The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 17, 1851, Image 4

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: • ■ TAPSCOTT a co.«s
General Emigration and Foreign Exchange Offit ?s.
TIIL undersigned having accepted the Ageney of i he
above well known House, is prepared to l>riug< ui
rassengers from the Old Country - on as favorable itir ■< 9
as any other House in the City
Passages cun be engaged in the following Uik s,
punctually on the days appointed :
oWALLOW IAJL Line leaves Liverpool on the bib
and Slat of each Month.
RCD STAR LINK leaves Liverpool on the 26th of
each mouth
THE LINK leaves Liverpool Twice a Month.
THE LOUDON LINK of Packets sails from London
on ln« 6th. !3ih. 2tsi and 26th of every Month.
THE CLYDE LINK of Glasgow Packets sails fn ra
GLASGOW on the Ist and 15th of each month.
Also— A weekly Line of Packets for New Orleans.
IC7“ Passengers nhiped from New York to any part Jf
the West.
!£/*• The senior Partner resides m Liverpool, and $ u
penmendathc etaharcation of &U passages engaged 1u
this Country. ”
P.S. Persons desirous of visiung tbe Old Count >7
can have their passage engaged, through from Pitts
burgh, by application either personally or by letter,
(post paid) to the undersigned.
Can be had at very reduced rales by applying to the
undersigned .Agent for the of New
. Comer al Sixth streets.
(2nd story) nusburth
joim covode-• • johh f. cole
Another h reah Arrival at Ho- 07,
Corner of Wood Street and Diamond AUey. Pittsburgh
D. A^RLGG.A-CCLhavti just received another new
•" supply of DBY DOODS*nA VARIETIES, which
have been purchased since the late decline in Eastern
prices, which will be sold at a mom. ADvaacs. Owing io
our advantages m buying, and long experience in the
business, we flutter ourselves Uint we con afford our
goods ol prices regardless of competition. Our Ftock
wiU be lound t© be unsurpassed in the western markn
and much superior to any previous stock kept at the
.old eland by GreggAftPCandless.
We have justopeneda fresh lot of laic styles of BON
NETS, Ribbons, Parasols. Dress Lawns. Berages, Mou*
de Lames,Ladies- White Dress Good*. Ladies’ Gimps
Mlk fringes, A c , Broau Cloth*. Fancy Vesting*. Ca**i
meres, Summer Pantaloonery,Tweeds,Gloves- Hosiery,
suspenders, Buttons, Knives, Spoons,
Razors, Scissors, Ac., and all other articles In their line,
too tedious io mention. We have on hand, jan receiv
ed direct from the manufacturers and importers- by ox
press a large lot of GOLD and GILT JEWELRY
GOLD and riIUVKR WATCHES, and Watch materi
als, and being weekly in the receipt of such Good*- we
intend keeping our assortment complete. We earner ly
soluul an early call from buyers generally, before pur
chasing elsewhere-
Thirty cases of HRAbS ('U>OKS. jus! arrive.!, of
nous kinds
Remember, No 97, north-west corner of Wood
street and D.amoud alley. Pittsburgh
The business of ibe late firm of Gregg A M’.
Candles* i* to be settled by i) Gregg at the above
«laiid, who is fully authorized a d in whose possesion
are the books, note* and papers of said firm H»-t>
family Medicine..
XI UAL I ot a i elier iroui the Rev K L- Abooit -
well known u«d highly esteemed Missionary in ih
kingdom ot Burmab. dated
&a&dowav Ax&acas, February, l«4t>
Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia: My Dear Sir—We are
now ia great want of yoar Medical Preparations V -ur
CARMINAHVh BALSAM ih an invaluable medicine
in this country m bowel coinplamis, and baa been u**-d
in all our Missions with the most gratifying success 1
. k £?»S 'f‘V , U1 ?"> tBses 10 »«l*tq a cluwa Your
&AikAilVh, PILLS are my sued anchoc.—The t>e<u
medicine for my liver complaint and pain in the side that
1 have ever used Tuey are m great demand, and wc
areeuurely outof them We need iivehundred boxes
of them Brn. Beecher ?-ays we could use a thousand
boxes yearly among our people to great advantage 1
have used your TONIC VEHMiFUUK at a lonic in i“-
lermiuem fever, with the most complete success 1
U’mJc it once was the means o;- saving my own son Du
ring my travels among the churches the past season 1
found a whole village suffering under a prevailing influ
enza, attended wan coughs ot u most violent character
nol had u dozeu or two of your
fcJLI LL i OKANT :o auiiunisier to them, for 1 i elieve
from what I have scan of as effects, that it would have
been just the thing for those poor people. I presume you
have not huheriohad an idea io what an csiem your
medicines are used iu all our Missions
AlTecuomucly yours. E.L. ABBOTT
For «ri)e ;tl Hie Pekin tea Sun, 3b. Fifth stret L fj T I
Jodd’e Medicated Liquid Cuticle.
I'Hls article is intended Tor family use, and should !*e «
found tu lie possession of every family in the land
Alech&mc* who are in constant damper ofiujuiY to u-cir
persons through accident, tuid die improper orcareleps
use of tools, will find this articlc to ba invaluable to
them, and after a fair trial, will consider it indispensable
u This mny certiiy ihai we, the undersigned- bavin*
frequently made use of Judd’s Medicated Liquid Cuticle
prepared by Messrs. Pcafield A Camp, Middletown:
Connecticut, cheerfully recommend it to our profession,
al brethren, as an excellent substitute for adhesive plas
ter, m dressing burns, cuts, scalds, bruises, and all kinds '
ol fresh wounds, ulso, for sore nipples, a remedy upc- '
_ Comprising all the practicing physicians in the city of
For sale by
Compound Syrup of Yellow JDoelt 'Aoot
OCCUPIES the front rank among ibe pr apridorv
medicines oi Uns country for complete ]v «urinff
Canker.ball Rheum, Erysipelas, and all oth«.T dlseasp*
aristae from an impure slate of the blood, £ i.T t i£t*
Complaint, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Headacb
Coughs, Soreness and Tightness a boat it
chius, or Hoarseness, Dryness, and a v Ai; n( , spnsmion
about the Throat : aud t. used ’with u
cess In all cases of npreccacnieu sue
Strengthening ihe weakened h W E 2£ni? tone lo the
various orgaue, and invigoratr lae
If the testimony of thousan' l J? e cn tire system
all parts of the country, ca- {‘ ° n ! vi “S witnesses, from
larlvrff' .v \n a if ni f <1 be relied upon, it is suigu
hg;*y , o?H°hrnira?* o« Sumors. and lestorlDg de
.mted aud broken constitutions. It is. purely
L nronoMir and so accnmtel/ com
hined in its proporur n 5 lhttl botauieal and
medical prope l. of ea uigredienl harmoniously
II has reinovr J( j mau y c |, ro ntc diseases which has bnf
fled Uieekiu est pi,y ß , cmns ant j has also cured
Ganfcer,sa ta Rheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which
Syrups entirely failed to moke the least im
pression upon.
DTuts been tested in many cases of CANCEROUS
HU MORS. The most obstinate Cancers have been
cured by tins mAiicme. We say that Ills u valuable
medicine m all BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. Jt removes
ail obstruction m the circulation, rendering the Liver
free, active and healthy. It removes Palpitation of the
Heart, and relieves m all eases of Asthma, and may be
used in ail climates, and at all seasons of the ycur.
This byrup is preparedoaJy by C. MORSE A CO., at
Itw Fountain street, Provjtfciice>.R, I .and sold whole
sale and retail, by . S. N. WICKEHSHAM.
. . Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania,
jclliy Warehouse, cor Wood and Sixth sis., Piltsh'h
Strauger, Look at'ThUl
rule Morocco » ases. The subscribers announce
- to the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that .(hey-con
get a likeness for out. half tht usual price, not to be sur
passed by those taken m the East. vVc don’t mean 'to
be surpassed by any. Iluvmg a large et, uud aide
light, we arc prepared fu->tiUious We
will not ask any person to take a likeness unle* H it suits
them, Miniatures put in Lockets, ]’ms or Rings
or deceased persons taken at their residence.
Rooros.ou.3J Si. Charles Hotel.
„ . giylfofigicL... ~ ~ .
TUST-RECEiVhD a hue assortment of these LAMPS,
. for bunnug.lhe Camphene, Pine and Ethereal Oils,
which I will sell at greatly reduced prices.
&» Fourth st-, between Market and Wood,
Manufacturer and Deafer,*'WJtolesale and Reuu), in the
- above named Oils. tjell
ritHECo-Partnership heretofore cxistingbetwcen the
J.! subscribers, under the firm of J. S.BONNET & Co.,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner
may use the name of the concern tn settlement;
. Pittsburgh, Apnllst, 1850.
- : - IfT? Having sold my enure intcrestiß the firm of J.S.
Boiwet*-Co- to M. i>. Patton, my late partner, and in
retiring from business, i take great pleasure in recoin*
" the confidence-of my friends and the
■ lap3] ‘ ' £ 3. BONNET.
publie. '
. -f yrNBKYOUb ANTIDOfYEwiII care ailcajeg
yy of Headache, Spirits, Mental or Physical
Decay, and is so .wonderful m rejuvenating premature
old are,'and correcting decrepitude, brought on by ex*
cesaireindulgencej that nothing bni a trial can convince
th^raUentpHlsgnaiiues. Itisnot on excitant, but a
- Bt^rp',^^r MC ri^THBERr,
ajgg 50Smtfafield slrwL
• inbrcdflzen of this valuable medicine, forihe core
. r Aom an jmptire state qfthebiood,--
1 Vjasf rfiseived-and by yAjiES A-JONES, T •
V* r ' flslS ’’ r corner of Liberty and Hand gta.
w" .. - ::. : -. • " •*;••• « .
[Successors to TifcFadsn Sr Covodi,']
Pennsylvania Railroad Co.—Central Radroad.
ITUIE subscribers having been appointed Shipping
JL Agents for the Pennsylvania or Central Railrohd,
inform the public that we are now prepared to receive
any amoatu of merchandise or produce for shipment
East. 1
Goods on this route will "be earned through in five
days, and all consigned to U« will be forwarded fred ol
commission or charge for udvanccs.
Bates Frexght between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Dry goods, hats, shoes, books, stationery, cutlery, eon
fecuoaur), truus, feathers, furniture, drugs, raedi-smes
saddlery? Ac. 81,00 F 100 Oh.
Hardware, queenswure, groceries, paints, dye 6tuff<,
oils, leather, clover, flax, timothy and other gr&ss
seeds, wool . Ac. 60c- p- 100.
Bed, pork, buuer, lard, lard oil. tobacco leaf, coffee,
tallow, grunt ami rugs. bOc- p ICKi
Ashes, marble (rough), tar. pitch, roam. German clay
bones, bacon, Ac. 50c- lOti.
conier Penn und Wayne streets
Pittsburgh. July Ist. 1651.—jy10
Fare Reduced.
■Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philad'a
TtHE Morning- Hoar leaves daily at 9 o’clock, A M-.
. precisely, connecting with the Cars at Cumberland
next morning.
The evening boat leaves daily at 6 o’clock. P M
(except Sunday evening*,) connecting with the cars' a
Cumberland nert evening, m H) o’clock
Time throdgb to Baltimore 32 hour*. Pare only 89
•• lime through to Philadelphia 40bours. Fare only S*o
- Nniioiuil Road is now good. Conductors gowuh
the coaches between Brownsville and Cumberland—
winch makes this decidedly the best-route East
Office m the Mononeahela House
coruer of Wood and First
Pine Oil Lamps*
oi Sew Cooks I New Books f
'» A LITERARY DEPOT, No. 74 Ilurd
li J\. strfefct’, opposite the Post Office :
“IjondoxnAri-Jouraa) for August.
