I• '•• • .y;v \"" •.;r c* «V ‘ *' .x~ ‘. r> , „’*} f x- * * * - „*• \ ■ j - \ ■»> , ■» ' *• * , t K * $ t r ** *.•*■* T i* \*, * -n , r * « * . s r*} a , f o. %* k .jv, 4 k>vO:- ' *>, .... . .*• -I - v ,„v * o -■. , t 4- ■ '* r " ~>-■*■■ g f -i ***£/'*. , + Af -» "‘a-" * -J> <' * ?* ". / \ , ’ " ‘ „ *s**,+ *.* - J v , * ** *!'*«, * ?- H < -* r , s, s <^ e -' s * w 4 i? 1 ? 4 / * • v - % " »‘a,: ! * - %* .. , * t £V ****** * r r -* -vL~ * VS 7 *ikJ «■ k »it *; t ‘ ,*. „** *» * tl „ - **• { %iV +~* x +Z *.* • - w - < v 'S ‘ , - »■ • 4 '•v * - - :• '- : "' ■.. •:’ r V/.v: _... :.x ;^,^:iv ( 'iv j - £ ‘, . - . , ■-; X. .t >■■ V 7 *. “ .. : " ' / - ' ' ' :* I t'„''»’CKfi l i' , ?k:x’ ’V.t *S->, U- ''h; --■ .■»; '!'* : ►«.'.! -4. ••-•■..••• :-. •.. : -.- ..: • ■- •'■■ •:•.■■.■;.■•,'•.»•...• .■••.- -r•■.. -, .; • .'■■•..■• •..-■• ■■■':.•. ■. •.■.•■••:■' ■•■■'■■ 1 • w ' ' ..t?- JJt. ’til'-?* >v-V•,, v .J -v ?• f *: - *v\‘ - -i «fVC i S, .- r T*,Jv v- ,;tA<3 • u.~ 4 \*K -j , * ' : owS^in«’*pi« n <>*" * >» ** 5 - ‘”v tJ- t-,V ’ ,t £*. 4 1i J has Tocuvcd ood now open for sMe, .KSr»iS’~:X: tha.-.felldwin« ‘ elegant aloes, of ii ~«; v t,. •:.jt ; v;...<.?:.?ioai»,ifS-esX* 10S02oue7 do carved Loots XTV, 500 00 AhT^U«*i*^A^^(tv , t»ri 4 « *i«r • 116320ne 7 do do do 500 00 i , . U6Ssone7 do carved fnllgraod, OO 00 *l*s *' ; O r o-3k'-,'o *l.l’V'.J-' 6 Also onliejld- the fallowing Horn other inanulactarers. 6f octave, S.odar. A Co g , New I i : . No.-3273,arosewood6*octave, Uallctt, Davis I /N0.3246,'ar05e 6J octave,Hnllett, Davis A Co., I V* with Soltananaeanent, - - , ■.*» «° 1 *■'•• ■■ ' _ No- 3351,M0aew00d6 octave,otade-by. Hal- _- I : ' 6 oetavc,same makers, ,%). 00 1 ■ ■ ,!C^:^ S ;»^-2g..^:.= ' :-J: . ?:: v.- ■■:. • - boadoir, made by.GUben, - 4 ; x I A mahogany second hand fl * U 5 C 0 isiisi ssmetoMs - «*®!t«li§apr i • ■|lBl^l|' . ■liBii" - §d;sfri?|iS"4?il 6-: mMfS if#Sl ®sm iWifl ‘J£sskols££ ifliS |H : . Si;, wSeK^tS?S?ssSSE : *«« dwwstow. rings,ear v :?-.;,- < :®M5b Fancy aOODS-Soclt as paper maclte, work work bores, desks, fattey vaseV £'TaxV *¥£&£**•&£-' --it-“,i.f %%' -,' 'r,>ip v-ji eC-ses aiyi-i ctunafruit andcakedishes, Ac., witit an cndlessvaries -, syS'.'i7t:s.“V--''-", s'XC&fi 14 2 ’ of ttsefal ettdornamental articles, whictihaveontytoX - . . _ ~.. 5 , 18 .... . I —3c 'X f|TWOI.OXS OF GROUND, situate in tho borough of Manche«eTreachh>7ing .a.£h>at on Ohio&aae of ' - twenty*ti£rt»feetOireeinches,anacrtcniW Uck one reasonable. Fornirther parceularaeaqairea" - - Ct \ v': -Av'.i;- s s'fs w ArrESTl6S=CtaMHft exx&ss .-vjJ'prSfvVaJia? r? i'.TG■i£r&; I K&i'3;tw*»=TS--- i i’%™»Sfjssf^P;twds=. , %'. v^s^ ?l^«^estf na(s7eai«hMendWUa»b*rn ■> --’VvV-.'V^K^'i;V : '' v; x:: ■ i * £x *mby Jua smsaSwiW^ .,: ~- ,• • MBLOBKONS-rMadeby Carhfridl, the original to* ventor. Just received, a fresh supply of- tne cde ' bnued'Melodeonisinade by.ihe.-otiginaiinventor,Car hardvNew York. These instruments are unquestiona bly the very best of the kind manufactured any where, having sevcTaHmpnjvenjen&'.nDlpo&sesseddiy'aiiy bik ers, such* 3 double swell, &c. Persons desirous of pur ehasinff .fr genome C&rhard ;Melodeon, will please call eudezaaiiii&the samey and convince themselves of its .greatfrupenoriiy, • - •?. H. Kbt&BER, • No. 101 Third street, iSign of the Golden Harp. ‘ SOW tilfiADYl EVERY LADY havntg a piono should purchase and read Templeton’s new book. To CsaixauKN —This is a beautiful book for a present • .—-without excepuoa as neat a pteee of printing and bind lUfraa.wasever executed. Tfcere is no possible c&jaalty that con happen to a Pi ano forwluch it does noipointout an easy remedy , be aidesgivinedirecuons how 10 keep theinstrament always inotni. - Price only sl~worth fen ume& that mach. it can-bo sent bynmii to any part of the United for • a few cents. ■ ■ - : Published by John H. Mellor, Wood street, and Henry . .. Kfober, Third street, Pittsburgh, and may Tje had at the principal book stores. deeluf "lQftQ NOVV JS.TUB TIMEto subscribe tor the ■ Magazines for 1852. We continue to take aubscripUonS'for any of the 33,00 Magazines, at 32,60, free ot postage, viz: Gedey’g Lady’s Book j Graham's Magazine; S&nam’s UnionMagazUie. W Mrs/Mary E. Wilson. 175 Liberty at ; Mrs. Mary Jones, St. Clair st.; Mrs. Mary C. Kimball, 6s Crawford sL, 'Pittsburgh i Mrs. Hester Howard, uear Hope Colton Mills; Mrs Hannah Parker. South Com mon and Fcceral Allegheny City; Mrs. Marietta Howard, Lawrenceville, Maaalactnred by C. W. KIMBALL; and sold Whole sale and fie tail by KEVSEU to M’DOWELL, 140 Wood street. [jaO |p* Empty botliea re-filled. 990 BBWA&D. BR..BLAKCHAKD, (from Boston,) proclaim* 10 liie afflicted far and near, that ue has discovered the taost certain, speedy, and efficacious remedy for GONNOKiIHOSA AND SYPHILIS, ever presented to the world. By lus treatment founded or. observations made in the hospital* of Europe and America, be will insure a perfect care in from two to five days, if applied to .early. Office No. 68 SMITHFIELD Sl, Pittsburgh. A CERTAIN CUREL—When the misgaided votary of pleasure find* he has imbibed the seeds of this paiufal disease, it- too often bopens that an Uj-umed sense of shame or-dread-ofdiscovery deters him from applying to those who tram education and respectability can alone befriend him, delaying, till the constitutional' symptoms of the horrid diseases make (heir appearance, afflicting the head, throat, nose, skin, Ac., ending in decay ana 'death.- . .. . TAKEFARTICULAB NOTICE. Dr.Bi addresses those -who have injured themselves by private and improper indulgence, that seoret and. floluary habit which rams both body and mind, .anhtung them (or either business or society. These ore some of the *&d and melanebolv effects . producedby -eariy habits of youth, vjzt Weaknesa of the Back and Limbs} Fain in the Head, Dimness of. Sight; Loss of Muscular Power; Palpitation of the ! Heart; Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Inrabihcy, Derange . ( meat of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Con* ssaiption. &e., Ae. . Mentally the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded less of 'memory, confosions of ideas, de v•. :■ - p.rCßsions of spirits, evil forbodiugg, aversion to society, • self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, Ac.; these are some of the evils produced, such persons should before 7 : v contemplating MARRIAGE . consult Dr.B.,and befit once restored. Let not false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself from th* dreadful and awful consequences of this terrible malady. - Weakness immediately cured and full vigor restored. • Office No; fl§- Sraiibfield street, Pittsburgh, Hours ffr" Medicine sent to any part of the country, secure ofobservanon, by addressing (post paid) Dr. E ■ BLANCHARD, and desenbing cose. ' declO • : - ywßßh Ftrtodloal Dyopt. XTHE§»E DROPS are alwaysinvanably certain to reg* ; : y 'UitteineFemale system. ..They, were discovered by the renowned Kieordj •- while practicing m the hospi~ ~ tala of Pans* and are always warraoieU to care ail cases «J SUPPRESSIONS,IRREGULARITIES, from cold „or other causes..