■-?'• .:■■-?&- '•.•^•'• f r- : •* '*••-*•■ -v *•; --- r»w { ,\ > r ;\ .,v. -V*. ;‘.v-;' \ -V* -• -'* V: " - Xv*‘, 7.*.v/' : \U. : v'v&V 3^s^iv\trSAie^-f ! iVt ??<&&;; v 3.x;- f; *v- -■>->**&„,'&.%&£&•£<£&; :->*';,-*..••. 'v --,■. '-"-v': Z£&-3M; ; -.e *--- • —‘- * *^~i4v^?4*‘?K^'£ rs ' «*-*• ’ii’i^r *ri . ;*** V vi« 2 *s>" -< Vli i *i fc * •» 1 *&&$& ¥ ■ if 4 ijW-^vvs,.*., r't'hl-.v>^, : - &Jh;m A’A-''!^rvi*? - A'*•*-5- E: f• < ■f , '*«a:?:’ V - -JP £vtS>" *S V 4 i«- : x *-t--i t;_- s • e>Js.S^. *&&£? :i " ,| """" ; AAI oiVe Jk-^rv: *ft ft* s•?*>•. p,»* »*■■* ■‘V'--^ > - | * : *" ftK:-»rl »3:: .».♦ ■;,■ . =? SUKOJ V^&- ; <2 S E i- iftt- «'• s B ' fee>pi .»• - - - - .* •• . onemwiK-—-- H a. ti J ; Wo months- - “ Arft.raomhs--—;:;^lv.— ■■ “ fcurmoaUis-'-—• wmafism r ■■ ” iciaiKßKMs soS£i&BB&SWsBgg!£i&M^P& mg ffil»ws RAMBIS^i mMsMi ijaagipM ' l ---.^'.'TT_'^ s r***^ l ' ? v,v>-V-' ptes^gliMl^a lIMRHM iPiMliMi i^^^Sß^ggl^i^gj^tf«Sg^ J1 | mm -^. :sfe£±£sr:£ - ~.. - ~ - •- •■•>?*' ".• • ■ -»• rt v I*■ v ’ «>-.!*- V " i > } ;’t. I yolume x. |E Bails. iSoniinfl . "‘r : —rr: M ~rg Mcming.lStmdayt attfU tJITTOH. . WOOD nrtß jl)lfXB*r • u T- 1 f ta^rially*ijereqmred 5 '■“’iypwlS'i eo P u**wo «nung-roi «»Us at the eeantei W*' - - THE satubdat hoehtbg post „ . Itomthe eame office, on -Marge blanket ] «“shee|'St ,r!rWO DOILARSTa Jear. in edTance— tn tlue =, RATES Of advertising BVTUE PITTSBURGH PRESS. 'tkn tssta vom*x*o-> o» m»‘y_ , 0 so .•««.?: ?;« • on* week - ■ 3 00 “ two weeks • •- 4 00 i/j.vijii - \iireC'^c*ks* *••*■•" 500 i* “ one 7 00 a. ft J ; *Wo months-- 000 “ « ihrife ragmhs—,*“**'“*’*‘* » ,__ . io 00 »« fourroonihs - 12 00 «. abc toonthg »-■ *r • ~ 1 ~J ‘ V ... 18 00 “ Irofcssion&l (JlariJs. Ulir\g'UAßGE ) Anom<»°' i -° t1 '’ Fount Scoubtotd.. r v OKLaNDO LOOMIbT 'Sl;. »l';o''' ! ‘ WOO OWN'S OFFICE, N^asTDiS®^ Si '^bl Sr . " . £tactery*n& chargee will be meag- TpSrbv ISyder, li omeeto-Founh stteet, between "000 15 . 1 y fieri street*. _ ' rrauh, SEEK _ „„„„ Omcs.No. 1»0 Foosxh Stsbet, Pinssnson - s a. attorney at law, «« ioo Fourth Street^ Ho * l pn-I»BURUH,PA z F „ ort h door below Mr. Rodf Pa«er»n-e L.«ry Slable je'iß * TTOMWV,AT^^gr=mo^.to^ d omcein docfagu : • - ■ • •-- ~ A^^&,S3sS£Sa^ C-’lleeuous made ana Coine>aut 5 febltnf r-tic ternj*- lVovrt*»ri ner • 111 p. mME sabsc " oV h ßSl«fc W«- -v -egWbjMn Bbg.^ pKAHB WASHINGTON, ■ —n.. McCoofr . ,TABeeleeted U ti fie t>« '**£"*l SS G rani, immediately man Miller, on Fourth House.” His OSce is atlach a IjoitMS the Lamartine H ( con , lanl | y be found, e J 10 hra u hours from 1 from 5 r. iSr"“Wlll tt>lw iHeadcfiQPy •QEINO released from a? BDICI Nil" H?« Sice WToaomedlMprooucoof Liberty tti.d-dwelhng um a |ia£i bl found exetpl whon ab SS«^cu%^rbVofor.'mUon". t ?c-olf«"nd Fourth übouo SnulhfieM. W. Williams. Esq., ana ’ t _ al c # 26th ulw» and the w»>dissolvrd hyntotaulcort.onto^th.»» wil . heretic rcconuncad to tin for ■««* iSS? wofdtT oftheir n IoWUIE. deei6-l7 : _•' '■ ' - ivoc** A«Uy S o C rep«“s ***~ “ESS leaving address *UI pt«« N ? m " - -rr - s. Kyle JA . 0 NTIN U E & Ec lee li cally n C occ o rdnn ce h.„j w„h .«■ «£.Officeanitesident^NaKI Diamond alley. Of fice hours, 9 l ®i?, A '“medie3 2 fot Dyspepsia, Consnmp- PT. B.—lnfallible. tomedies Bronchitis, Rheumatism, lion ,in to J^S 15 rholera S Vorba», Dysentary, Asiatic Teiter,T)iArrh®a,Chokra More j >, e j i3 . Cholera, Tetanus or loctceaj w ' gcrofalai Ac. eases °W^A^, e / s “ persons, prepared and kept for Ac.; and antidotes loauy)='» ,e preparations, as “cited in Piiubdrch, and Dr^SfjertbniptrtnMini y ” [t!jjolli He will give will attend to the done® of nU and the diseaser particular atlenlion toSSBSIsan ewf’t m y:73m. of women and-ghuarenr V--.