: ~ vf >• ” •*. '• . : ' ' ■ .. . - • „ - - , , ■*' r >*r' ~ . i*?:. r- r ~V: ' W v i’ Wf-’- *.v. .•",<£" i< ”•„ . -‘ ’ ."- v “"/ ' '" - ~- ' - .^.r.-::.-!?Vf?^^■••■••--. , -'*- -.--- ■-v ...... ~ “ '4- *2£&s.;.-' \: ..-.••■"■■ : \.;:'.' -?; .-•/• r’%-- ■«• - 1 v. ?''-\ '~z sv**-;- -;v ..v'a * ■.- * Vn/: -- -• ’ w *>r, -•- ; • >, y <- ■ - . * . ..vc*. * * .. > -> :,*i*r -'. ,: - v -, , *_* ' ' ;- '*- a*>V- -': Jm*^ v "“V w :- • ,-v /* , ~ ■ l v;-, i,; l \ “ .-; « ’’’ , ”*'*'***’**’sl’"* *’•" r ”'’■»“** -*S‘ * -. '\ ‘X :«*• f t .'fO’V**' .. ■ ■■,, ■.: ■• *r J «•- -t '. . t• -u s\ ; , v... :■. v,,.. , ,”*** ,i-v.. .. '^-.>“^^.^v^^:^."^':; : ”;^^.: ; i^:.i • ■' ~, . . »,., ■. . . _;/.; x. 1 , --r ”. j ,j v , - i!-^...... .: ... . 'I - i i «♦. - w , * >. , 4 u—i«.i - t &s 3 l! P ,SI f '- mm mmimmammwm mm\-*-& fei®era£rcz. .\X\:. ss fSf sSpswM-u- K*' - ■-^ : JSt -■■■- >» 1 n •j. ~ uw.e adopted ■ Paney rite ridek'S' table aad tea poy», m»- a U of whieb he i ptreppred to mateW wderia Uta bew r ’ v , . f r t xoatt COVOUE-■-"•'•i;- UXtle. ii ' And are we thus compelled to part. CompSties. Tbow ' | Oloves, hosiery and pogany, rosewood, and manner and^J'bemoßt , u , - •>' - - . jsrrasaKia^Sfes"—«■- 1 ~ M“tos™'‘-''"“' ISSfeSIsrEK?” 1 r -•’ , \ — \- ■ :i p: „-. p 7,^ '■■,tit'rc Tilrtffrtlii'f OmtraL&ailToad. j Walu.Nataie. Bfaeli satla and faacy »e«tngs, tcy *e. °*V promptly attended to tnov«_ || - » " c ‘^s MMmh Jra.-s?»s®sSafeffi [ '•’ ' .•;«*■'•• sair^«^3Si?a3^•'“" , '^® ! As«6Ba«». > -a > .-- -.c'.;,- -y f -; „„ amonnt of merchandise.: or prpp ; ,. .., . ,< here heretofore been offered in Pm? g N & LOVE hr i < twice «o three Vfc, t . -<' ' ■?,„ v ';,h'fa.™tetiJlibe s ctoied throngb.m 6« ,ig,. many hands as the lar : ptfj [ ..«*•*- *g',’ ■ **“*”““" sSSsSfess;,. ' ? MMi s \ I X. 1 ” K ‘ v- BMmkSfim \ \ \ b 1 ,jp _ ~ ... ir»—— ij, -"*«‘- ~v^;i, te^^^^^^^M»^^fe^l|^'^fn,v:-:-' v -.':-’:-- •■• •' • • • 9-: &■■■■■■ ’> •. ; Rata qf Fr.iglu itwn PkOad ’ , gq©,^loo. ■ bones, bacon, *e COVODE fc COEE, comer Penn and Wayne strain- Pittsburgh; inly lst,idsl.— iyl°. KOXoJfiSgZFioiiTl. jJSp» > Bal - VIA hi r "ii 1 *r™ r"w. BrvumxtilU and Cumtortar* [ »“Jyjs££T»U “SfSs boa* leaves dai.y a. « •eaa^^sssClT-. ■- eond sassWSiSsgsJassßiL.i Office inliieMonengahela House. SawiSfeStt^SKs SHrSsSrpsAss-K^ft old-stand by Gregg fc { lata styles of BON- We have jusiopenedaftesaiOio ***« «i*a»esiMoß« NETS, Ribbons, PantßOlt.Dt^^^^-L^^^impj, deLainea, Ladies'While Bras p Vestings. Co.,si- SiDt Fringes, Glovesf liosie ry, meres, Summer Panialpouery*j; lt ’ Kn» vea» Spoons, ESb'JSX&SI S&t- SKSKSSarS&»ot*| . Cl Ttof > e cSr'sof r ßßASB CLOCK*,jasi»"‘ v " d ’ of va ri O- k No. W, northwest comer of Wood tTrr t njtfj H-ammid alley « Pittsburg- ' «. »>t “n B-Thi haSoess if the laie. firm, of «'« e -aßaaaa&SKSfc E X^HSo'dSpS^hl£-.i»a^ b Ui h : "*dom o< BarmahW Aaasc^^ebroary.^e : Dr. B. *»«. P *"^ 4i “rPra‘S r ' oor ■ l is an invafnable medicine CABMINaII . « <»omatnints. anc - - , Cooprinos *ll «*» praolirin* pbyucinnt in the ; " Miicllotown. - FAHNESTOCK i CO, - . For tile »7 <£«« crfWood and First tit tyi * 'Omedicinee ol ihu cojfflty-tor : B^lB^sW bW. Alei.Uver "- -ErisiSK from an impare Headiche , ouiinera, Vrfth 4 unpreeeSehted .