-* \ x v, % t 4fcx\ ’ -F* + a,, ->\ v - x%x- 1 x \ c 1 " v , F\ H \^"-^' , * 4 ‘* ‘’V* t . , v -•*■ ’v - . —VX'#: * .-' v r. ,-7 ~" * * <’ \ - ~ - ? if. -v,£■ Jl > v A -, r -» 0 ’ X v ;' *v . ,' _ ■ ~'- r ’-*-'* ' , :' !l .i: , .{ , •- - . • \ % *' f X#3 } , .v> X’C-if -him;* : '..X- 4V •>”■ ■' ’■': ''• /’ • • •' - ,=. ' : \ • - •v'.’-h :' ■-' ->^ 4 xnx; \V _x *““ *• , * *-, , x * 1 - ; » _ „ .> ' ' Xp > x K‘ ; -a Xa~X * , - ! -% ~ < f ~ _ 4 v *>• x 4/X . -i* *„ * ; * " - A i.* ~.V Y -c -•' Xmh * < s ? * ' » “'*'*. , Sa-* -I?^*>f- J r h 1 %j X ‘" j v«**?Shi * l '*“ , f rk v" * I ' , * V, ^ < *L * Jt+tf&V** 4 V A ji v 3 _ A ' i- * < K ** f v V-» A --«-+*-'*--'.^s v * J,t »l } Hl t »% ,f* , r-' ?+ 0 t* > +, 4 -H- * ta* r J ■-•■• ...X : -v , -- .. ' rc’F'-/>X r 1 Fvlf *, • X- t * sX', + '£ 4 ‘: 1 \*tS¥- '~ ** .- * 1 ’ "' *'* , cv/-' - v.-- ;* * X r.,-c4k--^ • 1 * V. ViV"' , *i J i M, <,.i I V ll t- s ' ’ " ‘^Sr SfVS'^^aaTiS^?^.^*. v>V s "X:X •■.*■..■.; '■ ? ’' , r X L *• * " r ** H »i-r J^ , 'fi ♦V* ***** *<♦-*% *IX» *„ *j > M v h.^vSsv> >. * *tV *^ fc *' ■■th r -t--.j l * f A-t'-' +*■ **■■■* ‘*7'*’ *l’ 'i J -' t •*'«» 'VMJ * .? * P; Sf ‘"jKh ‘Nr Y ,<>-, >’■*-* *** *» £3 «r * * tAti -c X- -vV*; r; t'; { <.V] Ysf ,v &*• i&ih&gzSX 7 ? AvA £ tfir .-iV* * -+ft? l a i 6ys£i\> ef ** * j>?,r *• .?» • i «» i»KisBpp»s ' : -t?J^* f^Y* s £ •‘ Jy£^^^'*l*s cirV^£■ sa 88111111111 fcissa J ia\- ’■-. v^&l iMiS^^^ri, H # > WJ*'f -TV 4- fi W-nh V''- ‘#*f - *|:?f^r M^fS «MiC f > t u 4f^,W^ frs-fi: Jigigf oS^^s x3>i?gs, ’ # ~' ! ? 1 ' psi X *^c%s» J _2- "► f - * f Xs. - - -CbSwr "A r ■ ■_t r?c - *rf; * - ’“'^L^R^Sji^ X £ ‘XX * X "^w- 6 -r x F : < " , “_5- r- r * ■£! fi. ? S;3> c -v " ' *“ *'i "1. t S-tt Sr 1 ' **■# N p^r-r^ ■** &_ ‘‘s tx^» v ta A • ii.. sir ;~ , i',^■?■"• .«'•.«■•: «• • . *•. •,••%.-■» Tir' , -w <« ;»ii<-!> *■•• • «'t«.~ '-■'4-i. -1 . «V'-t^a» <" *» *^ 4^, ‘ r V -*-£>&• /i^^ - "jB W C*JV C ? /T * I? . A -*4l v tr*- **■ ** -**b “v*\ r,!::: -^ , f? t~- jsAf* _* ?M : w >^’"' rf 4 "' -EiT ,«*■ 4#;# UlllirS ... . JOBS COVonX-■■iWHSaSfif'i’BKllß!?— * T ‘- 00LS _ / V ’ u^f^feSiSs^f?BTJlEEr. -, il‘ ••1 -/M«—giyg.- ;-.rr s . * E A Wl£, m ’’cornet fenp and Waynna reels Putaburgb, dly I.UML—IyIO MO NON o*4 M£ O £/££_ ' ! .iggq» 1851. fftHßMb -vji -SS^Orealisfl BmonnilUuxnd CumJarland to B&Jtamrt anAPMUuPa. rilHB Morning. BoAtjtaaVM4aUy.at#b'eiocka.A ; .ii7 1 precisely-connecting with the Cara at Cmnbe..and '■Se l evening boai leave, adl. now good. COadnetors gow.ttf tnc-floaches between BrownavUie and Cnmber.ann — whlehlnakeathis aCcldedly the beatroda East 1 ’J.MESKIMEN, Agent, ieay office la the Monongaheta Htmse. ~SOiSftCHt • ABCthar FrubiAtlival at Mo. 97, Comer cf Waod-Sma and Jhanomt Alley, Ptmhurgh. S\ OKEGO A CO.bavesust .rcceiveu anoiber na.w. )- supplyofßßyGOODSandrAßlAlZßAwhich ve-been purchased b.ucc the laic decline ,n Eaa.eTtT prices, which will be sold ai a snath aovatrc*. Owing .o our advantages in. bnying-and long, experience ,n .he boalness, wer flatter ourselves that wo can afford our goods at pnees regardless, of competition. Oar s.oc* will be found Jo bo unsurpassed in vac yveescra mark,., And much’ Mponor to aoyi.pnTions iioc«.i6p» *be old standby GreggA-M’Cwidlssa.: _ _ . mMt WefcavtJustopeneda fireahiotef late »>yloo of BpN - NETS* Hib boas. PRrasoJ*J}rc*»Lawu».>«n!ge.-> A MooB de Laines. Ladies' WliHe Press. Silk Fxinges,*c^BrojMlCiolhj.^«acjnye»tingm r ;Caß«i* meres3uWer?aatalooaer7»lwecda,GiQTe** Hosiery, “ThieSsi Combs, saspeudQrsißanoaAj Knives,. Bpoouv H»xo»,&ciwore, Afc, andaliotbcr.artieleaia theirUnc, toe tedious io jaeouon,.- Weiaye ©n band, just rece*Y- Sold and Silver WATCHES, and Watch maicri-, all- and being Weekly in the receipt of such Goods, we, intend keeping onr assortmenteompiete. Wo eamcUy soycUancai& call from, buyers generally* before pwv BRiSS CLOCKbdaat arrived, Of Va^.l BOOS kl&dSt ! 't f.-i.-. ;r . fry Remember* No. 97.i&ortb*west corner of Wood street and Pjsmopd alley, Pittsburgh.. • ..: ■ ■< Xi, Rr—The business of tho Uie firm orpregg* AX’- Cscdlfgf is-io be seulbd by P- Gregs at the above ■tind* .wh<>4*: fully Aathonzed sit’d Ut waoeo possessipD are the books* notes andrpapers.df saldfinn. » Ijq» ; ' - "pTs dAinu’i Fsotly Medicines*- - >■ trooihßPeu R a IJ| well known end highly esteemed Mlnonary us the kingdom of Bon&Ahvdaad »• : • * . SaauoVaT * Dr- P. Joyns, Pktladslpkia; My Dear are now in mat want of your Medical Preparation*. \ our CARMINATIVE HtLqiM lsan iovalztablo mediano in this eeuntry in bowel complaints, and has been used in all our Missions with the most gratifying sueeess. I have known it in many cases toaslUke aiefcann.i s our SANATIVE PILLS are my sheet best xnaficina for my liver eomplalot and pain in the side that 1 faava ever used.- They are in great deniandvAad we. are entirely oat of them. We need five bandred .boxes of them. BrOAßeecher says we coma use a thousand hfITM vaartr among our peometo great advantage.; 1 have used yonrTONIC VERMIFUGE as aumic Inin tenniaeia fever* with the-most complete success- I tt>inkit-onoe was the means ofsavmg my own son. Du riaar my’travels among the churches the past season, I f«aad-a whole vUlAge snfierisg under a prevailing tnfln enia- with coughs of a most violent character. I onen regretted I had not had a doien or two of jour EXPECTORANT to administer io them? for I teueve from what I have seen of its efiecLs, that it would have born Just the thing for those poor people, i presume you medidnes are used in all nur Missions. _ Affectionately yonrs, < E. L. ABBOTT ttosaleattae PsHis ijg Aaws, 38* Fifth street, t?yl jndd’i Madicated HqTJld Cntlele. 31 Hl* 3 - article ts intended tor family nse, end should be found in the possession of every &m>ly in the »and. banian w&o are in conatam u&nger oflnjory to iheir persons through accident and the Improper or careiets utfoftfoiK will find this article to bo Intralaaii© to thfem sud after a fair trial, will consider It Indispensable. mny certify ‘that-we. the undersigned, having freauenUymmle use of Judd’s Medicated Licold prepared by'Messrs. Peafield b Camp, Middletown, CcmiocUcut, cheerfully recommend it to onr profession al brethren, as an excellent substitute far adhesive pias ter-la dressing boras, cuts. scalds,bpnaes, and all kinds °±s£ WM. B. CASEY^MJJ, D.HABRISON FrWOOBHUP&MjJ. HAMILTON BREWER. M.D.. ELLSWORTH BURE, MJ>- Bornnlc. CoiapilxuiE all Um praciiatnfj phyiiclaat In me ehy of Middle tOTTO- FcruOeby B.A. FAHNESTOCK fc CO„ |yl comer of Wood tad First »t». ; ■ aoasza»jß Cflopsa&d arrnp of Yellow Doeii ftootf OCCUPIES nbe fttrot-rank among ;the proprietory issdioiae* ot this country for completely coring Conk or-Sait Rheum. Erysipelas, and all other diseases arising rcumanimporo state of the blood. Aiso,l*iver rVitwpratwt. Oyspepsia. Headaches* Dizziness, Coarfas* Soreness and.tlghtneas about. the Chest i Bron chiua,'OT Hoarseness, Dryness, and a ucklina sensation afco&t the Throat: and is used with unprecedenied auc fISMALE WEAKNESS ANDGENERAL PEBIL.IT> . *tzengibenlng the weakened body, giving lone to »he raiioos organs, and invigorating the entire system- If the testimony ot thousandsof living wanesses»from all parts of -the country. can be re lieu upon? it is singu larly efficacious in earing oil Humeri,and testonng de bilitated and broken down constitutions. It is purely vegetable In its composition, and so aeeuntieiy com bined in »ta proportions that the cheuucai, bosamoal and medical properties of each logreuieni barmomousxy Ste to PVbSfY THE -BLOOD. V has removedmany chronic diseases wuich has oaf* fled-tha skiHof the best physicians, and hasaito cared Canker. Salt -Rheum. Erysipelas and Scrofula* which Sarsaparilla syrups entirely fiued to.make the teasinn ?T?£s betn-tesied in many cases of CANCEROUS HUMORS The most obstinate Concern have been eared-blr tius mddicine. Wesaythai •*!» * valuable medicine In all ,BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It removes all.obstruction in the circulation, rendering the Uv«i free* active and healthy. It remove* Palpitation of Uie Heart, and relieves in au cases of Asthma* and may be used in ail climates, and at alt seasons of the year. This Syrup is prepared only by -C. MORSE * CO., a. 109fountainstreet. Providence, R.I .and sp*d who.e- StoVndtKtt-: 8. N. taICjtEBSHAM, u* Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania, jeil’y Waiegouse-corWoodand Sixth gts., Proao-h ' ■ Btraneart lioolt st This l BijGUEMEOTtfJBS FOR ONE DOLLAR* pul up; in PineMoioceaCases* .The-subscribers announce wufio«iti*ens of Pittsburgh,and vicinity, ihat thoycan. get a for oue baiftho usual pnccrpot $o bp - 4* a. BBNNET. Srogrstox* for gale: .. AO BUG STOKJEL fijwrea aju!.. stock of medi cine*, tn a first rale location (&.