The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 05, 1852, Image 1

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;i'4 «08. J.CAMBILI.- : -i)ajn) CHSM-.-ciiiS. - f *?-»
Iron City Tacit Factory. Borofala, Kinga EVu. Ac. V
fZS&j-:* ?*-£«■**?&&,lflßE tabterlbewmannftc&naand keep eonsaamly on QCR«nOA In aU iuinaiUpUedfond,wfeiter In ihw 3 ■,:. W
f'?>!'?;-Jv?'.--?c4^.:%v%1 hand a’! aiMsof Tackaßmd,,and Sparable, tin- p. ®f^f^Ej‘‘.|Wa W tuiS a i o ftlr e :d™“o r Birt e “ ' ■■ -
!*?■.*&nJri&Zfr, Jibiar.Cloul andfiab Nailsj fine iJlaea Hour Barrel Goitre t ,WfijteBwelhnßs. Ciironia Rbeumaiimi ndiar
taibin ff N.J.! Copper N^l,, andl Tacks; Barrel 4l^'ol^#«bkT^^^sgSS«o,a , ' V" •• '
Nails; Copper aiid/jicShuo Nails, Paittrii Maker’s „ ._...a . .B^pumi.emanates6oaone it BUti
p ° ib!s! co.. / u 4
Xc%:N'^/'.v>vv^>-2si.Cis^A*4'fS h? !^- , ..' i 'j^*>'.'CE^7J :^-., £AC^jvi^‘' mvfn*v -—•-'WarpboiW?'* yfittST fit* Pittsburgh* •: i; oii il. I have just received near Third, qu, no radical cure utut bo effemtiil: hut if ih<> o-ii i«.i • n
.AMTHOViCLO, Pn3iruntcr,FiftFslreeiFta- E&pfSSSS'SSS^
'--£s~-y r. 4' A (aJ“ resnmpdWsJbnßnessAs » ynjnisbffig Vnaenaker,,H? tshasea , IIUI y otherestabflshieatlnW„i ,, f n b J , „ : Pk": s \ ie ? "“l 1 ' ‘F deairoys virus,orporaoSpiil- S .“®.
l'«: • A F<u#l fe S i7M»AaDl.T ; V A coir -•- issapplied WiltaEd aWskecpsopland CojEm Jf 41 «iywdalof New York, and at lho samt7,l r .^,?, 0 * e . r pie frsntwhich tioao leases havo by cl. J -'i ov
-)9 rR A AND COJM* * alia* a*d lUloißertuugJcs I^r 1 |yci7 Article at thetlmecf *al» wbe tenngial° the circulationy and jvuh tho blood is *-,<<l
r£r££i ?' .^trsuchoccasions. . , v: - _ . 7 W/B&rerSpopns oahand *ud m?«*iSStJ!J?? r ® se i 11 ’ edlo tho mrnuieat,fibrest remotnua every paradet.n '?* ',-^H^
.-•• * J J-S^K r /~:4 4<fsp= nn '.. Siltetplat« ) td l!^oiMraiidie aden'<;oaßswaibi«m.V W short WaS™5aS™!TB^ t i ! , 4 ,i?.f 1 rder disease ftoto ffio-systeui/'
- ’"Es tjr'-j. (/.'SVi®'; jr~ i --i> 1f - r ‘'^%Z~''l; „.,s 1- : ® e P. ol i. c “ n “ ’ Pimvrek )?lied In order. "MSdiyexecaledand tands ofJeweliv 'tr Jay ?- e ’ s BatsiiS'f 1? Masa
' '7'~‘ “F 3 ' ' ' »MteEdfaaeralfc ' 6 K n S S* ,r repaired and #fc to ordor. *“ «was ot Jewelry VenilAeo and ftlls. ■’ li sig^St
-/■ 4 1 n0T25 . rot sale MihePetaoT«fi»re,33Flftlt*tieet (aul4 k |« sß^Wiu
A AAMfAAf'-! A : ’ f , s ‘ fs i' :; -
v .■* ~ fc
TSRSHS. —Five-Dollars a year, payable sirlcny
in draftee. Six Dollars will *2vanably be required it
n paid within the year.
Single copies two CKNTS-*for sale ai the counter
a' \b* Q3iee,-ana by-ihe News Boys.
THi!jurrmnAY mobbing post
Is published .from the same office, on a laig blaukc
mi aheev M TWO DOLLARS a yeai, in auyance ,
copies ms casts* •
ftr No pappT will be discontinued (unless at tb® di*-.
ereuon ofuie proprietor.) anui.ail u rreari^, eaar ®,P~~:
rr?- No Attention will be ptud 10 an> order unless ac-.
compumeil by the mouev. or saus.acion reference in ibis
‘■“ifT-'cSniKatd thTsZaMukmenio/ Ou itormne
PcTiu ontcf&t lorgtsi M PnnangQSkcsin ihi <t»,
« kinds of aork is dono on thtskonui none t, and
must ttcsona&l* . ~ ~
TBt U*KS NONPAREIL, OR LESS: square, one insertion ■ • '® 0
“ each additional mscrUoii«a
•' ■ “■ Vonewcek *■ ijS
u iwoweeks-- a w
•* “ three weeks ——J-W
» .*♦ oneffionthJ 00
“ •. « two-months**— • 7 uu
“ i •* .. three-months 9 00
- •»» o-fourmoaibs —• ■ M Jjf
“ > . ; sjx months ~ Ijj 00
»• « oneyear-»-— — 18 00
HtaudlnxCard.slj'liaesor less,per anunm™ 10 00
.. '.?■.-IOHANfiIABLR At 'PLRASCR* f
One sq«*re,per annum,{exclusive of the paper,)* 00.
professional dariis.
J~ OHN K: LARGE, Mtomty atLav. Fourth street, near,
feinnhfield. . mar3o .
C ORLANDO-LOOMIs, Auomfy at La\*(— Office 4th.
• *L~»aLove Wood. . jufy4-y.
fimnMAS-M. MARSHALL, jMcrnqf al Lav.— Office,
X Lowne’sßutldlngs,-Fourth fet. * _jan7-ly
Kii-‘CAftNAHAN>AItom«y aiLaw—Officeou Fourth
» si., between Cherry alley and_Grant su •■
1 \«i v BROWN»S OFFICE. N 0.65. Diamond alley, ne:
1 / Wood street. fefrl
JN Attorney and LounstUorat Law.—
• OfhcejaßateweU'sßtuldicgsonGru.uisueeL
* it2i' J7-Ijr. . . • . :, - . ?»
REMOVAL.— Dr; Roberr buyder, has removed his
office to Fourth street, between .Wood aad-bmilh
field atreet&: • • muilS-ty
DARRAGiI, Juaomty at in BakeweLl'*'
• Buildings, on Grant street, opposite the Court
House; ’ ’ • '• jyMsiy
JOHN BARTON. Auornty as Lav —Office, North side
of Fifth street, between Wood aud 3miihficld,ia the
same building with Alderman Morrow. sep3o-ly
GBO&liE F- GILLM.ORL. Attorney and Counsellor at
Law.—Office removed to the&idoorbelowGronist.,
onFounhjto the office lafely occupied by Alderman Mil
ls r. mar3o
NBUCKMASTLfi. Aldtrman—Qfhce. : Fourth street
•-tinrddoorabove Smuhfieid,South side.
Convcyoneiftffof altkindt d«n with the greatest care
•ad legaf accuracy.
Tales to Real Estate examined. Ac
EttLUULb Attorney at Lota. Offico No.
• JSg&luihfiehl sirsetj Fitihand Sixth.
Collections c&refaily attended to—special aiicnuo
giveu to Conveyancing.. ... - [ueclkly
- OoiaUt ft Oi H. Hasan,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW—No. 129 Fouarnstarer,
ncarßmithfiekl. {novthy
~ H. Hepburn,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, No. m Fourth
opposite <bo Mayors Office- (nov4:lia
Dr. Julian liogcr*,
LATL A, A. fcargeaaD. b. Azmy. Office—Third St-,
•ccornLdoor - *ud* -
Jamei t&D» Snovrdeu,
- attorney at law.
Orrics, No. ISO Fourth STesrr, Fittsbuboh.
&ptSStf ■' - •
> So* 100 Fourth Street,
•' •Sj3TTSBUi£GH,PA.,
Fourth door below Mr. Body Ptmeraon’i Livery Stable
jwß ' '
.r: : HftamoD!
ATTORNKYAt LA W,bas removed to (he office in
FtfUi street, between wood and Snuthfield sireeu,
formerly occupied by Thos. H&aulioa, Esq., dec'll, ana
will attend 10 the business remaining tmfimsbed upon bis
docket maylS
ioaa it arncim- . ■ ...pauiss.
- -Stltoliel & Palmor*
Attorneys and.counsellors at law—
Qjfieton Seturth. stress, csfeao doors below Soiuhfietit,
AUbuttJiessentnisiedioiheircore>prouiptfy attendedto.
Collections made and Conveyaucmgexecuied on mode*
rtt« terms. febllrif
Zi&tr Partnership,
subscribers have. associated themselves m the
. pracneeof Law, under the firm of Black A Wasu
ikqtos. Oaeortbe otberof them, when not engaged Id
Coon, can be found at ait tunes inthh office, on Fourth
street, Pnobargh, sow occupied by Mr. Black.
.r : Jiuc WUllami,
MERCHANT TAILOR, Smithheld Btreci.No.l2. be*
tween Ist and 2d streets. ap4yi
Empire Clothing Bail/
Wood-it, ojtponu first Presbyterian Church.
