smmtu V%. .;£>vf.- iV. «-i \ •>. -J'S **>■’* “ ** •. /, ' 1 >*, . 9 ‘V / V- *t i'u'v;-':., • ■Y*, ;.:•>. m ' - - V’£>. o'-jife4-®!^3il«4»^ V^rti^oS?;?^,^£.v;>r? *.£&s'''“J V* >Ji*-‘"‘••.."V s "' »'•'AV;- ,-‘.‘li'*,/' >/.' .- •-?-■• >*’.. -v ->./ - ; - , ‘ “ f ' - -v> . • y i§liiili|li|f|i|is^^ ■“! v.UOo \W‘- H - ■ '.“ V <_-* ■•■*•-•: /W& -^‘>-* liiiwii«»^‘i.. ■ ;- ;;■- ® : s :ss^i®ia«f, VOLUME IX. DAILYIOMIM POST. P> mild arid. Pyblu\td every Morning,{Sundays tzcepud.) .: r ~BY HAEPEa ft LAYTOST, RO&Ttt-WEST CORNER 07 WOOD JIKD TIFTQ BT RESTS ID" 4 EJLftfS.—Five DoLlara a year, payable strictly ~ naavannoj SiX'Dollars will invariably be required if AOtp&ia within tbe year. • >[D*SmglC'Copies two cents—for sale at the counter , *t tbe Office, ana by the News Boys. THE SATUBDAY MORNING POST Is published from the same office, on a large blanket •sire feheetj. at. TWO DOLL ARB a year, in advance— -«ingle copies nvs cents. • ID* No paper. wiU be discontinued (unless at the dis cretion. ofthe proprietor,) until all arrearages arc paid. U-/T No attention will bupaid to any order unless ac companied by the money, or satisfactory rcferenccmtbls city. . ;— ; —. .... •• ID" Conructeivnththe Establishment • WHITE &: CO., Gazette. L. HARPER, Post. ROBT. M. RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. BARR L Co.. Oironicle. 1 • FOSTER A BROTHER, Dispaich. Dec. 1,3640.) JAMES W. BlDDLE.American. professional (Sarits :TOJIN IL LARGE. Attorney at Law, Fourth street, near - ■ - mar3ft SAhIUEL W, Lais— Office on 4th street, near Grant, Pittsburgh. octSa C ORLANDO LOOMIS, Attorney at Lav.— Office 4th # st., above Wood. ; . julyj-y J pHOitIAS M.MARSHALL, Attorney at Lavs. —Office, X Lovme’s Buildings; Fourth st. jan7-ly T> B. CARNAHAN, Attorney at Law —Office on Fourth Jtv* st, between Cnerry alley and Grant st. (je2-y DH. BROWN'S OFFICE, N 0.65, Diamond alley; near Wood street. iebl JN. AI’CuOWBY, Attorney and Counsellor at Lave. — 0 Office in Bake well’s Buildingson Grant street. jeS9’J7-ly. . • . , ■ - . T, SCOTT* Dennst, Fourth st., five doors west of Mar ti • keL All work warranted, and if notpeTfecily sat isfactory no charges will be made feblO T>EMOVAL.—Dr. Robert Snyder,, has removed his Xt» office to Fourth street, between Wood and Smith held streets.- • marlS-ly e DARRAGH) Attorney at Lato — Bakeweli’a • Buildings, on Grant street, opposite the Court House. j_ iyg4:ly JOHN BARTON, Attorney with the greatest care end legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examined, Ac. novlS B BIDDLEROBERTS, Attorney at Law. Office No. #'l32Stniihfield street, between Fifth and Sixth. a Collections carefully attended- to—special attehtio g'rvcu toConveyanclng. : . Cdpc3tly Dr.Cnarlcß Hofmaa, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, has removed his office to Penn street, No. 2dl, (between Hand street and Gamaoa olley). fdec3o K.Q, H. KBYKEB : —— * *» - **»B. C.M’LOWHLL. KEYSER A McDOWELL, (successobs to Kerb & -KxTSEB,) Wholesale and Retail Drug and prescription store, cot ?r of Wood street and Virgin alley.. Physi cians pre -notions carefully compounded night and day- > • ocUhtf JOHN A. PARKINSON,-dMerman, Fifth Ward, Penn it., between Walnut and O’Hara sis., where he may be "bund at all times. Thosehaving houses orolherprop cityto sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend ed to; debts collected', and all the duties of an Alderman will Teceiveprompt attention. ; . ; 1 0c27-p HENRY W. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor ai Law, (successor to Lowrie A Williams,) Office at the old eland, Fourth st., above Southfield. : . TIJE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams. Esq., and myself,in the practice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent oh the 26th ult, and the i usiness'will hereafter be continued by Henry; w.Wil - iQtas, whom JI most 'cheerfully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business—as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. ; : •dcclß-ly WALTER H. LOWRIE, . Samuel P. Ross, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office in Fourth. street»near Grunt, tn Lamartine Buildings. . mar29:w OH ft X. JdITCHBL* - « ■ mttchel &• Palmer. k. TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW— Xa. Ojftteon Fourth street, a few doors.below SmiiJ\fitU C. AU business entrusted to their care, promptly attended to. Collection* made and Conveyancing executed on mode* -rate terms. , feblltif r 3s ' \ J. D* Jenntngu, 3 A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Of- J\. fice, Lowrie’a Buildings, Fourlhsireei, between Smilhfietd arid Grant/ apg JDr. Gcorge McCoolr HAS selected Pittsburgh as his permanent residence; He has taken the house lately occupied by Alder man Miller;on Fourth street, near Grant, immediately adjoining the “Lamartine Housed His Office is attach ed to his residence, where he will constantly be found, unless absent on professional duty. Office hours froin 7 o'clock* ii.-to 9 o’clock'*.m.)and from 5 p. M.to7 p, .Hi ■' ■ POTS - . • If. P. A G« L.B. Fetterman, ; ! ~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, be ; tween Wood add SmitMeld.- " jan2s:y ■ W.W. Dallas, A'TTORNEY AT LAWr-Office : second story Wil kins Hall. , . ‘ . v; )an24:ly : Dr. JameiUlng. ; ON FOURTH STREET, one door West of \J Weaver’s Hotel; -■angtQ:Bm - Wm. O’H. Robinson. “ “ A TTORNEY AT LAW. - Office No. 99, on Fourth 1 £\. street, opposite the Mayor’s Office, : {aogOlry ; . 