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', •, r« t. r , ', .. *1 r *’ ■> to» i j- s t. ci* *; »* (». ••» V >kS »■ * ; *j. •<' l I ‘^• r i>'<'^*? i ?''t : 'fV^' ,l,;< t f* b* J*#? 1 * 1 << ** *bt‘, j,' A JFjsv* >r v 1 * 1 - J Ar.ij ?.V£-V: 'SswSiJ' '•';. MMW V* y 1 ivl nkU^vV l^ <^ l ' v o\o:'v l ;V -*r x ,{ ‘‘b^ , .'‘‘ f ' J ‘f ?sps -• *-rn iWWlpffHr*‘T , * > ' "v / £f^4^^vsly l%S^K ? \ {£®*?K\£S3S^ If H f JJi^^^^^»^^' ,^^«^^‘fi^'^^l^•Vft*i=0^> *:‘^VV Fatal Accideht.—A young maD, named Donald. «ell» ictidiog in Butler county, was last week killed by tbo accidental diachargo of a gun, in the hands of a comrade named Jackson M.lLr/ Buwnow.—The annual election for Directors of. J the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, will take place tn the Booms of tho Board of Trade at 3 o’clock i»S?iffijSSeSW^3^&Si^C^&^^^ <^raS'4«r^’3ei# , 2f«i»fc* ; Se«»ss»!«s*i Iw Town.—Judge,Knot, of Westmoreland, is in town; He paid a visit to the Court or Quarter Ses. -'' 'V i'^"' - (^i‘i' f : sions, yestorday. • ■** A ,ot of «oe Goods, or the cargo Steamboat Cowell, wilt be sold at McKennas Auction House ~3. ~ .'- %- ' - *«•,<■' J.»', th| B morning at 10 o’clock. aife6i»gi^^(^«>*sn«BS«^ftSris.s^b&wsS^as%ssS«v«F*'9s»i4ws 7 AJ ddid- rjd -" 4 '- !?:■- - l ' di './'; ■ - : v \ '. , •.' ■ " ,^ t a ;,s , "*-^.f l '''-l ‘ i ’ 4’‘ l 3 f ' '• i :,' ’’„■ ’ ;i*-' 7 ** ’dd7,\ , . «;'■'>> ; ‘v ,l "a f f> -' 7 .dd ■ ' V*;' .* *,v* r Vr;^;-~> v ~'d - w " , ■ : y^r'j;'-'d''4 '•■■^■^?^\^\^^>d"'^ :^: d-r'' r: -d'''- ■ '.-s‘j;-' ■ •'/ ,"' " s u ----' ’•J"-‘-v-??•<- £’f T ;^i , - , t''* t v t * J , ,*' 7 •, T ' * . l «j40 .. - , „ 7W j .', A ,^-T^' t^v.^.^t-^^'-^!r- 4, '^ > V^'i^'*-'s'‘ i v^&r'^K'-''''-^-->f- v^r--^'«i.~-i.t^ •• *• f - i .- t '-fr- ki » s'; n. «j”-•■ .♦- % ?♦.••.f* f. ;-.Y-;->;t.-a-:,;-»v .'% *»#•; r»;, , •■ •. /;:•, <- ■; .: • '' s- ; -m \- ' te •■ ■ \ . 7 ‘X'd' r ijd ’; '■" * «'-*’t' . , -i- ' '. :l’ , ,' 7 '■%., v r LOCAL MATTERS. iV-v 'TEBMntra— Monday, April 14- On the BoUcb, Judge* McClure, Jones and Bogge. Commonwealth vs. William Cavanagh and NoU ■ me Smith. Indictment, Highway Robbery. This case was again taken up this morning. Cornel ms Lott, recalled.—The day that I had the conversation with Smith, I wont down to the rivor In sneak with him,because I had heard or the rob. bery. Heard of it from John Skiles, and I wishod to know moro about it. , , ~ Croshexamincd. —I saw Skiles near the bridge ; wanted to know, besides, why the constables were after my brother Jerry. When l met Smith, the de» fendant, ho waa so badly scared that he confessed to me what I bavo already testified to; ho said that no one asw him take the money; was examined in Court before, when my brothers were on trial. Robert Sands, sworn.—William Creighton was aoini home with mo, when we stopped where some persons were slngiog, in St. Clair stteol. O’Neal ' asked all the boys who-were there into Graham’s tavern, to drink ( I wont in, and whon I came out, I went with Creighton up St. Clair street; 1 saw Cavanagh, Smith, and Lull go with O’Neal up to wards Penn streel; they w.ero on each aido ol him, bnll did not observe whother or not they had him by the arms. Heard of the robbery, next day, from Officer Hague. Crosa-examinod. —Was arrested for this robbery. William Creighton; sworn.—Went with Sands, on O’Neal’s invitation, into Graham's tavern to drink ; when we came ont, Sanda and I went up St. Clair street-home; I saw Lqtz, Smith and Cavanagh go - with O’Neal up towards Penn street. We had been it the Theatre that night. - Thomas Barns,sworn.—[Evidence unimportant.] John Conlon,sworn.—[The witness, a watchman, was proceeding to state what O’Neil had told him . about the robbery, on the night in question, but the question was objected to, and the answer ruled out.] ThetcaSe closed horn-on behalf of the proaecu. lion, ana was opened for the defence by Stephen S. I Geyer, Esq.,in an eloquent end energetic address* Lucius Osgood, sworn.—l am a teacher in Alle gheny, and Thomas Smith went to my school. He as a yoanjf lad of good character. Tbomaa Smith, sworn.—Am father of one of the defendants. My son has never, to my knowledge, told me a lie. I have been engaged, for years, at the St. Clair street bridge, and my sou has frequent* ly, on Sunday nights, been left in charge of it; large earns of money have been left under his control,but not one cent has ever been missed. . I would co • uuattim with any amount. Charles Faulkner, sworn. —Reside in . Allegheny City, and work at the brick-laying bnsincs ; young Smith worked with mo for two years; h>9 character •. | S very good ; be ia an honest, steady and industri* v ans lad. < Joseph Craig, sworn.—l am a gun»amuh, and worked in St. Clair street; when there I knew Smith, aad bis character was always most, exemplary ; know Cavanagh ; his character is likewise good. Several very respectable witnesses testified to tho -good character of the defendants. ■ . . • H. S.Magraw, Esq., then read the depositions of - tho Lutzes as taken before the Mayor. Also, the BUtementaof young Smith and Cavanagh. The Jail docket was offered in evidence, to pravo that John Lutz, a brother of Jerry, had been com mitted, on oath of O’Neal, to answer -this S3mc • charge of highway robbery—also, his final discharge .from custody. AFTEHnOON, The counsel, on both sides, tn (Bo case of high «?sj robbery, tried ibta morning, agreed to aubmi the case to the jury without argument. Judge McClure’s charge was rather favorable to the defendants, and tbo jury, after a short absence, returned with a verdict of not guilty. Sir. Magraw moved for the diaebargo of tho de fendants, whou hie honor, Judge McClure, tuado a briefand appropriate address to them, assuring them of the pleasure which their acquittal gave him. — Tbeir characters were now unspotted, and tbcji stood before tbo Commonwealth as though so iccu-, eation had ever been brought agamst them. • The defendants were discharged by proclama tion. Commonwealth vs. Domimc Rogers, John Hanne gan and others; indictment not. The defendants aro accused of making an attack on Mr. Nelson Joncrf, and the hands oD his ferry boat, on the fourth of Jsnuary last, and tho case excited considerable attention at the lime it occurred* ■ ■ Kelson Jones and a nomber of his hands testified that the assault on Mr. Jones was commenced with* out any provocation so far as ho was concerned.