The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 06, 1852, Image 4

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    v:-"i '>T:' ■tr- f .--■ . . . .. , •, . • ■ * - - •
»* ~ - > ,■ i , , * . 1 i pt. %Zr ■£, ‘ ,
f H* 4 " *• —« », V- ** *'' «* 1 * * w V* **“ V# '’"fc. J H r . ' V.* r *<> ff * > < . -t, i, * _ ■*• „ <* * . > >
* \ v -* * » +i jp h/ , * **- %t , , fc ' r ' » '
• - ,■■■■•■:' ■■' ; ::'-V '. ■'. . 'V'": • :■■•.;.•<
Z}&Ss?*rJ\z- -r\; V- ' . :.. • ~ -.' y ,s''r-r- .* - * ~ *
SIBtSIIS - ' ' *sr ■_, ’ -' 7 ■-■
' *. in* ®«s*aiJ- 'Jmnmrnk»r. ”""* ■
• «5,fi f r v Jj-Vl ’*s
- ••
-. oarhardl.-ihe ongtnai m.
&«?*Va ~ Mentor W received, a frosli supply of to cele
E|^e N veVb«tof”eWnd’rnunofueiured «2y *!■«£
** : : vKd 1 V n several Improvements not possessed by *«> otb
J e -\tw *** —*sS^T!w T ?nefa as double s v?cll, Ac. Pcrsods desirous of pur
* \ ■•.■■,.s££&«* a eenuiae GarbardiMelodeon, .will please call
SSSiSSST-ime, and convince themselves of a.
&£&&"* U «scffl sign of to Golden Harr
. ;-355-tg'i?sSsg^^>
ajteMjwMM^gg l
iJSffgSllSi 1 *
,*£ r.\^^-rf^' r s?*-;^ v >~ $£ ry^>^>>
-r -
'; v:
•s^^g s^^^^^^^^^^^9l^V'''‘-': xV"'‘- - =•"--- sy • , - ' , : '.,. ' -„.- . *’. v. ’ '/_ ;. .
te£B&tß&&g@&Bu&t^ . .
' CtalelMrtnS’* P- 4 ?™ o*' 0 *'
.- - -• feMßtcaagftßywWt 1
- -tortof J?na?&dctrrdiir. £!o-tmi,o4 factory PnidS; v* »
■, ' ”®«|"ir'“sp- '*§J'
. - - , lßSaotts?- to da t ~ JMJg',
•■• IITCJontJ do ■ -do ' <?« ad 1 ‘
11413 Sue Cl do "carved, roWwosd, 400 00
•" 11977 one 7 do '- do ; ■.. *®.|K ..
- 11489 one 7 do do »
.- 11790 one 7 do' do *" ffi
' _lW6o'ineCl 'do extra envea ™
_ 1089* one 7 _ do carved lmuisXlY, ««J«
"■■■: 110320ne 7* do ,do. . do |jj|““
11685 one 7 do : carved f o ' l grand, tuo c
v - AJad on band, the foltowuifffrpmoiter naMgJMf ew .
5501, a rosewood-01 octave, Siodan 4 - t ' < g' 27s gg
N'0. , 3'273,e ro'i'.wnod 61 octave, llallet?, aviS gg
, & Co., Boston, ■■■ -.*'. nivlsfc Co., I
' ■ • No- 3146. a rose 01 octave, Unttett, nave _ 350 gg i
» with JBoliaii attachment, . - j. g T (lal- -
No.- 3351; a rosewood 6_ociave, mage 850 CO
kltj'flavisirCb., • ' same makers, 225 00
. .: 1ti0.3392;a, rosewood 5 k w
N 0.1817, do ~do . .-275 00
ward.A-Btowa, , ..' ve ,. affle makers, - 300 00
ro.^'a%S^rudm?, t ’made by GUbert,
B tiand 0 octave,
■: NOW tIKAUY I . j
EVERY LADY tnmivs a Piano ahoaU parclianc and
—without exception ns ucata piece of printing an
ss’ttssSSS h
- can be sent by mail to any patl-ofthc United . utte ior
PabUthedby JobnH. Metlor. Weod street, and Henry
. Kleberi Third suetfc Pittsburgh, oud may be hadjt the
principal-booh stores. uocl
1 NOW- 1» THKTIMB to subscribe lor me
loajai. Magazines for 1854. »W« continue to take
JtEscrip&ilJ forany of the $3,00 Magazmeß, at 82,50,
i Urahan?. Magazine;Sartaui'a
specimen copies of all the Mag.-
A Romauce by G P.K fame.,
in Near York, fa Door, and oat of Door.. Ilia.
“^Tha SSe.&Toulpaeaof the I,aad.of K« P t By
WUUa£ H !*X> wFlh engraviug.on ..eel and an
merous illttMTinionsott wood.
For aale at the Cheap Itooh Store & co^
, t yp. 3g3mdhfield street.
Ltdlelt I IWKI TBU 111 ,
U. Ts*"
ocrsbn haTinK a Piano should have » copy of
~ \a wort of u;e kind has ever been pnblish-
ThedafonnaUon ulmpans u worth ten jimesits
price—one dollar; aiid, arnoßg other rivajkugeKjvwtU
eSectually guard you from having your Piano spoiled oy
fifc'dsUaS A liberal discount to Book sellers and Mu
no more appropriate
man can mate malady,lhnn a copy of Hus
‘Sendln your orders! -
Double BteA aielodeon. I
rf HE saliseribcr hMiMt !£:
I • 5 octaves* "wiib.doable sen of reeds* daac ,y \
S™ffo». •&*%&£ %£%££,•£lSAShui
SSSSSSi!£d «SmtaeSis V “elodecn preTtons
to its leaving the tuiscnbei 5 * wareroom, u having
purchased by e c»»^S“J o ' l, 1 S ol Tlu,J ..
' oetSS Sole agent for Needham’s Meiodroa.
Statical SoliM*
CoUl^n'Band, had at all luacs,°“. s j“£ ( , aou<: '
InstfocUoua on aUiasirnmente a ' a re A^ eJ
dec 15:1m . .
TTTr .*—in. ctemlSa WaiUlnS Fluid:
T iU 4^ t SVL ra c!«n"aTtods af a?-
TjaVel oarEscily U contains no Potash,Soda Ash,Spir-
ctato. m ™ oa. W by
£i£catea,*peaiing - itr-higher „. e a,
City; Mrs. Marietta
Howard, Lawrenwyllc. IBALJj ull mU Whoie-
Mtutnaetniedliy C. WJSLt
a&le and Retail by lffiY§Eß i^w^datnit.
U3* rtmntY bottles ic-dlied. _ “ n ?_
■ 800 EBWMU)' . ■ .
«»f«SESwg| jyftifSSgrSsi
cure in from irrou,
SfsMITHFJ&D at, PiltiDorgh.
faSM&sfe* «waaagffigr
"Tb whir^S E w.«.
contemplating sIaE[UAGE .
cuiuall Dr. B.,aad be at once restored. Lei not raise
dflieaey prevent you, bui apply immediately and save
yonrself from the dreadful and awful consequence* of
' and fun J>gor restored.
direct, Titubnrgh. Hour.
anypartorikeconotry, «cng
■M.tWfIHARD.and describing'case. .. -■- aeciu
Kronen Portooionl ~
JenißleisYtie m r,.They,w«fj
hJihSrenoOTiei Jttieott. ; whilepracticing inlheJu>»pi:
: la* P»T?f nnS are alwaye warranted to care all ca*e*
ol ' BUPf'itES3IONS,IKREOULAaI'nEd I&Cn 1 &Cn
ana i” £3S?SW *«■» ouee,« etrer bo indeed
■'■•OJR-'®s*“-for „|- at the offieeofDr BLANCH
ARIf Fall directions aeopmpany
office-' hours from BA. «-,«>» P- 1
excepted. aeclWHy
. Henry Htch*rdeon,'JeOTeUer> _
TTA.VING re-fitted his =lore In a tßnaMßm «»““ e O
■,iA a“d bnt recently returned from the Eastern c
with a fine assortment of Watches, Jewelry' ap®
-Goodsi would cdU the attention of nis friendsanoC«»
idaeri w itie faci, tUai among hU bo found
the rrtosidesirable styles,patterns and
eity,tflo latest -styles.of brochet, breast ■pWß,.fopjjntt.
