y H*' : f-' \ ■ - -• \ *•'” \&&&?\*l;:-;/A /.*p '*7:‘V;.., ~; */ 1 - .. .V-k ' , --' / , ~- ' *.,• ;/•/ v , ip^P:PJS/r/~; H F;Cvgp^r;^r^“j;/* ziyyijpiyy: iyt * - *, - ' -nf f - , /;*, v;, '~ 'I--. "'v 4 r‘ <* I- 1»^ f jA' y- .% *” *x *- j ■> t ■> '"-/Vu'''.?’. yyy* y, ??-&»% vv / --r - ■ I, -v-v ‘ »i^i:•- - 1 " ? jos± - r> » OJOM , n "■■ '•'''' "* ' J ' , ‘" ,: > ,*" •_, „:', ‘"’ ’'” „ i ';; 1 ■' ' \ v -.- : : , ?vsSTOST BtJILDINQS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS. AT 56.00 PER ANNUM. 0ft«6.«0 WHEN PAID STBIfffLY IS i»VAKCE x ‘ J “ . iUSSS'T'TSBiaSL?'' [.••- .-- • i :■?■. PpPrSBURaU, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, ISSI. u~4'\.,?,“. i/V V ,Jr -f O :,, 'NUMBEE--42 |'~s J^^SBSSSm*- f,7 -■»**»' .. . l' ~^s^l " ,, im j, "‘’“l!; l r. ■ '.Cjlffiffifigae'’ fe>.-.' : A®^*2^^*' sw *'- aB rS“ l: n^^" 1 t - -= T d '\ ' ':v ; TQ3HPA ROBINSON,'At°nI for lUrnde? a ‘ "! ‘ '" T^S«^l^»«»V e '* ~ ~ *•'., 'lgssfe 'i;j; ;< : nrß iilfeb ' ; N.«ShfwliSa OS Market r4Z>minlm^** ■n 1 f andTO LetUa I>WHIRLING HOUSE, contain-flgft . lV !^ *S®® i >vi! *- »i'iai» ’itr ' ■ > -. l f w>a r PW*9i PB&Nfc fafutiegl coutt&y reiideßCtfideirig a few hundred yards from the • R ;- •• & r^- s ffi a 's l *» scconS d66r from Water, tl '- o)iewee W tmq . well MiecMWorcioih.ng- «K>S&r" ■' bw < ;ri ( i» 1 T to'.MiElfi, Wkolualt Commission JU«rjcAdiU, AMftPftriand r - , | Wtiy, n « *-^s^b.„y^JaoWom^n,Ag> V'* , , -..,Wg* -V'" »s*ninH|t;C«rd,six {jj*» - «l ten and Dtmusitc Hardware corner or Second and .. / • * The Bdiitf Wilt be divided 1 into‘naaduties to »altpur»- b ".-i-*?^ isoo :_*£»., ®«iM*rPtani e i,dU«ttief^tWiia , *dn..ib-d. £ of the pape _ |sskfh mai»r. ™- -- " rfj, JUatot:' I n • - /,o^ : W BEhUNGM&J, 3 SSssfivSet^Vt^C*«w£?fitsa> < i , St't'ferV,fti-, l. t .„ , „ « Afencrof the Pittsburgll Lnrd Oil Paclory.jYo 4, Mr* U B BobiwnJa}jt Clair AreeL.cr i , . Wg* -, ,■ - -- ' - iMMbger. ' . Jll , OfeoSifl(nJtl''' ; b ° rBll ' . I,lia; •' Mt#lie«4,sH : Tf£Weet|iel^ I (f^V<^Klendlijarkel- ,•, r ~e l Por Benti i.- , '’ir, 1 4 • , f ,j .. - ir- ' i ' ' b'‘t ■£ ~ - ijiHiW' large,pWelSno , S*V/. •U. w £.v ,T “ ""-wlf" elSffi ««or E ' -/V- j - : v .- -'-’ ~-a I c .. of Wooded Siith. f eUl r, C. Totten, atthWonVm VfroiM. 1 , r r VeblS ._ ‘ I iaw.-gflice, o^tta. WM l «■ - ianr.lj . O and sheet Iron Ware, No. 17 Fifth tween t #S • “" \ f V :? v - '^ i \ :■• \ ? 3 SISSSSSMIO X " l mwmmm - s Jus* MMM :■ -; l l'>H' lll 1,1 |l| ' ,, 'iiii'*iii | "I'w 1 i i 1 ; ■ v,** ’' vi , , - -< i - i v •* 7'.‘'v4s'*f wSKv-’vv’i“'txt>“*'• ?■? v-*- •■. . v .. IWaSSffIWHSSasS^ . * ■’ ■ ■ r vB-BBOWfitSOFFIBEi NOi«S,KinKmd»nw ; I t WocSd X' •■•'■’ "'■ : 1 ' It , Anamn^vidCpvnuUar - * y *T: ' l s ' 6"P £^2£,vw iio ; t|{i£*el.!kAUa»rk: warnujted, w4Af aotpericct*, .no ■ will be • , ?- *P tjEMOVAt-—Pr.:Hubert Snyder, recMrfi It office to Fount! «treet, between WoM -imS«iwet».» v y‘- v _ i__ij t 1 BARKMiH, ABorutg dt taut—Office In Bake oh Glim «i*Mi oppositt ihe -‘a •• i *i> <■>»*- ■» ■ - »»• 'ni'w rt la • ■?*_s h-i.i : » —• 11 ■ ts~~ otiuttxas bailoux* with Aidennaa Morrow» ,*.■ *cpj t i r i\ EttHQlsfF. GILIiMORK, ****** ***?"*& «•• Be■ftidOTedtoMh^lWdww^tawOn “Fourth,-to ihfc"6i&e« laftly'oeeopieifbyAWetOß :v ’ ; jr ‘ ;J : ~ m ''voiwftyanxjiifgjof allßnfl* dW thegrcaic*i 'a-ulteeftniccilricyv ‘. *V 3 “ ■■ * TJtles to RtalEsta»iauu!unea)««. Middle, 91 m. w 0•... •... j\ ; 1 fimithfieM gifrfeiThaiween,Pitta aod ; gi*Ujy “ “ Colleeuons carefully aliened • eTf&u.!PrOBNEY AT LAW, hu removed ro the office In A.tFifth eireel, betweeß Wood and Smithheld .attests, formerly occupied byThoa. Uasullon, dee d,and ■wtHuuend to Uie business remaining onniuabed upoabu d.ickeL i” •- “V 13 .. joHit I. ttircurL- -r - Palmar. 'I X TXORNEYB AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW— ’ A, 4}Jtiu.on Fourth urul, afiu door? htloa SmitMUtd. - - illhnsißeaaentrnstedto their care,promptly auended to. ' tSullections made and Cou.eyaneiog exeenlcd on oodp ■ ruelerran. ■ Icbliai- ifaw paruarsMp* • , . triHE subscribers hare associated themselfea in the " I practice of Law, under the firm pf BnacnSiWjan ■ lau-ros. Uue OI the other of them, whettnol engaged to Court, can he fonod at ail timea la the roarth --^e^metrap^new c.on ' 1 REAOB WASHINGTON. v f a, ~.Dr. o«orff» EleOooh ~ f TASsdeelsi Pittsburgh aa hiapermanent residence. ,eit y hrjtereho.may alWsySbefoand except when ab • •* efcatVtrStßftrflohafdntryi Hair% had several fount ' in braeUeeVWjtpjiei By etose Attention to ■■ ■- " ■"•'i rENKV W. Wir.UAMH,u|it!wgrcyt VomukUot at IXiow, (successor to Lowriet.WilUams,! Office at Fourth field. - THE Pirtnershipherelofore existing Between Henry - "~«r-'min l im. F.