V\ '< tv't ■* ~ :&b~s~ s r : ~ - - tl \ r 5. .’ \ y .'-I VV %\ 1 / .> v \ *%’ ■--- ->’v>.V;" \ ~.- - .-> %v .*.) - ' ■” §- , ' >*’ - * :, , ’ r < - *•- : ' !^Vv.v,.i-J. “.- “• ■, - - ■ '•'.*.•>■■ a- ■- --• 'l'4£''«i : ; ■ *■,.. ... : :-v. - = ■ ; V v ■ -; a *.s&~vi ?*<£'& -': V"-:V-. ‘V'. . S&f* V/V-^^vai^lSSSl^^^iVy-. YvWte-. V'-.rWi. •: ■ -•. -■ • --'■; vW: -.-I.;; ;-' .--'H ;■ :S^V-. »*••• • .■•>• - • ■•■■.'.•'..•••:■.'..-.‘V: ••■•■>-ro-'.-':V;y -v i •?\'i-',>;**^J?£vi’“Tl* - _ ; . ‘:s£ - asp?' sbqoW - having fci Agnnt. for X "Vnlmh’^ • w fc*- -: '{.-. > - ■«?•«-.*0r*.'»^..^-';>».Vs*‘.'*-.s , * T _ 1 | '■- v, have opened nu Office in No. eeD ourtlißlro K^ir. fi Ft “ I- 1 *;-*•■_?s-ii.*c '-.■ ’ 3 ifeel, and art- now: prepared toeffecl lusn-,; • £;>“,<.>v'XVv > T -.h- ~, cil/aml coumry property, upon n, favorable -vi'r.V^^.AJo' r \4 1, 4 v .-" , aB an / reapons.ble Company m .he State. All «h«.'"J®" ’ having properly invurcl in thro Company are , [ DRF.SsIjOO Z-e K-Ziif.i > < ';,‘ks.l entitled to vote for iu officcre, and to -hare uuta earn- “ohiTfroi^ kMxv % JsiJr.v'-!...' -4 .of Inga I but are not liable, in any event, for anything be- «“ o ' l - aI ,rora ■ '^&f£ v^i v'’ ' l> ''t»r i V-e‘' !^f, ’i l '.J' ’> * t, /eland y° n ed on iielPiuid nit- _ ’ I* - —lFrr ffi-ill'n.ai ' gnrnncf CJo# ' ,e of ■ ; Kent FUND, sloo,ooo. HdS> i • H MINER *. CO., rrtl-lIS COMPAN Yoffers to tbr msured ail the security l r j a l r :.y A N“m . T and oi the M usual and Jo.m Stock P ana P r i, f *J\a x\l „ avhi.iii r ■ . ,f. heretofore applied) combined, namely: Low rates of Rei v« them«blmrmof | r: ~- foVtoUhofeT™ of u-e.'ivkn jr o™L;' ™ L ;' rfhiclul is haulc (about 200 in number,) the Strreai In the accumulating fund secured to such mem- ing co “i5,,.;,..»...,.«„.«»»-... ES - - •* ftt . - priced-one dollar; rind, among other wßh a provision for an annually mcreasiug accu - efleciaally gaard you from having year Piano spo.led by f n a tt la’u*n ofdnds (for future security) ... exact proper °«S C g r eat>-« 111 die C.Ue.of Pittsburgh.and -‘7“"* fh'e -V.\« A 4 < - Allegheny, desmfig early copres of the f PainD bleW wactu, Ac . giving 111 detail the plan and ste , sSr^ , »“ r >£:?sa £ S-stu Piluvorth, S' Kssss=ass ; send In your oriet.! “ildis I;„“tfl4ST Davids. Browne. “- - --• -V - rat^^U^^ct - I ft n everv descripuon of property m town and country, _■ Rl low a* are consistent with security *:' * . ! The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund ; which, with their Capital and Premiums, .aid i.ivesled r^®&Lt^yA^?; *& f^&^^l. f«si, ' •'“ r/rsf -”- : -- -- : U &-ge ssl. m ' m6 91 .Since their mcorporauon, a period of 2! ycarP - have paid upward# of On* MtUton Four Hundred 1 d, ’ posu, °" w "' n Tt«st ; it r ■ aprJ4) Office N.R corner Wood and J. ■ «v rt -.;f.ri ly-rf :l C :;- " ;."-rC ';! t t - •• . make insurance on buil.in.g! and their contclll ' ; “ty and vicinity. A 150...... properly o, aycry uon, on straml.V ! S ; cts&.’’flMl@!« ! ?3fe ’ Stales and from us high .lauding, long exp pie means, and avoiding all risk, ot au r s. , ?—• T„ . out character, may be considered a- ofcr corny ,o the public i/rSa Msvrbo by th - “ hv men of Ibe highest integrity an.l rasp S ‘ SxuuiU. Du-woeth. .Medina. Exam,., State Motosl Flm lo»aran# , x M ,GNKD.n"4,ni““®i«« HU.J ■ oontry am. uwnrr . oets?i Branch tkßee,No._MJtm.;l Shaf®^^®»t^^6gsS««»4S#^feS®^ff«^S^feßjasJtffe , b|J£s»rtpftee. N change,Third klreet, Philadelphia goe. and freights, foreign or coo Tsaeeaasjss! « dire transported by Wagons, „ ■ jggsgtegßfes .. . C P t Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. Ge %3 ’-■' J : llvalu, Charles ifellv, J li J 8 Thomaa, John Sellers, VS ir DIRECTORS AT PITTS I " UKh < ' r “ i,! ' Jn " T wKi Tuoa C Harm. VrafrM , ||K OFHCE “ d he /n. 1 has been rumored to Ih A Co., No. 141 Front sire street.where thesubsenb r ■• mgsand their contents,ar L and other vessel*, lor t giefl!feAsa^s»iBgytt»^a^BßSSwtW«flfiiib'gL l Isira and H t ?« , t#-tf3P^ffl?£?Slf ! sr-'J 1 company, °t p* ■ legislature of Pennsyl ' I Mnia nd ErSrs *r, Dtaxcroas —?amu< Boone,Robert P Kir Oban o B Campbell J Rodman Barker, V '4re^: JJJ|IF v "h K dt»l, Samuel D Orr • ' ,S.CT«orv, Francis f VtZJ-ki' Appliculions wil given by SAMUF Commercial Roou W*’£tyZ&<&££Wi?# * Pittsburgh mmmsSm vetss . - SBSSS AS...SC SSS.W, ■ ■ Edward Smi •.'. I John A-Bio V ‘I John White I • . »St" ;; V, petual, and I aLizzy •*••:• AtConn. , tffbov '?>■' assortm 2s ws§ssim % i:-: :. n. : v.. real IV or in Attfisasamm • ■ - X«yws7i«j—jonn narper. Esq, toward Heaileron , ?i“S*i i: ri: l Pa , i2!? l ®Sf , Sh«P4®^* 4 S>i* •'•)'•"• Esq.,R. u. Hanley, Esq., Joseph Woodwell, Joshnr Rhodes A Co, and W 8 Seaife •• ' • A eareftlUy selected slock of Watches, Clocks, Jen 3^!SA > b«Ktd^ie^?J»osyl^Yffi»- ■-=—"■ ■ • ■•■■-• - ■ i refreshmentso ' a , JdMFaUhe .honest nonce, and a. P^ C4Uttl ‘ - :.- '. : ,- r -.-/.v.i.. v v -, . >&•&>&£<■ ~ -V.. ■ ’ •.--' ‘ 3jTm jfaokg, £tTqfitc t , -PlANOS— jrnst.reMwcd,a.tipu lot nra~y*«|be sola as low'as Bsoo,oo. *V* » Also, art clcgont Jlo«ewooiI I’lmo an rent by tlie month or year i ' . novlff CHARLOTTE BtPMK, llgWood »i.j ' r ~ ' ■ s HOW KK/iDY l ' ~s g pinim should purchase uud t . ,JCl.Tca4.>Cejtt|il?ton*s licjyAooic. •: < ■■ ;-L i h G KST&tUfcEX—Th la :;an beautiful book rora^BßSßWr • -rrWtuioatexccpuoirttatleatttpieceof printing andbinq - { , • „f •. .• „ r l:hp«« no possible casualty that cau happen lo a rl v anafor which il dofis hot point out an cony remedy, bd .atdeagrting directions how io keep the instrument aivaw :..';iftiu«A.v FilcBqnly:SL—worth ten-umeg that much- it v . . Caa ba scat by malt 10 any purl of the United Males i WHiam H flnrttat. With engravmgson sleel and nn- iHasiraao»» on wood. . win a.nbe Cheap D.ok Store & No. 32SmithficUl siTeei LtdieiM juad Ttxli l-l I--. : TN TflE PRESS, and will shortly be ready, JHb I IIANDMAiB TOTHB PJANGJ-comprising-a full description of the'mechanism of iheinMrumeitt, the d* fects u> which it is Hanle (about in number,) lie method of reaedylngtacb-iJefeci, and to keep the instrument always mi turn:. B> r. U. I e.m, 'person having a Piano should have a copy of this book- No work of t&o kind has ever been publish ed^ 1 The information u imparts is -worth leu times up price—one dollar; fcndj amongother advantages, it wilji effectually guard you from having your Piano spoiled l.y unskillful tuners. j. Ladies and gentlemen m the ciUes of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, desiring early copies of the work, can be furnished at their residences by leaving iheir ndilre.sej at the music stores of Mespri*. Jdhn H. Mellor, Wood •tree!, and Henry Kleber, Third street. . By lending one dollar to the uatbor.at the Gazette Of fice, l'hisburgh, a copy will be forwarded, free o< post age! to any part or the United States. Sir copies lor fire dollars.'' A liberal dtseounrio-Book seller* and Mu sic dealers. . , There is no more appropriate present that h genuc man can make to a lady, than a copy of tin* book. Send In.your orders! _ x>out>Ao Heed JBelodcon mftfi subsCriberhaßjuslopened» very fine I.