-C George K. d , C.O NVE YA NC ER , MUi-No.UO jgKes oX°/ o'fV Sh™-' Goan forsalea of Real Estate, tc., &c, rayisam 'B.S.OI'FIOBB, (.oresMO> TO STEILB 4. OHIO IS.) n n , f PMtoH and Jototolng Stoop, tty.n’. Box '"Kltt Angn, Bsnmont Story. irr Bcxaof aU dhcriptioni made and delivered, nl IAI oASkb «otfc« InyS '- dr » QB and A -fWitlse and Washington. Strait, puahargh. S{aVoto& PAINTS DYE STUFFS, con- compounded. myS4:3tH Jo. 73 Third Street. .- fß'laD of Be atari. The G*Tdej>, 0 f Getheentaae ; The Cemetery myfctr ','.T : - ■• ■ - l&s^ftasMMSSsag Jtahe’* boi!diEg.4th St. */:,.. . . the dHrff titen may ibbV taaied that p erw a V«H“sfnaredto pro a uce them in the;, highest M oreoftheinostpow; -erf*????--- ■- - •' -fetmesjiaspr^assrf * 1 *- ic 9 **** ijr* j 1 ■'- *► ''j*.' 4 4 , v* ■► * ■% V ££. jG, •'* -> '? ?■ r."■. r t^S' •r'.- ..!>••;•• v*' vt---, --.-- •'-*.. .-*-... .••• ' .:'. f , -.ft-<^ v T-.'?■:»■■ s-./r: 'r ■■ •>-■.-■..:-■*<.’ ■■Tf , .':‘ ; .>>.- jjjf ?■;;■■■• w:* .-ft.’ =s? , , „ ANT) WOOD STREETS. AT $6.00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAH, STRICTLY IN pVANOE PUBLISHED- DAILY'BY HARPER .& LAYTON, AT THE “POST BUILDINQ|, CORNER ■■ _j Bnou«o3' (Earita. 1 JAXNES, P4*i» Tko SO », 38 FHtt street,. neat Wood. . :—-22- OSHUA ROBINSON, Agent for Hiu»4eajfc ££;* lAto tf ratkcUy Fifth st, one door below Wood, febl, I TT7TLIJAM JACKSON, Pattnt maiieuw Dtpci, ' W eity ««e«. head of Wood. ISpi—j. ITOON & BARGENT, N-K comer ofWood ah<] f 8Ul» .IT slreels. ' ! .... - *.l-.. um MEM*. WON. Bankmand Dmlmm Fithangi N . CcklZd Sant Acta, No. 85 MarkM Eireet. *»hl 4 - PULTON, Bill and Bros* Fcundtr, NO.JO Scco"' A. «"■«-■■ MailtgrandPerry tmeu. febl l riCTOii SGBJPAi in^‘ f Fifth wtree'ti between Wood and Marfcd . foi? , i_ McNULTY & CO., Fortoarding and CemJJttJitori 1 j . Merchant!, Cand Bostn.J *“ % M. DYER, ■ and Produce Dealer, No. 158 Libert* - SUmlt>„.,A. FiHNERTOeii' itCO.f 'WSfottft -»V* . Wscorner of Rmund Wood streets,and r^ntr of-Wood and SUtfn . '~ •TaHUEL MORROW, Manufacturer. of riu, Cupper & and S*eet Iron Ware; No, 17 Fifth rtfeet. iK twwn \Vootl ami Market. * le,>tU ■ GLENN, Sooktrmdcr, corner ol Taird uJ streets, ab.ve C. H. Kay, where he .■> le do every description of ralmg and bmdmg. P‘ rf _ TOiirt U. MKLIrOR, WkoltsaU- and Jieta ti Dmlev tu J 'ilwjie and MusicaPlnstntmcna, and Stationery, No. Uhl Wood street. jnn BRVAiL ßtaifying Wholesale Leuier .in Forapi end Domestic Wuies and Liquor., So Jll Liberty street, arid »Ihamolid ailcy. . ■ ) > Jl .INUA. FINNEY, Agents foi the pclanart~fiu‘ual 4 ' Iruuranci Company, o( Plnladelplua, '' arc tSisept King-&iHahn^,.WalCT^reg4TO»rjaaTllet- W MTVuKXANDKRfc3ON3. W nulktnc OniertttiCTT, comer of Tcnn iftoSl street*. opposite ihe Exchange. Entrance on Penn *rceL John A Craig, I ale of New Lisbon, Oj- AV. J ,tnr Alii &.SKINNKR, Qtncraldzmcy Ctmmssimmi No.M Market «U«l, Pitts burgh, l'a. Prompt attention given to the P“ rel, n«e and .aleol all lands of prodnee. .n. WM.EieimOU, PITtSHBKIiH- Vr JlLkßfc EUCKBTSON,“JS£ IVI and Sega^a»•^*?*’ ,, <* Sd 174, comer liberty ft|ui Irwin streets, Pittsburgh, lron, rJ°i»w-tV>tion Yarns, fcc.. constantly ojthand rr kvrkr 8 *? 1 McUOWELL, (bocckesoes to Kerb 4 K KsT'Efi ) WkoUsaU and JUiaii Prvfand Fmtrmupn w«!co' “'of&cet and Virgin alley.- Vly* elan? prt .riptions caiefdlly compoonded day tf»lvlNl.KY Hbmia. Styw and OrmadufUal Md dcSer inPAUnINo. « JL Clair sL.Pntv bwyh, has constantly on hand nil kinds ofPAinTS,cJger I>ttfiLfiliied; Japan and Copal Varnish, Linseed Oil lioflcd Oil; Spirits Turpentine i p la f sizes: Pally, Paint Brashes, S.C., all ofthc best quality. and fcr sale at reasonable prices. “CAi._ ~J. 8. Moorhead *. Co., Manufacturer, of Tin, h NO ai, KAST side of the diamond. ic«h3m yil»am~aill f MANUFACTURKH OF UOHTNINO BODS eidtoce at the Ko*ie Hotti, Liberty “ lrc f. l ‘ uy^l bteil hocbe, COLUMBUS, OHIO, orPfISITE THE STATE HOUSE, U°L»] k. WISHE, Proprietor. MERC HANT rt riev No-1 tween Irt and 2d streets. »l rpEA. DkuJas* op wines l ANU BRANDIES. Etui iidt of ■** — DEALERS ■N'sSiiSf™ “T Third Street, Pm Offit* Bdiidingz. l»p3fcT