The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 16, 1851, Image 3

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    v - i ’'- £_\ a J ' ***'*V- > " v r * I*, C 3 * ''iv" 1 ’ ~ 1 vs>* '
■i.'-.-’'>W4 r :■“'• ? i'<-//A** ,r k^; >••:.-. ..
... ■ ;.; ... . . .......
s*.- 8 ? - '» ; .V'%H?-*'^ . t »''-' ,^^''*-ViL, y^»;*’ < ' +W*\ t*. -'-iJ^--' A J ■ ■ „ ' ’ —vajy.vyt-f—■•^■•>**:*^'-'.~ s .--.-^:.-, c ' ■•■ , ::** • •-?. ->.• t■--••-i-. r »-.<.- ■ >■-■■• ".: --• •■•7 ■r.- 1 .- '* '-'■ / -> .•■*'. .*V<-~' >--•• .-•*■•■•- -•■ -■ •" V *•*:.• >•■■-,.- -■ ,->■ m. •> ■>■.; •■: "■.'■ J’/- :•, •■- -..-
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.'./sv;* lAif-. Zp , 0> ■;* -/s .•': r.* v_‘ ~ 1 . . ,< .
■fcM>r'?»*i! I-J" VT,>*-*»< .. .
vtV’v'K*, *' ~ rrfs’- v=.i.~y'=.■, * or ™« »AiHMo B « D , o pom. >
fct Vi**** ,“> -&~i JV***-i«.V }•■ VU* * J f •»** •’'■• i J . da »> A “*»»« MUSI, t
~“; -'•’ ;>• •; ; { .-” -;; f;-' ■>.« ]:}) pci 3 bb“ reiacllo ' ce “ ,liclcwo “’
( :-\*' i»> « V' ' V ! cb arejular brisk demand for’
* C vl imfaclarers 1 prices—regular
1 j v j
If V
100 Sm
A Bara^^egg^sast
fmgftiMpMi ~r3prnmsm^
a T>EFINED. BUGAB»-30 btHiTTt^ring'/ CrMh3^
JK> PfWcrized, SoaCrashed and wSS|ar s ;^saT 6
ill?MSll§illjT” SSS »'
n^ViuVYiu;!^:^< .’^
*****7 * vt. l 't * l ' J . ; v *: 7 - r '” *' v % . >( * v
l@S^SßKP®MKra2l«s^^S'Bs^^ ,^l^4^«^&^^^V^V^‘♦S&^fc«L^►^**^^^*| y^^^ v^ -t#,| H^L < 'V if ’fi^ r,^nis^v^v • r '<* v<** -^** * ,t? * , v*> *«*«■£ ‘t „ l \ .* *•* *>
rv,v, s■' 5 ■' s:* o i ;-•• •■ •>? - **} >• - v •
AUegUony Bridge Caao. r ~
T A Comm <n «c<w.—Before the Hon.
Judge McClure.- : i ;■■■■ ■ ~ ■ -
y. • ■•■■:•• FifthDat—Acoosr 16. •
On the meeting, of - tho Court this morning, it
Was found that oneof tho jurors was absents It
Was stated to ,the . Court that his absence wais |
caused by the death of his mother ; she haying
died lpst night. ...,:.
Tho Court adjourned till .Monday morning at I
10 o’clock. ■ J
E©” The primary meetings, for. the election !
of delegates to tho County Convention, to bo held
on, will be held-urtho various I
Wards to-day, between the ; hours of 4 and 7,
• figg“The Ladies’ National Magazine for Sep
tember, has been received at Holmes’ ■ Literary.
Depot, ' No. 74' Third- street,' opposite the’Post
office.. Also, Dictionary, of Mechanics’ No. 801
The. Corsair, a Venetian tale, by. George Sands,
author of “Conauelo;” and-the lile and Adven
tures of Jack Bonn, from the Police Gazette;
•ffcmiKancej.—James Blakoly, Esq., office Corn’,
er of Sixth and Liberty streets, has sight drafts
to any amount, which wLll be paid in onypart of
Europo.. Mr. B. is a gentleman well and favora
bly known fo' community. See ad
vertisement. *
S®» A man named Smith fell, yesterday in
a violent ague fit, on the Canal Bridge.. He was
earned to his Vesideace) in Spring aUey, where
his family are in an almost destitute condition
on account of tas ill health The attention of
the humane is directed to this case. : ‘ I
•4 < .4whon.—Anumber.of.lots in East Pitts
nnrg^.belonging to Bois and Dithridge, will bo
sold this afternoon at 2 o’clock. The terms are
■easy, and affords-the poor maa a fine opportuni
ty of procuring a “home,” - ,
Oa aStnlee.-—' We have seen a private despatch
> rf 0 ? Louis, dated August 14th, which stated
that, fee printers there were on a Btrike; and
warned the members of the craft from coming
there until the matter is decided 6
, ? uc^J er . Fu>ed.— John M’Kenna wns brought
before Uie Mayor on Tuoseay, and fined $5, for
baying fruit to sell again, and m default of pay
ment of fine and costs was committed to jail
Governor Johnston will be escorted, this
evening, from Beaver to this place, by a large
number of his friends. b
B@“.The alarm of fire last, night was caused
57 j burning of a chimnoy near the Point.
No damage done. ■ ' ■ - ■
’liie Biglcr Club will be addressed this
evernng by Col. Black.
LA , N „ DS POB ****.«-—A valuable Form
Suvatim l “s r Sn^ a i^ lr ‘i le^ an ‘ I > "Mind high'alula™
iiuuvaumi, SKoate 12 milc6>from the Citv an t »hr*»
'ih fro T I,le , Rtlllr “ a, t l>e|iot. at Sewick
i^iir 0 ' . lto landing. A good two store
tZ} hoa,f! of ss ' en «“><">. well arranged " g
good order,-a new barn, of.tiby Cd; nlaKe garde f
and a young turning orchard, now bearing; iLether
, n ery T,UIC,yO? uß .^,dorp,c.J.3 Pr in "wc
hoo3e ; ..°r. house, and other in’
ef£ U Ter r^^y l 10 atlc,u! 10 11lc ~ atjovc -
S. COTHBEimOrn-I Agent
»*U SmuJifiplfj m - :
°f Vroad and Pine Sts.
Boarding School tor YouhrLadles.
T'S^l'Sfon thn
* i «T3?^^ssas^ J,e,tfl
*ll= and n commodauom of thislnnituiibn arc in
Term* ?500 per annum- -
R< "*>• * ■ • • EKFEBRfcCCS. .
Kl. Rev. Bishop Pouer; .
Bev Mr Wiim-i l,U,n5 • * n *» * bomns Dtuilap:
■ “ dZiStIT • ProfHeniy K?e’d;
“ Dr Morion- ■ f-'Vil*oii.Ta*»m,paila;
“ Odcnhrirner; ‘’en JVra. Robmton, Jr.,
“ 7 Jnci<son AI D • “ Ry. ;
liie lieyd»aod al! dißatfreeabJe
“E*iPrincipalAuristof tfa&N. Y KaV Haiti??* i™ 7
1^ 11 - TtoSiS
ZtoentTh Ury ' nS H “ oDn ' of "“ cC "“ wMch attended !&
SXe a n e^rca r u'"‘ w ‘ 6h - , ° *
Dr. Kfmwfeconsnltca, unlitlimber nolice in Ail,.
dWel,i " E *»*
? * n li? trealln cnt to such a degree of bucccrs as u>
and obstinate cases^yield by a
* l £?^y- a f®fc t j on to lbe means . y
° f lhemo "l
tuJ ?sJto meet Dr* Hartley morae.
rice, and have been led to form a favorable Opinion 1 of I
his characierjboih in iheprofession and as a gentleman
._•/•; ; *-W' Piara.M.D,, j
. “ {U* I' ro . fe, » i o na! aWlitico wMb” duly 0 ap C pre’cfa < tcd
*F those who place ihemselveß under hia car-. -
Johh WiiirraaEa,M. D..
: ' Professor of Anatomy, Ac.
lhl« frcmieroanlvV’! - b " e ' f°“nd I
’ . VAtKjrnua Mott, Iff. D. I
ah. doty;to give my leslimony in favor of
b J Of. Hartley for tbe cure of
„ Tie “PPliootiOn IS ounuentied by pain or in-1
convenience, and us effects almost instantaneous. ' I
“Wa lioitj >,- ' Counsellorat Law, 23 I
t™>«rlShS^* Qoyr £ wverai ca«es of partial deafness
him wuhJhe most happy- results. Dr. H is a I
and c an produce nameroas testi
?r°Sf?^ O J{ B i abl <an^oCCCBs * n this difficult branch I
of the medical profession ”—GIoU.. - rancn j
• l,yd U caBes of lh « Ear,are recom
mendedtopay a vimto Dr. HarUey. Aurist. at No M
Arch street* above Third.- He is n 7 w#»li
fessionai man, and having D&ii narticf>iLf P^*
•dieearee nUec’liug heSgf he, Zciirid'fmm hi“°.\-ill
and .experience better means of coping with thisserinm I
At! cases guarantied where malformaaon doer^Mtex-1
: J - : --= ■ 1 tivl9:lf :■ ,
i,_ ■ „ ahead OP a£Tll
try it. , i;i.! ; ••• JOUN YOUNGSON.
