The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 12, 1851, Image 4

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-4 k TIMQRE, ,
, :w ; SAVANNAU DIRECT. £v£^f
sottarivail TA Ptt©O «JPT;A JC'Oi* *
Emigration and Foreign Exzhang* Qfi c - 9 -
accepted f- h *
«.'; JL- : -&bove wclfknowaHoase,is pregated to . bring td
nJPjtsaongers from the on as favorable ter is
-.,as-auy oUret iloasa-in tha City.
'“.;-.i J FABaages-can, bc’ engaged m the following un. •,
aailing punctually on the days appointed,•
■!J SWALLOWTAIL Lino leaves Livorpeolon lha 6 !h
t sanii fllslof each Momh. ,
REDSTARLINE leaves Liverpool on the 2Slh of
fVSC&imfHuln . . ■ , '>s
V ‘.THBZ LINE le.ves Liverpool T® l '?
-'THE LONDON LINE of Pacteu s “!j , ~ f 'T m^Lo ' r “ D
Jiani fhe«Hi','lSth,2Utahd 20th ofavewtoo*. *<
■ ’ 5 THE CLYDE LINE of tomgw JJ«r.W'P
GLASGOW on "the fat and 15tU of each month.
. weekly Line of Packets for New Orleans, i
' ♦~’ jrj^j*a«<ie n gers (duped from New York to any part 4-
resides 17r Liverpool, ana s il-
«l;all;:Wasfigoj|MigSged in
'k&sSpersifis dMirpoe'Ot Che -pH Coani -y
«:hv(i Thetr p&sagc Ofui »-
nimgyo|»Mdepi^e± fcBW y oH[r
Cajv be'hadni.veri'. rededed'laies-by,.applymg-io the
uittSrflgnid:• AgenrlorSHa Menrs..Tapsonurnf New
jeinT .vi- -rsZte&.-i/j&si^sfSbfciafrtSi&tafairtk
r. Pennsylvania Railroad Co.—Central RaMroad.
IlHfc subscribers "having been appoinletl/Shfpping
Agents for the-Pennsylvania or Central Railroad,
inform tbe‘pub!ic that we are now prepared to receive
any amount of merchandise or produce for shipment
(ioodh via ihis route will be earned through in five
day*, and all consigned,to a« will be forwarded free oi'
commission or chargcfor advances.
Ra:a of Freight bitxeten PkHadtlphia and Pittsburgh.
Ury j;ood*, hais, shoes, book?. con
fecunnary, :ruu*, feathers, furniture, drags, medicines
'itddlrrj'i itc- y 100 Ib^.
Hardware, queenaware, groceries, paipts, dye stuflV,
oils, leath=r, clover, flax, timothy and olher Brass
seeds, wool, &e. 50c. 100.
Beef, pork, butter, lard,, lard oil, tobacco leaf, coffee,
and rags, ’ 60c. # H*<).
A'die*,. marble (rooght, tar. pitch, rosin, German clay
bones, bacop, &c.
corner Penn and Wayne street?
Ist, Uai.-rjylfl .
* . PiUiLu!
.:j Brdltmsitlfc end Cumberiand to Saitimort and phtlad'a.
efMIE Morning Boat leaves daily at Bo*cfock, A M.,
' ‘ *L S |vreeisely,connecting with tne Care at Cumberland
-nextmorntngi • - „ w
’..Phe-eveahig boat teases daily at 0 o’clock.P.M
-•X except Sunday evenings,! connecting with the cars a
Cumberland next evening, at 10 o'clock.
• Time through to Baltimore 32 Lours. Pare only Sw.
•■-rime thfboghloPhtladelpbia4o hours. Fare only #lO.
- The National Road is now good. Conductors eowith
- ih<s coaches between Brownsville and Cumberland—
wh;eh makes this decidedly the be6t Toutu Bast
4. MKSKIMEN; Agent,
Officetn the Klonoagaheta House.
Another Fresh Arrival at So. 9?»
Corner of Wood Street and Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.
P.GlfrhGU ft GOu have just re c caved. angth e r new
; 18 supplyof l)1i v Gbobs and 'VIRI£TIXS : , winch
nave besapurchastsl since the late decline in Eastern
paces, yrhich will be sold at a shall advance. Owing 10
our advantage* in buying, and long experience in the
business, we flatter ourselves that we can afford our
• prices regardless of competition. Our stock
will be found to be unsurpassed in lie western market,
and much .superior to any previous stock kept at the
* Oidstaudlty Ureggi-lTCannleas.
TVe have justopeueda fresh lot of late styles of BON*
Nfc't:*, IlibboQs, Farasols. Mous
dlrLa4l»es-i*ad^e3’ , White Dress Goods, Ladies’ Gvmps,
Siik Fringes, Ac ; Broad Cloths. I ancy'yestings. Ca?si
meres-oununer PactaJooncry,Tweeds,Gloves, Hosiery,
Tnrcaos. Combs, Suspenders, Buttons, Knives, Spoons,
Razors, actssprs»&c., anti all other articles in'their line,
• too tijdtous Luncmlon. We have on hand, just receiv
* ndairecl from the manufacturers and importers, by ex
press, a large lot of,GOLD and GILT JhwELRV,
* GOLD and SILVER "WATCHES, and Watch materi
*;ȣ*, and being weekly m the recejpt of such Goods, we
intend keeping aur assortment complete. We earnestly
early call from buyet $ generally,before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Thirty caaesof BRASS CLuCKtf.jast arrived, ot vi
. .
/JJjT Remember, No. 97, Uorlh-wesL corner of \* ond
*. •ttreeymd.D.&moad alley, Pltwourgh.
.Y. B.—The business of the la<e firm of Gregg A M’-
■ Gaudies? is to be settled by 0 Gregg at the above
%Ltnd. who it* fully authorized a d in whose posse«.*icm
are tne books, notes and papers of said firm. fVb
EXT-.KA.CT ol a * euer from me Kev K. I*. Abbott, n
well known uod highly esteemed Missionary iu the
, kingdom of Burmab.. dated
- -■ • Sasoowat Abbacah, February, 1c46.
s ,'flr. D- Jttynts Ptuladdpkia: My Dear Biz—We arc
- tu>w ia great warn of your Medical [’reparations Your
--CA.HMINATIVB BALSAM ts au invaluable medicine
. m this country m bowel complaints, and baa been u-*ni
in oil our Missions with the most gratifying sacces*. I
i Jure known iltn many cases to a<*t hiea charm Your
fc-tiANATIYB PllXi* are ,my sheet-aachor.—The nesi
5 isedieiao lor my liver eomplaiui and paiu in the side that
ilitavccver used. Thev are m great demand, and wa
arc entirely out of them We need live hundred boxes
of them* Bro. Beecher fays we coaid use a thousand
■ boxes yearly among our people u> great advantage. I
iiavc-used your TOMC as atonic in in*
. -ji»TiTiittMit fever, with tlin most complete success. 1
-disk it once was the mean* of saving my own son. Du
,nag ray- travels among me churches the past seasou. I
loand a whole village suiTertng under a prevailing iiiila
i>eaza,auended witn coughs of u moat violent character.
I mten-tcgretied 1 had not had a dozen or two of your
~iKy RECTOH.ANT to a~num?ier to them, for 1 . efieve
(ram what I have seemef us effects, that it would have
been ju»i.ihe thing for those poor people, i presume you
have not hitherto had an idea to what on extrnt your
■ medicines are used la all our Missions.
*••. -j Affecuonatelyyours, E. L. ABBOTT
, : .-Fot««»io m the Pelrin 7 f ea Store, 36> Fifth street. £jy 1 _
Judd’s Medicated Liquid Cuticle*
aTticFe i? intended tor lauiiJy use, and should be
1 found ui ibe possession of every family in the lund.
Mechanics'wbo are in constant danger ofinjury ta t;-cir
persdnsibrough accident, and the improper or careless
wifl -find this article to be invaluable to
ifcctb‘.ktt<fafrera fair trial,will consider it indispensable.
nnty eertiiy that we, the undersigned, having
l freque:uly amde use of Judd’s Medicated Liquid Cuticle,
prepared- by Messrs. Pehfield & Comp, Middletown,
• Connecticut, cheerfully recommend it to our profession*
-aPbrethren, as an excellent substitute for adhesive plas
' ter, in dressing - burns, cuts, scalds, braises, and all kinds
-of fresh'wounds f also. Tor sore nipples, a remedy one*
W M V CASEY, M.D . *
' Compnsmg all the practising physicians in the city 01
; For sale by
- -iyi
Compound Syrup of Yellow Do«k Root,
'~2*SCGV PIES lie from rank among the proprietory
medicines 'ofthis country for completely curing
Cadker,3ait Bh'eutnyErysipelas, and nit other diseases
arising from an impure state of the blood. Also, Liver
Complaint, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness,
Coogbs, Soreness and Tightness about the Chest; Bron-
Chius, or Hoarseness, Dryness, and a tickling sensation
'about the Throat; and is used with unprecedented sue*
'cess in all cases of
' Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the
* various organs, and invigorating the entire system
If the testimony of thousands of living witnesses, from
all parts of ihe country, can be relied upon, it Is singu
larly efficacious m curing aU Human , and icstoring de
bilitated and broken down constitutions. It is purely
yegctablc in it? composition, and so accurately com
."blned'in Its proportions that the chemical, botanical and
taedicaJ properties' of each ingredient harmoniously
ft has removedmany chronic diseases which has baf-
Ued the ikilf of the best physicians, and has also cu red
Cink^r,'Salt Rheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which
Sarsaparilla Syrup* entirely failed to make the leaatlm
pression upon.
It has been tested m muny cases of CANCEROUS
HUMORS. The most obsimuie Cancers have been
cured by tins medicine. We say that it is a valuable
medicine in all BILIOUS CO&IPLAIN Tfe. It removes
all obs.ruction in the circulation, rendering the Liver
free, active and healthy. It removes Palpitation of ihe
Heart, and relieves in ull cases o/ Asthma, and ma> hr
u«f<d in uli c!tamie*,aad at ali seasons of the year
This Syrup is prepared only by C. MORSE A C" - at
Urt Kouuiatu street, Providence. Jl. I .and sold wholc
-nle and.retail, by . N. WICKERSHAM,
. .Agent for Western Pennsylvania,
‘ \VarehouBe,cor Wood and Sixth sis , PillKb'li
tbW%±r Tui« I
6 JL/Ui FiheJMoroceo fuses?. The aubscriberßannounce
* to the cl lizenß of Pittsburgh and vlcinlty V that they can
‘get a likeness for one half the usual price, hot to be stir*
' passerby those taken in the East.. vVe don’tniean to
r Xi'“aufphased by any. Having a large eicy and side
to suit the rao'st fauidioos. "We
‘"wuiubt aisk any person to take a likeness unless ft soils
T them. Miniatures pul in Lockets, Pins or Ring*. ‘ Sick
nr deceased persons taken at their residence.
-- f
Pine Oil Lamps.
* 'TUST RECEIVED afinca&sorlinem of theseLAMPS,
#1 /or bnruing the Camphene, Piue and Ethereal Oils,
wuch r «iIU& a. grcauy reduced
82 Fourth sl, between Market tuid Wood,
i Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail, «n the
i!j above named Uit*. ■ 1J®1»
rpHE Co-Partnership heretofore l e ?{ , HssJSlSFt n ci e
1 subscribers, under the firm of J.e- aUNNhI fc Go,
isihis duy’dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner
“arise the name of the
v-c “April «.
in’Having sold my emlrd iofereslin.Uie.firm of.J S.
