The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, December 11, 1851, Image 4

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    . X,J_ •« *S -» 'V l v \ J- ~ ’ f l*'* + -** H ) Tt S r» 'Tr ~ <* 1 ' . ‘-t_ ' ’ s
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»hb mn cqvODkT it ;jpQi.i£ <,a **~ COUI '
t ~ • -» j3a^%%^iir^BT ßEE T.
P+nms/lvfmia B<fooSZVji---CcnlTal BjiZroad
' TJtlfErsnßscribera having been appointed! Shipping
- *■ ..
.■ . luiovm llie public.lhaiwc are now prepared }o receive
■ ■~>.any . aaaount ;of merchandise or prodace for’shipment
„ ’East. ~ j i
-' becamed lhrougli la five
• .fZ* '.days, anthill consigned to as.wiU be. forwarded freeor
or charge for* advancer* . .w.
v Rates of Freight between Philadelphia and .ftMs&urgA.
i - 'L Ury roodsp hats t ghflea*bpokg;,stationery,cmfeiffrcon*
fecfioHßry»fnnts, feaUierß, fQnntnTejdroWvnpaiwlnes
soddlery, &c r gj» »*
SStatSk lord, lard ml, .obaceo^ofee,
ijd7riSS{e n (™u g r ?rt.r, «n clay
. bones, bacou, 4°. COVODE St COtE,
* corner Pehn end Wayne streets
v:..'■■:■ ii -- i • ■ prH«hiirgh.Jalv Uiil^L.— iyld_
* **
. V-. ■■ . ,_,u : ~ir«r« Aedaecdi- . ———
. - 185l ‘ &sg|jfi|
w- - via j^yagpEEz
Ffwnjrt&ramiCutn&trZaarf to Baltismn and
■., • . riIHS Morning-£osi: leaves daily at 8 o’clock, A.M^,
- fi cisel7jConnecong-WitU.ihfl Qareut Cumberland
? y tt**Ti.TnQ7nli?g..r.- v,-.. r
eveiung'boai ileavev daily at fl-.o’clock, P. M.
- ' :r- conriccUng.wiih the cars a
• ; - ' Canibetldndaextevening, atiU o’clock.-
Tirae through to Baltimore 33 hour*. Fare only £9.
■•:■■' • ■•••• Time through to Philadelphia4ohoura. Fare onlySlO.
“ • ' .frit tTheNational Bohdit now-&ood. Conductors gowith
- thecoaebesbetweenfirownaviUeandCumberland—
which makes ttus decidediy the best rouis East
■»Officemthe Monongahelaßonse.
' Strange Llmy Stable attfl.P«nUli«»g
:V. Office, .
No. 178 Penn Street , near the St. Glaxr Hotel.
TffE. jm)mr.r>lier, thankful to the public
thcUberal share of custom in hts Une
Vs3lfje!sf®& heretofore; would inform them Uiei bo has
• the UNDERTAKING, busi
ness *n connection with his LIVERY business, and. will
attend to fuaexalaon es reasonable terms as any in . the
city* Any petson having anything to do in his line, who
myy givcium depend upon their ba&tness be
ice-attended to pTompUr«> and in-the best and neatest
manner- [&o&2in]. JAMES MAitHkwS.
Pr, KUiiki
. lelly’t FeinaU S«minary>
f? nesday,October 29Ui, 1851.
Tzsxs wPcr Boston Wctks—Payable in Advanct .
, : Board and EnghihTfuiUon, - - - , 860,(W
• ••v:PmMO-TP»iih Ringing and me of Ihstrnment, -»0»00
•_ . • French, Gennan.Laun, Drawing & Painting,each, 10-00
■ -/Bid; Bedding ana Washing, . • ■ * 6 *®?
' ••'/••■-'.Stationery, • • - • - • 7a
- ‘ ‘ ; *Tht two Sessions commence respectively, on the tast
": • Wednesday in April and in October. Pupils are not re
• eeived bnt by special arrangement, for less than one
session. No decoction for absence, except id cases or
. . ! ■ great emergency.. NO EXTRAS.
• Circulars, containing Recommendouopa, Ac, can be
had of hus.G. R. while, Market street, and of Mr.
Mellor, 81 Wood street. Jsep29 »
In iht unmediaitvicinitgof ttu Cutu of Pittsburgh ana
- „ - Jmgheny^Pa
- fTIHIS INSTITUTION will be opeuedon the Ist day of
, v October, IbrtJie receptionjof pupils, who will be in*
* structed in any or all of>the following branches of an
elementary,useful and liberal education: —Reading,
s * ■ • . .•'Writing*-Arithmetic, Ancicat and Modem History, An
.. t. cientandModern Geography,tiseofiheGiobeSjltouny,
•r. Useful and Ornamental Needle Work, Music and jDraw
:-. i- ing. , TERMS:
...... Toe annualpcnnonforßoard,TuiuonandWafib
• mg,payable half yearly m advance, - 3H2,<©
• i Mqsio for. beginners, 5,00
Foe the use of the Instrument, • * * • 2,00
,1. Drawing,.-- MO
* . Xhe-neallhy location of the establishment; ihepteru
rescue scenery; varied and- extensive prospect, so am*
• mating and enlivening to youthful minds, must redder it
a deur&blo place tif education.
... The greatest attention of the Teachers will be paid to
... .lie health,moral and intellectual culture of the papil#
. committed. to.their and-to render that attention
. -effective,the discipline will be exact, yeitnild and pa
. rental. There will be two semi-annua* vacation* of a
... fortnight each. -Pupils will be received at any uae du
.ring the session: - MRb.DAVIO LYNCH,
• .aep24n*i ■ Principal.
- zeroasjireiCAii-’— abaw axxß>
■'.v j : • [of thelate firm of Sands fcßeineraan.
■?'. xovia ABiBsa&s & 00.,
'a* v Clocix, JFatrta,-Jewriry, WtueM Materials, TboU, sc,, fc.,
;i\-FIXAKE leave to announce loihe trade and the public
. X generally, that they have themselves carefully ee
v— Jecteaand icuKiried from Europe,-a large stock of Gold
and Silver Watebes, Waiea Materials, and Tools for
:v . - -Watch makers; and aJhosi assortment ot jcw
-•• •. clry I fifonilbe best manufactories-*whieh they ofler at
v « pnces as low as theyipan be purebuaed in the. eastern
Their-stock of-Watches consists of Gold and Silver
,jV:- Patent Levers; do Getaeked'Levcrs; do Lapines, Ml
; ' P v.jrverQnartlere; and elegant French timepieces, ol the
\ t most approved makes, Together with a large stock ol
- ■ - , tlocks,andTime Pieces, from the best American Facto ztea.
• Their stock of Jewelry comprises arueles of every
description in this line, such os Roger Kings, Ear &ings,
- . Breast pins, Bracelets, Gold, Fob and Guard Chuns,
• . Gold Guard Keys and Seats; Lockets, Gold and Silver
-1 SpecuclcSj Silver and German Silver and Table aud
Tea Spoonsyand every kind of fhnry articles generally
- . . jfcepun estabhshmcius of ibis description.
•'-They wouldTCspeetfttUy call ibe attention of the trade
: • to their extensive stock ol Watch materials and Tools,
of every variety, which they have inosi carefully se
... • •
They have also-on band a large assortment of Teie
- - scopes, Spy Glasses and Opera Glasses, from the best
vi manufactory in England. Together with a great variety
of other articles too numerous to mention.
-' Cl6cks, Watche* nnd Jewelry repaired in the bes
manner and on the moat reasonable terms. (ocU *.y
jt’: t QOAN'nTY of TFtfow/ S«wrs Seedling Sxratr
- -twy Pianis for sale m the Coat. Hilt Nursery.—
Thiabeingiheaeaaotrfor. planting lf>A plants* yoa get
■ '* ' well established and fruit better the followingseason.—
variety wants no recommendation. The large
■ quantity brought to the Pittsburgh market, sold at 25
cents per qnan, when the other varieties sold at IS and
are more productive and finer flavored,
•>- ; and hold Oat longer tn fniiungby two weeks. These
Bernes measure 4J inches roumi. A sample of this
-’-'Fruit can be seenat Mr. Henry
Store, corner of the Diamond and Market street. All
: ■ ordersleft there will be promtply attended to and for
warded to our distance. JOHN LOWLN,
" r sep3o ' Coal Htll Nursery.
A A. ACRES OF COAL, situated on the Monoogahela
TKrx' river, neat Lnnetown. The Mina i» opened and
' ■’ approached by a short Railway, m excellent repair, be
longing; to the above; and seven or eight good miners’
” 'bosses; Tpn&B--S5|000; some cash,' the.baianee in
- , well endorsed notes. Apply-to JOHN R. LARGE,
J sep23 : U Attorney, Foorlh.street.
fjtwo LOTS OF GROUND* situate uuhe borough of
- -JL Manchester, each having a fronton Ohio Lane of
twenty-three feet three inches, and extending back one
htiadred and ihvrty*eight feeitoan alley. Said Lot* wil
be sold-sepanttely or jointly.
■Terms reasonable. For further partiealars enquire a
AS. HAMILTON’S Office, No. 63 Fifth street.
- - - >epB6rtf
at the store
- J 7 of Mrs. A. LEECH, No. B Foth btabst, fjpl
• ■which will be open for inspecuon on
■ ‘-mid Friday, of tats week, where yon will fioda-beauii
fal assortment of an enure new style of Straw, Silk,
-Satin and Velvet BONNETS, and TRIMMINGS, of va
r.: Hons Usds, amiable for the season.
.. p Bonnets, Ladies’ Caps and Head
- • Presses—tof anch and beantifal style. joctlfrtf
_ . uystfrsi OyiUrslt
fHE SALOONS of P. H. HUNKER. or Liberty street,
near Hand, will be. opened on MONDAY, the 22d
• Instant, where Ladies and Gentleman ean be ancommo
* 'dated wuh-Oystera, served npiq amannernotiobesor*
In City- •• ...
' E/-.Forue* will be supplied with refreshments of all
* v kinds,allhe shortest nonce,and atthe most reasonable
pHee* Call at F. H. HUNKER’S, *
T scp£2 . . . .liberty street .
Henry litcliarclsoii, Jeweller,
•TTAVING re-fitted bis store in a handsome manner,
. ? IT and bin, recently returned from the Eastern cities
. - -■ftitn a fine assorusent of Watches. Jewelry and Fancy
Goods, would call the attention of his friends and cas
l -turners to the foot, that among his Wateheawill be fonnd
the most desirable stylesjratiems and makers. Of Jew
. -dry,the latest* styles or broches, breast pins, fob and
: vest chains, finger rings* ear rings, miniature, lockets,
•; Ac ,Ae. - " ■
- FANCY GOODS—Sach as paper macho, work tables,
*. work boxes, desks, f&uey vases, perfame bottles, table
. mats, Colt's pistols, porte monnies, m great variety ;
china fruit antfeake dishes, Ao., with an endless variety
ic t useful and ornamental articles, which hove ouly lo be
•: aeeniobe.appreciated.
