The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, August 02, 1851, Image 2

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vTT B f"' roft ’ Brsnnt ■*”‘l IfT.nff are “out” against
< r - <*t v . & Dictionary as ,a stand aril of orthography, and
J l'.‘- Cvi '-"'’-"i 't'C V‘. S', Kv'.' t‘: Ute attempt loiiitroduceitanlo New York, district schools
5, •fi2^^j'c?o»£? f R-<:' , >sSp>ier» tt^lji?' ; ' *l)7 authority is not UkoWtc succeed.
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■ Written fi>r the RTomius Post H
We Trill now try to ascertain the point to
which this brief survey of nature's operations
tends to carry us. The candid reader, we think,
will he borno-irrcsistibly-to the conclusion that
ob it has been seen,
First, That the works of Nature in all her de
partmentsfviz: the planetary, - mineral," vegeta
ble and aniihalwkingd’oins7 ere arranged into
groups and senes; ancl as,
Secondly, All the sciences which investigate
and study these kingdoms,-are-also.- themselves
of necessity grouped and divided and subdivided
in a- perfectly analogous, nnd parallel, manner,
and hs , .
• Thirdly, The faculties of the liuman mind it
self mount up and multiply from the .primitive
trunk of its life, obedient to the same great law
of order—and,
Finally, as nil human labors and occupations
have, and can have for their only subjects of ac
tion these samo orderly grouped and connected
kingdoms! - andThib-kingdoms - of<. nature, and
therefore, ate, as we have seen, arranged per
force into series and groups likewise, as tho sci
ences are thatitrcat .of. them, and the natural
.kingdoms, through this orderly grouping of la
-hors,-is difficult to perceive, except mentally,
by reason that the laborer » are so scattered and
disconnected inthe present orderfejj modes of in.
dustry,—therefore, from all' this, we conclude
.(who can help.-it?) that the laborers themselves.
must-bo brought, in an enlightened and .inteili
gent-manner, under the operation- of-the great
Serial Law. That is, the Serial Law must be al
lowed to bring to each work its proper . and self
- appointed worker.- Thus it will form groups of
workers at a common branch of labor—then se
dries of such groups—all naturally thus united
- by tho nature of their work-—(consisting of ope
rations closely connected,) —united in their inte
rests—united from.all. operating circumstances
into combined and. harmonious societies—each
member working at n chosen work freely, and
not from compulsion or necessity.
-Human work and human workers must beor
- ganized by the Serial Law through man's agen
cy, just as God has organized his own work by:
it. ■ Tho - suffering - in the busy workshops of
Christendom is the natural result of the disre
gard aud violation of this law; and as one of its
pebuliar features is, that it produces a greater
degree of beauty, harmony, and happiness in
proportion to the number of parts, or elements,-
or.human beings which collectively obey it (just:
as, thejnusic of 6 octaves is much better than
that of one—or the harmony of an orchestra
grander than that of a single instrument) there-,
fore tho more urgent the work—nnd the busier
and more 1 crowded the workers, tho more pain--
ful and stringent will be tbe .inverse operation of
this law, until it will, if not otherwise heeded,
force men, Jhrough very agony, to drop their
tools, and/implore Heaven’s mercy on their
misery. When they look thus upward and to :
God, they will see this law. His messenger of
mercy, fraught with every blessing heart can
wish on earth—for it will give the body, or ex
. temnl form of society, of whioh the Christian
spirit and religion is the soul; both, when con
joined, effecting not merely relative, but absolute
right relations between man and God, man and
man, and man and nature.
- ; Wc repeat, men must go to God for the law
of order in their industrial relations—there is no
other source—and in this lies the great merit of
Fourier, the immortal discoverer of the Serial
Law, that ho did not seek to invent n system of
. society, but to find out what law God Himself
had laid down for social harmony; (nnd this no
more excludes the higher revelation of the Scrip
tures, than do the various sciences of Astrono
my, Chemistry, Mathematics, &c.) His faith
in God’s universal Providence led him to be
■liOve there teas such a law; and with astonishing
perseverance he labored until he discovered it,
and termed it the Serial Law. Thus, among the
various sects of the Socialists, the Association
ists;..or those who.conslder Fourier as tho great,
though by no means infallible exponent of their,
views, are the only body who go at once to God
for their faith—who seek to discover Hißlawof
order in all spheres; and having, as they be
lieve, discovered it, they know that it is also the
.only law.of order for human society—that is,:
the Serial Law is the only mode or method for
the perfect and full outward monifestations of.
t)ie Christian Spirit of Love; in any community,-
in its collective capacity; and they seek to realize;
that Divine order among men on earth—hav
ing; no slight evidence either of its existence
likewise among.the angels in Heaven.
And such a law ns Fourier was prompted to
discover, and did discover, is tho great want, or
, the second great want of the times. Men are
beginning to see that the wholesystem-of modem;
competitive industry is but a gigantic species,
of indirect cantubabsm, where men live on ench
other; where tho strong devour tho weak—the
rich living on. the necessities of the poor, and the
poor contending with each other for tho right of
living, the rich. . They begin to see
this on the one hand, and-on the other they be
hold the advantages of combination. They be
gin to unite their efforts and work for them
selves—discharge their masters, and combine
, their own la jor with their own capital: But
they want a plan of organization—a method of
• order, universal in character, yet of infinite va
riety m detail- This they have in the Serial
Law of Fourier, who will doubtless be venerated
by posterity as the Columbus of a new soeial
world.-r-For every great crisis in the world’s;
history, its hero has appeared. The great revo
lution. of Industry in the 19th century, now
-ushering in, has likewise had. itsherald and law
giver, . who has given, the world-his law; and
-passed away, 'unheeded by it. But ample
amciids await him, for his thought will soon. be,
is now, called, for, as. it oannot be dispensed
_:j?purier_and the Aesociationists, then, say to ;
alVworkers who are coasting about for a true,'
an absolute plan of industrial organization, “Go
to. God.” .. He, has never created a want, for
whose satisfaction He has not also made nmplo ;
provision. Question .Him in His work, Hciaor-
Uer itself, and has impresed the same on every
port-of,His creation. Now try to discover what
jnethod of order He has followed in gathering
: parts together to. make a whole. Wherever in :
any kingdom, of nature you see a compound unit,
an “E jilunbus unum,” whether it be a crystal,
n, Want, an animal, a solar system,—there you,
will see God’s method of universal order,' which,
i 3 the Serial Law, as we outlined it.;
, Qne ndore article and we have done."
W. H. M.
BnglUh Proprietors.
At a moment when England is much spoken of
In Europe, it may not be useless to gather a few
ofanck. particulars as may serve to appreciate its:
social organization: Here is an account of the an
nual incomes of a certain number of great. En-,
glish proprietors, in Land properties only:. the,
Duke of. Northumberland, 8,600,000, francs;;
the Duke of Devonshire, 8,000,000 fr.; the Duke
of Rutland,' 2,500,000 fr.; the Duke of Bucking
ham, .2,000.000 fr.; the Duke of Norfolk, 2,000,-:
ODOfr.; tho,Duko.Mariborough; 2,000,000 fr.; the?
Duke of Bncclcngh; 1;800,000 fr.; the: Marquis'
of Straffor, 1,70!X000 fr., the Duka of Bridge-’
YM 00 ? 000 Marquis of Lausdowne,!
vsnn nhn M »rqniß of Devonshire, |:
r * e Duke of Portland; 1,800,000,!
fr.; the Marquis of Sligo, 1,100,000 frames. So '
• there are seventeen proprietors whose ahriu a lin- :
, comes put together, , make up an amount of 33
millions, ,pf francs. In Ireland, four; Lords poo-?
sossedjtpgethejy according to an account cast up;
a few years ago, an income of 1,872,000 francs. 1
, JBggfThe'firpt book printedin the State of New!
.York,says;the Albany Register, was the first
constitution ,of the state. It was printed, aocor- 1
ding to'a' statement by tbe Hon. Gulitin C. Yer- !
’plnnck, in 1777, just after the Legislature, up-i
tiring before the approach, of British bayonets, l
' first to Harlem; then to King’s Bridge, Yonkers,
WhjtePlains, Fishkill, an,d Kingston, discussed:
..andadopted it The people conld find but-onoi
■ press in their . domain with which to print this
. frork of their’i'cprcsentatiycs. It , was .done at;
; iSshkill, by. Samuel Louden,. who had been a
YVhig editor and: printer in the city ofNcw York;
: end who. retired, with his press to Fishkill, where
; Was the.chicf deposit of stores, hospitals; &c.; of
•the northerft army of the United States. ' Mr. 1
Terplanok ’’possesses a copy of this precious .American typography; ;
that Harrison county
rnnksampng.thefirstwool growing counties of
; th"e.United States. ' - Five firms of this place alone 5
'-have purchased within the laßt six weeks, 325, J
“000:U>i>.ca*;hp .average of 43 cents per pound—'
-Betting-the round sum 0f.5139,750! Indepeud-'
-entof the -aboyc there -were many other thou-!
"Bauds of wool of which we .have no account'
Ujis item of-wool is one- of the many cqnßtitu-!
ting the wealth of the rich county of Harrison,;
falling behind, largely, however, the wheat and
com crops, and other staples grown here.— i
Cleveland Rep.
Harper & Layton, Proprietors aud Publishers,
For Justtccs of tile Supreme Bcncli.
Hon. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset. , ,
“ JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. ...
“ ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster,
“ JOHN B. GIBSON, of - Cumberland.
“ WALTER H. LOWRIE, of .Allegheny. ■
Mooting of the Pomooratlc Committee of
Correspondence of Allegheny County.