& Co. 10 M. D- P«ro*t, my'iatepartner, and ip
SSfirc® business,! take great pleasure m rccora
®S“ deacc
Tiir ATTS* NERVOUS ANTiDOTEwillonre ail cases
W if Headache, Low Spirits, Meats or Physical
•Oe'eav 'aad is so~woad;rfiitin reiavcnalingprematarfe,
old age’ and cerrecting,decrepijade, hroaghlon by;«X
-ll} A 4 • 50 Smithfieid istreel.,
*£%&s& T rZ,h of Liberty and Hand«u. i
,py ;BT4JABT 31U ;
'i'.- “ Fare Reduced*.
Ur* Jayne's Family. Medicine®.
corner of Wood arid First «W
Sew Book* : ,
J\ street, oppysitejlie-Tost Office:
London ArlvJonmal for August. - VillaJ
Suburban Refiidcrses, A.Cr Vr: • MorlJev
■g'MS &r?SS, Gapt^
M RaiphßuAcrfort: a SaaTa!e-by Sir Admiral Fishef.
Lawif Amudel-ror iho Railroad.ot Life. |
r Dictionary of Mechanics. No. 37. !
Littefl’s Living Age, No. .
Godey’s for An S UB * : , . i
Grab am*s MagaYuac,' do ;
• Sariain’s Magazine, do ... !
The Ladies’National do - " !
. The (iipsej Chief—by.G. W. M. Reynolds. ;
Mabel; ox, The -Child of the Battle Field—a Talc of
.The P&Qgfrler : aTale of Indian Captivity
—bv Emerson Bennett *
The. Periwinkle :, a Sea Story.
Ecarte; or the SaJoiife df'Paris—b* Maj. Richardson.
Yeast: a Problem-i-by the’author of ,l Alton Locke. ’’
The Turner** Companion—with illustrations
•J Traveler’s'GilTde'uiroueh the IT K.'ahd'Canada. j
Bena. or Oir Snow .Bird : «• Tale of Real Life —by
Carolina Lee Remz. . • <
The Heirof Wesi,\ypyland—a-Taleby Mary Howiil,
fheKohe^—by Bulwer. .. jh.nS3
New Mutko I Now at title i
H KLRBER, No. lot Third street, has Just selected
• from among the latest east* m publications the
following new anil fashionable Music :
My Hopes have depaxtedforever;
Make rae;nd gaudy ch&plet;
ObT’boys'cirry me along;
Turn doVdWay. Ddeit by Foster;
I’d offer thee this baud of mine;
Mignon’s celebra ed song; £
f dream ol my Fatheriana. /.JennyLind;
Mary, we pray for thee; Moore ;
The half broken heart;
And are we thus compelled to part?
Little Red Riding Hood ;
Spirit Polka.. Nelly Bly;
Lily do - Campiown Races
Bride’s do PassmzAway;
Bloomer do Lillie Blossom ;
Love , do . Blanche Alptu;
Ravel do Opeon Burial; „
Syerly’s Waltz. Nutate. _fa u,B _
Kew fiooks! New Book*!
Cheap Publication Store 4 No. 85 Fonrih street:
Lewis Arundel j orthe Railroad of Life.
Ralph Rutherford—a Nautical Romance. By Sir Ad
miral Fisher.
The Mysteries of the Heath—a companion to the Mys
teries of Paris By Eugene Sue.
A fresh supply ot Blackwood for August.
N0*.16 Fiela Book of,tbe Reuolution.
Thd-London WoritTw Pashton. 'h; , ,
.♦The! Livhftof-thd'Chief Juslieeaef.England, from the
Nbrmu.ii Conquest till the death of Lord mnnsfield. By
John Lord Campbell,-L, U ... •
BOstwick on the Causes of Natural tLath. Ac J » nv.
New Music.
JOHN H. MF.LLOrt.No rfl Wood nrvri.has reccv-il
.fhe following pif-ce.-* of new and popular Music
Dole v J«ne«. By S C I- oste ;
.£ Oh ! Boys. Carry Me Along. By S. C. Foster
* Peaceful Nights—Duett. By Glover ;
Moonlight Sleeping—Duett;
: i) We Now Must Pail; The Cavalier ;
t.Tiike Me Horae to Die; I Watch for Thee ;
’’’Re Kind to the Loved Ones at Home ;
FathejV.Prayer; Joe Hardy;
Why Po'Suminer Roses Fade:
March From Lucia'fli bammermoor;
Diligent Hose Company Quick Step ;
Feat March. Village Q S; Wor!d’*Fair do .
1 Have Riches, Thou. Hast Beauty—Variations,
Con. e, Sing Ale that Sweet Air Again, do ;
Le Tremolo Bf Rosselen. do;
Believe Me, if all those Endearing Young Charms;
Diadem Byerly’s, Aurora and Silver BelfWaltTes;
Lily; Nancy’s Fanny; Bloomer; Sharon; Fire F>y;
Jenny Gray; Syracuse ; Cottage; Oydeu; Coquette;
ami Cally Polkas. 1«. q 2?
Modern Harp-
BLUtMKh** just received aiatee stock of VOCAI.
which arc—
The Modern Harp—or Best-a Sacred Melodist— a
rolitteiion of ih«* tno*t popular church music in use ;
The Boston Meiodeou—in three volumes; consisting
of eougi, giees. rounds, 4c , <Sc.c.j inclading many of the
mo;t popular pieces of the day, arranged and hairao
ntzed for four voices , .
The Ale odist —a new work containing selected gems
from the most cclcbrateJ composer/, wjth accompi*ui
meat for the Piano Forte ;
The Nanonai Glee Book Air—f r four voices;
Self-instiacting School for the Violin—a new and sci
entific work, iit ttiree parts, complete in one. By G.
Saunders; ..
The Melodeon—a collection of the most popular Me
!odi«-s, carefully arranged for Flute or Violin, in twelve
unrobe rs;
Henri Hertz’s new and complete Piano Forte Sciiooi
Surgmuilei’s aad improved edition of Piano
Forte Instructor;
Czerny’s Piano Forte Instructor;
CarcassL’,Carullis’,and K Culvers' Guitar instructor;
Araa-enrs* Quartette Club—in three numbers and four
parts, for tho i «t and *Jd Violin, Violincelto and Ffutr :
fnsirumental M usic, in tour pari*_ and 6 number*:
Howe s Musician’s Companian—in three parts ;
At the Olt Established Piano Depot,
Q uS No- 118 Wood stu-et.
Superior Watch Repairing.
JE WELLEU, again to call the ® l,
t.ntiju of thn putiUc the workshop wnicb he S-Jjh
has opened at No tC Filth street, two doors (romhaßiiSEl
Mark-t. where hr contt uea to devote hi* special uum
tiori to the repairing and refitting of Lhrougiuelcr. Du
plex. Patent Lever. LTpine, aud every of
hne WaUiJie.' uiul Clocks. f. r a number of years been employed as Fore
man iu tuc worvtliop of the large in ihis
city, I flatter inyvelf Uiaithcsc favoring me with parron
age wiil find ad work ei trusted executed in the i»«-*t
maimer and on the most reasonable terms
Refertnctt— John Harper, Esq, Edward Heazleton.
Eeq.,R. U Haii.ey. Esq , Joseph Woodwell, Joshua
Rhodes A Co , au<l Wm. B. Scaife.
A carefully elected stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew
eiry, Spoous, Spectacles, Ac., on hand,which
have been purt£-ised at the lowest cosh prices, an>! will
be sold at a very small advance for the same [hu!2^
Citizens and Strangers,
sta IH> you wish to purchase a
tar usual once T It so call at HOOD’S
«Sifcffi3NKW JEWELRY STORE. 51 Market street,
twodoors north of Third, aud take a look at his new
stool, just arrived, aud >ou can there purchase Winch
es or any kind of fine Gold Jewelry at their real value,
and not he charged two prices for evgrjthiug, a* >ou
hove usually been ; but can get the very best qualny of
‘goods at the lowest eastern price «• Do uoi believe what
other?, intent ted m their own soles, tell you, but
and see for yourselves. AH good* sold at this establish
mcul will be warranted as repreFcnted at time of sul*-
So that ail may purchase equally safe and cheap- aut&,
Ai.L PERSONS interested will lukc notice that
WILLIaAI TAVLOH.ofthe Eighth Ward ef t ie
City of Pittsburgh. Bnckmaker,on the kSibday of July,
iooi, executed 10 me uudcraiguedu Deed ol Assignment
of all his Estate, in trust for the benefit of his creditors
All persons indebted to said Taylor are requested to
make immediate payment, and person* having claims
will present tin m. J. HOWARD, Assignee.
,y ;*i Office 4ili st., beu titnlUifield ami Grant
Dissolution of Partoeratxlp.
N'OTICL H HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership
heretofore « listing between GEOHGE V. aK
BUTHNOT and WfLLIAM BROWN, Sr., ns Chamber*
and Soap Manufacturer*, under the firm of Arbuthno’ A
Brown, has this uuy been dissolved. All settlements oi
said business will be made by Geo V Arbothuot. who is
hereby authorize ! in attend the same. The business
hereafter will be conducted by George V. Arbuihnoi. u«
heretofore. G V AKBUTHNOI
a U -7:3w WM. BROWN, SK
' Dr. Wm. P. Giles*
rnt Office at Rodv Patterson 1 * Livery Stables, on
Fourth street, betw ecu Wood and Smithfield. Oy triy
Lithographic Institute.
ClO-PARTNERSHIP.— The trabsenoers most respect
j fallv announce to their trieuds aod the public gen
erally. that they have tlus day entered into Co-Partner
ship, for the purpose ol cuming on, ai the old»ur.d f in
Singerly’s Buiidiug, opposite the Post Office. Third street,
Pittsburgh, the Lithographic Printing, in all its various
branches. • Having machinery, recently arrived irum
Europe, they are prepared to do works in Lithography
equal to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance of
the patronugc be?»iowed heretofore so liberally to me
onejianner, Wm. Schudbaian.’and they hope by strict
attention to their oust ness, by elegant workmanship, and
the most reasonable terms, to merit the favors of an en
lightened public.
Bonds, Cbcoks, Drafts, Machine Drawings Like e*s
es, Landscapes. AutographicLetter*, Bill Head*; Piets
Lithographed and Printed in Pluck, Gold Bronze *1 Do
Soecimexts of their work can be seen at their Office,
Itfsnnia Ponble-Lever Letter Copying
Press* and Metallic Dampener*
Sixes of Pratts and Dampeners— Letter, 10 by 13;
FooLeap, 10 by 15: Folio Post Hi by 17ft; Manifest, 18
by 21.
A Time saving. Labor-saving and Money-saving Machine.
I decided advantages over ull previous invention-for
the name object.
lM The Press does not require fastening down.
2d Tnrougb two lever* end eccentric joints the pr<-«-
sure is obtained with more ease, and much quicker than
.by other methods.
3d. The power is applied *o equally, that the Press is
nojljable to break or got out of order
4ui. —The Dampening Tablet is a substitute for the
brush, blotting pa per and w«i-clo:h, saving ail the trou
ble incident to their use, and is worth its weight <n gold.
