j-r ;v v.,*,, -m/ . -•,&>; ■■ k\VvA 1 t_* V . , -* ' ,**.* «*£* $ tfr*.** V'\Y :% V>vi^;' \'*J/'>• * : J % .]vi-' I ■ : "i • ---v.- ;,.-la •> r "' lSM|gpi!^£:f;ViY^ ' ' " “ r - ~ : v< «k^£k&? >*,'**l ± x •vt»S? v* *f K +• 1 ?«' **Y» Wj* '/ 1 ’’ V» '/ ss§B6Ms3te*sgflN g\ If? ft 5 :**Y; r £/,A > »>-d /l a^^KT?WwSfr>^?^Vh* < ’ Vv'Ttf KfcfW* '*r*{J 3S§Pw>»§SH %%%? i CHwpiMM i^p/ ; j ?MMBp|giß«ifff3Sa ~. ---r .wm*r"«» WftwtfM hMimmmm SS^mSm^m mmm^issmmmsH feiw€fliMai>| Ifcslfei jfjjlj ms4f i&SstgnSt PI SIP® - : M Ifai! IS® ; ifegi v •■ mmi' - v , ♦j-_».?r te js;*«,-■ ,* .». *'“ 4 *:i *’-%,’■ s'k /i s r , iiipsiiiiijgs^ CITY INTELLIGENCE . BSP The Ballet Troupe arc all exceedingly clever artistes, equal to' anything now in the 'country.- Their- entertainments continue to at* ■ -tract good' houses, and : give entire .satisfaction.. Hilariot, the Now Orleans favorite, is deoidedly the most attractive daesouse.-we have had on our boards for a long tune, while Miss Sinclair as a card of herself. Monsienrs Hilariot ond Vegas are also very clever. The former may bo ranked among tho best male: dadoers in the country., ' The company have a decided advantage- over most Ballet companies,.-in possessing and dis playing-a skillful knowledge of music. The “ Marseilles Hymn,” as performed on the piano forte by M’lle. Hilariot; “ Nightingale Waltz, performed on'the flageolette by Sir- Alliesand ■ the performance -on the violin.by Mops. Hilariot, showed them to be masters of musie as well as ...... the light fantastiO-dance. :- ; : ...;; \, v All who hoard tho Nightingale Waits will agree with ns that it was onoof, the; sweetest things-ever listened to; and its execution on that simple instrument, truly wonderful, it was - received with a storm of applause, -and -loudly encored.' We should like'to'have- it repeated. They stay but a few nightsilonger in ourcity, and then proceed to Baltimore. Such artisteß deserve a liberal patronage wherever they go. ■* National Tempcranct Convention.—On tile 20th • inst., a national Temperance Convention, will bo at Saratoga Springs ; ro whioh the Sons of , Temperance of Allegheny county have elected : as representatives, Cornelius Kingsland,; George Latnb r .and J. N. -Frazier. . They, were empow- ered to add -others -to ' their - nupiber, - if - deemed expedient. - - BS2T“rThe alarm-of-fire ruiout 1 l o’clock ves terdaywas caused by the burning of a Chimney in the brick house in the rear of MoGeary & : McGialey’s dry goods store, on AVood street, be tween Sixth and Liberty. A heavy slower ot ram coming on at the time, soon dampened the fire. . i < i He did do it .'—There was a. lurge audience m attendance at Lafayette Hall last evening, at a private exhibition of Mr. McCormick’s, to wit ness, among others, the inorcdible feat of walk ing on a ceiling, head downwards. To the as tonishment and satisfaction of all present, he accomplished all that he set forth. There will be an exhibition at the same place, on Saturday evening, when no one should fail to attend. Expired. —The admmibtr.ition of Aid. Steel as Mayor pro tan, has expired, to tho return of Mayor Guthrie, wbohaß been absent for some weeks. The Alderman's term was brief, but while he did sit in judgment, he discharged the duties of the office with ability and promptness. . From Europe.-—So\m D< Davis, Esq., our fel low citizen, who was one of the commissioners to the Worlds Fair, returned the night before last Ho looks much recruited, and was delight ed with his trip. .J/erry.—-A colored gentleman and his dulcinea passediup Wylie street the evening before last, pretty well slewed, giving a novel exhibition to the denizens of said street, of their vocal pow ers,. The music, it is said, was quite ipiritual. J&6T* Aman.uamcd Myers Barker, was stab bed in Sharpsburg, tho evening befaro last, in a row. He was cut in the arm, the knife passing clear through. A man named W in. A&amQwas drowned m the Allegheny river, on Wednesday evening, while bathing. \ His body has not yet been re covered. * ES?” The Allegheny Bridge case will he. tried next Monday. It is one that has created a good deal of excitement, and the result will no doubt be looked for with interest. A New. Bell. —Tlie Belief Fire Company liave got a new bell on their engine house. It was mode by A. Fulton, brass founder, and weighs 3400 lbs. b Ca? 0 The great Scott Convention v meets in this city on the evening of the 20th August. Dis tinguished speakers from this and other States will be in attendance. So says the handbill. Rwt. —lnformations for riot have been made bfcforc Aid. Steel agoinsta number of persons on the Noblestown -Plank Road, and warrants is sued for their arrest. JGSy*-The fishing party, consisting of about a dozen gentlemen started yesterday morning for Ross’place, above Sharpsburgh. A good time is expected. Counterfeiting. Mayor Guthrie committed Daxtl. Mabony yesterday for passing counterfeit money on Owen Brannegan. He wasaffcerwards discharged. Discharged.— John H. Fdpman, committed day before yesterday for keeping a disorderly house, was yesterday discharged from prison. Returned.— Hlb Honor J. B. Guthrie, returned the night before last from his eastern tour, look ing much improved in health and spirits. . Our friend Sill, of the firm of Stuart & Sill, has returned from Bedford Springs, where he has been rusticating for some days. Jn the Stocks. —An American sailor was put in the stocks at Matanzas for whipping ten Spanish soldiers.* He was a ichaler. Police. —There were five cases before his Honor Aid. Steel yesterday morning. Two were dis charged, and three were committed. jß@f*» The Steubenville boys are talking about raising a company for Cuba. Go it! We hod a delightful and refreshing shower yesterday'. figgfHon. Harmar Denny, we are happy to announce, is out of all danger. There are about 80 prisoners in jail. Rake chance for cheap clothjng —cuks teb, No 71 Srtuthfieh! street, is now closing out Inn stock of seasonable Clothing, at a* very (.light advance upon cost, He is determined to-sell to make room for' new goods.. His stock embraces every thing found ir fashionable clothing establishments, either for man or boy. The public arc invited to call and sec for them selves, beiore purchasing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods. . . v . -j ■ • We study to please, - ; eti7 • 7rSmitbfiCld si. . Hr* William . 7 BEING released fromauemion to'his I»ie business, hasresumedihe practice of MEDICINE; HisOffiec and dwelling.is above the Drug. Store, No. 262 Liberty street, where he may always be found except wlienab sent oa prores&ienal duty. Having had several years’ experience in practice, he hopes-by close attention to duty, to raema liberal patronage: . Pittsburgh, July 23.1ft51—3m* PENS GLASS WORKS; V LORENZ, SR.*** •• ■ .. THOMAS WIOIHUAS. . Lorenz 6 Wightman; (Formerly of ine firm of \V a. ftrOuLLt &. Co) MANUFACTURERS 07 ALL HINDS OF VIALS, BOTTLES AND WINDOW GLASS, 63 Water and OB Front Streets, Pittsburgh, Penu'a N. 8.~ Particular attention paid to odd sizes of Win dow Glass and private mi ulds for Bottles and Vials _jy2s:3md&w ■•: • . -. .. . . ALL PERSONS interested will lake notice that WILLIAM TAYLOR, of the Eighth U»rd of the City of Pittsburgh, Brickntakcr,on ihe29ihdnv of July, 1851. executed to the undersigned a Deed of Alignment of all ins Estate, in trust for the benefit of his creditors . All persons indebted to said Taylor arc requested to make immediate payment, and rpcrsonn having claims will present them. J. HOWARD, Assignee, lyOl Ofiico4tU st.