v >' —'>Avv-V-! ! 7 JvV'sV V- ' I \* Ll I,’,*>'»,-• i *,. i. - > H, t T4(S~ { & \x p ■ T. v I' -,,‘V>-‘ - ':* 'f‘ \ ,-4* • ’ -. v <- ->■ ■*’ i * >fJU'.\ .J,-,-*- . , . -- » r ’ -Y'-' -.;*Y ■■--■■'■ ■ .-■• ■' ••■ ;r,.. ■ . -•* - «r.:’:4 /- - - .5. n.p , • '■■■..■.■■ / . ...,-. »* ■>«>£“ N" ’,,,1 • -■ ■■■-„.W, ■■■-■-■■-■■■:■■ -X_ - -s _ \:f w' * ;■ •>•»*«« • ’ ••• ' s .iJSwSSd VJpNv?->i.,»<\»«* S'AC;.\' V-VJtrf i-v © fort able. Timt S^»' :: * ir *‘ r* ** r « *' C*» v - 1 %r f,‘ -• \ . CoHecuon* made / ■ 'v i ‘ ‘ ,-, -•fe' 1 ; \-i- •?«. • Slktu. Deponul V **5A/ 1 'I BANKfiRSi! *i •?.f mxinkw »*s»>*w4 *A r t $V>v*vJCjw-' :. r* ■t'l.'l '* **i-'*r* a r* _. 'Ba»i*«a» & «atlA % \ * J fc * , l t • —, .SMi r* 1f v*- ; j . . .. ... BA obeat"stobm. . :. •-• ■ —-. r~. KTit®. 1 . 8 .. “' J* 4 1 « Thursday last. . The. steamers Planter, Aleck. .;, \ :rf *\*£' *‘.fc !;6 , 'A; , f ! ti. , J^! fl. , >'^v'‘*'l f •u,-' 4 pletcly broken up. Mony light buildings:and - sheds were broken down, and fences, trees and lC rops were leveled to the ground. ,fe '> lyvV ffW'.yi* 4 " ? i l ' 11 There was great loss of life and destruction of 1> ’lo.tW* 7 “- ] property at Mnseatinc, lowa, on the llth, by a A- '■ uff ’•’'Tj freshet in a oroek. It oecnrred at night. Houses J,**: \ #** t r Jt \? r ? J —:—— were swept off, in ono of which a woman and n\s ’ - ' "*"' ' three children were drowned. There is !pio,oof *' Si*V ' ... - . damage done to the public works. it? l - ‘i',*S >Cf '{'Mi *' r c"‘i The rain storm in De Soto and Marshall oour ;;YKJo ( V,v.'L'/ Z&tSj ~t •. .V,<> i ties, Mississippi, damaged the crops seriously. I —“ :: -- :: JttfiSSlKKt' '?V‘<, mated at $lOO,OOO. The Fulton House and Vi■ that block was completely destroyed, and ■ the West Bide of First street. Fifty familic . “raoM louisviLii. touisviu.E, Angus (•■ "■'-■■ —■.•• -■- •- *•*** \ '•: •.-. —•:;••••.•.-': '••.:> _ _ _ j The Cholera is abating. There is «r iS*; f 4 -.--- : , - - r - new case to-day. There were fourteen \K?‘. *! on Saturday and Sunday. Themost of sea now under treatment will recover. — - LoursnuiE, Ang -f" . -—■: -——-.:- .-, A gentleman states that the Expedif . . - : .-. ,-.:... the Pampero, left with a resolve to »i. , Qi^' i . <; v -- r '/ifY' 1 The hearing of Rust, the agent - by whom the slave Daniels was c >s : cl ed in his being held to ball in th U •J\ 1 ’’ c i J, Cr'-lS>5 I .' for anas3aultnpdbattory.in s.tr $\"M - - ■■■'•■■■:■■ i ■ . NEWYORKMARKET -„ V,'..•>>, i ~ F10ur...8500 hbls Indiana at l ' 3, @4,00; Genesee 4,1 ‘2. [, >. . Com...Damaged44@so;m v ‘V? ~ ’ Pork-Unchanged. .f%£* ■ ' ■ Beef-8,75@11.p0 k| 11 * . .Lard... Held at 9|. C'v=S i * E (fe ... ---_ —' Whiskey.;.Nommal at 23. Qrocerics.:;Dall; 80 hags — Orleans Sugar 6. ’ j Hemp... Duo rotted at 12( %n 0 i Linseed Oil—tower. .-jCI = ; - ..EVENII Cotton—Firfn. ~* b ? >f- , Flour—Sells freely at fi ‘‘ - - 1 Wheat-85. Com 53( 1 1 . Mess Pork-14,75. C - .. .. ._ . Whiskey—22. . f Coffee—Porto Rico 9$ / '?•*. r• f • ——— ».»~ . : ■ ; Hemp is in good demi ' >k : - tead-Galena4,7s. — '■ PHILADELPHIA 1 Flour-Held at 4,0 f of buyers. , J? ■* Wheat... Dull at 80( v'.(Y‘ mm white 98@94. Com—Dull at 66J ” i Oats—3o@B4. »’'■-•■ ’’' ’ ‘ : Provisions—Dull ' t,' oa Grooeries-Stoad ’"''j I Flour—City Mfl :»C.~4 s 3-£-.‘ - 1 Com Meal-2,? Wheat-Red 75 - : Rye-64.. Oat Provisions—i! '.n.bh' er ' ;• I 11,50. Bacon ' '.Vi - - - ■ Hams 10@H. Cheese 10@12, n Beef Cattle - *ssaß »K ff • - - - Bacon - - T« Milling b. — : ••• •■ ' ■■' ", r "- Q V, O ontlng*. Evil, Enlatccment ofdie Glandt;or Bones; coil Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic Rheumatism,Cancer, , C 0 diseases of the Skin or Spine,or of ulraonary Con- as sumption, emanates from cue,and the same cause, which fid is a poisonous principle, or virus inherent in rhe human A system. Therefore, unless this principle can be destroy * &’ ed, no radical cure cou he effected j hot if the principle r upon which the disease depend* is remoyed, a. cure S^^mKSMgg^!'Cf>ato*tfcSjfsj^jtea?-fii.gfrt.«^igßS : %rvjSu F : must of necessity follow, no matter under what form the . SB!BMl^lBB^a^g^B^Sfegg disease should manifest itsell. Jayne's Alterative .U at- 1 most always successful in rrmoving these diseases, be- P'«tCfet f Sh> h sides which it destroys the virus,or.poisonousprinci-. plofromwhich those diseaies have their origin, by eu- V- Sr „i>ni*i.-ls s, fts ? wring into the arculation, and with the blood Is convey ■*& t» the minutest fibres -.removing every particle, of disease Jtom die system. .:., ~ . -.. : ■ :■ _ . • • • Jayne’s AlierailveExp«c^ oTant » Can,llnMWe Balsam. VetmlftipeandPmlaliveJPins. -^«. A v- . - ... > For sale at die Pekin Tea Btore*3SFifth street. Caul* I IBBRTV BTREKT PROPER IV toe Baw. t Tw JLr desirable properties, each having at feet on Libert s£ra®6§ra^-^’'*iV>Ys- ,! \ street, by 110 feel.deepto a wideafleyi onyrtach a <’ au - c large and valuable builduigs, enpnble of being nppt l «W^rafWS3&lfc?'V , iviV (* «Tr* tC-V? i printed to any extensive mercantile or manuiactur grdraiaftsJystL?S‘i ,l iO-? Ilf P,-e 3 ’ bnsiness Theyoanbe sold separately or together, t ■ may be,desireiby purchase!*i and being located t fegSßMa^S^iiai tflQvK^^Li*f^■<&^^r*^ .-';. A - very centralund prominent.boslness locality.- Per ’ tfcstesss^Jsoti: . ...... SOSmilhfield sit : “" ----- OUNDRIE3—3O bbls.’Vinegar; : ” S SO d^ 5 Mould and P liipped Candle 20 do Star . ..do; r 5 iY. 20 do Palm Soap j S£ ? Sy. r» 10 do Chocolate ; 10 bags Pepper; - 100 Reams VVrapping Paper. In store and for sale by «,«A -- ama /KING A MOQF v&£flxfikk at 1 " -pAINTS-The celebrated Mineral KvePr X of Manchester, at ibe low rates of Ste > seven different shades, for sale by Ijw - au i3 t. woods SSafSifiSSJegr* *V J, < prandies in bond— ; :J> Cognac— 4o half pipes, qr. casks am vvt Hennessey A Co.’s quarto proofpale anddt EL.-*? AfA.r't'ri.t’/ .',--- * *< '• t'-' T "'-’ ” '■“ ~:' °>-.v- Seignetle’s qunilo proof pale and dark P — in Bonded Warehouse, and for sale by «c« t - miller a ric «d^oSC^saV^mss«.->S*^4*«-■-A-VV • ans N 05.221 and<23 L -PRINCIPE AND HAVANA CIGAR .V4wAjsS?s®l‘t;.»s. , 4iS‘. Js 1 ;!-!®* X 4 cases Crus and Lons Nos. I, 2an • sore; together Willi a foil arsonmeni &..Ld-;u,u e e,. g , J***-™*"*' ‘ B A aff Y ~"" ealeDy^ .,. :.. 4f:-v•• -. K L *-,' r u *' «t J%r V»s.n." -,. v fVv,-, ‘M’',' ’•.'■*•< -•' .• ,' -' S,7AfV’v'r •*. •* '*5 n v:',’ : .V.',s vV• * .•, *>> v ■ No. 1. Thf r e valuable three story briclr dwelling hoases, on Second streets, between Market and Ferry streets, the lots being each 19 feet front by £0 deep.' > No. H. Contains 57 feet front on Thirdstreet, adjoin ing the Third Presbyterian Church, on.which is erected one foar story brick house, ased as a prmtingoJßce, and ono two story bnck warchouec. If the above is not sold before Thursday, the 4Ui day of September, at private stile, it will then be offered at public oatcry, on the premises.. Terms at sale. JOHN FLEMING, Agent for Johnston & Stockton.. Valuable Real Estate in Beaver County, AT AUCTION. TUE SUBSCRIBER offers forfale the following prop* erty,.vik: No.l.'l'wo Lots in Fallston, Beaver county, being i lots Nos. 3 and 4, being about 100 feet square, on which i is erected one block of four frame dwellings, and one separate stone dwelling, all two Ptories higb. - No. M. One lotSO leet front oa Back street, opposite the above, and extending to the lop of the hilt. No. 3. Two be«ch lota, each 50 feel front, and running from the Toad to low water mark, oil the Big Beaver. No. 4. One valuable water lot, 101). feet on Wheel Race, with ten shares wuter power attached.. No. 5. One lot opposite ihe water lot,SI) feel front, and extending to the top of the hill, on winch is erected one two story brick store ami warehouse, 28 by 59 feet; at* bo. one frame dwelling, two stones high.. No. 6. One large lot in New Brighton,.Beaver county, being about 140 feet on Broadway, and about.2oU feet deep, containing J{ ucre, on wlucli are .erected two large frame dwellings, and one small frame house,used as an office. Tins property was formerly occupied by Mr. T. C. Gould, and is very pleasantly located, betug immediately opposilclheFallstoußridge. No. 7. One water lot, imoiediaiely. below. r Fallston Bridge, being aboal 100 feet in length, and.extending from Water Hiceuo low watermark; or towing pnm. . If notsold.befbroThuredayvthellilt day of Septera* ber next, at private sale, it will iheu be offered at pub lic outcry,on the premises. Terms at sale. JOHN FLEMING, •eni for Johnston & Stockton. PENN GL ASS WORKS. » LOBCWZ, SR. 7UOKAS WIOHTUAN. Lorenz <£• Wightiunn, (Formcrir of tuo firin' of Wm. M>Colt.V &;Co.); . WAMJtfACTCHEnS OV ALL KtKDVOB VIALS, BOTTLES :aND WINDOW GLASS, i 03 Walcr.and 05 J>onx Struts, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. N. IJ -—Particular attention pnid 10 odd sues of Win dow Glass and private mi u]ds for Dottles and Vials . jv2.»:3mdAw RAZORS.