«- If the teiiimony ?' «Ue“ «P»n, it la inngn all parts of . th ® and lestoring dp larlyefficaciousm caTttga»*««j«« | { purely Sled and brakei.down■ nia lei y e nized for four voice. containing selected gems The Melodist—a.new workcocmi ing accomp „,„. from the moat celebrated composer , ment for the Piano Forte ; , jour voice,; The National Glee Book Air |in _ n ne w and »ul- Self-inMrucUng s*hool < in one. By G. enlifie work, in tliree pan., compi Saunders; . , . h . mo ,i popnlar Me- The Melodeon—a collection of me . jP in ,welsc todies, carefully arranged (or Flute or v to , numbers; , , r p, ano Forte School & H nl^rn7w^d°S P p l rave P d edition of Piano F °cSrny'n , iano Porte ln.traclor, Oojlar ln .inieiori Careasai.’, Camilla’,and mmberl a „ d fo „ r Amaieura’ Qaarlette Clu • n vi ljMe uo ind Fl “ 1 ' pan*, for the la* and w Vioun, -nd 0 number*; P “„.,rumen.nl »'“*<=’ tSrae pans 1 Howe’s Mnatcian’aCoiopanionT-* _ . At tht Old Ki tabltshtd 1 *trrei y.&2£K» l ;;‘“p».»K L-Epme.aoS ever, dcscriplioi, of; fine Watches and Clocks. employed as Foie- | Uavin* fat a .hVlanrestestabliehinenl ,„ this man in Ike wo'tshnpol 'he lar* with oalron- in lie be-, *«—«• Jo * bu ‘ abodes 4 Co.. of Watches, Clocks, Jo «■- A careflilly selected sloes on hand,which 'ruit*?* ****** Mtraag»»> _ mo doom north of l[ '“ n 5 - L here purchase Wairh- I slock, just arrived, and yoi Jewelry at Ibetr real value, e, or any kind o. thing, as you and not be charged toro pnee* mr quality of have osoally heeo , »>a can get lie wh „ goods al Ibe lovoesl easiero leU you, but eotne others, interested in iheu o goods sold atthUeslablisb and see for yourselves. All goo“* u of sale men, will be ■o .hot all may purchase equally »aie , LL PERSONS interested will take x y°' rd ° A. L WIUJAM TAYUJK, of the Weg^ day of July, City of Pittahorgh, Seed of Alignment 1851, executed totite UQ< J e /* t S ‘ hie creditor* of all hie Estate, “lor requested to All persons f ,„d persons bavin* claim* make immediate payment, H( ? WAR jy Assignee, will present 4th bet. Smlth6eltl and Grant Ul«oin»ion P* XJOTICB Id HhBEBV gEORGE V. AH- heretofore f m C rboWN gr.. as Chandlers BOTHNOT and WILLIAM BRO » Arbuthoo* * Kay Man.af«iorer»,ttnder *« firm of e(ticmenii ?f Browu, has Uu» ■ nflUiable lobreak or gel omof order. for lhe “Ith.-rThe Dampening Tablet i»y“ the , rou . ble inctdent'ioffiU and U wor* be -« separately- „ „ith this Fre»» and Dampener Stable., ™u* yiven u ’lhe public for ibe purpose for best e emd wifi furnish to many a deside re”K%mS ft ptod^“BP al,er8for reBdy ° nd eMT refarenC ' all Unen The Paper in m eM Fine Flench Writing Slock, and Of o>eaameqnaUg_f|JK I J.i 11 ’p l i nle d Pages, Paper, hound on Parchnmntßap|t*;'H"* . and mamrikerared expressly .agency of It w&teor reiall. Presses, Dampeners,Bo<*s,°r Binders,tarnished to order of any dimbnaions, at sh ah of the above arueie warranted. Also-Copying Paper, in \oott &btci* of any size- give atlto instruction necessary JOUN p. COLE 4. CO., At hFFaden A Covode’a Pemm Railroad Depot, wrner Of Penn and Wayne sis., PlUsb.ugh_ Lie^y^ ■i mriff# ASTlDoTiS.—Emimct of a letter I t' \AI ttsV A Iran Ackley, who, after stating that no J^,sS' ! bot™ar"a.poonfuU of part's ffervous describing toTwpnderfal efeote, 'Mn Warrs—Dear Sir: In yiew of to whole, I mm* • DGwerfol aiimnlant to the Nervous system, and an' tavaluabte medicine. It has’already relived at a certain set -of nervous palna, elevated my Slrfta, and so far relieved my loins “ d d fcP I “ ab,e »■ GT J*tfuv AP ™ 111850 S. L. CUTHBERT, So ld by so Smilhfield streei. aii2» . ~ TCtt r of[.gg this day, a beantifni lot of N" V iSS*t t*SS»TBBr" EKESbKSS3Sb^ clwap. "fUhl rales are die same a. V 1 hv Xaimlemof toaurance, and the CapUal and »ar- M of ihe on life. P The Charier permiia the |ranung udren la every form, including the , ht ,{ fe of rents, friends' . » benefit, payable after of SO. SS, 60 or 6S, «the oplfon oUhe^n^red & B M“cin n Joseph 8. Leech Treasurer. Charges A- Colton. Secretary - WRBCTORS « a u M n Joseph 8. Leech, James 8-Hoon, Charles A. Colton, John 9 :®! ’ orl f an William Phillips Samael M’Clurbam Wl , son BOA.BD or qisxscz. *»■ tS Secretary 3 Trea'.ary „ on A w ComnWlg Pfyw “k„d.»n, M. 1. Jsaa»si D ■oaitaMr - day, at IS o’clock ,»,.