8 • Hamtltoni - A XiilWyiasremoyed tolheoffice In “ l l tw =i n Wood Smithfield streets,; fa y Ti® 3 - Hamilton, -Esq.* dec’d,aht£ to.hebastness remaining unfinished npofi his: •loctet., .. mayl3' MEW PAhIUEKKEOTYfhi MUOMS. Jjuris’t jLiLf '■ N - WS», iWh«r«t,_HouGH * yptstafrontfire Eastern cities, wonld he inhabitants of Pittsburgh, 'and the neiihS •° nataTe ' The public are coucued to call and examine. . Pertons sitting a re neither requirred or ex em unless perfect satisfaciion striven. ; N. 8. Operators wilifind this a good depot for stock *ad chemicals. \ OtDtstructioas given in the art, containing 'tffo moro omtlapmoacat*/ . ' ■ ; @if£ i Business (Barbs. > A LEXAJiDER MYNESj Pdfcin ZVa Stor#, 38 Fifth Jt%. street, near Wood. ; i .... f f e t,i JOSHUA ROBINSON, Affent for Hamden A; Co.’s I*nsbf.Packets, Fifth bl, one door below Wood«febl: ' of iVoor **“*“”“ *"*• fcbf' "O: DEL ANY, FaskvmabU Clothing Start. No. .40 Ltb- X-~»crty street.. .. v • febl ‘ HOON A SARGKNty N“E comer of Wood and Sixth streets -t. .. • • febl.: . HOLMKS A SON, Banktrt and Dialer* it* Exchange • Coin nn&Bqnk Nous, No. 65 Marketstreet. < tab! A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, No. 70 Second » street, between Market and Ferry streets. febl ■’CriCTORiSCRIiiA, B»okselUr x Stationer. aad Binder* lyFifthstrect,! between Wdofl and Mdrket.i • jan? eA. McNULTY A CO. t Forwarding and Commission • Merchants, Canalßaam. ■ - , nmr3 WM. DYER, Grocer ana Produce Dealer, : No.~lSB Liberty street, Pittsburgh. . inarl7> JOHN M'CLOSKEY, Tailor and Clothier. Liberty Street' between Sixth and Virgin alley, south-side - : seplO PMcSrKIN, £nws Fouadn and Qas Fitter . Smith ,.fiddstreet, between Piamomfalley and Fifth at. r I-'p>££? , k^# < S ,NNORj oiiae Pittsburgh L Portable Boat Sum corner of Pehn and Wayne sta COOLER A LAIUX), Tailorf. Wood street, second door from Water, will keep'cdnstanUy on nandawdl selected lotoCCioxhtne. ' mr.rtlv T-T (successor to MuitPur A lkjU WoolUeaUi feXSr ***”* for lhß sale of Amen. J, —fSiSS’ ■ nh i UsaU Commission Merchant, „ m Pap " and *“&> corner Fettff and If. *vtu streets* - - T?' Wholesale Gractrs and produce JV 37-Wood Pmaburgh- (my 23 *F «W^^ OOD^fe Lt !/ J>7lyortCT ' a,ld For- WooSstreeta 1^16Harclware > corner of Second and Sort, btnp Chandlery and JJ Agency of the Piusbnrgh Lard Oil Factory. No 4 Martel street, Pimbnrgh- yu, liT £ankert and Exchange Brokers. C^rles'llo^^ W °°a streets, opposite the Si- B A. FAHNESTOCK. ACO.,' irAaiejoi« Drug Wart- f 0 house, corner of First aad Wood streets, and corner m »Voodand Suth. .. • ‘^P BR o'V~Maimfacrarcr of tin. Copper S J ! » t l™" ' Vn «. No. 17 Fifth Etrect. bclwcen >V ood and Market. feblO W M* <*LENN, Bookbinder, corner ol Third and Wood f i streets, above C. H.Kay, where he is prepared to and binding. pec2 JOHN H. irAo/esahi a/id RuaifDtaier tn Music and JUwicaJ Jnrtrom«ttt,PianOß l School Books, antlStalionery, No. Jag Wood street. jani ■ JBg' AR ? Ratifying Distiller, and Wholesale Dealer •inPoreignand Domestic Wines'and'Liquors. No Liberty.street,and S 3 Diamond alley, jyUl . iri tHNIiEI, ifouw, Stx» end Omnumtsf Painter .O* and dealer m PAINTS, N'o. 44 Jt. Clair «. Pitts oargfa, tins constantly on hand all kinds orPaisxs. either — l P a 2, ena Copal Varnish; LinsccdOiU Boilcd^Oil, Spirits Turpentine ; Window GUf«, of all Si2 ? s J * > Point Brushes! Ac., all of the best quality, and fer sale at reasonable prices, scpll * „ Isaac Williams* TAILOR, Snuthfield street, No. 12, be ■lXa. tween Ist and 2d streets. ap4y: fflorrts A Haworth, J I? PO^ 0F WINES A, lV p BRANDIES. East tide of the diamond riuz*UTghr . mav2l DanielYoancraout House, sign, and ornamental painter, Liberty* street, opposite Hand. All work neatly executed. Orders punctually attended to. (tnnfthl’y • I_ RiCiStoflkton, •£E E Stockton, BOOKSELLER. STA d TI ONER, PRINTER and BINDER, corner of Mar vel and Third streets, Piusbnrgh, Pa jv^'uf Jamas P, Horbacb, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, , AND DEALXB tft Foreign and' Domestic Ifines, Liquors, Cigars, No. 197 Liberty st. cornor of Barker's alley, : Pittsburgh Pd. 81. D. PATTOH, *E7«£ 8 , gCC ? B *£ R TO J * S ' BOftftST A CO.) Wholesale Grocer* Rectifying DUtlller, aim in . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES LIQUORS, CIGARS, FRUITS, NVTS.&c 163 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. oph JOHN ». KENNEDY. r. ft. IUuLEtT KENNEDY & HASLETT, tfw S f cc sy o ?, B J? K,SS!!T * Knox. WholtsaUjmd Retail Dealers m Watches, Jewelry, Silver Kr Fanny Goods, Baskets, Cows, &c, # flr ?° l *treeL between sth st. and the Diamond. JSP^fe^t_ls,TM0 eWE ' r5 ’ ne ° ,ly K P aircd - BKl'SllEsAvaoiKniii jkM Retail, No. 76 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Con- hand, a general and extensive ossortmentof AL w E *i fßB BRUSHES, atthe lowest Eastern prices, w. B.—Machine Brushes, Ac., made to-order at the shortest notice. m ar3o:y L. a. WATEBM AN. • ♦ • B. N. W ATBKMAK. v»W. 8. W ATE HSIAN. W . b. S. Waterman & Sons* HOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and F Sieeples and all difficnlt ele tL/~ The best and dheape.i Signain the City. [feb29 SfiiAi. estate broker.. H ■ henry w. fish “rX™ °S? 8 BMlie corner of Smithfield and *; n0W11 as the “Great thni?oh*f^ < Jt. l i?D.' n i d Wii Jl^otahts enure timennd nt -110 Furchore, Sale and Exchangt of Eial E>. tott, ut city and country. Wl >i lhe h«Bmcss,ho hopes to “nc ofbneXeas S> faVOr h,m A S CI,CIC > - m. „ . REFSRKHCES. ' HH , Ira R. Heraey. H.H.M.Cu .oagl,, John F. Ferry, . • ?.