*! -''?M ••%,.■'>^. ; - : t-"'; 4 r 1 --■ v ? ** , -y * ~ „ ~ r *• 1 . *•■*. * '*'**■**-.« 4 Y* i* r w l k , „ j j * ~ ;; \'V:; . -T :;-r ; ■ ;/ 1“ ' - • -\ ~ '.; v v;:w*‘ *’ .-*. y-vv^v»-vA - | * ** ’* T >v< 1 - <'’•.%% *;^ -*„*.* y ./»yv' ;-K-?'??**$•••= c\ •', ■ .-.y* r v^ ! -.• ; ,-vV?v . '< -i*. -xv -* >. -. , —\ : “ ' ; . >T> •. . .-v : •; ■ -* . * ‘ 1 \-> . : > :t,^r* a * -\’^^ v v. ~ v \ . >,> \y** * *. ,- -%-"s. * * . \z,~*fh r ' t ’ rf ~t - ; . JV- 'i'l r- ■ ■■': ■%\'^v*-^j^'-\-:-r‘;A -& *„• 1 J f ~-"e s> tAy,jHa,'; l >.* <*■—•‘Sv*■»•?»»*•:■■*».•’. . < ■ -• ViwC'r.' l # l i%*T^s^' = -c. . „-,- '-,"t‘■"J®‘*i?»c \ r -'’''‘'-''>?i.‘‘i *"'•il r 7'.' r ->"ip ;'- «v“< - ~_ F.-S* ‘t r ! rgwpe3**«r"’ r""'"»ipy:"T ~ -"»” li,B - l -- **** -i, -'‘T. ■X*VL,V.*’!j*}'\t sj'f’j 1 ~-- ■ - ■•- ’*■ ; GREAT izhUcTlOtfi'N PkICES. /^j;; : ;jj JAIUtS W. WOOUWKU, g\ f. \s, -vu »;«»»»«» 1 SwMSvau-uAi L'-V fwpssiftsaasss®- *=.•; ~:•“ '• <|« ers that be has now completed the ~ aJ ^*a “fjj? f n $ r fc i w ** V*-■'4*fw CHART AND ibis city, as be is determined lo uphold ibe quality" '"'.» , : ♦* t M*l . SAviSNAH DIRECT well-seasoned materials, best workmanship, ; *i - -' % Ant n% r /« ;;lv J ‘ t '** ’ m 9 « designs? and from .?' -V‘. TAPBCOTT & CO» S iin tnaiiifaciuring, he is enabled to producewarrajjled , %C the fowes; prices. . , ; 6 -^vt ~^.i>v? i t !;v^. t ?'^7*/ .N] He has adopted the principle of identifying O, / -“*■ * * \ rf*j •'‘ I tomerH } interest with his own, W !*' » ■ i * l L**- keep* always on hand the greatest vanety.of j l c '?s'..?T<^*ft : ev^ a l-|^»r*r:.'fr4 t .*} f'tSV'iJp.’? ?'l** i -'&J ,4t 4’ T i ** ; cription of fumitore, from the cheapest and plainest, 10. }( K H t» jiT »1 * n * / # ’«*l tiie most elegant and costly, that a house, or ** jj^V;lv ! 2l44’«V.-al one, maybe furnished fronr his stock, or manufactured , n £<£ J> »**7 a V^tSvvJVVJ;; expressly to order -, lie therefore soUpUs aamspecuon, •>*>■*?s m that the advantages of his establishment may be Known. i* *■- < for richness of style and finish*cannot be surpassed in; {*- aßyonh.EaMen.ciUe,: £• - /r f *M t ' - ’ } r ,Cr±'ft *- r V'“'' I *’* ■ •■■—”- - lx «C tflfvv 1 W&®Q&sB@gg&Wf * '4* 4*/ : IS^ad%®32SS >?£: ,■ s>3* Miv? J‘ V F\ gs€f» m§4®pgr®gdg| ...-“• W&4Ms£s§Bpsdi w.-* t'lgf-‘ JiieedJnall case.' P nee ’- . }l 5 “ ', n !! rtftfpfi* taan > W0 “ 8 B 9r cUld has died - \ .dOIiERA ox any of its symploms who used ihia ;4?' J *#«™©9ie4 '**"* ?VU>» city of Louisville- ~--. 1 ;! \ ut ew cases 1 or 4vM.’ «j? 1 N%.Tv^o^?d?»?7i A anIMST^™ 7 . u , ~ 1 Central. EmigTCttion an&Foreign Exchange Offias. fTpHE undersigned laving accepted the Agency of i he A - above well known House, is prepared to bring* ul -Passengers from the Old Coantry,onasfavoniMe ter -*s as any other House in the City. , _ Passages can be engaged in the following lines, sailing punctually on the day* appointed. ♦ SWALLOW TAIL Line le*ves Liverpool on tht and 21st of each Month. . . . RED STAR LINE leaves Liverpool on the doth of leives Liverpool Twice “Month. THELOSDON LINE of Packets sails from London on the 6th I3ih 21« t and J6th of every M° m h. THE CLYDE LINE ol Glasgow Packets satis fmn GLASGOW on the Ist and 15th of each month. V also— A weekly Line of Paetets for New Orleans passengers shiped from New York to any part Par:ner resides JnLlverpOol,afld in* pttffiteads the embaicatlon pi all passages engaged m of visiimg-Uie Old Country can' : have their passage engaged, through from .Pliisi burgfc, 1 by application either, personally or by ieUei, totbeiunderstgned. ' PASSAGE FROM NEW YORK Can 'bd jtad at yeryiredadedrates by applying to the undersigned'Agent lorlfcc Messrs. Tapscoti, of New York, - * JAMES BLAKELY, ' ' ' -Corner of Sixth streets, , je2C (thid story} Pittsburgh ,oaa «. Hardware, queeusware, groceries, paints, dye stuu<, oils, leather, clover, flax, timothy and other srasH seeds, wool. Ac. t? 1 I oo * Beef pork, butler, lard, lard oil, tobacco leaf, coffee, tallow, grain and rags, GOc. 100. . Ashes, marble (rough), tar, pitch,rosin, Germaaclay bones,bacon, Ac. 50c. 100, COVODG A COLE, comer Peon and Wayne streets Pittsburgh, July Ist, td&l.—jyiO Fare H«cltxcee found in the possession of every family in the land, echafties who are m constant danger of injury to their perrons through accident, and the improper or careless use of tools, will find this article to be Invaluable to ' them, sad after a fair trial, will consider it indispensable. “This muy certify that we, (he undersigned, having frequently made use of Judd’s Medicated Liaaid Catiele, prepared by Messrs. Penfield & Camp,-Middletown, Connecticut, cheerfully recommend it to our profession al brethren, as an excellent substitute for adhesive pias ter, in dressing burns, cuts, sealda, bruises, and all kinds of fresh wounds : also, for sore nipples, a remedy urn*- Quailed. CHARLES WOODWARD, M i> , *'■* WM.B CASEY, M.D. D HARRISON. M D.. P. WOODRUFF, M D, HAMILTON BREWEH. M L!., ELLSWORTH BURR, M.D. Botanic. Comprising all the practising physicians in the city of Middletown. For sale by lyi HORSE'S Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Rooti OCCUPIES the from rank among the proprietory medicines oi this country for completely curing Canker,Salt Rfaeam, Erysipelas, and ail other diseases arising from an impure state of the blood. Also, Liver Complaint, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Coughs,Soreness and Tlghiness about the Chest; Bron chitis- or Hoarseness, Dryness, and a tickling sensation about the Throat; and is used with unprecedented suc cess in all cases of female weakness andgkneral debility. Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the variousOTgans, and invigorating the enure system. If the testimony of thousands of living witnesses, from all parts of the country, can be relied upon, it is singu larly efficacious m curing all Human, ami restoring De bilitated and broken down constitutions. It is purely vegetable in its composition, and so aceurately com bined in its proporuonstbai tbe chemical, botanical and medical properties of each ingredient harmoniously unite to PURIFY THE BLOOD. It has removed many chronic diseases which has baf fled the skill of the best physicians, and lias also cured Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas and scrofula, which Sarsaparilla Syrups enurely failed to.make the least im pression upon. It has been tested in many cases of CANCEROUS HUMORS The most obstinate Cancers have been oared by Ibis ratUicine. We say that ttis a valuable medicine in all BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. U removes all obstruction in the cirenlauon, rendering the Liver free, active and healthy- It removes Palpitation of the Heart, and relieves In all cases of Asthma, and may be osed in all climates, and at all seasons of the year This Syrup is prepared only by C. MORSE A CO., at 102 Fountain street, Providence, R-1 t and sold whole sale and retail, by S. N. WICKBHSHAM, Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania, jellty Warehouse, eor Wood and Sixth sts., Piush'h Stranger, Look at This I _ Daguerreotype for one dollar., put up iu Fine Morocco < ones. The subscribers announce to the citizens of Pittsburgh und vicinity, that they can g C I i likeness for one half the usual price, not to be sur passed by those taken m the East, tv e don’t mean to be surpassed by any. Having a large sky and side • light, we are prepaieu to suit ihe most f*>ndioas. We tnll not ask any person to take a likeness unless it suns ibera Miniatures pul in Lockets, Puis or Rings. Sick or deceased persons taken at thcir residence, or ueoc pew WEEKS ONLY. MERRIMAN A LAWYER. Rooms on 3d si., opposi'e St. Charles