•- ?*,- *4-Y:;, •■- ; -•-' ■"'&,*-, '• ATT 7 ■''/•■;- ; v v, :A A^^AAAVAAfi CvA,\tYh; * X < ; ~--a Y £ , ' ; , * ' •"' v>vf' vvAa? v i a -»* - ,v- '"a ? , r-ir T’\> < ' a vyyav'jf£> ? a- *." -a% %; v- v *--- d <<~ ;V '“ i r &'' _ v '► * •• ,* •.' ’ >. '" v ~y-v-va *&% eAAiA&A'-"'Av^aAS" : 1 ' ! w AAa-Aa'# :;v Y/a •" -Ar, vA ’ : ** v */ A y'AA’A VR > - ;< : : ,A- Av-’“‘ a v-' WJXt -? *=> % *<**• A-4 ~*' t . iV.! * «fc*rf>*y. T % k *2 v*» --fe. -i**fvfjr jt * c » , t-T * H v ''+«ul *. * •* * 1 v ■* » 1 *• ->* | * \. > f -*V «■ >. *. , -■ r •» JL > w *"** ,~c L vA?, J r H ”/‘V^ r t.V>felA>‘i '-.\ r" l >r, - • .VWA - v. *_ --‘ -Jf '‘A’-v* , ' - ' ( *../*• 4 <“ A t v v ' BS??}*4Bg fe®A's!'-V?-:''‘v ; 'V '--J f - : :-- - ' ;- - .k-yv- -. ,• ■-. ,:>.^ -,••>. c^VW-' ■' -\> - 7 —- - - - .- » \- - . . . » i > ,': -, £ ,* a ' irAv pA , s ; - ,r""l THtfBaDAT MQBMIKG.:-..::.DECEMBER 18 V ***»»« co*auxs*-i*us’i',aK Sa ios. 1 .JJJKfiSgS™U. orac ’ i ’ on ; i PASSAGE from LIVEBPOOL.wTDMtmW- DR, to ROW N 'T« n ]fe? ~ ' A' * - Sejatb.—Mr. to-day 7 ’ia’ Tie WM U.er y«,er -'‘“‘-« y~~-?.«». •?■*"•» °-<>.~ J , ,«*«».»«« ™.« ; -1 - +J| ('A '*■>.•-'* Courier flf the 13th Alao t a Jnessage in reply to ttoresolutloncaUmir tt* viru 6 r 1 h SL *''' STaEIr ;> I ST ““IS, uiswiobi, wagon-, sulen from «ore al 52£7!»3 05, by tiie dr.y iond f ab <>ve wcirknowi Honse, ia prepared lo bringi ut pjHasSrasS l * potency, tentalo WeaknelKMoau,. j vl-T-S\AA V- ; tte rirer --raU.ogyeaterday, w.tb 5 feet 2 mftrma A reffion to the fitgtofS? or,«, ~ *, ,k ’ o " hh,, • r ■■ , lMgt . -i- V A l ‘W* , e*"***^*t.V' * * “V-AfU'i’’* '*' inches water m the canal, ana . feet o inches Promethena. The Presidefit says that upon ro- l,c }‘ eonniriiraoim of GooOs, to be sold in this murkei oais— Sale of *jo bushel* at AJc P« sages can be engaged in the following lines, silks ritiMso enWiuß bleu. uone of ihe.Bladdet end Kidneys,lflcceysfallyinateij, ~. V>CP. V.} 1 ,v'.S/fi» *• I,* n>" -* l --- » > VAA-V > on the falls last evening Daring the previous ceiving information of the foot, he sent lnatrnn. UJrV ft 4“ cuou “1 A ,rlv ?. te s,ll ° — pameulariy Ola » ASHES-Sufeu Df SoJa at Oie, the demand i, Kome ,a iSri? l V l , < ; l i»? l iJ r ?■" J he a ? y^ * oppomted KB.ABIKH.eh HAHS- Core guaranteed *» h -i‘2?t» , C'W'. r 4r, L all kinds of Oooda cona lß ned u for sale chlmf s.ui..„»i.,™. an oJwLS. f . e „ a 9 h .. M ? ,uh ftmutiefi.Jli, - ’ J et yesterday was quite elonay ana lowering, but Which he has received no reply, ana does not „ „ t.V. ™ In a regular way at esejc RED STAR LINE leaves Liverpool on the JStb ot It, Booh Notts and Cmo - come under his care, -* t . t ”2L ! :r:r;*l «,. MI . M . ss?f K?S»aSw! ~4»rr:rs,“ "■• JSSrSSIZ 8 '' r .’ -.•-; sttsiffliUKSsss** *=r- paSB®B««s» VA .&$' s=sritXKM3 s£&si®B&B*s3r‘£ SSf“iiS3SiH3:psxasssa bi.s»AS3wA ''A - - jrsssrsfbasf-ssrsss: “fr^*-. 1 .... B;:A?i'a4Ks!.':;':?B. gm-ffiisrtseshss JWHMr ,i •• ,-- ** A V AYJ»,<^ifcggfe-a^i?g.£jy, nveu at,,ner wnari, the tabic .InoJnv, r Ol.fton Atkinron & Co, ,o,sos ““J<-r ign«l Agent lor the Me sr» Tap colt, Sr New raeatioos ' tboj saevsvt - , ' f r - ; Mr Hunter reported a bill giving comnonsa ~ “if Heater,also, iheP * o Railroad pa S through Jarvia A Co, ,7,uuu '“ rk JAMLb lILAhLLY, „ HUO N -a SARQKST. ; ' C-V>-. B 'rey ‘":\a f'4..vt.V ; -r -t Tac WrATm-R Thin in n fmirfnl enhu-nt for tion to those persons whokent the nnhlir L„ Uus iarm. which inakesit »o contiguous to tnurltei Unit & Hoffinati, ISOas Corner of Binh and Liberty streets, ■ -BANKERS, AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ~.v ---■ ■'■.'■■■■*■.''7, ' v: ...AHE AVEAIHER.—Ihis ; is a troittul subject tor , “I° tuo “® peraons WHO Kept the public depos- 11 otTers imluccmcnttlo those desirous of purcbusing u Brnunin, Bheon A-Cobb, ' 10 073 °cutt (2nd , tory ) Piusburgh N.A- Coma of Wood ana Sixth tlnstt., Hu-burgi’ p* * h T Y'’4YY&V editors to-wnte about, when they have nothing > tes “dev the sub-treasury act, and who had not Aif''",. 0 '",, p °‘ l ,< J C, “ I,,W J I a Dairy, rareiy to be m u.AAj Yi, , l “ 4 "' pA««PNSh,RS from tin Old Country, in ai/ of lal' ISeaLERS in Com, Bank Notea, Time Bills, Foreign ’ .b. w -ua; 1 »„. SStt-:-» -a L-ssaw'jßjg;afe*as. JtoßßWwfiStesspaife • 4 w.ws»ra«s.»rtii««S»' S «»« ' g.» ' t.,«. WS .f - :! good 'Balnect.'‘ suppose that our the duty of the United States to interpose to | hhirt ‘ In the peas fast night, there were U,aoo koes |<®ft over «»*we®K t»• #«Rar, l ft. flour, 4 lb. molauea, anJ I lb. 4 m«aeonta!l pt:ris'df (h« Ujiiou. aitho oj # J t *** ' - ,b-:t reeling article 0n.,h0 for.o ha. ftk ita «en«n„.f„ l ie,n' > S d ““- ""S*".*"'" . ~. ■ " -'- - ‘A -■- t '.-V f. ' influence most sensibly. Zero got so low below Mr. Borland called up the bill granting a pen- 'X, betouaiag to a person lately decease-one largo J-i'JS," 8 -f.“A 4r 11l^ ,!i ‘y. S. Whitei Co, l\ W.*. JtT.TAWCOWfcCa, ' c.travmm&ilJSi!’' u--:; h *t* ' ,4 „ ..• -/ ]-: « >•■ . ■/«•■.■.. J i LI , i.,> i., r n , Ll „,n. sion to thn nf Hon \V*~iU vr ft j father Trunk,coniamiur Clolhini?, Shirts, and Boofen J i-afcrsonvii)e.— Lou. Cou., Du. 13. S 8 Soatli sL, N. Y., or lo C»GU* KXCHANGBOoiho Eastern Citiesconaldudy v * v**," ,*7 thefreezmgpoint, absolutely beneath 10 tno widow of Gen. Worth; Air, Under- ai» o , one fine LovJr Wiu C „ „ T . „ JAWKS O-foi^«aie;• Time ri /, T vKht RfcvJW nnr nntlM< KnfVhf nnrt thin* wp ar#» folly fton. W00(1 opposed it, and Messrs Seward and Bor* doir,Utineon jewels. t nootAT Sr. Louis—Prom Uiefruem K eueer or Jhp on., 00,113 . Sixth Qiul LiheHy IU and Bank Notes, boughi and sold. A'- A;.n..V-,.4u. SSSaS^ »SSSffSSS3*“ s®!: V: ’ possession of’their now ouarters’ they uavc a House—Mr. Carter asked the unanimous con- On Monday, December 29th, si lb o’clock in the foie " n| j ,lie »"»>»»' driven lo a foreign market. The amount SfSfc: LONDON LINE OF PACKETS -To sail New York andNuw England US- ■“ ?*-.•• ' splendid entertainment to tbcirfriends, on which Z£ ™’. .K’ s?+', * > ~ occasion the members of the Press were not for- on Lo?| Kossuth, on his arrivai in *““ ™ W ' • “T* .%%WSI23S. * '* ■■ - '.t.* A A'v f 7R b Theltetes v ?