The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 06, 1851, Image 2

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have oerlaied a dividend of One Dollar per s
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{%£&*?*£? *rs^l*:' , -»"■'i'H ■ ■ : ■■'■■- " - - . New Jofc Printing Office
1 ' »Kl®S P Sfi
V«K *• •* */V H *« ,, iirt * . celved from- the Foundry of I* Johbsos *
I s\*’ ,|,< t r J% '■’ , , - -■--' -delphlm a very large tiock-ojf bequiHul N
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«»• >y;.-j - I For terms apply to , JOHN
jy * l:lm ... - ntji^L c
»■*•• • • '■■■ name of WILLIAM AV. 11
-t* ■ submitted to the DcmocratioConventton
as their:caridifiate for the office.of Pre
■S ra l'.w ■ ihe Coart of Quarter Sessions of Comm
rt?iv?t*!scSSr- jy*fcw
f - •• Begteter at WUla.~We are s
— i noauee that ANDHKW BABiCLAY,*
♦» »;>•-«•“.? “« V • • leebeny, will be a.candidate tor tbe offi
tdJLfi£^»M»i>g.^-iJsS<*nft> > A«:v _ . . Wills, subjeet to the decision or.tlteDi
;-;i‘- Convention.
‘l-tA. ' IFrom the Doulsville Journal, Me
' : “-SSSSM!
:: «Sf«aBS»K
(< - . ■- Kentucki.wasandhadbecoforolp,
- his room, and most of the time to b»
ffe'&.’JfehfKWdSMfedthltSl'Wr I . . . ala and Chronic Diarrhea, and was,
' 1 ontboveryverjeortbcgravr,andli
SSftwlraEaSl^Hß^iSwsSl^SA' l -. ... in his power, -without effect, and t
-«- -~ time.the patient, with thei consent ipf
pb 1 -. ,-S;■t:;4 V. , - . ■■ . menced the uso of Dr. Houghten’s
"; the astonishment,surprise and de
Vfl V-; v't '^ < - • ' much relieved the first day. The t
• SdTt-en^l^i^^W
t> ? W” ; 7*f*‘ r - -i - . proved iiiheallh, having bad nodi
achor bovrt\*,ofuTtdkingtheJin
,/ji fact<urenoicoutroverlible,and 1
ouchl to convince all skepuca li
4t PKI*SIN.” Le^hyaietona and
j‘;| r: A y^Elo”v‘iSck*and*sa“
'V.v;- j i -, f the largest sized boules;contu
& P i --SV, t, 1 * L durasnarsapariUa than any <
which is chemically combined
ft* low Dock and tbe Extractor
ilie remedy more thorouhl]
Sarsopanliabefore the pubUi
u v perfectly free from all rowers
SaIJ of any other of ibe Sari
*•» J>-» J . -lovalid ahotdd-bewaterof pt
lnto * '■•■•• ‘ nine, Potash, lodine, Solphn
ogriA,-»i.< J i • mineral andimetailic poison
I ;iabisd» -live baaisof mostof lhe Sa
-tbeidßyi* 6uy*ott»e Compos
■ and Sarsaparilla does, not
Bnl,4Uia * ?cB ’ -Jy J y
Sarsaparilta. which U ibor
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a fanrrensoU asihatitrc
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beonginaily induced by
pcrance,boi chiefly by t
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• ‘ Female consututions.a
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WfßmmmM - , a*-
- ” ***** "' Amocl
• • I
We yesterday had two arrivals at :this port
from'Havana—life brigs Somers and ,
As far as ,we can learn mere has been but little
intelligence made known in Havwia since the de-
, parture of the Isabel, relative to existing
difficulties in the:lsland, wbiph -can: be relieq
upon! Knmors are current that fresh deserhonp,
of troops are taking place, and that out of four
hundred men recently sent from Havana, two
hundred went over to the Creole party and. fired
ion theircomrades. Up real state of affairs is
I bo ascertained.. We have, not, Jiovy
-4 ever, heard.of any new Proclamation einanating
from the Captain General, and therefore con
elude that his antibipati'ons' of those ip
cepting an amnesty, hod not up to the 21tl
: I inst., ataU events, been realized. .. _
The;Savannah Eepubho of .Wednesday .alB
records the arrival of a.vessel at that port fret
Havana, whence she soiled in .the evemng <
the 24th, and.adda:. ••Evorything. is represei
ted a's being very quiet, there; being no exoit
ment to the city whnt6T ”:
! Anils fob South Caboiwa.— Thesannon.
the wqnid-be Southem heingmf
' i ; • ■ r.n-f —: by Messrs. Ameß, of Cabotnlle,: Tip
failed and the secessionists - were .coM.^let
JhX^JipM' 1 get the order filled north of'Mason #■ fix
fti I line, which they had avowed theywould npl
The statement which we recently mpde to
I | thatthesmaU arms for South Caroluia,wer
1 Sg made at Milbury,. We,are .again assur
correct, notwithßtandin&.the dmavqwal o
’ Chakcston Mercury, (If. /•(
rioL - „ ■
White Blabebebbies. It is on anoien
and faot, that “ blnekberries are red whe
are green;” but we yesterday saw somo
. berries,” perfectly ripe,: but of abeautifi
. i ’neft‘ «een color, of a lußoipusswcetoess,
K#V;^r.A«"^rS-A CgCt, clearest and handsomest of
whfll fruits. They are by_Mi
.V^cSit«y3vrXt-.“ 6 i>fi.-s^‘i J^; 1 . Needham, of Danvers, and■ have] been p
" ‘ fed from a single plant, obtained m the
V: . wMch '-was no doubt an accidento
I “X high hush blaokherry
I Gazette. .....
Fboh THE Eio Gwde.—Account
I 16th nlfci from-Brownsvillo, oontinne
■;;-:'l VbjrCi -tf?. ;v yr^T^ik . depredations on the border by.the Ind
the moßt notable of - which i&- late <
>C^c# ____ Sem ou the Mexican town of Mu
On Geneva Lake, Tuesday morning week, it was which they mYd 016 * 1
wmen 811
*\'T' : 1'V ; '-/Ca>*•• ••-;:■-; • “ ’'-A •
JMg Anting
Harper it Layton, Proprietors and Publishers
FOR canal commissioner,
* <iQl> ~~ I pAnp
For Justices o t the Supreme Bench.
JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia.
ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster.
JOHN B. GIBSON, of Cumberland.
WALTER H. LOWRIE, of Allegheny
Meeting of tlie Democratic Committee of I
Correspondence of Allegheny County*
The Committee met, pursuant to adjournment,
at the St Charles Hotel, on Saturday forenoon,
July 26th, at 11 o'clock.
Mr. Burke, the Chairman, Tead the call of
the committee, and briefly stated the objects' of
the meeting. I
On motion, the following resolution was 1
adopted: 1
Resolved, That the Democratic citizens of the I
different Townships, Boroughs and "Wards in Al- I
legheny County, be requested to meet on Satur- I
day, the 16th day of August next, at their usual I
places of meeting, to select delegates to repre- I
sent-them, in the County Convention, to bo held]
on the Wednesday following, (August 20th,) at I
11 o’clock, A. M., at the Court House, in the I
City of. Pittsburgh, for the purpose of nomina- I
ting a ticket for County officers. The Demo- I
orats of the various Townships will meet be- I
tween the hours of 2 and 5 o’clock, P. M.; and I
the Democrats of the different wards of the I
Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny and of the I
Several Boroughs, will meet between the hours 1
of 4 and 7 o’clock. . I
The Democratic citizeuß of the First Ward, of I
the City of Pittsburgh, will meet at the Fulton |
House, kept by Mr. Hugh Sally. I
The Democrats of Chartiera township will 1
meet at the house of D. C. Jones (Oboy’s old I
stand,)‘on the Steubenville road. I
The Democrats of Duquesne Borough will
meet at the School House, in Baid borough:
On motion of Joan Cotle, Esq., seconded, by |
H. S. Magraw, Esq., it was i
Resolved, That the primary -meetings be re
quested to take into consideratian.the propriety
of instructing their delegates to said County
Convention on the subject of appointing dele
gates to the'State, Convention, to assemble at
Harrisburg, on the 4th of. Maroh next, to nomi
nate a candidate for Canal Commissioner,, and
appoint delegates to the next National Conven
tion, to' nominate candidates for President and
Vice President.
Ju. Harper, Scc'y.
jjgy* The communications of “W” ore worthy
of a place in the columns of the Post, but the
writer neglcoted to entrust us with his name.
We require this in all cases.
Fort Pitt Works.—We have had written, for
several days paßt, a .pretty full description of
the above large and well known establishment,
but have deferred its publication until the en
graver could furnish us with an appropriate cut.
On Monday wo took occasion to visit the Me
chanics' Rolling fJiiU, located at tho mouth of
about 2J miles above the city. Although we
have frequently spoken favorably of tho Iron and
Nails manufactured at tho above mill, yot wo
heretofore have never found time to make the
concern a regular visit.
Our readers all remember the difficulty that
occurred over a year ago between tho Iron-Mas
ters and those in their employ. A large num
ber of tho best workmen, not feeling disposed to
work at reduced wages, organized into associa
tions, united their capital and labor, and com
meneed business for themselves. One association
located at Sharon, in Morcer county, and. an
other at Girty’s run, of which we ore now speak-
mg- . ,
The Mechanics’ Rolling Mill was organized
and is conducted on the joint stock- or associa
tion principle. The capital when starting, was
$36,000, divided into 35 shares, of, $l,OOO each.
