The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 08, 1851, Image 2

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harper a. lattos, proprietors.
union as the first <f- ali blessing. Disunion' God for.
hid Nations yet vnborn-tcouldrue the rashness of ths
{Buchasah. •' '
Democratic State'Convention!.
Covsijßoß and Cmt
l6Sl ' «
Tlf^°nf 1 ?^ aa io 1 c^ Can{ l l^atea^o1 ’ SUEEBMB BeKCB, Olllhc
Smc o Cer'.fc^ ed by lte regular achon of the
~JTo. Advertisers.
• •?* SB .MoBW? , o.PosT has n larger circulation than any
auoscnption gaper published in Pittsburgh. To bust
it afforde an excellent medium for Advertising;
Mia being the only Democratic paper issuod in Alleghe
ny county, it goes into the hands of a class of readers
reached other paper. Advertisers will be good
enough to beuT this ui mind.
The mysterious sounds or “ Mappings,” which
are the subject of so much enquiry and investiga
tion m the State of New York, have recently
manifested themselves in this City, and are proV
ducing considerable excitement among those who
have witnessed the: phenomena. Some ascribe
the sounds to,a.: clover trick which is yet unde,
tected; others to the same diabolic agency which
Christians imputed to the Pythian Or
acles; while-others still are found, and persons of
. intelligence and sagacity, who think it more ra
tional to believe the Bounds to be what they purv
port to be, vi 2. a manifestation from the world of
spirits, by means of the magnetism in the atmos.
pbere; the friendly spirit producing certain elec
trical vibrations m the presence of, and through a
mtdia, who are generally females These are the
different theories as we understand them. We
have been favored with several opportunities of
witnessing the “-Rapping",” and we must confess,
if artifice is used in the production of the sounds
we have failed to detect it. and we leave the solu
tion, of tho trick for more acute minds than ours.
Those who have ridiculed the “ Rappings,” as be
ing the production of designing persons for the
purpose of-deception, have shown themselves also
unable to,detoct the eecret of the imposture; and
their.xidicule, though it may wound the sensitive
and intimidate the irresolute, is no test of truth,
but.a confession of their own ignorance. ■
And are we going back to the age of-Co-rroir
Matheb and Chief Justice Hax.e’ Is demonol
,ogy and: witchcraft again to visit the earth, which
wassupposed to have been exorcised by the Rei
son of the Nineteenth Century; and shall we have
the scencs; of Salem re-enacted s No! criea the
Progressionist. Then what are we to have 1 * fJntil
the question ie solved one way or another, let us
. glance at the theory which is proposed for the
’ is®*PP“>g3” by those who profess to understand
fhe phenomena, Oor information we have gath*
ered from various sources, but chiefly from a friend
of ours, a gentleman of unimpeachable honor and
intelligence, who asserts that he has daily commu
nications with the spirit of one of the most highly
gifted members of the Pittsburgh Bar; recently
"" deceased. ...
When the eoufieaves the:body (we are inform
ed) the. transition causes no loss of memory or
;■ P osTer > It passes into a world of celestial beauty.
and mingles with other spirits who had gone be.'
. foM iL Io the spirit land it is governed by laws
of the Deity, by which it is constantly progress.
Ing In love, goodness and intelligence, and for
over developing their fruits and flowers. The epir.
its of good men are the guardian angels mention
ed in the Scriptures, and they watch over the dee
trnies of nations and individuals, impreuidns of
this nhture existed in the minds of the Jews, af '
an early period of Christianity, as most graphic
ally Shown by Acts xii, 7-;l5 ; particularly by
v. 15, “Then said they: It is his angef.” These
spirits have a sympathy for their friends upon
earth, and desire to hold converse with them • and
onlyrecently has that power been given to them
and that, only in an initiatory manner; like the
first foreshadowings of the magnetic telegraph,
before the genius of Monsx discovered the act by
which thought could be instantaneously transmit
ted aponit. from one end of the globe to the other.
The spirits say (we are told) that a new day will
soon-dawn upon us, and the mystery of death and
. mmortality ha unveiled
These ideas are certainly strange enough to
startle even the most credulous. We have yet
seen or'beard nothing to convince ua fully that the
■whole is not a; vagary or fantasy;of. the brain.-
It is true we have heard the unaccountable muf
fled raps which spelt. out intelligent answers to
mental interrogations, but these answers- in onr
presence were common-place—and we may eay
so were the .questions. We will give- one or two
ns a specimen:
(The questioner was a gentleman of the high
est character in this community, and bolds an hon
orable office by the gift of the people.)
• Mr.— (mentally) « rfow many policies of in
surance did you take out on your lifei”
Aits wxb.— (By rapping at the lettert were indica
ted by patting'a pencil over a card with the alphabet
an if,) “Two.” ~ .
Mr.' “Was.the amount assured paid prompt.
ly, according to the rnlea-of the offices”
Ajrawxß.—“ No. But be assured I have seen
to it, friend .”
To other mental questions answers were given
with'jpromptness, but, as. we.have aald, they im
parted nothing remarkable, '
We have stated about the extent of our experi
ence, and we give it-for what it is worth. As a
public journalist we deem it our duty to examine
and prove ell tbiqgß, if we can, and Whenever con
victions settle on , our mind, we are the last per
son to cowardly.withhold them, even should they
jar with public sentiment.
flnbsotlptton to tbo Central Railroad.
We learo from the Philadelphia Bulletin, that the
Board of Commissioners of Spring Garden, at a
meeting held.on Wednesday evening, passed (hrongh
two readings, by a vote of eighteen to one, an ordt-
nanco 'authorizing an additional. subscription of
$400,000 to the Stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
for the purpose of completing the Road over the
mountains, to avoid the Portage, The Southwark
- Commissioners, also, passed through two readings,
an ordinance subscribing Tor $350,000 to the stock
of tlio Road.
Paris Stage Rouse. *
Mr. SAMcrEt Robbqon, formerly of Cross Creek
township, Washington county, has taken the-well
inown“ Paris- Stage. House,” in the besutiful vil
lage; of Paris,. Washington, county,-Pa., formerly
kept by Mr. Ricnsan Wann. This is one of the
best public houses between Pittsburgh and Stoubon
ville, andjwb takegroat.pleasure in recommending
Mr. RObthsos to the patrouage ofour friends and the
travelling public generally.
jjyt The Hutchinson Family, at their concert in New
YoTk on Wednesday night,'sttngno“woolly-headVeongs,
as Was expected, and consequently,there was no row,
pawas/eared. •
Pittsburgh and Krle Railroad.
meeting at new castle
A meeting of the citizens of New CaatU, and
vicinity, was held ia Ken Caßtleon the first of April;
to consider the subject of the-Ffanklini Canal Com*,
pany end Pittsburgh and Erießail Road. • The meet
mg was .organized- by nominating RfiNRY PEAR?
SON, Esq 1 ., Presideot, nndR.W. Cubniuqhah,
William Dicksor, Joseph Eeubt, and Thouas
Falls, Vice Presidents; and electing Alexander
Rewell and David C. Coultt, Secretaries.
The object of the meeting was stated by L.L.
M’Gaffin, Esq., and on motion the following persons
were appointed to draft reflations to express the
sense of the meetingr Lot' Watson; R. H;- Peebles,
L. L. McGufHn, Robert Wallace, and J. Kiaeick.
Daring tho absence of tho .commiUee-themfeeting
was addressed by R« B. McCombs, R.\W„Canning--
ham, and Joseph Emery.. The' committee to draft
rcsoleiions, reported tho following preamble and
resolutions which wero unanimously adopted, after
considerable discussion^
Charters have been granted by the
Legislature of Pennayljaola to the Franklin Canal
.Company and Pittsburgh: and Erio Rail Road Com.
pany for oho purposo of a Rail Road
between Pittsburgh and-Erie; And Whebrab, from
the cqnduct.ofissld companies wo behove that it is
their intention to pervert the object of thoir charter,
into procuring a connection between the New York'
and .Ohio Rail Road ; and Whereas, a bill is now
ponding in tho Logulatore to compel them to per*
form- strictly the stipulations of thoir charters—
Therefore, ••• , !