£ octaves, with doublesen of reeds, m "Je by the origin hiLayenlots, Carhardt and Needham, hew You*. Th& Instrument is equal in point of power and volume *0 anysmall organ, and far preferable to u for sweemess bftorte, capacity lo stand in tune aud facility for v porting! These mstrnmenvs are made expressly tor church use, and owing u> the lowness of price are fast aaDersedine the organs. The public are respectful!) Invited to call and examine this Bne Melodetn previous to ittteaving the subscriber’s waTeroom, n having been puehknfbr Third AW ■fctSO Sole agent for Carhardt & Needham’r Melodeon / " NEW music. SONGS Bang by Miss Catharine Hayes i Come where the Sweet Zephyra P a9 *' Tho Harp that once through Tata’s Halls; ■OJ Sing to Me; Cornin' tbroogh the Rye.; • Songa onng by Jenny bind at her Concerts ; Aultl Robin Gray; Home, Sweet Home . The Lost Heart; The Cavalier ; •' The Keepsake—a sequel to the Cavaiic r. Strike the Harp Gently—by Woodbury; Sweet Anne of the Vale; The Mother 5 * Song. > Call Me Fet Name*; Pilgrim Land Forever; Little Ked Riding Hood—taken from the Story . The Lord’s Prayer—with Music by 8. Giover; h. Parting Hymn—Sisters Hr* Weallnre Parted, ' Why do Sammer Ro»e* Fade—with colored p ale ; -Forest,Bride’s, Flower,Bchottisii i. Bloomer Polkas, Giaraffe Waltz* Bloomer Waltx, &c. Received and for sale by wt £j- JOHN II- MKLLOR, Wood si. Sfetr Booki l . , JUST RECEIVEK AT MIPJ KK * CO.’S, No 32 South field Street— Kossulb and the Hungarian V* ar,—comprising a complete 'History of Oxe late Struggle of tbo Hungarians for Liberty; wftb notices of ibe leading ChtetsaSd Statesmen who distinguished themselves in ’ * incooneilandin the field; wiih autnentic Poi traits and v Illustrations; .. , _ . *■ . ■ • VenetiaTrelawney, or the Mysteries oi the Court of London Jbeing the unit! conclusion of “The Mysteries of the Court of London,”‘‘Rose Foster” aud “Caroline of Brunswick j” TonrJoues, or the History of a Foundling, by Henry - Fielding,EsQ-i ... - " Sketch of the Liie of Lotus Kossuth, Governor oi Hun gary;- together with the Leclarauon of Hungarian Inde pendency ; “Kossuth’s Address to the People of the *Uniiedl3latesi” all his great *peeches in England ; ami the Letter iOf Daniel welter to Chevalier nulaemami. Alt lit, above for Bate at MINER t CO.’S. 4 fiemaikable Care** BY THE USE OF DEL HOUGHTON’S PEPSIN Emm Hr Hostghloa's Nots Book of Casa Q Ccrrapoad tna. Cash I —Miss A. R-, aged *9 . avp' Trmrnmami ■ - acute DTspnrst-s. This Iw~ was very spa e and • 'ji^S^SfSSSSSS ftßflgit'altb'w ; bad iueewwitiun lB l ßffTlrHfljßl§|lM|t-I^s> ca& * DCBB and pain iu ibe DnPFPjklMx^P l of li,c two flya y ijllHW or ibree lime* a day the ' tt\yji!SsP- yyil pain increased 10 it 'gy fcffi'"■ liegree a* 10 make ner / w ' g\[y ifoream with agony. These when , noa '= , l ?“ d taken. She raised much spar. clear fluul irom ihe slorn ach in the morning. The stomach , 8 ‘ night. Tongne coaled and clammy, much thirst, no towel. costive; dull, stupefying tSeSrehend; complaints oi two years .landing. Gave her some Pepsin mi Monday. Game hack tn a week, said the pain hod not been - half so bad since mining the second dose, and was daily growing less. The SJtsSS?™gnawing” was also gone, appeuis ~,, □roved ; longae cleaner; bowels regular, head .utl . freavy In anoiber week she was entirely lree^ 0 ““'‘ SSnes. and pain in the siomach i raised o° head fell clear i and every trace of the stomach com- P Fo I “rS; t McDOWEEL. HOWOOD street. Pittsburgh HHii- 930 lUSWAKIT V\EL BLANCH AH D, (from Boston,) proclaim* to lie D afflicted far and near, that »»e has discovered the mrwt>.ertain.eDe«dy, and efficacious remedy for «aostMrwgj i ege« ) y kHanAbnt recently returned from the Eastern cities TTith-a fine assortment o( Watches. Jewelry and Fancy Cobdßf Woald call the attention of ais friends and cus tomers U> the fact, that among bis Watches will be foand the most desirable styles, patterns and makers. Of Jew etry, the latest styles of broohes, brea«t pins, fob and -vest -chains,finger rings, ear nags, immature, lockets, £Q ; ,&G; -FANCY GOODS—Such as paper macbe, work tables, ? work'boxes, desks, fancy vases, perfume bottles, table mats. Coil’s pistols, porte raoumes, in great variety; china fruit and ooke dishes, Ac., with an endless vaneLy of rueful and ornamental articles, which have only to be b ° MAHKET BTBBBT =urOUR OWN INTEREST INVOLVED!-Do You V” want good warm UNDERSHIRTS? Go lo WM. iCo ’o. Do youcart: for economy in Uuder ■ Clothing? Remember the Stoeking Manufactory on Fifth street IV: D. t Co. ore manufaetarlng and nn r porting hence. Those who buy from them sure two nr Wholesale Importing Warehouse,B3 Cedar sti Naa'YotK. dec9 ’ - mo CU:K{UiS? of 'll)M'< l :s -' - l f Ute gentlemen: wbo -A wjoleme' from Steubenville, Ohio, on business in ifecitv, willwrite roe agaro.and bo careful toadd ibeir names 1 Will reply to their request. fheir letter dated tbe lah Utsront, fiDSmithfieldatreeL - bM-g »»^ UAiIT & slLh bolC * prlffie ’ lor 8 STUART fc BILL. oowul at && KKLI, AND WIN TKB,AKK*!'B eh knt cok TS> *-TX BETWEEN __ " CLEVELAND -AND PITTSBURGH, By the Cleveland &■ Pttt.bnrgh Railroad. From oMsvHLANn 10 Hanover station, vs R °i,. From HANOVER to WELLSVILLE, l>y Sl ., ec r3o mlk-,:ai.d from WKU.SVILLB in PUTS; HURGW by Uic new ana splendid steamer rjTY ” This arrangement to continue until the first of jaitunry, 1852, wnen the Car* will run from Cleveland u>WcUsville. . ... The Express Train of Cars will leave Cleveland daily (Sundays excepted) ar8.45, a. M-, after the arrival ot the Nignt Train from Cincinnati,* arriving at Hanover Station at 12 35, P. M., and at Wellsville at 7 o'clock, P. M.. and at Pittsburgh the same evening. Returning will leave Pittsburgh doily al9, P. M., ar riving at Cleveland a: 5 o'clock, P. M. next day, m Sacenno, Nov. rt, 1851. $ ITT* For urkcis apply to (J. M HARTON, Agent, Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. Ohio And'PenniylTtnU NKW ARUANOKMK.vr. CboinicneiiJg on Monday, Dec. Sib* 1851. RAILROAD EXTENDED FROM PITTSBURGH Alliance and Cleveland. T HI*. Express train leave* I’uittburgU at « £ . J;‘ stopping Only at Sewickly, Rochester, New Bright* on, Darlington, and Euon. and reaches Palestine, miles, at lO 40 A. M.. where passengers take stages to Salem, 19 mite*, and nniroad thence to Alliance and Cleveland. „ Stages run daily from Alliance to Canton, Massillon, Wooster and ; and from Enon to New Castle, Pomaud nod Wmrcn. _ , .> Returning, the F.xpre** Train leaver Palestine at t. *> P. M., passes Rochester at 4 P M . and arrives at Pittsburgh at 5 H. M. _ . j IFF* The New Brighten Accommodation Tram leaves. Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. nnd A P. M.. and New Brighton ut 7.30 A M and l 30 P M, stopping at intermediate Hia'ion*. Itlxcursion Tickets good for two days are. sold between Pittsburgh, Hochester and New Imgnton. The Passenger train leaves Alliance nt 9 A M-. and: Salem at&A. M The Trains rfo not run on Surdity. Omnibuses run in connection with the \ rains to an from the station on Federal street. ' For ticket* apply at tl>e Federal street Station »o riecS PARKIN,Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD, Between Philadelphia and Plltlbnrjh. Timi Reduced If Twenty Pour Hour j ON and after ihe LM of DECEMBER nert. Passen gers will be carried l*y die PF-NNSi LVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, between Philadelphia and Pittiborgi, „■ TWENTY-POOR HOURS. w„h only IS miles of Staging over an eicellcnl Turnpike J,' a *ll This is the sborleßt and best route between the Ore si We<\ om«J the JUiant**’ Cute*, and the accommoi>atii>ii« in all respeeli of the M ,„ )IU . Agent Peiui’n Rail RojhJ Co. t>ovl4 Jn> pesssuvasm raii,r o a o. lySt . rpHE 4nt»“cril»'*r>, Agent* tor the Prnn«ylviuiia Hall- I road Company, art- nnw prepared to receipt /reifihl through UJ Phdadelphiw during the winter at lh« follow- fir*t cla** good* and wool • 81,25 per >«0 ft* For bacon, butler, laid, tallow, and all tiraw freight •• •>• ••• tOO p«r 100 Time Five d»y» CtiVODK \ COI,K, As‘U«, Bc»u>'< nation, and ihere lake 11, e rplendid new car* of ihe Peim.cylvania Railroad Compa ny direct lo Pluladeiphi.c an i Baltimore. I hrouiro in twenty four hour* Fare U> Fbtladel Jytiia., $1L,00; lo Baltimore. Pafsenrersi will procure Uietr Tickets at the in ibe Monongnhelu H..uw Basßnijej-lieckec^llirov«li decV Ticket AKrnt P R AIOVIiT ALVKHN At'ADßtnif, FOR VOl'N > OIRLB, In Uw. tmmedinte vicinity of tbt Cities of PiUsburgh ana Allegheny. Pi 'I'UI:? INSTITUTION will be opened *>u the Ist day of I October, for me reception of popii*. who will be in structed in au y ck allot the following branches of an elementary, u*e’ul and liberal education: - Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Ancient and Modern History, An etcnta.ul Modem ‘ieogtuphy. use of theO obes .Botany, l *rfu) und Ornamental .Needle Work, Music and Drnw iue TKKMF Titc annual pen-o n )->r Board, Tuition W a * t ‘‘ ing, payable ha f yearly tn advance. Mome for beginners, - For the use of the hi.«iruw»-it. * Drawing, -•-•••* ■ > » u '' The healthy location of the establishment , the pu*tu refque scenery , varied and extensive prospect, so ani mating and enlivening to youthful raindv must render it a desirable place of education The greatest nitration of the Teacher* will be paid to the Health, moral and intellectual endure of the pupils committed to ihm care, audio render that attention effective,the discipline wtli be exact, yutmiid and pa rmiit) There wi l be two semi-annua l vacations of u w, “m^ c Sav! « li “- JifiiilAl ‘'rmcipai. SVv. Dr. Killiheliy’i Female Seminary, KITTANNING, PA., WILL RE otM ;,n , for its SIXTH SESSION, on Wed nesday .tict*>ber 29U:. 1851 TEEMS -Per Seaton of »2 WUks ~Pa v ahU m d*an«: Board and English Tuition. - FtaoOj with Singing and use of Instnimeiii, French, German, Laun, Dni-.vmg ft Fainting, each. 10 W Bed. Bedding and Washing, • • Stationery, TTie two Session* rommcuce respectively, on the last Wednesday in April and m October. Pupils are not re ceived but by special arrangement, tor less than one session. No deduction for absence, except incases of great emergency NO EXTRAS Circu ars, containing Recommendations, 4c . can be had of Mis. G K White, Market street, and of Mr Mollor. 8t Wood-i reel. faepffi The «uh*crii>er. thankful lo lh«* put»itr* •s3r33XVL'f o r ih« liberal share m cuniom in his line C§ajQP3§>. heretofore, wtoulil inform them thru he h*is the UNDhKTAKINti Hujn ~,,, „, connection svilh U.s LIVERY business, und will attend 10 funeral, on us reasonable lerms asi any m ibr cilv Any person laving anything lo do in bus line, wbt mav give nun a rail, can depend upon their business bo inir attended 10 promptly, and in the best and nenle* mLner [a&ml JAMES MATTHEWS. UJOW BfiINKWA^ ADAM RKINEMA.I, w.f the late Nrin of Sands A.Ri*in' inan. bODISi AKINEn&Oi 4 00., IMPORTERS AND DKALKRSIN• Clocks Watches, Jeißtlrg, Wtueh MaurutU, ZW». $«., rtrra stkitet. one door vhom wood, pitisbukob, TAKK leave to announce to the trade and the public generally, 'hot they have thenuH'lve* carefully se lectcd and imported from Europe, a large stock of Gold and Silver Wntc.hr?, Watch Materials, and Tools for Watch makers, »»nd a most elegant assortment of Jew elry from the best manufactories —which they ofler at prices as low a« they can be purchased iit the eastern of Watches consists of Gold and Silver Patent Levers; do Detached Lcvcts; UoLcpineg; Sil ver Qaartiers; arid elegant French time pieces, of the mofttaPDroved makes. Together with a large stock of Clocks, and Time Pieces, from the best American Facto rl?bclr stock of Jewelry comprises articles of ey« ry description in this line, such as Finger Rin#s, Ear_Rtng«, Brea?t Pins. Biacelcls, Gold, }"ob and Guard Chains, Gold Guard Keys and treats, Lockets, Gold und Silver Spectacles, Silver and German btlver and Table and TVa Spoons, and every kind of fancy articles generally kcDt in establishments of this description. Thcv would respectfully call the attention of. the trade lo their extensive Hock of Watch materials and Tools, of ,-very variety, which they have most carefully sc le Thev have also on hand a large assortment of Tele scopes, Spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from the (test manufactory in England. Tdgother with a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired m the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Superior Watch Repairing. JOHN M. KOBKKTS, AiW fCQ JEWEIA.BH, desires again u> call the at- jkras. tention oi the public w the workshop which heJfr* 5» has opened at No 1(1 Pifth aired, two doors fromG&l&Sl Markot. where he continues to devote his special atten tion to the repairing and refining of Chronometer, Du plex, Patent Lever, L’hpine. and every description of tine watches and Clocks. Having for a number of years been employed as Fore* man in the workshop of the largeßtestablishment in this city, 1 flauer rayseli that those tavonng me with patron age will find all work et trusted executed in ine bent manner and on the most reasonable terms Jle/ermcti—John Harper, Esq.. Edward iteazleton, Esq.iß'H. Hartley, Esq., Joseph Woodwell, Joshua •Rhodes & Co., and wm. B. Scal/e. • A carefully Belected stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew elryi Spoons, Spectacles, Ae., constantly on hand, which have been purchased at the lowest cash prices, and will be Sold at a very small advance for the same, [anis • ■ oy»ter»i Oviterjn THE SALOONS of P- H. HUNKER, on Liberty Street, near Hand; -will bo opflDed- on MONDAY, the 22d instant, where Ladies ana Gentleman can be accommo dated with Oysters, served op in.a manner not tobesur passed in this City. .. . . • -•-fn^PartiegwulfresappUed. with refreshments of ail JdndB, at the shortest notice, and a t the most pnees:- Call ait . "■ . , .“• HUNKER’S* icpfflr Liberty street LQfrb la. ground for sale by r STUABT ft BXU-. 1 Srcnispmtatiou.; '- 7 - *%. ' 1 < ~ r -' - ) £?* rf' J*~ &" ~ , 1 '* -} "' v /' v-' ' . - /-?, V r ‘ *• t * v * r “V' i t *■ » f J *~ -j *S>l *'•%-*? £fr :t\v/-t > * ./.v3..v *-^V‘^'-*/ * ** r* v , *'?