&&& wholesale and retail business. andijas an .excellent, fhu of cus tom at the present time- There JsCdnUecled with the establishment several Agencies ofj»opuJaT"«ed»e.nes, which. with the usual hotness of the store * /WpJHd f® 0 * der Unprofitable investment to any one desirpus oren- MjnQf In It- For paitiealars vdilrets'boxdSS.'wxth real name-. . ■ . ... (aug3» **TSJF22I» vJ Utioii- eir. .*io2LTJ&Aß*r*"w ww* &.. & Pnr£*.--Th6 fub*cnb*r» woojiJ respeeimJly iar< Vito the attention ofßot*U Poolers and others to Uieir verr saperiorTEAS, ptu.up.lameuliic covered packs, aoctirdy'sealcd--BO o*-io.*xciode iho.ajr and preserve : the Teas porfecUy fceslt. rheadTaiHages of Teas put up ln tbii’wa . for reuwng, areap obvjoua that, ikougu bit lately Introduced, they haye. almost entirely sopor, geded (ho loose Teas; Our arrangements anu lactmies far buyinirTetia are such, that we are constantly receiv j_y_ presh Teas,-which we are - nabied ,q sed ns low as T&aof Ukoquahty can be procureu «athe Bast. 'W bus the,.*uh9onhers. «ro, bold .on meir arw wiiia,'manner to ears. by exiubltjjilff sample* of genuine annni wlntHlngtibserye lha «^j^ F phc§age j put up by us lslebe.iedwtth our..une and varieties, wholesale or rejatT t Co , Grocers audTea Peaierr, ' ' -£SB liberty street. «e»_ & , S£iwW ite^ctbiaP2SW' lurf JS^DoSSi for sue MiMTsERi* M itaWooi aucet. OTffTMKNX— flgra me -wow WuU, «A»|dU44u4 UIuTCB fcsEß *»SOWSIX_ ?S, 5O bin Dried Apple*! *-* t. HHa*-Bulwrt Merited «M n*# CAKSOW k 17KNIOHT. brl* exmKwauy fc|ii j}' 1100 do «iperflna do |' & BINNING i 'sew.enWiettWou#, . Co.yKoiitt'dmlihnddvirce^.. : » Tfio'AriJoutMl for September, ■ .... . ■j NffDEONsl ; =»A'«p , iemhd-antHrttried slock of the A best brand*just • . . ... i FLUTES—A'vpfy; desirabiCßeJCeliori.' with one, iour, iir and eighl keyp.Cccoawood.and by ine besi makers —-very 'cheap : jam opened; . GUITARS—An extensive and choice stock arriving, i VlOLlN*—Sonic very fine old cw«. ami new of every Vtuiciy-ol style aud-price; : HARP STRINGS—A fine selection. Amo, ior Gui tars and Vionns. m . ! Cornets. Tuba*: Basics, HipOComoi t Trumpets, and every vartetyof :Bras» Instruments, selected and tried by the subscriber himseif, and. soid a» ycsjr *ow rates ,, Also, the newesi end-most popmai Music, ;-»• -« c “ N. B —The abo?e Instruments, are oe correct and perfect.ln every respect;-, U .o-n.^iii.y, *i*r y ” MI be «, hB oo.d^.^T 6^’ . TUT EECmED°a?WAuTs PEBIOWCAU and J Cheap Publication a,ore, No. Ri_ Fourth s..oei I ' FrtSkTorroater’t Field-Spons or ihe Dimed stales i : iwoTOlume*. By Henry WUUajn Herb.cn. ! r ''lrv' l ne’sCyciopedia of Anecdotes of Lueraiure and ! supply r o£lhe: Mysteries ot fbe Heaib : a Ro mance of JDanum and PyUiibi ; By Eugene snc. Manvcrs.cr the Child of Cr*me. .. . . The Wedding Dm*#., Br Alexander Dumas. % Life of GenLoper.and History of xhe iaie Revc«u*»oa Godey. Grflhami Bartam and me Ladies NaUoual Hagarmctf for October: L2 P !L. » Sew Book* * Sew BookaJ 1 _ AT HOLMES 3 DEPOT, Thn»* S,ree. opposite the Post Office*— . : seif &cepuod,byMr»;Ei.Ua, _ ... I CatharineWalum^aHistOncaißomance, f The Wedding Df«s, by Alexander -Dumas, i Lewis'Atnndlc, orth© Railroad o. Lift * i Arthur Oort why, by Gap*. R ll.Mnman i \ «aix Ware Later, by Alexander Dams** | The R. IL James,.Eaa » pictorial Field Booki No. 1«, bv Lossing, ; The Confesston—a Historical Nove., { London Labor, i life.-of General Loppx» 1 Ladies? National (or September. »«P-- SupertorWfttehßepsd^aS’ i TOilN M- ROBERTS, WATCHMAKER Atfp {*&’ J JBWBLUSBi desires again ip uah lhe * ’ Snthm of the poblie to the workshop which h ®rfeu*sl has opened at No. id Fifth sireet,iwo uoon ftooWma Mark«t< where he eontmnea tn dovow his.specie, a .ten uonto the repainng and refilling of Chro nomete., D _ p>ex> Patent Lever* L-Epine, and every desenp-on of line and Clocks. - >-• _ Having for a number of yeaia been emo.oyed as Pore man inthe wotkshopof the iai*est*atablißbmeiu .nih-s city, I flatter mvaelf that those layering me wuh pauoiv nire'wiil find nil work ei trusted executed in the bes. manner and on the moslreasonable urroa. _ t _ i Itrf*rencs»~ John Harper, Ea4<> Edward Heaz.eton, teS?' BuErHartley. Eso-JoaepL WoodweU, Josboa tßkodes and wm.B. Seaue. . A carefullyselected atocb of Waichea, Clocks elry- Spoons- Spectacles, constanily on band.wWdi have been purcWed as the lowest cashpoees, aod wi.. bcsoH at a very small advance for fbe same. laulS... 1 eSESSiWsHSg*”, rb 4o ?sst^c°d f esor air kind or fine Gold Jewelry ai ibc.r real value, uadnmle charged twopnoes for everything, as y°- hSveSbSly toMl bui can get the verybesi qoalij of iSSsrnmelowesl easiern pneea Do wba. others, Interested in »“>».KSetoSEb and nap for vourseives. Aligoods so»« s.ipsw-** menfwill bo warranted as represented at urns of sale so ihaiall may purchase eg asHy safe and cheap. an», Jgotlpa. i u, PERSONS iottresfed. wU, mkn * a - A WILLIAM TAVLOR, or the J *L‘>v A. ./ p:,«.h...|. Bnekm&ker.oa ahcSSshuay o. JC-yi to tiie undersigned a Deed oC Assigumen. of ai l bUEstate,in trust for the bcnefivOf huered.iors. All persons indebted \o s«d Tayloi w -® “ to pSS d t a *eV ar “° A«lg‘ne C e“ m Offeedih af- beL Smlthfleld and Or.m pififttntloli of PsitPsriMP "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GI v KN lhai lhe Pamer.h.p jtj here’ofbm extsnnr between Gbl>KUh.v. ah BUTHNOT and WILLIAM BROWN, as Chan-lers and Boab firm of Astoihco. A B r own ms this day beeu dissolved. Asa sen.emen : s of «Sbaiie«swlii be made by Geo. V Aibojhnol, who i» hereby au»hor*re«i to auend tbp pirns.. -The b«smess bereaiter will be conduced by Oeorgo V- a ‘-SSS? wal brownlbr 7 ' Dr- Wm- P* OlUl) fjt&r veterinary burgeon. /Til officea< Body Patterson'Sldverv Saabtes,on Fonr^ a ifflftLbeiween Wood and gmohficld. -> Lttliogrtpbte iiuUtol«< CO-PABTNERSHIP.— The Babscxtoeri roost re-pec.- folly announce to their mends sod the publL gen erally. Ami they base this day entered into Cf Pomer *h*p Jot the purpose ot carrying on, ailthe o»d stand, .*• 6i"Keriy 1 s linildlng.cppasite the Pos» Oifiee,TTu«u ■*«?«., Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, In sL.tt ration* branches Haring machinery, recency %rn«ed Europe-they are prepared *o do work* in Idthog.apby JqaSiSsiee'lengrartng. They solicit a continuance or /;>< Foolscap- lOhy 15 j Folio Posl i>l uy i7|, Maau«?»i, 1 = JL <»eclded advantages over ail previous inventions i«r trie tame object.;. . Ul. The Press does not require jMtemng uown. Sd Through wo levers and eccentric joints the pr<»- luro 1# obtained wuh m,ore ease, and ranch quickc. ihan by other methous. ...... 3d* Tfic power u applied so equally, »ha» the- r* ess -• no« liable to break or gel oav of order. 4lh —The Dampening Tabiei is a substitute ior ihr brush- bioamg paper and wet-cloth, sa»»ng a., the bio incident to their use, and it worth »is,we»gh. .n go— The TaUeunav be used to great advantage wuh an* press alreadytu use. and iOr\h»i p«ipo&v ..... wft -o.d 'Tamrknn bo copied with ihu Press arm Uampmoi &£*& *»3SaS'S&Mvab mo°vSSs mrimSS £H*V&X C C r.°X‘w J. Beni Check,, or any othornaper. where method.« de sirable. -VThi, invention, tl£s confidentlybelieved,.» u.o best ever presented u> iho nobiic tor the porpo.se. .or which i|i> designed. end wullnnush 10 many a des.de fmnm iona needed. Xho undorsigned (tow 9-? n -- a- a eompareinrely tr.fling cosuo ell who.'jnay desire to per fect iho system of preserving papers for ready and easj reta * DCei MANN'S COPYING BO As. The Paper ia. these Books U made from ad Linen Stock, and of ibasome quality as Irina French Writing Paper- bound on Paruhmontßacks, wuh Printed Pages, and manufactured ezpfessly (or remUmg . •Thd undersignedhwinsproouicdtho sme agenwr o» Iho above articles, now often themEi reasonable prices at wholesale or retail* Presses .Dampeners, Books, o. Binders -furnished tq Older of any dimensions, at sbo.* notice- All of the shove arteie* warranted- . Also—Copying Paper, in loose sheets or any sue. -Arnold's Copying tnkr-docldediy the bpstin use- Mr A- C-Chambers will wait on ihe citizens of Flys burgh and Allegheny, and will give &U the instruction neotutuy , , JOHN P. COLE * CO.. •At ftPF&den&Corode’a Fenna Bailxoad Depot, corner -of Penn and WayncfStSo Putsburgh. U e3i yl iii' European Agency. . mHE undersigned European Agcm continues h.s an -1 anal voyages between America and Europe, leaving Kiaburgb regularly Drench year in Juno.emlro luruing in September—iransaeting a general Law .n relcliyc, Hosff > B ? w residemin Dublin. .ThepresemloiDwillbedio twen>y- Oltb of ihUAgoncy,through Englan aco.lund, Wale®. Ac. It embrace# coUeoUpn flf,legacies,, aobts, reiri«i property and claim#* remiUwtcepof tpQnoyj.proc,. ringcSpiesof wills. deeds and document* j coudboUng swchesnf all klndSh Ac. lanumerabte referoitoei *Wen Daring the sabsciiber’a abience, bia brothei, Edwajuj J. XxEtiAHi will attend in bis Office. . . Office on Fifth iireet. opposite St Paul's CaUiedrftu. THOMAS J.KEENANvEurepean Agenu : and/Attorney at. Law, Putsbnrght rcu •' Sotloeto Badneii Men. A GENTLEMAN In thisCny, engaged in a *afe, sore and profitable merchandising and manufacturing business- having fallen into a low *ia*e of health, is de tffoii* of selling out bis* interest m-the concern, for fio purpose of leaving the city foi the recovery of hjshen..... Any person* having command of 63000 »n cash, and a fair credit, can enter into this business wi h every guar antyof success. • •• ■ _ . ... in- Address " MANUFACTPRfcR," Box oft, Puts ’btmrh'-Pa.. stating where an interview COO be had* i m:. 