-, bet. SmUhficld and Gram. JPITTBBUBGH coantn 07 MARKET AND THIRD ITSEETO. FACULTY.— JonN Flbning, principal Instructor in the science of Accounts. ■ ■ O. K. Cbajovbrun, Professor of Penmanship. Merc an* tile computation, Ac. Alex. M. Watson, Esq., Lecturer.on Commercial Law. • . ,‘i ■ ■ > ' The Rooms of this Institution are open both day and evenwe, for the reception of those wishing 10 obtain a pracucal Mercantile education ihe course of itisiruc* uon is so thorough, that every, student on.leaving the College will be competent to take charge ofandicon* duct on correct principles, any set of Stock or Partner* ship Books, however complicated. ... UcJO:d&.w O’DonneU* SKnllen & Co. ; T Pittsburgh Chair andCabmet Ware. Rooms, WO. 08 THIRD ST., BETWEEN WOOD ''AIfITJrfASJCtTYIffOUTir'SIDS'). «rtg£y MANUFACTURERS of Cane Seat Parlor Tfjjl Chairs; Cane. Seat Rocking Chairs] Rc* - fjnsir ». ceplloa ahd Invalid Chairs; Cane Scat BQd Couuiiy House Stools; Settees; Loun y£Eff&& ges, and every variety of Commoji Chairs.' infif if All of which were manufaclared under. Mf Wyk & their personal superintendence, and are v * warranted both |n material a id workman ship inferior to none m the City. . Dealers m these arti cles will find it to their especial pdvaniag&tQ call and examine for themselves previous 10 going elsewhere. Steamboats and Dwellings famished- at the shortest notloe. . All Orders punctually attended to. v . i fjy2s HARPERS’ NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR AUGUST^—We am compelled' to Bay tbal every, monthly isiue of ibis unexampled Magazine rivals us predecessor in literary mntter of jniercßt. The subjects in tins nnmber are mostly new, and exceedingly mstrac tiye.; it can safely bo, recommended as ono ofthc Very best pabhcaiions to.be obtained any where " H. Miner &. Co., Southfield street, have the above for sole, as also, all the back volumes, from the commcnce meDT> fau2 ( tHAMPAGNE WitsK—l2 t.askei? Anchnr P.hnm. \y pagae-juu received and for salc /^vrniTT^wwvE^— I *JUCKETSON. aus MILLER A RICKETSON. Notice. 3lartUmoalcs, - " . - SCOTT' A OTISt AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : Gl- MAm CTB£ET,ST. LOUIS* msSOUJU— - HAVINUbeen engaged in tlie above busmeasforthe last fix years, in this cily,. would: respctifnllyso licit conslgnmenis of Goods, to be sold in this market, eitherfor Auction; or privute sale—particnlarly Glass ware, Hardware and Dry Goods; and will ftnke liberal ■advunees.on all kinds of Goods .consigned- os for sale here.- ■ IVill refer M ;Me«ra:,Hcweu, Roe ft Co .E. R via: lei, Win. D. Wood tCo , John J, Anderson it Co, R H' Stone, Squire * Reed, Brownlee, Homer ft, Co , tarkm Denver: Sami Domer. Butler ft BroUiers, fincinnaVi' George M’Lmn. Pittsburgh. ’ [mSrtfey ' T„„ : - Auction 1 Card. i— ~ HR undersigned.after att Inlerval of four i-eUrt has ogam resumed business Having Shed wife toe requtsmous of th c law regulating STalee ut Auotfem nud having procured a first class Licensa-aVAkieHoiteer tah l Kmemlsanrt ll ?b ttrel l, , |!* e ofr =f B hiaeervicc3 of such os-r- Ba » nrt *h® P n hhc -generally. Wilh an expc hnhardF m «l“*line of business, ho ‘"B,‘n'npng:that:i.e will be enabled to give £!?' oil those who may feel disposed to z 1! P: ATcKMNNA, Auctioneer. Refers tojhe.principal Cily Mercbanls. jy9 J' 0 "- °[Com., N Y-i Bulletin and:-Pennsylvanian, i anoxia, American and Republican, ISalt., copy l wand charge this office ) >V« 6. m’UAttTNEV, Auctioneer. T7IANCY GOODS AND JEWELRY at Auction. JC AVIU he sold on Monday next, August Utli. ai lU o’clock in, I'm forenoon, at JVL’Oarmey’s Auction House, a assortment of Fancy Goods and Jewelry. . " Among the lot mar hr. mentioned m nan thc following: Zepher worsted, of all colorsSsilk Floss,fine Frencli Convoy, for working Sumplea. &c; a large lot of pat terns, of all colors and sizes; Shetml Cord ; Velvet Ta*- seD; Cadies’ Portfolios; Album*, Pocket Book-*, Lamps; Mutt’, Ac. And at the sometime, a large lot of Jewel ry; Ac. W. G. M’CARTNBY, . ... Auctioneer. RRAC KSTATb; or AiicriON.-rUn stiiuruiiy t, rl r August blh, ISSI, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon will l.c sold on the boroash of ftlan cbe6ier,aLOT OF GROUND, framing foity-eight foci on....lsland Lane, and extendn g back li9 feet 0 in. dies to o 10 fool alloy, on which is eroded a. good sab s nutial new Unek House, two slorios 'high: containing fourirapms; With a good .dry cellar under the who'e housoj aontcovenjmlie yard; a good garden, con taim g shiubb ry and fruit trees! a good stable in the renr of th* lot; »n exct-Mcit well or water in front of the house Tho above property is pleasantly situated .or health ami convcmcnce, commanding a beautiful view of the river and adjoining country, and convenient 1 to the Railroad Depot Any person wishing to secure .0 themselves a comforuble home, saould nvoil them -•elves of This o ip irtuntij, as such chances are seldrm off red It will lie sold at a bargain. Terms at sale Jiu7 W. G. M’PARTNEY, Aucl’r TP "’t> Mdft'i’hß dols, One double barreled 1 SHOT GUN, Sfu& and Ttsis'y one Shot Bag. ortr Poioter Horn, one G-atnc Bag, Ac ,at Auction —W 11 he “old ou fc-oturdnj evening next, August Oih, at 8| o’clock, at M’C.triney s Aucion House, No. 125 Wood «ir coHecrort or oetv and second hand botkff.fami iy kr-tbibles; Pairiek,Lowih t Whuby and Low m*m,« 4 vols.,&c. . Also— J wo Fupcnor golddemched lever Waiches; Silver detached lever and I'epme do; aoa • I*. M. DAVIS, AucPr. Houses and lots in the fji-th wardu Auction -—Oa Wednesday evening; Augast 13th,at & o'clock, nl the Sale? Room*, cornerof Wt od and Fifth Ktrect-i, wut lie sold that vu’uable fat of ground,having a front o. r l7f-eio inches otr Liberty street, rear the corner of Mechanic sticet, extending back CO feet; on which ir erected a fuhßtannal two r,ior> frame dwelling house,.wab buck back tmi ding • Also, one other l?tof ground, baviug a fiootof 25 fret on an alley, which is 30 feci wide, extending Irnek 40 icet; on which is erected a subriammt two story frame dwelling house. Terms OmMhird cash; residue in one and two years, withinterest. P. M. DAVIS, Aact»r_ P. M’KENNA, Auctioneer. Lot anil Briclc House at Auction* I WILL OFFER FUK SALE at politic suction on Saturday, the «7.hdayo( Ausust,at 4 o’clock, P.M., on.ihe premises, ;i lot o! Ground. Silt feet front on the Mom street in the through of Eari Hi mmgham, by 60 lect-dcep. -On "which is a neat, writ-built, two story tmek home, containing four rooms. Tun property is mimblc for doing a Tetml baane??, being in the neigh* borhoml ot ss.verul manufactunng estaimshments, and near the ground-lately purchased for the Pit'sburgh F. undry. it veil! be disposed of low, andon rcasonab'e terms of payment. Title giod. JAMES BLAKELY. P. M’KKNNA, Auct’r. TTOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE at Accriwr-Mn Fri* ; t“ " day inoriuuq, August Mb, tu 10 o'clock,at the rest* dcnccof John I). MorgaiijKsq, corner of Third street and Cherry- alloy, will be sold, as he »« removing from the city, las enure Household and Kitchen Furniture, which have been but a *hort time in use, embracing— s peuor mahogany hair seel sofa and chairs ; ottomans; pier table; mirrors; ingrain, Veoiban and rag carpets; Vcmuan blinds ;-dressing bureau} superior high post cherry bedst-ends; crib; raatlrasses; bedding; work and wash stands; fancy nod common chairs and rock er*;. uming tonics; queensware; glassware ; knives and. forks; mantel clock; sup. cooking stove and fix* lures; kitchen utensils, Ac., Ac. nuG P. M.OAVIB, Atict’r. Auction salk at'isku/uewai’Hk or •GOOU3, GROCERIES. Ac.