'i± rt - * -* r J - ■»' ri '?k* X s J 1 - tIK a ' >- A * V v : J t - * ty9£li^it[ft■JW*HU««« j|s - V t’X , V J“. j. ' , ‘ » ?*■ ’► / , JA-. . ’ *■>»*-• V t " ~ I *.-*.'.* v- T* ... . * ‘ „ , ~ . ■ _ J -K. \ ■ -*, i ' .-» ,1 ■', t I ~ . , '■;‘-«V V 'v ! .i ''’ ‘VIJ As*’ "--'-'1" ’,t ,•,•" -,, ,V ' •- , ' *?,. ■t i - - -., ', > - J-- ’’ ', • ; ■••; v^\-..^yy-:-y.-if" • t^C k ; *> J ♦- .:- >**'**«•',*.’':• - s-,£‘ r £&\£+'i‘*urs* " n - VY *^ r «' f -r ‘ ‘ ' * h,; *J,,f ■»»,?“». t 9 r ‘ - *■ "l*-, *■ ~ ,» f j •» **i * ,*■-*' r *^-<“ik‘ > ?*** *• irv s *--*' at^C >? a** 5 * ,-*- l^* , j-'ij; -i«— - C, i< ’■« +*+*•>*s' »’ *» - * S- ;» 1 * 1* ■"* -> * : * A„.< v '.""l'iL , II ihimwi'ii 11 1 i 11^’ : Tile Sew Yo]rfc Flreman od -S**! jer want to knew w - , J^Uol t f gif?v. V ',:,t*y7 1 u‘! ‘ *t, ? ff'alV' life on th-a-tl --—*■ ■■— „ , : S! ,tty-I‘: . I runs-with ’ THE CrTY , Ca f aJs"” ••••■ ™"* .■™ u ~ -.BTTSGH: *ff, • Bl '‘ o '- '' D,MEMB “ » Z .nnnm*. « *‘&&l *"- : jroMT 0P ™ raiTKD age JiS-BUCHANAN. *• ~ - t 4 «’?Vr . chei - . - . .. * '4Sd*<&^MWSt Jf£Az j sU’ ,-■ < S keep - £ream ° f • w,Vsy*7 v' L f?■''■'>? %■!. t' rf* iga-a-a-s! ‘ - -- ; iSSZtiZt “■ -s: *c f ' At have had a brick in 0 iH. Perhaps ifs th“ ™ fiJ^}f«*^iSn^lsC ! V'«P f pV*vf’ •»!^4 I*- 1 *-y s, l'!vt £B into the machine ! A T ! < ?Fyv 'l-y f ‘1 .e and charcoal with some ed o /sum —with a bottle inside rt .tash and vitriol; and when ° aUu P together the gas comes Hol ' r. xSta.rt«.u, m „ tog - ■ »“ ' : ' lr : jnming? Hav’nt I seen nitre and gyp- 1116 t AA~^‘ l^PA&tS\, ’'‘j-'Z : 'r‘f r ith potash and Titriol, burning together war V‘' J ‘- stable roof? Don’t I know better? Hav’nt j, ard of the big jimmjjohn of vitriol whioh „ g upsot down in the cellar of that store down . xJMmden Lane, where Number Thirty played f old ; XChree ont of sight ? Lord, how it did burn dree mmx : «on i; .Talk of charcoal, too! No, yon don’t! I gtieSB I knows all about charcoal by this time— rdoes - gooc .. ._ iowi “ -c,; Wfatißmmmdmem. • — ~ ’ wi:: E»i -“7 ;r. and , a ° mt 9oiut sp u. • • ! sr I dutie ' ss good h°o« Guthi JS --—— “■£ ys andr alreac - ; * chief a Cit, Mr. • is , gales, : n o th ( - - ■ Gatkr Sir, , t , , . wmar] ' ’ " “■ ■ " their i ":i . i“ IKM MliiflOTT )iil»l|ifflßTff'if n u'. n.. ’• IPfHfiSM «ite«sssas»isaaiasa®a!*te .-.. fils If yer want to know wlro I am, X can tell ver iu-eonCti a3a fir6 ‘ flMh; ?er cttn bet f er aon t go out to fires unless I go first; and then maybe she don’t log. C Wrofe many letters, and them was on 9 doors to let’em'know Sixty's men was nil around for the target go. Bnt I’m blessed if i hasn’t a curiosity to know wots about that ere Rre ’Nihilafor-wirich the papers are makin’ snoh v a mass abonti and I’m agoing to WTite one moro letter to ask. :. r -.J.know it’s a humbug afore I commence, j cause that ere Barnum lays the hose ofthe whole concern There’s some kind of a Jenny Lind | ” ketch ” about it though, or ho wouldn’t go in I Maybe he ain’t coon though! He s around i when there’s money in the pipe—bet your life on th-a-t. ■ Tm odased if I didn’t study over the "Sun” one blessed hour the other day, at Peter Snedi ker’s bar room, a trying to find out wot it was all about. There’s a man named Phillips in vented it, the Sun said; but now looS-a-here, where iB Phillips anyhow ? Ef he’s around, roll him out for inspection. -Where does he keep his maehinc to put out a fire with a stream of smoke, gushing through a pipe? Oh ga-a-a-s ! Whydon’the bring the ’Nihilator out and try it on a'fire? ’ Ef-heTi only try it when Sixty’s boys have got their streams on, I guess he’ll know who’s got the strongest play 1 - It’s a brass machine with a briokbat in—the paper said. Now I believe that ere; I does ! Acoa the man Phillips must have had a bnck in his hat when he invented it. Perhaps it’s the same brick wot he puts into the machine 1 A brickbat made of nitre and charcoal with some stuff they calls gypsum—with a bottle inside with sugar and potash and vitnol; and when they smash ’em all up together the gas comes out of the pipe and puts the fire out! Ohg-a-a-s! Her better believe I’ll swallow that ere humbug! Wasn’t lat fifty fires where there wus drug stores a burning? Hav’nt I seen nitre and gyp sum, with potash and vitriol, burning together like a stable roof? Don’t I know better ? Hav’nt I heard of the big jimxnyjohn of vitriol whioh got upsot down in the cellar of that store down in Maiden Lane, where Number Thirty played old ’Three out of sight ? Lord, how it did burn and phiz! j Talk of ebarooal, too ! No, you don’t! 1 guess I knows all about charcoal by this time— I does. 0 I read as how all engines will be worth now will be to put the smoke out and wash the old embers; that this ere gas knocks down flame as just flame used to knock down old Corneel An. derson. And yer may go yer length that flame ’ill mind this here gas just about as much as -Corneel used to mind flame! Now, if Mr. - Barnum or the corporation-think that Fm goin to take the machine to de fire to play second fiddle to this gas, they may just take my coat and wear it out next Christmas. I don’t sleep by de machine for- nothing! I doesn’t olean it out every Sunday for nQthing 1 I doesn’t run to a fire out of my district without 1 knows my fun. What’s the fan of pumping water on a bit :of smoke Td like to know? D’ye think I’ve held Sixty’s pipe for nothing, when the man m jide calls out to stop, the fire’s out ? Maybe I can’t drench a house out, though—just try me, though. Maybe, too, I can’t hit a streak of flame at sixty feet, and only half strike! And.yer don’t get thiß ere child to carry one of them ere ’Nihilators, He aint so fond of -gasses-s! I might os well be a juryman or Con* tinentaler in a three-conered bat, going down Broadway with a tag of niggers at his heels. As Ned Forrest—and he’s one of the boys—says in Othello, when I comes to that “my occupa tion’s gonejust Uke a rainy Fourth of July. We got a talking over this new rig of Bar numTs in''the- engine house last Sunday night, and our foreman, who knows a bit or two worth knowing abont books, says the ’Nihilator will -end in smoke—there’s nothing lively about it. A few precious gulls ’ll be bitten by it, and then folks ’ll take to the firemen sweeter than ever. But my mind after all amt exactly straignt about it. I’d like to measure off the hose afore I gives in one way to tother. If Number Six ty’s men are going to be humbugged by a par cel of old boxes (Uke a boy’s squirt engine,) worked with Jbnckbats and vitriol, I'm gom’ to leave the company right soon; yer may bet your life on that.— Oxe who Buss with No. “60.”