N.B. The'Sf‘eiJ?. ! oli J,“ * ts natural male, as tolteu
from the bow. earth, can be had as above—and
will bo found * * n “ J!. u ?° l " ,lllstan d | ns n certain firm
claims to be’tlfe onl V Proprietors,
'Sc'rofal.EtH, dfcc* •- -
SCROFULA iivoll i. *• multiplied forma,whether iiiibai
of King’s Evil, Enla. Wment of ihe Glands, or Bones,
Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic. Rheumatism,Cancer!
diseases of the Skin or h 1 ° me »9 r , 1 ulmonary. Con
samption, emanates from same cause, which
is a poisonous principle, or vu"* 1 ® mherent in the imman
system. Tlierefore, unless this pwncjpm can be,destroy
ed,no radical cure can be e£fectt‘ d ».butif the principle
upon which the disease depends. 13 removed, a cure
must of necessity follow, no ratter what form the
disease should manifest itsell. Jayne .aAßonttive is al
most always successful in rtmoving th“se diseases, be
sides which it destroys the virus, orpc'ifonous princi
ple from which thosediseaseshave their Origin, By en
tering into the circulation, and with the blood is convey
ed to the minutestfibres {.removing every particle of
disease from the system.
..Jaypc’s Alterative Expectorant. Carminative Balsam,
Vermlfuee andSanat'rve PilU.
For sale at the Pekin Tea Store. 38 FiAh street. [au!2
no medicine so admirably sailed to the present sea*
son o l thereat as these Bitters. They seem to cleanse
the stomach and bowels and give that healthy tone and
energy to.the digestive organs; which are so necessary
to prepare theastern to undergo the debilitating chance
of atmosphere incidental- to summer. For dyspepsia
nervoaa anecuons,genera! weakness and debility and
all diseases arising; therefrom, they can be relied upon
as an absolute specific.. Price SO cents per botile.'Sold
at the Medical .Depot. •'•••
aulg -
*na Individual use. - - ■ - ■ .
The Marriage Guide. A. complete Encyclopedia of
-eve gibing Physiological dnd'Medicai whieh should be 1
v”;!' Tito married people.
ABn. ■' l£ Eipressfy for Gentlemen, on their Own Svs
lemaiY. nnystology and various derangements, with the
means of*ii ‘“deuungand coriny them, and ofpreserving
nntiir«iee„7'r to extreme old age.^. 7 : 7
AlsoJa steit ' r i.“ , f rlt females,on Female'
complaints ami 'nfiff?tt t i? 4III ’a n wl, ‘ ch cvery l!l,1| g “
- fad ins,racoons
SchonhSorew“O' soo pages, with
colored plates and wood “»*’ &»«* « each
Forsyte attUe Chei’P .%.ViJiewspaper,andAlaga.
*lo® Establishment ofMINIBR A_CO.,
-i O'ala . • No 32 Smithfield su
**l £®7
/All HILL PROPERTY Job sale. A valuable
~J Tropony of 68 feel front
feet deepj on -which is.erectevl ItFO.dwelling. house*,
eaefa conuUning two rooms aiarx'e Jctchendnia good
OBiie.rj with n i»ree:'gatden. having a iiiimbcr of apple
rani peach trees j juso, gooseberry, hashes, with a varie-
Ityat flowers, &c ; n good out-oven, and n well of ex
vCCQent water at the do’.ar-' PrtceSl.OOO. Terms eisv
■ S. L *I'J.'HBERT, Geh J J Agent,
aa9 ■■ 80 Smithfleld street. -
Lt<<T *? 1 ' IJBEa ' t r 6TBKBTS).
orier£- SHA * ,E 3 0n hand and m!lde aI 011 li “ es lo
5 4 and M Buff Shades, plain and bordered ;
- “ “ ■ doi
■ Landscape Bhadcs of every style; '
Moonlight do do do;
r Srnt ! i?o d J?f?,^ lnlo ' of new »>yic;
»&iSK f ss witb Ltuering or De
-0 IoiofSIIADE TRIM MlNOS—complete at 25
terras.*" Bhade- ID 1 * Curtains hung on reasonable
,OCa " atlh ' fc-
S !mANCH U OPPipp' , S 0 < i , “* n * a " co
ÜB4NCH OFFICE, 54 Skiihpield ST.. PnriiDu I
T HEI,e..evide„ccor 1 ,e..evide„ccor the
year l . r,aks '»'“*«We
VVhole No. Policies issued 7 gnn
<*o do. erpired. terminated & *
do do Inforcc-**-*
on 9L of Properlyinsured*......
do Canceledj terrainated and efc*
! pired****.oqi 700
j° n ' in force ’ fi7>ASfloi
do Premium Notes* 79 670 87 87,C34 > 691
do Pn a foree.' i .’ l . e ™i n ’.'? d .’. e . I P r ’ d
do CashPremiumsTecelVed* -851,557,14 8T9 > 03r > 77
do do canceled 48154
Wh( 551,235,90
aole amount of losses and expen-
• 23.411 45
m k vor °f toeCo.jln.coah, 1 027,824 45
\J B o cil X ?r country merchants, aid owner* of sws?
|P£?> and isolated or country property, it is believed
polity, thus preefnding tlie frequency aid Sc“rreS§f Si
loige Brea, and aleo, on boiUthe Slock and MumSl Sun
KIOI2, Samuel donee, John P. liuiherforC *’ . Rob in
* !*■ RDTHEKFORD,Pres’i
No.COgmiUifield street.
24SSSMKfflS!8SrS'.*' 4i
a^-^ ALL :?*?*» swwsSr- j! stir
w . . ._, . . ■ ■ Smithfield it;
, ® 5 01 ASS KORKS.
■i.orriii’i Wl °
03 Walt,’and OS F n n,SaSi.Pia^u? r ): A §S',„
, s:~‘ Particularattention pnid to odd sizes of Wiii-
»M» for Bottles and Vials:
' Dlamona Has-ir.. — —:
R D ‘ ttmond Spa s?>
. -S32l_ JNO. B. McFADDEN A. CO.
QS»?r "“»2££--
L| AVING been engueed m the above business for the
JLJL lost six years, m this city, would respectfully eo-
I Jiqjt consignments of Goods, to bosoldin this market.
i!Hher (or Auction or private sale—particular!v Glass
ware, Hardware and Vry. Goods j ami wiU muke liberal
adrahees on ,ail Jtinds of Goods consigned us for sale
.^ w ««l' r c 8 o XCj
[George ' ™"' ’ VmSSS.". 11 ’
I T ogmn re7S b°u n .m “3" W fJ±° f fonr **««. >»»
I thel requisition* of the law e Aen]a!im. !n <f»i COnip ‘. td Wllh
! aad having procured a firMc/as. I ea a . l Auoli on,
lor the City of Piinhnrgh?he Offers Auetlo n" r
fiends and the pttblitf generally ? \v ft BS a 5 su<!l ‘
pence of nearly thirty year, mmu 'y** ®n «pe
itazardsnothing ineaytnp- S!st Pe»?i n of l ?? !, ' ne!5 > he
:enttresatisfaction to ninh,l.» l«i W * be enabled to give 1
patronize him "° a " p o *^ 1 ® “»/««• to
RererstotheprinciDalCirv'awi N.’Au<:uon'er
(four, of Com FJ P v,, y ,, ercllanl3 - jyl» -
f hilZda; American nhrt'iWM” 1 an 2 f’ennsylvatnan.
charge this offiin. , Republican,Balt., copy l wand I
*» . u. BtaitTsai, Auctioneer.
rl liou-Will he sola on Saturday ovenfnVneTi
g»« 10th,at 8i o’clock,at M’CanSertTuSgon Hin.,
u loip( Oroond in the borough ofltlanchesie rfrmn I™
ASifuet on Islitnd Lane, a-td extending hack last 0.-1 «
niches to a 10 foot alley : Onwhich ¥ ii?. 1 ?
substantial brick house, two .toriea hl.h i •" S? 011
rooms, a good Cellar,'® oven 3i? £ " ,ng C °i r
pttijilses. ,It is beautifully situatei forheahh «ndV he
v. itieni to the Ra Iroad Depol'Zd a verv deH.rnhle ul
calloa for a pr.sate residence’ Terms atsalc " ' ‘°'
■ W O. M’CARTNEV. Auct’r.