—On Tuesday morn* ing, August 12th, at 10 o'clock, and continue from day to day, at tho store of I>. 8. Thompson,in Bridgewater, will be soil, without reserve, his enure slock of Dry Got ds. Groceries, Ac., which nave been carefully se lected lor retail sale?, compruonr tn part superior French and English UroiU Cloths end Gusumeres, assorted co lors; satinets; tweeds; Kentucky jeans;-kerseys; linen and cotton drills; summer cloths; cottonades; bleached and onbleached shirtings and sheet ings; shirting stripes; checks; ticking?.;colored cam brics; oil chintz ; 2dh pieces furniture and drear prints, of the Leri stales and quality; silks, laces, Ac ; black ond fancy dress silks; grosdc Naples; no mdu chlen; Turk satin; wnteredsilks; herages; lawns; delaines; casbtnercs; mormon; bonibozmcs; atpnveaa; swtss; catnbrieand mull muslins; Victoria und bishop lawn* ; luces,edgings and insertions; lacc capes; shawls, ho- Mcry and gloves; eilk, cambric, gingham and cotton handkerchiefs; bonrctaadcnpnbbons; French Artifi ctais: trimmings; nnrasote; bonnets; umbrellas; pat ent thread ; spoof cotton*; sewing silks; coat, pant and .vcetbmtonsi meuuoandsilk undershirts and draw ers ; boots, shoes and hats; hardware an l cattery; gro ceries; quecnswaie; glassware, Ac- Terms—Bums over 3100, four months credit, of par proved endorsed paper. - auO IVM: DAVIS, Auct’r Tram ;tory ( • .(BBTWEEri PESX *SD LtBBBTI BTREBTi). T IST OF SIIADFiS oa hand and made at oil times to Aj order-r- 3-4,4-4,5 4 and 6-4 Buff Shades, plain and bordered ; “ “ “ tk Transparent green do; “ “ ■ u . ■ •; Dark 11 . do; landscape Shades of every style; Moonlight -do do do; . Gothic and; Mezzmnlo, of new style; STORE SHADES of any color, with Lettering or De signing. -OIL CLOTHS on hand. Also, a lot-of SHADE TRlMMlNGS—complete at2s cents per shade, Curtains hang on reasonable terms. P. S.—Pcdlers will do well to call at the Factory, be* fore purchasing elsewhere. aprt9:om _____ E; R. KERNAN. To tlie Deaf. DEAFNESS, noises in the head, and all disagreeable discharges from the ear, speedily and permanently removed without pain or inconvenience, by Dr. HART LEY, Principal Aanst of the N. Y. Ear Surgery, begs to > announce his return to Pittsburgh. The number anu im port mrc of the coses under iusenre, on his recent visit, and the gratifying amount of success which attended his treutment, have induced him to expedite his return. Ills stay here will depend much upon circumstances, and it will be advisable for those who wish to consult him, to make ail early call. • Dr. 11. may.be consulted, until iurther notice, in Alle gheny Cny, first three story brick dwrcllingbeyond the school house, in Rebecca street. Tlu.'i.n years close and almost undivided attention to this branch of special practice has enabled him to reduce his treatment to such a degree of success ns to find the most confirmed and obstinate oases yield by a steady attention to the means prescribed. -The following testimonials are submitted wilh confi dence. They wdishow at least in what estimation his professional qualifications are held by some Of the most distinguished medical men in the country. u I have had the pleasure to meet Dr. Hartley in prac tice, and have been led to form' a • favorable opinion of lus character,both in the profession and as a gentleman. W Pahkeb, M.D., ..... ' . Professor of Surgery, &c. " Hw professional abilities will be duly appreciated by those who place themselves under his care. . » John. Wuixtabbr, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, Ac. . Fromjny intercourse wilh.Dr. Hanley, 1 have found hi* deporimeut correct and gentlemanly Mott, M. D, ( Ttis a pleasant duty to givo my testimony in favor of the treatment adopted-by Dr. Jlartley for the cure of dcafocss. The application is unattended by pain or in convenience, and its effects almost instantaneous. U.:P. IIABDUAjr, Counsellor at Law, 23 Chambers si. . “Wehave known several.ca’esof partial deafness treated by. him with the most happy results. Dr. If. is a scientific gentleman and can produce numerous testi monials of {usability and success in thisdifficult branch of the medical profession l '—<7fo£>r. . “ Persons afflicted by-diseases of the Ear, are recom mended to pay a visit lo Dr. Hartley, Aurlst, at No. 93 Atcli street, above Third. He is a well educated pro fessional man, and having paid particular attention to diseases affecting hearing, hair acquired from his skill and experience better meuus of coping with this serious affliction than those which are possessed by physicians in general practice.”— Lupateh. *• • aU cases guarantied where malformation does notex • in : I Kvlfrlf • IN THIS CUUItT OF.COMMON I*LKAS OF ALLE GHENY COUNTY,. :Jn the matterof the Assign- 1 meni of Warrick, Martin & Co | No 35 octiXorraj !81S . •W.S. Courtney kS.Harbaugjj* • ••••'••Anp Now, to wit, July 23,1951, sopple- meutary accoant of assignees, presented to open Court, confirmed nisi, and ordered ’OTBHBlB§t hal nouce of the filing be given: by two fljgjSSjgEfly weeks 1 publication m the Daily Commer cUl Journal and Post Bj the Court. ,1 TO GEO. s. HAYS, 'ly23:3w rProthonotary. A. W. Foster, ATTORNEY ANB COUNSELLOR AT LAW: ’ OFFICE. NO. 47- FOURTH STREET, below Market iffteU Pittiiurgky Pa: : ■,: ■ v novts:dawly Diamond Sparks,. "DECEIVED TO-DAY, 200 Diamond Sparks, selected ill for Glass Cutters 1 use. jy!2 i JNO. B. McFADDEN k CO. i’.vVi■'••LV' iyy-y > .... CfmKCTRD DAILY VOE.TIIE MOHHIHO POST BT Patrlt kk Bxohaog« Broken, ‘Cpmtft of thamond aUey and Wood st. y Pittsburgh. . LOAKS. UmiedSuuf.s fcV do do .dV** k .v«**»»»*r* Pennsylvania o’s* .....•.••••;.*■• ..... do- • 5 , 5»*.*. , *«-»****»* Allegheny county o>s ao copponG’sv do gcnp-. Pmsturgh city G\v .«• do . coupon C’B,payablein Philadelphia***.. Allegheny City o’s*. * *•...... • do ocouponC’s payable it, Philadelphia* • • . *,.«• . • • . BANK OTOCIB. • - Ban* of Pittsburgh*•• ••. •...... flle»chanis and Manufacturers Bank-....*.... Exchange Bank*,.- * Farmers’Deposite Bank.... ' Allegheny Savings Bank* *«• . BUDGE STOCKS. M< nongahela • 8ridge........ St. Glair street do * Hand street do ....... N. Liberties . do .—. *. ... UtSPEASCESTOCKS. WesteriLlnsurance Co> Citizens* • do.: d0..*..... Associated Eireraen’a do* •>,*« : TELEGRAPH STOCKS. . Atlantic and Ohio. Pittsburgh to ' ;to Philadelphia' Pittsburgh, Cm. and Louisville* Lake KncJLme Pittsburgh Gas -W0rk5........ Monongnheia Slackwater* • ♦.»* Youghiogheny. do Pennsylvania Railroad • ••■•■* Penua-and Ohio do. Cleveland and Pittsb’h do* .*.. Murine Railway and Dry Dock Fayette Manufacturing Co - * • • Eric-Canal Bonds, old*.. .. •. Pjttsb’gb and Boston (ChffMme) North American* *••»••**■»*•• * North West* •........ r.... Nonh Western Iron City Eureka Pittsburgh and Isle Ro> nl Adventure Ohio Trap Koek Ridge Mining Compauy Bluff ColllDg * Fire Steel COBBKCTRD DAILY DT lloon A Sargent) Exchange Uanker«, Corner of IPbcJ and Sixth ureetr, Pittsburgh PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburgh Banks------par Philadelphia u 4t , Brownsville “ 44 ' Bucks county “ “ , Chester Co (new If sue) “ | Columbia Bridge Co.