The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 15, 1851, Image 4

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✓ TO DEALERS IN COHN—Wo are pro-
-Al-.;pare<Mo contract lor the delivery* in Pittsburgh oi
Com to the amount ot 5,000 bushels,more o t less; a
. small part in the ear; and the balance shelled. ?
... . maigS RHODES Jk ALCORN;
v.fftA-TS. WANTED-We mil pay-cash for 5,000 bash
V/ goo.d heavy Oats, well cleaned. i ’ ’' • i .
PREMIUM MUSTARD, of our own manufacture,
constantly on hand ana for sale by
ACID—IO ca c eB foraale by- -■
X b. a. Fahnestock &;co.,
corner First and Front sis.
- ; ' ■ A LCOHOL—3O bDls. of different atrenetb, for saic by
~I3LACK LEAD—I2VO tfcs. powdered, best qualitJv for
J_> saleby ’ Emar2S] - B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO,
WaAt-250 t&B.for safe by ; ■
-, “ mftf23 - B. A FAHNKSTOCtv &CO
- T\YKWOODS-250bhU-chipped and;ground forwle
•- v v yvjj ty •- 1 lmar2Bl r / S;A. FAgNESIQCR & CO.
COPPERAS— 25 bblfi for sale by
marge B. A. FAHNESTOCK fc CO.
EAR CORN—3GO bush to arrive,—will be sold low on
the wharf. Apply to
mar2G • . RHODES fc ALCORN.
SHELLEDCORft —3PO bush to arrive tbi* we ek—wTi
:be sold low on the wharf. Apply to * ■
GHOPPEO~FEED--Gn band and lot sale by '
• marts • , 117,Third st., opposite St. Charles Hotel-'
SOAP— 100 boxes for sale by
/marts STUART & BILL.
i~lANDQ£S—sob"oxesfo"r"fiale by r
4 ViIASSr-ibo'boxeaSxlOlorsale by ■ •
U mar2s , ;... • STUART & SILL.
TIIMBACCOr—SO boxes -s**,prime, for sale by ■
,1 maT25 ■. , STUART A SILL,
lt* tOAß—€Qbbls lusi received and for sale by
Jf ntar.s _ STUART A SILX
' x^^OUß—lsobbls superfine for sale by.
% Jl tnarts STUART A SILL, 124, Wood street.
fTI ROUND PAINTS—In Oily neatly put op m uncans
XJC- of 1 fe to 10 &s.. each. Amougsl which arc—
.Manne Green; PansGroen ;
Chroma Yellow; Black
Yeilow Ochre? TerraDe Sienna;
'Prussian Blaej • Umber Raw;
Umber Burnt. :
. mar 29, • , . • ■ corner Ist and Front streets
• . Air bODA—2O casks English for sale by
- mart’g B, A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.
kiOTATOES—IOO bbls -and CO sacks for aalo by
JL ■ xoar,gs ... , STUART A SILL.
*t ALL PAPfcK— Largtsi assortment t» the IFai,—
# Y ; Consislmg of French anti American Paper Hang*
.-legs for Hall?. Parlors and Chambers, at prices ranging
fro©6ic. to $$ per piece. Fotsale by
85 Fourth street.
f|>Cr HOUSEKEEPERS—Orders for Paper Hangers-
X can be left atthe Wall Paper Store of
raatgl ' W. P. MARSHALL.
: * - 'pAPER HANGINGS—spbiho selection. Will to
. , X received by first canal arrivals, a new and choice
assortment of French and Eastern Paper Hangings, in
- gold, damask, boquet and ■ plai n patterns, together with
a large lot ofeheap satin and common papers.
,:: . mar 7 . . W; P. MARSHALL; 85 Wood su
TEAS!. TEAS!—One handre. chests prime family
Tead,for sale at.the Central Tea-Store, comnnsinz
oil varieties. D
Jnst receiving afresh lot ot Fifty Cent black and
gTten Teas, which have gained so much popularity in
this city- Sold, wholesale and retail, by
.gftrtq H. C. KELLY.
FAMILY GROCERIES.—Mocha, lava, Rio and La
guayra Coffees; Loaf Sugars ; Dried Fruits; Rai-
Bias, Currants, Golden and Boston Syrups; sugar H-
Molasscs, &c., for gale by [>narlBj tf. Q. KELLY-
• TX/ HOLfbSAbL GKOCi^HXbis.—Jusi receiving—-
. f f 100 bags Rio Coffee, prime;
2 casks Cuba Honey;
• .10 boxes v\. H.Grani'g Tobacco:
10 do Russell & Robinson's do:
5 bbls No 1 bnlraon:
; 2 casks prime Cod Fist;
5 boxes Lovering’s D. R. Sugars :
. ■ mal^B H. C. KELLY
■ 1f"l BBLS. LG&s for sale or
.. IV marie •
PRIME DRIED . EAOHE&—for sale.
marlB . H. C. KELLY.
WANIEI>— 3,u00 bush, of Heavy Milt cleaned Oats
suitable for Oat Meal. • RHODES t ALCORN
rcarlS, .. 107 3d st- y opsositc 8t Cnarles Hotci-
BREAD POWDbRS— A. few boxes or excclJcnt
Yeast on hand and for sale by -
. ;: marlB RHODES <t ALCOB\-
ER LARD 01L.—19 bbls J. L* Cowming's
ml Winter Lard o*l just received and for sale
SiarlB Nos 221 A 223 Liberty si
SUGAR.— 10 onus prime. Plantation sugar just receiv
ed and forsale by .
Plantation- bbls Plantation
Molasses, oak packages, in store and for sale by
G)F% BBLS. No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil for sale by
***/ marts . KIER & JONES, CanaMJasin
Of I TONSJumata Blooms for sale low,to close.
**\J mar!3 KIER A JONE
lO •BUL'* l , No. 1 Mackerel for sale low,to close.
li'UUS—*o bbls. just rcc’d and for sale by
- °**r2o oi Water street.
*BLES—IOO barrels Green Apples for sale by
mar2o T. WOODS A SON
LARD OIL—4O bbls. No. 1, just received and for tale
_ corner Fuat and Wood sis.
Have on hand and for sale, pure Spices, Flour,
Chopped Feed, Roasted Coffee, Nuts, Ac.
N.B. Grinding and Roasting done iot Hotels and
t'aimlfea at the shortest notice.
marlS F. R. DRAVO.
100 bbls extra Superfine Flour;
100 do Superfine do ;
50 do Fjjic do;
Forsate by F. R. DRAVO
ifIOOMS—SU dor. large brooms f(>r suie ai ilm low
* price of 31,12 fr & doz [marlO] WM. DYER.
r K—l9 bags just received from S. B. Thos. Scott.
mailP. WM. DYER.
»Ss—packages fresh Eggs"
T AKD—IO kegs No. 1 Lard, jast received and for sale
XJ_ by - [marlQl -WM. DYER.
BACON— 10 casks Sides: ———————
8 do Shonlaera j
17 do Hams; Ileceived per steamers
Navigator and Dismal, and for sale by
»«rl7 C/fRSON & M^KyiGHT.
.JSREaSE LARD—I 73 tierces Grease Lard, received
per steamers Washington and Fleetwood, for sale.
'pEATHERS—4,OOO fis, prime Feathers for sale by
'pEACUEfr- SiOO bush. Dried Reaches lor sale nv
BACON Hams, Shoulders and Sides, In .smokehouses,
for sale fay (marlBj KIER A JONES
./pU|tPBNTINE.-25bbIs Spirits rurpeimne on con-
X signment and for sale low by F. R..DRAVO,
mans No 1 Diamond
BLOOMS.— 76 tons No 1 Juniata received and for sale
by (marlSj • KING A MOORHEAD.
'll OMtNY.—2S bbla superior white Hominy receiving
maTlB No 207 Liberty si
IV®’ 8 LOAF SUGAR—S bbls for sale by ■
J. 3 mar!B _ WM. DYER.
° Wn co
jna,l7} . 107 Third Bi.,oppo°u^'| r a;h^rie?{lo l 't.|
WATCH REPAIRING—Executed in every
ATariety, with superior workmanship and w arrantea.
Net work made, Ac. [marlgj W. w. WILSON.
SALE—2 second hand 18 gallon Copper Kettles
-Apply to fmar!7l RHODES A ALCORN
signment, and for sale singly, at whaJciale price*
' d S, z^ a Mrt splendidly finished Maps of this
ulu lt J This is the most recent map of the State pub
+ ■ joshed, and embraces all that-is desirable in a perfect
_°*arl corner of Market and Fourth sta
_?J, v*? kITAfeY GOODS, AC.—During tho alteration
findme iJ?<hi, a ™ m th a fron i of m ? 510 r - customers will
rear and 00 second story, with a larae
unusually fo4 S '°w ° f^ ll s °°^ s ln m Y.line, and pricls
IS> n |w.. .!??■ "j“ !ch repairing continued as usual in
the shops in second story. w. W. WILSON U
W : edrner of Market and Fourth su.
ATCiIES— Receiving and on hand, an
assortment of the best London, Liveroooland
• neva manufactures, and warranted as to
time—fine finish and durability. tape^d"
-P ar lS corner QfMarketTniTF^fnlflU
cstrsitmt Spoons i c j best matcnal and iho low
tmarlgl w - w ‘ WILSON.
■J> r? forsaiyf^i^ ll !? - ' < ' n i nc ’ s ’' Labor saving Soap
• marls the bar, at the manufacturer’s prices.
wm. dyer
forsalo br RED HA bl—lo,ooo pieces in smokehouse
iorsato by [marisi WM. DYER
rUiOVERSELD- 1 , bbls. for sale low by
V .. nar * g . WM. DYER.
0-oV C i? bbl “ r ver >’strong old Cheese for
-sa»e at [marlS] WM DYER
FINE i-LOUR—OO bbls. une Flour for sale cheap.
marls •• : WM. DYER.
■JT\RIED PEACHES—l2bbls.superior halves for sale
AJ ■••marlS ,\psCu'-sr . » > ■ WM. dyer.