TTOU3E, TT Libe-tT street, opposite Hand. Ail wor* oeally Sfenied P»»SS*y auendedto. jwx3*T . J. A. Coolteirf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRyGGIST. cor ner of Wood and Third streets, under St Charles Hotel, Piiisborght Pa- ; L-E— JASIBB C. WATT, merchant TAILOR, So. 36 atrkel Between Second and ThirdW., Pintwgk,t ° KAULf?SALOON, where heeoUcita Ihe pa- the public. He hopes, h, hw merit the favor of his friend*. _—., ... b. w. aoaiiAca* ' Horbpch A ifcerrj ( & CC C 8B»0 It To /• t‘ ouAj^iklC'Tll -TTrUoUESALK GROCERS. REOTl^VlNGmgrib W i VR-< mid ImDortcra of WlNfc.*, » apii«c»® CteAß^fce’-, No. 197 P Ubony strcd, PUuburtfa. eorno ol Marker's aiJey. -J coMM, :frr^rJSr^sv E "" MNTB No. 7 VTxm mm, nli . Clnclnnntl, Ohio. . . _ , I r - At-TKCP Pi AMBDTZ. iomtoa “ '.'“Y, iTV Y. HODiiS a CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS , Aut>. Spica, Confectionary, Sug*ri,Cigart, trc.,tfC y. 6 wood or,«r. KAST «■>* IPffrSSSSfaH. jolyl VRODUOE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, jal'.if ■ Qcorffe Bcaici Jf*i , _ _ Ma nitpaCTUREROF BBL T BHEB,WHOLDXUim A 75 Woorf strut, pitaim’g>h P“- N. B.—Machine Brushes *c., made to shortest notice. L WnTaBMAlt- 'B. V. WITEK»xn; WiTBEMIB. i.. b. iv &unann « son** WHCH.VSALK GROCERS, Commission and For warding Morehants, Dealers in all iand s V™hni and PiilAurgh Manufactured Article*, and Agent! foTaaie ofES and Lynchburg manufactures To bacco ■ - James F. Horbaoa, rectifying distiller, ytm p salto m - Foreign and Domutic Hina, Liquor•, Ctgari, No.: 197 Libertr St- corner of Pa . —'—UTD. MIfWT „ ♦ to J. S.Bomhkt Co.) wiSiuii mMr. nc'uryme «*»•«**«. XfID'OXAUKB IS foreign and domestic wines, L 10 V ORB, Cl fans, ~F KBITS, NffTS ,*< ■ LlUi n»> T.ibeftv sired, Pittsburgh. *P 3 johh b. >^”j NEDY t HA.BLETT,”' - mc ji z* %‘r and Variuy ooodl, Baiba, Comb, ♦«- Nn street, betweenslhat- and the Diamond, "ff-j- eiockß, vValckea and Jewelry neatly repaired. Pittsburgh, August 20, 1850. Walter P. Marihall, (Successor to Surauel C ■ b Ui >) ™«obteb ami paai-un in reason aim ajraaicaa “plper HANGINGS AND BORDERS, Window Skoda. Firt Board Prtßtt, Printing and Paper, between Fourth »l- and Diamond alle^west^ide^ .... ■DAVID CflßM* »CHA». M’INIOBT. ra o,. j. Factory. mHF sabscribers raanafaclureand keep constantly on ishing. Clonl and “ rv,t\n«r *Nail* end Tacks j barrel sssJrss.? wfssf* Maker ’ 1 j Points i Biveis, CO, I m y3l:y Warehonee. 59 Walcr Dt .Pittsburgh WHOLES IST, i e mi«U S ,J A Family Medicines, always on hand. iapra is. A. BI’ANtILTY O, CO., TRANSPORTED. FORWARDING AND COM- ; m9 S;ERS ?PtM . L , r Pittsburgh. a. Dunciii, r ir. CgHMHaHAM ; D. IHMKH. ». City «MI Work*. p,t wCUNNINGHAM *- CO., jUJfOTAPtOBXBa - WINDOW GLASS, «». 26 atari..»»««, ; to Q-t T s * ' 1 * 2 ' *'’’ i ’-a v *l' V"* ' *l‘» <• t ,"t J r >, i » J, T *, <’’■ * PgflWcjßa ■€tt^- 1 ' 7, j u .,Ji <3 A ED A..J. BTOIST- THOMAS B. OH*L giDABT it atLii, Gbockm, am> PBQOocK pftamaMos MjatcHAttra, J 0 Wood TlTUt.fttuburgk, Ta. BEiLBHSJIM' QfiOOEBIES, Floor, Wheat, Rye, Oats. Com. Bailey, Pork, Bacon, Batter, Lard, esc; £o,, Parttcolarattentlonpnid to tie sale Haa«t,Rob..BaUcU Co.,Klngt MocftheadjMcGßU >% Roe. James kay.iKttsbmglil Fenne#«a. Massllfon: Jo»-8. Momlson, Bso-Loois -| - T , ~ .«>nnrßL WOOD THOttAfi WOODS. 1 " AND.C9&SSION : f1p.61 MUTgR.BTRggI* gflTSßOttOa^ xoswAWtxa fcggWjgj^ Western Product l akd' i PttUfoitsh / M ,l Wf ae t ure$ * No. 10 Market street, Putsburghj ra, ■JET Will pfoffl[(tlr a>l=hii Ui #ll badness vtm»tej^u> then care- ••■■ ■' ;■■•.