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".ti •*''.' i" i#»K4v-if*- 1 <',ty*' < + <, |i,j-i - ; v'- u* I .’ .** u ,' ’a* '■'-•’. ,: .' l ! i> ,'iy . . .tvjsJ , v*V*v\w , *‘..‘'-:* t »,. C«« ••‘iiSr.il ’/J *V'*j '?■ a? w w ” om JUSirs.>a*>S.*;Si;.:«'« ‘>*l ihSssW ~ SMIM WSSSB' *' >%'> - • % * <»> 5 ■'*;'&-" .-.-’•l."' t 'r f i* *k( Cl_ * * ,i * „*fe-rw * i - 4 Y> ’V:: ’> ' ? .tv " * “'lji ’-'S 1 '" • I . ;**<- - A < - t . *' I' > , ■* • • i l ’*, A . . • * ' - \ • HARPER A IiAiITT.ON, PROPRIETORS. PITTSBURGH : SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1851. can «wr ««« to esteem the Unton as the fintqf aU blessings. Disunion! Godjbr • bid~ tfationi yet unborn would rue the rashness of the deed.”— LßuciLtk&H. .... < "Democratic State conventions. » AT HEADING, T : For nominating candidates for GovcnNoa and Casal Coglcssiosgß. on-the 4th of Jane, 1851. as fixed b> me Williamsport Convention ‘ AT HARRISBURG, For nominating candidates for Sctwsw* ® *5®L» S J Ulhof iuncrieslj as fixed by the regular acuon ot the St&te Central Commiueo. To Advertiser?* Tfe* MoaNJira Post has a larger circulation than any subscription paper published m Pittsburgh. t To busi ness meiilt affords an excellent medium for Advertising; Kid'being'fbc only Democratic paper issued m Alleghe ny county,lt goes into the hands of a class of readers reached by no other paper. Advertisers will be good enough to bear this in mind.. •ggy We have on filea letter from oar valuable San Francisco corrcspondent* ,f AiiiQ,” which will appear in oar next paper. • THE SATUaDAY MORKIHG POST la on the counter this morning, containing Select Poetry; a Tale, The Coquette; Spirit Voices; a Cut of Ryan’s Building, with a description of the same; Harrishurgh Correspondence; Foreign and Domestic News; Proceedings of the Excitement ift Boston; Editorial, Commercial, Telegraphic and Local News; besides a large amount of interesting Miscellaneous matter. • Price five cents. A FIGHT AS IS A FIGHT ! ' Naw,'.bif St. Patrick , the fight goes bravely on! All our fears of a dull political eummer are nowut an' end! The call for a Scott meeting ( planned and set on foot by Gov. Jobkstob’s pet and office holder, Jakes W. Biddle, Editor of the American, has caused a terrible flare-up in the ranlta of Whiggery hereabouts. The Amer ican having been selected as the organ of the Scott men, at once excited the envy and jealousy of the venerable lady of the “ Old Gazette," and aroused the warlike .propensities of the Napoleon of the Journal. These ably conducted, highly respecter ble, and very influential organs of Whiggery, are now in the midst of a very amusing fight. Those who have read an account of the triangular duel in “ Midshipman Easy," cannot fail to be inter* estedin the result of the contest between these representatives of "the decency”, party. The American boasts of the immense number of names appended to the Scott call. The Jour nal positively declares that most of the men "NEVER SIGNED THE CALL," or in other words, Biddle & Co. COMMITTED A FOR* GERV in signing the names of men to a paper, without their knowledge or consent 1 In order that our readers may properly under* stand the merits of the war that is uow in pro* jgteSa between the Scott and Fillmobs Whigs in this connty, we shall publish such extracts from the Whig papers as .will show the position of the belligerents, From the Daily American. NfiQS&lhe Gazette nor. Journal publishes the call of the ScotttaceLmp. The editor or tho Gazelle says he WOttHMoitißUT THAT IT WOULD COST HfM SIS or 620 to sent np. But, bethinks the majority here is for Scotty and that ho can carry “ this stronghold of lo - cafocoism. 1 ? Inmaking.ont this, or even Pennsylvania, the “stronghold of-hjcofocolcia,” he could have been thinking or nothing, but the Select’-and Common Coun cils, which, with it* TRAITOR WHIGS, is locofoco 'enough, we grant him. WILL. THE WHIGS RAISE THE ©l5 OR S2O FOR THE GAZETTE? We will subscribeaur pan, if thought necessary. * 'lJhiaia certainly a hard hit at the Deacon, who will no donbt fire hack a volley of hot shot upon Gqt. Jobwstoh’s u Sealer of Weight* and Men* sutea.” - Now we.rnust treat our readers to a broadside from the Journal. This ib one of Jti&Durs best egbria.-JEvery -sentencaeia-iull. of We publish the article m full, as it would.destroy its beauty to omit a single word. The capitals add •italics belong to us: • From-the Covwteraal Journal. ' try There is an excited scramble among a certain • classof poUuoi&as to identify thornselves with the name and chances of General Scoit for tbe Presidency. A ball for.E. meeting, bearing the names of several hun dred bereo ns, the most or whom,—although doubtless friendly to whomsoever the Whigs shall nonunaic— HAVE -NEVER SIGNED OR SEEN THE CALL, has been published. .. ‘ . ; A MUDDY LITTLE SHEET, [the American,] ihat aspired in shocking English to take ground as the organ of Governor Johnston, patronizes the movement. The 'Gazette xi pro Seoftpro Fillmore. AS CUSTOMARY, and we stand off to look on. * Wfcshulll e wanted, no doubt, ahera while, when Work ww-be done; but we. arc not s£y (o£tmachtheWDECEJ!iCY.ofMn.abandonm£nt very pinch of hla^vise,"Cm, ’and.able administration of the. Government, /or the as cendastatarof any nurn. We ought not to be surprised at any exhibition of fa* cility on'-lhc part of the Gazette, but, we .confess, to • amazement, at the cool readiness with which it signifies its adherence to Scotland Fillmore fn the. same article. WhKt ihmther sheet [ihcAWsrwanl docs is of ffnfall moment j whether nr: PItATSE SCO CT FIRST AND ABUSE HXM LASTf or Sordid with Taylor, first de "nottnee him as a dnvelter. on u imbecile bawling (or. fcelpJVand insinuate the charge of cowardice, and at last fawn’Upon hun ; it will be all tbe same to Scott’s re nown and his success in the presidential race. * But the Gazette owed the Administration of Mr. Fill 'mere GRATITUDE, and we bad supposed would render it. FOB ANOTHER YEAR AT LEAST. . We were *rqtftAfcen, It seems,- and our respectable neighbor is dis* • posed w stand back and sarrender the field to the Scott ?airiotA, with the simple reservation tbal“Mr. FiUrnore sa very respectable-man and a good Whig, and if he succeeds to tbe next Whig nomination,'will have the ' *GazetU?s support, provided his measures are no worse than the “ FUgUtve Slave Law,”; which the Gaze:: de “ nauncedandsus tawed, ■ ‘ LXOALLYfIraDINO.” For our own part, 'wo choose lo stand aloof and look jrather to what is best for the interests and hopor of tho - country, what most is dne to the integrity of the Union .Aadthe m.sieaiy of the. jaws, .than.to share jhe.obscene scramble for a foremost position at the heels of this or that favorite of the universal Whig party: • ..