Bees WAX-WAN TED—I,OQO lbs. firsi-rate Beeswax
for which the highest market price will be paid
marts ; . . WM. DYER.
T>UTT£R—3O kegs and 2 bbls for sale by
.-’OROOMS—2OO. doz in store and for sals by
j, 8,-WlUlamJ t Co.)
Comer of Wood and Fifth streett, Pittsburgh,
HAVE IN STORE, and to arrive during this wcofc
the following goods of the : most recent importa
tions; which are onered on accommodating terms:
III? Chlty b±sl prime drcenlSS patent zinc Wash-.
' Tea, • : bohrds, . .
4* hf chest* '.do •' <lo’ 60 bxe extra pare Starch,
4G do Oolotig and Cbulanj ■'2s do Saleratus, »
100 bags Rio Coffee, 75bbls N.O Molasses,;.;
15do LaguayrAand Java, 15 do SH - da
CO boxes B’e. fi’s, i and 1-R». 10, do. Golden Syrup,
■ • lump Tobacco, 25 do;X<oa3, (prushea and
35 bbls Nos 1 and 3 Mack-.- —Powdered Sugars*' ">■
erel. .... :;‘ssolbsSecdlesBßaTsins,:
20* ana ±doNo 1 do .. 50 drum* Smyrna Fig*.
5} do do , Salmon,-20 jars Bordeaux Prunes,
50 bis scaled Herntig,--SQibSSicily do
1300 jbs extra Madder* . - frbts Rock Candy,
3 bales Cassia, - 2 do Genoa Citrons,
ii do >n9^ Cs l 5 - 12 d® Cocoa & Chocolate.
9 X e PP cr ® Allspice, ,5 .do Castile and Almond
. lbul Nutmegs, Soap,
2 do groamTGinger, 12 doz Military do
1 do- do Pepper, * l bbl BUp Carb Soda,
in, o Pimento, 1 do Cream Tartar,
Jx *B* Mustard, l case Pearl Sago, 1 7
10 do do Cassia, 2do Isinglass,
*®«® Cloves, 2 do Sicilyana refioed
2 bbls Garrett’s Snuff, Liquorice,
45 bxs Stearine Candles, . I do Arrow Root,
20 do Star \ do 15Q Bath Brick,
10 do Sperm do • . 1 bbl Flor Snlphur,
.100 doz Mason’s Blacking, 100 gross Matches,
100 lbs superfine Rice Flour, 10 doz Extract of Lemon,
100.doSF Indigo, - Rose and Vanilla,
20 doz Ink, 5 do Lemon Sugar,
150 do Corn Brooms, - 1 cask Sal Soda,
Glass, Nails; White Lead, Lard Oil, Ac. mai2s
WO 80
of th « Bee-Hive#
HE SUBSCRIBERS have ftpencd a Gentlemen's Fur*
twhmg Store, w connection with an Odd Fellows 1
Depot, i n which are to be found a variety of Fancy
■Goods.and Odd Fellows* Regalia, never before present*
ed to a Fiusburga pttbliCi by a single-establishment.
“toladclphia, they are in regular receipt of
Odd Fellows' RtgxsUrSyLodge Blank Boohs* Gavels, and
other Lodge articles. The RegoJta exhibited at their
counter is most gorgeouß and admirably assorted; no
tmng-of the sort, so entirety cxgtmtM.hus ever been seen
.111 this market m such profusion
The Gentlemen’s Furnishing Department is plentiful
1> supplied with a variety of superb and delicately
wrought articles of dress. The variety is entirely too
great-to enumerate in a moderate space; we must,
therefore, direct the public to an investigation of the.
Btocc itself. All that we can say m this connection is,
that at oar Establishment the gentlemen of taste can bo
supplied with any article in our hoc, manufactured out
of the best materials and by the most experienced
bands. We solicit an examination of our stock; u
composesavanety wmchchallenges comparison
A largo lot of Fine Silk and Linen ■ shirts; Fancy
Sioelr end self adjusting Cravats /' Q loves and Hosiery
of various kinds, and m fact every article of comfort or
luxury which a gentlemen of good taste would fancy.
We solicit a snare of public patronage.
Sign of the Bee Hive,
No, 80 Apollo Buildings Fourth fit
josxru iafTSKcqtr;- wm c-
m '■»! lU. V< DJLAA<
(Late J.S.StiucxkeA Co.)
Dlanu(aetnre» ol Ptußnii Fire Proof Softs,
Second street, between Wood and Smuhfield.
f~hN Tuesday afternoon, July 20, tß4B,the undersigned
V/ were calledupon by Messrs. Lipf encott to Barr, to
witness an honest and fair test of one o* their Phoenix
Safes. The furnace being prepared, tae Sale wa* placed
inside thereof, with books, papers and some money? when
the door of the Safe was closed and the fire kindled at i.
quancrpastS o’clock, and in a short umo the Safe was
red hot, andconunuednll half paste o’clock, being about
four and a half hours, when the committee expressed
their satisfaction that the ume occupied with such heat
was sufficient. The furnace was then pulled down,Safe
cooled, and door opened—-the books, papers and money
safe. The heat was so great as to melt off the brass
mountings. Wc therefore take pleasure in recommend
ing these Sates to the public, as being, in our judgment,
entirely fireproof- JARVIS AtRABUE,
X am engaged in the foundry business, and know
something about furnaces and heat. I witnessed the
burning of the above Safe, and can freely say there was
no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them
to the pUDlic as-being, in my judgment, entirely fire
proof. WM. RAVE.
In calling upon the abovo gentlemen for their signal
turcsjthcy rUspokein tho highest terms of the fairness
of the test, and their full confidence of the Safe’s being
entirely fire-proof.: Wc have constantly on hand andfoi
salca full assortment ofthe above Safes.
ron.n o’nojrnELL -•••-a. l. mulch*, -.w. B.itusTka.
Pittsburgh Chair ACablnet ware Rooms*
Ifo. 98 Third Street. South Side.
O’D. M.-ACo., respectfully inform tneir friends
tt! and customers that they have, if not the largest
KSfstocJcever before seen in this city, lho greatest
* *| •variety of styles, the finest finished, made of the
best seasoned materials, and by the best workmen in
the western country—all of which they are determined
to sell as low as.any other manufacturing establishment
in the city. Oiir stock i« all our own manufacture; no
importations. . .
. Steamboats and Hotels famished at the shorest notice.
Allorders promptly attended to, jal7
: . Allegbeny Planing Mtii^
ri xilE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends
_L and the public generally, that having completed bis
new-Planing Milt, and having* now in operation two
new fc astern mode Planing Machines, (Woodworth
patent,! and several circular and upright Saws, he is
sow prepared to famish promptly and at reduced rates,
planed and sawed lumber of every description.
The attention of steamboat joiners, carpenters and
bmlderSiis particularly called to the above establish
ment, where a largs assortment of planed find rough
lumber, of different thicknesses, suitable for shipping,
box making,house, steamboat work, &c., can be found
at all times.
Also, lumber planed or sawed to order, with prompt
ness and despatch. JOHN A. BLOOMER,
jalQ Proprietor.
N.B.—All orders directed to Pittsburgh will receive
prompt attention. ;
Wholesale and Rstall.
TJOBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to Jo- isv-
It form his fnends’and the public generally*rjf||p£S
hat he continues to occupy that large and com- 'CFTtisj
modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Samuel rahn
cslock A Co., No.Sd, comer of Diamond alley and Wood
street, where he keops a largo and general assortment of
baddies, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Comet Bags, Saddle
Bags, Valises, Buffalo Robes, "Whips, and all other arti
cles in his lino.
Fie also keeps constantly on hand, and is prepared to
furnish to order, all kinds of RivetedHose,manufactured
of the bc3tmatorlal,ahdin a style of workmanship equal
to tho eastern manufactured article,and atCC per cent,
Country Merchants and Farmers would do well to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
heisdetenninedtoeell first rate articles at very low
CD" Don’t forget the place, No. 80, corner of Wood
tract and Diamond Alley. spiff
for sale by
Wall Paper for. Spring Sales.
would invite all who want a good and
V • cheap article of.WALL PAPER to call and exam
ine his extensive assortment of all the new.assd various
Patterns now in use.for Halls,.Parlors and Chambers,—
and at the lowest possible pric e for Cash or Rags. .
Also, new and befuutfoljßlocJr Marble. Paper t with suit-,
able columns, bases aid bordering, for public'
Hahs.of every description, fumisded on the most reas
onable tends, at
tnar2o:lm GO jSrn%ti\field street.
J. ■ Landscape Painting.
ASPER H, LAWMAN, Landscape Paiwteb, Rooms,
Fourth street, Gdeon Buildings, second story. Spe
cimens may be seen byuhe patrons of the Art. at the
above place.
B&renca—John K. nolmes, Esq., Wm. C. Wall,T. A
Hilitcri Richard Cowan, Esq., Matthew Wilson, J.J.
Gillespie, Hon. S. Jones, L. Harper 'feblB
Dr. HolUck’a Works,
street, a new supply of the following
The Male Generative Organs-in health and disease,
from infancy to ojd age. . A complete scientific treatise
on the anatomy and physiology of the male system, with
a .f'l2 cr U; t * <m , c ®* l | es > symptoms and treatment of
all the diseases and infirmities to which it is liable
ever 7 tnsn's Own private use. Price SI
The Diseases of Woman—their causes and cure'fa
miliarly explained, with practical hints for their preven.
non and for the preservation of female health.
The Marriage Guide, or Natural History of Genera
tion—a private instructor for married persona and those
about to marry, both male and female. Price 81
Origin of Life—a complete scientific and popular trea
tise on the philosophy and physiology of the reproduc
tive functions in plants and animals, with 12 anatomical
plates and all the new discoveries. Price 81.
