%\ „% ' v ' %lf i *?•■!£ ri - n _^ *'*»*•• : < ’ i V/l- %* v*v 11 * *. ' Nj- V * *v -f ~‘ \ } *' < * *>i l *,•-*?? , t 7 s i' ’*[ *r* * • w *. , < , -d * - -livT^r-;> •- : t; ; '. • •=: '•' N' V* , */.‘ , ;V-' ,! !>; ->', f - V ‘ r Er.t;jJ;VL- L, ’ , ‘^? s 'i !J '--j''y''f' < r; L-V., .„- .»? ±7 * '6 - ’*i** W. ..jß't. XvH’Cl-.*; : !,;»■■•.,■.■ .**—-- £*y"V .^. N - > -.f»*'fcwSins r£ti £2\?i/* u •* **• ’"f.iir Wi4 l Vff'L* >£*?«rtrJ s*: r w \' « * »c / :. -; ?vj V;‘;,ft *?**<>’'!► •'3*% l, *«v irs; r Z i. : ‘ * ',’•>-• ’’•■*■ A."j’ h >’.| BBWsmms Slfltitsi &&ss§&&&!££ "*£& >fe‘is tifi '*■’ +i - Mj&aHili jmmMm&aSb jpAttM 'qgMHMg&i %NM jgffißglMfli Bwliisl J^fc ®lSl itllMlirAiiii a^AH, : llt#st|W^S^ w!'.* ‘k^SSsi'^V-*-- *7-- 7 v.-' PJLSB&RR from LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLASGOW jUi . ' AND FROM LIVER POOLTO NEW BAf,. '■» 1 - TIMORE I BO|TON } OTA^«>N-AN» (TAPBOOX* at’CO.'S .-. • General Emigration and Foreign. Exchange Qffitu. THE undersigned having accepted the Agency, of t lie known House; is prepared to bnngcut the Old Country,on as favorable terms other House in the City. ! con be engaged in the following lines, sallinirpaneinally on the daya appointed; ’ SWALLOW TAIL Line leaves Liverpool on tbe 6tb - and Slat of each Month. . . .... - , RED STAR LINE leaves Liverpool on Ute 26th ot each month. ~ . THE 7. LINE lctves Liverpool Twice a Month. THELONDON LINE of Packets nails from London on the 6th, I3ih, 21 st and 20th of every Month. THE CLYDE LINE ol Glasgow Packets sails from G LASGOW on the Ist and 13th of eaeh month. r Also— A weekly Line of-Pockets for New Orleans.: |D* Paasengera.ahlped from New York to any pajt ol IbeWeat. . . .. , , ' rry The Senior Partner resides in Liverpool, and su peScintendsthe-eißbarcation 01-ali-passages'engaged in f kp.S?-PeiTsona desirous of-visiting'ihe Old'-Country can have their passage engaged, through from. Pitts burgh, by.application either personally or by letter, (post paid) to the underaigned. . : V PASSAGE FiiOM NEW YORK Can be had at very rcducetlrates by applying to the undersigned Agent lor the : Mcssrs.Tapscott, of New : . JAMES BL\KnL\) Corner ©l Sixth ditd Liberty etreeis, ■'jc2o > (Aid story) Fiiubtirgh lOBK CO7ODB *•' *‘iOBB F» CQIiR. COTODE«OOIiE,: : -. {Sucouorj to McFaden;# Cocode,] ‘ CANAL BASIN, PENN STREET. sgw apiaa PatTififlvania RailroadCo.—Central Railroad., rpHtS subscribers having been;’ appointed Shipping I Agents for the. Pennsylvania or Central Railroad, inform the public that we are now prepared to receive any amount merchandise or . produce , for shipment East . •; ' Goods via this route Vi!l be carried throngh in five days, and all consigned loas.will be forwarded free of commission or charge for advances. nf Freight biUoun Philadelphia and PtUikurgi. Dry goods, hats, shocs,books* stationery, cutlery, eorK (eotionary, fruits; feather?, furniture, drags, medi.ime' NO l l ll) tlil Anothsr Fresh Arrival at No. 07, Comer of Wood Street and Diamond AUey, Pittsburgh. D GREGG & CO. have just received another, new , • supply ofD.HY GOO DSand VARIETIES, which have been purchased since the latedeeline. in Ea«er» prices, which will be sold at a small ad vajick. Owing to ouradvontages iu buying, and'lung experience in the business, we flatter ourselves that we can afford our goods at priees regardless of competition. Our stock will be found to be unsurpassed in me western' marked -and.much superior to arty previous stock kept 01 the old Stand by Grogg&M’C&ndle*s. 4 We have jastopenedufreshlo! of latestylesof BON NETS, Ribbons, Parasols, Dress Lawns. Beragcs,Mous deLaines, Ladicß’ White Dress Good-, Ladies’ Gimp'.' Silk Fringes, Ac.; Broad Cloths, Fancy .Vestings, Ca r 4 si» meres,Summer Pantaloonery,Tweeds,Gloves, . Threads,Combs, Suspenders, Buttons, Knives, !?\u>ons! -Razors, Scissors, &c. } and all other articles In tb.eirline! : too tedious to mention. We have on hand, ju>t receiv ed direct fromthe manufacturers hv ex press, alarge lot'of GOLD and GILT JEWELRY GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, and r *Vutch materi als, and being weekly in the receipt of »mcU Goods we intend keeping our assortment complete* We earnestly solicit an early call from buyers genially'before our* Chasing elsewhere. <• - ' Thin/cases of BRASS CLOCKS, just arrived, of va rious kinds. , ID* Remember, No yr, nonh-v; c -y corner of Wood j street and D»araond alley,Fjtu'j,:^ • The businescof late firm of Gregg ot in Lockets, Pins or Rings. Sick or deceased persons taken at their residence. FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY. MERRIMAN & LAWYER. • Roomson3dßt. t opposi*e St. Charles Hotel. mvlStCmd. . . . . r-r Pine Oil Lamps. . r JUST RECEIVED a line assortment of these LAMPS, for burning the Camphene, Pine and Ethereal Oils, which I Will sell sit greatlyredueed prices. wmcH i w* 5 JOHN 8. TOUGH, ■ ' • / aiFourth st-, between Market nod Wood, Manufacturer and Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, in the tobriVe named Oil*. , -... 1 ; 27i0soia(ion. I .this day dissolved by mulnal consent. ;Eilhorparmer may use ibe name of the MATTHEW D.PATTON. Pittsiurgi, Aprillst, 1850. ny Havlnff .a&din. Ktirinirfrom .bustoMß, I take great pleurae 10 recom ■gfo" 10 fH ?’ T AWBENCEVILLE PROPEBTY.—JFV>r Bale, a val- I /table propertyof 72 feeronPike street by lHMeep nSWateratreef to Foster alley, presenting# finecomer tot nleaaantlysituated on tlie Allegheny, bavinga dwell- Iniiottse containing 4, rooms, kitchen, good ceilnrnnd # SSKTaU. a pomp of fine: water,; om-bouse> a. large s?hii eamacebouse and cow stable, and anico boose capacity to hol£ip,«oo bushels of and flowers, and a lorge, S&MmsgißSsaP’saßß v- gp t Smithfieldstreet. ioULuESi flhsttUaueoiifl. ~ r WM.B. CABEYjMJD waoctlfto- D. HARRISON, M D„ F. WOOjmUFF, MU &AMJ.O!orJ bSeweb, B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., corner of Wood tuid.Fiirst sts. jon Shoaldere for sale by WM. OVER. i_»,tgo B>. Bin fefil^vir.-TsS**-. ?*■■/■'* ■< .- ‘ ''. ,< 'VJ-v 5 -'*- t- ’ */t* - -~s , . - • r. * ’4 %^t'v. r jr;’, -<■>'£ >y"s ;•; • -‘ '„ r,- -v. ,-,«-••> \ . S*V* \ > .- '.*r*V* * - ' ** 1 » . r , X- ~ •;•■ • ...<■• •#. .v- •••'-. v \ ' • ; :• v\* * * i^.f4 *»4HV? -’•v€.Ws5 ,l V -v ’ *V - , ' t JBijfoJSg*. . A T DEPOT, NTo"7I Third SL, jCX. opposite the Post Office— Haroer’sMagatidh for August? .. ; . •• Dictionary'oc-Mechanics—No.3«*, • • • • LutelPALivingAjFO—No. 377; • „ Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, who came to see.the Great FjcbiblUonp: r A- • * • ItttemationalMagaxine for August, . The Gipsy Chief? By W. M. Reynolds ; ■■■.-■- . . Mabel fir,The Child of the Battle Field* A Tale of • Waterloo;' - ..■ The Pioneer’s Daughter; a Tale of Indian Captivity,: By Emerson Behaett; u - • Dictionary of 34 ! Litleli’s Living Age, No. 378; : •'/ Blackwood for August; : •• Adventuresof Paul Perwenkie. A Sea Story; : - The Countess of Salisbury; By Dumas; . Ecrate; or. The. Saloons of Paris. By Maj.Rich-' -ardson; : ''•y-.' • : . Yeastf AProbleth. By the author of Alton Locke; Reveries of a Bachelor—or, a Book of the Heart; ' The Farmer’sCbmpahion—with illustrations; Traveler’s Guidethrough the U. S. and Canada; > i< Rena—or,the'Sndw Birdi .aTale of Real Life. By. Mrs.Lse Hently; -TheJieirs Qt.Wfisi.Wayland. By -Mary Howitt £ . Theßeel. By Bulwer; ! Not So. Bad as We Seem.' A Comedy—by Bulwefr*. The Daughter of Night, a Story of the Presen ■ ' :Time,, : • - £ausi ' Kew Books t Hew Books l TUST RECEIVED AT HENRY MINER A CO.’S* .tl No.33Smithfield street—. . . Dictionary of Mechanics Engine Work and Engineering: . v.'.v ; . Rankin’* Half Yearly? Abstract of the Medical Sci ences, No, 13—from January to June; s: The Grmfenbery Manual of Healthy : t ' Parts 3d and 4th 1851, or, The Adventures of Mr, Uhd Mrs. their Son and come op to London to u enjoy themsclves, n anfl to see the Great Exhibition by Henry Mahew andGeorgc Craikshank; ■ augs • • ; '• - V:'='- : ' ’•>-• -.' ' H MINER & CO., Smlihfield street, have received • the International. Magazine for August-being vol. 4, number one.' In literary contents, this numberls beyond precedent in interest. . - The .Gipsy Chief.; 'A new work, by Q. W. M. Rey nolds. This author is well known to toe readingpabltc. His fertile mind has uo equal in historical romance. • - Wnbel—oriThe Child or the Battle Field. A Talc pi. Waterloo—by'the aathorofDotx Caesar De Bazan. This work I* highly illustrated and .of thrilling interest as. a historical romance.; -v ,; ' > } ; Shakbpoare’s Poeticnl Works, (Boston edition,) how complete—the best library edition extanri - *• A Tresh supply of Sir B. Bulwer’s new Comed So Badas We Seem. : ; New 2luiifl> HKLRBER, No .101 Thirdstreet,has joat received—. • Th&Blooraec .poj ka»~with eitaauti fa] ly. colored vignette of the Blobmercostune ; • i Farewell, if KVer Fondest Prayer ; | . Watt for the Wagons. Dedicated td'Kft Cation, die Great Western Mountaineer; * The Language of Love; Come Where SweeiToned Zephyrs Pass. Composed Tor and sung by ihelrish Nightingale, Catharine Hay*; WhercforefNaUyyLhok so LoneiyT ‘ ; ’ ? I Think of Thee at Eventide; • Careless Childhood’s Sunny Hours: ' \ Nancy Ball; - ! Cornin’Through the Rye— with new emb.elll*hnitr»t*, as sung with unbounded applause by Jcnoy-ldnd ; . r Had! Never, Never Known Thee; .