Resolved, That so attempt by said companies, or
either of them, to form a connection botwoen the I
New York and Ohio Rail Roads withoot first cample* <
ting the Roads for which thoir charters wore granted, <
is a violation of their charters, a fraud on thejCommoe* i
wealth, and would, if executed, occasion irrspara. |
bio injury to tho North Western portion of tho State; I
and ought to be promptly prohibited by onr leg ills,
Resolved , That wa are strongly in favor of Mr:
Hogc’g Bill compelling the completion of tho South*
orn ond of said road and for other purposes, and
that wo approve of tho course of Messrs. Hogo and
Walker of (ho Senate on this subject, and that onr
Senators and Representatives be rcqneated to urge
and vote for tho immediate passage ofsald bill.
Resolved, That the permanent welfare of this
county ts deeply involved in the completion of tho
Pittsburgh and Kno Rail Road, and that oor citizens
bo recommended to oso every proper eaertion to pro
cure the same.
Soil Robber fa lilmbo.
For some time a series of depredations have
been committed upon the U. S. Mails between this
City, and Meadville. The vigilant special agent
el the P. O. department, Joseph Ornaota, Esq,
eet himself to work in earnest to detect the ras»
cals, and we are pleased to learn that be baa been
successful. Mr. O. mailed various “ decoy” pack
ages at offices along the line, and by this means it
was oat long until he identified one Winjam
Kino, formerly deputy P. M. at Brownlngton,
Butler county, as the chid robber. The testimo
ny against Ktao is Batd to have been overwhelm
ing. He. was accordingly arrested at Franklin,
Venango gpunty, on the 31st ol Match, and was
safely locked op to jail. The next day, April Ist,
be underwent an examination, (having been taken
out on a writ of Habeas Corpus ,) and after a (air
hearing, was remanded back to prison, to undergo
hie trial at the U. S. Court, which meets in this
City on the Ist of May.
Mr. Ottisoeb has obtained pretty strong evi.
dance against other mail robbing rascals along
the above route, and we expect in a short rime to
hear of them being taken into custody. i
California Gold Receipts*
The Journal of .Coouneres publishes a table,
.proving an important fact—that the actual receipts
'of gold dust from California for tho last threo months
amounted to nearly doable tho sslaß entered oo tho
manifest, of tho vends arriving. Tho fact Ia ns*
tabluhed by comparing the amount of California
gold entered at the Castom House, with that deposit
ed at tho Mint for coinage, as follows: —r
Kifiat Ctuim Stmt. Btdd at tit Mini.
Janaary 02,478,239 04,040,000
February 781,428 2,800,000
March 1,870,843 2,634,000
Ecccm .85 1 303,'00
Add to tbiMhc gold shipped without coinage, tod
that taken for <niaufsetunag purposes, sod the
amount of the excess will probably bo'as largo •« tbs
whole sum entered et the Custom House.
Importation* of Dry Goode.
Tho New York Journal ofComtnorce says the dry
goods imports thrown upon that market for the
three mouths juu expired, show on incrcasa over
the corresponding quarter of last year of $4,932,191.
The total is $2t,989,327. Asia over the ease when
goodiare crowded upon tho market, buyers base
been afraid to como forward, and prices have boon
submitted to far below the standard to which there
is any possibility of reducing regular sales for yotrs
to come. The worst of the panic would now bo
over were there any certainty of a moderate importa
tion for the fall trade, bat circumatances aro favora
ble for further heavy receipts. The great exhibition
will draw thousands to Europe,including many from
the interior, who will each make small parchasos to
import on his own account. Should our regular im*
-porters also bring outthcir usual quantity, thore will
be again an overstock, realising a loss to ail con- i
cerned. This evil can only bo remedied by the pars i
tics themselves, and needs no legislative Intarfe* j
rence, as many seem to suppose. Xi will bo sure I
to curo-Itself ero long, at no ono will long con- I
tinoc in a losing business*.
Prom the Great Salt babe.
The General Assembly of Deioret met in Decem
ber isat and continued in soisioo four days, and
then adjourned nil January. Tho following aro
extracts from tho newspapers of thst distant
The improvements of the age aro great, such as ms
~IQS good cheese of potatoes; sowing more than a
v '*'t>Oß» hand, j .oiling horao ahono
“ allß l mak '“B niony big candles with liltio
•allow , 'o preserve bntlor perfectly saeot for yo»ro,
trithont i restoring and preserving eight, withoot
-glsMos—snd almost everything, except bolnff saved
without koepmg the commandments “
The mail baaing panadd through .now from onn
to three font in depth, lor seventeen daya, arrived
on iho. Sib mat., bringing a copy of iho am in.
corporatlng iho territory of Utah, no cortifled by Dr.
At our luteal advice, from Wothiogtoo, the officers
of the “ torritor,” had not boon nominated ; bat it
was thought by some or our fneoda that President
Fillmore was favorably inclined towards individuals
now living in Deseret, for the groator portion or the
offices of Utah. ■ ... .
Mrß. A. Smith, late of St. Louis, invites tho ladies
of Great Salt Lake City and vicinity to the inspection
of a superior-assortment of volvet, silk, satin, end
•traw bonnets, and a variety of millinery and fancy
Alexander & Co. would inform tho citixana of the
Valley, that they have rented Horace Oibba’jibiDgle
machine, eight mites soalheast of Ibis city, on Sooth
Mill Crook,and arecoesiaottysawingahinglesatthe
. following pricoe: 85.60 por thousand, when tho tim
ber is furnished and 60 cents deducted when Iho llm»
berts rolled on the log way and thesh'ingloa romov.
ed by tho owner aa last as they are manufactured;
or they will manufacture timber into shinglea for one
half. 84,60 for timber delivered to make 1000 shin
gleb, will be paid in cash. Bhmglea for sale at 810
per thousand. ;
• iWrEßHAßnvino or Relatives.—The Superin
tendent oftho Insane Hospital at Indianapolis,’ in a
long and very interesting report of its condition, very
justly says:
The intermarrying ofrelaliveais e causeofdcgen
•oracy of both mind and body, and tendß directly to
insanity. In several instances that have como to
our notice the past year, moro than ono mem
ber oftho same family have become insane. Thore
are in the hospital, at tbia lime, two sisthrs from one
family.and a brother and aisier from another. Wo
have, also, aa is rarely tho caao, a husband and wife
aa patients in tho institution; bet neither of the last
mentioned cases, so far as I can learn, anffer’ from
Eoreditary taint,
ScribblitigH anil Clipping*.
A machine for folding newspapers has been in
trodneed into the office orthe NaUonni Intelligencer. : It
i» the invention of a member of the universal- Yankee
family, and performs Us work in an expeditious and
beautiful moaner* -v. * •
, _ v 6? re 15 a Proposttioit tho Massnohu
sett* Legislature, to lend the credit of that Slate in the
lW ° BUlIl °“ of dollars to the Troy and Green
field Ratiroad Company, to be expended in entting a tun
| nel of 4} miles through the Hoosie mountain.'"
I 1 The Sullivan County Watchman says that a wild
turkey was shot one day lost week,five or six miles from
, the village of Liberty, inthat county. It weighed fifteen
and three-quarters pounds, and was one of a dock of
thirteen. : ....
