Li'f,^o/sr-v-s v :?i •>; 3 "4441?.. 'ws ; •- 1 ■-- f\ ; £..’ - ';.\ ;.: _. ', , '.'V'' ’ fafe «. '-1t... 4 ■-' *- ’V -f"*E** a *V * A„*' ** -v «- /45>v. 4 ' J -,•> *»’,,<,* ,«"*/ V 4, .J > ' i >■ 1 , t * ‘ < I S s e 4“* ’ , » f - 4 • -T * * £ fj %J JT v 4 *s* - *s*. * “ * r *>r * r * ~ , V _ ? * *+ £*■ tf* - i-\ "< I ’*« r , V 1 «'.' V-.:\v J - , „ «. 4 j - • p r •, * ‘ * ■** : -M-n ;’v•. •’, - i‘V- ’ “ f 7; r 'v; , '.’- •>■>•. -',.v,;\'.;...’. - f - 1 r ;> v -'--7 . :.4>’' - " -'7- \ ,4 - ' -f~.*y :’K.\ -* ■;' ■sfe,s».-**i‘%j. -* «w J& Nj -lAr 5 i * ~ - s^ ’ ,r ‘ ’ i '♦ F’ t"" '" *" " -“J . vcnnr- {^^fs¥ilji[l nr*llG'¥ 5 . • - - ; . s >> . ■ •." . > ;V" ' • • 6? >" ... <•••-: -•>.- j', 4 :. ' - ■ ■ ■■ - --- ■• - ■ - - " r " 1 1 •"•• r " 1 >*<-» i .“ ."'- - " 7 i ‘, ETOjaSHED DAILY BS- HAKf-EB & PHILUPS, AT THE “POST BUILWNOS," COENEB OF FIFTH AND W6OO STBEEIJS, AT $B,OO PEB ANNOM, 05 r ‘yr?GEK PAID SIEICTIiTE IN AOVAHCE. “■ 1 [ . -,r a <, fl 7 ' r.r:— ~ '•' ■■■========== ; ‘'i * ' : J '-TOEWIf £: ~' i ‘ ~ > , : I PITTSBURGH,! THtJBSDAY, OECfiMBEIt 18, 1851. „ ■';. »°°t-''. j-'l ' - aMto Ototo. ■ 1 Bashum' amrte. 1 g«rM. jtastort »■««■« WtM«a : ££&££.&£*£ .' -! faSoltanb I'.'' ; ; ;' t 4'* t: * K ' '* h*» ** *' t( - ‘•'*l'i\ < -■:••'-;■'■■ i'. l —. J - “* '■■■■■.*!*•.»*■ 5 i.j f .»irnrp TAvigi«»; p«v« T«a si«ri.:33 :EliUi! - - C A RD. . i l*oclfcTypod**. ; ... t Aa&cr Mll^^VßUk^efmidilioDiamond- j '.X?Oft v i: -J&J l l,'^ ,f ?V “ *’«' i 2 M riled and eviittfivi <«nf < ' _fcbl_ i i.wut -l'"!'™"*" ™ ~ n°»“ »«™ CLEVELAND, PITTSBURgh ANOIUSSILON EX- WuSSEfiMSlOMirtaeti. ,-> i > «! J UNO satC.t,ai»Ui > V. v- tA* li’ f fJi? l C 4 Z l , ‘V\ l '«i k ii TjtnPKß & pHImW” , . Aoutta 1 iu»ni for Hamilea k Co.’l , BTOAIII & BHili | „ . . „. , _ . J WTiyitfr.tW wniktteeu I W«d, coatimuiX UXiooom, Well finlittftfc /.74 J JsTSSSifrti, Mttieiiibiif. MrEuSSnaoKWi^*^ t-vealees w rt«l ,J_ s IS^T-T“ auref ,^ WttoSute , 4 - -A.V o t A r y t uywilHaviriaiflf he renniredW U enyautet, Head of Wood. -2ii—l JJ Pst», Com; PorK. BiionJ Baner~Lafd| LU C. Stocttpn, ouwcyxy »"» i.gii_a~SSri.TWfflj i«’..tva' r- , ,~- - ’ rrOWISSiffiGBOT.N-li comet of vyood and Sixih cheeae,^Wovjar.lußOJby ond iWsefcSi, In>n,NaU«J SOOKSELLEM AND STATIONER, , i I I noi-psW w , i , l ] ll £^°/ t«a cajns-faraale at thecoantet Halraeta - ftbl - Grais.&C At, io PanlcolaiattentionoaidtoiLoaale] No.47.coaitaa oa Mamit *5O Tamo steketj. Benp«t,9turry>,Co„ Wdtetstreetj l t 1 ■-' ISB SAiraßA? MEHIBG kei fi CO^ ar d,n, and CaW75-n WtaW '' 1 ,'i~7 -> > „ ft^f??f^S*S t O* , * :!l iSi s , sfi s C?‘r **.a f-^nhWc^a°So*l v/* Mtnhams, _. , rQ MaaaUfon? Jo* S Esq, S(. Lows «ep2o j prSs*, Or In excbanßofoi Bag* and Tempts l Bcrao» L, sfa{flt2nfftlfpW9f 4 -A . . aearUie comer of ,N T —— —.jßsfcA«as»“ i jaair^ R^"S»^ s&a&sr*** •-’ - ) M&e 4 i‘j®“ w, ‘ t “ lI ' r " !ll ‘' 7 rcferenceln till - MeSTEUf, £f«t foW«r and n fV“^ l ?“ th ' Js*2 ■P?.,? I ..'”*-™ 1 ff”' fxrnßca ° H — «ep« t«g«» Mint aad fourth, Pittsburgh Hanisorf Sco.t,® SdllthEld street (M 1 “>» . . oppoaite au.CtoUftedtfoUdS * ! ‘f <■ ' 3K2rite»*iWsfesSl £®®3®£Ka»“ffi n OFAr'VERTfSINQ - ■ ■■— ; ■ 1 1 ■ ir - ,', rj T Ft7* Will Dromptlv aiicnd loaUbn&uress ectrufiied lo willaell at eastern prices. .. r...«..... -Iscp 4 < Penn J®*”-' ,BESS -jKSEggfflKSsaa : * • : -«9n urn* m nKn ■ -■ m-iinn Wood st'reet>' ' ' (Lais jqhkstoh k STocrroH’tJ j 60 Market bttioun' ThiTd ZMlang~Glas9ttj-€lockM awl Vdrtetiu. nn>«/|intfit. eae^nseruon-;*/ 11 ;*7 T ■ Tp*-;-: §, / IOOLKY bu jbidßlankßook andStattonery Warehouu. J» .NOW ready tpfftinisij.cveryiomrofLiUiographje J4& « - IS raffiWSfE- Ju Kacuti.No 4, !^ & S ? S £i^S SSS*aSSSA I Sfr ta jJsa£ Wo > find^-ISa of > “‘“ -r. Im jf=r %iS^r k^d on B^oT^ r^t^rner o f X MeFatiaod, i « « ihree t T W JV corner of Third and Wood streets, oppose UjcM Market dnd and Second streets bio accuracy and wiy r«,.. JtS 1 r *Wr .rrnywm* i< fv< 'J' p-,\ « u fourreonft* 1 r - W.m fcbl O* fnnutur Office and Book Bindery No 50 Third MOPE P G'fTJi £> R Y i* wfi.r...