The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 14, 1851, Image 2

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Jmltj Banting
Harper & Layton, Proprietors and Publishers.
democraticltate nomination
. For Justice* of tfce Supreme Bench.
_ „ TFREMI&H S. BLACK, of Somerset.
Ho ,f Ss CAMPBELL, of Pkdadelphea .
.i ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster. I
JOHN B. GIBSON, of Cumberland.
«< WALTER H. LOWRIE, of -Allegheny.
-Sleeting of tlw Democratic Committee of
- Correeponatnce of Allegheny Countyv
The Conunittco met, pursuant to adjournment,
atthoSfc CUarles HoteVon Saturday, forenoon,
'I " " ’
July 26th, at U o’clock.
- > . Mr. Burke, tho Chairman, read the call of
the committee, and briefly stated the objects of
.the meeting. . .
Ob- the following resolution , was
v. - 'Thiit the-Democratic citizens oftbe
different Townships, Boroughs and Wards in Al
: leehenv County, be requested to meet on Satar
tW the 1 dth day Of August next, at their usual
places of meeting, to select delegates to repre
sent them in the County Convention, to be held
on the Wednesday following, (August aQth,)at
11 o’clock, A. M., at the Court House, in the
City of Pittsburgh, for tho purpose of noraina
- ting a ticket for County officers. The Demo
crats of the- various Townships will
- tween the hours of 2 and 6 o’clook, P. M.; add
tho Democrats of the different wards of the
: Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny and of the
Several Boroughs,. will meet between the hours
of A and 7 o’clock. . ■ . .
-The Democrntio citizens of .the, First Ward of
1 the City of Pittsburgh, will meet at the Fulton
House, kept by Mr. Hugh Sally. .. .„
The Democrats of Chartiers township will
meet at the house of D. C. Jones (Obey s old
stand;! on the Steubenville road. . . -: = :
The Democrats of Duquesne Borough will
meet at the School House; in said borough.
. On motion of John Coyj.e, Esq., seconded by
H. S. Magbaw, Esq., it was -
Resolved, That the primary meetings be re
quested to take into consideration the propriety
of instructing their delegates to said County
Convention on the subject of appointing dele
gates to' the State Convention, to assemble at
Harrisburg,'on the 4th of March next, to nomi
nate a candidate for Canal Commissioner, , nnd
appoint delegates to the next National Conveu
.. tion, to nominate candidates for. President and
Vice President.
L. HAnrEB, Sec'y.
ggg» The third letter Of our valued corrcs
pondeat “J. R. 5.,” at Fayette Springs, wiil
appear to-morrow. It reached us at too late ah
honr for this morning’s paper.
Js@“We are asked the question every day,
“ Has Gen. Robinbon- replied ;to .the resolution
of Councils respecting the ? termination of the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad V'.. We have no
definite information on the subject; althoughwe
hear it said-in private circles that Mr.. K. has
written- n letter to the. chairman of the corami
tee, exhibiting eU the diplomatic cunning of a
- Every merchant, every; citizen of
tion of the rond,
we learn from good aut
thority that he eome time ago told a gentleman,:
——»-mrgwmi pnrcnusihg property bn-Fede-i
ral street, Allegheny, on speculation, under, thu
belief that the depots would ho located there, —
that the road would certainly come over to Pitts
burgh. This statement, we learp, induced the,
gentleman to declrno making the purchase.
- This is a question of too much importance to
admit of delay, diplomacy or prevarication.
The resolution of Councils is of too serious a;
character, to be trifled with. The people- are
becoming impatient ou.thiß subject. ;
; It is the opinion of the best lawyers that the
bonds of our city, amounting to ¥200,000, given;
to the 0. & P. Railroad, are not worth a cent,;
inasmuch as the express condition on which they
were given has not been complied mth. The hold--;
ers of those bonds, therefore, have a right to in
terfere in this matter. "■...
We are determined to keep this subject
fore the people,” until-a definite and satisfactory
answer shall be made by Gen. Robinson to the
resolution of Councils. The people of Pitts
burgh now. look; to the Post as the representative
of their feelings on this subject. The Ottzcttc
andiJonmai, for reasons which the publio may, nvoid making any reference to this ex
citjng topic. .
Venice, Mr. Greely. sayß in one of his
foreign letters, is full of deserted palaces, which,
though of spacions dimensions, .and of the finest
marble, may be bought for leßsthan the cost of
an average brick house in theupperpart of New
York. - The Duchess de Bcrri,. mother of the
Bourbon Pretender to the throne of France, has
bought one of these, and.generally inhabits !!;
the Rothschildß own appther,; the dancer, Xsg
lioni, it-is said, owns.-four, and- so on. ChcUp
as they are, they are a poorer speculation than
even comer. lots in -a lithographic' city in Ne
braska or, Oregon. •
Free -SotfißM in Missouri.— We are happy
tpannouncc the election of- Judge Treat, in -St.
Louis, 5(0., over Judge- Blair, for the Court, of
Common Please. Judge T. is a National Demo
crat, and was Seorotary of. the last - Baltimore
Contention; Judge B. is a Van Bnren Free Boil
er, and a son of Francis P. Blair of Washington
Lake Miciiigan. —The waters .of this , lake
rose suddenly on the 11th ult., to from throe to
four feet above their usual level, and in less .than
an hour receded. Atsome places the. docks were
overflowed, the fires in the furnaces of the Bris
tol warehouse were pul out, and the height of
the water in the Chicago river varied nearly five
feet. Volcanic agency is the supposed cause of
the phenomenon.
Insurrection.— We learn from-the Bolivar,
Mississippi Democrat, that the negroes in. the
vicinity of.Qakland, Tennessee, wereJn/.the act
of making an attack upon the whites, a few days
since. This is but part of the fruits of Abolition
agitation. -
Failures in Ain an v.—The Albany Atlas of
Saturday says: We regret to announce that sev
eral failures of mercantile houses have occurred
in this city We hear that, in some of the cen
tral and western cities, some leading business
men have also been compelled to. suspend payr
President- Fillmore. —The Alexandria Ga
® zeto, : always good authority, jays in Virginia
the Whigs are entirely united- in their support
of the- administration;; of. President .Fillmore,
and ke is undoubtedly their first choice as a
candidate at the next Presidential election. • ■-
,‘_ F i
How iro know a Gentleman.. — It will be an
easy after this, to know who are gentie
-men.' and Who are not. Gentlemen«i«/urypojf r
am bn all the letters they mail, and. wee versa-,
none hut gentlemen to i?xite to us.
A. BURKE, Chairman.
Democratic Platform In Ohio.
The following is the political platform erec
by the late Democratic State Conventionef Ohto.
X.Jleeched, That by the adoption*
provision for the payment of the debt which ex-
IS Eoaal taxation-compelling the property of
the rich, invested 1 in stocks; to bear aptoporilOir
of the public burthens by. the.
taxes of the' State,
The restraint upon the legislative power—con
fining it to the legitimate subjects of general
legislation, • ...
Anil the Lcrowning..glory of repeal,. wbicMe
cures to the people, sovereign always, from ever
becoming slaves to any law or.charler posseu by
their servants ' , ... - . „
8. Resohfd, That ttenew constitution CTe *}*9
a government of-delegated power merely, t
all powers, hot , expressly delegated* or oecesra
rily implied to execute those powers, remmn
witt the people. And that every “‘“L***
Legislature not authorized by tte constitution
itself, is contrary to the theory and the struct
ure ot the government, and dangerous to tte
liberties of tte people.. , , ; , i , ,
4. ReioXvta, That we adhere to the resolu
tions on national affairs passed in the Democrat
ic Convention of 1848* and reaffirmed by the
Convention of 1850. ■■ ■ ...
