r '& v \&i r^v; „ *,.?*i* v/-** v Ir '" — 1 " 4; V : * ' N '-\ - v -•. \ -: _^lr.w^,- r .:. v*-* *v .* ’ •, .: V- 1 fc ~ '„C., 1 r '■-* - - v ’ 7 *• , ” • -> , * ! j.*“ -t - , %x i ~ r -• *> , * -» __ 1 ' l t T “ > '" -' ’*■ 3 ‘ '-_*“. fij' ' , » x ~ x-i A fr e x &- n 5j J* «,"' *-*" ’ t** r_*- *fc‘ *ntT*-j- J ’\,x, .‘fV J J»'-' , -s' I >’n* <«,- KAZL x. .'”t?' i '- , ‘', rl. 1 ; '’-*' *’ ’ «v'■■*'’•" ,/•"% '»,'*' -i ~'‘, *• »*,\ j - l V*' * * »t" , ,',’r 'r ' ,),,'i ‘ - *.-. * ,'~ ' » A rj% J '-. » ,’ ’, ‘ »■ ' ” ~'-\x a Z‘ _ , ' > "' "’'lt '' 4 'it 'j'^' V *y*>*?£ f -rf l *Ll* _r* T f - J "■* ■** , — 1 T Hbr »-t f <)**. I- "I t r r fc f-< - K _ V i. "V -c t~ ■*• <—_< -V "X c ■# * ->'*'V -, -y. -t-I" j' "V r^ s**- x~-J "SFr &. "S. ".* ::■ ~—, ■- : -;-> < ■ ;■?->■ r .'•; .i i£S- 'i r >A,i^£%W* /It ’~ \_ ’^/^V' i 'T ! t i "A*’’ 3 "*"* ~ ~ - j. -3-***' p *'_ v - *- ■-■■■''—i—■—— >—”^SSP WWT«xnnd cCOMMKHIiIAL. ggnkera qltfr BtokKß., inigreiisoroiifi. ■- - [ -";' ; V ; ' Owning - „ . «.. JSSS»%JL ■-■ i.-;."': jagaagaKagg i- J" T \c\v. ' 7 s I ■■ ■ . of petitions and reports, omcs or THB Daily Maamup Post. # No, 05, cphheb Wood a«d Oumumd mmv, j£&adL££ L W** «**»•»t* mwityton&ntAib V 'J* ' *»* **' •*• J. t V^ f * -■ " - ■ ■ —' „'rr «“ lh «r se«x t>r tb« Enrotuu Mr. Miller inlrodaced a bill making appropri- ru«ia», December 23, 1851 \ puttburgh, Pa [mayl_ JgBBh& l f aHHt " affCgW-jTi tpeto - 1 t ? . - ' TUESDAY MORNIKQ::“»:::"MCEMBEH 23. wh-vStp ' I atioos for the improvement of certain rivers Tbe weather yeiterday was more moilpraie iKait for I i} Qinn tie and foreign Excnange t Bank Nota, jBImK '' ‘ - n vombruj SSbAS? 9 ** tV :T>\vV4«n 4l - ■ . ;"" A f~”R mi. #!IV and harbors, being the same which passed the someday, past, and ihe present mdicaibn* ere that our | Gold and Sil*srr Mn,-WHiPPW*a LEcnmEa. —The first tectnre PablS , Friday decree of the House lest seasick rl v«r 5 wUi 80 on ogam bo open For thopaM week,«- .rfBMioM HOUSBi; J- -! r . " V*--?*' i of this gentleman before the TouDg Men’s Li- President to-day, otdenng the yotlng, On motion of Mr. Cass, the President’s Mes- ceipu by water have been entirely cui off, and hujmess, ot TA I’SCOTT *- ftKea origin Pieeasee. Scotbmlß UnroUem, Tetter! ? -. K i TlvS! L, Slivered last eveniiw; which is to take place on the 20th met, to be rage, relating to the Prometheos, was referred ,„ Sequence, ha. b»a extremely dall William A. Mill & Co., Q m „al end Foreign f-’ 1 W^BectaUon,w^deUveredto s t^f“^ secreL to the Committee on Foreign Relatione. There h« been no ma.enat change ,n thr market, and W,,,, 54w5l SfcKt, ’ mtdeXed ,, -. S- ' '\A and we cannot say more in its praise There are minors of the continuance of; the Mr. Hall's resolution calling for information wc therefore omit quotation*. ® p/TTSBWi&th ranros t> ftboT ?.'rfnm oifaafayorablotomia li: •:' - f *r r, S'* - *', %’ti aU present were more thin satisfied. Mr. Whip- fighting to-day in various quarters oftherob- as to whether any violation of the law abolish- icriTntaiaawD on «■»»»«« ' „ Ilnr , UdsTVfthe Blaaa?t utd wdneyMtf«««milyu S a«* \'> « ' -’* ¥*t Die is a lecturer of the highest order; and is a *>“*■ *®y “e not relied upon. la ) e ?‘ ing flogging in the Navy had occurred, was ta- New Orleans Mint. * tL »" ‘““gn imi-.h xl rib” 1 Passages can be engage/ ,b i ®^‘]. owin? ’ °F£!rt£nv''a«’f (ftmr in itJs oliysta,bfc»ij/, t , i ff »s! "f'.‘*it' u -V'-uY*'' ■•* ’ p ,♦ ntaneaker The only complaint that pnbltshed aocounts state that the insurgents ken up and passed The following. n> a a aiement ot the depont and com I B „ ktuand Ezcbangt Brolatt, DtaUrs in fom/it ant toSel/avestoverpoolon lhe«tb a«soratiees of epic Jy cure Ir. all who arf - -Jl 4 >V VJ A very pleasant speaker. Ihe omyc p fU have been put dawn, but not without a severe The resolution of Mr. Pettit providing that og . tr the North Branch M.m„ New Orlean,, for the Dcm«nrßdh,Biajo/£*ekan*., o'D V o.