The Family Physician, or. the true an of healing the
sick in all diseases wbateyer. Price 25c. - [mar2s
Sow Lithographic Establishment,
60 Maria strut, between Third If Fourth,
■ S NOW ready to furnish every kind of LithoirraDhie
work in tho most olegant style, such as Shorn tills
Maps, Fortraus, Landscapes, Cards, Bm heads, and La
bels, primed in gold, colors, Ac. -
At ihe same place Messre. Moeser A Helmle have
opened a Diuwms School, and execute on ord«rT)mo«
of Machinery, Educes,
blc accuracy and elegance.’ 'palely
-Hope null a n Full operation AgnTiTT
T Byan’t .BmHtngj, Fifth Strut. 8
HE proprietor, thankful to the public for past cus
tom, vcnlurcs to solicit a continuance of the .me
tor his present enterprise—the establishment of FW
and Spt« MiU, within the city-for the
of his customers, and all who wish to have reallvt™ j
Flour, pure ground Spicea, 4c., 4c. y good
. The attention of Families, Merchants aad others 1.
mvtted, and all I ask is that they will give me a trial’ “
N. B, All articles takes back it not lonnd good" and
the money returned.....,:- s rm.iio
T H stoh^i««HEi£ h E newjork dry goods
A tjxOßEj No. 89 Market street, with Fixtures nnrt «
ismali stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ,«>
.atabargain. Any person wishing to commence busi
ness on Market street, the above’ old e.tahUshef bnS
.ness stand, one of the best on the street, «an bo had on
favorable terms, if application, i&in&deimmediately to
f h joS0 b 8 ■ '
SPSOMBALTS —30 bbis forsalo by ‘
maT26 B. A. FAHN&TOCfK * CO.
,• ' -f.
' rA. c -* : t r -i;-,’; • v “'v;; ; *• %.& v*.-* £. f* > *>.
EDniga anb medicines.
CongUi ana Colds Cured In 48 Uouis*
'Si JNCKthfe Introduction ofahis new-compound, CotighB
O and cwas are cared in a very abort time, we will
.warrant Dr. Kcyser’a Pectoral syrup to cure caeca of
Qoughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Laigugitm, m loss ttmo and
at a eheaper rale than any other metnciae everdlscov
•Cough'Medicines always sicken the stomach and pro*
doae n&useawhich isjnoredisagreeable than the Cough
.itself* .{This it obviated in this mixture, for it is a pleas
ant spothißgarucie and it will care, or the money mil be
refunded! TTho evidence in favor of this medicine m
our city, from onrown citizens, should convince any one
of its efficacy. lt is the prescription of a regular physi
cian, and has been used by him In lus own practice for
anumber of years, with the most heroic success.
CONSUMPTION—A lady from Steubenville writes,
that her daughter had been afflicted with a Cough ana
expectoration, night sweats, hectic fever, and i all the
distressing symptoms of consumption, and that after ta
king two houles she was entirely cured. A gentleman
in Washington county, who hail suffered with Asthma
and Chrome Cough for eight years, has been entirely re
lieved and the cougb removed by the use of half a do
tenof boltlesof the Pectoral Syrup. Agentlemanfroni
Peoria. Illinois, writes that “ ho knows the Pectoral Sy
rup tone a good article, for he has used it m his own
case and m the cases of members of his famuy with the
most perfect success.
It u ghb ov the Cheapest Medicines now known.
—lt is put up in half pint bottles at 50 cents each, oraix
bottles for 32,50. -
Country Storekeepers would do well to keep a sup
ply of this medicine on hand all the umc, as it. is one oi
the most perfect and efficacious remedies ever discover
ed for all coughs and diseases of the lungs and incipient
; Consumption . v <
JCAUTION EXTRA—Many persons will try to get
you to buy some one of the various nostrums, but do not
heed them. If you want to get well, buy Dr. Keuer’e
Pectoral Syrup, and take no other; this will cure'you-
It has In it some of the most valuable plants and herbs
of the materia medica, and Is compounded by a person
skilled in the healing an. There can be no deception in
this medicine. It is prepared in your own city, and the
proprietor has numerous,certificates, attesting its valu
able properties, which will be shown to any person de
sirous of seeing them.
Agents Wanted throughout the United States to sell
this medicine. Large discounts will be made to those
who will take an interest in the medicine. It will pay a
large profit to all agents; besides, they will be doing suf
fering humanity a service bv placing m their hands the
greatest medicine for Lung diseases the worldbas ever
For sale, wholesale End retail, by KEY&ER A M>
DOWELL. Druggists, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
to whom ail letters for agencies must be addressed.—
Also, for sale by D. M.Curry, Allegheny city; P. Brock
er, jr., Brownsville; George Bairn, Washington ; John
H Buchanan, Hickory; George Keyaer, M’Keesport;
J. D. Vowell, Canonsburgh; and by merchants and
druggists generally. 0*25
Public Attention
Is rtspeetfully incited to the following truths, set fonh m
relation to one of the most important Rameaus oj mod
ern times:
IT is not more than one year ago since this great rem
edy \vas brought before the public, for the relief and
cure of disease. Its great powers to heal, have, since
then, become folly appreciated by the community, and
we allege that the longer it is tried the more certain will
its great fame Bpread- It is not the remedy of a day.
got up for the sole purpose of making money; but. one.
whichwc conceive, wilt continue to be used when oil
nostrums have beer, forgotten. The PETROLEUM is
e Natural Remedy, elaborated inthe depths of ihc earth
by a power and agency that laughs to acorn all human
competition. It la our duty, when we write about a
medicine, that we write thuth—that we say nothing
calculated to deceive those who may trust our word or
put confidence m our statements. The sick are very
apt to catch at any thing that promises rebel from dis
ease. A story can hardiv be too highly wrought to an
swer the object of gullmgor humbugging some of them.
Now, we do not desiro to do this: we are anxious only
that the truth in relation to our Remedy sbonld be told,
in order to secure lor it a reputation far exceeding any
single article of the matena medica. Plain, iluvurnisned
facts—facts that may be ascertained to our own city and
neighborhood, bear ample testimony m favor oi tho Pe
Withm the past two mouths, two of our own citizens,
who were totally blind, have been restored to sight.
Several cases or blindness, in the State of Ohio, have
been cured. And, also,the case of a gentleman m Bea
ver county. There are others; but these cases arc near
home, and may be referred to by any person? who may
have doubts on the subject. These cases were curd af
ter they had been abandonod by physician? ns hope iess-
Thc Petroleum wilt cure, when used according to dircc,
.uons—Diarrhma, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout,
Neuralgia, Eruptions on the Skin. Pimples on the face
Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm, Tetter, Scald Head
pain 3 m the bones and joints, old eorcf.ti leers. Wens,
Tumors. Scrofula, Cancer, Spmal irritation, Fever ana
Ague, Chronic Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Pul
monary affections of a chrome nature, tending to pro
Bams and Scalds, diseases of tus Bladder and Kid
neys, Chapped Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns and
Bunions. In fact, uis a great cnivee&aluejikdy. and
has been tnedinao3tof tbo above diseases within the
past year with the most perfect success- Certificates
that will astonish are in the hands of the proprietor, who
will take pleasure in showing them to the afflicted or
their friends.
Whatever others may say about their medicines, tne
Petroleum is the greatest Remedy of the age. Phy
sicians of high standing in the profession arc beginning
to use it in their practice. Those who at first looked on
with doubt and uncertainty, ere willing to award it due
praise and consideration. Before another year rolls
round, all will be compelled to acknowledge that the
Petroleum is thegrcaiest medicine ever discovered
For sale. Wholesale and Retail, by
140 Wood street.
Also—R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street; D.M. Curry. D.
A. Elliott, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny City. Also, by
the Proprietor, S. M. KIEIt, Canal Basin, 7Ui sircet,
Pittsburgh. fiaS
Or Gastric Juice!
PREPARED from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of
the Ox, after directions by Baron Libbiq, the greai
Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M.D., No.
il. North Eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,
own method, by Nature’s own agent, the Gastric Juice.
. Half a teaspoonfult of this Fluid, infused in water,
will digest ordissolve Fivs Pounds of Roast Bee? in
about two nouns, out of the stomach.
Baron Ltsais, in his celebrated work on Animal Chem
istry, says: w An artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous 40
the Gastric Juice,may be readily prepared from the rau
cous membrane of the. stomach or the calf, in which va
rious articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be so soft
ened, changed and digested, jusL in the same manner ns
they .would be in the human stomach.”
Dr. Pereira. in his famous treatise on Food and Di
eV’published by Fowlers A Wells, New Y ork, page 35
states the same gTcat fact, and describes the method of
preparation. There are few higher authorities than Dr
I Dr. Coams, in hi# valuable writings oh the “ Physiolo-
I gy of Digestion,” observes that “ a diminution of the due
I quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-pre
I vailingcause of Dyspepsia and he states that u a dis
j tingoished professor of medicine in London, who was
J severely afflicted with this complaint, finding every thing
I else to toil, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained
I from the stomach of living animals, which proved com*
I plettly successful
I Dr. Quoak, author of the famous works on “ Vegeta-
J ble Diet,” says: “ It is a remarkable fact in physiology
I thatthe stomachs of animals, macerated in water tm*
[ part to the fluid the property of dissolving various arti-
I cles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial diges*
I tion of them in no wise different from the natural digest
I ive process,” 5
I Dr. Sums’* great work, the « Chemistry of Man,” (Leo
I A Blanchard, Phila , 1840, pp 321*2) says: “Thediseov-
I ery of PEPSIN forms anew era in the obemieal history
1 orlhgestion. From.recent experiments we know that
I food ts dissolved ns rapidly in an artificial digestive
I fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it is in the natural Gas.
l ine Juice itself.”
I Professor Duwousom, of Die Jefferson College
I delphia,inhis great work on Human Physiology, devotes
more than fifty pages to an examination of Uus subject
His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric
I Juice, obtained from the living human stomach and from
| animals, are well known, “in all cases.” he says “di
gestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as in the
natural digestions.”