— Mr. Jones was carrying an iron bar and with which he had been working, on the boat, when ho per ceived that the toil collector and one of a crowd of the Chartici’a rail road laborers were quarrelling about the toll. Ho a&ked what was tho matter, upon which tbo crowd asked him whether he was going to striko them with the iron bar. He dis claimed any such intention, but was knocked down and the bar taken from bun, and his head sovorely cut with it. Another person, engaged on the boat, was likewise knocked down and beaten. The whole crowd were engaged in the assault. Mr. Jones could not recognize the defendants as having been engaged In the assault, but other wit nesses-did. , On-the other hand, Mr. Remington testified most positively to the fact that Mr. Rogers so far froiDj aiding in the disturbance had endeavored to quell it,, and that the asaanlt was first commenced by Jonea and bis toUeoilcclor, who afterwards got the worst of it. Another witness swore point blank that Hannegan was not concerned in it. Alter speeches by J.J. Kuhn, and J.R. Large, Esqs., Tor the de* fendants, and the Honorable Cornelius Darragh lor tho Commonwealth, the case went to the jury, who bad not returned a verdict when the Court adjourn* cd. , ... Commonwealth vb. Charles Elworihy. Indict men! Assault and Battery. The defendant pleaded and waa aeatonced to pay & fine of u?e dollars,and the costs of prosecution. Public Houses. - — His Honor, Judge McClure, at *tho opening of the Court of Quarter Sessions, yesterday, observed that it had been currently re ported about town that a number of tavern licenses had been granted by the Court during the present term. He had no official knowledge of any such licenses haviog been granted, and announced that it required at leaßt one week’s notice before the Conn would act upon any application for & license. It requires the concurrence of two Judges, sitting in open Court, to grant s license, and if any had teen granted during the March Term, he directed *he Clerk of the Court to make out a rule, returna ble forthwith, to show cause why the same should cot bo annulled. The learned Judges discharged Captain Roberts, out of the tipstaves, from further attendance open the Court, until he had served all the rules. Theawe.— Tire new Roman Tsaoedt. —The aew Tragedy of Csciona was produced by Manager Foster in most admirable style, oq Saturday ovenr ing, and received the unqualified praise of a full and discriminating audience. It abounds in beauti* ful laoguage, and is full of stage effect; the eceno* ry ond dresses were magnificent. The Senate scono at tbo end of the third act took tho audience com* plctely by storm, and received loud and continued, applause. We are gratified at perceiving that Mr. Foster ban ladnced Mr. Buchanan to repeat the Tragedy this evening, as many who are unable to attend on a Saturday night have expressed a desire to see it. This is positively the last night of Mr. Buchanan. . • ■ ■ Unusual SfECTACix. —We yesterday saw a Ger. man woman wheeling a large barrow, loaded with bags of potatoes, from the Market House. This is a somewhat singular exhibition Tor this part of the world. ■ Sentenced.— His honor, Judge McClure, yester*. day, sentenced Henry Hosack, who had been con victed of an assault and battery ou oatb of John Foster, to threo months imprisonment in the Coun ty Jail. Aiteutted Bcaotanv. —An attempt was made, last week, la break into the Allegheny Orphan Asylum. The (hieves must entertain a hatred or this laudable institution, for they have time and again unsuccessfully attempted to rob it EffiTWc would call ihe attention of Coalers to the large invoices ofDrj Goods,Tailors* Trimmings* &0.,\0 be «old this morning et DavU* Auction Rooms , -.... ; „f ;•, , * v -V,,, , *■ H (near Sixth Street ). TAKES this method of returning his sincere thanks to the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity for the very liberal patronage they havebestowedonhim,and hopes through stTict attention to business and adesireto please all, to merit a continuance of their favors. Particular altcniidn paid to Children's Clothing. In . connection with the Tailoring Business, he has opened a Furnishing Store, with a large and splendid assortment of Shirts, under Slnrls, Cravats, Suspenders, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Jenny Lind Neck Ties, 6elf adjusting Stocks,Gloves, i Hose, Ac, Togeth er with every thing in that line necessary- for a gentle man’s outfit. BENJAMIN M. ARGU3T. api9 (Token copy.) Jfames €. W\ (Formerly Cutter to the late P* Delany,) i WOULD most respectfully announce to his tnends i and the public in general, that he has Tented the i Siore, No. 36 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he intends carrying on the TAILORING < BUSINESS in all its departments. He is now receiving from tub eastern UAREETS an enure new stock of GOODS, for Spnng and Summer weaT, viz: superfine French, English and American Ciolhs , CashmartUs, Tweeds, Cassrmsres,(T\oiUed French Habit Cloths, a supe rior article for dunnen Coats,) together with a large as sortment of plum and figured Cassxmeres, new ana desi rable styles. Also, an excellent lot of fancy Silk Cashmere , Satin and Marseilles Vesting, all of which the subscriber is prepared 10 make to order in the neatest and most fash ionable styles, at as low prices as any other establish ment- He therefore hopes by strict attention to all or ders intrusted to his care, to ment a share of public pa tronage. JAMES C. WATT. No. :iG Market, between Second and Third sts. TO TAILORS —I shall conunae.to Bell'hnd give in structions on my .system of Garment Draughting as heretofore, at the following prices, viz s If accompanied by oral instruction, 810; without instructions, $7. martlry JAMESJ3. WATT. SPUING AND BVMRKR CLOTfIISG ! THREE BIG DOORS! Ab. 151, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. I JOHN McCLOSKEY has nnw the pleasure of an-1 nounemg to his numerous friends and the public in I general, that ms Spring and Summer Block is now ready I for inspection, which he believes will be found to be I one ot the Urged and best selected stocks of Ready-I Made Clothing to be fouud in the Western Country. | He has this season paid more than usual attention to I the manufacturing and style of his Garments, so thatthe I very lowest pneed, as well as the finest,are got up in u I style aud elegance not to be surpassed. I lie would particularly call the attention of all dealers | in Clothing to his present splendid assortment of | Ueady-EXade Garments, I As he feels confident, upon examination of the qualities I and prices of his goods, he can offer them such induce-1 menis as shall make it ihcir interest to purchase at his 1 establishment Many years’ experience, and great success in the bu siness, together with an unprecedented wholesale and re- j tail patronage, has enabled him to get up Garments to ] suit the busiueaa habits and tastes of every location m i the Union, which t* of the utmost importance to whole- 1 sale purchasers. lathe Cutting department will bo fooud a choice se lection of th > mot! fashionable goods, consisting of— French, English and American Broadcloths, Cashraerelts, Ac , Ac. Also, an excellent assortment of VESTINGS, of the latest and most fashionable style oil of which he is prepared to make to order in the best manner and at the most reasonable prices. COMB, THEN, ONE AND ALL! The Assortment, the Quality, and the Variety, is the most extensive, undoubtedly, to be found in the United States: JUST HE CSIVSD BY THE SUBSCRIBER, a large and handsome as-1 soriment of CLOTHS , CASSUSERES and VEST - | 7JVGS-of every style and color deferable for Gentle- i men’s spring- and summer wear. Together with the Urge*! assortment of Goods expressly for Boy’s and Youth’s wear ever brought to this city, which have been with great care, in the East, with a view to suit the ia«le of every perron, and which will be made to order in the beat manlier and 011 reasonable terms. fCT* \lways on hand, a large assortment of the most fashionable CLOTHING of every description, for Boy’s and Youth’s from *wo years and upwards, at h CHESTER'S* Merchant Tailor, No 71 Smithlicld street, between Fonrlb and Diamond i alley, and No. 14 Si. Clair street, near the Bridge | marS4 JOH-1 ■ • • ••• COVOBK. ia ’ p a de ts a covodb, (Saccessors to John M’Faduu k Co.J Canal \Baem, Penn tlreel Fecma. Railroad—Central Railroad.' THE subscribers having been appointed shipping Agents for the Pennsylvania or Central Railroad, inform the public that we are now prepared to receive any merchandize or produce for shipment oast on the i opening of the Canal. ... , . _ «l Goods via this ronte will be earned through in Uvoi days, aad ail consigned to tis will be forwarded free of commission or charge for advances. RATESOF FBEtGHT BETWEENPHILADELPHIA APITTSBIIBGiI. Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Books, Stationery, Cutlery, Confectionary, Fruits, Feathers, Furniture, Drugs, We - dieines, Saddlery, Wool, Ac., Ac., SI 100 tbs. Hardware, Qaeensware,Groceries, Paints, Dye Stuns, Oil«, Leather, Clover, Flax, Timothy and other Grass Seeus, Ac ~00c. t? 1 100 tbs. , Bacon, Beef, Pork, Butter, Lard, Lard Oil, Tobacco L«af, Coffee, Tallow, Gram aud Rags.COc. 100 lbs. Ashes, Marble, trough,} Tar, Pitch, Rosin, German Clay, Bones, Ac., 50c.V 100 tbs. marlS M’FADEN A COVODE. Dissolution, THE Partnership heretofore existing between the sub ■eribcm, under the firm of Crawford 4. Murtland, wa! dissolved on the Ist instant, by mutual consent. S- M. CRAWFORD. J.M. MURTLAND, Allegheny City, April I, 1851. The business will be earned on by J. M. Murtland, at lha old siand>onolno street, between Beaver street ana the Diamond, where the business of the late firm wilt be settled. ’ JaprB:lw CURE YOURSEUP AMERICAN COMPOUND Thu never failing specific isguaTanteed in all cases oi delicate disease, together with the attendant com* plaints, to effect a speedy, safe and lasting cure in the course of a few days, without restrictions to diet, easi ness or injury to the system. It is an old and popular remedy; has long been (and still is) used in the private practice of a physician, radically curing hineiy-ntnc of the hundred cases. It leaves no ©dot on the breath, and may be used by any one without the least fear of expo sure. For sale at the Medical Depot, No. SOSmlthficld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. [apr7 la, W. Smith, IRON CITY HOTEL, Fifth Street) between Wood and Market , Pittsburgh. fly Good STABLING attached to the honac. (apr7:y BEAT JAVA COFFEE— ‘Ready Roautd— For Bale at MORRIS 1 TEA STORE, in tile Diamond. _(apr7 "" ' Hope Foundry. JAMES COCHBAN, OEOBOB BSALE, JR., wm. r. u’bhidb, c. j. agrew. COCHRAN, M’BRIDE A CO., No. 137 Front Strutt Wood, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers or castings, cooking Stoves, Donavan’s Improved Enterprise Cooking Stoves, (Patented August, 1850,) Ranges. Hollow Ware, Grates, ft*c. Also, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Railing Window huuerst&nd Wrought Iron Work of every description. opr4 If\ Wanted* lU OR $3O HANDS, to make BOYS’ CLOTHES. None but first .rate hands need apply, at mar'Jfi R. CHESTER’S, 71, Smitlifield street. THE subscribers have associated themselves in the practice of Law, under the firm of Black St Wash ington. One or the other of them, when not engaged Coart, can be found at all times m the office, on Fourth street, Pittsburgh, now occupied by Mr. Black. ’ . SAMUEL W.BLACK, febB READE WASHINGTON. n*. Spring Fashion Tor 18511 I N THIS beautiful style of HATS received and for Cf&sole by JAMES WILSON, mat? corner of Wood st. and Diamond alley. putabargh Lock Factory* WM. W, REILLY, Lock S77nMtrtg } Bell Hanging aud House BlaeksmUhtng, No. 165 Wood stbest. A GOOD assortment of Housework, Store and Flush Bolts, and Steamboat Table Castors, on hand. Jobbing attended to in the best manner. [mar32:y WH CTE LIME—3O bbls. for sale low by _ apr7 WM.DYER. ■ --V ;. ■ ■■ ■ -< . Law Partnership. - > «4* k '*< « t ‘ > , * ' .^.vy ■ - -f/V •a;'^' Sommerrial anb ■ jfinamwl. Daily Review or the WholescUe Market OFFICE OF THE MORNING POST, ) Tuesday, April 15, 1561. J The weather, yesterday forenoon, was. coUl and with a Rule sprinkling of ram; in the afternoon, however, it cleared op, and became quite warm and pleasant. Bumneaß generally was very brisk. Navigation continues good. FLOUR—The market is poorly supplied, with an active demand for the City trade. Receipts by river not sufficient to supply demands. Wo notice some sales on the wbari at 03,3103,35; from wagons, $3,3503,37 was obtained; from stores, we nuto a sale of ISO bbls at $3,40. RYE FLOUR— Wo have sales of 40 bbls report* •ed at $3,1003,12. ASHES—The market appears dull; we could not learn of any sales worthy of note. We quote at 3} 03} for Soda. GRAIN—Sales limited; more sellers than uny 9 era. : Sales of Wheat at 60065; Ryo dull at 40043; a sale of 300 bos Oats reported at 30; several small sales of Corn at 33040. BACON—This article cootinuca active; prices I well maintained. Wo note sales of 2000 pcs Sboul- I dera at 6}, 500 pcs at B}, 1000 pcs Sides at 7}—four. I months; Also, 25 hbds Shoulders at 6}. Sales of 12 1 tierces canvassed sugar cured Hams at 10}. I GROCERIES—Market firm. Sugar: in lots at 6 I 06}; in bbls, 6|o6|. Molasses: sales 40 bbls, in I cypress, at 36; some holders asking more. Coffee : 1 sales of 60 bags, in lots, ranging from 11} to 12} ; I holders not very anxious to'sell at present prices. I CHEESE—Stock in first hands qmto light; prices ! remain high. We note ealea of 20 boxes Common I at 7}. POTATOES—The market continues active; sales of 50 sacks at 65 for Pink Eyes, for shipping. OILS—The demand limited. We note sales of 12 bbls No 1 Lard at 69, and of Linseed at 90093. WHISKEY—The demand good, with sales at 21 022. . MACKEREL—Firm* with an upward tendency. thore being a slight advance m the East; wc note sales of 25 bbls No 3at $7,50 & barrel; No 1, we quote at 813,00013,25. TOBACCO—This article maintains its firmness. We noto sales of 10 boxes Grant's at 32}; 10 boxes Russell & Robinson's at 32}; 15 bis Springer's 5a at 31} :11 bxa Morgan's at 22—a1l 4 mooths. WHITE .LEAD—Sales of 200 kegs Puro White at 81,96, cash. PRICES OF STOCKS. COnaSOTED DAILV FOE THE MOEHINO POST BT Patricks A Friend, Exchange Brokers, Corner of Diamond alley and Wood si., PiHi&urgA. LOANS. United States G’s do do s’9‘ Pennsylvania G’s do {Ts Allegheny county C’s do coupon 6’a do ocnp Putsburgbcuy 6’b •• { do coupon 6 T a, payable mi Philadelphia- i Allegheny City 6’s • •• • i do coupon G*a payable in Philadelphia—; ; Bank of Putsbureb- • ■ Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank Bank Farmers’ Dcposite Bank sxioos stocks. Mcnongahela Bridge- St. Clair street do • ■ Hand street do N. Liberties do • IK3UJUNCK STOCKS. Western Insurance Co- • • Citizens* do do Associated Firemen 1 * do TELEGRAPH STOCKS. 