■: :_L —HI. ; "The Old Printing Betiiblleiimeiit. ' ‘(tx-tK JOnNSTOS It »0 Jjni Blank .Boob.and Stationery Wanhauu. WAapaM«aH»jassnf sborl6at-fl<»uwandu>i*,tke doitreoflotfafiiCi^c^ 01 ®* > Blank Book and ifolioncry Warehouse corner of Markemndand Bccobd»troei». M „ TKi „» U - flbok Biudcry,No.so Ttod sleet ■ -R. 0; STOCKTON, iLaU ,Tehi\iion . BuoKUllet, SuUoncr, Printer* Binder, XITOULD respectfully infile lllc uttetUMMl of Aler- W rhauuood eliterj, 10 lijs largo superior slock af IILANK BOOKS, eonVslipg o f Bay Bijoks, Journals, LcrtSra, lovoibe,Ca,H, OWurond Boo*A of'.ery saufmado oClMl'esipnßoritiiitl.bfHiuiJ Inllto roost du ratle manner.tSinch he offer# ,4\. prices xpal c»x»noi f , * l Sf?' of ihe mono than any heretofore munofacinrea “!H», cooking »«*«», “oilow ware, and coatings of all descriptions. Mnwri. ■ t o. *o*ko '--w«- *.»■*». i Anc oa«aor-t to,Th ipm&®- ScoLi-*) • -* Sa luraoldo &r Partem, LOMBBR MBttCBANTSi j. c.Bmltb, n . : . »lex*iMter«wuU«Fk• No. I* W**t «ro% »»«!>«» |P« r « oaf, Seamd, oftlio moitapprarcd fore parchaslng elsewhere. o nn . »ama .to Pali opwtton - *** Ratin'* Btdidin#> t Fif&S**** 1 ; . ra^^^SSSE Jr hiacMloracn, and oil who wi»h.U>h»»e reoUV,* pl Th r o sr»i F&KtfiisSw « d •*» u kMM -tti—kta *hot UtCT 1 ' No. 1 Diamond. N. B. All article, laken back if not found good, “ d the money rctoraed. 1 bnoinb builder and machinist, winder, <■“ *a *Uce, and most nccommodaung Eri" fines and Machinery, and CTasUnga, or aU at the loweat price*. April; 8,1851. practical JB&BILER, DwoX'S » ! ssse^ any and every part of the fijw* g w e John Harper, Jo.nph v/m- B. Bcaifc, Joahna Rhode*, Jame* A. and Robert H. “‘ff'fr.-A limited but careiaily .electedi .took ol Clocks Jcwetry. Silver Spoony Spectaelft*> cask- —■ - nia; Allegbeay P‘“ ,n S *V‘' . inEIHOB gxKXBTt IILXfIWSt ClTr, fWJU* SsSarc? M'j®, 4H«™M Md *bc P (oami box makinx, boa«e, uleemßoel work, tc, can. t» loan nmu.and deapaiiMi. proprietor. *s‘B.—All orders directed lo Pilubnrgh. will receive prompt attention. . • ... ■ ■ . - . - R fom U. triendi aid', tho public scriertrtly S pTT, hat ho ooitiutuca u> 4slo *) t t’oneral aLoWffi^hf SSd^Bridtoi^'W^ Ba«.tShddlf \ Baja,Ynhaehi B u ß°^ cb * Whip«,attd hli ol4 e lhru-, wnstahtlr®". hand,and l»pf'PartM'* 1 ,■ •jLTrJZtiV hllkindaof Riaeled Haso.mKrrafcrlnred 3£&s?3?sgMHwaB& qhtapcr. . m gamun *onl4do weU‘to-»daU i hlajtock boftfft eisewjiexe^M Nd, » t o«n V or w«d. j sir«cl,* n d L P* ,l^ Alloy. • W *-rr2S2£Sfea-‘ ATJEXANDEH 4: SONS Miiim wd twn®®** 9 r corner of Pwy end ciair it), opposite t\t EzcAangt egfflßrgi'lXy wKj' (Hot*!) Bntrdirt# «*» ‘ FtHrt r«a-j j if pin mm 'nTT*nP"^wfrt fa<1 y- ioftnuthfeir VHandaand 1 PS® iPSS&aM^SS!: l l^7^MM'brC4tririorM: , andth«ir^ienUon iSn tlUiirelhor to the.above biuunessikeep a u™ COFFINS made large omoitoru T nclUca i rnannot, wllh a variety a. i« *«P SHROUDS ready f rl Sl?o?td«'^“ d4^^?tgo "3tyni^R«JATE§ ■f^SWSSff^StSS'S 3 ' * , Mdhave ZINC PANS to put Ice In any length ol time, UEADEN Coffins always on [ O /„i“ y HEARSE and a patrol and any nnmber of the best carnages, etc., Me” and will b« profflplvponemal. and wasonafile. aagip-y —iy ' '-i~- —yy josEpd B4Ra'j C B *" s ‘ (LaxbT. B.STRtcm*«a A Co.) Ow T e rS^^/MlL“:L®rrkn C o ouiß^o V ” r ?n*ho ne»tand,fo* r teat of one Qrlheil Pbreiuz Safes ’Hie (urnab'e {sng pupated, we Sa beau I witnessed the homtoiiof the dbove Safe, and can freelyaay there was no homWabout'it, and with pleasurerecommend them to oy.iudgtaenuonttoely^e-. P y > n billing tfonßlitoatew genfiemen Sr their signa llrookein thehigtaest terms of .the’ (Urness ofSewS, uadSeir full eoa&onco (rf ihe«^’Bbeiiij raar3l F-^ iS House and good atnM Rnnn fitted up; situate on Second, street, is.weltiadspteß fttJt tnunediatepoßscsiuj , &^jlyrHßE j l T.oea l l;A«om l ‘ • f f ■ •• « 1 * • —v * 1 * ~ * i > ffittobcrah Snsineflg, jptytftprg. Attorneys.' Penney & Sterrett, 164 Fourth street, near tir&m* James P Kerr, 142 Foorth street. Diamond alloy. SSSs^tffSEs.,, . - • ' - Real's.ttaie Agent*? -• . . JohH 1! Pajre.BakewejPs Building, 73 Gram Thomas mleu, 3 doors aboveMayor’eoffice, Allegheny. Aldermen and Jtatica <£;Ue'Pi»«. 4 O Reinhart. 