•• !i ' S 1 nees community, and we hope that its enterprise wefe then cal|M fn> <1 rs. he States AAA'L r . c .f c . ,vcJ b » rai "°» d “P'»M““d»y *ght, a., -2£!»_ S.iUkukl Liberty sis.. Piuslarab k I wiii-be duly appreciated by our fellow citizens. Mea^y^JS. -^~ Increuße over s- - ' Sh|pmeni»io Louisviiu ", Shipped io Cincinnati, j A ... ' Gtberal Agtnc, £)EORlA*Jtlinoi», wilt attend lo ail business connect- . ’ '- ■ l ed with Land« in the State of lUmois—the redemp- . , ' «*_ , . lion of lands from tax saica, tbr payment of taxe*, the ?^f L> ~ sale ami other di*;>oi4»uon oflands, the loeauou of land r ,ack Mrr Baileynoininated' B.C. Sawyer. Eaa .as : warrants; aiM> to the cniccuon of debts and the s*tiic* Bresi :• 7. * - • * men tof claims of all kinds. Jaconet Mu fc . :.'r-v-.i' a Canmdatß for Mayor, • - C 7“ Land Warrants bought and »old. Old Patents of B kcfc Silk Ltu Aldermaa _ Thoum. Fog., Post, sM^N. McMaster, wto waa a candidate for 3fayor Piusuurgii Cte" i wished -uTihaTe-'-his name-withdrawn from the and Yehow Fiamieis; BleacW ConveniioA'iiHbtWas sadsfied with Mr. Sawyer, and wduldjgiye'; him a hearty support. The - ,- m „ Per yard. friends cfiMt Matthews and Sir. Eowley with- FROM PHILADELPHIA. G «enin" Dl,eS?er 3 lftU““^ u If' T C^Sm»SSSIV«S4^ P X , !, , 4^to < «’-. drew manner. mi T •_ . Philadelphia, Dec. 17. Commercial Sale* Room*,comer of Wood a»d PiAb oarScniaratteStiSS 4 qaa,l,le *» to Trtllch I wo ®W>' Mr..’iewis; then moved that Sir. Sawyer bo mJLL "T!?* ft W^*" 8 SSSSi ‘ The cMiomera ofWhoawhnd all cash Uuyera.aro o .V Y V V ,-, ■J. UIIS morning. The matter of, the Christiana looking g!as»e,, 17 doi tuv-tnimDciT w requesied to call and etamine. for themselves. The ?■- “onunated by acclimation, which was carried; murder and treason case then came up, when qee», “>'"«Vi’n cushTooAoyTSes “ri?lm“%lu7 a- 1 rai!S r LK2i e ‘ ,r * tyh '’' ral^ and Mr. S.'was therefore declared to be the District Attorney Ashmead stated that he had l t T ai,d or,d y zcd bn-an ptua; joi broaohfr, hair pm*, —~ POk atetmg. *1 ai«aE.om s morris Chronic a,. unanimous choice of-the Antimasons and Whigs noHe prosequi on sQ the'indictments for ia'd^e^ieX'*”^?* 1 “ J *‘ jJSrf...lsg !sss&* “VP* n»**e««.» No. 75 Market »l, Piiuhmgh. ;A Of Pittsburgh for'thodfficeerxiayor. eD .'-° dged f Al.„ tfo,fo„e 0 , l lmt < M< i c gSWV 7 > „ ._ :• TT-- „ • . J against alt the prisoners by the authorities of “ 1 rM. Pa Vis, Amu'r. end Wheelmg, leaving hen, every Tuesday iw.,.. siderinion. Hisiilensa. Mr. Lewis Offered a senes of resoluDons, Lanoaster county, and that tbev would be taken T7 x f::HI?«’. fi SALK Ob BAN kTKSOraNOK and »»« B«»rday, «US A. M. Retornlng, leaves’mH be used by peraoui with . A- ' . pledging the support of the Antimssous and there to stand trial on the ohige of murder, SS5k WhU^.r“' ,>r *’*">>««*• M. '"* S“S y 4 cu fe- 4 •«*’» at fhose of - U ‘ ftomexpeneuce.eudtoiheallhe^ ■””*—— ».«.;siS®iSBi9ate. -S &gMSS&BBggSS& wsis&mm r b wlitepi • -. «A WmtelßpmP iip^ tBPSS "MfelSl#! jMI ... ~#» sat tev: observe that some of our ice mer- = ~v«laable Farm-fo* Sale;. . '-bimU-k-'i' ®O i rasr“S«ae, rrrz: —- Bzsentexi Sale. warmly engaged Tn cutting .ice. for; JrillE subscriber;' sarviviugiExecutor,of abe Inst will TfiHg-=>J»9cjiDor l is eafoortted to sell the following de- lf<» , 9 A I i]fc^ , . v ST AOII SB AND A HALF nf first PU r.4is#;ftc®s%^iJfesSw:■” They had better keep cool until XfoMTa“Svamß^“mthUdsSuTsrao?Jriid^ apSg~SjaSffijasßa Ss** •'r-“?>*!«(S. KRST 01? TUE SEASON.-Eeceived- c n f" HonTo, fl6wr.twarua of , [ aetin Thfe ptopeny ]ies ; on ffie E.'by a fine‘lot of VENI- |ST ‘ r ’ SE^^rtsjs^f*ss^effiwsas•" - •- .'- 'Vf .?' ,; ; -S. ■-. :■ av> ■■■-•- •- • •■ V.-.;• v SB Eg!*. SSBKiS mm Whig and Ahti-Masoxio Convention. —The Whig and Antimasomo City Convention, to nomi nate a candidate .for Mayor, - assembled in the District Court Room yesterday, at 10 o'clock, a. M. - i 1 -- „ On motion of Isaac Quigg, Esq., ROBERT M’CUTCIIEON, Esq. was called to the chair Alderman Daft of the Eighth Ward, and Mr, John S(mTT,?Sr%v.of"the Sixth Ward, were ap pointed'YicerPriesidents. - - of the 4th Ward, ThomasH. Little, .of tho 6th Ward, and & A. Long of the Ist Ward were-diosen Secretaries. . The:President then announced that the Con vention was duly and prepared for the transaction‘of business, the first in order being the presentation of the- credentials of dele gates. . . •. . The.delegates from the nine wards of the city thereupon'handed in credentials and took their seats. ■ Mr. Bailey nominated JJ- C. Sawteh, Eaq , as a candidate for Mayor. ■ Mr. Xowis arose and stated that Alderman McMaster, who -was a candidate for Mayor wished-to ihoTe- his name withdrawn from tbe Convention. He .was satisfied with Mr. Snwyer, and would give him a hearty support. The friends of Mr. Matthews and Mr. Kowley with drew their names in-like manner. Mr. Lewis then moved that Mr. Sawyer bo nominated by acclimation, which was carried; and Mr. S. was therefore declared to be the unanimous choice of- the Antimasons and Whigs of Pittsburgh for the office of Mayor. Mr. Lewis offered a series of resolutions, pledging the support of the Antimasons and Whigs to their.nominee,. Mr. Sawyer, which of 'course were carried. Mr. Bailey moved that the President, Vice Presidents, together with Messrs. Little and Chigneli, he a committee to wait upon Mr. law yer, and. acquaint lum with the action of the Convention, which, was adopted. A resolution was here offered by a delegate, providing.for the time of holding the primary meetings hereafter in the several words, which gave rise to considerable discussion; and after being amended so as to read ns follows, was adopted: ...... Ruolvtd, -That it. shall be the duty of tho President of this convention to order tho next Primary meetings to be held in the several wards on the second Saturday of December next, between the hoars of 11 o’clook, A. M-, and 6 P. M,, to elect by ballot five delegates to meet in Convention on the Wednesday follow ing, to nominate a <£sdidate for Mayor. On motion-the Convention then adjourned. STAKTixaoP iHE Caps We hear a great deal of complaint in regard to the early hoar (CA o’clock) -when the cars of the Central Railroad leave the city. !W.e are assured that’this is ialtogether.unavoidable. It is absolutely neees i sary for the carp to leave hero at the hour men itioned, in- order that the stages can carry the passengers over in time to meet the cars on the other end of the road.: The matter complained of, we feel-confident, will only be of short dura tion. As.soon as the Railroad is completed entirely, the-best arrangement for the comfort and convenience of travelers will bo entered into, without doubt; Soiree Mbsicaie: —Wo would desire aU lovers jf good music (wo use .the term in its true sense) to bear mnuud-ib&t Edkesi’s celebrated trouoe jf Vocalists swill give their first performance in this city on Monday evening next. Before their irst performance wewill have an opportnmty to lotlce them more m detail. Tin Com Weather.