Tho Committee met, pursuant to adjournment,.
at the St. Charles Hotel, on Saturday forenoon,
July 26tli* at IT o’clock:-.
Mr. Benin:, the Chairman, read the call of.
the committee, and briefly stated the objects of:
the meeting.. . :• » •.' :<•
On motion, the , following resolution was
adopted : ■ ■ v
Raolved, That the Democratic citizens of the
different Townships, Boroughs and Wardß inAl-;
legheny County, be requested to meet on Satur
day, the. IGth day of August next, at their usual •?
places of meoting, to select delegates to repre-:
sent them in the County Convention, to be held
on the Wednesday following, (Avgust 20th,) at
11 o’clock, A. M.; at the Court House, in the.
City of Pittsburgh, for tho purpose of nomimi-l
ting a ticket for County officers. Tho Demo-;
crats of tho various Towushipir-wiU moo*
tween tho hours of 2 and 6•• o’clock, P. M.j and
the Domocrats of the different wards of the <
Citica of-Pittsburgh and Allegheny and of the *.
Several Boroughs, will meet between the hours :
of 4 and 7 o’clock.
The Democratic citizens of the First Ward of i
the City of- Pittsburgh, will meet at the Fulton
House, kept by Mr. Hugh Sally.
The Democrats of Charters township will;
meet at the house of D. C, Jones (Obey’s olds
stand,) on Mie Steubenville road. ■ " si
The Democrats of. Duquesne Borough will
meet at the School House, in said borough.
On motion of John Coyle, Esq., seconded by.
H. S.-Mauhaw, Esq., it was
Resolved, That the primary meetings be re
quested to take into consideration the propriety *
of instructing their delegates to said County J
Convention on the subject of appointing dele-.
: gates to the State Convention, to assemble at
Harrisburg, on the 4th of March next, tonomi-;
nate a candidate for Canal Commissioner, and
appoint delegates to the next National Conven
tion, to nominate candidates for President nnd:
Vice President.
A! BURKE, Chairman. •
L. Jlahteb, Secy.
When we made a slight reference to the
difficulty at New Brighton, on Wednesday last,
produced by the insulting and uncalled-for re
marks of Mr. Solomon W. ItonrnT.s, we expect
ed to encounter the abuse of tho malignant edi
tor of the Gazelle. The excitement and angry
feeling which broke out at the meeting at the;
Merrick House, as every man knows who was
present, were attributable altogether to the inju
dicious speech of Mr. Roukbts.
. When the people of Pittsburgh and the Coun
cils of our city accepted the invitation to be
present at the opening of the O. and P. Railroad,
they did not suppose that they would be insult
ed by the managers of tlmtcompauy. That was
apart of tbo performance not inserted in tho
bills of tbo day.
As ft member of the City Councils wo attended >
.the celebration, determined to give a fair and.
impartial account ol all that was said and done. <
Bat when the character of our Pittsburgh me-*
ebanica wasgroosly bbelled, and the motives of :
Couucils unjustly assailed; we could' not avoid *
taking, some notice of the matter, - however uua
ploasaht the task might be. The fact that pro!
rode <r free of expense,to •
ub under no obligation whatever to sanction and
trated by Solomon W. Rouebts.
The editor of the Gazette is the mere tool, of'
the President oi the Ohio nndPennsylvauia-Rnil- ‘
road, as every person in this community knows,
and is # under obligations to defend,all 2ns Acts.
Gen. Robinson has but to say to \ the Deacon,'
go, and he goeth ; come, and bo-someth | do, j
and he docth. Never was a slave more obedient i
to his master than White is to Robinson. '
These two gentlemen live in Allegheny City, f
and they have managed the 0. and P„ Railroad (
admirably— to that 4 own advantage! Iu violation >
of the agreement made to our Councils when »
the subscription - of $209,000 was Gjen. j
Robinson has located the inner depot of the road.
adjoining his property on Federal street, and the ]
outer depot on his property near Mt. Emmet.— j
Whether these locations will advantage th c Gen-j
cral one thousand or one hundred, thousand dol-j
lars, we know not— Deacon is ready-to swoarj
that his acts were all right and proper I In re-j
.turn for the many services rendered by the'
i Deacon, two gentlemen connected with the Ga~s
zette office, were recently appointed ticket agents;
on the road—wo allude to Roland White (son of
the Deacon) and George Parkin. i
When the subscription of $200,000 was asked
from our City Councils, it was given ou the-ex-j
presa condition that the road would commences
at or 2 n Pittsburgh. Although opposed to .the
subscription at first, we finally consented to ad
vocate it, after we had received personal assure
ances from Gen. Robinson that it was the . in
i turn-of the Company to bring the Toad over the
i Allegheny river. Wo have reason , to believe
i that the course, taken by the Pott at that" time
: secured the subscription to the road; at leasU
we, have a letter of-(hanks from Gen. Robinson,!
; note tit our possession, nefoio wlcdgvng such thd
fact. 1 Like every good citizen of 'Pittsburgh]
who has been deceived about this matter, wej
feel-.justly indignant at the determination of?
Gen. Robinson to have the depots in Allegheny-j
town, far removed from the business men of thia
community, v ' T ■ ,J |
; The, belief • ' rt rully c pr k eyails * amongst
- .HOW; generally . igst
the citizens of Pittsburgh l that Mr. ItonttfsbN
never intended to bring his Railroad to tins City.
If our citizens had known as muck two years
ago as they know now, they would not have
subscribed a dollar to that 'road, nor wbuld'our
Councils havegiven a single vote in favor of th(
151200,000 subscription. If Gen. Robinson thinks
that we assert what is not true," wehppe he..will
.call upon our. clUzens'uow for rtioramoiiey, iii)d
ask Councils now to vote him $200,000 more.—
Perhaps an effort of this -kind Will eatiafyi Mm
not only, thatwe speak the truth, hut that the
Pont lia? a little .“.influence in tliis community.’,’
From our Ohio exchanges, we find that'the
great Btorm of the 26th has swtipt over the
country in a direct north easterly direotion;;and,
as far-as we can judge from presunt evidence,
its effects seem to,have become more' disastrous,
and. its scope more limited, as it advanced east
ward: for, while vrb, have no accounts, as yet,
ffom Ohipi.idetaiUngoithe destruction def heavy
timber, and the , prositration. of houses, barns,
&c; after leaving Pittsiburgh wo -find, that im
mense trees.rrcro tormuphy the roots, thefuiest
dwelling houses, bar hs &c., levelled with the
ground, and the dentruction; of: almost every
thing, excepting hunt an life, of ■which we have
heard but one.or two instances. »
*l * 9 V
Jf *
' T ' r
•}\ : ‘‘
-l -t
eov. war. p. johnstoE
This dislinguishciil :<iUi' ficOiogJ
'of the State; anSjfrohi cjui leaip te;
ia makiilg nipid, ieadwayin the woivk oldinik-.
statement. AlL^liiq,&J|irta;arfrdifcciUd
establishment of ithe ppsitimis, that'lie hasev«_
been a most vigiiiuijtfsnd-wntehful'gaardran of
J^eJinaiieerolTSf-Sthte; and that, >hen the
Gommonwealthbecame nlmostoverwlielmedwitk
debt,; /K ; came.&re:ardaiid;pj:opo3ed : the : creatiqn
of a sinking fund,, vbich
off both principal and interest. , • ~
It maybe that GovernqrlidifkWoN forgets his 4 ;
connection. 3 j[i^,.tt[e. i celebratecl,
• dolled. which, as some
otie' hbduftKat time > remarked, 1 f commenced in
the woods and endednowhere.” If so, it-may j
bo interesting to himtbbe advised of the facts
that he, sustained this utterly- reckless proj ect,
in every stage of its throngh tho .Lejgis- ■
lature ythatstSen hundred thousand-dollars have.
been expended upondtbythe Statethat ;it has
been; universally pronounced so totally useless:
ns to lead,to its entire abandonment: and that,.
dollar of this sum haß been
lost to the ; for- which' War. F.- John
ston is as jnstly liable as any other .individual. ‘
He m&ydßrgel, too r a certain 'other scheme of ;
plunder, (and of which, by the way* he was the •
father,). whichf -.had it beeiivuontinued, .-.would;
have led to another loss of about stven hundred
thousand dollars l . This was tho Kittomung Feed-,
er, that was commenced at the town where the:
gentleman resides ; 'and on which forty thousand
were' expended that have been , sunk ip
the State. 1 -"Whatiah insulting degree of arro- ■
gance and impudence do we therelore find exhib- i
ited in’ the Speeches of this especial pattern bf;
the Whig party; and how easy is it to show that;
he has - aided,' •as far ns was in his power, hs;
much as aoymanin to .entail-debt;
and :upon tho State, i
In these two plunder schemes alone be _hns lost
to the State more than seven hundred; thousand y
dollars ,* .abdl thih is pretty strong evidence_of a ; ;
Will to act upon u. i:,--
As it respects. th,e Sinking Fund wo nbt.
disposed to deny to him the merit of having sus- 1
tained the project; but we do utterly deny thati
h'e was the originator of it. He wefllcnowswiid*
« the author or projector’ of., that wise measure,;
and if he shall'continue itb characterize it as;
f * my measur^VrWbich, -we are told, he almost
universally mAy have his memory re
freshed on that point before hedeaves the west-j
tern part of the State.. . p. \
It is said that, -in some of his ■ speeches,: the
Governor has stated, unqualifiedly, that “ there
was no public debt created durbiy the. ad minis! rution :
of Governor Ritner!" If he has made such a,
remark at any other place, we think he will
scarcely have enough assurance to make the
declaration in Pittsburgh. He is, however, to
be here at. the assembling Of the great Conven
tion ofliis friends on the 20th I; of August, when
we shall give him our espOcial^aVtcntion.