—Tbeundotfigned has been VJT apnoiutcd Agent for the sale of Win. Gilchrist’s Ra zora. These Razors are manufactured •imbevUniied States, and are unequalled iiitjualiiy by either British or Americun manufacture. Everyitazor is warranted,aud if it does not prove satisfactory, the money will be-re lamed or the Razor, exhanged, as the purchaser may wish This article has been in use several years, and is rapidly superceding every other Razor. With a good strop, ihey.wifl not require honing for ten years.. ror sale, wholesale aud retail, nt the Watch and Jew elry Store of W. W. WILSON, ~ C 7 corner Fourth and Market sis. AHEAD OP Alilit S&TRACT OF AMERICAN OIL. T>REPAIIED and Raid by JNO. YOUNGSON, 20» ! JL Liberty street. Tins poweriully concentrated pre-< partition, the medicul virtues of'which are found to be eight times the strength ni the original: American Oil. Ills put uptn hollies iut!s and-£7} cents,each, with full directions for its use. In every disease where the ongi* nal American Oil has been found at all efficacious, ondi * ft *ceed* the original in power, ns to render lithe CHEAPEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Call and • JOHN YOUNGSON. N. B. The original Oil.in'lts natural state as taken from the bowels of the earth, can be had ns above—and will bo found genuine, notwithstanding a certain firm clatmsio be the only Proprietors dAw«tf XT AljuS —au ; kcg« assorted sucaior Hale tty oug7 STUART & SILL. v -~ " w * J “ Auction Salcsr “ ' gOQTT. & O.TIB, . . ADCTIOWFBRS ANDCOMAUSaiPN : M.KRC!IANT9,- 61 Kirtt vrßfiti l ,aT,toais,.HiS3ootu. HAVING been engaged *h Jhe above ouolneMforthe iHtVU year** influs chy, would; iwpeiifolfr «o lien contiirninenis of Good.)io be sold in this -market, either for Auction ' ot, ntivitte s!tle--panlcul4rly; Glau- Wafe.Uardware tint! Dry,Good*; nod-will make-liberal! advances on oil lumlaoi Goods yonsignedi us ror sale refer to Messrs. Hcweti,-Rat A Co.,E. R. Vio-- let, Wm-D.Wood. ACo., John J. Anderson a Co,, R. H. Sion". Banire & Reed .Grown lee, Homer 4; Coo, Larkin 1- . f.onis; Botler.Sr. Brother*,ihncinnaU; Gr ~e -111. Pittsburgh. „ (marliO-y Auction Cards ‘ fFHE aiideriigned. after an fnlerval Of fobr yenrs. has •1-. soguiiuresumed bnsuiess::, Hovlnir.'coinpliea with - the.requisitions of the law rdthldilbg-Sales af ABclion and haying procured-a fir»t-clasa l4eenso' a* >Attclioaedr Idr Hie Chty of-Punhnrgh, he offer* his-eervlts* ea'Seh to his friendstindithe pnblie genefally.n With aB ekpe • neOTeof-MaHf' , tan, :^ewV«h««W'«fbd*liiM»,W‘ hazard* nothing iu saytnglhaltie Will be enabled waive .enure ssuafeciion ro all those who.may reel disposed to patroutee him. P. McKBNNA, Auctioneer. Refers to the prior d City Merchants. jy» bi/, ol i r ' !°f Cpm.,.,v. Uall&uti and Pennsylvanian* “thiffida, Americim ajid Republicah.Balt .copylwand’ ebarpe ibis office) * ’ r Wo O, 01 IVA RTUK Y * Auctioneer. TJR AMR,DWELLING HOUSE for salb caiur.r*- ,JL\Tfte.undersigned wishes to dispose of atprivste sale, a new two story frame DWELLING .HOUriE, situate on the comer or Washington and Uiuon streets* in the borough of Birmingham. Said bouse is erected; on a leased lot of ground, fronting 20 feet on. .Washing* , ton street.and ruunlug back 60 feel on Union street—: The lease has nine years to ronirom, the,lst of.Apnl, 1950. Ground rent SlO a year.. The purchaser hos the privilege or removing the ooatc at the cxpuaUOD of the ICtue Price of house -SGO. Possession given Immedi ately: > . W. G» M’C.ARTNfc»Y|'., ‘jy«4: : .. . • • r Auctioneer. “ p. Qi. DAVIS* Auctioneer* ON THURSDAY MORNING, August SI. at IQo’clocfc ui the forenoon, a: the Commer tal . Sates Rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth, streets, will be sold without resrrve* a. laigeaud general assortment^staple and fanc7vfore>gn nftd domestic dry goods. At 2 o’clock, a general assortment of new and sec* ond hand household furniture, carpenug, looking glass es,feather beds, mattresses, lamps, mantel clocki,glass ware* qaeensware,hardware, cutler*, axes, shovels, leather andx&nvass tranks, groceries, Ha. At 7i o’clock, a quantity Of ready-made clothing,.fine fiai'U siyle sbiTla, tiais, caps,.retail Mock of dry goods, gold and silver watches, musical instruments, &c, ~au.9 I* sf. UAVI •, Aujt’r. T ARGE SALE OF HARDWARE, CUTLFRYffce, JU at Auction—Gn Tuesday afternoon, August 19th at 2 o’clock, tu the Commercial Sales Room a, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold an extenrve as sortmeut of Hardware, Cutlery, Ao n among, which are run locks, German door locks,-rad and closet locks *qua?o German and thumb latches, square and round boh*, hinges, screws from | o 4 Inches, braces and bw», chuel 'handles, callipers, compasses, axes, hatchets, files, rasps hammers, knives and Jorks, pen and pockol knives, pocket books, spectacle?, &e. • aqifl P. ftl DAVIS, AuctV P> H’BGSSAi Auctioneer DKNTAL INSTRUM KNTS 4T Aucnos.-On Wed nesday evening, August SOih, at early gas light, writ he »oid,at M’KennaN Auction Hoo?e, 3 >eiis Cen tal Instruments, IvoryvKbonv and Iron Hamltes.belong ing to an estate, with other Handles - autfl Ps M’KRNNA. Auct’r Orphans’ Court Bale. Mount kmiuist building lots at public A UCTION —By virtue of an order of the Orphan*’ Court of Allegheny couuty, I will sell h\ public oucuon, on Wednesday, the iOth day of August at v o’clock. I*. ftl..on- ihu premise?, about sixty beautifully and eligibly situated Building liot*. on. Mount I mtoet, Allegheny City,m a plan 01 Ipts laid out by Hugh sweeny. These. Lots, present nrnuy advantages to capitalist?* as well at to those of smalt means. The location is unequalled lor beauty and scenery. They are within fifteen minutes walk of the Allegheny Badge. A Plan of Lots cnn .be seen nt the Office of Bohb A M’Conuell, Foutth street, and on the premises. Term? at tale. . WINIFRED SWBENV, Adrn'rx of Hugh Sweeny, dee’d: P. fiPKENNA, Auci’t Orphan*’ Court Sale* ,i N TllUß'ttfA r.the Slat day of Aurast,at3o’clock, * * P. M ,at the Kimr.et llnlrl. Federal *lrre», AMeghe* ny City, at Public Auction, m pursuance of uu order of the Orphan* 1 Court of Allegheny County, 1 will cvpo*e la sale at the above umr aml place, that well known and t’StabiUlied s’au l, the EMMET HOTEL, in Allegheny o»ty, toother with the necessary stabling and outhouse*, and the lots on wh:ch ihe same are erected- t T«i* property is situated ai the eornerof Federal and Isabella streets, containing in from.on Federal street* 44 feet, itfldexteiHinff back along Isabella street 100 feel to an alley ifJ feet wide, and the stabling is situated on iwo lota,each fronting 21 feel on Isabella street, eod ex tendiec t»ack B<> feetto Race alley. The House having a goon custom, affords a rare ehanec for persons deal* loua of rturclmtune. Terms nt sale. WJNIPftRD SWEENY, Adra'rx of Hath Sweeny. deeM l*. M’KENNA, Aucl’r. (SKTWKS f«SS •.'WO LIBBKTT *TB*ETF>. 1" IST OT SHaDES on hand mid made at all timet to J_J O', 5 , 3-4, i-A t laud o*4 Baff Shades, plain and bordered } “ l * ' “ u Trnuspareiiigreen.do; t, « a u Dari 'do; Landscape Shades of every style; , /Moonlight do do do; floihic atid Mr*ziiinio, of new style ; STOLE SHADES of any color, with Lettering or De signing.: OIL CLOTH** on band. - Also, a lot of SHADE TRIMMi NCS--coraplele at 25 eenis per. shade. .fEJT Curtains hqng on reasonable terms. , __ Pedlerawill do well to call M the Factory* be- elsewhere • aprl&Cra State mutual Pin lainranes compnajr ' BRANCH OFFICE, 54 SsnTUXtELDCT.jPrmxtJaa*, Pittsburgky Job* t*r, ISS L THEbestevidenceof the success of the Director* in endeavoring to make the ESTATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE-COMPANY* meet the want* of the community, is (he unparalleled amount of buttress which has been done—having issued 7»0OO P»li* cies during the past year, thereby- adding over 8130,008 toibefonasof the company. Neatly all the property insured i> ofihe'safest kind, in small risks, and a large proportion insured for only one year, whole No Policies issued******'* 7^oo do do expired, terminated A canceled* •••*.*••••« do do inforce*********' Amountof Property insured-* • *•• • do Canceled, terminated and ex* pired * 201,728 do do In force**** 07,084,691 do Pr«miumNotes***** —79,076,67 ‘ do ' Canceled,terminated, expr’d, 697,10 do in force* 879*03T,77 • .do CasUPremi!imsrecelved.***Bsl l 6s7,l4 : do do canceled*** 321,514 . I . ©51,225^0 To tho Dcaf. I TiKAFNESS. noises in the head, and all disagreeable I | J discharges from.the ear, speedily and permanentlyj removed without pain or inconvenience, by Dr.JIABT-j LEY, Principal Anrisl-ofJbe N. Y.Ear Barger;, begs to announce bis return to Pittsburgh. The number ana im- j - porta nee of the coses under his care, on bis recent visit, I and the gratifying amount of success which attended his j treatment, liuvc induced bun to expedite his return. His | stay here will depend much upon .dreamslances* and it 1 wiflbe advisable for those who. wish to consult him, to j . make an early call; - ... • I Dr- 11. may be consulted, until further notice, in Alle-1 gheny City, finttbree story brick dwelling beyond the I school house, in Rebecca street- >, • . 1 Thirteen years close and almost undivided attention | to this branch of special practice has enabled : him to ] reduce his treatment to such a degree of success as tot find the most confirmed aad obstinate cases yield by a I steady attention to the means prescribed. . . The following testimonials are submitted with conG deuce. They will show at least m what estimation his 1 professional qualifications are held by some of the moat I distinguished medical meu in the country. j “I have had the pleasure to meet Dr. Hanley Inprac- j lice, und have been led to form a favorable opinion oft his character,both in the profession and as a gentleman, j W Pauikb, M. D, Professor of Surgery, Ac. I “ Ilis professional abilities will be duly appreciated | iby those who place themselves under his oars* * I r . dOUS WHITTAKKB'r M. D., J : Professorof Anatomy,Ac.. I : : From my intercourse with Dr. Hartley;! have found I his deportment correct and gentlemanly.” j : YALSrmNBMoTTjM.D. ?