The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 09, 1851, Image 3

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Correction.—ln our article on last Tuesday
morning, headed- “Ungentlemanly at Leaßt, m
reference to the conduct of a canal boat Captain
in requiring two ladies to leave the boat at a
late hour of the night, we.were led into error
bv our informant, in stating ; that it was the
Louisiana. The mistake oocnrred m
Our informant, the son-in-law of the old lady
who was driven off, : went down on Monday
morning to see what boat it-was from which sne
had been ejected. The boat, as stated, b? i d “''
rived on Sunday night. He inquired wtacn w _
the boat that had arrived on Sundaynight,
Hid. Louisiana was pointed oufto him;
appears that another —the proper boat, '
commanded by the next
H *n CB on us the day before yester
day, that the ladies referred to had
come on his boat, thereby exonerating the
Louisiana and her Captain. ... . . ,
Wo make this correction with pleasure, and
aro grioved that the mistake in the boat should
have occurred.- Had wo known the Captain of
the Louisiana then, as now, wo would have felt
assured,as we now know,there was some mistake.
He is a gentleman whose manners indioato that
he could ho guilty of nothing of the kind, and
wo know that persons - traveling with him will
fiud-liim all that a kind and attentive command
er can be. .
Extraordinary Experiment—A man-walking head
downward,- on the ceiling !• —Mr. JohnM’Cormick
gavo a private exhibition on Thursday evening,
at Lafayette Etall, of quite a number of philos
ophical experiments—some the invention of oth
ers, but many as original as they were extraor
dinary, Among them were—a hydraulic siove
for the illustration of atmospheric pressure ; a
fountain for showing the re-action of water; an
intermitting spring for the illustration of tho eb
bing and flowing of springs, an equilibrating jet
for sustaining an illuminated a.hy draulic
machine for trying the strength of the lungs,
and a compound gravitating air compressor, pro
ducing a uniform current of air sustaining an
illuminated tripod and lifting 2001 b one inch m
five seconds by tho force of tho lungs, But tho
■ most extraordinary cxpenmentis that of walking
(by means of shoes of a peculiar construction,)
in an inverted position, upon tho under surface
of a highly polißhed slab of Itnlian marble, nine
feet by three in dimensions, which Mr. ,M. suc
cessfullv performed —a feat never before, achiev
ed by any man ! He afterwards explained that
a slight defect in the apparatus, easily remedied,
rendered Ins task mote arduous than usual.
After the exhibition, the large audience present
organized by choosing 1\ m. M. Shinn, Esq.,
Chairman, an.d.l. 11. Foster, Secretary.—when,
(after some remarks by Gen. Larimer.) on mo
tion of Mr. H. D. King, Messrs. E. H- Boast
ings, Jos. Snowden and W. B. Kcglcy were ap
pointed a committee for the purpose, and report
ed the following resolutions, viz ;
Wheheas, IVe have witnessed with the great
est interest the experiments of Mr. John M Cor-1
mick, the result of many years research and la- ]
bor, involving principles of philosophical inter
est, therefore, ■ ■ . ,
Resolved, That (ill the opinion of tkishneeting,)
tho thanks of this community arc Mc-
Cormick. not only for his original experiments,
but for the improvements upon the discoveries
of others, which we have witnessed this even
ing. •
Revok ed, That Mr. McCormick has satisfacto
rily performed all he has promised, and fully
■demonstrated that his invention for walking up
on the under surface of a polished marble slab,
in an inverted position, is no humbug 1
Resolced, That the thanks of this meeting be
tendered to Capt. Hendrickson, for the pecunia
ry and other assistance hekaß rendered the Lee-
turer. ,
Rejoiced, That Mr. M’Cormick be requested
to deliver a public course of lectures in Pitts
burgh, and that this meeting pledge themselves
to assist him in the prosecution of his scicntuc
After some remarks from Gen. Larimer, llev.
Homer J. Clark, Rev. Chas. Cooke, and others,
the resolutions were unanimously adopted, and
Messrs. Josiah Copley, Jos. bnowdon and J. 11.
Foster appointed a committee to prepare the
proceedings for publication.
jggf Henry D. O'Reilly gave the third and
last of his Irißh Evenings on Thursday night.
There was a large audience present. After
thanking the committee in the most flattvring
-terms, for the interest they had evinced in one,
who, but a few days previous, was a complcto
Btranger to them. Ho entered upon his subject
—his rapid' transition from grave to gay—his
glowing description ,of the scenccry oi his na
tive land—his humor—his anecdotes, and his
eloquent tribute to illustrious Irishmen, were
all displayed in his most vivid style. The ap
plause was loud and frequent, and his audience
seemed to be worked into the same state of en
thusiasm as he was himself. He has nmdc a
hoßtof friends here, who will watch the career
of this talented young Irish Orator and Humor
ist, with interest. _ -
Wall Paper. —Mr. J. Shuici, the oldest -wall
paper manufacturer in Pittsburgh, has just re
ceived from the ea&t Borne tweuty-iour cases of
various patterns of the most dazzling and beau
tiful paper tve have ever seen. Jits store is No.
69 Sraithfield street. Ills patterns for public
halls, for the most of which throughout the
country he furnishes the paper, are extremely
•tasty, and have been selected iulh great care
and good judgment.
£gg= The wall of Graff’s waro house, at the
canal, on the comer of Fountain and Washing
ton streets, was yesterdav burst m by the force
of the water. The sewers on tho streets, during
tho heavy rain, became choked up, the water
backed against the wall on Fountain street,
making a hole through it about twenty-five feet
in length, and rushing through the ware house,
sweeping a bale of hemp liito the canal. Luchi
ly( there were no goods in the house at the time,
or thoy would probably bavc been seriously
damaged. ■
Sportsmen should not forget the sale this
morning, at McCartney s auction store, at 8$
o’clock, of those valuable setting dogs, double
barreled •shot gun, &c., .us tho ecosoii is just
• coming on when such articles arc in demand.
Also, immediately before the abo\o articles, a
J ot of jewelry and watches.
Jtain —We were yesterday visited with the
heaviest rain wc have had tins season. It lite
rally poured down almost constantly during the
.'arnoon, and many of our streets were com
, ' '-7 flooded, flic water rushed along m tor
pleteij ■ jn g Wood street to the very doors of
rents, co, ".“■■■
the Btorcs.
_ , a gentleman here
rpiacco <7to«. that the grass-hoppers
from Ohio, who s. l | lo Keei j that they have
there arc such lovers v . aro no w sotting on tho
eaten np the crops, ana be „ g ; n g of the pasB
- along tlio road side, bb b *
Broke Down, fhe front axlei. cster( j a y 0 n
can’s rockaway snapped in two coine
the Liberty street canal bridge. lie d | 6
at a slow pace, and n> otlicr injury wa
■ Police.— -Mayor Guthrie is again at his ;
and discharging the duties of his ofhcc. *os
day morning there were six watch-house cas.
before his Honor, to commence on. Thoy were
all committed.
J(*s?- The fishing party that went out. to. Ross
place the day before yesterday, 1 • returned tho
same ei cmng with a very fine lot of bass. Cit
izen A. is reputed to be the most successful
angler now extant.
Primary Meetings. —To-night meetings will bo
held in the several wards, to elect delegates to
tho Scott Convention, to be held on the 20th
Meld to Bail. —John Walls was yesterday held
to bail by Mayor Guthnc in the sum of $5OO,
for Ills appearance at the next term of tho
Court of Quarter Sessions, for assaulting the
watchman at the Aqneijuct, in July lust.
Recovered.— The body of William Adams, who
was drowned in the Allegheny nver on Wednes
day evemng, was recovered yesterday. The
Coroner held an inquest, and the jury returned
a verdict of occidental drowning.
A man named Hamilton waa yesterday
held to hail for his appearance at Court, for in
terfering with a watchman while in the perfar
mance of lus duty. _
jj@“ There was a fightyesterdayon tho wharf,
at the Point, between two steamboat hands. .
jjgy-The public -buildings and ground on
which they stand, in Kittannmg, are lor sale.
A. W. Foster,
OFFICE. : NO. 47 FOURTH STREET, bdow Marktl
street* Pittsburgh. Pa. novl&dawly
fbKFUM.KKIfc.Soi ail Kinds—shaving; soaps ; Haxr t
Cloth, Tooth, Nail and Flesh Brushes—just rec’d a
au7 HINTON & CO.’S.
tuition Sales.
auctioneers and commission merchants,
HAVING been engaeed in the above business for lire
last sii years, m uus city, would respectfully so
licit consignments of Goods, to-be sold in this market,
either for Auction or private sale—particularly Glass
ware, Hardware and Dry Goods; ami will make liberal
advances on all kinds ot Goods consigned us (or solo
■here;' •
Will Tefer to Mcssts. Hcweit, Roe & Co.,E. R. Vio
let, Wm.D. Wood & Co., John J. Anderson A Co.; R H.
Stone, Squire A Reed, Brownlee, Tlomer & Larkin
Denver^ Sain: Louis;; Butler A Brothers, Cincinnati;
George M’Lmn, Pittsburgh. . fmnrVChv
Auction Card*
T*HE undersigned, after an iuterval of four years, Ims
1 again resumed business.. Having complied with
the requisitions of the law regulating Sales at Auction,
and haying procured a first class License as Auctioneer
lor the City of Pittsburgh, he offers his services o* such
to uis-fricnds and the publie generally. With an expe
rience of nearly thirty years in this line of business,. he
hazards nothing in saying that be will be enabled to give
enure satisfaction to all those who may feel disposed to
pnlromzc him. . ’P. McKENNA, Auctioneer.
Refers to the principal City Merchants. Jy9
(four, of Com., N Y.: Bulletin and Pennsylvanian.
Phllada ; American and Republican, Bah., copy lwand
charge this office.)
W, G. BPUARTNI&Yt Auctioneer.
JC Win be Fold on Monday next, August 11th, at 1U
o’clock in the torenoon, at M’Carmey’s Auction House,
a large assortment of Fancy Goods and Jewelry.
Among the lotmav be mentioned iHpartthe following:
Zephcr Worsted, of oil colors; Silk Floss, fine French
Convoy, for wotting Samples. Ac; a large lot of pat
terns, of all colors and sizes; Shenal Cord; VelveiTas
<els; Ladies’ Portfolios; Albums, Poukct Books,Lamps,
Matts. Ac. And at the same time, a largo lot of Jewel
ry,Ac- W. G. M’CARTNEY,
au7 Auctioneer.