TjHFTH WARD PROPERi Y sob sajlb— A valuable
,:_T Property of SO feet on Pine street, by 61 feet deep,
with a Dwelling house arranged with a cellar; a front
.« and back kitchen; a hall and two parlors; three Cham
bers and garret; good grates and stone be&nhs; front
and back porches, oat oven and hydrant. All in first
>lllo order. Pnce 81100, Terms—s3oo In hand; bal
ance 8900 a year. The property will renifor 8120.
‘ S. CUTiIBERT, General Agent,
'* nov6_ &Q Smithfielditreeu
SPECTACLEb— We have nova very large assort
meni of near sighted Spectacles, in gold,
. .suver and steel- frames. The Glasses are of the finest
-quality.) and will be fined to the eye of the customer
' -according tostnciprineiples of opucal science. Hav
, .ioghad along experience tn ilus branch of ray business,
we ean warrant accuracy and satisfaction. '
- - Scotch Pebbles fiued to order. Also, on hand, a good
: *tock.of Telescopes, Microscopes, Magnifiers, Reading
Glasses? Counterfeit Note Detectors, Ac.
nevfi 67 Market street, corner of Fourth.
- ■■••• •-"T-USfi* HECrdVisD at S 3 No. 6 Liberty street—
*l 2flboX€» Frc»Jx Honey i -=>
' * 10 do * -do' Canton Preserved Dnr Ginger ;
lease Jellies and Jams, pui up in fcocypob, by
Underwood* Co.; Boston;
9 boxes fresh Cn*ou ,
..... 2do -do -Orange end Lemon Peel, (candied)
L -.- l 410- do - Gdoeebemes j / k *
-•* 3do do Chemes, Plums, 4o;
*-• i>do Bpioed Lobsters;
•>....,* 100' freshCoeoa Nats;
Ailohoiee Goods and for sale at low ratei by f)
Grocers and Tea Dealers.
'•'^k. T *sW FJtUiT—tfOt>oxe» new Kqisuis ;
--•.'•jV-- 1 — 1 •»•• • 20 I do do;
- -y : 25fdo d 0!
5 do Ciironi
3 'do . new,Orange & Lemon Peel.
' S'kegv Malaga Grapes \
J& rec “ wd a< W ° TMb * CO,
i\WNKR WAMIKDr-Kit W) faro ilnck, Of muted
O T. Freeman, Jart wjili «* by iLe MoiwngnheU
- Marf Mancr. T. ,
TxWNliit WAJiIKJJ-.b’oM&bundisß Seal Leather.
Qt'ftm Blow writ u. by ae^toM^l^Whiuf
“jJm* c 'jteMV/aierßlrecb
' /“ trscclv<:d * na r “ 4aJ & js MOORHEAD 1
r _ wV - " *
'' ' , ' i ' ' " I *
■■T-t.-.. :vi-'y<-5■•»**•«.<«••• • j .
For Sale*
For Sale*
JJeto Books, JiUnsu, Sffi.
gpiht Voieck, *Tm Swept KrStrajr, Two * ngllah
i Ballads—by W, Guernsey. „ ... .__ _ ,
L The Poor Man’s Pride; D«ar,.Land of My Fathers.
ThfeHarp that once through Tara’a Hali9;>
' f by Mad’llc Terms jLmd at her Concerts.
! , Tlsthe 1.031 Rose oTSunimer. ;; ,
The Star* of Reaven are Gleaming. - •
4 AnMiKoWft GraF. . ' v _
•Home* Sweet Home; Flits is the only correct ediuon i,
containing (by-Waddle Jenny Lind’s permission), all
the ■changes, ornaments, Ac., introduced by herewith-:
new accompaniment* by Joles Benedict.
One Little Word before,WeEart, By N. Q. Bochea*
* Onlheßaiiks of Old SaltftiveT. 1
Come again wnb S< tigs to Greet Yon.
teSl«£ing,T Dreamed, Love—by \V. V. Wallace. .Just;
Somebody’jfComingvbu; T*H Not Tell Who.,
The Bachelor’* Song— One of the Squad.”
. He DoetU All Things WelL \ >■
.. MpuatamMald’s limianou. :
WALTZES—LiIy (with colored plate) HanUng: Lu
crezia Bagia, Ragoize’s Italian. Arabella, Lb Byron;
Charleston, Ac.
-POLKAS—La Pluie de Perles, L’lnspiratlou. Ham
hurgh, Sue Ma Brunette. Jenny Lind s Summit. Ravel,
Ac..&C. >
MARCHES Churubusco Grand, Turkish. Grand
ItaHenne, Wedding, Ac-
Just received and for sale at
. Old Established Piano Depot,
nov3 118 Wood sirrei-
■ Double Reed JHetodeom
fpHE subscriber has jus! opened a very fine Melodenn,
JL 5 octaves, with double sett of reeds, made by the
original inventors, Carhardt and Needham, New York.
This- Instrument is equal in point of power and volume
to any small organ, and far preferable (ott for sweetness
of tone, capacity to stand in tune aud facility tor traits*
porting. These instruments are made expressly for
chorcn use, and owing to the lowness of price ore fast
superseding the organs. The public are respectfully
invited to call und examine tins fineillelodee n previous
to its leaving the subscriber’s wareroom, a having been
purchased by a congregation m this city.
H-KLEBER. No 101 Third Bt.,
ootS9 . Sole agent for Carhardt ANoedhams Melodeon
NEW music.
SONGS sung by Miss Catharine Hayes ,
Come where the Sweet Zephyrs pass j
The Harp that once through Tara's Halls,
O'- Sing u> Me; Cornin’through iho Rye, <
; Songs snngby Jenny bind at her Concerts;
Auld Robin Gray: Horae, Bweet Home;
The Lost Heart; The Cavalier;
The Keepsako—a sequel to the Cavalier;
Strike the Hsnrp Gently—by Woodbury;
Sweet Anue or the Vale; The Mother’s Song ;
Call Me Pei Names: Pilgrim Land Forever;
little Red Riding Hood-taken from the Story ;
The Lord’s Prayer—with Music by S. Glover ,
A Parting Hymn—Sisters Ere We all are Parted ,
Why do summer Roses Fade—with colored plate
Forest] Bride's, Flower. Sohotush A Bloomer Polkas,
Giaraue Waltz, Bloomer Walu, Ac.
Received and for sate by
00t g 8 JOHN U. MELLOR, 8L Wood st.
Ladles! I Head This 111
IN THE PRESS- and will shortly be ready, -THE
HANDMAID TO THE PIANO; comprising a full
de«eripiton of (he mechanism of ibe instrument, the de
fects to which it is liable (about 200 in number,) the
method ol remedying each defect, and instructions how
to keep the instrumenLalways in tune.- By P. B. Tx*-
PLITOS. . ...
Every person having a Piano should have a copy of
thin book- No work of the kind has ever been publish
ed- The information it imparts is worth ten umes its
price—one dollar; und. among other advantages, it will
effectually guard you from having your Piano spoiled by
unskillful tuners. •
Ladies and gentlemen in the cities of Pittsburgh ana
Allegheny, desiring early copies of the work, can be
furnished at iheir residences by leaving their addresses
at the music stores of Messrs. John 11. Mcllor, Wood
street, and Henry Richer, Third street.
By sending oue dollar to the author, at the Gazeue Of
fice, Pittsburgh, a copy will be forwarded, free of post
age* to any part of the United States. Six copies for
five dollars: A liberal discount to Book sellers and Mu
sic dealers.
There is no more appropriate present that a gentle
man can make to a lady, than a copy of this book.
Send In yoar orders! ocil-Jra
IRELAND—by W. M. Thacxebat. author of
“Vanity Fair;” “ The History ol Pendemila,- 'The
Great Hogany Diamond." Ac., Ac., embellished with
thirty-eight bcauufal illustrative engiavmgs. Illustra
ting the best characters and scenes in the whole work,
from original designs, drawn by the author on the spot
It is beyond all doubt one of the grsatest and best
works ever written tn the English language. We an
nex a few notices of the Press
“ Here is a book to drive tiway melancholy. 1 ' It is by
that most laughter moving wnicrof theage, Tbaekeruy,
and those who read u must laugh. Le they ever so mel
ancholy- We recoguizc everywhere the pen of the au
thor of “ Vanity Fair." and Pendenmv' end are by
no meansdispicased wuh the acquaintance.”—Weitern
«» Replete with truthful delineations of character, and
sparkling with the coruscations of wit and humor
Commercial Advertiser
*• \ 0 recent ficuou seems to us to bear such intrinsic
evidence of being drawn from Life. —-Home Journal
For sale at MINER A Co. s Cheap Book Store, No.
323miihfieid street (ocufa
Superior Watch Repairing,
JEWELLSK l (ic'iitcs agaiu to call the at-JjwJk
(cnQon of the public to the workshop which he
bus opeped at No 16 Fl;th street, two doors fromtMuLd
Markrt. where he conli-iues tn devote Ui*t special alien-
Uon to the repairing nud refitting of Chronometer, l)u-
Slex, Patent Lever, L’Lpiue. and every description of
ne Watches and Clocks.
Having for a number of years been employed as Fore
man in the workshop of the largestcsiAlillshmcni in this
city,] flatter myself that those lavonng me wuh patron
age will find ail work ei trusted executed in the be*i
manner and on the mosi reasonable term*.
Biferenets— John Harper. Esq. Edward Heaslrton,
Esq. RH- Hartlc?. KHu.Jotepb Woodweil, Joshua
iiboaes A Co., and Wm. B.Scalfc
A carefully selected stock of Watches, docks, Jew
elry, Spoous. Spectucle*. Ac., constantly on hand, which
have been purchased at the lowest cash prices, and wi 1 1
be sold nt a very small advance for the same [nul*
Oltlsen* and Stranger*,
DO you wish 10 purchase a fin* 4
CSSw GOLl)orSlLVCinVATCH.uiabott!l%sr*W»
stj Ybone-half ibt* uwuul price t If so, call ai JIOOD S
Bftil&IWKW JKVVKLUV STORK, 01 Market ttret i,
two doors north of Omd, and tuke a look ut h.» uew
stock, just arrived, and you can there purchase Watch
es or any kind of fine bold Jewelry at their rtnl value,
and not be charged two prices lor everything, a.- you
have usually been : but cun pel the v«-,r> best quality of
goods at the lowest eastern price*. Do not believe what
others, interested in their own sales, tell you, but coxue
and see for yourselves. All goods sold alibi* establish
ment will be warranted us represented at time of sale—
so that all may purchase equally safe and cheap, aul^,
Completed to Lockporti 3t) Milos Weat of
THE subscribers having the pleasure to announce to
their friends, and patrons of dir i eimaylvanm Rail
road, that they have commenced trans-shipping at Lock*
port, and confident expect to deliver freight to and
from Philadelphia in four days.
We are now prepared to receive and forward any
amount of Merchandize or produce within our capacity
which is One Thousand Tuns Per Week, at the follow
ing rates of freight:
rtasT class.
Dry Goods, Hals. Shoes. Books, stationary, Cutlery.
Confectionary, Pratts. Feathers, Furuiture, Drugs
Medicines, Saudlcry, Ae.. Ac. $l,OO IOOCis.
Hardware- Queenswans, Groceries, i'uuits, Dye Stuffs,
Oils, Leather. Clover, Flax, Timothy »nd other Dross
Seeds, Wool. Ac. IOU.