4SSI Clail Stteet ' O 8 Sbally. .7 Fifth street, nea» Union. . ' , - ,1 W Lew’s, 05 Fifth si, bel Wood and Smnhfietd;.,, J Andrew M.’Masler,UO Fifth street, neta Grant. N Buctmasler, Fourth street, uhoveSmithfield Thos Steel,liB Fourtbsireaijneaiaiaßbfieid.^ John Mwurt eontst Washmgiop anjl jVYafeaueeis. John a FarkinSoii, 473 Penn street,near. Walnut ‘Sankere and Exchange Broker,. J Cnrotheil A Co., No 11 Wood street. 8 Jones#' Gd;,S. iv. eottierWOod md FourlhSU. Kram” ? Bairn, eomer Wood and Third streets. Qeoree E. Arnold, 74 Fourth street.. .. Patricks A Friend, cor Wood street and Diamond alley. £ Sargent, comer Wood tad Steth.Streets. A Wilkins £ Co., corner Third aiid'Market l street*. Harris St Co-, corner Moiicwuid Fifthatreots. VVlwUiiilt Groan, Commusinn.l; troika pealert ' stdari'A Sift, 134'Waod street, ob'dve Fifth. Wich ihletinndlensj ooI.WaWWnd Wood streets. DaWd A Grier. itfO Liberty street. • w Bikniv & Cou Iff 4*’2o wood street Jos sCecS M’Alptn 4' Co,9l4',S3lnberty street. JTJWihWs k Co., corh’e; WooJ f"4 James Black, corner Thml and Smilhfield streets. Lambert A and 151 Wood street.. Alexander King, £sB*Jdbertyistreer.' James Benney, Jr.,.oor!>or, Woternnd Smuhfield streets. VW B Floyd. 173 oorWooil undStltb streets. 'J Mills * Son; j4ff Water street. John Black 4c Coi,corner Penn and Irwm streets. J L Sbee,potnet Penn and Irwin strcela- W A F Wilson, 147 First street. „ Richards A Sheets, 46, corre: TV syne and Penn sis. J Donaldson, cor Penn and St Clalrstrcets. Shovel-Spade, Picki Fork and Hoe Manufacturer,. Negety .&■ Mohan, 23 Wood Mreei. 1 , Saxh Factor,. WoolM u „ r Trimming, Hosieryand , Porvijl, w Daly 4 Co., Manufacturer! and baforUn,PUthn. Joseph Horne h Co, 7? Market so, bet. 4lh end Diamond * Plough Manufacturers Robert Hail, 147 Liberty street- . ' Hall i Speer, Penn street, cor Cecil alley. itwrySlftWe* Exchange, James Mathews, £7B, Penn street. Aaron masdell, St Clair street. Carriage, Omnibus and Wagon Manufacturer?, .he old bridge. G West {•’Go;; 161 PttHh atrfbt * , Or*g9 Mtdknu** ,m ■' tCeyscr * Wood »l. and Virgin i *Jicj OgdCn £ Snowden, fe'eomer . I«sd Mohlet, corner Wood atjd Fifth Streets- R E Sellers, Wood street, between 3d and 4th. John PBeott,SS3 Liberty street. ■ • 3 Smith, 54 Market, riearTliir-detrcel- ■ ■ r .j. rvdvnff cot ncr 1 Pfciin end H&fid streets. * Mou!rf4S7,eorner Penn and Walt.nl streets. J iSdd A CoJ,OO, corner Wood and Fourth streets. Dry Gaodt Maihants. Wilson A- Co., 48 Wood st, 2d door above 3d.' “■a£ry * hPKiSey. Woodst,6 doors /torn Liberty. . James A hTKnight, 61 Market street. Wholesale Cloth Stort. i D Smart A Co. So 143 Wood street. Tinners uni Copper Smiths. James T Kincaid, From and 3d streets, near Market. G G Backofi n i 130 Wood*street.. . , Rogers, 139 Front, near Wood street. jl hloorbe“> do, 41 N E side of tlha Diamond. J H Demmler, 180 Liberty wet, near Market. . John M’Williams,«LBmitbfleld, nearFoarth street.. GW Franaoe A Co., 51 Fifth street, M*r Wootft M Doorßinger, Wobd street opposite Ist Prea. Church Cotton Manufacture,. King, PenDoek A Co., Bagie Factory, Wood street, jlfatste Stores. John H Hellor.M Woodstre«-CMefart»g’s Piano,. C Blame, 118 Wood street— . do HKleber, 103 Third street—NaanC do Fruits dnd Candies. , ■ Junes C Anderson, Smithfield, betwn Island 2nd ala. - Tea Stores. A Jaynts, (Pekin Tea Store,| 3d Fifth street. Patent Leather, Japanned If Enamelled Ifuther. J 8 Shaffer.A Co., car Decatur st and Diamond alley. Hardware and Cutlery- Josenh Woodwell, earner Wood and Second streets. Fahnestock Sr Brother, 247 Liberty street. Hays 4- Getty, 7t Market street, near Fonrth. . Watch Makere and Jeweller,. Kennedy * Hasietl,»4 Market street Wm Gilmore, 184, cor Wood and Liberty, .treeta. Mathematical Instrument Makers.. jame* ft Reed £ Co., 38 Smilbfield »t. Iron Railing, Screw and Vice Manufacturer,. Marshal) 4* Brothers, Diamond street, near Smtthueld. BookulUrt and SiatiOhiti. lit M«ilor>81 Wood at.