6. Ruolved, That the present Whig adminis
tration of the general Government, in its recK
less squandering of millions of -the pnMio mon
ey'ammaUy, and by its wanton violation of
pledges, and in Its Indiscriminate and nnpnnci
pled proscription, has shown itself unworthy
the confidence of any people. „
6. Raolttd, That we approve of the ndmmte
tration of our Chief Executive, his manly bov
ine prudent counsels and sound democratic doc
trines, and we commend him to the people ?s
worthy of the high- position he “ow occupies,
and well deserving the trust pf our Standard In
the ensuing campaign. , .
7: Ruolvtd, That the ticket we this day pre
sent to the people is well worthy of their united
Support. Honest and capable, our candidatts
are pre-eminently qualified to .
Democratic party under fheJNew BO ablv
which they have assisted in making, and bo an J
supported before the people.
Mb Editob :—lt trill be the duty of the Dem
ocratic Convention which will shortly assemble,
to -place in nomination
ocrats for the Assembly. Pittsburgh, it is con
ceiled, is entitled to at least one candidate ;■ anfl
amongst the gentlemen named in that eonnec-
I tioh, we know of no one upon whom the party
can more readily or cheerfully unite than upon
I Alexander McCturxmon, of the First Ward-
I Mr. McCammou enjoys an enviable reputation
in this community for his sterling qualities as a
man and a Democrat. Hiß capability will at
once be recOgnlied, and his nomination will be
I hailed with enthusiasm by both old and.
Ms. James. —The Providence Journal of yes
terday says:—We have noticed in the New York
papers a paragraph unfavorable to the commer
cial credit of Charles S'. James. We are re
quested by commercial gentlemen of the highest
| reputation in this city ancf Bostop, to state that
the embarrassment which led to this report was
accidental and temporary; that, at his request,
I they have made a thorough examination of his
| affairs, and that the result ehowß his assets,
which are very large* to be nearly three times
I the amount of his liabilities; leaving him, in any
] event, in the possession of a large fortune.
ggy»A man named Patrick Fennel, waterman
and switch tender on the Rochester and Syra
cuse Railroad, about two miles west of Qeddes,
Patrick Murphy, who was discharged from the
game place buta few days since, is suspected of
havlnst. rfttnmittoil. tLi motJor, - He was.-ar
rested near the scene of the murder, and Is now
in custody, •
lon’s present
Mackinaw. —Strawberries arc jußt ripening
at Mackinaw. Daylight lasts fall twenty hours,
out of the twenty-four, and ..still is the most,
charming place for sleep in the world. The air
is pure and invigorating, and the constant breete,
fills the lungs with health, and mantles tho cheek
with a ruddy glow. Several-invalids are there,
now who eat their full allowance. The .Biddle
House, kept by Mrs. .Haring, is the place to stop
at. So says -the Detroit Tribune, and those
who don't believe it can go and see for them
Fatheb Mathew. —The Cleveland Herald
states that the numbers who have happily availed;
themselves of the presence of the Apoßtle of
Temperance to take the Total Abstinence Pledge,
since Sunday last, exceeds one thousand, which
added to those who had renounced intoxicating
drinks for life, on Sunday, makes a total of
three thousand already, In Cleveland. .
. Mb Buchanan is Alabama.— The Florence
((Ala;) Gazette (Onion Democratic,) in its num
ber of May 19th,<1851, takes ground in favor of
James Bnehanan for President. It says:
“ We hold ourself in readiness to support the
nominee of the Democratic convention;, hut we
must admit that our present predilections incline
toward Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsylvania; and
from present indications, We are satisfied that
he will he the Demooratio standard-bearer in the
next contest. - We can consistently support him,
as he Is like every other national Democrat, true
to the compromise, faithful to- the .Union, and
opposed to ■ secession in all its forms. - Under
Buch a leader, we are confident the Demooratio
party could again unite. Such a leader wotdd
rally with • renewed; strength the Democratic
hosts'in .favor of those cherished Democratic
principles which now govern the nation. •
“So soon as the present canvass is over, wo
Wilhrefer to thiS BUbjeot again.” '
/ From New Mexico.— lnformation has been
received in Washington from Santo Fe, under
date of the lßt of July, stating that the Caman
phes visited Anton Chico, and.La Cuesta on.the
27th and 28th of last month, declaring, thpir
purpoaes to be good, and. their .admiration of
Americans. It Is supposed that there were
three hundred warriors; and they stated that
tbeywere on their way for the Navajo country,
for the purpose of a war with that tribe. .On
leaving the'plaoes above named, they wantonly
committed various depredations, by kiHingstook
for which they had no use, und.dnving off oth
ers. •' No personal Injury to any Of the citizens
was inflicted, bnt some were treated with rude
ness, Colonel Abercrombie,-; from- Vegas, sent
troops to the points named, and Colonel Muuroe
lind just ißSued orders designed to repel and
chastise the Indians. The people below San
Miguel were in great consternation.,. . ;
Marriaue of-Major G. Tocuman and the
Hungarian -Heroine.— We are informed, that
Major Tochmttn left-Washington City on Friday
doming for Hater’s Ferry, where he was to be
married at nine o’clock on Saturday morning to
iMisß Appollonia JagiollOi ■ These distinguished
political exiles, we are further informed, where
; to proceed, after the ceremony, to Shannandale
! Springe, accompanied by aparty of their friends;
and thence to one or two other watering places,
and finally to return to thu city abont the latter
part of this month-; We are also informed that
they 'will mike Washington their permanent
abode, and that Major T. will continue the prao
tice-of the -legal profession in the Circuit and
-Supreme-Courtß- of the-United States, -and in
ssolicting claims upon Congress and the Depart
ments.— Wash. Telegraph.
A Model Church.—A corsespondent of the
Syracuse Journal describestheinteriorconstruc
tion of the churoh in which Rev.- Henry Ward
Beeoher preaches, in Brooklyn. The form is
nearly ft square with galleries on three sides, and
the orchestra, with an organ, .haok of the pulpit
or platform. Tbepreaoher stands, when preach
ing, upon a plain panelled platform, on which a
table with the top.inclined towards the speaker,
is placed, . The aisleß all tend toward the. desk,
so that, in whatever part of the house, the au
dience faces the speaker. This church, which
the writer considers to be a great improvement
upon- the common style, will seqt about 2600
persons.-... ..... .
For the Morning Pott-
Holt Remarkable Spiritual HlanlfassCS*
tlons. .
On the evening of the 10th inltl., a small owe o
of friends met at the Jrauße of W.- 8. Conrtt^,
Esq., for the'pnrpose^ of wthessinß Spiritual
manifestations, through the medium of Margor*
etta and Catharine Fox. There weropreeent the
mediums and their mother, J* Tiffouy, o
land, Mr. andMrs.C —. «f an adjoining
county, WmiMoDonald and wife, Mr. Ntoton,
of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Elizabeth hove. The
manifestations commenced by the Spirits direct
ing i the table to be set ont. Two large parlor
tables were placed together, around Which the
circle was formed. Heavy rapping sounds soon.