*?•• SiSS'W*' iLThuin-WUmawh, : "(wg.?! 11 ' .. Capt. AVilliam Ward, - W. O. Leslie. [sepl2:y APOTHECARY, d No 45, Mirkci -1/ atreet, throe doora aboyo Third, Fittabureh, will have' a woUedoctedMsoTStoflhebcEl he will aoll on the most nrofnMiS »ni cr i“a , Physicians eendinfr orders will be Emv fdv I!!! 1 , 1 ? to, and aupppUhd with articles they may rely uponaa genuine. .; ’ will be accurately and neatly OMtight? fr ° m I * ie * ,C5t Btaieilato, at any hoar of the day m £{s for aale > a la W« slocfc.of fresh and good FDRFU 1 i °*«»» Worlu. JOSEPH D. ABELL, . ol ' o ®*R»,ot.‘BswAni! i vtans, botti-rs and «a«fa; F-rUr, Sane* AU, Mineral Waur, Patent Medteuis and Wtne Bottles, of every description • AIso—WINDOW GLASS— P ’ abo»o l arS I les' lllti)r 00 ha “ i a ?onera! assonmont of tho ll 1?. other Grce " Glass Factories arc all stopped, os t. tho custom in summer, this Factory u now mjull operation, and will continue tn operation htelhtum mer and t tnnter. d,one'?nm : S?e fUlllr aud will bc al >*>" rej* lTarebnite, No.lll Stand tired, belie ten Wood and Smnlffitld tireta, ■■ Uyai)--iO iy The Old Printing; Establishment. (fatb jottsjTos A arociro-te.) And Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse UT S.UAVENij oxccote eve y style of pTtMrtf™ C , ol ?? ,e sP la, rAJanal and Steamboat Job tn i. B 2 ot u ß n dlnfr ’ anil furols h every article Isnrtf . Rook,Paper aad Stauonery line, at the I'ptice and oa the ntosvreasonable terms Stationery Warehouse, comer of Market and and Second streets 10" Printing Office and. Book Bindery,No.6U Third B HSL uovio R. C, STOCKTON, n W < JJ252i^S5 C ?i fttlJy ia I' to , tho -.WtenUbn of Mcr y*T» tt s?L o^ier ®> to bis large mid superior •took of bL*ANJi llUOJfe, consisting o f Way Boots, Journals, BooSts-ofcvcrv sue, made of the beat paper, and bound ia the most du rable manner, which be offers at prices tout cannot fail togtw satisfaction. Blank Book, ruled and bound to any given pattern. Printing of every description eie ««“ mth nearness and dispatch. No. «"{«*“, °f iathoaraphic Establishment of wU. sciiuchmann. MIUaD CtHSET, OPPOSITE TBE POST'OPPICE KrtSS»M-i. A Ar S A^^ Pe3, H B^l ' b^3> f? hoW ‘ iaU5 t. Laii?l S. and Machine Drawings, iiusmes aaa Visiting Cuds, me., Engraved orDrawn on line and Primed in Colors,(Gofd, Bronze or Black, in tiu* 0 * 8 111111 Slilie woti reasonable pii c -« Bell and Brass liaa rebuilt ard • commenced business ax hici oid stand, fro-70 sr cond } bernreen Market and Ferry Eirecu, wliero hcwili be pleased to see his old customers and friend* ■in rww?Bicamboai,and bells of every sixy, from Lu to 10,W«) pounds, cast from patients of the most approved models,and warranted to be of the best 0 rr.JiS Cr “ l .^ alcr i*umps, Counters, Rculimre. &o .* c together with even* variety of J3ra*s CituiiuK P cd,tunic4and fin*sned tn the neatest manner! ** l A. F. ts the sole agent for Babbui's Anti-Auauwn Me mttcHn?^ iy S. e h ieb , mted f P r the reduction of friction m s£u“lFiu£“ aKd coai>o=itioa «» w> of ■■ , nov 13:y {fadcriaJisr, Fifth street, un rJ* mediately opposite the Theatre, respectfully in- P ul> licin general, that he has resumed bis business as a Furnishing Undertaker He al ' Ta >'» 1; «P' on hand Coffins of »il kinds, Shrouds,and all other articles neressarr on such occasions. * • ,P^T cr P^? lc boxes, and leaden coffins will C “, r' ^ol^pr ’ WM. ALEXANDER A SONS L-««Spjfe«Saaj&M Aws MjUEBS *SD FtnurttHWO fa/ UwpgaTAJu:s&, comer of Penn anH C%79 i oV&BMf Clair JU, appoiiu tht Etckangt I ntTan(t on Prnn at, res .. ■ ... ■ . inform (heir friends and the public, that they ore prepared to furnish and attend to everything in the lino of Undertakers, a* they have quilthe business of Cabinet Making, and their attention will bo dovoted. altogether to the above business, keen a large assortment of COFFINS made and finished, cover ed, ana lined in the neatest manner, with a varietv o materials, and at all prices; we keep SHROUDS ready made } af all sizes, of Flannel, Cambric, and Muslin, at all races, and made in the eastern style, ami all other articles necessary fordresaing the dead, and furnishing fuuerals, of quality and price to suit*. StLVER PLATES aamo ana ®Sej ICE CASES for laying the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends any length ox ume, and have ZINC PANS to put ice in for laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins always on hand. We have a splendid new HEARSE ami a pair of une horses, and any number of the best carnages, etc etc., and will be prompt, punctual, and reasonable. auglP-y M r nuhlii ONONGAHELA PLANING MlLL.— James Mell mass would respectfully inform his friends ami ihe public, that his new establishment is now in full opera *?,n,n n ?i hat J lO l*P re P, a . red 10 famish Boat Cabins; and “U gll orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude,and .tSf u V rt oShLfd“ k ' planed on one or both todrder D<>orB ai> and tty his strict attention to business, the subscriber trusts he will merit tho-oonfidence ot those who may-favor him with their patronage; For particulars, please call at the Emigra- ; uou Office of the underaigueti. Agent. - VV. BvM’CONLOGUE, ■ No. 6? Fifth at., near Smiihfield,Pittsburgh. U*ferenca-~llon. John B. Guthrie,, Mayor of Pitts-' burgh; James Blakely. E*tp; John J. Mitrhol, E»q Hon. W. Alderman M,.