Beef, Pork,Bauer-Lard. Lard Oil. rnbnrco Leaf, Loilee,
Tallow. Oram and Rags, Me & HW.
Ashes, Marble (rough) Tar. Pitch, Rosm, German <;iuy
Hones. Bacon. Ac . . SUc^lOO,
COVODK & COLE, Agents,
comer of Penn and Wayne street*.
Only Forty mile* SUgliit I
‘"■•sriaSlgMS/' 1 "
AttRAN GK.UEfc. i s
of splendid new Troy built Coaches, for Biairsvllie,
will leave Piushurgi) every day at l o’clock, P. M , and
at 4 o’clock-P- M and from ihcuce 354 miles by the Nne
Psnruyloania Railroad, to Philadelphia, New \ ork and
Baltimore. Tuns through only thirty hours.
Coaches will leave every evening at 1 und 4 o clock.
EXTRAS —To leave at any time, always in readiness.
This-i* the -niost dtreOi L comforiable and expeditious
route 10 the Eastern clues. Puasengcrs lor Bulumore
take the new Railroad at Harrisburg direct, on the am
val of the curs at that place.
N B —The only Office for Ute above Lines under St.
Charles Hotel. 40 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
sepl W. K. MOORHEAD, AgeoL
Bmportam of Light I
WH. WRIGHT, (successor to J. 8. Toson), M«nu
• facturerof and Dealer Wholesale and Retail tu
the above named Oil and Lumps, is now receiving u large
assortment of LAMPS, for burning the Ethereal Oil,
Camphme andPlne Oil Also, Lamps of every descrip
tion. for burning Lard and Lard Oil.
Chandeliers. Girandole Hall Lamps, Wicks,Globes,
Chimney Mats. Cans, and all things pertaining to the
Ethereal. Camphine or Pine Oil. regularly supplied
once or twice a week.
All orders leA with the wagon, which is constantly
passing through the city, will be promptly attended to.
N-B- Lamps of ail kinds altered to uurn the Elbe*
real Oil. All arUclet delivered in auy part of the city,
or in Allegheny, free of cost.
No. S 3 Fourth si.. (Apollo Hall,}
autffl between Market and Wood streets.
A Dr. Wih. P. Giles,
Office at Rody Patterson's Livery btables, on
Pourttrstreoi- between Wood and Southfield. Uy4:ty
Lithographic Institute.
CO-PARTNERSHIP.— The subscribers most respect
fully announce to their fnends and the public gen
erally, that they have this day entered into Co-Partner
ship- for the purpose ot carrying on, at the old stand, in
SUjgerly’* Building, opposite the Post Office, 1 bird street,
Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, m all its various
branches. Having machinery, recently arrived from
Europe,they are prepared to do works in Lithography
equal to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance ot
the poiroiiage ; bestowed heretofore so liberally to the
oneiartnor, Wm. Bchuclnnan,*and they hope by strict
attention totheirbusiness, by elegant workmunshlp, and
the most reasonable terms, to merit the favorsof an en
lightened public.
- Bonds, Cheeks, Drafts, ftlaohine Drawings, Likoness
ee/L&ndscapes, Autographic Letters, Bill-Heads; Plots
Lithographed and Printed in Black. Gold Bronze of Co-
Specimens of their work can be seen at their Oflioe,
4Uhaif pipes Cognac Brandy. James Hennesay ;
. 20qr.casks do do do;
* 20-octares do .do do;
... 10 half pipes Rochelle. Brandy. A. Seignette;
. . XOqr. CQtu do do doj
10octares .do . do do;
. A pipes Holland Ginf .
2 pancheon* Scotch Malt-Whiskey j
10 qr. casks Madeira Wine:
. 10 qr. casks Pale Sherry Wine—yanous brands:
.. < -.50 r-do * • ■ L-T.Teneriffe Wine. Carpenter’s;
00 do : Port Wine—various grades & vintages;
' a :S0 ; do Bwe«Malaga Wine;"
SO do ' iodianbrUißweet Malaga Winei .• -
;v -80 -Oo- • do Dry 5 do;
: . - InstOTeandforialeby -
miller aricketson.
•* Nos 221 and £22 Liberty sucet.
~L v j -
insurant* Componius
Cash Biatrial Fire Insurance Company
y- ,v . llarrUlmrg» Pennsylvania.
/TUlEunder9tgafid:<hqvmg.peen:jqppolDted.Agents for
X the above Company, have opened an Office in No.
St. street, and are now prepared to tffeet tnau*
raneds dircify ahd country property, upon as favorable
tenn*as any responsible Company in ; the State. Aii-
PCrson»:having property this-Company are
entltled-to vote for tta omcora, and to share in its earn-
Ingsv but are not liable, in auy event, for anything be
yond the amount they:have paid. Air losses promptly
pald.m-sixty, days after proof of the some.
Hon. JOHN C. BUCHER. President.
> Czus;E. Hjestes, Vice President.
2 Vtta. H. Willson, Secretary.
David Fleming, Attorney and Counsellor.
- Xhreewrr—Hon. John C. Bucher. Rudolph F. Kelker,
AYra.-Colder, Jr., David Fleming, Isaac G. M’Kinley,
Chas. E. Hiester. Elms fv Kmzcr, Samuel W. Hays,
David Mumma.Jr.,John Nmrunger, Dauphm County;
Jacob 3. Haldeinan. York; Henry H. Fry, Lancaster;
.Adam Schmner, Berks: John 0. Brenner, Philadelphia »
William Mintzer,Monigomery; iiiomas Gillespie, Lu
re rue; Gordon F. Mason, Bradford; Amos E. Rapp,
Northumberland: James Bums, Mifflin ; John r. Hoov
er, Centre; John S. Isett. Huntingdon ; James K. Moore
head, Allegheny j.Jonathan D. Leot, Washington; Geo.
H. Bucher.Cumberland ; George W’.Masser, Carbon.
14 St. Clmr street,
jy22:Bm Agents ipr Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co.
Plttiburgli Life lniurance Company.
THIS COMPANY was incorporated in Februnry,
1851, with a Perpetuui Charter, and has commenced
business on a Capital of 9100,000.
The Company does business both on the Joint Stock
and Mutual plan.
On the Joint Stock plan the rates are onc-tbird less
than those charged by Mutuul Companies, and Fifteen
Per Cent, lower than the rates of most Stock Compa
Mutual rates are the same as those adopted by other
safely conducted Companies. - Those insured on the
mutual principle have Ute combined securities furnished
by that system of insurance, and the Capital and Bur
-plus Fund of the Joint stock department.
The Charter permits the grunung of insurance oulifo,
in every form, including ihe right of wife, children, pa
rents, relations, friends or creditors—to insure the bfe of
another for their own exclusive benefit, payable after
death, or upon the parlies arriving at the age of 50.55,
CUor 05, at the option of the insured.
James S.Uoon. President.
Samuel M'Glarkan, Vice President
Joseph S. Leech Treasurer.
Charles A- Colton. Secretary.
James S- Hooiw Joseph S. Leech,
John 3-Dll worth. Charles A. Colton.
Samuel M'Clurkan. William Phillips,
John A. Wilson.
Hon- William Wilkins. Late Secretary ol War.
Hon. Walter Forward. Late Secretary of Treasury.
John Snyder. Esq.. Caviller Pittsburgh Bank.
Malcolm Leech. Esq.. Wholesale Grocer.
Hon. A. W. Loomis. | A. B. hPCulmont, Esq.
Cansuittnn Physicians.
Joseph Gazzatn. M. D William Addison. M. D.
Jeremiah Brooks. M. D E G. Kdrnortnn. M. D.
Samuel Dilworth. M. D.. 47 Hmithheld street.
Hobt. Snyder, M. D, 10,1 fourth hi.
John Crawford. M. 0.. 29 Sixth at
Wm. McK Morgan. M. I)., 107 Liberty st.
Dr Dilworth will bo in attendance at the office, every
day. at 12 o'clock.
Those who have spoken for an agency, are requested
to call, take their papers, and commence operations
forthwith. All persoes engaged in the insurance busi
ness will be supplied with blanks and allowed thq usual
Office of the Company. No. 75 Fourth street,
my* C. A. COLTON. Sec-y.
Kentucky Mutual JLlfe kgauranoe Go*
THIS COMPAN Yoders to the insured all the security
and advantages of the Mutual und Joint block Plans
(as heretofore applied) combined, namely: Low rates of
premium: an annual return in cush o( trie per centago
required for the contingent n*b of the year; nn ade
quate. but not excessive provision for the future seen my
Ot members for the whole term of hte. win an equnuble
interest in the accumulating (und secured to such mem
bers, payable at death, by credits upon their poli
cies: a guaranty (unit designed lor the permanent secu
rity of snort term members, and also for (ha present se
curity of those for the whole term of life.
[}T This is the only Mutual Life Insurance Company
whose rates of premium are fixed at a fair reduced stan
dard with a provision for an annually increasing accu
mulation of funds (for future security) in exact propor
tion to the amounvof business and the increasing risk
from advancing age among the members.
Pamphlet*, tracts. Ac.; giving tu detail the pian and
rotes of the Company, fuminbed graus, and applications
for insurance received by J. iLRUKTi, Agent,
f*29. Wood street. Pittsburgh
Kaml. Dilwobtii. Medical Examiner jvljhvi
The VranklliTFire Insurance Company.
Directors -
CharlesW. Bancwci, Grorge W r IGchard*.
Thomas Hart, Mordecai D Lewis.
Tobias Wagner. Adolphi h. Bone.
Samuel Grant, Uavtd S. Browne.
Jacob R.btmtii. Morns Patter«on.
COas. G. BAncebb. becrctary.
Continue to mnAe Insurance. |u*rpeium or limited,
on every description of properly in town nod country
at raieAas low as are conuwicni wufi »rnimv
The Company have reserved a large Umungrni !• unm
which- with ibetr Capital ejul .afcly invested,
adbrd ample protection to the assured
The Ashcis of ihe t-oiupmiy. on January I*;. IHSI. as
fmblished tigrcealily to an Act of As«embly. were as fol
owi. viz:—
Mortgages ■..... , t Ob
Real FiStaie ■ 7b
Temporary — - • KJ.rfWi 17
Slocks OO
Cash. Ac. 81
Since their incorporation, a period of 21 ycars.they
have pOid upward* of Ons Million bout Hundrul Tfu>u
tatui Dollars, tosses by 6rr. ibcrot>y affordlm; evidence
of the advantages of Inouranee. ae well as the ability and
dlflpOHiUon w> meet with proiuninrse. nil IlnbiliUc*.
aprJ4] Office N. b. corner Wood and od tt»
fffarlna. Plrs and Inland Transportation
X it>A. Pbiludelphtu. i-b:inerrd ITtH.capliai 0000,*
000, assett January !d, 1-31, . 01,001,955 50, will
make insurance on buildings and their contents in this
city and vicinity Also, on projieriy of every deaerip
non, on slroinboiiLa und oilir-r vessel*, mtier by inland
transportation or on ihe sen*
Arthur G. uotLu. Prt-* i , Jnt-ob M.Thomas.
Samuel W. Jones John K Neff.
Edward Rtniib. Richard D. Wood.
John A. Brown. VY lillam Welsh,
Buinucl F. Smith. Francis Uaskiu*.