REAL ESTATE at Auction. On Suiurdny nexi, I
August bill, 1651, at 3 o’clock m the afternoon, I
will be sold oil the premises, in the borough of Man-1
Chester, a LOP OF GROUND, fronting forty-oigbt feci I
on hland Lune, and cxicndn g back 119 feci 9 in* I
dies to a 10 foot alloy, on which is erected a sub-1
s antial new Brick House, two stories hieh, containing 1
lour rooms, with a good dry cellar under the whole I
bouse ; n bake oven in the yard; a good garden, con-1
tiunt-R nhrubb-ry and fruit trees; a good stable in the 1
r-arot the lot; un excellent well ofwalcr m front of
the house. The above property is pleasantly situated
io,• health and convenience, commanding a beautiful
view of the river and adjoining country, and convenient
to the Railroad Depot. Any person wishing to secure
io themselves a comfortable home, should avail them' i
*e\ve* of ihiso-.ipomnuy, as such chances are seldom i
offered- .It will be sold nt a bargain. Terra* at sole. !
nu 7 W. U RI’OARTNhV, Autfr.
1 SHOT GUN- Srui and Twist. one Shot Bag, one
Powder llnm, one Game Ac , at AtcriON.—\\ ill
bo sold on Saturday evening next. August 9th, at
oclock. At M Cartney » Auction House, No. I*s Wood
tt.'cct. iwo fine metier Docs, eighteen-mouths old and
well trained; one dnubse narrelcd Srhot Gun,Stub end
Twist: one Shot Bag; one Powder Horn; one Gome
Bag. Ac.
Persons wirinug to purchase will have an opportunity
of seeing ihe Dorrs on Saturday morning, and during thfc
day, at the Auction Store of the subscriber.
au.V W. (i M OARINh'V. Auct’r.
IjiRAMK DWELLING HuUsK for sale ciirap.—
* The undersigned wishes to undone of at private
sale, a new two Ftory frame DWELLING HuLSIv,
Ritunie on the corner of Washington end Union street?,
ia the borough ot Uirimnthatv. Said hoti'c t* erected
on a Lascd lot of ground, fronting 20 feet on W a>lung
ton Bifcct,and t*aek bO feet on Luton c reel
The lea*e ha* nine year* io run iruin :b« Im of April,
I*so Ground :ci;t Sit' a year. The purchaser bus the
privilege oi removing ihe hou«eut thecXptuuion of ine
leas- Price of house SCO. Possession Riven tminedi*
ntPiy W. G. M'CART.NF.Y,
* day afternoon, August nib. at 2 o’clock, P. M., will
On Fold al M’Keun*’* Auction flouve, sundry articles ot
Funmore, tuew aud old!. Al*o,cured hair, cot.on at>d
»iriw mnurastea; one Cooking and One b Stove
—both of Lree sue; a lot of glass; smith r bellows, &e.
au9 ~ V M'KKNNa, Aucfr
Lot and Brick Uooao at Auction*
I WILL OFFER Foil SALE ui punur auction on
Saturday, the t«ih day ot Autu«L*l4o clocu, P.M.,
on the premise*, a in: of Ground, *0 feci fronton Hie
•Main strict ia the borough of Last lb minghatn, by CO
leel deep. On which is a ricat, wtll-ouut, two Story
"brick home, eomminng four room*, Tm* property is
suitable for doing a retail boamesA, being in ihe neigh
borhood offisverut mancfac'.Qung c»ialni*lm:<;iU, and
near ihe ground lately purchased tor tbs IM iburgh
F-unu’rv- It will l>*. dupowd oi low, and on reasonable
terra* of payment. Title gcod.
aoft 11.I 1 . M’KENNA, Auctr.
p. fit* WAV 18, Auctioneer.
Business stands on liberty street at
Friday oxtetnoon. August lSdi, at 4
o'clock, will be void on the pfenn»c», that v#'u«Wr lot
of ground simatr at the corner of Libeuy and liwm
hvvimr a front or feet on Liberty *.f« ci, and extr?.J
i-ig aiong Irwin street ttei, on winrh l*
rrcctrda *uh«an'ial three viory bnek ware»ttu*e,o<*
copied by J. D Al-uone and (» fe. Anvnuu.
Al*o,iae. lot atboi.' ing the above, having 0 ftont of \?
fret oa Liiicriv etred. esteuduig bask effect to an al
ley 10 feet wide, ou wind; i« creeled a three «tory »nck
warehouse and oecopscu by W iiMiixoa ti*fu
Term* ut»a!c. I*. M- DA\l^.
av'J AuttUJnerf.
WAGONS AND DKaVsi ft Accno?* Satur
day morninr* August DSvh-. utn o c»MI, or L,d
yard of ihe Red Lien Hotel. M. Ctßir Atreor, wmba.wd
to pay charge*, one dime wagon; t prdser * vr.iteij.and
one •fiay. Dynidcrci K- S. DAILY
day evcii ni;. Attuosth.a. at <»Ciock, ai He taw*
Rooasi corner oi Wood ami fifth w»l; i-e m,i!
a J ar}»e '-d new and *et'ond -mild bw
lya*id potkeihihlcs; Patrick,Lowiu,\\hit-jy ftaiil.ow
mtn'a 4 von., Ac.
Two funenor po;»cu •-ver v> »«chrs,
gilvt-r deiuehfU lever ami i epmr i
P. M. DAVIS. AttCt’f.
Houses and lots in i *»e hfth wahdd
Audios.—On evc; 1.-« S, .Vo.Ttj*t
8 o'ciock. nt th« Ruotn*, cor«;«-ri 0.1 -Altai {iftt
ftreeii-will Le *r»ld Rmt va-oaule un *roua«i.
a front of 17 fettO inchP* on Lsl>» rty direct, rear t*e
corner of Mechanic «rrct. «-ite«* hash <>«> feel; on
wi.ich i# o mbmantral two istory frame dwelling
boj«. with b'ick back i»ui dmv;.
Also, one ®ihf-r i’t of cronr.a, baviuf a l/onl a-i J 5 *el
nil an mier. wnicu i» 3t> feet wide, fX»endi*n Lack iO
feet; on which is erected a ruoiiu»n ; .*fti two tt=»r) frainr
dvrrJltng boaso.
Terr?:*—Oiie-lhmi ca»b ; tvsniuo in one and i#o yea tn,
witn iritcrcßi. .. . .... . .
an q p. m. Davis, Aucur.
A GOODn. GROCKMK?. Ac-On Turrdsy morn
i«'U- Aucu*i 12th. «l o'clock. 3?« d rormror from day
to day-ai the *tore of l>. S. I m llfi.tecw^ter,
«iU be Bold wuhovil rcaerve. hi* cn-ire » oek of Dry
• Gotd*-Groceries. Ac., witirb have been e.arefally *e-
Icc»ed for retail nalt**.corapruimr in pnr: »up*-rior fcrrnch FngliihßronU Dtotb* and Ca**imeie*, a**i»*vd co
lor*; Rotir-rts; isvectJ#; Kfntccky irmwi krr»e>».
linen and cotton drills; snmmcr cloth*;
tiannelßt bleached and umdearhed «tmunc« »•;«»-
inc#; shirting stripe.*; check* i takings , co.a-rrd earn
brie* - oil chmu : tkw pieces lufmtnre and dies* prm«*.
of lbe ben nyles and qu&tcy. «nk*,Uees. Ac., Macs
and fancy dress silks; /fro* t'e Naples i** da emeu »
Turk •atfin watcredsiii*; berage*, la’tMis, dc l»ift<*,
eituhnierc*; merino*; bombazine*; olparrns; *wi»* .
• cambric ami mail ma&hn* ; Victoria and »i*hop lawns ,
Incer-cdrrincs end imerton*; Inre c«p?*, niawls, ho
tirTy and glove*; cilk, Riiißtram and cotton
handkerchief*: bom el find cup filitmn*, rrench Artih
C’als; Ifimmlnjrs; parasols, benni-ts, uml./cllasj PM
ent tarettd ; spoof coiton*; sewing sftkA, coal, pant
and vcsibutton*: merino and *ilk t*nder*hiit* axtd draw
ers ? boots-shoes ami hats; hardware un i eovlery , gro
ecr-e*: ouecittwarc, glosswrirci,Ac
over SUO. four month* credit, oi par
proved endorsed pnpor. p DAVI , Aocl , r
T IST OK SHaOF-S on bond ond made ai nil limes lo i
4 and <M Buff Shades. piain und bordered ,
u « « Transparent green do-,
“ « « “ Dark u • do;
Landscape Shades of every aiytej
Moonlight do do do
Gothic ami Mezzmnlo, of new style i
STOLE SHADES of unycolor, with Lettcunp or De
signing. OIL CLOTHS on hand.
Also, a lot of SHADE TRlMMlNGS—complete nt 25
cents per shade. lE?** Curtains hung on reasonable
P S —Pedlers will do well lo call at the Factory, be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
To tile Ilcaf.
DEAFNESS, noises In the head.and alldisagreeablo
discharges from the ear, speedily and perrannonily
removed without puinor inconvenience, by Dr. HART
LEY, Principal Aurut of the N. V. Ear Surgery, begs to
announce his return to Pittsburgh. The number and im
portmeo of the cases under hlscare,on his recent visit,
and the gratifying amount of success which attended ms
treatment, have mduoed him to cxpcdito hia teiurn. Ills
stay hero will depend much upon circumstances, and it
will oe advisable for those who wish to consult him, to
make an early call. .. .
J)r H may be consulted, until further notice, In AUe
, *»y City, tint thtee story brick dwelling beyond the
8“ hOJtse, m Rebecca street.
®ono -gars close and almost undivided attention
• t?i ■t •cjicb ot special practice hoa enabled him to
to this p. # < f(C aiaicnt to such a degreo of success as to X(aWi fi rfl asd and obstinate eases yield by a
find the mo. , i 0 tbo moan B prescribed,
steady attem. tefUmojuals are submitted with confi
fhe folio witib 'ii *how at least in what estimation his
denco. • They w. axo field by some of the most
profeß6.onai quQl.>;"™“ lhe <. ounlr y.
distinguished medic BUre t 0 mca i| ar ti e y Inprac
“l have had the pi . to f orm n favorable opinion of
tice, and have been n , tforo f CBB ion nnd as a gentleman,
fiis character,both in th^F* 0 - w P*mbb, M.D.,
Professor of Surgery, Ac.
i ..I tea will be duly appreciated
“ His professional abdit , VCft un( j er \ ils ears,
by those who place iherose. wuittabkii. M. D.,
iVVessor of Anatomy, Ac.
•in* Hartley-1 have found
From ray intercourse with Dr. - .
lu, (Icporunenicorrect and Mott, M. D.
•' U Is a plcaontu duty to giro ray l< r *t*c car" of
the treatment adopted by Dr. Hartley or
deafness. The application is unallffided b> pain or in
convenience, and its effects almost rntflatitaneous.