There were sixteen, partners, each one of whori
was required to, bo the owner of at least one
share.of stock. The business is conduced un
der the. firm of Stewabt, Lloyd, &. "Co. Mr.
Thomas H. Stewabt is tho financial partner,
and Mr. Rees Lloyd is the general mana
ger at tho mill. Every, man belonging to the as
sociation is a practical wr jr ker, and a perfect
master of his business, They are all working
bees, without any ‘drones, at the mill. Each
man has his particular branch 'assigned him,
Which he attends to, without coming in conflict
with any cr je else. Thus far, every thing has
gone on harmoniously and prosperously, and
there is every reason to believe, that the good
feeling thnt now prevails will continue. , .
The wages of the workmen are thuß arranged;
each man charges for his labor precisely the
same rates chargod by the workmen at the city
Bolling Mills, who perform the some species of
labor. After defraying all the expenses of the
ooncern, the profits are divided among the part
ners according to the interest of each. As yet
there has been no general dividend; but we are
happy to learn that the business has more than
met the most sanguine expectations of the pro
prietors at the time of starting. It is their in
tention to “take stock,” and go into a general
examination of their affairs in January next.
The ooncern has thus far sustained no losses,
and from the prudent manner of conducting the
business, it is scarcely probable that the asso
ciation will meet with any serious loss hereafter.
The Mill went into operation about the mid
dle of Novomber last, and since then has been
kept pretty busy in filling the orders that arc
constantly pouring in upon it. Although no
large, it is one of the best managed Merchant
Bolling Mill in the West. There are seven fur
naces, whioh . are in constant ■ blast; one large
hammer, and rollers and noil cutters of all sizes.
Every bar of iron made at this Mill has been un
der the hammer. : The host judges inform ns
that iron thus made is in all respects superior to I
that which goes through the “ Squeezers,” as
by the hammering prooess all the oynders, dross,
and foreign particlea, are beat out, leaving the
iron pure and tough. ,
The Mill is now manufacturing of nails of all
sizes, bar iron, boiler and sheet iron, about 80
tons per week. Tho coal used is from mines
about four miles further up on the Allegheny,
and is fumißhed at 4 cents per bushel. The Mill
consumes 2500, bushels of, coal per week.
Notwithstanding the Mechanics* Rolling
went into operation under many disadvantageous
oironmßtances, wo aro rejoiced to have it in our
power .to state that it is now in the most healthy
and prosperous condition. The friends of asso"
dated labor may take encouragement at the suc
cess of thiß establishment
In order to avoid all unnecessary outlay in
the management of their business, Messrs
Stewakt, Lloyd & Co., deemed it prudent not
to open an expensive warehouse in, tho. city for
the sale of their iron and nails. They, have
made arrangements, however, with Messrs.
Isaiah Dickey & Co., who act os their agents,
and guarantee all sales for a small per centage.
These gentlemen are very attentive to the in
terests of the firm and have rendered great sat
isfaction thus far. Their warehouse is at No.
112, Waterstreet, between Wood and Smithfield.
The principal market for the sale of the iron and
and nails made at this mill is at Nashville -and
St. Louis.
When the Mechanics’ Rolling MiU Company
was organized, the proprietors determine .
turn out no article that -eras not A No. 1. Being
all prime workmen, they know exactly how to
do good work. They take a pride and pleasure
in rendering complete satisfaction to all who
• rive them orders to fill. The bar iron, boil
,ron, nails, &0., made by this association will
favorably compare with any manufactured in tho
United States.
Wo have published some matter in relation to
this wholesale swindle of the Government, hut
nothing like an account of the origin of the pre-
tended claim that led to it. We now give a very
Be history of the affair, and the names of
the men who have figured in it.
The Dr. Gabdineb who preferred this claim,
was a dentist in Mexico, in 1836, and also an
attache to the theatre. He afterwards became
the agent of some Americans who were engaged
in draining an abandoned mine at San Louis Po
tosi, by which they lost got no gold.
It ia said that these speculators were perempto
rily ordered to leave the country at the outbreak
of the Mexican war. which they did; and that
out of this attempt on the part of a few specu
lators to dig gold in Mexico—but which was an
utter failure Gabjhneb preferred a claim
against the Government of $1,600,000, for loss
es and damage.
The names of the men employed by Gabdineb
to aid him in getting through this chum, were—
Waudy Thompson, of South Carolina; Thomas
Coewin, of OAta: Biohabd W. Thompson, of
Indiana; Edwabd Cubtis, ot Nea York; Col.
Laxly (who is a son-in-law of Geoboe Evans, of
Maine, one of the Commissioners who passed
upon the claim); and W. W. Cobooban, banker,
of tho City of Washington, who paid $25,000 in
consideration that ho was to reoeivc one-fourth of
tho whol(i amount recovered. Each of tho other
persons inamed were to reocivo a considerable
sum, but how much is not known at present.
Tho names of tho Commissioners who settled
the claim, were Geoboe Evans, Oalku I\. Smith
and Robsbt T. Paine; and the amount which
.they adjudged due to tho claimant was $482,000.
Of this sum Gabuineb reocivod $90,000; the
persons to whom ConwiN disposed of. his inter
est were paid $80,000; Sir. Cobcoban received
$107,000; and the amount paid to the other
parties is not known. It should be recollected,
that all the gentlemen named as having an in
terest in this claim are Whigs, unless Mr. CoB
A. BURKE, Chairman.
cobah may bo classed among tbeir opponents.
We now look forward anxiously to a full de
velopment of this cose, when tbe trial of J. C
Gabiuneb, a. brother of the Doctor shall hare
taken place. He has been indicted for perjury
in the Criminal Court of the City of Washing*
i ton ; and Uis trial is expected to take placo at
i its next tijnn. Among other important facts al*
ready produced, going to show the utter want
of foundation for any claim upon our govern
ment, Gtsablesß. Gtai*laqhee, who was a witness
before the Grand *Fury that found the bill of in
dictment against J. C. Gabdinee, and who was
one of the partnetrs in the speculation referred
to,, declared that the mines were of no value
whatever; and they had abandoned them
before the war commenced.
1 For the Morning PosL
BaUrtiada vs. Whlggery*
Mr. Uabpeb— SirTho uncompromising real,
manifested by the whig press of this city, for
the construction ®f Railroads, in order to secure
to our city a fair store of the vast and increas
ing trado of the west, would lead a rtrangtr (o
fact! to suppose that they wore at least sincere
in their noisy declamations to promoto the" inte
rests of the Iron City.
Indeed, such is the honest zeal of the two
leading- Whig journals of this place, that they
have in their respective journals, been carrying
on a demonstrative warfare of words, (much to
the edification and amusement of their readers)
each in turn proving the ether to be' no better
than a ** wcatheu cock.”
With what success each has demonstrated
their (to Pittsburgh) important positions, wo
leave to the particular friends and readers of
those peculiar papers to. determine.
But to the uucircumcised in tho mysteries
of Whiggcry, there is one thing which strikes ns
I as almost unaccountable, and to a norice in the
I Wcience of weather cockiem, it must necessarily
prove very strange. And it is this, why they
can be so noisy in denouncing the Hempfield
Railroad as a direct injury to this city, and yet
give their cheerful support in returning a por
tion of those to the Legislature by whose igno
rance, treachery, or neglect, the road was sad
dlednpoatLS? -
What excuse or mitigating circumstances can |
Mr. Jons Miller, of Indian township, render to
the citizens of this county in extenuation of his
conduct during the passage of the afore-men
j tioned bill’ It is true that Mr. Darsie has said
in a public meeting in this city (in excusing
himself) “that the bill was smuggled through
during a two minutes absence on his parti” Is
this also the plea of extenuation put in. for Mr.
Milleb, or what is it? Surely it cannot be that
there was’ such a singularly legislative coinci
dence as that of all our members having a “two
minutes absence" during the passage of this
In the discharge of any public duties, inat
tention, or neglect Bhould be considered as the
fault md notthe excuse, and the plea of Igno
rance if possible is still worse, though the whig !
party have never been in this county over
scrupulously exacting on the score oflntelligence
or capability in selecting their Representa-
There can be a reasonable excuse, (or at.ieast
a sensible one) offered for the Representative
from Elizabeth; and any persons can satisfy
themselves, by observing the interest taken in
the construction of the Hempfield road by the
citizens of Elizabeth, particularly as they are
anxious for itto pass through that place.
Now, Mr. Editor, are we to bo oaUed upon to |
support again, the same persons or person and
return them again to tho Legislature, by whose
neglect' or ignorance tho best interests o( pur
city have been jeopardized, and are the oitizensof
this county to be bought andsold by such miser-
I able subterfuges as those already given ? ■.
Threeyears ago the county liberally subsonbed
two millions of stock,, to. aid in the construction
of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad and in or
der to increase the growth and prosperity of Pitts-.
burgh, and by that means indirectly benefit her
self: how that subscription was nearly being
made a 1 dead loss to the county by the careless
ness of her representatives in allowing the pas
sage of the bill for. the construction of the Hemp
field road, is made manifest now, by the excite
ment upon tho subject in Pittsburgh..
We have the consolation, however, in knowing
that Mr. Miller cannot he re-elected to the Leg
islature nor our oitizens humbugged, by snob
lame and miserable excuses ofj partyism, when
their best interests have been neglected or dis
regarded, and the election of October will be but
tho announcement of the defeat of one, of whom
nothing but the usual effrontery of the Whig
‘ party could ask of our Citizens to support.