—# T Literary World. Reception Of Workingmen by KosfQth. On the 17th instant, the workmen in the piano forte manufactory of Bacon & Haven, were re ceived at the Irving Honso by Gov. Kossuth, to whom they made an address, and presented the handsome-sum of $BO5 for the cause of Hunga ry. This amount was raised by subscription among the men m the factory, numbering about ninety altogether. In their address they said— “We are Russians, Swedes, Danes, Hungari ans, Germans, Englishmen, Irishmen, Scotch men, and Americana, but are all, m fact or in tention, citizens of the United Staten We glory in the principles of liberty combined in our De claration of Independence, and desire their ex tension to ail the nations of the world. ** I confidently hope for aid from yoor glorious country for the sustainment of that struggle, and the prevention of Russian interference- In speaking of Russia, I do not include the people of that country; I refer only to the government, as there is a'great distinction between the two I. insist upon the fact that the cause of Hungary is worthy of your generouß sympathy and assist ance. If the independence of Hungary be not preserved,. Russian despotism will continue to encroach upon European freedom. Without this independence, the liberties of Europe can never be achieved. As in olden time we threw baok the tide of Moslem power, and resisted its fur ther progress for centuries, so might we now hurl back Russian invasion. - The force of the Moslem was broken upon Hungary, and that position is still assigned us by God to beat back advancing despotism.” When Kossuth concluded, he was introduced to each member of the delegation. A foreign correspondent of the N. Y. Commer cial Advertiser presents the following picture of Austrian finances: Austria is at present in soch a fearful condi tion in reference to her finances, that it would he. sheer.madness to plunge her into external difficulties. Her annual deficit, at the present rate of expenditures, is between sixty and eigh ty millions of fiorins, and there is very little prospect of diminishing it for some time to come The only way to do so would be a diminution of her immense military establishment. A reduc tion. Was indeed published a short time since, but on the most favorable calculation it would only make a saving of fifteen millions, which would - of course diminish the general deficit very little; and it ia even Baid that the order for this reduc tion has been rescinded, in view of the state of .things in France. But even supposing it carried out,. there are at the same time additions being made, which will about compensate for it- Cer tain new regiments are being formed in Transyl vania, amounting altogether, it is said, to about 80,000 men,-»-and the depreciation of paper mo ney is becoming greater and greater, notwith standihgthe late loan which was intended to help It. How it will end no one can tell. The precious metals were going ap so rapidly ' the past week, that the Government, for the second tune, interfered on Change to pnt down dealing in them by foroe. The chief of the po lice, frith several of his subordinates, went per . aonally to the Exchange, in the -first place, a dozen of soldiers with fixed bayonets attending hint,at the door. His presence damped all bnsi ness, So that the exchange fell immediately two or three per cent. The next day,- several brok ers were served, with notices, that'unless they ceased dealing in foreign bills, but particularly - in gold and. silver, they might expect veiy un pleasant consequences. Only persons having a ticket from the police, can goon ’Chafage at all; and-even those are now actually afraid to do -business, ftr fear of falling under the displeas ure of tjie government. ■ The consequence is that the exchange now stands at a fixed point, the published rate-being in fact no criterion at all of its real state. . - These; facts show-the precarious condition of Austria, even iniheenjoymentof • peace.-How muoh more so,- if heedlessly plun ged into a-war;/in. : Which- ehe oould at least gain nothing, but might lose incalculably. Pwia to Englaad-and anrsnswer returoedln-aminu/e-and «. halfj- was lately achieved-by the submarine telegraph;' and it isehirngh totakeuwayyonr breath to hear of it Ariel’s girdle round thß earth tin forty min-1 ntea,” will eopa be “slow.” Tile Sew York Fireman on ike Fire An- ntlitiator Austria and her Difficulties. lailij Burning |tet. OFFICIAL JOISNAL OF THE CITY LECKY HABJ’Ett J;. THOMAS PHILLIPS Harper & Phillips,- Editors & Proprietors. PITTSBURGH THURSDAY MORNING:::::::: DECEMBER 26. DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES JAMES BUCHANAN Or PENNSYLVANIA ; ’ Sub,'Cl ta decition of lhi Democratic Central Conviction rOR VICE PRESIDENT: WILLIAM R. KING OF ALABAMA ; Subject to tht same decision. democratic candidate FOR MAYOR, JOHN B. GUTHRIE 10 IHK DISItIOCH A TIC PARTY OP A Deiiiocruuc Suit Convention will be held ai Har rmburg, on Thursday, the 4ih day of March, \SS'i, for ibe purpose oi nonnmuing a candidate for the office of Cana i oranussioner, to be supported at the risum* October election Also to elect delegate* lo represent the Slate in the next Democratic National Convention, to iiwumaie can- didales lor Prendenl and Vice President ot the United States, and nominate an Electoral ticket to be supported at tin* ensuing Presidential ..iection. The respective counties throughout the State will elect the u*ual num ber of delegate- to said Convention WM. DOCK, Chairman CHRISTMAS DAY The annual return of thiß Festival is always recurred to, among young people, as one of the happiest days of the year; and even to mid dle life and old age, it brings, in most cases, more of joyonsness than is wont to be noted at any other time. The observance of this day him long.been regarded, by a large portion of man kind, as of much consequence;—because of the sacred mission of Him whose natal day it is asserted to be; on account of the benefioial ef- I teot exerted upon the community, in a social point of view, by its observance; and also be cause of tbe holy thoughts awakened in the minds of all the truly devout, when contemplat ing the great events that have occurred upon our J little globe, daring the last two thousand years' —but more especially since the advent of the Messiah. Sectarian prejudice on the part of some, and a great reliance upon merely human I rather than Divine teaching by others, bus en- j gendered a disposition to blot this day from the Calendar; and with it, of course, all its cere monies, and all the holy thoughts connected with j it, and all the delightful remembrances that it has impressed upon the human mind. However, while we would purge from religious observan ces all that can by any means render less free the human mind, or that could possibly inflict ill and injury upon man, we are not willing to join with those who would discard from among our reli gious and festive observances those of this day, unless higher ground shall be urged for the adoption of that oourse than the dictates of mere human wisdom, or the foot that particular classes of professing Christiana recognise thin as a Holy Day. As all engaged in our office wish to par ticipate m the usual festivities, uo paper will be issued from this office to morrow morning.