<. «r.,'^n?f , r? < . r , } , 1( - **■* 4-T?. lJ S J 1 L p AH ■£> , Coohron, Mcßaldt & Co., P WSymfca f Co.SWtriiony Aifl * J- - 4 ' ' v4V, u „ 2f*J-J ennarn 10 00 ‘ls. t«..,"orner of First and \VooU »irea , and corner R. C STOCKTON, ■ „ , auajw«.m«M» or 1 Qlaii Manufactxren. - , - % w ■■EMHWTHMSf'r'I 3 J®? . Bunding Chrd,six_lmeyor ZewHS'unA t* xOl fcl iL (Lar« JbAnjnm * sroeton.) {/ron and Ornamental Iron all Ihrawn junket,ll4WaieriUbetWood ■ ATnuagar. . 1 aJS%.2ffi; 'VrrOinUP respectfully mvlte the atlepiion.of Mer- j| gfl m>. m p **!s*“% %’ti»!f co * a(, ‘ I fIIRATIJUIaH ' i-yT-'" v V * L -' 1 Brrftojm-I - 4 : iSto" “““ SSSrS - .. ''^sfi^»4>^^»Sl;SsSs l^ifHr«iSs -.,,1’.,,a M MABSHAUi, il«««» •. betweeaCterry alley and Grant it. flcgT .,_,._.. 1 J: %7 iiiiii iMiP ~ ~- s>? F A ““o’ ftf^l^Jso 1 V L ° l! ’ Carriagt, Qmtulmtand nagmManufdctureri ffiertUa&rt^™*'^ U^^%tMkV^«MtgFJ |‘'% ’ • t , ta«£Stal& odCupfed by MU- ,Dty or #,s£,• G toMl „ llw N ° *$o£SSI *" 2 “ B '^-«*«“3* •»•* „ ^ i fr s o o Ti £ :^J, all<,ribe6e I ?“p a H y ’ o^ c n^o^^^cT;^, “■•BK& ‘1 V £~£- =■•* e “ £j C' > "4.4>3»1 orMUnmls 4« *wifo itegrate.t tort ’ 1 ’J. A. CouU«. T «KBWd, &dct»Vancnm»y Attendee[to.. ‘ bD ” Crt n ° llC '’*“ d M ‘^«7 W I T Keyset 4- atototolfjlonto Wood st hod Virgin alley , &OBNER *rarj,."j £* "''v'*!?', VfT Ift andlegaljiccaScy- _, ._ • ‘ ~ IffTHOLESALK AND RETAIL DRUtiblaT. cor- Klthogrophlo EslnbUstlment o» '■ Ogden* Snowden, 28, corner Woolf add Steond sts , , i^S,ipU^uat%£ rH,t iUISJB9 4 ,f ?* - • '.JRtSatoßeal Estate ax&mißfld,*e-» ' . novl f - W neTofAVoodandTlurd streets, under Si. CiutrlQ. tsas mMMXtt «rposiTi,«HßifOSt-wncß;amraaaaiii Na ww # J&lMdbler,comer Woodaud Fifth -■ »•■•- a. ~vy.;vft*i? -»• •* 4, -1• ,- BIM>WIsL»-€ONME^^V»rt^hg«na^tf “7-v< -VV uMiniiu k* ikkktM'. Attorney a* Lav, -U&ceffo. Hotel, Pittsburgh, P*. ; . ..... 4W*2L RtdfAPS Landscapes, Bulkheads, Show bills, Labels, IXO 19 T** Second, RiEgeUert, Wood slice* between 3d and 4th dL-l 41 iH-,* _..l*k SSfS^T^T,, - ,*J r;, U - 1 - S e .» - *-* s5 1 > ’fVt putoucy };;i H Hagan. A Produce,4rSn, Wails, GtaB«,and the manufactared most approved stylo and at the moat reasonable orlce* p S?J?VSor^^Mon2^ii*h^i^"fa« 1 «5 C iiw Pdgef Mohter,4B7, corner Penn and Wato# au««t* 4fftnittf ffrr fllfftfenl flf Pflgfcrt RlripjLx- 1 > / V Jf - ,«* I B^r EK . E ;? . £ v v r ==—,v .Mr m •■• .-■•■ •'*■.- myianr .lowa Foundry, fancy Gtaiea, (10 wmch we-invito tko attention of lUorphy, Wilaon & Ce.,48 Wood at, 3d door above 3d BWaP : - ; BbBBI: gamttnMaBedhwiflyal«^^hitafflaSßßgJMMßP^^^^ict^i^:.^:-^>-^^^/i^^f^^ ± -: Fonrth.BL w a. np.t«. jVo, 103 IToodj Strut, PitUburgh,. Mollow-waroi %V*gou boxea, *ci Liberty *hJiTU*v*Ba<~ >|>>^ >:*•<^rv^v:^; b^H t / i A8 ‘ ,, ‘ , • :i ' ' BEI »^ , 2S^^&n«y l e, . gre nf dnienT«**.. f e /C&; TSrofiWSy - aprJO 61 ftmT wm uajti, jh. Pimtf aj—A large atock of ail the kinds in me: Hair# and 6pU$.MiU» within (he eUjMhrtiw aeeommodation Howard fßogtr*. 133 Front, near Woodatreet sAj APP^ I CpMJWfc*aSS. I *" . T~~ ®®isSS»@Ct“ 1 • .‘SSKfiJa-.. •—wsissr AW.'JmJSrtRSSa'' ”fe3Sa»KsiMfasss", 1 -, •• -, ~sa*ismizszz fiaar;^ige?;»¥»i»r t . i>wAyAititedi.iu^;yt,g je» . : ™» s rm.bmgn. r.ormmudtfl! culiij.uon tolmyolter eiiid.cuitinfihe the money returned. a 8 fm«l» King, Peanock *Co , Eagle factory, WAdd rtreet. jM L_t__. g ” u °*??.’ n -.Et»? b TO l . fOHN WAflfUjggSej vl. ,1 “ : “ a. S. Hamilton, ~ • eeary Demnaler, furrow into two sllees, and lenring» looee, deep, «nd Ailnd M e...g w»«».»~ ff i itrmc Sf*n» ' Hew Aargaagomeath. Y .CnernU WdfhncaUteUiarTfeY.irkt^f^ffiS tu 1 5?>?5S'A 'l&^SvV-> " : A TTOENEVAT f**W r has remored to the office In jVo. 180 Liberty Strict, Pittsburgh., perfect iced ted. .■ ihkh.i.”- 11 ■ Johh H Meltor.M Wood.treoi— Puma ?i> UIN E- OP PACKETS jileMid etiuSlutmie'jt, jmt> f ■> > ; - ". Km, * treet »^ tw^.