Hotel. mvl&fimd. — pin* Oil Lamps. JUST RECEIVED a line assortment of these LAM PS, for burning the Camphene, Pine and Ethereal Oils, which I will «ai - 8T« t iy rcduccd r c^o UGH 83 Fonrlh st., between Market-and Wood, Manufacturer and Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, in the above named Oils. Uell oiaaoiution* THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the JibsSberS under ihefirmof J.S.BoWt A Co., la this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner may use the name of the MATTHEW D. PATTON. Jtgshwrfh, April Ist, 185 a ITT-Having sold my entire interest in the firm of J .8. Bomrr* Co-‘o M- »■ Pattoh, my lata partner, and in ' retiring frombusiness, I take great pleasure in reeom fSSSk to»» the confidence of mj fnenda^th. -MTATTB’ NERVOUS ANTIDOTE will on re nllcaae* W of Headache, how Spirits, Mental or Physical, Iteeav.andis so wonderful m rejayenaung premature old age, and correcting decrepitude, brought oil by ex inditlgehce, that nothing but a trial can convince thepatientoT itsqualities It is ““" tant ’ bm a strengthener, parety vegetable , ' Pittsburgh by, S -£ s ™SKkt. TTOWE’S'SHAKER SARSAPARILLA.— a few V fT more doieo of ihis valnable medicine, foMhe core and for B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., corner of Wood and First its r T HOLES- laTeSaRyJkPOtX 74 Third street, opposite the Post Office. with lesigna of Cottages, Villas S< !r rt “avei n , Lady Slaart Mortley. j The Scalo Hunters in Northern Mexico—by Capt.j a Sea Taio—by Sir Admiral Fisher.! Lewis Arundel—or the Railroad of Life. \ Dictionary of Mechanics, No 37. Littell’s Living Age, No. 379. tiodey’s Lady’s Book for August. Graham’s Magazine, do do- ■ The Ladies’ National do The Gipsej Chief—by G. W. M. Reynolds. Mabel; or, The Child of the Battle Field—a Tale of Waterloo. s The Pioneer’s Daughter : a Tale of Indian Captivity —by Emerson Bennett The Adventures of Paul Periwinkle: a Sea Story. ' The Countess of Lilesburg—ly Dumas. ’ i Ecarte; or the Salons of Pans—b/ Maj. RichardsonJ Yeast: a Problem—by the author of 'Alton Locke 1 ’ The Turner’s Companion —with illustrations 1 Traveler’s Guide through the U. S- and Canada. Bcna. or the Snow Bird: a Tale of Real Life—by Caroline Lee HCiitz. The Heir of West Wayland—a Tale by Mary Howilt* The Roue—by Bulwer. tau 23 Hew MusicJ Hew (Ouilel HKLEBER, No. 101 Third street, has just selected • from amour the latest east* m publications the following new anu fashionable Music : My Hopes have departed forever; Make me no gaudy chaplet; Ob! boys carry me alougj Turn not away. Duett by Poster; I’d offer time this.hand of mine ; Mignon’s celebra edsong;; I dream ol my. Fatherland. Jenny Lind ; . Mary, we pray for thee. Moore ; . The half broken heart; And are we thus compelled to part ’ Little Red Riding Hood ; Spirit Polka. Nelly Bly; Lily do Catnptown Races; Bride’s do Passing A way ; Bloomer do Little Blossom; Love do Blanche Alpln ; Rave! do Ocean Borial; Bycrly’s W>hz, Nataie. New \ JUST RECEIVED AT WALL’S PERIODICAL and Cheap Publication Store. No. 85 Fourth street: Lewis Arundel; or the Railroad of Life. Ralph Rutherford—a Nautical Romance By Sir Ad miral Fisher. The Mysteries of the Heath—a companion to the Mys teries of Paris. By. Eugene .Sue. A freoh ■mpply t>C Bfaek wood for August. No. 16 Field Book of the Reuolution. The London World of Fa«bion. The Live* of the Chief Justice* of England, from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield By John Lord Campbell. L. L. D . iiostwick on the Causes of Natural Death. Ac |»u/7 Hew Music. JOHN H. MELLORj No. 81 Wood ureet, ha» r«ei,r.l iho.followingpiece* of new and popolar Malic : Dole, Jonei. By S C. f'osir^, Oh ! Boya. Carry Me Along.' By S. C Fo«er i Peaceful Nighti—Dueu. By Glover ; Moonlight Sleeping—Dneu; We Now Most Pal l: The Cavalier ; Take Me Horae lo Die ; I Watch for Thee , Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home ; Father's Prayer; Joe Hardy; Why Do Summer Roses Fade ; Mareh From Lucia di Lamraermoor i Diligent Hose Company Quick Step ; Pest March; Village Q S ; WorhPsFair do . I Have Riches, Thou Hast Ueauty—Variations, Come,Sing Me that Sweet Air Again, do; Le Tremolo By Rorselep, do; BeUeve Me, If all these Endearing Young Charm*; Diadem. Byerfy’s, Aurora and Silver Bell waltzes; Lily; Nancy's Fanny; Bloomer; Sharon; Fire Fly, Jenny Cray; Syracuse; Cottage; Of den; Coquette; and Cally Polkas. A® 02 * 7 Kodern Harp. Cl BLUAtEbas fu*t received a large stock ol VOt..Al. /. and INSTRUMENTAL MUSkC BOOKS, among which are — . , , .. . The Modern Harp—or Boston Sacred Melodist-a collection of the most popular church music in use ; The Boston Meiodcon —iu three volumes ; eonsistiftg of songs,glee*, rounds, Ac , Ac.; including many of the mo«i I’opolar piece* of the day, arranged and bar mo nixed for four voices. The Me‘odist—a new work containing selected gem* irom the most celebrated composers, with arcompam meat for the Piano Forte ; The National Glee Book Air—f r tour voices; Seif-instructing School for the Violin—a new and sci entific work, iu three parts, complete in one. By O Saunders; The Meiodeon—a collection of the most popular Me loilies, carefully arranged for Flute or Violin, in twelve numbers; _ _ , , Henri Hertz's new and complete Piano Forte School BurgmuMer's new and improved edition of Piano Forte Instructor ; Czerny’s Piano Forte Instructor; Carcass is’,Carullis’, and R. Culvers’ Guitar Instructor, Amaseurs' Quartette Club—in three number* and four parts, for the Ist ami 2d Violin, Violineello and Flute ; Instrumental Music, in tour parts and 8 numbers, Howe's Musician’s Companion—iu three parts; At tht Old Established Puma Depot, ao9 No. U 8 Wood sliret Superior Watch Repairing. JOHN M KUBKKTB, WaTCHoIAKKK AdD JEWELLER, desires again to call the at teution of the public to the workshop which has opened aiNo 10 Fifth street, two doors Market, where he continues to devote his special atten tion to the repairing and refitting of Chronometer, Do* Slex. Patent Lever. L’Epine, and every description hr no Watches and Clocks. Having fur a number of years been employed aa Pore* man in the worksbopof the largest establishment in this city, 1 flatter my*elf that those favoring me with pairoh* age will find ail work ei trusted executed In the beat manner and on the most reasonable'tcnns. References —John Harper, Rsq, Edward Beaxleion, Esq., R- H. Hartley. E*q, Joseph Woodwell, Joshua Rhodes A Co , and Wm. B. Seaiie. A carefully selected sleek of Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Spoons, Spectacles, Ac-, constantly on hand, which hsve been purchased at the lowest cash prices, and will be sold at a very >n>aU advance for the same. 1 au!B Citizens and Strangers, GO!°Dor BILVBH°\^ATCH ? , at about^l^O s * ib«* osoal price ? If so. call »i HOOD’S C&i|s§NKW JEWELRY STORK, »1 Mark* ttrtet , two doors north of Third, and take a took at wa new stock, lost arrived, and yon ean therepurchase Watch es or any kind of fine Gold Jewelry at their real value, and not be charged two prices for everything, a* you have nsoally been . bat can get the very best quality of goods at the eastern price*. Oo not believe wboi other*. inlerestediu their own sales, tell yon, hot come and see for yourselves. Allgoods sold atthiscstabhsb menl will be warrantee as represented at time of sale— so that all may purchase and cheap, aaiv, Roues. ALL PERSONS interested \*i!l take notice that WILLIAM TAYLOR, of the Eighth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, Brickjn*ker,on the Uihday of July, isfil, executed to the undersigned a Dead of Assignment of all his Estate, in trust for the benefit of his creditors All persons indebted to said Taylor are requested to make immediate payment, and persona having claims will present them. J- HOWARD, Assignee, ,y:il Office 4th st., bet. Smithfield and Grant ‘ Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership heretofore existing between GEORGE V. AK BUTHNOT and WILLIAM BROWN, Sr- as Chandlers and Soap Manufacturers, under,the firm of Arbuthnot « Btown, has this day been dissolved. All settlements oi said business will be made by Geo. V -Arbuthnot, who ts hereby authorized to attend the same. The business hereafter will be conducted by George V. heretofore G. V. ARBUTHNOT, au27:3w WM. BROWN, SR- a Dr. Win* P.