Old Ezekiel.
Mill ’ .■ ' "■ ■ ■
Puerto Princii-e—The Scene op the Out
break.—The town of Puerto Principe, whioh is
tho capital of the Central Department of Cuba,
is Bituated in the interior a littlo to the east of
the centre of the island, and 460 miles from Ha
vana. It is is 80 miles from Nouvitas, which is
its seaport, and throngh which all its foreign
trade passes. The town is situated hetween two
rivulets, which unite and form the San Pedro
river. The country in the neighborhood former
ly produced immense quantities of cattle, and
supplied the markets of Havana. The soil is
exceedingly rich and productive, hut much of it
lies waste and uncultivated. The mountain
range of Cuba flanks the city on either hand.
The eastern chain, running to. the point of the
island at Capo Maysi, is savage and broken, some
oflthe peaks rising to the height of 8,000 feet
These mountain valleyß and defiles will afford
ample shelter to the revolutionists, who may also
draw their' supplies from the rioh agricultural
region adjoining.
1 ■* * ?
%\f } ,j x
Editor Mormnq Post —Dear Sir: —When in
Pittsburgh last week, I was told thntit was cur
rently reported that I had given information to
some of the whig editors relative to free ticketß 1
on tho public works. I know not who invented I
that falsehood, but can assure you, let him be
who he may, ho has not a shadow of truth for
the assertion, ns I have not Bpokon to either of I
the gentlemen connected with the whig press On I
the subject, r or to any other person for the pur
pose of convoying it to them, and if any demo
crat has been giving “aid and comfort to those I
editors, I should bo much pleased to see him or
them publicly named, that the shoe may be put
on the right foot. It would be almoßt impos
sible to answer all the falsehoods concootedund
circulated against me by aspiring, politicians,
but they have full permission to spin their ynms
until they are at tho end of their rope, when at
the proper time they may possibly find them
selves caught in the nooße they havo made for
others. . /Respectfully your ob’t sr’vt,
Reserve Township, Aug. 4, 1851.
Hew Basks is Omo. —Tho Ohio State Jour
nal contains notices of tho organization of four
Banks under tho not of March 21, to authorize
Free Banking, as follows: “Iron Bank of Iron
ton, located at Ironton; Lawrence , county Mer
chant’s Bonk of Massillon, at Massillon; Stark
county Bank, at Canton; and tho Springfield
Bank, at Springfield.”
Minnesota. Items. I
The Red River Caravan is showing round
through Minnesota. It consists of 102 carts
laden with buffalo skins, moocasins, leggins,
coats, ornaments and curiosities made by.hmr
breeds of Selkirk—andpemmicanwhich is toed
bash of buffalo meat, lean and fat mixed, a
choice dish among the Indians. ’
Wild fruits, especially berries, abound in this!
nart of tho world. We have never seen the berry
tribe in such abundance. The strawberry sea
son is about over, and this delicious fruit was
very abundant. The Sioux squaws arein town
every day with wild gooseberries. They are
large, and . not at all affected with dow. They
usually sell them of About six cents per quart. -
The raspberry will soon be abundant.
The cost of travel from Buffalo to St. Anthony
is $2l. . ... ■
Tho Democrat says the potato crop promises 1
well. It states also that the Jarmers are largely
engaged in their cultivatiorfr J |
Last season Minnesota 1 potatoes brought/ten
cents per bushel more at St. Louis, than those
raised below. They are jsteemed by for the
best sent to that market
We learn that the garden and field Crops of I
several of our farms, havo been completely des
troyed. .
Our crops do not Bppcar to suffer from excess
of moisture. We have never seen vegetation]
more healthy and luxuriant.
Tho Catholics are building a large and splen
did college at St. Paulß,|to be ready for the ad
mission of students in tlpec' months. It will nl
so ho connected with a ladies Seminary.
Incendiarism is much complained of in Saint
1 In 1832, the lost buffalo seen cast of the Mis
sissippi, (of tho kind known as the woods buf
falo) was Killed on Buffalo Creek, near tho footol
Lake Pepin. _
A String; ot Pearl*#
PiTTsocEQH Railroad. —Yesterday the Ac
comodation train and Express train on this road
commenced running under the new arrange
ment. Tho first will leave its place at 11 o’clock
A. M. The Express train will leave at 61 P. M.
It is difficult to realize that this thoroughfare
will be completed by next November, and yet
1 every indication seems to point to that result.
I When instead of the present stoic rate of speed,
only five hours will be required to accomplish
1 the journey from Pittsburgh, and instead of bc
| ing packed up in jolting coaches and stifling
I packets, for a great part of the distance, we can
1 enjoy a smooth ride, and plenty of sight scenery
1 in the luxurious cars of the Pittsburgh Railroad;
I i'll;: la progress l—Cleveland Herald.
The Beaveu and Pittsburgh Packets.—
The Beaver and Pittsburgh Paoketa nro contest
ing the trade hence to Pittsburgh with the Rail
Road. The steamer Beaver now runs as a reg
ular passenger packet, having relinquished tow
ing. This will enable her to make good time,
being tv fast boat. Captain Gordon, and Mr.,
Seely, tbo clerk, are both occommodating and
popular, and cannot foil to please the travelling
| public. ' "
jjgy- Much dissatisfaction is manifested by
the Pittsburghers at tho Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad company, for making a final stopping
place in Allegheny oity. Pittsburgh subscribed
a large amount for the construction of thiß road,
and it would be nothing more than jußt that her
interests should be consulted. Others, too, are
: interested in having the improvement earned
over the Allegheny, besides Pittsburgh people.—
Beaver Argus.
Wool Raising In Mlclilgan—Farmers Have
©5.500,000 Invested In tile Business.
We were always advocates of; the farmers of
Miohigan going into the wool business more ex
tensively and within the last fifteen years, have
written much on tho Bubject. The number of
i sheep in this State according to the firet census in
1885 was 30,000. In the census of 1840 they
had increased to 89,984. The recent census of
the State and General Government, plaoeß the
present number at about 1,000,000. i
Let us see, then, how much capital there is
invested in the wool-growing business by, the
farmers of Michigan. It is a sum exceeding the
whole capital of the lumber trade of the State.
1,000,000 sheep will average _
1 2,000,000 acres of land to keep '
I them on, $2 each 4,000,000
Invested in sheep and 1and....55,600,000
Here, it is easily seen, that the formers of this
State alone, have a large interest in enhancing
the duties on foreign woolens and . c
price of tho clip from each sheep would be in
creased. At present, wo are importing manu
factured woolens to , the amount of $16,000,000 a
year, and also importing foreign wool the past
year, to the amount of 18,000 lbs. Notwith
standing nil this, wool has borne an excellent
price, and gives the most profitable return over
any other product of the form. —Detroit Adv a-
I cate.
The August Interest. —The Pennsylvanian
of Thursday says:
“ General Jno. M. Biokel, the energetic State
Treasurer, is now in this city, fully prepared to
meet the semi-annual interest on the State Debt,
fnllinff due on the Ist of August, in specie funds.
The amount has been raised without borrowing
a dollar. Great credit is duo to wise and
economical management of the .public works,
I and to the firmness and industry of the State
[ Treasurer, in collecting the book dues, .and-in
looking after tho payment of taxes by the affer
ent counties. Governor Johnston will no doubt
net up his official' claim to a Bhare of the oredit
in the premises, but as the Governor is not yet
I Canal Commissioner, State Treasurer, and gen-:
oral Collector of taxes, be must be content to
I take a back seat.”
Abtonishikg Performance in DEHTisiRr.
Our American dentists, who, it is well .known,
are first in the world, havo been somewhat suri*
passed by a Mr. Chapart, a French doctor, who
performed the wonderful font of pulling out a
tußk tom the mouth of the mammoth elephant
of Mr. Huges de Massilia’B menngone. Ape
ituee animal, who had been previously “chloro
formed,” was also strongly tied with ropes, and
after much difficulty the two roots of the tusks,
which hod heen broken a few years ago, and
were painful to Aly-sha, were taken out nr a
very skillM manner. These two pieces of ivo
ry weigh more than eighteen pounds. The op
rationwas made to prevent the, elephant f ] P
having another toothache, similar to that whi
some weeks ago had rendered him mad, ana
cited him to commit muoh mischief.
• Heart, the American Artist. —The Proc>-
dence Journal learns by a letter from Pans
that Mr. Hcaly was to sail for this coun
try by the Canada. Mr. Hcaly will bring with
him his large painting of Mr. Webster deliver
ing a speech in the Senate, which he has ' just
completed, and on which he has been engaged
for nearly two years. It has been seon in Paris
und highly commended.
. . s’
*• 5 „ t. - * -r*-
'* i
-*• *• 1 t -
/' 3•< /
How shall I know the© in tho sphere which keeps
The disembodied spirit of the dead,
When pH of thee thm ume could wither, steeps
And perishes among the dust we tread *
For I shall feci the sung of ccaseles pain
If there I meet thy gcmle presence not;
Nor hear (he voico l love, nor rend ngsin
• In thy serenest eyes the tender. thought.
Will not thy own meek heart demond roe there .
: Thai heart whose fondest throbs tome were given.
My name on £jmh was ever m thy prayer,
Shall H bo banished from thy tongue la heaven.
In meadows fanned by heaven's life wmd.
In the resplendence of tnat glorious sphere,.
And larger movements of ihe unfettered mma,
. Will thou forget the love that joined us here ..