- p« come under his core. > v , , x' r t i‘ J.‘J ! I con ld reasonably be made, might have Btr uggle. Friday of each week be set apart for the con- la of November, ust - L’:*‘»” ... creciyoppo.l.ethe B Liverpool on the S6th ot r00m.,41 i . * V,' -‘S -4’*" \ bv the Association,-Which was that the room The accounts from the provinces are generally Sl d er ati o n of private biHe, wastaken up and de- tmroa.™ I ° Charl« Hotil 1 PP mayea eackmonth vr " _ ~„„n nlTw, c e aMonlb. ■ Cr t.ewiv ~S‘ ' -'Y T ffi ' tlv laree for tbe n lllll^61 * >?ho favorahle to the President. ... t bated at considerable length. The resolution, Gold, of winch 81 049 0.8 98 from Cal,for -Hl’-HL'- Rem London I ‘ .|f "-/* -I - 'A-i wasnot sufficiently large forte The movement of the troops are rapid, silent. after much debat6> waa a( f opted . »n, ~„ _ r „ si < oo^djo as —0,, and ».h ofevW Mon Ur. _ f^b ' d J - - jVV‘iV£»KvO , **> * neooaiies received In par fond, or enrrem “? s t,, by eiiherpersonelly or by letter, <- «- i*sHM^K*s?ar!-f.•« Bev. J. M. Gosho . P i- , • B cannon and muskets were freely employed until fqr the appointment of a committee to wait upon 99, sue piecet, S4H,uoo oo I r Nn.e7 Mnrirei sireet, between Third and t-ourib ,„ o , t paid) to4he underatacd;.., ■■ '■>■' rn n o.te.t Academy, for the courses for boys pre- 4 o’clock, when the fiehtine in that quarter ceas- Kossuth SS his arrival, and introduce him to the innnnn Illllf , ' l ' . M ,nn >»«'• PASSAGE FifoM NEW YORK - . A, .* * paS to the euteranceuf College, on thefiret ed( but was continued 8 with* > vigor in other sec House „ . „ • 'SSS W , “‘“ioo».B*H 8 *HO H T“”” -\ f % '.A \ h- in Tamifirv next, in the mansion former- tions. No definite particulars havo been pub- The House then went into Committee of the iu,ooo oimcs, oono I bankers and EXCHANGE BROKERS. York. ... . -.^,i.t:,.--•• r;| Monday .‘““^! a „LTr t rin the 6U. Ushed, and little is known beyond the that Whole on the state of the Union, and took up | N x H S “if. Corner of S.x,hand Ljbenysiree.a, 8r.8.. v , .. , ; .., * sangninaiy conflict has taken place, and that the resolution referring the various branches of 104000 pieces, $440,00u 00 1 T\BALBRSin Coin,BankNoteavTimeßiiia, Foreign ■ ni,iLiniw mflarof'TA? , » Ward of this City* The want of such an msti- many persons engaged, on both sides, have been the President’s Message to appropriate commit- ——- rotai eomaae saeToiToo tution has long been felt Jiere; and many of our killed or wounded. tees ><), ‘ ll / n,al c °“ iaBe ' 8519 C ° U 00 tak v—n oT.eod 9caUiy, w.ekly, lollop waMW HOCK.AND' r ' •<5 J citmms have consequently been obligedtosend Mr Seymour of New York, moved an amend p.TTSBOBGH. cSS4mOTBfS&«SSf%m“ih. l SS5.,.uh. KS.HW °f Co P n.amp Jr, *ndft=e“«, °f , - 5 ,+y . , „ e-Wntinn much received from Paris represent the troops aa nnc- ment to the oighth resolution, to refer the sub- 1 lowe«rS*a aepll-lT oauneal, ift sugar, l & flour, i & molasaea, and Ifi the Langa, when they ore supposedto be effected by the x ,-- ' cf; ( J trfY u Jff£fVcs'ySf ,^V: . T$ZAi ! A>~ ' s j, their children from home for educa . b ceaafnl at all points. Seyeral hundred French Jec t of nyers to the Committee on Commerce, , ml s ,ac„ u «.n> n m catvan. ail-L, aWfiafT ~ p „rk liod.r U years ofc««> a S 1 5 ,0 ° fc l* wiLi C cSiE FAib, ‘ ‘At ~-- ’ '* » t V-V s 'iip2r?Z.’i Z,';\ against their inclination. We hope the project )eft London on Thursday for Pans instead of the Committee on Roads and Canals I BANKKBS.AND EXCHANGE brokers, p«k,ro« Zf%d2Lv£ * anh 're WLL CVfIE WTtßOlir FAlb, , ’i . _ of Mr Goshom will succeed The situation of The Freud, government had the entire control He said that in no instance had the eubjeot of a.ibiveu nJZtJIS'S&IZtS&to Tp«S»r” " L, m orKI&H, . , - Yt Y.