1 Atlantic and Ohio, Pittsburgh to to Philadelphia*' Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Lou isville Lake Erie Line Pittsburgh Gas WoTks -- MonongaheJa Slackwater Youghiogbcny do BAILBOAD STOCKS Pennsylvania Railroad • • Penna. and Ohio do • • Cleveland and Pmsb’h do- Fayette Manufacturing Co Erie Canal Bonds, old do do da new COPPBtt STOCKS. Puisb’gh and Boston (Cuff Mlne)i North American North West North Western Iron Cay Eureka Pittsburgh and Isle Royal ■ • Adventure Ohio Trap Rock Ridge Mining Company* • Allegheny Savings Bank' Bluff Colling Fire Steer • • BANK NOTE LIST. COBBKCTSD DAILY BY Hoon & Sargent, Uxctiange Banker*, Corner i.Kb.—_ XOOiloz. Bilk Gloves, ■ . S 3 to sr per dor. 100 doz. Lisle Thread Gloves, 710 0; do SO doz. Kid do oto 10- , do lOOdaz. Sospaitder-v . Ito Id 'do Por oaie lit Nstr York prices. ■■' KENNEDY &JIASI.ETT. JUST RECEIVED, itt; liesl “elected, stock of fancy and variety Goods, aold and silver Watches,'Jewel* ry &c.. ever offered in this market, which will be sold •at unprecedented low price*. Gi\ e us a c.all.if 'you tvibb YELOCIPIOhS AM> WILLOW WA.OONS—Just received and-for ealelowi 24small and large Velocipedes; . 50 Willow Wagons; aprlO . ’ KENNKOY & HAfeLKTT Mineral fountains for s_• 3 Mineral Fountains; 2 . do. stands and marble tops. For sale low Inquire of . JOSHUA RHODES Jc CO., No. t> Wood street. FRUITS ~l?5 boxes Oranges-'. ISO do . Lemons ; 40 casks Currants; 400 boxesßaisins ; To arrive and for sale by apr9 JOSHUA RHODES & CO. Sundries — 1,000 drums Fig*; 500 hf-do do; 50 taskeis.salad Oil; 05 doz. assorted Pickles *, 10 doz. fresh Peaches, in tin cans; faprii] JOSHUA RHODES kCO fliO the Honorable the Judges or the Court ot General JL Quarter Sessions of the P SEALED P ROPOSALS " ill be received at mis office unlit 12 o’clock, 23th day of April, itm T for the fol lowing artic&s, for the use of the sick at the United Slates Marine Hospital, near this Cay, until the.3oth day of Jane, 1652: -' ' Beef, a* free as possible irom bone, pnee-psr pound. Bread, each loaf to weigh one lb- *' “ “ Brown Sugar of the best quality- • •* |* *' Tea Hyson * ' Rice Sour - **• { ,' Sperm candles-* Coffee--— — Butter, best quality • • Middling bacon Hams Lard-• — Flour, best superfine- Molaises Port wme - Vinegar Milk Best boiled meal Potatoes - Beans Eggs Salt Hominy , Wowd “ Coal > -bushel. All of the foreitrn articles io be ot the.very best quali ty, and to be furnished at such limei; and in oneb quanti ties as on the requisition ot the Steward ot iae.Hov.pital, approved by the Surveyor, may be jeqaired. . Any other articles that loay.fi.wAnted, the contractor. to furnish at the lowest market pricy,. It is eiiuraaied that the number of patients to be sup plied will average about 20 per day. in addition, to which there will be about Id officers and servants to be supplied v Any information concerning the contract ■will bt piv en on application at «hL? office, -IiIvNRV WOODS, ap3:i2otn Surveyor and A%u, ILebMftrme Hospital Par value. Asked. Offered. . S 100.00,8118,758110, 62 .. 100.00 105,00! 104.00 .. 100.00 101,25! 101,00 100.00 02,75! 9^,50 05,00, 90,00! 95,00 . 65,00! 95,00 90.00| 90,00 62,00 48.00 43,00 36,50 40.00 30,00 46.Q0 45.00 AdminnaVffc€ipr* T . NOTICE i* hereby vtven that ?*wt» ot irdmimatia- Uoa have been. I’ranted u> itv* EubscrUitr-on Uio Estate oi John bhcphvrd. deceased. Ail pt-rcons know - tng themselves indebted to *aid Esiaie, aie requested to make immediate payment; and all having l lano-., to pre sent them properly authenticated f<*r fetuement. JANE SHEPHERD, PITrSBUKHH UEE"INSI‘«AiNCE COMPANY The ‘Uhv.cnpUon Book;, tor Mock in the above Company* will remain open tor a t-cv? d;*y--. ai the Oflioc ot the Company , No, 7«> Fourth street. O A. col.. lON, »S>e y. 100.00 23,00! 32^/0j 900 5.00 3,00 j 11,00 20,00 19.00 6,50 6,00 160.00 156.50 ! 1 .SO 4 uo 3,D0 l.T5| Builneax Notice. ALL persons having- business w uti the either as Public Accountant Instructor In Book- Keeping, or otherwise, will bnd him ut the Pittsburgh Commercial College, irom 9 till 11 ocloi-h.A. M., amt irom2 till 4 o clock, P. .M. Merchant# m want ot competent Book keepers tau be supplied by callmir on JOHN FLEMING, apr9 Principal Instructor m the Science ot Accounts. Jftmfii Itees, RSGINE BUILOEH A XI) MACSILXIST, {Successor to Robert Wtghunan.) Corner of Liberty and fVuitr s:ntls, Pittsburg, TT7TLL build-and finish to order, on the shortest no- YY tice and moil accommodating terms. Steam En gines and Machinery, oiul ('a .Una?., ot all description.: at the lowest prices. State Bk and Branches ■ i Other Solvent Banks • • • • } Bk of €andnsky 75 Granville —■*•*■•so Norwalk 50 l/rbanna o 0 Wooster 75 INDIANA. State Bk and Branches I ILLINOIS. State Bank Branch 50 Bk of Illinois*—- 7a KENTUCKY. All Solvent Banks* • MISSOURI. State Bk oml Branches • i MICHIGAN. All Solvent Banka 5 WISCONSIN. Mannc & Fire In*. Co. at Milwaukie 5 TENNESSEE. All Solvent Banks*—— 3 NORTH CAROLINA. All Solvent Banks H ! SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 All Solvent Banks— 1 [ GEORGIA, i All Solvent Banka U ALABAMA. All Solvent Banks* • LOUISIANA. All Solvom Banks 1 EXCHANGES. New York *•* ptem Philadelphia*—*--* “ Baltimore— * “ Cincinnati****- 1 die. Louisville I “ Si. Louis I “ VALUE OF COINS. ArticrtcanGnld (new)-par. do do \oldl*sprem. Sovereigns $ 4,83 Guineas * 5,00 Frederic sdoe rs 7 ,eU Ten Thalers 7,80 Tea Guilders 3,90* Louis d’or 4,25 Napoleons**- 3,80 Doubloons, Patriot* * - 15,75 do : Spanish 16,25 1 Ducats * • 2,15 empty pork barrels for sale by WM. DYER. m'Vvv'v miscellaneous. PirmaußOH. April 5, lt»l. 1 cheerfully recommaml to the public and my former customers, my successor, Mr. JAMES REES, a compe tent and able mechanic, capable ot building and Machinery m-ihe west satisfactory and approved f’tyle {upPJ yl ROBERT W IbUTM AN. BARGAINS^— Teachers and families wishing to par* chase School Book#. Classic Ten Books, and Edu cational works, will imdit great y io their interest to call immediately at the Educational Book SiOic.UoMar* keistreet, adjoining Dr. Thorn’s Drug store. Phis es tablishment ts selling olf ut coat, to c.oae up. ALSO—Carter fc Bro.-s valuable Book-., at eo?i. Mr v have an excellent stock ot these works, and families, ministers, &c-, would do'well to call during the present week only. (a|>rP} EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE. riUM.ET—The STORE ROOM now fitted up with an I elegant modern and attractive tront. Rent very low. ap, , having atno story Briek House, with a hall, ami mne noms conve niently arranged ; also, warehouse and cellar, outoven, hydrant, yard, garden aud fruit iree*. railing m front. The house is well built, and is of the best materials.