The love that lived through, all the stormy pastj -
And meekly with my harsher nature bore,
And deeper grew, and tenderer to the lost.
Shall it expire with life, and be. no more? ,*
A happier lot iban mine, and larger light,
Await thee there; for thou htut bowed thy will-
In cheerful homage to the rule of right, .
' And lovesl all, and rendorest good for ill.
For me, the sordid cares in which l dwell, • • -
Shrink nnd consume the heart, as heat the> scroll j
And wrath hath left ud scar—that fire of hell
left us frightful scar upon my soul
Yet, though tho'i wear’s! the glory of tbe aky,
Wilt thou not keep ihe same beloved name, . ,
Tho same fair thouahtful brow, and-gentlc eye,
Lovelier in heaven’s sweet climate, yet the same.
Shall thou not teach rte in that calmer home,
The wisdom that I learned ,so. ill in this—
The wisdom which is love—till I become ;
Thy fit companion in that land of.hliis ‘ .
- Captain Westi who was expected to arrive at
New York m thc steamship Adamic, was to be saluted
on bis approach to that city with 100 guris, which would
be fired by: the passengers who were on board the ves
sel on her voyage In January last.; ' . .^
- The New York Mirror says i : a Mr.Barnura has
decided io seU hi* Pennsylvania property, and remain
at Iranistan. The nydropalhicCorapany Couldnotraise
the funds to complete the purchase of ihe place, and
have agreed to forfeit tho f 0,500, paid for a ’bond, for ft
deed,’.’ and have purchased a’pieee of land in’ the vicin*
ity.’;- '-A:'' 1 -'- A.--A —AA
—— It U rumored at Washington that two more
frauds upon the Mexican commission have becii div
covered, and that an invesifgatioa U nbent being gone
—— When youspeak of araau’s wjfc,you shoold r.ol
say “lady ” Suppose a woman should speak of this or
that acquaintance’*“ gentleman. 1 ’ . How odd it would;
sound. :
The Devil’s three names, Saian, Lucifer, and
Beelzebub, says 11. Walpole, were given to fainu 1 his
three capacities, a* president or chief of the priests, the
lawyers, and thephysicians
■ A man named Downey, of New York, wnsar
rested at Kenosha, Wis., on the 23th ult, by police offi
cers from the former place. He ischarggd wiili ihe em
bezzlement of 810,000. Neatly Qd,ooi> in money and
notes were found about hi* person.
—— Au incendiary 6r d the store of Mr Ilqwes, in
Athens. Ky., on Sunday morning week, destroying the
baiUing ami all the goods. HU inrnrauce in 85,000 will
enter the loss. Mr. Donly, n merchant adjoining, had
h,.lf of his goods destroyed also.
IvT * * 4
>i • -
-% ;
l *• «• tj*'*
r*\V I"** 1 "** „
»•* tf s *£. H-f -y 11
V*V„ -,■*
i * J ,*'*>'* ' f '
1 .
Scribbling anil Clippings
tJp 10 ihe 3l« nit, thero had been shipped, from
Ihe Lake Superior mines, upwards of four bandied ions
of copper.
. The Frederick (Md) Citizen camions ihe public
against » counterfeit note of the denominailim
dollars.on the Cumberland Saving- 1 Institutions, dated.
Octobcr Ist, IBSO, signed J, R. Annan, President, ond R.
Bruce, Co.hier They are so well f located that the on j
ly safe coarse far persons not familial with tho genalhe
plates, is to rerase taking them altogether.
We heard of a roan living on Little Uocking, 0^
whose Wile gave birth totwo children; his mare, to two
colisj his cow,to three calves—all in one week! At
i last dales, all were aiive and kicking. Now, thaps whhl
might be termed. nto!crlMypTO!:fi“/arotlir.^
Improvement is the Maxcfaciure of Suoab.
—Tho London Mechanics’ Magazine, states that
Mr. John M. Frazer, of London, has taken out
a patent for the following method of manufac
turing sugar: v y. .
The expressed : cane juice is poured into an
open vessel through a scire containing about
one pound of quick-lime. ' A similar quantity of
lime is mixed with about a galton of juice in a
vessel, and kept ready for use. This quantity
of lime is suffioientfor two hundred and twenty
gallons of juice. When about one hundred gal-,
lonsof jnieo are run into the vessels, tho mix
ture of lime and juice in the vessel: is put sp
along with half a gallon of Bulphurous aetd of
the gravity of 1-05, containing thirty volumes
of gas to one of water. When the whole ~~0
gallons of juice are ran in, } of a gallon of the
sulphurous acid is added, and tho whole well
stirred and allowed to settle. /Hie clear liquor
is then drawn off and boiled in an open pan.
The scum is carefully removed, and tho liquor
• gives out * peculiar, odor,‘which decreases as tho,
boiling is continued. Tno liquor is at first a
deep brown, then green, then becomes a rich
golden color, throwing up yellow flakes. When
the color is quite clear, tho boiling is discontin
ued, and the liquor is then fit for evaporation
and chrystalization in the common way,- The
boilingmay be done in the vacuum pan, care
being taken to remove the scum when the liquor
is about the density of 38° Beaume v
Ksncostbe Between Oesebais Foote ahd
Qbitmas.— -'Ve perceive from tlie Memphis Eagle
of the 21st instant, that a personal difficulty, oc- 1
eurred between the candidates for Governor in j
Mississippi, Generate Foote and Quitman, on the I
18th instant, during their discussion at Sledge- I
villc, in Panola county. It appears from the
j Ehgle't account that both.gentlemon had agreed. I
to refrain from all personalities in their discus- j
sion. General Foote, however; deemed it no in
fraction of this agreement to allude to Gen. j
Quitman’s connection with the'late Cuban expe
dition, and had done so at several appointments
previous to the one at Slcdgoville, without pro- |
voking any interruption. At Slcdgevulo, how
ever, when Gen. Foote spoke of the Cuban affair,
Gen. Quitman stopped'him and said, that it was
‘‘ungentlemanly and dishonest" thus to violate
the agreement. Thereupon Gen. Eoote called
him n “liar." Blows were instantly inter
changed; but their mutual friends interposed
and separated the combatants. According t°
the Eagle, General. Quitman has signified his
determination not to speak with General Foote
at any more of their joint appointments.
Later most Ha v aha. —The Charleston Coi
ier of tho 29th says'
We yesterday had two arrivals at this port
from ; Havana—the brigs Somers arid Argus.—
As far aB we can learn there has been hot little
intelligence made known in Havana since the de
parture of the Isabel,-.relative, -to tbe-,existing
difficulties in the lsland, which -can; be relied
upon. Rumors are current that fresh desertions
of troops are taking place, and that out offour
hundred men reoently sent from Havana, two
hundred went over to the Creole party and .fired
on their comrades. The real state of affairs is
i difficult to ho ascertained.. We have not, how
ever, heard of any new Proclamation emanating
from the Captain General, and therefore con
clude that his anticipations of those *h
cepting an amnesty, hod not up to the -sdtu
inst. at all events, been realized.
The Savannah Republio of .Wednesday also
records the arrival of that port From
Havana, whence she sailed in the evening ot
the 24th, and adds: “Everything is represen.
ted as being very quiet, there being no excite
ment in the city whatever.”
Abus for South Caromha.— Tho.cannon for
the would-be Southern Republic arc being made
by Messrs. Ames, of Cabotville, Mass. . The or
der was first sent to a Virginia company, but it
faded and the Becessionists . wero compelled to
get the order filled north of Mnson .& fiixons,
line, which they had avowed they would »ot do.
The statement whioli we recently mpde, to wit,
that the small arms for South Carolina, were be
ing made at Milbury, we are again assured is
correct, notwithstanding, the dmavowal of th
Charleston Mercury.— TVotmaoc/cff (K. !■{ rat
White Bpabkbebbies. —lt is on ancient joke
and faot, that *■ blackberries are red when they
are Greenbut we yesterday saw somo hlaek
berries>” perfectly ripe, but of a beautiful hght
pea color, of a luscious sweetness and the
brightest, clearest and handsomest of all the
small fruits. They are raised by Mr. J. S.
Needham, of Danvers, and have been propaga
ted from a single plant, obtained m the State of
„>,ich was no doubt an accidental variety
of the’common high bush HacKbeny.-Satan
Fbom the Bio Gpafde.—Accounts, to the
ir.rti nit. from -Brownsville, eontinne to report
depredations on the border by the Indian tnbes,
the moßt notable of which is a late descent by
them on the Mexican town of Mier, during
which they murdered two men, and earned off
two women and several children.
;v~ i-
„ * /
; W ’
»' ? * *i*
~fOT The Associated
Company.—Thß Uosrd of BireoloHofjhwC™^ ll^
j»ave ueHured a dividend of One Dollar per ;
aocmi ”? to *“** hoot. FINNEY)Sec* .
>-* Kew Jofe Printing ■.
fCT Tab Proprietorsof the *■<** \ e j' ea l!
loioioirra their friends and the public ihattlieyhav
ceived from the Foundry of U Jonssou A Co.^niia
n very largo
of every one and variety imaginable. Ineyjjre no
aripkred to.exeente allJdndß or-Jon M» tfjgj
rfinmnOjin a stylo unsurpassed by any Office in tne
eonntr. andnpon the & LAYtoS ,
Pittsburgh, June. 9,185 L
ID” FOB SAIiE—A. LOT. situated on Liberty
BtteetnorUtiide,.between Buy
For terms apply to , JOHN SNYDER, atßank of Pmrburgb.