* . Pestal, Yeßthe Die is Cast; t Niagara Comic SOng; ;‘ ; The Requiem j: ‘ A fine selection of Guitar Song* : ' Musician 7 * Companion—by Howe; - ALSO—Waltzes, Marches, Polkas, Variations, At'.,at the SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HARP. tacSi Sew uid Populor Bookfl* - JUST RECEIVED AT HHNRY MINER &Co s *, No. Smithfield street, the following new and in teresting Books; . > Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland, df Swrenzside—written by herself. A new Ftory for MotU era and Daughters; Homeis Home—a Deanes ic Tale; : Appleton's Mechanics’Magazine and Engineer* 7 Jour-, nal tor August; The American WUjg Review for Augu»t; . : Bell’s Lite, London News and Punob,received every week. [auO New SSaste* CBLUMEVai just received^-...; • Summ'jr Longings. By Stephen C. Foster; Househoby Words By John Dloekley; lie,Doe*,h Ail Things Well; Alpen. By Stephen Olover; ; Nell. Ry the Campbell Minstrel*} w».tly Sighs the Breeze. .The Popular Duett, written f .or MadUle Jenny Liutl and Mad’Ue Marietta ui. By Stephen Glover. ;< ; Go Where theMoraiugShinetlu-Duett;* -. Ben Bolt, Summit Polka, Blossom Polka, Jenny Lind’e , Hello Waltz and its companion. The Bird Wal.z, just published ; * : Grave of Bonaparte; Aria Alta Scozzese. By T. Valentine; Turkish March; Ravel Polka; Lousiann Belle- By the Sable Harmonists ; Grave of Washington. Bv L. V. H. Crosby;.. Deem Not anifSayNot; The Blue Joiilata; ‘ Grand PolkadeConcert. ParW.V. Wallace; Silver Bell Waltz; Henrietta Polka Doett; Walnut streetTheatre and Souvenir of Germany.— Two new Scottish’s; • The Wreath:'* collection of Popular Melodies, ar ranged os Recreative Lessons for the Piano, in three number*. : , : / • . Together with a large collection of Guitar Mush;, at C. BLUML’S jySO -■ . . . PiaaoDepot» ; No.llS Wood »u JOHN U.MELLOK,No. til Wood street, has received the following pieces of new and popular Mu«uc.t. Farewell, if ever, fondest prayer; Soldier’s Graven Waltz Sentimental.. BylHlcbjJ La Bose. Variations by liunten; Carnival di Venice.. By Voss; Be Kind to the Loved Ones; Ma eh from Norma; Song of the Robio; ; Russian Polka; Blanche and Lisettc i Nelly Bly; Sailor Boy’s Grave; Jenny Lind’s Serena ding Polka; Serenading or Sckottish Polka; Jenny Lina’s Polka; I Welcome Thee with Gladness; • IMoflertltce this hand of mine; Life is but a Sttife; Willow Wood Quick Strp; Coll me pet names;.. Would t were with thee; GocdLuck Polka; . Grand Russian March; Where ore now the hope*; - Hamburgh Polka; Tis Home where’er the heart w; - : -SpiritPolka; Cally Polka; Batchelor’.* Polka; Henze! Poikar. Toysthat we’ve tasted; •Where arc the Friends of My Youth. CHiCKERING’S very large stock of Puckering’* Pianos on hand and arriving. _ __ Uyl fi ikt uvv rU UMBHIMj—An Outline bfMeelianicn! Kti ll gineerinjr. with drawings of machinery, topi*,And apparatus of 2 vcry'de scrip tfoii. "Collected, coliaied and published by ah Americaa Engineering Society, under the superintendence of Frederick ▼aloable work is of imperial size ”, each pan contains' two plates of drawings, li will be completed in 125 monthly pans, five of which arc now Utaed. Price to subscribers, SI each pan ; to nou*subi«cribers,Bt,so. . . No. I of a new weekly paper, called “The Citizen.” has been received. Irisprinted in qiiarto fonn, on fine paper, aud is devoted 16 News, the Arts, Science, Belles Lettres, Ac., and advocates the moral and social eleva tion of American citizen*, native mnd adopted, indepen dent of all sects and parxief. Respecting tlese periodicals the Ageuis deem it un necessary to say byt U’lie, as their respective ezedten cies are-apparent to the commonest observer; They would therefore merely ask their friends and the public to call and examine the merits of the work*. WOODWARD to JKLLFA', Stationers and 73; Third at. A fir* Wn* P* GUM) fTE&t VETERINARY rSURGBON. r< n Office at Body Patterson’* Livery Stable*, on Fourth street, betweeaWood and Smitlifield..- Uy4:ly v Lithographic Institute. GO-PARTNERSHIP.— The subscriber* most respect- Tally announce to their friend* and the public gen erally, that they have ihißiiay entered into .Co-Partner ship, for the purpose of rarryingron, at the old sued, in Singerly’s Building,opposite thePosi Office jThird Streep Pittsbnigh, the LitbogTapbicPrirrtii)g,'iii all iu various branehe*. Having: machinery, recently arrived from Earone.thejtore prepared to do work* in Lithography equal to Rteerfcngraving. They sclieii a continuance of the patronage bestowed heroiofore so liberally to the one’partner, wriYiSckuc^qauUi!* hope: by strict attention totbelr business, by elegant workmanship, and the most reasonable term*, to meritthe favorsof an cm ließcsidB?shcek*, Draft*, Machine. ©rawing*, Ukercsi-. es, Landscapes, Autographic Letter*, Bill Head*; Plot* Lithographed And Printed in Black, Oold Brpnze of Co lors. Specimens of their worlc.c&u be. seen at theirOflice, a* above. - WM. SCHUCHMAN, ..apnQ FRED.IIAUNLEIN [ann’i Double* Lever Letter copying Preii, and netAlUe Dttmpeuer, BURNHAM’S PATENT. Sizes of;Presses and Dampeners —Letter, 10 by 13 ; Foorscap, 10 by I,Tf Manifest, 18 bytHi- A Time-saving) Labor-saving and Money-saving Machine. rjtHiS PRESS and DAMPENING TABLET present* JL decided advantages over.all previousinveniion* for the same object . lsu -The Press doe* hot require fastening down. : -2d Throuigfa two lever* vndccpentric. jomts. the pres sure i* obihiued' with more chB*e,:anditfdch quicker than by other methods. ' 3d. The power is applied so equally, that ihe Pres* is not liable to break or get out of order/ ' 4tii.—The Dampening Tablet is a substitute for the brush, blotting pa per and wet-cloth, s&vihg. all the trou ble incident to their use, and is worth its weight In gold. Tbe Tablet may be used to great advantage with any Press already in use, and for that purpose will be sold separately. Letters cun be,copied Villi ih’is-Fresti and Dampener in three seconds, •withoutbluring tile original or the copy. MANN’SEATENTIMPRO VFJOMOVABLE BINDER, For keeping in e Book-like form, Music,' Original In voice*. Letters. Periodicals, Newspapers, Drawings Bunk Checks, or any. other papers where method is de sirable. .This invention, it Ls confidently believed j is the best ever presented to the public for the purpose for which it is designed, and wili fumiab to many a deside ratum Tong needed. The Undersigned now o fie rail ala comparatively trifling costio allwho may desire to per fect the system of preserving papers for ready and easy reference.-. MANN’S COPYING. BOOKS. ’ The Paper in these Books is made from all Linen- Stock, and of the same quality, a* Fine French Writing Paper, bound on Parchment Backs, with Printed Pages,- and mohufaetured expressly for retailing • The undersignedhavingprocuredthe .sole agency of the above articies.uoW oners thexuatreasonoblcpnces at wholesale or reiaiL Pressesj Dampeuera, Books, or Binder*, furnished to ordefvOfany dimensions, at short notice- All of the above article* warranted. Also-Copying Paper, in loose sheets of any size;. . . Arnold’s Copying the best in ttse. ■ f Mr. A.-'O. Chambers will wait on the citizens of Pitts burgh atid Allegheny, and will give all the instruction necessary/' >J * CO., At M’Foden & Covode’s Penna Railroad Depot, corner, of Penn and Wayne si*., Pittsburgh ■ {je&yl 7|* ARE CHANCE FOR CHEAP CLUTHtNQ.~_C DES . Ll> TEB,No.7tSmilhfield street*** now.closing out his stockof seasonable -Clothing* at a: very slight, advance upan-costf He:is to sslt tQ.make room for new good*- - His stock embrace* 4hing ; foohd.iß fashionable clothing establishments., eithej/fpr .-man or boy. The public are' invited to coll and see for them- Selves, before parchasing-elsewhere. No charge for f please. • r;.~.v Saithfield-st.- TVTEW FALL GOODS AT Nos. 62 and M Maxxbtst. I\ —A. A. MASON A CO* are : now iu daily, receipt of New- Gooda—nSany-of svbich have ex/ pressly for their sales; together.xmthanimtnense variety, ( of choiQegobdsjseleCttdwiihgre&tcareftpmiheilargest importing' houses. In iherHeastcm-cities,.whioh wilT.be, kepi updaring theceasoatiformisg,a. stock? wmchTor. variety, quality and low meet, bos never been equalled in: The attention• uQfcJVfcaiesaJe.aqd-rßctaiL purchaserrikrespectfully -: : . : : 7 tati9 g rHAMPAGN K WINE-12 Anchor Cham- L^’pagne—jttefreceivedandfor;snl*by • r&x S“ ■- 'fiULLBR^fiICKETSON. i s r' * 'V » - t i w ■" f ,' , - * 1 V * v t Jnflurantt„ €owygn'ufl'- - - CMh ' \ ftisurance pompany ’■ Harrisburg, Pennsylvama* CII . > ; fllE undersigned haviitgbeen bppoi n tc uA genu for the above Company, have opened on Office ,M and ore iiow-prepared toeffect ,Hmcps on.cUyrppeity,VP o .? 2 o{s«? ,a » l n s w < SSBa|riS.«l&iw4V i tw ,entilled.ta vote forits officers',! and itnslmre m«« go ings: but ore not liable, in anycv e n t, for anyt biog P J yond ihe amount they have paid. Ail losse? promptly IMI;: a " : Hon;ioHN C.SUCHER, President, } Cake! E- Hikst'er, Vice Presideni. . ; TAoj. £T. WiOjen.Scctetary. _ , . jjßTidiFleinmg, Attorney and Coiuisellori i ' ihrVetorj-Hon. Joha C. Bucher, Rudolph F..Ketkfer, Wm! Colder, Jr.i.Bavid FlemingjJsaac G. M’Kutley, ChMi B.