*>sV:‘'v?-£ \ 3 T : yi v-”' '>. - __ •'4t^*C*^‘ i *^i-:•>•--'•■?*. i _ \ »v «f. I*i ' 1 1 1* I "'i ( tl. I- 1 ' f* - 9 V I’ « t - 1 ..!•• . \ ’ 1 t 1 •*♦ . *V . / '•' . ~ . a*... _ , " 1 l < '" :’* .l'‘.:: j <( • y- V 1 . : *'* ! r' - * -wn ~ , ; v " v - -VI . * * *. } aV-v %\K ' YY" \ ; --Y -. -S~ ’- \ -.’ ■t Y ■'?■, : P?' "YY- : J^v : ' f ; ' -: . ■ •."'• Y’■ \ ‘ l t'* **■ *f£*S *2* ft* »"*<* ** s. ** ij *Yt, t* £1 -**■ 1 *' Yr t *t,\ £ ** “ » ■ ' A - t ' V .'' t l T .. „* ~ ‘ *Y» ' * v 4Y ’ \ vV \ - * * v" 1 >" 'ix *■■'■~ s' - v 'Ts?c ? V ‘Y Y 5 *\* "v., 'ii £;so*W : V vCj C'< vV’-r : r * \--> ;•;:;»■', ‘. v savan^a>- P*•; # -> f r>.<^ir,‘'r^n*r^i'W n v Lv tapsoot t?H; «•■*%< -* ^ 1 * 1 <' "'' - ■ v**‘rt ns any olher ’ , ":*A--r-V '.<'.^^ ? -'- Mi if? PI el mtflftllaiuqog. , P&SSIGE from LIVERPOOL, LONDON aßd GLASGOW. Jjfkg&tS T 0 • ngwyoek, jlmß' AND WSSJii V ,? RPOOI ' TO NEVV<>Rt,KANBifIAti* - i TIMORE, BO3TON, CHARLESTON ANIJ . ' SAVANNAH DIRECT. TA PSOOTT A - COv'g General Emigration and Foreign Exchange Qffkis. WHE undersigned Saving accepted the Agency of 1 be JL above well known House,is prepared to bringcut Passengers from the Old Country, on as favorable terms as any other House in the City, Passages can be engaged in the following lines, '*^,l”Line S'eavea^Liverpool on .he 6.h and Slst of each Month. RED STAR LINE leaves Liverpool on the SCth.ot each month. r THE 7 LINE leave* Liverpool Twice & Month. > THE LONDON LINE of Packets snU» from Londnn on the Cth,l3ih,2lst and 20lh of every Month. THE CLYDE LINE of Glasgow Packet* sail* frr m GLASGOW on the Ist and Jfiih of each month. - • Also—A weekly Line of Packets for New Orleans. I 10“ Passengers ehipedfrom New York to ony.p&rl ot i the West. i lE7*The Senior Partner resides, in Liverpool, and su perintends the embarcation of all passages engaged in i this Country. • . . • ' •*. 1 PJ3. Persons desirous of yisiung.the Old Country < can have their passage epgaged through from Pitts burgh, by application either personally or by letter, (post paid) to the undersigned. * PASSAGE.FROM NEW YORK Can be had ot very reduced rates by applying to the undersigned Agent for the Messrs. Tapscotu of New Vork. . , JAMEj3_ BLAKELY jegg Comer ol .Sixthand Liberty streets, . (2nd store) Pittsburgh »ou» eovoiß-...*.......... jobs r. com- i ■■■’■ COVODE & COLE. - [Suatsiorj M McFadm A Comte, 1 CANAL BABIN, PENK STREET. gsasi .ryn Pennsylvania Railroad Go*—Central Railroad. rtiHK subscribers having been appointed Shipping L Agents foMhc Pennsylvania or Ceutral Railroad, inform, the public that we are now prepared to receive any. amount of merchandise or produce for shipment Hast. Goods-tna ihis route will be carried through in five days, and all consigned to us will he forwarded free ot commission or charge for advances. - Rales, Fretght between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Dry goods, hats, shoes, books, stationery, cutlery;-con fecimnary* fruits, feathers, furniture, drags, medicines eadalcry, &c. . 81,00 100 lbs. Hardware, queensware, groceries, paints,’-dye stuff#, oils, leather, clover, flax, ttmolhy and other grass seeds,wool,dec. 8O0.&IOO- ’ Beef, pork, butler, t&rd, lard oil, tobacco leaf, coffee, tallow, grain and rags, Coc ?> 100.' Ashes, marble (rough), tar, pitch, rosin, German clay bones, bacon, Ac. GOc-tMOQ. . COVODE A COLE, corner Penn and Wayne streets Pittsburgh, July. Ist, 1851.—jylO Fsro lledaeedi MONONGJIHELA ROUTE .' ws*» 1851. BrotonstUle and Cumberland to Baltimore and Phxlad a, rpllE Morning Boat leaves daily at 8 o'clock, A.M., .1. precisel>v conurcUng with the Cars at Cumberland next mormug. The evening boat leaves daily at. 0 o'clock, P. AL (except Sunday, evenings,} connecting with the cars a Cumberland next evening, at 10 o’clock. Time through lo.Baluraore 32 hoars. Fare only 89. Time through to Philadelphia^hours. Fare only 810. The National Road, is now good. Conductors go with the.coaches between Brownsville and Cumberland— which.makes this decidedly the best routs East J.MRSKIMEN, Agent, Office tn the Monongahelailousc SUTIUB I ■ Another Fresh Arrival at So* 97, Corner tf. Wood Street and Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh. DGKEGG & CO. have just received another new . supply of DR YOOODSmA YARIBTISS.vrhith hlive been purchased.since the late decline in Eastern prices, which will be sold at a shall advauck. Owing to our advantages tn buying, and Jong experience 111 the busmess, we flatter ourselves that we can afford our goods at priees regardless of competition. Our stock will he fouud to be unsurpassed 10 the western market, and much superior to any previous stock kept at the old stand by UreggAM’Cnndless. Wc hkve justopenedafresh lot of iatestylesof BON* NETS, Ribbons, Parasols, Dress Lawns. Beragcs, Moos dc Lames, Ladies 1 Wiuto Dress Goods; Ladies 1 Gimps, Silk Fringes, Ac.; Broad Cloths. Fancy Vestings, Cassi* meres, Summer Pamatoonery, I Tweeds, Gloves, Hosiery, Threads, Combs, Suspenders, -Buttons, Knives, Spoons, Razors, Scissors, Ac., and oil other articles in ibeirlinc, too tedious to mention. We have on hand, just receiv ed direct from the manufacturers and importers, by ex* pressva darge lot of GOLD and GILT JEWELRY, GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, and Watch materi als) and being weekly in the receipt of such Goods, we intend keeping ourassortmentcomplele. Wc earnestly solicit an early call from buyers generally, bofore pur* chasing elsewfaerC; • * Thirty cases of BRASS CLOCKS, just arrived, of va* nous- hinds. ; v lE/" Remember, No. 97, nonh*w©t comer of Wood street and Diamond alley* Pittsburgh • N* IL—The business of ihe laie firm of Gregg A M*- Candless is to be settled by. D. Gregg at the above stand, who Is fully authorized a*d m wnose rosse*«ion are the books, notes and papers of said firm. (Je9 —“ XTRACT 01 a l etter from the Rev. IS. I*. Abbott. a well known and highly esteemed Missionary in the kingdom of Burmah, dated • « ' ' Sasdowav Aeoacah, February, 1840. Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia: My Dear Sir—We are Your CARMINATIVE BALSAMis an invaluable medicine in this country in bofcel complaints, and has been u«ed in all our Missions with the most gratifying success I n? ny caBOS t 0 acl bke a charm. Your SANATIVE PILLS are my sheet anchor.—The best medicine for my liver complaint and pain in the side that I have ever used. They are In greatdemand, and we araenurelyout of them. We need five hundred boxes or them. Bro. Beecher says we could use a thousand boxes yearly among our people to great advantage I have used yoarTONIC VERMIFUGE as atonic in in tertmuent fever, with the most complete success I .irink 11 once was the means of saving my own son. Du ring my travels among the churches the past season, I found a whole village suffering under a prevailing inQu enta, attended with coughs of a most violent character. had uo l . had a dozen or two ofyooi EXPECTORANT to administer 10 Them, for I fcficye from what I have seen of its effects* that ft would huve' been just the thing for those poor people. 1 presume vou have not hitherto had an idea 10 what an extent your medicines ore used in all our Missions . Affectionately poors, E.L. ABBOTT. For sale at the Pektn Dsa Store , 38, Fifth street, [jyl Judd’s medicated Liquid Ontlols, THIS article is intended forfamlly use, and should be found in the possession of every family in the land. Mechanics who are in constant danger of injury to tbeir persons through accident, and the improper or careless 1 use of tools, will find this article to be invaluable r to them, and after a fair trial,willcoaslderitindispenshble!* u This mny certify that we, the undersWtf, hbvlng frequently mode use of Judd’s MedicalcdLiqiiM Cuticle, prepared by Messrs. Peafield A Camp, MiddlfltoWn! Connecucuti.cheerfully recommend it to opr profession, al brethren, as on excellent substitute foradheslve' plas ter, in dressing burns, cuu, seaid* ( bruises, ttnd all kinds of fresh wounds; also, for corenipples/a remedy quailed, : ; CHARLES WOODWARD, M »!; - WM.JL CASEY, M.D, D;I!ABRISON,MD., F; WOODRUFF, M ft, HAMILTON BREWER MI) ELLSWORTH Msl?e P town S ° ’ h ° ProC "' lnlr ? oyaiciaaa In ite city of For sale by .fc. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., *7* • corner of Wood and First sis MORSE’S A°® jound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, * .OCUPIES the front rank among the propneiotx W medicines of this conntry for completely oaring Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and all other diseases arising from on impure state of the blood. Also# Liver Complaint, Catarrh, Dyspepsia; Headaches, DUzlqcss, Coughs;Soreness and Tightness about the Chest; Bron chitis, or-Ho&rsene&s, Dryness, and a tickling sensation aboutthe Throat; and is used with unprecedented suc cess in all coacs of ' Vt 1 FEMALE WEAKNESS AND GENERAL DEBILITY. Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the various organs, and invigorating the enure system. .. if the testimony of thousandsof living witnesses,from alf parts of the country, can be relied upon, it u eingu ferly efficacious in curing all Human t and lestonng de bilitated aud broken down constitutions. It la purely vegetable in ns composition, and so accurately com bined in its proportions that the chemical,- botanical and medical properties of each > ingredient hannonionaly unite to PURIFY THE BLOOD. . It has removed many chrome diseases which has baf fled the skill of the best physiciana, and has also cured Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas and Scrofula, which ■ Sarsapanlla Syraps entirely failedto.make theicastim pression opon. It has been tested m many eases of CANCEROUS HUMORS. The most obstinate Cancers have been cured by this medicine. We say that it is a valuable medicine in.all BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. It removes all obstruction in the circulation,tendering the Liver free/active und healthy. It removes Palpitation of the Heart, and relievesin allcaseaof Astbma.andmay be used in all climates,and at all seasons of the year. Tins Syrup ts prepared only by C. MORSE A CO., at 102 Fountain street, Providence, R*l ; «amLsold whole sale and retail, by-.. S.N.WICKEfiSHAM, Only Agent for Western Pennsylvania, jetiiy ; Warehouse,cor Woodand SixthBts.,PiUsl>’h stranger, Look at This i TVAGUERREOTYPES FOR ONE DOLLAR, put up X/m rinc Morocco Coses. The subscribers announce to the citizens of Pittsburgh trad vicinity, that they can get a Ukeneso for one half the usnal price, not to be sur passed by those taken in the East.' We don’t mean to be surpassed by, any. Havlw a large sid « light, we.ate prepaxed to suit xtie most rutUdlottß.'- Vtfl will not ask any pereon to mite a Hke nc ,i, onieiß it i'iiil thenv Mimataros put in Lockets, Pins or nines Hink or deceased persons taken at their reside'irft B FOR A FEW WEEKS ONV.Y. 1 » MERRIMAN, & LAWYER - , : Raopas on 3d st., opposite JJt. Charles HoteC * - • •. , * '■ .Plne BULampi, ' ' " "" ". JUST. RECEIVED afino assortment of these LAMPS, for burning ific Camphene, Pina and Ethereal Oils? which I wiilscll at greatly redneed prices • '■■ JOHN 8. TOUGH, . - 82 Fourth between Market and Wood,' Manufacturer and Dealer, Wholesale and Retail, in tho above named Oils. ’ UoH ! xnqaosauon# rpilE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the X subscribers, under the firm of J,S. BONNET &Co , Is this Cat dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner may use the name of the concern in settlement. . JEROME S. BONNET. _ w MATTHEW D PATTON, Psttsfturgk, Aprillst,lBso, . v £L/” Having sold my entire interest in the firm of J. 8. BohkktA Co.io M;I). Eattor, my late partner* and in bUBi u ess » 1 r akfl^rcat Pleasuxo in recom° SSSii" 8 h,m to lhe r co of my friends and the public.: Cap3] J. & BONNET/ ing nouse containing 4 moto, Wtffi?S S SSSy i, L?. a Avn i lm porch; pump of fine water om w cc ■ • stable, carriage house and cow rtab’le U n a CD the river ?ank, of cipacitf to hold iSn?.?x ICB >. h ice, else, a garde’a, with fnUta nnff flovJe«° grope arbor.j nl *o,S small dwelling hoSS.SIg if® . vtnestn front- The whole is In good order to the city pass the property. Pmfe SaSoo . °™ nl6n,e * §. CUTHBERT, Gxnenil Agent, t <- iylk —l. '...'1. ■ -x •, ..50,8miUiBeld street. SHOULDERS —4,0U0 Bacon. Shoulders for galebv ; jy2s(. WM. DYER, i 1 fflttp ffopkg, ffingit, &t. ■I S«w Booki t N«wBootol TUST RECKIVED'AT PKIUODICAL AND U CHEAP PUBLICA.TION STORE,No. BAPoimli »i. IThe International Magazine for Aoguat. Tbia i« jhe p iragon of aH the Monthlies U eoniams lho very treaSi of Bnush a-d American I‘ieralore. Now ft ho ti ne to subscribe for this chenp atnl Tnlaablelpabllea ti jh, os this number commences the fourth : lie Lives of the Chief Jusuccs of England, from die l ormaii Conquest till the Death of Lord Manafieid—by- J >hn Lord Campbell, L.L. D. Letters to a Candid Enquirer on Animal Magnetism, by William Gregory, M. D., Professor of tho University of Edinburgh. « - Koltschimid's Latin Dictionary, in two pans—lst, I atin English; 2d, English Latin. An Enquiry into the Cause of Natural Death, or Death f ora Old Age—by Hotter Boslwtck'M. D. • - ] Jenny Lind’s Tour through America and Cuba. Stuart, of Duuleath—by the Hon. Caroline Norton ' The Pioneer’s Daughter—a Tate of Indian Captivity. GodfreyMalaeire, or the Ltie qf an Thos. Miller. •• > . ■ The Gipsy Chiof—by Reynolds. (N 0.45,40 and.47BostonShakspcare. N0;24 Dictionary of Mechanics. N 0.370 Living Age- . . . ; Blackwood for July: " 1 i _ The London Worldof Fashion. • • uy2&- ~ New Books! New Books 2 A T HOLMES’ LITERARY -DEPOT, Third street, A opposite the Post Office— • . International Magazine for August; The Gipsy Chief. By W. M. Reynolds; , ; Mabel; or,Tho Child of the Battle Field. ATaieof Waterloo; •*•••• ■■■■' •• .. The Pioneer’s Daughter; aTaleof Indian Captivity. By Emerson Bennett; Dictionary of MechamcaVNo. 34i • Littell’g Living Age, No. 370; . Blackwood lor August; „ Adventures of Paul Perwcnkle. A Sea Story r The Countess of Salisbury. By-Damns 5 ' Ecrate; or-The Saloons of Pans. By Maj. Rich ardson; Yeast: a Problem. Bj the author of Alton Locke; Reveries of a Bachelor—or, a Book of the Heart; . The Farmer’s Companion—with illustrations; * Traveler’s Guide through the U.S.and Canada; Rena—or, the Bnow Bird: a Tale of Real Life. By HenMy; The Heirs of Wast Wnylond.: By Mary Uowitt; • TheßeeK By Bnlwer; NoiSq Bad asWe Seem. - A Comedy—by Bulwcr; The Daughter of Night. A Story of the Present Time* Dy3o H MINER A CO., Smithfield street, have received • the International Magazine for August—being vot.Jl, number one. In literary contents, this number.iß beyond precedent in interest. ; The Gipsy Chief. A new work bv G.W.M. Rey nolds. Thu author ts well knownip the reading public. His ferule miud has no eqaal'in histortCaT tcmunce. ; Mabel—or, The Child or the Battle Field. A -Talo of Waterloo—by the authorof DonCteaar Deßazan. This work is hjghfv illustrated and of thrilling interest as a historical romance. i bhakspeare’s Poetical Works, (Boston edition,) now the best library edition extant. A fresh supply of Bir E. Bolwer’s new Comedy—Not So Bad as We seem. fjySO . New Music, . GBLUME Iras jusirccetved— . • Summer Longings. DyS»i»»pt*oi» e, i omci , Household Words uy John Utockley, He Dceth All Things Well; ...... Blanche Alpen. By Stephen Glover; i . Lo«if-Ne«. • Ry lae Campbell Minstrels; . Gently Sighs the Breeze* The Popular Duett, written forMad’ile Jenny Lind and Mad’Me Marietta Albo ci. By Stephen Glover. : Go Where the MornmgSbineth. Dueu; Ben Bolt, Summit Polka, Blossom Pjlka, Jenny Lind’s > Eclio Waltz and its companion,The Bird Wal z, just published; , . Grave of Bonaparte i Ana Alla Bcozzese. ByT. Valentine; • Tarkish March; Ravel Polka; . Lousiana Belle. By the Sable Harmonists; • Grave of Washington. By L. V. H. Crosby; Deem Not and Say Not; The Blue Juniata; . • Grand Polka de Concert. Par W.V.,Wallace: . , Silver Bell Waltz; llonrietta Polka Duett; Walnut street Theatre and. Souvenir of Germany.