— Readers, we all greet you with “A merry Chrifttmas ! ? TIIK MAYORALTY NOMINATION ok JOHN 11. GITHKIE. The Democratic City Convention, which assem bled m tbe Court House yesterday .nominated John B. Guthbie, Esq., the present incumbent, as tbe Democratic candidate for Mayor. The unanim tty with which this nomination was made, must be gratifying in the highest degree, not only to the personal and political friends of Mr. Gcth bie, but also to every citizen who has at heart the honor, dignity, welfare and prosperity of the City of Pittsburgh. We have never in our lives witnessed the proceedings of a Convention, where more order, unanimity, and good feeling prevailed. The re-nomination and election of Mayor Guthbie will insure to our city, for an other year at least, a continuance of the admir able administration which now exists, and will give our oitizens the fullest guaranty that their lives and property will be protected from harm. We ask the reader for a moment to take a retrospective glance at the condition of affaire which existed in this city a little over a year ago, before Mr. Guthbxc was chosen Chief Mag istrate. We all remember the alarming and disgraceful proceedings which were witnessed by day and by night, and whioh operated no I little to the dishonor and disgrace of the city at I home and abroad. Disorder, rowdyism, theft and arson, were things of every day occurrence, resulting from the mal-administration of a man iac Mayor. Whigs and Democrats, men of all parties, with a unanimity unprecedented, ral lied in the support of Mr. Guthhie, and elected him Chief Magistrate by an overwhelming ma jority. Soon decency and morality took the place of rowdyism and confusion—order took the place of chaos. We now ask every man of intelligence, has not Jobe B. Guthbie, through his wise, prudent, orderly and vigilant administration, redeemed the character of our city ? Has he not more than met the expectations of all those who voted for him, whether Democrats or Whigs ? We feel assured that these interrogatories will be an swered in the affirmative by every candid man. That Mr. Guthbie will be re-elected Mayor of Pittsburgh wo cannot for a moment doubt. We do not expect of oourse that this result will be brought about entirely by the votes of Demoorats although we feel" confident that the Democracy I will yield to him a cordial and enthusiastic sup port. Hundreds of good Whigs, who esteem the honor, glory, welfare and prosperity of our oity above mere party considerations, will again cheer fully vote for Joira B. Gothbib. They will do this I out of no personal disrespeot towards Mr. Baw veb, the Whig nominee—who we admit is a good and worthy citizenbut solely for the purpose of continuing in office for another year one of the best Mayors we have ever had in Pittsburgh. B®, In the First Dirstriot Court of the United States a singular and important suit has been commenced by the United States against Kilty Smith, a broker of New Orleans and his son, John Chandler Smith, a resident of Balti more. The plaintiff states that Kilty Smith was a defaulter thirty years ago, as Navy Agent, in the sum of $280,000, for whioh judgment was obtained in the District of Columbia in the year 1822. Since that time Mr. Smith has been doing a very heavy business under his son’s name. The court has granted a writ against the bank deposits and all other property of the firm, to bo held until the suit is decided. , £§s“ We have mentioned the death of Miss Setm Fogg, daughter of Hon, F. B. Fogg, sen ator from Davidson county, Tenn. She was the great grand-daughter of Edward Rutledge and Arthur Middleton, two signers of the declara tion of independence, and waß greatly odlnired for her intellectual, moral and personal accom plishments. In token of respect for herself and .fathers both housesof the Tennessee legislature -adjourned vto attend, her funeral. This is an .honor tre have never known paid before to the imemoiy of any lady.:; . j ■>.: —r- TV v"'"' •?!.' , > -Geehan Loah.— sl,2oohas: -beensubscribed at Cleveland ; $8,090 at Pittsburgh ; ' and $l5,- i OOOat Cincinnati, to the German Doan. I .‘J' • 1 r • f~ , - >;~r ' • ' ■- . * : .... ■ ■ » , - l '’' \ -v. t '•*" , - '»>.•* •■' • • T '' ■« K " *’^-a25*E&aSC^Si, FIRE! AT THE CAPITOL. Prom our telegraphic reports it, will bo seen ; that a very destructive fire baa oocurrfed at the Capitol; which Tvill reaujt pe country—if we ; tnay place any reliatjce upontbe | reports. This cannot Safely be done to any considerable extfint, as is fully indicated by the difference between the reports yesterday morn ing; and those received last night. This, how ever, we can soy with safety,—that the wisdom of. Congress will be rendered much less question able hereafter, if provision shall be made to guard against any similar occurrence in future. Each alcove might have been made fire proof at a less cost than the replacement of the property that has been destroyed. But our t rise legislators : have become so beggarly economical of late, that more of the public money is wasted in trying to cheapen everything than would pay honest men for doing basiness as it ought to be done. We are inclined to believe that incendiarism has caused this destruction of the Library, which is one of the most valuable in the world. Democratic City Convention. The Democratio City Convention, to nominate a candidate for Mayor, assembled in the room of the Supreme Court, on Wednesday morning, at 11 o’olook. On motion of Johu M. Irwin, Hon. W. W IRWIN was chosen President. The following gentlemen were then nominat ed and elected Vioe Presidents: George Wilson of the Ist word; Alexander Holsteln,of the 3d ward; C. A. McAoulty of the 4th ward ; Alderman Parkinson of the 6th ward; J. D. Kelly of the 6th ward; John N. McClowry of the 7th ward : Wm. Alexander of the Bth ward; Richard Hnghes of the 9th ward. •John M. Kirkpatrick and Charles Keht, Esqre. were chosen Secretaries The Chairman, in a neat and appropriate ad* drees, stated the objects for which the Conven tion had assembled, viz :—the nomination of a candidate for the Mayoralty; and he hoped that good order and decorum would bs observed throughout the deliberations of the Conven- Tbe first business in order being the presen tation of the credentials of Delegates, the fol lowing gentlemen appeared and took their seats in the Convention: First Ward.