\Y. Lewis, Offices of the Morning Chronicle, Post, and Pittsburgh Caiholic feb!4;dm Kev Arrangements. OF PACKETS PHILADELPHIA. •\%BjfflgBff_ TO sail from LIVERPOOL v*»»ia*»si*iwi4-iSaJ Oh [foe At thtc-enta .day of evert/ Month JANE H. GLIDDEN, Ambrose Cntlt, 700 No” JAMES BROWNE, Arthur Chihl/lQOOwa*. -lftth Dec GOIVDAR, J, ff.Aaratow.Goo tons*'* •••■lBtli Jan NLW HUP - - Which The above ships are built of the best materials and af ter the most approved models tor-swiftness, combined with the modern improvement tffr the comfort of pa»- * e ngers. Their commanders are men of known ability. IJic&o paekrta will tote advnntogc of steam tow boat? up the Delaware. Alro, ships soiling weekly from Liverpool to New Or leans. Passengers can get up tbs nver cbeop through the winter. * J or terms of Second Cabin and Steersae pa-sage. ap ply to or address by letter (posi'pfudj, P.W. By UNK3 &.CO.. oi> sou'll *trect»corueT of. Pine, New York ; •& Waterloo Hoad .Liverpool: . JOHN THOMPSON, novU-ty voj Liberty street, Pittsburgh FOREIGN PASSENGER OFFICE- f-JK-r SHIP AHOY! fc'il&fr WHO COMM AND- U ARNO E N FOR PHILADELPHIA DIRECT, fry* WITHOUT RE-SIHPPING. C. A. WAXOLTY Se CO., Canal Basin, 4 mar27:tf - - •; “ County Landfi, G APT. NAYLOR, No. 163 Third street, corner of Cheriy alley, having made arrangements at Washi ngton for lne purpose, wilt procure Bounty .Lands for the officers-and soldiers, .their widows and children, under the Bounty Land Bill j passed beptemher 2Sth, 1350.. Pittsburgh, OctoberlO.' * JAMBS C. WATT, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 36 Slarket street, Between Second and Third sts., Pittsburgh l Pa. To the hadlcg, TytE HAVE NOW FINISHED 25 dozen of Ladi^R* W fine black real Lamb S Wool STOCKiNGS"which are softer in the wool and more durable in the color than any we have heretofore made. Every article in the’ Sock, Undershirts and Drawers, ladies’ and underclothing, made to order with punctuality. The Old Established Stocking Manufactory, Fifth st deco w. paly a co.' W Silver Forms, Spoons, &.«*• E keep constantly.on hand .a large, assortment of silver Forks, Spoons, Ladles, &c., of our own standard silver. ’ ' nfM9 , JOHN B. M’FADDEN t CO, T oct24 • 95 Market street. JJ mar2C B. A FAHNESTOCK A CO. fiMEI Jfraj Books, iJlnsu, &c. Atew Boole* J. New Books K H MINER A CO.,32Smithfield street, are receiving • a great variety of cheap publications. Having arrangements with Publisher? m the vanbas cities.of. the Umon.we; have a. decided advantage Over other houses m the early receipt, or. new works.. The follow ing are some of the latest that have been received; ; : 1 LmelPs Living Age—Nos. 300. ‘ * No. 4 Appleton’s Meehaiucs’Magazine and Engineers’ Journal} Richard of Yprk, or the White Rose of England. • An Historical Romance, by the author of “The East of.the, Plantagenets,” Ac.; . , . The Philosophy of Spiritual Intercourse—being an ex planation of modern mysteries—by A, Jackson Davis. . ■ Rose eDouglas. or the Autobiography-of a Minister’s DaughterlyT.R.W*. - French without a Master—in six easy lessons j Span ish without a Master—m lour easy lessons ; Italian with out a-; master—in five ©asy lessons; German without a master—men easy lessons; Latin without a master—m six easy lessons. Price ot each, 25 center or the-whole five may be had for one dollar- : [apr7j | New Books! New Books XI - - A T HOLMES* LITERARY DEPOT, Third street, JTJL opposite the Post Office j . - : Horticulturist for April; Cultivator do; LutclPa Living Age, N 0.360; - • J.‘Rqrc Douglas,or- the- Autobiography of a-Minister’s Daughter; 6 . ' ■Nathalie—a Tale; • SpmtuaUntereonrse—by A. J. Davi a ; Harper’s Magaziue for April—the best numbertssued,; Richard of Yor*—or the White Rose of England: an Historical Romance; • • German without u Master—mßixeasy lessons.;-;'' French without a Master, - do- do; Latin without a Master, do do;- - Spanish withont a Master—in tour easy lessons'; Italian without a-Master—in five easy lessons; Time,The Avenger—by Mrs. Marsh; ; lopr7 AT HOLMES’ Literary Depot, Third street,opposite the Post Office- • ■ F Harpers’Magazine for April: International do' do; -- -- Before and Behind the Curtain—or-fifteen years’ ob servations of the. Theatre*; of New York—by W. R. Nonhall; London Labor and the-London Poor Nathalie—a Novel, by the author of “ Women or France;”* Anno Grey—a Novel, by the author of Jane Shore; rne Per&onal History and Adventures of* Penown— by the author of “Laurie Todd ; n Tom Racquet-nnd his Three Maiden Aunts—with il lustrations ; he above works may be had at M’NAMARA S, opposite the Post Office, Allegheny City. : fapr3 BniOßEand Behind the Cartani, or Fifteen Years Observations among the Theatres of New: York— by William Knight Nortbal. Thfsts anew work—it ap pear., to be a. history of facia.. The revelations of the author areof a most striking character, tending to en force the reader to the conviction that the whole?book is strictly true. . : - • Harper s Monthly Magazme for April; one of zhe best' «omber» yet issued. It is pselesa to puff this Magazine' —almost every body seemsto be taking iL H. Miner A C0.,32 btmthfield street, have the above tor sale i together with, a most extensive stock of old and new hieratare m the Imc of their business- Taprft ' • New Books! Kew Books! WALL, No. 35 Fourth street, hao >ust received-the following new works r - Pope Joan,or the Female Poniiff: byG \V. M.Rey nolds.Esq. ■ ■ .