"O ESfLCTIFULLY informs bts friends and the public,
-Lv that he is now prepared to furnish every thing in
too CLOTHING. as heretofore, at low prices- Cu
tout work executedin a satisfactory manner- Furnish*
mg Goods always on hand. [nov4
- ' JSo. 38 market street.
Between Second-and Third sts., Pittsburgh, Pa
- lloobyer A Grlbble,
Liberty ttrtit, above Irwin,
O LSFEC’JCFUXJjY'iftform their friends and IhcpubJiCv
AV that they are fullyprepared to furnish every thine
£ -«9i?i& D *J iae t is * ,n S ai “ R assortment of CLOTHS,
CASS! MERES AND VESTINGS, and alt other articles
suu&ble fox Gentlemen's wear. < Particular attention will
be paid to-Costomer work, and no pants will be spared
to please those who favor us with a call. foetllhim
... _ Thomsi fl, Little, ""
FIFTH Sr-REET, between Wood and Market street*.
opposite Iron- City Hotel.- All lands of JewelrV
made and repaired. [aprS-Iy
. . AHnder. 4
ATJI bI&AIjS, has removed his WareTtoom io 3d
st, to the well-known standi formerly occupied by Ro
berts Sc. of every variety can be
obtataedor made loorder, wholesale aud retail. Like
Jaie&t fashions .audio* the best materials the murket nf
fo;da, made and kept on hand- apl4*tf
_ _ r Wootlwaril A. uowlands.
antra Strut, Post Office Bothfmga. fap3o:y
CincLunatlj Ohio,
JoaapA. g£ODEs«p- jlkehctz
, ,rr«^ J^SHU A UHODKB 4 CO.,
Nuts, Spices, Confectionary Cigars, s■*., fyc,
U«naetV<. Apnoobcomiitle Depository*. •
• . Ao, 73. Third, Street.
in> 2« el^ ?emaiie {TheCemetery of Scutari.
L,-p , , B«O a Stoolcton.
, T7ONPR pm4 : Tl'£ ck, S n t BOOKSELLER, sta
“nd “*NDt«, corner of Mar.
t&ntl third <trcfits. Puuhurgh. p a Jyl'tlf
Toteur aTßrotHorT
— ■■ - BKALKK3 in
WIS Bs, L oft R ;
No. 10 Hancock 81.j—oear IUo ?c£y Hoi«£ '
■ novia Pitalnirgk
- G< Tf Arbathnot.
Fountain-andSntnft,- Persons wanuag any Uiint
in iliat lbi&ttill do wel] to caiL&ai am determine.! to
sell as cheap as any oifcer person m the City, ftepllty
' George BeAlc, Jr*.
Manufacturer of brushes. waoL£tAL&Ain>
Retail, Ao:- 75 -Wood street, Pittsburgh , Pa. Con
stantly on band, trgeneraland extensive assortment of
all iimos of BRUSHES, auhe lowest Eastern prices-
N. B.—Machine.Brushes, Ac., made to order at the
shortest notice— marJDry
70011 a. EXHSXET.E. It. HASLETT.
90CC2SSOES TO Kikssy A Knox_
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Waidus, Jewelry, Silva
Ware, Fancy and Variety Goods f Baskets, Combs,
gfo-94 Market street, between sth at. and tbe.J)iamomi
fry Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired.
Pittsburgh, August 26, 1850. : . <>. .. • ..
- Walter P< Marshall,
(Successor to Samuel C . HHI,)
Window .Shades, Fire Board Prints, sc.,{&-c
Al«o—Wrmnff’,‘PnnuiJg and Wrapping Paper, •
Trj -i.;:; • No. K Wood street,
between Fourth -st. and Diamond alley, west side, :
la 9 T ♦••• : • Pittsburgh, Pat
03HUA KOBLNsON, Agent for Utrnden ft Co. 1 :
Ltnecf Packets, Fifthst., 011 C daorbclow Wood, febl
WILLIAM JACKSON, Farmi Medicine Depot, 8V Lab*
crty street* head of Wood* febl
HOON ft SARGENT, N-fc corner of Wood and Sizib
directs. ■ * * •* febl
NHQLM£Sjb£Ohif 2fa»A«r4a»4 Dealemn FzcAangt
» Com ana Bank Notes, No. C 5 Market street, tebl
A.McNULTV Commune*
/« Merchants, Canal Basin. mar 3
WM. DYLRjj Grocer: ana Produce Dealer, No. 158
Libeny street, Pittsburgh- mar!7
JOHN M’CLOSKKY, jailor and Clothier, Liberty street
between Sixth and virgin allcy;aonth aide. sepio
PMcSIKIN, Brass Fouader amt Gas Fibst, Smith
♦ field street, between Diamond.alley and Fifth «L
/ IN(r ft MOORHEAD, Wholesale Grocers and Produce
A. ikqlmrNo. '27 Wood Streep Pittsburgh. (my£]
SMITH-ft SINCLAIR, WhalexaleOtottre -and Cam
mission Merchants, coracr of Wood and First sis.
I novd •• . . , , . t .. > .• r.V . • , , ' . , . . J
I)bWK. JONES, Wholesale Deatei and Manufacturer
Xv of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, No. 137 Front
street. [novH
CYOOLEV ft? LAIRD, M«rcAa*t Tailors. Wood sired.
/ second door from water, will keep constantly on
hand a Well selected lot of Clothmg. inurLhy
JOSEPH MAJOR, Boat Siorei Ship Cb&Ldlery and
Agency of the Pittsburgh Lard Oil Factory, No 4,
Market street, Pittsburgh. jn l d
•I/" HAMER ft KHAM, bankers and Rjchange Brokers.
XVcorner Wopd streets, oppo»ue the si.
Charie&Hotcl. . _ _ febl_
BA. FAHNESTOCK ft CO.. Wholesale Drug KW
• Aotij«,corner ofFtrsl und Wood streets, ami comet
oFNVbddand Sixth. f e bi
. OAMtJLL oPTin, Uoppci
O and Sheetlron Ware, No. 17 Fifth street, between
Wood and Markeu febto
WM. GLENN, Bookbinder, comerorlflirdand Wood
streets,>ah»Ve Cj H. Kay, where he ts prepared to
doevery desenpuonof ruling aud binding. pec2
JOHN II.MELLOR, Wholesale and Rtiatllitaitr in
midfemnqnery,y<Hs% Wood street fanl
J’ HR YAK, iUcttfmng DatiUcr, and Wholesale Dealer
• in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
jit Libeny bireeijand 53 Diamond alley. Jym
KING ft HNNEY, Agents for the Delaware Muiuat
Insurance at the Wajr
fabOsc of Ling ft Holmes. Watersircei. near Market
Vt RICKETSON, Wholesale frTo£<rj y and lm
iML porters of Brandies, Wines and Segura;
.andl74, corner of Liberty and irwuiAtreeis. Pittsburgh
Pa, .. ....
, lron,Nail.%umou Yuras, Ac,, constantly on hand.
ft.e. a. aarsikX ■■ >„ k *>g. e. m’oow&iu..
». I/! LY bER ft McDOWELL, (uoccsssou to Robb &
‘ilk. Kxrsxa.) Wholesale and RtianDrvf and Prescription
Store,cct\ u of W ood street-and Vtrgin aUey. Physt
etans pre npuous carefally- compounded night -ami
day. * ocuhit
S. M'MNLLY, House, big* and Ornamental Painter.
* and dealer in PAINTS. No 44 St. Clair st., Pitts
burgh, has constantly on buna all kinds of Paints, either
Dry or Mixed; Japan ond Copal\arcish; Linseed Oil:
Boiled Oil; bplms j Window Glass, of all'
sizes; Putty, Point Brushfe*, ftc., all of the beßt quality,
and for sale at reasonable prices, sepll
;J< A* Goaltsr,
Tv ner of Wood and Third streets, under Si. Charici
Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. (aprJ
U W. Polntiezier.
A ND for the-purchase and sale of Ploqt. Wrsteni
XS Produce, Iron, the uionulacturcd
articles of Pittsburgh generally,- ,
Warn nr.ut, three doors ahoerMariri. Pius&urgA.
my!3:y •' - 1 -- *
W. SALT -• . ■ . ■ *
W.Otljr ACo.)
MANUFACTURERS and Importers of the best de
sonpuon, onijv of LngUsh, Scotch and German
P t/lh strut,hetwun Wood and Market. Pittsburgh.
aprdfl 41 Courtland street, New York.
J. D- WILLU-MS ..,.j O aS UAfX- iB
forwarding and Commuswn Merehanti t
Ajid Dealers in
09VHTMT pitocuca and firrsßeaezi MaNuracTous,
Comtr cf Wood and Fifth ntuis )
Demmler t v -
■M>. 180 Liberty Street; PiUtburgk,
IRON WARE, Denier in House FvrmtuteHard
etare. Keep* always on hand a large asaonmeni of
Ttn and Oopper Warn* Ac., bestquality, which, ho will
s«ll at vt»ry low prices for cash, wholesale aud retail
Country merchants are invited to call athis stand
All Job work in the above business: aUo» Spouting
and Koptfiiig House*, will be promptly attended to at
•moderate pneo (nov!9-tf
Saddle and llarntn JUanofaetorFi
So. 132, Wood street, Pittsburgh,
A HOLS'! FIN respectfully informs his friends and
JXj the public that be keepson band a large stock of
Ac-,te n o! his own manu£xcuxm,'of the very best de
scription.. He invites strangers end sU those visiting the
City io gfre bun« call. - Aemember-ihe place—No-132.