® W S o l l ifmn S '?S be AT ANUFACTuaKi^ O ', TIN! Fe„ik,/" W ‘*'' I ''‘ skl he “ a,u “ lJe,,l « l ‘» or Orfiftmental SUBSC'BIBEH r««peetfel)V mfunns the Ladies C Blume, U 8 vtood mrcet-ifoßdmrg ' *o». stSSf u “JWfcsWh ‘,f 5 j -frtaarly tmenmed &feJ* , i*r*£J JH CHUN WaRK; JWtr m J(6u« FunaunHard- - ' WrtorieMnoUcedlra»'®iSMf* . , t Keep. hund. ^ 111 ' 8 Emufe and GaJm, Mg-^*aSw UyJBRPOOI. 4 r ««W»3m&>» r l loan J. ,i reiam. «n ntrery lowpriees foreut.b,wbo]erafeußdre«il. Curfe-Putent Kettle, for Soap, Pot n J „^ le 0 f and oihu reS.hmem.ln Jews O Anderson, Soithfield, bewalwand Sndyl.- i“5 l « s «W»y*y «lo’doilnSf«Sfe , t* • ColleeUone madoand Gorreeyanetngexeetiiedon mode- , Satltilo ruttl Uurneae Mwnarwotor-y, of Smvo'pioe ahdTin „ *“ en < io o »l*o be paid to the Bathe end J S Shaffer A Co., cor Decatur si aod OmmondatTey TLeehoreghipefn* bmltbf the beet maferfrJaindkP Sf*«lrfetmtS?hbsMi^«i? I ‘^- bt l aJ^Seli>B “° <"»«° “■<> We.lpm country, e. , < , t»y:dy3to.W>64»gil?tfef«ai^^ * mnp nharribtrt J —i, }. &f&fßSe>.V. fTfHEaoincrOiert haVe aMOttateo inemeei c . (IOLSTFiN reepeeifully informs hie frienda and very lowest prices.. InotrlSiyJ l. O.PABBY4CO. - J — _; ■~ w WABO. <■ Brother, 217 Liberty street. sengertrt .Timiecoranianddra Ute men of known abiUT '■“ ?: I ■.pi-wrA? 'fcc?/ 1 P»e^ BOf^ w »'“s"A*^S^.^ Q „«dT o A. ihepobhoflun bekeep.ont.nnd a toge stock.ol -4 ' „ * 80NS H^Tgcot,7lSetsfr^eh t «Md Mekeui lake ndyanidj* opMeanf ir oow- S 14 tjßToa. One orlho oUrnr £“' c “®“S„ih SIDLES, HARNESS, TttUNKS, CARPftr BAGS, FaU Puhiont. t .Contm Bum agn Etnuranma. : lii boateSp goDelaware. o, 1 ’ Cb * lf *^?Ss^i!?iSSiSSd?ii i ho d mr *A-*e,o?hU own manuiheiure, of the very best de- BATS, CAPS AM> LADIES’FOBS. eaßjßWj—BMßsto-m a^w — ■ j : .»iiiti jUffito Jafetor. ~ . ■A}sai^pi > ««liiii;weet)j;./romi4yerpf»l W»Nel etreet, Pittsburgh,nowoccnpfed By rnr.tilacit. _ reripuoa. He innles strangers and ali those yuiung the T WILS3N * SON, Ao. Ot Wood street (third door nrfflnf'"** flTr' a " m ~ , “i s Kennedy 4;Htuleu,B4Jtfarket jtreet. ' leansiriPasreagersehn'gdVtipthß Hirer choapdthit > ! 4> 'V'', ...,■.. • , Sd?iw w»MWtofa]MJ&ggg£ -igmrtte&XS-r • tion. made best material*, which bo will sell tow- great vanety oi Black, Brown and Drab, Mexicmn, large assortment of COFFINS madd and Cnished.coyei. RmbmML, -i . . ..d I. ! “v . «f» . _ JOHN.THQMPapJO ftPfhfa'HS’oMV rS^sS§feSi^o3L%%pSsf%. AGENT, erfianmniclMoflheaamo quality can bo aold in the Hungarian and other kinds of Hats, for Men and Boys; ed, and linodin the neatest ntonner, with a Turioty o. j -OOttkKilers and Siafiortos. .... novUJy.. SOStiberg tneei, Pmaburol v,.-;ib^-.tiiprf jir.'.;-. ? • Wood'ltTj opposite': Pint Pr&tytman Pfrurch, ell!? 1 He would call mmieilar attentiou to his large Silk and Mohair Plush CAPS j Cloth, Oil, Silk ami materials, and nt all prices; uro keep SHROUDSready f H jlcllor. Bl Wot^ it —School fUBkIOB PSBSESIaKB OPPiCK', -; '; . bis friends and Utepuhite, olmSTeffiiylltlwalnuretonaSd Bedstead, CAM, o. almost all descViptionsi Fancy HATS made,. Jl sites, Oaobtio, and Muslin, as ‘ l 7f ohoO, t JL.-t>~ Jam* * * X|j ihalKh-U hd'w:|rteiiai , ed,to .furnish pytry thing in oihlch he wilT sell at greatly reduced prices. Also, and Caps for Children—offered at reasonable prices aii prices, and made fir the eastern. Style, andinil outer, W S|Haven, corner Marketand Sqqoirasneefs. n,,,t : mSvklrtuSlsj* - 'iJ§SSt : - vs!®&^SSSHgSfys^^%W* i! SabwiTHING line, as heretofore, at lowpriees. Gib- .TOKHlMGofetrenr'dßteripiionezeeutedtn the neatest •tolcsa'u . articles necessary forßrassing she dead, andtonisMiw < • Bail, Capa and £%ri.. .:. ... ... Hl>!