The Tablet may be u>ed to great advantage with any
Press already in use, and for that purpose will be soid
Letters can be copied w ith this Press und Dampener
in three eccouds, without hlurtng the original or the copy.
For keeping in a Book-like form, Music, Original In
voices. Letter*. Periodicals, Newspapers, Drawing*
Bank Checks, or any other papers where method is de
sirable. This invention, it is confidently believed, is the
heel ever presented to the public for the purpose for
Kvliicb-R is designed, and will luruish to many a deside
ratum long needed. The undersigned now offers it at a
comparatively trifling cost to ail who may desire to per
fect the system preserving papers for ready und easy
TbePuper in these Books is made from all Linen
Stock, and uf the same quaEtr as Fine French Writing
Paper, bound on Parchment Backs, with Prioted Pages,
ana manufactured expressly for retailing
Theunden«igiie«l havingprocuredthe-sole agency of
the above articles, uow offers them at reasonable puces
nt wholesale or retail. Presses, Dampeners, Books, or
Binders, furnished to order of any dimensions, at short
notice. All of the above article warranted.
Also—Copying Paper, in loose sheets of any size.
Arnold’s Copying Ink—decidedly tbc best in use. -i
Mr. A. C. Chambers will wait on the cittzens of Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, and will give all the instruction
AtAPFaden A Covode’s Penna Railroad Depot, corner
of Penn and Wayne sts.. Pittsburgh _ _ [jeStyl
WATT’ri ANTIDOTE —Extract of aletter from the
Rev. Alvan Ackley, who, after stating that he
had taken but four teaspoonfuls of Watt's Nervous
Antidote, and describing lie wonderful effects, says:
■ , Mr. Watts—Dear Sir: In view of the whole, I think
ittobe a powerful stimulant to the Nervous system,
anil an invilnable medicine. It has already relieved
-me of a. certain set of nervous pains, elevated my
far relieved my loin*and to enable
A ? S'S; r y S bel,er 'alvan acklf.y.
APn ' I, l?S0 S- L. CUTHBEST,
-v ■ ■ 50 Smithfield street.
*VTE\V SlLKS.—Received tbtAday,a beautiful lot of
JN new Btyle'SUks and Saiin do Ohene-beannfcl col
m. at ' [an37( . A. A. MASON A CO.’S.
& Co. have just opened a new lot of Boanet* and
Bonnbt RibboM-Full «t,le.-which U>ey will offer very
•--- ■ = -#n9«nHHr=<ttcin?Jttme3 - '
Cask mutual Fire ' InsuroncnCoapany
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
THE undersigned having been appointed Agents for
the SR]office in No.
14 St. Clair street, and ar** now prepared to effect insu
rances on city and couuiry property, upon as favorable
terms as any responsible Company in the State. All
'Persons having property insured in©ppapy are
entitled to vote for its omcera,,£n4Jo sHjtte. m.itS; gam
ings ; bat are not liable, in any WeflVtot ttnytbrnfc be
yond the amount they taove paid. Ail dosses promptly
paid in sixty proof of the same*.
... .oTFtcsas:
Hon. JOlltt C. BUCHER. President
**.■ Ctus. E. HrasrXßrVico President.
H. Wiilyon^ecretary.
David Fleming, Attorney and Counsellor.
Directors— Hon. John C. Bucher, Rudolph F. Kelker,
Wm. Colder, Jr., David Fleming, Isaac G. McKinley,
.Cbaa.B. ilielterv Elias E. Kinzer,Samuel
Davl4 Murama, Jr., John Ninninger, Dauphin County;
Jacdb S-Haldeman, York; Henry fi. Fty, Lancaster;
Adam Pchmner, Berks; JohnG. Brenner, Philadolphla;
Wdlism WinuertMontgomery; Thomas Giilespre, Lu
zerne; Gordon F. Mason, Bradford ; Amos K. Kapp,
Northumberland; James Barns, Mifflin; JbnttT. Hoov
cr> Centre; John S/lsett, Huntingdon ; James K.Moore
bead, Allegheny; Jonathan D. Leeu Geo.
I a. Bucher, Cnmherland ; MMMr^Carbon.
14 St. Clair street, -
jy2&Bm Agento for Pittsburgh, Alleybeoy Ca
' pittiburgh Life InVaraiiic e Company.
riyHl-f COMPANY was incorporated In February.
I 1851; with a Perpetual Charter, and has commenced
business on a Capital of 0100,000.
The Company does business both on the Joint stock
and Mutual plan. , . . ,
On the Joint Slock plan the rates are one-third less
than those charged by Mutual Companies, and Fifteen
Per Cent- lower than the rates of most Stock Corapa-
rates are the same as those adopted by other
safely conducted Companies. Those insured cm the
mutual principle have the combined securities furnished
by that system of insurance, and the Capital and bur
plus Fund of the Joint Stock department.
The Charter permits the granting of insurance on life,
in every form, including the right of wife, children, pa
rents, relations, friends creditors—to insure the life of
another for their own exclusive benefit, payable after
death, or upon the parlies arriving attbe age of 50.55,
60 or 65, at the option of the insured,
James S.Uoon, President.
Samuel APClurkan, Vice President
Joseph S. Leech Treasurer-
Charles A. Colton/Secreiary-
James S Hoon, Joseph S. Leech,
John S.Dilworth, Charles A Colton,
Samuel M’Cturkan, William Phillip*.
John A. Wilson.
BOSBD 07 Oinz&Cß.
Hon. William Wilkins, Late Secretary of War.
Hon. Walter Forward, Late Secretary ol Treasury
John Snyder, Esq , Ca«hier Pittsburgh Bank.
Malcolm Leech, tf*q . Wholesale Grocer.
Hon A. W. Loomis | A. B. M’Calmont, Esq.
Consulting Fhyxicianj,
Joseph Gazzam, M. D
Jeremiah Brooks, M I)
Samuel Dilworth, M. D., 47 Smithfield street
Rpbu Snyder, M D , 103 Fourth si.
John Crawford, M. D-, 29 Sixth ft-
Wm. McK Morgan. M. D-, 107 Liberty si.
Dr. Dilworth will bo in attendance at the office, every
day, at 12 o’clock.
Those who have spoken for an agency, are requested
lo call, take their papers, and commence operation*
forthwith. AH per*oe» engaged tn the insurance busi
ness will be supplied with blank* and a lowed the u *ual
Office of the Company, No. 75 Fourth street,
my 7 , C A. COLTON. Srdy
Kentuoky Qluttxol Life Ifliurance C ).
mHIS COMPAN Yoffers to the insured ull the *ecarny
J. and advantages of the Mutual aud Joint Stock Plans
(a* heretofore applied) combined, namely: Low rate* of
premium; an annunl return in cash of the per centner
required for the contingent risk of ibe year; an ude
quate,bnt not excessive provision for the future securny
e members for the whole term of lie, wiu* on equitable
imprest m the accumulaUDg fond secured tosnen m m
t»eis, payable at death, by credit- upon their poli
cies; a guaranty fand designed for the permanent secu
rity of snort terra members, and also for the present se
curity of those for the whole terra of life.
(pr This is the only Mutual Life Insurance Company
whose rales of premium arc fixed at a fair reduced stan
dard, wi.h aprovision for an annually increasing accu
mulation of rands (for future security* In exact propor
tion to tho amount of bu iues* and the increasing risk
from advancing age among the rncnioers
Pamphlets, tract*, Ac . giving in detail the plan and
rate* of the Company, furnished grans, and applications
for insurance received by J Tl'rtßKTr, Agent,
129, Wood strict, Fiilstiur*. n
Sa ml Du-wostb, Medical Examiner jytfrvi
Thf, Wpankitn FTr* Insurance Company.
Charles W. Bancket. Oeorgc W fticuarus.
Thomas Hart, Mordecai I). Lewi*.
Tobias Wanner. Adolpln E. Borie,
Samuel Grout, L):ivui S. Browne
Jacob R ?nuiii. Mor r t* Pane. *o*.
CHAS N UA.NCKKR, i'rr.'i
Chas. G. Banci.**, Secretary
|P- Coullnue to make insurance perpetual or Itm.u-c .•
on every description o; property in town and country,
at rates as low u« arc consistent with *ccartty
The Company have reserved a large Contingent J-'**n«.»
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Company, on January Ist. l»3l a#
fiublished agreeably to mu Act of Assembly, were a» fel
osv viz
Real Estate • --*•
Temporary Loans
Cash. 4e. « •••
? uis.r&'
h4.077 7H
<1,966 17
6l,**y 00
64.346 ei
Since ihcir incorporation, a period of ill yeari.mcy
have paid upward* of One Milium Four Hundred Thou
sand Dollars , losses by fire, thereby affording evidcite*
Of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to mart with promptness, all liabilities.
aprtMj Office N. E- corner Wood ami Lkl st-.
Sl&rlne, Plr« andTnTand Transpor ta tloo
I 1C A, Phibidelphta, chartered 179 L capital 0500,-
000, asset! January 13. 185!, 01,001*355 50, " .I
make insurance on buildings and taetr eouteuu in ib>*
city and vicinity Also, u» property of every de»c rip
notion stesmboataAnd other vessel#, either by inland
transportation oron the *-ens
Arthur G. Coffin, Prr*’i • Jacob M. Thomu*.
Samuel W. Jones John R. Neff
Edward Smith, Richard D Wood.
John A. Brown. William Welsh,
Samuel F. Smith. Francis llukmt,
Samuel Brooxs. S. Austin AHifcone
Charle* Taylor William K. Bowen.
Ambrose White. George W. Aspinwull,
Thomas P. Cope.,
S. Morn#, Water
Tni-* i# the ol.l'-'i In»uirunt e Company m ilie United
Slate#, ar d from ll# high standing. long rxpc'iencr, urn*
pie means, tuid avoiding a!: inks of an extra hai ird
ous character, may be rnmudered a* offering ample
cuniy to the public WM P J<»ES. Agent.
jaa4 \o. 141 Front street.
ANCE COMPANY. —Office,North Room of the Ex
change, Third street, Philadelphia
Fia* iKsottAPrca. —Buildings. Merchandize and otbei
properly in toton and country, insured agamst loss ot
damage by fire si the lowest rate of premium.
Mariks Iksdba.hck.— They also insure Vessels. Car
goes and freights, foreign or coastwise under open of
special polioles, as the assured may desire.
Itn.aMDTiuABFORTATion. —The;, also insure merchan
dize trunsported by Wagon#, Railroad Car*. Canal
Boats and Steam Boot#, on rivers and lakes,on the most
liberal lerma.
DIRECTORS —Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A Souder
John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R Penrose. Samuel
Edwards. Geo. G. Leiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac R.
Davis. William Newlin,Dr. R M. Huston,
lames C. Hand. Tbeophilus Paulding, H. Jones tf rooks.
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. George Serrill.Spencer Mc
llvain. Charles Kelly, J.G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr
5. Thomas, John Seller*. Wm. Eyre, J r
Hugh Craig, Jno.T Logan.
Thos C. Hand, Vice President
Joseph W. Cowan, Secretary
IT/" Office of the Company. No. 42 Water street, Pitts
burgh (jcL6:dt! ) P. A. MADEIRA, Agent.
Fire and Maxine Insurance.