The Model Architect, with designs of Collage*, Villas
Suburban Residences, Ac.
I ravels in Ludy Stuart Morlley.
The: Scalp illuntera in Northern Mexico—by Copt.
Mayue Rnd.
Ralph Rutberfork: a Sea Tale—by Sir AdmiralFjsher.
Lewi* Arundel —or Hie Railroad of Life
• Dictionary of Mechanics. No. 37.
Lined'* Living Age, Na_3?9.
Godey’s Lady's Book for August.
G'raitaurs Mairazme, " do
Suruun-R Magazine, do
The Ladles- National do
TheGifrtey Ghidf—l»y G. W. M. Reynolds
Mabel; or, The Child of the Baule Field—a Tale of
fhe Piopeer’sT)aughter : a Tale of Indian Captivliy
—by Emerson Benheit
' The Advenmreaof Paul Periwinkle* uSea Story.
Ihci.ouiitessof Ltlesburg— by Duma*
Leant, or the Smlojis of Baris—b/ Maj. Richardson.
X eu ** : a Problem—by tbe author of ‘’Alton Locke.-’
7 he I urner 5 * Companion—with illustrations
I revelers Guide through ihe.U. S-aml Canada.
Beua. or the Snow Bud : a Talc of Real Life—by
Caroline Leeilcmz.
The Ileirof West WhyLmd—a Tale by Mary Mowin',
lhe Roae-r-by Dulwct. (nuW
! New mullet Aew {Quito l
I |-| KLfcBER, No. 101 Third street, ha* just selected
11« from among' the latest east* rn publications the
I following new and fashionable Music :
i iiopeehuve departed forever,
Make meno gnady chaplet:
Oh 1. bays.cvrry me along; i
Tarn not tfvfmy. Drfeft by Poster;
I'd oder thee this hunt] of mine ;
Mignon’s cclebra ed song; •
I dream of my Fatherland. * Jenny Lind
Mary, we pray for thee. Moore =
The half broken heart;
And are we thus compelled to nan ?
Little Red Riding Hood -
Spirit Polka. Nelly Bly-
Lily do Camptown Races.
Bride’s do Passing Away:
Bloomer do Little Blossom ;
Love do Blanche Alptn ;
Ravel do Ocean Burial:
Bycrlvs Wulir. Nalaie.
New tfooka t New Books l
O Cheap Pubhcuuon More. No. 85 Fourth street:
Lewis Arundel; or the Railroad of Life
Ralph Rutherford—a Nautical Romance. By Sir Ad
rairal Fisher.
The Mysteries of the Heath—a companion to the Mys
tones of Parts. By Rugene Sue
A fresh supply of Blackwood for August
No. 10 Field Book of the Reuoluuon-
The London World of Fashion
The Ijves of the Chief Jasticus of Knttlunil- from ihe
Norman Conquest till ihe death of Lord Mansfield. By
John Lord Campbell. L- L D
Bostwick on tho Causes of Natural l>rr,ii« ,v r f >7
New Mtuto.
JdlN H. MKLLOK. No. 8! \V ood direct- has rccei ve
the following pieces of new und popular Music '
Dolcy Jones. By S C. Foster;
Oh : Boys, Carry Me Along. By S. C. Foster:
Peacefal Nights—Duett. By Clover :
Moonlight Sleeping—Duett;
W’e Now Must Pnit: The Cavalier:
Take Me Home to Die ; I Watch for Thee :
Be Kind to the [,ovcd Ones ai Home :
Father’s Prayer; Joe Hardy;
Why Do Summer Roses Fade:
March From Lucia dt Lammerinoor;
Diligent Hose Company Quick Step ;
Pest March, Village Q 8.; World’sFutr do :
1 Have Riches, Thou Hast Beauty—Variations:
Lome,Slug Me that Sweet Air Again. do :
Le Tremolo. By Ros&elen. do :
Believe Me, if aft these Lndounug Young Charms
Diudem livcrlys. Aurora und Silver Bell Walizcn
Lily, Nancy » hanny: Bloomer; t'haron: Fire pfy
Jenny Gray, Syracuse ; Cottage: Ordrn : Coquets
and Cully Polkas. [au*/?
modern Harp*
ULUUKha* just received alargc stock o< Vocal
i which are—
i The Modern Harp—or Bosiaji Sacred Mejodtsi~ u
! collection of the most popular church music in use :
1 In; Bohion Mrto.lorm—m three volumes: consisting
of songs, glees, rounds. Ac.. See.: including man v 01 the
most popular pieces of the day. arranged and harmo
nized for four voices
Hu.- Melodist—a new work containing selected gems
from the most celebrated composer*, with accoropnm
mein for the Piano Porte :
The National l»lee Book Ajr—trr four voices:
Sc IT- instructing School for the Violin—a now and se i
enulic work, m three parts. complete m one. By l».
lilt Melodeou —.l collection of the most popular Mc
todl« a, enrefoil) arranged lor Klair or Violin, m ivrli e
Heiirt Ilcrii s m-w a it J complete Piano horte Scliuoi
n-w and unproved edition of I'inno
rone Insiruciof-.
Cu.rny % l*iaiu> I orie Instructor -
Carra.tsn . Curuiiia . aud K. l;utvrni t» uitar 1 n«lrunor •
Amateur*' tjunnctin Club—in three numbers a»d lour
parts, lor the Isi mid -id Violin. Violmcrlio and I- luir . Music. m lour pan* and 0 numbers.
Howe % Musician-* Companion—in three parts .
At the Old Rstabnshfd Piano Depot.
No. ilti Wood street.
Superior Watch Repairing.
JE WELLER, desires again to c-all the ui- Wvf*.
leuUon of the public to the workshop which he Jjj-x Vb
lias opened m No 10 Finli street, two doors froinQutt&E?
Marks!, where h« rnniinur* to devote In* special atten
tion io the repairing and refitting of Chronometer. Dn-
P* 4 Patent lie fer, L Kpinr. nnd rvery desenpuon *>i
fine Watches and i.lock*.
Having lor u number ot ycura been employed as Fore
man tn the workshop of the lurge«l ’-si&bli&hmeni m> th's
«-*»>, 1 hatter inyxeif thut those favoring me with patron
age will find all work ei trusted executed in the bot
manner and on ihr most reasonable terms
References —John Harper. Esq . Edward Heuzlrlon.
l.sq .R. U Huriirv. h?q.. Joseph Woodwell. JoMmu
Rhodes 4to . anJ Wm. U.beaMc.
A carertilly selected stock of Watches. Clocks. Jew
elry, Spoons, Spectacles. Ac . constantly on hand, which
have been purchased ut the lowest cash prices, and wnj
be sold ut a very small advance for the same fault!
Citizen* and Strangers,
DO you wish to purchuse a fine n -r-
JT* snone-fn»lf iltr usual price ? If so. call ut HOOD S
«B*2B*NEW JEWELRY STOKE, 51 Market street.
two doors north ot Third, aud take a look at hts new
stock, just am veil, und you can there purchase Watch
es or uny kind of tue Gold Jewelry at their real valu. .
and not be chargc.l two prices for evurj thing, a* you
have usually been , but can get the very best quality < I
goods at the lowest eastern pric< ». Do not believe what
other?, i uteres ted m their owu pules, tel) you. hut mine
und see for yourst-lves. All goods sold utlhis establish*
incut will be warranted us represented at ume of sale—
j>o that all may purchase equally safe and cheap, nuTJ.
ALL PERM)hs> interested will tuku noiieo lb:.i
WILLIAM TAYLOR, of the Eighth Ward of u-e
, City of Pittsburgh. Bnckmuker. oil the 20th day of Juh .
executed to the undersigned u Deed of Assignment
of all his Estate, m trust for the benefit of his creditors
Ail persons indebted to said Taylor arc requested io
makejrumediate payment, and person* having claim*
will present them. J. HOWARD. Assienee.
i} <1 Office 4th st.. bet, Stnltbfield aud Grant
Dissolution of Partnership.
XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership
: J.l heretofore existing between GEORGE V. Alt
! UUTHNOT snd WILLIAM BROWN, Sr., as Chandlers
; uxud Soap Manufacturers, under the firm of Arbuthnot A
Brown, has this day been dissolved. All settlements of
fluid business will [>e inode by Geo V Arbuthnot. who u
hereby authorized u> attemJ the same. The business
hereafter will be conducted by George V. Arbuthnot. n«
heretofore. G. V. ARBUTHNOT.
auti7:3w WM. BROWN. SR.
Dr* Wm. P* Giles,
fu* Office at Kody Patterson's Livery Stables, on
Poorth street, between Wood and Srailhfield. py4:t y
Lithographic Institute.
C'IO»PARTNKRSHIP.--The subsenoers most respect-
J fully announce id their friends and the public geu
erailyr, that ihey liuve this duy entered into Co-Pur tin* r
sbip, for the purpose of carrying on, ut the old stand. in
MOgerly’s Building, opposite the Post Office. Third street.
Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, in all its various
branches. Having machinery, recently arrived from
Europe, they are prepared to uo works in Lithography
equal to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance of
the patronage bestowed heretofore so liberally to the
onejiariner, Wm. they hope by strict
attention lo their business, by elegant workmanship, and.
the most reasonable terms, to merit the favors of an en
lightened public.
Bonds, Checks, Drafts, Machine Drawings. Likeness
es, Landscapes, Autographic Letters. Bill Heads: Plots
Lithographed and Printed in Black, Gold Bronze ef Co
Specimens of their work can be seen at their (>h>r
as above. WM. SCHUCHMAN.
lann’a Doable*Lever Letter Copying
Press, and Metallic Dampener*
Stzer of Presses and Dampeners-—Letter. 10 by ]:1
Foolscap, 10 by 15 ; Folio Post, lli by 17$ j Manifest, ir
by 21.
A Time raring. Labor-savxnt' and Money-saving: Machine
1. decided advantages over all previous inventions fu
the same object.
Ist. The Press does not require fastening down.
2d Through two levers and eccentric joints the proa
sure is obtained with more eusu. and much quicker than
by other methods.
3d. The power is applied so equally, that the Ptcih is
not liable to break or get out of order.
4th.—The Dampening Tablet is a substitute for Ihe
brash, biotung paper and wet-cloth, saving all the trou
ble incident to ineir use, and is worth its weight in gold
The Tablet muy be ased lo great advantage wuh any
Press already in use, uud for that purpose will be sold
Letters can be copied wuh this Press and Dampener
tn three seconds, withoutblumigthe original or the copy.
Forkeepiugin a Book-Uke form, Music, Original In
voices* Letters. Periodicals. Newspapers, Drawiupa
Bank Cheeks, or any otherpapers where method is de-
Kimble. This invention, it is confidently believed is the
best ever presented to the public for the purpose for
which it IS designed, and will furnish to many a deside
ratum longneeded. The undersigned now offers it at a
comparatively trifling costto all who inay desire to per
fect the system of preserving papers tor ready uud easy
Iheltiper m these Books is made from ail Linen
Mock, ®nd of the same quainv os Fme French Writing
I aper, bound on I archment Racks, wilh Punted Pages.
“"pK- a^ U i- Cl . nrcd . e i Xprc * tiv for retailing.