.... chains, finger rings, ear rings,mimaiotej ip*!*®*?*
&0 ■ : •
FASICY GOODS—Such as paper macho, work table**
-work boxes, desks, fancy vases, perfume • bottles,.table
mats, Colt's pistols, porte monaies, in great.vane.ty»;
china fruit andcakamsbes, Ac., with an endles* variety
of ussfol andcrnaiuentai articles, which have on]be
° e novL be appre<uate<i ' ko. eT maßket street
Oyetere 1 (Jritcrx II ■
iTUIESALOONSof F, H. HUNKER, on Idbertyalreet,
I uear Hand, will be-opened ontMONDAY, the 22d
Stahl; where Ladies and Ocntleman can be aeeommo
dated with Oyalervaeraed ap in a manner not to be eur-
with refreshments of all
. kin lie, at the shortest notice, nod atthonniai reasonable
prices. Call at P- H.
tcpS9 » LlDOny ItrcfcV
Poe Salt* . ,
TWO LOTS OF GROUND, tiumio inuie troroaga of
J&uißbe&ter, each having' a front on Obio Lane of
_ iwenty-.thiee tfieuhree inches, and encading tmct one
hundred and Unny*eight£eetio an alley. Said Lois w«
• beeoldaeparaielyor-iouiUT.' : : > ,
"Terms reasonable. Fot further particulars enquire a
. 1: S; HAMILTON’S Offioe, No. ttFlfth vtreet. :
- f fo» M»i'jLiro'Bo-» , 'CJuoTHiaov—'Puces redaccd to
a very light sbade above cost. ParebMem duiring
- ffain&aieianlcd lo.cail,#* I am determined to seUom
sir siock-of Men and Boytf Winter cioUilng.
fro Ahum for atoning Coodt, . i
ft gsaiUi&cld near Diamrmd «Uaf« -■
BURGIby the new and splendidßeamer.,■ Jffgwif
l Ji,tv”■ This arrangement to continue until me wsi o
January,-1952,'wnen the Cars will run from ClevelM.l
'f Train of Cara will lease
: (fiuudays excepted) at 8 .-15, A. M » after fti Wsil'oTbT
the Night Train from Cincinnati, arriving at HafloTM
Station at K 35, P. M.,’ *id at W*UfT‘ lle * 7 ° c!ocK ’ '
.■fl., ttud at rttiSOanslUbe same evening’. .
} Ueiurning vnU leave Pmiburgh dally at; 9,P li*
living at Cleveland at 5 o'clock, P. M. nexn“J&» A rtfl ,;
.Aa.toicennecfc wuh the Evening srtuos
Aid with steamers East and West on the Lakes until
fefram SJRSS. «» Ireland 20 hour., toCtn
? m S4 00 ito Cincinnati 810,00. ■■■
i 7 %fifi§r • • - •. C. PRENTISS, .President.
! OWICB 0» XlHt C. A P. R. it Co. },.
I Ravenna, lSov-8,1851. >
I «D* For Url£e ’ S SPPI> ’°G. M BARTON. Agent,
1 novia ‘ Monongahelai House, Pittsburgh,
| , . Baltimore. t ...
I Only H& Boun Through,!
r'jrlLC Express mail train will lease me D "P“* 1 “"
JL crly stteenobove. the Canal Bridge, every rnornt g
l Passengers will go by the curs to Brintonv, m, vc
will and &e best 01 Coachesin readiness to convoy tl“
28 miles, over a first rate turnpike road rao/dhc
two, and then take the splendid new sleeping
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, direct to Phtlmicipm
chd Baltimore. Conductors go with each tram ol coactr
i Ipal W York and
dSSSSSd RSIISSd a. Harrishargh arrramgm Bait.-
more lo breakfasts and 10 Washington Li y
who.wish to avo.dniglu lra«l, eaiUodge
oyer night at HollldaFsbure«nd tcsiim th phj | odo f
the next morning 8 o’cloek train, and arrt c ny are
phia the same evening, as the Hatlro 8 r
’aiming two daUy trams from Hollidnjsimrg
liiaggage checked through to Philadelphia Fare
Tine Accommodation amTilnn
ul 3| o'clock, for hast I hlher y, g
tijns Returning, trains will leave urtmon
al m., and 5$ p- m, *toppißg\ai W imnsourg «» & ,
liberty, and arriving atPitUbnigh ai »t o
l5 c.s Fare to Wilkiasbarg,2s
C> Wiunmcu're’ McU ticket, at the office ■"
Uie Mouofigahela House, (formerly the Canal office)
til half an hour before the departure of
[tie office will open for Hie sale ot uokett at the *»p°t oll
I^c rt l9’ lr ' Cl J. MfcSMrMRN, Ticket Agh PJLib.
. H7S 00
M 5 (‘0
n.tcrcen Ftal)>dclphl> ana PlttiburnH.
B,IW Tima Rsduesd to Twmy Four Hours
/vNanditrt M*■SftJS?LvifiSlA
BAIL K^ A KBjS3piSpY-froOR HOURS, With only
S*SSS?& k n^o N vJr^coUon,<ru r np.|e
«he shortest and best route between tbe Great
W«! «d the ■“««“<! Cities,and the ucco**oD«ron,
mo in all respeets of the Htgheas Chirac tr oon Wenn’a Rail Road Co.
,* ,HF, public are informed ihat we are now rannms
I reffolarly lo rhe East and We.t, and are prepared u>
r 0r A W SP t !ciALt*GER«a t C d r i.> for Phi.ade,
P hia,mWc^rP.M b Also, dally u> Cmeinnau, at 7
free of charge, and Good, rc.umed
Houae, o’r Pom Office Agama-,
onlv Korty llllti 9t»g«npi
by rnt N^ 0 w p |ft UJE u P HIA,
m»i. iB6l * I
Gnrf splendid new Troy boili c oacdes, (or Bloir«viHej
fZZf&atoh'Zi, 10 Pluiadelptna, Se* Vork end
ttaltimore- Tim* throw r* ©**Jir w»ny hour*- . . k
l^velSnr*^ ^4^o Tea^ l . Q - C{ ' s *
aiSfu R ,hemo<t dl«c 4 comtorttble and
rnmVto the Eastern cities. »*aeEeneers lor Batumore
Sterne new lUilroad al UarrUbors direct, on lie arri
Chariot Hotel. 40 Wood As ent-
Newton pl&nfc Hotd Root® .
por Baltimore and Philadelphia .
CtTES-MEKS leave twice * tlajj. ntornimr end evening,
■mISSS leave me Wharf Boat, abov.* the
tola House, Water vireen EVANS Agent
In I*. imoudinta oicinit, of A. CM* of roiabu.gk ««o
Allegheny y Pa.
rviHW TOSTITITTION will be opened on the lat day ol
fcr the reception of pupil., who will be in
•Mcwdlnacy or all of the following branches of an
elemental', tuelnl and liberal educations — Haadtajt,
Writing, Arithmetic, Ancient and Modem History, and Modem Geography, use of the G.obes, Botany,
Useftdund Ornamenta^Needle Work, Music and Draw-
Tne annuai pension for Board, Tnitiou and Wusb
inn, payable half yearly in advance, - SIU.W
Music for beginners, ■ . o*on
For the use of the.instrument, ‘ _ s*oo
location "of the e.tahll.hment tthepictu
rtwue scenery I varied and extensive prospect, s.oani*
SdAliening to yonthfal mind,, raUM.render it
“■Thi r pemSfatren^ C “S.e Teachere wilt fcbpald b>
rhJ heHu. moral and intellectual cuilnre of lhc pupil,
AAmmiiifd* lo their care; and to render that attention
sep24;tAl i -
■*rrU,L RE-OPEN,foritsSIXTH SESSIONjon Wed
ftenSt, GermaJM-atin, Drawing & Painting,each, 10.00
Bed, Bedding and Washing, ‘ ‘ "’75
commence respectively, on die last
Wednesday in April and in October. Papjls are not re
ceived tfut by special arrangement, for less than one
session. No drfiietion for absence, except meases of
Bt C?rcabirs, C comainlng Reeonnnendations, Ac-, can be
bad of Mis. G. R. White, Market street, and of Mr.