-Scott’s fame will wear,-doubtless*- until the time lor ..nominating a Whig candidate for the Presidency. ~ _ Flllttore’s administration, If his life be. spared, will endure beyond that day j .and the moment will possibly . occur, antecedenily r when the choice of the Whig party ifor {he Presidency, in the election o( 1852, will be made onbro&dnational grounds. , . Meanwhile, we repeat, we choose. io refuse taking - pan la the present Scott movement, sufficiently our own masters to act on the counsels oC our own judgraentand will. This is our response to those who have made res pectful, as to those who have made insolent, inquiries touching the course of this paper. Qround fqr a Costom Home. It will be seen by an advertisement in to-day’s pa* per, that the Commissioners Will receive'proposals until the 17th Inst.,for a lot of ground, upon which to erect a Custom House, Pobi Office, &c. The dimensions of the lot arc set forth in tbe advertise .menu . A New Map.— We were yesterday shown a Map of the beautiful and flourishing Boroughs of South Pittsburgh*' Birmingham aod East Birmingham* - which has recently been completed by R» E. Mo Gowm, Eaq., Recording Regulator. It is drawn on a scale of 1 tocb to 220 feet; The Map will give a ; correct representation of all the lots with iheirnum ~ bers in the Boroughs mentioned, together with the k locations of the different Manufactories, Churches and Public School Houses. The Map is to be {lithographed in tho best style of the art, by Mb. ■*. flffggcgMAir r on Third Street WIBS# ARD laquons.—We csil tbe attention of - OUrtHdora to the advertisement of.Messra. Fxckei r«Sir’&'SToTrY£mx*'Whtch will be found on tho first : pag® (rf this paper. The senior member of this firm - is well known to our citizens, having for many years ' ‘ Kept Ui& r *NtfpbJeon House,” in the Diamond. Ho Will give his personal attention to business, while tho junior partner will remain in Nenr. York, and taperinteudthe importations of the wines and liquors cold by tho firm. They will keep for sale the very best brands. Scribbltugs anb (JUipjrings The awfullest wood cut we ever beheld appears m the Cincinnati Commercial of.iho Bth* representing the reception of Gen. Scott at the Burnet w that city. We shall present the picture ioMokbis’ Museum. A despatch from Louisville to the Wheeling Ar gus says: Mr- Batumi has concluded an arrangement with a Committee of gentlemen in Wheeling* and Mad emoiselle Lind will certainly appear in your city on the 21st and 22d inst., without fail. . _ a joint committee of the Legislature of Pennsyl vania, to whom the subject was referred, estimate the value of the present annual yield, of the ;coal mines of Pennsylvania, at 317,800,000, and the annual product of furnaces, forges and rolling nulls, at not less than 829,- 000,000. —> Rahsoe Hallow ay, Esq., Whig member of the last Congress from the Bth district of New York, died Sunday last, at Mount Pleasant, Prince George’s coun ty, Md., of typhoid fever and inflammation of the bowels He was married last January, and was on a visit to his wife’s relations. His remains will he taken to N. York, for interment. *— The engineer employed by the Tehuantepec Rail road Company, of New Orleans, to examine the Pacific shore of the Isthmus in search of a suitable harbor, is represented to have found two spacious,' deep and safe harbors, a few miles south-east of the town of Tehuan tepec. - The steamer Southerner has been in great pen! ou Lake Ene, and woa reported ashore on the Canada Side- The latest account, hewever, says that she has been towed safely into Cleveland. Hon: O. HrrNTxnroW), President of the Water town and Rome Railroad Co., died suddenly at Water* town. N. Y., on Sunday. Something for tUe Deacon t Tbe following was handed to tie yesterday by one of the most respectable mercantile firm* in the city : D, N. White, £'?{,: Dear Sir: Could you not lt just as well” leavo out the few religions (1) extracts with which you have been of late spicing your otherwise excellent paper! :■ Wo are rather fond of religious reading, partic ularly on Sunday afternoons; bat religions articles seem out of place mixed. up with others on “ the prosperity ot the hop crop,” u tbe fitest man for Constable,” and politics! wrangling and vituperav tion—as much so as you would bo io company with Parson Herron or Bishop O’Connor. * We take the Pittsburgh Catholic aod the Presby* terian Advocate, and when we want more religious reading, will subscribe for the Preacher, Zion’s Herald* Brownaon’a Reviow, or some other whose business it is to tcsch such matters. Anotber Presidential Ticket* The last Uniontown Genius qf Liberty contains the following paragraph, announcing NEW TICKET FOR ’52. We havo heard a number of democrats in this county recently declare in favor of the following ticket: For President, Gen. Williajx ,0. Butler, of Kentucky; for Vice President, Coi/Sjunm W. Black, of Pennsylvania. This ticket would carry the Union like a tornado, not any more on account of the great personal popularity of the gentlemen named, than because their whole energies aredevo* ted to the advancement of the great cause of de» mocracy. Mira Davenvobt,—We havo received a letter from Baltimore stating that Miss Davenport, who classes as an actress with Mrs. Stddons, Mrs. Slo* man, Fanny Kemble and Ellen Tree, will make her first appearance before a Pittsburgh audience on (be 17th tost. She is spoken of by the Eastern papers as one of the most correct and impressive actresses now on the stage. Euancifation Patca ib Kentucky.— Wc have received the first number of a new paper just started into existence at Lexington, Ky., entitled “ The Progress of tho Age,” devoted to tbo cause of Emancipation, it is edited by D. L. Elder, and carries at its inasl head the same of Cassius M. Ct&v, as the “People’* Candidate for Governor.” The American.*— This beautiful specimen of a tf decency ” Whig paper, on account of some pri vate.grief, i« abusing our City Councils, in the usual vulgar style of its Editor. Beddle’s scurrility is chiefly directed against tho Whig members of Coun cils, a body of men who manifested their good sense aod regard for the deccncSea of life by not voting for Jakes W. Biddle for City Primer. The old sinner will never forget that while he lives ! B3F. It will bo seen by a notice, published m this paper, that books to receive subscriptions to tbe stock of the Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company will remain open for a few days at the office ot the Company, No. 76, Fourth street, lt is to bo hoped that the citizens of Pittsburgh will take all the stock authorized by the charter of the Company, so that the profits will not go into the pockots of Eastern capitalists. Let them attend to it at once. Progress of tho Ballrona. JThq oroensburgh Republican of Friday, April Uth, says: The work on the Centra! Rail Road in this vicinity, is pushed forward with considerable ener gy—large number of ban ds are employed} and the * heavy work appears to be rapidly progressing. Mr. R. McGbanw has commenced the Tonne!, atßAfic ley’s summit, and ib oow we understand about 30 or 40 feet under the ground—the oaergy and perseve rance of tins gentleman will complete this Tunnel in three months hence. The heavy Sections cast of this place aro progressing rapidly towards comple tion. Later from Mexico. The steamship Alabama, Captain Foster, from Mioatitlan, via Vera Cruz,'arrived at New. Orleans on the 31st ultimo, bring dates to tbe 28th ult. The New Orleans Picayune learns that Major Bar nard, of the surveying party, was. quite unwell Mr. Middletofi and Mr. Singleton, also of the sur veying party, were drowned, about the 10th met., at tbe Bay ofVcntosa. 