Wood street, sign of the Golden Saddle. je2s-tf
James totvry, Jr„
Chair and bedstead manufacturer, Ao
AV4 Fe<tfnaan’s Kmt>. Liberty strut, has on bond a
large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of every desenp
lion, made of the beat materials, which he will sell low
eisthan araeies of the same quality cun be sold in the
city. He would call particular attention to his large
stock of mahogany and wuiuut chairs and Bedateads
which he will sell .at greatly reduced prices- Also,
TURNING of every description executed in the neatest
. Orders leu at the Warerooms, or auhe Mill, corner oi
Adams and Liberty streets, wtllbo promptly attended to
Hops Foundry,
WM. 7. KURlL*,.*'* 0.7. AOffBW
So. 20 Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
MANUFACTURERS of Costings. Cooking Biovet,
Donavan-s Improved Enterprise Cooking Stoves,
lamented August,lBoo./ Ranges. Hollow Ware, Orates,
Ac. Alho.lron Vasils. Vault Door*. Railing Window
Shutters, and Wrought Iron Work of every description.
•pr 4
138 Wood street, two doors SfcLow Vritcia allei
BOWfl 4 .TAfiTJLJfiY,
Uulrnmcat Manufftctiireri.
.■ WE we now receiving our bp ring
<Kg|pSra^fiBSn riiifi/"v U)ck of GOODS, comprising u /ull
Mr# Vnhy.... r . ... assortment of Jtardtoats, Cutlery.
W# Guns* Ptsttdi and Hunting Knives. P 1
* ,l * r Also, all of the-iaiesttmproved Pis- m
tols manufactured in America. m P 1
In addition to our Store, we have a. manufactory for h
making-all kinds of Instrument* and Tools. Oar Instm- Da
ments are unequalled in the western country for f Ol
superior finish,and workmanship—which we refer to the
best demists la the two cities.
.. All orders from a distance will meet with prompt at
tention. Jobbing and Repairing neatly executed. Par
ticular attention paid to the making of Trasses and
N. U.—We are also Agents for the sale of Charles C.
Kemhordt’s celebrated Glass Pad Truss, the best now in
use {ar the speedy core of. Hernia,
sl'or sile by the single dozen.
. James Eeeip i
«- ■ ' - (Successor to Robert VVightraan.)
- Corner qf Lxbeity and PiUtburgA, /
WUX-biuidf- and .the shortest no- v
uce»and meet accommodating terms, Steam Ed- J 1
gines and Machinery fc .and Castings, of all descriptions, P H
at the lowest prices. .wh
' .tin
-4orof the Safe was closed and the &re Kindled at
Pimsottou. April fl» 1 &{«»-.' past 4 o clock, and m a short lime the safe wa>
i cheerfully recommend lothe public and my fopppr. • hut, and continued till half past 6 ociocu. being nlwmt
customers, my successor. Mr. JAMES RKES, aeompe* PW*. 4 nd ® half hours, when the committee cipresscd
tent and able mechanic, capable of building Engines ■ w* ll sajt*»acuon that the tune occupied with such he*i
andMaclunery m.lhe most satisfactory and approved was skfficieau The furnace was then pulled down-Safe
style luprihy] ROBERT WIGHTMaN- and door opened—the hooks, papers and money
— ■■■■ -■ ■-- • safe, j lhe beat wus so great as to tneli off the brass
Or, b, Kyle l mounting*. .We therefore take pleasure in recommend
/-'IOtfTINCKS iopractice Medicine, Surgery, and Ob- ','° f ,he pU j b i l ß’vw‘ > v J" d s™" u
V*r ste[ncaol Midwifery Kclebncaliy, m accordance tr< * i ron ' {ARVIS A rRAUUK,
amb scienuGo pnnciptes, and hence with great sue j afSubniEK,
ID*Office and residence. No. G 8 Diamond alley. OP RPNsrnir? t *-?o?SS ER '
6ee hours. U lo la i. 8., and 2 to 5 P.H. Sti.rfUSn £, tj .* RThR '
N. .B—infallible 'remedies for Dyspepsia, Consump- ISAAC GKOMih.
Jp^ B 1U its mcipfeut stages, Bronchitis, Kneumausm,
D ‘ arr heea, Cholera Morbuar Dysentery, Asiatic
rrfj* r “?\ elanu » locked-jawpfemale diseases; dls
he lver aad xidneysj Scrofula, Dropsy, Ac,
sale 8 M!;* udolCBtoail persons^prepared and kept for
well as n-l 1“™ aulunon oy and their preparations, as
n-enasdiebmcn, arc entirely dispensed with- fmyl-l
to their Daguerreotype ofcuizens S?i^g hbori °tf town*,
the third story of.Bmke’s bulldW 4?h°^ Cr8 ’ ar lon * a In
.. Persons wishing picture# taken maviV.. .
no.pains shall be spared to producetlem
perfection ofthe an. Ouriostmnieiiiaaj-e ~rfk! :c
eriiil kind, enabling us' to eieculo picS°, U ? f ,“ o,l « > <>»-
[ for high huish and trathfalnoaa lo nature Tt »n^!?“ 3acu
. soUcited to call and elaihinc *hopubli 0 are
Persona sitting far pictures a re ns W cr renoirred
“ill? them unless Perfect sausfaciiou serel"'
****** atooo depot for stock
Jorlhstniouon» *lT«n In Ota an outaluln* tha mo ,.
111.. Moss weald renpeqifuUy- inform his friends and tha
public, that lus nets eslaiilißiment is now In full opera
tion, and rhat he Is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and
nil all orders lor Planed Lumber, with promputude-and
at the lowest rates. —-
Board and Plank, planed on- one or both sides oon
siaaiiy oa‘itard.~ 7 . . ■ 7
.Sash, Boors and Monldings, ofeserrdescrip lion mads
to order.•. .■■ .
]' DpUdfeTS. tuidrCarpenters,woold find It to their advan-
Ugeto giTeitftti* calL-asJie can how famish them with
glenkaa stuff, mtlable ioroatrydeccription nfwotk- •
* ‘ ° T °*' BT sTCAai'iTsuL,™" 4 ’ “ ' ILI
D_ .. JV®- U 8 Wood strttu Put9burtth Pa
e®.*' P ° T b B»eoii. Butler, Lard
oFu./to**l* S lky . and Flax. Seeds; lion, Nails
lar a “Cnl,on pai,i 10 lLe sule
Messrs. Myers 4 Hunter. Kobt. Daliell
* < Ro’e H jfmi \f mah u* Co '> Moorhead,McGills
M««r?foi Je. SH?> Pllti, t J “« h ' feaner 4 McMillan
Blaaslllon, Jos S. Morrison. F,sq.. Bt. Louis sep«fl
tuomas Woods.— „ ..
m . • SJLMUKL woods
T> WOODS A Ai)w.
J. n. — .
nr _ ■ and Beaters In ail kinds of ’
Watera Product and Putiburgh Manufacture,
n-F- tv n 10 M V kcl Ktrecu Pittsburgh, Pa.,
theueare attend to all buMncsaentrusted to
• —— ~— Dyio
the or
-(Id Printing Krtabll.ljmeit t.
aw< SMimiry Warthouu.
Xn/ &HAVEN U prepared laexeeme every Biyle 01
„!=»■„;* “»«r ‘'•anal and Steamboat Job
n ?t,%?vo° k A nd ‘ u * ; an< * furnish every artiote
' Vlreh °“' <>'
jSy* Printing-Office and Book Bindery. No-5U Third
“ leeL novlft
R. C. stoCKTON,
.. tLau Johnston $ Staeklon.)
?5?S ,r ‘ stationer, Printer a. utnder.
W' eSsei r ,f" l l eC \ flU l mvuo lUe attention. ol ttlei
-OHrSSSPM4rSta r-' •“ lll ’ lst 3“ " lid su P ef «>l slock
i Uoo^, 8 ’ c .°"™ un « » f Day Roots. Journuls.
ledgers,lnvoice, Gush, Order and Letter Books, of every
l pa, S r ' lu,d I'OWUI in Oiu most du-
Tuple manner, which he offers a; prices mat cannot fuil
to give-satisfaction. Blunt Roots ruled »ud bound id
anygmeu pattern. i riming of every description exe
cuted,with nearness und dispatch. No-4? Market si
ft THK. PROPHIKTO R .«• . w
fctavsapfrCKttily inform their friend* 'wS4kJ«nJSL
C\jX*S ® o< *-thfc public t'enuraily.
Ufey teased the Stable »" ■Vpl. ft "" r ßw
the earner of Smuh/Ui<i ttrea and Xiiantona. Alict tnr
EinTn° CCUpied «>> Johnston <iraham, where ibey?»»i?nd
ta P UIf(S“!‘S DI i r'iu a £? fire, ‘ rale sadulk HOKB
° AK,UAtiKS ° f «'•l«e.< ».,d mo„
. Jobn Wt Tim 1 *
Cane, Ombrtlla and Parasol Manujaauru.
A& removed io No. M 3 Wood street. tiLt vfr K -H
: vy I *' e,e he oScn ft)l a large assortment
tIS “i.*’ al leM P ftcea than they cun bo
bought tor at any other house tu this cuy
Fine fcdlk frrmg-ed Parasols • tux*
do Lined do - 1 50
do plain, large size, i oo
do scoiiopcd, -
p^py^ja^ 11 ' e \> ap v-»r
D»nl«l Vottunon.
