>^"-^ :rv si'*'* v ' W c "* ,; *iK , \ A l 1 -'^-v^f^'v Itst’ " *!? £ - Yv>.? j,- a >-- *•-■; ~ - • '”’*-v • Jr - > *~~- -** ‘ Vi*** » »v*■*-, - s , * ~ '•~\* ,-»*• .>, „ -jv v ‘ ~»» , '- s - ■* t -* ■» /' t - £>t »«.'■•' •■#'• - * "t "' s , - * - 1 *•!--, *’''.V.:->^ v ;->;#:; * ;• ■ /,. ;~y y,; * ’. „-y ! -'’-ty -- - '-. y vy **■**■**■?* ’>• I * 4 *^- , ' < %- 1 ; f ~ "-■ 4 (v,/.; *u. \,>J%:„\ -t i ‘ ' ,«■ -- • - <■, S'?; '^t ptewaalia^ laimiiiiiiinirf# 4‘ v S:r. : ff - * Z-v%^, l f p—'^iV* '^gaMps^M AsMgBSpeeß|B% '^SPW^ SBS» «i»%Byro feftefg^ Pm BBK§tSjM _ PllffpriSiiK - -- ... •vS* VkSVp **i^v-» 3PHOSI THE OERJIAST I*R ESs , IRASSLATEB BX W. J. BOSE, AUSTRIA ANp THE REVOLUTION In March, 1848, Kosscnrwas at Vienns and Metternich at London; in October 1851, Mottcr nicli re-enters Vienna with pomp, and Kossuth is received in London like a conqueror. The fugitive Chancellor of State who, for 40 years . I°ng, had-been the soul of the Austrian' Gov ernment, was only tolerated in the foreign land ~. of his .exile, .but those whom Austria outlaws - are(he well-beloved of the human race. The great Process (or suit-at*law,) between Iluman , • -■ ity and the House of Hapsburg. 'whieh lifts' run through so many forms and stages of proceed ing, is become npe, and the final decision is at , - - hand. Should a Kossuth once more enter Vi enna, it could not, most assnredly, be under premeditated conditions, and with the same tendencies ns he boro-abont him 8J years ago; -- r ... .->■ for since that time, he has. learned that .“ Uni versal Democracy” alone, can guaranteed® sepa rate nationalities their independence, and that all particular diplomacy, confined to this 'people , ,-or thatpeople-individually, combat dig its own grave. hlettemich’S:entrance into Vienna fur . -rnißhesus an analogous lesson: this is no! pass ing circumstance in the life of an old man, —it -. : : ; is a political event. ■' He might; long ere this— have quietly returned to his beautiful villa on the “Rennweg” but the great statesman of Absolutism was willing only to be borne in as a victor. His return should have this meaning, viz: that his system—(for Metternich is the founder and advocate-of a system)—was once - again admitted to be the only truo one. A pqb- Ho oration.for Bn apology. Metternich luib not - : gone back to Austria—no, it is Austria who has ■ gone baok to Metternich. The Bound Table of the “stripling” Emperor admit that only by Mettemich’B system is Austria to be ruled . • And, in fact, this is trne! All experiments lead •. - - hack to. him, and the publio retraction of the _ “octroyed ” constitution of May 4th, 1849, was r exactly the “ pater peccavi” which the aged States Chancellor required. The Congress of : 7 Vienna contained two great statesman, Talley rand and Metternich. One invented theprin ciploof legitimacy, the other the Decentralization Idea and the German League. Austria’s perma - ; nence demands the German League as it was and now is, and the Leagno pre-supposes Austria as she was once and now is. The dJu ■ , ropean Middle Realm can exist only ns a great Federative Republic, or it must remain as it is. The German subject cannot be redeemed by the chicanery of a subordinate Polico Mandarin, but only by a Republic. This was just about the amount of Motternich’s wisdom; he hit upan the only tenable form of Austro- German Absolutism; not Prussia’s contempt ible trifling and half-way indecision, full of hypocritical -Überdlisiny tendencies; —no, but open Diabolism which is less dangerous to the! : development of humanity, and is less nauseating i to.our palates than Prussian hypocrisy 1 Indeed, the malapert aristocrats laid their heads togeth-1 er_and whispered away—secretly, of course—i ■ for .the reactionary rabble were, at that time, i ■■■■<-■■■■ under the “state of seige” imposed by a free : press. “D’ye see, Metternich has after all ■ . . been able to maintain it only 35 years; his great preceptor and court councillor, Gontz, predicted os muoh, too, when saying that this whole system was only calculated for about one man’s lifetime. But, at least, it will bear me and Metternich through.” As if Despotism did not always say, like tho aged Pompadour, “Apres moi la deluge !” (after me the deluge / Trass.) Now, the system which was to supplant Metternich, has already in so short a space of time as two yeare, completely worn itself out,; ' . and Schwarzenberg discreetly tnms again-to tho system of the great.master. But: the .times gn totally different; tho cir ., ’ cnmstances are of a Uifferent" nature, and the child once weaned away can never be coaxed • back to the bosom of its nurse! —ln vain do yo . flatter the magnates of Hungary, the so-called ■ “Ohl Conservatives,” in vain do ye keep awake the rivalry between Venice and Trieste ; in vain , would yon compel the bankers to pay tho inter est of your State. Debt with their awn money ■ ;Not even.the house of Rothschild is any longer controlled by the House of Hapsbnrg. In 1848, the people were, certainly; still as stupid as Jon wanted them to be! Even at that time the Vi - - ennese were dull enough to form a volunteer