The St. Loais.-Uuloa makes a cuicaiationLof the
cost of amasementsfor the peopleof that city, for ten
nights, including the-concerts of Jkirar Lthd - and the
theatrical engagements uf Mis* Ccshuan. The aggre-.
gate is of which will be carried to the
Mr. Wiiatuu Bio slow, a well-known soap man
ufacturer, of Fhamix village, was trampled to death by
ahorse a few days ago. Tho unfortunate man’s body
was discovered in tho stable with his head fractured.
A Mr. Adaus, in Manchester, N. H , hasinvented
a machine for weaving bags .without seam. The ma
chinery is said' to be very simple, and can be adspted
to every description of bags, from a bed tick *to a shot
bag.; ;
- The Aabnm Daily Advertiser says that Hava* s.
lUm>ALvEsq., of Cortiftndville, Cortland county, is
mcourse ofprcpanng alifeofTaoMAS Jkfvkbson ! Mr
B. has been at Washington and in Virginia, daring the
greater portion of last winter, collecting materials for
this work.
I The Loniaviilo Journal says, “ the truth is, ihe
Locpfocoa are only bragging when they assert that they
I h»ve a popular majority in Kentucky.” The truth is
adds tho Louisville Democrat, tho Whigs are only whis
tling to keep up their courage when they assort the con
trary. •
—— The BrookviUe Amencan “Gen. Havocs
*on, whohas been on trial in New Orleans, charged with
having been concerned In the Cuban invasion, is the Ex-
Dnued States Senator from Mississippi, and was once a
shoemaker in BrookviUe, Ind ”
A son of Hon. C. S. MooanrsAD, of Frankfort,
Ky., was seriously and probably mortaUy wounded last
week by the accidental discharge of a Colt revolving
pistol, which he had in his pocket- A boy, 11 years of
age, with a rrtofcsr in his pocket ?
—— M The Law of the Land is a rule of conduct, not
a sentiment of opinion.* l There is the widest possible
difference between ,the freest dueossion of political
metsures and opposition to legal enactments. Suffering
the penally of the law, is hot obedience to the law, else
trsasgresiioq waoldle onknow a. \
—— The Legislature hss U to adjourn oa the
15ih tost. This is something more sensible thantheir re
tolutipa landing the bitterest aad midst-telemlesj enemy
the Democracy ever had, pamcL Wssstn,
| —— The married Indies of Fairatoarif, N. J , have or-
Igaaiicd themselves into ah independent order of Odd
Ladies, in order to be revenged upon their Odd Fellow
husbands. Their lodge is kept open bstfanhour longer
at night than the Odd Fellowa.
I “ Ka*Governor Poarta, of Pennsylvania, it will be
remembered, was famous, while in office, for ihe greet
aumber of criminals he pardoned. Some one trod on
! his toes, and turning to him, said, “ i ask your parion,
sir." « Can’t grant il, sir. Tra no longer Governor,"
was the quick reply of‘*o!d Iron Gray."
The tine steamer Alida, one of the fastest ol the
floating palaces on the North River,was sold etauetlou,
at New York, to llaxar Saurian, Esq., for 839,509
——The new Whig paper, which was eontempiated
In New York city, with Mr. Ratteotro, of the Courier 4
Enquirer, as editor, has been abandoned.
The N. V. Senate hare discharged Mr. BctA. the
Sergesnl-at-Anas, declared guilty of attempting lo levy !
black mail on tho keepers of certain gambling bon tea in I
New York. A resolution for Bull** erred wts lost by !
10 to IS.
Rev. Mr. Wheeler, Unitarian mini tier of Tops,
ham, whoso face was severely injured by collision of the
cars oa the 83d or December .that, and who claimed dam
ages of the railroed company, bid bis case decided by
referees, who awarded him.the sum ofSMOO.
Mr. James tngersoh, who died suddenly on Sat
urday week, at Boston, has left, by will, property lo the
amount of 810,080; and the snm of 820,000 Is bellowed
on vertoas charitable and religious societies.
It has been ascertained that the trensiaistion of
tntelligeuce by the tslegraph is el the rite of t'J.OCO utiot
[ per second. Rapid as this velocity stems, it ~ about Id
i times shnesr than that of light, and tarua than IS times
I slower then thit of cleeuieity from the cieotriealms.
I chine.
—— il Appear* from tlie collection of Ncwtpaprrs
nude at ihe commencement the present year, by ihe
Secretary of Siam, thutihe whole namber published in
iho Stale of Now York t» 433, sixty-six of which are
—■ A cockney condneted two ladies to the cbterva
tory to see an eclipse of the moon. They were too fate -
the echpso was over, and the ladies were disappointed
u pb," oxclauaed oar hero, “don't fret: I know the as
tronomer very Weil—be is a polite man,and iam sure he
mil begin again***
All Hall Rhode Island 11
The triumph of the Democracy in Rhode liieod,
has been complete end overwhelming. Scarcely n’
veetige of Whiggery hit been left in that hitherto
etrongshold of Federalism. Wo have secured a
Democratic Governor, Liouiooam Governor, Sccrc
| tary of Slate, Attorney Gonoret end Treasurer. Wo
bevo eleo ono member of Coogreaa, and a majority
■of both hranche* of the Legislature. Tho following
it the result:
Phillip Allan, (Dam .) it elected Governor by about
600 majority over Joalah Chapin, (Whig). Tho pree.
nni Governor, Honrr B. Anthony, te a Whig. -
Tho moobort of Conjures* elect are Geo. G. King
(Whig) to the Esslorn Districi, and Bcnj. B, Thure-’
100, (Dem.) inlho Western--boiog e Democratic
gain. Mr. King has only 36 majority, and hit anal
will bo conteaicd. Mr. Thurston hie ovor 100
William Beach Lawrence, (Dem.) is elected Liou,
tonant Governor,
Ava Potter, (Dem. Secretary ol State.- .
W. 8, Burgess, (Dem.) Attorney Gnnnral.
Edward Wilbur, (Dem.) Treasurer—ail by about
260 majority. . *
Ia tho Senate, 14 Democrat! and 13 Wbige aro *
elccied, and no choice in four districts.
In tho Honae, 31 Dcmocrati at 26 Wbiga are
oleetod, and no choice in aix districts.
After thle victory, let our friends never despair,
not ogpn in Ihn nrongeat of Wblg.itroog holds. A
|etcadv pcreevorance and firm adherence 10 tho Dem
ocratic ereed, on tho part of ell iron republican!,
ia enro to triumph io tho end.
Tho New York Mirror aiye« The successful
candidate for Governor Ia an oxtoDeivo manufhetur
er, and a gentleman who stand* high lo the catima,
tion of his fellow-citizens.*’'
B’irs at Bew Gastie.
Tho fine largo four etory Flouring Mill, owned by
Mr. Joaoph Klmlch, ofjNaw Castle, Lawrence coun
ty, wae ontlrely consumed by fire on Monday oven
ing la' l . The flames originated in thewheel-bouan,
and beforo they could be oxtlnguiahed, epresd to
0 main building. A largo amount of wheat and
U Io7^ Q ' DOd - Tho ,0M wilt 6o some 816,000
or 830,000—insurance $5,000. :.
Fedebalisoi. The Oneida
N. Y. Btraldj an organ of the- Woollies,” thua
anarla at the Preaideni for turning ,wo or three Sc
warditoa out of office:
.botr, l^6^
and on the tamo dark "liat™ 1 ” 0 ™!
drod namoa of jndat lacarlot and Benedict Arnold
Clothed with a little briel anthority.ffiaVd Fin'
more haa cut bimaelf loose from the Whin
and betaken himaelf-<ao we auppase—qo ihn
tion of a new organization. We propose
Ibr his corporal's guard, the Judas Cugus.