Samuel Brooks, >. Annin Alubonr
Charles Tayior. \\ illmm K Uowni.
Ambrose While, <»eorg«* W, AnpinwaU.
rhornss P.Cope. Jamen N. Dickson.
S- Morns. Waler. H. D. Sucrrerd. feecy.
TW» Is the oldest Insurance Company m slir l/imed
Stales. and from its high funding, long experience, am*
pie means. and avoiding oJi risks o( an exirn hazard
ous character, may be con.-odered os offering ample se
curtly 10 the public '' M P JONh>, Agem.
jai»4 No. 141_Prom street
ICeatvohy nntaoK Life lnturnnca lio M
nuns COMPANY has actual Capital of ONh HIN
j, DRED THOUSAND DOLLAitH. and i* managed
by men of the highest integrity and responsibility.
Pamphlet* furnished. information riven, and applica
tions received by J. rUKBFTrT, Agcni,
12U Wood street.
Samvel DuiWobtr. Medical hxammrr. fsepa
ANCK COMPANY.—Office. North Room of (he Kx
change. Third sired. Philadelphia.
Ftnx Insurance—-Building*. Merchandize ami uthei
property in (own.and country, insured ugmnn loss or
damage by Are ai the lowest raic of premium.
Mabuik InscaANtyL—They also insure Vessels. Car
goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured raay-desiro.
HLANDTRAnnroKTATion.—They also insure merchan
dize transported by Wagons. Railroad Lars. Lanai
Boats and Steam Boats, on rivrrs and lakes, on the most
liberal term*.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal. Edmond A. bonder
John C- Davis. Robert Burton. John R. Penrose, Samoa)
Edwards.(ieo <i. Leiper. hdwurd Darlington, Isaac R
Davis. William Folwell, John Newhn.Dr. R M. Huston,
James C. Hand, Tbeophilu* Paulding, 11. Jones Brooks.
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George »ernll, Spencer Me*
llvaiil-Charles Kctty.J l* Johnr,o*. Wilium Hay,Dr
8 Thomas, John Wellers. Win. l-.yre, Jr
Hugh Craig. Jno I Logan.
Tiiok. C. Hard. Vice President.
Joseph VV. Cowan. Secretary,
irj* Office of the CompuDy.No. 4a Water street, Pitts
burgh (jelfl:dtf) I*. A. MADEIRA, Agent.
Fire and Marine Iniursuos.
IIHE OFFICE of the Insurant* Co.qf North 4min<a
has been removed to the Warehouse of Hardy. Jones
A Co No 141 Front street, third houso East of Wood
street where the subscriber will issue Policies on Build
ings and their contents, and on Shipments by Steamboats
and other vessel*, for the above old and responsible
Company * ( upJ] WM. P . JONLS, Age n l
Lift sud HesUh insurance.
I COMPANY- of Philadelphia. Incorporated by the
Legislature of Pennsylvania,March,lB4Bi Charier Per
petual - Capital SIUO.UUO. Halts lover (Aon any Pennsyl
vania Company, and full vO per cent, lower than the
usual rates of Life the following compari
son will show. Thus a person oi the uge of 30 insuring
for $lOO for lifo, must pay in the Gtrurd 6d,JO. Pennsyl
vania 88-30* Penn Mutual S'JJfl, Equitable $2,04, New
England 82JJC. Albion 82,48, New York Life $d,JO, Lift
and Health, Philadelphia , $1,91.
D Ornck. Ohurlns D Hall, NV rn F
Boone. Roberli* King. Charlee P lluyes, M VV Baldwin,
Chas 0 B Campbell, M M Reeve. M I); Lewis Cooper.
J Rodman Barker, hi H Butler, Ldwm R uope Prut
deni, Samuel D Ornck : We« Prt.udent Robert P. King
Secretary. Francis Bluckburne,
Applications will be received and everv uifOTmaiion
given by SAMUEL FAIINEsTOLK, Agent. Omen:
Commercial Rooms, corner of I bird ami Wood streets
Pittsburgh. BctsShy
Firs and marine Insurance,
rpHE Insurance Company of North America, of Phils
delphia,through its duly authorized Agent, the sub*
scriber- offers to mAke permanent and limited Insurance
on property, in this city and it* vicinity, and on shipmeo
bv the canal and rivers.
Arthur O. Coffin. Pres t. Samuel Brooks,
Alex* Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones. Samuel W. SinitE
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown. Jaoob M. Thomas
John White, John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Win. Welsh, Henry D. Slierrard,Sec y.
Thisu the oldest Insurance Company iu the United
States, having been chartered in 1794. Its churter is per
petual, and from Its high standing, long experience, um
plo means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous
character, it may be considered as offering uinple securi
ty to the public. WILLIAM P. JONES.
AtCounbng Room of Atwood. Jones A Co.. Water and
Front sts., Pittsburgh uiay4y
John UPOanneyi
Foreign and Domestic Cigars , Tobacco and Snuff,
No* 149 Wood street, oorner of Virgin alley.
aprJ4] Pittsburgh, Pa.
and Hulled Barley for sale by
OAT'MEAL— Fresh ground for sale by ; ~
aa!B . - WJiICHT fc ALCORN
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VOUNG, STEY£NSON*JiQVE,'Sign;df the Ofigl*
X nal BecHive, No-74 Market street, Pittsburgh 1 * &$+
tween Fourthalieciaad the DuunojKMiave just received
from, the recentlaTgoclearingoutzalesjand tbeimport*
,era and manufacturers and-'F|ii}adplphißj
the largest and cheapest stopk of Gobdseyer offered in
this market, comprising in p&rta very large assortment'
of DRESS GOODS.brevery description, suited to the
seaMhf at fftim 2Q/to 25.per.cem. lower than former pri
ces, ‘ ’ *'• '
Black and Colored French Mennos and Thibet Cloths,
*g& V, £Sfis&£B&Uk Merino, end Lyonese
Cloths, from 31 to 44c. per yard;
Black and Colored Paramattas and Fanoy Alpacas,
from 12 to 62c. per yard;
Plain and Embroidered De Laines, Cashmeres'' and
French Merinos}
Plain Black, Colored and Printed Delaines and Cash
Very Rich Brocade and Watered Bilks and Poplans;
do Plain Black, Colored Silk sand Turk Batins.
DE AFRSCE9, and of Bonnet ana Mantilla Velvets, all
colors; Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, atvery fcdaced prices
A full assortment of Bay State and Woolen Long and
Square Shawlsj
Also. Rich Brocha, Long and Square Shawls;
Printed TerkeTri, Cashmere, De Laine and Thibet
Laces, Embroideries and Handkerchiefs;
Hosiery, Gloves. Suspenders and Cravats ;
Irish Linens, Table cloths and Damasks;
Prints, Checks, Muslins and Tickings ;
Red, White and Yellow Flannels ;
Plain, Brown, Bine and Barred Flanne Is;
Cloths, Casiimeres, Satinets, Ey. Jeans A Vestings.
The proprietors would respectfully solicit an early ball
from all of their friends, and the public generally, (eel*
ing confident that they can offer greater inducements to
wholesale and retail buyers than ever have heretofore
been offered in Pittsburgh.
OF FALL and Winter Dry Goods and Varities at No.
97, Northwest corner orWood street and Diamond
alley,•.Pittsburgh, Pa. D-Gazoo A Co. would again an
nounce to their old customers and dealers generally in
their line, that they are now prepared! o offer Tor sale
their present new stock of Goods at unusually low rates.
And ns our purchases have been made on the most fav
orable terms with Importers and Manufactnrers,jwe flat
ter ourselves, and hope to be aide to ment a continuance '
of confidence and patronage of oar old customers end
the public generally, which has been heretofore so libe
rally bestowed upon us. Our DRY GOODS STOCK is
in pan of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, SaiUneis, Tweedtu
fancy Vestings, Checks, Flannels, Drillings, Bldck mid
Brown Muslins, Tickings, Blankets, Linfeey Flams, Al
pacas, Merinoes, Muslin DeLaines, Cashmeres; fancy
Prints, Glazed Cambrics, Cloakings, Table Diapers,
Ginghams. Silks, tancy long Shawls, Silk Pon
gee Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, and Irish Linens direct
from Ireland, and ail other articles generally kepi in the
Dry Goods line. Oa* Vaoiott Department will found
on examination to be by any other'of the
kind West of tho Mountains, and is made up in pan ol
Combs, Buttons, Patent and Spool Threads, direct from
Europe; Port Monies and Pocket Books, Hooks and
Eyes, Pins and Needles. Tapes, Thimbles, Spoohs, Ra
zors, Table Cutlery ana Pen-Knives just arrived from
Sheffield; Patent Medicines, Violin and Violin Strings,
Gum Suspenders, Slates ana Slate Pencils, Percussion
Caps, Spectacles. Pistols, Hosiery. Gloves, Lawns and
Edgings, RibboiW, Sewing Silk, Stik Gimps and t tinges,
fancy Nettings, Green Bandages, Black Silk Veils, Silk
Florence togetner with a general assortment of all other
articles in the Variety line. We have oh hand had for
sale a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches and
Watch Materials, Gold and Gill Jewelry, Gold apd Sil
ver Pens and Pencils, Gold and Silver Spectacles,
Clocks, Ac., to which we invite the attention of all buy
ers, as we are determined to sail our Goods oo thp most
reasonable terms, either for cash or satisfactory; refer
ence. _ ’
N.B. The business of the late firm of Gazoo'A M®"
Cashless is to be settled by D. Gkboo at the stand of D.
Gazoo A Co , who Is fully authorized for such aud in
whose possession are ihe papers, Notes and Books of
said firm. [octls:tf
108. FRENCH STORK. 108
ffamss Ooiltag,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Importer of
WOULD respectfully inform the public and his
friends, (from whom he has formerly received a
liberal share of custom), that he has used every, exer
tion iu securing an extensive and complete assortment
of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of the best quality.
Consisting of the following articles: French anjd Bu
llish Mennot, Cashmeres, Alpacas, Poplins Hlikf, Sat
ins, Mous De Lnines, and other Dress Goods; Shawls,
Vazettes, Mantles and Cloaks, of every variety •
Ladies’ and Children's Bonuets, Caps, Capes; Velvet*.
Kibboan, Flowers, rtr, Ac.
Gentlemen's Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Snirus,.
Drawers, Hosiery, Ac
Willi a large stock of Bleached and Brown Muslin*,
Shilling, Sheeting ; Table Linens, Tickings, Cheeks,
Flannels, Calicos, Satinets, Jeans, Ac. Also, an assort
ment of Mourning Goods.
The übove stock, with numerous other anicles. the
proprietor is now opening at his New Store, Nu- 10“
Market street, to which he invite* purchasers, os he is
determined to sell as cheap us the cheapest
MADAME A. GOSLING still continues to give her
undivided attention to the manufacturing of Vixette#,
itjonku, Copes, Bonnets, Ac , which are ail made in a su
perior style. She respectfully solicits purchases and
orders. French Pattern Hats for the trade always on
b*nd. (oeU4
variety store.
So. 61 Wood Street*
Beiwttn Third and Fourth j/wa, apposiu Hampton.,
Smith 4* Co.'** PiUstrurgk.