1 A large fire occurred at Mi* natulan on the evening of the 18th ult., destroying about fifteen lipases and a portion of the rurvoying party’s stores werebum* The Alabama has ou board Coni. Ribt£d, of the Mexican .navy, and JY V, Guerra, Minister to Home* Congress of Mexico was still in session on the 10th ofiMarcb. It appeared to-be tbo general,im» prcssionrthat the Senate would not approve of tbe TnhaajUepec treaty, fearing that it would bo anoth er Texas. • Arista and his ministers, however, were highly-in'favor of it. There are out slight hopes that Congress would make any redaction m the tariff,ior remove the prohibition on coarse cotton fabrics. ;Tbc, house of Drusml> one of the largest com* merciai establishmouts id the city of Mexico, had failed fqr ovor a million and a half of dollars. _ Trade was very dull, aod every thing looked gloomy. ' • & The Crevasse, —Tbo.Nsw Orleans Bee of the. 3lel ult says : The crevasse.below Algiers conUn** übb to.extend, and has now b. breadth of upwards of one hundred feet. Ii broke out on the property of a free, woman, named Franqeiac, and since en* cioached on the adjacom lands of Messrs, Lacoste and Busch. The break at Gardanno’s plantation abovo Gretna has increased to a width or 300 feet, through which the water rushes with tremendous impetuosity. The neighboring lands are all under water, and immense damage must result from the overflow. South Carolina Secession—^ Tho editor of the Columbra'{Si-C'.)-Stftie’a Rights-Republicao,- ia.no ticmg tbe proceedjogs of. a State’s Rights Associa tion, exclaims: The spirit of resistance is every day becoming stronger,-and despUe the xuisrdpreseotQtious of cer tain interested parties to the contrary, South Caro< Ima was nevermore in earnest than ehe is at pre« sent, and we confidently anticipate that the result of the deliberations of the Charleston convention wilt be a declaration in unmistakeable terms that the hope ot coioperation is delaaive—thst delaya are dangerons, aiid consequently tbatetpara!aS!a!eac». turn is our only alternative, and that South Cosolisa most secede alone*” - 4 . f •' ■: ■.. l v • 1* *. - ; :Ji'Z ;L - .. s.- -J;? " -e-',' ..: j.v'.r Lynch Law— •& Murderer Hanged— Deplorable slate of Society — U. S. Senator —New Mines Dis covered—The Weather—Markets—Line of Ships to China—Trade of San Francisco. [Correspondence of the Morning: Post.] Stocktob, March 1,1851. Dear Sir —As I predicted in ray last, Judge Lynch has assumed the supremacy here. The people, wearied with the: continued evasions of .justice by criminals and courts, have themselves taken the responsibility; San Francisco, Stockton and Sacramento, these few days past, have been in a continual whirl of excitement consequent on the lynching of criminals in each of those places, the last and most tragical.of which occurred in Sacramento. A gambler and a miner were quarreling} when a citizen who was passing at the lime, seeing a number of c-gambler 3 assisting their .comrade, asked for fair play ; the gambler who had corns raenced the quarrel turned to him and asked him “What the d—l he had to say,” and immediately drew a revolver and shot him through the head. The murderer was arrested at once and lodged in jail; the wounded man was earned to a house and a physician sent for, who declared he could not survive. This occurred at 2 o’clock, P. M.— The crowd which had assembled proceeded to the station house where the pnsouer was confined’ their countenances denoting something desperate. They were there addressed by citizens of the highest respectability, on the continued outrages which bad taken place for some time back. They then proceeded to the Orleans House, where they appointed a jury of the first, citizens of the place, gave the prisoner counsel, and proceeded to a trial of some four hours in length, the crowd outside impatiently crying for a decision. A committee at last reported the proceedings of the jury to the people, which was to the effect that the prisoner (an Englishman, named Rowe,) deliberately and unprovokedly shot Chas. Myers (formerly a resident of Columbus, Ohio,) through the head. The decision was received with a shout, and the mass of people, now numbering some four thousand, proceeded* to the prison where be was confined and guarded by the City Marshal and the Sheriff and posse, both of whom addressed the crowd, alternately imploring and threatening, but to no effect —the doors of the prison were broken in and the prisoner taken out. It 'was now 0 o'- clock, and the night dark. He wa3 taken to an oak tree, in the heart of the city, \rtiere a scaffold was erected; and a clergyman granted to him. A handkerchief was tied over his eyes, the noose placed round hts neck, and three men drew him op; he remained suspended some twenty minutes, when he was taken down, declared dead, and give en to his friends. Your friends, ADVERTISERS. law is the last alternative and a bad precedent, bat a fated necessity makes it a law. Time after time men have been robbed and murdered in open day, and in the midst of our thoroughfares, and nothing but the rigid measures which have been taken can eave us from the revolver and bowie knife. . The Legislature has adjourned the joint session without electing a 0. S. Senator —so California is unrepresented until next year, Geary's name was withdrawn at the commencement of the billot ing. They had M 2 ballots; the last stood: King, W., 20; Weller, D., 18; Fremont, D, 9; Geary,D., 1. New mines have been found on the coast on Scott and Klamath rivers, said to be very rich.— Gfreat numbers are leaving the old mints, and alao Oregon, for the new discovery. As yet no rains of consequence have fallen. We hod showery weather for two days, but it is now warm and dry, with the prospect of continuing so. There is not much change iu the markets.- Flour is worth $5,0005.50 & cwt.; Pork, $16,00 020,00 fr bbl.; Sugar, 10012 e. s>■ D) ; Coffee, 100 20c.; best Hyson Tea, by' the quantity, 30035 c.; fresh Butter is worth $1,60 v IB.; and fresh Eggs, $3,00 i>doz. There is about to be a line of ahips established to China, from San Fraucisco. Regular steamers are plyiog from the latter place to San Diego, Monterey, Mazatian,Oregon,&c , and any amount of sail vessels to the Sandwich and other islands in the Pacific. The trade of San Francisco ia now immense; and this city ol three years growth has her Cham ber of Commerce and marine aud revenue laws, equal to any of the old maritime cities which have been existing for ages. But I must conclude, as the mail leaves in 15 or 20 minutes. More anon. S, B. F. ’.i- v •' > ' • ; V V-. " . ,-;Jt.‘ •; ’’-'i. /i,-: -ji ..; i ; ; • .*• .. • • , {. 1 •<- '•'■'U' >'V. ..•-.V..' ifc-f £: Y %' r ■- paoa CALIFORNIA. This slate of society is to be deplored. Lynch Wealth op the State op Illinois.