’ Ha 3 - liAßDUair,
Counsellor at Law, 23 Clumbers sL
“Wehave known several ca«ea of partial deafness
treated by him with the most happy results- Dr. li. is a
scientific gentleman and can produce nuitierous tesu
momala of las ability and success in this difficult branch
of the medical profession Globe.
« Persons affltctcd by diseases of the Ear, are recom
mended topay avisittoDr. Hanley, Aunst, at No. 99
Arch slreeuubovo Third. He is a well-educated pro
fessional man, and having paid particular attention to
discuses affecting hearing, has acquired from his skill
and experience better means of coping with ihisser;ous
alfiictiou than those which arc possessed by physicians
in general practice.”— Ltspaich.
All cases guarantied where malfonnauoit does notex
i6l liviouf
Arrangement Made to Forward Freight
. to Baltimore In Five Days,
AT the same rates as the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company receipt to Philadelphia.
corner of Penn and Wayne streets,
iv3l Pittsburgh, Pa.
?"WDD FELLOWS’ TEXT BOOK and Odd Fellowi
rorUm-jurt * C0..8.
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Office of the Dailt Moamwa Post. )
: Saturday, August 9,1651. $
The weather yesterday forenoon was exceedingly
warm and sultry } in the afternoon it turned to rain, and
continued throughout the remainder of the day In
business we were unable to henr of any changes, and
there are but few transactions to report.
ASHES—We have a sale reported of 3 casks at 3£
for Soda. No sales of Pots reported. The demand is
BACON—We -have sales of 5 hhds Shoulders at?}, 3
do at7f; l hhd Hams at 9,2 do at B|. Sides—Wo have
no sales reported. The stock of Bacoa now in the
hands of onr dealers Is quite light, with an increasing
demand far the retail trade in small lots.
FLOUR—There was very litilo offering from first
hands. Receipts were light. We Lave sales of 70bb!s
at 3,15,40 do at 3,12; several small lots at 3,13. From
stores we have sales reported at 3,25<2>3,31.
RYE FLOUR—Sales of 10 bbls at 2,50bb1.
WHISKEY— I Thero continues a good demand for
Whiskey. We give sales of 30 bbls at 20,18 do at 21
ROSIN—We quote at 3,750)3 25.-
BROOMS—SaIes of 40 dozen at 1,00.
•The season for Mackerel is considerably ad
vanced, and they ore only in moderate request. We
quote No. 3at 0,75©7,00. Herring—There Is no demand.
CHEESE—SaIes of W. R al 6001.
DRIEDFRUIT—Thcro is but little inquiry for Dried
Fruit. We note a sale of 25 buih Apples at 75. We
quote Peaches at 1,2501,50.
SUGAR—SaIes arc made al 0(001 by the hogshead
m lots.
MOLASSES—We continue to quote nt 36037, with
but a moderate demand.
CO5 FEE—The' stock in first bands is considerably
reduced, and vrithonl change m price. We quote at 9fr
to in quality.
RlCK—Sales ate made regularly at 4*044
conascrsD daily by
Uoon & Sargent, Exchange Banker;,
Comer of Wood and Sixth streets, Putsburvh.
Pittsburgh .Hanks** par
Philadelphia “ “
Brownsville ‘
Bucks county ■* w
Chester Co.(new Isroc) “
Columbia Bridge Co.* *
Delaware eo. u
DoyleEiowu l - •-
t-.aston ‘
Germantown u
LKncnster Banks ••
l«ebnnon - •
Montgomery co. **•♦•
Pouxvnle "
Reading *' •
tchayikill co. "
Washington '•
We.Mi Branch
Wyoming • •
u . . *
diambcrjtbuTfr * li.
trie i|
(.c-ayni.ufgh I(
Harrisburg- fi
Audd {etown * ♦;
YYayacsbuvs ■ I;
York Hanks I,
Relief Notes • * I:
tmted Stales Hank t 5 •
Allegheny City bmp- pari
Allegheny Co. “ • •prem;
Pmdiurgn City •* ••• pat;
New York City 'par;
Country Rank* I:
All Solvent Rank i:
Alt Solvent Rank*’ • • •
Small Notes
MARYLAND. iAmericanf*»id lnexv)«pur.
Ralhmore Bank* par, do do toly)'ij>rem.
Country Hanks |*boverei*n» $ 4,«3
YhlltiNlA. Guinea* SVWJ
Bk of V-*. ami Branch?* liFratfencsdocr** » 7,^-0
Farmer** Uk L Branches ITcn Tha»rr* 7.tQ
Vaitcy Uk and Branches i;Ten Gatloer* * ♦ 3,W
ExchangeDk A Branch* |;t«otu*dor **■* E-S
Wheeling Bank* •••■»• •• f-Napoiecn**** 3^
do BraneSe*' ■* • # Doubloon*, Patriot * • • 14.7 a
NKW ENGLAND, # do Spanish- NS.ttf
All Soiyrnt Rank* t'Ducav* »do
f Drue Sir—•Tin* may certify maloaeef my boy*ha*
been otflicted for the U«t thirteen year* wusi a fcraiing
and dcautMi of the upnt ear 1 have trie 1 a nattihcr of
pbyeifMn«. ait tv.ihoui nny benefit. a*d bad given op
klilmpeof a cute evor hi-ioff eflecied. when put futasly
physician, alter examining the rase, recommended me
to me me I’tTROLKLM. ivtucb 1 uni. and am happy to
l r =fo*Ol voa that the car- or taro town r.n effreied an cniirv
exsio | wile tlii* without nouciisuon or your acquaint*
an«*e- With sentiment* ol cuccrs. I **n vo»r* truiy,
Steal £»ute for Hole.
HAVING. November :** . m*po*cil o i hijtbiy
Tows* !*«« M ifcfc *w»*o fcoroagfa—a rwnr p«« to
actual iKttorn., I ha*e been induced u> offer t»a addition'
•( ncmucf at private fta.ic*i»r*d a? pace* and ou term*
of payees* «Wii -taftU eosne under the ctestit of ttM
per»ou« (o poicbav?. l-i»h lot *«:??»»!?•.in*
cUJjirjjf iNf. »ttec;# o«d an? *. ot »« #rfe—
t.csftjr tO :»ft tfoat by Ud «■*•. uc*p. Two acutanna.) i
l’Ori*?!r«. and llofi J-Oondrj.itttVC been donr-s :
ih« !»ii yr.*r, asd sr« row trt ».jifat opcTanc»n i
The ITJevrUTid and PitUMirf a connect trith i
the Oi:<o and RanroJtd ?o Heaeeft hs* ;
been ioeaird ihrctitJi L*tf?pcoJ, A cnaner bft.t ttf*o
brmotiiajrnfd toi a I*l*ok Goad from Liverpool vo New
l‘iopctiv fca* r»ren purchased i>y « company
froca wg « Piac.tnit Slacbtwr.,,
sod a company o about bevnjr formed »> rrret <»;»**
Work*- Ilicrs »rr piaf»*«o4 aromiup-fyr IvpjaeopnUan*.
Fresh y i*nan*#fid Mr i.odnt** a Roman l .ath<n:c Chare S
bu* Wen contracted for, to be £oi»he4 the coming f«n .
aiirl the Cnlonuw arc uj porebase aao bend a
pTpec of wor*bjn Menu*of education tn >hs*iown iuc
BOIN.T AppSyto JAM I*.* •.
ao4 cor. and Liberty *t».. accoi-d siijry
“ ~|)j B £,ond Mparlcs«
Rf!rrp*iVf.l) T<M>AV. ?t<i Uiaeond PpatKi. jofousl
fotii UMtktter*'«*«.
j,ia tso. u McKADor.N a «o
l ~ “ O’Dooufll, Unlltn & «•*>.
i Pittsburgh i'htztr *:n*i hov.~4 t
ntTWSft* worm *«» wa*B*T. (fovrii *;o*} \
fM ANUI-*A«M o*‘ <:ar-r Meat I'anor ]
\ Chain- Cato treat Korkin* He* J
I rcption ami Invalid 1.-uasifi (,«»'* *
««<tnootri>y House Miw'»: Genres; i
ttiid every ninety o( l ntur? <
fflfPl All of wflieb w ttn mar.iif.tctofrd under |
ri || ijirir personal superiMi*udeoee. and «re i
M ” warranted noth in rntneriM « ,d evotkm-tre 1
ahip inf.ifior to none in (Uc <;Hy. Dealer* intoe**:
cie* win find it 10 their cspcctai advutiiß«« to call and
examine (a. lUrm*elvr» previous iorouis nowhere
SJieaiahoau and Dwemuff« renmhed at the short"*;
notice. All order# punctually attended to Ijy •*
AUGUST.—We are competed to ssy fiat every
monthly u*ue of this unexampled Maxaitoe rivals tu
predecessor in literary matter of interest I he nul'jtfct#
m titii number arc mostly new, andcxecedteply tr.iUtie*
live i it can #nfely be recommended n* one of the vc»y
best publications to he obtained any wuer*.
II Mirar fcOo . Southfield ntrees. have the above u»r
Male; aa al«o-ttll the back volume*, from the commence
ment. f au *
I)f # William Hentlerttou.
BFING released from nuenuon to l,u late business,
hos resumed theprae>icr of MLOItIM-. HisObice
Bt*il dwelling is above the. Drug Blare, No liberty
*treet, where be may a!way* hr found except whenab
«C‘ilo» profcsrlonolt'uty. Having bail *rvr m year*
experience in practice, bo hope* by do*** attention to
duty tomeitta liberal patronage.
Pittsburgh* July J 3. Issl—Om #
W*" aSThnUTON STREET IM(OI*KK-r\ roa Sat*
-~A valuable and desirable property of uO for.l
front by 135 deep', with a Urge new and wolf built brick
house arranged with a hall, parlor, dining room, kitch
en cellar and vault,3 chambers and J room*.
Al«o—A Frame House, oi four rooms am! cellar out
oven and hydrant m the yard. The above property la
inn central location, ond fubargam at Sd.OtO Term*
raSv 'S. CUTHBKRT, Grn’l Agent,
au7 60 gmithtteld st.
IN THE MATTER of the Voluntary alignment of
James B Adams. Shoe Merchant, of the City of Fitts*
U T?ic creditors and debtors oi James to. Adams will
lake notice ihal a deed of assignment for the benefit of
creditors, doted June tub, ISSI, has boon executed to the
undersigned, who will acute the business of mud Adums.
uuucra f , WILLIAM LARIMER, JR.,
je27:tf Assignee.