--; t. the Academy is airy and salubrious; and the fit- ofthe telegraph line, and had stopped the trane- rivers and harbors been divided heretofore, as UEt-AKfED Lvlght exchange on the, uS«n Cine, conaianily W k 3 E S“SofSSs£n, J\ f -' tneAcauemy 3 * w TimiA«iA« fSngworm, or Teuers, - * 1 J r T* < it for carrying on such aa institution, will bead- chronicle state thatGen* Castellan, at tyone, resolutions were finally laid aside for the purpose tkm * l i u ß, m f? a SS£?* r * t " I kSSf ~« * ** ** 4 ' '*J *l2*** ' by every one who has the pleasure of an a Evymler, fhad declared against the of considering the bill explanatory of the bounty FaKE Kb • I mariViy ... . : ; l|gB»N«i«n&«r. - The packet ship LIVERPOOL, A r f r* ‘C £|' “ /. President: but this is denied. Doubts are also land law of 1850, making land warrants assign- iJEKLA FOR WHEELING—Tho new and »pjen I tixchaNGL AND BANKING UOU3E OF “““Capi Gardner, will sail as above, her regular pepsia. Sail Rheum, Disease of ibeKidijeys, ?t * - his acqoamtance. - entertained of Gen.Mgnon’sdißpositoato wards- able at any time prior totho.rlocaUcn Several “ „ N . „ o ri wILI ' INS „ AXH Kutoel’s Opeea Troupe, in their perform- the government. Stwsbory and Rheima are amendments were offered and debated, but no por u eyetT Xue sday, Thowlay end Samrdcy, ci to A I w e «iem Fends generally - - • 1} duconm “i ip % r ’ lo PI JAMES BLAKELY, Shoulders,General Debility,Drop- ■ k. - r an“^. Sasonic UW night, gave great SCe states that Gen. Nenmoyer ,e * C “”° Be - lin g . sOeeoi. ‘‘ A, 1 satisfaction. They far eurpaas any performers marcWng from tbo nort h with four regiments, The House adjourned {ta“k“*Mmp- P -“ -JSdo Ueiawar"' V ' pari ‘ v ! nl^r^?. hapa^.t .^ hl t, i ii^^| lt tSIPshaMIR «Yf£usw'dOCK » > ' " -I,YYVjJ of the same class that we have ever heard. willoppose the President 15- iribe obovo nnc Brenoilowrnough we w.il kicuavox. botivo kww “®^'1 U ™?li’™S'„?div ibrt?Sgnu?rpMsago -AND THE “RED HOxNDURaS SARSAPARILLA,” BruddcrTonca is the perfect impereouation of Jhe correspondent of the Ttmca state that the New Youe, Deo 22 make, fonber redueUoo fdecJhl York „d Pb..ade. P bla -a-lSpreo, j p»- „ aYlng *£* SdMi'SJA. «to “JSgSSSd'SSSSS £Sd % '#* '' , ' Hi-iVtndieroiis- and any one who could attempted emeute at Droyet was promptly aup- Thoßteamers Union and Winfield Scott have For Wheeling 1 Jlnlmoore - af M wharf ,Y \*' l*l* nt Tinvn ■mnflftf* und that the most reliable accounts been withdrawn from the New Orleanß route, i JESj-A THE new and splsndid passenger steamer I n TI ARNOLD 8t CO. r nrr » Qinh nnd r,ihetiv stsi.Fmsburffh., has seehimi without laughing, mußt have made frojj, the Department are favorable to the Presi- will form part of tlie new lino between New ftfopaa. Maner. 1 nix and DEALERS X2V ■. r A .Inr.inrvitrfioodil •~~ -.ripa...; .IJ» s JP r4S WF^H9n. 1 f pn»*»S:sj9.sbe we»t9rapv.*s : &rgg^. ; v. *.. ».ow—.» Shikar,.™, ifch.*««,. ®S^-^vsri^ , 3es. , rT=«’s:l ■ -■« : »s?SsrS fSS:i *’ JT7T ,T A’ •= * were ever started. The Old S , B 2ud inßti Btate tljat. the news received from NEW YORK MARKET—Deo 22. Whrri,„ g ro, B.rui.ruv.llcWrll.vmr.ndßrovr.rvrr) a.Heci.o.iaearefoll, aliened »,JsdS«?«d. remit- H A y,L Ciipa, we fiod.t irsorted to, almost universally, ■ —*«— by Geo- Knnkel > 13000 °f 010 fa !