>*** . n 'V a ‘'Vi' j < i- 1, '*V '*' > 7,-, " d- I “v T * t f *&« « «■ ~ v , sr i , J.r_^& ii-*V * * t * * l 1, * J '* *■ utr ..., v * ■ •• -•: v - :‘ - ‘ v~- ' '* -V.; . ■' ■. y «*: ”<"' - * , w V 7 7' s;-ti-'Vi7'’ -IITr f »—».. U ... *■ *~w wo Siw—’♦’TM* _•• v i Ct, ** t 't. » *' 1 , , ' * 1 ! r *r * v *. . * 1 ** jlnsurantc (Sampamss Cash Mutual Fire Insurance Company • HnrrlalmrE* Pcnn«ylva«la. CAPITA.!., SIOOiOOO. CHARTER P UK PET UAL-. fTMIE undersigned having been appointed Agents for I the above Company, have opened nu Office in No. 14 St Olair street, and arr* now prepared to effect iu*o- ; ranees on city and country property, upon as favorable terns as any responsible company m the State. AH persons having property injured m this Company are entitled to vote for its officers, and to snare in its earn mgs; bat are not liable, in any event, for anything be yond the amoont they have paid. All loasch promptly paid In sixty days after proof of the same oKinCEB* : Hon- JOHN C. HUCHhII. President. Cb&b K. Hibstkb. Vice President. Thoi- H- Wt Uson. Secretary. David Fleming. Attorney ami Counsellor. Directors—Hon. John C. Bucher, Rudolph F-gelke*, Wm Colder, Jr.. David Fleming, Irnne G..JJ Kln ley, Chas.E. Hiester, KUas hi- Ituizer, baniue! \\. Ha>_4, David Momma, Jr., John Nmninger, Dauphin County;, Jacob S- Haldeman, York; Henry M Fry p h V U i C ?’n Adam Sclicener, Berks ; John h. Brenner. Philadolphia, William Minuer, Montgomery ; I hoinas Gtlkspie, L.a zerne; Gordon F Mason. Bradford; Amos K Kapp, Northumberland ; James Burns, Mifflin. John T. Hoov er. Centre; John S. Isetl, Huntingdon ; James R. Moore head Allegheny: Jonaihnu D. Leet, Washington, Geo. H. Bucher, Cumberland . FITT*I*' 1 *' 14 Si Clmr street, Agents Co._ .•iiitucfcrKotnttriLTrt 7 !Slurance CTo. | GUARANTY FUND, tfiOO.OOO. i rpHIS COMPAN Voffers 10 tur insured all the security , I and advantages of the Mutual aud Joint block Plans fas heretofore applied) combined, namely. Low rates of premmm;an annual 'return i„ cash of tne pet cenlage required Tor the contingent nrk of the year, nili ade quate, bul-nol excessive provision for itiL future sccumy e, members for the whole term or ltm, wild an equituble interest In the accumulnltng fund secured to such mem brrs payable at death, uy cretins upon their p0,.- cies’ u guaranty fund designed for the permanent seen nty ofXn term members, and also for the present sc ouriiY of those for the whole u-rm oi Inc. Irr This IS the only Mutual Lite Insurance Company wlmse rote* of preonum are fixed at a lair reduced stall* dard wiili a provision for an annually mcreasing accu* mutation of £nds (for future security) in exact propor tion to the amount of bu-ines- and the increasing nsk Vam d pK^^ in^nce^l^ for insurance rece.vec > Wood strrc , |. UL , burß h s,m. Dilwortii, Mrdicnl Klammer. Jylfev_l_ TU« FVnisfaUrt fire Insurance Company. OP PTTILAD»L?HL4. T )'^Charles'V Banekn Oeorge W Richards Thomas Han, Mordccai U_Le»l». Tobias Wagner. Adolphi E. Bone, Samuel Oranl, Dand S. Browne. Jacob R Smith, Morns Patterson. Jaooo Kem CJIAB N B aNC KF.R, Pres-t Oaas. O. Banciia, Secretary. ir-j- Continue lo make Insurance, perpn u.i> or timueo, on every description ol property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security _ The Company have reserved a large Contingent which, with their Capital and Premiums, sale.)' invested, afford ample protection lo the assured The Assets of ihe Company, on January Ist. ' VI .s -puhlishcd agrerahly to an An of Assembly, were as fol lows vii:— t 81b,1256S o _ 04.377 78 Rea! Estaie • one 17 Temporary Loan. • " Bl .Since their incorporation, a period of Hi y car “' have paid upward# of On, Million Four Hundred Thou sand Itoiiari, losses by lire, therel.y affording: of the advantages of Insuraucc.aa well aathe abilnysnd disposition to P^S^COFFIN.'^-f, : Office N. if roriirr Wood and 3d el». marlneT fire and Inland Transportation ’ ISSIdthSCK. ri IHK INSURANCF. COM !• AN V OK NII KT il.'Mhll JL 10A, Philadelphia, rhurirrrd 1701, capital 050<>,- 000, n.ssrll January 13- 1X»1, 81,001,455 50, wil make inaurancc on building! and thetr ro.itcllls lu Ihi niy and vicinity- Also, on properly ol iwcry deecrip lion, on steamboat* and oilier vessels. either by inland 11 Hn*Dorintion nron the i>eaB v Diiiwroas ArtburG Coffin. Pr-Jacob M.Thmnn, Samuel W. Jone* John R. Neff, Kd.ward Smith. Richard D Wood. John A- Brown, William Welsh. Samuel F. Smith. Fronds Muslims, Samuel Brooks. Ausun Allll.one, Charles Tnvlo*, W illnun la. Bowen, Ambrose Wt„>. George W Aspiuwall, Thomas P-Cope, Jumcs N. Duikson, S. Morris, Waler. H- Sherrffd S.|C> . Tlur i» ibe oldest Insurum-c loropun) in the United Stales and from it* high *uudmg, long experience, am ple means and avoiding alt riftk* ot ail extra hur.inl o»* character, may be c»n«.dere.““*** *" curity to the public " -Nl - LI VKS INSURE 1)'BY THE Kentucky fllutual Life luiurijnc* Co., IkC “ * COVINGTON, KV. ri'HIS COMPANY bn* aciusi Capital «•( <>Nb. HUN* 1 DRW) THOUSAND DoUUaRS, ami »* managed g^rippiie.- lions received by J "A* "i&Eli.. Sinus!. UltwuHTH, Medium Examiner 1<"-P» stateTirlotunl Fire Inmranei compunj HAH&JSEOK G PA DESIGNEDo.iIy for Uie -alee elaa.r. of prop.-r.y, lias all ample dagnlal. ana olfo.d. supcni.r ailvau ages po.m of cheapness, saldy and aec»mmo.Ui...n > m eti> country merchants, ... dwelling*, and ° rCO "“' rT PrOP a'-a OA KRI I'll. Ae'.unry. oclS 7j Brunch Office, No.M Sm..l.6rid -l„ I'.naaarsli; ISSUIIAIMC*!.. ' runt-- DEEAIWARK MCTI Al. SAtKT. INM'K 1 ANCECOMPJIM .—Office, North Room ol me 1.1 change,Third Street, Philadelphia. Flag Imnnu-IICK.— Betiding* Mercha.idirc ana o.de. properly in loW» and etmrury. li.anred niia.ii-i loss o. damage by fire-ht U>« lowed! rale of premium. Maaisa IsaOBAKCB.— They also Insure Vri,.:.«. l.ar roc. and freights, foreign or coa.tw.se under open ot «DeciaJ policies, a* ibc a**ure«J may desire P IWLxTn)T&AiiBPOKtATto?i —They ul»o merchnn d,zc transported by Wagon*, Railroad, i ann Bo“t» and Steau. 80a... on n.er.aud lake. ..., the «... liberal terms. . ~ ( . . DIPKCTORS —Jo*cpu li heai, MniumJ A. Souder John C Davis. Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, samue. Edwards,Geo. G Lelper, Edward DurUnfwn “ Davis, William Kolwcll, John Ncwlin.Dr K ,M. Huslon lames C Hand, Tbeophilu* Paulding. H Jon.-* Brook. Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig; George Scrr.l ■ Itvaln, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson. W ~ Us in ll.ij.Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, VJ m. hy re, J r DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH - Hngh Craig, Jno.T. UM MA RTIN Pre«de». Tiios Hand. Vice President. Joseph W. Cowan, secretary (O' Office ol the Company, No. 4t! 'l'" 1 ' P '! U huVih. Beiatdlfl I' A. MADEIRA, Agent Ftr* and Haifa# Iniuraoet, riIHE OFFICE of the /tuuranei Co.of Norik Amena* 1 has been removed lo the Warehouse oi Hardy. Jonea 4 Co No. HI From aireeLWurd bouse Ehhol Wood Kireei.where thesubscriber will issue Policies on Buikl imnnuid iheir contents, umioiii>hipmenl-i by Slcamboula I.lft tnd Health Inmrnnce. rpllli MUTUAL LIFK ANI) HKALTH INSURANIH I COMPANY, of Pkiiadeiytna, Incorporated by Ihe Legislature of Pennsylvania, March,led* . Charier I:r ocluiil i Caplin! *lOll,OOO. Hale* iortrrr than an f Frnruw i«mo Crmreany, and fall HO pet cent lower man ihr maal rale* of Lite Insurance,a* ihe following comnnri .on will allow. Thu* a person oi ihe age“! ;‘ o''‘'“""l' 0 ''‘'“""I' for 8100 for life, must pay in ibe Girard v > vanin 82,30, Peun MuUml *23* l-aquiial, l e Bw.(H, Nev. Kn«land 823, Albion 82,46, New York l.ife 82,36. 