ZjVVHS CHBKSH—I.WKJ lbs. oi a prime quality, jusi
received and for sale by
qu s 137 Liberty street.
JAMAICA RUM—A direct importation Just received
and for sale by HCKKISEN & STOUVENLL,
aus __ Importers.
ifUiSTOFFICE BALANCES—Jusi received and for
XT iSloby W. W. WILSON,
aa s 67 cor. Market and Fourth streets.
(IUIN KALiANCKS —Of the best approved consiruc-
J tion for detection of American Gold Coin, of all de
nominations, ** an expedmouß and infallible delector. 1
Fiiees 51*60,53,50 to 85,00,
(' I OLD PENS—In great variety,of the most approved
\JT makes, for sale by
Brandies in bond-
Cognac— 4o half pipes, qr. casks and octaves S .
HeniißSsoy k Co.’s quarto proofpalc anudark Brandtes.
Rochelle— ss half pipes, quarter casks ana octaves A.
Seignetto’s quart*) proof pale und datlr Brandies, now
au s Nos. *221 and 223 Liberty street.
4 cases Crus and l.ous Nob. 1,4 and 3 Principe Ci
gars; torether with a full assortment of * Havana’*-
Uritotrands-jun ««‘v^^&rSoN_
LARD— IOUO lbs No 1 Laril for »alo by
■ No 01, Water street,
FLOUR— 100 bbls Superfine for ante by
ii A au7 BY " fio _ bUB - fOt eale STUART A SILL.
iufOLASSES—2O bbis. N. O. Molasses-prime i coop
jj/f. erage—for sale by [aa7j STUART & SILL-
gUCKETS-SOdoz. for Bale by & g , LL
S T ao7 C “~ 10 bl6 ' Pnm ° STUART & SILL.
AiLS r 5O Kegs atoned siu. S ILU
PYV GOODS —Jast received, a fine assortment of
GqUlcmcn'»Purm»hingGoodjj»i &ca , 3
Gentlemens’ Famishing Store,
No- 80 Fourth street.
OPFNDID Snmraer and Fall Cravats, Scarfs, Neck
S Ti«, I)e Joinville Ties-juu «*p>v$ ON fc co _
P ever btoogUttothu city-just
l ' ,V 1 1'
stole Dk and Branches • J
Other solvent Banks-•• ■ i
Hk ol Sandusky - -75
Granville ..-. ...50
Norwalk 50
Urbanna -5b
Wooster 75
Stale Bk and Branches • |
state Bank branch 5b
Uk Of Illinois 75
All Solvent Banks'
MMcßk und Branches
All Solvent Banks
Mnnnc Jc Fire lux. < o at
I TfclN.SKrfSf K
•All solvent Bank# 3
:lAit Solvent Hanks- I
I.AH Solvent Banks*** —1;
1 All Sol vent Hanks- •
'All Solvent Banks-••
iAil Solvent Bank* 1|
:New York f pretn
-Philadelphia* --i
'■Baltimore i 1
finucinusti 1 djs.
.'LomsviUe 1 **
I.OUI*- • -1 J
Oeaf&eii Cared.
780. 08 TI1IUI) «T.»
{ 1 vO..’’ 1
J *■*'■*■
4 fret 0 n?cUB9 WATXb m ms ctunniL
SleameT Michigan,Boies, Beaver.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
« Redstone, Wooc ward, BrownsYilln.
J.M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Beaver, Gordon, Heaver.
“ FasliiouNo.?, Peebles,Elizabeth.
“ Thomas Shrtver, Bailey, West Newton.
“ Heroine, Conweil,-Wheeling.
“ Asia, Boyd, Sl Loms. .
“ JJen Coursm,St. Louis.
J. Nelson, Mootc, Wheeling.
• kt * Redstone, Woodwardj Brownsville
Atlantic, Parkinson,, do
« i. M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Michigan No.2,Boies,Beaver.
54 Beaver, Gordo/i; Beaver.
“ Tuomas Shnvei, Bailey, Wost Newton.
« Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
« j. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
“ Gov. Meigs, Shunk, GalhpoUs.
“ Heroine, Conweil, Wheeling.
*« Cape May, Snowden, Nashville,
«» Vermont, Hazleit, St. Louis.
The jj«v«r.—By the pier mark, last evening, there
wete 4 feet 3 inches water.
Wheeling and Bridgeport Packet.
1 JESiJa Tub splendid stoamer It. If, LINDSAY,
M* gaSaiftT. Moo is. Waster, is the regular Wheeling
and Bridgeport, Packet, and leaves here every Wednes
day and Sotarduy for the above ports. For freight or
oa«sagc apply on board, or to . .
p * b U '■ SHERIFF & BINNING, Ag’is
jv24 No. Ui Market street. ,
—“ ‘For New Orleans.
Tim splendid new steamer ELEPHANT,
JjplssSittsr Hays, Master, will leave for the above and
cSdnawrifttiM n j| intermediate ports, on the first nse ol
water. For freight or passage apply on board, or to
Jyl am B. mIITEMBKBOKB, Agent.
* Friday Cincinnati Packet*
R*W* th THE new and elegant steamer IRENE
g. L. M'Cltntoce, Master, has taken
place of the Clipper No. 2, in the line of
Packets, and wilt leave every FRIDAY, nt 10 A.M.,for
ihe above and intermediate ports. For freight or pas
sage apply on board. ■ IjcD*
For "Marietta and llocliingport*
J Tiik fine steamer PACIFIC, ZasochMah-
JhWWftuSßtlrßN. will leave for the above and mtermcdi-
Sc port - H every THURSDAY, at 4 o’clock, P. M.
For frcigUtor passogp,oppi y< o n^°™k 3 °y° SON
No. fit Water si., nnd 63 From *i.
Wednesday PacUet for Cincinnati.
The new nod fast running steamer CIN
iJfeIMCINIUTI. Birmingham, Mosior, will leave
every W
r«>r *"rtli»hl or passage, apply on board, or lo
nmr’JO ” O. ■». MIL’fIvNBKRGRK.
AilccLeny Ulver Trade.
I ftSci-JS The fine steamer ALLFGHbW BLL(J>
'2. t.'jtu. IV*. Haxna. leaves the Alle
gheny wnarf for frankliu, every Monday and Thursday ,
ai 4 I'. M.
Tin* fine meamer Al*M - »Ol!KN V Itl.MJv No 3, Capt
John lUswu. leave* the AMt!i?hewv wharf for l mint 1
Im. every Tuesday ami Trirfoy, at 4 P. M.
fr'or 1- rcHfntor Passorre. apply on Hoard
oil- aoiuv uiiLii's sakbaP/iiulla!
ITU put up ut gear: bottles, and contains the strength
of SIX TIMKS as much pure. StmapunUa an any
preparation m America. Price SI per bottle,or
*n bottle* for t»ve dollars.
!tha> been o well established fact for years part, that
tfar-npoTilln. when pare and properly prepared, was the
<>:*ly true panacea tor «H disease* originating from an
impure Mate of tho blood, the u*e of mercury, latoxicn*
tins drinks- evil habits m youth. barrenness, Ac, We
boldly o*sert ti»at JOliN KLLL S» FLUID hXfKACf
of SARSAPARILLA, is me omy preparation before (hr,
public thati*prepared on strictly wicmiGc principles
and of uniform streecth. ThciJarzapariUais purchased
without regard to price, arul every pound, before being
used- is Raojeet to the *tt-clcrt cnrmtcnl test*, auu n?
prnuinr*r«s aseeriamrd bejote bring uvi-iL
Hall’s Sor*aparilia also foulam* the virtues of seve
ral o'-ber vnluabic medical roo«Mo-etbcr forming
best compound. find producing tie frtauar tutanU nsrnl
m tA« known trend ;
Thii Medicine- when u-se-j aeeordmtr to direction.’.,
S'-rofuU or Kina'* KvU. Cancer*, T»tmor*. eruption* of
ihr skin. Kry*ij»eU*, Chronic sore hyc*, lung
worm or Teller*, tseald Jh-tuL Lticomalism,
» Fain* in the Hones or Joint*. Old bores nmi
Fleets- bweilmffof the O.atidv, Syphi
lis t>y*pepsai.»aliniv‘um.Li(ea«e*
of tac Kidney*, I*o«« ot Appe
lit*. Disease* ainor.g from
the u«eof M e r cu t x,
ral Debility,
Lumbago, Jaundice,
Co'rive te-c<*. bore 1 treat.
Bronchi:!*. Coughs. Cold*. Weak
oca* of (be Cbe?.i. i'unn'inary Affection*.
«nd aii cuter Ihsrasen lernlmg io produce
consumption l
l-iver CfcniPlain*, Female irrtgu:anties and coicnlamvi,
t»jrk «a.i Nervous HemUeue, Low fpiru*, NitfuSwrats,
i-imwaro or lianrui»c:;ve i: i Livt»Cbrom. Co»*uiutiou
»l Diseases, ami w « ft »»n«fc and tnuk, and
gef*»*rai (o«i‘* fur tae system, and a g« nvir ami pleasant
purnauvc- fat superior to.lLuc Licit or feongre** \\ atcr
Sait*.ot Stlunt*.
The f«r jsowing Is a VKiijaum copy of a crru&cate no.v
<ti (he ot the fro.nifior 01 Hail * Ssimpar
i*!*. Her. V,. W. Kehooit widely and generally known
♦>* an r«n.J Fastoi of tht M- I.*,
Church ar-d the Rev. F. stevenum »** been known «*
one vt the root.ttaietiicu and *ct;ou» memycf* (n~i die eoui * bout offer many years,
and at ibnuaio inii- iiit tun a*sfc andtvrpouniuc station
of mfeiJi fur the fif. l> Luck i.oneero
Cant' world prude*-* better ot more sa:i#f4dccry
!,-*lUr,rij|V ill fJVfi-C i-f n >! :iP,. .. <.
HFTTi ft Tf>Tf Mi»NV THAN WAS {.V J.R Oil ML
I:i> IN' FAVOR or any MKPItUM;
Ret. I' IV Sciio.n-'U-'V. 1; .srtvxxaon.
Xc:osJn><A,Xiß7'*o, IbSO.
M> have a*e-J John LcU‘* r*Ar*apan.;a. and have
« ft |. r tttrd w-tnenurr ssitffAeitou i and have
imhecitAimn in ela:lT»« umt w*? urinw it Ur be a safe
am? «iunt:e itKoe*! ai:4 calculated w pm*
dure, untt-is fuod.aod ?«••»*ve roueh vsflcnnxi aad wotud
ii,.'r«*rnfe tf;efieiicerwiy rrcentrueiid (t to the aisue.tej.