-i I !l? *‘ uv,n R procured the sole agency of
S JfS !Ji rUC,O> - U< ! W S* 8 ” lhem « reasonable prices
at wholesale or retail. Presses. Rnnkn nr
Binders, furnished to order of any dimensions at short
notice. All of the above article warranted *
ALo—-Copying Paper, in loose sheets of any size
Arnold’b Copying Ink—decidedly the best in u, e
Mr. A. O. Chambers will wait on ihe citizens of p.tU
burgh and Allegheny, and will give all the iiistructinn
At M’Fadcn A Covode’s Penna Railroad Depot, corne
of Penn and Wayne sls.j Pittsburgh D©9tyl
IITArFd ANTIDOTE.—Extract of a letter from the
Tf Rev. Alvan Ackley, who, after stating that he
had taken but four teaspoonfuls of Wuu’s nervous
Antidote, and describing the wonderful effects, says'
Mb. Watts— Dear Sir: In view of the whole, I think
it lobe tr powerful stimulant to the Nervous system,
and an lnvniaabie medicine. It has already relieved
me of a certain set of nervous pains, elevated my
spirits, and so far relieved my lotns and hip os to enable
me to walk Gay per cent, better than I did before
Respectfully yours, ALVAN ACKLEY
Green/art, April 1, 1850
. Sold by
"VrBYV SlLKS.—Received iliie day, a beautiftil lot of
il new*style Silks and Saunde Chene—beautiful col-
QfSj at l&v27\ A. A, MASON A CO *S
i.l & Co. have just opened u new lot of Bonnets and
. ikmuet Ribbons—Fall styles—which they will offer vary
cheap, (shS7
DIPLCTOR9—Joseph 11. Seal. Ivlinuml A. >ouder
John C. Davis. Robert Barton. John R. Penrose. Snmue
Edwards. Geo. G. Leipcr. kdwurd Darlington- Isaac K
Davis, William t olwell, Johu Nc witn.Dr. U. M. Huston.
James C. Hand,Theoplulus Paulding. 11. Jones Brooks
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig-. George Serrill. spencer Mo
flvaln, Charles Kelly, J. (~ Johnson. W ulium Hay. I> r
b- Thomas, John belters. W iu. Ey re. J r.
Hugh Craig, JIIO.T. Logan.
Thos. 0. Hand, Vice President.
JostiPH W . Cowan, Secretary
IET" Office of the Company. No. 42 Water at reel. Puts
burgh. JjelCrdtf) P. A. MADEIRA. Agent
It HE ObHCE of the Insurance Co.oj North America
has been removed to the Warehouse of Hardy Jonee
A Co., No. 141 From sired, third house blast of Wood
street, where the subscriber will issue Policies ou Build
ings and thetr contents, and on Shipments by SieuraboM*
and other vessels, for the above old und responsible
Company. [apdj WM. P. JON LS. Agent
X. COMPANY, of Philadelphia. Incorporated by Kit-
Legislature 01 Pennsylvumu, March, l«4ft : Charter Per
petual ; Capital SUKi.OOUi hates lower than any Pennsyl
vania Campanuy and full 20 per cent, lower than ih"
usua! rales of Life Insurance,as the following compari
son will show. Thus a person ot ijie age of UU iusuritts
fur 8100 for life, roust pay in the Girard 82.30. Pennsyl
vania Sipfi, Penn Mutual Eciuilable 82-04- Ne v
England $2,30, Albion 52,45!, New york Life 82,76. lift
ana Health. Philadelphia, 81,01.
Dibkctors —Samuel DOrrick. Charles D Hail Wm f
Boone. Robert P King,Charles P ilsyt-s.M IV BuMwin
Chas O B Campbell, M M Reeve. M. I): Lewis Cooper
J Kodaian Barker, E H Butler. Edwin It Cope Preu
dent, Samuel D Ornek ; Vice President, Robert P Kim*
Secretary, Frauds Blackbume.
Applications 'will be received and everv informatim.
given by SAMUEL FAIINEbIoCK. Agent. Orfic-:-
Commercial Rooms, coruurof Third and Wood Hiret-'-
Pittsburgh. oei'Jb-v
riVIJK lusurance Company of North America, of Puna
X dclphio,through Its duly authorized Agent, the sub
senber, offers to drake permanent and limited Insurancs
on property, in tins city and tU vicinity, and on *hipmen
by the canal and rivers.
Arthur 0. Coffin, i’res’t Suinucj Brooks.
Alex. Heury, Charles Taylor.
Samuel W. Jones. Samuel W. Smith
Edward Smith, Ambrose White.
John A. Brown, Jncoh M. Mioiniu
John White, John R. Neff.
**• Cope, Richard 1). Wood.
Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard,Sec y.
Ibis is the oldest insurance Company in the United
Stales, having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is per
petual, and from its high standing, long experience- am
ple means, and avotdtng all risks ol an extra hazardous
character, it ntaj lu. considered as offering ample securi
ty,to the public WILLIA&f P. JONES-
AtCounting Room of Atwood,JoneakCo. Water and
From sts., Pittsburgh • mfty4y
John Bl'Lsirtnev.
/■orngn <md Dwmtu Cigar,. Tobacco am! Snuff,
RD J?,°- l4a Wo«l«»ei, ooniBrof Vir hl a||
j Pittsburgh. Pa.
ALL persons having business will, Uie uudersigneil
enher u» I’ublic Aceounlunl, Inslruclor fn Book-’
(keeping, or otherwise, will find him nl ihe Piusl urgl.
Commercial College, from # till 1| o’clock A « -
from 2till 4 o’clock, I*. M. o clock, A. .M., anil
.Merchant, in wun*»f compeient Book keeper, cun
be supplied by calling on JOHN FLEMING
aprtl -Princlpnllnslruclor in iho Science of A
SO Smithfield street
Puirmoum t'ln BagiiTtoFsite;
rpHE members bf Uie Fnirroounl F,re Company offer
1 their ENG tNP for sale, [lisin first-rate order, and
will be sold cheap. Enquire of J. SMITH
ftpr3.lf No. 409 Penn street
Babbitts soap powder—s bxT^foT^hmg
with little rubbing—pnnteddirectious to ouch puck*
age—for sale by (jyJ5) WM. DYER
Cash Olniaal Plre Insurance Company
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
rjtllE undersigned having been appointed Agonl* for
X, the above Company. have opened uu Office m ISo
14 Si. Clair street.und ur* now prepared to effect tu*u
runces on city and country property, upon n« favornhb*
terms as nny responsible Company m the State- All
persons Uavtng properly insured m this Company are
entitled to vote for ns officers, ttnd to share in its < urn
ings-, trot are not liable, in any event, for uuyihing be
yond the amount they have paid. All losses promptly
paid in sixty days after proof of the surao.
Hon. JOHN C. BUCHER. President.
CiiAS. h. Hn&Tifa. Vico President.
Thos. H. Wt lUen. Secretary.
David Fleming, Attorney itml Counsellor.
Dutaors— Hon. John O. Bucher, Rudolph 1\ Kelker.
Wm. Colder, .Jr., David Fleming. Ikimc (». M Kiuicy.
Chas. b< Htesicr, Elios !v Kiuzer- Sumuel W. Ifuys.
David Mumma. Jr., John Ninmnger. Dauphin Coomv :
Jneoh S. llaldeman. York; Henry 11. Pry. Lancaster.
Aduni Sclucner, Berks ; John <i. Brenner. Philadelphia .
William MinUefjAlontgontery: Thomas Gillespie. Lu
zerne, Gordon F. Mason. Bradford : Amos K. Kapp.
Northumberland i Jainctr Burns. MiDim : John F. Hoov
er, Centre , John b. Iselt. Huntingdon ; J times K. Aloorr
head, Allegheny ; Jonathan D. Leet. Washington; Gro
H. Bucher.Cumberland : George w Master. Carbon.
M’LAIN a moffitt.
14 Si. Clair street.
jyfi&Sm Agents for Pmsburgh. Allegheny Co.
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
THl*' COItfrANY wa« mrorpornted In February.
1851. with a Perpetual Charter, and has commenced
business on a Capital of 9100,000.
The Company uoes business both on the Joint Stock
and Mutual plan.
On the Joint Stock plan the rates are oae-third less
than those charged by Mutual Companies, uud fifteen
Per Cent. lower than the rates of most Stock Compa
Mutual rates are the same a.i tliote adopted by other
safely conducted Companies. Those msare-i on the
mutual principle have the combined securities furnished
bv that system of Insurance, nnd the Capital and sor*
pias Fund of the Joint block department
The Charter permits the granting of insurance on life,
tu every form, including the right of wile, children, pa
rents, relations, friends or creditor*—to m«ure the Hfr of
another for their own exclusive benefit-payable aiu*r
deatu,or upon the parlies arriving at the uge of 50 s>.
GO or 6 s, at the option of th* insured
James S. lioon. I - resident.
Samuel M’Clurkan. Vice Pr-eidcm
Joseph 9. Leech Trravurer
Charles A. Colton. Secretary
James S Hoon. Joseph S- Leech
John S.Dilworth, Charles A Colton.
Snmuel M’Clurkan. Wtllt:tm Phillips
John A. Wilson. i
Hon. William Wilkins. Late s« errury of Wnr
Hon Waller horward. Late Secretary o( Treasury
John Snyder. K«q , t;n-hier Pttt-t>urgh Bank
Malcolm Leech, fjsq . \\ hoic»u e Grocer
Hon A. W. Loomis | A II M'C:ifii<ori ]
Joseph Gazzuin. M. D William Addison M |v
Jeremiah Brooks. M. D k G. Ednngtmi M I)
Samuel Dilworth. M. U.. 47 Smithfield utn t
Rohu Snyder. M D , 103 Fourth *»t.
John Crawford. SI. D.. 29 sixth «t.
Win. McK Morgan. M D . 107 Liberty st-
Dr. DUworih will be in aiieiulaucc nl the offi. c. evc-y
ilny, nl IS o clock
Those who have spoken for nn agency, are requested
to call, take their pupera, and commence operation-'
forthwith. AU peraoos engaged m the insurance hn-i
-neu Will be sopplled With blank * u id a lowrd Ihe u•o •> ;
Office of the Company. No 7 o I'ourtu sireei.
Kentucky Alalual Life lfiearance Co,
rjtlils COMPANY ofier> lo the insured all thr seeu<»i>
X and advantages or the Mutual and Jmnl stock I’lmi'
(us heretofore applied) combined. namely: Lnw rale- of
premium; au aitnuoJ return in cash 01 the per ceu: >i;c
required Tor the contingent rt*k oi the year: an ade
quate. hoi not excessive provision for tin* future set'tii
0\ members for the whole term of ine. w»ui »u rqattnbie
inureal rn tie accumulating fund secured to such iu- m
beta. payable ut death. »jy credits upon ihotr pira
cies. a guaranty farnl detained for tlie permanent secu
rity of short term member*, and aW> lor ike present
curtly oi those for the whine term uf life.
(£)"This i* the only Mutual Life Insurance Company
whose rales of premium are Gxed uf n fair rpducrd
tlnrd, wi.h a provision for an annually increasing uceu
mulauoit of funds (for future security) in exact propor
tion to the amount of bu incse and the increasing n«k
from advancing age anion? the iiieint>ern
Pamphlets, tracts. Jtc.. giving in detail the pi;m ui.d
>t«n of the Company', furnished ami upplirn'ioji-. .
miuruuce received by J MjRHLTI. Agent i
\Sof*i I'Tn-i'Uf'- *
>AML DII.WOitTH. M.mJk'Hl Kluminer
The Franklin I re liuuraucr Company
or ruiLADKLrHu
OharlejW. Uan>'v
>V Kitiuir
Mordrrat I). I ,cwi>
A.loipln i: lionc
IJiiVK* iiro'.VM
Morn* I'utti l r »oi,
i;»ia:v .n HANi-iii-.H i'r-.