-? They have beau osed in tboasands ofcases and jtevs&»a.u.sd.io jprodoee the de aJttd effect: These drops are perfectly harmless, and It ■••.•/ seeds buf one tnal to convince the most skeptical of their&stonfshinaefficacy, Wherever they failio care - after a fair triai/thd MONEY WILL BE RETURN KD. . They are the only readme and safe remedy for all and 310 one after trying them once, can ever be induced to try any other* The Drop* are for sale at the office ofDr. BLANCH ABUjNa. CSSfxmiifieid si- Full directions accompany, each bottle* They can be sent to any part ol the conn try* secqte.of observation, by enclosing'the pnee in-a- 1 * e ssnZj^iF^*!L i>rr R- Blanchard- Price Fits 801 l a my. i rcepSt 1114 from 8a. at, to 9V. M^Stmd^npt : Oystaral c.opeaed on MONDAY, Urn £2d . tmtanf, where Ladies ana Gentleman can bo accommo dated with Oysters, served up in a manner not ipbe sor ; passed in ihls.Citj. ID* Paines wulbpaupphed with refreshments of nil 'kinds, alike shortest nouce, and at the most reasonable prices. CalUt P. n. HUNKER’S, ■ ■' Llb.orty.ftrcet Sranaporfalunv ANIp -W.INTKR A^RdUQR^EIfT { FOR THAVK!. BKTWCBN t CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH, By the Cleveland A Pittsburgh Railroad. From Cleveland to Hanover station, ts “A l £ 8 J ?rora Hanover to wells viler, by mnes ’ and rwm wellsville ’io pitts* BURGH bv the new and splendid steamer “FOREST CATV.” This arrangement to continue until tbe first of Jamuanr, 18a2, when the Cars will run from Cleveland toAYellsville. Express Tram of Curs will leave Cleveland daily (Sundays excepted) si MS, A. lU., after the arrival or the Night Tram from Cincinnati- arriving at Hanover billion at 15i.35, P. M. f anil at WtUsville at 7 o'clock,P. Mi and at Pittsburgh the same evening. Returning .will leave Pittsburgh daily at 0, P.M;, ar riving at Cleveland at 5 o’clock, P. M, next day, in sea sou to connect with the Evening trains to Cincinnati, anp with Steamers East and West on the Lakes until the close of navigation Time from Pittsburgh to Cleveland 20 hours; to Cin cinnati 30 hours. pore to Cleveland 84,00; to Cincinnati 810,00. (Signed) C. PRENTISS, President. Office op the C. A P R. R. Co. > Ravenna , Nov. 8,1831. $ (Hr** For tickets upply to G. M. HARTON, Ageni, MouongahelaJ House, Piusburgh. WINTER AEKANGEMENT. From Pittsburgh and i _ Baltimore* Only 24 Bouts Through l i rnilK Express mail train wiU leave tne Depot on Lab- JLt ort> street, above the Canal Bridge, every morning ; uto|o*clock. i Passengerswill go by the cars to Brinton*, where they i "■'ill find the best of Coaches in readiness to convey them : iJS titles, over a first rale turnpike road to Beatty’s sta* i uon, and then take the splendid new sleeping Cars of the i Pennsylvania Railroad Company, direct to Philadelphia : and Baltimore. Conductors go with each train of coach* esl-elween Brintonsund Beatty’s station, i Passengers for Baltimore take the cars of the York and i Cumberland Railroad at Uarrisborgh, arriving at Balti* i more to breakfast, and to Washington City the same < morning. ! Passengers who wish to ovoid night travel, can lodge over night at Hcllidaysbarg and re»ume their seots by i the next morning b o'clock train, and arrive In Philadel phia the same evening, as the Railroad Company are i tunning two daily trains from Hoilidaysburg to Pbila ; deiphia. Baggage checked through to Philadelphia. Pare through, dll The Accommodation Train willleave every afternoon atUi o’clock, for East Liberty, Wilkinsburg and Brin* lona Returning, trains will leave Brinlom> at 9 o’clock r. m., and 51 p. m , stopping at Wilkinsbarg and East Liberty, and arrivtng.ai Pittsburgh at o’clock, a. m., and at d o’clock p -m* -' ' - *-’■■■ Pare to East Liberty, 15 cts: Fare to Wilkinsburg,2s cu. Pare to Turtle Creek, 40 els. Passenger# will procure their tickets at;ihe office in theHonongahela House, (formerly the Canal office! un til.half an hour before the departure of each train, when (he office will open for tho sale of tickets at the Depot on Liberty street. dedO .jKjflrp *.VAjr J. MfrSKjftTßN, Ticket AgU P. K K PENNSYLVANIA JUUL BOAS. TyiNTEßAKaAijfSw’^^^ Dtlvcen Philadelphia and Plttibargtu Time Reduced to Twenty Four Hours. ON and alter the Ui of DECEMBER .next. Passen , gen* will be carried by ilie- PEN NS YL VAN IA BAIL ROAD COMPA^Sy,-between Philadelphia and Ptuaburgb, tn TWENTY-POUR HOURS, with only 28 antes of Staging over an excellent Turnpike Tins is the shortest and ')esi route between the Great "Went and the Atiuntic Cities, and the ACcoxacoDanoas ure in ail respects of the highest character. THOMAS MOORF, ;eni Penn’a Rail Road Co. novl4:uußbu T'HE public aHr informed thm we are uow 01011111? regularly to the East and West, ami are prepared 10 torward ail Goods entrusted to our cure A SPECIAL MESSENGER tem daily lor Philadel phia, at 4 o’cloes, P.M. Also, daily to Cmctonsu, at 7 o’clock, A. M. Orders transmitted free of charge, and Goods returned by first Express Bills of Exchange for tale 00, England, Ireland and Scotland, for aay ainouiu.payritileon principal Banking Houses or Post Offices In the United Kingdom dccM BAKER fc FORSYTH. Agcnuj Uoly Forty Hlklei Staging 1 ' BY THE NEW CENTRAL RaILKOaD, TO PHILADELPHIA. VIA THE SEW FESSSTLVASIA RAILROAD! Goon. intent and telegraph mail lines of splendid new Troy built Coaches, for BLairsvillc, will leave Pittsburgh every day at 1 o’clock, P. 51, ana at 4 o’clock P. M and from thence 304 miles by the Jftte Ptnnsytttmia Rail'oady to Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore.. Tan* through