- . The Personal History and Adventures of Pen Owen by John Gale fom RacqactandhisThrce Maiden Aunts. This work is a companion to ** Vanity-Fair ” Iconographtc Encyclopedia. No la h • Hints to Sportsmen— containing notes on shooting, &c-» by K. J. Lewis. M D. ; • The Warwick W oOdiands. t»y Frank Fore c ter : Anne Grey , by the author of *• Gramby,” j‘ Jane Shore,-’ Ac. -- . ■ ; • } . . Before and Belund ib ould I were with Thee—for Guitar; LcsAdieux. By Horr; An extensive collection of new Polkas.’Waitzei, ’• •! Also, anew supply of "New. Cannma Sacra,” Cat * ticaLaudis, and an excellent new work,caUetfthe U M> - todistf' a collection of popular and social rnzed and a^anged-by G.S. Webb and W. Mason-** considered one of the. bcst.workaever.published. ::;.. - H. ELEBER, Golden. Hasp, ■ fcbls; ... - No. 101 Third street. Sew Btock of Pianos* ~ T : '~T~i ’• Vfrs^~-— —MRS. ;O. BLXJME would tespeci 6MJU invitethe-attentton ofthe put*. il&tl -W*- .sloe*df just opened and roady for sale,araong which, are the celebrated Hamburg PiinoL with Ihe new improvement of the ovcr-sirines.-lhe laf -lest and most important improvement, invented solelv ’ •by them and by no others. Theysliave been tried to be copied in thircountry, but unsuccessfully - : -w. T Also, one splendid,? oc.tave, double carved Piano* Louis XIV style, made by Bacon &. Raven, New York? , .Three 7 octave Pianos, also made by'Bacon A. Raven! New York. .... • £ Four 6J octave Pianos, made by J. .*.,<5. Fisher, ionj Nunns A Fisher, New York; together with gome ofou* own manufacture, with inetalic frame; 'fjad3 J James Lowry, Jr., Giiair and BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER, No! ■394 Fetterman’s R Liberty bn hand .a large .stocfcjof Chairs and Bedsteads ; of every descrip* tion, made of the best materials* which be will sell low-} er man trriicles of the same Quality can be sold- in city. He would call particular attentioh to his large stock of walnut-chairs : and Bcdsteausi which he will selKat greatly reduced prices.; Atsoj TURNING of every deScriptionexecuted in the manner.- • ‘i Orders left at the Warerbonis, or at the Mill, corner pi Admits and Liberty streets, will be promptly attended loi maV2l ~ ~ ' . ’ -J EOhlVEßthio day, a fine assortment of Dress Goods, comprising in part the of Dress -Silks, -Silk, Tissues,'lrish; PopUn9, Berages^ :Lawns, Ac; Also, a.general,assortment of dress trinj*s mltigß, such as laces, buttons, (aU.styles,) braid;. Aci ogether with a large lot of hosiery and gloves; 10 8ll?n which the uticnlion of the public xa solicited, •- '< ■■■' 1 A. A. M ASOK A CO j v U a prs» Nos. C 2 and ti 4 Market HEAPEST SUMMER GOODS IN TOWN.—LiShi Cloths, all wool, Cashmarettes, Scotch rPlaias* XAnen Drills and Ducks, with every variety Af Mar criilcs and other Vestings and Trimmings, by jcb JOSHUA jROBINSON. t-.r- —*t*"“' -‘T^’v- '.„«a~.'.vh..», •«-*•—■r^.iw.-. :j * ••*- ■ ; :-.;. >,. * ‘ ■l* •'> «. ...'' -V ••. '"l-Tf'*"- ".'ri-' w-Lv?---!.' - > -V jr •' — u -;’f ■* .-c* • ; kr -': «. •. . :. r h .!. *j- * - <• • ’ v ■* . ’;■ ••■.:. •• ■': ■ • . * . > * * -J + S. ci . -■■■«-■■ ■■--.■■ -, 1- o-*» ~ jv -iv v „ Sax Sale & fitt, E ho -East Liberty.; r toa deBirabl e property of 160 feet front by * P t®, a street*'with vflua&reiffiproveinenis. Bt«o*°l«rt-'£S5 ?-5S* Jtoad, having t a hrick jiouso and r%£> *£?*"« totMtgibundvwell improved; : nearlhe sTmi« re t? ood4loct ‘ l “ OI * a ® East Liberty, and near the.Stffupn.Houae ot thfe Railroad.;.- S.CUTHBERT, General Agent, 76 Smithfield street. .. . :- • ' :i i,'i' ".jpljt nSfT^TV«ur?fti l iS^iThr>e'Sioiy BRICK M«aH y oa Wylies tree/one dooT from Chathara street.' Enquire of ' ; ■'>■">■■■■ .JOHN ...W, RIDDELL, ' „„ „ At the office of H.S. ; Mttgmw; Esq., mar2ft3td» ' ’ ' Foarth street. Ccrantry'RealdenceaorGardehs. r "OOR SALE—A Lot of : Landofl4 scres,priCc 375 per T aeie. : / ; .- : -v;- ;•. of 10 acres,"at 855 per acre. * • • Also—ALatof 13f acres, at 876 peracrc.! The ahoveare. wellsuitedforcountry, residences,pr for gardebing purposes, and are .first rate bargains.— They are situate on Chanter's Greek; railed iTOm the City. S. CUTHBERTy General-Agent, mar2C , . > - TOySmithfield street.. -For Rent* .•> r TITAREHOUSEiNo. GO Wood rrrert.Enqurre or^the' .Jy-. ; ;PWroite9^:i. : [marl3* ~ : r "-'' "- 1 1 ”"For lient/’’ ; ; r " j . THE FIRST FLOOR: and basement of the MASONIC HALL., Firm SraEKt.. /_■ . j . The firet flooHs ilib-divided'inito iwo„Store Booms frontjSObyfiO feetjami will be very desirable for Fancy Stores, Two Jtoome y Offices—acces to whteh is by a wide Hall,running,through the centre of-the" bnilding: v -The basemeni will be finished in a neat manne r ? and will be suitable YoYßetail ' Variety Stores, Trunk andJlarness makers, > i The whote will be ready by the Ist ot April*.: „ Enquire of JAMES W. HAILMAN, ..febsJO. . . : Water'street. For Bent* That large dwelling''house;, wii ggk , extensive Grounds for Garden' and Stables .fwggtl auwhed—the Residence of tbp late Totten, Cliff street. Possession given on the Ist of March. JFor terms, applytaD.R. M’ABOY, Guardian, or R. C, Tottep, m the Fort Pm Works.. • • [(eb!B :Tjlpß. SALE—A Lot of Ground having afrbntof CO JC feet on Centre Avenue, and; running back 266 fe4t totwd streets. On the lot is erected a large Brick Dwelling HousC.