| «It is a pleasant duty to give my testimony in favor of | the treatment adopted by Dr. Hartley for.iho ejuro of I deafness. The application Is unattended by pain or m-1 convenience,andU*effeclsalmostinsiantaneoas. ... j . 11. P» HABDMAI9, • ■ I ■ Counsellor at Law, TO Chambers st. <* We have known several cafes-, of. partial deafness treated by him with the most happy results., Dr. H. is a sciculiGc gentleman and cpn produce, numerous lestk raonials or his ability and success in this difficult branch | of the medical profession »—O/ofis. :.] “ Persons afflicted by diseases of the Bar, are reconi* j mended to pay a visit to Dr. Hartley, Aunst, at No. TO t Arch street, abbve Third. He-is a-well-educated pro-| fe*s:onel man, and htmrig paU particular attention to diseases affecting' bearing, has akili and experience better means of coping with tmssenous affliction than those whioh are possessed by physicians in gmexalpractice.”— ■ ■: All canes guarantied where malformation et D bvlflrtf EHfODICALS —Mmsa A Co., No. 32 Bmithfield si. have received the following new works: ‘- Peterson's Magazine for September;* ■. No. 30 Dictionary of Mechanics* Engine Work and Engineering; . ... The Corsair: a VemhanTalc. ByGeorgoSand— author of Conauelo, First and Trae Love, Ac.; The Life and Adventures of Jack Runnyalias Six teen, String Jack, tlio Notorious Hig.iwaymcn. (aulU SEWICKLY LANDS for Sa*«.—A valuable Farm of 74t acres of &rsl*rate land, and in a high state of cultivation; situate 12 nuleslfroat the City, and three* fourths of a mile from the Hailroad Depot, at Sewick* ley, and the steamboat landing. A good two story dwelling bouse of seven rooms, well arranged, and in goodotjer; anew barn, of 32 by 02; a largo garden, and a .young thriving orchard, uow bearing; together with every vanety.oi Fruit, a dderpress.spnng house, rmobe house, store other buildings—all In good order: The Farm could readily be divided; PeN i sous wanting a bouse at half an- hoar’s nde from the i city, will find it their interest to attend to the above- Price 84,000. Terms easy*; ; S. CuTHBERT,Gen’I Agent «t §0 BmUhne!d at- *■ > JT;,'?; {»*.; > ■ h r €OM'MEKCIATi. IIEVIEW OP TIIE MABIIET9. I ’ f, 7~,. ■" '* t v'OntCß o? tab D*iWi Moanreo Pwt* l :■•• nY | ** y . THadait, AugUßl.l9, 1851._$ The iWeaifteT^WteMay- was pleasant. - Irf business there ffecltlodimprovement generally. Weraay, howev»rjit«sW[ ci|(ect httsiness to, improve steadily, as the season approaches > * of 3 easts were omde at 4 months; 340 ql3} Ja Pol Ashes we have no sales reported.. . RAtfON—There continues :a. steady demand for all descriptions of Bacon, and we again'note an-advance fn'Shofildor®- We have . Bales,reported Pf 4 hfjds* at Si; jgOO Bis do atfi; tOOO fijs Qt -8i; 4 hhds at B*7 4 hhds Hamspt9s 3do. at 94- Sides—Sales of 700 fljjat 9; 3 tisrecs sugar-cured. Ilams .alJO.NotwithßUndtngihe higif prices Bacon: has advoaeedto, there does not ap - pear tq be any- falling off-Indemsnd. • From late ndvicesl from dneinnatf to some .of our dealers, it appears that I the stock is exceedingly diminished, and. we cannot ex*] r pect much from that quarter. -* . • CHEE9R—SaIes of 45 bosses common at 0, .BUTTER—There is someinqulry for good,Roll. The market, however, is bare. There is, as yei, htOc seni forward. We note'a.saie oC3 bbls prime at 16. In Keg Duller there hU' bcen: more .inquiry -for several days past. We notice sales of 16 kegs at 9. - V ' FLOUR—Receipts were light, sufficient, however, for the demand.We report sateaof.46 bbls at 83,12; 15 do at $3,15; several other small lots nt $3,1203,15. ICO Ibis do. at $3,15; from ,stores, sales of 200 bbls in soveril lota at53,2503,3r. TOBACCO—We.notice sales oflD boxes &b at 29; 10 do. C twist at 9J,4 months. . . - :. GROCERIES—There is-raore activity exhibited in ihii branch of trade. Orders from country merchants are beginmng to come in more freely.. We notice sale* of 20.hhds Sugar at 6100} for fair, to prime; sales in bbls at 6*o7*. Coffee—Wo have sales of 25 bugs at 9|; 10do.at94;60days. Molatses— SaleaofOObMs at 37; 19 do. at 36J WOOL—We have a sale of 500 lbs common at 30 Some of our dealers refuse to pay over 29. . r - OlLS—Sales of 10 bbls Llnsoed Oil and 32 do. Lanlj allou private terms. FEATHERS—The stock in first hands is moderate with sales in lots at 32036; by the sack 37J039 is .ob tained. BAGS—Sales of 10 dozen, all tow, (coantry made) at $O,OO Half cotton we quote at $3,8704,25, Baltimore Haricot, Aug* ID* PROVISIONS.—Bason.—The market continues very firm and pricc»»ull tending upwards Notwithstanding the advance demanded by- holders, buyer* have put chased freely, the autos consequently have been heavier than l*st week. Prime in active request with sales or several lots looie at 7108 c: also 30 casks at 7|e. and 175 do.. ai 73:. teulei have £one off principally at 04c, m which wc no-e 20,000 lbs. lootfe. and 100 ca»ks. 300 do, pl93oOic. 20 do at 9| *, and 35 do utOJc, - which is the gciiorul ask In* rates for best quauty. Hams in moderate demand. Wr noe sales of 300 canvassed ill Idle, siU't 4000 do, at Uc.2t>o Bslbtnore curedm.ond parcels of Western nt9o9*e, 10QO John Shay’s at llj, Sale* of3OGOO unit Shoulders at7jc. Xorrf.—We nre not advised of any la'g<». a lies Keg*, are brmging |i|ollc; prime ha* ret Lord l« retnihug at PioBfc, at which wc have sule* ofl50l»bl*. Pork —Prices remmii *• lo«t qu *teil, say $l5 l fur Mes« and 81330914 for Fmnr; ui tlte*«? figures the only sales repotted arc of a reiall character. Bi'/—No.I. Is steady at Blt|offllt Chew —Market lively for got* cuuing qualities, and we give sales of 300 boxes a17(07j.:. Shipping neg lected. Btif Caul* —Theoffenngsntlhe scales Monday reach ed 900 head 200 of which were driven to Philadelphia, 90 were left over, and the balance (C5O) void to citv butch* ere. at prices ranging from $2,25 to $3,00 per 100 lbs. on the hoof, eqaBl to $4,6005.75 net, and avctattlng $275 gross. JfW -We quote from $6.60 100,76—market stiff. Fukr—Vfe hear of no sales ofany consequence COFFEE—The market continue* firm with a good demand The sales during the week will foot up 6OOQ bags Rio at 9109 c*s. which ts an advance on last week’s prices, bags Laguyra at 9} cts Im portaunn* 20(k> bugs t.aguyre and 9,770 bags Rio. COTToN.—The sales fortho past week ore 202 bales uplands mid New Otieons middling to middling fair at from Sto 9| cts 6 mos. The demand is limited to the trade. Stock on hand 1209 bales Dr. Guysott'i Ii YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA IS NOW PUT UP in the largest sitea Bowes, anu ts acknowledged to be the BEST SARSAPARILLA made, as is certified by the Wownxarra Cc rail has per formed, the original copies of which are in the-possession of the proprietor. Remember, tbit is the only TRUE and ORIGINAL article . , This Medicine, when used aecordme to directions, WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL, E. R, KERN AN. THE BB*T FEMALE MEDICINE KNOWN V Itisipiem Consumption, Barrenness, Lucorrhea, or Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine, and general gloomy state of mind are cured by Ob. Guy sot™ Extract or Ystxow Dock ahd Sarsjlpasiixa, which gives immediate relief by renewing the founda tion of heailh and strength,the blood It neutralizes bad haroors, atop* unnatural seeretioos, and gives healthy action to aU the vital powers. •• Let all who wish to purge the blood from the impurities contracted from the free indulgence or the appetite dur ing the winter, and to prepare the system to resist sum mer eplderaiea. resort now to “ Dr GuysotCs Exiraat of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” wh cb is pmvlng itself en antidote for many of the most malignant direases ilia, flesh U heir to, and they will never be disappointed; for in this remedy the public faltb has never wuvered-nev. er esn waver; for it is founded on experience, just as their want of faith in other ondaporious-compoand* is also founded Onexperience. They By from mineral nostrums to seek hope, life, and vigor from this \ purelp wgrtaA* remedy/ however, broken down m health ond spirit*, however, loathsome to himself and others, let'noone despair of recovery; let the patient only understand that his hop© of physical restoration lie* only in Guyaou’a Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsapa rilla, and persuade him, for Ws life’s sake, to try it, and i w© have no hesitation in predicting his speedy restora i tidn to health. 7,803 07,683,419 Females, Bead the Following* . Ntwanx, N- J;,. January 95. ;• ilfr. Bm*uur—We take pleasure in stating that your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla givesgreatsalisfaction in every case. . . . tl A very respectable gentleman informed us that hU daughter was troubled with difiicaltinens;ruaUon and other diseases peculiar to her sex. She had not had her - regular menstrual discharge for a long time, but bytho a*e of Dr. Guyton's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla was radically cured- She used Townrcnd’s and others with out receiving tho elightestbcnefit. He had one daughter die from tho same cause. I. K. TRIFP & CO. HisxassviLUE, Oswego county, May, I&4P. S. F. BrnneU—Dear Sir: I purchased, a short ume ago, a bottle of your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla lor my wife, which she has used for her complaint, Erysipelas and Weakness, Falling or the Womb, etc., and it has al ready helped her very much.. Or the Erysipelas ilhus ©fleeted nearly a cure. I have just purchased a second bottle, and judging from the effect of the former, feel con fident that it will effect a perfect cure. „ rt *„ rr , K . Yours, very respectably, - N COBURN. Curfc/ QHagg*avatid cttsec/Erystpeht; - Tho cure* performed by Dr. Gnyiott’a Extractor Yel low Dock and Sarsaparilla are lasting. 