vnly thirty Ktru.it. Coaches will leave every evening at 1 and 4 o'clock. EXTRAS-—To leave at any time, always in readiness. This i« the most comfortable and expeditious route to the Eastern cities. Passengers lor Btilucimre laketne new Railroad at Harrisburg direct, ou the arri val oMhe cars at that place. N H —The only Office for the above L Philadelphia 511. To Baltimore 810. For tickets, call at the Plank Road office ; Mononga heia House. Water street. declO OOIIST ALVUHN ACADKfIV, FOR YOUNm GIRLS, In ihi immediate vicinity cf the Cities of Pittsburgh ana Allegheny, Pa. I'HIS INSTITUTION will be opened on the Ist duy of October, for Me reception of pupils, who will be m structed many or ail of the following branches of an elementary, useful and liberal education: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Ancient and Modem History, An cienland Modem Geography, use of theGiobes.Botany, Useful and Ornamental Needle Work, Music and Draw ing. TERMS: Tne annual pension for Board, Tuition and Wait lug, payable half yearly in advance, Music for beginners, .... For the use of (lie Instrument, Drawing, ...... The healthy locution of the establishment; the pictu resque scenery; varied and extensive prospect, so ani mating and enlivening to youthful minds, must render it a desirable place of education. The greatest attention of the Teachers wtiLbepaid to the health, moral and inioUecinoi culture of the pupils committed to their core; and to render that attention effective,the discipline will be exact, yet mild and pa rental. There will t»e two semi-animai vacations oi a fortnight each. Pupils will be received at any ume du ring the session. MRS. DAVID LYNCH, sepiH.tAl Principal. Xlcw. Dr. Seminary, ■fTTILL K E-OPEN, for iiiSIXTH SESSION, on Wed- TY nesday, October 2fiili,iBsl. TKUO —Per Session of 99 Weeks—Payable in Advance: Board and English Tuition, - 880,00 Piano, witli Singing and use of Instrument, 20^00 .French, German, L&un, Drawing A Painting, each, 10 00 Bed, Bedding and Washing, - - . sqq Stationery, - The two Sessions commence respectively, on the last Wednesday in April and in October. Pupils are noi re ceived But by special arrangement, for less thou one session. No deduction for absence, except in cases of great emergency., NO EXTRAS- Circa.lira, containing Recommendations, Ac .can be hud of Aus. G. R. White,.Market street, and of Mr. Mellor.Sl Woodstrcet,. fsep29 Kjtchange Livery Stable ondFurniihlng Office, No. 178 Penn Street, near the St. Clair Hotel. VV4M-J \r, Ths subscriber, thankful to the public the liberal share of custom in his tine heretofore, would inform them that be has iw ■■iW commenced the UNDERTAKING busi ness in connection with his LIVERY business, and will attend-to funerals on us reasonable ienns as any in the city. Any person bavinganyihing to do in his line, who may give rum a call, can depend upon their businesabe ing attended to promptly, auilin the best and neatest muntier. [tiofogm] JAMES MATTHEWS. LlthograplilG Institute. " C'ICLPARTNERSnIP.—‘ Hie subscribers moBl rcspect j fully announce id their friends and the public gen- they have this day entered into Co-Partner ship, tor the purpose ot carryingon, at the old stand,in Singerly’* Buildiu?, opposite the Posi Office. Third street, I utsburgh, tne Lithographic Printing, in all us various branches. Having machinery, recently arrived from Europe, theyare prepared to do works in Lithography equal to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance of the patronage bestowed heretofore so liberally to the Onelpartner,Win. Schuahman/and they hope by strict attention lothen business, by elegant workmanship, and the most reasonable terms, to merit the lavor-of an en lightened Ml bUc. Bonds, Checks, Drafts, Machine Drawings. Uk< Ilium Sawmill. above establishment has been tahen by the un with the viewof pmaainglhe legitimate ceivwV : '?'Y?' t " !l1 therewith; and ns they are now re- Lttsblr\S{ 1 b2 p j?i , t sr f r Timber, order* for all sizes et Drills ashv.nl; “i eii with promptness, and at as low PAiiNcfg n?. 0 ?,”' MU* in the neighborhood., out-' r«DrT*£.^ ln an< * °»w»*o«uaij>auoTH will b© ' aM ES CarMaN, A.no - well selected .u£'i W for “l® * Hosiery in all ns branches r^ t ' Z tA g j ‘ iad Sim f? s * r lsr attention to their stock of Gemi “ d d , lrcst *’* w i. el ir iflosfe, with Merino and Silk Sh™” • eoupn half malenals aad workmanship, and /orrX a / e of ,he ies 5 pterSock, cannot be equaled, wffo™? a-sum* oaiautdOeatstThdershms and Drawei?i„ 0 “ avß w* o I and merino i ChridrenstJlosiery of all' the established Stocking Store, Fifth straM P h i ™ > w TVoOd and Market “ lrce, » between • fn»vl bxs. in sure antnie •~• ■■■»■■ • •- Temporary Loans Buice Uicir incorporation, a period of 21 yeoroJibe? have paid upward* of On* Afeftten Four Hvndrtd Thxm tand DoUars, losses by fire, ibcre-by affording evidence oftbe advantages of Inanrance,as wellasihc ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, apr34] Office N. E. corner VVood and 3d sta. flarlna, Fire and Inland Transportation ISSUKAfIfCU. The insurance company of north \mer- IC(L> Philadelphia, chartered lTtM.eapilai 000, asset! January 13, ltisl, 01,001,955 50, wil; make insurance on boiliiings and ibeir content* m ibis city and vicinity Also, i>n property of every descrip* non, on steamboats and other vessels, cither by inland transportation or on the *e.a* Thomas P. Cope, James N. Dickson, 8. Mom*, Walcr, H. D Shermrd, Sec’y This i* the oldest Insurance Company in the United Stares, and from its high branding, long experience, am ple means, and avoiding ail risks of un extra haiard* ous character, may be considered as offering ample sc curny to the public VVAI. P. JONKB, Agent, j»24 No. 141 Front street Kentucky !Satusl Life Ineurance Oo n COVINOTON, KY. rpHlri COMPANY ha* artaal Capital o( ONE HUN* X I>RED THOUSAND and U managed by tnenirf the behest ii.territy and respontebihiy. Paraph!c(s furoi’brd, uforraatioii giveu. und appltco bon* received by J. TI-RBEtT, Agcui, 129 Wood aired. SaMOKL Du.wobth, Mrdu aJ Kiauuitcf. {«fxB Slate Mutual Fire imartaco OomMuy HAKRISECHG, PA. T\ESIGNKD only for ibc aaicr ctoasenof pToprny.ba# I 9 ao ample capital, and aflbids superior advantages in poiulof cheapness, safety anti accommodation, to city and countrymercUaunt, and owuer» of dwellings, and isolated or coun'ry propcil>• A. A CARRIER, Actuary, oct27j Branch Office, No. 44 Sumb&eld si., Pittsburgh' riIHL DKLAWAHE MUTUAL >AFI.TV LNSUR A ANCECOMPANY.