1 . v: IN REAL ESTATE—For tale-a Yam* ablo property of teei on Penn street, by 160 deep to Duquesne Const. Price, 83500. Terms, 81000 in hand: balance in six year*. . _ river bottom iaou, at Bewtckjy; in a desirable looation i bounded by the Ohio Rlver,the Railroad and aatreet* tbO;whoio depthj with some im provements on u« Price 82700. ALSO—A valuable property of 40 feel from, opposite the Oarruon wall- oji the easten Road, byl4o deep to an alley : with a largo frame house, a well and pump m the door An tn food order. Price -81000, 8. CUTHBERT, Gen’l Agent, SO Smithfield street. sepg4 ■ - fIIHE AHEHICAN MAGISTRATE —Civjl Officer*, X the ikw relative 19 Criminal Prosecution*, in retpeci ta-Primary. Or Summary proceedings therein.' before Justices or the Peace and other Magistrates, comprising arre«U.baii BMlfcontaitmenisingueh coses, in the seve ral's totes. especially ppnnsylvania ? by Motdecai Mc- edition; revised by the author. The above work, for 1851.. just received for sate, 'Deeds* Mortgagee. Lawyers.and Aldermen** Blanks, Articles of Agreement] Jtc., Wp^cgcnwgtj^ou^iuid. . •enS4 corner of Market and Third atreeia. WPUS' CHBEHIfi-Jtfsi received mxd for me Jr by wtt A. «LqjUVRG& CO aui* / 1 Grocers anffTeaPcaJor*- -iiTAOKEEEL N0.3-*-70bil». IBSl, itjgs, formal? low hy jfJS. S”‘UGAR HOUSE MOLABSE Jormoby . . i?. sa prune "Wwßl 55 D FRUIT — SObn«.*«>Teii . 160 do Peaehe* B tapis.... *KAFJA>I7R-& hi* ra^ m ‘ u mri)YEß’ *3a : 'h£Nl'~ ! W>« AVjiielra»»»^«<^.MMW*WWs ipT eent ° ecu^ brtte 7 -''-W'*:™. JJijsjuwtUf ffonjpanvtg Caih IluiualFlre Ituaruue Company Hmhbatg, Penn«ylnml». ■ , i, .... CAPITAX.,^IOO,OOO. I CHARTER PERPETUAL tallE Qnders!enßlHlßTlTirl»eßn-«lJpplined Agents for , II ibe above Compaiiy. bave ppemid. W) .Oftac m No. 14 St Clair ftieSJaWw' YioUPprtparM *> rtSct lusu- Jadgerdn eiiraiid coaniry properly, apon as.fovoTablc L r ma •an,ftiiy -jeappasiUle' in ihft .Siau» ; v ; Au ie?saoe having pfepertt in uprf in ton Conran) are fcrtliUtdltivttle fitfits office rSt-Wld 1 to abate in Ito earn- Ims* bat are-not liaiiie.m any event* for auylhing .be- Voad the ani©mit they have paid. . AJI-losec* promptly bald in sixty Jays after proof of the same. ! • ' ©fetches t 1 Hon-JOUN C. BUCHER, President. Okas-.E.'H&otkb, Yioe Preswcai. Tkot. H. WUiipn, Sefcremry. . t - : DaNrrd Picfrttn?. Aitbritey and Oouuseuor. I jp nctLirb i Ifrnii John Oj Bucher. Ruuoipir F. KeUten, Wjn.ColUar, Jt,,Oavid Fleming, Isaac <3. CBas-E- (Hester, Elios k. Kmier, aamuoi >y. Hays, David Mumraa. Jr.. John Nmmnger, J)&uphm -Cornuy, Ittoob St-Hnidemim, Voric »i frryv Ltutcastfl», Adoin Schflßner. Berks ; John G. BreniiOi, rhiiadOspuja., William Uinuoj.Moaisomenfi Thomo-. U&ft! 'Odm if F. IsAttd. Bradford; Amos K Kapp, Noztintnib&TiHiufe: jamr« Bums,Mifflm > JohnT. Hoo»- 6 t. Centra-: John S. I sen. Huntingdon ; James K. Alporc hoad. Allegheny; Jonathan D. Lee v , .Va-,..*ng : oa t Geo. H Bacbe Cmbo and M ° £» AI V N TT ” .14 81. Clair sirect, »yffifcBiu Agents for Piuaourgh, Auegheny Co. “Pittsburgh LLf« Iniarano* Company. nriHl* COMPANY was incorporated in February, 1 1851 with a Perpetual Charter, and 11a* commenced ; business on.ft Capital qf 0199*000. _ The Company does business oom on iue uoun SiOcX , and Mutual plan . n n the Joint Stock plan the rules are one-ihiru-lass i than those eb&rgeu uy Mutual Companies, and F.ftee.. Per Cent. lower than ihe rates ot moat stock Cumpa °*Mutu&i rates are the same an those adopted b>- other i safety conducted Companies* * Those insure*; on the pimnai principle have (he combined securities tarnished bf'hM'iysiera of lnsarartfie, anu the Capnaianu Pur pla« Vund of the Joint Slbek department. , The Charter pcrmilftlhe granting oi luauianueon me,: id every form, inciumug Hie i«shi of w»e, thLd.en, p*.- rentst relatibn* friends injure the me oi uiiother for their own exclusive oenefu, payauie after death, or upon the parties arriving at ihe nge oi uu, , I3n nr go. at in* option oi ihe insured. OFFICERS James-IJ. liooti. President. Samuel hDGlurkan, Vice rresiuem Joseph ». Trcuauicc Charles A. Colton, Secretary. maxcroas. James a. Hoon, Joseph a. John ft.Dilworib. Charles A notion, flamnel M'Olurkan. William Phuiips. John A. tVuson. boabs or octanes. Hon- William Wukuis, liftio Secretary oi >V sr Hon- Waiter Forward, Late Secretary or Treasury. JohuBnyder. Esa- Cashier riusbargb Bank. Malcolm Leech. fcsq., Wholesale Grocer. Boucrroas. gon A W. Loomis. I A. B.W'Caimont, t.sq. tnmmiL BOAKP.' Consulting Fkyadans. Joseph Gazz&m, M. I>. wiinam Auuison, M. D. Jeremiah Brooks. M. D Is. O. bdnngtou. Til. D. EtiMiHTsa fktsiciaits. Hamnei Buworth. M. D,« 47 omuhficiu Hobt- Snyder. M D., 103 Fourth sc. John Crawford. M. D., 29 Sixth st. Wm- McK Morgan.M. D . 107 Überty si. i jjj. Dilworth will be in aitcndauce at the ouce, every i day. at LBociock. I Those who have spoken tor tm agency, are requeued 1 to ca M take their papers, and commence operanou* I forthwith. AUporsocs engage*! in tho insurance I ness willbe supplied with biankt and auowed ihe usna. i coirfmbsion. .. i office of the Company. No. 7n Poarth tucew t * * C. A. COLTON. ScPy. 'eniuelr aialaal Life Ifliuranoe Co. GUARANTY FUND. s*oo,ooo. THIS COMPANYoffer* lo me insured an me tecum* «nd advantages of the Mmaai and Jom* Siock Pians V . Richards, Thhtta* Ilari* n{Ardecai Ik Lewis, Tobias Wagnet. Adolplu h. Boris. Samuel Grant. David is. Browne. Jacobß. Smith. Mom* Patterson CHAS. N. BANCKKR. Pnr«V Ciua. G. Biocisit, Secretary. [nr Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or muiiec. on every description ofpkopeny m town and country, at rateiaia tow as arc cOjtiiUnOi with security. The Company have reserved a targe Fuuvi which, with their Capital and Premium*, sateiy inveiic«, afford ampieprotection 10 the assured. The Assets of the Cooipany, on January Ist, as published agreeauiv to an Act ei Assembly. were a« »oi lOWiuvii Mortgage* —■■■■ -~—9 Oifl.lJH Qo Hiioie ~ 84,377 7a Temporary Loans • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ «< C1.899 00 CutLfce «WBl 61.2U,:08 44 Since their incorporaujii, s period of it have paid upwards of On* UtL&n Four Hundred Ttov sand Dctfnrs, ioases by fire.thcreby affording evidence of the adva&ugeaoflnanra&ee, *» weuaathe abUliy and d spo. tion on, . y^nDfvk C t S \ n m pr*jj) Office N. h. corner Wnmi and .id tts. Marina- Pin m»S&6 ftO« wm make insurance on buudiug* an» the*, w .h»o cltv and victnuy. Ano, <-ii property m «vcr> dcsunp uon. on sienmuouia and c.uicr vr.Mun, cithci by .maud iransDortauoo orou the seas- DIRKCTOBS: ArthurO Coffin. Prer t, Jacob M. Tuoinas. W Jones. John R. Neff, Rdward Smith. Riuhonl D. Wood, John A-Brown. Wimam Weuh, Samuel F. Smith. Brunei* rluskin*. -Sum«ei Brook*. r>. Austin Amho»e, Charie*Taylor. William K.Bowen, Amoroso Vfrhne, w wcotge; ,«V • Asp^iwa.., Thomas P uope, J&me* N. Dickson, S Monri*. Waler, M. D.Sherreru, si'o*y Thish ihe-ohlCßt Insurance Company in the United states, and from in uigh •lauumg.ioug cxpnricuuc, mo- means, anu avoiding sk risk* Oi an extra hiuuid oak charaeter. may be eonmtfercd as offering ampie sc u, ,iw. miM.r WM. i*. JON KB. Age in, No. Hi Front siren. mUE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INKL'R I ANCKCOMPANY.