legion tobattle against Italy. Hungary did not recall her Hussars from Lombardy. "“The in . tegrityof the Empire must be preserved,” was 9 the cry; Czechs, Magyars and Germans vied .?. with one another in devotion to the Dynasty, each race with the secret hope, that it might for the fntnre rank.as the head of the Imperial- con glomeration. Through the dimness of. these • conceptions Vienna fell, Mow, every child knows that Austria must sink m order that the Nation ties may arise !r—The only grand, state point of unity fpr all the languishing, fettered nations is '. * . . that.cnrse-ladcn Dynasty, whose representatives, -• even at the present day, meet with hate and .scorn in all free lands. But, community of suf . feringß and oppressions has insured, to the Na ... tionalities, forged and bound together in the chain of the House of Austria, another point of unity v in their detestation of that Honse and their straggles for freedom! The solidarity o? the Peoples. ... _ In the army, which is to face the threatened . ; disorder, the followers of Kossuth and Mazzini, _ the Czechs, who, once, trader Windisohgmetz, 'bombarded 'Vienna, and were cheated of their ... wages; of sin, by their soul-trafficihg purchas . ,ers> nowrangethemselves beside those who were degraded to the ranks for Freedom’s sake, and to understand each other, g' The Govern .ment-knows this, but; nevertheless, darenotdia-, ann. The troops are raining it.. In thp’past : year ithey again occasioned a deficit of 38 mil - lions, entirely apart from the additional deficits arising from other causes; and yet the Govern ment cannot diminish their number; the young - soldiers are more feared in their native villages, than in their military quarters-. - Farther, .this ' army is to. form the vanguard of Bussia against . ".republican France. So longas tho Republic en ists, though but ill name, the Eastern powers cannot disarm;. they must constantly remain equipped and on the alert against any sudden . outburst of French popular will. They must maintain the Court Martial and “(he state of siege” in full vigor; they must reduce the sub ject nations to despair, and thoroughly ruin their finance. . " .... Themere shadow of a Bepublic is an axtchor of salvation' to.the European Democracy. Attack France- openly, they never dare, but they fear t Aor by day and by night; she is their Alps—she . foDows them in their dreains, —and indeed, it is possible enongh that theyjnay,'once for all, take . : couragefrom. despair, and; through mere'ter ror, plunge into the abyss of war with , France. - So doing; Austria would stand in the foremost \ ’ rank. Whether she will or not, sooner or later. mnst her Eagles meet the French Cook|| in Italy. .■ Apd when did Austria ever win the day in suoh a confliot ?' .With what troops would she con ,, ,quer ? . Hungary and Poland await the first op pertnnityofinsurreetion, and in Italy the blood- and Haynau have so .fearfully embittered notional hatred that the :i ejiole. effort of ffier DemoeraiUi leaders is directed to the task of restraining the populace and prevent \ rag a modern;; repetition ot UseSieUian vespers. . -That the prinees of Tuscany, Borne and Naples, j have thrown themselve's 'ihto the arms of . Aus tria only, renders the position of the latter worse . than before, for, on one side, ■ this circumstance ...increases the number of-vulnerable -weH as the difficulties’ involved in their defence; -. .pßd, on'the.other, it so utterly uproots the prih- Ciple. of monarchy in Italy, (if anything were yet wanting to complete its destruction,) that a ■ sham' war like that with Carlo Alberto, would. • no-longer cpresent the least prospect of'saving crowes. : i f The whole Austrian army, which wsaTntended to sustain the House of Austria, only hastens its downfall. Decentralization, studious separ ation of interests, and the irritation of one sec - tionggainst another, no longer.work well;—not .'• even'tEe oohstitntionaLorganization can retard ‘ ’ ‘the catastrophe; nor can it be applied os a pal . : iative: iitself; for such an argument; wohldtfe . =.-.qnire Unity of action, ninthal'goo‘een letrapcd !.y half tern; mn»ond measures, Bern oud bi« Honveds would bate Ejveollirrftiiimryaalulonf Irarcnmy l„ Sehamyl. and W 8 marled Circassian-. Seller couuael In ’Si-lTrans. (Oh yee sir, yoa lire mislalren ! Tbcy con hone Km tuth—in tgigy .'—Tran*. From the N. O. Picayune A CALIFORNIA WIDOW. The world for many years has reoognized the existence of “grass widows,” and widows, dr itfacto, “fait and forty ; but the California widow lis a creation of modern time. The tide of emi gration which, during the past few years, has swept towards the modern El Dorado, has given Hse to this new order of widowhood. Adven turous husbands have severed the bonds of mat , nmonial. and many a loving wife has been left t without a lord, and mistress of herself—“ that i heritage of wo.” Tears and sighs, hopes and t fears, chequer the existence of the California I widow daring the first few months of separation; but often—too often—the absent one forgets hiß better half, and plays the part erf a truant. A i series of revolutions in the bosom of the forsa ken wife is the conseqnenco, and indignation , succeeds sorrow, indifference supersedes indig [ nation, and another love takes the place of In j difference. , < «- -t- "* > ; i* v ■” ii 'V"c V - , *v r * **v» * a r " ~~ m‘*. %frzk** " 1 * r * * ,r W T w . ,*> ■* - 4< ' ~ 'i , ' /■• * ~ ;r /- :\; , ■? * - -' J “ . * ' *. A.