- The hall and rooms are suitably papered, and the whole is in complete order. Price 34,000 Terra*—SLOOOin hand; balance ml» years. St CIJTHUERT, Gen’l Agent, BD r4 SO Smuh&eld street- Dll. RALPH'S) PRACTICAL PKIVAIH TULA i -ISE, on the nature, symptoms, progress,canceqtien ces, remedies and cure ol the disease?. „of the Genual i System, adapted 10 ilie useor every individual. M 2 pp., tvuh illustrative plates. Price $l,OO. it is an invaluable work. .Dr. Ralph is a physician of high standing, and baa alreadypiibli»h util HubllT, r,l> bnmhftelJ street- 1AR1) OlL—l‘i bUIs.J. L. CiuililmL -• Mo. 1 Winter j Lard 0.1, .n atoro b k > ricKETSON , No 221 and 223 Liberty street. -ITIIGURUU POPLINS ~A A. MAfcON *• ‘A) , are JH now opening cases and package* 01 plain and lis ted Poplins. Also,a largeloiol lace capes, breaktas caps, jackonet flouncing, Jcc.» _» J P r7 S~1 HAWiiS A.A. MASON -v CO., have* jum received .per express, thirty curious o( prime J i-Jibraere , higl colored Thibet; embroidered do, luiu.} ue lame, am other Shawls. Upr« tTEMOVAL —J. SIIKA hits removed ro No. Uu Mar ket street, (two doors north ot hiv. old xtand,) the house lately occupied b y R. I>. Thompson. fuprs;iw —EED STORE"REMOVED.—The subscriber has re moved Ins Seed Store, from second street to the building recently occupied by Air. Reed, us u Tailor Shop, on Third street, almost immediately opposite the Fost Office. [apr4;lQ F. L. SNOWDEN. BY TELEGKAPH. Reported Expressly for the Datly Morning Post HVi'RIVKD BT LIGHTNING— PBUTrED ,BY. CTKAH. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE; Habbivbubo, April 14. - Senate —Tho biir dividing the Slain into Judi. cial Districts has been vetoed by the Governor this morning, 6n account or various blunders, such as requiring all Associate Judges to bo learned in the law, requiring Courts to be hold on. same days in different Courts in same districts, aud v otherevident marks of hast) legislation. . . . bill, to repeal certain laws exempt imr property trout taxation, was taken up and passed. Thfc tariff resolutions were postponed for the pres ent. ' . .■ .. THE CLAY J FESTIVAL. New York, April 14. The festival on Saturday was a brilliant affair.-* Almost 1000 gents, sat down to itie table, V> tills Hall occupied the chair.. ; Speeches, toasts and tongs were the order or the evening. Letters were read from Messrs. Clay, Webster Everett, Dickinsou and others; ; EXCITEMENT IN DICEINSON COLLEGE. : Carlisle v Pa.; April 14; There is a greareicitement in Dickinson College between the students and teachers. . Nine members oi the junior class have been suspended, and 14 . dismissed for insnbordination. The first ticket for Jenny. Lind’s Conceit sold this morning at five hundred and dollars premium. .. : - MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ZTEKIIiO.] Colton..Declined £c, Flout. .Firm at 4,6fi|04,87i Whea't..Sales at 1,12£51,1& : Corn. .Steady at 68(369|. Porkv.‘Acti?e at 15,00 tor new mess, and 12,00 for new prime. Cut Meats. .Firm at 8} for bams, and shoulders at 6}, Lard.. Advanced to BJO9. Coffee. .Firm at Io}(3io}> Molasses. .Firm at 32. Cheese. .Steady at 51(37}.'' Tobacco*.Active at 3}(311-} Whiskey. .Steady at 24£. Philadelphia, April 14. Flour. .Firm ; sales at 4*,50(34,62} ; good brands 4,69(35,00 5,3506,00. kooh.] ; New Yobk, April 14. ; Rye Flour.. Scarce; sale 3 at 3,60. Corn Meal.. Firm at2,B7} bbl. • Wheat. .Steady, with sales of Pcnna red at* 1,00 j mixed, 1,02; white, 1,05. Rye is in dhmapd for distilling. ■ • i Corn.. But little offering at an advance of; lc bushel. Whiskey.. Advanced to Q4c. : No change in groceries or provisions. . Baltimore, April' 14. Floor. .Sales of Howard street at 4,50. Corn.. Sales of while at 61, yellow 62. Provisions.. Unchanged. . CiirciifHATr, April 14. The river ia stationary and the weather cloudy. Flout..ln fair demand ; sales at 3,46(33,50; Whiskey.. Sales at I7}(3l8. ; Cheese.. Sales at 7. r Nothing dpiog *nProvisions. Groceries.. Sales of Sugar at 6, Molasses at 34, Coffee at 10}. ' - , ■ ;l ' per bbJ. gal ,r - lt quart; u :4 bushel 130 Wood gtbeet, two doors below Viegix alley. BOWS 6 TEThEY, PRACTICALCUTLERS.SURGICAL AND DENTAL Instrument Manufacturers, WE are now receiving; oar Spring Slock of-GOODS, comprising a fail assortmemof Hardicatt* Ctlrlery, PiuoU and Hunting Knivss. .Also, all of .the la.* icsx improved Pistols manufactured in. America. - In audition lo our Siotc, we have a manufactory for malting ail kindsof Instruments and Tools. Oar lustra*. im»nr' , • f _ Nr B.—tVe are Agents for the sale of CharlC* C. Reinliardi’y cclebratedGlas* PadTtuss, the beslnnw in u«e for the speedy cure of Hernia Far sale by the single dozen PROPOSALS are invited trom stone [Masons, Stone Cutters, Carpenters, Ac., for the erecuon of a Pro testant Episcopal Church, at the comer of Diamond al ley and Grant street. The proposals to be handed lit, on. i or before the 15th day of April next. A plan and specifications may. fie seen al the Loetuie Roomot Trinity Church, entrance ,on Sixth street, on Saturday morning n ext, between the hours of 9A- M.. and I P- M-,—where. also, full information will begivqp by nn Architect. By order oi mnrt27:id Tab Boildisq Commutes. _ BY a geotlemun who is now doing a profitable bust* m*a* on the Western Reserve, Ohio—but whose means are too limited to carry on the same. Any per son of good character, possessing 81500 in cash, or goods suitable lorn country store, can hear of a good chance by calling upon STUART A ftILL, ;■ rnanttilm 121 Wood street. ALLper-ons who have subscribed to. the Fund for malting a Plank Road on Pennsylvania Avenue* or Farmers' and Mechanics’ Turnpike, irom Oakland to Henry Barker’s, arc notified to call at the house of the •»üb*criber- in Reiavillc, on or before the 15th of April, instant, and nay fifty'per cent, on their respective stib- PL’ripUons. laprs] HENRY REIS, Treasurer. TllfE BEST Oretn Tea m Pimfturgh.—Some new crop Young Hyson Tea has been received at MOR RIS Tea Marl, in the Diamond, which for strength and flavor is superior to any ever sold in Pittsburgh. Price 51,00 pci lb. . a P* . Falrmonut Fire Engine for Sale* riIHE members oi the Fairmonnl Fire Company offer J their ENGINE for sale. It is in first-rate order, and will be sold cheap. Enquire oi J. SMITH, Sec*)., • nnr3 lf No. 409 Penn street. " Cabinet Blatters Wanted* rnjlE subscribers will employ a number of good hands I at tbe above business ; vit; Bureau, Bedstead and Table makers. None but good workmen need apply,— as good wage 3 Will be given and payment prompt. , RYAN & RrKbL, at Ryan’s Buildings, No. 31 Fiftn stree ; SUNDRIES-32 sacks Dried Apples; 12 bbls. superfine Flour; ti do Rye Flour; 2 do Eggs; 4 Vega Lard; 2 bbls. Roll Butter. On consignment and for sale by . •_ 3PT 7 KING * MOORHEAD. Thomas fit* l^tttlei WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, : FIFTH STREET, between Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. AH kinds of Jewelry made and repaired. (aprS.ly , European Agency, and Remittances V ■ Ireland. iTtHE undersigned, *• European Agtni,” has again sr* I nved in the Oiuted Siates.and will leave Pittsburgh in June next, tor the t\centg~fifth tour of this Agency-, , through England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales»Ac., to return In September- He collects legacies, debts, Tents, propf erty and claims; rermumoney by sight drafts to all parts of Great Britain and Ireland, at the