AND oknaKWi'al painter
I-Vil n MrJ°* e1 ' 0pp<,!,,,0 Hiiml. Ail work nearly
wAWbUieU. Orders punetuulJy attended to lmur**J-y 7
Lithographic Kiubluumtat or ~ '
M ,ai Pp pi* pittsjjuajii
A f S ’ Landscapes, iMI-tfcada, {Showbill* Labels
Arcouectuxai and Machine Drawings. Ua«incas
ouq Vtslun* Cards etc., Enwaved or Drown’oi. SiSs e
m!!iȣ!i ,lUed n Co > orB *lGo/d, Bronze or Sinew, m the
mottapproved *t y‘• and at the met rrnMouabie pr-ces
oetUilly Will. SCIIUOIIiIAN
lowa t oundry.
Ao. 108 Wood Street, HtUlmrah.
ir- . Wfklch renewed the hrsi prize lor IrUJ mu! idsf "t
lion!lfo ICI d m i ral 0< Allegheny Couiiiv. Pa. and
recommended l.y lauO persons woo have them i„ u-e
rour sizes Enterprise Coouag stoves
Pprler Gram, and Aeaderz-oi' modem style : „ ,reat
V *ai C <l pauerns. heaiuilully enammeled
«ougaj— A large «tock of all the tmi> .o u»- II ... -
wT'r' I’PAmencan, 1 ’PAmencan, KgunV OraneV Kin
eatl o" 111 a,hull. linp. liall-
DoubU J>hm r 4._Thu Michigan iioubie 1' -a... - u
newpaiem Ploogh, ihai nas lake., liie premium ai n. e
Bla|c furs of Ohio, Peamylvama. New York m
£e Agricn.Uiiral Fair of Allegheny County , U r id I
has been highly approyen wherever m.-d unJ u suoe
norm mode 01 coiiivauim m any oilier a.i.d lie
%SZ,'2L'&** e "* , ' mna *' -«P ‘-
Fcwnf manB ~ l * llt " ‘' c “ oU!ul Umumeiuul
Patent ChtUtd tielU—j c i-,,,,' H _.,. . ...
Bolls. Also, Rolling Mill Cs-lmgs made lo order ‘
*>»« lor Soap, Pm
•rm."f ar -i iCe “ te ’~ i '' > ' ' lle “Malaeiure of Cnnc Sugar
i^ K ' Ui, i 5 1| " P™«»» Jraletiled hy i r
Party, and are superior lor durabiln/io any other ....J
sold lower than those made on the otd piuu
umvea, ol every deacripiiim, Move Pipe ~..d Tin
Wafe lor Slovca, and Casimg, of every dea-r. u - _
Also, IoON and NAILS, all or winch we ..ddr a He
very iowesl pneta. [uovllhyj Jl PaKKYILO
i* fUJ Vamiont
WILSJN A so.N, Ao. SI ITm ,u„,j door
.below Diamond alley,) would mvliou.o uucauon
7“,! T'” aud lhe f ubllc 10 lb » large addition
lb S? “°' iV rece "'l“ff O' Hieir former .lour ol
aatomnenl commit, ill pari 01 die uew style
ft A r '! r > Introduced), and wUIeS arc so very much
admired for l..ctr beauty and genuine; logetlier wuli a
great variety o( Black, Uroia a J Drib. Mexican
“W"'“ “ D<l ° ,b fr ‘‘ndsol Hat. for Men and Boys.'
flai-ICApS ' U ‘ l ' CA / 8 i Olo “l. l >‘‘. Silk Ltd
ut&xcuCArij, of almost ai de'cnpuniiit, F’incY |UTs
and CAPS for CUtldren-offered P .i teaso, a ,e pr* «
wholesale and retail ‘
Also,LuADlts bl/Rs— viz : Black and pgat'i Lynx
Hlel), Oennet and Coney MUFFS. Fitch and Siberia*'
&MUF C F^ H,NtS “ dCI,FM -d u,
J C»P» «nd Ladles’ Kura.
WILSON, No. 9 Federal slreel. Alteirbony
'! l ?l 1 ,M lo *„ r " c, "“* “« fALLimo WuNTKB sup.
p *?f HATS, CAPS, and LAMIESFUKS. conn-tins
of bl*ok. browu and drub Mexjcun, Hungarian. Jenny
Lbidiuud oil*er kinds of Ham, sou and „mT FUR and
W PQL, black, brown and drab silk plush Cans: inn
nau tloth, oil, Bilk, glazed uud fur Capa, amiable for
u»eu find boj*j fancy Hals and Capa fur children
Al^o—Ulack and Nail Lynx, Fuck uud Coney filutfa:
ritcisoad Siberian. Xjumoi Vicionuea and Cufla -
e# aup Children a Alua*—ulJ of tvmoh will be soul low
lu < u »“ h . _ [scpß
AlUghtay Planing Bllii,
iMubscriborwoald respectfully inform bis friends
ihtJ puulio generally, that having comp lifted hie
new r| Inning Mill, ami having now m operation two
••ew .M»steru> made Planing Machines. (Woodworth
aterti.) and several circular and upright Saws, hr is
ow fare-pared to Tarnish promptly and at reduced rates
tandd and sawed lumber oT every description
4.4 f oUcnlion of steamboat joiners, carpenters and
QMdArs.l9 particularly called 10 the above establish*
lentj where a largj assortment of planed and rough
lumber, of different Utrcfcnesses. suitable for shipping
box tpaJcing,house, steamboat work. Ac.. can be found
at alliumes.
Aide, lumber planed or sawed to order, with prompt
ness And despatch. , JOUfl A BLOOMER-
J v l b ■»» Proprietor.
n . p.- All orders directed to Pittsburgh will receive
prompt (mention
SKt ‘•■FUNOmv w„. c. «i.BB
li i p p J£ flf o O T T jj
f (Late J.S.aTiuciLsa A Co.) *
aanutaetaren oi Phanlx Pire Proor Sa/ej,
JSteond Wood and Smith/Uld.
\r\Taoßday afternoon, July sa. 1848. ilio undersigned
/ called upon by Messrs. Lipfcncou A Burr to
l io^ a an honest and fair lest of one o. meir Pb««i*
{•*! Joe furnace being prepared, tnc Sure w•»«placed
lusthereof, wuh books, papers ami some money: wbe»
dd' *»f the Saf'* " clo’- ‘ • • - ‘
1 am engaged in the foundry business. and know
something about furnaces and heat. I witnessed the
-burmfirof the above Safe, and can freely say there was
naJraiabtlg about it, and with pleasure recommend them
lo lh4 public as being, tn my judgment, entirely fire
proof.) 'VM. KAY Is.
In calling uponihe above gentlemen for iheir signa
ljlreB,lthey p Uspofce In the highest terms of the fairness
ofthe.iest, aud their lull ooubdencc of me Sale’s bcioj
enure)? fire-proof. We have constantly on hand and lot
sale eiiull assortment of the above Sales,
mart I Kt.lJ. A IM-HHV
i *- Wbolaaala and
ROBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave 10 in* pfo.
form his friends and the public generally. SpgflS-a
h&i be continues to occupy that large and com
modious Store Room, formerly-occupied by Samuel Fahn
estock &Co., No. Sfl, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
streetj wherohe keeps a large and general assortment of
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags. Saddle
D&ga, Valises, Buffalo Robe*, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line-
He also keeps constantly on band, and is prepared to
luralsh to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured
style of workmanship equal
cheaper* 1 * 111 manofaclure<l Article,and at6B per cent.
an^°er^ift * nrf would do well to call
helsdroM*2ni^ eioc * purchasing elsewhere, as
he Is determined t° «ll ffrst rate articles at very ibw
su^^dD.imfn'd B «> «,u.r of Wood
w • RHSS >
3.f“ sh ,nd “^«
■• ■ tt* C» filOQlUOIli
HNo.4-,COSHIBOi MiU»SI ahb Thisd stbiets
AS constantly,/on hand far Bale—Writing. Lc'uer
Priming and Tea PAiUft;. Bonnet Rindf i- ■
>oox.- and - Newspaper
1 KIT»TING^IWK—which ho will toil at me lowesi ea»h
pncea,or in exchange for flag-Bttod Tanners’ Srruu-
William C. MuVpliey,
WHuijL&AIiJiDBALiiR ]\
lTtmmmgt, dfottoue, Fancy .and Variety Goode
tatcan Tktrd ami Fourth, fitubar^h
li'ftU Fasttlonit
jUS C. H. PAUL&ON, 73 Wood street. Is now re-
PalLaioct of HATS, CAPS: m.d
all aruolesbelo|aßtflg lo tus business. Ue bas non
a general assortment of <QI in his line, besides recem.u-
?* ani!,|Vaoik * Uilro » d diuly.all Of wluen'te
witi toil nt eastern prices. tspp4
Ltmogf»pW» Kaubluiiiiuut,
K SS„ JU “ ri “ a<r «<) Third 4- fcurth.