{Hiv-.r.}.) ',
a bkm:tim;i* cu'.au skin.
tvc n' il neScar*M 'viat* •>(.■■ -m-j
a *o*j? civorrd *:>?<•«.. »««*• f J *“-•■' ** <r w 9 r .?• r ‘ °\'>
pal r.%a Ur.vouisy 10. be
M Urcto-tnruc», :f>uaN», ws*.hr«s pam«<
and tQUmxR o «**to*C to thcsj ft »etfto«afctc
of wUat »w*r*tr lift* i-.t'M of, OniHbM lu<»,w«t.n
g T *ai injury to ttifi »ku». Gum the bc*\
tot-wUr known }: hratKiuc* tbc -ism* by rra*Tinff
t*veiy o? tn«fUui and i*»&c#it«4 shaiva ttoot the
b’nod-making vl parr health* and viipjroM, a«-
Uviiv ift rvrty Hnntth: ve«vrl» rti"l U* >chow
and dark rcUMcnanoe ta tb« jbntl sr?«hn*»* of
« ou th l-aUtrs. abandon ;ht? U'io oi p&mi« and mixture*,
a«fl a** Jivift &jytar**ui3‘te* w»*F rffeetnat remrdr.
« 4 \ word soitia wjse ts *afii<*irfU ;- and ft hlnU«ehousU
for ifor
suw’nfi rotN .\a comment on tmk k.k
0-‘ro>n i>t I* I*. VAM*ri.b. Proctor of l.tiemiiuy »u i«c
Concur.' J
‘ | have iookrd o?pr lhoH*icf co»«i»oiu«p
Ju!*n IJuli'* Conspoond hx*ta«4 01 *"anaji*mln, a:«u
have pu lieiiiMloiv ut «»]Tkiiit ;l»a» uwy <»>tm tv ».Htt tom*
iJcvar-'i nr<Uw thai primi«e* well to chrome disease*,
to *.v!ilcb iih \ AN*>t.LL, M. I>.
Ccvwtllr. June t*. iMsl
- UK UVM-H. J’AjHftan l* apfwtntnitni to t\e
UumiUi Mount Hpj j/iuJ, »*»» cf ULM,?* fcsAKSA-
1 have examined thr pr<**eri|mo:» lor the preparation
of John Hull's Sarsaparilla, ami \ believe the eomoma*
lion ic» bo mi rxeolUnt one.and wed calculated to pro
dace an alteratire imprcuMnn tm the *i«iein. I have
u*rd it hoih in public ruul pr voie prettier, nita limit U
the bpsiaruclr of sarsaparilla
Resident VhyMtian at the l-oimviur Aiannc lfo»pual,
I rj- CAUTION— Rewarc and ml* lor the original Dr.
JOHN Ul’Lt.'S HARsARARItDA, ./wrt Ammciy— •
uud have no other. kh\sl.K A M DOWELL,
-Wholesale and Retail Agents.
For «nle by i> M.Ourry ami Jo*ep Doublor*, Alo
ghenyCiiyi Win. D. Mercer, camtoinburg, and by
DrußuiM* generally.
State Mutual Fire insurance company
imANOil OFFICU, 51 bMiTuriCLi) «t . I'ivrucia i,
Mav lit, |GSI.
flWKbeßievidcnrcof the successor the Director In
I endeaeonnx to 'u»ku the -bTATK MUTUAL H ttb
INSURANCE COMPANY ” timet the wants of the
community, is tho unparalleled amount of busirets
which has been done—having issued V|ooo V >h*
cies during the past year, thereby adding ovorStSthOOO
to the funds of the company. Nearly all the properly
insured Ij of the infest k»nu,iu small Tisks, and aluTge
proportion insured for only one year,
Whole No Policies issued* •**••*•
do do expired, terminated A
do do in force —•
Amountof Properly insured
do Canceled, terminated and ex*
pirmt... 201,729
do do m force 87,094,691
do Premium Notes 79,0715.87
do Canceled,terminated,exprd, 037,10
do in force* ••• 879,03f,77
do Cash Premiums received*** *831,657,14
do do canceled 331,24
Whole amount of losses ruidcxpcn- .
sespald * *23,411, >lO
Balance mfavorof the Co ,in cash, 027,824,45
To city or country merchants, and owners of dw ill
ings. and isolated or country property, it is believed
this company affords advantages Inpointef ciieunn 'ss,
safety ami security, inferior to no Insurance Company
tr. this country.
Conducted on the equitable and greatly improved e ys
tem of Classification of Risks, excluding nil spei lal
hazards. insuring only a limited amount in any one
cality, thus precluding the frequency and occurrence of
laigc fires, and also, on both the Stock and Mutual pl-in,
it not only possesses the cheapness and accommodai .011
of both methods, but entitles the insured to n partici;»a*
lion in the profits.
It U under the control of the following Directors; -J
I - Rutherford- A.. J.Gillstt, John B. Packer, baraucl r,
I Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier. Plulo C. Sedgwick, Rob ix\
Klolx, Samuel Jones, John P. «s|s& oRDi
A. J. UILLMT, Sec y.
A. A. Cmuueb, Actuary.
N U—A Scrip Dividend of fillcen per cent, on o> pi
rinir nolicioa has been declared by Hie Directors, um is
now receivable nubia Office for renewals, or redeema
u" ‘ ,,d 01 111,1 Apun
tn the court of common fleas of alee-
In the matter of the Assign-., 1
ment of Warrick, Martin & Co-1 No 35 Oci-Term. 1848.
to 1
W-S. Courtney &S.tlaibaug.i J
• And Now. to wit, July :!0, l«5l, supple
memary account of assignees, presented
in open Court, confiwud nwt, and ordered
that notice of the filing be given by two
weeks 1 publication m the Daily Coinrncr*
cial Journal and Tost Bj the Court.
GEO. b. IIAYs,
-teb, No- 71 Smithfield street, is now closing put his
stock of seasonable Clothing, at a very slight advance
anon cost, He is determined to sell to make room for
new goods- His stock embraces every tiling found, m
fashionable clothing establishments, either for man or
boy The public are invited to call and see for them
selves, before purchasing elßewhere. ; No charge for
showing good*,
i We study to please.
au7 71 Southfield at.
“ c « -. ' *■
The mcagrehess r of our telegßiph column
is owing to the wires being down*
The River has fallen 18 inches.
Flour..-.ln good, demand. Sales at 3,20@3,8Q
ProTiflions«.Nothing doing. --
Tobacoo...Bales of 50 hhds and 130 'boxes
manufactured good fair at 6J.
Molasses... 34.
: Linseed 0i1...76@76. -
Lorenz & Wiglitman,
(Formerly of tnefirm of Wan. M’Cully & Co.)
63 Water and, 65 Front Streets, Pittsburgh, penri'a.
N. B Particular attention pt*id to odd sizes of Win
dow Glass and private mruldn for Bottles and Vials.
jy22:3tnd&w .
FACULTY.— John Fi/emino, principal Instructor in
the science of Accounts. . ' -
; O. K. CiiAMßsaiiiN, Professor of Mercan
tile computation, A.c. •
''‘-Alex, Mi -Watson, Esq., Lecturer on Commercial
•Law. - - - ■ .. •
* The Rooms of this Institution are open both day and
evening, for the reception of those wishing to obtain a
practical Mercantile education- The course of inairaq*
lion Is so thorough, that every student-on leaving the
College will be competent to take charge of and con
duct on correct principles, any set of Slock-or Partner*
ship Books, however complicated. fjelOtdAw
A LL PERSONS interested wilt take notice that
iL WILLIAM TAYLOR, of the Eighth Ward of the
City of Pittsburgh, Brickmaker,on the 29ihday of July,
1951, executed to tne undersigned a Deed of Assignment
of all bis Estate, in trust for the benefit of hiscreditors.
All persons indebted to said Taylor are requested to
: make immediate payment, and persons
will present them. J. HOWARD, Assignee, v
• iy’ll Office 4th st., bet. Snllthfield and Grant-
Proposals will be received by the Steubenville and
Indiana Railroad Company in Steubenville, until the Ist
day of October next, for the Grading and Masonry of
Uic first division ot the road extending from SleUbenvUle
to the Cor.otton valley; and, also, for the construction
of the entire Road between Steubenville and Coshorton
and, also distinct proposals fnr'the construction of that
portion of the Road extending from Coshocton to New
ark. ...
The entire length of this lino, is hhoui 110 miles, and
it contain* work: of ail descriptions in great variety,
some of which is quite heavy.
Proposals will bo rdce : ved for the Grading and Ma
sonry of the first division entire or in sections of about
a mile each, the Company reserving the privilege to
make such disposition of the whole work as may ap
pear mart conducive to its interests.
Plan? Profiles and Specifications can be seeaat the
Office of the Company, after the 15th of September, and
funher information may be obtained on application to
J Biickensdeftcr, Jr., Chief Engineer, or to the undcr
sigued. - 1). KILGORE,
JyTB:2md&w PreiidenL
AT HOLMES’ LI IvERl v ER ARY DEPOT, No. 74 Third st.,
opposite the Post Office—
Harper’s Magazine for August;
Dictionary of Mechanics—No. 35;
l.iltclPs Living A?e—No. OT?;
Mr, and Mrs. Sandboys, who came to see the Great
International Magazine for August; -
The Gipsy Chief. By W. M Reynolds:
Mabel; or,The Child of the Battle Field. A Toleof
The Pioneer's Daughter; aTaleof Indian Captivity.
By Emerson Bennett;
Dictionary of MechanicsyNo. 34;
Litteirs l iving Agtr, No. 37ft;-
Blackwood lor August;
Auveuiaresof Paul Pcrwenklc. ASeaStoryj
The Countess of Salisbury. By Damas.; . - .
Ecrate; or. The Saloons ol Paris. By Maj. Rich
ardson ; . . ,
Yean: a Problem. By the author of Alton Locke;
Reveries of a Bachelor—or, a Book of the Heart;
Tha Farmer’s Companion—with illustrations;
Traveler’s Guide through the U. S. and Canada; .
. Rena—or, the Snovr Bird: a Tale of Heal Life. By
The Heirs o! West Waylaiid. By Maryllowitt;
The Reel. Byßalwer;
Not £o Bad b» Wc Seem. A Comedy—by Bulwer;
The Daughter of Night- A Story of the Present
Time* • [aus
No. iW Hmncficld street—
No. 35 Dictionary of Mechanics Engine Work and
Rankin’s Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sci
ences, No. 13—from January to June ; Manual of Health;
Parts Ud and 4lh IShi, or, The Adventures of Mr. and
Mrs Sandboys,their Son and Daughter, who came up
to London to.** enjoy themselves,” und to see the Great
Exhibition, by llentj Mahew and George Croikshank.’