—Office. North Room ofihc Ex change, Third strcet^Pbiladclpbia. Ftßl ißstrXANCtt.—Builduigj. Merchandise and oihe* properly in town and country, insured again*: loss or damage by fire si ibe lowe-u rate of premium Miaix* lMsciu..tca.—They alto insure Vessel* Car epos and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open 01 special policies, as the assured may desire I«UaKD TaAirspoKTanos —They also insure ruerch&u dizr transported by Wagon*. Railroad Cara. Cana Boats and steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. J. J. EVAN*. Agent DIRECTORS—Joseph it Seai, Edmund A. Souder John C. Davis. Robert Barton, John R. Penrose, Samuel Edwards, Geo. < will l»e promptly attended u>. kampsof a!l kinds altered to burn the Ethe real Oil. All articles delivered in any pan of the city or in Allegheny, free of cost 1 ’ subscriber having now received las emire stork 1 of Fall AND WINTER GOODS, would reapeci lUily .nform his customers and ihe public, that ho is pre- Sared to dispose of his Goods, either at Wholesale ot .eiail, at very low prices- He bus, in Dry Goods, all the staple, as well as a lunrc •took of TANCY DRESS GOODS, comprising m „„„ 4- 1 i l ™” 6 Sl i kB i for evening and street dresses very rich -4 4 Brocade Silk, * do dn For E’c'raal,,'ud’llalea, “? cI E.f ‘“ 8 .»{1 P, no " and width.; DR. LARZETTE’3 JUNO CORDIAL, or Procrentiv, Heatt w a °, k ic’ u 0! , , Elixir, prescribed as aa effectual restorative in etc red Si!k. all shades, cases of debuny, unpoicncy or barrenness, and nil ir- 1“ ,V°£ do * regularmesof nuiure. It is all that 11 professes lo be— Mou.iin de Lmnes, yii: Nature's great restorative, and jemedy for those in Tojreiher Mennosan^dCasbmeresj the married slate without odbprmg, It is a certain cure variety ’ rieiicli and Kr.gfish Irmls, in emlie.s for seminal emissiona, general debiluy, gleet, weakness HOUSE- FimNTqmNr rnnn. of the genital organs, nervous-affections, leucorrhma or 114 124 and n 4 r»?i SHING GOODS, ! whites. As a vYgomting medicine it is unequalled.- 44 S 4 ““ G 4 B “f„ naky sl '“ ua ? B L„ ; .Also, a certain remedy lor incipient Coiisumpuon, indl- 74,84 and 1(14 Til v,! Blow Linensi [ gcsuon.loss of muscular energy,physical lassimie,fe- I} LI i b l» Domasks; r malo weakness, debility, Ac. Ilia warranted to please Huckaback a,l n Doillesj 1 the usenn ajiy of the above complaints, and is of price „ Rich Printed PlMo «!d &.h?a rwJ? Towc ' , “? E i leiS-Vallie to those without offspring. Marseilles Onilirr«„ 6 CQVen, 7 ru J ,!ri ' Ooadi; r « Tospread wide ihoblessiiigs medicine, I have Sid Curtain MMeriL A? aS™ I"*’ 1 "*’ bunny, Curiam Messrs. Judwn A Co,, of ih e city of New MOURNING’ DRY GOOns 'X or n iL J - aenc ' 1 ’ ny 80 ‘ e a « enu Lupin’s Black Bombasines: 600 ■’ for Its sale,-ianilnoM can bo gemuae unless iteomoß Do do - -Mouslhi dellnin-v . ~ , , . ;■ :'Bom Onlyiin'Pittsburgh' as the'-Medical Depot, No. 75 reMcasmdEleebe*? feStam im!?rnir p ®r-i ls ' Southfield street rand by B H. Mealing, Watout street um Ail ofvAlel Good?m ll hJ fl b n Gloves “ d *»«? fhnemnau; Raymond & Patten,No. & Pcurth sSS Ss, ' warranted of good Uato « lta - iraaaair sosS _ JAhIES A. M’KNIQHT IJIALIL FASHIONS—Just received at ihr~*i"ore 77 of Mrs- A. LEECH, No. 9 Fifth sthbkt, wluch will be open tor inspection on and Friday, of this week, wuere you wili find * beauti mi assortment of an entire new style of Straw Siitr Saun and Velvet BONNETS, and TRIMMINGS of va’ nous kmds; suitable for the season. P S-—Children 1 * Bonnets, Ladies’ Caps und Heud Drosses—of a rich and bessufuUtylo lWiis*tt ,{■ .•. *•' ' • ,•' .• . ... ; ■' : insuraiur Companfia CAPITAL, 0100,000. 0 9184& «8 84,377 78 . ■ 83,066 17 (31389 00 Bl DIRECTORS . Arthur G Coffin, Prr.s’t . Jacob M. Thomas, Samuel W. Jones John R. Neff, Edward Smith, Richard D Wood, John A. Brown, William Welsh, Samuel F. Smith, Francis Haskins. Samuel Brooks. S. Austin AHthone. William E Bowen, George W. Aspinwall, Charles Taylor. Ambrose White, urss INSURED BY THE ISSCR,\NCE, Flra and ill ax Ins Insurance. Flra and Slarlus lxasura.no*, DIRECTORS .. vv if. wrioiit. No. S 3 Fourth si., (Apollo Hall ) between Market and Wood Mreeta * * ' "H ~ -t, ff'- *• *t* n SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. Young, stkvknson t i.ovk, sign 0 f ihe Oripi nal B«e Hive, N 0.74 Market street, Pittsburgh, be* t wean Fourth street and the Diamond, have just received from the recent large clearing out sale*, anil the import ers and manufacturers in New York and Philadelphia, the largest upd cheapest stock of Goods ever offered in this market, comprising in part a very large assortment of DRESS GOODS of every description, suited to the season,iat from 20 to 25 per cent, lower than former pri ces. Black and Colored French Merinos and Thibet Cloths, from 62 to 81.25 per yard : Black and Colored English Merinos and Lyonese Cloths, from3l to 44c. per yard : Black and Colored Paramattas and Fancy Alpaeas, from 12 to 62c. per yard : Plain and Embroidered De Baines, Cashmeres and French Mermos; Plain Black, Colored and Printed Delaines and Cash* meres; Very Rich Brocade and Watered Silks uud Poplans; uo Plain Biacn, Colored Bills anu Turn Satins. A large stock BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND G RO. DF. AFRICES, and of Bonnet and Mantilla Velvets, all colors; Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,at very reduced prices SHAWLS! SHAWLS! A full assortment of Bay Stale and Woolen Long and Square Shawls ; Also. Rich Brocba, Long and Square Shawls; Printed Terkcrri, Cashmere, Do Laine and Thibet Shawls; Cloths, Cassiraerrs, Satinets. Ky. Jeans A Vestings The proprietors would respectfully solicit an early call from ati of their friends, and the public generally, feel* mg confident that they can offer greater inducements to wholesale and retail buyers than ever have heretofore been offered in Pittsburgh. oct2s YOUNG, STEVENSON A LOVE. CHEAP WINTER DttY GOODS t AT NO. 78, Market Street, between Fourth and the Diamond, r PHE undersigned has just received from the Eastern 1 markets a large and splendid gtock of WINTER D R Y GOODS, comprising