ItyTtiE name or WILLIAM W. IRWIN
submitted to the Democratic Convention for nomination
as their'earidiflate for the office: of President Judge, of
the Coart of Quarter Sessions of Cdmmoa'Pleas. ••••
• jySfctc U- r; -
Reoisterof Willa—We are authorised to an
noanCD that ANDREW BARCLAY, of the Cny.or Ai
leaheny, will he a caadidaie lor the office of Register _ot,
Wills, subject to the decision of the Democratic County
Convention, iy-r l V
[From thel/ouiavitfe'Journal, May SDib, 1851,]
•Dr. 3. 8. Hongiiton’u Pepsin,*or Byapepsla,
; • Prepared from Rennet,or the Stomach. ofiheQx.
ijri)n ihe 7th pr May, 1851, Kev.M. D.Willinms,.
Pa*lor<»f tbe Fttuith Presbyterian Cbareji,in I<omsville,
Kentucky, was andhad been for 4 long time confincd to
his room, and most of the time to bis Dygpep*..
Biaand Chronic Diarrhoea, and was, to all appearance,
oa the very verge of the gravryand acknowledged to be
- so byhls physician, who.badtried fill ihe ordinary, ©cans
in his power, wllhoutreffcct, and at the above named
the aswnishment, sntprlse and delight of air,; Ae-wju
©nch relieved the first day. The third day he Jeft:his,
rbbm. The sixth day, which was excessively not, he:
rode ten miles with no bad effect} on the eighth day he:
wenldn n visit to country i and, on the thirteenth
day,though hot entirely restored to bts natural strength,
he wns SO far recovered as to go alone a journey of five
hundred miles. where>fce arrived m. safety,much im*
proved id health,having had nodistorbarceof thesjom
ach ot bowel#, a/ur idking the jvritdoseofPepsin, These
facts are not controvertible, and that; thisisa case w©ch
oufihl to convince all skepucs that there is a power in
' fc PEPSIN.” Let physicians add dyspeptics investigate.
140 Wood street. .
ny Meeu&bove Board ofTrade Roortfe, corner ol
Third and Wood atreeu, every Monday evening.
,jn»Dr* Gny*ott>» Improved Extract of
the largest sized boUles; contains more of the P a ? B Hon ’
dorasaarsapariUa than any other prepaiationextant,.
which is chemically combined with the Extract of \ el?
low Dock end the Extractor Wild Cberry. thus making
the remedy more thoroughlyefficient than any pioer
Sarsapariliabefore the public. At the same time, Uis
perfectly free from all nunerat poisons, which, caonoibe
i SaM of nny other of the Sarsaparilla compounds, rue
I invalid should beware of poisons. Me»cury,lTon, Qm- \
nine, Potash, lodine, Solphnr, Arsenic, and many omer
mineral and metallic poisons en [ cr into and form the ac«.
Uvc basis of most of ibe Sarsaparilla* and Panaceas of
the;days‘ GuyzoiPs Compound Extractor Yellow Dock
and Sarsaparilla does hot contain a particle of.tnese
substances, at anyone, can ascertam by applying tne
" C Lc?oU poisonous ShrraparflTa preparations alone, and
osc'GuyzoU’s Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and
Sarsaparilla. which Utboroughly efficaeions, peT/ecuy
harmless and pately vegetable. AH kinds of disease
yield to its genial influence* t
See advertisement l Bl “
frjr Hints to Parents One great source of
disease in children is the unbeaUhiness of parental it
would be jttsias reasonable to expccta nch crop from
a barren soil a# thal strong and healthy children should
be horn of parents whose conatuuuons havebeen worn,
odt with intemperance and disense.Asickiyfraiaemay
be orjjrinaily induced by hardships, accidents, ot intern*,
pcmnce; but chiefly by the latterv It is impossible thata.
course of yiee or imprudence should not . spoil ; the best
constitution: and did the evil, terminate herCi itwnula.De..
a lustpunisbmcntfor the folly of ,the.transgressor But
not so For when once a disease is contracted, and
through neglect in applying the proper means it becomes
rlyited in the habit, it is then entailed upon posterity
Female constitotionsare aa capable ofimproveraem as
fomil y estates—and: ye who.would wish to improve, not
only your own health, but ihntof your own offspring,by
eradicating the many distressing diseases that ate entaur
ed through neglect or imprudence, lose no ume m pun- ;
tying the blooaandcleansmg the system- Ea
sons, and those about to be married, should not fail to
‘tmrift? their bloodffor faov? many diseases are transmit
ted to posterity. How often do we see Mialds Scfofala
and a mousand other afflictions, transmitted to the ramg
generation, that ought have been preventedby this time
ly precaution t To accomplish which, there is nothing
before the pobUc. orthe whole world,so ur.
OF SARSAPARILLA, combining Yellow Bock and
Burdock, with the pure and genuine HondurasSareapar
tlla.' For general debility during this warm weather* u
acts like a charm, restoring elasncny of muscle and n
Wholesalevuidßetail Agents,
' 140 Wood aiyPiitsburgb.
For sale by O M. Curry and Joseph
ghenyCity.and by Druggists generlly. a {jel-hdiwflm
“ 09 *ITT*BO »611 *
C.G, HUSSEY. Prett.--**— —A.W. y
oj7?« AV4I WtOtr SUyin Warehause of C. H. want.
Company is now prepared to insure all kind*
of risks, on HouMSt'hlanulactones,-Goods, Mercnan
diiftin Store, and in TransUa Vessels, Ac.
An ample guaranty for the ability and the
Instigation,U afforded in the character of the Directors,
who are ;a!i citiicna of Pittsbnrsh, wall and favorably
known to the community fortheir prudence, intelligence
G. Hussoy, Wm. Baga'ey, Wm, Earv
mer, Jr.. Wallet ttryant, Hngti p. King, Edward Heazel.
loa 2. Kin«et 9; ilarbaogti_. 8. M. Kicr marl'iu
try* Odd Fellow** Hall, Oian Building, Fourth
,trw, baa,m Wood uni SmithfiM ttrutr.- Pittsburgh
Encsmpmenl, No. 3, meets Ist and 3d Tuesday* of each
10 Pittsburgh Degree Lodge, No,4,meets 3d andllhTues
d^lcchanica’Lodge, No. 9, meets every Thursday even-
'"'lvesternSlar Lodge, No. 2d, meets every Wednesday
®Jron City Lodge, No. 132, meois every Monday ev’ng.
Mount Moriah Lodge, No. Odp, menu every Friday
0 ' *' ” * * , i ’ ‘ *'.
every Thursday evening,
o! their Halt, corner of Southfield and Fifth streets.;
Twin City Lodge, No. «4ti meets every;Pndayeven
ing. Hall* corner of Leacock and Sandusky Streets, A>
ieghcayCity. {raay23:ly -
o*Angerona XfOdge* '!• O. or ©. F.—• The
» -n
* 7
Associated Flromen’a insurance Compa
ny of the Clty ; of PUtaburffto. •
Will insure againalFlßE and MARINE RISKS
Offiee in an4 ICS Water st.
oibsctobs: •■■■■•
W.W. Hallo*, Rody Paticrsoo, R. If. Hartley. It. Rr.
Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, 0. 1L Paulson, wm. M. Ed.
eiir« Ed wanl Gregg, A. P. AnshuU, Wra. ColU>igwocJ,B.
0. SowyeT,,Cbas. Kent, Wm. Gorman. . febSO.
SAWeffifriurgj Huntingdon Co., Pa., March d, ’5l.
S, M. Kier: Dear Sir—Your .Petroleum is forking
wondeio in ibis vicinitytherefore, we would thank
you to send us *wo dozen by the Pennsylvania Ratlroau.
we are:enUroljroui,and ills being inquired foremost.
w > „
; t « < ■ Hijtienrfllsi Ashland Co., Ohio. March 10,’51.i
8. M. Kief: Deaf Sir—YoarAgent, a lew weeks since,
left with as four dozen Rock Oil, which we have sold..
Please forward toas six dozen Immediately. --■■■-■. •
-- Year medicine is working wondora in this region.—
We can obtain several excellent certificate!, it yoo de
sire them. Yonrs,&c„ W. W. >COTT.
F r sale by Kevser fc Sl’Dowell, 1M Wood sweet ,vR-
E. Sellers, 67 Wood street ; B. A. Fahnestock fc Co.,
corner of Wood and-Front streets; Curry,
Elliott, l) oseph Douglass, and U. P. Schwartz, Allegheny.
AlsOj by the proprietor,. ■- v M. iusk. v
upr29 Canni Basin, Seventh st.,PUtobilrgb
Untnal Llfo Insurance' Company,
- OIPITAL, 01,880,000.
CAFIXAL, 0300,000.
nr/* office fbr the aboire Companies in the Warehouse
Pittsburgh btro InsMrnnce company.
CAPITAL 0100,000.
in* OtncE, No 75 Focani SinkOT. «£U
S. Hoorn \
. .Vice President—*Samuet M’Clurkan.
Treasarer-rJosepbiS. Leech.
. Cniion. ; ■■.
0“ See advertisement ia another port ot this paper
my 22 •' " : *' .