Ohio Loyal.—The Columbus (Ohio) Stott Journal
utterly denies the story which has boon protty exton
atvely circulated, that Ohio has passed a! law nullify,
mg mo fugitive slave bill in that State. The Journal
eaya that no aneh law baa passed the Legislature or
either branch thereof.—jßu/f. Sun. ° ■
. Tjj* Legislature paaaed no four of that character,
I ““I the. Whig and. Abolition portion of it electod a i
. U. S. SODStor who has publicly pledged hie opposu
lion to. it in every abape, even " como imprisonment,
come fine, cone death,” in doing io l-Cfn, Enjui-
Tv * .- - • • I
?r£ J.'ji **-' '
£. »•?,; 3:;: ’ ,v i -y :
Hannisnnaa, April 3, 1851.
' _ Well. my dear. we have . had an 'exciting
time at the Capitol toelay, and it is expected that
we, Bhall have some more before the final adjourn*
. In tlie Senile we have had Contour up, and*
after a long speech from Mr. Frailey, in answer to
Mr. Buckalew, the bill fell by a vote of 14,yeas
(o 16 nays. This vote, however, will probably be
A bill relative to the sale of the Danville and
Pottsville .Rpilroad, confirming the eatpe,- and
saving, to the Commonwealth, it is said, about
Iknty . lhoueand dollars, was passed finally by a
large vote. The Tamaqua Bank, and the Allen
town Savings Institution, passed to a third read*
ing. .
.In the. House, a committee was appointed this
morning authorized to take evidence and exam
ine in relation to the policy of the State in assum
ing the Delaware and Hudson Canal, in accord
ance with the privilege given by the charter of
this company, which the State,will have in 1853.
Messrs,_ Penuiman, Morris and Walker were ap
pointed to constitute said committee, and they are
to examine during the recess, and report to the
next Legislature, ft is said that this company
makes a dividend of from 30 to 40 per cent, on
above three milhoos.of capital invested
The old Easton Bank came the House for
an extension of the charter for ten years, and pass
ed to a second reading. This bill will, be finally
killed, A new Bank has been chartered for East
on, and Bbe will not get* indeed she does not want,
Tcrrlbls 6oeuei in gew Bloxlco-
Hoqriblb Atrocities.—-Major Bartlett, com
mtMary_ of the boundary commission, '-arrived
lately at New Orleans, and communicated to the
Picayune the following fearful narrative:
. “Major B.’a party, when about 224 miles this
side of El Paso, discovered a smoke at some dis
tance. They.sent out a party to reconnoitre* and
discovered a negro man and woman in the act of
cooking food, and, on further search, the head of a
negro waa found in the fire. They said they had
been compelled to kill one of their companions
for food, ,Tbey had been nine days out, their gun
had burst, and they were in a state of starvation
The account they gave of themselves was this *—
they were alt slaves of a man named Owens, near
Holly Springs, Mississippi, and had run away to*
gether last corn-planting, making for Mexico ■
The boy killed was about nineteen years of age,
named Arthur i the other is a black, aged from
twenty seven to thirty, calling himself Henry;
the girl, a bright mulatto, about twenty-one, na*
rned Malmda.
“ These l«t two were taken to San Antonio,
and left in custody ot one Antonio Novano.
■* Major Bartlett tmngi accounts of some honi
ble scenes of disorder, riot, murder, and execution,
which : took place at Socorro abont the closing
days of January. It seems that hands of armed
ruffians—discharged tcamstera and soldiers, and
.frontier desperadoes-a. bad been overawing the
quiet inhabitants of Socorro, by parading the
streets armed, and commuting all maimer of law.
leu acta. They robbed and killed openly, with
one any provocation or remorse. Instances are
given of their cozing an unoffending man, taking
away hi» gun, and killing him with it, without
the shadow of -a cause, end brutally beating the
women. Through the 2Slh and 29th of January,
they rauged like wild beasts, committing all sorts
of crimes, when a party of the citizens sent an
express to the United State* troops at Sau Klera.
no, about six nnles off, asking for protection,
which Was declined, and the applicants referred to
the civil power.
** On the mgbt of the 29th a most audacious out
rage was committed. The robber band, seeking
a man named Clarke, (E. C, Chrke, said to be the
I sun of J. W. Clarke, United States Senator from
I Rhode Island,) went to 3 fandango or dancing
I patty where he was, and maltreated ike whole
party of males and females, fhey placed sentw
I nets at tba eutraucr, fired qil pistols at the': rank
die*, and otherwise teirmed the women, tbie'aims
ing death to mao or woman who should stir; and
finally the leader, one Alexander Young, assisted
by three other*—John Wade, Marcus Butler and
William Craig—fell upoii Clarke and gave him
mue or ten mortal wounds. Another man, named
Charles Gates, was badly shot. Next morning
*ome members ol the boundary commission, who
were present in town, resolved to arrest the mnr
derer* At fill hazards, 4tul sent an f-xpretn to the
mam body of the eorrmmrion at San Eleaan'o ior
help. In three baun a large patty <>f Araerirans
and Mexicans arrived* in soch force as (u b* eaa*
bled, to search for and wire eight or trn of the
wortt f uicifldmg Wade Butler and Craig. Voting
the ringleader, escaped.
" Thcw mffl weie hrooglit before Judge B«thoId
on the 30th January, examined and commuted*
ood the next day they were tried by jury, *eu.
jcnced lo be huu{> ttithui one hour; and, muivtih-*
standing the threat* and preparation of their as*
eociation, the sentence udi enforced, and they
were bung up tu the branches of a tree on Fird ly
morning* VUe budies of the murderers were bur*
led, and at 3p. m* ( that or tho murdered Clarke
wot alto buried
! “A large reward ($400) was ofiWed for the ar*
rest of Young. He was arrested on the lOih and
brougbtta Socorro on the nth. He made foil
confcssiou of bis crime, but was nevertheless put
on trial on the iSrti, Hie own written confea*
aton, winch he repeated and signed, was added to
the other testimony. He was found guilty, con*
detuned, and executed on the same tree where bis
companions had been hung*
11 Major Bartlett repeats that since these exam
ples Socorro has been perfectly quiet and orderly."
Result or Fashionable Dissipation,"- The New
Yorker mentions the lamentable denouement of a
young lady la high hie, daughter of a clergyman,
who Was recently married to a gentleman offortuno,
and went to Parts with hor husband, where she plua*
god into the gaieties of that splendent city, till her
husband became alarmed, and aeni for her father,
but it waa too late.. The father ami the husband ro'
turned to Now York sadder sad wiser man, the for
mer to pondor over tbo truth that virtue is more to
.bo prized than wealth or. faahtouj ami the latter con\
viaccd that a beautiful woman is not always a beau-
tiful Wire, and that gaiety and jowola go but a htilo
way to tnako « homo happy. The husband has ta
ken counsel, and (ho Courts will do jastico. To tho
moan timo tho fallen beauty remains id Pans, pro.
tooted by hor charms,and apparently elevated by
tho sensation she baa made in that gay and volup
tubus city; • v •
: Riot ok the Attica Rail&oad. — Ssvtrai Pertons
Killed, 4-c. A doßpatch dated Bitavia, April Ist,
aaya: A man named Robert McCan, a workman
on tho Attiea and HornclloviUo Railroad, wsa killed.
In Alexander yesterday afternoon. Two others were
also reported tohavo been killed in Warsaw on tho
same day.
The cause of thoBQ murders is aaid to be a strike
for hlghor wages by tho workmen oftkejraad.
A party of six hundred Itishraon are reported on
the wav from Warsaw to Attica, determined to
dnvo all from tho road who will not stand up for
.higher wages, Consequently* the citizens aro.