«üßno¥.aK tequesied Those who have spoken tor m * nee operations to calU fo the insurance bnvi- K*tSib. aa “ a,l °'*" l *• u,u C °SS«o°f*e Company, No *«■»_ T HI9 WMPANJoffer. m ih^in^aU premium; an mmnal relnra W , an .do required for the for the furore security qaate, bal nol eicessive pro „„ e qoiiuble o member, for to each mm- j iuleresl > n ,b . e fv crediu upon Ibeir po’l-| euri.yof ierm of Company «E?“ rf lS£3»! ££=?-■: LTc o °gWn|’?n m d b em‘ll Ihe plan ans. for insurance receiveo ay Wow j , lrteli pmsanrel U.W., rnnaroaTH, Medical Kramnun ti I*'' 1 *'' ma V‘is'* . ASU Vo i,M beltreen Markuand IVond Sj-u*^ ' Ws have now on band a large; (A -uleudid stock of every vanetj ° , , Ctl * Jlls ’“paf ;„dc a bin i:t fu h rv' it u re, rsTlare confident num >1 be au rpo Bee d, *t ■JUS“au* *s.y.-«■' ll £" ! 1* S.eSabS“ furmshed on *««,» nsu™ g*ft! “' d «* je Franluin »-- - ninonncU, HnUei* * c »' _ ry^w o ;:r^ T - rw . r , SSsl*wlJ!u>!. perpriunior bi" 1 -■" mpwir WETALLIC BITR-lA-I* CASES- jessiS- cou ; ,T> rttaw=£ /JlT:r^ tesssssSASS&s SSasj*"'- ! ;S£rt%.-:SS«S gSS^wy-yg: few., viz - , S ,S,l2ef* i Snl.ize.ofi«j!h»nd depth M.i-'“«-- ; Ka ™u«rr««l «'>«*.'»*” «“7' - U4.J77 7b from and for iho.e who de.i-e : T. B. YOUNG fc l °., «nnrr c; ThuJ df. RenlEstnie ■ s3,Dfi« i- , f or bodie. ofoMinorywls. J ji)S , lf uno , na i j».«- . om i SmtiA/uil ,u, opposue Eroien . Hot', VH^ Temporary Lo»n» at.HStOO ; .pace for corhiouJM, or r boa wjtJt . r Tbi« io- I “ti puuburyi, Pa-, keep coiislamlynii bona Wj Slock. 04,340 81 t Mom. have .cvera! »l» » i, n rooonnced one , gaslfeg,,,,.! make to order, hi tbr prince. 1 venbon now eoming Into genera, C>SP „ are I and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and d Jf eomiStid ""nrioo!“kini of t. rtul». but principally of j the best workmanship end most Since ibetr lucorporeuO't. “ PJ'y; 110 Hun J( r , d Thou- Iron. momcifd inside end out. end 1 ,lyl ” euemboiUt AJsoy I i 4ggSg£fts£& jafcßeSg&SSfti sSe^stssmS ffEHkse, fftitiSSSE. * „ aMKK | if artfcle'iuu'se, (of whatever cost.) i description >•< Cabin I^^O^NG^CO, pssss- R.°wfr : “T “ d 000, aasett Jnnunrv 1 , onlcl|U our jnost scientific men ; otao, by tljp Honora | jcttU ■-- u. Dstn.sn make in.uraoce 00 ““"“"f„ of every desenp; some of our m Webster. Lewi. U■, and c aiJUIK a. city and vicinity. Also, on property b in |„„J blr. Senators who have wiuuuiaed their I lion, on steamboat, and other vesse other ' u ‘ u "B“‘ letters, loeeilier with other evidences , transportation o, on g" “^ Rg »'>r Agent.’ Burial Case „ - p,r,f U Jacob M Thomas i a m street, three door, above Minh. jVntur^ u » “res 1 • John n Depot, £*©: d l( j k . C p on band ai all un»«. »ueh a Samuel W.Jone* Richard D. Wood. "[Jlckofal iSea and doJU«*ol ornament a,id Aiu-Ti m Edward buuih, NVUllam Wct.h, - •»« ,®. r t ‘“t diversified latuen. joho A-Brown Franci. llaakbi., | ittirle the allontlon of the pobltc, and am «"»- Hamael F. Smilh Austin Ailibone. , v -nrtlculariT ihroughoonhe west, to an examumiion Brooha. \VUUam K. Bowen. k f^K P ftr ucle and requeei them not to rely upon ihe rop- Cbarle* Taylor George W. Atpinwalt, , o' ' o{ undertaker* apt u.utg the aruele who e ISSSTrte ratt k .“ n h S co This . r '^ acp ; OUB character, may De V VM P. JONES, Ageni. curity 10 lbe P ubUC * j^ 0 . (41 Fron\ etreel ja24 ctuige, Third M°erohand,re and dine, FU“ '-“^rnd 11 ™ inaored again.! la.. 01 S»L^ISSuo f car lttum Cu Cana| John C. Davis. > Darlington, Isaac R. Edwards, Geo. G. “ e ‘R? i TV>jc W Un,Dr li M. Huston, FSfe»rS'SS;!»