'lho patlenl’B general health conunocsto Improve ofier disease is re moved- Cures are not chronicled until tme has fully tested that there can be no relapse or return of the dis ease Nobway, !!«Tfcimcr co , February, 1850. S F Bennett $ Co^Qtntn : II is with great pleasure thail write to you about the very happy effect of your YelloW Dock and Sarsaparilla upon my eon, who has lot g been suffering unJer lhat dreadful, loathsome dt«* ease, Eiyiipelht, with which he was attacked in 1848, an* was for several months attended by some of our bust physicians, who tried their skill penevonngly for live months, without any beaefieial effects whatever. He became reduced to a perfect skeleton He had ulcers i from his hip down to bis knee, which were continually i duchOTjttngoflensiveinaUcr. • Mediculniid surgical skill ; was baffled. Physicians say that bis care was hopeless ; —there could be- nothing none to arrest those terrible • gangrening ulcers/ My neighbors and thought his diisolutlort near at band. Oneoftny neighbors, who ■had cured a chUdof scrofhla with your invaluable medi cine, wished me to make a trial or ir.aud more from the ; restless desire to do something while life, lasted, than from gay hope of getting relief, I procured three bottles of your‘Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and commenc ed using U, end to ray astonishment he commenced to improve beforc-he had used the third bottle, and before, he had used half a dozen bottles he could walk out. used in. all twelve bottles during the yeaT ?49, and by October last he was perfectly restored; every vestige of the disease except the scars was removed, and he re mains in perfect health up .to the present Urne His re i cover?, uoder the blessings ot God, is entirely owing to [ the use ofyour Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and I as sore you . that I feel myself under great-obligations to you, andun with great Jo? that I inform you of what your Sarsaparilla has done for my son Respectfully, - - JAMES RU33ELL. gp* .Price SLper bottle—six bottles for 85. 1 id'by J. D. PARK, Cincinnati, .Ohio,. i North-east corner of Fourth and Walnut i on whom all orders must be addressed. J Kidd ft Co, Pittsburgh; L Wilcox, Jr, corner Market street and tho Diamond; IJA Fahnestock A Co, Pitta burgh; J A Jones, Pittsburgh; Lee ft Beckham, Aiie i «hcny City;-LT Russell, Washington ; W li Lumber ton, Franjuin; LB Bowie, /Umontown; II Weliy, Gresusbnrah;- SiKoontz, Somerset; Scott- A -Gilmore, Bedford; Reed ft. Son, Huntingdon; Mrs. Orr, Hollidays boreh; Hildebrand ft Co; Indiana; J. R Wright, hman> A Co, Brookville; A Wilson A Son, Woyitesbuxghi M’Farlaud ft Co,N Callender, Mead* villes Burton Mercer; las Kelly A Co, Butler; S Smith, Beaver ; J D Saramerttu, Warren* F L ft C 3 Jones,;Conderfiport; P Cruoker. Jr.. Brownsville* • ■■■■■.■ ■ l 9 ‘SET 7 ' WXJI< PAPEH ASO BUttDJSIUNG, 69 SmithJUld ttrut, Pittsburgh. n A CASES NOW OPENING of the most beautiful 24 style of PAPER HANGINGSIever before offered in tbUmartet,bolh as to splendor of finish und beauty of palietOß-from 15e. to 81,60 per piece. MitiMt rapn, with suitable columns, buns, bases and bordering for public hal t of every de scription, famished at short, notice. Cull andniumine anlie WALL PAPER STORE of J. BRIDLE, uu9*2vr s >r> amitnuetd tl mKAS —imperial, Gunpowder, Yoong iljrsoa and I Slack Tea»,rec’i amuorsalo by oal3 ' KING A MOORHEAD. I TAMAICA RUM—A direct importation just reeelvei and for sale by FICKEISEN A BTOUVKNEL aos -Importer*. - - RIVER MATTERS. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. A... 3 VEST OmCHBS WITBB IN TUB CB4NNBL ARRIVED' Steamer Michigan No.2»Boics, Beaver. “ Atlantic Parkinson, Brownsville- ■ ■. * • u Redstone, Wooc ward, Brownsville:. - 1 u J> M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeeaport “ Beaver, Gordon, Reaver. • - 1 ,“ FoshionNo. ? a Peebles,Elizabeth; - 14 Thomas Bhriver, Bailey, Weal Newton- ■ , “ Olaucns, Ebbem, Cincinnati; -- “ JuliaDaan.McVay.Zauesville. Milton, Davis, Cincinnati. DEPARTED: M Redstone.'Woodward; Brownsville “ Atlauue, Parkinson, do ** • ). hrKee, Hendrickson, McKeesport ' “ ' Michigan No. 2, Boles,Beaver. • “ - Beaver, Gordon, Beaver. 1 “ Thomas Shriver. Bailey, West Newton . “ Heroine,* onwell; Wbeeltng; ■ ',, Gordon No 2, Poe, Wheeling. * 4 Fort Pitt,Miller, Nashvillo; “ Caspian,New Orleans. . Burning tf the Ocean TFare—-The steamer Ocean Wave was destroyed by fire at St. Louis, on the 9th inst. The Zftiton states that the boat was owned by. Capt. P. Devmney, and for severer years, she.was-n popular LaSalle packet. Shc was valued at SOOOO.and insured for 84 000 m the Floniiog Dock and La Faye tie Agency. The bull is uninjured, as is likewise tbe en*. glues, to that the loss to tue.underwriters willnolbe large. - The River and WeaUxer. —The river was slowly swell* : tag yesterday, with fl feet 1 inch water in the canal last evening, unu 30 laches on the falls. The weather yes* tsrday morning was oppressively warm .aud cloudy with light showers of ram, but during the evening- it cleared off and turned cool.— LouttviUe Courier, ISth. The Cincinnati Commercial of Friday says There were forty-three steamers at the landing yesterday raomiug. -A very largo.number for this season of the year. ■ 'Wheeling and Bridgeport Packet; ' »Tub splendid steamer R. H. LINDSAY, «fedaaM.T. Mooas,' Mas»er, is the regular Wheeling aud Bridgeport, Packet.nnd leaves here every Wednes day nnd Saturday for toe above ports. For freighter passage , apply on board, or to . ■ SHERIFF A BINNING, Ag’ts. -. jy24 . . ■ . ■ No. 1» Market street. . 1 uteomboat for Bale* i ifcfcja The one-half of the steamboat ARENA, nlvlng between Pittsburgh,East Liver pool and welUville. She is doing a g ooabusmos, being the only regular bont to Wellsville. It will be disposed of on reasonable terras. Apply to . aal3 JAMES BLAKELY. Friday Cincinnati Packet; . tf3> k ' THk new ami elegant steamer IRENE No. 2, ft. L. M Cumtocc, Master, ha* taken at place of the Clipper No. 2, in the line of Packets, and will leave every FRIDAY, at 10 A. M.,for the above and intermediate ports.. For freight or p#s sag** apply «»n bonrd- •• : . fjelu • For marietta and Hoctelngport« Turfmc steamer PACIFIC) Zitfoua Mae MaaSaaregSLTHir. will leave for ike above and intermedi ate porta every-J7/0/»SZJA V, at A o’clock, P> M, For freißla or |»u svago, opp»y oil board,or t 0... T. WOODS A SON*. No, Cl Water vt, uml .63 Front at* - Wednesday Packet for Cincinnati. The new and fast running steamer CJN- Ije*|j*SdwClNNATl, Bibminuium, Muster, will leave cLfcftißtMtfiMna rc go lar l y every WBDf*fcsu*r. for freight or pusiat'c, apply on board,or to inur‘2o U. 11. MILTKN BERGER. Aiteclieny River Trade. HEQVLAR FRANKLIN PACKETS. 1 -fl S tiff Tits fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE 9. Pant. We. Hanna, leaves the Alle gheny woarffor Franklin, every Monday and Thursday, at 4 P. M. The fme steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE No 3, Capt. John Hanna, leaves the Allegheny wharf for Frank hit, every Tuesday ami Ftiday y at 4 H. M. For Freight or Passage, apply an Board. [marAi THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between DKMMLEK A I!ENKICI,in the mnnufartormc of Tin and Copper Ware, was dissolved on the 7tbof July, by the motaal consent of the parties. All accounts of the late firm will t»e settled by tho undersigned, who will continue to carry on the abovo business at his old stand, No. IdO Liberty street, audio whom'all debts due the late firm roust be paid. uul4:lw* J. H.DRMMLEB. CII.INTON FURNACE, Jane V, 1851.-9. M. Klim: J Dear Sir—This may certify that one of my boys has been afflicted for the lust thirteen years with a beating and dearness of the right ear. I have tried a number of physicians, ati without any benefit, aid bad given op all hope of a cure over being edected, when our. family physician, alter examining the case, recommended me to u?