— George Wilson, Michael Mc- Steen, James Newhouse, Henry Verbeller, Ar thur Nicholson. Second Ward. —W. W. Irwin, Michael Keenan, Bnmnel Dilworth, John M. Irwin, George Wil- Third Ward. —M. C. Milligan, Felix Lafferty, William Montgomery, John Mellon, Alexander Holstein. Fourth Ward . —John M. Kirkpatrick, Alex, Chippies, James McShane, C. A. McAnulty, Jo seph Watt. F\flh Ward. —John A. Parkinsou, A. C. Bell, P. Meagher, John Ackerman, John Held- man. Sixth Ward.— C. Denlinger, J. I). Kelly, J D. Hughes, T. J. Morris, S. Cluley. Seventh Ward. —Charles Kent, Stephen Bar rett, John N. M’Clowry, John R. Day, Patrlok Magann. Eighth Ward. —Wm. Alexander, John Coyle, James Fordor, F. Cronse, Sam). Dunn. hunth Ward. —Hiohard Hughes, Samuel Fleming, Richard Pryor, James Wells, Joseph Knox. Johh Coyle, Esq., then moved that a commit* tee of three be appointed to prepare resolutions for the Convention; and thereupon the President appointed Messrs. John Coyle, Alexander Hol stein and John R. Day, said committee. The President announced that it would now be in order to nominate candidates for Mayor ; whereupon Mr. Coyle nominated JOHN B (JUTHRIE, Esq., the present incumbent. Mr. Weils nominated DAVID CAMPBELL, Esq. -t was then moved that the Delegates vote p»ea voct, and that the Secretaries call over the wards in their order. After the voting was concluded, the President announced the following result: John B. Guthbie received THIRTY-FIVE David Campbell received TEN votes . and JOHN B. GUTHRIE having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared to be regularly nominated as the Democratic candidate for Ma yor of the City of Pittsburgh. Mr. Fleming, of the Ninth Ward, moved that John B. Guthrie be declared unanimously nomi nated, and the question being put was carried accordingly. Mr. Kirkpatrick moved that the officers of the Convention constitute a committee to wait upon and aoquaint Mr. Guthrie with the fact of his nominationwhich was carried. Mr. Coyle, chairman of the oommittee on re* solutions, then submitted the following report, which, after being considered, was, on motion of Mr. Fleming, unanimously adopted : The Committee appointed to prepare resolu tions, expressive of the sense of this Convention, report as follows: Whereas, In nominating John B. Guthrie os a candidate for the office of Mayor, and in asking the citizens of Pittsburgh, for their sup. port of said nomination, this Convention refers with oonfidenoe, to the integrity, ability, correct deportment, and striot impartiality displayed by Mr. Guthrie, in the discharge of his offioial duties during the present year. His adminis tration has been marked by the restoration of order, and a faithful management of our muni cipal affairs; the laws of the land, as well as our domestio regulations have been properly enforced. The persons and property of ail good oitizens, have been guarded with prudent vigi lance, whilst the robber, incendiary, and habitual malefactor have been ferretted out, and brought to punishment. It is not too much to say, that under the vigilant, and at the same time humane, administration of Mayor Guthrie, Pittsburgh has retrieved her character for peace, sobriety, and good order. This is a matter in which every honest citizen must feel a deep personal interest, and it is with pleasure, that this Convention is enabled once more, to offer the name of John B. Guthrie to their fellow citizens, as in all respeots the most eligible candidate for their suffrages. Therefore, Resolved , That this Convention recommend to the Democratic voters of Pittsburgh, a cordial, efficient, and unanimous support of John B. Guthrie for the office of Mayor. Resolved, That this Convention respectfully invite all good oitizens, who dread a recurrence of past evils, and are solioitous for Lhe honor and reputation of our city, as well as its pros perity in a business point of view, to unite with ns in the support of Mayor Gnthrie, who has already entitled himself to their respect and confidence, as a worthy, honest, and faithful Chief Magistrate. Mr. Barnett moved that the President appoint a City Committee of Correspondence for the en suing year, which was oarried. Mr. Barnett then moved that the Convention adjourn ; and before the question was put, The President arose and returned his thanks to the Convention for the good order and kind feelings which were manifested by all the Dele gates, throughout their deliberations. He did not hesitate to declare that this demonstration was indicative of the popular sentiment amongst the Democratic masses and the oitizens general ly. He believed that the re-election of Mayor Guthrie was a fixed and unalterable fact The Convention then adjoarned tine die . COBRESPONDENCE. Pittsburgh, Deo. 24, 1851 Honorabis Johs B Guthrie— SirA Convention of Delegates from the sev eral Wards of Pittsburgh, this day, with remarkable unanimity, presented your name to [ their fellow citizens aaa candidate for the office of Mayor;: and the undersigned have been di. rented by the Convention to inform you of your nomination, and to request your acceptance. —, — ‘.v '"V ~ I*, yj- _ y Vf! e Ir ■* * " ✓ * „,* ‘" H ■/ !-«v *“* p ' *s $£ * I * k - /f t *£r 4? , *_ r > >* r T Ji ■/ * / %v*% ,V * C;f*>£/ ~^;:";^\fe , ' -,-f. - ,r*r**r h -'\ »"d * "-i .'M I '* ~ ! * ” - 4 *' «• -' r *c '’ _ 4 „, ' k -*- ‘ lT > 's+ltq -r< J << *,■».>* v - ' - ‘~' t 'J *'• yii ' *1 ' • 4 ' ■■ v r 4 ' ■- \'r l>• T f j. ~ " ' ' ■» .fc. \ izf ~S' *■* , „ r. -».• r - ->..* —••— -....■*.**»##»?': 7™ * , - * „ , jr* - ~ » ' - ’ , ,'t * -* , , * " - «. - » %x *»* *-U -; •- ■’ r : ,-■ ' ■ ' ■ 5 ’ ’ 1 ' ■ ~ ..’■ S' * * - , « r -v V * « * , " I * •. - » t v u c M ,-JuL. J 'S'?**-; 1; 1 I .'S^-'V, Ia the executioirof-thisduiy, they may be permitted to say that the Convenition has been peace, maintain the reapeotability and advance thecmatcrial interests of the City; , They believe toafryourl administration has already most Es sentially contributed to the attainment of these much desired ohjeots; that you have faithfully discharged your highly responsible functions, and that your offioial conduct, during thp past year, has met the cordial approbation of- this community. The undersigned cannot, therefore, doubt that yoar acceptance will be agreeable to a large majority of your fellow-cltisens who anx iously desire your re-election. W. W. ERWIN, Prat. George Wilson, ' '| Alexander Holstein, Charles A. McAnclty, i«“* p ~’“- John N. McClowey, Wm. Alexander, Richard Hughes, John M. Kirkpatrick, Secretftric9 Charles Kent, | aecretim e9. Pittsburgh, Dec. 24, 1851. Qkktleubn: — l have received your communi cation of this date, informing me that the Bern oorntio City Convention has unanimously re. nominated me for the office of Mayor of this City. With feelings