commenced, .and it'seemed as though there was
a perfect shower, of heavy leaden balls dischttrg- ,
ed upon tbe floor in the vicinity of the mediums. |
c who had never witnessed anything,
of the kind before, expressed a strong desire that |
"the manifestations might be of such ah uneqtii- j
vocal character; as to leave no doubter suspicion
in his mind, and said he could not believe any
thing so strange while there' was the least possi
ble ehhnce'of deception, particular to
mention this, because aUthe.subsequent demon
strations appeared to manifest a benevolent $ •
fort on the part of the Spirits to produce convic
tion in his mind—every eventof theoveningseem
ed to he directed to. that end, Soon after tpo
rappings commenced-, one of tho moyed ,
laterally away from the other a considerable dis-|
tancei andtbelatterwasraised up from thefloor, |
and both were moved nbont with such violence, {
as tq make it necessary to remove, a large astral ]
lamp and two candies to the mantd-piece,. to,
avoid having them thrown upon the floor. - The ,
mediums were closely watched, and It was plain ]
to all that they had no agenoy in moving the ta-j
y ea _in fact some of the strongest persona pres-,
ent »"«*<» an attempt with their feet .to move the j
tables in a similar manner, and they confessed
it wae beyond their strength—the tables being,
of heavy mahogany supported upon niaßslve cen
trai pedestals. We then naked the Spirits if they ,
* ha.l any more demonstrations. They called for.,
the alphabet and spelled out “We ore preparing;
yourminds forgreatmanifestotlous.” Some one
asked “Will yon ring the boll ?” They said “We j
will do all we can—put the bell under, the table
and wait half an hour.” The bell was placed
under the table—month down—in an.ereot posl-.,
tion. A smnllcr bell was then suspended by a j
: thread between the two tables. During this in
terval the Spirits spelled out “Sing.” The
“Mermaid song’—commencing “What faiiy-llke ,
| music steals over the sea 1” was then sung, and j
I the Spirits kept time to the music accurately to
the close. So with two other songs—“ Home--:,
sweet home”—and “Hail Soon of-;
ter thiß was over the bell commenced ringing i
which was continued for some time—when the
Spirits spelled out; “Look, under the table in five ;
minutes.” When we did so, we saw the bell ly
ing upon its elde, but nothing worthy of note.
jg r c then’expressed a desire that the
room might be made dark to enable him to Wit
ness tho electrio lights which are said frequent
ly to attend these circles. The tights were re
moved, and the room made perfectly, dark for
that purpose. Immediately books were thrown
against the breast of Mr. C .■■■—» although no
one in the room could see him, or tell where he
was sitting or standing. The third book thrown 1
against him, bounded and struck Mr. Tiffany
who was sitting at his side. One of the tobies,
was then-token—heavy as it was—and tamed
bottom upwards upon the floor, the leaves being,
folded carefttlly together, and while lying in that,
situation rocked from side to side, while Mr. (
I c— —held on to the legs. The snfldl bell be- i
IfßrsT&sofcJU uf
; log this time every person in the room, except
Mr. McD., Mr. T„ and Mr. C., was touched and"
bundled m some way ny the invisibles. The j
writer of this distinctly heard euccessive sounds
like gentle slaps upon the cheeks of a lady who
stood near, and upon the head of the lady stand
ing by his side, he heard three distinct reps, but
did not intend to mention it, until she exclaimed,;;
“a spirit is striking me upon the head—now It
is rapping on the top of my foot.”
The physical manifestations ceased for the;
present. A quick succession of light rapping;
sounds were now heard, and Mr. T. remarked 1
that thoso were the sounds of a tittle child. ,
M ra . c then asked, “Is it Edward?” An
swer in tbe affirmative. Tho alphabet was then
I called for, and the following spelled oat; “ My;
i dear father, why arc you here?” In this place
it is proper to remark that Mr. C resides
some thirty miles from this place, and had just
returned from the East in obedience to a mes
eage that his child was dangerously sick, which ,
child died before his arrival. The communica
tion continued, “My dear father, during the
three days they kept my lifeless body, waiting ,
for you, l was all the time in the room trying to
comfort my dear mother.” Question by Mr.-
C— —, “Edward, how many days Bince you;
died?” Rapped out 0, correct. “How many
years old were you at the time of your death?”;
Rapped one. “How many months over?”!
Rapped 4, both correct. , He then .spelled ont,;
“ dear father and mother, I am very nappy, and:
glad that I can talk with you.” His father then
asked, “Edward, have you another name?” An
swer, affirmative. “ Will you rep at tho initial i
letter when the alphabet is coiled over ?” Af- I
firmative. On calling over the alphabet there ;
i was a rep at D., correct. Mrs. C.'s question, i
i “Was your father at home when yon died?” An-i
! swer, “No, he was sent for.” Correct “Where!
was he?” Answer, “Onhis way home." Ques- j
i tion by Mr. C , “Edward, do you know I
where you were buried?” Answer affirmative.
“Were, yon buried, beside any other person?"
Affirmative. ••••.« What kind of a relative ?” An- i
swer “ A cousin.” “ Were there mere than one
cousin?” Answer affirmative. By Mrs.' C. ;
“How many ? three?’! : A negative answer i
“Two?” Affirmative. All correct. “What
was the name of-the one next to whom yon were i
buried?” Answer,“Jane.” Correct. “Ed
i ward; .did you hear what your father said the
last time he was atyour grave ?" Answer, “He
said—Ohf if I could believe in, -the spiritual i
; theory I should be happy.” [Here Mr. C. re
marked that he did not recollect of .having made
use of the above expression literally at Edward’s i
grave, but: the substance of the thought hadoc- J
cupied his mind bo much -recently that he had
no doubt the spirit answered correctly.) Ques-i
: tion by ■ Mr. C.; “ Edward was X alone at your |
grove -when there the last time?” Answer, i
“Yes.” “ Did any person go with me when Ii
-went there ; the' last time ?” - Answer,“Yes, but!
not ray mother.” “Who wept with me at that i
'time?" Answer; “My two sisters.”' “What is. j
thename of the eldest of these Bisters?” An- 1
;Bwer, “Harriet.!’ '-All correct “Have I the
spirit of a sister present ?” Answer by loud i
raps in the affirmative. “Is it the spirit of my I
sister who answers?” Affirmative. ‘.‘Have I
the spirit of a brother present?”; Answered af
firmatively by still louder raps. “Is it the-spi- 1
rit of my brother Albert ?” Affirmative. [Mr.
C. here stated that no other person present ex
cept Mrs. C.; knew that he had lost a brother of
that name, and also a- sister.) “ Albert, how
old were yon when you died V’ Answered by i
nine successive distinct rapß, with a short pause, i
followed by a lighter rep. [Here-Mr. C. stated
that his brother, at the time of his death,; was i
within a few days of being ten years of age,) I
“ of what disease did you die?” Answer “Men- !
ides!” Mr. C.‘ remarked that the brother and;
-sister enquired about died more than 20 years i
ago, and several hundred miles away, end that
no person present except himseif and wife oould
; have any knowledge of themand did-not fnr
;ther enquire in respeot to them.) Question by
;Mrs. C;, “Is the spirit of my sister Harriet pre
sent ?” Answer affirmative. . ‘.‘Harriet, of what
disease didyou die?” Answer, “Cronp.” “Are
the spirits of my other sister, and of my father
; present?” Answered by an nnusual number of
simultaneous raps, differing in loudness and
: tone, and understood to indicate answers on the:
part of several spirits present—and among the
rest the low, but distinot andeager reps of lit
tle Edward. “Do you all know my child?” An
swered Uke the foregoing question. “Doea be
know you?” Answered like the foregoing
tions. “Edward, ’have you any teachers in the
spirit wortd ?” Answer, affirmative. ; “Will yon
rep the number ?” Answer by five taps. [Here
it w*s suggested by some one that the answers
of the little child was made by the aid of his
teachers, whioh was assented to by affirmative
**lB.) .
For tho Morning foil
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Entibiries were not farther pursued; Mr. and
Mrs. C. affirming that etiery anßwer to en
quiries waa corns* so far as they e«M
knowledge of-tJie~ flats enquired about
they hud given no information to any one pros
titit stSpott, the:HUbjeat«t toir enqumeß, further
ihanthe'.fcct that they had recently lost a young
child;; but had purposely and _by P?®- C ““ o ®£i
concealed aU the facts the answers
to theip-'enqMrita respecting liim, and all the
circumstances of his death and bnnal.
I After theße manifeatatiouß were had,jfe were
| directed by raps to go to the door, which all d_.
Loud Tappings and poundings were heard .on
door, and directly we were instructed to bn g
back the light. On attempting to leave the
I room, the door waß found to be ®” ment
key gone. The door had been closed a moment
before. After a short time, . the .alphabet was
Called for, and we were told the key was in Mr.