>e the PETROLEUM, which ! did, and am happy to Inform von that the use of two hott.es effected an enure cute. I write this without solicuauon ot.your acquaint ance. With sentiments of esteem, lam yours truly, iyg JOSEPH tHWAB. Young Ladies* Seminary—AUegheuy. MU: AND MKS. N. W. METCALF, PRINCIPALS, Re opens Monday,Sept. I, in Colonnane Koto. Federal jt, eoUKSK OF INSTRUCTION and rates of taittontho same as heretofore. For particulars, see Circular, or apply to the Principal*. AhtgKeny y July 14,1851. id Extract Organization of the ** Pittsburgh and Steuben vitie Railroad Company." WE, the undersigned Commissioners to receive sub scriptions and organize a Company,upjpointed by the Act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, en titled. “ An Ac* to Incorporate the Pittsburgh and Sieu* henvillc Railroad Company,approved March 21th, (b49—hereby give notice that Letters Patent, beartag date July 2ady iBst, onderthe great seal of iheComraon wealth, and signed by William F. Johnston, Governor, have been issued, constituting the subscribers and those who shall hereafter subscribe, to the capital stock of said Company, th. ir successors ond assignees, a body politic and corporate, in deed and In law, under the name aforementioned. -And we, therefore, agreeably to the lawa"of the said Commonwealth, hereby appoint and give notice that a meeting of said subscribers to organize said company will be held at the Rooms of the Hoard of Trade, corner of Third and Wood streets, in tlieCiiy of Pittsburgh,on Thursday, the 21st day of August, msianv bMO o’clock in the forenoon*, and that an election will be then and there held, by said subscribers, at the said time and place of meeting, to elect a ■' President and twelve Directors of the said Railroad Company. The election wilt commence at lOo’elocfcin the forenoon. SAMUEL LIVINGSTON, JAMES M^FERRAN, WILLIAM MERCER, JAMES WALLACE, JOHN DUNCAN, ROBERT PATTERSON, THOMAS NICHOLSON, THOMAS BAVINGTON, A. KIRK LEWIS, K. M’DONALD, B. A. MEVKY, ISAAC WALKER, JR. Piitslurghy August 0,1851. (no?:dAwtd Duffi MsKhant’a College* NR. Corner cf Market and Tkird streets.— Establish* • ed in 184 Q The only Commercial College inihe State incorporated by Legislative charter. Nosystemsof Bookkeeping yet published, have given such a comprehensive and practical knowledge of this science, as Duff's Mercantile and Steamboat Bookkeep ing. These works have appended to their pages the most emphatic recommendations from the highest sour ces In the mercantile world, and the author of such works must possess many obvious advantages over common t< nencra. Mr. Williams’ success at a teacher of Penmanship will be best known by inspecting samples of the im provement of his pupils, nod, also, irom the fact that several of his present pupils attempted to learn penman ship with a tcacbei who professed to ** remove all cramps %n five lessons.” Mr. Hatch lectures on Law every Saturday evening at 7 o’clock. Class Room is open day and evening. (0* Call and get a Circular. [auOidAw coairza or babbit acid third rraErrc, FACULTY— John Flwuko, principal Instructor in ■ the science of decountr. O. K. Ciujibkbur, Professor of PsnmaruArp, Mercan tile computation, &c. Absz. M. Watson, Esq., Lecturer on Commercial Law. The Rooms of this Institution are open both day and evening, for the reception of tboso wishing to obtain a practical Mercantile education 1 he course of instruc tion is so thorough, that every student on leaving the College will be competent to take charge of and con duct on correct principles, any aetof Stock or Partner ship Books, however complicated. peHhdfcw-. Scrofula, Kings javU, . SCROFULA in all iu multiplied forms, whether in that of King’s Evil, Enlargement of the Glands, or Bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic Rheumatism,Cancer, diseases of the Skin or Spine, or oi ulmonary Con sumption, emanates fromoue and the same cause, which is apoisonous principle, or virus inherent in the human system. Therefore, unless this principle can be destroy eu, no radical cure cou be effected; uut if the principle upon which the disease depends is removed, & cure must of necessity follow.no mailer under what form the disease should manifest ilsell. Jayne’s Alterative is al most always successful in removing these diseases, be* i tides which it destroys the virus, or poisonous prlnci- 1 pie from which those diseases have their origin, by en* ! terms into the circulation, aad with the blood is convey l edlo the minutest fibres; removing every panicle of i disease from the system. ... • . _ , | Jayne’s Alterative Expectorant,Carminative Balsam, ‘Vetmlfate andSanative Pills. I : For sa'c at the Pekin Tea Store, 38Fifth street [au!2 JIBEKTY STREET PROPER I V roa Sits.—Two _t desirable properties, each having at feet onliberty street, by 110 feet deep to a wide, alley i on .which are large and valuable buildings, capable of being appro* printed lo any extensive mercantile or. manufacturing outineu They eon be sold separately or together, as may be desiredby purchasers \ and being located in a very central and prominent business locality.- Persons Ucsirintr such property will find It to their interest to at tend- The above are numbcrsfl23 end3vs. A largebu* shiess is now being done in each . S. CUTH BERT, Gen’l Agent, SOSmithfield street.- Sundries— so bbi> .• vinegar; 50b« Rosin Snap; SO do Mould and Dipped Candles ; 20 do Star do; 2S do Palm Soap; 50 do Sioroh; 10 do Chocolate; 10 bags Pepper; 100 Reams Wrapping Paper. In store and for sale by nnUl KING ft MOORHEAD. PAINTS— The celebrated Mineral Five Proot Pmnti, of Manchester, at the low rates of Sic. ? ft, for seven different shades, for sale by au!3 T. WOODS & SON. Brandies in bond— Cognac —4o half pipe** qr. casks and octaves i. Hennessey &. Co.’s quarto proofpaleanddarkßrandies. RocMle-~ 55 half pipes* quarter casks and octaves A. Seigneue’squaiio proof pate and dark Brandies, now in Bonded Warehouse* aud for sale by - MILLER A KICKETSON* ous Nob. 281 and V 23 Liberty street. PRINCIPE AND HAVANA CIGARS- . . ' . 4 cases Crus and Lous Nos. 1| <2 and 3 Principe Cj ears* tojreiher wuli a fall assortment of “ Havana 1 * ,a ”s and,-JU . l^ '“"JSSjJral'm&mmi. LARI>— 1500 lbs No 1 Lard for sale by T. WOODS & SON, No 61, Water street H A^ Y — SUbU, - for,a ' eDy STUART k SILL. Buy Ken's— SO Joz. for safe by wl7 STUART * SILL, , _f -i. 1 “l* . . TV -v *y 1 . ;; ■■-• DUflolutlon* Deaftxesi Cared. 'Notice—RailroadEUeetlon. PITTSBGDGH ■ "TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ..nr .the O'Reilly line. EUROPEAN NEWS! * ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CANADA. Three Daya Later. New York, August 18 The Canada arrived at Halifax this morning, at 6 o’clock, with 84 through, passengers. - ; Thu Franklin arrived at Cowes on the 7th. ■ • Cotton.-I/ow grades advanced J j fair,Orleans. s}; s|.. . Sales; ofnthe.wcek, 59,000 bales, of which speculators and export ers took 18,000. . .. Flour... Depressed. i - ..'.'. a o ■ Com is dull; yellow 20s Gd; ■ white ‘27s Gd to 28s Gd. Sugar...Cdlower. ■ ■■■■■■ Coffee..,ln better demand at slightlydmproved rates. Tea...in moderate demand. Tho Queen ■ delivered a speech on the Bth, ■when the Parliament was prorogued. The surr plus revenue last jeur was $300,000. .■ TJ -,. The continental news is unimportant. ■ At Havre; on : the Bth,: Cotton was steadier; New Orleans 86 to 85 fres; Uplands Go@Bl fres, Sales of the week, 7,000. . GREAT STORM. ST. Louis, August 18. : There was a great storm at St. Liuis, on Thursday last., The. steamers Planter, Aleck. Scott and Western World were blown from their moorings. The Planter.lost her cabin and chim neys. She was damaged to the amount of $2,- 600. The Bteamer Mountaineer lost her chim ney and pilot house. Several rafts were comr pletcly broken up. Mony light buildings: and sheds were broken down, and fences, trees and ,crops were leveled to the ground. There was great loss of life and destruction of property at Muscatine, lowa, on the 11th, by a freshet in a oreek. It occurred at night. Rouses were swept off, m ono of which a woman and three children were drowned. Therein $lO,OOO damage done to the pnblic works. The rain storm in De Soto and Marshall coun ties, Mississippi, damaged the crops seriously. |] DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN FULTON. Yesterday a very destructive, fire occurred in the village of Fulton, destroying property esti mated at $lOO,OOO. The Fulton House and all that block was completely destroyed, and aIBO tbe West Bide of First street. Fifty families are burnt out. Little insurance. PROM LOUISVILLE. Louisville, August 18. The Cholera is abating. There is only one new case to-day. There were fourteen deaths on Saturday and Sunday. The most of the ca ses now under treatment will recover. LoursvitiE, August 18. A gentleman states that the Expeditionists on the Pampero, left with a resolve, to blow the vessel ap rather than; surrcnderto the Spanish fleet. Father Mathew arrived here on Saturdoy. Large crowds have visited him and taken the pledge. A dinner is to be given him this even tug. The hearing of Rust, the agent of Mr. Moore,: by whom the slave Daniels was arrested, result ed in his being held to bail in the sum of $lOOO for an assault and battery in striking the negro. NEW YORK MARKET—August 18. - . • F10ur...8500 hbls Indiana at 3,G8@3,81: Ohio 3,87@4,00; Genesee 1,18. Com... Damaged 44@50: mixed 45. ... Pork... Unchanged. 8eef...8,75@11.00 . .Lard...Hcld ai 9J.. Whiskey... Nominal at 23. Groceries... Dali; 80 hags Rio Coffee at 0,50. Orleans Sugar 5, Hemp...Dua rotted at 120@130. Linseed Oil-Lower. EVENING. Cotton... Finn. Flour... Sells freely at from 3,81 @4.00. Wheat...Bs. Com 53©55. Mesa P0rk...14,75. Wbiakey...22. . : Coffee-Porto Rico 9s. Hemp is in good demand at 117@123i Lead... Galena 4,75. Linseed 0U...78. a PHILADELPHIA MARKET—August 18. Flour... Held at 4,00, which is above the views of buyers. Wheat... Dull at 80@82 for new Southern, old. white 98@94. Corn... Dull at SG}@s7. 