—Office,NonhRoom urine r*i change. Third street, Punadeipbia. fui WSOHASCX—BaudmgB. Merchandize and oihei S'oper*y in town and country, insured against joss or omage by fire al Ute lowest rate oi premium. MABWI tanriAßCßi—Tnejr atso insure Vessel*, Car roes and freights.foreign or coaetwtse, under open or. special policies, as the assureu may ue»ire. Ifq.awr> TBAWsyoTcruion,—Thcy aiso insure merishui ri transported by Wagons, WUiTDad Cars, Cana, Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers anu lakes, on the moai DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Beal, Edmund A. Bouuer John C. Davis. Bobenßurten./phnJt. Penrose,, aamuei Edward., G«o. G. Lelper, Edward Darungian,lsaac R. Dacia. William Falwell, John Newun,P_r. R. M. IJnaion, James C- Hand. Theophllus Paulding, H, Jonas Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George oerr i( i, ? pencer Me. IWain CUarles Kelly. J.O. Johnaon,Wnllam Hay, Dr 8 MRFfffe>R8 B AT PITTSBISoII. D T. Morgan, Hagh Craig, Jno. T. maRTIN p re „ Ue „, Thoo- C. FIaJO. Vloe President. Joa&s W Cowas, Secretary, fry- Office of the Company , N 6.42 Water street, Puts b„Vjb u " claSidlfl K A. MADEIRA, Agent. Fkr« and JffaffnF'lnturanes* THE OFFICE Of the Insurant* Co, qf honk Amenta has been removed to the Warehouse of Hardy., Jones * C6-.No: 141 From street, thiru house feast of Wood street- where the subscriber wui issue Poucies on BalW* ‘nes and tho«r contents.andonShipments by Bieamboais and other vessels, for the above oid_ and response, o Contpauy- Lap3j WM. P- »ONE 3, Agon.. Lift and iniar«no»< She mutuallife and healthinsurance COMPANY- of Philadelphia, Incorporated oy.ihe rigiatuieoi Pennsylvania, Ma*ub, 1848, Cbar*ci Pu»- ne»uol * Capital $lOO,OOl. Raw lover lAan any Pennsyl vania Company* and full 80 per cent. lower ihau the us „ ft t rate# of Life Insurance's the following compan- Hnn w m «how Thus a person oi the age of 30 insuring for 9100 for life* must pay m the GirardSB>3o, Pennay T ▼oisa $2,36. Penn Mutual 82,38, Equitable 53,04, New Emrfaad&W.AlbionB2,4B, Sew fork LifeB2,3o, L i f. 81,91. - DmEcroßS—Swnuei D Ornck. Oharies D HaJi, Win P ■Onona Robert P King. Charles V Hayes. M W BfiiuW«n, <*£(VBOa£pb?u,% «ReeveV B, Bew s Coope j R/.Hpiwn Barker. E II Buuer, lidwm R Cope. P;««- dmt,SamnelB Orrlck ; Vice President, Rouen P. King Secretary- Francis Biackburne. AoDlications will he received and everv information ri-en by SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, Agent. .Om»: ammerptol Rooms, corner of Thud and vVoou sheets Pittsburgh. 9V - y .~ Fir* and Marin* Insurance. _ THE Insurance Company of North America, of rnua dolphin, through its duly authorized Agon ..the a-h -acriber, offers to make permanent and ..m..ed on property.in this city and itsvioinity.and on shipmen by ihe canal afid riTer*. DIRECTORS Arthor O. Coffin. fresh. aamnel Brooks, Alex. Henry. Charles Tayior, ftumnm w. Jones- Samuel W. Smith. Edward SpUth- Amoroso White. John A. Brown. Jacob M. Thomas John White. John B- Neff) Thomas P. Cope. Richard D. Woods. Wm. Welsh. Henry D. Sherrard, 000*7. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having been chartered in 1794. Its ohartor is per petual. anu from its high standing, long experience, am ple means, and avoiding ail risks or on extra hazardous character, U may be considered as offering ample securi ty to the public. WILLIAM P. JONES. At Coaming Boom of Atwood. Jones A Co.. Water and Front its.. Pittsburgh may4y Jo tin Bl'C&rtner- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Cigars. Tobacco and Snuff. No. 149 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley aprflflj Puuburgh. Pa. A LL person* haring business with the undersigned. J\ either ai Pubuo Accountant, Instructor in Book- Keeping. or otherwise, will find him at the Pittsburgh Commercial College, from 9 tUx II o'clock. A.iM.. and ftomStili 4 o'cioolt, P. M. Merchants in want of competent Book keepers can bosopphed by calling on JOHN FLEMING. abtfl Principal Instructor in the science of Accounts. ibrls. prime quality ‘ ffW. PYEB- i • i • FaUßWttoi' Fire Engine tor Sale* fTIHB members oflhe Ftlmooni Fire Company offer I their ENGINE To; kale. It»In first-rate order, and wlltbesoldeheap. Enquireof J.SMITH, - «prW ftp. 40ft Penn street. • SOAP POWDEH—fbss., for •a tubbing—printed direoiura* U> eaehpack bp [JpSfl] WAL DTBK> *- * -t **as.»v..^-: • ~sZ - J 5 *J*T iT-P -■i.*-' • •’ •• .-.<■>■ * •-•- ■*•• «. -V ■•' a- ••- ■ *nKBBITFi XjlCTllfeUpl' lastßAse Boslntii notice. ißrji ©oo te GREAT REDUCTION IN.PRIC&t*- Second Arrival of New Summer Goods, AT GREAT BAKGAINS. | as*. THE largest, Ctacupe.l and Beet Slock of FAN ipjtfcCY DRESS GOODS ever offered in thisclty ; ls Hr ow ToSSom vev*on * lovp» Original Bee HiveSlore, No. 74 Market Street, between Fourth street and the Diamond, Ptusovruh, The proprietors have iust opened a large and most beautiful assortment of the New*si and Moat Fasaiona* ble Styles of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, winch have , been purchased since the greai'reducuon in prices at the large clearing out sales in New \ ork and Pluladelphia, | and will be offered to cash buyers at from 20 to .0 per, | ceut lower thnu former prices. , . . mw% I DRESS GOODS ofevurv desciiptiou,from the cheap-. | fBi io ihe jnogtflosuy ftnd^maghi& oCMl * ® uc .®? a 9er * | large and beautiful stock of the loilowtng articles. Chenc aud Jasper chene suksi ... i High Lustre, plain chemelion ana lace sura, 1 Do Stripe do do , | Do plain Diack do, r j Brocade. Arinues and Poun ue Soies, all color» , Binck and chainelTo>i Turk sat ins, and watered silks, Chene and India Fouiaru suk t, Do printed anu plain suk tissues , Do .do A >h eriines and Greuadtnes, . Pigin. primed ami embroidered borages, • Cuene piam and figured suks, and poplins, Chameleon uro de Naples; Pans printed ber&gos do de laincs , Do do and plain all wool de laliies, Do uo lawnsanu jaconets, Plain ami embroidered niuui und Swisscs, Piam anu printed casameres, de lames and alpacas , French ana domesue ginghiuns , Engnah and American cuiauet and calicoes, at all B u , Do nrown ana eoiorcd Canton flannel*, French cloths, ptain aud iancy cas#» mores A satinets, l aahmcre's mermv ca»*imeres and Ky» leans; i Biaek saun auu ranev ve»ui»ga. Ac.. Ac. E7*Th« proprietors would respectfully solicit an rarlv mil from all* their, friends, and the public gen feraliv. feeling confident that they can offer greater in ducements to whole saie and rctatl buyer*, than any have ueretoiore n«en offeree ui Pittsburgh. myaiLf YOUNG. BTKVKNSON A LOVE. sew goods: NEW wholesale trimming, notion and VARIETY STORE, No. 61 Wood Street! Btiietm Third and Fourth urteu> opposite Hampton, Smith Co.'t, Pittsburgh. rnK Hab&onber reoiectfaUy inviteB the attention of Coumrv end t;itv Merchant* to hiaextenaive assort ment or Trimming- Notion- Fancy smd Variety Goods, which be is now opening tor the Fall Trade Among ihe articles composing hi’ *»ork may he found a tail as sorimcui or ihe ioitowine Buttons* Edgings, Pocket Books*Threads, Combs, Laces andlosertjnga. Porte Mcmn&lWt-Snspendcr*, Embroideries. Needles. Swiss and Victoria Mulls, t » Fringes. Gimps. Pina. Jacfedotia, Braids* Hooks and Eyes. Fancy anu Dress Duttons. Broshes, Tape Checks. Plain and Fancy Boblnets, Whalebone; Qunrd Rincons. Biack mik and Lisle Laces; New Stvte Riobon Trimming. Hosiery and Gloves; Btock Lace Veil*. vVoouen comforts; Buck Gloves and Mitts. Bonnet Ribbons; Gents Silk >Vooiien and Cotton Undershirts and Draw* art; boos and Bing Cotutorts. \Vorstcd and Opera Hoods: Plain Mantel Riobons. imams' Boom, Cravat* and Pongee rocket Handkerchiefs , Plain Satin Riouons. Linen uambric Pocket Hdkfs, Gut and Gold Jewelry. Jerome Clocks. Fancy Soaps , i uarpei Bags and ssntcheis. Window Shades , Toilet Cases. Violins. Periumcrf, Jewaharps, Guiot'n Steel Pens Gold Pen*. Umbrellas, Accorde onj: Coneh Shell*. Worsieus. Perforated Boards; Flos* Silks-Worsted and Crochet Needles, Looking uiassea; Winch. wan a variety ot outer articles, he will offer for cash or approved ciedit-at paces comparing favo rably wuh basicrn markets. p. s—The atientionnr Pedlars is particularly direct ed to this extensive and vancu assortment. •<>pis.-tf W C MURPHY FALL AND WINTER STOCK Of Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods* A A A t:0- would most respectfully *o _ ii«*u ih« attention pi the public genoralljl, vnd the whoirsnle trade in r>arheutar. to their Urge and rare fuilv .steeled Hi or k of floods for Fall and wluler'sales, which will be found larger than they have erer before offered We have received as follows : 400 bates Uro. .iiLslins; 0500 Long and Square bhawis , 1W bales Drill* and Co-nauurg* , GOO pieces Sap Blankets , lOu bales Flannels. Coiorrn and V\ hue . 200 Cases Fancy rnnu; 100 balesTirklng ; 100 pieces Frenrn Merinos ; lis cases While Muslins ; 500 pQrmaivas and Coburg Cloth-*. vs Cases While tausuus, i(H) Alpacas, an rotors: oO pieces Linen Wheeling . 10 oases Irish Linru*. 