■ Paris by telegraph caused the most iatenso ex- The Cotton market is unsettled, and ocenrate p a»'.a g r,l.Bv l „ s o, l ,ar P a.“'daccora n .o I i«d io .■■> pari oMh. Urn,.. ■'Si 01 ,? p ° 01 , T < ! l^o7 a ‘ SOrlell ' "Ji-- vVttH ballads that we ever heard. It .8, indeed, a oitement . The busincaa of the Assembly was quotations cannot be given d.im..,4p yi" boafi or.o b I ggf- STOC K 8“fg& for grorral prortrauon of oUihev.wl t Railroad Overture, was a perfect suspended, and the ministers withdrew to hold q Flour Sales of 18& bble at 4,4204,5.1 for ’TrWtboNG, CROZER A Co, A f m., ( -«« Ss°«r' g^^lo <, b r rSS. Sk, ' , ’ *“ Jry j J , lj., • f t„-Biinrt nil the nerfonuances were a cabinet council. for state and western The Wuwheiicr i.a ucw.ido wlael boat, and I. Ihe I »e P l3| Non door to ihe Bank of I’ituburgh. ISOdox Berlin Glove., (P* Srre/ufa, Syphilis, Hmunal Cowplumus, Career, /“A ,■>•' tAA Ka, t- , imitation. In short all the penornnmees INSURRECTION IN SICILY. Corn Sales of mixed western at Me. ~‘ge.. .od^u,«\.l»lr.n..r ever ba.l. for .be .’rade Pa. I . - - , 4 , ! do " £%o„“ ( ,ri7An’dkereblef. - . . /,/- - ' * o« in the highest degree amusing, and the hanno- The latest dates from Palermo furnish acounta Other articles unchanged, the storm checking .e..«er and .bipprr. eao depend 0., her I souKMBDOt *4 P 4 Ladfe.’L.neo di, TfV i - niee were ail all outdoor business __ -' aa FA Ta% C S“KMo W D S , ' TimArRE. —The Bronze Horse is to be repeated ppociaun the independence of Sicily, Mid com- EVENING . TIZIXTI I one him '• dS SS" , ! 3 to night, withotherentertainmentswhichehnuld pel Uie Pa- So^ - ‘ r K,2“ llLt. . k ' - hour Moderate sales at 4.4104.62 for state and Smordoy’ oi io A M Rriurnjog, leave. Wheeling I ht , , B u« .fork o! FALL AND'Wlfiibß DRY -I We understand that Manager Foster is making IStit reguneat fratcrmied with them, btfl and Western, and 4,17@4,&0 for southern ‘■ v, Eo?vvhrtlin* ei 7Scem. 1 “2, ° b “ p o 'rpnraiory C<, lo b the iecepuon ol M>m« Jewelry T tyaichea, Ac j, e 7« m pain> w j, lel) ??a gradually exlenduig-ihroogh the whole ■* fj/of'. mamificent arrangements for the Christmas 110 - by the prompt energy of the authorities, the Wheat Sales of 4500 bus southern white at imemediau. Porn at) d.. I ~0c.d.,0n wiueb occo..on our Wboiesale Room, will orjwhieh Uieyoffer on me mo. ‘ 1 - Af .>" 7- . * goes to work to got up a nf.vemeSt waschecked Several --lehave lo £ having CEMjCDp «rac- , 5 ' y “ , . -a t/vnn artist in been made, including some of the officers or the Rye 200bnsat<7c „ on , a PP I, on boud or m lor iniri marked pnee. v« tore of u Bridge over Pekolo’. Creek, near Imganbi aneeof aaki rnl praotiilooer, who pronouiioedjjDy dis- o - ' htilliant spectacle he is second to no artis 13th regiment C0m...5000 bus mixed western at 65c. ' pp 1 SHERIFF A BINNING, Agenta. I Freneh Slermo. Imvr been I p er ry will be received altfae Commissioners of Alleghe- j case one of tlio jivrreio*ir|oinl. lie said --. v '--.•..;-:jt_. r .: -. .’-v-.'.:;-.'..; <-A. j AA‘ the country. We feel confident that his Ghnst- THE FRENCH IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Provisions. Steady and anchanged , „., No 10 M.rke, sirert I .eliinjai 81 W), now m usle „ y At Wesunoreland amwwhew plans and toeei- my not easily bahJlri,,bn» gfy^nb”,»; 15 i ' mas Pantomime wiU be one of the most splendid By the Gibraltar steamer or the 19th nltwe Stocks Firmer, and nearly recovered from J ‘,4 u. Y p«, anger, I 1,7 s ;1 f canb ""' l JamesbUTCHEU," ‘ll'SwAt UoSo l de,Tf d «uvwu’*“S’h £ . ._ aya-saa-^t 8 s s- » gggsnSSßa • c^| £T*j «. , old expect Its editor, R. D Haris French fleethad proceeded to Tan gt era for tbe | agum renamed butmesv Having complied wub - All.Kbcny itiver Trad.. | ‘ '"••"* tajofre “ “S’fi! ,Ti^r«GrKn'sickMsrFka"'“bis.or vUbues,Bop- e°k Sd'&am’apMdfi 16 HASfeitt’ J *. ,*-Y 'A AA . - r,AArfAS . friends cornu expect ’ , curßo3 e of bombarding that place The British the reiiui.mon. «nh, law re.ulam.g Bale. at Auction kBOVLAH F&AIVU It, PACKKT-i I Klankei Ixmg phawls oressnon, JJyrmennrrksea, Nervoos Debility general taw Dock ana v Aunirtn - . home, Esq, IB a gentleman of talents, taste and p 0 P“ e war Jmua i^ d E been ‘d, spaU hcd to Tan- ?