-Oilea, MS* T VETERINARY SURGEON r*cf i Office at Hodr Patterson 1 * Livery Stables, on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield. L)y4:ly lilthographlfl lnatltoie. C^O_PARTNERBHIP.— The aabscrioefsmost respect / fully announce to their friends and the public gen erally, thai they have this day entered into Co-Partner sbip. lor the purpose ot carrying on, at the old sland,in Singerly's Building, opposite the Post Office,Third street, Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, in all Its various branches. Having machinery, recently arrived from Europe, they are prepared to do works in Lithography eqnai to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance of the patronage bestowed heretofore so liberally to the one'partner, Wm, Schuchamn/and they hope by strici attention to their business, by elegant workmanship, and tiie most reasonable terms, torperii the favors of an en lightened public. Bonds, Checks, Drafts, Machine Drawings, Likeness es. Landscapes, Autographic Letters, Bill Heads; Plots Lithographed and Priuted in Black, Gold Bronze ef Co- S," !0f lhc,r work wh'schuchman"' ap«B FKED. HAUNLEIN Biann'i Double ■ Lever Letter Copying Press, and HetslUe Dampener, BURNIIAM’d PATENT. Sizes of Prases and Domp«*»«n—-Letter, 10 by 13; Foolscap, 10 by 15; Folio Post, kU by 1?4 ; Manifest, lb by 24. A Timt saving. Labor-sacingand Monty-saving Machine rpHIS PRESS and DAMPENING TABLET presents 1 decided advantages over all previous inventions for the same object. Ist. The Press does not require fastening down. 2d Through two levers sndeccentric joints the pres sure is obtained with more ease, ami much quicker than by other methods. , . 3d The power is applied so equally, that the Press ts not liable to break or get out of order. 4th.—‘The Dampening Tablet is a substitute for.the brush, blotting paper and wet-cloth, saving all the trou ble incident to their use, and is worth it# weighitoi gold. The Tablet may be used to great advantage with any Press already in use, and for that purpose will be sold separately. Letters can be copied with this Press and Dampener in three seconds, without blaring the original or the copy. MANN’S PATENT IMPROVED MOVABLE BINDER, For keeping in a Book-like form, Music,. Original In voices; Letters. Periodicals, Newspapers, Drawings Bank: Checks, or any other papers where method is : de sirable. This invention, it is confidently believed, is the best ever presented to the public for the purpose for winch it is designed, and will furnish to many a deside ratum long needed. The undersigned now offers it at a comparatively trifling cost to all who may desire to per fect the system of preserving papers for ready and easy reference. MANN’S COPYING- BOOKS. The Paper in these Booka is made from all Linen Stock, ana of the same quality as Fine French Writing Paper, bound on Parchment Backs, with Printed Pages, and manufactured expressly for retailing The undersigned havingprocured the sole teener of. the above articles, now offers them at reasonable prices at wholesale or retail. Presses, Dampeners, Boon, of Binders, furnished to order of any dimensions, at short notice. All of the above article* warranted. Also—Copying Paper, In loose sheets of any size. Arnold’s Copying Ink—decidedly the best to use. M r. A. C. Chambers will wait on the citizens of Pitts burgh and Allegheny, and wilt give all the neeessary JOHN F. COLE & CO., At M’FadenA Covode’s Penna Railroad Depot, corner of Penn and Wayne sta., PitUborgh (jcfoyl yWTATTS Attsyty?£E» T f&xtr&ct of a letter from Jhp f f Rev. Aivan Ackley, who, after stating tba;.he bad taken bat four, te&spoonfals of Watt’s Nervous Antidote, and describing .the wonderfol effects. says; Me. Watts— Dear Sir:. In view .of the whole, liihink it to be a powerful stimulant to (he Nervous system, and an invaluable medicine. It has already relieved me ol a certain set of nervous pains, elevated ray spirits, and so far relieved my loins and hip as to enable me to walk ■fifty per centbene* than I did before. Respectfully yours, ALVAN ACKLEY. Orcsnfort, April 1,1850. Sola by a L. CUTHBERT, aa 29 60 Smilhfield street NEW SILKS-—Received Uiiaday, a beantifnl lot of new stvle Bilka and Satin de Chene—beantifnl col at CanWl A. A- MASON * CO.’S. Cash Mutual Fire insurance Company Harrlßlrarg > P«n ni y an M** 9100,000. m&E'ai&B4^ P^i^^, *Piy ln “f Ag.nu ftw. dty™kc6uMfy liro^iyi ution iw favornb e tirtnfl n« any inponsiblo.Company :iit vhe.-Staie.jiAn person. having properly insured in this Compaq Rie entitled to vote JorHs officer*, and to share mlisicaTft f® H>ut are’tidt tthyibftfj be -yoirtt--tb eutmon»EthaV-have.piffd. Ailtoasos promptly paid in sixty days aIWr I; psog£ft>£.lhe same. ... Hon. JOHN CrBBtTOER, President. ' . Vice President. Thof- H. Willson, Secretary. Dirfid FTemlrtgtAlitrrneyhrid Ctronsellor. .: -JH* efiior»-HHoo. rJohiuC, Jtaahert- Rudolph; F< Kelkqr, Wru.jCaider r( Jr., > Climle. E. ISialrlSknmM W. Ifeys, David-'Srdtninttj‘Jr.j‘3obfl-Ntnrtirf^er; , Daaphln County; •JacottS^Huldeman, jVoik i {Heora J4*Fr?viL4nefts4er; Adam ( 4JfiTitA,4}>ftn ) which, with theirCapit&iaml Premium*, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Compsuy, on January Ist, 1851, m fiublisbed agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fob ms, via;— Mortgages -915,18 b Cb Real Estate ■ • 84,377 73 Temporary Loans- • ■ - 63JJ66 17 Slocks 61,689 00 Cash, Ac. ■■ ■ —■■ • 64,346 81 CLSIB,7« 44 Since.,their incorporation, a period of 21 yeansLtney have paid upwards of o*u wtZHort FdttfntiMi’ftf ihau gand Dollars , losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as Rm ability and topoHiUon u> promgug f^li {6bm^ i _ ®pr24] Office N. K. corner Wood aadr3d *u. SirihVTVire and*ißlai>(f *frihspdrtation IOBDH.ASOK. * rjHIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMKR- X ICA, Philadelphia, chartered I794,capna] $500,- 000, assett January 13.1851,01*001,905 00, wii make insurance on buildings and their contents in liti •< City and vicinity. Also, on property of every descrip tion, on steamboats and other vessel*, ruber by inland transportation or on the seas tj. DIRECTORS: '. ArthurG. Coffin, Pres’i , Jacob M. Thomas, W. Jones John R. Neff, Edward Smith, Richard D. Wood, John A. Brown, William Welsh, Sumoel F- Smith, Francis llaskuis, Samuel Brooks, 8. Austin Ailibone, Charles Taylor, William E. Bowen, Ambrose White, George W. Aspinwail. Thomas P. Cope, James N. Dickson, 9. Morris, Water, H. D. Sberrerd, Sec’y. This is the oldest Insurance Company ip. the United States, and from its high standing, longcxperietice, am ple means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazard ous character, may be considered as otferiug ample se curity to the public. WM. P JONES, Agent, j a 24 No. 141 Front street. IBBBltAfiClfi, IMIK DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR ANCE COMPANY-—Office. North Room of the Ex change.Tbird stroet^Philadelphia. Fna IksueaNCK. —Buildings, Merchandize and otbei property in town and country , insured against loss oi damage by fire at the lowest rale of premium. Maxims ImsuraAcb.