^-”-r B mß°S?fe J ßß n ATIM+TOMiIgH -1> r Morgan. Hugh Craig, Juo T. MA RTIN. Pre%lem TBOB C. Haho, Vioe . P^i u de w. Cowas, Secretary H - Office street.where ihesuoscr* 0 ?* (auinmentsbv Sieamboau lags and their eontenu,aad n Slnp an J re spon.il'lc and other ve>Be «, for the p JoNEg Agenl Company- .-lpb, LegUlamre of Penn >on iov „ lAon on* fmiutii p»mal i Capital #100,00« K«« et cem lower lhan ,[ lc vania Compan*. and IW follt>win g oomoari usual 'V e h “„°l Thu, a person 01 the age of® insuring f o °r n gTod E sa^^Sss^ Rrt Llfe 10 ,s &‘ffin F Boone, Robert p , K I n^,j I R' evP ,M y i).; Lewis Cooper. Chas 6 B C«npbell JR 1“ iB h Pr«^ f & ttobctl F hinß ft, FrancisßlncUnt. eyerT jnformttllo „ Applications wil b £ *hNESTOCK, Agent. Orrics: gSSJX?sftKSS:.«rofrbtrt. pmabargb __ arm , tnaor»»co. ~ rpHE lnanramceConifianjof >ub _ 1 delphia,tbrougbui duly am f n , u nnic« lhS oit/and Its vicinity, on **»>> by the canal and riT * , gjj ßß( v r oB8: Arthur G. Coffin, Prea’t Taylor,’ Alei. Henry, Samuel W. Smith Samuel W.Jonoa. Ambrose While, Edward Smith, Jacob M. Thotna* John A. Brpwn, o Ne ff John WhU®L Richard D. vfrood, Thomas P-Cope, Henry D. Shenard.Sec’y Wm. Welsh, a __ ComDany In the United This is the oldest 179 | fu charter is per- States, having been petnaJ, and from rUk* of an eltTa hazardous pie means, and avoidingail ample secnn* Saiaoter.it may be p f o[ffi9 iVtwood, Jones4o«.,Warnr and Front«u-. Fllubalg ‘ 1 -u_: urHnLfeSALEAND fieTAII. UsAIiBB .IN c Tobacco and Snuff a corner of alley., aprd4j ®“*4^*'the undcraiKDed, £« cKof 9 till U o'clock, A..M, and be . a r n i pl pnn b in the Sotonwof Account.. FTr?°imP“*y =ringi oireeu WM eje—dor sale hf continue Rooms will be opened to tft w m al an ICO . ucle throughout '***«*?£%*££* Having recently s e —»'" be lound eery eboice .nd destradlo. 500 pieces, JM“ from ususi prices. , 37*050 cu- Good Dress Silk* as low *• Silk Poplins, 164 Best Berege De Lalne*. (d Fast colored Lawns, 12} Fine French do iB|O2S Fine Primed Berege*, iB|®2s .O «Ut Black Alpacas, s 1000 yard* Bonnet Ribbons, at qi fiOU Wrought Collars, gi lineal manaficmrer-’ prteer- rrimmln „,,Hosiery aed rf»ssa!«lrilf3‘'» wWcb will U. marked down to ever leu linn Eaitero wboletnle pncM. M aSON kco je24_ 2:JS«r'r!|»«jj;i>4EiSsa it: pan of Brood Clothe, , C Drcso Good*. Lawn*. PamSroff. Fancy Ve*UM^Lodi^ | Dre o G (:H Bibbon*. De Laincs, Gingham*. Whlle ivariety of Cutlery. , Hoiiery, Ac., Ac Alno, *'•' h ® p clock*, Gold und direct from Sheffield. „ , eria |. Gold and Silver Silver Watehea, and ' V f6„c a»irimenl of Pen* and Penoil*. and p aTe pnhand iflitloM Palm Leaf Unl», Ac t i“, T „ t h’e Dry Good*' and Variety every article uanady mo„f„v„ra liue. All of Xtlucb W reference Ole term*, either for ea-h or G t co . .irss * ?T^°Tc Cuous. W lll >:<■ “ ?*}£. 110le . and puprr« arc m of I>. o<. K< *• ’.V‘“(a? v aLSciadd to wIU« up Uto my posacn.ox. and l am it > daVIDOKBUO j,u«i n*s*- l a P.r**i ipranot Coropan cles, announcesihai be it pr p iheir use with ibe kers *nd others bavH JJ t °? ~0 j ac besu> 0 feet6in:Ues fame, °. f al ! "?ai.SSLa Sh suitable for' b 0,,, ,,, length o, or gilded and dies of any sae, eimet p . and mmmln6 , Sflinr no^ulorbe i v£lo. ; prIce, 1 ce, c ad,xe i :S1 • 1 A,rbolell.t. g pluia bronzed Cases, of various ““Nriforßodie.aiO*iaub=.inl.ugU„ Q u 28 to Jil .. n A>, 3 “ 33 10 40 “ 4 ■■ »»«., r. . 5 •» JO U> 64. t , 10 00 l ‘ 64 to 60 k ; I, }°’S 7 " 851066 ' M’,oo M “ 65 10 w M |A An 8 68 10 73 '■ f7’.o° io S,'°K • is,oo la o 60 IO 05 “ extra' deep W,M {“ •• 63 to 69 “ ■ If-gg 14 “ “glj " “ W.OO .. \js , ..w“£w. “... .»