Thomas Had.
Tobias Wagner
Samuel Grant.
Jacob R Snmli.
CUAJS. (i. iUtfCUUi.
LonUnue lo tnukc I n*uranre p« rpetji'* 11..-•
on every description of properly in '.own .
at rates as low us arr routueicm wiUi sreuruy
The Company have riMerved a luri'c Coi-iuiucm l-'"
which, vmh their Capital amj I'rrimum* «afcly . ,
alford ample prolecUon ui ihr a»*urr<!
rbe Asm-i*of the Comp-inv. on Junuai) 1*; j-vSi
published agrees bI v lo mi Acl m A»-einl>l •• -.rer'- n* ■ • j
lows. Vl2 ;
Mortgage* —*— ■
Kca! Ksiaie •
Temporary Loans-
Mocks ■
(’ash. Ike.
Since their incorporation, ape riod of'2l yearn. ill. )
have paid upward* of One Million Four Hundred ft i« w
•and Dollars, losses by firm thereby affording evident
of the. advantage* of Insurance. u» welt a« the ability .1 in
disposition in meet with promptm--. ax■ t nubilities
apr24J Office V b. corner Won«J und ;ki -i-
narlne, F ir© aud 1 ulaud Truuiportatlou
X It.A, Philadelphia, couriered 1701. capital S&O(J.-
000, ufiKoti January 1.7. I>al . $1,U01,400 30, ».i
make insurance on buildu p** ami their contents m ik
city und vicinity. Also, ..n property ot every «iei*cn.*
non, on steamboats 11ml usher vcs-.-U, ruber t»v
uamporuuion or on ihe «eus.
Arthur G. l;olfiu. Pre* : . Jacob M. Iliuma*
Samuel W. Jones John R Neff
Edward Richard D. Wood
John A. Brown. W ilnum \\ oui,
Samuel I-. Smith. h rations Hankins
Samuel Brook?. s. Austin AHiboiic
Charles Taylor William K. Uowi<u.
Ambro?e White. George W A'jmjwait
I homo* P Cope. James N. Dickson
S. Morns. Haler. M l> JShrnvrd Src y
ruts i» the Oldest Insurance lompony in ihe
Stales, and from its high ? mud mg. lum? expc ucnce >n«-
pie means, and avoiding all ink* ot un extra in./. -.!
OUs Character, mav he considered n< offerim- ample «
cunty to the public H :»I r Jt».NE>. Vein
Jtt24 No. 1-U From 1
ANCt COMPANY . —Office. North Room of the kx
change. Third street. Philadelphia.
Fib* Insubancb.—Bulldmg*. Merchandize and mhei
property in toton and country, insured agamtd l«s- «i
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
fSKCBAWCB.—They also msure Ves*ei« Cur
goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open <>r
special policies, as the assured muy desire
InlandXaAhsPOßTATlo.i.—They also insure men-hun
dize transported by Wagons. Railroad Gar*. (’anai
Itoats audsleuin Boats, on nvrrmiud lakes.on Hie mo-:
iihorai terms.
Fire and Dlailnc Imuraoos.
Life and Health Insurance-
Fire anil marine Insurance.
; r, i; V;: ’. r'- ti * V|.»^VV>/« ' -
Second .Arrival of'(Vet* Snnmer Goods
#THK largest. Cheapest aud Best Stock of lAN
CY DRESS GOODS ever offered hi this city. ><
now opening at
original Bee Hive Store- No- 74- Market street, be twee i
•FourxA street and the Diamond. Pittsburgh,
The proprietors opened a large amJ mm
bcautliul assortment of the Newest ami Most
Uc Myles of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, which
l een purchased since the great reduction in prices ut die
large clearing out sales in New \ ork and Philadelphia.
a..d will he offered to cash buyers at irum eO to co per
‘ s ;i l „ l i°co r l,ian for,,, «r price*.
LMt|.bS GOODS ofevery description.trom the cheup
«>i to llie. most costly and magnificent, such as a v*tv
largi: and beautiiul stock of the lollowing articles :
t-hene and Jasper chene bilksi
High Lustre, plain cheraelion and lare »ilks ;
po stripe do do,
Do plum black do.
Brocade, Ariuuos and I’ouli de Sole*, all colors .
DlucU and ohomaUun. Tuck .saimsMrod watered -i.k».
Ghuie and India Poulard silks;
Do printed and plain silk ussues;
Do do Alberunes and Grenadines:
limn, pruned and embroidered borages;
Ch- in: plain and figured silks, and poplins;
Ghnroeicon Gro de Naples ;
* ttris pruned borages do de 'allies;
Do do umfplain ail wool de i nines.
Do do lawns and jaconets;
l lam and embroidered ihutii ami Swisses;
Plum and pruned oasaracres, de lames and alpacas .
I rench and domestic ginghams ;
Kngltsh and American chtulzea amt calicoes, at all
HONNETb and RIBBONb at great bargains ;
bprtng and summer shawl-, do do;
Needle worked sleeves, cuffs, collars and cheiai- I
Needle worked laces and muslin caps ;
Embroidered, hem stitch and plain linen canth
handle rein efs
hancy silk pocfcet"hd > kfa, cruvats and neckties:
Gloves, hosiery and suspenders, a large stock :
Iri»h linens, table cloths and table linens:
1 ickcns, checks, crash,hird-eye, diaper tf napkins;
Bleached and brown muslins, from 6 to Lie. per yd :
Do brown and colored Cuuton flannels;
£ rtnch cloths, plain and fancy cassiraeresA. sahotn.
Cashmcrets. tweeds, merino cashmeres and Ky:
Ulac 1c satin aud fancy vestings. Ac.« Ac.
IH7 3 * Ibe proprietors would respectfully solicit an
early call from all ihctr friend*. and the public gen
eraily, feeling confident thui they can o(Ter greater in -
dacemenis to whole sale aud retail buyers, than any
have heretofore been offered ui Pittsburgh
The Eighth SeniUAnnaal Sale
Of- DRV GOODS at ibe One Price Store Ol A. A
MAbO.N A CO.. Nos. G«£ A M. Market street. Pius
burgh, wilt commence on Thursday. June 2GU), lsol. and
continue through the mouth ol July. Their Wholesale
Rooms wll) be opened to ibe Retail trade, and every ar
ticle throughout the rswbhshnient will be sold at an im
mense reduction from usual prices. Having recently
made extensive purchases, iheir assortment will be
fouud very choice and desirable.
Their Mock of Silks, comprising more than 500 pieces,
w.ll he closed oul at an imraonre discount irom usual
(»ood Dress Silks as low a* 37i®5t) cts
i<ilk Poplins,
Best Ueregr De Lnmc« Ih|
Fait colored Lawns. qi
Pine Prcncb do i*i|
Fine. Printed Berege*, i*|ffis
Fino French Jaconet, • ■ l
soopeß pTCnchaml Engli»liGmj!hnm», id m?i
Black AJpecos. j*i
1000 yards Houuel Ribbons, at * m
50« Wrought Collar?.
I asi colored Calicoes dj
100 case* F.ugit*h ond Ainonran do. n 0-0
300 ctt'es and bales of Bleached and Brown Ma«*
lm» m manufacturer*’ price*.
A L>o—Lace*. KmlirvuJerteß, I Hooim m*d
Glove*. Liurn. While Good*. Bonm-ls. Mtnwt*. Cloths,
Ac.. togcibn with art immense vaaety or ail kinds of
D«) Goods - nil of wbn h will be marked down to even
Icsh than hastern wholesale price*.
!«**> A A MASON A CO
A. i:t it, I'M V
New Variety and Dry* Goods store,
Ao. 97, AoriA-trrsi corner of Wood si. and Diamond a-ky
DUHLGG A LO , havingopct<«-d at the above aland.
• urr . ow for «ale n largo and compicie
issoriiueiu oi VaRIKTA and DRV GOODS. confining
u> part of Broad Cloth*. Cusaimcros, SulinrU- Summer
Pai>t s'tutf. F ui- > v Ludii *. Dre*s Goods. Lawns.
D- lyuiiic-. Gmgtiama. while Goods. Bonnet*. Ribbons,
llo*icrjf, A.C.. Ac. Also, a complete variety ol Cutlery,
direct from bhelfield Togethrr with Clock*. Gold and
Silver Watches, and Waich mate rial*. Gold and Ktl v**r
l cits imd Pencil*, and Jewelry. A fine assortment of
Palm L.r.t( Huts. Ac lu short, w? have on hand nln.ost
every article usually kept in the Dry Good* and Variety
line. AH of winch we offer tor su eon the most fav. fa-
M, terms, either for ra*lt or sotifl tolory reference
N B.— Ihe businrs* oi the Un hrm of (igsoo A
i nDLkj>‘, will be evuJcd by ibe tuciscftbi.-r. ;it the h«.u»e
••tD. G. - A( o . ; ix the* book*', i ."de* and papers nre in
iu> pi»«-«•»*.pii. and 1 am wily authorized lo settle up the
bn ‘iHi-Hii | fipr'Z l) DAVID GKFUjG.
Jill. ritU*y rj>K-r« bavin. recently made arrnngemt'iii*
with the Pulrf.U-c of till* new and valuable iurrn
Po»» lor tlie manufacture ahd mic of the urnrle i-> ihe
W e’.j, they huvtn* been manufactured heretofore oxHu
-tvfly m the Rj«»t. where they are -upenreding the u»e
ot woo ill i. coffin*, ink*- ihi* irif.l>o(l of informing i ,- e
puMu-. ihaithey arc now manufacturing eigntrr" oi.T-r
-t-hi Mil-sol lb** ui<Mleru>arcof»b:ii'ai». varying m leiimh
Itotu -fi niche.* lo C*i feel. With width and depth cimni-ie
for bodies oi ordnmry site, iutd for thone who o-ore
•pace for eusbiouing, or for bodie* of unusual di-en
mojiM.huve several sizes deeper uud wider This ii
vcuuon now coming into general use. is pronounced one
of the greatest of the uge. These J.chial Casks are
composed of vanou* kinds of u.rtale. but principally v(
» U,tO‘> ti-
S4JT7 7?
sj.yco it
Ol ,!*yy oo
*i,«i2,:<w 44
I I hey are thoroughly <namtU*l m*ule and nut -u»d
j thu- made impervious to air and utde*truciibJe They
at*, highly Oi tiaineutal. and of a clusnic form- are liffi'l
and po ruble. white the) combine the greatest strength
i wnich metal i« capable of. in a given quantity
" properly secured with cement they are perfect
ly air tight. uud free from exhaluium uf oflr-uajve ga u r*
I hey cost no more than good wooden colfmi «i>d Jrr
•idler lljan any other article in u<e. (of whatever y-st )
for transportation. vaults,or ordinary in'ernient*- as Ins
been proven by urtunl experiments, and certified to by
some of our most scienuhc men ; alao, by the Hooora
tl-s Usury Cla) , Daniel Webster, Lewis' Can*. and
other iiutiuguuhcd Senators who have witnessed their
merits, and whoso letters, together with other evidence
of their worth, may be secu at our Ag.-ms’ Burial C am*
l>cp<>‘> No. J 74 Main street, three doors above Nnwh
where we intend to keep on hand at all time* such a
stock of ait Rises iuiJ degrees of ornament and fin.*..
will suit the most diversified tastes-
Wc invite the (mention of the public, and or undert
k«-rs particularly throughout the west, to an examiima
of the article, and request them not to rely upon the rej
rest ntations of undertaker* not u*ing the urucle who
.merest it would be to misrepresent them.