a very beautiful assortment of Dress Goods, adapted to the season, and at least 25 per cent, lower than ever offered in this city, viz. Black Alpacas, from I2scenls per yard to best manu factured ; Printed Mous de Lanes, from 12$ to 25 cents per yard; Black and Colored Thibet Cloths, from 25 to 75 cents per yard; English and American Chintz, from 0$ to 12$ cents per yard.; Heavy Brown Muslins, from 5 to 7 cents yer yard {Bleached Muslins, from 5 lo 12$ cents per yard; Red Flannel, all wool, at 20 cents per yard. SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. Bay State and Waterloo Plaid longand square Shawls Black and Colored Embroidered Cloth Shawls ; Black and Colored Silk Fringe Thibet Shawls; all wool Bro ba Shawl* { French Merinos, all colors; Lupin's Black Bombazines; Black, Figured and Changeable Alpaca* Cashmeres and Motts de Lanes; High Lustre wide Black Gro de Rhine Siiks: Changeable and Fancy Dress Silks; Chameleon Turk Satins; Mull, Swiss and Jaconet Muslins; French work Capes and Collars Black Silk Laces and Fringes; Bonnet Ribbons Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Casinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Bed Ticking and Checks: Scotch and Domestic Ginghams; Red, white and Yellow Flannels; Bleached and Colored Canton Flannels ; superior Irish Linen and Liuen Lawns; Rus sia, Diaper and Crash- Bed Ticking as low ns 6$ cents per yard. A large assortment of French and English Cloth*, Cassi mere* and Vestings. Also, a superior lot of Blan- of ail aizesaud qualities, to whieh I would invite particular attention. The customers of the house and all cash buyers are requested to call and examine for themselves- The s'oek is large and complete in every variety and style, and will be sold at the very lowest prices. ABSALOM MORRIS. novlOrfm No. 75 Market si., Pittsburgh 44 GRAND CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SALS OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, No. 7 O Market st n between Fourth and tin Diamond. J'T'HE subscriber will commence a closing oot tale of JL hit entire stock ol FALL AND WINTER DRV GOODS, on Monday, December 15th. and mil continue one month, preparatory to the reception ol Bprinc Goods, on which occasion our Wholesale Rooms will he ihrown open to the Retail Trade, Furchascrt may rely that ihe following reductions will he made ou die original marked once*, v<< : Genuine French Mcrioot have been selling Bl $1,(1)), now m tW|c. Super Piencii Merinos. iiai 70 lienume Lupins, best quahty, 1,75 lj£s French Thibet Cloths*. S7f •* 52^ 75 ** 50 <124 “ 45 «7i •* 02J 65| u 40 50 ’* 31 Best high Lo«trc Alpaca*, Second quality Third l ' Kigiii yard* of good Atpacu for sl t OO. • Brocne Long Shawl*. 25,00 •* 17,W Square " 10,00 “ <1,50 Blanket Long Shawl*. 10,00 - tJ,t*o d,OO “ 5.00 5y50 - 3J3 4,00 23 “ sa 31 “ 25 37J “ 23 TwiOed “ “ 37J ** *5& The above price# ure a.Munple, and the balance 0/ .bo •lock will be told ui proportion. Poaittvcty.no Jevm- Uon tujmces. fdccis Bay Suite Long Shawls, Bed Flannel*. *i| wool, SECOND GIIBAT AttHIVAL.! OF FALL nod Winter Dry Goods and Variue* at No. 97, Northwest corner of Wood street and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. Gbboo A Co. would again an nounce to litetrokl customers and dealers generally m their Hue, that they are now preparedto offer tor *ale their present new stock of Goods at unusually low rate*. And a> our purchases nave been made on the mo»i fav orable terms with Importers and Manufaeiurtm*, wellai ter ourselves, and hope to be aMe to merit a continuance of confidence and patronage of our old customers and the public generally, which has been heretofore so Übe rally bestowed upon o»- Our DRY GOODS STOCK w in part of Broadcloths. Ctxaslmerc#, SaiUncta. Tweeds, fancy Vesting*, Check*, Flannels. Drilling*. Black and Browu Muslins, Tickings, Blankets, Llnsey Plaids, Al pacas, Merinocs, Muslin DeLainea, Cashmeres* fancy ■Pimu, Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings, Table Diapers, Ginghams, Silks, rancy long Shawls. s*4lk Cravats, Pon cee Pilk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Irish Linens direct from Ireland, and all other articles generally kept in the Dry Goods line* On* Vaejbtt Department will be (bond : on examination to be unsurpassed by any other of tur kind Wei>t of the Mountains, and is made up in part ol Combs, Buttons. Patent and Spool Threads* direct iroin Europe; port Monies and Pocket Books, liooks and Lyes, Pm.« and Needles, Tapes, Thimbles, Spoons. Ha n>rs, fable Cutlery an*i Pen-lunves jd*i arrived from I Sheffield; Patent Medicines, Violin and Violin Strings, ! Gum Suspenders, Slates and Slate Pencils, Percussion Capa, Speatacics, Pistols, Hosiery, Gloves, Lawns and Edgings* Ribbons, Sewing Silk, Silk Gimps and Fringes, fancy Nettings, Green Bandages. Black Silk Veils, §iik Florence together with a general assortment of all other articles in the Variety line. We have on hand and Cor sale a large assortment of Gold and Stiver Watches and Watch Materials, Gold and Gilt Jewelry* Gold and Sil ver Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Clocks, Ac., to which we invite the attention of all buy ers, as we are determined to sell our Goods on the most reasonable terms, either for cash or satisfactory refer ence. N. B. The business of the late firm of Grsoo A Mc- Ca«dlkss is to be sealed by D. Gbrqq at the stand of D. Gasoo A Co, wbo is folly authorized for such and in whose possession arc the papers, Notes and Books of said firm. (ocilSaf 108. pakflic h slunk. ioB James Gosling, Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Importer of FANCY, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, WOULD respectfully inform the public ami his friends, (from whom he has formerly received a liberal share cf custom), that he has used every exer tloo tn securing an extensive and complete assortment of FALL AND WIN niR GOODS, of the best Quality. Consisting of the following articles: French and En glish Mennos, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Poplins Silks, Sat ins, Mous Do Lainea, and other Dies* Goods; Shawls, Vazeues. Mantles and Cloaks* of every variety. Ladies’ and Children’s Bonuets, Caps, Capes; Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feuthers, Laces, Gloves. llosiery.Ac. Gentlemen’s Cravats, Handkerchiefs* Collars, Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery, Ac With a large stock of Bleached and Brown Muslins, Shirting, Sheeting; Table Linons, Tickings, Checks, Flannels, Calicos, Satinets, Jeans, Ac. Also* an aeson menl of Mourning Goods. Tbe above slock, with numerous other articles, the proprietor is now opening &i his New Store, No. l«8 Market street, to which he Invites purchasers, as he is determined to sell os cheap as tho cheapest. MADAME A. GOSLING still cominaes to give her undivided attention to thd manufacturing of Vizeties, Cloaks, Capes, Bonnets, Ad,, which are all made in u su perior style. She respectfully solicits purchases and orders. French Pattern Hshs for the trade always on hand- joctH NEW GOODS! NEW WHOLESALE MOTION AND VARIETY STORE, No. 61 Wood Street, Between Third and Fourth streets, opposite Hampton T " Smith 4* Co.’