In the Aincrkan of yesterday,’(after waiting;
more than two weeks in expectation of having;
some attempt made by the editor to.wipe off the)
black lie which we so instantaneously put upon;
him,) wc. find the original charge made by.hirn;
reiterated; with the very immaterial alteration,)
that one of Reading Delegates (Mr. John D.-
Milieu,) received his free ticket from the Stage;
Company. Now we have the authority of Mr.j
Miller for saying thAt this statement is utterly!
and unqualifiedly falseand we know that his;
word wlHpass as currently among his acquaint- i
ances, as ihat of tho reckless and unprincipled *
editor of the A)iiencan, a,ru\ -probably will be re- [
ceived with less question by the public generally;
than even the oath of his informant. Further
more, if this is not sufficient to fix liau indeli
bly upon him,;wc will add that Mr. Miller’s
statement will be baoked by the; oath of Col. 1
MoonnEAD, the Agent of the Stage Company,:
who knows all about the circumstances ; under;
which Mr. MiLLKii'weht to In addi-j
tion to. .this.the baths of five ,or six other gen
tlemen.can Re produced, all going to,prove that
the entire statement of IhppLr. and his inform
ant; is wilfully and maliciously false. llisiu
formant is known ;and he is. carefuUywutched.
JB@F* Ah Article
ply to the editor of the Gazette, 1 in yesterday’s
paper, subject,'lias ''beGtfjfcfdtvded out.
We.shall dissect him .Jcra»cfu;;z oit >londay.
■ ■.'... . —-
:. The citizens of Fayette, county, without dis
tinction of part}-, hretht (Pniontown, on the 25th;
instant, to take into considerat ion the late change 1
in the arrival of the (nails at ‘ that Iptace. ’The
declaration of the meeting is, that “ the Eas.tyrhj
mails, which ’ havfe , heretofore ■ arrived (at'( this
place at seven o’clock , in. the morning, do not
now reach here until nine or ten o’clock at night
of the same day,, by tvhichoiir citizens are prac
tically delayed twenty-four hours’id the receipt,
of Eastern inteUigence, and-that the
the West, as well as from the East, lies over
night at Brownsville, se that if takes two days;
for a letter to reach ■ Pittsburgh^; and thei ;like
length of time to come from that place or Wheel-i
itig here ;of ’ this change no notice ’rVaS given by
the Department to the office in this place—the
only information to the Post Master was from
one of the stage owners.” 1 ’ ’
A committee of three was appointed to cor
respond with the Pos'tnraster General; and.-proth:
cr composed of the same number, to correspond
with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, trpon'the
subject of this change. 1 ■ n i
f’by" The Idst Washington (Pa.) Commons
wealth contains a gross.atthck upon Pittsburgh)
and the very day. the paper reached our city Vite
edi|or (Setii T.’ Hpiif),) . was' here' begging and
boring .for advefßsingpatrpnage from our .pier--
chants! Hubd says :, “We -.(Washingtonians,)
shall haven good reliable market of Wheeling hit
•most as near as Pittsburgh, andean go in: and
do our shopping,- and back agniVthe same afters
nooni” If it.was not for his Pittsburgh'irdvhrj
tising patronage, ‘Hukd’s paper would not live
ono month;,and the,quotation wo have mode
gives a specimen of the fellow’s ingratitude. l ‘ I
TnE VnmisiA Deought,—The” Charlestown
Spirit of Jefferson states thatifrom almost every
part of the. State tte.most glooipy,Accounts are
being received as to the disastrous effect upon
vegetation, froin' the continued drought. Jii
Eastern Virginia,'geherallyj' the cbrn and tobacco
crops ore said t-o’ be a totiff failure, and a recent'
trip Valley &e editif ah'opj
portunity of seeing the blight anddesolation pros
duced for the want 6f trains';”;Jii -;Shenandphlij
&o.,"th'crc’had Veen 'Vo fain
to doany|Wdfor.VeVr thbee months, the, springs
were nearly all dried up, and;. vegetation gene!
rally was parched into, a crisp. - -In J efferson the
season has been a'- onef;- tind
rqseiy;has .fliers been morehumorpus.and genial
sVdwefathan during;tUe,prcsentsnmmer. ? j
Baen .Btiiiiif .r-We regret to learn that JIU
(barn ’ .of-Mr.'John ..Fisc ns", of;. Mountpleosant
township, was struct by- lightning "during the
storm an‘'Saturday; evening; last, .aiid;it together
with tire contents werc 'huxned .to the p-ouiid.—;
We understand that abont 200; bußhels .of yyUea{:
of last years crop, was consumed, together with
nearly all tbe present year’s crop.’ The loss wili
fall heavy uppp'hhc- iSiscus; We did notlearn
the amonnt of insurance,- but.(understand ,that
it was insured to soine lFcstmorehret?
Republican. "■■■'■-c bra t W'at ;
Anns foe South CakOetna.—Tiro oannon for
the would-be Southern Republic are being made
by Messrs-. Antes, of iCobotvjiieVMass, (.The ory
der was first sent to a Virginia company, blit’ it
failed: and the, secessionists were compcllod te
get the .order fillednorth, of Mason & Dixon’s
.-Vine,-.which they-had-avowed they.would ■BQtdol
The statement which we»Vecently made, to wit;
that the small arms for South Carolina, were-’be
ing mode at Milbury, we are again ‘ahSurisd ‘ii
correct, notwithstanding the disavowal of the
Charleston Mercury.— Woonsocket (R. /.( Pat
f 1 -* 4 • 4 V* ’ *
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;.• ,t - - . f** ■ ■■. -*••• ■'.>•'•: '
’/ ■,-Var tbt’DdilfiMwning Post
i iMqsisrs. Habi>ebo& Laston :—-Trusting the
sutiipmcdjrismiiljkßiifaylippear worthy, they are
handed j'cnSftjtjpubiication in the-. Valuable: and
i extensive issue of riie.Post>: After some patient
suffering with ' the heat and confinement of the
City borders, I entered myself for.that thrifty
and favored habitation named McKeesport. On'
reaching there. I was soon enrolled wilhfhe
giicsts (many of whonT are TittsiWghers',) of
the*‘'“'Mullen Houie,” vvincli, fur' comfort,' deli
cacy and manageinent,witi -outrank many of
t y the first;class city houses. .That evening-Terp
sichore wall homaged; “ cWsing'tiie giovriig
• hours with flying feetand to'<sne-.BWeet lipped
maiden, I coulij have joined Caßsioin his bounty
:to Oesdemona, with the words- — ....
IHqil.ioibeeJladyl.aiulihe grace ofHeaven
' Before,'bthiiuUhee.and.on every haiid ■
.. . Knwhcel. thee lonnd ” -
But your.pardon, sirs.; -you observe my infir
mity on this point, and I promise no return to
it. In sauntering through the town, the visiter
is charmed with 1 the Vomantio 'and;, picturesque
scenery, which nature ‘ has.woven for
‘i/Yougb,” in its calmy BWectncss, glides past
unruffled, and the near hills discourse glad mel
ody, with tho noisy cars transporting that useful
and here abundant fossil.
Manufacturing, too, is well represented. Two
boat yards are in active -employment, throe iron
foundries, wagon niidplough factories, thresh
ing machines, .from -five to seven saw mills, tin
and copper-.shops,; and now thiß Russia sheet
iron "mill is under contract, which will engage
some;forty haii(is.- : -The/Messrs.- Dravo do the
largeVt merchandising and - coal trade, ;imd* are
every way worthy of it. ’Squire Miller does
also a vast business: Messrs. Harvey, Neel
&' Bro. are owners of a large coal tract,’ and
supply . much of the' New Orleans demand. • ;To
Mr. Harvey I am quite indebted for the guid
ance through hW inner and.Bahlc portals.
I was almost/neglecting to say that, at the
noxt 'session of the Legislature, a petition: will
be presented • to grant a charter for a bank,
which is much wanted. '/- 1 '
Lest I have trespassed on yonr indulgence, I
shall close, merely remarking to all who desire
cheapo, healthy and choice domestic summer
quarters, to 'McKeesport go by all means, and
take lodgings’ at ;MuU&’s Hotel, or the Tough
House: kept: by ./James > Harrison, a good and
bountiful provider. : . VERBCM SAT.
Whig Harmony'.
Tilt- Savannah (Georgia) RtpubHciju, the lead
ing Whig organ of that State, thus discourses
itf retatibn .(9 the nominations bade by the late
Whig .Convention'in pusStatc;;7 The editor fully
oomprehends'thd position of the two distinguish
ed candidates : ■ ■
“Condor requires us to say, to our northern
brethren once for ail, that (/icy may nominate
Gen. Scott, (iuid posrihly elect him, though we
doubt, it,) but that no party at the South can
take any part cither in his nomination or elec
tion; Not pfie Southern State would. cast its
vote for him, except, perhaps Kentucky, arid we
hope she'would.not.-s Either Mn. Fillmore, Gen.
Cass, Mr. Webster, lifr. Buchanan, Mr: Douglas
or Mr. Butler, would carry' every other Stbte
against liim.,. Wo heed not say, Whigs as; wc
hate been and Constitution Union men us wenow
arc, that we should rejoice at it. : It may be re
plied, we know, that General Scott will abide by
and enforce the Compromise measures. Butthe
fact that he comes forward under tpe auspices of
Mr. Seward, of New York, and Gov Johnston, of
Pennsylvania—in neither of whom the South has
one particle of confidence—is enough to damn
him to litter defeat in this section of the confed
eracy. The South can never co-operate with a
party'.in./which." such ' demagogues and malcon
tents are officiating priests. They both claim
to he Union men, jnst as their co-laborers in this
latitude do; and yet/they lend all their influ
ence to the stirring up of strife and revolu
tion.” ■
Ttrjriblt Affair in Bradford County.