“Jig* , JSSJ* rus fine ..earner AU.EGIIKNI UH.LE 1,. “ ’ „„ awl . “ 3." Fa.ns.n the:He.d^ udSsxnm.Ormner 14.185 L \A ' and his publicauon was very much P 8 protecl the lotereeta of rite British eub- - “ , 4 -« J *?, lod.gert.in Ftaia- * - r.V needed in this community. It is issued monthly, jects ther e. ST? »• I Red Fitnnei. .11 wool « .. g leoee or’Wad, and all frier,no Co®Pl“"^“isallirue Iproeur4 .i,m...kT„g.tui»ghtbe abene-’ • '\ . extremely low price of $1 per annum, and ENGLAND. entiresatUfaeiL.. to alUhose who may feel d..pose B d m Ihe fine steamer ALLkGIIENk BKLLI. No 3, Cepi I , J 7» “ « eenlfcorfiveboxeeftt at the eitamely lOV pnee o y -It is understood that arrangements aro in patronise him. P. McKfWa, AoolSnerr Joi.v lUvv. leave, .be|A leghea, when for trunk. I Twllled , 37». •• » toS&» usinguas 10a Ihmk best Yours, W A BEER? ‘*- * : is devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture process among the officers of the Arctic expe- _Rcfe^ i o 1 K 1 .pn,,e.pai C.iv Mercbaoi. (ni.rso I V.,'2 roU dirrcuon,Closed w„b eaehbox /ptoOT ng Un„ i,Jr£Ta MjUv PAp.i- ; ::..***»■ dition to bestow some national testimonial upon a u,;t| on kkbb ANDTOMMissHoN’MEiH’iiANre Fo, n.r.0c.0 « a HocTnSSs?i7 .^‘in^ecV 0 Pr 1 Idec.s deeioivdAw 1,1 851 . C *s™ HO- ron Hurt -It wiU be seen «t by “ advertisement in to-day’s P a P<£ that the John M «r5S'M .0 Warkei SlTeei ’ iT** an need app.y paid every *‘ ' The overland modtoomtodia reached London ~ h. i T 7 &SIWSJ»' ta "".'‘T' 4 * .' ■ - -enterprising townsman, Allen Brown, at Turtle The relations bo- jdvenee..» oil k..d. of Go*, .mnatpwd .. tar «i. P.eiT.rft.7 \ JwiDS e.oipriMng . P ,or, beooufol a-.nnme.u *'* , — P la tbo use of Urn meiheine the pa W .it consianfiy 4 Creek,:U offered for rent. A good landlord can B / tish and u,* - Md v.gor, » «jj^ d «£ - > "make a fortune by taking this house, and at- Western frontier continue very unsatisfactory, lei, Wor l>. Wood aOo , John J. Amiemun V (<> R H :i‘J™ll° a Vi4n. a * cr ” | Alo.co . from Uirciu per yard lobe I mu pKDßlA,lUlnoin,witl auend ‘“ a { lb, }“^f p c r “demp- be used by per 0119 wuli ihe iuo a t deficate stontaeba, , 3 &3Mmsg£%kr * 5 i CC4 tending to his business properly A eerione Mussulman riot had occurmd atßom 4 iM,n,ojaia—o sr„7S Z °A sa-ssJ.icfiiiTis™ _ s- ! -.• ••-•'*.• - M i Aa v„«-om„ 0 « fee To all who suffer loss of life Maov shops were plundered, and ahBAIMIF alli Isto 7 cenu yer y»rd , Blew hed Mu«lm , from sto lil meiuofcUimsofaU kinJs oidPatenisof Extract of a Lettn/rcm uneztenwt Mtfekanlxn ' i *.v v ; couehSy colas f hoarseness, otc. ioati wuuouuv umw«i iu%. “ W J® \ th _ ... ~ P\*n\rr OF AMhRICAN oil I vard- Red l lannel.all wool,«i 20 cents per irr Land Warrants bonghi onU sold uw raients ot «»*, Wtseensnu 4 >•* fwiTtt Anv of the above maladies, we recommend women violated. Theaeeounta atate tha N bM t l^ I '^TfaiT'e^nmv^ h See3m G ir d iw C «i I IlKt FARED and »old by JNO YOUNujKJN I yar a p SHAWLS AND GOODS ifitff wanted . - Morning Post Nxehah, (\Visconsmj, Otft 29>XB5t 1 irptaftnypt Ui property destroyed is valued at £l5, OOOsterung. il ri*ni Aaei Far4r—DeazSir. lam ootof yoar w Wis- * • ' Tf a. qHrlc of Howe*S Cough Candy, which is easy * * J kriCeniMi. f jSranmi. v,r”ue.or which ore found to be | ore d Embmidered dio.li Shewls , Week Pmsburgh nor&Sl lar » s Balsam of Wild Cherry,” and *Dr Govzott’sßx • : V„,™mffp;tivp Itmav Amcles. onaccounio urndelrw iiier»,e '*[**'?'