-'*' *?, .k . >- ~ * <• ? \%ir/ r Kr^< i r 4 r f * * * v *' = .'t' l S'‘- , “' *'*•.!*?• f ‘ Vl i“to' yt. /?s._ -»s -*!*■*_ t , t b-****. *• * ~~ -v * T ■“* * -sa- »4»*, "=• s -’-' " •% - ,' ... 1 ..^r^.:.f.K.. ! \ - ' -If iv,.i>;f ; jc- ■-’. I • ! ’-' ‘r V ,-J.- . _:„■>. - Y*% /- V ’- "\'f l-i- /:t> r l ' ',v- I ’-- i ' 1..'-: ->^.* f * -;v^ -r" r''.- > '. it- ■ * «„-> -#■ •.2\ ‘.^.;—• -ft-f •«. •»«»< ift-j/v w V *■ -,^'.’ > * 1 ; *«' * f *tA-s " '-.’i*''' u-^T. - -'-*■>'* £.- • *’- s> -(- t' ' ■ ' 'J -T » - r:*.vi,.; - .-■' :•■.'■•?«■.■'■ •P.-'i.-»*'-i'. ?.A-. , .' r 'ri. j .v. ‘ *' ' _ - * + K * i.; ***s^2' 5 .publican institutions have the power to do. If the sympathies of the President and his more intimatu-advlsers with Russia, Austria, Spain, and-tho other despotic, usurpers, of power in Europe, let., them take their Btand firmly -ivUh sind by the peoplevof their own country, and this matter will soon-nssume a very differ ent-appenraheo. CWe holdtp the truth of the sen-: timent embraced in the message of President Fillmore, that—“ The deep interest which wo feel in the spread of liberal principles and the establishment of free governments, and the sympathy with which woVitness every struggle against oppression, forbid that we should be in different to -a cause in which the strong arm arm of & foreign power is invoked to stifle public sentiment and. repress the spirit of freedom in any country;” and we most ar* dently hope that the President may yet shape his course perfontly in accordance with this sen timent: for, if he shall do this, the slumbering spirit of Freedom in Europe will at once rise and overthrow the tottenng pillars of Despot ism. T We had intended to animadvert upon the pro fession of our neighbor, in relation to friendship for Kossuth and the groat Republican cause in Europo; but, upon more mature reflection, we think it not right to do so. Our reasons for adopting this course are, we trust, of a truly Christian character—we would not return evil for evil and still less evil for good. Our neighbor sinned very much against a sacred principle of charity, relative to Kossuth, by publishing Al most every infamous He that was uttered.respect ing him, previous to the arrival of the Missis sippi; but he now takes high ground, both in favor of Kossuth and the Republican cause; and therefore, so far os this matter is concerned, we are truly pleased to hail him—though an ardent supporter of the present administration—as an able and zealous co-worker with us, in favor of the oppressed millions of Europe, however wide ly we may differ in relation to matters relating to onr own domestic affairs. This is the line that we think it best to adopt, and we hope our neighbor will not compel us to resort 'o any oth er course. We are by nature inolined to be peaceable ; but, if we must fight in self-defence, our motto is “war, to the knife; and the knife to the hilt!” GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA. The latest intelligence from Virginia would seem to indicate beyond a doubt that Johkrc>R>- the Democratic candidate for Governor, is eleotrii : by a handsome majority over Summer, Whig.— Both branches of the Legislature are decidedly Democratic. Temperaneeville and Nobleatowa Plank We are gratified to learn that the work on this road is now progressing with great rapidity. About| seven miles towards Noblestown are al ready planked, and within the last few days the branch to the Washington turnpike has been entirely completed. This branch is one and half miles in length, which makes the distance from Temperaneeville to the Washington turnpike six and one-half miles. Great credit is due to Col. James A. Gibson, the Engineer, and M. B. Brown, Esq., the Pres ident of this road, for the untiring zeal they have displayed in behalf of this great enter prise. They have labored day and night to bring the work to a speedy close. We shall take a ride over this road tho first leisure mo ment we have, when we shall give it a more ex tended notice. Cleric of the Supreme Court* A despatch, received on Saturday, informs us that our esteemed friend John Cotle, Esq., has been appointed Clerk of thd Supreme Court for the Western District. A better appointment could not have been made. We have known Mr. Co VLB from our boyhood days, and we have always found him to be one of those of whom wo would esteem it a pleasure to cal! our friend. That he will discharge the trust confided to him with perfect satisfaction to the Court, and the public, wo have not a doubt. Steubenville Railroad Convention. The Fair for the Mere? Hospital. /%*<;. ■■■. ' i t- . V • i , w v 4* * ** ** *„* *- r Scribblings and Clippings. a The Work on theWashingtonNatibiial Honu menthas been suspendcdtfor the season. It has nowattamedto.tho height of one hundred and four-feet from-the surface oflhe ground; and, if it advances with 7 the samerupidityaa it has so .far done. itwill in afewyeara reaoh-its aper, at an elevation of :517 tfeet; the,dottiest structure in tbeWorld. ‘ It is stated by Captain Simmons, of the schoon er Brontes, just arrived at New York, from Rio Hache, Spanish Main, that American ship-mas ters are continually subjected, to outragesprnc tifled npon the'm, at tho port named, by the Brit ish Consuland mero huntsresiding there.