TiHF. OFFICE of the Insurance Co. of Honk Amertta
ha# been removed to tbe Warehouse o( Hardy, Jonet
ii Co., No. 141 Front street,litird house Eustof Wood
street, where the subscriber will issue Policies on Build
ings and their content#.andonShipments by Steamboats
and other vessels, for the above old and responsible
Company. [apJ] WM. P. JONES, Agent
Life and Health Insurance
I COMPANY, of Philadelphia, Incorporated by thr
Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 1848; Charter Per
petual ; Capital SIWi.UUO. Rales lover than any Pennsyl
vania Company , ami full 2U per cent, lower than thr
usual rate# of Life Insurance,as the following com pari
boh will show. Thus a person oi the age of ;M insuring
for 8100 for life, muM pay in the Girard 55f,30, Peuiisyl
vuniu 82.36. Penn Mutual $2,36, F«quilabic #2,04, New
England 52.3 G. Albion 82,4.8, New York Life 82,30, l i ft
arid Health, Philadelphia. s>l .91.
Dikbctobs —Samuel I) Orrick, Charles D Hall, Wm F
Boonr, Robert P King. Chimes P Hayes, M W Baldwin.
Chas O B Campbell. M M Reeve; M. D.; Lewis Cooper.
J Rodman Barker, k H Butler, Edwin U Cope. Press
dent, Samuel D Orrick ; Vice President, Robert P- King
Secretary, Francis Blackburne.
Applications will we received and every inforraaiiot
given by SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, Agent. Office
Commercial Room*, corner of Third and wood street#
Pittsburgh. octg»:y
Firs and Marine Insurance.
rpHE Insurance Company of North America, of PlUIa
X delpltia,through its duly authorized Agent, the sub
scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance
ok property, in this city and its.vicinity, and on abipmen
by the canal and rivers-
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't, Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomat
John While, John R. Neff
Thomas P. Cope, Richard 0; Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Sec’y,
This is the oldest Insurance Company In the United
States, having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is per
petuai, and from its high standing, long experience, am
ple means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous
character, It may be considered os offering ample securi
ty to the publie. . WILLIAM P. JONES. ■
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & Co^Water and
Front sts., Pittsburgh moy4y
John M’Oariney,
Foreign and Domestic Cigars , Tobacco and Snuffs
So. 143 Wood street, eornerof Virgin alley,’
apr*J4) Ftlis&tkrgifcYFc*.
Buslneai Notice.
ALL persons having business with the undersigned,
either as Public Accountant, Instructor in Book-
Keeping, or otherwise, will find him at the Pittsburgh
Commercial College, from 9 till 11 o’clock, A. M- and
from 2 ull 4 o’clock, P. M.
Merchant* in want of competent Book keepers can
be snppued by calling on JOHN FLEMING,
aprfl Principal Instrontor in the Science of Account*
' Fairmoant Fire Engine for Sale.
THE members of the Fairmount Fire Company offer
their ENGINE for sale. It is in fir*t-rate order, and
will be sold cheap.. Enquire of J. SMITH, Sec’y.,
aprfctf No. 409 Penn street
Babbitts soap powder—s bxs, for washing
with little robbings—printed direouons-to each pack
age—for sale by Uy2S] WM. DYER.
*->- • ■•-•- , j3rg t *<SooS3r''’'““ -
Second Arrival of S»w Summer Good*,
Mtst TaE lMgen, Cheapest and Beet Btoclr of FA!*-
:«|§||;CY DRESS GOODS ever offered 1n ihte city, it
ISP" 0 ” TouiforCTEVBNSON A- LOVE’S' i
Original Bee Hive Store, No. V* MarltetStreel. betweeo
Fourth, ftnet and the Itiomend, 'Pittsburgh, i
The proprietors have jnst opened ■ a large anodttota
beautiful, assortment of the Newest end Moet Ptutrfony
ble Styles of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods •whfehliaVi
»beonparohased since the great reduction a * I,I P
large clearing out sales in New York and
and wilt be offered to cash buyers at from 20toper
cent lower than former prices. . . ' _ . . J
DRESS GOODS of every description,from the cheap
est to*the most oosity and magnificent, such as a very
large and beauuful stock of the following articles • i
Chene and Jasper cbene Silks;
High Lasue, plain chemelion and lace silks;
Do Mripe do do; !
Do plain black _ doi ;
Brocade, Armues and Poult do Sores, all cdor> ; ,
Black and cbameliou Turk satins, and watered*!)**;
—..-.jChene '' ~~*' :73 .-vt-..*..
Do primed and plain siftussue?; «
Do> H doT UlbcWnea find Grenadines:
Plaih, printed aoa embroidered borages;
Chene plain and figured sifts, aud, poplins;
Chaineieon (Jrd de Napfes”{
Paris printecHierages ao de loines;
Do do and plain ail wool delaines,
Do do lawns and jaconets;
Plain and embroidered rnulli and Swisses;
Plain wnti prinled-casameres, de loines and alpacas j
French ana domestic ginghams;
English aud American chintzes and calieocs, at all
and RIBBONS at great bargains ;
Spring and sommer shawls, do do ;
Needle worked sleeves, cods, collars and cberai
Needle worked l&ees and muslin caps;
Embroidered, hem stitch and plain linen camb’
Fancy silk pockcthd’kfo, cravats and ceck ues ;
Gloves, hosiery and suspenders, a large slock ;
Iri*»h linens, table cloths and table linens;
Ttokens, checks,crash, bird-eye, diaper f napkins;
Bleached.and brown muslins, from fl to 12c. per yd ;
Do brown and colored Canton flannels;
CasKmerefs, tweeds, merino Ky;
jeans; V.>, .
Black satin and fancy vesungs, Ac., Aerr-'-'
JJ7* The proprietors would respectfully solicit ah
earlv call from oil their friends, and the public gen
erally, feeling confident that they can offer greater in
ducements to wholesale and retail buyers, than any
have heretofore been offered in Pittsburgh.
The Eighth Semi- A nnual Salc
OF DAY GOODS at Uic One Price Stoie of A. A.
MASON A CO., Nos. 62 A 64, Market street, Pitts
burgh, will commence on Thursday, June 80th, 1851, and
continue through the month of July. Tb*ir Wholesale
Rooms wit! be opened to the Retail trade, and every ar
ticle throughout the establishment will be sold at nn im
mense reduction from uauai prices. Having recently
made extensive purchases, their assortment will be
found very choice and desirable.
Their stock of Silks, comprising more than 500 pieces,
will be clojacdout at aa-immense discount from usual
William Addison, M. 1).
E. G. Edringtoa, M. 1)
Fine Printed Bereger,
Fine French Jaconet, \St&25
500 pcs French and English Ginghams, iO <3U'4
Black Alpacas, 12$
1000 yards Bonnet Ribbons, at 8
50ti Wrought Collars, <4
Fast colored Calicoes. <4
100 cases English uud American do, b <9lO
300 cases and bales of Bleached ajui Brown Mux
lins at manufacturer*’ prices.
ALSO—Lace*. Embroideries, rrimminjs, Hosiery and
Gloves, Linen, White Goods. Bonnets, Shawls. Cloths,
Ac., together with an immense variety of all kinds oi
Dry Goods—all of which will be marked down to even
less than Eastern wholesale prices.
j*2s A. A- MASON A CO
New Variety and Dry Goods store.
No. 97. North-tofft corner qf Wood ft. and Diamond alien.
D GREGG & CO., having opened at the above stand,
• ure row offering for sale a large and complete
assortment of VARIETY - and DAY GOODS, consisting
in part of Broad Cloths, Cassimereß, Satinett, hammer
Pant Stuff, Fancy Vestings. Ladies’Dress Goods. Lawns
De Lainex, Ginghams, White Goods, Bonnet", Ribbons,
Hosiery, Ac., Ac. Also, a complete variety of Cutlery,
direct from Sheffield. Together with Clocks, Gold and
Silver Watches, and \Vaich materials, Gold and Silver
Pens antl PdfiCiUi and Jewelryv A; fine assortment of
Palm litjtf Hfifo Ac.' JrikborLwebttve OB hand almost
every arfldtft usimUy : kepllitOlc;Dry'‘GftQd»and Variety
line. Ali of whfchwc offer ibfsaltfootbe most favora
i-ie lerms, either for cash drsaiiriaetdry'Tefeiencr.
N B.—The business of the late firm of Gqeoo A M’-
Casdless, will be settled by the subscriber, at the house
of D. Gr> A Co., a« ibe books, notes and papers are in
my possess.ou, and Jam fully authorized to settle op the
iMjsaiess. [apr2t] DAVID GttfcGG.
'I ’til-. *jbseriiirrs h. vine rtsceiuiy made arrangements
I wiUu fir Palrhlee of lin> new und oaluaAu inren
fton le; lie inanuiarlure and sale of the article in the
West, they haviogbeen manufactured heretofore exclu
sively m the Kii-i where they *re superseding the o*e
or wooden coffins, take this method of informing the
pobltc, tbstuiey ai- now manotucturing eighteen differ
ent size* of tbe modern Sarcophagus, varying in Irngth
from 22 tnehr* to '4 feet, with width and depth suitable
for bodies of ordinary size, and for those who d--rire
space for cushioning, or for bodies of unnsaal dimen
sions. have scveiol sizes deepvr and wider This in
vention now coming into gene rat use. is pronounced one
of the greatest of tne age. These I.cval C»*E* are
composed of various kinds of r.rtuis, but j’nnoLnlly of
§l,*t*,:os 44
They are thorooghiy tnamthd inside and out, and
thus made impervious to air and indestructible. They
are highly ornamental, and of a classic form, are light
and portable, while they combine the greatest strength
which metal is capable of, in a given quantity
When properly secured with cement they are perfect
ly air t!|ht. and free from exhalation of offensive gasea.
They cost no more than good woodco coffins. arid are
better Uwu any other nruele ui use,.(of whatever cost.)
for tran&portauou. vaults, or ordinary interments, a< has
been provea by actual experiments, and certified to by
some of our most scientific men ; fiiso. by the Honora
ble* Henry Clay. Daniel Webster, Lewis Cass, and
other biaunguished Senators who have witnessed their
merits, and whose letters, together with other evidences
of their worth, may be seen ul our Agntts’ Burial Case
Depot. No. J 74 Main street, three doors above Nin h,
where we intend to keep on hand at ali times, soch a
stock o; ali sizes aud degrees of ornament and funs > u*
will suit the most diversified ia»trs.
We invite the attention of the public, and of underta
kers particularly throughout the west, to on examination
of the article, and request them not to rely upon ibe rep
resentations of undertakers not using the uniole, who*e
in’.r re«t it would be to misrepresent them.
James N. Dickson,
H D. Sherr»*ni S<*c'y
Sareop.iuguj Wateioonii. 374 i>frt*n stretL, Cincinnati.
July, 1851
I'HE undersigned. Gxoaas K. Kobkbts, uuderinker and
sole agent for uie sale *f me nbove valuable arti
cle*, announces that he is prepared to supply underta
kers and others having occasion for their use with the
‘ante, of all sizes, from 1 foot H> incheslo 6 fcelOiuzhcs
in length, of various widths and depths, suitable for bo
dies of any size; either plain, bronzed or gilded and
highly ornamented. Also, name plates and trimmings
for the same Attention to the very low prices affix m,
with the view ot their general adoption, is solicited, to
wit : At wholesale, tor plain bronzed Cases, of various
Name plates from 84,50 to 89 per dozen.