Metier-81 Wood street. |,gp -
Bxebanije 1« It® ry Stable and Pornl.lunß
Office} ,
No. 178 tuttr the Bt. £o^
_ Thb subscriber, thankfolto
ihc liberal ■bare'of casioraiiijujime
Qs-wiprffiV in ini i would inform tbeni thaihe bos
nessin connection with hi. LIVERY bmdness,l »>«
attend toTtmeralt on as reasonnblo terms as any intha
city. Any person having anythlngto do in his line, who
mav eivohhna call, eau depend upon iheir busmess be
Vfe** r^gT 7 ’ r^^ntz™
XiitbogEftplitc initltate. i
€rt-PAHTNER9HIP.— The gabscrioer* most respect- j
MfSaace .a their friend. and the public gfcn
.llvthmtheyhave this day entered into Co-Partner-
Ihto “e pnipose oi carrying on, ab the old .land, in
stlaeerly’s Building,opposite the Post Office.TTurd street,,
PulbnrVMhe Lfflograpbic Printing, in nU iu vario«
branches. Hairing mactonety, recentfv arrived from
Europe, titer are prepared to ao works in Lithography
Moafto strel engraving. They solicit° f
”e patronage bestowed heretofore so liberally to the
oneSartnerfwm. Schuchman/aud they hope hi strict
attention to their holiness, by elegant workmanship, and
the most reasonable terms, to merit the favors of an eo
, Checks, Drafts, p'oia
"specimen, o, tl.e.r work ... 0-- a.^rOffice,
as above. pKi;(> haUNLKIN
; *prt«3
A Plant} for Bale at tilo ®“ al ***** Nut * ery l,,
*taa beta? the seaspn rot planting the plants, you get
ielt established andifruit better the rollowlnffteasom—
?m! variety wants ho recommendation. The largo
/inantity brought to tie Pittsburgh market, sold at -tf
(jiinnilQr . varieties sold at 15 and
! 'fa? are more productive and finer flavored,
prom * ly ot '
warded to any 01-ianco mu Nursery
sepiiO tw~ -J- -■ •
H«rxV island Saw null*.
r-nm? establishment has been taken bv the un-
I ?S!2Sd*^&Sb’rte wof P ttrB ' u 9S ihe legitimate
1 dereigneoj ; and as they are now re
bmlciMconnMted mere orders for, all.sizes ol
eeiring a , wnli promptness, and at as low
PALINGS and * ro
vjrr Daly a CO. have now rcady for sale
*fV’'•' u<t well seleciedatocfc qf nafticu
llosiery In all ue branches.
lar attention to theSc stock, .of. *
Hose, an* SUk feels they *«»**gl
matcftaia ana .workmanship, and xof comfort as V»QJa
Set Sock, cannot be equaled. W.D.ACo have W»
onhandwtu Underahma andDrawere m ; Cplton y ßjf*
andmerino f of jilt dewnphonsj ®J
Store, FiflhBiie6l,btW Cll :
Wood and Markcw .y ... , ; , . .. . . iibt» _.
y>lNGEft—bxs. tn etoie and for auieby ,/v 1 t ;t:
l3d WoodatrecL
■■a-inn; HUTTEB—lObbtoireahroU baiter rec’d. and
lifeSr«S»tr faoo smTH A SINCLAIR.
CoiJ>^ab^e.^^Co m P«.y
CAPITA!*, 9*00,000.
mire undctilghed having bcen.uppoinicd Agents nt
1 utr above CompansVhavc Opened an-Office in No. |
iffaL oraiVstieelj-and'Eiwnojv prepared in effect ««« ~
ranees on'ells'fedd eodntrY property, “Pon ae fayoi-able
tCrmii as any responsible Company in the Slate, All
tfer«dhsfcavlng'property insured in this Company are
dautled to vote for Us officers,.and to share ln "r * a ,"'
ines; but are not liable, m any event,-for nu> (h ''‘B “5
yoiit/ the amount they have paid All losse. promptly
paid In silty days after proof of the same,
f ■: oraicEßs:
Hon. JOHN C. BUCHER, President.
Chas R. HtssTsa, Vice President
Thoi-H. Willson, Secretary. •
David Fleming, Auorney and C°“ ns * lt {£ , k
: Direaorr-Hon. John C. Bucher, Rudolph F. Kellier,
Wm Colder, Jr., David Fleming, Isane G M
Ohas E H S r j r E j I Sn l Nigger? Daiphin Count,
David Mmnma,Jr., John "“JV 1 * (, Fr ,, Lancaster,
Jacob 8. Haldemair, York , y y llier Vmlatlolphia ;
No'nhAmb^lancl,**" Haras,
h;id.l^gS,;ionu ; h a nDl f c.,VVn^n B u,n 1) Geo
H. Bucher, Cumberland , T 4, MOFFITT,
‘ifl 9i. Clair street,
Agents tor Pilisbnrgh, Allegheny Co-
rliillS COUPAN Yrfgt* asc“ nSS
1 and ad vantages of the Mutual mjn of
(laherewfwearojedj eo *>( cash of the per ceniage
premaim , au annual retui lhc year ; an ade
requtred fo r ; the “ °J!“ 1 | ision for ihe future security
qunVtbui not eice*- y , , .r. witb an cQint&Mo
01 members for the whq e terfa of uXnem
interest in foe accumulating I»«“ “«' U " U 0I1 lheir po|i
b|rs, P»y"We “ l J}s d^.’s j J e d for the permanenl.seett-
el.o fo|tho present se
future =1?) m eTa'et g pro C po°r-.
lS!r?be f amoum ( of bu-incs,
from advancing age amo ■> m lh< . plan and
PamphleU. trapts, i , g | s and applications
rates of the company, lari } .f. UßlitrrTi Agem ,
for insurance rece Wood street, I'lUftbargli.
Saim Dawoarn, Medical Kramlnor JYIS-vi
>he Frau!
r) IRF charlesVV. BaneVe, ueorge \V. Rictiardi,
17 Thomas Horl, ’
Wafflict Adolpiii b. Bone,
Samuel Grant? DaviS 8. Browne,
“s > ssassssn
a”rates os low us are consistent with 'contingent Fund,
safely invested,
affoid ample protecuon to IB SI, as
fows, vis : , ois.nw ea
Mortgage. 04377 78
Real Kstule to iled 17
Temporary Loans-'- ___ <u,&& 00
Stocfc* ____ 04,346 81
flash. Ac- ■■■• t - -
•1,21:1,708 44
disposition to meet with P^gJ^g®feoFFlN, Agent,
apra4) Office N ' B * cornef VVood and BU ‘
s«i«T>ir. *»« *“‘«t J 2f‘ Mport ‘ MOD
oTJrT.Ji. h 0... * .„...-
I uan.poru.UnD or on RS :
Arlbur G. Coffin, IW. j“=“ b E M N lff° ma ‘'
Samnel W. Jono. Kubart U Wood.
RrowA William Wel.h,
John A. Brown Frnnoi* Hn»kin«,
Sanure P_3nii s _ Anaun Alubone,
Samncl Brook . William E. Bowen,
Charles r«ilor, George W. Aapmwall,
r, ra P CooA Jam?; N. Dickon.
riiomas p. Coot, „ D. Slrerreni, Scc’y.
K .„«c*y nut,...
I n «f .hi* hiFlieM i»-U‘criiy ttmJ rc^pon*it>il»/•
by meo of ih« Digue*» j - lvC n,and appUc«-
Pampbleu funjmli Tl'SnETTAgem,
lif.n* received i>\ VVo.xi ureei.
S»*OEL DU.WORTB, Examiner-
mnititil'ln laiur*nc» oomp»ajr.
I,WW hahrisbvbo, pa.
saJei cli«s*»o( prop- ny, li"«
Isolated or conn*ry caRRIKK. Actuary.
oct27i Offi«,No'M Suuib&elil »ugm*buMy
change. Third , >n<l ultel
d N'lilwi y -T'.'> r «“o 0 VeiwU. Car
toeiCT or aooaWiM.undor oprn m
DoUcie»i a« the ansurer! may dearrc
Ita“t."“3 8 BoL. .nWn and lake. <« mo rno.r
Iib SfSUrSB?RS-JoMPti II seal, Edmund A Bouder
-0 T Morgan
Hugh Craig. Ino T -^(^£i AM MARTtN, Presidem
Tn«. C. Harm. Vico CaW *»,S'cr"»r r
.DEfll V,
Pi,, .wd Qiaxlne in*nraa««*
T nomoe.ttto llm^WaYehousetifliatdirt^Jonn.
C»lp°X. «■»-. JONES,
1 COMPANY, of Pkiladtlpkia., Incorporated hy the
f~~<ri*laiare of Peimsylvanift, March, 1848; Charter Per
lSa%Tnr?un *"-"? M
Ohwle. P Hayes, hi W Baldwin,
S'6 B CaSpbcil,% M Reeve, M. D.«Uwi. Cooper.
V u „jina Rartrr E H Butler, Edwin R Cope Prest
im°Se?D OrrVpr ; W« Prmrfmi, Robert P. king
“C C vcrv information
Applications wiu he a officjs:
Pittsburgh. _
Fir# and Darin« manranoa,
niiiu Insurance Company of North America, of Phi a
■ delohia, through its duly authorized Agent, the Bub*
«etiber!offer» to make permanent and llnyted I “*“runo«
on property,lnihin city and us vicinity, and on shlpmen
b, the canal and ' I ''«» !IECTUKIj ..
Arthur G.Cofin, Preen Samuel Brook.,
u.nrv Charles Taylor,
Samuel darnel W^Smiib
SfflfSSfc. &?sr*
,T £»g Room or Atwood, done. A Co., Warned
Pront its., PUtabnrgh . .