of unmingied pleasure 1 accept this testimonial, of the confidence re posed iu my integrity by the party; and if a majority of my fellow-citizens shall again Bee proper to cast their suffrages for me, F pledge my best energies to guard aud protect the peace aud security of the whole people, and to advance, as far as iu my power, the prosper ity of the City. Be pleased to accept my acknowledgments for the very flattering manner in which the result of the Convention has been conveyed to me. 1 am, geotlemen, with great regard, Your obedient servant, J. B. GUTHRIE. To Wm. W. irwin, President; Charles Kent, Jno. M. Kirkpatrick, Secretaries; Geo. Wil son, C. A. McAnulty, &c., &c., Vice Presidents. Pittsburgh, Dec. 24, 1861. Mb. L. Harpeb — Dear Sir:—The few words I spoke to you yesterday on the subject of the Allegheny Val ley Railroad, led to an whioh I desire to correct. The Books for subscription to the stock of the company were but temporarily iu my possession. They will be found at the store of Messrs. Logan, Wilson & Co. on Wood street near your office. All who feel the importance of the proposed Allegheny Road to the prosperity of our city must fully appreciate the efforts of the press in its behalf. And when those efforts result in success, os they most surely will if our citizens are awaked to the importance of now securing the charter—the Morning Post may fairly claim a large share of credit in the result. The now existing charter is as favorable as could be desired. It must not be left to the chance of repeal amendment, and nothing but £he present and prompt action of our citizens in taking the three or four hundred shares which yet remain to be subscribed can save it from the interference of diverse interests early in the ap proaching session of the Legislature. Respectfully yours, Non-laterrentlpni A great demonstration was made in favor of Ur. Kiskel in Milwaukee some weeks ago. Re ferring to that, the Wisconsin says the Democ racy of that State are fhr the “progressive” view. It quotes and endorses this resolution passed at the “great demonstration” at Mil waukee: “Resolved, That the policy of*the U. S. Gov ernment, to remain neutral when the oppressed of other countries are struggling to throw off the yoke of tyrunny—while, at the same time, monarchical governments are by the most artful diplomacy, and even by force qf arms, endeav oring to propagate and propetuate their institu tions throughout the world, is not approved by this meeting; but that we are decidedly in fa vor the U. 8. Government using all diplomatic aud other means to disseminate the principles on which our institutions are based, and coun tenance the efforts made in other countries for the establishment of a government similar to ours.” “ We believe,’’ says this journal, “that this resolution expresses the sentiment of the Wis consin Democracy. 11 A Slap at the Organ.— The New York Times quotes a paragraph from the Republic, in which assaults are made on Kossuth and the Times, and appends, among other comments, the following : “There is an epithet fitted for the extreme littleness of the Republic in reference to this business, which we forbear to bestow. It has the peculiar honor of avowing doctrines and expressing sympathies so thoroughly absolutist in their tendencies, that we might imagine Chevalier HulsemAnn or the Count de Bodisco wrote the editorials. The London Times, the expositor of English toryism, bos been all along vastly more generous and republican in its tone. There was no press iu England, that dared to descend, as there was quite ns good an oppor- I tunity of doing, to the use of such language as this of the would-be organ of a Democratic Gov ernment Perhaps they possessed better taste, or less courage ; but they did not do it.” fiST* A bill has passed one branch of the South Carolina legislature, and will probably pass the other, which exempts, in addition to the proper ty now exempted by law, the dwelling house and houses appurtenant thereto, together with fifty aores of land, one horse, twenty-five dollars 1 worth of provisions, and one negro slave, to be sleeted by the debtor, from levy and sale. The provisions of the bill, however, do uot extend to the inhabitants of a town or oity, or to prop erty lying in such, but to the country exclu sively. Since knowing (from the late work on New Zealand and oannibalism) that pork and young women taste very much alike, we read the market reports with a certain shudder. A Liverpool paper says : —“ln American pork, nothing doing. No new bacon was offered, and the first arrival will sell well. Hams and shoul ders go off slowly.” DXGVKSIOR TICKETS. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. FROM Dec 24tli lo January 2ml, Excursion Tickets will he mo (J lo Kn»t Liberty ami hack lor 15c ; vVi f - kmsburg and back, 25c ; Turtle t'reek and buck ,40c.— Kxcursiou ticket* will i>c given on any train to or I'roin Pittsburgh, until Jan 2d, 1*152.. An enra train will leave Pittsburgh on ClinMtnas and New Year's day. for Turtle Creek nml bock, leaving PiUnburijh at 11 o’clock A . M., und returning, leuve Tur tie Creek at 2 H. M. The regular trains will leave Pittsburgh as usual, every day ai 0} A M.,aud ut 3* P M ?» returning leave Turtle Creek, at y A. M., and 5* P. M Ticket® for sale at the Railroad Office, in the Motion* gaheia House, Water street, until one hour before the departure of each train, when tbe office will open for the sale of tickets on Liberty street above the Cunal J. MESKIMhN, Ticket Agent Penn’u Railroad Co. FRENCH REVOLUTION. - Louis Napoleon has fired u train Unit is destined in set Europe in one universal blnze. "Hie result will be beneficial to,man kind; let us eheer thrin on—and if your ardor should cool thh weutiier, r ail ai OH ESTER'S Emporium oJ Men and Bovs’ Clothing. Stocks large, fashionable and low for cash WE STUDY TO PLEASE, 71 Smithficid st., near Diamond alley. N. B —I his is the establishment for Men nnd Boys’ Clothing - [dee‘2s Equal to a country seat.'—por Salb—a large and valuable property of (17* feet front on Bagley’s Lane, Allegheny City, by 321 10 12 leetdeep, to AlUgheuy Avenue, having a good two story dwell mg houst, of four rooms, u kitchen and cellar, front porch. Also. Venetiau and closed shuliers; a large garden, well arranged; several fruit" trees, In good or der; hydrant aud out oven—all well enclosed and pleas antly situated. Price 82700. Terms very accomrnoda "ng- S. CUTIIBERT, General Agent, os incurred and paid since last re port, (May Ist) 20,370 74 Cash surplus on hand 9B Designed only for the safer classes of property, has an' ample capital, and affords superior advantages m point of cheapuess, safety and accommodation, to City and Coumr> Merchants and owners of Dwellings and isola ted or Country Property. A. A. CARRIES, Actuary, novltJ Branch Office, 54 Smitbfieid si., Pittsburgh. .