- - - •* Danville u 4 - Delaware eo. 4 * «—« •• 41 Doyieatown “ >•*-■ * Easton • “ 1 Germantown “ --•••• 4 Lancaster Banks• “ Lebanon. ** • 44 Montgomery co. ‘v. Northumberland * u . Poitsviile “ *• Reading ...... « l STchuyJkill co. “ 41 Washington “ a - West Branch 44 4 * Wyoming Carlisle -*-• • J Chambereburg • - | E ne ..4...| Gettysburgh-**•••-*---•- } Harrisburg- I llonesdale —•■•••• } Mtdd leto wn • • -- - • 1 1 Waynesboro |f York Banks I -Relief Note# - |l • United State* Bank 15 I Allegheny City Scrip- - par Allegheny Co. * 4 «.preru Pittsburgh City 14 par Nfcw YORK. New York City • • • -par Country Banks---*----- J NEW JERSEY. All So! vent. Banks-1 UKLAWABM Alt Solvent ranks* par Small Notes-* «... 4 : Maryland; Baltimore Books par Coaniry Banks******-*- | VIRGINIA. . Bk a( Vn. and Branchesl Farmers 1 Bk A Branches I Valley Uk and Branches || KtehangcßkA Branch's It Wheeling Banks |] do Branches**** 4 NEW ENGLAND, tj -All Solvent Banka |j DAILY REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. Omcc op tub Dailt Moe-mc Pc#r. > tnday t August 8, ISSI. > REMARKS.—-In liqmqcss during the loat week, a« a genera) thing, we have no improvement to notice. Tho weather, too, has teen changeable, end unp’caaant most of the umc for outdoor business. River navigation is mezcellent order. * ASHES-—The sales arc confined 10 small lots for man* afactanng purposeswe quote sales nfSodn a«h&t3£ to 3). Pots we quote at 3} to 4| Saleraius—Sales arc made at 44 to 5 in bblc and boxes. APPLES—The market is bare; a choice article would demand from 2 to 3 00 per LM. ALB—Tnerc continues a regular brisk demand tor this article. We quote Manufsciorcrs 1 pr ees—regular dis count off fur cash. Bavarian Beer, per bbl go 00 Common, per bnl « goo XX do * h 00 XXX do —0 00 Common, half barrels 3 00 XX do 4 00 XXX do - 4 60 Common qr barrels. 175 XX do ......... ... *> 00 XXX do * a 25 BUCKETS AND TUBS—Thrrc continues a regular demand for Buckets wiiboulany change in price. Sales from first hands for Buckt t* 1,*701,99 m loib of 25 or 50 doz from stores to the trade 202,12 4>*doz. Tubs—Sales m a regular way at 7,50089 per doz. , BROOMS—The stock is large and prices nominal.- We quale at, from 75c; 81,0010 81.250 1,75 from stores. BEESWAX—There is but .little oiTcimg; good lon of Yellow wcqoote atC!o£fo. BACON—The stock in first hands is thinning oat. Prices remain firm. Wo note sa’es of 5000 lbs Shoulders at ?$, 4000 do at 7|, 1500 do at 7s. Hams—Sales si 0, Sides—We quote sale* at 808). 8aIe»of Sucrcr* sugar cared at 101,3 do at 11. BUI TER AND EGGS—The uiarkctfor Butler is dull. Wc quote barrels nominally at 10011 c. For Keg But ter no demand, but nominal at 708 c. Eggs—snips by the barrel at ?409c. BEEP CATTLE—We quote »1t« following prices at the Cattle market. Beeves 34031 live weight Sheep 8i£501,7S and 81,25 head. • COFFEE—The market remains unchanged, with but a limited demand. We note sale* of about 150 bogs, ranging from 94 to l(Jc. The stock m first hands is ample. CHEESE—The stock in first hands is amply. Wc quote sales daring the week at 006). Extra Cream t>| 07. COTTON YARNS—Wc qaote Manufacturer's prices No. 5,0,7, * * 10| No’ie,-.*.. 24 8,9,10, **-—*.l7 Candle Wick, *.- it] 11—12-........18 Carpet Chain, *——2o 13, -10 Coverlet Yarn,*— —*20 14, —•• • * 20 Cotton Twine, •* --*2O 17, 23 Batting, —lO COPPER—Wc give ihe Card pnee of the Pittsburgh Copper Works. Ingots 19 to 20cu per pound Sheet— for Braziers 24025 c. COPPERAS—SeIIs at 82,6703,12 per barrel. CORN—The stoek Is light, with but little conpug iu The demand is better than the week previous. Sales on the wharf at 35c, from store at 40c. CORDAGE—The following is the card price of Rope: Manilla, by the Coll,* .........i*81,5002,2503,00 CRACKERS—The market is well supplied. We give our table corrcoted and quote.* Woter Crackers —53.50 Butter 1 do • 4,25 . Dyspeptic do 3L50 Sugar . : do ..........perpound 01061 Sofia do •••••••‘04061 Pilot Bread - • 30t) DRIEO FRUIT—The demand 14 limited. We quote Apples at 75080 c in small lots ; Peaches at $1,3701,45, to uie trade in small lots. : DRIED BEEF— Sales of Sugar-cored canvassed at lU|ollo by the tierce. Common 940104 c. FEATHERS—There is a moderate demand for good lots -We note inles at 330350 . .. FLOUR—Receipts during the week have been mode* rately good.o We note rales of 300 bbls on (he wharf at 3 J 503,20; 97 bbls da at 3,17 ; from store sales are made at 3.2803.31. CORN MEAL—Sales from stores at 45050c.per bush el. . FISH—The Vemand continues moderate, with more decline in No. 3. Wo quote sales of No lat $l3; No. 2,80,0009,25; No. 3, $0,7507.50. No. 6 Hening, 0,250 0,50. Cod Fi*h 4c per pound by the drum. No 1 Shad, 012,75013,00 GLASS—SaIes of Country Glass from manufacturers for 8X10,8202,25 per box 5 10x12,82,2502.50. There is more firmness on the part of holders. - GRAIN—The receipts darinx the past week has been lighter than the week previous, and a slight decline hos taken place in tome descriptions. Wheat; we note eales-or 300 bushel*, ranging from CO to 53c. Rye; we have no sales to -report l out quote at 40 to 45c, Oats : in this artiole there has been adecline since our Inst re view. Receipts have been targe; we ncte sales of about 200 bushels at 2302507 c. Sales 011 the: wharf on Thursday at2Cc. Com : the stock is light, with tfonsid* orable enquiry;'we note-sales At 35, 37040 c. fIIDEB-rWe note sales of Dry Flint at 114012 c; City Slaughter. Green, at 4404fc. H AY—sales at the settles at from 88 to 810 & ton. HOPS—We quote sales in a snail way from stores at 50000 c. IIEM P—There is not mach doing in this article. We quote at 81050103 P ton. 1 * HOMlNY,—from stores, sells at 84,5004,75 P bbl . IRON—The manufacturers 1 card prices for Common bar 2 -fs 2|o2{c per pound. Other size* m propor -lion. NAILS—The card.prices for nails are— From 10dto40d ..1.......;....*.....*83,25 • Bdandoa-..-v..-**- 350 Odand7d-** 400 5d 4,25 4d * '.* 4,50 3d 5,50 A regular discount off for cash. LARD—The stock is limited. We note sales in Kegs at fc|o9e, LEAD—The stock in first hands is largo Limited sales are mdde atsc for Pig, and 5)054 for Bar. MOLASSES—Wc notice no special movement in Mo buses; sales during the week have- been confined to the city trade Iti small lots at 37-to 38c. Holders are not annOas to sell large'lots. The stock falls short of the amount on hand last year at this time. : . NAVAL STORES—We quote Rosin at $3,1203,50 per bbl; Tar 83,5004,25; Turpentine 45050 c. OlLS—Lard Oil.is m demand, at 70075 c for No l; No 2, 58060; - Linseed Oil, 85090; Tanners 1 Oil from $l7 to 820? bbl. PIG METALr-The market continues dull. We note sales of Allegheny at 822024 at 4 and 6 months. - u *s ' * » ! •COMMERCIAL. ITUC&S OF STOCKS* Par value.-Asked. ] lßlolMH»®tifl.7s! 100,00 105,00' 100,001 101,25! 100,00 02,75 ‘ 95,001 90,00 93,001 .02,00 do do new corpus STOCKS. BANK NOTE LIST. State Bk and Brunches 4 OikerSolvent Ranks* •• • 4 Bk of Sandusky 75 Granvule- • —• • *5O Norwalk so Lroanmt ...............51. Wooster • 75 INDIANA. Stole Bk and Branches • f ILLINOIS. Slate Bunk Branch 50 8k of Illinois**.* 75 • KENTUCKY. All Solvent Bunks*j MISSOURI. State Bk. und Branches • J MICHIGAN AU Solvem Banks 5 WISCONSIN. Marine & Firqlns. t o at . Miiwoukie 5 : TENNES3I K. All Solvent Banks**.