— We should not forget while sittingtby our worm firesides, the numer ous poor that are suffering in our city, from pn ation and want. Apropos, V!e are informed that tfr. Ottinger designs giving* benefit next week, i o the Mercy Hospital.. Tickets are to behadat he Fair now i holding at the Lafayette Rooms, i j the witty broker is) who dines, at the States- Back building, remarked, the in the presence of a large number of iat George Beale is the greatest friend tttry in, the city. The witty broker had two pounds of venison steak; and two idoyßtersi - iEisa fob CimiSTMAS. —We notice that iksellers, Tariety. dealers, and others, in preparing for the Holi- Phose'Who wish to have. “ crowded will nc.t fail to advertise an the Homing 'nember that, friends. Democrats of the Third Ward, , will meet at Union Hall, corner of Smithfield street;: nnSatnrday the 20 th, reihonrs of three and hitlfpast stf, for of electing five delegates to the. con nomioate a candidate for Mayor. Jearo from tho Journal that the Fes* \ benefit of jPassaxant’s Hospi it Treekj-produced: a nett return; of: vyersix hundred dollars, ;•"•/ . ;Mr. Wightmnn offered a resolution to which objection was made, authorizing the printing of five thousand copies of the President's message in Spanish, for distribution among the people of Now Mexico. Mr. Qoodenow announced a resolution declar ing that during and after the present Congress, members shall be furnished with newspapers and publications as they may select, not to‘exceed in amount per annum the cost of four daily papers, which was passed. Mr. Tuck introduced a bill for ascertaining and satisfying the claims for Frenoh spoliation, prior to 1801. Referred. Mr. Brown introduced a bill, granting 160 acres of land to each of the Hungarians trans. ported to this country, by order of the govern ment. Objections wero made, and the resolution lies over. A number of bills and resolutions wero offered and referred, among thorn one authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to contract for carrying the U. S. mail from Jersey City and the city of New lork, to Galway, on tho western coast of Ireland. The Committee of Ways and Means was in structed to enquire into the expediency of alter ing tho value of the coins of the United Btates, so as to make the real and nominal value eqnal. Several other resolutions were offered and dis posed of, when The House adjourned. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Dec. 17. The U. S. District Court resumed its Bitting tills morning. The matter of the Christiana murder and treason case then came up, when District Attorney Asbmead stated that he had entered nolle prosequi on all the indictments for treason, and that detainers had been lodged against all the prisoners by the authorities of Lancaster county, and that they would be token tnere to stand tnal on the charge of murder, at the convenience of the MarahaL Those of them who may not be convicted will be brought back to the city to be tried on the charge of misdemeanor. FKOM THE PLAINS. St. Louis, Dec. 16. A. W. Reynolds & Co. arrived at Independence yesterday, en route for Washington city. They bring no news of interest. The weather on the Plains was intensely cold. The party encountered continued enow storms, which proved fatal to many of the animals. A number of government animals were lost STORM AT BUFFALO. Buffalo, Dec. 7. A terrific gale has been prevailing since Taes* day morning. The snow, which has fallen to the depth of two feet, has been driven into im mense heaps. The roads are blocked up, and mail communications are cut oil. • - "———.—. FROM LAKE ERIE. Clkvklaru, Deo. 17. The steamer Mayflower went ashore lastnight 18 miles above Eric. No lives were lost. They did not see land from the time of her departure from Buffalo until they struck- The propellor Oneida also went ashore last night, at Fairport. FROM LOUISVILLE- Louis villk, Dec. 16. The weather is intensely cold, and navigation is.dosed, both above and below the falls. The steamer Belle Key, which left yesterday for New Orleans, returned to day, having been unable to proceed. The mail boat also started for Cincin nati, but was oompelled to return- FROM WASHINGTON. Wasbisoton, Deo. 17. Mr. Hunter, acting chief cierk of the State Department, left here last evening by order of the President, to present to Kossuth the joint resolution of Congress weloommg him VIRGINIA ELECTION. •Richmond, Deo 17 We have returns of the late olection from 112 counties, which give Johnsou, the democratic candidate for Governor, 8100 majority New York, Dec. 17. The steamer America sailed for Liverpool to day with 29 passengers and $1,120,000 in specie. .. . NEW YORK MARKET—Dec 17 Cotton... The market is hrm- Flonr...Sales of State and western at 4 43(31 4,02. Wheat...A cargo of good Ohio red sold at 85c Ryo...Sclling at 75@76. C0m...2000 bus mixed sold at 65@6Gc Provisions... Steady; sales of western shoul ders, sides and hams at 7@9c. Linseed Oil... Sales of 1800 gals at G4@66c EVENING. Cotton... The sales to day amounted to 1000 bales, at Bf®Blc for middling uplands, nnd 8J for New Orleans. ’ Flour-Sales of 8000 bbls at 4,31@4,C2, as in lality. Wheat... Firm, with sales of southern white at 102@1060. Corn-Sales of 9000 bus mixed at 64@65c Pork—Unchanged. - Lard—Sales of 200 bbls prime at BJ@Bf- Beef— Soles of mess at 8,60(3110,00,'and prime at4,26@5,00. ' v Linseed Oil—Booo gals at G4@66c Whiskey—Selling at 22. CINCINNATI MARKET—Dec. 17 Flour—Quiet at 8,10@3;20. Whiskey... 