On Saturday night, the HCth, at Brownstown,
Bradford county, a shanty, used by the con
tractors and laborers on the extension of ; tlje
North Branch Canal, caught lire; and Abraham
Fisher and his soil Henry, two of the contrac
tors, Mr: Finnegan, a superintendent, and Gold
smith, the cook, all perished in the flames.
Notiiing was left of the building aiid its contents
and the charred remains of Mr. Fisher and his
son were brought down to Wilkeßbarre yester
day. The elder Mr. Fisher was; about forty
eight years of age, and leaves a wife and three
children living at Wilkeabarre, The son was a
young man, agCtlabout twenty-three. . The father
had just.rctumed from Towaudn .with his esti
mates and funds, to pay. off the hands, and this
money was probably also consumed. The ori
gin of, thefire is not known: but it is probable
that it was caused by lightning, which might
have exploded the stock of powder on hand for
blasting. \Vni, C- Hall is now the only survi
ving partner in the firm of contractors on this
' ' A-llaillf for iv IViegro.
The Louisville Juuniul valnles as an amusing
incident—a negro raffle—which came off in ouo
of the towns of Mississippi. Mr.- ■, the
owner of the boy having a note to pay that day,
olid not having the wherewith to do it, was com
pelled to do what he gladly would not have .done.
The boy to bo raffled was a smart, intclligentlad
of about 18 years of age.: He .went by the name
liill. There' ti’ere 80 chances, with “ throe
shoe;” at .$lO per chance. But one chance re
; rnained, and this was taken by a stranger who
happened to lie present, and who gave it to Bill
siipon the condition tiiathe would throw the dice
himself, and “ shake like oxen." Bill rolled his
eyes in an astonished and , astonishing manner,
and after a hearty wha! wha 1 wha! in Which he
displayed two frightful rows of ivory, opening a
thouth “like the break of day; from east to west,”
with a low bow,: said :. “; I’ll, try,, mnssa.” As
may be supposed; the scene became bighly ex
The raffling commenced. Bill , looked on un
concerned at anything but the idea of leaving
Mb old master: When the chances Were all rnf
flod offbut the 1 ast, Bill took the box; previous
ly.- to his throwing, however,, ho was offered .$lOO
for his chance, - the highest throw yet made be
ing Hi, which stood “a tie” between two indivi
nals, but Bill was no “compromise man,” he refu
sed tbe offer, saying “de whole hog or noffin,”
and made bis first throw, which was 13, his sec
ond throw was 16 ;!BiU stopped scratched his
head; ; threw again; and up came Is. It was de
clared Off! that Bill was ? ree i” and such a
shout was never.before heard.
'Bili’B BUcceSß indueed him to try another spe
ulation of the “same sort,” believing! that he
could do aa a free man, tismucb as he had before
done; be pfoposed to set himself up again in a
“raffle," and he thought it Would be ho more
than'fair that lie .should put the price at; $6OO
this time. The chances was soon taken, Bill re
,serving, but one. chance. to himself. He.pocket
ed $590 and the sport again commenced. Bill’s
original owner and himrelf were the two highest!
again, and, in throwing off, Bill lost. ; Improved
a vcryfortunatCßpcoulation for'Billand ins mas
;tor botli. The master bad made $BOO clear and
Bilfhad cleared $590, and remained with Mb;
kind master. Both were well contented and ev
ery one present was satisfied that hehad gothis
money’s worth.
The Co.ssur.ATi; at Dcblis.—ln 1847 Mr.
Hugh Keenan, nn American citizen, then resi
dent in Dublin, applied for the office of U. S.;
Consul at that port, and received the appoint- ■
ment. As isi established by documents shown
us, he discharged the duties of the office in a
satisfactory manner till hist October, when he :
was removed to make room for one Mr. Poy, a
British 1 Subject, not specially qualified for the;
place, it Strikes' us tliat an American citizen;
ought not to be removed from such an office and
a foreign subject appointed, except in case of
.spine deficiency or lual couduct on; the
tiie former. .. With regard to Mr. Keenan, we
believe that, nothing of that sort is allegeil, while!
the testimony to his competence,, -and attention
to-his official functions is strong. Some of the
hfiost 'promiheht WMgs of Wes tern Pennsylvania,,
where: Mr, K formerly resided, have united in a
requEßt-for his restoratipn. ; --iV. Y. Tribune. .
, VDisTitEssiNa ’AcbioEST.—We ■ were deeply
pained to learn that. Mr. John Ripley, of Stoye
town, liad bech dangerously, perhaps mortally
woaadsd, on-,-Thursday 1a8t,,24th inat., by the
accidental,discharge of a gun in the hands of
Capt. Statler. ~ ' :
Capt. Statler, in company with a friend, was
out gunning and had just loaded bis gun, and
was putting on the cap, when Mr. Ripley ’ came
up from behind; the gun by some means was
discharged. The ball entered Mr. R.’s shoulder,
and,has not been extracted. : -
- v Nohiame can he attached to Mr. Statler, os it
was purely the result of accident. Tlie parties
arc- both men held in high esteem by all wlio
know them, and the occurrence is most deeply
regretted by their mutual friends. —Somerset
pin'torf;,' ■ ' - - ;
"r - The S'l.buiii:s K,.publican publishc sa letter Iroin
liexilVetoo, Missouri, doted July 15, which says that t!- p
hemp crop in dial region will fall much below half tho
usual yield. Sales hail been made at 385 to loose good
and prime.
,r#'t ■ \.l
■JV V'v,;' •
'“ \ '
St. Louis Republican wy*, & few day# ■ince- ; i
ascertained, is |lil» father of'iwo hule giilfS w|io fo|!6w
the piofeHSiou of begging)
our brokers, a»id depo«ited3lso in small change, in adv
Jlilion to a large amount previously deposited,Jor
keeping^ - ' This money was undoubtedly the prodilctbf
professional operation?. '. * .
The. Cincmnati'Enquirer/of the 26th ullrr-suys
.that. a. large quanuiyof, apuriousgold dollars have be£n r
pui in circulationfin that city. Tile counter eit is good,
witU- ihc eicepiion -of a i jight brass-color awl .light
Voarworm istyoDr'only emperor for diet: we;
fdi all creotures eUe,,io fat .us,, andwe faLourjelvea lor
maggon: yourfit yOiirieXn;beggi?'a?ebuv
varmble tervice ; r : iwo,dis&e'?, bUV'lp>.dne table, that’s
the end. A man may fish with the worm that hath cat*
en of a king; and eat of the fi?h that hath fed of that
worm’.. ‘‘
—— Plants perspire more abundantly than animals;
Thus a sun Qowt;r wUl*peripiro ih a warm day thirty
ounces, 1 or,as it ij|'flaid;as much as seventeen rnfeft/Tlm
stem of-a vine cut-off near the head, wiihabladder fast
ened lightly nround 11, will, in the.sun. soon semi off in
the form of perspiration, sap enough to swoll and burst
the bladder. • . ' . , . • _; - .
—— Itis told on the best authorlty/tha/an English*'
mnii wos introduced to the celebrated JoJmTJuiuer,
who could, and.diil, at will, throw himself into a state
resembling in every pariLcular actual.deaih After ma
ny-uccessfu* trials, one was ot length fatal, for he awoke
no more. •• • ■ i .
—»** Voung nißn« do you know what relations you
sustain in this world.? • a aid administer of our Acquaint
ance to a young 1 member of theeliurcb.. <v Ye?, sir, ,r said
the hopeful convert/ “twocodsinsbnd agrandmother,
but I dou’t intend to stistaio thcm much longer ”
—— l)r. Ephraim FeUp-Ws died al his residence in
Montville,Ct., on the lSticvlt, aged 84. Ho wasono of
ihe oldest pnysiehtns-inihe country;--
Chi Ist Church, the-first Episcopal church in Min
nesota, was consecrated by Bishop Kemper, at St. Paul,
on Sundsy, JulyiUih. • ,
L r—-. Two gentlemen la'ely examining the breast of a
plow on a stall ura market p!ace/*I’Jl bet you a guinea,’?
said one, “ y ou. i pn‘t know what this is for ” “Done* 8
said the other; “It is for sale.” The bet was won and
the wager paid -•
- Aii association of ladies, belonging to the deno
mination of Friends, has,been formed in Philadelphia,
for the relief of sick cbildfenduring the summer season.
They furnish gratuitously tickets foT rrcorsionv either
by railroad or steamboat. -In extreme case*,.if. prefer
red,- board in the fprmctherswlih
-their sick infanta,free of expense.' i •
—Jimny hjed has bended ibeM&76vaf Rochester,
N. V , 53,501 41, to be distributed among seven'of the
charitable instiullions.of that ciiyy undercharge, of,the
sev. ml denr minations of religion. It was the proceeds
of her second concertintbatciiy* . _.
—— .TheUxjited Stales biigl>olphin,Lt- Commanding
I*. ee, ha* been fitted out at the Navy Yard, Brook
lyn, for a scientlficrexpediiion. One of ihe objects is to
obtain soundings, if practicable, frOm the Bermudas to
the coast of England, - ...