C’s pocket. Mr. C. demedit; but
tionit wasfonndin hisppeket, ina
newsnaoer. The lights were then brought, and
the sitaatipn of the room and furniture revealed.
One of the moat Tcmarknble things in
the events of the evening, was to
which the tables werewhen we came to' «“™®
I them. The tops had been carefully folded, so
i as to avoid injury, and there, was not
las a scratch diicoserable »h>ont _Oiein. It -w
Tthe joint opinion of aU pTCsent tot it woddTp
Skd^tacposed/that; all others present at to
should give poßitive and Bolemn
assurances that; severally toy had hod no con
scions agency in producing them. M n
The ibutanccs were promptly given. Mr. C.
then remarked hat he desired all and he
totoher «qneßt tom,to
lugbto ladles consider
an unreasonable one; it « this. Here he
,their hands' upon the biple. "r\.~
irked tot tot was to rery. to 0 ® 1
out to make; with to addition that oil should
ike solemn' affirmation,: as though they were
a coWeflScrte the truth- of the assn
hoes which toy: had given, Loud rappmgs
emed to snataln to request, andalarge bible
aaopened'ouoneof tStables. Ml, including
c Misses and Mrs. Fox, promptly Wd tow
aids upon its pages, and made the foUowmg
qpch of; ns do. here, In to presence
r Ood,“dtae Spirits, severally and solemnly
Erm that we have had no physical or volunta
v ogency in the production of the
other ‘manifestations, which have
eca had here this evening.” . ■ •,
This is as brief a statement oscaube made of
be phenomena we witnessed, to the trnthrf
ihichwe have sworn, and «e mdy to be sworn
imin. Mr. Cii who entered upon to mvesUga
lon A skeptic, and constantly exercised the nt
noat,vigilance to guard against ?*:
*tared blmself satiofiedv ,It be added
that daring these manifestations to mediums
and Mrs. Fox were held by the hands,_so nso
it impossible for them to have lmpoßed
S£on to circle; besides to power manifested n
lifting and overturning to tobies was vastly su-
TwUl edd here a short explanation of part of
to foregoing statement. It is mrttaUontoto
apparent discrepancy, in to spirit of Edvratd
saring that his father - was alone tho laat time he
wosntMs grove; and thenwgainsayingthatto
Cristas went there with their father Mr.
C explained to matter as follows :—he started
rionefandmet, Cn the way, bis two little daugh
ters, and took: them with him. After .being
a while together at the grave, the little girls left
I him; ondhe stood musing there alone for acon
riderable time, desiring to realize the fact of the
spirit of his child being present ■ .
t win also add o circumstance of some import
ance Which has been omitted in to statement.
In to midst of tbot|e startling whysicaldemon
steations, the spirits directed ail to stand.. This
strength became tiresome,, and occaßionslly
some me would sit down ; but invanably the
snirito would request, by raps, the individual to
5L This, taking place in profound darkness,
iUno small evidence of spiritual presence *ind
power. :. |[|tl[ - .
Thb Kibo ABD jus Coubtiisbs.— There was
xu ■ * •• ’ all his courtiers to n:|
tat robe* and held themselves in con
stant waoiMa to obey the summons
“There' are so'signs os yet in the palace,-of.
preparations being mado.for the feast Let ns
manse ourselves as tro please, we shall have
plenty of time toprqpare.” And they-went away
In different directions.
Suddenly the King's herald sounded hia trum
pet, and proclaimed that the banquet was ready, *
aid that the guests should hasten: to it without
delay. The arise courtiers immediately presen
ted themselves, fittingly arranged, while the
foolish ones come straggling in, clothed in their
soiled, every-day garments. “You," said the:
King to tho'formor, “shall si t'at my table and en
joy my feast, bnt yon who nave neglected my
i invitation shall bo east, out from my palace,
and never suffered to enter It again.”
Now this King was the King of Kings, the
Lord whose name is blessed forever. His feast
was eternal life; and you, oh sons of men, wham
he has invited to it, can Interpret for your
selves the remainder of the parable. —Ehia Cook,
fnn the Chaldte.
Uskabbibo Peopceb Millennium. —A Bos
ton paper contains the following advertise
Matrimony Made Easy, or how to win a Lover.
—Professor Lawton, of London, having arrived
in Boston, wil send to any address, on receipt
of one dollar, post paid, plain directions to
enable ladies or 'gentlemen to - win the devoted
affections of the opposite sex. The process is
simple, hat so captivating, that all may be mar
ried, irrespective of nge, appearance orposition;
and last though not least, it can be arranged
with each ease and delicacy, that detection is
impossible. Address Professor Lawton, Bos
ton, Moss. No letter taken from the post of:
See nnlessa the postage is paid.
litEamuAXß CiniDßßH.— The last Legisla
ture of this State passed a law which provides
that children born ont of wedlock shall be legal
beira of their mother,' in precisely the same
manner and to the same extent as if they were
not illegitimate. The Hartford Republican sug
gests that the law is well enough so far as it
goes, bnt it does not go far enough. Inasmuch
as'this class of children are vary apt to have
fathers as well as mothers, it,thinks that they
should'be legal heirs of both parents.-—We can
think of no objection to suoh a law, except that
it may to encourage children to be bom in
an illegitimate manner.— LoweU (Maes.) Atner. -
Thb Hcnoasian BiurnaKES.— Tho forty-five
Hungarian refugees who arrived in New York.
last week, are most of them offioors of the army,
who have been well educated, and whoso acquire
ments may be turned to good advantage, if op
portunities hre but presented to them. _ Lt. Col.
Kekesy brings excellent recommendations as a
m-n of industry and intelligence, and has a let
ter from Kossntb, acknowledging in the moßt
eloquent terms, the-kindness of t* lo American
Government in its late offer to Turkey, and rec
' ommending:his- friends to the good offioors of the ,
; friends of Hungary in this country. One of the
refugees, Bolach, brings with him a Turkish
wife.—JY. K Sun. ■
j ’ Colonel Febmont. —This gentleman was re
cently at Los Angeles, where ho arrived by way
of Tulare Lake,’ early in the present month.■ He
i was engaged with a company in purchasing cat
tle for the San Joaquin valley, and was to have
started about thrn time with a drove of from 4,-
000 to 6,000 head; We understand he has a
' contract for simplying with beeves the Indian
■tribes of the south, with whom treaties have,
been made by Colonel Barbour, Indian,pommis
sioner. We also learn that Col. F. waß in,excel
lent health and spirits, and; had determined to
withdraw entirely to his private pursuits.— Pact-
Jic Metes.
; Sait MAStrTACTtJK. —We learn that a capita
of a little less than $2,000,000 ia used in the
various branches 'of the salt manufacture at
Syracuse, N. Y,,; and that the product of the;
springs has increased from 154,071 bushels in
1805, to 4,268,919 bushels in 1850. There are
110,000 vatsimployed for eoatrse or solar salt,;
land 10,000hetties for fine salt, prodnoing 100,-
000 bushels per week, with a consumption of 120,-
000 cords of wood annually. Neoriya million
iof barrels ;are used every , season for paefcing
SnjQDUttt PBocsedihqs. —On Sunday last, the
iday before tbe Kentneky election, Mr. E. Stew
i art, one of the Whig candidates: for the Legis
jlatnre ls tin 8d - and 4th vrßrds of Louisville,
'was taken iU and wsi supposed ,to be dying,
whereupon a number of the whigs . met and
(nominated J. F. BulUt, Esq., as a candidate, in
(case Mr. Stewart should die! At a late hour
i o f the night Mr. 8. had become so > dangerously
iUthatiusfrieuds authorised the withdrawal of
£io csaetoiatis9.tiet.oL
“ 1 4
*■ w
■* t
The latteht deposit of gold at I
the United-States Mint at onejtime, waimade in |
Sew Ybrk' on Thursdayby Barpden a J
,'for Drew, Bobinson & Co., and amo • 1
BG9 or. 31-100, equivalent to about . I
•Cbauncey Jerome, of Sow Haven, Conn., has
a bottle of wine which T. B. McMonuagase him ,
in Ireland, a few days before he was transported
I for life, with the remark that they would have
4 the pleasure of drinking it together, pome e
Jin SeW York: 1 ' ' Thc ’wisb is probably soon tobo
I realized. ~ *■
' A fevf days since .the barn qf rB, _ Harvey,
near Mansfield, Ohio, was struck by lightning,
and the'erop of wheiit cut from twenty acres was
consumed. - 1 - -
I The Norfolk News says that a school of sharks,
made their appearance in that harbor' on Thurs
day afternoon, and several attempts , were made
to capture them. ■ > .