Several depredations havo been committed and
others expected. l
Tho murderers have been arrested.
P. S.-~An express has just arrived here for two
nandrafeaiand of arms from tho State Arsenal at this
Report Btales-that throo others are dangerously
"““‘'“'’d* “nd that uro of thorn are not expected to
arnTCa T trnm C phi'iK of M «- SARAH CUNNING having
the luncrpl will.ialte place
Mr n&L“°K u,s > from the residence of herson-
lSi M GE4BT, No. 18 Hand street,
xno iriends of the family arc Invited to attend.
arSrJhv'nmfr™^' 3 of NIAGARA FIRE COMPANY
Hall, onteKl 0 aUen V Quarterly Meeting, at their
pr * U 4 S. M’ILWAINE, Stc'y.
*i k " '
"V'-:'' ; <V:-r - V • r
- v* , v .'::
*?*>' ‘--V* •' ' ""
, Sllnerai Woaltli ot Pennsylvania* :
From authentic statistics of the mineral wealth of
Pennsylvania, it appears she possesses 604 iron works
id .the whole State,, the capital of which) in lands,
buildings and twenty and a
half millions ofdollare, not including in tho:estimata
any of tho mining capital daily employed ;, and that
these 604 works famish employment to 30,103 men,
and 13,562 horaos—oxclusiveolcoar lands, jfarffis,
grist and sawmills,' and dwellings for workmen,—
I ho pro is bought of the farmers in- tho vicinity, who
dig it on thoir farms and haul it to the furnaces m
tno winter, when put of agricultural occupation. The
value .oftheso ore banks and the labor spent on them
forms anothor distinct item of valoo.- Foriy-fivo
countiesin the State contain iron works; of the sev*
enteen that have no furnaces, nine contain abun
dance orore and coal; but base been neglected, ow
ing tothe want of good roads to a market. Eight
counties only aro not suited to the manufacture of
lo47;theae works consumed-483, 000 tons
ltG hua.bituminous,and I,*
i 9 wood ““ tho total value of which was
fha» r enD S Inß no nobler title thani
that of tho « Iron State*”— Phil. Ledger
men, in Cin
cinnati, n few days ago, canvassed. 3,408 hams in
nine hours. TheGaxettoofthal city gives tho folv
lowing account or the process:
, The ham, after bowgotnokodj is inspected by one
individual, and passed totho paperer ; it is then fold
ed into a sheet of strong hard paper; arid in such a
manneras to exactly fit the turn. This papering is
extremely difficult to do, as we noticed that the hands
o! the individual doing (his work were worn through
ri r lD i ,n P la ceo, producing now and then drops
of blood on the paper. Tho ham is now passed to
the cutter of the canvass, who 6ts il with cotton
.heeling j it in then carried off by a boy, who placea
it on the floor in front of the sowers. The sewers
are arranged in two lines, running parallel .from the
roar of the stand where the papering, and catting is
done. Iho speed and perfect system with which
this canvassing is carried on, is truly remarkable.
Each sewer is compelled to take the ham from the
Hopr, thread his needles, knotjlhe-thread, mako
hne etilchos, sow in n strap lor thfl ham to hang by,
«c. This is done with each-ham. ■
The Tea PLANr.-HDr. Junius Smith, who is eo
eoduously endeavoring to introduce tho tea plant
into this country, caya in a recent communication
to the pre&9, that not one of Jus plants were lost da
ring the last winter, though snow of several inches
in depth lay upon them. They are well grown, and
fiooly expaoded, and he thinks permanently ertab
liahod. Tho cipense of the culture he believes will
be less in tbeUoited States than at the East. They
have no railroads in Chios, and the coat of the trass*
, portation of its tea over bad roads,'Borne of it on the
backs of men hOO or 1,000 .miles on<nn average,' ia
eqnal to about one-eighth of its value at the place of
production. The .Chinese and Hindoo live cheaply,
and work for small wages. They perform much less
labor in a day than a negro well fed on tho most
substantial food, corn bread and bacon. Tailing
therefore the greater value of a day's wort in Amer
ica, the diminution in freight, and the cheapness
and despatch of. transportation over Odr railroads,
tho conclusion ofthoUoctoris, that tea is to become
a staple product of tho United States.: The experi
ment is worth trying, and Ur. Smith, in setting the
czaCnpic, has evinced a degree of enterprise which ■
{•worthy ofpraiae. i
fIHVO YOUNG .MEN under instructions to ibe Tailor
■ Two yonng men can-also be aecoramo
doted with Boarding and seat room. Enquire atthis
ua*ie _ (aprsat
AN ELECTION lor Manager* for the iVntrm Penn
dn™?n!°'r H °,V’ I<a/ 'a. beholden in the Booms or
o“oI«k,i>?M T de ’ < , n T ßMd»y,..lhe ISth instant, at 3
.*T h ' CDnlrib i Uar ” ute f'Q“csted lo attend, if possible,
°f importance to the Institution will be laid
before lb™. JOHN HARPER,
•■- Secretary.
A noneheator Saving* Bank. : ~
en?.liVoi’ n - for Presideni and Directors of the Han
cncßler Saving]* Bask* bc.d on the 25th all the fuf.
lowing pewons were duly elected, to win ’
President —J*,iaa AnDHßaoj*.
Lee, Joto Downing,
«! , 4-r.or, P , , V C -, ! ' I “A' I .' r 3n ' l K Hnrtman.
* * th , e ? 6,,i 'mslam, is the time filed for the
menu CtmcM ° 1,16 W®* ll ' of the weekly insial-;
The Books forthe subscription of stock will be knot
tTe 190, n ! ,- U " c ? mpa “y. in Manchester, tJIS
the 19th instant, and from the Huh to the SSih instant, at
the Coaming House of James Schoohraakcr A Co.. No.
ol'l*??," lr “ t i-P<ttsbareh,at which- latter place the
0 .- f * F e * IJm S f“ Pittsbnreh arc desired to pay
y Instalments. ■ JOHN S PARKE,
■ - --■■■ TreanrrW.
WI4*HOUr \ K AS r.—UatibiU » hifprviiVeuje
Compound, Cot rai«in*. bread, ica cakes,-batter
a *! 3 . rorarr oi liberty and Hand sts.
B~ ABMTra PATFiWliOAP,pO5f5St=wK5m
Cl! »o! It* 101 OT ui.iur,; :br i'lolh-,1- For sale by -
. -»#! - MM£B A.-JONfes/-
v Ty stabcji Pousn-Fbr'
Atf JRT bcamsta <° Imtas, musliasjcatnbrica,
* SiOJI * <'*• <M .Market direct, are bow dally
opeoiuf; amt receiving tiood*. comprising' the most
carf n **oKm*aiof!imported and Amc'rt*
can Good* ‘Lot.have-ever cibjiuied—to which ilicy
Try rar"ha"i‘. ‘ "" of cit >' a "? ca \»'
— __ ’
nvi>l* 11 , OlMolnllon. ■■■
I ■iv!h lr<u ' rrh i 1 ’ ll 7 el ?' L,re txilwcen 1110 nub.
fi b " ’i lllc . r lu,a 01 Crawford *. Mimlaml
wo? thaumed on the. Isi ntsttnit, bymotaat consent
Aiitth'mj am, Apni i, issi. J *V MUR ’ rLANI> ‘
The husiiiosi will be earned on by J. M; Muriland at
u«-oM.fit4nd.cnphi° «ireet,between Beaver atrect amt
«*•"<“ ,ht »<• -Knssira
rfaprsUw •
W*w ana Fashionable (ioods.