1 tft and Ht*\ f* i PtiUadelvhia, 81.0 1 Dtaarroas —Samuel D Orrick, Charles U tlnll. Wm F Boour,Robert P King, Charles P Hayes, M 'V Baldwin, Obaa 6 B Campbell, M »1 Reeve, M. 8.l Lewis Cooper j Redman Barker, k H Bullet, lid win fe Cope Pre*. dsnbSamuel 1) Orrick , Pic* Pronrfml. Robarl 1 km* .Srerslory, Francis Blackburue. Applicnlions will be received and everv informalloi. riven by SAMUKL FAHNKSTOOK, Age ill. Ornc Commercial Rooms, corner of Third and V. ood slreels Pittsburgh ocuE, >' Ptr« and Hanna iQiunnc*. lnsurance Company of North America, of Phi** 1 delphia, through Us duly authorizedl Agent, the sub scriber, offers to moke permanent and l untied Insurance on property in this city and iis vicinity. and on shopmen hy the r»nal and «''<>",R E ,rrOßB : Arthur 0 Coffin. Pre.'t ttamoel Brook., Alex. Henry, Chnrlo. Tnylor, Ssrauel W.Jons.. Samuel W . Smith Edward Smith, Amhroaot John A- Brown " l > M J h - om "*' John White, J ohn R. Neff, Thnmflß P 6nnt, Richard I) ” OOU, Wm. Welsh. D - Siierrard, tiec y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United Stales, having been chartered in 1794. Its charUsr is per* pound, and from ils high standing, long experience, am. plo means, and avoiding all risks ol an extra haiardou, «ro^DuWi’o' V b ° WLUaW pTfowS' Counting Room of Atwood, Jones A Co., Water and Front sis., Pittsburgh maydy Emporium of Llghtl CELEBRATED ethereal oil and lamps. WII WRIGHT, (successor to J . S. Touoh). Mbiiu, . factorerof and Dealer Wholesale ami Retail m the above named Oil and Lamps, is now receiving a largd assortment of LAMPS, for burning the Ethereal Oil| “amphlne aad Pine Oil Also, Lamps of every descnp. lion, for burning Lani and Lard Oil . C&andelicr*, Girandole Hull Lamps,'Vick*,Globe*, Chimney Mats, Cnnx, and ull ihinffs pertaining lo the '"pthrreal.Camphine or Pine Oil, regularly supplied once or twice a week • .... All orders left with the wagon, which Is conslamly pnsaiug through Ihe ctly, will be promptly .memled to. P N B Lamps of all kinds altered lo bum the b.lhe. real Oil All articles dehvered til aa> part of the city, in Allegheny, free of oottl. (£ _ WRla „. r _ No 82 Fonrlii el., (Apollo dm!,) &us!6 between ftlarteet_an COb-PARTNERSfIIP —' The subscribers mout respect? roily announce to their friends and the pabHp_gpn* erallv, that they have this day entered >nto Co-Partner* nhiD ior the purpose of carry ingon, at the old stand, in Sinrerly* Building, opposite tbeTost Office, Thi rd street, Pittsburgh, the Lffiographlft Priming, in all its various branches. Having machinery, recently arnvcd from Europe, they aro prepared to do works u Lithography equal to steel engraving. They- ® ollCil the patronage bestowed heretofore bo liberally to the onejjartnerfwm. Scbacbman,:and they hope by strict attention to their business, by elegant workmanship, and the most reasonable terms, to.meni ilio favors of an en lightened public. » Bonds, Cheeks, Drafts, Machine Drawings, Lilreness es, Landscapes, Autographic Letters, Bill Heads j Plots Lithographed and Pnutea in Black, Goldßronic of Lo lt“r worlt mSSmaSufi^’ ' rr” FEED. BiUNEBIN. »• , s * * .» 'K* m t & 4 , k ,'*V '< -?■■. t , ;-"./. *■■„ . C j- r „ .. CIBdBAT BARGAINS! SECOND AEWVAUOf ■ FALL AND WINTER, DRY GOODS. Totffc, STEVENSON k LOVE, Sign of tae Oriel nal Bee Hive,No.74 Market street, Pittsburgh,.be- fourth Street&nd the Diamond,have, justrecet red /from the recent. Jargeclearing out soleAv and the ers and manofhcturers la New \ ork and Philadelphia, thelargfcrt and cheapest stock of Goods ever offered m tills market, comprising in part a very large assortment of DRESS GOODS of every description, soiled to the season, at froni'2o io 25 per oent. lower than foimer pn- Black and Colored French Merinos and Thibet Cloths, from 62 to 81,25 per yard; , . Black and Colored English Menno* and Lyonese Cloths, froin3l to 44c. per yatd 5 ' „ .. .. Black and Colored Paramattas and Fancy Alpaeas, troin 12 to 02c. per yard; „ „ , . j Plain mid Embroidered Be Laines, Cashmeres and French Merifao'sr , . . „ , Plain Black, Colored and Printed Delames and Cash- Very Rich Brocade and Watered Silke and Poplani, do Plain Bloch,Colored Bilfcaiand' TurkSauns. A large slock BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND GRIT DE AFRJCES, and of Bound and Moaulla Velvets, all colors; Bonnet ond Cap Ribbons, at very reduced prices SHAWLS! SHAWLS! A fall assortment of BaT Stale and Woolen Long and Square Shawls; . , , Also. Rich Brocba. Long and Square Shawls , • Primed Tcrkerri. Cnshmere, De Laine and Thibet Shawl*; ALM>—AT GREAT BARGAIN^ — Lace*. Embroideries and ‘Handkerchiefs, Ho* l «ry, lifovcs', Suspenders and Cravats : Irish Linens, Table Cloths and Damaik*, Prints. Checks, Muslins and Tickings; Red, White and Vellow Flannels , Plain, Brown, Blue and Barred Flannels ; Cloths, Cassimercs, Satinets, Ky. Jeans A Vesting*. The proprietors would solicit an early cu ll from all or their friends, and the public generally, leeb ing confidentthaf ihev can ofler greater (liducemems to wholesale and retail buyers than ever have heretofore been offered In Pittsburgh. .. T nire* oct2s YOUNG, STEVENSON *• LOVE SECOND OHEAT AIiaIVADI OF FALL and Wlnler Dry Goods and VanUt-s al No, 07, Northwest comer ol Wood street and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. D Gbeoo A Co. would ajam aa. tiounce to their old customers and dealers generally *5 their liue, that they are now prepared! o offer for Rale iheir present uew stock of Goods at unusually low rales. And as our purchase* nave beeu made on the most tav orable'lerms with Importers and Manufacturers, we flat ter oursetvesi, and hope to be a'de to merit a continuance of confidence and patronage of our old customers and the public generally, whirß *>o. boon heretofore so rnlly bestowed upon u«- Our DHY GOODS .. rUCK is. in port of Broadcloths, Cnssimeres. Sailineis. rweeds, fancy Vestings, Checks, Flannels, Drillings, Black and,. Brown Tickings, Blunkels, lunsey Pl»id*. pacas, Merinoes, Muslin De L*t«es, fancy Prints, Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings, Table Diapers, Ginghams. Silks, tancy long Shawls, f llk . r . a^ l f\j gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Irish Liuens direct, from Ireland, and oil other articles generally kept in the. Dry GoodsliAe. Otr* Vjuubtt Department will be found il on examination, to be unsurpassed l>y any ouier of the kind West of the Mountains, and is made up in part ol Combs, notions, Patent -nd Spool Threads, direct trom Europe i Port Monies sod Pocket Books, Hooks and F.yes, Pius and Needles, Tapes, rhimllles, ppoons.-Ra zors,*l able Cutlery and PenTCmvcs jnstarr.ved from Sheffield ; Potent Medicines, Violin and Violin strings. Gum Suspenders. Slate, and Slate Pencils, Percussion Cape, Spectacles, Pistols, Hosiery,.Gloves, Lawns and Edgings, Ribbons, Sewing Silk. Silk bw.andF rlnges fancy Nettings, Green Bandages. Black silk Veils, .ilk Florence together with n general assortment of all other articles in tHe Variety line. VVe have on hand and for sale a large assorlmen. oi Gold and Stiver M etches and Watch Materials, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Gold and Sil ver Pens and Pencil,, Gold and silver spec acles, Clocks, 4c.., to which we uivtie the attention of all boy era, as we are determined to sell our Goods on the most reasonable term*, either for cosh or satisfactory refer- CII N B The business of ibe late firm of Gbhoo 4. Mc- Casdlkss is to be settled by D. Ghkog ai the stand of V. Gbeoo 4 Co , who is fully authorized for such and in who»e possession are the papers. Notes ami Books of *aid fiiin . l l>cU6:lf - FIIBN C II S l OttK. 108 *1,212,'09 44 Jame* Go»llng» Wholeiale and Retail Dealer and Importer of FANCY, FOREIGN ANf> DOMESTIC DRY GOOD? W'Ot’LD respectfully inform the- public arid ui> friends, (from whoa* lie ha* formerly received u iibcraJ share < f custom), that he has used every exer tion in securing an extensive and complete assortment oi FALL AND WINTKR GOODS, of the best quality. Consisting of the following articles: French and hn glish Mennos, Cashmeres, Alpacas, PopUns Silks. Sat iii''. Moos De Lainea,umJ other Dress Goods , Shawls. Vazeues, Nanilei auit Cloaks, of every variety ladies’ and Children’s BonuelH, Laps, Capes; Velvets, Ribbons. Flowers, Feather*, Lace*,Gtove«, Hosiery. Ac Gentlenien’s Cravats. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Hurts. Drawers, Hosiery,&c .. With a large stock of B’eachcl and Brown Mpalin*. Stinting. Sheeting ; Table Linens, Tickings, c hecks. Flannels, Oabros, Satinets, Jean*, Ac. Also, an assort ment of Mourning Goods. . , ,| . The above stoek.with numeroos other articles the proprietor now opening a* his New Store, No. >vr Mnrke 1 street, to which be invite- purcbiiser!*, as he is determined to «ell as cheap as the cheapest MADAMU A. (IOSLiNG »n!l eontinues to pjve ber undivided attention to the manufacturing of Vizettes, Cloaks Cape*. ftonnew.Ae . which are all made in u su perior style. 3&e respectfully solicit* purchases and orders. French I’attrru Hais lor the trade always on h»n*nd V arn i> Good*, which he •• low opening lor ine tail Trade Among the article- composing his stork may he found a mil a«- nomnoni »f Uic ioUowine . Buuoos. Edgings. Pocket Books, Thread#, t.oinbs. Laces and Inserting*, Porte Mommies, , Embroideries Nrrhle*. Swiss and Victoria Mull#, Fringe*. Gimp*. Pm*, Jackoncim Braid-; Hook' and Eye#, Fancy and Drc*» Buttons, Brushes, Tape Check*, Plain ana Funcy Bobmct*. W halebone, UuitlM Riohons. Black Silk and Lisle Laces; New Style Ribbon Trimming. Hosiery and Glove*. Black Lace Veils Woollen Comfort.*; Burk Glove* and Mm», Bonnet Ribbons, Gems Silk Woollen usd Cotton Undershirt* and Uraw- and Rina Comforts, Worsted mid Opera Hood- ' Plain Mantel Ribbons. Infants’ Boots ; Cravat- and Pongee Pocket Handkerchief , Plain Sunn Ribbons, Linen Gombric 1 ocket Hdkfs, Gill and Gold Jewelry. Jerome Clock#, Taney Soaps , Carpel Bags and Saichels. " indow Shades . Toilet Cases, Violins Perfumery, Jew»hurp*i aniot’B Steel Pens, Gold Pena, Umbrellas, Accordc °nS>nch Shell., Zephyr Wor.ieJv Perforaiod Bojvrd., Flo#h Silks, Worsted and Crochet Need.es Looking . S —The altontion«»f Pedlar* is particularly direct cd to this extensive and varied assortment sep 15:tl W C.MUHPHY NEW OOODfil ritHE subscriber having now received In* enure stock 1 of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, would respect hilly inform hi# customers and the public, that he i# pre pared to dispose of his Goods, either at Vt holeaale or Retail, at very low prices. He has, in Dry Goods, all the staple, as well as a large 1 stock of FANCY DRESS GOODS, comprising in part : * 4-4 Chenc Silks, for evening and street drew*-; very rich, j 4 4 Brocade Silk. do do do. I Plain Black Silks, all pace* and width* . I Brocade Black Silk, do; I Heavy Watered Silk, all shade- . ! French Poplins, do; j Mouslin de Laines ; ! French Merinos and Cashmere#; | Together, with French and English Print*. m endless I variety U T Morgan HOCSK FURNISHING GOODS, 11-4, IsM and 13-4 Barnsley Sheeunss; 4-4 6-4 and 3-4 do and Irish Pillow Linens, 74,8-4 and 104 Table Damasks; 5-# and 3 4 Damask Napkins and Doilies; Huckaback, Diaper and Crash Toweling*; Rich Printed Piano and Table Covers, superb G00d.,; Marseilles Quills, French Fnnmure, Dimity, Curtain and Curtain Materials, te„ *e. MOURNING DRY GOODS, Lupin 1 * Black Bombazines i Do do Mousliu de Louie* J-4 and 4 4 wide , Black Canton Cloths; Black Mohatr Lustres; bilk Warp Thibet Cloths; Black Challey, Lnslmh, trench and Italian Crapes ; Mode and Crape Veil. , Cleim zrlle. and Sleeves ; Collars and Cuff.; Lloves and Ho -iery All of which Goods will he w» Trained ~f good colors, Md cheap for lualitr A M’KNIGHT. Second Grand Arrival °f FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, AT E. SPENCE’S, NO 38 MARKET STREET. Wi<* nrp now receiving and opening one of Hie most .pTnSw Smck. ofFALI. ANlf WINTKR DRY OOODSever offered for sale ... the Cm or I nlsburgh. Comprising m pan no follows.--Dress Silks, ol the moot de-ipable styles .ml patterns ; I-reach Merinos, of eve ry .bade anJ color; Palmetto Cloth noh styles; Coburg Cloth, of the richest shades! bilk Warp and Mohair Lustre; Alpacan. of the most superb qualities ; Ohrys tal Palace fie Laines.of the riehest superlative styles; Prims, of every quality anil patterns ; Domestic Goods of every description ... . ... We invite especially the attention of the Lndies toour large and well selected stock ol Millinery and Pancy floods, Dress Trimmings, of every description; bilk and Straw Bonnets, of the latest styles and shapes Having recently engaged with a Preach Milliner, whilsun New York, we Ratter ourselves that there ts no house in the city can compete with us in the above branch of busi ness. All of the above we intend selling cheaper than we have done heretofore. ir/- Remember the Place, No. 38 Market street, be tween Second and Third, where Cheap Bargains can be had. |sepal:3m) L. SPI-.NOE KALiLj AND WINTKK rt'l'uOK Of Fancy and Staple Dry Goode. A A. MASON A CO., would most respectfully so • licit ihe attention of the public generally, und the wholesale trade in particular, to their large■ and care fully selected Stock ofGoods for Fall and Winter sales, which will be found larger than they have ever before offered. We have received as follows: • 400 bales Bro. M uslins; 6500 Long and Square Shawls; 100 bales Drill* *nd Co-neburg* ; 000 pieces Sup Blaukeis , 100 bales Flannels, Colored and White , •200 Cases Fancy Prints; 100 bales Ticking; 100 pieces Freuch Merinos ; 118 cases White, Muslins ; 500 Parmattos and Coburg Cloths, •28Cases White Muslins; 100 Alpacas, all colors; 50 pieces Linen Sheeting; - 10 oases Irish Linens; 500 pieces Sauineus; 50 Cartoons Bonnet Ribbons ; 100 pieces besunake Cloths: 100 Cartoons French Flowers; 300 pieces Caasimerea and Doeskins 500 do Fancy Silks; •270 do do Cassunems; 50 do Colored Velvets ; 500 do Shirting and checks , 95 Cases Cashmeres and de Lainee; 21 do Plain and Plaid Linseys , 1000 dozen Hosiery; 13 Cases Tweeds and Jean* ; 2000 dozen Gloves, assorted ; Together with every article usually found in a Dry Good FstflbM*hment, No. 02 and 64 Market St septlO FOR SAT.fr-a desirable small Fann of 71 acres, with about 50 in cultivation and in good order ; ihe bal ance aboundß with prime timber . The whole. Farm u fenced in. A good dwelling, bouts, bam, itawe ‘and garden l orchard and permanent springs. Pleasantly situated three miles from the Railroad Station House si Economy. Price $2500.-' 9. CUTHBERT. General Agent, 50 Smith Sold street. 