W. 0. DAVIS 4, CO
Patent Metallic Burial Cases.
Wardroom* . d 74 Maui straL Cincinnati
July. 1351
T'll K unde (signed, Cißosos H. f}qßCTcs. umlertuker and
X sole agent lor tlie sale *1 Uie nbove valuable arti
cles, announces, that he »* prepared id supply underla
kers and others having occasion for their use with the
• aute, of all sizes, from l foot 10 ouches to 6 feetOin *ltes
u. length, id various widths and depths, suitable lor bo
dies of any size, either plum, bronzed or glided and
Inelrly ornamented. Also, name plates and trimmings
for the same Attention to the very low prices affixed
wall the view of their general adoption, ts solicited to
wit. At wholesale, for plain bronzed Cases, of various
No. I for Bodies 22 to £3 inches in length. S 3-00
•i “ 28 to 33 *‘ 4-50
■i 33 to 40 u “ 0 00
4 ** 40 |o 40 •* '• hOO
5 •• 40 to 54 " “ 9.00
<» 54 to 00 “ ‘ 10,00
7 “ 60 to 65 u “ 1100
i * 05 to GJ 14 00
y oo to ?o “ “ 10.00
10 “ 08 to 73 - “ 17.00
11 “ 72 to 70 “ " 18.00
12 ” 00 to 05 •• extra deep 12 00
13 - 05 to 69 •• ** 15.00
14 ** 00 to 70 “ ‘ l 18,00
16 *• 08 to 73 “ “ 19.00
1C “ 70 to 70 “ 20.00
Name plates from $4,50 to $9 per dozen.
Moderate additional charge tor extra gilding and orna
menial painting, or inlaid gold, stiver and pearl worlr-
CoramuincauotiH. desiring further information, or or
ders for Cnees and materials, will receive prompt alien*
non !>y addressing GKO. K. ROBERTS. Ageui
Sarcophagus Ware rooms, 374 Mom sL. Can.. O-
L/~ funerals attended, hearse and carriages furnish
c.l. ami conveyances, with appropriate attendants pro
vided for transportation to any purl of the country
application ut Uie office as above,
European Agency*
IMIL undersigned European Ageut continues his an
nual voyages between America ami Furope, leaving
rutsburgh regularly 111 each year in Jane, ami returning
in Si-pienitier— irunsaptiug a General Law Agency, m
connection with bin relative, lludu Hessian, Esq.. now
restdenttn Dublin The present tour will be the twenty
fifth of this Agency, through KnglatijE Scotland.
»> -ties, 4c. It embraces legacies, debts,
rents, property and claim?; remittances of moneyrprocu*
nng copies of wills, deeds and documents; conducting ;
searches, ot all kind*. 4c.. 4c. rnnumerable references I
given. During ilie subscriber’s absence, bis brother.
Edward J. Keenan. will attend In his Office.
Office on Fifth street, opposite St. Paul s Cathedral.
THOMAS J. KEENAN, European Agent,
jcfl;tf and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Notioe to Business Men*
' A LEISTLRMAN In this City, engaged in u sale, sore
J\ and profitable merchandising and manufacturing
bu-ines*. having fallen into a; low stale of health, ia de
sirous ot selling out hi£ the conce n, rax the
purpose oflenvingUm city farthe recovery of tiTs health.
A»>y person having command 1 of 83000 in cash, mid a
lair credit, cun enter into thb business wi h every guar
anty ot success.
try Address “ MANUFACTURER." Box sli. Pitts
»urgti, Pa., slating whetc an interview can be had.
X LB.—You can buy Orecu Teas at MORRIS 1 TEA
MART, in the Diamond, for three mouths to come, ul the
old prices and the same qualities, notwiiiitsanding the
advance in prices East, as they have a large stoev on
bond. They fell the best Teas m Pittsburgh alibis Store,
and defy opposition. t))'** s
r |IHE bUBScRIBEKoffers fur sale a valuable House
X and Lot, situated on Attn street, Allegheny City.—•
Ihe Lot is 18 feet front by 55 feet deep. Ttie House con
tains a Hull, two Rooms, Kitchen Cellar und two Bed
Rooms. A large yard, with out oven, hydrant, Ac.
Price 9UGO. Terms—3oo in hand; balance in one, two
and three years. s. CUTHBERT. Gen’l Agent,
jy*2o No. &U bmithfield st.
GIOLD PfcNs—Hurd 4. Hroiber, G. &E. M. Smith.
T Todd & Smith and YV. YV. Wilson's,
rite above brands vc nqw unrivalled m quality of
Go;d, in quilMikc elasticity, m fineness and smoothness
ot the point*:-and 111 rturaMtnyr fwil! warrant every
hen ot these makes- Just received tins morning, a full
assortment, and customers will always find at my store
the best stock, and at the lowest prices which a good ar
nHe can be sold at. W. YV. YVILSON.
jy*2S cor Market and Fourth #ts
i —J bbls.packed:
d kegs do; For sale by
—0 half bMs. No
JC C do do
It' do Lake
Receiving and for sa!<
- 5 bbls. No. 1 :
15 key b do; For sale by
s • ; J r - r 4 - '
'-»■■ W^~'r^** 5 " " -
-! * '1
{Drg a #ooi*3. ~
i> (.Hij.t. a ca.
1 VVhitc Fish;
i Lake Shad;
o Salmon ,
ehy WM, DYER,
No iJU7Liheriv si
f ' 1
„ xif ~
- ’f v ■ •
• r .....
.... „
V . / V'. - . ...
V r ‘
■* v t ’ i, f 1 - >• "W , * J, , . „ ». i
« f - ,£-Vr>,-*■*; ,*■.»■' *■ ;*>- ;
**.<■>" v 4* ' ■ - * ■ - ■ »
r >
/*gj£sa .TAMES W. WItOUttULL, —.
J*H. . .. cabinet gL
f%m&tviiNTrUKE IUAmttCTUREk 1 ; rip
Ware-rooms 97 and 99. Third street.-,
J'W. VV. respectfully informs his friends and custo uh
* ers that lie lias now completed the largest and fiv
nest stock of household furniture ever before seen id
this city, as he is determined to uphold the quality W *h
wcli-seasoned inaie-riuis, best workmanship, andtt&w :sl
designs j and from the extent of his orders and- fuciJ ty
in mat qfaemring, he is enabled to produce Warranted
(unutare, at the lowest prices. ■
He has adopted the principle of identifying the ct 4-
ioraer«’interest with Ins own, in quality and price, aid
Keeps alwuys on huud the greatest variety Of every d' &■
cripnou of rtirniture, from the cheapest and'plainest, to
tue most elegani and costly, ihaia-bouse,. oranypart of
one, may be famished from his stock; or mauufacliir id.
j lO or^ur He tlioreibre solicits anlnspecGcn,
tnat the advantages ofhis establishment may bekhow n.
i lie following urticles consist, in part, of his stock, whi rli
for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed an
any of the hn>iern cities:
Parlor, I
drawing, din
»ng, and bed room (
chairs, of every variety, •
consisting of fosewoOod, ma- j
, hogaity and walnut Elizabetnen,
Conservatoire and Easy Chairs, of every j
description; Couches, Solus,Tcte-a-tcte arid Di
vans of the latest French and American patterns;
l oshaes, What-Nots, and ladies’ farlor Writing lies ct
of various kinds; Work Tables and fiuicy inlyi 1
stands, music lands, and liolders, marble top, mh
hogany, rosewood and walnut centre and «ofa, ta
bles, extension dining tables; all sizes of the
most improved, and decidedly the best kiud
made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads and wasnstands of '
each a large assortment; gothic hall
. aud parlor reception chairs, Ottomans
and stools, secretary arid book
cases, side boards, nre screens,
towel racks, hat stands, aud
music stools, cribs and cots .
for children; paper rnuche,
table and leu poys, ma
hogany, rosewood, aud
inlaid pearl Tables,
Ac. Ac. Ac.
A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE aid
WiND&OR CHAIRS. CaOuiet maobbs supplied wth
all articles in their line
STEAMBOATS and UOTELS, furnished at Lhe.sho t
cal notice.
All orders promptly attended to
JoarncyntcnCabinet Slttbcra Auoclatic
(□ear the corner of Wood.)
______ THIS ASSOCIATION, «ra-^
braciog, already, twico to three \£\
l * me « as many bands as tire lari Mg
*%■?" I goal and hitherto most renowned * i
business shops of this city, have opened 1 tbeir Wn
house, aiul are able to furnish the public, by wholes;
or retail, with Furniture of the following uesirriptioi
Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressingßureaus; FulbC »i-'
uained Bureaus; Alahogan) Bedstead*; Alohogri iy
Chuirsj Booking Chairs ; Mahogany Waahstanda; r o
las; Divans; Piano Stools; Book Cases; Seorclarit 9 ;
Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tables; C*ii re
luLlrs; Mai Rack*, French Bedsteads; Oubmfli s:
Poplur W ardrobos; Dining and Breakfast Tables; Wotk
•.londs; Cherry and Common WorksuuiUs ; high p<£t,
common, low, and irandJe Bedsteads; Cherry Bureatis •
Cribs; Cradles, Ac.
The ud vintages of co-operation, ou an ei tensive scale,
,'crnin them to sell at the lowest prices, and they are •
if rmint*d to sell, lowerthan any competitors, an eqon ly
>:ood, if not better article, and warruuted —as the pubjic
.viJI understand by giving them a call.
lIH?" Steamboat work of all descriptions, and other
<* nicies of any de-cripuon, mode to order in every styjle,
ai it>c ■Oionoat notice tmart2|
*o Cabinet At alters
Venetn, Makoj’any, Rosewood and Walnut; VamiiK?
Hardware and Furniture at Wholesale.
'l’dK xubsjribers have just received from Now Viq-k
X and Boston a most splendid stock of VtiNtft£K3,
and are manufacturing by machinery Furniture suflatile
for the trade All of which we will sell at extremely
tow prices. ;
At great tare was taken in tbe selection oi‘ the stodv,
persons caiuiot fail 10 be suited either as to quality jnr
price; and, as it Is well known that Furniture can l»c
made by machinery superior and much lower than }■▼
hand, the attention of me trade is respectfully invited.
Turned Work, in all iis branches, carried on asusuM.
1 tank fir hand rails, for Carpenters., and ull arliefe-s
required in manufacturingCalnuci Fu pituue, constantly
on *rand—vtzj Mahogany, Vamieti/Jlardwufe, Harr
Cloths, Springs, &c.,&c. KYaN & M’KK£ V ,~ [
Hyan’s Buildings, 1
_ No. 31 Fifth street,’
UH xiib F~
. UHMlTliain
.Vows rhtrjsircti, between Mark*t and fVeod, SjutA fif.'e.
/r\ Wb have now on band a huge and
\JL splendid -lock oft ypry variety of
j^MandCABi.NKT FtftfN'mJ Rtf, which
9 1 "are confident r-nnithcsurpastcd,
equalled, m Hum Cny,or i v u.« Weal, in Hiyl«s nmf finish
Ihose who arc in warn-.). Furniture an- resperu'uilv
mvned local! and examine to, ihemselvc*.
s*ieaiul»oau luniuiird on Hi shoMi hi ns lice.
t U~ All ordrr* promptly uucnded to.