—They also insure Vessels, Car goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as the assured may desire. iMLAiroTaARaroBTATiOM.— They also insure merchan dize transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars. Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers ami lakes,on the most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph II Seal, Edmund A- Soudej John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R- Penrose, Samuel Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper. Edward Darlington. Isaac K Duvis, William Folveli, John Newlin,Dr. R. M. Huston, James C. Hand, Theqphllus Paulding, 11. Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrtil. Spencer Me livain, Charles Kelly, J.G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D T. Morgan. Hugh Craig, Jno.T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President Thos. C. Hams, Vice President Joseph W. CoWam, Secretary. ITT* Office of the Company, No. 4‘J Water street, Pius burgh. (Jel6:dtf) P- A. MADEIRA, Agent Flra and AXaitne Inauraaes, THE OFFICE of the Insurance Co. of North Ament* has been removed lo tbe Warehouse of Hardy, Jones A Co., No. 141 From street, third house East of Wood street, where the subscriber will issue Policies on Build ings aud their contents, and on Shipments by Steamboats and other vessels, for the aboye old and responsible Company. [ap3) WM. P. JONES, Agent. Life and Health insurance. mifE MUTUAL LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE X COMPANY , of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 184 b; Charter Pur petual; Capital 0100,000. Rales lower than any Pennsyl vania Company . and full 20 per cent, lower than the usuatTajes of Lh?^psucance,as the following compari son will show. Thuifh person 6i the age of 30 insuring for 0100 for life, must pay In the Girard Pennsyl vania 02JJ8, Penn Mutual 02,36, Equitable 02,04, New England 02,36, Albion $2,48, New York Life 02,36, 1 1 f* and Health, Philadelphia , 01,91. _ Dibbctobs—Samuel D Orrick, Charles D Hall, Win F Boone, Robert P King, Charles P Hayes, M W Baldwiu, Cbas O B Campbell. M M Reeve. M. D.: Lewis Cooper, J Rodman Barker,J2 H Boiler, Edwin R Cope Prsri dent, Samuel D Orrick : Vice President , Robert P. King Secretary, Francis Blackburne. Applications will be received and everv information given by SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, Agent. Ovnot? Commercial Rooms, corner of Third and Wood streets Pittsburgh. oci29:y plf« and flarino lusurancs. THE Insurance Company of North America, of Phlla. delphia,through iu duly authorized Agent, the sub scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, In this city and its vicinity, and on shipmen by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Coffin, PresH. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, , Samuel W. JoncSr • Samuel W. Smith Edward Bznith, Ambrose White, John.A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas - John White, John R. Neff) Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Sec>y. This is the oldest Insurance Co nip any in the United States, having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is per peinal, and from its high standing, long, experience, ant* pie means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample securi ty to the public. WILLIAM P. J ONES. —arCouming Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Water and Front sts, Pittsburgh may4y 4otm St'Csrinsy, WHOLESALE ANp RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Cigars , Tobacco and Snuff, No. 14R Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, aprs4] Pittsburgh, pa. BtulttNl Hotlee, ALL persons having business with the undersigned, either as Public Accountant, Instructor in Book- Keeping, or otherwise, will find him at the Pittsburgh Commercial College, from 9 till 11 o’clock, A.;M n and from 2 till 4 o’clock, P. M. Merchants in want of competent Book keepers can be supplied by calling on JOHN FLEMING, apiv Principal Instructor in the Science of Accounts. • Fslnnount Firs Engine for Sale. nTHßpemberg of the Fairraoum Fire Company offer I IheirENGINE for salp. It is in first-rate order, and will be sold cheap. Enquire or J. SMITH, See’y., tpr3*lf No. 409 Penn street. •¥->A«'mTT’S BOAf POWDER—S bn , for WMhlnft . M ‘ 'j 5 t\ iv. i . \ wr~.* ;V!££;/ xX:x J ; xr *f-Vx^X: XiXXjr*xX ’ ’ X xut,\„y ■""' ji % : _- ' ~M r\ ■-x ,s ;\^ ’’x , J Vj 1 '»x \< ' „ v » '* -' - - ‘ - XX V. » ■ * *' - 4 1 ; ' -r > S V K. X ~ * 1* Secoua ■ar*»v^t-o* 1 M«W ,i ßaiUn«‘i- Good., AT-GREAT BARGAINS #THE lnrgesuCbenpest and»Beat Stock ofFAN CY DRESS GOODS ever offered in this cay, is now openine at YOUNG, STEVENSON $ LOVE’S . Original Bee Hive Store, No. 74 MarketSlreet, between Fourth street and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, The proprietors have just opened a large and moat beautiiul assortment of the Newest ami Most Fashiona ble Styiesof Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, which have' been purchased since the great Tednctlonin prices at the ] large clearing out sales in New York and Philadelphia, j and will be offered to cash buyerß at from 20 to 25 per] cent lower than former prices. „ . , i DRKSS GOODS of every description,from the cheap est to the mpst costly and magnificent, such as a veryj large aijd beautiful stock of fodowiog, article? : f;-- 1 ; High Lustre, plain chrmelion and lace silks; l Do stripe do do; .. : Da plain blook *l° > • } Brocade, Armnesaod Poult de Soies, all colon } Black and cbamelion Turk satins,and watered silks; Chcne and India Foulard silks; | Do - vprinted and plain silk tissues; Do do AJbertines and Grenadines; Plain, printed and embroidered berages; Chtne plain and figured silks, and poplins j Chameleon Gro de Naples; Paris printed berages ao de laines; Do do amfplamall wool de laines, Do do lawns and jaconets; Plain and embroidered inuili and Swissesi Plain and printed easameres, de laincs and alpacas ; French ana domestic ginghams ; English and Americaochmues and calicoes, at all BONNETS aal RIBBONS at great bargain!; apring.’flhdnimrirferahttWfe*.* ) do-'^llo; Needle worked sleeves, cuffs, collars and cberai leits; Needle worked lacea and muslin caps; Embroidered, hem stitch and piaiu linen camfe’ handkerchiefs , , Fancy silk pocket hd’kfe, cravats and neck ties; Gloves, hosiery andsospeuders, a large stock ; Irish linens, table cloths and table linens; Tlckens, cheeks, crmsh,bml-eye, diaper + napkins; Bleachea-and brown muslins, from 6 to 12c. per yd; Do brown and colored Canton flannels; French cloths, plain and fancy cassimeres ft satinets; Cashmcrets, tweeds, merino castimcres and Ky, Jeans; Black satin and fancy vestings, Ac., «e. 07* The proprietors would respectfully solicit an early call from ail their, friends, and tho public gen erally, feeling confident that they can offer greater in ducements to whole sale and retail buyers, thau any have heretofore been offered iu Pittsburgh. my3ltf , YOUNG. STEVENSON k. LOVE. Tb* EDgtUh Beanl-Aunoal Sale OF DRY GiiuuS at ibe One Price Store ol A. A. MASON & CO., Nos. 63 A 64, Market aireeL Pitt*- bunfa, will commence on Hrandsy, Jane 26th. 1851, and continue through the month of July. Their Wholesale Rooms will be opened to the Retail trade, and every ar ticle throughout the establishment will be sold at an im mense reduction from usual prices. Having recently made extensive purchases, their assortment will l#e lound very choice and desirable. Their stock of Silks, comprising more than 500 pieces, will be closed out at an immense discount from usual prices. os? *■ BeaSSngA-Oo'iiainMt,':’ ■"*?. l