0ata...30@84. Provisions... Dull and inactive. Groceries.. .Steady. BALTIMORE MARKET—August 18! Flour—City Mills 3,75, Howard street 3,87. Com Mea1...2,87. Rye Floor 3,50. Wheat-Red 72@76,white 76@80. Rye—64., Oats—B2. Provisions—Mess Fork 15,87. No. 1 Beef 11,60. Bacon Shoulders B|@9, Sides 9J@lO, Hams 10@11. Lard, in bids and kegs, 9J@ll. Cheese 10@12. Whiskey—23@24. Beef Cattle—2,2s@3,oo on hoof, equal to 4,60@4,75 net, averaging 2,62 gross. Hogs—6,6o. CINCINNATI MARKET—August 18. The river has fallen 8 inches since Saturday. 1T0ur.i.8,25@3,G0. Vrhiskey...l7s. Cheeso...6J. Bacon... Shoulders 8; Sugar Cured Hams 10}. THE Co*Partu(‘TBhip heretofore existing between RHODES tc ALCORN, in the Mustard, Spice, and Milling business, i* this day dissolved by the mnloal consent of the parties. All debts due by the laic firm will be settled at tlicir old stand, No. 117 Third street,by WRIGHT & ALCORN, to wl om nil debts due the late firm must be paid. WH. R. RHODES, • PutsbuT&h, August 9,1851 _ WM. F. ALCORN. Co-Partnership* WE have this day entered Into Co-Partnership for the purpose of manufacturing Mustard, Spices* nnd for Milling and Merchandizing m general, unit shall be happy to see the old customer* of Rhodes & At corn, at No. 117 Third street,opposite the St. Charles Ho tel. ’ - JOHN WRIGHT, Ptiafrurgft, August 0,1851. . WM. F. ALCORN IN withdrawing from the firm o Rnanss Ae Alcorn in favor of Mr. John Weight, I sue pleasure in re commending him and the now Finn of WRIGHT & AL CORN to their late customers and the public in general as heme every way worthy of their patronage uud con fidence. [autaj W, It, RHODES. Athenaeum Saloons and Bathing £ stah* lishment* THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the La’ics and Gentlemen of the cities and vicinity, that he h&a rented the above splendid Establishment, anil is prepared and wilt be happy to serve them with a supe rior article of ICE CREAMS and other refreshments iu their season, lie begs to say be flatters lumself, from his long experience and constant efforts to give satisfac tion to nta guests, and hopes to receive a share of pobhc patronage. Every attention will also be paid to the Hath? and Bathing Rooms Female attendants to the Ladies 1 Department, jygg W, W WARP. JUST RECEIVED— -150 bags prune Rn> Coffee; 25 do Laguyra do; 10 do Old Government Java; SO do Pepper and Allspice ; 2 ccroons S. B. Indigo; . 200bbls. No. 3 Mackerel—large; 50 do do small j • 5 do No. I Salmon ; 25 do No. 1 Mackerel; 50 half bbls. assorted Fish, for faxm.y use ; 25 bxs. old stock Russell & RobisonV Tobacco; 20 do do Grant’s do; 50 bxs.prime Baltimore brands do; ! : 2 cases Lovering's D. R. Loaf Sugar; 10 bbls.. do , Crashed do; 2 easts Cuba Honey For sale by H. C. KELLY, aug!4 N 0.20 Fifth street BKaP PRINW.-A. A. Mason A Co; have just re ceived 25 cases beautiful new style Prints; which will be sold as usual at very low prices. Also, 5 cases «f ihose very desirable S. A. Prims, the cheapest goods ever offered in this market. . au!4 Nos. G 2 and G 4 Market street-: PINE APPLE CHEESE—Just received and for sale by WM. A. M’CLURG & CO, aul4 Grocers and Tea Dealers. BEEF TONGUES—A prime arucle on hand and for sale by jauU] iWM. A. M’CLURG & CO, HOLLAND HERRING—IO kegs new HollandlleiC ring, just received and for sale by aul4 WM. A. M’CLURG & CO MESS MACKEREL—One grade finer than No- !• and the heads taken eff. For sale by ’ au!4 WM. A. M’CLURG: & CO. I?IX)UR— 100 bbls. Superfine for sale by ' -an? STUART & SILL; 1 >OST OFFICE BALANCES—Just received~and fbr i. *»>e>y . - ■■ W. W. WILSON, ; bus . 0? cor. Market and Fourth streets* - ('IOIN BALANCES—Of the best approved con&truo j Von for detection of American Gold Coin, of all de nominations, “ an expeditious and infallible detector. 3 Prices $1^0,53,50 to 85m . - an? _ _ _ !: MOLASSES— 20 bbls. N. O. Molasses—prune coop ; erag o—for sale by tau7J STUART * SILL. 1 V ■*, V r * < * - f - r \_ .' -* ’f ■ ■ . 7' _ itf* C*. Oswego, August 18. FROM ORLEANS. FATHER MATHEW. Eeie, Augnst 18. Buffalo, August 18. Dissolution. " '"t f ~ y »*»*-**. c V'" “ _ ■ -•• 'M-c^v-•••>,■.. : '-:.t’--'>'V'.. • . .. «f j* ** f ♦ « ••' ■■■•'•' ‘ f • - "j • •.- -* t *.* -v '' - r ii r^.: ': r'-'r 2.-v-_vV v :' .. *V ■ I • - [ ' " Hll.ti’A'COltllY. - BANKERS aniv exchange -BROKERS, : ifjftfrrftidor bdM-Paurth*~{w&t • 3IGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Oillei constantly oYot tt, le- Time Bills or Exchange and- Notes dU counted Gold, Silver and BankNoie»,boanttand, o , a Collectionsmade in allthe pnlicipot tiWefMaumtei. Slates * tfeceWed df'Pamnd Current Fund*. .mart7:y f “PATRICKS *: FJUKN IV ■:& BANKERS AND EKOMANOB} BROKEKSt No. 95, ctmNEß'Wnotr iND Du»oim stokt* •■■» : - .. Piitsburtihs. (irtoyi- Dometiic and foreign Exchange§BaAk-Motet}. : i S&itdh^.E2ehangtd r - BXCH AHGJK AND BANKING HOVBIt WiSSiam A* HUB! & €o., fl* Wood Street. » 5 i PITTSBURGH .nyitrygags^AtLowgaonims pwosmur ~fauggB. -‘-i :-i- ' KHAOHC&6 RAHSXv Banitnand Ezefutngi tn Foreign and != 51 Danwtic of Certtficalti uf-Btpof r tfous.atli Com; / i Corner of Third and Wood sis., directly opposite the 8l « Charles Hotel ' xsay2B raaS-Boon- Tuos.eanantti , «Ol»M.-«-3AllOE ST, BANKERS ANB EXCHANOE'tiROKERS; w E Comer ofWood and Sixth Jlr«ea;, Pittsburgh, Pa TvEALF.RS in Com, Bank Note*, Time Bill*, Foreign 1/ and Domestic Eiclmnge.CenUlcales ofDc‘poslt ) *c 'EXCHANGE on all the principal Cttte* of the Union and Europe, for sale i n snins to ■snitpnrchaeer*. \ CURRENT nnd par fnnd*reeelyed On dcposjte v COLLECTIONS madeon allpart* of the Union, altha lowest rate* ' ' L eepll-ly ■' .Removal. -• S. KOLHBS & SOHSf tUVBKEMOVXD TttBJB BAHKRTO AHD MCHBIWI OSPICB u To JV*> Q7r Market itot-itf Jour doors beUno oIJ stanu. , : I: N. HOLMES * SONS, . ” BANKEKSAND EXCHANGE BROKERS, and Dea lers iii Notes, 'Drafts,! Acceptances,Gold, Silver and Exchange on the Easternand, Western cities constantly foraalei . :. .'.i. it ; -CollectionsmadC inall thectues throughout the urn ted Siatca- Deiosites received in; pftr funds f»r current paper, No. 07 Market street, between Third and JFourtfi streets au 8 88-ly. Store Room for Rent. v ■ _ _ TUB subscriber offers for-rent three large ami well-finishedSTOßE BOOA)S;eDtir£tynew,|S2ia located on Fifth at reel, oppositethe-Exchange .Bank.— PosMatfionwiHbe. given immediately*.'Foneimsr&G apply to ‘H.-CAMPBELL,. • - . on the premies . Mullen & Co* - Pittsburgh Chair and Calintt Ware Jiooms t lffO* 98 THIRD ! . BCTtVKBN-WOOD ARV WABKfc'MsOirril SlIlK). > MANUFACTURERS o/Cone Seat Parlor isTs Chair?; Cane Seal Rocktug Chairs; Re? -.ijWgn ceptioti mtdlnvuhd, Chairs.;, Cane Seat. ICaVr • and Country House Sioobi; Setters; Loan sgSßjjslgSl ges; and overy variety of Common Choirs F/nSHwI All .of which were, manufactured under ■A/ ir fl m their personal superintendence, and are * :M * warranted both in material a d workman-, ship inferior lo none m the Cuy*. Dealers iu there uiti clc« will find it to their especial advantage to. call utid examine forlhetmelve* previous lo going else where. ' and at.the..shortest Dotice.i AUorderapunctunlly QUendedto. Uy2s ' * Diamond Sparks* BBCKIVED TO-BAY,SO(rDiamond Sparks, selected for Class Culters’.usrf.-:' 3 ‘. ■ Jyt* • / JNO. B/ McFaPDEN : A CO. .. A. W* Poster* ATTOfINJBYAM COUNSELLOR AT LAW} . \FFICB, NO. 47 FOURTH SfUKKT V below Market IV J itrut. Pitubumk. Pn novtS:dm»lv Furniture and Onair tvareroomu - , & : JOSEPH* MI3YKB,-424 •Penit . Streets shave--, the Canal Bridge, keeps constantly on hand auil raake? iq order, at the lowest pnees every, dcseripuon ut Fnnry and Plain FURNITURE, SOFAS und CJiAIR*, of the beAt workmanship and most approved Myles. Purchasers would do well.lo vUit bis .Warcrooms. TpyW dAwly ' Important and Interesting; ItO House Keepers Furniture Dealers, Katirosd Coin panies, Hotel Keepers. Military Companies, Engine Companies. Cabinet and -Piano horle Makers.. &C..&C. McOOMBIKS’ COMPOUND HV.BTORA I'IVK. This Compound has .'entirely PupeTSeded all other articles hercuifoire used for similar purpose*,: .wherever ilba* been’introduced. It tell • it* own Maryland only re* quire* to be tried to ptove, to the men incredulous, its superiority over any, oilier article ever betore used for cleaning and- restoring >o their anginal.beauty andlus arc, all article* of Varnished or Polished. Furmlure.