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford) Conn Crl7:; '"i | Pittsburgh. Di A. O. D. ID* Meets above Board of Trade Rooms, corner oj Third end Wood streets, every Monday evening. priZS ID* Odd Fellows’ Hall, Odeon Building, Fourth street, between Wood and Sm't/i/ield streets.— Pittsburgh Encampment, No. ‘.‘.meet* t-i uud3dTuesdaysof each month. Pittsburgh Degree Lodge. \« t.meets9dand4thTues days Mechanics’ Lodge, No y. every Thursday even ing. Western Star Lodge, \<» -*4. meets every Wednesday evemog. Iron City Lodge, No. Itrd. «nr-e-« every Monday ev’ng. Mount Moriah Lodge, .No .ttiti. meets every Monday evening, at Union Hn-1. romor of Fifth md Smitnfiela. Zocco Lodge, No. -tea, meri-every Tl..«r*dayevening, at their Hall, cornel of itiniihfield and h >t h streets. Twin City Lodge, No. 241 .meets every Friday OVOU mi:. Hall, corner of f,eaeo«*k and Shu Juiky street*. Al ieghenyCity. [m&ytsify IX7* Angerons Lodge, I. O. of O. F—The Angerona Lodge, No. 389, I i* of O. F., meets every Wednesday eveulng in Wa.hu., ton Hail, Wood street ;*4*iy it- /* *• ** • ° f U- F«—l* ia*• *- i»jv tins, Washington H t!!, Wood .’reel, between .>tli a no Virgin Alley. I’ittspuiirh Lobov. No CL*—Nl^in every Tuesday v (i*niiig. Msucantjls F.*u-AsirnVf»T. No rf?—Meets Lit and 3d Pridnv of raeh month tnar23—ly SotIe#.—TUeJottttWBTW*HTAILOE»SoCI*TY,QfPm* l»urffh and Allegheny, meets on the second Monday 01 rvery month at the Florida House, Market st. Joh» VotrNa.jr., Secretary, ID* Attends fo Collecting, BUI Posting, Distributing i.ards and Circulars for Pantos, Ac., Ac. Ip* Orders left at the Office of the Morning Post, or ai Holme*’ Periodical Store,Third aL, will be promptly Httended 10. ITT" DEAFNESS, noises inihehea.< and colds, as the ingredients it contains allay ail irritation of the throat ana air lubes, dissolves the super abundant secretive of mucous, unlocks the various secreting organs, and enables them lo throw off tue acid particles which collect arouud and htadcrlhem tn thetr various offices. For proof of these assertions *ry it and you will not be disappointed. ll nmvt’f i e S!! o ui-“ l f re ‘? u . b y KEYBER 4 Me- , DOWELL, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh.. 117* A Rost Remarkabls Oais off Total Blindness pared by Petroleum'*—We Invite tho attention pf the afflicted and the public generally to the certificate of William Hall, of this city. -The cose may be seeu by any person who may betkeplicaUn re lation to the facts there set forth. S. M. KTRR I had been afflicted several years with a soreness of both eyesywbith continued to increase until lastSen* tember, (1850), the inflammation ot that lime having in volved the whole lining memhrane of both eyeafand euded m thedeposue of a thick film, which wholly de stroyed my sight. 1 had an operation performed; and the thickeping removed, which* soon returned and left me in as bad a eondi non as before. At this stage of the complaint I made application to several of the. moat eminent medical men, who informed me that “ mv bvea would never get well” At this time I could not dUtfo. guish any object. By the adyiceef some friends l eom-- menced the ufce of the Petroleum, both internally and locally, under which my eyeahaveimproved daily until the present tune, and I have recovered my skhtehiire ly. My general health was-very much Improved br the - Petroleum, and I attribute the restoration of my al&tA as use. 1 reside at No. ICQ Second Mreet-in thm city and will be happy \q give,any fafonhatf flfaTrFSoWds,# pyewe. , J . ... Pittsburgh, September : l7jlBSL ; vl " -VvTv*?**^ » F £ T Z»? , b y KEYBER. & M , DOWEU,,J46 Wood st.; R. E. SELLERS,S7 Wood street* and by die Proprietor. seplS Boot TREES so sen of Philadelphia Lever and Common in store aud for sale by deoltf R. BARDA-Cfo* 1(L 1 t < 4 -- • : '' * ' '- * .»V-. v :<- ' •i - . 1 i c. £--**■ ».*?->* r t.<’C » <~.w.-SA,-. . --.v ■» *,- o t tti- , i K ■ r V »< • 1 ■*, «.%.»• * ,*■ * *■ ;v / ' > *** -* ; '• 1 >? SPECIAL NOTICES. STATE MUTUAL DIBBCTOBS ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS! Collecting, Bill PoflUnif'Ac. J O liN M’CO ÜBRY 4.' ' t t* * * f * Pare fromttie Old Ooatitrp Seduced i PASSAGE frojin tIfEBPGQI* LONDON and GEJSGOJV. J&tfsfcC' ■/ i Afeg new vohk, NHdg^HO Wll) WVlinPOobTO NEWOKLEANS.BA L timohr, boston, charleston and •P « DIRECT. _ , PSOOTOV * CO.’S ammi Emigration and Foreign Exchangt Offlcst. 1 LTay”^”/ ? , tl,"c U 4' y '° D " favorabl ' ter ‘"» eJohmmth* Um ,eaTe * Liv ' rp,>ol «» Uu>.SBih ol ‘ THE Z LlNEleayeß LiwrpoolTwicen Month. . THE LONDON LINE of Packets >llllB on Jb® 6 j£> 43thi2iat ani26thofeveryMomh. n I»INE OF Glasgow Packets sails fa ro GLASGOW on the Ist and 15th of each month. Also— A weekly Line of Packet* for New Orleans ; shipped from New York to any parrot E7*The Senior Partner resides in Liverpool>and sn- : perintend* the erabarcation ot all passages entrapedin this Country. ' 9 i? P.S. Persons desirous of visiting the Old Country can have their, passage engaged through from burgh) by application either personally or by I e tier, (post paid) to the undersigned. PASSAGE PROM NEW YORK _ Can.be had at very reduced rates by applying to the undersigned Agent for the Messrs. Tdpscbtt. of New York. JAMES ULAKELY. nA 4 8ENSRKS from tbe Old Country,inab r of TAP f SCOTT & CO.’S Lines. wiU be faruUtieiT ut sea With provisions of food .quality, week];, a*-follows, withoarany extra charge; Eachpassenger of ltf years of aget and over, 2! fits, oread, 2 ma. rice,2oi.fes,sllii. oatmeal, | ft. sugar, l ft flour, ! B. molasaes, and t 6 P or “* Under 12 years of age, fl fits., breadstuff's, I th; pork, full allowance of water anil vinegar, anilbalf a), lowanceof tea, sugar and molasses « For passage apply io W 4. J T. TAI'SCOTTA CO , 80 South si ,'N Y., or to ja.mes blakkly, Sinli ami Liberty *i« 3300,000 00 44-/,; 66 34 Js4sßi FOR Ll VER POOL— Packet o/~the, dw STREET* THIW> DOOH FROM .THE CORNER OF FIFTH, HAVE JUST RECEIVED and offer for oale— -1,000 M. O. D. and 9 B. Percussion Caps ; 4,000 doz. Spool Cotton—assorted ! 