‘ ®« «'° l “' J . h ! time, of ihr onglD.l American Oil 1 Mlk Fr | n ge Thibei ?hawl , all wool Bro- gS OM of tUfOge. „ tract ot Yellow Dock and SarsapariUa *» Fleas© for- I - U J&fcafotiTßft 4 to take, and IS said to bo veiy eifective* y FROM CALIFORNIA ° k nU b,l ’ cr L T7 r f in ?A. Ihu puiuM@»tl(.sai IS ««d a?* cents, «acU wall full I ha Shawl* French Merinos, ail colors, Lapin’s Black ab cr itiers tor the erection of an House of Re- ward a supply immediately. .*> * VkA nnrehaaed wholesale and retail, of Keyser & rJirfihvu*k2 ! Rnu3 k Urea“rpinse»d Gold Pw"» dirrJtioiiscSTSw* In cyt ry dl«ea«e wherrilir origi I Bombazine*. Black, Figured and Changeable Alpacas 1 for Wesiren Feuusylvania, aro hereby noUfied Your Balsamof W ild Cherry worked lo a charm here, i , . .-bepurebaaea, wnoiesaieiu* _ 4 . _ # s Low Locbeu, bar Kmgv Uree>^ ,d A P “ 1 ' na) has been found at all eflicao.oas, and I Ca limere and Mous Be Lanr , High Lustre wide smem of twenty per cent on ihe amount -not a Lottie failed of affording immediate reheAandln ' ► , j 'McDowell. 140 Wood Btreet. Arrival of the Steamer Georgia. . .. .. v luto Ux onemsnn power as^torendei u the I Black oro de Rh, nt . Sdka , Changeable and Fancy l g Jnbedb\ each,* fegairedio be paid to the Treaau* every instance but one (an old gentleman of ll years i &?SiSs&t4^JSs' irt- Nsw York, Deo. 22. W. O. M’tißrfflKl, Aaet|oa««r. \ cHRAPhSTMBDtcft/B XN THE WORLD calland I Q reM Chameleon Turk Satins, Mull, Swiss and *_ on or before the 15th day of November next . of age), ii cured,Andth© tellowltaek hasdooefiqoally ' Wr t- *u« rwiW?/. Hfili not foreet that, m%* irnStaA Qroloe ntmunahin Georgia, from I irv n JOHN I Jaconei Musluis, Freiftb work Capes and Collars ror » Bv order of the Board of Directors aawetL I took three boules myself, last fall, and en- * *Zt • hope the public will not g The Dtutea States uf®sßV %r n moI.ASAKS at Aucrnm W.ll br «f»ld on I NU rite ongiiwioil in its nawral State a% taken | Black SUk Laces and Fringe, Bonnet Ribbons ,f JOSHUA lIANNA, Treasurer loved perfect health last winter, for the firal winter fot : -fc.t •'♦tiiwiffh thelundneas ofthe gentlemanly pro- Chagres with California mails to the 15th No- JIJ December «th. at s o'clock mhr «r from thr bowel of the < »nh, ca« be had a* I Glove , Hosiery and tr- rnnn*. O ARarc Chanct rorSpecalaUon. eleven yearstbemg troubled auli a seveie eruption ot sj£ needs of this evening and to-morrow evening duBton freight, and $l,-600,000 in Iho hands of war aTCHUS AND Jb\Vhi.R\ AT a»cii..» -»v ill ubi. a.ta a'iiiJM a P fYlllow°'| ! |‘»imel», o Breac'lipl and CoWd Canion lm, l“' So 'jQ I>'Brtach 1 > 'Brtach of ItaPrauic HiVer. twS (Christmas Eve) will be given for the benefit of , Sb ° &NO A MOOfi.n AD 2°£ o] jSerofolo.s fempnob, wh.ch worked an enure . ,| thß MercyHospitah the' ( X,M. ear y.to rf 6na Engh hc , 1116 , --Ujj ™ > ‘ Blackwood’s Mao azbib The numerous read, embarkation of q ' or I a >rLAIN _ CHARLES E. CASE. « < > Wandato^ ra h T7b!r7u^b!r ,n paatong'era to for New Orleans E aij r Giraa d n y o«*uf ,l A*UH«. Sparge n X »on vrry j tbohoasr onil all ca.li r.M.E uuderalgn^^f ' , li'ricet addressed -to ,he Shopkeepers dta£S? totag S ’feet in »« k rrK b Va , MSa^S¥?"A 0 * j I leading arricie IB auore the hold Her passengers would proceed to ev “rv e«uilw^ an are^4l^ A U , tN S “ |,L * novlSOm No 78 Market .l Pmsburgb rotlHloa Baud, can be bad al all limes, «a short notice borgh, J A Jones, Pittslinrgh, Lee A Becl6am, Allc- * Of Great Britain’’ OhaCTeein eailine The Georgia's out- Snwra-A very «*.