•"* Namo pluta»ftomft4,sP'“^l'°^° z ® I [ dl an 6 orna- Moderaie mental painting, or inlaid go »| n fbrm4tion, or or* Communications, deamog, ive prompt alien* dor. Cor Cases and maieri*.s4< “«««& Uon by addressing GK). §74 8 Cut., O. Sarcophagus Warc«oom*> * Cffrriagei furnish- ST Funeral. »»‘end^,tew^a«de«na* dai , u ed. and conveyances, wtW appwp^, of 1118 country, on vided-for transportation to &W V * application at tne office as aopVC jyl6 rpHE undersigned leaving in September—transaetingpSb KaKiraa, Ksq , now connection with his rr.Ulive, Hr,. urw j (1 be twenty re sldenl; I: Dublin. T llO P !J Fniland, Ireland,Scotland, filth of this Wales, io. It afJfWJi' p r “mttlanees of money; procu renu, property an . 4 S ooauments j conducting &^««t|« C Ca.hedral. ..Offlee “|^^J‘. l vffiJ*N S Eu™pean Agent, ie&if TR I Md AttQrteV a t Lnw./itUbargh, {‘a. business. Easing °mce m’tor i£ antyof success. mjpaCTPRER,” 80l 511, Pllta p KEEN TEAS HAVE ADVANOED 7 QENTO PER ffis&ss=r«"E22H£ band. They sell the best Teas tu Pittsburgh atmis »W£e, and defy opposition' -t .. . -3 rnHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale valtiable House I and Lot situated on Ann street, Allegheny uity.— ■Ac Lot is \i feel fronlby 05 ieei deep. The ] House lain, a Hull, two Room*, Kitchen Cellarad two Red years. A g^ G 1 OLD PENS—Bard & Brother W Todd * “- 5 * 1 1 OLD PENS—Bard & Broihar, O. & fR »■ SmiUi, JT Todd t Smith and W. W. Wiltons. , The above brands are now annvalied in qaality of Gold, In quiU-likoefaslicity,in Jinenesnaud smoothness of the points, and in durability- I will warrant overv Pen of these makes. Jnst revived this morn ™ S vtii™ assortment, arid customers will alwnya tad at my store the best slock, and at the lowest pncejwhieh a gtmd ar, uqlecanbesoldn.. , UTTER iy 16 -3 bbl#.parted; . ' «**• doi For sale-liy WM _ DyER F' ISH—« half bblo. No 1 While P*»hi 8 do do Lake Shad; Ui dor. Lake Salmon ; nvtrß Receiving and for .ale by N o Liberty. l jeifi .11 —— ■— LAUD— & bblß. No. 1; f 15keg* da; For •ale by DVBB iyta E°nlnr Wardrobe*; Dining and BreakiastTable*; Work pl rf«' Chertv and Common Workataml* ; btgh V» nBt - TnSdle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus Crife»i an extensive scale, 'SSS^Ssaswgffi nt the shortest nouce, fo Cabinet . ytirk flittK o ubß-rtbern lißVtr i u f l k „™VKNEEbS. hasPSSlSS&asast 3=;S“'*“SSS'iS| fSSsssHIS“SS;::~I CioibN fc>priAg», Ac - ic flyati’s* Building*, No. .11 Pifth EtrfCi DSTHKKT a a =«®uem a"d Anutu^ A* MILLII4.KS ft CO., ( HaVK ON HANDnulieir extensive OABINki and tiUAiR MANUFACTORY. N 0.64 fcnmhfieW *l. ■ee assortment of fancy and pWn Furniture, which sell 15 par cent, below cuemmary r^ p - Tor ma—cash only. Loec *JA) ■ \VMi E».BTEVKN3ON continues to jnaliu . jIeSS I , nmtNRT-WAJiE ot every desertp ‘bT lion, nl hi* old stand, corner of Utterly and ASA Mreets, UNDERTAKING attended to. In all in branches - ; DOUDS & oaoZ« Klt« machinists and manufacturers, all MILL BUILDINGS, .*>, sa«j ntr of Diamond, (near the Okto and Penn- Appa™“.,io*olMt with Mill Machinery upon the most approved plans o f Oon. .trloZ, aSS wSrWnahip to .he .auslaeuon of cue toraers. left , Meter*. Oochrau, JTBride t I’tl Wood Blreet, Pittsburgh, or addressed to C>o. 8(' o. i iieffhpnv wilireceive prompt alientiou ihOßubumbera, Allegheny,wuire g P t CROZIEB. aul! Bolivar Firc Briek fflannfattSßg Company. t. m rren a F JOJfEBi H. B. JIAORAWt J*.B. GLOVKE, S. U. KISS, a T "he above named concern, wil keep BBS.'srersjai.i sassftfjssf-s&si!.