The county of Los Angeles (in California) e*v
tendß to the Colorado, a distanoe of nearly 3qo
miles from the county seat. - In square miles this
county is larger than the States Of
setts and Rhode Island combined.
We seo it stated that Mr. Maouolay hSs aban
doned the serious charges agolnst the character
of Wm. Penn, -whioh excitedsuch astonishment
among the Tenders of hi?jßisfjiiy of England..
The falsity of thVchargeaagainst'Penn has been
fully provOd by hiSlatest biographer, Dixon, as
[ trell as by others. - - j .;
It is estimated hy gcntlemen.of St. XfOuis, wljo
have just returned on the,rSt. Ange from a trip
of that boot,' chartered ,by «the_ American Ft( r
Company, some two hundred miles aboyp.the
mouth of the Yellow Stone, that,not Jess' than
six thousand Indians of the various Northwest
ern tribes have died this season from the small
pox. . • '
The Joliet (111.) Democrat says that onefirm,
in that town, agents for non-resident land hold
ers, have sold to settlers since the first of Janu
ary last, more than 10,000 acres of farming lands.
Tho prices at which all those lands have sold, all
of them being unimproved, have ranged from j
S2,GO to $6,00 per acre. , v... ; : !
Some of the Cleveland dry-goods dealore were
taken in arid done for by a couple of “Ladies”
the other day, by means of counterfeit .monjyy
The Clevelanders pride themselves on their
“cuteness” but it evaporates at the sight of a
‘ bloomer.”
-.'.V: •...
~ ’' ,\V V _% '. W
; *- v
(Jen. Lopez has received- intelligence thst'nn 1
accomplished lady, » friend and devotee of Cu
ban independence, —Dona. Martina. Pierra .de I
Aguero,—had taken the field with the patriots,.!
dressed in the garb of a soldier, and mounted I
on a splendid charger, encountering all the per- l
ils and fatigues of Parisian warfare,/ I
A piece of gold, about the size of a man’s foot,
was found in Yorkville. district, S. C,, a few days
ago, worth about $2,000, At the diggings where |
tills piece was found, twenty-one and a half lbs, ;
of gold have been collected by three persons dur
ing thelast six mouths.
Lead ore of very fine quality baa been discov
ered in Delaware county, NeW.Yflrfc, on tbe line
of the Erie Railroad. It is found atVhebasg-of
, a mountain 600 feet high, which is said to eon-_
; tain also coal and iron.
The Cincinnati Commercialsnys tbatrooresui
cides have been committed in that city in the
past three months than has been hnown m - the
same lapse of time for years.
Charles Ueemelin is on a. northern tour and j
writes to the Cincinnati Enquirer that he has list
ened to public sentiment, and he knows Qcn.
Cass will hot be the Democratic candidate for,
i-PresideuuL Who will be he cannot tell
prtrates the following reply:
loliel! ~
A timely bhit TTi* proper,,we coufeas,
With cottage of residence, to ctmn*e tb 1 addretst!
It BhaU be tent, If Cbarotfs mail wtlUei it* *
Where the anbactiber will be sure >o get it l-
baa never perhaps been a medicine
before the ; public so weH deserving their sonfi-’
deuce and patronage as Ayefs Chery Peci&raU
No family should be mthont it, and those who
have used it never will. Seo Advertisement
Ou Wcdneiday, 13th initant, by the Rev t’oek ma, Mr.
ISAAC P. JULb lo Miss EHAMSKY, all of Allegheny
City. . "• •' ‘ : -
{jjy Democratic Meetlng.—The Democrats, of
the Third Wart, Pituburcb, wiT;ineet at Union Ha»l,
corner of Fi»lh and Smith field sue. is, onSATURDAY,
16th instant, at 4 o’clock, P. M-, forthe parpqse:of elect
ing delegates Ui the County Convention. •'.* tqul4
Valuable Farm for Sale. W
A DESIRABLE FARM, simate in Wilkins township,
J\ Allegheny County, containlng6oacres r 44 of which
is cleared ana tinder cnliivatioa; 10 L of it is in clover
and grass... The whole of It ia well watered; and there
ig a hearing apple orchard of aboutSOT trrbs. The im
provements are a good hewed log koiia-y shingled roof,
and a large bank ham and weaver shop. The fences
are all good; and is enclosed with a ring fence. An ex->
celleut spring of water is near the bouse, di is distant
from the c.ty aboot ten mileB,and within a halfamile
of the AUegheny River. Title oncicepiionable. Price
83,000. Payments.ssooin hand, pud the balance in an*,
naal payments of 8300,’ with interest. Apply to JOHN
OWSrONrOa the property, or to
- ■ IWWN & TETLEY* Cutlers, ,
■ 130 Wood street.
T. Dlsaolui
THIS PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
DEMMLE& A MENRICI,iii the manufacturing of
Tm Bad Copper Ware,'was-diasolved on the 7th of Jalyy
by the mutUßl.consem of the parties.. AU accounts of
the late firm will be settled by the undersigned, who wlll
- continue to carry on the"abovebnsiness at histoid stondj
IS’o. w lBO LibeTty sircet, and to whom all debts due the
late finh;ninsvue paid.
Orptiana’ Coart Sale. •
Mount emmet building lots at public
AUCTION —By.*iilueornn,order of the Orphans*
Court of Allegheny county, IjWjH eell &tpublic auction,
on Vfednesday, the 30 th day of Augush aitf oVslock. P.
M-,00 the premises* about sixty beautifully,aud eligibly
situated Building Lots, on .Mounl.Ftnraet, Allegheny
City, in a plan ot lois laid out by llugh Sweeuy;: These
Lots present many advantages to capitalist** as well as
to thtfie of small menus. The lrcation is unequalled lor
beauty and scenery. They are within .fifteen .minutes
walk ottheAllegheny Bridge.. l.; : '
AFian .of Lois can be teen at the Office oLßobh &
BL’ConneU, Fourth street and oh the premises.
Terms at sale. WINIFRED BWEENV,
Adm’rx of IldghSweerry,-deo*d:- v
r P. RFKENNA. Auct’r.
i orplianV court Sale*: :
ONTBURSDAfctheaistday of •August % al3o , clocki\
P. M, at the Emmet Hotel, Federal stfed 1 , Alleghe
ny City, at Public Auclionj ia pursuflnce
[the Orphan* l Court of . AUe^eriy^County*,T will eypdse;
to'saJe at the abb ve limeand place, that well known ana
established stand, the
City, together with the necessary
: aha the lots on which the same areerected." v; ;
* This property is situated at the corner of Pederal:and L
[lsabella streets, containing in front; oaFederuVstfeeL.