180. Molasses—Advanced to 36c. - 'Provisions—Advancing; 12,50 asked for Mess p0rk—12,37 offered. Balk meat held at 6@60 for shoulders and. sides. Lard—Prime in bbls 7c. . Hogs—Firm. Therefs but little business doing. in conse quence of the cold. . v- WATCHES AT AUCTION—On account of whom it may concern, u> pay repairing and other chorees, un Saturday evening December tfOOi, at 7* o'clock pre cisely, will, b e sold at McKenna’s Auction House,on ac count of the parties concerned, unless redeemed before the following gold and silver watches, left at different periods with Sands A Kinetnon at their store in the city Pittsburgh for repairs;—Oue gold watch, loft by Sam uel Lodwig, one silver lever do, Aug Auclieiibaugh • one silver anchor watch, id Jewels. P. Milter; one dodo 13 do, A. Monlbauccs; one silver Doming cose waich, TOfide by K Thompson, London, No 50174 . left by Jacob i Gouoitiii, one silver lepine. Pc er Snydrr ; one English j watch,Samuel Karteiil'erger, one utlverlepine.-t jewel-* I S Myers; one do uo 4 do, left by J. Peters; one do tin I silver cap and dial, 4 holes jeweled, left by J W Park, made by Dreguet; one double case Swirs watch left by John Ford. SANW* HI.NKWA.N l* JIJeKKNISA. Au,-*r. Valuable Real testate at Private sale, ' SITUATE oil Fifth street, between Wood and Smith* field, fronting 30 feet on the former, by one hundred and twenty feet in depth; clear of all incumbrauce. This properiy is the most advantageously located of any now offered for sale—jejua in the most prosperous part of the city, adjoining the Theatre, n< arly opposite Masonic Hall, and only a few steps from the new Cas joat House and Poet Office, together with the propor tionate iii.*rea*e of business which is now apparent, arid daily increasing, renders it the most valuable in mark* et The terms will be accommodating. Apply to MRS. MATTHEW STKWART, Allegheny City} or to l*. M’KENNA, Auet’r. P. M. DAVIS, AuotlcmeerT " R BALKS BTFFALO HOBBS AT Auction.-On Fii- AT tlav afternoon, 19lb instant. at 3 o’clock,ai iSe Com- InrVcia! Sale. Booms, coruer of Wood and Fiftb streets. w-jJi he *o!d—& italcs Baflaio Robe*. P.M. DAVIS, Aoct’r. GIOLO WATCHES at Auction—On Thorada? eve- I iiinffa December ISfth, at 8 o’clock, at the Sale* Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth meets, will be w>td— f) superior Gold Patent Lever Watches ; 5 tlo do Detached do; Also, 1 second hand Gold Patent Lever Watch, extra jewtUed, “Johnson ' inukc— cost dcc * 7 P- M DAVIS, Auct’r. GKRM IN FaNUI GOODS at Accooh.—Ou Thurs day evening, December IStb, at 0 o’clock, at the Commercial Sale* Room*, corner of Wood ami FiAb street*, will ta gold a large and general auortmeHt of German Fancy Goods, comprising—2s dox. Spectacles; looking glasses, 47 doz. toy trumpets, hamoiueas, bo quets, mirror pin cushions, toy watches ; brilliant clus ter ami oxidyzed brrast pius ; jut broaches, hair’pm*, shaving cases, work boxes, steel and silk purges bead and vervet reticules. Ac., Ac. Also. Perfumery, flair Oil,' Fancy Soaps, 4 c decl7 F M. DAVIS, Aucl’r. SAL'R AND i TELEGRAPH STOCK.-—Ou Tlnrailay evening December IBth, ot 7$ o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold— £3 shares Sank of Pittsburgh Stock; 30 do We*«ern lusurance Company Stock ; 40 do Citizens’ do do do, 27 do Pu sburgh, Ciiteinuali and Louisville Tel egraph Company Stock. *ieci7 p. m Davis W. G. 9I’C&&TBrttY, Au«tlon«< pONBTABLK-S SALE OF CLOTHING at Aucnox \ t Win be sold on Thursday eveniog. December IBth’ at G$ o’clock, qv M’Cartnej ’* Auction House, a large as sortment of Heady Made Clothing. Among tho lot are Coats, Punts, Vests, Cravats, Suspenders. Ac AUo. at the same time, a lot of Gold and Silver Watches, Ac , dttC * 7 W. (« arCARTNKV. Aoei’r aLUABLE itbrtii iia i'a i'K lit'"nib hiKrit A WARD at AccnoN -Will be sold, on Mondy, Do at :t o'clock in the afternoon, on the premi ses, a Lot of Ground, fronting 44 feet on Liberty street, and-erieiihe owners, Messrs M> Coranck A Phillips, on the premises, or aul3>4id&wif JAMES C. RICHEY, Agent, Allegheny Railroad. " ' IN Pursuance of the directions of an Act of Assembly of the 4th of April, 1837, and Supplement thereto or the Will of April, 1851, cuuiled an “Act for the incorpo ration of the Pittsburgh, Kiuanmng and Wurren Rail road Company,-’ Books will be openedfor subscriptions to the Capital Stock of said Company, at (0 o’clock A M.,on Wednesday, November 19th, lBsL.pt the St Clair Hotel, in the City of Pittsburgh, to continue open from day to day, till a sufficient number of shares may be subscribed to secure the .charter. Hunner Denny, William Robinson Jr John H. Shoenbcrger, George R, White, Benjamin Darlington James Gray, 4th street Francis Korns, John MorrrUon Jamesßois Snowden, George Ogden, Robert Orr, Samuel Baird, John Mechlinß, Philip MechlTng, Joseph Buffington, Alexander Colwell, John Hntehlson, Chambers Orr, Robert Bpars, John Oil Crin, B o»hr o,d> - Increase over same date last year, 1,117? Shjpmenia to Louisville this seuaon, 4 Shipped »o Cincinnati, jAai Slaughtered in Madison, 23 756 Total, 2,050 hogs armed uu Tuesday night, of which 93t oT. l«rt ,PP 10 1,0 " lr,l]1 ' ” J,aJ “"" ilnd.) Banner fort of Pittsburgh, I vast s i acHas warsa in th« cir.njtL ARKIVfci): framer l>»urna!. Conwcll, Wheeling. Unlliam, Grace, Ciucimmti. DKHAArtOh None. w t»««llng slid Piusburali. P ARE REDUCED! “ 'VUEELINO-IK. and Tha^HHn 4 " a,Utd “ 5 ’' «■““ ToWbeeiing ~ f., .«o~*n t - Interraediate ports ; *25 C ?i?*’ Deck passage- Jo [7* K above rates are rim Jow enough we win make a farther redaction fdee*tf For Wheeling! Wbochug/or Steubenville, ,s?^*’*!*!'' Monday, Uednowl.y and Frid. y, »l 3 A JL 0 ARMSTRONG, CRO2KR 4 Co., Agout,, The Wiucheslrr i* a now side wheel la<-80« «nJ Siie« Meuiurr t vrr built for tho Irad" Pal' EEd."' - .b.pprr, cuo dopo„ d „„ her ’ d " ,a -< 1 , heeling. cClpPKft'S ft . r , Ol ! l '' l, ' e P»‘'cn*e> '“ I" “ n F al ” *~£»'&’22? steamer *•**« or •** KsVa i m^ir r s va s M rf f ° r Fra!lkl '" , tin «v„ry rnWay and ftX.® mVpTm hra,,k _J or on Board marietta and Hfocitingport. gt apply on board, or to ' T. WOODS & SON No. 61 Water si., and CttFromsL marlO Wednesday H»ck« for Cincinnati. • ,si? !'