THE nubscriber respectfully inviiBs the audition of
Country and City MercbtuuslohtfteXiensive naaort
inem of Trimming, Notion, Fancy and Variety Good*. i*. uow opcilinx -for- the T?all Trade- Among
the articles compoSng bis stock may be found a tuD as
sortment of the following
Buttons, Edgings, Pocket Books, Threads, Combs ;
Laces end inserting*, Porto Motmairs, Suspenders;
Eoibroiderie., Needles, Swiss and Victoria Mulls, f
Fringe.*.Gimps, Pin#, Jaekonei*, Braids*
Hooks and Eye#, Fancy and Dress Butloiw, Brushes,
Tape Checks, Plain and Fancy Bobincta, Whalebone,
(turn'd Hiobons, Black Silk and Lisle Laces;
New Style Ribbon Trimming. Hosiery atidGlovts;
Sl.gia.ftte 44
Black Lace Veils.WooLleo Comforts,
Buck Clove* and Milts, Bonnet Ribbon*,
Cents Silk Woollen ami Couon Undershirt.* and Draw
lioa* and Riuc Comforts, Worsted and Opera Mood* '
Plalu Mantel Ribbons Infanta' Boots;
Cravat* and Pongee Pocket Handkorchiefe,
Plain Sauu Ribbons, Linen GambnirPocket Hdkf* ;
(i»H and Gold Jewelry, Jerotne Cloeka, Fancy Soap* ;
Carpel Bags and Satchels. Window Shade*;
Toilet Cates, Violins, PerfmacTy, Jewsharps;
GUloi’s Steel Pen*, Cold Pens, Umbrellas, Accorde
Conch Shrills, Zephyr Worsteds, Perforated Boards;
Floss SUk-s Worsted end Crochet Needles, Looking
Which, with a variety of other articles, he will offer
for cjlsq or approved credit, at prices comparing favo
rably with Eastern markets.
P S.—'TheatteaUouof Pedlar* is particularly direct
ed to this extensive and varied assortment
scplSuf W. C.MURPHY
SS W 6O d lTs i
THE subscriber having now received bis enure atoek
of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, would resjjecl
(ully inform his customers and the public, that he is pre
pared to dispose of his Goods, either at Wholesale or
Retail, at very low prices.
He has, in Dry Goods, ail the staple, as well st a large
stock of FANCY DRESS GOODS, comprising in part;
4-4 Chene Silks, for evening and street dresses; very rich;
4 4 Brocade Bilk, do do do
Plain Black Bilks, ail prices and widths;
Brocade Black silk, do ;
Heavy Watered Silk, all shade*;
French Poplins, do;
Mooslin ue Laine*;
French Merinos and Cashmeres;
Together, with french and .English Prints, in endless
11-4, U*4 and 134Barn*leySheetings;
4-4, J-4 andff-4 do . OJid tdsh Pillow Li n«?hs;
7-4,8-4 and 10-4 Table Damasks;
5-ti and 3-4 Damask Napkins and Dottles,
Huckaback, Diaper and Crash Toweling*;
Rich Printed Piano and Table Cover*, tuyerb Good* ,
Marseilles Guilts, French l-'urniiufe, Dimity. Cumin
and Curtain Materials, dee., dec.
Lupin'* Black Bombazines;
l/o do Mouslln do Laine.3*4 and 4 4 wide;
Black Canton Cloths; Black Mohair Lustre*; Silk
Warp Thibet Cloths j Black C-hftUey ; English, French
and Italian Crapes; Mode and Crape veils ; Cbemi
xeites and Sleeves • Collars and Cuffs; Gloves and Ho
siery. Ail of which floods will be warranted of good
colors, and cheap for Quality.
WE are now-receiving and opening one of the most
splendid Stocks efFALL AND WINTER DKY
GOODS ever offered for sale in tho City or Piusburgh-
Comprising in pari os follows: —Dress Bilks, of themosl
dcsipablc styles and patterns \ French Merinos, of eve
ry shade and color; Palmetto Cloth, rich styles; Coburg
Cloth, of the richest shades; Bilk Warp and Mohair
Lustre; Alpacas, of the most superb qualities ; Chrys
tal Palace De Latnes,of the richest suporlative styles;
Prints, of every quality and patterns ; Domestic Goods
of every description.
We invite especially the attention of the Ladies to our
large and weir selected stock of Millinery and Fancy
Goods, Dress Trimmings, of every description; Silk and
Straw of the latest styles and shapes. Having
recently engaged with a French Milliner, whilst in New
York, we flatter ourselves that - there is no house in the
city ean compile with us in the above branch of busi
ness. All of the above we intend, selling cheaper than
we have done heretofore.
Remember the Place, No. 33 Market street, be
tween Second and Third, where Cheap Bargains can be
had. (sep!W:3m] K. SPENCE
Of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.
A A. MASON & CO., would most respectfully so
• licit the. attention or thepubllcxenerally. am) the
wholesale trade in particular, to their large and care
fully selected Stock ofGoods for Fall and Winter sales,
wtuch will be found larger than they have ever before
offered. We hare received os follows:
400 bales Brb. Muslins:
0500 Long and Square shawls;
100 bale* Drills and Cosnaburgs:
600 pieces Sup.Ol&Qkets
100 bales Flannels,Colored and White :
200 Cases Fancy Prints;
100 balesTicklng;
100 pieces French Merinos :
UB cases White Muslim ;
500 Pamuutas and Cobarg Cloths:
28 Cases White Muslins i
100 Alpacas, all colors^
50 pieces Linen Sheeting;
10 ouses Irtsh Luiens \
500 nieces Stuuneus;
50 Cartoons Bonnet Ribbons;
100 pieces best moke Cloths:
too Cartoons French Flowers»
•KH) pieces Cussimeres and Doeskin*
500 do Faney bilks;
270 do do Cassimeres;
50 do Colored Velvets;
600 do Shirting and ehecks j
85 Cases Cashmeres and de Laities;
21 do Plain and Plaid Limeys*,
1000 dozen Hosiery;- “
13 Cases Tweeds and leans;
2000 dozen Gloves, assorted;
Together with every article usually fousd in a Dry
Good Establishment, No. 62 and 64 Murkei St.
fMTOULDINGS —A good assortment Rosewood Mould
}JfX mgs, for cabinet makers, Ac., for sale by v>
POWDERED SUGAR—IO bbis. for sale by ?■
ostSS LM Wood street:
s *
r- -•
, - -3 '
. » •*
Second Grand Arrival of
■ is 1 -**',**** » v - <.v..:^‘vx;
* /
»* i '
i- i *■
_ .furniture, &i. --.-
•jpfff.- CABINET \sk|
imigcmg/rggg nfl
Ware-rooms 97 ana 99; Third street*
t ip W. Jreapecifiillyiuforms his friends and custom*.
* W» that be haaaow completed the largest and fir
,neilstpck of household furnitureetfer before sccirin
this clip, aa he is .determined to uphold, thequolhywith
well-seasoned materials, best wbfkmanshipj and newest
designs; and from the extent of his ordersand facility
in mat ufacturingf he is enabled oo produce warranted ;
furnitare, at the lowest prices. ' vV '
He has adopted the principle of identifying the cus
tomers 1 interest with his own, in quality and price,' and
keeps always on hand the greatest variety of
cription of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest,to
the most elegant and costly, ihat'a house, or any part of
nzay be furnished from his stock) or manufactured
expressly to order He therefore solicits an inspection,
that tile advantages of his establishment may , be known.
The following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which
for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in
any of tho Eastern citiesi. ;
Parlor, > ;
drawing, din
ing, and bed room
chairs, of. every variety,
consisting of rosewoood. ma
hogany and walnut E H xa u e then.
Conservatoire and Easy Chairs, of every
description ; Couches, Solas, Tete-a-ieteand Di
vans of the latest French ana American patterns;
Tashaes, WhayNots, and ladies 1 f arlor Wilting Desks
of various kinds; Work Tables and fancy inlaid
stands, musie stands, and holders, marble top, ma
hogany, rosewood and walnut centre and sofa, ta
bles, extension dining tables; all. sizes of the \
most improved, and decidedly the best kind I
made:'card,Pembroke hall and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads, and*wasnstands of
each a large assortment; gothic hall
and parlor reception chairs, ottomans
ana ‘ stools, 'secretary and book
cases, side boards, fire screens, '
towel racks, hat stands, .and
music stools, cribs and cols
for children; paper mache,
table and lea poys, ma
hogany, rosewood, and
inlaid pearl Tables, *
Ac. Ac. Ac. ,
A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and
WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet uaxsss supplied with
&il articles'in their line
STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the short
est notice. !
-All orders promptly attended to Cnov2B
Jonrneymtu Cabinet Maker* Asiociatton
(nearihc corner of Wood.)
already, twice 10= three WL
times as many hands as the laf- KPJ
geal and hitherto most renowned “ " ■
business shops oi this city, have opened their Ware
house, and ure able to furnish the public, by. wholesale
or retail, with Furniture of the following description—
Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus: Full Col
umned Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany
Chairs; Rocking Chairs ; Mahogany Wasnstanfls; So
fas; Divans; Piano Stools; Book Cases; Secretaries;
Card Tables; Pier Tables; fiue Card Tables; .Centre
Tables; Hat Racks; French Bedsteads;. Ottomans;
Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tables;Work
stands ; Cherry and Common Workstands; high post,
common, low, and.trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus ;
Cribs; Cradles, Ac.
The advantages of co-operation, on an extensive scale,
permit them to sell at the lowest prices, and they are de
termined to sell, iowerthan any competitors, an equally
good, tf not better article, and warranted—as the public
will understand by giving them a call.
sf]T~ Steamboat work of all descriptions, and other
articles of any description, made u» order in every style,
at the shortcsfnotice. [marts)
To Cabinet ittafcers.
Venters, Mahogany, Rosewood and -Walnut/ Varnish,
Hardware and Furniture at Wholesale.
THE subscribers have juat received from New York
and Boston.a most splendid stock of VENEERS,
and are manufacturing by machinery Furniture suitable
for the trade. All of which we will sell at extremely
low prices.
As great carewas taken in the selection of the stock,
persons cannot fail to be suited either as to quality or
price; and, as It is well known that Furniture can be
made by machinery superior and mach lower lhati by
hand, the attention of the trade is respectfully invited.
Turned Work,in ail its branches, carried on as usual.
Plank for hand rails, for Carpenters, and all articles
required in manufacturing Cabinet Furniture, constantly
on hand—viz: Mahogany, Varnish, Hurd ware, Uair
Cloths, Springs, Ac., Ac. RYAN A M’KEE,
Ryan's Buildings,
marihhydaw No. 31 Fifth street.
No. 9b Third street, between Market and Wood, SjutA stde.
a We have now. on hand a large and
Vjl splendid stock of every variety olOiuijtssii.«Mff*i ?
I T| Bareconfideutcunnot be surpassed,
equalled, in this City, or in iLe West, in style and finish.
Those who are in wuntoi Furniture are respectfully
Invited to call and examine for themselves.
R7* Steamboats furnished onth .• shortest nstice.
IT7~ All orders promptly attended to.
O’Donnell, Mullen &> Co.