! Dr. Houamos’s preparation of PEPSIN has produced
! the most marvelous effects, curing cases of Debility,
Emaciation, Nervous Decliue,and Dyspeptic Consurap..
tioq, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It
is impossible to give the details of .cases in the limits ot
this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have
been given of more than TWO HUNDRED REMARK
ABLE CURES, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston
alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the
cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma
It is a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly
useful for tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint,
Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and
the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
npon the Digestive organs, after a long Bickneßs. Also,
I for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spir
its. It also reconciles Health with Intemperance.
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS
which it does not seem to reach and remove at once
No matter how bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT
RELIEF! A single doss rtmova all the unpUasanx svnip
toms, and it only .needs lobe repeated, for a short time,
these good effects permanent. PURITY OF 1
VIGOR OF BODY, follow at once. It is
particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting,
| Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress of-
I ter eaUng,lqw, cold state of theßlood, Heaviness, Low
! P es f Sptnts, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness,
tendency to Insanity, Suicide, Ac
,eaere«°alSu D n°cur A e R P “ boUle ' ° ne b0,,1c W 1" o, ‘
HguGVotM^lotprop^rot 6^3 '" 6 ° f J S
Sold by agents in every town in the United States,
and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally
Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYBER 4; McDOWELL, Ml
Retail dealers supplied, at Proprietor’s prices. fnv2o:v
Also, for sale by ifcE. SELLERS, 57 Wet d street.
Bull's SorsapaEUla and the Cholera.
NOT a single, jnan, woman or chUdhas died of the
CHOLERA or any.of its symptoms who used this
invaluable preparation. Look at the city-of Louisville
where this Sarsaparilla is made, and where from 15G to*
200 bottles are retailed daitz, but few isolated cases of
Cholera have, occurred, aria they,were either persons
from boats or those who disfegarded onr advice,
t • . {Cmdftnari CArontcfe,
.For sale by KEYSER & M’DO WELL, 140 Wood si.
rutsburgh, where the genuine article may always be
jfataiueq. [|alyB7
jOETROLEUM—A certain core IorDIAItxtHCEA, a
AT ■ disease very prevalent this hot weather—the fore
runner of Cholera. Try it! For sale by
■ jyfi KEYSER A McDOWELL, 140 Wood st.
wra ock *co, i to ' pn ™s»
> V •"' -
'•C 1 '../• '."•S' 4 ''':'"’ y ■'i
' \ ' ' ' ... .K • S r-
i; . ■ ..v.- ;
For FemaUo and Holes*
-Elixir, -prescribed os an effectual restorative in
.cases of debiHty, irapoteucy or barrenness* and all ir
regularities ofcnature. It is all that it professes to be—
■viz ’ Nature’s great restorative, and remedy for,those in
the married slate without offspring, # It is a certaincure
for semipal emissions, general debility, gleet, weakness
of the genital organs, nervous affections, leacorrhoßa ot
whites, . As a vigorating medicine it. is unequalled.—
AUo, a certainTemcdy for incipient Consumption, indi
gestion, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude, fe
male weakness, debility, Ac. It 13 warranted to please
the user in any of the above complaints, and is of price
less value to those without offspring..
To spread wide the blessings of this medicine, I have
appointed Messrs-Judson A Co., of the city of New
York, in the United States of America, m-y sole' agents
for its sale; pnd none can be genuine unless it comes
through them» and their signatures arc on the wrapper.
Napfa) July I6UI-, 1549.
Sold ouly in Pittsburgh at the Medical Depot, No. 75
Smithfield street; and by B. H. Meaking, Walnut street
Cincinnati; Raymond A Patten, No. 00 Fcurth street
Louisville. [mar24:ly
4e —CABINET V&?,
furniture manufacturer , rfl
Ware-roomu 97 and 90, Tlilrcl atr«et«
JW.'W. respectfully informs his friends and custom
• ers that he has now completed the largest and fi
nest slock of household furniture ever before seen in
this city, as he is determined 10 uphold the quality with
.well-seasoned materials, best workmanship, and newest'
designs; and from the extent of hfs orders and facility
in mat ufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted
furnitace, at the Lowe*: priced.
He has adopted the principle of identifying the, cus
tomers’ interest with his own, in quality and price, and
keeps always on hand the greatest variety of every des
cription of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to
the raostclegam’and costly, that a house, or any part of
one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured
expressly to order. He therefore solicits ah inspection,
that the advantages of his establishment may be known.
The following articles consist, tn part, of his stock, which
for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in
any ot the Eastern, cities:
drawing, din
ing, and bed room
chairs, of every variety,
consisting of rosewoood, ma
hogany and walnut,,!)iizabethen,
Conservatoire and Ka'sy Chairs, of every
description; Couches, Solas, Tete-a*tete and Di
vans of the latest French and American patterns; .
Tashaee, What-Nots, ami ladies’ farlor Writing Desks
of various kinds; Work Tables ai\d fancy inlaid
stands, music elands, and holders, marble top, ma
hogany, rosewood and walnut centre and sola, ta
bles, extension dining table-; all sizes of the
most improved, and decidedly the best kind
made: card, Pembroke hall and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads and waahstands of.
each a large assortment; gothic hall
and parlor reception choirs, ottomans
ana stools, secretary and book
cases, side boards, fire screens,
towel racks, bat stands, and
music stools, cribs and cotv
for children; paper mache,
tabic and tea poys, ma
hogany, rosewood, and
inlaid pearl Tables,
&c. Ac. Ac.
A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and
WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet makehs supplied with
all articles in their line
STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, lurm-thed at the short
est notice.
All orders promptly attended to
No.tin Thtrd strut, between &larset and Wood, South side,
fit We have now on hand a larve and
\U splendid stock of every variety o! Chairs
refund CABIN I .f-FLRMTL RE. which wp 1
* "are confident cannot be «q rpasseu, <tP?;#K£sri
equalled, in litis City,or it ti.e West, in style and finish.
Those who arein wamoi Furniture are respectfully
invited to call and examine lot themselves.
Garniture and t>Hair Ware Kooiuii
T. B. \OUISC* A CO., corner cf Third
a nd Smilhfieldsts., opposite SrotPtt’slfotg/.X^i.
Fito&urgA, Pa., keep constantly on hand rc»|
Eag£sßfiS%lnnH make to order, at the lowest prices,» i »
CHAIRS , of the best workmanship and most approved
style*. tcbls
Thb subscribers tender their acfj\
for ihe favors bestow easy,
ed upon them by their Steamboat friends, and/ir|
would respectfully Tcmind them and others inte- * 1
rested in buiMing boats, that they arc at all times pre
pared to farrdsh, on the'most reasonable terras, every
description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the bes
material and workmanship. 7 13 \ OC*NG &. CO- •
Corner Third and Smiihficld streets,
opposite “ Brown’s Hotel.” ;
a. c. tuKHSk. __ "”'“'7 7 h. DAtrfsa
Hammer 6 O&ulcr,
Between SettnLhstrcci and Strawberry alley Pa.
fji HAMMER A HAULER keep constantly on hand
VjL* variety of cxcellcm and fashionable Furniture,
rapgwarTanted equal to any in the city, and sold on as
• i ■favorable terras as can be obtained at any similar
establishment in .be West. They have now on hand an
unusually extensive stock, embracing all kinds of Furni
ture, trotn the cheapest and plainest to the moat costly
and elegant. All orders promptly attended to- migl:6m
ZWJI. E. STEVENSON continues to manu
facture CABINET- WAKE ol every descrip
tion, at his old stand, corner o{ Liberty and
Seventh streets UNDERTAKING attended
to, in aU its branches, mayll
Cxtra family flour*
FOR the convenience of the citizens, the proprietors
of the “PITTSBURGH CITY MILLS/ have pfuced
boxes for the reception of orders, at the followiagplaccs:
J. it. R. Floyd ! s store, corner of Wood and f»th sis.;
M. HaywoocFs Shoe sure, corner Liberty and Market
A. Beelen’a store, fid street;
L. Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cor. 4th and Smithfield ;
John! Smith's store, cor. High and Wylie streets;
Telegraph Office, Fourth street;
H. C. Kellf; Grocer, cor.Sth st. and Market alley ;
M.Grass’siU!ie,flth Ward.
The Flour waa t * wili call twice or thrice’ daily, for
orders, and the Floii, delivered prompiy either in
barrels or sack?, (sack Flour is preiembfe for family
use,} without charge for cartage.
It is plain that no accounts can be allowed, and that
drivers can have no permission to leave Flour without
payment. We hope that the public will be pleased with
this arrangement, as we shall endeavor to do them just
ce. tmay2oJ WILMARTH & NOBLE.
THE subscriber has been authorized to receive Pack
age* to be forwarded to Sun Francisco by the house
of CORWINNE, BROTHER A CO., at Panama , aud
to engage. Passage in first class sailing Vessels from
Panama to San Francisco. Every information given,
on application to JOSHUA ROBINSON,
_apl3 Post Buildings, Fifth st, near Wood.
WHEN the theory of the circulation of the biood
was established, the secret springs of vitality
were then partially to our view. Wc saw and
understood that the food we eat, was converted into
blood, which repaired the waste of the animal machine;
the food is fuel, which keeps at a life heat the internal
fires that warm and invigorate our inner man. The
blood is an electric fluid which carries this heat to every
ramification of the body, even to the extremities of the
hair and horny hail. while tlie blood is thus the seat of
iifej it is also the seat of disease. Food gives the body
strength; Brandreth’s pills give blood the necessary
power to throw out from itself all impurities, thus reu
aeringthe stream of life pure and healthy. If men were
more sincere, there would bo fewer religious creeds;
and If they kept close to nature’s laws ia the management
of their bodies, they would require little medicine. As
men grow intelilligcnt they will become wiser and hap
pier; even now, their wisdom is proved by the fact that,
when sickness assails them, they use Brandroth’s Vege
table Unlveral Pills, which soon restore thentto health.