— Two new Scottish’s; . The Wreath : a collection of Popular Melodies, ar-' ranged as Recreative Lessons for the Piano, in three numbers. Together with a large collection of Guitar Music, at C. BLUME’S • jySO Piano Depot, No.lift Wood at . New Sluiic* TOHN 11. M£LLOtt,No. 81 Wood street, has received V the followicgnleces or new and popular Music: Farewell,if ever fondest prayer; Solder’s Grave; Waltz Sentimental. By Pilch;; La Rose. Variations by Hamen; Carnival dt Veuicd. By Voss; . Be Kind to the Loved Cmes; Ma ch from Norma; Song of the Robin; Russian Polka: Blanche and Lbette’; Nelly Bly; Sailor Boy’s Grave; Jenny Lind’s Serenading Polka; Serenading or SchoUish Polka; Jenny Lind’s Polka; I Welcome Thee with Gladness; I’d offer ihec thi* baud of mine: Life is but a Strife; Willow Wood Quick Step; Call me pet names; Would I were with thee; Good Ltiekl’olkfr; Grand Rosnan MaTeb; ■ Where are now th» hope*; Hamburgh Polka; ’'Tisilome where’er the heart Ist brim Polka; Colly Polka; Batchelor’s Polka; Hertzel Polka’ Joy* that we’ve luted; Where are the Friends of My Youth. CHICKKRING*S PIANOS—A very largo stock of Cnickering’s Pianos on hand and arriving. fjytG NOW PUBLISHING—An Outline of Mechanical En gineering, with drawing* of machinery, tools and apparatus of every description. Collected, collated and published by an American Engineering Society, under the superintendence of Frederick Mone.—This valuable W r°j ,9 , of *®Pertal *ize; each part contains two plates 2f drawings. It will.Ue completed in 2Smonthly parts, ve of which are now issued. Price to subscribers, 51 each pan ; to non-subfcribers, 81,50. No. 1 of a new weekly paper, called “The Citizen,” has been received. It is primed in quaxto form, on fine paper, and is devoted to News, the Arts, Science, Belles Lettres, Ac., and advocates the moral tuid social eleva tion of American citizen*, native and adopted, indepen dent of all sects and partie*. Respecting these pe/fodreali the Aelenu deem it nn necessnrjr ta »njr bot little, as tbeir tejp.tcuve excellen cies arc apparent to ibe- ebminonozt ttbscirer : they would thereiore merely oak tbeir friend, and the public to call and examine the merita of the worxka. . „ . WOODWAHD 4. JEU.EY, jyis Siauonera and Bookbinder*,73, Third ati; u Dr. Wi P# GILES# AT fiTERINARY SURGEON; having been T invited to return by hirfriends, respect folly offers his professional services to ciuzens Vroaeiuopponunity io unless bis ; acfemirwledgmeni» to them for the flattering encouragement tney did extend to uim la the prosecution of hU. professfon during five years, and t^vliCsilieir. puupnagc- Having prac tised for the bfctt lenycars in tfih United Slates, be pre- Rumes hewcabablo of treating the various diseases to are liable, iq an able and scientific man ner* ■ ’■■■ * •2T1%. b < Patterson’s Biable, FOURTH Street, between. Wood and * . -where he may ‘bo consulted daily, from Jhe Everydeacnption of Veteciasury MediciaomaybehadL at his office, accurately proportioned and properly adapt ;e“lP ©very disease to which the. hnrse is incident—Lini ment, Lotions, Blisters, Balls of every, description, and ■ Condition Powders equal i»any thing ever offered to the public. Good stabling horses attended to at iheir respective'/atibres^in town or coun try. (mv7Jmd.) . G.W~B.rtif.Fg, Vs Lithoasophle laitltutfr* CO-PARTNERSHIP.— Tbe subscribers moat respecu fully announce- to their friends and the pnblic gen erally, that they have this day entered into Co-Partner-: ship, for the street, Pittsburgh, Om- Lithographic Printing, lit all its various brunches. Having raaciiimeiy, recently arrived from! Europe, they are prepared t 6 do weak* m ; Lithography equal to steel engraving. They solicit a continuance of the patronage bestowed heretofore so liberally to the 1 one'parmer, wm.'SctaChin£n£ahii‘’they*’hope by strict* attention totheirbtt&iQbiss;byeieg'amworkmonship,and the most rcasonahle terms, to me rit tho favors of dn en lichtenedpnbbc. .! Bonds, Cheeks, Drafts, Machine Drawings, Likeness-; es, Landscapes, Autographic Isetters, Bill Heads; Plots Lithographed and Printed in B2abk, Gold Bronze of Co lors. '■ • '- ;f: •• i-r. ‘r . ..... Specimens of their work c an be seen at their Office, as above. < WM.SCHUCHMAN,'- ; aprJ3 ; FRED. HAUNLEIN : : • Hood’s Kew Jewelry Store. ‘ THE undersigned has lately opened his stock of FINE GOLD and SILVER WATCHES,and FINE GOLD JEWELRY, at 51 ; Mabsxz stbest, two doors from Third, street, and wishes to inform the citizens of Pitts burgh and vicinity that he intends to make this place Ins homo, and would nolicira share of the patronage of the cmztns. ■■ He informs all persons who. are.desirous of purchasing nnythiog in the woy of fine Gold or Silver Watches ; rich GoicfciHd fashionable Jewelry, Ac; that he wnl at all every article in'hlß line at New York City prices^and at leasl front ,iO? to fiO per cent; lower than the quality of goods arc usually sold for in this secuo,nof country. Please call and examine the Goods and prices. Ue7:y] .. : : G. L. HOOD. ■ Mann’s T j>onble<*Lever Letter Cbpylttg • ■ . Pre MM* and SKetaUie Dampener* - . BURNHAM’S PATENT. - Stzej Qf /prejfes an4‘jDatipetiefs~-Ltiter, 10 by 13; Foolscap#;io by lfij'FoUo Pobu ll* by 17F; Manifest, 18 by2L •• i ~n ■ A Tinvraying. Labor-savins and Monev-savine Machine TTIPiS PRESS arid DAMPENING TABLET presemi JL ‘ Jecidqd advantages overall previous inventions for the same object. " • -; ?• •• 1 .st. The Press does not require .fastening down. 2d Through two levers'abdeccemric joints the pres- is obtained with more ease, and much.qaickentaan by other method^.- 0 '- *’ < » 3d. The power ts applied so eqaally, that the Press is not liable to break or gel out of order. 4lh.—The Dampening Tablet is a substtinie for the brush, blotting pa per aud wet-cloth, saving all the trou ble incident to tbeir use, and is worth Us weight in gold. . The Tablet may be used to great advantage with any Press already m use. and for that .purpose will be sold separately. ~ Letters can bo copied with this Press and Dampener; in three seconds.withontbluringthe original or the copy. MANN’S PATENT IMPROVED MOVABLE BINDER, , For keeping in a Book-like form, Music,.Ongntal In voices,. Letters, Drawings- Bonk Checks, or anyothOrpapers Where raeihod is,de-x sirable. This mvention. it iri confidently behaved, is the best ever-presented to Uid'public for the purposei.for which it is designed, and will farmsh to many a desidt raram long needed,...The undersigned now offers it Qt:u comparatively, trilling cost to all who may desire to per-- feet the system of proserving papers for ready and easy reference. ' ' . -. r MANN’S COPYING BOOKS The Paper in these- Books is made from all Lingn Stock, and of the same quality os Fine French WriiiAg Paper, bonnd on Parchment Backs, with Printed Pages, and manufactured expressly for retailing. • < \ - The undersignedluivmgprocuredthe sole agency of Ike above articles* uow offers them.ai reasonable prtebs at wholesale or retail. Presses, Dampeners, Books, or Binders* furnished to order of any .dimensions, at sbOrt’ nonce. ; All of the above articles warranted." - ■t-. i Also—Copying Paper, m loose sheets of any size. Arnold’s Copying ink—decidedly the bestinußc- I Mr. A. C. Chambers will Walt on the citizens of Pitts burgh and Allegheny,, and will give all tho instruction necessary*-- ' < JOHN F. COLE A CO., i At M’Faden A Ctfvode’a Penna Railroad Depot;:carner _of Penn and Wayne sis., Pittsburgh, ' UeS:vl - FRANK’S ARC'MATIC SODA elegant prepoxationy besides its superior claim ok a Buratner has the . advantage over all other* Compounds, Inbeimr.decidedly Medicinal. Itcorrcets Aciday, relieves Heartburn, Cramp arid Fialu le -.cy t promoteb Apj, eute and Digestion/ and produces ! ;the best effects in derangements of the Urinary Organs; For s * lo JAMES A. JONES, ' ' Un3o] ■ ■■ . ■ .Cor.Liberty and Hand- ■ IJABBirr’S SOAP fOWDER—Sbxj for wxxhint ,Ak. with little rubbing—>-printed directions