SSEESai*™ Oil '
lion, foi• burning Lud"£ a al i “Lpa, Wick., Globe.,
‘"Ethereal. Campbine or Piu- 0,1, regnlarly «ppllrd
“ffi <,r J W , l . C ?rft W wagon, which is constantly
All orders left will be promptly attended 10.
paasmg through o h f alI kinds altered lo burn theElio-’
roaJ OU. AU articlos delivered la any pari of the city,
or in Allegheny, fee of eon H wridut
No. Fourth st-, (Apollo Hall,}
between Market and wood streets
=s=jrrrrFAsniuNß— Ja ' l roce ‘ , ' :t! a ' Uu: ,lore
LEECH, No. »
winch will be open for inspection on rhnradpy 'vgff
WuTcn '’*u _/ t C{, wptfK wlierc you will findabcaatt*
for Fcnftl^ 9 aad«'Sis.=';;
r ' S “ Si?ni? B r £eairc3lo;auve,and remedy for those in
i ▼*» : wtihnnt offspr inff, It i« a certai a cure
the w* ° debtliiy > gieeu weakness
for *^ inin Sr Vo as affections, leucorrhffia or
of thegeiutal org B **®>'~- no ; m edieine : ti is unequalled.—
whites. As a vigOiaiiflg j^ e t D s cn j.Consumption. mdi-
Aiso, a cenaiu remedy for.&®2J e swiSeallM shuck fe
ge.ton,lowor»U.e«W;Mei^ { P^M“^ le > ITO
15 ° f PnC °
"VfNew |
fdf itiiialei andnone can be. genuine
thiongh them, and
■ PHUbaighat the Medical Depot, Np*W|
o™ohfieldiUreet,andby B. H. Meeting, Walnntatreel
ggg^oni*Fatw»,Mo. U & Fcunhgeet
i V'
' ► a’ i i '-K 4
Tire Ininratioe Company,
Y nal Bee Hive, No. 74 Merkel street, P.ihaburgtt. Ue* f
tween fourth street end the Diamond, ha«TUßtTetfetved ,
rrom the recent large clearing out ealea, and Jhe import
era and manufacturenmn New Vorkand PbiMelpuia,
llte lareeit and cheapest stock of Goods ever onereo
tins market, comprising in part a very Ifarß® “s
of DRESS GaCiflanf oywy„descrip u «> ‘. D , ®
season,.at Aom 20 t 0,25 percent. lower than former pn
"slack dtid Colored French kerinos andTbibeiClolhs,
fr X»% P Merinos and Lyonese
C *Blac'k Trtd^Colprpd paramattas and Fancy Alpacas,
main anf EEfbrS>id De dairies. Cashmeres and
fllsck°f}i)lored and Printed Delaines and Cash
*" Very Richßrocade and Watered Silts arihg"!
do Plain Blatski Colored Stlksmd Turk Snuns
DE AFKICKS.andof Bonnetand Mantilla Velveu, ait
«.lore i Bonnet and Capßibbons, atveg reduced prices
A full assortment of Bay Stale and Woolen Long
Square Shawls;
Also. Rich Broeha, Long and Square Shawls.
Printed Terkerri. Cashmere. De Lame and ThiDe
Slur ciol'hs, Cassimeres. Satinets, Ky- Jeans * Nestings.
The proprietors wouM respectfully solicit an early eaH
Irom all of their friends, and the pubhe K 'p'
ing ponbdentthat they can offer greater 'udncemenia
wdolosale and retail buyers than ever have hereto
AT ZVO. 75, ,
Market Street, between Fourth and the Dvatumd.
fTiHE undersigned baa just WINTER
l markets a large and splendid strmk of wiNibtt
DRY GOODS, comprising a very beautiful “,*£ls %
of Dress Goods, adapted to the season, and at least
per cent, lower than ever offered in thiscuy •
Black Alpacas,from Wjcentd per yardto
factored ; Printed Moos do Lanes, from 12# to
PC, yard; Black andColoredThibetCloths.liom 23 to
.75 cents per yard; English andAmerican^Chinu.lrom
ft? 6 to m
ce“tspe? yard i y ßed Flannel, all wool, at 20 cent, per
Bay State and Waterloo Plaid ! J on / ?®, r : d • Bllck
Black and Colored Embroidered Cloth Shawlci
Sd Colored Silk Fringe Thibet Shawls; all wool Bro
“ Shawls i French Itferinos, all colon!Luphis Black
Bombazines ; Black, Figured and Ohaiigeabto,flJpacas
Cashmeres and Mona Be Lanes; High Luaire woe
Black Gro de Rhine-Silks; Changeable and Fancy
Dress SUks; Chameleon Tart Sauns ; Mn»,9wissan
Jaconet Muslins; French work Capes <ind Collars
Black Silk Laces and Fringes; Bonnet Ribbons^
Cnsinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, I
Check*; Scotch and DomCsuc Ginghams; Be ,
und Yellow Flannels; Bleached and Co ‘ o J* d n f *J} 1 ° .
Flannels; superior Irish Linen-©d Linen
"a. Diaper and Crash. Bed Ticking as to* osft* cents
M lTaree assortment of French and English Cloths,
CaMi mSre. and Vestings, Also, » “KTwoiw t“”e
kets. of all sizes and qualities, to whtob I woatd mine
Pa C U cn“» of tho house and al. cash buye rs ? re
reoaested to call and examine lor themselves- »j>«
«tsck i» large and complete in every variety and y *
„„d will be sold at the very MORRIS.
No. 75 Market sl„ Pittsburgh
nov l ft'-Otn
Houcaiiiuoi ■
p A^^N c o f ds ,
No 78 Market ml, betteurt Fourth and tkt Diamond.
milE .a. briber will COp AII^AND°w“&TER DR V
,f OO DS rMond l .° December Sd Sin -e
=fi«SEaSs , ra£=2
b. made on Urn
original marked pricey v»2 .
(rename French Merinos have been now a ,
*eMng nl . t’.ol 70
Super French Merinos, ..
Genuine Lupin*.beat quality. * 4k
French Thibet Cloth*. u 50
* “ “ 021 “ 45
gffl “ 62|
C2* “ 40
50 “•
Bc»t high Lustre Alpacas
Second quality “
Kighi yard! of good Alpaca lor 17 00
Brocne Long Stiawla, ' » o a,
BUnfcct^Long* «ikwl». ‘ f;™
s)so " V&
1,(10 “ a. 85
ta •“ .»
3i “ as
371 ®
•n II J 37| '• as
T TWbo*e price, ar c a sample, and ito balanee of the
•lock wilt be sold in proportion. Positively no
lion »n price* "■■
Be? Stale Long Sbawle.
Red Flannel*, all wooU
“Tj^j™’Ss ho£mb* .Me .O mem a continuance
KvesSpins and Needle*. Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons, Ka-
ESSSi£S , is^ !^S
Watch Material** Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and SH
vef PeM m“ Pencil*, Gold and Silver Spectacles,
Clocks, 4c., to which we invito tho atienUon of all buy*
©rja?we are determined to sell our Goods on the ■■ mo*
reasonable terms, either for cash or satisfactory refer
ei*N fl The business of the late firm of Gbmo&Mo*
Cajmlkss is to be settled by D. Gkboo at the stand of D.
Ghkoo & Co., who Is folly authonred for In f
whose possession are the papers, Notes QJld |^^f of
iiaid fiim. ——l—r-jrrr'
tob: IUM
WholadU and Retail Dealer and Dapmteref
IIVoULD respecl/nlly inform the public and his
W friends, tfrotri whom ha ho* formerly tpceived a
liberal share dfcdsfomK'thdthe has used every erer
lion in securing do extensive ami complete assortment
oT faLL anß WINTER GOODS, of the beat quality.
Consisting of the following articles ■F«a ch
elish Merinos, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Poplins B 1
?n“, Mens De Vines, and other Dress Goods; Shawls,
Vazettcs. Monties and Cloaks, of every variety
Ladles* and Children's Bonnots, Cms, Capes, Velvets,
r ihhnnfL Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, ax.
R Oentlemen’s Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts,
of Bleached and Brown Maslins.
AC. VlT’an assort:
numerons olher aruele., the
he is
1 determined lo sell ns cheap as tbo cheapest.
So. 61 Wood Street,
Bunun Third and faurlA strut,, Hampun,
Hoofs and^Byt^rFanoyatblDtoi^Baltons,Brashes;
Kpe Bobinets malebone;
gJIIM Ribbons, Black Silk and tide Laces,
n“w style Ribbon Trimming, Hosiery and Gloves,
Black Lace Veils,Woollen ‘'ObdorUi
Buck Gloves and Mins, Bonnet Ribbons,
Gents Silk Woollen and Colton Undershirts and Draw
."‘lloas and Rina Comforts, Wonted and Opera Hoods!