They are peculiarly adapted Id the climate, and require
no extra cate when they arc used, iu cither diet or cloth
ing. They should be always in tnc house, jo that upon
the first indication of sickness they may be used. One
dose in the beginning is more potent for good, than a
dozen after the sickness is fixed in the system. In colds,
coughs, asthma,rheumatism, costiveness, fevers, and in
all acute, heavy or deep-seated pains, their effects will*
be found beyond all praise. Three or five will act like
a charm, often during a dangerous malady at once, sa
ving months of sickness and the evils thereunto attend
ing. Remember, Brundreth’s Pills are a known aud
fully tested medicine, one that is used by hundreds of
thousands in this country and ihroughout the civilized
world. They are quietly superseding all other medi
cines, They take out only that from the Moodwhichis
the cause of weakness and paio, leaving strength and
health ; they produce healthy sleep at night, and an ap
petite that relisltes all kinds of food.
Sold at No. 29 Diamond alley—the only place in Pitts
burgh where the genuine Brundreth Pills are kepi for sale
—the undersigned is the only agent in the city.
HAVE ON HANDat their extensive OABfNET and
CHAIR MANUFACTORY. No. 64 Smitbfield st.
a large assortment of fancy and plain Furniture, which
they will sell 15 per cent, below customary rates.
Terms—cash only. - |dec37:ly
THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, underihefirm of J. S, BONNET A Co,,
is this day dissolved byrautualconaerit. Eitherpartner
mhy use the name of thb concern in settlement.
April Ist, 1650.
IC7* Having eoldmy entire interest in the firm of j. S.
Bonnet A Co. to fiL- I), Patton, my late partner, and in.
retiring from business, liakcgreat pleasure in recom
mending him to the dohfidenee.of ray friends and the
public, y, (ap3j J. S. BONNET.
K. C. Stoofcton,
No. 47. CORNER fig 'MaBKET aim Thibd streets,
TjTAS constantly on hand for sale—Writing, Letter,
XL Printing and Tea PA PER; Bonnet, Binders*, Ful
lers’ and Trunk BOARDS; Book and Newspaper
PRINTING INK—which he will sell at the lowest cash
pnees, or in exchange for Rags and Tannnrs* 9srarn.
• Removal.
'T'HE subscriber wisbestoinform the citizens of Pitts-
JL burgh and the publio generally, that he has removed
me CARPET STORE ftom Nos. 61 and 63 Wood street,
to the Apollo Buildings, on Fourth street, recently ticcu
pied by the Museum, and has connected therewith the
ftdjOintng rooms, formerly used as the Chronicle Printing
Office—which, in connection with his old room, makes
the most spacious Carpet establishment in the country:
and his advantages so lar surpass any house in this city
forspace, arrangement and good light, that he is certain
ot suiting every person who may favor him with a call.
His stock is complete in every article In his line, and
great pains wilt betaken at all times to show goods to
persons wishing to look or buy
j octSl
’ t *• *' <T r s
.J-:. J i... •'
t .;. ■*• •.:•!.. ■ ’
10* Steamboats furnished on th.> shortest nstice.
10* All orders promptly attended to.
ateaxnbontsj Ahoy l
Philosophy of Brandtreth’s Vegetable
■ '■ 4■ •.■
State Mutual Company
BRANCH OFFICE, 54 Smitufield ST.,PrrrsiDnaH,
THEbesVeridence ofthe success of the Director*ln
endeavoring to viake the “STATE MUTUAL' TORE
INSURANCE. .COMPANY »tkndet'-the Vams of the
community,- is-the. unparalleled amount of business
which has b'eeh i don&—having issued nearly 4,000 Poll
cies in a Uttle more than'seven months ; and' adding
over 870,000 capital to the company.:,
proud to say, that nearly all the property insured is of
the safest kind, in small risks, and -a large'priporuopi.
insured for only one year. . t; « !
Number of Policies issued*—- 0,053 .
Arnountof property iusnred»» * * : v: - OO
AmountofguarameepremiQm3*B4s,4o6.CB.i': -
Amount ot casbpremitiiiis—- 24,631,80 ...... '■ " ; ;
Amount of guarantee stock* 8'70,129-18
Araoaniof losfies*..™ •••* 8 -'' 3,800 00
To be deducted from theabove the iueidental.expen
ses of the office. '
To city or country, merehahts, and owners;of dwell
ings, and isolated of "country property^-it is bplieved
this company affords advantages 'in
safety and security, inferior-to no Insurance Company,
ir. this country.. : ' ' V'."'
Conducted on the'equitable and greatly improved sYB
- of Classification of Risks,excluding,all special
hazards, insuring only a limited amount inany one 16*
f precluding the frequency and occurrence of
loige ares, and also, on both the Stock and Mutual plan,
itnot only possesses the cheapness and accommodation
of both methods; but entities the insured, to a participa
tion in the profits. •'*- " v '. ;
.It is under the control of the following Directors *—l
P. Rutherford. A. J.GiUstt, John^B. 1 Packer,'SamuelT.
Jones, Alonzo: A.Carrier, Phiio C» Sedgwick; Robert
kl Ptz. . . JA. JiUTHEBFQRD,Pres’L
. ~ * A..J. GILLETT, See’y*
A. A. CAnaigg, Actuary 1 . r : ! [j&27:y
Penn Mutual Lift Insurance Co. ( Phll T a«
A Finney, Jr., deceased,) No;3S3Lib<erjy street..'
FOr the better convenience of persons, residing in'the
of Uie city, the i agent may; also'be found
daily, from elevea to twelve- and two to three o’clock,,
at the counting room of J. Scboonmaker & Co., Nb. 24-
Wood street, where all necessary information iyill be]
given, and communications promptly attended lo*—,
Pamphlets explaining the principles ahd benefits of Life.
Insurance, and blinkforms furnishedonapplication,' ;
. Capital stock over 8200,000 and constantly increasing.
Profits divided annually amongst 1fa046 insured Cor iife.
; Piusburglh Feb. 1,1851— 2w v . v .
Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation
ISSURAHOB7>: ; 7\T. : ”
ICA, Philadelphia, chartered 1704, capital OOOO.*
000, asseri January 13,1851,81,001,305 ‘5O, will
make insurance on buildings' aha their contents In this
city and vicinity. Also, on properly of eVery descrip*
lion, on steamboats and other vessels, either oy Inland
transportation or on the seas. ‘ : . !
. Arthur G. Coffin, Pfea’t, Jacob M. Thomas, - ■
Samuel W. Jones, • - ‘ i John R. Neff, ,
Edward Smith, Richard D. Wood,- *'
John A. Brown, William Welsh,
Samuel F. Smith, Francis Haskins,; V •
Samuel Brooks, - - S. Austin Allibonc,
Charles Taylor, WilUora E. Bowed,
Ambrose White, ; ; Geotge W; AspinTvall,
Thomas.P. Cope, , > -JamesNiDicks&n,
S. Morris, Waler, H. D.Sherierd, Sec’y, -,
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
Slates, and from its high standing,long experience, am*
pie means, and.avoiding all risks, of an.extra-hazard*
ous character, maybe considered as offering ample se
curity to the public. ' WM. Fr JONES. Agent,.
1*24 : No. 141 Front street. J
or o
Capital, £soo,ooo—Equal ta 39,500,000.
WITH a large suiflus of profits. A'portion of both
capital and surplus' invested in U. S. Government
Stocks, and other securitiesin the City of New York.
Policies held in this, country over 6,000. Periods in
suring participate in the profits of the Company, t
California risks taken at reduced rales. ■
Among the advantages of a Policy in this Company
are the following:— ;
A party insured for the whole term of life may at any
time the amount of annual-premium,
without note or securny, or deposit of policy, and fa en
titled, to division of profits.
He may at any time surrender his policy, and receive
back as value thereof one-balfthe gross sum paid by
himin annual common premiums. ?
A'party already insured for, whole life may, on pay
ment of a small sum, convert his insurance into a new
policy upon the loan system now introduced. f
Parties already insured And entilled to a-iwo-lAird
loan, are not abut out from said .two-third loan, if the *
prefer it,upon the terms staled ip the Society's pamph-'
A party inay, at a.moderate annual premium, insuii
for Ufc, and he survive to reach the age of CO years, the
full sum insured up to 815,000, i pill be paid to wtm :pr it
he dies before reaching that age, the lull sum insured
will be paid to his family or legal representatives.
Ithas become customary in the Atlantic cities for Con
gregations to insure the Uvea of their Pastors, and on
Christmas or New Year’s day to raakc the family a pre
sent of the policy. This is certainly an excellent way
of showing their rogacd for their Minister, whoso salary,
in Very many cases is scarcely equal to his immediate
wants. To the man of family, at his death, it is a con
solation beyond expression to know that his helpless
little ones arelhus provided for. . ; ,
Churches involved, would do well to insure the lives
of cue or more of the trustees, at. whose demise'the
amount would be applied to liquidate tho debt. ■ -
Explanatory pamphlet and information given gratis,
at the Banking House of
pov29 Wood st) second dc-or above Fourth.
ANCE COMPANY.—Office, North Room of the Ex
change, Third street, Philadelphia. - i
Fibs Issubance.— Buildings, Merchandize and othei
property in town and country, insured against loss! ot
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
Mabine Issdbakce.— They fflsoinshre Vessels, Car
goes and freights, foreign'or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as-thc assured may desire. ;
Island Tbansportatiok.— They also insure merchan-
transported by* Wagons, Railroad Cars. Canal
Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes,on tne raosi
liberal terms. • { .
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. 'Seal, Edmund AV Souder
John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R; Penrose, Samuel
Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Tsauc R.
Davis, William FoLwell t JohnNewlin,Dr.R.M, Huston,
James C.HandjTheophtlus Paulding, H. Jones Brdoka.
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. George Serrill, Spencet Me*
Hvum, Charles. Kelly, J, G. Johnson; William' Hay, Dr
S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr.
Hugh Craig, Jno.T. Logan. ‘ ;
m • WILLIAM MARTIN, President
Titos. C. Hand, Vice President.