« Hieeter! Elias a"Ktnzer, Samuet -Wy Hays, David, Mnnmlaiir., John Ninninger-.-.Dauphm County;. Jacob S. Haldcmanj,Yorklie ary: (I,Fryj.liancaßtdr i A'dam'Schooner,' Berks i John hiladfM‘ a 8 .William MiDlzer.Monigomeri'rThQinavGilleKpie, L,o- ] rnei:,,Gordon F. Mason, Bradfoid,;, Amos E: Kapp,; Northumberland,James BunißjJ'diffliujidphn Tk-Hpoy* l ef.Celitre,; John «: tsetiiWdhiingdoni James K. Woore ;Reaßi;A.Uikheny;* jbnathah D.fceei, Washington ;Geo., iHißncher; Cumberland 8 - j 4g 4 . Clalfstreet, \ reuto-Tor-.yiiiabttrgW Ailegrbeiiy- Co. • PUtabufgH Life Insurance Compauy* fTtHIS(COMPANY was iucorporatetF In February, X 1851, Wliha Perpetual Charter, and has commenced busliiess bn a Capital of . -■ hTtie Company does busiriessboth on the Joint Slock 4ndMmuarplan-r ’■ ... - On ihe Joint Stock plan ibe .raicu nTp onc-thixd than those charged by Mutuol.Cornpan.ies, and Fifteen ' Per Cent. Ibwerffiaii the firies Of most .Stock Coinpa- rates are the same as. thtwc adopted by oilier, safely conducted Companies. % , Those insured on the mutual principle have the combinedsecuriuCs furnished by that system of insurance, and the Capital and Sur plus Fuad of the Joint Stock.departmenti - . : : The Charter permits the granting of.insurance on life, •iir every form, 'including the right or wile; children, pa cents* relations, friends or creditors—to insure the life of ;anotherfor their own exclusive benefit, payable aihsr death; or upon the parties arriving al the, age of 50,55, Wdr* os, the insated. ■ . OFFICES S. "v, James S. Hoon, President. • samnul hPClhrfcan. Vice President. . •Josephs. Leech Treasurer. Charles A.Colton.Secretary. - XUBXCTOSB. - '■! '!. ' ‘ Janies 3. Hodn/ Joseph 8. Leech, JohhS. DHwortlt, Charles A. Colton, Samuel M’Clarkan, William Phillip*, John A; Wilson: r ‘ EOXEDOJ? OWARCB.’ • : l lion. William Wilkins, Late Secretary or War. . \ Hon'. Walter Foirword, Late Secretary of Treasury. John Shyder, Esq , Cashier Pittsburgh Bank, Malcolm Leech, risq., Wholesale Grocer. SOLICITOUS-- . •-:1 j" { lion: A. W Loomis. [ A. B.M’Calmont, Esq. • -J4EDICU. ftOAOD. ' Consulting Physicians, ■• Joseph Oax*am, M. U. . , WiUiam Addison, M. O. ' Jeremiah Brooks, M. D K. G.'Edrinßton, M. D. EXAHini.No niTsiciAits; Samuel Dilworth, M. B.,47Smithfield street BobL Snyder, fil. D.,103 Fourth st. John Crawford,ftL 1).>29 Sixth ist.. ~... . Wm. M’cK'Morgau.M. J) , 107 liberty st. On OilworlUwiH be in attendance at the office, ©very day, at 18 o’clock. \ Those who have spoken for au agency, are requested ttT'Call, take their and commence operation* forthwith, AU persoe* engaged in the inaarauee busi ness wiUbe supplied with blanks and f lowed the usual commission. ' K . >•.,* Office of the Company, No; <5 Fourth street. ■ J • . C.A. COLTON, grey. Kentucky Matnai i«iro Ifiinrajiee Co* GUARANTY FUND* $lOO,OOO. THIS COMPAN Yoflers to the insured aUthasccttmy and advantages of the Mutual andJointSlockPians (as heretofore applied) combined, namely: Low rates or premium; an annual return in cashorthe per tentage required for the contingent risk of the year; an ade quate,bat not excessive provision for the future security & members for the, whole lermoriPe, with an equitable interest in tbe accumulating fund secured to such mem bers, payable at . death, by credits upon .their poli cies ; a guaranty fund designed for the permanent secu rity qf chon term: members, and also for ihe pfesent se* curitvof.lbosefor the wltafcieromf v 1 ’ (nr This is the paly Motual Life Insurance Company whoserates of premium: are fixed at a fair reduced stan dard, with a provision Cor an annually increasing accu mulation of funds.lfbr future security) in exaot iiroppr tion to the amount of bU'iuesft and tha increasing , risk froni advancing age among the member*. , Pamphlets, tracts, Ac;, givmg in detail the pjmrahd rate* of the Company, furnished gfnua, and applications for insurance received by.-,-*-TUHBhTTT. Agent, |5H>, Wood street, PilUauneh. Saml. Dawogru, Medical Examiner ' jyktfcvi TheSra TMRECTORS:—, „ ■ • 1/ Charles W. Boncker, George tV.Kichorits, Ttaoma* Hen, “ MordecaiD-Lewis, Tobias Wagner. Adolphi E. Boric, BamaelGrant, ; David S. Browne, Jacob R.emlUi, ' Morris J'atterrou. OIIAS. N. BANCKEH, Prce’t CiiA9, G. Basckb, Secretary. - try Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or timiwC, onerery description of property in town and country at raws a* low as are eonsUirnvwiib wrcorHy. The Company have reserved a Urge Con tin geut Fuju» which, wilhlheir Capifcti and Premiums, safely investee*, affordamplfc protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, l&L as pubLUhed agreeably lo Acv of .Assembly, were as r'ol- OW BSonrages ————~S 9)3,t8d(» Real Eaute ♦ 84,377 7* Temporary Loans*—*—— * 7 Stock* w—SiSJ ®y Cash, Ac.——• S4,SW S* 44 Since their incorporation* a period of 21yearsahey have paid upward* of On* Million Four Hundtti Tiou tand Dollars, los.se* by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantage* of well as the ability and dUpoaition to meet withpromplne**, all UabilUie*. V J.tfARDtNEK COFFINyAgem, apjs4] Office N, & corner Wood audOdfU. H(uHne7Fire and inland traniportailOß IBSURAWCK. 3n|?E INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMEU* I ICA, Philadelphia* chartered 17W, capital Oo»as*ctt Jea&ar79&»oQltft6fr‘ &*>• will make insurance oit buildings end their contcutain this city hod vielaity. AT»o, oh properly of every deicrip lion, on steamboats and other vctsrl*, either by Inland transnoriatfbu or ort'the“»ea*. •' ' *-* 1 directors^ Arthur G. Coffin, Prcs’t.* Jacob M.Thoina» r Samuel W. Joue* Edward Smith. John A. Brown. Samuel F. Smith. Samuel Brcok», Charles Taylor, William K. Bowen, Ambrose White, Ueorgo .W. Aspinwnll, Thomas P; Cope, James N. Dickson, & Morris, Waler, lt.D,Sberretd,Seo*r. This lathe olden Insurance Company in the United States, and from iw high standmg,longcxperience, am* nle means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazard ous character, may be considered n# offering ample se cupity to the public. \VM. IVJDNKS, Agent, , Ja*J4 A T o* 141 Front street. ISSQRAROB* Tifli DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR ANCE COMPANY,—Office, North Room of the Ex. change, Third *trectT Philadelphia/ Kiss Ikscrakce. —Building*, Merchandize and othei properly in.town and country, insured against loss of damage by fire at the lowestrnteof premium. Makine also insure Vessels, Car goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, umlexopen o» special policies, as the assured may desire. IffLAHDTaAKSPORTATio.i.—’They also insure merchan* dize transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Boats and steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. ' - DIRECTORS —Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Souder John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John 11. Penrose, Sainaei Edwards.Gco.G.Lelper, Edward Darlington,lsaac R. Davis, William Polweil, John Newlin,Dr, R.M. Huston, James C. lland.ThcophiluaTauldlng, 11. Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. George Serrili.Spencer Me* Ilvain, Charles Kelly, J. G- Johnson, William Hay, Dr 8. Thomas, John Scflcr)?, Wm. Eyre. Jr.; DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGII. —D. T. Morgan, Haeh.Craig, Jno.T.Logan. ' WfLLIAId MARTIN, President. Thos. C. Uand, Vice President. • Joskwi W. Cowan, Secretory. E7*Oflice of the Company,No. 42 Water street, Pitts burgh. - P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. : Fire and OXaTltte Inßuraoeei THE OFFICE of the Insurance Ca.cf Worth Amenta ' bus been removed to the Warehouse of Hardy, Jones A Co;, No. .141 From sirccijthird house East of Wood street, where ihesubscriber will issue Policies on Build* iugsand their contents, andonShipmemsby Steamboats and other vessels, for the above old ana-responsible Company. [ap3j - ---WM. P. JONES, Agent. milß MUTUAL LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE I COMPANY, of Philadelphia, Incorporated,by the Legislaturer>f Pennsylvania, March : ,lB4Bi Charter Per petual ; Capital 6100,000. Rates lover than any PthnstL tania Conipany. and full tiO per cent/lower.tbiMytne usual rates of Life Insurance, us the foltowingcompari* son wilt show. Thusd person or the age of 30 insuring for 810 U for life, must pay in the Girard Pcnnsyl* vania 62,36, Penn Mutual 43,36, Equitable 52,04,New. England 82,38, Albion 82,48, New York Life l ift and Health, Phttadelphid\QlM.: ' Dibxcxoks—SamueLD Ornck, Charles DHalljWmF Boone, Robert P King.Charlcs P Hayes,M W Baldwin, Chas O B Campbell, M M Reeve. M. D.; Lewis Cooper, J Rodman Barker, E H Butter, Edwin R Cope, irot dent, Samuel DOrrick : Vice President, Robert P; King Secretary, Francis Blackburne. Applications will he received and everv information given by SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, Agent. Office: Commercial.Roojp&.cornqr p£ Tltird andAVood streets Pittsburgh. ' ' , oct29:y THE InsuranccCompany of North America, of Phlla delphiajthrough its duly authorized Agent, the sub scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance oh property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shlpraen by the canal riven. v / DIRECTORS r Arthur G;Coffin, Fresh. Samuel Brooks, k Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, SamuelW. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, *£s Edward Smith, Ambrose Whiter John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas John White/ John R. Neff, • ThomasP/Cope, Richard D. Wood,*' ' - Wm.Welßh. HenryD. Sherrard.Sec’y, : This is the oldest Insurance Company in the U.nited States, having'been.ehartered in 1794. Its charter is per petual) and from its high standing, long experience, am ple meankf and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offeringamplesecuri ty to the public. WILLIAM P. JONES. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones A Co., Water and Front sts., Pittsburgh may4y John R'OArinsy. : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Snuffy No._X.4SJ Wood street, corner of Virgin alley,,' : aprai)-;::.;, : . Pituburgh^Pa, Business Notice. * A LL persons having business with the undersigned, AX either as Public Accountant, Instructor in Book- Keeping, or otherwise, will find him. at the Pittsburgh Commercial College, from 9,tillir o’clock, A.IM., and from2all 4o’clock, P.M.; ;; . Merchants in want of competent Book keepers can be supplied by calling dm . JOHN FLEMING, ■apw Principal Instructor in the Science of Accounts. Fairmountrire Engine for Sate. FireCompany offer ENGINE forsale s Ti is In first-rale order, and will he sold cheap. l Enquire of J.SMITH*Secy., {aprifcif.' v . No. 409 Penn street. BABkIITSSOAP POWDER—S bxi , for'wasESig _with.liuie rubbing—printed directions to each paek ago—for solo by- UySs] WM. DYEB ■ ' ■ ‘ **‘l. .V* 1 >-1 f - o - 4 ,v * 'it- r V- * * l . »•,-**! s » , *»*i * «*>’ , -!iM , * V i / ' 4 * , * ~ . r. ''.J'V 1 v.’ ■ <.■. .;■. -i ~ ••;•> tit; ‘‘i 1 t P > » •« *4■ *, * ' ' ■ *. ' . • ’ . '' : . t-i.:"'" v*. • , v . . - '■••Vtirtliifflli’ltilii iHnlli*l -— L —; rr-r-Tts - '■■'■*' l . “ T , ' , • «. c APiT Ai, 9id 6,000. in lninrance Company orMflLfcmrßu. ; John R. Neff. Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, FraticU lla«kins» S. Austin Allibouc, Ltfe and UealtD Insurance. Fire and Harms insurance* ’ V- i ' * i\ ' •.’ ' -*zi SJrjj■ (Sooiia.- •' . GREAT REDUCTION IS PRICES. Second Arrival of-Sew-Summer Goods, AT .GREAT BARGAINS rrtiKT • -W* THE largest, Cheapest and Besi : Stock ofFAN CV-TmT&R unnns ever offered m thi? city,is. . Original Bee. Hive Store, No. 3'4MurkeiSirect fl J>clwecn - Fourth street cuid the JHamcnd, Pittsburgh,^ •Tlie'bropriclors have just opened-a.large and most . beaudml'&seonmcnt of the Newest and Most rastnoua? Me Styles of Fancy which have been purchased since the great reductlonin pncesat the ; large Clearing out sales in New York and Philadelphia, i aba will be, offered to cash buyers at from 2D.io*Jo per . cent lower than former prices. . .... .. DRESS GOODS of every description,from the cheap est to the most oostlv and magnificent, such as a very large and beaatifaUtockpf.the following articles Chene and Jasper chene Silks; . .... .High Lustre, plain chCmehonand lace silks;• _ Do stripe do . do; Do plain black do; . Brocade, Atmuesund Poult de Soies, all colors ;• Black andchamelioii Turk saiinB,und watered silks; Chene and India Foulard silks; • Do' printed and plain silk : . Do do Albertines and Grenadines; . Plain,printed and embroidered berages ; •' Chene plain and figured silks, and poplins ChameleonGrode Naples; ; . ' Paris printed berages do de iaines; . >; Do do- . ana plain all wool tie lames, Do'do lawns and Jaconets; ; : ■ Plaiu and embroidered rnulli and Swiases; • i 'j Plain and primed casameres, de laines and alpacas, ‘ French and domestic ginghams ; , English and American chintzes and caucoes, at all am! RIBBONS at great bargain.; Snriiigaiid summer shawls,, do .do; , .. Needle worked sleeves, cufis, collars, and chemi • ■ zetts; Needle Worked laces and muslin caps; Embroidered, hem stitch and plain linen comb’ handkerchiefs . . ’ - . • • . : , . Fancy silk pocket hd’kfs, cravats and neckties; , • Gloves, hosiery and suspenders, a large stock; | Irish linens,table cloths and table linens; •. . Tletens, checks, crash, bird-eye, diaper Sr napkins; Bleached and brown muslins, from 6 to lilc. peryd; Do brown and colored Canton flannels; French cloths, plainandfancy cassimeresA satinets; Cashraeretß/ tweeds, merino cassiraeres and fly; ■ • ■ jeans; ; . . • Black satin and fancy vestings, «c., Ac., . , ID* The proprie'.oi* would respectfully solicit an early call from all their, friemls, and the public gen erally, feeling confident that.ihcy can offer greater ip dpcements to wholesale and:retail buyers, than any ; hove heretofore been offered in Pittsburgh. ■ my3itf YOUNG, STEVENSON A LOVE,* uy3iu . - • The Blgbth Seml-Aimiua Bale u OF DRY isOuDS at the One Price Store of A- Ai MASON & C0.,N05. 02 AM,Market strecVFilfe- Imrghj mllcomtuence onTliursday, June.2oth, 1S»1, ana continue through'the month of July* Their wholesnje Rooms will he opened to the Retail trade, and every m*- ticle.throughout the establishment will be sold at nn tin* mense reduction from usual prices. Haying, recently made extensive purchases, their assortment ( wm.. he found very choice and desirable. ; ' Their stock of Silks, comprising more than &00 pieces, will be doted out at an immense discount from usual prices. j " Good Dress Silks as low d* 37i®50cts. Silk Poplins, 20.025., i - .. . Best Berege De Laines, -■*.<. If* - 'Fast colored Lawns, H \ Fine French do ... ; Fine Primed Berege#, 1 Fine. French Jaconet, , : . 500 pcs French and "English Ginghams, 10 o}»t * Black Alpacas, “* ! 1000 yards Bonnet Ribbon*, ut , r 3 500 Wrought Collars,\ f r * : Fast colored Calicoes. • • 1(H) cases English anti American do, S 010 . 300 cases and bales of Blenched and Brown Mur ! lias at manufacturers’prices. . ALSO—Laecs, Embroideries, Primming/s Hosiery and Gloves, LinetvwbiiC'Goods, lioimeis; Shawl*. Cloths, Ac., together-with an immense variety of all kinds of Dry Goods—bU:bf-which will be mari-d down to even less than Eastern wholesale prices. : . ' Je2s A A MASON &CO : ' I*e\r Variety and l>ry Goods store* No. 97> NerA-v/jt corneroj t Yootigt. and Itiamand ttfieu, D GREGG & CO., having opened at the above • are row offering for sale a large and complcto ojaorunein of VARIETY and DRY GOODS, consisting in pah of Broad Cloths Cassimeres, Satiitett, Sommer PnntStuff,Fancy Vesting*, Ladies’Dresa Goods. Lawns. Dc Loincs,Ginghams, white Goods, Bonnets, Ribbons. Hosiery&c. Also, a .complete variety of Cutlery* direot from Sheffield. Together with Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches. Ond Watch’ materials, Gold and'Sliver Pens and Pencils, and Jewelry. A fine assortment or Palm Leaf Hats, Ac. In short,wc have on hand almost ■every article usually kept in the Dry Goods uml Variety line. AH of which ivc offer for sale on the most favora ble terras,cUherfor cash or satisfactory reference 1> GREGG & CO. : N.B.—The business of the late firm of Gqeug A- M’- CsKbtsss, will be settled by the subscriber, tu the house of D.Grtgg k. Co., as the books, notes ami papers arein my pos*ess«on. and l hnt fully authorized to settle up the busiitfS*. [aprtil] DAVID GiiEGG. PATENT BETiLLLIC-'fiVftUL CASES. fI'HE subscriber* bavin* recently made arrangements A with l*ie Patentee-of this new ami r aluaUt invert lien for the manufacture and ts'e of the ar.Solc in the: West, they having been manufactured heretofore exc!u- : rively in the liast, where they are superseding,the use of woodnur.eoffin*,-take ibis- method-'of-informing the public, dtatthey are now manufacturing eighteen differ ent site# of the modern Sarcophagus, varying in Itugth from tfii inches to 61 feet, with width and depth suitable for bodies of ordinary size, and for those who desirp space for cushioning, or for bodies of unusual dimen* sions, havo several sizes deeper and wider This in vention now eomlngintogeneral userispronoancedone of the greatest of iho age. These l.ustAL Cases are composed of various kind* of metahr, but principally of Iron.' They are thoroughly eruundeJ inside and out-and thus made impel vinus to air and indestructible- They are highly ornamental, and of a classic fonn, are light and portable, while they combine the greatest strength which mo.uU U capable oL in a given quantity When properly secured with cement they are perfect ly air tight, and free tromeihalationof offensive gases. They coat no more than good wooden coffins, and are better than any other article in use, (of whatever cost.) for transportation, vaults, or ordinary interments, as has been proven by actual experiments, and certified to by some of oar most scientific men; «iso. by the Honora ble* Henry Clay. Daniel Webster, Lewis Cass, and other distinguished Senators who have witnessed their merit*;,fend -wlwm*-lexers, together with other evidences of their worth, may be soen-atour Agents' Buriat Case Depot, No-3?4 Main street, three* doors above Nin'h, where we intend to keep on hand at all times, such a stock of all sizes and decrees of ornament and finish a* will suit the most diversified tastes. We invite the attention of i'ie public, ami of underta ker* particularly ihrou*houlthe vrest,totui examination of the article, ami requeat them not to rely upon the rep resenlationsof undertaker# not using: the article, v»bo-e interest it would be to nnsreprerent them. W. C. DAVIS & CO. Patent Metallic Burial Cases. Hartopharuj Warircams* 374 Afnitt ttrtet, Cincinnati. July, lBsl. THE undersigned, CnoioE K. Kobe*!