jjjf Fast colored Lawn*,- ' 1 Fine French do _l2? Fine Printed Bereges, 184025 ; Fine French Jaeonet, 15|025 500 pcs French and English Ginghams, 10 013} Black Alpacas, 12| 1000 yards Bonnet Ribbons, at 8 500 Wrought Collars, 6} Fast colored Calicoes, 64 100 cases English and American do, B 010 300 cases and bales of Blearhcd and Brown Mus lins at manufacturers’ prices. ALSO—Lace*, Embroideries, frimmlngs, Hosiery and Gloves, Linrn, While Goods, Bonnets, Shawls. Cloths, Ac. r together with an immense variety of all kinds of Dry Goods—all of which will be marked down to even less than Basteru wholesale prices. jc2s A. A. MASON A CO ae« Variety and Dry Goods Store* No. DT* North-teat comer qf (Food *l. and iHamond alley. D GREGG A GO-,-having opened a: the above stand, • are now offering Cat sale a large and complete assortment of VARIETY and DRY bOODS, consisting to pert of Broad Cloths, Caasimerea, SatineU, Summer Pent Staff, Fancy Ladies’ Dress Goods, Lawns, De Lalnes, Ginghams, While Goods, Bonnets, Ribbons, Hosiery, 4*., Ac. Also, a .complete variety of Gallery, direct from Sheffield. Together with Clocks,Gold and Stiver Watches, and Watch materials. Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, aiul Jewelry. A fine assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Ac. In short, vre have on band almost every article usually kept in the Dry Goods and Variety line. Ali of whleh offier forisalawrthe most favora ble terms either for cash or satisfactory reference D GREGG A CO N. B.—The business of the late firm of Gqcoo A M’- Csholkss, will be settled by the subscriber, at the bouse of 1). Gregg A Co., aa the books, uoies and papers are in my possession, and t am fully authorized to settle up the business, (tpriT) DAVID GREGG. PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES. r* »lllv subscribers baviuc recently made arrangements X with the Patentee of this new and valuable »*t*n non for the manufacture and sate of the article in tbo West, they having beetl manufactured heretofore exelu lively in the East, where they arc superseding the use of wooden coffins, take this method of informing the publie, that they are now manufacturing eighteen differ ent sizes of the modern Sarcophagus, varying in length from VS inches to 6| feet, with width and depth suitable for bodies of ordinary size, and for those who desire space for cushioning, or for bodies of anusnai dimen sions, have several sizes deeper and wider This in vention now coming into general use, is pronounced one of the greatest of the age. These Ifosuan Cases are composed of various kinds of metals, but principally of iron. They are thoroughly enameled inside and out, and thus made impervious to air and indestructible. They are highly ornamental, and 6f a classic form, are light aud portable, while they combine the greatest strength which metal is capable of, in a given quantity When properly secured with cement they are perfect ly air light, and free from exhalation of offensive gases. They cost no more than good wooden coffins, and are better than any other article in use, (of whatever cost,) for transportation, vaults,or ordinary interments, as has been proven by actual experiments, and certified to by some of our most scieutinc men also, by the Honora bles Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Lewis Cats,and other distinguished Senators who have witnessed their and whose letters, together with other evidences of tbetr worth, may be seen at our Agents’ Burial Case Depot, No. 374 Main street, three doors above Nin;h, where we intend -to keep on band at all time*, such a stock of all sizes and degrees of ornament and finish us will sail the most diversified tastes We invite the attention of the public, and of underta kers particularly throughout ibe west, to an examination of the article. and request them not to rely upon the rep reseiuatidhsof fcfitfertskef* üb4ta*ibg/lhd article, whoe interest tt would be to misrepresent them. . r-.; ... . c;WULU>AVIS A CO. Patent Metallic Burial Cdsca, SorcopAatfUj Warerooms, 374 Main street, Cincinnati. July , 1851: T(i E undersigned. Grozas K. Robsbts, undertaker and sole agent Tor the sale »f the shove valuable arti cles, announces that heis prepared to supply underta kers and others having occasion for their use with the fame, of a!) sizes, from l foot 10 inches to 6 feelO inches in length, of various widths and depths, suitable for bo dies of any size; either plain, b-onzed or gilded and highly ornamented. Also, name plates and trimmings for the same Attention to the very low prices affixed, with the view of their genera! adoption, ts solicited, to wit: At wholesale, for plain bronzed Cases, of various colors— Name prates from $4,50 to 89 per doaen. Moderate additional charge forextra gilding and orna mental painting, or inlaid gold, silver and pearl work. Communications, deairing.Tnrther information, or or ders for Cases and materials, will recetvejirompt atten tion by addressing GEO. K. ROBER'rS, Agent, Sarcophagns Ware rooms, 374 Main su, Cun., O. 07- Funerals attended,hearse and carriages furnish ed. and conveyances, with appropriate attendants pro vided far transportation to aay part of the country, on application at the office as above, jy 16 G. K. B. TUE undersigned European Agent continues his an nual voyages between America and Europe, leaving Pittsburgh regularly in each year in June,and returning in September—transacting a general Law Agency, in connection with his relative, Hugh Kfxtrxn, Esq., now residentin Dublin. .The present lour will be tho twenty fiOhof thisAeency,througb England,lreland,Scotland, Wales, Ac. It embraces collection of legacies, debts, ren(s, property and claims; remittances of money; procu ring copies of wills, deeds and documents: conducting searches of all kinds, Ac., Ac. Innumerable references Sven. During the subscriber's absence, bis brother, dwxbb J. Kssnan, will attend in hts Office. Office on Fifth street, opposite St. PauPs Cathedral. _ THOMAS J. KEENAN, European Agent, jes:tf . A\; And Attorney, ht. LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. A in this City, engaged in a safe, snre „ and profitable merchandising and manufacturing bnsiness, having fallen into a low state of health, is de sirous of selling out his interest in the concern, for the purposeof leaving the eityfor the recovery of his health. Any person having command of 83000-in cosh, and a fair credit, can enter into this business wi h every guar anty of success. ffj- Address “ MANUFACTPRER," Box 69, Pitts burgh, Pa., stating where an interview can be had. jy23 Green teas have advanced 7 cents per LB.—You can buy Green Teas at MORRIS’ TEA MART, in the Diamond, for three months dg&ome, at the old prices and the’Some qualities, notwithlsanding the advance in prices East, as they have a large stoox on hand. They sell the best Teas in Pittsburgh at this Store, and defy opposition. ___ Dy2® r PHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a valuable House A and Lot, situated on Ann street, Allegheny City.— The Lot is 18 feet front by 55 feet deep. The House con tains a Hall, two Rooms, Kitchen Cellar and two Bed Rooms. A large yard, with out oven, hydrant, Ac. Price 9900. Terms-UlOOin band: balance in one, two and three yean. S. CUTHBERT.Gen’I Agent, jy26 ‘ 1 . i-> -* p- i ~tNo. 50 Smithfleld sL /"'I OLD PENS—Bard A Brother, G. A E. M. Smith, tj Todd & Smith and W. W. Wilson'. The above brands are now unrivalled In quality of Gold, in qoill-iike elasticity, in fineness and smoothness of the points, and in durability. I wifi warrant every Pen of these makes. Justreceivedthis morning, aWI assortment, and enstomers will always find at mystore the best stock, and at the lowest priceswluch a good ar- be sold at. Butter— 3 bbis. packed; Okeg. doj For sale by w|tf ISH-6 half bbls. No l White Fishl 6 do do Lake Shad; 10 do Lake Sfolmon; Receiving and for sale by WM. DYER, je2fl No 207 Liberty st T \BU- s I,bit No. 1: TTOLLANU HERRING-JO kegs new Holland Her- . ( ) £ ro “» *"?