«n„ond mreelf.ln IhepracUeeoflhe law, ■; W»i4issolvea by-tnimaiconsentonthsS#lhnluandthe fruimesswill hereajes bo eontinne^Jty Henjy .W. Wil .. ltOTs,,whom.lj«os}-.ehe«felly ; jee?pipead> nil for : Wlioorl Tvuve jheihonor fa aphtufoeisr-u* a gentlemen ?pnhy 9f their —T :::: r ‘ 7P«Un»«r?*Xn»tUnt*. ;v PtyjWan. ~'»tr«iifJ)eD*eenjWpasi wd Smithfiela. fteeenpuona fßg»ue-oJBM , arUl)’e accurately and neatly prepared : l#F-lba Sttictary* akUlcdin Pharnaey. •■> please note of rcai £Mj&C9#r.vi-n,tn-. • «n'a .ftnieiM.- Office onO'aocrrabowSxniibfteWjftrect.jfc-r - -Dh-MTerrbas permanently taCfriedin Pittsburgh,-and will &ttsnd.to thedafleß’OflEtt Profession,., He gire * - pamcaterattewfon t 0 BetosidAfci«w*,wnJhedliea*es .of'wfttieft'tind children.. - v *„ . » Ayi?m. George R* fLlddl«* " * CO NV£ Y&m XB r ' Fourth'it , *s«» Cherry ttSep, fittiburgh. TY££DS> .Mortgages, Agreements, Bonds, J&eleases X/-*nd-other Instruments of Writing* drawn with oe n Q . 50 tttffftßtal flpd MwjsWjfihwoics Liens* Accounts of 4aM»ntor»»gnd Adnunillrmibrsi pro* and orders or Or . eaies of.Ecal Estate, *o n &e, ■ It ■ ■ TUB. DPFIOBBt 5. C kXXXVX ft OVVfeSBi) Box Factory and JbDblßf &y«n*i i Oaiiaing*, BM«n«VsSSJr . v tt its -vfkortat-tictiti'--./- »• ■ r --' 1 >■ -'mi •> myfl. * .(SnCCESSOB.TO WUA.BUCZ.) -“i-CBuGGisr and, Apothecary, Ccttut of Wvlii awijWt»Jta*Bi» Bucai, PxmbuT,h T\BUOS»OU*, PAWTB *od; BVBjSTOTFS, eon ■LJiaUrDtlyfboeale, t v j ■ , , Physicians prescriptions eaieuuly compounded. myBi--3m ' ''tlennett'SM6noellroia*tleDoposltory. J So. 73 Tori-Stmt: " - THIBD. M-SY—mW PAIBTXSOS. , The Garden or Gethsema’ne'iThc.Geiiietery of Scutari. myTitir ■ :ij-i J V 1 ! 8.0. attXltton, i .rw .iTP'.TnimuHs & StocktOti.’BGOSSBLLGB) BXA■ 11 a TIONEBJPttINTERhmIfiLNDEBj comer of Mar fcMaha-ThiMstreeU;Pittsbnnrit. Pa i - tr^iltf ■ttTBW'UiGUUKKEOTyPEJWOMS; Bvtit’t BmU fshiSts^from i thetEfcsttrii:etties' f , #oiu4 call thcattention of ■■tfiSMiabUanfs of PitWinrAJ-atii! the-nelghborinfiowns, 1; t»lhe» togtterrifotype.breit&ewUuaa'othefu, at rooms In ntfoSrtt"’* « f W"*®*WtiUtn*,lm *f. J •‘“i4rson# wishing-picraics taken mar rest snored that *ta»H‘P a !^'”J> r >*L , £s' them InXhe highest oTthehm. Ohr instruments arc of the mbit pour rSSlmeUW«ijif pietnres a ra "Cither roquirred or 01- : agaoa-depotflr stock - tntha art, Tmtsitihtgsho more _ , •:■■■, !*■? ▼rfiyol '•'* .HUYU .KW WfvL.IiLENN, Maoktondir, comer o! Thml and Wupd streets, nbeveC.H. Kay, where he is prepared to doevery desenpuonai 1 ruling and binding. pred' JOHN 11. MKLLOtL. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Music and Musical/nstrussno,Pianos,School lhtok>. and Summery, No. 122 Wood street. jnnl JBRVAK, RtcUfuing DisnlictymA Wholesale tfealei •in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquor*, No 53 Diamond alley. jygf : 1/ INla & FlNNEY,:Agentaior the lMlatoarc Mutual XL Insurants Company, of Philadelphia, ai the Wan* bongo of King& Holmes, VYalerstreet. nearMarfcei. WAL ALEXANDER* BUNS. Cgftn Afaiwri and /■'i*r r , «afo‘ng (fodertahtt.cornerof Penn and Si. Clou streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn sreet. Jana AdCßJUaJatjeof New Lisbon, O,*-W. 3. SKuutnu YPjgA|fi.fc BKINNKR, General Agency Commission tend- V FtmsaniiMg Merchants, No. 20 Market street, Pitta*, burgh, Pa. Prompt attenttoh given to the purchase and •sale oi*aUkindaof produce. *rpt2 wtt.'amxs*v«iuaDA. w. hiciktson, rnrrsKC*an MILLKK & RICKJSTSON, WholaaU Qrocin, and Im porters of Brandies, Wines and Begarsj Nos.tTO ajyjJ74, corner of Liberty and Inrtu streets, Pittsburgh, Iran, Nail Cotton Yarns. Ac.