-r7 u'" 1 fasl raanlnc steamer GIN jM9Sm''IINNA rl . Bmmasum. Maeler. will leave •““‘‘•““HHrej'olarly every Wanmcsriir. I »r rrelglil or puasage, apply on board, or lo mar2t U. 0. KUL’tSh BKROER C'l RBt.N APHI.ES—SS bbls. jo*t rec’d and for sale by * SHERRIFF & BINNING * No. lO Markct slyect. JI.AG3-7S buuchrs Coopers’.Flouf,on hand MirfliV . «ulr by IdeclgJ !§HERRIP#i BINNING H bhls. jo-t received und far sale bv - Meflß] 3HKRRIFF & BINNING ' Hi rh BKAiNS-DublH just received ami for sale SHBHHIFF & BIISNINfi KV It—a bag* N>e just rcc’d and for wleby d ‘V ,,fa _ SHEBJUFR k BINNING CIORN— 100 bus. in store am! (or sale by ' d « cl6 SfiERRIFF & Br- 'IRAMiRRKItS-ll bbla je„ received ner steamer J Diadem, Mil for sal,: \VM. A. HI’CLUKii 4Co 350 Liberty «lreet 1,.<» Hotloe. . ;■ ■ 5«. l > d VS. I S ,,ed ,ms 11 UAROB STOCK OF titfD -9T.LAOS and CHAIRS, oi a superior aualitv wfich.they are selling lower than any oilier Furniture Ksiebliabiuem in ihe cily. Our terms ure CASH • Work warranted. JAMES LOIVRY, Fottermou’s Row, cor Seventh ami Liberty sts- Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Aursery, ~ -affltj.pktWsLN three and foar miles east of Pitta. road{ extension of the 4Ui street) and about one mile trora linst Liberty • I be subscribers respectfully give notice to their cus tomers and the public generally (bat their extensiveNur ?5?* 3 r wften-nouaes, die., Ac., now comprise between conSuLT* all of which are in a healthy Trees, consisting of Apple, Hear, Plum, Vines’ic ierr> ’ A|mool ’ Nectarine, Almonds, Crape SHADLTIUIES—Viz: Ailamiins,Cutalpa, Mountain Aah bugnr Mapic, Englrah Linden, American Linden, Lombardy Poplar, Balm of Clleud, Poplar, Weening Willow, while barked Birch, Tulip Tree, Horse dies* &F?“i° w ' u “ I,n P' rallß -Weeping Ash, English Ash, English Sycamore, Magnolia. Tripetela, Ac , Ac. tVfcRo R EEN TREES AND iHRUIkJ-Viz- Jnni per, Cedar. American ArhiAyuea, Chinese Atllorvilen’ Box Iree, Upright \ ow, Common Vow, American Hol ly, Lurupeau llolly, While Pine, Norway Spruce, Bal sam Fir, Sliver Fir,Scotch Fir, He,niockSprecc,Scotch oroom, Ac.,4c. GRPyEN koUSEPLANTS-Viz: a saperbcolleclion of Fuchsias numbering 3Svaneues. This iloweriswor wmdows'" 110 " ° f 110,6 Wl> ° W ‘ sll to ornllnierit tiieir ROSES—Many of them the Srsl-rale.numberineover 70 varieties in classes, Viz: Bennal ir CWneseeve" .bloommg, Rosa Odorpta, or Tea seemed Chinese Roses,- &n?Es N Tg l^^ oSfacto" referee. 6 accora P“‘'-* wiU.iheca.h Plantscarefully packed and sent according to direc tions to any part of the United Syjtc aire «- wMldTo' ? ' h !" g 10 pleasure grounds S°£w2?r«? 0 ‘ l 10 *’ 5 • 11 CAil » aB w ® think our stock oi bvergreeus cannot be surpassed westaf the moun* Bome f crc * of ground, and number 'nSfr,°™ “P 'd I5 do Satin and Mantua Ribbons; 0 do Cap do; Together with a large and well selected stock ol Fancy and Staple Dry Goods * They would also call the attention of the trade gener ally, to the largest and most varied assortment of Gold Jewelry, Watches, &c.,ever offered in this of which they offer on the most reasonable terms {ortO *VVcta ltd, A GOOD BLACKSMITH—our dial understands btt business and is used to working cost uteel. None bul ilie workmen need apply. Wages paid every Saturday Rnqaire at * Illinois tsnd and Gtbcrsl Agraov. WASHINGTON COCKMv, PEORIA, Illinois, will attend 10 ail bosiness connect ed with Lands in the State of Illinois— the redcap* lion of lands from tax sales, the payment of taxe*, the sale and other disposition of lands, the iocauou of land warrants; al*o 10 the colection of debt* and the settle* men t of claims of ail kinds. IC7* Land Warrant* bought and sold. Old Patents of 1818 wanted. Reference —• Thomas Phillips, Esq., Moraine Post, Pittsburgh 1i0T29>5l Boobs of Refuge. THE subscribers for the erection of an House of Rt fuge for YVestreu Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that an assessment of twenty per cent, ou the- amount «ul scribed by each, is required io be paid to the Treasu rer, on or before iht* 15th day of November next. By order of the Board ol Director*, octal rtf JOSHUA HANNA, Treasurer A Rare Ohanoe for Speeulatton* FOUR THOUSAND ACRES Ot' LAND, hi Pendlr uii county, Virginia, within a few miles of Kruni hit»the county seat. The Land won the east side of the ■North Fork of the South Branch of the Pontiac River A 6ns Turnpike Road leads directly from the town of Franklin to Green Spring Depot, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The land is well timbered and iron ore abundant M'LAIN A MOFFITT, Agents, declfrgw No. 14 gt. Clair street THfc undersigned begs leave to annoonee to the eili* zr.es of Pittsburgh, that he ha* opened a Room in Vigilant Hail, opposite the Post Office, Third street where he con be consulted at all hours o< the dajr, from M.,on oil Musical occasions. A fine Brass and Cotillion Band, cau be had at all times, on short notice Instructions on all instruments at u roduced price. decls:!ra WM. BVERLV ' To Bridge Bnliders. SEALED proposals for re-baUding ibo wooden Mruc* lure of a Bridge over Pekoto’a Creek, uear Logan’s Perry, will be received attbe Commissioners of Alleghe ny and Westmoreland conntios, where plans and speci fication# con be seen till I*2 o’clock noon, of the 2£«i in stant. JAMES MITCHELL, * EBENEZBR BOYLES, ROBERT KING, Joel 5 Coramis.iioncrs of Allegheny County Coumissionkbs Office, > Pittsburgh, December 12, 1851. > Sottee to Brlchmakeis and JSsn. PROPOSALS will be received until the iJOifr of De ermber next, for the delivery of two and a halfmil lions of brick during the ensuing spring- and summer, in about equal quantities, at the Outer Depot of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, and at WaierStreef, be tween Liberty and Penn. The proposals will slate the price of delivery at each poial, and the size of the brick*; those of the larger dimensions being preferred. A portion of ibe brick to be delivered at Grant street, to be hard pressed, for whiehTho puces and dimensions will be slated separately. Proposals will also be received for the whole of the brick, made from cloy obtained from the Company’s ground at