—ld 1839, the total value of real estate aud personal property in the State or Illinois was 353,839,525. The rate of State tax that year was two mills on the dollar. The gross amount of State tax was®U7,- 779 05; deducting abatements and commissions it eras 106,291 02. The balanco due the Stato .from counties then was 1,830 01. The interest on School Fund was 44,226 60. In 1840, the total value of real estate and person* nl property was $106,432,75213. The rate ofStatc tax was 5-8 mills. Tbo gross amount of State tax was $12,428 19. The whole amount, dedoctmg abatements and commissions, 678,763 81. The bal» anco dac the Stato from counties ,77,661 42. The intorcst on school fund 53,183. The gross amount ofState tax from 1833 to 1849, inclusive, was 2,740,87469, assessed on a valunton amounting In the net to 879,491,fiSdftd. Abatements and commissions 196,739 35. 2?cJ amount of State tax 2,644,13524. The total amount OHntcrcst paid on College and Seminary flind 654,079 87, Slatebt m LtDcatA.—Lieut. Fobbes says that ala* vory actually prevails, under anothor name, in Libe na. The negroes are called pawns, and sro taken tn payment for debts. Almost every English merchant in Liberia haa a/vnups dujwys, and aho manages Ins establishment. She does bo by selling, goods to na tive merchants, who leave slaves or pawns in payment* Lieut F» knew a femme da pays who had forty pawns, who performed all the household duties, ana were, in fact, slaves. Velocity op Sound oveb Wibe.—Some experi ments in regard to the velocity with which.sound is communicated by means of iron wire, have Just been reported to the Pans Academy of Sciences.—* The experiments were made upon the wired of the electric telegraph established along the Versailles railroad on the right bank ol the Seme* The result was that sound is propagated over wire at the rate of 11,434 feet the second. Eloquence. Eloquence, in its highest flights, is beyond all question the greatest exertion of the ham&n mind. It requires for us conception a combination of the moßt exalted facilities; for its execution, a union of the most extraordinary powers. Unite in thought the most varied and dissimilar faculties of the flout— (Strength of understanding with redundancy of Imag nation; Are of conception, solidity of judgment; a retentive memory with an enthusiastic fancy; the warmth of poetry with the coolness oT prose; an eve for the beauties of nature, with a command of tho - realities of life; 4 omd stored with facts, and a heariteeming with impressions—and you will form the elements from which the moat powerful style of oratory is to be created. . Bui this is not all. Phy sical powers, if not essential,are at leasts great.ad dition to tho moots! qualities required ior its success. Tho orator must have at onco tho lengthened thoogbt which is requisite foraprolongcd argument,and.the ready wit which can turn to the best advantage any incident which may occur in the course of its deli* very. More than all la required the fixity of pur pose, the; energy in effort, tho commanding tnrn, which, as it is the most valuable and important fac ulty of the mind, so it is the one moat rarely to be met within any walk of lift, and, least of all in combination with the brilliant and imaginative qualities, which are the very soul of every art Which is to sabduo or captivate mankind. -ri V V M* FROM HARRISBURG. [COaBBaPonDEKCE OF THE MOEKirfO' POST.] .NUMBER LiVUI. Habbjbboho, April 9, 1861, My Dear Patt :~An act making an appropriation of twenty thousand, dollars for rebuilding the Con estoga Railroad Bridge, near the city of Lancaster, has passed both honsos of the Legislature to-day, and has been signed by the Governor. This will secure immediate attention to the completion of this work. The bill for the re«anneiaiion of the county of Montour to the county of Columbia, was again brought before the Senate this morning, by a re* consideration of the vole upon it a few days ago.— It will probably be amended by some provisions relative to the boundaries ot township lines, court, proceedings, and some other matters of the county,, and finally pass m such a shape as to recognize its existence. The Mayor and City, Councils of Baltimore have honored lke Capitol of Pennsylvania with a visit to day, and were warmly received by our citizens and by the members or the Legislature. Seale were provided for themnpon'the floor of the House of Rep* reseutatives/and also, within the bar ofthe Senate, to which they were conducted by the officers, and there introduced to many ofthe prominent Senators and members of the House. Thin body of Balti more officials are all fioc looking men, and have a marked expression of Intelligence and goodness of heart. They visited the State Lunatic Asylum, in company with the Board ofTrasteea of that Insti tution, andi I am informed, were highly delighted with the grandeur of the edifice and the beauty ot the scenery around it. This Is a delightful place for this unfortunate portion of our population, who have their reason dethroned, and are thrown into an trareal world of chaos atnd confusion, where exist once is worse than annihilation. The general appropriation bill has been consul* erod by the committee on finance in the Senate, and is ready to be reported. This committee has strick en out several items passed in the House, and among others, an appropriation of five thousand dollars to the Sisters of Mercy, and the same sum to the Western Hospital. They hare reduced the aggregate of this bill in a considerable degree. The House has been all day upon the Private Cal endar. The bill for the taxation of freight and travel upon, the York and Cumberland lUilroau, came up, ana after some discussion, the House ad journed without any final action ap°n th® bill. A bill relative to certain Judicial Districts, and the time of holding Courts in the Common wealth* is going back and forward between the two Houses. As ever, FRANKLIN. A Singular Story. Galignani's Messenger contains the following singular story, which may or may not be true, as Galignani is famous for strange events. A few days since a medical man named Phillippe died in n village near Paris, where he had resided many years, and had acquired a great reputation for skill and probity. He never demanded any remuneration, except from those who were incir cumstanees to be able to pay him, and during the last visit ol the cholera he was indefatigable in his attention to the suffering poor. Last year nil Englishman, travelling in that part ol the country was taken so suddenly ill that he was obliged to stop at an inn in the commune, and Dr. Phillippe was sent for. Scarcely, however, bad he arrived at the bed side of the patient, when the latter became vio. lently agitated, and ht« countenance changed ex ceedingly. The doctor appeared also to be agitat ed, and at once ordered everyone out of the room. When that was done, the door was locked on the inside. The landlady, being curious to know what was going on, listened at the door, but the conversation was carried on m a language which she did not understand; she, however, heard the patient exclaim in French, Assassin! assassin! ’ after which a violent altercation ensued. The Englishman appeared to threaten, and the doctor to supplicate him; the latter afterwards left the room, and went into the kitchen, where he pre