JLai . w. O. M’OAKTNKV,
.■-r • • — —u - _ AueiiOiiffer I
®* DAVIBI Auctioneer. 1
RO.'i'KS, watches, jewelry, ac ,* t acctiob
Ro'om corner o? Sb^SS'^irS
& T —On Mn' l rf° PAN cT"jjKV HODUS at A ucm«
j^'itVS-wsS® B ®^
war o : ? e rocen c ’,,^i?“ ho,d furmlurc > g'“»»war 0 , queans
looAJKS r“a». , ‘‘ l y ; u ” f ka fio nV'‘‘ r *
be |,ockc '
OUIO P. M HA VIS. Auo.’,.
ri J '. l i c '/L SAt f ' uk hakuwakk, oua.Rv 'ic
MMf r |B=Sf3SssS"j
eortment of Hardware, Cutlerv &<* nm -. n „ as *
rim lock*, German door lock£ pad 'ainl° cSouMock? 1
square German and thumb latches oc , i
P 16 _ f-M. DAVIS, Auci'r |
P« Auctioneer
M™octJo\“b lots'AT PUBLIC
wall.-of llic Allegbtny Briclffo ‘ h “ C(k '' n """" Ics
M^„;?,rFo^r h ";;e b era c n^^L“:e; f R< * b *
Aiim*rx of Hugh Sweeny, dec’d: i
P> M HENNA, Aacfr. |
( 3.'c.oc t ,
araSiSS s *:
InihlifiS r ?f erl , > ’ “ *" al ,he cornerof Federal and
K»erTcrS,',t' f “ r
. . .WNIFHKD sweenv,
.Auto rx of Sweeny, dec’ll
V. M'KKNNA, AuciV.
Baat Plttabargh* * .
V Quest, Messrs RF.tS 4. DITaRIDGFwin n<r
sale rU the remaining Lou inEan Pittsburgh
nally laid out by them at Public Auction, oj? ttenwm '
ses, oa Saturday, August 16th. atU o’clock P M P tw
property wt I be sold Jow, thus affording
small caniiai a chance to procure a rourufv
with aU the conveniences of h citv Thi if.ilff i
putable, and the lots being of various riies* 2ffordlS2 l ift
.purchasers a good choice on the following one
i=Vrc a d“V , bo„ b d B i^d^i;X'' l ' , ' ,, annMl
e da y "r«ie fhour lhrou « l,olu
-jjasai PM. DAVIS. Anr.V
Business stands on liberty strfet
afternoon, August 15til .1 4
w cioct, wli be sold on the premises, that valuable lot
of ground s,loot; at the coruerof Libiny and Irwin ,1.
f.ii ’»-E lot “djoinlnjf the above, havinea front of 17
. . - Auctioneer, I
t , O-J J-M -»• -t»
a* i
\ t, -v
REVIEW OF the markets.
Omcs or thb Daily Moanwa Pom ,
WeTavVm T <! '' f, ‘ lrlm6m!, ol tni * <™ improved
We nave no change to note ■ ■■ ■ •
Saier “ u,s - <5 “ ,e5
?^“i S bbi re ’ aCl,<,,Ce Bmc,e
Bavarian Beer, per bbl ....
Common, per bbl -» ■ '-®o 00
XX do 600
XXX do .... -‘8 00
Common, half barrels ® Jg
XX . do * - - oou
xxx do ..i.i.ui'n; - " " .”400
Common qr barrels. T” J 5?
XX do ..... **—• i io
XXX do -•"• 200
demundfoJjL&eE wilhoinbw eh’ co "M nu '? 11
firs, bonds for Buckets
‘"bro! “* doz rub,-saies
i>p 4 u.a WAX—There is bulimic offiiTin** <rnnd i ftla
Vellow we quote atSl®2ste *’ g J lo,s of
keon an “ Uve demand for Ba-
San.-JV 10 i I> “ 5 ~ o ltie coumry and oily trade- An ad
ihi, nCO i 108 keoß obtained since our lasi report Amour
S. b, i es ’}■* 410,0 «™ »* Hams at 9e; 3000 do at 800
gArsti^K«fcif 0 5S
'Ve^qu^^b^rjds^oiniuai^aUO^riV 01 For'lfeg Ba,'
™ 3 " C'-safefSr
aiii v fiii •
11..... Dr. Gnyaott’s Improved Extract
ire l4 °' V 000,1 A ” u SAHSAPAIIII LA.
Me te SKvrvl« n^i 1 d .‘^ i ' o ''->
j Scrofula,
I , or King’s Evil,
I Ctiuccrs, Tumors,
I Eruptions ol the Skin,
I Lr>sipelua, Chronic Sore
I „ »•>'**: Ringworm, orTrtters
! Scold Head, Khcnmausra.Pain* in
I ibe Bone* or Joints, Old Sores *nd UJ.
I „ * v c r B »®' v ?Hjt'go/ the Glands,Syphilis, liya-
I P Kff.’nf a 1 R “?““a-°““ iw of Hie Kidney,,
I °f Appetite, Diseases ortsing from thr
| “ sa ®r Mercury, Datum the Side* nud
| Shoulders, General Debility,Drop.
I ®y* Lumbago. Jaundice, ami
I \vi a yr r , Consumption, Barrennesn. LucorrhrV or
I »» t if’ Irr f“f lav Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine
r , !ori!rPrf*fi? O JS. y v*! cof m U ld ar = cu '>’J by Uu Got-
I .°, r ‘ f 'r 11 ** 0 * or Vbllow Dock aid Sassapa.m, I
which gives immediate relief by renewing tl.o feuJdJ’
health and strength, the blood. Il imutraiire-bad"
I „ ' v ‘ , , h ‘“forge Ibe blood from the impuriiies
1 P ' om ""i fn; c indulgence of liie appetite lur
n?r Jo,- r l "' ’ a,,d 10 Pi'Pni'O Ibe system to rcMi't rem
vini£ d if. iics.teso'tnowto “ Dr Guyiotth, Extrai? of
L'°'^ Oo ‘V k a,ld Sarsaparilla,” wheh is proving
i] ‘? , u d° lC for many of ibe most mnlignantdiseoscs that
!!f in- * f lr i°’ I"' 1 th,! >''«» »=ver 'nred - foV
‘„ h ' a «'“*<*>- ‘be Pawie failb Im. never wavered-nev
er can waver; lor unfounded on experience iu.i„
also ton'd? t IUI " 111 o‘ber ami spsnous compound jis
r f fJhi* V C }' na * y * iherefurc, however, broken down In
nfifj ll p P J nis, howover, loathsome to bim«df nud
others, el no one despair of recovery ; Irt Z nif™ ,
on y understand lhathis hope of physical restoration b?i l
only in Guyton’s Extract of Yellow Doet nTd” ff a o" !
rilla. and persuade him, for his life’s sake, to try i F I a P nd
.Tf„ h ,XSni'" iuuon 1,1 p " d "-“ ag “■ ’
| females, Read the Following.
YeUow Dock i7d Sa ~t® t ‘if a3 “'' *>“b*i? t |hol yoar
eve,y*o?“ k nnd gives great suiufaclion in
, A . v r r f respectable gentlemun informed us that bis
tfe' *“ troubleu with difficult mens:,nation and
other diseases peculiar lo her sex- She had not had her
uff ofD™ Cu'ffou's Ycl°o K 'lm r “ lor ?- nmc i bu ‘ b>Mhs
ruf Ca^f'^r^ nrrd'ToWftsfmPs^afn
s v j}_L , , l ?* , fJ?"k'-*>9 ,wc^ oco “ n ‘y'bitty. ISIS.
_ , ‘ , Sir: I purchased, a short iim* ai»o
wffe wl,?eK y .°n r n icllo ' V ) 9 OC !‘ “ nd Snrsapariila for my
« ?ur 15 h * he for ber complaint; Eryginelaa
5SitS“i k "f ?’ Falli "S 01 lhe Womb, etc , and H hafal?
bom l ' d °f U have jisi'pßreGwT'“sccm“
\ onra, very respectably, n COBURN.
Cure & «»* aggravated cate of Erysipelas.