. ITT" Thb-professional merits of JAMES S. CRAFT,
Esq, have pointed out such general attention to: hit
name as (A« candidate mo*t certain to be successful m
the election to the Presidency of the Common Plehs*-
that it has bteen hitherto deemed unnecessary to PJ«*ent
his uamethrouah the Press fornominahon JmW
cratic Convention. Asa practical man of business he
has no superior in ihi:.State, as may be known by his
measuresm the Legislature of Pennsylvania,!? thedit-
MUoSrwinterA of and’DL flis expenence as
amercontile and manufacturing iawyerrinsuronce agent,
and auditor and.master in .chancery, and fomuiar ac
quaintance with legal practtce and »evonon, to study,
Save him in 184 ft theulmostunammoos recommendation
of the Pittsburgh par for the Supreme Court, and emir
nently qualify him lor theoffice tn question, which require
hi, y p«ulia r working abilities ALLEGHENY.
in* Daga<rnotyiiH>
Nnson & Co. would respectfully annoaace to the
citizens Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny andyiciniiy, that they
haveihod a large, operation Room, with a Glass Root
and Front, built and arranged expressly for me purpose
of * utkingr Daguerreotype Lixenesses. The bestvJ>a*
-euerreolypessOn the best material, ore taken at this es»
the special superintendence ortho:
pr Xhe arrangemt.nt enables them also to lake Family
Groups, of any number of persons, in the most perfect
Likenesses of rick or diseased persons, taken m any
Lafayette Hall,Fourth street, corner of
Fourth and Wood street*. Entrance on Fourth street.
febHily v • ■
Collecting, Blit Posting, die.
Cj* Allends to Collecting, Bill Posting, Pis tribating
lards and Circulars for Parties, fcc. / :
; tn* Orders left at the Office of the Morning Post, or.
itTlolraes’Periodical Store,Third st., will be promptly
mended to. {mySUly ■;
ITJ*I. 6. or O. E>—Place o, Meeting,Washington
Friday ofeach month. mam—a
L.ONCH every ®“F ** B * I*«rry»«»
Diamond, at half-past 10 o’clock.
* ' \
,' -V *
i-n * o *
■ ■ ■■ •
Engagement celebrated french
of (Vi’lle A. IIILLA.RIOI\Mohb C. HILLARIQT,Signor
BEGAS.'ltliis St CLAIM, and a fall Corpt daßallet. _
■ ID” TUESDAY EVENlNU*Augusl,Sth>*hdPstfor«.-
i &nces will commence with the interesting YaadeviUe ot
After which, the Beautiful Fairy Ballet of
The whole to conclude with the new and_interesung
Military G&llerof'thc
- .. . . . CONSCRIPTION. .... # ;
f Ballets a jsreat vtmety of beautiful
French, Spanish and Comic Dances will be introduced.
”■ 'aus* '-y-ry? ••■."7‘-.Lrv-v-
Snlrltual Phenomenay and lectures on I
■ that Subject—at'wiUtinnHall. I
T TIFFaNVj Cleveland.wiildelivera course
il-i of Lectnieß at atreeti' (
Su the Phenomena and Philosophy of Spiritual Eli -t* |
euce ; the Spiritual World—its LocttUly; 1
nnd tiie Theology, ChTiBUunuy and. Philosophy involved.
iuiul naiaie.denominated a Spintualßappii,Bß.” : . I
The celebrated FOX family, of. Rochester, N.Y./WiU
; be pretenl at eoch >be Hop
pllC B e ion«e oriectntee'wiU commence on Wednetda-t ,j
I miEsion 25 cents. \ nf W c -WalV 1
I Bdswotih &COi at ilio Periodical OtticeOf w.v.waii,
I Foarthstreet, and at.the door. ■ mlmllted at the
, °P«»a“w“hl:n r "“dm“.lonto 1 onto the»<.circle eui be ac
commodated by callinj at ibaOffice of W. fa.
1 Erq.,Eourtlratreei. 18 ■ ' -
. East Plttalrargli. - - _■ •
IN COMPLIAKOK with the teqocsi lately made thro
the columns of the Gazelle, ami of a
ofcitizens.iweWill offeralPubi o Saleoo SArUIvDAY,
O< N. Br-Thcee Lots are in the torigutoi planof Kant
Piifgt.arph: as-laid oat by ub JOU6.IW
•WvWES will ie-open on.Moodny. A 8 HV’l
, Bradley, •
2Vo. 19 Wood street, between First tindbeconti its.,
M, nufaCTOREB of cveiy-description of vOOK'
STOVESvof the most approved patterns, and
8a which willbe found
r.JL-Jn rStp. to which we inv te the attention of bnild-
y TM. ware! Wa»n Boxes. *« ;
I to a'll of wpith we invite the it eniioti of dealers before
[ pufghasma elsewhere.
Lot and Brtclc Bouse at Auction.
T WILL OFFER FOB SALfcS at public ancuon on
»iL. :Satorday,ihe i7ihday ot Aas;u3ti tl4p clock, F.M.,
on the premises, a lotof Uround, iiO_feet front ontbo
-Main street in the borough of East Bi tninghaar, -by 60
ieeUeep On wbich is a neat, well-built, two *tory
brick house, containing four rooms. Tms property «
tuUnblo for doing a retail business, being in the. neigh
borhood of Biverut manufaciutlng establishments, ana
near the ground lately purchased for the Pit sburgb
F- uadry. It will be disposed of low, and on reasonable
terra, or'pajme,it. Title gc-od. JAMES BLAKEI.Y.
P. STKEnNA , Aucl'r.
■ 1 ""Notice
son or persona are. or have been aothorued, (as hns
been alleged,* or witthe; to coUet anyone* ormo*
nevs. for Sie benefit of the Good Intent fire Company,
tin Tess provided with a certificate from ihe PresJilenvor
the Company. By order.
• aafi
IGUT- BaLES.HOPS at Auct otr.-^-ThisfWedaes
day) afternoon, at. 3 o'clock, M.U». a *{S*' i ftPs&
cornernfWood and Fifth streets,wULbe added lo.dni:
pales of Fish, Buffalo To.ngnes, Sc« Mght talea pnaie
Hop,. - tnaffl P- M- DAVI3, Auct r.
L sew andFopnlar 800fff1*...,, ~.J
tfi.Ndj 3) Smilhfifeld street, ihe followine new and, in- |
'* r paSnpfa <> lnVhe tire of Mra. Margaret Maitland of
Swienzside—written by herself. A new story for Moth
era and Daoghters; . _ , ...
t Home Is Morae—a Domes tc Tale; .
Appleton’s Mechanic*’ Magazine and Eng inee rs’ Jour
nal (or August*, . .
The American Whig Revtewfor Aueust;
• Bell's Life, London News and Poach, rrccivedre very
west. r . tang..
ERVoUS D’KBK.lTY.—Weakness of de BJ?teo,
and Premature Decay, are all removed by the JU
NO CORDIAL. This grand and irnrortant remedy has J
restored strength and Vigor to thousands- It is the only i
positive cure tor loss of tnuscnlar energy, physical Ins
simde, sluggishness of the liver, and speedily renovates
.-.the Mental and: Physical Powers. Price 3ftho per hoi-,
'^Cauiiim—The only placeio procuro the genoine.lsat
50SmilhBeIdatrcet. . l au °
Proposals tor Locomotivea nndffarsr • I
Usrica o» van Ohio inn Pb.-d’a E; E;_.V 0 ’ > 1
' 'PtUsburgky Jolp 31y1551,. *£-3
TIRUPOSALS will be received l.y the undersigned,
1 for Minding, for the Ohio.anff Pennsylvania Rail
road Conmoy. Fivc;Locomonve Bngmca and
and Ten Passrnger Cars, to be equal,ta all >cs.iecU, to
those now the Companv. Also. for Twenty
Eight wheeled Platform Curs, and Fifty f’ghl Wheelrd
House Cars, for ihe tiaasportatlon of Freight The mn
tennis and workmanship Willi be reqmreilto be of the
bast description ; arid bidaers are reqo-sted to state the,
.earliest day litvvhicti they sv J i undertake, to deliver, at ,
Pittsburgh, any number of 'h'^enS’b^wTcmrs.requitr'd
To School Teachers. - ; ■
mHE SCHOOb DIBKCTOH3 of .W»tam_lomAP
’ 1 have resolved to open the puolic schools under rfaeir.,
care on the let of September,eitroing. Toe Hoard will
meet on Thursday, the 14tha*y.«t *u»a«jMdw-b«J»
of Mrs. Sarah M’Farland, on the'Steubenville’ Turn-
I ik'f, at 0 o’clock, A :M., m examine all persons opply
alo for sil.r.l ions aa Teachers- The TruMces of ine
several ouh.districts are requested to be vigitant tn pro
eating Teachers, and have Ultra for ward lot ezaruit-a
tiou'; and, a' attend themselves to witness the-per
formance. Terms of payment, and Ibe time the schools
wUI t>ekept ; open,wni he onthM ,
Secretary of the Board ,
Deottuas Cured. - <v]
CLINTON FUKNACIi, Jane IBM.—S- SI. htjfer'
Diai Sir— This may certify that pneqf my boys has
been afflicted for the last thirteen yeara with a healing ]
and deafness of the right ear. :I have trie! a number of |
physicians, a» without any benefit, a-d bad given up
all hope of a cure ever being effected, when onr family
i physician, alter ernmininf thecasef recommended me
to use 9 iha PETEOLEOM, which T did, and am happyuo
infottnybu that the use of two bottles effected an enure
cute 1 write this withonlsoUcitaiion or yonracquatnt
nnre.V With sentiments of esteem, " WAtj
i LI. PERSONS: interested will take notice: that
Aj WILLIAM TAYLOR, of tlie Eighth'Ward efdhe:
City of Pittsburgh, tlie 29ib dayof Julyi
1851, executed to the undersisneda Deed of Ataignmeul
of all his Ksia!e»iu trust for the benefit of hiscreditors
AU Dctsons indebted to said Taylor are Te<iaested to
wilt dresent thern. • . Jj HOVVAbD, AhmjdcCi ..
jy3? - Office4th at.,' bet, Smlthfiefd and Grant.