- The effort is to prevent the establishment of American trade;, and ail sorts of difficulties are thrown in the way of merchantmen of the United States.— As a mcans of correcting this evli, Capf. Sim moos suggests the necessity of an American Consul at Rio Hache.' The Morris (HI.) Yeoman states that not long since, while some men were digging in the coni bank, near the canal, they exhumed the body of a man, in a perfect state of petrifaction. From the.conluroy Cioth in whioh the legs were en cased, the cords and seams of whioh are perfect ly defined, it is supposed to bs the body of one of the Trish laborers engaged in the cons traction of the oanal. The limbs are nearly perfect, and are completely transformed into stone. Leicester Peters, confined in Bradford county jail for the murder of Edwin S. Pomrojr, killed himself last week by severing the femoral artery in the left thigh. He was found dead, with his bed. Batarated with blood. The New York Express states that the project ed line of steamers between that port and Ireland is being carried out by the original projectors. Their proposition for mail transit is now before Congress. : The Chancellor of. Delaware has enstained the injunction prohibiting the drawing of certain lotteries in that Stato. The case, however, is to be token ap to the Court of Appeals. The ship Horatio, of New York, has been aeiied at Maracaibo, because the Captain, who had a quarrel with the Pilot, undertook to pilot her out of the harbor. The Captain and mer chants interested had protested against the Seizure. Mr. Hossey and Mr. J. MoMullin and Son, of Baltimore, were among the passengers on the Pacifio, whioh arrived at New York onSunday evening. Mr. Rives, son of onr. Minister to Franoe, was also among the passengers. ; This will explain the mystery about the name of Rives. , An Appropriate Pretcnl.—The Emperor of Austria has forwarded, to Louis Napoleon a poo dle of extraordinary docility. It will, at a word, .sit np and beg—lick the boots of the Austrian ambassador, picking out his boots from any oth er boots of th o corps diplomatique —bark and wag his tail for the double Cagle, and give three dis tinct howls, one for liberie —one for egahte —one for fratemite. The dog carries a gold collar, en graved on it— “ Sam.” : Sealth of Europe. —The Emperor of Austria, it is said, is so extremely weak, that it is impos sible for him, just at present, to get up alone (a loan.) • Symptom of a Severe Winter. —The Emperor of Austria has been compelled to return to Vien na, having found his Italian cities below freez ing point. Two or three distinguished generals came back with froat bitten noses, so aold was the breath of young Italy. . . u Done Crying.—The old Irish cry of " Ireland for the Irish” willsoonbe lulled, and heard no 1 more; for if the emigration keeps up its pres- I ent enormous rate, there; will soon be nbt a single irishman left In Ireland, and the cry most be changed to “ Ireland for the English, or any one who chooses to live in it.” I A Coon Joke.—The -.Washington Examiner is actually re-publishing Brackenridge’s reply to Craig I Now, don’t ail laugh at once ! '■ We bad earnestly hoped'that the incendiaries’ torch would not again be lighted in oar Borough; In common with oardtizens, we began to breathe free, and inclined in the belief that the work of destruction was ended. IJut we were mistaken About 7 o’clock on last Tuesday night, a fire broke oat in the large frame stable belonging to tho Falton House, and in a few momenta it was enveloped in flames. There were a number of horses in the stable when the fire commenced. All were got out without injury except two, one belonging to Mnj. McFarland,, severely burned, the other owned by a young man from Allegheny Co., was burned'to death. Had it not been for the calm which prevailed, a num ber of valuable dwelling houses would have been destroyed—as it was, flakes of fire-scattered and fell several hundred yards from the conflagra tion. Fortunately, they all escaped injury. Our noble firemen sustained their high character on this occasion; A number of them stood firm as Trojans, whilst the flames were oracking and hissing around them* When will these emmisaries of the Devil be discovered ? Wash, Examiner. musical Notice. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to theciti tens of Pittsburgh, that he has oneuefl a Room la vifrfl.,ni Hall, opposite the Post Office, Tliini street, where he can be consulted at all hours ol the day, from' 0A M ,on all Musical occasions. A fine Brass aiid Cotillion Band, can be had at all times, on shot! notice Instructions on oil instruments at a reduced price declfitlm WM. BYEHLV. To Bridge Builders. O EALED proposals for re-building the wooden struc- O lureot a Bridge over Peicoto’s Creek, • near Logan’s Perry, will be received at the Commissiotiersof Alieghe nv and Westmoreland counties, where pinna. and speci fications can be seen till- I'J o’eloct. nooii- of 111- ‘.’id in stant. JAMES MITCHELL, EBRNKZfiR BOYLES, ROBERT KING, declS Commissioners of Allegheny County CoxuissiorrufiK Omcs, » Ptmburgh, December 18, 1851.) ft A MEETING of .the Stockholders of the Fund Society of Pittsburgh. will be XT JZ held Tills (Monday) EVENING, at7o’clock, /WA at the H nil, Fifth street. Punctual attendance ' is requested. By order of the President. declfitlt 8: M’KINLEY. NOTICE— The Western Pennsylvania Bible Society will hold a Quarterly Sleeting tn the Pirn Baptist Church, (comer of Third and Gram streets,) THIS EVENING, at7o’clock. Addresses maybe erpected from Rev William Rees, (of Rochester, N. Y-,) and others Friends of the Bible cause are invited to attend By order of Executive Board. declStlt* A. M’CLINTOCK, Sac’y, Young men’s mercantile library and MKCiIANICS’ INSTITUTE—A Special Meeting 01 ihe Youi g Mea’a Mercantile Librarjr and Mechanics 7 Institute will be held at fheir Reading Rqobi.MONDaT EVENING, the 15th instant, at half past 7 o’clock A AxU attendance is deserved as business of import' anee will be laid before the meeting. By order of the Board. A. WILKINS,Scc’y.j'B flew England Society* 4 SERMON will bedeUveredbefore.ihe New-England Society, by Rev. W. D. Howard, at 4he Second Presbyterian Church, on Sabbath evenings December 2Ut Exerci«es to commence at 7 o’clock* P M. • The Annual Festival Supper of the Society .wllL be ftven at the St Clair Hotel on Monday evening l ,42d natahf ... . Tickets to the Supper can be obtained at Loomis’ Rook Store, No. 87 Wood street. The members are requested to purchase their tickets before Frida) noon, 19th instant, if practicable* L WILMARTH- . L. R. LIVINGSTON, , „ A. .A, HARDY, ueeta:7t Commutes y af Arrangement. ; lbs- prime Kentucky Feather* X just received and for sale by dec! 5 KING A MOORHEAD- TJLOOMB —l5O tons Jnniuia, atie 40 lona'Bedford JL» Forge Blooms, oi» consignment and (brealeW - ‘ d °elS KING & MOORHEAD: ! F„™ a ? r * Chance Tor Bpectslatlon. : OUB THOUSAND ACHES Of LAND, in Feudle iM Count)', Virginia, within a few miles of frank. «, n ' 0 ? nt ? ” eal - Ti ' e Land 19 on the eist side of the North Fork of the South Branch of the Pontiac Hiver. A fine Turnpike Road leads directly from she town of Franklm to Green Spring Depot, on the Baiflmbfe and Ohio Railroad. The land ia well timbered had iron Ore abundant M'LAIN ft. MOFFITT, Agents, deeisfiw No."K St. Clair street. 0 (ommonwealUi of Pennsylvania! ' ALLEGHENY COUNTY, SS: \ \ B*n the Court of Common Pleas* No. 30 October Term, o£fs&&» f n the matter oflhe voluntary-assign* 43gf£gmg& .mennpf M.. Manson to John Willock. : HfUSHSamS* - And now, to wiu .December 15,1851, fflfflßT't'#",?®? andfinalaccoani of ••qaaalßßjrJoßft WiUoek,A&aigneeofMerrick Morri* sbnfbeing filed, on motion of Wilson Me -., ,***♦ Candles*, tssq„ the Court-direct ihe Pro thonotary to give notice of theexhilniion and'fiUngof som account for three weeksin ibeWeekly “American” and Weekly “Post,” ihauhe same will be allowed on the 10th day of January'nexVunle**, in themfcaminje, exceptions be taken thereto. i Prom ibe Record. ' - declStftw S; HAYS, Prothiy; - (Weekly American copy;) • F ~~ iOR SALE—A desirab leimalfFannof 71 acres, with Jl nbout.so ihcuUivation and in good order,} the bal« ance abounds with prime timber. The whole Farm is fenced in. A'good dwelling bouse, barrii stable sod garden; orchard and permanent springs. Pleasantly situated three miles from the Hailrtiad Station .Honie ju Economy. Price $3500. '' , S. CtJTHBERT, General'Agent, SO Southfield street. , HoilU Df npHE subscribersfor the creetion of on. House of Re*.; X fuge for Westren Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that an assessment of twenty per cent-on the amount subscribed by each, is required to be paid to tbB -Tre&su* ror, on or before the 15 tb day.of-November neat. . By. order of theßoard.of Birector*. oct2l:tf - JOStTPAHANNAyTreasgrer. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to^ihe; late firm of Campbell dr Kennedy,' will please* call: on the subscriber, at-No. 125Fourth.'stteett and settle their accounts. JJuty beimr ihe arbiter la this case, all who fall to comply with tbls notlce, may expect-Jegai tobcreMrted R ’ ■ ' *>*' “* 'jt: ;■ .'.-fr-v-r.-'.-..:.'- 1 ’ SPECIAL N9TICES. ID* Editor* nitt 'Bost the R»me Of JAMES BA'CTHKVVBi;oE.»lx»P rra» DAo )ES ,r > SuPPe«' * nd @ Bl, « ' UENfifiT OP THE GEfIMAN NA oSSao m m ' n ßot “"= A * °< :l » uo '> of I ~oW R Pair for the benefit of ootlSS^?A?)ie a i7ftI ,l i I "i“"f for 1110 sttppreiston of Dei- Sot, lSlhof >bia month,-at Splane’s 'Si ,K:SSi.,i™^ f^.a^Bmil bfiald streets/ H,!i| h6r labornor painsfo atony from the hands of iyront a ‘ »m Ji?, 0 '^ l , o “,^,f J ' r ' I littg-by UtetraeolousTittUt -> - ??? ,tl . hla a*derauo» anapatronage oftliepub- The principle of prudential benevolenceinlhepiuiual arrangement of your organization, is the true' socialist fraternal benificence; whidli humanity and Christianity boih must approve.