,44 feet,; and extending back along Isabella street IQOfter
,to an ajley23 feel ande,tfndnbO atabUngl«fcisituatdd on
two lots, each fronting ‘il feet bn Isabella'street, and ex
tending back 80 feetto:Racejt»Jley.l f The- House having
a goodcoslom, afTordsa -rare: chance for persons de‘ai>
,ou,of purchasing. TermsM^. pj) ;
P.. M’KENN A. Auet’r;
Ti'OUND.—On Monday tnepm
;jp s small : snra of MONEY. ■'The owner can Kaye i
by giving a description and paying .or lUianoueev: ‘
! naUtli* • ,
YrILCHRIST’S HAZORa.—Thounderftignedhasbecn
Ijf: appointed Agcni.fofthe sale of>YnkUUchr£Cs Ra.
tors • Thew. Razors are monofactuiedJnahe.qmieu
Btatea r and treunwjualled. iaqnaliiyhy eithfcrßrLushor
American manufacture. Every.'Ra2orl» warnLnted,an4,
If it’doea-uot prove BaU*faclOf>».ibe money, wm ; Ue,re?
turned or the Raxor exbanged, a9,the p«Tehaser may
wish. This article has been irrn&e severqrycars, and,
Is rapidly superceding every other. .With n good
will not reqiiirelhon'lng'fdr ten years; ' \ .
i PorsalCtWholesalc and retail, at the Watch.and Jew
elry. Store of • ' v WILSON,
: OU |4 : 07 corner Fourth and Market »u.
HAVING received Tull satisfaction fromthe State
Mutual Fire ln-urance Company, for the Idas of
my sure and con tents, by Bre, on Penn street, I desire
to recommend the Company toihe patronage and confi
dence OMho public. My lhauka ore especially due for
the liberality and generosity trianilested intbisinstance,
hs by law a d the Conditions of tho policy, I was etui-:
tied to receive only one half the amount: of the insu
rance- ,'e : I. P- PLATT, ■ ‘
au14:3l formerly ofthe firm of Plau Sc Bicett.
Thousands of Flies'destroy-'
[VI ed by the use of the India Eitenr!nator,_B. B.C
iprice Scents per sheet.' TenVof.'thousands of Roaches,,.
Hats and Mice have been destroyed by Bnrgera 4 Co ’«
Exlerndnalar.’ Price SS cent*p« box.r-Thete articles
have never been known to tail.. Sold wholesale and re
t tail at the Medical Pepol, Sfl Smithfield street fantd ■
A TORY.—On hand constantly, all sues of Window.
Sash, furnished at mannlhetnrer’a prices.' Merchants
ahdothera having otdora are requested to.give these-
Sasha trial a, .o quality and puce. „ K KLL Y . -
J VENTRAL TEA STOBE—Juit received 150 chests I
I. looseanOpackedj which are offered to ihe public at i
dielowestratesof any thatarein ihernarjret.- ,
These Teae having been bought before the rewnt ad
vance wilVbo sold lower than any can now be brought
bn Families can rely on being famished with thefineat'
grades of. every variety
i, auM '
• . 3-..' *
-I' ' ,
, ' '
■ ■_ ■
delphia, a beautiful «
of every sue and rvarietyJraaginable^^Tbey-J
prepared to execute •Gyp®:*?®Sc?! in the
LVbintik&,Jii ainyle niisurphsstftby any,Office in me
cpmurv, low«u«m^, .& layToN .
I Pittibvrgk, June ■ •■ _
I Democratic~PrUiiary Meeting.
I ory The Democracy of the Borough of, B i r m»n|ham
1 wiL meet at the Hope Engine-House; on Saturday eve
I ning, the 10ihrast. T toeleci Delegates to llie County Con
tvcmion. ' t a, “ u
ir? FOR LOTE ; ; aliuated’On Xfoertyr
l s hireet,h'or‘th'Bldfe’Jl)ettyeen Hay and Marburyatteets.
For terras apply to JOHN SNYDER,
jyj4:lm at Bank of Fnubaigh.
irj-Tnu name of WiLLIAM W. IRWIN be.
m their candidate fojr,(lio office,or>?tesiaeat Juage of
the Court-of.ilu»»t« t; ® eB,! ® nslo *;®° , b mo, \ Pleas;
, Jyd4:lc-
’ n .Wluter of Wills*— -We are 'authorised lo art
, the Ci(ybf aj.
“*,*■ 0 ca'dldate lor-the office of Hejister of
Vvffi’nWecMOlhe iiecißion of the Democratic County
\ Contention.' “V r •.< * ■ ’ '
Prefer'ifram ''Villlsmj,
„ E7?Pf, *» £?£' h °£ B»'-Ebijf*««e..
Pallot of . longtime confined to
hk*»Mi a. iu . 140 W ood street.
Jfcll ~ • !-."^ r '...;. ? .- r.- ~- •-,' •■•’••■ •> •■£
i b „v e Boarf of Troie Rooms, corner ol
TtunTancl Wooil streets, cyeryMonday«w lnr- ,
m T^ e fl““™ P m V, Min«ml nos.rums lo. Wet hope lifc,
Of.him physical restoration lies only to
tract o< Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,; 1 andpcTmuailc
■ hi*, (orltii iifo’« ‘ak<s,to tre U,aa4 ; wo have noheriia
lion in predictin’ his rperdy restoration \o health. .
See advertisement , ■:■ ■•■■'• • •»: 1 • ;■
•jifipS in children is the unheaUhitieia of *j
mm mm
ImiaCsand olher afflictions, iransmiucd w: tonaiug
Yellow . Rock and,
lluTdock.'wilUlhc pureaiidgehuiacHondaraAS^rsapai*
•SSI, TbrfeenetalaeViUti dariag,.thi» / «@iD»-*B*ty2 r »'4 l :
•S« UkS a g chSnn, re s lorfag:eWhy ; ,pf,muscle and vi
gor wiili e pr, g l,li:nt s <onnl6U«t fc MiDowELLi .
’ •, Wholesale #nd Reiml'ACTiHs.,-,
"MU Wood s\ y Riio&Brßn ’ :
- , encourage hombinctitotions.
- r HUMEV'Pre»”-”*^^A-^, M ABKS-Se | !’T
«r the
mVkiciv** , ; t marl’iuf
jatiael, V&T
ET* OddFellowa* Hall* Odemßuildinf, Fourth
stretty btuoien Wood and Shiithfield Pittsburgh
Encampment, No. 2, meet* let and 3d Tuesdays of. each
-month.’ ■ ■- ■
- Pittsburgh Degree Lodge, N 0.4, meets 2d and 4th Tues
days ■; ■
Mechanics*Lodge, No.t>, meets evCryThursday cven
'ihg1 .' 5 ’.-*" w " ’* -v ; -T. i ' .’ V' " • ''■ ' 'V'-
Western Star Lodge. No 34, meets every Wednesday
Iron City Lodge, No. 183, meets every Monday ev’itg.
Mount Moriah No. 3CD,‘meets every
evening. , _ .'i
. Zocco Lodge, No. 385, meet* every .Thursday evening,
at their llall, corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets-
Twin City Lodge', NO. 241, meets every • Friday even
ing- Hall, comerof Leacock and. Sandusky street*, Al
ieghenyCuy. .. ,{may29:ly
gT'.Angerona. Lodge, I« O. of O. F*»-The
Angeroaa Lodge, No. 26D, 1.-O. of O. F., meets every
Wednesday evening in Washing ton Halt, Wood street.
ia4:ly. _
Notice*—TbeJovEifKTMMiTaiLOßs BociKTV,oCPiits
tmrghand Allegheny, meets, on the second Mouuay of
overy Tnomh at the Florida House,~Mulcet st. .
nC7y] ; \ JoavYouiteyir.,;;Secretary,...
Associated glgomcn*a InanrahccCotnpa*
i ny ofths City of Pltuharghi
fTp-Will insure against FIRE end MARINE RISKS
ofall hinds, ■>/
OJflts'in t&ononfahtla Hour#, Nor ..124 and 125 j Wattr st,
' J ontscross:
W. W.Dallas, Body Patterson, R.H. Hartley, R. B-
Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, C. H; Paulson, Wm. M. Ed.
gar,* Edward Gregg, AvP.‘Aiialrot2, W.ra. J Collingwocd, B.