The cures performed by Dr; Goysou’a Extract af WJ
low Bock and Sarsaparilla arc ittinjr! TbS^pSltem’s
movJd h c a J^. C R nUime * l t° ancT disease U re
t'u,rca are noi cltrooicled unit! time ba« fullv
easef a,al lhc,e “e” bc "»relspso or return of,Ute dis-
S P ‘f-'*™'! co ' February, ISSO,
I and Sarsaparilla upon tuy ton wi,o hit*
I**s * ufl [ cr,n S unjer Uwi dreadful* loathsome d “
I % T Uh w}nctl wafiKtUtcked in I&18,
foT months attended by some of ourbest
pbyeician*, who Ined their skill perscveringly far five
rTdn^i 1 t ai ' y beil / ficial clots' whatever, Ue
wn, h bn r fflen o£ phv,Tf,? al '' :r ' Mvdi.eaUnd surgical skill
—there eouid Klf?.' sa / ,tia ‘ bis cate was hopeless
eanerenff. Sleer. if" 6 , ,0 “'rest those leniblo
' ESS Sv af£^! S 'Sn o^y: ;fc y i g “h 1 b f o , ?, 0 «
ehll^iS d ° ric L ofula your fnvaluibfc medi
restl’cM d«?i2 e i t 0 “ if? 31 °‘ "• aml ra «re from the
desire lo do something while life In sled, than
o?™u^Yefi?w f t£f 1 L lng I c J l ' f ’ 1 Procnred three bottles
oEyour Yellow Pock and Sarsaparilla,” andeemmeno.
5? “JJJS }*» .® nd ’ lO roy astonishment he commenced to
Improve before be bad used the third bottle, and before
b^, 0 d “ len , homes he could walk oil." Ho
.l ' lve ‘’“’lI'* 1 '* during the year '49, and by
!a ”‘ be was perfectly restored; every vestige of
JiJre.Lff. r* '.'P I‘“scant 1 ‘“scant was removed, and he re
mains in perfect health pp to the present time IJU re
covery, under the blessings of God, is entirely owimr to
the use of your Yellow Dwk and Sarsaparilla* aiTdlw
isn *ni I?i at I - x el mya^lf great obligations to
.J°?l 1 * 1 07 that j inform yon of what
>our Sarsaparilla has dono for ray son
Respectfully, JAMES RUSSELL.
[ C7* Price SI per bottle—six bottles for 85.
.„ y . ■ J- D PAHK, Cincinnati, Ohio,
wlf lc , orucro ‘ Fourth and Walnut sts.,-entrance
j n irivut j£n~* l S’ W^ oni ‘l 1 orders must be addressed.
J Kidd & Co, Pittsburgh; L Wilcox, Jr, corner Market
hnf»| l . ? jJiara 1 “ 11 ' 1 1 U A Fahnestock 4 ,Co, Pitta
baegh , J A Joites, Pittsburgh; Lee 4 Beckham; Alle.
fnn n^ C “lii LT T R ‘i5 seil ' Washington ; W H Lumber
ton, Franklin j L B Bowie, UnTontown: II tVellv
Greensbureh:. S Kountz, Somerset; Scott 4 Gilmore 1
hnr d /h'?i : in? e if & 'loalingdon; Mrs. Orr, Hollidays’
’-i.'„I dkr £ n i 4 F- 0 ,' Indiana; J. R Wright, Kljtan
nlng; Kvans 4 Co, Brookville; A Wiion 4. Son!
VVaynesburgh; M’Farland 4 Co, N Callender, Head-
Kelfv* ri 0 n 4 iik 0 ’a r i e i i , if e D' 7 Forker, Mercer; las
T m ' h '-?.' av ? lr: J Summerlin,
Jonesj.COnderspori; P Crocker.
VftluftWt ficni.Bgtate at Anrttnn
fIUIE SUBSCRIBER offersfor sale, on favora-JU=\
of PtobS , vi I e :- loWingPr ° P " ,y ’ ,he Cil ?H
valuable Ihrce story brick dwelling
boujes, on beeond streets, between Market and Ferrv
1 Vn'o ’r e °. 13 1 bei ‘!j!f a ‘ !l ‘ 18 feel front by 80 deep. ?
. ? 7 ’ fce .‘ fTOn ‘ on Third street, idioin
mg the Third Presbyterian Charch, on which is erected
one four story brick'house, used as a prhit ngiffice® and
one two story brick warehouse; ana
of «eDiem b n 9 l before Thursday, the 4ih day
Agent for Johnston & Stockton.
/ ““‘ateJLn Heaver County,
T“«y?v?*f WßEß ™“ llte foilowiiigprop
from the road ™»*»«
eii e ndi'n°?o,h°Z P o7\hehiirSn r J h ol ’?‘ ftet ftonl > onil
large frame one Mnnll framhT C,e<l lw ?
o V Wosilt !he V FLVu!n Bridge '° bein ?
B,id°ge, r LSi
from Water (tract lo Idrw water . ex,entl >"g,
- Agent for Johnston A. Stockton.
. ct co'
Pittsburgh Chair and Cabinet Ware Rooms,
Chnirl^ F |^ CT, « BER S ° f Cane Sl>at Parlor
IfUrfH' Chairs j Cane Seal Rocking Chairs; Re-
BMI ce £ u ° n and Invalid Chair?; Cane Seat
t&Bßaa “? Dlry Hous ' Sl0 °l» i Selteea; Loott
• in’ ;? Vanety ” f c °ntmou Chairs.
M/ Sit H.-ALii 0 - wJl ‘ ctl , were manufuctared under
f'.M w inelr personal snpenntendence, and are
.. : s -- JT. - warranted both immaterial and workman,
ship inferior to none vx the. City, Dealers in these arti
cles will&nu uto their especial advantage to call and
examine for themselves previous to going elsewhere
. Steamboats and Dwellings famished at the shortest
notice. All orders punctually attended to. fjy2s
IN THE MATiKR of the Voluntary assignment of
James S- Adams, Shoe Merchant, of the City of Pitts
burgh. .' '
The creditors and debtors of James S. Adams will
takenotice that a deed of assignment {or the benefit of
creditors, dated Jane Oth, 1851,A&s been executed to the
undersigned, who will seule the business of said Adams
'■ v. V • ,V»
1 '>• '< ‘ ,
’ v\ 1 -
_ - • ' V; V*;;»v
I’'* , \ r
H ,. - ‘ '
‘-V ' '
rara ASSZSZStS?* r°i? s Nos - *> 3 8114 3 Principe Ci
favwitebMhrt, Uh . a f “! “/Ortment of« HdvaSa’i,”
lavorite brands—just received and for «ale by
LARD 1500 lbs No 1 Lard for sale by
No Cl, Water street
LJAHUSY —50 Dus. for sale by..
bM 5 ; NroVMla^pftaetoop.
-- era Be—for>ale by laa?l STUART & SILL
do*. for sale by
ssTUart * sill;
N A ‘u?7 sU ‘ c S 3 “"rted sizes ST^iTby
± .ale by * reeved-anflTSr
aus ■ „• ••. * v - w. WILSON,
—: —_'■■• 67_cor. Market and Fourth streets.'
PNeesSl,6o’,B3%to P 35. OS “ nli * nfalllble doteclor.’
J s »nd for sateb^ltcKßßENPSt I OTOUVENEi' iTed
- : Importers. .
S T m?7 CH “ 1U blS * primo Starch for sale by
•. » ••• •- .
■•: * V ifc il *-//,..?.«• ,: :>. ,
VV - ' t .'
- ». ’ ~ti
' '■ V r " v -" \
*«+ - - „ *
" : '' i - \ :*
, 1 • .-r ; - ' ' 'i i' r*.'• VV ' ’ y " '"'
■ j;.'.;; * i>,; \C
■•".'O't ‘. v ' . - '
Mcmner Michigan No.2,Boies, Beaver
*V Allautic,.Parkinson, Brownsville
t Redstone, Wooc ward, Brownsville,
J.M’Kee. Hendrickson*AfcKeeapon--
Beaver, Gordon, leaver. V
... Fashion No. i?, Peebles, Elizabeth
, Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton
“ Diurnal, Conwcn, WhecW 10,1
Lmsey,Clark, Wneehng; .
Hudson, EnyarLSunfish.
Globe, ——. Wheeling,
Redstone, Woodward, Brownsville
Atlantic, Parkinson, do
‘ J ; M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeespon
Michigan No. Ji, Boies,Beaver
i Beaver, Gordon, Beaver
‘ Thonma Shnver, BaiJey. West Newton
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth
‘ Diurnal, Con well, Wheeling,
.. Gossamer, Klinefelter, Cincinnati
Hartford, 8. Ilazleit, Cincinnati.
-TAe Biter.—By the pier mark, last evening
were 3 feet 10 inches water-
Wheeling mnl Bridgeport. PnekS. ~
Tue splendid steamer R. lI.'LINDsav
CaSgSKilr, Moore, Master, is the resular VVh(=-*i;,,
and Eridgeport, Packer.and leaveshereeverv Wrli." E
day and Saturday for tie above ports: For iwui",' 5 '
passage apply on board- or to r ~®, ® 1 SiHor
No. In Market street
■ jji t S'or JJew Orleans*
—, l ' l, S c N , a!»a Packet.