*, undertaker and sole agent for the sale of iht? above valuable arti» cle.«,«onnouNCPHthat he is prepared to supply underta ke!* anti others having occasion tor their use with the same, of all sizes, from l foot 10 inchesioG feoiGinshes in length, o! various widths and depths, suitable fur bo dies of aay size; either plain,bronzed or gilded and highly ornamented. Also, namo plate* and trimmings for the same. Attention to the very low prices , affixed, with the view ol their general adoption, ts solicited, to wit; At wholesale, for plain bronzed CaSeftj of various color*— No. t for Bodies 23 to 2S inchest n length, 93,00 9 *» •S3to 33 “ “ .4,50 3 “ 33 to 40 “ 0,00 4 “ 40 to 46 “ *,OO 3 40 to 54 “ “ 9,00 tf “ 54 to 00 “ . ir 10,00 7 “ 6Qt065 “ « . 11,00 S 65t0 09 “ u 14,00 9 “ 66 to 70 ' “ .10,00 10 " 691073 “ “ 17,00 n u ?3 to 76 c; 18.00 « 60 to 05 u extra deep 19,00 “ 65 to 60 “ 15,00 « 60 to 70 “ u 18,00 « 68 to “ “ 19,iUU “» 70 to7o u “ 20,00 Name platesi fromB4,solos9per dozen. Moderate additional charge for extra gliding and orna mental painting, or inlaid gold, silver and pearl work. Communications, desiring further infonnstion, or or ders for Cases and materials*, will receive prompt atten tion by addressing . GEO. K. ROBERTS, Agent, Sarcophagus Wardrooms, ‘3*4 Main si., Cm., O. \ C 7" Funerals aUendcdthearso and carriages furnish*: led, and conveyances, with l appropriate attendants pro* viued for transportation toany part of Ute couulry, on application at the office as above: : jylC : OK. B. European Agency. x THE undersigned European Agent continues his an nual voyages between America and r urope, leaving .ruisburgh regularly in each year in Jane, and returning in September—transacting a goricral. Law Agency, in jconnection with hts relative, Unon Keenan, Esq., now irestdentih Dublin. .The present tour will be the l wentyr filth of this Agency,through England, Ireland, Scotland, •Wales,.Ac. It embraces collection of legacies, debts, rents, property and claims; remittances of money; procu ring copies of wills, deeds and documents; conducting Marches of aft kinds, Ac., Ac.. Innumerable references given. Daring the subscriber’* absence, his; brother, Edward J. Keenan* will attend In his Office, s Office on Fifth street, orposite St. Paul’s Cathedral. ' i THOMAS J. KEENAN, Europeart Agent. * je&tf • and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. Notice to Business Men. A GENTLEMAN in this City, engaged ia a safe, sore J\. and profitable merchandising and manufacturing business, having fallen into.a low state of health, is de iirons of selling out his interest in the concc ai, for the purpose of leaving the.city for the recovery of his health. Any person having command of $3OOO in cash, and. a. fair credit, can enterinto this business wi h every guar anty of success. - i U 7“ Address “MANUFACTPRER,” Box SU, Pitts burgh, Pa., slating where fin interview can be had.. ijyS3 • -• jf'IREEN TEAS HAVE ADVANCED 7 CENTS PER VJT -LB,—You can boy Green Teas at MORRIS’ TEA. MART, in the. Diamond, for three months -to'corae r utlhe did prices and the same qualities, notwithlsanding the advance iu prices East, as they have a large stock on: Band. They sell tbebept Teas in Pittsburgh atlhisStore, and defy opposition.' • .Py2fi rIE SUBSCRIBER offers for sole a valuable House and Lot, situated on Ann street, Allegheny City— The Lot is lb feet front by 55 feet deep. The House con tains a Hall, two Rooms, Kitchen Cellar and two Bed Rooms. A large yard, with out oven, hydrant, &c. - ! PriceGOOO.Terms—oODin hand; balance in one, two and three years." ; S. CUTIIBERT, Gen’l Agent, • iySO • . - No.soSmithfieldst. Cl OLD PENS—Bard A Brother, G. & E, M. Smith, r Todd & Smith and W. W. Wilson’s. . The above brands are now unrivalled in quality of Gold, in qoUMike elasticity, in fineness and smoothness : of the points, and. in durability. I will warrant every Pen of these makes..:. Just received this morning, afttll assortment, and customers will always find at ray store the best stock, and at the lowest prices which a good ar ticle can be sold at. W. W.. WILSON, >jy2s cor Market and Fourth sis. BUTTER— 0 bbis.packed; • ■ 6keg6, do; Forsaleby I iylB - , . WM. DYER. EMSH— Q half bbls. No: 1 White Fish; JJ 6 do - do Lake Shad; 10 do Lake Salmon; Receiving.and for sale by , WM. DYER, j 026 No 2fl7Liberty. et LARD- o bbls. No. 1; 15kegs do: Forsaleby . JylB ' WM. DYER --- nfnnutnif,- &t. /WB3 JABBSIV. WOODWKI,!,, (» *-iP ; . CABINET ¥9*, mm&avmiNITVRE MANUFACTURER, ffl ! Ware-room* ©7 arirt »?, Thlrt limb T W. W .respectfully informs his mends ana cdsiom- U.ers that he has now completed -.the-largest' and fi nest stock or household: farniinre over before seen .id 1 Ihlseity.'as he'is determined to uphold the quality with: well-seasoned materials, best workmanship,and newest; -designs; ond'from the;extent of-hisordcrs.and.faciluy in mar nfactnrihg, he is enabled in produce warranted - farnilarc, at the lowest prices. ", . • • He has ndoptedthe principle Of idenufying. the cus tomers’lnterest withhie own. in quality and price, and ;kcepi always on band the greatest variety of everyoes* - Criptioh of furniture; from the cheapest and Hie most clcgam and costlyviliat a house, or any pari£t furnished from his stoeky or xnannfaciurea expressly taorder He therefore solicits aninspeeuon, that the advantages afhis establishment may.be known. The followinganicles consist, in part, of his stock, wmcb for richness' of’style and finish, cannot be surpassed m any-ol the Eastern cities: Parlor* t drawing, din* ‘ inl and bed room ! chairs, of every .variety, . - eonsisUng: of rbsewooodj ran* hogany.ond walnut Eiizabethen, Conservatoire: and Easy Chairs, of every. , descriptionjCouches,Sofas.Tete-a-tete and JDi--. { vansof tho latest FrenchandAmerican patterns}] Tashaes, What-Nots, and ladles’ parlor Writing Desfci of variousl kinds; .Work Tables and u faiicy inlair r- slahds,’ mjtslc viands, and holders, marble top, ma hogany, rosewood and walnut centre and sola, ta bles, extension dining tables; all sizesof the most improved* and decidedly the'best kind riladc: card, Pembroke hall and pier tables, ■ wardrobes, bedsteads and woshslands of each a large assortment} gothic hail . \ andparlor reception chairs, ottomans ) ana stools, secretary and book • cases* side boards, nre screens, .1 towel racks, hat - stands, and • i music stools, cribs and cots ! for childrenj paper raache, table and tea poys, ms : hogony, rosewood,and' . tolauf pearl'*•Tables, Ac. &C.-&C. ■ ■ A large assortment of COMMON -FURNITURE aiM WINDSOR CHAIRS, Cab wet makbks supplied with all articles in their line • STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shoru eel nonce. Ail orders promptly attended to > ‘ • [nov26. Journeymen Cabinet iilsken Auoetstloii WAREHOUSE,! X 0 SECOKDSTStEET, • > T ; (near tbio cornerofWbod.) ■ _ • THIB ASSOCIATION! cmr^ bracing. already. twice mihrec wLi Uraesnsmany bands a3theiar*Jres| ■ ge«t arid hitherto most renowned* T P business shops of this city, have opened their AVard house,’ arid are able to famish the public, by -wholesale or relaH, with Furniture of the following description*-,, viz: ' - • I Mahogany Wajtf robes Bureaus; Full Col | named Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Choirs: Rocking Chain; Mahogany Wastelands; So fas; Divans; jpianoStools; Book cases; Secretaries; Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tables; Centime Tables: Rat Racks; French Bedsteads'; Ouoraand; Poplar wardrobes; Dining and Bre&kfastTttbles; Wortt-. stands; Cherry and Common Worksiands; high post, common, lowland-trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Cribs; Cradles, Ac.. 1 The advantages of co-operaiion,on an extensive scale, permit them to sell at the lowestprices,and they arc de termined to sell, lower ihan any competitors, an equally good, if not better article, and warrsnied—as the pohU will understand by giving them a calk V Steamboat-.work .-of all descriptions, and otbdr. nrueles of any description, made to order in every style, at the shortest notice. , [marUPt ■ - s o Cahihet fliaheri<~ ••' ,-T Veneers, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut! ■ Hardware and Fumitut* at Wholesale. fIIUE subscribers have just received from New Vor : X and Boston a most Splendid slock of VENEBRB, and arc manufacturing by machinery Furniture enimbl: for the trade-/-' All of which we will sell at extrentel; low prices. ; - As great taken in the selection of theslcckV persons cannot fall to be suited cither as to quality or price; and, as it Is well known that Furniture can be made by machinery.superior and much lower lhairiby hand, the attention of the trade is respectfully invited; f Turned Work.in all its branches, carried on as usual; Plank fur hand rails, for 1 Carpenters,and all articles required inmanoracumngCabinetFurniture, constantly on liand-^m: Mahogany, Varnish, Hardware, : llail Cloths, Springs, Ac., Ac, - RVAN A'MUCEE, • ! : / Ryan’s Buildings, : { marS2iydaw No.