C. Sawyer, Chan; Kent,Wrt.'Gorman. • febiJO
‘' 'HlatuaVLifcinsurance Company, .
lO* Office for theaboVeCompaniesin the Warehouse
of Waterman A Sous, No; 81 Waleritreet.-
. , 7 R.H. BEESON, Agent.
PUtihurgh Life Insnranee Company*
i|n? - OvvWNoL 75 Fotrsm Stbekt. «£H .
- . ‘ Fresid^nt—JamcbS.Hoon; , ~ ,
Treasurer—Joseph S. Leech.
' Secretary—C.A Colton. •••..
Ejr. Bee advertisement in another part of this paper
.rayfel. r
i jjy Tjih .professional merits of JAMES 8;. CRAFT,-
iE*«i >fcave ; pointed; out' such general to his
•name as<A« candidate most cenaUtlto .be saccessful in
Ithd to the. Presidency of the .Common. Pleas—
that ii Jias been hitherto deemed unnecessary 10 present
his’nameihroueh the Press for nomination hy the Demo
cratic Convention, As s jtracLical raart of business ho
has no superior in the'State, ns tnaybekriowU by his
measuresm the Legialature r of Pehnaylvaiiiq,ia thediß-,
asirous winters of 1889, *33 and *3l; * His experiences or
i mercantile and raarrafaelunnrr lawyer, insurance ogent,
ind auditor arid master in. chancery, and familiar ac
quaintance wUMegatpractice:*a&drevotion to study,
gave hint in 1840 the almost uhonimbus recominemlaUoii
}f ths Pittsburghßar fcr ihe Supreme Couclj and.emi
lehtlyiqualUy hiralrirtheoffico in question, which require
lispeculiarworkineribUitiesionib ; -■
fflMt&r.V t'-r'-TiW. ‘ ■ ALfcECnKNV..
•t - i-Vji. IfPflafimrsotypsstiJTl!
\ Nason A Col would respectfully announce to the
sitizensdf Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity; that the y
mvehada large OperaVion RootaS'With a Glass Roni
and Front* built and arranged expressly for ihtepurpose
Of taking Daguerreotype Likenesses, r The beat Da
jaexreoiypebjon the best materlaJ, are ialceu aVthla es
abitshment, under the special superintendence of the
The arrangement enables them also to lake Family
Groups, or any number of persons, in .the'most perfect
manner. ~
Likenesses of .rick or atseased persons, taken in any
lartofth^cuy., r.: ■
t Gallery atine.LaCayette Hall,Fourth street,corner of
Fourth and Wood streets. Entrance on Fourth street,
j feblftiy • ■■
E I»I|KCR every Day at BiPcrry'fj in the
Diamond, at half-past 10 o*clock;.\
(I: - Jsobog« prime. Bio;Coffee}
■ -,v ;: 25r da ' do j>:
r j :10 do OldGovermnent Javo;
i f ;¥0 doPepper and-Allspicei
; 2cerooQsa.B. Indigo;
r. ._ 200bb18.N0.3 Mackerel—large;
. • 60-do do .stash;
! 5 do No.lSaJiDoa ; , ; v
i . 25 doNo.VMftckeret;
v i 50 half bbls. assorted FUb, for family use*,
25 bxs. old stoek Russell it Robison’s Tobfirco
j ,! { .20 do .Gram’s do;
j • 60bxsiprime Baltimore brand* *•• do;
; • ~2 eases Eovering’s D. R. Eoaf Bpgar; .
, 10bbl« : do' , Crashed.v . do;
i 2 casks Cuba Honey
1 For sale by •
• aug!4 • •
PRINTS.—A." A. Mason A Co, have just re*
V> J ceivcd2s cases be autfful new aiyle Prints, ■which
will be sold as usual at very low prices. Also; 5 eases
6f those very desirable Sr A. Prints, the cheapest goods
ever offered in this market.
■ an!4 . • - -• . Wps,6iando4Market street.
T>INK Ai’l'LE CHEluSlv—Jusl received and for talc
X by WM. A. M>CLBRG tCO.
aaU ■ ■ . Grocers and. Tea Dealers^l
TJEEF TONGUES—A prirae.artiele on hand and for
JD sale by tWM. A. M’CHJRG & CO.
rine, jus l received and for cult; by
i agl4 ■ WM. A, M’CUIRG Sc CO.
•fc/TEjSSUCKEK Kir-One grade finer idianNo.l,
JIJL andlhe beads taken offd- torsalerby. - ;
tauM",, ' > WM; A;J>i ! CJUUB<S .i CO,
H. C, KELL Fifth st. .
~ - rv: ': -:v;:i : ** < :;?
■V. ’•■■■ - .*.•■■ .•■ •■ • .■-.!■■■■■■• ■ -
- -1 ~ _
.r' <*'■ “ "• ’
• 7 ; * *
, r* » 4
'-u " , r l'
V ~ ~ . 5; .,- v , - :
: ." V: " '"- ./••’ •’...'; ’. '^'-CO^
~ 1 in¥¥Ta»tpnrc. .
BALLETTROUPE, from New Grleaiu, confuting
i HlLLißlOr.Mons C. HILLABIOT.Signor .
BEG nnd «/“«■ <£ U-
Pricis of Admission— Bojui and f— r
cured Seale, 75e.i Second Tier, 25c, rrtvaie Boxes, .
on lie Phenomena nnd Philosophy of -Spmuindlitjt;
“I. 1 ;" Sie Spiritual World—its Kconemy aud U>o““y«
SSS lheTheology. Christianity and Philosophy involved
f n ir«neWoo/wonderrol manitesiaPons .of our sjtir
• T C^f«nr^deinflmUiaiei + ‘Splriiu4tHa{»p»rg«.^ i i -' ......
August Utb,■jjfij’jj? n-Utfe'beeK' redtfced: to 10cents, :
who with to attend.
Inordor to gtvonll foil v , Bißosw „, lh
vv - c - w »"’ Fonnh ■*•
and at Uwdoor.-'—^«m be admitted at the
eomxnodated by calling at the Offiee Of. • ,
1 ' K, *' v i l Fourth street. 11
A CHOICE eoEl.Eo'nON -OF SHlWOoolsbiiry,
planijifeccßsary ;to‘:dtnanieiJt : * -**}&L*B h?i« n ie avee
be found ai Ofeenwood NuTscry.. -An *
. ilie corner of Markeiaod F»Ab
ialf bour/for die Garden. Ice Creams and other re
freshraents served up in th© Saloons f ;v ... -fI
Orders addressed id the Proprietor, West Manchester,
-Allegheny county, Pa., will receive prorajit at tenuo” r
■ Steam.Millforßale. ..
it r SUBSCRIBER U aalhorlzed to tell the. following
•'I -J„cribed inLt.PaQPEßTY,»ita»ic(i;mChat?'«»
township, Allegheny eoumy, Pa., one mile ftonr tbe
Chv of PHUbutgli,on ihe Steubemme turnpike, v i.—
a lotone hnndred feet on the piVe.und.ranning back
Hmnity ®‘TWd°woaldbeddcsfrablVdituatfoirfor »ny
v Thisoroperty would not be m.the market on-
° Agent-
TMWfSi' i SS?'i|4SI
must be left. . - ‘ Beoretaty. ' >
’’VolinHe Beia Estate atAaottoit;
rjiHESOBSCRIBEK ofotsfor sale, on Af’SSf" fgM
jL' ; ble lermW'be following properti, m the lny jMli
1 valuable ibtee siory brick. UweUmg
on Second between Warlcel and hciry.
1 streets! thelots being each 19 feet frothy *} e ®P:.