-V>r’>'" % V * X H ■liV.w-;.,,-.'^ t 4"K L - * rf T 4 *. -r h v T -"\ { 1 fc !,T v * . • .v- ‘:f ;-.?:'.v;-. , v' 1 .. ./. ■» \ * No. 1 for Bodies 22 to 28 inches in length, 83,00 V “ 28 to 33 “ “ 4,50 3 “ 33 to 40 “ “ 6,00 4 “ 40 to 46 “ “ 8,00 5 46 to 54 ‘ k ** 9,00 6 “ 54 to 60 “ 10,00 7 “ 60 to 65 “ “ 11,00 8 “ 65 to 09 “ “ 14,00 9 •* 66 to 70 *' “ 16,00 10 1 08 to 73 “ “ 17,00 11 “ 72 to 76 “ 18,00 12 u 60 to 65 “ extra deep 12,00 13 “ 05 to 69 “ “ 15,00 14 “ 00 to 70 “ “ 18,00 15 “ 68 to 73 “ “ 19,00 16 “ 70 to 76 u “ 20,00 European Agency, Satlc© Wfitxainess Bleu. ‘ ♦ I Parlor. drawing, din- i FUKNII’IUIJS.. No.-ttd ttitdiirttL, btlmen Market and Wood, Ssulfy a W* have now on hand a large and \il splendid stock of every variety ol C uaihs ■■ icfiiit, and CABINET FUHNlTUßK,whiehwe f T| lare confident cannot beiarpassed, i, fßfffr equalled,in this City, om U v e West, in style and finish. Those who are in wantoi Furniture are respectful)? invited to call ami examine loi themselves. [pr Steamboats furnished on th • shortest nslice. lO* All orders promptly attended u>. frUlShlf O’DONNELL. MULLEN A CO. O’DonneU, Mullen A Co. Pittsburgh Chair and Cabinet Ware Rooms, NO. 08 THIRD BT.,^ BETWEEN WOOD AKB MASK»T, (SOUTH SIDE). MANUFACTURERS oi Cane Seal Parlor Chairs; Cane Seat Hocking Chairs; He l|sjil ception and Invalid Chair* ; Cane Seal ■ and Country House Stools; Settee*; Louu ges, and every variety of common Chair*. JfM| f All of which were manufactured under Bffffl H tlieir personal superintendence, and ore * H “ warranted both in material a,d workman ship inferior to none in the City. Dealers in these arti cles will find it to their especial advantage to call and examine for themselves previous to going elsewhere. Steamboats and Dwellings furnished at the shortest notice. All orders punctnaiiy attended to. fjytfl Furniture and Vhslr War* I Looms. 2T. B. YOUNG ft CO., corner of and SmithfieJdsu.) opposite BrewnS HoULwL Pa.) keep constantly on hand -Kp| and make to order, at the lowest prices, * *% • HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and CHAIRS, of the best workmanship and most approved styles. _ teblS Steamboats* Ahoyt I Thji subscribers tender their nctiY for the favors bestow c|w ed upon them by their Steamboat friends, and fll would respectfully remind them and others into- 1 * rested in building boats, that they are at alt limes pre- Sared lo furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every escriplion of Cabin Furniture and Chairs ot the be* material and workmanship. 7 B YOUNO & CO n Corner Third and Smithheld streets. opposite “ Brown’s Hotel. 0 8. C. HAfIUXR. Htmmir A DftUi«r, CABINET W AREROOM, 3MITRFIELD STREET, Between Sevemhstrett and Strawberry alley yPkisburg, Pa. a HAMMER A DAULER keep constantly onhand WL a variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, K|&| warranted equal to any in the eity, and sold on as ' “ ■favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar establishment in .he West. They have now on hand an unusually extensive stock, embraoing all kinds of Furni ture, trom the cheapest and plainest to the most costly and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mrtlrfm HAVE ON HAND at their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY. No. 04 Smilhfield at. aiarge assortment of fancy and plain Furniture, which they will sell 15 per cent below customary rates. Terms—cash only. jdectg7:ly WM. E. STEVENSON continues to m&nu fac lure CABINET- WARE ot every descrip ~*nm t>J ™i at his old stand, corner ol Liberty and streets. UNDERTAKING attended to, in all its branches- mayll MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS, OIL MILL BUILDINGS, South-Weet tor •Tl ■“» ner of Diamond, (near the Ohio and Penn- KflmhmL tvfoania Rat/road Depot,) Aiabqhbnt Ctty. SllsSgijSßiver and Land Steam Engiues, Fire En gines, Hydraulic Presses, of all descriptions ; Copper plate. Lithographic and other Presses; Gold Stamping and Refining Apparatus, together with MtU Machinery in general, built upon the most approved plans of con struction, and workmanship to the satisfaction of cus tomers. (0* All orders left at Messrs. Cochran, Mcßride A Co.’s, No. 26 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or addressed to thesubscribers, Allegheny, will receive prompt attention, suit DODDS A CROZIER. Bolivar Pin Brick Sannfaetnrin* Company. JaS. GLOVXB, S.BS.KIKR, B.r.JOSXS, H. a. MSBRAW, 6LOVKR, KIRR A CO., Proprtstorfli THE subscribers haying been appointed Agents fcr the above named concern, wllf keep constantly o r nand a supply of the celebrated BolivarFhe Briek, Cru cible Fireclay, Furnace Hearths and Inwalls. They are also ready to receive orders for said Brick, to be made in size and shape to sail. purchasers, which shall be promptly filled. " We do not oeem it. ppcessary to enumerate the many advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick posess over all oth ers that have been offered for sale in the United Stater, their superiority being well known to almost all persons who use Fire Brick. The proprietors have determine t that the Fire Brick shall lose none of their present envi able reputation, and that uo expense shall be spared t > make them even better.than they have heretofore been. This is the only establishment uow.manu&ctariog Fire Brick at Bolivar. " KIER A JONES, raarl7 Canal Basin, Seventh gU, Pittsburgh. WDALY A CO. have now ready for. sale a large # and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Hosiery in all its branches. They would direct particu lar attention to their stock, of Gentlemen’s cotton half Hose, with Merino and Silk feet: they are of the best; materials and workmanship, and for comfort as a sum— mer Sock, canntifbe equaled. W/IX &Go have also on hand Gents 'Undershirts and Drawers in cotton, silky;- and merino; Childrens’ Hosiery of all the old established Stocking Store, Fifth street, between Wood and Market. (mvt— *= For Vsmales and Males* DR, LARZBITE’S J UNO CORDIAL, or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as an,effectual restorative in eases of debility, impotency or barrenness, and all ir regularities of nature. It is all that it professes to be— viz: Nature’s great restorative, and remedy for (hose in the married state without offspring; It is a certain care for Seminal emissions, general debility,.gleet, weakness of the genital organs, nervous affections, leucorThcsa Or whiles. As a vlgoraiing medicine it is unequalled.— Also, a certain remedy lor incipient Consumption, indi gestion, loss of muscular eqerjy, physical lassitude, fe male weakness, debility, Ac. it is warranted to please the user in any of the above complaints, and is of price less value to those without offspring. To spread wide the blessings of this medicine, I have ; appointed Messrs. Jadson A C0.,-of the city of New York, In the United Slates of America, my sole agents for its sale; and none can be genuine unless it conies through them, and their signatures are on the wrapper. ANTONIO U. NapUty July 16th, 10$% Sold only in Pittsburgh at the Medical Depot, No. 75 Smitbfieid street; and by B. H. Meaking, Walnut street Cincinnati: Raymond A Patten,No. 60 Fourth street Louisville. fmariMtly Harr's Island Saw Hills* muE above establishment has been taken by the an- X deraigned, with the view of pursuing the legitimate business connected therewith; and as they fire now re* ceivinga fall supply of Timber, orders for alt uses of Lumber will be filled with promptness, and at as low prices as by any other Mill in the neighborhood. PALINfiS of a-plain and ornamental pattern willow euu [api3o-y] J CAffMATt & CO, HOPS— 16 bales 1849 Hops Dow landing aod-for sale, an!9 MILLER&BICgETSbN USTARO, repper and Spice fresh ground, for Bale aalB . WRIGHT. & ALCORN. T) R,SUGAR. —Wbhds.P.Rv-Sugar.iimreceividTSnd J: for s?vlefey ' MILLER * fUCKETSON. aa22 _ _ No». 