A SECONDHAND PIANO, manufactured bv b. W
Sceckkb, Philadelphia,9ixoctavea,
good order.
Arranfrement Blade to Forward Freight
to Baltimore In Plvc Daya^
A T the seme tates as the Pennsylvania Railroad
A Coin M ny madel & hla £s; OoLEj
corner of Penn ant! Wayne sireeifl,
Piughorffh. Pat .
' 3?31
TN the WATTEK of toe Voluntary assigwuem ol
X- James S. Adimuh'Shoe Merchant of the Cay of Piitt
cref'dtoT# and debtors of James ,S-Adams_will
uadcr.i ?n cdywh o wms«Ueih^u«neji 5 «Ue i h^u«neji i or»md j Aattss :
Assignee.-. .
Allegheny County, ua
TOrtfocoto-r ■:■„
Jtgl .. ;; Vend' EJ-
Ju?sMsVlBflt, on motion of Mr. M'OamHGsSj the Court
appointJ.M. Kirkpatrick* Esq, Auditor, 10
the fuuds arising from the Sheriff’s sale, among Uie lien
Patties interested will take notice that the Auditor
will attend to the datießof his appointmenton Saturday.
Gib of September, 1851, at 2 o ? cloctf»F.M»at his trace,
No. IU7 A.r.h slreel i
. att2:lwdA3lw - Auditor. _
Store Room for Rent. . / '
rpRE nubscriber offersfor rent three large and &|a ,
I \veU*smshed STORK ROOMS,enurelynew,J|Mi<
located, on Fifth sueet, opposite lh« Exchange .Bank.—
Possession will be giyen immediately;- &c ,
apply to CAMPBELL,-
iv3o i on the premises. _
Valuable Real ElßtateforSale.
rpHE following described; proj'eiUeSiaro offered for]
1 sate, upon easy payments:
A fodr story brick, warehouse and loi, m.FUtsbnrgn,
on thc rouih ride of Wood street, between. Fifth and
Six h slree s, nowoncapied by Wm • M'CaLy A-Co. ;
Also-A loi in the Eighth Ward, PMatrargh; bounded
by the Ken*i<ißton Rolling Mill on the west, anafroniing
about 120 feet oil the Monongahela river. ; ' / ;
Also—A house and lot in the city of Allegheny; front,
iag tttMfeei oil the' South Common, between Sandusky and East Common, and-running baefc w haler
alley 240 feet, adjoining the property of Harvey Chuds.
Also—A. lotj pa*tty in Ross and ••parily-InFeKW.
townships, the second lotbelow the Marine Hospital,
fronting on the Oaio river, and containing about *1
acres.; -•
Also—Ahouse andlat;m Allesbeny City,nowoccu
pied hy~ Jame3Cre»welL fronting .on Bank Lane, ana
immediately under Seminary Hill* containing about**
feetinfront. iVki j -
Also—About three acres of ground-in the .City. ox. Air
legheny, adjoining the residence [Charles
fronting on Water Lane, near the Plank Koad, with a
large and hand#oniely 'DuUi Mansion Hoqkc. thereon,
and two springs of water ateithersido thereof; now oc*
copied by S< üborch. Apply i6i_, ' 1 ;
• * JOBEPH KNOX, Atioraey,
Grant street, Pittsburgh.
T Important and Interesting
O iHou‘6 Keepers Furniture Dealers, Railroad Com-,
panics, Hotel Keepers, Military Companies, Engine
Compound has entirely superseded all other articles
heretofore used for similar purposes, wherever, tt has
been introduced. It tells its own story, and. only re
auires to be tried toprove. to tbe most pcredulone.tts
superiority over any other article oner belore usedfor
it to he. Sold Wholesale and t MctCEE, 1
: Buildings.
Saddle and H*m»e»M<ua“* aotor *V
SIGN GF THE SA (j()(f pu^i^gk.
■ A i “uSK&kS;
; AL ihe public iharho seep CARPKIV BAGsJj
%U°.&l h Z?A oWtaddle. ie^tf
• ■'» v.' ...
- wK'O'.* *•
V , ii * * - «
' '<;V•*.> fr-N-: '•s:..-xv--> V.xV-%;-..-41’• • < i-:, r x:-.
V •-.v.- *■*•*• :k .•«.
* t
*• 1 T *
*■ * -r y
' "f.
.*' \ r
T. M. LlTTLiE,Seo’y.
* ■*' *
Lafayette Hall*
' ITS* REV. S R. WAKt>. of Donon, will speak in tile
Hail, corner of Wood and Fourth etreeta on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday evening*, Ith and Oth insu,
on the subject of Slavery* To commence at * past 7
° This evening Mr, W. will speak oh the Uuilt of the
North; touching Slavery. To-morrow evening thaCon
-Sllmtien will bedlscut«ed. OiijWednesdny evening, Uie.
Pr eint Aspects of the Anti Slavery Caneo In this
aero respectfully in-
Tl Smonode 1 , l l“ C C«Mn*Cnke,Fruit, and all $® n de,i *
6roe&t7oodOarden> ...
A l ßiUk£.RastJi«Try, .Sirajatfcftrry,-Goos6bejiy f
:2ssss^^s*^ir?^ o,h " **• -
/reßhmcnlß screed up in lho Hnloons. Manchester. •■ '
Order. •ddMMedtofteP»P*WWff“L“S e “ r ‘
Allegheny cbnnlYi Fa., will receive pro jr nr .T V
mHR public ate informed ihat ni<i OP TrtE
JL BOARD OP ItKALTH orthe PilUbutghi"
at NoT CS, Grant street, between Fourth and Ommond.
street,, wiere all Notices and Commanicauoaß for the
Beard mast be left; •• OHAREESNAYLqK, .
,yia y : ( ■ 3eerotary.
Athenaeum Saloons and Batning
. Uahment*' ;
HPHE rMpecifQUy mfouna the,Ladies
X and.Geniletnen OfHfie cHfcs and vicinity* ibat-ne
has rented tih& above splendid Establishment, and >St
preparedanjl'winbo happy ."to Eerve ihem wiih a sope-.
nor aruole of ICE CREAMS sad other icfrcsbments in
their stasoa. 'He'hf gs tosayhe Sauers himself, irom
bis lone experience and constant efforts togwesausfac
tioti to his guests, and hopes to receive a share of pabhc
Every will also be paid to.the Baths and
i Bathing toooma ’ **
I-.'. Fr'male attendants to the Ladies? Department.
| }7 tt V W. W, WARD-
entuoksy Ultxtunl lilte lqsoranoc Co. ...
fTHISCOM PAN Yoders to tbe insured aU Ibe security ■ j .,-
Iv, and idVanttges of thßMmaal aivl Jomt Sioclt Pluis •
(M heretofore applied) combined,' namely i Low rates of
premium; an annual return in rush of the per coninge
requiredfor lhe contingent ri a «c of the year, an Ude
ll irate,bu! noiexceisive provision for thefuUlre eccuriiy .
of members for the whole term of lie, wim unequitable
iuinest ihibeaccuraulaiing fundnsccured tosuch m-m
-i bert, payable, at ifc'alh; ;ojr' credits • ilS*2 ;?&
eiea ,a enaranty fund ilr-Pignec. foT the permanent a ecu ,
ritvidf short term members; and also for the present se-.,
cnrhvof thoiOfortlievvlioletennof life.- . . .
' ~irj~This is the Oafy Mutual Life Insurance. Company.
wffisa rate# of preiiiiaiti nre Sied ata fair reduced stanr,
dard.ttfiJiitlifovisiontlirairaminaiiy increasing (teen
mularioO of find* (for ftitnre'secamy) in exact propot-.
-tioit io the amodutof bn inessaud: tbe increasiug risk ~
from advancing age among-ltiameinbcrs .;, .
tracts, fee., giving'in detail, the plan and , .
ratesbfitha CompanyvfornuheiCm|i^^applieaiions
. tot i,uoronce received .
■ PiLflyoßTPa Medical Examiner. jyl2:yr
: Steal Bfltftle tor Sale,
TTAVJNG,>iuce,November las\ Eighty..
H vfownLot* in the above borough—a bw >m.PM» 1e,..
actual settors,l have-beenindueed to offer addition*,
al number at private salevand at prtcei aiul on lerms
of payment whlch will come under the mean* of all
[ persona dUpoied Ea«b lot contains,w-
L eluding the street* and nlte, s* oue*fouith ot an acre—.
Ibblugfeo f«i front by 130 lee- dwp. t Two_«ddmon*\
l Potteries,'andun Iron t?oumlry»haye been built during
I : thelatv year, and ate now Lnsuccesafal operation--,
f Tbe CleyeJand aniFitUburgh Railroad,to connect with
I tbe Ohio and Pennsylvania; Railroad to Beater, ha*
I been located through Liverpool. a, charter has ako ■
I been obtained (ot a Plank 4toad from.Ltverpool tu New
| Lisbon. parohaaed .-hra company
1 ftom PUtaburgb* tor a Planing Machine, Saw Mill. Ac.,,
I and ncoinnany is.about being formed to erect Glass .