000 pieces aamnntf; o 0 Cartoons Bonr.crßjonons . IUO pieces not muke Ciotns : iQO uortoott* French Fiowc rs , .TOO pieces CnisitueTes ami Doeskins Uki do Fanev»i>k*; tf7o do do Casstraer-s, M do tioioreti velvets , 500 do Shirting and ebeok* , so Coses Cashmere* ano oe Lame* 21 do Plain and l’uuu Linscys, lOOtuioxen hosiery . u Casco Tweeds and Jeans, 2000 dozen Gloves, assorted: Together with rverv article usually fouud in a Dry <ne»i nf VAHIkI'V an'd DRV GOODS, consisting it, part of Broad Cloth*. e Lame* Gingham*. >Vtiuc Goods, Bouitei*, Ribbons, Hosiery. Ac.. Also, a complete variety of Cutlery, direct from Sheffield Together with Clock*. Gold and Miiv»r ivgtehr«. an>i vvaicii materials,Gold and Silver Pent mut pencils.Tind Jewelry. A fine assortment of I'aiiQhrat ii&ta. Ac. in short, we have on hand almost every article usuauv kept in tne lip' Good* and Voiiely une Allot which we offer tor sale on the most favors hie terms- etuier Cor cash or sailsiactory reference D GREGG St CO. N u -- i ii.' iiuaincs* qi tne tau? firm of Gqsoo A M’- candlkss. win be settled bv uie subscriber, at the house or it. tin gv St Go-as the books, note* and papers arc in mv posse**.on. and i are rutty authorized to settle up the business. (apnllt DAVID GHEGG. PE.WVSfL VAX I A RAILROAD, Completed to Laokport dO Allies West of Johastown. TIME REDUCED AND SPEED INCREASED ! lult mnscrtDers uavmg the pleasure to anaoauee to uioir mends, anu patron* oi :b< Pennsylvania Rail roau, mat uiov have commenoed trans-shipping at Lock port. anu confiuemv expect to deliver freight to and irom Phiiauoiptna in tour aaw We arc now prepared to receive and forward arfr amount ot Merchandize or produce within our capacity which i* wne Thousand Tons rcr Week, ai tbo follow* mg rates oi irctghl: HOST CLASS. Dry Gooos, Hats. Snoes Books. Stationary, Cutlery, t-omecuonarv. Fruits. heathers, Furniture, Drugs Medicines. Saddlery. Ae.. Ac. $l,OO 4F 1008>s. SECOND CLASS. Haruware. Groceries, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oils. Leuttier. Clover. Flax. Timothy and other Grass Soeda. Wool-Ac. 8c 100. mraD class. Beef. Porg. Butter. Lard. Laru uu, Tobacco Leaf. Coffee, Taliow. Grant and Rags. COc 100. voubtb class. Ashes. Marble f tough) Tar. Pitcu. Rosin, German Clay Rones. Bacon. Ac.. 50c (p - 100, COVODE A COLE, Agents, aug29 corner oi Penn and Wayne streets. Only Forty ntles Stafftagl BY THE NEW CENTRAL RAILROAD, TO PHILADELPHIA. PaLLARRANGEMEETS VIA THE HEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD: Good intent and telegraph mail links of .piemild now Troy liulii Coaches, ror Blnirsville, win leave Pmsborga every day at 1 o'cloot, P. M., and ni 4 oviock P 1 M tfnd froin'thendeAM mllea by the fc Pmnsvfca.iin Railroad, to Pbuadelphia, New York and Buiumoro. Turn through enty thirty hour*. Coaches wmleave every evening at 1 ftnq 4 o’olpek. EXTRAS—To leave at any ume, always In readiness. This is the mpst 'dire? l - comtoriable . and expeditious route to the Eos ten' d>i>ob. Possengers for Baltireore take th« new Railroad at Hartisburg direct, on the airi vai or the cars at that ptace. , N B —The only office for the abovo Lines under Bt. diaries Hotel. 40 Wood street, Puuburgh. sepl ’ W- R. MOORHEAD, Agent. fimoorlam of Llgltt t CELEBHATED ETHEREAL OIL AND LAMPS. WH isuccessor to J. 8. Touoh), Mana . faciurer of and Dealer Wholesale and Retail m the above named Ou and Lamps, be promptly attended to. ' N BV Lamp, of all kind, altered to burn the Ethe real Oil AH articles delivered in any pan of the city, or in Allegheny, free o, c 0... w H WR , No Bit Fonrih st., (Apollo Hal!,) auW between Market and Wood stream. Adams 4k Co.'i Ezpreii Office, > NO. 65 MARKET STREET. \ OUR EXPRESS for Philadelphia, New York and Boston, leaves dany at 0 o ctock, F.M. K-xpres* for Cleveland. Cincinnati and the West, leaves daily at lu A. M. . . ~ . specie- Bank Nors* jewelry, and valuable packages, are >n charge of special mssungtrs, who will pay particular attention to an goods eutrusted to oar care. ■ This being now tho only reuaoie aource for reeeivmK good, f-orn the East, morchant. nod other, will and It ?o their advantage to order their Oood. lent by thu l ne. Custom house bumness attended to in any of the enat e-n c*’ies Go'd Dm' and Com carried from California a n change of •ps" l *' meaßerjge.s. A‘so "Drop- for sale on England, Ireland and Scotland, P.vabie at tho principal Banking Honaea, (n great ad van*age *0 nerchasoi.i. Loro —.l J AlOOO. ' , ep & P BAKER A FORSYTH, Agent.. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—A de .lrabte property of S 5 feet rront on LtLerty street, bv 100 deep, with a place for business m front, and frame dwelling house in rear. Price 53300. Terms— *7oo in hand balance atSkOOa year, wuh interest. A L,ur>—a va'nable ] o'of &ofeel fronton Main street, In the borough of Bharpsborgb. by 150 deep to a street, having a new Brick House of mnr rooms, a cellar, a porch , a garden fi^f,B^Xn Tigent, ae p22 50Sroithfield street. APER Hangings —New siyio or Gold Paper a s w. h gold^nd^ive, M p|d 85 Wood street onn DSLS. EXTRA FINE in store and for /*UU sale by SHERIFF A BINNING, wn ga No. 10 Market street. _ *<■ - * • v '' - <’•4** /sgQC3h.i JAMES iff. WfOOD.W itLb, rffJ i 7 CABINK T Bfizm&FURNITUKE MANUFACTURER , M* Ware-rooms 07 and 00 Third alraet-. T W. W. respectfully inform* his Mend*and custom* V * cm that h© has now completed the targes! tiiui u* nenstock of household furniture ever before.•sopu.-jn this city, os he is determined to uphold die quality well-geasoned hiatefialp. trewesl designs; and from the exient of hisordt rs and tadiiity m mai afacturtng, he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. Ke has adopted life principle of idenuiyuig the co*- tomers 1 interest witii his own, in quality nnd price,.and keeps always the greatest vaiiety of every dea* Cripuoji of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest* to (he most elogatu and costly, that s'house, or airy pArt bf due, may bo furnished from hm stock; or mzitiumctured Expressly to order He therefore solicits an inspection, (hat the advantages of his establishment may be known- The following articles consist, to pan. of his stock, winch for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in iny ot the Eastern cities: Parlor, > drawing, dm* , tng. and bed room :chaJrA of : . consisting of rosewoood, ma hogany and walnut Lliznbeihen, Conservatoire umi Easy Chairs, of every description: Couches, Sotae,Tete-a-tete and Di ..vans of the latest French and. American patterns! Tashaes, What-Nots, and ladies’ parlor Wntmg liesks of vanoas kinds ; Work Tables and fancy imaid stands, music stands, and holders, marble top, ma hogany, rosewood and walnut centre aod sofa, ta bles, extension dining table*; all sizes of the most unproved, and decidedly the best kind made; card,Pembroke hall and pier tables, wardrobes, bedsteads and wasbstanda of each a large assortment; gothic hail and.parlor recepuou chuirs, ottomans and stools, secretary and boob cases, side boards, fire screens, towel reeks, hat stands, and music stools, cribs and cots for childreu; paper uiuche, ' labie and tea pays, ms hagany. rosewood, arid iquuu pearl Tables. Ac. Ac. Ac. A large assortment ofUOMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. CabinetaiaxEim supplied wuh ail articles m their line STEAMBOATSIraiui 1r aiui HOTELS, furmahed at the short est nouce. All orders promptly attended to tncvbS. JTonrneyxotn Cabinet Blalcere Aisootatlan WAREHOUSE. 119 BECOND STRBET. (near too corner of Wood-1 THIS ASSOCIATION, em-gs icing, already, twice tothreeyjL tee as many bands an the Iflr- I^pr• it and hiibenomostrenowned • l *- jis city, have opened ibeirWare- ; to furmsb ihe public, bv wholesale' or retail, with Furniture of the following aescripuaq— V 125 Mahogany Wardrobes i Dressing Bureaus*; Full Col umned Bureaus; MAhqgan) Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs; Rocking Chairs; M&hognay Washstands, tio fan; Divans; Piano ttiools; Book Cases; Secretaries , Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tables; Centre Tables; Hal Racks; French Bedsteads; Ottomans Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tables; \\ ork stands; Cherry aud Common Workstands; high post, common, low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus ; Cnbs; Cradles, fcc. The advantages of co-operation, qp an extensive scale, permit them to sell at the lowest prices, and they are de termined to sell, lower than any competitors, an equally good, if uoi better article, aud warranted —as the public will understand by giving them a coll. >[t7* Steamboat work of all descriptions, and other articles of any description, m&dp to order in every style, atihe shortest notice. [mnrc9 i*o Cabinet Makers. Veneers. Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut} FamuA, Hardware and Furniture at Wholesale.. riiHE subscribers have josl received from New \ork X and Boston a most splendid stock of VENEERS, and are manufacturing by machinery Furniture suitable for the trade. All of which we will sell at extremely tow prices. As great care was token in the selection of the stock, persous cannot fail to be suited either os to quality or pricey and, os it Is well known that Farnilure can be mode by machinery superior and much lower than by hand, the attention of the trade is respectfully tnvued. Turned Work,m all its branches, carried on as usual. Plank for hand Carpenters, and all articles reqaired in manufacianugCabinet Furniture, constantly on hand—vis: Mahogany. Varnish, Hardware, Hair Cloths, Springs, Ac., Ac. RYAN A M’KKE, Ryan's fiuildiogs, mar22:ydsw No. 31 Fifth street- GHA.IKS dfiD FlliUiiTVttA« Ao- Third street, between Market and Woody South side a Wx have now on hand a large and ill splendid stock of every variety ol C Hants SESfrand CABINET FU RNITUKE* which we JHL * Tj tare confident cannot be surpassed, uEll&SfiadsZ equalled, in this City, or i i tLe West, in style and finish. Those who aremwantoi Furniture are respectfully invited to cull anil examine lot themselves. pT- steamboats furnished ontb j shortest nsucc. if?