to each pack! »alo by ■ ■. : r OySSJ : . : WM. DYF.H ' ’ *. *’* ' •* >’/• •>,». f\ v « > t t >Jr < o* X ifosttramt, " 7 Ca«l» Olatpo} w S’l|re) ,lnsarance- Company , , at .pennßywnntaiV'.'i : | capita£7sioo,ooo. ‘ _ CHARTER PERPKTUAX.. ffMlEidniteiiignea: haVirig. htiii apprinted JL the above Company, have opened an Office in No. !4St. Clou 3ireet t an<)-&re now prepared to effect lusu 'rancMoa city aruTcotintry property, upon ns favorable terms’&s ehy-responsible Company in the State. ,iAII. Pbf»b«ihaving property.iosoTdrtitdiibjei.Opmgpijy, ettliltSd fovpte for its tp.ehmjn ite earn; irtgß;bnt nre notliabfei'itt nni Be*‘ vOnd iho amount they have p tld in sixtydaysauer proof mf jthq ramp;- .HW9i David Muiumu, Jr., John Ninnlnger, Dauphin County ; Jacob & Haldemajt, York; Henry 11. Frv.tancaiter; Addin' Sclndner, Berm; JAbiiGjßreijboßfl’hiladelpbtd; William Mmtzer,Montgomery [flijrorogjtiflillfjple, derjueiiigprdon Ittaitpns Bratori jvAmo9JB. Knpp, Northumberland; Tamhdiidrns,'Mifflin; joint T. tioov §r, Centre; John 8. Iselt, Huntingdon j JamesK; Moores, end, Allegheny; Jonathan D,;L%t,iWadbfngton j. Qeo. H.Bueher. Cumberland. iOcorgeW.Masser.,Carbon." , M'LAIN M7tQWITT," J • i i*i 14 St. Cltzit street, ■ jy22.BgLiii,;.,Agenißjnr PtitsburgbiAllegbenyCo,,: rpittaburnh Llfo Inatu-anoe qomisny,; TIHId COMl’AN.Y.wa.s jncorporated ln February, 1. 1851, with a Ferpetdal Cbartltr.aud baa commenced iuslne«s:ona«4pltnlof 01OO,OOOe ■ The: Companjrjdoes business both on the Joint Stack (nul Muluni plan. . . ...... ■ ; On the Joint Stock plan the rates are one-third. less than thdse'charged by : Mutual Companies; and Fifteen per Cent, lower than the rales of most Slock Cqmpq-: roles pro the same ns those adapted: by other Bnf'ety conducted ' Companies.: Those insured on the mutual principle have .theicomhinedneenmie* furnished: sFu^n^^e P &§S^ d ate ~8lfln(160r* - * gTanuDS'Of tasumijce onlife, in every foray indudiog the mtu of'Wife, children, * pn |rents, relations, friends or creditors—to insure the life of another for their owq exclusive benefit, payable-after kiehth.'orttpon theparUes'Utrivmg at.the agcof 50,55, QotrrGs,;ai thei>puDnctfith, > K.G. tkirin.von. M. n SXABIM.TO TOTStCUKS. • Samuel Di!worth,M. 0r,47 Bmithfield street. Polit-Snyder, Pour lh st. . . John Crawford,M- u.,29Sixth #u - Win. McK Morgan. M. 1).,107 Liberty tu ' Dr. Dilworth will be in attendance at tneolSce, every dav, ail2o’ciMk.; <• -r.': •.. Tftosewho.have ppoken for.on agency, are requested to call, take their papers, and commence openmoni forthwith. All persoes engaged m the insurance busi ness wiiUwsuppited.witftbinoksaftd alowM r ib& usual commission. . ~c Office offhe-CompanyV No. .75 Ponjrtli: street* tnvT. CfAbCOtiTON^AseV;/: The b’rankiln feige Jniarance;Company4 CVfmAS&FRU.. BIBECTOaS:— , ' Charles W. Baneker, ' George W.^Blehardt, - Thomas Hart, ' MordeealD. Lewis, Tobias;Wagner,. .Adp^pWß.Boric, . SaronelGrant* , . . Davidß. Browne,- Jacob B.Smith, Morris Patterson/ CHAB. Preen. - Cass.G.-Baacip,Secretary* - : v' (pr Continue to maK* Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property In town hnd eounttr at raids as IoW ais are consistent with security. r- i- v ? The Company have reserved a large Contingent Pant* which, with their Capital safely invested, afford apple protection W the assured. TheAssewof tbeCOmponyi on January Ist j 1831/ as published agreeably ta,an Act of-Assembly, were asfol- Mortgigea !»' f 918428 69 ----^- —i* -64,377 79 •* . Temporary Loans/- —■ *■■■«'■ 63,000 17 Stocks OO 81- •Since their incorporation,a period of 21 yearathey have paid ppwards of Otu Millutn Tout Hunting TkoU’ rand DoHtir$ t leases bf theriSbf alfording evidence of the advantages of Insurance,as weHos the ability and disposltiontomeetwithpronjpincsS,a!Uiabilinet. ■ . . XGABDINERCOFraNjAtonv nprg4] : antj3dgir. ;/ oxarinet e’treana itUamlTrftnßporiattob - •, i WJSORAWK»j. ..:v'-.. THE INSURANCE COMP ANVOF.NORTH AMER ICA, Philadelphia, cbftriemdiW4, r CaprtiJ 000, tuscU Jauaar/13, ig3tvsl»OOlt&so 50, wUi moke insurance on baildrßgSjeAd their contents In this eitynmi v/cinity.-, AUo. on property of every desorip* lion,.on’sie*ftibofcl3 and other .vcstel.*, either by inland transportation orOnlhe seat. • • ... ArmorG.Caflm t PreVt, Jacob M. Thomas, , Samuel WVJones. ' JohnlENoff. KdwanJ Smith, RiehftrdD..\V©od,i ■ John A. Brown. . William Welsh,/ SamuciF, Smith, ; FjuqcU Hoskins, Samuel BroOks, •" S.Austlrt AlHbone, Charles Taylor, William E. Bowen, • Ambrose white, George W. Aspinwol), Thomas P. Cope,. . James N. Dickson, S. Morris, Woier, n. D.ShcrrcnJ,Sec’y. .ThJsls itc'oldeftl Insurance Company in the United ritaies,'and from iu high ftandinlong expertsnecy am ple mean*, and avoiding,n|l ri#fcs .of an eitra iuuord* oa* character,may pc considered as offering ample se corny lolhe public, v 1 WM.P: JOSES? Agent, ; - ' jatV' - v ! .NoJtaiFront street. milß. DELAWARE 2£UTU INSDR Fin IraniAHCt—BaiMtnfß, Utrehasiilxd and: oihsi ptqpttty in «mmnMn»»red iig»tost low or goes sad freights, foreign hot coaatwiso. under open or speeialyolieiefe** the assured may desire. TAAHSPOJtiATiow<—They oiso insure merchan* dice .transported by Wagohs, RailtoUd'Cdrs, Chnal Bdati ibd'Steajil Bolts, on riseisami lekes,onine most Ilitertiltterms.[.vv.'.-vibiu'i r-:.-,. .... i ftlHECTOßSrrJoseph 11. £eal, EdimmdA. Souier John C. Davis. Robert Burton,’ JohnE.P6tljrose L Bmhael Edwards, Gecr;G/Leiper;Edwnnt Darlington J Isaac R. Davis, William Folwml, John Newlin,Dr.R. M. Huston, lames C.Hand, TbepphUpif attlding, H. Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan,'Hugo Craig; George Beriill. SpAneer Me* Ilvaio, Charles Kelly, J.U. Johnson,WiUiamHay.Dr i S. Thomas,JtoKn Sellers, Jr.. ■, : DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH.—I), T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, Jno.T. Logan. . - . WILLIAM MARTIN, President , r ■ Tnosi C.HaJn),rVicePresident : ■'/; (••> ; : ~.J.oBOT.W.,CowAlf»Secretary.. IT/* Office of Ihe Cotdpany,rid/42Watdf4ireei,' Pitts burgh. (jelCuHf) P. A. MADEIBA,Agent~ giro nod glftslno InsaranM*’!- a THE OFFICE of the Insurant* ; C*» pi % JVartAAmmra has beeurenwtsd to ihp WArahojise, of Hardy, Jones A Co., N0.'141 Frohmto«l,thiM house 1 East 6T Wood streeu where the subseriberwtU issue Policies on Build ings and thdroonteuUi ahti Od ShlppjemFtwßtpttmboa t* and other vessels, for the above; old aha-responsible Company. [ap3] r .‘WWt^P. t 3QNEB,Agent Ealfe and llei 3nHE mutual life and health INSURANCE L egislature o f Pen n aylysniu, M arc h, X 84 8 :; Charter Per petual ; , tania Company, and fall-20 per cent, lower than the! usual rales of Life Insurance's the following compari son o» tw Ago bfBO insuring! for 8100 forlife, must pay t^ «*uj Samuel W. Jones, . Samuel W. Smith - ; Edward Smith,' • 1 ' Ambrose' White; ; 1; ; jbhriAißrown. • JacobM.Thdtnai John White, John R. Neffi •• j ThomosP. cope, ■ •• •• Richard ©.wood/'. Win*.Welsh, ; HenryD. Bherrard,Seo'y; • Thisls the oldest insurance Company in the United! States, having been chartered in 1704. Its charter is per* petuol,and from its high standing, long expCrfcnCe, cun* pie means, and avoiding all risks of a iv extra hazardous character, itm&ube£m»Kkrhdifija offering ample securi* tyto-the pabllo. ■:■ i < WILLIA&CP. JONES, i • At Coaming Room of Atrood, Jones A Co., Water and Frontsts.yPittsburghi • - maydy • > JotmHUCartney, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ; Foreign and Demeitic'Cigart, Tobacco, and Snvffi : No. 143 Wood street, comer of iVirgm alley, :: B pril4| Puutmrgh, fa. BastnesslHoMce* i LL persons having business with the undersigned, -i..:. ■*- • »nt, InstructorJn'Book* os lnsi.