1 * «■ «*> ' s '" v * i jDcjj ©cobs * ...... . L' f ' f \ :*• s'- < >»>: i . > j v , rir t . .. . ' -•-••• ' ' I V • •■ : . r • . JAMKS W. flj ' CABINET jj§C) &B&&QRNWVRB. MANUFACTURER, 9W Ware-room* 97 and 90; Third ‘ JW. W. respectfully inform* hlsfriends qnqcaatom ‘±' era lie lias iiifw completed the l Jsrgdiw "aad r“ nest stock of household furniture ever before seen id* this city, os lie i» receive orders for .said Brick, to be; made in Blie and shape to suit purchasers, which shad he promptly filled. ' VVe do not deem it necessary to enomerate the many; advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick poses*.over all oth-, rr. Uiat nave been offered for sale in the United Mater,, their superiority being well known to almost all persons, who use Fire Briok. The proprietors have determined; that the Fire Brics shall lose none ol iheir present envi able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared u make them even belter than they have heretofore been. This is the only establishment now manufacturing Fire! Brick al Bolivar. KiER & JONES, -7 Canal Basin, Seventh su, Pittsburgh. \\T DALY A CO. have now ready for sale a large- W . ami well selected slock of Spring, and Summer; Hosiery in all its branches* They would direct particu lar attention to their stock of Gentlemen s cotton halt Hose, with Merino and Silk feet; they are of the best* materials and workmanship, and for comfort as a met Sock, cannot be equaled. W. D. i Co have alec* on hand Gents Undershirts and Drawers «i cotton, StlkJ ami merino; Childrens 5 Hosiery of nit descriptions, as the old established Slocking Store, Fifth street, between Wood and Market. * t mTl J STK.A.W BKtIHiiCS t BTttAWBHKIitBS A QUANTITY of Tnimott of on, enure .aevr-iiylßrof Straw > SUIt, Siiitfbnd Velvet BONNETO; ffibaTRISMiNGS, of va .’riottß'klna [oeOasti: «!’• J+- - - • • ' - t ~ - ■ *V‘- i TV 1 !?:' •. \j ./ -.-• - . v- , , ' ’ \ 1 ' ‘L %,/V ' * t ~ ' * I -f i * t 1 ■* j ........ . * l ’ 1 J *V* . * ; * t * *• -* J. t <> A card< '£'.\V -*V' ■, Ai v’>?t%v.v' . 'i: . »„ f > r VV' . • . ••• t .■ ■. - "-’■’"J 1 |_v ’■.■'.i_n , "*r-rr’.* , . j..: . : rnHB labseribcr begs* %vn tesjxitfahf 3 nA^AM 1 iiaii jtvTaJlißble medicine, hHbwooM also announce p them width© pubbd!» f - B^ATlVE ? pSS“«»^*ihM t 'aM«pr^ , iHi c! bb»t and Eaacy.Colored CLOTHSi Hptfto* UggUkta. ••S«?gj:»-jBfe"a^s h“e Ung^-«Uof leiimuent Teveir; with the raort doit-let* su da«sh: jl wHich he is prepared to makO'jdOTdei to a iKtpthor i ojyn.gflto,. Dp- infl»nei*-aU©WPrices. 1 , 7« %> ’ betweenSeoonffiSlMSett, , i • ema.ottended withcoughaol a mo»>Tioientcharacter; TTO TAILORS-; WaMftijgradnf 1 -| , timen reereued-1 .had.-notrba4 : -*4p. z ®AAr tywof-your to admiitisrer io them,thcl£dStortkinark'''.:i .< .: -v •..•-: ' , AlTectona% yow£ _ E,L. I e e^§^ffl a an |Vi of Ctobj*. Cusi. ' For gale at the ftktn 3 r ta£tors 1 28 t Fifth xtrceL. - . which surpass in beaut* tod vaHej ty toy .eiiJgwleci- [ & ed by the.prispnetors, themselves, expressly foctni* * market? They worepurchased for cash, at low prices, < which wiU.enaWeibe undersigned to dispose,of them. ' about twenty per cent, cheaper than the prices ' > by Ibeigenerauty of.uulotwir esiablishmenta in Uni city < .. *nd Amenoan have been I selected end various styles | of rich malenjrifor Overcoatsdwc have in, ftbtmdflnce. . i* Ooxaiock.ofCASSlMEßES.it very extensive-end \ varied,.including ail the newest,deh&u and most fash- ' § i ionable specime'js recently Imported and manufactured. •:••£• ••••■ v : Ou£stbckot/;yESTINGS aHiha ; ;:,■ fShcy patterns to be had in New York city vUts tnest 1 ' J .': ;' 1 varied aiid elegant—While some, when properly made , * np.presentftmpppfiaTtocesofmcfdeet grandeur.’taking ‘ h-.'?;,- the varietyas a wholej it certainly snrpasses; any; cot * '*s■'■■■ ->-+ hrpughttbontcJtyjbetoretf. : . i Gentlemen of taste who desire.those Goods.madeup r f • b-x -cut-and tnatofeeuired by experienced' will /- Theyareopen J Tor inspeißiToh: V ® ' se®*24- ,v ' ■ of Woodtod-Water ,i . * 1 spttlßQ ASD SUfIIMKR CbOTBISG t * i' K . •• ' “three-BIG BOORS! 1 ' ' “ . \ , '' 1 /Vo. 151, XAterty Stmt, Ptfttburgk. o' j r JOHN; JdcCLOSKEY rhnff-now ;the>p|eaflare f of *n« H . J r hohneiag to Ids numerous friends and the public m , * ceneraUriisthia Spring'tod SttmmeiBtockiianowjready-|.' for Jnsnection» f bclieves.wlll: be fpnnd to be ■ . one bt tliB i large'Bt' and ' bekt ftelec\ed mocks of Ready- r ; Made Clothing to befound in the Western Country-'; v He has this season paid more thannsual attention ip.r_, the maim&cturing i ■ very lowest priced, as well asriie finest, up in a sivle *»nd elegance; ribi to besaipUssed.-. ' He Would pairicularrycall ihe attentioii of-alldealer» j . : in cidtbinjr todiitfprescdt splendidassortmentof h 5, ?; |; •;. .. *• Ready-Slade Garments,. - Aah e' feel s confident anon examination of theqatoUci 1 ahd pHees heicareoffer theta such induce, :^.vj shall-niakd ii :ihefr mtorest to pnrc|iaaeA|i Wt ]-r. establishment - . r ’-''.. r .-Mtoy years* great success in the bp. '«ihesK'tngsher unprecedented wActoole nmf r#<, tof patronage, hfia enabled him to. get jjp. Garments to . 1 suit the business habits and tastes of every locationin f > the Onion, which, i? of, ibe utmost importance iowhott- - Bale'purc&asers;- ' ' ’ *'* . V - 1 ' , ' lathe Cutting department will be lbonda cnolce aeT ; Lection of the most lashionable goodsjconsisting.ofj—: .. . .; French, English and American. Broddelotkfi .r , Cashmeretis,&c , Ac. Also,“an ‘excellent,assortment of VESTI&GSj of tuc latest hndmosi foahionoble Stylen—» all bf wbieh hails prepared tamnke to Order in'theTbest. . manner andtothe mostreasonable.piices. , , v -CpM'B, TUEN,. ONE>ND Aili! . v Assbruneni,'the Qdtoty t todihe‘vaneiy*l«-;Uie::v.• i,.% most extensive-, nndbubtedlyvtotbe fomd in. tne r.UutN, , rt. States;--; - iSv certiry Ihttt v?e, tbe _ Bs^rnssmsm D. UABBISONiMpV ' ! F. WOODRUFF. M.D;. ! HAMILTiINiSRBWEB>M.tfn- . ELLSWORTH BURR,M.D ,Rolante Compriaing all the praetieing phy«idßn»ln Uie eitf of Ml For »SrSi B. A. FAHNESTOCK * Ct»V, ; For sale oy, eo mer of Wood and FimsO. ; : ~Z _ no&SB'B “' ' ■ i i /ACcSplSfthe’TroS "htJ*areos ihfcVopti,^ A u fcr Western Pennsylvania, Jelliy Warehouse, cor Wood and Sixth sis,, Plttsb h BUBNHAM’SPA.IbftT.-.. , s ; to®Bg3SseS : iHS-SSSSiS; by 3d.^L"’i»appUed.o.e,aaUy,lb a *»» U ! issss^^is .asfi^sssess&ft. leparatcly- -iihthiil’mi and, Dampener, «SsM(£p«sn* reference, ww « roPYINO -BOOKS. £Srs£us££&S :“SHS*sg|s-S5» necessary JOHN F. COLE it CO., Al M'Fadeni Covode’. Pciuut inroad Ctpol. cotne' of Penn and Wayno »u>., PivlaUutgb _ U OB -*^ os a a "d m For f- w - BRAUSTCe So. 80 Smakficli strut. Pittsburgh) . a oersons of both sexes eoJl od me daily, complain- A by S r n , fBE&fTK h i 3wS taemSSnfbr., rf-e of SjTal my floodins-s sioDDed —whites cured—spine gets stronger-- Kdf-ho » »»ab)« 10 walk ia «k.d ablajo walk She who could not sit op alone for a few now sit cd all day, or as long as any one, failing pi tne . womb Is cored, ud, in shorter or longer penodslosesi all its tenderness ami weakness, andgoea P e,Bian *£j)£! back £ “ place. Barren ness, in wmccwea, givea and a way u The Unman Body must Perspire, TO HAVE /hEALTBY^AMMCS, v-ow, J omtP Kalian Cbetaical softens are soon no" Vnly least seven pbyslctansm Newport know,wuo useu. !n such . ; „ inWftM skradisbase.' TKe : leafier is- assured that; this i 1 no aselesapnded nostrum, as onottuJ ,wtUpiou wlrTor jOSß’JmUanfihßnicaiaßUpf “d buy™ only of WMkJACKSON, only Agutin Pittsburgh,a« Überty, street, Pittsburgh, head ofWood-{ Jonea' Uly WWte. i y AT>TPfI are cautioned against using common prepa- They are uotawaro how frightfully injurious il h I 10 tlie skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow and unhealthy the a andenerasted with: attain that a 25eeni,bo*:oC Jonjv j Amber Tooth Paste will make the teeth white as snow : and tire breath oditerousiy sweet. ' j Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 210 Liberty stree j head of Wood. L „ J*? 