* constant)' - E-fl;u. x*iajM —s. c. h'dow^u. IT'KVSKR & McDOWELL, (sdccsssou to Kxu & , IV Kstua,) Wholtuil* and Roan Drvfand Prescription Sun,cot :r of Wpod street and Virgin alley. -(Physi cians pro .upturn* carefully cuinpoauded night! and day. ocl8:ff SItTKINLEY, House, Sign and Ornamental Pairing • and dealer in PAINTS, No. 44 Jl. Clair si, Pitts burgh, has constantly on hand all hinds of Pajxis, either Dry or Mixed} Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil: Boiled Oil; Spirits Turpentine ; Window Glass, of ail sizes; Putty, Paint Broshes, Ac., all of the best quality, and for sale at reasonable prices. _ sepl l J. B..SpQrh«44:4:Can * Manufacturer* of fto, Copper $ Sheet Iron Ware, NO 31, EAST SIDE OP THE DIAMOND. ie2o--3m William Hftlir MANUFACTURER OF LIGHTNING RODS Re sidence at the Eagle Hotel, Liberty street, Pills burgh. Uvl*y NEIL UOUSK, COLUMBUS, OHIO, OPPOSITE THE NEW STATE HOUSE, ’l4:3m*j g« WISBHC, Proprietor, • Isaac AViUtami, 11/TE&CHANT TAILOR, Southfield street. No. L 2, be* Jjl tween Ist and *Jd Streets. ap4y;g3 fllorrls A Htwortb* rpGA DEALERS AND IMPORTERS OP WINES JL , AND J3RANDIE&.'». b &9LU:«j4*>3f- A* Diamond Pittsburgh. mayVl *“ Wood«*nl A Jellejr« DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOKS* STATIONERY, etc., 7%trd Strata fait QffUs Buildings. (ap3U:y Daniil Yoaßffßon. House, sign, and ornamental painter, Liberty street, oppoaile Hand. All work neaUy executed. Orders punctually attended to. Imarttahy AV Oeoluiri EHOLESALK AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, eort ner of Wood and Third streets, under St. Charles , Pittsburgh, Pa. (apr3 JABISS C. WATT, r MERCHANT TAILOR, Bo* 3A Hark«t street. Between Second sta., Pittsburgh, P*. IS* n. Poanitln HAS taken ebane of the BARBER SHOP under the OLD EAGLE SALOON, where be solicits the pa tronage of the public. He hopes, by his endeavors, to merit the favor of his friends. febgSaf H, W. HoBBACH---—- Bortuch A Karr» (sveexssoas to j. r. hobbacb), tXriIuLESALEGROCERS,RECTIFYING mSOTb* If LERS, and Importers of WINES, B< AN DIES, CIGARS, Ac-No. 197 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, corner of Barhoris alley'.' . [my3l COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, a. n a ■ ■ a xis a M sax s a r s , No. 7 Watk* mm, Cincinnati! onto. JOSHUA RUODB3- ■ *•——»* 'ALPSO P. ANSUUTX. josxtba ttHQOBs a 00. ; WHOLBSAZB’VSALBRS MFORBION FRUITS, Nutt, Spices, Coirfectionarsj Sugars, Cigars, Arc., Arc. So. 0 WOOD -CT&RT, HAST StDS, KkAl WATJCB, Jolyt , PITTSBURGH... 7 gAODISL P. SHKIVJBtt, WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION 1 MERCHANT, AKD D BALES LH PITTSBURGH JtAWUTACTURXD ARTICLES, '• Nos. 120 and 123 Second eL, between Wood and StnitkfiUd, jaluf ' > ~ 1 Pittsburgh. Georgs Manufacturer op brushes, wholbuu ahd Brail, No. 70 Wood ttrut, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chun staotiy on hand, a general and extensive assortment qi Af.t. uxDs of BRDSIIE&ipIUie lowest Eastern prices. N. B.—Machine Brushes/,A<>», made to order at the ihoylcsl notice. mariShy x.A WATuotAie-« •a. n. watsrjlar •»• w. b. watsrju.tf.* Zji 8* Waterman A Sons, | ‘TCFHOLBSALE GROCERS, Commission and Fpr- YV warding Merchants, Dealer* In all kinds of Pro duce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, and Agents for dale of Richmond and Lynchburg manufactured To bacco mart jftinea P« Horbtobt KECTIFYINO DISTILLER, Foreign and Domain lfana, Liquors, Cigars, Ifc., No- 197 Liberty «. comer of Barker’, alley, uoulSJ Piusburgh Pa. 1 (Ssccz.iou to J.-8. Sorniyr'k Co.) ; WnolMal. Grocer, Btltlfylny Dlatlltor; ai»d dkalxx nr FOREIGN AND*DOMESTIC WINES, LIQUORS 4 CI6A RS\> FRUITS) N UTS, d’* IC3 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ap3 JOHH 8. BETrtTXDY. *• R- HASLKfT. KENNEDY A HASLETT, BUCCRSSOiS TO Kihsbt A Xsox. a Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Watches, Jtteelrv , Silver fPbrt) Fancy and Fartefy Ox>ods, Baskets , Cotnbs, No 94 Market street, between stsat and the Diamond.- IT7" Clocks: Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. Pittsburgh, Angost2oj 1850. Walter P* marihaU, (Bqcccß«or to Samuel C. Hill,) mi»OBTn AITO DKAL«B Itl fRKMH_AHp_AMXaiCA!I paper hangings'and borders, Window Skoda, Firt Board Prina, sc., i+t. (r Alw Writing, Printing and Wrapping Paper, between Fourth «t and Diamond alley, west side, jag PiU3burg\, Pa. TSOS , David emu-• ■ -cats. is’rmgar. Iron City Tack Factory. I HE subscriber* manofaelore and keep constantly on hsu'd all sited of Tacks, Brads.and Sparables ; Flo ur. Clout and Hob Wails; fiacJaned Flpur Jarre .Hails Copper and Zinc BJtoe Nails;: Pattern-Maker’s Pomu, Rivets,as, Q «ds.tgg4o.,^||. jt coi Warehonsp, aWMffrt» Pittsbargb. „ JftHltg «- W. COKNINtiHAM £ CO® . . O4SUTACTOSXSS 07 WINDOW GLASS, • —’ No: 28 Marin atriU, Uttetm'Firtt and Saomt, PilUbm-ebTPa o- Particular-attention raid to odd alien Alio. I Daiter* InFhnt film, Vlala, Boulea, Ac. Qygfcly vhird «trxkt, opronrs nrePonwimcs, rawßrasH. "AS"APft, JMi.Areuieetnral and Machine Drawing*, Baslneaa -«sdlH*ilinrCani*,ele., Engravedcr Drawn on Stone, and Printed in Colora, (polo, Bronze or Black, in the I meat approved atylp anual the ihaat reaseaable Dr |ce» I FBGD< HADNLEIN. WMJ 80HUCBMAN,. Above wo have the pleasure of presenting the readers of the Post with an admirable represen- Meetings and CptiUioti. Parties. *. tation of the splendid new building on the corner story is the entire Itbfl bWMircfif with a of Fifth and Southfield streets, known by the ceiling of Ififeflthigh.iSilt.iii firp«h name of the “MONONGAHBLA ASSEMBLY ed, is decorated in the moat tasteful manner, ROOMS." The building is four stories high, and is one of the Jury” tpTbei*cjund and has a front on Smithfield street of feet, in the city. These large rooms wiUrbe rented and runs back 80 feet onFiflh street. on reasonable terms, by the day, week, mdntb The first floor of the corner is occupied by or year. ' ' ! Mr. R. McCoy as a restaurant. The second This fine building is owned f>y Xlessrs-' G* floor is occupied as Lawyer's offices, and there Splask & Son, very worthy and industrious feitU arc five comfortable rooms set apart for this sens. They occupy the first and second stories STUART & BULIi» G&ocxns, Ann Paocues Comttsexon MncaAifTi, No. 118 Wood strtet, Pittsburgh, Pa. T\BALERS IN GROCERIES, Flour, Wheat, Rye, XJ QaU, Corn, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Bauer, Lard, Cheese; Clover, Timothy and Fla* Seeds; Iron. Nails, Gloss,fte.,fte., Ac. Partiealaratnrouonpaidtoihe sale of Western Produce. Myers A Hooter, Robt. Daixell 4C(i, tfai&pton.Smilh A Co, Ring A ft Roe. James May, Piiubcigb; Fenner ft McMillan, Massillon; Jos. S, Morrison. E«g.. 8u Loots septifl Has woods — tVaoD*. • T.WOODS A 80JB« PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION j. a. sasaivs*-- ——- *—...i. Bimuno. fIURBIFF A BIBSUS6. FORWARDING ft COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers In ail kinds of Western Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. IU Market street. Pittsburgh, Pa , |p* Will promptly atteud to all business entrusted to their care. UyH*_ The Old Printing Ustabliihmtnt* (tars joiunrroif ft stocxtox’s,) And Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse. W 8. HA VKN Is prepared toeiebute eve y style or « Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job .PrinUnguod Book Binding; and famish every article In the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terras. .. Blank Book iuid Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market and and Second streets. |f~7~ Printing Office and Book Bindery, No. SO Third srteet. ' novlft ■JA3CX9 J. KKtB. ■ R. C. STOCKTON, (Lou Johnston Sf. Stockton ,) fiookMlicr, »t»(loncr r Printer it* Binder, 'IXTOULB respectfully Ldvuo ike aucntion of Met fir chaara and others, to Ida large and superior stock of BLANK BOOKS, consisting o f Day Books, Journals, 1 Ledgers, Invoice,Cash, Order and Letter Bodks, of every siip,mado.pf the beat paper, and. bound inihe-pipßl du rable manner,which lieofTeYgkt'p rices um.t ettnnoi fail to giro satisfaction. Blank Books ruled ahd bound u>- any- given pattern. Priming ofcvonr deacrlpuan exo-i cdjeo witli neatness and dispatch. N 0.47 Market,«U ' n ”jfa; jamer Lowry, ” I CHAIR AND BKDStEAD STANUP*ACTDRKIr, NS. 994 Fetttrman*s-fimp. Liberty itrret, baa on baud A large stuck of Chairs and,Bedstead* pf every. Qescrip ' Uon, made of ihi best taktefrlaU, which lie will sell low* fir than of tlm-same Quality CM be i'Solti la Ihe city, lie would call particular attention to his large oHtiaUoiratiy and walnut Chairs and Bedsteads, .which he wilt sell at neatly reduced prices-, Also, 'TURNING 6F every descriptlohfexeCihed in the neatest manner. Orders left at the Warerooms. or at the Mill; corner oi TUtwmn and Liberty streets, will be protaptly attended to. ; oar?} • ; - )m 7 AMES COCITRAH, Z BKAiK, 78., WM. F. M'BIUDE.'