rate of $5 per pound sterling; procures coptesof wills, deeds and documents; eonoucis searches of all ktnd9, Jcc., Ac. He transacts the business m connection with Ins relative, Huon Keenan, Eeq, nowresidentiu Dublin, who for more titan, i twenty years traveled annually,onjthts bustnesa,betwcea Europe and America. Innumerable rcierenoes given, i During the subscriber’s absence, remittances and outer I business will be attended to at his Office, by tus brother* Edward J Keenan. Office on Futh ctreet, opposite SI. I Paut’ c Cathedral. THOS.J. KEENAN, I European Agent, and Attorney atL&w, 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. , 1 ITT* Mr Keenan may be teen on business in Cmcm- I naui at the Broadwuy Hotel, on the 23th and 29th of> I April; in Louisville, at the Louisville Hotel, on the Ist. I and 2d of May; and in Si. Louts, atthe City Hotel, on' the ?th, Sth and 9th of May. [apr2:3wdaw fOBHER 0» UABKBT AHD THIBD BTBEETQ. CH ARTF.RED A- D. lestl ; the only chattered Inati lution of the kind in Pennsylvania. _ . . . Faculty—Jomi Flhmino, principal Instructor in the science of Accounts.. . .. O K Cpamßebus. Professor i. Penmensiip, Mercan ttle computation, 4c. .. Alit M Watson, Esip, Lecturer on Commercial wishing: to obtain a complete knowledge of Bookkeeping and its application to every branch p un =ines-, also, a rapid and elegant hand writing, are mvi ted.to call and examine the arrangements. • Lecture on Commercial Law every Monday eveouis Reference to any of the city merchants. t ael-> - DllfK'S • I :2V. JE. comet, of Market RXCHANOS DVFICB. . To jfo..Q7 Market street, four door* beloxaatd itand. N. HOLMES A SONS, BANKERS BROKERS, and Dea lers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western cities constantly for safe.- - . . ...Collections made in all the cities throughout the Uni ted States. Dcposites received in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth streets.. • ajtg23»ly.- Domestic psid foreign Exchange, Sank Notes, Gold and Silver, Bought,Sord arid Exchanged, ■ AT THE: -••••■ •' ! ■. KICHASGK ASD BASSISG HOUSE OF ' '■ William A. MUI & Co,, 64 Wood Street) PITTSBURGH. gj* larsassT ALfcpwsn on bmb deposits. [a *tT-yy* - r . . __ edwaad ERAHSB & EAHM, Banituand Exchange Brokers, Dealers tn Foreign ana Domestic Certificates tf Depot’ it, BankNolcs.anZ Coin. ‘ . - Corner of Third and Wood ata.j directly opposite the :St CbhrleaHotel. V • maySB • HecHanlcft Bank. BUBKAS BtTCLDItf 0,7002X2 ABOVS 2IAIUCET 3TB2ZT. THIS BANK i« now prepared to do business. jOpen from9A.M.to3 P.'M. Intorestpaid on Special Deposits aug n • THOMSON BELL,Casbier. G. W. TAYLOR XA 3 SECONDS TBEET v : COMMISSIONER AND BILZ^BBOKER. STRICT attention will be given to all business en* trusted to his. care. Pittsburgh manufactured jaru des always on hand, or procured on short police. < >• .Notes,Bonds, Mortgages,Jcc., negotiated on favora ble terms. Advances made if required. joctafett . HOPS EVER. WONDRRFOL CORESI! Dr. Rogers’Syrop of Liverwort and Tar ' ' AttP CANGHALAGHAj \ For the complete cure qf Cougte, Caleb, Injlttenza* Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, andjUlciter Zvnf CoT7iplo3JitstC7idi7igto CONSUMPTION. > Looh at its CnparaleXled Succesß. THE above distinguished COUGH MEDICINE is’ear rying all before it in Lung Complaints. In alisec- Hons of tne country it is constantly performing cures which astonish even physicians themselves. Look at the high character and standing o! the names which vouch for its unrivalled healing power. H. Cor»bl.B-y late Professor in the Medical College in Cincinnati rW. J. Richards, M.D.; Hon. Judge Morse; Hon. Judge Wm. I Burke, for more than 20 years Post Master of Cin-5 R. S. Newton, M.D., Prof, in the Medical College at hEem phis, Tenn.t John A. Collins, Esq., Proprietor of|the Temp. Organ, and Gen. Agent of the Grand Division of I the Sons of Temperance of Ohio ; William H. Levison, I Esq,, Editor of the U. S. Military and Naval Argus at N. Y.: Thomas C. Faulder, Esq., of Albany; H. Wueman, Rey. R. Hoyt, N.Y. City; and we could name I hundreds, aye thousands of others, who testify from | cersonal that it has-cured them and their j mends,ln some casesafteraiiotherremedies had failed. I Suchmen never make such statements, unless convinced j of their truth beyond the possibility of a doubt. Read a I few of the letters. _ _ - I Extract from a letter from F. M. Cory to H. L. Sterw- I art, No. 137, Second street, New York. ■ ± I J Spabta, June 30,1849. I Dear Friend Stewart: I !have been home now just two I months. When! last saw you, I had but little hopeaof I ever getting any better. But I have now the pleasureof 1 thanking you for recommending me to fake Dr. RogeraL Syrup of Liverwort, Tar, ana Canchalagua. I got a 1 dozen bottles of it and took home with me, determined to make a fair trial of it, as I had done with everything 1 else. I have only taken tour bottles of it, and I-mitot I say it baa done me more good tbanany other medicine I have ever taken. On my first taking it, it increased [ the expectoration, and I raised , a great deal of bloody matter from my lanes. Bat that has now ceased, and So haamy cough, marly. I cough but little cjs> pect soon to be entirely free from it. I consider it tin invaluable medicine, and shall recommend it to all who are afflicted with a diseased . 1 let a young lady who Had the CONSUMPTION* and had bled a good deal from the lunge* and doctored sever cl months with our phy Rician, but gTew worse, have one bottle of it, and it cured her. It acted almost miraculously in her case. Your sincere friend, F. M.. CORY. ; N. B. The original letter from which the above is an extract, iron file", and can be seen.atout office, No. 313, B r ° adV B£EEDING AT THE LUNGS CURED. SSV HOW PHOMPTLT IT ACTS. Statemen l of Mr. A. Lang, Baker, No. 383 Pearl strut, N. Y—A few days before ’ fast Chnstmaa, I was taken unwell, and soon commenced bleeding freely at the Lungs. I called in a Homeopathic physician, but hla medicine did not seem to help me. • 1 read your advert isement, and thought l would try Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort, Tar ana Canehalagua.. Before I had taken up the third bottle, my bleeding had stopped, my Cough was gone, and-I felt as well as usual. My health is nov? good. I consider-it a most excellent medicine, and cor dially recommend it to my friends; [This statement wa9 madeto the Proprietors,MarchV2tlul€sQ.} OTHER NEW VoRK CITY REFERENCES. ; TT/* For want of room to publish at length anymore certificates, we here give the names and residences of several individuals well known in New York, every one of whom has tued this medicine , and can speak'personally of its effects. Please call upon them, and hear whal *k§HAHt.ss H. RinOj No. 192, Broadway, corner of John street. f Rev. Ralph Hott, No- 137, Madison street, Pastor of the ** Church of the Good Shepherd.” ;* . . T \ Robuet S. Lockwood, No. 36, Vestry street. Sylvanus Hoyt* No. 260, HouMon street- . • ; jn* Be sure to ask for Dr. A. Rogers y Syrup o/LIV*. ERWORT, TAR, and CANCHALAGUA, and let no. other be palmed on to you. • J CAUTION.