TfaeGrcejnwcodCeinei’ery Company*; N Y., Bnb
cribcJ the to make up the -um of Sis>-
000, with which it is intended to purchase a msmmoth
bronze statue of Be AVilt Clinton; to be placed in the
abovc-nnmed cemetery - - . .
r~ Jenny Undjcceived,at Rochester,sevenOjibbc
wuys, who sang to bar thtir war soegs, receiving theij
riw nrd from her id the form of the Ecfround Birdsongs.
Tii y were delighted. 1
—— Bbsbfutne<s lB more frequently connected
good seiise than we find Assurance—and impatience, on
the other.hand, it often thc.cffeclof downright stupidity
. -—-’ The citiier.s 6f Auburil, N. V, tup moving effi
ciently *o secure tlte ofgonizatibn of a Female College.
Tiny hope, , with the aid of those inter* s:ed in lbotciiy
and eisevyherei to rai>e 800,000, V
■—- An unkind woul from one beloveds ofien draws
bloed from the heart which would defy the battle-axe of
bailed, or the.keenest edge of vindictive hatred. .
: - Tlie shoemakers 1 Of Wilmington, Del /declined
work ittg a bool two weeks, on trecounf of the reduction
of.wogcs. Two <-f tlie journeymen have rented a store.
in that city, and aTeabout commencing business on the
mutual p|an7-the laborers being interested in the tales.
"• ’Since the l§ih of May last, ihc court martlal of
fhe eastern Lombardo Venitinn districts has prtmonneed
2212 coiidemaoiions including 115 sentences of deatbi. ..
To thiuk that you can make pork out of'pigirdn,
or you can jbecome a shoemaker hydrinking sherry
cobblers, is the'hfight of lolly. - '
——.A clergyman, who fo»m« rly ifsided <u N-York,
thus writes from Oregon: Carpenters make from eight to:
twelve dollars a day, Jaborerafivedoilsrs, mtd washer*
women get from three to four dollars a dozen /or wash
ing- ; Healthy persons, who are accustomed (0 work and
willing to work, make moitey rapidly.
An auclumeerwas spoken to about the presence
of sundry ill favored women io his sales-Toom. He re
plied, that of all his they were the uioal/or bfrf
thng. /
Among-the:-mvcution3 of modern sci
ence,; few confer a greater benefit-onthe com
munity than tlmt . contribution of .Chemistry- ; to
the healing art, known.iaa Ayer'* Cherry
ral . in our advertising columns may be found
the evidence of distinguished gentlemen,' that
shows their confidence in; its peculiar efficacy to
cure distempers of the Throattffid Xunga.* , j
,:-i DIED!r
Vestctday .-aflernopo, JOHNvBLACK,: c'dtrst son of
Rev. A, \V. Black, in the. eleventh yearof Lis age. .
The lunerut will proceed M ibe. Allegheny. Cemetery,
from ibe tesideoce of his father, t omer or Fleming «.
end-North Common, Allegheny City, THIS AFTER
NOON, nt 4 o'clock. • •-
The fri nHa ef the family are requested (o cntend,
without funlier notice.
Adjourned' the n ßtgler ClubH
of AHegnenyCouJrty.
A meeting of the Club will be held THIS {Bator
day) EVENING. Aognst 2, at*7l o’eloek, lit the 'third
story of WILKINS HALE;
Ail good Democtrats are incited lo attend.
au* ; 1 W. W. DALLAS, Tres’l
JET* -Notice —The Regular Quarterly Meeting of
the VIGILANT FIRE COAIPANYVwiII be held at their
Halt,on MONDAY EVENING, Augusi4th,atBo’cloci.
Punctual,attendance of thememberais requested,'as
business of imnonaoce willbe tranaacted. . ■* • "
au2:2t. j/.v;-; : JAMES D. CARLINi/tfee’y.
a 'HE following described preterites arooffered.for
sale, upon cosy payinfehtsi: . . ' v../ • v 5
,/ A four,siory .brick Wai'cbddse and loiVih Pittsburgh,
on the fouih ?i(de of AVobd;'street, between Fifth and
Sixffiijuee’s, how occupied by Wm M’Culry.ACo: :/'
; Alfo— A Jot in ihe Eifthth AVard. Pmsbhfgh» hounded
by the Remington Rolling Milt bh the west, and frbtriihjf
about 120 feet on.ihe Monoaguhela river.: //'■■
Also—A house and lot.ift the city of Ariegheny. front
ing 30 feet oh the South Common, between Sytjddshy
street and Ensti Common. and runuiog bock, to Water
alley 240 ftiet, adjoining ihdpfbperty'orflafvey Childs,
Also—A lot,partly in Ross ond-partly-in. fieieise
townships, the -second 4ot* below<lbe Marine-Hospital,
fronting on tha Ohia add-containing about ,11
acres... . J .r? Vr3\ ; .-iv.’;' .
Also—A house and lot. in Allegheny City v now oceu
p*ed by_James Creswcih frontingonßanfc Lane/and
immediately under Seminary IltU, containing ahoDt 97
feetin front. ;■ • ■ n; '■ v; ;
Also—About three acres of g round.iirthe City ofAU
h>6heny v adjojning; : the residence of Charles Brewer,
fronting on Water Lane, near the Plank Road, with- a
large and handsomely built Mansion Hoate thereon,
ana two tpringe of water at either side thereof, now oc
cupied by s*i Chut:h.- Apply to ■ '•
JOSEPH KNOX, Attorney, dfly
Grant etreev Pittsburgh 1 . 1 ;f
Proposals for Locomotives andCars*
/ OpyidK gy tub Ohio aud Ptf srP* Ri.Jrci;!’:
. ¥} ROPOS AjLS will be .deceived by. lhe;upde't signed,
X .rot biiddhig, for the Ohio and Pennsylvania; Bail
road Comoany, Five Locomotive Engines Gild Tenders,
and Teh Passenger Cars,to 6e equal, in aU'respectr,ic>
ihose now used by the Conipaay.'f Aisoyfor Twahiy
fcUght Wheeled TlatiormCtirs, and Fifty- I igbt Wheeled
House Curs, for ihe trunsporlaUongf Freight: Theme
teriaFg arid workmanship will berequireatobe of the
-best description; and biddersareTequrstedtost&te the
earliest day at which they will undertake
Pittsburgh, any-number of-the engines or cars required
by tlid Company: WM. ROBINSON, Jr f i
aht:4t President.
To Schoql TeaclierSf : ■
THE• -SCHOOL DIRECTORS of Hobiason' lownsh : p
have resolved to open the public school s under the*
care on the Ist of Septwnber,ensuing. TbeUoardwiiJ
meeioti Thors lay, the 14th dayofAugost, atth;hoase
of Mri. Saralr M’FaTlapd, cn the Steubenville Turn
i ilie.ut 9 o’elocfc, Aw Mi,- to examine alt persona apply
ing rot- sitimioiis aaTencher»w;TheTrtißteesofthe
several mh-districts are requested to be vigilant in pro*
coting Teachers* and have mem forward lorexamioa
tion ; to attend themselves to witness the per*
formaoce. Terms of paymeat, and Jbe time the> schools
will be kept open, wilt be made known bn thatday*:
v-;; Secretary of the Board.
(Gajelte copy'] ; J
Allegheny county# fl®.
WU K. A CO: ) ; -
:■■••■ it:.: DißtnctCourt. .
)LS < vs. V Vend. Ex. No. 46*, April
t^X > t Term, 1851.
*JalV3lfttv 185l t on motion of Mr.M’Candleu, tbeCoutt
appoint J. M. Kirkpatrick, Era. Auditor, to distribute
the funds arising ft#m thotSheriff’s sale, among, lbs'lien;
'creditors; From the Beroid. .• -- - . ' t
CEO.- 9 - fIAYS. Proth’y., :
Parties liitereMea will toite BdUee'tliaf the Atidito^
Will attend to the ditties of bin appointment on Saturday;
TBib-'ofJßeptemtter, J6SV, >Xg %'cloctt; P. Wtf oiSuMcei
Auditor ?•
I~| AUGUST.—Wc are compelled to aay that-eyeiy
'monthly-- isiue of this unexampled Magazine rivals, ita
predecessor in literary matter of interest. The subjects
In this number are mostly new, and exceedingly instrttc*
tive j it can recommended as ono of the very
bc*t publicatioristo be obtained any Where. ;• ' : . %
11. Minor & Co., Smithfietd street* have lhe above.for
sale ias also, all ilia book volumes; from the commence;
'men!. «- -- :• ..... jaug j
i *
’54 . o' 1 '*-t •
' ';ryT:
ScribllingS ani) (Jilippingo. .- -'"
Valuable ReolEatate fbr Sole.
a4i2:t\vd&3lw ?
■ **. *
* " ,
;-.v -V't;•’■..'/s'.
special Notices.-. x
Sc Job Pfistiag OfUcQ. .
t |o*Tnß PrtpnetsTsofrtfieil&T«tn£.Feif begdcave
to inform their frienflstandihepnblid that they have re
ceived from the l*.: Johnson 3b Co.fFhila
delphia, a very lorge/Fiock'of ttqautifrii
•of every size and varieijr j.Thevrare now
prepared to execute ait kinds of Job and Fancy Cabd a style unsurpagseiLßy any Office in the
countr ,*and upon the iowestlerm^.