Plain Mantel Ribbons. Infants’ Boots,
Cravats and Pongee pocket Handkerchiefs, .
Plain Satin Ribbons, Linen Cambric PMketHdkfc ,
Gilt and Gold Jewelry, Jerome Clocks. Fancy Soaps ,
Carpel Bags and Satchels, Window Shades,
Toilet Cases, Violins, Perfumery, Jewsharpa,
Gillot’a Stem Pens, Gold Pens. Umbrellas, Accorde
“conch Shells, Zephyr Worsteds, Perforated Boards;
Floss Silks, Worsted and Crochet Needles, Looking
: Whieh, with a variety of other articles,he will offer
i for cash or approved credit, at prices comparing favo-
I rß p otteritiorutf Vedlars is particularly direct
[ ■ lh £ eX ‘ en ’ ,i ” Tari “* ""WRMPBPBY
- -* r£ w good si ;
riIHE subscriber having nowreccived hla entire stock
1 of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, would respect,
tally inform his customer* and ike public, mat be ispre
pared to-disposo of : hi* either at Wholesale or
Retail.atverrlo^prides. ' ' ,
He has,ia Dry Goode, ail,the staple,, as wellasalaige
stock ofFAN CY JDfiESS GOODS, corapnamgin pan:
4-4 Ckene Silk?, fbrevwdogaadsery.nciu
4 4 Brocade Silk*. '• v • dp . • do «
Plain Black BUks.aUpncesand widthsj
Brocade Black 9ilk»do,
Heavy Watered SUk, all shades,
French Poplins, dn,
Mouslln ae Louies,
French Merinos and Cashmeres;
Together, with French and English Prims, m endless
U-4,184 and 134 Barnsley Sheetinas i
44 34 and 04 do and Insh-Pillow Linens;
74,64 and *O4 Table Dstaaslrs;
M and 34’Bamask Napkins and Doilies;
Huckaback, Diaper and CrashTowehngs;
Rich Printed Piano and.Table : Covers*sttpsrft Goods;
Marseilles Quills, 'French Fnrnilnrei Dimity, Curtain
ind Curtain Materials, Ae^'An.' l;
t Lupin’s Black Bombazines; ' ■
Do do Mhusbnde Laine,34 and 4-4 wule_,
i Black Canton Cioths; : Black Mohair Lustres; Silk
Warp Thibet Cloths; Blacfe'Challey; English, French
Snd Italian Crapes; Diode and Crape• Veils; Cnemi
ielles end Sleeves; Collars and Caffs; Gloves and Ho>
iiery . All of which Goods-will be warranted of good
jy** 1 ' «iAMEB A. WKHIGHS.
. ► "v - „ ' .
JAngß W. Q
‘■TfiF'' " cabinet rsa
Ware-room* OT Baa 90. Tttlrd
Jw: W. respeoifolly ihrorms his ftlßmlsßnd caiiiom
■ era that ha has now completed the largest anu
nesislbck ofttoasehold furniiure ever BeftJ* •WLff
this city; as he is determined to uphold the qhnhty wtw
well-seasoned materials, best workmanship, and newest
designs;'and from the extent o( his orders and facility
in thhl ofactarine, he is enabled to produce warranted
furniure, at the lowest prices.
He has adopted the principle of identifying the cus
tomers’ interest with his own, in quality and pricc, anil
Ireeps always on hand the greatest variety of every de
cription of furniture, from the cheapest am! plmn cs, i to
the most etegani and costly, that a bouse, or any parlol
one; may Imfurnished' from his stock, or manttfacttired
oxnres«l vto order He therefore solicits an inspecuon.
lhauhe advantages of his eslahnshmentmaybeknow.r
Tne following articles consist,in part, of his stt«*,' woneh
for richness style and finish, eonnot be surpassed m
any ot the Eastern cities: •
drawing, din
ing, and Bed room
chairs, of every variety,
consisting of rosewoood, ma
hogany and walnut EI iza b e tbeUj
Conservatoire and Easy Chairs, of overy
description; Couches, Sotos.Tete-a r leih and Di
vans of the latest French and American > k
Tashaes, What-Nots, and ladies’ f “lor Writing DosXs
df various kinds; Work Tables and fancy ndaid
stands, music stands, and holders, marbte top, ma
hogany, rosewood and walnut centre and sofa, ta
bies, extension dining table*; all silesof the
most improved, and decidedly the best kind
made; card, Pembroke hall an& pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads and washstands of
each a large assortment; gothic hall
and parlor reception chairs, ottomans
and stools, secretary and book
cases, side boards, fire screens,
towel racks, hat stands, and
music stooU, cribs and cots
for children; paper mache, a
table and tea poys, m*-
. hogany, rosewood, and
inlaid pearl Tables,
Ac. Ac. Ac.
A large aasorlmeni ol COMMON FURNITURE and
WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet MAtßfia supplied with
STEAMBOATS md furnished at the short-
promptly attended to [nov2B.
iournevnisnCablnct Makers AiiocUtlon
(near ine corner of Wood.)
bracing, already, twice to three i
utnes a* many hand* as the lar* Iwl
gest and hitherto most renowned * 1 *
or retail, with FnrniluKi of the lollowlng description
Wardrobes; DressingUdTeahsjjol! Col
n„r«nnK- Mahoeau* Bedsteads; Mahogany
Poking ChMn?Mahoga.y Washstands; So-
ni’van* Pmuo Stools; BoSk Cases; Secretaries;
Canl^Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tables; Centre
§*{*} *! H a , Racks; Freueu* Bedsteads; Ottomans,
Poolar Wardrobes; Dining ami Breukiust Tables; Work
atnnds • Cherry and Common Workstands; high P°® ’
common, lowland trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus ;
advantages of ct>-opr ration, on uu eiieitsive KC a||j
oelmuilmtoiell at iheWsi prices, and they ared£
tenuined to sell, lowerlhitu any eompeiilofs, eqon T
good, if not better article, ami w*ur .nted a* the p
articles of any description, made .o aider in
at the shortest notice.
l o Cabinet ir ,
Vmtfjn Maho&anv . Rasttcood and Walnut; Varnish,
' Hardman and Furniture •'"Whalj® y t
T^dt^u ra rfi^ o Td e r c ro^ N^|a‘
10 Asgreat care was taken in the selection of the stock,
Dersons cannot fail to be suited either as to quality or
Srice and, as it is well known that Furniture can be
made by machinery superior and mu “ t \L';^ v c ’
bn,id the attention of the trade is respectfully inviled
"TlS tVork in all its branches, earned on os usual.
rS» for Carpemers,and uU articles
reouired in manufacturing Cabinet Furniture, constantly
r“andlviz-. Mahogany, Varntsb, Hat,
Clouts, sprmgs,ic.,fcc. RV^ a * B Jmnk
murtStydaw No. 31 Fiflhslrcet^
StoamboaUt A.**oy 1
i Tn« subscribers tender their actfgi
for the favors bestow
iaSikem by their-Steamboat friends, andpn
•onid respectfully Teraind them and others inte
”“Js 1 “E,u« boats, that they are at all tunes pre
pared to furmsb/on the most reiiMi' tcrmß, every
description of Cabin Furniture “d Chairaofthe bee
mate rial and !J
opposite ‘‘ llrov.*u s 1 1 otc 1 •
nammer A Daoltr*
BtliDitn SKtnlhaßtMl and Strawberry all's PUlabnrg,Pd
IISSIEH A DAULER keep constantly on hand
SL a varic ty of excellent and fashionable Fum tare,
warranted eqaa; to any to the cuy,and sotd on as
rflfa“orai.te?m S u rJ, be obtained at any ato.lar
establishmentin .be Weal. The,
unusually extensive stock, embracing all Un n»of hanU
the cheapest and plainest men-?m
and eiegam. All order, promptly alientlel u>_mruttiin
A. millikkw * . 00 ;.\ ltlWTand
M4VE ON HAND ai their extensive < Ainwl.i ana
p assortment of fancy and plain Furniture, which
they will soil 15 per cent, below customary rhics.
Terma—cash only _ _—-n. ■ —>
STKVJSNSOW - couu.«uefi to maim
iaSfefcffir faeinre CASIiVRr-JFAiiJE ol every deaerip
at his old stand, cornet 01 I’/Oouy and
og&s“inli. streets. UNDERTAKING Mleud<-d
tOyia aliiu* branches.
r ;-----=-pj Eir jß|fwiNTfeK:
or Fancy and Staple Dry Goode.