*, Pittsburgh. HE subscriber respectfully invites the attention of City Merchants to hisextensive assort ment of Trimming, Notion, Fancy and Variety Goods whteh he is now opening for the Fall Trade. Among the articles composing Jus stock may be found a lull a£ sorunem of the following:— Buttons, Edgings* Pocket Books, Threads, Combs; Laces and luseriings, Porte Monnaies,Suspenders: Embroideries, Needles, Swiss and Victoria Mulls; S Fringes, Gimps, Pins, Jackoneis, Braids; Hooks and Eyes, Fancy and Dress Buttons, Brushes; A a PI? 9t. ec^ s » p!r H n an « Fttfl oy Bobiuets, Whalebone Quill d Ribbons, Black Silk and Lisle Luces: New Style Ribbon Trimming, Hosiery and Gloves Black Lace Veils. Woollen Comforts; Buck Gloves and Mitts. Bonnet Ribbons Gents Silk Woollen and Colton Undershirts and Draw -6XI, Boas and Ring Comforts, Worsted and Opera IIood«' Plain Mantel Rtbbous. Infants’ Boots; Cravats and Pongee Pocket Handkerchiefs ; Plain Saun Ribbons* Linen Gambric Pocket Hdkfs- Gilt and Gold Jewelry, Jerome Clocks. Fancy Soap’s • Carpet Bags and Satchels, Window Shades; Toilet Coses. Violins, Perfumery. Jewsharp*; Gillot’s Steel Pens, Gold Pens. Dmbrellas, <\ccorde ons; Conch Shells, Zephyr Worsteds, Perforated Board* Floss Silks, Worsted and Crechet Needles, Looking Glosses; b Which, with a variety of other articles, he will offer for cash or approved credit* at pnees comparing favo rably with Eastern markets. P. S.—The attentlonof Pedlars is particularly direci :d u> tins extensive and varied assortment. •ep!s:tf _ W. C. MURPHY j I \ p T U YOUNUJtCO., Corner Third-und Sraiihfield streets, __ _ opposite “ Browrvs Hotel.” *. C UAMXiU. H. DatTLBS Hkmmir A Uaaltr, CABIN ET Warkhoom, SMITHFIELDSTREET, Beuetcn Stvenlh-Urtei and Straxoberry alley. Pittsburg, Pa HAMMER A DAULKR keep constantly or. hand. y*L, a variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, F|l*3 warranted cqaal to ouy in the city, and sold on as *“ "favorable terms u» can be obtained at any similar establishment m tic West. They have now on huml an aitnsuaiiy extensive slock, embracing all kinds of Furni ture, irom the cheapest ami plainest to the mo*»t costly and elegant All order* promptly attended to inn?l:6ni A. mtLIHEA A COh HAVE UN HANUai their extcn&ive CABINET and chair manufactory, n*o. w Mmihfieu »u u large annorunojit of fancy and plain Fanmure,:tehi&h' they wih sell 15 per com. below cuMomarj rales. Term*—cn*h only: Miec2?;ly • R. STEVENSON continues to mano- facture CAJSINST- \YA RE ol every desenp bon. 01 las old stand, corner ol Liberty and i«ai*jrw£gaScvcnih \VINTi-iK JS’I'UCK Of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. A A. MASON a CO., would most respectfully go* • licit tlic attention of the public generally, Bjjdjfco.; wholesale trade in particular, u> their large and care fully •'Ciecied Stock cfGood# for Kail and Winter sales, ! which will be found lurger ihan tlicy have ever before offered. We have received us -oiiows ; -Htfl bale* Bro. Mullins, 650(1 Long and Square Shawls , IUO bates Drills and CoMtaburys , 600 piece* Sup Blanker , too bales Flannel*, Colored nud White , •«S)U Case* Fancy Prints; 100 bale*Ticking ; 100 pieces French Merinos , US cases White Muslin* ; 500 Parmatta* aiul Coburg Cloth?, 43 Ca?es White. Muslins; lOOAlpaca*, aircoiors; 50 pieces Linen gheeuug ; 10 cases Irish Linens; 500 pieces SattinelU; 50 Cartoons Bonnet Ribbons ; too pieces best make Cloths: 100 Cartoons French Flowers; :JOO pieces Cassimcres and Doeskins 500 do Fancy Silks; 27U do do Cossimer**; 50 do Colored Velvets; 500 do Shirting and ehecks ; b 5 Case# Cashmere# and de Laities; 41 do Plain and Plaid Linseys ; 1000 dozen Hosiery; 13 Cases Tweeas and Jeans ; 2000 dozen Glove*, assorted ; Together with every article usually found in a Dry Good Establishment. No. 02 and 64 Market St septlO DODOS & GUOZIKU, : MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS, ~ a— OIL MILL BUILDINGS, South- IVejf cot wKJ nw Of Diamond , (nsar iA« Ohio and Penn. jyteanta Railroad Depot,) Allegheny CrrY. asaaSKßiver and Land Steam Engines, Fire En gines, Hydraulic Presses, of all descriptions; Copper plate, Lithographic and other Presses; Gold Stamping and Refining Apparatus, togethci with Mill Machinery in general, built upon the most approved plans of con struction, and workmanship to the latisfaction of cus tomers. C.J~ AH order# left at Messrs. Cochran,.M’Bride Sc Co.’#, No. 20 Wood street. Pittsburgh, or addressed to thesubscribers, Allegheny,will receive prompt attention. DODDS Sc CROZIER. Bolivar Fire Brick aiaiiufaelnring Company. / AB. OLOVIB, 8. M. KJEB, B. P, JONES, H. S. HAG RAW, GLOVJQIt, KJSEL 6 CO„ ProprUtora, THE subscribers having been appointed % A£enis fcr the above named concern, will keep constantly o.i hand uaopnly of the celebrated-Bolivar,Fire Brick, Cru cible Fire Clay, Futnaoe-Heanhs.and Inwalls. They are also ready to, for sald Bridk, to be made in size and shape lo suit‘purchaser's, which shsU be promptly filled. We do not deem it necessary 10 enumerate the many advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick posess over all oth ers that have been offered for sale in the United States, their superiority neing well known to Mmostallpqfsons who use Fire Brick. The proprietors have determine J thai the l-'ire Brick shall lose none of their present-envi able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared u make them even better than they have heretofore been. This is the only establishment tow manufacturing Fire Brick a; Bolivar. KIKR 4 JONES, marl? Canal ilanin. Seventh at,, Pittsburgh. Dr. Wm. P. Gild, r veterinary surgeon. -->■ 11 Office at Rody Patierson’s Livery Slables. on Kmirth street, between Wood and Smitbfiola. (iv4:ty For Sale t . 