-'ll Fifth street. * cuaius ahii FiaiHi'rußhi. ‘ N 0.9 8 Thtrdttreeljbetmm Mar bit arid Wood, SjuthsldcS m,_ ,Wji havc. now on hand .a Targe and UAjVblendid BldCkofevery-varietyofCiuiK.'ima^^ar FURNITURE, » % tare confident chrihdt be equalled, in this City,or id the West, in style and finish Those who are in,waritoi Furniture are*'respectfully invited to call arid ekhiriirie foi themselves. E Steamboats furbished on th ■' shortest nstice. All orders promptly attended to. T. fclf ' O’DONNELL.MULtEN.id.CO. i. JOHN Q’UOSXSLh •••••*. L.*ULLSN,‘•••*?•.W. B. HCSTBEI O’DONNELL, MULLEN & CO. \ PltUburgh ChftirA Cabinet vvatreftooms,* tfo.9B.Third Street, South Side. { . O'D. M..&C0., respectfully inform ibeir friends Ui and customers that they have, if not the largest! fSplMoek ever before seen in this city, the greatest #T Ivariety of styles.ibe; finest made of the best seasoned; materials. BOd by the btei workmeu in the western eoumry*r?all of whieli- they are determined to sell as. low as any olher taanufacturing eatabUshment in the city. Ourstock if all oar own manufacture; no imponatioup...*■ /'i'i-vU 'Steamboats ana rioiels furiitsued ailhesnorcst nonce. Aliorders promptly attended to. ' jal? i PurriitdrVandbhair'Ware'ltooisii •' T.U. YOUNG & CO.* corner of Third*?, } MW and Smiihfieldsis:* opposite Brown'* HoleL u 4. } FitttturgA, Fa;, keep constantly on hand Fgp|: 13giiiiiSandmake to order, at the lowest prices. 'TP 1 HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and; CHAIRS, orthe best workmanship and most approved * Styles.V.; ' 1 fcbls \ o'. ■ SteamboaliV AtToy! ilffS™ r& Tns subscribers tender theft - fee £illjg|glknowledKments for the favors bestow ed upon them, by their Steamboat .fricudv&nd J7m| wouW fespcciTalfy remind them and others* inte- 1: reriedinutuMiug boats* that the? are al aii time?pre pared to famish. ou tlie most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Famitore and Chairs ot tne. be* material and workmanship.' !Tl> YOUNU&CO., Comer Third and Southfield streets.- - . opposite Lancaster, K..MoUonveU, . Columbia, * MoilenvcUflc knuflelt, Harrisburg,. J. Wallower&Sajn Duncannon, Fisher, Morgan & Co., Newport, . Jessoßenver, .■ WillerBtown, -Hervcy Jones, Perryville,, G.D. Thompson, . M’Veytown, . Richard Boeloff, : Manieton, • . John Donaldson, i Mill Creek, . . Kessler Fostorin, . .. ; JohnHayetl. COVODfc & COLE, Agents,. ■ jylG corner Penn nrd WaynesiB„ PiUsburgh H OUSE AND LOT FOR 8700. For salCy a two . story Dwelling House and Lot ol SOieet front by nodeepyioa 19 feet alley. The.houseis well arranged and well ' finished, with good grates, sdilable'for each room ; a good dry cellar; a lattice porch; an oat oven; a large yard and garden} all new and in complete or* der; pleasdntly situated onßesacnstraet,Allegheny, near the West Common. ' Immediate possession, if re quired. 8* CUTIIBERT, Getfl Agent}'- V - jyfid : • ■ > 50 Smitbfield street UBT KEuKIVEU AT WUUOWAttI) & JELLY’S, No. <3 Third Btreet, the London and Paris Ladies' Magazines of Foshiouvfor July. . ■ ■ ; - . The Ladieli’Caizeiie of Fashion! published in London —upwards brlhirty’engravings. The'.Weekly Times, the Era, Bell’s Life in'London, Puiich'j the Illustrated News,slid:the Lincoln Mercury; iyga , ■ ■ JUST, RECEIVED —An ■ invoice of firi&nn’s Patent' Vertical Lever* Letter oniiManifest Presses; coik sistinff of sizes inches by 18, lfl* by i 2 andlO by lib with Metallic ..painpenctsy Letter and Manifest Rooks to correspond. • t •>. l-'-"-; • For sale wholesale and retail by * • . ( ,• .... s . , • ;JOHN F. COLE, • ■ : • sole agent for the West, - At Covodc a corner of Wayne streets, Pittsburgh.-' ; • r v; u ; Booksellers and. Stationers supplied at a* low-prices as toey.can purchase: from the eastern manufacturer and patentee,,. - , r.{jylB:if > MYLEH’jJ CUOLiEKA HEMKDY.—a frean supply jast received. This medicine has never failed to effect a m all* cases. Df ■Diarrhoea* Dysentery, Qramps, Pain in the Stomach* Ac. It basbeeirusea’ \yitb astonisbing success in the; very wdrstcasesr * J 1 Sold wholesale and retail by' h ' l 1 ■ ' ; -* tH*. S; h. CUTHBERT, ; :: •jy24 r;: : - No. 50 SmUlifigrd street. 1 r JAVA COFFEE-r-A prime article for lamily use in store and'for sale by ' y "' :jy3l , , ; . KING de MOORHEAD.V BLOOMS —15© toue.No. l Jimiata; . •75 ; do BedfordForffe Blooms ;> • Received and for sale by j - <. : jy3l , . . KING & MOORHEAD. HERRING —50 bbls. in store and for sale by jy3o . SHERIFF 6c BANNING. LARD OIL —75 bbls. No.t for sale by jy3o BA. FAHNESTOCK A CO. ALCOHOL— 60 bbls. for sale by jy39 B. A: FAHNESTOCK* C(7. '••• • N.V't f ..'.- rCY,:'i : -;WV ■: - : V V-' -'V- ~ . - &.*C-t" l,X?4> --.>,• 3 ; V > * V” 5 ' . ■ :. v»: <*•..-• ••'. ,- .;. ~./•/.' .. ' • ••; ..•• „ f fc ’WSSaCW'i!?; jEfrftgs ffileMna. ■ another scipottific wonder: - FBPSISI tHE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, n - Ox Gtutxlo JtUeeJ . A- CREAT DYSPJIPSIA CURER, , I PREPARED ftom~Rennel,or the fourth su>tnaclr"of .the OX, : after directions by. BnromLiKraOi'Ute greet • Ptiysiologtcnl Chcnnm by J. 15. HOUGHTON. M.D., No. :U;TJorth Eightli-stroetjathilatlelpltiai Pa; m I: • . /l'iiip is a truly wonderful remedy [ot JN&IG-ESTIQN* J) YSPBPSIi, JAVNDICEjCONSTIPATION* LIVER ., cownMttr, anßi>EMUW,'euHiig&{M .watert 1 * ovminelhad.by NatureißOwii aoem,'theGasirieJuice..: ; ■ Half a lca?poonfull,of .this ihuiil, infused in water, willriigestortUssolve Five Foundsoe Roastßkke tri ■ ieoe'T TWO Houns. outof the stomach. ... ’ :>. .. SCIENTIFIC.EVIDENCE 1 ' •• »' wotVoii ArdmalChera • to; the Gastric Juice,may be readily preparea from tnemu* coas membrane of the stomach of the eat- in which va . rious articlea of food.'aa lheat and eggs, will be so soil-' l esed, changed;.anddigested, ittat tn ad€ same manner as .they wonldb.e in thehuman sloinach.”. -.iv \ •' ’ X)r; pBEBiBAiin his iamohs treatise on *?.Food and eV’published Wells* New York, page 3{> - ; tiM®*d¥f6resro3y>fmedicipe,ln;l«ndon 4 wlif.W‘| severely aff&med'ttt&tius complam^findingeverythirig. | tafoiUhairecontw. totire Gastric Jnice, obtained from tbe stomach of jiving: pnimals* which proved cprt- :\ P Dr. GaAELuCj author.of the famous works on “-Vegeta-, ble Diet,” Says: “ Itis aremarkabie fact in physiology * that the stomadlis of aantialsjrmaceratedui vrner, im part to thetinid thepwperty of dlssolving.jTOripiiJ cles of foocL and of effecting, a, krnd.of artificial digefc tiorief them in no wise different from the natural digest T>rocess,” 1 ■ i * ' ! Df. Smols’s great work, the “ChemistryofMan.”(Lc» kßlanobard.Pbno., 184G,pp.3t>I-2)sayß: “ThediscoC cry of PEPSIN forms it new era in the chemical htstorir of Digestiohi -From recent experiments we know ,mm food Ts dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digests fluid.prepared from Pepsin, as ills in the natural Gat jrfc Juice Ilfeelf.” ■ •• • , •• •professor Dtoomson, of the Jefferson College. Phila delphiSjin his great work on Human Physiology, devoiejr jnorfi than!fifty4>flges.lo.an examination of this subject. His experiments with Dra Seaumpnt, on the Gasirifc juice, obtained from the living human stomach and from animals, are well knowii^ ; «ln tili cases. ll he says, “di gestion bccurredas perfectly in the artificial as in th : . nalural-digestiona.’l V AS A DYSPEPSIA CUKEH, Dr HoUgerok ? 9 preparation of PEPSIN* ha« produce* the most marvelous efiects, curing cases of Debility,, Emaciation; NervourDecline,and Dyspeptic Consomp . lion, suppbsed.to be on. the.very verge of the grave, i is impoasible-tb give thb details of casesih the'limits o this authenticated certlficateshav* , been given of more than TWO.HUNDRED REMARK ABLE CURES, itiPbiladelphia, New York, and Bdstoi: alone. These were nearly all desperate cases.und tbs npt oiily rapnf and: wonderful, but pcrma| ttC ßbi agreatNERVOUSANTIDOTE. and particularly nseful for, tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint Fever and Agtie r or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine*- Mercury, and oilier drags upon the Digestive organs*after. alongsickness. Also; for excess in eating,and the too free-useof ardent spir* • its. italso reconciles Health with intemperance. ■ * •, .7. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS^ . There is no form of OXjU STOMACH COMPLAINTS 1 which iifloes not seem to reach and remove atonec.—, No matter how had they, may be, it. GIVES INSTaNT RELIEF*. . A d«* rtmovtxallth*unpUasan\rymp\ . urnis, and it only needs to be repeated, for ashomimel totnakeilhese good-effects permanent. • BLOOD and VIGOR. OF BODY,' follow tit once. It id particularly.tixcelleniin cases of Nansen, Vomiting] Cramps. Sorenesß of tiie pit of the Stomach, distress nlf ter eating, low,-cold state of tfceßlbod, Heaviness, Low-j ness jot Spirits, Despondency,- Emaciation, Weakness, lendencyto sanity. Suicide, Ac- - . \ <:Price,o* *i DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will of* •lea effects lastiagcure.;-.. . . I Every) bottle bear*vibe written signature of J. Si HOUGHTON, STD., Sole Proprietor. i Sold hy agents in every town in the United Slates] and bv tesncctablc dealers in Medicines generally. . .Agents for Pittsburgh; KKYSER &;McDOWELL,I4I,' ■ Woodstreet.^—, ■■ i Retail dealers supplied at Proprietor’s pnces.