—*School Books and Stationery* L“ gw*. WS Haven, corner Market aed-Second streets. Balt, Cap* and Furt. McCord k Co, corner Wood and Fitostreels. Sglukow, 108 Wood et, third door below Fifth. ? Wilson efdon.9l Wood st, 3d door below Din'd alley. t„« Walker 144. cor Gran, and Hteh «««»■ s Manufacturer, of Steel Springs, Axles, Vices, jrc- , ginger, Hartman * C0.,109 Waier and U« From »t Wire Manufacturers. 1 R Townsend, 19 Market streets Manufacturers of Patent Carriage Axle, t, Spring, John U Bell, Pimbargh, Penn'a. , Mustard and Spices.. ' John B Bell, corner Liberty and e«W«W“- . Gentlemens' FuMlsfang Establishment,. Hinion t Ca.,Bo4tlt«i, sign golden-Bee Hive; Depot for wUSSft third streets. Fancy and-Variety Goods. ; '■>■■■ ‘ 77 Ctothxng Stores. . 1 lan nun £ BnSnnerj-Marker street,’ end 4th. i o i„W^^Kt,oBmBUC.air. James Morrison, t!H Liberty street. C M’Closkv, 177 Liberty street. William Digits 181 Liberty slteet jjh. D COrneri^coiLibonyat* Vir‘n a‘y. Delon yt 190 btfadny- meet, 4ih door from Virgin alley. tyholesaic Grocers and Dealere.in liquors. fit!XuSaSS^^ , *"**• James Lanbia, 27 St Clair street, . r tVatson! corner LihenipjjtLWnynn streets. Donnell £ Phillips, 303 Liberty street. DealerAMiiWPHS-dndiliqVOKS. •• Ulna - and7Ui. Trunk. Manu) , ur.as. B R Foliansbce, iM, Liberty* t.near Ferry. Saddle, Harness, and - stpk Makers. A Holstein, 132\Veodi street, n nUey. RhepnriTNo. 28 Diamond alley t; Wood* Market. Qiweusware and China. M Hodkinsoni Wood, between Jd and 4th streets. Lock Smithing and Bell Hanging. Wm W Reilly, 18S Wood street- Ice Dealers and lre Houiesi J R Hartly, Virgin alley, bet Wood nr.d Liberty sis. capper Rolling Mdi, f,'. 0 G Hussey* Co- Wood si, between d s .nu 2nd. Hotels and Ttaeras 1 ‘ JamcsGtlchrist,2bl, Libenystreet. ’ Foundry Warehouses. 1 i«hn Anderson * Son.corner Water**! Grant *ts, loha Oainn k Co, 230; earner TUiJmd Liberty streets. Ale* BtcuHr.y) (signal Stove,) No» W ; Wopd slteeu r c T pS i £^ o^'ukatA.ieednhl’2d Cabinet and 'Chttir j&d&eri. .. Wm E Stevenson, 3 Fetterman’s RoWjUbferty ihd 7th st /■j w Wood we 11,9? und\92 Third street. - Splane k Son, cotner&mihfiold and Fifth streets. Hflmmer ATbauler, 178 toiruthfield street. , .... Troth £ Phelan, ed Smiihfild st, bet Stbfc Dmm'il alley. Josenh Meyer, 424 Penn st, above the Canal bridge. T B ?bnng > Co, Smithfield street, between 2d und 3d, Wall Paper and Bordering. j Shidlei S 9 Smlthfieldfltreet, near Fourth. Cheap Publications. Holmes' Utetap Depot. Xbird su, opposite Post Office. H. Childs* Co-1 '• ' ; MSsmmsmtfrri 7 l Teast Steel'aml FfU'MimuracturertH . ! VKcH, *.-Bl».r,b.amecobM»~4 - . 1 . , ; ' 7- ■••.'■ -. r *-• ' ■•■• «■■. .. . .. l<' t ' ' ..■■ ■ ' ■• . ■ v ' \ . *' -****V?\i>- 1> V - •• ►T- -j-i 'v ., 4 *“%. t t-_ Tr'-, «■ • ■ -.’v - T-- *•' " ... -L* ■ r i' *-v f " ■* < f . <■ f ; t ~~ , S V * n J-V r -s a lrt^ 3 , ■* v r* Tobacco, Snuff and Cigar). M Strasser.Bl Charles Hold, Wood surer. Henry Hwteman, 149 Liberty street AshirHiSkiel, cor Market street and the Diamond. W H Edmond, 348 1 Clair street. J W Taylor, 427 Penn street. . Fork Factor) and Beaten in Provision). AJei Laughlin, corner Etna street and the Canal. Hussey fHays, 325 street Soda Ash Mamfaeturers. . Bennett, Berry ♦ Co., Water sneet . Commaston, Produce, and Forwarding Merchants door be,ow Hand. Dental Instrument Miniffacturers. Merchant tailors and dents Furnishing EstaMnte. B M Argnst, 135 Wood Street. Harrison Sco.t 39 Southfield street. I , > leather Btores* ■ • n-Bard df‘Co.,lo3Wobd stnear Diamond alley. . WUktnson A Bell, N 0217 Üboiy street.opposite.Sllth. John Bayard A Son, 215 Liberty t, opposite Sixth. Tftguyance CompdTMSv . . PennMnmal Life InsuranceCu, ' Looking Glasses, Clock) h Thomas Kennedy. Jfl,«2, comer Wood and Fourth sts. r A Hillior, 110 Wood street. . , . ’ 'Physician). . Wm Badger,lttfl’Snhlbfield street, corner of Sevenlli Mcrchani Tailors. A McFarland, Smilhfield.sl.,bet,4lh and Diamond alley Emigrant Lines.. p W Byrnes fed, 205 Liberty bl; Jno Thompson, Ag’t Glass Manujaawen. Ilunsen A Plnnket, U 4 Water at,bet. Wood A Smith'd. Millwur* and Mast,va -Mqktrt* Airs ME Robison, 32 St Clair street Mrs Leech, 9 Fiflli'street,betweenWood and Market Shirt Stores. SAN Aul, ttdaeen.Cuy. Store.) 