“ 8 '"- WHO i; t «• iSS. mtritMeoniedinnsaUsiactory manner; Faratsh- Wanner. Ati«>..UADlfcS’ HTBS-tii i Back and Nail l.yas, sieCird* Co,'coroer Wooffand RfthmrcM*. toiA'lllfS D IB'jr' At.'iCO-.i ingGoodaWways.pnliana.., .. ■,. . ■ t |lovt Orders leftat the Warerooms, or at the Mill.eornerot aod'cfiu 0 HB Firth. . WatlliauiaMjiaileaßilsbubieri^’Aguni^rUieit .....JiriJSS C. VI ATT, Atlanu and Liberty streets, willtc promptly ouended to. fcqmitoVlorOßlNtS and CUFFS, Misses and ChU- keep their/rien* j Wilson* Son,Bl Woodst,3ddoorbelowDia'dhl!ey. yatl*» oFShip* Croti BWerpoSl fo TfeW* i • ' . MSB-CHAN T TAILOR, m«rgl • ' ‘Haa.* ”GPpa. (mpB_ uy lormth w; toJto to in iaMa Waiket, 144, aor Grauiaad Htgh-streets ‘ > PhUSdeloßaandßomou. ,1 , u ■ l d. i ?^te®%g?SSgigS^cSf|i, 4 fcfp Si £ Jfo. 38 niairltet atruut,. nooe Fonndry, • Hats, Caps and Bodies’ Curl. hmd Weitrsa sbfendid andToMrm Maemfacluren of 8(etl Bpr\ngt t Aries,. Fito; let:- • Between Beeond and’PnrdstSo — FifuSarg*. Fo — nstrscocasiii.. - stoaoßEeshK, jh., ,T'Vhf i i, L^kuLGri?TauJ , irijTnfi 1, ° ny £no horses, and any number of the best carnhkeß. etc- Bmger, HArlman * Co., 105 Water,nttd 140 Fronts!. .. i.v.'f.v;.''.::^..--^' -V'.i'r K thaWbeSOW.fuUy PWP^»fato*^« r TkAANUFACTURERS of Castings, Codkmg Stoves, WOOL; blabk, brown ond drab silk nlush Caps; mm A** old established Mora, doingagood retail bnsiness, •**» ♦ Sptmgt >;., .JfMWßi^tefwtofiiJ JaiheClotorttoOibay&«fiUMaollimralofCGOTHft JJjl, Donnvan’slmproved Enterprise Cooking. Staves, hair cloUi, oil, silk, glaied and fur Caps, suitable for A. ina btnrougb adjotong tosedy, Enqmrefor terms Joha B Bell, Pittsburgh, , t -■ f‘ Rlßßrr, , 4 ,- ;Snl* Pto»iilbg«F, ■>' .W«sCdar>V»r.i *nltAhleforGentlcnici^BWcar,ifarticularawnuon will Also,lron Vaalta, Vaufi Doorßaßailing .Window Ai*n— nini>k und Mml isvnx. Kitrh »nH Mn Towusend, M»rkdureet, (d«e2nf r P hn P P*ll rornnr TnKnfrv nSr!'Prrnr mrrrfn 8 - 1-- fi ♦"** MoUmm. ■.....■<;*<,:«■•:>&"■*■ . ; be paid wGl&omtweitr*** Wrought Iron Work of ever* h £ hind wbtnaiUoirii Vicior.a„.aJoSZ l ™ 1 " n i J,‘ M^' ll „ 8 to*'?*™*' u jT 1 " 71 1 “ pteueltw g^~ - ! Prt —£*T mp«ite Works. w 0,.,, w.nbe a-ldjgw &^^Tu% ouor 0 uo r ' Wfr j Woos Vlst,m Allcgheuy Planing BUI, CARPETS,BIB CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS, William M Hersh,.eorner;Mdrkct and Third streets; '■■< iirij . ■ .5* opposite-toh tity,,Hotel,. *ll kinds pRAcTICAi.Cim.ERSjSURGTCAJG aVh> OblSlAtsj rilllfc. subscriber would rcspectfnlljr inform hia friends cT^'J 12 K /“TmM Goo d' " [ pTriirnghj-nV ' 3 r.tem'rsuf, iijsias ss^sfeKs^s^s^ ,, ?r r ,^r7~- 1 - :-- f - TOdHtfA iltfßlNStiN*; - + -- .W(||epdJV'iy|lQiAAaP'i-;.^at ag y. jIBQ O -; wise CABINET FURNIiURt ANB lnaddilion to our Store, we have n manufactory for builders, is pnriicolarly called to the above establish 14, W dadi-B Damask Venmaii Carpels, 44 34 and C M'Closky, 177 Liberty striet. j-.-oir... .... j ,., pmsSS^”o”“*aSgs*gii*J ,>,! %. ■ ■ ..o. .1 ] latest Of the best materluU. the market af-,. H n d»of Instruments and Tools. Ourlustru- meat, whbre a largs assortment of planed and rough SB plain VeniUan, Carpet*; 44, 78, 3-4, S-8 and 84, WUJiam Digby, 181 Liberiy'slreeL : ' L ia>lrtS%l» ’1 -- . lords, made rta kepfbn ban* ~, ap! : J m tnl# srenneqPBlled in the western conntry for lumber, of different thicknesses, suitable for shipping, common Vemtian Carpet*!,Listing and feag Carpeu-j Morga»»tenr*.Bro*.,"o»k Halli"'l,lberly st.near M’t, 9 ' 4iaHW^i^Si^sh.-bAugSS!^*-Ml^fegteffcßa»Wh&y&‘a -WAtm-. ~ . WebdWani.* Ilowiuds. .superiorfinlshand-workniansjtlp—which vgo refermthe bo* making, house, steamboat work, *e., can be found sura super Cheplte Rugs ipuperto Chuuilo dot sopei*- D J Cheap Corner,’’aorliibertyatAVlrtl a'f. at .to! iutaWr* mt ,--- =6n meTwholesale;prlce*i to^eiSn^whSfwisiSl^SvWr^^i^ • BEALEBS WaMBKICaN aND FOKEIGN BOpKS.' bestdenustsln-the twoeitiet; aiaiiumos. , , , , hnoTafted doj eommon TWled dqi common Cheuiie SBClany, iMUberty ‘^raJaLAiiß.; - . mpi .rur. . ’IfWIWo 11 idwln.t .a; - .yij: ■- : . V. ' ETC., . , AUorders from a distance will meet, with prompt at- Alsa, lumber planed or sawed to order, with prompt- do; Chonilo lioor Maul,‘Tolled do do: extra English wiofnnU 75en4». 