O’DonueU, filuileu & Co. ~
Pittsburgh Chair and Cabinet Ware Rooms
BRTWKO VVnno a»8 M A »<* .T. (300 ! tl 81DK)
M ANUFaCI Uh of Ca >.• Seal l*arlnr
H 111 Chairs; Cane *en? Knckin:; Charts; *{e-
Ijaß| ccjH»o» a.Hi Invalid Clnm-, Cane Scat
auii Country llou.v jdoou ; SeUce&; i,0u..-
HuM g** and ©very variety of ilouuuon Cbairs.
BUfa H A,J vvblci * were mnnuinfUireiJ Bader
£r 0 tl »c<r personal superintend. nee, and are
“ warranted hold in material a d workman
ship inferior !« none m the Cn>\ Dealers m these um
•le« will find il to th'-tr especial advantage to caii ami
iininuie for themselves previous legouit: etwt-where.
and Dwellings furnished ut llio shorn si j
lOUce. All orders panciuaily attended 10. I)yvs
urnttur* and CUalr Ware Koom*. *
T. 11. YoUNU Jc, CO., torruT u[ Th m? /,>
■ iMIT an d Smith/ieid jtJ., ojtyoxiu Broirjt'y HouI.VPI
itbbvrgh, Pa., keep constantly on hand p®&
make lo order, at the lowest prices. I Tl
CHAIRS, of the best workmanship and most anorov.'tf
Sl >' los - feblS, Ahoy:
Mibscribers tcuder .heir acfi\
for the favor* bestow cL.
eii upon them by their Steamboat friends, andft«
would respectfully rewind them und others' inie- 1 1
rested m buihltiiß boats, that they are ui all limes nre
purtnl l«iurm*h, <wi the most reasonable tenm* every
description of Cabin Furniture und Chair; oi the be/
material uml workmanship. 7 U YOU N<; A CO. i
Corner Third and SmiUifii id streets. 44
opposite Brown - * ilotej. 1 " —■
It. DiFuuifl
nsuuucr A Dauler.
between Stvenikstrut and Strawberry alley, Piusluki P*
(i\ HAMMER 3c DAULER keep constantly ankand
EW a variety of exeeUeai and fashionable Furniture,
jWwarmniedequal to any in the city, am! soltlon 2
„ it favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar
establishment in .he U cut. They have now on hand an
unuftuaHy extensive stock, embracing all kinds of Furni- I
ture, rom the cheapest and plainest to the most costly
and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mrtlfinj
b. C. IiAMMXk.
A. MILLIKES & 00.,
HAVi; ON HANDtu their extensive CABINET and
CHAIR MANUFACTORY. No. 04 Smithfielu
a large fancy and plain Fu.nilurc, wtucta
they will sell 15 per cent, below cusiomarvrates.
Terms—cash only. ' y
& 3TEVKNSON continues in Tnnm.:
if ~ !?_ clure . CABWET’W'JLRS at every descrip
cs^fc--i loa ’ al . oIJ corner ol Liberty and
street*. UNDERTAKING attLded
loan all its braachey.' •• _ mayll
tAI n n «r °J. “f®™*! f"*w '*» Ohit amt Ptnn
rplpamg Railroad Depot.) AhLSGHKHV o:ty
~ £ "““ Riv ,® r “" d Land Slesm Engines, Fire En
gines. Hydraulic trusses, of ail descriptions: Copper
plaie, Lnhograplnc and other Presses: Gpld Stamping
and Refining Apparatus, togelhci with Mill Machinery
■n general, built upon the most approved plans of con
struction, and workmanship to the , atisfnction. of cue-
~<*/ - All ' eft a > Messrs. Cochran, ITBricle t
00. s, h°. 2(i Wood street, Pittsburgh, or addressed lo
taesuiiscritiers, Allegheny,will receive prompt attention
Bolivar Fire Brick Bannfartnring Company.
rrmo°T KIKK. A CO., ProprUton. ,
'luib subscribers having been appointed Agents Tor
A the above named concern, will Keep constantly o i
h**™ “ , BU PPIy of the celebrated Bolivar.Ftru Btibk, -Cri’-
cible tire Clay, Furnace Hearths arid - *ImraJM.• .The/
are also ready to receive orders Jtff shld Brick.-to be
made in size and shape lo suit purchasers, which aim. I
be promptly filled. :
We do not deem it necessary to enumerate the many
udvtuiiages the Bolivar Fire Brick posess over all oth* ;
ers that nave been offered for sale iu the United States,
their superiority being well known to idraost all persons
who use Fire Brick. The proprietors have determine j
that the Fire BriCK shall lose none of their present envi
able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared t >
make them even belter than they have heretofore been,
rliif* is the only establishment iowmantlThcUmno Fir-
Brick at Bolivar. KfER A JONES,
_marn Canal Basin, Seventh st, Pittsburgh.
A card.
WDALV A CO. have now ready for ,ssJe a large
« and well selected stock of Spring und Summer
Hosiery m all its branches. They would direcr.particu
lar attention to their stock of Gentlemeri’fe cdtxort half
Hose, with Merino and Silk feet; they are of the best
materials and workmanship, and tor comfort as a sum
mer Sock, cannot be equaled. W.D. A Co have also'
on hand Gents Undershirts and Drawers in x'otlon: silk
and mcrinp ; Childrens’ Hosiery of alt descriptions, at
Ac Old established Stockiug Store, Fifth street, between
Wood and Market, j mv^:r
For Females and Males. I
Df UNO C °W>IAL or ProcrOalivo
XJ tlair, preacribed os an effetlunl restorative in
cases of debility, impotency or barrenness, and all ir»
rcgnlanuesof nature. It isaU-ihat it professeaio be—.
viz; Nature’s great restorative, and remedy for thb<-e ifr
the married state without offspring. It is a certain care
for eennaal emissions, general debility, gleet, weakness
01 the genual organs, nervous affections, JeitcoMea or
whiten As a v.gorauag medicine it is ffiennSlea-
Also, a certain remedy (gr incipient Consumption, indi
gestion, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude, fe
male weakness, debility, Ac. J, is warranted lo pfese
lie user in any of the above complaints, and is of price
less value to those without offspring ' '
lh , e W“ sin B» of >¥» medicine, I have
apporuled Messrs. Judsou t Co., of the city if New
\ork, in the United Sta(es of America, my sole agdins
for its sale; and none can be genuine iinlmW it hSmes
Ih rough them, and their signatures arc on the tfrrapper
iVopfes, , B ,y lOlh, ■
Sold only in Pitislmigh ni ihe Medical Depot, No. 75
Smnbfield street; and by li. H. Meaking, Walnut eireei
Cincinnati; Baymond A Patten, No. «i Prurlh street'
Lo ° ,avllle - [mnrtHtly '
Her*’* liiana Saw mills, TY..
r|'HE above establishment has been taken'by the
A derailed, with the view of pursuing- Urn leirtUnjaln
bl)*inessconnected therewith; aiid as they aie now re
ceivtoffa ftj l supply of Timber, orders for all siacb 0l
Lumber will be Hiicd with promptness, and at, as low
prices os by any other Mill in the neijjhhprhoodi' /
H “ "
t ' epp “ ands fe^Tg^^'
I_> R.SUUAR.—lOlihds. I*. R. Sugar,7uBi recmfoil anlf
Kt»T** T
nog, Just received anfl for sale by “
aiU4 WM. A. M’CLUitG A CO j
- ,'?r.
*, i +*- £*s, 3* „* * ■* v
' * ~ V *
v- 7c- f
" ’-* r ->■**£. ! $•
,; •*'..,,/>■ ? -
t - * . c -*s.
J *#" ' ’ r , _, * ~ ta- .■>(,* 1_ > f
, , >,- » , *,<- t *~l f J-n- •" %
*i "tj? * r t 7 ”"A e ir *= f- t **'Lf- _ 1 T -*.‘ 4 *Stfi 5
f .;V^^4/ r , * "t :*w **
;r~ n,.- < jj' c - ,- -; *c*>
‘l * "S y "* - " *- * t y ' f X/ i
** j *” t 6 ' u. f * t* 1 a. **"-*’«.#**- **•£ . ' ■*
.•••7x-•• 7 ■;*; ‘ •'
* f •-' I .* f ' /,&***? **
-V', » " .V i -»v ’ - J -V*
--*'»• r _ * <■> J* je* * *j -<
* r / - *■ T . gy&ffi *** *
„•* k *• „ ■ - > >
.. -v •>■ ■> ■• '* 1 • •.•■!“• ,■ /t. •'•••■..-• •»,'<■•. •>■ • •■: '■• > .■. •••■■ •*. ■■■: '.•'••■ •<* ■_.-- .: '•■ r. :.--■ V : -■■ -■■ ■■>:.. - .w?.‘. MY. »'V•■•■;•.'. ■.»•>'. I :- r .r.'. irl.‘i. •i-.jV.U.
a - - » *»4 • •*,,’*’* t ~ • * S K
* h t W•* r. p X~ -V r
•V * '
* *T
■r *■; s '? •.’■
# ‘
, ~ 1
• 4.
TUe Human Bony must perspire,
And persons who do not perspire are liable lo the mos
OW.Jotm’ Italian Chemical Soap caases u free
perspiration, and ot the same time mollifies, softens
“* •si’bili'idK tvjlre tenure and beauty of an mfani’s
are soon n6t only pealed, bpt cored by Its use ns ai
. S N e know,who used
in such cases: and find it unluiling—as also: in
Plhi>Lia, BLOTCHES, preckXes,
other skin disease. The reader is assured ibai
this is nobsciesspnfled nostrum: haono ttial will move
1 60 persons cured of P
“said assured, I would no]
981 knewi, " , '*> o »" 1
„,,? I^^ORiCKBO >^ Ct JAf*± , ED FLESH,
wui had this, cure, bat a preventive ; and J j
cviao^only anyone affljctecltTritb onyoi I
me abave, pr similar diseases, will hud this all and even
more (admirable in its properties! than l state.
10-’But, reader* the stores are flooded with imitations
. and bo sure you,ask for Jojos* Italian Chemical Soud—
and buy it only of WM. JACKSON, only Agent
Piiißbargh, 240 Liberty BtreeyPittgbnrgL, head ofWood
0. F. JONES, u. s. sua&Atr,
Z ' Jones* i*ujr w&ltc* :
Xj'red 1 aalk* caD,ion,:d ag»>nßt using cornmou prepa
to the skin! how- coarse,hoW rough,how
sallow, yellow and-unhealthy the sain
■ appears alter using prepared Chalk!
, Besides, it is injiirions, contain
'ittgaiarge gdontity of Lead I
we {e,UO^TpAV^&
| h /owfen» »^ a ® IC 5’ clear ’ liTin ? while i“I the same
smdoUi. bold by the Agem, WM. JACKSON, 89 Liber
ty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents.
P ®“ r, XW ,l,t * 1 Teetfiana Ureatli, !' i!
TO Bfv HAD, FOK 25 CENTS ■ *
-C .4m&™™S > JK^3i, l!,CTer feo fonl 'dr lhcir
fad encnistda Vitk tartar; that's 25 cent box of /oner 1
AmborTooth PMte W H) Aake the teeth white ia mow
and ibe breath bdiferotißJy sweet.
he S e^f^o“d/ AC^ofi ’ S Siore ' 319 Libe %S.