pared Some medicine, which he ordered to be given to the patient several timea during the night. On the following day tbo stranger was much worse, | and feeling his end approachiug, he mode a sign tor fieiftink, and paper, and wrote a few words in English, which the landlady gave to the ftloyor of the commune, who, not understanding the lan guage, threw it aside into a drawer, where it was forgotten. The stranger died the 6ame evening. A few days since the Mayor, when called on to register the death of the doctor, who m his turn had paid i the debt of humauity, thought of this paper, and on his showing it to bis nephew, who understood the language, it was found that Dr. Phillippe was no other than the famous Patieson, a noted robber of the United States, all trace of whom had been long lost. The Englishman had recognised him as a mau who had, 20 years before, attempted to murder him, while travelling m the State of Ver mont, in America, The Mayor immediately pro ceeded to the house of Dr. Philippe to institute on inquiry- Hejfound that he had during his illness refused to be undressed, and had made the persons who attended him promise that he should, be buried in the clothes which he then wore. The Mayor, however,ordered the body to be undressed, wheu it was found that the doctor appeared stout, the hulk»being caused by bis wearing clothes wadued most thickly. His legs were also band aged up, and one ot his feet was round to be a very akilfully made artificial one. The body was covered with marks of wounds. In a dark closet there were found several chestsfastened with triple locks, und on these being forced open they were found to contain arms ot various kinds, watches, gold coins of all nations, and diamonds and jewels to a considerable value. Particulars of this dis covery have been transmitted to the government, and a copy sent to the authorities of the State of Vermont.” The Etfcctao Maosetic Locoaiomfi.— The Na tional IntoUigencer of Saturday mention* the fact that a preliminary trial ofProfi Pago’a electro mag. netic locomotive was made a.day or two bojoro, for the porpoao of testing the beat mode of attaching.the battery, which scorns to be n difficult point, owing to the jostling and oaolllations of the locomotive. It was run out over two milca,flnd tbo beat speed on a straight track was ton miles per hoar. The locomo tive wotgbp ten and one half toss, and liqb five feet dri vcra.swjh two feet stroke. DIEOt On Thursday night, the 3d of April, os Aikwu South her return from Cuba, Mrs. ANNIE R. SHANNON, wife Of P.C.Sqahnon, Lsq,of this .City, in the 23d'year of hor age. Yesterday morning, Mr. SAMUEL DAVIS, (watch maker):- IlisTuncral will take place Tins aftkb.voon, at 4 his late residence, Market street, Man chester. f V ■ MB. ME YEN’S DANCING AND WALTZING ACADEMY, at Wiuiitt Hall-WiII be opened on Monday, April 14th. For children at 4 o’clock, and for gOnUemenit 0 o’clock, P. M-£ Instruction given an all the new. Dances which are at prosent iu yogae, and danced In all the fashlouabio assemblies in London, Paris and New York; German, Bohemian and Hunga rtnu Polka; Waltzcs-Schomslij; Galtopadc, Bcdowa, Quadrille,Francoitse, Mazurka, Deux Temps j Gerin.n Coulllon A. new Dance, called the Jenny Lind Dance, which has been invented by Mr.. Meyen expressly for this season, Ac., Ac. v » ,« , Mr. Me woold expressly Inform ffio Ladles and Gentle men, that, ad ha is going to London and Pans, he can only stayhere for a short tune, and would be happy to receive applications immediately, at Jus residence, 21 Fifth street, where he cBnbeseon;UU7 o clock,P. M. apr!2:lw 1 ■ • • Brlfrnde Orders. THEuniformed MiUltaof the IhrH Brigade, Eighteenth Division of Pennsylvania •Ittiuua> will meet for in» Bpectlon as follows: • Tho Robinson and Findley Guards will meet on Mon day, tho lillh day'of May next. The First Boltalton. commanded by Col. Htrttm Hultr, on Tuesday r the 13th ot May next. The Second Battalion, commanded by Lt. Col. Snodgrass, on Wednesday, Hie 11th dev oi May next. The Forks Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry, on Thursday, the 15th day of May next. The Turtle Creek Guards, Marion Guards, and-Tem Rangers, on Friday* the 10th day of May next. The f foe end Franklin In fantry. Perrysville Guards, and Allegheny Blues, on Monday, the 19th day of May next. - The Pittsburgh Companies on Tuesday, the 20th day of Mny neat. By order of J. M. M’HiHINNY, aprl2:wid* - Hrigaae Inspector. S 1 'EA.LED PROPOSALS—For ground souable for a O sue for the Custom Iloase, Post Office, 4c., witch were authorized by a recent act of Congress, to be erected'ia'.this City, will'be received until Friday,lhe 17th instant,by either of the underngoed. The dimensions required are 120. feet front by 180 to 140 feet deep—unless located on two streets. If located on the corner of two streets, proposals may be made for ICO to L2O feet, on one street, by 120 to 140 feel on the r others- - - THOMAS AL-HQWE, ‘ A. wFloomis, •'■ • - S_..e» • * -Jy 'l^? .'■ : ; : ,XX' r - : X CD- A QUARTERLY, MEETING ot Fire Company will beheld in tboHalLon Saturday eve niS|kl l inB ' Bn,, “ 7t A.N°^l6NioLl,°sfcY. M HAMPTON, ; Commisioners, i'* .. - "■' ■i li^L-’V-f, "r V:.O r .. Serial j&iotttts. Who fettrald not rather enjoy the .pleasures of health and the agreeable consciousness of well-being)to. «>® fripisg pains of disease—the hitler continuance of iilr tfalth, and the chilling thoughts of never recovering! : But, of all diseases, who Is not most anxious to escape a disease of the Lungs!"The veryidea offaiunga victim to Consumption, sends a tremor to the heart strings of life.- But, oh! how joyous the thought that life and health is still our own, when just before, De spair had spread her dark canvass over us. . ; ' Such, kind reader, ore the pleasurable sensations ex perienced byhandredfl,wbo, by the use of Dr. Wistar s 3alaum of wild Cherry, have this dire disease slowly, butsurely,driven from their, system—and health, health, again restored to their langnishingbodles. Beware of counterfeits and base imitations. Jo* See advertisement. [apr!2 An Appeal to the Intellect. It is one of the features of Pulmonary Disease that it generally leaves the brain undisturbed. We therefore appeal to the intellects of ail who are predisposed to Consumption, warning them solemnly, that »h neglect ing what they call slight Colds * they may bd signing their own death-warrants. There is ho excuse for such ne glect. la Dr. Rogers 1 Syrup of Xnverioort, Tar andCan chcdaeua, they have within reach, at all times, a pasitwt specific. We make no reservation orqualificatiou of the phrase, and we are backed by men of the highest scien tific attainments, whose approval of worthless, no wealth couldpurchaae, in saving that it isns nearly in fallible as anything in this fallible world can be. For particulars, see pamphlet in the hands of Agents, and an« . Advertisement on the business page. . : • OFFICE OF THE ASSOCIATED FIREMEN’S INBBBMCE COMPANY. |o* Books will be open at the Office of the Company, Nos. 124 and 125 MonongahdaHouse, Water street, forthe purpose of receiving subscriptions for Two Thousand shares of the Capiuu Stock or said Company, on Tues day t the 15th. instant. , , . By OTdef of the Board o&Dlrectors, upr4 W. W; DALLAS, Prcs’t. ' Gastrle Juice or Pepsin. Jp* This great remedy, prepared alter directions or Baron Liebig, tbe great Physiological chemist, by Dr. J. S.Houghton* of Pfiiladelphia t is working wonders in all diseasesof thestoraachauddigestive organs. It is truly one of the most important discoveries in medical sci ence, Caresof the most hopeless cases of indigestion have been performed, to which the afflicted can be re erred by calling on the agents. See advertisement in another column. Kktieb & 'ftPDoWEtL r Agenis, . feb3 MO Woodstreet. 