Moderate additional chuxge for extra gilding and orna
mental painting, or Inlaid gold, silver and peail work.
Communications, desiring further information, or or
ders for Cases and materials, will receive prompt atten
tion by addressing GEO. K. ROBERTS, Agent,
Sarcophagus Warerooms, 374 Main si., Gin., O.
[D 3 * Funerals attended,hearse and carriages furnirii.
ed. and conveyances, with appropriate attendants pro
vided for iran&portaiiou to any pan of the country, on
application at the office os above.
jy!6 Q. K. B.
THE undersigned Earopean Agent continues bis an
nual voyuges between America and Purope, leaving
Pittsburgh regularly in *ach year in Juno, and returning
in September— transuding a general Law Agency, in
connection with his relative, Hugh Kkbh*e», Esq., now
resident!!! Dublin The present tour will be the twenty
fifth of this Areney, through England, Ireland. Scotland,
W«»les, Ac. It embraces collection of legacies, debts,
rent*, property and clnini?; remittance*of money; procu
ring copies of wills, deeds and documents; conducting
•searchehof all kindsj &o j AC.- 1 lnnorterabte fdfefbrtces
given. During the s subscriber’s absence, his brother,
Eswmid J. will attend in his Office.
Office on Fifth street, opposite St. Paul’s Cathedral.
THOMAS J. KEENAN, European Agent, :
jes:tf and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa.
A GENTLEMAN in thin Cilv, engaged ia a safe, sure
and profitable merchandising and manufacturing
business, having fallen into a low state of health, is de-'
rirous of felliiiK out his in’ere<t in the conce n, for the
purpose of leaving the city for the recovery of his health.
Any person having command of 83600 in cash, und a
fair credit, can enter into this business wi h every guar
anty of success.
iIT Address “ MANUFACTPRKR,” Box 53, Pitts
burgh, Pa., putting wherd hn'interview can be hud.
Green teas have advanced 7 cents per
LB —You can buy Green Teas at MORRIS* TEA
At ART, in the Diamqxid, for three months to come, at the
old prices and the same qualities, notwithlsaadiog the
advance in prices East, as they have a large stoes on
hand Tbeysell the bestTeasin Pittsburgh at this Store,
and defy opposition. , [jy26
SIJBSCRIBERpfferg fbr,saieH.,yehiab'e nouse
J. and Lot, situated on Ann street, AreghenyCity.—
The Lot is 18 feel from by 55 ieet deep. The Houbo con
tains a Hall. two Rooms, Kitchen Cellar aqd. two Bed
Rooms. A large yard, with out oven, hydranu Ac.
Pnce 8900. Terms—3oo in k&nd; balance ittone, two
and three years. S. CUTaBERT, Gen’lAgenU
iy26 No. SQgmithficld it
G 1 OLD PENS—Bard A Brother, G. AE. M. Smith.
I* Todd A Smith and W. W. Wilson’s.
Theabove brands are* now uurivalled inequality of
Gold, elasticity, in fineness and smoothness
of the points, and in durability. I will warrant every
PetiOf These makes. Just received this morning, a full
assortment, and customera will always find at my store
the best stock, and at the lowest prices which a good ar
ticle can be sold at. . W. W. WILSON,
jy2s cor Market and Fourth wts.
BUTTER— 3 bbls.packed;
6 kegs do; For sale by
FISH— 6 half bbls. No 1 White Fi*h;
0 do do Lake Shad;
1(> do Lake Salmon;
Receiving and for sale by WM. DYER,
jc2o No 2»7Liber.y «t
LAKD- 5 bbla. No. 1 ;
15 keg* de; For sale by
!y!8 WM DYER,
, ; ■_„
i>- ' -
Good Dress Silks as low as
Silk Poplins,
Best Berege De Loines.
Fast colored Lawns,
Fine French do
Patent Metallic Burial Cases.
No. t for Bodies 22 to 88 inches iit length, 83.C0
8 - 28 to 33 “ “ 4.50
3 •• 33 to 4d “ kJ ti.OO
4 40 to 46 “ M
5 ” 46 to 54 “ 9,00
6 1 54 to 60 “ * 10,00
7 •* GO to 65 “ “ 11,00
8 • 65 to 69 14,00
9 66 to 70 “ “ 16,00
10 1 08 to 73 “ “ 17,00
11 72 to 76 - “ taOO
12 “ 60 to 65 *’ extra deep 12 00
13 “ 65 to 69 l * “ 15,0 n
14 “ 60 to 70 « “ 18,00
15 - 68 to 73 “ “ 19.00
10 “ 70 to 76 “ “ 20,410
European Agency*
Notice to Btulneis Men*
* t i
s - 1
/*gmi jamkswLwoouwbi.l., m
furni ture-mahufa CTURER, ff l
Ware-room* 01 »>d flOWrd Ur*m.{
T“TV, W. tes?eoiMly iiTorms Ms friendi aoa castoU
* 'tirs that he'has nfriv complfitou the largest and fit
neststock of household forniture ever bofore seen n
thl* city, as .he is delermined to uphold the quality, wtu
well-seasoned materials, best workmanship, ana
designs; .and ftdm the extent of his ofdcis, oad factur
in tbai he is enabled to ptwUCc warranter
furnitare, at the lowest prices. ’• ‘
He has adopted the principle of idehtifyirtg the oils
'tomers* interest with his own, in quality and price, am
keeps always on band the greatest vanety of every des
cription of furnitore, from the. cheap’est'and'plainest,»
the and costly,ihat a'housed auy.port o
one, indy fie furnished from his stock* or mapmaCturei
dXpressly to order He therefore solicits an
that the advantages of his establishment may be known
Tae foUotvingfirficles consist, in Bartjftfhls stock, wmcl
for richness of style and finish, cffriYiOt
any ol the Eastern cities: ‘
Parlor, ,
, drawing, din
ing, and bed room
chairs, of every variety, . '
consisting of rosewoood, ma- "
hogany and walnat Elizanethen,
Conservatoire and Easy Chairs, of every
description; Couches, Solas. Tele-a-tete and Di-
Vans of ihe latest French and American pattern's:;
Tashaes, What-Nots, and ladies’ ; arlor Writinff 'Deski
of various kinds; Work Tables"And"faricy inlaid
' stands,' music stands, and holderis, rttarble top, tha/
hoguny, rosewood and walnut ccntreand
bies, extension dining table*; all the
most improved, and decidedly the best kind
made: card, Pembroke hall and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads and wasnstazids of
each a large assortment; gothic hfclt
and parlor reception chairs, ottomans
and stools, secretary end book
coses, side boards, fire screens,
towel racks, hat stands, and
masic stools, cribs and cots
for children; paper mache,
table and tea poy*, ma
hogany, rosewood, and
iolaid pearl Tables,
Ac. Ac. Ac.
A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE am
WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet maxes* supplied witJ
all articles in their line
STEAMBOATS aud HOTELS, faruished at the short
est notice.
Allprders promptly attended to
Journeymen Cabinet makers Assocftalloi i
(near too corner of Wood.) "
bracing, already, twice lo three UjL
mMBBMa limes oa many hands a& the Jar- Wp
gest and hitherto most renowned ' 1 1
business .shops of this city, have opened their Ware
house, and are able to tarnish the public, by wholesali
or retail, with Furniture of the j'ollowiug description--
viz :
Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Baregas; Fall Col
amued Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mabogan;:
Chairs; Rocking Chairs ; Mahogany Washstands; So
fas; Divansj Piano StooU,' Book Cases; Secretaries;
Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tabled; Ceiitr s
Tables; Hat Racks; French Bedsteads; Ottomans:
Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tables; Work ■
viands, Cherry and Common Workstands ; high [>os ,
common, low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus.;
Cribs; Cradles, Ac. l
The advantages of co-operation, on an extensive seal*},
permit them lo sell at the lowest prices, and they arc de
termined to sell, lower than any competitors, an etjnall r
good, if not better article, and wanr mted —as the publi•
will understand by giving them a call.
•{£7* Steamboat work of all descriptions, and olhc r
articles of any description, made to order in every sfyh ,
at the shortest notice. (marig
374050 cts.
20 025
Vemers, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut; Varnin
Hardware and Furniture at Wholesale.
riiHE subscribers have just received from New Yor i
JL and Boston a most splendid slock of VENEEHS,
and are manufacturing by machinery Farnlture suit&ol;
for the trade. AU of which we will sell at extrettjcl r
Asgreut core was taken in the selection of the stool,
persou* cannot fail to be sotted either as to quality c r
price; and,ns itis well known that Furniture con bp
made by machinery superior and much lower“thad by
hand, the attention of tpe trade is respectfully invited.
Turned Work,in all its branches, carried on as usual.
Plank for bond rails l for Carpenters, and all
required inmanofaciuruigCabinei Faruiture, consinjiUp
on hand—vix: frtahogauy, Varnish, Hardware, Tt&p
Cloths Springs, &c. RYAN & M’fEEE,'j
Ryan’s Buildings, i
No. 31 Fifth street _[
-Vo. 98 Thtrdtirtet, bttteeen Market and Wood, Ssutk «td^.
VVk hove now on hand a large and
in, splendid stock of every variety
Kla and CABINET FURNITURE, whiehwc ZBL 1
* 1 "areconfident cannotbesarpass»«t i»W™s
equalled, in this City, on i iLe West, in style and fim*4
Those who are to wamoi Furniture are respectfully
invited local! and examine iut themselves. [
07"“ Steamboats furnished on ih shortest nstice.
l£7" Ail orders promptly’ attended u>.
O’Donnell, *Blalien A Co.- \
Pittsburgh Chair and Cabinet Wart Rooms, \
MANUFaCI U (tERS of Cane Beal Parlor
Hfl II Chairs; Cane Seat Rocking Chairs,; Kd
gp£|l eepttan and Invalid Ch«h«; Cane Beat
ttn< * Country House Stools ; Settees; Lo'ui;-
ges, and every variety of Common Chairj.
BJfMr g# All of whidh were manufactured ui:der
ff MW, If their personal superinlemfytcej. and are
v n “ warranted,both in material a .d'workmao
ship iuierior io none in the City. Dealers In these arti
cles will find it to their.especial advantage to call and
examine for themselves previous, togouis els^tyhere.
Steambohrs and Dwellings ftfrniitfvd at the
notice. AH orders punctually attended to. ■
Fa ml t tree tnd Cb&ir Ware Hoomi.