*•• J NORTH CAROLINA. AU Solvent Bunks I| SOUTH CAROLINA. 14 (All Solvent Bankß* —*— 14 [■: GEORGIA: lAHSolvcntßaaks...... 11 ALABAMA. AllSolvent'Bunkfl.-...- 5 LtiUISIANA. AU Solvent Banks 14 EXCHANGES. itfew York ••***±prem | Plnladetpbia«• -- >i “ [Baltimore****'*' .•*.} “ Ciaclnn'tU 1 dis>. Louisville-* ..I 41 iSL Louis* 1J “ VALUK or COINS. American Gold (new)-par. dp- do {otd)*spreni. Sovereigns 15 4,83 Guineas 5,00 Fredencsdocrs**** • 7,80 Ten Thalers 7,80 fj Ten Ganders 3.00 FjtjOois d’or 4.125 I Napoleons**’** 3**u [[Doubloons, Pumot** • 15.75 f; do Spanish** 10,155 liOaeatA i».is 2* ; - '>•****'-** : '* ,1V- i, *T t 1 1 * * £ X * * J > 3 **" " r ** , * l y " * POTATOES—’There are no oldin markeL:Tljemar ket for new Potatoes w well supplied, and sales are making at 75080 c bush./: .•SIS® - ' We quole fal,!s ~un week in Tierces at 4io4fc. SUGAR—The demand is now principally confined to the cny trade. The stock in first hands is ample We note sales regularly at G*o7c, by the lot. By the bill and single hhd,£ more is aakea. • . SHOi—Sales from stores by ilte keg at 818 *—bv the bag LG2OLC9. • * 7 Sales from stores by ilie dray load at Sl,lo $> 1 Offered »SUG,6k i; iw.oo 1 101,00 'I 93,50 i| 93,00 95,25 il 97,00 i • ' P 7,00 ' SHEEP PEhTS—Paces are nominal: SEEDS—TIie season is * _ GKO B. Ml LTENBKRGr.K. Agent Friday Cincinnati packetT t (Err*. .Sn THE ne.v and elegant steamer.lßENE 2. G. L. M’Cunrocs, Master. ha« taien n « V I,? i)' D , Cn llic Clipper No, ?, m the line of Packets, and will teavo every FRIDAY,at 10A M ,for the above and intermediate ports. For freight or nos sage apply on board. For marietta ana Hoektngport, TuEhneßtcnmer PACIFIC, Zsttotra Mas- will leave fur the above ami intermedi ate ports every THUHSDAYjtiH o’clock, P. M l or freight or passage, apply on board, or to T. WOODS A SON, U l_ _ Sarrapanlla as any strailar preparation m America. Frice 81 per bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. It baa been a wollcauiblUhcd fuel for years that SarirapanHs. when pure and properly prepared, was the only true panacea for all diseases originating from un impure statoof tho blood, the use of mercury, iutoxicu* ling drinks, evil habits in youth. harreimvM, &o Wo boldly assert that JOHN BULL'S FLUID EXTRACT of .SARSAPARILLA is the on!}* preparation before ihe public that is prepared on sitiuily scientific principles ami of uniform strength. Tm* Sarsaparilla is purchased without regnrd to price, siitl every pound, before being used, is subject to Ihe str cte&t chemical te-uvuml ii« getiuincnrsc ascertained before being used 1 UqU’s SarsnpanUa also contain* tho virtues or seve ral other vuluab.c medical too s, together forming the best compound, and producing tA? greatest eurorice actnt in tk* knoton world This Medtnnc, when used according to directions WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL* Scrofula or King’s Evil, Cancers, Tumors. Eruptions of the >km, Erysipelas, Chronic Eye*. King. worm ot Tetters, Sculd Mead, Rheumatism. Pams in the Bones or Joints, Old Sores on 1 Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphi lis, Dyspepsia, Salt Rheum, Disease* of the Kidneys, Loss of Appe tite, Diseases arising from the use of Me r c u ry, Pain in the Sido ami Shoulders.Gen* ■ ral Debility, • Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, Costive less. Sore Hi root, Bronchus, Coughs, Colds, Weak ness of the Chest, Pulmonary Affection', and all other Diseases lending to produce ’ Consumption! * Liver Complaint, Femalo irreguiarmes and complaints Sieknnd Nervous Hoadachc, Low Spirits, Night Sweats! Kxposaro or Imprudence m Life, CUronic Coustiiution al Diseases, ami is a spring and summer drink, and general tonic for ihe system, and a g< ntle and pleasant purgative, far superior to.Bluo Lick or Conpress Water Saits, or Seidhtz. Testimonials. The following is a vorbotim copy of a certificate no w in the possession Of the propnetor or BnlPs Sarsapar illa. Rev. E. W. Sehonts widely and generally known as an eloquent and nccoraphshed Pastor of the M E. Church, and the Rev. B. Stevenson has been kiiown as one of theraosttalenleri and zealou? membors thnt the Kentucky Conference could bo.ijt offer many years, -and at this lime infilling the high and responsible station of agent for the M.-E Book Concern ; Can the world produce better or more satisfactory testimony in favor of any medicine ? • 1 BETTERTESTIMONY THANWaS EVER OFFER- KD IN'FAVOR OF‘ANY MEDICINE Rev. E, W; Behor—Rev.E. Stevenson ; Loutsville, May m isso. . We have used John Ball's sarsuparilla, and have kuownit to be used with enure satisfaction; and hnve no hesitation in stilling that we believe it to bo a safe and valuable mvdicul compound, and calculated to pro dace much good,and reheve much suffering : and would therefore roost cheerfully recommend u to the afflicted (Signed,) E. W. SKHON, E STEVENSON. A BEAUTIFUL CLEAR SKIN. How we aiiadunrc a clear, beautiful, •white skin.and a rosy colored cheek. How often do we see persons, not possessing this “ desideratum so devoutly to be wished,” resorting to cosmetics, lotions, washes, pain** and coloring materials, to restore to them a semblance of .what disense has deprived them of, and that too,with great injury to the skm. KuWs Sarsaparilla is the best cosmetic known. It beautifies the skin, by removing every panicle of morbid nnd. diseased matter from the blood,making it pure henlihvand vigoroa*, giving ac tivity to every minute vessel, and changing tiie yellow and dark countenance to the bloom and freshness of youth. Ladies, abandon the use of paints end mixture* and use Buir* Sarsaparilla, the only effectual remedr’ “ A word to the wise is sufficient;” and a hint is enough for the Ludies. * TESTIMONY LIKE THE FOLLOWING RENDERS SUPERFLUOUS ALL COMMENT ON TIIE EF FICIENCY of bull's sarsaparilla. (From Dr. L. P. Yamjell Professor of Chemistry in the Louisville Medical College.”] I have looked over the list of ingredients composing John Bull’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla and have no hesitation in saying hat they form a sate com dound, und one that promises well to chronic diseases to which it is applicable ” L. Y. YANDELL M D* * Louisville, June 6, lri4B. ’ WHAT DR. LLS, Physician by appointment to the "“V* of BULL’S 3ARSA r A KILL A : _ , . , , Louwtnl/s, March 20, 1849. 1 have examined the prescription for the preparation of John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, ond I believe the combina tion to be un excellent one. and well calculated to pro doccan alterauvejmpression oa the system. I have used it both in public audprwale practice, and think it Uie besiarticle of Sarsaparilla in use. : M. PYLES, M.D, Resident Physician at the Louisville Marine Uo«piial. tCAUTION—Beware and ask for the original Dr. JOUN BULL’S SARSAPARILLA, from Rentueiv— and have no other. KSYSKR & M’DOWEI.L, . „ , . Whoieeule and Retiul A?cms, tor sale by D. M. Curry and Josep. DobglasvAlc; aheny Cny; Wm. B. Mercer, Cannonrburs, and 1 bv Druggists generally. ■ ■ . , jeiO^md&w 'V s 1* _ 4 \*, r : %i*i * v * t , > ■>/ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. BY THE aBEILLY LINE. DIPOBTaHT PBOU CUBA. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER GEORGIA. New Yonn, August 7. The U. S. Moil ship Georgia arrived this morn ing, at 3 o’clock, from Cbagres and Havana. .She left Chagres on tho 27th nit.? with 300 pas sengers, 160 for New -Orleans, and 300 for New York/ She also brings 69 from Orleans and 30 from Havana, making in all 430 passengers. : The Georgia sailed from Havana on the even ing of the 2d inst. The steamers Falcon,, for Chagres, and Chero kee for Orleans, sailed the same day. ■ There was great exoiteme'nt at Havana at the time the Georgia sailed, owing to the reception of the news that meetings had been held by the' citizens of Now Orleans in favor of the liberty and independence of Cnba. The Government received some important news the. night that.the Georgia arrived; which resulted in the sailing of all the fleet of war vessels in port, with, the exception of the steam er Pizarro. This was effected in the most qniet manner possible, on the night of the Ist inst Jt was rumored that: armed foroes were gath ering on the Florida reefs, and that part of the fleet had been despatched in that quarter. Ex presses were arriving every hoar from the inte rior, but the officials kept everything 86' quiet that it was. impossible to learn the particulars of ■events. ; The Government' paper had /been printed two dayß, and is sold to have contained some exci ting news from the interior ; but their issue was prohibited until after the departure of the Amer ican steamers. Several executions hod taken place, and but for the refusal of the regiments to firo on the condemned; there would .have been many more. ' Pardon has been promised to all insurrection ists who will lay down their arms, with the ex ception of the leaders, who are to be executed or transported to Spain. , / ■ j OHIO STATE CONVENTION—EVENING SES- Columbus, August C. ■ The following, nominations were unanimously made. ..... Auditor —W. D. Morgan. - . Secretary— Win. Trevitt. .... Treasurer— Jno.G. Breslin. . Attorney Oen’l—Qeo. & Pugh. Hoard of Public Works —Geo. W. Monnypen ny, Alex. P. Miller, Jas. B. Stedman. The committee on resolutions reported, en dorsing the principles of the new constitution, and re-affirming tho resolutions of the Conven tion of 1848. They were unanimously adopted without one word. The Convention adjourned sine die. KENTUCKY ELECTION. Louisville, August 7. Powell, the Democratic candidate for Gover nor, has. a net gain of 22,000 in 16 counties on Crittenden, whose majority was 8,448. Thompson, "Whig; for Lieut.- Governor, -was ahead of Dixon, and Wickliffc, Democrat, for Lieut Governor, falls far behind Powell. / ■ Congressmen Elected—ln the Ist District, Boyd, Dem.; 2d, Gray,. Ind. Whig; 3d, Ewing, Whig;;4th, Ward; Whig; stb, Stone, Democrat, probably; 6th, White, Whig, probably; 7th, Marshall, Whig; Bth, Breckenridge, Democrat; 9th, Mason, Democrat ; 10th, Stanton, Dem. Prom present appearances both Houses of the Legislature will be^Whig. ALABAMA ELECTION. Louisville, August 7. In the sth Congressional District, Houston,; the Union candidate, has a majority of 692. There arc several small counties to hear from; which will hot vary the result ; The Union-ticket for Legislature, in every county heard from; is successful. INDIANA ELECTION. Isuiaxapolis, August 7. . All the congressional districts have been heard from but the first, and the result is, that Sami. W. Parker, (whig) Mace, Robinson, Fitch, Bor den, Dunham and Hendricks, democrats, have been elected. Legislature strongly Democratic. BaltimoUe, August 7. ..The Negro Green, who is to be executed on Friday, at Ellicott Mills, has made aconfession to-day, which, if true, he ought certainly not to be hung. Murphy, Shelton, and Taylor, murderers of tho Cosden fondly, are also to be executed to Cbestertown on Friday. New Voek, August 7. The steamboat Trojan was burned this morn ing at her dock, on North River, and 2 hands, Patrick Dengal and Jus. McNulty, burned to death. The body of a third, supposed also to be one of the hands, has been found. Margaret Ganity has been arrested in Brook lyn for the murder of Edward Drumin, at'“New York, on Monday night last. Philadelphia, August 7. We have despatches from Alabama, announc ing the election of 0 out of 7 Union candidates for Congress. Benj. G. Shields, Union candi date, is elected by a large majority. Wasiiisutoh, August 7. Col. G. S, Hughes has resigned his commis sion in thoU. S. Army. . BALTIMORE MARKET—August 7. Sales at auction to-day of 278 hhds Cuba Su gar at 4,65@5,20. Flour... Sales of COO bbls Howard Street, part new and part fresh, at 4,00. Grain... Sales of good to prime red wheat at 78©82; white at 80®85. White com 62©63: yellowsB®6o. Oats 28@30. .- Bacon-Sides 9}@9l; principally at 94; 20- 000 lbs cleared at 9J; 70 hhds shoulders at 91, and hams 9i@H. Lard... Sales of 200 kegs at lie. CINCINNATI MARKET—August 7- - The River has fallen 9 inches. “■■■ Flour... Firm at 3,20@3,25. Whiskey,..lB. Provisions... Clear Sides 91, country sugar cured Hams 9f. Linseed 0U...76. Itotlcß to Contractors* STEUBENVILLE AND INDIANA RAILROAD.-; Proposals will.be received by the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Company in Steubenville, until the Ist day of. October next, for the Grading and Masonry of the first division oi the road extending from Steubenville to the Common valley; and, also, for the construction of theemirn Road between Steubenville and Coshocton and, also distinct proposals far the construction of that portion of the Rond extending from Coshocton to New ark. ' > The entire length of this iine is about U 0 miles, and it contains work of all desorptions, in great variety, some of which is quite heavy. Proposals will he receded for the Grading and : Ma sonry of the first division entire or in sections' of about a mile each, the Company reserving the privilege to. make sach disposition of the whole work as may ap pear most conducive to its interests. Plans, Profiles.and Specifications canhe seen at the Office of the Company, after the 15th of September, and further information may be obtained oh application to. J. BlickensderlervJr., Chief Engineer, or to the under •■fiticf v- IX KILGORE, JylB:amdkw • President. New Boolra 1 Xbut Rftnkiy l ~~ AT HOLMES’LITERARY DEPOT. No. 74 Third st, opposite the Post Office— Harper’s Magazine for August; Diciiohary of Mechanics—No. 35; LiuoU's Living Aee—No. 377; Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, who came to sec Uie Great Exhibition; > Fnternational Magazine for Aninjst;- ' The Gipsy Chief. By W. M. Reynolds ; Mabel; or,The Child of the Battle Field. • A Valeof i Waterloo; - . i The Pioneer’s Daughter; aTaleof Indian Captivity, i By Emerson Bennett; Dictionary of Mechanics’, No. 31; Littell’s l iving Age, No. 376; BlackwoodiorAugan; Adventures of Paul Perwenkie. A Sea Story V The Countess of Salisbury. By Dumas; Ecratc ; or. The Saloons of Paris. By Mai. Rich ardson. ; Yeast: a Problem. By the author of Alton Lc»cke: Reveries of a Bachelor—or, a Book of the Heim; i Tho Farmer’s Companion—with illustrations; I Traveler’s Guide through the U. S. and Canada ; Reua—or, the Snow. Bird: aTale of Beal Life By Mrs. Lee Hently; Vl c Maty Howilt ; The Reel. By Bulwer ; Not Po Bad as We Seem. A Comedy-by Bulw«r; The Daughter of Night, a Story of the Pres ent Time. [aus “ »«w Booltirsew Boohs] - .THiFi? , A1 ’ HBNtIY MINSK & CO.’il, V__No.32_Sm|thfield street— ' . "No. 35. Dictionary Of Mechanics Engine Work aad’ Engineering; Rankin’s Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sci ences, Noi 13—from January to June : The Grmfenbery Manual of Health ; . Parts 3d and 4th 1851,~0r, The Adventures of Mr. and Mra : Sandboys; their Son and Daughter, who came np to London to a enjoy themselves,” aHd to see the Great Exhibition by Henry Mahew ana George Craikshank. augs ■ ' .. For Sale*: THE UNDERSIGNED offers for Bale his property in Allegheny City. The Lot is seventy-two feet nine inches, ironting.on the-East Common, and ninety feetin depth;• extending froma e'oraerat Gay■alley to proper ty owned byiheProtesiantMethbdisiCburcm The im provements are a three story'Brfek BweHingyweH fin ished, and. two. comfortable.