„ . • Joseph W. Cowan> Secretary.
!£?■ Office of the Company,No. 43 Watersireet.Jhtts
burgh. (jelCidtf) - P. A. MADEIRA, AgW
Ftre and Marine Iniurttnee, .
rpHE OFFICE of the Tnsuranu Co.ttf North America
X has bcfcn rtmovtd toihe Warehouse otH&rdyj Jones
&• Co., No. 141 Front Bireel, third, house East Of Wood
street,where ihesubscriberwillissue Policiesotrßuild*
mgs and their cohlenia,andonShipraeatsby.Steamboau
and other vessels, for the above old. and responsible
Company. [ap3] , ,WM. P. JONES,Agenu .
. Life and Health insurance* ' ; •
COMPANY , of Phtladeiphiai Incorporated ti* the
Legislature of Pennsylvania* March, 1848: ChorterTer*
petual i Capua! $100,000; Mates lower than any Finnsdl*
varna Company.- and full 20 per eent; lower thari'lfir
usual rates of Life Insurance,as the following-compact -
sonjyjl!!5 on jyjl!! S ho Er Thus * person ot the age of liO insuring
iorSlOO for life, must pay m-the Gitanf Sa.SO. Peansyf
vama 82,36: l’enn Mutual 82,38, Eqmtnbte 82,04. New
ana Health, Philttdclphifii&i.Ql. / -• * •
DtHKCTotis—Samoe! DOrnck, Charles D Hall, Wra F
Boone, Robert P King; Charles P Hayes. M W Baldwin
Chns pB Oampbeli.MM Reeve.M.D.jLewis Cooper:
J Rodman Barker, Edwin h Cope. Prof
rfrnf, Samuel D Ornok: Yuc President, Robert P. King
Secretary, Francis Blaekbarne. '.»•
Applications will be received and everv inform alios
given by SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK; Agent. Os-riCE*
Pb?!! n ,? r T Room5 ’ corner or Third streets;
ruißburgh. ■; . ■■ - oet23:y ■
„ indemnity. . i
®h« I ranUlin Fire lusuranco Comptmi
I'VIUECTORSv 1 'VlUECTORSv- 0 ” nrt “ , ‘“ inA -
U Charles W. Banoker,; George Wl Rliharda.!
Thomas Hort, Mordpeai I). Lewis
Tobias Wagner,; , Adolphi E. Borie, ;
: DayiS 8. Browne, ‘
Jacob R. Smttn, Morris Patterson.
' 0 „ CHAS. W. BANCKER, Pres’t. ]
Lius. G. Bancieb, Secretary* -
IL/~ Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited :
description of property in town and countty. 1
ihe Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund 1
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1849, as
tabhshed agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fob:
Mortgages —i — 81,047,438 4l
Real Estate.--.. '94,724 83
temporary Loans---*-——. 90,001 85
Siocm m—; 51,523 25
Lash,Ac. , 33 8 M 37
0 . • . . , . 513*118,492 7*-
i,„„ ce -*!r eir incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
~? v ® paidiipwards of One million Four Hundred Thou •
If?? j" ar *» * osses by fire; thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to meet with promptness,all liabilities.
inar2j OfficeWi E. corner Wood and 3d sts
T_ f _ Fir* and Marine inittranee.
HE Insurance Company orNorth of Pliila
auth6nietl sul>.
senber, offers to make permarientand limited Inruranct
oh property, in this city and its vicinity, and on ehlpmen
by the canal and rivers. -. ... .
-Arthur G. Coffin, Preset. Samuel -Brooks, -
Alex.-Henry; Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. /ones, Samuel W. Smith
Edward Smith, Ambrose. White.
JohnAvßrown, . . ' Jacob M.Thomaa
John While, John R. Neff,
'ThomosP-Cope, Richard D.ftood,"
Slates, having been chartered in 1784
Received this fliorulnir befr enreM inn
Broehe, Bay Slate and Long
no/ ;t> lea and qualities. For sale low 17 pe
i. A. MASON & Co;.
.63 and 64 Market strepi
MULrASSES—barrels new - cron
Momsaga just received. and for *alß by . orop .
: «OK2ttM4S33 laWny*,
!■'- • -• ■. -r V f* V* r. ■-• .
:• » • '■ .*'• r - * • - J •* , ’•
-••• •;!.*£•*** V. ,
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t . i- f -
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v*v ■ •" ■ * ~
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- - VT.I%-' '
A' I ’-.'-"-
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• - ... **'' J -
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-. ' - ,«*■%' * # "-u ’’•,••>> ,vi,'*r -J' ' -Z*--. *•“’>■ •■••
_■' 4» 4 (h. »»l ‘ ' _., J - -ft. ' .
se-wjjpkisg goods i . r:..:.
iZ2$£ Jt '?‘ t > v&'fbauun. Fourth tl. fr thsDiamond,
-/|?I1E subscriber is now receiving from the Eastern
: :X-. ctties a beautiful, choice and desirable stock of the
newest fabrics and ddfiignß from. the London and Paris
Markets. -< : . « ••■•,'•. -.■ ■.. ••• -
- (PurchjUEdiii ihe NewYorfc and Philadelphia Markets
nithcilowest caslt prices. Embracing every variety of
•meneWest.and richest styles, and latest importations of.
French, English and German Goods; among the leading
articles-will be foundthe following:
® e * a *> e Lames, fronrlSf cents to the
English Lawns, from 12$ centsto the
r!X««i?w?^ c .k ed M “*hns, from Of to 12$ cents
heßt new style ’ from lOCont3l ° 1)10
bmqaSit a y “n^ gl i4kE“ Bha “ S,£rOln 151 cems
t>-ya?d. Sh al ' d American Chintzes, from Si to 121 cents
candir^ a^!! o f?,s , l ' 4 ? n , <l en ' t ’ roid W cll Muslins and Or
?Wh ltJ2,~ ,1 - e E la,tt . “ d sored 'English Ponlins;
00 ’ 50 P eT black Gro da Rhine
«i»tSn B ?P er changeable Silks and
. Satin de Chie&s, Lupin s blackßombazines, and abcau-
“ d Colored and
Chameleon Silk and Turk Satin Shawl B ; superior Her
nanna SUk-Tissue-and Berage Shawls : Cashmere,
Thibet, Brosha and Mous de Ltune Shawls! ’
French work Capes and Collars:;new-style Bonnet
Ribbons; Linen Cambric Hdkfe and Cravats; black and
colored Kid Gloves Lisle Thread; Mohair and Twisted
Silk Gloves and Mitts ; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Hose;
together with a Targe and complete assortment of Para*
sola and Umbrellas. * ... . .. , .
French and English Cloths, Qassuneres and. Vestings;
SilirShirtsand Drawers; Fancy Cravats; Linen Cam
bric and Silk lldkfs; together with.a splendid assort
ment of Hosiery and Snspendcrs.
. Russia Diaper.and Crash; Irish Linen and Linen Lawns;
Ca&stneus and Kentucky Jeans; Cottanades; Bed Tick*
lugsi. Checks; Domestic .Ginghams; Red, White and
Flannels; Canton Flannels, &c-..
The customers of the house and all-cash buyers, are
i requested to call and give the above goods an early ex
i animation.: The stock is large and complete in every
i variety and style, all of the latest importations, and wifi
I be sold at the VERY LOWEST SUBKEEt PHICE3.
75 Market street .
■ '<. -• ■ f ; - r 'AT TIUS
One Price-Store of A. Av-QI&SOS & CO.,
NoSiC-i and G 4 Market street.
TtTTllAj commence on Monday, December SO, 1850
■\j v a&d continue through the month of January. On
•this occasion, the whole of their immense establishment
will be thrown open for Retail Trade, and their exten*
• bivo stock, amountin? to . One Hundred and Thirty
Thousand Dollars, will be Retail, at fully one
fourth less than usual prices. . .
The notice of their Semi-Annual 1 Sale to any one of
the thousands who attended the sale of last year, will
be sufficient guarantee for a coll this season.; They will
however mention a few of the Goods and PnCes.forihe
benefit of those who have never attended their Sales—
■ .
Rich Cashmeres, » . • 75 c. Usual price 81,00-
500 ps. Cotton and Wool Cashmeres, 25c.; übuol nri’e
37jc.; ■
1500 [b. Colton and Wool Delaines, IS, 18|c. Usual
price 20 and-isc; •
50ps.HiRhColorcdPlatn DeLatne?, 45c. Usual price
62fcc. .
50ps. Striped and Figured Silks, 50c. Usual,puce
75c.*, . Black Silks. Reduced 25 nor cent.;
100 pa. French Mennoes, 81,00. price 81.374;
: 300 ps. Parameuas and Lyonese Cloths. Reduced 33
percent; •
.2500- Long Square Shawls, which wilt be sold at from
$1 to 85 less than the usual prices.;
8000 yds. Bonnelßibbons,at3 and 10c. Usual puce
18 and 25c.;
Fast Colored Calicoes,CJc. Usual price9c.;
lOOcase&Enghsh and American Calicoes,B and 10c
SOc&qes Bleached Muslins. Reduced2c.per yard; -
2So.bales Brown Muslin—all grades}
Also—Laces l Embroideries, Trimmings, Hosiery and
Gloves,Linens,Checks, Cloths,' Cassimeres, Cassinets
and Jeans. ;• r v • r: • '
Together wiih an immense variety of other Goods, all
of which will be marked down to lower prices than any
of their’'previous sales .
' They invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Goods willsoon be sold.
Thelowestprice named athirst.
A- A. ; MASON- & CO.,
Nos. 62 and 64 Maxketstieet.
EMiSHOIPKKIK&Mrr-iieceived per express, a large
assortment of the following Goode.:
Ladies’ book, ..jaconet, and. muslin French wrought
caffs and collar? j Kossuth cuffs and collars ;Valenci
cnncs and Louis Napoleon do do; Louis Napoleon Mft
line, Bijusscls and-Applique cape sand sleeves; chemi
zettes ; black Chanulla and- lave -veils; ladies’ break
fast caps; mfonts’.saps and waists; embroidered linen
English thread laces and edg
ings; jaconet and Swiss edgings and insertings; to
gether with, a general assortment of French embroidcr
Nosi63 and 64 Market street.