-"!"' *sfeS3SBS£s«®S Mw^aA^ssas’ssffn sKEpSK-sss,™- Ur l C l‘' U ° Canal Baain, Seventh at., Piltobttrgh. _ a cam. ■. , Wn aLY & CO. have now ready-for >saie a and well selected stock of Spring and Sommer teSrSSSfSSS SfflSHSScSftSs and merino j Childrens' H°«>eh?’o.f all. (he old established Stocking Store, Fifth street, between 1 and Market. 1 For Female® and male®*' DR. LARZETTE'S JUNO CORDIAL.or P™ reative Elixir, .prescribed as an effectual restorative m DQ(S -. of debility, irapoteney or and aU u regularities of nature. It is all that it pro fc , ) ?® s l“ in . Nature’s great restorative, and remedy tor there in the married state without offspring. It is a oenalneure for seminal emissions, general debility, gleet weakness of the genital organs, nervous affections, ledcorrhcEa or whites. As a vigoratlng medicine It u> unequalled. Also,a certain remedy for recipient eestion, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude, fe male weakness, debility, Ac. It is warranted to please the nser in-any .jf the above complaints, and ts ot price leas value to loose without offspring. To spread wide ihe blessings of this med»cine, I huve appointed Messrs, dudson & Co., of the puy of No York, re the United Slates of America, my sole agents for its sale i and none can be genuine onlrss « comes Uirough them, and Soid^jaiy U |n Phtsbtrrgii at the Medical Depot, No. 75 Smithlield street; and By B H. Meoking, WalnuL treel CincinnaUi Raymond S. Patten, Np. tjU Fr arlh sue Lo&isvUlp. • • 1 - t -i Island Saw mill*. THE above establishment haa beea tokan by ‘O': dereluned, veilh the view of pursuing the lc 8“‘““' business connected therewith", and as they Mg "*£/*, eeivinua fuU supply of Timber, orders for all si»a oi Lumber will beetled with prompines.,^ind « prices as by any other Mill in the tieigUbogiiood. S ALlN^afe‘ n “^lasrgSrfsffl?*« T ALCORN.' 6 i •„ lor * ale D > Nos 2*l and 223 Üboiiy »>. au22 . bate, TTOLLA.M D HBBRTNG—lOkofjs'new Holland Her- H rrns. 1«> '«'‘ ved “wm. A M’CLURG A CO. au!4 '“' • - - - - s&i' . • V?V V- ... *-■■'. . V- -V* . ••• r V*. r** J ’ ‘V-5- -- ; Vf', i-rf/.f - —“XN^SEKJ^iT«FIOWOW^i ; , the TRD.E digestive FLOID, pa t£ own meibod.by Nature's own agent, UioGajtric Juice. Half a teaspoonfull of this Fluid, iufoMd in W te wjll digest or dissolve Fivm .PorsßS o» B , vailing cause of ®y®WJJ}JKcine in London,who was 1 sssßesSassrsarasa C°m part to the fluid the P*?P*r|£ ft of artificial diges- or' £&’ £s£ “the natural drgest W D? r “Ch~ of Digestion. Fr°“an artificial digestive tothe n - a “ ra, trie Juice “^L all «™, -f u, e Jeflerson College. Phita- Profeascr Dusauros, o* phyriotogyi devotei delphiniums great n elanuna^oß 0 f this subiect. more than fifty pages Raanmont. on th ft Gastric Hfa “^T^erSeUvm^hSnstomartiuid from obtained fromlhe u du ggSKS&SrtSfa**'* the artificial- as-in lire natural dige|UOM- EpslA Dr. Hocaart^prep^ono^EPSJN^^uc^ non, fluppoeedwbeohtheveryj e Unl j Ual U impossible to give in nn ,r, An rir*ateil certificates have Ibis advertisemeoj-bU^aoi^ntica^cemu^ been given ofmore man * Yor k. andßosion ABLE ajftesperate cases, and the wonderful, bo.perma- j “it* a me upon '?'D , .g e ,s3ng!?Jd free Iso of ardent s n ir- E Z“3Sssaa|^» l ffaasyj?a»lsSlfSiSig S audit ““‘y^^&cu^^mMeiu^VuHlTYOf 1 B®g fofiow«on^t| DeVondency, Emaclauon, VM&mwa, b g »m'-tb. D wriuea siguature of J. 8. nOUGHTONiM.Dj.SoIe Propnem Unil( , d SlBlefli —Public Attention . * rn OR ROCK OIL; i-SiSiSSpi Ps'SkSSsS 1 !, „o»tn I mB hav, b«: ; orgouen. The earth gg^l«3S23^g srssss STSiIEHki srs S|?4lfesfr»-S*i Now, we (lo rioi desue to do tniß; o ould be t0 | ( ( 1 KtSs 1 ?