10* Consumers of wines are invited to read In another column the card of Jacob Snider, Jr. r s cheap winestore G7 Walnut street, Philadelphia. . febl4:dty ENCOUBAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. CITIZENS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PITTBBU RSH. , C.G. HUSSEY* Presu A. W. MARKS. Sec’f Office—No. 41 Water st.,in Warehouse of C.H. Grant, (0* Tms Company is now prepared to insure all kindd of risks, on Houses, Manufactories, Goods, Merchan dize in Store, and in Transitu Vessels, Ac. . 4 An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of toe Institution, is afforded In the character of the Directors, who are all citizens of Pittsburgh, well and favorably known to the community fortheir prudence,intelligence end integrity* • •* Diexctoes— C. G. Hussey, Wm. Lan ( mer, Jr., Walter Bryant, HughD. King, Edwarditeazel ton*Z Kinsev S.'HarbaughjS.hLKier. marl-nf: {o* Daguerreotypes. STi Nbl&on A Co. would respectfully announce to the citizens of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, that they have had a larg£ Operation Boom, with a Glass Root andFrent, built and atrangea expressly for the purpose of taking Daguerreotype Likenesses. The best Da guerreotypes, on the best material, are taken at this es tablishment, under the special superintendence of the pr s e arrangement enables them also to take Family Groups, of any number of persons, in the most perfect manner. • ' _ Likenesses of sick or diseased persons, taken in any part of the city. Gallery at the Lafayette Hall,Fourth street, corner of Fourth and Wood streets. Entrance on Fourth street. febl4:ly . Public Attention I Is most respectfully Invited to the plain, unvarnished ; statement of John watt, who was cured of an old Cough by the use of the Petbqlscb : “This may certify that I have been cured of an old chronic cough by the use of four bottles of Petroleum. Thecough attacked me a year ago last December, and I had lost all hopes of getting well, as I had taken the ad vice of several physicians without any benefit I was benefiUed almost instantly by the use of tho petroleum. I &ughed up, during tho. use of the Petroleum, a -hard tubsianet resembling bone, 1 make these, statements without any solicitation from any one to doso, and sole ly for the purpose that others who arc suffering may be beuefitted.. vou are at liberty to publish this certificate, i am on old citizen of Pittsburgh, haviug resided here thirt7»threo Tears. My residence, at mis in Secondstreeb JOHN WATT. Pittsburgh, February 24,1351.” JO*For sale by Keyser & McDowell, 140 Wood si., B.K. Sellers, 57 Wood st,j D. M. Carry, Allegheny City; D. A. ElUott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass,Allegheny; P. Schwartz, Allegheny; also, by the proprietor, S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, Seventh st., Pittsburgh. IT?" Daring these sudden changes of the weather, colds, coughs and diseases of the Lungs ami Threat, ofs? rxrore.prevatent than at any other season. W« ad vise persons •so affected to procure at onee, Jayne's Ex pectorant, which always relieves a cough or tightness©! the chest or throat-orthe -difficulty of breathing- Try it- To be had at the Pekin Tea Store, 33 Fifth street* Ja3l • _ * Dr«SiD*Bowe's SHAKER SARSAPARILLA THE GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINE. rr PREVENTS DISEASE—PROOF; A Child Saved! Curioui Case.—Thc following evi dence is only one of thousands of similar .character, and conclusively proves that Dr. Howe’s Sarsaparilla is one of the most effective' remedies ever discovered • Dr. Howe:—Dear Sir.— My son, when about six months did, broke out with that dreadful disease, Scrofu lous Sorer,over the face and body; ami for two years and a half I tried every means that coaid be suggested by my friends. I also bad the advice of six or eeven of ‘the best physicians in the country, without effecting a cure, ana I almost wished the little suflerer dead, that It might be freed from its pains. During the last sit monlhs.the sores were so distressing ana painful, my self ana wife were up with it night and day, for weeks together, and toe had'giuen up ail hope of ever raising our little one: At length, a friend advised ns to try your Shaker Sarsaparilla. Reluctantly I triedit, and I have reason to bless God tor it, for, i»i acerysAoririme,*! Araf —iy U. A* O. O—HILL GROVE, NO. 21-oj, the United Ancient Order of Druids , meets on every Mon day evening, at the Hall, corner of Third and Wood streets, above Kramer A Rahm’s. ’ may2l:ly. Pitts burgh and Allegheny,meets on the. second Monday of every month at the Florida House, Market si. , . auG7y] John young, Jr., Secretary. -, LIFE INSURANCE. ITTThe National toMt .Faud b/e Assur ones Company c/ London and New York, are now ta king Risks on the lives of persons between the ages ol 15 and 60 years, at the Banking House of aepll WM. A. HILL i CO. Associated Firemen’s Insurance Compa ny of the City of Ptttsburgti. W: W. DALLAS, Pres’L—ROBERT FINNEY, Sec’y. jjj-Will insnie against FIRE ana MARINE RISKS ofall kinds. , , „ • Office inMerumgahtla House, A'oi.lat and 135 Water si W. W. Dallas, Rody Patterson,*^H. Hartley, R. B, Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, C» H.; Paulson, Wm. M. Ed gar.JSdward.Gregg, A. P. Anshutz, C. Sawyer, Chas. Kent, Wm.Gonnan. febSO .Wanted* TWO \OUNG KEN under instructionslo'the Tailor ing w«*e. Two young men can also be accommo dated with Boarding and seat room. Enquire at this Office. Japr&St ■ - 1 -'; r:?'.'".i.*f , ;V : ;‘-' : •:■ r a :*w*'-’ . “.'r ' . v-i*v; .•>' : *-wV- -. > V*' I '*. T : : ?? u*---- '.- Ti-?-'*:#. , >■ * > > 'V>-■ . iV-.'’'>.•■••.•;•'•:■ :«*■ .7•• ■ 1 . ■. ■ j.- < . v .■■ .>,.v *„.•■ ■ ••' * r.*r ' *.**, ./*•,. ■* * • .. *’(?*■■** 'jA- I *.>.**■■ ; :■ >■' r •• •• "* «*■ V * r'' ' - .