'ri„i_. ■ r ■ r . f.l i-; ■ ill 1-SnfflfifWn hlsin ' IIU^A OT*rEU. ' Jjffi Keonedy.WlU udva ?,- . ..: : . mriSaezLFueiOJsidßmldi’Hit. [ni>3o:y tentioe. Jo&biSur-aild‘BeDafnnsrlieaily'executed. Far, ness and despatch. JOHN A. BLOOMER, sheeuskln dot .oommonMutSi Adelaid do; Jenny Bind .. "wfftdff urocers, arm Meaurt tu Usqiltm., , j i c i,.,lKp“SSASs‘s»3vB s't.’ £?sss«sy& ...... S. nfjPTii- tioular nttention paid to the makidg of Trusses and jal6 Proprietor 3e, AlUcanl and Manilla do, late Coco and Skeleton MB Panon, Liberre street. ' J Ta J ' h liHANOE.and: UEKMAJSr, Mr .SSdia KTS.,. 1 1 ; „„M«r=utnv *NnFntnv*RDlaG MERCHANTS, Supporter* N B-All older* directed lo Pittsburgh will reoeive Mau J Bryar, No ISS_ Liberty street.and S 3 Diamond allay. " mSe SwiSeraitfo MtorSSSv?eJi7s?!~r ***? ISS f „ - **. ?s"es4iS< COaM ?® I ® I ABEKTS. ffIL-Waue also Agents for the sale Of Charles C. prompt attention. OIL CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS - James tsubla,B7Bt CliirsUeet_ WarJai *„.. J SL I I?-Srfto.!'^ w ‘¥*2 B S a4 s£,aCo:i ‘ r£| '""“iWnSitor. Reinhardt's celebrated glass Pad Truss, the be 1 now i„ ' K ,„ vb~. n h». —e Sheet Oil Cloths, from IS toS4 feet wide cut to fir any 5 Watson, corper Liberty and Wayne etfeeta AurepsanAgral, Pert B«Bdingr,eerFVf* and WiUdiU i.,f—r,,-! .. ■; ”1 „ , - CtncißJMiU, OHIO. use for the .peedy cure of Hernia 7^PlioSSu Vn ai Maßßvf wtrrpt V7n,’n,T& site hall or room, 84,74,64,64,44 *mU4OUoioths r Donnell * Phillips, 305 Liberty etrcoi . j ■ ■ ■•-."■■ .J«ji„ r hi,VJ^n^rAnf!f..“ D, v / *—, , , ,* ' ,1-auattßP am*ssS' For ssle by the single doten A I have just received, direct from the manufueiu- r 11 Rods^of^all 1 B?iea^l jhaltTt in Wtntt and ZdQvort. | —‘"'i , ■■■■ 74 JqSSPA Rfl °sil Tl »hoDKs M> CO.. James Lteei* rern, a very rich and fashiouable sMonmeut of fine Qold S^jSf.'o-PSf"}.^J» n 2° ► fSow° fSlrffi :SteinA Oro., So. 348. Liberty 4ireet,neir the' Conti >< IoQ la* ■. : *j|FW vflßWraI** 1 ** lils:siavtlii:thlsgh^ii>^»«SsSSS!B!Sa3^l&lßS:- : i;;?;-y.L£i::-/-:»v- , '\>:.i^\G-\^t.^h-:7S-'w- , -w^?^ ffl FOREIGN FRUITS, ENQtifß BVILOJtR AND MACHINIST, Jewelry, of evry vanety—Also, a splendid assortment ?/l? o TftS?ii,fiu- m 114 64 «Sd W«k AevUn.o3 SmlUifield efmeu -1/: ■. ..■•• ■ XdmflaJlttroer^rSmKei^alSp^SoreiiMticet -;vy ■' (Successor w Robert VVighunan.> of Gold and Silver. Watches i which (will sell us usual, whiV Cmidh^.BoS&nrSSfirS*:'' iSmor eiobiPiSo and ?w le^D .ilfeeL . . -.■ltoiorblk-abaeaWrifWflPtia'saSypHsi^ii^ keab 1 «.• • ' Corner of Liberty and Water ttneu, Pittsburgh, much tower than tho same quality of good# can be pur- TnMnr - &sw r?vJLgS jSfiJ! i}t ? Ogßi »ii*rg* i aVfixap -1 JTUS?T» . T piTTSKIfRfiH \jyiLL build* And. finish-to oilier, oir tho shortest no- chased at uu) . other establishment in this or any other ,j Z.. window Cariuin* i TArkev Rei? 0 Pictowen.fc C0.,t37 •'■■ FOR i H>hADßliPtit i tweeu VVood - ,■.••■■•• •* :• >9. „„ pISSSSy" W -g““ d? TvinJfcifaL urns , ■ WvSSSwSSa " \ e IS -TC»iseti p . y - o>^ta^uf^^ ripUOn " l Blmd> * Jta “ fc t.neaVFerry . tiHUD may—bkwjalßTUWlw. ; ammi ~ ai short noUca. Watch repairing, of every description, ro TbVj.hAJlflfni»k l ?onslaiuof the iaraestuiid best ever ; ' Saddle, Harneunnd knkMaktri. heOurdettof The Cemetery of Scutari. j . PmSBOBOBi April 8,1851. 'neadyexecated and warranted. All kind, of Jewelry ae^cted b fJr\£s murXcJ J9sing purohaaed dtroci from A Holstein, 133. Wood street, n - Vtrgin'hObr*' “ n> • ‘ VarK [^und.amieT^e-^,l^:;^^goritSg;^^^^^^:^>i*: :-~:i^--^^.^ mvfcU * 1 cheerfully recommend to Ute public add my former repaffed and wade to order [nort3 „ pnrmM ni , A comuriaing the jicht Rahauser A Duff, head of \V n real. »..