2d St Clair street. Ladies’ Shoe Stores. RCrilly A Co., 19 St Clair street. Manufacturer of Extract qf American Oil. John Youngson, 52 Wayne st, bet-Fennand Liberty. Mourning Stores and Furnishing Undertakers. Wm‘Alexander A Sons, cor Penn and St Clair greets. Bagucrcatgplstsi: 1 Nelson, Post Q®ce Bnlldmw.Thirdslreet . LaS, y yer 3d ,\,opposSe’stCharle3 Hotel- G eo Went, 410-Peanbt, afire doors above Canal. ■ QsmSmllhti . ' Wm Craig, No. 1 Third st by .Wood and Southfield. Samuil M'bosh,T2 Fifth street, If doors below Marker. Gold Beaters. John B Duitle vy, 132 Third st her Wood and SnuthfieM. Dyeing Establishments. Mrs Borbridge, 18 St Clair street,near the old bridge. Brusk Manufacturers. D Stewart Fifth street, sign big brush, bet Ma’t A Wood. Phtmberto VV J Keichum * Son, 49* 5U> st, opposite the Theatre- Book and Jo s Printer*. Shryock & Hacke, cornerTTurd and w^d. Harper Layton, corner Fifth ttno wooOr f><; «8” as Liberty m ■ Pimburgh. | j*B ' sow Arrangement*. LINE OF PACKETS ■. PHILABM.PHBA. • • -to baiafrom livbepool. JAMEaSRO>VME;, AfUajrCkM, 10Wt°as-‘lB|bDf«. seneers.. Their wmnxandemarftmen of knowri abni^- M tKS packet? will tak? advantage of ateam low. b *A bo! ng weekly from Liverpool leans. Pafeengbrß can get np the river cheap thnx^i of Second Cabin and Steerage passage,**- ply to or address , 69Sooth comer of Pi«, New Yort j ■ as Waterloo Road, Uoerpoot. orto JOHN THOMPSON, . •>n.t Uhcrtv street, Pittsburgh. no^tfr.ly POUKIGS PASSEJIUBtt OPa'liß' • SHIP AHOY! jiJgJj WHO. COMMANDS! magi \mSS£. iuuubbs a- c 0., iWifdhave appointed the subscriber Agent fo ' &UcUUtte» of. Ships from lUverpoal to P lreitfoa Friduda of Emigrants bee are sfetfssKfcaasafSSS SSerwiselheywiUtmne toper *« Liverpool,before ther “Sta fottesringlitlte n.«s«e«»fflng .11 a,, liread, 2 - Bis. Beef or row,,, i * ii Flmir, 3 * pint Vinegar, 1 5 .1 Oatmeal, g * fc. Sugar, 2 « Rice, 3 1 Molasses, ■ 5 *' Potatoes, "S ior. Tea, With three quarts of Water [jer day, and sufficient* lO The°gaboo3e aptl 1 senReVMiW BCpY undercover. Every attention will bet Ch SSt ß^“^»?V e e«ious, AC., copies ofAvflloproinired, wtth every other bosioesscoh ngeted svi.tjt W European Ajfeg^ . ■ . k European AgiMitj a pg] Post Buildings, corner of Fifth and Wppd .sts.,.. ! ,BBLA I iiiJ >*ri; ' . FRANCE, and UERMANY, To Boblngo n, => Humean Agtnt, f,mßMi» W°nU» scripliori. He invite, rtr>mg«. uud»U *» Oily to give him a call. if” p je4s:tf VjtnnA irtteet. pgtt of the Golden aaiiaie •‘■•’^'"^^T.. fancy of day ot i o’clo 'ij for' fittner wftube mrfi! - «*»««*“ —«*>- I -jflgtlir . DlMOlattOair' v : ?f iisaiJ ■tssas&sssagumemm. <, VAj?.sj»/36iwa®i ! «5--* i P 4v,v ' V ’■ " lgnit e’-;•■>> - t A_ p„.i.u.ih,.,i gnfnn«ng=mDitieftait«rljacoMgeteaan-"~: .- ■ , --- . ■ ! .\> .'. p -zi - j» --- aJH with 2ttrt3Sfajiift£SJiv * * * , "hotoad^Viw 1 expeditious and fcrfaUitite'ddteetot- | VtSa frf,. t & ~U :ii o*.PPdHMtridt; aliciy» A. __f , c Ptiee* j&Mfy ®? m tfpwNfriS&JSi?* l 1 1 110R1Vos ,0 0 ~; „. n .;; l1 „- nnn i- n aS5Hi«S %l:-Wpoi^ailabtofet m^«BsfcS«E9»W*^a«jnl* ■'-i v,- ‘ . . . v, v<) si-hu* twiott ©•• 1 .■. • ati? **W:r • •■' •“ ' r . gaperseded all other article*- Compound hoe f ~ U 2mtar pnrpoeea, wiierovbritto “}gJ r u J own wry, »» d , W& «\ be W^ tr &jK£d : TOßroW.rd the mosi lnoredtflbiie, its ~Wt««oMtnrf TOPtoro. article ever belore need for, superiority over n“J “ t y lcir original beamy and lua cleaning and roanv«££tadorPoWi^-Sotniutfer'r , *es#S&Shaimamm sassaWiWiaftMHe'- ■>U,--,,,, jirw oinO illliSl^SPi^lßWiWSliili^^^^^^^^ ■" ""-' ri >'t £ -. ■£ 11 “>* /V * Jr* • ’"’ r f <\ ' y - ,_ r- "* &.X i *. y - --; c * ic C I* ,$ *•" > Vr v *- <■ ' ' " ,* '*■ V ~- C "*' " fcfj* r K-* ~. , * • j . •,;: v ." ■■•; •-•_•.