A A MASON A CO., wouhl most respccttuUs »»■
. Ucitibe altendon of the public generally,,end_d>c
wholcsaie irmie in pArticftlar, lotheit lar 0 e care
SlVsdeeled Stock ofGoods for Fall and W utter sales,
which will bo found larger thao they have ever before
offered. We have received as follows:
400 bale* Bro. Muslim?.,
6500 Long and Square Shawls,
100 bales Drills’aud Co*nabarg» .
600 pieces Sup Blankets *,
100 hales Flannels, Colored ana Whiic
iOO Cases Fancy Prints,
100 bales Tick ing ;
100 pieces French Merinos*,
118 cases White Muslins i
500 Parmattasand Coburg Cinih*.
28 Cases While Muslins;
100 Alpacas, all Colors;
50 pieces Ltneir Sheeting;
10 cases Irish Linens;
500 pieces Saitineus;
50 Cartoons Bonnet Ribbons;
100 pieces best make'Cloths:
100 Cartoous French Flowers,
:*OO pieces Cassimercs and Doeskin*
500 do Fancy Silks;
270 do do Cassimeres;
50 do Colored Velvets}
500 do Shirting and ehecks; *
85 Cases Cashmeres and de Lames;
21 do Plaifiand Plaid Linseys;
lOOOdozen Hosiery;
13 Cases Tweeds and Jean 9;
2000 dozen Gloves, assorted |
'T’«.-ih#.r with every article usually found m a Dry
Sood &I.hll.talnh NO. 02 and 64 Mattel Sr.
sepilO .
~ pQ»D6 d» OROZIKK, 7T
machinists and manufacturers,
*>« „. r of Diamond, (near the Ohio and Penn
ftaUgaL svtvania Railroad Depot,) AumaHENJ tor.
4§§s®«t River and Land Steam Engines, Fire En- j
Vlrdraulic Presses, of all descriptions!
Dlale, 1 Lithographic and other Presses; Go d Stamping
Lid RefimngApparatusjtogethei with Mill Machinery
m aenetal, builtupon the most approved plans of con
struedon, and workmanship to tho .ausfacupn of cus
‘T-ll orders led at Messrs. Cochran, M>Bride A
Cols No 20 Wood Street, Pittsburgh,or addressed to
mesu-bscribers, Allegheny,wi.lrecew^prom^taucnu^n.
Bolivar Fire Brick Hannfaclnring Company.
ias. aisowti s- w* Kiaa,
ObOVEB, KlKtt a. CO., Proprietor*.
THE subscribers having been appointed Agents for
the above named concern, will keen constantly o i
hand a supply of the celebrated Bolivar.Ftre Brick, Ore
ii,i- k» olqv Furnace Hearths and Inwalls. They
are ra receive orders for said Brick, to be
££de in site and shape to suit purchasers, which Bhalt
b °sAdo notdeem it enumerate the many
ndvtmuures the Bolivar Fire Brick posess over all oth-
Sre that!eve been offered for sole in the United States,
dmir superiority being wed known to almost nil personß
Sbo um Fire Brick. T'he proprietors have determine !
dmt the Fire Brice shall lose none of ihetr present envi
able reputadon, and that no expense shall be spared t,
make them even betterlhan they have heretofore been.
This is-the only establishment r.ow mmmfaciunng Ftre
q.: a l wt Rnlivar. KlbK CC jUItISB,
raar i7 Canal Basin, Seventh st., Pittsburgh.
a Dr. Wxn. P. Glles,
veterina«y sukoeos.
/■frl Office at Rody Patterson's Livery Stables, on
Fourth street, between wood, and. SmilhGeln. livdity
'» ■ Pol Sale.
A A ACRES OF COAL, situated on the Monongahela
44 river, near Llmetown. The Mine is opened and
approached by a short Railway, in excellent repair, be
longing to the above; and- seven or jaghl sooduuners
hoaaes! Teruts-$S,i)OO ; some cash; the glance in
well endorsed notes. Apply to JOHN Be-LAKOb,
sepjam Attorney. Fourth street.
X Drunkard take that remedy, I will war»„( I
locarchim.” So said a person who hadicttwa-Junself
of ihe desire for SlrongDriiik.byußiim'oneboule of
Uiejost of one dollar. Sold-st SM|THP , E l jD ST.
F E Peaches, Pine Apples; J
do Pea*; Limes,
do Strawberries i wjng* r *
do Quinces; .JKl”*?!}* l rn
Far sale by * WM. A. NTCLtJRG i CO-,
y GvoceraandTeaCealers.
.T EL G^e A Je l w Currant Jell, ;
SES » J r:
SW'* ta A .«% J rco.,
For sale • y ggg Liberty street.
jalO _ - -
eompleve Poseeesinn given
immediately. For 71 SmiUifield st.,
between Diamond alley and 4th fit.
—: —sr; —.»ui iiniAg 8 bv 10; 5U liolO by 12, for eale.b
1,0168 a oy ' sTUART’t. sfLL.
Keir.OhooolMtfaoton'i w
EIG. N. GIAMBONI !fc CO. respectfully inforathe -
public that they are no»» manufacturing CHOCO> -
liiTE of eoetj quality »nd price. This Chocolate, un-' . r
;lit6 nio3l oll!ore sold tote, la w irranted put« and unatk
ultetated, and • heuca, ofc finer::fi&uotv mote:. huUicloujic.s
land wholesomoi'jSijj.G? and Ctttliojiinffbeeiiptipfle-s ■:■■■■.
to rs of one oPlbe largesl Chocolat© manufactories in
[ Italy, assure the pnblitfihat they will furnish anemolo
j equal, if not superior, to the bestimpened, and. stales*
, piles
1 lttsXoisaleatMr.SOßEl/B ) tftiaa.Sorel I «MllllMry,Y
( No, ioa Fourth street,up emits, con door to the m». .
- ——-...0i-. - -
.. _ ...
' *- e -° - ' •.
*■_“ i 1 " '\
lheirimmenßo assortment of Dress anil Cloak
oSodl, at less fltati Auction pnces- Jja^
g|g^ fc an , L ,
_ JjasJ, ' J . xa t • "*
_ ...
... -=■ -KJ.
fe.V ’’ ~ !['-'• > ■>-' .‘V ' i-.-.u.’-J?" • ,
%.’> -“•••, ‘•Svr.j.' Vi, r- ..
a$L ?. ** *i n » » •£ * «■ •"’V 9*w“ - r * 4.
-zw-'*>-& -^ v-. ?.'*** vr,-.%v -*;v-v *v;
»r. SmyxufM FanjUwtM«dle>pe»r
EXTRACT of u ' s-ur trout fte Rev b l -*«a V*
woll.kjiu'Vtt ard fu a f ialeenreii Miajiotmo *a we
kiuxdomw BunMUoiaiea J ' to . n |
» 8 Sandowax ABSxcaM.tebroaryylMO
! n Jayne, BAdaddphta' My Pear Sir—We are
rtnwin «eai want of jour ftLedicaU'renwauons Your
BALSAM is an invaluable medicine]
- oowel comulauns, uud Utta been «sca 1
!hSI out Hussions will the most gratifying dueceis. 11
titbit out ma ny cuaes to act ike a charm. Your'
‘ “tSiSuv? Fills ire, my-, sheet beat
PA.’A 1 * \ ' . 'i iV . £ eoinpiuiid and pant iu the aide that I
medicine for Uiy UVU m t dem artd, and we
I* hßve ever U-1- w need hYe-luimltcd boxes. 1
dre entirely out of them. we coul(1 B<a a ihouaaad
■Jf ‘ h d m - PeoP lo lo great advantage. 11
,(oitos #««'».fpevcilC VERMIFUGE- n S .a tome.toin- i
ifaveuied >°“ r moat complete, 1
tcijmtiuuUfe«rj.w lt^.“^. of aaviog ntx .own sou. Dp-1
if ink It once, w as tnemom the past aeaaoni 11
dug niy l ' a^ e . l ? ? l ““f!La-erid" tiuder a prevailing tngif
i«und a wb '> l s v,l '?®Jf„®S,otVmo3l violent chanteter.
u V t.xa ( auunded willt «qg ?‘ ai f or two of your |
i ouen regretted I bad them, for I lelieve i
tiXTECTORAJvT to Sat. it would bdve
iromwirtu f have seen of„ l , ~15?neopWlRiesnineyou
extent your
medicines are used ‘“I! 0 "‘’“ li.l. ABBOTT.
For sale JEffiT&SSI *. A*****}. .