- > f l be above Compound we use iu oar own business, •and guarantee it to be all that tbdproprietor recommends lobe, gold Wholesale aud.Reiai) by . - .RVAN & McKF.K, Byjia’sßuiidingßv -Saddle and Harness manufactory, SIGNiGF THE GOb ;KN'SADDLIV. - ; iJVb. 132 > Wood street, Pittsburgh. \ lIOLSTFIN tesrecifully inform* hi*-frienda' and A * ihe ntibliivihai be keep* onitiaml u large stock of HARNESS* '-THUNKS,- CARPKT BAGS, ic .icc., of his own munufaciure, of the very best de* scrinnon- He Invites *trang<’Ts ond all those visiungibe Cily to give bira a call. 5 Remember the place—No. 13V, Wood street, sign of-Uie Saoale, jesStif ':j '■ "wit KIH««HAIr I*l FOURTH bTRJSETj NEAR : 6MITHFI&LD* : YOIIN WALKERiake* pleasnreinannounringio his •I andthe pubUc;ihut be haa: taken the above splendid cstablishmert, and after considerable expense has made it adelightfal placeorresord i He is perfectly prepared to serve up a> the shortest notice evety delica cy whicUmay tempt the appetite d'theepicore or the fancy of the iro-?ltanidious. ; - ’ ,v ; : L : - ; 1 Binner will be inrea'irness eyerydayal to’clcrx* for -any number of persons, commencingUusdayv JoneSlatl- PttiUes can be accommodated; with Sappers in the most rechhereht manner. Oysters,"Game,’Ac.; WiH found there in their season, in short, the :proprietor intends Uiai no expense or trouble shall be spared-to make thi» af read v popular house the best in the .Western country, legtrty ■ f--i '-r-- v v:. . • - Hotice to Contractors*? • AND INDIANA RATLHOAD—: O Proposals will berrceivedbjrtbe Stenbenville and Indiana Railroad Company in Steubeipville, until the Ist day of Ofciober next; for and Masonry of the first division of the road extendiogfrora Steubenville -td'tbe Common vaney ;‘ahd, a!so, for the construction of ibeeniire Road between SteubenVUle arid Coshocldn andValsd distinct proposals fof ibe'conslraetion of that portion of the-Road extending from Coshocton to’New-; ark. : j - : - r • - ; The entire lengthufihislineis about 110 miles, and it contains wbrk of ail desorptions in- great- variety, some of which is Quite heavy. - _. ' * Proposals will be reee'vea Yor-the Grading; and. Ma sonry of the first dmatotvemiTO or in sections of oboul a mile each, the Company reserving the privilege to make such disposition of the whole work: as may ap pear most conducive to its interest*. . •: ' *. Plana Profiles and Specifications can be seen at the Office of the Company, aftpnhe 15th of September, and further information may he obtained on application to J. BlickenSdcrter, Jr-v Chief Engineer, or to itie under -signed • ! 1 • i)>KILGORE, - IylBr2mdfcw . PratdmC-; Modern Harp, r /'t B HUM E has iustrecelved alarge aiock'of VOCAL V. and INSTRUMENTAL BOOKS/amoag which arc— • “ 'r.'".' l - - I '. The Modern Harp—dt; Melodist—a collection of ib& moat popular church music in use; The Boston Melodeon—in thtfee volumes: consisting of gongs, glees, rounds, A c.v Ac.; including many of the won popular pieces ofJthe .dfe arranged; and harmo nized for four-voices. •- :> .•; . ' «■•-- The-Melodist-—a now workcontaimng selected gems from the most celebrated mentforthe Fiauo Forte;.. . The National Glee Book Air— lour voices; Self-instructing. School for the Violin—a new and sci entific work, in turee-pans, complete in one. -By G. Saunders.; : • •■■.;■■■■> ~ . The MeJo'leon—a collection of the roost popular Me lodies, carefully arranged for Flute, or. Violin, in twelve •numbers;..:..-.- . • • Henri Hertz’s new and complete Piano Forte School ißargmulier’s new and improved edition of Piano Forte Instructor; ...... Czerny’s Piano Forte Instructor; Curca«sis\ CaruUis’, and R. Col vers 1 Guitar Instructor; Amateurs’ Quartette Club—iq three numbers and four •parts, for the Ist and k 2d Violin, ViohnceUo and Flute, Instrumental Music, iq tour pan* and 6numbers; Howe’s Musician’s Companion—itt three pails i ; ■ At tht OW-iEsiabitsAedFian© Dowt, iau3 - No,llB\VoodsueeL A .card* '. *|xr DALY A GO. have now ready for sale a large W • and well selected stoob of Spring and Summer llosiery.iu all its braijchesrTbey would direct particu lar attention to :lncir.>tdck.,of Gentleipen’s cotton hair Hose, with MeYiuo'diid ’Silk feet: 1 tffey are of the beM materials and workmanship* and for comfort as a sum mer Sock, cannot be equaled. W. D. A .Co have also on haiid Gents Undershirts and Drawers m cotton, silk, and merino; Childrens’ Hosiery of all descriptions,rit the old eitublisthcd Stocking Siore; Fiflb street, beiween Wood and Market. - .... I 11 *?*. Great Shawl Sale. A- A- MASON'S Great Annual SAatoJ Sole will com . mence on Tuewlay, August sih,.whea they wiy offer the largept and best assorted stock of SIIAWLS. over exhibited m this city, coropnsuig— Plain White Crape Shawls; Embroidered ilo -. do,- Faucy High Colored. Thibet Shawls; PlaiaPrUVeUand ErabroideredThibet Shawls; Brochca^Cashmere and Long Shawls—of fine and v mcdiura-quaUtiea . , All of which they ate determined to close out previous to receiving their Fall fftock, and will offer them at a great teducuon,actually lersthan eastern cost. • . i aus • • i '- Nos. 62 and 64 Market street. . We Offer for Sale I7IOURTWO STORY BRICK INVKLUNG HOUSES, JC with doable hacfcbuddiogs, sita&ted on Wylie St., above Washington,being twenty-two feel from by mne ijr-six feel deep, to a twelve feel alley. ■■■■■> • D. W* & A. S. BElili, Attorneys ai Law. ‘ Fourth street, above Smithfield. Braddoelt’s Field Property. DERSONS desiring', beautiful, heoUoy,. historic am] cheap location for country residence*, to turn their attention to Braddock 7 s Field, which is now being sold in smnll parcels, on tbemosl favorable terms Eighty-five acres nave beon thus sold .this season, to ■several different individuals, some of whom aie now improving by Luildmgs, icc, ..For advantages of every kind but particularly of access fromtke city, the place is unrivalled.' .Three.grand.UiOTODghf.rcg run by.it and through it—to wit: the Monongauela. Klver: the Pitts* burah and Uraddock’s Field Plank Hoad, which is now greatly traveled ; and ttys Pennsylvania: Central Rail road, on which the Cars will be running eastward, from Pittsburgh, that far, by. next Fall., Boats .bind there every few hours: Omnibuascß will soon travel the Plank Road; and the Cats wilt always stop.with and for passengers. . • _ . . ’ I am staying for the summer at the Farm, where I shall be ready to show persons the grounds, and my plans of division theseof, Visiters can be adconumtfa “ M a 'lS l°" U ° ase MJ JA9 W BtfCIIAWAN r. new Obooolate Faetory* SIG- N. GUMBDNI iCO respecifally inform public that they-are now manufeotunnK CHOCO LATH of every-quahry and price. : TtusCliocolatOjunr like most others soTtfbeie,is w granted jmrrand .unad ulterated, and- hence, of finer, flavor, .raowv natnclous and wholesome &g. O'. and Co., bavin s bpen propne* Si- of one of the largest Chocolate manufactories in Italv assure llte public that they will furnish an article equni, Sol snpfnor, to the best imported, and et a less Pl h ilfor Bain ut Mr. SORBL’3.(Mud. Sorel’n Millinery,) No 102 Fourth Bireet, UP Blairs, MXJ door u. Iheftluy. or’sOffieo. : ,an 7 I— Sort WINE ANV FRENCH BRANDY—Warrant note— suitable for mediemal purposes—for sale ..'MORRIS’' TEA MART.mthe Diamona. ■ taull JHarumif is llte best piace to buy | tel real good Tea. - faall ■f mika BtacJt imperial gud farjplb ,fay ' ■ .'v,> v --%.'-iliv- : ’'- v?4 -*■= i*" '* r - >•? .••■ Shugggub flUbmuts. OR. »ROWN,N». trilU.MOfilULI.Ry Dcvoteb his enure attention t& attoffics ' /rfSSSSTVpracUeo lHattfilnessiSmosUy**nftnedi<> ~y rggkL M;PrittM€>t Vtnerialltfstasetsand such oairu 'lES&iiHsfalaffections, broughr on bf Imprudence ■' •'■ VQtUhfaHpdQlgencearu) excess. •. , v SypbHis r SyphUitic Kraptloki*, 6daon ' bearGleeiyßtnciote, Urethra!Discharges ; Imparity of theiJloodt with all dufcase* o; Ur© Venerea origin. Bkln Diseased.'Bcorbtoile Krupliona, .Ringworm,Mercurial Diseases,SeminiU Weakneu.lro' -potency,PlleB, Rheumatism. Femate Weakness, ftJomh* ly Suppressions, Diseiises of (Itc.JouKStFiHtuttt in Ano> Nervous Affection*, P&ms m the Back and Iroimjrma* rions of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated ; - ' •■Care'gOftrao'teed. - Fourteenyears 1 practice (four In this city* enables DH Bro wn to offer assurances of speedy euro io a|| whomsy come under his care...... • • 'Office and private consulting ropmMl Diamond ay ’ CP* Charges moderate, • 1 novSd&wfv ! - • -OEOMATlSftlvrrar. Brown's oewiy uisccrtletTreaT. iV edy for Rheumatisms a speedy audceruiinremuJv forthaipalnfuliropWe* It never falls. 1 • Office and Private Consultation Rooms No, 41.1WA* •MONO, Pittsburgh, Petma. The Doctor Is always al rhome.-. . , latilfmawir. • mw&BD aim THE GREAT KENTUCKY REMEDY* : - Dfi. JOHI! UCLI< , S r SABSiIPAKIIiL&! r’jspm up in qbari bottles, and contains the strength - of SIX TIMES as .much ,pure Sarsaparilla as any; siinUur preparation in America.. Price 8t per boufe t oi six bottles for five dollars. ' -it baa been a well established fact for. years past, that SaHaparillaswhcn pure.and properly prepared,;was the only true panacea , for ail diseases originating from an impure state of. the blood, the u«e*of mercury, implies tmedrinks,evil habilsin-youilubarrenness,dco. We boldly assert Uiat;JOrtN. BULL’S. FLUID. EXTRACT of SARSAPARILLA is the only preparation before the public that isprepared on.strictly scientific principled and of uidfpTO strength. The Sarsapariiia is purchased without regard 16 price,'and.evcry pound, before being i used, is-aobject. to : the strictest-chemical- tests, and its - genuinenesshscertainedbefotC belngused' • i . Butt’s Sarsaparilla also cbhtaini the virtues ol save* i nil other, valuable! medichr rdo a, together forming the i best compound, and producing Me greatest ewrafm agent I in the known world; - ■ I : .This used according to directions, ' i rAJL! I Scrofula or King’s Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions of i ’the Shin, Erysipelas, Chrome. Sore Eyes, hing> i . worm or TclterSi. Scald Head, Rheumatism,. • 1 . Pains in the Bones or Joints,Old Sores and i . . UlccrSf'Sweiling of the Glands, Syphl . Its, Dyspepsia,SoUßhcam,Diseases of the 'Kidneys, Loss of Appe- ... tile, Diseases-arising ftom .j • , . . the useof.Me rc ur V , PaininiHeSideamf Shoulders,Gen- ' v . ral Debility, " ; Dropsy, . - Lumbago.Jmnuhce, • Coative'es-ißorc'llirout, 'BronoliilH, CoughSj' Colds, \Vrak- - 1 * • v ness of the Cheat* Paimonury Affection*, and att other Diseases tending io produce . • > Coußomptlon I Liver Coraplnint, Kemnlc irregulnmies and complaints,. Sick and Nervous Headache, Low Spirits, NigbtSweais, Exposure or Imprudence in Lile, Clironic.Coiistitutlon al DiieaseaiHnd' iV-H rpring find summer drink* and generai tonic faf the systeiir, anil a gi rule and pleasant .purgative, or Congress \Vutrf SaJbvor Seidlilr. .The following is averlmtim copy of a Certificate now in the possession of the proprietor of Hull's Snruapar* •ilia. Rev. E- W. Sohou is widely ami generally known na an eloquent ; and accomplished Faster of the M. t£ Cburcbf&ud iheßetr.B.. Stevenson has been known av oneof the roost talented ami zealous members that the Kentucky Conferenecfcoaid boast of for many year*, . and: at lhis tinie i? lining the highand rcppoluibleMation of;agent for the 61. E Baok Concern . Cuirthe. world,produce better or. more satisfactory testimony in favor of any medicine ? , BETTERTESTIMONYTtiIAN WaS EVER OFFER* EH IN FAVOR OF ANY MEDICINE . : ■ Hev.lv. W. Skhon—Rev. E.SiKvsaFOS. . LovisvilUf May 20,1850. . ' We iutve used John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, and have known it to be used with entire satisfaction; and have no hesitation in stating that we believe it to be a sate and valuable medical compound, and calculated to pro* ‘dace much good,and reheve nmch-soffering; and would therefore moat cheerfully recommend it to the alllicteJ. ‘•(Signed.