SPKING- BuNNETS--Oar first lot received and
ed—comprising in part the following styles:
•White and Yellow Lace; Queen's Own; '
AlbonlCfaipt Hair Tulip;
Milan- do; Jenny Lind and Satin;.
English do;. ' Fluted Straw and Satin do;
Fine Straw ana Diamond; Pearl and Loop do;-
Florence Crimped; - American Lace;
English Pearl;. > Hungarian Mixed;
EnglishAlbone; ‘ Fldted Manilla;
Sflk do; •
A A MASON & CO. ’ j
l; : ciottis i
4 V JOBBING, PRICES.—II 6 piec e*
A Black and Fancy'colored French and English
CLOTHSj Pilot, Drab Cloths.
Just opened ai ... A. AvMASON ft CO. ? S T
. dec2 Nos. GS and 61 Market street;
- Tin Rooming*
fpHE subseribersiake this method lo inform proper!?
t all others interested,
; Utat.tbey stilL continue 4be business of Tin Roofing, in
.all its Their skill and experience-in this pan
of the business, bashithertoenabled them to give entire
satisfaction. And they. hope, that by continuing the
samepoltcy of using the best materials, and employing
skillful, workmen; to keep up this favorable impression.
If the question of Tin Roofing was new, or just brought
before the notice of this community for the first time,
we : would coniider.that the importance'orthe subject
would justify, us in extending our views on its superior'
advantages*. This, however, b not the case. We shall
therefore,confine ourselves to a few remarks. On the j
Cthdayof.Jnne,lB44 t (nearly seven years ago.) we fin- j
ished our first job of Tin Roofing hi this place. From 1
that: up to the present time, we have covered with tin
thexoofsof the .finest andmost costly buildings that
have.beeherectedlnlius We have given oar
yiews on a previous occasion on the superior advantage
ot Tin over.iron, as a covering for bonses. And lime,
the reat tester of all things, has but too clearly proven
. the correctness of our opinion,:
Again, if we place Tinin juxta-position, with Slate or
a covering for houses, we think thatlln will beam favo
rable • comparison, with pome decided advantages.—
These advantages are, that when tin ia used the roof can
be made much Batter—thereby saving materials,ln the
length of r rafters,.brick-in the gable ends—making the
house easy of access in case ofafire, and showing a
belter finish and. appearance. Also, when tin is used
the guuere ; areiWorked In, thereby saving the extrannd
f.eayy expense for copper gutters, &c. t
,—thinga indtspensibieon slate roofs, if farther reasons
were deemed necessary, we could offer the experience
of our eastern cities what has been aavrinced,
as it iso well known fact that New York and other east
ern cjlicsverv generally prefer even tin for their, most
cdsuy and splendid buiidingSjftotwilbstandingihey have
a fall supply of slate at their doors. With these remarks
we wiiUeavo the subjectwith.those interested, and will
take pleasure in giving farther'information when called
;/ ;;:Stoope(i S&onlderi,
CtHOULDER BRACES. —' r hese Beanes are essential*
Oiy adapted to those whose profession?in life render
the inolined posture necessary. To the consumptive*'
thesedentary,;and&ll those who, in their daily pursuits;
have contracted ihe habit.ofstoojfhig, this Shoulder
Brace Is inestimable. It prevent? the shoulders from
falling forward on the chest, expands the dimensions of
the, caamber.m. which the Lungs- andHean are coo
.uined^and gives buoy ancy to the whole frame ? thus, in
its action, counteracting the principal causes which lead'
to disease in those important organs, and to a numerous
train of nervous ills, to which so.raany are subject.
For sale by . KEYSER & M’DOWELL,
- 140 Wood st '
P f « Fitch's AbUbmlnal Supportert
qpHIS instrument i* used m &U the Eastern cities, with
JL unparalleled .success. The effects produced by it
aie truly wpaderml,tn all those cases whexe abdotni
uol.supportis needed, from weakness of the abdominal
muscles. _ It is a sore core for falling of the womb, and
the long list of diseases whielf iMeud that complaint
For sale by , KEVSER 4'M’DOWELL,
marB - ~ MO W-ood si
Patent Trusses.
TAS® recommended
A.-***? a ® ,cle - d % «toradical coresfßmis or ßup.
lure,. They retain the raptor,e perfectly, and mnv be
worn with ease and comfort by the patient, and have
been known, to many Instances,to effect a'speedy cure
: “ - - ' ; KEYsiR & iraoWiL,
jars , - .y; HOWoodst
_ importnntto Taliori; '
iFaP KECETTOD—« Ddz.asEOried Tailors’ Patera
V. Shears, from No. lOdown to No „ ' a *"atem
the manufacturers, and forsale at * * •
mavSß BWN & 'TETLEy.g 138^ Vood
““If! a doors below Virgin sHcy-
RY APPLES—62silcV3'DriedApples; ....
•■ ■ <lO 1 ' 'do; For'gale bv
: . y . . N011e*....
A "“persons indebted to ihe lale finn/of Johotton &
“TOCKTpn A wili please call and settle imme jistely
and save cosU. Efeb3j, . JOHN FLEMING A g*i.
i. n. wnjLiijtsi L-L;.. Mmin ...»*.»♦ < John HAFiyja.
J< D* WlliiilAMS & CO.,
Forwarding and Commission ‘
,; . And Dealers in , .. .
- oouhtht jioDtjci Ann'wrrsßtxßoH ■
Comer of Wood and Ftflh' sucttj }
; ma?s ■ ' -• . : • ... . Piusbargh. .
Steele ffi Officer's
XJ BmmKS, Virgin aßeyisMtdstory, between Wood and
Liberty streets. Boxes of .all deScnjmona made and de
livered at the shortest notice. ... IfcblO:!v
iTTf^rcy— gfrP**- Hominv. '
: Jtl *? do :While FiptCincinnati Hominy,
arid forgate by WM/DVFrr?! *
; mart ; Liberty ftmat. i
* w r X.*-
S < .
: H'V’V'vy*'
r" * *
corner Marker and Second sis
J 1 ' r ' ; %f*'
■• Hi, :
■v.t -
H , <. - IS
y * '
: rw T *: *V-
‘i - a r S» “ '
Bolivar Fire Brick Jannfactnring, Cmapt;. i ,
in. gloves,. i a. at; iubb, b. p.ioso, Miuiuv,!
• »•■•■-
GLOVEH, HIER &CO.» Proprietors. s*
having beca appointed Agents fcrl
X the above named concern, wilflieeP-constanUy on'
hand a supply of the celebrated BollvarjKLre Brick, Cm-? •. ’
ctble Fjre Clay, Furnace Hearths afldrlnw&lls. ■-
are also ready to .-receive orders for said. Brick, to .••?
made in sfzo nnd shape to suit purchasers, which shall*: .
be promptly filled. • ••
■ .Wo do not deem it necessary to ennmerater the many
advantages the Bolivar Firebrick-poses* over alloth-t.'.
ers that have been odared for .sale in the United Stater, u, .i,
their superiority, being well koownto almost all persons?!' '
who use Fire Bnck. The proprietors have determine! jtf
that the Firo*Bncs ahalllosenone of their present envi-t v.
able reparation,and that no expense shall be spared to
makethem even better than; they have noTetofore beon.r*
This is the only. establishment now manufacturing Fire
Brick at Bolivar._ _ KIER&, JONES,
Canal Basin, Seventh su, Pittsburgh. [
* _ 4 * BiUderV«.Wlnft Store. . "Jj
fPHE UNRrVALLEHPLACE for obttdningixll Wines £
-X. Liquors; Ac., GOOD nndCHEAP. ; • £■ ■
u BNLDKR ,J has. lately—in eonEequecceef thenumer
pas'large sales made by him toeoasnmersrrbcen obliged,-
largely toreplemshhls stock by fresh importations,
henashow the satisfaction of offering some of the besik
Wines and , Liquors ever imported by Win; He would!':
refer lojorneinvoiceras follows—viz: • p
DUFF* GORDON & CO.gHEßßlES—embracing deli-|
cate Pale at very low prices, rare old* and fpojne very t v
choice MANRANILLA,.aII on draught by the gallon.— £■ ‘
Also.raTe old delicate AMONTILLADO, Id casts of 16 £ >
g . seUeud for cbnflumertr. Some EXTRA g '
■ AMONTILLADO ia.bottles, pat up in Europe, which
cAatongw as equal toany ihat can be produced; >
Ttcs are pecaHarly .adapted to donvalescents, as theyj
strengthen withcfat Bilmblatinff, and haVe not the noid owl
many other Wines..' ?V *-' ■- i •’->< .
specially selected fori.
his soles to consumers front the stock of** :
and imported direct. *-*:
delicate, and Ibave been.?
highly approved by. his customers, because of their i .
manifest superiority overall other Ports and Red Wines'!.
palmed ofrassnch. .
' They aire of various sorts and prices, in bottles ou
draught by the ganott.or wholesale by theeahk. Among?
them is some rare delicate WHITE PORT and mat*mV.
SEV PORT. _ . . [v
VPcrsonsaufferwgwuhchtomcaffeettonof the bow-'
els cannot be 100 careful in their PORT. . r.s.