020 Jonca’ Solution or Jet, AU«UtKfIUMAN HAUL DYEfoilio chM|m« o' : white, red or grey hair to a beauufal.browd or tel black color.in a few atinntee. Pitisbnrglr Sold by '•(Mid of wood. • RKtnvßcd co CJr® City* J durinalhe tin” season, well and amply ptoyidJJfoS «“ 2f™mmodarion of bis old cnstomers. Amooptfs ** nil£ £s°ome lots of choice ERENCH BftASJHT, 1 CiSaMPAIGNE and PORTTCINES of very <™P«fs: ySSsS. which he wilfselp wholesaler -rernilf«A4 which he haa recently patchased oui houses in New YorfcnhdThiladelphim iUshoase continue as heretofore its snpply. of OY»i-tiK»j a'A“ t PIHEg t fcC.y&C.- ->y«. liggP 4 * ' Adams * ; NO.BB MAEKKf ■ 4 i OUR EXPRESS fbr Philadelphiaj-New Yort and ui e w«.,; and valuable p.aclragesj are sent in chareo'of rpeeuit inasMngsrs* who will pay;, particular attention WaTgoodaVnUwledto onrcarc. ; This being now the only reiiablMuurce for ruueivlGp (roods from the East, merchants aad others will fand It "to their advantage to order lheir Goods sent hy thishne. Custom hotuebuanesa attended to ill any the east ern cities., Gold Rost and Coin carried from California sale on Engleed, Ireland and Scotland, payable at the principal Banking Houses, (a great ad- Dr. Wm* F^GUeif Wtg 1 VETKKJNA.EY..SUaOEOJS!., . /'SolOfficeW Body Faneiaott’alivery SWHoB,ob Foun&itiest, bstwew vffioi anil |>y4dy •- p*. wdodeartoffin* ( »dArt better than any other article m line, (ofwhateyercost,) for transportation, vaui!y,or ortmirry interments, aslias been proven by acutal expertmeuu, and ceOJfiM.WOT some of onr most scientihc men; also, by UteHonOra bles Henry Cloy, Darnel Webster, Lewja Oaw,«iffi other Cistingmshed Senators w l»taVß WinfMed 4«JJ - merits, and whose letters, together withothertmdCnees of.then’-worlh, pnay be seen aloor Agents Barialfiase Depot, No. 374 Mam street, three doors above Ninth, where we intend to keep on hand atrtl times, 5 slock of Jill sizes aud degrees of omamenland.fiiiuihSs ± •will sitittSe mostdivCrsiEed tastes. - . r We invite thevirttoniloji of, the EnbUc, and ot.tindeM- - kerspsurtitSarlythrooghoulthewesl,Wnne*ammaUbn. of iheartiele.andretjuesiihemuottorelymiontlieirtg I- *i re scuta lions oruiuienaki'r.i not usintr the article, whoso 1.., interest it weald be to misrepresent -[ p".£ Patent Metallic Buriat Cates. : Sarcophagus street, Ctneronan. rpH£ undeisignetljtiKiißQK K. Rossers, unde rtakerabd . I so i e agent for the sale-efthe above valuable aru- ■ clesf annoaoceatbal he is prelated tors and othershavtng occasion for.theirnieOTUl iae same, of allsizes, frombfool 10 inches to 8 feet6meliet in length, of vorloHSOTidlba and dies of any site; either plamihtonled amj. , highly ornamantedKAlso, name pistes ’-ami irinmm& for the same- Attention to the »ejy low prices aiE-ied, with the view af'lheW general adoption, u soUafed, to wit: At wholesaler for plain browed Cases,of;rations -““KTl forßodies-Oa to 28 Inches inletigth, ®3,W- : a • “ 23 to 33 “ " , 3 « 33 to 40 “ “ • 6,j>o 4 “.>-40104# “ . 800' 5 “ - 40.t0 51 “ “ ' 8,00 6 “ Site 60 « “ 115,00 > 7 “ . 60.t0 65 . “ . 11,00 '• , 8 651060 “• ' ; J4,(W ;• o « 00to70 “ “ . -IOiOO io “ os tord H “ K>* i H « , 7»t070 ’■ C > 18,00 12 00t065 “ ertradeop. 12,0(1 it 13 “ 05 to 69 .*• “ . . 15,00 14 “ 68 to 70 “ ’ “ 18,00-. -IP . “-JfOStoW"' ■’ 19,00 t 10 ... •70to 76 “ 11 -20,00 „ Name plates from 84»50.i0.59 per dozen., .r., Moderate adtfiuottilchaTgeforeitra gildingiandiprna: , 'mentalpaintinSbrinlaid goldpsllverand pOarl,work:, :. . Commumesuons.desiniiz further, information, or,.Pi* ders for Cases and materials, will receivejjronipvauen tioifby addressing GEOI K. ROBERTS,Agent, . Sarcophagus Warerooma, 374 Nam *i l Vui. r &- C3* Faaeral&aueaded, hearse and.carriages famiAh* edTand eonveyancosj.wth-, appropTiftle’aVendamspro viaedjor transportation to any part of tnecountrys ion application ai&eofficeaa above. - . 1 fas u.&Mi, . pittiborgh Leiither JOepot* *> f RBAKD& CO. f S«r^o3WoaiiiWimrr*»?eijWl Kips and Qaif Skins, | S&aiTanner 5 * Oil ; Tanner?* apd Cairter s »To6i#_* assonineotcver offered before in-ane; hoiae in-.Ptnap | burgh. Ail of which we are Iprepared to sell lo csah * and prompt paying eaßtomets at ihe-veiyiowesl priced . - i. invite traichnsers to eimninr,before purchasing-v!w)- fc. whera. . i■ . -■■ --ir -■ B „> : piwyiorsiii / »•' fr. lai. : HlciEl.t> ; rir : . I i /SoISTJNUES ioraanufoetnte.CAßßlAGES.or every a description and oribe ratestand most, approved « s tvlaa, to order and "for sale. - Attending' persooaffy to .* eacWrituicb o£lUiiXilaiiur«Etor>- > «n('. selecting ius'ina- i teriSTfromthe be-v tbai,.tbo eastern maiket;' please, thtesPewTeainre willreceive.a;.shareoi public "TC^tSREAMSaud other refreshments,as.hsuol, irf - ihoh amice. Bathing Departmental ways in; 61*6*; JT7* A Private Saloon lor Ladies. -* • „• .ilocifcji'-.-.v.- .Goo d£ at tug an dL Prinking* J ' -/gji&vrEVEßY.BtXDY thatis fond; ottlwgotMi s. - of m» life, should tlropjoaini-aiii»i?c:. HARRY-- feRABAM. aiiOs'fiqw tfdtftl, T^nSsirbriioi.'3B, Penn,on,St--Clai* -%** . hiA t castoinnrf-}he-best Oysters* Id- ;.:■ qtio& WlnSii and.CigaH tKat ean be found these ’cre digglnd. *' • , ; s •• ■■ •, M(ahffii3ni» -JofinWPnrai : ‘ *4 BfAS ALWAYS ON HAND,of hUownihaitiiiadture, • L a lane assortment of WHIPS. CANESi-andi'UM BRELLAS of every description, wbichhewill dispose of, wholesale or retail, at pncefaa idwasthey -CaijJhe . procured form either the dues of New. York, Philadel phia ot Baltimore;: of BRUSSELSandINGBAIN CAJftP£T,BAGSaiq LA DIES’SATCHELS, which wilt be sqldulNew iYork Drieeifc f 'Jn*trecetved ffour the Manfl'actoryUhewranp- Pivot INDIA RUBBER wmPsi *U riies,Wholesale ~, JOHN Tfr,TIM,.-. '• Aa2B' ' . N 0143. wood eueei. near Virgin alleys ' v; stATR. RUUFINQ. t >- ’ * THOMASIAIINOLIK tmd Dealer (it Slates, has on handa fall supply of very superior gaagea SLATE, and Is prepaTed to. cietißto any. orders foe work that may • btfleWiasted to Aim, in a manner that will in 'He'devotesMa entirctirae and aUeaumMnthelioßjneßk ahdieelscoiiWeatthixhllhwworkwill.beperfect.'*' i He AjCo.’b jgPiWood ■Street*-- .■■■.. .■■■ . laogSam rT. <: Betr Ohoeoiats Factory. ' SHI: N. GlAjaßONi- A-CO. respecifally tnformtfie 'pUblie'ffiAtthSy are haw manulhoiarmg CHOCO- • .LATE of ovary .reality ,and price. Thia Chocolate-aft. 'Uke'mast otherßsoldhere,!* w irranted ' alierated; andvhfcnccj'of finer ' flavor, .more nutticroa* and wholesome., Sig.G, ana Co.,.haying beeaproprio*. ; >tora of one of the largest Chocolate manufactoriet in - Italy,assureihepQblicthav.they WiU furaiah-tniarticte - equal, ipoot superior, to the. best imported; price. * ' v -/..'.w- "A' ' . lusfor salcatMr.SOßEpSithlad.SoTeraMunjicnM NalSSFotrith street,np;BlaUr, next door to the M«y* or’* Office.. >, * -1 ' ' alobu OL'CtrUiVVt' . ■- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN rt gatign.and Jtomatic Cjg&it Zb&acco' ««f -Snuff. WopiiUsQl, C9»«qf * AJ.-; >1 ", * v r - _ *, \ v - . • •• *■, Y- .?r"'. • -t*- li ; • i, foS/ \ V. f i rV’y. i ~ T>%- ' _ ;'