* E. W.HKHON, v- . • K STEVENSON. > A BEAUTCFUL CLEAR SKIN. How we alludmirc aelcar, beautiful, white skin, and a rosy colored cheek. How often , dft wc : see persons, not po*-e*slng this so devoutly to be :wished,’breßoning tocosrartics, lotions,washt**, pain** and coloring matcrials h to restore to thema sembfanec of what disease hus dejSrivcd them of, and that too,wnh great jnjury’t&the skin. ' &ulPs Sariapnritla ts the bem cosmetic known. D beautifies the skin, ; by removing cvery.particle of morbid nml diseased matter from the bloodvinakiiig itpure healthy 'and vigorous, Riving ac tivity to every minute .vessel, and changing the .yellow and dark countenance to the uluotn and/freshness of youth; .Ladies,abandon the use of pnihts;mid mixtures, ana use-Bttffs Saisapar&a, lha-only‘effectual remedy. “ A word to the wise is sufficient;” uml a hint ts enough •.for the Ladies:-' ' TESTIMONY LIKE THE FOLLOWING RENDERS SUPERFLUOUS ALL COMMENT ON THE EF FICIENCY OF BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. (From Dr. L. P. YAStmix.. Professor of Chemistry in the ; : ■ Louisville Medical College.”] • ‘ I have looked over the list of ingredients composing' John Bull’s Compound Extract oT Sarsaparilla, ana* 'have no hesitation in saying hat they, form q sate com dound.and one that Promises welt to chronic diseases, to which it ia applicable”. L. Y. YANDF.LL, M. D. • 1 Louinri/Ic, jQnc G, 1548.// •WHaT, DR. PYLES, Phyticidn by appointment to. the , LouiwiUe Marine Hospital, says of BIjLL’S SARSA PARILLA: .. ’ - ; LouiscPJe, March 20, • I have exarmned the prescription forihe preparation• of John ButPsSarsaparUlOj and i believe the combina tiontd be an excellant one. and well calculated ttf pro dace an alterative impression on- the system. 1 have used it both in public and prvaie practice, and think it the best article of Saksanarillairt use; ■/■ :M. PYLES,M.D., Resident Physician at the Louisville Mahnc Hospital. - *- and ask for the original Dr. ■ JOHN BULL’S SARSAPARILLA, from Kentucky— and have no other. KEYSER & AFDOWELL,: Wholesale and Retail AgenUj • r For sale by D.'M;Curry and Josep . Douglass, Ale-: -.v: gheny.Cuy; -Win;.JJ. ftlercer, Cannombarg, and by,r Druggists generally.: •■■••■•.• - jefoamdAw - : - ; Ay'ejr’VCberry Pectoral! For the core of coughs, colds, hoarse-: NESS, BitONCHITJR, WHOOPJNG COUGH. CROUP, ASTHAIA aud.CONSUMPTION. . . Among the numerous-discoveries Science has.made ; s i 'in this generation to, facilitate the business of life, in-t crease il» enjoyment, and eveu prolong the term of hu- . . :raan existence, none can be named of more real value/ than Uiii contribution of Chemistry to the , Healing An. A vast trial of its virtueaibroughouithia '■ broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medi- . , cine dr combination of medicines yet known, can so ~ .surely control and curd the • numerous varieties of. pul- monarydisease "which; swept from our... ■*: midst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed , there is now abundant reason to believe u Remedy hai ailengih been found which can be relied on.tocure.iho . most dangerous affections of the [ungs. Our space here wil! not permit hsto pablishauy.proportionof the cures • effected by its itse, but we would present tbefollowing v opinions of eminent men; and reler furiher enquiry to the circular which the Agenrbelow named, will always . be pleased to farnish free, wherein are full particulars;: and indisputable proofs of these facts. ; From the President of Amherst College, the celebrated . , ; \ ' Professor Hitchcock. • . . : ; James C. Ayer—Sir: I have need your Cherry Pec .loral in my own case of deep-seated. Bronchitis, and am ; satisfied from its chemical constitution, that it is an ad mirable compoundfofthe'reHcf of and bron dual difficulties. If my opinion as to its superiorchar actercanbe of any service, yoaareat liberty to use it> os yon think proper. , r EDWARD HITCHCOCK,L. L. D. From the widely celebrated Professor Siilman,M. D. L.L. D., Profeaadr of Chemistry, .Mineralogy, Ac. v Yale College, McinhC*- of the, jUu.HiM ‘Med.'Phil, and Scientific Socieilesof ; ' * .'.Americaand Europe.; I deem the Che Try Pictorial an admirable composi tion from some of the best articles in the Materia Medi co, and a very effective remedy for the class of djsea*-.. eflitisinteuded tocure. n / . ■ New Haven, Cu, Nov. t, 1849. Major Pauison, President Of the S.C. Senate, elates he has used the Cherry Plctoral with wonderful suc cess, to cure an. inSamation of the Juugs. . Fronone of ths fiisiphysicians inMaiae.. Saco, Me., April 2G, 1840. ' Dr J. C. Ayer,' Lowell—Dear Sir: I am npw con stantly using your Cherry Pectoral in, ray: practice; aud prefer itto anyotherinediciAeforpalraonarycoinplainU. From observations of many severe cases, I am convinc .edit will cure coughs, colds, anddiseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance all other, remedies. Jiuvariabty recommend its use in caseofconsuraptson, and consider it much the bel retail, by 8.-A. Fahnestock, and by. J. M. Townsend; in Allegheny City by II P. Schwartz, arniJ. Douglass, and by druggists generally. . ■: ‘' . j, S. TougH’A Celebrated Ethereal Oil. FOR Churcnes, Stores, Parlors, Steamboats, Cauqi Boats, Halls, Chambers, Kitchens, Workshops, and indeed every place where light is required; The publi c. are respectfully invited to call and exomniic a_ beautiful assortment of these Lamps. ALso,LarapS;Of all ; kinds, tnr i.qnt Oil, Ac.»Chandeliers,Giraiidofes,Whit ets, Mantel Decorations, Lamps, GlobesjClasses, Wicks, Paper,Tin Shades, MataandCans,ami all things per taining to the trade. Also, a superior Safety Lantern, for Steamboats and Stables. ; - . . • The cheapest light lo be found for store and shop pur poses, is Tough’s Refilled Chemical Oil and Lamps, from - which a .splendid light is obtained at I of a cent per hour, equal, if not superior, to gas. \% e invite an ex amination of our goods and pnees. Being prepared', by the accumulation of 12 years’experience, ana with fa cilities to supply both the wholesale aud retail trade, on the most favorable terms, at the Pittsburgh Oil and Lamp Store; ;• . . Ail articles delivered in any part of the city, or in Al legheny, free of cost. .ETHEREAL AND CHEMICAL, OR PINE OIL, re gularly supplied once or twice a week. All orders left with the wagon, (which is constantly passing round the city.liwillbc promptly attended to. J.S. TOUGH, i No. &2 Fourth'street; Apollo Hall, apr!9:d&wy • between Market and Wood. ffIHE subscriber having madearrangements in conse- JL quence of whichbispresentbusiiiess must be closed by the let of August next, now offers his whole stock of Gloves, Hosiery, Lace Goods and Embroider ies, Dress TrimmingSt Handkerchiefs, fine Shirts and Furnishing Goods, Zepheri Worsted, Flower Material*, Umbrellas, Parasols, Combs, Thread arid Needle arti cles. < Also, Ladies* Philadelphia make), at ereatly Teduced prices, wholesale and retail.- jelb F.H. EATON. rflllE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale his property in ' A Allegheny City. The Lotisseventy-two feet nine inches, iTdnting on the Kast Comu.oo, audnincty feel in' 1 depth; extending from a corner at Gay alley to proper tyovnieffljy'theProtesraniMeihodisiChurch.-The im nroyimeftfs ate ft three story* Brick Dwelling v well fin ished, ana-dwo comfortable frame Dwelling Houses.— ' There is pfdbabry no more pleasant and desirable lo cality for private reridencesm thdCuythtmibe lidlnow cfiered forsMe- /The professional putEuits of the uuoer- 1 -' signed do notperaiit him to occupy and enjoy this prop „erly, and hence the offer to sell itwilt be sold a* bnr- ‘ gain, if application be made soon. • For price and’erms - of payment, refer to Mr. Morrison Foster, at the • bouse of P. McCormick, Esq;*, or John Fleming, Esq., Allegheny CUy. -* *. •. , jy&rijn - .WM. B. FOSTER, JR. SPENDID Rammer, and. Fail Cravats. Scarfs, Neck Ties, Be Join villa received. . au? • •••. / ; HINTON A CO. OALM OIL—4 casks Palm uu ui aiwio unu mr ?«10. IT iy2l MILLER A RICKETBON. v* \ - ■ ••, ' Sj- X ' „ ___ 7 - * " : K /••• ’• a r Ptlvati OiiiHiL Testiuiottlßlii 1 AGard* For Sale* 1&«1 - \