Z^H a^Zr ime U ForVrei B hfo“p?J
flelK :l
_For marietta ancl Hocttlngpoii,
Tub Gne Meamer PAClFlC, Zan'ott* kt.»
eaEagiSSSiTSN, will leave for ibe abdve und
aie pons every THVRSDA JT, at 4 o’clock P M "“ d
tor freijillor passage, apply on board, or to -
■"■• • -- T. WOODS SON
No. 01 Water at., and' 03 Frontal 1
Wednesday I' for cTncTBSSn.
fu * l run ‘ ir,, ff ateumer CiN.
marJtr'^ 1 or P aa . su ff c , a|) ply on board, or ta V:'"""'
“ a,,!U G. n. MILTKNDBRGKft.
ItS'Vf H ftarf forFr * , ""* n ,™rr»«l ll i(and Amtiay,
fbe Cno Btcaioer ALI<KGIIIvNV BPf « J
to, V ,«, B h. or l'assage, nppfr « Board. lmirJn
[a°c muai'be pafd l ’ and '° Wb ™ -« d«Kft?k
J ' hope of a cure over bcinp eoccied, wbhnmir rtmnP
foi'c\ I he\?KTKOL^UM
...for™ & is. $5s e b h o ' l s;' l . , sg;£s. , sr»ri»
«'* '.""<«• «mK°m fXiuu" mjouXVuX
ancc. With of t.locra, I rnn you" “Sly.
Ajlrghiny, July 14,1851 “*
nrl . ®.°Uie— "
Organaahm of the »JHlUburgh and Steuben-
W riwe Railroad Company."
■ffriSiv.?' * er-, R l ned Coroimssjoners to receive sub
Thursday, the alii J f ‘“r * C|y of *KWt>WEft>on
? A ?. I ,^ Kl, MVINOBTON,
James Wallace.
fSEftSto 1
' VAL^K fia7MAw>d
8 - C £ na w Me J c * ntil ® Ma Steamboat BoSttaeS
mf«* a3 .i Wor^s ave a PP en ded to thelr paves ilie
,?. Ualie rec °ramendauon* from tho hiit&efuour
ccs in uie mercantile world, and the auZr of S
o,ny ° bvio “*
prove, nent of his pupTl “a'mUhf, S iho f.S'.hS
T,,™?™ °J «*ne»T AttD TBIBD «TOEETB.
Prir,Clra ' >»
Ule Profo,SDr 0f M«c»n.
Law.**" M ‘ W * 7SOJI ' Ksi I > Lecturer on Commercial
ct^f„? 0 r onl f.‘’ f ,llis I 'i»titution are open both day and
nJmX/Xi 110 rc .e c Pt'on of those wishing to obtain a
Pimf 1 cl^i er “ nt t. e f dacallon I ho course or instruct'
CoHece Srin 1 ! “® h ’ ll,al ev,:r/ student on leaving the
B Ibe competent. to take charge of and con.
shih Ho„ C^.^^ S!J ,r nC , ' ,e, ' n,, y set of Stock or Partner
ship Hook*, however comphcaied. • [jclO:t]&w
lownshfr," 1 *?!« ,^ PROt,liR X Y - sit “ Wll in ChS
PiiV nf B’r„ 1 1 gl !. eoy nnnniy. I’a., oue: mile from the
x '/n? ? n 'i l ' Steubenville turnpike, viz :
o j6 i'Unbred feet on the pike, uud running back
™ldeh , c dr " iEn< ' silly 0f«) feet to a£0(ool"!reet;o„
by OttfeciA 'L E i' cc i' d ,“ , ®f! c "S'* Mill House,Olhfeel
nmnf r ®fi’i Blone " l,, gi l i'wlU | a first-rate engine and 4
onefor rhoSr° a<! “ n r ™ c )> Barr,of thebestqualily;
wlfhCnm «S P^ 8! °“fi or Bariev; cnofor Oat-Meal
themh^?f^ asher and Smut Milf, Together, witb all
rif™- fixings necessary to carry on the tlouriinr,
Ch ?PP*nfi' 9“ l unff Barley Meal making successfully, B>
H A Jujse Engine and Coni Hoiise, nnd a Dry
House, aiul Coal cheaper than |t can be hid iii ihe :
““f'. , Tlu * would be a desirable situation for any
on« J'f'T IO g° into the Milling bttsiiiessfiis it Is in;
count r v le Thf l n nC,ghborhoo ls for tlio fineness in the
This property would not be m the market on-
K.;. L ,he .°* ners “te about to remove to the far west.
2 ,y‘3 lns 10 Purchase a property of thisdescrip,
non, and get into a profitable business, would do well to
call scon, as wo are determined to sell cheap.
'ChrmL.blsm .(’“' t * c “ | ar» dee iheowaere,Me«Sre;M’-
Pla “'P s . °n the premises, or
aul3:4idS:wif JAMES C- faICHEY, AaeiiL
G UMiKIKJS—ao bbls. Vinegar;
, 50 bxs Rosin Scap*.
50 do Mouidand Dipped Candles;
20 do Star •: do;
25 do Palm Soap: . -
CO do Starchj
10 do Chocolate!
10 bags Pepper;
- 300 Reams Wrappioff Paper.
In store and for sale by
tATNTS—The celobiaicS Mineral Five Probf Paints.
„^« f »-l ancheß ! er > auhe low rates of L’£c. , for
eeven different shades, for sale by •
anl3 ' T. WOODS> SON.
/brandies in bond- : ; e: ~;v,
P>P°»- qr. casks and octaves 1.
fe5 o ;,* l uano Proof pale and dart Brand les.
t 53 ,iaf P'Pos, quarter caßks and octaves -A.
l ? proof.palo and dark Brandies, now
in Bonded Warehouse, and for sale by v . ’ “
Nos, ggi and 223 Liberty street. - ' :
Offering, for 1851—jasi received al owa
HINTON k an. a
1 1
j _ *
. 4 :t. 1. ■ V ■:■•■. <’V;r... *
!R MAT 1
The Cotton market is moderately firm. •
Hout...Sales of 700 bbla at 4,00 for fresh
Rye F10ur...3,87.
Corn M4a1...2,81.
AVbeat...There is a but litUe inquiry, although
*7 «?iEEE/r 8 mcrc^ ,n S; silt's of 7000 busheL
at Jo@B4 for southern red, and 90 for Penna.
Gom...Du]l at 50@60.
aad Groceries... Finn.
Sale Hegroe.,
B'oiYJ?.T!u E “ dccrc<! , of 'tic Chancery Court s
Clarksville, Tennessee.! ■will sell, at the Louisa
rurnace, m Montgomery Coanly, State of Termessee
on Monday, the 13th day of October. 1851 th* {Swv£l’
known as 'the Louisa Fufnace and’ the koun^V^
T he f e two . Faraaces will be sold together,
with all the lands attacked and adoinine thereto amatrnf *
ingio some 20,000 acres. And on ihc ime dt? „TSe
same place, I will sell a valuable Negro Man, J Jin Gal!
la Jl“ founder,jogeiher with liis wire and children.
- G* l VVednesday, the ,15th day di October, ISSI I wiil
sell»at the late residence of Tlobt Baxter, in Montffrm 1
cry Co .Tennessee, ihe IRON PROPERTY, kSowaai
the Tennessee Furnace and the Water Forire, otTbot!
lon . Creek, with all the lands adjoining and -attached
0f i cveral thousand ncres. ,
; TERMS—The real estate will be sold oh a
one, two, three and four years; Notes with good seen
■JjW required of the purchaser, and a lien retained
f “ r Jl?r yn !', nt of IhipurphU
i The negrpea will he sold ion a credit of one. two and
three years. Notes with good security required 4
i „ SA .J' E . C ? F . M VV ES - WAGONS. i c .
I Will also sell, ou the 14lh day of October ISSI at
the iate residence of Robt. Baxter in fcrL. .
Oouniy.Teiin., about 311 Mules. 1 force 3, Cmi le.Sl m//
hold and Kitchen Furniture toirether ** onse .
Property ofsaid Hobt.tfaxierfonacfedU-«rf
■Bopd and securiiy will be required on all
The aa!oat each place will continue fromday ?odav
- Root, Baxter,* 1 y
“ ‘ Adut’r.
t i*m»pnq?-?,?c e ,F otc k P«u
by Wm. Lawson, indfo?me?fy4^vbf
. Thisproperly consists .of extensive l.rlrk l..,iiiti„~.
erected expressly for ‘be .pnrposeof being
used as*?i
h „° r .^ ri ?i fc building,suitable for adwoUine and ro.
tall siorej all oa the main street* nenr e t ;
Bridge Peansyivnnia Caual. *There aTfi°Mo5 a ?fi I
lars under these buildings. Also. iCT W ll« «f cS‘
r ?'^ Wa, "' wit^P™P.-eur;bet^I l a
o„ T J'w?™ B ? inB i V* olber usefttl buUdimrs are
on the two front lots. On two . f e
north of these; and separated from them%\™
alley, occupied partly as a kitchen garden, /liSce hriS 1
which 4(1 tons of hay maybemude inaseMonfi.e’ rf
raamder,ture giund.with ™nnf«;
water through u-are also offered as abovm *
„ The Hotel ts/very eligibly situated on the northeast
corner of the Diamond, near the termihusof »hn Ttrmmi.