f'* Liberty street, n
&, W
I MABli'i’niTiite 11 * |»i*»-assortment of READV
I ~ '•'borilljib, made initio brat mid mod fash
1 low : orci*h"‘r Wl “ rh " rei ' r ' : ' ta( rtnincd iJTelt verV
I / r ‘-oiimry merchants. end those who hnv
will imd .t , 0 their ndvanuer to coH ard «-
amloe our stock, before rurehiwjmt. 1 _J«pr7-3n,
hew Dookst Sew BooUit ~
HMINKR A C0.,34 hnillli field street, tire rcccivimr
• a gri-ut variety .of cheat) u. v ; n ~
?he™S nU ' T : tl ' Her- m P .he vinous cme o?
baovcß h i av,e a ■‘lvantuKe over other
f. 0 ® 1 ® 6 receipt of oew works* Thfc follow*
tltieir-T Illle V ,l,at J mvc irocn received:
a laving Akc-tNos. 3fio.
doorimlt PP o ' On “ ‘’ l, " l “ u,ICE ’ J ' ,a S“ii>>» ai.d Engineers >
nlTiflii«« 110 / oph ?' 0^Spirlsua!l,ller « OUMe -l»'c»or-on'ei-‘
planationoj modern mystenes—by A, Jack«on Davis
Daughter*by “’frw Au ' ot ' ,0 S iropl »- °< * Minister’s
• without a Master—in sir easv Icitnii • id n . n
ishvuthouta Master—lu four easy lesson* * li-iiinVtvJtt!
fwcm.Uotad f„J o'n*Zll7 h : * CQm 10t ,I,e^ p h r ° 7 1<1
n?ss or fnh.rv'i^,“h r '’ w !’ houl /functions to diet, liusj
‘?“ r i 10 *5 e »y»«eni. It a an old mid popular
«‘U ‘5) used in the private
Pk- w 1te , of ,’ a physician, radically curing nmctv-nine nf
the hundred case?. M leave? no odor on th" brLih and
sure bo pA td^ y a ( n * ouo wriiboat the least fear of expo
•“roet.PituB^ Mtd ' oal
JL*. IV. Smltfly
IRON CITY hotel,
Fifth Street, between Wood and Market, Unebureh.
jiy good STABLING attached to the house• [aptfv
» m Urt??^® 00 * 11 Books U
ML opposite the Post Office • 1 - ' 4 Bl * €et »
Horticultunstior April;
. Cultivator do; .
. Luton’s Ljving Age, No. 300:
Diighie?; 0 “ S tt “’ or '' l1 ' 5 Auloblo Stapliy ot a Mtnistei’s
Spiritual IniercouTse~by A. J. 'Davis;
it?<i>snLf Tor April—-the best numborissued’
4‘o'S g'o±^ r «*> Wta- *«. or S&M
i.aim without a Master, do Uoi
a nr 4Bter ”- u ,our eas y leMOns i ‘
4 Ma . s *«r*n five easy lessons;
1 »q e * ffio^svonger—by Mrs. Marsh; *\ttpt7
Hope Foundry,
8 Bpri"’ BBli Wt<,Ui;ht ‘ ron Worl? of every^fessriptiSiT
MILITARY HOODS,—Receiving and on him*
fine slock of Stvorils, Sashes. Pi„„ ““'ls, a
Rifes, Knapsacks, flags Ballons, Lace EdSi, Dr £ no ">
sarns, Spurs, Gloves, anil Military Trimminv. i lts ’ P , a, ‘
- Also,Gold and Silver I>inge, La™ s,„™ e l nerall s'-
and Emblems for Regalia of all sorts ’ &lars i Hosettas,
Also, Watches, Gold Pens, Jcwelrv
h ' H 'Xt-
. 'H/ - Books will be open at the Office of the Company,
am. 124 and 125 IdonongahdA Mouse, Whist strut, for the 1
purpose of receiving subscriptions for Two Thousand
i stares of the CapitafStdok or-said Company; o n Ttus
fcy, the 15th instate.
i • .By orderof the Board ofDirectors, v
r- a Prt o W.W. DALLAS, Prw’h
! V .'JE7T.Be In Time* «£Q -
liDngr cogitations will not answer* when Consumption
'iSJK® B . m wch updn the^Organs of Respiration,
blocking up the au vessels, and inflaming their mucus
Preparatory to assailing the substance of the
tjemselves. Then ills Ptampt action, or ioe6fy
{sf?f*r_ J^ 00 . 6 prefer the.lbrmer to the latter, wifi
loaenotime in havingjecouree to'iM RegeM’ Svtw of
rtiSst^nW? rr • It-wIU-reliewthe.
tnioat orphlegin, exercise a healing influence upon tho
Lungs, and sustain the system. In-saying this we mere*'
ty echo the voice of the'Facolly; of men of &ie™-
Statesmen, and the reverend, the clergy; l ' Peni'e whst
theyhave written. You wIIIW in tSTiampffet m {he
pa«^f oth 0 tho S p“por. An n,l,crl,sera “ l Wears in another
WUtar»i Baliam of Wlld Oherry.
> The remarkable success ot -this Balsam is ho
doubt owing m a great measure to the peculiarly agreed
able and powerful nalure.of. U« ingredients. Itia u/fine’
BEBBAJLr medicine—composed chiefly of Wild Cherrv
Bark and the genuine Iceland Moss r (the latterimported
expressly for the paipose,) .the: rare medical virtues of
which are also combined by a new chemical process
with the Extract of-Tar, thus rendering the whole com
pound the most certain and efficacious remedy ever dis
; <Wc do not wish to deceive the afflicted, or hold oat
any-hopes of tehef when none exist; but when so many
hundreds pronounced: by skillftil physicians as most
hopeless cases, have been cured, who can blame asTar
using' every word and accent-of persuasion to induce
the suffering invalid to lay aside prejudice, and partake
of a remedy seldom known to fait!’
* Beware of counterfeits.and base imitations.
; lE/* See advertisement. [marl?
European Agency. ■■.■
; IC7* Having been demined by business at New-Or-- :
eaiis and St. Louis* dating, the.-last-few weeks. I will
notleave this city uoul Tuesday, the -Bth of April next.
corner of, Woo&and Fifth sis. •
Gastric Juice or Pepsin*
_ ID” Tjus great remedy, prepared after directions ot
Baron Liebig, the great Physiological chemist, by Dr. 1.
a. Houghton, of Philadelphia, is working wanders in all
diseasesof the stomach and digestive organs. Ills truly
one of the most important discoveries fn medical sci
ence, Cures of the mast hopeless cases of indigestion
have been performed, to which the afflicted can be re
eled by calling on the agents.' See advertisement in
another column. Keysbr 4e RFDowstLyAgdatt,
feW . . . . J4O Wood street.
I \JT Consamersof wines are invited to read In another
column the card of Jacob Snider, Jr.’s cheap wine store
WWalnut street, Philadelphia. • feb!4:dly
encourage home institutions.
C. G. HUSSEY. PresL « —A. W. MARKS. Sec’y
Offlct—No. 41 Water Warehouse ofC. H.Granu
JE7*Tni3 Company is now prepared to insure all kinds
of risks, on Houses, Manulactones, Goods, Merchan
dize in Store,and in Transits Vessels, Ac. v
An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of the
Institution, is afforded in the character of the Directors,
who are all citizens of Pittsburgh, well and favorably
known to the community fortheir prudence,intelligence
and integrity. •
DniKToas-c. O. Hussey,Wm. Baga'ey, Wm.Laii
mer.JroWnkerßrynm, Hugh D. King, Edwnrd Heazel
ton iZ Kinsey S. Harbaugh, S. M. Kier. marUhtl
NfiLsotr A Co. would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Pittsburgh, AHegneny and vieinity, that they
have hod a largo Operation Boom, with a Glass Root
and riant, built.and arranged expressly tor the purpose
of taking Daguerreotype Likenesses, The best Da
-B®erreotypes,an the best material, are taken at this es
tablishment, under the special superintendence of the
The arrangement enables them also to lake Family
Groups, of any number of persons, iq the most perfect
Likenesses of siok or diseased persons, taken in any
part of the city. . '
Gallery at the Lafayette Hall,Fourth street,comer of
roonh and wood streets. Entrance on Fourth street.