-nearly new and Well'finished; f The lpt: ,1s planted with the best; selected Fruit, and-Shrubbery ‘ the country can'aflbrd. if applicaiionba made soon.the property will be sold am fair price ttndffermsV ;at the office of , ;r. WhLC.FRIEND,:;/ - Attorney, Fourth street, =. febll:if . - betweenVyoodandStnitbfield'. T ... • r\NE NEW THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, V/ With store iopmsand cellar, favorably situ- Miiia ate-fora TargeGrbcery and Produce business. Possess* - ion may be had immediately, with 1 a low rent, io 'a .good businessman.;.,/, •;•. ■... ' ; large Brick—occupied as..a, boarding' bouseatuUnn. ' ' ‘ " T. ; ALSO*-Eieven new three story Brick Houses—some just finished t possession given immediately. Others on the Ist April.; ALSO—One Frame House, and several np stairs rooms.-. •■■ ■ ALSO—One Brick Yard,and Kiln to burning ALSO—One Lumber Yard, with space to. pat h large amount—and one of the best points aboui the city-for sale*..--- ... ... .• ; .... . . . ].: r - ■ . YOR SALE OR LEASE—One ,large Jot,', favorably situateirfor a Foundry'ani Engih&Shop or other manu* iactunng,, baving'dee/"waternn front, - (a'harbor,) lor ..fitting out and repairing steamboats, Ac; n :'■ " ALSO, FOR SALE— 150,000 Brick, in lots, anAsold, low; if not sold before,they will be sold on Tuesday, :the 25th of March next;at 12 o’clbck; ht.vircash or ap* •■proved paper.....; „ 4 .- ALSO—Loti on lease, to build on. Apply lothe Subscriber, at hia office ih Birmingham, near thoßolling Mill,from-10 to 2—orat the Ware room l Matthews Co., No.£3 Water street,—or through ihe PntsburghPost .Office, by paid: letter. - feb3-~ ■ - ' - JOHN RHEYv ’i ■ « 4 . ■' w . • Fox Kent,. .. . . A STORE,“dh‘Market street, between ujL Third and' Fourth streets,’at present occupied by Mr-ThomasWhite,asttDryGoodsStbro.-^ 1 Also—A large .weil .fimshed ROOM, in the second utory, next door to Sir; Duff’d Mercantile College. This Room is weli-t alcaialcd and-suitable fot a Musical S aloon or. Acadcmy> dr could-bc convenientlT airaagdd as double offices. . > E, D. GAZZAM, apl:tf Office, Third sh, over the Post Office- : j' "\ ' ;Td I«©t<* k "’ tpik A TWO STOUY BRIGK HOtJSK y on JJank .fc£i|H.Lane, Allegheny,betweenthe Hand street Lridge and Aqueduct. Enquire of H. W. Fish, Real Estate' Broker, corner of sth and Smithfield streets. (oct29 .For . Sale* ..A LOT OF GROUNlVcontaining 21 Acres, situate i£%u one mile below the town of Beaver, Beaver efiim ty,on which there is erectedanew Brick House, 40 feet, H stories high,.with-a basement. The housahas beenSve'li built and well finished, andcontains.l3 rooms/ Ills within. 200=ydu}8 of the Ohio river, l ah‘d commands, afine view ( r*7 i, .bounded .on the North west by the State road leading to New.Lisbon,"Ohio. This pro perty r woaldlbe desirable for acotmtry residence, orfor a garden, or summer boarding house. A lot of 6 acres adjoining it will be sold'with it, if desired by the pur* chaser,: The terras are so moderate, that It-wilt be a bargain to the purchaser. Enquire of ! N. Pi At?: L. B. FETTEIiMAN, feb23:tf Attorneys at Law, Fourth st. - ; ' ; For Sale, A fIOUSEAND LOT, situated on Pike street,between jOL Walnut and Factory streets,.Fifth Ward.. The Lot is 25 feet front and 100 feet deep, on a icblhert are two small Frame Tenements. Terms ea yj—Title good. For particulars,'enquire ‘of Alderman PARKINSON, PennstreewFifthWard. inayfctf liana for Sale* THE Charticr’s Cool Company wilt sell some very de sirdßU pieces qf JLAJiD, situated on and near the SteubenvilleTornpifee; and near the southern terminus* of their railroad.. . The Land will be divided into quantities to auilj»ii> chasers, and the terms of payment will be-'very easy. of , Z Wr REMINGTON, ; *cp4 Manager. Drag and Prescription. Store for Sale; A DRUG and PRESCRIPTION STORE, located in jT\. a flourishing and improving part of the city, which is doing a profitable htuinasy is offered for sale upon eaaytenns. :v'J if = ' '*• For further particulars, apply at .this office. Real Restate for Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale a large, number of. valuable building lots, and aomewery desirable sites for manufactories, in the. borough, of Birmingham) loca ted near the new Public School House and English Lu-. iheranChurch.' : “ r The rapid growtfiof Birmingham .in population arid manufacturing wealth) and the reasonable prices at which lots will be sold; trill renderthem a safe and pro fitable investment. ..Title perfect. Terms favorable. ■ For particulars aha terras enqnire of the undersigned, at the office of Geo. F. Gilmore, Esq., on Grant street! Pittsburgh, between 3d and 4th streets, or of William Symmes and N. Patterson, Egq’rs, at their offices in Birmingham. , V- [ian27] . MOSES F. EA.TON. - For Sale* THE subscriber offers for ealp : & large und-well built BRICK HOUSE, with five or more acres of around/ situated on the Fourth street Ttoad, within three mllea of this city, possession given on the .Ist ofAprU next- Also, a -very "desirable lot of ground, containing over FOUR ACRES, .with a spring of excellent water there on, situated near the nbove. Also,a ; lolof ground 43 feet 11 inches by-120 ftet, adjoinihgtheresidence of Mr.- A., Toner, near-the city, opposite’ the 7th Word, oji Pennsylvania Ayemte. ‘Possession given immediately. 4 It is now certain. thatthePiankßoad willbc completed' past the above property early in th& coming summer.