the outer Depot* where fuel can be obtains by rail read, upon low terms. Proposals will be received at the same time, for the delivery nf abcut 5000 perches of stone for foundation*, at the above points, or at any convenient point for load "*t? on the side of the railroad, between P.nabiugh and Brinton. The proposals will be directed to Edward Miller, JEW. Associate Engineer, at BlaireviiJc. Indiana county. Pa. nog):td J EDGAR THOMPSON "Vv ;e Suttee. AM, persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Campbell it. Kennedy, will please call outlie subscriber, at No. 138 Fourth street, ami settle their accounts. Duty being the arbiter in this ease, all wlio fail to comply wah this nouce, may expect legal means to be re&or.cd to ugmnst them. JOHN R LARGK. decll;lwilAUw*l A«»tgnee ot Campbell & Kennedy FOR SAI K-THK J UHKK STuKY" UKIOITJbM. DWELLING HOUSE, No. 16 Huy Mreet, fsSfjj Suyder’s Row. Pnce 30,000 Terms, 8500 in cash; SSUUinone year; ami 82,000 m five years To be secured by bond und inortgogeon tbe premises Clear of all incumbrances, ami utie indisputable Apply to I) VV. & A. S. Bttl.l. Attorneys at Law, No. 14.1 Fourth r>tr.-et. declO:3in Dissolution of Partnership. Partnership heretofore existing between the sub . scnber*, under the firm of Wright & Alcorn is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The badness of the firm wilt be closed at the old stand. 117 Third street by QTKeei Alcorn. J. WHKiHT Pituburgh, Dee. 3—declU] WAI. F- ALCORN WM. % Co-Partnership, f|UII% subscribers have entered into Co-Partnership, for 1 the purpose of currying on the Mustard and gptce, aud general Milling bustuess. at li?Thtrd street, where they will he pleased to see the old customers of Wright AAleorn. IdeclOj M’KKE & ALCORN - FOR SALK—A siouli Farm, or 60 ucres, with about tSU m culuvauon; a dwelling' house; two good springs, u young orchardj and five acres of jtpJe&did meadow land. The whole of Ihe laud and umber is good; pleusanity situated eight railea from the city, and one*halr mile from the Railroad at Hays’ Immediate possession, and a bargain can behnd t3 nUTHBISRT,GeneraI Ag’t, SO Si 1 ■ * • • 1 i \ DOZ. Lace Leather, extra quality, received and Tor 1U salejiy _ JdecO] R. BARD & CO- C'lliJvhiSlv— 10i> bia. prime Ckeeae. per Michigan J gale bv fdeciai CARSON &. M>KNlfr" CIORN BROOMS— 50doz. fancy i ; J 200 do Coni; tor side by dec4o SMITH & SINCLAIR *7i \ VOZ. WOODEN BUCKETS : I\J 10 do Tubs tor sate by _d*clQ SMITH A SINCLAIR. LfA DOZ. PINK LININGS received and for tale by UU deep _ Zi ..jl bard ago.- F LATHERS—I,OOO. fils. prune Kentucky Feaiheri just received.antl for sale by uec|s KING A MOORHEAD ■QLOOMS —l5O tons Juniata, ane 50 ions Bedford JO Forge Blooms, on consignment uud for sale by *dec!s KING A MOORHEAD. F\i U-\ BOXES RAISINS ; : OUU 250 na. do; lOfr uarter do; 50adruio« Figs; 300 hi do' Oo; 25 casks Currants; 25 kegs Raisins; 25 mats seedless Raisins; In store and for JOSHUA RHODES & CO., No. 6 Wood street. 1 F\fU \ BUS. PEA NUTS; I«JUU 2,Gi>o Cocoa Nuts; =25 mate paper obeli Almond?; ;525 do Malaga do: 5 bales Bordeaux do; ;30.b8gs Filberts; US do Walnuts; Just reeeived and for rdeollj JOSHUA RHODES fc CO. *S7Y|V BXfI.NO.I FIRE CRACKERS; •~ r ■ tJU* * 200 do Smoked Herring; 50doz. Pepper Sauce; SO do Pickles, qts and half sails.; 40 do slcsh roam,Walnut &Temaio'Ketdiup ■ Jls do salad Oil, qta;; •. \ 10 do do do pts. Ia slorvatxd forsale. . deell - ’• JOSHUA RHODES * CO- T r <0 LET-TWO LAJROe BOOMS, with bathroom X and large fire proof- eafeattochedriaibe buck builtl*' ing, No 140 dii Fourth fcireeC Enquire oC W, W- DALLAS* Office of AasocmiedFiremen’sTcstinineeCompiinV;Noa 124 and 125 Water itreeL , ** jdee9 T>AGGDA TEA t JT Lovenngfc OrashedJugar, -r £ -r*- £_ } zp "fv /'s\ % r' -Ar u ? - ’■.f-7 .'_, l)(^: .. ■,“' .' * ' • * ■ - * - '■” V g* ' • ,t% , BOWN A. TETLKY’S Elutcrpriftc Worka, 133 Wood st AXuslcal JSotlce* IN, Chirtf KnV’r* W. V. ALCORN. Muubfieid si. chigun, for "'TOUT. i 4 *■ * *<•*» • > <3. 8.. ARNOLD & CO., ..*£.fy K:ERS t AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE COIN, banknotes, SIGHT AND , TIME DRAFTS, Ae., Ac. collections carefully attended to,: and proceedsrethl ted to any part of the Union. m'STOG&s-m BOUGHT AND- SOLD OH COMMISSIOtI- No. 74- Foutth street, =epl3j Next door to the Bunk of Pituburgli CHEAP WINTER DRYGOODS t ? , AT rn 7S r Market Street, between Fourth and ilie Diamond TtlE undersigned has jail received from the Eastern rafrketstt large and splendid stock of WINTER GOODS, comprising a very beautiful assortment of Dress Goods, udapled to the seosou,and at least 25 percent lower than ever offered in this city, viz?— . Black Alpacas, from 12i cents per yard to best manu factured, Printed Mous do Lanes, from. 12} to 25 cents per yard; Blackand Colored Thibet Cloths, from 25 to 75 cents per yard; Knghsh.aud American Chintz, from Of ta'tit cents per yard; Heavy Brown Muslin* from sto 7 cents yer yard; Bleached Muslins, from sto m cents per yard; Red Flannel, all wool, at 20 cents per yard SUAWLSAND DRESS GOODS „ Bav Stale and Waterloo Plaid long and sqnare ShawJs Black and .Colored Embroidered' Cloth Shawls: Black ; and Colored Silk Frmg* f hibeiShawte ;ailwDQlßro haShawls; Freneh Merinos, < alleolors;Loputfß’B?ack Bombazines; Black, Figured and ChangeabfeAlpae&s Cashmeres and Moub do* Lanea j. High Lustre wide Black Gro dc Rhine Silks; Changeable anti Fancy- Dress Silks; Chameleon Turk Sanus ; Moll, Swiss and ; Jaconet Muslins; French work Capes and Collars Black Silk Laces and Fringes; Bonnet Ribbons Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders • STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Ca&ineis, Keotucky Jeans, Tweeds, Bed Ticking and Checks. Scotch and Domestic Gmrbamg; Red, white ur.d Yellow Flannels; Bleached and Colored Canton Flannels, superior Irn B. M. Kerr, Professor of Mathematics, (night session): 11. Professor of Mathematical Drawing. . Tins institution basbeen lately unproved and enlarged, and now contains toor spacious rooms, conveniently ar ranged and elegantly Airmshed, a well selected Library of -standard, works on Commercial Law, for the benefit ot the students. The Mercantile course embraces