,aags ; '
TORE UNDERStGNEDofiersfor sale his property in
X Allegheny City. The i* *eveniy-tw*> feel nine
inches, treating on the East Common, and ninety, feci in
depth; extending from a comer at Gav alley toJproper?
ly owned by the Protestant Methodist Church. The im
provements ate a three story Brick Dwelling, well fin
ished, and two comfortable frotae Dwelling Houses-
There i* probably no more pleasant and desirable lo
gsliiy for private residences m the Citylhxn the .Lot now
offered for sate. The profcwional purnaitsof the uncer-
Lgned do j;ot permit him to occupy and enjoy this prop
erty, and heuee the offer to e-cli It will be sold a bar
gain, jf application be made soon. For price and terms
of payment-refer to Mr. Morrison Foster, at the Ware
house of P, M‘Cormk-k, Esq; or John Fleming, Esq.,
Atlcchenj* City.
3 yakUn WAI. B. FOSTER. JR.
Iron Roiling end -Ortusmcntal Iron IForfc, in all
fpUK odre«l«crs fccg leave respectfully to inform their
i. friend* and the pufilie generally, that, having rcceiv
ts-3 a iorge number of nrw pattern* Cot Iron Railing, Ac.*
Tshtch, together with those previously on hand, comprises
ihc f.r«a*i«)>t variety ever offered in this City—they arc
r.ow prepared to manufacture the ?arac for Cemetery
purposes, balconies, freer*, garden*, window guards,
treo boxes, but racks, centre tables, Ac. Ac.*in a style of
workmanship and finish not to be surpassd, and cheaper
than any heretofore manufactured west of the m'oun
lft AHo, cooking stoves, hollow ware, ami castings ofall
descriptions, us usual. • >y«~
ltfuißD''F«>K THREE PRIME AR I‘JCLEtf« Bear
j> \ n mind. MORRIS*TEA MART, in tb<Diamphd,U.
noted for .selling the best Teas, the best Port Wine, and
lh«*. best Frenchßrandy in P.fsburgb. Shouldyouneed
thr latter for medic ml purposes, you may fully depend
upon its purity. (iyl*
liwiicn* Monday, Sept. 1, in ColontuUe time, Federal it,
COURSE OF INSTRUCTION and rates of tuition the
-same-a* heretofore. For particulars, sec Circular,
: or opply lo the Principals.
Ai*<ai*nv, 14,155 L • .1
U r ~|j dQC ) i , t Field Property.
PERSONS desiring beautiful, healthy, historic and
cheap location for country residence*, aro iavited
to turn theirattention to Bruddock’s Field, which ia now j
being sold in smull parcels, on the most favorable term*-1
Kightv-five Keros have been thas sold this seasorvto j
scrcml different individuals, some of whom
improving hv buildings, Ac. For advantages of every j
kind hut particularly of access from the city, the place
is unrivalled Three grand thoroughf resruubyuand
through u—to wit: the Mononcaheta River; the Pitts
humb and Braddock’s Field Plank Road, which is now
greatly traveled; and the Pennsylvania Central Ruu* 1
road, on which the Cars will be running eastward, from
Pittsburgh, that far, by nejet Fall. Beats laud there
eveiy tew hour*. Omnibuses wjit soon travel, the
Plaiik Road; and the Cara will aUVays-atop with and
for passengers. . • . _
I nm st.iying for the summer at the Farm, where I
shall bo ready to show persons the grounds, and my
plans of division theseof. Visitors can do accommoda
ted at the Mansion House as at a Hotel. .
Mnr?h 20. Is 19,
7.609 •
Notice to Contractors*
Sew Books! New Booksl
NeVBoolu! Ncw Books!
For Sale*
Cocbran, Mcßride A Co.,
J. S. Tough** Celebrated Ethereal Oil*
FOR Churches, Stores, Parlors, Steamboats, Canal |
Boats? Halls, Chambers, Kitchens ? Workshops, and j
Indeed every place where light is required. The public
are respectfully inviled to cull and examine a beautiful
assortment of these Lamps. Also, Lamps of all kinds,
Lard Oil, Ac., Chandeliers.Girandoles. Wait- }
cm, Ttlantel Decorations, Lamps, Globes, Glasses, Wicks,
Paper, Tin Shades, Mataand Can?, and all things per*
turning lo the trade. Also, a superior Safely Lantern,l
for Steumboatß and Stables. ! I
The cheapest light to be found for store and shop pur
poses, is Tough’s Refined Chemical Oil and Lamps,from J
which a splendid light is obtained at $ of a cent per |
hour, equal, if not superior, to gas. We invito an ei« I
animation of our goods and prices. Being prepared,by l
the accumulation of 12 years* experience,and with fa
cilities to supply both the wholcsolo and retail trade, on
the most favorable terms, atthe Pittsburgh OH and Lamp I
All articles delivered in any part of the city, or in Al
legheny, free of cost.^-
gularly supplied once or twice a: week. All orders left
with the wagon, (which is constantly passing round the
city ,l will be promptly attended 10.. }. 8. TOUGH,
- No. «2 Fourth street, Apollo Hall, a
aprX9;dAwy between Market and Wood'.
We Offer for Sale
with double back buildings, situated on Wylie St.,
above Washington, being twenty-two feot front by nine
ty.gix feet deep, to a twelve leel alley. ,
' D. VW A A. S. BELL, Attorneys at Law.
jyS.dtf Fourth street, above Smithfield.
TOBACCO— Russell A Robison’s, W. II Grant’s, and
other good.brauds, for sale by. •
BEAVER dczl' Beayer. Backets, in
store and for sale by
New Books! New Books!
JUST RECEIVED AT WALL’S Periodical and Cheap
Publication Store,No. 85Founh street—
Jeonogtaphic Encyclopaedia—No;22; j
Brailhcwaite’s Retrospect of Practical Medicinelarid j
Surgery—pait the U3d; ■)
The August number of the London Lancet; j
Dictionary of Mechanics—rNo" 35; . ‘
. LUteU’aLivingAge—-N0*377 ; 1
Wesunimsterlteview for July y
American Whig Reviewfor August; i, , _
Mubte.or theChildof the Rattle Field—a Tale of
Waterloo;. „ i,; -
Punch’s Matrimonial Guide. The Natural History or
-Courtship,.by “ Punch;” uniform with Punch’s Com*
plete Letter Writer, Ac. i anCs _
FEATHERS— 1200 fits. Kentucky Feathers in stors
„ o f nd for salc by „ KINO & MOORHEAD.
SECOND HAND PIANO, roanafaetored bv Fj. «-
Scnaazt, Philadelphia,sixoc»aTes,roancganyca»e,
in good °rder. nice SW. For aalehy^
Ricbanltmi's, -No. 81 Markclßlreel.a.KUhcrlot of
Talent Candlesticks, a new article, M present mnca in
vogue, and a greal improvement onthe old style, which
the public are respectfully invited to call and examine.
jy29 - ' ' ■ ~ : :
•, : Diamond alley.
•---:- ;&-(U
r ; ■
.* ‘~ -■* ' < ..- ’•■ .t , '
Zr-- •- ■ t-.i f V-'t'
**’ ,‘r'
bankers anir Brokers.
hilv <a. cimaY.
- «o. 65 Wood. Street,
. Third door behw : side).- ,
SIGHT EXCHANGE<m the Eastern Cities constantly
for sale. Time BilU of Exchange and Notes djs
counted. Gold,Silver andßnnkNotes, bought and sold.
Collections made in all the principal citiosof the United
States. Deposits received of Par and Cnrrent Fnnda. •
~ mariffiy ''
No. 95, course Wood and Dumoito bteesis, . .
Pittsburgh**. : [mayl
Domestic and Poretgn Dank Notes ,
GoldandSilctr, Bought,So.iandExehangtd,
1 . . .. OF
Williams A. Mill & Co.,
01 Wood Street,
fD~l<trr»tsTAUJwm>osTiMßiirro9itß. raog2B
Banktrsani Exchange Brokers, Dialers in Farsign and
Domestic Bills, Bills of Exchange,. Certificates of Bepof
iußaniNotes,and Coin. .
Comet of Third and Wood sta., directly opposite the SI
Charles Hold- maya_
- noon Tnoa.SißaiMT
ras.s.soo^ ooK is /tRGEST, ■
nr Jt Comer of Wood and Sixth streets., Pittsburgh, Pa
"iSjEALEBSin Coin, Bank Notes, Time Billß, Foreign
f)*and Domestic Exchange,Certificates ofDepoair,£c
EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union
and Europe, for sale in sums to snitpurchasers.
CURRENT and par fluids received ondeposite
COLLECTIONS made on nil parts of the Union , atthe
lowefctrates, . ■ ■epl!-ly
To Ho. 67 Market strseti four doors below old stand. _
lers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and
Bank Notes. Exchange on lhe Eastern and *V eslern
cities constantly for soje. , . . : , , .
Collections made in all the ernes throughout the Uni
ted States. Deposites received in par funds or cnrrent
paper, NO. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth
streets. •' - ; c- : - ■ auggS-ly.
Farnltnre and Ohalr Warerooms.
S? JOSEPH .MEYER, 424 Pena street, above the
f&wCanal Bridge, keeps constantly on hand and makes
JaEam nrder. atthe Unotst vricesV every descriplion or
of the best workmanship and most approved styles.
Purchasers would do well to visit his Warerooms.
my27-dflcwly : •..
LleUnlng Rods—Spralt's Patent.
JAMES JACKSON, General Aeenl, ;
Wholesale JJtptt, Bp r Wmil Pa,,
_ _ _ ...
. (Cortwriglji’sCullery Store),
THESE LIGHTNING RODS arc so constructed that
ihey cannot get out of order. .The Insulators and
Attachments fitting accurately, the Points and Magnets
are unrivaHcu —tbe whole being highly ornamental,aod
without dispute, the best conductor ever munufactavcd.
I willput them up thro* the Country at 12fcc* foot and
SI the points and magnets. Address by post or leave
a written order at 80 Wood sL, where the Rods may be
teen. . : \ fmy23:w
-to yiNJOrWATCHES.— A few very superior
vSkj. Gold Patent Lever Watches, received Lry ex
js'*3slprc *Biaino 8 i ainon ff which pre splendid Pocket: Ohio-’
G&ji2s3 n oaioiers,of beautiful finish; double cased Hant
plain and engraved, of various styles and
8.1 Market stieat.
ln«r> a
palter iso,..