-*-1 For further information apply to DAVID BEELER, 4th -street Road, near the first described property. ‘ Qa2a:if A’ Brtob Hohge end Teh Lots for Sale.; -A STORY. BRICK HOUSE, With teh Lots of Ground, situate, in the-Borough of Law reneeviUe. The houseis well arranged for comfort and convenience, and the situation Is healthy and pleasant' The ground is 250 feet front, on .Chesnut. street, by 14.0 feetaecp/- Price, $4,000: , ' - ’ ' " i , Also, seven BaildingLots,.oni.theßmler Road, at 8400, AlBb, five Bailding LoiSjon North street,at 8223. Also, several other Bold/ 8350,- 83jft) and S2su each.— Terms easy. , Thisproperty is notfar.Crora. the. Garrison, and near the Omnibus stand/ • ' f - ■•••*;•. S, OUTHBERT, Geu’l Agent, J mar!s - 70 Smitbfield street. 1 a Valuable Farm for S ale, ; ->»rrV ACRES OF GROUND—situate on IhcMononga / U hela river, about twenty miles above Pittsburgh, —paving 12 acres of fine river bottom land, and lfie bai 'aiit'e isnrst-raie upland—-all tillable; about 43 acres ib; cull/vatlothand 25 in. good timber. The improvement are a two story frame Dwelling House, Barn, frame spring house,-a two story,, large or chard, of about 40ff-tree's Of'Various fruits,.and gooa ; qaalltirstAbout 4 acres of- coal vein, 6 feet* good springs. Price §0,500; 81500 in.hand; balance at S2o|) a year. • • S. CUTHBERT, Geh’l Agent, mar 13 - ~ - •/-» - 70 Smitbfield street. ro tet! '• '' ' •" \. .A .DIVEIiLING HOUSE on Third .street,, above and -ti. .near toSmiilifield. It has gas Snares; large yardj wego house/•&- ping ihe fingers iti water, and mbUtening; a Sd‘ rpessmg the . gar anted edge, these Envelopes becomethe safest and strongest that used-being maSe if parchment paper, which will withstand any ordinary friction or mois Jnre. For sale by the quantity or sinvlo pact, at the stcye of W. S. HAVEN, maißO • corner of Market and Second sis. 'V. . 3.:* --V j*- V «*» h r>-***,~ ■o- V > .'*' rt ;* ' •.. ■•' .X'.** * v%,' r « • -t il* I ’.*!■ f • r- ■ ' 1 1 ‘ j.*' ‘- ■ '•. .. •/ ; . X ■'.*•■ '}. * ‘ ■ ■' .-.-.. ■ ‘ C r'-i&X : .y‘. \-v: : n \ x r* -'- /J MESE SP+ ; !r:j .-.I .!*:i >. A -Va!nablc 4*l ebo 'of;Pi’obtttT i tor flaii* ACBEs, Sodtoldtate lana * of Thfls. MeU©tf r Estj.* and Mrs.Neglcy, about ±of* mil© from the Bailrqad. Tins,property bas.oe if.* aim* prospering youngorcfiard, and is a yery desirable situation for a coumry residence, being.a.few hundred yards from tha tampike ? ohd fronung on. the old Mansion road. This property is - also vi-ry suitable for persons desirous of .purchasing tor i acre lots, as it point* 4ti;ihree dffiferent streets: If not sold in abody t it-wlll : be.dold in lota to Buitpnrchaseraf Forinfonnauonenquiro nt this office. Birmingham property; yoa ; Valuable property of 53| feet front on, Cenire Btreet, by 127 oeep toFranklmsireet,'having a large two story Brick separately Sot iwo families,—each hav* ing four rooms, with a Mge yartfr Alsora car- on Franklin street.;; The. vrhole will be soia together at a bargain. Terms easy, ' • -• s * WTHBERTyGerieral Agenv gPg 76 Smithficld street. arrange, ?«« ? ltQa i? r oa Webster, street. Rent *Alle»h'enr^n?«S. 0 5T e i nlent ?*?*? SooieJon Robinson s!., Allegheny, near the lower bndce. - Rent.Sloo. • * ’ . . S. CUTHCERT, Gen’l Agent, 76 Smithfield street. B.Magmte,deceased;will Court House, in the city,of;Piusburgh?ou SaJurdao 3» LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND Situated m the oily of Pittsburgh,Allegheny countv. P* of,which the Rev;. ChM. B.'Afagwrb died, «i»d fit SI fe me i n , e of / e , 6 ’ being .pan of irot No. 489, In CoL Woods 1 plan of the town of Pittsburgh,-which said uieco or parcel of ground was'cbnveyeavbyfJsaiea McColm lough and wile to.the said Rev. Charles®. Maguire, bv deed, da tetMHe Wth’day bfApril, A.D 182e,andreCor£ weTocorting office of Allegheny codnty aforesaid, in Beed Book No. Vol. 33, page 2Slh j boundedand de scribed oj lollows: Beginning- at the intersection of Chemalley. with. Liberty; street* vand running ,tbenco along the line of Liberty street to a point-oeven feet from the lower Or westwardly cdrneif of aUrick house erected upon Ute ; preraise*,-ihe .«iine tobeineasured from the corner of the brick walls, of said bnildinjr,' by a line at rigM angles ■wliir Liberty atreet, ana to the western end of said buildiuglto Cheny alley aioresdid ; thence by the line Of said afley to the place of begmning, which said boundaries enclose the ? pnck t buuding'Jaforesaid. Togetherwiih a small trian gle lying eastwardly ihereof, and. seven feet of ground lymg weatwardly bhililing. - : ; i . ■ maifo] , ~ ■ ROBBRI WATSON^aViated. fo Lett A TWO! STORY BRICE IIOt7SE, fIUTOSUr sumi. Eaquire of , , KING & MOOHHEAD, ■ - 87; Wood atreel. « A- HOUSE on Penn street > rent 8350. A Bnck House on Martrary : street: suitable for two families, SI 70 i ■ .. . House and CTarden on Vine street; 8159. Hoese and Garden,-to 'a-piediant locauon, two miles from the city; 8l?5l . , , ' / •S.'OCTHBER.T,Gen?I Xgent, ;7Q. SmxlhfielA-street- *)»(«.W : - r ? lr ? “tree!, opposite the,Third Prcabytetiaa 4*5, *-rharcn,?aiid second nonse from Felrystreit; Thisis a very comfortable dwellihg,\cmßracinirfour {eenroomsanaan with ; ™£P*MBtoyp a ' baihs,:&c. Situated, - ■ , rfo. l. Three valuable, three story brick dwelling hoases,.on Second- street,'Between Market and. Ferry streets,fthelots being--each 7 !9 fectTront by 80 deep-i 