-’ q “^-^Pmsburgh
.' nair ~Tonic~ Restorer to
atop it faiiiWHtS,,eiire scurf or dandruff, and make
grow dark. , For dressing the hair
soft, and silky, (toUtiog ,can ettceed this—it makes i
truly beautiful apd keeps it so. , IMs.indddlSe.
economical, yetsimenor article forthe hair. ;
h ?arf"^^ff S V ACK^’ 3 J tore
head of Wood,Pittsburg. Price 37J cenlsand
, fJecia
Cure yourself -i American' compohno '
This never fading BpecificfsguarimdfcaitfWlv!?' -
of delicate disease, togeUler willi the fitinfsiL: CUses
plaints,/toeSecf a speedy, safo'tmd liUliSc'w^V® 0 ?*
coarse of a few" days, tvilhduf Teslrietien^i^vK 6 ' l^e
ness or injury to IhesystSn. inKS®}
renwdy; has long been po ?“ lar
Physician, radically cirin pnva “
the hundred ease*. *i'^ ann S ninety-nine of
jSSHLbftW4t»^y-ss^£^^k or . on the rcath > wrf
•are: -fmns S&SSKSftS^°- le ?, 81 fe * r of «W
street,fiuaburgh, p a No. 50 Smithfield
i' ..CM.' A _ [ a pf7
TiMW ! “ a tlie Cholera.
JVd*inoi.B& a wj „ 11 . , .yp,‘^? n qr child has died of the
mVatnWteDMa?AiSln' 0 i who:used this
Whereassimabarifin'i I “ 00 , lt al l V ci ‘7 °* Xhafiville,
*'■• cu ‘"'7 ■" [Cincinnati CAronicid.
h \ KEY ,SEK &■ M’DO WELL,I4O Wood st.
S euQine article ipayalways bo
**'**&■< -. ..... , . ■ " flttl?S7 .
' i Bounty baadii
pAPT. NAYL.OR, -No- 183 Third street, comer of
V/ Chenv aEey, having made arrangements at Wash
?gton for iheporpose, will procure Bounty Lands for the
-.officers nnd sQldierSo their wujqws.and children, under
-the .Bounty Lana Biii, passed September 23th, ISSO.
IVfiNiCOICACJD—7S ounces for rile by "
1> EmylSj B. A FAHNESTOCK A 00.
ssl tv'-• \ ''■ ' ; ; ■■ jy' ' ’ *iS ■* ‘y --?*
• **-*■ ■ "• ' ■.-• • ■-\ -
• . ‘
, *
- ' "\c : ;-
) h
wonder i
rL Sf % -
pfiSPAKßCtfromißchaet, or the : fpttrlh stomachiof
iJl.' the Or,-after.directions, by BaronLTKßjaVthegnini
f'orsiologioal Chemist, by J. S- UOUGHTON, JHJ>.,No. I
1 Kighlli street, i'himdelphiit, i’a. 5 ..; <, ;
'nSI“Si B „ a „ , . m| y wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION.
°'rl!.{f e „ 0l . ml ’ by ' W ?‘?. t,,>s,wn 5ff ent , the GastrieJttic*.
LS? due.Fluid,, infused,in water,
wa vdti;est or disrolvehiFK Pounds of Roast Bbsf ]n
abortiwo naras, ? ut_oUhe : st_omach.
Baron Limia, in UlscolebratCid work on Animal Cheii
: latrVj says»An artilicuU Digestive Flnid l -analoKoas to
ihe Gastric Juice,may be readily prepared from fliemtl
eoos meTnbrane.of tlie.atottiach ottKe calf,in whieh va
: rious arncles of-food „ inearand beloioil
ened, elianged andrlieeßiedjlusiin Ure same inadner as
they would be„ in the. hamon stomach.”
Dr. PEEStitA, in bis fanion3teaUße on‘'l'ood'and iil
ei,”,published by Fowlers A Wells, New \ork. page 35,
slates the same great fact, and describes the method of
prepaiation. There are.few higher authorities than *Drr
Pereira. ~ .. . ... ‘ ’ .
, Dr. CoMßKjiabia valuable writings on the ‘iPhysiolo-'
gy of Digestion, 71 observes that “ a duninuifonofthe due
quantity of the Gastric Juice ts a prominent and 011-pre.r
▼ailing oause-of Dyspepsia;”aDtf he slates that u a dis;
tinguisiietPpKrtessor ot medicihein London, who was
severely alHicied with this complaint, finding everything'
else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained
from the stomach of living animals, which proved com*
.pletely successful.” f -
Di-.GaAHAjt, aothpr or the famous works on u Vegeta
ble Diet,” says:lt is a remarkable fact in physiology /
thatthe stomach? of animals, macerated in water, jm
port to the tiuid thc properiy of dissolving various art
icles of food, and .of effecting a. kind of artificial diges
tion of them in no wise different from ihe natural digest.
ive process,” M .
• Dr. SiMON’s-great work, the w Chemistry of Man.” (Lea
& Blanchard, Philo., V 846, pp. 321-2) says: P Tphe discov
ery of PEPSIN forms a new era in the chemical history
of Digestion. Prom recent experiments we know that
as-rapidly in an artificial digestive
fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it is in the natural Gas
tric Juice itself.” T
Professor Dvmqj-xson, of the Jefferson College. Phila
delphia, in hisgreaivfbrkonHoman Physiology, devotes
more thau/fifty pages to offexaramalioH of lius subject.
His experiments jtfith Di'. Beauriont, bn tHe Gastnc
Juice, obtained front.the living human stomach and from
animals, are welltnown- u fn all.cases.” he says, “di
rgestiou,occurred as perfectly in,the artificial as ih,the
Dr. preparauon of PEPSIN has produced
the most'marvelous .effeets, curing cases of DeDjlity,
; EmtfC tali cut. Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consump
•lion, supposeff to be on the very verge of ihegrave. /It
. is irappisihleto givethe details of coses in the limits lot.
this advertisement—tyit authenticated certificates have
b'eetf given of inore than ‘TWO HUNDRED REMARK
ABLE CURES, in Philadefphia, New York,antl Dosldn
aliphe. These wereHeariy all desperate'cases, and tjie ,
'cores wete nof only.-rapnf and wonderfhL hut oernta
neni ' ' ’ ; * ~ ;
U la a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, ami particularly
useful fbr Liver Complaint,
Fever, and Ague, or badly treated Fever anil Ague, aud
the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
upon the Digestive organs, after a long sickness. Al+o,
for excess In e&Ung, and the too free use of ardent spir
it*. It also reconciles Health with Intemperance
There is no form of Olil) STOMACH COMPLAINTS
which it does not seem to reach and remove at once
No matter hofr bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT
RELIEF 1 A single dost remoDttaUthavnpUdaanisvmp
xorti, and it Only needsio be repeated, for a short time,
to moke those .good effects penaanenu . PURITY OF
BLOOD and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at once.
particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting,
Cramp*, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress af
ter eating, low, cold state of the Blood, Heaviness, Low
ness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness,
tendency to ranity; Soieide,
Price,O* DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle wifl of
ten effect a lasting cart.
_. ule _ bezn the written .signature of J. S.
UQUcfirrOK, hl.D.,' Sole Proprietor.
Sold by agents in every town itt the United 'Slates,
and by in Medicines generally.
.Agents for KEY SERA McDOWKLt, 141
Wood street. :
Retaildenlers supplied at Proprtelort). prices. [nvilhv
Also, for sale fay R. K. BBLI.BRS, 57 Wo< d streei.
Public AtUntiun ~
It respectfully tnvited to iA» foilotoini; truthi, set firth in
relation to one of the most important Bemeaia of mot
em times / -•. o _ .
IT is not more th'hh one year ago since this great rem
edy was Tmuigti before the pnblic, for the relief and
eare of disca**.. to great powers to heal, have, since
then, become fatly appreciated by the community, and
we allege that the longer it is tried the more certain will
its grearfomo spread. It is not iha remedy of a day,
got ojj forth*.* sole purpose of making money ;but; one:
which we conceive, will coatmue to be used Whcij all
nostrums have beer forgotten. The PETROLEUM is
a Natural Remedy, elaborated hi the depths of the earth
by a power and agency that laughs to *eorn all human
competition. It is our doty,when we write about a
that we write tbpth—that we say nolhiug
calculated to deceive those who may trust our word or
pot confidence in our statements. The siek are very
apt to catch at any thing that promises relief iroin dis
ease. A story etui bardiv be too highly wrought to an
rwerthc objt*et of gullinuor humbugging some of them -
Now, we do not desire to do this; we are anxious only
dim the truth in relation to oar Remedy should be told,
morder to secure for it u reputation far. exceeding uuy
single article oi the nuttcha medico. Plain, unvarnished
fact»—facts that may be ascertained in ourowaciiy and
ueigUborbood, bear ample testimony in fayor of foe Fe- i
troJcum. * 1
Wiiiiin the pa»t two months, iwo of our own citizens,
who were uxcdty blind, have beeu restored to sight,
acyerai cdses of blindness, in the Slate of Ohio, have
beou cured. Aud, also, the euse of a gentleman in Bea
ver epunty. There are others j but these cases are near
home, and may be referred to by any persons who may
nave doubts on the subject. These cases were cured af
ter tney had been abandoned bypbysiciansasliopeless
• e 1 c is° lcu,n cure, when used according to direc.
lions—Diarrhom, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout,
Neuralgia, Eruptions on the Skin, Pimples on the face*
Chronic Sore Eyes, .Ringworm, Tetter, Scald Head,
pains m the bones and old sores,Ulcers, Wens,
punors. Scrofula, Cancer, Spiual irritation, Fever and
Ague,Chronic Coughs,Asthnia,Bronchitis, arid all Pul
to“dpNluMPT|ON Ch ' oniC UalUre ’ leudjns
Burua and Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and Kid
tteys, Chapped Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns and
-iJunjofls. In fact, ilisaaßEax tntivEasAhHEliEPr, and
Shas been tried in mostor UlO above diseases withiu the
iwt-year with the most perfect success. Certificates
lliat ten! asiomsh afeinihe handsof tfito proprietor, who
j*j»!jtmk«rjtensnre In showing-tliem tothc afflicted or
Whatever others may say aboul iheir medicines, the
Felroleum is the .greatest Remedy of the age. Phy
mesons or high standing in the profession are beginning
thc i r practice, Those who ot first looked on
with doubt end uncertainly, are willing to award it doe
praise and consideration. Before another year rolls
round, all wiU be compelled to acknowledge that the
■ Petroleum is the greatest medicine ever discovered.
For sale, wholesale and Heiiiii, by
~ ~ ~ ~ 140 Wood street
a phTT,**!*'- Sc j , « re ’ Wood street ; 0. M. Curry, D.
A. hlliott, Joseph DopglagSs Allegheny City. A No. by
Pittabvgh ** KfEky CauHl BasiA, 7 th .i r «s(.
-r - ,*
I r *
’; l <
tifoi Striei, J 'PfUfjiurgi^ii
JOHNJIfcCtoJiftEY has now/the.jileasnro. of an
aaoneitifftoTiis numerous frierKlsundthc public in
general,ihai hiaSprinc and Summerstocfc is now ready
for inspection, which he believes.will be, found to be
®“o, of thtUargest and .best selected storilrs of Ready-
JKS? be foand la the .Western Cpaiunr.
k e L?£.“ 6LCta ? nB ,‘ in “ sl ''leof,his,Garments,,tothat the
T*f?‘‘J w 1 e h l l>rieedvaajweU astho.lineatjaregptpmifl a ,
fksanfMof'oheattrpttisedl,, \77 7 *
r lnShHtSSlrtte? te • ooH'tho attenrionof all dealers
mClouting W Ms present splendid assortment df.v, a.