* nt • r • ‘nnuit: . ; *n.C. aiociituint caatomera, my successor, Mr JAMES AKL9, a compe WlxoUsaU and a*tall, est unS latest style# und dcslgas,and Ht prices so low G T Ante «\ 992, chr LibV and 1 ets* Fettermun’a Row. lh ntSea * >n~, rffitt3S3B£&£Sffi INDER^coraM^ofMtr- 1 iraj Muchmcp>TO C ‘he mom oved J s^blg^«£M^^toSbB«lsto a S«leMo^M4* < *| l> * I W ? cR!f s ,fd O M.Wa' jpOatABLE . ini he ennumies 1 |o a occuDV > WffleST *"> t *■ / . - , -DBaLißSfft' 1 { f IONTiNIfES to practice Medicine Suraerv undOb "uodlonsSiore Room, formerly occupied by Samu«|ffl& S&W WisdSTOßifi. ' ; LtitkSmUhing and Sell £/an£Mg* . : w* ll pT«ygpt Any HlpSwS ? i4 I Sji&3f&s2S w IJS B OR 8 , 0 swtrics r^MfdwifeTy Ce Ecfecucally ill m e accordaiice 6 lock A Co, No tifi, corner of Diamond alley and Wood CHOICE 0OOD& FROM ALL COUNTRIES Wm W Reilly, 165 Wbod street * JobiiSp ** ' £5Sf-3SftSffiSS hS&&£BN!FW I » * : sCS!l.’Zirni:rr ws£6£a£&isrsaxi - -.,, -•. 0,:..: JjaSSasavaaßraa Lawi?B«.WjL , - : SslSSt&firSi'Ss 1 ? edfeaßjtewiaiaaw*'{, .sale. .Mefcary.antlmoimyaivi’&ei? premrttions as »n 4 «f amine his stock before puiohastag elsewhere,as by myself, bo xeliod upon as old und pure, or hrortongaheiu House, tot Water ana,SiuiUifield sis,.: i &^?BSIES£^S^£^iSjHSASBSSbSSB^Ih 1M A W7sW»««. Ptolur**, Fa Con- well as the iJiTet, are-entirely dupaijd wuh fmrld he is determined to sell hrst rate article, at Tory low to best «irhJfj m .VJ^i e .±“ r l P H U James &ilchris., 264, Llbeny meet p ■ J9W I W-l ■ aTtpY^T^fem!& -t igt » .. .. VRR^SisMtoUiwStESswrnSfees 0 * ItfEW BOOMS,Bur*., Bull* Don't forgei the plice, No 86, sornur of Wood ! Fouf'vuMue*- I 'HoSard.March*Co Fouw&t/ tyarehwei. , , PlumTtos,QuinceMd^ RbeH "wTm^A*a^^^^‘ §ia ' ,o{i; *- r AU, *b« -It. oc. AKT£OHT,Dagnerreo. streui and Diamond Alley. *OB6 focluding thetr'Vrery finest old-Laiidon Particul*r,*and John Anderson 4- Son. oortttr Water and Grant si»,-i- -J?WSiT ll “ft?! *^fI?.S.SS2SfSS«^?^?- il SAjtßPlHigil*t]fS^^SSj t 43£rdC*-> r .-i-rSi.- ; .':-.--r:--i'- ; .ar i s v :• .- v --.'.‘;:;:-. --.t '>•■.; y-.- V'-i.r.f.';' N. B -MueEne Brashes, «c, made to trolxU fromtheautern ernes, woMd oeJitheauennon ol ria.raT;CTa'con -' 77-7 -wm “ebuieeii grape Juice" imported directi togethel with John Onmn 4- Oi, 830, corner Jlhund Liberty street. ’? 3 © ,!r & r v ahorteet notice. ifaihhubitanu of Pittsburgh, and tl,enelglibor|n B lowns, NOOTTJiBA iTa , FHteen other varieties orMadelras , Alex Bradley,! ugn dit Sloved No. tu Woodßreet ,s. " S , ,*StoT aiaßint to their Daguerreotype oreithens andoihere, at rooms n / js Ut btcst fe Pn i 18 do Pons, of the most sup qualities W T MiOlurg, 10 Woodsmen. ; > bhrghFohrOeceito ‘ Rnadito, b, iJvffo’ .« >. % - • - ICSB * ‘rkJNE'DV * HABLETT, ibe third Slbryof Burke’s bmidlng,4|h st HnnnfnMnmii nf PhmnW Sufn. 8 80 Sherries, IncludingfeeAmon- JC Parry fc Co, 105 Wood, and above canal *d si IhdtheUd ai V *“■ n c ?■; 1 tt; - r'- UTTrckssoss to Kxhsxt A. Knox. .. Parser, a wishing pictures taken may real assured that M&IHU&fiIDTBn 01 xllffiQlZ r lfB rfOOl Shi IS, tilludo, Maxamilay and tbe - /-..i,'.,,, .f Wocul,wlllbnprvn;puy auended .- .L nnd Keiail Dealers in Walchcj, Janrelrv. Silver no pains shall b e spared 10 produce them in the highest Second street,between Wood and Smithfteld. Duff doriiooWiucs ■ Gdelurf ana Cndtr JuaAterd. -,,.i t.... [ ---, --, vO, 1; V, I.JUH-f B 3JGCIi, JR. -- Cr Gtangn, LemonandCoDonPeet-Ground' :■-; *: ■• IftffA-’idJ rAriAtgeaifivJffHlsw. Combs, fe. perfeodun ofthe art Ourinstrtunentsareofthrmostpow- -d~VN Tuesday afternoon, July 65,1848,the undersigned 13 do Clurets, 10 sorts Rhine wines, WmESl«venson,SFettermflji’aßow,|;ibeiqfaiid7,lh:et,i :.’ICrJ-0 I |:harJs.anirShrubberyjj^ntj^|ieatly.(h^M ) ; a| - r-:. *. -.,,.rf-_.. ■ . „ "SPIZSZtIZ?, i_ heweediS st and the. Dianmnd, erfni kind, enabling uu to execulo pictures udsurnissea U were cufled upon by Messrs Liocencoti * Bare, to a do Chamoaumoaßado eordiuls! G W WopdweH,27 and fiSThird street. . ecgtttl »u 111 ITrlme Bh> Coffee aUfrgen*.