LaiVdhfg’ Qna wilhin 11 shorl distance of the Canat-boat
__The co*umry around is improving rapidly, both in Ih
kSaJ?** Westmoreland counties. One or more Plank
wh!rfh>iS,Mf n C ;^?i emplatloa,to Co . nQeQl at. this place
pobitc improvements nowin use orihoroeresa.
: Tins ptoperty is of that description rt
qmre the, attention and snperyisKfThe My
personal .inability to bestow the proier care and ih«
Wohtofgood health in a portion of my family, are the
rafo C th™rlr e oper™f ,batmdUCe '°°^ r “ «changS
The property might be so divided as to accommodate
a person Who merely desired to keep the tavern Dart
and might notwtsh so heavy an investment asthe whoVr’
would amount to—and if agreeable and desired taikij
arrangement will be madef “uuesirea.snchan;
Application -;'<nar .'.be; made to the subscriber at hia
dwelling, adjoining the Hotel;.and for further deseriif
lion of the property, &c., to Mr. C. A - ITrAmti™
WarehOMe, Canal Basin; or to Mr. AuSutowH
tel Keeper, Pittsburgh. For an exchange of oron’ent
that in ornear Pittsburgh would be preferred propeny ’
■' 'jT'' not disposed of m one or other of the wavs snnVcn
of, on or before, the Ist ;of November, it wm rented;
Sk^? r *?i? re .K ttt lV and P oss essionmuy be hud “‘be
neit * Meantime exiedstve repairs will be
maieln tile tavern part. ' •- 1 S. McANTILTY.
4V,vJGui,4- d ® llniBtra tOr , B Notice.
.TttOTTOE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned
’ ‘r b constituted Administrator of the es-
Clutter, late, of West Elizabeth; Allegheny
county. Therefore, all persons haying claims against
8?«5!i?^i lr 4 u ereby requested to present them for set
tilose bein *T indebted are required to make
immediatepaymenuo the subscriber. •'
Jefferson township.
» -• • Notice.
A W AppucaUon wHI be made at the next Session of
-A. jhe Legislature for a Charter for a Bank of-issue
jmd deposit, to be located in McKeesport, Pd., witn a
Capital noceiceedfngOne Hundred Thousand Dollars
jyff:omw; t.-.-y.-t
a fino ossorunent of
Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, at
Gentlemens’ Furnishing Store.
“ 7 No. 80 Fourth street.
nii ■ *r' ■ • Baitimoee, August 15
i. A* l6 Montgomery (Ala.) Journal, received to-.
n»ght, says, that five Union candidates for Con.
gresa haVB certainly been elected. ~
Leghdatm? 0 " 1 men have • a,so » majority in the
|.®eleavy rains in the Southern part of Ma
ryiand have done; great injury to the tobacco
crop, -.1 ■
« • Louisville, August 15.
in 98 counties, Official and
unofficial, is 500.
, Louisville, August 16.
ihe Cholera broke out yesterday in a malig
nant form. Some twenty have died up to this
fSit are J - K. Gfant &Son.
fr e ° e< r W, Ui s , George Macudey. The cause of
™ contl ’nnal heavy showers and
Et—-v? 0 weather clear and the
disease is abating. • ' .
~ _ ■ Bostok, August IS.
ine French Consul here recently stated that
on his way home,-for instructions in case
eolonqne insisted upon invading St. Domingo.
?®. that the present orders of the
French and English Consuls were to blockade
Prince, and Cape Haytien, in caie of
hostofaea It .is understood that the Govern
ment at Washington has deolined to enforce, by
Sc"fcen“ arC3 ’ theclaims Purred byAmer-;
■ Bpsxos, August 16.
I / “trrday evening a man named Wm. M’Cor
nnck was killed, by being knocked from the cars
rS ej L^? re Passing the Washington Bridge.
■ hail storm of Wednesday was very.severe
and extended over a wide tract of country, caus
mg immense ■ damage' to property. Several
dwellings and bams were struck by lightnine
and destroyed. b
„ New York, August 15.
The steamship Pacific, whioh sails to-morrow,
has already $400,000 engaged.
A despatch this morning, says
there is no CholcSn there. - 3
: NEW YORK MARKET—August 16. ;
3 onr — 4ooo hbls Indiana at 3,81@3,87; Ohio
| Gram... 600 bushels new Genesee at 1,16 • rvc
lis held at 74; com 57J@58. ’
1 P0rk...14,76; mess 12,87.
I Beef...lnactive.
I Lard... Firm; prime 9.
Groceries...7oo bags Kio coffee at 83(519.
Sugar...Porto Bico at s}@s}.
' Linseed Oil...SelHng at TZ. ~
[ ' Whiskcy...Ohio and Prison 23} 1
. • . EVENING. • . :
Cotton... Firm. |
F10ur.,.3,87 to 4,23.
n^-s n "‘^ £a^ 88 44 90 ’ w!iite J- 00 - Com 67.
Bye <4. Oats 42 to 44. I
i 4> ®. r h—Mess 14,75, Prime 12,87. I
Lard...Bs to oi. .
ff^t to LiVerP ° ol ’ M ° ,banel
Linseed 0i1.,.72. I
Whiskey... 23. I
RyfFToi“ Str<?et4,oo; Cit J Muls 3 > 8 "2-
white 80@86. Com
«o@6l, yellow 5G@67,; •
Provisions... Firm with an upward tendenev
?iU OD i S it°an de w 7 S@ S > Sides 9}®9J,
7£. Lard 94 toll. Mess
nTloto’ll’,5 P o nm ° 13,60 10 14 ’°°' Eeef > No. 1;
Coffee... Rio 8J to 9, Laguayra 01
Sugar aud Molasses... Quiet. Porto Rico Su
gar o to 6,
Whiskey...23 to 24.
Flour... Firm at 3,25. c
Whiskey.. .17}
Linseed 0i1... 70.
Sugar... Sales of 100 hhds. at s}©6l.
Coffce...9}@9s. .. 5
Feathers.-. 32.
Lard.„BJ asked—9 offered.
: Bacon Sides;..Clear 10.
The River has risen 9 inches. Weather dlear
anu warm, .
. ; v* . •
: V.r ;; *;
t ' * *•' ; '.
•7'’y3v" : V if •'* •;-*; v;V. : !V:.\v
' 'Tkit&daot bttew Fourth~~{wutxi4t). . ,
CIGHT EXCHANGE on the Easlern.Citles constantly
■£2/®*-* al ©* T/md ißills of Exchange and Notes dla
wanted.. Gold,Silverahd Bank Notes, bought and sold.
. collection! made In fill the principal citidsof the United
of Par and Current Funds.
r •? *f* ° 5 > coaußß WooD ahd:Dujiohd:stbksx*,
<. -! Pittsburgh, Pa.. ; .. . (mayl
KICnASOE asd’dankihs bodlb
WißHam & Co
, pjzrsSra&S**’
tCr-lwTEAmALLowiponTOranmomra. Tiinrffl
■ EBAJIZBR *. n »irS WiHC> a »H»
Bcnkwand-Bzchafigtßnim, jw; .
—— — — - - ; ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ■ - ■•• xasy2B ..
748,8.500 N. ~~ ttta«
„ | HOOH .a SAflQElg»p?‘ SiMlw
Corner of Wood and Sizih ttnati;,Pittsburgh* Pa
I T\EALERB in Coin,BankNoteB, Time B^?^orei«i
,9 TI0N “ made on “Nparts of the Umon, atlhe
iQwesiram. ■_.<■>■ y•••. . • • ; sepll-ly
n. aohmsß A sons,
UiVE MMovro TBm.umro uD uchamox owic*
To No. :? Marksl sires l,four doon btlow ols Hand. ■
£k%,LNo^ra^>Ac,i e p t s ic «> c^'l . & i,vet ° nd
..ggMfoPjWttfe inall th.S cities thirbilghoiit the Vtit
pifr nS - 6 7 te,‘ t« ei « d i» Pnr (Sndsorcurrent
•Soots ” MBt : ke t B “««h’i>etween,Third and Fourth
-4 J: aog2B*ly.
‘ Store Room for Hent.
OIHE aubscriber.offerii for rent three fatee irid'-Aißk
—iiict L_ ; • on the premi»p»: .
E "*‘ e f «r Sale. -
r I In ' , l following described properties are offered for
1± sale, upon easy payments: ;
_.. A .,’ our B!o , r y brick warehouse and lot. In Piitsbnroh
sliSn llie of a,ree, ibetween Fifth and
Stltb streets, now occupied by Wm M’Colly &Co
* • T A and lot in the city of Allegheny, from
«Sif > »Ifi el a' >n . l 5? Senth^Common, between Sandusky
!oi^ el «4 1 «? rk a8 * Common, and running back. tb-Water
'l a ‘ J J ol " irl g I heproperty of Harvey Childs.