MecbuiuCw who and'tlie'Uflproperorcafelegp I
peißoua tUrough d invalattble *
uaeuf to ? l *} * a fait trlaU-WlUconaiUer itiutUepenanble.
ihein. and-after ft »«*; we , ihe undersigned, having ]
“ Ibi* wny judd’a Medicated Liquid Culicfe, I
ircquenily w?**? Afield &'Cutup* Middletown,
prepared by it tofouf prqfesalon-
Oonnecucui, e hcertjiiy bU bßiitalo forodltesive plas
„l brethren, as » a “« e “® and all kinds
ter, in dressing burns, LUta, B £^ pploß remedy une
of freah wounds, ad»o, for FR O wo W ov^AEU , M | ) - i ,
■luailed, yy M. 13 CASEY, MD ,
p WOODHDFF.* M-D-v •
h a MILTOJI illifiWKß j
Comprising all J>« phy.tuana in tlte city
Middietowu. Fahnestock a co.,
For -sale by corner of Wood and Persists.
compound Syrup OoCUOoo^
i \CO5fIKSlhe f'“ nl co '“‘ r , ! fo“compleOl/ curing
U ‘lvVßincliis, and all other dueaseg.
Canker,bait .\a\ehnhe blood. Also,Liver
arising liy'pepaiu,, Dttimess,
ThroS“ and ..'used wnh unprecedented sue
cess t« ,-Hl =?, a anugeneral debility,
female wu i“SeMd"ody, giving tone. to the
Strengthening the e B [lire B y B icm.
various organs, and.“JJ'Jf . iiying witnesses, ftom
'f Vheiesuinowof relied oponi Ills stngu
all parts of the couniryreau J{ , es u>nng de
urly e® cacl “Vf‘Se “Xwn constitutions. It is pureb
I initiated and V accurately com
ntession apon. nnnv cases of CANCEROUS
‘ n has been tested in "^^ Q ? e Caucdra have been.
HUMOUS. . lue mo O t hia a valuable,
cured by cnetitctite- U removes
medicine «» all UlUlO Virtfulatioii, rendering'the kiTCI
all ohstrucuou in *c erre 1 uOoVi s paipmuono f ibe
iree, active a, *J ci s es of Asthma, and may be
Heartland relievesin V EC asons of the year,
used in allele .tiy bvC MORSE A C<>., hr
,0 by ja,.
“* b * l7ti »;
XSS:«“«'" 11 previous inventions for
' i 't£n£ Press d °“* v tt e t^r^decc6 i 'Sc i ?oin» , Se pres
liy other methtils. - ! e anally, that (ho Press is
3d. The power is applied B ° ,T“7‘; ’
noiliahle a s abstiiu» for lie
4ih.—The Dampeningiameii jpe tton .
"ET&n *
,n three
MANN’S PA , fc^ T |^! l fenn, Mosic 1 Origii 1 al lire
For keeping to u Newspapers, lira wings
voices, L.eilcrs, t ..r n-: tiers where method is Ce*
Bonk Cheeks, or WJ*» £ MUfidenlly believed,is the
,-irable. I his invention,ills
best ever presented to ,-mlnrotsb lo.many e desalts
which tl is de X |o,a d ed now ol fers it at a
jatam long needed.’ £p 0 t 0 per .
ffitoiJSfi PUP*” for tea<l >' “ d '
teftlS T •»
The Paper m Books >s_ « r,Ung
and mutmlsemred express y llic agency of
The undersigned ihemal reasonable paces
ihc above articles, no Dampeners, Books, or
MOrt i m of any «g.
Arnold's '-X' ,y Ahf.„ tm “iit “/the eilUeos of Pius-
iSSEST-SM give all the In.traetion
necessary r
11. DAtruth
ilMlomlnal Supporter*.
f„ JK,V«V BUANsxtrj’. ifo. u smtm
A i« lhei siomoch, Jto«eb,
A- tug of C o ® l '?, l :.' 1,, ’ raminauon, 1 have found, tit a
.ve., (bnt, generally,, y_ labored under the dis-
S rcal . many bif «he Bowels), Itevefil
quantity o. ‘ not beeutreU
s ,v«D '“''“f““ f “”> a an iny ponoa who willcaU at my
ior five or six ? ca * 8 * , x .{. ast , wBo wear them, wlio
uffiee, 1 P f an t r*; I * if wo have no Sop
ean testify to the benemsoi wg o ma de m a short
porters Ihatwpl fit,wearing a sellable and
uroe. The cueet PF?“. mi „£| gupnoner is often nearly
perfectly weak )
.miraculous, rneweaa yv it 3 palpitations—the
lungs ummacfciostivenesi is relieved
food sits belief on.iS*■ -l:. nr .;,i.n prevented —
i now sit up ali aa y>J? r . or lonffct perioUa loses
p?a C ce 1 1 WtU, nnd a way '
.jock! health. L v
Illinois ■
i \K( iRI A, I'iUnois, will attend lo all business comiect-
Peiwm’iSs'li.U.e Slate
iton of lands from l&X,sales, the payment ° f 'h“ , >. t “®
sale and other disposition oOands, the tocanpn ofdaittl
warrants ; also to lhe col'ccuouof debts and the settle
"'(p-GSuTWatranti bought and sold,, Old Patents of
lB ßh3?ehce —Thomas Phillips, Eeq., Rrotning Post,
Pittsburgh- norJa - 1 ‘
lietttrntd to tbe Cttjr.
TTENRY LaNDWEHR ttaathe pleasure to announce
H whig triehds andoldcustomers,ihat he has reurni
ed to the City, and re opened at Ins old.stand, die sign.
which he has recently purchased oat of the custom
houses tn New York: andYhiladelphia. .Hwlionse will
continue as heretofore its. supply ot OYSTERS, S.AR
MNK9.<tBr.'fce. [oet3:if
B. JOBS, H. 8. bfAGRAW*
Louis ESINSMAN- -- • •
[6f the late ffrm of-Sands ARefneman.
Clocks. WaithOi Jemlrjf, Watch munalsijbcls, s<.,
rrt a-Rk leave to announce to the trade and. the public
I ?£-neraily, thatxhey have themselves careful^ se
lected and importedfiomEurope,alarge stockol Gold
and Silver Watches, \Vaicn. Matenafs,and Tools for
1 Watch makersi and a most elegant assortment of Jew*
! elrv from the best manufactories—which they oiler at
| p r is*s as low-as they can be purchased in the eastern
n Thei?*stock of Watches consists of Gold and Silver
l Patent Levers; do Detached Levers I do Lepines? oil*'
verQttartiers; and elegant French time pieces, oLthe
most approved makes. Together, with alarge sinck ot
Clocks, and Time Picceß,fromthe bestAme?xcan Fapto
flTbclr stock of Jewelry comprises articles of every
description in this line, suchas Finger Rings, Rings,
Breast Pins, Btacelets, Gold, hob and .Gaarf .Chains,
| Gold Guard keys and Lockets, Gold and Silyer
1 Spectacles, Sliver and German Silver ahd
I Tea Spoons, and every kind of fancy articles generally
I krnt in establishments of this-dcScnplion.
They would respectfully caltlbe attention of
ttf their extensive .took of Watch maicriafe and Tools,
I of every variety, which they have most carefully se-,
I *tSv have also on hand a large assortment of Tale-,
scopes, Spy Olasscs and Opera Glasses, from tho best
manufactory in England. Together with a great variety
of other articles too numerons 10 mention. . .»
Cocks Watches and JSwelry repaired in the best
manner and ott the ; foettl;^
- Superior Watob Impairing.