I - 67' reel front on Third street, adioui
in*Hhe Third Presbyterian
one four story brick house, used as a pnnnngoffiee, and
of September, at private sale, t! will then at
"publicpoicry, on ike premises Taras «J i *^' No/ .
frgent for Johnston & Stockton.,
Valuable Real gHgg&g™"
3!»HE SUBSCRIBER offers for #alo ihe following prop -
in Fallsion, Beaver cowre,’teing
aSoul 140' feel on Broadway* and, aboni -W feel
Urge onc*w^fr*rae^nse,nieU
immediately opposite the Fallsion
lie date ry,on ll ‘° I‘ rem i seil '
•<■■■■•■:■;. ejdin-.fiiTlohMßW^Stoefclon.
oallUa '
pEBSONS Jggffi
Superior Watch Repairing.
ty JEWBZiLEBy desire* ;againrt6 : ‘eel) the *1- jWJt •>
teniion of thtt pubiic to the workshop which he m+Jat
has opened teFifth street^wodoonffomQßlU
Mark Vi where heconii ues to devote hisspeclalatten*
tion to iher repairing end refining of ChronomelGTiliav
>lex r Patent Lever,-L’Eplne, ami ©very description of
ino watches and Clock#. 1 v - •' ' >■ • '■ . •
Having for a nomberof years been employed as Fore*
man in the workshop of ibelargeiifiatablisbraent in Ihra
city, I flatlet myself that those favoring me. with patron*
age will find ail work et trusted executed in the beat
manueraud on the moslreasonablc terras. .
Re/crcnees—John Harper, Esq y . Edward Heazleton,
Eaq/.R- IL Hanley, E»q , Jo!eph Waodwell, Joshua
Rhode# A Co, and Witt. jj.Scaife. ■ ■: ■• ■ ,■. r.
.■ A carefully selected stock ofWatehes, Clocks, Jew
elry, Spoon#, Spectacles,&c> constantly on band,which
have been parcUaredattheiowesicasb prices, and will
be »o!d atOTcryatpali advance for the same. fanl2
. CitUens: and Straagers,
DO you wish to-purchase
Jp* jaone-half the uaaalpiiceJ Ifso. call at HOOD’S
tg&ggNEW J EWELRT STORE, 5* Market ■_ #|r«r,
two doors north of Third, and talo a look at his new
stock, just arrived, and yon can there purchase Watch
esor any kind of fine Gold Jewelry atiheir lealyaloe,:
andnot be charged two prices for even thing, as yon
have nsaailv-been i,bnt can get the.very besiQuallty of
goods at the lowest eastern price*.'. Do dot believe what
others, mteteiiedjn their own sales, Tell yon, but come
arid see for yourselves. All goods sold atuxls establish
ment wilt be warranted ds represented at time of sale—
so that all may parchasa equally safe and cheap. faolg.
T?OK RENT—And possession jri»en inmwia- ,
St ately, a three itory BEICK HODSB, (No ; 18l Bi
Third street, betweeirßosshnd Grant). Apptytn Jraßh
• WBlGirr ft AIXOBN,
No. 117 Third street, .
idsite 8t Charles Hotel.
TOOK SALE—A lot of aOJfcet front on Virginia street,
ff by is&<leep, :wiih & frame, house of/oor room*,
a large garden; good^weir,.with
pomp of sol wdter, out oven «c. Price 01500. , - •
ALSO—ALot of6dfeei fronton Virginia street by 100
4«p on S'pring street, on wbicb is a good frame bouse,
coaiaimbjtahairof entrance, two rooms, and an excel*
lent cellar. Price 8500.'. « . 4 .
ALSO—A Lot of 05 feet front on Spring street, by 50
deep ; on which are two frame houses—each has two
rooms and Price,Bsoo. € ,;; ' ' ,
The aboVepropertyis fitQated m
lini/ Terma easy/ ; > _ -- -
SOSmlthfieltl street. •
:)T\ OLD. PENS—Cheapest in ibis city, wholesale orre-
U tail,at HOOD'S JEWELUY STORE,No: Sl Mark
et street, two doors north of Third street. Cold Pena,
with extension cases, for 81 t»nt3 :
FEATHERS— 1581) fin-Keatucky Feathers, recelvei
- and for gate by [aul3l KINO A MOORHEAD.
SUGARS— N.O. Sugar.;. Powdered do; Crushed do;
Clanfieddo; loaf do;.in siore and Ibrsadeby .
ri«E AS—lmperial, Gunpowder, YoungHysoonni
: A Bleek Teas, ree’d and for ante by. •»
WDDACCO—3O bis- good brands in atom and for. sale,
au!3 • * ' ■. - KING A MOORHEAD, ■
, lObags Vepper; ' .. i •
] -100 Reams Wrapping Taper,
' Ml o ln *""* a ° d A MOORHEAD-
TbAINTS—The celebrated Mineral Five Proof Paints,
iT'or Manchester, at the low rates of SJe. ip 8,, for
a C ”n ift ' Cl " !i ! ‘ i( '’ f,r “' T.;W(10D8 A SON.
THE »Co-Pannership , heretofore existing .between
RHODES A ALCORN, In the MnStardi Splce ond
Milling business,i«'this. day,dissolved-by,the,mmuar.
consent oftthe patties. All debts, duebythcispa firm .
wilibe settled at their old stand,No,Tl7 Thirdstreebby ;
IVBIGHT A ALCOKN, to wl om all debts due the late e
firm raastbe paid." >. , . WfiL R,, RHODES!,
: KtttJufgfi, AngustO,lBsl : WM. F. ALCORN.
I Y*TB have this day entered into Co-Partnership fin
TV the purpose df monufactaring Mustard, Bpice*;i
pnd for Milling and Merchandiilngiin aeucrab and
Shall be happyto see the old customers of Rhodes A Ah
corn, al'No. 117 Third street,opposite the Bt. Charles He, .
tel. ... jnUN'WRIGHT, •
: Ihtuburgh, Augqst9.lBsl. - . WM. ,F. ALCORN ■ ,
IN withdrawing irons the firtao r Rtionxs A, Arenas,
Jn favor of Mr. lons Wsmbt.T taaeplensaretin re
commending bint and thenewfirmotVVßlOHT A AG
CORN to their late customers endthe public in general
as being every, way worthy of thetr, patronageandcon>
fidence. - . fanlS] < ■ •., . W. K. nIIOOES.
Furniture nasi Chair WaroromM* -
El JOSEPH MEYER, 421 Penn street;, above Aha
wLCanal Bridge, keeps cdnstanUyon hand and mates
USto order, at the fatctrt pnen. every descriptlcn ot
Of the best workmanship and most approved styles.,.,
! Purchasers would do well to visit his .Yarerootns- .
my27-dAwly . ■■■■■■■ -
No. SO FifUmreeu
A LL PERSONS inlcrestea win .uko li»>
A. WILLIAM TAYLOB.oflhe k >y^ f *L| k £. •
City of Pittsburgh, Biiekmakef.oiiitoiaadoy of
1851, executed to the undersigned a Heed of .
of alibis Estate, in trust fof.'bebeneatof htWtedtWJ^ : .
■ All persona Indebted to stud Taylor ate *S“*£3JJ -
diaVeiramediete puynent.and persons luvUaelM®
fN-rHS MATTBK or the Volanurr
1j James fl. Adams; Shoe Merchant, ofthe City «
11lI 'rte cteKiton 6nd debton.ofjjj”'®.*
take notice that fotthe
dreditoM, dated June vilij lSSJrhsr bfteaejrCTjjj,,,,,
—r. 'm’v?■
9 * ~*s ,
f !t f”* *>
- v >»■ -'
-.'.r-v’i-:;. :^vi , .-r-it>'.'::-7 r^- ; >;
" - * „t? ( JL
" ‘v ‘ r >
‘ < t ' ,r- " ,0
y •
V * -
, i
' t ■"
' tj J ::
KS—3O bbls., Vinegar;
SObxa Rosin Heap: , ■
-. 50 do ■ Mould and Dipped Candles;
SO do . Star do;’ .. _
25 do Palm Soap;’
SO do Starcbr-'
: ;10 do Cboeoiate;
. ' f„. - '*
■h & -, r • \
Cv v---
b-- : U