—torjn buv- Keeplag.or otherwise; ■will-find- him at the Pittsburgh Commercial College* from 0 iill li oVsloek; from2UU 4 o’clocar, P. M. ■ , Merchants lit want of competent l Boolr keepers cat) j)e supplied by catling on-i 1 - .:JOHNFLEMING> - 5 npjO Pnncipal lngtroctor in the Belence of Accotmta* Fairmbunt -Flrei-Bliiglne for Sale* - i THE members of the JPainnoani Fire Company offer their ENGINE for sale. His lafirst-rato order, and will be-sold cheap. Enquire oi J. i flprfUf N» 409 Penn street. ! rwfttobeii Jtvelry- and aUyer WMe* i I TfIHE VERY BEST TlftlE to purchase.fine gold Jewy X< ; elry or Watches is whilethe warm < summer days and thoTery dull season of iheyearilaßtSjfflT thea.it.ip thatyon have plenty :Qf.ume to look abont ana appertain at wbnt eatabUshmonkyou can gel tne z piost leai valpp for yourmnney* »f yon-are ,aboat tp bay any thins id that line this summer, it wu be loypoy Noi street,.fat hett.selbng all lands ol finb Ttoddsar the one-half lero ihan-the usual’retail tpoces* ;H*J 1 * 8 -ftiW a e ® • Ei Gilliam to attend la the Watch Repairing department, -ondr&il'dfißenDtionaof work will be.done at short npucp and warranted. ■:v- • m vß.Tß&lnaitv‘JSVß9 bo»*.;t r< l \ .Office atHodr. Patterson’s Livery Btables, on Fourth street, between wood and gmllhtield. tjy4:iy ; 7 iHIfiESE WASHING FLUlPcan always be bed ii \j/- N 0.60,.60, Smlthfifld street at SSfeenis per bottle. This article is aud Tor wasbingia salt, hardorsollwatef, i ■ : Mylar's Cholera Remedy,' for the imroedlate'cure of dysentery, diarrhea, pain in the Btomaeli.&c., can also be obtained at uylll 60, Southfield street i RAISINS— 10bxs;primeBnbeh'forsalt;by'., t JySS WM DYEH »~ J- C ' V r' ' ' < ** OBSAT REDUCTIONIS PRICES. B scond Ail‘Vi>£it’^i‘l4«i^ tI sai3»£iy > Oood«, AT GRBAT-BAROAINS: . ■ . „ -MSS* THE largiißLCtieapesl and Beat-Stock of BAN | BkOV DRESS GOODS everoffered la this city, is ggßManow opening m --ii:-: v jf{V'r. • > .YOUNG, STEVENBON4*XJ>VE>3 C rigmalßeeHivoSioro, No.l^MarketSueot,between _ Four/* ttmtond tie XHanidndj Pttfrhnrgft, •* The jiroprietors have jost Opened ai;d most b muurai assortment ofthaNeweaiandMost Fashiona t e Styles ofFancyaodSiapleDryGoodf,. which have l ;en purchased since the great reduetlonia prices at the 1 rge clearing out sales in'New York nndEiuladoiphia, t id will be offered toic&sh bayers at from 120 to 20 per 4 former prices. .;i. \k : .. < : - DRESS GOODS of every description,from the cheap* t it to the : most costly and -magnificent, inch as a very 1 trge and-beaatUol stock of the following atticles: Cheneahd Jasper. cheneSilktp , High Ln*ire, plaln chemelion and lace silks; 5® : stripe do /•" do} Do. plain black : do; : - " Brocade, Annueß. m FwnehanffdomesUogingbaßUT - ' English and AmerlcancwflUeß and calicoes, at all WKNEfe;and RIBBONS at great bargains; . Needle ' worked"steeVes, collfixs and cHdmi* I .i Needle worked laces and maslm caps: • ’Embraldeied, hem ititeb - and plain -linen comb* ”■ handkerchiefs 1 Fancysilk pochet hd’kfs, etavau and neckties; GloTOs, hoiiery and suBpedders, a large stock; Irish Unentrt&ole cloths and table linens: 4* napkins; Bleached l*:. peryd; . ' Do.- brown and coloredCaaton fl_annels;; _r . 1 Frenchclothsiplainand l&hcycassiaer>*&*aUfisifl, CaahmerctSj tweodSj merino eaflaJmeres and Ky; ■■ V J ' ‘ - < Jl^Thev^Kn>He»rs'W(»!d :s m^elQftSliriSolicit an all.tfcefr friends, and the p&bllegen erally; feeling confident that they can offer grimier; in*: ducement* to Wholesale aadretmlbuyers, than any have heretofore been Offered inPiitaburgh. ;■ ttyjltf ■ YOPNG, BTKYKNBQN A. LOVE.^ CCirc EtsluD Beml*Animal Sale OF DRY GtitibS ai’tb* One VriPdStbreo! ’A. A. MASON A CO. s No».G'J AM,Market slfeeVPitu bnigh, will commence on. Thursday, continue through the month of \ .Their Wholesale Rooms will be opened to the Be tail irade, and every; nr tide throughout the establishment will be sold at an im mense redaction from usad prices. Having recently made-extensivepurchases, their assortment will be ; found Very ebolceand disirtble.-' ; ■ •* •»\- ' ' Their stock of Bilks, comprising more thon.soo pieces. ; will be doted oni at an -immense l discount from tunal 'prices.'. - Good'Difes* Silks as towns ‘ 37t050 cts. _ SIIkPopUhS, SO 025 Bo*tßerege.DeLaiaee r ; , £ - .: ; =r 18F Pa*t colored Imwns, . . oi - Pine French .do W* Fiho Printed Beregci, ' 181025 -- . French Jaconet, ’ . 16|S>25 " ... -500p^e’PrenoiiAnd EnsUshGinghems, 10 012 k " Black Alpacas,. " 18j ' ; 1000 Bonnet Ribbons, at 8 500 Wrought Collars, . - 6f “ Fast colored Calicoes, / A 100 cases English and American do, r 8 010 300 cases and bales of Bleached and Brown Mas* lins at msnDfactpfers’prieef. .»v vEmbroideriesj Gloves, Linen, White Goods, Bonnets, Shawls. Cloths, Ac., together with an immenso variety Of ail Dry Gobds—aU of which will be marked down to even less than Eastern wholesale prices. •- f .: ja2s ; A. A;-MASON ACO flow Variety and Dry Goods store;.' . No.QTftfoTth-xßatwncrqf WoeirL and DiamondtUky- DGuKGG ACO.,havingopenedatthe above stand, • are now offering for sale a large and complete assortment of VABIETY’and DRY GtKiPA'cohsining in part of Broad Clothe, Cassimeres, BaUneti, Summer Pant Staff*, Fancy Goods, Lawns, DeLaines, Ginghams, White Goods, Bonne Hosiery, Ac. Also, a .complete variety ofCutlery. direct from Sheffield. Together with Ciocks>Gold and Silver Watches; and Watch materials, Gold and Silver Pen* and Pencils, and Jewelry. A fine assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Ac. In short, we have bit hhnd almost every article osaally kept in the Dry Goods and Variety line.. All of whieh we ofler for sale on the mostTaVOra* ble terms,cither &f cash or satisfactory reference D: GREGG A CO,. „ N. B,—The business of the late firm of Gocoa A M’- Caholkss, will be settled by the subscriber, at the home of D. Grrgg A Co..as the books, notes and papers are in my possession, and iexn fnlly oulkoriiedto settle up the business. (aprQ) . ■ DAVID GREGG. *1 *- —-—, arrangement* JL wiihihe ystrntee of.ibUnew and xalvabu intro* txenfenbemasofaciore-andaalQ.of the article in the West, they hating been manufactured heretofore ereia* liselyiiitheEut, where they are enpcrseding the use of wooden coffinvtake rthis: method of inCottning the public, tbauhey.are now manufacturing eighteen differ* ent sixes of the modem Sarcophagus, varying in,length from tB inches to 6$ feet, with width, and depth suitaole for bodies of ordinary size, and for those who desire space forcaihioniftgfCr,;£fttJ>odios:of anusaal diraen cans, hate several sites deeper and. wider. This in tention now coming imogenerai ttse.ispronoancedoae of the: greatest of the. age. These Lcsul Casks are composed of tarions kinds ofmetola, but principally of irotu.;- ' ......... . They are thoroughly tnamtUd inside andohLand thus made impervious to air and indestructible. Thcx are highly: ornamental, and of & cta#ric form, ore light and portable, while they combine the greatest strength which metal is capable of, in a given quantity - , When property secured with cement they are perfect ly airtight* and freetrom cxfcaiaaonofofleusivc gate*. They cost no more than goqd> wooden- coffins, and are better than any other article in use, (of whatever cost,) for.transponation r vanlts,orordmary interments, as haa been proven by actual experiment* and certified tb by some of oar moat scientific men; also, by the Honora ble* Henry Clay. Daniel \Yebster T Lewis Casa, and Senators who have witnessed. ihetr merits.aml who^tctTerw.-togciherwiihother evidence! of their worth, may, be.secn ai.ouVr*ieiita? Burial Cate Depot, No-376 Main street, three doors above Nin'h where wo intend to keep on hand at all times, such a stock of aUsizes and dexrees.of ornament and finish o« will suilthe.most diversified tastes. . , We invite tho attention oftbe public, and of underta kers particularly thxoughonithe west, to an examination of the article,and request them not toroly.upoa the rep resentation! of undertakers not using the article, whose interest it would be to misrepresent thora. -1 w - C.DAVIB&CO. Patent KriaUie Burial Cues, Sanophagua Wartnmu, .7il Main,utul Cincinnati.' July,lBsl. : r|MfE undersigned* CkoaosK. Roaßßm,UQdcnakerand Jl sole.agent fpr the . sale, of the above valuable arti cles, announces thotbeisprepated to supply underta kers and others having occasion for their dse.with the some, of all sixes, from l foot 10 inehestodfeetOinehcs in length, of various widths and. depths, soUable-Cor bo dies of any: sire; either.plain, bronzed or gilded and highly ornamented. Also, name plates j and trimmings for the same.. Attention to the vary lo.wpricea affixed, with the view q! their general adoption, is solicited, to At wholesale, for plain bronzed'Cases, of .various .colors?