Pittsburgh) Jutie Q) 1851-
n^‘ SAI.E.^aTIoIV situated on Liberty
:skc.ct,&ptlh *l4e»bfliwecn:Hayand,MflTbury streets. -
Fonerms apply to JOHN SNYDER*
„ At Bank of Pmsburgh.*-
Cjf»Tflß name of WILLIAM W. IRWIN will be the Democratic Convention for nomination
as their.eaodidate for the office of President Judge of
thfr Court of QuarterSessioniof Common Pleas.: ;;.. • •*.
jy¥4:lc ■■ ■
- RecrUtor off'Wills.■—We-are s «tathonscd to an
nounce- that ANDREWJJARCLAY, of the City of. At*
letrlieny,-will be a cancudaieior the cfhce of. Register of
Wills, subject to the decisiOu of the Democratic.Conitly
Convention. - lyfctG..
• Prepared from Renneuor&tStomach <tfthe Ox, ;
HD**Oir-the 7tb-of MayflBsUHev.M.J>: AVilliatnai
Pastor of the Fourth PreabyicrianCburtU,in Louisville,
Kentucky, was and had been for a -longtime confined to
his room* and'nwkrofthe titae tohia bed, with Dyppepr
sia arid Chronic Diafihffla/aadwasviooll'appeairaM.'e,
on the very, verge of the grav/, and acknowledged tobe
so by.his physician, whohadtnedall iho.ordinary.meyis
m his power,-without”effect,-and- n»; the:above named
time, the bationl. with the ronseittof his physician, com*
menced.the use of Dr- Houghica^V. 1 PEPSIN, 1 ’ and to
the astonishment, surprise and delight-of all>-be was
much relieved the first day.-The third day >he left-hisr
toora. /The sixth day, which, was excessively hot, he
rode tea nuies won nouoa effect
went on a visit to and.oa ,ibq thilteeoth:
<iay,though not entirely’.restored to his aaluraratiedgthr
he was sofarrecovereiasid go aJdhiajouriVey ofT-uve'
hundred • miles. Where- be ranived ia- safeiy im
proved id health, having had no of rhesiorcf*
focU aro pot thisisa case which
ought to Convince all shepucs .that there u
“ PEPSIN.*’ Let physidansanddyspcpllcsinvestigatC.
KEYSER it MOJOWELLv Agents; */-
i Jell .sv • 5 m .‘lift Wood street.' \
Vt A. O. D.
{£/» Meets above Board of Trade Rooms,-corner ot
Third.and Wood streets, every Monday evening. ?
burgh aodAilef heny, meets ,onthesecond:Jdonday of
every month at the Florida House, Market at..
üß7y] : John Yornrs, ir„ Secretary, l*
•' . . dQi" i >ii ' '"l * ; .?•
fITDr. Gnyzott’s Improved Extract of
the largest sized bottles, contains more of the.pure llon
duras Sarsaparilla than any! other pteparatfonexiarij*
which is chemically combined with the, Extract ofYej*:
low Dock and the Extractof-WildCbetfy > making
the remedy more thoroughly efficiehr^hau• nhyother
Sarsapariliabeforo the public.'. Atibe T Bdme time 1 * it r js
perfectly free from all mineral poisons, whicheannot be
s&idof any other of the Sarsaparilla compounds; The
invalid should beware/of poisons;Mercury, Iron, .Qaf*
nine, Potash, lodine, Sulphur, ArsemcV arid many-other
mineral and metallic poiibnsenttri intofitttl fbrraißeaCi
basts of mo*tof. vhe SarsnpariUavimdPauaceasof Guyton’s Compound Exicacftf: Yellow. Dock
and Sanapanlla does not contain a particle ofAbeso
fiubBlances, a# any one can ascertain by applying the
necessary tests. • . w V
all poisonous Sarsaparilla preparation* alone, and'
ose'GuyzoUYlmproved Extract of Yellow Dock.and
Sarsaparilla, which is thoroughly effieaeions,- perfectly
harmless and purely vegetables All kinds or disease
yield to its genial influence.-. . . s
. See advertisement. f , :[aul^
Qjr HlaU to Poronta* One- great source; of
disease in children is the uuheolthine’ss of parents! ;It
would be just as reasonable, to expect a rica crop from
a barren soil; as that strong and healthy Children shouM
be parenls-whosoconstitundna have beeawom
out with intemperance and disease.. A 1 sickly/rainetday
be originally induced by hardships, accidents, or intem
perance, but chiefly by the latter. llis impossible that a
course of vice or impradence should /not spoil thebest
constitution ! and did the evil terminate'here, it wohldbh
a just punishment for the folly of (he transgressor ' But
not so For when once a r disease is contracted,and
through neglect in applying the proper mearisit becomes
rivitea in the habit, it is* then emailed upon, posterity.—
Female consiitaUonsxre os capable, of unprovement a?
: familyeatntes—and ye who would wish to
only, your own health, but that of your own
eradicating the many distressing diseasesthatare entail
ed through neglect or imprudence, lose no.time in puri
fying the blood and cleansing the system; •' Married per- r
sons, and those about to be married, should hot fail to
pariiy iheir.blood.foxhowmaoy transmit
ted to posterity, . How often do we see Scolds' Scrofula
und a thousand Other affliction*,' transmitted to the rising
f;eneration, lhat might hnve been prevented by this tithe
y precaution!. To accomplish which, there is-aolbihg
betore the public, or the wh'ole world so eSectdal as Dr.
OF SARSAPARILLA,'combiuiug Yellow 1 Uock and
Burdock, with the pure and'genuine HondurasSarsupar
ilia.’ For general debility duringihU'wana weatherj’ U
. acts like a charm, restoring,elasticity of lausdeiind vi*
gOT, with sprighihnessof intellect - i . . i ?
. . WTiolesalpand RqtailAgcnU, -
• 140 Wood si, Pittsburgh.
For sale by D. M. Corry Arid Jokeph 'Cfouglass; Alle*
ghenyCity,andby Druggistsgcnerlly.[ielSnliwOm
O.G. HUSSEY. Pj»rt/'wV«%HUUW. MARKS. Sec*r
Office—No. C. H. Gmnt.
or risks, ohHouses/Manuicct iries,Goods* Merchan
dize in Store, andlnTnmsimVessels',Ac, , ..
V Ah ample guaranty for thenbiliiy and imegnty-ofilbe
Institution, isafforded in the charactet.of theDirectbta,
t?ho arc a! i citi?ens-ofPiUaburghp»ellanti favorably
knownto the eommumtyfottheu prudence; intelligence
end integrity. -irr:
JDtBBCTOES—C. G. Hussey, Wo. Baga’cy, Writ; liari
mer, Jr.,Witiier-B?y<uu, i UugbP,Jilrig l Eilward Heaiel
lon 2: Kinso,v i»nrbauglj,SiM. K>er. y - ; ;
Ci7* OddB l ell<y\r6 , Hall* Fourth
street,' Ititoten Wood and- Smiufficld sfr*efj.—Pittsburgh
Encampment, N 0.2, meets Island 34 Tuesdaysof each
month. . . .■■.■» *-*
Pittsburgh Degree Lodge,No.4, meets 2d
Mechanie s ,l«pdge,'Ko. < O'linoOtsnyeryThars(|ayoven
■ Star Lodge; No. S4j meets every Wednesday
evening. „ ' . * -* -v- ■•'
Iron City Lodge; No/182.tneeis-every Mondayev’ng.
Mount MoriahjLodge; No! QQO> meets every Fri Jay
evening*v,. : .
Zocco Lodge, No. -T35, meets eyery Thursday evening,'
atthetr Hall, comer.of Smithheld nntLFlffK streets
.Twin City,Lodge,.No. W/meetieVetf. Friday even
ing. 1 Hall,'corner of Leacock and
leghenyCity. -^troay2ti;ly-
CT’ Angcrona Lodge,l. 0. bf O. F.--Thb
Angeroaa-irfxige. Wo. 233,1. 0. of O. meets.- every
Wednesday evening in Washington Hull, Wood street.
:>!' Xijrof the City of PKtohhr&tn / r
w.-w. ’Dallas, Presn.—Robert FiNNEYi>scc»y.
oK fig*inst;FlftE, and MARINE RISKS
st t
- ®ißEcxo»:; V"
-TißtPfe Patterson. R. H, Hanley; R. B
•Simpsoo, Wm.~Al.-EU.
gar,EdwardGregg,A.P.Anßhuli, Wm.Collingwocdvß
C. SawyerChasvKent.'Wtn.Gonnan l fet»2u
, y/v .: P«trplomql,v
Uuaiinrion Ob., Pa. t l&areh 4> ’5l.
SL.M.'Kierr; Dear Sir—Your Peiroieam is working
woi«JcTS~iir ini? vipnityj—therefore, we would than fc
you to send bsiwo doxen'by the Pennsylvaniaßailroad,
we are entirely btttj'and
every ddyV' i ' Yours, respectfully.*! il / _ > J.) < 5.« r
v; X .s.-.:
••-•' HaywwCtfj Ashland Co. v Ohib,March ID,
S.M.Kier: weekssince,
left with us foatdoxen-Bock Ol| t wnlch webavesold.
f lease- forward to er:si* teea j>• f . v
Yoar medicine i* workiqg woador« nvitoa regionr-
Wc can obtain several excellent certificates, UyouiJe*
sire them, -.u,, v - Yours,. Ac,, >~ W. AV.;s€OTT. -
?..F.r 4 McDowell, 140 AYooAaireet
E.Sellers, 57 Wood street; B. A. Fahnestock,A-€O.,
comerof.Wood and Front streets; -IK-M.-Curry; 0>- A*
Elliott, Joseph Douglas *y and 11. P. Schwqrll, Allegheny.
Also, by the proprietor; ' - ••• - 3;M. KIBR.
aprSO Canil Basin, Sevenths^Pittaburgb/
Muttfal Life Insurance Company*
CAPITAL, @1,380,000.
CAPITAL, 8300,000,; /.