- c -J* AORJCW. COCHRAN, M’BRtDK A CO., No. 20 Wood Strut, Pittsburgh, TVJ'ANUFAOTUBERS-of Coatings, Cooking Stoves, jyl Donevon’s Improved Enterprise Cooking Stoves, (Patentei Aagist, 1850,1 Ktrriges, Hollow Ware. Crates, Ac, Also,lron,V,aoW ) "Vouli.,Uoora,adilmg 1 Window Shutters,and Wrought Iron Work of every description. : uprd ■' - ■■■. _ : •' • ■ _ • . ,‘V ENTERPRISE WORKS. ’ 13S Wood stbkst. two boobs below Viboin alley?' * TETLEY, v practical cut lbrs.su rgical and dental' Tn»trnment Manafscturerß. tfZUU* HBgggSgfl' WE axe now receiving oar Bpriag' GOODS, comprising a full' of Jiardwai4 t cutlery, mm : Guns, Pistols and Hunting Knives, • 1 Also, all of the latest improved Pis tols manufactured in America. * Iri ftaaitionto dttrSlorerwbav© a manufactory for making all kinds of instruments and Tools. Our Instru ments-are aueqaalied in the western country for saperior finish and workmanship—which we refertoibe best dentists in the two eities. AU orders from a distance will meet with prompt at tention. Jobbing and Repairing neatly executed. Par ticular attention paid to the making of Trusses and f-'tSf B™ We are also Agent* for the sale of Charlea C. Reinhardt’s celebrated Glass Pad Trass, the best now nse for the speedy cure of Hernia. For sale by the single dozen RICAIj BBTATK BROKBAi HENRY W FISH ; HAS opened an Office at tlae corner of BmUh£eld and. Fifth streets, Pittsburgh, known as the “Orear Ba*g4l» Corner,” and will devote bis entire time and at tention to the' Purchase, Sale and Exchange of Real Es tate, in city and country. , . , , , From his acquaintance with the bostness, he hopes \o satisfy all who mayi favor him with Agencies in line of bosiness. Thompson Bell, H.H.irCuLlough, Getf.F. Gillmore, J.l{,Moorhead, Tho*. Upward, Lav Hot ice* .« mn£ •npoinunent of William B. McClure as Pieai ,L dentJodge of the Fifth Judicial District ofPennsyl vinla, haa dissolved the long euou.ling partueraht p oj MtsCuidlMS’A McClure. The unfinished busino. will be a lie tided lo by Mr McCANDLBSS, WM. B. McCLDRE. ID* MY OFFICE IS REMOVED to my dwell ng hr; 3 :^p Pe,,, ‘ . jipjj, smith, MAWVF-AOTUJtVR OF COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Ifo. 13* Third street, Pittsburgh, , 1/ EEPS constantly on hand a general assortment oi lv all Tin,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, and makes to order on the shortest notice and most accom modeling terms, Wholesale and Retail. fraylMAwly Bnsimaa Curbs •T UOUA& B. lIU MERCHANTS, No. Cl watkb *r*Brr, pmrtBUBOH. Hope Foundry* RIFSBKBCBS. Ira B. Horsey, John F. Perry, Lyman Wjlnmrlh, Oapt. William Ward, W. O. Leslie, [sepl&y aWUloapbsSuiemmoo ». purpose. The third stojyiafltledup Baaiutasfiarifl,- CLE rELAND, PI TTSBm6jg,AtIf) ; &ASSILON fiX- Eeavea and Ffidayi. BAKES tt FOBSYTHE, A*H. my7:iy ■ . i U. Vm Sbie&loiu BOOKSELLER..AND STATION . ! No. <7, coum or tUun klto'Taikß nuzni TTAH coiunantlr on hand fofrale—.Writing, Loiter, JTI. Printing and TcnPAPER n Bonnet, Bindcri', Fal-1 lcr«’ and Trunk BOARDS; Book..and Newapaper PUNTING INK—which tie will ielFaltEeloweaffaab pneoa, orln oxnt>unkO~fd» , . 3. TK WILLIAMS .. IUTT J| . J»D. WILulACia CQ^ WHOLESALE ANP.KETAIL FAMILY OBOCEE£ Forwarding atw Qommi*sifm, SkrcharUf, And‘Dealer* in | oDOifTsr narocs aia> rttMßtfftan nkHOTAcmac, Corner qf Weed «*td Pifik. ttrtfto* . in,' WKGNKR, pUJ«HfISR,& j MUIiU.KB.>y ~ Sew LHhMftplue. Ktttßllittßfal! CO £24 rktt ttru i, tipwtkn fttaf A f&WnJL T 8 NOW nuyroftttiiUb evert tindof-UtiidgfmDi 1 vrukJit Xhe matt elesumayip, «aet>,«»64wMi At ihe '«affler plieehk .opened » Djuwu» School, eod exeoataon orger&r# of Machinery, r Mb ‘atai. -lnn Work, in NO. 8®! WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH,. , | I riMIK Advertisers bee leave respectfully koihfonn ihel X ed a iarga cumber«f(BSV>paneniefor (he etewdsi vMietY eirW qnbffcS, In iMs City-*—they are no* p Wp&rWrw m&iidfSfcfow tag fame w purpose a* buieonias* fcirtea? gardeiiV'hvtQqawLgniip* tha» any - Tierqtoßre *eif of*thS~'ifcbOo ha-': -rarrj; j •toyea,^oUow ! qod qaaUqgStfif) as oatia.l./ jy -■ ■.ioa.-.n ,M-. ■ hi.. WO. EETnaWa : life. v.w*. m.. top ■ 'fS ncs(r*»»t«Llp T bourn Seo'Tt.t E«ynoldi & Portars.: ■ n ' - I > ,L CiMBJSBMJB ROHiANTS, Penn, tavern Irwtn and St.-CLair iUeCJ^ au9:iim ° ,-h:-.gfN>W i ‘- Alexander Bradley* No. 19 Wood Sir**!, batman fiat and Second. ' , ■Wnaaar'WßvW'' I , MANUPACTHREft;OR EVERY DESCRIPTION ()[■' COOKING ,ltie. most ,apwovtd p ane rrts, ii n d sueb& will fendef/tttTieli e&tiilacUop. AJub, 6&6n jbnrteShdflfßd fbttnd-Jei r ell,*, Roollaiceldbfdidd faioDir-sloar iParlaii Stove i Egg, Stoves pa#flpr» * (an?y dialog (to fivne is[e aUenlion if bitUdert); TdtfWnfcsf HbHm»iWSMrWagoh'bbJfeS; , a io all of wbicU We iiiviie the' anentionvof dealerr b :■ /oregarehurUv ‘ d»ew- al he.- -errit ’' n l2L rrTHE i>rd h"rf« ttt 55 ‘IH aaHaffi}h utfli o y J6 fartt cn »- JL 4waj'VioluTC< W^UoHfluotrinin«i«pee;ofrtliß'.«n4B r afPwHo #hfiH!d hireiisafry got d *■ k ;-, .■JfV.'rom »n; fti/or • p.