-- ~ Respectfully yonra* Ac _• ■ SAMUEE WILUAMS, fenitor ;. ... nov2S:6w of First Baptist Church, Pittsbnrghj Pa- ' i (D* Ninth Great Semi-Annual Bale of Dry Goods at the One PHee Store of A a [MASON A OU : , Nos.C3 and OtAlurkei Streec,wiil com*- mence on WEDNESDAY, DccerabeMotlr,lBsL The Wholesale Rooms, a* uwal, will be open'd to I the Retail Trade . And iheir immense «tvck, the most of which having been recently purchased, will all Bo mark ed down ana sold at fully one fourth less than modi prices rendering this Sale altogether the most attrnfc- I uve and desirable they have,ever held. I The Stock .of Silks consisting'Of mote than : Five Hnndred pieces, will be ctosed out at an immense dis count. Five Hundred Long and Square Shawls, marked down-at from.2,ooto 5,00. Rich Cashmeres,aaJowas Soand62}cts,7oops. cotton and wool Cashmeres, IbJ [ and 20c.; Rich Persian Cloths,; IS} and 2504 i5OO pr f cotton and wool De Lame, 12} and 18|c.; 75 do Figured i and Pioid Srifcs as low as 50c.; 40do Black" Silks, re : dnced.3oper cenL; 150 do French Merinos, sold as low as 62}c.; 800 do Parameltas,-Coburg! and Lyonese; marked down 30 percent ; 400 do A!pUccas ailcolorsas low as 12}c. t \3000 yds. Bonnht Ritibous,S andlUc j 3600 Lmen Handkerchiefsi 6ie4.400 Wrought Collars, 4amJ sc; 20 Coses fast colored Calicoes, 5c4160 dobesi'Mud der Calicoes, 7.and Bc., 90 do Bleached'Muslins,'some as' low as 3}c; 20 do.Cossinett?,2oand 25c.; 40 doJeaiis v and Tweeds, 18 ami 18e.j 700 do Shifting Checks, mark-' ed down 3 cu. per yd.; CCO ps Flannel- all Wool, some : as low as 10c, 1500 doz 4 Wool Hosiery marked down Ju per cent. ALSO, Thirty Cases and bales of Muslins,CoJUeoes Delaines, Alpacas, Ginghams, Ac damaged by water, and marked down 30«nd40 percent. Together with an immen e variety of other Goods, ail of which will be marked down w less tlmfi Auction puces {o* Goods sold for cash only, during the sale , , A. A. MASON A CO decB lm * 62and 04 Market Street. STATE OIVTVAL FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Whole amount of Property at mi np to October 3Ut >-913,678,694 OU PreminmNoießinforce*. 124990 27 Losses incurred and paid since lost re port, (May Ist)-- * 20,376 74 Cash surplus on hand - 32£0S 98 Designed only for the safer classesofproperty 3 has mi ample capital, apd affords superior advantages in point of cheapness, safety and accommodation, to City and Country Merchants and owners of Dwellings and isola ted or Country Property. . ■ -• w • • ' A.-A. CARRIER, Actuary, • novlS Branch Office, 54 Bnuthfield.st, Pittsburgh- ASTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, -Of Hareford, Conn, i Capital Stock, -■*. - • s3(>nooo 00 Assets, - . . .. . 442,286 34 .. ftjrOfficeof (he PiUsbarglrAgencytothfij*.. of At’Curdy & Loomis, No-69 Wood street ■ .'*• L R. H,.BESSON, Agent. Orleans luttirance Oompsnv, ALBrON.-N. Y. • ' ' V CAPITAL 910 VicePresident—SamaoiAl'Clnrkan. Treasurer—Joseph S.Leech. . . Secretary —C, A Cotton.' , .r. See advertisement in another part ot thfs paper Associated Plremsn’i InaaMoee’ CoxnD . ay ofthsciiyorpmiimrsh; ■WJV-,.V^» LAS » Pres’t—ROßEßT FINNEY, Sec’y. • SET Will insure against FlRE'and MARINE Risks of all kinds. Qjfa«.'7V M&nongdhtla Berta? Nca. V2A and- 125. Water st, . niascrossri -s?. ■'. W. W. Dallas, Rod? Fattersomß. H. Hartley, R.,8- Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, O. H. Pauleor,. Wm. M. EdV gar,Edward Gtegg, A, I* AnshulvWm. Cdlliiigwoodiß; C Tsnwyer, Chu.v Kent.Wro.Gopnan. TebSO ! 1 encourage home institutions. ? CITIZENS' IHSUR&NOB CORPAVYi . or vjTTaatrabsr •••'•; - C.G, HUSSEY. Prest. i- .~-A: W. MARKS. Sec»T Oi/ici—Pio.Al Waieret.,in WarehousecfC.B* Grant, tp" This Company is.now prepared to insure all kinds of risks* on Goods' &leiehan duem Store, and ixiTransitn Vessels; Ac. ■ An ample guaranty for the ability and integrlty of the institution, is afforded m (he-chsracterof lhe : Direciors, wiio are ail cmaens of Pittsburgh,weil-and favorably known to the community fortbeir prudence,intelligence and integrity;. . •• 'ft. j-r. DtancTOßs—C. G. Hussey, VVm. Baga’ey, Wm.-LariS mcr, Jr.. Waiter llryant, Hugh I>. King, Ed wardHeazel ton Z Kinsey S. Harlmugh,S.M. Kier- marl2ttr Nelson's Dsgnerreotynes, . Post Office Buildings, Third Street L!KBNEBSEs taken m all weathers, from 8 A; St- to 5 P.M.. giving an accurate anisitC and animate likeness, unlike and vastly superior to the ‘‘com mon cheap daguerreotypes.»» -at the following oheao price 581.50,82,00,83,00.84,00,85,00 and upward; ac cording to the size andjjualuy of ease or frame • ip" Hoars for children, from U A. M.io2P. M N. B—Likenesses of sick ordiseated persons taken, m any part of the City,'/ (nosSfcly Ilodgfelnaon’a “ llatelUeui Bisoklitffi” ItfHS * Celebrated Matchless Blacking,* 7 superior n brilliancy to any ever offered to the public; The proprietors challenge one trialy iohich Mill prove thefaet. Manufactured bv ; UodgWnsori Quarry street, North Third,Philaualphia; andsoldat-.