genfical .adopuoniitr sQueitMjiW,' .•: wit: Alwhotosale, for plain bronzed CosM, Of viCnOltt forßodlesSatoSainchesipfangib,; .. T: . a ■ «' 28 id 33 » ~“• 1 4,SP * 3 « - 33t040 « - “ t fl,Qo< 4 ** 40 lo 46 « 1 ** 41 ' ' 8,03 5 «• 4010 54 « tt 'i r 6 «vs4to 60 “ 10,00; ;. ' 7 « 60 to CS « 41 . 11*00-“*: ;-■ 0 U gstoßO 41 « 14,00 » *r 66 10 70 * • u 10,00' * -10 « CB-to7» « “ 17,00- U ’ « 72t076 "’ *< *’« - 18-00-'/ , i 9. , Hu 6oto6sextra deep.l2,W)i 13 **' 65 ufCO « « '15,00 - U - « GO to 70 18,03-.. ,t 15 - 44 09«n73 “ ,* r 19,00 f 16'- « '7610-70 ' w ' u - *‘2o,oo*. Name plates from 34j50ta$0per dozwjp - . • «• * ModefaieflddiiionalcbaTgoibrextragilqingandOTntt.■ : mental painting,-or inlaidgold,^xilyeraod peaTli , information, or OT" , : dersforCases prompt atieri* : lion by. oddres3hig GKO. K»-ROBER , I“S T Agents -.. >- - Sarcopb&gus’Worerooms, 374 £lain-8tt,Ci3i,,.0. •• • M Fuaerals attended,bearse ami carriage 8 farnisb.- d conveyances; «iib:appiopriatetiuend&Ato.firpr: vided for transportation to any. part of the country,, op appUcaxionht tne .office as above. w /jylO ' - „ , - f ■- . i pmtlmrgliii«HlL«t D«pou<, T> BAKD &'C&., HOi;‘3lOo‘WooD BtaKSP,'bave'jtifft:: JEW reeewftla Vail supply of siockm ih*»* linpr HaK timore and New SulaKLElATHsßvi*&Uadclp&a Kips and Cair Skins,-French Calf SfciiteV Cojttry4Jp> per, Kips and Cair SkinsiMorocco Lining and; Binding, Skins jTaftner’s Oil j Tanner’s and Corner’s ToOisiflftr. And, Wkenf6gelher,they: believe assonroenfcvcrr oflefed.bflfoiff.ja 'ritts* jinnrhi Ail of .which rve are fprepared fa sell Jo; cash \ antfprompi payingcostomerr at ina-very lowestpriCw : • pleasure In showing oar'stock," andjcor'dially fnvitepnrcbaBdfa:'lo-'exanline,l}etorß(pUicliaslijg',rfilsevr where. •■ » taeplSaf^ I puulmrgß CoicU Pactory. .... fdW&Mr K* M* BIOEIiUW, 1 T CARRIAOBS of c Jew ' I description and of the latest and most approved styles, ittorfW and tot rale.- Attending, petawaatj? tfr each branch of b{s pionofaciory atn*« selecting Jus ma* (erJtffromibehfest that the'canenunaritet can affo*a, he. feels eonfidentlhat he C 4& please the most Giving his entire tune and attention to the business, be lsdeiermiaed to€mnp«e>vithanyeftheeasierft®areeu Soaiheraand Western Motchantaaiejrespeetfully in- Tiled tp e&U and examine his \rtacfc, before purchasing elsewhere, us "he is determined to self afr good and as cheat* an arUcleaa anfrother fesiabllahmcnt. fsep& ‘ Adunomm Mioou. u XJSTXL W. WARD begs reavetoinrdnnlheLadieoand Gentlemen of the city and vicinity, that hoiep re pared to serve up in a superior manner, OYSTERS, -cooked in, the various styles; and at the request ora number of gentlemen, will keen always ready, HfWf COFFEE,TEA and CHOCOLAIE, with edibles to stuL He trusts,!))' constant attentionand an earnest desire to please, this new feature will receive a share of pabllo P ICJ? cSfeAM&aad other refreshments, as-nsttaf.’st Shan notice-- The Bathing Departmentalways inorder IJ7* A PrivateSaloonlorLauliea. ** focH. Gaol Eatlag aad Drinking, ' ' M EVERY BODY that Is fond „«f the-good things of iibis IlfevSbosld'drep yshutliina see HARRY GRAHAM, at his new Hotel, N 0.38, one door-frton-Penn, on St-Clsir st, Harry serves out to htsciistotneratlisbcßtOysters,Ll- Snors, Wines and Cigars that can he fount tn any of tese ’ere diggina. \ (aniaan- . _ Joha TTAS ALWAYS OMHANH,of Us own manalacrate, tJtl'a.tlsrgu Bssoruimntof-WfIII'S.GAMhAAnd UM BRELLAS of e»ety-de»Crlpllo«,WUcll hewUl-dispose of, wholesale or retail, at pricesas tow as they can he procured for In either the eitieiof New \ Ork, Philadel phia or Baltimore. Also, on. hand* large supply of _ BRUSSELS amUNGBAIN .UAWERBdfISS.nnnEA- ; . PIES’ SATCHELS, which will be sold at New York “jgff ‘ No»3 Wood feeeLnJv-SiJ^- * -it SLlttE BOONBQr " frtHO&ASARNOLD, FWsßbtifsrcaij-jDetSfcrsAi Sbtt«r: ; i ,JL baa on bund a futfsopply-of-very superior gassed SLATE, and ts prepared to execute any order* forwork that may be-entrusted to him, to «t ; manner that wfi| in sure satisfaction, -and on- very-accommodating He devotes his entire time aid attention-to theVsines*, and feels confident that aiytua 'wtfrk will boperfeet. ' He muy- be found a t Logan, Wilson & CoS laaWedd * Street- 1 ~ ' ' Ungl-ltm SewOhooolate Futtev, OIC.N. GfAMfiONl & CO. respSlKltJ inform t£e W TSUtP.thdt .they are - nosy: CHOCO LATBof every quality andpriee,\Thia ChocblatAttiK like moat othpre sold herd.la Wirranted jntraandunad. oltetated, and hende, of fmer flavor, morn nutrlcious and wholesome. Big. G. and Co,,'ha < ilng beenpronSe tore or one of the-largest Chocolate manuftetnnea In b V- V. % - v»>