Algo--A lot, partly in. Ross, and partly in Reserve
' townships, lh? let( j na lo( Veto# the Mirine’HosDiiaf
acres!’*- ° n *“ 01,0 riTer > and -60013111105 about 11
I,oa *cand lot in Allegheny City,howoccu
.Jno?.esaCreilwe-,rcmling on Bank Lane,-and
:fMt?nf?onL: Unaer Seminary ~i,1 > containing about 27
Also—About three acres of ground in the Citv of At
"f Charl« Lewii;
'’"Wator Lane, near the Plank Road, with a
nJ,f ,™" l r , b l a ' l!i V' y buft 'MansionHoaee llmreon,
JOSEPHKNOXi Attorney, Ac.
Gram stree l» Pittsburgh.
, ( .au2:2w
T„ „ Important and Interesting
0 Honre Keepers Faniimre Dealers, Railroad Com
panics, Hotel Keepers,.Military Companies, Engine
l? l s£?2 1 j£ s i. Cablliet ““d mano Forte Makers, Ac so
Compound hns entirely superseded nil other articles
heretofore used for similar purposes, wherever it has
been introduced. It lelli its own story, and onlv re- i
gmies to be tried lo prove, lo the most ineredulousv its
superiority oyer any other article ever bclore used for
cleaning and resloring io ibeir original beauty and lus
ire, all articles of Varnished or PoUshed Furniture. -
the above Compound we use in’our own business. I
‘ATMiI WMesale
» j : Ryan’s Buildings’ I
-Soddle and Harness MannTactory.
ilTo. 132, Wood etrut, PiUtburah.
AHOLSTFIN respectfully informs his friends and
• toe public Uxat he keeps on hand a lanre stock of
Ac., Ac-y of hii own manufacture, of the very best de
scription.; He invites strangers and all those visitimrihe
Cay to give him a call. Remember the place—No/iaa.
Wood 'Street,' sign of the Golden je2snf
Family Horae. >
lv9 . (At A. Wilkins &. Co.’h.i
| WILETSii HAIM ——''' ■-
I rnm smzHPlKU,,
! J s'i«i' d «<ujd‘he pnblterh“hrhhs ll Sen n ttß^ove
JMepared to serve up auheshortest notice every delica-
oflbe e,,ic, ’ re or,ie
fit rmer will be in readiness every day all o’clo'k for
miy number of persons, commencingthis day, June 4ul
’Parties can be accommodated with Suppers in the moat
nehhercht manner. Oysters, Game, a£, will be found
therein theirseoson. In.-shortythe proprietor intends
that no eipease or trouble shall be spared to make ibis
house the best in the Western country,
~ - .Motlce to.CoatractoMu ■" “~ r “-
Proposals will be received byihe Steubenville and
Indiana Raikoatl Company in Sleobeaville, nnlil the In
"" IO C U ‘ e roai.Mteniißßfrom Steuben&fc
to ih c Con a tlonva Uey 1 ebslie!;o, for the construction
of tbeenure Road betweenSteubenville and Coshocton
and, algo, distinct proposal. for the cdnafrnctibn of that
poruon of the Road frtjp.Coshocton to Ncw-
The entire lengthbf this line is about MO miles. and
“““W.'Sf®* df all descriptions in great variety!
some of which ib quite heavy. - 7)
PropoaiUs Will bp received for ;tbe Grading and Ala.
sonry of lae first iyisioaenltre or inaectidns of about
a: mile each, the Company reserving the privilege to
make.such, disposition of .the whole'work os'may ab
pear mostconauctve to its interest*.. ‘ - *\
Plans. Profiles aad: Specifications ccui b« seen ai the
Office of the Company, after the 15th of Sepxember,;imd I
further infonnation may be obtained.,on application to
J.;BUckensdeitar, Jr., Chief Engineer, or to the under-
JylB:2rad*w : President.
'. * • Modern aarp, ■
CBLUMEhas jtiet received ularge eYoefcof VOCAL
The Modem Harp—ror BosHn Sacred Melodist—a
collection of the most popular church music in use;
-: The Boston Melodeon—in' three volumes: consisting
of songs, glees, rounds, Ac., &C»; ihcludingmanyoftho
most popular pieces of the day, arranged and harmo
nized for four volcesi V
'The Melodist—a new work containing selected gems
from the most celebrated composers, with accompanl
dnent for {he Piano Forte; ,
•1 .'The National ©leießook-Air—f r lour voices; -
Self-instrucfing School for lhe Violin—a new and sci
entific work, m three parts, complete in one. By G.
.Sounders; '
The Mefodeon—a collection of the most popular Me
lodies, carefully arranged for Flute or Violin, in twelve
numbers { • • . •
Henri. Hertz’s hew and complete Piano Forte School
Buremuller’a ;new, and improved edition of Piano
Forte Instructor, , Y
Czerny’s Piano Forte Instructor; • •
Carcassis’,Carullis’, and R. Culvers’Guitar Instructor;
Amaieura’Quartelte Club—inthreenambereandfour
parts, for the Ist and 2d Violin, Violincello and Flute;
Instrumental Music, in tour parts and 6 numbers:
; Howe’s Muaician’sCompanion—ittthree-pans i‘> ►.*«;
, At the -OH Established^Pi'ano'Depbli'- /l
huS : *No. 118 wood street.
■■ • ;A Cara.
TVT s DALY & CO. have now ready for sale a large
vV * and well selected stock of Spring and Sommer
Hosie. ry in all its branches. .They wouhrdirect particu
lar attt’ nt ion to their- stock of Gentlemen’s cotton half
Hose, x 7 ith Merino and Silk feet; they.are of the best
material*' and workmanship,' and .for domfort os a .sum
mer Sock; cannot be equaled.: W*D. A Co have also'
onhendGe hts Undershirtsand Drawers in cotton, silk,
and merino,» Childrens’ Hosiery of all descriptions, at
the old established Stocking Store,Flfth street, between
Wood and,Market, • •• •• (myl -:
Great Shawl Sole.
A.A.: MASO.N’SGrroi'Annuai.SAawl Sale will Com
•jCl'i' mCDce ou Tn96day,AugU3t filh,when they;will
offer the: largest aijd he# pssorted stock of SHAWLS
ever exhibited in jhis.citytconmrising— ' *
PlainWhiteCrapeSbawlsi ' : ■ do;
Fancy Colored/Thibet Sha«H«-’
Plain Pri’ntedjtnd Embroidered. ThihVi e» nM ,,
BroeheaiO®*hmere j w"s»nawls-qf fine
All of they'predetermined to close out nrA W i««-'
to receiving tbeirFa’.U Stock, and will
great reduction, aMoa.v loss than elSem' a
fto “
■ - - - W BELL, Attorneys at Law.
Fonrth. »treeUabovaSmlihfi>M
& n 6 %t in ■^jwrtSSffiSSJ a£Bu££Z
.beea thus sold this eeasnn */»■
some of whom are now
fcind^h* 1 !® ’.luUdings,lie.- For advantages of every
kind Jin* pardcajarly of access-from the city, the nlace
isunrivalled. • Three grand thoronghf res ran bv ft and
; Uirough: it—-to wit : Biver; the Pitts
burgh and Braddock’a Field Plank Boad. whicMa now
S U «n wmI 6 ?J the Pennsylvania. Central Bail
road, on which the Cars will be naming eastward from
Pittsburgh; that far, by. next Fall. Kats lahdT th?S
nT cr ?. Omnibusses will soon traVeT the
ftr^aßK Q ng d e’r« : “ d ;th ° C “ r “ ™' l alwa s' s stO P with and
.i. 1 ftr snmnier at the Faiih, where I
shall be ready to show persons the (rrounds ,ni™
plans of division theshof. Visiteracsahn
ted at the Mansion Hoase as atiHotef
l vlW .,- ■ JAS. W.BUfIH-A WAN ;
and wholesome. Sig! G. and do' ifnml? 0 *? agtr fc* ona
tors of one of the Ingest Cfoo?oia£ IS* b *? a
V "- J; ■• - foo7 ' |
• : •/ ..f V V^.* - & «
* “ ' t / •* •
• *+ * - . ..
- I 'tim I lIIM HIM I '
' r J
Churcfies, Stores, Parlors, Steamboats, Canal
I Boats} Halls, Chambers, Kitchens, Workshops, and
indeedeyenr place where light is required.TTto public
. are respectfully invited t&..eal! and examine a beautiful
assortment of these Lamp** ■ Also, Lampsof all kinds,
for I.«rd Oil} &c.} Chandeliers,<3irando!es l Wait->
. ere,HqntelDecoraUods T Lamps,Globcs.Gl&sseaj Wicks,
n . '"vTia Shades, Mats and Cans, and ail things per*
; «heiriide. Also,* superior Safely Lantern.