400 Bis. Patent Thread ; 100 great gross Agate Ballons; 300 doz. Gam Suspenders; 150 doz. Berlin Gloves; 4Q.doz Cotton Gloves; pieees Pongee Handkerchiefs; 50 do Ladles* Linen - do; 75 do Cambric do; 30 cartoons Bonner Ribbons; 95 do Satin and Mantaa Ribbons; 6 do Cap do ; Together with a large and well selected )stock o 1 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods They would also call the attention of the trade gener ally, lo the largest and most varied assortment of Gold; Jewelry, Watches, Ac., ever- offered in markets-alt of which they offer on themost reasonable terms, (octfl 81 «tt mutual Pitt Imnriaco OompiQT. BRANCH OFFICE, 54 SurranEia) sr, Cmnoit i* ___ ■ piltsbtrrgh, Afawti:,lS3 l * . rIiHE best evidence of the success of the Director in JL endeavoring to «aketbe*‘STATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY” meet, the wants>-ofthe community,' is the unparalleled araoont'of business' which has been done—having issued 7,900 Pill des during the past year, thereby adding over 8130,000 to the funds of the company. Nearly all the property Insured i» of the safest kind, In small risks, and a large proportion insured for only one year. Whole No. Policies issued do do expired, terminated A canceled do do in force*" Amountof Property insured do Canceled, terminated and ex pired 201,728 do do in force* —.. $7,684,69 do Premium Notes • 79,676,8? do Canceled,terminited .expr’d, 607,10 do in force. r .- $?9,03f.77 do Cash Premiums received-•• *551,557,14 do do canceled - 321,24 $51,235,80 Whole amomu of I pises and expen «es -- • 23,411,45 Balance m favor of the Co.,in cash, 027,824,45 To city or country merchants, and owners of dw-jll* Inga, and isolated or country property, U is believed this company affords advantages inpbimof cheapness, safety and security, inferior to no Insurance Company in this country. Conducted on the equitable and greatly Improved t vs* tem of Classification of Risis, excluding all spot ml hazards, insuring only a limited amount in-any one canty, thus precluding the frequency and occurrunct of lajgc fires, and also, o.n. boththe Siock.and Mutual pUn, li oolonly paatesseethe cheapsessand accommodation of both methods, but entitles the inshredto a pdrticipa* lion in the profits. r y/ Itisunder the control of the following Directors- P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillen, John B. Packer, Samue-T. Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier f Philo C. Sedgwick, Dob ;rt Riots, Samuel Jones, John P. Rutherford. J P. RUTHERFORD, Pres’t. A. J. GILLETT, Sec*y. A. A. Caa&iaa, Actuary. , N» Scrip Dividend of fifteen per cent, on expi ring policies has been declared by: the Directors, anu is now receivable at this Office for renewals, or redeen.a*. ble in e&sh at the end of nihoty days. myt7:U4w A. A. CARRIER. Aceot. To Biridge Bniiden. CJ BALED proposals for re-bnildfug the wooden sinus O lore of a Bridge over Pekoio’s Creek, near Logan’s Ferry, ■ will be received attbeComrmssionersof AUeghe ay and* Westmoreland counties. where plans and speci fications can be seen till 19 o’clock, noon, of the s2d in stant. JAMES MITCHELL, EBENEZGR BOYLES, , . ROBERT SING, doc!s Commissioners of Allegheny County. CoHastssiossaa Otpicb, . > a- Pimtrurfk, December 12,1851. f ~ Important to Females* : Doctor latkobe'b french female pills an innocent, safe and effectual remedy for Chloro sis or or Oreen Sickness, Fleur, Albus orWhites, Sup pression, Dysmenorrhsa, Nervous Debility, general Weakness, Nausea, Pains in the Read end lambs, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation, Tremors, Diseasrd Spine, Cos tivenets, Irritability, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Flatu lence or Wind, and all Uterine Complaints. Price ¥5 cents, or five boxes for sl*o Sold wholesale and re tail by W. C. JACKSO N, 240 Liberty street, head of Wood street, Pittsburgh, and by all the Druggists ID 1 * directions enclosed with each box. declOrlvdkW WanUd, A GOOD BLACKSMITH—one that understands his business and is used to working cast steeL None but the best workmen need apply, wages paid every Saturday. Enquire at BOWN 4. TETLEY’S Enterprise Work*/133 Wood si. Illinois Land sa4 Bemrsi '&nner« Washington cockle* PEORlA.niinou. will attend lo ail badness connect ed with Lands m the State of Illinois—the redemp tion of lands from la* sales, the payment of (axes, the sale and other disposition of lands, the 1 location of land warrants; also to the col'ection of debts and ihe si tile-" men t of claims of all kinds. ' Land Warrants bought and sold. Old Patents of 1618 wanted. Reference —Thomas Phillips, Eeq, Morning Post, Pittsburgh. noT^Sl Honst of Rsfagfl. HE sabseribers for the erection of an House of Re fuge Cor Westren Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that an assessment of twenty per cent, on the aniouai subscribed by each, is required to be paid to the Treasu rer, on or before the Iflth day of November next By order of the Board of Directors. " octal rtf JOSHUA HANNA, Treasurer A. Bar* Chance for Speculation* - Four THOUSAND ACRES OPEAND.iu pendle- Un countv, Virginia, within a few miles of Frank- Un, the comity seat. The Landis on the eaat aide of the North Fork of the South Branch of the Pontiac River. A fine Turnpike Road leads directly from.the town of Franklin to Green spring Depot, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The land la well timbered and iron ore abundant M'LAIN A MOFFITT, Agents, ' ; deel&aw No. 14 St. Clair street. T Blualcal Nolle*. »HE undersigned begs leave to announce to the citi -1 ,? ens ?/ that he baa opened a Boom in Vigilant Hail, opposite tbe Poat Office, Thfrd atreei, where he can be consalted at all hours of the day, from 9 , A-*M Musical occasions. A. fine Brass and youllion Band, can be bjtd at all times, on short notice instructions on all instruments at a reduced price dec!6:lm_ WM. BYBRLV. DoS’s Merchants’ College. THE only Institution ;u this pari of the country in whicbstudents are qupiified for business by an ei lerieneed praptiMl Accountant—pne who has conducted net-chants’ boohs tn the roost extensive and diversified business.; and one whose treatise upon book-keeping is recommended by the American institute and Chamber or Commerce, of the City of New York, as the moat perfect work npon the subject cxiuM. ; Mr. Williams' Writing Class,day and evening.' ■ Mr. C. Bartberger, Architect, leaches Architectural," Mechanical and Landscape Drawing, five eveninu In the week. * Mr. Hatch lectures on Mercantile Law, every Satur day evening,at7o’clock, .. . • 1 An evening Atithmauo Class, under the Principal, ■" Call and get a Circular .. foctCidAw . SAtB-THH THRKB BTottV BRI! SSOOinone year; and 52,000 in fivp yenrs. To be secured by bond and mortgage on Ihe premUe'a Clear or all incumbraneea.and tiila Indlspotable APPfr V> »• \V-1 A, S BEli- AlloroeysMlaw, No.ldaPonrU> sircaL' decltefto rOlnoiatloa of Partnerabin. HEPannenhipheretofon extuinf between the tub- SwSSfiiSf 4 Bnho ® ia >*■ Pimiurgh, Da. 3— declOl .