1 A ACRES OF COAL, situated on the Monoagaheia * river, near Limetown. Tlie Mine is opened and approached by a short Railway, in excellent repair, be longing to the above; and seven or eight good miners l houses. Terms—£s,ooo; fomc cash; the balance in well endorsed notes. Apply 10 JOHN K. LARGE, -eptghtl • _ Attorney, Fourth street...- rpIME, MONEY ANDHEALfH SAVED.—“Let any A Drunkard take that remedy, and I will warrant it to cure him.” So said a person who had cured him self of the desire for Strong Drink, by usiug one bottle of Dr. COOK’S REMEDY FOR INTEMPERANCE, at the cost of one dollar. Sold at jalO 50 SMITHFIELD ST.: ’PRESERVES—* - • A Preserved Peaches, Pinc,APPi tfs; do Peas; Limes; do Strawberries; Ginger; do Quinces; Plums; For -ale by \VM. A. ftPCLUKG it CO., jalO Grocers and Tea Dealers. . JELLIED AND JAMS- Grape Jelly ; Currant Jelly ; Apple Jelly; Green Gage Jam; Quince Jelly ; Raspberry Jam ; Strawberry Jelly; Blackberry Jam ; For sale • y WM. A. M’CLURG & CO., ialtl 250 Libenv street. fpO LIST.—For the term of si years from Ist April, X next, the store room now occupied by theanbscri* bet, also, a store room in the same square. No. -Vv:-. - ;yi-;:''a„ , * " * _*• r* ' * > * ' > *T " :• •v'J*r> : r£\'-'--' " ' ■ ■■:*? ' £.*** $ •* ***“ .» - V & * - v* + i * \ * « " v ** * » . ■» •£ r } t ' * -V , *r* -rtVu -* Their stock of Jewelry comprises articles of every description m litis line, such as .Finger Rings, Far Rings, Breast Fins, Bjacelets, Gold, Fob and Guard Chains, Gold Guard Keys and' Seals, Lockets, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Stiver and German Silver ahd Table and Tea Spdons. and everykimLof: fancy., articles generally kept m csmbUshments of this description., They would respeCttully-colUheattention of the trade lo'their extensive stock of Watch materials and Tools, of every variety, which they have moat carefully se lected. They have also oit hand a large assortment of Tele scopes, Spy Glasses aud Opera Glasses, from the best manufactory in England. Together -taritha great variely oC other articles too numerous loraenUon. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired tu the be&t manner and on the most reasonable terms. foetU:y ' "-g n p er | or - w - fttoht JOHN M. ROBERTS, WATCHMAKER Atii) JE desires ogam to - call the ai? .. temion of the public to the workshop which he fir4«i has opened at No 10 Fifth street, two doors frotsd&nS Market, where he continues to devote his special-atten tion to the repairing and refitting of Chronometer, Du plex, Patent Lever, L J Eplue, ana every description of one Watches and Clocks. H avingfo r a number of years been employed as Fore man in the workshop of the largestestabiiahraenlin this. city, I flatter myselrthaf those Avoriag rue with patron age will find all work eclrusted execnied in the best mannerand on the most reasonable iCrins* Eeft*cnccs~Joim Harper, £sq, Edward Hcazleion. Esq.,R. H. Hartley, Esq, Joseph Wood well,' Joshua Rhodes & and Wm.B.Scoife. ’ “ A carefully, selected stock of Clocks. Jew elry, Spoons, Speeuicieaj&C;, constanil yon handTw hick, have been purchased at the lowest cashpnces, bjul will be sold ala very maUodvaoee fortfae r BamC -£ a ul2 ' I. T^^cluken» aiuistrotigefi. - DO you wish to purchase a finn ,^-- fr[| ..-' T ■ te —— usualprice aUIOODS " NEW.JEWHXRY STORE, 01 Mattel Htnf P,.P, a . bli , 0,1,!rt orevnow StaS,?,?,® «M> wadoora north of Thtrd, nod look lilt JiiB,MW m? UWCQ. “V jn«amved,and yoa-eaa there nnrehti&fi-WiUAh. mo^ 1 csor any kind of fine Gold Jcwelry-auhcir renlKalne P^ ru hence, of an i unai l' ’ ,ro4notW«batged twfiprices for ehervihuie*ZS Mi wholesome. Bur*6. enSrSrU?*® 4 ? bWIoKKu -T"' *■ * cw . . ... , * - { JDijjjgs ariif. jftUWput. iimiljr JuiUclaei. it, D. nhwiu g(eat--ls v wUl.ffnU this article to be invaluable lb uiem. and after a fair trial, wiltcciisi tier'll indispensable. •{This mnycertitt that, wo,the awiereigued,haying frequently made use ort udd’s .Medicated Uqnid Cuticle, prepared by flliddietown, Connecticut. cheerfully recommend it to oar profession ul brethren, asan cicelleht snbsuinle foradnesivepids ter, in dressing burns, cats, scalds, bruises, and ail kinds* in fresh wounds ; also, for sore nipples, a remedy une .mailed. CHARLES WOOfiWARD, M IX; WM. B. CASEY,WJ>, . D. 1IABRI80N,MD;, k\ VVOQBRUPF. ED. H-A.MIETON‘BREWER, &1.D., ELLSWORTH BURR,M J) , Botanic. Comprising ail the practUing.phystcians in Utc ehy of Middletown. Kor sale by jyi H. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., corner of Wood aad Firai sts. MOES-E'S Syrup of VcDwf J)OCk OCCUPIES the'from rank' among the proprietory medicines o£ iliii country for completely coring. Canker.Sait Rheum, Erysipelas, and aii other diseases, urisingfrora an impure state'of tbe blcrodi Also, Liver Complaint, Catarrh, m£pcp3ia v Efcadaches, Dizziness* Codglis, Soreness and Tightness about the Chest; Bron chitis, or HoarscncßsTDryaesß, and aticklmgsensation about llie Throati and is psed with unprecedented suc cess iri all'cases of' ' ' 1 FEMALE WEAKNESS ANDGJENERAL DEBILITY*. Strengthening the weakened body* giving tone to (he various organs, aod Invigoratingikeeutire.system. if the testimony of thousandsoflivingwitnesses,from all parts of l!ur couhtrY, Can be relied upon, ills singu larly elfieavious in curing aUJJumen.Bsul jestoring de- Liilitaied and broken dowu constitutions. B is purely vegetable fh its composition,and so ieciirately com uined in its proportions that the ehemical, botanieal and medtoal .properties- of each ingredient harmoniously unite to HIRiFV"n>E BLOOD. . . * It has'reihdved many chrome diseases which has baf fled the skill of the best physicians, anditasralsa cared, iian fcer v rittit-Khettm^Jirysipelaavani .'