AstieVU.lI 1 ' ne!? y 5 ■ ‘
menaM sh^ffi„W 8 ' k t,e , “h offer them keif indnee
j;inosTAoite ther*w MlAfrw e ’ ‘treat successintht;' bu
suit the b a , bun ~ 10 get opGarnredis to
the UnionsWbKh Unf S?SiS^ S t sflf 6ye! * ! ‘ , ? U S :n , ln
sale purchasers. “ ‘ p* »«oost importance tO wholo
nmnnetflnd auhemost reasonable priceat-.'-. , ,”
ThO Assortment, the QanUty, anff tlie
most extensive, undoubtedly, VO'be finite-r« thfUnlted
maria ■
„ JantesC. Wiitt,
rmer'y-COTTEn w .Jhe late T; -
J*WI«W«» R> - hisj/mendH
.ytr »[>d roWwm general,,that he hasreutml the
Store, N 6.3& Market strut, between'Secdridhird;Thltd
BUSIN ESSittall iia.deparynputs.jHa»n9w receiving
&K&2 l *£ , j li £ 6T ! a *9j an .eniire ; iew-M&l: 01
anil Stmimer wea^Viii'iiW^Wne
J Etighjk '.■ atiW'Axterfatw ■CiothsACashoartui
TMttd,-, EnccAfinWiCZetA jto-supe teane* M logeihe? wijh aJargc as
•2Br e »P f P ra,n iMfigtiMa C«n'ai&»Vtiew%nffSe»f
rabiesty?es. •' • - • . m-vVj ‘■i/t.-j,. i:F;cv.-
i ;,^ l Sfe <ul S lOC S enl A ° l <>C Cones
Ml MamiUa Vatm S s. all of wltich the Attbsciffierls
frepajeu to make lo order id the iieatesl and mo/tTesh
onaukrstyles, at a* low priced a* estft&Jish
mem. He therefore hopes by strict attention,,!® all or
ders intrusted to hia care, lo merit u share of public pa
tronoge JAMES'CAVATf.
No. 36 Market, between Seco&d arid Thir&sia.
. "^ > '^"t' A iL»ORS. I shall continue. to sell and .give in
structions on my system of -Garment DrdugStink os
heretofore, nt the following prices,viz rlfaeC’Omp&ftied
b y°f? l instruction, 816; .without iris tin ttjpns.ST.--
J clo; y .
X MOST DELIGHTFUL : R€#TREATilo'lhe '-weary
JX traveler, as well as constant resident of thei city
aitd vicinity, are now to be foriitd: in, the ATriENiEITM
Hreer, aboTOATobd, WhereiEnperiofi.rdAiCremlis! Fruit
Tlif balJ «'rfllioo« r rtome
Ad M' to 11 P M- - rcspectfaUy soUdts a
share of public pfttronage. at
tended-to with ttie utmost •’ .'-i-T
tO* Private Rooms for Select Parties- •' *- -• t- 7
. *»& ■ .., -... ... , wm. w. .Ward.
Bood Katlng aad Drtnklne^-
/£s^y•✓'“Tv, EVERY BODY '■ that is fond of
this life,Should drorrTonnd-and see
RY GRAII aAJ t ati;lujfqneW 'lloiel
; Nfg&jjmpi depf, .fron> Penn* 1 pn Sinclair at.
W.O* WZfiP. 00l to Ma customers. the "best Oysters! Li
quott, Wiaes ajid 'Cigars tlat can be of
these *ere digging. : ' -r:r. ; -.r >•<_
•' •• •• «folm W. Tim, r
HAS ALWAYS ON HAND, of hj a owir manufacture. •
a large assortment of WBIFS t CANES antTUM
nttr,U,AS of every descripuon, which hewilPdtebose
oi, wholesale or retail, at pricesJaaiowriawheyriean be •
piocuredforineithertficcities,of .Now York-Plulade]- -
pbta or Bahitnoie-; Also, oil habJ a lorne biSdlf of
DIBV SATCHEhS/which will he Bolil al New Yolk
•pnge* JiußrepeiveaTrom the Manufactpry Anew aitiK
,pW3ft INDIA RUBBER VhIRS, Ml *&f.^holeS>
andtetait. ' • ’ ' - '• ■ JOHN WVTIM,
au2z ; - Not 43, Wood street. nearYirgjgniiey,
Adami A (lo.i» Kxpreaa.Oilice,.. ,
65 Market Streets Vi ia h ‘
ON «ud afiur Mpndjay, 25ib instant oarTrankof small'
Bauiagns wilUic nloM-d atlt A‘ Mrdkil£/dr Bal
tiitrore, Pnifadelphia, New Votk' t f:os:or., Ac. '
Our Goodawill be cartiedin.enr otvn Car, in eltargc
OI a special messenger, by mail train ftomiXmelipon lo
fliiladelplna. BAKER. AiFOKSTTH,*
auSt ■ . .'.'i.i ■■ A^’k
Co-Partnership. .
WK have this day erueredimo Co-Partnership; for
H the purpose of manufacturing Mustard*,Spices,
and for Milling and ru. ceTieraJ.ant? 3
Pliall he happy to see the old Custdlners" of Rhode? &. Al
corn, b t No. 1 17 Third aireer y opp6?ile the SL Charles Ho
tel- , , . . J**HN WRIGHT,
Pittibumh, August 9.1851. \VM. F. AL,CORN.
IN withdrawing from ihr firm oTßuodes fcXncoßn,
in favor of Mr. Jonw Weight, I take pleasure in re*
commending him and the new Giro of WEIGHT AL
CORN to their late customers and the publicirtfteneral
as being every way worthy of their jmiTbnafce-aild con
fiilrnce. (»nl3) W.IUKHQRBS.
Thomas Arnold, siate Roofer and Plum,
«nSS oll S. a fttw supply of very superior Isfuaged
sijATE, and is prepared to execute any orders for work
that may be entrailed:to bim, will in
sure satisfaction, and on very . acconnnodiutng,ter!ii3.—
He hij> entire time and attention tdlhenbaairiess,
and reels confident that all tils work w»H be 'bfcrfeifii
He may bo found at-Logan* Wilson &CdJs 159. Wood
Btreet - . . v.-ii fousaam
New Chocolate Factory.
GIAMROttI &CO v ,re?pect{utty,.inform tbe
rJ^ bl,c l “ al lbe >* arC now nlanafaotnrme-CHOCO-
L, ATE of every quality and price. TMs-Chocotatei un
iise most ouiers
uiieraied, ami hence, of finer flavor,..moire': natricioos
and wholesome Sig. G. ami Co.^
lors of one of ihe larg£st A Cbocoline~mamifiictorieB in
I Lalyv assure, the public lhatthdy .wjli„.CdiiUBii'an'article
Jmce’ n<W 3U P. cr ‘or, lo the bcst,impQrieU,
li is for sale at Mr. BOREL’S,<Mad.Boroi?s Winery.)
. Fmmb street,-up slairs, next cLdorloibeJtf ay-
Qr»s Office. r'aii7-
HGenuloa Uoman Strlntn.
KLEBtR, No 101 Third sireei, has just Imported
. alorofgcnnme Italian Roman Slings, -ft* ihe
vioun and Gunai. Theyartrof the very Juiestnaality,
four lengths and font; threads. Hayingbeen purchased
by H. Kleber’s son, in the Factories inTburdpe, ifie'y are
fresh and pure, and for- beauty of lone, correctness of
sound and durability,, they are, ai to»elher,imiivailed.—
r 2?£ a iftS^ !8 W&.? B by aiUhe gxcatoVioJmiots,
Oie Bull, Sivon, Villexteraps, Jrc. “ *"- •
00,half-chests Green find. Black Teas;
ISO.cauyjboxes do .. do do:
60 boxes choice brands Tobacco; y-.d.-j
0 pro. MUler £ ; Gd©dwiitfVFine Cal Tobacco;
20 M. half Spftnuh'Cigars ,
30 M. Havana • do;
50 bags Bio Coffee.;.
25 do Lagnyra Coffee ;
20 do OldGovemraent Java Coffee;
30 boxes Star Candles;
10 do Sperm do;
30 do MonJd and Dipped ; _
30 kegs Ground Spices;
5 bags Pepper and Pimento;
15 boxes Cocoa and Chocolate;
3 cases assorted Pickles;
do Bofdeaoi and Sicily Prune* ;
lbb * B ' Almond, Palm and Toilei Soap; .
1 do Hecker’sFumia: ■ ;
2 doCorn Starch; ... , r
l t&BSiißK****
X kssse™**™*! ‘ -
Wholesale and retail by
N. B. cor. Wood and Fifth’ Sts,
M Tea. Ulamma ' 13 ,be P!«CO'to buy
DARLhY—-70 bus. fof sale br
** an ?l : ' BTuAJnv& SILL.
have never been known tu fall: Sola wholesale dSif IS 8
tail atihfa Medical De[yoi,soSmithGeia' f^ld
J Offering, rQr lBsl—jo^lreceived at , ' Fe, os '
~ g| .
Gunpowder, Yoime Hvenn
Black Teas, r d antt ® an *
TAILS--50 kegs assorted sizes To t FalfTtTy ~
:■: ;sTirAR/-ts IC -,,.
ch ' 9ls Y : H > lo close out,Cor »aleby
2 STUAttlWs.i.
CTUKSH BUI-i'KR— Received ifcu, day,umj ftr saleVt
*--« MORRIS-'l'liiiHAET,
[V... I, A R RIV A L OF FINE GOLD W>rrmr'«
prfc^ ft,^^^i“! ,i " s . “^SafH>aU'’»lit' , asiial retail
'’• v - ' -■- v-> ' fau2-<f
T'pKNriVST^' ll ?^oMiOLU PENS and G«U>
■*■ rr,WL»IL.s ui uua city is pelhne at about half the HOOD’ti. SI Mart... I,
U/U 150 do Figs }
20 casks Currants;
60 boxes Jujube Paste r
40 do Hock Gaudy i
25 do Maccaroni* '
SO do Vermiecelluj
10 eases Prunes,glass jars;
in store and for Bale by
No. 6 Wood street.
75 half bbis. Shad;
n ,,oVf.i. rece ‘ Vea und by R It. l)RAVO»
__ Nos. 1 aodiJ iHaraond.
family and .superfine, always on bauii
jinjifqr sale by_ I ea2Sl STUART & SILL.
A m^P ou Ki?iy'
—gy lM 1- D WILUAMS'A CO.
JAKMSY—SO bus. for sale by ”• • '
* ,la 7 BTUAR'r_*^JU»
>U3K Fl.oUlt and llultod Burley for sale Uu'
A >.. auls .; 'VRidfrr & AWJpm
OAT MEAL—Fresh ground for sale By ~
. aals WhIOllT A ALCORN
/"IOFFEE—Fresh Rousted deity, forests, : .
i*«*Saßss*se2£ s -.
-airat y.
n Htf/A the has
n«^^“S«hi?i Slor .f’ *2*'*-“*g<s rtii ipleiim
SMpendera h PiOcfat 5 Neck
Tira,Klfhi(j Dating Sloe ice, Gtovesj iHa?c',’ttC', Togelh
er will; ertryttmig'jn that
man’ .g,j. BEIW.AHHS J&ARisIjST.
»p«# y.^ffotencopy.' J «**»WP*
■ V, ,
~i *, , > v
V 1 *1 -v, * <
“* . _
-v X 4 C > “ v
»■ ~ % *
*. V. ‘