-..; » mock*. WaliM* #64 Jwelryßoatly repaired. A>rUglt#>#keß4 nuUdnpH 10 (torn, ThepubUoaru witnessan honest and fair test of one 01 their Phmnix u do Brandleaof the mastdesira.- -\ a TATC Batcnt tewnrfton 830 to 440; •Tja±s\ ,H*tb l.DcmlMO Ha^tMie 1 * nnA fwuL*hCL.JJtj.t.»l ■ • -■“■ ’An«Jt eo, 1*»- ' solicited to cull and eSmunJ Safes. The furnace being prepared, tee Sale w .placed ble brands and vintages Hammei k Daider, LaSmUhfiMiUIWSM. r- T aold do ... 20 in,loo', - >. .-rr Pitfoburgh. ~. , ~, - ■,,— ~——Persons sining for picture* are neither requirrcil or er. insidethereof,vmhbooks,papcreandsomemoney;when 10 do Whiskies, 4 ofgms,s olrums- Trolh A Phelan, BBSmrlh{l Id st., bqt 6U; ADnuad alley. n~ j -vs - - Joseph Penn.dijoßotre'the CSnM bridge. .AJahraassortmentof tfia finest English, French üßi" J6deddx> sJIm^FIT&So^SS I .. , rfasi \ - l + ' e ' snd chemicals,- ... red hot, and conunued till half pasi 6 o’clock, being about uy Buyers wishing 10 Obtain “good gooHa,"*! low. - • •Wall’PaiiaraiU&’lkfrdtriiie?'’?" 1 rriimil- ; *iP- ,l '~ "-"rry T l l ,^r7T, ‘iT~i"f" **l"T| --- = PAPER H*NIHNGR*Np BORDERS, ffj-instrdetioaigiym Lnth* an ontsdnlng tha mor* four and a half hours, when tho committee expressed price , wii, do well to call 1 mi* RickenbiehiNa’ldS LiberivfhotfrM'fiiket at 1 sj^d‘6fanyTS^nrtfrdrKfti(ftWns,l:, ' > '“ i " “ ‘ i'V d MsXVlmletffK -J -w - sSln*. Clout ißtodßour Bane jliedlaord „ A fine hearWdud cmrisgearvmysready BENEDICT A CARTER ’ ed, no radical cnfecaabe cfTacied r but If Um principle Woodward AJellyjNo73jairaMreoi ObSet rwewS^S&muMMlTT Cilia* ® > . T-Vas-*^-:?fe'- N«ilsLCopgerNMlsan4TOck»,HdTrel aßefidfim< . ralfc . 5p23 ly ISAACCROMIF ’ upon which the disease depends is removed,* chre Jtootttmd Bh<> rx h “A^T - " ,v* -e ‘ v ■.. re' - -I- ss'"5 s '" CBRaWlgcpmeE, No 85, jjiamonaailejrjnMi ie!ij'jr-iy-' : . ■ —- T» £«OVAll- — tor; Kobeit Snyder, ha* S® .met, between Wood : QaiMing yitte Alilermaa Moirow- _ _»epj»jy J HR YAH, Kzatfymg Duatut , and Wholesale Healer *ln Foreign and Demesne Wines and Liquors, No jl4Libenystreel,andS3lhamonil alley. l>dl INCA FJNNKY, Agents for the IHlavart eluiuai Innranfi Campanf, of l’hiladelphto, al Ihe. Vt arc ■House of King A Holmes, Waleralrcel. near Marsel wm kills*, PinLiJiA. vra. BicrirriM, FirrSHCUeu. ‘ H/T ILLERA KICKKTSON, Wholesale Qneert, and lm- M porters of Brandies, Wines and Segars, Noe.l.d lalid 174jcornerof Liberty and Irwin streets, Pittsburgh, Nails.Colton Yarns, Ac., constantly on h.inl. 'h a H kutskH “bownu.. ; r/"BYBEK A McDOWELL, (eitMisisoiis lo Keaa A K KBrttiE,) Iflolrsoteond Herat. DmiiOiiiU’rurrjJ'Mn ■SrtMi -r of Wood street aud Virgin alley , I nyst ■clans pie lipttons carefully compounded nlth^aud ndy. --—— A • - THE PROPRIETOR re- ■ JWr3 , H ' 2&3t*\specifuliy^ fflFjjSL,'and the public generally, thatESaMsSgfjb •LsL&SL they have leased ,v '° Vb ll - .IgJ.. ■ OiacuriifcfofSotwA/Wd tenet and Diamond AIUv t tor‘ merly Johnston Graham, where they intend keeping constantly on hand first-rate SADDLE HORS* bS, BUGGIES} sad CARRIAGES of.lheUtest.and most approvedsryies. - aepli John W.~Ttm*a : ffttp, Cons, IfmbriUa-and Parasol Manufactory } Ena removed to No. 143 Wood street, near Virgin alloy, whote he offers for sale a large assortment ot Goods in bis line, at less prices than they can be bought for ai any other house in this city. Fine aiik triaged Parasols, - - * 81,25 do Lloed do 1,60 do plain; large size. .... t,ou -do scalloped ------ ,75 W holesale aud Retail, Repairing neatly done and promptly attended to. LaptgStfm / - >3* 4 1 .*■ . ’ V't L* -* » ‘ ‘ * i » trf i/* ‘ s \ \,4 /-Tp^Kv;.-- 1 ' . o. m. rorrxn* • • wm. ». roars*. (Saecoiiora to Thomas 9c o i i.J Reynolds 4k Fortera. LUMBER MERCHANTS, Perm, between Jrtctn and Si. Glair gtiuti t tnlhSmo • . _. • . Pittsburgh. Jr. c. Smltfi, ’ sairnraCTunKß* or COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON* WARE, ho. 1514 Third sirutyPisutturgh, KfebPS constantly onhaurfa general'assortment oi all kinds Tin, copper aud Sheet-Iron Wore, and utakes to order on the shoriestinoUeu 4ud most accom modeling terms, Wholesale and Retoi)< . {nryli).dAwty. rr.