221 and 283 Liberty tl. t, '■'* 1 * ■'* J*' 4 * . «* - *» V- ’* «• T ’ * *• ■X * . ' „\S*i ,’i' ' *' '-C' .A • •,:>• I>P * " io OablDtiHUk«n> A. fIILLIKEN A CO„ DODDS A CUOZIfcCR, A card* • -* ‘ v -. *~ -'/t f 'r ? ftft '1 * ’ J-ft ft' *- ' '4^* -* ”''t ft- % ftftftI*'" 1 *'" i j> r ~f " c-"-y"M P * *■ \ 31 ft X J'fit-’s’*** ftft- ±ft ~ •* , < ftVj “• ft > r * * 1 > , -. , , ' v ? ..ft 1 " s -e' v * ] ~> i T «• < ~ y £~ ft*?'’'. 7t i „ ~ /'' > * ft-* ftftft - ftftft •:ft ft ftfti] - ftftftftftX* ftrft - ;ft V **« r* -x- -* - v - rf» f ftftft-' ru r i^?r’r^^.^r6^- 21 1 / '* ANOTHIiR'SCIftN'i'IFIC WONDER! - pkfwhi . ■ ME TBDE DIGESTIVE FLUID,, - Or G»«tr*C r| ->m- A CHEAT J*XS££I!%IA.CVBEa,. .ThBEBARED from Rennet, or the fourlh stomach of XT 'iKe’Ox, after directions Liebig,the grout ■VBySftHogfcol Oliemistjlry ■liNoriU fighih street, Wiladolphia, Pa.,,,:. 2 jj i This Is a truly wonderful remedy for HtDWESTIOffJ ■ OySPBPSIA, LIYER\ ■e SCIENTIFIC gVIDEtfCR! 5 AimnalDliem : iStry* aays,: to: rife Gastrife /hice,m4y nous articles of food, as wjll .be so saft-i ened, changed and digested, jUYi m Xhesame*nTannef hr • they woultfhe'tn'theinimnti'stomach.” . s'JDritptßSiriwJnhis'fkuwtui treatiseoa ,w Fopd'and Di- bf 35,: staieslme same greatfacf, ahd describes the -method oli Vrejl^flHori- iV 'There ttre fewhigherauthorUtcsthtirt^Dr.j 1 tingtiifbed professor of medicine in London, who was, severelyafflicted with everything, j else to flail* bad recourse lo.tGe-Castnc Juu?e, obuuned. ; Whiph pWved com-' famous works on “ Vegete 'S&vß&iSt* w l< ls’& remarkable fact in physiology« : tliafthe stoitiacW ofuniaials, macerated in ?wausr,un-< oart to the fluid the property of arpr cies of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digest lion of diem in no wise different from iheltatural digest. great work,the “Cbemmryof Man^L* 1 * , Aißlanchard. PhUa-, J 184f1, Wk* ■err M JPEPSIN towns ahew cra m the chemical history, orTCe&tibh'. knaw;ihnfi food is dissolved as rapidly in an aruficial. digestive! flaid,prepared from a is m the natural Gas-i trie Juice itself*” BuKBLlSoN,oflbe Jeffisreon Coilege.-l'hiU delphhUnhisgreot'Worlr on Human Physiology,devoir, _ , moio Iboa fifty puees laau,exwiuuauon of ilus subject- His expenme'nis with' Dr. Biahmdnt.xm the Gastna Juice, v that the truth in relation to our Remedy should be told, in order to secure for it a reputation lur exceeding any single article of the matena medico. Plain, unvarnished' facts—facta that may be ascertained in our own city and neighborhood, bear ample testimony in favor of the Pe-r troleom. Within the past two months, two of onr own citizens; who were totally blind, have been restored to sight. Several cases oi blindness, in the State of Ohio, have been cared. And, also, the case of a gentleman in Bea ver county. There are others ; but these cases are near home, and may be referred to by anypersons who may have doubts on the subject. These cases were cured al ter tney had been abandoned by physicians as hopetess- Tbe Petroleum will cpre, when used according to direc. , tions—Diarrhea, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout, r Neuralgia. Eruption*.on the Skin, Pimples onttie face, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm, Tetter, Scald Head, pains in the bones and joints, old sores. Ulcers, V* un£. Tumors. Scrofula, Cancer; Spinal irritation, Fever and Ague,Cnronie Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Pub, monary affections ofa chronic nature, tending to pro duce CONSUMPTION. Burns and Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and kid neys, Chapped HandSrExcoriated Nippies, Corns,and. Bunions. In faet, it is aensaT cmvKKs«.RKaaov, and has been tried in most of the above diseases witluu the past year with die most-perfect success... Certificates that will astonish are in the hands of the proprietor, who will take pleasure in showing them to the afflicted or their friends. Whatever others may say about, their medicine*, the Petroleum is the .'greatest Remedy of the age. Pby sicians of high standing-in the profession -ore beginning lo use it ia their practice. -Thosewho at first looked on with doubt and uncertainty, are willing to award ji- due praise and consideration.. Before another year rolls round,all will be compelled to acknowledge that the Petroleum Is the greatest meijicine ever discovered. For sale, wholesale and Retail, by '. t * KEYSER A MTOWELt, \ 140 Wood street. a. OA.UI.KB Also—R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; D. M. Corry, D. A. Elliott, Joseph Dopglass, Allegheny City. Alfo, by the Proprietor, S. &T. KIER, Canal Basin, 7th street, Pittsburgh. find TJie Human Body mast Perspire,' (SO SAYH NATURE,) TO RAVE A HEALTHY APPEARANCE, And persons who do not perspire are liable to the mos DISGUSTING SKIN DISEASES: NOW, Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap causes a free perspiration, and si the same time mollifies,softens the skin, giving it the texture and beauty of an infant's. SCURVY, 1 SALT RHEUM AND SORES, are soon not only heoledfbnt cured by its use; ns at least seven physicians in New Y ork know, who usc-tt in such cases, andfind it unfailing—as also, in PWIPL^BLOTCHE3, FRECKLES, or any other skin disease. The reader is assured iliar this is no oselesspoffed nostrum; os one trial wilipiove. I could enumerate at least 80 persons cured of SORB HEAD,SORE LBGS AND SORE BEARD. Buy it, and thereader is again assured,! would not cruelly sell it fbrthe above, unless I knew it to be nil J state. Those who are liable to CHAFED,CRICKED, Oft CHAPPED FLESH, -will find (his ndt only a cure, but a preventive; ami I can now only add, that any ,one afflicted with any of the above, or similar diseases, will find this allund rveii: more (admirable in its properties! than 1 state. reader, the store* are flooded with imitations, and be sure you ask for Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap— and buy it only of Wftl. JACKSON, ouly Agent In Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head ofWood- JoueP Lily White, * LADIES are cautioned against using common prepa red Chalk. They arenotaware how frightfully injurious it is. to the'skin 1 how course, how ‘fdughjhow sallow, yellow and unhealthy the sum appears after using prepared Chalk! Besides, it is injurious, contain ‘ ing u largrqcamityof Lead »■ We have prepareda beatitifnl vegetable article, which we call JONES’ SPANISH LILY WHITE. Ills perfectly innocent, beingpnrified of all deleteri ous qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear; living white; at tlie samfii ihne acting as cosmetic on the skin, making it soft und smooth. Sold by the Agent,WM. JAGKSON,S9 Liber ty street, head of WoodjPiltsbizrgh. Price 25 cents. PsarlE White TeeihMidßrsath, , f<> BE HAD FOR 25 CENTS. PERSONS who have either, are honorably osauted: that If their breath is ever so foul, or their TEETH DECAYED,DARK OR YELLOW, and encrusted with, tartar, that a 25 cent box of Jonev - Amber Tooth Paste will make.the teetli while as snow. and the breath odiferously sweet. Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty stree ■head of Wood. Tde^O ... 