«...« ....I Ard a * M< 1 “»»«">"»' | I OVVN *TFrLLV a, .„, . . In.irucuon.onMlm.tnunanta.i.radugidjriw ghtS^ity, L T iussell, l^ash.ogtan, W H I a The boys are indulging in this, ward passengers, cargo, mails, &c., went from d I dcc2o _ _ 1W Wood Bueei Pittsburgh I yoilN II Mi LLOR°No H Wood si, n C ° i touege. Greenaburghl* s\ouiu^ W S«Rer«t, n Scou , & GilmolSl ** SIEIOSIHG.—The boys ar g K Chagres to Gatua by the new railroad, and her chinS colognes Pond vßt©4caldle*tisi:cips I TROUBLE BARRELED l»!»TOLb--Ju*» received by I J ha. received and now open for sate, rpHEonly Instiuitiort in this part'of the Bedford; ReeaiSonjiitUTlingdon; Mrs. i-," ancient amusement on the vanouß plank roads came by the same route. 2d laacerjfpm boxes; ruby end emeil glass va*cs,aa?k JJ express 6doz patrdoabU borrelled Pistols which I following elegant woes of PIANO 1 which simienis are qualified for buuness byan ex- burgh, rand ACo, Indiana, ilt Wrigh^pmut. ■ancient auiuoeiu . *A at V*rv trmgnt, «e, y .cauwuy u*v 4o ; Bohemian bottles assort- Ue will sell lowerthuu ever they, have been sold before. I poRTES, from the celebrated manufae- * I * 3 V nerienced practical Aceoentaftt-one whohaaepndiicied mngrJ Evans A: COj-Bropkvtllc; A WxHoit & Bon, . » S J V 3 round our aty, to their hearts content. Very There had been a tremendous rnn storm, at do • Iw d P k W hoMflri and tumblen UOWN & TISTLI Y.tW Wood S reel I Chickenag Bo ton at feuory pnew v« s, ercllMlll ? books in ihe mast exietuwu and dlwnoM Waynosburgh, APFarlwid A Co,N calender, Mead- * i sarrr"““isggjsag i i AnSß»Tltonl«d Autoore, will be sold al ' Davie’ Commercial Salee Rooms, to-morrow KBtinthe Bto the echooner taking ;*ta«« oufee ,wo '«s^ e "«“ a ™,«“ ■“•■, Aleh they ar. «llm* lowa, Aaa any o,har n4»0n.7 do do «0 00 %7's‘ tch laamra. Ot, Maraanula Law, .vary Satar- CROUF, ASTHMA and CoksUMmON - SfcL SctTO«SS&y«S«*S.*r»«?-» fcSaftUk3.tr V» , .™a I. r lo ' 5 and dram boulcA tadi..’ E.toblUbinom in Ihe cliy. Our terioß are CAisll. I ur9oono7 do do 450 00 dnv evening- at To’cloCk. Atnongthenaateroiia .discovering Science baa mado 1 evening, at 04 o clock. Home, bound to San Jnan. ines; ilobrimnngiaiisJe manif laiirrri Inn I 'Vork warranted. JA.Mtb I.OWRI, I 10766 one 01 do extra carved 450 00 A n evening Arithmetic Class, under the Principal. 1 n tins generation to facilitate lh« lmsinc-.-.of life,in* ~ - 'j' JiftKar! K 1_ The Steamer Golden Gate Was spoken by the wori. Fa..arm.n’, Ko» do c rved Lou.s XIV, 500 00 Circular (ociS-dAw crease Its enjoyment, and evehprolongihe tcrro fast from the prolific pen of Capt Majea Beta. 9 has over _ decjo = I removing saiiownoss, p*mpl«*, uin, cutaneous eruptions I im o . t»l7, do do omdoby Wood- L scribers, und« of Vnrtt A 1 f . effected by i*s.use;but we:woul>- . I P " r ° ■■ Professor Huchcoc: A^+A-x. *?s»B>>'«®Rw®rSf , *»§SSi^S^ s -.'■Vmrt.M at the WAVERLEY HOUSE, most valuable ond populous blook, owned by i„ fed bearing. , . , ~ . . | fay. Work Boxen nod F»“»» Goads now openin' for • NoUce. mUEsubsenborsbaveeo ereil imoLp-Pnruietslup,fo? »J«Maffl-Aye^Si«.lh%V4,iHt^y«^®P!Ky*eevj,.:..r®s'M’,wiiE»;#:-».-iS!,v::i-s;.« ams Express, at me “■ * most value .. r P heaw foil Abool silti-five ucre. of the Land l» Cleared,—ibe I "j ,r ‘"”p ...onjTvijinng IO make MleeUoui for ' . „ "PJffS'n-nni i, M „f the Ohio I Hie aoraosoof carrying on the Mustard aitfiSpiee, mi»tlnjßy-»wn-ie«»ouf.d«p4ea«e*llw»di«ll*;*n4«»--iwi:r,v*W!i>-®ai>a;i.