- ’ • . . No. 1 for Bodies 23 to 28 inches! n length, 83,00 a “. 88 to 33 « « 4,50 3 ,■ 33 to 40 “ .« 6.00 4 40 to 40 “■ . .8X0: 5 « . 46t054 •;« “ : »W , 6 ; 54t060 “ « . 10,00. 7 u c0t065 “ “ : n s oo; ■ 8 « 65t069 « “ 14,00' . 9 “ 66t070 . « . «... -16,00; 10 “ 63 to 73 « " . ; 17,00 . . U « .72 to 76 »! . “ 18,00 12 . « .■ 6010 65 £t extra deep 12.00 13 65t069 .« , . 15X0 .:. 14 « GO to TO “ " ' 18,00 ' * .15 . “ 63 to 73 “ « WOO JW « 70 to 76 « “ 20,00 - . . Name plates ftpm ,S4i|o:to $9 per dozen.- V ; - Woderate additional charge for extra gilding and orna mental painting, of.inlaidgold, silver and pearl work. . Communications, desiriug further information, or or uereforCases; and materia&v,will receive r>rojupt atten llonbyaddreseing, ~ GEp.K.BOBERTS, 4rent, SafadphagnaWdrefooms. 3?4’M^in ; Bt.,Cm., O.' UJ~ .Funerals attended, hearse andcarhages funiish* -cdrflad-conveyancesj with appropriate attendants pro vided fortransbortallotf lofcny part ofihe' country; on •application atthe office as above. - “ iyl6 , • • ‘ O. K. B. Burepesn Ageneyi • • *T?HK undersigned European 1 Agent continues 1 his an-: 'JL nual voyaged between Aratnca and leaving: .Fitoburghregularlyitfe&ch'y fear,rejune,anar« turning! in Bepiember-rtnmsoCtiUr a freneraf Law, Agency. ini connection With his reiaUve, HcoH KixitiN, noW: residentiri Dublin. .Thepresehuoarwillbethe tweilty-' fitlhoflhisAgency'thrdughEnglamijlrtland.ScOliand, ■ Wales; Ac. ■ if- etztbreees edlleetibd l Of legacies,debts,' ! rents, property and claimsjremittaricesdf rabfteyrpfbcu rtng eopieaof • trills; deeds anddbeuments : ; conddeting :searchesof all fends, lahninfetablerefereflee* given. During theaubscriberV absene'e, bis 1 brother, 1 ExrwaaiyJ. KEERiNi Will nttendinbia Office. ; •*« ■ OfficconFifth street, oppbsiteSU PaaVs Gathedml.'- : THOMAS i. KEENAN, European ! > jes:tf 1 • ’'-ahdAUorneyatlmw’,f , itisbnrgh,Pa. ■ . W Bnßlnesß BTen, ;’ • A GENTLEMAN in ibis City,- engaged in U safey Bore -f\ : and profitable merchatiotßihg;andlmtftiufactttribg business, having-fallen iritoa low state of health, is de stroua pf SeUing out hls fnterest in the concern,for the .potitoseqfieavingthecityfbrthe-recovery;othlshehHhi rAnyiperaon having £ommand of 63000,in tnsb, and a fait credit, cnn.entec into.this business wl.h every gnari aniy of success. . r: 7: a j. [ 0T Address “BdANUFACTPfiER,” Box 59, Pitts burgh.Pa.j fitating where aninterview-conbe had.. • :,v -r , t; J HAVE ADVANCEb J CENte' PER »«:W>S»ISS.gPEA MAti|, .ta the Diamond, (hr three months to come, at the old puces and the same adyancein.pricet East, as they hive a stock od haod-r Theyscll th ß bestTeasin Pittsburgh at this Store; and defy opporiUon. -■ ...UySl ? rpHE.SUBSCRIBERoffata forsaJea valaable Homo JL and Lou situated on-Ann Bireet, Allegheny City,-* ; The Lous isfeetfroniby 65feet deep.. „The House coni urns a Hall. iwo Rooms, Kttchen .Cellax lwo Bed Rooms.. A large yard, with out pyenybydra&w&e. 99Q9. oTenns—3oo in-hsndi. balance in one, two andlhree years. S, CDTHBERT,Ben’iAgeni. ® • ft* l ’ ■ -■ . No:loSnlihfeuT.t..1 * Rroiher.G. i E M. Smitb. IJ Todil&Smltli and-W. ; W. Wilson’s. . j l '. - v -n ?-? nd ? M e nO ? 7 aniivalled in qaalitr of fine , ne «: andemoothncM .of IbeJioints, .aoa.-w dufibiluy, | will, worrant overt Jnsfrecoirtd|hi, mwninS7fnn MSMBnent,atid ctuu)meM will,aiways find If** • cot Market and Fmmh... i BUTTER— 3bbla.packed; . : • : ::".... ■ Skegs do; Foraale by ■ytB WM. DYER. : FISH— 0 half bbl*. NO. lwJmoPuh: ! — r 0 do do Lake Shad: :10 do Lake Salmon; • ' : ■ HeceWing and for salt by ■ ‘ WM.DYER,' ■! •jedO. . No. do7Liberty ar 1 T.AHD- 6t)t)!s.No,!; JLi ,lskegs do; For tale by I* lB WWLpYfiB.! ... s-:r. ;v-. v ■- -Hr * c.- I .*’ v ' ■ ' -' Vi' *>. < v \ v;, • ' f '< * •■ ■* ~ * ■-■•■-• »-mf:f.ii_rtn s ytomna JAE3ES W. WOOBWKLL, c. •■WKsuixusEft - ' aa&i&Tr^w-H Screens, towcp racks, bat mutte stools, cribs and; cots fox} ‘children; papermaohe, • - utblcand.; tea poys, m»- Hoguny, rosewood, and r : lioiaid pearl Tables, " Ml'■■«* ’ • Ac! Ac. Ac. - „ A Urge assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Casihei m&xbbs supplied .with, pll articles in their line j ; STEAMBOATB and HOTELS, furnished at the short* •. ~v . Allorders attended to< promptly iiaet Hafeers.Association \ SECONDJSTBBET, .u-~\ ♦the comer ofWood.)- - - • ■ ’ n H IS ASSOCIATION! ■ sink already «twlctftothfec\U|, i is aamany hands as the lor* F«s§' . aridhhhertoinosi renowned « . city* have opened-their Ware-, i „.elo fnirnlshtbe public,by;wholesale Fprintare p[ thefoliowingdescripiion-- ViZ«. i •( ‘ *' ‘i •>• ..! /_ v.*i J ' Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing-Bareaus; Fall Col raned Bureaus; Mahogany BeastefcdSr ‘Mahogany. Chairs; Bob king Chains Mahogany-Wasnsiaiids;j So- • fas; Divans; Plano Stools; Book Casas; Secretaries:' Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tablesj Centre Tablesr-flit Bocks: french' Bedsieads;^Ottomans;; ; FoplarWardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tablesj Woik* ; :stands; Cherryiand Coinmon Workstands; bigbpast,! cbmtnon, low, ahd trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus :anitat9Aad'vtutir Ware nooios, -? T B. VOIJNG & CO;, forntr of,nirdfH ' ■ SptWi/Uldsts^opposiußr&tznWf&ijdAzL .Pe., keep constantly on hand rfPl SMHBand make to order: at the lowest prices, V T • HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FURMTUfik aod CHAIRS, of the'beat Workmanship and moat approved Juries; . : : ->“Dr ’ ..rfebW: : - Stf •«!■&«?!£•»■ £fcojr I Ttnraaibsetiberii tender: their a^iißySSMatknftwlcd#merit w for.ih« facnr» bestow \s|bn. eu-- upon- iScra by their SffiamboaufrieinU, 'cdd-Tiri tSroala respectfully remind them and others; inte- 9 H* v ,they arß>&t-aritim»ii ppy pared to famish. on themost reasonable terms,' every description of 'C&bhf and ChafrS'ol thi'bVr matenaf and workmanship; TB YOUNG A CO., ’ • ' ■; ■•**. V •Corner Third and Bmilhfiehlstreets, „ : • feblS • r . • ■ opposite' a ßrown’s Hotel. p ' Oe.C.UAMKSS* ■ fiABEM naamera Denler, WAREROOM, SMITHFtELD STREET, ftawsro Bernik ttrut aniStravbtrry alltv.Ptitsburg.Fa, fj\,‘ HAMMER A BAULERkeep considnilyon hand cxcellentandfaahibriablcFiirnittite, ygyfwarrantedeqoal to toy in the city,and sold on as ; * favorable terms ascan be; obtained at any similar! establishment in .he West. Theyhavehow on hand an 1 unusually extensive stoek.embfacing all kinds of Farm tore, tromuecheopest and plainest to the most costly: and elegant. All ordcrepromptly attended to. 'mr2l:6jni __ . a* niitsiaTKEifir "& 00-' ' ■ a large assortment of fancy and plain' Furniture, -which: thOTwulaeli 15 percent below customary rates. !' Tenns ; —cash only, . ; continues to mann- 1 ftclaw CdBJWBr* ITi££ o! every descrip-■ I v tion, at hts old stand, corner oiLiberty. and EaSHßßScyeatbsueet*. UNDERTAKING attended; tOjinaUusonmchets*. mayUi ] Bolivar Pin SrieK Banofattoring Cgmpany. j jxs.oiovss, s.m, kisb, s.v.roras, i Bisusutr, 1 _OLOVEllji# & COcProprietors. , Saving- been kppoinled 'Agents for ■JL the übovenamed concern, vrill keep connanUy o C "“d osappiy of the eelebriited Bollvair Fire Brick, Crr- i clbleFlre : Clay,Fttniaee'Heanhßand Inwalls. -They arealtoready to reeetveordete for said Brick, to be ; ■ ; JVyd do notdeetti it' neceesaty to enameraic theniahvl advantages thtf Bolivar Fire Brick posess ©veV all otb ?*» t ftr: dtde tn> the ‘United States, I their anperloriiy kdown to almost all person*! 55?.?