[nv2o:y Also, for - t FufeUo Attention Is respectfully zncUedto ihtfttlloxring truths, set forth.in • rtlalian io cfie cf lki most important Remeatcs cf mod-. •' tm-times! ,'V - v ‘ ; PETROLEUM OR ROCK OIL 5 IT isnot more than one year ago since this great rera-: edy was brought before the public, for the relief and eufe of disease. Its great powers to heal, have, since, then, become fally appreciated by the community,-and we allege that the longer It is tried the mare certain will; its great fame spread.. It is not the remedy ,of a day,! got cb for tbesole purpose of making money 5 bat, one., willcontinue to be u*ed.when all nostrumshiive ‘been forgotten. The PETROLEOM Is: a Natural elaborated inthe depths of the earth ■ by a powCf icd agency that laugbs-to scorn all human l competition..*'lt-la oor ddiy,wneh:vve''writeabout a medicine, that we write Tiarrii-—thatwe say hothing calculated to deceive those who may . trust our word or put confidence in our Statements; The .sick are very aptto catch atany thiiig that promises relief srorn dis ease. Astorjrcaaharaiv be too highly wronghlto an swer the object Of gulliugor humbuggingiome- of them. Now* we do not desire to do ibis; we are anxious only that thejtroih in relation to our Remedy should be tola, in oTdciiUo*ecure for ita reputation far exceeding any single article of the materia medico. . Plain, unvarnished facts—facts that maybe ascertained inourownciiy and neighborhood; bear ample testimony in favor, of the Pe- ..iih the past two months, two 0.. u .is, •who were 'totally ■■biind t have been restored-to: sight. Several cases oi blindness, in the State of Ohio, have been cured. And, also,Ute case of agenllemauta Bea ver countv. There are others j but these cases are near home, ana tria? he referred to by any persons wli© may havedoabiaouUiesubject. These cases were cured a£ ter toeyhad been abaadonodbyphysicmn>'asbopele3s .ThcPeiroleum will cure, when used according to direc.' lions—Diarrhea, Dysentery, Piles,' Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Eruptions On the Skin, Pimples on the face, Ghrohic Sore; Eyes, Ringwonn* Tetter, Scald Head,', pains .in the bones and Joints, old sores,Ulcers, Wens, Tumors, Scrbfolh, Cancer; Spinal irritation, Fever and Ague, ChromciCoughr, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Pul monary affections of a chronic nature,' tending to ’ pro duce CONSUMPTION. . Burns and Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and Eid-. neys, Chapped Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns and Bunions; - In fact, U is aousaT remedy, and has been tried in most of the above diseases within the ■pust'year'>vi^h:the mosv perfcct success. that will astonish areinthehands of the proprietor,who will take pleasure m showing them to the afflicted or their friends. 1 • .V-'!•' • Whatever others may say about their medicines, the. Petroleum is the greatest. Remedy of the' age. Phy sicians !of high standing In the profession.are beginning to use itbi their practice.' Those: who at first looked on willr dbubl and uncertainty, are willing to'award it doe pru’st-and consideration. Before another year rolls round, all will be-compelled to acknowledge that the Petroleum is the greatest medicine'ever discovered. For sale, wholesale and Retail, by KEYSER & M’DOWELL, > ‘_ L l ; -140 Wood Btreci_ Also—R. E. Sellers,s7 Wood street; D.bX. Curry, D, A.EUiott, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny City. Also,'by the; Proprietor,-S: 3Vf. KIER, Canal Basin,'7th' street, Pittsburgh.!' - . -pad. The Homan Body muttVerspire, - (so says MATtrns.) . S - TO SAVE A HEALTHY ArPJEARASiCEy And persons who do not peTspire are liable to the mos i DISGUSTING SKIN DISEASES. NOWj Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap causes a free perspiration* and at the same time mollifies, softens the ekin, giving it the texture and beauty of an infant’s. SCURVy, SALT RHEOH AND SORES, are soon not tmlyhealed. but cared by its use, as at least seven physicians in New York know, Who, use it, insuchcases, and findituntafling—os olso.in i PIMPLES x BLOTCHfh£ FRECKLES, ?or any other skin disease. The reader is assured that ? this is no useless puffed nostrum, as one trial wilt piove. I could enumerate at least SO.personscured of SORE AND SORE BEARD. Buy it, tuiittherecderis-again-ossxiTeil, I would not cruetly'seUli/eiDia'jabasc, tuless ljkncw it to be all I slate.. Thffse-Whdjift - liable to ‘V* , * j CHAFED.CRACKED.ORCHAPPEDFLESH, wUlfimLthis not only a carejbut a and! can now only add, that any one afflicted with any of the above,-or similar diseases, will find this all and even more-, (admirable in its properties) than I state, w . reader, the stores are flooded with imitations, ojicLbe sure you ask for JoxssMtaUan Chemical Soap— and buy it. only of. WAL JACKSON, only Agent in Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head or Wood “ 1 Jonci'LUyWhlte. . " T ADIES are cautioned against using common prepa id red Chalk. - They are not awarehow frightfully Injurious It is to the skin! bow, coarse,how rough,how -• sallow,- yellow and unhealthy the s*in > oppettra atter using prepared Chalk 1 Besides, it is injurious, contain ' . J itigakirgequamityofLeadi - We have prepared a beauUfnl vegetable article, which •we coil JONES* SPANISH HUT WHITE. ] It purlfldtliof alldaleteii. bus quaUues ; and-it-imparts to .tUe skim a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, Lliving whlie ; at the same bme actingas cosmetic bn the skin; mhking it soft and hmomh. Sold by the Agent, WM; JACKSON, 89 Liber ty street, head of -.Price 25 cents. i Peuiy White Teetb and Breath; ';> ! . TO BE HAD FOR 25 CENTS. piERSONS who have either, are honorably absutcU t that if-their breath is ever so foul, or their TEETH DECAYED, DARK OR YELLOW, nd encrusted wi&: tartar* Jfcfili *25 ccnUiox of Jonev* kmber Tooth Paste will make the tecth whiteas snow ind thc-breath odiferously sweet. • Soldonlv at- JACKSON’S Store, 240;Liberty stree icadof.Wood., ■ . . . r •. [dec2o :• : Jone*’Solution or Jot, A LIQUID HUMAN HAIR UYK forth® thonging ol t\ white, redor grey hair W a beamtfal brown or }e t ■lack color,in a: few Price 60cents and SI,OO Sold,by’;W« JACKSON,24O Liberty street, Pittsburgh ead ofAVood.: - y • fdecMT 5 8* > [5l? * AStlentlfie Hate Tonie Reitorer ■. A; ND BEMJTIFIER. TrialboUles 3?| cenis. Those ; £&: who have us ed Jones’Coral Hair Restorative know tsexCelibiit qualities—those who Rave not, we assure tttrpbSsesatfiefollowing qualities. It will force.the mir to grow on any pan Where nature intended hair to grow, 6top itlbHingofl, cure Bcnrf or dandruff, and make fighty red or grey hair grow dark. For dressing the hair kofl and silky, Rothing..can exceed this—it makes i truly bednitfol'and keeps it sdc It is, indeed, the raoa eConomicaK'yet superiorarticte for the hair. | sold only at Wm. JACKSON’S Store,24o Liberty st., hefidbf'Woddi PJilsburg. .Price 37fceents, 50 cents and $1,00.: A :.V‘ v -:‘V '- - tdecgO CORE. YOURSELF—AMERICAN COMPOUND.— Tills uever failing specibcisguanmleedln all cases Ofdeiicam disease; together with the attendant com* plaints, to effect a speedy, safe.and lasting: cure in the coarse of a few days, •without restrictions to diet, busi ness or iinuryio the system, alt. isaa old and popolar remedy j has long been (and sullis) used m the . private pnctice of a physician, tadioaiiy cunng ninety-nine of diehandred eases*. .UleaveSjno odor onthebreatli,and may housed by anyone without the least, fear or expo* Sure. Forsaleut the Mcdioal Depot, No. SbSmithSeld street. Pittsburgh, Pa. : fapi7 j BisU’e SaraaparUlo ana ttto Cholera. . to OT a: single, man, woman or child has died ofthe ■il .CHOIiERAor any of its symptoms who used this' ijivaiuable preparation. Look.at the city of Louisville, where this Sarsaparilla is made, and where from ISO to dIXI bottles are retailed daily, bm few isolated cases of Gholerdhave occurred,ana they were'either persons' from boats or those who disregarded our advice, i .... [Cineutnast Ckranwist i Foi sale by KEYSER 4MTX>WELL,IIOWood «. PiUsbarpb, where the genonA article may alwayß^be Bonnty itaadi* CAPT. NAYLOR, No. Third street, corner of Cherry alley, havinjf—7s ounces for sale by - jD ™fmyl*f Be A. FAHNL3TOCK A CO. *■ i v * . ’,...! v..-\;^;.•:.;: : v -.;:;7^ - L,j-iVr‘ ~~~ J -'-'i x '4--■■J-.'--^-.-'-JJ- :i ~.;-p -« ■-••••- ■"litter'*' ---'ij—■*-— .-• JO. SI. AUGUST, . AM&a&itximavT am, or, :. Np; l!i&.\Wood.SlTut t (ntar ikztk Slret). TAKES Ihis method of relnrninshW .Inhere,think. to Hie citizen. of Pittsburgh and vicinity for (ho very liberal patronngß3fi&y~hifrC'l>e*litogtfonhiin,.n“< ir t“j in l or Bhirji" tinder. ghift*, UnfmOlWk' SußpendervPoolrrt UatitllcerChiefsj Jenny Lied Neele JTieMelfaiijiisiingSthektiGlnvhtj} }fos&f£ci^ J 'Tbgelh• orery, thins jin that dineineces'rarp foe * gentle- oaifit.. J,, BENJAMIN M.AROEST. •SPSiSG^spTOHaKaShdiiffiso» ■ - -THREE'BIG MJQORS 1 ”, : " No.'lft, 2 'MrffSi/MPitUbwA.: .