Store Room for Rent. _
THE subscriber offers for rent three large and t-ciil
well-finished STORK ROOMS, entirely new. JagiS
located on. Fifth street, opposite the Exchange Bank
Possession will be given immediately* For terras, &e
apply to • - - 11* CAMPBELL,
jy3o, ' . ~ ’ oa the premises.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
TnE following described-propeities are offered for
sale, opoa easy payments; - . _ • -
AfOurslory brick warehouse and lot, m Pittsburgh,
on the sooth side of Wood street, ticiween Fifth and
Sixth streets, now occupied by Wm RPCully & Co. • • s
Also—A lot in the Eighth Ward, Pittsburgh; bounded
by the Kensington Rolling Miltonlhe west,
about 120 feeton the Monongabela river.
Also—*A house and lot in the city of: Allegheny, front
ing 30 feet on the South Common, between Sandusky
street and East Common, and nmning.bacfc to .Water
alley 240 feet, adjoining the property of HarveyChiids.
\ lot, partly m Ross and partly m Reserve
townships, the second lot below the Marine Hospital,
fronting on the Ohio river, and containing about 11
aC Also—A house and lot, in Allegheny fttty, now occu
pied, by. James Creswefi, fronting on Bank Lane, and
immediately under Seminary Hill; containing about 27
feet in front- , , . •, «•., eaj
Also—About three acres of ground in the City of Al
legheny, adjoining the residence jof Chtmee Brewer,
/romingon Water Lane, near the Plonk Road, with a
i large and handsomely built .Mansion House thereon,
I and two springs of water at either aide thereof, now oc
cupied by $. Church. • Apply to ..
V , JOSEPH KNOX, Attorney, Ac.,
Grant street, Pittsburgh.
““ Important and Interesting
TO House Keepers Furniture Dealers, Railroad Com
ponies. Hotel Keepers, MUitary Companies, Engme
Companies, Cabinet and Plano
Compound has entirely superseded all ,oiher articles
heretofore used for similar purposes, -wherever U has
been introduced. It tells its own story, and.only.Ter
cuires to be tried to provo, to the most incredulous, ns
superiority over any other article ever before, asedfor
cleaning ami resloring >o Ibeir ongmal besmly and Ins
ire,ail arucles'of Varnished or Polished Furniture.
The above Compound we, use in our own business,
and tmarantee ii'io be all that the proprietor recommends
1, ,a nc. Sold Wlioleralc «4 «**“£„ * McKKE(
iy4 Ryan’s Buildings. _
Saddle and Harness Manufactory,
_Wo. 132, Wood strut, Pittsburgh.
AHOLSTFIN rcsncctfnlly informs his friends aiiif
- the public that be keeps on hand a large stock of
saddle!, harness, trunks, carpet bags,
&c ,Ac , of his own manufacture, of the very ; best de
scription. He invites strangers and all those visiting the
City to give him a calL Remember the place—No. 132,
Wood street, sign of the Golden Saddle. Jee^tf
Family Horae.
’*gL' !a large fine looking Sorrel Horse, perfectly
fyaagtT safe, will be sold for a light fast haree, if oppU*
rx li cation is made soon, __ r r
ivo lAt A. Wilkins A Co, ! s.)
-jTOHN WALKER takes pleasure in announrnig to lus
£1 frieodsondthe public that he has taken the above
splendid establishment, am* after.JeonfiWerable expense
has made it a delightful place of resort- He is perfectly
prepared to serve up at the shortest notice every deu<m
cy which may tempt the appetite of the epicure or the
fancy of the most fastidious. - , , , ,
Dinner will bain readiness every day at 1 o clock, for
any number of persons, commencing this day, June cist.
Parties oan be accommodated with buppers m the most
rtchher&t manner- Oysters, Game, &c*,*nli be found
therein their season. In short, the proprietor intends
•that no expense or trouble shell be spared to make this
alreodv popular house the best in Uie Western country.
. jeSSOy. .• ••• •'
--A oara. V" • • ‘
Hj DALY A CO. have now ready for sale a large
W * and well selected stock of spring and Summer
Hosiery in ail its branches. They would direct particu
lar aticnuon 10 their stock of Gentlemen's cotton half
Hose, with Merino and Silk lectl.lhcy are of the best
materials and workmanship, and for comfort as a sura
merSock, cannot be equaled. W. D.& Co have also
on hand Gents Undershirts and Drawers in cotton, silk,
and merino ! Childrens’ Hosiery of nil descriptions, at
the old established Stocking Store, Fifth street, between
Wood and Market. - . I 1 ??* .
" “ “ Dissolution*
IN CONSEQUENCE of the deeease of John MeVa
ticn,the paitnersbip heretofore existing between M?-
Faden : 4s Covode is hereby dissolved. John F. Cole is
fully tmthoiiecd to settle the business of the late arm.—
Alt persons having claims will please present them for
payment. PmsburgA, July Ist, 1951,
IOIIX COVODK*- ~ '** • • _
Covode & Cole,
[Successors 10 McFaden & Covode.]
Tlic business of the Agency of ihe Pennsy Name Cen
tral. Railroad Company will Wofterbo conaoctcd un
dertbe nantte and style of CQVODE-ac COLE,
corner Ponn and Wayne streets.
Ist, 1831.-jylo
“Adorn* & Co.’s Express Office. " |
. No. 65 Market street. j
IT civea u« pleasure to announce to our friends that;
*e are now ready to receive them at our new Office ]
on Market street. : ■ ‘
From one messenger nor week, with which we com
menced running over the Central Road, we have in
creased our faculties to six, by which we con send or*
ders nny day to and return coods by
the aame mesicnger. BAKhR & MJUbYIII,
jc23:y Agenta.
New Music*
TT KLEBF.R,NolOlThirdstrcet,has jualireceived
ri , The Bloomer.Rolka, with a beautifully coloied
vignette of.the Bloomer costume ;
Farewell, if Ever Fondest Prayer;- ' .
Wait for the Wagons. Dedicated to Kit Carsou, the
Great Western Mountaineer;
The Language of Love;. 4
Come Where Sweet Toned Zephyrs Pass. Composed
for and sunghy the Irish Nightingale,Caihnrine Hoys;
, Wherefore,NeUy,Look so LonelyT
| 1 Think of Tliee at Eventide;
Careless Childhood’s Sunny Hours; • •.
Nancy Bell ; •
Cornin’ Through the Rye—with now embellishments,
as song with unbounded applause by Jenny Lind ;
Radi Never, Never Known Thee;
Pestal, Yes the Die is Cast;
Niagara Falls— aCoinic Song;
/The Mother’s Requiem;
A fine selection of GuitarSonga. ;
Musician’s Companion—by Howe; .
ALSO—Waltzes, Marches; Polkas, Variations, &c.,at
. Great Bbavrl Sale.
a A MASON’S G«ord4»»«WsAatt>* Safe vili com-
A- 'ntMc? bn Tuesday, August 5 ill, wbnn they wiU
he lowest and best assorted stock of SHAWLS
ever exhibited in this city.compnsing- h ' r
-■ plain While Crape Shawls;
Shawls;: -
Plain Printed and : Embroidered Thibet shawls,
Broohea,Cashmere and Long Shawls—of fine and
, are determined to closeout previons
AU .t,Sr Stock, and will offer them at a
' o r^ ce actually less than eastern oost.
great reduction, actual c 2 and M Martct slre et.
••aus ■ " ~~
. nmi popular BoofcB« v r .',
Jno. 3d Smlthfield street, the following new nnd m
£ “he Lift of Mrs. Margaret; Maitland, of
SwrenMide— written by herself. A new story for Moth
e,H6mddslfonie—a Domes ic Tale; ■ _ .
Appleton’s Mechanics’ Magazine andEngmccra’ Jour
“ Whig Review for Augnsl;
Bell’aLif" London Mews and Punch, received every
•■week. 1 " ' ' - ' ■
-STEBVOUS i>KBICITV.-Wealcneas of the byalrnn, |
N anil Premature Decay, are all removed by the JU- I
NO COKDIA.L. This grand and important remedy has 1
restored strength and vigor lb thousands. Ktstheonly
positive cure for loss of muscular energy, physical ins- I
Sitndeslairirishneas of theliver, and speedily .renovates..
theMentalindPhysical Powers. PriceB3,ooperfcot
llCCo«iion--Tiie oniy plade'to procure the genuine' is at
150 Smithfieia street r 1
-p casta
.•-• w-^,£ v .r J A.-i ..•
*. ' J
\ ( : J : :' ■ -
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•i'. - *•. • ■i,
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»&,2V. *■ <* 'wfc ■"■ ,_*’> y
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*i * *
Drags <roi> fflebicims.
Private Diaeasea-
S Dbvqtss his entire attention to anode*
practice.- His LusineseismoffiJy confined to
Private or Vtnertai JHseaus. and saeh pain
ful affections, brought onby imprudent*
youthful indulgence and excess. '
' Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptions. Gouorr*
hen,Gleet, Stricture, Urethral Discharges,
impurity of the Blood, with all diseases o; the.venereal
® r, Kt n ' Bkm; Diseases; Scorbutic Eruptions, Tetter.
Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases,Seminal Weakness,lra
potency,'Files, Rheumatism, Fexnhle Weakness, Month'
]Y Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano*
Nervous Atrecuons, Pains in the Back and Loins, Irnta
lions of the Bladder and Kidneys,successfully treated
Cureguaranteed. . • . .
Fourteen years 1 practice*(fourin this city Venables Dr
Brown to offer assurances of speedy cure to all who ma>
come under his core. , ; .
Office and private consulting rooms, 41 Diamond ay.
ffT" Charges moderate. .*. novs;d&,ttfiy
REUMATISM.— Dr. Brown's newry atscovrcd rent*'
edy for Rheumatism ir a speedy auacertain remedy
fortbatpainfultronble. Itnevcr falls.
Office arid Private Consultation Rooms No, 41,DTA*
MOND, Pittsburgh, Pcnna. .The Doctor is always at
homo : ... UnlS-dawtl
• Chemical YegitaUe Combinations to repel Diseases,
Or* Guyaott’B Yellow Hock and Sarenpa
rllla, ‘
PUT UP IN THE largest sized bottl es,. contains
;tnore of the pore Honduras Sarsaparilla than any
other preparation extant, which ischcmlcully combined
with the Extract of Yellow Dock, the-Eklract of Wild
Cherry, and Balsam of Fir, thus making the remedy
! more thoroughly efficient~lhau ohy : other Saraoparii:a
before-the pablic. At the same time it is perfectly free
from all mineral poisons, which cannot bt said of any
of the Sarsaparilla Compounds. The invalid should be
ware of poison lrony Quinine, lodine, Sul
phur, Arsenic and many other mineral arrr raelalic-poi
sons entered into and form the active, basis of most of
the Satsaparillas and. Panaceas of the day. GuisortV
Compound ErrsAcr ov Yellow Dock and Sabsapa-billa
- does not contoin a particle of.these substances, as any
'one can. ascertain by applying the.necessary.tests.