- WM. F. ri Iholwmh 1 i U “f b ““®“ atn7 '^W U BWM, i wfeo XiWSAWi-A »mall Fam, of OO acres, with: atom culiitatioaj a dwellinghouse; two eo&! postoMiou, ana a h«#ata can bo had. 8 COTHBEHT.GoiijBraI Vi,... saamiihfieTd «u in extra quality, reoetred and foi lUtate by * [d ec9] _ RBAEBtCQ; /CHEESE—JQO bis. prime Ckeese; per MicWran, for O tale by fdwia) CAB3QN t M*KNTOHfr. * /■'IORN BHOOM& sodoz. fiulcjt;- •--- ' ■ \J ' 209 do Cornr-For »a!eby deedo SMITH A aimcZ&m: fifi °P Z A ets * LlNiNqs noolvod'iid'fcfjado-hy w * .. ) the GREAT COMIC PANTOMIME, , ..'fodoced ai acostof on e thousand doilara" i rl^i„s l . u i lri Reformed, Mr. Richardson. { aoa - ' Ma SOBII! HALt f rtiHU (WeJ.testlay-evening), 1 /elobraicd Tronpe will give another of iheif RTsnd performance* - Doors open at 6o’cloek. • : T t ! e T J ft .y.^^ t)erfoiroat,<^*'on ~ CHHTS ™^ a DAY.~ and EVENlNG,at2o’clock in ibe afteniDort, a&dattil' o’clock in the evening* A • 1 Admission £5 penis*. Cards of admission can be had - at ine pnncipaJJloiels, Bpok '' -' JOHN T. FORD, Agent. . C- -WILKIiIS HAIiL. 1 BBISTMaS WEEK, commencing iklondsy yrcek t ' week%l^&*”BßS®?*** ,hO -- „ . . , KthtoplanSertnAderir, • . < : u . n ,“' r >}>' immediate Bopervißionol E. Hobn, formerlr ’ ?bUri.T I fo^lh a re^rea™" Sandlu ’ 6ra ‘ •»“*»“« ™ fonn ?'! y 0( Ctnsty’e Minstrel*, Dumble- T “ nd oritueal Sable Harmonist* “.It Vjf- Bboo*. late ofFellowVrand ChiLeiv’* Minßiralu and QambleUm’s Ethiopian Serenade™ • •• .'•••* Al 2? t ’s this Troupe may also be found, .T. ChmstuW"- n & Warbler,- M. Mitchell, the celebrated^ Dancei, Lkotold Mitsui, the finished Violinltl,™ th oiher artists of equal men tj-'7 i chrul |maa day and eveuias, two peribrntaaCei:■ StS evdidr^ 0 * 1,1 “® usual tour j Tickets Uscenls,.no.b.aif price. Itoors open at 70t.-’ co . i. Concert to commence at H o’clock. _decS&tf . S. A. WET.LS, Xtus.ncss Director. ■: Adftms £& GOi’f «tiwrr«isuß«»K '' 'I'HK public areunformeduint we are bow ruarunr*’ *■ X regularly to the ISaai and West* and are prepared to * forward all Goods entrusted to our care. 4 A SPBCfAL MESSENGER sent daily phia, au4o , clocit I .P.M. Jliso,daily to Cincinnati, ai 7 o 7 c{oclr, &. M,- r -> - 3 Orders transmitted frceof charge, and Goods returned" oy oral Express. v : Bills of .Exchange for sale on England* Ireland and dee2<, B*KEK-g FORSYTH. Agents; \ ' ; 'I ril , BonUtntJawfclry. FOR QHRU>TOMQISD*-mW I --TBARB,-BTgyß. - JOHN'M. ROBERTS desires to call the attention of purchasers uthis/resh apppty or,Jewelry, received'" •* uns-daii from iheiaaderncines, and now openta)f~cain pnamenOold and Sirvfer "Patent Levers. L’Epmeiindr other Wuiches; Gold Guard amlVejt Chains, Sealsand Kevs, Miniature iThrses;'and- Braceletj all tie latest f Myles of Ladies’Breast and cor Pin*; Karand Finger " Rings; a large assortment of Ciold Pen anil PencliCa- Spectacles, Thimbiea,*c ' A_ large snpplj of yhnap.Clocks, regulated. and war-" M I S3o° T iul to< ,l,e '‘PaJiin? of fine 'Latches and and nnyparls that may hasobr- n come worn out or otherwise injured,repaired with new,' In a style and finish entirely ego al to Hie original. ’ - M^_RO(ti3RXS, • ftomSfotkefc _•■ - ‘ v •'■ • Hotet «TffE sabwribef lease for dterm>oP T ' years, to n fi_ret-ratermm,iu» laws'and splendid M^ rt i e about j*j miißs—' irom .Pittsburgh Tin*. Hatej-eontainsforiS'three Coq" farge rooms, w j»ch\are : finished rlu o style equal jo tha r first-class Hotels of .the acconraodaiioasureof ihebesldescripuon^xiusllo' l tel is situaied at the termination of (he Biaddock’a Field • Ptuik Read, on the ohlPhUadelphia lumpike. andinnnß--; * diattiy adjointngihe Central Railroad. li wilv bedoe of the ia,iho coumrr.' 'lbr 5 < apply tathn.fubscrlber, °r to Mr .Hill; ontbe • * premises (deea33m3 , . ALL.EN BROWN, -" Election. • f * ; OrercKo?iHE'PjTramntaH*KD> ' ■» muc-0... ■ " .STErainraiß B. E,Ca: f-- ; . T*'T,?.”? tbe Riockbolderi oUu .. p ,‘ “burgh nnd.SieubeuTiHe Railroad Company will , be belli on tlie Ittih day of January A. D. 3852, at the Fa ginret’a office of snld Compariy, corner of Fourth and slretl «> *■> -aid Company The eleeuon wi'l be openedat 10 o’clock a. m. . ‘ A ec2 ?.- - L^^cild.Bl eswaylob , sco’yj, UOODS—JiMEg A M’k.’nsiix, CIO. 6U KJ Fourth s!rcci, has n larec stock ofFaiicn Coode Bailable for Chripima» l*n;srnM, sucli as— Fancy Wort’ and and Pttrßeß; French lunbroiderie.3,con &ls,°a ™ ro “Sh t <^ilurs,CbeinireHei l Sieeveßt Hand (i s 4c ’ ? c ' French and English Chintzes, ftlous-” bn 0e Lamea, of which will besoidat re duced P; ::J ' ideoSJ LI and Sievr- Yeara* Gifta S Cu i Iraponera snd.Draieii in ;■' , Cl ™»i eici.iavi jostreceiv- !■ ~ i™P sod from the her: raanulaclhrers in America, Ihe largeßt assortment of JEWELRY that haV' ever been brought to this city, reliable for Christmas and .^ es 'k^ ar * S'"V¥ cb *“ “ 0111 anJ s* l,er Watches of <•»•!« Guatd aud Fob Chuiiia;, Ke*a ( iml WhiS ‘l' ooo^ 8 ’ Fm S' r Ilißga.Eai Bings, Pen” a, ey J >acT *1 unprecedented low prices— h Ihe cAeapeji in this city. Please call, and *nfe f r s ' OQCSelvH > W No.. 41 Filth 'street, next door to w °°°-: ■ ‘ deeaa _J. j-1.-j ■ SttnaiS^sunliltl, 50 JOOO pounds Zariie Currants: 100- do GonocsCitiron; - 10 do 4 fllac'o * ; 1 * f - 200 do'- Corti Siarafc» 1 200 do " J; *®o do Soap Powder# lease *> - Yeast dp.r. T do Italian (VTfl«*arohte ; . Ido 'YeHS.ee III; • < ■ IW :• - do .ilongiaia;* 100 sacks fiao dairy gait i- '?* Is! Of Apiifnen,alwo «tory biiclc lioubo, jtlffjf r,^ri^“ re ? of g,ouilJ attached, on which ieanorch-' ' It UwiuS'n IftS min S 't 9Ull>ll ?f’ < V ,i oUl,t oMbnSduwt A|Lnmberya r d office,corner of KayMto’^fdfeafiiMii, „ dtfciifcflwd - i raS?" Bruidiet at Cost I .v •. j-jasaar, sssswssk® *:,s» Auc l tv al . i> " C 'i Unil( ' p< ! s ' d “f mil be pul "p « o\7„^ o , , :hte l « r j o r' n,R? ’ ,UeV4,h *1 i - lIIKLACH & KERB, a:tv No. IS7;t»ibeny at. mHEJ '"‘““••T nagaclne*. 1 e ? r 4 * le Auwuul and ih& foeno!S£SKi; „A ,S 0» “lyse arable and yard, feme* inric? ? lV % *#*»•»*■ ’ l ,ww " ' -: , s HdEIU beDeralAgeol, i&x? 1_ No MSmnhleld n, nn?RN*pA r S- M \ fBr cnwatMifi: „ I f). Prefh Pcaehea,!!! ooulen * 1 • 1U flos s - * - -•lU; Tomato Ketchup: v • 5 ; - Strawberry Vmegaii _* . . ® ■ Baspberry B Cinsied; ■ f lOdo.Rnß Foljorlied, - '' ' JOdo. Coarte do* lrtir*alebythobairel6iTei«ll»:aMbe :• Jteefi PEKIN TKAfTOBE, 23 Fifth «. i , ' G.I.HOOD, ; <®o*ru,;jn»u#iH tan tout dk*lb» m -nm ' WATCHES, GOLB JEWELRY, ‘ P U ?M *WntEl> GOODS, Ac,— f-. All ItiiUßofWplchta anJ Jewclry earenjHy'lc- . paired. No. St Market streeutwo doors from Third , Pittsburgh. ■ IdecU." FRESH .Str&trbemev Ctatf Q** '-'- . * »ae;Appie8 r Plums. Goosebt cries. Tomatoes, befv ■ speiicaily sealed and in fine order* for sate by WM. A; M’CLUBCt & CO* 25Q Liberty streeUw;.. DRY FRTlTS—ttaUaiM** Seedless, Liyei astJ JBanck ’ Raisitiß; Carnuui Oraoee arul Prunes, .Plmsa, Cherries amJP&ied.peaches,'l>y . WM. & U’CtURG * CO. i ace** .;.;• . -. Qrocefs ami Tte* Praters. ••• yery fitiOj for »aio _ _foc9* WM. A STCl.Ulto & CO r, » _ , -~ V ■* \' X - "X:. . X '; . iL~ hr * ~ • JOSEPH C. POSTER, H ; g at o ► t* u ’x x u X •\r l£> ,* _ .A *vf|