Fublle Attention
. Is most respectfully Invited lo the plain, unvarnished
statement or / ohn Watt, who was cured of an old Coueh
by the use of the PcraoLauit; :
M This may certify that I have been cured of an old
chrome, couglr by. the use of four bottles of Petroleum
*«* cough attacked me a year ago lust December, and l
hod lost allhopes of getting well, as Ihad taken the ad
vice of several physicians without any benefit. I wag
bcixefilted almost instantly by the use of the Petroleum;
I cougted tip, during the use of the Petroleum, a hard
sutaanes resembling bont. I make these statements
without any solicitation from any one to do so. and sole*
ly for urn purpose that others who are suffering may be
benefitted. You areat liberty to p Aliah this certificate
i amanoldciuzen of Pittsburgh, having resided here
UurljMhrce years. My residence, at this lime, is in
aceond street. JOlfff WATT, l
Pittsburgh, February 24,1851.”
& AlcDofrell.HO Wood #t.
■g. t RWowf «•;!>. M. Curry, Allegheny City;
«i 4* £»*<>«* Allegheny} Joseph IXjbkliu*, AlJrgheny:
If. P. Schwartz, Allegheny; nice, by the proprietor,
« : S. M. KIER,
Cana! Basin, beventh. Pittsburgh.
„■ Uiinnr: these sudden changes of the weather,
coidj, coughs and diseases of the Lungs amlThrraL
Jfo more prevalent than at any other season. We ad
vise persons so affected to procure at once, Jojmrt Ex
; reteremr, nhteh always relieves a cough or tightness of
thechestor throat, ouhe .difficulty- of breathing. Try
i? te *UKI at the Pekin Tea Store, 33 Firth street. '
■' JBJi s'
f Dr« SiDtQowfi’fl
1 A Litim SaVED! Curtaut Case. —The following
dence is only one ol thousands ot similar character.
1 and conclusively proveirthai Dr. Howe’sSarjnpanllais
I one of the most effective remedies ever discovered:—
I ■ ,■ Hates*—Dear Sir. —My sotr, when about six
months old, broke out with that dnadfulditecut, Smfu
fous Sant, over the face and body; anti for two yenrs
I and a halt I tried every means 'hat could be augmtated
I ‘pi friends. I also had the advice of mx or seven of
1 the best physicians in the counlry, without effecting a
cute, and 1 almost wished the little safferor dead, that it
might bo freed from ns pains. . Darina the last six
I months, tae Sores were so distressing and patnfol, my
self and wile were up with it uight and day, for weeks
i°€ I iw C i r, °"‘ i wi . , S»«n yp all how of ever raising
I c? r iUl \ one - At length, a friend advised ns to try yoar
Slmker Sarsaparilla. Heluetantly I tried it, and l fiavo
I r bleM G ®2 it. tor, is a turj# than urns, it heal.
I til up Me sorer, so that there is scarcelyeven a scar to
Ibe seen. Us only regret that we did not hear of and
commence using tt sooner, as we are satisfied it would
have saved a great deal of suffering and expense. The
I child is now we 1 and hearty. We do. tmttesitatiael v
J constdor y oar Shaker Sarsapanlia one of the best pre-
I parauonsnowinuse. JOHN STANSBURY '
| ' . ■ Dose, between From and Second SiSe '• !
Thu u the only SarsapanUa that asZlnVuXivtT, Kid-
I ng V* anii Bhodi <u ihe iasu tiro*, uAieh tsnders it dU&t'tih*
Jcr tnort rahmble to tttry ontypanicuiartu Ftmala, 6
Medical Collar* ,aw
Pou< ™ ra •»
Jfrmsmbrr, « u uananud to be purtlv and entirtl,,
rtg'tMt, and at a Female and FoStKy
Be sort you mjutre for Dr. S. D. ffouu’t Shakir
I oarsaparula,
I Price 81 por bottle, and six bottles fbr SS
Dr. S. D. HOWE A CO ,
mtSbcu C ddmf'ed Ha "’ Cmc,miau ' 10 whoSmiTrders
.For sale by our Agents, • '
D. A EuSn. AUcge V , .V.' &
McCLxUsjn), Manchester i P. Cbooxkr, Brownsville:
I Cj-Odd FeUown> nail, Odeon BuMing, ycurU,
ilrjei, tetaim Bood and SmiU/Uld Jlrff.'j.—Pitigburpl'
encampment, No. 2, meets Is< and 3d Tuesdays of each
aionth. ■■' •
r« P esdays rS! ‘ “ e|rrce No ’ 4 > meet. 3d and 4ih
•vcn'in h g an ' C ‘’ LoJg '‘ N<> ' 9 ’ 'h' B "' e,,etr Thursday
?l " I " d! *' N °‘ 31 ’ W e,,eve « Weduesday
Iron C'tv Lodge. No. 182,meets every Monday cv’mr ‘ -
eyeniug. L ° Se ’ 3 “ P - »«** every*^
Zoeco Lodge,N°,so,iuecteeyeryXduw4aY6w''' '•• *
at their Hall, corner of urtfKSS^S^
. rm ’} weetaevery'csp'
nesaay »«.feV“yVe2:
„ 113*1. o; or O r.'~7~ ‘ H ■ 1 Wood “• fja4:ly
r iraMBon‘ r £j*’ a b s el y *n“th°ai!4 ViigS Anw inslon
No - «-Mee„ lsl nnd 3i
Pjiittd f or*Jl^jfliyj, G . R OVEi NO. SI of |h e
. "nayai:ir.
. Joini \ orea.jr., Secretary
ID-'The Katlonia ?. 0E •
Company of London Fund Life Amu *
king Risks on tho are now ta-
IS^anaM years, at theß^S o^ w o e r ' n M>« “«**° f
WAI. A. IDUi 4 CO.
nv InaannM compn-
W W l)Ar T a 07 f<tt«bnr«n. '
rnp- vVilli^rA 3 ’ P«9’L- BOBERT FINNEY, Sid’/,
oi til Wnisl r a gaiuat F]RE and MARINE RISKS
OjSm io mnongalula Umu, Not. 184 amt 185 Waiir U.
tlf Hr r» ~ .DrfcWTOBS:. : ; ' .
.”• *" Balias, Rady Patterson. R. H. Hartley, R, B.
Joshua Rhodes, d.’tfi PaaUon, VVm. hl. Ed«
B !
v« oftwy«r|Chftj;«nt|Win. CJoratw. j
", ‘ Hv
;'.:.!'.. 4 ''
Sptrial Jfotiws.
. Mag t
jta; •
■-W streets.
yyyi-y y.-yyy
' r t ■i: •
i • ■ * ,*"•'
•F'/fA Strut, helicon Wood and SmUhfltld.
JOSEPH FOSTER--- Lkssib juid MaMaor.
Parquetie,SO cents; Sec
ond and Third Tiers, S 3 cents; Colored Gellery,2s cents.
Private Boxes, eaoh, tlftO.
Uoors open at 0( o’clock,Curtain rises at 7 o’clock.