Pittsburgh Chair arid Cabinet Ware Rooms,
wpwv MANUFACTURERS of Cane Seat Parlor
Chairs; Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; Re-
PrM ception and Invalid Chairs; Cam: Scat
ijfjlL—- and Country House Stools : Settees ; Loan
'ljCij res, and every variety of Common Chuirs.
MrMTM All of which were manufactured under
B&Wt fl their personal superintendence, aud are
" warranted both ui material a-id workman
ship interior to noaeiu the City. Dealers in arti
cles will fiud it to their especial advantage to call and
examine for themaelve* previous to going elsewhere.
Steamboats and Dwellings furnished ai the shortest
nouce. Ail orders punctually attended to. ijyZs
Furniture and Cbalr Wn.r* Koouii.
SWWIJ T. B. YOUNG A CO., corner of Third p*
and Smith field su., opposite Brown'-* Hotel , ytL
PitiSburgh, Pa.,keep constantly on hand rcp|
make to order, ut the lowest nncev * i *
CHdJfiS,of the best workraurißhip and moat approved
styles. tebiS
StsamboaU, Ahoy I
1 Tub subscribers tender their »<•
ry&asllM&knowlcdpmctils for the favors bestow
ed upon them hy uicir Steamboat friends, and
would respectfully remind them and others inte- •
rested in buiMing boats, that they are ul ail times pre
pared to ftirtush, on the most reasonable terra*, every
description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs ot toe her
material and workmanship. T B YOUNG A CO.,
Corner Third and Simthfield streets,
-Tebld _____ opposite "Brown’s Hotel.”
a, C. UAAUiIHt. u. DA VI. it a
Klammer A DaaUri
Ssvmthstrttt and Strawberry Pa.
HAMMER A DAULERkeep constantly onhoml
ujL u variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture,
f|p&warraßU'Urqaal to any in the eity, and sold on as
* i •favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar
establishment io .be West. They have now on band an
lurasu&liy extensive nock, embracing all kinds of Furni
ture, from the cheapest and plainest to the most costly
and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mr2l:Gro
HAVE ON HAND auheir extensive CABINET and
chair manufactory, no.g4 smiihfieid su
a targe assortment of fauoy and plain Furaitnre, which
they wilt sell Id percent, below customary rates.
Terms—cash only. jdecifftiy
VVhL K. STEVENSON continues u> tnapu-
faciure CA3LNET- fVAHE ot every descrip
, lion, at hia old stamL corner ot Liberty and
tSiSmwßj Seventh streets. UNDERTAKING attended
to, in all its branches. raayl l
Building Lots, 60 feet front on Penn A venae, by 124
feet deep. Price B?SG.
Also—Two comer Lots, 60 b' 124 feet, fronting as
above Price Bstio.
Aiso— Four Lots adjoining the above, 60 feet by 120.
Price 8600.
Also—lo Lots, 50 feel by 120. Price 9500.
The above are ploasanllj situated, and have Fruit
Trees of various kinds on thetn.
S CUTHBBRT. General Agent,
nov4 50 Smhhfield street.
ntrof 'Diamond, (near the Ohio and Penn-
Bflvania Railroad Depot,) Allegheny Cm.
SlSsiESt River and Land Steam Engines, Fire En
gines, Hydraulic Presses, of all descriptions; Copper
plate, Lithographic aud other Presses; Gold Stamping
and Refining Apparatus, togelhei with Mill Machinery
in geueihl, built' upon the most approved plans of con
struction, aad workmanship to the taiisfection of cus
tfjF All orders left at Messrs. Cochran, Mcßride A
Co.’s, No. 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or addressed to
thesubscribers, Allegheny,will receive prompt attention,
Bolivar Fire Brick ftlaßofaetyring Company.
QLOVKR, ill UR. A co., Proprietors.
THE subscribers having been appointed Agents fer
the above named concern, wilf keep constantly o t
bund a supply of the celebrated Bolivar,Fire Brick, Cru
cible Fire Clay, Furnace Hearths and Inwalls. They
are also ready to receive orders for said Brick, to be
made in size and shape to suit purchasers, which shall
be promptly filled.
We do not deem it necessary to enumerate the many
advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick posess over all oth
ers that have been offered for sale in the United States,
their superiority being well known to almost nil persons
who use Fire Brick. The proprietors have determine 1
that the Fire Brick shall lose none of their present envi
able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared u
make them even better than they have heretofore been.
This is the only establishment now munuiheturing Fire
Brick at Bolivar. KIER A JONES,
marl? Canal Basin, Seventh st. t Pittsburgh.
WDALY A CO. have now ready for sale a large
• and well selected stock of Spring and Summer
Hosiery in all Us branches. They would direct particu
lar attention to their stock of Gentlemen’s cotton, half
Hose, with Merino and Silk feet; they are of the best
materials and workmanship, and for comfort as a sum
mer Sock, cannot be equaled. W.D. A Co have also
on hand Gents Undershirts aud Drawers in cotton, silk,
aud merino; Childrens’ Hosiery of all descriptions, at
the oki established Blocking Store,Fifth street, between
Wood and Market, * [mvl
For Female* and Stale*.
DR. liARZETTE’S JUNO CORDIAL, or Procreative
Elixir, prescribed os an effectual restorative in
cases of debility, impotency or barrenness, and all ir
regularities of nature. It is all that it professes to be—
viz: Nature’s great restorative, and remedy far those in
the married state without offspring; It is a certain cure
for seminal emissions, general debility, gleet, weakness
of the genital organs, nervous affections, leucorrhma or
whiles. As a vigoraiing medicine it is
Also, a certain remedy for incipient Consumption.’indi
gestion, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude, fe
male weakness, debility, Ac. It Is warranted to_please
the user in any of the above complaints, and is of priee
leas value to those without offspring. . .
To spread wide the blessings of this medicine, I have
appointed Messrs. Jndson A Co., of the cu ?
York, in the United States of America, my sole agents
for its sale; and none can be genuine unless it comes
through them, anJ .T
So?dMiy U mKnataSh «the Medical Depot, N 0.75
StMthfield street; and fy B. H. Meaking Walnut street
Cincinnati: Raymond i Fatten,No. 00 Frurth street
Louisville. [mai24tly
“ “ Herr’s Inland Saw fflUla,
THE above establishment has been takea ; by the un
derslghed, with the view of piirsttirtg.the legitimate
business connected therewith;.and as ihey tire now re
ceiving a ‘fall supply of Timber, orders Tor all etaes oi
Lumber filled wth promptness,aod at as low
Dricesas by shy other Milt In the neighborhood.*
pAi.mflS of a plain and cmamgniol pattern will be
out.' liJiWJ JAMES CA mm & CO;
* vv • " • '.* ’ V*i ,r • *
w * f
-■> / . '
\ '
A card.
1 .. * f
■- iPrngt «nb~ -v~' s ©iotfjlng.
1 Dt. Jayne's Family Mtdlolnlii.i
-OXTKACToI a U ? y.*t tton&igev Eii
jii we u known and hCsiny-eiJeenreo nu»ilora»y m the
kluedoin of Hnrtuuii, dated ■-
r K gisoowat Arbm*?. I^!>TOoml8M.
•I Dr. D/Jayne,
nowjnjjTetn want Yonr
ICARMWATIVE B&ISAM is an inwaablci medicine
in.this country in’ bowel fceinplaiht% arid ; has been used
•fauUl «tf Missions with the mostfgrehfring success. I
have known U Inmnnv csse3ic^''BcWikoachamv : Y<>a* I i
SANATIVE are my-sheet best,
.medicine for. my liver complaint and;j>&in id the siofrtfcat-
J-haye ever used.j They are-iagrealdSfllalid, and we
are endrelyont of them.- We needfivebtmdredboxes
-Bro. Beeches says we could useaitho.usaiid
boxes yoarlyamotng onrjpebple to irreatadvdntagc- .*
havensed yous; TONIG VEH&nFBGK as a lahie>iit id*
terraiuent-Jevcr, with the -most eompietesuecess. i
vtbinirii once was the means of staring my own shin 1 Du
ring,my travelhamongthe churches, the past'season; 1
iouud a whole village anfleruig under a prevailing influ
enza, attended with wnghs ol a most-violent character,'
I 6iten regretted I} had adozeq or two of your
EXPECTORANT londininjaletjo. them,for I -believe
from what I liave seenof Us effects, umt.rtwonldhaytff
been just far those jioprjjeople. Iprtumtneybu
have noi hitherto had an idea to whafanexteui'yotir
medicines are used,in all our -
Affectionately yours, E;l*. ABBOTT;
; For sale at tne Fekin Tm FifthstreeL. Qyl,
Judd’s filedloate&.Xlcmlci Ctrtiele..
article is Intended attd Should be J
1> found in the possession or every famflyintim
Mechanics whoaTCin coflstantdanger, ofinjury to their
oeraoua throng* accident* aiid the improper opcareies*:
use of tools, will find", tilts' article lo ; be invaluable ta
ihetn; and after a fair trial, will consider nmdtspefisfibler
« This'nitty .cehity that-. wertfiepiid.ei^iiedvhjtTtßg;
freauently matte use of Judd’s WedicatedJLinuid Cutfele r
prepared by Messrs/ Perifield
Comiecticnt.eheerfutly recoraittettd it jo ottr profeaston,' ;
al brethren* as an excellent substitute forlajihesiveplas-"
ier. m dressing liarnsicatij scalds, aiLKinds;
of fresh wounds: aSw.i'orsbremppteKfi retnedy'one
nuX£ CHA&ES WO&flW AR&; M.&.„ ’
F. WOODRUFF, M;D,. ! t ..,<
Comprising all the practising physicians iathftcity of
Middletown. f ■
For sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK 4> CO*,
jyl corner or Wood and Flifet sts.
T”" : UOESB’S . v - L
Compound Syrup ofYeUow Dock Koot»
/ \CCUFIEfI the from rank among the proprietory
II medicines’ oi this country for completely] caring
Cank er,9alt Rheum, Erysipelas, and allother diseases'
arising front aiUmpaie-state of the blood* Liver
Complaint;Catarrh) Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diisiness,
Coughs, Soreness and Tightness about the Chests
chius, or Hoarseness, Dryness, and a tickling sehsation
about ihe Throat; and is ased with unprecedented sue
fejlale weakness and general debility-
Strengthening the weakened bodyt giving tend to the
variousorgnns, and invigorating the entire system:
If the testimony of thousands of iiy tngwitnes ees',from
all ports of the country, ean be relied upon, it la singu
larlyefficaciousln cnrmgroßflirtnow.and restoring de
bilitated and broken down constitutions* It impurely
vegetable in its composition, and so
bined in its proportions thailbe chemical, botanical and
medical properties of each ingredient harmoniously
It has removed many ehromOdiseases which has baf- .
Bed the skill of the test physicians, and has also: cured
Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which
Sarsaparilla Sy raps entirely failed to .make the lehst im
pression upon.
it has been tested in many cases of CANCEROUS
HUMORS. The most obstinate Cancers have been
cured by this medicine.. We say that ilia a valuable
medicineman BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. IVremoves
all obstruction in the circulation, rendering the Liver
free, active and healthy. It removes Palpitation;of the
Heart, and relieves in ail eosea of Asthma, and may be
used iu all climates,end at Ml season* of Uie year.