%«s«l««i Ttiamond Aliev. onr W f,nc, P al bosmeße men, witn neavy SUI ar ,J f whic h ~ boitora Lend, in a high »i»ic of 6m have now an opporiunity. Goods riIHE Annua l Me’einng oi ihis bwck o dersol ihe uh.o A '"'J.i'Jiininabnalneiitidll7TUird Etreel.’wliere iaujfiedrfomlU dhemiea»eoi«U-tiiiidiii:lliaV«isaniid- ' . » -. • p?t: diamond Aey Stocks. The entire btock, from and including J. f ttlu “,fon, and uoi surpassed lo fertility by any on Hu. ®‘“ n r *”“ P p Prt of the cuy or viemity I “ , / l i, P '“? n J'.fo'., h reXmc C VMrw!ll beheld nl they will be pli aged to see the old custainere of Wiighl mmibleeorapOQndfotlhe reUeforia.-ngliUnd broil - *„ - M’KEE A ALCORN Cbial difficulties:; If my7opinlonmglo,itst::gdpenorehar»:>:«’vAfl*7i : :iii‘.'i^;„ir.;^f.‘B;f« ' 4f! U E A .ta:1 ifb:""o“i“awTpin'fetabo. smoking rnin ß the extreme TboUenvar. A wgxWREB AtiO will lake jjiace -PirlR _ 9ALE —A small FormTf6o »«, a ™ - Chopped Teed and nil kindu ol John Fltming asMciawia Book keeping deporlmvul, T^|) o Z Lac© 1 eaihcr eilraqiialilYr c!lmsaren?«ff«uvtfr©mSyforlhe< rUtt iff di*tau J . . !ge!ste£@! sMlsss-s-s S— fS” ’ 3 dress and $l,OOO. made a brief speech giTOATO;S a n p ‘ 3 ft 0 h r Br «:; &%y the beta a, du-u-k. j by 70 T do WOUUbN b S < ■ ‘ ' ?' - " !3=aA ,^a, ttlsa!S SSSiJScSsiiiS™ 6ok''“ u »"““wS^ : SSS»S"SS£: ) i?ss. i-SEgsa gsfaaaas ; . d<-cl6 UM. A.MCLURI, iCo. WfcU a4drfiSS. rtaUy incTeasine, renders it ibe raosl valnuble in murk- | 40 do t u ? Pi j® . burgh Bar, bo* been .employed to instruct the students miMa-ififiimin .litniaiA. an© Stl tans Bedford l** B - ? 8 M"D 1 r ■:■ P.OH “ ’’■-•""'„‘sr,is?iS',s«T ™™.-Sr"'r“ ssri-ssis-fiijja Be^.is^ L iiar *JiSiS£. t . >~ A ' ss - rs^ig; s ootir&' i '■: , tr "--" i gffl&aggyjggga.a a.A:=gaaSS iSS». | ■;'! tat part-146 ncrc;.tlSperclmymctmea- $lB,OOO have been received by Gen.' Kossuth cSsimeres; French Cloaking super Y ! i ' e cU, L ’ OR ' ,btll ' 'VhpRR!FF B A BiWnING ““h *s° ,Si e i!r°‘ l ? l .” I,ol<> “ ml ' U ‘ SlT,ng mBtroo,,on lßriil By 3 PEA NUTS, f forLnrd LardOtl.Ac , &ldelterst Girandole j. Wait- t »«S^T'lta. d since hie arrival here. The Brooklyn lecture gf,"‘ andßeaver Goauogsil»oollenHata. 1,,,j bullcl , r . Cooper, Flag, oo band and tor "‘S-i'SESiShTSS. Assistants, lakes charge of'tko I°'’ U Almonds, Z-VjTdAU cbatd,gtane dwd * hSise p;oiuoed. $6,000. The amount reofived at Serges; and Vest Button, Gloves fLAGyi JuERRIrFA BINNING Book keeping depart.net, i. liCrouch teachr. Writing, stff T ESS*^henile «SpnnSsShffSnierDg i 2ts?a£* . , 1 f-fiMd kitchen, frame barn aodalogien.nl _ Sf,': P e r P p ,ra^“^, o .sr B to mHE publte areZT"?thTf OFFICE OF THE JSfcWrrpg?' ‘ * ' ’^®SSS'SSS4 , 2I?SSSiSSiSaiS r r RSe and Weldon and ro-alclow by C ARSON A M'RN,OI.7“ e »& «!.. ; ' ~ J umber—the whole bc.ng fir t- Dec 22. J, .uaggjniff I.,WTT JZj! ft $ ’’t* &%£. tairtgggf *£* • «le*rew. —rland. . ..., nn-thr rmbarlrp TI i . t.,.nn nnowitiif vlnltntlv fill ilnv in thin d K nt N i?S. «n.i ftTrnlt- vV W. A. MTLURG 4Co , H ,)»«.» 3TUAR T 4 SILL A DAMS Sc CO’S OFFICE is removed to dacll JO&HPA BHODEa «t* , w * c @pSSrt?al ATin nffPMif*A#». AR PINE OIL* re. MUK-: • ©*».<»r It haa been aay m_ tbia \j Diadtm,«ndfotEaie 956 Hbcny direct 1 i ?f±: : ANo SO Fourth street. They are receiving Goods . LARUE ROOMS, with. Patu;»wm 4 J£*;^SSSAmoe or rm aT&t. AU ©tdeteJcft 0 ' - t * aSSfeggsMfiSti* ■vs&£*n*»* «m»qy_ rna&NhmmxnS* ~ r ~4 ' *C AAA li ioUce, ~'T ' f-les of green AouW«a?rt« sale °f“ 9} W,l,tao 'VtUART t SILL. Ersljate,ai( ~nl pOWDERFJ) Jo waU,IO ( , - f j’ --"HasmslL. 1 — . . - . : • ■ \ j 1 \, -sv ■ -., v '-■ ■a ■■ . ■•• '.l /s -' frags s&m iktfM t V. i ■ ■ ' , - -. • V K ». . "i* 1 tV*'’- 4 V > - '"sfi?* v ' s i v *!S§6**Si&-/g*^,V t y^^Vy.^. y,V.V:. _»1—» -V*- H r SlW=v V : - u rii mi "TnTrrfwrk^Mli - 'Y