I Wr rka. There are plaecsol woratup/or Episcopalians,
1 Prcsbytariansaud Methodists; a Roman riaiholtc ChaTph
1 has l»ren contracted for, to be finished the coming fall;
load UteiUnionisU.ore purchase andbuilda..
I place of worship.. Means of\ ncauon »n thiatown are,
I ample- Apply to - . -.-UMM BLAKKLY,
I- au4‘ - cor Othand Lib^rtr»ts..3ccordsiory.
?. * new Music*. . Tv'.. ' .
HKLRBF.R.No iui ThmUlMctjhas jastreceivea—.
Bloomer Polka. 1 ’with-a beaaufally.colored
tij? u cue- of’the B) bother costume;
Fa re *rel F/l (Ever Fondest'Prayer,
Wait for ihe Wflgoiiß/'* Bedicaied to Kit Carson, the
Great Western Mountaineer ;
• ' 7 he Laoeuajte of Love;
J Come Where Sweet Toned ZepbyraPass, Composed ,
for o i\d song by the Irish Nightingale, Catharine Hays, ..
.Wherefore, Nelly, Look so Lonely? . -
1 Thec-at Eventide;
* Sonny Hows;
■ the Rye—wiili new embellishments,,-,
• as snug’with unbounded applause by Jenny Lind J.
I Had I NeveTrNever Known Thee, .
r~Pestal,Yeiathe.Die iaCatrtrv
• Comic Songr .
The Mother’s Requiem;
| Afirie aelecUoh of Guitar Songs ;
l Masipian’sCotnpamoft^yHowe; . .
I . ALSO—'Walrees* Marches, Polkas, Variations, «wat,
‘ , Great Shawl Sale. >. ; •’* ■
•A A r MASON’S ■GrwU-bAoteJ Sale will com*
A.' rnencec 60- Toes'lay, August Sih. when tUey_mtt
Offer the largest and atrak of HHAVYI»d
'ever exhibited in thii t : Uyvcpnjpri*iug—. .. : .
Piairi'Whilc ‘Crape, Shawls; ......
' T ....-....
VRancy HigbCblcred’Tbiborfihawls;.
• Plain and Embroidered Thiboi.Shawls i ■
- l3rdcheß.CashmereandLongSiiawlsr-offineana
> medium qualifies..-' ■ • .
Allot which
\i> receiving their Fall Stocky and; will offer them at a
mattedociion, acteMteleHlban eAMera <fOSU ' • * *
*■ ans ♦ V r . ' tioi.ctkdi 64 Market street.
' : NerrUooSsl NewßoolisJ . .. .
» T HOLMES’UTIsRARY BBPuT, No. 74 Third at.,
J\. opposite the Post Office—
' .'•llatper’s Magazine for Aagdatp -,■
■ Dic.ionafycf'Mechanics—No.3s; > ■ .
litieUteLivliigAtre—No ,337; ■.■.■• a• .'
Mr. nrtd Mrs Sandboys, who came to seotho Great ,
r. Exhibition; i; • • »
i ImernaiidnarMagatine for August; ,
The Gipsy Chidf.. :By \V. M Reynolds; . . „ .......
• Mabel ;or,TheChild.of:ih« Battle Field. ATaloof
| Wateribcrj-j = ' •' »-• v. x - •• ' •■■...■•■
I The Pibneet’sDaoghtar; aTaioof Indian Captivity.,
| -By Kiaitrton BenoeU;. ■ • - -
| Eieiicnury ofMcclmniesYNo. 34;.
I Littell’a riving Age, No. 376;
|> u Blackwood tor , ,
J AJtvemurrsof .Pool PerwenHe, A Sea Story i
I I The Countess of Salisbury. By Domes; ..
I Ecrate.; or. The Saloons of Paris. By Moj.Rich
] Yeast fa'Prbblem. Tlj the author of Alton Locko;
I '- Reveries of:a;Bachelor—or, a Book of the Heart,
I • ■ The Farmers Companion-—with illustrations?
1 Travelers Guide through ibe U.S. ana Capafla;
I.*; Rena—or, thn Snow Bird inTaleof.Real Life. By
I * Mt&.Lso.iienUy; , _ __
1. The Heirs of -.West WaylontL By Mary Ho will* ~
I The Reel*: By. Buiwer f _ , . „ ,
I Not ?a Bad as We Seem. A Comedy—by Bulwer,
I • The Oaughierrof Night. A Story of the Present :
I, . Timw. . •). .■ . [ana ...
• ■•=:'* llfiwßooktt New'Boolut
• No. aH*inltb]ffe» Vtire^t—r , „ . _ • • - • •
i. No/35 Dictionary r df Mechanics Engine Work and
( Yearly Absuact-of the Medical 3ci-
I ences, No; 13prrdttt January to June;
1 - The Gtefenbory Manualof Health? - ••••- •• , .
I Paris 3d'antfdthl€si>or, The Adventures of Mr. and
, 1 Mts Sandlibysa-thdirSoh and’DanghieT, vrho caroe.up
I to MhrmsWveSa” and to see the Great
J RxhibiUohby ftenry Mshewana GeorgeCrmkahank.
t’l- f «ngs • < •••♦•' - ‘ ;
; Sew' Books 1 Kcw: Books 1 •
TUST RECEIVED AT WALL’S Pcriodicaland Cheap
J Pab!ieaiion9iO?ejNb. r B&Fonr.h : street—*
IconogrophicTaiciclopmdi*—No.22»• • • . • ,
Braiihewaite , s Retrospect of Practical Mediciuo and
Surgery—hurt thetiSd;
' The August niunber of tfce Lancet,
’Didiohafyuf Mechanics—No. 35 ?: . , ■
Liltell’s LivingAge—No. 377 ;
Westminister Review for July;
. American Whig Beviewfor August: . _ . .
s Mab!e»of flte'ChUdof lhe Baule Field—a Tale of
''punch’s Guide. The Natural History of
Courtship;, Punchj" uniform with Punch’s Com
plete Letter writer. Ac. " ' • [au6s
; S/S ; :■■■ For Sale* . • '•-
A RECTIFYING DISTILLER V v a first rate retail
A. suthdi with all the fiitures and Liquors required
The broorietotis going into another bnriness Enquire
at - • c -,:i . 494 Penn street.. . . ...
- nqs-2i.*. ; i : .- .uthird,door above ..
'Tplttsbuxgh liUe Insurance Company* ■
TTTANTED—two or three Men to act aa Agents—
W ngtlTotameMoion. - None oihcxs xnni npplx.
jytthlw '• O. 'A* COLTON, Sec y«.- •
• a. W• boater* ... • *.. ”•
/-\FFrcK*NC ( *47 EOUJRTII;BraBBT.
I..iSawa;.Pa I .':.■:■■■ ‘ - v;.iawty
Vo : FINBTiWATCHisa.—A-few yety .Buperior ,
Gold Palefit Lever W
a • d
lySo iV Vi ’ > r i -81 MaxkH^ttQ.l
WlioltialrToMoip ana Cigar aanatoo
rkEES“R:'‘JONE3:Te*peclfolly lnibrras.piiy wetcliants
Ki orid the public generally, Uiai ho haj opened a
- JPheltuiix Ib’iattii. Snvi' and Cwar iTomi/aclory.
No. 137. Front «ucet,oni door eoolhwcaj of B,A. Fabn
enoefa Brag Store; where he ha» now »n aloie and for
aale a large and geoeral assortment of ihemoatapprov-: ■
ed VirginTa branaa Tobacco, a select aasortmrntoi fine ,
imported'Clgaraorthe choicestbrandß, and 10hhds 800
rigar Leaf. AII kincs of KentttckyWjocco mauurac
l mred to order with care and dispatch. l Orflera thank..
folly received and prompUyanendcd to.
[ ji4:lm. j ; lit a.
WISS CHEESB—I.OOO tta. ot a prime QutJiir, just
received and for rale l>y* • •• ,
/ ,137 Liberty utreei.
JAMAICA RUM—Adtiect JnsiTeceive't
and for sale by FICKEISEN t STOUVBNEL,
. aa3 • • _ Importers. ...
IjtOST for
S' sale bv W. W. WILSUM, ,
adS i its »nV. Market and Fourth streets.,.
COIN BALANCE3-«r the best apptoaed construc
tion fordeieetiottOfytmeiican Gold. Corn, all«, ,
I nominations, “an expeditions audinfalhble detector.
I Prices 81,60, 83,80 to 86,00,- r« .. ..
| • aus
PENS—In great variety, of the moat approvea
V3T niakea, for sale By -’’: ' w W"WILSON.
aasi ■ .'■■■< ■:■■■■■ • •
tirAndies IN BOND—* , : n l tft „ ea j.
K Cbgwae—4o half pipe*, qr.casks ,ana octave
nns Noß^gl-ond'V^l^ l6^BlfCfl -
Srs;Uo«ther with * full atnortiaeiu or^Htwaaa•
WlNfc-ia caaiiou. Ancfcor cmua-
Opngne-jo« received adftrnto
1 " 3 0 “ COn,iSnmC MILU» r “wcIkCTSON
—BATHERS—IiOO Bs. Koatuoky Feaihora in ** w
and for »ale by ..
KINn- fe MOORnB^P-..
y *
? v /*
1 * r * i. * *
- -V „
v. S*
v 1 V s
*-' /*V' ,
- */*. '- r y
•y 1
-r-t -M f , 4 * J
V *
« fc
VV-*,' .V,
» «
, .
/ s
* !*