This Syrup is prepared only by C. MORSE A Co., al
iOS fountain si reel, Providence, R.I, andl soldi whole
sale and retail, by S. N. WICKEBSH AM,
Only Agent for W estern Pennsylvania,
Jellty Warehouse, cor Wood and Sixth sts., Pittabnr-
flf&nn’i Double- tevef I*ett«r Copying
Preosi mud Metallic Dampener. .
Sixes of Presets and Damptnen—lx «er, J lO by : Id 7
Foolscap, 10 by 15; Folio Post Ilf by l?i? Manifest, 18
Labor-saving and Money-saying Machine.
JL decided advantages over aU previous inventions for
the same object , . . •
Ist The Press does not require fastening; donm.
2d. Through two levers aial eccentric joints the pres
sure is obtained with more'ease, and ranch quicker uian
bv other methods. .. . . „
3d. ThepowcT ia applied so equally, that the Press is
not liable tobreak or gei oUtof order. ' ._ ~
4th.—The Dampening Tablet is a substitute for the
brush, blotting paper and wei-clotb, saving pil-the |«>u
ble incident to theiT use, and ia worth us weight in gold.
Tbe Tablet may be used to great advantage .with tuiy
Press already in use, and tot that purpose will be sold
be copied withthis Press and Dampener
For keeping in a Book-like lorur, Music, Original 111
voices. Letters, Periodicals, Newspapers, Drawings
Bank Cheeks, or any other papers where-method is de
sirable. This invention, it is caaMeuUy beheveil, iS the
best ever presented to the public for the purpose jor
which it rs designed, and will furnish to many a deside
ratum long needed. The undersigned now otters n ala
comparatively trifling cost 10 aU who may desire 10 per
fect the system ot preserving papers for ready and easy
reference. MANN)g COPY IHO BOOKS. ‘
The Paper in these Books is made from all Liaen
Stock,andol the same quality as line French Writing
Paper’hound on Porchmentliacks, with Printed Pages,
ami munafaciuretl expressly for retailing- _
The undersigned having procured the sole agency of
the above articles, uow otters them at reasonable pildefe
at wholesale or retail. Presses, Dampeners,
Binders. furnished to order of any dimensions, at short
notice. All br the above article warranted.
Copying Paper, in loose sheets of any sue.
Arnold’s Copyiiiglnk-rdeciderily the best in use.
Mr A. C. Chambers will wait on the citizens of Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, and will give all the matrucUOii
necessary- JO HN p COLE i cO .,
Al Sl'Fialen k Co»ode’« Penna Railroad Depot, comer
of Penn and Wnyne sta., PUurtmrgU. g?S=yl
~ Abdominal supporter.,
For salt by Dr. J. IP. BRADSTUF, D0.. 85 Smiihfutd
street, Piafburghf
AS persons of both sexes eat! on me daily, complain
ing of Cosilveness, Pain in the Stomach, Bo wekf
Ac., (but, generally, by examination, 1 have found in a
great many cases, that they have labored Under the dis
tressing disesss, the Falling of tbe Bowels), 1 have flir -
ted some of them with a proper supporter, and a small
quantity 01 medicine, which have relieved their pain and
given them comfort, and some ot them had not been well
For five or si* years. Ayy person who will call at my
office, 1 can refer them to those who wear them, Who.
ean testify to the benefitsof them, if we have no Sup
porters that will fit, we can have them made in a short
time The effect produced by wearing a suitable aud
perfectly adjusted Abdominal Supporter is often nearly
miraculous. The weakvotceis strengthened—the weak
lungs supported.—the heart ceases its palpitations—the
food sits belter on the is relieved
chronic diarrhma is stopped—miscarriages prevented—
floodings slopped—whites cured—epine gets stronger—
the lady who is unable to walk is soon able to walk well.
She who could «not sit up alone for a few minutes, can
now sit op all day, or as long as any one j falling of the
womb is cured, and, in shorter or longer periods loses
all its tenderness ana weakness, and goes permanently
back* <p its place. Barren ness, in some cases, gives
place tf fruitfulness, and a way is prepared for years of
good hqalih. £sep2(k3nt3law
” The Human Body moat Peripirs,
And persons not perspire arc liable to the mos
ltalian Chemical Soap causes a free
perspiration, and at the same time mollifies, softens
the stin, giving it the texture and beauty of an uifantla.
are soon not only healed, buv eured by its use, as at
least seven physicians in New York use it
in such
or any other skin disease. The reader is assured that
this is no useless puffed nostrum, as one trial will piovo.
I could enumerate at least 60 persons cured of
Buy it, and the reader is again assured, I would hot
cruelly selHlfortho above, unless I knew it to be ail I
stale. Those who are liable to
will find this not only & cure, but a preventive; and f
can now only add, that any one afflicted, with any of
the above, or similar diseases, will find. this all and even
more (udmirablein its properties) than Lstaie.
IQ-Bui, reader, the stores areflooded with imitations, -
andbe sure, you ask for Joins* Italian Chemical Soap-*' 1
and buy it only of WM. JACKSON, only Agent in
Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head of VYopd-
Jones’ LUj;. Willie*
LADIES are cautioned against using common prepa
red Chalk.
They arcnotawarehowfrightfully injurious it is
to the skin! how coarse,how rough,how
sallow, yellow and unhealthy the sxin
appears alter using prepared Chalk!
Besides, it is injurious, contain
ing a large quantity or Lead!
We have prepared & oeautifnl vegetable article, which
It is perfectly innocent, being purified of alldelcteri--
ous qualities; and it imports to the skin a natural*
healthy, alabaster, clear, living while; . at-the same:
time acting as cosmetic bn the skin, tn&kihg'H soft and
smooth, sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 89 Liber*-
ty street, head of 'Wood, Pittsburgh, Price 25centa. ; _
I'early Whit* Teeth And Breath, •'
PERSONS who have either, are honorably assured
that if their bream isever so foul, or fltelr
and encrusted with tartar, that a 25 cent box of Jonev’
Amber Tooth Paste will make the.teeth white as show
and the breath odiferouriy sweet. v
Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty stree '
head of Wood, t fdec2o
Jone*’ Solution of Jet,
A. LIQUID HUMAN HAIR DYE for the changing ot
XX white, red or grey hair-to a, beautiful brown or jet
black color,in a few minales. Price SOcents and®l,o«.
Sold by W. JACKSON,24O Liberty street, PiUßbnrgt
-eadofWood. .
Returned to tli® City*
HENRY LANDVVEHR has the pleasure to announce
to his friends and oldoustomers, that ho has
ed to the City, and re-opened at bis old stand, ihe atgn
nI?AMPAJONEonti FORT WINES of very superior
nilalities which he will sell wholesale or’retail/and
which he has recently purchased. out: of the custom
hnnnefl in New York and lliahuuse will
coSe as beretoiore Its supply K oI. OYSTERS, SAH-
Ac- - ■ • ■ : loCtSilf
Adams 4 Otft'i ifixprssa OlBce, )
OUR EXPRESS Tbr Philadelphia; New York and
Boston, leaves daily at 6 o’clock, P . M.
Express for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the - West,
leaves daily at 10 A. M. 1 : --
Specie, Bank Notes,Jewelry, and valuablepackages,
are sent in charge of spe#!!, rmsseiri§'er3 l who: wilLpay
particular ouenuoinU) all goods euirustedto our care.:'
This being now the only reliable receiving:
goods from the East, merchants and others will find it
10 their advanlageto order their Goods sent by thisbne.
Custom'house bosiuess attended to in aoy of tho easu
ern cities. Gold Dust and COm chrrCed from California
in charge of special messengers. n-
AiaoyD rafts for* aa 1 eo nEngl and, Ireland amlßcotland,
payable ai the principal Banking: 7 Houses, (a great &&’
vantage to pnrchasers) # from £llO £lOOO.
xep2Q • .. -baKKB A FonaVTllyAceuu.i
OimroikH?gtui for
A Nonlircly new OKGAN,suitablefo? aCharch,eom«
A; posed of fine stops* of first-ratetone and work*
mansiuD, will be sold low. Apply at the Olothingr Store
OOIU. . y-.-:UbuqrulMU'
* v^'<^ ~ -' *£. «* - --
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w- r
: -b
tiberatii'ajronoßo bestowedepolt him since' bis e™. ,
i v .
hia-caje t iomerUQ.corUinQancei>f tiwirfavon, l *■
lo ilicni and tfee pabli* la |
gen afriJ/tbatSefcoif just-rteetved ahandiom uton* K
oemofGobdvMlecM m New York and PhlrcdeJohitt. &-
Trade, tacts U raperfUe Block J
“4 M°re<l CLQT|%-*ab»»4or, f -
-BeaVet-and' DCTbßshire Ceraey'Coaungs/piain and u
Colored,FkoicJi CASSjMEBES,>o vrhfeK be would In. | >
vitoeipbcial iitteuuon, which, for variety and newness i 1 J
o(-»W«;fe->nperior tonny .Jhmfinthi>frity;:' Als6, * Vs; 1
beautiful lot of Black and Colored 81 LttSATiN, Cush-■■■'.*!
mifrtMireeilleiiuta ii
wUenJw. is prepared, to mate to order .in, a superior•■«
manner, at low prices. JAMES C. WATT,
j 38 Marker street,
. .. between Second and Third streets.
■'-TO TAIEORS—J.C.. Watt’s Gradantinj Shoulder
Measure Syeten*offlnrment .Draughting for sale at the }
following prices, Ms:—lf accompaniedby Oral Jnstrue.' ,v
ti6nsyBi.Oi.ttWtomln tractions, 67 toeff
.j.H'- ..{ilegimt aiid l'itfDt Ciathlag,
riAJwiAGOAN Sc. CO., corner of Wood »n 4 Water
»treetß, ars noi«' ;iebelvfi!gfroni th 6 E4»tern mark.'
el> a wdl selecied and eltenßive,lol.of„Clollu,CaMi
™sVe» &af'Vestißgi( Wlilbh'ssfpiwila.tietaity;an4»»riojf
vy.any oihor CDllfclioii we-[ ol.uio mouD\aipg. Tfcese- *
gooiUiite tie bSbi'eebf-fti'«a»teroiiwrieUli«iilg«lecti; f I
w-byiiho 'sm>ntielblrs.'t ; lßeia»bl»«9T eiprendy for ihi» . S
•aSflr.wawaWteliiiied 6n CASSj atlowpiices, 5
wmcit wilt enable the undersigned
at)om i‘wf;aiy p f;r c( . u[ c 2 lo ijp er [ijon lhe prices charged '>■
by^T?<®uSr ?„ y of tailoring esmbiishmema iaUiliclty" |
' ’, C .f5S: F " :ncK tE''Bli»a and Anieiicaa-bttve been S
s^4manufactured, *
OurßWckol/V^TlNGSlnclttdes'avariety of all the *
patterns to aa in NeWt YoTtcily fit is meat C
varied and elegunt-whi!e ; somev,v&ewproperly made ti
op, present an appearance-of.mokst grandeur. Taking S
ihevaneivash whole,,it ceriajnlytmrpasMa any coE i
befoio. i
Gentlemen of ta*?te wboveßirethose-Goodamade up. i
tuf ‘by will I
pleasecalland ciamlnefor themsebrea. ,< They are oaca r
roriitopeciioa.-i. CALLAGHAN A QO., h
"ieiß4'' cbmer of Wood and: Water streets.