% DRjfVOj < ~ . ~. . (l ■v;i'ir.\v :•' vn/i‘)-'iNoiil Diamond. *• N. B. Alt articles taken- ipfUgdfOfldxlM 3 the money returned. ,; tojrrtl . Jame»ilee»i r-pfl wir Comer o/ Üb*tty\a*d>roMfflilding i ,Ecgiiiea and Machinery in. themestjaUaftmtory. and,.approved ■styled ‘ tnfofrrl ‘ TOBBgFwicaiYMA^; . . job*n'm'tlnßertSi ■!" 1 !n " T PJtACTIOAL WATattDUKBR AMD JBftSLLBR, TVEBIREB to, ipfo rnMlie, pobhcj ißpuljo ha* opened a ’lev the repairing an& ?e[llilng orCnfe. Walch4»,CtockB, apl JewebjTiii ifi',oo9 oporfr ic—-in n-i-rr. -i.T] Al lhi»ealabl|slimejit l ,Bny nod eyeij.part of the BaeJl WbneheSor Time Pieces, rrmirrmy have'becomo warn oat.oroiherwiaeiitliifedpeun'lJAteplaeed: wltb new, in I a siyio .equal to liteortgmal. ! i All workdone at thla Bhpp yvufbe warranted to give entireedtisradtioh.'"' “ - '• ißokrtru*s.«Me*jrey Jbbn Heroor,i Joseph iWoodwell, i Wm.B.Scaife, Joshua Rhodca,Jamea A. and Robert H.. Hartley, . ~ N.B.—A limin-ii but carirfuily selected Slock oi iWatehea, Clock*, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Ao., constantly on-lianil, wUurhiWiH he sold Very lowfar co»a. _ . . :,.r. i;. , .iaptm&a . Carriage Hanullietßrer. iT > o/RfoKgy'tis. Bi>aiasurwi>)iJQyL ‘■xsfttw'v! a*BD»*rtnw» bsiiliHSyliPf CARRlAGES,'BD»o[ss,B^rlj< ! lS!j[ Pitta ¥ CMiiiic^xT ; r on widish is used BnrouU«PnmttteedißiflCd§Min»'&raee I A Reach, Diamoiri jUley„MHW<»sWt»od noAaifiihfieU streets, Putabanth,£a- a f .... „rr . 83* All work warranted. to be made fWmtnrbest New ark Hickory, and;;MMebut'th6a>e«rTol»UT« hammered uod roUedlnmiaKdrln-ihiaeaWMßrlßßijib.-r'i ' ... -MWpiciy, . . Iloh. WM: '' VWMiMi ttiiiM'lSm Col HODViPATTERSONi Dr. ESttdSAZzfaiP; I Hr. J AS. BROOKS, ton EDWirfiBAZEIiTUN, Era. fa* ’ &|fj *ia' rt fX*>SOb C “to! .:!ii* V.mM ! bliow !i.-1- • ¥- ;;R#o#S, .. . - c .. VitSS. in axe apartments on the Northern side 61 building ns Furniture and Chair tfarerobn They keep constantly on hand "a large and et tyn eheetock of these iftifcTes,''#hf6h-'t6ey will djg-t, pose of; for cash, Wfob'aa <&?<&&& esKb i^,- 0 ment in the oity or elsewhere. ;? 1 1 pj Tho uew Fust Office'and Custom House Billt}- ing iatobe erected ;l uMedistBijr , 6s|JbM*& tfja Monongahela Assembly Blooms, which fhet wtll 1 i. -nv, * *t.-> Tornntnn') i- t malce the above described property, the xriost de* ~!,„Ti-.-snns-| *";y PUtsborgi) Sosinesß©imtfii}g. >1 I *j Jolm'Gleiro^^^BrCo^^Mf'wJlJtfi^niwJ^. Jbii'h m Thomas l®atv3daAri ilK)«W4yolr«o«<:?;pejSen». 11 jSldtrmtn'-Ond Jraticei'‘dY"thi'Ptsci! 1 ] ” 4'a *<». i i . sauihfieidt ; -2fco*Steeh fcra.taanh!str»nd;Wjlmstreets.! [:; Banker! andJZxduMgt Broken. ’ " Kramer^, Hahin > *onifirW©6dnfld , ' r,i : fiiaib'fid dloy. i ! wi»s I?gBS^»er.sKu.:!, 1 ?g8S^»er.sK u . :! , Wholnalt $ Product DealtrP Swart & Sill. FUUI I Wick & McC&nafeks, cprwater and Wood streets. JJariri r 'i- •. iin?. - ‘ if- i#W^^Ato“raWfWogd«ndFiaha»i»eoC> • James Black, cbrqer Thirdand Smhhfield streets. . tr fcanflSett«£fchiptoi,.M»aodlSl wssirpeeL'-“ L 14^smmsnm^^u^ Si ■ • « John Black &. Co M cornef Pcnn and Irwin streets. >- { - rt c Jiiclund* coftierWdyfld’kndPonn sts. i.ffiusfj, fyade,Pick,Sack andHoeManufactwert. t> Nejrely & Mohan, Sid Wood street. . Wroltay-,** SIC W h ■■ •... ® Planing 'MiUt tuui Sath Factor)/, - J D & A Kelly jßeventb street, above (be Canal. 1 _ i J & J b CQmtal ervCberry aUeyybSi-Tilf tt Liberty sU. *■■:■ '.4 <' WoilMtr&dkLC 1 ' - , ' >;! t VVHuara Bafker r flmilhfi.rid;gt. T bawith and DjanUmd^r. j.-2Wsmifing)%H6tieM ■lnai'V&iay.* iTV "Daly 4b Co,* MarntTaetarers xunil importezs, FUUk s*; < | bfloiae $ bgvkaf.ffe^cbfthiatyd{Kaiqoitd •.>«•' Plott&h Manufacturer*: i tu | Robert Hail, 147 > ti: &?fl ee h ftp*, A lr **V/J T t’A -i.eK! .... PcM ~r^ Camage, Omnibut and Wagon Manufacturer*. E M Bigelow,46 Diamonaaliey, Townsend, Carr iCW?,' , St'TJfafrsi, near the old bridge C Wpit4- Pft,i4U > oiiii«tmpt. fteyser 4* Wood si. and Virgin alley Ogddn a Sttowdebj SSL eoTtitr Wood and Second eta ‘ -bjil oorjief -* i -a sadu&M BMtMi%Hu)niia«tiBBl J.t»»»2p4 no, UaheQf lyngiCornerPennSanthtland: strttts:; ,-n, :+• ■ itufphjrjVVUson J- M’Geaff fcftFffiSleW WdbdTrf/fl dWYefrdm UtKifty: JameaA Markcißiteei. ’ iK i,'. ;c ;•---■ , Wtote^^iWll>!fiiorc k i: ■i ’’ j ,J i •■. i i* - i ' r i- 1 1 James? KtacbidtPcoqtaiid &i Streets* near Market. l •' JHBeinmler,lBoliibeny'tftreoi, hear Market. => tfwjGfon tfc., lyggaa JoTw-rt^n -.