.Eit_Qfiice fortheabovflLCompanieain the Warehouse
of L. 8. Waterman A Sans* No.fii Water street,
• J IL H. BEESON, Agent. -
Pltnbamh Lift lbBUT«aee Company.
-CAPITAL @loo,ooo*’ ?
IP** Orates;N6.'9ft Fooßfß •,■ \ ,j
. President—JameaS, Hoon;
Vice Presidpm-rSamnel M’CJurfcan.
Treasurer—Jo*opUS. Leech.
ID* in anothei pan ofthls paper
. r r
_ merits of JAMES - S. CRAFT,
Eitt'V have pointed out ruch general attention to bis
name ns iA« ( candidaie f mo«t certain *to ba iaccessfal in;
ihe .electioh to the Presidency ofthe Common Pleas—-
that ithasbeen hitherto; deemedtinneeesmry to present
his ntundthrbu£h'{h6.PreBsfbrnoininatidh by ibe,t>en)n*j
cratlo Cobveniion. 1 As.s: pnteticarmahx>f hosiness he:
htia no superior ihi the State,as knownby' bis
measufesm the Legislature of Pennsylvania,|u thedi«i,
astrous wintdribf»B29, 1 30 and 5 3t.His experieneeas
amercantileaad manufacturing lawyer, insurance agent,
and auditor and master in ctmacery; and fiumliar bc*;
qn&intance wittelegal practicevadd'ieveliOn to study,
gave him in 164& the almost naanupoas recommendation i
ofthePmsburghßarTor- the:Supremo .Court, and eml- :
neatly qualify him for the office to Question, which require;
his peculiar working abUitleatonll. - ■ : *-•
••’i jy |7.’lf'- 1 7 -ALLEGHENY/.
Nasos & Co. ?would >fespectfdHy.announce, to .tbq;
citizens of Pitisbqrgbf Allegheny and vicinity, that they;
have had a large; Gperaiipn, Room, with e Glass Root
and Front, built and arranged expressly'for ihe purpose:
of- taking Uaguerreptypc Likenesses.
guerreotypesj on the. best, materia), are token al'lhis es
tablishment* pr>der supermieiyience of the
propiictors. ' , •*/..' -it-V’cV'r--. 1
The arrangement enables them.: also -to tafce Fanuly;
Groups,of any numberof persons, in the most perfect!
manner., :
: Likenesses of Viek or diseased-persons, taken in any
partof theeity. * -- • •.&:% I
• Gallery at the Lafayette Hall, Fourthstreet, comer of
Formhand Wood streets. . Entrance on- Fourth streei.
febl4:ly . * * * '■ t^V ' ' ... ?
Fosttnfff Ae»
,J 0" Attends lo Collecting, Bill Posting, Distributing
Cards and Circulars fbr/Parues* Ac*, Ac.. r r
fp*-. Orders Jed atthe Oißcoofthe; Morning Pott, or
atllolmes* Periodical-Store,Third st.,will-be promptly
attended toV ' " - . [ray2l:ly :
. [p"l« O. of O* F*—Place of Meeting, Washington
Mall, Wood street,between sthand Virgin Alley. ;
Ptnssnßou No»V3d"r>Meeta»eveiy:TiiQaday
f.eening,--.:/.---hr.r :r-.- *■
MKScasnzjt EncaaiuvHV, No. 67—Meets Ist and 3d
Friday of eaohitnoplh* ' fqw2fc~-ly y
ICHOH ewry Day at Bi Perry’ll, in «h 0
Diamond, at half-past 10 o’ctocV. Jyl&tf
;:y* - >v T \
ri'‘."V':':* ~ v
.. . \ »
- '»>: ,
Greenwood Garden*
-tX mng Roses, Raspberry, Simwherry, Gooaebeiry,
Rhubarb,Grape Vines,luidy Monthly Roses-and tvery
Ejant necessary to ornament yards endgardens, will
e found at Greenwood Nursery. An Omnibus ienv> 4
} he corner of Market and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh every
half-hour, for the Gaideii. Ice Cream? ami other re
freshinentfl served up in the Saloons
Orders addressed to the Proprietor, West MuncliPeter
Atleghem towny, Pa., will receive prompt attention.
. jyas:tf ' J. M’KAIN
Health Office.
T|MII? jvulillfl- ato i nfjrmettahaiTTbe-f} PFi(2 E- O F THE
I BOARD of HKM.TII or llie of Ptiubtirgh le
ol No. 09, Grnn street, between. Fourth nod Diamond
slreete, where a I Notices and Communications for the
Board ntoi btptofi- J HA«cfa«a A
1 '''' ■ ' ' ‘ . occiclaty.
Valuable at PuivTte Wale,
f|lH& undcrsignedoffersfofadieatmoGdrauipfrcts and
Xon easy terasof payment,ihe foliowme chv Drrm
ortyjVfes— —*«.*-/?
, No. I- Four eligible Building-Lots on ,Q«iarrVr st-eei' -
*each 2S-feoMr<tntfry l&Ktfetfr -X iitSale'iriv
{opposite the . f.. ; .
i ; Si. .One Lot of Ground on Second streeiTra feel front
by 85deep. * j ' < \ l •
r 3* fefCfroiit bv
jlOOdeep. s
•. 4. Two Building Loi?,.cne.fiOJeetJlYobt, the other sJS
.feet front,on ilie western cornerof Walnuiam} Quarry
streets, by 107 leet deep. „ H -7
i ■ TwoßpildingLo ij,eacliCOfeetfrontontheeasteni ‘
icojpet of.Walniai ar,dQoairy .fltrwti,by ; JOOf'reclvilfiert:"
; ■ & A Block of Lois Stta-feeMront- by 300 fei:t‘ deep’ on
Quarry street JAMPS BLaKCLY,- ~
; jcSO IklSi cotTCth-and-LibeTtT^ts.vaec&DdHiorv
.Athenaeum Ualooas
.mi!E SpßSCtttnEßTeepceifoll/ informs the*l*oiie« 15
> Uentlenten.-.pftlte cuiesnoJ-vleinilyvibache
has i«itrd the ftfcoYe splendid TSstatUnhmeitr/anft h
prepared and will lieliappy to.serve them with • a.stipe- -
on^'o toerTefrejjhniem*m ‘
riheir season. He bega to gay he flatters himgein
>h>s ]pug ; ejcpenonee.andcoDslanl efforts togive sati«fac- J
fiidU/to.Jiis guests, and hopes to receive* stinteof'pnblfc.
ipatrouage. '■'■l ' l ' ■ l ' ‘•* J> **"' ,JV -‘
' Every tiitenuon wilt also be *p&id to thaTSkihsuhtF
rß r” Itr 1 -
_ advantages oune. xuuiu» .. «plplSttkk^PlanV-s
(as heretofore applied).comhtaeit nfl.metytXow tales'or
premium j-aitaanusi.mnut in. cash dfjEepercenloge
required -for-the comingenunslCvoCthp' jrear janaoe
<joate,but iiotexcesdvepmvisionfor. ibeityture security
of members for the, wboleierm of liie,wimin eqaiiahfc
: interest in tbe accumulating, (and secured ji such, mem
bers, payable it . rriiiiti -their poil
.eles-/ a gaaranty-fund dcsigHeJ?fdrtiepefmanenl secu
rity of short lei m
icurity of those for ihewhofcicrm ~
i .■-?■UJ-'This i? the,oolyMntQainifipTnsiitanceComn any.,
/.whose rates of premiHT%arejixediiiifivir.reduced aiatf-"
jnalaiion ©ttundi (for future security} in eiaci'propoV
from advandngige imong jfae f
7 Pampb!ets'. tractF,‘ac., gfVlh? i inibfatl # nm plan and
: : rates of lhe : Company,faraisheifgratig.and applications.
'lot m<urane^^v-X.~TURBKTr^iAgetsli'» f
" : IS9, Wood fUiei,,pitW)Jlrifb.£e
: >;8ahl : OtLiyoKcitj ftledical {( {v^ J
' Store-Room;
Tim Mibicriber offers for] Ten aaci,4af2tft *
iwell-finijlicd STOUI'- ; y<?yslS,ciitir)-:ly iie>y,j[filjl
! Ideated on Fifth street, opposite the . Kjcbange 'Bank ~
Wilt be given immedluidyV 'ForHeVriWi 4cul
applv to ' M 1 H:!CAMPBKDI.f<.a a
• jy3oc • ■ . j j ;_ti im on y
Pittsburgh Life inauranc^Xlompsuiy.'.l
nrihree Mrn foreo^aVAgcritJ-r
Tt active business mem iNone otbewneM itpplr., V»
jy3o;tw ;. C. A. COhtQttf^eVy,,
-«> vt'lNfri WATCHfcia.-—A
Gold; Pfffem-ljever; Watcher, xaeeivedrby fti
among which; ardi splendid Pocket Ohio-.
ftraF«ffifipmQtcr*,of nlah; double
lagj ruFOj.plain .uud engraved. of various'stylo's at>4
potteniB,at ' ll! RICHARDSON’S, ,**,
iy*>- ~ - - —Si Marketstreel:. ‘
...i ? ::,;'-,-.'.'gor Sah*;;; " *• ?, :
X'Allegheny,pity. The hot is
etlcridmff ffbrri'h Ic'orfterat Oay Bllby
ty owned by tho lh'biwtttiit MclUrtdist ChifrcS.-J-Tbb
provememsnteo threestory.Brick: Dwelling, wellJfin;
There IS prObdbJy/naxnore pleas
ColiVy for private residences i it the City thiniiHe Lot now;
signed do notperroabmt
ertyv&nd hence liieppr to sell. It Will ’
gaiu, if application be made soon. For pi;ice'hha terma,
of paymeot, refer to,Mry Morrison FoaleTjtiirihc W&te
bonse: of-F. M’Cortniclt* Esq.j or Jobn-FlemmgYiEsq.*
. Allegheny City. - ■■?:.•. -,h »<i .-mc*.?* i\f.