-.. i , *. WICKERSHAM’S 1 Wholesale Drug and.S«edAVarehOnse, < No. 164 and 166 Wood st., conxerofBizt&* • 0C1713m ... |Pittsburgh. Ui &• O* D» Jr Meets above Board of Trade Rooms, corner or Third and wood streets, every Monday evening pws Ey* Odd Fellows’ Hall. Odeon Building, Fotmfr streetj between Wood and Smw\fidd stmts.—Pittsburgh Encampment, No. 2,meets Ist andSdTuesdaysof each month.. Pittsburgh Degree Lodge,No.4,raeets2d nnd4tliTuei» days ... , Mechanics*Lodge, No.9,meets evcryThursdayeven ing. - i Western Star Lodge, No. 24, meets every Wednesday evening. Iron City Lodge, No.. 183, meets every Monday ev’ng. .Meunt Moriah.Lodge, No. 3GD, meets every Monday evening, at Union Hall, corner or Fifth and Smitnfield. ZoccoLodge, No-. 38&ineetseveryThursday evening, attheirHall,cornerof Snuihlield-&ndFif)hStreets. . Twin City Lodge, No. 241. meets every Friday even ing. Hell, corner, of Leacock andSandnjkystreeta. Al leghenyCtty. -(muytttl, B - Angerona. Lodge, I. O. of O. F—The AnKtpnaLodge,No.2S9,l. o . i or io.:F., 0 .:F., meets every Wednesday evenlng.liLWashington Haili Wood street ja4:ly. « . .• .sST-toamg attention 10 Dr. GUYZOTT3 Improved Extract of YeUow Dock and Sarsaparilla, vee feel confi dent thai we are dobig-a »ervJce : to all whemay be af flicted .wlili SereJWoio and originating in hereditary taint, or from impnrilyof the bldod. We have knowninstanceewlthin theephereof onracqnaln tanee, where the mort fotmidable distempers have been cured by the nseof GtrycolfsEuraelo/ Yellmr Datkand Sarsaparilla alone. ' v - : s r-v- •> . ' i>:lt i/oneofthefew odvertlßea&iediclnes that cinnoi =qtt«tcfctryiib*; wYeUow ’■Jhth « ®^.weMSa« a pQniZa J? ‘Brewelt'known'lo''b'e ificihom ffficienv(axui f awhe*ametimey tnndiions)fi«nt#En the whole noima jAfctfiobaijd byfar.tfie b&»tariapure*lpre paraiiona ofthemiaDiS Supxoti’r'YtßovfDoeJtand Sar sapanUa. See advertisement. • • V. . —■ '■ .!■ w • - , • in thehfiad,nnd all disagree-. abTe dtNharces fftim the ear,speedfly and permanently . removcdwiuieut pain or inconvenience, b£ Vt, liAKi- LEY, Principal Aurisl bf tite N. Y, Ear Sorgerr, who . may be consulted av9P ARCH street, Philadelphia, from | years close and . -4o'this branch of Bpaeial J pracuce haa enabled mm .to redcce his treatment to sueb a degree of suctjcsS.Bsto. r find the moat eonfirmed and obstinate ewe* yteW by a; 1 gteady attention tothe meanspreidnbed. v • . fry* A JSoft Reiawliabla tJKie of 'l'otftl Bllndncaa Ourea iijr Petrolenni*-^We invite thciitMniioaoftbeAfflietcdand the publlo generally.to the certificate of William Hail, of thiscliy;,The j eaSe | may by aoy person who tnayboakepucalinre lation to the facts tneroßet forth. S. w.KIER.- , “1 had been afflicted severaf.yeaxs .witfi A aoreness of both eyes* which eontlnued to increase until lasifJep*- temher; (1650 b the inflammation at that time having. m- ; volved the whole lining membr&na^of.both eyes, and, ended in. the deposite of a thick. jjUm,which. whollf/de stroyed mysight. I had an operation .perfonnedi.and the thickening removed, whieh ; soon:reuiroed end JefV; me in as bad & condition us before*.. At this-stageof the complaint I made application to several of the stnost eminent medical-men. who informed me that 41 my eyes wonld never get well” At this time I eoold not distin guish any object* By the advice of acme friends I com menced the ose of the Petroleum,-botp'lnternally and locally, nador whlchmr eyes have improved daily tmni the present Ume,and I have recovered my sight eauro* ly. My general health was very much Improved by the Petroleum, and I attribute the restoration of ray;sight to its use* J reside at No. 102 Second , street, in this city, . and will bo Jupprto *i« wJngmWton in roWUmio - Pittfbvr£&* : September 17, 1851/ ’ FoVadc by KEySEH * SI’BOWELL, 1W WooS «.! 8.E.5EJJ.E83,57* Wood rtreetj andbytheFropiietor. ..pie ; x- .■s&*'*" “* J *.Ji '„ V ■> ? '’ s '' t’-*' * V $ X, 1 ' *' » *1 •v , “ : H ! *«' f, * r 1 <, %._ *" l T**'> " r ’’’ 4 ' -' X -.-aiV s# '’L •” % C. •■' • J «'rt2v *' 1 jfe*'- ' i ' % V v ■ * >%±S i X - ,< ” ;. x '*y: ' , •. • • • '**!%." ••■•.■. .■ ■■■;•.* •• -.— •!■.••.■ ■■•,.. • ■ ■•». ■ ; •< ■■ w.' ■ .■. ••_ ■•..::/■ ■ ~"i •. X , v-i / . V ' -j V, , ' ' 1'- * AMUSEMENTS. TIIBATUE. Lsssss aw> M«-uo»g JOSEPH C. FOStjjjj. Dftora open at Q| o'clock. Corlsln rise* at 7 ID* First high! of the grand spectacle of , «o ? »Ay«gr^ Wl , ( Mr . lonnances mil commence mih «wi>ina psfw TIIEBRONZE 110RSF. Sp??'*'y’ * ‘ -fe&SU. ' * as Sente, U Belle Omnia® 1 "' WM *‘ Thß LordMincington, - . . Mr.k’Mdli.T, In reltaaniel, the grcMNanuoal Dramaofcj! UIUI ' THE RED RIVER, 1 L TAejrmhpg « At Dolphin. ' ■ “-AT 1 - only Corrib 6 f 01 ’ by Wm. Cogs Well .Esq , ant Ita everaiwt, t . , 'l ,r '' ,emal, oni>f that remarkable country fora*E?r? > ,^“5f un exl,ib, “° n 0,1,16 APHKWjEBM, I icem m^be I WMU V i r ?ff ,b6 ,ar £ e *t «"■! the WsMßogulf. - 20: at Su tirisov xlll asl,c °l? an Loren. Luxuriant VetreS,;! * « b g Chngres, Hirer The OorgonaandCtme B_rroPlc*! 