•arsuparilla Syrups entirely failed i to.make the leasjun pression upon. - - N . . , • It has been tested in many cases of CAnoEHOOS HUMORS Tue most obstinate Cancers, have, been oared by this medicine. v We say'in&l it is a valuable medicine in all BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It removes all pbwructioa-'-iijthescrriiulalionv r rdlideiingiAhe Laver nee, active and healthy. It removes Palpitation of the Heart, add m all gases of Asthma, and may be uged in all climates,and ahull seasons of the year. This Syrup is preparccidnly by C. MORSE A CO,, at 102 Fountain street; Providenceyft.-L.aad sold whoie { which it is designed, and will furnish to many a'dciide raium iong needed. The undersigned now offers it at a comparatively trifling- cosuo all who may deSir* to per fect iho system ot preserving papers for ready mid easy reference MANN'S COPYING BOOKS. . The Paper in these Hooks is made {ram. till Liaejt iiioek, (aid of the saute quality; as t ine fc'rouch Writing Paper. bouud on Parchment Backs, with Printed Pages, and manufactured expressly for retailiug- The uui io X gencrally,-lhatthey; have themselves carefully se lected &u(i imported from Europe, rUaree stock o| -Child and Silver Watches,. Watch. Materials, and Tools for Watch rimkers; and a most eleghrn assortme-tu of Jew dry, from die best manafhctories-*which they offer at pricesas low Us they can t>e purchased jn the eastern markets. ' Their stock of Watches consists of Cold and Silver Patent Levers ; d o Detached ■ Levers; do Lepinesj Sil ver Qaartiers; and elegant French timepieces, .of the most approvea makes. Together with,a Jarg-e stock of Clocks, and Time Pieces, from the best American Facto ries. ■ - : | ~''vV , Y&'-W •' * c ’ s%'kk< :>:\ v S^Tzi ■*- •- VX^i -_ v - ../■ ;• j. | ' i r -r. '• - rr pi!E spJncrmer begs most fespwtftll*/ v.—., •?■ •.-„ - I .. »nan» t P merit .a coniuiunnc ;H« woultf also announce tothem'amilhß public UJ g6n«al r ihat be vbaa iasCrcpeiTed a bjuidsomv asson- •; ;m6ni ofOoods, selected in New York and PhiiadelpUia, - Winter Trade, sneli hi snpe rfi Bft Blabk ■ »Utei».Mored CLOTHS;. Labrador, Lainbjjcin,.,, Shaver amr CoutinvsjFluinuna ' b daSSIMEReSyo wbicftlaf-WDald jB:-! atlentioa » Which, ior variety and itewacaa ■' briSo,u„f“? e S or . t “ B, ’y thifeiciiy.»Alao.a: mere Salvlnf Bl “h.and Col°red SILK SATIN, Cash- SStefc£W te * «*» While S:i!r party Veetihgs,iall of mhnner anhS” PBr,sl ' “ Biaire, idOTder la a .ulterior manner, al low price.. JAjttES C./WA'tr, ] ' ’ : '■ ■ lifi.Market street, fTO ’fe&rr (Snseir e '^R?„ s S c e“i i and Third .(recta. luLtiereitv^.m C ' Waxes-Graduating‘Shoulder " foltowhf/pri?” hl GameinOraugluing for eole ai the V streeisi; are'now iecuru jfrfr ' ets a well,selected oJfft - ** :mere» and Vesting, whfeliSoipiiybed^&vari^'' Gqodbfare the choice of the ,cd“ by ! (hi proprietors, market. Tiipy :WQr.epurcliaßed'for ciSK v a I jo^?v:~. s jsrliich* will enablo lfee U about price!chareed v -hyube generalUv' of tailoring establishment* iaihia r»iv " . CLOXKS-^Frehclij : {£nd ; Aindri6arthsrte]se« *' : great circumspection; apil various BiYlfis of rich maiinal for OVefc'odtsYwe have jri'nbon'dance' ‘ {h Our .etock of CASSLMERE^>i^;V J ery:pxteßiiWe,W;; , varied, including all the richest.nud most fa*b- : " jouablfrspedirae ; «6 fecenUyimpoVtedand f " Out stock of VESTINGS inefudesa, variety of all tbij --«. fnijcy patterns to be had ra'lTdtv York cityj it ti'masl'* varied and elegant—while aonjoi wben -properlyiinada.:■■;<•; up, present an appearance of modest grandeur. Taking ' ; the variety as a wbolej itcefitinlysarpasses any.-Cbl* ■“ lection of Vestings ever brcugKt to ourjcity.before. jr.-,. Gentlefneh of tasuj whaidesfre'Uiose'Goodsmad'e up. !l ' cue and: manufactured -by •experienced--arjisis, fwub >.t please call and examine for themselves. They are open forinspeetiou. ‘ sep24 . corner of 'Wood apti :: SPUING AND SUMDIKR. l THREE BIG'KOOKSf! : • No. 151, Liberty Street, Pittxburglu : JOHN JdcCLOSKEV .no'jy the.pleaaare.ofjan- noanbing.io hiVminierouS'ffiehdsiiuiUthe publld ih ,K gear ralythat His Spriog and Sutnnjpr Btockisnow ready i - for Inspection, which he believes will be;found to be oils of the largest and best seleeledstocks of Ready- Made CJothing. io be found in.the.WeslenvCoentry.: lV - M<; has this season paid htieimdtt to the manufacturing aiid sivlcoC : thatthft.! very lowest priced, as well as the finest, are got up in a' sdyle and elegance'not to lib surpassed! - ,E -. r / *' <■ in Clothing to lus * 1 : . V r Ashe feels Confident, upon examination of the qualities and prices of his goods, he can offer ihfeni sbeljindnce menis as shall make ii their interest to establishment. - v ri- TJ * s-'- r v. Many years*cxflerieiujij,and great soccers Inihe bn-- ’ Miiess, together with an ' • jiair.patrohagc, has enabled 5 hlm4o. gefcnpfSariileJits -to-v*;. suit the badness.habits and tastes pf eyeirjf Ideation in. ‘the Uni oil , f 'wiri eft i s of' the utmostiinphrmndetowHold*-' c sale puiphase^,. .^•;v-? ; - r y- r wv :;-,• ,f •• ... Id the Gutting deparbncnt d 'choicese- ” r ' lection'of-tliemosiYahhionabld goods* j - 'J^Tcnckj.Englishund t% Bmai^q,n..Broadcloths? r _ ;<£k\ Casjtmtereits, ike . &c. Alsivab. excellent assortment of V£s¥lNGrS) of ihe latest andind&tia&h'ibnable atyles*— ;^': •all of .which he is prepared,to make to order iii the ' manner'au'd at ihe nidsrTeuSdhablebribes/ 1 > ir; j COAIEy THKN^.-ONE-AND ALLiv, ; „ . . The Assortment, the Quality, and the Variety Vis the ' most exreiisivej undoubtedly, to be'foind' in the : Uniied T ~'' .States;■• . . .. , • • PATENS? H£TAL]i.IO ■ BtOBIAL OASES. • 'IPHE subscribers'ha.vina te'ceiiily' made arrahheraenta -1 with the Patentee of -this new and-tJepot, : ‘?isdi EBARD & CO., No. 103 Wood stbest, have iusi • received u Fall supply of stock i inft ei r IlOe7 BalV r 0 '-‘. timore andJVewYcrfcSOLfc} LEATHER, Philadelnhift. Kips and Calf Skins, French Catf Skins, Cornjtry Db-^ ger, Kips ami Calf Skies, Morocco Lining: and Binding - 1 kins; Tanner’s Oil; Tanner’s ami Carrier’s Tools &h°”- ~ ' ' fienffeiy ■*T • L-" FUUbnrgli Coacb iraetoryi ' /10OTINtrES lo OAR - - XJ description, .wjd qf the- hues* nnd:raoauapproved J * styles, 10 ordertma fotsale. rAtttindxng'personaiy each branch of al his new Hotel. *^Of--. No.36i NoH 3- w °°d . j j,^ »S«WSS!«aE»fijSSSri- '• sure satisfaction, and on very. accotnmS? !i „ t . wlh •• -He may Ko foundalLogon, Wilson ■■-.•- street. 6 ’ y M#ou * c o. J a 120 ’ v ! Foreign and Domestic Chars, Tobn^T*^ ___ ' P»X«t»Trt J |S„ s - t'r ' ~ - * " f'‘%: ' •- v _ ' *