“w i,c sf lcfc i?B l f Proprietors nave determine i! that the Fire Bricir shall Josenoneol iheirpresentettvi-l able reputation, tod that no e*peuse shall be spared t>i make them even better than they have heretofore been.j ThtßiS the only t erw manofac tanner Firo Brfck at v, 1 :;-.!.? - v ;KlEf|:& JONES,;! marl - ■ ; Canafßdsin,Seventh at, Pittsburgh. > ReottVSd to* all tfae Way Stations on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad: - W*TfOgS ! .' '='• 'AOXNtH.- i 1 Adam’J. Walters,, i X \ MifiUnp- J. North, .■‘V Lewis town. . - • James ftlilliken, Mount'Union, J. D.Sechler, Huntingdon, J. I>. Herr, See Creek, S. Millikan, . - ®B., . A. H.Clark idaysbnrg, ■■■■■. ; » T. A. Scon, vjjancaster, • -< - R.Moderwell, . r. | Columbia, Moderwclitikabflblt, i Harrisburg, - J. WaUower * Son, ■r. Doncannon,' ■* v.: FjshetyMorgan & Co-, » JJSTfP®** • Jesse Beaver, -:. ' •' WiUeritown, Hervey Jone&, - fPemrVille, 'ij. Jw -.. <“>l. Manifest lUk, .:; -Fotaalß.whdksaW an4 ; ietVmhy ' - ‘ ” ! ''/'Vi 3 '.‘f v,V ■' .• • .JOHN F. COLE, . ’ ‘M Vt'EK.’a. CMOtERA f . KKMEBy.^. A f Ie ,K in^oui:o«tt»^£ ; OiSta^aSnteiT ; ★ith' anoftiildng m tlie very wont cases. t Sold wholesale and retail by . 3- Jfc 3l ' 1 j j ? king & moorheadJ T>LOOM9—»lsolonaNa.l - . . . . £d ?lo ° raS! ' ' ■ iy3i . kino & MpQRaEAa ' )L| fc.fifl!\G—so bblg; in store and tor iftla by ' '.'B 3 . }y3o i ■ ■ ■■■ SHERIFP&BINNINO : T AHD 01L—75 bbli. No, trora.ro by •JbMW*."l a ■B A. FAHNK3TOCK A CO. A LCOHOL—SO bbla for sale by ’r ~£Lr )J3» . B. Ai FAHMESTOCK A CO. i ’\: ' : '. .. ••••.•' ; :■, ■C.'- : .:' r - : '-'-^ : ‘.--'- i: '4> • ■ J ; r^ : ' : :i-- x - -■ - ‘J'. ■ '"f 51. : O:-fc-i V;- >?~ i. V ; • -V-''-' V-'-**’ , ; iC. V.'.-'i? 'll •-.V:. i<• "" • ■ ■•(;•• y •• .. *» '.:v)j ... v * v; -J. '4.' ■*, • -I'; ' * f.v ‘ ANOTHER SCnBNTlSttf WONDER! ------ SINI THE, TRtJ-E«;PIGHTBTIVE' FLUID, "Or :‘~. 4 GREAT DYSPSPm CVBES, -, ) v , u T)KEf > ARED from Rennet, Orthe ffcitrthstoinsch of l X XJTOQ,'tho great ■ Eghth;BtTeet,.&l'aailphia, , B „V, ra, y wollderral riaear for imlcfssxroK' ; Jaundice, ,i VomitilNfr nai ojißziijy' ctmngwter Nature's ' o fe]?P^P>Pyf.Wn^!jown^nfi J u£v6aHf*«Jdl,fc !»i,S. ge!l orduaolv e Ftvu Potrauaor Rout Burr iif‘ , ABOUT two nouns, out o f theitomitch. msx^gmassSlS^i 'X» Fo * i , inl ot' l ! severely atmcted.with,this coinplainvundiiigtevery thin* else to fail.ted recoursejtP ; ltie Gaa}po,Jalce> obtained Sdm theat£»nach oOU!WffWwiH»j WU?lißJt!yefl coja - j Pr. fimwiM. author ofthe famous storks Qlt a .Vegeta, ’Hie Diet)”say*j,“f Hi* .aismarkahtefeCL to pflystofe;, ' tbatlhq stomachs part, lotto, fluid ihejropeTty'ofdissoliring .various art|, flies of food,: and .af.eSeeting a kim) ofatttfiqialdigest tjooof then! in no wise amere nt from the natural digest I Drußworfs’grea* vyoriuithe i(cSiemi»tnr,Oif ManS(fcqp,, 4 Blanchard, Phils., 1841Vpp 321-tl)nays: “Thefliscov, dry of PEPSIN formaartewenMn tho ctienilcaLhutory Of Digestiont.-Erota recent eiperiments we that foodn dissolved as rspMly-fn-gn-artiEciai-dlgcstivti fluid, prtpafed“ftonr Rdpslni'dis it is hi the natifrai Gas tric Juice itself” - ------- —- jtelphia, in hi s great OTWkflit.Hußt!tn PhyjSoJoSJieyotek tiore than fifty p tiger launexanuiiinron.of thU aaljjecu: His experiments, witfi, : Dt. :Beanaioj)i, os., the Gsuttlo g!:e, obtained, front the lmngtium&tt sumac ft end from oalr.are well known, ft eli cases,” h & says, “di-! lion occurred arperfeelly. ia the artificial a*, in the Dial digesliohs.?: n: , / u i . i,j, t*AS,A.MrSPS6MA.CDBEB. . .. ... HoEaiiroD’rp reparation of -PEPSIN has produced most omrvelouiieffbetu, euring«aiea. of £>t Uiltiy, aciatitft4 Nerrotts Decline,and Dyspeptic Consomp--. ij supposed to be on the very verge of the graveifl advertisement—but authenticated certificates have n given or more than TWO HUNDRED ftEMARK LE'CURES, miPhiladelphmNew Pork, andßostonr it, Thescwere nearly ai! degperate cases,-and the! fcnree were nor only.rapul and.wonderful,Haf'pema/ f'it Va great NERVOUS ANTIDOTRand pariicalaily (usefol for tendency to biliou3disorder,'ftver CogiplainV tet'and Ague; or badly treated Fever and Ague, and. evil effects of Qttialne, Mercury, and , other.-drugs in did Digestive organs, after a long sickness. Also,' excess in eating, and the too free nse of ardent spir fits. iialsoreeonedeß Uealthwiih lutemperance. \ OLD STOMACjIGOMPLiAINTS. | There [ relief'! {tomi, and ll time v permimeiu. - PUKITY OF particularly excellent iacaßCS'ofVNaosea. Vomiting, . ifrepit ofthe Stomachy distressor i ter eating,Kriv, cold stale of the Blood, Heaviness, ! ness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, .WepimeMj pendency to.~ Vanity; Suicide, Ac;- s i ' Price,o. %l 'iiDOEibAll‘ ; One bottle will of ten effect alasuxigeure. ti * ■;* Every bottle bears'the’written signature' of d/ ;8. HOUGHTON, MJ) n Sole Proprietor. ” .• ..Sold by agents m'eyeiy'mwn in the United States, „ Agents Piltsbui^^,KßySE^t^ftlci!SwKL£*,T4t ! Relaildealers siippliedat PrbptieWvpriCey.fnvSOry' I . Also, forgale by H. E» SELLERS,S7 wot d street;','. 1 ; atunttba ■: '" , T It rastotfu{ty tnvittd to tlu following truth, stt forth in of ntoi~ IT is not more fhan one yearagosin'ceihls great rent* therelief and core of disease'. Tts gTCatpowersto heal,have, since then, become; fully appreciated, by ibe 'community,and wc allege ihatlhe longer it' is tried RtembJreOeruinwtJl its great fame spread. It u not tlie remcdy of a day,' got op for ihe solepurtose df inaklng mOney V but, one, which wc conceiveywrilcbntiaae to; be, used 'tehenatt nostrums have ; beci:f(sirgoUen. is' aNamralEemedy,elabortted'liithodepthB6f theearth by. a power and agency that laughs-to scorn ail hitman competition.; It is onY, dulyi when ;we.write about : a medicine, that .we write tßCTHrTihat'We say' nothing calculated-to deceive thWe'whojhayTfuatour wordor pu( confidence In'our ’stalecdents.'The’'Btck nfe'very apt to catch at any thing that prpmises rtliefirom dis ease.' Astorycanhardcv bftloOhighly wrOogbttdVn* awerthe objectbfgullirigor humbugging some Of them; Now, we do not desire to,do iUis: 'we arer anxicntB'ODfy that the troth in relation to bufEemefty'shouidfbb'tQta; 4q order ta secure for ifarepmationfar exceeding any single unvarnished facts-—facts thatiday-bdh^certiorfed(tilodr own dUybnjl neighborhood, bear ample testimony in -favor of the Pe* . troieumr. ' • 1 : Within the pastiwcMnonths, wo Of oarown citizens; who were totoliy blindy have -becn restored to slght Several cases of blindneu, f iH'^the State of Ohio, have been cured. ‘ And, also,thecaficof a gentleman hi Bea ver coonty. -There are otherirr bat near home/anamay beveferred to by any^persons who may have aonbtson the subject. These eases werecureldP ter theyhad been abandoned byphyticians as hopeless- The Petroleum Wili-core, when used accordingiodireei tions—Diarrhea, Dysentery, Pfles,-Rhcuiaalism-, Goot) Neuralgia, Erapnona on the face, Chronic Sore EyeSj Ringwormj Tenerj Scald Headi bains lit the bones and sqTesvUlcers, Wcnii Turoots. Cancer, Spmallnitatlou,Fever and Ague, Chronic Coughs, Asthma, BronohlUstandaU But* niDUßryaffecUonsof a chtOnic -nature* tendijte to-. Pro duce 1 CONSUMPTION. ;; > -j&S ,K Burns and Se aids, disease* oftheßladder and kid». neys,'Chapped Hands, Excoriated* Nipples,-Coma 'and Bimions. it is aostE*r umvxtsii.BSM£zxr { >aud hasbeentried in most of the above diseased whhinthe past y the proprietor, who wflji takfi.. jfleasuwi .in t 'sh6tsihg! i ihe;hffii&& |r sician&of high stanchngin the profession are fceHaning .ft>.wejt,in.'Uielrp(aiUcfe' TOosi i with doubt and uncertainly, arewuUngto'fvwtudu due! praise and considerstiorui Before/another yrrtrrolis ■ . round, all, will to .compelledti, a’duiowledgetlmuhl:! Petroleumia thejrtealest medicHie'eirer'ai&fcovered;' ■.■'■■ For sale. Wholesale and Retail,by /■ - , . . ,KEYSER AiM'DOVTELL,' - ' ! .