: - ; TffREETBIG DOORS! /-‘
,51, 'fAbjsrty SirettyPiiubta^ki ; . " 1
MeCLCSEEHP - haa now : the pleasure of an-'
nouneingto hlsnumeroos friendsand the.publieih
cenerai} that b|s Spring and Summer, stock is nowteady'-''
Tor thspeotiffnj'WiiichTie believes- wlfFbeToundto be
one or the, largest, pnd best.selected-sjockscf Beady-''
Made Clothing to be found tu tlie We»tern:Coantry. . '
He has this seasonpaixlmore i;Uiaa osual altemioirto
the mauufacturing.and siylopf-his Garments, so that the '* 1
Very lowest priced, as well aa the finest, are got op In a ‘ 1
style and elegance hotto bb - -
. Hewould particularly callihe atumtlon'of &U dealers' I
;in Clothing tolus present epleudtdawsoznneni ofj :; •
lUMy«]haae Garmenti,
; Ashe/eels confident, upon examination of Inequalities!
Qnd priees of his Vdodßi he can offer them such, induce
men is as ahalhmplceir.theli unrest lopurchgsaathis
> estahlishineht.J.j.Vr'
■Many and great sttccess tn the ba-';
tail palropageyhas enabled him to :
suit (Be business liabits and tastes of every location in
the Union, which is of the utmost importancoto whole- :
sale purchasers. , .
‘ln the Calling-department will beiptmd a choicese-:
[ lection of the most fashionable goods,consisting of—
. French, English and American JBroadchtks,
Casbmeretts, &ey&’c: Alao. anexcellent assortment ol
o( tbe styles—
all of which he is pfepared io toake to orderin the best
manner and at the most reasonable-prices. .
Assortment, - the andtheVarieiy<iathe
most extensive, undoubtedly, to befoind in the United "
States: i_i___idntufiB
r«.UUifv„ -;s
JL withfhb r PatenlceL of*ih3S'.iiew'-aiidtra/»aiw i»t:ert- ■•■■■
tion for it© manufacture «h4;»akr,pf- thenrticie inihe . ]
Wcs-u they having been manufactured hereinforeexclu-v'!
siveTy iii the Erist, Where they are -etiperseding the use- j
of wooden cof&nsytakc of iiifonmiie ihe>- r j
public; thftt'tiiey arenow manufacttiringelghtwaamer* :Tj
ent,sizes of the modem vamog in length y
from 22 inches to BJfeetj Witb depih Buitaulc v.!
for bodies oT ordinary size, and for those who .dealrtv !
apace-for ctisßioning.or anostiai dtisen* -
mods, have several sixes, deeper andwider.- This’in* 1 ;;
ventionnow ehiiuugihfo&eneraruse,isprottoun6edoce
of the greatest of the age. These JiroiAb Cams are
composed of various kinds of principally of
iron* - s '- c —*
They are thoroughly enameled insideand DUVafid {
thus made impervious to air and indestructible;- They
are highly ornamental} and of a. classic ligfil
and portable. While they combine the greateaveirengihv
whichmetal is capableof ui a given quantity, -*
When properly secured with eenieni they - • ,
ly air-tight; mif free from exhalation of ouen&tvogaee*.
They cost no more than good woodea. are .
belter than any other article in use v (of whateVdrcost,). ;
for transportauon vvaults, or.ordinary intermentrf&s has .:
been proveoby actual experiments, and certified: 10 :by;
some of our most.Bcrentinc r xnen.f alscybythe'HonOTU-* .
bles Henry Clay, Pamel ,‘VV.ebsierj.Lewif
other distinguished Senators who have Witnessed their,
merits, and whose letters, logaiherwuhoUiet evidences
of tlietr worth, may be seeu at our'Agents’Burial Cose
Depot, No. 374 hTairt sireevthree dpors: above. Ninth, ■
, where we intend; let-keep on handarallumes, such .a
stock of ailaizes and degreesof ornamentand finish Os : ;
will shit the most diversified tastes.' 1 - *„ 3 -
. We invite the attenlion.of the-publlc,-and ofpnderta* ,
kera particularly'throughout the westylo an examination. •
rep- >.
resenthtions of undertakers not using the aruele f whose
interest itwoulff b»to : imsfcpresentmem..--'-v-:-c,_ ,
.. ..... | W, C.SAVIS ffcCO,
Patexit Metalllc Burial C*m.v*
Sarcophagus Warerooms, 374 M&ip street^, Cincinnati.
Jtuy^lSsl.r-.V <*■
rr*HE ander9ignedj<ißOfaQs-K-RoaMTB,tunlcrtakcrand
JL sole agent for the sate of the above valUablearti*
clesi thathe aupplftbaflena-.:
kere and.othets having occasion for .lheir rise with. the :; :
. same, of all sizes, from l footlOinebesto C feetCincDPs -'
in length, of various widthsandieptfxfc suitable for bo- ;
dies of any .size; either, plain, bronzeaor:gijldedand
highly ornamented. Also, nameplates' and trimmings ;
with the view of their general adpptton, unsolicited,: to
wit: Atwholesalerforplainbronztal Cases,ofrtfarmas -
colore— . .
No. 1 tor BodlesSStoSSinchesinlengtDj > .
3 . M . : “ 1 ‘ ' 4,60
3 “ 3310 40 “ , 8,00
4 “ 40(0 46 ** “ • ’ 8,00 .
5 “ 40 Io H “ “ • »,oa ■
« “ 54 lo 60 “ *' 10,00
7 “ 60 la 6$ “ “ :.U,DO
8 « 65 to 69 “ “ r ,14,00
9 ► « 60 to TO * ~ 10,00
10 “ . 68toft « “ ...,:47i0
11 “ 72 .to 70' “ “ ' 18,00
* is “ WtoCS' “ extra deep 12.00
13 . “ 65 1069 , « « > 15,00
14 « 6frtb7o ■«, « ; 18,00
15 - « ‘ <Wii>73 *' u *“ -1W»
15 . «: v 7Oto7CK. “ “ 20,00
Name Mates'from 8d,50 to $9 per doieh.
: Moderate additlonalcbargefor extragiiding.and.orna
mental painting, or inlaid gold,.silyer and pearl work.
lnfortttatfcnfor or
ders foe Casea.and materituSj'wU L receive prompt atlen-. .
lion by addressing'“ : Gl2ow K. ROBERTS,Agent, •
Sarcophagus Wardrooms, 374 Aldin st', O,
: CP* Fonerais,attended,hearHQ and carriageafumiah
ed. and conveyances, with uppropriaieaUendaniSpro- :
viaed for the country, on
application at the office as abpve.,
Tyjo .. .n 'tr-y B.
T J heailur Depot. 1 r
RBARDACO.No. 203 Wooi> ffrascyhave just
• recdveHn YullTsopply of slocfciritfteir-Jfae. Bal
timore and Hew York" SOLE, LEATHERj;£hiradelphj& .
Kip's and Calf Skins, French:Calf CoaUuy Op.
§er, Kips and Calf Skins, Morocco Lining end. Binding -
Sins jTanrieris Oil fTanner’s and Cartier’sTobljuic.:
And, taken together, they, believe it tfce largest aijii best
assortment ever offerfed before in one house in Pitta- '
burgh. All of which weare (prepared to. aeU loxash
and prompt paying customers at inevery lowest prices 1
possible* *
We take stock, and cordially
invite purchasers to examine, before-purchasing else
where. .... . tseplfrtf
; /Plttsbargh, posch Factory*, ~
ffl. BIOEmW, oJjS&Jk
• lifJ M ■ Ctauono «i4«y,9BeS9&‘
TUr i ' i rm . , Hear Wowd smtL >.
/YONTINtIES 5 tomanataetare'CAftßlAGESof everv
and 6f thO’tatast and mbit approved
style*, ter order And for sale, - Attending personally to
each branch of.his,Manufactory, nnd seieeUngMs ma~
terial frpmthe bjeif ;ihat l the'eastern marker ca«;aflbxd,
'he feels confident that ho c anplease theraosl fastidious
Giving,hist entirp.time and auemiottiot&ebnsiness, he
isdetcnnineq to compete of theeastern market
Bohtherii mid; Weiiero Merchants arerespeclfuUy in
vited to caU and examine hiff stock* before pnrchasinv
elsewhere, as ;he is .determined; to sell ns good-* and as
.cheap an article as any juher establishment. • • fsep9
.. Athenremtn&aioonsi • •
XJIT^ ‘W.-WARBbegslehvelo inform theLadibaand
•?iTf GemlemehoTthehay and vicinity* that heisiire
.pared-to -serveitip manner; QYstrr«.
cooked in* the vanops. styles* and at ih& request- of a
number of ge hllem e ivwi ll'kee palways ready, HOT
COFFEE,TEAandCUaCOUSTE, toithediolesto salt!
Ho .irusw,by„cpßiiion> wii.i!araeatierfis to:
please,-Ibis new feature will receive a chare.ol public
patronage. ,
ICE CREAMS and oilier refresllcaeiHs,
‘ JJ7- i PHvate Saloon lor Ladles. - ■ v. v- (ocl4
... apodj^attnr «aa,Hriakliuiif
1 lliatts fond of gooi
OKAridS, « bra -ne«r- a Hole£
(j. uo, one door from lenii.oaSl.Cloir-sl. ■.
customers, ihebest Oysters', Li-
l a ‘ , 'fr Wi “. e,r '?nd: Cigars thnt ean becfoubd iw « n y oF
rheselere n , - , • fau2S3m
w.w^:* o,Ufc W« Tiiu'. . ~ _ "
X|,43 ‘AiAVAYSO / N.HAND.Qf<hi&owamßßa|acittre«-'
JXaUrccassorlment of-WHIPS, CANES and UM*
BBbLLAS of every description, which be wIJ> dispose
•Qli wholesale or retail, at pricers* be
procured for in either the cities of New Yor^fbUndel
prices. .Jest received.from the.Maiiofactorya new sbiw '
and retail, - •, JOHN W. TIM
- au ~ _' l N'o H.i. Wood Mtecl. ncar"Virgtn alley.
; : '■ BL&tJu a<»OFINO. : ' ’ < -
■ JL. oas pu hand a full, supply of »nanai
SLATE, arid isprepared to ezecmeanyorders iorwor fc
that may be entiusied to him, in a maiinet that
BUre sausfacuon r aDd,Qa vei7 aoßonunodatinaUJn,*
Ho devotes his enure time and alienlion
and feels confident that all his woxfcTriti be orriS? B**’ 8 **’
, Hamay i>afonndaU.oganf WUsor&C^^Wood
~!reet,: , „ tanged”
New Chocolate Faelortr ~
S? 6 * w r«r4u2sy Worm th„
wraifl.f.oaeor.Uie largest: !Chocolht» nSaKS®P&
Italy, assure the public that they will lutiuh
priced Ml SUpe ”° r ’ ( ° Uiel>
L- : Ilisfors'aleailtfi'lSOß.EL’S.fMail Snreti. .
•«“.» SSSSfifSlte;
: — ■ " fau?
' SO da UUujkij Jn‘fiM»»n<i. , lbt Salt J 7
■ y- , "SUSSfe
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