Thb original and only genuine; preparation for the
OF THE LUNGS when they are supposed to be affected
by the too frequent use of Mercury, Iron, Quinine, etc.—
Ii ia alsoa remedy for SALT HHKUM, KING WORM,
WHITE SWF.LLING, King’s Evil, Neuralgic Affec
tions, Female Weakness sna Obstractions, Barrenness, ‘
Nervous-;and-general Debiiity of the System, Loss of
Appetite, Languor, Dizziness and Liver/Affecuonv
winch led to Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever
and Ague, Billions Fevers, ChiHFevers, Dumb Ague,
Jaundice,Ac;, Ac. •
- [p»The afflicted may- rest assured that there Is not
thejeast particle of Mineral, Mercurial* or any other
poisonous substance in this medicine. It is perfectly
harmless ami may be administered to persona in the very
weakesisloges of sickness, or to the -most helpless in
fants without doing the least injury..
The curaiiye powers .of, this.extract are truly, won
derfuLand altmvallds’should.mpko immediate trial o.
the “ Yellow Dock and lt cannot injure
the delicate patient.
King’s Evil's—-Case of OfM. Leonard.
Blooming Gzovb, Dee. Ist, 1849.
Messes S. F. Bennejt A Co.—Gents:—Sometime m
1543,1 was .attacked with; ihe, King’3 Evil in my arm,
which became bo. sore, that I coula hot use it* and in
1845, mortification set iii. I employed at differenttimes.
cach/physician of celibriiy within iriy reach f all tola
me that my arm must be' amputated; From the sboni
ders to the fore arm, my arm was full olrunning so res
come of them as large os a fifty cent piece. I then tried
an Indian Doctor, who removed the mortified flesh, and
stopped the mortificat>on, butcootd not heal my arm.—
My strength* at this time* was completely exhausted
and my person much emaciated. I continued in this
slate 'until the summerof 1848, when I : saw" an adver
tisement of w GuysoWa : Yello\o bode and .Sarsaparilla,"
which I read attentively, and sent for one bottle of the
article. After-using it a few days, the discharges from
my armincreased, and assumed a- lizlu cb!o.\ and less
offensive odor. : I senl,for a Becona bottle, and while
using it I found my strength increasing, and tbedis-'
charges decreasing.' I continued using it until I had
used six bottles, though I felt rayselrpertecly cored
before I used the sixth bottle. Since that time ! have
not felt any paiu in ray arm; no sores have re-appeared,
; and! have hot a doubt that it Is thoroughly enred, fori
| can laborwith it aswell asever I.could. v'.-
“Guyscti's Yellow JDoekahd Sarsaparilla^ alone cured
me; I look no other remedy while using Jit and had I
used it at the first appearance cf the malady*! fully her
lietre it would, have saved mo from ycarsor suffering.
Audi must earnestly recommend every person suffer*
ingunderanysimilardisease,to use li Gnysou's Yellow
Dock and, Sarsaparilla? 1 which will restore them to
health. Yours in gratitude, ■
, a o. M. LEONARD.
An Extraordinary Case of Scrqfula y Eyrasiptias and
Dicers. owed by the sole use of Dr. GuysoU's 'Com
pound Syrup. Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
Brooki,y»,.Nov. 17,1848.
' Da. GtnreoTT-r-Six: I tender you my sincere thanks
for the great benefit I have derived from theuseof your
valuable Syrup. I have been lroitblcd vpry ; bad witha
scrofulous sore which made its appearance on my chin.
Idid not pay muck attention to it ; ai first, supposing it -
to be nothing but some eruption that generally appears
on persons’ faces. It finally began to increase, until it
spread to the back part of ray,head I applied to a phy
sician; he attended me all to no purpose- I had tried
everything that could, betried. 1 saw your Syrup of
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and conceded to use u,
fori knew that the Yellow Dock was one of the most
valuable articles in the world for the blood. I bought
your Syrup and commenced using it, and, from the use
ol one bottle I could see a great change in. my system.
I continued using it until lam a well conn, l now feel
like a new person; my blood is perfectly, cleansed, and
free from all impurities. There is not a’question but
that your newly discovered Compound itfar superior to
any ssarsaparilla Syrup ever sold. /This certificate is at
your disposal "to publish- if you-like, and any one yon
may refer to me, I shaU be happy to; giyp them all the
' information I can about my case, &c.;
I remain your obedient servant, *
It 3 Market street.
27U beat Female filtdudne known. . The.Eztraetof Yellow
Dock and Sarsaparilla is a pesitive,' sptedy and
' : permanent cure for all complaints incident to
fts mild alterative properties render Upccunarly ap
plicable to the slender and delicate constitution of the
i'eraale. It is unrivalled iuii&effeet.upan such diseases .
as Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Leuconhoen or
Whites, Irregular Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine,
and general Prostration.of the system. It immediately
contracts that distressing nervousness' and lassitude so
common to the teraaleffrumc, and imparts an energyand
buoyahcy'as surprising as they are grateful. We have
evidence on file, which induces us strongly to recoin-i,
mend this medicine to married'people 1 who- have not .
been blessed with offspring..! '
Prolapsus Uteri, or falling of. ths five year*
standing, cured hyßr.truyioif’iEiircwt.o/ Yellow DeeA
. andSarsapariUyi after every kndiDn rtiTUdy ho/ .
been tried without relief. - ; y
WAsmsfGTOXjOT; Feb., 1849.
This certifiesthat fay wife, aged twenty-seven years -
has been suffering under die above complaint for five
years. Nearly all of that time confined to her bed. /
nave tor five best medi
cal talent that could be procured in this section ot the
country, without any benefit whatever.- I have.also
purchased every instrument recommended for the cut .
of mxch diseases, all of which proved worthless. . .
lii the spring of 1843,1 was induced by my friends'to
try Dr.Guysolt’s Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla which
was used for font months. After she had used it for four
weeks, it was evident to all of us that fihe was improv
ing, ana from this time she improved rapidly, and gained
flesh and strength until she is now enjoying most excel
lent healths • WAI. MONf ORT.
We beiHg neighbors to Wm.and Julia hlonfort, know
thattbe above statement as to the sicknesa of Mrs. Mon
ford, and a s to the cure being affected by “GuysoU’s Yel
owDock.andSaraaparilln,” to bo strictly- true.
Sold by J.D. PARK, {successor to Sanford A Paik,)
Fourth and Walnut streets, Ciueinnati, Ohio, General
Agent to the South and West , to whom all order* must
Pittsburgh; L Wilcox,Jr, corner Market
street and the Diamoud; B A Fahnestock & Go, PiU«-
barchiJ A Jones, Pittsburgh; Leo & Beckham, A«e
gheny Cityi liT RuaselUAYashtngtou ; W il Lamber
ion, Franklin; L B Bowie,. Umoutown; H Welly*
Greeu«*burgh; S Kountz, Somerset, Scott A Gilmore,.
1 Bedford; Reed A Son, Huntingdon ; Mrsiprr, Hollidays
• burgh; Hildebrand A Co, Indiana; i RJ»Vjnght, KiUan
* mug; Evans & Co, Brbokvtile; A Wilson A^feon,
WayneKburgh; M’Farlnnd& .Co, N .Callender, Mcad
ville; Burton A Co, Eric *, Henry Forker, Mercer; las
Kelly A Co, Butler i S Smith, Beaver; 3 D Sammertcc,
Warren; F L. A C S Jones,.Condersport; P Crooker.
Jr.,Brownsville* ■ - my!9
Arer’s Cbnry Peetoiall
For the cure of coughs, colds, hoarse
: Among the numerous, discoveries Science hits made
in this generation to faciliiate the .business of life, in
crease its enjoyment, and even prolong tho term of hu
man existence, none can be named of more real value
to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the
Healing An. A vast trial of‘its vinaes throughout this
broad country, hasproven beyond a'doubijthat no medi
cine or combination of medicines yet. known, can so
1 surely control and care the numerous varieties of pul
monary disease which have hitherto front ottr
midst thousands and thousands every: year. Indeed
there is now abundant reason tobelleye;a Remedy ha*
atlength been foundwhich can be reUed.on to cure the
mostdangcious affections of the hangs. Our space here
- Ftom i& Pwsident of AnJiemCollege, this celebrated
r tom ■*“»*«*... p t ~f 0880 t Hitchcock. ; • .
r Awr-iSlri I have used yntu Cherry rec
mvownlittEd of deep-sealed Bioncbltis, and ora
satitfieilrom Us chemical
£hiofdfficdues“ n if as loits
“ y° n thinkI ’ t< ’ P "ED\VARD HrrOHCOCK,T..I;.D.
- - rt^ r piewrial an Admirable composl
“ lAeem It* ? k f Se beiSrfelMi'" theMaierfti Medi.
tion/com some °4iSi vc remedy for the class ofdiseaa
ca,and a very e.tu v “ • „ ,
es it is intended to Cu i 1840.
New Haven, Cw«o. >j, t of the S. C. Senate, states
Major Fatuson^rrcsia^.^-toral with wonderful sac
he has used
Df J C Ayer, Lfowell—Detir Sir; now con
stantly usingyour Cherry Pectoral in ;iny *>racnce,and
orefci it to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints.
From observations of many severe cases, I am convinc
ed it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs,
that have putlo defiance all other remedies..
linvariably recommend its use m caseofeonsumption,
and consider it ranch the best Temedy known forthat dis
ease. ; Kespectfo! y ogl! j lAr j > M D
- Prepared aud soldby James C. Ayer, Practical Chem
ist,Lowell,Mass. - ■ ■
try- sold in Pittsburgh wholesale an* retail, by B. A.
Fahnestock, and by <l. hi. Townsend; in Allegheny City
b 7 H. P. Schwartz, and J. JDonglass, and. by druggists
generally. • , . : •. ■ , /■
rruiE Bnbscrioerhaving made arrangements in couse-
I' quenceof whichhispresentbusinessmustbe closed
the "Ist orAugnstnell, now offers his-whole stool of
Gloves, Hosiery. Ribbons, Litice Goods and Embroider
ies, Dress T'timraingsyJlnddlcorchiefs, fine Shins.and
Famishing Goods, Zephen Worsted, Flower Materials,
Umbrellas, Parasols, Combs, Thread and Needle arti
cles. Also, Ladies’ Shoe!, (nest Philadelphia make!, at
trreailY reduced prices, wholesale and retail.
jelO F.H. EATON.
. -r -'V
j .* ; . ~r.- ■'
A Card.
-»*■' s - r