* All orders promptly attended to. fcbl9:tf O'CONNELL. MULLEN A CO. O'Donnell, Blnllen 4 Co. Pittsburgh Chair and Cabinet Ware Rooms, NO. 08 TBIBD ST., BSTWIttIS WOOD AMS UXSXeT, (SOVTH SID 8). MANUFACTURERS 01 Cane beat Parlor llJl Chairs; Cone Seal Rocking Chairs; Re* ception and Invalid Chairs: Cane Seat and Coonii y House Stools ; Settees; Louu» vgH§£j|j|B£|| ges, and every' variety of Common onatrs. Jgjn@||r7g3 All of which were manufactured under B Jffjl 0 Uieir personal superintendence, and are w " warranted both m material a%d workman, ship inferior to mmetu the City. Dealers in these arti cles will find it to their especial advantage to call and examine tof ibem*elvos previous logout# elsewhere. Steamboats and Dwellings fiirtiisned at the shortest notice. All order*punctually attended to. fjy2s Furniture and Ciialr Ware Koouas. T. B. YOUNG A CO., corner qf and SmsShfifJdsU-, opposite Brown\ Hotel, YMI m t Pittsburgh, Pa., keep constantly on hand ms EHUsSand make to order, at the lowenprice&_* “ * HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and CRAIRS,n( the best workmanship and most approved styles lebls_ Steamboats, Ahoy I I Thb subscribers tender their acfj\ for the favors bestow Vgk» ed upon them by their Steamboat frieuds,and would respectfully remind Uicm and others title- * rested in building boats, that the v are at all IjjpespTC' pared to furmHli, on tlto most reasonable terms, every HAMMER A HAULER keep qoostamly oahand VyL a variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, rcpl warranted equal Ip any in the city, and sold on as • 1 • favorable toms as can be obtained at any similar establishment in .he West. They have now ou hand an unusually extensive stock, embracing all kiuds of Furni ture, from the cheapest and plainest to the most costly and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mr2l:6m a. AULiiikuia & co. t HAVE ON HANDat their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 64 Smiibfield st. a large assortment of feucy and plain Fumitcro, which they wUI sell 15 percent, below customary rates. Terms—cash only. jdec27;ly WM. R. STEVENSON eonttnues to tnanu factate CABINET- WAME ot every descrip don, at his old stand, corner of Liberty and OTasasafilSSeventh streets. UNDERTAKING attended to, in all its branches. mayl l DUDDB ft CUOZYUiI, MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS, OIL MILL BUILDINGS, SoutA-Rtoi cor ntr qf Diamond, (near the Ohio and Penn- XgjigfefgL sylvania Railroad Depot,) AUXOBENX Cm. SsSSCXRiver and Land Steam Engines, Fire En gines, Hydraulic Presses, of all descriptions; Copper* plats. Lithographic and other Presses; Gold. Stamping and Refining Apparatus, together with Mill Machinery in general, built upon the most approved plans of con struction, and workmanship t» the satisfaction of cus tomers. lU7* All orders left at Messrs. Cochran, M’Bride A Co.'s, No. 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or addressed to thesuhi-ertbers, Allegheny,willrecelve prompt attention. auU DODDS A CROZIKR. Bolivar Fin Brick (Hanufactaring Company. JAS. SLOVXX, S. fit. KXEB, B.X. JOSXS, H. 8. MAOEAW, GLOVER* KISR * CQ. f ProprUtore. T HE soWribera having been appointed Agents for tho above named seep constantly o.i hand a supply of the celebrated Bolivar,Flre prick) Cru cible Fireclay, Furnace Hearths and rnwaflk. The/ are also ready to receive orders for said Brick, to be thade in sixe and shape to suit purchasers, which shall be promptly filled. . - we do n’otdeem it necessary to enumerate the many advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick pQ6ess oveF nil;oth ers ihatnnve been offered for sale in the United States, their superiority beingwelj known to 'ftlinostall persons who use Fire Brick- The proprietors have determine 1 that the Fire Brio* shall lose none of their present envi able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared u make them even bolter than they have heretofore been. This is the only establishment, How manufacturing Fire Brick at Bolivar. ItIKR & JONES, mart 7 Canal Basin, Seventh fry, Pittsburgh. A O&rO* WDALY A CO. have now ready for sale a large • and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Hosiery in all its bronchos. They would direct particu lar attention to their stock of Gentlemen's cotton half Hose, with Merino and Silk foetj. they are of foe best materials and workmanship, and fqr oomfort asa sum mer Sock, cannot be equaled. W. D. A Co have also on hand Gents Undershirts and Drawers in cotton, silk, and merino; Childrens’ Hosiery of all descriptions, ai foe old established Stocking Store, Fifth street, between Wood and Market, fmyl For Females and Males* T\R. LARZETTE’S JUNO CORDIAL, or Procreative I / Elixir, prescribed: as "aa. dfihctual TestorhUve in cases of debility, impotency or barrenness, and ail ir regnlaritiesof nature. It is ollthat It profaases to be— vix: Nature’s great restorative, and remedy for those in the married state without offspring. Ilia a ccrtai n core for seminal emissions, general debility, gleet, weakness of the genital organs, nervous affections, ieucorrhma or whiles. As a vtgoraung medicine it is unequalled.— Also, a eertnm remedy for incipient Consumption, inai gestioh, loss of muscular energy, physical Iwsitude, fe male weakness debility, ace. Hla jammed to please the user in any of the above complaints, and is of price less value to those without offspring. To spread wide the blessings of this medicine, I have appointed Messrs. J udson A Co., of the city of New York, in the United Slates of America, my sole agents for its sale; and none can be genuine unless it comes through them, and thelr rij^naUire s ar^jp n foe wrapper. Naples,- July 16th, 1849. Sold only in Pittsburgh at the Medical Depot, No. 75 Smithfield street; and by B. H. Meaking, Walnut street Cincinnati; Raymond A Patten,No. oO Frurth street Louisville. - [mar24:ly Herr’s Island gayr Mips* THE above establishment has been taken by the un dersigned, wifo the view of pursuing the legitimate business connected therewith; and os they are now re ceiving a full supply of Timber, orders for ail sues of Lumber will be filled with promptness, and at as low prices as by any other Mill in the neighborhood. PALINGS of a plain and ornamental pattern will be cut tapr3B-y] JAMES CARMAN A . OPS—IC boles 1849 Hops now lAding and for sale. au!9 SnLLER A EICKETSON. MUSTARD, r'epper ami Spice fresh ground, for sale aa 18 WRIGHT A ALCORN. PR. SUGAR. —40 hhds. H. R. Sugar, just received und , lor sale by MILLER * RICKETSON, au23 Nos. 2a and 223 Liberty su HOPS— 16 bales I&4U Hops,. justjrecM and for sale by au22_ MILLER A RICKETSON. HOLLAND HERRING—W kegs new Holland Her ring, just received and for *ale by t. ftUld WM. A. M’CLURQ A CO. ’ ' - ''■-•• * "'• / : *- r S li y* ’ ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER P-EfcPßtl'B J- pl - r * TH E TRO E DIGEST! VEv FLUID* ■■■" Og GMtrie JglctU :. ; . A CHEAT DYSPEPSIA CUBES, >, „ TrtREPARED .from Rennet, or the JT the Ox. after directions by: tficjpeut Physiological CheniiO^by.J.S.HDUGHTON,M.O7jJi£,; 11, Nonh ■ il.lr«V'l This is -a truly, wonderfal remedy (ozJjPfBIQ&STIOIu DYSPBPSUrJATm&ICE.CONSTI&ATIO&ZimR COMPLAINT, and nTZnTr.TTY, .NftjttTftfp own method,by Nature’s own agent, the OQslnc Juice.v Haif a teaspoonfull of this Pjuid t fjiAiaed;in waters' will digest or dissolve Five Founds or fißEj.yt about TWO-Hocas.oatof the stomach.-- SCIBNTinc EVIDJWCE! Baron Ltxbi<3, in his celebrated workon Ammal Cliefir* Imry, says * { An artificial Digestive Fluid; aifaTogouato! the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from theantHl coiid raCmbTane-of the stomach or the coif, In which vfi-H nous articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be so soft*,l ened. changed and digested, just m the same manner as ! thev woula be in the human stdmach.” Dt PEBdfaA, in his famous treatise on u Food and. DL' ei» published by Fowlers ft Wells, New\ ork, pageo3. stales the shine great fact, and,describes the meihpdot nrepaiatidri- Tlieteare few higher authorities than Br. ln his valuable writings on the « Vhysiolo-' . ey of Digestion,” observes that “ a diminution of the due* Quantity of thdGastiic-JuioMS aprominualand all-pre vailing oauso of Dyspepsia;” and;ho elates thaii^adis4 tineuished professor of niediaine in.