— None genvtfw,-nnless there is on the buff wrapper, a turfs of hand, Signed with a Fen, by A- L. SCOVILL& CO. . . .■ ' A T Or.OTfTT-f t FOR SALE, wholesale and retail, by A. L. SCOTJLL A CO., Proprietors, at their Fnncxpal X/epfIt,GOTHIC HALL, No, 310 Broadway, New.Ybrk, to whom all pi* dera for the Medicine, and letters relatmg.to Agencies, should be addressed, jpoiMuiui : ; w , ■; ALSO, fat sale by R. E, Sellers, No. 57 .Wood street,. Wholesale Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity i 3>. M. : Currv and H.P. Schwartz, Allegheny Cityj Townsend, Carr A Co., Manchester* A. Patterson, Birmingham. PRICE—in large bottle, Sl,oo* or six bottles for 85,00 mat2ft3m' Private Diseases* , DR. BROWN, No. 41 DIAMOND ALLEY. . -y Deyoieb hia entire attention to an offic* practice. Hislusincssismostly conllnedto 'J»CJ Private or Yenercat Diuasu, and sneh pain- VwrftJ§pf auctions, brought* onby imprudence ■ youthfulLndulgence&nd excess. I Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorr hea, Gleet, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, with all diseases .p. the venerea) origin. Skin j JKseahes; Scorbutic ] Eruptions, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases,Seminal Weakness,lm potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female "Weakness, Month ly Suppressions,Diseases Of the Joints, Fistula in. Ano- Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Loins, Irnia* tions of the. Bladder and KidneysiSuccessfully treated years’ practice’(four in thi« city' enables Dr ErVXto oVe“i Ji“ «cf .peedy cure to all who may C °Offioeand lirirew consulting rooms,4l Dmmomiay. ■ ITT* Charges moderate. uovS.d&wly -ra FIIMATISM.—Dr. Brown v 8 newly discoyreo ren> Red?ft™ eamitLm i. a .peedyandeeuam rented, for that painful trouble. It nevei •*? ;« , nn. 1 Office and Private Consultation Rooms No MOND, Pittsburgh, Peuna, The Uoctor.U always w home- —; —r— ~— * Olasolutfon* • rnHF Partnership heretofore existing between me T% »erlbe ihh fy'mmual coS Druggists, has this .day oeen u A COULTER, ; SC March3l, ,851. __ N- H HACKE. nyThe affairs of Ihe late firm will be cettled by J. A. Cornier, who combines the same business at the old stand, qomor of Wood and Third streets. apd - *l{ ‘ .*_- J ,;*, r^v*'»l^ '• . *-v r N ~ / , * > *i" ':. % - . v ,'t'*4V , ’l\ ’" '' •'•i'-‘ ii &■■*■''<£• « i'-u -•■ V a *l| «\ r ■ • », l ' > * . r*' - ■ " -rr.it . : ■: 1 „ * 4^^,, ... MIZE 4444'5: :4:.> 4.;;\ Mental or, physical decay,—wbtfj n*. tous Antidote. —This great and woiiderfdl remedy for nervous diseases, can only be obtained.at the Medi cal Depot, 60 Smithfleld street; Tt ls not- an excitant, but a strenglhener,: purely vegetable and harmless;, like a skillful architect, it begins by laying « firm foun dation, and gradually, but incessantly, Add* strength and vigorVuntil nothing is left unfinished. It Is a ner vine of such miraculous power, that it is unimportant how long the disease may have existed. The cheer fuluess 11 creates, and the strength u gives, are perma nent. • Price sl.per bottle. . • C^rll Yhi Great Remedy for. Consumption tftke LungS,dffeC turns of the L\verr y Astfima, Bronchitis, Bams, or week] ness of the Breast or Lungs, and other affections of the Breastor Lungs. /-.-‘v . ■.• *\ar ISTAR’S BALSAM. OP WILD CHERRY is a 'X f fine herbal medicine, composed chiefly df Wild Chesey Darkand ihe gemuine Iceland MOss (the latter imported expressly for ihi* purpose,) the rare medical vinaes of which are also combined'by a hew chemical prbcess:wub.ihe\ex!ractofiar,Ura9 rendering,tho whole compound the most certain and efflcacions remedy aver diecovered for CONSUMPTION OP THE LUNGS. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. Dr. Wra. Yw Batiks, of Xenia, Ohio, a highly respect able Druggist in that deltchiful-village, has informedtl* that the sale of Wistar’s Balsam of wild Cherry is un paralleled. ■■ The demand for It .is bo groat that he can scarcely keep himself supplied with'it. He ha* had in his store medicines for lung affection*." Some of these were esteemed and some gave temporary relief/- [ Bui since he has had :>Vistax’sßaUam:drWild Cherry, a number of the most serious cases were completeif cu- : ’ I red by its use, ‘1 BOTCr solda medicine,’’ says the door • | torr “in which I had tharentire confidence that I hading tbtv 7 ' '' - Ji ctmasT ’.’Wherever’'Wistar’s Balsam otWildCher- ; ry is introduced, it at once attains that tnghrepatalipu it .. so rishly deserves. What .can prevent its sale when on eVery hantfcan be witnessed Ils'wonderful cures? ;The worst case r>f Asthma, recent and dangerous Cough; '(and' also those that are of long .standing,} Bronchitis : or Consumption (in its early stages) are alwaye cured . bv this remarkable medicine — HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION* Cuxedfey Wlatar'eßalsaraor WildCticrry. Pleasant Ridge, HamiUon co^O-5ep.27,1850. J. D. : Sir:: I take the liberty ,of advising you of the benefit that I have derived from the use Oi Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.l l was-prostrated ’ by that terrible scourge,'Cjnsumption,itfMay Inst. The • .attack was truly hqrnfying.to me, for fiv'e.of myTamilVj : (my brothers and sisters,) had died of- Consumption. - I wasafflicled with nearly all of the worst features of the disease: 1 had a distressing cough and expectorated a great deal ofblood, hectic fever, severe pain* in.the sido and chest, cold chills, altenrating with.flus£es of heat -and copious night sweats. •• : I was under theNjare of a skilled physician-from the time I was takcnsick until about six weeksnince, being then about helpless, and ray friends considering my case hopeless, or at least beyond the reach of oar physician’* skill.’ advised the use of Wistai’s Balsam of wild Cher* ry.*-• -• i. •' • I have taken four bottles of the medicine, and now consider myself-perfectly Well. I make this statement to induce others that are afflicted as I have been, a to - make trial of AVUtar 3 ? Balsam of Wild Cherry, which remedy has, under the blessing of Providence, restored my health. •. J EREIVUAH ISGRIGG. .CaowN Point, Lake co , la., JunelS, 1819. ji D. JParb—Dear Sir : As I have a deep commisseia tionfor the afflicted, permit me to giveyoaa brief histo ry of my afflictions, and. the benefits derivedfrom the / use of Balsam of Wild Cherry.”- In July 1844,1 was attacked with a feverof a typhoid character, which left me in a very debilitated state; whea in the following winter! was taken with a severecold, which reduced me to such, an extentaato give me the appear ance of a confirmed consumptive. IlaborCd under a.. severe congh, expectorated a great deal, and was trou bled with cold feet and nigh! sweats. T also frequently raised blood from my lungs. I continued in this state, ’ gradually sinking underlie disease, until January, 1847, until I was again attacked with* fever.; . My extremities, especially my feet, were constantly, cold, and almost losttheirfeeling. Under these circumstances it may be truly said that 1 was a living skeleton. I finally deter mined to quit takingniedicine prescribed by physician* ■■■ and try Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry,-and from the first week ihat-I commenced taking it t can date a gradual recovery. I continued its nse six months; at the .... end of which time I was cared r and fiave-enjbyed good health-ever since, and chfiertally. recommend the Bal sam to all those afflicted with diseases of the longs, and would.