T. U. YOUNG A CQ. } coma of Hurd j
*mh S*££Sr and SmilA/UldsU.j oppostu Sroicn\libui,vX j
—,'lJ?' l *.,Fitahoryh, Fa., keep constantly on band Kp|
tanit to order, at die lowest prices, * 1 P
CUAIRSyOi the best syorkmansbip and most approved
styles. fob 15 -
Steamboat** A.hoy I •
■ Tus subscribers tender their aeffk
for the favors bealow kAJ.
ed npou them by their Steamboat friends, andJ|jr|
would respectfully remind them and others ial©*- • f
rested iu Lmihllng boats, that they are at ail times prd~
Sared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms; even
ewription of Cabin Furniture and Chairs o( the be*
material and workmanship. TB YOUNG A CO., I
Comer Third and Smilhfield streets, j
_febls _ opposite u Brownes Hotel.” [
a. c. usjuixa. * h. DAtrimp
Hammer A> Oauler,
HtttDitn SevenihstreH and Stratebtrry alley
fv\ HAMMER A D4ULKR keep constantly onbano
IH. a variety of excellent and fashionable TOraiturd,
Rplvrarramcdeqaai to anyin die city, and Sftld oh as
* i 'favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar
establishment in .he West, They have now on hand-as
unusually extensive stock,embracing all kinds
lure, iroiu the cheapest and plainest to tlie most cbstly
and elegant. All anler* promptly attended to. ,mr2l:6{B
HAVE ON fIANDat their extensive CABINET and
a large assortment of fancy and plain Furniture, which
they will sell 15 per cent, below customary rates.
Terms—cash ooly. , jdccg7;ly '
VVAI. E. 6TEVKNSONcomtuuest© munnf
fcl " factore CABIN BT-WAJIE ol every'descripj
_.i.CTQTji tt°n T ut his old stand, corner ol Liberty ang
streets. UNDERTAKING attended
to, In all its branches. mayll '
OIL MILL BUILDLNUS, South-t Vat cor\
• tier qf Diamond, (near the Okie and Psnni
M3jbfeߧfc to hernia Railroad Depot,) Alueohesi CrtY,
■SSbSbSC River and Land steam, Fire £n«
gines. Hydraulic Presses, of all descriptions; Copper*
pUtto, Lithographic and other Tresses j Gold. Stamping
and Refining Apparatus,logethei with Mill Machinery
in general, built upon the most approved plops of coni
Biructton, and workmanship to the atisiaotion of cus4
IZj’ Ail orders left at Messrs. Cochran, M’Bride A
Co.’s, No. 2tt Wood street, Pittsburgh,or addressed td
thesobscribers, Allegheny,will receive prompt attention!
Bolivar Pin Brick Bannfactnring Company.
;as. QLoveo, a. M. kibh, b.f.joitks,, H.B. fttxsaxwj
GLOVER, KIBR A CO., Proprietors.
THE subscribers having been, appointed Agents fcf
the above named concern, wilt keep constantly o t
hand a supply of ibe celebrated Bolivar Fire Briek, Crr*
cibie Fire Clay, Furnace Hearths and Inwalls.'. They
are also ready to receive orders for said Brick, to be
made in size and shape to sail purchasers, which shall
be promptly filled.
We do not deem it necessary to enumerate thumany;
advantages the Bolivar Fire Brick poseesover all oth*
era that have been offered for sale in the United States,
their superiority being well known to Mmostoll persons
who use Fire Brick. The proprietors have determine l|
thui the Fire Brice shall lose none of their present eavi-j
able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared t v
mute them even better than they have heretofore been*
This is the only establishment cow manufacturing Firi
Brick at Bolivar. . KIER A JONBS,
_muid7 Canal Basin, Seventh su» Pittsburgh.
WDALY A CO. have now ready for'sale a large
• and welt selected stock of Spring and Sommer
Hosiery in all Its branches. They would direct pertieu*
larattention to their stock of Gentlemen’* cotton half
Hose, with Meriuo and Silk feet; theyore of thq'best
materials and workmanship, nnd for comfort as a sum*
mer Sock, cannot be equaled. w.D. &Co have olsq
on hand Gents Undershirts and Drawers in cottbn, si»kj
and merino; Childrens* Hosiery of all descriptions, u{
the old established Stocking Store, Fifth street, between
Wood and Market. i; • * [mvV •
Fbr Females end Males*..,
Elixir, prescribed as an effectual restoratives in
cases of debility, .impotency or barrenness, and all iri
regutamiesof It iaall that it professea\o be—l
viz; Natare?£great restorative, and remedy dor those in
ihe married state without offspring, - it is ajceitaincnre
fur seniiiiaJ .emissions, general debility,: gteevweaknes]
of the,genital organs, nervous affections, leucorrhceaor
wbuea .As vigorating medicine it is-unequalled.—
Also, a certain remedy lor incipient Consumption, indi*
.gesiion, 1094 of muscular, energy, phyeicaL iassiiuae, fe*
male weakness,debility,.Ac. Ills warrnntedto please
the user in any of the above, complaints, and is of price
less value to those without offspring. ■
Tospread wide the blessingaof this medidoe, 1 have
appointed Messrs. Judson A Co., of the city of New
United Bintespf America, my sole agents
for its sale; and none can £_e; genuine unlessitcomej
through them, and their BjgnatureeVare on,the wrapper;
v i . i DARZBTTK,M.O.
Naples. July 16th, 1840.
' Soldoaly in Pittsburgh auhe Medical Depots No. 75
Smuhfieldstreet; and by B. 11. Meaking* Wainnt street
Cincinnati; Raymond A .Pauen,NoTeO Fcajrth street
Louisyfllp. , tmart4:ly
Herr’o Islanri Saw .
THE above establishment has been taken by , the un?
dereigned, with the view of pursuing the legitimate
business connected therewith; and as they are now re*
ceiving-a fall supply of Timber, orders’for all sizes o(
Lumber will be filled with promptness, and at as lovd
pricesas by any other Mill in the neighborhood. ]
PALINGS of a plain and ornamental pattern will bd
cut. V fapi3o»yl JAMES CARMAN 4 CO.
HOPS —16 bales 1849 Hops now lauding and for sale.
USTARU, Pepper and Splee fresh grotlud.for sale
PR. SUGAR.—4O hhds. P. K. Sugar, just received and
« lor sale by MILLER a IUCKETSON,
au2a Noa tfcfl.and g¥3 Liberty su
HOPS— 16 bales 1849 Hops, just rec’dand for sale by
HOLLAND HERRING—IO kegs new Holland Her*
ring, just received and for sale by
aal4 A CO.
t•, T*’. ' /A- •. '
■* v *
.. . • >■ k • rfi .
v \ '
i o Cabinet Rakers
CUAUIS A Nil PUttklkUßA.
NO. 98 TBURD 9T. t
A. flllbLlßKg A CO^
A Card.
V A '■.h “
1 \ .
THE TB tJ.RajD-lfidfcS^T/XVE -FLUID,
-. : or''Gastrle / t - - • ‘ r '
from' RerineVori the fourth stomach .of
llr 4HW&; affetf diretHioaa'bjr Harott: LtßßiG,Thc gTtfal
Fnrsloldg&i :l. MJ). ? No.
IDNorih Eighth strecV s,^lideJ P^ a J
;!_Tfiirls atruly wonderful Jrdmedy for IHDIQESTIOtf,
''<ZqX?XXINT?.m DEBILITY, toiarc 7 *
o^B J ttetho'd,by Natuie’d own agent, thoGttstrie Juice.!
;lla|f a teaspoonfulTof this Fluid, inftised inwhierj
will digest or dissolve Ftvs Pdirans otf'KOAsr Bro m
Anotrr rw*o Houfcs,buf ofthfcstomach. '
Baro n Lnsatfo hf hi de eI eb rated w ark on Animal Chem ;
iStfjS FlaidVanaldgonsi fl
the GastncJuice, may be rcadilyprepared from the rau
eooemembrane of'the Bioniach oi the calk in which va
*riou 9hr ne ie spy food; as meat and egga.wiH be eo-soft
-enidychanged and digested* just in urn samemonncr as
iheywOuld-be lathe-human stomach.” - •
• or, PEasißi/in lus fiunou* vreaUseon “ Pood and Di-i
c l,”pabllsliedbyFowleT«4Wells,New \orI(, page 35j
stale, the samegreat fact,and describes the mcihod-o!
-preparation- There are few higher authorities than Dr.
JJrrSjrßS, in hiavalunbla writingsnn the “ Physiolo
iry of “ a diminution of the due
anantity of the Gastric Juice is apraimncm and alt-pre
vanffiScaaseSrßstsjieSsiaJT ami Jie states that “ a dis'
tinauished professor of medicine m London, who was
severely afflicted.with tins pompiatnj, finding everything
else lo toil,hadrecdorse. to,theGastne, Juice, obtainM
'from Utosto*i«a Pf Bywg agiptals, which proved com
plff the 'femoi» oai‘ Veeeta
bid MuSs It iso remarkable fact in physiology,
that ihe stomachs of animais, macerated m water, im
part, mtbe fluid the property of dissolving various aru
clesdf food, andof effecting-a kind of orUfiaal diges
tiodof them mne-wise different from the nithral.digest
tV^)r. t BmnS’s great work; the “ Chemistry of Man,’’(Leii
4BliUicbard.Phila, 184G.pp 321-2)’says: “Thedtseovi
ery of PEPSIN forms n new era in the chemical history
of Digestion. From recent experiments we know that
fpoa-w dissolved 09 rapidly in on artificial digestive
fluid.' prepared from Prpain, as it is in the natural Gas*
tricJuice Itself”
Professor DtfsorisoN, of the Jefferson College. Phila*
delphia,infcisgTeatwoykdn Human Physiology, devotes
more than fifty pages to an examination of this subject.
m« experiments with Dr* Beaumont, on the Gastric
Juice, obtained from the living human stomach and from
.animals;are well known, lb all cases.” he says, W
geaiiou occurred as perfectly ini the artificial as in the
natural - r ■ - ~ _
Dr; Hoogston’s preparation of PEPSIN has produced
the most marvelous effects, curing cases of Debility,
Emaciation, Nervous Decline,aud Dyspeptic Cons amp*
lion, supposed to be on the very verge of ilm grave, ii
is impossible to give tbe dr-toils of cases in the limits oi
this advertisement—rbut.autheniicansd. certificates have
heeniiveuof more.than TWO HUNDRED REMARK.
ABLE CURES, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston
alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, aud the •
cores were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma
n<S&a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE.and particularly
use/ul for tendency to bilious disorder. Liver Complaint,
Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and i
tue evti effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
upon the Digestive organs, afte r a long sickness. Also,
for excess in eating, and toe 100 free use of ardent spir
its. It also.Teconcties Health with Intemperance.
. There is nq form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS
which it does not seem to reach and remove at once.—
No matter how bad they may he, it GIYLLS INSTANT
RPITKI7! /LgingledosertmocaaUtheunpUasanUymp
torns+tind it only needs to be repeated, for a short uine,
to make these good effects permanent. PURITY OF
BLOOD and VjGOR OF BODY, follow at once. It is
particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting,
Cramps,Bofeness of the pit of the Stomach, distress af
ter eating, low, cold state of the Blood, Heaviness, Lo*v
aess oi Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness,
tendency to . sanity, Suicide, Ac.
Price,o-‘ DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will of
ten effect a lasting cure.
- Every bottle bears the written signature of J. S.
HOUGHTON, M.D-, Sole Proprietor.
' Sold by agents u: eyerytown in the United Slates,
and. by respectable dealers"in.hledicines generally.
Agents'for Pittsburgh, KEYSER A McDOWELL, 141
Wood street.
Retail dealers supplied at Proprietor’* prices. (nvSfcy
A joo, for sale by ft- E» SELLERS, 57 Wot i street.
Plabile Attention
It rapectfuUy incited-to tht following truths, set forth tn
relation to one qf De most important Remeaia of mod
ern times!