- London, vyno -was, severely afflicted with this complaint, finding eydry.uungi cl«e to tiul; had recourse; to the Gastric Juice, -ODiaiueu, from (he stamoeh of living animals, which-proved;com pletely successful.” ' 1 ■*. Br Graham, author of the famous works on V Vegeta.-? ble Diet,” says: “ It is a remorkabJe fact in physiology -, that the stomachs of-animals, macerated in.waier,acl*.. part to the fiuitl the property of dissolving. var*ods.dru*. elerof food, and oteffecuag a kind of artificial uigss-. tlonof them m no wise diffsrenvfrom thojiatnralittgPSii ive process,” . v*. Dr- Smos’B great work, the** Chemistry ft Blanchard, Phila., 184(5, pp. 321-2) says: “The diseovfti try of PEPSIN forms anew ero-in the chenucalinstory. 1 of Digestion- From recent,expenmenift.we know that 1 food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive 1 fiuid.prepared from Pepsin, as.ilia in the natural Gas tric Juice itself.” professor Dunolison, of the Jefferson, College, Phila-.. delphiorinhis great work on Human Phyelology,dcvotf;9; more than fifty pages to on exanunutioa of this subject.: His experiment* Tvuh Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from thd living human stomach and from, animals, are well known; * l Tu all cases'” he says, “di gestion occurred as perfectly in thearttfimhl as in the _ , s Dr Houghto** preparation of PEPSIN has produced the most marvelous effects, curing cases-OiDebiuiy,, {Emaciation, Nervous Decline,and Dyspeptic Coasump tion, supposed to be.oMhevcry yijrge ofthe grave., Jt. is impossible ta give ihp drttaiis.of casus w the limits** this nuQiehticated certificates have, been givehSttora thaa J OEWO HUNDRED •REM'XRK ABLe CUBES, in Philadelphia, New York* andßoatotf: alone- These Were nearly ftlhdespqrate cases, and- the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, batperma*' n6 {xia a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE) and particularly u a e ful for tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and and the evil efiects'of Quinine, Mercury, and other-drugs upon the Digestive organs, after'* long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and (he too free use of ardent spir its It also reconciles Health with Intemperance. - OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. ’ \ 1 There is no form Of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it does not seem to reach and remove at once.— - No matter hOw bad they may be, It GIVES INSTANT lIEXIEF? AdostrtmovesaUthiwxpUasanXsjpnp tom» t and it only needs to be repeated* for a short time,:; to make these good effects permanent.’ PURITY OF. BLOOD and YiGOR OF BODY, follow at onto; * It ih ‘ particularly excellent in cases of Nausea* Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of .the Stomach, distress al ter eating, low, cold stale of the Bloody Heaviness, Low ness o( Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to sanity,Suicide, ftc.. .»■ ,*• Price, O.' - <•; DOLLAR per.bottle. Oue bottlq will o\-. ten effect slashing cure. Every botlle\ bears 'the written, signature of -J. 8, HOUGHTON, 5U>.» Sole Proprietor. w r « a •••;!• ,! Sold by agents: town in the'Unitpd .States,; 1 and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally.. ~ , Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYSEB ft Me DOWELL, Ml Woodstreet.' • - , • Ai Retail dealers supplied at Proprietor urieds. [nvahy Also, for sale by lt E. SELLERS, Wot dstredt ! ' panue Attention' . \ ... .. It respectfully innied to the Joilotnng truths, ul jorth in relation to one of the most tmpartasii Kantdxcs efmod tm tans* l ■ PETROLEUM OR HOCK OIL; r’ is not more than one-year ago since this great rem edy, was brooght before tho public, for the relief and. cure of disease. Itsgreaipowerßtohealibavcj-sincfi then, become fully appreciated by the community, ana we allege iboithe longent is ined the more certain mil its great fame spread. It is not the remedy of.a;day, got up for the sole purpose of makingmoney; but, one. wiuca we conceive, will continue to be used wben-all. nostrums have been forgotten. The PETROLEUM is a Natural Remedy, elaborated mthe depths of thesarth. by a power and agency that laughs -to scorn all human competition. }t ft qor duty, when we wnto about a medicine, that we write Tatmi*—that we .say. nothing, calculated to deceive those who may or pat confidence m oar statements. The sidk are. very apt to catch at any thing that promises relief from dis- 1 ease- A story can hardiv be too lughiy-wrought to an* swer the object of gulling or humbugging some of them Now, we do not dewre to do this; wo are onxious-only that the truth in relation to our Remedy should be tola, in order 10 secure for u a reputation farexceeding any single article of the mattna medico. Plain, unvarnished facts—feels that may be ascertained io our own city and neighborhood} bear ample testimony in favor of the Pe trolenm. Within the past two months, two of our own dozens, who were totally blind) have bees restored to sight. Several cases of blindness, in the State of Ohio, have been cured. And, also,the cose of agent lemon in Bea ver county. There are others ; batihesecasesarenear homeland may be referred to by any persons who may have doubts on UlO subject. These cases were cured af ter they had been abandoned by physicians as hopeless* The Petroleum will care, when, used according todirec. lions—Diarrheas, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Eruptions on the Skin, Pimples on the face, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm, Tetter, Scald Head, pains in the bones and joints, old Wens. Tumors. Scrofula, Cancer, Spinal lrrualtou, Fever ana Ague, Chronic Coughs, Asthma, Bro'ncbius, and all Pul* axonary affections of a chrome nature, tending to pro duce CONSUMPTION. Burns and Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and Kid* neys, Chapped Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns and Bunions. In feci, ilis aonsaT cnivkusalermkdt, and has been tried’in most of ihe above diseases within the past year with the most perfect success. Certificates that will astonish are in the hands ot the proprietor, who willjtake pleasure m. showing them to the afflicted or thdiifrienas. Whatever others may say about their medicines, the Petroleum is the .'greatest Remedy ot the agew Phy- high standing in the profession are beginning tottse.itiri their practice,' Those who at first looked on withjloabi and’uncenmniy, are willing IQ award It due praise and consideration. Before, another year rolls round,all will be compelled to acknowledge lhatihC Petroleum is thegTeatost medicine.ever discovered. & For sale, Wholesale Rnd Retail, by KETBER A M’DOWELL, 140 Wood street. Also— R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood sireet D. M. Curry, D. A. Elliott, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny City. Also, by the Proprietor, S. fid. lUER, Canal Basin, 7th street, Pittsburgh. ‘ fjafi - " Tile Human Body mast Perspire, (SO SA.TS SATOHE.) TO HA VE A HEALTHY APPEARANCE, And persons who do not perspire are liable to the mos DISGUSTING SKIN DISEASES. NOW, Joints’ Italian Cbemical Soap cans eg a free porspir&tibn,Ond at the same time molirfiesjsoftens the akin. giving It the texture and beauty of an infant’s. SCURVY, SALT RHEUM AND SORES, are soon not healed, but owed by its use, as at least seven physicians la New York know, who use it in such cases, and find it unfailing—as also, in PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, FRECKLES, or any other skin disease. The reader is assured that this is no uselesspuffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. I could enumerate at least BO persons cured of SORE HEAD, SORE LBQS AN? SORE BEARD. Buy it, and the' reader iv again assured, I would not cruefly well it forthe above, unless I knew St to bo all I state. Those who are liable to CHAFED, CRACKED, OK CHAPPED FLESH, will find this not only a cure, but a preventive ; and I cannot only add, ihalkiny one afflicted withsanyof die above, or similar diseases, will find this ail mggseven more (admirable in its properties) than 1 state. Ipf-But, reader, the stores are flooded wnh imitations, and be sure you ask for Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap— and buy it only'.of WM. JACKSON. only. Agent In Pittsburgh, 24Q Liberty streelrPiusburgh, head orWood- Jones* Lily Wtilte. : T APtEB-are eauiioned hgainst using common prepa id fed Chalk. They are not aware how frightfully injurious It is to the skin ! how sparse, how rough, bow sallow, yellow and unhealthy the ecm appeaisafteruslngprepafedChalk S Besides,it is Injurious, contain ing a largequamily of Lead l We have preparedn beautiful vegetable article.which we caUJON^’ SPANISH ULT