■•■ • > . ■■: ■«. •■ ■ M. ■■••;. . ; V '* ... "t ' -vi* ( ", " »• *■ » CD“ A Card—“ The Young Ladies’ Associaucn for I the Relief of the Poor,” adjourned on Friday; last. to. I meetagain in the Fall. A full report will be famished .attheir Annual meeting in October; but,/or. the satis faction ot their friends, in themean umc» give the fellow-, l*hey have,during the past winter,visited relieved one hundred andtwenty-fonr families—rdistributing nine ty-four ready made -garments, materials-for -two hundred and thirty more. - Also, sixty articles of old clothing. They have, given out one hundred and fifteen pairs of shoes, thirteen hundred bushels of coal, and forty-five ; dollars’ worth of provisions. They would lake ibis opportunity of tendering their thanks to those kind friends whohave assisted them with donations}— and also, to Drs Dilworth and Dorsey, for their efficient professional services. - [apr!2 QS. FOWLER, of New York, will deliver. by re • quest, a Lecture on the subject of Phrenology, on Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock. at the Sixth Ward Pub lic School House. Aftei the Lecture, there will be- pub iic examinations. Tickets,ndmiltingone gentleman and lady, one niun. To be had at the store of A. S. Getty, ebraerbf Washington and Wylie streets; at the Drug store of B, W. Means, corner of Elm street and Penn sylvania Avenoe ; -and at the door. - . - [aprl2 .• TJROPOSALS FOR COAL AND SLACK. —Sealed I • Propoaalsfor deliveringinthe Stores, at the Works I of the Pittsburgh Gas Company, 100,000 bushels of Bi- | tumihous Coah and. 30,000 bushels of Slack, will be re- | ceived at the! Office of the Company, until Wednesday,-1 the 23d instant.at 2o’clock, P. M. The Coaland Stack ] to be of such quality, and delivered at such times, mid I in such quantities, as chall be approved of and directed. The standard of computation for Coal and Slack to be ] 70 pounds per bushel. .. . . . 1 : The payments to be made monthly—retairung 20 p6r cent, as security for performance of contract. - _ . Proposals to be addressed to Thomas Bakewell, Esq., President of the Company, and-,endorsed, Proposals for Coat and Slack.” JAMES M. CHRISTV, ; apria.. . ; v-':; 1 : Treasurer. INFORMATION WANTED—Of the whereabouts of ANDREW DOUGHTEN; (dtover,)"who resided m Trumbull County, Ohio. He was last seen in this City, on tbe j22d of March. Any information sent to John Cramer, Trumbull County, Ohio, wilt be thankfully re ceived. .. . - . [aprlfclw* THE PERFECT MAN.—Fowkr’j Last and B—On Market street, a VELVET BAG, and in it several articles of value to the owtL er,who con have if by calling; at the European Agency and Carpet manufactory of John Thompson, Liberty at., by describing its contents and paying for this notice. aprlOdlt A SSIGNEE’S NOTlCE.— Michael Kelly, of the City of Pittsburgh, Merchant Tailor, has made to. the subscriber ati assignment of hisestdte, for the bene fit of his creditor. .Notice is. hereby given tb all per sons having claims against the said Michael Kelly, to present the same duly authenticated, for an; pro. rata payment they'may be entitled to; ana all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to s&id Kelly, to pay the same immediately to the undersigned* aprlot3t , J*D. STITARTyAmgtue. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administra tion have been granted .to the subscriber on the Estate of J ohn Shepherd, deceased. All persons know ing themselves indebted to sold Estate, are requested to make immediate payment; and all having claims, to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. JANE SHEPHERD, Administratrix. ITTSBURGH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.— The subscription Books for Stock in the above Company will remain open for a few days, at the Office of the Company, No. 75 Fourth street. pprlQ C; A. COLTON, Sec'y. A LL persona having business with the undersigned, A either as Public Accountant, Initractor In Bookr Keeping, or ntherwisej will find him ai the Pittsburgh, Commercial College, from 9 till U o’clock, A. and from 3 till 4 o’clock, P. M. Merchants in want of competent Book_ keepers can be sapplied hy calling on- - JOHN FLEMING, api9 Principal Instructor in the Scienco of Accoants. Election, . * N ELECTION (or the WaianPtnn- A tylmnia Hospital wM be holden the Board oi Trade, on Tuesday, the 15m uistaiu, ais 0 Thecontribiilors are requested to attend, if possible, asbushies^nnTortancetotho.lnstJtnnon^w^^ylai/ be a“atd em ' :/ Secretary W- rBTKii —Twenty Si OWE ilASOhls, for the of St; Fail’s New Cathedral, Fifth street, jS or WIUUM Ltkch,*! the Rui'ldlne or at 75 Franklin street. Good wages will be given, and none but good hands need apply. tapt9:3l» v * 4 iu'\\ -ri '•' )ii "-~ ‘-' g - -%>--*?■ ••‘-"HVvVw MILLER A RICKETSQN. Admlniatratrlx* Notice. Boflineaa Notice* ME .‘5 : - f +' ";■ P-? * : '2 mnotments. TUffiATRBI Fifth Street, between Wood and SmithfUld. JOSEPH FOSTER* • »Lro*s axo M4JfA«B9. : Admictancx— First Tier and Parquette,so cents; Sec ond and Third Tiers. 25 cents; Colored Gallery ,25 cents. Private Boxes, each, $l,OO. Boors open at 6$ o’clock, Curtain rises at 7 o’clock. SATURDAY EVENING, April 12th, the performance will commence with the play of , C2RCINNA. The whole to conclude with BEARS NOT BEASTS. Monday, Benefit of Mr. Boehanao. Ia active preparation, the grand operatic drama of the Bohemian Girl. Dancing cuad Waltsing Academy* MR. H.RIEVEN, Professor of Dancing, - from New York,thanafnl for the kind patronage of last spring respectfully bee* to inform bis patrons and tbe public, that his Dancing Academy, in Wilkins Hail, will be opened on Monday, April; 14th. Daysof tuition, Mon day, Wednesday and-Friday r for childre n.ht A o’clock ; for gentlemen.atd o’clockjF.M.; private classes, for la dies, at 10 o’clock. A/M., and private classes, for gentle men, at 114 o’clock, the above days/ Board ing Schools and Families attended to. Ladies and gen i tlemen can receive private lessonsand classes will be * l formed at other times than the above.. ;, - r ; . Mr. M. will teach all that Is fashionable—without omit* l ung his celebrated,graceful and easy manner—forwhich I he has received a liberal patronage in New .York and J Europe* . •.•;• “ •. I will also teach in Allegheny, at Mr. Fly’s,' on ! ? aeB A&Y>Thutsday and Saturday—at 4 o’clock, P..M I * o s, c b“dren j at s o’clock for ladies and gentlemen. I . Cards containing histermscan be procured athis real- I S?* 1 sweet, between Wood and Market, where l Mr. happy to give all necessary information.' Habib £bclum3. LECTUBEB ON MAH, BY O. S. FOWLER, OF NEW YORK, OR Phrenology and Physiology applied to Homan Perfection, at WILKINS. HALL, as followaT Thursday evening, March 27—Signs of Character. Friday eveningjiasih—Analysis of Propensities. Satarday evening, 29th—Self Perfection and Juvenile Training. Monday evening, 31st—Memory and Intellectual Cul ture. - Wednesday and .April 2nd and 4ih—MATRI MONY, or the Science of Love, Selection, Courtship and Married Life. . Ye who would enjoy matrimonial'felicity, and avoid discord, come. - Monday and Weaherilay,7ih and 9th—Woman’s Phre- ’ nology. Sphere, Rights, Wrongs, Daiies, Place, Influ ence,^Treatment and Perfection. Let her whom Useeks to improve; be there.