1 & NOW really to furnish every kind of LuWraphm
JL wort in the most elegant style, such as Sid!luh
Jlw.i’mw, Landscapu, Cards, Bill heads, and Lai
Mi, primed la gold, colors, Ac. . '
At the same place Messrs. Mpeser A Helnile have
®p "J!?!,;. Dttwiao SCHOOL, and execute on order Drafts
01 Machinery, Ldifioes, Monnments. Ac., with all pos«i
lile accurapy ana elegance. _ ai ' ly
Cochran, Mcßride A Co-,
Iron Railing and Ornamental Iron Work , in all
tit brandies,
I fie a dVOn a ”t r * beB leave '«*l’<=ctfully to inform their
i friends and the public generally, lhar ha vine rcc-rv
e.i a large number of new patterns Air Iron Raihno * c
which, together with those previously oh hand, comprises'
the greaiesi variety ever offered in this City—mJv k,‘
uow prepared to manuiaclnre the same foi Cemclcrv
re£ P i o nU’ \ OC<mU L 8 ’ fen «=> gardens, window guard/ i
tree racks, centre tallies, Ac. Ae..'in a “iyle of I
workmanship and Hush not to be earpassd, and cheaper I
Ibau any beretofore manulaclured wen of ihe inoun
Alao, cooking-stove*, hollow ware, and ea*ii»>« ,i.
descripuons. as usual- "
SklrH Hade to Order,
At ivo. 15 Stfth, Third Door from Marktl ttrau
itilhaubacriuer manufactures to order tbe tiesiniml-iv
o. UENTLEMKN’B SHlll'lS. Tho“
woo nave lound u difficult to obtain a io.« Sir,-, „
thoroughly mad. Shirt, cm be suited by iSILJ S
leauij£.Uieirin*a#ure.i i *uiiug ana
ALSO. Oo burnt, a .arge: quantity oi Kcadv Mul
Slims, of all sues, for Men aaaUoy* *
- - u^JUATrIKIV*
J. C. amtib, ~
* am or* cf DBffb or
K. * Vt> - **»* Third street) futsburtrA,
ttPscoMsiauily on baud » general wsoriiuem in
all aiuds Ini popper aud sheei Iron tv™e m
uiaaejt to order on ihe sltorlesl nouce and Uio-I aecom
niodntlrtfi lerma, Wliolcsale and Retail. ImvlO d t ily
JOStiPH Kl'l'T,
No. »7» Ltaumv sraaicr. PiramsM V, ■
r-i (Ouc l>oor below Kaglc Hotel) *
l s “c^sri^ n rjrT^^3r»T I , Di
innees-—FOfct^Ca>H n °“ L ' e> and U 1 '»'««
- }Oc( T :u
—i©r iikacfleyw
.>o. ill IW strut, batter. Finland Second
IwUfl 0¥ TlUt QOLHKH itnvr )
Of COOKING STO VKS.oi.L mo« ape
pniierus, .ud such a» mu render tie besi sartSSction
ia in"- 0 ' S ,’ o , VC! *’ s “ on ltwlu<!li will be I'oumi Jew
i.'t Koo. * celebrated folding door Parlor Biovea
Kg* Stove*, Radiator,; Friuli,, Slovea ; pli“ 4 “d
lo all of’it, ware; Wagon boaes, Ac,
fore puroha* aUcotlop of dealers be
ll Ope IB 111! In IP u 1 FopiKatla a~,xgnTnl~
1.,... ayan i Butldtngt, Fi/U Strut.
IK ibaukmi to ttic public tor past cus
tom, veuture* lo Mihcii a continuance of the «amc
■or h.-preaie.u eiucrpmc-ikc ceiobliahinont or Flour
m wmuji c ‘ l X“forih« accommodation
o I,*, cu, roarer*, and all who wiab to bave really good
1 lour, pure ground 3ptce». Jtc , 4 C 7 B
ibi, .Y“Tr, o,^““ ,e *' and olhers,‘l.
liivn«a» ttuti all 1 t » n, M uvwy will give uxc a ir»al
\ u No. I Diamond,
u All article* taken tact If not found good. ainJ
U.c mouey returned. Iraafjy I
■c 1 -"V . "*1 * SON- I
—>/ l,F r;* Maaalts sab Foraisiuso
. ? ,u “l corner oj Penn and
vftCJ ©iy”™- Cia " W'H<*« Sxcitange
Bntranei on Penn a res
pectfully imorin their friend* and
1-C public, lira! ihey arc prepared 10 fariusb and attend
... everything in the line of Undertakers, as they have
I" 11 , the business uf Cabinet Makrng. an,f ibeir "tlenlion
wii. be devoted altogether to the above business- keep a
.urge assortment of COFFINS made and finished cover
ed, and lined 11, the neatesi manner, will, a vurie°v i
materials, and at all prices; we keep SHROUDS*ready
made,, .11 sues, of Flannel, Cambno, and Muslin «d
all ptmes, nnd blade in the easlern style, and all oilier
, ''‘Cccrrary for dressing the dead, and furnishing
funerals, of quality and price lo Sim, SILVER FLATFd
or corruvnigihe name and age; icfe CASES for layi„
the body in ice, by those who wish to keen their friends
any lenglh ol lime, and have ZINC PAN'6 lo pul lie in
for l.yinv on ;he body; LEADEN Coffins afway, on
ha ' e “ splendid new HEARSE and a pairof
?. n ‘ ’ ai,y "““her of the best carriages, elo
auglby bC prompt, punctual, and reasonable.
WLlbrary of the Peoole
UODWARD 4. HOWLANDS- 75 Third si have
rrcdvcd No. l ofPmnaiDiflbcnn moruiiiy Library
-i-Tr.Yd.t.jdFMd. Calld Home auJ -o°,„]
Philosophy. iron. Uickco«’ Hou.choM'Worts if con
PricYt? «m? rmUlm * °“ «»<>“ Papor and typo
aB,oU„blvoll',P,>,“ ‘’* b " C L ' dS " and for
| nthrathknluS BmUHNGS. L.KK, „„„
JL are ulvray* fuppUed wilh Freah Oysters cooked : ii
the vanoiw atyles.and served up in a manner to pieuse
m hm Hol Coffee, Tea, Pastry and other
refreshments, at short notice Ber
h~r A Private Saloon for Ladies
ALSO—Uot, told ami shower Bath- ready at nil
hours, ftom 7 A.M. toll P. M.
II C &S^?&v Ai n ) CIL CLOTHS!
W . J sSckor° Ch ” re «‘»‘iw hi» Fm
cakpl rs, oil churns and trimmings
Uiiiauung in pari of live luilowma- viz
Ssupe/ Royal Velvet Pile Carpeu:
Super Royal Tapeairy Carpets;
Lnglisti and Amenoan Bnmsfels Carpel
hiira HupetUireupjy Carpeui superfine thteerpiy r«r
pru, superfine Ingram Carpets; eatra fine ingrain Car*
* Ufl » fine ingram Carpels; common ingrain Carpels;
cation ingrain CarpoiK , 4-4,3-4 and 5-ft ' Wnry O
Ti wTJfti'frMaadd-S Twiljed Vemu'an Carpeu:
ll’m.i. v. 4- “¥ k Vemuan Oarpetn, 4-4. 3-1 and
u-a plain Venitmn Carpels; 4-4. 7-8. 3*4-’5.8 a»d iM
common Von man Carpels; Listing and k*ic Carnets 1
fi^ r TSft?d r /P a '‘“ l 0 Ru *» i superfine Ode tu Ic’d a: anper
-s"° Tufted do: oomraon tufted do; oominon CUouile
d °> Cb?' 1 "" Woor Maui; Tufted do do; eura Knrilsh
bheepekiu do, common Mats; Adefatd do: Jenny f.irnl
and Manilla do; lam Cooo Jd skoleim,
. n°‘n, C . LO ™ s *N» TRIMMINGS.
■•it ‘ ll clolb M ro *n Wlo 34 feel wide, cut to fit any
size ball or room > &«4,7-4-0-4-6-4-4-4 and !) 4 (i>i oinik. ■
rSh 11 011 for Window Blinds. Furauuru Oi!
Si°fS!?i , R P H , f at °i a,r k do do: Stair Rods.of all sizes :
kui? T?M Cra » h and " la P er > Bnow Drop Nap
‘lli*,,?ab o au « Booking's lflr4. 18-4. (M and j}-4
Tnbie On^'r^^^ 8) *i r* , ; auper cloUl JPAww 00l
I able Covers, embossed do do do ; worsted do do do •
satm Dames*. ior Window Curtains : Turkey Red
H h ?“t!v 0 J? 0 ' - rke> C,umz border; WmdowShadtnr
SiS, W hH?“ D { Ve,l,Uan Blind*; Damask M 0:
reens , Watered Moreens.
fhe above stock consult of ihe largest and beat P v-r
selected mr this market. Being puro&ased direct u-*m
the importers and oiannfacuirera, coroprUme the riel
cat and latest styles .and designs, and at prices so low
liiey cannot (ail to please all; We canllailyinyilfciiiu-t.
wtslun* to furnish Steamboats or 114™“ . “
calUt the Carpet Warehouse, No. 85 Foar'th sPree, and
<9 W ood street. . [oeOSJ W. M'CLI.VrocK
choice goods prom ail Countries
has removed to his new Warehouse
*. uTOi?'!!, 1 ; °‘ d I f lac ' uf husuiesa, Market »>«. cor :
HAVAMA > ''r£s‘°R ' h ''' ch “‘" e3 " U WI°N ES, «
Wholesale “'‘ d FAM,LY
*' 01 fil3 fr “’“ Js ““ lhe public
M> VVuj«s aud Liquors uro principally imported direct
hy luyseiijandoan he rehed upon as old and pure of
the beat ami most remaritsble descriptions. addcaanoi
faUto jfive unbounded satisfaction. 1 have now fo?^u c
Four Varieties—*' Howard, March * Go.»s Madeira*"
including Ibur. yory finest old London Particular.’? and
choicest grape juice, imported direct; together with
Hnt-en mher varieties ol Madeira* - ' '
W «jo of the most sup. qualities
do Sherries, including (he Amon
tillado. .AlazamUa, and the
Duff" Gordon Wines.