®yfNINO, April Blh, tie performance
mil commence with tie play of the ”
tKo'Sc Mr ‘ Cal!adi,l ' : '
ti ?r L al ' a, !m will " producedfUie new
5s? 1 ?* Sm ,< J r “? ed >’ ofCmcinna-the Roman Cod
h Mr ' wiir iMtaia his part of the
by Principal
5r a ’“-
i>® ■
S!S Monday,vApril t4ih._Daya of tuition, Mon
day, Wednesday.nitdHriday .- foreMtdretttatdo’cloci:
private, cfassesifor la- , .
iotn SJ^}?^f, lo , cfc tA-iM;;bnO))rivaieciassekiibrgentle- ■
clock, A.M., —of the above days. Board-
attended to/Ladies andven
f»S^!&toe P 3 llSeTboVe and Cta f * wffta
tinemsCei^wfS 11 ■Wttoteja«Uonmbl«*--wiili#Bi omit
bnhas S reepiVj(i e^*<^M a nd easy manner—for which
■Europe. 4 “ beta[ P 4lrona B e in New York and -
Tues’dav ‘2 Allegheny, at Mr. Fly's, on
C FiSfs&£t^ ,t S[" B^w ,>e ' proCQTCdai^ ieB1 *‘
Mr. IT willhSffif' and Market**bere
; apr7*lwd* C 10 VB alt necessary information.
’*« yp Pftactn |f> Daactng i • ' £
Quadrilles?the Paris^Phfto
u‘n? t^Sr a / SchotdschQuadrilles-Walues,plain Waltse '
Polka-Wartie, Redowa WMtze, Polka MajnrkaWaiue’
Wo P l.7^*!? <!, p S - Cl ' < s lli f Ch Wnllze ' Bolero SchotUscti
;'2J£*K£?w e ' Pnv ? le i«sflODB given, and private cl&aea
attended to on moderate terms: >
r?™ y i, Co “fl? llicatioils l6ft « Weaver* Hotel, corner or
• «**?£* an<i sjwets, vwll be promptly attended to.
—gglr" ' (Tnlmnecoov and ehftTgft ;r: *
JJabilc j&ectntts.
and-Physiology applied to Homan.
-.1 WILKINS HALL, as follows:
; ofCharacter; ■ /
a r «?!2 e^enia sJ aisof Propensities.. ;• '•
TwhS^ 7 even,nff * “*-*•« Perfection and Jnyciiilo:
iure onday even^ll ff> st —Memory and Intellectual Cul-
MrXrv“,?i? a .? “a ? rid »3’./pril 2nd and 4lh-MATBl
tod^.’rr"dUff“'“ Ce I^o7Q > Seleclion I €oartflhip -.
iSiMom? UldeiyPsr mat,imomal .
¥' d Wednesday, 7thand 9 th—Wonmn’eFhro-. '
;SfiS Sfp^rltuoT l DaU "> Place> M " .
T^ m l' 6ee > lo ™P*eve, be there.
lns^We 7 i,renT r lary LaW3Md
.;j?e4n«d}iy, 14th and lOth-Manhood,
Ita rSS, Ce ’ P'r feclio i>. impairment and re-invigorationT ’
“’ c ! ock - and ending 4th l&un
Fijiri lecture, Free. Tickets, to Men. IS cents - -
M^i* cen l QT ®** PjpJkMional delineations ■ -
•®*V c^wacier,with- numbered charts, and also- pull vniu
ten. opinK>ns»4nclttding advice .touching HWith Often- '*•
c *» Ir ' OTMr*self-pejieetion, m££ •
agnment of children, ac*, daily andtaaoccnoied even* :
mgi ntlm private apartments at Brown’s iiotel. d |mzn23
.OUNDBIES-228acksJDriqd Apples; "
‘ ipbblsiflnperfineJ-'loffr;! ;
0 doßye Flour;
. ?.Ao. Eggs;
4 kegs i;-,
- ■ . 2 bbls. Roll Butter.: . :
On consignment and for sale by ' •
- P — ■■■■■ KING & MOOR HEAT!
comply Fork barrels Cor aalo by
A apr7 , WM.DYBR.
"JV/TOL ASSES—SO tjbli.' Ofck cooperate;
23 do ..cypress do;*
VUiEG AR—SO bIjIaicypresibarrels
-apr7 WM.DYEE
30 t>bls. for sale low by ..
T¥.apr7:--' w&riiYr'n
fott.aag.thepabl^ y ;
-■—--- ••• ';iapi7 ■_
IL'IGURBD f OPLINS,—A: A . M.mffTjvp.-,-.
wfflßß ca "f * ni * P** “tPlaiii !
SSefSttSC 1 d6 * ,af “4wd t
|3 iBBONS.—A; A. MASON & CO. rwiU tLa V >
Bi^»h*“, , ® I f' , .'? ao,B ' c4orbe hl>a byoalhnjroa ' •'
. _ Thomm iU. kittle.
-piFTH SWEET, betw*e» Wood Z . . .
mad,TudT P , r ir°cd C ' ,ir UoleL AU ““«» «{.fiajSt?' /
ssssSis:£sa.H ■
fH?^? o3^4o * ,aa beew * tutor in my familv'forn> < ' • «S >
‘gfeMlßgM ;
CO {'WSCr/(Wwi t h^ i ,„ I thatoni"' :•■ oeeairtd, -
''• # ..Atkins 4s C 0..,.
wiU please d r"_±f?.' h =tr OotK) > - ’
;bandsof tbe ; „-{i^ , 1
£ far wbrch^l a £rf‘JS2f < *>“ «3-'
lIP '>»n g h AO&SSSEF 1 *'
I- J aAies C’oojir
WAvtJ* odlb'atoln^® I^^ - '•
WradsiyaSd'V y„S , „?£ ll '£®’ WeHttnSnt, Dalles and Per- ‘
c*o»l»S' 0 »l»S' '
, ■
advice touching H*«if»r!n*» wr ? n opinions, incladiasr .
remedy” ae cupaUottB > EwH*ttiUwff ,
&c , rJily orelliW, fc,
ap n £ S m ’ “'^wXhow] 1188 ’ JU -.’“ 5 privata
- —: - 0.-S.POWI.CT '
TTrin , **otm W, H. ggnafn'tw w,
me%e°ar P o°f b iift 'SHF* * ?
, vn '.A °wd to Hizsliieii Jtteai*r ■
‘ A'.-.v-'U v”> baiiheas man. nnnfive of Piits- N
xa. Our«n, wluiaii cxtaiialvo acquaintance; who'can '
comamna acaafacapliaJor.from
to make and devote his time lo hnsi^'
as orpartner, in-Pittibughpr vict&it?.
mrtl:lm} _ \
jßEPffSg&aStiSg. ■
[tuU»torttca<:cooU46ilaJion o f*,‘l2,i, llfl ? e ’f Withmaii'J' -
I his dwelling tome ia the wl, 1 ,?'!?'" 3 “4 otherT?; -.
I that your, Honors will be please?“ n 4 prs?» ■
pa keep a public house of kint a license '
wSprar. '** »«*, f
I . We,the subscribe,*, citizens Si‘ B ™NETT. *-•
I?" «raty ;thit the aboVl pS n « il n7 ,a "{ VVil rt. -
■ £ or bonosiy and temperance nnrt°?fl»iTi of S o , od l ‘Cputi -
J o ?®* and . wifo ■-•
md lodstaff -
lavera is necensafy',' 6 iniT€l ®”> and'that said '
baehfpß^.T^"sSS James p
ColloughjM DiPation. ‘ y> 1 h Sbtr > Honre-Mv
" .•■ ' ■ • • •:
• • <V.'\'... ' f&£ :
' * i: -. V-'V '''. t -r>
*: go by ont-Xine,'..
.. pass througikthc
ivcbeen cjivcnedjjvra
a ’