‘■■ i! ■' '• .'' " -mu/stotti: ■ •;■ ' : '; ,r ‘John 11'MeHoT.flt \Vood street—CAleiirtau’j Ptnnar. C ttlume. lldOVuod itrecr l do II Kiebef, U 8 Third slrpol-^lHtnri’S.:-:, . do ■ ■Frtsiti and .Caadut. -James C Anderson, BmithheW J bctwnlst and Sad sis. Teaßlonil A Jaynes, IPefctnTcaSlorfc-,138 fifth street. .0: ; Patent Leather yJapaaestdSf Enamelled Heaiker. ! J 8 Co., cor Decatur st and Diamond alley. Hqrdvm~fui4 ! )ty*knf' ; ; „ Josebtf Wt&jiwlil, corner Tfo&d' and Second streets. ftituraloMC* Brother, 4»iiihortr■* 1 1 • Watch Ma&en aruT Jewf uer^. i Kinoedy ai'tlasleasM'Miakn - lL i yymOHWsr4 B *« co i < it!f r^HS ( 9l>ftt46'ifl** u 9PWt to ■■• ! ~6riii' l ßiilin^ySi^euPiitii'VuiMa!e^faettavrlh , ‘ Marshall $ .Broths nyDinthdKl lti*oti« /♦ . s. - J i* a * A ... "H . ‘ . ■ ..-.■i, I ,'. ■■'• ’' .... .. . ■ ■ ...ravi-' i.- <- f- >. -'-■>! " t - • *, l *.v- - , " i .r"^* il ; t -■> C . <. * ' -,l_- , _ j-T’'• *»*'" *■ i " -i . <-jrt > «*>,,, 1 ! bliow h.-1- '•..} • 3! ' . ' - *“ * “ • v^V* - ■ 1 i'-i' ■* i Manufacturer cf Extract of American Oil. WsWMttAflbPeim nidlLibeny. >wi \u.ui 'Is?l y-iM£utr&lfei£ti,- 0 “ . Aii&M^^^kVßiul'j'W2a«jsj^. L -“ 1 ’ ®>bn HBaateTJVßdlTfiiArWr #W Wootf-'Bh'il'Smltb field. U> '.fattenEftoOithmasts. : Boi6n<)^e,«S a iCI,Uie|Ol(l.lipiige. iffiuhybitMa’lS. Wood, rv. {*•<;•!.•>.i/9 naod ov t W„J[Keu:hnro,#,ao(j, the Theatre. !*p ’ , aatfVdMPefalen. flbryock « Haeke, comer Third and .Wood. ;J - tiunrrj orft Uni-TIC.- jf t.VY JTW <2XI f**MUU. ‘■AgeSsy 'fot SSfSfM'JLiDM'ofTaeietShlps. jsjar *BHk’ vpPfc. ii<)k «wtel'rfAl«j{iv#n, with plearaip, by their J&S&. JOHN_TItO3n>SON, iaft SOSUberty st.. Pitubuncbt < —• WRrftfaaww*. ? %e 1 sfcgj&v* wetffers il imrwoibi tfdbomaisr'n n;o : y wDv i: TOBiS2^R^ti^HPQOL (! Jfß®*SwpBS@aowiiG'Eifir»»*li Hat JtftetrfßUnuh. -l|th Not. are built at thebest mate riaja. and mf tfirtw matt-'fippio^ti(l r tßC»dblij'ftff , iwirtnd^dombJned ; Sis6#?sagSJ? M?P?»»Wnia,fQr l ;tl ! e.eomli)rt K otliat'*6aißeifiorPdrky > , f n 1 aittodfelßlßß) rootaat ; ‘>g * >*- d "t^t£^irao?oanadf r iyaierp«r.^^anS*affieidolk; » forCookinr. ‘" J : ;;• R j ... The caboose and cooking-ranges u>r the use of Pas- bo —N&ifea r ind EichangeTpjir-" B« ?f-wq », »JT . ; f. Ita&ft LdrtpiMciPenatbna/j&eir-'Ac.yenUecttdfjaiid 4§gSsM4&6S^ i Kfet wrafffh'' oi 99orfJ to Joo W ( {j^ n 1 :i ■/.v ;i Tp-i .-the-Oanil, to PhiladelptflhatoFttU^tertenataUate-gjtd&eja/* the Canal Comcoltaioaera ibr eanying boats over the Jdo jgpjghbhfcPffaSjt-l 1. Saddle and Hanuu dX&mtTaet6Vy,: , SIGN OF THE GOL irBfTSADDtE,^ SaHb^^mtßNESSf^&S^pDAft^iT*^^ nd jjuiyjmiu SMJTHVtBJiV,- ' nTBHWi WJtf*W tatei ptMewporsbrnwroeiogu, h a HdSperfdhtly. my e *?B§K»W^em m ct'pS?.. fee H Jnifa ym:- ,/ i ssssi^^. 3SpshaigBMMtM» flfiKbK ftsMßeasßase:- »di £>«* ■ esT!^^&^Sr^OT! l . owsaagwßaii » t ■i kdHHeaaaiMßtgMifiim ffc-tfctfajaMh^yiuigtfwf-. OSS r 7iXifiJ9J-‘. 't. X*; 5 -V ■- r ; • ‘‘r* V J*‘ «&- ♦j- •S’ '. *. ■••• *i-‘ • f ■'•l 'v-'i ■'... .., . • :,«.',O, :••' •': • '*.<\ r ; ..*< ':’:-l->-'■ ■..*?•■ r ?* *; <*'♦': •; *-*’** .-j. —'cX'-C-; -. «, ••'• - ~.. T : ' 'rr ;; .... - • -....■.**•_ ■• .-*?» *"t. + j* ■ * **_■*•' ” * ■» * . r'x.- ■ \ j *-, x • - - ’%,% r . \ ' -S T »-%. A - * - - -A *< , * *■*.*"■ -A4 »• A ». V - ‘ V!\ ' ’ ■ ■ - :'- - - -: ■ -r .- : ': >. ■ - - -Vi,- ■■ > .. ■ ‘ Cu * JV ' ~ 1 > l I>HlSH<>Uf*s Jtimur andergbnb a (thorough -repairing .. andfitting : determined W use every exertions mhlapower to make i attcomion&blerlhat ihinfcjSrdperlocatf witb him* The i Table willbe always sopphea with the best I .ifa# market aflQnls. The Bar will be supplied with the Otfst and choicestliqaora. , i. Attached to the house is a good , stable* attended by a good Hostler. JAMEB REAMER^jygQ 'OUBfifISBURGa EO^BXm TlilißßUoß’s Old Stabs.) HE subscriber having leased the above well know* and exeellenl establishment, is now prepared to en tertain his. fnendsApd jhaizaveUng-pubUc generally, In the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. His TABLE will. pt all tunes be supplied with every delicacy of thase&son; andrWf Bar with the bestof li quors. His siahfcog ia :Yeryr^axtca9ive; and every arrange* ment has t 6£*q of Iftoveri. augfctf n ~\>~C WM CLAWSON, DIAMOND ALLOT* ?OUB WOOD BTBZST. WILLIAM C. QALLAGHEB, FreprUtoT. ,NBSS&qllu „ WftOMtssj*f,«ie fine* brands, and the jUncy drinks', so isnebuvoßiu dnnna toewarm sewoaysoch- as- Fine Auple Hit? bo *cr¥t*d-nnin a way that wIU piease the taste of all. • laseEyed Up evdiy morning, atli-o’clock« to which the special attention or cnstoxders is rfenaetteu • ~ 4 fj j’-iJ l .Bail* KflaUurant, 1 ao ti i Smit/jfl£f4tSt, 3 'tppwitt.ttt Mmumgalirla House, T: ! P -- Yl^o!iH,b«a l nik«i:Uii4!aisß»o4 luinajomely gaol atyic,.