*1 JE WELLS R, desires again io call
Sntiou of the public to the workshop which .be JtvSB
has opened at No: it! Fifth street, two doors fromtiS»lß6*
Murk-l, where he continues to devote his special'.aitea
uon lo the repairing and jehuing. of- ChronoineteM'.a
pleijPateni Lever, L’Epinej-antt every descrljhpn of
njee will &d aS woik entrnstcj ewwwd m the best
manner and on the mostrcasonaMe terras
i^ C «Ir««« y snintflelea.&c*» constantly on band,which
Spo°as,Bp lowest cashpricesv-nnd will
jirsolu e a, a a P >"»
uitiuna «nd
DO you wish to purchase a
fR GOLDor SILVER WATCH,at about«lF“@Sg
S3*, one-hair the usual price? If so, cal! attiOQl) 8
JCjaSiBW JEWBLBt STORE, 81 Jlorirl «««,
ISSTdJors north of Thud, and late a look at Ws new
flioek. iasi arrived,and you can ihere p lirehuse Watch.? |
“5,™ kind of fuie Gold Jewelry at their reaiyalne,
and not be charged twopriceß for everything, a? you
have usually been; hot can get the very best quality of
.mods at the lowest eastern prices. Do not believe whai
Sthers,interested in their own sales, tell'you, but come
■and see feryottrselvesi ?: All goods soJialihlaestabUshj;
Sent will he warranted ss represented atumeof sale—
| —iimt«HMaypnichase«Qa«Uyaafeand<ihaap.aal3,
\• 4 t
andfidslUy _
Mis cart, to merit a conttimanirt oft
1 Hewonld also armotmee to item-ana wow -
general, UmihChaßJM».«=^e**^|^ariuß,i :
mettl bf GoOdM^ftrShifiSM BlSS! J
for the Fall anS Winter Trade*:Stieh v ,
dad Fancy Colored CLOTH%; Lab«dor, tam6“^
Beayer and Devonshire CeraeV ~oauj|*> nr-iff, i.t
Colored French.o4SBlSlKEESflp:yrti®fi newn) j»s
, vtte especial attention?, vyblch, tor variety,an,,.i l , , a"'
df stylets superior to nl , | y„t l q!?rlNlCaslie ';
beautiful lot of Black att|l tfetojedtMlrKSAU!*j>U“
mere, Marseille* and Waite, Sdk Mtlor's'
whlcUe is prepared to > s
igantter, at low prices* ,
between Second anjTlurd «reetj »
IT6 TAILORS—J. C Watte GradrtaGns 1 suomder
Measure-System.of Garment I)sa»ghtinff'/or
fallowing price*, accompanied»4ffl*“* < ?:‘f •
uong> 810 j withoutluslracfionsiS?; . • _t” l/ •
' ; .■ Klcgsut and t’ltfai ciotnlng*
CALUAGUANdoCO, comer of Wood and Water
(street*, ate now receiving from Its EMiera,merer
els a well seleeted 'Rua ei tensive foi itir Cloths. J
meres and Vestings, winch surpassur beeuty.eud
ty any otoer collection west ocrhe mountain*. . »ae»® i
(joculs aTC the choice fir the eastern select
ait by the proprietoTsithemtelves,expre*>fetJu».|,
market. They we/e purchased for care, al low prices, :
l which wiUenablethe undersignedno dlspo*orof them, ;;
ahont twenty per ccm. cheaper than the price* charged :
i>v the henerailtyiol'.tailorinaesiohKshmeptalnthmoity .■»
1 'fLOXUS—French, Englisa and'Ametteanhavabeen ..
■ndeuted with great circumspection 1 , atid various style*
of rich aaermUbr Overcoau.we We in abundance.
Ger emek of CASSIMKKE3 is very extensive hnd
varied, including all the newest, riehest and most fa-h, ,
«neeime <8 recently imported andtaanuftmred.; .
OurJmcko? VE3XINGS includes a variety ofulltbb ■
Ko. isl,£»6erfy Street, PdUburgk., c
generaMhaiSisSprui^andSim^er^sjockisnmv ready .
llt crnlung to ailment
meutt M K£l msSeit their Interest to purchase at his <
“iCy^'nis-experience,and gteatsueeeSsin die bu : ■ i
mi Umon, Which is of the utmost Importance U whole
*tt|n the'ctuiing depuxlmenl wilt tie found a choice se
lecuon of the most Ifashionable goods.'oonaisUngoli- •
J French, English and Amencan Broadclothty , ) r .,
(TaahmereUSy&c ,&c. ..Also,Bn^J;ce»e^tiaaorunentol......
5S£ teas za"» e ‘s _
The Assortment, the Quality, andl theiVnnety, is the
mS extensive, undoubtedly, to he /o md ,D - U '° m^o ei "'
Males* ■ ■ •■■-■ ■ • ■•"■•' • ■•- • .-"■■■■ -■
. s;-
.• : M
i' |
j'i _ .Mm~
* r;
* H'
' ? -
compos!'d e oTvariL B kin£ ofUS., but principally -|j
; Sia3^*«J^«£S' - !
which ineial of. in.ftffiycn nrffecl- ;, : ■ £->v
' I*
some of oar moslseienliAe men i also, bftotoß |
■ -l-
' §
interest it would ho *°^^P rc^ T gf *.CO* \
, -' - F
, cits, annomces IhaVbeisptepareaioeopply fr
* t
COl °Wo71 for Bodies 22 to 28 tnohesin lei.gtlt, ■> *3,00
9 «. 29 to 33 15 M • 4,w . .
•ii “ 3310 40 “ “ o,oo'y
4 « 4010 46 - ' l : * . ;
5 »i 40 to 54 u '* 9,W>'.
< 6 -»4 54't000
7 « GOto C 5 u “ H»SS ;
a « G5t069 u u 14,00 ••:•
9 - o?io7o « ;; «,oo
,I 0 i* 69t0?3 .' u ■ • VJfiOi.r
-“ • 72 lo 76 •« , I®--®®.,- -
to “ GO lo 65 “ extra deep 12,00
. 13 , « 6510 69 “ “ 15|® .
14 “ 60 to 70 ■ “ “■ , 18,00
o. 68 to 73 “ “ 19.«»
16 a 70 to JO “ 20,00
Naiae plates from 81,50toS?pet dozen._ , ___ .
Moderate ttddthoatfl charge for extra gilAng aodorna .
mental Daintin e* or inlaid gold* *ilver-and pearl
CbfflmantcaTtons^deaiTiitg.fttrth^r.^nfonnatioirjtir^.oT^» ,
dent for Cases and matennft, l J.f u e^X to ? l . p e l n a , tlen ‘' ’
lion by< addressing OfiO v K.
Varcophagoa Wareroomat 374-MtUR 4 al.>tiJtt4j 0..
rriw Funerals attended, Uearse-aild
clTand conveyances,with
vlded'for transportation loanyport of the . country, ou .......
application atuiet office as above- / -g“ K.W. '
aid ikcn.ioj>eiher,lhey believe 11,lie largest and best
ever offered before in one'houae In Plus-
Sb AU of which we are {prepared lor sell to cash -
and prompt payingcirslomers airhc .Very lowesl prices
»°& a pleasure in showing our slock, and cordially
invite purehdsera to examine, before purchasing else- _
■where ‘ ' = —. ~ L. * - p ”'''
• . > pi({ai)nigb l cb:FßCto^y#.v'i ii
JftffT StftSt, t
description ’and of the latost ®P*V r<»rderand■for'snle* - AlteniUngoreonai ty 10 ..
each branch or bis Manufactory aud. sel ® c , ma- *
terial from the besttbauthe eastent ffiarKeteaK.affQrd,_ ;
he feels confideattbal he cart picwe the, 4
Gtvhiff hia' entire time ' and aiifcniionlG the bngiiiesB»be .
- Soathern and WestcrnMeTchaiitsarexespectfuliy^rp,,.
vited to call and examine
elsewhere* as- he-is determined- to «eU ABgootfnwa**
cheap an article aa any -- fsepff- ■.■■■■■<.-
. attaentemnswioon*. •
number of gentlemen,? wi«f Is.c»^alwWfi/?eaoyt J |iC'4;,< r
COFFER, TEA and CHOCOLA r&vrilh edipleslo smu .
Hetriulsyby constant auenuon and aftearpeBtde*raie ,
pleafee, this*new feature will: receive a dtareofpublte :
pa iCE (?EEAHS and olher
short notice. The Bathing Depaiunemalwayamo^"
A Private Saloon torkaatca, . - [oe»>
Good Eating ana Drlntlng. ,
«> EVERY BODY that is fond oTUiejood
things of this life* should drop >
HARRY 6HAHAM, »t '&» '
Mo. 38, one door ironi B>n«jO* <S« ■it
Harry serves ont to his 'usiomera .
quors.Wines and Cigars Uwi can ha " Wlif,
these ‘ere diggins —— m
p f > the clues of NeW York, fhUadel-
P CP C iSfilihS oe-hand-a targe "supply or
? I o?iSr l ifsSISeKArNOARi , BT,'BAG3andLA-
which wIH hfi. spfd>t. New-. York.
‘ Just received ftora the Mannfsctpry a new an*::
KUBCER WHIPS, »tl s;»s, whWe»S
friSFk KOM3. Wotul -streetfUßarYlrgte an-
ffiHOMAS ABNOUXStott Boofct and Dealer in Stout
1 - has pithead aiuHsupplyafvery
SLATB»and isprepared Co execute any order* for work-
6© euuusicd io hiin, m a roanner Thai will 1b- ’' '•
sure sausfaction> and on ; Occonunod,aimg ißnii9> v
He devotes bis enure time and attenuoa' tothe ousinesAi
and/eelsConfident that all hUworfcwiU be -
He may be found at Logan, WilboB &€q.’s 129 Wood
street. *• fan2fc3m ;
4olm Jn’Uartxiey.'" ,
Foreign and r Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Snuffs
, No-138 Wood street* corner pf Virgin alley, v
' - . PtlniDfrt. Fa
**■ $
Jr *■ ~
* J N s r
" t'J** *
>V~ ff”
t'.-v-g-'t. ■•- J v .t
. r*r
i \
.« .
t' “
- |yv
' I
' •
■ s
. : *
A- \. 1