d " Clarets, 10sorts Rhine wines
r d *> Charapaignej, do cordials
n do Wraadicsof the lnostdesiru
t»le brauds and vintage*
. r lu . . . do V\ hisfcies, 4of gins. 50l rums
together with a large variety of articles, as per cata
Uj* Boyers wishing in obiain “ good goods.” m low
prices, witi da well to cull i - 1
d ' o:2 JACOB WEAVER, J r
Penney & aterrett, 164 bounh street, near Gram
James P. Kerr, 142 Fourth street
John S Cochran, 144 1-ounh st, corner Cherry alJey
a Heidelberg, Bakewell’s Baildinga, Grant street. -
John N McCiOwry, BaieweJi’s Buildings. Grant street
Samuel r re w. Bake well’s Buildings, Grantstreet
Negley & McFadden, cor Grant si and Diamond alley
B&kewell Campbell, filghmau Hall, Grant street
John Glenn, - Law Corner,” cor Wylie and sis
Real Estate Agents-
& hn 11 KfZ'i’ Bake well's Buildings. 73 Graiusireei
ihomas Moifiu, 3doors above Mayor’s office, Allegheny
Aldermen and Justices of the Peace
A G Reinhart, 45 Sr Clair street.
D& bcuily, 7 Fifth street, near Union
M W Lewis.W FUUi si, bet Wood and Smilhfield
Andrew M’Master, XlO Fifth street, near Gram
N Buckmasier. Fourth street, above Smilhfield
fnos Steel, 128 Fourth street, uear Smilhfield-
John Miyor, corner Washington and Wylie street*
John A Panuuiton, 472 Penn street, pear Walnut.
Bankers and Exchange Brokers
J Carother, A Co.. No 11. Wood street.
f p°v s - w. corner Wood ajidFourtb sts-
N°lf!ilm foUi iii l “ lrecl ioPPoßile MAM Bank
N Holmes 4- Sons, Market si., between 3d and 4th
WholctaU Grocer,, Comrmenon $ Product Dialer 3
Si?® 4 £ , £ 11 ]i I *i, WBOd street, above Fifth
, l y ,c ‘ * McCandiess, cor Water and Wood aueeb
A liner. -7l> Liberty sirecl
\V Bagaiy A Co., IB <j. VOWood street.
i°” M'Aiptn If Co 91 S; 93 Liberty street
i D " tlitams A Co., corner Wood and Fifth Streets
James Black, corner Third ami Smilhfield street.
Lambert A btupton. 149 and 15t Wood.streei
Alexander King. 268 Libeny street
j J ®“ B Reuney, Jr., eonter Water and Smithheia streets
• * ~ “cor Wood and Ssixih streets
J Mills & boa, 146 Water tslrcet-
<ior a er Penn and Irwui at reel*
•*’ a/1— * or - lor ** can a nd lrwiu streets.
W A !■ Wilson, 147 First Street
J corner Wayne and Penn tut.
J Loaaidson, cor Penn and St Clair street*.
Shovel, Spade, PuJi, Pork and Moe Manufacture,,
Negely a Mohan,!>2 Wood street.
>Vm Day , 4a bt Clair street-
Planing MiUs and Sash Factory
1 ir f noL &117 t S * ve,,th BGeet, above the Canal
. * " » Lhaiul.ers, Cherry alley, bet 7th A Liberty uu
Wool Merchants.
Murphy A Lee, corner Liberty strcerauU Cecil alley
W lUmrn Barker,Sniubficld su, bct.4ih anti Diamond ay
Bosury and Vanity
J h V y ,. <it ‘- o »Maiiaiacturers and Importers, Fifth si
Joseph Horne 4 Uo, 77 Market sl, bcMih and Diamond
Plough Manufacturers.
rtoben Hull, H 7 Liberty street.
Hall $■ Speer., Penn tftreet, cor Cecil alley
Livery Stables.
hi change, James Mathews, 176 Penn street
Aaron Blasdell,dt Clair street
Vamage, Omnibus and Wagon Manufacturers -
L M Bigelow, 40 Dtaiuoud alley
c sf Fc; r Sl - ““ lbC nW
Drug, and Medtcmu.
Kcyser d-McUoweii,comer Wood si. and Virgin .He,
?oLl'“n < huI 10Wd “ COrnet Wood “I Second sts
a!jd Plfth streets
“ f- °e‘lers, tv ood street, between 3d and 4it-
Joon 1 Schtl, 299 Liberty street
- B “ u 4' T f i near Third street
(f““Pcorner Fenn and Hand streets.
Jdfidn * pi l Vd 4S7 ’ cor “cr Fenu and Wainnt streets.
J -Kidd A C0.,C0, corner Wood and Fourth streets
Dry Goode Merchants.
«“(& * \ c »;.« Wood «., 2d door above 3d.
.1 Leary A M Kinley, Wood at, i doors from Liberty
JamesA M Kmght,lil hlarkei street ’
Wholesale Cloth Store
J U smart A Co. No 122 Wood street
JWt and Copper Snath,.
James F Ktncatd,Front and 2d streets, near «, r tr-
U G Backofen. 130 Wood street. dlarkct.
tlowanl f Rogers, 139 Front, near Wood street
J d Moornead * Oo,Sl N E side of the Diamond
, ~ e . r street, near Market &
c 5v ij vv dltam^ Cl Smitfifteld, near Fourth street
Vi n„ a3Ue ‘d*-’ 5l Pir “ l »ircet, ne«r Wood ’
31 Doerdtuger, W ood street opposite Ist Pres. Church
Cotton Manufactures.
King, Puftuoik A Lvu Lagle Factory.* W’o&a mreei
Music Stores.
John 11 Mellar il Wood
V. lu,ae . lib Wood street— Hamburg do
H hier.c-T, tai Third street—N«n»>2 Jo
Fruits and Candtes
Jhjuca u Ajiderson, tfmithiield, betw., Ut and «Jud at-
Tea Stores.
A Jayiir* lt p e *m l ea Store.) d 8 Fifth street
Patent Leather, Japanned $ Knamelted Leathel
1 c sniffer A Co., cor Decatur si and Diamond alley
Bardxcart and Cutlery
Josepn Wood well, corner Wood and Second streeu
tahneslock f Brother, 247 Liberty atreet '
Hay. «• Getty, 71 Market atreet, n«r Fourth
Hratch Maker, and Jeweller,
Kennedy A. Hasten,94 Market street
W,n Gilmore, led, cor Wood and Liberty street.
■ „ Instrument Mshere
James K Keed A Co.. .'lO Sniiihficld »t
Jronhadlng Seme and Vice Manufacturers.
Marshall * Brother., Dturaoud atreet. near Smiihlt-ld
Booktcliert and Stationer,
{ ballot, al t\ ood at. —School Dooka and Slationerv
Luke L00m.., Ag>l,B9Wood ac—School Book? Bu?ry
W s Haven, corner Market and Second streets
Bale, Cape and Bure
r lc £°St * Wood and Fifth streets
J* IV&c'r ,c OaA sl -i h,rd door below Fifth
t l mo.M? VVo °o door below Pin’d alloy.
Isaac Walker, 144, cor Gram and Utah .treets
Manufacturers of Steel Spring,. Axle,. Vice, tec
Singer, llarunan A Co., 109 Wnier and 14b Front «.
Wire Manufacturer*
U fownsend, 10 Market street
MannJacturer, at Patent Carriage Me. !, Spring.
John U Dell, Pittsburgh. Penn’a. * 5
Miutard uml Spice.
John B ilal comer Liberty and Ferry street.
Gentlemen, Burnishing Eetabliehmentr
Hinton A L0.,81l 4tlt at, sign golden Bee Hive. Depot for
-Vln-cnlc and Udd -Fellowa Kegaltn.
Wtlltam M Hersb, corner Market and Third street.
Fancy and Variety Good,
Kennedy t Ha.lett, 94 Markelalrecl
McCititdless i Campbell. 97 Wood slreel
Clothing Store,.
iraitann A Brenner, Market slreel, between .Id act g,h
J h Downing, IBS Liberty street '
Joint F Hopewell. 183 Liberty st., near St. Clair
Jam., Morn,on. 194 Liberty atreet.
c Al Clo.lty, 177 Liberty streec
Wilbom Dtgby, 181 Liberty street
D Hall," Liberty si, near M't
u J Carroll, Cheap Corner,*' cor Liberty st &, Virin »’»
S Delany, 191, L.berty .tree.: dth docr flom VlrJn Sley’
Wholesale Grocer, and Dealer, in Liquor,
M U Patton, Liberty atreet ~
1 B 7 ai [' N ?: lssL»>ony street,am] W Diamond alley
Jomea Loubia, i!7St Glair street y
R Watson, corner Liberty and Wayne streets
Donnell A Phillips, 305 Liberty street
Dealers 10 Wities and Laquots
Mark 'Devlin SffiifiS““
btera A Brolher.No. 348 Liberty alreeL
Honegger A Co, 101 Smilhfield Oelweon out and 7lh.