>iAStonUjffi :K? 4’ "* t ~' 1 ' * -"y J ,u l Penney 4b Sterre«,lM Fourth street, nfearGront - JamesF. Kcrr,l42Fonithatreet,.t i‘iu> ? JOirn S Cochran, 144 Fourth at, comer Cheiry. a11ey,.., ■ Grant street. < John N McGr&nUireeui<' iir : Neriey 4 McFadden, corGrantstaod; Diamond alley*: Bafewell 4* Campbell,Tiighman Hall, Gnmt4tre£t,, John Glenn,‘Mjaw;Comeri*» cot Wyhe ofitf Fifth ilk.- Seat Estate Agetiti. ' 1 " L ' 1 Jobs H Page, BaketyeJPs JBatldiiigs, ?!! 1 Grant sueeu - t Thomas Moffiu, 3 doors above Mayor’s office, Allegheny.- Mderntn and Justice* of thePticj. AG Reinhait*4£StCfa!r.fcrte6t«' *" ’ 1) S Scully, TFifthstrecLneaxUnlon;' l v-' •• • i M W Lewis, 65FiAh st, bet. Wood ftad i r N Haekmasterj Fourth street, aboVe BmlthnelH. . . Thos SieeijlxßFoanhsueetinear J John Major, eorner. Washington antl'.Wyiie stneis.' - John A Parkinson, 472 Penn street, near Walnut. ' . Banker* 'and. Exchange- j Carothen. A C0.,N0 U Woo 4 streeb < - ' **- •; »t r i 1 S.w. comer Wood dnd Fourth sts. Rnupor t Ralun,comer Wood and Thlrd streets. GeorgeE.Ariiold f 74.FourthsiieeU '..i> ■' Patricks A Fnetidjcor Wood strict and lhamo&d aHey* Hoob-4' Sargenti corner Wood and Sixth streets. A Wilfclns &Co., corncrThird andhftrfcbt sticels.. Harris $ Co., comer Marketasd Fifth streets. 1 • i Hugh I) King, Fourth streetjOPpOsitOiM A M Bonk; ; ;;:u i N Holmes 4* Sons, Market sl, between Bd 4thv . : i W haUsaie Qroceto, Commission s..&rofiuc* Dealers t btua*’ A Sill, 124 Wood street, above-FliUu . j \Vick A McCandlessycor Water and, Wood sireeta. iDavidA,Gxte&!47ol4beny:Streeur• •'» r ' I Wliogaly A 184* 20.woodstreet; t .. .i ti} ■••‘ i IJos SliceobjM’Alpin & Co., 814 W Idberty streev : |J wood and Fihh streets. iJamesßloek.coraer-Thirdaod Smilhfieldstreeur.' iLamhcriA9hipiOQa49Andlsl'Woodstrteti !' ' ; -- {Alexander Kmg,2tiBiiDerty street-, - » .. . . .. |Jameaiieimey.Jri,cbmer'WftterandShmhfield meets. u A RFloyd t 173 cor. Wood nnd Sixth strCetsr * 1 v Mills ASou,W(T />, - • pohn Block A Co., corner Penn andirwltrsueeia.. y U She& eomer Penn'and Irwin streets. . Wf .A.KWllsontM7VHuam Barker, Bmitkfield sw A ay.: Tnmmtng, Hosiery and. Fanety. ‘ : r W l)aly A Co., Manufacturers and Importers, Fifth su • Joseph Horne 4 Co, 77 Market si., bet* 4th end Olsipond Plough Manufacturer*. Robert Hall, 147 Liberty street. . Hall 4 Speer, Penn street, cor Cecil alley. Livery Stables. Btchange, James Mathews, 178 Penn street. Aarou lilasdell,BLClair street. : ' " <• . MamtfactvreT Qf - 'American Oil. i John Youngson, S? { ?y»yq614, hot Fean.andidtrtnr.’' n | Uourtung stora. rvithing„VnitttQ)uriX iWnt cit Peas aitd3t£)a{r,«tr£etti , Dagutf&tmiitm,.' i , , J Nelun,Po«tOffice-Btuldlngo,Thirdslreqt.■ - .... NelsQtv&.Cp.iLitoyme'HßUyFoima’itrtit: 1 Hdtigh i Anlttony, Buri’jßiuliiiiigsyPotirtll-.lreet Mihnuia'j 4 Lawyer,34 El, opnosalß SlCbarles.HirteL ! Pea. Wer«,4l3 Pettbit, 4 few door* abqqqCaiiqL I > fyikamiUl. Wm Cralg, No. f -Third slt bct Wodd and Smlthfield. Samuel STGoih, it FifthairOetiidooni bqWuSikef. ! Gold Beaten ’ ‘ ' " fl Dunlfrr.iai Third at, hot Wbod and flmUhdetd, . Hyclng l £ttaiUtkamtt.' ' ' ‘ Mr. Boibridgc, lfiSi Glaintreslj noar "thEloid bridge.' BnahMatOtfactureTt:' D atewan, Fiflhsuoet,aigrrhightnihvbetbla’ta Wiiui. . . ... . .I-- •• W i Keichumf 80n,4y,511l el opposite me Theatre ' .1 ■' Book and Job Ptbdtn'. fihryock i Hacke, coniE rThird abd WtKKI ■Harper * Layton, corner Fifth and Wood. 1 ' I —■' • .-.J, ..rf.'ttt.J Jtu: i - t -A-ctu’ -*•— _ . 5 artS "«<»? Waul. Site Lot two «maH F rameTeiiemeal*. Tcna&ca F« tfameataai eUmt '6t iiaffiMn.TSSSSitUfc ■ 1 " - p 7"" ’ p ‘l’-f ’ % * k^% s i •<- .-l •r Smith, 4 ar '’"” l if IRQ#. Cijr^-HaTE't ls 3« f 'z. „ ;>>.■** - ' - i -*»■> "V- -*£*■ \ *► r-