■ ■■;■ A'.'Vr.-.-i//-''.. f - « ■* t, ' > j •2« * , t'\ '- •'“. t-l 1 , ~ *’ j.. . > - *<' * ’'- *, ' V t-. -' - w T 1" -t ; r I O H "r J> / i ‘ =. •|Br<-?2l SI i - *■ “' T 5 » , fc *■ r - -sv " ?v - ..-^ v > | v \ ..„ -T , % - t^.'^’'"' t“ r" ■' -" * O'' i* ~ „ r " * v .**•" •* i ' *• -,-’■» * X . 1 h * < ’ 1 ‘ U* - *** 1 - , «. *• >. * *%t X* 7 j , > x hx r , & „«■ ' • .'I;: • f n r_* -•-£_-* "; SRf£ I V * , -rf '" > -t./ I -'''l tr >• ' i ”* te < ~- H>e ‘t'n, tgta £ r'' j , s‘c" t *X i r , 4 V 'f* 2 ;' hr S* J* 1 - " VtV, ' £ | | , " -v r.-' r' % r* "L- "" If Jr* !iy \ u'. v'c . Jbr-ggie-g^-^i l , ' or «U 7 Aborts- wcei. . * - *'»■*-« -•>-■■• S \LK—A uewand comfortable DWEL- £«& r LINGHOUSBj No WCongTCMrtiecijeUxjJ^^; Ward, coatainine six room*.* veil fijitsnea.j 1 seitiorigiveu uatnedlalely if f f?2£j? l ,V^ or * a “ enquire q» the lqwRY, rsio LET,—A DWELLING HOUSE.:eoniam» JroV I ine 9or 10 rooms, In good repair, Ha Federal £»J§ street, Allegheny City., Hydrant -inithetjard, which is large, enough for,a,garden. Bent low, and possession g.ved , v ,e-. t w.-;nearihe-tdtliathMMtd. iegQijf.,-, y & VataolMA in*#*,** «*op«ttyBt of March* v For terms, apply toD.R. M , ABOY».Gurftißl,eT ( & C ToUemaUhe Fon PUt 'york»« • *• •»*/ • I*ool° ...1 Co* -Sa4o#. - - • .. A HOUSE AN&LOT, situated jmPikestrtttjbemefin Walnat ondFactoiy Fifth Ward. The Lot is US feet front and IDO 1 feet*deep, on i lohujhete -ftrp two small Frame Terms ea\ For' particulars, enquire.of,Alderman PARKINSON, Penn street. Fifth . ~, n } r.-t >■ lijdblSi &£, . i ' . yEiUTEB ftt& tattn find, hajidpgtectf «- &rr?u?g£d :jnn pair, hs&iixg eatiiely refitted and refarwafied ».i£L sf£* ,iQ ajoanneraotextiWeTtf' Bsr4Sy minus fea* tabfichmeat in Uiecuy. BAR twa LiQUORS of-Gw cEoteesf brands, aim every, bwcabi of Oystera, Ganffc*iBoßj»pßrirproTiQ«afot Private parties, op BhorlfioUce.,,, - f ‘.-,-T LtPgM^n TT!+l }llV S*.~ Clair .Uotei* . , . „ if . j .iV4>tuctit'?<-'Xh± fcttchraDgcy)' • - Corner of PeT\n and £t. Clair Greets, PiUsbi&git*^ likiS spacibusVcootral, and conveniently. located HOTEL,; .having i been completely Jremoaeled (fad thoroughly repaired aqd jjpprpT?cd, Bnd ( iB>«flp® opes fop the accommodation of lh& )>iibUc. j. .subscriber* lessee i and jfcreiirierai of' iheSt/Cimr koteL respectfully informs Jus friends and that he has furnished it in ihcfalhiV elegant aiidcumfort ahie siyi&t&nd employed,,Qpinpeient^sJf»eru*Tiyitiat leiUivc’hntPlaftftftil servants, aM.that.Ae wu| spare no ejertiowuomafce it eQpai t toanyifcoajninaJ^cWtot/y.' The will'itnown central tap *&t> convenience it me most desirai>le,«iifaei Xt > - t •tyo iO-ft3K»-'s‘ i '' l *i noLaniile of iWsMisonr Ho begs lo say he flaUM* hifriong expot&nce-and tagivcttußnif ction 10 his guesi*, autliiopes tor efo ixs £■ Ab*f® bf.pablw Pfl bYcrr°uuenUwn wili also;be pouMo tte?®V&s *n4T B “fhmttl^«otolaats-a»fhStidieS*»^alt4^^ iiß .." :; ' - ■ '--'Borofila ( : , r , , £3CRGEBJtjA.iiialllaiiialaplii(ifloim*;WusUieruithM D l^rgciueiaofHuf.OJwsa&flftHonrs,. feK^a^ayaaßiWfr ssfesjSwSSSs^atss ssa^memuxifiami 1 opotti whiehihe disoastiflep.cntl.V'l* reuta»ed,infcßJo Sa«/»«fSW*«S»S. iMfigaaasiwawg* lift feeldfccpto♦V* 1 StfiWSB^SSBSSfs ":"' ■ nj tuny i}' iSSS?oiwv»«fs- TT rives' B* 1 P>«“» riiaiiaiiee W wMfatlgrigiM ,on MiWri , . O&SSeNSf&ab From on© messeng rP® *->,,»»«»[ Hoi)^.'yq , jnßw in» s»»<&£&£ * * t ; JaßasVi-«-- "'■ ' * w “"’' . T^K-i-vor , ' J “'C try' fV * r f t t * ■> *• s ■ _ * 'Z.'-> £ > -» •£?**"' 1 - - '■>*’. . s‘ -«•„'■ i’*!-" •, ’ r, •> 'X ,' J -.ST _C Jj jV' fa. 7 ■>- 1 h ' i '? r'i %g'- V: - ' «', |J-*•*_< **-. V**« , S* ■ -■ ■ f *"" rJ, * T^M§ ff '•* ' -J ■*' v-\ sf/ - ‘ & X? k?- »’, '•#? t* > ’ V e v? *-*■ K f |Vv . \ r ,4.,% ■ i " - < 15 -*l. *iV, |.K " ‘ .*•- l ' ' J ’J*- i * s f* si ll- II 'n fj ' I I-. l-v - f -- V „ •*r,