•-TOHM MoCUJSKBY'. , haV-hW»' : thff pfediore'of an *lnopneind to his tinmemto®itud» amt ihtepublic in general, that JnaSprMig-aiidSinpjitet atockjanowready for inapeeitdn, which fie belie,vea vyill ,bei found to be one-Of the largest ‘and ■ beat' aeiehted aiohka of Ready- Made Clothing u> be fotmdin the WeilerhConnlry. . He has, this, aeaaon paid.more -tbttn.nsnal auentlon to the matiufactimiig'andylyle of, his Garments, so thatthe ■yety IbweathnOSTf haweij aalhe flue Stare hot np in a style and elegance niatorbe kajpaajedi - • - » He wtjuld.partinolazly cait jhjs auanliOßjaf all dealers Ut .it As he feclacQufideotibpoQUSXdmlfittUoti of the qtihlltiea ind epfreffetf tlientaucli induce* hentsas jShailmaie it .tpe|r; interest lb purchase athis festabUshmenfcv 1; " ,,i ' wMitny years’ experieflce,and gteat sficcei* Iriihe bar -BuiM9,-togeihßrwiih qn uopreceuenled:u>fcfl/Mtt/s tmd u tdfl pnircTnageyhas eaiiblee to get up.Garmeaw 10 1 ewt'ihfe-bUsiftftie habits tastie orevcry location in iheUmoajWhicMsefth'e nUnost lmnormnce te whole* J^«le:pttrchaBera.,;v r i3':-|. .• r' . i !*;> ,h •«. iJo/vil • *tS departmentwill.be found a-choice, se* ledUon of thsjmokt fashionable goods, consisting of— • t. FtenekEngliih ond wtfMmean’ Broadchlksy l ' : ■^ Bo »bft’exeeUetit f fos6rtmeni of VESTtMS t tf ibe latest endmoii'taSMon&ble Myles— air qf watch he is prepared to make to-brdcrin the best ' mannerandatUiemostreaeonablopTices. : ■ ; -j : COMK, THENf ONE Aj?D'ALlir : ' vThe ; Assortment, :thc .Qaaiityjand the. variety, is 5 the mosi extensive, undoubtedly, ln the United ■ Staler/ .. ... t-. .. taaiSG - •Sew end JPaihionabie Goods* • - • • TUST BBCEUVEB tf+BOOBYBH ‘frJBRIBBL&S tl Bee 225‘ Lib which we aic Uetcfmirtecl' tO -low fore asbi* iheroliAUisyiind ihttee who' bay wholesaie v wiU iindit tothei rad vantage tmiLex* amine bur.Btocky before - -sV - tapr7:3m *• ' IET" Lawrence Johrnal,• Clarion DSmocrav Mercer /Wlugv iMeadviliebSeniin*}; Greeiisbargh Republidtn, Washington Examiner,/-Steubenville?vwon—cony tto the'dmouht of S5l, send paper to advertisers, and charge thisolSce. ■■ • ■ : : ; ■^aßa*BiE»' : iK ; i :^ , -, ji - ■ ‘' iFotmerJYtJtrwßii to theJate T-.1u15av,).,,-.. \iroUl/Umost Tespectfuny unnomlce io.h»s fndnds VV and the-pabUotn general,that he has rented ihe Store, A t u* 36 markxtitreet, between Second anti. Third streets','wtierehe ihieuds carrying On the TAILtOBING BUSINESS in all its departments. * Ileisnbw receiving EBosi *axi gASTSBit arAßXKTtf.art entire new stock of GOODS*for Spring .and .Sumincr wear, virt sUperfine EngtuA ond 'A37iencnn-.CiotA3, Ceiftmamu, TwtidiyCasstmerts.iTwilUd French Habit rior aTiicJofor businea Coats,y together witha large as* sortmcniof plain andfigareitCounttm, new ncifdeai* ' rable styles.. > Also; An excellent:lbl of fancy Stlk Caihiruriysktin and Mantilla Vestings, - all of wfcichtlh* subscriber it preparedto make to order in the nearest and most faih* lOtiauie styles, at os low pnees. aa any other establish* meni; He therefore hopes by strict Btteniion io all or -ders his carcy to merit a share of *■ tronage. JAMEI3;C.,SYATT; •'. No. 30 Market, between Secondand Third su. TO TATLOHB.—I shall continue to selhand'give In* ’ structions on my- syatein of Garment Drouglfing as heretofore, at the following prices, vixxlfaccompanicd byordl iiistraction, SlO r without mstractions, S 7; jcW.7 JAMES C. WATT. Envelopes. T.JPMAtTS -Adhesive Parchment By dip* Aj ping the &ogcrs;in water, and moistening and pessing the gummed edge, these Envelopes become the safest nmi strongest ihat can be uacd—being made ox porchnient paper, which will .wnhstand nny oidmary friction or moisture. For sale by the quantity or .single pack, aithe store of •' : ‘/W. S; HAVEN,,* mar2Q comerof Market and Second sts:' TflE Partnership .heretofore existing; bdtween the subscribers. under'Mbefinn oCCoulter.&llacfce, UrQirffiai?ibaß tills day been dissolved by mutual con sent. JT. A, COUNTER, March 31,1851. JJjF*The affairs of the iaic firm wiH be settled by J,A. CouJler, wlio continae? the some business, at the old stand, cornerpf ; Wod4.mid Thtrd streets. •• -atril; WilUftm Dixon’s tondoit Patent Vfatcbeai '. _ . SUFEKIORfo any Watcbes everplTercd to the cill zens of Fittsbtrrgb.': 11. BIGHARDSOI'i, 81 Marlcetstreet, i 3 solpAgefUfcrr the above named Lever Watches, • The follotving gnar* ant*e is attached to each Watch: .‘'-.■Bit appointment.ia ihs Admiralty •. WILLIAMiDIXUN, . o r« Chronometer andWatcb Manufacturer,,, • 45 King Square, <36swe!l Road, Loudon. > This certifies that the accompanying Watch, No: —i is warrauiedby meto be of my raanpfacuue,and no Watch with my name upon it-iagehuine,unfessaccora.- panied by it certificate bearing ray 3ighaiiire« . I gnarantee thfc.Wotch, No^*—,_to keep Umeio the sat* teacbon of thepnrehaser. fapi!7li r iW. DIXON; ; ofour dw GAMPBELT4 &CIIESS have iliis .day .(April llth,) associated wilh thent'CHARLES M.!KNIuHT. Theibaainesa wiU vbe iednliftneii Under -llic fitmi-1 CAMPBELL,CHESS fc COrir Vi [ep*l9 ' TUe fcHory otfiatuto. iq tbe perfections .'-‘•vV: ,A**,.. fy - ENHANCING to every underttanding the beauties or. Nature, iacreating deeperpcrcepiionsvaiid Oomr manning the highest eau>tionalhereot r ;by-A knowledge ,of Lands&p&Sketching dnd^Pamtic£ v impntted. in o short tCTitf't)f.insirocUbnBYm’ tbe’enimence'oFa style* whereof* in the p ecu!laxities there to*u un£ut passed ‘ifl , oUlheexcaUenowof tto Aru i '. Sketches bfresidcpces ancT scenery? inland, around 1 Piiisborgh, i iiicohiihtitprogreBf.''Mag : nißeenl transcript ; UonVOf elah orale• oriental scenery j and the most splendid, views fromaUoycr theworid* *.. 1 ; •• ‘ 197, Penn BL , ' fltubnigh, Pa. ICE EREAM AND MINERAL WATER.—The «nt>- sc fibers respeotftiHyihforra theiroMHrleiras and ens tomerathm they have coramencedmakiaylCECEEAM for the season. Their SALOON -has been fined up. in superioT Biyle, and will be open from Sb’-clock, A.hl. ill 11 o’clock, P. Wti and nil orders for 3e6 : <3feara;for onie3orpfivatCiliiniUeswUlbtLprDmpiljrEllcd - Ou rhllN ERALFOUNTA l N ..hasalso-been. opened foriheaeagon*.*' ' . ~ ; , . < r Cakes, Fruits, Confectionaries,‘&£., kepvon hand, p* asuaKfresh and street, .please give ns a call.. » A. & P. SfIIkBECKEK* < Star’ Ulamend alley. , “ Far J*euale» Mid Malefl. , 1 ‘ • DR:IARZOrrE?S JUNOCOBDIAIi;©/ProcreaUvo Elixir) prescribed ;:as.ah efiectnalrestbraiive in oases of debility, impoiency or tMurennescyandall ir> reguTaritiesof nature. ’ It is oil that'll professes to be— viz: great restorative, ! fciM remedy for those Ik the married stale without ©Spring/? It is a certaineirre for seminal emissions, general dcbiGiy, gleet, weakness ofthegenitalorgans, neWobs affections, Teucori&cea or, ■whites, • A : i a'Vigoratirrgmedieibtrtiis. Also, acertain rmedyforincipfent; Consumption, indir-: ge*uon,loss of .muscular .energy, physical lassitude, fo*. male weakness, debility, Ac- litaTwarranted to please thettserinahyof theabovecomplamts, audisdt'pndd' less,valuetdicosewitbontofisprmg. .: *;■'? ■ To spread wide jibe blessingBof .this l hay»,- .appouued'iTesprs.Judson A CO;, of the city oFNew Yortri inthe lTiuled States of America, my sole agents for its sale; and none can be geimtrie. unless through them,and their signatures are on the wrapper, ANTONfO J>ARZETrE,M.6» . iV«pfes, July lGoiviS49. • • v ‘-' l Sold oaly.in CittsbdTgh! dCthe Medical Bepot y No’.3n* SmiibCeld street;- and:byß.H.'Meaking,Walnnt*iie 5 - 40 do Scrolls, small;j 25 doj.‘-"do ' Jorge j . '•.•*'■ 20doz loxRockewf ' i • ‘ ' ‘ 15 do 2oi" dfl ! ’ — 10 do 3OX . do : ' 5d0.40x do . 2 do 002 do - ■;" 2 gross 4 inch Triangles } - ‘ y : 2 do 3do -*i do 1 • • -.••••■ ■■ • • 2 cooes Chinese Rockets; - - . ’ * SgrosaFlymg Pigeons} t • -v .. SOt.do 14,12* tty *, ■ I'- .*■> Jyl ... Wpod aireet; „ IF\i \ UXB. LtoMUNSj • ' . i i • > -i* lyM 15a drams Figs; received and for sale by /.:'.••••• • y\< •■■' l J.RHOPESACO^No.CtWocdjiireeL jylß . ; WM»I)YBB. ‘ V FifU\ MNK.'APPLES; • OUU IdObis. Jojubt Pasfe: ' -50 hi’ do do-, - lOObxs Lor*erßaisiuH ■ " 50 do- No. 1 and 2 Rock Candy. ■ Heetmnff add forßalebr- ' '' ' JOSHUA' RHODES * CO, jydl No. 0 Wood it. MACKEREb— - 90 bbU. No. o Mackerel, (Mass, inspfeupnj.•. -'cs 40 hf do 1 3 do- . dp - - do; •« J ■ : 40hfdo - - 2;' -do •dp • • d»j *'• *oEl'" HOLLAND HKRKWGS-100 kegs in prime orocr, by: - : , , ' V FICKEISEN & STOUVENEt/,; < jy29 • loporten, *TTINEGAIb-130irahB.Wine; , • . lv3l 7; »; WILLIAMS & CO. f c/1 BBLS. LOVERINU’S ÜBUbAKUrSITeARr-. ; vy, 20 do.: ■ * Powdered ‘ -do? . V shbds. Steam Syrup. . ; ; F« H,;DRAVOr-'’ ,lf jyir: : : No.lPismocd. ; MOLASSES— St. Louis Boyar House MoUssesj , . Si. James do -■ do} .T*"*, New Orleans. Plantation; ’ jy3t: • For sale by KING g MOOftHEAP. V T>aCON—2,SUO lbs. Prime Homs in store and for sal?*. JJ: ? ‘ SHERIFF * BINNING, Ty2o_ :: No.AoMttrtet»n_: J (IORN BROOMS—74 doz. common for sale by __ ■/. Jy3o. . • SHERIFF » BINNING* »*.* apricne aniclcv-'-Mceivmi CJ «»n4 for sale by jy3o SHERIFF A BINNING. O CASKB SIDES ANIMOWI^S—In Biara and (bTJMIa £ jy3o SHERIFF A, BINNING. - i :'v; -,-WV > -• . v .n. s V/'-f .J; -- < ■*" **/*< , - *- " rf'. -» • •- j \j > <, - “4 f ? "-v f, I ',, , i piaffing. JlblDlOtlO&» . n. h/hacki;. , i 1 -* ■ »" Jl ' - v .10 .do Solar Spermon4Spernij *re*. • ■ 10 do Slcnrine.: , For sale by ?•»',- J.a WILLIAMS,' CO.-; % » . ! :S.sk£ '■ V * * 'f 1 J t -V 4 - „ (ir A ' ’ X ? i ' T "s ' k * „ i • s j ■fe/V L r-- .-c i rl ' | **j‘*V' I :. v * iVi ":-:r xm fc"- , i ft .V;.. i ■ r-