; MADEIRA WINES of various, soils, dry and richii
South Side; old East and West India. aercial, Ac
on draught, in bottles and by casks; R
As to the SPARKLED. WINGS' of the subscriber, il;
is well known that theMOET EXTRA CHAMPAGNE;
and the .splendid SPARKLING MOSELLE,
hy him aresaperior lo ony other are sold'/
ntpnces as low as most orihe inferior wines now in the-:
market which are put upontuyersas -first class. /.. K
. He has aIso.GHAMPAONE WINES of veriousbranda?:
and qualities, at very low prices, retailor wholesale. Irii
thdarticleof CLARET. WINES, generally,. .
ber holds himself to be a judge, and-he offers the finest!
stock here, from thevery lowest price,by the single do-$
xen, to the first classor u premier cm ” of'Msnoc. }>
, Of BUBGUNDY;WiNEShehas alargcsloek andean;;
assure customers, thathe can. present tottem,;(rom hisf
vaults, os good a bottle ofßargundy as France affords.^
S AUTERNE and BA RSAC always on handiabotttesß
His selection of RHINE andMOSELLE WINESjv ’
from the cellars of Messrs. DmffASli & Jounat?, of Co-'i
bleus.are extensive, and number many Still Hocks and’P
Moselle, from the cheapest sorts to the. very .choicest!-
vintages Of the “STEINBERG, 7 ’ which is the best;
growth of the Rhine; ••••••.
la the articles of COGNAC and other BRANDIES hc£ ■*
has now afinestook, embracing some very old extra
1800, of Otabo, Dufut A Co. r ana some celebratedi
“ CLAVIER of 1821 v” in eighth casks, and 1842 in hhdsi'
and a DUBOUCHE, n lsl4,iahhds. on carmgwnenx, which'i
will be sold-low. ; -Th‘
and all other Wines* and Liquors, including -all: of theV-- •
above, SOLD by RETAIL TO CONSUMERS In any* . -
quantity desired. * li •• - : --.••••‘•v-v:*' • g-,
A constantassorted stock of HAVANA SEGABS.* f ■'.*
Goods delivered, withincme day'sreach of, PACo4-
delphid, fbsiobt Parn. • Orders will be promptly cxecn*|
ted if sent by mail or telegraph \
Address, . : : JACOB SNIDER, JR.,
' Cheap Wine Store, * •
- 76 Walnut street, Philo. |
MEDICAL /DEPARTMENT.—The regular ccruise ot
Lectutes will commeneeon''tie firsiqf Notmctf:-
and continue until the lasrel February. The Anatomic
.cal Department will be. openod and ready to receive
Students by the first of October. The Medical Depart-*,•
mem wilt be under thh direction of the following. i
Z, F2BSMAS, M. Dj Profei= or of Xnntomy, ] .
B-S. M. Dy Profeasor of Surgery.
•H. J. Hulcb,M. D.jProfessorof Theory and Practice ©i
Medicine. • ....... - ■ . j
W. Btbd Powell, M. D., Professor of Physiology, Pa-5
thologyvMineralogy and Geology. {
J. King, 51. Dp Professor of Materia McdicajThcrapeu-J
tics and Medical JurisprudencesX-
J. Milton Sandses, M.D., Professor of Chemistryondj
Pharmacy.' :
J. A. WhsonvM. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Bis*!
eases of Women add Children. \-
: - ... CXIWIQUB LECSwIiSi. ; :• ‘ i-
Hcdicins —Prof.ll.J.Hitlce. . • ' J
/Surgery—Prof. R. 5. Newton. - t >
Z Freeman, M. D., Anatomical Demonstrator. j r -
The fees for a full course amount to 3105. , .
monstrator’a Fee,slo. Graduation, $2O. j
Thosedesiringfurtheriafbrmatunr, will please address:.
their letters (post paid) to.the Dean; and Students am-1
ving in the city will please call on him at the- Commcr- i
ciaf Hotel. ;R. 3/NEWTON, M. D., »
DeanbftlieFaculty. K
Hon EIVM King, PtaLof: Theory and Practice of Law ? ,
Jno Delafield, Esq, Prof of Commercial Jurisprudence,
Terms'- $5O per session. , i
- All communications pertaihla*. to this departmentmitsl r
be addressed to fi. W. M; KING, Esq* b
IRmn.,March ? lSso. • y
The Facilities, for. intellectualabilities, moral worth l
and professional acquirements, will compote favorably 5
with the most distinguished inoar country. TheMedicaJ f
Faculty constitutes an anomaly in thG or- any other 6
country—allof them are able Lecturers and the best of f
.Teachers.: i...
Those wlw) willcontemplate our geographicalpdsition,
and the extent of ourpopulauon,can have no doubtap to f
the eligibility of our situation tor an enterprise ol the
kind: As to health, including aUseasonß ofthe year, we j
deny that any orhrrcity has more, ; t
. The firstclnssoftheLaw and Medical Departments o. X
this Institute were, small*but tha gentlemen composing £-
them are talented and in ihehighcst degreeTespeqtable— ?-
a favontbleomenfonhe future prosperity ofthe Institute, t
i-Thatthe public may be satisfied of tke permanency of {■.
this school, we teel it our duty to state, lhat the Trustees F
andFacultyform a uni* in action, which augurs well foi f,
its future successj and that the peculiar internal orgahi* \
ration which connects them, cannot be interupted. f
•,E.W. M. KING, 1
- apl . President ofthe Memphis Institute. %
OF one, two' and > three g asses* salted for delecting k
couaterfeithsixk notes,-andother purposes, for sale £
by . Coct24l JOHN B, MPFAPDEN & ; CO. |
.To the Clttseni of AUegheny City, \
" k BOX for the reception of ; Orders for CITY MILLS 3
FLOUR is left at the store ofMercer & Robinson.
Federal street.' 1 Such Orders will be prosiptiy supplied
BgglO ’ WILMARTH & NOBfcEi t
300 Men Wanted Immediately. I'
JjL are 80 cents-per day; and we charge 01,75 per £
week for boarding.'. Apply atthe office, onihe Steuben- l
vUle road.near M’Donaid’s tavern —i miles from Pius- ?
butghr fjone23:tn . HANNEY A CO. . i
' : . SALE OF VALUABLE -V.. . ;<L T,
IN pursuance of a decree of the Chancery Coartin *
: Clarksville, at the Ocioberterra, 1850,1 will sell at %
the Loaina Fnrnace, in Montgomery County, Buite of *■
Tennessee, on the Bth day of April, 1851, the Furnace l
known .as the Louisa Furnace and the Aloant Vernon 5
Furnace, with all the lands attached and adjoining there- 1
to, amounting to some 20,000 acres. At the same time ? .
and place I will sell a man, John Carter, !
aFoundeivandhiswife andchildrenpon acredit of 1,2, t -
,ond 3 years,' The real estate on a credit of 1,2,3 and 4 i
years.'- -.1 .. .!'•
On the llth of April, 1851,1 will also sell, at the late ►
•residence of Robt. Baxter, in Montgomery Co.'.Tenn . I
the IRON PROPERTY I ,knownas‘ SifcTennCsseOFar.
naee and the Water Forge, on Barton’s Creek; with all I
the lands adjoining and attached thereto, consisting of f
several thousand acres,.on a credit of I,2,3and4years. \
’ Sumner County Lands near Gallatin. t
I will also seU, on the tfCth of Mareh, 1851, In the town l
of the CoartHouse, 320 acted of land lying- ;
m said County, known as the Preston tract Of land, on a :
crednof 1,20nd.3yeaT9..- . , . . •
• . ifouss ond £o< in hfaaAtntZfe; i
_I will also sell, on theSSth. of March, 1851, a valuable i
House and Lottn Nashvilleyat the Market House, known i
08 No. 64, situated on High st.:, on a credit of 1,1? i
and 3 years. Bond and approved security will be requi
red of the purchaser and alien retained oaths real es
tate in all cases. . P.. PRIESTLEY, C. & M^
-- , Sale of BluleS) Wagons, &c»
.• * will, os the Adm’rof Robt. Baxter.sell at the
isa Furnace, in Mpntgomery.Coumy,-.Tenn, on the 9th
day of April, 1851. all tbo personal property of-lhesaid l
Robt. Baxter, b'elongiig to said Furnace, consisting of
75 Mules, Wagons, Scrap Metal; and Stock on band, on
a credit of twelve months. - ■
I will also, sell, on the llth dayof'AprOj 1851, at the
late residence of Robert Baxter, m Montgomery county;
Tennessee, about 30. Mules, Horses, Cattle, Household
and KitchenFamiiore, together with all personal prop
. erty of gaidßobert Baxter; on a credit of 12 month?.—
: Bond ahd security will be required on £li /sums over
CIO. Thesale .will be continued at each place from day
.-today,tiliallihepropertyissold. - /
; Dec. 17, ieso. ROBERT BAXTER, Adm’r. '
[E7* Each paper will sendthe Office ofihe Clerk and
-Master the papers containing.the advertisements, with
iihe amount of the fee stated. Published till day of last
\jW* Nashville Union and Tree Whig; the Imuisvilla
Journal i theCincinnailCoinmefCiahandthe Pittsburgh
anal day of salej and forward -accounts to the Clerk add
Maaer for settlement. .• - . AvaKJwXr
—Clarksvilli Jeffmmian; : ' - ' ae «‘«awta
Sprlng stocu or Carpets. '
T H^;„ EabsCr ber ha YM>S Tetoraed from iho JJasiem
Oil S£ rCC^ V ‘i>8 UsSpriojstock of Carnc™
Kir Shadea, Etairßods. Uoonh lfoai.
R— a f Be, r Bltl Take and’ Piano
Matting, &?., &c. All of.wijlch havo beeh se- :
ieciea trom the latest importations andbest tnanafacto
nes. vvithAn eye single to the interest of his costo-i
niersj and all who’ may favor him, with a callt eresi
painsjs at.ailitimea token to show Goods to persona
Wishing to look or bay. Call and examine, the stock
■sphere can be found the. latest and best styles of the
above named Goods, with pricesand qualities to anft‘
all. ; E. W.XVND, •
tyndji Carpet Emporium,
Apollo Building, Fpnrtll aireor
/TiOD FISH— IS drams Cod fish: iu store and ftr ciit 1 .
Vi/ mat 4 , MILLER
cHirESS BEEF—JO bbls iq storemid forsola bw
r 4laß«i3S ' " BTDABT A HILL.
•* A
* r
</' 'jJ.
■>, ‘f*
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