• talning tow - *?*id Stables. •
rorstcamboati ' -be foundstore andshoppur*-
„ A fa nn' 4 I ‘Mips, from'
poses, -““d^i a a
which a spfcmdid light is obtain; ceDl *
hoar, equal, if not sfiberibr, to sST w inTile an , e *-
ammauonof oargoMs ttodoriiS?’ n ared,by
in Qny part of ,he ci % vln Al-
? n lw^ce a week. All ordera'left
City,) will
TTitT rrffi f aM^i: i ,: ' H i'’' i i" ’
by the Istof August next, now offers hia «hau *iW*£wt
Gloves,Hosiery.Ribbons,Lae&fioafK •»,«*
iea,.Ri C 4TjSS
. Goods, Zephen Worsted*EW« mSSu?*
.Umbrellas, Combs, Thread Sd Needle
dea- Aijo, Ladles* Shoes, (best PhlladelphiZnSS f T l if|
greatly reduced prices, wholesale and retail,
”” ' '' F-H. EATON.
For Sale* .
FTIBE UNDERSIGNED offers/or sale fais nrooWrtv i** 5
1 Allegheny. City; The LoUa e»vemy.t w
mchee, fronting on the £ast Common, and nKetf f e J{f °
depth! enendme from a corner at Gay alley to D rdri.,“
ty owned bytheProteataiuMethodistChurch. The i™!
provemenu are a three story Brick Dwelling ■»Sii o?
or , :
iyiShlm ■/• WM. B. FOSTEtt. -in
P ™ D I D Sommer . and Fall Cravaa, SMj£“run.
Ties, De Joinville Ties—jmt received. *"’* Neck
- —•—- hikton * nr*
i'A-: •■<-.«■ u- ! »[-- t--V
m AK- •.-•;> /.•':
Sh^^ir",™" 8 attention to nnofflc,
origin.: 'Skin DiMaaesj Scofbtiifc ,
Hingworm.McTCnrial i 6r *
pogncjr, Piles, Hbcumaiismi Pwfialo WeakSJ?ls«if!!'
' !&£!£» Bnd «SI&SS!>»
Offiee and private consulting rooms, 41 Diamond , T 1
C7* Charges moderate. ■ novs:d&wfv
Mom I?.? Consultation Room! No. 41,0U>
MOOT), Pltubuigh, Penn». The Doctor ia elwaye It
- * ■ (•&18-il«wt> .
lof Inc ■?i&SPe?!? Wi eonialn*^Uto strength.,
•tailar DreMrSSs pure Sarsaparilla as uv .
and of aniformstrength: m^ -c Principle#
without regard to S^J2 a i ,aTll l a l a Purchased
™«U»*?S •
ral other valuable mcdlcof°So.j MT le
i Swelling of the Glands, Syphl- ’"
rf.JJ,® -Kidheyoi Boss of Appe.
Vu^S^'T 1
. Pain in the Side and
.;•■•• ■ Sbonldera,Gen
• ■■•• - ralßebiUty,. ■
• Dropsy,
Lumbago, Jaundice, •■
„ Sore Tiro.!,
BronchUiiv Conghs, Colds, Weak- 1
new of the Chest, Pulmonary Affeetioria
, ■' “ 4 eS^SS° prodtlCB ’
general tonic for the system! and a• J?nis. e ■* Md *
rii • ■ • Toomnojiiaio. . ,
of agent for (he M.E iWconcern P C,teUon
v We ho used John BnlP?6«^^?a y
knownit to be used with entire satisfaction •**£? £nv2
no hesitation in stating that we believe in X >S?»
andvulaaMcmedicnlcoraponnd.and calculated to nJ£ •■
dace nmefa good, and relieve much 6efer£>iMd
therefore moat cieerfully _
! a rosy^colored “Howin^do ol^'' 1 ' 1 ! Bi,n > and
i WPoesessing this iß?SSjyu?bZ
r;, t ted r’J e3or,,Eff J°, co ™ elics ) io nona, naihia ■'■’
*H 3 niymatermis, torestore, to them a semblance ; ■ ’ ■
disease hns deprived them of, and that too with
great mjary to the skin. Buffs SarcapnnWa U lhn hi" '
cosmetic known. It beautiCes the sklnTbv'reto.uiui
every particle of morbid and diseased mnn?r r feem V ifc?
&,?f kins ir P nTe he a^vS^oraLr R iski? «!
vory nuante vesßeJ,ajid changing tie vellbw
anddark countenance to 'tha*'.bloen^^»®fi^Jr. l i#
nnd Vi* theitse of paints imd mixtures.
*be old y effectual remedy!
<btth?Ladi«f ?iSe ,s sa ® ! ‘ enl ? and . hint is enougl
Testimony like the following rrndfrq
iMFiWM* ef
dSnSa o 'iSS MlaU< l n in that they format sale com
l!?2K;«S??» <>n ® t^« al ? romiBeB well to chronic diseases •
! L : T.YANDEIif&'
WHAT DR. PYLES, Ffiyjician by. appointmgnt tt> tU
PARiLLA^ annC J^°^ual^ sa ß3 of ?
HH€ r^
the b esutrticle *of b Sarsap arilla*in “ a *** il
and have no other. KEYSER * ISpDOWELL" 1^
srSi«s y^Sy. B W ereer ' “ d W
’ J , L - er> * l Cherry Pectorali
the cxjre op couous, colds hoars el. ■
Among lie numerous discoveries Science has m ri.
in this generation to facilitate the business of life in.
its enjoyment, and even prolong Ihe term of hu
man existence, none can. be named of more reUbvaluo-,m
*° than this • contribution of Chemistry f<bihe X '
Healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throoghontthia ' !
broad country, haeprovenbeyonda doubt, that no inedi- : 7
erne or combinaimn of medicines; yet known, can so ■ v: •
surely control and cure the numerous varieties of bhl- '
monary disease which have hitherto swept from our '
m*dst thousanda -and thousands, every year. Indeed
there fs now abundant reason tbbeheve a Remedy haa
atlength been fouhd which can be relied oa to cure the :
most a^gQroaaaffectlonsof'the luDgß. OuraßacshfirW
g£ r P mas S? Publish curio ‘
ndected uy il3usc v bui wc woolcTpresent the following -■
optmons pf euunent men, and retir farther enuufr^b
the citcular which the Agent beiowmanred; Wmaiwava
be Pleased to furmsh free, wherein are full Oani?nlare’
and uidisputable proofs of these facts. . p rUCa arr i
From, the : President of AmherstCoUdge, the celebrated
i'■ JatnesC. Ayer-r Sir: I have used vuur Cherry Pec- >•
S?a m^S, c ¥ e:ef '' 1 , ee P- sea ' ed BranchiZutdSa • :
saUffied fronuis chcimcai constitution, that it i an
cetera - -
6 “* '
edwahij hitchcock, 1.1. d
From :the Widely celebrated Professor SillmamM. B
of Chemistry, Mineralogy, '
* e \£S le „??, il<: e a - »?■>*« of LinHisT
. Med. Phil, and Seienufie Socletles of'
■ ■■' Americaaiid Europe. • ■ - ; :
“Ideem the Cherry Piotnrinl an admirable comphil. l
hon from some of the bestarucles in the ::
ca, and a very effecuve reraedy, for the class of discos- '
es it is intended to cue.” ' • M
New Haven,Ct., Novi 1,1849.
. MajorPnttison.'PresidentbriheS.C. Senate; states -
he has used the Cherry Pictoral with wonderiul sub
cess, to cure on inflamation of the lungs.
. . Fron qne of ths first physicians in Maine. ...
■ Dr.j. a Ayer, Lowell f?: 1 fS
siantly using yonr Cherry Pectoral in my practice, sad ;
preferiitoanypihermedicineforpnlmonaryeomplalnis ■
From observations of many severe cases, lam convinc
fi? i .V? illc ? fo dpdgbs, colds, and diseases of the lungs,
that have put to defiance all other, remedies'. l ' ■ : ;
I invariably recommend its Use in case orcohsmnpUon.
and consider it mnch the best remedy known forihat dis- :
ease. . Respectfully yours,"
O . , ~, , IS. CUSHMAN, M.D,
.Prepared and sold by 3 antes C. Ayer, Practical Chem- ■
„{p- Sold in Piuabufgh wholesale and retail, by B. Ai
by J.M. Townsend} in Allegheny City
generally*' WBr V c *^'hudJ. DouglQ*s, andby druggists
> »-»•. •r'-'-w • .
.$ *
H"' *>i
/, . ,-a r
i i
* ' r -'-