9 ivSSA*^ l2^- 8 on Third sireitj adjoining tite Third Presbyterian Church, on which is erected oito four story bnck-house, used as one two story brick, warehouse.. ~ ;... v ,... ..Nd/S. TwOlots ia Fa Ifsjon,leaver county, ibbtnsr lots trixupglabonim fact''Bqtwrey'cfe ( Which it ejected. one bipekof four frame dwelfingiiaTfd one gena rate framod wellmg', afitwoEtories high. : P , -N0.4, Chte Io,UO feet front on Backstreeiopbomte the ..v No. S'. Two Beach lots, each 50 feet front, andrunniog , ftom the read to iow water mark, on the Big-Beaver. two story brick store and warehouse,'2B by 50feet ; also one ftame dwelling, two stories high. • * \. .v 0.8 One large Iqtin New. Brighton, Beaver county, being-about 140 feet on Broadway, and about 200 feet ou which are erected Vwoiarge frame dwellings, and one small framehouse, used ns aa‘ ; >P*£ o ‘. This property was formerly occupied by Mr. T. w l Wr :,< *> inoncdiitely fiefe* FaJlstoo hetng .about -100 Xeet in length,'dnd-bxteading from Water streetto low water mark, otto wing veXbr above property will be: sold'on very favorable S r atSSS'' 0f R - C: BtOOKTOrf, raargg . JOHNFLEftnMG.'Ag.nt. ™ •-•"WiwoiKtt f- E?£* y Tom l.ota In Eut Liverpool, O. sale of Lots lame above Town nearly exhaasted thoso pra- if„“ l ’i. antl ‘‘ h S dei T Md »till iContidttfng, So undersigned has been induced to lay out a of bw property in town iots,as above, and oilers*them for and \f* orms^th * t chnnbr fail to meet tho views of. thpae wiahiog 10 purchase. It is needless to BU!!?w h i? ff of - tJ £ localio “ townnadprpmlcu, 6B ® clen Wy described In recent > advert '■J!SS?sif,)fc o,ller a5 a - n J h -“ oy«*.one.himdiei lota have tOMnUy chinged hands, and. been pnrehased bjr «ho»o wishing to proenro a desirable SomeV' , '«w-'“ T?!'. 0 "lare 1 are among the. most eligible and desi- Edst Liverpool,Feb. 2 nd,l^ S - fi^S; D.PICKBISKH, > .. / ‘ J „ n^.,'..„.1 ; ■ of Pittsbnrgh,s *■«* Übmfi jt. i*• »• N B £“ n 7f*S' ■‘S W ? IN ® LIQUOR STO Re attbe-above stand, where they shall always keep a full aasortmentof the best stock of—RheniEh-wines. and Sparkling Hock Winei, Mopeiie. anil French red and white Wines- P»lj Brandies, ofitbe.jjhoieest Ji 1 rum. Holland gin, IrishiVhiskey, W 4. sparkling- hock i wines, of'ihe 'Sst if,F r i?J,irr bnd 11 port wines, Madeira, sherry -and mnekat Wutes f Abegathei &c. -'Also; sardines’,Holland Jff."f n S’>S-Wiss and Limbnrg.Cheese, All of.wkeh-rhey terTne* 9 fin'll-Fs’® e,bt r<:ul il> 1110 mlls, reasonable ISThu’iSSS W'hJjli StouvbneliitiHcontinu ff* >“»«».»? the city of New York, tue above firm is enabled to.sell a cheaper aod betterar* t*®}?. any other hoasbiA’thls oltyv Please giyotjs a call, beiorO' yon purchase else where. ._. . , ’ , w* Families supplied free of extra charge, and at the .ahorteatnonce... . - i-; L >v •• • :• ••. ■ ’aprlffm {Chronicle and Gaxetie'copy;3 jgoa«) f . J Journeymen Cabinet fllatcera Aiaodstum - ' WAREHOUSE, 119 SECOND STREET* ' .- : • • t » t ;,(near the corner of Wood.K' . ahsbswwwl ' -THIS ASSOCIATION, cm-tfM SV . T 3 bracing, already, twice tothree\>L^ many hands a&iheJar-p3pB ■ -Hugest andhUhertomostienownedJ.l * ousmeaijuahops of have openeri their Ware no.nse, and are able to farnish the public,by whoiceale ®^ cl the .following description— Mahogany-Wardrobes; DressingUarCaus; Col- Mahogany Bedstead*:;:.Mahogany Chalfe; Rocking Chairs ; Mahogany Wasnsumda? So- £ s f Civansj'Piano : Stools; Book Cases; Secretaries; Card Tables; Pier Tables,' : Tables, Hat Racks: French Bedsteads: .Ottoman*! Poplar VVardrobcsy Hming and Breakfast Tables; Wotk standsj Cherry. and Common Wdrkatands f high.,post,.- Common,low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus.; , Cubs { Cradles, See. ■ ' J ’' ,tr ■ The advantages of co-operation, on an exieoiuVfcSCßlc, ; permit them to sell at the lowestprices,and they afede-' terminedto sell, lowerihan'any competitors, an .equally good, if. not better article/and will understand by: giving them a cay.. . w - vV' -.—. -JET Stiafnioat 'work of all descriptions, and otber articles of any description, made to order in'CVeryaftrle; at the shortest notice. . r . - v [msrgP . { Carriage - - ‘ OAJRIUAOES,. BbusiE s, Sdisies, Fanojl ~on which is used Sprout’s Patent Combined Spring Btico '& Reach, Diamond Alley, between Wdodnnd Simthfield Pa. . ; o£i/rAJI wdrlr warranted to bemade from the beat Now* iark Hickoiy, and k none buMhc best Juniata bannneied ‘add rolled Iron used in this establishment. r.;>.- . Hon. WM. WILKINS, ,~WM. M. LYON, Esq. Col ROPY PATTERSON, Dr. E. D. ‘i ABBA6I, vl" Dr. JAS;BROOKS, *7’ "EDW.HEAEELTON, WM.A. Hill A Co.Bahkers.n. H. HARTLEY. • . rapd NEW: CQOF: BLACK. Bekin Tea Store, 33 Fifth street, i iQt.-ef nSKierop- Oolong Black Teas] by the ship w ArchitecV’ *ad fofcsalo wholesale to tho traae at reduced W; •• • \ N. B.—'The above Teas are direct /rohijC&nton, and ■xho ladxts Ujß soy-they . are ‘not sceamd wturfingUaii Srandy, Gin andyßnm {febl4p L A~ JAYNES yFifih si. TJTHITE COHN MEAI<--Fttsa ground and rawly ii7Third guorTtqsUoSt^ttTlfla^HoXal. S'" Mill. CHEKCM: OKUAiV-rOI fiDoa .au»luy un to noodorttr, can beliaiai Juvato^sale,« one jran dwlSSKSSi „,rfa comet of Wood and Fifth liteeti. Diiiku bDls.-PricdAppieg received an 7 for mJo by: [aprl] SAMUEL, F. SHRlvffq ... C>v \? ' * ‘.s' =EMI llliiis* f' « * * ' V r *■ • - *'t > v V-i > , * ■. J. • • r ■. NO. 532, ibr & iffo £ t t. winks ec ti^uoas.