- Friday, 11th—Hereditary Laws and Facts, a rich phi losophical treat. Monday and Wednesday, 14th and 10th—Manhood, its office, perfection, impairment and re-invigoration: Commencing .af 7} o’clock,and ending with Pubuc Exahixatioss.: JD* First lecture; Free. Tickets to Men, 15 cents; Women, 10 cents, orlO for $l. Professional delineations: of character, with numbered charts, aud also full writ ten opinions,including advico touching Health, Occu pations, Faults, Ac.,their remedy, self-perfection, man agement of children, Ac., daily and unoccupied even ing* at his private apartments at Brown’s Hotel. tmar2s MR. J. C. SHAAIVS Lecture on PANTHEISM, will be delivered: on Titesday, the 15th of April. The amount of tickets sold daring this week will determine the choice of the Lecture Room. ' Tickets 25 conUt to ; be bad at Mr. Hersh’s store and Mr. Loomis’ Book store, and several other places. Caprt Unction Sales. SCOTT A OTIS, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 61 xAur srsKCTjffr. Loom, ancsousi/ HAVING been engaged in the above business for the last six years, m this city, wonldrespecifblly so licit consignments of Goods, to be sold.in this rdazket, cither for Auction or private sale—particularly;'Glass ware, Hardware andlJry Goods; ana willmake liberal' advances on all kinds of Goods consigned os for sale ' here. Will refer to Messrs, llewett. Roe A Co., E. R. Vio let, Wm.D. Wood A Co , John J. Anderson os Co.. R. 11. Stone, Squire A Reed, Brownlee, Homer A Co., Larkin. Beaver. Saint Louis; Butler A Oincinnali;' George APLain, Pittsburgh. (mai2o:y w; G. O’CARTSEY, Auctioneer* DRY GOODS AND CLOTmNG. AC., at Abcnoa —'To-morrow, Friday, April llth, at 10 o’clock in the morning, will be sold at Auction House, No. 125 Wood street, h large assortment-of Dry Goods and Clothing—a part of which comprise, cloths, cassi raeres, cassinetis, tweeds, alpaccas,’. toons de laines, calicoes, ginghams, bleached and-brown muslihs,lrish linen table clotha.'comhs,handkerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs and cravats, frock and dress coats, pants and vests,fine shirts, check shirts, merino draw ers, suspender?, table linen, towelling* Ac. • ■ aprlO vW. Q> MACARTNEY* Anct’r. - rnwo VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS AT Auction.- X —Will betold on Saturday evening, April 12th; at 8 o clock, at M’Carlnev’s Auction Hotue,No. 125 Wood street, tora valuable building lots, each fronting £1 feet 4 inches on Short street, and extending back 100 feet to a •20. foot alley. Sold lots are Nos. 24 and 20 on Ccssst’s plan in the Third Ward ’of the Cityof Allegheny; and eonunanding a beautiful view oft he cities or Pittsburgh and Allegheny rmd surrounding country, and would be a most desirable location for ;a private residence; us it catraot be surpassed by any situation for health' in. that nvocities. Irtielndisputiofe. 'TeßUAaisale; * - ~ mar 33 . - -W/G. M’CARTNEY, Auci% ; JP. itt. I>AVIS, Auctioneer; TWENTY- THREE BUILDING LOTS, an Centre Avenue, adjoining Seventh Wardi at AucnoSv— On Saturday afternoon, April 12th, at 3 o’clock, will be sold on the premises, Twenty-three very desirable Lots, fronting on Centre Kirkpatrick, Hilt - and Rose streets, adjoining the C.ty Line of the Seventh Ward, as in plan, laid out by John S;lrwin,&L D., which can bcpbtameduttlie.Sales Rooms.' Cash, residue'inone rest, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premi ses, Title indisputable. ' 'P.M.DAVIS, : - aprlS"/ : - - .Auctioneer. -'. SPLENDID ROCKAWAY CARRIAGE at' Auction. This (Satarday,VmoTnlngj at 11 o’clock, at the Sales. Rooms, corner of .Wood ana Fifth ' streets, will be sold, 1 superior Carriage,nearly new, and in complete order. •P. ftLDAVIS,' r aprl2 ' . Auctioneer.- , F IjOOKSALE.—OnSalurdsyevening,' April l2ih, at 7 > o’clock, at the Salesßoomsj -corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold a catalogue of waluabßnnie ccllaneous Books—embracing, Dick’s: complete works, 3 vole; Bradford’s Comprehensive Atlas; coloreamaps; Guizot’s Giobon, 2 vbl*ii‘'Robertsdn’e'‘Hlstory;of Scot : laud, and India; .Thief’s; French Revolution, 4*: vols. plates; Froissart’s Chronicles; 115 engravings VCotton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay, 2 vote-.Stairßirilders’, Gaide,-plates jNicholaon’s Mechanic*’ Cdmparuon/45 : plates, new edition ; Essay ouFairyQuqon,,;by Hart; Poeraaof Rogers,illustrated; Laurin’s Sermons, 4 vote; Chalmer’s Discourses, 2:vote.; Headley’s LifS of Jose phine ; Hannatn’s Pulpit Assistant >. the Preacher} Tredgold’s Carpentry; Manual of Classical literature j Our Globe, 100 steel plates; Robinsoa Crusoe, 100 en* Kfavings; Pictorial History of the Navy Pope’s Works, 4 vote.) Gordon’s Historyof New Jersey;Good rich’s Ancient and Modem History, 2 vote., illustrated; Spirit of the Magazines. 3 vote.; Flora’s Lexicon, color* cd plates, Ac., Ac. Fullparticulars in Catalogues; in.apm-- -- KM. DAVIS,Aucfr;, TJEDLER’S WAGON at Auction. —On Saturday X morning, April 12th; aril o’clock, nt tha Commer cialSalcsßooms, corner of Wood sndFifth streets/will be sold, by order of D. D. Bruce, Esq., assignee of Kin sey fc Knox, one superior large size two horse Pedier’js. wagon, neatly new. P.M.DAVIS/v aprll Auctioneer. Jameoßces, ENGINE BUILDER AND MACHINIST, (Successor to Robert Wightman.) - ’ . Corner of Liberty, and: Water mteri,- ... YKTILL build, and finish to order, on the shortest no- VV tice, and most accommodating terms, .Steam .En gines and Machinery, hud Castings, of all descriptions, atthe lowest prices. . • - . .. PrrrsßUEon, April 8,1851. : l cheerfully recommend tothe-publlc and my former customers; my successor, Mr. JAMES REES, a compe tent and able mechanic, capable of building Engines and Machinery ia the mest satisfactory and . approved style. [apifry] " ROBERT I WIGHTMAN. . - Customhouse, Putsbobok,;") SunexoT**Office, April 2,1851.5;,. SEALt&D PROPOSALS will be received atthiaomee until 12 o’clock, 2Cth(Jayof April, io*t. f fortbofol iowibg ariicSs, for the use of the stick al the United Stales Marine Hospital, near Lius City, until the doth day of June, 1802: ' ■ . Beef,as free as possible from bone, price perpouncL Bread, each loaf to weigh one lb«v , u “ Brown Sugar of the best quality* • • ,4 ‘ . ■■ 14 • • 4 * Rice*™ « “ “ Tea Hyson 41 “ “ Rice nour*-*”*.—.**•**.*”*•-." “ v “ Sperm candles...... v-. Cogee Batter, besi quality- - - * r ♦ • Middling bacon llamas. Lard-^- Flour, bestfupetfine--.- \ Molasses-- wiBe " - . .. .< .. . .. • : Milk i.“ quail. Beal boiled meal- ■ • “ “ bushel: : Potatoes ' Beans « „ .vMi-'- : 4 *. 14 dozen. Salt - • • f• r * “ peck. ' Hominy ..................... u 44 44 cord. !.Coal ••<*^*.**-»*;*»*» : ‘;-* 44 44 bushel. All of tbe foreign articles to be of the very best quali ty, and io.be famished at such times and in such coonli ues as on the requisition of the Steward of the Hospital, approved by tbe.Sunreyor, may be. required. Any other articles ihat may be warned, the contractor to famish at the lowest market price. It Is estimated that the number ;of patients to be sup plied "will average about SO per day. - :fn addition to which there will be about 10 officers and servants to-be supplied. Any information concerning the contract wOt be giv** : en bn application at this office. . ' HENRY-WOODS,. _ap3rt2sm Surveyor and Agt., U« S. Marine Hospital BKEAD WITHOUT YliAST.—Babbm’sEffervescing- Compound, for raising bread, jei cakes,Ac., for sale by r: , JAJJES A* JONeS, - apB corner of Liberty and Hand ata. ‘TIH'RA.PAJNG E'APEK-Jasl received-* xeaSv W' medium rag Wrapping Paper. AUcs&fresh anp ply of doable medium Printing; at •raar23 . * - - ® ft HAVENS: =MEM %r> gnielM , f* , • ' , •! f -V ■■■ •*•. .ii «- <1 ' u u a - . it a it it U it “