- laraumuinerhol exceJeld~B?*lurf ttimjlaes- Mmrnwa l « at al>jW»tani«hedTvith "IWJCjKS of tnd.chpicest brands, Und ;exesry osxjcacy of the season,-Bueh-as-Oysters, Gam'd, goimi.l&c. al ftßßßts iwreeaisqAßarioifcpnHUed for Private parties on .short notice.-. r -tr^giylO . ?4f> ;. _ jfeqO itir HotelV r'- 'T . " ,<■ - (FoTliilirly the EtchWge.y* Corner o/ Pcnn awt-Sf. Clavr ttrult, PitUburgh. THlSiKacianSi seenim,*and.'conveniently located iIUThX., having been completely remodeled and mprnnguly. , xepMged ,ond, unproved, and 'isonaw open for the accommodation of the public* ■ ~ ,mto aabacnter, leaaee-and itidprifetoro/thg setiialr enipJpyed;Compotenif'[&ptitt).- • -w owaSSSOTT klttcnseuh Saloons and BiiiUne ■tfi -,c> *i;)i ; «||Bliitfen*rfjfUoa -tf> S^ovo; \ r J*adies ' X’ and Gentlemen of the tellies , and’\icltiitjr» thdt he thaA ,zeaied rthe. i .SSstobliahtnenK/teod is prepared ami will behappy to serye them With a sane : rhJraniclffcf-ICKCRliAMSanaibtlmKYerifcsh&fchlfl in their season, lie begs to say he- flatters himself,.from his loogexperilnce trad cototanteffbrts tO'givdtausfac uontpms guestsy.andihhpesiio recpiypa ShawatHribUc patronage. . * ■• . m Every) aitentlon'rvriU ano -W’ paftHo-the Baihfcand Bathing Rooms. ,7 . female aitendants to the Ladies’ .BepaitintfAu nx "’ i*m, >. i i£iW. W WARD Goitre, Wfflte Swellings, Chrome Rheumatism. Cancer, "dseius trf the'Skin or saffpupMi emanates,froa,one and the is-a pouofloar prittclplej or Vitas iflhfcYent litthe iW matter nudes sadzaglbixcthe datteJw shoaTd manifest itfein Jayca’sAlterativc is si mtot al way asuo pesafnl thetodUflasesphe sides which it destroys the virus, or pie from which those diseases havetu toring into.t&p edtn the mrttuiest ftbVes; ‘remdviug,esnryparticle of I dloeMe4rpm«w system- n a n iur'itfju . Jayne’s Alterative Expectorant,Carmmauvnßsuxain, iVttmlflMBiafidSailhtivA.Pms, o n * Wft QMheJKejimftea atorcsQSFimutreetii £«gl3 r iBERTV STREET I’KUJ'KIUY iron each ’street, by HO feei.deep u> a. wide alky,*. oawhmfcnns Ihi^eand 1 Valaobfe tdtiidQngs, teapoble of being appro ,priaicd:to.any extensive mercanUleiar.BMUiiiufttdriog pninAg sacb pthperty Cnll Shd it to Ihcirmlore.l to at fihsjfthoTß*w Bomber*aa aiiitazSti.AtlafEfcbo limaa now being done m each. . .noilJUi I*::.' >•' S.'CDTHBEffTyfiCHTifgffii;' . . anlß _ ■ ... - WSmUbSoliUffw!!- .nr. j'.i .in i < llfl • YV of have^p* ‘ttovedtiiar’sampTe Slnib'ftfihrNo. LO4 Foaiihsirect,u> where they will keep on hand & laige aad >geperalJhdm>!!lnlijßl6jos(iJinitm3iuiated.-«a'WyU*Eu '" fysldlt^^S^itreefaS^e^ibaeld. ’dJOKTCWINE'AND tarn .i biu- .fc.isUtoitilocfA to rH*tnv idw oeoxiJ jcdia92»i?iuoou'’ v •i-V.: •'. . v r , ./l A ■* ... &ot' .• AtIOUg&ANDLOT, situated on Pik&strtetibeuieen A. WaJnuian»fcJFn£tt>o?;flireets*FifthWanL The Lot U,SS;/cct frpQt andiOO feet vdsicKtfaere «re ' tWO small FrameTenemdflts. 'Terms elTyJ—Taiegood, ForpartiCQlare^tfflflaltd r -of Alderman PARKINSON, ' Peon-street, Fifth ;\y*jxL) j * t; -■: >7 51 u T 4 ma;o:ti ■«**»« V> ,<> AIIJ 3 7r WW/Sut'ltb, IRON-CITjV hotel - Fifth Strteu bittpesa , WQO&iand ££ariui. Pt*ututgh. ffj" Good STABLING attached to th a< e«e> (spr7:y national < Hotel* Ptttafamrrfl& : SltuaudonWMiet opposite lAe truing ~4f t&s BtwnibUU Steam Paektir. UJOIiBBOWH. . W. C. ComtKLLTi BaOWS'SHOTICIi, CORNER OF SSITUFIELD AHVTHtRV STS:, FimturgtLta. BROWN * CONNELLY, PROPRIETORS- N. B —Good Bmblmg auached la the house ' \ l * . « >• . : ,T X7s - -'£ •> S ‘i«* r •. t‘\ > I ' --'^{ ’ '*>~; -,' •'-* .•'» *'•.: J p- 1 > "f r < ' T jj’-IHL' >** . : JjV>" -S' „ v \ •^r 5 "V*. _js o * ?+ + •6-V ' , _ !:««<%.-:• >h* ',- / - “ ~n v, T 'p£ jp„7 '' v { W$ K 5 - 1 * * > «* - * • .rL-?as f /- t r t -■■'■-■- t* ,=At--' ’; V- ;;XrtEc - - V P *K ~ n fjL \ f, "* A l| ,' *’ \-"y A,. '■''”■>■ I" ‘ c V; JJv V it; . *S>.-.-:->"+ r-- . gk,-;;.';>;.:: it, t"-, - f K. IT ' ' f t. |>^ IK 1 T-- / fe - ,- s > * .r V > v J - ' tr * •» w {, ( * a , , ■h I I J , id l>• - r #<*• ..... 1 * ' V, i { ? *' u 1 t *-r * n.: .'/i-. \.\ •' il - . - \ <• 5 > st /•> : i, {■H. - vx* , /■ ■ ~ J*!’ i ■; £ * S .? ' 1 -iX'- A S V- s { fe Vs 'V? i-;' *3. , < rt-J-it' tt b -*■ - f?" f -C r J {VCr-'-::.- ■ <• X r f ■ \ ' if T’X'ty cX&j,,