89laUon.of• A LIQUID HUMAN HAIR'DYE for hanging- oh, while, red or grey Jiair to a i)*»iK wooum pr child has died of the CHOLERA ox any of its symptoms who used ibi* £»?« few cases of For sale bVkfcvSER t'U-Dbw^HO 0 PmjtiMrh,where ihespnaine £li«rs bi U !H»W7- >.: - t j ? Bounty Jandu “—“.... CAPT. NAYLOR, No; 163 Third .street, eornei of Cherry alley, having made arrtmgkments at Wa«h noon forihepuniose, wiUpideure Bounty Lands for fhe officei* and their widows and cbiidren.£nder , 1.1 > * » > B* fit*- AOmj&T, , :| MERCtfMTTMIiUR, !, No. \6&-t&?bad’(s****s&&&**&)• ' :| /It Corning his-;*incere;thaiik*it, .••,;■ 1 X- the ana vicinity fofthe very ihtpugtusufcuuemiojvio busmens and,a afl,* tb mtfrir a cbnUnhance 1 of tbeiPftrow*vPanfeslat • lalienUpJi3»fwd^^lWldrflj , #-C!pil|loifj» • In connection with jho Tajiorjng RusineiSybe has ■ _ KJpbiftM h^arier-and-splcndid:; thlßQ i ; ■■' THKEK V:: . u I! \si; libtrly Simt, Ptttiburgh.:* J-, . TOJI!iMcCI.OSKEV, ; ha»;now Uie pleasure, of «n W " liouiicingloliisiiulheroiis friends ana tile public in igeneraljtliatiiikSprinejutii SiUnjnet.»tQCfcisn(>w«Rady Foy inspection,,winch no believes will- be /onmLtohe Oife ofthevlarcesf-and - Made CteUUngto be fonmliailie.wesieTivJfO^Wv.^ Re bos this season paid tnorC thartllsoat attention to itheiTao&nlacißring ana stvlc.ofJus€iarnienlS, : sears I !Biperience,and great success m the bu sutesss with an,unprecedented teholescdt and re ta*< patronage, has ftnablcuium lo- ger up Garmemsio .• ®, a .^lb e.ba%injjs hnlM*d.tasiea of.every locationjn llic Union, which is or the almost rmportance to whore* said purchasers:-- -s rf ; MJbfc.guiyng department will he found a choicer^* lecuonofthe monfashionablegoc > ds^conststiTi'g''or-iJ tn-v Frenchi JSnghsh anddmencan; i Cashnterelta, i? &c. Also.an etceUcniassortmcnt of l 'YBSTtNGSj of tbe latest and most lashidnubVe lo maketo«rderin the be&i inunne> and at the most reasonable prices. ‘ C • COMKjTUbN, ONBANDALU f - ..'»Thc Assortment, the Quality, and the Variety, is the Vrfosvdnensive, undoubtedly, to be fernd in the UnUfed t*tales t* ~ bult2^ ~ James ,C. -jWWi r^,{Formerly Cutter io the late P. OKtAHT,) . TIfrOULD most' respectfully 1 unnouncetohia-lnendfl .. f Ujq nubjieja ffijieral. that .her l iiAftitifis* an cmife f new‘'*tdfik ii or aod^uauner~wor r ¥i;tr:.:iiipejfine- Frenchy English and Jminain CToAs , Cashmarells, uJXteudy&a&ttesqZtoiUe&FraichiltWtCtaksiiieuVt* riQl aruclo/or business Cools,), together with a large as*. “Sdrfrnrfnttyf plain &tty strict.attention to ftU'Or* dersmtriJ»ietl to Ins core, to merit a blihrt*u>f pdbGdpa tronage JAMfcS C WAIT No. ;ll» Marhut,between Second and Tjuid ala. ru rAMI,: ' y—>. of tbe good rayu fjpJ) ihmgg oftliiß life, ftfaouldrirdp:ronj{dfegKl see URAIIAM, ial. ins vneivffMgtel, - No-30,'one dcorirortk Penn,on t St. ClHifsi. TTarry sen’es out tolifa.eusmmer3-tbfe best Oyster'Ll qfforv, 4, WirteS'«nd T Cigars thai'catl-be found inartv of :thc*e’cre.digguis.' t:;-lau2&3m : i -«Jollll.W*. , JE*linp >r. yjr. : v HAS ALWAtY 3ON H disown manufacture, - a large assortment of AVHIPSj OANES and'UM- v. BH KLLAS oi evcrit,dcscnpuoH,\vbicb;he.Trill dispose -ufj wholesale-or xefaH, at prlcesus low.as they canbe-y -procured for in eilhertbeciUesof New Yorkj Phil/uJeJ- ■■■ .:■; plua or Baltimore.' Alep, on hand a large flUpply.of •. v 'BRUSSELSfcndINGRAIN CARPET, BAGS •DIES’ SATCHELS, whfahrwLll be sold at New York ' prices... Justreceivedficpm Ike RTanufaclojry a.npwanp-, ply of INDIA ■RUUBICK AVHIPS- ali v sizcs,*wfir6}e*a!e ind retail ‘ * JOHN Vf* TUtt, . ~ :Nol4'A. Woodetreei, gear-Virgin^iUcy. Adams A Kxprrn timce f , : 6f> Market Street* , £ xN and after Monday. 2othinsianlourTnV>k AlCOati, tntavorof Mr Jons Weight, I ta*e pleasure Id Te* commendinghun amitbo new tirmof WRIGHT <& AL* CORN 1 to their late cu*fOTxers r aftd the publie m general as being every way worthy of their patronage and'-con fidfence? Jautai >V* R. RHODES BIIATK milpilAS ARNOLD, Sitae Roofer and DeaUt'trt Slata. X bn on baud a full supply of very add is prepared to executo-ony (ftders for jtork iliac may he entrusted Xo hnn, u* a manner iljat wilVtn* Sure satisfaction, and on very accommodatingterm*.—* He devotes ki« enure tune and attention Ufthe busmens, Und Confident that aft his workwUbo ptfrfecw lie rnuy be found at Logan, WUsqn * Co U JJ29 wood street 0 faa&Khs Hew Chocolate Factory. SIG N GIAMBONI Yto respectfully inform tbe public that they are now manufaetanng'CgiOCO LATE of avCrjrifaahiy and pricey Chocojntejun iikemost inkers eoldhere, Is vv.rramed.JWP a ml. unad ulterated, and hence, of finer flaror, more* nftmeious and wliolesomtf. ' Stg. G. and Co.. ; havin£.beeai SUNDRIES— ■Mr- 90 half chesiaGreen and Blacfc.Teasj-, - , • 13U-caUy* boxes. do do- -,, da; . 6Q boxes choice brands Tobacco; Vk M ' (»brO. ‘Miller &<3oodwni?s.FJne:CarTofracca 1 n 30 M. Havana aoj 00 bags Rio Coffee ; OSr do Laguyra Coffee; ■ :_••• ' Coffee; 30 boaeaStarCanciles; 10 do Sperm do; 30 do Mould and Dipped-; ' 3D kegs Ground Spices; 6bogs I’cpperandPJmenlo; 15 boxes Cocoa and Chocolate : • 3cus6?assorted Pickles; • * ■. . • - 3 do Bordeaux und Sicily - - 10bxs*AJm0mi,i*alra,and IculeiSoap; - 1. do Hecker’s Fauna: S' do - Oom-Stareb; ...l;; * v ' si: do > Babtuitfs Yeasland Soah'Powdera. ... r:2O-do CloiUesJ'lns, 25d02. palenVZinc'%Vash'Board<*; * 100 do Corn Brooms. Wholesale-on*! retail by- J. D. WILUAWS A Co < Nw R. cor. WoodtmdjiSiftU sis au27 M^KRIS?,™ the Uiatnond, rt ihe be»i p!ft•; ■ . -» r j ao n BAKLEY— 7U-boB. for sale by ' • .• n°g>-.. •• ■ ■■ STUART^ait-L. /■flltAKKr—4oca&es Boideaux ClatefiJow laaiUnffamJ [aul9j_ MILLER it, RIpKRTSON MURPER{ MUBDKR!—Tboueaudaof'Flie* destroy • cd byrthe oseoflheliidta Exterminator, K-R c Tehraf-tbousandsof Ronehe« Hat* apt} Mice bav© t>ee.u destroyedrby \ Exterminator. ,t*j turn «ceut« perboxt, These article have never wn to fetl. wholesale and re tatt aMiteiggdicaP Depoy,s»9tmtbfield street-• [auH O ’ CEXt lUj6k- anil' OilFellow \._J for ISSI-—jupt ■'■-.'3 j » »u? Hinton & r- t'kAS— Imperial, Gunppymcr,. You'ua " Black Tens, rec’d and lot sale W" “ aal3 KING > -\tAilA-&)tcwiH3ntHHl:lnw ■ . MOQmiI.AU. .aug7,..-.- "•lorKalßby"' ‘ STUART * 8?’ Y. H- loclose-bai XT O.SU«A»» I>V au®- 1 ptnno ot«Klale by ‘ 7 .STOART A SIM,. ( jJRESHB AU23: ITER—deceived thiaday.aml for sale at - &ORRISt TEAMS. RT, soo bus. Y!';L,LoW;COßN,.*for>.whic!i .iho pighcsi cash price will be paid. '' WRlfcftT fc ALCORN, i:-: Nei ll?.Tdini el. > r , o,t HOOD’& Jewelrv g* or - si hrfie- 1 *? e ?^?" d *?*•■“«.. ■»• ouc-lmlf uS' ? reiri! ; . _j___Hm*«}.* T'prNri'i s',*» r, ! i,e "‘ of PfaNsTSSiTCoLO •T - .,1 - ln »s ecllme at about half'll usual remljnpe. ai HOOD’S, at Muriel m [a„w Jfil l BXs - HAISJWS ; »W/ 150i3a Pig a? 20 casks Currants; 50 boxes Jujube Paste: 40 do,. Ro?k Candy: « do Maccatoair 20 do- Verraiecella; i: Locates jars: - - la store and for saie * . . , JOSHUA RHODKS J & CO No. G Wood street 30d for sale ** < m K vo ~i 'oi j it r 1.1 l 'i nT V* a Esmond. Y—6o bua. far Bale by ~~T. . , f STUART Sir.?, ■* ■< y t i ' *. " c T 1 * v V*+ " « V‘ v - -V > s \ ? - < v ■* v ~ ’ -'"<■ * _v- oAfr^«*«w'*qwi!ElMMft ** - u ■> «. r*" - -JC 1 ' t !; " f L C^-'. K ~ -jr- v r- * p t <■ V «?>f' S' ► T ff *f‘" /- **■ / L- - *1 ~ l-**' [ j **» k. 5 - „ * -. - » ■* lk*r-»* f ' /? rr> m ~ A r t ,- f ~ I * % V j* e ’» | t • r- r 3 ” s . ' * ‘l • ?- fO- • * ■ -i *; '** 1 _i_ * i -’ i • - m-y*'’ L" ~ V . I V, v . * *l &- : 4r£' ; v" ' r "'■• t } * e! - H p | : _ _ B? - -> * HA‘ W?-*. . U -3 * Is fcvy , g. lx JV - n Z u ft, * ’ p „ , > 'V. I, fcJ * *7 J*** t r - f* -r , » l * (>, v- fy«on uml UART>&,SJLI. r mmmm- L" ■“ jfV ~ ~ ) » c t* f! “vt jfcfcKCVR.iV *v - ' V ' ~ f