&E£SSM& io oar’owncuyand Qtfighbor^ip od'bear amplelealiqiony In favor of the Pt lr°wu“n the past two months, two of our own C>U*ens, who were JiaU, hive Several.cases OI D r a eenll«nahin Bea been cored- And, at !f’^f se s f{ t hfScaSare near ina^b^cfcrr^ e t^by^any^peTsons^who^in^£ K£U°be^a^ fesasa^gg d a bladder and Kids ■is;.gftSlSs"ssssssi “en “STiSJjIBJS others may mediomesUte SSafi3S®eSta SsffiSSSffSg&f* 140 Wood sueeu ~ n tr Saiiera 5? Wood sited; D* M-Carry, D. _ -—— (The llamsu Bodf mail Perspire, TO HAVE jt S HEA£TB^'A^PEARAtiCE, * il? to "“ h 1 0 S O^H^IoRBi!loI < AND : SOMJWS>-" cruelly Bell it for the above, unless I knew it to be all •“’s^sss:sassgw v wiU find afflFcted wilh any of K«“or y ßimUk?dUea.kwUl«£«£•““ d °'' en more (admirable in l ita PW?hooded withlmitnilona, as Jones’ iuy wniic. f I T ADIES are cautioned against a stag common prepa * J They arenotuware how frightfully . - Tothe akin I how coarse, how rough,how 1 sallow, 1 JsllOW attd unhealthy the sain appear s etter. using prep area Chalk Besides, it-is injtmotiB,conto|a -3S££cßK«faft skftoasSiSlSi. smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. tystreet, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price 25 c.ents. pTi-iv wmte Teetb ftntl TO BE HAD FOR S 3 CENTS. PERSONS -Who have’ either, are honorably assured *at if their breath isever safoul, ortheir _ TEETH DECAYED, BARK OR YELLOW, , and encrusted with lunar, that a SS cent box ofJonei Anther Tooth Paste will make the teeth white at jnnw and the breath odiferousty sweet. • Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty streg head of Wood. - taeca>_ Jones 7 solution.* «*•** " , . * LTOUID HUMAN HAIR DVB for ihe changing ct. A wttue, red or greyhaii to a beanuft(ll)rp^tt,« it repossess the -following rf lJs j t . -hair to glow oa any part whore m! , tc grow,' otop it falling ??i'£&}?S r For dressing the hair fight, red or greyiair greys dart- «■ lfaia —j t makes i soft and silly, notlnng can e ««““ i^Si) u,e moa r^^i 0 4°Store,%^ii>crty^ h «',sir f ™ *isar 8.1.00. —' pURE YOURSELFinaIIWM | (j This novel failing specific t ho altendantcom of delicate anfe and lasting cure 18-tb® plaints,', w edfet j wlthont restrictions to diet,,bind-. coarse Of a tew days,jnuiom andppjolai street, Pittfibargh, Pa. j • ~ 1 11— ~ Bair* sarsaparilla “ d 200 bottles are retaiieddaUy, peredha Cholera have occurred, and thay from boats ortbose who ah * eSß fp 4ne j ww jj CtoW*,., for salfb, KBYSER * Pittsburgh, where the genwn.s «** ??. tlUfg??: btgin%4, Dnnnty Lwdt«..; /-.APT NAYLOR, No. 163 Third street, comer of ngton for *s <, P?ffPS*\h«r Vidovra and children, under T torn iSKß&fc"* September 28^1650. Piitgbnrghi October 10. iu*t rec'd and (££,**l® by • - k RICKETBON. Benzoic a< [myUl ‘jwcz**- --" •* ~ ~ V *(■&s*&' Hvt ‘ - '" , \ * * - $« •*” . v" " *•; ■« * 1 „* i \ -*- - - ~'. .„ V^V" t i- ::^ [ i >T*:\.'-* ; ,“' -t ..' : ‘ *~'i'- .. ' ■■■ . ..-■ ■• . - -■- : *■ .-< . r >' , ' ,* ~ , . * * ' V ■ ~ r '. i., ' V— ~ - -s' fc r - ' ’ %St s ~ J %s t ** r * \1 " v , V* *• y* *» ' 4l O’- ~ ■* * \ '!^~^ 1 ' t - e ° r~\±\ >■»' r - James CV »Wfc ' g&E££SS*!SE "SMg-jSSj? ;[,'a»s SFsHS-w^eilf: dM3 intrusted to his care, tomenw^Rhag^^^,^. I lronag< No 36 Martel,between- Becond wi4.TtiM.5U.. 7 '■'>7 | \ 4 ir <_ | ■ ■* ' _ I 7 - ,r ***'-\ Batbe. “ /—--, „S ■it -_ »_ * a i A rioOT'DELIGHTFUL >«' ' , - r«'ij * . A. t ‘ "jM&it ' - ' *!• Mto ILP Mi * The subscriber respectfully iolicitt a ~ - ■* J » The Bathing 1 deportment at- / tne onttosi cart- , » - ri \ * •- _ *** n 3 ■■jprMTaietoomsfor.SeteciP»W» w AEf} [ j - - r • : ' r " ! ■"■'■'*'■"■ "“ “ k *.\> :.