-frame- Dwelling Houses— . is probably no more pleasantatid-derirable lo residencesin the Citythanthe Lolcow oilered for Bale. The professional pursuits of the one ef , signed donor permit him to occupy and enjoy this prop erty, and hence theoffer tO BelL It wia he gold A baT-- gatu. If application be made soon. For price and terms of Tihymem,;refer to Mr. Morrison. Fostery at the Ware- M’Conmck, Esq.; or John Fleming* Esq.. Allegheny City. V WH. B. POSTER, JE. ‘if- ; »•- -* - «■ ' * , - ' ,§«g#;^' 1 T*’ ‘ - 'r ■ W:..: ■■ ;i-:' .'A -V'V < * 1 * Bankers atiir Brokers. H IM. % OCUttT. BANKERS. AND EXCHaNGK BROKF.RB, So. SS Wood Stnet, ■ . ■ -Third door belottr Fourth—[teat tide). SIGHT EXCHANGE on Ike Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time Bills of Elchange ond Notes dis counted. Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all the principal ciLlosof CioUmted Sitt'tes.-’DeposirsreceiveU.of Par'and'Corrent Funds. m»rg7:y . V • 1 - ■ ' ' 1 ' ' . V PATRICKS * FRIEND, BASKERS AND EXCHANGE! BROKERS, No. 05, contras-Wood Attn Diamond bthrais, Pittsburgh, Pa* [mayt Domestic and poretgn Bank NotkSf ■QoldandSilvtt,Bought,So-iand Exchanged, ■■■■ ATTUB SXCHASGE ASD DANKIKG lIOUSE Williams Sc Co., 54 Wood Street* PITTSBURGH. ItITKIUSST ALLOWED 0?} TIMB PXPOBITB. fttUg2B ALLBIf I&AUXB. XUWABD BAUM. Baniersand Exchange Brokers, Dealers \n Foreign and Ezchang *, Certificatet of Depot* it, Bank Notes. and Coin. Corner of. Third and Wood sis., directlyoppoßiietfae St CbailesHotel. may2B • rAS.s.HOON. thos.saboxht . HOONvftS&IIGBNT, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N.E'.Comer of Wood and Sixth streets., Pittsburgh, Pa T\EAIiERS in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign JL/and DomesticEtcbangej Certificates ofDeposit,£c EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union and Europe, fors&le insoma to suitpnrchasers. CURRENT and parfiundsreceivedondeposite k COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the Union, atlha loweslxaies. ' aepli-ly R. HOLSIBS 4 AOKfir v HATS BB3SOVKD THKIK BABKIHO ‘ AHI> BXCiUNOS OIFICS To No. 67 Market strut, four doors below old standi N. HOLMES to SONS, , Bankers and exchange brokers, ftQ d Deav lers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes.' Exchange on the Eastern and - Western cities constantly for sale. > Collections mode in all the cities throughout the Uni ted States. Depositee received In par lands or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth streets.. v ang£My. Farnltnreand Chair Warerooms* S 3 JOSEPH MEYER, 424 Penn street; above the ; jglkCanal Bridge, keeps constantly ou hand and minces £gfto order, at the lowest prices, every: description or Fancy and Plain FURNITURE, SOFAS and CHAIRS, of the best workmanship and most approved styles. Purchasers woQld do well to visit his Warerooms. my 27 U4wly : . . . * ' ■ Lightning RodiMHprau's Patent. JAMEsvACItSON, GeneraI Agent.:. ■ Wholesale Depot, 86; Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., : (Cartwright’s Cutlery Store), r rpIIESELIGHTNFNG RODS are so constructed that X they cannot get-ontoforder. The . Insuldtors and Attachments Cuing thePoints and Mogneis are anrivalleu—thewhole being highlyornamental, and without dispute, the best condacior ever mannfactuted. I will put them np thro* the Country at 124** ' ’ r KRARER ft RAHn. Removal* Store Room for Rent* A card. Dlssolatton. New Music. 'j 'Z(’ ■ 1 , J * ii*v '4'.' Praflfl gttfr fttebitintg. ■■ ■ Private Difleuai. "—: r■ DK. BROWN S*. DIAMOND ALLEV S: Davoro htaxntire attention to^hiffllL SlliTt a hfttHrf 1 V bron Sl' t .6n i)y improdenci' yomhftil indulgence and exc«i*. * : *s®®CS , iSsSf"AffiS2r imparity of thelllood, with nUdikeneeVo! tiey«neFe/l Offieoand private consulting rooraMiDidmond ay -tp- Charges moderate. novStdfcwft EEUMATISftL —Dr. iromi'i ncwiy oucovirn edyforHhemmtlamli a speedy for that painfol trouble. luierer falls. W»e«r- Office and Private Consultation Rooms No 41 ru»- MONP- Pittsburgh, Penn*. t The Doctor it alwimVl homo - VtanlMawtf GREAT ANO IMPORTANT "~ CHE aiCAJrVIS COVERT, ' Chemical Yegitable Combination* to repel Diseases Or. Gnysott’s Yellow Uoelt and Samoe. • : rilla, . T)UT UP IN THE largest sizedbottlesjeohiains- X more of th£ pure Honduras Sarsaparilla than any other preparation eitantj which is chemically combined 1 •.with toe Extract of; Yellow Dock; the Extract of Wild Cherry, and Balsam of Fir/ thus making the remedy more thoroughly efficient'than any other Sarsaparilla before the public. At the.same time it is perfectly ftee frdm.aU mineral poisons, *which,cannot be said or any of the Sat-sapatillaCoraponnds. The invalid should be waii of poison I, Mefcnty, Iron, Quinine, lodine; Bni plior, Arsenio mid many Ollier mmerai and motalie Bol eoi» entered into and lortn iba active basis ofmoftor the Sarsaparillas and Panaceas of lio day. Gmrson’t CoMPotnro ErtEAorogT?Bm)wDocr.KiiHia..p.m..*- does muconmin a particle ofthese enbauncea, as any one can ascsnaln by applying: the. necessary testa. - .The .original and only igeaiiine preparation for ilia DISEASES OFTHE-LUNGS when they are.supposed to be affected bf lhe wofriqutnt taeor Eltrcurg, Irm, Cktinint, tie.— It is also a remedy for, SALT RHEUM. WHO WORM. TETTER; SCALD HEAD, DROPSY; SCURVY/ WHITE SWELLING, King’s Evil, Neuralgic Affect uons, Female Weakness and ObsUnc lions, Barrenness, general nubility of the-System,Lobs of Appetite, Languor, Dizziness and Liver Aflectlona, which led lolntermiuem nod: Remittent-Fevers, Fever and Agac,.Bll)tou9. Fevers, Chill Fevers. Dumb Ague. JaundfeejAc;,Ac. : . . .. ° . omicled may rest' assured that there is not * ' the least particle Mercurial, or any other poisonous substance: inthis medicine. ft is perfectly harmless and may be administered to persons in the very weakest stages of sickness, or to the moat helplesa in fants without doing the least injury. ■ , . The curative powers of this extract arc truly won . and nil invalids'should make immediate trial o. the « Ve(low "Dock and Sarsaparilla” ft cannot injure the dolicaie patient. ■ . (CERTIFICATES 1 King 1 * EviPs~-Casetf O. a. Leonard. BhooMiwo Gzovb, Dee. Ist, 1949. * Masses S. liKNirsir Cd.-^Gems:— 86meume in 181J,l was attacked with ibe King’s Evil In my arm. wbicu became so sore that 1 could noL use it, and in 1845, mortification set in; I employed at'different times, .each physician of celibrity within my reach: all told ineihatray ann must be aiiiputated. From the shoul ders to the fore arm* my arm was full of running sores eomeof them as large as a fifty cent piece. Ithentried an Indian Doctor, who removed tbemortiiled flesh, and stopped the mortification, but coold norheal myarm.