WHim- ; It is perfectly innocent r being purified of ail deleteri ous qualities; and it hearts to the akin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living while; at the same time acting as cosmetician the skin,making it soft &qd smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 6& Liber ty stroet, head of Woodj Piusburgh. Price 25 cents. Psuty WhlteTeetli ana Breath, TO BE HAD FOR 25 CENTS. PERSONS who'hav* either, are hdnorably assured thatif thMr breath isuYer so foul* or their TEETH DECAYED, DARK OR YELLOW, and encrusted wiih-tartar, that a 25 cent box of Jonet' Amber Tooth Paste will make the tooth white as snow and the breath odiferously sweet Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty stree head of Wood. (deo2o Joues* Solution of Jet, A LIQUID HUMAN HAIR DYE forthe Changing ol : /3l wnue,Ted or grey hair 10 ft beautiful brown or jet black coloMn a few minutes: Price SOcents andsl,oo Sold by w, JACKSON,24O Liberty street, Pittsburgh -end of Wood. • ■ - ; • • {decKT A SeteatlAe Bair Vo&fte Restorer AND BEAUTIFtER. Trial bottles 37t cents. Those who have pied Jones’ Coral Hair Rcetarafivaknow its excellent qualities—those who have not, we assure it to possess the-following qualifies; ' It .will force the hair to growon ftny part where nature intended bhir 10 grow,aiop if falling ofi, cure scurf or dandruff and make fight, red'or grey hair grow dark. For-dressing the hair Soft and silky, nothing can exceed this—it mates! truly beautiful and keeps it ao.- It is, indeed, the mo& economical, yei vuperiorarticle for the hair; Sold only at WM. JACKSON’S Store,24o Liberty at., head of Wood, Pittsburg. Price. 374eents, 50 cents and SLOP, :. • . . : rdecSO- SURE YOURSELF - AMERICAN COMPOUND.- - This never failing specific isguora&tecd in airbases lelicate disease, together with the attendant com-' •plainta, to effect a speedy, sale and lasting cure in the course of a few days, without restrictions to diet, busi ness or injury to the system. It is an old and popular remedy; has long-been (and still .is) used in. the private practice of&physician, radically cqripg ninety-nine of the hundred case&. iUeayea aa-pdor on tfie breath, and may beusedhy any one without the. least feu of ..expo* siufe. For sale ai the Medical Depot, No. SOSmilhfield street, Pittsburgh, Po. . [apr7 1 Bull’s Sarsaparilla and the Cholera* NOT a single mau, woman or child has died of the> CHOLERA or any of its symptoms who used this invaluable preparation. Look at the city of Louisville, where this Sarsaparilla is made,.and where from 150 10 200 bottles are retailed daily, but few isolated ca*cs of Cholera have occurred, anu they were either persons from boats or those who diwegarded our advice. (Cincinnati CArtmtcU, For sale by KEYSER * M’DOWELL, 140 Wood et. where the genuine arUelo may alwayyx ' " Bounty Lands. * CAPT. NAYLOR, No. l63*R , hird street, corner of Cherry alley, haviogmadfc’arrangementsjat Wash-, neum for tne purpose, will procure Bounty Lauds for the officers and soldiers, their widows and children, andet* the Bounty Lamf Bfll, passed September 29th, ISSO. ■ Pittsburgh. October 10. .. : . : • • . j ZanaTE CURRANTB—4 bbi. fresh (or aaie by > i J. D- WII.LTAMft A COt I r •• ■ « , 1 /jjO 3 Tr ■*•;•;* p..^ r has now of m- j 5L;*S&° ?! ► for ln«Be«lon s wdkw.6*toVM.wU4>a.fcW®tß)W_. f_ ine o4tne 1 orgeat mi t>esl - »eleo«d, l !sSfi& , f MfldejCJfftllWjnS'beXotfda'iaiße Weatoro Co“ij7,!i-f aitr , 1 1 He aeasoif paid mere then 80801-otteSnonfTfc , m CloiHlag tgjhlffprttentrolcnifrtfnfacrifflihtiofs-JinnJr.. ( I .. IleodypMaile OormentJ bn ami'i Ashelcel4i«lfiiienttflH>He*»a“WonprilieniuffltfM7 , end iirifieeofiij-goodßi-hfreaneffrrAllirnl sueb'iDiJtree., ■■ ■ mente £&.eh»lVa)sSeUii.»hBiEJtotere»lln|iarali«sk#» w- -i taublislimeni. . , . . teS C -S i > Salepurchaser*. oi »r T* * - 0 * r < 1 £ j In-tha Cuttlotf depwimeni wUr-be'/bnoda 1 choice *e- lectH)DoPiheTOOsi:fitfhioiiabtd‘gaodfl,Coiisidiifl#df-'v • • eii-. i Jfytnchj EftgHsfi'and vSMmraw Broadcldtf&l ,;■ C^™*retta,&c,}^4.rAt l §o,au cxdelie'ntasSCToaclrtpr ; &*•>■;•■■: of .wi)lcHlje, r i raotf rrliF £*?»£ W* *drtiadttl'or'piain'%tld r 2gijreu i tswww^»»'neWttn«atov'r •> * fable styles*) Ik", ifr**3 j»M -.ijLsj.i rrtjiWpTl «* ! i AlscSrCmoxceUcnt SstM Jy andwnflW fShog^aU'of^niihThfl , 3ubscdh»tt c> L prepared iO'iriaJret&wa£Mn ; thfr^Si£fcl : » 1 ion*ble-BiylesViat jWc>^Dtbw : • [ -WoiaaJaatlioti'BtaOTitettgAftidjmaThirtMaeiil ! to tailor:— ■tniotions on myßystemor Gafmtnl Erpvgii&ng.** Eereto*roi-attte ft!towifcg>pfte«j irfrtlftefeommuiied _ non Wesutheybavinr-heefiinanufaclnren hereto rare eXcia-. pively ate-*npbr«tHnff iiW'dsk 3 ot wooden znahod: ociofbfiniMjiMj’ public* thpttheyiare Star bodies ttofcftjsthft:dd«n>7 space for coshiomngjOF Catibodies-oCotHuaal aimen* pennon now conuntmto t *rthd s greats** df iW tfe. ih&to CibtoNft* / !campb«dofrtaiburJmias)oGmclkls»liutprmolpalty-flf7i ! TChey pip;tb^nghly t wiW4 r o tiler ■dletingnM6trSertMor*:whbll4Ve''Wii!aeaWa -their f > wiibieJluieirtaßate* 1 ,-* o{jheirwojih,TOasbeseen I <«flM.AS=pJ| , #nrM^ : W. ' ftepwt, No 374 ,Mam above Itob,, * -where we uftend to keep on hand afSiiteneßf rocS a L *ioch of aUMzesanddeneeeoTeniitientmiftfinlaleurV S will 6aiitheTnost'diyertmed-twHe#v * Wes&Titt *e- MteOtloiLQf of rmderta- r .wtem w » : Teaentationwf aWertni* hers and othera'having'occasion forlnfcir BsoWini'tne. :»v „• «ame y of^U«izes^ , fraxn‘Xfoot;UtiiiclieiiD < ’ftiedt6i4ahedf > r ; >3.... highly -■ •: ,* « fprihc Saipe/J .Altenuonrtorte yeiy<{|ftß'.p^b*f#^ts , » 1 p ■ vn:U ihe yicwof ihefr.ceaejal Aaopppni-»..soli6itedjrtp,v; wit. k At wholeBWe;iqfplaini>n)n*etf’Casa>hf ydnons/ ;• colots— » -T ’ 1 " «J T -S No.l forßodie»22to29inchc3ki4englb r .,Ca^a;,.-. f fc,*.v 2 “ 28W33 , f “ 3 » 331040 « ** *9pQt * 4 « i40t046 *** . a B,oo< 6 “ 46 to 54 « / “ f 6 « 54 to 60 «< lf , , 10,00 , v 7 « 6010 65 tt 1 ‘ “ f 11,60’ ? 8 a 65-t063 4- *l 3 JvtlJß v .9. ~.6610.70. .. ft, % IW--r‘w •? 10 « 68 toTO u lt|oo _ 11 “ 72 to 76 « “ * JLBxOO is “ si to 65" I»,«P*- 4 1J 14 65W60 -tS'z “ 15)06 14 “ 661070 «, A «. I 15 « 081073 1 T « * i I 16 « 70tft76 « , « A pa 2 { I Name platca from $4,50 to 89 Mr dozen. -, 1 _r f I Moderate addiuoaalcharge forextru [ mcataipamuug,ortnlatdgoM v slivetand pearl work. _ 1 I Comraumcanone,.deflmDg farther information, qr or- , ders for Cases and. materials, will receivrpTOJßpt atten* e tion by addressing .GEdTC'fiOHERXS/lMiitr } Sarcophagna WarerodnlfcjSTiMamst-jpfajOJ. [_ ffT* Funerals attended, heayse and carriages ! ed, and couyeyandesy with appropHkte abendaota v s vided for transportation (6 any part of* the cotfatry, do \ " application at the offied os abote " , i * • jyio • • . f ■ S'. h ■ oa i . near J. Paiaier’ai thfi Anui?dnet, ■§ and from the Hand u > Bcriher otler& said prGpeny_oaacc9nynodatingittra3 r r • which he now occapies.-TUe Xf premisescan be eiaminedniany lerms > : Good /SSSir. /n ; EVEBVvBODY- that is -tatToFlfco «Cttdr : S .:r*Nm door.‘£toniyFenn,aagh'(llBj/-4i* a Horry selves outwhiswiomere lb* tasttOyfiteißillfe 'i quors, Wines and Cigars that can be tbond inanv-of f . tqcsc 'ere digging. ~,v. h- . .':?f jrn- TTAS ALWAYS ONgAND.ofhiAOwn naanfich&a. ri a lans BReCIaS oC-everydejpripuo«,:wlucbjiß.'wi|l- r • r S.N and tiler Monday, 231 b matantontTrunkof S&alE I package* will be elopedatll-llaily.forß&l*- ore, Philadelphia, Nevr 'Yoikyßo»toHi&t;" . Oar Goode will no carTiedin oar owfl-Car. Inebarge of a BpHoldl inessengerj'by niail tralitilrdm'Loekport i»- Philndelphia. ' BAKES & FOHSVTpH, '- 1 ’ engl ' , - - _ —1 _ _ AigCTbt. 1 Co.pa»tnersUlp. " - 11 " TjTTTSbayeHua day-euiered fAto wPuihafsldpTbt ¥» \he purpose of and fat ' Milling i and’ Merchanduingcia’aeaare&’JauP ; - c nholl be happyto sen ihß-otd casitunow ofßbodei fciA*?; com, at No. 117 Third aireet,oppo«itotbeßLCha»l«»Hei- . leL - I-JOHN WRIGHT;-' ’ P«utorgA)'Aagil>t9,lBslP i;Ai.WM:iE> ABOOBtfca? ii IN driihdrawlng iroin iheTirra of Rnonsa A AXr#Sßt, In favdl-of IBr; Jon 3 WniQirf;»UiW'Ole»rimln_rß- L commeDdltigbiofandlba now lirraofWRIGHT A AL CORN in their Itftn onetomers and tha pobllc Inigo ll * l * 1 ’ r Sce g *"* ' f '-v^- rpUQMAS a t . has pn,had4 a. fall supply,oTiVezy.supcnptjgqtgSj , SUATE,nc(d inprepared la ex£Cutoanyprdft»Jtawoi*t ihuimay brantrested.iohinijto v a ;■ jHe devotes : -' • - ?•■■•. and feels coaCuant that ftllhi#jvorJl wiyA.ft W^«y: t. Ha muy be * F street. r , jtn»P%go_ _ ; New SIG. NvGIAMBONi A CO, respeoilUilyr public that they l are now- mabintaatßnag>GrgJ»«wr- “ LATB of evory quality and pnCd< ; ThiS"Ohot;waw£*®?.. . iiko most others soldherevistVnTantag.) j£ 10 r flour wnr ~ -<~v* V M, - ' ’' ir':rC V; - • - V XI, \ " V'' — r 'aS'- V-»r ->•'- , .-'«i ••i'->.u,-^>£.*' ■; •;!ofefc.'-« T -2-V-'l.' ‘.'^"J <■> v>y"t V V.r * r - * I > f mamm ** t h x •> , r? sr 4^i %