// 1 ICO Wood street ! Also—R.E. Sellers, 57 Wood street ;D.M.Cnrry,D.! A, SllipUilpseph Boaglasrt 'Oity; j Alsei by l UieTfroprietor, S.'IMrKZERj cE»l'a»ta;7lh Sreet, pwsbßnm:;,--.;.;,- ,rr -rcaa' i Tbe Hainan .Body S3uae **or»ptro, ; ..';d : TO BAVE A t ' , rAnd persogwhodo^pegj^^u,*e mo., TVrOW,JonBS’ liaUan <;t)emleil-So,ln .M , l 1 1 f ' i or any other skin, The reader U assured that! this iano.nselea#pnfed nostrum) aagM,tri*i wUlptove.! i CHAFED,PRACKjS),ORCIUt i PEDPtE3H, I wlllfindihis not only a cure, bufa prevent!vb ; andT; can now only add,ihat.anyoQe afflicted with any oft uie above, or similar diseases, will Rod, this all and oven morettadmixabloinitsßroperriesj than!store..! ~ t ;; reader, the J Had besuroyou ask for Jones' Italian Chemical Soap— and buy it only of,:IVM.JACKSON, only. Agenrin giUsb.urgtiyitPuberty street,Piltsbnrgtt ( head,QrWood- ■ ■■■■■ n-,j^n;rr(»nea»'i.tijriMM>it«.va/fuj i.-.i, Y\ ADIE3 orec auilonediacainstusintrooDiman .urena .Ll red Chalk.:. 1 : ; UK- tti-;-!j;.;,r!, j They are notawarebawfrightfaUy injariottaii|s ■ n" to, the skiulhow coarse, hovrronnh,how ,; ! ■ ■ salioWj-yelloneand ttahjealihy. thttaiinr : t;, i • I gs^mmrmmsd b'• ~.. ? itemt of°V^iod,^ A , C^ 0 , . 8 : t ° re> w * B M3Si ru .t/*.- Btfiaiaoa.oraii. ■ • HPMAffHAIR fiYE-fortho ebft&rioi'oil m'L w I * 9 &2S Erey-hhiHo a je i b ?s?fc* c s fewmlnntel., * ! Pn CA®)cems : and Si;00 -SS? * 1 A^ck«ttUfi'^ i A :^^Bh^Xn, iFlEß-;;iT ,r ioibqidpf37i l cchUuTln3ii lUo.possssa 4m following, qualities. It : ,hatr logrowononypartwheioriatarelhtehdedhair, t« . soft .and .ailSy, nothing can egceed this—ti.ruftkeiTi jtruly heantifal.and; keeps :it so. , iUs.Tndeed, (he.thos - ecoflpmtoaij yetsnperinraSfcle.fiir •':? Z-,- !•• .=Bold_only. atWilfi JACKSON'SStorei, alOtdbertystL' : b^^9f,\yood,Pittsharg < ; : i‘rli;^,S7icoii|»,sb.conla^ia' ftUEE YOURSEaiF AMERICAN COMPOUNDr+S V/Thiinevorfilling specific Isgaarmnteed in aßdoaea t oi delieatQ.disense, together wiih 1 the- aitendarn ttani ,plaints,, toeffect a speedy, safe,and, lasting cnre, Ini thb conns of a few auys, without restrictions ip diet, basi ness or injury to the system. It is Qn old and. popular remedy; has long been (and, still is) nsed in the prtratß prsctice of a physicialt;radically.caring ninety-nine T 3f Ihehandredeases.-: It leaves no odor on the breath, and etreetaPiUsburghj <>ll'i: -t»tjr7T -TfflErapßSwiwail giqHKsftiaawaßasat Mere anaMertf&t«al» o> •ChhlerhTihve' deciirreff.antt ihtfy- either>peridris fromhoais orthovewho | For sale by Wrodsd ,Fiitebp^b,where: lhe ffenulne orUcle ciay ■fit apt; NAYIaOBy street,,eornejf of V/ Cherry alley, having made arrangements at .Wash-; ngton/or the purpoaop-wulprocure Bounty J«andsfpr tqe officers and soldiers, their, widows andi^fiil4w*h» , W t dv l > 'nmrlßj ■ '•’ ’T". -jS- ‘y t ST f \ r :. ,\v. './Jr 1 - •s’ < - * 4 * 1 / -l' • ♦ 1 * v-: • 'ounce* for solo by 0. A. FAHNESTOCK ft CO il:i. i o'S • ‘ V- . « ■ / **) < V . ,s r > t / ffl ,1 •e.zsi'Aaatrß'r, 1 : , ! fflfcaiSS iWiodt«Btmti'r(%tari'Sixth- Sind),: &mWValibtaMUll*Mßitaei& pleue ; .: .jp»TjUc,iaJr«ur, g V. >...•■, g iKnQ^kt'ill'Btf»te#«9d^auiaaci*i ft found to w>, d ie of the largest ana nest selected sloe**' of/Hcady- ‘ & sde Clothing to he found in the We*tßfti I £cfi&mtry/~•-' ' Ho has this icason paid mow* than attention to U dfcfcjj that the y weU aa tao fineiuanp gorupto a p , ' s ' J v iU^ - * iff pleMttFtliiKWlif^ho.tiittolfciiUeßl'airli.lndaoeT'j i £& tetteceiJrt'ift ail Bn* ; » S ‘fflVfoßmerwiUt k&wott£t3a&\£&4c>uiUsaic pet r»-: , COMB. THEN. OWE AKn »* .I. lttho '-»■: t/'.T ••■*!■ <;■.' I ife'Wiiff Wtiil4W , **!ortf itbe Spring and Sommer jxq ue prepucd to,, i laantacinre tocrdor,in nnyie unsurpassed tniMla city, - ind at extrcmelylpw prices: l - lai*e'a6orU»ea|,iJ>f BEAJHT put- Will &d andex- r V«iMurigSMi4®xhnucef^iBieaheti7ilie'iiQioft-^FOpy : to - Uf adyerti^erfipß^dchargo - CgrgSß. *lO the late i*. 2)sljl&t,) .* fTroUL'Bhxoat'respectiaUjr wnotmeo to hU.triends tfae-pabUe in gtneraf. that he'has'rented the Hbfai'/&.^6 J iifariyr : Third tfca ; iJJ&INESSIntaU . Hpis/ioV receiving Tga ..SAynshH Bio<^ : or roovS, ii tf>4i9otid)£ hnd ;; 3fcame*Jweai*jri*ffiuperfin6\ CtoOs^-Cai/tmama, ■ rior article for burintu £b>ai*;yta£eth«Srwith a ! lSrSe an-' sortmentof plsltrandfigtrrttFCwtmmsrnew anadesi* ■ dnr;-i?rV ••'-n--- no-pared toifiakef cdtftddrf ftthe nehtestand iaost {a*h- ; hmspges jatfianyjothqr ;eatablisli*: He.tfwreiQn^hppes.by.strict attention; to airoirv dors mtrusted'to Bis card, Us iberil aiifthfeof pabUbpa-’ tronage. ->si^JAMES t^WATT.: ; \ No. 3& Market, between Second-and-Thiid sis. ► 'fitlii r .v;-it tw^ifoTTjip'aV.-T' V‘i'** .'• jTp TA^/UQRS.-rlshall,fpntince.tosel) and,give in- mjr 'aystea' of Gtixthtiu IkaughUhg ar heretofore, 2 ’riZjflraecompnuled/ ; v . -rui Siin » -ni - 'u-^B^Tflo^oo.*V . f.IPMAN*B AMuivt.PsaHanetU IThreZopei.— By dip- Jtj .ping'ihe fingers in i ‘whter, ; 'find' hioistenlng and pesBing : the' ; safestandatroiigestihat^n made ot ’parchinent paper, which will withstand‘any ordinary : friction or moisture. For sale by the quantHy 'Or slhglo pack, atthe store of : “”W. S. HaVEN, ; ' 4 irisc2oi leOrnet of-fifarkfei'afifl Sdcondsu. (jirO|BaolUtlfi&*.-. IWr'-tiW >■■ i; THE existing, between, the subscribers* under thp arm* of Coolief ib l>roggut3,has this day boen dissdieed' hy muiual con sent. A. COULTER, .. • .j / .N. H. RACKK.X affajrs of the latefircni.will bo Settled by J; Al Conlier] eontinuea ihe uie old stand, cornerof Wood-and,Third,»\teeia. r .: , apb , william Rizon’shoadon Patent Bsm . • '. . Wstthss, • QUPERIOIUofany Watchea eyef offered# Bi|t«httißhi2i,y;,n- Market Eireet;is sole Agent for the named Levei : VVatehe»^' i The following gnar* antee is attached to each Watch: 2ty~avpointm*r*J&tha. Admiralty* iataetioniOf : the purchaser* (apr!7J , ~W. DIXON. jflAjatfiiMi (AptiV litti) Vv associated withthem CHARLES ftTKNIbHT. “ The, baatness“wilH>e*’continued- tmder-ihe firm> ( CAMPBELUCHESS.n -ngy c-r -c; T [%prl9 xsm iutorj ENHANCING to every understanding the beauties ol : Nature, in creamig oiepor perceptions, and com ■nmodfflg'Uie KMedicarinlati*. thereof) nyiaJlmawiedge of Landscape Sketching And Palatine, imputed; in » abort tho_einlnence ofa'style, Sketches of residences and scenery brand axoand Pittsburgh; In eonsttnipiPgtess."Mdgnlfieent transcrip* C. C. BENNETT, iSin?e*l«.r apgfctC . Uibnrgh,Pa. ,| pa.VH&MiI ANUrMLNEI^ALiWATiIH.—'fho snb- JL scribers re3pecifd(iy irtrofintheiroldfrlefuisandeiu rrirnere lb irf the-/have fccininencfcd qiakinglCE C BEAM -(Witiß«ipi»oiui/riwiir&AtflQiS)b>euhepnffi«ese A *v.- - ’j aTdsprsad cue dteine.f have pCifce. city ofNfiw Yrto, m.thetfmted w&ii*^t m Amemki my'setO: agents i^^tttnne.Jia!esjatcDme9 totthfieU hlieau-pjjd Byrß;H,i{4eakU>S« Walnut street ,&. Patten,l)p. i}u Frhrih street LoatiyUlc. | i.j o.rit 'j; • •• . • 2 case* Chinese Sockets i . r * - 3 groat Flying Pigeons ; - '5O ' dir“t4Jt8 lr 6 W;H, e, 4 balJKoman Can! l&O' -lardrttlyyVa/re'gcivgd QUdforsale by ■ '■■■ ;;:^l. ■• f.iiivr y;RHdpE9 ‘JpireB^HEBIUBOi-aOW •SJEitiylftcigtrb m r,r& »a ■jyis «iir- -Co; KnJTPINK APPLES?' 1 1 1- JUU I2oiaurjnittif«fet#ie;- - - c,-*;rtovr 60ih£ ~ dor. i da( * v; ■ >Vi 7' • , ;H«tti«hg’£iia for gateby tnuTtniblex'tli- JUSHIUb BHODES fe CO.i -.■iyUkimitanan ■ ) .,„4 r .go.4WooiUW i^ffACKEKElr*i ' \i r/o -:-}bi',.u av(;«v-- rrMS-^ut 4BSPW Wf^ostfb.•teyri db; JutKceivedandfornUilnr > / .. TTOLLAND HERRINGS—IOO kegi In. prigiß order. ' }jfi9 ' ; ■'.-:7,' v ‘"Importer*. TlNKGAR—MO«lii,\Vinei . ! -C If • -is'; , >;, I iilOJSbUv Cld*t For e«le by It3l. ; - f J, P. WILLIAMS & CO. ,S. LOVE] Jfll 00 0”- ■ftyf OLASSES—SI LooU Sorar House ft oUsms ; JKL- > v •*.'••'«} SLjaaiejr ■...Ao'V'-'’'3o; . ~v .. uNew Oileani PlMiuilrta; 1 ■', . ; Ky?S|«t.;MopaHiUo. BACON— 2,600 Be. Prime Hamlin aioro and for sale. „ BHEKIPP It BINNING, jy3o r> ■vu>rrt i ;.;,u."N6. lOMUjktl «|. OOHNIiKOOMH— 7| doa.eompiouforaargby i!&> :: ■■■■■ .-. g ; v SHERIFF & BINNING. > lira?. ”*° lo> ‘. y ' V.SHERIFF A BINNING _ tV CASKS SIDES ANil JOWL3_| n «ore and ftrlSit I.*<‘l»3o« •••» ■■■'-■:. .1 SHEBIFF.ABINNING. T ~ - i i ' t i' ' IIIHiiIBIISI t t . r '*■ *- rf /r fc , * * •* * j , * .•*/ .i.v/'ffcy,.^' •..=•'.-■• -i-.- 4 7 v J 1 *1 ft * <# *< *>o > ' *+ * i ’finrt^aaUtyreceiffiQfT. WDYEa.