Jvte. . : WM. B. FOSTER,* JRf 5, ...
• -Manchester mineral V«,
4jl. peen dtacdVdfaf.ih;th&BHU>«lfiiJ'MihchßBler, Pa.:
which; in xUb vnriety, richness jfc&
ldts l surpaSs*s any yc» been
;iaHU*bmetit has been erfrcted for.
which oar mhtket iiinpw supplied at '
- Jbti article, is almost etiUTeiy.iepmpos&^th e rTS d
and black oxid of iron nnd:alum>na.wbje)vpwKt£beffii
callywiih oil or which.wlien it heebies
dnr l 'a.hnrd, «oli«t.ijicomhQstihre subslflnrctjpipers'ious
to t water, is produced.- ‘A coaifiig' bfihfi dfflQnythidg
soon becomes drivoml fprms.n!solid crasVtibon'it'fthfch
cannot he -eSeeiaaHy protects it
i from theiufioenee of thd ? air,;Ma( atid‘ iiiotstttte; l tt jhy
i Uierefore; ajfirc;proof
There PQTo"rS pf/Jhlftifoiht—all of
which are kept sepanuefyaTjLingfrpTp a light yellow la
adarkbtQWJt T maybe, supplied
any of theVe: which they muydestre or fancy.
ing tlieaf colors fi ateptp/jrorntiy of.them-may-be -pro
duced, all of rrh'ch qroppramaeliC -.linhis way a beau*
lityl stone colorjhujr bo pcctwcctfA Thovvariety of its
m4kV this pditftfof /
THis : Phjht may bemused, for painting almost any work
W which paint is applied,
fenccs i .hur,icane_ decks and chimneys ofsteambeats,
roofs of hc-Uies, io* protect, thcm und water,
csH.ugtfof.nU hindst &.c. v ’
‘lii&a£ood.?ubsiiiuie for thd
*“a P M f ° ta g ' em " mneii of P ut P ,s! " ,™ d fa ,“#•>.
Thfspmnt is iif . the form Df aiV -impalpable
and put up in barrels—thoaghiican bepurchasecLTronv
thfrsgenisih ntiy quarnirira: Painters' ar4Tre?pectfuHy.
give -
V and
• JOHLjhOHLEK, DragahtV JOHN .
Manutotftt'ryifTß'ifiepTCnrieiorti^.oii'. l 0
;. _ PUODER & FOBD;^.
tin MANCHESTER (MlNERAlti?PAlNl!<prepafed by
PcrpOBS A Foss* ami find that it anawersadcu
rably all the purposes set forth Tin the above* and lean,.
tfaerefoi« t : recdmn)end; it-TOth cotilxdeoca»ta>:lha;inen]-
bcrs ofihotradc*a*aeheiipa,U valuable Paint, rape-,
rior totnir of the'kind how.’in use.r: : v,j->
aal:3mdAltw;.-; ; A. SPEEB.
.... O’DouaeU, MuttSOTCoT “7T
. Pittabuxgh Vkair : :4nd CabinetWar.ellooynsl ?
3v AfANt/RACTUKERS-of Cane fecal Parlor
■TlJll Chairs; Oano.i4aai. Roc Icioij.Cijaira: Bc-
Vf lOTtt cepitou aml-£avalid? Chair*:‘ Cane Seat
- \SfiSbw , ofc and Country House Stools; Settees; Loon
• - WSSrW cbm:
- wMSI
ff *• h a their
warranted tuil'hl.n material anaworkriiaii
willfind*t to ihetrospeciat call^’nd
forthemselves preyioq* .jto£dittg tpaewherc. * ’
( Steanibpaiartnd : :Dwe,llu)ga (droished • at*.the'shortest
n°Uce..All orders panofcatyy attended £6/ ‘ ■ ljySs '
;-■.Wanted*■•Vf r f
-or - - r K' , S Coach Faclory,.^
,gg • . - fv/;? ~ -- ~-".. :':.'rPiiunond-alrey.
ESTER LOTS: lftbseit>
■ beraiwill tell at PobUciAactiontOJt ihepreinisfc.jfa
comber of: VALUABLE UKTB, Ueint p#n
of theestaieknotfcas .‘fthetOompanyProperiy,** rt».
nte in the borough of Manchester, on Saturday* Adjust
{id, at3o’clock,i , -M. Thoauleto commeuce ocltfanci
Lone, and 10 be continued on Chattier/sir#ej:. -’These
Lou arc toaweltknoorn to heedany parUcul&fdescriiw
uon or Tccommeudaiion. Tho eariy completion of ihe-
OhUf&Utt: Pcnnfiylvania-HaHrdadrTtbeir^ocation'in tho
neiguboihoodof iheobtfr Ue&ol~tbe rapid- iocrease of
popujaiidn itLihat; ; yichmy; tish'iir “thfc
ynlue <jfTwnJWiy*rmake ln
fprovemem and investment: Tbetitfe'iß gbbdybeVotfdu
v and,tbey all incumbrance.-.' c dr t ‘ >
yfersp*«~One fifth cash, hndthe.-bMaticfednddeMwo,
three aud.four ihipTest annua# £Trdm da}'Wf
aMe,secured by bond and mortgage. ■■-.yy
/.For/uViberparticurors or forTrorchV&'afnHMtbgttte '
urpl/to GTOKGE BREElLpro.''l(» > WbbdWMr.'‘/ ,3 :T
3xai:3i»„;‘-, • ; : w 'TtRKB3-A i ßCiyLC , A^Vi > re-. r - }
- 1 •i. i 2.V- . a.OttO.f-v ■„ j
•A' LL PKKSONS JnteresUuT vvilU laie’ iioiico
A WIfAJAM TAYLOR, o(,tb<i Eighth Wardof: the
City of P-iitsbn tab. BrickmhkegorL the MiH nfyWhito.
1851, executed to ttieunijeriigned a Deed of Assignment
of all his Estate, in :HUsl for tho bcne§tof his creditors
-All persons indehtedtosaiA Taylor ore.Mqnesteil io
make immediate; payment, and* persons paying claims
will ptesenmhem.i.sij .f. HOWARD, Assignee,; "
1 Office 4th br-- SmilbGelq anilGrsnr ■
ASECONDHAJND'FIANOrfBnnjOfaatarcd't>T - i£;fl<.
' ScffEHHj Philadelphia,six octaVet^xnabcgsnycase,.
id goQd order. S|5. Forpale by ' --••■•
iy 3l^- ' •;/;>**?»*?> MEtLOR*
Arrangement Made Jtb' Foinriutt Freight
“ h 'V to Baltllaiore tn-FivcDAyg/
A 1 T iHe rhtds' di tbfr Pennsylvania l Raitfoad
jfi Corapany -Ve'cefjit |PhI 1 v £
1 PauQhipi;Wayfioair«tt;i
- s btfrhhF?d>£|
ODFHBV.AIALAKIBgiVbr.tIie 1 Liro<jf : ttn Attiifbr
Phil Ttlom “ 3 M ‘ " V ' ,h lweni y-fo«ill.ijstrhiioii*
‘ Travels io llio -United ■Siaies-etc,. durin? IhJO ami
1850. Byiba Udv Emelina SiewaTt!wori ey ,
i Nd. &bf Lablrfand , -
•ri.e J •“
No. 47 Harkel.slreul..»
at Hugh
A - 4 t«iree|,;iniaffler lot ot
ralcoifaQaleftitek;, anlolo, fit present much in
trague, and BtA».t‘iinftd'teuient nn';ibje'dta style, which
lt !f,ES!’.^ < &^J r «l>o?iMly eall'otid-exainlne.
_ ' Stray Moi I *©,’ t -
v_A township, on ihfc Falrview •fttiad, B'bbut-iwn'rail..*
£.T* A^ al '.? 8 ? RREI( »OHSE%«4«u t trd?a iS.
h*ads fugl],'wiia natatoinßisrfottliead;aad-t «aalli
bridle mark on ea-itijudeor his head, is,
ISi 11 .'»i» d ir , oo ' Be^OIW 2 I<l ’ ~roVO P'dPeWiPay charges
M&utM'htm,«my#er be ; wi|| be dhpfuedor aeeardlax
• A : .gy fcCULATION.- ? Fntt . a yfllmhlri nrnnnrYn
baying a fronbon.Recd.stwet bl 138 Jbit by «3b UeS)
Delawaie.Lane; ; presenting pp opponnniifr of layinjrofr
twenty a« large fiaildlng Lois ; or would make ii^°"
iiablexonmry.rejidence, iMlptailon being htalihySd
pleaeanb There u a smpU ftame,-Ji'on*,i
nees and other improvements. : immediatc ; nosse«<>lhi
Price SIGOO.-: ‘ ■ 3. CUTIIBKRT, Goo'laS,,.
aa> " ,n : No- SOSmitbggWml
■ln the matter of llie As?ien-' "1 , ..; , ....
raentof Watrlclt,Mdtlin & Col A - - . - i'T
10 ’ • iNo.SSO c t.Tcn»,Bu iJi :
W; Si.Coiirtuey &S. HBibaugii j ■ .
jS&SI*, Asd Now, io wit, July sg, ISat: Bo*ulb
,*|Rg!BBfc memary occoum or.Kssifjneus, present, l
open Cour , coniSrtanj onS iplerea;
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