D Fickeiscn A Co., 137 Liberty atreet
Trunk Manufacturers
B R FollaOßbee, 104, LlbeSyslreel, near Ferry
Saddle, Barnet, and Trunk Maker,
A. Holstein, 132 Wood street, uear Virgin alley
Rahauser A Duir. head oi tVood street T '
G r Anger, Odd, cor Ljb y and 7th sts. Fettenimn’. Row
Shepard, No. g« Diamond alley bel Wood AMarkot
ifueenncare and China
M llodkutson, W ood, between 3d and 4th street,
Lock Smithing and Bell Banging
Win v\ Retlty, 160 Wood street 9
Ice Dealers and Ice House,
i R Hnnly, Virgin alley, bet Wood nod Üborty sle
Copper Rolling Mth
C G Hussey A Co.. Wood st, between is; , 2nd
Bolel, and Tavern,.
8l clan Hotel, C W Bennett.cor Penn Asi Ci»„
St. Charles, corner Wood and Third streela
fcaagle, John Umh Liberty street
Monongaheln House, cor Waier and SmithfieM sts
Janie* Gilchrist, 204, Liberty street *
Foundry Warehouset
Do, 260, coiner TtVand LiDeny "tree,.
J C I arry A Co., 105 Wood, and above canal 2d at
Cabinet and Chair Maker,
tet AWt^4 e fi , e d l d ui^, u ‘^'“
ri-oth &. Fheian, bG SmuhfUd si., hei sth* Dikm’d alley
Joseph Meyer, 4J4 Penn «, above the Canal bride©
1 B » oting Sf Co, SralthfieltJ street, between 2d aaiflM
Wall Paper and J&ordcrmg-
Lutz & Kickenbach, No 165 Liberty, near Market st
in 19®>®*' Wood at, 2 doors below pia. ay
vv P Marshall, &5 Wood street. J
rhomas Palmer, 25 Market st. between 3d and 4th
J Sluthe, 59 SmilkfieM street, near Fourth
Cheap PvbhcaiiOHt
•Holmcß' Literary Depot, Third el., opposite PuuOffii*
_W C Wall. B 5 Fourth street. v *»»iuuiL 9l|
Heury Miner 4" Co.,dy Southfield street ■ *
Woodward & Jelly, No. 73 third street
JtooLs ami /shots
11. Childs Co., X 33 Wood street—-Wholesale
Thomas Phillips, editor liberty ' - 1
SamuetDaiieO, 128 Wood street, JeeU
J moes Kobb, 1® -Alarkci attest
TA Umtoa.4o St, Clwraueet, neai Ljbenv-
Win Adair, SmiOifieM ui«et l natc'AMkwSw' l ii :s ‘*
•J ft-Xaylot & Co,K3Liberty street
43 Fcay street)
, ■ - ' --••'•-vVtv ••
'V.w- ■
. .. i-'J*'-.
r t -.j •'• W’. '-• r '
'*,£* ,* » %-* »“rr * t \v r *
Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars.
M Strasser, St Charles Hbtelt Wood sttOet ••
. Heui-y Haaeraan,uaLiberiysireet. ..
W ’ m°J % rkel s,reM aull ,he Diamond,
w H bdmond t tM St Glair street ■ '■ ..
JW Taylor, dk Pena »“ee? .
4i J >oTk .^ ciuTl and Dealers m Fromstons.
Alex Laughlin, corner Etna afreet and the Caa«l ;:
Hussey 4* Ways,32& Liberty jtrpeL ■ .
» Soda Alh Marnffacturen.
Bennett, Berry <j-Co., Waier street ' ' 1
Conimiseion, Product, and Poniarding Merchant*
Seller*.& ft|eolst3Q9 Liberty street"' - ‘
Joseph Jordan, Agem, 207 *»eim si, 1 door below Haiid-
Dentol Instrument ATanufftctwcn
Bovrn k Tetley, 130 Wood street ■ ' ‘ : • >
J Cartwright, 8d Wood st.,l door below Diamond alley
Merchant Tailors and dents Furnishing Estab'nts
B M Argast, 135 Wood street.
Harrison Soo.t, 39 Smithfieltlwreet
„ Leather. Store*.
R Bard if- Co., mJ Wood at, near Diamond at ley
Wdtiuson * Bell, No «7 Liberty street, opjidsitd SlitSV-
Jolm B. Bayard & bon, 313 Liberty st, opposite
Insurance Campania,
Penn AlumalLiie ipsoranae Cots Seatib’y A S4r Wood
Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Co., ,1 i Fourth street .
N America Fire Insurance Co:; 141 First street" 1
Looking Glasses, Clock* arid Varieties' ■ -
r\ Q H“,^ n^V„oiM'r C ee™ ef a ” d M s ‘“
... Physicians.
Wei Badger,l9o Bmiihfield street,corner of Setiemh ■“
:• Merchant: Tartars, ..
A Mefurlaod, »ui)dilieid si., bet. Ith.and Diamond alley
„ . Emigrant Lines.
P » Byrnes fCo 03 Liberty at., Jno Thompson, Ag-1
Class Manufacturers
Ihuueu A Huixkcl, U 4 Water sljbet Wood A Smith'd i ,
II Und Mantua. Makers
M rs M I-. Kohisou, ,19 Hi Clair street
Mr» Leech, 0 Mfthaireet,Between Wood ahdMaj-tet
N Aul, (Queen City Store,) 22 Clan pu « u ,
Ladies’ Shoe Stores.
R Cully *C6.,W'SfClairstreet"' ‘ »•« » -<i:
Mrniyfacturerof Extract American Oil " «
Joint \ outtgaun, 5-2 Wayne ai, bet fenn SndJLiberty
*? r “ aad Undertakers.
, Alexander * sojia ( cori£emlitandSt Clair alreets
JiNeJsoji, Post Office Buildings- Third atre-i
Ncl on Jt Co , Lafayette Half,*® ‘“reel
Anthony, llurk-aJluUdiag , FourU, street t
ni v wZI- 0rJ ar ' Bl » opposite St Charlee «otel,
Geo .W«ru, 41J feiin at* &. few dooreabovd Oaua! * *
Wm <-'raig>No l Third si, bci.Wood and Smuhfiehi
Samne u F‘fit street, sfdoortl .eiZluitii
Gold '.Btattrt- ■ i *•*/»
B l/„«.«vx, So d, fl d3ta<iMel&
w PTt n ns.BstMmsaaUt. ...
Mr*Bo»nd ge> 18 St Cfdir the old bri'dgi" ‘
Bnuh ttanufactureri.
USiewari, tifth street,eig-n big brush. betMa’tfr
,: „ , J?tuuiheTß.
i Ketttom 4. Son, *3* SOx st, 6 ? pbaUe ihc Theatre '
_ S&oA ffnrf Jtfi.Prmftfra-
Sbryock 4 .Hacke, cornet third iild Wood
Harpor A; Layton, corner Fifth And Wood
<£nrigtixturtt £in#: ■
£gSgT " smP ABOYr- -■•■ ;
TWfolloWmg'i, me f al , according to law s
» afepßeeiorFort,
. ! . , ’ ” t pmi Vinegar-
J Ottimeni, 3 "’
' ! :: S. i - Molasiex. . .
,J . . loulo “. 3 e oj. Tea,
•fo(S4 r Sr B ‘ ,Uar ' iI W * Wl Si.oufflclem I; .
Tuc and cuokiux.-fan*«a ior iho use of K.*,
® re ttnt icfcuv6r. tfv«o'Hiceniio»V will >f<j
l> “' l<lM ‘ S ' 1 I!<ir ° gr uf
PRANOE, &mt * GKIfMAriV '
Tt>:*uy, auiouin, by w««.«ani,
» | Joihaa RoblniaA. i
A K .*C. PMI Juilji^i; w : M 'd
merchant** 't ransportation Line
(Vi*. PkAttA. Clin. I
re-shipping? _rn • '•
C, A. JipXNVJLZy 4* VQ.
Canal Basin, 408 Rons StlPUiabunrh
£i Central Block Road st.. Puilada
a are prepared to large amtfuni brftfajC
c-handize and Produce, to skip,, on el
imf, to Philadelphia and all intermediate places,
*o^ tC * r and:in foufunt)than uv-any . precious sea*
. The increased: number'd Tracks provided ’ by
the Lanai.* boat* -over the■ Luilroad, will prevent any pdkitulity uf delay aS'
aburgh: or this season
Canal BiiSinr' •
■ | CALLAHAN A CO.. r-rr-n-^-
No.l 1 corner Wood and Water »tre4l>t
Jt v . FtTrsßOßoa.