F' is no.l more than one year ago since this great rem
edy vims brought pefore the_pubiie, for the relief and
cure of disease. Its .great powers to heal, have, since
then, become fully appreciated by the oomrzmnity, and
we allege that the longer it is tried the more certain evil!
its great fame spread. It is not the remedy of a day,
got up for the hole purpose of making money; but, one.
which we eopeeive, vnil continue to be used when all
nostrums hove beer- forgotten. The PETROLEUM is
a Natural Remedy, elaborated in the depths of the earth
by a power and-ogency that laughs to scorn all human
competition. It is our duty, when we write about a
medicine, that we write teoth— that we say nothing
caleulatea tofleceive those who may trust our word or
pul confidence’in *ottr statements. The sick arc very
apt to catch at any thing that promises relief 'rom dis
ease. A story can hardtv be too highly wrought to an
swer the object of gullingor humbugging some of them.
Now, we do not desire to do this: wo «rc unxious only
that the truth in relation to our Rt meJy sboald be tolcf,
in order to secure for it a reputation tar exceeding any
single article of the materta medio?- Plain, unvarnished
• facts—factsthatmay be ascertained in our own city and
neighborhood, bear ample testimony in favor of the Pe
troleum. %
pasfctwo months, two oi our own ciU2ens,
who were totally blind , have been restored m sight.
Several coses of blindness, in the &ate of Ohio, have
been cured. And, also, the case of a gentleman in Bea
ver county. There are othersbut these cases arehear
home, and may be referred to by <my persons who may
have doubts on the subject. These cases were cured af
ter they had been abandoned by physicians as hopeless-
The Petroleum will cure, whfen used according to direc.
tiou*—Diarrhcea, Dysentery* Piles, Rheumatism. Goat,
Neuralgia, Eruptions on the Skin, Pimples on tbe face,
Chronic Sore : Eyes, Ringworm> Teuer, Scald Head,
pains in tho bones and joints, old sores. Ulcers, Wene,
Tumors, Spinal irritation, Fever ana
Ague, Curonife Coaghfj Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Pul
. monary.affection*of?aCcirirbuic nature, tending ,to pro
•J ddfee -
Bums aiiU Scdluijlise£L£Os dTthe Bladder and Kid
neys, CKapped"Handa,.Excoriaied Nipples. Corns and
Bunious. In fact, it Js aGEXar okiveesalbksasht, and
has been tried iu most of the above diseases within the.
past year with the most perfect success. Certificates
that will astonish are in the hands of the proprietor,'who
will take pleasure in showing them to the afflicted or
their Menus. 'Jb'
Whatever others about their medicines, the
Petroleum is the greatest Remedy of the age. Phy
sicians of high standing in the profession are beginning
to use ilia their practice. Those who at first looked on
with doubt and uncertainty, are awaid it due
praise Wd consideration. Before another year roll?
round, all will be compelled to acknowledge that the
Petroleum is the greatest medicine ever discovered.
For sale, Wholesale andßetail. by
140 Wood street.
Also—R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; D. M. Curry, D.
A. Elliott, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny City. Also, by
the Proprietor, S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, 7Ui sire-t,
Pittsburgh. fiah
Ybo Unman Body mun Perspire,
And persona who do not perspire arc liable to the mos
NOW,Jaffss’ Italian. Cbemic&l Soap causes a free
perspiration,and a t the same time mollifies, softens
the itin, giving. illhe jexture and,beauty of an infant’s.
are. soon not ‘only healed, bat cured by ite use, as at
least seven physicians in New York know, who ase it
In such cases, aud find it ontaiUng—as also, in.
or any other alun. disease. The reader is assured, that
this is ho useless puffed nostrum, ason& trial will pi.ove
I could enumerate at ieast ia) persons cured of
Bay it, and the reader is again assured,! would not
crueUy sell rt fbflhe* above; unless T knew it to he ail 1
state. Those who'ate liable to "■
will find this not only a'ctire, but a preventive ; and 1
can now only add,-that any one afflicted with any of
the above; or similar'diseases, will find this all and even
more fodmirableldits properties) than I sttue.
K&ut, reader, the stores are flooded with imitation*,
s sure you ask-for Jones’ Italian Chemical
and buy it only of WM. JACKSON, only Agrm in
Plttsbatgbj 240 Liberty stTelt, Pillsbargn, head of VVood-
lone* 3 LUy WhUci
LADIES are cautioned against using common prepa
red Chalk. v . ° r
They are not aware how frightfully injurious ir is
to the - skin! how eoarse, how roughyhow
sallow; yellow and unhealthy the sxin
appearsattef ustngpreparedChalk!
* Besides;!t is infurions, contain
ing a large quantity of l^ead!
We have prepared a beautifhl vegetable article, which
K is perfectly.innocent, being purified of oli deleteri
ous qualities;, and-it imparts to the skin a natural,
alabaster, clears living, white ; at the Kame
time acting ns cosmetic on the skin, making it soft- and
smooth. Sold by-the Agent, WE JACKSON, 6ft Liber
ty SUeet, Lead of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price 25-eentiri
Pearly Whits Te«th and BreatU,
PERSONS who have-'eitber, are honorably ossured
that if their breath iaever so fool,or their
Ott ! "YELLOW,
and entrusted with tartar, that a 25 cent box of Jonev'
Amlier-Tooth'PaSte wiir make the teeih whitens snow
and the breath qdiferoasly sweet.
■ Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty stree
head of wood. fdecSO
• Jonbi’ golntion of .Jsu
.. A LIQUID HUMAN HAIR DYE foirthe changing oi
-A. white, rdd or grey hpirto a beaotifal brown or jet
block colorAa a few minutes. Price 50 cents and £l.OO
Sold by W. JACKSON,24O Liberty street, Pitiaburgh
read of ‘ ; _ . fdec2ff
A Sotentlfle Hair Tonic Heatorer -.
ANDBEAUTIFIER. TrialbotUes 071-cents. Those
who have tried Jones’Coral Hari Restorative know
. iu excellent qualities—those who have not, we assure
it to possess the.JoriDwing qualities- "It will force the
hair to grow on any part where nature Intended hair to
.grow, stop it falling off,care scarf or dandruff; and make
.fight? red or grey hair grow dark- For dressingthe haxr
soft and sflky, nothing can exceed this—it makes x
truly‘beautiful and keeps itso. lUs, indeed, the mos
economical, yet superior article for the hair.
Sold only at WM. JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty st..
-bead-of-Wood; Pittsburg,. cents, 50 cents ana
T-7- ~t a - ?t -. . * - . .i,;idec2o.
VI This never Jailing specific is guaranteed is all cases
of ielicate disease, together with the mtamitnn com*
plaints, to effect a speedy, safe and lasting core in the
course of a tew days, without restrictions tadiet, busi
ness or injury to the system. It is. an old and popular
. remedy t-h&along been (and still Is) used in the private
prretiee of a physician, radically curing ninety-nine of
the hundred cases. It leaves no odor on the breath, and-,
may beused by-may one without the* least fear of expo
sure. For sale at the Medical Depot, No.soSmithfield
Btreel,Piusburgh,vPa. ; •; r - [apr7
:! BulPi SamphtlUa*and tbe Cholera,
'VTOTa siaele l .raaa r TSoman orchild has died of the
Xv CHOLERA or any Afrits symptoms who used this
mvaiQObl&prep'aratiim,- Look at the city of Louisvfile,
vvberethis and where from 150 to
200 bottles are retailed daily, but few isolated cases of
Cholera have occurred, and they were either persons
from boats or those who disregarded our adviee.
, , [Cindsmati Chronicle, KEYSER A ATDOWELL, 140 Wood st.
Pittsburgh, where the' genuine article may always: be
•. ■ (talYg>
Bounty Landa.
CAPT- NAYLOR, No. 163 Third street, corner of
Cher.y alley, having made arrangements at Wasb
ngton ferine purpose, will procure Bounty Lauds for the
officers and their widows and children} under
the Bounty Land Bui, passed September 2bUi, 185 a
Pittsburgh, October id.
1 >BNSSC*IC-AOID-74 ounces for sale by
• v "I,* ;: -i
-f •
♦a- ' J ••.>:■
•- C. i .
*#\ e >
f J. x
•*- > *„ V 'v '*"* W X x V
*"■7? f " tll j* 1 1 V“ **■
- i'.t f-f .T
V-i'S la V •
*> a-, ', j <■ v - 1 U V
;* ,;*„< *~% *,r ? * ~ a>;-\>v
*'*'?** i* .
MERetr^nfT T 'TiO'LO.R,.. . , v
/ Fa.; Vti3 ! :WiM'mnci, l i{daii''BvetA:Btrad'). .»
mfu/A3 hfo sincere dmnir’io
! dL- ihe cfli tea® 0 T EjUso Ufgi^nf ■VittUdn; .at 1 Urt '%r r
, liberal be«o"sA<*l>W»,lw4liope« l r=
ar.o S I»S,«
attention pdi&iAChilinfen’s Clothing^ ?*>i\ ff
in Tai!orin*Jj?P£ifleM>h!shaj .
opened a tlumshing;,siore, with alaig&jandjprpiuiid v
Suspenders^-PoAkeV;Handke!eb£bfr/?tfbi^T#ui!sNflek :
Tics, Glovpffl;Ho»i.^ei/iT4jeU^
er with e/cry. thing tnthat line necessary for a-gentle-«
man’s outfit. ' 1 BENJAfimra/ABOOST.
ap»9 .if,;..: -(Tokencopy.)'<^lt U .& .out
. ,i ..j-JTHREE BIG,DO0R$l«;a ;onJ.
iVo. iS'l, Liibiy Street, pilltburgh,’’- '-
JOHN.MoCtOSKEif has a „.
npuncingw in
general,'that his Spring and Summejcstpck
for inspection, which no behaves .Willbe'lOilJid’to be
one 01 the largest'and best.' selectedatockaof Ready
• Made Clothing to DC ftrarid ib^'WcaterftCebittry.
• •.oHohaa season paidnwrc -
die manufacturing and stvJe of hJSr'GaijnCflts, sathaUbe
very lowest pricfcd/aswell ab ihe'fihest,ai£gb! tiplh a
•ityte and eiegandenot ibbe surpasfiedv'’?-v r -:. -*
mCiothWg to.his prpaeut or
\J '
r■ Aajtn'
; offer lhemsoc&indß&e*
establish^ht interest-fo j .ftt 'p is
-? J 'lf n s y y« a w*«xpcriene®j f and gTearstrccess in the bo-
in «•
wfut^ls if importiiSe'td wttvo*
salepttrchaseia. rj j.„.rw .»iaina : cv3
' French; Ehgl'Mdnd iMriteri^^Smaddothh; ' /
VESTINGS, of tlie latert «Ja
o!l of-which he is prcpafefUojoake the best
manner and at tne most reasonable Prices ~
■! The Assortment the. Qaa!lty?imd‘tfce Variety fiaethe
most-extensive, ttgdoabtqdly^ United
Stales*- ,-, . ■ ', ; .«> j.;. »mirjSft
James Watt. Vi
(Formerly CrrrtKa.ja.the I&IcJV o£zjliiy,)
IXTOCLD most respectfully .announce - to his iiienda
if f f and tbepdbUcfn general,nhat he-li'43 : terivW the
Store} uVo. 36 J Markets trees, betweejv^econdiUHb/third
t reels*, where tie imendsic jurying oo -the-lOJLQRING
DSINESS in rill iisdepartihenta.' Heis pawrecei whg
FSosr iHh alii' ;
GOODi, for Spring wear^viztsoperiine
French, ,Enchsh „
TioticLu Casrtmnts* (TitbiU£d'Frehc)i
'nor anlcic(of : 6vHn^ r Chjats‘ } ) together ’ifttSfclMgeiU
•Gprmtetit explain.arnlfigorbtCa3swmj}iewiantfdMi*
excellent it»( oT?ancy" sZlic Cos
and Marseilles tits sobsenber Is
prepared to-make td-oruer in theneafesx-andiaQti fash
lonaule styles, at asJow priecs-.aaanypthereswhlhh
merit. He therefore hopes by siriel attention toal! Or
ders intrusted tO bis care, to merii’a sliaref 1 publfc'jra
tronage. . -JAfllfiS-C^VATT.