8 _ rro P lc *! *ho Towns of. City ind Bay-or Panauui thelsthmns.iliß Grand Plaza, aßttrial7t , rroceoMon in the ihe Pacifie Coastjiihe Gotaies&t? 000 *i8 ,I, r Fiews 00 - tto Boy of San FrancttcoetboCiw'i 1 ,, 'hf inlraoce to Francisco, Interior of UarborofSnn ofSL.Jose r SauJoai]nraanii SafrlSS,' 11 ’ 010 *«HW» Stocklon, SacramSto ami Ne» toe,He, the Ameiieanßiversuil itstrihai«« o,b: O * l,lo " al Scenea in the Mints; Dead Man'*fiar l |m^’.^' ,^GOODS, ft, t 011 hinds of'Vatdhesiand: JeShlryeai^?iit^r &£° Sl ”"** ««»"- & STfe * [decll 50 UUMBCoi ' _ , GRAND CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SALK OP FALL AND WINTEB DBr BOODfT AT JEPFBRIB’ J wyuutf, v an sr' MUCH-CASH STORE. - r SIH P?n h*ir J »i n‘ t ' rUa fbunh and the Duarand - a Hf". m scriber will Cimiiiiwice a nloaino ontSji?,' ,c ! '■ A Jus enure ptoe* of FALL AND Wißtpb tiov GOODS^mMonday, Dreeingls™ cue month, preparatory lo thOMCepuoTof^nri^'' be°,tt opSatofhaiM*^ ks be^ m ‘'"® Gennine French Merinos have beer) ®uper-French Merinos, Sf 4, * Genuine Lupins, beat attain?, 17-5 n*ii< : FrenchThibetCloth.,' 1 *g>, S- 1 * I.* u • u u W *• SO Best high Lustre Alpacas, Sf :; T § Erghiyartfa of good Alpaca Jor*f,oo “ . 31 9 JJ ijto Blanket Long Shawla, roISS * o,M ' Boy State Long Shawl,, 5$ T, Ral Flannels,aH wool, ‘ * '*s? u c u 31 ► 25 Ttvll'oil, “ « <> * § P" ‘F a sample, owl the balance oftho J “ '’ rJpof ““ H ajodjffi I (in RAIaIWS, 'O.WXJ SSOlmlf --da} :•- - - • ICO quarter do;. SOOaduras Fifp; ' . -turns Fiirar.., 300-hr do 3o; l!5 casts Currents; US tegs Raising; ‘ < 1 Ratwut fn stoie ami Oir - JOSHUA RUOfiES iCO., decU _ No. 8 Wood street 8742,880 to fiflfl BBS ' PEA NUTS; ' - O’"w 2,0(/0 Cocoa Nuißf » - v <■ . v .• *i, n 35Mt».p*m*kdLAhaaiam ; *»>*, t , Shates Bordesax do: h 3U bsgs-FjlbertsJ - 1 'Vsfnuts* loit reeeivrd and for Ideal IL. . -IOBBUA KHODE3 fcco (tore Room £- 2Uoxlo Smoked Herrin*:’~ . T Si} ddx. Peppfer Sanaa V *■ 4 t » ? Q and Italf *-*• I 10 do ~ doi d» vpta.-: vjattotte'faid forialal-- dcc!l _JOSHUA_RUODE9'&CO^ ’Uie Neptune flail aro to- , UAY , i'VpSpin o ?2ft. 1 SATOK; decllJl ~ IN<3 * 3lb last ‘'“ 4 7 P. M, £' UUC PpHV A*J 0 IjARD— : t 150,000. Ifa. bidesi - : m balk—Citv curprf^' 100,000 do;Shouulcrs, do do; *** < - 50,000 do-Hants/- do do* c - lOffMft No ILe&tLart, 1 *3®: * i .s° k«gs ..do . ■•-• 5U and for safer by „ ' ='■■■;■■ u k e y l *‘l£. / No.4ComraercialKoW. P. 3.—»fhe highest pnca given for fIOGS:* *?&' » *:•>. ..... :Trr;v^-"r : '.‘ .!• i... ~ • ZSAPVSA 1 - maker an& jrkttsLLsa, ; TY’£ ,R M“ ,nlo ', iibl»c tliaiTte haaopeaed a £ : X^S , W , HI‘i:W.N.o.,. lO.tinu street, two Uoorafrom i Matltn, whereto purpose* devoting hi» entire attention f | LudJewelfr 8 K " ,ng ° f ?!* W«tel»,,OteS£ \ enrirti°nofa?Sm Uhla W * Jtbe Warran,rfi ree’d aodibrialtb** v3r binning: * ■ * No, 10 Matkjtslfttt. K v t L 3 UQR - s I'O.OuHStiJTOiMUKMw:— Jf ii,o gemieiostt Who wnie me from Steubenville, ©bio, on boslnto in "?*! WTl ‘ e »» a«aini and be careful to addUulr !!.. tain 1 - . repty “* th “*',re9ne«‘- riieir letter dated ute 18ih tustant, postage paidvxfco.iliaa no afjriiaiure. S- eUTHBKBTr GeneralArtai; '°dff££r 5u hhdß - KettUKkrr^£, fi2§& im J&Jd co -S, No. 3335,10,- _ nr ?^ 3 °^ fa ■“* has a'LARGESTOCS tiP BRit - 1 a ?r : CHaIBS*. of-*a superior gaaiiiy* ■■ 1 ■5 4 SS! l » t, *2 nre > iowcr Aaa any other i the v cUy.: Oat-icrma:arb r OASH.— Wort warranted. - _■ JAMES'LOWRY,. i «-«cic . ' . * - FetiennanJs Bow, ' • ,• • coeßeveathandTahenyai*. andßaarry ffc£ PROPOSALS wfli be received nntiltoe soft of 0» for.ihi delivery nr two and a fc&lfmit and summer, jn to* Outer 4 Oerbr bfthd Wnn* syivania Ratirpad-Company.’and-’At WaferSiwer, be tweeaLibeny.aadHean, • *< -%»<». ' prlceof deliveryat each tfomlj" and, the*slze of ibe brickvrthose afuie lamer dimenarnnabeiiurptefened . , * - A ppr.iiooofibab'rick hi be delivered..artirant street! : i !°,H e hardpressed, forwlucluho prices and dtraeiuiona i milpe slated separately. t - wm atsobe received fort&e whole of the i bricb y mad«>(bahi clay obiamdd;frOixf; the" Company's Srooud at tho oaierOepot, .where fuel can, be obtained y railroad, uportlow terms. ' * Pioposals wilibo Tceelvodat the fame‘ ume,' Wr iho : .. . deliverycfabcut SOOOperehes ofstone ibrfoonaations , fiJrJijAd. * • - i v ingorithe iidedtiba^railroad, betweenPittsbQmh andi •■ Bnnton • -° ► mmmmm&m: if-:. ~r I « > ■» ' -i - ' " m \ I r T- , £«t t - 4\ * I f At 1 HOCK canu*, =- 35. da: Citrou; 3t)“ U6,.MftqcaronU' •v, :'' -- --.,«4u,m:aroni.i! v «w : do Vermicelfa: .. 7S. do -JujoboPajiej . ... _dd. do *.2 < i° •’fdddOi giaka jaig|.Vi f!- 10 do do in luncy I >oles;- . -' - ’ . ,a £?fS “■* for * ale b * dOaIIUA RHODES *CO - ■ No.d Wpodefre^t. HAS? Spanish shsahs—a 5,000 ror raiebV ■ decl ° smith & siNcOnt, mo I,Er—TWO X.AKGH .ROOMS, ««), b.,h ,1 and Urge Ere proqf, rare lie briek bnfl? I ing,No. 14D onFonrth street. D«r mitre. Leed.ptt taUionT*.. “* J '+£~\ -TgH i -. % V a t <. . - t 4.rv*-_ *r &■ >_ J i | . ,C ... • -~.jf», --Vj&&‘' * V ?} _r £+%[' v - -£4' , ’ J i'-‘ > , „ * 4 *-? f 4 *\* <& , >. s •■" :lxv..; •*■’■{: y"i;| " w ' ■'{ £ r J ~ t' - W 'V' ' *■ ( v C" ?_ | ** 14 £j *s*. 1 j . „ -"-v.