— My strength, at this time, whs completely exhausted aud my person much emaciated. 1 continued in this state until ihcsummeroflß4BrWbenreawaaadvcr- Usemcnt oi Yellow voeb tsnd SanaparillaJ l which I read attentively, and sent for ond bottle of the article.: After using it a few days, the discharges from imr arm increased, and assumed a light color,: and less * offensive odor. I sent fora recond bottle, and while using it I found my. strength increasing, and the dis- » charges decreasing;', r continued tiring xt'until I had nsed six boulest though I felt myselrpoifecly cured before! Used the sixth bottle. Since that lime I have not felt any pain in my arm; no sores have re-appeared, and I have not a doubt tbam i 3 thoroughly cored; fori can labor with it as welltis ever I could..' » ; “GuysotCs Yellow Dock and SdrsapdrilldJ'do neenred me f I took no other remedy while using it, and had I used it at the first appearance bf the malady. 1 fully be beve. it would have saved ma from yearso/suflkringc Audi most earnestly recommend every person suffer- - mg under any similar disease, to use "Gnysott** Yellow Dock and .Sarsaparilla, ll which will . restore them to health. Vours in gratitude, • O. M. LEONARD. An Extraordinary Case of Scrofula, Eyrasiptlat and ’ . cured by the sole use.af Dr. Quysotft Com • pound Syrup, Yellow' Dock', and SanapanQd ' ■ ’ .Bbooxms, Nov. 17,1848. Da. Gutsott— Sir: I tender yon my sincere .thanks .for the great benefit 1 have derived front the use of your valuable Syrup. I have been troubled very bad with a scrofulous sore which made its appearance on my chin. Xdjd much attention.lo ti nt first,, supposing it to be nothing but some eruption that generally appears on pwpns’faees. It finally began to increase, Tin til it spread to the back part of my head I applied to aphy siciahphe attended mcpll to uo purpose.'Thad tried - everything that .could be tried. ! saw your Syrup. of« Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and concfoded to use it, for i knew that the Yellow Dock was one of the most valuable articles in the world for the blood.' I bought yohjr Syrup and commenced using it, and' from the use of one ooftle l could see a great change in my system. Icontinued using if until l ama wellm';'! now feel like n new person.; my blood is perfectly-cleansed, and free ffrimall imparities."There is *not a question but that your newly discovered Compound it far; superior to any sarsaparilla Syrup ever sold. ~ This certificate is at . yoar dlsposa*, to publish if yoa like, and any one you :mayrefertOfne,l shall be happy to give them all the information Tcanlaboat my case, Ac. - 1 remain yoQ,febeSient : servant/ ' GEORGE G. JOHNSTON ’ > The best Reitiale Medicine known. The Yellow Doth and SarsapArilla is aperitive, sptody piiji r ■ permanent cure for all incuimt jo Its mild alterative properties render it pcculiariyap plicable to the stender and delicate cohStitatioh ofifce • female. It it unrivalled in its efffcctUpoh's'adh.fiiseaseS as Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Lencorrhoca- or Whites, Irregular 'Menstruation, Incontinence ofUrinA,■ and general Prostration of .thesystem; It-immediately contracts that distressing nervousness and lassitude so common to the female fromej and imparts an energy - buoyancy as surprising as they are gratefrl: }Ve have evidence on file, which induces its strongly to. recdnH mend this medicine to married peoplewho have nd been blessed withodspring. * : Prciapsta UttriyCT falling cfths Womb, of five years standing) cured byßr. (hiysoWs Extract qfYeiiowßock an&Sanaptttißyy qfUT every other known remedy had been tried without relief. ■ WAsiajtoTdJt, o:,Feb„ Is 4». ..This eemfieathai my wife,ageDBammertC’ii, ' Warren 1 } F L.A C S Jones,’Cpnderspart; P Crooket. jJr.,BA)whsyllle« : ! : mylP l Ayer f i Cherry Foctorali ■ IjIOR TAB CURB OF COUGHS, COLDS, HOABS& £ NESS, BRONCHITIS; WHOOPING COUGH, .OROIfP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION; . Among the numeToas discoveries Science ha* made i tojfcis generation, to - facilitate the business of life, th crease its enjoyment, and even prolong the term of hu man existence, none can be named.of more real value to than this of Chemistry to the Healing Art A vasuxi&l of its ihrooghoutthis broad country, a doubt^thaioomeftr cine or combination dfmCJlfciueaYyet taowiij can do surely control and cure the nniriC??^_vhrfetiea ofpul- monary disease which have hitherto midst thousands and thousands every year; Thdedu there is now abundant reason to believe a Hexhddy has .ayength been found which tan be relied on to cure the raoat.<&ngerous aflectlonaof the longs.; Our spacohere will not permit us tb publish arty proportion of thecures effected by its use,.but we wouldpresent the following opinions of eminentmen, and refer farther enquiry to the clrculor whichthe Agent below named, wilf always be pleased to fornish free, wherein are full particular* ana indisputable pxoo&ofthese facts. ' * Vroia thb President of Amherst College, the celebrated * . Professor Hitchcock. “Junes C. Aycr-r-Sir: 1 havensed tout Cherrv pee* toralinmj owncas«ofdeep.seatcd Bronchitis, and am sati>fied IromiU chemlcalconslituiJdh.tbat itu anad cmablecoranoundforiho :j reUerofl£Vngalaslbw chioi dUEculUes, If my opinion os to iis soperior char acter can be ofany service, you are at liberty to use it as yonthmkproper. v. , EDWARD HITCHCOCK,L,L; D. troro the widely celebrated Professor Siilman, ADD. * ?j> , p ™ of Cheniisiry. Mineralogy, &e. 4 Yale College, Member of thii Ltt, Hisl * Aled. Phil, and SeientiDo Societies of * t . ' America and Europe/ . ** I deem the Cherry Pictorial an admirable composi tion from some of the best articles in the Materia Medi ca. and a very effective remedy for the class of diseas es It 1$ intended to car©.” NewHaveh, Cu»NoVil t .\B4D.. MajorPaitison, r/esidenvpf the S.C. Senate, states he has used the Cherry Pictoral’ with wo&derul suc cess, to ctpe an inflamation of the longs. / • - Fron one pf ths first physicians In Maine. Saco, "Me., April», XBW> Dr. J. C. Ayer,.Lojvell—Dear. Sits.l am now con stantly using your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, and preferitto anyothermedicmcforpulmohary From observations ofraany severccapes, 1 am convinc ed it will cure coughs, cOlda, and diseases of tfia longs, that have put to defianee all other xCmcdies. ; X: I invariably recommend its use In case ofconamnptloii, and consider it mnch the best remedy knOvnx fprthat dis ease. ' Respeetfollyyours, V“: 1.8. CUBHMAN, VL D. Prepared android by James C.' Ayer, praclictl Chem ist, LoweH,Mass. „ 117* Boldln Pittsburgh wholesale ani retail, by B. 4* and by J. AI. Townsend; in Allegheny City i hy (I. P. Schwartz, and J. Douglass, and by druggists [generally. A Card. TOHE subscriber having made arrangement* in coaae* JL Quence of which his preseatbusiness mostbo closed by the Ist of August next, nowoffera hla whole stoex of Gloves, HosiervvHibboas, Lace Goods and Embroider* ies, Bresa TrimsungSvll&iidkeTchie&i fine rShjru Famishing Goods, Zepnen Worsted, FiowerMawriaJs* Umbrellas,' PaThMls,C©ab% Thread clea. Also, Ladies* Show,(best PhUadelpMsmshe), at greatly reduced prices, wholesale ana -V V i r_* - 1 * A * * ' - - yiygyi.;. sail *'4 * ■ „ i - i < j 4 * V' U,5 , * < s i^' r , f ;-p- I?'.’-' '.y.