-say to those commencing its use not tope dis couraged, if two pr tbreebottles do noteffect a cure, but ■ persevere as I have done, and I.have no doubt but nine i cases out of ten will be .blessed with renewed health aa I have been. " JOSEPHJaCKSON. | Important to those Afflicted [with Diseases-of ths Lungs 1 : ; and BreasU . ■ Will miracles never cease? More evidence Of It# surpassing health restorative virtuesl' . [From Dr. Baker, Springfield) Washington co., KyJ ; SFaiKGnaLD, Ky., May 14,-1845, Messrs. Sanford Bark: I toko this opportunity o informing you of a most remarkable core performed on me by the use of Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry- In the yea? 1840 I was taken with the inflammation of the bowels, which I labored under tor when 1 gradually recovered. In the fall of 18411 was , attacked with a severe cold, which seated itself upon I my lungs, and for the space of three years I waa con fined tomyhed. I tried all kinds of medicines ana eve ry variety of'aid without benefit i and thus I “wearied alone until the winiar of 1845, wsen I Heard of Dr. Wis* tarVßalsam of Wild Cherry.. ... .. . ! ~ • My friends persuaded me to givo it a trial, thoughl had given up all hopes of recovery, and had prepared myself for the change of another world. Througfitheix : solicitations I was induced to make use of the-genuine Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The cffectwai truly astonishing. Alter five years of afflicuoaand spflering. and after having spent four or five hundred tipllars.to no pon>ose, ana the best and most respectable physician* had proved unavailing,! was soon .restored to entire health by the blesslngof God, and the use of Dr. Wi*- tax’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.' ' . ' " \' Maytho blessing of God rest upon the proprietors of so valuable a medicine as;. Wistaris.Baisara of Wild Cherry. Yours, respectfully) /'w.lL BAKER. The genuine u Wistar’s Balsamibf Wild Cherry l ’ has . afhc simile of the signature of Henry Wlsiar, M> PhUaaelphia, and “ Sanford A Park 11 on a' finely exe cuted steel engraved wrapper. Np other can be genuv fna. • Sold by J.D. PARK, (successor to Sanford&Park,) Fourth and .Waluut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General •Agent todhe South and West, - to'whbm all oraers mußt beaddressed. - - -• ~ / J Kidd Co, Piusburgh.i L Wilcox, Jr, corner Market streei and the Diamond j B A Fahnestock & Co,Pitts-, burgh i J A Jones, Pittsburgh.; Lea & Beckham, Alle gheny City; L T RusseU, Washington ;WH Lumber ton,-Franklin.; L B Bowie, Ujnomown j-H- Welly, GrcensborghT • S Kouniz, Somerset; Scoit Gilmore, Bedford; Reed & Son,'Hanlinsdon.i Mrs. Orr, Hplhaay*- burgh; Hildebrand & Co,' Indiana >~J R Wnghtj Kittan ning; Evans & Coj BrookvilleA. Wilson it-Son, Waynesburghi M’Farland & Co,N Callender, Moad vflle; Burton A Co, Erie; Henry Forkcr, Mercer; Jaa Kelly & Co, Butler; S Smith, Beaver; J D Sammertou» Watreu; F L C S P Cropker, ir-yßrownsTiile* • 1 . v : fcblO V J. ... .■ v 1 ,V " ■-/ . .. . ... ~ ■■ Prnge anti Mebmnts; The Homan Body muit Perspire, (so savs ifAiuus,)' : TO HAVE A HEALTHY AFEEAEANCE, And persons who do not perspire tire liable to ihemos ' DISGUSTING SKIN DISEASES. ‘ NOW, Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap caosesra.free perspiration,and at the sometime mollifies, softens the akin,giving itthe texture and beauty of an. infant’*.. sdURVYy SALT RHEUM AND 80RE3; are soon not only healedjhut curedby its use, a» at least se?cn.physiciaris iti New York know, who . use it ursacb ' or any other skin disease. The reader is a&«ured.thut this is no useless puffed nostrum,ns onetrial willpxove. I could enumerate at'least SO persons cured of. . ■ ■ ■ • SORE HEAD, SORE LEGS AND SORE BEARD. Buy -it, and the reader is again assured, I would- not cruelly sell it forth© above, unless I know it to he all l , state. Those who are liableto . _. •- CHAFED, CRACREDrOR CHAPPED FLESH,- will find this uoV.only a I can now only add, that imy one afflicted . w,ih any of the,above, or similar diseases, will find this alland even more (admirable in its properties) than lstate, f .. ■ 4C7*But, reader, the stores are flooded Withiraifntiofcs, \ and be sure you ask for Jones’ Italian Chemical < and. buy it. only of WAI. JACKSON, only Agent m ; Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head of wood Jones’LllyWhUe* LADIES ure cautioned against using common prepa red Chalk. - - • . They are noiaware how frightfully injurious ltis . - to the skin! how.coarse,how rough,bow ;..i .i • sallow, yellow and unhealthy the acin. , • * appears alter using prepared Chalk! Resides,it is injurious, contain-... ingulargequantityofLeodl : We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which wecaU'JONES* SPANISH LILTT A'HITE. • ; It is porfeeUy innocent, being ptirified of all deleter*' • ous qualities j and it imparts to tlie ©kin & natural, healmy, alabaster,'clear,:.livinff whiter; at.the-fitete time acting as cosmetic on the. Bsm, raakmg it soft ana smooth. SpldbytheAgent,WM.JACKSoN,ti9i»»jerr ty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents. A Scientific Hair ToxUo Restorer - v And BEAUTIFIER. Trialboltles37*cents.“,'T&o» who have used Joties’ Coral Hair Restorative know its excellent qualities-those who have noij we assure-. it to possess the following qualities. It will fftre?. the hair tCLgtow. on any.pan where nature intended hair to grow, stop itfallingoff,cure scurfordardrufljandm ake ught, red or grey hair grow'dark. For dressingthe hair soft and silry, nothing can exceed riils-*it ;makea i truly beautiful, abd ‘keeps it so. It Is, indeed, the mos economical, yet superior article for the hair."- Sold only at Whl. JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty fit, head of Wood, Pittsburg. Price 374 cents, 50 cents and gI.OO. : - fdec*o • Pearly Winte Tccth and Brsatbf > . TO BE HAD FOR 25 CENTS. who have cither, ore honorably assure* ■ ■ mT- that if their breath, is ever bo foul, or their . TEETH DECAYED, DARK OR YELLOtVV . and cncrusted with tartar, that a 25 cent boXp!.Joatv r Amber Tdoth Paste wiil make the teeth white arsapw and ihebreathodiferoasty sweet Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, £f4(?-Libcriy-Btreev head of Wood. ' ' ' Jones’ Solution of Af * LIQUID HUMAN HAIR UVE for ibe«bangmg of A. white, ted or grey hair to e. black colotiio ttiew minutes. Sold by W. JACKSON, sHO JiiOenr srreot, Fiuebbrgh read of Wood. - -’r- ISS££L JfISISS /!■ JOfilESj W HOI VS ALE AMD RETAIL WRUGGIST. WH P L CMI^orU^ISAa»H^«IU>BIS. A complete asaoruneni or Drugs, Cuemictus and Si. Medicines, always on hand. [aprt 'rouSJ No,SC founti »u«ot. . v ‘ .* ' ■% -C 1 / nll .7 6 ,- , • 1 *. • Sr. .