-' xr-' £*= | 7 I ‘ ' --. ' ' _£•>* ,i;" - fe ' - ' 7}-. H--, C _ * /*- 1 s“;rr . . jobn W. m--/ “ - .. ft * - ' A, HAS'AIiWAYSQSeAND.of-’-'i \ ; J“‘;V \ f'-- ■ - - a large assortment of TAfllFj-- S -V ’-iw^dk** BRELLAS of every desferiptlOß,! r*ii g t - v >'£ of v?hotetaleorretaU r at'piicca4s'<&\._. I * j'-JTV _* v 7\wnireatotn«ih.erJhoo>Ue»«f>New -. f, - ■ -- ,■ , • . -•■■' >• - 1 ‘ .-' *' ' 1 ? Nolli Wool ««eu r«{vj , r rT 7**^ >, asa S&sr ■. . 1 •. .Olses'»!iS!'w»y«.K;sS:_ { • • S&sfes > .- au2l . ■■•■--—— 2 ife ■• vi-Ss ?■>-■ •rn tailors—-l shall continue to *©ll ,afld pvh Biruciions on my system of Garmertri>r«*SW:M heretofore, at the followtng byoral instruction, »10 i -mlhou* WATI^ No.Se, one,Uoor froia J? e ”,’'j. sr *w : gfZ* ■£ *Ml»°b.“ e . c “a SS^&SS street. • •'■•'“ '»•• ■- -••—■■> "HewCJ«>eol*t«KttOtory-_ - oje n giamooni aco hke m».. ulie rated, an d>once,of finerprop rie- EE * &**™>sm* Pr H?s for sale at Mr. SaKl’s No ItH Fiirtb street, np stairs, next asor-w tHe BMT Qr’sOSlOt -<••%.- TT KLBfKB.’N? ri.-D.loi.orgcnnmo ' Violin and Guitar- T»* four lengths and for by H. Kieber , a»ODj. fKBb and pure, aua ; sound and darabjuiij They arethe'sanie Ote “Bul4 BivoTt, VOte) aulb FKtSSH GROUBEU2S - soirnlf' ehest*6re' .• ; 130 catty boxei OOboxeWfcbK 8 era. Miller. SOHLbaitSjl? , 30 Havana SO bags 25 do Lagnyri s*o do Oldflow 30 boxes Star® 10 'do Spend. ; do -v Mootd'and Jhppod j •: •30 tegs Ground Spices £; -' 5 baas Pepper and jrinventpj IS boxesCocoadnd Oftwolate i. •< 3 cases assorted Pie Mes-i r, " • 3 do -ißojdewxwdgjejtePjßM*; ittbxa. AlmDdd,;P«taanff,ToJ!« Baa», l do Hedkert Patnia'i ' l ' - - - - f | do BShiuSyeislttiilsQap i'owaet'*-, § dol pMe«*Zta# 'SPasli Boafd» £ 100 da Corn Brooms,’ •• & -w Wholesale and - —cor. Wood aadFSfth sis« UbBIS 1 , m iAs Itiamma, is the bert place » ouy V <«.l*o.aTea- / • fadll. "ffISMoCKfcOQ. g 1 * 1 ! 1 RreicCTSoitf 4 1/ for taleW WUJiERAJWCKfiiwr*. T^UlU)EErMUMEf^ThOOi^di®Hle>' ie » I ™X; M.'e” by the'ftse' ol *a ; tndi4.Ejnero’in»W. “^ Price Seems per s&eetf£*oi) pMy * C 0.5 ; Rau.,wi.aa«M have b«^|SWrfJ sff^g“ s Siel„ Soermnator. Trice SB an 4 re^ Z-VUP FKU.uWP~-rE&C WW r*ollow» 1 J Offisrlng,;for 18517-ja»i r 's' r ’£ < fsK )N t,: 4r <*> aaT _: —■ *‘- ... - i—— jrfSXES*' .fL?& -KpSor!.ed,«2«s.torg»k St-o: BUGAK—a prime-artible.' i -to * * i. ... • ■ K - ... .., gry»wr*3U.u ?iiEAS—Black Imperial for sale by 4'-'taT ■ . . STPAMT & SILL. f v .., MQEMSSwV MABTi • - mlhEDiamano- pRESH Bl ANTED—SOO bus.' YBLLO W ‘COttt«, ao» Ne-W Third n. NEW ARRIVAL & FINE GOLD - WATCHES AND JEWELRY? at HOOD’S : Store, a Market «treet,'arid wiling at one-halflfae uutal retail pricce- tits PENCILS In tbit city is felling a t about half the ns mJwbulpri&a^fi&W^t ißmsl frnM • iflf VBXM. KAISINS ; IUU 150 do Fi» i ■'! > ; : in so oasto>CitnaiiU.i . , ;jl _; : 5U boxcß Jujabi: ; 40 do Roclt Caa&y; ' ‘ji ao Hacdaroai; -ti (Mp* - SO do VermieceUn; ■; ; ... locates Prunes,gia»» iM»i , Ju suite anifiit salojiy _ ' . * ‘ . JOBHBA 4Hftl)E9 4 OO^ auSl ■ No: C-Wood glreat. i nn BXS. PRIMB ORSiMT OHEESEi LUU 75 half bitlsj Shad i , Just received and {Ol5 rale *>r-F.. R. BRAVO, audlrJw , i Nos, 1 add 2 Diamond., f - icaaq^ nE ‘ITS?X^a?AsiUi.. fjr&NATB bbL frealHfar Baled? £i aulB , ~ }.D WJUJAM3 * CO. H AK^EY-« ,| m»‘fo» a l B by sTf ,l Mfc gILL JJ .UEKLOUK and HuUed a-.UjJ,*. ' *•:.'.' :sh ground foz sale by WKIGBT * ALgORW. /HofrFEl V aalB “* * h r h* «" r i?-- t i>. _ U »« s V s v T i'’ i - e * ~ | r ' ”- 4 » v l *'» >* U •*> * K *r* /*■ - - >** A *> * F^T'-vs?;- n I ':s j ” l F ■■ f .r " - - ’ . . |A'-^ ; ' ip. IHHEAD. & BIL.U \ I ~ for which * r ~ _ fcAbCOHN. in^n " 1 ~J I 4. » * - 1 i •i t V w - H *■'-.? T * y ~ r ■ j' ■? *>% r , »» ! V. ’ V