every variety of transactions that can. possibly occur in t-usi ness, In addition to regular lectures, delivered by Mr. Watson, EII Stowe, member of tho Puts burgh Bar, has been employed to instruct the student# by a senes of exercises and examinations upon this very important branch. College hours both day qo4 evening. All communications addressed to O- -K. CHAMBERLIN, will receive prompt attention. septo:y TpoBACCu—SO hhde. Kentucky Leaf, for sale by .. X dec!3U2m J. A. MAZURIB.r. Evenlne.Bcltoali - _ AT O: K. CHAMBERLIN'S PrrTSBURGII COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, corner or Market and. Third streets. Each branch tftughl in a separate room. Sachol our citizens as desire instructions m. Book keeping, WnUDg»-Amhmenc> Mechanical. are invited to call at the College and. examine the ar-. rangemerns. A teacher k is employed/or each depart-, mem, who dryotes his whale tune in giving instracuo.it: in one particular branch. O. K- Chamberlin, with Assistants) lakes charge of -the Book-keeping department;? dJ.-Crpueh teach?s ■WnMifg;-- B. M. Rerr, (Principal of the First Ward Public School);- instructs th- clnss .ia Arithmetic; 11. Mocser gives in-* fltracuon mMechamcalDnifting. j? Instruction giv&n.from C| iolti o'clock, P. M. fnovl7 M O bbia. prime hew crop jast re-. _m| m cetvetf and for sale by- . ‘deefi SMITH A SINCLAIR. FLOUR—I7S bbls. superfine m store .and for saleby. deed STUART&SILL. TOBACCOr-SOboxes assorted.formate., .. ■ . - ; decS : STUART fc Sl|4*M : 11EA— 20balf cbest* YoungHyson*’ 20 do., ; Gunpowder; - 30 do Black; ’ ForsaJeby >:, decO - STUART S SILLi:^ bxa. 8x10; 20dol0xl2; SO dct lOxU) in store and forsale by ■dtps •” ;•. STUART 8, SILL. V by [decQ) STUART & SILL » T> ROOMS—IBO doz. in store and for sale by , ;; » t IS dcS * STUART A SILC BWtfEia ROCK CANDV; • 35 do 30 do-Maccaiow; ... ~u: s <.••.: ■ 30 do;VermieeUp;iy,r> '>•••• ■ . -;75-do-J«ijubeJ? sfefe,; ' ' In stare a&d-ibr *&* bv JU^HITA t KiIOT)KS * VSi. \ sP 10 on V e^. al desctiDiwn nr .**L~P*s * . ~ " .i. •/ ’ ' - * ‘V< * ' \ -< f - . ''--:r v -- * ' V-’ 'v •■ * ~ 1 -'w*- y ' \ - - rA" ='• V- r I " - ' SV"- .. > .■.' ! -’ V '.-.' ‘ &g£r**' Dr. Gsyaott’a Improved Extract , ‘ —..JSI'LOW DOCR AND SABaAPABILLa,., *' J .-' „ f| mb original nnd only genuine preparailoo, for (he - J. permanent core of Consnmplionsnd Diseases of ’ ipe Langs, when they are supposed 10 be effected by the tpofree useof.Mercun^lron-,Quinine,fto.,ato, , ,1T WILL CURE WITHOUT* Fall/ - > >' . Scrofula, ' . ■■ *■ ' orKlng’sEvil, ' .-t Vo. ..Cancers,JTiunors, - I thiptionsoftheskin, . _ Erysipelas, Chronic Sore 6.7 ;, . - 'oKffe R ' o £r»nn r or Tetters, SeeldHend.Rhenmadsm.Paihsin-- ' the. Bones or Joints, Old Sores and Ul- ' ? ; " cers.Swellingof the Glands,Syphilis.Dvs pepsin. Salt Rheum, Disease of ,- • Loss ofAppelite, Diseases arlsihgfronuhe use of Mercury, Pain in the Side sand , Shoulders, General Debility,Drop- : - sy, Lumbago, Jaundice, ami ' Costiveness. t THK BEST FEMALE MEDICINE? KNOWN 1 ' K THE SHAKER PREPARED “ YJOiOW DOCK" - - - 4 AN DTIIF.“ RED, HONDURAS S*Bs£paßlVLA", '•. t are the invaluable remedial agents from which “Dr , li ■Guyzott*-Improved Extract of yellow Doc hand.Sar- " saparjllaS’ informed; and the laboratoryofDr Gdyzotr . has given us the-Virtues iot theserohla lu their perffie* ' i ¥»"• Ilia preparation contains all the restorative pron~ , ~T~ erties of the roots, combined and concentrated in Ihelr • ft ,•T *■ V utmost strength andefficoty. , , „ , ‘ , „ >\ v ¥i * ’ r -vfirperimeuts were.nmde in the masulhenrreof this . iff*-/ ’' '* f J - unulit wav fonnd that. it cottianottelariher. ' g'"**'*. v-r n‘\ • i> r ’ -V, we S. nd “ «“nedto,almostuniversally, ? "% ’ " e mcasesof Hepauc,Scorbutic and Cutaneouxeomplainti S'" < /■ for general prostration of all the vital powers, and all . too>e tormenting diseases of the. ekm, so •'trying 10 tile - %, s <■ ,*■ patience, and so injurjoas to health a •£ r ID* ScTojvlaySfpfvUS) Henvnal Cowplainu, Cancer* - ?,< Y‘ , Gangrene, Jthfwnansm, and a vauvartev C . ' |V;,v JeelingßO! gratituile that! am able, through the Divine fit providence ot Gad, and by the wonuer-workiiur agency i-/*'-* , . * of ihatexcellent inedtcine.f'Otiwott’s YefiowSocfc ” - t and Sarsaparilla,” togtveyott a tew symptoms of mv , Sf - \ olmest hopeless case. ■ ' / r , ■/?. , y < i- - , In : the winter of 1850 1 wan attached with a severe t f ' - S '* - . pain, which waagrhtltmiiy extending through the who£ , , rightaldo antl leg; nt Ihe same.tinie, a total prostration ""I , -r. ' 'U'-v2' arinypbysieaisystetn; also, my /eg kad shrunk to ahont S < > f y, / tvvo-thltps ofils common• Stre. I procured the attend- , lv \ ■-*■■ -p-i: - enceof a skiffulpntctittOndr, who pronounoed my dts-- . /'fe/ , easesnie of the worstfonnsof liver complaint. He said. - /- - V- ??:' my case was offe noree*ily handled, but prescribed for » bi. “S mo. tfremained- under his treatment unSU was satis- r,. - M .t.c, **• fiedhe could not help me. Ithenprocuredof year agent „ > / }. . at this place, W. A. Beers, two hotUes of Gnyxon’aVeL , ~S V<> v f,' 1 low Doclt -and Barsaparilitt, from whieh T-received a - 4 / ir vast amount of benefit. After having taten four bellies p_. 1 t “■“re, I was able to pursue my bttsireaa without any ¥ * ’ » . J f hreottvenlencey snd have been since that time, a weft ~ « a .-•s'*, msn, while bat a short ume'since I Was confined to my, V •, bed three-fourths or the time; and leannotnseriho the ■ . ~ - return of-my health to any other cause'than by the - - V»r‘ ugeaoyofthattTnly valuable medicine,GnyxottV Tel- ■' i it ls hU tree. I procured it, mightie a bene- ■; ’ in to yon and the afflicted. Yon have the privilese of Sbfihsct ft v nsing it as you think best Yonrs,,. AV, A?EEERB. ~ a TkefoUtimg Letter n from a hfMy nspedabb Pktm cxan t viho cryoyr an extsHStes praertes.* n. t, „ NiV*Bas,(giarkCo.,o),Noy.l>lßs]L- Dr. John D. Pwi—Dear Sir: “ Dr. Goyzuu’s Extract •” “ i '- of Surnparilla.” 'This medicine has been prescribed [ ■ , V - . ??i'd^M, r ;, l ? e T l “ t ye ?”’ ' vl 'kS‘i‘> ' ~ plaints ii Certainly is ungqii&ilttl, 4 ! ~ . , this metlieine the patient eonsUaulv v r + r» * c gains and vigor, a fact *worthv of grest eon- '-» r ,- - •* \ - ' 1 r siderauorL it isjplrasanuotiie taste and smelhandcafl “ 'l ' *- ■be used by persons with the most delicate stanweh#» * * V with ony circumstances. I ant * eahui* A frotn expenence, and to the afflicted 1 advise its use 1 - * *} „ DR. a LEEPEB. i | E&rast XAtUrJitmt da tztentim Mtrehnnx w Xfo* T ‘ , . ITtfconttnas r. it* J I : _ ... ... w ,N*Bauir, (Wisconsin)* Oct Mr. John D.Park —Dear Sir: lam out of your “Wise ‘i -, - 1 • ' 1 4‘ tract ot Yellow Doct and Sarsapanlls.” rleaso for- ' - . •> ward aaupply immediately. ,M . j Your Balsam of Wild Coe riy’worked to a^charm herCx * 9 : —not a bottle failed of affording immediate relief, andih , every instance htftone (aa. gentlemant./TT. Yellow Dock bas done equally , , Y as well-dtook three bottles myself, lost &11, and en- . / , ", joyed peffcet-health last winter, for the first winter ftt i -m , . J °S b n a severe ernptton ol ' ' , | the skin, which laid me up from two weeks to four , / *1 m if. l S4?x®7 :i, ? ue V u,a v.' l ’- r * n ®> unUl ' WI "Wr. r. - 1 . f . , e ?ff E. JoneSj a brother merchant and , a i frimid of mtnevtoo k twohoutes of the YelWDoek fo/ ' i a Erupuon, worked an entire «*" cure. . 1 ‘ -c_— - »--_ c*■ . 'Mv store ulat ffie corner of Wmeomnn Avenue and - ' i I Wafuntstreeu, Yours, tespectfolly. -r ' i ... ; •*='• = -•••< - CHARLES EL CASE. 1v “ . j ny*Pfiee SI per hottle-sixTiottles for S 5" ' • I - I „So Why. j. Dl PARK, Cincinnati, Ohio,. 1 v * Fonrth a” 4 Walnut sts g-entrarEn ' •# ’ ?tJa? 1 ]? , l!;' rT, 2, wlloln 1111 ofderß must be addressed! " J ? Co, Pittsburgh; L Wilcox, Jr, corner Market " ‘ J / streetandtlio Diamond; BA Fahnestock A CoTPllts-'/ " hurghi Ji4 Jones, Pittsboreh; Lee A Beckham, Alio- *" ' * Fi" en: £.£' eaeH, Washington•, WH Lamber- ‘ ■Jp r _ ,* •Sf«* Bs . b “K I »B,rajKonna,iSomerse'ii : Bco« Ai Gilmore! c * ‘ . * burgh | Hildebrand A Co, indrnna, J R" Wright, Klttan- .. mngi Evans.&::Co, Breokvillt, A= Wilson * Son, ' £ - -i Wayjtesbhtgh; M’Farlaud At Co,N Callender, Mead? T ' ,1 villef Bnnon* Co, Lrre, Henry Forker, Mereer; Ja» " *■ 1 Butler, S Smith, Bearvdr; J b Sammertoff, & n wat!lie* J ° n “- »*“»"«■ r g°sr\ 1 rrOR THE C*UREOF*S?GHa COLOR HOARSE- * „ Amongthomotnerousriiscovenes Science has made “ V-" tnthtseenfcratiomio creaseits enjoyment,and even prolongtle term ofhu- , X, man existence, none can be named ormore realvalue ’ ‘ : tomankuifl,thau:ilii* eoutnbnUoiibf CKemlatry to the •’ » * Heailag Art.: A va3i trial of tu virttiesihroughonithis ‘ -breadcountry,JmspntveobeyoaaadouW.thainomedl- ~ > 1 cine .or comMnaflon of medtetnea yet known,can so hhrtljrcontroland cafe the numerous varieties of pul- ’ , .luonary disease which have htihefto swepi from our ' - ‘ i -jiiiosEthousantia and thousands • every'ybar. Indeed fthereiahoWabandnnt reason to believe a Remedy has • J "t atlengtWiienXoandwhichcnulerelied oatocare the ' % - • mostdangCronsaffecUonsofthil lungs. Ourspaeohere, ~u . X r - effeeted byitsusejbui we wonld present the following ~ J “ w opinionaof eminent men, and l re(er farther enquiry to' " - % . ■. X thecircular which the Agent below panted, wilt always - t ,* bexireasedltofiirnishfree,whfcrem'arelhll parliculars, ~ -- - . , ann Indispotable proofs of these facte. ■ . . 4 < ■ - Front the -<■ A < ~ ~ V - ? ProfessoMlitchCbCk° '' - - trWSH *, ' ' j - ’ “JamesC Ayet-Biri^Lhave asedyourChdrryPec-' ' ’ r a -1 . 1 lorel tn myown casoof deep-seated Bronchitis,sndttm . • J I satisfied chemical constitution, that it is an ad- % . * uttrable compound tor the relief of ra.-*ngaland bfM*- 1 -i , ehtaldifficulues If my hpluion as to its snpertorchar- iT * acter can be of any servreeryoo are at ÜbenY to use It' jX J as yon think proper <**»**- . EJOWAftQ HITCHCOCK, L L D, | ihe widely celebrated ProretoorSiUmaaoJljD. 3 ” -•- , \ LL. H, VrofeagororCbemiitry. SJineralpßy;'' v. . s .. -.. •«- fcou Yals College, hTember of ute Lit.ETul %, -> I Mod Phil and Scientific BOeleUes of 3 i America and Earope. v I deem Fictormi an admirable composl* % v * „ " % uon from some of the besiartieles m the MatenaHcdfr I 04, amt a very effccuy© remedy for thff class of ditto*. * * I*' *’ i esit Uintended iagnre. n * j / i i New Haven, Cu Nov 1,1849. * 1 M ' * Major Parnson. PrejidemofiheB.C. Scnaie, atatci - ' ' £ he has used 1 the Cherry Pictoral with wondernii «c- , i cess, to core un infiomaiion of th^rongß. l r J_ * | Fron one ol ih firal physicians in Maine | j » ■»* - Ur X C. Ayer, Ldweir—Dear Sir: X am now con- ** \ flionUy asmg your Cheery Pectoral In my practice, and < - preferitto-anyotberinediClnftfarpulmonarycoinplftima. ' * - - - » Fromohseryationi ofmanv severe cases, I am convmc- ~ edit wdlcnyecoughs,colas,and-disensesonhainmn; that have pal to defiance, all other remedies , \ * * ; linvariably retommenditansem caseofeonstnandon, * * - ‘ andconaiderltmiichueheBtremedyknownforth£kdia- " ease. 1 Respectfully yonrs, t i. , KS» CUSHMAN, SI. ft, Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer,Practical Chem* V ist,Lowell,MQBS. , f to Pitubnrgh wholesale and re (ail, by B. A. * 1 Fahnestock, by J.M~Townsend, jn AKcgheny City »-* ibyfl P. Sciiwatlr, odd J. poaglass, and by dragnsto / * i *“ genejullys { t 1 I J# S } Tough l ! CeUhrtttd EthsreM OH,, ' V ’ \ f - Y?OR JP Boats, Halls, Chambers, Kjtcbens, Workshops, nod i , indeed every*placowhere light to'required. The pnblie *«. j c are mpectfully invnedtocall and examine a beautiful , -i assortment of these Lamp*.* Also, Lamps of all kinds, j u \ - Lnrd LhndOil, Lamps,Gtobea,GlaßHe9,vVwks, jfiPV.* - » Paper, Tin Shades, Mais ana all things i mining to thq trade. Also, a superior Safety Lament 1 i * j for Steamboaia and Stables. , , - - ' r- The cheapest lighttobe-toinid far Store ' L poses, IsTonkh’sllefinedGtemlcatOii and Lampa,fioia J ’ 1 which, a splqhdid atg>ofa"«en| Oer , hour, enQaJ.rf apt superior,in gas.., WA-invue c aa ex- V w % amiaatiop of«our goods anitpncesw eßcingprepared bv sßsissaSjfi ' fltemoMtaojableterms, ’ V ' i> leß^free^r 1 ! 0 '«?'«i»Al- l- /I ' ETH®REAL,'AND OH WNE»iL' Mi city,wsi*Lhe PKmmrfattennetUriv-< ), 8, TOUGH V- J *- aa,,/ •= V H'vT i , h * 4JM V \ ‘ : .^ v * *, /, - «• 'i 4 . I ! Cl -jr H ■ V 1 *1 . I. f* * *