No. 36 Market, between SecADd an^TMidyila.
TO TAILORS.— I shall c onii noe toseU : and gmftn
struciioiiH on my system of- Garment Dian&uiftgaL*
heretofore, at the following prices, .51?; :_lfaceompanied
by oral instruction, slowiihoaVmsttacilonß«¥7,
jelO-.yr 3. • JAMES,ia^^Pr.
traveler, as well os Constant fwf3ehts.of the city
and vicinity, ore now &T*)Eft£UM
street, abovo Wood, where superior Ice Creams, Fiqu
and other hoarsjfroin ft
A. M. to ll P-ftf - The:subscriber;!^pectfallyTyjJlciia a
share of, public,,patronage. The BaihLgg-depatjmegt at*
t-nded to Willi trie-utmost ears- '
10- Frivaie koomiJoc Select-Parlies.
au22 WAL W. WARD.
Good 'KatTngf and Drinking/
EVERY BODY Omt t*Tdhd>of.3B* good
f itJthings of this life, tee
HARRY GRAMAW, .At.ius Jicw Hotel.
No. Mfone tUof
Harry served out to his customers'
quors,. Wines and .Cigars that can be foondia aosiof
loese.’ere digging,. . ~ . . ; . . ... . .(agfr&Srp
«fohn Wi Tlni| f >
HAS ALWAYS ON HAND, of his ownmanufacture,
a large assortment of CANKS Aod^l Till*
B HELLAS of every descriptioni.tottuchjte'wftl. dispose
of, wholesale or retail, at prices a* low;a»,
procured for in either the ciues of New'Ydrk,
pbia ar Baltimore. Also, on 'hand a r ?drge
DIES’ SATCHELS, which. w]iU>e gcild-,ai.N«9t-Ts^- ;
prices. Just received from the Moiiiilnctbry a tMtriffrk;':
pry »( INDIA RUBIiER'WHIPSi all sHes, fcfcßßiSjfe'
and retail. .;.••/ .r,loßNdW*'Tljit*»'f
auS2 No U 3. Wood street. nearyirgiaaiiey<
Adam*: A- Co.’s Bxpress OIOcc.?
65 Marhit
OS and after Monday, 25cftin?iahtbarlfaiiifdfsioku
paci !»§<*« will he M/fdSjfyyftfr.Bal
liraorp, Philadelphia, New. Y'^rfc,'Bostni4&e., t-1 >- : T
Our (*ood* will he cairiedia eup- Own Car,
Of a special messenger, by'mail trakf frdth J X/Ockpdti u>
Philadelphia. BATiERA-FOtteVTSy *
auSl v-.Tu 1:> rAgeMg
- v • - Co*Partncratilp. r-t&i' ~
WE have this day eulered jlntapOTPaJrttyCTshjjy.fQr
the purpose of ma/iafaeturm£
Ri:d for Mtfihig- and-WercbandfziPgrlirrßfeuliral, : Sba
»J»iU be imppy. to seetheaMcasiomersOf'Rhodes fci&U
com. at No. ItTThirjtßireetjOppositelheSliCbarleaflo
Pi rts&ttygA I '!Angqst : 9 > 1851. ' - tpORNi
• ' •• • ■■■(
IN withdrawing from ihr firm O’ Biroios SAX£O£B,
ia favor of Mr John Weigh*,.! takejleasurela re
coaunendinghim aid the new firm of Al*-
CORN to Their late customers andlhei pnilitfiiHgehefal
ns being everyday worthy of iheir.sntiTbaag&dndeoa
fidcjfco. . [nuiat W^tulfoopi^
rriIOMAS ARNOLD, Siofa Koq/or and Ikplefin SiaUx,
1 heft on imho a full supply of very' saperior'&txaged
£L&TK,«nd i« prepared Uvexecale any ordersforwOTk
that may: he entrusted to him, in : A,manneTlhatiwMM D *
4ire satisfaction,. aridon very accpinmQaating tejma—
He devotes'his PnUTetime'audattention wtheVdsineM,
and feels confidem. that aUbfcwbxlrwiU b^-pefftset;i'
He may be-foand at Logon, Wilson
street. . - ... • -< •; (ap3&3gy
NewChocolatcFftctory* ~-^
SIG. N. HIa.MHONI & CO. 'respecttuHy jaforradhe
public that iheyarenow 'inanilfdctunrig'OHOCO
LATß of every qaai»ty ; and prices This Chocolate, mi
like moat others sold here ris v* <r rant edpvrf apd a nsd
liberated, and herieb/df finer . flavor, “tnorenutTicloos
and wholesome, 'Sigv Grand Co,. ; ha'Hnfc' beenproprie
tors of one of theJnrgcsl.ChoeoUteimariufactorieajn
Italy, assure the publicthatlhey. wiU, furaish-an article
equal, if not superior, to
price •’ pyizi-i-u
. las for sale at Mr. SORELY(Mad. SflTEPahlillitteTy,)
No. IP*> Four it Biairs,\ne^doof;TOlfc- bjay ♦
Or’s Offidei ‘ \ „~„Tag%«
! ticnuln* Koman S.trlnffl. ,i . r
HKLKBKR, IVo lot Third siree r;has ja’siimported
a lot nl genuine Italian Roman VStPinjjjii/tor* the
Violin and Guitar, aro of fhevery,finest qoklity»
fout lenglb-i nod four threads Haying been, purchased
by H.KTeber’s soif uribe Factories in kuropeytheydre
freehand pure, anti for- beauty-oftoner,
Eound and durability, they areioltoseibej^unrivaUettf—
Tieyare the same ob used hr ail lhe;greai,yio)ini*lp,
Ole Bull,Sivori, r ' "
JC fH>hQlfcbe*i»:Green;andjßJaek Tea*}
130, catty boxes ~do d*;, , .
■ 6 pro. Miller acGo^win’sFbre'Cut-Tobacc&V'
.. ,SOoL*al( 55pantsh CtgAt»j;.jt.\. :j:, • ’--r^
30M. Havana - do:. r . '
'5O bag's .‘Bid Coflee.} ' ’ ’ ' ' ‘ ,
95 do Laguyfra Col Tee j • : . ■ ••
90. JarnC^flee-;
30 boxes StarCnJidlea; ......
’ 10 do' Sperm" do;'
30' do Monld and Dipped/ . •
OOltessiGiodnO'SpicesS! : • vk 4 ;
5 bags Pepper and Pimento}
15 boxes Cocoa aod Chocolate; “ ' "
3 do "Bordeaaxand'SiciiyPfunes;fr. :
5 tObxe. Althond} Palm and Toilet Soap; '
l = ~- v -to
2'do'Coin Sidrchj ’
2 do Babbitt’s. Yeastnnd Soap Powders? ' »'■
20 do Clothes Pins k ; r • :3;: v ; • 4,
25 doz:' patent Zinc Wash Bodjds; ' ' '" ;1
lQfl do'Cdm Brooiiis.' v;
Wholesale find retail by ; • -••^2'
1.6. WILUAMS* fc CO.'i '
/ N. E. cor. Fifth/sts.
MuKfUS’. m tAe l>ja77W7»d > .i4Uia
real pond Tea f , faqlt
BaKLKY—7O bus.' for sale by ■ -
auM • STfI&RT * sill.
CiLaKKT— 40cases Bmdeaux'Claret now/iaiidirg'and.
Aforsalo by_ [auiOi MILLERr jfrrftTCgBTSUN:
MU R DER IMU RDER I—Thoasaadsof Flicadestroy t
ed by the use of (he IndiaExwnrjnaiorvK/B- C.
Price sceuta5 ceuta per eheeL Tens of lhoasandspf .Roacaee,
Rata and Micehave lry BBrsesa A' Co.’a
Exterminator.' t*rice 35'cenis per box.-iTfeprO;
have never been knowato fail. .Soldwholesdie and re-
at the Medical Depot, 50 9/mtSfiald street- [ap!4
ul) FKLI.OWS’ TEXT BOOK and Oda Fellows
Ofleriu#, for 1851—just received an.;;., i,. -r of*
ou7 Ti; HINTON-A, CO^
1> HAS— lmperial, Gan powder, Young Hysoitrskd':,
P.laelTeas, rec 7 d anti for rain by .1 - ’
NillS— SO kegs united sizes fftr sale by .
anfi? . STUART frSItA,
TKA—gS chests Y. H., to close out,
att« STPAttgjMKLI*
o. j3U(>aK—a prime
. tm*3 _••••-•
' | ifcAS—Black Imperial xmo
I mi? l _ j SytfARTrArSUJfc
jj'RESH BUri'Eß—Received ihis-tfayViultf fof'iaie-'ii
auv3 • •• . iaiheDiairidnq; *
aNTEU—SCO bos. Y>',LX,OW COHN, for: wt
lhe higheBt Ca ' h priC ' W tlO b §| o i d 'Ai.COßN,
New a-B rival of fine eou> .watishes
AND JEWFXUY, at HOOD S , Jewel* Slojeja
-Market street, and selling at one-halflbe nenalTClQli
prices. ■■ ■■■>•,,
rjruiti best aisortmeat of GOLD PENS-'-•IuUCiUM’
X PENCILS in this city ib selling. at .aboaiiMlljM
usualretail price, at HOOD’S, 51 Market «L:... iatpg
IUU ISO do Figs ;
20 casks Currents |
* 50 boxes JnjabePa*te;
40 do RockCaady;
25 do MuccarOnij
SO do Veroiicccllai
10 cases Pmnejsglass jars} - '
.Jn store and for sale by • -
auSl ; No. 0 Wo6d atr»
IVy \J 75 liaif bbls. Shod ‘
Just received and for sale by . : Fv R.
FLOUR— Kxtra Family ahd superfinej aJ ways on bawl
aod for sale by J aoggj STUART jbSILI*.
ZAJN A'i'K OU RRAftTS—lbbl. freUi
ajABLEY —50 Dus. for sale by
I> od7 _ attJA RT * SILU.
ICE FiioUIC aiid Hailed Barley for 0&J0?£ W «V?
OAT groundfor sale by • 4 •'*
/ 10FFEE —Fresh Roasted daily. tor sale.
'"' < .'- T V_ v --' *v-. d-- "2. •'-:
m . ** i
, * 1,
’ r 7 , ' .
9 V '
< .. V-*-
\ -* ' 'r
A - . f ’-'=“'
•\ r ' |,«" »- A
V. . v-
V- ,
~ S-'
v fc