"?*■ Wi SbConrt:
t Co-t J arlacriJUp,
i'Hk. subscribers tin veeirtered IntoCo-Partnership'Ybi
.1 mo purpose ot carrying on Uie Mustard uudsnicjct
ttUdjgoimrai Muluig bustaesa. nUli Third street, where
thed WUI be pleased to see me old customers ot Wriirlu
4 Alcorn. ; •r.-tfeelOj »tr ' M’KBE it SJiiJOkW'‘
I . !-• /I ?.i'>
*i( b^iV^
'«». i All kinds of Watches unil Jewelry carefully re
paired.. N 0.51 Market sweet, iwodoora
, ■ (dccU, 1
Ai Plttsbargb lVunery.
pLOomibus runs every iiour-from*'tiae c&ruep oi
l Market ami frourth streets u> the Garden* Peon
syivauiu Avenue, where there 1 ft a dh’olce cdllfecUhti <ff
House Plants, hardy RmintiurKoic*
illO AilclaJde Moss do, Mew erpireas, 15UU do Dwarf
Pear of select -varieties, Herbaceous prodigy'DiKlias'
l , tiidi I .,nmli)mm M ,wttrn&i,nn3 I 4c. 1 and whoraarders
wu l ]t.e taken for ApploiDwati do, Pear, Cherry mid
Plujh Tree,, «uu,SB aud filion do/GtapdvitehfOb&e-*
berdes, UurramyJstrawbejnes. to., Shrubberv Sb»X
Tre* &c, frotnloe HiU Nursery > •Jutauuorj, gjteqq
i to the proprietor,; tbroUeh ihe/Pius
or^\lr 05 H o nM'vi?| m fK alden ' I,C ' m3yt '"I“‘a 1 “‘ a ,VV ' IIUe >
Wnli lell * i ‘‘ l >etiyvttrebtp near the head of
Wo Pd, will be jirompily attended to
lUT Urchard* .ind Shrubbery plumed ueatly to order
- ,
lOtlN M KObLftfs dcsiks to call the tulcDUon of
V p «ichasera io Hie fresh. pvpplyoftdeWeijy,- received-'
UUS Jlay troin the Is.astern cities,and now ojwing-com-
P , r ?fv G °? “? ail » or I’nloill Levels L'fcpii e iSa.
'Vaicbes, Cold Qiiardand Vest Chains, scab and
Ko VP' WUsiaidro Cased aud Bracelets; all rtie'Taiest
siyljaaf 1 ad,es BreaHuanfl Cuff 1-ms, Lu-and Vii“
Ktoss, a largo essoripiem of Cold Pen aud feocOj
»es,bilvertpoons, Spcctnelea/riihnbrea, io ; ' -
A(large supply of --heap Clocks, rehulaied- and ivar-
SrsT V 0 goodlime iu.W« t™
P Ol1 * ■*» me repairing of r fine
Wa(cM».ttud Stocks, upd.any parts lhai muyamre ie
consfi worn outor otherwise Injured, repaired wiih new,
40 a,style and ; aruBU.entirely,equal to'incori/iniii •••>■■ ’
.« *VH.N M. RUtfiiHTS,
16 Fifth street,two dobra from Vd&cc^''
continues to sell all ,«f Ota dues;, cocKlJci wrJrv*n,-£-
I auv f r w . a « air line GjW anti Sliver \Vaic?«^tbe'
I auis,le article, at lus.WhhlftsaiijpUccfci i UaViiitf hrarh«-
i ;?^si“ iV B °ir l - lUa - , L? ius f*«Wn*A». lie noV dehes
1 c ® i -9 ,etlllon - Nts fliocfcha*.ailbeenbought forcash,*t.
! lowest maoufttcwrers’ pncel.-wfiicli
i * e Mi a £ lro ®^V. l <?s°psr cettt.Joiver.tiian
i tabifshindat m Qua city, or m any other city west o< tize
f mountain*; and every arttdA-MlUbfitottraU&dWJiw
i—so that every one eau buy eaua/iy safe..add
i cheop. Our inattolS)fosefrarvery sjnaJl prdfita> ditd
i inereoy secure a large trade We flo aolr .wwIMP.dttYC.
r *wdy trade irom this city 6y aa)dh«jpfi.ia«e.pifiLta,CT
>‘* >^irit l S enn S *nu>.any combmauori. ■ <>r '?
\ P| B.^AUitludttir : Watcli‘'Hei#airiftraone L aswdll ar
i «Tuty ptncreHtabtuihmeuL m.tßd V/uwJ i&iwwfttW. eat
riflwpr puces.- “XVdteii’ w* al half PMee, *t. No.
atmeuJPiUwbnrglfc riepJ- 6 -
a,. . ”iewj;lry aj*dtufo -t<.-**
Siut'received froni \ae Eaaierp. Cutes n
W ’ ion™ ami fajj. Bjsoitnwili wtHtal'CiilSS. JsW>i
ELKY and FANCY GOODS, to which vo cal! the at
•tentioa of our friends and cusioqjera. VVc luol asshtfeu
that; we cau sou their respective tastes, as to.quality npj.
pride , , t K , 3 $ #•* /
l Araong our assortment will be fo.und the most dcßtrA
ble pattern® and thp lirtast Puis, Ear*
lluigs, Corf Pfnsj Gold defies ge*fty
Watches ,(j?W*Q4SUv«rB[«!Ct»clea»'- J.jj&'.f '
b ana<iUl,aHprimi:aioffroys »infrFdiiCT„-
■Persons who to iUlnptheirstocVp/VToysiai. the;
.Holidays, will find uip theyr wtofUage an
: early c*“* y?P :Wiil goods aVapmautadynnco
loatheiWhbießaltf ■tO'pcrsbda v who'wftl|- uracil'
hB"n Jlr l - AJJASJWSrr, filMhrtsESU
: i j. HrKenneajr;WiU B*v® nispcreonal aiienuoo la to
, pajnpg WttiohcSjfiloasjoraoiewiJlfJ. a* ■''"•lT ji!J *
i edaet: table and Tea Spoons always on hand and
i cade to orddr at the shortest nouee and: loostidMimsMa 1
WJffl*. (portSJ K.tIL
_ _j ,•* *- £t~rr~ T'— - r ,
_ * -ff *5-w -'* *• -v-S
-•. - , 1? t , '• ’ - •
,ir- -v-,'h= ;■ v^
pnirA *l«* Mmfiwrtaliio DW^TJ^
Ward ro2tS?.« No 60 Con^reBS Blrec *» BuS I^B^
vy ara, containing . ,
r ( f 8,1 !?!i® IVlja * ffiine^ Af wqnifed For fortiief t*
formauo<i enquire ott the premise, ot .f *"*“*■«.-
‘ - - f
I#;siSSSS*' )■
*wiuch ts large enoßjrh for a tnln f yaxo>’* l ■» '«,
fpjaeeaipn oiveu immeutatejy 8 en Reut low, suit 4
jeJUtf * ® GA^A 'fiidlicrfy*ijreet, J 4
-iSSLii ± « , f
* Iq'W* —And po3»e«Blou sriren; tonnee/ 1 ?
Jatel>, a three story BRICK a§m& « '
lUtd street, between &osaw& MM ' *
—,.. 3Sajfie: i
- s '
S^teifisssass® Bl ' ' ' 'V:‘
.putnnluuen Jot mfotm^a ‘ V
——— ‘ ,
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■* . A j
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,r 1
cash> ri ..
. >v.. ’
p^[kAo T ae'kl ! n a Tiiri tele’s,/ 'A
vS™Sd‘ l * n<, ‘ also > ltle iVSd'.--!’ ■ ’,t " J '-
'pltesste*”*®: •• ' - -r; -
: T e < issggg&s:*..-;'.. . " i
’ ,I I**TV. S>mlili, r v ’ r^rs fc En ,r "' _ f '
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hfff* >& j -'
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■ t
t)o »uppi«ii wuh the hew W 1 '* -
" A •
AI4.KN BMOW*. ' T 1 111 7 uj.y*** *«-*^-.i>Ml, tl ?.-.:.tjJv-. . 'v;... -•;
, -.,1! ,y •! a«OMSJI'SHdTJi&' 6 “WW^ 1 ' -r,: ■ :-
n j
j.ticpUilli) feet ij,, a girtjet ‘.'Terms*?(»£•»?«^2^f9<fM
is worth 81500 on time 6m is 3?T 1 " I **
wfa£££ h ca , n ‘' *«“-'^ ! § <■
*%£!» -~?'l Wit i!? tCiS be WM \,. rr, /•
Tcm, Seasy - « CCTHBERT,Sr a cr i I^«r
a>Smiihfi4ia|tteli. r llCil
, tjoteis,
~ | * ? -'*
T^tStash l oiiaiW ! .na P^r ?^r '' t: ' ’
£SKam#»e&&^ ,
the, Worm Masoned, t &*C Abate W - J<18 .3 D 4 ‘*-
li.ssfflSsgaj.SSSf s '*®”''’ "
! prepared w serve up
ey vrtaah
ibaSno expeuarformruble ehaJl’b 110 I,ra f?®'^Ol“^nWn49' l;, ■'
fb-Srfi^r* 8 ° MU:ra - riadier ar. '.
si l UI,I ' J h liJ ' St:l ''*' ** !] d r tuioti pro vulcd lot f ‘
!• T all; P a ue:abort uoupe „ , . 'fmyin*
Bt. Clair Hotel* , _ 1
UFormerly rbe Exe’H.atia‘,l
finSro l “fW< V Clwx tSOitt, PllUburgk 1
1 I BnXW? 111 a dd convenient)*, ideated
I. ilivXbciit&aviii^-bded reffiadelcd and .'.n".'
thoroughly repaired, and implored* nod is aard open _ »
nccomiccxiiltlciii oniie public. ■ v ■ . ■
U)ie subscriber, lessee and proprietor of ffie"Bc Clan
Hate!, respectfully informs lus ihendp and, the pubh? r
uiatjUa hminnusbcd-lt uribe most cleganf aid corfari;”
üßOle style, and employed competent as3is,auti aifrf'si -
tentive and Faithful .anraats, and Urns be wUlinsr.- “ ■
•oseruona w mate itcgaal loan/ bouse id'tbeeoiimjy '
The well tuowa centruJ location of ih e
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